DIMAPUR, AUG 11 (NPN): Joint Action Com mittee (JAC) of the Work ers Union and Pensioners Union, Nagaland Pulp & Paper Co, Ltd (NPPCL) Tuli has agreed to postpone the proposed indefinite bandh on NH-61 after the govern ment assured that all the possible steps were being taken to resolve the issue of pending fromsalaries/wageswere12,blockadelaunchingJACsalaries.hadannouncedofindefinitestartingAugust2022tilltheworkerspaidtheirpendingwitheffectAugust2017tilldate.
“He’s a double dealer. Resignation letter on his right hand and installation letter on his left hand”
DIMAPUR, AUG 11 (NPN): A day after the Centre approved Biological E’s Corbevax as a precaution dose for those above 18 years fully vaccinated with either Covishield or Covaxin, the state health & family welfare (H&FW) department has informed that Corbevax was now available as heterologous precaution dose in 18+ cohort.Inaletter to the chief medical officers (Kohima, Dimapur, Mokok chung, Mon, Longieng, Tuensang, Kiphire, Peren, Phek, Wokha and Zunheboto), the state immuniza tion officer, H&FW, Dr. Ritu Thurr, said that this would complement the ongoing “COVID Vaccination Amrit Mahotsav (from July 15, 2022 to September 30, 2022), to cover eligible beneficiaries above 18 years with precaution dose. The department has informed that Corbevax would be available as precaution dose after completion of 6 months or 26 weeks from the date of administration of the second dose of either Covaxin or Covishield vaccines for population above 18 years. It said this enables use of Cor bevax as a heterologous Covid-19 vaccines for precaution dose admin istration in this age group. The department also stated that there would be no change in existing guidelines for homologous precaution dose administration of Covaxin and Covishield vaccine. In addition to the existing homologous precaution dose, the option of a heterologous precaution dose with Corbevax would be available to all persons above 18 years of age. The department stated that all necessary changes in regard to the administration of heterologous precaution dose using Corbevax to those who were eligible and due for precaution dose have been made in the Co-WIN Portal, adding that this provision would be live from August 12, 2022.CMOs have, therefore, been directed to extend the necessary services and administer Corbevax to all eligible beneficiaries. State logs 4 fresh Covid cases: Nagaland Thursday recorded four fresh Covid-19 positive cases, taking the total caseload to 35,859. The State currently has 46 active cases after 13 more patients recovered from the infection.
Delimitation demand: NESFOD to stage protest in Delhi
China renews its threat to attack Taiwan INTERNATIONAL, PAGE 9 (Cont’d on p-8) (Cont’d on p-8)
WASHINGTON, AUG 11 (IANS): A “potentially hazardous” giant asteroid is likely to come within about 4.3 million km of Earth on Friday, according to NASA. The asteroid, named 2015 FF, has an estimated diameter between 13 and 28 metres, according to NA SA’s Centre for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS). It will zoom past the Earth at a speed of about 33,012 km/h, Live Science reported.NASA defines any space object that comes within 193 million km of Earth as a “near-Earth ob ject” and any fast-moving object within 7.5 million km as “potentially hazardous.” NASA has estimated the trajectories of all the near-Earth objects beyond the end of the century. Cur rently the Earth faces no known danger from an apoc alyptic asteroid collision for at least the next 100 years. Several space agencies are already working on ways to possibly deflect asteroids flying straight at Earth. Last November NASA launched a spacecraft, which plans to redirect a nonhazardous asteroid by ramming it off course.
Landslide renders 12 families homeless in Mangkolemba Warns VCs of action for certifying wrong PMKISAN beneficiaries Over 2 lakh farmers received over `316 cr as on August 10, 2022
‘Potentially hazardous’ giant asteroid to zoom past Earth today
MYK C MYK C Vol XXXII No. 247 DIMAPUR, FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 2022 Pages 12 ` 5.00
NEW DELHI/GUWAHA TI, AUG 11 (AGENCIES): North East Students’ Forum on Delimitation (NESFOD) will be holding a mass rally on August 12 in New Delhi as a mark of protest against delay in delimitation exer cise in four NE states. Terming the delay as injustice and discrimination meted out to the people of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur and Nagaland, NESFOD said the rally for justice will held at Jan tar Mantar at 11 a.m. on August 12. “Injustice and discrimination have been meted out to the people of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur and Nagaland by withholding Delimitation exercise for more than a de cade now,” NESFOD stated. According to reports, Supreme Court of India accepted a Public Interest Litigation filed by the De limitation Demand Com mittee (DDCNE) for the North Eastern states of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, and Manipur. DDCNE had filed a public interest litigation suit in the Supreme Court, after which the apex court sent notices to the Election Commission, Home Min istry, and Ministry of Law and Justice on July 25. In their petition, DDCNE had stated that selectively deny ing delimitation to these four North Eastern states, while being conducted in the rest of India, was in viola tion of the fundamental right under Article 14 of the Constitution.APresidential order from February 28, 2020, had asked for a delimitation exercise in these four states; subsequently, in a notifica tion issued on March 6, 2020, the Centre constituted a Delimitation Commission for the purpose of delimita tion of assembly and parlia mentary constituencies in the union territory of Jam mu and Kashmir, and the states of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur and Na galand. The Centre appoint ed retired Justice RP Desai as the chairperson, but the exercise was restricted only to J&K. DDCNE said it had submitted a memorandum in 2021 and 2022 to Prime Minister but did not receive any response.“Therefore, the people of the four NE states have exhausted all available rem edies as all our petitions and memorandums to the authorities concerned have fallen on deaf ears. Our only available hope is now to knock on the door of the court to deliver justice as all other government machin eries have failed to do so,” it added.
H&FW informs on Corbevax precautionary dose WSH clarifies on Peren CSOs charges
Polls by December: Therie also claimed that the Assembly election in Nagaland was likely to be advanced from FebruaryMarch 2023 to December 2022 in order to be held si multaneously along with Gu jarat and Himachal Pradesh. He claimed that a dis cussion was held in Delhi after which the chief min ister returned to Nagaland and called all HoDs to com plete project reports since election might be held in DecemberTherie,2020.however, said Nagas were unaware and so not mentally prepared. He said on the other hand, the Congress party was more concerned about the future of Nagas while the UDA government was more concerned about enabling formation of BJP govern ment at the cost of Nagas.
DIMAPUR, AUG 11 (NPN): Western Sumi Hoho (WSH) said it was constrained to clar ify on the repeated allegations by Peren civil society organisa tions on the issue of boundary demarcation between Peren district and some Sumi villages which the state government has set to put them into the newly created Chümoukedima district (erstwhile Dimapur district).Ina statement, WSH said calling Sumis as non-tradi tional land owners encroach ing on the land belonging to Zeliangrongs, was misleading, uncalled for and very unfor tunate.It said if Sumis had mi grated from Zunheboto dis trict and “settled in the vast unsettled wild lands which once belonged to Mikirs and Kacharis, our Zeliangrong brothers must remember that majority of them settled in the present district of Peren are non-indigenous migrants who migrated from the neighbour ing state of Manipur.” WSH further said that the “Intangki Reserve was now encroached by Beisum puikam village” and inhabited by migrants of Manipur state, claiming to be as traditional landowners while other vil lages like Jalukie New, Jalukie Zandi, Jalukielo, Mhaikam “were all non-indigenous set tlers from Manipur state.”
NEW DELHI, AUG 11 (PTI): Jagdeep Dhankhar was on Thursday sworn in as the 14th Vice President of India. President Droupadi Murmu administered the oath to Dhankhar (71) dur ing a brief ceremony at the RashtrapatiDhankharBhavan.took the oath in Hindi in the name of god. “Bahut-bahut badhai (many congratulations),” Murmu said after Dhankhar signed the register of oath. Before the swearing-in, the Election Commission’s certification of election is sued to Dhankhar was read out. Prime Minister Nar endra Modi, Dhankhar’s predecessor M Venkaiah Naidu, former president Ram Nath Kovind, former vice president M Hamid Ansari, and Union ministers Rajnath Singh, Amit Shah, Nirmala Sitharaman and Nitin Gadkari were among the dignitaries present on the occasion. In the morn ing, Dhankhar paid tributes at Raj Ghat, the memorial of Mahatma Gandhi. “Felt blessed, inspired and moti vated to be ever in service of Bharat in serene sublimity of Raj Ghat while paying respects to pujya Bapu,” he tweeted then.
Post-poll merger of NDPP-BJP: Therie SOLUTON TO ADVANCED TO DECEMBER 2022’
Real Madrid win European Super Cup
This is it!
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The decision to post pone the bandh was taken at a meeting convened by deputy commissioner (DC) Mokokchung on August 11, 2022 at 11am in conference hall of DC Mokokchung. At the meeting, JAC shared their grievances on the non-payment of salaries and pension of the staff of Tuli paper mill. Members of civil societies present at the meeting also extended their sympathies to the genuine grievances of the JAC and requested the concerned de partment officials to resolve the issue at the earliest.
sinking area from before and had been affected due to Wednesday’s flash flood. The ADC feared that a few remaining houses of the area might be affected if there were further rains. He said the residents of those dismantled houses were now presently taking shel ters in their relatives’ places. Several properties in cluding vehicles were also damaged on Wednesday. ADC said that all riv ers in and around the town overflowed due to incessant rain since early Wednesday morning, with a few rivers even changing their course. He claimed that ma jor road repairs were un dertaken in emergency mode to restore traffic to the town, all of which had been Hecompleted.however men tioned that the shortcut road between Mangkolem ba and Khar village would take few weeks, while the road between Mangkolem ba and Mongchen and torableroadMangkolemba-MarianitheviaLongthowasmonow.
Nagaland Post
Tuli Paper Mill: JAC postpones proposed indefinite NH-61 bandh Tseminyu SDAO, 43 under Seyochung SADO, 59 under Medziphema SDAO, 15 under Noklak SDAO, five under Longkhim SDAO, 61 under Tuensang SDAO, 27 under Kiphire SDAO, 142 under Dimapur SDAO, 135 Wokha SDAO and 32 ShamatorPM-KISANSDAO. was of ficially launched by Prime Minister on February 24, 2019 enabling eligible farm ers irrespective of land hold ing to be given Rs.6000 per year by Centre as income support to meet the farming input expenses. APC in formed that the registration of those 524 bogus benefi ciaries have been wasery,mediatelySDAOssaidine-KYCriesagainst1,51,365,e-KYCaccounttrytransferredsaid.AugustRs.ceivedbeneficiaries,thereFebruarylaunchedPM-KISANcancelled.wasinNagalandon25,2019andwere2,02,113farmerwhohavereatotalamountof316,12,16,000ason10,2022,KikhetoThefundisdirectlyfromtheMinisofFinancetothefarmersinthreeinstalments.Healsoinformedthatdonesofarwaswhichis74.89%thetotalbeneficiaandoneofthehighestverifiedbeneficiariesthecountry.Meanwhile,KikhetothatalltheDAOsandweredirectedtoiminitiatetherecovaddingthattheprogressunderway.
Correspondent KOHIMA, AUG 11 (NPN): Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee (NPCC) presi dent K Theire claimed that the declaration of seat shar ing arrangement between NDPP and BJP will only en sure that the Naga political issue will remain pending. Therie said this while addressing a press confer ence at Congress Bhavan here on Thursday when he also lamented that despite taking forward the July 16 Parliamentary Committee meeting resolution on Naga political issue to Prime Min ister’s office, NDPP and BJP have instead declared a seat sharingTherieagreement.basedhis claim on a source who disclosed that BJP was planning to install its own party govern ment in Nagaland based on the assurances of those “seat negotiating leaders” who agreed on a post-poll merger with BJP. He said a pre-poll merger was ruled out for the sake of prevent ing a negative vote backlash against the BJP. He claimed that postelection, NDPP will merge with BJP to fulfil the saffron party’s dream of making” Nagaland as one of the first Christian State to be ruled by BJP”. He said if successful, BJP would showcase to the world and others that it was ruling a Christian society. Therie alleged that for BJP forming a government in Nagaland after post-poll merger was more impor tant than “settlement of the Naga political issue.” He also said as for the government of India and the BJP, cease fire was a solution to the political problem. He warned that if ceasefire rules and and agreed points were not im plemented, then Nagas of Nagaland would continue to suffer unlike Nagas of other States. He claimed that the UDA government in Nagaland supported the Centre and Nagas outside Nagaland.“Even after 25 years of peace process nothing has happened”. He asked that if a BJP government was installed in the post-poll sce nario, “do you think they will resign and pave the way?” He said no BJP legislator would resign and the issue of resolving the Naga issue will die its own death. Reacting to NDPP president Chingwang Konyak’s statement that the legislators would resign only after a final agree ment is signed and BJP’s promise of “election for solution”, Therie accused NDPP and BJP of “betray ing and lying to the people” and called upon Nagas to decide whether they wanted a BJP government or a secu lar government in the State.
Y Kikheto Sema (NP) A house being dismantled at Hokiyong ward uner Mangkolemba sub-division on Thursday. (C) K. Therie addressing media persons in Kohima. (NP) Jagdeep Dhankhar takes over as 14th Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar (PTI) (Cont’d on p-8)(Cont’d on p-8)
Correspondent KOHIMA, AUG 11 (NPN): At least 524 bogus (ineligible) beneficiaries of Prime Minister Kisan Sam man Nidhi (PM-KISAN) have been detected from 10 districts and sub-divisions in the state.Disclosing this at a press conference here on Thursday, Agriculture Pro duction Commissioner (APC) Nagaland, Y Kikheto Sema, said that out of the to tal 524 bogus beneficiaries, five were detected under FM to grace CSR conclave DIMAPUR, AUG 11 (NPN): Union Minister for Finance & Corporate Af fairs, Nirmala Sitharaman, would grace the Nagaland Corporate Social Responsi bility (CSR) & Investment Conclave 2022, to be held on August 22 & 23. On July 3 last, the State government had postponement three-day conclave at Kohima that was scheduled from July 4, after Sitharaman, who was supposed to attend, had rescheduled her visit. An nouncing the new dates, the government informed that Sitharaman would grace the event in the presence of chief minister Neiphiu Rio and other officials. AKAM: CM to hoist tricolour at Kisama DIMAPUR, AUG 11 (NPN): As a part of cel ebration of Azadi Ka Am rit Mahotsav (AKAM) to commemorate 75 years of India’s Independence, and for the Har Ghar Tiranga campaign, a programme would be held on August 12, at 10 am at World War II Museum, Kisama, where the National Flag would be hoisted by the chief minister. All AHoDs and HoDs have been requested to attend the programme positively. Shop closure at Chumou on Aug 15 DIMAPUR, AUG 11 (AGENCIES): Deputy Commissioner (DC) Chu moukedima Abhinav Shi vam has informed that all business establishments, markets and shops under Chumoukedima district would remain closed till 12 noon on August 15, 2022. Rainfall likely to continue in NE DIMAPUR, AUG 11 (NPN): India Meteorologi cal Department (IMD) has predicted that subdued rain fall activity was likely to continue over North East ern states. IMD predicted that isolated heavy falls and thunderstorm/lightning was very likely over Arunachal Pradesh on August 13 & 14; Assam & Meghalaya during August 13-15 and over Na galand, Manipur, Mizoram & Tripura during August 12-15, 2022.
Correspondent MOKOKCHUNG, AUG 11 (NPN): At least 12 fami lies have been rendered homeless on Thursday as their houses were either dismantled or residents asked to vacate to safety at Hokiyong ward, under Mangkolemba sub-division following flash flood and landslide triggered by in cessant rain on Wednesday morning.Talking to Nagaland Post additional deputy com missioner (ADC) Mokok chung Langkosen Tsan glao said the residents were asked to vacate as their houses were located in a
PM-KISAN: 524 bogus beneficiaries detected in Nagaland, says APC

Zhaleo Rio inaugurates Chümoukedima DEO office
DIMAPUR: Peren, Zun heboto, Wokha, Phek, and Niuland District Planning and Development Board (DPDB) monthly meet ings were held at respec tive districts, where board members discussed various issues concerning the dis tricts.
JDU Nagaland lauds Nitish led Mahagathbandhan
Phek Zunheboto NiulandPeren Wokha
Peren: The monthly Peren DPDB meeting was held on August 11 at con ference hall of deputy com missioner (DC) Peren. According to a DIPR report, DC Peren and vice chairman, DPDB Peren, Vineet Kumar reiterated members to be present in their respective place of posting and carry out their works with sincerity. He also informed the members that the 2nd Quar terly District tionalmemberstoconcernedenceAugustYepthomipersonMPingCoordinationDevelopment&Monitor(DISHA)meetingwith(LokSabha)andchairDISHA,Tokhehowouldbeheldon25atDC’sconferhallanddirectedtheheadsofofficesattendthemeeting.TheDCalsoaskedalltohoisttheNaFlagsintheirrespec
Phek: Phek DPDB held its monthly meeting on August 10 at DPDB Hall with DC and vice chairman DPDB Phek, Razouvolie Dozo as tationsprepareing)partmentLater,outdepartmentThyugwhereatedmentinactivitiestiongavespector,report,Accordingchairperson.toaDIPRseniorfisheryinWeche-uKapfoaPowerPointpresentaonthedevelopmentalbeingundertakenthedistrictbythedepartofFishery.ThemeetingdeliberonIndependenceDaySDO(C)Samuelinformedrespectiveofficerstocarrytheirresponsibilities.DCentrustedthedeofPWD(HousandSocialWelfaretoPowerPointpresenforthenextmeeting. Niuland: Niuland DPDB meeting was held on August 9 at conference hall of DC Niuland office. According to a DIPR report, chairperson of the meeting, DC and vice chair man DPDB Niuland, Sara S Jamir requested those heads of offices function ing from other districts to give equal importance to Niuland district. At the meeting, the members dis cussed and approved vari ous agendas.
DIMAPUR: Janata Dal (United) has lauded its leader Nitish Kumar for snapping ties with the BJP to form a new Mahagathbandhan government in Bihar headed by Nitish Kumar as chief minister. In a press note, state JDU general secretary Kitoho S Rotokha said the long felt need of the regional satraps of political parties has been fulfilled by snapping ties with the BJP. Rotokha said it is the day of jubilation of all rank and file of the party not only in Bihar and Nagaland but entire Northeast and those secular parties who are against BJP-led NDA’s misrule and corruption. While congratu lating Nitish, the party assured full cooperation and to work tirelessly with vigour in achieving people’s goal.
DIMAPUR: Advisor for Sericulture, Excise & Minor ity Affairs, Zhaleo Rio on August 10 inaugurated the District Education Officer (DEO) office, Chümouke dima at the deputy com missioner (DC) Chümouke dima office Accordingcomplex.toa DIPR report, speaking at the occa sion, Zhaleo lamented that some government schools were not performing to the desired standard. He then urged the de partment and teachers to improve education quality in government schools as acquiring quality education was vital for students. The inaugural pro gramme was attended by principal director, Depart ment of School Education (DoSE) Kohima, Thavasee lan K, DC Chümoukedima, Abhinav Shivam, senior officials from DoSE and teachers.
Zunheboto: Monthly Zunheboto DPDB meeting was held on August 11 at conference hall of DC Zun heboto, wherein DC Zun heboto and vice-chairman DPDB, Rahul Bhanudas Mali highlighted members on “Har Ghar Tiranga” campaign.According to a DIPR report, the DC informed that 30,000 national flags were procured for the dis trict, and that the ADC and SDO of the district should ensure that public hoist flags in their respective ju risdictions.Themeeting also high lighted the previous meet ing agendas and discussed various issues. Wokha: Wokha DPDB meeting was held on August 9 at DC Wokha conference hall and was presided by DPDB Wokha chairman and advisor for Law & Justice, Dr. Chum ben Murry.According to a DIPR report, while discussing the status report under Wokha district and various roads projects sanction/submit ted under R&B and na tional highway, E.E (R&B) Wokha division, Baghty division and SDO national highway presented the out look on status of road statis tics, PMGSY projects and other schemes of roads con structed, upcoming projects and proposal submitted underE.EWokha.(R&B) Baghty di vision also apprised the board that the stretch of road under Baghty division, 69% of roads was motor able while 31% of roads were non-motorable. It was informed that the cause of non-motorable roads was due to absence of major schemes and works in the area.E.E also added that stretches from Bhandari to Yimpang village (PWD) roads were damaged due to heavy logging and coal miningReactingactivities.tothe report, advisor for Information Technology & Communica tion, Science & Technology, NRE, Mmhonlumo Kikon requested ADC Bhandari, district forest officer and E.E R&B Baghty division to initiate investigation and to submit status report in the next meeting. In a report, chief med ical officer (CMO), Dr. Zuben Kikon highlighted the status and attendance of MOs and medical staff, staff position at health fa cilities, status of equipment and diagnostics, utilisation of ambulance and lack of technicians in the district. Advisor for Horticul ture & Border Affairs, Mha thung Yanthan stated that the department “should not allow doctors to be transferred or send for study leave without replacement” as the public was suffering due to absence of MO at health care Mmhonlumocentres.also said all heads of departments in the district should ensure “no work no pay” be im posed for employees.non-performing
Gone but not forgotten You are still loved and missed beyond measure. Loving family members 4th Death anniversary of our Beloved Lt. Womomo Lotha 12/08/2018 dP-3831/22 1964 – 03.07.2022 We, the bereaved family members of Late Manoj Kr. Chhetri Upper Chandmari, Kohima would like to express our deepest gratitude for the many expressions of sympathy, gestures of kindness and condolences at the sad demise of our beloved Manoj Chhetri on 3rd July, 2022 in Siliguri. We would like to offer our heartfelt appreciation to all the relatives, neighbours, friends, organisations and individuals who stood by us and rendered moral, physical, financial as well as spiritual support. Your precious contributions made our loss more bearable. May Almighty God bless each and everyone abundantly. Loving wife, children, mother and family members. Obituary db-867/22 dP-3833/22 dP-3841/22
Zhaleo Rio speaking at the inaugural programme on Wednesday. (DIPR)
DPDB monthly meetings held in five districts tive office buildings. At the meeting, the board members discussed various issues and approved proposals.

Pughoboto: Pughobo to Sub Division carried out “Prabhat Pheri” on August 10 led by ADC Pughobo to, Tiameren Chang, who said the identity and pride of all Indians and urged the people to hoist the Tiranga. The procession participated by government offices, DEF, NAP, teach ers, students, youths and others started from Local Ground Pughoboto and culminated at the ADC PuhobotoChümoukedima:office. Chü moukedima district admin istration, police 1st NAP, 15th NAP (IR) and PTS jointly organised “Prab hat Pheri” on August 10 from Chümoukedima Gate -2 and culminated at the shopping complex opposite Niathu Resort. In a brief address, DC Chümoukedima, Abhi nav Shivam thanked all participants and added that the procession was an awareness exercise to educate people about the national flag. Participants including government offi cials, CSOs, CTYO, student union bodies, police, IR, Mahila, SPC and traffic police were led by DC, SP and ADC Chümoukedima. Earlier, the Mahila piper band played the National Anthem.Wokha: District ad ministration Wokha on Au gust 9 organised “Prabhat Pheri” from police point to DC Wokha office. Ac cording to DIPR report, advisor for horticulture & border affairs, Mhathung Yanthan, advisor for law & justice, Dr. Chumben Murry, and advisor for information technology & communication, science & technology, new & renew able energy, Mmhonlumo Kikon led head offices from the district. Government employees and school stu dents also took part in the “Prabhat respectivePheri”ticipatedTeningMokokchung,ganisationsployees,sonnel,anddentsiland/Tening/Phek:Mokokchung/NuPheri”.Stufromvariousschoolscolleges,policepergovernmentemcivilsocietyorandothersofNuiland,andPhekalsoparinthe“PrabhatonAugust9attheirplaces.
State TB forum meeting held in Kohima
Two unidentified bodies recovered DIMAPUR: Dimapur po lice has informed that two unidentified dead bodies were found on August 10 and August 11 at two sepa rate locations in Dimapur and Nuiland districts. In a press release, PRO Dimapur police informed that a dead body of an unidentified male aged be tween 40-45 years, wearing red shirt and black long pant, was found on August 11 below flyover at Old NST, Dimapur.Inaseparate incident, PRO said an unidentified fully decomposed male dead body, wearing red T-shirt, black half pant and blue crocs (slipper), was found hanging in a jungle on Au gust 10 in an abandoned house at Nihokhu Village, Niuland. On completion of all legal formalities, PRO said the bodies were shifted to Dimapur District Hospi tal Morgue for PM examina tion and Stationin-charge,atPolicetheofclaimant,Further,identification.PROhasaskedrelatives,friendsthedeceasedtocontactofficer-in-charge,EastStation,Dimapur7085055020andofficer-NiulandPoliceat7085055025.
Setonglishu Sangtam enrolling in the Town Council E-Roll.
ADC Chozuba warns: Acting on reports that motor garages in and around the vicinity of Chozuba local ground blatantly using the local ground for repairing of vehicles and random parking, Additional Deputy Commissioner (ADC) Chozuba, Imokokla has warned against such activities saying that defaulters would be penalized under relevant sections of the law.
DIMAPUR: In view of the ensu ing 76th India’s Independence Day, districts, sub-divisions, councils and various organisations have issued directives/information for the cel ebration. Kohima: A mass social work has been scheduled on August 13, 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. in Kohima headquarters. All government employees and general public have been requested to partake in the social work.
participants. Yanlem also administered the “Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyaan” pledge.Earlier, on August 9, officials and school stu dents took part in “Prabhat Pheri” at Helipad Ground, Mon. Before the flag-off, DC Mon highlighted stu dents on purpose of the “Prabhat Pheri”. Altogeth er, 150 participants from three government schools from Mon
Correspondent KIPHIRE, AUG 11 (NPN): Setonglishu Sang tam, a 117 year old resident of Kiphire believed to be the oldest person in the district enrolled for Kiphire Town Council Electoral Roll during the ongoing intensive revision of E-Roll in theThetown.centenarian is the younger sister of Late Yangkimong Sangtam, for mer Head GB of Kiphire Town, and daughter of Late Birimong Sangtam of Singrep village under KiphireSetonglishu,district. who was enrolled at Mission Com pound Ward No 5 Kiphire town is still with good eye sight and no presbycusis issues.
Officials and stakeholders at the TB forum meeting. (NP)
According to a DIPR report, on culmination of the walkathon, a brief programme was held at the council hall, wherein Thongwang Konyak paid homage to the freedom fighters and stressed on im portance and significance of the national flag. DC Mon, Ajit Ku mar Verma highlighted the significance of the three colours in the national flag. He said the walkathon was aimed to create awareness on “Har ofathonpressedTwithcitizenswasnalensaofcampaign.SuperintendentGharTiranga”Police(SP)Mon,Imsaidthecampaignaimedtomakeallidentifyandbeonethenationalflag.AdditionalSPMon,AdoYanlemalsoexhopethatthewalkwouldigniteafeelingpatriotismwithinthe
13-15nationalinhouseholdreport,KanchanChusiTseminyu,ga”rieddistrictTseminyu:participated.TseminyuonThursdaycarout“HarGharTiranwalkathonledbyDCDr.ZasekuolieandSPTseminyu,Kumar.AccordingtoaDIPRDCurgedeveryandinstitutionsthedistricttohoisttheflagfromAugustsoastoshowrespect and unity. The SP said that “Har Ghar Tiranga” cam paign signifies sacrifice, peace in the society and prosperity in Longleng:life. In com memoration of 75 years of India’s Independence, “Har Ghar Tiranga” cam paign rally was organised by district administration Longleng Thursday from Lempong junction to Huk pangAccordingjunction. to a DIPR report, before flagging off the rally, DC Longleng, Dharam Raj briefly high lighted purpose of the rally and thanked all participants for taking out time to be a part of the Governmentrally. officers, staff, GBs, DBs led by dis trict administration partici pated in the morning rally.
Mokokchung: Deputy Commis sioner (DC) Mokokchung, Shashank Pratap Singh has informed that Inde pendence Day would be celebrated on August 15, 8:40 a.m. at Imkongmeren Sports Complex. All government ser vants have been directed to attend the function and append signature after the function, which would be available with the attendance in-charge. In a separate notification, addi tional deputy commissioner (ADC) and administrator, Mokokchung Mu nicipal Council, Chumlamo Humtsoe has informed to all the residents of Mokokchung town that mass social work would be held on August 13, 8 a.m. onwards. All ward authori ties have been informed to mobilise residents of their respective wards for mass public participation and success ful conduct of the cleanliness drive.
OCC informs: Oriental Colony Council (OCC) has informed that a mass social work would be held on August 13, 6 a.m. onwards. All residents have been asked to take part in the social work. AIFFSO observes Quit India Movement: Along with the rest of the country, All India Freedom Fighters & Successors Organization (AIFFSO) Nagaland state unit on August 9 observed the 80th Quit India Movement at AIFFSO office, Kohima. The members observed two minutes silence in honour of freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives for the motherland. Mon ZunhebotoTseminyu Mokokchung
NYK Kohima & SMCHSS: Nehru Yuva Kendra (NYK) Kohima, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, government of India in collaboration with St. Mary’s Cathedral Higher Secondary School (SMCHSS) Lirie Kohima organised Tiranga rally on Thursday from school premises to CRPF camp, Lerie.During the rally, par ticipants carried the nation al flag besides chanting pa triotic slogans, band party and songs. After the rally, a short programme was held at CRPF camp along with the CRPF Jawans where the flag was hoisted at their campus.Zunheboto: Zunhe boto battalion of Assam Rifles and Zunheboto dis trict administration along with district police and civil societies organised a national flag rally to pro mote “Har Ghar Tiranga” on August 10 at Zunheboto Town.PRO said the aim was to spread awareness amongst the local popu lation for “Har Ghar Ti ranga” campaign and instil pride of national flag.
Information on I-Day celebrations 117-year old citizen of Kiphire enrolls in E-Roll
‘Prabhat Pheris’ carried out across Nagaland
Chozuba: In preparation of Independence celebration, Additional Deputy Commissioner (ADC), Cho zuba, Imokokla has banned the usage/ hiring of local ground and rostrum for hosting any form of sporting/cultural/ social/leisure events and activities from August 12-15.
MYK C MYK C 3STATENAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 2022 Q.: Is the National Herald case the biggest ammunition that BJP has against Congress? A Yes. 81% B No. 5% C Can’t Say. 14% 100%90%80%70%60%50%40%30%20%10%0% nagalandpost.com Poll A B C NEXT POLL Q: Are the two medical colleges in Nagaland going to promote health in the State? Yes. No. Can’t Say. (Temperature in ºC) Max Min Agartala A t-storm around in the a.m. 33 25 Aizawl A stray afternoon t-storm 28 20 Guwahati A t-storm around in the a.m. 34 27 Imphal Mostly cloudy and very warm 30 21 Itanagar A t-storm around in the a.m. 34 26 Shillong A thunderstorm in spots 26 19 Kohima A thunderstorm in spots 27 20 Dimapur A thunderstorm in spots 35 26 Mkg A p.m. t-storm in spots 30 22 Tuensang A thunderstorm in spots 24 18 Wokha Mostly cloudy 30 23 Zunheboto A stray thunderstorm 26 20
DIMAPUR: District ad ministrations, police, civil society organisations, edu cational institutions and others across Nagaland carried out “Prabhat Pher is” (morning processions) across the state to sensitise people about “Har Ghar Tiranga”“Prabhatcampaign.Pheris” are organised as part of “Har Ghar Tiranga” campaign under the aegis of “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav” to en courage people to bring the tricolour home and to hoist it to mark the 75th year of India’s MLA.byMon,Groundga”organisedMonadministrationMon:independence.MondistrictandDEFonThursdayjointly“HarGharTiranwalkathonfromLocaltoCouncilHall,whichwasflaggedoffN.ThongwangKonyak,
Correspondent KOHIMA, AUG 11(NPN): With the focus to eliminate TB in Nagaland, state TB forum meeting was held at conference hall of Commis sioner & Secretary (H&FW), Kohima on August 11. WHO consultant, Na tional Tuberculosis Elimina tion Programme (NTEP), Dr. Collins Zekotso Sono presented objectives of TB forum, with terms of ref erence to both state and district, along with progress chart of the state to end TB. Dr. Sono mentioned that forum was formed to act as a bridge between com munity, TB patients, health system, and CSOs along with advocacy activities to influence policy changes for accessible, affordable and supportive TB services consisting of 10-15 members from different sectors (TB Champions), CSOs, media, government officials, key stake holdersTheetc.main objective of the meeting was to engage with policymakers and implementers to ensure justice, rights and dig nity of TB patients for effective service delivery; to supplement and complement government initiatives to enforce TB pa tient- friendly law, policy and programmes; to improve aware ness on various government schemes, provisions, facilities available for TB patients; and to improve treatment literacy and adherence among TB patients. APO, Dr. Apichetla Amer presented the action taken re port which included installation of IEC hoardings, formation of district TB forum in all districts and inclusion of ARK foundation (NGO) in the state TB forum.State TB officer, (NTEP), Dr. Tiasunep Pongener briefly spoke on efforts for “End TB by 2025 in the state of Nagaland”. Earlier, meeting was chaired by Secretary (Health), Asangla Imti. During the meet ing, two TB champions shared their testimony and their jour ney to recovery. Stakeholders also raised issues and concerns with regard to further improve ment of community support and sensitisation issues.

3 Providing CGI Sheet Roofing with M/S Frame at Quarter No. 26 (A, B, C & D) NU, Hqrs. Lumami (Re-Tender) 7,00,000.00 14,000.00 03Months(Three) Tender documents and details can be obtained from the office of Executive Engineer, N.U., Hqrs. Lumami on working days upto 22nd August 2022 till 2:00 PM on payment of `1,000/-(Rupees One Thousand) only as Tender fee (Non-refundable) in Revenue Counter. The tender papers alongwith EMD through any Nationalized Bank and IPO worth `10/-(Rupees Ten) only in a sealed envelope addressed to the Registrar, NU, Hqrs. Lumami should reach on or before 23rd August 2022 (Upto 2:00 P.M.)Nagaland University reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tender(s) without assigning any reason, whatsoever. (Dr. ABEMO) RegistrarDC-907/22 k-1855/22
back events of the ruling party on August 08, 09 and 10. We applied again for August 11 and still the police say they can’t give us security.”According to the Con gress party, a total of 11 Congress workers were injured in the clashes on Thursday.When contacted, BJP spokesperson Subrata Chakraborty said the party will give a reaction only after receiving a report on the incident.“Once everything is clear before us, we shall certainly communicate our views to the press,” Chakraborty told East Mojo.Majlishpur MLA and Information and Cultural Affairs Minister of Tri pura Sushanta Chowdhury, however, put the blame on Congress. He said the Con gress workers were trying to create unrest in the area when BJP workers were busy campaigning for “Har Ghar Tiranga” in the area. “The whole incident was a plotted drama. They themselves attacked each other to malign the image of the state government. This is yet another show of Congress’s dirty politics,” Chowdhury claimed.
File photo of Assam-Arunachal border dispute. Tripura Congress leader Sudip Roy Barman being treated after he was attacked.
Correspondent IMPHAL, AUG 11: Mani pur Congress on Thursday said that banning govern ment employees from par ticipation in social media groups was another in stance of muzzling the freedom of expression and right to information under the BJP government. An office memoran dum issued by the BJP government in Manipur on Wednesday (August 10) asked its employees to leave social media groups that are “furthering separatist, anti-national, communal and divisive agenda” by 6 pm of August 12. The office memoran dum further warned of appropriate disciplinary action against those found not abiding by the directive. Talking to reporters on the sideline of Con gress’s day-two “Ajadi ki Gourav Yatra” on Thurs day, MPCC president K Meghachandra termed the government as another instance of suppressing the fundamental right of the citizens enshrined in the constitution of the coun try,” he Sincesaid.the saffron party came to power in the coun try and in the state, there were many instances of violating the fundamental rights of the citizens, he added.Both the government at the Centre as well as in the state had passed many orders amounting to sup pressing the freedom of expression and right to information of the citizens. The Manipur govern ment’s order asking em ployees to exit from the social media groups was another instance of sup pressing the right to infor mation and freedom of ex pression of the employees of the state eventsgettingbutmediaeeslatestinformationasapp,socialdigitalandopposed“Congressgovernment.stronglytheorder,”hesaid,addedthatintoday’sinformationworld,medialikeWhatFacebook,etc.playedvitalroleinassimilatingandgettingthenews.Askingtheemploytoexitfromthesocialgroupswasnothingdeprivingthemfromthelatestnewsandhappeninginthe state as well as in other parts of the globe, he al leged.The “Ajadi ki Gourav Yatra” of the MPCC to mark the 75 years of In dia’s independence which commenced on Wednesday was marched in Kakching districtHundredstoday. of Congress workers participated in the day-two march from Hi yanglam Bazar to Kakch ing Bazar today. On Wednesday, the MPCC marched from Moi rang to Oinam Bazar in BishnupurFormerdistrict.state chief minister O Ibobi Singh and many leaders of the MPCC including MPCC president, sitting and former MLAs were among others who took part in the march. During the march, marchers shouted various slogans against the BJP government at the Centre as well as in the state while blaming the governments for the hikes in the prices of petroleum products, es sential commodities and GST and increasing unem ployment.
MPCC president K Meghachandra alleged that common people were un able to participate in the celebration of the Inde pendence Day owing to multiple burdens on their heads as a result of failure of the BJP government. The BJP governments, both at the Centre as well as in the state failed on all fronts. Its anti-people policies put the people in a miserable state. The moods of the citi zens’ participation in the celebration were foiled by the ever increasing prices of the essential commodi ties due to hike in the prices of the petroleum products, increased in the GST, he alleged. On the other hand, the BJP government in the state has been gagging the mouth of the people, particularly thesocialployeesterdaythethemorderintellectualseducationists,bypassingafterorderbanningfromspeakingagainstgovernment.Theorderpassedyesaskingthegovtemtoexitfromthemediagroupswaslatestone,healleged.
Rs 1,000cr disbursed to farming community in Meghalaya: Sangma
GUWAHATI , AUG 11 (AGENCIES): A unique and first-of-its-kind joint civilian-army cycling ex pedition comprising 75 participants was flagged off from Assam’s Thakurbari village in Sonitpur district on Thursday, reports East Mojo.The cycling expe dition, organised by the Gajraj Corps of the In dian Army, will culmi nate at Balemu village in Arunachal Pradesh’s West Kameng district on Sat urday.Personnel of the Sa shastra Seema Bal (SSB), Indo-Tibetan Border Po lice (ITBP), civil admin istrations of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh, and local cycling enthusiasts of both states, have taken part in the expedition. Participants of the cycling expedition organised by Indian Army.
SHILLONG, AUG 11 (IANS): Meghalaya Chief Minister Conrad K. Sang ma on Thursday said over Rs 1,000 crore has been disbursed to the farming communities in the state through different welfare schemes including the state’s flagship scheme ‘FOCUS’, in the last four years.Addressing a pro gramme here, he said that FOCUS being the biggest welfare programme for the benefit of 4.5 lakh farm ers, the state government realised the importance of the programme, and de cided to provide additional direct transfer of Rs 5,000 each as family benefit to every farming household in the state through the FOCUS plus programme. He said that under the FOCUS programme, around 18,000 producer groups have been formed across the state and more such groups are being formed.He added that 2.5 lakh farmer families have reaped the benefits of the scheme. The Chief Minister said that the farming com munities in the state are very upbeat about the pro gramme, which made the government launch FO CUS plus programme on Thursday.Healso said that the Rs 5,000 assistance that is being provided is not any kind of loan and the financial assistance is being provided as seed money for initiating farming and allied activities for income generation.Hefurther said that through programmes like Northeast Food Show that is being organised annu ally in Shillong, the state government has been able to promote and showcase different products of the farming communities and those of the fromproducerbenefitilytransferidentificationawouldplussobenefittedingMarchMeghalayaoriginallyfarmGroupslectivisationnomicMinisterallylinkedentrepreneursment,initiativesThroughentrepreneurs.thedifferentofthegovernthefarmersandthehavebeentomarkets-nationandglobally,theChiefsaid.Toboostagri-ecoactivitiesbycolofProducertofarmandnon-produce,theFOCUSlaunchedbythegovernmentinlastyear,accordtotheofficials,ithas2.5lakhfarmersfar.UndertheFOCUSscheme,householdsbeprovidedwithFOCUSpluscardasanandcashofRs5,000asfambenefit.ThisisanadditionaloverRs5,000tothegroupaccounttheFOCUSscheme.
Lichano YanthanDB-184/22 No. NU/ENGG-278/TF/2022-1782 Dated: 11th August 2022 NOTICE INVITING TENDER Sealed tender(s) in F-2 Form of Public Works Department are invited from appropriate Class of Nagaland University enlisted Contractors(Civil) for the under mentioned works. No.Sl. Particulars Tender (InclusiveValueofapplicabletaxes)( `) EMD( `) CompletionTime
Conrad K. Sangma
Assam to Arunachal: Indian Army organizes first civilian-army cycling expedition
1 Providing CGI Sheet Roofing with M/S Frame at Type-III Staff Quarters (12 Units) at NU, Hqrs. Lumami. 49,52,040.00 99,040.00 03Months(Three)
Manipur Cong slams state government social media diktat
Second day Ajadi ki Gourav Yatra of MPCC carried out in Kakching district on Thursday.
DECLARATION (Correction of Name) Regd. No. 442/2022 Date 11/08/2022 I, Smti. Mevusenu Pucho, daughter of Late Zevitso Pucho, present resident of H/No. 2, Kenuozou colony, District Kohima, Nagaland, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare on oath as follows: 1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India hailing from the Angami Naga Tribe and a permanent resident of the above mentioned address. 2. That whereas in my most of my official documents and records, Academic records, Birth Certificate, Aadhaar Card, State Bank of India Main Branch Kohima, PAN Card etc. my name has been entered and recorded as Mevusenu Pucho. 3. That however in my G.P.F Statement bearing Account No. NL/DSE 633, PIMS Sl. No. 03 bearing Emp.Code: EDN-25321, Service ID Card bearing Emp. Code: GONMEV86413 my name has been entered and recorded without my surname as Mevusenu. 4. That however in my Office Order bearing No. ED/ADMN/B/1/99-2000, Dated Kohima, 08.09.2000 my name has been entered and recorded as Mevuselu. 5. That however in my Office Order bearing NO.ED/EST/A-1/KMA/2010 dated 13.09.2011, my name has been entered and recorded without my surname as Mevasenu. 6. That whereas "Pucho' in my official name refers to my maiden surname. 7. That the above mentioned names Mevusenu, Mevuselu, Mevasenu and Mevusenu Pucho, it refers to the one and same person i.e. me and it is indistinguishable and synonymous. 8. That this affidavit shall stand as a piece of evidence for any ratification/ clarification if any complication that may arise with regard to change/ correction of my name as Mevusenu Pucho and henceforthI shall at all times hereafter in all record, deed and in writing and in all proceeding, dealings and transactions private as well as upon all occasions whatsoever use and sign my official name/surmame as Mevusenu Pucho. 9. That expressly authorise and request all persons at all times hereafter to designate and address me by such assumed name and surname as Mevusenu Pucho accordingly. That the above statements made in Para 1-9 are true to the best of my knowledge and nothing material has been concealed herein and signed this affidavit before the Competent Authority on 11th August, 2022 at Kohima.
Border row with Arunachal: Assam seeks Aug 31 deadline Tripura Cong MLA attacked; tensions flare in Majlishpur
Apology I, Lichano Yanthan, of Lakhuti Village, Wokha District, Nagaland hereby tender unconditional apology for defaming Rose Ngullie (Koio Village) and Hachieo Tungoe (Chudi Village) through Facebook using Hachieo Tungoe’s Account on August 7, 2022. I understand that my action, done out of anger, has caused immense damage to their personal reputation. I therefore clarify that what I said and wrote about them are not true. I offer my sincere apology to them and their families.
AFFIDAVIT I, Shri. ARAMBE, S/o Shri. IMRET, residence of Jalukie Town, Peren, Nagaland, do hereby affirm and declare as follows.That my actual name is Shri. ARAMBE, whereas, it was erroneously entered on my Appointment Order as "Shri. AREMBA. Therefore, on this day onwards, I shall be known as Shri. ARAMBE and shall be used in all my official documents. Declarant Solemnly affirm and declared before me on this day the 10th of August 2022. No TARy Pu B l I cDB-868/22 BEFORE THE MEMBER MOTOR ACCIDENT CLAIMS TRIBUNAL DIMAPUR : NAGALANDMACCASE No. 7/2022 Smti. Chamaratu Banu & Anr. .... Petitioners/Claimants -VersusM/S Apex Manpower Services & Ors. (Owner of Dumper) .... Opposite Parties 1.To, M/s Apex Manpower Services Represented by Dr. Yanthungrhomo Murry & Shri. Benthungo Kithan, (Owner of Dumper) House No. 10, Hill View Colony, Dimapur, 797112, Nagaland Whereas Smti. Chamaratu Banu & Anr. has instituted a compensation claim case against you for a sum of Rs. 10,50,000/- (Rupees Ten Lacs Fifty Thousand) only. You are hereby summoned to appear before this Court in person or through pleader duly instructed and able to answer all material questions relating to the claim case on 26th day of August' 2022 at 10:00 O'Clock withoutTakefail.notice that in default of your appearance on the date mentioned the claim will be heard and determined/ taken up ex-parte in your absence. Given under my hand and Seal of the Court of this 15th day of July' 2022. Member, Motor Accident Claims Tribunal Dimapur : NagalandDB-874/22
Tripura Pradesh Youth Congress president Rakhu Das alleged that BJP-backed miscreants launched an unprovoked attack on the Congress leaders, who were on their way back to Agartala after being denied permission to hold the ‘Bharat Jodo’ rally. “The miscreants sud denly attacked our vehicles. We have been already leav ing the area as we did not want to create any trouble. The police told us that we have to postpone our event after August 15 as most of the forces are engaged in Independence Day duty. Accordingly, we were re turning back to Agartala. All of a sudden, the BJPbacked miscreants started hurling stones on our ve hicles. As the cars stopped, another group alighted out of the nearby area and started raining blows on the stationed vehicles,” Das said.Tripura Pradesh Con gress Committee Work ing President Sushanta Chakraborty also received a cut close to his eyes after a brickbat broke the wind shield of the car he was travellingTPCCin.President Bira jit Sinha said, “MLA Su dip Roy Barman has been rushed to GBP hospital’s trauma care center. Su shanta Chakraborty is now under treatment at Tripura Medical College Hapa nia. Some of our workers who are still trapped in the violence-stricken area are also injured. I am leaving for Jirania again to ensure their safe Sinhareturn.”added, “When we went to Jirania, cops prevented us from entering the main town citing law and order situation. They put up barricades in front of Jirania school. Protest ing the police’s partial role, our workers staged a dhar na in front of the police station. After a while, the police arrested all the Con gress workers and cleared the road. As per the police’s instructions, we had been given safe passage from the area when the miscreants attackedEarlier,us.”
AGARTALA, AUG 11 (AGENCIES): Tripura Pradesh Congress Com mittee leader and newly elected Congress MLA Sudip Roy Barman on Thursday sustained in juries on his head after alleged BJP supporters reportedly pelted stones and brickbats targeting ve hicles of Congress leaders, reports East Mojo. As many as two ve hicles were reportedly re duced to pieces and sev eral Congress workers were roughed up during the clashes that erupted in Jirania under Majlishpur constituency, about 25 kilo meters from the capital city.
hundreds of Congress workers gathered at Jirania to hold the Bharat Jodo padyatra, which was to be followed by a public meeting. As soon as the Congress leaders reached the spot, however, a team of police led by deniedeventsoughters.ofdancearethepletelyoppositiontheconsequenceswarnedMLAgatheringevent.areainalsoIndependenceworkloadowingficientwereCongresspoliceDasJiraniahuriWestSuperintendentAdditionalofPoliceTripuraPiyaMadMajumderandSDPOHimadriPrasadpreventedthem.TheofficialstoldtheworkersthattheyunabletoprovidesufsecurityfortheeventtotheiradditionalintherunuptoDay.BJPsupporterswerereportedlygathereddifferentpartsoftheforacounterpoliticalWhileaddressingtheearlier,CongressSudipRoyBarmantheBJPofdireforattackingdemocraticrightsofpoliticalparties.“ThepolicehascomsurrenderedbeforepoliticalpressureandnowactinginaccorwiththeinstructionstherulingpartyleadEarlier,theCongresspermissionforanonAugust09butwasbecauseofback-to-
GUWAHATI, AUG 11 (PTI): Assam on Thursday proposed that the regional committees formed by gov ernments of the state and Arunachal Pradesh to re solve differences along the interstate boundary should complete their joint inspec tion of the disputed areas by August end. The committees will thereafter submit reports to their respective govern ments by September 15, the Assam regional committee decided at a meeting here. Assam cabinet min ister Ashok Singhal, who was present at the meeting, said the decisions will be communicated to the panel concerned in Arunachal Pradesh.“We want to complete the joint inspections by the end of this month and then submit our findings to the respective governments by September 15. We will dis cuss this further with our counterparts of the neigh bouring state and finalise the schedule,” he said. The committees were formed following a discus sion between Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma and his Arunachal Pradesh counterpart Pema Khandu on July 15, which resulted in the signing of the ‘Namsai Declaration’. The two North-east ern neighbours have also decided to restrict the num ber of ‘disputed villages’ to 86 instead of the previous 123, and try to resolve the rest of the issues by Sep temberThursday’s15. meeting of the regional committee was chaired by state Border Protection and Develop ment department minister Atul Bora. Several other ministers and senior offi cials were also present. The two states share an 804.1 km-long bor der. The grievance of Arunachal Pradesh which was made a union terri tory in 1972 is that several forested tracts in the plains that had traditionally be longed to hill tribal chiefs and communities were unilaterally transferred to Assam.After Arunachal Pradesh achieved state hood in 1987, a tripartite committee was appoint ed which recommended that certain territories be transferred from Assam to Arunachal. Assam con tested this and the matter is in the Supreme Court.
The expedition team will traverse through pic turesque Assam and pris tine Arunachal Pradesh via Misamari, Dhekiajuli, Orang, Rowta, Udalguri, Hatigarh and Bhairabkun da. The cycling expedi tion is aimed at promoting civilian-army bonhomie and women’s empower ment by way of actual participation.
2 Providing CGI Sheet Roofing with M/S Structure at Girls Gym, NU, Hqrs. Lumami. 19,03,500.00 38,070.00 03Months(Three)

JAMMU, AUG 11 (PTI): Two terrorists carried out a ‘fidayeen’ attack on an Army camp in Jammu’s Rajouri district in the early hours of Thursday, killing three soldiers. Both attack ers were gunned down in the four-hour firefight that followed.“Inthe early hours on Thursday, alert sentries of the Indian Army post at Parghal, in Rajouri district detected suspicious persons approaching their post tak ing advantage of the in clement weather and dense foliage,” PRO (defence) Jammu Lt Col Devender AnandHesaid.said the sentries challenged the two terrorists who lobbed grenades while attempting to gain entry inside the post. However, alert troops cordoned the area and engaged them in a firefight thereby pinning them, he Anandsaid.further said in the ensuing gunfight, the two terrorists were neutral ised. Six soldiers of Indian Army were injured in the operation and of them, three bravehearts succumbed to injuries while repulsing the suicide attack, he said. The army personnel killed were subedar Rajen dra Prasad (of Maligoven village in Rajasthan’s Jhunj hunu district), rifleman Lak shmanan D (of T Pudupatti village in Madurai district of Tamil Nadu) and rifleman Manoj Kumar (of Shahja hanpur village in Haryana’s Faridabad), he said. The Indian Army sa lutes the bravehearts for their supreme sacrifice in line of duty, upholding the highest tradition of the force. The nation will always remain indebted to them for their supreme sacrifice and devotion to duty, he said. According to officials and eyewitnesses, the first gunshot was heard around 2 am when the terrorists attempted to breach the external fence of the camp located at Paragal, 185 km from here. The at tack, which came four days ahead of Independence Day, marks the return of ‘fidayeen’ (suicide attackers) to the Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir after more than three years. The last such attack took place on February 14, 2019 at Lethpora in Pulwama district of south Kashmir, in which 40 CRPF personnel were killed. In Thursday’s attack, the two ‘fidayeen’, believed to be from the nesses,SinghGeneralweretoJaish-e-Mohammed,bannedtriedsneakintothecampbutneutralised,DirectorofPoliceDilbagtoldPTI.Accordingtoeyewitthelastgunshotwas heard around 6.10 am. Additional Director General of Police Mukesh Singh, who heads the Jam mu zone, said more forces were sent to the Army camp located around six km from the Darhal police station. He said a search and comb ing operation was underway. Security forces and the police had been put on alert following intelligence inputs on suspected movement of terrorists in the Rajouri belt, prompting them to launch a combing operation in Dar hal and Nowshera belt on modulestrictseveralRajouri(LoC)alongfoiledroristalsotheArmyCISFchanceterroristsscheduledisterindayeen’temptedterroristsWednesday.Jaish-e-Mohammedhadearlierattocarryouta‘fiattackonApril22JammuwhenPrimeMinNarendraModiwastobeintown.However,thetwowerekilledinaencounterwiththeneartheSunjawancamp.Anofficerofparamilitaryforcewaskilled.OnMay8,aterwaskilledastheArmyaninfiltrationbidtheLineofControlintheLaamareaofdistrict.TherewereblastsinRajouridisinAprilandMay.PolicehadbustedtwooftheLeTinstru
We will deliver
PM Modi celebrates Raksha Bandhan with daughters of PMO staff members They also shared a video of the celebration and the prime minister’s interac tion with them. The prime minister was seen handing them national flags to hoist at their houses. His govern ment has urged people to hoist or display the national flag during August 13-15 as part of the ‘Har Ghar Ti ranga’ campaign to mark the 75th anniversary of India’s independence.
Army camp attacked in Rajouri: 3 soldiers killed mental in carrying out terror acts and ferrying dronedropped weapons from Pak istan to the Kashmir valley. They arrested five members of two terror modules. Jammu and Kashmir Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha condemned the attack and vowed to deal with ter rorists and their supporters in a befitting manner. In a tweet, he said, “Strongly condemn de spicable terrorist attack in Rajouri; tributes to brave soldiers who made supreme sacrifice. Heartfelt condo lences to the families of the bravehearts martyred in the attack. We shall deal with evil designs of terrorists and their backers in a befitting manner.”
Hindu outfit demands ban on ‘Laal Singh Chaddha’ in UP
Tejashwi Prasad Yadav
PATNA, AUG 11 (PTI): Bihar Deputy Chief Minis ter Tejashwi Prasad Yadav on Thursday asserted that his newly formed govern ment will “deliver” on the promise of providing 10 lakh jobs that he had made while spearheading the RJD’s campaign during the assembly elections in 2020. Yadav claimed that his boss Nitish Kumar, with whom he took oath the day before, has issued instructions to the officials concerned to accord “top priority” to job creation. JD (U) leader Kumar took oath as Bihar Chief Minister for the eighth time on Wednesday. The devel opment took place a day after Kumar snapped ties with the BJP-led NDA and joined hands with the RJD and other Opposition par ties, including the Congress, to form a ‘Mahagathband han’ government.“Thereare so many vacant posts in government departments. We will begin by filling these up. Just for the time till we become fully functional after proving a majority on the floor of the assembly”, Yadav told NDTV news channel.
It was not just a prom ise but an acknowledge ment of the crying need for employment generation in Bihar, the deputy chief minister“Wesaid.cannot think of going back on it since people had showered their blessings in the elections in which the RJD-led alliance polled only about 12,000 votes less, across all 243 assembly seats than the NDA”, he recalled. The RJD heir appar ent also blamed the BJP for the “negative perception” about his party which is often accused of the use of muscle power, resulting in bad law and order. “The problem is we do not know how to do publicity for ourselves. The BJP, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, is adept at publicity. But the people will see through their al legations once they get to see the performance of our government”, said Yadav. Agreeing with the con tention of the JD(U) that the BJP was trying to split it despite being an alliance partner, the RJD leader said “Nitish Kumar ji was under so much pressure…..they (BJP) were trying to do in Bihar what they have done in all states. Intimidate or lure with“Whilemoney”.sharing pow er, the BJP did not accom modate even small requests like central status for Patna University which Nitish Kumar ji had urged the PM to confer in public view. Forget about special status, special economic package, and a package for flood-hit areas”, he Askedalleged.aboutBJP lead ers raking up past acrimony between Kumar and his father Lalu Prasad, he shot back “and why did they join hands with the JD(U) in 2017 after so much venom was spewed by them against Nitish Kumar ji? Even the Prime Minister had made the infamous DNA jibe”. on job creation: Tejashwi Yadav
VARANASI (UP), AUG 11 (PTI): Members of a Hindu outfit on Thursday staged a protest against Aamir Khan-starrer film “Laal Singh Chaddha”, demanding a ban on it in Uttar Pradesh as they ac cused the actor of making fun ofMembersdeities. of the San atan Rakshak Sena raised slogans against the movie and held a protest in front of I P Vijaya Mall in Bhe lupur.State president of the Sena’s youth wing, Chan dra Prakash Singh, and its vice-president Arun Pandey alleged that Aamir Khan makes fun of Hindu deities in his films and he is against the Sanatan Dharma.“We all Sanatanis will not allow his films to run in our country,” they said.“We will go from door-to-door and request people to boycott Aamir Khan’s films. At the same time, we also request Chief Minister Yogi Ad ityanath to ban the film,” they “Laaladded. Singh Chad dha”, starring Aamir Khan and Kareena Ka poor Khan in lead roles, is an adaptation of Tom Hanks’ 1994 Hollywood movie “Forrest Gump”.
NEW DELHI, AUG 11 (PTI): Prime Minister Nar endra Modi celebrated Rak sha Bandhan on Thursday with the daughters of staff members working at his office tying rakhis on his wrist. He gave them a trico lour each for the ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ programme. “A very special Raksha Bandhan with these young sters,” the prime minister tweeted and posted pictures from the Officialsevent. said the daughters of sweepers, pe ons, gardeners, drivers and other such members of the staff working at the Prime Minister’s Office tied rakhis on Modi’s wrist.
North Eastern Regional Institute of Water and Land Management (NERIWALM) Dulabari, P.O : Kaliabh O m O ra, Tez P ur - 784027 (a ssam) (A Registered Society registered under Societies Registration Act, 1860 and under administrative control of Department of Water Resources, Ministry of Jal Shakti, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation, Govt. of India) Applications are invited for contractual engagement for Young Professional (agriculture) from eligible candidates in prescribed format along with all necessary documents and testimonials may be submitted to "The Director, NERIWALM, Dolabari, P.O: Kaliabhomora, Tezpur-784027, Assam, through registered post/speed post on or before 01.09.2022. Details regarding application format, qualifications etc. may be found in website www.neriwalm.gov.in.Deputy Director (admin) NeriWalmDc-906/22
Prime Minister Narendra Modi celebrates Raksha Bandhan festival with girls, in New Delhi, Thursday. (PTI)
Body of a militant who was killed after a suicide attack bid at an army camp in Darhal area of Rajouri, J & K, Thursday. (PTI) ED,CBIcansetupoffices atmyresidence:Tejashwi Bihar Deputy Chief Minister Tejashwi Prasad Yadav on Thursday said far from being afraid of ED and CBI, he was ready to let the agencies set up offices at his residence if this brought “shanti” (peace). The RJD leader made the tongue-in-cheek reference to allegations of misuse of central agencies against po litical opponents of the BJP while chatting with journal ists at his mother and former chief minister Rabri Devi’s house. “If even this does not bring Shanti I cannot help it, “ he said. Claiming that he did not fear “these agen cies” during his first tenure as deputy chief minister, Yadav said he used to fight with the Centre for the interests of Bi har. The RJD leader served as deputy chief minister of Bihar from 2015 to 2017. “Since then I have matured, having served as leader of the opposition and steered the party campaign in last assembly elections when my father was not available”, said the younger son of RJD supremo Lalu Prasad.

Afissiparous tendency that is gradually fractional izing society into groups or alliances appears to be gripping Nagaland. When issues are raised by those who believe in the credo ‘my way or the highway’; it hardly leaves any scope for rational and logical diagnosis. In matters that have been on public domain for so many years, be it rise in anti-social acts, disputes or serious allegations of abuse or misuse of power; these are consequences of the ‘authori ties’ having relegated their roles to being puppets of populism, perhaps taking a strong cue from their po litical masters. Bandhs or rallies are becoming all too frequent today and this is not a good sign. It means there is a trust-deficit with the government or confu sion about which of the several parallel authorities is the authorized government. Over the years pressure groups on virtual warpath and the government in in ertia-mode, has severely affected the state economi cally, socially, morally and politically. The damage, through years of depredation will take time to restore order into the chaos. The entire government system has been reduced to serving the ‘larger interests’ of those in power and those who operate beyond the bounds of the law due to laxity and loss of authority of the custodians. Though it would not be totally incor rect to describe it as a ‘failed state’; yet the symptoms are discernible. Whether Nagaland has become or is becoming a failed state may be gauged from notable signs such as - loss of control to exert authority over its territory; rise of monopoly crime bosses or syndicates or parallel authorities and inability to implement deci sions and inability to provide public services. These are grave issues for all who believe that political solu tion is the only problem. Among the pressing problems for a small state like Nagaland with a high literacy ratio and rapid “growth in education” is rise in unemploy ment. Also, the meteoric rise of the Nouveau riche in Nagaland during the past few decades is startling and demolishes the notion of equality and justice. Putting on a show of intent on the Naga issue has provided a license to ride roughshod over probity and indulgence in acts inimical to people’s development. That is why today, various organisations have been compelled to agitate in the streets and offices. Most of the problems relating to governance are contributed by the sense of lack of accountability by politicians in league with bu reaucrats. Broadly, Naga problem is not only about the political problem but various major problems. Solely making rhetorical statements that seem to suggest that the political issue is so sacrosanct that all other problems matter less; exposes a totally shallow frame of mind that is bereft of moral compass. Politicians who have been elected to serve the people as per the Indian constitution have to play their role as catalysts of peace and development through good governance and not solely as ‘facilitator’ for the political issue. After destroying the state through rampant corruption of colossal magnitude, politicians today are conveniently talking about political solution as salvation. Politicians, society’s leaders, thinkers and everybody today need to speak honestly and boldly, so that society can look towards stepping into the realm of progressive devel opment from the dead sea of rhetoric, insane logic and hegemony of political ideology that has possessed people for as many decades. Quotes “Never love anyone who treats you like you’re ordinary.” Wilde
Back-and-forth: India @ 75
A fter the independence of India, Bihar has witnessed ups and downs of various political parties as well as leaders. In the pre-Mandal era, i.e. before 1990, power politics was domi nated by the Congress Party as a political institution and the upper castes in terms of leadership. In the post-Mandal era, the scenario completely reversed and it is being dominated by two power ful regional socialist background parties RJD and JDU under the leadership of Laloo Prasad and Nitish Kumar respectively, both belonging to backward classes. Before the first general elec tion in 1952, Sri Krishna Singh, a Bhumihar leader, led the provin cial governments in Bihar since 20th July 1937 to 31st October 1939 and 2nd April 1946 to 1952. His leadership continued after 1952 and 1957 Vidhan Sabha elections till his demise on 31st January 1961; although, dissident activities have been unsuccess fully launched by his deputy and Finance Minister Anugrah Narayan Sinha, a Rajput leader. After the demise of Sri Babu, Deep Narayan Singh, a Rajput, served as acting CM since 1st February 1961 to 18th February 1961. Blessed with the central leadership, Binoda Nand Jha, a Brahmin, was elected as leader of Congress Legislature Party and sworn in as the CM on 18th February 1961. In 1962, third general election was fought under the leadership of Pandit Jha and he continued as CM even after the election.Thedissident activities were intensified by Satyendra Narayan Sinha, son of Late Anugrah Na rayan Sinha, and consequently B.N. Jha had to step down under the “Kamraj Yojana” of the Congress Party. Following his resignation, for the first time in the history of Congress, election for the leader of the legislature party was held between two so cial group candidates Birchand Patel, a Kurmi (supporeted by B.N. Jha) and Krishna Balabh Sahay, a Kayasth (supported by S.N. Sinha). Birchand Patel lost due to betrayal of some of his close associates. K.B. Sahay led the government since 2nd October 1963 to 5th March 1967. After a long span of 20-years after independence, about 85% backward & dalit population were bereft of not only in the government services & institu tions, but in every walk of life. Intensive campaign for their awakening as well as reservation in government jobs & institutions was being carried out by Con gress leader Deo Sharan Singh, a Kurmi (Ex-chairman of Bihar Vidhan Parishad) under the ban ner of “Backward Foundation”. In the meantime, experiment of “backwardism” for political control was being done by the socialists like Ram Manohar Lohia and Bhola Prasad Singh with the slogan “Sansopa Ne Bandhi Ganth, Pichhra Pawe Sau Mein Santh”. Under such circumstances, the third general election of 1967 proved to be a “political waterloo”. The Con gress fell short of the majority figure and lost power in several states including Bihar. The first non-Congress gov ernment was sworn in on 5th March 1967 under the leader ship of Mahamaya Pd. Sinha, a Kayasth, of Jan Kranti Dal. The alliance was a mix up of conflicting ideology parties like Jansangh, Samyukt Socialist Party (SSP), Praja Socialist Party (PSP), Communist Party and Kamakhya Narayan Sinha, exKing of Ramgarh. It was very tedious for Mahamaya Babu to keep these opposite ideology parties united for long time and ultimately, the government fell by 13 votes in the Vidhan Sabha on 25th January 1968. Bindeshwari Prasad Mandal (the chairman of Mandal Commission) was an SSP MP and joined in Mahamaya Pd. Ministry, but was not elected as MLA or MLC. to become a member of Vidhan Mandal his 6-month deadline was only 10 days left. On the initiative of Congress, B.P. Mandal, a Yadav, formed “Shoshit Samaj Dal” to become the CM. So, first Satish Pd. Singh, a Koiri, of his Party was sworn in as the CM, whose tenure was for just 5 days (28th Jan 1968 to 1st Feb 1968) and Sri Mandal was nominated to the Vidhan Parishad through a Governor Quota. Mandal formed the government with the support of the Congress. The Congress was not convenient supporting a backward Chief Minister. To topple Mandal Government, a break up in Congress took place and “Loktantrik Congress” under the leadership of Bhola Paswan Shastri, a Dusadh, was formed. Mandal remain in power for just 47 days (1st Jan 1968 to 22nd March 1968). Government of Samyukt Morcha under the lead ership of Shastri took charge, but this Schedule Caste CM also had to resign only after 95 days (22nd March 1968 to 29th June 1968) and for the first time in the history of Bihar, President Rule came into force on 29th June 1968. In the Mid-Term Election of 1969, the Congress got only 118 seats and remained far from the magic figure of 160. On 26th Feb. 1969, the government was formed under the leadership of Sardar Harihar Singh, a Rajput (26th Feb 1969 to 22nd June 1969) of United Forum, but he was also unable to provide stable government. Due to large-scale defection of ministers & legisla tures, the Harihar Singh govern ment was defeated in the Vidhan Sabha by securing only 143 votes againstBhola164. Paswan Shastri took charge for the second time through double-cross of legisla tures from different parties. The Jansangh wanted to keep the Congress out of the government. Congress also did not want the leaders of Jansangh, PSP & SSP to be inducted in the government. The Congress brought a noconfidence motion in the Vidhan Sabha which was passed with the support of Jansangh, and within 9 days Shastri Govt. (22nd June 1969 to 4th July 1969) collapsed. On 6th July 1969 President Rule was imposed, which was revoked on 16th Feb. 1970, when Daroga Prasad Roy, a Yadav, of the Con gress was sworn in as CM. But again the upper caste lobby of the Congress could not accept Mr. Roy for long time. In the opposition, there was internal fight in the SSP between the upper and backward caste lob bies for leadership in which Kar poori Thakur, a Nai, succeeded. Daroga Roy govt. (16nd Feb. 1970 to 22nd Dec. 1970) fell down and Karpoori Thakur became CM on 22nd Dec. 1970 with the support of the Jansangh. He too became a victim of defections and had to resign on 2nd June 1971. A forum of like minded legislatures named “Pragatishil Vidhayak Dal” was formed and its leader Bhola Paswan Shastri took over as CM for the third time. He again fell to kept legislature united and resigned on 27th December 1972; followed by President Rule on 9th Jan. 1972. In a span of just 5 years since 1967 to 1972, the People of Bihar have faced 9 chief ministers. In a bid to eradicate the unstable political scenario, Congress was voted to power in 1972 election with 167 seats. The Congress continued its traditional game and in place of Ram Lakhan Yadav, the leader of the legislature party in the dissolved assembly, Kedar Pandey, a Brahmin, was made the CM (19.3.1972 to 02.07.1973). Pandey Government step down within one year and for the first time in the history of Bihar a Muslim leader Abdul Gafoor (02.07.1973 to 11.04.1975) was made the CM to counter the heavyweights Mishra brothers. Gafoor had to resign following the JP movement. Taking emo tional sympathy of the assassina tion of the then railway minister Lalit Narayan Mishra in a Bomb explotion in Samastipur in 1974, his younger brother Dr. Jagannath Mishra, a Brahmin, become the CM (11.04.1975 to 30.04.1977) and during his tenure emergency was imposed on 25th June 1974. On 30 April 1977, Vidhan Sabha was dissolved and Bihar came under President’s Rule. In general election of June 1977, the Janata Party came to power with a landslide victory in the state. Despite strong op position from State Janata Party President Satyendra Narayan Sinha, Karpoori Thakur was elected the leader of the legisla ture party and took oath as the CM (24.06.1977 to 21.04.1979). Thakur gained name & fame, when he implemented long-await ed Backward Class reservation in State Government services as well as institutions and distribute appointment letters to all unem ployed engineers in the state. Under the patronage of Satyendra Narayan Sinha and even the bless ings of JP, there were aggressive protests against the reservation. Ultimately, Karpoori Thakur had to resign and Ram Sundar Das, a Chamar, took charge of the CM (21.04.1979 to17.02.1980). The key of power was with S.N. Sinha and Dasji had no control over the administration. President’s Rule was imposed on 17th February 1980, and the Vidhan Sabha was dissolved.Congress return to pow er in the Mid-term election in 1980 and Dr. Jagannath Mishra (08.06.1980 to 14.08.1983), became the CM for the second time. Mishra’s worst function ing angered the Congress high command and Chandrashekhar Singh, a Rajput (14.08.1983 to12.03.1985) was made the CM. The general election in 1985 was fought under Singh’s leadership and the Congress returned to power, but surprisingly he was stepped down and State Congress President Bindeshwari Dube, a Brahmin, was blessed as the CM (12.03.1985 to13.02.1988) by the Party high-command. Dubeji has full support of the MLAs, but Congress High Command pres surized him to resign and a new face Bhagawat Jha Azad, a Brah min, (14.02.1988 to 10.03.1989), was made the CM. In the meantime, V.P. Singh started his activities against Bo fors Scam & corruption and lateron Socialists also joined him. To counter V.P. Singh in the coming the Vidhan Sabha elec tion, the Rajput leader Satyendra Narayan Sinha (11.03.1989 to 06.12.1989) was made the CM, his long awaited dream. He tried his best to implement the popular welfare schemes and to sort out unemployment issues. But in V.P. Singh wave, the Congress loose in Lok Sabha election and Satyendra Sinha was stepped down. Dr. Jagannath Mishra (06.12.1989 to 10.13.1990), who had the im age of a corrupt politician in the public, was again made the CM. Dr. Mishra hampered all those popular ongoing works, which were of no personal benefit. Cor ruption has reached the highest level ever since independence. In the 1990 general election of Vidhan Sabha, Janata Dal came to power and the Congress was out forever. (To be concluded) Er. Prabhat Kishore (The author is a technocrat & academician. He is Master in Engineering from M.N. Regional Engineering Allahabad/Prayagraj)College,
Ups & downs of power politics in Bihar
Reader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the columns do not reflect the view of this newspaper nor that of the Editor in any manner. Post-mortem OPINION/EDITORIAL6 Nagaland Post VOL. XXXII NO. 247 DIMAPUR, FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 2022 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 2022
This Experience Must Come
Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven. And Elisha… saw him no more. —2 Kings 2:11-12 It is not wrong for you to depend on your “Eli jah” for as long as God gives him to you. But remem ber that the time will come when he must leave and will no longer be your guide and your leader, because God does not intend for him to stay. Even the thought of that causes you to say, “I cannot continue without my ‘Elijah.’ ” Yet God says you must continue. Alone at Your “Jordan” (2 Kings 2:14). The Jor dan River represents the type of separation where you have no fellowship with anyone else, and where no one else can take your responsibility from you. You now have to put to the test what you learned when you were with your “Elijah.” You have been to the Jordan over and over again with Elijah, but now you are facing it alone. There is no use in saying that you cannot go— the experience is here, and you must go. If you truly want to know whether or not God is the God your faith believes Him to be, then go through your “Jordan” alone. Alone at Your “Jericho” (2 Kings 2:15). Jericho represents the place where you have seen your “Eli jah” do great things. Yet when you come alone to your “Jericho,” you have a strong reluctance to take the initiative and trust in God, wanting, instead, for someone else to take it for you. But if you remain true to what you learned while with your “Elijah,” you will receive a sign, as Elisha did, that God is with you. Alone at Your “Bethel” (2 Kings 2:23). At your “Bethel” you will find yourself at your wits’ end but at the beginning of God’s wisdom. When you come to your wits’ end and feel inclined to panic— don’t! Stand true to God and He will bring out His truth in a way that will make your life an expression of wor ship. Put into practice what you learned while with your “Elijah”— use his mantle and pray (see 2 Kings 2:13-14). Make a determination to trust in God, and do not even look for Elijah anymore. T hough India as a na tion is still a young democracy has made significant and rapid strides in some fronts, and in oth ers is in the making, but no one knows how long. Therefore, the strides have been back-and-forth like a roller coaster that shows a number of hitches. At the of independence, India was confronted with innumer able problems and as the years gone by there have not been measurable prog ress in the vital areas such as education, social and gender equality, social and economic justice, improve ment in the conditions of living of millions of people. The gap between the haves and have-not continue to widen more and more. India is known for its commitment to nonviolence and tolerance and thus celebrates pluralities of identities. As years and decades passed by, the socio-cultural, social and political terrains of India have changed with cul tural nationalism, politics of populism and social hierarchism. Indian soci ety is increasingly getting polarized wherein venom of hate is spewed and its toxic effect results in hate crimes leading to social disharmony and commu nal conflicts The future of India is in the hands of young millennials and children. For India to grow and to achieve comprehen sive and integrated growth and progress education is the key and foundational. For India to grow and advance, the mental conditions of the children are very important and crucial. Student suicides is on the rise in India. India accounts for 20 per cent of global suicides. Highest number of student suicides in Maharashtra, Trami Nadu, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka and Uttar Pradesh. In Tamil Nadu five student suicides in two weeks. Year 2020 marked highest number of student suicides, which is all time high. About 12, 526 committed suicides in 2020. At an average one student commits suicide every 42 minutes in 2020. It is certainly India’s shame and blot on our country educational system. The future of India is in the hands of the chil dren. Rise of students committing suicides has increased mounting pres sure on those in the depart ments of education, the state governments and the government at the Centre. There is no doubt that the Indian education system has failed the students. This is not the time for blame game or give flimsy excuses or justifications in order to get away, but certainly the policy makers and those responsible in the states as well as at the Centre should introspect, address the problems and plug the growing phenomenon of students committing sui cides. Has India’s system of education let down the children? It is time to destigmatize mental health concerns. It is growing and is a phenomenon.Ontheone hand, more children are com mitting suicides and while on the other more Indians wish to move overseas de spite foreign inflation raises serious concerns about the future of India. In recent times there is huge rush for the Indian minds to study overseas and quite an enormous number of students giving away their Indian citizenship ques tions about the present state of India. India @ 75, should take into account because the present rush to overseas tantamount to brain drain. For a citizen opting to give away his/ her citizenship must have considered from all angles. What is important is that those who prefer to go abroad for studies and those who want to give away their citizenship for other reasons belong to the present.During the winter ses sion of the parliament, the union minister of state for home J Nityanand Rai in a written reply to a ques tion in Lok Sabha said that a total of 1,63, 370 Indian nationals renounced their citizenship in 2021. In 2020, the number had fallen to just 85, 248 from 1,44,217 in 2019, the high est until then. It is unbeliev able that a record 1,63, 370 Indian nationals had decided to renounced their citizenship in 2021 raises serious questions. The data reveals that those who want to renounceIndian citizens are in favor of going to coun tries such as the United States of America with 78, 284, followed by Australia with 23,533, Canada with 21,549, then the United Kingdom with 14,637 and Italy with 5,986. Along with these countries New Zealand (2,643) and Sin gapore (2516) have also been gaining preference for India seeking nationali ties. The minister of state for home did not disclose the reasons for the record number of Indian renounc ing the Indian citizenship in preference to foreign nationality with a passing reference: “for reasons personal to them.” It is bewildering to note that over 3.92 lakh Indians gave up their citi zenship in the last three years. The reasons are di verse that could perhaps be examined, analyzed and evaluated. To start with, it is important to know which age group is keen seek ing citizenship in another country. It is the age-group between 18-24 that by and large prefer to go overseas for education. Along with this it is the middle-age segment which is profes sional and entrepreneurial class wants to quit India for betterDespiteprospectus.the cost of education is so expensive in USA and other coun tries now it has risen to 8 percent more than it was a few months ago and yet many wants to go. When pandemic has started eas ing more rush and the exodus of students of this magnitude and gravity has been unprecedented. Many view that the Indian education system is obso lete and outdated. India lacks quality educational institutions. And those cater only to the elites and upper middle-classes. A question that arises at this juncture is: why should those with professional skills immigrate to other countries? The curricula fail to focus on skill-based courses More importantly better prospects that drive the young millennials to go abroad. In addition, attrac tive pay packages, easier job recruitment abroad. Should this phenomenon be brushed aside or un dermined? This cannot be refuted or negated because it is true.Those with innovative capacity and fabriceconomynaltheinfestedcontinuetheofcomprisetheirzenshipdenouncingties.entrepreneurialwithofall‘makedia.andthereTheyandwouldwithfessionaltheprofessionalssuper-skilledareleavingcountryfortheirprogrowthalongtheirfamilies.Thiseventuallyaugmentescalatebrain-drain.thinkandarguethatisnofutureforthemtheirchildreninInForinnovationandinIndia’,IndiabymeansneedthisclasspeoplewhoareendowedinnovationskillsandcapabiliThosewhohavebeenIndiancitibysurrenderingIndianpassportsdoesofcross-sectionstheIndiansociety.Inyearstocomeitwouldtogrow.Indiaat75isgravelyandinfectedwithpoisonofcommupoliticswhichretardsandthesocialleadingtodisinvest ments and the productivity of businesses. Politics of polarization has led to internal strife and confron tation. Social equilibrium is important for India’s integrity and sovereignty of India. One classic ex ample is, trade deficit is widening. Politicians fuel ing hatred and as a result hate crimes rise the citizens find themselves trapped in such toxic environment which is more worrisome. Falling of exports and escalating price rise of es sential base requisites have leveraged rupee value to go down. The state of Indian economy is in doldrums engulfed with pressing inflation and falling rupees. India is a respectful tolerant democracy. What is India now is it posits less liberal democracy than ten years ago. The ways with which the Indian polity is moving makes one to wonder whether India is moving towards autocratic democracy as more power is concentrated and wielded by one person, as we see major decisions be it social, economic, political, educa tional or whatever are taken by one person without any deliberations, discus sions and consultations. Vibrant democracy believes in consensus, consultations, debates and discourses. The ruling dispensation in a democratic framework should accommodate criti cism and critical voices In dia @ 75 is in difficult times – if our country makes five strides forward ten strides backward. Dr. John Mohan Razu
Ocean of rights
~ Oscar

DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL JUSTICE AND EMPOWERMENT MINISTRY OF SOCIAL JUSTICE AND EMPOWERMENT GOVERNMENT OF INDIA CbC 38101/11/0023/2223 (PTI): China blocking a proposal at the UN Secu rity Council to basedlistingbyliticallyinthe2001attackaircraftjackinginnumerousinAzhar,MohammedyoungerThursday.ernmentfightingandexposesliticallyaschiefMohammedPakistan-baseddesignateJaish-e-(JeM)deputyAbdulRaufAzharaglobalterroristis“pomotivated”andits“doublespeakdoublestandards”interrorism,govsourcessaidonAbdulRauf,thebrotherofJaish-e-chiefMasoodhasbeeninvolvedplanningandexecutingterrorstrikesIndiaincludingthehiofIndianAirlinesIC814in1999,theontheParliamentinandthetargetingofIAFbaseinPathankot2016.Sourcessaidsuch“pomotivated”actionsChinainnearlyeverycaseofPakistan-terroristsreflected
NEW DELHI, AUG 11 (PTI): Aviation Minister Jy otiraditya Scindia on Thurs day ordered an investiga tion after a video showing bodybuilder Bobby Kataria smoking on a SpiceJet flight surfaced on social media. The video shows Kataria -- who has 6.3 lakh followers on Instagram -- lighting a cigarette on one of the back rows of a SpiceJet plane. Passengers are not al lowed to take lighter in the plane. Passengers are also not allowed to smoke in the plane. SpiceJet said that the smoking incident took place in its Dubai-Delhi flight on January 20 when passengers were boarding the plane and the cabin crew members were busy with completing the on-boarding procedure. After investigation, the airline had put the passenger on “no flying list” for 15 days in February, it mentioned. As per the regulations of aviation regulator DGCA, an airline has the power to ban an “unruly” passenger for a certain period of time if he or she violates any rules. When the video of this incident was posted on Twit ter on Thursday, Scindia responded: “Investigating it. There will be no tolerance towards such hazardous behaviour.” Sources from the Central Industrial Se curity Force (CISF) said on Thursday that the video of this incident came to their knowledge in January this year and they had then writ ten to the concerned airline and subsequently sent a complaint to the police in Gurugram.“Weunderstand the po lice filed a complaint against him there (in Gurugram),” one of the CISF source said. In a statement, SpiceJet said: “This is with reference to a video on social media of a passenger smoking onboard a SpiceJet aircraft. The matter had been investi gated thoroughly in January 2022 when the video was brought to our notice and a complaint had been filed by the airline with the Udyog Vihar Police Station in Gu rugram.”The video, the inves tigation had revealed, was shot on January 20, 2022 while passengers were board ing flight SG 706 scheduled to fly from Dubai to Delhi, it said. “The said passenger and his co-passengers shot the video on the 21st row when the cabin crew were occupied with completing the on-boarding procedure. None of the passengers or crew was aware of the act. The matter came to the air line’s notice on January 24, 2022 through social media posts,” it said.
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Bobby Kataria smoking inside a spicejet plane. 3 people swept away after heavy rains in Maha & MP; IMD predicts flash floods in Vidarbha
The MeT office predicted heavy rains in MP and Vidarbha on Thursday. Students attempt ‘world record’ of patriotic songs culture is about freebies for political gains: BJPIndia slams China for not blacklisting of terrorist CHINA’S ‘DOUBLE STANDARD’ ON TERROR, SAYS GOVT SOURCES Abdul Rauf Azhar Shehzad Poonawalla (PTI):TRALAYAM,BENGALURU/MANAUG11
RAINBOW COACHING CENTRE Lengrijan H/No. 749, Dimapur - 797113, Nagaland. (Near Immanuel College) Estd - 2006 Contact : 9856857778 (or) 9862700227 Class Started Class Mon- Fri. Saturdays Unit Test. Limited Hostel Seats Perfect place for overall development.
MANGALURU, AUG 11 (PTI): In a major break through, three key accused in the Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha leader Praveen Net tar’s murder case have been arrested, a senior police of ficer said on restedinformationNettar.inthepersonspolice“DakshinaThursday.KannadahavesecuredthethreewhowerepartofhitsquadinBellarecasethemurderofPraveenWehaddefinitesowehavearthemfromTalapady on the Karnataka-Kerala border,” the Additional Di rector General of Police Alok Kumar said. Those arrested are: Shia alias Shiabuddin, Bashir and Riyaz Anthadka. All the three are natives of Dakshina Kannada dis trict, Kumar told reporters, adding that already seven others have been arrested for being part of the conspiracy and who did the recce for the assailants.“Weare going to thor oughly question them why Nettar was selected as the target,” the ADGP said. “They will be ques tioned as to who else had helped them, which places they went, who gave them shelter and assisted them financially. All these things will be probed and after that we will hand over them to the National Investigation Agency as the government has already ordered giving the case to the NIA,” Kumar said.
BJP leaders to travel across K’taka in teams from Aug 21 preparing for polls B S Yediyurappa
VAYOSHRESHTHA SAMMAN Inviting nomination for National Award, 2022 The last date for receipt of nominations is 29th August, 2022 The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India invites nominations on the National Awards portal (https://awards.gov. in/) for conferment of "Vayoshreshtha Samman (National Award)", 2022 for eminent senior citizens and institutions involved in rendering distinguished services for the cause of elderly persons, especially indigent senior citizens. Detailed eligibility criteria, proforma for nomination for the Awards and the procedure for nomination etc., are available on the website of the Department of Social Justice and Empowerment as indicated: http://socialjustice.gov.in Nominations in the prescribed proforma complete in all respects with the requisite supporting documents of the nominee, photograph and bio-data of the nominee (in the case of individual category), may be uploaded on https://awards.gov.in/. No physical applications shall be entertained. The last date for receipt of nominations is 29th August, 2022. Self nominations and applications from individuals or institutions not recommended by the prescribed agencies/ individuals will not be entertained and shall be liable to be summarily rejected.
“undermining” of the en tire sanctity of the work ing of the UN Security Council’s Sanctions Com mittees.The designation of Abdul Rauf would have resulted in a global travel ban on him as well as re quiring Pakistan to freeze his assets and to cut off his access to weapons and relatedChinamaterials.onWednesday put a ‘technical hold’ on a joint proposal at the UN Security Council by India and the US to blacklist him. All other 14 member states of the top UN body supported the move. The latest action came less than a month after Chi na blocked a similar joint proposal by India and the US to blacklist Pakistanbased deputy leader of Lashkar-e-Tayyiba Abdul RehmanMakkiMakki.too has been involved in raising funds, recruiting and radicalising youths to resort to vio lence and planning and executing attacks in India, including the Mumbai ter ror strikes.Theproposal to des ignate Abdul Rauf was moved in the UN Security Council 1267 Sanctions Committee and the docu ments related to it were circulated among all the memberTherenations.hasbeen “in controvertible evidence” for both these listing pro posals, sources said. Both the terrorists have already been sanc tioned by the US under its domestic legislation. “It is unfortunate that the sanctions committee has been prevented from playing its role due to polit ical considerations. China’s actions expose its double speak and double stan dards when it comes to the international community’s shared battle against terror ism,” said a source. In the past also, China repeatedly blocked propos als to designate PakistanbasedAfterterrorists.China blocked the proposal to designate Makki as an internation al terrorist, government sources said that the action ran counter to Beijing’s claim of combating ter rorism.Makki is the head of the political affairs of Lash kar-e-Tayyiba (LeT) and Jamat ud-Dawa (JuD), and served as head of LeT’s for eign relations department. The LeT has been in volved in major attacks in India such as the 26/11 Mumbai terror attack, Red Fort Attack in 2000, Ram pur CRPF Camp attack in January 2008, Khan pora (Baramulla) attack in 2018, Srinagar attack in June 2018 and Gurez/ Bandipora attack in 2018, according to sources in the security establishment.
NEW DELHI, AUG 11 (PTI): The BJP Thursday claimed that while the cen tral government’s welfare policies empower different deprived sections of soci ety with targeted schemes, some parties’ engage in ‘revdi’ culture by dishing out freebies for everyone for political“Revdigains.culture is about dishing out lollipops for po litical gains and it makes no transformation to people’s lives. It misuses taxpay ers’ money with the rich benefiting at the cost of the poor,” BJP spokesperson Shehzad Poonawalla said as he targeted Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal for his counter-offensive after Prime Minister Nar endra Modi’s denunciation of freebies.Modinamed no one in his speeches but the AAP leader sprang to defend it due to his sense of guilt, Poonawalla told a press conference.Hereferred to Kejri wal’s promise of open ing 500 new schools and claimed that two two dozen schools were shut in reality and accused him giving people “free corruption, pollution, advertisements and liquor” instead of free education, water, health and electricity.Heclaimed more than 700 of the 1,027 schools the Delhi government runs do not have science and commerce teachers in Class 11 and 12 and over 745 schools have no principal. Nearly 418 schools have no vice principal and 40,000 seats meant for the eco nomically weaker sections had not been filled accord ing to the RTE act and the court had come down hard on this, he Allegingadded.corruption in the AAP government, Poonawala accused Ke jriwal of protecting his ministers Satyendra Jain and Manish Sisodia and Delhi Waqf Board head Amanatullah Khan against graft Hecharges.also cited the four CAG reports that were tabled “belatedly” by the AAP government and over which the LG had expressed serious Poonawallaconcerns.alleged that huge corruption and mismanagement had tak en place in the Delhi Jal Board.Tanker mafia was pro moted instead and that is why these reports were sup pressed, he alleged. He also accused the Delhi government of insult ing “women and sportsper sons” by allegedly targeting CWG medal-winner Divya Kakran.
Three key suspects involved in BJYM leader murder arrested Bodybuilder smoking in SpiceJet flight; Scindia assures probe
Three persons were swept away in swollen drains af ter heavy rains in Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra, while the India Meteorolog ical Department predicted a risk of flash floods in the Vidarbha region, officials said onSomeThursday.rivers in the Vi darbha region of Maha rashtra were flooded after heavy showers and several people from Bhandara and Chandrapur were shifted to safer places, they said. The heavy rains also caused damage to crops and an assessment survey was on, an agriculture depart ment official said. In Indore city of MP, two persons were swept away in swollen drains fol lowing heavy rains and ef forts were on to trace them, policeChandansaid. Nagar police station in-charge Abhay Nema said local residents informed them that a man, Zakir Khan (24), acciden tally fell into a drain in Sirpur area of the city on Wednesday afternoon when he was trying to stop other people from entering the waterOnbody.Wednesday night, a woman, Durga Jaiswal (26), was swept away in an overflowing drain in Ban ganga“Thearea.woman lived in a house close to the drain. While throwing garbage from the rooftop of her house, she lost balance and fell into the drain,” Bangan ga police station in-charge Rajendra Soni said. Efforts were on to trace the two persons, the police said. A MeT official said the rain intensity reduced in Indore in the last 24 hours, after heavy downpour on Tuesday.InGondia district of Maharashtra, a sports util ity vehicle (SUV) carrying three persons was swept away in a swollen drain at Kidangipaar on Wednesday night, district disaster man agement officer (DDMO) Rajan Choubey said. Two persons were later rescued, while efforts were on to trace the third person, he said.In Nagpur, Regional Meteorological Centre sci entist Dr Praveen Kumar told PTI that there was a “moderate risk of flash floods” in the next 24 hours in a few areas of Vidarbha districts like Nagpur, Am ravati, Wardha, Gadchiroli, Gondia, Chandrapur and Yavatmal.Dueto the low pressure system over MP, there are high chances of more rain fall which may cause flash flood conditions, he said. The MeT office pre dicted heavy rains in MP and Vidarbha on Thursday and this may further in duce the persistence of flash floods in the Followingregion.heavy rains in Nagpur, all 16 gates of the Navegaon Khairi dam were opened, causing flooding in the Kanhan river, which choked all the intake well strainers, an official said. There was no pump ing from the Kanhan Water Treatment Plant since 3 am, affecting supply to many parts of Nagpur, he said. In Chandrapur, some low-lying areas were flooded due to backwaters of the Wardha and Irai rivers. A disaster manage ment team from Nagpur went to Warora and Bhadra vati tehsils in the morning to evacuate people residing near the Wardha river.
Senior BJP leader B S Yediyurappa on Thursday said party leaders will begin their travel across Karnataka in teams from August 21, as part of preparations in the run-up to the 2023 Assem bly polls.The former Chief Min ister reiterated that he will not be contesting any polls here on, but will work with other BJP leaders for the party’s victory and installing it in power in the State. “From 21st (August) we will all begin travelling across the state, we have not yet decided on from where to start and it will be soon decided...in three to four teams headed by various leaders we will travel across the state in all districts,” YediyurappaSpeakingsaid.to reporters in Mantralayam, a pilgrim village located in Kurnool district of Andhra Pradesh, he said the BJP will go to every division and organise large-scale events gathering lakhs of “Nopeople.doubt, Congress leader Siddaramaiah’s 75th birthday event was a huge one, but in a month’s time after our events are planned, you will realise what’s our strength and what was theirs (Congress’),” he added in re sponse to a question wheth er Siddaramaiah’s mega event will cause any setback to theRejectingBJP. speculation regarding Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai being replaced, the veteran leader said he doesn’t expect any changes to happen at this point in time, when elec tions are expected in seven to eight“Theremonths.isno need for it (change) as well, as he (Bommai) is doing a good job, so I expect that he will continue, so there is no truth in this speculation,” he said. Responding to Con gress’ criticism against BJP, accusing it of forcefully re moving him as CM and ne glecting him, Yediyurappa reiterated that he voluntarily resigned (as CM) to make way for others, and no one forced him to do so. “The talk that I’m be ing neglected in the BJP is not right, the position and respect that the party has given me cannot be com pared with, I was made CM four times, I was given all sorts of responsibilities. I have faced no injustice from the party in any kind. It is my duty to pay back as a worker and will do it,” he said. Stating that during his meeting with Union Home Minister Amit Shah last week in Bengaluru, they discussed political develop ments in the state, Yediy urappa said he has assured him about working along with other leaders towards bringing BJP back to power in theReiteratingstate. that he will not contest in Assembly or any other elections hereon, the senior BJP leader said he will continue to remain in politics and work day and night for the party’s victory.
Admission Going on Class - 10 & 12 (Arts) Repeaters Hostel attached for both boys & girls in separate building with parental care & guidance. dp-3725/22
4th Mile, Opp. Diphupar Police Station Class 10, 12 (Arts & Com.) Hostel Attached both Boys and Girls Free Computer Course : DCA with Certificate Limited Seats. For further info. # 7629842409, 8731961913 Fill Up CoaChing Centre -3828/22dp
JAIPUR, AUG 11 (PTI): Around one crore school students across Rajasthan will attempt to set a “world record” by singing patriotic songs on August 12 under the ‘Azadi ka Amrit Mahot sav’ campaign, an education department official said on Thursday. With the aim of inculcating feelings of pa triotism, all government and non-government schools of the state will organise an event on August 12 at 10.15 am in which students will sing patriotic songs, Additional Chief Secretary, School Education Depart ment, Pawan Kumar Goyal said. He said Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot is likely to attend the state-level event from the Sawai Mansingh Stadium in Jaipur. At the district-level, the in-charge ministers concerned will be chief guests at the pro grammes. He claimed about one crore school students are proposed to participate in the programme, which is likely to set a world record. Goyal said district-level pro grammes will be organised at those places in the district where I-Day programmes have been organized.

13 Melodious
KAKURO No. 4006 Yesterday’s solution No. 4005
18 Synagogue
NEW DELHI, AUG 11 (IANS): The Broadband India Forum (BIF) on Thursday questioned the government’s decision to ask enterprises to submit demand studies in order to assess direct assignment of spectrum for them to set up private captive 5G networks.The government on Wednesday announced to undertake demand studies for the direct assignment of spectrum to enterprises with net worth more than Rs 100 crore which are will ing to set up private captive 5G networks.Enterprises, which are willing to set up Cap tive Non-Public Network (CNPN) by obtaining spec trum directly from DoT, are invited to participate in this exercise, the Department of Telecommunication (DoT) said in a statement. TV Ramachandran, BIF Presi dent, told IANS that they welcome the announce ment by DoT “but sincerely wonder why such a demand study is required at all”. “There are 794 such private networks in the rest of the world and we need to be aligned to that. Pro-rata potential for India could be 150-200 private networks. Moreover, there was no such demand study for the public networks of 4G, 3G or 2G,” Ramach andran argued. The DoT has launched a module on Saralsanchar portal for carrying out the demand studies from enterprises. The order for demand stud ies came after the successful 5G spectrum auction that fetched the government more than Rs 1.5 lakh crore, led by Reliance Jio. The government had issued the ‘Guidelines for Captive Non-Public Net work (CNPN) license’ on June 27, aimed at establish ing the legal framework for CNPNs. The guidelines provide that the enterprises seeking to establish CNPN may obtain spectrum on lease from Telecom Service Providers or directly from DoT.
6 Whole
11 Quickly
15 Weep
(From p-1) Commissioner & sec retary industries & com merce, Kekhrievor Kevi chusa, said that the depart ment was taking all the possible steps to resolve the same and requested the JAC to postpone the proposed bandh/blockade of theJACNH-2.accepted the re quest and agreed to post pone the proposed bandh/ blocked of NH-2. The meeting was at tended by officials of the department of industries & commerce, superintendent of police (SP) Mokokc hung, Ao Senden office bearers, representatives of Langpangkong Range Area, vice-chairman of Tzudikong Adhoc Com mittee, and members of the Joint Action Commit tee (JAC), Tuli Paper Mill (NPCC).
Post-poll merger of NDPP-BJP: Therie
WSH clarifies on Peren CSOs charges
(From p-1) The hoho said that the present Jalukie was formerly known as “Panti or Halelu” and was renamed as Jalukie only after Nagaland received statehood in 1963, prior to which Mikirs had settled there till up to the 1950s. Therefore, WSH said the question of ancestral land as claimed does not arise at all. Further, WSH termed it as baseless and an un founded allegation that WSH had turned down the September 2020 meeting for peaceful co-existence during a joint meeting held at Tha hekhu Village on February 10, 2021. However, it said few days after the meeting, many “plantations at Khe hoi village were cut down by miscreants from the Peren side.”
(From p-1) APC disclosed that more than Rs. 45 lakh was recovered from the bogus beneficiaries so far. He said the depart ment has also been directed to further identify bogus beneficiaries in all the re maining districts and subdivisions, he added. APC said that against the detection of bogus ben eficiaries detected, genuine farmers would be regis tered/replaced and said for that a modified format was available with DAOs and SDAOs.APChas warned the village councils that certi fying wrong beneficiaries for PM-KISAN would invite disciplinary action and asked the VCs to verify well before certifying the beneficiaries.APChas appealed to all the administrative officers and village coun cil to extend cooperation and certify only genuine farmers.Healso urged them to assist the genuine farmers open their Bank accounts. He said district agri culture officers working sincerely as expected will be rewarded while also any fault committed would be penalized.
and idea of Congress which believes in secularism. He predicted that poll announcement for assembly election in Nagaland will be made in October if elections were to held in December 2022. He urged Nagas to wake up and salvage Naga land since money and power alone will not help build the state. The NPCC chief as sured that Congress would represent the voice of people and contest in all the 60 seats in the forthcoming polls. Rs 15,620 cr loan: Therie said the state gov ernment has pending loans totalling Rs 15,620 crore for which capital and interests are to be paid but that the state government was trying to hide it. In order to avoid finan cial embargo, Therie alleged that the state government was diverting funds from one head to another but that truth will be exposed. He said despite alleged financial mismanagement, the Finance Commission did not award less funds but as per a State’s requirement. However due to mismanage ment the state was unable to pay salaries to its employees.
Regional Manager, TATA Motors East, Ranbir Kanwar (Second from right), and proprietor, Dimapur Diesel, TK Angami (Second from left), after the inauguration of the new office building of Dimapur Diesel, authorized TATA Motors Commercial Vehicle dealer, on August 11 in Dimapur.
10 Weighty
Tuli Paper Mill: JACproposedpostpones...
MYK C MYK C Teacher PosT 1. headmistress B.Ed./5+ years exp./CBSE/ICSE 2. science Teacher B.Sc./Bed./2+ yrs exp./CBSE 3. Montessori Teacher SMS- Full Name, Edu, Exp. Dimapur: 9366315813 DP-3820/22 Stolen KTM RC 200 BSVI has been stolen from Duncan Bosti, D.C. Court Raod, Dimapur on 11.07.2022 at around 05:00 PM. Owner's Name : SUPONGCHIBA Ref. No. : NL 01E 6679 Engine No. : M-936*34588* Chassis No. : MD2JYCXA2MC073009 Colour : DARK GALVANO MATT Contact No. : 9366023615 DP-3827/22 loSt notice I, Thejakhwelie Rürhia, am applying for duplicate copy of HSSLC Registration Card as I have lost Nameit. : Thejakhwelie Rürhia F/Name : Asilie Rürhia Regd. No. : 2060110607 of 2022 School : Mezhür Hr. Sec. School, Kohima contact : 8787566351 DP-3832/22 Urgent Sale alto LXI 2015 Assam Regd. Price : Rs. 2.40 lakhs Contact : 9089168247 DP-3835/22 sITUaTIoN VacaNT cooK + sWeePer (For a School in Nagarjan) Contact: 8794237789 K-1859/22 Lost Notice trade certificate Name : LUNTSUBA F/Name : KHIUNGBA M/Name : ALIM Village : ZAONGER Roll No. : KP-36 Trade : Carpenter DB-869/22 Cook RequiRed for Private r esidence Work type : Cook for family Location : NearKohima,IGStadium Salary : Rs. 10,000 (Free Fooding and Lodging) contact No: 96120559849615848149K-1858/22 For Sale Maruti Wagon R Vxi 2017 Maruti Swift Dzire Vxi 2013 Maruti Celerio Vxi 2016 Maruti Alto 800 Lxi 2015 Maruti Gypsy Euro 3 2010 Contact : 9436054582 DP-3801/22 1. MBB s /B ds /M ds /M d / veterinarY (Direct admission in top medical & veterinary colleges in India with affordable package) 2. B.ed & M.ed (Available in Govt. University for both attending & Nonattending mode) Recognized & approved by UGC & NCTE 3. o ther courses: Engineering all branches, Agri, Pharma. D B. Pharma, forestry, horticulture, Fishery, Nursing, Paramedical, BPT. 4. distance courses: BA, MA, B.Sc, M.Sc. B.Com, M.Com & others ad M ission o P en 2022 EDUAIDE CAREER COUNSELING: 8700695549; 9718225382 -3166/22DP BrickS For Sale 1st Class Bricks available from stockists at Padumpukhuri Monday Bazar, Near Pine Mount School saTyaM co. LTd. Rate Rs. 9.00 (Negotiable) contact : 9612958620/ 7005534643 DP-3674/22 HSLC COACHING Contact :caPITaL TraINING Nagabazar,INsTITUTeKohima (class at 10 am to 1 pm) -1830/22K LaNd For saLe Near Viola colony Area/PlotsDimapuravailableasperbudget Contact : 8732002080 DP-3811/22 dIMaPUr MaIN ToWN coMMercIaL BUILdING “N” empty Plot First come First 1. Church Road 2. New Market Road 3. Khermahal Road 4. Purana Bazaar Road 5. Burma Camp Road 6. D.C Court Road 7. Walford Road 8. Naharbari Road 9. Kuda Village Road 10. United Colony, Ward No. 20 Opposite to Govt. School Road Touched. Any Size Available contact here : +918798099433 No Brokers Urgent Sale DP-3775/22 LaNd For saLe at diphupar, chumukedima Genuine Buyers Please Contact : 9612994363 DP-3808/22 land For Sale Location : chumoukedima Village Itta Bhatta Area 100 x 200 = 20,000 Sq. Ft. Negotiable contact No. : 9383012951 DP-3690/22 For Sale reNaULT TrIBer 2 Months Old NL07 Registration Price : Rs. 7 Lakhs Ph. No. : 9366539450 -3837/22DP
12 Perceives
PM-KISAN: 524 bogus beneficiaries detected...
No chance of recession: Govt source Industry body questions govt’s call for 5G demand studies from enterprises (From p-1) He remarked that the current strength of NDPP (42) in Nagaland Legisla tive Assembly was value less since, despite a huge majority the NDPP was not inclined to form its own gov ernment without the BJP. He said the negotiation of seat sharing took place through an understanding that BJP would win 15 out of the 20 it will contest while NDPP was likely to win 20 out of the 40 seats it will contest in the forth coming election. With 20 NDPP and 15 BJP, he said the merger of NDPP with BJP will enable formation of BJP government with majority of 35 members in the house.Hesaid the seat sharing was agreed on this basis but there was some miscommu nication within the saffron parry as party rank and file were unaware of the ar rangement.Therie said after central BJP leaders gave the nod for the planned merger of| NDPP, those BJP leaders who were against the seat sharing were compelled to take a U-turn by supporting the 40 (NDPP):20 (BJP) ar rangement. Rio dividing Naga land: Therie also accused chief minister Neiphiu Rio of dividing Nagaland along tribal and religious lines and creating factions while all MLAs chose to remain silent.He warned that if this trend was not stopped, then a generation would be lost and Nagaland faces im minent threat of being split into four/five regions such as - Nagaland Frontier State, CNTC State, Tenyimia State or as NNC leader late Phizo coined- autonomous council and “Nagaland”.Inaneffort to raise emotive issue, Therie said his party’s concern over proposed merger of NDPP with BJP in the next poll is because BJP is against Christian faith, ideology
Despite continuous at tempts made by WSH to reach out to the Peren CSOs to settle the matter, the hoho said no positive response was received from their side. Even after this inci dent, WSH claimed that similar incidents had taken place including burning down of granaries and huts in theOnfields.the indefinite bandh imposed on Kiyevi village, WSH cautioned that it would not remain a mute spectator.The hoho, however, said it was ever ready to talk by sitting across the table to sort out any misunderstand ing, instead of throwing wild allegations in the press which would only lead to more animosity and bitter ness among the brothers.
NEW DELHI, AUG 11 (PTI): India will be the fast est growing major economy this year and the next despite headwinds from rising infla tion, widening trade deficit and a declining rupee, a top government source said on Thursday.While the widening trade deficit and depleting forex reserves due to higher import bills had raised alarm bells for the current account deficit (CAD), the source said the situation should stabiliseThesoon.source went on to say that the 7 per cent de cline in rupee value against the US dollar this year was not worrisome, and the government and RBI are confident of managing the situation.“There is no chance of India slipping into recession. We are on steady path of growth. There is no second thought that growth will slow down,... we will still be the fastest growing economy this year and next year,” the sourceWhilesaid. inflation con tinues to be above the com fort zone, the economy has continued on its recovery path, supported by pent-up demand for services and higher industrial output. Major forecasters, in cluding the RBI, have put the GDP growth estimates for the current fiscal at over 7 per cent, higher than the growth rate of any major economy.“Rupee level (is) not worrisome. The government and RBI are monitoring rupee movement continu ously. There is no further measure on cards to encour age inflow of dollars,” the sourceRegardingsaid. concerns of a balance of payments crisis, where India may not have enough forex to pay for imports, the source said since prices of crude oil and electronic items have come down, CAD should not pose a major challenge. “It should stabilise soon.” As per experts, CAD would balloon to 3 per cent of GDP in the current fiscal from 1.2 per cent last year. Prices of crude oil, the single biggest commodity that India imports, have in recent days come down to USD 95-96 per barrel from USD 110 last month, giving relief to Edibleimporters.oilprices and other commodity rates have also declined in recent weeks.The government, the source said, is taking con tinuous steps and engaging with the RBI to bring down inflation.Inflation has stayed above the upper tolerance limit of 6 per cent for six straightEdiblemonths.oil, crude oil and fertiliser prices have come down in the recent past, the source said, add ing a normal monsoon would bring down prices of foodgrains and further ease inflation. “We are not going to relent till inflation eases to tolerant level.” 1 Under (5) range (5) 9 (7) (5) (5) sound (5) (7) (3) 17 Boy’s (4) (6) 19 Plank (5) 20 Slanting type (6) 22 Typeface (4) 24 (3) 25 Delights (7) 26 Wheel surrounds (5) 27 Alarm (5) 28 Hospital rooms (5) 29 Poster (7) 30 Sheriff’s men (5) 31 Aden’s country (5) DOWN 2 Complete view (6) 3 Get (6) 4 Method (3) 5 Gem (5) 6 Protected (7) 7 Mountain range (4) 8 (6)Unsophisticated 12 Chaos (5) 13 Sorcery (5) 14 Old Nick (5) 15 Bobbin (5) 16 Defeats (5) 18 Attempts (5) 19 Two-wheeledtransport(7) 21 Love apple (6) 22 Appearance (6) 23 Stylus (6) 25 Arrive at (5) 26 Gratuities (4) 28 Sardonic (3) No. 10360 Yesterday’s solution No. 10359 Su doku No. 4982 Yesterday’s solution No. 4981

With immense pride and joy, we the Jakhama Students' Union would like to congratulate Dr. Kedivonu Kharutso D/o Mr. Nothuto Kharutso and Mrs. Kikosanu Kharutso, for being conferred Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) on the thesis “Continuity and change in Angami Culture with special reference to their Festivals and Attires” under the supervision of Lt. Dr. Ketholesie and Dr. Tiatoshi Jamir, Department of History and Archaeology, Nagaland University. The Union further wishes her success in her future endeavours and career.
The UN resolution makes no mention of Tai wan’s status, although China regards it as a foundational document proclaiming the Communist Party’s right to control over the island. The Taiwanese coun cil’s statement said China was orchestrating its moves against Taiwan ahead of the ruling Communist Party’s 20th National Congress to be held later this year. President and party leader Xi Jinping is expected to receive a third five-year term at the conclave, after leading a relentless crackdown on political figures accused of corruption, human rights activists and civil society groups.Xi’s suppression of free speech and political opposi tion in Hong Kong was also seen as a factor behind Taiwan’s President Tsai Ingwen winning a second term in 2020. China says it plans to annex Taiwan under the now widely discredited “one country, two systems” format applied in Hong Kong. The concept has been thoroughly rejected in Tai wanese public opinion polls in which respondents have overwhelmingly favoured the status-quo of de-facto independence.TheChinese statement is “full of wishful thinking, and ignores the facts,” the Mainland Affairs Council said in its press release. The “crude and clumsy political operations by the Beijing authorities further highlight its arrogant think ing pattern of attempting to use force to invade and destroy the Taiwan Strait and regional peace,” the release“Thesaid.authorities in Bei jing deceive themselves. We warn the Beijing authorities to immediately stop threat ening Taiwan with force and spreading false informa tion,” it Taiwansaid. placed its mili tary under high alert during the Chinese drills but took no direct countermeasures. It held artillery drills off its southwestern coast fac ing China that ran through Thursday, illustrating the challenges the People’s Lib eration Army would face were it to launch an invasion across the strait.
The Mongsenyimti Gazetted Officers’ Forum extends our sincere congratulations and appreciation to Dr. Maongkala, Medical Officer & Staff of Primary Health Centre, Mongsenyimti and the Health Centre Managing Committee (HCMC), Mongsenyimti village , for achieving the National Quality Assurance Standards (NQAS) certification under Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India. The Forum extends support and success in all their future endeavours.Sd/- Sd/(SUBONGYANGER) (SENTILONG OZUKUM) Convenor, MGOF General Secretary, MGOF Hq: Kohima Hq: Kohimak-1854/22
WASHING TON, AUG 11 (PTI): US House Speak er Nancy Pelosi said that Washington cannot allow Beijing to establish a “new normal” in Taiwan with its provocative drills and war plane incursions in the Tai wan Straits, in retaliation to her high-profile visit to the self-ruled island last week. “What we saw with China is that they were trying to establish sort of a new normal. And we just can’t let that happen,” Pelosi told a news conference on Wednesday after her trip to Asia.China on Wednesday announced that it has “suc cessfully completed” its week-long and unprecedent ed military drills that have essentially encircled Tai wan, warning that Beijing will organise regular combat patrols as a new normal to enforce its one-China policy. Initially, the People’s Liberation Army announced the war games in the busy Taiwan Strait from August 4 to 7, the day after Pelosi who is the highest-ranking US leader to have visited Taiwan in 25 years, left Tai pei after high-level meetings. It later kept extending them, keeping the break away island on tenterhooks. The Chinese military exercises involved hundreds of warplanes, dozens of naval ships, including an aircraft carrier group with nuclear submarine in tow, amid assertions by the of ficial media here that such war games in the busy Tai wan Strait will be a new normal.“We didn’t go there to talk about China. We went there to praise Taiwan. And we went there to show our friendship to say, ‘China cannot isolate Taiwan,’” PelosiTheasserted.visit delivered a clear statement that Amer ica’s commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific is unshakeable, Pelosi noted. She said bilateral dis cussions centred around seizing opportunities and addressing shared challeng es, including upholding the democracy in the face of autocracy, fostering robust economic growth, includ ing through the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework and in governance, responding to COVID-19 and climate crisis.
The statement follows Commerce and Industry Minister Piyush Goyal’s statement earlier this week at the Vyapari Udyami Sam melan in New Delhi that ne gotiations for the India-UK FTA are “moving at a faster pace”. He was comparing this to the recently conclud ed trade deal with the UAE, which the minister said was done in “record time”. Last month, The House of Commons In ternational Agreements Committee, in a report en titled ‘UK-India free trade agreement: Scrutiny of the Government’s Negotiating Objectives’, questioned the Diwali deadline set for the conclusion of the negotia tions by Johnson during his visit to India in April.
GAZA CITY (PALES TINE), AUG 11 (AP): The death toll from last week end’s fighting between Israel and Gaza militants has risen to 47, after a man died from wounds sustained during the violence, the Health Ministry in Gaza said on Thursday.Israeli aircraft struck targets in the Gaza Strip and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad militant group fired more than a thousand rock ets over three days of fight ing, the worst cross-border violence since an 11-day war with Hamas last year. According to the Health Ministry, 47 people were killed, among them were 16 children and four women.Israeli strikes appear to have killed some 30 people, among them several mili tants and two senior Islamic Jihad commanders, one of whom Israel said it targeted in order to foil an imminent attack.As many as 16 people might have been killed by rockets misfired by Pales tinian militants. It wasn’t immediately clear how the man whose death was an nounced on Thursday was wounded. A cease-fire took hold on Sunday night, bring ing an end to the fighting, in which no Israelis were killed or seriously wounded.
I would rather lose than win on a false promise: Sunak LONDON, AUG 11 (PTI): Britain’s prime ministerial candidate Rishi Sunak has insisted that he would rather lose the Conservative Party leadership race to replace Boris Johnson than win on a false promise on how he plans to tackle the economic crisis. In an interview with BBC, the British Indian former Chancellor said he was committed to helping the most vulnerable fami lies with the cost-of-living crisis and felt a “moral re sponsibility to go further” and provide “extra help” over the winter. The issue has become the key divid ing line between him and his rival, Foreign Secy Liz Truss, who has pledged tax cuts which the ex-finance minister insists will benefit wealthier households rather than those who need it most. “I would rather lose than win on a false prom ise,” Sunak said. “What I’m determined to do is help people across this country through what will be a very difficult winter. My first preference is always not to take money off people in the first place,” he said. renews its threat to attack Taiwan Aircraft of the Chinese PLA conduct a joint combat training exercises around the Taiwan Island on August 7. (AP)
The committee cau tioned that could risk giving up a good deal for a fast one, by setting a “time ambition over and above content”.
Shikaho Zhimomi H. Kisheto Chishi President General Secretary WSH WSH -3836/22Pd
BEIJING, AUG 11 (AP): China on Thursday renewed its threat to attack Taiwan following almost a week of war games near the island. Taiwan has called Beijing’s claims to the self-governing democracy “wishful think ing” and launched its own militaryTaiwan’sexercises.“collusion with external forces to seek independence and provo cation will only acceler ate their own demise and push Taiwan into the abyss of disaster,” Chinese For eign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a daily briefing.“Their pursuit of Tai wan independence will nev er succeed, and any attempt to sell the national interest will be met with a com plete failure,” Wang told reporters. China’s attempt to intimidate the Taiwanese public and advertise its strat egy for blockading and po tentially invading the island was nominally prompted by a visit to Taipei last week by US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.The US, Japan and allies have denounced the exercises, with the Group of Seven industrialised na tions issuing a statement at a recent meeting expressing its concern.OnWednesday, Brit ain’s government sum moned Chinese Ambassa dor Zheng Zeguang to the Foreign Office to demand an explanation of “Beijing’s aggressive and wide-ranging escalation against Taiwan”. Taiwan says Beijing used Pelosi’s visit as a pre text to raise the stakes in its feud with Taipei, firing mis siles into the Taiwan Strait and over the island into the Pacific Ocean. China also sent planes and ships across the midline in the strait that has long been a buffer between the sides, which separated amid civil war in 1949.In a lengthy policy statement on Taiwan issued Wednesday, China distorted the historical record, includ ing the United Nations’ 1972 resolution that trans ferred the China seat on the Security Council from Bei jing to Taipei, Taiwan’s Cab inet-level Mainland Affairs Council said. The Chinese statement also discarded a pledge not to send troops or government officials to Taiwan that was contained in previous statements.
SEOUL, AUG 11 (AP): In a striking speech before thousands of North Kore ans, leader Kim Jong Un’s sister said he suffered a fever while guiding the country to victory over the coronavirus. She blamed rival South Korea for the outbreak and vowed “deadly” retaliation. Kim Yo Jong, a pow erful official in charge of inter-Korean relations, glo rified her brother’s leader ship during the outbreak in her speech Wednesday at a national meeting where he jubilantly described the country’s widely disputed success over the virus as an “amazing miracle” in global publicNorthhealth.Korea’s state ments about its outbreak are widely believed to be manipulated to help Kim Jong Un maintain absolute authority. But experts be lieve the victory announce ment signals his intention to move to other priorities and are concerned his sister’s remarks portend a provoca tion, which might include nuclear or missile tests or even border skirmishes. The North’s official Korean Central News Agen cy said Thursday that Kim Jong Un declared victory over COVID-19 and ordered an easing of preventive mea sures just three months after the country first acknowl edged an outbreak. In her first known televised speech, his sister said he suffered a fever and glorified his “epoch-making” leader ship. In a dubious claim, she accused South Korea of spreading COVID-19 to North Korea’s largely unvaccinated populace, say ing the initial infections were caused by “leaflets, banknotes, awful booklets” and other items flown across the border by anti-North Ko rean activists in the South. North Korea first sug gested in July that its CO VID-19 outbreak began in people who had contact with objects carried by bal loons launched from South Korea — a qu estionable claim that appeared to be an attempt to blame its rival. South Korea’s Uni fication Ministry, which handles inter-Korean affairs, expressed strong regret over North Korea’s “extremely disrespectful and threaten ing comments” based on “ridiculous claims.” A senior South Korean presidential office official, who spoke on condition of anonymity in a background briefing, said Seoul is pre paring for various possible North Korean provocations, including a test detonation of a nuclear device. Since North Korea acknowledged its coronavirus outbreak in May, it has reported about 4.8 million “fever cases” in its population of 26 million but only identified a fraction of those as COVID-19. The country, which likely lacks test kits and other public health tools, has claimed the outbreak has been slowing for weeks and that just 74 people have “Sincedied.we began operating the maximum emergency anti-epidemic campaign (in May), daily fever cases that reached hundreds of thousands dur ing the early days of the outbreak were reduced to below 90,000 a month later and continuously decreased, and not a single case of fever suspected to be linked to the evil virus has been reported since July 29,” Kim said in his speech Wednesday during a national meeting at which he announced a revised pandemic response. “For a country that has yet to administer a single vaccine shot, our success in overcoming the spread of the illness in such a short period of time and recover ing safety in public health and making our nation a clean virus-free zone again is an amazing miracle that would be recorded in the world’s history of public health,” KCNA quoted him as saying.ForKim to declare vic tory against the coronavirus suggests he wants to move on to other priorities, such as boosting the country’s broken and heavily sanc tioned economy, which has been further damaged by pandemic border closures, or conducting a nuclear test, said Leif-Eric Easley, a professor of international studies at Ewha Womans University in Seoul.
The committee has called on the government to publish a comprehensive trade policy that provides a framework within which all negotiations can be con ducted.
(KulviSd/-Zhotso) (Kehozhol Noel Kulnu) President Publicity and Information Secretary JSU JSU OFFICE OF THE WESTERN SUMI HOHO H.Q. Chekiye Village, N.H. 29 Dimapur - 797112 : Nagaland WSH lauds New CPO Team
US cannot allow China’s ‘new normal’ over Taiwan, says Pelosi Nancy Pelosi (AP/PTI)
N. Korea claims victory over virus, blames Seoul Kim Yo Jong India, UK working intensively to meet Diwali deadline for FTA Death toll Israel-Gazafrom fighting rises to 47 Russian journalist detained, charged over war criticism Marina Ovsyannikova
MOSCOW, AUG 11 (AP): Russian authorities detained a former state TV journalist who quit after staging an onair protest against Moscow’s war in Ukraine and charged her Wednesday with spread ing false information about Russia’s armed forces, ac cording to her lawyer. Marina Ovsyannikova was charged over a separate street protest last month, when she held up a banner that said “(Russian Presi dent Vladimir) Putin is a killer, his soldiers are fas cists. 352 children have been killed (in Ukraine). How many more children should die for you to stop?” If tried and convicted, Ovsyannikova faces up to 10 years in prison under a new law that penalises state ments against the military and that was enacted shortly after Russian troops moved into Ukraine, her lawyer, Dmitry Zakhvatov, said in a Telegram post. Ovsyan nikova’s home was raided Wednesday and she was taken for Zakhvatovquestioning.saidthe for mer producer for Russian state-funded Channel One would spend the night in a holding cell at Moscow police fice,outsideSpeakingheadquarters.tojournaliststheinvestigators’ofthelawyersaidOvsyan nikova was holding up well. He said the new law, which allows people to be detained for picketing, showed that Russia’s judicial system was in “complete militarydisparagingingthe“StopholdinganpearedMarchinternationalOvsyannikovadefault.”madeheadlineson14,whensheapbehindtheanchorofeveningnewsbroadcastaposterthatsaidthewar,don’tbelievepropaganda,theyarelytoyouhere.”ShewaschargedwiththeRussianandfined30,000 rubles ($270 at the time). After quitting her job, Ovsyannikova became somewhat of an activist, staging antiwar pickets and speaking out publicly against the conflict. She was fined two more times in recent weeks for disparaging the military in a critical Facebook post and in comments she made at the court where oppo sition figure Ilya Yashin was remanded into custody pending trial, also accused of spreading false informa tion about the military.
The Western Sumi Hoho (WSH) lauds the New Chakroma Public Organisation (CPO) Team led by Zhato kimho as the President. CPO is a very major, matured and an influential body whose voice matters in many important decisions, be it in social, economic or political sphere of the Nagas today. The WSH looks forward with optimism to work together against all odds as in the past for the benefit of the two tribes in particular and also for the Nagas in general.TheWSH also deeply appreciates the former president of the CPO, Vichutuolie Mere under whose leadership so many hurdles and misunderstandings could be sorted out between our two tribes. The WSH believes he will continue to work for the society extending his services as and when needed in days to come also. The WSH assures to extend its fullest cooperation and work together with the New CPO Team for the greater good of the people of our state.
LONDON, AUG 11 (PTI): India and the UK will con tinue to work intensively to meet the Diwali deadline at the end of October for a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) announced during the India visit of outgoing British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, a UK government statement said. In a joint outcome statement on the ongoing FTA negotiations released on Wednesday evening, the Department for Inter national Trade (DIT) said the fifth round involved detailed draft treaty text discussion over 85 sepa rate sessions and 15 policy areas.The latest round con cluded on July 29, with the next due to be held in the UK later this month. “Indian and UK of ficials will continue to work intensively throughout the summer towards our target to conclude the majority of talks on a comprehensive and balanced Free Trade Agreement by the end of October 2022,” the DIT statement“Negotiationsaid. officials undertook these technical talks in a hybrid fashion – with some of the teams meeting in New Delhi, In dia, and the majority of officials joining virtually. For this round of negotia tions, technical experts from both sides came together for detailed draft treaty text discussions in 85 separate sessions covering 15 policy areas,” it said.
SIX TENANTS EXPELLED FROM SOVIMA Sovima Village Council has today expelled six tenants from the village for an indefinite period of time for indulging in illegal activities such as sale and consumption of drugs/Sunflower and bootlegging.Theexpelled persons have been identified as Threiwang Awang, Wongkhen Jolyn, Yonem Konyak, Mrs Kishini Chishi, Kechakielie Angami and Keduolhoulie Angami. They have been directed to vacate the village within fifteen days failing which their household items shall be seized by the Council and they shall be forced out of the Furthermore,village.Vibeizolie Angami and Mrs Enzilo Lotha have been directed to surrender their land registration papers to the Council Secretary by 6 p.m. this evening. It may be mentioned that some of the expelled persons and Vibeizolie, whose land documents have been seized, were caught red handed on August 8, 2022 by Youth Volunteers at the residence of Mrs Kishini Chishi, a tenant of Mrs Enzilo Lotha. Kechakielie was expelled for being caught red handed selling IMFL by youth Volunteers on August 9, 2022. A total number of 41 quarter bottles of assorted whiskey were seized from his possession. It may be mentioned that Sovima Village Council had resolved in 1998 to strictly ban sale of IMFL, and sale of psychotropic drugs in 2006. These resolutions were reaffirmed by the present Team on July 22, 2022, with a rider that properties in which drugs were found to be sold would be seized by the Council. There are precedents where bootleggers and drugs peddlers were penalised heavily and expelled from the village. Ruokuosilie Rupreo Council Secretary Sovima Village Council11.08.2022

(ByKathleenDoheny) new variant Centaurus, after a constellation and from Greek mythology describing a half-human, half-horse creature. The name has stuck and is now a popular on Twitter and in newsHavingreports. a name, in stead of a string of let ters and numbers, helps get messages across to the public, says Rajnarayanan, who’s started to use #Cen taurus on his Twitter posts. He would encourage the World Health Organization to name all the variants. “You want to make sure people have something easy to go by,” he says.
Madonna was warned her career would be over R apper Travis Scott (II) made a recordbreaking amount of money on merchandise in London over the weekend. The 31-year-old rap star sold more than $1 mil lion in merchandise at his weekend concerts, setting a new UK record and over taking the previous land mark set by South Korean superband BTS, reports were$100forwerecreatedinaccordingLondonWorldduringliongroupaceshowbiz.com.Thechart-toppingsoldjustunder$1milworthofmerchandisetheir‘LoveYourselfTourUK’datesininOctober2018,toTMZ.AheadofhisshowsLondon,Travis’teamsomehoodiesthatdesignedspecificallyhisshows.Thehoodiessoldforto$125,whileshirtssoldforbetween$45 and $75, and hats were be ing sold for $45. Travis was joined in London by his girlfriend Kylie Jenner and their two children, Stormi, four, and a six-month old baby boy whose name has not beenEarlierrevealed.thisweek, the loved-up couple were said to have “mastered being together”. (IANS)
Is BA.2.75
Rapper Travis Scott beats BTS merchandise sales record in UK
P op icon Madonna was warned her ca reer woul d be over after she accidentally flashed her derriere at the 1984 MTV Video Music Awards.The 63-year-old singer was one of the performers at the very first MTV Video Music Awards (VMAs) in 1984 when she caused a sensation when her dress flipped up and she flashed her buttocks while singing ‘Like a Virgin’, and though the wardrobe malfunc tion was accidental, her management team were convinced the brief flash ing of flesh would spark enough outrage to ensure she’d never work again, reports Show’,FallonSpeakingfemalefirst.co.uk.toJimmyon‘TheTonightshesaid:“Idid that show and I walked down the very steep stairs of the wedding cake and I got to the bottom and I started dancing around and my white stiletto pumps fell off. “And I was trying to do this smooth move like, dive for the shoe and look like it was choreography. And my dress flipped up and my butt was showing. Can you imagine? Those were the days when you shouldn’t show your butt to have a career. Now it’s the opposite.“Ithappened by ac cident and I didn’t even know my butt was show ing. It wasn’t even like the whole butt it was just like a butt cheek, like half a butt cheek. Yeah, when I went backstage, my manager told me my career is over.” The ‘Beautiful Strang er’ singer also recalled how much it “blew (her) mind” when she saw people danc ing to her music for the first time at a club called Danceteria. (IANS)
W ill Omicron’s new est BA.2.75,subvariant,bethe next one to worry about? It was first found in early June in India. As of July 17, it had been found in 15 countries, including seven states in the U.S., according to an Arkansas State University professor who has been tracking the variant.The World Health Or ganization says it is watch ing the variant closely. Infectious disease ex perts say there’s no cause for alarm – yet – but the variant should be “Althoughwatched.detected in many other countries [be sides India], there is no sign that it is spreading [in those countries],” says Eric Topol, MD, editor-in-chief of Med scape, WebMD’s sister site for health care professionals, and executive vice president of Scripps Research. “Any worry about this variant seems to be misplaced, at least at this juncture.” “I wouldn’t panic yet,” agrees Rajendram Rajnaray anan, PhD, an assistant dean of research and associate professor at Arkansas State University, who has been tracking BA.2.75. But he is concerned about its spread. Right now, he says, it’s spreading faster than the BA.5 variant in India. He predicts that BA.2.75 will spread more in the United Kingdom next (where it’s already arrived) and then increase in the U.S. “This is exactly the pattern we’ve seen with ev ery other variant,” he says. As of July 17, he had tracked just 14 cases in seven states: California, Illinois, New York, North Carolina, Texas, Washing ton, and Wisconsin. By September, it could peak in the U.S., he says. “Right now, BA.2.75. seems to be the fastest of them all” in terms of spread. But like other variants, it could fol low the 2-month cycle and begin to decline by October, Rajnarayanan says. In a lab analysis post ed on Twitter, Peking Uni versity professor Yunlong Cao found that BA.2.75 is more likely than BA.2.12.1 (which, before BA. 5, was the dominant variant in the U.S.) to escape detection by the immune system. But laboratory analy sis “is only half the equa tion,” says Peter ChinHong, MD, a professor of medicine and an infectious disease specialist at the University of California, San Francisco. Many other things play into whether a variant will spread. “It’s too early to tell from a virus perspective what will hap pen,” he says of the new variant.As infectious disease experts debate the course of 2.75, some also discuss the naming of variants. The World Health Organization has been using letters of the Greek alphabet to name someButvariants.onJuly 1, Twitter user Xabier Ostale, who’s not an infectious disease professional, apparently tired of waiting for BA.2.75 to get a Greek name and took the task on himself. In a tweet, he dubbed the the next COVID threat?
M eta-owned photosharing Instagramplatformisca pable of tracking its users’ actions, text choices and even text input, such as passwords and confidential credit card information, if they visit a link inside the app, says a new report. The analysis conduct ed by Felix Krause found that both Instagram and Facebook on iOS use their own in-app browser rather than the one offered by Apple for third-party apps. Most apps use Apple’s Safari for loading websites, but Instagram and Face book have been using their own in-app browser to load websites within the app, reports and“MetaJavaScriptFacebookonbuiltWithMacRumors.theircustom-browser,stillbasedWebKit,Instagramandinjectatrackingcode-namedPixel”intoalllinkswebsitesshown.With that code, Meta has total freedom to track users’ interactions without their explicit consent, Krause found.This allows Instagram to monitor everything hap pening on external websites without the user’s consent, or the website provider’s, the report said. The Instagram app injects their tracking code into every website shown, including when clicking on ads, enabling them to monitor all user interac tions, like every button and link tapped, text selec tions, screenshots, as well as any form inputs, like passwords, addresses, and credit card numbers. As Krause pointed out, it takes reasonable effort for companies like Meta to develop and maintain their own in-app browser rather than use Apple’s built-in Safari. (IANS)
Instagram can track user’s web activity via in-app browser: Report

Late VIKESEKHO GABRIEL RUTSA Born : 26.01.1983 – Died : 30.07.2022 We, the bereaved family members of Lt. VIKESEKHO GABRIEL RUTSA extend our deepest appreciation and gratitude to each and everyone who stood by us physically, financially and spiritually during his prolonged illness and sad demise on 30th July, 2022. Though, we could not thank each and everyone individually, we pray that our Almighty God bless you all abundantly for all the love and support during our difficult time. Loving Mom and Siblingsk-1853/22
beat W. Indies by 13 runs
DIMAPUR, AUG 11 (NPN): In commemoration of its silver jubilee celebra tion, Dimapur District Foot ball Referee Association (DDFRA) will be organiz ing the second open foot ball tournament 2022 from September 6-17 at DDSC stadium. Registration form will be Rs.5000 and last date of submission is August 27. For further details, contact at 8413815281, 8787527598 and 7085924464.
Test series in England in June, Williamson led his side’s score of 185-5 with 47 from 33 balls, laced with four fours and two sixes while left-hander Conway smashed 43 from 29 balls and also with four fours and two anJamescouldn’tmadebleNewPostsixes.raininterruption,Zealandwereintrouat98-3.DarylMitchell16,GlennPhillipsdomuch.ButNeeshamsmashedunbeaten15-ball33to give the Black Caps late im petus in a 36-run, unbroken sixth wicket partnership with Mitchell Santner (four not out).Inreply, Shamarh Brooks top-scored with 42, but his knock was a measured one requiring 43 deliveries. All-rounder Jason Holder got 25 from 19 balls before perishing at 114-7 at the back end of the 16th Leftover. with 72 runs to get from the last four overs, Romario Shepherd lashed a 16-ball unbeaten 31 (three sixes and a four) in a 58-run, unbroken, eighth wicket stand with Smith, who blasted a 12ball unbeaten 27 (four fours and aThesix).duo got the equa tion down to 26 from the final over but other than for Shepherd’s six over long on off the third ball from seamer Tim Southee, they were unable to perform the miracle needed for the WestForIndies.New Zealand, left-arm spinner Mitchell Santner was the pick of the bowlers, taking three cru cial scalps and conceding just 19 runs from his four overs on his way to claim ing Player of the Match award in a match where West Indies batting didn’t click in Briefunison.scores: New Zealand 185-5 in 20 overs (Kane Williamson 47, Devon Conway 43; Odean Smith 3-32, Obed McCoy 1-39) beat West Indies 1727 in 20 overs (Shamarh Brooks 42, Romario Shep herd 31 not out; Mitchell Santner 3-19, Lockie Fer guson 1-33) by 13 runs.
Mokokchung inter-ward volleyball tournament kicks off
We, the bereaved family of Late Mrs. T. Mary Kethoseü, would like to express our sincere gratitude to all who stood by us and extended their support and sympathy spiritually, morally, physically and financially during the short term of her illness and till the day she left us. We convey our special thanks to: 1) Neighbours in Peren Town. 2) Doctors , Nurses and Staff of District Hospital Peren. 3) Doctors , Nurses and Staff of Zion Hospital, Dimapur. 4) Doctors , Nurses and Staff of Faith Hospital, Dimapur. 5) Head Teacher and Staff of Govt. Middle School Peren Town. 6) Shri. T.R. Zeliang, Hon’ble MLA Peren. 7) Shri. Namri Nchang, Hon’ble MLA and Advisor Water Resources.
KINGSTON (JAMAI CA), AUG 11 (IANS): All-rounder Odean Smith put in his career-best per formances with both bat and ball in a valiant effort to win the opening contest for the West Indies. But his efforts went in vain as New Zealand registered a 13-run win over West Indies in the first T20I to take a 1-0 seriesPlayinglead. in front of his home crowd, Smith had impressive figures of 3-32 off his four overs and then smashed a whirlwind 27 not out off just 12 balls, but West Indies fell short of victory.Itwas a match where West Indies had a bril liant fielding performance. Shimron Hetmyer took a one-handed catch on the ropes at deep point to remove Martin Guptill (16). Wicketkeeper Devon Thomas took a great catch to dismiss Devon Conway, and then Hayden Walsh dived full stretch at deep square leg to account for skipper Kane Williamson. All three catches came off the bowling of Smith. Playing in his first in ternational match since the New Zealand
ADC Mokokchung and administrator MMC, Chumlamo Humtsoe, along with others at the inaugural programme of the inter-ward volleyball tournament. (NP)
NEW DELHI, AUG 11 (IANS): The senior men’s Indian football team will be back in action in Sep tember, when they play two International friend lies against Singapore and Vietnam.The Blue Tigers will travel to Vietnam on Sep tember 22, and subsequent ly play Singapore on Sep tember 24, and the hosts on September 27, before mak ing the return journey back to India on September 28. India are currently placed 104th on the FIFA Men’s World Rankings, while their two opponents are placed at 97th (Viet nam) and 159th (Singa pore). Having qualified for the AFC Asian Cup 2023 almost two months back, India, coached by former Croatia international Igor Stimac, will be looking to prepare for the apex con tinental tournament next year. Speaking on the two matches ahead, Stimac said, “We are happy about the upcoming challenges, and we’re looking forward to maintaining the quality of performances that we have recently dished out.”
25th DEATH ANNIVERSARY OF OUR BELOVED MOTHER Late Kikalemla Unger 12th August 1997 dp-3791/22 db-872/22
India to play Int’l friendlies against Singapore, Vietnam
Rafael Nadal to participate in Cincinnati Open
Correspondent MOKOKCHUNG, AUG 11 (NPN): The inter-ward volleyball tournament Mo kokchung kicked off on Thursday at the multi-sports stadium, Mokokchung, or ganized by the Kumlong Sporting Association and a total of nine wards are participating in the tourna ment which will continue till August 15. A brief inau gural was held on Thursday graced by additional deputy commissioner (ADC) Mo kokchung and administrator MMC, Chumlamo Humt soe, as the guest of honour. Wishing the players, the best of luck, Humtsoe expressed his hope that players from Mokokchung will also take part in national and interna tional levels too. He further informed that players from Mokokchung district will also take part in various dis ciplines in the forthcoming Nagaland Olympics. The guest of honour also encouraged the young players to maintain disci pline and to desist and keep away from bad habits that are detrimental to the over all health. He further called upon the players to play fair and achieve Earliersuccess.inthe pro gramme, short speeches were delivered by vice presi dent Mokokchung District Volleyball Association, Al len Imchen and chairman Kumlong Ward Yimden, S. Lanu Imchen and welcome address was delivered by president KSA, Mongshin Longkumer.
8) Pastor and Members of Peren Town Baptist Church. 9) Pastor and Members of Jalukie ‘B’ Baptist Church. 10) Mpai Fellowship Peren Town. 11) Mpai Fellowship Dimapur. 12) Shri. Namriedaung Siang and family. 13) One Sons. 14) Friends, in-laws and kins. We deeply regret our inability to mention each and everyone individually but it is our humble prayer that Almighty God bless you all abundantly.
Kohima District Badminton Association (KDBA) members with the badminton team for Kohima district for the upcoming Nagaland Olympic and Paralympic Games 2022 during a practice session at Kohima Indoor Stadium. The team would be headed by Kezhalezo Solo as the manager and Yanpothung Lotha as the coach. (NP)
25 years have passed since you left us for your heavenly abode but your loving memories remain fresh in our hearts. Loving children and grandchildren
DDFRA to organise 2nd open football tourney PDFRA on induction of 2nd batch of referee
CINCINNATI (US), AUG 11 (IANS): Rafael Nadal confirmed on Wednesday that he will travel to Cin cinnati for the Western & Southern Open, where he could secure a return to World No. 1. If the Spaniard wins the ATP Masters 1000 title and current World No. 1 Daniil Medvedev fails to reach the quarterfinals, Nadal would rise to the top of the ATP Rankings. The 36-year-old is set for his first competitive ap pearance since pulling out of Wimbledon just before the semifinals with an ab dominal injury he sustained during the London fort night. His difficult decision not to play Nick Kyrgios in that semi-final has allowed him a relatively quick return from the muscle tear. Nadal confirmed his return in an Instagram post, where he said: “Very happy to play again in Cincy. Fly ing there tomorrow.” The 2013 Cincinnati champion, Nadal is 22-11 at the ATP Masters 1000 event and has reached the quarter-finals or better on seven occasions.
Loving Husband, Children and Grandchildren Born : 17/12/1968 – Died : 19/07/2022
New Zealand teammate celebrate during the first T20 cricket match at Sabina Park in Kingston, Jamaica.
DIMAPUR, AUG 111 (NPN): Peren District Football Referee Association (PDFRA) in its meeting on August 8 adopted two resolutions. The members resolved to induct second batch of referee from Peren district for both boys and girls from the age group of 18-30 years, which is open till August 27. They also resolved to collect members registration fee of Rs. 100 per head which is compulsory.

TORONTO, AUG 11 (IANS): Belinda Bencic de feated three-time champion Serena Williams 6-2, 6-4 at the National Bank Open to advance to the Round of 16 here on PlayingThursday.herfirst match since her essay in Vogue detailing the decision behind her impending retirement, Williams was greeted by a rapturous ovation from the Toronto crowd as she took to theWilliamscourt. was bidding to win her first back-toback singles matches since 2021 Roland Garros, having won her Toronto opener in straight sets over Nuria Parrizas Diaz. But in a re match of their memorable semifinal duel on this very court in 2015, Bencic was able to control the match from start to finish with her serve. The 25-year-old from Bencic defeats Serena Williams in emotional Toronto send-offAUGDIMAPUR,11(NPN): The lease,Augustto2022,lympicOlympicofitsThursdayciationOlympicNagalandAsso(NOA)onreleasedofficiallogotheNagaland&ParaGamesscheduledbeheldfrom22-27.InapressreNagalandOlympic
BEIJING, AUG 11 (IANS): Athletes from Brazil, Rus sia, India, China and South Africa will compete online at the 2022 BRICS Games, which are to be held from September 1 to 30, organis ers announced on Thursday. The 2022 BRICS Games features breakdanc ing, chess and Wushu (Chi nese martial arts) as medal events and yoga, dragon and lion dance, dragon boat rac ing, Brazil jiu-jitsu, sambo and dibeke as demonstra tion events, reports Xinhua. Gao Zhidan, director of China’s General Admin istration of Sport, expressed his belief that Games will enhance solidarity and friendship, promote peace and development.“Ibelieve2022
The Eintracht keeper will have been frustrated when David Alaba tapped home from the resulting corner after headers from Benzema and Casemiro had left the Eintracht de fense all at Madridsea.looked to add to their lead before their break, with Benzema firing wide when put through and Casemiro seeing his shot saved by TrappTrapp.was in action again early in the second half after Vinicius’ shot took a deflection off Benze ma, but Eintracht were see ing more of the ball, with Jesper Lindstrom looking lively, before he was taken off in the 57th minute in a double change that saw Mario Gotze and Randal Kolo Muani get into the action.Moments after the change, Casemiro rattled the Eintracht crossbar from around 20 meters and de spite Eintracht’s posses sion, Carlo Ancelotti’s men looked comfortable and dangerous on the break. Benzema’s goal came in the 65th minute, after a pass from Vinicius which he side-footed past Trapp and there was no way back for a willing, but ultimately, toothless Eintracht.
NEW DELHI, AUG 11 (IANS): The central gov ernment on Thursday told the Supreme Court that the Ministry of Youth Af fairs and Sports and the court-appointed Committee of Administrators (CoA) will meet FIFA officials to sort out differences to en sure that the U-17 Women’s Football World Cup is host ed byAIndia.bench headed by Jus tice D Y Chandrachud indi cated that it will not hesitate from interfering if attempts were made to undermine the hosting of the U-17 Women’s World Cup by India. Additional Solicitor General Balbir Singh, repre senting the Centre, assured the bench, also comprising Justice Surya Kant and A.S. Bopanna, that a meeting with FIFA is taking place today and all efforts are being made to salvage the 2022 FIFA U-17 Women’s World Cup, which is hosted by India. He added that the government will attempt to sort out all differences in this meeting, and asked the court to record that the secretary of the CoA as well as the secretary of the All India Football Federation (AIFF) be present at the meeting. Senior advocate Gopal Centre to SC: Officials, CoA will meet FIFA to ensure India hosts Women’s WC
BRICS Games will play a unique role in improving BRICS sports development and promoting understand ing and friendship in the BRICS sports community and among BRICS peoples, and contribute to fostering high-quality partnership and embarking on a new jour ney of BRICS cooperation through power of sports,” Gao said in a speech posted on Games’ official website. Registration for the competi tion begins on August 15.
Association media team has informed that there will be 11 disciplines for the games namely, Archery, Athletics, Boxing, Badminton, Bas ketball, Football, Lawn Tennis, Shooting Sports, Table Tennis, Taekwondo and Wushu. It informed that men’s football will commence from August 17 while the rest of the discipline will start from August 22. The opening ceremony will be held on Au gust 22. The last date for registration will be August 13. So far, more than 1500 athletes, officials and organisers have registered for the games. There will be three city venues for the games: Long leng – Badminton; Dimapur - Lawn Tennis and Shooting Sports; Kohima - Sports- Archery, Athletics, Basketball, Boxing, Football, Table Tennis, Taekwondo, Wushu; Dimapur - Paralympic disciplines.
MONTREAL, AUG 11 (IANS): Nick Kyrgios claimed the biggest scalp of his red-hot winning streak when he upset World No. 1 Daniil Medvedev 6-7(2), 6-4, 6-2 in a heavyweight National Bank Open sec ond-round clash in Mon treal.After the win the Aus tralian tennis star sent an emotional message to his mother, who has been hos pitalised. Kyrgios went up to the on-court camera and wrote an emotional message, “Be Strong Ma” on the lens as he received a loud round of applause from the crowd in Canada. The 27-year-old stunned World No. 1 Dani il Medvedev in 3 sets to continue his fine run on the tour ever since reaching the Wimbledon final in July. Kyrgios frequently deployed serve-and-volley tactics to exploit the de fending champion’s deep positioning on return. He Switzerland faced just one break point in the match, which she Bencicsaved.also kept the return pressure on Williams from the first game. The Swiss won the toss, elected to receive, and proceeded to earn two break points in the opening game. Williams saved them with clutch serv ing, but Bencic would go on to break Williams twice in the opening set, sealing it af ter 41 minutes. Bencic finally got the break in the 3-3 game when Williams struck a double-fault on break point. Bencic closed out the win after 1 hour and 17 minutes. Bencic finished with 25 win ners to 13 unforced errors, while Williams hit 13 win ners to 18 unforced errors. After the match, Wil liams stayed on court and fought off tears as she bid farewell to the Toronto crowd. Bencic will face Garbine Muguruza next.
Real Madrid players celebrate with the trophy after winning the European Super Cup.
Nick Kyrgios
HELSINKI, AUG 11 (IANS): Real Madrid strik er Karim Benzema made history on Wednesday as Real Madrid beat Eintracht Frankfurt 2-0 to win the European Super Cup. The Frenchman net ted his side’s second goal of the match to lift his total number of goals for Real Madrid to 324, taking him past Raul Gonzalez to become the second highest scorer in the club’s history behind Cristiano Ronaldo. As promised prior to the match, Madrid coach Carlo Ancelotti started with the same 11 that beat Liverpool in the Champi ons League final in Paris back in May, while Ein tracht went into the game on the back of a 6-1 defeat to Bayern Munich at the weekend and without star player Filip Kostic, who is on the verge of joining Juventus.Madrid had most of the early ball, but the first big save of the match was made by their keeper, Thibaut Courtois, who continued his form of last season to deny Daichi Ka mada after the forward had been set into Xinhua.inma’swellKevinbyeffortquicklyMadridspace.respondedwithViniciusJr’sclearedoffthelineTutaafterhehadbeatenTrapp,whothendidtotipKarimBenzeshotwideforacornerthe37thminute,reports
2022 BRICS Games to be held online in Sept
Sankaranarayanan, repre senting the CoA, contended it would be appropriate if only two representatives as already decided by the CoA would participate in the meeting. The apex court was hearing the CoA’s con tempt petition alleging that the ousted AIFF president Praful Patel has been trying to undermine the conduct of the tournament.Thebench made it clear that it does not appre ciate attempts to involve en tities who have been ousted by it from the AIFF and cause interference in the ad ministration of justice. Justice Chandrachud said, “We are holding our balance but we see what is happening in this matter. Should it come to it, we would assert our authority without exception.” Singh assured the top court that ousted entities would not be participating in the meet ing with FIFA scheduled on August 11. After hear ing the submissions, the bench adjourned the matter. The CoA has moved the top court seeking initiation of contempt proceedings against Patel and representa tives of 7 state associations accusing them of indirectly stalling the court ordered elections to the AIFF. The CoA, in its con tempt petition, said after the apex court on August 3 had recorded the consensus among the various parties to first conduct the elec tions to the AIFF in a time bound fashion and then to finalise the constitution, the state associations have attempted to resile from the same, but indirectly. “The evidence enclosed with this contempt petition would show that Praful Pa tel who had been removed as President of the AIFF has consistently abused his position as Council Mem ber of FIFA to orchestrate a campaign among the State Associations to undermine the various steps taken by this court for the betterment of football, including hav ing footballers involved in governance and administra tion”, added the plea.
MYK C MYK C Printed, Published and Edited by Geoffrey Yaden at G.M. Printers, Circular Rd. Dimapur-797112. Ph: Desk 248489, e-mail-npdesk@gmail.com. Adm.& Advertisement :248267,8798162009 e-mail-npostadvt@gmail.com, R.N. 40978/90 RN/NE 707 SPORTS12 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 2022
STRONGER TOGETHER NOA releases official logo
Real Madrid win European Super Cup
Belinda Bencic and Serena Williams Kyrgios dedicates victory over Medvedev in Montreal to sick mother also staved off the two break points he faced dur ing the two-hour encounter at the ATP Masters 1000 event.After backing up his run to his maiden Grand Slam final at Wimbledon in June with his seventh ATP Tour title in Washing ton last week, Kyrgios has now won 14 of his past 15 matches. The win against Medvedev lifts the Austra lian to No. 31 in the ATP Live KyrgiosRankings.had shown re silience to rally after the dis appointment of losing the opening set in Montreal, during which he had two set points on the Medvedev serve at 5-4, but could not convert. An early break of the top seed’s serve in the second set proved key as the Australian continued to dominate behind his de livery and level the match.