DIMAPUR, AUG 12 (NPN): Mopong Hongkong Public Forum (MHPF), which had decided to ab stain from participating in the 75th Independence Day celebration in protest against government’s failure to re tain Mopong EAC under ADC Tobu administration, has decided to withdraw the decision after verbal as surance from chief minister. MHPF president Ne angba Konyak and general secretary H Angnyei Konyak stated that the leaders of Mo pong and Tobu had a meet ing with the chief minister on July 15 at his official resi dence during which the chief minister verbally assured to look into the needs and griev ances after August 15. The forum said the leaders, “having confidence in the verbal assurance of the chief minister”, have decided to withdraw its decision from abstaining participation in the Independence Day. It said the proposed agitation would be kept in abeyance till further notice. The forum appreciated the leaders of Tobu for extending solidar ity. The forum also expressed regret for the inconvenience caused to the citizens of Mopong and Tobu. Naga cop among 10 from NE to get HM’s Medal
State logs 6 fresh Covid cases
Correspondent KOHIMA, AUG 12 (NPN): Reacting to a star tling claim by NPCC presi dent K. Therie on Thursday, that NDPP will merge with BJP after 2023 Assembly election; state chief minister Neiphiu Rio rubbished the claim and implying that it as a figment of Therie’s own imagination.Itmay be mentioned that Therie had, in a state ment, claimed that NDPP leaders had assured central BJP leaders of merging NDPP with BJP after elec tions and not before; since a pre-poll merger would invite backlash and thereby imperil poll Drawingprospects.attention on Therie’s statement, Rio told media persons on the side line of an event at Kisama Friday, that some people were “crazy” and even go ing as far as to question the NDPP leadership. On The rie’s allegation, Rio made it clear that as leader of NDPP legislature party, there never was any discussion on merg er with BJP and Therie’s claim was not even a rumor but his own cooked up story. Rio said instead of questioning his integrity, the NPCC leader should question his own integrity. Rio said he led the alliance with BJP since 2003 and that it willThecontinue.NPCC president had claimed, citing sources, that BJP was planning to install its own party govern ment in Nagaland based on the assurances of those “seat negotiating leaders” who agreed on a post-poll merger with OnBJP.Therie’s another claim Rio said he has never asked for assembly election to be advanced from Febru ary 2023 to December 2022 but that the state would always prefer elections to be held as scheduled. “We do not know what the government of India is thinking but we would pre fer to have the elections on time,” Rio added. It may be mentioned that Therie had claimed that the Assembly election in Nagaland was likely to be advanced from FebruaryMarch 2023 to December 2022 in order to be held simultaneously along with Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh. He also claimed that a discussion was held in Delhi after which the chief minister returned to Naga land and called all HoDs to complete project reports since election might be held in December 2020. Therie further hit out at the NDPP and BJP, stating that despite taking forward the July 16 Parliamentary Committee meeting resolu tion on Naga political issue to Prime Minister’s office, both NDPP and BJP in stead declared a seat sharing agreement.OnNaga political is sue, Rio said after the reso lution by the parliamentary core committee on Naga political issue on July 16, he had met with union home minister Amit Shah, As sam chief minister Himanta Biswa Sarma and govern ment of India’s representa tive to Naga political issue, A.K.“ButMishra.now the process of the NSCN (I-M) and Centre’s representative (AK Mishra) is to meet and dis cuss on that,” Rio said, add ing that their resolution was very Rioclear.said it (resolution) had clearly mentioned that the Prime Minister and Home minister should invite NSCN (I-M) to minutely dis cuss about the competencies. He said if there were any dif ferences over the competen cies, then it may revert back to the Framework Agree ment for onward discussion. On the invitation by government of India’s rep resentative A.K. Mishra to NSCN (I-M) leaders, Rio said both sides had virtual meeting.Rio also said as per information, NSCN (I-M) had asked for a joint state ment by both the govern ment of India and NSCN (I-M) but it was declined since the government of India maintained that the Framework Agreement was still under consideration and hence there was no need for another joint statement.
NE W DELHI, AUG 12 (PTI): The North East Stu dents’ Forum on Delimita tion (NESFOD) along with various other groups staged a protest here on Friday, demanding the Centre to expedite the delimitation exercise in four northeast states. Around 100 to 150 members of various North Eastern groups joined the protest at Jantar Mantar, raising slogans like “we want justice”, and “we de mandMembersdelimitation”.ofthe Delim itation Demand CommitteeNortheast (DDC-NE) and Apatani Youth Association and Tanw Supun Dukun-the apex body of the Apatani DIMAPUR, AUG 12 (NPN): Civil Society Orga nizations (CSOs) of Pugho boto town took out a “silent procession” on Thursday demanding that the state government set up the State Bank of India (SBI) Pugho boto branch within 45 days, failing which they would launch second phase of agitation.Ina press release, Pughoboto Town Youth Organisation (PTYO) presi dent Kivika Swu stated that in Pughoboto sub-division, one of the oldest sub-divi sions in Nagaland, there were about 23 government departments with over 1,100 DIMAPUR, AUG 12 (NPN): In view of the in crease in the number of vehicle accidents along the Kohima-Dimapur National Highway including the pri vate and commercial ve hicles, the state police have begun enforcement drive of violators along the National Highway in Dimapur as well as Kohima in the past few weeks.Various offences under the Motor Vehicle Act 1988 and other notifications un der which the Nagaland Police have been enforcing include driving without license, over-speeding, pen alty for dangerous driving, drunken driving, using ve hicle without registration, using vehicle without per mit, overloading, refusal to stop and submit vehicle for weighing, carriage of excess passengers, penalty for not wearing helmets, driving un insured vehicle and offence by juveniles.Nagaland police have appealed to the general pub lic to follow the provisions of the law, and in case of violations to pay the fines only under proper challan and with the authorized Police Officers only. In case of any unau thorized personnel collect ing fines without proper challan, police have in formed the public to bring to the notice of the Control Room, which had been setup for receiving Store’.downloadedmobileablemobileCUGgalandcouldgmail.com.PCRillegalcollection@8798881979,(i)video-graphicniedcificofregardingcomplaints/informationanyillegalcollectionmoneybyprovidingspeinformationaccompabyphotographicandevidenceat112(ii)8798881978,(iii)and(iv)emailThegeneralpublicalsocontacttheNapoliceofficerswhose(ClosedUserGroup)numbersareavailinthe‘CallYourCop’Appwhichcanbefrom‘Play
DIMAPUR, AUG 12 (NPN): Western Sumi Hoho (WSH) emergency meeting on Friday with all its frontal organisations, which deliberated on “un justified blockade” on Ki yevi village by Nagaland Zeliang People Organisa tion (NZPO), urged the state government to imme diately intervene and ensure the lifting of the blockade within 24 hours. In a press release, WSH president Shikaho Zhimomi and joint secre tary Hetovi Yepthomi said that in the event of the government’s failure, an indefinite bandh would be enforced in the entire Dha siripar Sub-division. WSH said it would also take “re medial steps it deems fit to rescue Kiyevi village from the unjustified blockade.” Further, the hoho has resolved to withdraw from the co-ordination com mittee, which was earlier formed between the Ze liangrong Baudi Nagaland (ZBN) and the Meanwhile,WSH.WSH has directed all Sumis residing in Peren district to leave the district “within 48 hours of this notification until further notice.”
Correspondent KOHIMA, AUG 12 (NPN): After the recent order to hold payment of salaries and wages of gov ernment employees, addi tional chief secretary and finance commissioner Sen tiyanger Imchen informed that the salaries would be released by August 16. Interacting with me dia persons on the sideline of an event at Kisama on Friday, Imchen mentioned that release of salaries de pended on the State govern ment’s resources position as the State receive revenue deficit grant only during the first week and share of Central taxes around 10th of theImchenmonth. further not ed that the salary release would also depend on the balance account with the RBI.He further informed that for withdrawal of pen sions and minor withdraw al of GPF, etc, amounting to about Rs 750 crore, the State government needed cash in Buthand.asthe government was largely dependent on share of Central taxes and revenue deficit grant only when these two shares en tered the State’s account, salaries could be released, he explained. Imchen admitted to have sent out the order to release salaries on the first day of every month, add ing that earlier salary bills were prepared and sent to treasuries on 30th of every month, which the treasur ies and accounts released on the same However,day.there were some “accounting issues” that were going on, he disclosed.Heregretted the con fusion caused as the order was very “cryptic” and not explained well, but claimed that the intention was good though it could not materialise.
DIMAPUR, AUG 12 (NPN): Ten police offi cial from the North East ern states including one from Nagaland-- Addi tional SP Tulakha K Sumi, have been selected for the “Union Home Minister’s Medal for Excellence in Investigation”, 2022. This medal was con stituted in 2018, with the objective to promote high professional standards of investigation of crime and to recognize such Excel lence in AmongInvestigation.otherperson nel receiving these awards include 15 from CBI, 11 from Maharashtra, 10 each from Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh, eight each from Kerala, Rajast han and West Bengal and the remaining from the other womennizationsStates/UTs/Orgaandtwenty-eightpoliceofficers.
NESFOD members and others during the protest in Delhi. community of Arunachal Pradesh, were also part of the demonstration.Addressingthe protest ers, Manipur’s Lok Sab ha MP and an associate member of the Delimita tion Commission, Lorho S. Pfoze said there is a need to “reorganise” the borders of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland and Manipur, adding, the Centre has given “very little importance” about the delimitation ex ercise there. The protestor said the Centre has not conducted the exercise for the last 51 Speakingyears.about their primary concerns, the media cell in charge of DDC-NE, J. Maivio said that there is an unequal distribution of constituencies in the North EasternHabungstates.Payeng, former information commissioner in Arunachal Pradesh said the Centre has violated Article 14 (Right to Equality) and 21 (Right to Life and Liberty) of the Indian Constitution by delaying the exercise. NES FOD members said that they will submit a memorandum at the Prime Minister’s Of fice on Friday.
DIMAPUR, AUG 12 (NPN): To begin the prepa ration of Hornbill Festi val 2022, chief minister Neiphiu Rio held a review meeting with all the line/ sectoral departments at the Bamboo Hall, Naga Heri tage Village, Kisama on August 12, According2022.to a DIPR report, the chief minister said that there should be focus on basic amenities such as providing comfort able facilities to the visitor or traveller; drinking water, food, and sanitation. He also said that tourist ac commodation and facilities should be designated by the department.Advisor tourism and art & culture, H. Khehovi Yepthomi, mentioned about the benefits of the Hornbill Festival and how it has been helping small business own ers and helped in reviving, preserving and encouraging inter-tribalUpdatinginteraction.theprogress of the works at Heritage Village for the Hornbill Festival, commissioner & secretary, Kitto Zhimomi, highlighted about extending the festival, which would involve the five new districts of the State.
Northeast groups protest demanding delimitationState govt to release salaries by Aug 16
CM holds review meeting for 2022 hornbill festival government employees and monthly transaction of about Rs.3.5 However,crore.due to nonavailability of nationalized bank i.e SBI at Pughoboto town, PTYO said about 25,000 account holders of Pughoboto sub-division were scattered in different branches causing inconve nience to the public. The organisation also pointed out that as per 2011 census, the total population of Pughoboto Sub-division was 16,897 whereas at pres ent there were about 50,000 with 24 government recog nized villages. Pughoboto was declared as an admin istrative headquarters in 1949 with the setting up of Bench Court and was later upgraded to area superinten dent in 1958, circle officer in 1960 upgraded to EAC headquarters in 1973, SDO (C) headquarters in 1981 and further upgraded to ADC headquarters in 1987. The CSOs including Pughoboto Ad-hoc Town Committee, Sumi Totimi Hoho Pughoboto, Pugho boto Students Union and PTYO and citizens of Pughoboto have, therefore, urged the government to set up SBI branch at Pughoboto town. Civil society organizations during the silent procession, Friday. and village development boards to create awareness on the programme. He di rected documenting pro cessions and rallies being organised all across the State and submitting this to the administration for records. He maintained that In dia had grown from strength to strength and the occasion demanded a befitting cel ebration where every house couldRioparticipate.admitted that Na gas were struggling as the Naga issue remained unre solved. But he hoped that the issue would be resolved soon to usher in peace, prog ress and development in the State.He urged all citizens to participate in the Indepen dence Day celebration along with the rest of the country. Adviser youth resource and sports, Zale Neikha, who too was present on the occasion, appealed to every household to fly the trico lour as part of the Har Gar Tiranga campaign, claiming Rio and others at the launching of ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ campaign. (NP)
Neiphiu Rio (File) (Cont’d on p-8)
Blockade on Kiyevi: WSH seeks govt’s intervention State police crackdown on traffic offenders MHPF withdraws proposed Independence Day boycott call
This is it! “How can price remain same if 5% GST is added to pre-pack and pre-labeled items over and above taxes by syndicates, unions, NPGs, associations etc?.”
Pughoboto CSOs serve ultimatum to set up SBI branch ANGTF urges state govt to review LDE DIMAPUR, AUG 12 (NPN): All Nagaland Graduate Teachers Forum (ANGTF) has urged the state government to review the Limited postsjenyapangWanthhouthie,ANGTFRulesSchoolingitpostsrecruitmentExaminationDepartmental(LDE)forofAHM/JEOthroughNPSCandputonholdputtilltheongorevisionofNagalandEducationService2017wascompleted.Inapressrelease,convenerKekuoladvisorPonchuloandsecretaryTemassertedthattheofAHM/JEOwere
DIMAPUR, AUG 12 (NPN): Nagaland on Friday recorded six fresh Covid-19 cases while no deaths were reported dur ing theThreeday.fresh cases were from Dimapur, two in Mon and one in Kohima, taking the total caseload to 35,865. The state currently has 45 active cases while the death toll remained unchanged at 773.
Correspondent KOHIMA, AUG 12 (NPN): Paying rich tributes to free dom fighters who sacrificed their lives for the freedom of the country, chief minister Neiphiu Rio said 75 years of independence called for a befittingSpeakingcelebration.atthelaunch ing of ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ campaign at World War II Museum, Kisama on Friday, he remarked that all citizens were expected to host the na tional flag as part of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. He said different activi ties like quiz competitions, social work, blood dona tions, drawing competitions, etc, were being organised as part of the campaign. Rio disclosed that a target had been set to ensure supply of 4.5 lakh flags to reach all nook and corner of the State, while calling for involving village councils Rio calls for befitting celebration to mark 75 years of independence
Rio rubbishes NPCC claim on NDPP-BJP merger
Post MYK C MYK C Vol XXXII No. 248 DIMAPUR, SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 2022 Pages 12 ` 5.00 S Korea to Samsung’spardonLeeingraft case INTERNATIONAL, PAGE 9 FOLLOW US ON @Nagaland_Postnagalandpostofficial FIFA confirms change to WC start date SPORTS, PAGE 12 (Cont’d on p-8) (Cont’d on p-8)

NLA library committee meet: Deputy Speaker, Naga land Legislative Assembly, T Yangseo Sangtam, who is also the chairman of NLA Library Committee has convened the first meeting of the committee for the tenure 2022-2023 on August 17, 12 noon at Assembly Committee Hall. All concerned committee members have been requested to attend the meeting.
Loving Wife, Children, In-laws and Grand Children 1st DEATH ANNIVERSARY Late Ben D angkok B a DP-3786/22
Anti-rabies vaccination conducted in KohimaSVC, 7MVC react to news itemSchool conducts annual science exhibition courtesy: Avitso Lcho)
1) Mima Baptist Church 2) Lerie Baptist Church, Kohima 3) Signal Angami Baptist Church, Dimapur 4) Vilelie Khamo and family 5) Lerie Panchayat 6) KNST Krotho Kohima 7) NDPP Youth Wing Kohima 8) Southern Angami Youth Organization 9) NERIST Naga Students' Union, Itanagar 10) Japfü Christian College 11) Mima Kewhira Keba Thenuko Krotho 12) NHAK staff
ADC Peren informs on training: ADC Peren, Key irangding Hegui has informed that “demand driven skill development programme” has been rescheduled to August 22-27 at Town Hall, Peren Town. All registered/ nominated candidates have been informed to note the change and attend the training accordingly. NPGN/NNC/NA (MK) informs: NPGN/NNC/NA (MK) has informed all the region chairmen, sect. and cadres that it will be celebrating August 14 followed by a consultative meeting both army and civil, to discuss various issues. In this regard, the group through its MIP Nito Aye has informed all concerned authorities to attend the meeting. For more information one could contact at 9362357606.
DP-3830/22 DP-3842/22 Died on 13-08-2021 We remember and honour you on this day, one year after you left for your Heavenly home. It is still hard for us to accept the fact that you are no longer here with us and the pain we have endured from your loss is beyond words. But we find solace in believing that you are safe in the loving arms of our Lord Almighty. We love and miss you deeply.
Staff Reporter
DIMAPUR: Reacting to the news item “Chathe River washes away road”, which was published on July 26, 2022, the Sodzul hou Village Council (SVC) and 7th Mile Village Coun cil (7MVC) have clarified that the particular stretch of approach road and Chathe river, which lies in between Global Open University boundary wall and Chathe river leading to Seitheke Basa hanging bridge, fell under the com mon jurisdiction and prop erty of both the villages as per the deed of agreement between the two villages dated February 15, 2022. In a joint clarification, 7MVC chairman Lhoupe Koza, 7th mile village head GB Tezulhou Koza, SVC chairman Mezhül hou Koza and Sodzulhou village head GB Alhou Ngone said a joint meeting held on August 12, 2022 at Sodzulhou village pan chayat hall resolved that NOC should be obtained from both the village coun cil for any developmental activities at the common property. Further, the joint meeting resolved that no tax would be entertained to any faction under the juris diction of Sodzullhou Vil lage and 7th Mile Village.
Correspondent KOHIMA, AUG 12 (NPN): Lhisemia Youth Organisation (LYO) in col laboration with Veterinary Hospital Kohima organised a five-day anti-rabies vac cination drive at L. Khel jurisdiction, which con cluded at Rüleizou colony, here on Friday. During the drive, over 600 dogs were vaccinated by the team of veterinarians led by veteri nary surgeon, Dr. Elizabeth Yhome. Interacting with the media, LYO president Mhasimhalie Matthew Yhome said owing to the rise in dog population, the organisation felt the need to conduct the drive. He thanked the vet erinarians for agreeing to conduct the drive at Hur uotsumia Zieke, L. Khel In door Stadium, Kruoliezou (Kohima College Campus) Phezoucha (Secretariat Junction) and at Rüleizou (near KMC truck parking). He disclosed that LYO has taken up initiatives which include directives such as—dogs should be kept under leash, vaccinat ed, penalty for letting dogs loose, owners to take re sponsibility in the event of their dogs biting a person. Mhasimhalie said the drive has covered over 1000 households and so far, no
H&FW officers inspect medical college site
Students displaying their models at the annual science exhibition. NBSE informs on rationalised syllabus The four-lane highway has been reduced to two-lane with trucks on both sides along the stretch of Piphema and Peducha. (Photo
ADC Niuland informs: Additional deputy commis sioner & administrator, Niuland Town Council, T. Lemlila Sangtam has informed the public of Niuland to patriciate in the “partition horrors remembrance day” exhibition on August 13, at Niuland town council hall, 11 am onwards. DC Longleng informs HoOs, HoDs: In view of the forthcoming Independence Day at district HQ Longleng, DC Longleng has informed all heads of offices and heads of departments under Longleng district that atten dance in the public ground would be compulsory. EAC Ruokuosetuo Tetso has been assigned overall in-charge of the head of offices attendance on August 15. Further no leave would be entertained except emergencies till the culmination of Independence Day celebration. Falling to comply with the order will invite appropriate action against absentees, DC informed.
Dr. K. Vikato Kinimi and others at the medical college site on August 11. (DIPR)
DIMAPUR: Nagaland Board of School Education (NBSE) has informed all the institutions registered under NBSE that the Na tional Education Policy 2020 emphasises on reduc ing the content load and providing opportunities for experiential learning with creative mindset. In this regard, NBSE has rationalised topics in the core subjects of Social Sciences, Mathematics and Science for classes IX and X in line with Na tional Council of Educa tion Research and Train ing (NCERT) rationalised syllabus.The board informed that rationalised syllabus would be effective from the academic session 2022. Contents of the syl labus/textbooks have contentoverlappingficultythetentandeasilyfollows:rationalised/droppedbeenascontentwhichareaccessibletostudentscanbeself-learnt;conwhichisirrelevantinpresentcontext;diflevelandcontentwithsimilarincludedinother subjects. All heads of insti tutions have been requested to note the change and dis seminate it to responsible subject teachers so that they could instruct and guide students properly. The rationalised syl labus will be hosted in the board’s portal at www. nbsenl.edu.in and shared in the district WhatsApp groups.Further, rationalised topics or contents will not be assessed in the final examinations, NBSE in formed. report of dog menace was reported. He informed that in case any colony wanted to conduct such drive, they could inform LYO to make the arrangements.Veterinarysurgeon, Dr. Elizabeth Yhome, said they have been conducting the drives all over Kohima for the past few months and that the vaccination was not just for dogs but cats as well.She disclosed that people were now becom ing more receptive on the need to keep their pets vac cinated and that no case of dog to human rabies transmission had been re corded in recent times. Dr. Elizabeth informed that in commemoration of India’s Independence, Veterinary Hospital Kohima would be conducting a free antirabies vaccination drive at the hospital premises on August 15, 9 am to 1 pm. In this regard, she requested all the pet owners to get their pets vaccinated. formal, thus it became a symbol not only an act of personal connection to the tiranga but also an em bodiment of commitment to nation-building. The programme chaired was by assistant professor, His tory department, Tovikali Yepthomi and invocation by HoD, History Dr. A. Husca. The competition will conclude on October 31 under the categories— upto 18 years (inland letter card category and envelopeabovecategory);18years (inland letter card category and envelope category). The letters would be written in English/Hindi/ local language addressed to the chief postmaster general NE Circle Shillong 793001 on plain A-4 size paper with a word limit of not more than 1000 words under envelope category or not more than 500 words in an Inland Letter Card (ILC). About 57 students participated under inland letter card category, six participants under 18 years category and 51 above 18 years category.
Letter writing competition in Kma
Correspondent KOHIMA, AUG 12 (NPN): Department of Posts India organised a na tional-level “Dhai Akhar” letter writing competition on the theme “Vision for India 2047” under Vision 2047 of the government of India for 2022-23 at Japfü Christian College, Kigwema, here, on Friday. Briefing on “Har Ghar Tiranga” campaign & na tional level “Dhai Akhar” letter writing competition, office assistant, Postal Life Insurance and Philately, Nagaland Postal Division, Sharon Losu said the na tional level letter writing competition was started by department of Posts to connect with younger generations and promote the hobby of letter writing. Losu said that peo ple’s relationship with the flag has always been more Students at the letter-writing competition in Kohima, Friday. (NP)
DIMAPUR: Officers from the department of Health & Family Welfare (H&FW) led by principal director (PD), Dr. K. Vi kato Kinimi monitored the ongoing works at the new medical college site at Phriebagie, Kohima on AugustAccording11. to a DIPR report, on visitation of the site, Dr. Vikato said that for the progress of the ongoing project, there should be no excuses and work must be completed within sched uled time. It has now become a matter of utmost urgency and need of the state to have fully functioning med ical college by 2023-2024, the PDTheasserted.officials also held a review meeting with con tractors and officers present and directed to complete all the pending works within the stipulated timeline and to conduct timely monitor ing to avoid and lags. Further, they remind ed that no excuses or exten sion would be tolerated/ approved until then.
DIMAPUR, AUG 12 (NPN): Greenwood School Dimapur con ducted its annual science exhibition at the school’s auditorium on the theme “better planning, better future” with Faith Hospi tal, Dimapur orthopaedic surgeon Dr. T Sashimar Jamir as special guest, here, on Friday.Dr.Sashimar cited the example of Isaac Newton and said everything we see and use was the product of someone who thought about it and thus applied the knowledge to create it. With the coming of new technology, Dr. Sashi mar said that students of this generation were fortu nate as it had become much easier and faster to acquire knowledge.Atthe programme, Niboli Assumi (class-12 J), Potan K Konyak (10 A), and Priyanka Pridashini Sahoo (5B) shared on the topic “my experience with science”. Judges of the exhibition were Group A: Anil and Kaisa, Group B: Marina and Jetile, Group C: Budhiraj and Innao, Group D: Kevise and Thankeya, Group E: Tia and Jetile, and Group F: Pooja and Lai. Earlier, invocation was offered by Greenwood School direc tor Asito Peseyie, welcome address by assistant teacher (Physics), Tiatemsu and word of appreciation by principal, Nilie Altogether,Kath.116 mod els were presented and demonstrated at the ex hibition including water pumps, lava lamps, free energy, pollution, vacuum cleaners, etc.
“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith”. 2 Timothy 4:7 K-1862/22 Lt. Vimelhou Shunyü S/o Lt. Vipfetso Shunyü 7.3.1968 to 4.8.2022 We, the family members of Lt. Vimelhou Shunyü express our heartfelt gratitude to all who supported us physically, spiritually and financially during his illness till the time he left for his Heavenly abode. Your deeds have reaffirmed our faith in friends, neighbours, relatives and well wishers. We have nothing to give in return but our sincere prayer that God bless you all abundantly. We convey our special thanks to:Loving Wife, Children and Relatives

PWLT dismayed over ‘deplorable road’ at IMDH The stretch of road leading to the hospital.
DNSU organises debate on Naga issue
MHPF reacts to joint statement of AAPO, AAYO
One of the participants from the motion exhorting the gathering on Friday. (NP) DIMAPUR: Expressing dismay over the “deplorable road condition” to Dr. Im kongliba Memorial District Hospital (IMDH), Penli Ward Lanur Telongjem (PWLT), Mokokchung, has asked requested the responsible authorities to “immediately look into the matter on an urgent basis”. In a press release, PWLT president Imlikum zuk Imsong and general secretary Bendangtoshi Imchen stated that the road which has been lay ing unattended for several years has posed problems to commuters and patients seeking treatment at the hospital.Inthis regard, the or ganisation has urged upon the responsible authorities to look into the matter urgently. It also stated that several lives of patients were at risk while commut ing on the road.
division and placed under Aboi ADC. It said Mo pong EAC was brought under Angjangyang SDO (Civil) without any consul tation from the people of MopongMHPFCircle.said during creation of RD Block Angjangyang, Mopong people did not want to be included under Angjang yang RD Block and wanted to remain under Tobu RD Block.However, it said lead ers of Angjangyang Block requested Mopong people and the final meeting was held at Mopong EAC Hq in 2011. During the meet ing, Mopong circle agreed to join RD Block Angjang yang.It said the meeting held on August 17, 2021 with KU, MHSU and GBs Union of Mopong Circle with KU, LASU and Ad hoc Town Committee of Angjangyang, mentioned by AAPO and AAYO, was to discuss district demand by Tobu and formation of Common Civil Societies and Organization under 48 A/C Moka, but did not materialize till date. MHPF said there was no discussion regarding administrative jurisdiction issue during that meeting.
MYK C MYK C 3STATENAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 2022 Q.: Are the two medical colleges in Nagaland going to promote health in the State? A Yes. 39% B No. 45% C Can’t Say. 16% 100%90%80%70%60%50%40%30%20%10%0% nagalandpost.com Poll A B C NEXT POLL Q: Does Dimapur city qualify on merit for being included under state’s Smart City? Yes. No. Can’t Say. (Temperature in ºC) Max Min Agartala Some rain and a thunderstorm 32 26 Aizawl A afternoon t-storm or two 26 21 Guwahati A p.m. t-storm in spots 34 28 Imphal Occasional morning rain 26 22 Itanagar A stray a.m. t-storm; cloudy 31 27 Shillong A stray a.m. t-storm; cloudy 24 19 Kohima A stray a.m. t-storm; cloudy 26 21 Dimapur A stray a.m. t-storm; cloudy 31 26 Mkg Couple of thunderstorms 28 22 Tuensang A stray a.m. t-storm; clouds 22 18 Wokha A stray a.m. t-storm; cloudy 27 23 Zunheboto A stray a.m. t-storm; cloudy 25 20 FORECASTWEATHERAUGUST13 Staff Reporter DIMAPUR, AUG 12 (NPN): Dimapur Naga Students Union (DNSU) organised a debate com petition on the topic “an unhealthy paradigm move ment has emerged in to day’s age; its diverging the movement’s true nature” at Bethesda Higher Secondary School, Walford colony, here, on PanelFriday.judges for the debate included Naga Peo ple’s Movement for Human Rights (NPMHR) Neingulo Krome, Forum of Naga Reconciliation (FNR) con venor Rev. Dr. Wati Aier, Naga Students Federation (NSF) former president Achumbemo Kikon and DNSU and NSF former president, V Phushika Aomi. Nagas have been forced to remain unsuccessful in their struggle for ‘one people, one nation’: DNSU president Focusing on the topic, DNSU president Moay anger Jamir in his keynote address said it had been more than 10 decades of po litical crusade and struggles where Nagas have been ei ther forced or intimidated to remain unsuccessful in their struggle for “one people, one nation”.Duringthe process, he said the Naga family has been divided by forces seen and unseen, leaving it to be fragmented.Headded that an un healthy paradigm shift in the history of Naga politi cal movement has emerged “where we can visibly notice that the movement’s true na ture is being diverged from the vision of our forefathers who laid the foundation more than 10 decades ago”. Moayanger stated that history had undoubtedly witnessed an unhealthy paradigm shift because people were divided like never before and because of the shifts that have been happening since the declara tion of Naga Independence on August 14, 1947, by the president of Naga National Council (NNC) until today. “The changes, transi tions, and transformations that are supposed to be healthy for the Nagas as one family has somewhere devastatingly gone wrong”, he asserted.“Who is/are respon sible for all the hazardous divides? Are individuals asking these difficult ques tions to themselves and to the leaders who are sup posed to be accountable to the Nagas across borders and barriers?”, the student leaderHeasked.informed that with all this in mind, DNSU be lieved that conducting a de bate would help the younger generation and elders to be ignited “with a sense of responsibility towards the unity and progress of Nagas as one people, one nation.” “It would also be a meaningful platform to highlight the history of Naga initiativewayhunsage,stated.byweignorantorofmovementnational/politicalbecausemanythestudentcommunitygenerationtoday,areofourhistoryandbelieveitmustbeknowneveryNaga”,MoayangerInthesolidaritymesNSFpresidentKegTeplaudedtheofDNSUand said such activities should be conducted in order to broaden the minds of the students.Pointing out that Na gas were not confused but were distinct and their his tory was “very clear”, Keg wayhun he urged upon the younger generation by say ing that it was time for them to come together in order to unite the Nagas as one. He also informed that NSF has directed all federa tion units and sub-units to observe “Naga Indepen dence Day” on August 14. NSF also appealed to the public to observe the day and the churches to pray particularly for Nagas on the day which falls on Sunday.Earlier, the debate be gan with six Khamrang.Dimapur,tistofferedoftionMeanwhile,claredLibongtobaterandUnions)(Dimapur-basedparticipantsStudenteachformmotionagainst.Thebestde(motion)wasawardedVisimetuoNagiwhileWallingwasdebestdebater(against).againstthemowasdeclaredwinnersthecompetition.Earlier,invocationwasbyTangkhulBapChurch,Darogajan,Wungrieshang
DIMAPUR: Mopong Hongkong Public Forum (MHPF) has termed as “purely a political gim mick” the joint state ment of Angjangyang Area Public Organization (AAPO) and Angjangyang Area Youth Organization (AAYO).Ina press release, MHPF president Neangba Konyak and general secre tary H Angnyei Konyak stated that EAC Longch ing was upgraded to SDO (Civil) and shifted to pres ent Angjangyang in 2008 covering the jurisdictionMohung, Sowa, Longch ing Village, Changlang, Angphang, Angjangyang Village, Jakphang and SowaTheChangle.forum said it was only in 2014, when EAC Longching along with Mo hung, Sowa, Longching Village and Sowa Changle were retained and brought under Aboi Sub-Division and Angjangyang Hq, Changlang, underheadquartersvidesamedivision.underphangAngjangyangAngphang,andJakvillagesemainedAngjangyangsub-MHPFsaidintheyear,thegovernmentorder,MopongEACwasbroughtAngjangyangSub-

Urged Aamir Khan to postpone Assam visit, says Sarma Himanta Biswa Sarma
It is also ordered that you should attend the court on the 23rd day of August 2022, to take notice of the date fixed for settling the terms of the proclamation of sale. Given under my hand and the seal of the court, this 12/07/2022. schedule of the land An area of land belonging to Mr. Sani @ Mr. T. Chuba Jamir, S/o. Mr. N. Tsuknung Jamir (Judgment Debtor No. 2) measuring an area of 00B-01K-00Ls (268 sqmts) (Res/B) covered by Patta No. 1091, Dag No. 1375/1376, Mouza 1 in Block No. 6 of Dimapur Town, Dimapur,(SMTINagaland.SEYIELENUO MEZHü) civil JudGe (senior) division Dimapur : Nagaland
Amar Chitra Katha Pvt. Ltd. and the writer of the comic book must apologize to the people of the state, he said. The ban on selling the comic book and other books published by the Amar Chi tra Katha publishing house will continue until the per tinent authorities of the publishing house apologize. He further asked all book stores across the state not to sell any book pub lished under the banner of the Amar Chitra Katha Pvt. Ltd.
1. M/s. Jamir Tent House Tin Ali, Lower Lengrijan Dimapur, Nagaland, represented by its proprietor Mr. N. Tsuknung Jamir 2. Mr. N. Tsuknung Jamir S/o Nungshijunba R/o House No. 336 Lower Lengrijan (Near erstwhile K.M. College) Lengrijan, Dimapur, Nagaland. Alternate Address : C/o The Dimapur,LengrijanLengrijanChairmanVillageCouncilVillageNagaland
GUWAHATI, AUG 12 (PTI): Assam Chief Min ister Himanta Biswa Sarma said on Friday that Bol lywood actor Aamir Khan has postponed his proposed visit to Assam till after Inde pendence Day celebrations at hisSarmarequest.asked the ‘Laal Singh Chaddha’ star to push back his visit so that the “focus” does not get di verted from Independence Day gala.“Aamir Khan wanted to come here and had spo ken to me about it. But to ensure that the focus of Independence Day doesn’t get diverted, I urged him to come after August 15,” Sarma told reporters here on the sidelines of a pro gramme.“We don’t want the fo cus to shift from the Tiranga on Independence Day,” he added.Sarma said that he is regularly is touch with Khan over phone and the actor will visit the state “whenever I (Sarma) ask him”. “We will fix the date later,” the chief minister added.The actor had donated Rs 25 lakh to the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund in June this year when the state was reeling under devastat ing floods.Often called Bolly wood’s ‘Mr Perfectionist’, Khan had last visited the state nearly 10 years ago and had stayed in Tezpur in the northern part. His latest movie, ‘Laal Singh Chaddha’, released on August 11.
1. That I am a law abiding citizen of India by birth and indigenous inhabitant of the State of Nagaland. 2. That presently I am serving as Agricultural Field Assistant (AFA) under Govt. of Nagaland. 3. That at present I am serving as Agricultural Field Assistant (AFA) under the Establishment of Integrated Extension Training Centre (IECT) Medziphema, Department of Agriculture, Govt. of Nagaland.
1. Ms Limasenla, D/o Late M. Alem Jamir & Mrs Takoienla Aier for securing the post of Asst. Professor (Sociology) top 14 in the recently declared NPSC (CESE). 2. Ms Imokokla, D/o Mr B.Temjenyanger Lkr & Mrs Temsurenla Jamir for securing the post of Asst. Professor (Education) top 3 in the recently declared NPSC (CESE). The Union further wishes them the very best in their futureSangkongendeavours.Jamir.
3. Mr. N. Nungsang Jamir S/o. I. Nungshi Jamir Store Keeper, O/o. S.D.O (Store) Dimapur,LengrijanC/o.AlternateDimapur,AgricultureNagalandAddress:TheChairmanVillageCouncilNagaland
ITANAGAR, AUG 12 (PTI): Arunachal Pradesh’s COVID-19 tally rose to 66,353 on Friday as 39 more people tested positive for the infection, a senior health official said here. The north eastern state on Thursday had recorded 41 recoveries against 21 new cases. The COVID-19 death toll remained at 296, State Surveillance Officer (SSO) Dr Lobsang Jampa said. Among the new cases, nine were reported from ShiYomi district, eight from East Siang and seven from Namsai, the official said. Arunachal Pradesh currently has 216 active CO VID-19 cases, while 65,841 people have recuperated from the disease thus far. Namsai district has the highest number of ac tive cases at 38, followed by Upper Siang at 29, East Siang (24), West Kameng (16) and Lower Subansiri with 13 active cases. A total of 12,86,790 samples have been tested for Coronavirus in the state thus far, including 533 on Thursday, Jampa added. So far over 18.10 lakh people have been inoculated with Coronavirus vaccines in the state, State Immuni sation Officer (SIO) Dr Dimong Padung said. Arunachal logs 39 new COVID cases
Y. Zulutemba Lkr President General Secretary MKC-289/22 in the court of the civil JudGe senior division dimapur :enaGalandxecutioncase no. 19/2014 NIDC Ltd. Dimapur ...Decree Holder -VrsM/s Jamir Tent House Represented by its proprietor Mr. N. Tsuknung Jamir & Ors. ... Judgement Debtors. To, attachment in eXecution (Order XXI, Rule 54) Whereas you have failed to satisfy a decree passed against you on the 13-08-2013 passed by the Ld. Civil Judge Senior Division, Dimapur, Nagaland in Civil Suit No. 21/2011 in favour of Decreeholder/NIDC Ltd. for Rs. 3,07,728.02/- and for which the recoverable outstanding decreed amount with interest @ 6% as on 14-08-2013 stands at Rs. 3,61,299.80/- ; it is ordered that you, the said judgment Debtor No 2, be, and you are hereby, prohibited and restrained, until the further order of this court, from transferring or charging the property specified in the schedule hereto annexed, by sale, gift or otherwise, and that all persons be, and that they are hereby, prohibited from receiving the same by purchase, gift or otherwise.
OFFICE OF THE UNGMA SENSO TELONGjEM MOKOKCHUNGFELICITATION(USTM) The USTM with immense pride and honour extend our sincere appreciation and heartiest congratulations to the following bonafide members from our union.
Wrong portrayal of war hero angers Mnp student activists
Correspondent IMPHAL, AUG 12: Copies of comic book, ‘Tribal Lead ers of the Freedom Struggle’ which portrayed Manipur’s war hero as tribal freedom fighter were on Friday burnt in Imphal. A group of stu dent activists set afire copies of the comics to register a strong protest against the wrong portrayal of Paona Brajabashi, the war hero of the Anglo-Manipur War of 1891, popularly known as the last war of Manipur’s independence.Activists of Joint Stu dents’ Co-ordination Com mittee (JSCC), an apex body of student bodies, also declared complete ban on selling of the comic book published by Amar Chitra Katha Pvt. Ltd along with books published under the banner of the publishing house. They asked book stores across the state not to violate the ban. In the comic book,
4. Mr. I. Wati Jamir S/o. Temjen Jamir, A.P.P.O. O/o. Jt. Director (Sugarcane) Department of Agriculture, 4th Mile, Dimapur, Nagaland Address : C/o. The ...Opp.4DiphuparChairmanVillageCouncilthMile,Dimapur,Nagaland.Parties/JudgmentDebtors.
DC-911/22 Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment invites applications under central sector scholarship scheme of top class education for schedule cast students for the year Eligibility:2022-23. Meritorious SC students Family income should not exceed Rs. 8.00 lakh/p.a. benefit is available only for two siblings in a family. Apply Now poRtAl opENiNg DAtE: 20.07.2022 poRtAl CloSiNg DAtE: 31.10.2022 FoR SCHEME gUiDEliNES & SUbMiSSioN oF AppliCAtioNS plEASE ViSit, NAtioNAl SCHolARSHip poRtAl At: http://scholarships.gov.in cbc 38101/11/0024/2223
Whereas an application under the Indian Succession Act 1925 has been filed by smti m ngonngam Konyak, W/o Late Wenkai Konyak resident of Wagiem ward, PO/PS Mon for grant of Succession Certificate for Family Pension bearing SBI Mon Branch Account No. 317417876389 of the deceased Wife Smti. N Ngonngam Konyak and the deceased Late Wenkai Konyak SBI Mon Branch bearing Account No. 30455394082.ANoticeishereby issued that any person having an interest in the administration or operation of the family pension may file claims/ objections or appear in the court of the undersigned in person within period of 30 (Thirty) days from the date of publication of this notice.
DEPONENT Solemnly affirm and declare before me by the deponent on this 12th Day of August 2022 at Medziphema, Nagaland. NOTArY PUBLIcDb-877/22 Regd. No. 535 (A)/2022 Date : 12/08/2022
“Tribal Leaders of the Free dom Struggle” published by the Amar Chitra Katha’s Pvt. Ltd., Manipur’s war hero Paona Brajabashi is list ed among the tribal leaders of India’s freedom struggle. Amar Chitra Katha published the comic book under the Union ministry of culture in connection with the 75th year of India’s independence.Theprotest of the JSCC is at a time when various sections of the so cieties in the state expressed strong resentment over the wrong portrayal of the war hero of Manipur as a tribal freedom fighter of India’s freedom struggle. During JSCC’s protest, they as serted that Manipur was an independent kingdom before the invasion by the British. The last war of Manipur’s independence was fought in 1891 and the wars fought with the invading British had nothing to do with the In dian freedom struggle. JSCC convener S Bidyananda said that Paona Brajabashi was a war hero of Manipur who laid down his life in the Anglo-Manipur War of 1891 and his patriotic act was not related in any way with the freedom movement of India. Paona Brajabashi was the commander of Mani puri soldiers who fought against the invading Brit ish at Khongjom, present day Thoubal district, the infamous last battle of Ma nipur’s BrajabashiofasfoughtManipur’sremembererstwhileofBritishbravelyIndiamergeddependentthis,ManipurTheindependence.Britishinvadedin1891.BeforeManipurwasaninkingdomandwiththeUnionofonlyin1949,hestated.“Ourforefathersfoughtagainsttheinvadingfortheprotectionthesovereigntyofthekingdom.WestillthelastwarofindependenceagainsttheBritishtheAnglo-ManipurWar1891,”hesaid.Paonasacrificedhislife while taking a major role in the war to defend the sover eignty of Manipur, he said. Unfortunately, the comic book portrayed him as one of the tribal freedom fighters of India. “It is misleading the significant history of Ma nipur. The wars fought by Maniupris against the invad ing British have nothing to do with the freedom struggle of India”, he added.
The cover pages of the comics on ‘ Tribal leaders of the freedom struggle.’
AGARTALA, AUG 12 (PTI): Secularism, federal structure, and rights of peo ple were “at stake” under the BJP-led government at the Centre, former Tri pura chief minister Manik Sarkar claimed on Friday. The institutions, which were created to safeguard the Constitu tion, were “under attack” with the electoral process becoming “a farce” at the hands of the saffron party, the Tripura Opposition leader said at a rally. The rally was or ganised by the Students’ Federation of India, the student wing of CPI(M), and the Tribal Students’ Federation.“TheElection Com mission of India is a selfgoverned body established by the Constitution of India. It is supposed to cre ate a level playing ground for all the political par ties. There should not be discrimination against any political party be it the ruling party or opposi tion. Nowadays, election has become a farce at the hands of the BJP as people in power are using money and muscle power”, the CPI (M) leader claimed. In a reference to BJP national president J P Nad da’s recent speech in Patna, Sarkar said according to the BJP leader, there is no need to have regional or smaller political parties in the country.“Itisnothing but a re flection of the BJP leader’s fascist attitude”, the Leader of Opposition in Tripura AssemblyClaimingsaid.that the Lok Sabha has turned into a ‘stage for puppet show’,
Constitutional values ‘at stake’ under BJP rule: Manik Sarkar Sarkar said 15-16 Bills are passed in the lower house in a day during BJP rule. “What is happen ing? There is no scope for discussion on these Bills. It is an attempt to attack the foundation of Parlia mentary democracy”, the CPI (M) politburo member said.Heaping praise on the SFI and the TSF for organising the ‘Save Con stitution’ rally, the former chief minister called upon the students and youth to raise their voices to uphold the constitutional values in the country.“Itwas not only the mission of the freedom fighters to get India liber ated from the British but also to form a country where there will be no economic and political disparity. Unfortunately, this is not fulfilled yet”, the Left leader said.Manik Sarkar
Bishweswar Tudu
4. That my correct and official name is LETKHOMANG MISAO, however the same has been wrongly entered as LETKHOMONG MISAO, in my Appointment Order No. AGR/ESTT-93/2006-07/365394, Dtd. 17/07/2009 and PIMS records of my service. 5. That the names LETKHOMANG MISAO and LETKHOMOMG MISAO refer to one and same person i.e the deponent’s name. 6. That henceforth, my name shall be called/known as LETKHOMANG MISAO, for all official records/documents and for any future intent. 7. That the above statements made by me herein above are all true and correct to the best of my knowledge and nothing is concealed herein. V E r IFI c ATION I further verified that the statements made by me herein above are all true and correct to the best of my knowledge and nothing is concealed herein.
OFFICE OF THE CHÜMOUKEDIMA VILLAGE COUNCIL CHÜMOUKEDIMA : NAGALAND DECLArATION It is hereby notified that the CVC Land Registration bearing Sl. No.0288 issued on 11.05.2022 under Chümoukedima Village Jurisdiction, in favour of Plot Owner Name: Mr.Samsong Tep/M.Rengma has been cancelled and rendered obsolete. The aforementioned plot is re-registered in favor of Mr. Samson Tep on 08-08-2022. Sd/(Khriezo Shüya) ChümoukedimaG.BVillage CouncilK-1861/22 Government of naGaland office of the deputy commissioner dimapur : naGaland PUbLIC NOTICE No.DMC-2/2012 Dated Dimapur, the 10th August’ 2022 Consequent upon receipt of a joint application for separation of Hill View Colony, Aokong Colony and Industrial Estate Colony from Lengrijan Ward No. 12 and create a new ward under Dimapur Municipal Council comprising of the 3 (three) colonies, notice is hereby given to all the general public of the area inviting claims/ objections if any, within 30 (thirty) days from the date of publication of thisNonotice.complaint/objection will be entertained after the stipulated time period under any circumstances. The proposed boundaries of the proposed wards are as under: North Lengrijan & Grace Colony South – Kacharigaon & Indisen East – Diphu Highway Road West – Lengri River (sachin JaisWal), ias DeputyDimapur;CommissionerNagalandDP-3845/22 in the court of district and sessions JudGe mon : naGaland succession case no. 31/2022. notice invitinG claims/oBJections
Sd/district & sessions JudGe mon : naGalanD Db-876/22 AFFIDAVIT I, Shri/Smti. LETKHOMANG MISAO, resident of Ward-01, Medziphema Town, P.O/P.S Medziphema, District : Chümoukedima/ Dimapur, Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirm and declare on oath as follows :-
Correspondent SHILLONG, AUG 12: Union Minister of State for the Ministries of Jal Shakti and Tribal Affairs, Bishweswar Tudu on Fri day walked out of the re view meeting at the State Convention Centre here in Meghalaya, saying that he was ‘not happy’ with the ways the state government officials were projecting the status of implementation of central sponsored schemes in the state. “The officials were not prepared for the review meeting of central schemes. They (state government of ficials) have only powerpoint presentation and papers were not ready. I am not happy with the presentation and without papers how can we review. I have to submit my reports to the concerned department and this is very essential to provide me with the hard copies of the presen tation,” a visibly upset Tudu told journalists.TheUnion Minister went to his room at Hotel Pinewood. Later the state government officials rushed to his room and requested him to return for the review meeting. Tudu, who is on a two-day maiden visit to Shil long, later chaired a review meeting of the implementa tion status of the Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM), Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) and Union Minister walks out of review meeting in Meghalaya Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sin chayee Yojana (PMKSY) schemes and other flagship programs under the two departments in Meghalaya. “The department of ficials have shown in details the implementation and achievements under various schemes like JJM, SBM and PMKSY,” the Union Minister said after reviewing the ongoing programmes under his Ministry. React ing to a query that the state government has been able to complete only “ 40 per cent of JJM ‘’ project so far, Tudu said, “The target is to achieve 100 per cent implementation by March, 2024. The national average is around 50 per cent but the aim is to achieve 100 per cent by March, 2024.” He said that steps are being taken in order to ac complish the goal and urged the State government to work in coordination with the Centre to achieve the tar get. Tudu said that to get an idea of the actual implemen tation on the ground level he will undertake visits to different sites of donesorelaxdurestodealtlengessoalwaysofempatheticCentralinherentprojectsintherethealwaystionchallengesaingdayimplementationprogrammeonSaturmorning.AcknowledgthatMeghalayabeinghillystate,theinherentofcommunicaandtransportationareassociatedwithit,UnionMinistersaidthathavebeensomedelaystheimplementationoffewbecauseofthesechallenges.“Thegovernmentisverytotheconcernsthestatesandthatitiswelcomingmeasuresthattheinherentchalofthestatescanbewith.Ihavesuggestedthemtofollowtheproceandifpossiblewewillsomeoftheguidelinesthattheworkcouldbeontime,”Tudusaid.

Protest by people with HIV alleging shortage of drugs continues
NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 2022 NATIONAL 5 JOIN INDIAN COAST GUARD INDIAN COAST GUARD INvITeS ONlINe ApplICATION fOR SeleCTION AS ASSISTANT COmmANDANT - 02/2023 bATCh IN Online Registration https://joinindiancoastguard.cdac.inthroughisavailable from 17 Aug 22 (1100 HRS) to 07 SEP 22 (1730 HRS) Note: 1. For detailed advertisement and procedure to fill online applications please visit https://joinindiancoastguard.cdac.in. 2. Please read the instructions given in the website carefully before submitting your online application form. This is an indicative Advertisement only. Disclaimer. Information published in various News Papers is for guidelines only. In case of any ambiguity regarding eligibility criteria, date, time of examination and other procedures, the contents given in the Coast Guard recruitment website https://joinindiancoastguard.cdac.in will be final. C A u TI o N : sele CTI o N IN C o A s T G u A rd I s FAI r AN d o N mer IT o N ly. C AN d I d AT e should N o T FA ll P rey To u N s C ru P lous P erso N s P os ING A s re C ru IT me NT AG e NT s F or C om P l AINT AGAIN s T su C h P erso N s, CAN d I d AT es mus T APP ro AC h T he d I re CT or AT e o F re C ru IT me NT, C o A s T G u A rd he A dqu A rT ers, N o I d A o N T ele P ho N e: 0120-2201340 AN d em AI l I d: dte-rectofficer@indiancoastguard.nic.in cbc-10119/11/0007/2223
Nitish Kumar’s decision to form govt ‘slap on BJP’s face: Tejashwi
NEW DELHI, AUG 12 (PTI): The “government’s rich friends” are getting ‘gajak’ through tax reliefs, write-offs and exemptions worth crores while the poor are getting only small assistance as ‘revris’, the Congress alleged Friday targeting Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Last month, the prime minister, after inaugurat ing the Bundelkhand Ex pressway in Uttar Pradesh, cautioned people against what he called the “revri culture” of offering freebies for garnering votes and said it is “very dangerous” for the development of the country.He used ‘revris’, a popular north Indian sweet often distributed during festivals, as a metaphor for freebies being promised by various parties to grab power and said the people, especially the youth, should guard against it. Hitting back at the prime minister, Congress spokesperson Gaurav Val labh asked why were “bank loans worth Rs 5.8 lakh crore were written off in the last five years” and why was “corporate tax worth Rs 1.45 lakh crore reduced”. He said while small assistance given to the poor and oppressed classes to tide in tough times are ‘revris’, the “freebies given to the rich” were like ‘ga jak’, which were way more than those given to the needy.“We are against the ‘jhooth ki gathri’ (bundle of lies) culture. We are not against holding the hands of citizens during bad times,” Vallabh said. He cited various proj ects such as giving 100-day employment to every rural household under MGN REGA, mid-day meals by which “12 crore children are getting food”, and the Food Security Act because of which “60 per cent In dians got free ration dur ing the pandemic”, saying these welfare schemes are showing“Weresults.arenot against MSP for farmers, we don’t consider that ‘muft ki revri’. We consider those as hand holding, making them a partner in the growth story of our“Wecountry.areagainst ‘muft ki gajak’ which the Gov ernment of India is giving by way of corporate tax cuts, causing a loss of Rs 5.8 lakh crore to the exche quer when public sector banks transferred Rs 7.27 lakh crore in loans written off. We are against this, not against empowering people,” he told reporters.
NEW DELHI, AUG 12 (PTI): A group of people who are HIV positive have been protesting outside the National AIDS Control Or ganisation (NACO) office here for the past 20 days alleging shortage of certain antiretroviral (ARV) drugs even as the government maintains there is no scar city at the state or national level.The government re cently told Lok Sabha that there is adequate stock of ARV medicines nationally for around 95 per cent of people living with HIV in India.
“Please do not ask me such questions, I have said many times that I harbour no such ambitions. I want to serve my state,” Kumar asserted, with folded hands, replying to journalists who asked whether the people of Bihar could one day see him as the prime minister. How ever, when asked what role he saw for himself in forg ing unity among disjointed opposition parties, Kumar said, “Our role will be posi tive. I have been receiving many telephone calls. It is my wish that all come to gether (against the BJP-led NDA). You will see some action in the days to come.”
PATNA, AUG 12 (PTI): Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Friday main tained that he had no prime ministerial ambitions but said he was looking forward to play a “positive” role in forging opposition unity against the ruling NDA at the Centre.Kumar also made light of apprehensions of “mis use” of the Central Bureau of Investigation and the Enforcement Directorate against the new dispensation in Bihar, which has achieved power after ousting the BJP, and said “those habituated to misuse will face public ire”.
Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Friday said he had decided against JD(U) joining the government at the Centre, after the BJP’s refusal to his demand for four minis terial berths in 2019. He also asserted that the induction of his former close aide RCP Singh last year did not have his consent. “I had said in 2019 that we should get at least four berths. We had 16 MPs, they had just one more from Bihar. Agreeing to anything less than that would have sent a bad message in Bihar from where they had inducted five people. They refused so we did not join,” Kumar said. Asked about BJP leaders’ contention that his consent was sought before the induction of Singh, the CM said “it is untrue”.
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No PM ambitions but ready to play role in forging opposition unity: Nitish
Small assistance for poor ‘revri’: Cong slams PM SAYS GOVERMENT’S RICH FRIENDS GETTING ‘GAJAK’ NEW DELHI, AUG 12 (PTI):
The protestors are al leging complete unavail ability of certain drugs including those for children living with HIV and ran dom shifting to another class of drugs for most of the patients.Theysay if the drugs do not become available in the next few weeks, this will lead to serious com plications in HIV-affected people.“Dolutegravir 50 Mg is the backbone of the Na tional AIDS Control Pro gramme and since April the drug is not available at almost all individual anti retroviral therapy (ART) centres across the country. “We have written multiple letters to State AIDS Control Society and NACO and health ministry, mentioning the shortage of this life-saving drug but there has been no response. Besides, DTG, another drug TL is also not avail able,” one of the protesters said. Another protestor alleged that Nevirapine syrup, a drug for children living with HIV, is also not available in most of the centres.
He also wondered when will there be a dis cussion on the “annual loss of Rs 1.45 lakh crore to the government due to the reduction in corporate tax rates”.“We are against ‘Jhooth Ki Gathri’ cul ture, where somebody an nounces something with out proper themadedeadlinesisterisesthisUSDthebe2022,incomehouse“everyitsModioursmokeareandshouldthingagainstasunderstanding,homework,andasjustapollgimmick.Wearethat.”Notingthatifsomeisannounced,therebeaproperstudyresearch,hesaid,“Weagainstthecultureofandmirrors.Thatisstand.”VallabhremindedthegovernmentaboutpromisesthatincludedIndianwillhaveaby2022,farmer’swilldoublebythebullettrainwilloperationalby2022,economywillbeworth5trillion”.“Howandwhenwillcultureoffalsepromend?Istheprimemingoingtogivenewforthepromisesfortheyear2022?”Congressleaderposed. Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar’s decision to form the outsideBJP’syouishpeople.itabecauseernmentNitishwelcomedhanentssaidgeneralSitaramCPI(M)bepositiontheypartiesworkinghere,atDalchiefdayTejashwitry,replicatedOppositionsimilarongovernmentMahagathbandhanwasa“slaptheBJP’sface”andacomingtogetherofpartieswillbeacrossthecounDeputyChiefMinisterYadavsaidonFriaftermeetingCongressSoniaGandhi.TheRashtriyaJanataleader,whometGandhiher10JanpathresidenceaccusedtheBJPoftofinishregionalandassertedthatifarefinished,theOpanddemocracywillfinishedaswell.Yadav,whoalsometgeneralsecretaryYechuryandCPIsecretaryDRaja,thepre-pollconstituoftheMahagathband(grandalliance)havethedecisionbyKumar.“Thisgovwillrunstronglythisgovernmentisgovernmentforthepoor...isthegovernmentoftheThedecisionbyNitKumarattherighttime,cansay,isaslapontheface,”hetoldreporters10Janpath.Yadav said all parties have joined hands against the BJP in the Bihar Assembly, and added “now this is going to be replicated across the whole country”. “People are suffer ing due to inflation. There are those who want to rule by creating Hindu-Muslim tensions, put the Constitu tion and democracy in dan ger, they want to break the brotherhood, Bihar has once again given a new direction to the country,” he said. “For that we thank the chief minister, Sonia Gan dhi ji, Yechury ji, Dipankar ji(Bhattacharya, CPI-ML general secretary), Raja ji and Lalu (Prasad) ji,” he said. Yadav said Lalu Prasad fought against communal forces and social justice. “He (Lalu) never got scared nor did he bow before such forces,” Yadav added. He accused the BJP of destroying regional parties, citing the happenings in Ma harashtra and Jharkhand. “BJP wants to scare those who get scared and buy those who are willing to be bought out,” Yadav alleged. arecannothota‘BihariingpeopletheypoliceconditionTaxofDirectorate,stroyed.institutions“ConstitutionalarebeingdeBeitEnforcementCentralBureauInvestigationorIncome(Department),theirisworsethanstations.Whodowanttoscare?We,theofBihar,arenotgotobescared.Ihavesaidbikaaunahi,tikaauhai’(PeopleofBiharbeboughtout,theyreliable),”hesaid.
Vallabh said, “Why are small amounts of assis tance given to the poor are freebies or ‘revri’, while the freebies that the rich friends get all the time through low tax rates, write offs and exemptions are categorized as ‘necessary incentives’ (gajak)?”When will there be a discussion on bank loan waivers to big corporates and the cut in corporate taxes, he posed. The Congress leader claimed that of the Rs 9.92 lakh crore loans written off by banks in the last five years, Rs 7.27 lakh crore is the share of public sector banks. The government, he added, has admitted in Parliament that of the amount written off by it only Rs 1.03 lakh crore was recovered.Assuming that the re covery from the written-off loan will increase to 20 per cent in the coming time, public sector banks will have not recovered Rs 5.8 lakh crore, Vallabh said. “When will there be a discussion on freebies of Rs 5.8 lakh crore given by the public sector banks in the last five years?”
Bihar Deputy CM and RJD leader Tejashwi Yadav leaves after meeting Sonia Gandhi, in New Delhi. (PTI)Congress spokesperson Gaurav Vallabh Nitish Kumar

Ground auditions were elaborate - a detailed ‘Personal Profile’, made one cogitate on numerous aspects of per sonal life. The MCQ-test had 20 questions. I got shortlisted. Similar such exercises had been conducted elsewhere resulting in about 4000 auditions. The audio-visual audition with the KBC-team went off well. Providence apart, I resolved attending to even unknown callers. Meanwhile, I blocked numerous spam-scamming and phishing URL messages offer ing hefty rewards and a seat at the FFF-round. An unknown number called again. A gentle man identifying himself from KBC informed that I had been selected for the FFF-round. Cautiously, I suggested that I would call back on his number to verify his credentials. He agreed, adding, “Sir, we do not ask for any OTPs etc.” He ex pounded a series of instructions about KBC - dates on which travel to Mumbai is required; details of costumes; videocall a friend, companions etc. Wiser after the technical glitch earlier, we jotted down the details. Before disconnecting he mentioned that team-KBC would, from that time onwards keep calling to coordinate other aspects. Preparatory interac tions regarding costumes were elaborate and participants and their companions were to carry at least 8-9 sets of pre-approved costumes.
The Theology of Resting in God
Bridging the Gaps –the Kaun Banega Corepati opportunity
End of a dream Workers Union and Pensioners Union, Na galand Pulp & Paper Co, Ltd (NPPCL) Tuli under the aegis of Joint Action Committee (JAC) have agreed to ‘postpone’ their indefinite blockade on NH 61 starting August 12, 2022 till the workers were paid their pending salaries/wages with effect from August 2017 till date. The mill workers have been left to fend for themselves for decades by the negligent erstwhile Hindustan Paper Corporation Ltd. and by extension the centre and even the state government. The paper mill was a gift from the gov ernment of India after ceasefire was declared with the Naga political group (NNC/FGN) in 1964, and as a commitment to ensure rapid industrial development to wean people of Nagaland away from violence. The project was then incorporated as Nagaland Pulp and Paper Company (NPPC) Limited in 1971. This was first and only large and medium unit in the State of Nagaland and the first paper mill in the central public sector in the North Eastern region. It generated great hope and enthusiasm among the people of Nagaland. NPPC is a joint venture where the Government of India holds 95% share and state government holds 5% share. NPCC started commercial production from July 1982. However, due to lack of power supply and problems from outdated second-hand boilers, the mill went on incurring loss and finally limped to a halt from October, 1992.Not only workers and suppliers but also thousands of people in Tuli who had grown bamboo over hundreds of acres of land were left in the lurch. The local people donated 700 acres of land for the mill and housing colonies in Tuli area of Nagaland. Around 126 sq. kilometers of bamboo forest land was purchased for captive plantation and was leased to NPCC. Water from river Melak was harnessed for water supply to the Mill. In anticipation of demand from the mill, large scale bamboo plantation took place in private lands. It may be recalled that after decades of negotiations to revive the sick mill by the state gov ernment and the former MPs, the UPA-I government finally agreed to revive the sick (or dead) mill through a package in 2007. Then Union Commerce Minister Jairam Ramesh announced a Rs.600 crore revival package for the sick NPPC Ltd Tuli during his visit to Mokokchung town as part of the town’s Golden Jubi lee Celebration on December 1, 2007. This was the best ever Christmas gift to Nagaland and it seemed that the mill will begin to churn out thousand metric tons of high-quality paper that its imported machines could produce. However, when the process for revival of the mill began, the employees started the move for payment of arrears which was not in consonance with the BIRF stipulation that those laid off can only be given arrears if it was stipulated in the reconstruction and also if only any revival package included payment of such arrears. According to NPPC, the employees were asked to accept pay structure as on 1997, which was refused. The mill was also overstaffed with over three hundred employees who turned the mill into a white elephant. Any money pumped towards the functioning of the mill appeared to be following the law of diminishing returns, in economic parlance. The last payment was made in 2017 from the revival package. The only way out is for the state government to take the call on taking a clear, transparent and acceptable decision through consultations with experts. Quotes Love never dies of starvation, but often of indigestion.
Why are you fearful, O you of little faith? —Matthew 8:26 When we are afraid, the least we can do is pray to God. But our Lord has a right to expect that those who name His name have an underlying confidence in Him. God expects His children to be so confident in Him that in any crisis they are the ones who are reliable. Yet our trust is only in God up to a certain point, then we turn back to the elementary panic-stricken prayers of those people who do not even know God. We come to our wits’ end, showing that we don’t have even the slightest amount of confidence in Him or in His sovereign control of the world. To us He seems to be asleep, and we can see nothing but giant, breaking waves on the sea ahead of us. “…O you of little faith!” What a stinging pain must have shot through the disciples as they surely thought to themselves, “We missed the mark again!” And what a sharp pain will go through us when we suddenly realize that we could have produced complete and utter joy in the heart of Jesus by remaining absolutely confident in Him, in spite of what we were facing. There are times when there is no storm or crisis in our lives, and we do all that is humanly possible. But it is when a crisis arises that we instantly reveal upon whom we rely. If we have been learning to worship God and to place our trust in Him, the crisis will reveal that we can go to the point of breaking, yet without breaking our confidence in Him. We have been talking quite a lot about sancti fication, but what will be the result in our lives? It will be expressed in our lives as a peaceful resting in God, which means a total oneness with Him. And this oneness will make us not only blameless in His sight, but also a profound joy to Him. (From previous issue...) I n 1990, there was direct fight for leadership in Janata Dal between Devilal supported Laloo Prasad and V.P. Singh supported Ram Sunder Das. Das had an edge over Laloo, but at the last moment Chadrashekhar sup ported Raghunath Jha jumped into fray spurring some upper caste MLAs, who were loyal to Dasji. Nitish Kumar and Sharad Yadav were instrumental in favour of Laloo Prasad, a Yadav, who was elected leader and sworn in as the CM (10.03.1990 to 25.07.1997). Due to technical reason President’s Rule was in force since 28.03.1995 to 4.5.1995. For his involvement in Fodder Scam, Laloo Prasad had no way other than to step down. Laloo surprised everyone, when he put for ward his house-wife Rabri Devi for the post of CM. Rabri Devi was elected the leader of the legislature party and in its history, Bihar saw its first women CM (27.7.1997 to 2.3.2002). Although, for short time President’s Rule have been imposed since 11.02.1999 to 9.3.1999. In the general election of 2000, no single party secured majority. Gov ernor Vinod Narayan Pandey invited Nitish Kumar, a Kurmi, (3.3.2000 to 10.3.2000) to form the government, but he could not succeed to gather majority mark and resigned within 7 days. Rabri Devi was once again sworn in as the CM with the support of the Congress, whose all legislatures got ministerial berth and its leader Sadanand Singh was chaired as Vidhan Sabha speaker. In the general election held in February 2005, no party got a clear majority. Ram Vilas Paswan’s Party, LJP was in position of king maker, but he takes “Na Lenge, Na Denge” policy on the question to support any of the two alliances. Rabri Devi had to resign and President’s Rule was imposed on 7th March 2005. At last, Ram Vilas’s Party broke up and a large chunk of its legislatures joined Nitish’s Party JD(U). In the November 2005 election, JD(U)-BJP alliance got an absolute majority and Nitish Kumar (24.11.2005 to 22.05.2014 and 22.02.2015 uptill now) was elected leader of the alliance and sworn in as the CM. In the November 2010 election, JDU-BJP alliance again got landslide majority winning 203 of the total 243 seats and Nitish Kumar continued. In 2013, during the Goa session of the BJP working committee meeting, the then Gujarat CM Naren dra Modi was made the chairman of the Party Campaign committee, with an indication that he would lead the Party (and also NDA !) after the Lok Sabha election. This angered Nitish Kumar and he broke his ties with the BJP and all the ally ministers were dropped. Nitish continue as CM with 118 JDU and 4 independent MLAs; but in the 2014 Lok Sabha general elec tion, his Party lost badly and got just two seats. Taking moral responsibility, he resigned on 17th May 2014 and his surprising choice Jitan Ram Manjhi, a Mushar, was elected as the leader. Manjhi was sworn in as CM on 22th May 2014. Manjhi had no control over the administration; progress works, ini tiated by Nitish, slowed down and im age of the Party began to deteriorate. There was a strong demand from the agrived legislatures for Nitish to lead the government. Seeing himself in the midstream Manjhi revolted; but with no support in the party, he had to resign on 20 February 2015. On 22 February 2015, Nitish Kumar was sworn in as CM. He had to seek the support of Laloo’s Party RJD, having 22 MLAs, as a dozen MLAs of his party stood behind Manjhi. In the November 2015 general election, faced with the four parties NDA, Nitish Kumar joined hands with his close friend-turned-arch rival Laloo Prasad and the Congress to form Maha-Gathbandhan (MG). In the amidst of a tight battle between Narendra Modi and Nitish Kumar, the Maha-Gathbandhan secured 178 seats, while the NDA was shrinked at just 58 seats. As leader of MG, Nitish was sworn in as CM, which was his 5th term in the office. In 2017, when name of the Deputy CM Tejaswi Yadav, son of Laloo Prasad, figured in corruption case, Nitish advised him to come out of the government until he got a clean cheat; but Tejaswi did not do so and Laloo Prasad started criticizing the CM. To save the image of the government, Nitish Kumar and his Party came out from MG on 26 July 2017. High voltage drama was witnessed throughout the night and BJP supported Nitish, who was sworn in as CM for the 6th time on 27th July 2017 along with BJP and LJP. In the Ministry, Pashupati Kumar Paras, younger brother of Ram Vilas Paswan, was also inducted. In the 2020 Vidhan Sabha elec tion, there was a close fight between the two alliances NDA (JDU-BJPHAM-VIP) and MG (RJD-CongressCommunist groups), in which national parties BJP & Congress has grabbed more seats in comparison to the previ ous elections. In reality, the fight was not “NDA vs MG”, but was “Nitish vs All”. Nitish Kumar was the solo target of not only opposition and Liquor Mafia, but BJP’s core voters and TRP thirsty electronic media channels. The LJP parted ways with the NDA with a solo motto of “Finish Nitish” and fought on seats of JDU only with BJP background candidates. In JDU’s con stituencies the BJP’s upper caste voters aggressively rallied behind the LJP and on some seats MG too to weaken Nit ish. Although NDA crossed majority marks of 122, with the BJP securing 74 as against earlier 59 seats; but the JDU was reduced from 71 to only 43 seats due to betrayal of its own ally’s core voters. As per the pre-poll strategy, Nitish Kumar, being the leader of the NDA became the 34th CM of Bihar; whose 7th times oath for the highest post is a record in Bihar. With above deceit, day to day criticism and an ef fort to break-up the allied party by BJP, JDU ultimately broke its alliance with NDA and formed the government with Mahagathbandhan on 10th August 2022 and took oath 8th times for the CM. Nitish Kumar had set record of serving the Bihar state as its CM for the longest period of over 15 success ful years. There have been numerous ups and downs in the history of power politics in Bihar since independence. But resultant change was the downfall of national parties dominated by upper castes and the upsurge of regional parties dominated by backward classes. People experimented various Parties, alliances, personalities in the labora tory of election for want of overhaul ing of the rusty system. Rise and fall of numerous stalwarts and political heavyweights took place. But, time and again, the dream of the People has been shattered, and journey of the democracy is still going on. (Concluded) Er. Prabhat Kishore (Author is a technocrat & academi cian. He is Master in Engineering from M.N. Regional Engineering Allahabad/Prayagraj)College,
A fter every State As sembly general election, a new government is formed to govern the State of Nagaland for five years accord ing to the Constitution of India. The primary and mandatory duty of the very established government is to take care of the welfare in respect of healthcare, education, basic amenities such as electricity, drinking water, food security, etc. for the citizens of the State. It is mandatory for the ministry to preserve, protect and maintain the existing prop erties and assets of the State. It is also the duty of the ministry to bring new and innovative de velopments to Nagaland at par with the rest of the other States in the country. It is supposed to be the endeavor of the Govt. to make Nagaland self-reliant after all it has been in its 59th year of Statehood and being the second oldest State in the NE India. Besides, it is mandatory for the Govt. to have the ac countability to the citizens and transparency in governance. The written directives and guidelines for governance in re spect of Legislature, Executive and Judiciary so enshrined in the Rules of Executive Business which is the bible for the trans action of any public business is supposed to be adhered to by both the elected and appointed authorities in the Govt. The Govt. is duty bound to enforce the rule of law and to ensure that favoritism, nepotism and injustice are disallowed to have its foothold in the land. Such Govt. is expected to be proactive in enforcing the dis ciplinary rules so as to check mate corrupt practices and promote deliverance of justice to the people. So long as the established Govt. performs to the general satisfaction of the public, the citizens in Nagaland are supposed to remain loyal to the authorities in that Govt. In Bible, Romans Chapter 13:1-7 admonishes the people as to how each individual citizen of the State must have allegiance to that authority who governs the State since that authority has been established by God. Being Christians, we, the citi zens of Nagaland, are supposed to be more ardent in submitting ourselves to the established authority in obedience to God. Nevertheless, when the present Govt. is found to be anti-people as it has totally lost sense of care and concern for the people of the State of Naga land, one is virtually perplexed as to whether one keeps the tol erance and allows the perpetra tor to continue suppressing the bona fide citizens for no fault of theirs. The question arises as to whether the prevailing system of allowing the rulers to destroy both the present and the future of the generations is the kind of democracy the people had voted for? Should people have unconditional allegiance to the very Govt. which treats the wellbeing of the citizens to be secondary to one’s personal interest?The specific instances of misgovernance and the mag nitude of corruptions are too obvious and numerous to com pile in a single write up. Yet, to substantiate the contention, let me cite few examples. Firstly, look at how the 4-laneDimapurKohima road has been stalled. 50% of the total distance has been in shambles as the road is almost abandoned. Despite, who is the elected member who has shown concern or which bureaucrat has taken interest for improvement and progress of the road. Thanks to the Justices of Kohima High Court who are having immense concern for maintenance and early completion of the project. Secondly, look at the pitiable condition of the infrastructural developments of the Kohima High Court. The funds meant for the High Court project were plundered in broad daylight, and yet no authority including CBI could do anything since the corrupts are immune from punitive laws. Thirdly, look at how the infrastructural develop ments of the Medical College at Kohima which has been mis managed from the start of the project till date. It is doubtful as to whether this project can ever become a Medical College. Fourthly, Look at the 16 years old State Stadium in Dimapur. This Dimapur Stadium has become the Colosseum (the Amphitheater) in Rome which attracts thousands of visitors, and yet in our case it should attract NIA, CBI, etc. Adding to miserable failures in the completion of projects after projects, the Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has said that Nagaland has a debt of Rs.15,620.8 crore. What a governance when its employees are not paid of their salary even for a year now in certain Department. These few instances are to say the least. Whereas, in respect of delivering justice in gover nance, there has been rampant nepotism and favoritism. Due to large scale anomalies and discriminations, the Govt. employees are forced to seek justice from courts. The solid evidence of injustices meted out to the people of Nagaland is that 99% of court cases filed in Kohima High Court are against the UDA Govt. as divulged by a sitting judge on 22.5.2022. When even the Govt. employees have been facing discrimination and the recent agitation of the staff of the Nagaland Assembly Secretariat is one of such evidences, the fate of the general public can be imagined. In democracy, the welfare of the people is supreme. Therefore, the priority of any established Govt. is the welfare of the general public. Whereas, during the last two decades, care for the public welfare by the Govt. of Naga land has slipped to rock bottom. Individualism and selfishness have topped the list that led to unabated corruption to the extent of privatizing the Govt. offices and Departments. With due respect to a very few God fearing authorities/employees, the elected members and the ap pointed employees have formed a strong syndicate to collective ly loot and plunder the public exchequer brazenly without any respect of the law of the land. These looters and plunderers have particularly destroyed the system of governance and the most pathetic victim being the young children of school drop outs in thousands. Nagaland is ruinedThetoday.former President of Sri Lanka Gotabaya Rajapaksa was ousted from office by the general public recently because he miserably failed to take care of the welfare of the people of his country. Due to his corrup tion, the country’s economy plummeted to food scarcity. Very fortunately for the rulers in Nagaland, the bona fide inhabitants are proved to be the most timid and venal lot with due regard to honest few. Had it been not so, who, the general public, would remain silent when the people are informed of sitting upon a bombshell of debt of Rs.15,620 crores and the Finance Dept. stopping the release of regular salaries to its employees at the moment. Thus, when the State Govt. becomes the sole creator of miseries for the citizens of Nagaland, it is indeed the li ability of the State. What is then the remedy? The State of Nagaland can be healed with only one medicine. There is no other alternative as for Nagaland’s healing is concerned. That is the Naga political solution. The political solution is indispensable. Here, the GoI knows it too well that solution will be the answer to several, if not every, problems adversely impacting the lives of the people in Nagaland. However, due to reasons best known to GoI, the solution has been inordinately delayed. The promise made to the people of Nagaland that “election (is) for solution” by BJP in 2018 is con veniently ignored. Nevertheless, as for the bona fide citizens of Nagaland, whether solution or no solution, we have to survive, and therefore let us not forget the big promise of BJP. I wonder as to whether the GoI has a mind to preserve Nagaland as it is, the most corrupt State in the country, as a specimen and a module of lawlessness. The BJP as a politi cal party always claims to be the champion of transparency and probity in governance. The BJP is the alliance partner of NDPP in Nagaland, ruling the State for several years now. The BJP is relentless in using the law enforcing Govt. agencies against/in booking the suspects of corrupt politicians, bureau crats and business people across the country in its fight against corruption. Yet, the BJP allows its Govt. in Nagaland to indulge in all anti-people activities. The double standard policy of BJP is that it exhibits that it does not tolerate misgovernance and corruption in other States and yet it permits massive misgovernance under its rule in Nagaland. The BJP cannot claim that it is the second fiddle to its partner NDPP in gover nance as it has 6 Cabinet Min isters as against 4 from NDPP. Therefore, all the anti-people activities have been committed in Nagaland at the nose of the BJP leaders in Delhi and yet they prefer remaining indiffer ent to the plight of the people in Nagaland. Does BJP consider its electoral prospects more important than giving peace to the people of Nagaland? Z. Lohe
D uring childhood, I had watched various Quiz shows on Doordarshan but the auditions never reached us at small-town Dharamshala in Himachal Pradesh. Sony En tertainment Television’s knowl edge-based Kaun Banega Crore pati (KBC), Amitabh Bachchan and Information Technology revolution decentralised partici pation and rekindled my hopes too. Intermittent ‘sms-answers’ meant that success remained elusive. Come 2022, I sent the responses again. One morning, the mobile rang. With scam and spam calls being a norm, it was providen tial that I answered. It was an Interactive Voice Response call introducing itself as being from KBC. I answered three questions. A caveat followed – “if shortlisted, you would be contacted again.” A fort night later, another call came through informing me about being shortlisted for ground auditions - Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) and audiovisual interview, at Kolkata. The caller indicated a venue but under the impression that the call was being recorded, I did not jot-down the exact venue. When I tried to listen to the recording, it was garbled. I thought an opportunity of a lifetime had been squandered. Technology is, after all fallible. Friends at Kolkata helped and emails to the organizers, confirmed the venue and dates.
Reader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the columns do not reflect the view of this newspaper nor that of the Editor in any manner. Post-mortem OPINION/EDITORIAL6 Nagaland Post VOL. XXXII NO. 248 DIMAPUR, SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 2022 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 2022
~ Ninon de L’Enclos
Ups & downs of power politics in Bihar
A coordinator asked for photographs of costumes and I ‘Whatsapped’ whatever I had in my wardrobe. I have an extremely poor and awkward sense of clothing and attire, sometimes bordering on em barrassment, and was happy to transfer this burden off to my better-attired wife. Finally we were off for Mumbai – my wife from Delhi and I from Nagaland. Once at Mumbai, the organizers collected the costumes. A ‘cluster’ compris ing ten participate over four episodes. Organizers decide the costumes each contestant and companion wears for a particularOnceshoot/episode.ready,thepartici pants were shepherded to the ‘studio’ for ‘mock’ FFF-practice before every shoot. During ‘mock’, the realisation dawned that FFF is the most difficult yet the most important step. Pitted against youngsters, with nim bler reflexes, my own handicap came to the fore. The distance between FFF and ‘Hot-seat’ is dependent on proficiency in reading skills, speed, quick reac tion and accuracy all bundled in every attempt. The scope for an error and correction is narrowa modification though possible is not a viable option - loss of valuable seconds means a certain quitclaim of ‘Hot-seat’. Our cluster was a window into a country of diverse dreams and aspirations – from an IITIIM graduate to a content writer-cum-blogger, a social media influencer and a private sector executive on the one hand to a teacher-cum-tourist guide, an employee of a High Court, a home-maker on the other, all split between an IPS officer and a young police con stable. Besides the opportunity to earn a quick buck at the game of knowledge, aspira tions were varied too – owning a start-up, paying-off family debts, children’s education, in creased visibility as an outcome of being on the ‘hot-seat’, to owning a ‘scooty’ and for me personally the opportunity of living a dream and bringing an isolated Nagaland to the nationalTwomainstream.episodesdone, the hot-seat remained elusive. Slow er reflexes resulted in mounting tension. My wife pep-consoled me that I had proved myself 30-years back - qualifying the prestigious UPSC, but zindagi har kadam ik nayi jung hai. Fear of failure and public rebuke for not getting to the ‘hot-seat’ were palpable. For many, an IPS officer is an omniscient being, not an imperfect human. At the fourth FFF, I was the quickest reacting with a child like “Yeaaahhhh!” Attaining the ‘Hot-seat’ was a moment of unparalleled euphoria and re lief! The episode had Amitabh Bachchan’s grace, professional ism and humility writ all over. Feeling absolutely at ease on the hot-seat, the moments shared with him and the KBC-crew will remain vibrant memories for the rest of our lives – my wife and me. Some hits and regrets though – the latter squarely at tributable to my being unable to continue beyond what I achieved. First, what I achieved was pitch-forking Nagaland onto the national main-stagehopefully this would propel my friends, colleagues, well-wishers and ordinary Nagas to connect with something at the national level. I was representing Na galand more than myself – the fact that Amitabh Bachchan adorned a Naga scarf during the episode would make Nagas and people from the north-east India proud. Hopefully, many more KBC-contestants from Nagaland and north-east would emerge in the coming days. Next - the misses and regrets. First was the disappoint ment at not joining the Cro repati-club – an immensely difficult question took me down. However, by the time this happened, I had a decent opportunity of recounting some achievements and narrating what the ‘Indian Reformative Institutions’ and the prison and police personnel had achieved. Had I continued, I would have utilised the occasion to let the country know about the ocean of diversity which India is –“Bharat Dhaara” – that Nagas and north-eastern people are not ‘chinkies’ but proud Indians and creating and propagat ing stereotypes in a large and diverse landmass and people can be damaging. Misconcep tions about most north-eastern tribes and Nagas being beef or ‘dog-meat eaters’ are true, yet misimpressions too. Not all Nagas are dog-meat or beefeaters and there are many who love dogs and animals as much as we do. However, a degree of freedom in eating habits has to be acknowledged and tolerated by the mainstream too. Another misconception is that Nagas are ‘head-hunters’. Doubtless, they were proud head-hunters but have given up head-hunting in 1950s. They still pride them selves being called valorous head-hunters, something which many ignorant Indians still feel is true. They are not barbarians! Most North-Eastern trib als and Nagas are as much humane as the rest of us. Last but not the least a message that Nagas are honest, large-hearted and extend unpar alleled love and hospitality to guests and friends needs to be disseminated. The opportunity lost was not merely monetary but in national integration too. Yes, the primary motivation may have been money but ‘there are certain things money cannot buy’ – love, affection and lost opportunities.Hopefully, this piece would fill that void. Rupin Sharma
Is Govt. not a liability to the State?

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1. The schedule is tentative and subject to change at any stage.
THE GAUHATI HIGH COURT AT GUWAHATI (The High Court of Assam, Nagaland, Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh) KOHIMA ADVERTISEMENTBENCHNOTICE No. HC(K)3/2014/Estt//4885 Dated Kohima, the 10th August, 2022 Applications are invited from citizens of India as defined under Article 5 and 6 of the Constitution of India for filling up the following vacant post in the Gauhati High Court, Kohima Bench. Name of Post Pay Structure Category No. of Posts Chauffeur(Driver) Rs. 5200-20200/- Grade Pay- Rs. 1800/- PM Level-3 Reserved inhabitantsindigenousforofNagaland 1
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The volume of bilateral trade has grown nearly six fold from USD 1.19 billion in 2001 to almost USD 7.05 billion in 2018 and India ranks as Taiwan’s 14th larg est export destination and 18th largest source of im ports, according to official data.By end of 2018, around 106 Taiwanese companies were operating in India, with the total investment amounting to USD 1.5 bil lion in the fields of informa tion and innomictablishedsameandrizedtionexchanges.ness,sidesinteractions(ITA)upties.tradeTaiwanformaltraining.aspansionsetingics,machinery,automobiletechnology,communicationmedicaldevices,components,steel,electronconstruction,engineerandfinancialservices.ThetwosideshavealsoupteamsforfurtherexoftiesineducationwellasskilldevelopmentIndiadoesnothavediplomatictieswithbutbothsideshaveandpeople-to-peopleIn1995,NewDelhisetIndia-TaipeiAssociationinTaipeitopromotebetweenthetwoandtofacilitatebusitourismandculturalIndia-TaipeiAssociahasalsobeenauthotoprovideallconsularpassportservices.Theyear,TaiwantooestheTaipeiEcoandCulturalCenterDelhi.
KOLKATA, AUG 12 (PTI): Rallies and coun ter rallies over the arrest of TMC leader Anubrata Mondal in a cattle smug gling case kept West Ben gal’s political cauldron on the boil on Friday with the state’s ruling party question ing the impartiality of the probe agency and the oppo sition camps celebrating the triumph of “good over evil”. The CBI on Thursday morning arrested Mondal from his residence in Bolpur area of Birbhum district, for allegedly not cooperating in its probe into the cattle smuggling case. He was later remanded in 10-day custody of the central agency by a special CBI court. The TMC took out protest rallies in various parts of the state on Friday, accusing the CBI and ED of acting as “frontal organisations” of the BJP at the Centre.Carrying posters and placards, TMC’s student and youth wing members rallied in various parts of the state, demanding unbi ased probe by the ED and the CBI. “We have serious doubts about the way cen tral agencies function. We have seen that they maintain silence when it comes to taking action against BJP leaders facing allegations of corruption,” Trinamool Congress Chatra Parishad (TMCP) state president Tri nankur Bhattacharjee said. He claimed that the central agencies go slow when it came to graft cases against BJP leaders. “What about similar cases against BJP leaders, or those who have joined the saffron camp to escape the clutches of investigat ing agencies,” he sought to know. The protest rallies were taken out in several districts of the state, includ ing Mondal’s hometown in Birbhum, as well as East Midnapore, West Mid napore, Purulia, Siliguri, Bankura and Meanwhile,Kolkata.opposition BJP, CPI(M) and Congress organised counter rallies in various parts of the state, rejoicing the arrest, and stat ing that the day was not far when the entire top brass of TMC would be behind bars on corruption charges.
Migrant worker shot dead in J&K’s Bandipora SRINAGAR, AUG 12 (PTI): A migrant worker from Bihar was shot dead by terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir’s Bandipora district, police said onTheFriday.attack took place around midnight, they said. “During intervening night, #terrorists fired upon & injured one outside #labourer Mohd Amrez S/O Mohd Jalil R/O Madhepura Besarh #Bihar at Soadnara Sumbal, #Bandi pora,” the Kashmir Zone Police said on Twitter.Thepolice said Amrez was shifted to a hospital for treatment where he succumbed to injuries. Mohammad Tamheed, who identified himself as Amrez’s brother, said they were sleeping when they heard gunshots around 12:20 am. “We were sleeping and it was 12:20 am when my younger brother woke me up, saying some shots were fired. I told him such things happen, so sleep. But he told me that he will take a look as another brother was not in the“Heroom.went downstairs and saw him (Amrez) covered in blood. We called the Army. They came and took him to Hajin. The doctors there told us to take him to Srinagar, but he suc cumbed on the way,” Tamheed said. Tamheed and Amrez’s col leagues appealed to the government to help them take his body back to Bihar.
India calls to avoid ‘unilateral actions’ to change status quo on Taiwan issue Avoid gatherings on I-Day in view of Covid: Centre Arindam Bagchi
NEW DEL HI, AUG 12 (PTI): The CBI officers who probed the Justice SN Shukla corruption case, booked a retired railway of ficer in connection with Rs 50 lakh bribe, and arrested Navy officers in a corruption case, are among 15 person nel of the agency awarded the Union Home Minister’s Medal for Excellence in Investigation, officials said. Among the winners of the prestigious medal is Deputy SP Surender Kumar Rohilla posted in AC-II wing of the agency, who booked former Allahabad High Court judge SN Shuk la in a corruption case for allegedly favouring a private medicalRohillacollege.was also part of the team which had probed the death of actor Sushant Singh Rajput. Pramod Ku mar, a Deputy SP in AC-I unit, has been awarded the medal for arresting AK Kathpal, a retired principal chief mechanical engineer of the railways, in a bribery case of Rs 50 lakh, they said. Soon after the arrest, the CBI had carried out searches at nine locations, including the residence of Kathpal’s brother, from where Rs 2.75 crore cash was seized. The cash is be lieved to belong to Kathpal. The agency had also recovered 23 kg (approxi mately) of gold during the searches spread across Delhi and Chennai. Deputy SP Kumar Bhaskar from AC-I, who busted a major corrup tion case in Navy in which several former and serving officers were arrested by the agency for favouring a Hyderabad-based company, is among the recipients of the covetedDeputymedal.SPSandeeps ingh Sureshsingh Bhadouri ya posted in the ACB unit of the agency in Gandhi nagar received the medal for exposing corruption by a former joint director of DG of Foreign Trade, while Hemanshu Shah, an Inspec tor in the force received the award for arresting two se nior Enforcement Director ate officers in a bribery case of Rs 5 lakh, they said. The only woman med alist in the list is M Sa sirekha, an Inspector in ACB, Chennai, who got the medal for solving Rs 45 crore Chennai Port Trust scam and arresting Assistant Superintendent of the port S Raghu Bernard for the scam. Other medalists from the agency are Deputy SP Manoj Kumar, Inspectors Sambhaji Nivrutti Murkute, Sridhar D, Satyaveer, Saji Sankar A S, Deepak Kumar, Anuj Kumar, Amit Awd hesh Srivastav and Pradeep KumarTheTripathi.medalhas been in stituted by the Union home ministry to recognise the investigative work of mem bers of central investigating Agencies and state/UT po lice investigating agencies. “The objective for in stitution of the medals for Police investigators is to promote high professional standards of investigation of crime in the State Police and Central Investigating Agencies in the country and to recognise such excellence in investigation by inves tigating officers of Police organisations,” a statement from CBI said.
Recruitment of Academic and Administrative Posts Online applications are invited for various Academic and Administrative Post at IIG. The requisite details etc. and application form are available on the Institute website: https://iigm.res.in/careers/positionvacanciesRegistrar
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TMC questions over probe by agencies; opposition says more arrests on cards Left-wing activists stage a protest demanding resignation of Mamata Banerjee over arrest of TMC’s Anubrata Mondal. (PTI)
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15 CBI officers get Union Home Minister’s medalIndia slams China’s move to block JeM leader as global terrorist CBC 36127/12/0001/2223
NEW DELHI, AUG 12 (PTI): As the country con tinues to record an average of over 15,000 coronavirus cases daily, the Centre has asked States to ensure there are no large gatherings for Independence Day celebra tions and that everyone fol lows Covid protocols. The Union Home Ministry has also conveyed to all States and Union Territories to carry out a ‘Swachh Bharat’ campaign at a prominent location of each district in the state and UT and carry out a fortnight and month-long campaign to keep it ‘Swachh’ through voluntary civil action. In a communication, the ministry said, “As a pre caution, against COVID-19, large congregations in the ceremony be avoided. It is imperative that Covid guidelines are followed”. India added 16,561 new cases taking the total tally of Covid cases to 4,42,23,557, while the active cases dipped to 1,23,535, according to the Union Health Ministry data updated on Friday.
Age Limit: For all AIIMS: Between 18-30 Years. (As per detail on Age relaxation given in General Conditions subject to age Relaxation as per Recruitment rules of respective Institutes/Hospitals.) All age shall be counted on the last date of closing of application form.
• Application Fees of SC/ST candidates who appear in the Examination will be refunded after declaration due India on Friday said it was concerned over the developments around Tai wan and called for avoid ing “unilateral actions” to change the status quo in the region, days after China held its biggest-ever military drills around the self-ruled island following US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to it. In an apparent refer ence to a question on the “One-China” policy at a media briefing, External Affairs Ministry Spokesper son Arindam Bagchi said India’s relevant policies are well-known and they do not require reiteration. It was India’s first reac tion following increasing tension between China and Taiwan after Pelosi’s visit to the island last week. On the overall situation around Taiwan, Bagchi said India is for de-escalation of the tensions and pitched for efforts to maintain peace and stability in the region. “Like many other countries, India too is con cerned at recent develop ments,” he said. “We urge the exercise of restraint, avoidance of unilateral actions to change status quo, de-escalation of tensions and efforts to maintain peace and stability in the region,” Bagchi said. He further said: “In dia’s relevant policies are well-known and consistent. They do not require reitera tion.”China held a mega air and naval exercise around Taiwan following Pelosi’s trip, triggering fears of a ma jor confrontation between the twoChinasides.considers Tai wan as its breakaway prov ince. The Taiwanese govern ment has alleged that China used the military exercise as a practice to attack the country in future. The US has been stead fast in its outreach to Taiwan in the face of increasing Chi nese hostilities and reassur ing Taipei of its continued support.India has been promot ing ties with Taiwan in areas of trade, investment, tour ism, culture, education and people-to-people exchanges.
course of time. Online (CBT) mode Examination Date: 11th September 2022 (Sunday) Please visit AIIMS website www.aiimsexams.ac.in to apply online & for latest information.cbc 17112/12/0019/2223 VJ'S COACHING CENTRE & HOSTEL D.C. COURT Road, Duncan : Dimapur ADMISSION GOING ON * Offer Intensive Coaching for the RepeateRs of * Class-X & XII (Science / Arts) * Hostel Attached for both BOYS and GIRLS (Separately) * SPECIAL HIGHLIGHTS : Hygienic food/Clean & Sanitized Room / 24x7 Power Backup Contact : 03862-248394/9436600530/8257880984 DP-3766/22 DIMAPUR ADMISSION OFFICE MRIU CITY OFFICE , Peseyie Complex Near Christian Hr. Sec. School, Dimapur 7005295385/Call/WhatsApp:7005122887 DB-786/22 DP-3844/22 For 2 Children, Nursery and Class B at Burma Camp, Dimapur. Tuition Hours : 2 Hours after 3 P.M. Tutor Qualification : BA with Kindergarten diploma. Tuition Fee : Negotiable as per experience. Interested person may contact 9402690656 WANTED HOME TUTOR -875/22DB NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 2022 NATIONAL 7 NEW DELHI, AUG 12 (PTI):
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NEW DELHI, AUG 12 (PTI): India on Friday described as “most uncalled for” China blocking a proposal at the UN Security Council to designate Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) deputy chief Abdul Rauf Azhar as a global Reactingterrorist.toChina’s move, Ex ternal Affairs Ministry spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said India has noted with “regret” that a “technical hold” has been placed on the proposal, add ing the international community has been unable to speak in one common voice in fighting terrorism. He asserted that New Delhi will continue to pursue its principled po sition of bringing such terrorists to justice.“It is unfortunate that when it comes to our collective battle against terrorism, the international community has been unable to speak in one com mon voice,” Bagchi said. China on Wednesday put techni cal hold on the joint proposal at the UN Security Council by India and the US to designate the JeM leader, who is the younger brother of the group’s chief Masood Azhar. All other 14 member states of the top UN body supported the proposal. Bagchi said Abdul Rauf is the deputy chief of JeM which is a UN pro scribed entity. He was actively involved in terrorist strikes such as the hijacking of Indian airlines IC 814 in 1999, the attack on the Indian Parliament in 2001 and on an Indian Army camp in Kathua in 2014. “He has been proscribed under Indian and US laws already, and there fore the placing of the ‘technical hold’ against such wanted terrorist is most uncalled for,” Bagchi said. The designation of Abdul Rauf would have resulted in a global travel ban on him as well as requiring Paki stan to freeze his assets. and to cut off his access to weapons and related materials.“India will continue pursuing its principled position of bringing these terrorists to justice, including through the UNSC 1267 Sanctions regime,” Bagchi said. He also referred to com ments by Ruchira Kamboj, India’s Permanent Representative to the UN in New York, during an open debate at the UN Security Council on August 9. Kamboj said there should be no double standards in dealing with ter rorists and that the practice of placing holds and blocks without giving any justification must end. She said it is most regrettable that genuine and evidence-based listing proposals pertaining to some of the most notorious terrorists in the world are being placed on hold. Kamboj said double standards and continuing politi cisation have rendered the credibility of the sanctions regime at an all-time low, Bagchi quoted her as saying.
Online Application is invited for the Nursing Officer Recruitment Common Eligibility Test (NORCET) 2022 for the recruitment of Nursing Officer posts at Level 07 in the Pay Matrix pre-revised Pay Band-2 of Rs.9300-34800 with Grade Pay of Rs.4600/-, Group-B for AIIMS New Delhi and other AIIMS as per available vacancies in the respective Institutes. The On-line applications can be done through AIIMS web site www.aiimsexams.ac.in from 04.08.2022 to 21.08.2022 up to 5:00 P.M. Eligibility Criteria for appearing in NORCET Essential Qualification I a. B.Sc. (Hons.) Nursing / B.Sc. Nursing from an lndian Nursing Council/state Nursing council recognized Institute or University B.Sc.OR (Post-Certificate) / Post-Basic B.Sc. Nursing from an Indian Nursing Council/State Nursing Council recognized Institute/ University. b. Registered as Nurses & Midwife with State / Indian Nursing Council OR II a. Diploma in General Nursing Midwifery from an Indian Nursing Council/State Nursing Council recognized Institute / Board or Council b. Registered as Nurses & Midwife in State / Indian Nursing Council. c. Two Years' Experience in a minimum 50 bedded Hospital after acquiring the educational qualification mentioned above as applicable for all Participating AIIMS.

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Jitendra Singh (From p-1) promotional posts, which should be filled up through promotion of GTs with B.Ed on seniority. The forum maintained that posts of AHM/JEO were not to be recruited through NPSC exam or by any other agencies other than through promotion of GTs with professional degree.It stated that AHM/ JEO posts were “exclusive ly” for the GTs and cannot be shared with anyone. ANGTF said all the concerned aggrieved GTs were mentally prepared to fight against the policy tooth and nail till it was reviewed and restored to the original system of fill ing the vacancy through promotion.Through LDE exer cise, the forum alleged that government was “now sowing the seeds of hatred and division among the teachers” creating distrust between the teaching fra ternity.Itexpressed regret that the government instead of healing the old/preexisting wounds (promo tion stagnation) was trying to enlarge it by applying its divisive policy (LDE) throughTheNPSC.forum cautioned the department that if LDE in its present form was implemented without revi sion, it will lead to super session. It explained that seniors, who had served for 20-30 or more years, would be superseded by juniors of 10 years in service from outside the Further,cadre.the forum maintained that if all the Primary Teachers (PTs) holding graduate degree with PSTE/DEL.ED were allowed to appear the re cruitment exam for the post of AHM/JEO, then their posts should be converted into GTs against the regu lar vacancy of GT because GT is the feeder post to the AHM/ JEO posts in the depart ment promotion hierarchy. The forum also ar gued GTs who possessed Post Graduate degree with B.Ed should be allowed to appear the recruitment exam for the post of Vice Principal by incorporating a provision in the revised Deptt Service Rules if PTs who possessed graduate degree were made eligible to sit for the recruitment exam of AHM/JEO va cancies.Pointing out the “de fective provisions/parts” of the department service Rules 2017, the forum has sought necessary rectifica tions.It also reaffirmed its earlier stand on clearing backlog cases of GTs pro motion stagnation in the department before imple mentation of the new rules. ANGTF has appealed to the competent author ity to put up all its effort to clear the pending cases through promotion and apply the new rule for upcoming anticipated va cancies of AHM& JEO respectively.Meanwhile, the frum has appealed that during ongoing revision, besides LDE, all other controver sial points/bone of con tention/provisions/ defec tives in the current Service Rules, should be removed/ rectified in the interest of the employees of the de partment.
NEW DELHI, AUG 12 (IANS): While India ranks third globally in the startup ecosystem, after the US and China, the country now has close to 49 per cent of startups coming from the tier 2 and 3 cities, Union Minister Jitendra Singh said on Friday.There startups from smaller cities are working in the fields like IT, agriculture, aviation, education, energy, health and space sectors, the Minister said while deliver ing keynote address at “DST StartUp Utsav” here. As per the latest data, there are cur rently 105 unicorns, out of which 44 were born in 2021 and 19 in 2022. “The decade 2021-30 is expected to bring transformational changes for Indian science, technol ogy and innovation (STI),” said the Minister. Dr Singh said that In dia in its 75th year of Inde pendence is now home to as many as 75,000 startups. “Prime Minister Nar endra Modi’s special focus on science, technology and innovation has fired the imagination of the youth in the country to innovate and solve problems with new ideas,” said the Minister. “India ranks third among the most attractive investment destinations for technology transactions in the world as it has a strong focus on science and technology,” he said, add ing that Athe country is actively engaged in emerg ing technologies such as quantum technologies and Artificial Intelligence etc. Even as funding into the Indian startups in the AprilJune quarter slowed down significantly at about $7 bil lion compared to about $10 billion in the corresponding period in the previous year, most entrepreneurs in the country remain unfazed.
(From p-1) Imchen maintained that the intention of the Finance department was to release salaries on the first day of every month, but the State needs the resources to doWithit. regard to the loans acquired by the gov ernment, he said over and above the available resourc es, the government has also been going for open market borrowings, which keeps on accumulating and at the same time the state contin ues toHe,repay.however, said that as compared to other States, Nagaland’s financial posi tion was not that bad so as to prompt the Centre to impose an embargo. (From p-1) that the State govern ment was trying to pro mote the campaign through various means for people to participate in the initiative. He said Nagaland had sought 4.5 lakh flags, of which 4.4 lakh flags had been received and distrib uted to various districts, while the administrative officials were coordinating with locals at villages to encourage them to be a part of theNeikhacampaign.informed the gathering that deputy com missioners (DCs) had also written to various villages urging them to celebrate the event by paying Rs 20 for the flag and spread awareness to encourage everyone to take part in the celebration.Inhisaddress, techni cal education and election adviser Medo Yhokha said various activities were be ing organised throughout the country as a prelude to the commemoration of the 75 years of India’s independence.Heclaimed that the activities included the vi sion, commitment and de termination of Prime Min ister Narendra Modi that India would soon become a world power and lead the global community in re sponding to all challenges. The programme was chaired by chief secretary J Alam, while principal secretary (home) Abhijit Sinha proposed the vote of thanks.
ANGTF urges state govt to review LDE
MUMBAI, AUG 12 (IANS): India’s headline retail inflation rate, as mea sured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI), eased to 6.71 per cent in July, as compared to 7.01 per cent in June, according to the data released by the Ministry of Statistics and remainedinflationmodityedibleattributedImplementation.PragrammeEasinginflationcanbetopricecutsonoilandeasingcompricesglobally.EventhoughtheCPIhaseased,itstillabovetheReserve Bank of India’s (RBI) upper tolerance band. The overall goods in flation came in at 6.75 per cent as compared to 7.75 per cent in the previous month, while, inflation in vegetables was at 10.9 per cent in July. Fuel and light inflation came in at 11.76 per cent. Disruption in supply chain due to Russia-Ukraine war is pressurising domestic inflation.Last week, the central bank has hike repo rate by 50 basis points to tame infla tion, but kept the inflation forecast“Withunchanged.inflation ex pected to remain above the upper threshold in Q2 and Q3, the MPC stressed that sustained high infla tion could destabilise infla tion expectations and harm growth in the medium term. The MPC, therefore, judged that further calibrated with drawal of monetary accom modation is warranted to keep inflation expectations anchored and contain the second-round effects,” RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das said during the monetary policyThereview.RBI projected in flation is at 6.7 per cent in 2022-23, with Q2 at 7.1 per cent, Q3 at 6.4 per cent, and Q4 at 5.8 per cent, with risks evenly balanced. CPI inflation for Q1:2023-24 is projected at 5 per cent. Meanwhile, India’s in dustrial growth, as per the Index of Industrial Produc tion (IIP), fell to 12.3 per cent in June against 19.6 per cent in May.
49% Indian startups now from tier 2, 3 cities: Jitendra Singh
NEW DELHI, AUG 11 (PTI): Income tax payers will not be allowed to enrol in the government’s social security scheme Atal Pen sion Yojana (APY) from October 1, according to a notification.Thegovernment in troduced APY on June 1, 2015, to provide social security to workers mainly in the unorganised sector. Subscribers of the scheme get a minimum guaranteed pension of Rs 1,000 to Rs 5,000 per month after attaining 60 years of age depending on their contri butions.“... from 1st October 2022, any citizen who is or has been an income tax payer, shall not be eligible to join APY,” the finance min istry said in the notification. The ministry has mod ified its earlier notification on APY.The new notification, issued on Wednesday, will not apply to subscribers who have joined or joins the scheme before October 1, 2022.In case a subscriber, who joined on or after Oc tober 1, 2022, is subse quently found to have been an income tax payer on or before the date of appli cation, the APY account shall be closed and the ac cumulated pension wealth till date would be given to the subscriber, the notifica tion said.Under the income tax law, people having taxable income of up to Rs 2.5 lakh are not required to pay income tax. Currently, all Indian citizens between the age group of 18-40 years can join APY through bank or post office branches where one has the savings bankTheaccount.government had co-contributed 50 per cent of the total contribution or Rs 1,000 per annum, whichever is lower, to each eligible subscriber, who joined the scheme during the period from June 2015 to March 2016. It was also subject to the condition that the subscriber was not a beneficiary of any social security scheme and also not an income tax payer.
Ghazipur Vegetable market in New Delhi. (Express Photo by Praveen Khanna)
Vacancy! Looking for 3 Boys & 2 Girls for caR WaSH and caR DETaILInG PJ CAR CARE BODY AND PAINT WORKSHOP Near Cornerstone Hr. Sec. School, Tajen Ao Road, Duncan Basti, Dimapur-797113 Salary - Rs. 6K Monthly More Information Manager : 7005239667,8798508739 LandUrgentForSaLe at Dimapur, Interested persons Please contact : 9863227620 DP-3839/22 For SaLe BuildingcommercialwithLand Main Town – Blue Hill, Eros Colony Land Building8523Measuringsq.ft.Rentpermonth=Rs.1LakhPlus No Brokers Please contact : 8837338807 DP-3843/22 LAND FOR SALE 1. Padumpukhuri 40 Mtrs away from National Highway 2. naharbari : Highway Touched 3. 2½ Mile : 2 Minutes from National Highway (i) 50 x 110 (ii) 60 x 90 4. aoyim No Brokers contact no : 9862954673 -3784/22DP MOUnT MaRy acaDEMy cHUMUKEDIMa : naGaLanD NCTE Approved B.Ed./M.Ed. Admission Last opportunity to pursue UGc/ncTE approved B. Ed. course from andhra Pradesh. NIOS/BBOSE 10th & 12th, BA/B.Sc./B.Com/ Fine Arts/ MA/M.Com/M.Lib. & many more 8729880618 Db-486/22 LanD fOR SaLE nepali Kashiram Near Sarbura School Any size available 6009141428/8787429147 -3612/22DP TEacHER POST 1. Headmistress B.Ed./5+ years exp./CBSE/ICSE 2. Science Teacher B.Sc./Bed./2+ yrs exp./CBSE 3. Montessori Teacher SMS- Full Name, Edu, Exp. Dimapur: 9366315813 DP-3820/22 LanD fOR SaLE at Diphupar, chumukedima Genuine Buyers Please Contact : 9612994363 DP-3808/22 FOR SALE FORTUNER 2011, 2013 BOLERO POWER + 2017, 2018 BOLERO ZLX 2018 BOLERO SLX DTI 2017 BOLERO SLX 2012, 2013, 2014 SCORPIO S11 2018 SCORPIO M.HAWK 2012 RENAULT TRIBER 2 months old RENAULT KIGER 2021 NISSAN KICK 2020 BREEZA 2016 RENAULT KWID 2016 MAGNET 3 months old TATA NEXON 2018 TATA PIAGO 2018 BALENO 2019 i20 2014 i10 2014 WAGON R 2020 ALTO 800 LXI 2013, 2016, 2017 WAGON R 2012 BOLERO PIC UP 2017, 2018 GYPSY E-III # 9774699215 / 9856313752 DP-3846/22 db-879/22 ACROSS 1 Run aground (6) 7 Australian city (8) 8 Abominable snow man (4) 10 Planet (6) 11 Find (6) 14 Managed (3) 16 Landed estate (5) 17 Crazes (4) 19 Boy’s name (5) 21 Cheroot (5) 22 Of the moon (5) 23 Gaming cubes (4) 26 Snake (5) 28 Ventilate (3) 29 Cream cake (6) 30 Illusion (6) 31 Paradise (4) 32 Confident (8) 33 Cauldron (6) DOWN 1 Untidy person (6) 2 Stadia (6) 3 Podium (4) 4 Type of loaf (7) 5 Giant (5) 6 Underground drain (5) 8 Unit of length (4) 9 Beer cask (3) 12 Vehicle (3) 13 Poisonous (5) 15 Lawful (5) 18 Garret (5) 19 Narrow brooch (3) 20 Pitch (3) 21 Inquisitive (7) 22 Meadow (3) 23 Straightforward (6) 24 Country (4) 25 Appear (6) 26 Poetry (5) 27 Cheap wine (5) 28 Help (3) 30 Humble (4) Crossword No. 10361 Yesterday’s solution No. 10360 Su doku No. 4983 Yesterday’s solution No. 4982 KAKURO No. 4007 Yesterday’s solution No. 4006 8 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 2022BUSINESS/STATE
State govt to release salaries by Aug 16
Income tax payers barred from enrolling in Atal Pension Yojana from October 1
GST on rent for business entities, govt clarifies pers on for personal use, and not even when the pro prietor or partner of a firm wants to rent a residence for personal“Rentinguse. of residential units taxable only when it is rented to a business entity. No GST when it is rented to a private person for per sonal use. No GST even if the proprietor or partner of a firm rents residence for personal use,” PIB Fact Check tweeted from its of ficialGSThandle.registration is needed when any person carries on business or pro fession and makes an an nual turnover more than the threshold limit defined under the GST law.
NEW DELHI, AUG 12 (IANS): The Centre on Friday issued a clarification regarding GST on house rent, noting renting of a residential unit is taxable only when it is given to a businessRespondingentity. to news reports, claiming that ten ants would now have to pay 18 per cent Goods and Ser vices Tax (GST) on house rent, the Government’s of ficial fact-checker said such claims were misleading. PIB Fact Check clari fied on Twitter that there would be no GST when a house is rented to a private
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CPI inflation eases to 6.71% in July; IIP falls to 12.3%
Rio calls for befitting celebration to mark 75 years of independence

MOSCOW, AUG 12 (IANS): Jailed Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny has set up a trade union within the penal colony where he is being held in what many see as punishment for his sustained opposition to the Russian rights,”adifferent.labourofguardsaresewer.I’mreportstherepresentwouldthoughpeopletationstepday.histiaryemployedlabourleader“Hi,government.thisisNavalny,andfounderoftheunionofcitizensinthepenitensystem‘Promzona’,”teamtweetedonThursNavalnyexplainedhiswasduetotheexploiofaround600,000inRussia’sprisons,headdedthathealsobehappytotheinterestsofguards,too,ifneeded,dpanewsagency.“Imean,whynot?acolonyworker.AAndotherconvictsworkers,too.Andthearealsoemployeesthecolony.IntermsofrightswearenoWecanformuniontoprotectourhesaid.
Navalny sets up one-man trade union in Russian prison camp Alexei Navalny
Medical workers transfer a child from Gaza, who was injured during the recent Israeli airstrikes, to a hospital.
AL Chief Sheikh Hasina has asked her party leaders and work ers to fight against any such conspiracies to create unrest and trouble in the country such as BNP -Ja maat’s targeted bombing on public buses and attack on law enforcers back in 2013 when the party boy cotted the election and later carried out such violent attacks both to foil the war crimes’ trial and bring down the Hasina-led gov ernment.These threats from prominent BNP leaders comes within a month fol lowing an earlier warning by BNP’s Volunteer Wing Secretary, who threatened Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina with “a re peat of 1975,” referring to the massacre of her entire family in a military coup at that time.Such repeated threats by the BNP have com pelled the Bangladesh Home Ministry to take a serious view because the month of August evokes grim memories of the 1975 coup that killed the whole family of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the founder of the country and ‘Father of the Nation’. Sheikh Mujibur Rah man’s daughters Sheikh Hasina and Sheikh Rehana survived the attack as they were protected by the then Indian Prime Minister In dira Gandhi.
SEOUL, AUG 12 (AP): Samsung’s de-facto leader secured a pardon Friday of his conviction for bribing a former president in a corrup tion scandal that toppled a previous South Korean gov ernment, an act of leniency that underscored the tech company’s huge influence in theLeenation.Jae-yong’s pardon is partially symbolic since he was released on parole a year ago after serving 18 months of a prison term that would have ended in July, and critics say the billionaire has remained in control of Samsung even while behind bars. Still, the pardon will allow the heir to the elec tronics juggernaut to fully resume his management du ties and could make it easier for the company to pursue investments and mergers. The Justice Ministry said President Yoon Suk Yeol, who as a prosecutor investigated the corruption scandal involving Lee, will issue the pardon Monday, a national holiday when some 1,700 people are set to receive clemency, including other top business leaders. Lee, 54, was convicted in 2017 of bribing former President Park Geun-hye and her close confidante to win government sup port for a merger between two Samsung affiliates that tightened Lee’s control over the corporate empire. Park and the confidante were also convicted in the scan dal, which enraged South Koreans, who staged mas sive protests for months demanding an end to the shady ties between business and politics. The demonstra tions eventually led to Park’s ouster from Whileoffice.some civic groups criticized the deci sion, recent opinion polls have indicated South Kore ans - years removed from the protests in 2016 and 2017largely favored granting Lee a pardon. That reflects the continuing hold Samsung has in a country where it makes not just smartphones and TVs but also issues credit cards, builds luxury apartment buildings and runs the country’s most sought-afterBusinesshospital.leaders and politicians had also called for Lee’s pardon, which they said would allow Samsung, one of the world’s largest makers of computer mem ory chips and smartphones, to be bolder and quicker in business decisions by fully reinstating his rights to run the business empire. Justice Minister Han Dong-hoon said the pardons of the business tycoons were aimed at “overcoming the economic crisis through en couraging business activity” at a time when South Kore ans are grappling with rising prices, high personal debt and a faltering job market. Lee’s detractors say he already fully resumed his management duties once out on parole - even though South Korea’s law bans people convicted of major financial crimes from re turning to work for five years following the end of their sentences. Former Justice Minister Park Beom-kye defended Lee’s involvement in Samsung’s management, insisting that his activities weren’t in violation of the ban because the billionaire wasn’t receiving wages from Samsung.Inastatement released through Samsung, Lee said he was grateful for “receiv ing an opportunity to start anew.”
“I want to express my apologies for causing concerns for many people because of my shortcom ings. I will work even harder to fulfill my responsibilities and duties as a businessper son,” Lee said. Lee still faces a sepa rate trial on charges of stock price manipulation and au diting violations related to the 2015Amongmerger.others set to be pardoned is Lotte Group Chairman Shin Dong-bin, who received a suspended prison term in 2018 on simi lar charges of bribing Park, whom then-President Moon Jae-in pardoned in Decem ber. Chang Sae-joo, chair man of Dongkuk Steel Mill, and former STX Group Chairman Kang Duk-soo will also receive clemency. A coalition of civic groups, including People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy, issued a state ment criticizing the move to pardon the business leaders, accusing Yoon of cozying up to “chaebol,” referring to the family-owned conglom erates that dominate the country’s economy.
S Korea to pardon Samsung’s Lee in graft case
Lee Jae-yong
GENEVA, AUG 12 (IANS): UN High Com missioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet has expressed alarm at the high number of Palestin ians, including children, killed and injured in the latest escalation in Gaza. “Inflicting hurt on any child during the course of conflict is deeply dis turbing, and the killing and maiming of so many chil dren this year is unconscio nable,” said Bachelet in a media statement issued on Thursday.TheUN human rights office said on Thursday that it has verified 48 Pales tinian deaths in last week’s violence from August 5 to 7. Among them at least 22 were civilians, including 17 children and four women, Xinhua news agency re ported.Figures from the UN human rights office also showed that in the past week, 19 Palestinian chil dren have been killed in the occupied Palestinian ter ritory, bringing the death
Armed man killed after trying to breach FBI office
Salman Rushdie stabbed onstage at New York event
FBI officials gather outside the FBI building in Cincinnati. charged with any crimes in connection with the January 6 attack, the official said. Federal investigators are examining whether Shiffer may have had ties to far-right extremist groups, including the Proud Boys, the officialShiffersaid.“attempted to breach” the visitor’s screen ing area at the FBI office at around 9:15 am, and fled when agents confronted him, according to federal authorities’ account of the incident.After fleeing onto In terstate 71, he was spotted by a trooper and fired shots as the trooper pursued him, said Lt Nathan Dennis, a Ohio State Highway Patrol spokesperson, at a press conference.Shiffer left the inter state north of Cincinnati and abandoned his car on rural roads, where he ex changed gunfire with po lice and sustained injuries, though no one else was hurt, DennisShiffersaid. was shot af ter he raised a gun toward police at around 3 pm on Thursday, Dennis said. The fatal encounter with police happened after negotia tions failed and police tried unsuccessfully to use “less lethal tactics”, Dennis said, without providing details. State highway workers blocked off roads leading to the scene as a helicopter flew over the area. Officials locked down a mile radius near the interstate and urged residents and business own ers to lock doors and stay inside. The interstate has been Therereopened.have been grow ing threats in recent days against FBI agents and offic es across the country since federal agents executed a search warrant at Mar-aLago. On Gab, a social me dia site popular with white supremacists and antisem ites, users have warned they are preparing for an armed revolution.Federal officials have also been tracking an array of other concerning chat ter on Gab and other plat forms threatening violence against federal agents. FBI Director Christopher Wray denounced the threats as he visited another FBI office in Nebraska on Wednesdayupsetswer,enforcement“ViolenceWednesday.againstlawisnottheannomatterwhoyouarewith,”WraysaidoninOmaha.
WILMINGTON (US), AUG 12 (AP): An armed man clad in body armour who tried to breach the FBI’s Cincinnati office on Thursday was shot and killed by police after he fled the scene and engaged in an hours-long standoff in a ru ral part of the state, the Ohio State Highway Patrol said. The confrontation came as officials warned of an increase in threats against federal agents in the days following a search of former US president Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida.Theman is believed to have been in Washington in the days leading up to the January 6, 2021 insurrection and may have been present at the Capitol on the day of the attack, according to a law enforcement official briefed on the matter. The official could not discuss details of the investigation publicly and spoke on condi tion ofTheanonymity.suspectwas identi fied as Ricky Shiffer, 42, ac cording to the law enforce ment official. He was not
Initially, the 45-yearold opposition figure not ed, the camp administra tion viewed his formal application as a joke before declaring it “Normally,“illegal”.you could easily get killed in prison for something like that,” he said in one of a series of tweets.Navalny reflected on the fact that in the past he has encouraged others to form trade unions, so he ought to do so too, he said, “even if it is in the most dangerous place to do it, where strikes, disobedience and gatherings are explic itly forbidden”.
DHAKA, AUG 12 (IANS): A fresh controver sial row has erupted after a top Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) leader told his followers that his party was preparing for violent street protests to oust the ruling Awami League (AL) gov ernment led by Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina rather than fight it politically in elections. “By all means we should not face election -- we do find the latest move by the Election Com mission to reach out to us satisfactory but we won’t fight any election,” said prominent BNP leader MirzaHowever,Abbas.
UN rights chief alarmed by heavy casualties in latest escalation in Gaza toll since the start of this year to The37.office noted that while the ceasefire for the latest escalation in Gaza is holding, tensions re main very high in the West Bank, where four Palestin ians were killed and 90 others were injured by live ammunition on August 9. “The situation in Pal estine is extremely fragile, and events such as in Nab lus risk igniting further hostilities in Gaza. The utmost restraint is neces sary to prevent further bloodshed, including by ensuring that firearms are used strictly in compli ance with international standards,” the UN rights Chief said.
NEW YORK, AUG 12 (PTI): Salman Rushdie, the Mumbai-born author of the Booker Prize-win ning novel ‘Midnight’s Children’, was stabbed and suffered a neck wound when a man stormed the stage during an event here on Friday while he was getting ready to deliver a lecture, New York Police said. Rushdie, 75, who suf fered years of death threats for his controversial book titled ‘The Satanic Verses’, fell through a barrier to the stage and was seen with blood on his hands. The audience tackled the attacker and Rushdie was then treated onstage following the assault at the event of the Chautauqua Institution in Western New York. “State Police are investigating an attack on author Salman Rushdie prior to a speaking event at the Chautauqua Institu tion in Chautauqua, NY. On August 12, 2022, at about 11 a.m., a male sus pect ran up onto the stage and attacked Rushdie and an interviewer. Rushdie suffered an apparent stab wound to the neck, and was transported by heli copter to an area hospital. His condition is not yet known,” New York Police said in a “Thestatement.interviewer suf fered a minor head injury. A State Trooper assigned to the event immediate ly took the suspect into custody. The Chautauqua County Sheriff’s Office as sisted at the scene,” it said. Rushdie’s fourth book, in 1988 - The Satanic Verses - forced him into hiding for nine years. A year after the book’s publication, Iran’s Su preme Leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini called for Rushdie’s execution for publishing the book for its blasphemous content.
Salman Rushdie is tended to after he was attacked on Friday. (AP/PTI)
BNP leader threatens violent ‘street battles’ in Bangladesh

What Is an Addictive Personality? An addictive personality is a set of traits that make you more likely to develop substance use disorder or other addictions. When you have an addictive person ality, behaviors that start innocently can spiral out of control.An addictive personality isn’t a diagnosable con dition but recognizing common signs of an addictive personality can help you acknowledge or avoid problems. Read on to see if you recognize these 10 common ad dictive personality signs. You’re Impulsive Do you often make decisions without thinking about the consequences? Maybe you frequently buy more than you can afford or lose your temper. If you tend to make hasty decisions or feel out of control, you might be impulsive, and impulsivity is a common sign of an addictive personality. You’re Sensory Seeking Seeking out new or intense experiences can lead to a healthy sense of adventure — you may be more likely to travel or try new foods, for example — but it can also be part of an addictive personality. In a 2015 study, adolescents who were considered sensory seeking were significantly more likely to try addictive substances. You’re Secretive About Your Behaviors It’s normal to want privacy sometimes, but if you’re secretly indulging in behaviors you feel bad about, it may suggest an addictive personality. Secrecy is a common trait of substance use disorder but secretive behavior can also be a red flag for activities like gambling, shopping, and video games. You’re a Rebel People who march to the beat of their own drums are often natural leaders or artists. Still, non-conformists may also be more likely to engage in risky behaviors. If you struggle to follow rules — even rules you’ve set for yourself — it may be harder to keep healthy boundaries around addictive behaviors and substances. You’re Obsessive If you obsess over things and have difficulty dis tracting yourself, you may have more difficulty breaking unhealthy habits, making this an addictive personality trait.For people with obsessive-compulsive disorder, some estimates put the rate of co-occurring substance use disorder as high as 40%. You Have a History of Anxiety or Depression People with anxiety or depression are two to three times more likely to have a substance use disorder than the generalAnxietypopulation.ordepression can lead people to use ad dictive substances to try to control their symptoms - like someone with social anxiety having too many drinks. You Have Low Self Esteem
by Charles Crezen and managed under the banner of Visual Notes Entertain ment. who have amazing dreams and aims.Thesecond single was released the same month, “Mongken (Beloved)”, which earned high acco lades from the fans. After a year gap, they released a new single “Soni ye”, which was released worldwide, across all digital platforms such as Spotify, iTunes, AmazonMusic and Ganna, Savaan and many more platforms. The song is hoped to make a huge comeback for the band. The band is also working on another Nagamese song written and produced by the member of the band Akun Wanghum titled “Sundur Ase”. The band is managed Miss Dimapur 2022, Jine Singh flanked by four princeses. (NP)
(MedicallyReviewedbyCarmelitaSwiner,MD) You’re Reward Driven If you have a high risk, high reward attitude, you may be a natural entrepreneur, but you might also have an addictive personality. People who are reward-motivated may be more likely to engage in risky behaviors. A 2016 study showed cocaine users were more highly motivated to achieve rewards than the general population. You Have ADHD If you have ADHD, you’re two to four times more likely to develop a substance use disorder. The link between substance use disorder and ADHD continues to be studied, but brain differences that affect impulse control and reward systems likely play a role. You Have a Family History of Addiction A family history of addiction is a significant risk factor, and both genetics and environment contribute. If you have family members who struggle with addic tion, you might have inherited traits that make you moreForsusceptible.example, children of alcoholics are four times more likely to develop substance use disorder than the general population. 5 Minutes Band, in col laboration with a re nowned professional singer, song writer, actor, producer, director, com poser and an entrepreneur, Sunep Lemtur, released a new Hindi single titled, “Wrong Number” on Au gust 55. Minutes Band is a boy-band formed in the year 2017 from Nagaland comprising four members: Joseph Konyak, Hentick Konyak, Akun Wanghum, YenwangHavingKonyak.acommon goal and passion for music especially in Hindi Music, the four friends decided to work together as a band and released their first song which was a mash up of popular Bollywood and EnglishWrittensongs. and com posed by the band and Lemtur, the new single is now streaming online on Lemtur’s official YouTube channel that has garnered over 129k views. The music was pro duced and mixed by Wangching Vamnokhu, while cinematography was carried out by Tony As sumi (Live Master). Their first official sin gle “Udaan – A flight” re leased on February 7, 2020 focused on the younger generation and children As the entire nation celebrate 75th Independence Day, “Aazadi Ka Amrit Mahaotsav”, Imna Yaden pays tribute to all men and women in uniform through a song Teri Mitti (cover) released on his official Youtube channel IMNA YADEN on August 12.
10 signs you may have an addictive personality
5 Minutes Band & Sunep Lemtur release new Hindi singleJine Singh crowned Miss Dimapur 2022
A 21-year-old, Jine Singh was crowned Miss Dimapur 2022 at a glittering finale held on Friday evening at IMC hall, Dimapur. Organised by the Ethnic Group of Nagaland (EGoN), 15 finalists vied for this year’s prestigious crown.Singh, won the crown to a final question that was posed, “What do you think is the biggest problem facing the young people today?” According to her, the young people today are facing lack of confidence. “Don’t look down on your self. Just because some body says you cannot do it, doesn’t mean you can’t. Be lieve in yourself and you can achieve it,” Singh said to a huge cheer from the crowd. This year, EGoN selected five winners, where the first princess was adjudged to Choichoi Lhoujem, second princess - Visakou, third princess - Hanlunchi and the fourth princess - Apokla Pongen. The subtitle win ners were: Miss Talent - Li hyeih T Konyak; Miss Per sonality - Jine Singh; Miss Style Icon of the year 2022 - Jine Singh; Miss Fresh Face - Hanluchi; Miss Fit ness - Alovi Achumi; Miss Viewers’ Choice - Choichoi Lhoujem.Thewinner received a cash prize of Rs. 50,000/along with gift hampers and other contracts, while 4 princesses (top 5) received gift hampers by EGoN and Native Beads Dimapur. Top 10 finalists were also given gift hampers by World of Titan.Earlier during the event, guest of honour, ad visor for Prison, Printing & Stationary, Government of Nagaland, H Haying con gratulated EGoN for giving a platform to the youths through such pageantry events. He stated that when one talks about beauty pag eant, many a times, we often get drawn away by the outer beauty and the physical ap pearances that are visible to the eyes. “And we often overlook the most important essence in a woman.”
k-1839/22 dP-3847/22
The Sumi Totimi Hoho extends its heartiest congratulations to Hikali. Achumi, Miss Sumi 2022 'Silver Queen' for having topped the B.Tech in Civil Engineering department with the CGPA 8.76 under Kaziranga University Guwahati.Youmade us all proud, keep a similar fearlessness and certainty to confront the difficulties of life. May God favour you with progress and bottomless bliss. Kheholi. Assumi Ilokali. Yeptho President Media Secretary HIYAM SUMI TOTIMI HOHO OKING Opp. D.C.Office Project Zunheboto:Nagaland-798620Colony db-878/22
It may be noted that this is the second year that Jine Singh has contested in Miss. Dimapur, last time being in the year 2018. The programme was hosted by Imli Lee, show directed by Mister India International 2012, Obang Jamir, special performances by students of Tetso College and ushered by students of Emporium Skill and Train ing Institute, Dimapur. The judges were Toshi zen, Lolano Patron, Zhanuo Metha Konyak, Ayangla Toko Longkumer and Avitoli H Yeptho. (Staff Reporter)
If you feel bad about yourself, you may feel driven to do things to make yourself feel better — even things that aren’t healthy. A 2014 study found that college students with low self-esteem were at higher risk for internet addiction than the general population.

significance of 0.01 micro seconds,” she added. Hima Das missed the finals at CWG this time by a whisker. The ace sprinter said that her focus is now not happy with women wrestlers’ show at CWG
HimaDas WFI
GUWAHATI, AUG 12 (IANS): India’s ace sprint er Hima Das has missed the medal at the Com monwealth Games but the 22-year-old said that she is satisfied with her perfor mance in “EvenBirmingham.thoughIwas not able to bring home a medal, I am satisfied with my performance as an ath lete,” Hima told mediaper sons in SheGuwahati.saiditwas her first big international tour nament after the injury. Hima sustained a ham string injury while running 100m heats during the Na tional Inter-State Athletics Championships in June last year.“Ihad to put a lot of effort to recover from my injury. But it gave me the incredible mental strength to perform at the highest level against athletes from powerhouse countries. I always run for my time but now I am aware of the NE W DELHI, AUG 12 (PTI): The national federa tion is not pleased that four Indian women wrestlers could not take advantage of a weak field at the recentlyconcluded Commonwealth Games and missed out on gold medals.All12Indian wrestlers won medals at the Games, returning with six gold, a silver and five bronze. From among women, only Vinesh Phogat and Sakshi Malik won gold while Anshu Malik, who was also a gold medal favou rite, returned with silver in 57kg Poojacategory.Gehlot (50kg), Divya Kakran (68kg) and Pooja Sihag (76kg) settled for silver despite a thin and weakInfield.the 50kg category, only six wrestlers competed. Pooja lost her bout to Cana da’s Madison Bianca Parks before winning the bronze play-off.The 76kg category had eight wrestlers while the 68kg class featured nine wrestlers, where minnows like Bangladesh, Mauritius, Cameroon, Tonga and New Zealand were part of the field.The only worthy com petitor for Divya was Nige ria’s Blessing Oborududu, the Tokyo Olympics silver medallist.Divya c ould hardly pose a chall enge to her, failing to score a single point and later overpowered Vinesh Phogat and Sofia Mattson in action. (United World Wrestling / Tony Rotundo)
MYK C MYK C List of Participants selected for State Handloom Exhibition at Urban Haat, Dimapur w.e.f. 17th August to 30th August 2022. Sl.No Name of Applicant Address 1 Lakshmi SHG Assam 2 Geolang SHG Assam 3 Kunja Lata das Assam 4 Maa Kali creation Assam 5 Tushar Ranjan Saikia Assam 6 Rupali Phangcho Boro Assam 7 Gitima Bharali Kalita Assam 8 Runamani Senchowa Assam 9 Mutum Jugindro Singh Manipur 10 Thiyam chanu dayabati Manipur 11 Mayanglambam Bijenti chanu Manipur 12 Asenla Imsong dimapur 13 Minching Konyak Mon Town 14 Apenla Longkumer Mokokchung 15 Tiasangla Mokokchung 16 Tiamoa Tzudir Mokokchung 17 Odimenla Mokokchung 18 Tohuto V Yeptho Kohima 19 Ashom Mon Town 20 Onensenla Mokokchung 21 Alemla H dimapur 22 Tohoni dimapur 23 Kihito Assumi dimapur 24 E. Merry Phom Longleng 25 Nungsangmenla Tuli Town 26 Sanelu Shijo Phek Town 27 Moatemjen chumukedima 28 Akanginla changtongya Town 29 Imsurenla changtongya Town 30 Toshinaro changtongya Town 31 Watlong Konyak Mon Town 32 Kelhouziengu U Mechulho Kohima 33 choimei Nyiam Kohima 34 N. Yungmoi Longleng 35 Likhumla Sangtam Kiphire 36 Botoholi S Zhimo Zunheboto 37 Temjensangla Mokokchung 38 Haiyale Kent Kohima 39 Kughaholi K Kiba Niuland 40 K. Hesheli Sema Zunheboto 41 Yungnyu Phom Longleng 42 Kivito Sema Niuland 43 Vimeshunuo Sophie Kohima 44 T. Moichila Phom Longleng 45 Bendangnaro Mokokchung 46 Asenla Imsong dimapur 47 Ozunglemla Kohima 48 Imyatetla Mokokchung 49 Anne Yeptho Zunheboto 50 Sushila Posomothari dimapur 51 Satemrenla Jamir Mokokchung 52 Limala Kohima 53 Pangla Phom Kohima 54 N. Kaheli Zunheboto 55 Tokato H Yeptho Niuland 56 M. Shongna Mon Town 57 Ahuto Awomi Zunheboto 58 Longrila Anar Kiphire 59 Holito Zunheboto 60 L. Toimei Longleng NB:- 1. The selected participants are directed to report to the exhibition at Urban Haat, dimapur at 7 a.m. 2. The participants are directed to keep their exhibits in their respective stall under lock & key. The office shall not be held responsible in case of any losses/theft. 3. Selected participants are informed to strictly follow cOVId SOP and reach at scheduled time. In case of failure, appropriate action will be taken. Sd/(ZAKABO V ROTOKHA) NCS Managing Directordc-916/22 dc-915/22 dc-915/22 NB:dc-916/22 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 2022 SPORTS 11
Satisfied with my performance in CWG 2022: Hima Das on the upcoming Asian Games in the Chinese city of Hangzhou.HimaDas became a sensation when she won the 2018 World Juniors’ gold in the 400m race in Tampere.However, she clarified that she would participate in the 200m event at the Asian games. The Indian sprinter failed to qualify for the final of the women’s 200m at the recently con cluded CWG event. poor Blandine Nyeh Ngiri from Cameroon to claim a bronze.Interestingly, Divya has been demanding ‘respect and support’ from the Delhi government, though she began to represent Uttar Pradesh from 2018 onwards. However, the biggest disappointment for the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) is that talented Anshu Malik could not win gold in Anshu57kg.had a good final opponent in African cham pion Odunayo Folasade Adekuoroye, who is seven years older than the Nidani woman.“It was not a great show by our women wres tlers. If you are not winning such a weak field, what it re flects on your performance,” said one official of the WFI. “We are going to sit with the wrestlers and re view the performance. An shu could not even launch a proper attack against a much older opponent. Wrestlers must think about it. “India is certainly a powerhouse in CWG but I don’t think it reflected properly in our results,” the officialHowever,added. there is little WFI can do about it. All the wrestlers earned their places in the Indian squad after winning the trials.
UBC badmintonhoststourney
DIM APUR, AUG 12 (NPN): United Baptist Church (UBC), Chotto Lengri, hosted the 1st UBC Badminton tournament at SM College Indoor Sta dium on Friday. In a press release sent by United Baptist Church, the tournament was con ducted in two events- Men’s double and Veteran and was participated by more than 34 Theteams.tournament was graced by president, Rotary club, Dimapur, Er. Manish Jain as special guest. In his speech, Er. Manish Jain emphasised on sports as a vital activity for maintaining physical and mental aspect. He also declared the tournament open.

DIMAPUR, AUG 12 (NPN): Renowned inter national Taekwon-do in structor, Israel G. Xuivi for his outstanding perfor mance and achievements in Taekwon-do has been invited to Jersey City, USA for the historic ceremony of official induction in the Hall of Fame on August 19, 2022.Israel, who is also a Limca book of record holder in kicking, has been tagged as “Outstanding ITF taekwondo champion” and has been recognized for his contribution to the martial arts fraternity, es pecially as the founder of “Naga Kiti-Do”, the Naga indigenous Martial Arts. This was stated in a press release issued by Na galand Taekwon-do Fed eration, president, Otoka H. Yeptho. It may be men tioned that the Hall of Fame is the highest honour one can achieve in the Mar tial Art/ Olympic sport of Taekwon-do and has inducted many renowned personalities of World Masters from the various international taekwondo organisations.Meanwhile, Nagaland Taekwon-do federation (NTF) congratulated Mas ter Israel G. Xuivi, the father of ITF Taekwon-do in Nagaland for his great est achievement. NTF ex pressed best wishes for the historic ceremony and fur ther wished Master Israel and his wife a safe journey.
NOPG men’s football from Aug 17 DIMAPUR, AUG 12 (NPN): Nagaland Olympic and Paralympic (NOPG) 2022 organising committee has an nounced that men’s football event will commence from August 17 at IG Stadium, Kohima. The teams have been divided into four groups: Group A- Dimapur, Wokha, Zunheboto and Peren; Group B- Shamator, Tuensang, Mon and Kohima; Group C- Tseminyu, Kiphire, Noklak, Mokokchung; Group DPhek, Chümoukedima, Longleng and Niuland.
Inaugural edition of Women’s IPL to be held in March 2023 potential investors. In due course of time, the process of auctioning of teams will be announced,” he added. Both BCCI president Sourav Ganguly and sec retary Jay Shah in separate interviews to PTI had earlier confirmed that 2023 is the year when WIPL would start.A lot of cricket lovers believe that WIPL will bring in a revolution and the stan dard of women’s cricket in India will have a quantum leap. “I am thrilled at the kind of response we have got from the stakeholders. Multiple existing IPL teams have enquired and expressed serious interest in owning WIPL franchises,” Shah had said in an interview to PTI some time Beforeback.that, Ganguly had also expressed his con fidence about the start of the WIPL in 2023. “I strongly believe that next year i.e. 2023 will be a very good time to start a fullfledged women’s IPL which will be as big and grand a success as men’s IPL,” he had said.Itis understood that teams like Mumbai Indians, Rajasthan Royals, Chen nai Super Kings have all expressed their interest in buyingEventeams.UTV big boss Ronnie Screwvala had tweeted that he would be interested in buying a WIPL franchise. official privy to development told PTI on conditions of an onymity. “As of now, we are going ahead with five teams but it could be six as there is a lot of interest among Bravo is first cricketer to scalp 600 wkts in T20
The World Cup will now start on November 20. sufficiently outweighed by the value and benefits of the proposal” commercially, FIFA previously said this week in a letter to soccer of ficials proposing the switch. The date change was said to be supported by tournament organizers in the tiny gas-rich emirate, South American soccer body CONMEBOL and the two teams’ national soccerQatarfederations.willnow make its World Cup debut kick ing off against Ecuador at 7 p.m. local time on Nov. 20 after an opening cer emony on the field at the 60,000-capacity Al Bayt Stadium. The meeting of the world’s No. 49 and No. 44-ranked men’s national teams was originally sched uled 24 hours later on Nov. 21 after the finals tourna ment draw was made April 1 in Doha.Inthe original sched ule, the opening ceremony was still planned to take place before Qatar-Ecuador despite it being the third game of the tournament, and with just an hour of free time after the final whistle of the second game on the schedule, England vs. Iran.Itis unclear why Qa tar’s first game was not scheduled in April as the tournament opener. FIFA acknowledged in its letter this week the “significant value from a ceremonial, cultural and commercial point of view,” to have the opening ceremo ny before the tournament’s first game featuring the host nation.The first game until Thursday’s decision was Netherlands-Senegal in Qa tar’s Group A, starting at 1 p.m. local time on Nov. 21. That now moves back to the cooler hours of the 7 p.m. Monday slot vacated by Qatar-Ecuador.Sponsorscould also have their plans disrupted, according to Ricardo Fort, a former marketing execu tive with World Cup toptier backers Coca-Cola and Visa, who described the late date change as “a huge problem.”“They (sponsors) in vited and confirmed hospi tality guests, booked flights & hotels, and contract ed with all the necessary logistics. Imagine changing it all!” Fort wrote on his TwitterChangingaccount.the opening game does let FIFA follow recent trend of the host nation having an exclusive day to play the first of the 64-gameStill,tournament.itmarksanother way the first World Cup in the Middle East and the first of the 22 World Cups ever played outside of the north ern hemisphere summer is upending soccer tradition. FIFA got agreement from soccer officials world wide in 2015 to delay the tournament previously set for the usual June-July pe riod when temperatures routinely hit 45 degrees Celsius (113 degrees Fahr enheit) in QatarQatar.committed to stay on soccer’s normal calendar and promised in novative stadium cooling technology when it bid for World Cup hosting rights in 2009-10.When FIFA accepted the inevitable need to de lay until Qatar’s cooler months, a tough negotia tion with European leagues and clubs lead to the 2015 agreement for a shorter, 28day program to minimize disruption for domestic soc cer that relies on weekend games.European leagues such as England’s Pre mier League, Germany’s Bundesliga and Italy’s Serie A will play through the Nov. 12-13 weekend, just seven days before the new opening game date. Those leagues will shut down during the World Cup, which ends with a Sunday, Dec. 18 final on Qatar’s National Day. The Premier League is the first to resume on Dec. 26. While an opening game on Sunday evening in Qatar should play well with viewers in Asia and Europe, in the United States the kickoff will be 11 a.m. EST. That puts the World Cup opener in direct competi tion with NFL pre-game coverage.The U.S. soccer team plays its World Cup opener against Wales in the late Monday game in Qatar.
KL Rahul returns to captain India on Zimbabwe tour time in 139 year, 2023 set to
Dwayne Bravo KL Rahul
MYK C MYK C Printed, Published and Edited by Geoffrey Yaden at G.M. Printers, Circular Rd. Dimapur-797112. Ph: Desk 248489, e-mail-npdesk@gmail.com. Adm.& Advertisement :248267,8798162009 e-mail-npostadvt@gmail.com, R.N. 40978/90 RN/NE 707 SPORTS12 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 2022
Bhutia, Jhingan hail SC verdict on voting rights
LONDON, AUG 12 (IANS): In an unprece dented first in 139 years of the Ashes, next summer’s series will not feature a Test in August, which could ren der more England players available for the domestic HundredSometournament.ofEngland’s top cricketers such as Jonny Bairstow and Test skipper Ben Stokes have withdrawn from the Hundred this year because of the busy sched ule, which has seen the hosts play four back-to-back Tests against New Zealand and India and are now set to play a three-match series against South Africa begin ning August 17. A report in the Daily Mail said on Friday that the 2023 Ashes are set to be moved forward and will not feature a Test in August, adding that, “such scheduling will further an tagonise traditional sup porters of the game, who are worried about its future amid a glut of Twenty20 leagues springing up around the globe”, but at the same time will free up more topnotch players for the Hun dred Australiatournament.had thrashed England 4-0 in the 2021/22 Ashes series Down Under, with several heads rolling following the debacle, in cluding that of skipper Joe Root, who stepped down following the Ashes and the 1-0 Test series loss to the West Indies. The upcoming Ashes series will see new England skipper Ben Stokes leading his side for the first time in one of the fiercest global cricketing rivalries. The report added that moving the Ashes to an earlier slot could become a “regular occurrence under the next Future Tours Pro gramme (FTP), which runs from 2024, with a Hundred window each saidtionswhilenameslikelihoodcricketexclusively“Freeingyear”.upAugustforlimited-overswouldincreasetheofthebiggestplayingsomepart,alsohelpingpreparafortheWorldCup,”thereport.
NEW DELHI, AUG 12 (PTI): The much-awaited Women’s IPL will be start ing from March 2023 to be held in a one-month win dow and in all likelihood with five teams, a senior BCCI official confirmed the development on Friday. The BCCI bigwigs have discussed the issue and a March window has been found for the tournament af ter the Women’s T20 World Cup in South Africa. “Yes, the WIPL will start in the first week of March and we have earmarked a four-week window for the first year. The T20 World Cup in South Africa is from Febru ary 9 to 26 and immediately after that we plan to hold the WIPL,” a senior BCCI LONDON, AUG 12 (REUTERS): Real Ma drid’s Karim Benzema and Thibaut Courtois and Manchester City’s Kevin De Bruyne are in the running for UEFA’s 2021-22 men’s player of the year award after top ping a 15-player short list, European soccer’s governing body said on Friday.The winner will be announced with the UEFA men’s coach of the year and women’s player and coach of the year at the 2022-23 Champions League group stage draw in Istanbul on Aug. 25. Benzema and Cour LONDON, AUG 12 (IANS): All-rounder Dwayne Bravo scripted history by becoming the first-ever cricketer to scalp 600 wickets in T20 cricket. Bravo, 38, who is playing for Northern Su perchargers in The Hun dred men’s tournament, achieved this unprece dented feat while playing against Oval Invincibles at The Oval on Thursday. Before heading to the game which was his 545th match in the format, Bravo had 598 T20 wickets to his name. In the match against the Invincibles, Bravo picked up two wick ets for 29 runs in his quota of bowling.His599th wicket was of South Africa batter Rilee Rossouw while Sam Curran was bowled by Bravo to become his 600th wicket in T20 cricket.
FIFA confirms change to WC start date
Fury intends to retire after shortlived comeback Israel to be inducted in Taekwon-do Hall of Fame
Karim Benzema celebrates with the trophy after winning the European Super Cup. (Reuters)
members already existing. The court had also ruled that elections should be held in accordance with the National Sports Code and Article 26 of the AIFF’s draft constitution, which provides for a fixed tenure and age limit for officebearers. “I welcome the ver dict of the Supreme Court to grant voting rights to eminent players in AIFF. In our country, players are for gotten after retirement and left out of the sport, even though they still have so much to offer. Only a player can understand the pain of players and what they need to prosper. This judgement has given players dignity in retirement,” said Bhutia. Jo Paul Ancheri, an other stalwart, greeted the verdict and said, “I am so happy that the Supreme Court has finally given voice to former players who were forgotten after retirement. Players can now be actively involved in administration and continue to contribute to the sport after retirement. Experience and expertise of eminent players will now be put to good use.” “It’s great that the Su preme Court has given voice to the players in the admin istration of the sport. It’s a viable career option for the players after retirement and a welcome move for the wel fare and future of the play ers,” said Sandesh Jhingan, the current pillar in defence for the Men in Blue. Former India goal keeper Sandeep Nandi, Nir mal Chettri, Sanju Pradhan, Anwar Ali, Anas Edatho dika, Raman Vijayan and Subhasish Roy Chowdhury too expressed their happi ness over the direction of the Supreme Court, while regretting the fact that the sport has largely been run by politicians and businessmen who don’t necessarily under stand the ethos of the sport.
Bhaichung Bhutia and Sandesh Jhingan Israel G. Xuivi
tois helped Real seal a record 14th European title last season while De Bruyne guided City to the Premier League title -- his fourth crown in seven seasons at the club. Among other nomi nees for the award are Barcelona’s Robert Le wandowski, Real’s Luka Modric and Bayern Mu nich’s Sadio Mane. Real’s Carlo Ance lotti, City’s Pep Guardio la and Liverpool’s Juer gen Klopp were among the nominees for the male coach of the year. UEFA will name nominees for the wom en’s awards next week.
NEW DELHI, AUG 12 (AP): Tyson Fury has de cided to “walk away” from boxing, only three days after saying he was returning to the sport.Fury turned 34 on Fri day and posted a message on social media saying: “Mas sive thanks to everyone who had an input in my career over the years & after long hard conversations (I’ve fi nally) decided to walk away & on my 34th birthday I say Bon voyage.”Thatseemingly puts Fury back into retirement, after he announced on Tues day that he was returning to boxing in order to set up a fight against Derek Chisora, a fellow Briton whom he beat twice early in his career. That announcement had sparked speculation that Fury, the reigning WBC heavyweight champion, was targeting a possible unifica tion bout against the winner between Oleksandr Usyk, the reigning WBA, IBF and WBO title-holder, and Anthony Joshua, who are fighting on Aug. 20 in Saudi Arabia. Fury did not give a reason for his apparent change of heart. The un defeated Fury initially said after his win over Dillian Whyte at Wembley Stadium in April that he was retiring from the sport.
Benzema, Courtois shortlisted for UEFA award
NEW DELHI, AUG 12 (IANS): The poster boy of Indian football, Bhaic hung Bhutia, has hailed the Supreme Court’s decision granting voting rights to eminent players in the All India Football Federation’s (AIFF) elections, adding that it will give players, who tend to get forgotten post-re tirement, an opportunity to contribute to the betterment of the game in the country. The apex court in its verdict on August 3 had directed the inclusion of eminent footballers in the AIFF management, ruling that the general body of the federation should add 36 players (male and female) to the 36 state association
GENEVA, AUG 12 (AP): FIFA has formally moved the World Cup start up by one day to give host nation Qatar an exclusive Sunday evening slot with a global audience.Qatar will now play Ecuador in Doha on Nov. 20 — just 101 days after FI FA’s decision — stretching the World Cup to 29 days from the 28 agreed seven years ago when a June-July tournament was pushed back to avoid the searing desert heat in midsummer. The surprise late switch was signed off by a FIFA committee compris ing its president Gianni Infantino and presidents of the six continental soccer bodies. FIFA said the vote was unanimous.Theplanwas revealed Wednesday after several rounds of ticket sales to fans worldwide since last year. “FIFA will seek to address any issues aris ing from this change in a case-by-case basis,” soccer’s world body said Thursday regarding fans whose travel plans are affected. The risk to fans “is
NEW DELHI, AUG 12 (AGENCIES): India have named KL Rahul as the captain for the ODIs against Zimbabwe after the BCCI medical team cleared him to play in the series starting on 18 August.Rahul has received the green signal from the BCCI medical team for the threematch ODI series against Zimbabwe next week. The opener has been out of action for a while with a sports hernia, with Covid-19 extending his stint on the sidelines. Shikhar Dhawan was initially named as the captain for this tour, but with Rahul being given the go-ahead, Dhawan will take up the vice-captain duties. Dhawan had led the Indian side to a 3-0 drub bing of West Indies last month and was subsequent ly named as the captain for the Zimbabwe tour with se nior players Rohit Sharma, Virat Kohli, Rishabh Pant, Jasprit Bumrah and Hardik PandyaWashingtonrested. Sundar, Kuldeep Yadav and Deepak Chahar were the others who returned to the ODI squad after recovering from injuries. Rahul Tripathi was the other new face named in the squad.Rahul last played for India in February against the West Indies after leading the team in South Africa in the second Test match and then the entire ODI leg.
be moved forward