Flag & constitution: The insistence on Naga flag and Yehabo (Naga constitu tion) in the agreement, has temporarily stalled finalisa tion for inking solution.
NSSB recruitmentbeginsforover600posts

In this regard, he re minded the gathering about the life of St Thomas, who arrived India in AD52 to preach the Gospel. Rev.
Aryan said that light of the Gospel came to Naga Hills 150 years ago. However, he said that the light of gospel reached India not because of just Britishers or Americans, but because of Thomas the Apostle. He stated that the Vision India also celebrated Kaito Aye exuded con fidence that the conference would open avenues for a special policy for the North Eastern Region especially focussing on cooperative infrastructure development and creation of organic value chain for agri and horticulture products.
Staff Reporter
SVC said it was only in the fitness of things that guests and visitors to every Naga village bestow due honour and regard to the village authorities before embarking on any activity within the premises of that village. It stated that failure to do so would be construed as an insult and undermin ing the village authority.
In this regard, State home department has also issued circular to all dis tricts to observe one day State mourning across Na galand.
Minister for agriculture G Kaito Aye, asserted that the consecutive Five-Year Plans targeted towards infra structure development did little to create any tangible infrastructure development owing to the remoteness and political unrest in Nagaland.
Staff Reporter
August 12 had informed mediapersons, that after the July 16 resolution was adopted, he had met with Union Home minister Amit Shah, Assam chief minister Himanta Biswa Sarma and government of India’s rep resentative to Naga political issue, A.K. Mishra.
Speaking at the twoday National Conference of State Cooperation Ministers in Delhi, Kaito said this was the main reason why Naga land in particular and the North Eastern region in gen eral lag behind in infrastruc ture development and also hardly have any cooperative institute or organization of repute from the region.

reih Ünok SN said that the house resolved no de mands will be made from any business establishments or commercial vehicle by any individual, groups or societies, with effect from SeptemberAnyone9. violating the directive will be dealt with strictly by the Mon Block civil societies and the case would be referred to the competent authority for necessary action.
The duo claimed that the forum had been coop erating with the State gov ernment, adding that they were disappointed to see the prolonged delay on the mat

ter. “We believe reasonably that there should not be any problem that cannot be tal lied in connection with army occupied land cited above. We strongly feel that it is high time that all the necessary procedures and formalities should have been completed and handed over by now,” the memorandum stated. They hoped that the chief minister’s personal intervention would lead to positive outcome, while committing to fully support his leadership in every pos sible way if justice was done.
He highlighted an area that needed immediate at tention such as Dairy sector.
ernment has taken advan tage of the social capital and has initiated One Village, One Cooperative Society, where each household was represented in the coopera tive society.Hesaid the society was the economic counterpart of the village panchayat, and provides all credit and non-credit services to its members.Further, the minister said the National Coopera tive Development Corpora tion (NCDC) has been the only consistent development partner in the State and has played a part in filling-in the financial gaps.
Kaito hopes for NE-specific infra development policy SVC displeased over ‘intrusion’
Rio takes up railways, oil exploration issues with GoI
ter had been delayed for so long. They expressed dismay that the joint survey con ducted by the army, defence estate and Dimapur district administration in 2019 had not been approved till date.
Nitish Kumar to arrive on October 11
Correspondent/Spl. Correspondent KOHIMA/NEW DELHI, SEP 9 (NPN): Though unconfirmed, yet reliable sources, privy to political decisions, have informed Nagaland Post that the July 16, 2022 resolution adopted by the Core Com mittee on Naga Political Issue (CCoNPI) has yet to be officially communicated to theItCentre.maybe recalled that on July 16, the CCoNPI adopted a four-point resolu tion that was a marked de parture from the past which came against the backdrop of mounting resentment by public and opposition par ties at the manner the ruling coalition has been ‘shadow boxing’ and disinclined to tell the government of India the facts on the ground.

“As a mark of respect to the departed dignitary, the government of India has decided that there will be one-day state mourning on September 11 throughout India,” an official statement said.
The national flag will be flown at half-mast on the day of mourning through out India on all buildings where the national flag is flown regularly and there will be no official entertain ment on the day, it said.
www.nagalandpost.com Nagaland Post MYK C MYK C Vol XXXII No. 276 DIMAPUR, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2022 Pages 16 ` 5.00 Neeraj wins first Diamond League title SPORTS, PAGE 16 Nature chose wrong targets: UN chief on Pak floods INTERNATIONAL, PAGE 13 FOLLOW US ON @Nagaland_Postnagalandpostofficial
DIMAPUR, SEP 9 (NPN): Janata Dal (United) supre mo and Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar is scheduled to arrive Nagaland on Oc tober 11. This was stated by JDU Nagaland unit general secretary Imsumongba Pon gen at a press conference here on Friday.
They said the land owners/pattadars had been peacefully and hopefully waiting for justice and hand ing over their land to them.
The minister said that the absence of support for dairy activities has affected economic growth of the cat
Kaito informed that there were only three district-level Milk Unions and the rest of the 13 districts did not have any dairy infrastructure.
2019, the Hon’ble Prime Minister and the Hon’ble Union Home Minister is urged upon to invite the NSCN (IM) leaders for an early(Thoughconclusion.”then Inter locutor R.N. Ravi who was involved in negotiations had stated several times, that talks have concluded and even mentioned it in his address to the NLA on February 12, 2021; yet the PDA government and then UDA continued to insist that talks were on.)
The shutter down was called in protest against rampant extortion demands, donations and harassments faced by businessmen.
JDU State unit functionaries addressing the media, Friday. (NP)
As part of the torch re lay, a bike rally was taken out from Dimapur Ao Baptist Arogo guest house and cul minated at Dimapur Airport. Speaking at brief programme outside the Airport, coordi
12-hr ‘shutter down’ in Mon town peaceful Landowners, pattadars petition CM over land occupation by army
Night curfew along border
SVC, therefore, urged every individual or organisa tion to respect the sanctity of Naga villages so that un necessary acrimony did not arise as “Nagas look forward to an early solution to our political problem and resto ration of peace, normalcy and harmony in our society.”
DIMAPUR, SEP 9 (NPN): Government of India has declared one day of state mourning on September 11 (Sunday) as a mark of respect to Britain’s Queen Elizabeth-II who passed away on Thursday.
Next, the resolution also appealed to the negoti ating parties “to refer to the competencies as reflected in the Framework Agreement of 3rd August 2015 signed between the Government of India and the NSCN-IM to arrive at a mutually accept able definition of competen cies to resolve this conten tious issue at the earliest, and bring about a final solution that is honourable, acceptable and inclusive.”
He said in Nagaland, the introduction of Cooper atives has been relatively late as compared to other parts of the country. He said 70% of the state population were into agriculture with low in come and limited resources, so the importance of the role of cooperative sector cannot be more evident.
A recent report in a national news media that Centre has agreed to the demands has sharply con tradicted the stand of the government of India.
Further, Rev.Aryan said that the Vision India was also celebrating the achievements and works by William Carey and Sadhu Sundar Singh, and urged all to be torch bearers of the good news.
(Cont’d on p-8) on
Sources told Naga land Post that a copy of the four-point resolution was also handed to AK Mishra during the meeting held on Thursday at Nagaland House,CCoNPIDelhi. was to meet Union home minister Amit Shah on September 9 but as latter was preoccupied with other programmes, the committee members are likely to meet Shah on September 12, sources said. On meeting Shah, the CCo NPI is expected to hand over a copy of the July 16
Nagaland Staff Selection Board (NSSB) has invited online applications for sev eral posts (Pay matrix level 4 to 7) in various departments.
All shops remained closed and public transport was off the roads.
Vision India holds ‘Gospel Torch Relay’ in Dimapur

nator for gospel torch relays of India, Rev. Pastor Amit Aryan, stated that it was a historical moment as the Vi sion India has “decided to develop nation builders from the youth.”Inorder to develop up coming generation of nation
Rio, accompanied by minister Neiba Kronu, also
tle farmers and were lagging behind their counterparts though there were so much potential to invest in dairy development in the state.
Shah to be given July 16 resolution
Reacting to the report that Centre is agreeing to incorporate Naga consti tution into the Indian con stitution and allow Naga flag to be used for civil and cultural purpose, a CCo NPI member said it was nothing new.
He said state govern ment has always taken a proactive role in development of Cooperative movement in the state. In the recent years, Kaito said Nagaland gov
(Cont’d on p-8)
He asserted that it was the Biharis like JP who had first showed love and concern for Nagas, adding that it was now the turn for Nagas to acknowledge the community. He informed the media that Kumar was now travelling all over India to strengthen the Mahagath
Pongen further stated the conference was being organised to also acknowl edge the contribution of
CCoNPI delega tion led by chief minister Neiphiu Rio, co-conve nors-- deputy CM Y. Pat ton, UDA chairman T.R. Zeliang and UDA co-chair man Kuzholuzo Neinu–had met government of India’s Representative to Naga Political Issue A.K. Mishra on September 8.
As per the advertise ment (See Advt on p-10), the recruitment will be held for over 600 vacancies in vari ous departments. The high est number of vacancies (52 posts) were for Undergradu ate Hindi Teacher (Level-5) under School Education department followed by 41 posts of LDA-cum-Com puter Assistant (District) under PHE department and 37 posts of Physical Educa tion Teacher under School Education department.
(L) Bikers taking out rally in Dimapur (R) Bishop Daniel Ponraj holding ‘Gospel Torch’ at Dimapur Airport. (NP)

The 12-hour ‘shutter down’ on Friday in Mon town, called by Mon civil society groups under the aegis of Konyak Union Mon Unit, passed off peacefully.

As a precautionary measure to prevent unlawful activities along Assam/Nagaland border in the belt of Siva sagar district, the additional district magistrate Sivasagar, Assam has reinforced night curfew from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. in the 5 km belt in Assam side of Sivasagar district bordering Nagaland with effect from August 6, for a period of 60 Accordingdays.to DIPR, movement of any person/ groups, any vehicular traffic during the period of night curfew is prohibitoryfromdutycivilArmy,However,prohibited.magistrate,CRPF,Police,andofficialsdeployedonhavebeenexemptedthepurviewoftheorder.
Sovima Village Council (SVC) has expressed dis pleasure over the Central Nagaland Students Associa tion (CNSA) intruding into its jurisdiction and putting up posters and banners “with out having the courtesy or decency of giving prior infor mation or taking permission of theSVCCouncil.”secretary Ruokuo silie Rupreo reminded that every Naga village has an appropriate and lawful au thority established under Nagaland Village & Area Councils Act, 1978, looking after the welfare and wellbe ing of the village with a set of conventions and traditions.
builders, Rev. Aryan said one has to know the history and rich legacy of nation build ers that the nation has had.
the life of Pandita Ramabi, who arrived in Kolkata in the late 1800s and early 1900s to spread the gospel.
A joint meeting of Konyak Union Mon unit, civil society groups and business owners were held during which several resolu tions were Informingadopted.this in a press note, KU Mon unit president Kaiyan Toalem and general secretary Nokh

resolution.Itmay be recalled that chief minister Rio on

Biharis in the political and economic spheres of lives in Nagaland ever since the days of JP, who came all the way from Bihar to work for peace in Nagaland. “This goes on to prove that it was the Biharis who had first contributed to the cause of the Nagas,” he added.
The 4-point CCoNPI resolution finally admit ted (No.3) that “since the talks has been concluded officially on 31st October
called on Union Railways, Communication, Electron ics & IT minister Ashwini Vaishnaw at Railway Bha van and discussed about railway“Gratefulconnectivity.to him (Vaishnaw) for his prompt response, understanding & continued support to Na galand in our endeavour to provide better connectivity to the State,” Rio said in a tweet.On September 8, the chief minister also called on Union Minister for Cul ture, Tourism and DoNER, where both the sides held a “fruitful and positive meet ing on the developmental needs of Nagaland.”
Staff Reporter
To commemorate the cel ebration of 150 years of Christianity in Nagaland and celebrate the life of Rev. Dr. Edward Winter Clark, the missionary who brought Christianity to the Naga hills, the Vision India (VI), an interdenominational min istry dedicated to the Great Commission, organised its third Gospel Torch Relay in Dimapur on Friday.
State mourning in memory of Queen Elizabeth II
G. Kaito Aye speaking at the two-day national conference.
Asked if Kumar would be meeting opposition parties in Nagaland too to strengthen Mahagath bandhan, JDU Nagaland president Senchumo Lotha clarified that ALBC was apolitical and that JDU was just sponsoring it.
He said Kumar would visit the State to attend All Nagaland Bihari Confer ence (ALBC) scheduled that day at Dimapur District Sports Complex (DDSC) here. He mentioned that the first-of-its-kind confer ence organised by Nagaland Bihari Samaj, Bihari Kalyan Samiti and Matri Founda tion, Nagaland would be sponsored by JDU Naga land to commemorate the 120th birth anniversary of Jaya Prakash Narayan, com monly referred to as JP.

He said the Bihar chief minister’s visit would be purely non-political and he would not meet representa tive of any political party, adding that he would be re turning the same day itself.
This is it! “With everything going on within our party, I feel like we’re following the pied piper of Hamlin.”

Meanwhile, Bishop, Daniel Ponraj, also deliv ered a short speech on how villagers of Molungkimong received the torch and set up the first Baptist Church in Naga Hills. Earlier, the programme was chaired by BYFD president, pastor Be lanthung and special number by Dimapur Molungkimong Union.
Mon town wears a deserted look during the ‘shutter down’ protest (R) KU unit during the meeting with business owners.
Nagaland chief minister Neiphiu Rio on Friday held discussions with the Cen tre on oil exploration and railway connectivity in the State.After meeting Union Minister for Housing and Urban Affairs and Petro leum and Natural Gas Hard eep Singh Puri, Rio took to twitter and said: “We had a very positive discussion on resuming petroleum E&P (Exploration & Production) activities in Nagaland, and other developmental issues.”
bandhan, a coalition of op position parties that sought to take on BJP and its allies.

Wokha DPDB meeting: Wokha District Planning and Development Board (DPDB) monthly meeting has been convened on September 16, 11 a.m. at the Con ference Hall of Deputy Commissioner (DC) Wokha office. All board members have been requested to take note of deferment and attend the meeting.
Speaking at the train ing programme, director of Agriculture, M. Ben Yan than said the training was aimed at providing crucial information on structural aspects of Indian agricul ture which continue to be the main stay of economy in India.Informing that the agriculture census in In dia relied on the system of land records as preva

She said the depart ment also played a role in channelising the energy of youth for development of
Expert from the de partment of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, (Agri culture Census Division), New Delhi, R N Sorei them, deputy director and master trainers from the directorate Census Cell will be imparting the training.
Programme for mentors of ‘Arjü Centers’ held in Mokokchung

lent in large part of the country, Yanthan said the 11th Agriculture Census 2021-22 was different from the previous census as the centre had taken up new initiatives to improve data collection process.
15. GMS
He added that the col lection process should be accurate and efficient since it would enable conduct ing of Agriculture Census on complete enumeration basis in all Informingvillages.that an other change was the use of digitalised land records, he said the manual feature on Instructions of Data Col lection Schedule (Phase-I) will be provided to all the field officers and supervi sors for ready reference and betterSpeakingcompilation.at the in augural session, deputy director (AC) ministry of
DIMAPUR: State chief secretary, J. Alam on Fri day, advised the depart ment of tourism to be “industry-friendly”, to have the tourism guides registered, to calculate the total industry output and see to the feedbacks of tourists.According to a DIPR report, he was speaking at the departmental review meeting of Tourism and Youth Resources & Sports in the chef secretary’s con ference hall, Secretariat Kohima.Addressing the of ficers and staff of the tour ism department, the CS also asked them to come up with a policy to en courage entrepreneurs for vehicle tourism with better luxury vehicles, provide more publicity to boost tourism and see what the people

Zbto DPDB meeting: Zunheboto District Planning and Development Board (DPDB) monthly meeting has been convened on September 13, 11 a.m. at the Conference Hall of Deputy Commissioner (DC) Zun heboto office. All board members have been requested to attend the meeting.
11. Evangelistic
C Q.: Is there need for elect ed members to con tinue to make trips to Delhi for solution? A Yes. 24% B No. 75% C Can’t Say. 1% 100%90%80%70%60%50%40%30%20%10%0% nagalandpost.com Poll A B C NEXT POLL Q: Was renaming Raj Path to Kartavya Path a politi cal masterstroke ? Yes. No. Can’t Say. (Temperature in ºC) Max Min Agartala A p.m. t-storm in spots 32 25 Aizawl An afternoon t-storm or two 27 21 Guwahati A t-storm around in the p.m. 35 26 Imphal A p.m. t-storm in spots 28 21 Itanagar A t-storm around in the p.m. 33 24 Shillong An afternoon thunderstorm 25 18 Kohima A thunderstorm in spots 27 19 Dimapur A morning thunderstorm 34 24 Mkg Mostly cloudy with a t-storm 29 20 Tuensang A stray morning thunderstorm 22 16 Wokha A stray morning thunderstorm 29 23 Zunheboto A stray morning thunderstorm 26 18 SEPTEMBERFORECASTWEATHER10 MARMANGYANG IMSONG (UNGER) CHANGTONGYA TOWN (5TH MAY 1946 – 1ST SEPTEMBER 2022) We are grateful for your time here on earth with us We are heartbroken as you leave us for your eternal home We mourn your passing and we celebrate your life You will live on in all of our hearts. Rest in peace.
4. Unger
Church Naga
10. Medical
CS advises tourism deptt to be ‘industry-friendly’
STO Dmu informs pensioners: Senior Treasury Of fice Dimapur has informed pensioners that physical verification for 2022 would begin from September 12 and a schedule date for verification has been prepared according to pensioner’s serial number. In this regard, pensioners have been informed to bring personal copy of PPO book and ID/drawal card issued by Dimapur District Pensioner Association. STO said failure to attend physical verification the pension case shall be considered closed and submit to AG Nagaland after verification.
7. Changtongya

ments, coaching camps, talent search, participation in regional, national, and international levels and nurturing young talents in
formed that the depart ment has been working on promoting sports and de velop sports infrastructural facilities, conduct tourna
Atwant.themeeting, Youth Resources & Sports, direc tor Akumla Chuba in
ment’s financial issues had been noted. Highlighting the department’s activities and visions, commissioner & secretary of Tourism, Kitto Zhimomi said strat egies of the department were to identify and export all key tourism products, develop quality infrastruc ture and facilitation ser vices, create enabling envi ronment for local tourism stakeholders, etc.
17. Mr. & Mrs.
9. Medical
DC & DEO Dimapur informs: Deputy commis sioner and district election officer, Sachin Jaiswal has informed that draft list of polling station for all 1-Di mapur-I, 2-Dimapur-II, 3-Dimapur-III, 4-Ghaspani-I and 5-Ghaspani-II assembly constituencies have been prepared, published and available for inspection in the office of DEO Dimapur during office hours. DC and DEO Dimapur has informed that any claims/ objection to the draft list should be made on or before September 17.
State chief secretary, J. Alam addressing the departmental review meeting on Friday. (DIPR)
Y. Nuklu Phom speaking at the programme in Mokokchung on Friday.
GYAK to celebrate 30th foundation day: Gorkha Youth Association Kohima would be celebrating its 30th foundation day on September 10 at GPPK Hall, Chandmari, Kohima. All officials and representatives of Gorkha NGOs and youth members from different villages and colonies/wards in Kohima have been requested to join the celebration.
DIMAPUR: Ao Students’ Conference organised an orientation programme for mentors of “Arju Centers”, under the aegis of the Na galand Education Mission Society, Samagra Shiksha Nagaland at Magnus Hotel on Friday.Onthe first day of the two-day orientation pro gramme, resource persons team leader Lemsachenok Society, Y. Nuklu Phom spoke on “relevance of
Dimapur. 2. Youth
13. Mongkumjangtsur
the field of sports.

In a brief speech, ad ditional director, Peter Yanthan urged upon the staff to take the training programme seriously.
M. Ben Yanthan along with other officers of the department and master trainers on Friday. (NP)
Akumla Chuba point ed out that the department has been functioning with inadequate manpower and was struggling with budget constraints.CSsaid talent hunt for good sports players was important and that the department should have connections with the youth to carry out projects and maintain a system to fa cilitate them after comple tion of their course for job maintenance.Healso asked the department to maintain transparency, equality and not have nepotism among sportsAlamplayers.said the distri bution of sports equipment in villages was another way of promoting sports to the youth and that the depart
the state which includes promotion of Music and Arts (TaFMA), adventure program, outdoor learn ing, personality develop ment, youth festivals, etc.
Our family indebted Baptist United Village, Harvest United Village, Changtongya Fellowship. Baptist Church. Senso Telongjem, Town. Telongjem, Changtongya Town. Town Baptist Church. Town Baptist Church Department) Ward Union, Changtongya Town. Ward Tetsur Telongjem, Changtongya Town. Committee, CTBA. Union, Changtongya Town. Telongjem, Changtongya Town. Zunga, Dimapur . Kuda, Nagarjan, Dimapur. Staff, Zunheboto. Molu Jamir.
A state-level training pro gramme on the 11th Ag riculture Census 2021-22 for field officers and super visors under ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, New Delhi was held on in the conference hall of the directorate of Agriculture, here, on Fri day.
14. Walunir
Walkathon to be held in Mkg
12. Pensioners
to everyone who showered us with their love, support and prayers during the prolonged illness and last journey of our beloved father. We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to: 1. Ao
Ministry Naga
6. Ungertsur
16. Prosecution
traditional learning center in modern times” while SDO (C) Mokokchung Sentilong Ozükum spoke on “self and society.” At the programme, MTBA associate pastor women, Shilula Imchen delivered the word of God and FAC Union Church youth men tor, Chubala Yaden led the vesper. The 10-month pilot project programme was at tended by members of 12 Arjü centers.
Soreithem informed that for the Census, one master trainers’ training was conducted in all the states so that respective states would conduct train ings for supervisors and primary workers.
18. Mr. & Mrs. Imliakum C. 19. All the Well-Wishers. Loving wife, children, in-laws and grandchildren FOREVER IN OUR HEARTS dp-4245/22 We, the bereaved family members of Late Mr. Meibonlung Pamei would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all who stood with us physically, morally, financially and prayer support throughout his prolonged illness, till his last breath on 6th September 2022. We convey our special thanks to: 1. Zeliangrong Baptist Church Sewak Dimapur. 2. Walford Areas Council, Neighbours 3. Dailong Lwn Nagaland 4. RBC, Ragailong Burma Camp 5. RBC, Sachu Colony 6. RBC, Kohima 7. Mr. Rajellung Gonmei 8. Mr. Lanrilung Kamei 9. Rev. Namrong Pastor, ERBC N. Jalukie 10. DBHSS & Patkai Friends 11. Mr. Alobo Naga 12. Mr. Gangangpou Dangmei 13. Doctors & Nurses, Dimapur City Hospital 14. Doctors & Nurses, Eden Hospital We deeply regret our inability to mention each and every individual but we pray that our Almighty God Bless you all abundantly. Loving Mother, Wife, Daughters & Family Members Acknowledgement dp-4250/22 NimathuNg KiKoN 06.11.1967 – 31.08.2022 We, the bereaved family members of Lt. Nimathung Kikon would like to express our immense gratitude and appreciation to each and every individual, who stood by us physically, in prayer, financially and materially at his demise on 31.08.2022 We would also like to express our special thanks to : 1. Lotha Baptist Church, Dimapur 2. Doctors & Staff, Zion Hospital 3. Veterinary Colony Council 4. Mr. Hokuto Zhimomi, G.B Veterinary Colony, Dimapur 5. CVO, Vety. & A/H Staff DDDO, Dimapur 6. Mr. & Mrs. Lepshi Ao, Veterinary Colony 7. Mr. Chonthungo Kikon (NSS) Retd. Secretary, Secretariat Kohima, Nagaland 8. Mr. Yanpvuthung Kikon (NCS) Joint Director Tourism, Secretariat Kohima, Nagaland 9. Mr. Nungsang Sangtam (NCS) Secretariat Kohima, Nagaland 10. Mr. Renben Kikon, SDO (Housing) N.S.T Dimapur 11. Mr. Chumdemo Kikon, Programme Executive (AIR) Mokokchung 12. Mr. & Mrs. Pekinwibo Zeliang, UDA Vety. & A/H Dimapur 13. Dimapur Kikon Ekhung 14. Dimapur Yimpang Ekhung 15. Eloe Encha Thae Okho, Burma Camp, Dimapur 16. Assisi Higher Secondary School, Sisters, Staff & Students 17. Notun Bosti Colony. We pray that Almighty God bless all of you abundantly. Loving Children, Brothers & Sisters ACKNOWLEDGEMENT dp-4255/22 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We, the family members of Lt. P. Thechamo Lotha , S/o Ponthungo Lotha express our heartfelt gratitude to each and everyone for your support physically, morally and prayers at the sudden demise of our beloved on 26.08.2022. We convey our special thanks to :1. W.T.B.C (N.S.T Sectors) Pastor, Staff and Youth Fellowship. 2. M.T.C.C. Council and Youth Wing. 3. Wokha Town Okotso Ekhung. 4. Tongmeth Wangnao, Vice-President GPRN NSCN IM. 5. Mrs Eustar Chishi Swu, Collective Member NSCN IM 6. S.Y Lotha Collective Member NSCN IM 7. Mrs Ikhris Muivah, Steering Executive NSCN IM 8. Rev. Sekshim Kasar, Gen/Secy. Council of Nagalim Churches. 9. Dr. Anthony Yanthan, Kilonser Ministry of Health NSCN IM. 10. Francis Ningshen, Secy. Home Affairs NSCN IM 11. L.H. John Cabinet Secy. NSCN IM 13. Pastor C.H.Q 13. Ministry of Chaplee. 14. N.S.W.O.N 15. S.T.F.B.N 16. Quarter Mess C.H.Q 17. Thungbo Brigade. 18. Mr. & Mrs. Chenithung Humtsoe 19. Mrs. Zuthunglo 20. Mrs. Grace 21. Sumi Mothers Hebron 22. Galilee Yawnao Women Society 23. Eptha Prayer Team. 24. Family, Friends and Neighbours. We sincerely regret our inability to thank you all personally but we pray that our Almighty God bless all abundantly. Loving Father, Mother, Sister & Family Members. k-2059/22
NLA CE meeting: Nagaland Legislative Assembly (NLA) Committee on Estimates (CE) chairman, Dr. Chotisuh Sazo has convened a sitting of the commit tee on September 12, 11 am, at the Committee Room of the Assembly Secretariat, Kohima. All members of CE have been requested to attend the meeting.

DC Zbto informs on list of polling station: Deputy commissioner and district election officer Zunheboto has informed the public of Zunheboto district that the draft list of polling stations has been published and may be inspected at the office of the DC & DEO Zunheboto. Written objections or suggestion, if any, may be submitted to the election office, Zunheboto on or before the September 16.
He explained that the upcoming projects and initiatives were the state institute of hotel man agement, ropeways, in vestment opportunities, IRCTC, off-road capital of the country, CSR op portunities and Homestay and capacity ingownerwithoutthetrictdiscloseddevelopment.building/skillKittoZhimomialsothatmanydisofficersandstaffinstatewerefunctioningofficesandlandissueswerehampertheirprogress.
State-level training programme on agriculture census held in Kohima
5. Unger
Dimapur. 3. Dimapur
DIMAPUR: Deputy commissioner Mokokchung, Sashank Pratap Singh has informed that district level “Nasha Mukti Bharat Abhiyan” and district administra tion Mokokchung will be organising “walkathon rally and bike rally” to kickstart “Nasha Mukti Bharat cam paign”. DC has informed that the walkathon will start 7 am on September 12 from Public Ground and culminate at Commissioner Rest House while the bike rally will start from petrol pump Yimyu junction to Commission er’s Rest House. Participants including Fazl Ali College, People’s College, Jubilee Memorial College, NCC, NYK, Royal Enfield Mokokchung and DEF personnel have been requested to bring placards with anti-drugs slogans.

is truly
8. Changtongya
For this census, the main stakeholders would be field workers and su pervisors since they play roles in the data collected by primary workers which would be verified by all the supervisors, he informed.
Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Krishi Bhavan New Delhi, R.N Soreithem said this was the first time that the agriculture census was being conducted in all the villages across the country.He said till date, it has done a 20% coverage in all the North Eastern states.
CSUD invites Chang students: Chang Students’ Union Dimapur has invited all the Chang students of Dimapur to the 23rd Annual Fresher’s Meet 2022 on September 10, 10 am, at IMC Hall Dimapur. Guests have been requested to attend the programme in tra ditional attires.
DIMAPUR: A scheme for Capacity Building in Textile Sector (SAMARTH) training on wood carving organised by office of the development commissioner (handicrafts), government of India, ministry of Textiles, Handicrafts Service Centre, Kohima got underway on September 8 at Nerhema village.In a press release, Handi crafts Service Centre (HSC) Kohima informed that the programme inaugurated by head GB of Nerhema village, Ruunyu Kenguruse.
MYK C MYK C Seminar on MBBS Abroad “Recent India Govt. Amendment on Foreign Medical Education Policy and Medical Education (MBBS) Guidance at Present Scenario" Date : 10th September, 2022 Time : 11 AM Venue : Hotel Saramati Conference Hall, Dimapur, Nagaland Speaker : Mr. D. N. Trivedy, Director, GECS Note : All NEET appearing/qualified (last year/this year) students and their parents are invited to attend seminar. Website : www.growellconsultancy.co.in Mobile - 7005146897, 9871258885 db-985/22 3STATENAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2022

DIMAPUR: Zunheboto Town weekly market (Fri day bazaar) initiated by Zunheboto Range Students’ Union (ZRSU) was inaugu rated on AccordingFriday. to a DIPR report, speaking at the in augural programme at Town Hall Zunheboto, Sumi Kükami Hoho (SKH), presi dent, Kashito Yeputhomi while appreciating the ef forts of ZRSU, said the mar ket was a “much awaited initiative”. He also appealed consumers to continue to encourage the local vendors by buying organic produces from the weekly market.

In an introductory speech, ZRSU president,
ZRSU inaugurates ‘weekly market’ at Zunheboto town
He said small and lo cal businesses could greatly contribute to local econo mies by bringing growth and innovation to the com munity.The weekly market was inaugurated by SKH president, dedicated by SBCZ associate pastor, Hinoto Achumi and at tended by members from SKH, Sumi Totimi Hoho, Sumi Kiphimi Kuqhakulu,
One of the speakers addressing the local vendors at the inaugural programme. (DIPR)
Zunheboto Area Public Organization, Zunheboto Town GBs Association, Zunheboto Area GBs As sociation, Zunheboto Town

Gihuka Zhimo said the main objective was to pro vide to promote local en trepreneurs, to provide a business platform for small and local enterprises and to encourage the use of organic products.
Sumi Totimi Loka, Zun heboto Area Sumi Totimi Loka, Zunheboto Area Sports Association, ZRSU officials and local vendors.
It may be mentioned that 30 participants are attending the training programme, which would conclude on November 9.

“Indigenous festivals are not just occasions to showcase our rich cultural heritage but an opportunity to strengthen our connection with our roots,” he said.
No. 356/22 Date 08/09/22 I, Shri. Y ILHOSHE SEMA, S/o Yekhuvi Yepthomi, R/o Middle Colony Purana Bazar A, Dimapur : Nagaland, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under: 1. That, I am a bonafide citizen of India and resident of the above mentioned address. 2. That, I am the father of Shri. Itovi I Sumi. 3. That, due to irresponsible behavior of my said son, we the family members have decided not to entertain any forms of transaction or liabilities whatsoever that may have been done or incurred by him. 4. That, this declaration is made to declare that I and my family members will not be responsible for any work/transactions/agreements/dealings both movable and immovable property carried out or done by my son Shri. Itovi I Sumi. Any person dealing with my son Shri. Itovi I Sumi shall be doing so at their own risk and the family members will not be held accountable in any manner from the date of this declaration. VErIFICATION I, hereby verify that the content made in Paras 1 to 3 are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and beliefs and nothing material is concealed therein. DEPONENT Solemnly sworn before me. MAGISTrATE/NOTAry PUBLIC DIMAPUr : NAGALANDDP-4243/22 IN THE COUrT OF PRINCIPAL DISTRICT & SESSIONS JUDGE DIMAPUr : NAGALAND S/C No. 500/2022 NOTICE NOTICE INVITING CLAIMS/OBJECTION OF OTHEr CLAIMENTS(S) FOr ISSUE OF SUCCESSION CErTIFICATE UNDEr PArT-I OF INDIAN SUCCESSION ACT 1925 Whereas application under Succession Act 1925 for grant of Succession Certificate for the pension benefits of Late Atsolie Liegise has been applied by Smti. Megolhusieno, W/o Late Atsolie Liegise, R/o H/No. 25, Lane-17, Kuda Village, Dimapur, Nagaland for possession of : 1. PPO No. 111712672 2. SBI A/c No. 10810549400 3. Nagaland State Co-Op Bank A/c No. 101610006000133 Notice is hereby given that any person having interest in the administration of the person benefits/estates of the said deceased may if she/he so desire to appear in this court on or before within a period of 30 days from the date of publication. Given under the hand and seal of the Court on this the 9th Sept., 2022. PRINCIPAL DISTRICT & SESSIONS JUDGE DIMAPUR : NAGALANDDP-4257/22 IN THE COURT OF DEPUTY COMMISSIONER DIMAPUR DISTRICT DIMAPUR : NOTICENAGALAND No. M-544/22/6076 Dt. Dimapur the 08 Sept. 2022 Notice is hereby given that 1. Dr. Mendinaro Imcha ram 2. Dr. Aolepla Imcha 3. Smti. Makensangla Imcha Payne Vrs Shri. I. Moanungsang Aonok resident of Oriental Colony in the District of Dimapur, Nagaland under Rule 50 & 51 of Assam Land Revenue Regulation 1886 have applied for Mutation of land described in the schedule below:The undersigned under Rule 52 of the said Rules do hereby invites Claims/Objections concerning to the said land if any & should there be any, should submit to this court on or before 1(one) month from the date of publication in local newspaper. SCHEDULE OF LAND AND BOUNDARY Name of the Patta Holder: 1. Dr. Mendinaro Imcha ram 2. Dr. Aolepla Imcha 3. Smti. Makensangla Imcha Payne Block No. 9 (Nine) Patta No. 64 Dag No. 135 Area North:00B-01K-06LsMainRoad,East: Yanger, South: Pastor Reugi, West: Sheto Angami Sd/- Sachin Jaiswal, IAS Deputy Commissioner, DimapurDP-4258/22
The special investigation team of Tripura police will probe into the infiltration from Bangladesh, a senior police official said on Friday.
Festivals medium for tribal communities to connect with roots: Khandu
A leader of Bha gyanagar Ganesh Utsav Samiti (BGUS) was address ing the gathering when a local leader of TRS climbed the dais, and confronted
citizen of India. 2. That

is proud to extend
In the aftermath of the operation, the commission recommended several mea sures to prevent recurrence of such incidents in the future. Among these, the commission said raiding a residential house at night should be avoided so that innocent occupants are not harmed.The Vaiphei commis sion further recommended that police use night vision devices, tear gas grenades while raiding residential houses, sensitize the police on human rights and make it mandatory that an ambu lance is part of the police team when such raids are
M’laya Police botched up: Commission on killing of HNLC leader
Arunachal governor attending a virtual meeting with president Droupadi Murmu.

A local leader of TRS climbed the dais and tried to dislodge the mike as he took offence to what Himanta had earlier said.
The Union also extends its profound gratitude to the District Administration, the Khiamniungan Sports Council and all the participants for their sincere commitment and tireless efforts in bringing laurels to the people of Noklak District as one of the best contenders despite being deprived of proper training and infrastructure facilities.
Pema Khandu
(PUCHONG) (KHUMENG.T) President,
Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu on Friday said that indigenous festivals are a great medium for tribal communities to connect with their roots.
Airport in KhanduItanagar.gave assur ances that his government was committed to ensuring welfare of each “Arunachalcommunity.isadiverse state with its people belong ing to various tribal commu nities. The development of the state largely depends on their progress. The contribu tion of each community in policy decisions is important for pan Arunachal develop ment,” he said.
The Special Investigation Team (SIT) of the Arunachal Pradesh Police has arrested a 30-year-old person for al legedly duping people on the pretext of providing jobs in the state-run IOCL, police said on DipjyotiFriday.Das alias Jintu Kumar, the alleged kingpin in the case, was apprehended from Assam, a senior officer said. SIT (Crime) Superin tend of Police Rohit Rajbir
Secretary, TSU k-2062/22 IN THE COUrT OF MrS. KHESHELI CHISHI (NJS) PrINCIPAL JUDGE , FAMILy COUrT DIMAPUr : NAGALAND Guardianship Petition No. 12/2022 NOTICE (Sec 10 of Guardianship & Ward Act.) Whereas an application under the Guardianship & Ward Act has been filed by Shri Sentimeren for appointment of Guardian in respect of minor(s) Ms. Limianla before this Court and whereas the 29th day of Sept 2022 has been fixed for the hearing on the matter.Notice is hereby given inviting objection if any from the person having interest in the above named minor(s) to be furnished on or before the fixed date/or appear in person. Given under my hand and seal of the Court on this 30th
The decision was taken after 27 Bangladesh nation als were detained in Ra jnagar and Ramnagar areas in the outskirts of the state capital Agartala on Monday and Tuesday.Recently, twenty Ban gladeshi nationals were de tained from West Tripura’s
criminal court to decide,” the report said.
31 people of Rs 2.5 crore,” Singh said, adding that the police recovered Rs 7.14 lakh in cash and seized a property. “We have submit ted an application before a court for the liquidation of a three-storied building worth around Rs 1.85 crore in Assam’s Sanpara. He developed the apartment with ill-gotten money and the property is registered in the name of one of his relatives,” Singh said.
Sarma taking objection to the comments he made earlier.He also tried to dis lodge the mike. BGUS lead ers caught hold of the TRS leader and whisked him away.The incident led to tension in the area which was teeming with devotees participating in the annual procession. Police inter vened to take TRS leader Nand Kishore into custody
ing in mother tongue. Our identity is in safe hands,” he statedHe lauded the Adi community for leading from the front when it came to preserving indigenous cul ture, while embracing devel opment on all fronts.
Meanwhile, the Thangkhiew’s brother Granary Starfield Thang khiew demanded from the government to take action against those involved in the killing of the former militant boklangcourseofwithWereportmilitanttheagainstgovernmentmounttowardsPeople)(VoiceSuraccordingly,”alsofailstoldintoforoverment(Thangkhiew).volvedagainstshould“Theleader.governmentnowregisteracasethosepoliceininkillingmybrotherThegovernmustalsohandedthecasetotheCBIfurtherinvestigationthematter,”Granaryreporters.“Ifthegovernmenttotakeaction,wewilldecideournextmovehesaid.Earlier,membersofKaBriUHynniewtrepofHynniewtrepattemptedtomarchtheassemblytopressureonthetotakeactionthoseinvolvedinkillingoftheformerleaderrejectedtheofVaiphei.“Werejectthereport.willholddiscussionsthefamilymembersThangkhiewonournextofaction,”DonKharlyngdohsaid.
HYDERABAD, SEP 9 (IANS): Tension prevailed during Ganesh procession at MJ Market here on Fri day when a leader of TRS confronted Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma on the dais and tried to dislodge the mike.

Khandu, during the celebrations, also asked people to get together and
Solemnly affirm and sworn before me on this day of 1st August 2022.
Bank, working
only to cater to tourist in terests, the chief minister expressed happiness that indigenous culture and heri tage continue to thrive in Arunachal.“What is encouraging is that our youths today are taking pride in their culture, voluntarily participating in festivals like Solung (cel ebrating harvest) and speak
Earlier in the day, Khandu inaugurated the 60 m RCC (Reinforced Cement Concrete) bridge over Sille river on Mirem-MikongJonai road.
conducted in urban areas.

The Union further wishes all young promising players and the KSC team the very best in their future endeavours. Sd/TSU day of Aug 2022.
lessly, hastily and with out proper application of mind. In order words, it was a botched-up operation and failing in its objective of apprehending the de ceased alive, who would have given valuable infor mation to the police about the subversive activities of the proscribed HNLC outfit”.The Commission found that the Tactical Team- I of the Meghalaya police in carrying out the operation to arrest the for mer HNLC militant from his residence was “culpable of thoughtlessness and ex cessive use of force” which resulted into the death of takencaution”,outproperdencouldactivities.criminalinvolvementbewhichkhiewinputwashowever,Thangkhiew.TheCommission,saidthattheresufficientintelligencetoapprehendThangorraidhisresidence,thepolice“cannotfaulted”forhisallegedinextortion,andsubversive“Havingenteredwhatpotentiallybealion’sindarknesswithoutplanningandwithtakingadequateprethepolicehad“purelyavoidable
Khandu, while gracing the Solung festival of Adi community at Ruksin in East Siang district, asserted that modernisation and development of a place was inevitable but that should never come at the cost of its people’s cultural identity.
SIT to probe Bangla infiltration in Tripura Man held for duping people in Arunachal Put efforts to make Arunachal tuberculosis free: Governor
Mukt Bharat Abhiyaan is a step towards garnering community support towards the TB patient-centric health system. The governor ap pealed to the people of the state to generously adopt TB patients and make the campaign a ‘Jan Andolan’ to make Arunachal Pradesh Tuberculosis free. He said that it is the responsibility of every citizen to contribute towards the wellbeing of fel low citizens in health crises and urged upon NGOs, corporate houses and also individuals for financial contributions to support dietary requirements of TB patients as prescribed under the Abhiyan, an official communique said here.
5. That for and on behalf of myself, I wholly renounce/relinquish and abandon the use of my name of S. LONGRETOSHE and in place thereof I do hereby assume from this date the name LONGERTOSHI.
File photo of Cheristerfield Thangkhiew
“It took almost three months to unearth the mo dus operandi. He duped
“Thesaid.culpability of the Tactical Team- I of the Meghalaya police in the manner in which they car ried out the operations is best left to the jurisdictional

in a tweet: “One shudders to think what BJP leaders would do and say after we complete the ‘Bharat Jodo Yatra’.”Sarma had attacked Gandhi on Wednesday and dubbed the ‘Bharat Jodo Yatra’ of the Congress as
The Congress was quick to respond with an ear lier viral video of the chief minister in which Sarma can be seen scratching himself.
The official said it has been decided that important
Singh said the accused pre tended to be an employee of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd and demanded money from several people by promising them jobs at the company’s Noonmati unit in Assam. He also cheated people on the pretext of providing licenses for petrol pumps and LPG dealerships under IOCL, the SP said.
A total of six important cases related to infiltration of Bangladeshi nationals have been transferred for investigation to the SIT, he stated.
“comedy of the century”, as he said the country is one and stands united.
SHILLONG, SEP 9: The report of the one-man commission of inquiry by retired judge T. Vaiphei, which was tabled on the floor of the house on the first day of the autumn session of the Meghalaya Assembly on Friday, has stated that buttionVaipheifromdishingvehicleswithledThangkhiew’safteristclaimedcapital.Massarhouseduringkilledpolice.excessive“recklesscilNationalthederedThangkhiew,CheristerfieldthesurrengeneralsecretaryofoutlawedHynniewtrepLiberationCoun(HNLC)waskilledinaoperationusingforce”bytheThangkhiewwasonAugust13,2021apoliceraidinhisatMawlaiKyntonlocalityinthestateThepolicehadtheformerextremwasshotinself-defencehetriedtostabthem.deathhadtowidespreadviolenceanangrymobsettingonfireandbranfirearmssnatchedthepolice.Inhis28pagereport,said,“Theoperawasawell-laidplan,executedpoorly,reck
Guard. 3. That
and unnecessary risk” en dangering their lives as well as that of the deceased, the report“Thesaid.forced entry into the house of the deceased (Thangkhiew) in darkness and the subsequent kill ing of the deceased was a reckless exercise and tantamount to dispropor tionate use of force and defeated the very purpose of launching the operation, namely, to capture him (Thangkhiew) alive,” the report
end social evils such as drug abuse, as “it could pose a threat to the future of all youth”.Talking about his gov ernment’s initiatives, the chief minister said that Pa sighat area, headquarters of East Siang district, has witnessed granteddromepointedyondacrossbeaplentyproduces,horticulturemence.inwinter,isdevelopmentunprecedentedinrecentyears.“ThePasighatairportnowfunctional.ComeworkonrailwaylinePasighatwillalsocomTherichandorganicandagriculturewhichisavailableintheregion,cantransportedtomarketsthecountryandbeinthenearfuture,”heout.HealsosaidthataerolicensehasbeenforDonyiPolo

Arunachal Pradesh Gov ernor Brig Dr B D Mishra (Retd) on Friday volunteered to adopt two TB patients un der the ‘Pradhan Mantri TB Mukt Bharat Abhiyan’ which was launched by President Droupadi Murmu during the day. Attending the virtual launch of the campaign, the governor volunteered to adopt two TB patients from his personalLaunchingfund.the cam paign, the President high lighted the need for a so cietal approach to bring together people from all backgrounds to achieve the ambitious target of eliminat ing TB from the country by 2025. Pradhan Mantri TB
Regd. No. 81/2022 1/08/2022 a bonafide I am an employee of HDFC as a Security my official name is LONGERTOSHI and as such recorded in all my official documents/records, Aadhaar and PAN, however in my Service records my name has been inadvertently recorded as S. LONGRETOSHE.
Sidhai“Inarea.the recent past a large number of illegal Bangladeshi nationals were arrested and specific cases were registered in appro priate cases with various police stations of Tripura ... Issues related to illegal immigration of Bangladesh in Tripura were reviewed at the senior level at the police headquarters recently,” he said.
The Congress launched the mass-contact programme on Wednesday, which will travel 3,500 km, covering 12 states and two Union territories in 150 days.
Infiltration is reported from some bordering un fenced areas of West, Sepa hijala, Unakoti and North districts, he said adding the BSF authority has also been alerted to intensify vigil along the border to prevent infiltration from across the border.Around 85 per cent Indo-Bangla border out of total 856 km border has been fenced so far while work is in progress to complete the fencing work.
6. That the statements made from Para 1 to 5 are true to the best of my knowledge and nothing therein is false or concealed.
A screen grab from the video.
The chief minister an nounced that his govern ment would sanction funds for construction of a minisecretariat at Ruksin.
4. That this affidavit is sworn to declare that the name S. LONGRETOSHE and LONGERTOSHI belongs to one and the same person that is my name.
With immense pride and the Thang Students’ Union its heartiest congratulations to Miss Niansai T (D/o Thungo) and Miss Tsujang N (D/o Niushiu) of Noklak Village for winning 2 Gold Medals, 2 Silver Medals and Bronze Medal in various events during the Nagaland Olympics & Paralympics Games 2022 respectively.
cases will be transferred to the SIT to enable and ensure concentrated, focused and end to end investigation in coordination with other security agencies working in Tripura and at the central level to identify organized network involved in such anti national activities.
I, Shri. LONGErTOSHI, S/o Sumedemba, aged about 40 years presently residing at H/No-174, Land Mark Colony, Dimapur, Nagaland, do hereby solemnly declare on oath as : 1. That am
TRS leader confronts Sarma at Hyderabad rally
The video was posted by Indian Youth Congress National President Srini vas B V. Assam Pradesh Congress president Bhupen Kumar B ora also added
and shifted him to the po lice station. The Assam chief minister, in his speech, criticised Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao and al leged that only one family is happy in Earlier,Telangana.hevisited Bha gyalaxmi temple at Charmi nar and offered prayers. He wanted to address the gath ering there but police pre vented him on the grounds that there is no permission for speeches.
Assam Chief Minister Hi manta Biswa Sarma on Fri day mocked Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on social media, portraying him as a cartoon character in a musi cal video.Inthe video posted by Sarma on Twitter, the cartoon character is seen singing funny jingles.

Maintaining that tribal practices in many coun tries across the globe have shrunk, with some displayed
Assam CM mocks Rahul Gandhi in musical video, Cong hits back
Several other villagers cor roborated Badshah’s assertion.
Six water resources department officials suspended in Assam
They gave given a go-ahead for the courses,” Chowd hury said at a press confer ence on TheFriday.state government has allocated Rs 5.75 crore for the project, and the PWD department is un dertaking necessary work to give Nazrul Kalashetra a facelift.Academic activities at the new institute were expected to begin in Novem ber, the minister said.
The reporters, along with the other injured peo ple, were rushed to JNIMS hospital. BJYM Manipur president Barish Sharma and YADA general secre tary Aziz Khan were also among those Accordinginjured.toreports, a joint team of members of BJYM Manipur and YADA conducted a drive against illegal drugs at Hatta Galopati last night, aroundDuringmidnight.the search
When asked, Ali accepted that the media was invited beforehand to cover the demo lition and the structures were pulled down in front of them. However, he was silent on the police asking him to demolish the madrassa.Whenapproached for his comment, Goalpara Superin tendent of Police V V Rakesh Reddy said the force had “abso lutely no role” in bringing down the seminary and the adjacent temporary one-room house.
Villagers say police instructed them to demolished madarasa
in film and allied sectors would be immensely ben efited.Taking a dig at the erstwhile regimes, Chowd hury said despite the longstanding demand for a film institute in Tripura among a section of youth, the previ ous governments never took any step to set up one.
Local residents demolish the madrasa in Assam’s Goalpara district on Tuesday. (Assam Police)

al police force from Imphal East district headquarters rushed to the locality and took control of the mob.
“That the teachers were Al-Qaeda jihadis was a piece of shocking news for them. We are only investigating that case. We visited the place many times before to collect statements of the villagers,” he said.
Injured members of BJYM and YADA receiving medical treatment at JNIMS hospital.
Thesaid.Porompat police registered a case and initi ated an investigation to nab those involved in the attack on the members of the BJYM and YADA, a police source added.
Mention may be made that members of YADA have been assisting the po lice and other law enforc ing agencies in the drive against illegal drugs under the Manipur government’s War on Drugs districtinmembersaotherthehaveMemberscampaign.ofBJYMalsorecentlyjoinedcampaign.TherewasalsoaninstanceinwhichmobattackedBJYMinsuchadriveMoirangofBishnupurrecently.
“I was among those who pulled down the two structures. I was working in my jute field on the riverside when Shukur Ali (a villager) called me to the madrassa compound. He asked me and five-six others to help him demolish them,” Rahim Badshah, a local, told PTI here.
The police further launched a manhunt op eration and arrested two persons allegedly involved in firing gunshots. A small gun was also recovered from the possession of one of the arrested persons, the report
Tripura to get its first film institute: Sushanta Chowdhury
DAROGAR ALGA (ASSAM), SEP 9 (PTI): In what may spark a controversy, villagers of Darogar Alga char in Assam’s Goalpara district alleged that they tore down a madrassa on instruction from the police, a charge which the superinten dent of police dismissed as baseless.The locals asserted that the communication was sent to a fellow villager having connec tions in the force and it was he who asked people to pull down the structure.Thepolice, however, de nied the charge saying they were only investigating a case of alleged terror links of two persons, now absconding, who were teaching at the seminary.
IMPHAL, SEP 9: Manipur police on Friday arrested two persons in connection with violence against mem bers of Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha (BJYM) and Youth Athletic Develop ment Association (YADA) during a drive against drug peddlers in Imphal’s Hatta Golapati late last night.
“When I asked Ali why we should demolish the madrassa, he said that SP (superintendent of police) and DSP (deputy superintendent of police) sirs have asked us to do so. When I reached the madrassa com pound, the media were already there,” Badshah claimed.
Water Resources Minister Pijush Hazarika had ordered the probe after the allegation of corruption in the repair work of Demow Laibeel embankment in the Thowra constituency was raised. A video purportedly showing sub-standard materials being used for the repair work had surfaced a few days back.

GUWAHATI, SEP 9 (PTI): Six employees of Assam’s water resources department, including an assistant executive engineer, have been suspended for alleged dereliction of duty, an official release

Theysaid.were placed under suspension with immediate effect as per an order issued on Thursday after a preliminary enquiry into corruption charges against them was conducted, it said.
According to the police, the Darogar Alga madrassa and a reed house on its premises were demolished on Tuesday by the villagers themselves after the emergence of “suspected jihadi links” with its two teachers, who were reportedly Bangladeshis.
Hazarika had ordered the departmental enquiry after he noticed the video. The six officials have been placed under suspen sion based on a preliminary report of the investigation, the release said on Thursday. An assistant executive engineer of Demow sub-division, a junior engineer of Sivasagar and four others have been suspended, it said. The contractor, who was entrusted with the repair work of the embankment, is being blacklisted by the department, according to the order.
Ali is a self-proclaimed BJP worker in the sandbank. His motorcycle carries a lotus (BJP party symbol) sticker. Sev eral such stickers are also visible on the walls of his residence.
“From our side, there was no communication for the vil lagers saying that they proceed with it (demolition). Had it been planned, the district administra tion would have taken the steps accordingly,” Reddy told PTI over the Reddyphone.said that the villag ers never thought the madrassa teachers who had left suddenly had links with terror outfits.
“Why can’t we do it if our neighbours can? Assam, Manipur, West Bengal have flourishing film industries. Based on the feedback we re ceive from the new institute, diploma and degree courses may be introduced there in the near future,” he added.

Hoping that the pro posed institute will open more opportunities for the youth, he said that those willing to take make a career
at them from unknown directions.Onhearing the gun shots, local residents came out of their respec tive homes with deadly arms including knives and swords and chased after the members of the BJYM and YADA.At least eight mem bers, including BJYM pres ident and YADA general secretary, sustained injuries as the mob attacked them. Meanwhile, addition
A reporter of a local daily was among as many as eight people injured in the violence that erupted after several rounds of gun were fired during the drive against illegal Wayenbamdrugs.Johnson, a reporter with Naharolgi Thoudang, a local daily, who was caught in the violence he rushed to the spot to cover the incident sustained injuries on his head and other parts of the body after he was physi cally assaulted by the mob even as he showed his iden tity card.Besides, he also wore a “Press” jacket issued by All Manipur Working Journalists’ Union issued to the reporters in the state.
Sushanta Chowdhury.
BJYM and YADA members attacked in Imphal
of houses in the locality, members intercepted 100 vials and 10 soap cases of suspected Heroin powder drugs in a locked room. Upon interception, they informed the Porom pat police of Imphal East district and continued to search other suspected houses as they waited for the police to However,arive.they had to abandon the search and run away from the place after guns shots were fired
AGARTALA, SEP 9 (PTI): Tripura is set to get its first film institute, under the ae gis of Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute (SRFTI) in Kolkata, state minister Sushanta Chowdhury said. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) be tween the state government and SRFTI would be signed to that effect as soon as the governing council of the Kolkata-based institute clears
Ifit.all goes well, the in stitute at Nazrul Kalashetra here will be inaugurated on OctoberInitially,31. four certificate courses - Film Appreciation, Screen Acting, Production Management for Cinema and Television and Anchor ing/News Reading -- will be offered to the students, said the state information and cultural affairs (ICA) minister.“We had a detailed discussion with the director, registrar and technical per sons of SRFTI in Kolkata recently over the opening a film institute in Tripura.
Who are bullies?
A Class 12 student of Pandit Deen Dayal Upad hyay Model Inter College, Jasoda, of Kannauj district (UP), committed suicide by jumping in front of a train after securing less than 75% marks in the UP-Board re sults on June 20, 2022.
Referring to bullying in schools, UNESCO stated that “school related violence in all forms is an infringement of chil dren and adolescents’ rights to education and to health and well-being.”
World Suicide Prevention Day: Creating
End of an era
DailyDevotion Do It Yourself (2)
Often these issues re main under-reported due to social stigma and the accom panying legal consequences.
Student suicides are the number-one killer in young people, more than road ac cidents or illness-that’s the magnitude we’re dealing with here,” says child and adolescent psychiatrist Dr AmitTheSen.pity is that this is not being recognised as a grave crisis. They are swept under the rugs of failure in exams and relationships, parental expectations, sub stance abuse, unemployment and poverty. As of now, depression is seen as the primary reason for suicide. But who is the cause of their depression? Who is to be blamed?
any manner.
Physical bullying can involve kicking, shoving, hitting, abuse of personal belongings, inap propriate touching, etc. Verbal bullying involves foul language and inappropriate comments directed at the victim, threaten ing, body-shaming, name-calling, etc. Psychological and emotional bullying is more subtle and harder to detect, but involves one or more forms of relational aggres sion, including social isolation via intentional exclusion, ma nipulation, spreading rumours to defame one’s character, social attacks on someone’s reputation, making obscene gestures behind someone’s back, and manipulat ing friendships or other relation ships. This type of bullying can be emotionally and mentally destruc tive, but frequently undetected by parents and teachers.
School bullying takes differ ent forms including verbal, physi cal, psychological and emotional. The most commonly understood and easily identifiable form of bullying is physical and/or verbal.
Rev. Fr. C. CounsellorJoseph, St. Joseph’s (Autonomous)CollegeJakhama
help, and talks on peer relations, etc. should be held. Teachers can intervene by using authoritybased interventions, non-punitive approaches, and by involving counsellors or professionals. All schools should intently follow guidelines similar to that given by the Central Board of Second ary Education (CBSE), in 2015, for all its affiliated schools: To form Anti-Bullying Committees consisting of the Vice Principal, a senior teacher, a doctor, a trained counsellor, parent-teacher repre sentative, legal representative, and peer educators; to put a notice on display board warning students of the consequences of bullying, and to give written warning and even impose rustication on the bullies. The NEP 2020’s policy of providing counsellor in every school in India should be taken seriously, and all schools follow suit.
Dimapur (Nagaland), June 25: A 28-year- old Garo youth from Dimapur, Nagaland, and reportedly committed suicide on Friday morning between 8 a.m to 9 a.m at a hotel room in Safdarjung,Hyderabad:Delhi.A 17-year old student hailing from Na galand committed suicide in
Queen Elizabeth II was one of the most enduring member of the royal family who was Queen of the United Kingdom from February 6, 1952 until her death on September 8, 2022 at the age of 96. She was born on April 21, 1926, Bruton Street, London, United Kingdom. Elizabeth was 25 when she was crowned Queen following the death of her father King George VI. On September 9, 2015, Elizabeth surpassed Queen Victoria as her country’s longest-serving monarch. The only other British monarch to celebrate a diamond jubilee was Queen Victoria, Elizabeth’s great-great-grandmoth er, whose reign lasted 63 years and seven months before her death in 1901.She carried herself well in continuing with the affairs of the monarchy. Her reign of 70 years and 214 days was the longest of any British monarch and the second-longest recorded of any monarch of a sovereign country. The death of Queen Elizabeth II has robbed the world of one of the most well known faces for over seven decades. The demise of Queen Elizabeth II has left a big void in the hearts of her loyal subjects. She was admired and respected by people from across the world, many of who have been following her for decades. She was indeed the queen of all ages and races and of people not only from the Common Wealth of Nations the world over. Even at such a young age of 25, when she was crowned as the Queen, she was at the helm of British royalty at a time when the Sun was finally beginning to set on the British empire. She ruled for seven decades, unshakably committed to the rituals of her role amid epic social and eco nomic change and family scandal. So enduring was Elizabeth’s grip on the nation’s supreme office that her reign overlapped the tenures of 15 British prime ministers - from Winston Churchill to Liz Truss- and 14 American presidents, from Harry S. Truman to Joseph R. Biden Jr. (She met with all except Lyn don B. Johnson, the 36th president of the USA.) Though many British citizens do not necessarily love or support the archaic monarchy with all the several centuries-old tradition; yet the passing away of Queen Elizabeth II has left many sad. One such British citizen rightly said that the Queen was always there at the core of the people’s lives. He said that now the Queen will not be there was as if Big Ben was gone. Accolades poured in from across all parts of the world even including a fond message from Russian dictator Vladimir Putin. The queen wasn’t just popular at home; Gallup noted Thursday that no other woman had come close to as many appear ances on their annual list of most admired women in the world. Queen Elizabeth landed in the top ten 52 times between 1948 and 2020. And looking forward, it doesn’t help that the queen consistently outranked her son Charles - as of Thursday, King Charles IIIin polling about the monarchy and the royal family. At the passing away of a loved and admired royalty, the people in Britain will bid goodbye with the words ‘The Queen Is Dead’ and welcome the new ruler with ‘Long Live The King.’
~ E. Joseph Cossman
1. Role of Family: Family is the first school a child is born into. It is the seed from where an individual’s attitude towards and perception of others, prob lems, joys, and life itself are formed. Thus, parents and elders should create peaceful, healthy, and educative environment at home through example. They should show interest and care in their children’s life by spending quality time, paying attention to changes in their behaviour, asking questions with cheerful curiosity rather than anxiety, receiving their sharing in a calm and respectful way, and thanking them for sharing. Respect and appreciation for differences, and kindness and empathy towards everyone should be inculcated from2.home.Role of Schools: Schools should provide an emotionally and physically safe environment. Awareness programmes like In ternational Day Against Violence and Bullying at School, and activi ties such as presentations about identifying and reporting bully ing, use of arts and crafts to build understanding of its effects, teach ing bystanders how and when to
chool forms the most sig nificant socialising space for children. When bullying is a common phenomenon in this very special space, it becomes a harmful breeding ground. Bully ing is a serious issue and abuse of human rights, yet, ignorance and tolerance towards it makes this menace continue to thrive in our schools. This is a research article which aims at conscientis ing the society about its nature and harmful impact and the role social agencies need to play in eradicating it. The writer inter acted with 236 students of classes 9 and 10, between the ages of 13 and 16, of the five major schools of Pfutsero, and collected data on their bullying experience through close-ended questions. A few former victims of bullying from Pfutsero were interviewed as well.
in examinations, careers, and life. Neither families nor other social institutions offer adequate support or solace. Teaching them to handle depression is the need of the hour.
ObstaclesQuotesarethings a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal.
The rising number of students suicides makes us question how supportive our family structures are and whether or not they are one of the primary contributors to the increasing number of studentToday’ssuicides.students find their schools and colleges as prisons where their intellects are tamed to secure their ‘dream jobs’ while the gov ernment continues to shirk its primary responsibility.
World Suicide Preven tion Day 2022
27% of the victims confessed they responded to their bullies by bullying them back, while 12% skipped school in order to avoid the bully, and 55% felt bad about themselves and cried. Only 6% claimed to have been unaffected by it.Harry (all interviewees’ names are pseudonyms), who works in a student ministry re counted, “Childhood was tough as I went through bullying every single day at school. Having visi ble physical differences and health complications, I was bullied for not being the same with others. It affected my self-esteem and confidence so severely that it still keeps haunting me when people laugh in my presence.” Sophia, a teacher, lamented that years of bullying by peers and teachers in school had shattered her selfesteem. She nearly dropped out of school if not for her persistent parents. She believes she was bul lied for multiple reasons: being academically poor, belonging to a minority group and poor family background. William, who is a church minister today, recounted that he was severely bullied - ver bally and physical, by his teachers for not doing well in studies. He
School bullying and its impact: Role of social agencies
the Editor
Students’ suicides Hope through
Determinedly Discipline Other Things. This is another difficult aspect of the strenuous nature of sainthood. Paul said, according to the Moffatt trans lation of this verse, “…I take every project prisoner to make it obey Christ….” So much Christian work to day has never been disciplined, but has simply come into being by impulse! In our Lord’s life every project was disciplined to the will of His Father. There was never the slightest tendency to follow the impulse of His own will as distinct from His Father’s will— “the Son can do nothing of Himself…” (John 5:19). Then compare this with what we do— we take “every thought” or project that comes to us by impulse and jump into action immediately, instead of imprisoning and disciplining ourselves to obey Christ.
Every time a suicidal incident occurs, we manage affairs peripherally, without dealing with the root of the problem.Itistime that civil soci ety starts looking at students’ suicides as an indicator of a grave crisis in our coun try’s educational structureincluding the institutional structure, curriculum, and the like. Taking measures to address the issue should be our collective responsibility.
Parents and teachers must start making an effort to understand the calibre and the abilities of their children. Simply pressuring them and blaming them for their poor academic performance will only add to their miseries.
The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary defines ‘bully’ as “a person who uses their strength or power to frighten or hurt weaker people”. Bullies are persons who habitually seek to harm or intimidate those whom they perceive as vulnerable. Bul lies have a perceived authority over others due to factors such as size, gender, age, circumstances, privileges, etc. They bully as a show of strength to undermine or degrade someone’s dignity with possible intentions of gaining or maintaining power.
Today’s young people find it difficult to cope with failures
this newspaper nor that
The Encyclopaedia of Vic timology and Crime Prevention defines bullying as, “a repeated oppression, psychological or physical, of a less powerful person by a more powerful person or group of persons.” At the heart of bullying is a power imbalance – whether perceived or actual –of social status, gender, wealth, physical strength or size.
Forms of bullying
…bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ… —2 Corinthians 10:5
bullying, 27% physical bullying, 10% psychological and emotional bullying, another 10% both verbal and physical bullying, while 8% suffered all forms of bullying.
Out of 236 respondents, 159 of them (67%) responded having faced bullying in school. 45% confirmed they faced verbal
By creating hope through action, we can sig nal to people experiencing suicidal thoughts that there is hope and that we care and want to support them. It also suggests that our actions, no matter how big or small, may provide hope to those who are struggling. Lastly, it highlights the importance of setting suicide prevention as a priority public health agenda by countries, particu
his hostel room in Nizampet on Saturday. The deceased, Thetsum, was found dead hanging from the ceiling fan by fellow hostel mates at around 5 pm. He studied at Sri Chaitanya residential junior college at Nizampet.
What is bullying?
Victims of bullying tend to be physically weaker, more sen sitive, quiet, withdrawn, lacking confidence, having a disability, being of a minority race or re ligion, or different in any way. Possessing these qualities makes these individuals vulnerable, as they are seen as being unlikely to retaliate.61%of the victims think they were bullied because of their physical appearance, 23% because of their poor family background, 10% because they were weak academically, and 6% think they were bullied because of they being from a minority group.
Reader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of do not reflect the of of in

According to the Na tional Crime Record Bureau (NCRB), in 2020, a student takes away his/her own life every 42 minutes; more than 34 students commit suicide and die every day in India.
survived school with the vengeful motive of getting back at them some day. He recalled that one of his classmates dropped out of school for the same reason. Thus, he pointed out bullying can destroy one’s career and life itself.
When this beautiful truth is taught and engrained in the minds and hearts of children, they will learn to value themselves and others, and appreciate each other.
Impact of bullying Bullying can become a source of trauma for children and young adults, and haunt them their whole lives. It often leads to low self-esteem, mental distress and depression, person ality disorders, adverse effect on work, relationships and other trying life situations, and in ex treme situations, even suicide. While most bullies grow up to be emotionally functional adults, many have an increased risk of developing antisocial personal ity disorder, which is linked to an increased risk of committing criminal acts, including domestic violence. People with this disorder have little empathy and no ethics about manipulating others for selfish
where 33 suicides were re corded. Suicide is a scandal in a world that glorifies life. When a suicide occurs, all the survivors, including the counsellors who dealt with the dead person, mourn the death, in a way feeling guilty or helpless. For any other type of problem, the coun sellor can defer his service to a later time, but in the case of suicide, any delay will mean death. Therefore, as Counsellors, we need to give top priority to suicidal per sons. Counselling is worth only when life is there and not when it is taken away. Society has to be brought to the awareness of the causes of suicidesAnd the detection of the warning cues so that it can act promptly to prevent such drastic life-threatening steps. On the other hand, the suicidal individuals need to be strengthened with the awareness of the resources they have for standing on their own, in spite of the depressing scenarios around them.
3. Role of Church: The Church is a powerful institu tion. All the three interviewees affirmed it was the new identity they found through their faith that helped them overcome the trauma caused by bullying.
Role of Social Agencies in Stopping Bullying Prevention starts with awareness. 59% of the victims did not report about being bullied to anyone because they were not aware bullying was an offence and thought others would think of them as being prissy. Only 19% reported the matter to either their parents/school/friends, while the rest chose to keep silent due to fear of the bullying getting worse (41%). William pointed out that he never dared to report about teachers bullying him due to fear of graver consequences from them. Sophia stopped reporting to the teachers because after her first report and the consequent whipping of the bully, she was tormented more severely by the bully.Uprooting bullying from school is possible only when everyone is cognizant about its nature and harmful effects, and takes wise steps to tackle it. Psychologists have proven that the environment a child is born into and grows from can strongly shape his/her personality and character. Thus, social institu tions like the family, school, church, etc. have equally impor tant roles to play in understand ing and curbing bullying.
Neitele Mero Assistant Professor Baptist Theological College Pfütsero
Nagaland Post
We have a tendency to forget that a person is not only committed to Jesus Christ for salvation, but is also committed, responsible, and accountable to Je sus Christ’s view of God, the world, and of sin and the devil. This means that each person must recognize the responsibility to “be transformed by the renewing of [his] mind….” (Romans 12:2).
The 10th September each year focuses attention on the issue, reduces stigma and raises awareness among organizations, government, and the public, giving a sin gular message that suicide can be“Creatingprevented. hope through action” is the tri ennial theme for the World Suicide Prevention Day from 2021-2023. This theme is a reminder that there is an alternative to suicide and aims to inspire confidence and light in all of us.
“A 20-Year Old sec ond-year MBBS student (AIIMS) ends life by jumping from the third floor of the hostel in Bhopal (MP) on August 1, 2022. No suicide note has been found, and the probe into the incident continues.”
the columns
Thus, the Church should take keen initiative in engraining the equal identity each believer has received through Christ. Sun day Schools should consistently and creatively make the children understand the fact that each of them, irrespective of their dif ferences in physical, linguistic, ethnicity, family background, gender, etc., they are equally special and loved because they are all created in God’s image (Genesis 1:27; Psalm 139:14; Ephesians 2:10); that Christ died for everyone (John 3:16; 1 John 2:2; Romans 10:13); and that despite their varied gifts, each gift comes from the same Spirit and are equally important (1 Corinthians 12; Romans 12).
Bullying is neither a myth nor a harmless, inevitable, part of growing up. It is a common phe nomenon in schools and acutely harmful to life. If we do not confront it, it will continue to be normalised and left untreated; en couraging our innocent children to indulge in it as perpetrators, victims, and complacent bystand ers. Thus, sensitivity and wisdom are required on the part of each one of us as we confront a grave hindrance to the building of a healthy, peaceful, and just world.
Another girl student in class XI hanged herself inside her home in the Virud hunagar district (TN) on July 27, 2022.OnJune 1, 2022, Ra venshaw University’s ITM third-year student Amit Ku mar ended his life by con suming poison in his hostel room over a love affair.
Practical work for Christians is greatly over emphasized today, and the saints who are “bring ing every thought [and project] into captivity” are criticized and told that they are not determined, and that they lack zeal for God or zeal for the souls of others. But true determination and zeal are found in obeying God, not in the inclination to serve Him that arises from our own undisciplined human nature. It is inconceivable, but true nevertheless, that saints are not “bringing every thought [and project] into captiv ity,” but are simply doing work for God that has been instigated by their own human nature, and has not been made spiritual through determined discipline.
55% of the victims experi enced bullying between classes 1-5, 38% of them between classes 6-10, 4% from classes 1-10, and 2% while in their nursery classes. Responding on the frequency of experiencing bullying, 17% opined to have experienced al most every day for years, 50% suffered many times, and 33% a few times.
Conclusion: There is an increase in the number of suicides compared to 2014, which recorded only 13 cases. In the Northeast, the NCRB recorded 12,801 cases from 2001 to 2012, with men showing more suicidal tendencies than women. Nagaland featured at the other end of the spec trum with the least number of suicides at 36, of which 30 were men and 6 were women. This was however an increase of 3 from 2017,
larly where access to mental health services and avail ability of beateexperiences.aresue,understandingence.afriend,aasbereavedingsupportingsuicidescanoverandlow.interventionsevidence-basedarealreadyBuildingonthisthemespreadingthismessagethethreeyearsaworldbeenvisionedwherearenotsoprevalent.Wecanallplayaroleinthoseexperiencasuicidalcrisisorthosebysuicidewhetheramemberofsociety,aschild,asaparent,asaasacolleagueoraspersonwithlivedexperiWecanallencourageabouttheisreachintopeoplewhostrugglingandshareourWecanallcrehopethroughactionandthelight.
Somegain.symptoms of a child being bullied may include: un explainable injuries, anxiety and stress, lost or destroyed clothing/ belonging, changes in eating habits, declining health/grades, refusal to go to school, the child changes route to school or is afraid of walking/taking the bus to school, often alone or excluded from friendship groups at school, unable to speak up in class, and appears insecure or frightened, becoming overly apologetic, selfharm, and suicidal ideations. In the long run, they may lack trust, exhibit extreme sensitivity, de velop mental and health illnesses, and also vent out their frustration through vengeful acts and even become bullies themselves.
71% of the bullies are the victim’s classmates, 17% are their seniors, while 12% are their teachers.The constant negative com ments passed on a student’s inability, disability, or state, is a facet of bullying by teachers in school. When teachers, who are supposed to be nurturers, con sciously or unconsciously take the role of bullies, it creates a graver impact not only on the victim, but on the bully and the entire witness of the act. Observation or experience of such behaviour can either cause a child to feel that it is okay to be bullied or that it is okay to Parentsbully. may become bul lies if they constantly demean their children and are violent with them. Exposure to violent behaviour, lack of social values and parental monitoring can create bullies and victims as well. Who are the victims?
attempt at undoing the dam ages that have been done by BJP and RSS,” he said.
Rahul Gandhi
Therefore all the
(a). Plot
Shehzad Poonawalla
none of its big leaders have welcomed the installation of Bose’s statue at India Gate after Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled it on Thursday and also inau gurated Kartavya Path. The Congress had also criticised the Statue of Uni ty, which is dedicated to Patel, he said, alleging that it is “narrow-minded” and is unable to come out of its “slave” mindset dedicated to a family. Petroleum Minister Hardeep Singh Puri also used the route of ‘Bharat Jodo Yatra’ to take a dig at the Congress over the differ ence in fuel prices in BJPruled states and oppositionruled states like Kerala and Tamil
L d y d o c l
1. Land
GOVERNMENT OF NAGALAND DIRECTORATE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND COMMUNICATION (Below New Secretariat) Thizama Road Nagaland : Kohima 797001 No. DIT&C/Tenders/2022 Dated Kohima, 9th September 2022 NOTICE INVITING TENDER e-Tenders are invited from IT Empanelled Firms for supply of IT and Networking equipment. Interested Bidders are requested to download the e-Tender Documents from www.nagalandtenders.gov.in and submit their bids online through the same portal. This e-Tender is only applicable to IT Empanelled Firms with the Government of Nagaland and there will be no exemptions whatsoever. Kindly note that an irrevocable and non-refundable Tender Fees of Rs. 10000.00 (Rupees Ten Thousand Only) will apply for every interested Bidder. Important Dates / Venue 1. Publishing Date - 10.09.2022 2. Last Date and Time of Bid Submission - 23.09.2022 | 1000 Hrs 3. Date & Time of Bid Opening - 23.09.2022 | 1200 Hrs 4. Venue of Bid Opening - Directorate of IT&C, Kohima Sd/TongtilibaDirectorLongkumer dc-1042/22 j k V h ; f e y V L d y RASHTRIYA MILITARY SCHOOLS d { k k 6 o d { k k 9 e n k f [ k y d f y , v o n u i = APPLICATIONS FOR ADMISSION TO CLASS VI AND CLASS IX ‘ k { k . k d l = 2 0 2 3 2 4 ACADEMIC SESSION 2023-24 1. Applications are invited for admission to Class VI (for boys & girls) and Class IX (for boys only) in Rashtriya Military Schools (RMSs) located at Chail (Himachal Pradesh), Ajmer (Rajasthan), Belgaum (Karnataka), Bengaluru (Karnataka) and Dholpur (Rajasthan). 2. Application Forms. Online Application forms will be available from 10 Sep 2022 (1000h) at www.rashtriyamilitaryschools.edu.in Last date of submission of online application and payment of application fee is 10 Oct 2022 (2000h). 3. Entrance Examination The date of Multiple Choice OMR Based Common Entrance Test (CET) for admission to Class VI & IX will be forwarded to all registered email ids / mobile numbers through Email / SMS. In addition to it, such information will be available on school website www.rashtriyamilitaryschools.edu.in 4. Detailed Notification. Prospectus and detailed notification are available on school website www.rashtriyamilitaryschools.edu.in 1 p y ¼ f g e p y i n ’ v t e j j k t L F u ½ c y x e ¼ d u k V d ½ c y : d u V d v j / k y i j ¼ j t L F k k u L F r j V ; e y V L d y e d { k k 6 ¼ N k = v j N k = v d y , ½ v k j d { k 9 ¼

Says will answer if I don’t stand for polls
A woman uses a makeshift raft to cross the waterlogged Munnekolala slum area due to overflowing of the Varthur lake, following heavy monsoon rains in Bengaluru. (PTI)

Asked if he would be come the Congress presi dent, he said, “Whether I become president or not, this will become very clear when the presidential elec tions of the Congress party take place.”“Wait till that t ime when that time happens you
on an island in Koluru vil lage. The farmers had gone to remove the pump-set when suddenly the waterlevel increased and they got marooned. Soon, the others informed the police, which sent a team from the fire and emergency services.
u o c l b V i L i D V l v j f o L r ‘ r t k u d j
2. Land
sale deeds and
L r ‘ r u V Q d
D Gam Pupu Sr. Deputy General Manager 220/132kV Dimapur Sub-Station Powergrid, NERTSdP-4263/22

will see and if I don’t stand, you can ask me ‘why didn’t you stand’ and I will answer the question for you,” Gan dhi toldHe,reporters.however, asserted that he has “very clearly” de cided what he is going to do.
The online application forms will be available from 10th September, 2022. Last date for submission of online/offline application form is up to 15th October, 2022 (5 p.m.)
The bridge was con necting Sogli with Mooki hal in Taalikote Taluk. Re ports said onions grown in a large swathe of land in the Bagalkote district were washed away due to floods.
that the
Cong’s conversation with people has stopped, country already united: BJP
According to sources, water-level rose in Hirehalla rivulet, trapping five farmers
The team rescued the five and brought them to the safety.In Vijayapura district,
Please visit our website https: // www.centeradmisison.nsd.gov.in or www.nsd.gov.in for complete information about Admission Process.
national school of drama (An Autonomous Institute under Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India) Bahawalpur House, Bhagwandas Road, New Delhi - 110001 d o y N k = d y , e n [ y d y , v k o n u i = A 2 v k o n u i = v u y b u www.rashtriyamilitaryschools.edu.in o c l b V i j v o n u f n u d 1 0 f l r c j 2 0 2 2 ¼ 1 0 0 0 c t ½ l m i y g x k A v o n u i = k j u v j Q l t e k d j u d v r e r F h f n u k d 1 0 v D V c j 2 0 2 2 ¼ 2 0 0 0 c t r d g A 3 i o ’ i j h { k k c g o d Y i ; v , e v k j i j v / k j r i o k i j { d y , d { k VI o IX g r l ; D r i o k i j d r f F d h l p u l k h u e k d r v ; F k ; d j t L V M b e y v b M @ e k c b y i j b e y @ , l , e , l d } j l f p r d j n ; t , x A b l d v y k o ; g l p u k L d y o c l b V www.rashtriyamilitaryschools.edu.in i j m i y / k g x A 4 f o ’ h k

This is to inform all the land holders of Bade Village, with reference to the BVC year Plan No. 1, regarding of a meeting with all the land holders within Village jurisdiction in the month of October 2022, meeting date is fixed on 22nd Oct. 2022 starting from 11:00 AM at the Community Hall Bade. land holders of Bade Village must compulsorily attend the said meeting.
come together and discus sions are in progress, he added.The KanyakumariKashmir Bharat Jodo Yatra of the Congress began on Wednesday.Gandhi said he is not leading the yatra but is only participating in it.
Admission notice 2022-23

Chairman Secretary Bade Village Council Bade Village Council
(b). 1 Pura
SEP 9 (PTI): Keeping cards close to his chest, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Friday said he has made the decision whether he wants to become the next party president or not and asserted he will give his reasons if he does not contest the upcom ing elections.Gandhi was asked a slew of questions at a press conference on whether he would assume the mantle of the party president and he repeatedly said he would give an answer if he does not enter the fray, indicat ing that the likelihood of him sticking to his stance of not taking up party chief’s post is more. He also said the Bharat Jodo Yatra will help in forging Opposition unity even though that is a separate exercise.

Have made my decision: Rahul on Cong chief
Many rivers, rivulets and streams were in spate on Friday as water was released from the Tungab hadra Dam, sources said.
onwards.Werequest the general public not to venture to climb on the tower or touch the live conductor with any means which may result fatal.
(c). Above 3
2. Tripura Centre One year residential Certificate course in Theatre in Education.
Asked if the battle of ideologies he often talks about has entered a decisive phase, Gandhi said this battle has been going on for a couple of thousand years now between two different visions.
“Forget about unit ing India as it is already united, he should try to unite the likes of Ghulam Nabi Azad, Anand Sharma, Shashi Tharoor and Manish Tewari with the Congress”, the BJP leader said. While Azad has quit the Congress, many other senior leaders, including Sharma, Tharoor and Tewari, have sought an organisational overhaul of the party for its revival.
All Applicants are required to visit the website regularly as all subsequent corrigendum/ Addendum/ Updates will only be uploaded on the website. 09130/12/0014/2223
PoInt to notE : holders card will be issued on this day for which nominal fee will be charged. : Rs. 500/- Puras : Rs. 1,000/Puras : Rs. 2,000/holders card will be issued on producing of land other relevant documents. owner without any land documents may contact the office of the BVC within six (6) months w.e.f 22nd Oct. 2022.
This is to inform the General Public that 132kV S/C Dimapur - Imphal Line is scheduled to be energized at any time from 10.09.2022
It is the responsibility of the entire Opposition to
1. Sikkim Centre One year residential certificate course in Dramatic Arts.

On being pressed on the issue by reporters, Gan dhi reiterated that the elec tion of the Congress presi dent is going to happen and when that takes place, there will beTheclarity.pres ident’s elec tion will take place and your
“Now, if the Congress party benefits from the yatra, that is good,” he added.
b V www.rashtriyamilitaryschools.edu.in i j m i y g A cbc 10601/11/0022/2223 dc-1026/22 Admission Still Open Class-10 & 12 (Arts) Repeaters Hostel attached for both boys & girls in separate building with parental care & guidance. Contact : 9856857778 (or) 9862700227 Rainbow CoaChing CentRe Lengrijan H/No. 749, Dimapur : 797113, Nagaland. (Near Immanuel College) Estd – 2006 Class started Classes Mon - Friday Saturdays Unit test. Perfect place for overall development. Limited Hostel SeatsP-4204/22d k-2023/22b
“ItNadu.(Congress) can take a leaf out of the common citizen’s book by refuelling in BJP served states before entering states which have turned a blind eye to fuel price reduction. For exam ple, there’s a difference of as much as Rs 14.5 per ltr between Telangana & J&K,” he tweeted.

a bridge was washed away and some villagers went there after learning that it had developed cracks and may not withstand the flow in the Sogli rivulet.
“There is no confusion in my mind about what I am going to do,” he asserted.
3. Land
National School of Drama, a premier theatre training institute of the country, invites applications for admission to one year residential certificate course for the academic year 2022-23, commencing tentatively from December, 2022 at NSD, Centres mentioned below:
BENGALURU, SEP 9 (PTI): The flood situation remained grim in certain parts of north Karnataka following torrential rains.
questions will be answered, he toldGandhireporters.had resigned as the Congress president in 2019 taking moral respon sibility for the party’s poll drubbing in the Lok Sabha elections. Sonia Gandhi was appointed as the interim Congress president after Rahul Gandhu refused to withdraw his goingatisForandanhatredtheundoyatraBachao’topresidentcountingheldcontesttember24tionCongressNominationsresignation.forthepresident’selecwillbeginonSeptemberandwillendonSep30,andincaseofatheelectionwillbeonOctober17andtheonOctober19.TheformerCongressalsorespondedtheBJPoverits‘Parivarremark,sayingtheisbeingundertakentothedamagedonebyBJP-RSSofspreadinginthecountry.Hesaideverybodyhasopinion,theBJPhasonesodoestheRSS.“Theyarefreetohave.usintheCongress,thisajourneyandanattemptunderstandingwhatisoninIndiaandan
Flood situation in certain parts of Karnataka still grim: Official
On whether the yatra will strengthen the Con gress and lead to its revival, Gandhi said the goal of the march is to connect with the people, counter the “damage that the RSS-BJP has done to the country and the ha tred they have spread”.
Responding to a ques tion on leading the yatra, Gandhi said to put it in pro spective, the Congress has decided to do the padyatra across the country and as a member of the party and a person who agrees with its ideology, he is participat ing it.“I don’t see any contra diction in my participation in this yatra,” Gandhi said.
Sardar Patel had united the country, and the ideals of the likes of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose have kept its people united, Poonawalla said. He also slammed the Congress, claiming that
The BJP on Friday cited the Congress’ poll losses and exodus of its leaders to claim that its conversation with the masses and its own members has broken down as it took a swipe at Rahul Gandhi for his criticism that conversation in the country has stopped under the Modi government. BJP spokes person Shehzad Poonawalla said Gandhi’s ‘Bharat Jodo Yatra’ is all about launching Gandhi as a contender for the prime ministerial face in the Opposition at a time when many other parties are flexing muscles and visiting Delhi, an apparent reference to Bihar Chief Minister Nit ish Kumar.“Heis making claim to be on the list of prime min isterial aspirants in 2024,” Poonawalla told reporters. Attacking Gandhi, he said the Congress has lost two Lok Sabha polls and most of the state assembly polls on his watch, “show ing that its conversation with people has broken down”.
According to the Food Secretary, rice production could fall by 10-12 million tonne during this kharif season due to a decline in paddy sowing area.
Kaito hopes for NE-specific infra development policy
“It (export) has mul tiplied almost 42 times. So this is not (just) abnormal increase in exports. This is absolutely abnormal,” Pan dey said.India’s total rice ex ports rose to 21.23 million tonne in last fiscal year from 17.78 million tonne in the previous year and 9.51 mil lion tonne during 2019-20.
by NBCC and formed in the 1960s to mediate between underground groups and Government of India, adding that a peace agreement was also signed in 1964 at his initiative.Further,
China imported 1.58 million tonne of broken rice last fis cal year.InApril-August period of this fiscal year, the export of broken rice increased to 2.13 million tonne from 1.58 million tonne in the yearago period and mere 51,000 tonne in 2018-19.
As part of measures to check the proliferation of such apps, Ministry of Corporate Affairs will identify shell companies and de-register them to pre vent their misuse. Besides, steps should be taken to increase cyber awareness among customers, bank employees, law enforcement agencies and other stake holders about these apps. All ministries or agencies have been asked to take all possible actions to prevent operations of such apps. During the meeting, the finance minister expressed concern over increasing instances of illegal loan apps offering loans/micro credits, especially to vulnerable and low-income group people at exorbitantly high interest rates and processing/hidden charges, and predatory recovery practices involving blackmailing, criminal intimidation etc.
Nitish Kumar to arrive on October 11
and Foxconn Technology Group, the report Meanwhile,said.earlier this month, industry ana lyst Ming-Chi Kuo claimed that the next iPhone 15 is likely to be manufactured at the same time in India and China next year. “The iPhone 14’s mass produc
Even the legislators have conveyed the same, in public, on several occasions.
SAN FRANCISCO, SEP 9 (IANS): Tata Group is in discussions with a Tai wanese supplier to Apple in order to build an electronics manufac turing joint ven ture in India and assemble iPhones here, Bloomberg reported on AccordingFriday.to the re port, the discussions with Wistron are aimed at mak ing Tata a force in technol ogy manufacturing and the Group wants to tap the Tai wanese company’s expertise in product development, supply chain, and assembly.
The meeting, chaired by the min ister, was held on Thursday and it was decided that RBI will prepare a whitelist of all the legal apps and Ministry of Elec tronics and Information Technology (Me itY) will ensure that only these are hosted on app stores. The RBI will monitor the ‘mule/rented’ accounts that may be used for money laundering and to review/ cancel dormant NBFCs to avoid their misuse. The central bank will also ensure that registration of payment aggregators
shall not be applicable to this notification. It added that during September 9-15, certain consignments of broken rice will be allowed to beOnexported.Thursday, the gov ernment imposed a 20 per cent export duty on nonbasmati rice except for parboiled
tion schedule in India this year is still about six weeks behind China, but the gap has improved significantly. Therefore, it is reasonable to expect that India and China will be able to pro duce the new iPhone 15 at the same time next year,” Kuo tweeted earlier. Last

“Export policy of bro ken rice ...is amended from ‘Free’ to ‘Prohibited’,” the
India, the world’s sec ond-largest rice producer after China, commands a 40 per cent share in the global trade. The country exported 21.2 million tonne of rice in 2021-22, of which 3.94 mil lion tonne were basmati rice.
No change of policy is done in par-boiled rice so that farmers continue to get good remunerative prices, according to a government presentation made during the briefing.Pandey said that there is neither a ban nor customs duty on exports of basmati rice.
Dumper for sale (2000 Model) At a OnlyreasonableveryRategenuinebuyers Contact : 76289452119856161883DP-4242/22 l anD for sale Plot 12,000 sq. ft (100 x 120) With House (4 BHK) at Seithekema ‘C’ (Near Keviletuo Market) Price : Rs. 60,00,000 Lakhs No Brokers Contact No. : 9366183729 DP-4247/22 GraCe laDIes Home (For College Students and Aspirants) Location: Near Don Bosco Hr. Sec. School, Kohima Below Kohima Village Ground Contact: 9362552789 K-2058/22 WANTED A Driver for light vehicle domestic duty. Attachment or provideHandsomeaccommodation.salary. Non alcoholic/ Non drunkard Kohima resident only Contact : 8730885855 (Call between 7 am to 10 am) K-2057/22WANTED Warden cum Teacher in Dimapur District. (Male) Qualification : B.Th/ B.D Salary : (a) Fresh Rs. 8000/(b) Experienced : Rs. 10000/Free Fooding and Lodging. Contact between : 9:00 – 1.00 P.M. : 9436018611/ 9383311203 DP-4253/22 LAND FOR SALE Between Old Showuba and New Showuba * 13,000 sq. ft. @ Rs. 150 per sq. ft. * 18197 sq. ft / 7450 sq. ft @ Rs. 140 per sq. ft. (Vihokhu Village) * 5 Puras & 1 Bigha @ Rs. 50 per sq. ft. (Nihokhu Village) * 7 Puras Rs. 77,00,000/* 1 Pura Rs. 19 lacs * 5 Puras Four Lane attached Rs. 25 lacs per pura Contact : 9862040529 -4213/22DP FOR SALE XUVMAHINDRA700AX7LTOPVARIANT PETROL/AUTOMATICDAZZLINGSILVER LOCATION : DIMAPUR WHATSAPP : 9863542665DP-4256/22 LAND For SALE Bamunpukhuri ‘A’ 3-4 Kms away from Zion Hospital Road Touched Rs. 270/- per sq. ft. (Negotiable) 3 Bighas (Any Size) Contact : 9856744485 DP-4227/22 LAND FOR SALE Location : Bamunpukhuri-B (5 kms from Zion Hospital) 50 × 50 : Rs. 5.37 lakhs 50 × 80 : Rs. 8.60 lakhs 50 × 100 : Rs. 10.57 lakhs Call: 94026156487005204949DP-4154/22 LAND For SALE 1. At Naga United Village Dimapur Price : Rs. 300/- Per Sq. Ft. (Nego) Any size will be available 2. Near Hope Academy Price : Rs. 280/- Per Sq. Ft. (Nego) No Brokers Only Genuine Buyers Plz. Contact : 8413808228 DP-4178/22 l anD for sale 1. Near St. John School Diphu Road. Area : 5000 Sq. Ft. 2. Indisen Village Area : 5000 Sq. Ft. Contact No. : 87988585599612292806,(opt.) DP-4120/22 Land for saLe Town Area, 1/2 km from Dimapur Government College. Accessible to various Institutions and Hospitals. 1. 10 Bighas @ Rs. 780/- sq. ft. (Negotiable) 2. 40x40 @ Rs. 1350000/Contact : 9362619411 b-974/22D l anD for sale 1. Khehokhu Near Baptist College Rs. 90 per sq. ft. 2. Tzudikong (Paper Mill) 10th Mile Near Railway Station Contact : 89749321449862086218 DP-4118/22(A) l anD for sale Near Vihokhu Rs. 37 Per Sq. Ft. Contact No. : 7085747979,9862086218DP-4118/22(b l anD for sale Newly Constructed Building Padumpukhuri Lane - 5 Price : Rs. 36,00,000/Naga United Lane - 17 Area : 8600 Sq. Ft. (Approx) Price : Rs. 300/- Per Sq. Ft. Contact : 7005794836 DP-4114/22 FOR SALE Land with Building Firing Range Price5000LengrijanColony,sq.feet:Rs.95lakhs # 98626894897005150839DP-4180/22(b) FOR SALE 1. Empty Land (Any Size) 2. Land with Building Nepali Kashiram Near Sarbura School # 98627732378787429147DP-4180/22(A) PrimE LAND For SALE at Viola Colony, Dimapur Interested persons may kindly contact : 9863227620 DP-4170/22 LAND AND BUILDING FOR IMMEDIATE SALE AT SUGAR MILL 5TH MILE DIMAPUR RCC BUILDING HAVING 3 STOREY BUILDING TOTAL AREA -22,769 SQ. FT. AMOUNT Rs. 1.20 CR NO BROKERS INVOLVEMENT CONTACT : 9930891886 b-978/22D l anD for sale 1. Aoyim (Road Touched) 2. Padum Pukhuri Contact No. : 89742040508259036130DP-4199/22 for saLe SCORPIO S7 (8 Months Old ) SCORPIO S10 2016 (NL) BOLERO BS-VI 2021 (NL) BOLERO POWER + 2017, 2018 (NL) BOLERO ZLX Power + 2018 (NL) BOLERO ZLX 2015 (NL) BOLERO SLX 2013, 2012, 2014 (NL) XUV 300 2020(NL) SCORPIO M.HAWK 2011, 2012 (NL) FORTUNER 2017 (NL) FORTUNER 2013 (NL) WAGON R VXI & ZXI 2020 (NL) BALENO 2018, 2019 (NL) SWIFT D’ZIRE VXI 2014, 2016 (NL) SWIFT VXI (2006) LXI (2012) (NL) NISSAN KICKS 2021, 2020, 2022 (NL) GRAND i10 2015 (NL) ERTIGA 2019 (NL) ALTO 800 LXI 2013, 2014, 2016 (NL) ALTO K10 2018 (NL) CELERIO VXI & ZXI 2017 (NL) DATSUN REDI GO 2020 (NL) MARUTI CAR 2008 (NL) BOLERO PICK UP 2017, 2018 (NL) # 9774699215 /8974247694 -4259/22DP ACROSS 3 Coniferous tree (5) 8 Rasps (5) 10 A premium (5) 11 Hot drink (3) 12 Post off (5) 13 Attractive person (7) 15 Giver (5) 18 Horse (3) 19 Tranquil (6) 21 Infers (7) 22 Water jug (4) 23 Beach grains (4) 24 Of marriage (7) 26 Stocking run (6) 29 Pistachio, say (3) 31 Stone worker (5) 32 Competent (7) 34 Organ (5) 35 Born as (3) 36 Marsupial (5) 37 Essential (5) 38 Roofing tile (5) DOWN 1 Levy (5) 2 Beginner (7) 4 At any time (4) 5 Tolerates (6) 6 Helicopter blade (5) 7 Clothe oneself in (3,2) 9 Meadow (3) 12 Normal (7) 14 Insane (3) 16 Asian kingdom (5) 17 Prepared (5) 19 Study group (7) 20 A royal domain (5) 21 Actions (5) 23 Diabolic (7) 24 Servile (6) 25 Ram (3) 27 Boy’s name (5) 28 Toy figures (5) 30 Not dirty (5) 32 American coin (4) 33 Wager (3) Crossword No. 10389 Yesterday’s solution No. 10388 Su doku No. 5011 Yesterday’s solution No. 5010 KAKURO No. 4034 Yesterday’s solution No. 4033 8 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2022BUSINESS/STATE
Tata in talks to build iPhones for Apple in India: Report
It may be mentioned that, Ravi, in an exclusive interview with Nagaland Post in 2019 had categorically stated that the Gov ernment of India was ready to consider Naga flag for Pan Naga cultural body and to term the final agreement as Naga “Yehzabo”. He, however, added that the Naga negotiators were not agreeable to it.
be completed within a timeframe and no un-registered payment aggregator be allowed to function after that, the finance ministry said in a statement on Friday.
period. Further, he said the imposition of export duty on all non-basmati rice ex cept par-boiled, would help prices to cool Internationaldown.price of Indian rice (non-basmati and others) is around Rs 28-29 per kg, which is higher than the domestic price.
erable attention and support to some of the mentioned issues that would ensure the vision of the Sahakar se Samriddhi (prosperity through cooperation) reach the farthest corner of the country and the lives of the farmers at the grassroots level were economy.becomingpatetheusherthatandorganizingtionUnionKaitobenefitted.congratulatedHome&CooperaMinisterAmitShahfortheconferenceexudingconfidencetheconferencewouldinanewchapterforcooperativestoparticiinthenation’sgoalofUSD30trillion
(PTI): The government has banned export of broken rice to check rising retail prices and boost domestic supply after a fall in sowing area is projected to lower the country’s production by 10-12 million tonne this kharif
Aseason.20per cent export duty has also been imposed on non-basmati rice except for the par-boiled, to dis courageExplainingexports. the ratio nale behind the ban, Food Secretary Sudhanshu Pan dey told reporters that there has been an “absolutely ab normal” rise in shipments of broken rice and the broken grains were also not avail able in sufficient quantity for animal feed as well as etha nol blending programme.
Shah to be given July 16 resolution
He also recalled how JP was closely involved in Naga peace process by being a member of Peace Mission coordinated
Shipments of basmati rice fell to 3.94 million tonne in last fiscal year from 4.63 million tonne in 2020-21. However, during AprilAugust of this fiscal, the exports of premium basmati rice went up to 1.82 million tonne as against about 1.7 million tonne in the yearago period.Asper the DGFT no tification, provisions under the Foreign Trade Policy 2015-2020 regarding the transitional arrangement
In April-August period of FY23, the country has already exported 9.35 mil
FM outlines steps to check operations of illegal loan apps
“The variation is more than what was the MSP (minimum support price) increase,” he told reporters here. The wholesale prices have risen by 8 per cent to Rs 3,291 per quintal as on September 7 from Rs 3,041 per quintal a year ago, while the retail prices have gone up by 6.38 per cent to Rs 37.5 per kg from Rs 35.25 per kg.
He said this was already agreed and conveyed during RN Ravi’s tenure as the Interlocutor for Naga talks.
speaking on the contribu tion of Biharis, he reminded Nagas that Rs 1 crore was contributed by Kumar to Nagaland in 2019 when the State faced a drought-like situation.
Directorate General of For eign Trade (DGFT) said in a notification dated Septem ber 8,The2022.notification comes into effect from Friday, Sep tember 9, Pandey2022.said the coun try exported 3.89 million tonne of broken rice in 202122, a sharp jump from 1.22 million tonne in 2018-19.
As on September 2, the area under the paddy crop was down by 5.62 per cent at 383.99 lakh hectare in the ongoing Kharif season due to poor rains in some states.
If the agreement is suc cessful, Tata might become the first Indian business to manufacture iPhones, which are now largely put together in China and India by Taiwanese manufactur ing behemoths like Wistron
(From p-1)
the farmers, Kaito said there were various technical road blocks in implementation.
(From p-1)
lion tonne rice as against 8.36 million tonne in the year-ago“Duringperiod.April to Au gust this fiscal, the export share of broken rice in creased to 22.78 per cent as compared to the 1.34 per cent in the corresponding period of 2019-20,” the sec retaryBesidessaid. sharp rise in exports, Pandey said the do mestic wholesale and retail prices of rice are showing increasing trend.
NEW DELHI, SEP 9 (PTI): Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has dis cussed various issues related to illegal loan apps in a meeting and decided to take a host of measures to check operations of such apps, amid rising instances of digital fraud. Most of the digital lending apps are not registered with the central bank and operate by themselves. There have been increasing cases of alleged suicides of borrowers due to harassment by a few of the operators of digital lending apps.
Pandey said the animal feed prices have also gone up. Maize price increased from Rs 19 per kg on Janu ary 1, 2022 to Rs 24 per kg on September 8, 2022. Broken rice price has also in creased from Rs 16 per kg to Rs 22 per kg during the same
India bans export of broken rice
month, reports mentioned t hat the tech giant would start the production of the latest iPhones in India two months after its debut.
Meanwhile, in his speech, intending candidate for 5 Ghaspani II constituency Kitoho S Rotokha spoke on the contribu tions of JP to Naga society, claiming that the socialist leader had contributed hugely and worked towards the uplifting the State’s economy. He however lamented that Nagas had forgotten about his contributions.
(From p-1)

He however mentioned that an invi tation to attend the conference would be extended to all political parties.
A senior official, on condi tion of anonymity, confirmed that the Centre was not averse to terming the final agreement as ‘Yehzabo’ and use of Naga flag for cultural purposes.
Though there were var ious CSS projects targeting
He informed that the only cooperative Bank (Nagaland State Coopera tive Bank Ltd) was a nonscheduled bank, making it ineligible to access AIF and other similar However,schemes.hesaid the sanction was not issued against AIF in Nagaland till date. The minister said that the state-specific land holding system restrains the farmers to access the muchneeded Credit from the limited banking sectors in the state. He urged the new Ministry to provide consid
He claimed that the JDU leader was always concerned for the welfare Nagas. Hence, despite his party having no MLA in the State, Kumar was visiting Nagaland, he added.
Accordingrice. to a notifica tion by the revenue depart ment, an export duty of 20 per cent has been imposed on ‘rice in husk (paddy or rough)’ and ‘husked (brown) rice’. The export duty comes into effect from September 9. The ban on broken rice and export duty of 20 per cent on non-basmati rice, expect for par-boiled, have been imposed amid concern over likely fall in rice output.
Since 1990s, he said NCDC has played an active role in assisting the nascent cooperative movement in the state and the State was presently implementing In tegrated Cooperative Devel opment Project (ICDP) in five districts since 2018-19 and was benefitting 786 Cooperative Societies with 36,317members.Theminister was of the view that compact area development schemes like ICDP should be continued with vital back-end subsi dies.
DIMAPUR: A project
Noklak being one of the newer districts in the IndoMyanmar border had little to no access to menstrual hygiene management, she said the drive was aimed to help educate and create awareness about men strual health, hygiene and menstrual waste manage ment in the Farheenarea.said We The Change (WTC) India’s ultimate goal was to reach people and places that have no access to menstru al education and ensure that they have access to ba sic menstrual necessities.
Stating that language, traditions and cultural at tires play important roles in identity of people, Razou votuo urged the gathering to promote them through dif ferent modes for the future generation.Healso stressed on accountability and trans parency of every individual which in turn would benefit the society as a whole.
In a press release, Mi raculum Society Nagaland (MSN) informed that dur ing the trainings, We The Change (WTC) founder, Naaz Farheen highlighted the gathering about We The Change (WTC) In dia and how it has been working towards breaking stereotypes around men struation.Farheen said We The Change (WTC) initiative supports five verticalsmenstrual health, hygiene and waste management, women entrepreneurship, youth leadership pro gramme, trans for nation and consent for Emphasisingchildren.onhow

In a press release, the department informed that the training was aimed at improving adherence to guidelinebased management for HDP and risk identification and initiate risk manage ment.At the training, CMO Mon, Dr. Vezokholu Theyo encouraged and requested all the participants to be

Zunheboto: Month-long “Poshan Maah 2022” was launched on September 6 at
DIMAPUR: One day training on Hypertension Disorders in Pregnancy (HDP) was held on September 9 at the Conference Hall of Chief Medical Of ficer (CMO) Mon office.
‘Poshan Maah’ launched in Aboi, Zunheboto
DIMAPUR: As part of month-long “Poshan Maah 2022” celebration, a block level anaemia awareness and screening camp was conducted by Child Development Project Officer (CDPO) office Aboi in collaboration with Com munity Health Centre (CHC), Aboi on Friday at Council Hall, Aboi, Mon. According to a DIPR report, at the pro
DIMAPUR: Deputy Commissioner (DC) Zunheboto has convened a meeting on Sep tember 14, 11 a.m. at Town Hall, Zunheboto, with regard to preparation of detailed project report for two-lane work from ShowuhbaPangsha.Inthis regard, DC Zunheboto has request ed the following officers and leaders to attend the meeting without fail - ADC Zunheboto, ADC Pughoboto, ADC Satakha, ADC Aghu nato, SDO (C) Zunheboto, SDO (C) Satakha, EAC Zunheboto, Sumi Hoho president, Sumi Kukami Hoho president, Pughoboto Area GBs Association president/Satakha Area GBs Association Aghunato, area GBs association/ Tokiye Range GBs association, village council chairman & GBs of Mishilimi, Lazami, Mu kalimi, Chishilimi, Lukhai, Khukiye, Satakha, Zhekiye, Kiyekhu, Aghuyito, Shoixe, Sukhalu, Sheyipu, Thokihimi, Tokiye, Viyixe, Viyilho, Luvishe New, Ghokishe, Zheishe, PMU-Pfüt sero general manager and highway engineer M/s Rail Vikas Nigam Limited, Kohima.
The team also distrib uted menstrual hygiene kits and menstrupedia mini comic books along with menstrual hygiene management training.
Members of CHILDLINE Peren along with school children and others. (DIPR)
DIMAPUR: Nagaland Handloom & Handi crafts Development Corporation (NH&HDC) Ltd. Dimapur would be organising “state han dloom expo” from September 16-29 at Urban Haat,InDimapur.apressrelease, NH&HDC Ltd. Dima pur has asked interested co-operative societies, NGOs, apex societies, SHGs, etc. to apply to the Project Cell, NHHDC Ltd, Half Nagarjan, Dimapur, along with their respective id cards issued by the Corporation on or before Septem ber 14 during office hours.
Others who spoke dur ing the program includ ed presidents of CGBU, CWO, CGOK, CYO, CSU and officials representing Chakhroma in different Angami organisations. The meet was chaired by CPO president, Zhatuo Kimho while CPO vice president, Neikhriehu Kense deliv ered the acknowledgement speech.
Chakhroma Public Organisation holds meet with frontal organisations
Training on menstrual health held in Noklak
DIMAPUR: A three-day training on “menstrual health, hygiene and waste management” organised by We The Change (WTC) India in collaboration with Miraculum Society Na galand (MSN) at various schools across Noklak district culminated on September 8.
competent on the subject trained, as it was one of the important topics for a health service provider. Resource person, Medical Officer (MO) Dis trict Hospital Mon, Dr C Longe Peter started the training with a pre-test on HDP. He highlighted the gather ing on definition and stratification of hypertension in pregnancy, blood pressure measurement technique, classification of HDP, assessment of HDP, risk reduction for preeclampsia and other complications on HDP and eclampsia.

DIMAPUR: Chakhroma Public Organisation (CPO) held a coordination meet with constituent frontal or ganisations Friday at CPO Hall, issuesedRazouvotuoisationing,informedInChümoukedima.apressrelease,CPOthatatthemeetAngamiPublicOrgan(APO)president,Chatsuexhorttheofficialsonvariousrelatedtothesociety.
children under 6 years of age, pregnant women, lactating mothers. Resource person, AYUSH, CHC, Aboi, MO Dr. T. Hongpe Konyak, spoke on what anaemia, the signs, the symptoms and the need to receive medical help at the right time.
to support the children belonging to the marginal ized section under Jalukie and Ahthibung Dwaswangblocks.said the project also aims to build connections within com munities and lift others through the simple act of kindness in the form of charitable donations in cash or kind for the chil dren. She also highlighted the numerous intervention cases which were provided against various abuse.
Further, all concerned VCCs and GBs have also been requested to bring official seals and village council pads.
DC Zunheboto convenes meeting on 2-lane project
Members of CPO and its frontal organisations at the coordination meet.
DIMAPUR: Ongpangkong Students’ Conference (OKM) Mokokchung has strongly condemned the inhuman act of Tongpangmeren, for allegedly “sexually assaulting a minor girl” on September 6. In a condemnation note, OKM president, Limatongzuk Jamir and general secre tary, Sungkumjang Kichu have appealed to the responsible authority to deliver justice to the victim and penalise the alleged offender as per the law. Further, OKM has urged upon all to refrain from such merciless acts.

CMO Mon conducts training on HDP
‘Enriching every child’ project launched in Peren
children and would also improve accessibility and ensure quality education for the aimDwaswangtrelightorceiveddlingtransparencytochildren.underprivilegedTheDCalsoappealedtheteamtomaintainwhilehanthedonationsrefromvariousgroupsindividuals.Givingabriefhighoftheproject,cencoordinator,Ibamsilesaidtheoveralloftheprojectwas
OKM Mokokchung condemns alleged sexual assault
Child Development Project Officer (CDPO) office Zun heboto.According to a DIPR re port, At the programme, DPO Zunheboto, Meshusayi Tetseo gave a brief introduction on “Poshan Maah” and EAC Zunheboto, Mopling Phom encouraged the gathering to spread awareness about nutri tion at the grassroots level.
DIMAPUR: Electricity consumers under Dima pur electrical sub-division No.1 have been informed to clear their bills in order to avoid disconnection during intensive revenue drive cum raid by the de partment from September 2022Inonwards.apressrelease, SubDivisional Officer (SDO) No-1, Er.Orenvungo S. Ovung has informed consumers under Tata Parking, NST, Kherma hal, Notun Bosti, Naga Cemetary,LRC, City Tower area, Churches Colony, Niesatuo Colo ny, Zakiesatuo Colony, Eros Lane, Nyamo Lotha Road, New Market, Mar wari Patti, Chateswari, Sematilla, Lhomithi Col ony, Zeliangrong Col ony, K.Sachu Colony, Midland, PWD, Children Park, Riverbelt, Residency and Supply colony that inspection/raid would be carried out for those consumers who has not cleared their bills.
NH&HDC Ltd to organise handloom expo in Dimapur
“enriching every child” initiated by CHILDLINE 1098 Peren was launched by deputy commissioner (DC) Peren, Vineet Ku mar on September 7 in the conference hall of the DC PerenAccordingoffice. to a DIPR report, speaking at the launching programme, Kumar expressed hope that the project would help in changing the lives of many marginalized
Over the course of three days, the team vis ited St. Paul School, Holy Angel School, Christian High School, Govt School Noklak Village, High School Noklak and com munity at Pangsha Village.
In this connection, SDO also warned that unauthorized consumers who are illegally using electricity by unscrupulous means of meter by-pass, hooking and tempering of meters would be heavily penalized as per the Indian Electricity act 2003.
gramme, Additional Deputy Commissioner (ADC) Aboi, Anoka H Assumi emphasised about the need of such sensiti zation camps for the benefit of adolescent girls, women etc. which would ensure a healthy future for all females in the block. Poshan coordinator, Phelei briefed on “Poshan 2.0” and its importance, which is to provide good nutrition to
NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2022 STATE 9 db-984/22 dc-1012/22 dc-1014/22 dp-4234/22 dp-4248/22 dp-4260/22 Job Vacancy Creative person, well experienced in graphic designing, publishing and printing, with knowledge in softwares like InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Coral Draw, etc may apply for a permanent post as Graphic Designer at Kohima. For details, contact : 8014622529 / 9436603414 dc-1043/22 Opening Of a 3 star hOtel in Dimapur Vacancies 1. F & B Steward 2. Receptionist 3. Housekeeping Staff 4. Cook (Specialized in Cuisines) 5. Kitchen Helper *Applicants should be 18 yrs or above. Both experienced and freshers Interview date : 12/09/22 Time : 10 am onwards Location : Hotel Europa Inn, Dimapur, Nagaland Tel : 7640062341 -4237/22dp

Dimapur power deptt to carry out inspection & raid

Item No. 7 009 1. HSSLC with Diploma Certificate from recognised institute.
Name of Post MatrixPay VacancyNumberof
Item No. 19 AssistantLDA-cum-Computer(Directorate) 028 Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services 029 a (LV) Art & Culture 030 Administrative Training Institute 031 Border Affairs 032 Commissioner Office 033 a (LV) Controller of Legal Metrology & Consumer Protection 034 Director General of Police 035 Economics & Statistics 036 Employment, Skill Development & Entrepreneurship 037 Environment, Forest & Climate Change 038 b (PD) Fire & Emergency Services 039 Health & Family Welfare 040 Higher Education 041 Home Guards, Civil Defence & State Disaster Response Force 042 & Commerce 043 Records & 044 Vehicles (Transport Commissioner) 045 State Lotteries 046 Staff Selection Board 047 & Stationery 048 Health Engineering Department 049 of Cooperative Societies 050 051 a (LV) & Water 052 Council of Educational Research & Training (SCERT) 053 b (PD) 054 & Housing (NPWD) 056 Resources Resources &
Item No. 16 025 HSSLC
Item No. 6 Plumber Level-6 1 Works & Housing (NPWD) 008
2.(OR)ITI Diploma minimum 1 year 010 HSLC with 2 years ITI Certificate in Electrician trade or equivalent Certificate in wiremen licence from a recognised university. 011 HSLC with Diploma in Electrical Engineering from recognised University/ Institute. 012 HSSLC with Diploma in Electrical appliances from a Government recognised institute.
1 Agriculture Employment, Skill Development & Entrepreneurship
Level-5 1 Agriculture
3 Youth Resources & Sports 104
*Candidates are advised to read all instructions properly while filling up the form.
18 Family Welfare Assistant (FWA) Level-6 3
Item No. 10 018 HSSLC/Graduate with 1 year Diploma Certificate from recognised Institute in Fashion Designing
2 Works & Housing (NPWD)
Item No. Health & Family Welfare 027
Item No. 1 Pharmacist -II Level-7 1 Geology & Mining 001
Date of written examination (Tentative) 11th & 12th November 2022
Name of Department CodeforPost ReservationforPwDs(Categorya,b&c)
Item No. 4 006 HSSLC with Diploma in Architecture from recognised university
1. Online Applications are invited from Indigenous Inhabitants of Nagaland for filling up the following Group C vacancies under the Government of Nagaland to be recruited by the Nagaland Staff Selection Board (NSSB) as given below:
2 Printing
4 State
Item No. Level-4 Forest & Climate Change
Item No. 19 028 with HSSLC with Diploma in Computer Application (BT)
057056055054053052051050049048047046045044043042041040039038037036035034033032031030029 Item No. 20 058 Graduate in any discipline Item No. 21 059 Graduate in any discipline Item No. 22 060 HSSLC or its equivalent grade with Diploma of one year duration in Fine Arts from a recognised Board/Institution. Item No. 23 061 1. HSSLC with atleast 50 % marks (or equivalent grade) relaxable by 5 % for ST/SC candidates with Physical Education as an elective subject from a recognised (OR)Board. Candidate who have passed the Senior Secondary examination or its equivalent and have participated in sports/games at least school/college/district level in accordance with National Council for Teacher Education (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2007 notified on 19-12-2007. 2. Degree/ Diploma in Physical Education of duration not less than three years (or its equivalent) from any National Council for Teacher Education recognized Institution. Item No. 24 062 1. HSSLC/ Graduate with atleast 50 % marks (or equivalent grade) relaxable by 5 % for ST/SC/ differently abled candidates with Hindi as an elective subject from a recognised Board. 2. PSTE or D.El.Ed OR Bachelor of Education (B.Ed). B.A.Ed/ B.Sc.Ed from any National Council for Teacher Education recognized Institution. Item No. 25 063 HSSLC with 2 years Certificate Course, IETC Item No. 26 064 Graduate with Statistics/Economics/Mathematics/ Commerce/ Agriculture Economics/ Social Work/ Rural Economics/ Education Item No. 27 065 Graduate in any discipline 066 HSSLC 067 HSSLC - General HSLC - BT GOVERNMENT OF NAGALAND NAGALAND STAFF SELECTION BOARD NAGALAND : KOHIMA NO.NSSB/EXAM-4/8/2022 Dated Kohima the 9th September 2022 COMBINED STAFF RECRUITMENT EXAMINATION 2022 ADVERTISEMENT NO. NSSB-1/2022 continued on page 11
4 Nagaland
Item No. Health & Family Welfare 026
4 Industries
Item No. 9 014 B. Sc 015 HSSLC Science 016 B. Sc 017 B. Sc
Last date for submission of online application forms 10th October 2022
Item No. Level-6 Women Resources Development 021
Item No. 5 Sectional Overseer Gr-II Level-6 4 Water Resources 007 b (PD)
Item No. 11 Soft Skill Instructor Level-6 Women Resources Development 019
Item No. Distributor Level-4 Printing & Stationery
Item No. 3 005 Graduate with Diploma in Computer Application
Item No. 2 AssistantLDA-cum-Computer(Directorate) Level-7 3 Nagaland Information Commission 003 b (PD)
Item No. 1 001 1. Bachelor in Pharmacy 002 2. D. Pharm/ B. Pharm/ M. Pharm
Item No. 6 008 HSLC with Certificate from recognised training institute (ITI)
Item No. 4 Draughstmen- II Level-7 1 Works & Housing (NPWD) 006
34 Range Assistant
100 1
Opening date for submission of online application 15th September 2022
Item No. 7 Electrician Level-6
Item No. 13 021 HSSLC/Graduate with 1 year Diploma Certificate from recognised Institute in Hairstyling
Item No. 10 Fashion Designing Instructor Level-6 Women Resources Development 018
Item No. Health & Family Welfare 025
13 Hairstyling Instructor
17 Sanitary Inspector Level-6 1
1 Chief Engineer, Police Engineering Project 009 Employment, Skill Development & Entrepreneurship 010 SIRD 011 Tourism 012
14 Computer
1 Prison 002
3 Tourism
HSSLC with Diploma in Computer Application (BT)
1 Soil
Item No. 12 Baking and Confectionery Instructor Level-6 Women Resources Development 020
5 Water Resources 055 7 Works
Item No. Level-6 Printing & Stationery 022 Health & Family Welfare 023
6 Public
1 Social Welfare
2.(OR)3 years Diploma in Agri/Civil Engineering
Item No. 5 007 1. Degree in Agri/Civil Engineering
4 Nagaland
16 PABX Operator Level-6 1
1 Land
8 Environment,
37 Type
5 Registrar
1 Office of the Chief Electoral Officer 004
Item No. Level-6 Health & Family Welfare 024
Diploma in Computer Application (General)
Item No. 14 022 HSSLC with Diploma in Computer Application 023 Graduate with Diploma in Computer Application
Item No. 18 027 Graduate in any discipline
1 Motor
Item No. 11 019 HSSLC/Graduate with 1 year Diploma Certificate from recognised Institute in Soft Skill
Sports 098
35 Store
Item No. 9 Laboratory Assistant Level-6 Higher Education 014 Level-5 Agriculture 015 Geology & Mining 016 Public Health Engineering Department 017
Item No. 8 Technician Level-6 Higher Education 013
2. Minimum Educational & Professional Qualification: Code Required Qualification
Item No. Counter Level-4 Printing & Stationery
Item No. 12 020 HSSLC/Graduate with 1 year Diploma Certificate from recognised Institute in Baking and Confectionery
Item No. Keeper Level-4
Item No. 17 026 HSSLC with Diploma in Public Hygiene & Sanitation Technology
& Sports 057 Item No. 20 Junior Accounts Assistant (District) Level-5 35 Treasuries & Accounts 058 a (LV) Item No. 21 Accounts Assistant (Directorate) Level-5 1 Treasuries & Accounts 059 Item No. 22 Drawing Teacher Level-5 16 School Education 060 a (LV) Item No. 23 Physical Education Teacher Level-5 37 School Education 061 b (PD) Item No. 24 Undergraduate Hindi Teacher Level-5 52 School Education 062 a (LV) b (PD) Item No. 25 Agriculture Field Assistant Level-5 23 Agriculture 063 a (LV) b (PD) Item No. 26 Sub- Inspector Level-5 4 Evaluation 064 Item No. 27 Sectional Assistant Level-5 2 Chief Engineer, Police Engineering Project 065 4 Water Resources 066 9 Works & Housing (NPWD) 067 Item No. 28 Horticulture Extension Assistant Level-5 15 Department of Horticulture 068 Item No. 29 Veterinary Field Assistant Level-5 32 Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services 069 c (OH /OL/ BL/ DW/ LC/ DW/OAL)AAV/ Item No. 30 Surveyor-III Level-5 4 Land Records & Survey 070 10 Water Resources 071 Item No. 31 Copy Holder Level-5 1 Printing & Stationery 072 Item No. 32 Field Investigator (Directorate) Level-5 2 Economics & Statistics 073 Field Investigator (District) Level-5 13 Economics & Statistics 074 Item No. 33 AssistantLDA-cum-Computer(District) Level-4 10 Agriculture 075 13 Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services 076 2 Art & Culture 077 4 Controller of Legal Metrology & Consumer Protection 078 5 Director General of Police 079 4 Economics & Statistics 080 10 Employment, Skill Development & Entrepreneurship 081 34 Environment, Forest & Climate Change 082 a (LV) 6 Higher Education 083 a (LV) 4 Home Guards, Civil Defence & State Disaster Response Force 084 7 Industries & Commerce 085 2 Justice & Law 086 2 Land Records & Survey 087 2 Motor Vehicles 088 1 Office of the Chief Electoral Officer 089 1 Prison 090 41 Public Health Engineering Department 091 a (LV) b (PD) 5 Registrar of Cooperative Societies 092 21 School Education 093 a (LV) 4 Soil & Water Conservation 094 6 Technical Education 095 1 Tourism 096 3 Water Resources 097 3 Youth
Item No. Type Supplier Level-4 Printing & Stationery 108
Item No. 2 004003 Graduate with Diploma in Computer Application (General)
Item No.3 Statistical Investigator Level-7 1 Health & Family Welfare 005
Item No. 8 013 BCA/ MCA/ B.E
4 Youth
15 Insect Collector
Item No. 15 024 HSSLC Science
Item No. Proof Puller Level-4 Printing & Stationery
“Mocking is the most powerful form of commu nicating. It started from the comment made by our national general secretary Abhishek Banerjee and it became a trend on social media. Then it came on T-shirts,” the TMC’s Rajya Sabha leader Derek O’Brien told PTI. While talking to reporters on September 2 after he was grilled for over seven hours by the ED in connection with a coal smuggling case, Abhishek Banerjee described Shah as ‘India’s Biggest Pappu’.
India, China to complete disengagement in Gogra-Hotsprings in next 3 days: MEA
At the outset, the bench inquired about the alleged incriminating evidence found against Kappan by UP police.Senior advocate Ma hesh Jethmalani, appear ing for the state govern ment, claimed Kappan has links with the PFI, which is a banned organisation in Jharkhand, and there was evidence of him having met certain people belonging to the group with the motive of inciting riots in sensitive areas.The senior lawyer also referred to the amount of Rs 45,000 allegedly received by Kappan from PFI for incit ing riots as “a little bit like what happened in Bombay in 1990.”Hesaid some literature was also recovered to create propaganda and stir the feeling of Dalit community.
“Till now you have not shown anything provoca tive,” a bench headed by Chief Justice UU Lalit and also comprising Justices S Ravindra Bhat and P S Narasimha noted, while granting bail to Kappan who is in jail for almost two years.The court also took note of the submissions of the Uttar Pradesh gov ernment and laid down several conditions for bail, including that he will have to remain in Delhi for the next six weeks after release from the prison and report to Nizamuddin police sta tion here on Monday every week.“The appellant shall be taken to the trial court within three days and shall be released on bail on con ditions as deemed fit by the trial court,” the bench said in the order, adding, “It shall be the condition of bail that the appellant shall stay within the jurisdiction of Nizamuddin area here in Delhi”.
After perusing the re cords, the bench said, it would refrain from dealing with the progress of investi gation and the material col lected by the probe agency as the case is at the stage of framing of charges.
hopes to work with India to uphold peace and stability,” she added. Responding to a question on the disengage ment process, External Af fairs Ministry spokesman Arindam Bagchi said,”It has been agreed that all tempo rary structures and other allied infrastructure created in the area by both sides will be dismantled and mutually verified. The landforms in the area will be restored to the pre-standoff period by both Thesides.”two sides have also agreed to take the talks for ward and resolve remaining issues and restore peace and tranquility along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in India-China border areas, he said.“The two sides have agreed to cease forward deployments in this area in a phased, coordinated and verified manner, resulting in the return of the troops of both sides to their respective areas,” he Bagchiadded.said the agree ment ensures that the LAC in this area will be strictly observed and respected by
TMC initiates t-shirt fashion to attack Amit Shah
Nirbhaya case) were in 2012 at India Gate, which led to a change of law. Till now you have not shown anything provocative,” the bench said.
Item No. 28 068 B.Sc Horti/Agri Item No. 29 069 HSLC with VFA Certificate HSSLC with VFA Certificate from 27th Batch Sl.no 273. Item No. 30 070 HSSLC Science 071 1. Degree in Agri/Civil Engineering (OR) 2. HSLC/HSSLC with 3 years Diploma in Agri/Civil Engineering or ITI Surveyor Item No. 31 072 HSSLC Item No. 32 073 Graduate in any discipline074 Item No. 33 075 Graduate with Diploma in Computer Application (General) HSSLC with Diploma in Computer Application (BT)098097096095094093092091090089088087086085084083082081080079078077076 Item No. 34 099 Graduate with Diploma in Computer Application Item No. 35 100 HSLC/HSSLC 101 Graduate in any discipline 102 HSSLC – General HSLC - BT 103 HSSLC – General HSLC - BT 104 Graduate in any discipline Item No. 36 105 HSSLC with ITI Certificate Item No. 37 106 HSSLC with ITI Certificate Item No. 38 107 HSSLC with ITI Certificate Item No. 39 108 HSSLC with ITI Certificate * For Item No 23 & 24 (Physical Education Teacher & Undergraduate Hindi Teacher), the mandatory requirement of clearing Teachers Eligibility Test (TET) has been exempted as a special dispensation vide Government letter NO.DSE/NSSB/2-85/2022/230 Dated 8th September 2022 subject to clearing of TET as specified in the Nagaland School Education Service Rules, 2017 within a period of 5 (Five) years from the date of appointment failing which their appointment will be liable to be rescinded. 2. Age as on 01-01-2022: Minimum : 21 years Maximum : 30 years *(Refer “Note” Para. 2 for age relaxation) 3. Venue of Written Examination: Candidates can choose 2 (two) Exam District basing on the District of his/her choice: Kohima Mokokchung Tuensang Mon Zunheboto Wokha Phek Dimapur Longleng Kiphire Peren Noklak Tseminyu Niuland Chumoükedima Shamator Note : A. The examination centre for Candidates under Group III & IV Category (refer Para.7 - Mode of examination) will be held only in Kohima and Dimapur. B. In Exam Districts where there are less than 300 applicants, the candidates will be shifted to the nearest District (Applicants are to exercise 1st and 2nd choice of preference for examination centre). 4. Computer Proficiency Test (CPT) (Item No. 2, 3, 8, 14, 19, 33 & 34) The Board will hold Computer Proficiency Test (CPT), comprising of basic working skills/knowledge of Computer for candidates who have cleared the Written examination. Only those candidates who have secured qualifying marks in the CPT will be called for Viva Voce. 5. Skill Test. Candidates under Group IV Category will have to undergo a Skill Based Test on clearing of the written examination followed by Viva Voce. 7. Mode of Examination based on Category of Group: The mode of examination is based on different category of post as under. Candidates are therefore requested to prepare accordingly. Category Mode of examination Classification of Post 1 2 3 Group I Paper I Paper II Viva Voce 1. Laboratory Assistant 2. Sectional Assistant 3. Copy Holder 4. Field Investigator 5. Store Keeper 6. Counter 7. Type Distributor 8. Proof Puller 9. Type Supplier 10. Sub- Inspector 11. Insect Collector 12. PABX Operator 13. Sanitary Inspector 14. Family Welfare Assistant 15. Junior Accounts Assistant 16. Accounts Assistant 17. Drawing Teacher 200 marks 200 marks 12.5 % of the Total marks Group II Paper I Paper II Skill Test Viva Voce 1. LDA-cum-CA (Directorate & District) 2. Computer 3. Range Assistant 4. Technician 5. Statistical Investigator 200 marks 200 marks 50 marks 12.5 % of the Total marks Group III Paper I Paper II Paper III Viva Voce 1. Pharmacist 2. Draughtsmen-II 3. Sectional Overseer-II 4. Fashion Designing Instructor 5. Soft Skill Instructor 6. Baking and Confectionery Instructor 7. Hairstyling Instructor 8. Horticulture Extension Assistant 9. Veterinary Field Assistant 10. Surveyor-III 11. Agriculture Field Assistant 12. Physical Education Teacher 13. Undergraduate Hindi Teacher 200 marks 200 marks 200 marks 12.5 % of the Total marks Group IV Paper III Skill Test Viva Voce 1. Plumber 2. Electrician200 marks 50 marks 12.5 % of the Total marks NOTE 1. Syllabus and pattern of the exam can be downloaded from the official website of the Nagaland Staff Selection Board at http://nssb. nagaland.gov.in 2. The upper age limit is relaxable by: (a) 5 (five) years for candidates belonging to SC/ST. (b) Age concession for serving Government employees will be allowed, the equal number of years they are in service subject to a maximum of 5(five) years. (c) Age relaxation of 3 (three) years w.e.f 22-04-2020 will be applicable as per Government OM NO.AR-5/ASSO/98(Vol-I) Dated 16-07-2021 and OM NO.AR-5/ASSO/98(Vol-I) Dated 28-02-2022. 3. 100% of the vacancies are reserved for Indigenous Inhabitant of the State of Nagaland. 4. A candidate may exercise option for as many Post as possible, subject to fulfilment of the educational and professional qualification as required. 5. Implementation of reservation for Backward Tribes in the State shall be in accordance with the Notification issued vide NO.RCBT 5/87(pt-II) dated14-04-2011, 15-06-2012 & 04.09.2015. 6. Reservation for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (inclusive of age relaxation), wherever applicable as sanctioned by the user department in accordance with the Government Notification NO.AR-3/Gen-9/97 dated 13th August 2020. (The list of post identified for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities can be downloaded from NSSB website http://nssb.nagaland.gov.in) 7. Terms & conditions. i. Only those candidates who possess the requisite qualification acquired from recognized university/institution at the time of applying will be eligible to apply for the post(s). ii. Candidates must produce attested/self-attested photocopies of the following documents/materials to the Board as and when called for: a) HSLC/Matriculation/Equivalent Admit Card for proof of Date of Birth. No other Certificate will be accepted for age proof. b) Indigenous Inhabitant Certificate, Scheduled Tribe Certificate, Backward Tribe Certificates as relevant and applicable. c) For physically handicapped candidate, certificate from competent medical authority is required. d) Proof of Educational Qualifications: Mark Sheets & Pass Certificates/Provisional Pass certificates from matriculation onwards till requisite qualification. If for any reason pass certificates/ provisional pass certificates is not issued by the Board/ Institute/ University, a letter/certificate to that effect from the Board/Institute/University must be submitted. e) No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the Head of Department/Public Undertaking to be furnished in case the applicant is an employee of the Government or Public Undertaking (NOC can be downloaded from the official website). f) All relevant documents/certificates to be submitted should have been issued by the concerned authority/institution/board/ university on or before the last date of submission of application form. g) All original documents are also to be produced as and when called for and also during interview without which candidates will not be allowed to appear the interview. 8. Indigenous Inhabitant Certificate (IIC), Scheduled Tribe (ST) & Backward Tribe (BT) Certificates should be signed only by District Authority not below the rank of Additional Deputy Commissioner. 9. In case it is detected at any stage of recruitment that a candidate does not fulfil the eligibility norms and/or that he/she has furnished incorrect/false information or has suppressed any material fact(s), his/her candidature shall stand cancelled. 10. The decision of the Board in all matters regarding eligibility, conduct of examination, other tests and selection would be final and binding on all candidates. No representation or correspondence shall be entertained by the Board in this regard. 11. Application forms will not be issued from the Office of the Nagaland Staff Selection Board (NSSB). 12. Only online application is allowed. Candidates can submit the online application through http://nssb.nagaland.gov.in. 13. The Online application will be available w.e.f 12:00 Noon of 15th September 2022 till 4:00 PM of 10th October 2022 (Candidates are advised to apply well ahead of last date to avoid network traffic). 14. Examination Fee of Rs 100/- (Rupees One Hundred) only will be charged which should be paid via online mode. PwD candidates are exempted from payment of examination fee. 15. For candidates who are Government employees, “NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE” signed by the Head of Department should be uploaded while submitting online application. 16. For any queries/assistance candidates can call the NSSB helpdesk number: 9366495971 or Email helpdesknssbexam@gmail.com during office hours (11:00 hrs to 15:00 hrs). Sd/(B. HENOK BUCHEM) NCS Secretary-cum-Controller of Exams Nagaland Staff Selection Board (NSSB). co N ti N ued from Page 10 -1046/22DC NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2022 NATIONAL 11
The top court had on August 29 sought response from the Uttar Pradesh gov ernment on the bail plea of Kappan after senior advo cate Kapil Sibal, appear ing for the journalist, high lighted he was in jail since October, 2020.
TheShah.T-shirt bearing a cartoon picture of the BJP stalwart’s face along with the caption ‘India’s Biggest Pappu’ comes in several colours – white, black and yellow. The BJP had brand ed Congress leader Rahul Gandhi with the epithet ‘Pappu’ which the Mamata Banerjee-led party is now trying to use to mock Shah.
“Every person has the right to free expression. He is trying to show that vic tims need justice and raise a common voice. Is that a crime in the eyes of law?”
CJI Lalit asked referring to widespread protests against the incident.“Similar protests (in
He said the 16th round of talks between the Corps Commanders of India and China was held at the Chushul Moldo meeting point on July 17, 2022.
The Lucknow bench of the Allahabad High Court had earlier this month re jected the bail application of Kappan, who was also booked under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act in the alleged Hathras con spiracyThecase.FIR was filed un der various provisions of the Indian Penal Code and the UAPA against four people having alleged links with the Popular Front of India (PFI).
ed with the controversy,” the judges said and disposed of the bailTheplea.court also granted Kappan the liberty to avail the right to get bail in an other case lodged against him under the anti-money laundering law.
“With the resolution of the stand-off at PP-15, both sides mutually agreed to take the talks forward and resolve the remaining is sues along LAC and restore peace and tranquility in India-China border areas,” he said. In a statement in Beijing, the Chinese defence ministry said the Chinese and Indian troops in the area of Jianan Daban have begun to disengage in a co ordinated and planned way, which is conducive to the peace and tranquility in the border areas.

both sides and that there will be no unilateral change in the status quo.
“Since then, the two sides had maintained regu lar contact to build on the progress achieved during the talks to resolve the rel evant issues along the LAC in the Western Sector of India-China border areas,” he said. As a result, both sides have now agreed on disengagement in the area of Gogra-Hotsprings (PP15), heBagchisaid. said as per the agreement,”the disengage ment process in this area started on September 8 at 8:30 am and will be com pleted by September 12”.
“The appellant shall not misuse the liberty and shall not get in touch with any of the persons connect
The announcement of the disengagement of troops came around a week ahead of the annual summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Or ganisation (SCO) in Uzbeki stan which is expected to be attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping among other leaders of the group ing. In Beijing, when asked whether India and China are in communication about a possible Modi-Xi meet ing on the sidelines of the SCO summit to be held in Samarkand on September 15 to 16, Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Mao Ning told a briefing that she has “no information to offer at this“Wemoment.”believe the disen gagement will be a positive progress and is conducive to peace and tranquility in the border areas, and China also
KOLKATA, SEP 9 (PTI): Taking a leaf out of a global playbook, where fashion has long been used as a political statement, Trinamool Con gress has designed a T-shirt for its workers to flaunt and attack its opponent - BJP’s Amit
The party is eager to make the most of this cam paign during the coming Durga puja when a large number of people descend on roads for pandal hopping in all parts of West Bengal.
Siddique Kappan
NEW DELHI/BEIJING, SEP 9 (PTI): India and China will complete the dis engagement process in the Gogra-Hotsprings area in eastern Ladakh by Septem ber 12, the External Affairs Ministry said in New Delhi on Friday.The ministry’s com ment came a day after the Indian and Chinese armies announced that they have begun to disengage from the Gogra-Hotsprings Patrol ling Point 15, where the two sides have been locked in a standoff for over two years.
“So this appears to be somewhere from foreign country..,” the bench said when Jethmalani submitted that it was in “Mr.Jethmalani,English. we will grant him bail. Which are the conditions you want to impose,” the bench said before dictating the order.
(PTI): The Supreme Court on Friday granted bail to Kerala-based journalist Sid dique Kappan, arrested in October 2020 while on his way to Hathras in Uttar Pradesh after a Dalit woman from there died following gang-rape, appearing dis missive about the protests and saying “every person has right to free expression”.

Elaborating further, the court said, after a period of six months, he may travel to his native place Malap puram in Kerala and there also he will have to report to the local police station in similar fashion, that is every Monday, and mark his pres ence in the register kept on that behalf.“The appellant shall not leave the jurisdiction of Delhi without the express consent of the trial court,” it said, adding, ”The appel lant shall either in person or through lawyer shall attend the trial court on every sin gle day. The appellant shall deposit his passport with the investigative machinery.”
SC grants bail to journalist Kappan
Opposing the bail plea, the state government coun sel referred to the the recov ery of a tool kit from the ac cused which also contained instructions about how to tackle tear gas.
Charles I was the only British monarch to be ex
In the pre-recorded message to Britain and the Commonwealth, the King also acknowledged the moment of change felt by Britons and in his own Royal Family. He sug gested that given his new responsibilities, his own public interventions -- he has made his views known on issues from architec ture to the environment -- would become a thing of the past.
But while Elizabeth’s death portends a monu mental shift, day-to-day life in Britain went on Friday, with children in school and adults at work and facing concerns about soaring
Her death has set an exhaustively planned cam paign of royal protocols in
Everyday politics was put on hold in UK with law makers set to pay tribute to Queen Elizabeth II in Parliament over two days, which began with a special session at Manynoon.sporting and cultural events were can celled as a mark of re spect, and some businesses — including Selfridges department store and the Legoland amusement park — shut their doors.
After a vigil in Edin burgh, the queen’s coffin will be brought to London, and she will lie in state for several days before her funeral in Westminster Abbey
ecuted, Charles I’s reign led to a brutal civil war and the abolition of the royal family.Delivering his first speech to the nation since the death of his mother Queen Elizabeth, King Charles III pledged “life long service” to his sub jects in his first televised address to the nation as monarch, in which he paid tribute to his late mother Queen Elizabeth II.
motion leading up to her funeral after 10 days. Sep tember 8 will be considered as D-Day in palace code and on D-Day+10 should be theThefuneral.planning to hon our the 96-year-old’s life began decades ago, in the strictest of secrecy, under the code name ‘London Bridge’.Over the next week and a half, several events will take place leading up to a funeral at Westmin ster Abbey in London, followed by the commit tal and burial at the St. George’s Chapel in Wind sor Castle, London.
prices.Elizabeth was Brit ain’s longest-reigning mon arch and a symbol of con stancy in a turbulent era that saw the decline of the British empire and disarray in her own family. Mem bers of the royal family had rushed to her side at the family’s summer residence in Balmoral after her health took a turn for the worse.
TOKYO, SEP 9 (PTI): A stronger India-Japan part nership is good for each other as well as for the Indo-Pacific region and the global order, External Af fairs Minister S Jaishankar has said.Jaishankar and De fence Minister Rajnath Singh attended the 2+2 Dialogue along with their counterparts from Japan -- Foreign Affairs Minister Hayashi Yoshimasa and Defence Minister Hamada Yasukazu -- on Thursday.
-- who came to the throne aged just 25 in 1952 in the aftermath of World War II -- has ensured that she has kept her distance from poli tics in the UK, the opposite can be said of Bolkiah in his home country.
UK Parliament holds special session for Queen Elizabeth II
In 2006, he was re ported to have amended the country’s constitution to make himself infallible under the law, Daily Mail reported.
Hassanal Bolkiah
The Sultan of Brunei Has sanal Bolkiah became the world’s longest serving monarch with the passing of Britain’s Queen’s Eliza beth II, the media reported.

China claims nearly all of the disputed South China Sea, while Taiwan, the Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia and Vietnam claim parts of it. Beijing has built artificial islands and military installations in the South China Sea.
Queen Elizabeth, Britain’s longest-serving monarch died at the age of 96 on Thursday, with her son succeeding her as the king.Charles succeeds to the throne immediately after the death of the mon arch. An Accession Coun cil is convened as soon as possible, usually within 24 hours and held at St James’s Palace, the official residence of the sovereign, to proclaim the successor.
William and Kate named Prince and Prin cess of Wales: Britain’s King Charles on Friday bestowed on his eldest son William and daughter-
The formal body over seeing the succession from Queen Elizabeth II will meet from 10:00 am (0900 GMT), with a first public pronouncement from a balcony of St James’s Pal ace in London at 11:00 am.
In addition to being the country’s Sultan and absolute monarch, 76-yearold Hassanal Bolkiah ibni Omar Ali Saifuddien III has also been the Prime Minister of Brunei since the country gained inde pendence from the UK in 1984.His reign has also been mired in controversy. He has faced criticism of his country’s human rights record, and questions have been raised over business dealings, the Daily Mail reported.Unlike the UK’s head of state, Bolkiah enjoys absolute power in Brunei. Under the country’s 1959 Constitution, the head has full executive authority - in cluding emergency powers.
“Noted the progress in various facets of bilateral cooperation. Discussed current regional and global issues. Agreed to expand and intensify our consulta tions,” Jaishankar tweeted Thursday after concluding

Plan for Queen Eliza beth II’s funeral: Over the next week and a half, sev eral events will take place leading up to a funeral at Westminster Abbey in London, followed by the committal and burial at the St. George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle, London.
On Friday, Truss and other senior ministers are expected to attend a re membrance service at St Paul’s Cathedral in Lon don. Charles, who became the monarch immediately upon his mother’s death, will then be formally pro claimed king at a special ceremony Saturday.
The new King Charles III is the third British mon arch to share the name.
Sultan of Brunei becomes longest-serving living monarch
Archbishop of Can terbury Justin Welby said the queen’s death marked an “enormous shift” for Britain and the world.
a “strategic dialogue” with his Japanese counterpart Yoshimasa.“Astronger India-Ja pan partnership is good for each other, for Indo-Pacific and the global order,” he added.Japan and India are members of the Quadwhich includes the US and Australia - a strate gic grouping considered by some as a counter to China’s growing influence in the Indo-Pacific region.

UK Parliament, MP’s observe a minute’s silence in honour of Queen Elizabeth II in London, Friday. (AP/PTI)

Therefore I recant my statement made in Facebook about him being from Ungma Village and sincerely regret for the inconvenience caused to all. Imchen, Dimapur

But while The Queen
“A part of our lives we’ve taken for granted as being permanent is no longer there,” he said.
about 2,000 other anony mous citizens, after being accredited by the Local In formation Center in Carter Lane Gardens, have been able to enter the London Cathedral to pay tribute to the monarch.Thebeginning of the event was marked by the broadcasting of Charles III’s first speech as King of England, replacing his mother, Queen Elizabeth II.
(AGENCIES): Charles III will be officially pro claimed monarch on Satur day morning at a meeting of the Accession Council, Buckingham Palace said.
As per a plan reported by the Guardian in 2017, after the Queen’s death, her funeral would take place 10 days after her passing. That means the funeral is expect ed to be held on September 18 or 19. The day will start at 9 am (1:30pm IST) when Big Ben will chime with its bell hammer muffled with a leather pad. The Queen’s funeral cortege will arrive at the Westminster Abbey at 11 am (3:30 pm IST).
Charles to be proclaimed King on September 10
On 6th September 2022 on my way to Mokokchung from Dimapur, the driver of the Sumo vehicle NL 02T2111 was completely drunk and his reckless driving put the passengers at great risk. On enquiring his identity, he claimed to be from Ungma Village. I mentioned this unfortunate incident in Facebook to bring to light and plight of passengers to drunk driving and mentioned him to be from Ungma as claimed by him. However, later the same evening during the discussion with the Kosakanger Pusu Menden of Ungma Village, the driver confessed that he is not from Ungma Village as previously claimed.
Bolkiah, who took the throne in 1967, has reigned for 54 years and 339 days (as of Friday) -- more than four years longer than Mar grethe II of Denmark, now the second-longest reigning monarch, the Daily Mail reported.Before her death, Her Majesty was far-and-away the longest serving mon arch in the world, marking the 70th anniversary of her coronation earlier this year, the Daily Mail reported.
in-law Kate the titles of Prince and Princess of Wales, which he and his late wife Diana previously held.William and Kate, both 40, have taken on central roles within the royal family in recent years, appearing regularly in public and increasingly taking their three young children to events such as the queen’s Platinum Jubi lee earlier this year. Memorial service for Elizabeth II: St. Paul’s Ca thedral in London Friday hosted a formal mass in memory of the Queen of England Elizabeth II, the first religious event in trib ute to the late monarch and which has been attended by civilians and political personalities.Theevent, which be gan at 18.00 hours (local time), was attended by the British Prime Minister, Liz Truss; the leader of the opposition, Keir Starmer; and the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, according to the BBC.Along with them,
Then, the dean-desig nate, Andrew Tremlett, in charge of leading the mass, took the floor to remember the queen for her “long life of service” to the country and the member states of the Commonwealth.
India-Japan ties good for IndoPacific region: Jaishankar
Statement of recant

Nature chose wrong targets: UN chief on Pak floods
Sd/- Sd/President, SUK. Convenor Jubilee Planning Committee, SUK. K-2056/22
Expressing solidarity with the flood victims, the UN Secretary-General said he will do his best to raise awareness in the interna tional community about the current situation in Pakistan and to mobilise the full UN system in support of the country.The UN SecretaryGeneral was also apprecia tive of the rescue and relief activities being carried out in the flood-ravaged areas.
The UN Secretary-General made the comments during his visit to the country to see for himself the havoc caused by unprecedented rains and floods that have killed nearly 1,350 people and inundated about a third of Pakistan since early June.
“It is like nature has attacked the wrong targets. It should be those that are more responsible for climate change that should have to face these kinds of chal lenges,” Guterres said.
The Flash Appeal for USD 160 million to support the response, led by the Gov ernment of Pakistan, will provide 5.2 million people with food, water, sanitation, emergency education, pro tection and health support.
Speaking about mili tary assistance from the US, the President said that American weapons, especially the HIMARS multiple-launch rocket sys tems, have strengthened Ukraine’s positions in the ongoing war with Russia.
“a serious threat” to their “public security and to the overall shared Schengen area”, Xinhua news agency reported.The agreed “national temporary measures” are not “an outright entry ban” to Russian nationals, the statement said, adding that the restrictions should en ter into force in each coun try by September 19.
UN approves Austria’s Volker Türk as new human rights chief
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (C) meets with a delegation including U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken (R) and U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin (L).

“The US will continue to support Ukraine’s val iant defence of its secure, democratic, and prosperous future.”On his part, Zelensky thanked the US government for its decision to provide Ukraine with $6 billion in grant aid, which comprises $3 billion in security as sistance and $3 billion in fi nancial support earmarked through the World Bank.
The fast-moving Fair view Fire started on Mon day afternoon near the city of Hemet in Riverside County amid a brutal heat wave, reports Xinhua news agency.Only 5 per cent of the blaze has been contained so far, according to the Riv erside County Fire Depart
Volker Türk

The majority of visas had been issued to Russian citizens before the RussiaUkraine conflict and “un der different geopolitical conditions and consider ations,” said the release, adding that the influx of Russian citizens to the EU and the Schengen area through their countries’ borders, however, poses
Tuerk can also expect to face pressure from hu man rights Amnestyactivists.Internation al’s secretary general, Ag nes Callamard, said he is being appointed “at a time
detailed briefing about the flood situation and rescue and relief activities in the affected
all stakeholders, including the armed forces, are work ing together to provide relief and rescue to 33 million af fectedHepeople.saidour rescue and relief efforts are in full gear and the people have been moved to safe places. He said food and shelter are be ing offered but the challenge is huge. He thanked different countries and organisations for extending support to Pakistan in this difficult hour.Shehbaz said Paki stan’s floods are a glaring manifestation of climate change and it is high time to take notice of the situation.
He also said that it was an obligation of the international community to
of considerable threats to human rights around the world.”“Immediately, he has to help shape an effective human rights response and accountability for Rus sia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, China’s persecution of millions of Uyghurs, and far too many forgotten crises,” she said in a statement, pointing to Yemen, Congo and Myanmar as examples. “His agenda should also include strengthening the human rights response to climate change and rising inequality.”Türk, who holds a doctorate in international law from the University of Vienna, worked for the UN high commissioner for refugees around the world, including in Ma laysia, Kosovo, Bosnia, Congo and Kuwait, before serving in key positions at UNHCR headquarters in Geneva.
(PTI): United Nations chief Antonio Guterres on Friday lamented that natural ca lamities were not “striking back” on those countries who have contributed more to the climate change but na tions like Pakistan, who have minimal contribution to the climate crisis, are the most affected by its consequences.
Prime Ministers of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Es tonia have issued a joint statement, agreeing to tem porarily restrict Russian visa-holders’ entry into the European Union (EU) and the Schengen area for tour ism, culture, sport and busi ness purposes, according to a release from the Polish Prime Minister’s Office.
to global emissions but it is one of the most vulnerable hotspots to climate change.
In his remarks, Prime Minister Shehbaz expressed gratitude to the UN chief for his message of empathy and support for the people of Pakistan.Hesaid the federal and provincial governments and
SAN FRANCISCO, SEP 9 (IANS): A deadly wildfire in Southern California that killed two people has tripled in size in just 24 hours, ex ploding from about 5,000 acres to over 18,600 acres, authorities said.
ment. The fire has forced a series of evacuation orders and road closures in the area. Around 2,500 struc tures are still under threat as over 1,100 firefighters, with aircraft support, are continu ing their efforts against the wildfire. Officials said that at least seven structures have been destroyed and several more have been damaged by the blaze.The two victims of the fire have not been identified, but Riverside County fire officials believe they were trying to escape the flames in a canyon.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky met visiting US Secretary of State Antony Blinken here to discuss American as sistance for the war-torn nation.In a statement, Ukraine’s presidential press service said that during the talks in Kiev on Thursday, the parties talked about US financial, economic and military aid, in particular, the security assistance of $675 million announced by American Defense Sec retary Lloyd Austin earlier in the day, reports Xinhua newsTakingagency.to Twitter after the meeting, Blinken said:
The Sangtam Union Kohima and the Jubilee Planning Committee would like to extend heartfelt gratitude to Shri. S Pangnyu Phom, Honorable Minister, Health and Family Welfare, for gracing the Golden Jubilee cum Mungmung Celebration held at Kisama Heritage Village, as the Special Guest on the 3rd of September, 2022. We would also like to extend our appreciation to Shri. V. Kashiho Sangtam, Minister of Soil & Water Conservation, Geology and Mining & Chairman NSMDC, Shri. M. Sangtam MLA, ENLU Members, Department of Tourism, ENPUK and all the Eastern Nagaland Federating Units (Kohima), ENWOK, APO, SBLK, Albert Jingrü and Achumla Jingrü, Sakhi Thünye, Program Participants, Media Persons, Khumpi Photography, Beat Device, Kuyingpong Cultural Society, Sangtamlarü Thsingmüjang Kohima, Decoration Team, Jubilee Anthem Choir, Volunteers from SBLK Youth Ministry and SSUK, for being there and making the celebration a grand success. The Union would also like to thank the In-laws and each and every individual and group, who have contributed towards the success of the program. Though we may not be in a position to thank you enough, personally and individually, it is our humble prayer that the good Lord continue to shower His immense blessings upon you all in abundance.
On August 31, the UN and Pakistan government jointly appealed for USD 160 million in emergency funding to help those af fected by the Guterresfloods.made the re marks during a visit along with Prime Minister She hbaz Sharif to National Flood Response and Coor dination Center in Islam abad where he was given a
UNITED NATIONS, SEP 9 (AP): The UN General Assembly has ap proved a veteran Austrian diplomat to be the global body’s human rights chief and its advocate for adher ence to universal rights at a time when the office is under harsh criticism from China for accusing Beijing of abusing Muslim withtermneva.humanaschelleapplause.wasactingbangdaytheassemblydaypolicynatedAntoniominorities.Secretary-GeneralGuterresnomiVolkerTürk,histopchief,lateWednesandthe193-memberquicklyapprovedappointmentonThursbyconsensuswithaofthegavelbyitspresident,whichfollowedbyaburstofTürkwillreplaceMiBacheletofChilehighcommissionerforrights,basedinGeBachelet’sfour-yearendedonAug.31thelast-minuterelease
He asked the developed countries to drastically re duce emissions and support countries that need to invest in resilience and recovery as is the case in Pakistan.
massively support Pakistan to meet the challenge posed by devastating floods.
“Russia has failed to break Ukraine’s will or our collec tive resolve, Zelenskyandand the peo ple of Ukraine are leading the fight for freedom.
The four prime minis ters said that they welcome the suspension of the EU visa facilitation agreement with Russia, and called for further measures to “dras tically limit the number of visas issued (primarily tourist visas)” and to de crease the flow of Russian citizens into the EU and the Schengen area.
The Prime Minister said we will soon be enter ing the reconstruction and rehabilitation phase. He said Pakistan is doing its best with its meagre resources but the country will require sufficient support to repair the damaged infrastructure. He said we have an iron resolve to overcome the challenge but we need inter national support.
Zelensky, Blinken meet on US assistance for Ukraine
of her highly critical report on China’s detention of Uyghurs and other mostly Muslim ethnic groups in the western region of Xin jiang, which she said may constitute crimes against humanity.China blasted the re port, accusing the U.N. rights office of fabrication and allowing itself to be used by Western nations.
Poland, Baltic countries agree to restrict entry of Russians California wildfire triples in size in just 24 hours Fire fighters fight a blaze in Southern California.


Antonio Guterres during a joint press conference at the Prime Minister House in Islamabad, Pakistan.
“Humanityareas. has de clared war on nature and nature is tracking back. But nature is blind. It is not strik ing back on those who have contributed more to the war on nature,” he istanfloodsstrophicdarityonGuterresSecretary-Generalsaid.arrivedinPakistanFridayfora2-daysolivisitamidstthecatasituationcausedbyinPakistan.TheUNchiefsaidPakhaslittlecontribution

In 2016, the Queen,

Buckingham Palace during the time of Babuji’s stay in Cambridge when at a pri vate Tea he was called along with, other country guests .. the Indian Cricket team in particular - the likes of Vinoo Mankad, and Hazare and more .. and the signed autographs of them sent to us on the invitation card from the Palace .. now all lost or misplaced when we shifted from Allahabad to Delhi. “The letters the books and objects of remembrance all lost .. pity .. because the idea of documentation or of reserve and storage in collectibles was never a con sideration .. .. now as you look back .. the regret and remorse ..” (IANS)

Happy Birthday,GoldenOpa. Family Members
dp-4246/22 dc-1041/22 k-2061/22 -1045/22dcdc-1044/22
believed to be its final) sea son. Season 5 will premiere on Netflix in November this year, notes Helen‘Variety’.Mirren also memorably played the Brit ish monarch in the 2006 film ‘The Queen’, written by ‘The Crown’ creator Peter Morgan and directed by Stephen Frears. The film was set in the aftermath of Princess Diana’s death, a low point for the British royal family, and won Mir ren a best actress Oscar for her performance, adds ‘Variety’.Mirren went on to play Elizabeth again in the West End and on Broadway, in the stage hit ‘The Audi ence’.The monarch also
He recalled how his father and legendary poet Harivansh Rai Bachchan was in England when the Queen was “Babujicrowned.wasin Eng land for his PhD, when she was crowned and the Coro nation was the huge event of the moment in 1952 ..
in her Cinderella-like royal coach survived an attempted robbery of her crown in the 2015 film ‘Minions’ and a rear-ending by Homer Simpson in a 2003 episode of ‘The Simpsons’ (titled ‘The Regina Monologues’).
In animated form, notes ‘Variety’, the Queen
made an appearance in ‘Spencer’, played by Stella Gonet -- the film stars Kirst en Stewart as her daugh ter-in-law Princess Diana -- while the Queen’s early childhood was portrayed in the Oscar-winning 2010 film, ‘The King’s Speech’, starring Colin Firth, Geof frey Rush and Helena Bon ham. The 2015 British com edy drama film ‘A Royal Night Out’ offered a fiction alised glimpse of the night Elizabeth (played by Sarah Gadon) and her sister Prin cess Margaret (Bel Powley) were allowed secretly to slip out of Buckingham Palace to join the crowds celebrat ing V-E Day on the streets of London in 1945.
She wasn’t so lucky in a 2012 episode of ‘Family Guy’, in which a high-speed chase of her carriage ends in a royal fatality, and in 2007, according to ‘Vari ety’, an episode of ‘South Park’ sparked outrage af ter it showed her dying by suicide on the throne. She also made an appearance in Gary Janetti’s short-lived animated comedy ‘The Prince’, which ran for one season on HBO Max.
Britain’s longest-reigning monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, who passed away on Thursday aged 96.
50TH BIRTHDAY Konglen Phom
Big B recalls how his father sent home memorabilia during Queen’s coronation

In this 1988 comedy, Leslie Nielsen’s character uses a running tackle to save the Queen from what he wrongly believes to be an assassination attempt. The actress who plays her in the film, Jeannette Charles, has made a career of royal im personation, standing in as Elizabeth in about 20 mov ies and TV programmes over a 40-year period.
A big congratulations on your 50th Birthday We heartily wish you the happiest of Birthdays. May our good Lord give you good health and make you glorious above all.
Musician Elton John has turned “head-spinning”down offers to offload his back catalogue. Deciding against following the likes of Bob Dylan and Bruce Spring steen by handing over the rights to some of his biggest hits, the 75-year-old singer says he doesn’t need the money and still “cares pas sionately” about his songs, reports profoundly.”weitagetherweawaybothtoldsomethoughstintering-Elijah,hasshowsingismediaandcelebratingwe’rewouldselloutEffectivelywhyuinelyband,athepartovernotionabout“Heaceshowbiz.com.carespassionatelyhissongs,thewholeofgivingupcontrolthatveryimportantofhislifeissomethingdoesn’twanttoentertain,themoment,”Elton’shusDavidFurnish,said.“Unlessyoureally,genneededthemoney,wouldyougetoutnow?youaregettingofthegamewhenyouyourpublishing.Thatbeashamebecausehavingsomuchfunhiscataloguetheopportunitiesnewoffers.”ThesingerplanningtogiveuptournextJulyafterover300andDavid-whosonsZachary,11,andnine,withhisspouseinsistedEltonisn’tconsidalong-termresidencyinonefixedplace,hemaystillperform“one-off”shows.Hetheinewspaper,“We’refindingithardertobefromourchildren,spentsomuchtimetoinlockdown-itwasblessingandagiftbecausedeepenedtheconnectionhavewithourchildrenso


Elton John refuses to sell rights to his songs

and the news and the books and the curios designed then were dutifully sent to me in Allahabad.”“Setsof make your own Coronation coach and the various monuments and the finery of a crowning in England were among us at 17, Clive Road, Allahabad and hours spent in building them and getting books and information presented in colourful books were our prized possession ....”He added: “A private hand shake with her when she was a State Guest during my University days, to India and that exclusive moment at Rashtrapati Bhavan, among the four or five of us.” “The select group of invitees at
In 2022, the Queen delighted viewers around the world by guest-starring in a video with Paddington Bear. In the skit, which was filmed at Windsor Castle and broadcast before the Platinum Jubilee concert, Paddington is invited to the Queen’s abode for tea where chaos
Queen Elizabeth’s many screen avatars
Atensues.onepoint in the vid eo that went viral globally, the bear offers Her Majesty a marmalade sandwich fished out of his hat, as he tells her: “I always keep one for emer gencies.” In response, the Queen replies, “So do I” and opens her handbag to pull out a marmalade sandwich of her own (IANS)
Queen Elizabeth II became a cultural staple during her long and eventful reign. She was the most photographed woman in history -- gracing the cover of ‘Time’ maga zine at age three, the first of several such appearances -and was depicted on the big screen, the small screen, the stage, in music, and in art, says ‘Variety’ in a special report.She is the subject of the Netflix original series ‘The Crown’, which follows the Queen from the 1940s to modern times and exam ines her relationship with the various prime ministers -- Liz Truss was the 15th she invited to lead Her Maj esty’s Government 48 hours before her passing -- as well as with other figures, both within the Royal Family and outside it.

played by Penelope Wilton, was a character in ‘The BFG’, Steven Spielberg’s adaptation of the book by Roald Dahl and ‘The Naked Gun: From the Files of Po lice Squad!’ also tackled the British monarch, according to ‘Variety’ -- literally.
Amitabh took to his blog and wrote: “.. and as we live another day, the life of another has ended .. the Queen, has passed away .. the Queen of England .. and a host of moments and memories go along with her and her presence.”
Over the show’s six seasons, each of which cov ers approximately a decade in her life, she has been portrayed by three different actors: Claire Foy, who won a Golden Globe for her por trayal, and Olivia Colman, who earned both a Golden Globe and an Emmy, and Imelda Staunton, who will portray the Queen in her 70s and 80s during the show’s fifth and sixth (also
Brais Mendes scored the winning goal from the penalty spot.
District Sports Office, Di mapur will be TournamentLevelparticipateunderEvent)trialcoaching-cum-selectionconductingforSepaktakraw(RegubothboysandgirlsNiulanddistricttointhe14thStateCatchThemYoungonSeptember
Gopi missed it but Faiaz was at hand to slot home with Theease.Blasters did not let the goal subdue their spirits and continued to try and get into the game by creating a few good chances of their own. The equaliser though, did notThematerialise.halfended with MDSP ahead but needing to doThemore.attacks kept com
A total of ten Pre mier League matches were scheduled this weekend.
Dauda brace takes Mohammedan SC to semis
Europa League: Sociedad beat Man Utd 1-0

MYK CMYK C Lt. MUGHAVITO AYE Died : 10 Sept 2021 Death leaves heartache No one can heal. Love leaves a memory No one can steal. Deeply loved & missed by loved ones 1st Death anniversary k-2047/22 Late Mrs. Zevo-ü Üsou We, the bereaved family of Late Mrs. Zevo-ü Üsou sincerely extend our heartfelt gratitude to each and everyone who stood by us physically, emotionally, financially and in prayers during the time of her illness till her last breath on 05-09-2022. We are indebted beyond words for the immeasurable kindness, love and support extended towards us. We convey our special thanks to :ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 1. Christian Revival Church Nerhema. 2. Baptist Church Nerhema. 3. Catholic Church Nerhema. 4. Christian Revival Church Nerhe Phezha. 5. Baptist Church Nerhe Phezha. 6. Bethesda Christian Revival Church Kohima. 7. Northern Angami C.R Prayer Centre Nerhema (NACRPC) 8. C.R. Mission Church Kohima. 9. Koinonia Baptist Church Kohima. 10. Koinonia Prayer Centre Tsiesema. 11. Shalom C.R.C Kitsubozou. 12. Lower Bayavü Youth Organisation. 13. Dr. Kezha, Dr. Atuo, Nurses & staff of Bethel Hospital Kohima. 14. Temjen Imna Along, Hon’ble Minister, B.J.P State President. 15. H.Chuba Chang, Hon’ble Advisor. 16. Dr. Neiphrezo Kedistu, Chairman NKVIB. We deeply regret our inability to thank each and everyone in person but we pray that our Almighty God bless you all abundantly. Loving husband, children, in-laws, grand children, great grandchildren and relativesk-2064/22 k-2063/22 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2022 15SPORTS

EPL matchesweekend’soffasmarkofrespecttoQueen
Swiatek to take on Jabeur in US Open final
DSO Dimapur in formed that player born on or before October 12, 2008 will be eligible and have been asked to produce origi nal Aadhaar card and birth certificate for age verifica tion at the time of selection.
Sri Lanka will head to the final against Pakistan with winning momentum on their side. The muchanticipated battle for brag ging rights in Asia will be played in Dubai on Sunday, September 11.
Players of Naga Raising Star with the organizers of the 2nd Open Football Tournament at DDSC Stadium, Dimapur on Friday. Naga Raising Star beat United Gurkha 4-0.

DIMAPUR, SEP 9 (NPN): The first ever Chess Coaching campcum-1st Mokokchung Dis trict Chess championship was conducted from Sep tember 6 -9 at unit school

when he was a teenager at Sporting Lisbon, Cristiano Ronaldo’s first-half header from Diogo Dalot’s cross was disallowed for offside. Ronaldo also headed Bruno Fernandes’ cross wide at the start of the second-half.Manchester United play their second group game against Sheriff Tira spol in Moldova on Thurs day, 15 September.
Queen Elizabeth II, the UK’s longest-serving monarch, died on Thursday aged 96, after reigning for 70 years. The country is now in a state of national mourning.“Ata meeting this morning, Premier League clubs paid tribute to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II,” the Premier League said in a statement on Fri day. “To honour her ex traordinary life and contri bution to the nation, and as a mark of respect, this weekend’s Premier League match round will be post poned, including Monday evening’s game,” it added.
earlier this Swiatekyear.and Jabeur have shared the honours in the four matches they have played against each other, and are 1-1 on hard courts. In their only meeting this season, Swiatek easily de feated the Tunisian in the Rome final on clay. “(Jabeur) has a differ ent game style than most of the players,” Swiatek said. “She has a great touch. All these things mixed up, yeah, she’s just a tough op ponent.“I feel like Aryna served pretty well today, better than on our other matches,” Swiatek said. “(Losing the first two games of the third set) kind of helped me to get back on ground and realise I still have a lot of expectations even though the second set was pretty dominant.
He did not have to wait for long for his first
Mohammedan SC players celebrate after Dauda scored his second goal against Kerala Blasters in the quarterfinal of the Durand Cup 2022. (Durand Cup Media)

The Nigerian bluffed the keeper, taking him out of the equation and shot towards goal. Centre-back Marwan tried to salvage the situation, but all he got was a touch before the ball trickled inside the goal. The insurance was delivered.
was quoted as saying by WTA after the match. “I’m pretty happy that I got my level of energy up a little bit.

position were given cash prize along with certificate (All participants were given certificate)Meanwhile, Nagaland Chess Association has set up its Mokokchung Dis trict Chess Association (MDCA) and also distribut ed 10 chess sets to (MDCA) and 10 chess sets to unit school DEF, Mokokchung.
“Aryna made it diffi cult today, for sure. I felt like she was serving pretty solid. It was hard to come back in the third, but I’m pretty happy that I Swiatek,did.”who had never made a quarterfinal appearance at Flushing Meadows before this sea son, is into her third career Grand Slam final, her sec ond of the year and first after the French Open. The Pole is 2-0 in Grand Slam finals in her career. She won in Paris in 2020 and
Brief scores: Pakistan 121 all out in 19.1 overs (Babar Azam 30, Moham mad Nawaz 26; Wanindu Hasaranga 3/21, Maheesh Theekshana 2/21) lost to Sri Lanka 124-5 in 17 overs (Pathum Nissanka 55 not out, Bhanuka Rajapaksa 24; Haris Rauf 2/19) by five wickets
No music was played in the stadium around the
ing and Dauda got his first big chance in the 58th min ute, when Marcus played Faiaz inside the box on the right and he in turn found the Nigerian perfectly with his cross.Dauda met the ball on the full and with the keeper and an open goal in front of him, missed his connection and the volley flew over.
Pathum Nissanka plays a shot between Pakistan and Sri Lanka, in Dubai, Friday. (AP/PTI)
In his first European game outside the Cham pions League since 2002,
goal however, as the same Marcus-Faiaz combination, played him inside the box in between two defenders, just a minute later.
(IANS): World No. 1 and two-time champion at Ro land Garros Iga Swiatek of Poland fought back from a 2-4 deficit in the third set to overcome Aryna Sabalenka of Belarus and secure a place in the US Open final for the first time in her ca reer on Friday (IST).
The Premier League, top division of English football, has postponed the matches scheduled this weekend, as a mark of respect following the death of Queen.
A brace from debutant Nigerian Abiola Dauda (59’ 84’) and a first-half strike by SK Faiaz (17’) ensured a smooth ride to the last four for the Black and White brigade.MDSP, despite miss ing key players like Faslu and Abhishek Halder due to injuries and suspension, were on the front foot from the outset and it seemed like a matter of time before they scored. Credit should go to Azharuddin Malik for holding on to the ball in the middle of the Blasters half and then playing back to Safiul who played forward to AbhashThapaThapa.found Marcus to his left and the Trinida dian delivered a dangerous low cross across the face of goal. Among two onrushing MDSP attackers, Yumnam
LONDON, SEP 9 (AGENCIES): Man chester United’s Europa League group stage cam paign began with a home defeat to Real Sociedad at Old Trafford.Thegame was played after consultation with the Football Association and Uefa following the death of Queen Elizabeth II.
match and both sides wore black armbands and stood for a perfectly observed minute’s silence as a mark of respect.Brais Mendez scored the only goal from the pen alty spot after 59 minutes following a disputed hand ball decision against sub stitute Lisandro Martinez.
shone against India ear lier in the week, chipped in with a quick 26 but it was not enough as Wanindu Hasaranga and Maheesh Theekshana spun a web around Pakistan’s batting order, picking up 5 wickets between them. Moham mad Rizwan suffered a rare failure as he fell for 14 in the powerplay following which Fakhar Zaman struggled to get going.Pakistan slipped from 91 for 5 to 85 for 7 as Hasa ranga ran through the mid dle-order, picking up the wickets of Ifthikar Ahmed and Asif Ali in successive deliveries. It was the legspinner who got the big wicket of the day, castling Babar, who tried to break the shackles with an attempted sweep.
“I felt a huge differ ence between the first set and the last two,” Swiatek
chased the Super stage on points. Sri Lanka lost in-form opener Kusal Mendis and Danushka Gu
nathilaka early after Mo hammad Hasnain and Haris Rauf breathed fire with the new ball.Haris Rauf sent back Dananjaya de Silva back inside the powerplay as Sri Lanka slipped to 27 for 3.
DUBAI, SEP 9 (IANS): Sri Lanka completed a remark able comeback as they re covered from a crushing de feat in their Asia Cup 2022 opener to top the Super 4 stage. Dasun Shanka’s men hammered Pakistan by 5 wickets, successfully chasing 122 runs in their final Super match, which was also the dress rehearsal for the big final, India Today reported.
Sri Lanka rode on a well-calculated fifty from opener Pathum Nissanka as he played a rock solid knock after the Pakistan pacers rocked their top-order in the low-scoring affair in Dubai. Nissanka rode the early storm and finished with a 48-ball 55 as Sri Lanka

Kolkata giants Mohammed an Sporting overwhelmed a young and talented Kerala Blasters side 3-0 in the first quarter-final of the Durand Cup here on Friday.
“I just went all in, you know. This time it actually gave me a lot, and the balls that I played went in. I’m pretty happy because I feel like we were both kind of sometimes risking, because the pace was really, really high,” added Swiatek.
13 at Xelhozhe village local ground, Niuland district.
Chess championship in Mokokchung
Asia Cup: Sri Lanka beat Pakistan by 5 wkts
Earlier, Babar Azam top-scored for Pakistan but their captain’s struggles to bat with fluency in Asia Cup 2022 continued. Babar hit 30 but he consumed 29 balls without managing to keep the scoreboard moving at a brisk pace. All-rounder Mohammad Nawaz, who
Selected players will represent Niuland district in the 14th State Level Catch Them Young Tournament 2022 at IG Stadium, Kohi ma to be held from October 12 to 14. Further details can be contacted at DSO office 8974725561 during office timing.
top with 6
DEFTheMokokchng.championship was organized by depart ment of Youth Resourc es and Sports, Nagaland
Winners, participants and officials in Mokokchung.
However, Nissanka and left-hand batter Bhanu ka Rajapaksa stitched a 50run stand for the 4th wicket to take Sri Lanka closer to the finish line. Bhanuka took on the Pakistan spinners as he hit a quickfire 24 off 19 balls to help swing the momentum in Sri Lanka’s favour.Nissanka stayed un beaten and made sure he allowed the likes of Da sun Shanaka and Wanindu Hasaranga played mini cam eos and get the job done as early as the 17th over.
Chess Association in col laboration with DEF Mo kokchung.Following are the re sults of the certificategivention-up-upBurathoki;Champion-championship:Parkash1stRunner–Imoten;2ndRunnerSentisangla;4thposito14thpositionwerechesssetsalongwithand15thto20th
Iga Swiatek
down the total with 3 overs to spare and finish
Selection trial for Sepaktakraw in Niuland
Swiatek will meet No.5 seed Ons Jabeur in Saturday’s women’s sin gles final after the Tuni sian thrashed No.17 seed Caroline Garcia of France 6-1, 6-3 to become the first player to advance to the final in Wimbledon and at the US Open in the same season since Serena Wil liams in Swiatek2019.made several comebacks on way to mak ing the US Open final, fighting back from a oneset deficit, as well as from a break down in the third set twice, before getting past the powerful No.6 seed Sabalenka 3-6, 6-1, 6-4 in 2-hour, 11-minute inside Arthur Ashe Stadium.
K Neibou Sekhose (C) with KDFA officials and other well-wishers. (NP)
He disclosed that ini tially the project faced some obstacles and that the de partment had to go up to Delhi to obtain fund for the project.He said department
Nagaland will now play Assam in the quar terfinals on September 11 at 7 pm.With Friday’s win, Nagaland has now topped the Pool with 9 points.
August 22-27. The players will be leaving for Aizawl on September 10 with their coaches and phys iotherapist. 12 men and 12 women players were selected from the recently held Nagaland Olympic at IG stadium.
Dimapur.After a rest day on September 10, the quarter final matches will com mence the next day.
national record of 89.94m, which he achieved this sea son. Chopra also ended his international season with a history-scripting per formance. The Diamond League Finals can be con sidered the most prestigious competition outside of the Olympics and World Cham pionships.Itwas Chopra’s third appearance in the Diamond League Finals. He had fin ished seventh and fourth re spectively in 2017 and 2018.
official at Centre willingly helped in providing the necessary fund allocations for the project after learning that it was meant for con struction work at a village.
Correspondent KOHIMA, SEP 9 (NPN):
sede opened the account for Nagaland in the 10th minute.However, this time it was Nisede, who scored a hat-trick in 29th, 41th and 50th minutes of the game.
made up of young players from Greenwood School
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While hoping that the playfield would draw the youths to lead a posi tive and healthy lifestyle, Sekhose urged the village leaders to work collectively for the betterment of the upcoming generation.
Chopra was also award ed a Diamond Trophy, USD 30,000 prize money and a wild card for the 2023 World Athletics Championships in Budapest, Hungary.
K Neibou Sekhose (C-R) with L. Khel officials during the inaugural. (NP) Correspondent
While Chopra won silver in World Champion ships in Eugene, Vadlejch clinched a bronze before the pair again clashed in Laus anne on August 26.
Olympic gold medallist jav elin thrower Neeraj Chopra on Thursday achieved yet another historic feat as he became the first Indian to win the prestigious Dia mond League Finals title here. Chopra began with a foul but jumped to the top spot with a throw of 88.44m -- his fourth career best -- in his second attempt, and that turned out to be his winning effort. He had 88.00m, 86.11m, 87.00m and 83.60m in his next four throws.Olympic silver medal list Jakub Vadlejch of the Czech Republic finished second with a best throw of 86.94m which he registered in his fourth attempt. Julian Weber of Germany was third with a best of 83.73m.

He said the voting pro cess was in no way on po litical lines but based solely on the hopes that the game would see progress all over the country.Hesaid all the 36 mem bers of AIFF qualified for voting decided to show unity through the Recallingelection.hisjourney as a footballer, Sekhose said he started his career in the U-14 category representing the State in school games to Kashmir in 1976 and two years later to New Delhi. He also represented
Sports ministry invites application for sports awards
chen, MyingthunglaTso poe, Merila Tsopoe, Ra volü Nyekha and Kenyuni KeppenPlayers for the men team included: Keneitsizo Belho, Seyievizo Kire, Kevipfhelie Kevin Rutsa, Chumbemo Kikon, Ke neizelhou Kevin Tale, Kelhoukhrielie andImchanungbaKezhaseluo-oin,stoe,ChumbenthungDzüvichü,HumKeneingutuoKevRuopfühetuoSolo,Pienyü,WallingReliseKThonger.
He had missed the Bir mingham Commonwealth Games (July 28 to August 8) due to a minor groin injury he had suffered during his silver-winning performance in the World Champion ships in the USA in July.
Neeraj Chopra celebrates his victory in Men’s Javelin Throw at the Weltklasse Zurich 2022.
In his speech, Sekhose shared on how he initially be gan working at his khel level and gradually progressed to State and at national level. He credited God’s grace for all the achievements and also thanked the people for the support so far.
24 players to represent Nagaland at SNBC
LONDON, SEP 9 (AGENCIES): Chelsea have appointed Graham Potter as their new man ager following the sacking of Thomas Tuchel. Potter has left fellow Premier League club Brighton to take up the role and has signed a five-year deal with the Blues.The47-year-old said he was “incredibly proud and excited to represent Chelsea”. His assistant Bil ly Reid, first-team coaches Bjorn Hamberg and Bru no, goalkeeping coach Ben Roberts and assistant head of recruitment Kyle Macaulay will join him at the Chelsea, who have paid Brighton in excess of £21m in compensation.“Wearethrilled to bring Graham to Chel sea,” said the Stamford Bridge club’s chairman Todd“HeBoehly.isaproven coach and an innovator in the Premier League who fits our vision for the club.
Following are the selected women players:
DIMAPUR, SEP 9 (NPN): The ministry of Youth Af fairs and Sports has invit ed applications for Sports Awards for the year 2022.
Chelsea appoint Potter to succeed Tuchel as manager
He had become the first Indian to clinch a Diamond League meet title in Laus anne with his third careerbest throw of 89.08m.
He said the completed work was a testament to the commitment of the council executive in working for the welfare of the people and that it also brings content ment to the department
KOHIMA, SEP 9 (NPN): Kohima District Football Association (KDFA) felici tated Nagaland Football As sociation (NFA) president, K Neibou Sekhose, on be ing elected as an Executive Committee Member in All Indian Football Federation (AIFF) at a ceremony held at 2K hotel, here on Friday.

Giving a detailed in sight into the election pro cess of AIFF, Sekhose said it was conducted in a very meticulous manner under
Playfield inaugurated at Kohima village

The 24-year-old In dian superstar is now the Olympic champion, World Championships silver med allist and Diamond League champion. All these he had achieved in just 13 months. He won the Olympic gold on August 7 last year in Tokyo. He has produced 88m-plus throws six times this season which showed his consistency. He holds the

Nagaland team with other officials.
The Diamond League encompasses 32 Diamond Disciplines, following a championship-style model.
Earlier the inaugural programme was chaired by L Khel council chairman, Ayie Yhome while invoca tion was pronounced by Khedi Baptist Church, dea con, Neisakuozo Khruo mo. It may be mentioned
A playfield for basketball and other games construct ed under Rurban Mission 2019-2020 funded by Rural Development block Ko hima was inaugurated at Lhisemia Khel, Kohima village on SpeakingFriday. as the guest at the inaugural pro gramme, joint director, Ru ral Development, K Neibou Sekhose, lauded L Khel council for the successful completion of the playfield.
He observed that it was important to start from a small level and then move on to the next after gaining experiences as one goes.
The Cup is been played simultaneously at Dr. BR Ambedkar Sta dium (Delhi Gate), Tejas Football Ground (Race Course), Subroto Park and Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium. Only 16 players and two officials as set by the organizers are part of the team with Kechi as the team coach and Kevilebei as the manager.
Moulso also scored for Nagaland in the 43rd minute which sealed the deal. In Friday’s matches, Assam won against Ut tar Pradesh 3-0 to set up a clash against Nagaland team in the quarterfinals round.The two neighbour ing State teams will now play on September 11 at 7 p.m. Team Nagaland is
Rüütuonuo Janice, Belekhonuo Kuotsu, Re ena Rai, Ruokuosanuo Sachi, Kunulu Hesuh, Lanunechetla, Imtila Ao chenlar, Sungtiyala C Im
Athletes earn points at the 13-series meet to qualify for the final of their respective disciplines.Chopra had made a spectacular return from a one-month injury lay-off by winning the Lausanne leg of the Diamond League series on August 26 and qualifying
for the Finals here.
North East Hills University (NEHU) at the university level.During the ceremo ny Angami Sports Asso ciation (ASA), president, Er.Lhoubeizo Mere Kesiyie, said that although Nagaland is a small state in the country and is not much known to people outside the region, the induction of Sekhose in AIFF gives hope for Naga sportspersons to advance and excel in sports, particu larly Afootball.short speech was also given by KDFA presi dent Mhasimhalie Matthew Yhome.Earlier, the programme was chaired by Medolenuo Ambrocia Loucü while in vocation was pronounced by Immanuel Baptist Church, Kohima, pastor, Zakiebe ituo Metha. A special num ber was presented by Rokovi Khawakhrie, while KDFA executive member, Pudil Tsükrü, proposed the vote of thanks.
He also called on the gathering to take criticisms in a constructive manner and let it mould the people into better human beings.
He, however, has already qualified for the World Championships as his Lausanne-leg winning throw breached the 85.20m qualifying mark.
Sekhose said the play field, though constructed in L.Khel land, was meant for the village as a whole and that it should be able to cater to the needs of sportspersons in the vicin ity. He expressed gratitude to the land owners, Kheliet sumia, for willingly giving their land for the construc tion.
The six-man field in Zurich was without world champion Anderson Peters of Grenada, who is recov ering from injuries after he was assaulted inside a boat in his country last month.
Hat-trick scorer in the previous match, Kevi
With Thursday’s win, Chopra has beaten the 31-year-old Vadlejch for the fifth time since winning gold in Tokyo Olympic Games in August last Vadlejchyear.was sixth and fourth when Chopra finished second in Paavo Nurmi Games (June 14) and Stockholm Diamond League (June 30).
strict observation of the elec tion commission.Allayingall the ru mours doing the rounds in the social media, Sekhose said he voted for the newly elected president Kalyan Chaubey with the only hope that under his leadership the game would reach newer heights at the same the Na galand would also progress in the game along with the rest of the country.
KDFA felicitates K Neibou Sekhose
According to SAI, STC Dimapur, centre incharge, H. Ibomcha Singh, the noti fications have been upload ed in the website www.yas. nic.in . Applications from the eligible rewarderyawayGovernmentYouthnotedisofworking9calltion.sp4-moyas@gov.inofcanofdbtyas-sports.gov.in.persons,dationwithoutwereawardtiescoaches/entities/universisportspersons/havebeeninvitedforthethroughonlinemode.Theeligibleapplicantspermittedtoself-applytherecommenoftheauthorities/attheonlineportalIncaseanyissue,theapplicantcontactthedepartmentsportsatthee-mailsecorat011-23387432fromamto5:30pmonanyday.ThelastdatesubmissionofapplicationSeptember20.ItmaybethattheMinistryofAffairsandSports,ofIndiagavethesportsawardsevyeartorecognizeandexcellenceinsports.
Neeraj wins first Diamond League title
Twenty-four players have been selected to represent Nagaland at the upcom ing 72nd Senior National Basketball Championship (SNBC), first phase-NE zonal to be held at Aizawl, Mizoram from September 13 to 16, 2022. The play ers were selected from the recently concluded Nagaland Olympics and Paralympic Games 2022 held at IG Stadium from

Graham Potter

as there were instances of unfinished works which causes loss to both the de partment and the people.
here that the playfield is constructed adjacent to gravesite of eight young boys in the age group of 8 to 14 who were killed in an explosion on February 18, 1976.The explosion was caused by a live World War II bomb which was left un discovered only to be found by the young boys who were unwary of the danger it possess.The young boys be longed to families residing in that area and they re portedly used the site of the incident as their playfield.
Team Nagaland has en tered the quarter-finals of the 61st Subroto Cup Sub-Junior International Football Tournament at New Delhi on Friday after thrashing Haryana 5-0 in the last match of Pool-F.

Nagaland U-14 in Subroto Cup QFs
Players of team Nagaland at the Subroto Cup.