DIMAPUR, AUG 13 (NPN): Khiamniungan Students’ Union (KSU) has vehemently condemned the alleged sexual assault on four minor girls in Noklak district by a hindi teacher, who was arrested recently. KSU media cell de nounced the “lascivious act” committed by a teacher and said that such a heinous crime was against the ethics of a noble profession. The union has asked the concerned school ad ministration to closely monitor the progress of the case. KSUs said that the school children were alleg edly ‘molested’ several times by “a habitual offender” and “even chased the child to the field’.Theunion asserted that safety and security of the children must be given top priority in all the education al institutions in the state. It affirmed that perpetrators of heinous crime cannot be tol erated in a civilized society. KSU has demanded that the law enforcing au thority to thoroughly inves tigate the case and award benefitting punishment as per the provision of law. Meanwhile, the union has extended sympathy and solidarity to the victims and their families.
CNTC appeals to govt Central Nagaland Tribes Council (CNTC) has appealed to the state government to initiate immediate steps to resolve the boundary issue between Kiyevi village and Peren district to avoid further social unrest. CNTC stated that the pro longed boundary issue has caused immense hardship and suffering to the people residing in those areas. CNTC, therefore, appealed to the government to intervene and act before the situation turn volatile. Asserting that “hostile atti tude” would only harm the peace ful coexistence between brothers, CNTC appealed to both Sumi organizations and Peren CSOs to amicably settle the issue and allow peace to prevail in the land.
DIMAPUR, AUG 13 (NPN): Drawing atten tion to what it described as “unjustified and ille gal blockade” on Kiyevi village by Nagaland Ze liang People Organization (NZPO), Sümi Hoho (SH) Saturday strongly urged the state government to act immediately and protect the rights of Kiyevi village and also ensure that no such instances occurred even in the future. SH president I Nikhe to Jimomi and general sec retary Dr. Vihuto Asumi said “such inhuman and unethical treatment” met ed out to people of Kiyevi village under the nose of the state government by NZPO was “a vivid evi dence of the government’s inaction.” SH said the is sue has been “deliberately prolonged” and “dragged to such an extent” due to “lackadaisical attitude and negligence” of the government. SH stated that all Sümi frontal organiza tions “firmly endorse and reiterate” the decision of Western Sümi Hoho . Further, SH also took serious note of Commis sioner of Nagaland Au gust 13 letter, holding up the payment of damage compensation to Kiyevi village under Package III. Expressing shock over such action, SH ques tioned “why the legitimate rights of the people of Kiyevi village should be kept on hold in receiving the damage compensa tion.” SH said it was also “a direct discrimination” and depriving the rights of the citizens of Kiyevi village. SH, therefore, de manded that the payment be immediately made to the rightful individuals or groups of Kiyevi village. Should any unwanted situation arise due to the failure of the government, SH cautioned that the government should take full responsibility and the Sümi people would not be held responsible to what soever the situation that may arise.
Staff Reporter DIMAPUR, AUG 13 (NPN): Union Minister of State for petroleum and natural gas, labour and em ployment Rameswar Teli on Saturday urged the State government to start oil and natural gas exploration and extraction.Addressing a gathering here at Niathu resort after the inaugural of Hemkund Group’s Liquified Petro leum Gas (LPG) bottling plant at Virazouma village under meetingtoduringprocess,oftunehugeleddueyearsonthoughTeliChümoukedima.recalledthatoiloperationswasinNagalandnearly30back,ithadtostoptovariousreasons.ThistotheStateincurringrevenuelosstotheofseveralthousandscroresrupees,headded.InordertorestarttheTelirecalledthathisperviousvisitNagaland,heheldawithchiefminis Nagaland should start oil exploration: Teli 11 Oppn parties resolve to fight against ‘misuse’ of EVMs, money power & media
This is it! “What do we gain or lose in supporting their call? Sometimes, they need people like us to measure the success of their programmes.”
DIMAPUR, AUG 13 (NPN): Western Sumi Hoho (WSH) strongly refuted and rejected the Commissioner Nagaland order dated August 13, 2022, addressed to DC Chumoukedima and DC Peren directing that payment of damage com pensation to Kiyevi under package-III maybe kept on hold till further discus sion.WSH through its media cell as serted that the legitimacy of Kiyevi as a recognised village of Nagaland cannot be compromised at all cost, adding that due payment of damage compensation must be paid to Kiyevi village. As such, WSH said it would con tinue with the ongoing indefinite bandh until the impugned order of the Commis sioner Nagaland to DC Chumoukedima and DC Peren regarding holding of the payment of damage compensation was revoked in toto. Rameswar Teli addressing the gathering on Saturdary. (NP) ter Neiphiu Rio, advisor industries & commerce and ONGC, IOC officials and deliberated on the issue of oil extraction.Telisaid he had cat egorically mentioned that Nagaland should be de veloped and for which ex traction of oil and gas was crucial to generate revenue. This way, he said it would help Nagaland develop and progress.The minister also sug gested the state government to form a Joint Venture (JV) with other established companies or form its own company to extract oil or even partner with major oil companies like the Oil In dia Limited (OIL), Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC Ltd). Teli said it was his gen uine hope that Nagaland should begin oil extraction so that the state could gen erate its own revenue and develop the state. Teli also noted that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been giving spe cial emphasis to develop the North Easter region. North East is one of Prime Min ister’s priorities to ensure that the region does not lag behind, he said. Modi has, therefore, di rected central ministers and senior officials to visit the NE region and expedite var ious welfare programmes, Teli said. Commenting on the bottling plant, the min ister said he was delighted to inaugurate the gas plant at a time when the country was celebrating “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav” and Har GharTeliTiranga.said he inaugu rated the plant despite being owned by a private compa ny, adding that he wanted to see the perception of people change when it came to in dustrialization in Dimapur. He informed that un der Ujjwala Yojana, the government has been able to provide eight crore gas con nections to families ahead of its targeted time. In the second phase, he said an other one crore connections were Meanwhile,completed. addressing the media, Hemkund group managing director, Zorawar Singh, stated that the LPG bottling plant would help expand the reach of LPG all over North East. He said would also benefit custom ers, who would benefit from service and competitiveness of a private LPG player. Singh said that the plant would create a healthy ecosystem for LPG delivery in the North East. Singh said the plant would deal with both in commercial and domestic. Asked about the differences in prices, he informed that price solely depended on the market dynamic, but would be kept competitive. He said that already 10 to 12 distributors were marked for Dimapur and Chümoukedima.MDsaidthatthe inau guration of the plant would also provide taries.KumariChümoukedimadimatendedprogrammecylinders.itymetrichadheaboutcategories.opportunitiesemploymentinvariousFurther,whenaskedthestoragecapacity,informedthattheplantastoragecapacityof40tonnesandcapabilofstoringaround2000TheinauguralwasalsoatbyDCChümoukeAbhinavShivam,SPMuneshandotherdigni
KSU condemns alleged molestation of minors DNH rejoinder to Peren CSOs Resources persons at the conference organized by Constitutional Conduct Group and Peoples First. (Via Twitter) ing in which they said that it is recognised that purely EVM-based voting and counting does not comply with “democracy principles” which require that each voter should be able to verify that his or her vote is cast-asintended; recorded-as-cast and counted-as-recorded.Theyclaimedelectron ic voting machines (EVMs) cannot be assumed to be tamper-proof. “The voting process should be rede signed to be software and hardware independent in order to be verifiable or auditable.TheVVPAT (voter veri fiable paper audit trail) sys tem should be re-designed to be fully voter-verified. A voter should be able to get the VVPAT slip and cast it in a chip-free ballot box for the vote to be valid and counted,” the resolution stated.In the second resolu tion, the parties stated how massive money power and the criminal muscle-power (Cont’d on p-8)
Correspondent KOHIMA, AUG 13 (NPN): State BJP presi dent and minister for trib al affairs, technical educa tion Temjen Imna Along Saturday said that the claims made by Nagaland Pradesh Congress Com mittee (NPCC) president K. Theire was nothing but “distorted toers.blessingscomepartiesandhere,sidelinesmediaInteractinginformation”.withpersonsontheofaneventAlongsaidNDPPBJPastwopoliticaloftheStatehavetogetherwiththeofCentralleadAndforthisalliancecontinueeveninthe years to come, will also be with the blessings of the Central leaders, he added. “There is no hidden agenda in it for merger of NDPP into BJP” he said adding that chief minis ter has already made his stand“Politicsclear. can be played but the informa tion from where they (NPCC) are getting is somewhere out of where we don’t get informa tion,” Along Despitestated.most BJP party functionaries’ in sistence that the party should contest all 60 seats in the next assembly polls, Along said the decision of his leaders in Delhi-BJP national president JP Nadda, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Home minister Amit Shah and BJP general secretary BL Santosh-was “final”.Whenasked whether prior consultations were held before the joint dec laration (seat sharing) was announced, Along said as the state president, he had to follow the directives of the national president. “So what they have decided is what I concur,” Along said, adding that there was no need for con sultation as the Central leaders knew what was best for the State. “The wisdom of the Central leaders was to give good governance and sta bility to the people of the State. So, the right way of doing it is the alliance to continue to prove its worth in vis-à-vis the Naga politi cal issue, vis-à-vis develop ment and inclusiveness progress of the people of the State,” he said. On BJP’s slogan “Election for Solution”, Along said it is the en deavour of the Modi-led government to resolve the decades old Naga political issue.“Being willing to as sert a settlement or solu tion to the age-old Naga political issue is the en deavour of the Modi-led government… negotia tions go on and there may be some hitches and some agreeable things. If some things have still not been settled, then one cannot blame the BJP govern ment for not settling it,” AlongHesaid.said if Nagas “agree to disagree on something and we still need some time to agree with each other or some people are already to agree, I think there need to be an inclusive solu tion.” Therefore, he said the Centre was putting all efforts to resolve the issue and its commitment towards Naga people was genuine.
NPCC’s merger claim ‘distorted information’, says Along Nagaland logs 1 fresh Covid case
WSH rejects govt order
Peren suspendstemporarilyCSOsstir
SH urges govt to protect the rights of Kiyevi village
DIMAPUR, AUG 13 (NPN): Drawing attention to the Peren district civil society organisations state ment published on August 9 that Dhansiripar area traditionally belonged to Zeliang people, Dimasa Naisho Hosom (DNH) said it was compelled to bring to the notice of the people and the government in regard to the reference of Kachari settlement towards Dima (Dhansiri river). In a rejoinder, DNH publicity cell said that prior to the arrival of Ahoms, the Dimasa Kachari settlement was extended from Dikhow river to Kallang river and included the Dhansiri val ley and present day Dima Hasao district of Assam. DNH said that there has never been “a claim or dispute over the land” despite the current demo graphic changes. It said the present day Dimasa Kacha ris are of the Dimasa Kacha ri kingdom of Dimapur. As far as Dimasa Kachari vil lages on the Dima (Dhans iri) river valley were con cerned, DNH said most of the villages were recorded and known to the govern ment from the early 20th century of which Dhansi ripar-- erstwhile Maibiram and Manglumukh villages were established in 1906 and 1907
Free auto service to attend I-Day events
DIMAPUR, AUG 13 (NPN): As part of the ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’, the Dimapur police in collabo ration with Dimapur Dis trict Autorickshaw Drivers’ Union would be extending free auto service for public and police personnel at tending Independence Day Celebration at Dimapur and Chumoukedima districts on August According15. to PRO, 200 spe cially dedicated autorick shaws would be stationed at designated locations from 8 a.m. for free pick up and dropping to DDSC stadium or Chumou Town public ground.Pick up points: Chu moukedima 1st Gate, adn 2nd gate, 7th Mile Jn, Chu mou-Purana bazaar high way, railway station, rail gate, Burma camp area, Blue Hill/Eros Lane area, Notun Bosti, New Market, Len grijan Jn (Imli ghas), Dho binala, Thahekhu Village, Nagarjan/Kuda village area and DDSCtivetafaarea.Rangapahar/KashiramDCPDr.NaieemMuswouldflag-offtheinitiaatAjayPetrolPumpnearStadium.
DIMAPUR, AUG 13 (NPN): Nagaland on Satur day recorded one fresh Co vid-19 positive case, pushing the total caseload to 35,866. With the recovery of five more patients, the active cases in the State dropped to 41 cases.The death toll re mained unchanged at 773.
DIMAPUR, AUG 13 (NP): A day after chief minister Neiphiu Rio tore into NPCC president K. Therie’s startling assump tion that “some leaders” of the NDPP had agreed “to post-poll merger with BJP” in 2023 after talks held in Delhi, Therie ex pressed happiness that Rio denounced the report and though he would have liked to believe Rio but it was dif ficult to trust him. Therie maintained that in general, assurance of merger with BJP af ter election “was widely discussed” and for which reason, seat sharing was agreed. He said that how ever, state BJP “ground workers” had wanted to contest all 60 seats. Accord ing to Therie a post-poll merger would have made it easier for BJP to form a government “in a Christian state and therefore, BJP has agreed in a hurry.” Therie also said it was unusual to have NDPP sec retary general and spokes person of BJP in-charge Nagaland Nalin Kohli sign the seat sharing agreement by ignoring NDPP presi dent and state BJP presi dent and leader of BJP leg islature party and that too when scheduled election was seven (7) months away. Therie pointed out that seat-sharing was usually decided after announce ment of Thoughelection.theState BJP unit president welcomed the seat sharing deal, The rie said it was only after a few days that the NDPP president termed it as “his toric”.Even though the BLP leader and deputy CM had stated that he was not con sulted, he too welcomed the agreement the next day, TherieTheriesaid. asserted that seat sharing deal cannot be attributed to implementa tion of political solution, but it has rather killed the aspirations of the people for settlement.Furtherpointing out that the Centre’s represen tative for Naga talks AK Mishra himself had said that he could not change the concluded talks, Therie at the same time said that the Congress also “under stand the compulsions of the NSCN(I-M).”Hesaidthat if there was any sincerity and com mitment, the Parliamen tary Committee and the 60 legislators should present the July 16, 2022 Parlia mentary
NDPP-BJP seat sharing done in a hurry: Therie Dimapur police reiterate order DIMAPUR, AUG 13 (NPN): Dimapur police have reiterated that post-March 5, 2015 incident at Clock Tower Dimapur, the district administration had issued a standing order prohibiting public gatherings/functions and sticking of hoardings or banners at Clock Tower. Commissioner of Police Dimapur, R. Tetseo, stated that the order still stands and reiterated that public must strictly adhere to the standing order as criminal case was still in progress and warned defaulters of action. DC Kohima orders roadside clearing DIMAPUR, AUG 13 (NPN): Deputy Commis sioner (DC) Kohima, Shana vas C, has ordered imme diate removal of off-road vehicles and construction materials along the roadside causing obstruction and de facement of public spaces. In an order, DC said that failure to comply with the order would attract penal action.
NEW DELHI, AUG 13 (PTI): Eleven Opposition parties, including the Con gress, on Saturday resolved to fight against what they called the misuse of electron ic voting machines, money power and the media by the BJP-led government at the Centre, claiming it poses the “gravest challenge” to democracy in India. The 11 parties are the Congress, CPIM, SP, BSP, CPI, NCP, TRS, RJD, RLD, Welfare Party and the Swaraj India. Three resolutions were passed at a conference attended by these parties here. At the conference, they discussed and deliberated at length the challenge of 3Ms-- machine, money and media--faced by India’s electoral democracy and unanimously passed the resolutions on them. The first resolution was on EVM and VVPAT count
Post MYK C MYK C Vol XXXII No. 249 DIMAPUR, SUNDAY, AUGUST 14, 2022 Pages 12 ` 5.00 Rushdie on ventilator after stabbing; attacker identified INTERNATIONAL, PAGE 9 FOLLOW US ON @Nagaland_Postnagalandpostofficial PM Modi fetes India’s CWG contingent SPORTS, PAGE 12 (Cont’d on p-8) (Cont’d on p-8)
DIMAPUR, AUG 13 (NPN): Nagaland Ze liang People Organization (NZPO) and civil society organisations of Peren district have decided to temporarily suspend the NH-129A blockade till further notice. In a press note, ZNPO media cell said that the decision was made follow ing the assurance received from the Commissioner’s office that “all the related matters and grievances of CSOs leading to indefinite blockade have been con sidered and also putting on hold whatever compensa tion to be paid to bogus claimants of residents of the erstwhile Kiyevi vil lage.”While urging the gov ernment to work on its assurance, the CSOs cau tioned that it would resume the “democratic means of protest” if the govern ment failed to fulfill their demands.

Remembering our beloved APO On his 8th Death Anniversary 14th Aug 2022 LATE C. O EZONG APO WE ARE FONDLY REMEMBERING YOU ON THIS DAY. YOUR MEMORY IS A TREASURE BEYOND MEASURE. ALWAYS ON OUR MIND AND FOREVER IN OUR HEARTS TILL WE MEET AGAIN IN ETERNITY IN GOD’S PRESENCE. Loving Wife, Children, In-Laws & Grand Children. dp-3858/22 Rev. S. Vihuto Zhimomi BORN ON 10-03-1935 – DIED ON 07-08-2022
With much affection: Loving daughter Mrs. Ikali V. Zhimo, grandchildren & loved ones
CFD holds prayer meet: Christian Forum Dimapur (CFD) organised a meet with its office bearers and advisors on August 8 at Bethesda Higher Secondary School campus and prayed for “peace and unity” for Nagaland. At the meeting, the forum selection of new office bearers was discussed for which, Rev. Dr. Paphino was appointed as chairman of the selection committee. CFD also appointed Rev. Moses Murry as convenor for the ecumenical prayer fellowship to be held in October.
Kohima police issue I-Day traffic advisory Staff Reporter DIMAPUR, AUG 13 (NPN): Regional Ayurveda Research Centre (RARC) Dimapur, under the aegis of Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, ministry of Ayush, in collaboration with Can Youth, organised a medical camp at Ragailong colony, to commemorate “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav” (AKAM), here, on Saturday.Addressing the gathering, research officer in charge, RARC Dimapur, Dr. Vikas Gangurde said the centre conducted similar programmes at servile areas, villages and schools under AKAM. He said not only free medicines were distributed, but the team also conducted awareness programmes and immunity boosts were administered.Inthis regard, he informed that till date, RARC Dimapur has reached out to around 49,500 beneficiaries in the state since September 2021 with a target of 50,000. Dr. Vikas said RARC would continue to organise such campaigns every month, at different areas where people were unaware of the services. Earlier, chairman, Ragailong colony council delivered welcome note during which, he acknowledged RARC and Can Youth for conducting the medical camp at the colony. He expressed hope that the camp would be beneficial for all the residents of the colony. It may be mentioned that a total of 125 patients were administered by four doctors from RARC. The beneficiaries availed medical check-up and medicines.
RARC, Can Youth organise medical camp
The employers of different department were seen maintaining the offices but “without any office works just so the HODs are mostly unavailable”, the unionItstated.also asked the government to post ADC at Aghunato which was the current head of administration and the instructor at industry office, Aghunato.
ATSU demands HoDs to remain in station
Correspondent KOHIMA, AUG 13 (NPN): Minister for Tribal Affairs and Technical Education, Temjen Imna Along on Saturday, stated that Nagas need leaders who do not break the tribals but lead with inclusiveness to fulfil the dreams and aspirations of Nagas. The minister was speaking at the launching programme of a book titled, “a year of inspiration”, which encompasses various aspects of life based on personal experiences, authored by Nyanbemo Lotha Naga at D Café, here, on Saturday. In his speech, Along stated that Nagas needed leaders who could serve with humility, commitment and sincerity.Congratulating the author for his commitment and persistence in bringing out the book successfully, Along exhorted the people “not to seek politicians, statesman or priests to get inspiration”, but to live a life that would inspire people.Pointing out that the quotes mentioned in the book were inspiration for many, Along said today, the Naga youth lacked “commitment and persistency.”Inthepublisher’s note, publisher, Dr. Lanusangla Tzudir Nyanbemocongratulatedforbringingout the book and stated that writing was a responsibility. Dr. Lanusangla said the book was about overcoming challenges which every individual pass Shethrough.opined that 265 thoughts and quotes were inspiring and further, urged upon the author to continue writing and inspire people. In the author’s note, Nayanbemo Lotha Naga said writing was his hobby and informed that with encouragement from the views and support received on the thoughts and quotes, he decided to compile them.He, however said the fatal car accident he met in 2019 and God’s saving grace in pulling him out from the clutches of death not only humbled him but helped him realised how fragile life was. In an attempt to glorify His saving grace and to leave something worthwhile behind, Nayanbemo informed that he decided to publish the book.Earlier, a dedicatory prayer was offered by Kohima Baptist Church pastor, Zuchonthung Ovung. The programme was attended by a host of friends, relatives and wellwishers.The book will shortly be available at Crossword, The common room, ete coffee, D-Café in Kohima.
“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” 2 Tim. 4:7 k-1866/22
Nagas need inclusive leaders: Along
In commemoration of the 75th Indian Independence Day, minister for Public Health and Engineering Department (PHED), Jacob Zhimomi flagged off the “Har Ghar Tiranga” bike rally at BJP Dimapur district office, supermarket here, on Saturday.
JDU 5 Ghaspani 11 AC holds meet: Janata Dal United (JDU) 5 Ghaspani II assembly constituency held a meeting on August 12 at the residence of state general secretary Kitoho S. Rotokha during which, the house appointed office bearers (2022-25) of 5 Ghaspani II mandal office with Khezheto Rochill (Lotovi Village) as president, Zhekiye Yeptho (Hekheshe village) as vice president, Hotoshe Jimo (Nihokhu Village) as general secretary along with two other members and four advisors.
DIMAPUR: NNC/ GDRN (N-A) has informed that some “imposters” (HK Sema, Tonito Secy) were going around Dimapur collecting taxes in the name of the group for “vested interest and personal gains”. The group through its MIP has informed that those persons were bogus, adding they were neither enrolled nor had anything to do with the “government”.Inthisregard, NNC/ GDRN (N/A) has warned the impersonator(s) to desist from “damaging the image of the organisation”. The group also warned that it would not be held responsible if any untoward incidentFurther,occurred. NNC/ GDRN(N-A) has asked all business communities and organisations in Dimapur to be aware of such fraudsters and not to entertain such person(s) without verifying their authenticity.
DIMAPUR: Aghunato Town Students Union (ATSU) has demanded the heads of departments (HoDs) of 10 different departments to remain in station.In a press release, ATSU president Hekavi Yeptho stated that the 10 departments have been “neglected in many ways” due to the absence of HoDs. In this regard, ATSU has asked the engineer for PWD department, SDEO of Education department, SDO of Agri department, STO of sub treasury and ADC incharge of administration are requested to remain in station, at ATSUAghunato.onAugust 9, with ESSU visited all the offices during which, it said, some offices were “in deplorable condition.”
RARC research officer, Dr. Deepak Rahangdale attending to a patient on Saturday. (NP)
The Lord decided to call home His servant Rev. S. Vihuto Zhimomi on 7th August 2022, at his daughter’s residence at kohima. during the home going celebration, we would like to thank individuals, friends, different unions, churches and relatives who stood by us physically, spiritually and financially expressing their solidarity to the departed Lord’s servant. Special gratitude goes to the ordained ministers under SBAk Nito Mount, SBAk staff and Satakha Town Baptist Church for according him a well deserved funeral and the Sumi Baptist Church kohima for organizing a send-off prayer. May the departed soul rest where the righteous rest.
Temjen Imna Along and Nyanbemo Lotha Naga releasing the book on Saturday. (NP)
dp-3851/22 dp-3855/22k-1860/22
Earlier, the minister also unfurled the national flag. (NP) DIMAPUR: In view of the Independence Day celebration at Secretariat Plaza, Kohima on August 15, DEF Kohima has issued traffic regulations, which would be enforced as part of the security arrangement.Inanotification, PRO DEF, Kohima has informed that only vehicles with car pass Z (red) and car pass Y (blue) will be allowed entry to the Secretariat Plaza. Vehicles with car pass X (green) will drop their respective officers at the main gate and shall be parked outside the Secretariat Complex; vehicles without car passes will not be allowed to enter the Secretariat Complex and will be parked along the Assembly Secretariat road.No vehicle including two-wheeler will be allowed to park by the roadside from 6 am onwards on August 15 at the following routes till the programme is over—new CM official residence, Phezoucha to new Secretariat Complex; from BSNL telephone exchange till Classic Island; Raj Bhavan till Classic Island; Classic Island till New Secretariat Complex via Razhü Point, High schoolHeavyjunction.vehicles will not be allowed to ply in Kohima town till the programme is over. All loading and unloading of goods in Kohima town should be completed by 6 am.Further, the police informed it would tow away defaulting vehicles and charges will be borne by vehicle owners.
WWII memorial service held: On the 77th Anniversary, the Molungkimong WWII memorial development committee organised a short programme on August 11 in remembrance of the 12 US Airmen who lost their lives when their plane, a B-24 Liberator, crashed in the ravines of Molungkimong on August 11, 1944.

DIMAPUR: All Commercial Vehicle Association (ACVA) Wokha district has expressed “deep regret” over the inconvenience to one passenger at Santsuphen village NH 2 by a group of unknown persons on August 11. In a press release, ACVA president Renbi Ngullie and general secretary Nyanbemo Patton has affirmed and informed that it would “not tolerate any harassment” to passengers and drivers within its jurisdiction in the future.
Correspondent KOHIMA, AUG 13 (NPN): North East In dia’s first one-step solution for patients, “NE health services Pvt. Ltd” was launched in the conference hall of the Red Cross, here, on Saturday.Inhisaddress, princi pal director (PD), Health and Family Welfare (H&FW) department, Dr. Vikato Kinimi said the service was a much-needed initiative by the people of NorthDr.East.Vikato pointed out that many patients travelled outside the state for treatment of dreaded diseases without any con sultant or guidance. In the context of Na galand, the PD said there was an increase in high levels of cancer and in this regard, the initiative was a prerequisite in the state. He added that such services which assist the patients would ease the trouble of getting appoint ments and other hectic procedures.Inashort speech, ad visor for Task Force For Music & Arts (TaFMA), Theja Meru acknowledged the step taken by NE ser vices.He said such service was required for anyone to get treatment outside the state, be it far or near. Earlier, the pro gramme was chaired by former Miss Nagaland, Vi kuonuo Sachu, Dr. Vikato Kinimi and Theja Meru unveiled the health benefit card while testimonial mes sages were also shared. It may be mentioned that NE health services, is a Guwahati-based company paving way for the hospi tal services and medical tourism.Mentors, director, Shyamanga P Kashyap and co-director, Akumnaro Imsong, manager Rishabh Borkotoky with years of experience is a dedicated team focused on local is sues and working towards growth of the youth in NE region.Its mission is to help people from the remote areas get quality medical treatment while saving them time, money and hassle.The health card in cludes wide range of ac cessibility along with dis counts on hospital bills, admission bills, health in surance including the da tabase of previous records. The offices in Naga land are located at Educen tre, Old NST, Kohima and Edu cente, Duncan Basti, Dimapur.
DIMAPUR: D eputy commis sioner (DC) Kohima Shanavas C has informed that there has been “some misinformation” spreading in and around Kohima district with regard to distribution of Indian national flag claiming that directions have been given for man datory hoisting of the tricolour in individual households, shops, etc. In a notice, DC in this regard has clarified and reiterated the statement made during the meet ings held with regard to “Har Ghar Tiranga” campaign dated August 5 and August 8 with various government agencies and other stakeholders that the purchase and hoisting of the Indian national flag was “purely voluntary and not mandatory”.However,DC said an appeal has been made to the public to
ACVA Wokha regrets Aug 11 incident
North East health services launched in Nagaland Dr. Vikato Kinimi, Shyamanga P Kashyap and Theja Meru unveiling the health card on Saturday. (NP) participate in the “Har Ghar Tiranga” campaign for its successful Kohima.thebeanyquestedFurther,implementation.DChasreallconcernedthatfurtherclarificationmaysoughtfromtheofficeofdeputycommissioner, DC Kohima clarifies on mandatory hoisting of flags
MYK C MYK C 3STATENAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR SUNDAY, AUGUST 14, 2022 Q.: Does Dimapur city qualify on merit for being included under state’s Smart City? A Yes. 44% B No. 52% C Can’t Say. 4% 100%90%80%70%60%50%40%30%20%10%0% nagalandpost.com Poll A B C NEXT POLL Q: Are voters in electoralcommunalismconcernedNagalandaboutasissue? Yes. No. Can’t Say. (Temperature in ºC) Max Min Agartala A thunderstorm in spots 30 26 Aizawl Cloudy, a t-storm in the p.m. 25 21 Guwahati A morning t-storm in the area 34 27 Imphal A thunderstorm in spots 27 21 Itanagar Warm; a stray morning t-storm 34 26 Shillong Some sun with a stray t-storm 23 19 Kohima A thunderstorm in spots 26 20 Dimapur Some sun with a stray t-storm 35 26 Mkg A couple of thunderstorms 30 23 Tuensang Partly sunny; a stray t-storm 24 18 Wokha Some sun with a stray t-storm 31 24 Zunheboto Partly sunny; a stray t-storm 26 20 FORECASTWEATHERAUGUST14
KVSU organises ‘28th Spero Meliora’
DIMAPUR: A three-day Training of Trainers (ToT) on Village Poverty Reduc tion Plan (VPRP) organ ised by Nagaland State Rural Livelihoods Mission (NSRLM) commenced on August 10 in Kohima. In a press release, NSRLM informed that VPRP was a comprehensive demand plan prepared by Self Help Group (SHG) net works and their federations for projecting their demands and local area development which would be integrated with the Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP). Joining the inaugural session online, MoRD joint secretary, Nita Kejrewal highlighted the importance of understanding concepts, components and processes of VPRP and understanding roles of stakeholders. In her address, joint sec retary and mission director, NSRLM, Imtimenla said the demands and plans in VPRP could benefit households and community as it covered entitlement demands, liveli hoods demand and public goods and services. The participants are representatives from Direc torate of Rural Develop ment, State Institute for Rural Development and assistant district program managers, district function al specialists (livelihoods), thematic managers from NSRLM and resource persons are from Kudum bashree National Resource Organization and TRIF Delhi.
Correspondent KOHIMA, AUG 13 (NPN): Kohima Village students Union (KVSU) and the Dolphin club or ganised the 28th Spero Meliora at Kohima Village Council hall on the theme “break the ice and steal a march”, here, on Saturday. In an address, Na galand Building & Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Board (NBOC WWB) chairman, Dr. Kekhrielhoulie Yhome said people should not leave the past behind as it should be Pointingpreserved.outthat Ko hima village was known to be a big village, Dr. Kekhrielhoulie advised the youth to work harder in the education sector and excel in Thesociety.competitions saw participation from stu dents representing Tsütu onuomia Students Union (TSU), Lhisemia Students Union (LSU), Dapfüt sumia Students Union (DSU) and Pfuchatsumia Students Union (PSU). Under cultural group song, D Khel was declared winner and T Khel the runner-up; under solo competition, Visaleu Mep fhüo (LSU), Khriephrenuo Mere (PSU) and Avibou Belho (TSU) were declared first second and third and under painting, Khrieke tounuo Kerhuo (LSU), Petekhrienuo Kire (DSU) and Menuosenuo Khezhie (DSU) were declared first, second and third. Under sketching Sied zelenuo Sachü (DSU), Ruovisie-ü Zatsu (TSU) and Kekuosienuo Sekhose (TSU) were declared first second and Kethokhrienuothird; Kire (DSU), Neipedenuo So rhie (LSU) and Ketho kenuo Kire (DSU) were declared first, second and third under essay writing (Tenyidie) while under essay writing (English), Kelhouvinuo Rutsa (PSU), Kikruneinuo Vizo (LSU) and Mhaphrusezo Solo (TSU) were declared first, second and third. Under the debate competition, Neisazhün uo Rutsa (PSU), Kepe beinyü Rame (PSU) and Kekhrieguzo Belho (TSU) bagged the first, second and third prizes; Kekhr iegunuo Solo (TSU), Vik etounyü Zatsu (TSU) and Thejatshu-ü Rutsa (PSU) were declared first second and third under spelling bee and under quiz com petition, Khriezer Belho (TSU) & Mhaphrusezo Solo (TSU) Zelaneituo Kire (DSU) & Vikuonuo Khezhie (DSU) were de clared first and second. Earlier, Mezüvonuo Suohu and Kevipfheü Solo compered the programme, invocation by the associ ate pastor, Khedi Baptist church, Kezhakietuo Bel ho, convenor, organising committee, Dzüvinguzo Mepfhüo delivered wel come address while KVSU president Neizovolie Nigel Solo proposed vote of thanks.
Tsütuonomia Model Village organised a social work & tree plantation drive with director (Dental), Dr. James Theyiephrezo, on Saturday. (NP) Kohima deputy commissioner (DC) by Shanavas C, flagging off the motorcycle rally under “Har Ghar Tiranga Campaign”, on Saturday. The rally which was organised by 37 BN BSF, started from DC office complex Kohima concluded at Chedema, BSF camp. (NP)

This is to inform all the corresponding Educational Institutions within Nagaland that from this academic session 2022-23, online verification of application has been made compulsory. Hence, all the corresponding educational institutions are asked to furnish the details of the INO’s (Name, Contact no, Email, Institution and District) to this Office or email to hescholarship@gmail.com latest by 31st of August 2022 for registration in the portal. Sd/NagalandHigherDirectorEducation:Kohimadc-921/22 gears up to celebrate 75 years of India’s independence
Governor Satyadeo N Arya will offer flowers at the statue of Mahatma Gandhi near Circuit House and pay respect at Elvert Ekka Park in Lichubagan.Additional forces have been deployed in strategic areas, while dog squads have been put into service in Agartala to thwart any untoward incident, he said. “TSR and CRPF jawa ns have been carrying out special operations in interior areas. There has been no ad verse report on the security point of view,” he added. A senior BSF officer said the 856-km interna tional border has been put on high alert to ensure peace during the celebrations. Vande Mataram chant by school students gave me goosebumps : Himanta Himanta Biswa Sarma had his goosebump mo ment on Saturday on hear ing school students chant ‘Vande Mataram’, the As sam chief minister, who participated in a ‘Prabhat Pheri’ (morning march) along with them as part of ‘Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav’. Sarma marched through the streets of Gu wahati and the general people joined him in the procession.“Delighted to begin my day with school students who spontaneously took part in the ‘Prabhat Pheri’ (a traditional morning march) taken out to celebrate #Aza diKaAmritMahotsav ahead of #IndependenceDay”, the chief minister tweeted. “Their chanting of ‘Vande Mataram’ really gave me goosebumps!” he posted on the micro blogging site later. The Dhubri district administration organised a ‘Tiranga boat rally’ on Brahmaputra river in col laboration with the police and BSF.Dhubri deputy com missioner Anbamuthan MP organised the boat rally to create awareness among people living in the char ar eas (sandbars) to celebrate 75 years of Independence. The rally by 75 ma chine boats started from Dhubri Kachari Ghat to Chalakura Char and termi nated at Kachari Ghat, an official release said. Arunachal Governor lauds Army for organising cycle expedition as part of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav Arunachal Pradesh Governor Brig Dr B D Mishra (Retd) on Saturday commended the General Officer Commanding (GoC) of 4 Corps Lt Gen D S Rana and GoC of 5 Mountain Division, Major General A K Singh, for organising the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahot sav cycle expedition from Thakurbari in Assam to Balemu in West Kameng district of the state. Balemu is one of the last villages on the IndoBhutan sourcesentnothelicopterandthetripevent,supposedcyclingandtionsSSB,GajrajwaswascyclingTheborder.jointcivil-militaryexpeditionwhichflaggedoffonThursday,organisedbyArmy’sCorpsjointlywithITBP,civiladministraofArunachalPradeshAssambesides,localenthusiasts.ThegovernorwhowastoflagoffthehadtocanceltheduetotechnicalsnaginhelicopterrequisitionedthealternativeIAFwhich,couldtakeoffduetoinclemweather,RajBhawansaid.
Manipur tribal student leader arrested for Facebook post; released on bail mee t him at Koubru to fight and decide the win ner. He said he was told that he can come along with members of Fed eration of Haomi and Kangleipak Kanba Lup (CSOs).Singsit also called as “chief minister Biren gi huiroi (puppet of chief minister Biren), Sharma alleged in his complaint while insisting the police arrest him (Singsit) and initiate legal actions under the relevant Information Technology Act-2000 (IT Act) and Indian Penal Code (IPC). Acting on the com plaint, a team of Imphal West police commandos arrested the incumbent finance secretary of AT SUM, the apex body of tribal based student bod ies. The police registered a FIR case against him under various sections of IT Act and IPC related with statements creating or promoting enmity, hatred or ill-will between classes. The source said that he was released on bail after appearing in the court of Imphal West chief judi cial magistrate today. DCDC-
MYK C MYK C Affid Avit (Corre C tion of nA me) I, mr. tongpangkaba Ao, Son of Late. Maryuba, presently a resident of Merhülietsa colony, Kohima, Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirm and declare on oath as follows: 1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India hailing from Ao Tribe of Nagaland. 2. That my official and correct name is mr. tongpangkaba Ao. 3. That in some of my records & documents, my name has inadvertently been entered and recorded as tongpangkaba instead of tongpangkaba Ao. 4. That this affidavit is made to declare that the above names tongpangkaba Ao and tongpangkaba connote to one and the same person i.e., me and it can be used interchangeably. 5. That this affidavit shall stand as a piece of evidence for any future doubts, clarification, rectification or correction if any arise with regard to my name and it shall be used for all my future correspondence and official purposes. 6. That the above statements made in Para 1 – 5 are true to the best of my knowledge and nothing material has been concealed herein and I signed this affidavit on 09th day of August 2022 at Kohima, Nagaland. deponent Signed before me by the deponent at Kohima. notary Publicdb-881/22 GOVERNMENT OF NAGALAND DIRECTORATE OF HIGHER EDUCATION NAGALAND : KOHIMA NO.HED/SCHO-1/2016/ Dated, Kma, the Aug. 2022 NOMINATION OF INSTITUTION NODAL OFFICER (INO) FOR SCHOLARSHIP SCHEMES IMPLEMENTED BY DEPT. OF HIGHER EDUCATION
Har Ghar Tiranga celebration at Shillong, Meghalaya. NCC cadets holding the national flag in Nagaon district. (PTI) Tripura CM Manik Saha hoists the national flag on a boat. (PTI) ‘Tiranga Boat Rally’ in Dhubri district, Saturday. (PTI)
Correspondent IMPHAL, AUG 13: A leader of the tribal based student body who was arrested here for his of fensive and hateful post on social media, was released on bail on FinanceSaturday.secretary of the All Tribal Students Union Manipur (AT SUM), Kakai Singsit, was arrested by a team of Imphal West police com mandos from his house at Motbung in Kangpokpi district 11.20pm on Friday, an official source said. The source said that Singsit was arrested after a complaint was lodged against him by president of the Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha (BJYM) Manipur Pradesh, Barish Sharma for his offensive and hateful posts on his Facebook page, In his written com plaint to the police, Shar ma alleged that Singsit had posted many offensive and hateful statements in his Facebook page. The All Tribal Students Union Manipur finance secretary also intimidated him in the posts.TheBJYM president alleged that Singsit chal lenged him to come and
The Centre’s ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ campaign has seen unprecedented response across Meghalaya with Home Minister Lahk men Rymbui launching the programme on Saturday. People hoisted the na tional flag at their houses and vehicles in accordance to a call given by the Centre as part of ‘Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav’ to commemo rate India’s 75th anniver sary of Independence. The campaign will continue till August 15. “I could see the pas sion, the love of the people of the state for the national flag at this time,” Home Minister Rymbui said at the ‘State Launch of Har Ghar Tiranga’ organised by the State Department of Arts and Culture in collabora tion with Indian Council For Cultural Relations here. He said it is a very important day for us Indi ans as we emphasise the importance of our national flag, stating that we are about to complete 75 years of Independence and also after completing 50 years of statehood.Rymbuisaid that while traversing the different areas of the state the tri colour is visible and flying high on top of every house, even vehicles are moving with tri-colour on Expressingthem.his grati tude to the many SHGs for engaging themselves with the making of national flags, the Home Minister also thanked Prime Minister Na rendra Modi for reminding the people that the national flag is the pride of the na tion, apart from having the national flag in our houses, we should also have it in our heart. Reminding the gathering about the national flag, the Home Minister said that each and every aspect of the national flag has its own meaning and encour aged the students to live up to its“Asideals.citizens we should be proud of the country and raise the national flag with pride. He also wished each and every citizen of the country through this move ment to integrate the symbol of the country into our way of life,” he said. Chief Secretary Don ald Philips Wahlang, said that the launching of the programme comes under the aegis of Azadi ka Amrit Ma hotsav, to celebrate 75 years of India’s Independence. The Har Ghar Tiranga pro gramme will last for three days from August 13 to Independence Day is to en sure that on completion of 75 years of Independence. (Correspondent) Independence Day cel ebrations begin in Tripura Tripura Chief Minister Manik Saha kicked off the three-day Independence Day celebrations in the state by flagging off a bicycle rally on Saturday. He also hoisted a high-mast national flag in front of the Civil Secretariat in the presence of his cabi net colleagues and senior officials.The chief minister also participated in a programme with school students at Umakanta Academy. “I appeal to the people to hoist the national flags in their houses from August 13 to 15 to pay respect to the freedom fighters,” he said. The state government has set a target of hoisting national flags in 5.37 lakh households as part of the ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ pro gramme, aimed at promot ing nationalism among the people.On August 15, the main programme will be held at the Assam Rifles Ground where the chief minister will unfurl the national flag.
NORTHEAST, AUG 13 (PTI/AGENCIES): The eight states of Northeast India have made elaborate preparations and shown enthusiasm to celebrate India’s 75 years of inde pendence by heeding to the Prime Minister’s call for ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ and with the authorities also trying to make the occasion grand and memorable. ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ campaign gets unprece dented response across Meghalaya

NEW DELHI, AUG 13 (PTI): BJP leaders, includ ing Union ministers, joined the ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ cam paign across the country as the three-day exercise began on Saturday to mark the 75th anniversary of India’s Independence.HomeMinister Amit Shah and BJP president J P Nadda hoisted the national flag at their residences and posted pictures on social media.As part of the exercise in the run-up to Indepen dence Day, the BJP also held an exhibition on the eve of Partition Horrors Remem brance Day on August 14, at its office “Attendedhere.the poignant exhibition on ‘Partition Hor rors Remembrance Day’ at BJP HQ that reminds us all
custody - had first raked up the issue, along with other activists like Ashok Kamble, Manoj Sansare, and Sanjay Kambale.According to the of ficial order, it has not been proved that Wankhede and his father Dnyandev Wankhede had renounced Hinduism to convert to Is lam and they both belonged to the Mahar 37 Scheduled Caste, and rejected all the complaints filed against them in the matter. Soon afterwards, Wankhede tweeted - “Saty ameva Jayate” - signifying ‘victory of truth’, and said he and his family had under gone a lot of trauma due to the matter.Lawyer for Ashok Kamble, advocate Nitin Sat pute said that Wankhede’s caste issue is already under challenge in the Bombay High Court in a writ petition filed last “Weyear.had not much expectations from the Caste Scrutiny Committee, have faith in the high court,” he said. “We shall now modify our petition in view of the latest order... It is not final and we shall request the high court to order a full probe into the matter,” Satpute added.According to the order, signed by DCCVC Mumbai President Anita Meshram, secretary Sunita Mate and member Salima Tadvi, “non applicant Sameer Dnyandev Wankhede is not a Muslim by birth. It is not proved and the non-applicant and his father Dnyandev Wankhede renounced Hinduism and duly converted to Islam”.
HAM – which together have more than 160 MLAs in the 243-strongNotably,assembly.while the JD(U) and the BJP were still in an acrimonious tie-up, many leaders of the former had stressed the need for a coordination committee which was in place during Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s time with George Fernandes as its convenor.JD(U)leaders were of the view that the absence of such a committee left different constituents with no platform to voice their di vergent opinions before each other and hence they ended up doing so in the media, leading to deterioration in relations.Though the BJP seems firmly in saddle with a brute majority in the Lok Sabha, the NDA is in tatters, with most of its prominent con stituents including TDP, Shiv Sena and Siromani Akali Dal, now out of the coalition.Moreover, the need for such a committee is likely to grow stronger as the Grand Alliance, at present limited to Bihar, may evolve into a formation with wider ap peal across several other states. Chief Minister Nit ish Kumar has expressed his intention to work for a united opposition to take on the BJP’s hegemony. To this end, the chief minister is also expected to visit New Delhi next week, shortly after the expansion of his cabinet. In the nation al capital, Kumar is likely to meet top opposition leaders, including Congress interim president Sonia Gandhi, said sources close to him. Meanwhile, Saurav also said that the CPI(ML)’s state committee meeting is scheduled here on Saturday which will be attended, among others, by secre tary general Dipankar Bhat tacharya.
BENGALURU, AUG 13 (IANS): External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar on Friday stressed that if China disturbed peace in the bor der areas, this will have impact on the bilateral rela tionship.Replying to a query on the troubled relation ship with China after the clash in Ladakh two years ago, he said: “We have had 15 rounds of talks at the (Corps) Commanders level and there are experts also at tending along with the com manders. We have made some progress, some sub stantial progress in terms of the sides pulling back from places where they are very close.”“There are still some places where they have not, but we have consistently maintained the position that if China disturbs the peace and tranquility in the border areas, it will have an impact on the relationship,” he added.“Ihave said in 2020 and 21 and I continue to say in 2022 -- our relationship are not normal. It cannot be normal if the border situa tion is not normal and the border situation right now is not normal,” Jaishankar said. He said that the border situation remained a big problem as the military has been holding its ground for two winters.“It’ssomething which has been a very resolute and strong position by the government which has been implemented on the ground by the armed forces”.
Ex-NCB chief cleared of fake caste certificate charge
Disturbance of peace by China will impact relation: Jaishankar 100 Sikhs, Hindus waiting to come to India: Afghan Sikh leader community members in the Taliban-controlled country, he said many of those who haven’t received their visas are infants and children. “The situation is so vol atile that we cannot leave the family members, especially the women and children, be alone there even for a min ute,” he Sinceadded.terrorists at tacked gurdwaraKarta-E-ParwaninKabulonJune 18, 66 Afghan Sikhs and Hindus have been evacuated to India in four batches. Recalling the attack, Rajwanshi said 18 Afghan Sikhs were inside the gurd wara when it was target ed and two of them died. “Businesses of many were ruined because even our shops used to be targeted. Afghan Sikhs have stopped visiting gurdwaras there,” he said. None of the gurdwaras in Afghanistan is functional anymore and people are also scared to visit them, he said. “We were born in that country (Afghanistan), we grew up there, we have our houses there but we cannot even imagine going back to that place again,” he added. Those who have ar rived in India are now focus ing on rebuilding their lives. The Shiromani Gurd wara Parbandhak Com mittee (SGPC), Amritsar, which has been involved in the evacuation process of Afghan Sikhs and Hindus, said the evacuees have basic demands and they will be met soon.
Tejashwi Yadav why you ruined country’s economy for friends: Sisodia to Modi
File photo of Sikh refugees from Afghanistan.
Karnataka CM Basavaraj Bommai takes part in ‘Azadi ke Amrit Mahotsav’ celebrations for 75 years of Independence, in Bengaluru, Saturday. (PTI) of the pain of lakhs of our brothers and sisters during partition. We must never forget the cost that politics of hate and divide, driven by personal selfish interests im posed on us,” Nadda said. Union minister Bhu pender Yadav visited Ballia in Uttar Pradesh to pay tributes to freedom fighter Chittu Pandey. Party leaders across the country attended different programmes, in cluding ‘Prabhat Pheri’ and Tiranga rally. BJP general secretary (organisation) B L Santhosh took part in a ‘Prabhat Pheri’ at Una in Himachal Pradesh. Defence Minister Rajnath Singh un veiled in Jodhpur the statue of Durgadas Rathore, a famous warrior credited with spearheading the fight against the Mughals. Congress president Sonia Gandhi tests positive for COVID-19 again
NEW DELHI, AUG 13 (PTI): Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia on Saturday alleged Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s “dostvaad” has “complete ly ruined” the country’s economy and asked him to answer why his “friends” got tax exemptions and their loans worth crores waived.At a press conference, he alleged the Centre has written off loans worth Rs 10 lakh crore and gave Rs 5 lakh crore tax exemption to Modi’s “friends”, push ing the country’s economy to such a “bad state” that it has to say nothing can now be provided to people for free.“Prime Minister Nar endra Modi’s ‘dostvaad’ has completely ruined the coun try’s economy,” Sisodia told reporters.When the questions are raised, the BJP-led government at the Centre and the ruling party’s lead ers start “talking here and there”, he alleged. “So, I once again ap peal to the prime minister to answer why he wrote off loans of his friends worth Rs 10 lakh crore and ex empted their tax to the tune of Rs 5 lakh crore to benefit them and put the country’s economy to such a state that you have to say that country will be ruined if anything is given to people for free now,” the AAP leader said. “Answer this question instead of talking here and there that you keep doing all the time,” he added.
MUMBAI, AUG 13 (IANS): The Maharashtra government on Saturday cleared the Narcotics Con trol Bureau’s (NCB) former Mumbai Zonal Director Sa meer Wankhede, who was accused of submitting an alleged fake caste certificate for a government job. The government order came after the Mumbai Dis trict Caste Scrutiny Com mittee probed the issue for nearly seven months and gave the clean chit to the IRS officer, currently posted in Chennai.Thepanel has con cluded that Wankhede is not a Muslim by birth and he belongs to the Mahar com munity which is a Scheduled Caste.Former Maharashtra Minister and National ist Congress Party leader Nawab Malik - currently in LUCKNOW, AUG 13 (PTI): Senior member of All-India Muslim Personal Law Board Maulana Kha lid Rasheed Farangi Ma hali on Saturday said no one has the right to take law into his hand and the attack on controversial writer Salman Rushdie can’t be termed as correct. The should“Hence,theMohammedineventwasmanstabbed“TheforfacedcontroversialMumbai-bornauthor,whoIslamistdeaththreatsyearsafterwritingSatanicVerses”,wasbya24-year-oldonFridaywhilehebeingintroducedataninWesternNewYorktheUS.MahalisaidProphetalwaysgavemessageofpeace.theMuslimstakethepathshown by Him,” he said. The chairman of the All-India Shia Personal Law Board Maulana, Saem Mehdi, said, “Three decades ago Shia cleric and leader Ayatollah Khomeini had issued a fatwa against Rushdie.So, it would be inap propriate for any other member of the Shia com munity to give views on it.”
Grand Alliance to have coordination committee
NEW DELHI, AUG 13 (PTI): Around 100 Afghan Sikhs and Hindus want to come to India but are unable to as some of their family members are yet to receive their e-visas from the government of India, a Sikh leader said on Saturday. President of Gurdwara Management Committee, Kabul, Gurnam Singh Ra jwanshi, who was evacuated from Kabul with five of his family members on Friday, said his son is among those awaiting their e-visas. Around 28 of them are yet to receive their vi sas. Because of this, 100 of them are waiting as it is difficult for most Afghan Hindus and Sikhs to leave any of their family members behind and come to India, Rajwanshi said. Urging the Indian government to grant e-visas to the minority
Bihar model to be replicated in India: Tejashwi
NEW DELHI, AUG 13 (PTI): Over two months after contracting the coro navirus infection, Congress president Sonia Gandhi on Saturday tested positive for COVID-19 again and will remain in Earlierisolation.thisweek, her daughter and Congress gen eral secretary Priyanka Gan dhi Vadra had also tested positive. “Congress Presi dent Smt. Sonia Gandhi has tested positive for Covid-19 today. She will remain in isolation as per Govt. proto col,” Congress general sec retary Jairam Ramesh said in a tweet Saturday. Sonia Gandhi had tested positive for COVID-19 in early June as well. Days after she had tested positive, the 75-yearold leader was admitted to Sir Ganga Ram Hospital here on June 12. She was discharged on June 20. “Congress President Smt. Sonia Gandhi has tested positive for Covid-19 today. We wish her speedy recovery and good health,” the party said on its official Twitter handle on Saturday. Several leaders includ ing Rajasthan Chief Min ister Ashok Gehlot and Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel, wished Gandhi a speedy recovery. Leader of Opposition in Rajya Sabha Mallikarjun Kharge said, “Concerned to hear that Smt Sonia Gandhi ji has tested positive for Co vid. Wishing her a speedy recovery and good health.” Congress leaders Sa chin Pilot and Srinivas BV, among others, also wished her a speedy recovery. Several Congress lead ers have contracted Covid recently including Kharge, party general secretary Ajay Maken, hishekKheradepartmentcommunicationsheadPawanandpartyMPAbManuSinghvi.
Manish Sisodia Priyank Kharge Sonia Gandhi Maulana Khalid RasheedSameer Wankhede
Attack on author Rushdie can’t be called correct: Muslim cleric
PATNA, AUG 13 (PTI): A coordination committee, which the JD(U) kept press ing for while in the BJP-led NDA, may be set up to ensure smooth functioning of the CPI(ML),tiespresentPTI.MLAinItlikelywecoordinationwasfactoMinister,Alliance,constituentCPI(ML),ningtoKumar.ofrules(Grand“Mahagathbandhan”Alliance)thatnowBiharupontheentryChiefMinisterNitishTherewereindicationsthiseffectonFridayevewhenMLAsofthethefourthlargestoftheGrandcalledontheChieftheJD(U)’sdeleader,athisresidence.“Thechiefministerstronglyinfavourofacommitteeandfeltthesame.Noallyistohaveanyobjection.may,therefore,comeupduecourse,”CPI(ML)SandeepSauravtoldTheGrandAllianceatcomprisessevenpar–JD(U),RJD,Congress,CPI,CPI(M)and
the same socialist beliefs”. He also thanked Gan dhi, CPI-M chief Sitaram Yechury, CPI’s D. Raja and OtherTheleaders.meeting gains sig nificance as the cabinet expansion is due in a few days.
Prime Minister Nar endra Modi’s remarks on ‘revdi’ culture last month has started a debate on freebies in the country and thereafter a political slugfest is on between the BJP and the AAP on the issue. He used ‘revdis’, a popular north Indian sweet often distributed during festivals, as a metaphor for freebies being promised by various parties to grab power and said the people, especially the youth, should guard against it. On Saturday, Sisodia said it is for the first time in the last 75 years that the Union government had to “tax” food items like milk, curd, wheat and rice. “The Central gov ernment is saying it does not have money to build schools, hospitals, pay pen sions and bring schemes to give relief to poor people in the country,” he claimed. The Centre lacks funds to support such measures because it used taxpayers’ money to fill up the “coffers of the friends” of Prime Minister Modi, Sisodia al leged.
NEW DELHI, AUG 13 (PTI): The BJP on Satur day asked the Congress to “reprimand” its Karnataka leader Priyank Kharge for his “demeaning” remarks suggesting that women in the state have to give sexual favours for getting jobs. “If a woman from Kar nataka wants a job, she will have to get on to the couch and men can land a job only by paying a bribe,” Kharge, the son of Congress stalwart Mallikarjun Kharge, had al leged hitting out at the BJP dispensation in Karnataka. BJP spokesperson Sambit Patra slammed Pri yank Kharge for the “abso lutely appalling statement demeaning to women”. The National Com mission for Women should question him, he said. Noting that the Con gress is headed by a woman leader, he said Sonia Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi Vadra should reprimand him for making such an “abhorrent” remark.The BJP government in Karnataka has become a “Lancha-Mancha Sarkara” (bribe and couch govern ment), Kharge, a former state minister, had said in Kannada at a press confer ence on Friday. He was referring to Ra mesh Jarkiholi’s resignation as Water Resources Minister over his alleged involvement in a sex-for-job scandal. Another BJP MLA K S Eshwarappresigned as min ister after a civil contractor died by suicide alleging that the former had demanded 40 per cent commission for execution of public work. “In this government, you have to shell out money to get a government job. In the past, two ministers of this government have re signed,” Kharge said. The state BJP also hit back at Kharge, saying he should first look inside his party. “The stories of the colourful nightlife of the Congress leaders are not mere hearsay. There are many secret CDs available,” it tweeted.
NEW DELHI, AUG 13 (IANS): Bihar’s new Dep uty Chief Minister Tejash wi Yadav on Friday met Congress interim President Sonia Gandhi to discuss the cabinet expansion in the state even as sources said as Congress likely to get four berths in the new Nitish KumarAftergovernment.meeting Gan dhi, Yadav claimed that same model would be rep licated in the country, in a reference to Nitish Ku mar again dumping the BJP to join hands with the Rashtriya Janata householdthatofandthemar’sRJDandunemployment,countrybegovernment.governmentMahagatbandhan.Dal-led“Thisisthepublic’sItwillbenowreplicatedacrosstheaspeoplearefedofinflationcommunalism,”theleadersaid.HesaidNitishKudecisionisaslaptoBJPstyleofpoliticscounteringthechargestheirpastfights,notedtherearefightsinevery“butwearefrom
Cong should reprimand Priyank Kharge: BJP BJP leaders join ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ campaign across country

NSCN/GPRN reiterate our stance of inclusivity of peace and political settlement in all our Naga lands. Kuknalim!
I n the name of our creator and Jesus Christ, greetings and revolutionary salute to all Nagas on this momentous and auspicious day of Naga Independence.Onthisday, as always we remember all our unsung and fallen martyrs who gave their all so that we, the living Nagas and the generations to come can call ourselves as a people and a nation. We give our deepest respect and honour to all Naga political groups irrespective of factions for the defending the rights of Naga people with courage and Thousandsvitality.ofNaga men, women and children have suffered and sacrificed for our aspiration to determine our future and to proclaim our right as a nation. NSCN/GPRN pledges to all orphans and widows on whose tears and blood our nation was built that NSCN/GPRN reaffirm our commitment to never waver from defending our God given political rights as long as Nagas exist. For a long time Naga people have endured untold suffering and we cannot allow our future generations to be faced with the same. Therefore, today, as we stand at a crucial juncture, we have retrospect our past, learn from it, resonate together and make a collective decision to pursue practical approach towards resolving the Indo-Naga issue. It is the opportune moment in our history to wake up from our slumber and unite in Christ which is the only way forward to achieve our aspirations; there is no other way. Without unity there can be no permanent peace and prosperity or whatsoever. No accords/ agreements of uniqueness or contemporary realities cannot be achieved in principle without unity.
NSCN/GPRN president Gen. (retd) Niki Sumi
M y dear people of Nagalim, I am very happy today the 14th AUGUST 2022 for God granting me golden privilege to avail this opportunity to celebrate/observe this red-letter day along with our NagaMr.fellows.R. N. Ravi former interlocutor for Naga’s peace talk once, some years back said/ told the Nagas that there will be only one agreement and one solution for Naga’s political settlement, which is inclusive, lasting, honourable snd acceptable to all Nagas and signed an agreement known as “Framework Agreement” for Nagalim which includes Nagas of Manipur, Nagas of Arunachal Pradesh, Nagas of Nagaland, Nagas of Assam and Nagas of Myanmar (Burma) as well with Nagas represented by Th. Muivah G. S, NSCN(I’M) as chief negotiator for Naga peace talk on 3rd August 2015 in presence of Indian Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modiji and after two years of signing the Framework Agreement again Mr. R.N.Ravi signed another agreement so called “Agreed Position” only for Nagas of Nagaland, no inclusiveness with working committee of 7 NNPG’s on 17 November 2017.As such he has signed two Agreements for Naga Solution, so where has gone the word “One Agreement One Solution” of Mr. R. N. Ravi? Mr. R. N Ravi has forgot his own word and ignored his own signature put in the said Agreement (F/A) and distanced from the same. Mr. R.N.Ravi has not only betrayed the Nagas but defamed the entire IndianThereNation.are two agreements, means there will be two kinds of solution for Naga Political settlement. This is nothing but Government of India is applying the policy of divide and rule in order to create enmity and misunderstanding among the Nagas. Mr. R. K Mishra was appointed recently in place of R.N Ravi as interlocutor for Naga peace talk but he is also following the dirty policy of R.N Ravi, he is also not right person to solve the problem for Naga political settlement. Nagas should not consider the issue of Naga political settlement as very simple and cheap, our future generations would cry and perish in the sea of sorrow. Government of India should not betray the Nagas this time as infamous “Shillong Accord” signed between Government of India and Nagas in 1975 which had been ended in smoke,Therefore,fruitless. I on behalf of NPGN/NNC(N/A) appeal to the Government of India to solve the Naga Political settlement at the earliest basing on Framework agreement signed between Government of India and Nagas on 3rd August 2015 which is inclusive of all Nagas and if the solution is to be done other than Framework Agreement, I am sure that bloodshed and killing would be there among the Nagas because some Nagas who are outside Nagaland state would be definitely excluded, no inclusiveness, then who is to be blamed for this? it would be sole Government of India’s fault/risk.
T oday, the 14th August 2022 commemorates 75 yrs of the Naga Nationhood. In honor and with reverence for this most auspicious day, I on behalf of the Naga National Council (NNC) and also on my own behalf convey joyous greetings to the citizens of our Naga Nation. My primal acknowledgement ascends to our eternal God, to whom is ascribed all gratitude and glory for His neverfailing protection, mercy and guidance. I pay befitting homage to the stalwarts of the Naga National Workers (NNW), who not only birthed the Naga National Consciousness but most diligently nurtured her by sacrificing all that they have, even to the laying down their very lives. Their sacrifices shall never be forgotten. I salute the surviving veterans who truly deserve our eternal thanks for their undying spirit of patriotism and their love for the Naga homeland. I solemnly bestow my blessings on the present leaders carrying the baton of national responsibilities and future generation leaders to come who would be entrusted the responsibility. By your hands and through your noble deeds would God fulfill His grand plan of Naga Nationhood, praise His Mighty name. On this auspicious day, I urge every Naga to never ever forget this momentous day, neither to one’s honor nor to one’s shame and disgrace because this God-given day is the most precious and powerful day for the Naga people collectively without borders. Had we not declared our Independence one day ahead of India, it would be branded as ‘secession’ or anti-India rebellion. God’s omniscience provided timely foresight to our leaders, leading them to precede India in the monumental declaration; sealing our secure future once and for all times to come. Our eternal rights have been forever immortalized. We have our secure future now with complete confidence. Yes, in politics the Naga Nation is older than India by one full DAY. This historic day calls for a few more mention, if you will. Our national leaders of yore then proceeded to fortify the Independent Naga national status by conducting the Plebiscite on May 16, 1951; where 99.9% of Naga people imprinted their thumbs in favor of Sovereignty and mandated the Naga National Council (NNC) on oath declaring loud and clear that we are independent indeed. Whosoever are true to their oath, all the excellences shall be theirs and if not, all the destructions and perishes shall be theirs. These actions most explicitly demonstrated our true aspirations for the whole world to see. However, Govt. of India (GoI) in her malicious designs chose to claim Naga people and Nagaland to be Indians and its territory in 1952 forced her 1st Indian General Election in Nagaland. But the Naga people, true to their declared stand, did not cast even one single vote and rejected the election. that Naga people were never Indians nor would we ever be, and that they had absolutely nothing to do with the Indian election. By this act, India was shown the serious verity of our actions undertaken on Aug. 14, 1947 and May 16, 1951. If GoI possesses any tinge of human virtue, she must surely be ashamed! Although the Naga people had declared Independence, she delayed much in forming her Govt. What could have been the reasons? For a sobering fact, the Naga people knew themselves and their stature wisely. Though her eternal rights are factually unimpeachable or unchallengeable, she was well aware that militarily she could never match India. So, she did not set up her Govt. immediately. Had she did so, GoI would in all probability crush her on the pretext of Naga people as a nation challenging her. Instead, the NNC dealt with her through peaceful and non-violent ways and means. But the GoI on perceiving our size became arrogantly impatient with mere arguments and without the slightest reasoning, decided to intimidate us into submission and began to send in her Armed Forces incessantly into our land to unleash atrocious terror upon our ordinary defenseless civilians mercilessly since 1955. This event placed the Naga leadership precariously on the proverbial horns of the dilemma, ‘either to surrender for the sake of their women and children or to valiantly resist in self-defense’. After intense contemplation the Naga people most wisely took the right choice of not to surrender, come whatever may. On 22nd March,1956 her Govt, namely FGN was set up and the real war of liberation in self-defense from Indian oppression ensued. The stand of NNC/Federal Republic Govt. of Nagaland (FGN) remains ever the same and shall remain so, today and tomorrow. Were it not for the Naga National Movement, the Nagas would be suppressed to exist as a people much more primitive than the lowest Indian caste. The GoI wrongly miscalculated that she could easily intimidate the Naga people to surrender. But to her horror and our wonder, Naga people could prevail over severe and prolonged warfare. Realizing that violent fire-power was not making any much headway, GoI decided to enter into the Cease-Fire in 1964 with the FGN, to be followed by the historical Peace Talks at the level of Prime Minister under External affairs, both of which clearly indicates that the Nagas and its land were acknowledged as a distinct people in a distinct and sovereign nation. These are the historical facts and evidences that also testify our Nationhood. Had the GoI been sincere in her quest then, the case could have been settled, because at this juncture, the Nagas had a mandated National Govt with creditable leadership commanding total Naga unity. Yes, the issue could have been most amicably resolved. But the malicious trait of the GoI surfaced once again and she most blatantly abrogated the Cease-Fire unilaterally in 1972; and unleashed atrocious reign of terror and barbarism that violated all sense of human rights and civility. During such “hard times”, a group of Naga National Workers (NNW) ventured out in the name of forthoughusProaccordistarmsConstitutionhastheisaside,Leavinghadreasonshijackedandwell.condemningoffaults.tradingitNagaland?PoliticalwhichthewouldAccordRenouncingNagalandtheofNationaltheAccordfactionNNC/FGNeffectivelydifferingAnti-Accordcoup.powerAnti-Accordone.coup;thegroupitandlaterAnti-tradedThenShillongtheFGN.ProShillongShillongSomefunctioningtheaThisAccord”theenteredOrganisations”“Undergroundin1975andanagreementwithGoI,knownas“Shillongofmuchinfamy.actunderduresscausedmajorsplitintheunityofNagaNationalWorkersasNNC/FGN.tooksideswiththeAccord,knownasAccordNNC/TheothersopposedsameknownasAnti-AccordNNC/FGN.condemnationswerebetweentheProandAccordgroupsandonresultedinacoupcountercoup.InitiallyhadbeenthePro-AccordwhoseizedpowerfromAntiAccordgroupinabutitwasabloodlessAftersometimes,thegroupseizedinabloodycounter-BoththeProandgroups,thoughinideology,werefunctioningastill1980.Butin1980,acertainoftheAntiShillonggroupformedopposingentityofSocialistCouncilNagaland/GovtofPeople’sRepublicof(NSCN/GPRN).theShillongwasfinebutwhytheychoosetodesertrightandcorrectstand,istheonlymandatedInstitutionofMosttragicallybecameanothercaseofourrightsforothers’IntheircondemnationNNC/FGN,theyarethemselvesasTheNNC/FGN’snamereputationhadbeenforallthewrongandpurposeandcreatedconfusions.othersmattersmypoliticalideologyagainsttheprincipleofShillongAccordwhichacceptedtheIndianandsurrenderedandammunition.TheleftthoseofinNNC/FGNevenwestoodstaunchlythemtorenouncethe
Messages, speeches on ‘Naga Independence
Reader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the columns do not reflect the view of this newspaper nor that of the Editor in any manner.
Accoerd and return to the fold. The NNC/FGN lives on most tenaciously and will never give up on the Naga aspiration of being fre from Indian oppression in its sovereign land. Only after 33 years of the 1964 Indo-Naga Cease-Fire, the GoI and the NSCN (IM) faction in 1997 entered into an exclusive ceasefire and carried on a protracted peace process and in 2015 brought out a secret “Framework Agreement” treaty. But even before the implementation clauses of the same could be drawn up, GoI entered into yet another ceasefire with the 7 NNPGs and brought about the “Agreed Position”, compounding the whole matter even more. All these are evidences of GoI’s mischievous acts to trick the Nagas to surrender from the aspiration of expelling the Indian occupation and dominion of our land. Kindly hear me out as I spell out the actual Naga position. The 1964 Cease-Fire had been “IndoNaga” in every sense of the term. But the latter ceasefires GoI entered into with the NSCN (IM) and the 7 NNPGs cannot be termed as Indo-Naga in any sense. In the same way, “Framework Agreement” or “Agreed Position” can never be said to have the people’s mandate. So, they cannot be forced upon the people at any given cost. The latest slogan of “Solution before Election” has been doing the rounds aplenty. But these are two completely different entities and should never be mixed together. How can it be brought about together? As of now, there appears to be no mandated National Govt, no National leader with the right combination, except for the mandated NNC/ FGN of yore. People’s unity and mandate apparently is nowhere in their peace negotiations. The existing entities are, sorry to say, but factional Govts run by factional leaders at best. So, to discuss national affairs and arriving at a Final Solution are impracticable. My honest opinion is that even the GoI would not be so thoughtless nor malicious enough to enter into any Agreement with them. Perchance, even if GoI chooses to try out such an endeavour, mark my word, it can never ever be the “final” solution of the Naga political cause. The GoI had been playing cruel games on the Nagas by fragmenting us up, pitting one group against the other and like vultures, awaiting the demise of the National leaders of substance. Let us, dear people, get wise early to her nefarious game plan and refuse to be used as pawns. The Naga National Movement (NNM) is pathetically fractured today. The people are ailing. N othing substantive is expected to emerge from such turbulent ambience. I most strongly believe that mutual trust and unity need to be ushered in as the top priority to heal the Naga Nation A certain section of the people seemed to be busily working on equations between the sizes of the tiny Nagaland and the mammoth India, creating much negativism, totally forgetting that Naga people have the absolute rights in the conflict. This is very unfortunate. Should and would the righteous be silenced by fear of the monstrous bully? That would be total anathema. Nagas shall surely triumph, but this will not be because of the Naga might, but solely because of God’s loving mercies alone and our sovereign rights to be a sovereign nation. Be informed that the NNM is God-ordained and that the Nagas are a chosen people endowed with bounteous blessings. There absolutely is nothing God cannot accomplish.Hecan and does turn the world virtually upside down, plenty of which are evident on public display. Therefore, let us be strong and have good courage. Anticipate the righteous Hand of God most eagerly and earnestly. The NNC or better still, the Naga People’s stand is most steadfastly rooted on Aug. 14, 1947 Declaration and May 16, 1951 Plebiscite, nothing less and nothing more. May God bless you all.
Do not quench the Spirit. —1 Thessalonians 5:19 The voice of the Spirit of God is as gentle as a summer breeze— so gentle that unless you are living in complete fellowship and oneness with God, you will never hear it. The sense of warning and restraint that the Spirit gives comes to us in the most amazingly gentle ways. And if you are not sensitive enough to detect His voice, you will quench it, and your spiritual life will be impaired. This sense of restraint will always come as a “still small voice” (1 Kings 19:12), so faint that no one except a saint of God will notice it. Beware if in sharing your personal testimony you continually have to look back, saying, “Once, a number of years ago, I was saved.” If you have put your “hand to the plow” and are walking in the light, there is no “looking back”— the past is instilled into the present wonder of fellowship and oneness with God (Luke 9:62 ; also see 1 John 1:6-7). If you get out of the light, you become a sentimental Christian, and live only on your memories, and your testimony will have a hard metallic ring to it. Beware of trying to cover up your present refusal to “walk in the light” by recalling your past experiences when you did “walk in the light” (1 John 1:7). When-ever the Spirit gives you that sense of restraint, call a halt and make things right, or else you will go on quenching and grieving Him without even knowing it. Suppose God brings you to a crisis and you almost endure it, but not completely. He will engineer the crisis again, but this time some of the intensity will be lost. You will have less discernment and more humiliation at having disobeyed. If you continue to grieve His Spirit, there will come a time when that crisis cannot be repeated, because you have totally quenched Him. But if you will go on through the crisis, your life will become a hymn of praise to God. Never become attached to anything that continues to hurt God. For you to be free of it, God must be allowed to hurt whatever it may be.
NNC president Gen (Rtd) Thinoselie M Keyho
Robert Louis Stevenson DailyDevotion “Do Not Quench the Spirit”
The Pen and the Sword Indian-born British citizen and internationally renowned writer Salman Rushdie, is battling for life after being stabbed over ten times at an event he was to speak, by a fanatic Muslim terrorist in New York on August 13,2022. Rushdie has been on death list (fatwa) issued by Iranian cleric Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in 1989 with a $2.8-million bounty. Once a fatwa is issued by a high-ranking Muslim cleric, every Muslim is duty bound to carry out the diktat. He had written several books which are much acclaimed and which won him several international awards. Salman wrote Grimus, Midnight’s Children (for which he won the Booker Prize in 1981, the Booker of Bookers in 1993, and, in 2008, the Best of the Booker), Shame, The Satanic Verses, Haroun and the Sea of Stories, The Moor’s Last Sigh, The Ground Beneath Her Feet, Fury, Shalimar the Clown, and The Enchantress of Florence The book, The Satanic Verses published in 1988 earned Salman the wrath of his own community. In Britain, on December 2,1988, 7,000 Muslims in the town of Bolton staged the first ever demonstration against Salman Rushdie. It was India, not Iran nor Pakistan nor Saudi Arabia nor Egypt nor Iraq which became the first country to ban the book in 1989 under Rajiv Gandhi. The ban was hard that it criminalized shipping or possession. The ban on the book India came four years (1985) when Rajiv capitulated to Islamic clerics in the Shah Bano case. The Congress government under Rajiv even banned Salman Rushdie, from coming to India. The ban was eventually lifted by the Vajpayee government in 1999, 11 years later. The Islamic terrorist who stabbed Salman has been identified as Hadi Matar, 24, from New Jersey. Police said Matar, probably a Muslim immigrant, expressed sympathy to “Shia extremism” and the causes of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard (IRGC). Another evidence of Matar’s pro-Iranian radicalism was the images of Iranian commander Qassem Solemani, the highest-ranking Iranian military leader who was assassinated in 2020, found in a cell phone messaging app. According to media reports, the leadership at the Chautauqua Institution, the venue hosting the event, rejected past recommendations to increase security at events. The Chautauqua leadership rejected any form of frisking of attendees especially at events involving hi-profile writers and personalities who face security threats, like Salman Rushdie. Muslims have remained largely silent on such issues but whenever it involved banning of Hijab, they raise Cain. The shocking massacre on January 7, 2015 when two French Muslim immigrant brothers Said and Cherif Kouachi, stormed inside the office of Charlie Hebdo a French satirical magazine and killed 14 staff and injuring 11 others. In 2020, a French teacher, beheaded for showing his students cartoon of Prophet Mohammad. To understand the fatwas, Islam prohibits description of Mohammad and any image that depicts him. Charlie Hebdo has been making cartoon satires on other religious leaders of Jewish and Christian faiths but no one was killed and the cartoons had no effect. Despite being welcomed and given equal rights in the liberal west, Muslim immigrants feel their adopted countries should be Islamised. Their inclination of Islamic radicalism can be best summed up by Saudi-Australian Islamic preacher Junaid Thorne , who said: “If you want to enjoy ‘freedom of speech’ with no limits, expect others to exercise ‘freedom of action’”. Quotes Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.
Kuknalim: Urra Uvie D ear Naga countrymen, on this historic day once again I give glory to God Almighty for His providence in sustaining our people and our sacred National movement thus far. Since the beginning of our political struggle thousands of Naga men and women have sacrificed their priceless lives. We pay homage to all the departed patriotic souls and recounts their glorious services rendered to the national struggle. The visionary leadership of our pioneers and indomitable spirit of our past leaders on the firm principle of ‘one people one nation’ did unite all the Nagas with one hope and one dream for a free republic. Yet, it is very unfortunate that the Nagas today are on the fringe of dismemberment with narrow tribalism and factionalism, the very evil that has caused suspicion and among the Nagas. If we don’t desist ourselves from plying this path, only self-destruction and selfdefeat awaits us. At this crucial phase of our struggle, let us all rise above petty communal and groupism centred agendas but revive and live out the true meaning and purpose of Naganess. As a people we must concentrate our efforts not for mere survival but to prosper and to compete with the rest of theWeworld.must not allow the withering away of the innate qualities of bravery, honesty and truthfulness of our Naga fore-fathers. Most Naga leaders are being carried away by materialism of the modern world. Greed, envy, narcissism, nepotism and corruption since the last few decades has destroyed the very fabric of our Naga society. The Naga National leaders and workers are no less an exception to these foreign culture. Unless we cast away hypocrisy and bigotry in our daily lives, not only is our present in peril but the future of the Nagas appears too bleak. Let us live inside out and make ourselves an example of true Naganess both in speeches and in deeds, only then can we resuscitate our struggle and our dream as ‘one people one nation’ free from tyranny and injustice. Having said thus, the Nagas today are on the cusp of political transition. Every effort that is humanly possible at this point of time to bring about an honourable and enduring solution has been invested and the political negotiation between the Naga negotiators and GOI has been successfully concluded. However, it is quite lamentable that certain section of the Nagas too obsessed with power and position has refused to accept the reality and instead of delivering solution has chosen to obstruct the Naga political solution with every deceptive means available at their disposal. But how long can we allow antisolution and anti-people elements to defy the popular will of the Naga people. The Naga people are no longer too naïve to be misled by propagandas and lofty impracticable ideas. The welfare and future of the Nagas are too paramount for any vested section preaching lies and fraudulent ideas. The Naga people, the true stakeholders have given a clarion call for early political solution on the basis of the people’s mandated concluded negotiation and therefore there should be nothing more or less than realising the popular desire of the people lest we continue to suffer in ignominy in the hands of subversive elements hell bent on squeezing the life blood of the Nagas at every possible opportunity by delaying the solution. The Nagas have had enough of the subjective presentation of the issue and tall political sermon based on illusion. The goal lines have already been drawn by ourselves at this opportune time and moment. We cannot allow ourselves to be intimidated by those elements spreading fear and bloodshed. We must all stand upright and defeat the dark forces of enslavement. Political solution is not an option but a compulsion, the only means to peace and prosperous future of the Nagas. Kuknalim.
GPRN president Lt. Gen. (Retd) Khango Konyak NPGN/NNC(N/A) president T. Ovung

Dimapur aDmission office mriu city office, peseyie complex near christian Hr. sec. school, Dimapur 7005295385/call/Whatsapp:7005122887
Lieutenant General Upendra Dwivedi on Saturday reviewed the security situation along the Line of Control in Kashmir and commended the forces.
derstanding,” he said. Amid the ongoing na tionwide ‘Azaadi ka Amrit Mahotsav’ celebrations, a 72-ft-high tricolour was hoisted by the people of Keran along the LoC in the presence of Lt Gen Dwivedi and Lt Gen Au jla, the spokesperson said. On the occasion, a cultural programme was also held that saw the participation of schoolchildren, he said. The ‘Rashtriya Salute’ by the ceremonial guards of the Indian Army, the Border Security Force (BSF) and the Jammu and Kashmir Po lice was a befitting display of conjoined effort of security forces in Kashmir.
CHENNAI, AUG 13 (PTI) : Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin on Sat urday said the expenditure incurred by the government on education and health cannot be construed as free bies and stated such mea sures were being extended to the poor and those living in theHefringes.alsotook an appar ent swipe at Prime Minister Narendra Modi for op posing freebies but said he did not want to talk much about it as “it will become politics.”Infact, the Supreme Court has said freebies and welfare scheme were different, Stalin said in an event at the Arumigu Kapaleeswarar Arts and Science College at his Ko lathur constituency here. “The expenditure on education and health can not be freebies. Because education is about knowl edge while medicine relates to health. This government wants to implement ad equate welfare schemes in both these sectors,” he said. Listing out the initia tives in Health and Edu cation, including those delivered on doorsteps, Stalin said “these are not freebies (but) social welfare schemes.”“These are imple mented to benefit the poor and those in the fringes,’ he said.In an apparent refer ence at Modi, Stalin said, “some people have now newly emerged with the advice there should be no freebies.”“We are not bothered about that. If I talk more, it will become politics. So I don’t want to talk more about this,” he said. Modi had recently said freebies are a spoke in In dia’s effort to become selfreliant and also a burden on taxpayer and criticised some opposition parties for engaging in the politics of freebies.
NE W DELHI, AUG 13 (IANS): Delhi on Saturday reported the fifth monkey pox case, a 22 year-oldwoman who is currently underSpeakingobservation.to IANS, Suresh Kumar, MD, Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Hospital, said the woman tested posi tive for the virus on Friday after she was admitted for showing symptoms of mon keypox.He said the woman is currently under observation in theOuthospital.ofthe five cases in the national capital, one patient has already been discharged after recovering, while four others continue being treated in the hos pital.In the wake of the posi tive cases, the Delhi govern ment has directed three private hospitals to create at least 10 isolation rooms each for the management of monkeypox cases. Delhi confirmed its first monkeypox case on July 24, while the country’s first-ever case was reported on July 14 in Kerala’s Kol lam district.
MEHSANA, AUG 13 (PTI): Former Gujarat Deputy Chief Minister Ni tin Patel was injured after being attacked by a stray cow in the state’s Kadi town during a `Tiranga Yatra’ on Saturday.He suffered a minor fracture in his left leg during the incident, the BJP leader said. Patel was deputy chief minister and health minister in the previous Vijay Rupani government in the state. A large number of peo ple had joined in a proces sion organised by the state BJP at Kadi in Mehsana district to celebrate 75 years of Independence, Patel told reporters at his residence in Ahmedabad.“ATiranga Yatra had been organised at Kadi where nearly 2,000 people participated. It had com pleted almost 70 percent of the distance and reached a vegetable market when a cow suddenly came run ning,” Patel said. In the commotion, he and a few others were thrown down to the ground, he said.In a video clip, the cow is seen rushing past them
Lieutenant General Upendra Dwivedi on Saturday reviewed the security situation along the Line of Control in Kashmir and commended the forces for maintaining a strong counter-infiltration grid. Lt Gen Dwivedi was accompanied by Chinar Corps Commander Lt Gen ADS Aujla, an Army spokesperson said. “#Lt Gen Upendra Dwivedi, #ArmyCdrNC, visited Forward Areas of #Kashmir along #LC & reviewed the security situa tion,” the Army’s Northern Command said in a tweet. It said Lt Gen Dwivedi lauded all ranks for their professionalism in maintain ing the sanctity of the Line of Control (LoC). Lt Gen Dwivedi arrived here on Saturday, the Army spokes person“Ltsaid.Gen Dwivedi was briefed on the prevalent security situation and mea sures instituted to coun ter adversaries’ design and development works being undertaken by the Indian Army.“He lauded the toexercisedpreciatedalongcounter-infiltrationstronggridtheLoC.Healsoapthestrictcontrolbytheformationabidebytheceasefireun
Northern Army commander visits SRINAGAR, AUG 13 (PTI): Jammu and Kash mir Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha Saturday claimed the government will strike the last nail in the coffin of terrorism in the union territory in one year. He made these re marks while speaking here at a function at SKICC where he laid the founda tion stone of 25 DDC, BDC buildings and inau gurated 1000 amrit sarovars across the Union territory. The Lt Governor said it is “our sacred obligation to defend every inch of motherland and even if we have to sacrifice everything, we shall be ready”. “Some people, on behest of the neighbouring country, are trying to create disturbance in J-K. The neighbour ing country which itself is living in misery, can’t do any good to the people of J-K,” he said. “We have lost many innocent lives, now it has to stop. The right time has come to strike the last nail in the coffin of ter rorism and its ecosystem. Your younger generation should not face the hard ships that their forefathers went through. They must make the nation proud,” he added.Sinha also spoke about the thousands of youths in Tral Pulwama who paid homage to freedom fight ers and reverberated the sky with slogans of ‘Bharat Mata Ki Jai’. He said in Au gust 2019, Prime Minister Narendra Modi bestowed the Union territory with a gift of new dawn of devel opment and prosperity. “For 70 years, the socio-economic system of Jammu and Kashmir was facing serious crisis and in the last three years, the Union territory has achieved great strides in the direction of reducing the gap between villages and cities that had only widened in the last seven decades.”
5th totalcasemonkeypoxinDelhi,10inIndia
SRINAGAR, AUG 13 (IANS): The Jammu and Kashmir government on Saturday sacked four of ficials, including Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) terrorist Bitta Ka rate’s wife and the son of Syed Salahuddin, the chief commander of Hizbul Mu jahideen.The action has been taken under article 311 of the IndianThoseConstitution.sackedare -- Dr Muheet Ahmad Bhat(Scientist-D in postgraduate Department of Computer Science, Uni versity of Kashmir), Ma jid Hussain Qadri, (Se nior Assistant Professor, Department of Manage ment Studies, University of Kashmir), Syed Ab dul Mueed, (Manager IT, JKEDI) and Assabah-ulArjamand Khan, (Public ity officer in Directorate of Rural Development, Kashmir).Arjamand Khan is the wife of JKLF terrorist, Bitta Karate who is facing trial for the murders of Kashmiri Pandits. Syed Abdul Mueed is the son of Hizbul Mujahi deen chief, Syed Saluhud din. agency for questioning in the cattle smuggling case. Discarding the alle gations that he had pres surised doctor Adhikary to visit Mondal, doctor Murmu said he will be fully cooperating with the investigators in case they summon him. “I had got a call from the Birbhum zilla parishad sabhadhipati Bikas Roy Chowdhury that Anubrata Mondal is very ill and a team of doctors should immediately be sent to his residence. Then, I had re quested doctor Adhikary to go to his house and never created any pressure on him,” doctor Murmu said. “The prescription was written by doctor Adhikary himself and the 14 days of bed rest is his observation. I have nothing to hide and will fully cooperate with the CBI if they call me,” he said. Bikas Roy Chowdhury said that he never had “di rected” doctor Murmu, and had just “requested” him to send a team of doctors to see the TMC leader. “I had got a call from Anubrata’s family that he is very ill and that is the rea son I had requested doctor Murmu, but never directed him,” he CBI,said.which has started grilling Mondal at their Kolkata office, claimed that the TMC leader was not co operating with investigation in the cattle smuggling case.
NEW DELHI, AUG 13 (IANS): Rashtriya Sway amsevak Sangh chief Mo han Bhagwat, Sangh lead ers and RSS have removed the display picture of their official social media ac counts and replaced it with Tricolour.TheRSS on Saturday shared a 48 second video on its official Twitter account in which Bhagwat and other Sangh officials can be seen hoisting Tricolour on differ ent occasions.Themove comes in the wake of questions being posed by Congress and oth er opposition leaders to RSS in context of the Tricolour. On the occasion of 75th anniversary of the Independence, Prime Min ister Narendra Modi had appealed to all countrymen to change their DP on social media and put Tricolour on it. In line with the Prime Minister’s ‘Har Ghar Ti ranga’ campaign, the RSS has also urged the people to awaken self-respect and tweeted,” Celebrate the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav. Hoist the Tricolor in every house. Awaken the national self-respect.”
SHIMLA, AUG 13 (PTI): The Himachal Pradesh As sembly passed a bill on Sat urday forbidding “mass conversion” and enhancing the maximum punishment to 10 years imprisonment in its 2019 law against any change of religion through force or passed2020,notifiedbarely2019,FreedomThemoretheledsevenmaximumforincrease2019ingtwosion”,erencewithwas(Amendment)FreedomTheallurement.HimachalPradeshofReligionBill,2022,passedunanimouslyavoicevote.Thebillinsertstherefto“massconverwhichisdescribedasormorepeopleconvertatthesametime,intheActandproposestothepunishmentforcedconversionstoaof10yearsfromyears.TheJaiRamThakur-governmentintroducedbillonFriday.ItisastringentversionofHimachalPradeshofReligionAct,whichcameintoforce18monthsago.The2019ActwasonDecember21,15monthsafteritwasinthestateassembly.
Will strike last nail in coffin of terrorism in one year: JK LG LG Manoj Sinha CBI looks to interrogate hospital head who sent doctor to Anubrata’s house Anubrata Mondal Bitta Karate and Syed Salahuddin Spending on health, education can’t be freebies: M K Stalin M K Stalin Himachal passes bill against forced mass conversion The live animals found in the possession of the passenger. Former Guj Dy CM Patel injured by stray cow during Tiranga Yatra Bhagwat, RSS put Tricolour as DP on social media Over 2,100 cattle died, 60,000 affected by lumpy skin disease in Punjab so far Cows being vaccinated in Nawanshahr in the wake of Lumpy Skin Disease. J&K govt sacks Karate’s wife, Salahuddin’s son from service Passenger held at Chennai Airport with live animals
SRINAGAR, AUG 13 (PTI): Northern Army Commander
CHANDIGARH, AUG 13 (PTI): More than 2,100 cattle have died while over 60,000 have been affected by lumpy skin disease so far in Punjab, an official said on Saturday.The Punjab govern ment has intensified efforts to check the spread of the disease and has adminis tered goat pox vaccine to more than 1.45 lakh cattle, the official said. Chief Minister Bhag want Mann has formed a three-member group of min isters to monitor and control the spread of the disease. Lumpy skin disease infects cows and buffaloes mainly through vectors like blood-feeding insects. It leads to the formation of nodes on the animal’s skin or hide that look like lumps, fever, runny nose, reduced milk yield and difficulty in eating.Punjab, Rajasthan, Ut tarakhand, Gujarat and Andaman and Nicobar Is lands have been hit by the outbreak of the disease. The first confirmed case of lumpy skin disease was reported on July 4 in Punjab. “Till Friday, 60,329 animals have been affected and 2,114 have died,” said the official of the state ani mal husbandry department. “On Friday, 30,000 doses were administered and we have a target to take it to 50,000 daily,” the of ficial told PTI. With some people throwing carcasses in the open or even in water bodies, the animal husband ry department has urged dairy farmers to bury those in deepThepits.government has also released funds to block development and panchayat officers and directed them to arrange heavy earth-moving machines to ensure the buri al of Fivecarcasses.carcasses were found in the Kotbhai tribu tary near Mahima Bhagwa na village in Bathinda a few days ago, the official said. On the instructions of Water Resources minister Harjot Singh Bains, the prin cipal secretary of the depart ment wrote to Bathinda dep uty commissioner, directing him to take necessary steps to prevent animals, which died of lumpy skin disease, from being disposed of in water bodies. Necessary ac tion must be taken if anyone is found doing so, he said.
KOLKATA , AUG 13 (PTI): The CBI is planning to interrogate the superin tendent of Bolpur hospital who allegedly sent a gov ernment doctor to the house of TMC leader Anubrata Mondal for prescribing him two weeks of bed rest ahead of his arrest, an officer said on Saturday.TheCBI is looking to know who in the TMC con tacted doctor Buddhadeb Murmu, the superinten dent, for sending a doctor to Mondal’s Nichupatti house in Bolpur and prescribe him bed rest, he said. “We will also ask him whether he had directed the visiting doctor to prescribe 14 days of bed rest for the TMC leader,” the CBI of ficer told Mondal,PTI. who skipped CBI summons several times before his arrest cit ing health issues, had last Tuesday complained of severe illness, following which doctor Murmu had sent doctor Chandranath Adhikary to his house who prescribed him 14 days of bed rest.Mondal then wrote to the CBI that following the doctor’s advice he was unable to appear before the and security personnel and others coming to Patel’s help. He had difficulty walk ing when he stood up, he said. He was taken to a pri vate hospital where X-ray and CT scan showed that he had a minor fracture in his left leg, Patel added. “The doctors fixed a temporary splint to stabilize the leg and advised me to take rest for 20-25 days,” he said.
CHENNAI, AUG 13 (IANS): In an unprece dented incident, live ani mals, including a monkey and snakes, were recovered from the baggage of a pas senger who landed at Chen nai Airport from Bangkok, Customs officials said on Saturday.The official said that the passenger, whose name was not disclosed, was inter cepted by Customs officials on Thursday at on the basis of intelligence input. “On examination of his checked-in baggage, a DeBrazza monkey, 15 King snakes, 5 ball pythons and two Aldabra tortoises were recovered. Since the live animals were imported il legally, they were departed back to the country of origin through Thai Airways in consultation with the AQCS (Animal Quarantine and Certification Service),” the official said. A case under the Wildlife Protection Act was lodged and other gov ernment departments con cerned were duly informed. The accused was pro duced before a local court, which accepted the Cus toms’ request to send him to judicial custody for 14 days. He has been lodged in a Chennai jail.

Name : Sumitra Devi F/Name : Late Monsilal Baitha Reg. No. : 86, Year : 1995-96 College : SD Jain Girls College, Dimapur Contact : 9774347464 DP-3857/22 mIDDLE PWD CoLoNy WaRD 11 KoHIma , NaGaLaND RaFFLE DRaW RESULt DatE 13/08/2022 Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize: k-1868/22
(From p-1) Committee meeting’s resolution to Prime Min ster and Union Home Min ister and express the aspi rations of the people, and if required invite the chief ministers of Manipur and Arunachal for settlement.
On Rio’s claim that he had met Union Home Minister with Assam chief minister on the issue, The rie said that if there was any seriousness, the home minister should not have announced that all the political problems of the North East would be re solved after However,2024.the only outcome of the meeting with home minister was the seat sharing, he said, adding that neither de velopment activities nor political solution was men tioned.“Do not beat around the bush anymore. It is time for our age to be hon est to the people,” Therie stated.
MUMBAI, AUG 13 (IANS): India’s foreign ex change reserves fell $897 million to $572.978 billion in the week ended August 5, according to the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) bulle tin weekly statistical supple ment.The fall was witnessed after it rose during the week ending July 29 after falling for the four consecutive weeksTheearlier.fall in this week has witnessed due to decline in foreign currency assets by $1.611 billion to $509.646 billion.Foreign Currency As sets (FCA) that is the most important component of the RBI’s foreign exchange reserve are the assets like US Treasury Bills bought by the RBI using foreign currencies.TheFCA is the largest component of the forex re serve. Meanwhile, however, gold reserves increased $671 million to $40.313 billion in the week ended August 5.
ACROSS 4 Handle awkwardly (6) 7 Fresh (8) 8 Adjusts (6) 10 Serene joy (5) 13 Slimming plan (4) 14 Appear (4) 15 German man (4) 16 Weir (3) 17 Of the ear (4) 19 Object of worship (4) 21 Beautiful but aloof woman (3,6) 23 Expanse of water (4) 24 Merriment (4) 26 Pallid (3) 27 Utensil (4) 29 Send by post (4) 32 Fronded plant (4) 33 Stage whisper (5) 34 Craven (6) 35 Mechanic (8) 36 Author (6) DOWN 1 Explosive devices (5) 2 Southern US states (5) 3 Fail to hit (4) 4 Panache (5) 5 Cooked animal flesh (4) 6 Deadly (6) 9 Ridicule (6) 11 Limb (3) 12 Artist’s garment (5) 13 Ten-sided figure (7) 15 That man (3) 16 Put on (3) 18 Wob ble (6) 20 Considers (5) 21 Boy’s name (3) 22 Unwell (3) 23 Toil (6) 25 Offer (3) 28 Command (5) 30 Intended (5) 31 Gain knowledge (5) 32 Not slow (4) 33 Keen (4) Crossword No. 10362 Yesterday’s solution No. 10361 Su doku No. 4984 Yesterday’s solution No. 4983 KAKURO No. 4008 Yesterday’s solution No. 4007 8 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR SUNDAY, AUGUST 14, 2022BUSINESS/STATE For Sale BuildingCommercialwithLand Main Town – Blue Hill, Eros Colony Land Building8523Measuringsq.ft.Rentpermonth=Rs.1LakhPlus No Brokers Please Contact : 8837338807 DP-3843/22 db-879/22 JOB POST School Cashier 2+ Years Cashier Exp. B.Com./Comp. Skills SMS- Full Name, Edu, Exp. Dimapur : 9366315813 -3783/22DP BrickS For Sale 1st Class Bricks available from stockists at Padumpukhuri Monday Bazar, Near Pine Mount School Satyam Co. LtD Rate Rs. 9.00 (Negotiable) Contact : 9612958620/ 7005534643 DP-3674/22 LAND FOR SALE OPPOSITE DIMAPUR GOVT. COLLEGE, DIMAPUR TOTAL LAND SIZE 109 X 109 (SQ. FT.) @ Rs. 750 SLIGHTLY NEGOTIABLE. 90 FT AWAY FROM NATIONAL HIGHWAY. (PRICE NEGOTIABLE). CoNtaCt NUmBER : 7005022779 DP-3859/22 For Sale alto LXI 2019 Sept 19880 Kms Done Price : Rs. 3.35 Lakhs (Negotiable) Ph. : 8119962196 DP-3853/22 land For Sale Location : murise Village Dimapur 705600 Sq. Ft. Rate : Rs. 30 Per Sq. Ft. Contact : 9856844912 / 8787889121 Contact : Visa DP-3850/22
loSt notice I, Sumitra Devi am applying for duplicate copy of NU Registration Card as I have lost it.
11 Oppn parties resolve to...
“Merchandise exports are facing the triple wham my – there is again a shift in consumption from goods to services with the opening up of economies after the Co vid-19 pandemic; the infla tion affecting all economies by reducing the purchasing power; and many economies entering the recession while some advanced ones already in recession,” Sakthivel said. Besides, the normalisa tion of Covid disruptions has also added to the piling up of inventory as goods that used to reach the West Coast of the United States in 150 days now reach in only 60 days, he added. On a cumulative basis, India exported goods worth $157.44 billion during AprilJuly, up 20.13 per majorweaktheneeringDesaiofPromotionEngineeringcent.ExportCouncil(EEPC)IndiaChairmanMaheshsaidthedipinengigoodsexportsinmonthofJulyreflecteddemandfromIndia’smarkets.
DOCUMENTS LOST I, Obeth N. Ezung, son of Nribemo Ezung, student of Salesian College Dimapur have lost my N.B.S.E original documents from Class 9 to B.A 2nd Semester including T.C on Wednesday, 10th August 2022 from Dimapur, Army Signal Road, near Police Point, way to Duncan. HSSLC Roll No.: 202952135 Regd. No.: 1861110246 Year : 2020 If anyone finds the lost documents, please contact the given numbers. Contact - 70858759878132877582 DP-3866/22 NEW DELHI, AUG 13 (AGENCIES): India’s trade deficit widened to a record $30 billion in July as ex ports grew at a much slower pace compared to imports, data released by the com merce and industry ministry showed on MerchandiseFriday. exports declined to a five-month low of $36.27 billion in July but witnessed a marginal increase of 2.14 per cent year-on-year (YoY). The preliminary data released on August 2 had shown a 0.76 per cent contraction in exports at $35.24 billion, and even a wider trade defi cit of $31 billion, for July, Business Standard reported. Inbound shipments grew 43.61 per cent YoY in July to $66.27 billion, though slightly lower from $66.31 billion in June. The rise in imports has been mainly due to an increase in the purchase of petroleum products, electronic goods, and coal. Among major import items, gold declined 43.6 per cent to $2.37 billion after the Centre raised import duty on the metal last month. However, import of non-oil and non-gems and jewellery products grew 42.91 per cent due to recovery in domestic economic activities as well as elevated price pressure. As for outbound ship ments, there was a contrac tion in some of the key drivers of export growth in India. Engineering goods witnessed a 2.08 per cent contraction, gems and jew ellery 5.2 per cent, phar maceuticals 1.05 per cent, readymade garments 0.6 per cent, and cotton yarn 28.17 per cent, amid tepid demand from Western nations. How ever, some items continued to witness growth. Petro leum products grew at 9.18 per cent, chemicals 8.03 per cent, electronic goods 46.0.9 per cent, and rice 30.88 per cent. A Sakthivel, president, Federation of Indian Export Organisations, said signs of a likely slowdown in exports could be seen as global in ventories were pretty high.
NEW DELHI, AUG 13 (IANS): India’s aviation regulator, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), has issued a fresh set of directives for airport operators to check incidents of collision of planes with birds and other animals in the wake of such incidents recently.The DGCA guidelines said that aerodrome opera tors are required to deploy wide range of methods and techniques to minimise the collision between wildlife and aircraft which includes carrying out routine patrols in random patterns, inform ing pilots whenever there is any wildlife activity, regular surveillance to spot hazard ous wildlife, and to record and monitor wildlife/bird movementRegularlydata.monitoring of buildings and other infra structure for nests and roosts along with regular pruning to get rid of dense growth has been recommended. The DGCA has also sought a report from aero drome operators on a monthly basis on the action taken. The circular, titled: “Management of potential wildlife hazards at licensed aerodromes”, says: “The ac tivity of birds and animals in and around an aerodrome is a potential source of hazard to safe operation of aircraft and possibility of collision between an aircraft and birds/animals.
NEW DELHI, AUG 13 (IANS): A day after the Enforcement Directorate (ED) froze crypto lending platform Vauld’s bank assets worth Rs 370 crore over its “predatory lending practices”, the company on Saturday termed the action “unfortunate”. The ED had conducted searches at various premises of Yellow Tune Technol ogies Pvt Ltd in Bengaluru, and froze assets belonging to Flipvolt crypto exchange which runs the Darshan Bathija-led Vauld. Vauld, which last month sus pended all withdrawals, trading and deposits on its platform owing to “financial challenges”, said that despite extending its cooperation, “the Enforcement Directorate has proceeded to pass a freezing order, pursuant to which crypto assets in the pool wallets of the company have ordered to been frozen to the extent of approximately Rs 2,040 million”. “The freezing order of the Enforcement Directorate is specific to that one customer that availed our services for a brief period of time, whose account we subsequently deactivated. We respectfully disagree with the freezing order,” said Vauld. The company said that like several other players offering crypto services in India, it had re ceived summons from the ED of fice in Hyderabad in July, “seeking certain oflargevestigation,usingandtheseinalincryptoinformation/documents,”atewithsummons,“Ininformation/documents”.duecompliancewiththewefullycooperatedtheEnforcementDirectorandprovidedalltherequiredsaidthecompany.TheEDhadsaiditsstatementthatafterthecriminvestigationbegan,manyoffintechappshaveshutshopdivertedhugeprofitsearnedthismodusoperandi.“WhiledoingfundtrailintheEDfoundthatamountoffundstothetuneRs370croreweredeposited by 23 entities, including accused NBFCs and their fintech com panies into the INR wallets of Yellow Tune Technologies held with crypto exchange Flipvolt Technologies Private Ltd,” it said. These amounts were noth ing but proceeds of crime derived from predatory lending practices, according to the agency. Vauld said that it follows strict KYC requirements in every country, including India. “We are seeking legal advice on our best course of action in order to protect the interests of the company, its customers, and all the stakeholders,” it added. Last week, the ED froze bank assets of crypto exchange WazirX worth Rs 64.67 crore. The world’s largest crypto ex change Binance disowned the Nis chal Shetty-run crypto platform WazirX, saying it was removing the off-chain fund transfer chan nel between WazirX and Binance.
India’s trade deficit hits record $30 billion as exports struggle Corporate tax collection rises 34% in Apr-July DGCA issues guidelines to curb wildlife hazards for flights ED froze assets despite full cooperation:ForeignVauldexchange reserves fall $897mn to $572.98bn in week ending August 5 (From p-1) respectively and others estab lished around 1920s and 30s. Referring to the Nagaland Gazetteers 1970, authored by Dr.H. Bareh, DNH said the dis tricts in 1878-89 comprised of 18 Kachari hamlets with others (Page 39 of the Gazetteers). In Page 9 of the Gazetters, DNH said Bareh remarked that the Kachari villages survived from olden days in Dimapur.Onanother claim of Kacha ris paying tax from time to time and the mention of tea gardens, DNH said that such was not known by Dimasa Kacharis. Other than approaching the Dimasa Kacharis of Dhansiripar Sub-division to join Peren district in the past, DNH said there has never been any official dealings to substantiate the claim of pay ing tax.While not denying that they have been maintaining peaceful co-existence from time immemo rial with Zeliangs even in Dima Hasao, erstwhile N.C. Hills in Assam, DNH said Dimasa even sings song in Zeme dialect during Hangsho Busu festival till date, which is a proof of the brotherly relationship.DNHclarified that they “never ever accepted or acknowl edged the traditional ownership of others over our land even in the past.”While stating that Maibiram was the founder of Dhansiripar village and a mauzadar during the British rule, DNH, however, said Maibiram was not from Doyapur village as claimed. “We believed in peaceful co-existence and desire to live as equals not as unwanted and sec ond-class people. Our forefathers knew about Zemes and Angamis and they were taken as a single entity by the Dimasas from time immemorial,” DNH stated.
DNH rejoinder to Peren CSOs
: 1072
MUMBAI, AUG 12 (IANS): Corporate tax col lections in the first four months of the current fi nancial year have risen 34 per cent year-on-year, the Income Tax Department said in a tweet on Friday. “During 2021-22 fiscal, corporate tax collections stood at Rs 7.23 lakh crore, a 58% growth over 2020-21 mop “Evenup. when compared to collections of FY 2018-19 (pre-COVID period), the collections of FY 2021-22 are higher by over 9%,” it tweeted.“The corporate tax col lections during FY 2022-23 (till 31st July, 2022) register a robust growth of 34% over the corporate tax collections in the corresponding pe riod of FY 2021-22,” it said without giving an absolute figures.The positive trend of growth continues, but for the overall impact of the Covid-19 pandemic during FY 2020-21, when the cor porate tax collections took a temporary hit.
1441 Consolation Prizes : 082, 011, 316 Prizes should be claimed within 15 days from the date of draw. 9436016651/9856190838
: 854
NDPP-BJP seat sharing done in a hurry: Therie (From p-1) created thereof is de stroying the very integrity of India’s“Candidateselections.expenses have a ceiling but political party spending does not have any ceiling The fastrising economic oligarchy in the country threatening India as a welfare state is the direct fallout of this ex treme criminal and money power in elections which is the fountainhead of all corruption in the country,” they Thesaid. parties claimed that the government, us ing the Money Bill route to bypass Rajya Sabha, introduced the electoral bond scheme that has in creased opaqueness and consolidated the role of big money in electoral politics. The electoral bond scheme in its current form must be immediately discontinued. The third resolution was on how India’s me diascape has undergone a major transformation with the exponential growth in the use of the internet across the world and also in India.“Unfortunately, com munication technologies and media platforms are cre ating polarization through the circulation of disinfor mation and hate- filled text posts and tweets. Despite guidelines and codes, ECI (Election Commission of India) has not seemed to be taking cognizance of the many violations in the past elections. ECI failed to curb fake news online before and during these elections,” the resolution said. All 11 political parties extended their support to the resolutions.

China issues highest alert for heat Rushdie on ventilator after stabbing; attacker identified HONG KONG/NEW DELHI, AUG 13 (IANS): Monkeypox, which has afflicted more than 30,000 people to date, is not a ‘gay’ disease and in Asia where gay sex is outlawed in several countries, the fear of stigmatisation and worse is preventing people from coming forward to be tested, the mediaAccordingreported. to an opinion piece in The South China Morning Post (SCMP), in India where gay sex was decriminalised in 2018, two men refused to get tested after their sexual partners caught monkeypox, fearing discrimination more than the virus itself. “This underlines the urgency of fighting the stigma against the LGBTQ community: fear can prevent some from getting tested, it gives a false sense of security to heterosexual people, and gives the authorities an excuse not to unlock resources to fight the outbreak,” said Salome Grouard, a senior journalist with SCMP and a member of Lunar, an initiative that highlights key issues related to women and gender equality in Asia. India has reported 10 cases of monkeypox so far, including one death in Kerala.Monkeypox is characterised by fever with rashes, headache, swollen lymph nodes, muscle and body aches, back pain and weakness.InAsia, only a handful of cases have been recorded so far.Singapore is considered the largest cluster of the region, with 15 cases reported as of August“Compared12. to the almost 10,000 cases logged in the US, monkeypox is comparatively not a major threat to the region’s health,” said the report. But experts are still very concerned.“Inaregion where identifying as part of the LGBTQ community can remain a social barrier at best, or become a lifethreatening sentence at worst, infected people might not seek help,” the report noted.WHO director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has warned that this stigmatisation might make the “outbreak much harder to track, and to stop”. Fear of social stigma prevents Asians from monkeypox testing
Link for Registration: ForNV6Bbcrcm6p3Yhttps://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdwHroT4TVpQ5a0FUdwsJzUtRcb-mwkBAGA/viewform?pli=1anyquery,pleasecontact: +91 6009051872 or +91 9612336998 principalk-1867/22
ISLAMABAD, AUG 13 (IANS): Pakistan has confirmed that it will attend the international counterterrorism exercises in India later this year despite simmering tensions between the two whenconfirmed.weasinscheduledSCOthatspokespersonTerrorismSCOexercisesparticipation.confirmedspokespersonForeignExpresssuchPakistanthisterrorismhaveIndianRepublicsRussiathatarereported.(SCO),CooperationtheManesar,toexercisesneighbours.nuclear-armedThecounter-terrorismarescheduledbeheldinOctoberinHaryana,underbanneroftheShanghaiOrganizationTheExpressTribunePakistanandIndiapartoftheregionalbodyalsoincludesChina,andCentralAsian(CARs).WhilePakistanandmilitarycontingentstakenpartincounter-exercisestogether,willbethefirsttimethatwillbeattendingdrillsinIndia,TheTribunereported.Attheweeklybriefing,Office(FO)AsimIftikharPakistan’s“Yes,therewillbeundertheambitofRATS(RegionalAnti-Structure),”thesaid,addingIndiawaschairingtheRATSthisyear.“TheseexercisesaretobeheldinIndiaManesarinOctober,andPakistanisamember,willparticipate,”he“Atwhatlevel,Ithinkweapproachthat, we will let you know,” the spokesperson added. The move will be seen as significant given the deepening tensions between the twoPakistancountries.downgraded its relationship with India after New Delhi revoked the special status of the illegally occupied Kashmir region in AugustSince2019.then, there has been no structured dialogue between the two sides though backchannel talks did produce a renewal of ceasefire understanding in February last year. The truce is still holding but there is no progress or indication of any thaw in the relationship. In fact, backchannel talks have met a dead end with both sides sticking to their respective positions, The Express Tribune reported. There was renewed optimism for a possible breakthrough when there was a change of government in April in Pakistan. There were quick exchanges between Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi, but things could not move further. The two leaders will have at least two opportunities in the coming weeks for possible interactions. Both Modi and Shehbaz will be first attending the SCO summit in Samarkand and then the UN General Assembly (UNGA) session. Pak to attend counter-terror drills in India for first time
in parts of Shaanxi, Sichuan, Chongqing, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Anhui, Jiangsu, Shanghai and Zhejiang may surpass 40 or even 42 degrees Celsius, the Centre said. It advised local authorities to take emergency measures against the heatwave, suspend outdoor work that is exposed to high temperatures, pay close attention to fire prevention measures, and take particular care of vulnerable groups.China has a fourtier, colour-coded weather warning system, with red representing the most severe warning, followed by orange, yellow and blue.
LONDON, AUG 13 (AGENCIES): Salman Rushdie is on a ventilator and unable to speak after being stabbed on stage in the US, his agent Andrewsays.Wylie said that the author, 75, may lose one eye after the attack at an event in New York state. Mr Rushdie went into hiding with police protection in the UK in 1988 after Iran’s top leader called for his murder over his novel, The Satanic Verses, which some Muslims deemed blasphemous.Police detained a suspect named as Hadi Matar, 24, from Fairview, New NewJersey.York State Police said the suspect ran onto the stage and attacked Mr Rushdie and an interviewer at the Chautauqua Institution in western New York Mrstate.Rushdie was stabbed at least once in the neck and in the abdomen, authorities said. He was taken to a hospital in Erie, Pennsylvania, by helicopter. “Salman will likely lose one eye; the nerves in his arm were severed; and his liver was stabbed and damaged,” his agent said. No motive or charges have yet been confirmed by police, who are in the process of obtaining search warrants to examine a backpack and electronic devices found at the centre. Police told a news conference that staff and audience members had pinned the attacker to the ground where he was arrested. A doctor in the audience gave Mr Rushdie first aid.The interviewer who was with Mr Rushdie, Henry Reese, suffered a minor head injury and was taken to a local hospital. Mr Reese is the co-founder of a non-profit organisation that provides sanctuary to writers exiled under threat of persecution.LindaAbrams, an onlooker from the city of Buffalo, told The New York Times that the assailant kept trying to attack Mr Rushdie after he was restrained. “It took like five men to pull him away and he was still stabbing,” Ms Abrams said. “He was just furious, furious. Like intensely strong and just Indian-bornfast.”novelist Mr Rushdie catapulted to fame with Midnight’s Children in 1981, which went on to sell over one million copies in the UK alone.But his fourth book, published in 1988 - The Satanic Verses - forced him into hiding for nearly 10 years.The surrealist, postmodern novel sparked outrage among some Muslims, who considered its content to be blasphemousinsulting to a religion or god - and was banned in some countries.Several people were killed in anti-Rushdie riots in India and in Iran the British embassy in the capital, Tehran, was stoned. In 1991 a Japanese translator of the book was stabbed to death, while a few months later, an Italian translator was also stabbed and the book’s Norwegian publisher, William Nygaard, was shot - but both survived. A year after the book’s release, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini called for Mr Rushdie’s execution. He offered a $3m (£2.5m) reward in a fatwaa legal decree issued by an Islamic religious leader. Salman Rushdie Donald Trump
BEIJING, AUG 13 (IANS): China on Saturday issued a red alert, the most severe warning in its four-tier weather warning system, for high temperatures across the country due to an ongoing heatwave.Parts of Shaanxi, Sichuan, Chongqing, Henan, Hubei, Shandong, Anhui, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangxi, Hunan, Guizhou, Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia are expected to experience high temperatures of 35 to 39 degrees Celsius, Xinhua news agency quoted the National Meteorological Centre as Temperaturessaying.
Landowners' Union NH-2 (V.K.Area) objects to order for ROW by DC Zunheboto : Nagaland The landowners' Union NH-2 (V.K. Area) objects to the order of Shri. Rahul Bhanudas Mali, IAS, Deputy Commissioner, Zunheboto, Nagaland, for the issue of rights of way for construction of two laning with paved shoulders of newly declared National Highways-2 (old NH-61) in the State of Nagaland. The Union leaders through its Chairman Shri. Kiyeto S Yeptho, and the Secretary Shri. Kakuho S Awomi, stated that the union is not averse to the proposed construction of two laning with paved shoulders of newly declared National Highways-2 (Old NH-61) in the State of Nagaland, which starts from Kohima, and stretches through Wokha, V.K. Range, Mokokchung and ending at Amguri Jhansi Junction. The projects covering V.K. Area start from Doyang Bridge in the South till Izheto Village, bordering Longkhum Village, under Mokokchung District in the North, stretching about 25 Kms, for which compensation for a damaged property like paddy fields, forestry, coffee farm, and buildings, etc, have been paid to some beneficiaries, in March and April by Shri. Peter Lichamo, former Deputy Commissioner Zunheboto, Nagaland, and Shri. Renbi Kikon, former Extra Assistant Commissioner of V.K. Area, and many beneficiaries are yet to be paid. However, the landowners came to know that there is no compensation for land except compensation for damaged property. On 20 th June 2022, the like-minded landowners approached the present Deputy Commissioner, Zunheboto, Nagaland, and requested for furnishing of documents like Central Government Gazette Notification for the acquisition of land, Land survey, Detail project report, Claims, and objection records between the landowners and the District authority, etc, but it was not available, which led the landowners to file RTI to obtain those documents which should have been in the public domain. This shows that the exercise of acquiring the Land was conducted clandestinely despite the Fair and Transparent exercise of acquiring the land which led to the formation of the present Union on 30th July 2022, and the engagement of Legal Counsel, who has also issued Legal Notice to the State through the Deputy Commissioner, Zunheboto, Nagaland.Through this press release, the union would like to share with the Naga people that land compensation for any developmental project is not a bonus, charity, or a windfall from the government, but it is the payment of a fair amount to the landowners for parting with their property which they and their ancestor possessed through blood, sweat, and tears, and it is a price of the land which the landowners are going to lose it forever for public purposes. The right to land compensation is universally recognized principles of law enshrined in Universal Declarations of Human Rights and strengthened by the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural rights of the people, and these principles are recognized by the Indian Constitution. To acquire our land without even consulting the landowners is an insult and intimidation and the union is prepared to resist it at any cost. It is disturbing to note that some state and district officials misguided the landowners by signing an Affidavit relinquishing their rights for land compensation and donating the land free of cost for the construction of roads. Despite guiding the landowners on their rights to land compensation they were made to relinquish their rights to land compensation, which is a fraud on the Constitution, as no deed of conveyancing can be executed in immovable property like land through unilateral act like an Affidavit.TheUnion also requested the present Deputy Commissioner, Zunheboto, Nagaland, to furnish the union the copies of the Central Government Gazette Notification for the acquisition of land, Land survey, Detail project report, Claims, and objection records between the landowners and the District authority, etc, but despite furnishing these documents to the union the Zunheboto District Administration is forcing the Landowners of various villages under V.K. Area, to issue their NOC for vesting the land with the central government. The position of the landowners of V.K. Area is very clear, and that the landowners cannot issue NOC for vesting the land to the central government until and unless we are furnished with :1. The central government Gazette Notification acquiring the land.
secret files seized
3. All the details of survey documents should be furnished to the union.
St. JoSeph’S College (AutonomouS) JAKHAMA - NAGALAND 32ND GRADUATION DAY NOTIFICATION St. Joseph’s c ollege (Autonomous), Jakhama cordially invites students desiring to attend the upcoming 32nd Graduation day. The following categories of students are eligible to participate if they have completed their final Semester Examinations/courses conducted by the college between May 2022 for Under Graduates and May 2021 and June 2022 for post Graduates and where results have been Thedeclared.32ndGraduation day is proposed to be held on 22nd August, 2022 at 12.00 noon. The venue of Graduation day programme will be college Indoor Stadium. candidates desiring to participate or attend the Graduation day in person may register online. The registration can be done through the google link provided by the college which will be made available on the college website as well. For registration the applicant is required to pay Rs. 300/- (rupees three hundred only). Link for registration will be available until 20th August, 11.55 pm after which registration online will not be possible.
(Kiyeto S Yeptho) (Kakuho S Awomi) CHAIRMAN SECRETARY wc-290/22
Top from Trump’s home
LONDON, AUG 13 (AGENCIES): The FBI seized top secret files in a search of former US President Donald Trump’s estate in Florida this week, documentsAgentsshow.removed 11 sets of documents, including some marked “TS/SCI”, a designation for material that could cause “exceptionally grave” damage to US national security, BBC reported. Mr Trump denied any wrongdoing and said the items were declassified. It was the first time an ex-president’s home was searched in a criminal probe. The list of items was made public on Friday afternoon after a judge unsealed a seven-page document that included the warrant authorising the search of Mr Trump’s Palm Beach residence, Mar-aLago.It said more than 20 boxes of items were taken on Monday, including a binder of photos, a handwritten note, unspecified information about the “President of France” and a clemency letter written on behalf of long-time Trump ally Roger Stone. As well as four sets of top secret files, the cache includes three sets of “secret documents” and three sets of “confidential” material. The warrant indicates that FBI agents were looking into potential violations of the Espionage Act, which makes it illegal to keep or transmit potentially dangerous national security information. The removal of classified documents or materials is prohibited by law. Mr Trump increased the penalties for the crime while in office and it is now punishable by up to five years in Theprison.warrant notes that the locations searched at Mar-a-Lago include an area called the “45 office” and storage rooms, but not private guest suites being used by Mr Trump and his staff. The justice department had asked a court to make it public on Thursday, a move considered rare amid an ongoing investigation. It was approved by a judge on 5 August, three days before it was carried out on Monday, 8 August. On Friday night, Mr Trump’s office issued a statement maintaining that he had used his authority while president to declassify the documents.“Hehad a standing order that documents removed from the Oval Office and taken into the residence were deemed to be declassified,” the statement said.
4. The details of claims and objections between the landowners and the competent authority should be furnished to the union. 5. Fixation of amount for land compensation. In case the records of such documents is not available with the government, a fresh exercise should be conducted and only thereafter the road construction should be started. The landowners of V.K. Area, cannot just give their consent to give away their land without even knowing how much land is going to be acquired and the fixation of price of the land with the appropriate authority according to law, and these are the reasons why the landowners of NH-2 of V.K. Area, is refusing the vesting of the land to the government. In any case, the land owners should be given the opportunity of hearing before they vest the land to the central government, and the government should not act like a Dictator by grabbing citizens' property without the due process of law.
2. The landowners should know the exact measurement of land required by the Central Government.

MYK C MYK C 10 INFOTAINMENT NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR SUNDAY, AUGUST 14,dc-919/222022dc-920/22 dp-3856/22
Talk show on ‘Scope and Scale of Music in the Present Economy’ added that they needed professional gurus in the field of technicians and until and unless they have such types of professional gurus, the music industry will not Whengrow.itcomes to mu sic, talent is the most cru cial and important thing, Kiba stated and added that TaFMA was really helping upcoming artists however, in one way or the other, they stop halfway. In the music industry, artists should regard and respect the industry and not treat it as a part time job but as a professional job to be successful, he said. Kiba said that the second thing in regard to music is to have a ‘unique melody or sound’. Here, he said that Nagas were at an advantage as Nagas are rich in folk and ethnic music.Managing founder director also advised the gathering that while com posing songs, one should think about the concept whilst also keeping in mind that making music is not a one man show but a collec tive team effort. He urged the gathering to focus on online music and promote the artist as a producer, to never hesitate but be bold enough to talk and share their Atthoughts.theevent, special presentations were per formed by Yodh-Beth In ternational Theological College and Seminary, Khrutsolu Vero, Visano Kikon, and Rhonbemo Humtsoe; welcome ad dress delivered by district TaFMA partner, Mhonya mo Kikon; and benediction by founder and CEO of Yodh-Beth Internation al, Dr. Mozhui.Yanthungrhomo
T he son of Hollywood legend Robin Wil liams, who passed away on August 11, 2014, remembered his father eight years after his demise. Zak Williams, 39, shared a throwback photo of the actor and wrote: “Dad, on the eighth an niversary of your passing, I’m remembering how in credibly kind and joyful you were,” ‘People’ maga zine reported. He added: “I deeply miss you, you wonderful, hairy man and will be celebrating your life today. Love you so so much!” Williams had ended his life on August 11, 2014. His final autopsy re port, released in November 2014, concluded that Wil liams’ death was a suicide resulting from “asphyxia due toAccordinghanging”.to ‘People’, the ‘Mrs. Doubtfire’ star’s only daughter Zelda Wil liams, 33, also penned a sweet message in the form of a quote from Japanese writer Haruki Murakami. “And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to sur vive. You won’t even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in.” ‘People’ further stated that she went on to share suicide resources, saying: “I don’t ask for much, but if I may be gentle to your hearts today. I know I’m trying.” Wil liams was also father to son Cody Alan Williams, 30. In July 2021, Zak, a mental health advocate, opened up to ‘The Ge nius Life’ podcast host Max Lugavere about the “frustration” his father experienced after being misdiagnosed with Parkin son’s disease. IANS
Robin Williams’ son remembers him on his eighth death anniversary
Sources: Veggies and Fruits Love starchy vegetables like potatoes, yams, and corn? They’re some of the main ways that Americans get their B6. Fruits are another major source (except for citruses like oranges and grape fruits). One cup of chickpeas, aka garbanzo beans, will take care of half of your daily requirement. Causes of Shortage Serious B6 deficiencies hap pen rarely. But some seniors may run low if they don’t eat enough food or because their bodies don’t absorb nutrients as well as before. Kidney disease and other condi tions that keep your small intestine from taking in nutrients also can be culprits. So can alcohol abuse. Some prescription medicines can also cause you to not have enough B6. If your doctor prescribes a new medicine, don’t hesitate to ask about its overall effect on your body. What About Supplements? If you’re unable to get enough B6 from foods, supplements can fill the gap. Most multivitamins have B6, or you can take it sepa rately. Tell your doctor If you’re on any meds or taking other supplements. And go easy on it. Taking too much B6 might dam age your nerves or give you sores, heartburn, or nausea. The safe daily limit for adults is less than 100 milligrams. Medically Reviewed by Sabrina Felson, MD Getting Enough Vitamin B6
K-1865/22 W hole Body Impact This hard-working vitamin holds many big jobs. It affects your mood, appetite, sleep, and thinking. You need it to fight off infections, turn food into energy, and help your blood carry oxygen to all corners of your body. While it’s actually rare to run low, you really can’t afford to do so. Flagging Energy If your body is very low on B6, you can get anemia, which is too few red blood cells. That would make you feel tired and weak. Anemia can also come from not having enough iron in your body. Shortages of other vitamins, like B12 and folate, also may cause it. Rashes Signs that you lack B6 can show up on your skin. Your body goes through chemical changes. That most often leads to a scaly, itchy rash, usually on your face, called seborrheic dermatitis. The rash may get more and more obvi ous with time. If you have a minor shortage, the symptoms could take months or years to show up. Dry, Cracked Lips Your mouth could be a good place to spot any shortage of B6. Your lips might be scaly, and the corners could be cracked. Your tongue might swell. Weak Immune System A shortage of B6 may make it harder for your body to resist infections and diseases. That can turn into a vicious cycle. Cancer and other illnesses can deplete your B6 supply. So you’d need to get even more of the vitamin to make up for that. You can do that easily with a B6 supplement. Numb Hands or Feet Do your fingers tingle? Do your feet feel numb? The culprit may be a nerve disorder called peripheral neuropathy. Lack of B6 may help trigger it. It and other B vitamins like B12 are essential to keep your nerves healthy. Cranky Baby A fussy baby could be trying to tell you they’re low on B6. That could happen if you feed your infant nothing else but breast milk for more than about 6 months. Too little of the vitamin can even lead to seizures. It also can make your baby’s hearing extra sensitive so that noises can easily upset them. Morning Sickness Moms-to-be need more B6 in their diet than anyone else. If you’re feeling sick with nausea or vomiting (and not just in the mornings), a B6 supplement may help. But you should take it only with your doctor’s guidance. Foggy Brain B6 helps regulate your mood and memory. If you notice feel ing confused or sad, especially if you’re a senior, a shortage of this vitamin could be the reason. It may make you more likely to get depressed after a stroke, fractured hip, or other major illness. B6 sometimes works in tandem with other B vitamins. If you run low, it may slow your mental abilities. Cancer Low B6 may play a role in your chances of having cancer. Researchers don’t know exactly why. But studies have linked a lack of B6 to stomach and esophageal cancers. A lack of the vitamin also may make you more likely to get cancers driven by steroid hormones, such as breast and prostate cancers. Daily Dose The amount of B6 you need each day depends mainly on your age. Babies 7-12 months old need 0.3 milligrams a day. You need more as you grow. If you’re over age 50, you need at least 5 times as much: 1.7 milligrams a day for men and 1.5 milligrams for women. Pregnant women need it most of all -- 1.9 milligrams a day.
Source: Proteins It’s easy to get all the B6 you need from foods. Poultry, beef, and fish are among the handiest sources. Just 3 ounces of tuna pack almost half of what an adult needs each day. The same amount of salmon will supply 30%, and chicken will give you 25%.
Signs You’re Not
ask Force for Music and Arts (TaFMA) Dimapur in collab oration with Yodh-Beth International held a talk show on the topic “Scope and Scale of Music in the Present Economy” on Sat urday at Yodh-Beth Inter national Ministry (YBIM) chapel hall Duncan Basti, Dimapur.During discussion, managing founder director of Pheto Music and Film Academy, Kashito Kiba said that many youngsters and artists were growing in the state music industry. Having experience in the industry for more than two and a half decades, Kiba shared on how musi cians should grow and mar ket their creative works. He also mentioned about how earlier, cassettes and CDs were the dominant music formats but in today’s con text, it is the major digital/ streaming platforms such as Spotify, Amazon music, YouTube, etc where one can easily promote their music and through this, ex pand their careers and busi nesses. Kiba also stressed on importance of knowing the future market and in today’s scenario, with ev erything going digital, he lamented that Nagas were very weak in the ‘technical area’ and added that there are few good technicians but very less professional technicians. Further, he
Staff Reporter
With immense joy and pride, we extend our heartiest congratulations to Dr. Prescilla Lotha (Associate Professor, Dept. of Education, Kohima College, Kohima), daughter of Thungzamo Lotha and Tsenyilo of Humtso village for successfully completing her Ph.D on the topic, “A study of job satisfaction among college teachers of Nagaland in relation to teacher effectiveness.” We wish her the best in all her future endeavours. From parents and family members FELICITATION
A cademy and Gram my artistAward-winningJonBatiste is leaving ‘The Late Show with Stephen Colbert’ after seven seasons, Colbert an nounced Thursday night on the show. He’s exiting to “pursue personal and professional interests”. Louis Cato, who has served as interim band leader this summer, will take over on a permanent basis and Col bert’s band, which previ ously had been called “Stay Human” under Batiste’s direction, will be renamed ‘The Late Show Band’, reportsCato‘Variety’.willtake over permanently when the show returns for its eighth season on Tuesday, Sep tember 6. “Louis has done a great job this summer, and he is very humble, so he won’t say this. But I will. He’s a musical genius,” ColbertCato,said.has been with “The Late Show” since its re-launch under Colbert. The revised band will in clude Joe Saylor, who has performed alongside Louis since the show’s inception, and longtime house band members Louis Fouche, Jon Lampley, Endea Ow ens and Negah Santos. “It has been one of the great honors of my life to work on this show, alongside some of the most talented musicians and cre atives I know,” said Cato.
IANS Grammy winner Jon Batiste exits ‘The Late Show with Stephen Colbert’

India men’s cricket team leaves for Zimbabwe ahead of ODI series
"HIS ABSENCE IS A SILENT GRIEF; HIS LIFE A BEAUTIFUL MEMORY." Every single day, our thoughts turn to you, We bow our heads in silence as we remember you. Time may heal our hearts but a part of us is missing with you gone. You will never return to us, But you will walk with us forever with the love in our hearts. Until we meet again.
Afghanistan players celebrate their victory over Ireland.
Players and organizers at the under-16 ‘football bumper’ at Nihokhu village. At the event, president Western Sumi Sports As sociation (WSSA), Vikuto Zhimomi also exhorted the young players and wished them success in their en deavors. In the meet, Hozukhe village emerged as the win ner and Nihokhu village as runners-up.Hinoto of Hozukhe village won the best player award; Kupuvi of Hozukhe village won the award for scoring the highest goal, Vika also from Hozukhe village as best goal keeper and Tokito of Nihokhu village bagged the best de fender award.
reMeMberIng yOU dearly On yOUr 25tH deatHlOannIversary.vIng, cHIldren, grand cHIldren, great grandcHIldren & In-laws
BIRMINGHAM, AUG 13 (IANS): A few weeks before the start of the 2022 Com monwealth Games, Indian high jumper Tejaswin Shan kar was running from pillar to post, fighting his nonselection in the track and field squad for Birmingham. Tejaswin was the only Indian athlete to clear the qualification standard for Birmingham while par ticipating in the National Collegiate Athletic Associa tion (NCAA) in the United States. However, he was selected by the Athletics Federation of India (AFI) because he did not par ticipate in the National Inter-state Athletics Meet that the national federation has picked as selection tri als for the Commonwealth Games. Tejaswin eventually took the matter to the Delhi High Court, and got an order for his inclusion but was on tenterhooks till five days before his competition when the Commonwealth Games Federation and the Birmingham 2022 Organis ing Committee eventually approved his inclusion in the Indian contingent. Just like Tejaswin Shankar, table tennis player Diya Chitale too had to take recorse to the Delhi High Court to be included in the squad after she was ignored initially. Tejaswin won the bronze medal with a per sonal best effort and guess who were conspicuous by their absence during his interactions with the media -- the AFI officials. The AFI officials were present when other Indian track and field medal winners were meet ing theThismedia.isnot an isolated case, the Athletics Fed eration of India (AFI) is notorious for doing such things and proven stars like woman high jumper Bobby Aloysius, and middle distance runner PU Chitra have faced the brunt of its wrath ahead of megaevents. Indian sports his tory is replete with such instances where sportsper sons have to take recourse to legal cases to get selected in the teams. Besides athletes, table tennis and badminton players, weightlifters and wrestlers had to fight legal battles to settle selection matters.“They are capable of making up any reason to drop you from the squad if they decide to. It could be missing the trials, not achieving selection criteria in XYZ event but doing it in ABC, not participating in national camp or anything. The first step is to not send the name in the long list, and then delay getting it changed even when forced through court orders. They can do anything,” said an athlete on condition of ano nymity fearing the wrath of the administrators.
Afghanistan beat Ireland in
AASA organises under-16 ‘football bumper’
CINCINNATI, AUG 13 (AP): Novak Djokovic pulled out of next week’s hard-court tournament in Cincinnati because he has not gotten any COVID-19 vaccine shots and so is not allowed to travel to the United States. That is also why Djokovic is not expected to be able to enter the U.S. Open, the year’s last Grand Slam tourna ment, which begins in New York on Aug. 29. Djokovic is a 35-yearold from Serbia who owns 21 major championships, one behind Rafael Nad al for the men’s record. Djokovic has said he won’t get vaccinated against the illness caused by the coro navirus, even if that pre vents him from playing in certainHetournaments.missedtheAustra lian Open in January after being deported from that country and needed to sit out two events in the Unit ed States earlier this year, along with a tournament in Montreal this
NEW DELHI, AUG 13 (IANS): The India men’s cricket team, led by opener KL Rahul, left for Zimba bwe on Saturday morning ahead of the three-match ODI series, starting from August 18, followed by two more matches on August 20 and 22 at the Harare SportsTheClub.social media ac counts of the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) showed pictures of Prasidh Krishna, Deepak Chahar, Shikhar Dhawan, Shardul Thakur, Moham med Siraj, Ruturaj Gaik wad and Rahul Tripathi in the flight.NCA head VVS Lax man was also spotted, sug gesting that he could be the head coach for the ODI series against Zimbabwe. When the Indian team was in England for the re scheduled fifth Test in Edg baston, Laxman was with the T20I squad as the head coach in Ireland and was present for the first T20I at Southampton as well. India enter the series after defeating West Indies 3-0 in Trinidad in July. Zimbabwe, on the other hand, are on a high after an impressive 2-1 series win over Bangladesh at home, coming after another 2-1 series win over them in T20Is.The series is part of the ICC World Cup Super League and massively im portant for Zimbabwe in order to finish in the top eight of the table. If that happens, Zimbabwe will be eligible for direct qualifica tion to the ODI World Cup in India next year. India have automati cally qualified for the mega event by virtue of being the hosts.India’s squad for 3 ODIs: KL Rahul (Captain) Shikhar Dhawan (vicecaptain), Ruturaj Gaikwad, Shubman Gill, Deepak Hooda, Rahul Tripathi, Ishan Kishan (wicketkeeper), Sanju medPrasidhAxarThakur,ington(wicket-keeper),SamsonWashSundar,ShardulKuldeepYadav,Patel,AveshKhan,Krishna,MohamSiraj,DeepakChahar.
DIMAPUR, AUG 13 (NPN): Aro Area compris ing of 11 villages under the aegis of Ato Area Sports Association (AASA) under Western Sumi Sports Asso ciation (WSSA)organised the first under 16 “Foot ball Bumper” at Nihokhu village.In a press release, president Ato Area Sports Association (AASA) Vito stated that the Bumper was inaugurated by Chairman Ato Area GB’s Association (AAGBA), Sheyipu head GB of Hozukhe village.
First Death a nniversary of our beloved father LT. C. AJUNG LKR (23rd September,1958 – 14th August, 2021)
3rd T20; keep series alive
Loving Family Members and Loved Ones k-1864/22 ZHUIKHU ZHIMOMI 1904 – 1997 “I reMeMbered yOU In tHe rUstlIng Of leaves beneatH My feet. I reMeMbered yOU In tHe wHIsper Of fallIng snOw. I reMeMbered yOU In tHe sOng Of sprIng bIrds. I reMeMbered yOU In cHIldren's sUMMer laUgHter. yOU are wItH Me always.”
India’s Tejaswin Shankar cleared 2.22 metres in a single attempt to win the bronze medal. Reuters
25th DEATH ANNIVERSARY -880/22db BELFAST (IRELAND), AUG 13 (IANS): Ireland’s middle-order batter George Dockrell struck his maiden T20I half-century but the hosts still ended up los ing the third game by 22 runs as Afghanistan clawed back after two successive defeats to finally taste suc cess in the five-match series on Saturday (IST). The touring side’s top four batters delivered to put up a strong total of 189/5, and Ireland were quickly reduced to 36/4 in their run chase.The hosts looked down and out at 85/7 in the 13th over, but Dockrell (58 not out off 37 balls) and debutant Fionn Hand (36 off 18) kept Ireland’s hopes alive with an eighth-wicket partnership worth 74 -- just six runs short of a worldrecord eighth wicket stand in T20I cricket, according to Cricket Ireland. In the end, though, Afghanistan held on to cel ebrate their first win of the series to make it 1-2 after three games. Afghanistan were quick to put aside a difficult performance with the bat in the second T20I -- 11 runs from Mark Adair’s opening over set the base for a 90-run open ing partnership between Rahmanullah Gurbaz and Hazratullah Zazai. Gurbaz was the more expansive presence at the top of the order, hitting eight fours and a six on his way to a 31-ball half-century, the landmark reached from the final ball of the 10th over. Ireland were finally able to celebrate in the 12th over, when Gurbaz slashed hard at Josh Little -- the ball met the edge of the bat, bal looning up high and even tually into the safe hands of Adair at short third man. A couple of overs later Hand was able to celebrate his first international wick et, with Zazai finding Paul Stirling at short third, who took a fine tumbling catch low to his right. But the loss of the openers didn’t hin der Afghanistan, with Ibra him Zadran stepping up in an enterprising cameo -- he smashed a quick-fire 36 before an attempted stroke down the leg-side saw him guide a Little delivery to the wicketkeeper.Setasteep target of 190, Ireland were in trouble quickly in their chase, los ing Stirling for a duck in the first over -- the right-hander couldn’t take advantage of a full toss, hitting Fazalhaq Farooqi to Usman Ghani at cover.Acouple of overs later Farooqi was celebrating the wicket of the other Irish opener -- Balbirnie also fell victim to a full toss, slash ing a wide delivery to back ward point to depart for 1. Brief scores: Afghan istan 189/5 in 20 overs (R Gurbaz 53, N Zadran 42; J Little 2/29) beat Ireland 167/9 in 20 overs (G Dock rell 58 not out, F Hand 36; F Farooqi 2/11) by 22 runs.
Athletes and federations need to work as a team

DIMAPUR, AUG 13 (NPN): An open Angling Competition was organised by Phesama Youth Organi zation (PYO) with an aim to promote eco-tourism at Nidzüza, Phesama village under Kohima district on Saturday.Ina press release, PYO stated that 50 partici pants including Phek and Dimapur took part in the competition. Seyievilie Pe ter Zashümo was declared the winner for the biggest catch, while Mhasileto Kar came in second place and K. Chikong Ao and Vikoto Zashümo in fourth place. Earlier, PYO presi dent, Vizokho Zashümo said the intention of host ing the angling competition was to promote eco-tour ism while keeping in mind to keep the surrounding clean. He said it will be an annual event in the future and expect more partici pants in the next edition. Phesama village council chairman Bizo M Kuotsu also addressed the gathering and appreciated the youth for taking the initiative in preserving the area. He hoped with more initiatives, the Nidzüza will become an eco tourism spot. He later declared the tournament open.
PM Modi fetes India’s CWG contingent
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Sports Minister Anurag Thakur and MoS Sports Nisith Pramanik with the wrestling contingent at the felicitation ceremony in New Delhi, Saturday. (PTI))
11-9 after being 1-7 down at one point. However, Sreeja couldn’t recover from a large deficit of 1-6 in the decider as Liu clinched the final game 11-7 and with it the bronze. Manpreet Kaur (women’s para powerlift ing lightweight final) Manpreet Kaur fin ished fourth in the women’s l ightweight para power lifting event with a best lift of 88kg and a total of 89.6 points. The 35-yearold cleared 87kg and 88kg in her first two attempts before failing to hoist 90kg in her final attempt and was beaten to the podium by bronze-medallist Hellen Wawira Kariuki of Kenya, who scored 98.5 points with a best of 97kg. Manpreet’s compatriot Sakina Kha tun finished fifth with 87.5 points and a best of 90kg as Sudhir’s gold in the men’s heavyweight category was the only para powerlifting medal India won at the 2022 Commonwealth Games. Among the medals, gold just out of reach M. Sreeshankar (men’s long jump final) Silver-medallist M. Sreeshankar missed a his toric gold in the men’s long jump final by the barest of margins and left a host of questions in his wake. The 23-year-old missed out winning India’s first-ever long jump gold medal at the Commonwealth Games after registering a jump of 8.08m in his fifth attempt, which left him level with eventual winner Laquan Nairn. With both athletes tied on best jump, Nairn clinched the gold owing to a better second-best jump. However, the Indian seemed to have jumped in the range of 8.20m in his fourth at tempt, which was declared a foul based on rules intro duced in November 2021. While to the naked eye it appeared that Sreeshankar’s foot was behind the takeoff line while, according to the new rules, his boot had breached the ‘verticle plane’ of the line by a centimetre. Avinash Sable (men’s 3000m steeplechase final) Avinash Sable bettered his National Record for the ninth time, shocked twotime World champion and 2016 Rio Olympics gold medallist Conseslus Kipruto and ended Kenya’s 24-yearlong podium sweep in the event en route to his silver medal but fell five microsec onds short of the gold in the 3000m steeplechase final. In fourth position, behind three Kenyans early in the race, Sable pulled away before giving eventual gold medallist Abraham Kibiwot a brief scare in the final lap to finish in 8:11.20s. Despite having India’s, arguably, most hard-fought and pre cious medal at the 2022 Commonwealth Games, Sable wasn’t too satisfied. India women’s hockey team (semifinal) In its bid to assure it self of a CWG silver medal after 16 years, the Indian women’s hockey team held pre-tournament favourite Australia to a 1-1 draw in regulation time. Captain Savita then denied the Aus tralians a goal in their first penalty shootout attempt only for the hit to be re stored because of a miscom munication between the referee and match officials regarding the clock. India failed to convert its chances and eventually lost 0-3 in the shootout. India women’s cricket team (final) With 50 runs to win, six overs left, eight wickets remaining, captain Harman preet Kaur and Jemimah Rodrigues in the middle of a 90-run partnership, the Indian women’s cricket team would have believed it had at last exorcised the ghosts of a defeat in the final of a multi-team tourna ment. What followed was a procession to and from the dugout as India lost eight wickets in for 40 runs to eventually concede a ninerun loss in the summit clash against Australia. Eleven runs needed off the last over with Yastika Bhatia on strike inspired a glimmer of hope but the clinical Australians held their nerve and bowled India out inside the first three deliveries, confining it to its third defeat in the final. Sanket Sargar (men’s 55kg weightlifting final) While Sanket Sargar’s silver in the men’s 55kg weightlifting event was In dia’s first medal at the 2022 CWG, the 21-year-old fell agonisingly short of clinch ing a gold to open his coun try’s account. Sargar, who lifted a combined 248kg, was separated by gold-med allist Malaysia’s Mohamad Aniq Bin Kasdan by just one kilogram.
EPL: Aston Villa get off the mark with win over Everton
Watkins was the cre ator again for Villa’s second as a one-two with Buendia gave the Argentine a tapin to seemingly secure the points five minutes from time.But two minutes later, debutant Amadou Onana’s powerful run and cross forced Digne into scoring an own goal against his old club.Everton will feel they should have then snatched a point in a frantic finale as Martinez saved Gordon’s mishit effort and Mings jus tified his place by prevent ing Salomon Rondon from turning in the rebound. Martinez was needed again seven minutes into stoppage time to trap a more powerful effort from Gordon, but Villa clung on.
Angling competition at Phesama
Emiliano Buendia scored Aston Villa’s second goal of the game after coming off the bench. Mings was restored at the heart of the Villa defence, but their prob lems defending set-pieces persisted.Lampard’s men are badly missing the presence of the injured Dominic Calvert-Lewin up front, but were a constant threat from deadTheballs.Toffees did had the ball in the net midway through the first-half when Gordon pressured Matty Cash into slicing the ball into his own goal after Villa failed to clear a cor ner. However, Gordon was flaggedMomentsoffside. later, Villa came up with one of the few moments of quality in a scrappy game affected by the baking temperatures that have seen water breaks introduced for all game in the Premier League this weekend.Ollie Watkins’ return to the starting line-up was the other Villa change made by Gerrard and his run down the right stretched the Everton de fence before Ings spun onto his strike partner’s cross and smashed the ball low past Jordan Pickford.
Praveen Chithravel (men’s triple jump final) A few centimetres de nied India a podium sweep in the triple jump final. While gold-medallist El dhose Paul and silver-med allist Abdulla Aboobacker secured the country’s first 1-2 finish in athletics at the CWG, Praveen Chithravel was just three centimetres shy of bronze medallist Jah Nhai Perinchief’s 16.92m. Chithravel registered his best of 16.89m in his third attempt and followed it up with 16.68m, 16.85m and 16.28m as Perinchief’s mark continued to elude the Tamil Nadu triple jumper.
Ajay Singh (men’s 81kg weightlifting final) Gold medal prospect Ajay Singh lost out on a bronze by a whisker in the men’s 81kg weightlifting event and finished fourth with a combined lift of 319kg, just one short of bronze-medallist Nicholas Vachon (320kg) of Canada. Ajay was placed joint-sec ond at the end of the snatch round with a best of 143kg, five short of his National Record of 148kg, after clear ing 137kg and 140kg in his first two attempts. The 25-year-old started the clean and jerk on a strong footing with successful lifts of 172kg and 176kg but failed to clear 180kg – falling well short of his National Record of 190kg – in his final attempt. Ashish Kumar (men’s boxing light heavyweight quarterfinal) Ashish Kumar was denied a medal after los ing a controversial men’s light heavyweight boxing quarterfinal 1-4 via split de cision against home favou rite Aaron Bowen. Much to Ashish’s disbelief, the Englishman was unani mously awarded the final round after both pugilists had bagged one round each by a 3-2 margin. The 2019 Asian Championships sil ver medallist, down on his haunches, smacked the floor of the boxing ring in frustra tion following a closely-con tested third round. Ashish was coming off a thumping 5-0 victory via unanimous decision in his Round of 16 bout and a win in the quar terfinal would have assured the 28-year-old of a bronze. Sreeja Akula (wom en’s table tennis singles bronze medal match) In a thrilling and pul sating contest for the wom en’s singles table tennis bronze medal, Sreeja Akula lost to Australia’s Yangzi Liu 3-4 (11-3, 6-11, 2-11, 11-7, 13-15, 11-9, 7-11) after staging a series of come backs. The Indian pocketed the first game 11-3 with ease before Liu bounced back to level the scores with a 11-6 win in the second. The Australian built on the momentum to take a 2-1 lead after three games but the 24-year-old came back to take the fourth game 11-7 to draw level again at 2-2. With Liu ahead 3-2, Sreeja made a stunning comeback, winning the sixth game
LONDON, AUG 13 (AGENCIES): Steve Ger rard won his first mana gerial clash with former England teammate Frank Lampard as Aston Villa beat Everton 2-1 to get off the mark in the Premier League. Goals from Danny Ings and Emi Buendia eased the pressure on Ger rard after a run of two wins in their previous 12 games dating back to last season. However, Villa had to survive a nervy finish as Lucas Digne’s own goal gave Everton hope before Emi Martinez denied An thony Gordon an equaliser in stoppage time, NDTV reported.Gerrard was in the firing line after a 2-0 defeat to newly-promoted Bour nemouth on the opening weekend of the season. The former Liverpool captain had also contro versially dropped Tyrone Mings last weekend af ter stripping the England centre-back of the club captaincy.
Commonwealth Games 2022: Top five near-misses for India
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Murali Sreeshankar after winning the silver medal in the Men’s Long Jump final at the CWG 2022. (PTI)
Participants at the first Angling Competition at Phesama on Saturday.
PARIS, AUG 13 (IANS): Karim Benzema was among the 30-man list of nominees for the 2022 Bal lon d’Or award, which was announced by France Foot ball on Friday, while seventime winner Lionel Messi was omitted from the list for the first time since 2006. Messi’s arch-rival, five-time winner Cristiano Ronald was included, as well as Polish striker Robert Lewandowski, French for ward Kylian Mbappe, and Egyptian star Mohamed Salah.However, another PSG star Neymar also missed out on the nomi nation which meant that Mbappe will be the sole player on the list coming from French Ligue 1, re ports Xinhua. Messi, who won the title last year, had been nominated 15 times in a row since 2006 (except for in 2020 when the award was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic). The 35-year-old didn’t meet his own lofty stan dards in his first season at PSG, following his shock ing move from Barcelona to the French capital last summer.The Argentine star provided 14 assists in PSG’s way to a record-equalling 10th Ligue 1 title but scored only six goals in the league, Benzema leads Ballon d’Or nomination; Messi left out Karim Benzema FOLLOWING IS THE FULL LIST: Real Madrid -- Karim Benzema, Thibaut Courtois, Case miro, Vinicius Junior, Antonio Rudiger, Luka Modric. Liverpool -- Mohamed Salah, Trent Alexander-Arnold, Virgil van Dijk, Fabinho, Darwin Nunez, Luis Diaz. Manchester City -- Erling Haaland, Kevin De Bruyne, Joao Cancelo, Riyad Mahrez, Phil Foden, Bernardo Silva. Bayern Munich -- Joshua Kimmich, Sadio Mane. Tottenham -- Son Heung-min, Harry Kane. AC Milan -- Rafael Leao, Mike Maignan. Manchester United -- Cristiano Ronaldo. Juventus -- Dusan Vlahovic. Barcelona -- Robert Lewandowski. Paris Saint-Germain -- Kylian Mbappe. Dortmund -- Sebastien Haller. far away from the high expectations from all sides. Benzema, who helped Real Madrid to double cham pionships in La Liga and Champions League, was undoubtedly the favourite for the prestigious award as the organisers announced some changes in March that the award will be given based on performances over the course of a regular football season, rather than a calendar year. The award ceremony is scheduled for October 17 at Chatelet Theatre in Paris.
NEW DELHI, AUG 13 (IANS): Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Satur day felicitated the Indian contingent, which returned from the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham with 61 medals including 22 gold.The Prime Minister congratulated the play ers and coaches for their stupendous performance. He welcomed the athletes and coaches and expressed immense pride in the ac complishments of India’s athletes. The PM said that it was a matter of pride that due to the splendid work of the sportspersons, the country is entering into the “Azadi ka Amrit kaal with an inspiring achievement”. Along with the his toric performance in the Commonwealth Games, the country has organised the Chess Olympiad for the first time. Addressing the athletes, the Prime Minister said, “while all of you were competing in Birmingham, crores of In dians were keeping awake till late night here in India, watching your every ac tion. Many people used to sleep with alarms set up so that they remained updated on theTheperformances.”PrimeMinister said as per his promise made at the time of the contingent’s send-off, “we are celebrating victory to day”.He said that India has found a new way of win ning in four new sports dis ciplies as compared to last time. From lawn bowls to athletics, the athletes have performed phenomenally. With this performance, the trend of youth towards new sports in the country is going to increase a lot, the Prime Minister said. The Prime Minis ter also highlighted the achievements of the “daughters of India” in boxing, judo, wrestling and their domination in the CWG 2022. He said 31 medals came from players who were making their de but, indicating the growing confidence of the youth. “You weave the coun try in unity of thought and goal... that was also one the great strengths of our freedom struggle,” he said. Mentioning the gal axy of freedom fighters, the Prime Minister said that despite the variance in methods, they all had the common goal of inde pendence. Similarly, our players enter the arena for the prestige of the coun try. The Prime Minister mentioned that the power of the Tricolour was seen in Ukraine where it had become a protective shield not only for the Indians but also for the citizens of other countries in getting out of the battlefield. The Prime Minister highlighted the need to intensify our efforts to dis cover new talent and take them to the podium. “We have a responsibility to cre ate a sports ecosystem that is globally excellent, inclu sive, diverse and dynamic. No talent should be left behind,” he stressed. The Prime Minister also acknowledged the role of coaches, sports adminis trators and support staff in the success of the players. The Prime Minister urged the athletes to pre pare well for the upcoming Asian Games and Olym pics. The felicitation was attended by both athletes and their coaches. Union Minister for Youth Affairs & Sports Anurag Singh Thakur and Minister of State for Youth Affairs and Sports Nisith Pramanik were also present.
NEW DELHI, AUG 13 (AGENCIES): India regis tered one its most Sportstarofishmances,haulonsomethetally23with2022(CWG)CommonwealthsuccessfulGamescampaignsattheeditioninBirmingham22gold,16silverandbronzeforatotalmedalof61.However,asisoftennatureofthesport,athletesmissedoutaddingtothatrichmedaldespitevaliantperforsuchasboxerAshKumarbearingthebruntaquestionableverdict,reported.