CCoNPI last solution bid before polls
Where does the seized money go? In most cases, the ED officials are seen carrying huge stacks of money in big containers or arranging the money to spell the leader ‘E’ and ‘D’ before a press briefing. But what happens to the huge piles of hard cash after the raids?
“We are interrogating all the five prison staff to get into the bottom of Sat urday’s jailbreak,” Marak said.
gram, Haryana. The duo were confronted by Jim Browning. The following is what was revealed from the call details released by ‘Scammers Payback Chan nel’ on Facebook.
PTI Adds: India logged 5,076 new Covid-19 cas es taking the total tally of cases to 4,44,95,359, while the death toll climbed to 5,28,150 with 11 fatalities which includes four deaths reconciled by Kerala.
This is it! “A united opposition is our goal. But for me, any alliance is temporary after all it’s a matter of convenience.” (Cont’d on p-7) A file photo of Rio and others with Amit Shah in Delhi on May 18, 2022. (Cont’d on p-7)
It may be recalled that till then, the CCoNPI was yet to submit a copy of the July 16 resolution. The

the ED, it is kept with the agency at its office. Central probe agencies including the ED, CBI or Income Tax Department are empowered to carry out raids and investi gations to seize movable and immovable property in cases of money laundering, scams, tax frauds or irregularities.
According to Indian SARS-CoV-2 Genomics Consortium (INSACOG), the Omicron variant is mutating further in parts of the country and is likely to become even more trans missible, reports TOI. Ad ditionally, another cause for concern is that the variant may be immune evasive which could stir questions about vaccine efficacy. The BA.2.75 Variant has been known to be the “most im mune evasive strain”.

lynching occurred on Sun day afternoon when news spread that one of the es capees, identified as Ramesh Dkhar came to get food from a local shop in the area, following which they went on a hunt for the escapees, who were in the forest. The mob finally thrashed four to death despite a handful of police personnel who made attempts to stop the furious mob from lynching them.
Oil prices at sevenmonth low but no change in prices
In August this year, po lice busted two such ‘scam centres’ in New Delhi, two in Gurugram, and one in Hyderabad. The hub of such
But whenever evil raises its head, there are vigilantes who track them down and expose them. They work
Those arrested in As sam, Mizoram and Manipur with the smuggled animals confessed that they were paid to deliver their con signments to West Bengal, specifically the AlipurduarCooch Behar-JalpaiguriSiliguriForestbelt. officials said Myanmar, now under mili
Staff Reporter
In India, Maha rashtra’s coordinator for genome sequencing, Dr Rajesh Karyakarte spoke to TOI and confirmed that the Omicron variant is “mutating further”. Dr
Jim Browning- a name that sends shivers down the spine of internet fraudsters in In dia. He has single-handedly shut down several scam centres in India and even spooked scammers by calling them out by their real names, telling them the dress they wear and their personal de tails by hacking into CCTVs and computer cameras.

Meanwhile, police have arrested five prison staff of the Jowai district prison and correctional home for negli gence of duty in the prison which led to the escape of six prisoners.Preliminary investiga tion indicates that the ar rested prison staff-- Head Warder Rajesh Swer, Ward er Pyndapbor Bamon and Warder Chamilan Kyn jing besides two temporary warders Damelahun Sunn and Alexius Iawram con spired with the escapees.
According to ED web site accessed on 11 Sep tember, 5,422 cases were registered under PMLA in 17 years. However, the con viction rate was very low as only 25 persons have been proved guilty.
International bench mark Brent crude fell below USD 90 per barrel last week for the first time since early February as recession fears weigh on demand. It has since recovered and is trad ing at USD 92.84 per barrel, the lowest in six months.
The state minister said PM’s visit to India was the best in the last 14 years, with both countries show ing reciprocity in terms of their common and mutual interests.
daddy of them all is hacker
One of the most recent videos released on Septem ber 10 by a Facebook page ‘ Scammers Payback Chan nel’ run by another popular scam baiter Pierogi reveals two youths from Nagaland who run ‘ Microsoft scam’ from their rooms in Guru

NEW DELHI, SEP 11 (AGENCIES): The Enforce ment Directorate has been in the news recently for a series of raids involving business men, political leaders and bureaucrats, reports News18.
SHILLONG, SEP 11: Four of the six jail breakers, in cluding a murder accused, who had escaped from the Jowai district jail and correc tional home after overpow ering four prison staff and an armed police constable on Saturday afternoon, were lynched by a mob at a for ested area along the bound ary of Thadmuthlong and Shangpung village on Sun day, a police official said.
NEW DELHI, SEP 11 (PTI): International oil pric es have hit a seven-month low but there is no change in retail selling price of petrol and diesel in India as stateowned fuel retailers recoup losses incurred for hold ing rates for a record five months despite rising cost.
The escapees included two murder accused– I Love You Talang and Ramesh Dkhar, who were arrested
recently on charges of kid napping and murder of two taxi drivers last month in East Jaintia Hills district and West Jaintia Hills district.
Besides Talang, five others, Ramesh Dkhar, Marsanki Tariang (murder convict) Rikamenlang La mare, Shidorki Dkhar and Lodestar Tang had escaped from Jowai jail on Saturday afternoon.
A video of the mob lynching has gone viral.
DIMAPUR, SEP 11 (NPN): On Monday, a dele gation of the Core Commit tee on Naga Political Issue (CCoNPI) led by convenor and United Democratic Alliance (UDA) coalition chief minister Neiphiu Rio is expected to meet with union home minister Amit Shah to formally hand over the July 16, 2022 resolution of the CCoNPI and make a final attempt to impress upon the Centre to ink a final agreement for securing much delayed solution to the Naga political issue.
Karyakarte said, “it is vying for dominance by packing in more immune evasive mutations.”“Thissubvariant was found in recent samples in Maharashtra, but it remains to be seen if this ‘second child lineage’ will dominate the existing BA.2.75,” Dr Karyakarte told TOI. “In 71 recent samples from Pune, 20 had BA.2.75. BA.2.75.1 was in around 11 samples and BA.2.75.2 was found in nearly 17 samples. The rest had other Omicron sublineages. This shows BA.2.75.2 seems to be catching up with BA.2.75,” Karyakarte told
ing for the visit,” he said. Shahriar Alam said it is time to go for second phase of economic devel opment, and Bangladesh is ready to contribute to the process.Hesaid Indian Min ister Kishan Reddy put forward several proposals during PM’s visit to Delhi and PM Hasina agreed to implement some of them.
Four jail breakers lynched by mob in Meghalaya Trade, connectivity in mind Dhaka invites CMs of North Eastern states
meeting with Shah could be the delegation’s final at tempt to seek the Centre’s response for securing early solution. The ‘final push’ could be the last attempt be fore scheduled polls in 2023
State Minister for Foreign Affairs Md Shahriar Alam, MP.
minister to invite NSCN (I-M) for early conclusion.
Taking part in the dis cussion, Shahriar Alam said the invitation to the seven chief ministers of In dia’s Northeast was agreed upon and now it will have to be formally extended through the India’s Min istry of External Affairs.
“Our PM said we are wait
From 2014 to 2022, the raids conducted by ED have seen around 27-fold spike to 3,010 in comparison with 112 searches between 2004 and 2014. As per 31 March 2022, ED has the custody of assets worth over Rs 1 lakh crore, linked to cases under investigation by the agency. Of these, over Rs 57,000 crore are related to bank frauds and ponzi scam cases. Nagaland Post MYK C MYK C Vol XXXII No. 278 DIMAPUR, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2022 Pages 12 ` 5.00 Sri Lanka beat Pak in final to win Asia Cup title SPORTS, PAGE 12 Eastern Ukraine towns hit in overnight strikes INTERNATIONAL, PAGE 9 (Cont’d on p-8) (Cont’d on p-8) (Cont’d on p-8) FOLLOW US ON @Nagaland_Postnagalandpostofficial

The two Delhi govern ment-registered SUVs, with army stickers on them, were
The CCoNPI members in Delhi include-- chief min ister and convenor Neiphiu Rio; co-convenors- deputy chief minister Y. Patton, UDA chairman T.R. Zeliang and UDA co-chairman & NPF legislature party leader Kuzholuzo (Azo) Neinu and otherAccordingmembers. to a member of the CCoNPI, Monday’s
State’s casesCovid-19activedropto6
Narco to species say
The recent pandemic dealt a devastating blow across the world. Larger economies like the US, China and other European countries have limped back to normalcy or even swiftly rebounded but India continues to reel under the debilitating impact of the pandemic and subsequent US,theists”“technicalinhighratelockdowns.Theunemploymentthatisatanall-timehasalsoledtoincreaseinternetfraudstersorfakesupportspecialinIndiawhopreyonoldandvulnerableintheUK,Australiaandother
It may be recalled that Centre’s then Interlocu tor for Naga political talks R.N. Ravi had on October 23, 2019 declared that all official talks will conclude on October 31,2019. Ravi had also mentioned this in his address to the 13th NLA on February 12,2021.
Staff Reporter
He made the com ments during a roundtable organised by the Editors Guild of Bangladesh on the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s visit to India at a city hotel on Saturday.
tary rule, has been the hub of most exotic and rare animals smuggled into the North Eastern states, specially Mizoram and Manipur, and then to northern West Bengal and other places in the country.TheAssam Police in one of the biggest seizures of smuggled animals on September 8 seized 40 rare and exotic animals, includ ing 19 primates and two baby wallabies, from two West Bengal-bound Sport Utility Vehicles at Rangia in Kamrup district and ar rested two people.
The present ‘opposi tion-less’ UDA (NDPP, BJP, NPF and Independents) and its CCoNPI have been skirting the point regarding conclusion of all official negotiations by repeating the plea on the Centre to conclude all talks for early solution.Inthe face of brickbats from various quarters, some of who had accused the UDA of acting as stumbling block instead of acting as facilitator to solution, CCo NPI eventually placed it on record in its July 16,2022 resolution (No.3).

hotspot for smugglers of exotic

The CCoNPI had on Thursday met with Centre’s Representative for Naga political talks A.K. Mishra at Nagaland House Delhi and submitted a copy of the July 16 resolution.

International Scambaiters expose ‘tech support’ scammers
DIMAPUR, SEP 11 (NPN): Nagaland’s active Covid-19 cases on Sunday dropped to six after one more patient recovered from the infection.Withone more patient recovering from the infec tion in Dimapur, the active cases dropped to 6-- two admitted to Covid hospitals and four under home isola tion. Further, on Sunday, one fresh Covid-19 positive case was reported from Mo kokchung, taking the total caseload to According35, Health department’s bulletin, the death toll stood at 780 (in cluding 5 non-Covid deaths but with positivity).
from Moreh in Chandel dis trict in southern Manipur. Moreh, along the In dia-Myanmar border, is 110 km south of Manipur capital Imphal and just four km west of Myanmar’s big gest border town Tamu (in Sagaing Region). It has been a famous cross border trad ing centre for decades.
Omicron has been around since late last year, with a series of super trans missible versions quickly displacing one another, and experts believe that “it will continue to mutate at least for the next few months,” adding that it’s likely a new variant distinct from omicron may also pop up.
A villager said that the mob
European countries to fleece them of millions of dollars everyThesemonth.fraudsters who pose as Americans in the US with pseudo names gen erally steer clear off the younger lot because their heavy Indian accent, poor pronunciation and sentence construction get called out. The elderly, on the other hand, are not so tech savvy and gullible. They invariably panic and end up losing thousands of dollars of their hard earned money.
Omicron’s main subvariant mutating further, INSACOG rings alarm bells
round the clock and turn the tables on scammers by delet ing thousands of files from their computers, perma nently lock their computers, and even redeem gift cards into their own accounts.
After the seizure, assets are calculated and a report or ‘Panchnama’ is filed with the details of the seized cash and properties. The cash is then deposited in ED’s bank account with public sector banks like the Reserve Bank of India or State Bank of India.
NEW DELHI, SEP 11 (AGENCIES): Even as Covid-19 cases have seen a consistent fall in the num ber of daily cases reported in India, the Omicron vari ant may play spoilsport. According to Insacog sci entists, Omicron’s BA.2.75 variant that has been the most dominant one may cause some serious trouble ahead of festive season, reports The Times of India.
TOI.BA.2.75 and its sub lineages are reportedly found in 90% of samples sequenced in Maharashtra raising concerns over an other spike in cases with the festive season just round the corner.
A police official said that the identities of the dead escapees were yet to be iden tified and their bodies had been taken to Ialong Civil Hospital for verification.
DHAKA, SEP 11 (AGEN CIES): Dhaka has invited seven chief ministers of the North Eastern states to visit Bangladesh to help further improve connec tivity and trade with the seven sisters and India as a whole.“We requested the Indian Minister of Devel opment of North Eastern Region G Kishan Reddy to visit Bangladesh along with all the chief ministers of the northeast at least for three days. They can also be accompanied by high profile officials and busi ness representatives,” said
cords such calls and releases them on the internet. A few seconds of silence ensues as Tin Tin is dumbfounded as does not seem to understand what had just hit him. Tin Tin, however, denies being a scammer and asks Jim to disconnect the call if he does not trustAfterhim.a terrified Tin Tin disconnects the call, Jim who still has full access to Tin Tin’s laptop pulls out de tails of the fake IT Company and Skype identities of three to four “employees,” their exact location, the real name of the company, their modus operandi, and the software they use to scam people.
The 1,643km long India-Myanmar unfenced borders, which have already turned into a hotspot of illegal trade in various highly addictive drugs, gold, arms and am munition and other contra band, have also become an easy route for smuggling of endangered and exotic ani mals from AccordingMyanmar.tothe cen tral para-military officials, the exotic animals are il legally traded and trans ported to India’s northeast region mainly on two routes. One is eastern Mizoram’s Champhai district bordering Myanmar and the other is
“We can share the names of the dead escapees only after the dead bodies have been identified,” Bi kram D. Marak, the district police chief of West Jaintia Hills,Hesaid.said search was still on to trace the whereabouts of the other two escapees.
member told Nagaland Post over phone that the com mittee stood committed to resolution No.4 “…to pave way in the event of political solution being arrived at” as also contained in the respec tive manifestos of the UDA constituents.TheJuly 16, 2022 CCoNPI resolution was a marked departure from past resolutions when it admitted (resolution No.3) that talks have concluded officially on October 31, 2019 and there fore, urged upon the Prime Minister and Union Home
As ED raids see 27-fold spike, Rs 1 lakh crore seized till date Experts
Once the raid is con ducted and cash is seized by
Prices fell despite bull ish developments, including Russia keeping the North Stream pipeline offline and producers cartel OPEC and its allies (OPEC+) cutting production. But this has not led to any revision in retail petrol and diesel prices in India and they continue to be on freeze for a recordset ting 158 days. Responding to reporters’ questions on no change in fuel prices, Petroleum minister Hardeep Singh Puri Friday sought to link the no revision to losses state-owned fuel retailers incurred in keeping rates unchanged when interna tional oil prices surged to multi-year high. “When (in ternational oil) prices were high, our (petrol and diesel) prices were already low,” he had said. “Have we recouped all our losses?” he went on to ask. He however did not elab orate on the losses incurred on keeping rates steady since April 6.
fraudulent activities appears to be Kolkata. Other cities where scamsters operate out of are Bengaluru, Hy derabad and Pune.
Of the handful of scam baiter community, the big
The call: On the call record that was released on September 10 on Facebook, the video indicated that of the two youngsters from Nagaland who spoke to Jim Browning, Tin Tin (fake name) was the first to receive the call. Barely minutes into the call, Jim tells Tin Tin the computer that he (Tin Tin) has remote access to is a virtual machine he uses to trap scammers. He goes on to tell Tin Tin that he re
moving from Mizoram and were bound for Siliguri in northern West Bengal. The rare animals were confined in several cages. The detainees, residents of Tamil Nadu, who were driving the two SUVs, told the police that they had travelled from Mizoram and were heading for Siliguri to deliver the animals. The vehicles with the exotic animals had travelled more than 720 km through three bordering North Eastern states-- Mizoram, Megha laya and Assam -- before being intercepted on NH-31 at Rangia, 55-km northwest of Assam’s main city of Gu wahati.
a new alsoomicrondistinctvariantfrommaypopup
and congratulated Vineet Kumar, chairman governing board and Deputy Commissioner for achieving governor’s award. DC Peren Vineet Kumar, in his speech exhorted the members to be active, sincere and transparent in the approach as an extension worker to bring change in the life of farmers in Peren district.
He articulated on the Lotha Naga community.senior(Endinaancommunitarianindigenouselementethiccalled“Sükhying”practiceoraconceptaddressingtheEOLCofLifeCare)amongpeopleintheLotha
Different activities held at Chozuba: Chozuba Town Council under Phek district Intensive Revision of Electoral Roll was assessed on September 7 in the Additional Deputy Commissioner (ADC) Chozuba office. In a separate event, Chozuba subdivision administration and police personnel on September 6 conducted random and surprise checking of shops as per government directive for “eco-friendly cum go green” at Chozuba.
CSUD elects new team: Chakhesang Students Union Dimapur organised an “installation of new team-cum-felicitation” programme on September 10, wherein, a team of 14 members were inducted to head the office of CSUD for the tenure 20222024 with George Krome as president. At the programme, Eriteü Khape, Riku Khape, and Anune Dawhou were felicitated for their achievements in the field of academy and sports.
Corrigendum: Apropos the editorial ‘Fame of Enlightenment’ on September 11, the following should be read as: the ‘Gospel Torch relay’ is an initiative of Vision India; the route of the torch which started from Sibsagar, came to Molungkimong, then to Molungyimsen, Impur, Mokokchung, Kohima, Dimapur and will culminate in Delhi and the name of the missionary should be read as Godhula Rufus Brown and not as rendered.
Dory Yanthan, project director ATMA and also district fishery officer welcomed all the members
Later, vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. L. Babita Devi CTO (A/Sc) KVK Peren.
DIMAPUR:ATMA Peren district held the second Governing Board meeting on September 9 at KVK officeInJalukie.apress release
The session was moderated by Rev. Benting Teron.Rev. Dr. Yiepetso Wezah also spoke on the importance of Church participation in the mission of BSI. According to the survey of the United Bible
Training on handloom weaving underway: 45-day skill upgradation on handloom weaving under SAMARTH scheme got underway on September 8 at Blue Hill Colony Wokha district. The training was inaugurated by with SDO (C) Tsidi as special guest. The skill upgradation would be implemented in the district with Charity Club Multipurpose Society Wokha as the implementing partner.
He said that BSI Christthesociety.societyinter-denominationalisandnon-profitableItbelongstoallbelieversofJesusandeveryChristian
Dr. O. James Kithan is currently serving as the vice principal Witter Theological College Vankhosung and is the second Doctorate in Theology from Wokha Village. He did his Doctorate from the University of Serampore Theological College. The book was dedicated by Rev. O. Thungben Kikon, pastor Wokha Village Baptist Church and the lunching programme was charied by Dr. T. Nzanthung Ngullie, Principal Witter TheologicalAdvisorCollege.Lawn and Justice, Dr.Chumben Murry and vice president NDPP, Y. M Humtsoe and family members attended the programme.
the new branch was inaugurated by Rev. Dr. N. Paphino, president Dimapur Auxiliary and also newly elected office bearers were installed.
DIMAPUR: A book titled ‘Christian Ethical Response to End-of-Life Care’ (an indigenous communitarian health care approach) written by Dr. O. James Kithan was released by M. Rollan Lotha, Chief Operating Officer (COO) Nagaland State Rural Livelihood Mission on September 9 at Wokha Village Baptist the thanksgiving and book launching programme, M. Rollan Lotha said that the book highly spoke on the Lotha Naga ethical practices in the healthcare. He urged everyone to purchase and read the book for further references and practices in life.

Book titled ‘Christian Ethical Response’ released
DIMAPUR: Department of Art and Culture in collaboration with the Centre for Naga Tribal Languages, Nagaland University, Kohima Campus, Meriema organized a three-day workshop on “Documenting and Developing Cultural Heritage: wasneedchangingwheretheNtheirskillsnecessarythetoholdingonandhead,Adelafollowedofneedthefacultywelcomedcoordinator,Imchen,chairedscholars.&fromdelegatesArtdirectorKohimaofofUniversitywasreport,SeptemberApproaches”Methodologicalfrom7-9.AccordingtoDIPRtheinauguralsessionheldatNagalandinthepresencetheProViceChancellorNagalandUniversity,Prof.NVenuh,Departmentof&Culture,AdelaMoa,andparticipantsdirectorateofArtCultureandresearchTheprogrammewasbyDr.ImlienlaFacultyandCo-CNTLS,whothegathering.YanbeniYanthan,andcoordinatorofworkshopspokeontheforthedevelopmentculturalheritage.ItwasbyanaddressbyMoa,directorandDirectorateofArtCulture,whodwelledtheimportanceofsuchworkshopequiptheofficersofdepartmentwiththeinformationandthatcanbeusedinrespectivefields.Guestofhonour,Prof.VenuhsaidthatgivencontemporaryscenarioNagasocietyisatarapidpace,thetohavesuchworkshoptheneedofthehour.
In a press release, Auxiliary Secretary, BSI Burma Camp, Dimapur, Yiepetso stated that

Altogether 29 leaders from different churches participated in the programme.Thenew team of BSI Chokihola Branch will be headed by Rev. Benting Teron as president, Binon Das as vice president along with other executive members and advisors.
ATMA Peren holds second governing board meet
DIMAPUR: Bible Society of India (BSI) Dimapur Auxiliary has inaugurated BSI Chokihola Branch, Karbi Anglong, Assam on September 10 at Karbilongsa Christian Revival Church.

M. Rollan Lotha, advisor Dr.Chumben Murry, Dr. O. James Kithan and others.

ATMA Peren, deputy project director Kumui Nring stated that the meeting was attended by Agri & Allied departments.
Societies about 90% of the world population was yet to receive the Word of God.Hence it is the responsibility of the Church to provide the Bible in their preferred languages.Marwati, Assistant Officer, CPRRM said that BSI Branches should mobilize individual believers and Churches to pray and support the ministry of BSI. At the session, Karbilongsa Christian Revival Church presented special song.
Speaking on the book, Dr.Kithan said that it was based on his doctoral thesis, where he extensively studied on the Lotha Community in practicing care and love towards an ill people and their families by extending assistance as a regards.
ought to participate in the mission of BSI in reaching God’s Word to all people.
Members of BSI at the inauguration of BSI Chokihola branch.
BSI Chokihola branch inaugurated
Workshop culturaldocumentingonheritage

In an opening speech
MYK C MYK C STATE2 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2022 No matter how life Changes No matter what we do, A special place, Within our hearts, Is always kept for you. From loving wife, children, in-laws and grandchildren 1st DEATH ANNIVERSARY of Lt. Vizheto Kiho (Remembering & honouring you on this day) Died on : 12.09.2021DP-4281/22 1966 – 05.09.2022 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith II Timothy 4:7 We the bereaved family of G.Vikato Sumi wishes to acknowledge each and everyone who stood by us physically, spiritually, morally and financially through the course of his illness and sad demise on 5th September 2022, Words are inadequate to express our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to everyone for your unflinching support and prayers during our hardest time. We sincerely convey our special thanks and gratitude to : 1. Shri Jacob Zhimomi hon’ble minister PHED 2. Z. Kasheto Yeptho Chekiye Village 3. Kakheho Chishi OSD to hon’ble minister PHED 4. Akito Zhimomi Advocate 5. Mughaho Aye Burma Camp Dimapur 6. Niuland District G.B.S Association 7. Western Sumi Kukami Hoho 8. Western Sumi Youth Front 9. W.S.B.A.K 10. BJP Dimapur District 11. Khaghaboto Tokukujo Kukami Hoho 12. Khaghaboto Area Student’s Union 13. Khaghaboto Area Youth Front 14. CMC Vellore, Doctor’s and Nurses 15. Naga Christian Fellowship Vellore 16. CIHSR (Referral) Dimapur, Doctors and Nurses 17. Khaghaboto Area Pastor’s Fellowship 18. Ghonivi Ghami Baptist Akukuhou 19. Khaghaboto Town Baptist Church 20. Sahoi Ghami Baptist Church 21. Lukuto Ghami Baptist Akukuhou 22. Phuhoto Village Baptist Church 23. L.Hotovi Ghami Baptist Akukuhou 24. Hevishe Baptist Church 25. Xukiye Baptist Church 26. Sunito Baptist Church 27. Kiyelho Ghami Baptist Akukuhou 28. Zutoi Ghami Baptist Akukuhou 29. Gorkha Baptist Church Loving Wife and Children ACKNOWLEDGEMENT DP-4284/22 Tokuho Z Achumi (Vizhekhu) Gone but never forgotten! One year has passed since you left us but the mark you left on this world will never fade. Today we mark the anniversary of your passing and we celebrate the love and memories you gave us. Your good deeds and love for us will continue to inspire us. Loving wife, children, family members and in-laws 1ST DEATH ANNIVERSARY of our beloved Father “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil; for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” Psalm 23:4 (NRSV) DP-4265/22 Died on: 12-09-2021 Remembering you is easy, We do it everyday, but Missing you is heartache That never goes away, We hold you tightly within Our hearts and there you will Remain, until the joyous day Arrives, that we will meet again. Loving Mother, Children, Siblings & loved ones. 1st DEATH ANNIVERSARY of our beloved Late Visapralie Vizo K-2069/22 Died on 08th September 2022. At the age of 73yrs. We the bereaved family of Late Lhubizotuolie Andrew Medoze would like to sincerely express our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to each every individual, churches, educational institutions, friends, neighbours and well wishers who stood by us spiritually, physically, morally, materially and financially during our beloved father who pass away on 08th September 2022. We sincerely convey our special thanks to:• St. Andrew Church Community Jotsoma. Thenupfüko Krotho. Khriesarüü Krotho. • Kohima Science College Jotsoma. Staff, Students and Govt Hostellers. • Kohima Science College Lake View Hostellers. • Jotsoma Youth Organisation & Mithun Committee • Western Catechist Krotho. • Tsieyama Khel, Youth and Students Jotsoma. • Rev. Fr. Dr. Solomon Vizo Visosieo Parish Priest Khonoma, Asst. Parish Priest Fr. Peter and Jotsoma Sacred Heart Convent Sisters. • Govt. Hr. Sec. School Jotsoma (Class 12, 2017 Batch) We regret our inability to thank each and every individual but we pray that your kindness and generosity will be rewarded manifold by our God Almighty. Loving Wife and Children. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT K-2074/22 Lt .Penathung Humtsoe 18/08/1966 – 12/08/2021 A year passed without your presence. Only we know how much we have missed you every single day and will miss you dearly. Rest in peace wherever you are. Till we meet again Loving Wife & children 1st DEATH ANNIVERSARY In Remembrance of Our Beloved DB-992/22 DB-993/22 K-2061/22

Speaking on the oc casion, he acknowledged the initiative of opening a day care hospital for the people of the area and expressed hope that the hospital would cater to the needs of Liezietsüall. encouraged
mission were some of the topics highlighted during the 7-day refresher course. Delivering a key note concept, executive secretary, USBLA, Rev. Y. Imti said that the refresher course was significant and designed to take the pastors back to the basics so they can review fundamentals they may have forgotten or upskill on new information they may be aware. As an act of portraying servant leader ship, feet washing ceremony was also conducted where Rev. Y. Imti ministered the event. The celebration has re-strengthened and reaf firmed the call and commit ment of the pastors in their ministry, he said. Addl. Su perintendent of Police, Kip hire, Kajiri, while exhort ing the pastors, reminded
on September 8 wherein, PCCF &HoFF, Dharmen dra Prakash and project directors explained about the NFMP project.
She said the main con cern for the officers and personnel was crime detec tion and prevention and disclosed that Zunheboto police were seriously deal ing with the war against drugs.In this regard, she urged upon the civil soci eties and student unions to work together to fight against such illegal activi ties in the district.
CSK: As part of the life skill sub ject, Charity School Kohima conducted an awareness programme on “ban on single use plastic” on September
Dream a Dream, and Dr Swetha Bhushan, Dr Joseph Thomas and Dr Sreehari Ravindranath from the Re search and impact team at Dream a Dream.
MLA and the people who supported the project.
Earlier, in separate events, SJU zo ology department organised an alumni meet on September 7 at the board room, wherein the gathering was exhorted and encouraged by dean of administration, Sister Dr. I. Arockia Mary and dean of academics, Dr.Kinitoli H Yeptho. SJU department of history also observed “International Day of Charity” on
CHSS: Newly formed Peace Club members of Cornerstone Higher Sec ondary School, Zunheboto organised an election for the Peace Club leaders on September 9. Altogether more than 30 children participated in leader selec tion. At the programme, the Peace Club members along with the newly elected leaders took a pledge.
DIMAPUR: Six hundred youths have completed training in con struction sector organized by department of Employment, Skill Development and Entrepreneur ship.
The team also visited Terogvunyu village on Sep tember 9 accompanied by CF (NTC), Rongsenlemla Imchen, DFO Kohima Ra jkumar M. and DMU team.
He said the training enabled the youths to learn the basic tech niques in the construction sector in multiple roles for their livelihood sustenance.Healso said that the depart ment will be looking forward to more short-term Skill training programmes in the unserved areas soon.
Thestated.focus of the work shop was on competencybased assessment, which was an important compo nent of National Education Policy
ing a peaceful atmosphere.
Correspondent TRA,KIPHIRE/LONGMASEP11(NPN): Unit ed Sangtam Baptist Lithroti Ashimükhong (USBLA) conducted refresher course for pastors from September 5 -11 at USBLA Retreat Centre, Arehintre Thüyo, Kiphire.The resource persons at the refresher course were Asst. Professor, Discipleship Bible College, Dr. Alem P, secretary USBLA Sub-Cen tre, Kiphire, Dr.H. Apise Sangtam and principal Ori ental Theological College, Yangli,ChurchChumpongse.Administra tion and stewardship, pas toral care and counseling, practical theology, method of biblical interpretation and biblical foundation of
Upon their arrival at Terogvunyu, the DFO ap prised the officials on the historical importance of Naga village gates, construc tion of which is ongoing under the project in the village as a part of “Entry PointDuringActivity.”abrief inter action with Joint Forest Management Committee (JFMC), Self-Help Groups
Resource persons along with the participants at the programme.
DIMAPUR: Educational institutions across the state have been organising various activities for the students and teaching staff as part of their yearly curriculum or extracurricular activity.
Senior forest officials from Himachal Pradesh along with officers and staff of state forest department.
doctors and nurses to con tinue providing their ser vice to humanity, while lauding them for putting the patients’ needs first and at the centre of their focus.
The2020.workshop provid ed an overview of Com petency-Based Education highlighting core principles of CBE, key elements in cur riculum design and teacher learning process, and handson experience with core as sessments education policy, 2020. The resource per sons from Dream a Dream shared the framework for developing a CompetencyBased curriculum and how to provide hands on experi ence on various assessments in CBE.Speakers for the ses sions were: Bhavani Aru mugam and Puneet Bal amurugan from the design and development team of
Educational institutions organise various programmes
600 youths complete skill training
MYK C MYK C 3STATENAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2022 Q.: Is film boycott culture against bollywood stars or films a negative syndrome ? A Yes. 76% B No. 24% C Can’t Say. 0% 100%90%80%70%60%50%40%30%20%10%0% Poll A B C NEXT POLL Q: Should stars of the Indian cricket team be selected on performance ? Yes. No. Can’t Say. (Temperature in ºC) Max Min Agartala Cloudy, a shower and t-storm 27 25 Aizawl Cloudy, a couple in the p.m. 24 20 Guwahati An afternoon t-storm or two 31 26 Imphal Cloudy, a t-storm in the p.m. 27 20 Itanagar A t-storm around in the p.m. 30 23 Shillong Cloudy with a stray t-storm 22 18 Kohima Cloudy with a t-storm or two 24 18 Dimapur A thunderstorm in spots 31 24 Mkg A couple of thunderstorms 26 20 Tuensang A p.m. t-storm in spots 21 16 Wokha A t-storm around in the a.m. 26 21 Zunheboto Cloudy with a thunderstorm 23 18 SEPTEMBERFORECASTWEATHER12
The officials also checked the registers main tained by JFMCs and en couraged them to keep up the goodMeanwhile,work.
that qualities like integrity, blamelessness, accountabil ity and fair judgment were expected of them. Besides having sessions and classes, team-building recreational games and sports were also conducted. Speakers of the evening gospel hour were pastor Sangtam Baptist Lithro, Kohima Rev. Thsa dong, pastor, South Zone, SBL Kiphire, Setsiba and pastor SBL Tuensang, Imsu, while Rev. Y. Imti spoke on “Shepherding Role from the Bible”, Psalms 23 at the Sunday worship service. Village Council chair man of Tetheyo village Jur ingmong also spoke at the programme. At the valedic tory function, 55 pastors were awarded certificate of comple tion and the message was delivered by Dr. Alem P.
September 6 by visiting El. Shaddai Children Home, Seitheke Basa located at 7th Mile, Chumoukedima. The team interacted with the children and had fun activities with them.
In a brief speech, dep uty inspector general of police(HQ) Joesph Hesso said with the upgradation of the police station, the rural police station would also be covered for admin istrative conveniences.
The last lap of the skill train ing culmination programme was held at Jakhama and Kohima vil lage on September 10. The youths were trained in plumbing, electri cal, tiling, and masonry work.

ticipants were awarded certificates and working tools and machinery.
IC: Immanuel College held its “28thannual social cum freshers’ day” on September 9 at the College premises under the theme, “Inherited Will, The Destiny of the Age” with Deputy Com missioner of Police, Chumukedima, Munesh as the special guest. In her speech, Munesh encouraged the stu dents to imbibe with positive attitude and also exhorted the gatherer to learn from one’s mistake and focus on what they are good at.
To cater to patients in Northern II side of the State Capital, Oking Hos pital Day Care Centre was inaugurated at North point, Khikha Rüleizou (High School) here on Sunday by former chief minister Dr Shürhozelie Liezietsü.

ativity of the students, also providing a platform for exposure. Special guest of the inaugural programme, SDO (Civil) Mokokchung, Sentilong Ozukum, en couraged the students to be creative in different areas and to feel alive in their creativity. The 63rd Foundation Day of the college was celebrated on the third day with DC Mokokchung, Shashank Pratap Singh as the special guest. In his speech, Singh congratulated the college on achieving great heights and applauded the recipients of different meritorious awards encouraging them to continue working hard.
(SHGs) and members of the village in the council hall, CF (NTC) expressed gratitude to the officials for visiting the village.
Er. Picto inaugurates Atoizu police station

FAC: A three-day “4th Edition of September Mélange” was organised by the Creative Arts Committee of Fazl Ali College which culminated on Sep tember 8 with the College Foundation Day. The committee said the event was one of the biggest events of the college celebrating the skills, talents and cre
He also assured to give his best to improve more basic ahead.developmentinfrastructuralinthedays
DIMAPUR: Nagaland Board of School Educa tion (NBSE) in collabora tion with Dream a Dream organized a two-day online workshop on “CompetencyBased Education” for the principals and teachers on September 8 and 9. Over 500 teachers participated in the interactive workshop, DIPR report
Forest officials from HP visit Nagaland

DIAMPUR: Er. Picto Shohe, MLA on Septem ber 9, inaugurated Atoizu policeInstation.apress release, 32 A/C Atoizu media cell informed that Er. Picto, while speaking as the spe cial guest said the upgra dation of Atoizu police outpost was approved after his formal request to the chief minister and deputy chiefStatingminister.that it had now become a full-fledged police station, the MLA expressed gratitude to dep uty inspector general of police (HQ) Joseph Hesso and superintendent of po lice, Zunheboto, Khekali Y Sema for extending their support during the process of upgradation.Heencouraged the people in the region to work together and cooper ate with the district admin istration and the police as a responsible people.
CHS: Four-day “10th Cultural Day” celebration of Christian High School Longleng under the theme, “manifest cultural through knowledge” begun on September 7 at the School Hall. At the programme, Phom Stu dents Conference (PSC) president, N. Dape Phom encouraged the students to focus on their dreams and passion. He also inaugurated the Fest & Published Handwritten Magazine “Acquire”. Highlights of the programme included choreography presentation, Melody by CHS, Dance by kids of CHS, cultural display and exhibition of Science and Handicrafts.
ADC Atoizu, Nuku tulu S Venuh also thanked the state government for approving the project. Earlier, Er. Picto laid the foundation stone for the police station. The programme was chaired by additional SP benediction.HoketoChurchtionlatoecutiveKoza,Zunheboto,VekhroloSBAK(Aizuto)exsecretaryRev.MuChishiofferedinvocawhilePoliceBaptistZunheboto,pastorYepthooffered
The day care centre is aimed at catering to the needs of working people, who could visit after return ing from their daily work for late evenings medical consultationsfor any ail ment, including chronic diseases. It is intended to provide immediate access to healthcare facility for pain, fever, injuries, acci dents or even more serious conditions and later shifted such patients to a proper
SJU: St. Joseph University depart ment of social work organized a pro gramme on “World Suicide Prevention Day” on September 8 under the theme, “Creating Hope through Action” with Totivili K, clinical psychologist from Faith Hospital, Dimapur as the speaker for the event. At the programme, Totivili spoke on co-mobility and epidemiology of suicide. A poster competition based on the theme and group discussion on the topic of prevalence of suicide in the society and its preventive measure and roles and intervention of social worker were other highlights of the programme.
In his closing remark, deputy director ES&E, Zubemo Lotha thanked all the Administrative Officers, DEOs, Principals of ITIs, training partner Zynorigue Initiative Society and stakeholders around the state for supporting the department by mobilizing the youths in sub-division/district hqs.
MC: Students of Modern College Kohima embarked on a field trip to Pfut sero on September 6. The team compris ing of 47 BA 5th Semester students with three teaching faculty visited popular landmarks in and around town. The field trip was organized in partial fulfillment of the NU prescribed undergraduate syllabus for environmental studies.
KVR: Kendriya Vidyalaya Ran gapahar Cantt organised “investiture ceremony” for the session 2022-23 on September 7 at the School premises. During the ceremony, principal M. K. Tewari reminded the students about their role and responsibilities and motivated them to perform the duties. Students’ council, house prefects and class moni tors were honoured with their respective badges.
The session was mod erated by Sharique Mash hadi, Associate Director, Strategic Partnerships, Dream a Dream.
Oking Hospital Day Care inaugurated
hospital or the main hos pital at TheOking.centre features diagnostic unit with stateof-the-art facilities with four outpatient depart ments (OPDs), emergency services and eight day care beds along with nursing facilities –injections, IVFs, dressings, stitching/su turing, including a minor operation theatre.
DIMAPUR: Officials from the department of Forest, Himachal Pradesh visited Nagaland on September 8 and 9 to study the best practices followed under the Nagaland Forest Man agement Project (NFMP) which is assisted by Japan International Cooperation AgencyThe(JICA).officials were led by APCCF and CPD, JICA (PIHPFEM & L), Nagesh Kumar Guleria, APCCF (Management) Dr. Sushil Kumar Kapta and joint sec retary to the government of Himachal Pradesh, Parveen Taak. In a press release, Kohima Forest Division media cell informed that the team held a meeting with Project Monitoring Unit
In her address, chair man NBSE, Asano Sekhose said that, “Surely the mes sage is clear that we need to embrace change and we are on theTeachersway”. and principals from various schools in Na galand shared their practical challenges and invited sug gestions for implementing CBE.Secretary NBSE, Rang umbuing Nsarangbe in his concluding remark said that as envisaged in NEP 2020, a time has come to shift from traditional teaching practices to CBE.
Refresher course for pastors at Kiphire
Director, Employment Skill Development and Entrepreneur ship, Chiden Yaden exhorted the trainees and all the successful par
Dr Shürhozelie Liezietsü, Dr Nicky Kire and others. (NP)
The speakers empha sized how competencybased learning will foster a culture of equity and in clusivity in the classroom and how to re-imagine edu cation beyond academic performance and relook at the curriculum for enabling children to prepare for life.
Er. Picto Shohe along with police officers, leaders of Atoizu and others.
DFO high lighted how JICA assisted NFMP was making positive impact in the project villages and explained about the in novations done by Kohima division. The officials also visited Forestry Intervention Models area, followed by a brief halt at FMU office Tseminyu, after which, they proceeded to Wokha and Mokokchung accompanied by the CF (STC).
In the opening re marks, superintendent of police (SP) Zunheboto, Khekali Y Sema said Atoi zu police station located around 22 km from the district headquarters was established in 1974 and has now been upgraded into full-fledged police station which would cover 22 vil lages under its functional jurisdiction.Pointing out that much was needed to be initiated with setting up of the police station, the SP appealed to the people to support each other in build
SJC (A) Jakhama: St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous), Jakhama and Kohima unit of Indian Association of Physiotherapist (IAP)in observance of “World Physiotherapy Day” organised a physiotherapy awareness campaign cum health check-up under the theme, “Osteoarthritis, a global programme” on September 8 at college premises. At the programme, Dr.Kevisesinuo (PT) highlighted on basics of ergonomics and how it could benefit the productivity and performance in the classroom.
It also has a high dependency unit (HDU) where ICU-like care can be provided for a short duration before shifting a patient to a hospital. The HDU has oxygen, moni tors, ventilators along with laboratory services, ECG diagnostics facility and radiology service, including digital x-rays, andpronouncedKesiezie.directorofbySavino,pronouncedtheDrgrammeandechocardiography.ultrasoundTheinauguralprowaschairedbyVivotsolieMor,whilewelcomeaddresswasbyDrKejavisaspecialnumberanurseteamandvotethanksbymanagingDrVikethonyüPastorShanKikonthededicationprayerontheoccasion.
DBHSS: An orientation program based on the “Imperial Coaching Centre “ was held on September 9 at Don Bosco Higher Secondary School, Kohima. At the programme, introduction of the coaching centre was given by Anato Sema and a speech was delivered by DBHSS principal, Fr. James, who de scribed the programme as a “red letter day” for the school.
According to DIPR report, the final round of demand-driven short-term Skill Development training in the construction sector culminated in all the 12 districts
7, wherein teachers with the students distributed free paper bags to the shops and vendors.
Participants with the certificates, tools and machinery at the culmination programme. (Shahlong IA)
On behalf of Atoizu public, Atoizu Area GB Association president, Er. Hukato Shohe thanked the
A team of Imphal West police commandos appre hended an active cadre of the United National Lib eration Front (UNLF) late Saturday along with a small arm.
The statue of the snow leopard was unveiled during the Pang Lhabsol festival, in the presence of Lachen Pipons (village headmen) along with field officials of Kanchenjunga National Park, and Forest officials under Mangan territorial divisions. Rituals were per formed while unveiling the statue by monks from the Thangu monastery.
While welcoming the steps taken by both the chief ministers to resolve the fivedecade-long border dispute between the two states, the Assam Gorkha Sanmilan (AGS) on Saturday said the Gorkha people living in border areas of Lumpi in Kamrup district and Umlapher in West Karbi Anglong district wanted to stay with Assam.
“Time and again, we had to face threats from some miscreants of Megha laya. The miscreants also attacked us many times. But we did not leave this piece of land. We have always been living here and will continue to do so. We will not a single inch of land to Meghalaya,” Chetry
(PTI): Opposition parties on Sunday slammed the Assam government and the state police for arresting a youth, who had alleged that corruption was tak ing place in recruitment to 26,000 Grade III and IV po sts, and demanded that the “real culprits” be punished instead of the custodyedPolicementovervarioustoindulgingspreadingDasSeptembertheandcalledexercise.theasdemandingandclaimedkarGeneralBiswaChiefdaysas“whistleblower”.Theyouth,identifiedVictorDas,hadafewagotweeted,taggingMinisterHimantaSarmaandDirectorofPoliceBhasJyotiMahanta,andthatsomeofficialsformerMLAswereRs3-8lakhbribeforgivingjobsinongoingrecruitmentFollowingthis,hewasforinterrogationeventuallyarrestedbyGuwahatiPoliceon9.“OneVictorhasbeenarrestedforfalserumorsandinaconspiracyfomentdiscordbetweensectionsofsocietyselectiontoGovernposts,”theGuwahatihadtweeted.Hewaslaterremandtosevendaysofpolicebyalocalcourt.Thearresthasledtoa
huge backlash with all the opposition parties criticis ing the government’s ac tion. The chief minister said, “These are mentally very weak people who claim that the BJP will benefit by giving jobs. He alleged that former MLAs demanded money, but could not tell any name. He gave some vehicle numbers. Is this a James Bond film where someone comes in a car and demands money?”
It also found that only 1.4 per cent of women in urban areas had undergone
breast cancer screening while it was only 0.2 per cent in rural areas.
11.The government came under heavy criticism for suspending mobile inter net services in up to 27 districts to prevent possible malpractices during the first two days of written examinations.Onthethird and last day of the examinations on Sunday, however, internet services were not disrupted.
Insurgent nabbed in Mnp also advisor of student body
It also found that 45.2 per cent of people surveyed were subject to second-hand smoke at both home and workplace. Around 56.1 per cent of the surveyed popula tion said that they had never consumed alcohol while 36.7 per cent said that they had consumed alcohol in the past 12 months. Addition ally, 11.5 per cent said that they had been engaged in “heavy episodic drinking”.
“Since independence, our people have been living in these border villages. We have many grievances, but we want to stay with Assam. We don’t want to become part of Meghalaya,” AGS Kamrup district president Arjun Chetry said.
The figures were even lower for women who had undergone cervical cancer screening - 0.3 and 0.1 per cent in urban and rural areas respectively. Among those surveyed, 36.1 per cent said that they use some form of tobacco (across all categories) and 28.7 per cent consumed tobacco daily. Amongst those who consumed tobacco, 22.7 per cent had attempted to quit.
In response, AMSU, in a release, clarified that the arrested insurgent was no longer an advisor of the student body. The advisory council of the union had already dissolved by a spe cial general body held on Saturday (September 10). As such, the arrested person was not more related with the union in any way, the release added.
(IANS): Assam Chief Min ister Himanta Biswa Sarma has alleged that there was a security breach during his rally in Hyderabad on Friday.Tension prevailed dur ing Ganesh immersion pro cession at MJ Market in Hyderabad on Friday when a TRS leader confronted Sarma on the dais and tried to dislodge the mike.

(PTI): Assam Congress general secretary Kam rul Islam Choudhury on Sunday resigned from the party, terming the state leadership “directionless and confused”.Choudhury an nounced his resignation in a letter to All India Con gress Committee President Sonial“...Gandhi.Thepresent insta bility of Congress party in Assam due to the direction less and confused leader ship of APCC during the last few months has left no reason for me to continue as a member of INC,” he said.Choudhury also al leged that no action has been taken against those MLAs who had crossvoted during the recently held presidential election despite Assam Pradesh Congress Committee Bhu pen Kumar Borah publicly accepting it.
“Oursaid.people have been staying in Lumpi for about 100 years now. We have been protecting the border from the aggression of neighbour ing states. They failed to encroach on our land only because of us,” Chetry also said.
The survey found that only 0.6 per cent of people in urban areas had ever underwent oral cavity ex amination for cancer, while in rural populations it was 0.2 per cent.
work in the interest of the student community.
Hijam Itomba (32) of Andro Leitanpekpham al legedly assisted the nabbed PLA cadre in carrying out his prejudicial activities like transportation of arms and planting of bombs to target non-Manbipuri, the police claimed. The police fur ther alleged that he lobbed a hand grenade near the makeshift camp of the nonlocal workers at Andro San thei Park in the intervening night of June 2 and 3 last.
Lumpi borders As sam’s Kamrup and Megha laya’s West Khasi hill dis trict, while Block I and Block II of West Karbi An glong borders Meghalaya’s Ri-Bhoi and West Jaintia hills
those who drink around “six standard drinks (equivalent to 60 grams of pure alcohol or ethanol) in a single drink ing occasion in the last 30 days”.The survey also found early onset of cancer among men in urban areas. The mean age of cancer patients at diagnosis was found to be 30.1 among men and 43.2 years among women. It also noted that “high intake of preserved, salted, fermented, smoked foods; high use of chewing to bacco; high exposure to second hand smoke at home and workplace” were some of the causes of cancer-risk in also said that there is “poor health system response and preparedness” with low screening of diabe tes, hypertension and com mon cancers. It also said that there is poor health treatment seeking behav iour and that the majority of cancer patients sought treatment outside the state.
Survey reveals low awareness about cancer screening in Arunachal Pradesh
Himanta Biswa Sarma at a rally in Hyderabad.
“We also demanded the Assam government to survey the border areas be fore deciding on anything,” he added.
affairs minister Atul Bora and submitted a memoran dum in this regard.
Assam CM slams TRS over security breach in Hyd rally
The ADGP said mem bers of outlaw groups in volved in the affairs of the student bodies was a matter of grave concern and the student bodies should stay away from involvement in the unlawful activities.
Assam-Meghalaya border row: Gorkhas opt to stay with Assam
allowed to meet Victor Das, who is in police custody, whereas he was the whistle blower. We shall not only fight against the injustice meted to him but also fight for the unemployed youth of the state, reeling under this corrupt BJP govt,” BorahCondemningtweeted. the ar rest, Raijor Dal president Akhil Gogoi alleged there is “no democracy” in the state as complainants are being arrested for highlight ing corruption. AIUDF MLA Rafiqul Islam said the government has chosen to “shoot the messenger instead of punishing the real culprit”.Sharing a cartoon of Mahatma Gandhi’s three
“Gorkhas have been living in Lumpi since the 19th century. Our forefa
28 last as the convener of the advisory committee of the student body. It was during the visit that he had collected the laptop from an unknown person to whom his commander had handed it for delivery, he said.
ADGP Clay Khongsai warned, “If the need arises, the investigation into such nexus between students’ bodies and armed outfits will be handed over to Cen tral investigative Maintainingagencies.”thatthere is law and no one is above the law, the ADGP appealed to the students’ bodies to
famous monkeys on Twit ter, the Aam Aadmi Party’s Assam unit sarcastically said that people should remain mute, deaf and blind when they see any corruption, otherwise the complainant will be sent to jail.The Assam units of the SFI and DYFI, in a joint statement, said that more doubts have been created by arresting Das.
In a follow-up action, the same police team ar rested a person who alleg edly lobbed a hand grenade near a makeshift camp of the non-Manipuri workers at Andro Santhei Park.
Not taking action against the legislators in dulging in cross-voting has “demoralised thousands of grassroot workers like me, who have given blood and sweat for the party for years”, he said in the letter.
ment Committee (LTDC), and the Lachen Dzumsa.
were loopholes in the secu rity arrangement.“Hadsomeone from the general public came to the stage, it would have been a different issue. But when a ruling party worker is involved in such an inci dent, it looks really odd,” he added.When asked about his immediate reaction after the incident, Sarma said, “I never fear any such situ ation.”Meanwhile, the Union Home Ministry has sought clarification from the TRS government on this inci dent.
He was arrested from his house and a .38 pistol along with a magazine, a laptop, two mobile phones and a wallet containing Rs
IMPHAL, SEP 10: Ma nipur police on Sunday cautioned student bodies having links with insurgent groups when an arrested member of an armed rebel group turned out to be an advisor of the student body.
The police said the apprehended UNLF cadre - Thokchom Suresh alias Tombi alias Parihanba (39) son of Th Kumar Singh of Khurai Sajor Leikai, Imphal East. Addressing the media at the conference hall of Imphal West district police headquarters on Sunday, ADGP (law and order) Clay Khongsai said that he is an advisor of the All Manipur Students’ Union (AMSUHQ). He said the appre hended cadres disclosed it during a verification.
The statue is aimed at sensitising tourists to wards the importance of the rare animal, which is the focal species for the Se cure Himalaya project, and also towards significance of Thangu and Gurudong mar areas as snow leopard habitats. the snow leopard is classified as a vulnerable animal by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

IMPHAL, SEP 11: Ma nipur police on Sunday nabbed a PLA cadre along with one of his aide alleg edly involved in a recent killing a non-Manipuri in Imphal East district.
1000 in cash and Adhaar card and voter ID card were recovered from his posses sion, he Khongsaiadded.revealed that Suresh joined the UNLF in 1997 and after obtaining basic military training at Eastern Nagaland, he was allotted MPA no. 607 of 13th “ presently work ing under the command of self-styled major of UNLF Umakanta (hails from Sing jamei of Imphal and cur rently based in Myanmar) since March 2021. The pistol confiscated from him was handed over to him by an unknown person near JN Dance Academy in No vember 2021, the ADGP claimed. The ADGP said that Suresh had visited and attended the foundation day of AMSU on August
The ADGP said that Thokchom Suresh was ar rested during an operation at Khurai Kongpal area yester day, around 4.50 pm, based on specific information.
Assam man alleging recruitment exams graft arrested
“A man with a person al security guard came close to me on stage and asked why I was criticising the Telangana Chief Minister. I told the person that I have
not started my speech yet, how could you anticipate what I would say,” Sarma told mediapersons here on Saturday.Taking a jibe at the TRS government, Sarma said, “We believe in Atithi Deva Bhava. There may be differences in political ideology, but in Indian culture, we never demean our guests.”According to Sarma, the whole incident lasted for about 30 seconds before other people present there whisked the man away.
The project was un der Global Environment Facility – Government of India under United Na tions Development Project’s Secure Himalaya initiative. The statue was constructed in collaboration with the Lachen Tourism Develop ment Committee (LTDC), and the Lachen Dzumsa.
The survey defined heavy episodic drinking as
ADGP (law and order) Clay Kongsai and other top officials of Imphal West district police addressing a press conference in Imphal on Sunday.

Sarma said the entire incident showed that there
Adistricts.delegation of AGS led by its president Krishna Bhujel and chief general secretary Lakshmi Sedai called on the Assam border
thers had obtained grazing permits from the British. We have 600 families (3,000 population) in Lumpi. But there is only a Khasi-dom inated village – Moulan Village. This village is also almost under the Meghalaya administration. But all other villages in Lower Lumpi and Upper Lumpi are dominated by Gorkha people,” he said.
“In West Karbi An glong also, we have more than 7,000 people in 12 villages along the border. Habang, Umpalher, Mausal adyang, Umwang, Umru-2, Umsarang, Phlang, Pabang, Kartik Gairi, 28th Mile, Sabire, Jatalang, Umat, Lang Er Dang- all these villages are dominated by Gorkha people,” AGS chief general secretary Lakshmi Sedai said, adding that the border between Assam and Meghalaya was settled in 1951 after the creation of United Mikir Hills District.
GANGTOK, SEP 11 ( AGENCIES): Thangu, the last habitable village in North Sikkim, now boasts an imposing statue of a snow leopard or saagey, as it is known locally. The statue was unveiled on the occasion of Pang Lhabsol, as part of an initiative to spread awareness of the en dangered species commonly found in North Sikkim and the Tibetan highlands, re ports East Mojo.
The statue is aimed at sensitising tourists towards the importance of the rare animal, which is the fo
He warned that ap propriate legal action will be initiated if any of the student bodies are found having nexus with outlaw groups. Meanwhile, the arrested Thokchom Suresh has been handed over to Porompat police station of Imphal East district for further investigation and necessary legal action.
The project was un der Global Environment Facility – Government of India under United Na tions Development Project’s Secure Himalaya initiative. The statue was constructed in collaboration with the Lachen Tourism Develop
A Congress delega tion, led by state unit chief Bhupen Kumar Borah, went to meet Das at Pan bazar Police Station, but they were not allowed to enter the “Todaypremises.with APCC team I was stopped & not
A police source said that a team of Andro po lice station of Imphal East district arrested PLA cadre Hijam Sanatomba Singh (25), a resident of Andro Khuman Leikai. The police claimed that he was directly involved in gunning down a non-Manipuri at Uchol Ch ingjin village on July 8 last.
A delegation of AGS led by its president Krishna Bhujel and chief general secretary Lakshmi Sedai called on the Assam border affairs minister Atul Bora.

Manipur cops nab PLA cadre, aide for murder
The ICMR- NCDIR monitoring survey of cancer risk factors and health sys tem response in northeast re gion found that only 5.6 per cent of people in Arunachal Pradesh it surveyed were aware of cancer screening. Among those, 5 per cent of men were aware of it while 6.2 per cent of women knew about cancer. Even fewer people had undergone any screening themselves.
Security personnel at the Panbazar police station where Victor Das was arrested. (PTI)

Statue of snow leopard at Thangu
cal species for the Secure Himalaya project, and also towards the significance of Thangu and Gurudong mar areas as snow leopard habitats. The snow leopard is classified as a vulnerable animal by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. (IUCN)
ITANAGAR, SEP 11 (PTI): Awareness about cancer screening continues to be low amongst the peo ple of Arunachal Pradesh, with only 5.6 per cent of the population aware of it, according to data revealed by a recent survey.
BOKO, SEP 11 ( AGEN CIES): More than 10,000 Gorkha families living in the villages along the Assam-Meghalaya border opted to stay with Assam as the second phase of chief minister-level talks between Himanta Biswa Sarma and Conrad Sangma is under way to settle the dispute in six areas of differences, reports East Mojo.
“The police should have searched for evidence and arrested the culprit, but they are not doing so. We demand a high-level probe into the entire incident,” they Moreadded.than 14.30 lakh candidates applied to ap pear for the recruitment examinations against over 26,000 Grade III and IV posts of various govern ment departments, with the examinations scheduled on August 21, 28 and Septem ber
‘Rajpath’ erased from signages around India Gate hexagon

and anger and to instead spread love and affection,” he said.Venugopal also said that Gandhi would be interacting with the fishermen who are protesting against the Vizhinjam port project as well as leaders of the antiK-Rail movement and other such agitations in the state. Gandhi would also be going out of the way of the yatra route to pay tribute to social reformers Ayyankali, Chattampi Swamikal and Sree Narayana Guru, Venugopal said.

Ramesh, during the press conference, also said that the yatra was not being conducted by keeping in mind any Assembly elections or the 2024 Lok Sabha“Wepolls.are doing ‘jodo’ because someone is doing ‘thodo’. The RSS-BJP project is to divide India, while the Congress project is to unite it. The BJP equals uniformity, while Congress equals unity as it believes in unity in “Todaydiversity.diversity is threatened and therefore, unity is threatened. The
K. Chandrashekar Rao in a meeting with former Karnataka chief minister H.D. Kumaraswamy in Hyderabad. (PTI)

take a flight to Bangkok and later reach whomnamedYadavabscondingofhejumpedsaidpreliminaryteamneedcorroborated.theyinterrogation.”lightthereccethisinvestigations,intheymadeSantoshwithactorBrarSampatLawrenceheinterrogation“KapilDubai.Pandit’srevealedthatwasapproachedbyBishnoithroughNehraandGoldytotargetBollywoodSalmanKhan.AlongSachinBishnoiandYadav,theyhadelaboraterecceandspentalotoftimeMumbai.Duringwewillverifyangletoo,”hesaid.ToaquestionontheofSalmanKhan,DGPsaid,“ItcametoduringKapilPandit’s“WhateverdisclosuresmadeareyettobeAndifthearises,wewillsendourtoMumbai.Itisaverydisclosure,”thePunjabPolicechief.PolicesaidPandithadparolein2021thatgottoattendthelastriteshismotherandhadbeensincethen.Toanotherquestion,saidpolicehadthosepeopleagainsttheMoosewala’s
Will float national party soon: KCR
The Congress on Sunday said the Bharat Jodo Yatra was not only aimed against the alleged divisive politics of the BJP, but to revive the entire party organisation from the block to the state-level in the country.AICC General Secretary in-charge of Communications Jairam Ramesh said the yatra is a “listening yatra” where concerns of the people from all walks of life would be heard by Congress leader and Wayanad MP Rahul Gandhi as he walks 3,570 km from Kanyakumari in Tamil Nadu to Jammu and Kashmir.He also hit back at the comments circulating in social media regarding Gandhi’s attire, saying “these are cheap, childish and stupid tactics of a party which is rattled and worried by the“Theiryatra”.objective is to derail us. We will not be cowed down. We will not be diverted,” Rajya Sabha MP and senior Congress leader Ramesh said while speaking at a press conference here after the first stage of the day’s yatra got over.
“But our intention is very clear. Our intention is to stop the spread of fear
A similar view was also expressed by Congress MP K C Venugopal who, while speaking at the press conference, said that comments about Gandhi’s attire indicates that the yatra has become a problem for those parties who want to destroy the Congress.
Other memorabilia of interest include replicas and models of the upcoming Shri Ram Mandir at Ayodhya and the KashiVishwanath Temple in Varanasi, she added.
Another accused, Sachin Bishnoi had been earlier detained in Azerbaijan. There is information that another accused is being pursued, the Punjab Police chief thempassportsNepalthroughplanpassports.”throughplannedandfromBengalPanditsaid,theirDubai,promisedofBrarmastermindgangsterininRajinderSaturdaythreeinterrogationPreliminarysaid.oftheaccusedarrestedonrevealedthatJokerwasstationedNepalearlierandhewastouchwithCanada-basedGoldyBrar,theinthecase.wasthemastermindtheirescapeplanandhadthemtosettleinYadavsaid.Sharingdetailsofescapeplan,DGP“MundiandKapilhadreachedWestshiftingtheirbaseHaryana,RajasthanUttarPradesh.TheytoreachDubaiNepalusingfakeHesaidthealternatewastoreachThailandlandrouteviaandBhutanoriffakeweredeliveredtoinNepal,theywould
Yatra against BJP’s divisive politics: Congress
gifted by Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur.Italso includes a statue of goddess Mahalaxmi, situated at Kolhapur, gifted by NCP leader Ajit Pawar and a wall hanging of Lord Venkateshwara gifted by Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy.This will be the fourth edition of the e-auction of gifts received by PM Modi.
CHANDIGARH, SEP 11 (PTI): The sixth shooter in the Sidhu Moosewala killing, who was arrested from the India-Nepal border a day ago, had plans to flee to Dubai using a fake passport, Punjab Police chief Gaurav Yadav said Sunday.Police also said shooter Deepak Mundi’s aide Kapil Pandit had inPoliceshootershadcentralofinareainanarrestedtwosixthsingerafterthetogangsterKhanreconnaissanceconductedofSalmanatthebehestofLawrenceBishnoidrawupastrategytokillBollywoodactor.OverthreemonthsthemurderofPunjabiMoosewala,theshooter,Mundi,andofhisassociateswereonSaturdayfromIndo-NepalcheckpointKharibariPoliceStationofDarjeelingdistrictWestBengal.ItwasajointoperationtheDelhiPoliceandagencies.TheDelhiPoliceearlierarrestedthreeandthePunjabhadkilledtwoothersanencounter.ShubhdeepSingh
He further said Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann was monitoring this case every two weeks. “There was a strong political will to solve this case,” Yadav Moosewalaasserted.waskilled in Mansa on May 29 when he along with his friend and cousin was travelling in a jeep to Jawahar Ke village. A day earlier, the Punjab police had pruned his security cover on a temporary basis. His vehicle was waylaid and bullets were sprayed on him by six shooters. Goldy Brar, who is a member of the Lawrence Bishnoi gang, had claimed the responsibility for the murder.Brar had executed the plan to murder Moosewala to avenge the killing of Vicky Middukhera.
6th shooter in Moosewala killing planned to flee India: Punjab DGP
father had a suspicion. “We are committed to ensuring justice in this case,” Yadav said.
Statues of Vallabhbhai Patel, Subhas Chandra Bose and B. R. Ambedkar presented to PM Modi as mementos. (PTI)

(PTI): The old name of New Delhi’s ceremonial boulevard -- Rajpath -has been scraped off the signages mounted around the periphery of the India Gate hexagon, after its rechristening to ‘Kartavya Path’.The move comes after the area’s civic body recently issued a notice approving the renaming of the historic road at its special meeting on SeptemberSignages7. around the India Gate hexagon are mounted on stainless steel-made unipoles with horizontal plates bearing white text on green
1,200 gifts received by PM to be auctioned; proceeds for Ganga project
A signboard around the periphery of the India Gate hexagon in New Delhi, Sunday. (PTI)
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi poses for photo with a shopkeeper as he takes a break for tea during the ‘Bharat Jodo Yatra’ at Parassala, Thiruvananthapuram, Sunday. (PTI)
BJP-RSS reject diversity and that is why we have launched the yatra,” he alleged.Venugopal too alleged that BJP was engaging in divisive politics and spreading fear and anger in the country.Hefurther alleged that even the CPI(M) in Kerala was taking the same anti-Congress stand of the BJP and was indirectly supporting the saffron party.
Rahul Gandhi started the yatra at around 7.30 AM on Sunday from Parassala here after entering Kerala on Saturday evening.
(PTI): More than 1,200 items gifted to Prime Min ister Narendra Modi by people from different walks of life
The second stage would
BRS) which will be allotted to its candidates across the country.KCR is also believed to be reviving his contacts with senior national leaders like Sharad Yadav. The TRS president is also planning to offer tickets to farmers’ unions leaders, intellectuals, former civil servants and representatives of Dalit associations in UP and Delhi.
The National Gallery of Modern Art’s Director Temsunaro Jamir said there is a special collection of sport items such as T-shirts,
The DGP said a redcorner notice has been issued against Goldy Brar, the mastermind in the Moosewala murder case.
Sidhu, popularly known as Sidhu Moosewala, was shot dead in Punjab’s Mansa district on May 29.

commence at 4 PM from Neyyattinkara here.

“They are both on the same page on that. They are both treating Congress as the enemy. The nationallevel CPI(M) is not doing that,” Venugopal said.
“This is a new and aggressive Congress which is connecting with the people,” he added.
Twenty-three arrests have been made so far in the case. A total of 35 accused are named in the case, he
He said that “Congress, which is the oldest political party in India and second oldest in the world is conducting the world’s longest ‘padayatra’ with 30 per cent of the yatris being women and the average age of the yatris being 38 years”.
Karnataka, Maharashtra and Delhi and expand his party’s footprint in these states.For getting the national party status, the TRS has to get at least 6% of valid votes in four or more states in Lok Sabha and state assembly elections.Once it gets the national party status, it can have its own symbol (car symbol in case of TRS/
NEW DELHI: Telangana Rashtra Samithi chief minister K Chandrashekar Rao on Sunday confirmed that he would soon launch a national“Thereparty. has been a consensus on the alternative national agenda after prolonged discussions with intellectuals, economists and experts from various fields like we did before the start of Telangana movement,” an official release from Rao’s office “Verysaid.soon, the formation of a national party and formulation of its policies will take place,” it added.KCR has shifted his focus on contesting elections in other states, especially Gujarat, intoSourcesorinstatespotentialseniorbesidesPradeshMaharashtra,Karnataka,AndhraandUttarPradesh,Delhi.TheTRSchiefhastoldleaderstoidentifycandidatesintheseandfieldthemeithertheassemblyelections2024LokSabhapolls.saidKCRwantscashinonTeluguvotersstateslikeGujarat,
Kapil Pandit
Mundi’s two associates – Kapil Pandit and Rajinder Joker – have been accused of providing logistic support and weapons to the shooters. A court in Mansa district on Sunday sent Mundi, Pandit and Joker to police remand for six“Thedays.Punjab Police has made three arrests on Saturday in connection with Shubhdeep Singh murder case in a joint operation with central agencies and the Delhi Police,” Director General of Police Gaurav Yadav told reporters here.
Ramesh also shared some data regarding the Congress and the yatra in the press conference, saying that the Prime Minister was fond of quoting terms like ‘largest’, ‘longest’, etc.
boxing gloves, javelin and racquets signed by medalwinningTheplayers.giftsalso include exquisite paintings, sculptures, handicrafts and folk artefacts.Several of these are items customarily offered as gifts, such as traditional angavastras, shawls, head gears, ceremonial swords and so on, she said.
background.LateFriday night, one of the signages with three green plates bore name of two streets -- Sher Shah Suri Marg and Dr Zakir Hussain Marg -- while ‘Rajpath’ inscribed earlier in the top plate could be seen scraped off, as also from other signages that bore the old name.Sources in the New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) said the erasure of ‘Rajpath’ from signages were being taken up by authorities working on the redevelopment project after the official nod to the rechristening. It will be replaced with ‘Kartavya Path’.

It was criticised but there were wide support too as the write-off of big loans of the industry too became norm for Duringdecades.the2004-2014, the UPA government wrote off loans worth Rs 2.20 lakh crore. In subsequent years another Rs 19.2 lakh crore of large loans were written off. Banks say these are totally unrecoverable and excluded from balance sheets.Yes these have been problems. The PSBs suf fered a grievous injury when they ended up with a huge amount of gross nonperforming assets (NPAs) or bad loans, which peaked at Rs 8.96 trillion in March
the Editor
Reader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the do not reflect the view of this nor that of in any
he process is on as GOI is all set to rename Rajpath and Centra Vista lawns as Kartaya Path. GOI’s change of name on the lines of “Amrit Kaal” which lays major thrust on the duty of citizens It is also in terpreted that the renaming sends a clear message that the era of rulers and subjects is over. If we recall PM Modi’s Independence Day speech had stressed on the abolition of symbols relating to colonial mindset. Similar message was also stressed on the importance of duties to the run up to 2047. These aspects add behind the christening of ‘Kartaya Path’.
2018, 14.6 percent of total loans. This situation led a section in the government mull over privatising the banks starting with four major banks Central Bank of India, Bank of India, Bank of Maharashtra and Indian Overseas Bank de spite the latest recapitaliza tion of Rs 15000 crore.
The paper hints at possible convolution of financial engagement if the entire sector is privatised, as the NITI Ayog suggests. It says that private banks are oriented to profits while the public banks work on thin spread but serves a
Nagaland Post
Ministering in Everyday Opportunities. Ministering in everyday opportunities that surround us does not mean that we select our own surroundings— it means being God’s very special choice to be available for use in any of the seemingly random surroundings which He has engineered for us. The very character we exhibit in our present surroundings is an indication of what we will be like in other surroundings.
banks had denied. It paid Congress political dividend in 1971 elections. People in general welcomed it but gradually aberrations set in as politicians could control the banking decisions. The first major loanwaiver by Janata Party government led by the then prime minister VP Singh cost the exchequer Rs 10000 crore yielding to the demands of agitating farm ers in 1990. The second one of Rs 60000 crore was by the UPA government in 2008. Thirteen states fol lowed it in the togiveyearssubsequenttorelieffarmers.
It is the law of Manu that would mold and set the course of Hindu Rashtra – promoting social, economic and gender inequality. The schema of caste indoctrinated by the varna sys tem and accordingly assigned duties. In the initial decades of free-independent India those who were in the lower rungs of the caste system followed the ‘duties’ dutifully. After 75 years of Independence, the ruling class wants them to follow the scheme as written in the law of Manu, but people ask their rights and want their problems to be solved. When citizens ask for their rights enshrined in Constitution, GOI wants to deflect and thus twists its narratives.GOIisnot doing any favor by giving away ‘rights’ to the people. It is the constitution that has extended the citizens the rights, which is fundamental and foundational to democracy. Let the political class do their duties – as their duty is to gov ern the citizens with justice and prudence.Duties and rights are like rails that runs parallels to one another. There should be checks and balance to the ruling class. For the citizens rights extends those protective mechanisms.
The bank employees, including the unions linked to Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh have been protest ing, occasional strikes in cluded, against the move to privatise. In 1980, again 20 banks were bringing 90 per cent of the banking under the public sector. The banks were, economists observed, fiefdoms of big business. It got under social control.
“Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.”
Do you find yourself responding by saying, “Oh, I will do all that once I’m out on the mission field”? Talking in this way is like trying to produce the weapons of war while in the trenches of the battlefield— you will be killed while trying to do it.
ublic sector banks (PSB) are critically needed today as they were in 1969 is virtually the message RBI has given.
The Indian financial sector underwent a tec tonic shift, when the In dira Gandhi government nationalized the 14 biggest commercial lenders on July 19, 1969.The second volume of the official history of the Reserve Bank of India
More private banks fail, PSBs serve better on thin spread
The construct of the packages includes geni tal surgeries, hormone therapy, laser therapy, and follow-up packages for certain procedures to ensure the continuum of care for expenditures(OOP)reducingobjectivetimeschemebenefits.networkschemebebeenincilitiesAdditionally,healthtransgenders.fawhichspecializeprovidingSRShaveidentifiedandwillempanelledunderthetoprovideabiggerforavailinghealthTheABPM-JAYisatthesamefulfillingitsprimaryofsignificantlytheout-of-pocketofthe
Some of the major reasons as identified by the RBI paper shows PSBs can serve the country better than private banks as they have better financial inclu sion, superior credit sys tem, and better efficiency.
gender certificates have been issued for transgen der persons.Asefforts are made to drive education and aware ness of the scheme, many more such certificates shall be issued in the days to come.Till now, transgen ders had not been able to avail benefits of health insurance schemes in our country for various health care procedures such as facilitating gender re-af firmation surgeries.
A diversion yatra
Its observation that privatisation can do more harm is almost a warn ing. Independent reports suggest severe weakness in seven private banksFederal Bank, Yes Bank, Karur Vysya Bank, Laksh mi Vilas Bank, Karnataka Bank, Dhanlaxmi Bank and South Indian Bank.
~ Dalai Lama
The national psyche has yet to accept the move to privatise the banks. The bank employees went on strike a number of times during the past one year. The recent dilution of Life Insurance Corporation eq uities have only resulted in its share prices losing shin.
larger section and differ ent strata of the society. It implies that if the sector is privatised many govern ment programmes as well as social welfare aims might get hit resulting in social imbalance. It notes that despite weak balance sheet, resource utilization of the public sector had been more efficient and that gave them the edge in weathering the covid pandemonium shock remarkably well.
duty of the government vis-à-vis the political class to offer needed assistance and thus address the situation. The narrative of PM Modi is clearly designed deflect ing the failure of the central government as citizens or people of the country keep asking the government to look into unem ployment, spiraling prices of the essential commodities, poor infrastructural facilities in cities like Bengaluru where the rains ripped open the. government that failed to translate the promises and duties. Big structures, monu ments and hubs are not symbols of governance. The central vista project the government spent Rs, 20,000Wecrores.needto carefully ponder over the narrative. RSS in its vocabulary talks about ‘duty’ to the organization as well as to the nation. Since RSS by and large controlled and driven by Brahminism. Manusmiriti which is a ‘code of Manu’ is a document that compiles and organizes the code of conduct for human society. Manu smriti is a code of conduct put together by Brahmins. Brahmins are the ruling caste/class and the duty of Shudras to serve the upper varnas faithfully with devotion and without grudgingly.
Ruling class/castes have the tendency to abuse their power and authority.Wehave been witnessing the ways with which the ruling classes and the dominant cates show their power and authority over the poor and the vulner able. Once they get into the seat of power their total attitude changes. Whether the colonial masters or Indian ruling class the basic characteristics remain the same. Along with power other things automatically come. The caste system kept the Dalits and indigenous people in the same status all in the name of ‘duty’. When these categories of people raise their voices and ask for their constitutional rights and privileges the ruling class/castes gets irritated or disturbed. In a functioning democracy, citizens are the center that democracy to move on for which ‘rights’ play the crucial role. When citizens/ people contribute to GDP, GNP, development and growth, they have all the right to questions which is part and parcel of their rights. Codes of Manu and hi erarchical division of society as signing duties need to countered and totally annihilated like that of caste system.
It is a contractual obligation that works between the govern and the governed. The electoral contract underpins this obliga tion vis-à-vis duties and rights. Those who have been culturally silenced, economically marginal ized, politically side-lined and those who are pushed to the peripheries without any basic amenities for decades have all the rights to ask the government to who they exercised their fran chise. Millions of citizens live in squalid conditions without any basic amenities, unemployment and inflation – not in a position to meet both the ends.
History proved that later the same government encouraged undue incen tivisations of the corpo rate post 2009. It led to an avoidable critical NPA situation. The RBI is right
In such a scenario, it is the
By Dr. R S Sharma, CEO, National Health Authority, Ministry of Health and WelfareFamily
If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.
In many instances, the individuals undergoing such operations did so at their own risk, without any accountability from health facilities.Inextreme cases, transgenders ended up availing such treatments from unqualified indi viduals in often hazardous circumstances.Toputanend to this practice and enable in dividuals from the trans gendercommunity to lead a healthy life, the scheme
that the banks are not at fault but extra-banking decisions have led to many crisis-like situations and unwanted write offs.
Livelihood and Enterprise (SMILE).This is in continua tion to the objectives of AB PM-JAY schemefor fostering equity and in clusivity in the delivery of healthcare services.
to that governs India is BJP. The head of the govern ment is PM Modi. PM Modi and his government (cabinet) are given the powers to govern the country within the framework of the Indian constitution. The governed are the people/citizens who have elected the government to discharge their duties diligent ly and fairly. At the same time the constitution has extended powers and privileges to the citizens to exercise their rights when their rights are negated or throttled. As the Indian citizenry matures it will keep raising their rights.
Although many party veterans have tried; reams even written about its free-fall and television channels discussing about what is going wrong and what needs to done so as to put it back on track; yet for the very party for which all these were meant, it continues to remain in a state of baffling delusion. When most political parties in the world are confronted with a crisis, they look at the problem from all angles and try to find solutions. Do they need to change their leaders? Should they re-examine their policies? Are they failing to get their message across etc. Even in team sports like football or cricket, when a team consistently under performs, a great deal of analysis is done and the coach gets the axe. Once the coach is axed, the team composition also undergoes an overhaul un der a new coach with strategies planned to achieve the objective. This sends a right message to all supporters and fans that factors responsible for past failures have been addressed and the fans and supporters are encouraged to continue backing their team. The mysterious thing about the Congress is that no such exercise is taking place. At a time when the Congress is in deep crisis, some likened it to being in a comatose state or in ICU; the immediate need for the party is to effect drastic changes at cru cial levels. Since 2019 the party is without a presi dent when Rahul resigned in a huff after leading his party to its second consecutive devastating defeat. After resigning, Rahul in defiance, declared that no member of his family would lead the party. Since that dramatic announcement, Rahul has neverthe less continues to operate as an extra-constitutional authority, exercising the same power he held be fore. On August 20,2020 party veterans known as G23 wrote to Sonia, demanding transparency and immediate organisational revamp through elec tions to elect a full time president. The election has been postponed thrice, from August 2020 when the sycophant-filled CWC asked the ailing Sonia Gandhi to continue as interim chief for the next six months. The polls were rescheduled for February 2021 but extended to March 2021. Then on January 22, 2022 the AICC sat and decided to complete the process by June end. The party further postponed the poll process and reset the date for September 20,2022. The poll is now scheduled on October 17. The Con gress constitution stipulates that AICC sessions are held every six months or at least once in a year. However, the last AICC session held was way back in March 2018. Some of the stalwarts left in party such as MPs Shashi Tharoor, Karti Chidambaram and Manish Tewari- have demanded ‘transparency, fairness’ in the polls and sought the printed list of 9000 delegates. While Congress needs to re-unite and reinvent itself by holding overdue elections, the party has instead gone off on a Bharat Jodo Yatra. The march, led by Rahul Gandhi and planned to span over for roughly five months, will cover more than 3,570 kilometres from Kanyakumari to Jammu and Kashmir through 12 states and two Union Ter ritories. If the Congress thinks its Jodo Yatra can reconnect it with the masses, then it’s merely an attempt to divert attention from its internal crisis whereas the party should have had a ‘Chhodo Yatra’ (or Leave the Yatra) and get back to brass-tacks.
will provide various health care servicesfree of cost at its empanelled hospitals. Apart from the treatment packages covered under AB PM-JAY, around 50 more packages have been defined specifically for the transgender community, which also include the packages on Sex Reassign ment Surgery (SRS).
Once privatised, the large social wealth would be beyond the reach of the people and the government. This was the problem that the government faced most during the 1960s. If these are sold out again to similar people, many of whom are large defaulters, the coun tercyclical role of the banks would suffer the most.
The second largest bank ICICI has gone through many hiccups and its top officials put under probe.
It may not be good for the PSB themselves as abstract factors can affect their share price, mar ket sentiment, valuation and may have three risks – interest rate,
The common man, the poorest, students and the needy entrepreneurs got access to finance which the private house controlled
—John 13:14
The RBI paper is almost a counter to the policy paper of NCAER director gen eral Poonam Gupta former NITI Ayog vice-chairman Arvind Panagarya which recommended privatisation of all banks except SBI.
beneficiaries and rapidly expanding its reach of pro viding healthcare benefits to people across rural and urbanSinceareas.its implementa tion, Ayushman Bharat PM-JAY has steadily ex panded its footprint across the country and into the lives of the beneficiaries.
Ayushman Bharat PM-JAY
The premise that pri vate sector banks are doing better is being disputed by the RBI paper. It highlights that the private banks have failed to cater to the cus tomers of the rural and semi-urban areas to date and customers from such locations are relying heav ily on PSBs for banking. It turns out that even after bank nationalisation and with more stringent regula tion of the banking system by the RBI, private banks continue to fail.
Apart it might cause severe fluctuations in lend ing rates affecting most gov ernment programmes and severe social imbalance.
As of 29thAugust 2022, a total of 18.9 Crore benefi ciaries have been enrolled under the scheme and provided with Ayushman cards.Approximately 3.78 Crore hospital admissions have been authorized, with hospitalization expenses worth over `45,000 Crores, under the scheme through a network of 25,000 hos pitals.Ayushman
Leveraging ecosystem to help Transgender Community
convergence of cialservicesuitybuttrustnotthepivotalinclusionstepgramwillquirecommunitiesitsall,clusivityschemes.PMCAPF,riesferentecosystemITgramsthroughsurance/assuranceprohealthintheNHAplatform,creatingancateringtodifbeneficiarycategolikeESIS,AyushmanBoCW,CGHSandCARESforChildrenWithitsvisionofinandhealthcareforNHAhasembarkedjourneyforhelpingthewhichretheutmostattention.Thismomentousprobeasignificantinthatdirection.Transgendersocialandequalityisapathtodevelopingcommunity,whichwillonlyhelpingainingwiththecommunityshallalsoprovideeqintermsofhealthcareandreducethesostigmaattachedtoit.
The Narendra Modi government’s decisions like MUDRA, Skill India, Jandhan Yojana, trans ferring of PM Kisan and other direct benefits were deftly handled because the banks are in social control. Demonetisation would not have been possible had not the public sector banks ef ficiently managed it.
Jesus said, “I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you” (John 13:15). Notice the kind of people that God brings around you, and you will be humiliated once you realize that this is actually His way of revealing to you the kind of person you have been to Him. Now He says we should exhibit to those around us exactly what He has exhibited to us.
The HDFC is penalized for unethical practices.
Missionary Weapons (2)
Pranab Mukherjee ex pressed as finance minister in 2008 after the collapse of Lehman Brothers. He triumphantly said the coun try was able to weather the global financial crisis on the back of its strong banks.
This collaboration would add to the efforts of upliftment of the trans gender community, which has been marginalized due to decades of stigma andexclusion from the care benefits accorded to the largerThroughsociety. this collab oration, any individual holding a atgenderestimatedconductedtheacrossJAYliancewiththegenderNationalCertificate”“TransgenderissuedbythePortalforTransPersonscanavailhealthcarebenefitsdignityandself-reatanyABPM-empanelledhospitalthenation.Aspercountrywidecensusin2011,thenumberoftranspopulationsstood487,803.Tillnow,8,172Trans
Duty over rights: PM Modi echoing RSS’S template

We have to go the “second mile” with God (see Matthew 5:41). Yet some of us become worn out in the first ten steps. Then we say, “Well, I’ll just wait until I get closer to the next big crisis in my life.” But if we do not steadily minister in everyday opportunities, we will do nothing when the crisis comes.
From 1969 onwards, a 2018 report says, 36 private banks, including ten during last 20 years, have been put under moratorium, due to mismanagement.TheRBIreport is al most an echo of the views
Shivaji Sarkar
o drive Universal Health Coverage (UHC), inclusivity is as essential to the core of a public healthcare system as transparency is to gov ernance. These endeavours for public health in India were bolstered when the Ayushman Bharat Prad han Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB PM-JAY) was launched on 23rd Septem ber, 2018 by our Hon’ble PrimeAsMinister.wecelebrate four yearsof Ayushman Bharat PM-JAY next month,we will also be celebrating a landmark addition to the biggest public health assur ance scheme in the Thehealthcareworld.ben efits under AB PM-JAY are now being extended to the transgender commu nity through a collabora tion between the National Health Authority (NHA, MoHFW) and the Minis try of Social Justice and Empowerment (MoSJE) under the Support for Mar ginalized Individuals for
describes bank national ization as the single-most important economic policy decision taken by any gov ernment after 1947. Central bank historians say that in terms of the impact, even the economic reforms of 1991 pale in comparison. It may be recalled prior to the takeover, often one or the larger banks were ru moured to be facing mora torium.The RBI bulletin criti cally observes that public sector banks have given yeoman service to the sta bilization and growth of the differ ent higherTheysectors.havedegree of market confidence, better financial inclusion objectives, labour cost efficiency and handled covid19 shock well.
The things Jesus did were the most menial of everyday tasks, and this is an indication that it takes all of God’s power in me to accomplish even the most common tasks in His way. Can I use a towel as He did? Towels, dishes, sandals, and all the other ordinary things in our lives reveal what we are made of more quickly than anything else. It takes God Almighty Incarnate in us to do the most menial duty as it ought to be done.
On the surface the state ments that PM Modi made seem to be convincing. While on the other, the underpinning of those statements needs care ful scrutiny. PM Modi is the highest political executive who heads GOI is subtly changing the narratives more in tune to the templates of RSS. PM Modi seem to have been obsessed with ‘rights’ and so he tends to pitch it as against the ‘duties’. During pre-independence period we had the colonial powers as the ruling class. In the post-Independent India, we have another set of ruling class – PM Modi belong
Dr. John Mohan Razu
Sarvankar, however, denied opening fire and claimed his rivals were try ing to malign him.
(From p-1)
NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2022 NATIONAL/STATE 7 dp-4203/22B.Ed & M.Ed Admission 2022 Admission still open for B.Ed & M.Ed UGC & NCTE Recognised University For further guidance contact: 7005897583 / 9366199530 k-2044/22 k-2068/22(B) k-2068/22 INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR MONTESSORI TEACHERS TRAINING. IIMTT An ISO 9001 : 2008 Certified Organization. Kohima Centre, ‘D’ Block Sector – B, Below J.N Hotel, Kohima ADMISSION NOTICE Course Duration Requirement Advance diploma 1 year 12 pass or Equivalent diploma 6 months 12 pass or Equivalent Certificate Course 3 months 10 pass Ph:+91 8414043274/ +91 7005845405 /+91 8794864647 k-2067/22 dp-4234/22 -2023/22KA

If it is not confirmed, the property would be au tomatically released from ED’s attachment. The ac cused can then challenge the confirmation in the Appel late Tribunal within 45 days.
In case the cash or jewellery or other valuables have any marks, indication or evidence, then it is kept in a sealed envelope to be presented before the court as evidence.Oncethe accused are proven guilty in court, the ED transfers the money to the government under Sec tion-9 of PMLA which uses it for public spending.
He said after the Ga nesh immersion, there was an argument and workers of the two Sena factions clashed around midnight.
Recently, in a massive move by the Enforcement Directorate pertaining to the bank fraud case, the agency transferred attached assets worth over Rs 8,441 crore to Public Sector Banks who suffered losses due to the bank fraud committed by fugitives Vijay Mallya, Nirav Modi and Mehul Choksi.
Sources also told Nagaland Post that solu tion issue is being tossed around between the Centre and the state government.
The case against them was registered under various Indian Penal Code Sections including 323 (voluntarily causing hurt), 324 (volun tarily causing hurt by dan gerous weapons or means), 504 (intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of peace) and 506 (criminal intimidation), he said.
“Policesaid. are verifying those involved in the scuffle and action is being taken against them,” he said.
LG V K Saxena approved a proposal to forward a com plaint to the CBI to probe the alleged corruption in the procurement of the buses.
In cases, where the money has been taken in the form of loans by defaulters, the money is also transferred to banks where the money was borrowed.
tion.In Nagaland, sever
However, during the period of attachment, the property remains out of bound for the accused until the trial is complete.What if ED doesn’t transfer back?: In 1995, the Ed had seized Rs 7.95 lakh from Manak Kala, a travel agency owner for alleged vi olation of foreign exchange law. The ED had imposed a penalty of Rs 75 lakh on him and directed confiscation of Rs 7.95 lakh in 2014.
As ED raids see 27-fold spike, Rs 1 lakh crore seized till date
Rival Sena factions clash in Mumbai; 5 held
registered two FIRs, includ ing one against Sarvankar, an officialTheresaid.was a scuffle be tween two groups in Dadar in the early hours. Initially, one FIR was registered. Now, another FIR has also been registered under sec tions of rioting and the Arms Act, Deputy Com missioner of Police Pranay Ashok
On its part, the NSCN (I-M) has maintained that flag and constitution are inalienable to Naga his tory.
Shiv Sena MP Arvind Sawant, who supports for mer chief minister Thacker ay, demanded action against Shinde camp legislator Sada Sarvankar under the Arms act for allegedly firing in public at the clash spot.
“If both sides are at fault, action should be against both. We lodge a complaint, it is ignored. But when the other side com plaints, our people are ar rested at night,” Danve said.
The second ship of the ‘Udaygiri’ class under the project was launched on May 17 this year. It is ex pected to start sea trials dur ing the second half of 2024.
the then GL Meroform di rector Binu Nanu, former IAF group captain and sup plier Praveen Bakshi and director of Comfort Net Traders India Pvt Ltd Sand eep Wadhwa. Wadhwa is allegedly linked to Nussli India Ltd, named in the FIR, which had received contracts for about Rs 140 crore for the supply of tents, cabins, etc for various Commonwealth Games, 2010 held in the national capital.
Limitations by Law: If the Enforcement Direc
“Sarvankar has Y cat egory security and it is im possible that he will fire in public,” Pawaskar said add ing the such allegations were “childish”.Meanwhile, based on complaints from the rival groups, the Dadar police
He said Delhi Trans port Minister Kailash Gahlot was made the chair man of the committee for tendering and procurement of buses by Delhi Trans port Corporation (DTC)
On Saturday, Delhi
In case of properties which are attached by the agency, the accused can use the property until the case reaches the conclusion.
The keel of the fourth and final ship was laid on June 28, the statement said.
After meeting officials at Dadar police station fol
Indian Navy launches frigate ‘Taragiri’
Kejriwal synonymous with corruption: BJP
frigate is designed by the In dian Navy’s in-house design organization, the Bureau of NavalTheDesign.MDL has under taken the detailed design and construction of the ship which is also overseen by the Warship Overseeing Team (Mumbai). The total value of Project 17A is around Rs 25,700 crores, the statement said. The first ship of Project 17A, ‘Nilgiri’, was launched on September 28, 2019, and is expected for sea trials in the first half of 2024.
the sanction for prosecution against the charge-sheeted organising committee mem bers - A.K.Saxena, Rajendra Prashad Gupta, Surjit Lal and K Uday Kumar Reddy recently, they said. The case pertains to the supply of overlays for the Common wealth Games which were allegedly procured and hired at exorbitant rates causing a huge loss to the exchequer. The agency has also named as accused in its charge sheet
Based on a complaint by Santosh Talavane, the Dadar police arrested five Shiv Sena workers including Mahesh Sawant, another of ficial said, adding that they were later released on bail.
Shiv Sena party workers outside Dadar Police Station on Sunday. Courtesy: Ashish Raje.

A member of CCo NPI said the delegation will make a final push for solution at the meeting with Shah on ofNSCNbeentorsingamountpushHowever,Monday.thefinalonMondaycouldtolittleornothsincethestatelegislahaveapparentlynotabletoconvincethe(I-M)ontheissueflagandconstitution.
The Dadar police also registered another FIR un der various sections includ ing provisions the Arms Act against Sarvankar and others, the official said.
NEW DELHI, SEP 11 (PTI): The BJP on Sunday alleged that Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and corruption have become synonymous and said he has no right to remain in the post. At a press conference on the alleged irregularities in the purchase of 1,000 low-floor buses by the Del hi Transport Corporation, BJP’s national spokesperson Gaurav Bhatia alleged each department of the AAP government is involved in corrupt activities with “con tracts and tenders being tailor-made to benefit the friends of “First,Kejriwal”.itwasthe excise policy, now there are ir regularities in the purchase of buses… Kejriwal and corruption have become synonymous”.“Howcan you claim to be ‘hardcore honest’? People have understood you are ‘hardcore corrupt’... You have no right to remain in the chair of the chief min ister,” the BJP leader said.
For instance, the Centre wants the state to clear the deck for a final agreement and in this regard had urged upon the state to convince the NSCN (I-M) to come around and agree for solution.TheCentre’s stand is that demand for flag and constitution could be agreed post-solution with
After complaints from the two groups, Mumbai Police registered First In formation Reports (FIRs) against 10 to 20 members of both the sides, including local MLA Sada Sarvankar, they said.The Dadar police also arrested five Sena workers who were later released on bail, they said.
people decide on their future.The other factor is on the decision by ENPO to boycott polls and to not allow any form of election activity in the 20 assem bly constituencies under its area in support of its demand for a Frontier Na galandCertainly,State. the political landscape of Nagaland is under thick clouds of un certainty which has con firmed past apprehensions that delays would only add more complications.
Gupta, who also addressed the press conference, alleged the Kejriwal government violated tender rules and guidelines of the Central Vigilance Commission to favour some “Kejriwalcompanies.doesn’t be lieve in CVC, his only mo tive is DCC – direct cash collection,” he alleged.
‘Taragiri’, the third stealth frigate of the Indian Navy’s Project 17A at Mazagon Dock Limited, in Mumbai. (PTI)
“with the intention of giving benefits to friends”. The ap pointment of DIMTS as a bid management consultant for this tender was done to facilitate wrongdoing, Bha tia alleged. The BJP spokes person said the AAP has not responded to “charges of irregularities”, but raised another unrelated issue to divertDelhiattention.BJPchief Adesh
witness to “Whenit. our workers went to Dadar police station to lodge a complaint, it was not accepted,” he said.
He challenged the or der before Special Director (Appeals) which reduced the penalty and then before the Appellate Tribunal for
As of now, about Rs. 23,000 crore has been re funded to the Public Sector Banks by selling the proper ties of the accused whose assets were attached by the ED.
lowing the arrest of workers of the Uddhav Thackeray faction, the parliamentarian said if those arrested are not released and action is not against Sarvankar, his party will take to streets and people will know which is the “real Shiv Sena”.

The keel of ‘Taragiri’ was laid on September 10, 2020. The ship is expected to be delivered by August 2025, the statement said. The vessel is being launched with an approximate launch weight of 3,510 tons. The
Arvind Sawant al leged that Sarvankar ver bally abused the rival group and fired twice in public. The Sena spokesperson also claimed that police were a
Trial in CWG overlays scam to begin next month: Officials
A complaint addressed to Saxena in June this year had claimed that the ap pointment of the Minister of Transport as the chair man of the committee for tendering and procurement of buses by Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) was done in a “premeditated manner”. The complaint had alleged irregularities in a July 2019 procurement bid for 1,000 low-floor BS-IV and BS-VI buses and anoth er bid made in March 2020 for the purchase and annual maintenance contract for low floor BS-VI buses, the sources said.
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Workers of the Uddhav Thackeray-led Shiv Sena and Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde’s camp clashed with each other here in the early hours of Sunday, officials said.
Leader of Opposi tion in the state Legislative Council Ambadas Danve, who was present with Ar vind Sawant at Dadar police station, told reporters that one-sided action by police cannot be tolerated.
in some parameters such as use of flag for Naga cultural events and that the final agreement could be named as ‘Yehzabo’.
With election fever rising in Nagaland which is scheduled to go to the polls by 2023, the UDA is also under pressure from various organisations for all MLAs to resign en masse to push for solution. However, some legislators say they will not resign if solution comes after elec
al organisations such as CNTC, CNSA, Congress, RPP have demanded that all 60 legislators resign for solution as promised. It may be recalled that on August 5, a huge rally in Dimapur under Naga People’s Action Commit tee (NPAC), had adopted a resolution along the same lines and in apparent frus tration at the inordinate delay asked the govern ment of India and NPGs that if they cannot deliver solution then wind up the process and let the Naga
He also said if police call him for questioning, he will cooperate with them.
torate seizes a property or cash under PMLA Act, it can impound the property for a maximum period of 180 days. During this sixmonth time, the ED has to prove that the seizure of the property is valid.
Foreign Exchange which dismissed his appeal. He later approached the high court. The high court said confiscation of Rs 7.95 lakh from Kala’s office was un sustainable and upheld his appeal while setting aside the tribunal’s order.
Talavane is part of the Shinde camp, while Ma hesh Sawant belongs to the Thackeray-led Sena.
The incident took place around 12.30 am in New Prabhadevi area in which Sena functionary Santosh Talavane was allegedly at tacked by Mahesh Sawant and 30 others, police said.
Gaurav Bhatia
CCoNPI last solution bid before polls
The ship was named by Charu Singh, President, Navy Wives Welfare As sociation (Western Region), wife of vice admiral Ajendra Bahadur Singh, FOC-in-C Western Naval Command, who was the chief guest.
11(AGENCIES): Nearly 11 years after the CBI reg istered an FIR in the over Rs 600-crore CWG overlays scam case, the trial against former Organising Com mittee members and others will begin next month, offi cials said on Sunday, reports Economic Times. A special CBI court has taken cogni sance of the charge sheet submitted by the agency on January 25 after it furnished
“In compliance with the notification issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Government of India declaring a state mourning on September 11 (due to the passing of Queen Elizabeth II), the event was limited to a technical launch. As the event is tide dependent, any change in the schedule was not possible,” the MDL said.
Kiran Pawaskar, spokesman of the Shinde group, also rejected the al legations against Sarvankar.
‘Taragiri’, the third stealth frigate of the Indian Navy’s Project 17A, was launched in Mumbai on Sunday, the Mazagon Dock Shipbuild ers (MDL) said. This ship has been built using an in tegrated construction meth odology which involves hull block construction in differ ent geographical locations and integration and erection on the slipway at the MDL, it said in a statement.
In 2020, the Delhi High Court directed the ED to return the sum of Rs 7.95 lakh with interest “illegally” seized from Kala. The court directed the ED to return the seized amount along with an interest of six percent per annum from the date of seizure, that is 1995, till the date of payment.

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sters usually pose as employees of Microsoft or anti-virus providers like Norton. They shoot off error messages/codes onto the desktop of their potential targets informing that the money would be deducted for renewal of an anti-virus sub scription or their computers have been compromised by hackers.
State-owned fuel retailers Indian Oil Corporation (IOC), Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd (BPCL) and Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd (HPCL) have not exercised their right to adjust the retail selling price of petrol and diesel in line with the international costs for over five months now to help the government man age runaway inflation. At one point, they were losing Rs 20-25 per litre on diesel and Rs 14-18 a litre on petrol as international oil prices soared. These losses have been trimmed with the fall in oil prices.
Insurance penetration in India increased from 3.76 per cent in 2019-20 to 4.20 per cent in 2020-21, register ing a growth of 11.70 per cent. Insurance penetration measured as the percentage of insurance premium to GDP witnessed handsome growth during the year, mainly due to the outbreak of COVID-19.Theministry is doing a comprehensive review of the Insurance Act, 1938 and also looking at making relevant changes to help push growth of the sector, sources said, adding the process is at a preliminary stage.One of the provisions
International Scambaiters expose ‘tech support’ scammers
being considered is lower ing the minimum capital requirement of Rs 100 crore for setting up an insurance business, the sources said.
retail pump rates are directly dependent on happenings in the global markets.
The Assam police dur ing routine checks in Gola ghat district earlier found macaws, silvery marmosets, and golden-headed tama rin- all exotic animals from Brazil’s Amazon, smuggled via Moreh.According to the Sec retary General and CEO of Aaranyak, Dr Bibhab Kumar Talukdar of the Assam-based green group Aaranyak, there seems to
Pradesh were smuggled from Myanmar and ferried through Mizoram to these states.Forest and wildlife offi cials in North Bengal found four smuggled kangaroos in the Gajoldoba area of Jal paiguri in April. Two more kangaroos- one dead, the other injured - were found in the Dabgram forest range.
IOC, BPCL and HPCL are supposed to revise the retail price of petrol and diesel daily in line with cost. But they froze rates for a record 137 days beginning November 4, 2021, just as states like Uttar Pradesh went to Thatpolls.freeze ended on March 22 this year and rates went up by Rs 10 per litre each in just over a fortnight before a new freeze came into effect from April 7.
In 2015, the Insurance Act was amended for raising the foreign investment cap from 26 per cent to 49 per cent. All these amendments since privatisation of the insurance sector have led to exponential growth.
Whenname.Jayden refuses to reveal his real identity, Jim calls him out by his real name and tells him he is from Nagaland. He pulls up his COVID travel document issued by the government of Nagaland on the computer screen which con tains details like his name, mobile phone number, origin of travel and destination in Nagaland. Like Tin Tin, Barry aka Jayden also discon nected the call. Post the call, Jim also listened to a call made between Tin Tin and Jayden where they
did not place. When the customers call in, the “agents” offer to cancel the charges and give them a refund. They do so by taking remote access of their mobile phones or comput ers and making them log into their online banking account.
With the ease of en try capital norms, sources said, there could be entry of companies focussed on micro insurance, agriculture insurance or insurance firms with regional approach.
He also gains access to the list of victims they have been scammed and their personal details.
Guwahati Zoo veteri narian Shankar Sharma said that like previous cases the rescued animals have been kept in quarantine, away from other animals and hu man “Asbeings.the zoonotic dis eases spread to animals as well as human beings, when ever we rescue any animal, exotic or otherwise, we keep them isolated and provide whatever is necessary. They will be in quarantine for one to three months under close observation,” Sharma told IANS.Senior police and intelligence officials said Mizoram and other North Eastern states, bordering Myanmar, have become an active route for smuggling exotic animals and vari ous drugs from South East Asian countries to mainland India.According to the of ficials, these animals are smuggled from countries such as Thailand, Indonesia and Myanmar where there are exotic animal breeding farms.There were instances that exotic animals seized in West Bengal and Andhra
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The basket of crude oil that India imports averaged USD 88 per barrel on September 8. It had averaged USD 102.97 in April, before rising to USD 109.51 in the following month and USD 116.01 in June. Prices started to fall in July when the Indian basket averaged USD 105.49 a barrel. It averaged USD 97.40 in August and USD 92.87 in September so far.
Oil companies did not revise rates to help the government manage inflation which had already peaked to a multi-year high. It would have further spiked if petrol and diesel prices were increased in line with cost. The freeze meant that the three retailers posted a combined net loss of Rs 18,480 crore in June quarter.
Oil prices at seven-month low but no...
Narco corridor to hotspot for smugglers of exotic species
The rich bosses: The boss of such fake IT companies usually “earn” millions of dollars a month while their employees are paid around Rs 20,000 plus incentives. The ring masters of such scam are usually spotted in upscale dis cotheques and clubs, regularly go on international trips and drive luxuryThecars.ruthless and uncouth scamsters: Scamsters operating in fake call centres are known for hurling expletives and screaming at their victims. They have been recorded mocking old people who suffer from depression and those who have had a surgery or lost a family member.

ous enforcement agencies including forest, police, cen tral forces and judiciary is the need of the hour in com bating the global menace of wildlife crimes, Talukdar said.
When the unsuspecting vic tims call in, the scammers get remote access to their computers using software like Any Desk, Team Viewer, Supremo etc. They do not renew any subscription or secure the computer but simply show them the “stopped services” screen and tell them their system has been infected with viruses or has been hacked. They then pretend to run diagnostics in the background and charge them anywhere between 200 to 500 dollars for doing absolutely nothing. The other popular scam is the “Amazon refund scam” where frauds send invoices to potenti al targets for expensive orders they
“There are no under-recovery (losses) on petrol now. For diesel, it will take some time to reach that level,” an official said. But this is unlikely to translate into an im mediate reduction in rates as oil companies will be allowed to recoup losses they had accumulated on selling fuel at below cost in the last five months, another official said.
NEW DELHI, SEP 11 (PTI): The finance ministry is contemplating changes in insurance laws, including reduction in minimum capi tal requirement, with a view to increasing the insurance penetration in the country.
Easing capital require ment would allow entry of differentiated insurance companies like in the bank ing sector, which has cat egories like universal bank, small finance bank and payments bank.
The modus operandi: Scam
LastLimited.year,the govern ment brought an amend ment in the Insurance Act to allow increasing foreign holding in insurers from 49 per cent to 74 per cent. Be sides, Parliament passed the General Insurance Business (Nationalisation) Amend ment Bill, 2021, allowing the central government to pare stake to less than 51 per cent of the equity capital in a specified insurer, paving the way for privatisation.
FinMin mulls changes in insurance laws to boost penetration: Report
24 life insurance companies and 31 non-life or general insurance firms, includ ing specialised players like the Agriculture Insurance Company of India Ltd and ECGC

India is 85 per cent dependent on imports for meeting its oil needs and so
spoke to each other in Nagamese and English. Jim further intercepted a skype chat where their boss in structed them to delete their skype chat history. After this coterie was exposed by Jim, they have been off the radar for some time.
The second ‘victim’ Jayden: In the second call Jim made to the fake IT Company (in same video), Jim spoke to “Barry” a.k.a Jayden. This time, he decides to challenge every step of the scammer. He asks Jayden how much he gets paid for scamming people and even tells him his boss’
Lost Notice I, H. Nyemli Phom applying for duplicate copy of Land Patta No. 1962. As I have lost it. The land boundaries are mentioned below:North : Late Poni Kent East : A. Road South : Joshua Tep West : Ruokuopheno Semu Pattader’s Name : Late Mr. Rushuyhum Kent Pattader’s Name & Residence: Lower Bayavu Hill, Kohima Town, Nagaland DP-4282/22 WaNted Hostel Warden (Male) For School Hostel Qualification : B.Sc (PCM) Contact : 6009202406 (9:00am to 1:00pm) DP-4277/22 Paddy Field For Sale Near Chathe Prayer Centre PriceAreaMedziphema:12Puras:Rs.18/-persq. ft. (in Bulk) Contact : 9862991691 DP-4280/22 required in nGo Hair Chumoukedima(Male)Dresser:9856508484DP-4278/22 For saLe PriMe residential area, Patta land @ nePali KasHiraM For Details Contact : 9863574939 DP-4261/22 LaNd For saLe Location : Vidima Village 4 Kms from New DC Office, 5 Kms from ARTC Sukhovi All plots JCB leveled and Agri Link Road touched. B1 120.25x120 = Rs. 12.26 Lakhs C1 130x54.8 = Rs. 6.05 Lakhs C2 124.6x71.7 = Rs. 7.59 Lakhs C3 130x89 = Rs. 9.83 Lakhs A2 108.5x100 = Rs. 9.22 Lakhs And more… No Brokers Please Contact : KeVi s real estate 8119010561/ 8798769783 DB-991/22 LaNd For saLe at Thilixu Village Block-ii Near arMY CaMP 1. 5000 Sq. Ft. @Rs. 360 Per Sq. Ft. (Fixed) 2. 4000 Sq. Ft. @ Rs. 360 Per Sq. Ft. (Fixed) 3. 4200 Sq. Ft. @ Rs. 360 Per Sq. Ft. (Fixed) 4. 7800 Sq. Ft. @ Rs. 230 Per Sq. Ft. (Fixed) Contact No. : 9774479901 DP-4273/22 JoB iN KoHiMa An ISO certified MNC is looking 22 M/F (age below 28 yrs) for various higher post. Qualification : 10 + 2 and above Earning : 6000 to 30,000 + bonus Contact : (Kohima)7063989993 (B)K-2072/22 JOB FOr FresHers A multinational company is recruiting 69 M/F (below 35 yrs) for Official post in Dimapur & other districts of Nagaland. Qualification: 10th and above. Income: 5k to 35k Contact:(Accommodation).+12noonto3pm.WalfordRoad,BurmaCamp,Dimapur. Ph: 9859726783 / 8402015985 (A)K-2072/22 LaNd For saLe at Burma Camp, U.n.B. –a , dimapur, nagaland Near Ao Church Any size available from Rs. 14 Lakhs & above Contact no. : 8730052207 DB-4283/22 LOsT NOTiCe I, Mannon Y Konyak am applying for duplicate copy of Registration Card of B.A. as I have lost it. Name : Mannon Y. Konyak Father’s Name : Yashok Konyak DoB : 13.12.2001 Regd. No. : 19200134 of 2019 School : Pranabananda Women’s College, Dimapur Contact : 9612249799 DP-4285/22 land and BUildinG FOr iMMediate sale AT sUGar Mill 5tH Mile diMaPUr RCC BUILDING HAVING 3 STOREY BUILDING TOTAL AREA -22,769 SQ. FT. NO BROKERS INVOLVEMENT COntaCt : 9930891886 -978/22DB l and For Sale 1. Khehokhu Near Baptist College Rs. 90 per sq. ft. 2. tzudikong (Paper Mill) 10th Mile Near Railway Station Contact : 89749321449862086218 DP-4118/22(A) l and For Sale Near Vihokhu Rs. 37 Per Sq. Ft. Contact No. : 7085747979,9862086218DP-4118/22(B) -4045/22DP land FOr sale signal angami Village Per Sq. Ft. : Rs. 500/Negotiable Ph. no. : 87878269237005646325 DP-4221/22 land FOr sale Near 4 Lane Second Row 90 Bighas (22½ Puras) Rs. 130 Per Sq. Ft. (Slightly Negotiable) Dry Land Suitable for any type of School, College, Industry, Hospital, Residential and Farming Site. Contact : 9362359493 DP-4272/22 land For urGenT Sale 1. Kushiabill Sec-IV : 1 Bigha with House 2. Indisen (Ao's only) Area : 5500 sq. ft. 3. Mon Bosti near Ao Church Contact no. : 7005424879 -4271/22(A)DP c-585/22D LOST NOTICE I, Mr. Imtisangba Ao am applying for duplicate copy of HSL c Marksheet as I have lost it. Name : Mr. Imtisangba Ao F/Name : N Temjensoba Ao M/Name : Meyatsungla Roll No. : 1413938 Year of Examination : 2014 Date of Birth : 11/01/1998 -4286/22DP Requi R ed Female Helpers & ForCooksaHostel in east dimapur Co. no: 9436013903 -994/22DB 8 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2022BUSINESS/STATE ACROSS 1 African desert (6) 7 Board game (8) 8 Bee’s sound (4) 10 Hinder (6) 11 Word of honour (6) 14 Agent (3) 16 Turret (5) 17 Songbird (4) 19 Under (5) 21 Lid (5) 22 Autonomous Chi nese region (5) 23 Strike (4) 26 Intolerant person (5) 28 Rodent (3) 29 Incursion (6) 30 Repudiate (6) 31 Mosque prayer leader (4) 32 Cross (8) 33 Hat (6) DOWN 1 Teeter (6) 2 Insight (6) 3 Carpenter’s tool (4) 4 Custodian (7) 5 Fling (5) 6 Garden flower (5) 8 Cow shed (4) 9 Fastener (3) 12 Noisy (3) 13 Jumps (5) 15 Ague (5) 18 Tree sap (5) 19 Hairstyle (3) 20 Permit (3) 21 City fortress (7) 22 Also (3) 23 Igneous rock (6) 24 Particle (4) 25 Appetite (6) 26 Parentage (5) 27 Grumble (5) 28 Raised edge (3) 30 Slimming plan (4) Crossword No. 10391 Yesterday’s solution No. 10390 Su doku No. 5013 Yesterday’s solution No. 5012 KAKURO No. 4036 Yesterday’s solution No. 4035
Petrol was deregulated in June 2010 and diesel in November 2014. Since then, the government does not pay oil firms any subsidy to compensate them for losses they might incur on selling fuel at rates below cost. So, the oil companies recoup losses when input costs fall, the first official ex plained.
So for them, the sol vency margin requirement would also be different but without compromising on policyholders’ interest, the sources said. Entry of more players would not only push penetration but result in greater job creation in the country. Presently, there are
While typing in the refund in the html script of their bank’s web site, they deliberately and slyly add extra zeros and tell the customers they (the customers) have made a mistake and have been refunded more than the actual refund amount. They then ask the victims to return the extra amount in the form of gift cards from Google Play, Target, WalmartWithetc.many youngsters in Na galand speaking good English with minimum MTI in their accent, frauds from different parts of India may try to lure Naga youths into scamming. It is best advised to al ways verify such “offers” because a jail term for scamming can have an impact on a person’s overall career.
(From p-1)

be a trend of keeping ex otic animals as pets leading to the rising trafficking in animals.“Our biggest worry is that these endangered animals, unlike those ex changed by zoos, being traded, transported and unscientifically kept without health screening, causing the risk of spreading various diseases endangering the lives of both the animals and the human,” Talukdar said.
The Rs 10 a litre increase, effected between March 22 and April 6, wasn’t sufficient to cover the cost and the new freeze meant accumulation of more losses, officials said.
The Assam Forest of ficials earlier seized a red kangaroo, six hyacinth ma caw, two capuchin monkeys from South Africa and three Aldabra giant tortoises from a truck near the state’s bor der with Mizoram.
The West Bengal For est officials also rescued four monkeys smuggled from Indonesia from a Siliguribound bus earlier this year.
He pointed out the links between wildlife crimes, narco-terrorism and arms smuggling.Synergy among vari
Ravu tried to stand up
The GCC is a region al, intergovernmental, po litical, and economic union comprising Bahrain, Ku wait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United ArabIndiaEmirates.enjoys tradition
Mariia Trutko, 85, and her husband Oleksii Maksy menko, 75, had been sleep ing when they were jolted awake by the blast.
the plastic they had put over the glass probably saved their lives, Butkova said. “It was all quiet in Pok rovsk, this was very unex pected,” she said. “It was horrible.”Further down the row of single-story houses, an elderly couple swept rubble and glass from their small porch, dried blood still streaking their faces.
and around his town, which is located 66 kilometers (41 miles) from the quake’s epicenter.Hesaid people were feeling rattled. “It’s a com mon thing that earthquakes are felt here, but it usually doesn’t last as long and is not as violent as this one,” Ravu said. “It was quite intense.”Ravu was sorting through the damage to his home, which he said likely included a broken sewer pipe judging from the smell.
More than 18 per cent of India’s crude oil imports are sourced from Saudi Arabia. During FY22 (April -December), bilateral trade was valued at USD 29.28 billion. During this period, India’s imports from Saudi Arabia were valued at USD 22.65 billion and exports to Saudi Arabia were worth USD 6.63 billion.
COLOMBO, SEP 11 (PTI): Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe has come under fire from the Opposi tion over his government expansion with 37 state ministers and with moves underway to appoint at least 12 more Cabinet min isters soon at a time when the island nation is facing bankruptcy.President Wick remesinghe on Thursday appointed 37 junior minis ters, largely representing the ruling Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (SLPP) and the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP).The 37 new posts are in addition to the 20-mem ber Cabinet of President Wickremesinghe, who took over in late July following Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s exit. Talks are also underway to appoint at least 12 more Cabinet ministers soon.
the first ministerial meet ing of the Committee on Political, Security, Social and Cultural Cooperation (PSSC), established under the framework of the IndiaSaudi Arabia Strategic Part nershipIndiaCouncil.andSaudi Arabia enjoy cordial and friendly relations reflecting the cen turies-old economic and socio-cultural ties. Saudi Arabia is India’s fourthlargest trading partner.
The hearse carrying the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II, passes through Aberdeen, Scotland, Sunday. (AP/PTI)
The Opposition has vehemently condemned the president’s move, arguing that the government could ill afford the expansion at
The missiles that rained down on Pokrovsk Saturday night and into the early hours of Sunday were part of a barrage of attacks on towns in eastern Ukraine’s Donetsk region that left at least 10 people dead Saturday, according to Donetsk governor Pavlo Kyrylenko.Theycame as Ukraine pressed forward with a counteroffensive just to the north in the Kharkiv region, pushing Russian forces into a retreat from key areas.
lack of large buildings near the epicenter in the na tion’s largely undeveloped highlands may have helped prevent a bigger disaster, given the earthquake was so strong. One resident from the town closest to the epi center described his ordeal to theRenagiAP. Ravu was meet ing with two colleagues at his home in Kainantu when the quake struck.
Six of the dead were
LONDON, SEP 11 (PTI): Thousands are lining the route to catch a glimpse as Queen Elizabeth II’s cof fin, seen in public for the first time, began its journey on Sunday from Balmoral Castle in Aberdeenshire to the late monarch’s official Scottish residence of Holy roodhouse Palace in the capital city of Edinburgh.
Cracks appears in the road as quake hits Papua New Guinea.
Funeral, which will take place at Westminster Abbey on Monday, September 19 –declared a Bank Holiday in the UK. Prior to the funeral, the late monarch will lie-instate at Westminster Hall within the Houses of Parlia ment complex for four days, to allow the British public to pay their respects.
a time when the country is going through its worst economic crisis and the re cent tax hikes have heaped burden on the people.
External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar has held a “pro ductive” meeting with the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Secretary-General Nayef Falah Mubarak AlHajraf during which the two leaders signed an MoU on the mechanism of con sultations between India and the six-nation regional bloc. Jaishankar arrived here on Saturday on a three-day visit to Saudi Arabia to discuss ways to further strengthen relations between the two countries. It is his first visit to Saudi Arabia as External Affairs Minister.Onthe first day of his visit on Saturday, Jaishan kar met GCC Secretary-
A social media video clip shows Kate telling one group how her youngest son, Prince Louis, had said that his great grandmoth er was “now with great grandpa” – a reference to the Queen’s husband Prince Philip, who died last April aged It99.followed Charles, the former Prince of Wales, being formally proclaimed King in an ancient ceremo ny at St. James’s Palace dur ing which he pledged to fol low the “inspiring example” set by his late mother. Flags atop all palaces and govern ment buildings in the UK were brought up to full mast to mark the proclamation and will be lowered back to half-mast for the State Mourning on Sunday.
President KNUD Info & Publicity Secy. Khinilo Kath Daniel Woch
He said friends else where in Kainantu had messaged him with de scriptions of cracked roads, broken pipes and fallen debris, but hadn’t described major building collapses or injuries.“They are starting to clean up their houses and the streets,” he said. Com munication seems to have
The industrial town about 40 kilometers from the front line had been hit twice before by missiles, in May and July, but never before by so many in one night.A flash illuminated the night sky as a detona tion sounded out across the town in the second of six explosions.Anambulance raced through the darkened streets, and flames rose
2. Shri Lephizo Apon (GT GHSS Dimapur) on being selected for the State Award to Teachers 2022.
royal movement in Canada is minuscule, meaning that Charles will almost certainly remain king of Canada. One reason is that abolishing the monarchy would mean changing the constitution. That’s an in herently risky undertaking, given how delicately it is engineered to unite a nation of 37 million people that embraces Toronto.relationsanwell,heaval,”kindthereflownousFrench-speakers,English-speakers,Indigetribesandaconstantofnewimmigrants.“Politically,IthinkisnoappetiteforanyofconstitutionalupsaidRobertBothaprofessorofCanadihistoryandinternationalattheUniversityof
The Kandi Ni Union Dimapur with immense pride and joy would like to express our heartiest congratulations to,
in Pokrovsk, mayor Ruslan Trebushkin said in a mes sage posted on Telegram.
During the visit, Jaishankar will co-chair with his Saudi Arabian counterpart Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud
Atstrikes.leastthree of those who died were killed when one of the missiles struck between a row of small houses and nearby train tracks, collapsing part of a nearby abandoned building, leaving one home burnt to the ground and severely damaging several more.
“I can’t hear anything without my hearing aid, and then it hit so hard that I heard,” said Maksymenko, a retired coal
damage.”According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the quake hit at 9:46 a.m. local time at a depth of 90 kilo meters (56 miles). NOAA advised there was no tsu nami threat for the region.

King Charles III proclaimed Canada’s new head of state attacks still reverberate as US marks 21st anniversary
On Saturday, members of the royal family viewed the several thousand floral tributes and messages left for the late Queen at her residences at Windsor, Bal moral and London. In a show of royal unity, Prince William and Kate – now the Prince and Princess of Wales – joined Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle for a walkabout at Windsor to speak to members of the public gathered at the gates
when tuk tuk operators have been allowed only limited fuel,” he Ministersaid. of Urban De velopment and Housing and Chief Government Whip Prasanna Ranatunga had said the new state ministers will not become a burden on the country as they are working without any minis terialAlsoprivileges.since all the state ministers will work on MPs salary, they will not be a big burden to the government, he said.Wickremesinghe’s of fice had said the state min isters have been strictly told to minimise expenditure on view of the hardships faced by the common people in the country. There will be no secretaries to state ministers and not even personal staff would be made available to them.“We are willing to fol low the guidelines, given the poor economic situation we are faced with,” said Shan tha Bandara, state minister of media.
visited our country many times over the years,” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said in a statement on Sat urday.“On behalf of the Gov ernment of Canada, we af firm our loyalty to Canada’s new King, His Majesty King Charles III, and offer him our fullVisitssupport.”byCharles over the years have attracted sparseThoughcrowds.Canadians are somewhat indifferent to the monarchy, many had great affection for Elizabeth, whose silhouette marks their coins. She was the head of state for 45 per cent of Canada’s existence and vis ited the country 22 times as monarch. Overall, the anti
On Sunday morning, he was recovering in a hos pital after doctors removed shards of glass from his wounds, she Chunkssaid.of debris from the ceiling littered the floor throughout the house, whose entrance was reduced to a jumble of splin tered wood, plaster, glass and brick. One of the ply wood boards the couple had put over their windows for protection had been blown clean across the garden. But a combination of that and
Queen Elizabeth II’s coffin begins journey for London funeral
with a police escort and the Queen’s daughter Prin cess Anne, slowly made its way towards Edinburgh, as crowds of people gathered to see it Scottishpass. First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has said the “poignant” journey would give people in Scotland the chance to come together to
First responders salute in a driving rain as a U.S. flag is unfurled at the Pentagon in Washington, Sept. 11. (AP) dignitaries also convened at the two other attack sites, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania.Other communi ties around the country are marking the day with candlelight vigils, interfaith services and other com
attack that reconfigured national security policy and spurred a U.S. “war on ter ror” worldwide. Sunday’s observances, which follow a fraught milestone anni

“The president and the government have no regard for the suffering of the people who are facing high cost of living,” said Sajith Premadasa, leader of the main Opposition party Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB).Janatha Vimukthi Per amuna (JVP) leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake said the government isn’t saving much by offering salaries of Members of Parliament (MPs) to the state ministers.
“They are being al lowed huge fuel allowances
It is Jaishankar’s first visit to Saudi Arabia as the External Affairs Minister.

from a fire triggered by the missile
3 dead after 7.6 quake hits remote part of Papua New Guinea
India’s economic link age with the GCC has in creased steadily, especially due to the growth in oil imports.During 2020-21, In dia’s exports to GCC were USD 28.06 billion. The bilateral two-way trade during the period was USD 87.36 billion.
of Windsor Castle.
Nextbag. door, Yevhenia Butkova, 47, stood stunned in the center of her living room, trying to calm her two agitated pet dogs. Blood stained the sofa where she and her husband had been watching television when the first missile struck.
TORONTO, SEP 11 (AP): King Charles III was offi cially proclaimed Canada’s monarch in a ceremony in Ottawa. Charles auto matically became king when Queen Elizabeth II died Thursday. But like the cer emony in the United King dom hours earlier, the ac cession ceremony in Canada is a key constitutional and ceremonial step in introduc ing the new monarch to the country.Charles is now the head of state in Canada, which is a member of the British Commonwealth of former“Canadacolonies.has enjoyed a long history and a close friendship with His Majesty King Charles III, who has
Oleksandr Zaitsev, 67, stood quietly outside his friend’s house as the po lice arrived. His friend’s wife had been calling her husband nonstop since the
OFFICE OF THE KANDI NI UNION DIMAPUR Dimapur, 797112 : Nagaland Govt. Regd. No. HOMIVSRC.6810

1. Smti. Senile Rengma (Hindi Education Officer), W/o Mr. Nlichung Kath, on being promoted to Assistant Director under Hindi cadre of School Education Department.
Police officers carry a bag containing the body of a person killed in his house after a Russian attack Sept. 11. (AP)

Eastern Ukraine towns hit in overnight strikes
The house’s windows were shattered, the walls were pockmarked from shrapnel, and the front door blown off its hinges. In side, the police gently rolled Zaitsev’s friend into a black body
“Everythingminer.flew. ... I started bleeding, so we got up to see what that was, and then there was another one: boom!”Their bed was littered with jagged shards of glass and plaster from the roof that covered them both, Trutko said. A large, square piece of glass lay on the pillow, and spots of blood stained the floor.
memorations. Some Ameri cans are joining in volunteer projects on a day that is federally recognized as both Patriot Day and a National Day of Service and Remem brance. More than two de cades later, Sept. 11 remains a point for reflection on the
time when the world is at crossroads,” he said in a tweet. “Our collaboration holds promise of shared growth, prosperity, stability, security and development,” he added in another tweet.
NEW YORK, SEP 11 (AP): Americans remem bered 9/11 on Sunday with readings of victims’ names, volunteer work and other tributes 21 years after the deadliest terror attack on US soil. A tolling bell and a moment of silence began the commemoration at ground zero in New York, where the World Trade Center’s twin towers were destroyed by the hijacked-plane attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Firefighter Jimmy Riches’ namesake nephew wasn’t born yet when his uncle died, but the boy took the podium to pay tribute to “You’rehim.always in my heart. And I know you are watching over me,” he said after reading a portion of the nearly 3,000 victims’ names. Victims’ relatives and
strike, he said, but nobody was picking up.
POKROVSK (UKRAINE), SEP 11 (AP): Through the debris-strewn rooms of the bomb-blasted house, the incessant ringing of a phone punctuates the crunch of broken glass splintering underfoot as police lay out a bodyButbag.the call will never be answered.Thephone’s owner crouches lifeless on the floor of his home, in a front room where the explosion from a missile — one of several to hit this eastern Ukrainian town — found him.
versary last year, come little more than a month after a U.S. drone strike killed a key al-Qaida figure who helped plot the 9/11 attacks, Ayman al-Zawahri.
Ranil Wickremesinghe

from his chair but couldn’t maintain his balance and ended up in a kind of group hug with his colleagues, while plates and cups crashed from his shelves to the ground, he said. His children, ages 9 and 2, had their drinks and breakfast spill over. Ravu, who is a geologist, said he tried to calm everybody as the shak ing continued for more than a minute. Ravu said that about 10,000 people live in
India, Gulf Cooperation Council sign MoU to facilitate consultations 9/11
been affected, he added, with some cell towers likely to have fallen. A magnitude 7.5 earthquake in 2018 in the nation’s central region killed at least 125 people. That quake hit areas that are remote and undevel oped, and assessments about the scale of the dam age and injuries were slow to filterFelixout.Taranu, a seis mologist at the Geophysical Observatory in the capi tal Port Moresby, said it was too early to know the full impacts of Sunday’s earthquake, although its strength meant it “most likely caused considerable
India-Saudi collaboration holds promise of shared growth, prosperity: EAM Jaishankar
General and exchanged views on current regional and global “Productiveissues. meeting with @GCC SecretaryGeneral Dr Nayef Falah Mubarak Al-Hajraf. Signed the MoU on the mecha nism of consultations be tween India and GCC. Exchanged views on the current regional and global situation and the relevance of India-GCC cooperation in that context,” Jaishankar tweeted after the meeting.
ally cordial relations and cooperation with the GCC.
(AP): At least three people are dead after a powerful earthquake hit a remote part of Papua New Guinea Sunday morning, authori ties say. Others were injured and infrastructure damaged in the magnitude 7.6 jolt that was felt across the Pa cific country.Thethree people died in a landslide in the goldmining town of Wau, said Morobe Provincial Disaster Director Charley Masange. Other people had been in jured from falling structures or debris, and there was damage to some health centers, homes, rural roads and highways, Masange told The Associated Press.
At the end of a six-hour journey, the coffin – draped with the Royal Standard of Scotland and featuring a wreath of flowers on top –will rest in the Throne Room of Holyroodhouse until Monday afternoon for the royal household to pay their respects to Britain’s Queen, who died peacefully aged 96 at Balmoral on Thursday evening.The seven-car cortege,

India’s old, historical ties with the GCC states, coupled with increasing imports of oil and gas, growing trade and invest ment, and the presence of approximately 6.5 million Indian workers in the re gion, are of vital interest to India, according to the Indian Embassy in Riyadh.
Underlining the importance of the strategic relationship between India and Saudi Arabia, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar said on Sunday that the collabo ration holds the promise of shared growth, prosperity, stability, security and devel opment. Jaishankar, who arrived here on Saturday on a three-day visit to Saudi Arabia to discuss ways to further strengthen relations between the two countries, addressed diplomats at the Prince Saud Al Faisal Insti tute of Diplomatic Studies in Riyadh this “Addressedmorning.diplo mats at the Prince Saud Al Faisal Institute of Diplo matic Studies in Riyadh this morning. Underlined the importance of India-Saudi Strategic Relationship at a
“mark our country’s shared loss”. She and other leaders in Scotland will observe the coffin as it makes its way past the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh.Theoak coffin will make an onward journey to London later in the week af ter Buckingham Palace has unveiled plans for the State
Masange said it could take some time to assess the full extent of the injuries and damage in the region. But he said the sparse and scattered population and
S Jaishankar
Sri Lankan president under fire over govt expansion amidst economic crisis
Participants and judges for Patkal Model Hunt 2022 after the audition round
MYK C MYK C 10 INFOTAINMENT NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2022dc-1054/22dp-4287/22dc-1053/22 dc-1037/22 k-2027/22 The beingPatkaiPatkai10HuntroundNagalandMerakicollaborationentertainmentElysianinwithentertainmentheldtheauditionforPatkalModel2022onSeptemberattheconferencehallofChristianCollege.ModelHunt2022isheldunderthetheme “Embrace your Altogether,Flaws”. 20 contestants from different colleges registered for the audition.The judges for the event were president, Elysian Entertainment, Roshan Prasad, Mr. Crown Nagaland 2022 and Mr. Ekarikthin 2022, Hinoka

The event promoters were also present at the audition, Miss Patkal 2021, Angule Mero and Mr. Chumoukedima 2022, Sunep Imsong.

Roshan Prasad.
on Sept. 10.
Kinny, Miss Phek runnerup and Nagaland Diva 2021, Münulu Chizo and director Elysian Entertainment, Licheü
began with welcome address and briefing by
Audition held for Patkai Model Hunt 2022 audition president Elysian entertainment,

The Peren District Football Association (PDFA) anthem was re leased by composer presi dent, Peren District Music Society, Namnahei Nza.
TheMbung.official ball of the league was unveiled by executive engineer, PHED, Er.
DIMAPUR, SEP 11 (NPN): In commemora tion of the 75th year an niversary of Peren town ship, the pre-launch of the first Peren District Football League (PDFL) organised by Peren District Football Association (PDFA) was held on September 10, at Indoor Stadium, Peren Town with executive engi neer, Power Department, Er. Tsiamchi Ndang, as the specialTheguest.league will kick off on October 4, 2022 at Jalukie ‘B’ village ground.

PDFL 2022 season tickets were released by EAC, Peren, Seyievilie Pfukri, and SDO, PWD (R&B) & Peren District Sports Council member, Er. Asembe
Academy, Native Feathers FC, Benreu FC, Northern Zeme Sports Association, Nsong Area Sports Asso ciation, Prime FC, Puiteing FC and Lekie Mtei FC.
2022 winner trophy was unveiled by ADC Peren, Keyirangding Hegui.
MYK C MYK C NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2022 SPORTS 11 db-989/22 k-2066/22 dc-1052/22dc-1051/22

The PDFL 2022 Champions Trophy was unveiled by the special guest and the PDFA Cup
Ichirang.Theeight clubs partici pating in the first season of PDFL are Barak Football
Pre-launch of Peren District Football League held
At the programme, chairman, Peren Town Ward Chairman Union, Gaigong Hegeu, shared a short speech on the 75th Year Anniversary of Peren Township. Keyichetle pre sented a special music and all the eight participating clubs were introduced and club jerseys were unveiled by the club promoters. The programme con cluded with the prayer of blessings by Pastor, Peren Town Baptist Church, Hai ku Nza.
Er. Tsiamchi Ndang, PDFA officials, club owners, promoters and others during the pre-lauch programme on September 10 at Indoor stadium, Peren town.
The ‘league logo’ was unveiled by the special guest and the logo designer Philip Malangmei with the theme “Rise as One, Win as All”.
Men: 1stVechita Khesoh from VizoBattleground,2nd-DziesefromOFS.
F1: Verstappen roars back to win 1st Italian Grand Prix
This is the champion’s sev enth title of the year. She’s the first woman to do so since Ser ena in 2014 and the first No.1 seed to take the title since Wil liams eight years ago.
NEW DELHI, SEP 11 (PTI): Schools from Naga land, Manipur, Chandigarh and Jharkhand made the semifinals of Subroto Cup Boys U-14 competition here on Sunday.Itbegan at Subroto Park Football Ground (SPFG) early in the morning with Greenwood School, Dimapur, Nagaland, over whelming Mingmang Na lbari High School, Assam, 7-0 in the Yilasieliequarterfinals.scoreda hattrick for the winners getting on board in the seventh, 22nd and 35th minute of the game. The other goals were
2nd - Seyieneizo Linyü from Life Fitness Gym (95 Kg) (80 Kg & below):
Iga Swiatek
Rajapaksa scored one of his finest fifties considering the situation that his team was in. Rajapaksa and Wanindu Hasaranga (36 off 21 balls) added 58 quick runs after Sri Lanka were left gasping for breath at 58 for 5.
NEW YORK, SEP 11 (IANS): Polish tennis star and world No. 1 Iga Swi atek added a third Grand Slam singles trophy to her cupboard, defeating Tuni sia’s Ons Jabeur 6-2, 7-6 (5) to win the US Open crown for the first time on Sunday (IST).Following Ashleigh Barty’s surprise retirement in March this year, Swi atek was thrust into the role of No.1 at the age of 20 then, but she has since handled the pressure very well, proceeding to win 37 straight matches, including the French Open.
while Mercedes driver George Russell, who start ed the race third, finished third. While Verstappen was elated with his win, Leclerc was disappointed after losing a chance to win Ferrari’s home Grand Prix.
Against Tunisia’s Ja beur in the final, the match came down to a tight sec ond-set tiebreak. Down 4-5, the Pole fired a forehand winner that hit the line. When Jabeur’s forehand sailed long two points later, she had closed another deal.
2nd - Lanukaba from Kayina Gym (90 Kg) (90 Kg & below): 1st - Kevilelie Pienyü from OFS (135 Kg)
off Russell a lap later. The Dutchman then led as, during a Virtual Safety Car (for Sebastian Vettel’s DNF on Lap 12), Leclerc pitted from softs to mediums, said a report. Verstappen extended his first stint and swapped for mediums on Lap 26, relinquishing the lead back to Leclerc, who then pitted a 2nd time for soft tyres on Lap 33.
Women: 1stLoreni Tsanglao from Wolves2ndGym- Ameu Semou from OFS.
It was one for poster ity as Sri Lanka first raised themselves from the dun geons to reach 170 for 6 from a hopeless 58 for 5 because of Bhanuka Raj apaksa’s 45-ball-71, easily one of the best knocks under pressure in T20s in recent times.If that wasn’t enough, Pakistan, who were cruis ing along at 93 for 2, were finally bowled out Pakistan for 147 as pacer Pramod Madushan (4/34 in 4 overs) and leg-spinner Wanindu Hasaranga (3/27 in 4 overs) ensured that the few thou sands of Sri Lankan fans out cheered the 20,000 odd Pakistan fans.
It was Rajapaksa, who laid the foundation, Madu shan, who built the structure and Hasaranga, who gave the finishing touches.
Pole-sitter Charles Leclerc finished runner-up as Red Bull denied Ferrari a home victory at Monza
Fitness C’ship held in Kohima
However Rajapaksa with his all-round strokeplay did give Sri Lankan total lot of respectability. He hit six fours and three sixes and the flick off Naseem for a maxi mum was a treat for the eyes. Equally good was was ramp flick off Naseem that went for four before a slashed six over cover point took Lanka to 170. When Shadab bowled a googly or Iftikhar managed an off-break, Ra japaksa played some deft late cuts as Babar was seen getting a bit restless.
DUBAI, SEP 11 (PTI): Sri Lanka, a country picking up pieces after the death of democracy while facing enormous financial tur bulence, found 11 worthy heroes on a cricket pitch as Dasun Shanaka’s unher alded bunch crushed Paki stan by 23 runs to win their sixth Asia Cup title here on Sunday. It was a victory that was just not about cricket but way beyond that with much deeper historical and political importance.

Best Posture in Crossfit: Tepusato from Kayina Gym Open Arm Wrestling:
The championship was held at de Oriental Grand with re nowned body builders including Kenny Soru, Moalong Yaden and Daniel Lotha making a special ap pearance during the event. Results from the competition: Bench Press (70 KG & below):
While Babar was guilty
KOHIMA, SEP 11 (NPN): Ath letes from various gyms in Ko hima came together to compete in a Fitness Championship with the main focus on three disciplines including Bench Press, Crossfit and Arm Wrestling.

At one point, even the spectators got frustrated with Rizwan’s push and prod game which is good
In the fourth and fi nal quarterfinal, Barway High School, Chainpur, Jharkhand, also won 1-0 against Mihmyntdu Rc Eve Secondary School, Megha laya. Samir Soren scored the winning goal in the ninth minute of the match. The semifinals will be played on Tuesday.
1st - Imliyanger Aier from Life Fitness Gym (110 Kg)
Sri Lanka’s Bhanuka Rajapaksa, celebrates with batting partner Chamika Karunaratne as they leave the field at the end of their innings during the T20 cricket Asia Cup final match. (AP/PTI)
Winners with the guests after the championship. (NP)
11 (IANS): Red Bull driv er Max Verstappen, who were demoted five places because of grid penalties, fought back to win his first Italian Grand Prix on Sunday as the race ended behind the safety car.
In the first semifinals at SPFG, Greenwood, Na galand will take on Heirok, Manipur while Govern ment Model, Chandigarh will clash against Barway, Jharkhand in the second match at Ambedkar sta dium.
Finally when the pressure went above critical limit, Hasaranga had him caught at deep. Rajapaksa’s calcu lated assault at the death saw 50 runs being scored off last 4 overs.Young Naseem Shah (1/40 in 4 overs) and the uber cool Haris Rauf (3/29 in 4 overs) bowled with a lot of pace and fire extracting movement off the track as they broke the backbone of the Lankan batting within the Powerplay overs before
Swiatek also became the youngest woman to win her third major title since Russia’s Maria Sharapova (20 years) in 2008. She is also only the ninth player of the Open Era to win her third major before turning 22.

1st - Tia Jamir from Capital Gym (100 Kg lifted)
Swiatek’s success on hardcourts has come as a revelation this season as the player, considered a clay court specialist, has won
Crossfit Champion:
DIMAPUR, SEP 11 (NPN): The department of Youth Resources and Sports Nagaland will be conduct ing trials in weightlifting for Indira Gandhi Academy, Kohima (non-residential) for boys and girls between the age group of 10-16 years, at IG Stadium, Kohima on September 15 and 16. Forms can be collected from the directorate of YR&S Kohima during office hours or downloaded from the link or in and submit the hard copy to the DYRS on or before September 13.
Brief scores: Sri Lanka 170/6 in 20 overs (Bha nuka Rajapaksa 71 not out, Wanindu Hasaranga 36; Haris Rauf 3/29) beat Pakistan (Mohammad Riz wan 55, Iftikhar Ahmed 32; Pramod Madushan 4/34, Wanindu Hasaranga 3/27) by 23 overs
Shah, the 19-year-old pace sensation bowled one of the most lethal off-cutters seen in this tournament as it pitched back of length but moved in sharply, giving no time to in-form Kusal Men dis (0) to bring his bat down.
Swiatek lifts maiden US Open title
Match in action during the Subroto Cup Boys U-14 quarterfinals on Sunday
MYK C MYK C Printed, Published and Edited by Geoffrey Yaden at G.M. Printers, Circular Rd. Dimapur-797112. Ph: Desk 248489, Adm.& Advertisement :248267,8798162009, R.N. 40978/90 RN/NE 707 SPORTS12 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2022

2nd - Kuvemuri from Ampli fied Gym3rd- Medovilie from Wolve Gym4th - Zhopao from Zumvü Gym5th - Vebo from Spartan Gym
On Sunday at the Flushing Meadows, rather than being intimidated by the No.1 ranking, the Polish tennis ace -- now 21 years old -- seemed quite inspired.
Weightlifting trials for IG Academy on Sep 15 & 16
Verstappen got into top gear soon after the start and surged into the second position, overtaking Rus sell. After the paddock
paid their respects to the late Queen Elizabeth II, the mixed-up grid lined up behind Leclerc and Russell, both eschewing the general consensus of medium tyres to begin on new softs along with Verstappen, Wil liams’ debutant Nyck de Vries, and Alpine’s Esteban Ocon. From P7 on the grid, Verstappen made it into the top 3 by Lap 4 and took P2
1st - Imliyanger Aier from Life Fitness Gym
Sri Lanka beat Pak in final to win Asia Cup title
The 17th over by Hasa ranga that served as Paki stan’s death knell with three wickets falling in quick suc cession.
off flicking a wide long hop down leg side straight into short fine leg fielder’s hands, Fakhar dragged an angular delivery back onto stumps.
Rizwan (55 off 49 balls) as usual played the sheet anchor’s role hitting the odd boundaries as If tikhar Ahmed (32 of 31 balls) started hitting after 10 overs but Madushan coming back for his second spell had him holed out in the deep.
2nd - Rukukhoto from Bat tleground (120 Kg) (91 Kg & above): 1st - Venuzo Dawhuo from Chisel Gym (155 Kg)
Action then moved to the Ambedkar Stadium where Government Model High School, Chandigarh, beat Government Chawng fianga Middle School 1-0.
three successive WTA 1000 events on the hardcourts in Doha, Indian Wells and Miami. This US Open crown underlines her versatility. Swiatek is only the third woman player in the last 15 years to win multiple majors in a season on different surfaces, joining retired American legend Serena Williams and Justine Henin.Swiatek’s awesome form has seen her win her last 10 finals in straight sets.
Subroto Cup U-14: Nagaland, Manipur, Chandigarh and Jharkhand enter semis

2nd - Keniesevi Meyase from OFS (142 Kg)
for totals in the 150 range but not the 170 plus ones.
Sri Lanka don’t have prima donas like the ‘Men in Blue’ but a team of good cricketers who have under stood how to win crunch matches from the dead.
The whippy right-arm fast medium Madushan, who got Babar Azam (5) and Fakhar Zaman (0), gave Sri Lanka the upper-hand at the start of the chase.
scored by Limathung (12), Yiselie (19), Kevespa (37) and VibitoHeirok(50).Higher Second ary School, Imphal, Mani pur, then swept NNMHSS, Chelembra, Kerala, 6-0 to win the second quarterfi nals on the same ground. L Bikramjit (6th, 26th) and J Likson (28th, 33rd) scored a brace while A Seitam (10th) and A Johnson (50th) got the other two goals.