Staff Reporter/Correspondent DIMAPUR/KOHIMA, AUG 14 (NPN): Several Naga Political Groups observed the “76th Naga Independence Day” at their respective headquarters and des ignated camps on Sunday. NSCN (I-M): NSCN(I-M) ato kilonser Th. Muivah in his message that was read out by member of collective leadership Rh. Raising at a function organ ised at the Council Headquarters Hebron, reiterated sovereignty was the birthright of Nagas and if they failed to defend it then they will be doomed. Muivah also said Nagas yearned for peace but “peace without freedom, was wishful thinking” and that it (peace) did not exist on its own by with freedom, truth justice and rights.Hereaffirmed that NSCN(IM) stood for agreement but cau tioned if it cannot bring solution then it will be a form without con tent. He said all past agreements could not bring solution because they betrayed the Naga national principle. Thus, he said Nagas are looking for an issue-based solution but that NSCN (I-M) will oppose imposition of “Indian will on the Nagas.” (Full text on p-6) Speaking as guest of honour, Naga People’s Movement for Hu man Rights (NPMHR) secretary general
DIMAPUR, AUG 14 (NPN): Nagaland on Sun day reported two Covid-19 fatalities and four fresh positiveAccordingcases. to the Health department, both the deaths were reported from Dimapur, pushing the death toll to 775 (including 5 non-Covid deaths but with Ofpositivity).thefresh cases, two were from Kohima and one each in Dimapur and Mo kokchung, taking the total caseload to 35,870. With five more recoveries, the active cases dropped to 34. India added 14,092 new Covid cases taking the tally to 4,42,53,464, while the death toll climbed to 5,27,037 with 41 fatalities.
NEW DELHI, AUG 14 (AGENCIES): All Indians must celebrate ‘democracy with Indian characteris tics’, President Droupadi Murmu said on Sunday in her first Independence Day eve address to the nation, reminding the country about sacrifices for freedom made by women, as well as many adivasis who should be con sidered national heroes. Murmu said when India won independence, many were sceptical about the success of the demo cratic form of government in India.“They had their rea sons to be doubtful. In those days, democracy was limited to economically advanced nations. India, after so many years of exploitation at the hands of foreign rulers, was marked by poverty and illiteracy. But we Indians proved the sceptics wrong,” she said.She remarked that Au gust 14 is observed as Parti tion Horrors Remembrance Day, harking back to an announcement made by Prime Minister (PM) Naren dra Modi in 2021 about the legacy of India’s division. Murmu said equality and oneness, messages given to the nation by Mahatma Gandhi, continue to be the rulingMuchcreed. of Murmu’s speech was about the pro grammes launched by the Modi-led government that had contributed to making India noticed by the world. Whether it was the way the government led the vaccina tion programme for Cov id-19 or the Pradhan Mantri GatiShakti Yojana or the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yo jana that visualised a home for all, and the Atmanirbhar Bharat project, references to programmes flagged off by the PM were copious. She added that “credit must also be given to work ers and farmers whose hard work has made it possible and entrepreneurs whose business acumen has created wealth”.“India is among the fastest-growing major econ omies in the world. India’s start-up ecosystem ranks high in the world. The suc cess of start-ups in our coun try, especially the growing number of unicorns, is a shining example of our in dustrial progress,” Murmu said. She added that it was all the more heartening that “growth is becoming more inclusive and regional dis parities are Murmureducing”.saideconomic success is leading to ease in living as well. “Economic reforms are rightly accom panied by innovative welfare initiatives,” she said. “The aim of these and many other similar efforts is to provide basic amenities to all, partic ularly the poor. The keyword for India today is compas sion; for the downtrodden, for the needy, and for those on the margins”, she said. The President’s ob servations come even as a debate was sparked off after the PM’s remarks that welfarism should not be equated with freebies. The contribution of women and girls to India’s standing was noted by the President.“India’s new-found confidence stems from the spirit of its youth, its farm ers, and above all, its wom en. Gender inequalities are reducing and women are moving ahead, breaking many glass ceilings. Their increasing participation in social and political pro cesses will prove decisive. At the grassroots level, we have more than 1.4 million elected women representa tives in Panchayati Raj In stitutions,” she said, adding, “Our beloved country has given us everything we have in our life. We should pledge to give everything we can for the sake of safety, security, progress, and prosperity of our country.”Unlikeher predecessor Pranab Mukherjee, who uti lised speeches to deliver po litical messages, both to the government and the Opposi tion, or Ram Nath Kovind, who addressed issues like secularism and inequality in many speeches, Murmu bypassed references to con troversial or potentially di visive matters, preferring to dwell on nationalism, unity, and the greatness of India’s ancient heritage, focusing on two makers of modern In dia – Gandhi and Bhimrao Ambedkar.
Nagaland will remain an integral part of India: Governor Mukhi
CAIRO, AUG 14 (AFP): A fire ripped through a packed Coptic Orthodox church during morning services in Egypt’s capital on Sunday, quickly filling it with thick black smoke and killing 41 worshippers, including at least 10 Severalchildren.trapped con gregants jumped from upper floors of the Martyr Abu Se fein church to try to escape the intense flames, witnesses said. “Suffocation, suffoca tion, all of them dead,” said a distraught witness, Abu Bishoy.Sixteen people were injured, including four po lice officers involved in the rescue effort.
Power outage in whole of Seyochung area: DoPN
DIMAPUR, AUG 14 (NPN): Department of Power Nagaland (DoPN) has informed that the whole of Seyochung area and villages-- Yang zitong A&B, Old & New Monger, Thangthur, Yingphire, Lukhami, Sangtsunger and Thsinger would be under the cover of darkness for some days as a power transformer with a capacity of 500 kVA 33/11 kV at Seyochung town was damaged on Saturday night. Executive engineer (electrical division) Kiphire said that all these areas fed by the transformer would be under darkness till an alternative arrangement was made. Assuring that the department was putting all its efforts to restore power at the earliest, the EE requested all to bear the inconvenience so caused.
WSH suspends bandhindefinitefortoday
NPCC condemns resolution for ‘Hindu Rashtra’
ENPO calls for peace in Naga areas
GPRN/NSCN: Ato kilon ser of GPRN/NSCN N. Kitovi Zhimomi and advisor to collective leadership C. Singson graced the ‘76th Naga Independence Day’ programme at Naga Unifica tion Camp, Khehoyi Sunday as special guest and guest speaker respectively.Inhisspeech Kitovi reiter ated that neither British nor India gifted land to Nagas but God almighty alone. He described August 14,1947 as the greatest milestone that epitomizes Naga nationhood.Kitovireaffirmed that with or without integration, Naga homeland will never evaporate and it shall be known and be called ‘Nagaland’ and no other, as coined by Naga pioneers. He said Naga history will remember “who wasted twentyfive years in fruitless parleys, amassing wealth and enriching themselves” and who negotiated with the government of India with great transparency and ar rived at “the most transparent practical roadmap for the Naga land people.” (Full text on p-7) NNC/FGN: The Naga National Council (NNC) cel ebrated the “75th anniversary of the Nagaland Independence declaration” at Chemeda village on August 14. In his speech, kedahge Fed eral Government of Nagaland (FGN) ‘gen.’ (Retd.) Viyalie Metha called upon the people “not to be confused with the pup pet state of Nagaland created by the Government of India with the intention to divide and confuse the Nagas.” He said from the very inception of the “so-called 16-point Agreement” which cre ated the state of Nagaland by India, the then NNC president AZ Phizo had outrightly rejected it through a statement dated July 31, 1960 wherein it was stated that: “No agreement can be rec ognized
Various Naga political groups celebrate ‘76th Naga Independence Day’
Mukhi stressed that in the story of India’s re surgence, Nagaland could not be left behind, point ing out that the State was rich in natural and human resources. And being the gateway of South East Asia, Nagaland had unique geoeconomic opportunities, he added. He appealed to Na gas to preserve their unique cultural identity, break the colonial miasma and march along with rest of the coun try in the journey of shared prosperity.While congratulating the people of Nagaland for responding to the call of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the ‘Har Ghar Ti ranga’ campaign by hoisting the national flag at every household, Mukhi also com plimented the State govern ment for taking the initiative to achieve the campaign. On the occasion, the governor said he bowed in reverence to the martyrs of India’s independence struggle who had fought selflessly, endured untold sufferings and laid down their lives to give the people freedom.
DIMAPUR, AUG 14 (NPN): Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee (NPCC) has condemned the passing of a resolution in a Dharam Sansad held at Prayagraj in February this year to make India a “Hindu Rashtra” and floated the idea of a constitution. In a press release, NPCC president K Therie claimed that the first draft of the constitution of Hindu Rashtra or Hindu nation stated that Varanasi would replace New Delhi as the country’s capital. Besides, there was a proposal to build a Parliament of Religions in Kashi (Varanasi), while also proposing that Muslims and Christians would enjoy all the rights of a common citi zen barring the right to vote. Further, every citizen would be given compulsory mili tary training and agriculture would be made completely tax-free, he added. He strongly condemned the draft that attempted to smother fundamental rights of Christians, Muslims and other minorities. He alleged that the serious endeavour to establish a Hindu na tion with the contribution of seers and scholars had once again underlined the groundwork being executed to establish a Hindu nation with little or no regard for Christians, Muslims and otherTherieminorities.wondered how they could propose to strip citizens of their voting rights because they were minori ties, asserting that such feu dal ideas had no place in the world arena. Under the current regime, he feared that Christians, Muslims and other minorities would be reduced to soldiers and peasants.Hedeclared that Na galand could not be a part of such a constitution and called upon secular-minded MLAs and MPs to wake up and defend secularism by withdrawing their support and denouncing the draco nian draft
The cause of the blaze, which produced huge amounts of smoke in the church in the neighbourhoodworking-classofImba ba, was not immediately known. An initial investiga tion pointed to an electrical short-circuit, according to a police statement. A hospital document obtained by The Associated Press said the Imbaba public hospital received 20 bodies, including 10 children. Three were siblings, twins aged five and a three-year-old, it said. The church bishop, Abdul Masih Bakhit, was also among those at the hospital morgue.Twenty-one bodies were taken to other hos pitals. It was not immedi ately known if children were amongPresidentthem. Abdel Fat tah al-Sisi declared on his Facebook page that “I have mobilised all state services to ensure that all measures are taken”.
Indians have proved the sceptics wrong: Prez DIMAPUR, AUG 14 (NPN): Nagaland governor Prof Jagdish Mukhi on Sun day asserted that Nagaland has been and would remain an integral part of India. Greeting the people of the State on the eve of the 75th anniversary of Indepen dence Day, Mukhi said that in order to make a glorious Nagaland, there was a need to prioritise developing pre cious human resource which, he noted, had suffered a relative decline in recent decades.He also stressed on eliminating “illicit gangs and guns and institution alised corruption” from the State and appealed to all to build a robust and equitable health and education sectors to ensure healthy, skilled and well-educated citizenry, besides building modern connectivity infrastructures – both physical and digital. Mukhi appealed to Naga youth to overcome the nar cissism of minor differences and race ahead keeping pace with time, technology and contemporary realities while still maintaining strong emo tional and cultural bonds with local custom, tradition and identity. He called for continued focus on educa tion, health and youth.
DIMAPUR, AUG 14 (NPN): Western Sumi Hoho (WSH) has an nounced suspension of its ongoing indefinite bandh on August 15 in view of the Independence Day celebrations.WSHin a release stat ed that the bandh would resume from August 16 and would continue indefi nitely until the impugned order of the Commissioner Nagaland to deputy com missioners of Chümouke dima and Peren, holding of payment of damage compensation to Kiyevi village under package-III, was revoked in toto. State reports 2 Covid deaths, 4 fresh cases
Th Muivah, N. Kitovi Zhimomi, ‘Gen.’ (Retd) Viyalie Metha, Michael Yeptho and functionaries of NSCN/GPRN (Niki) during the ‘76th Naga Independence Day’ celebrations on Sunday.
41 dead, including 10 children in Egyptian church fire (Cont’d on p-8) (Cont’d on p-8) Security personnel stand at the cordoned area outside Abu Sefein church on Sunday. (Reuters) Droupadi Murmu Prof Jagdish Mukhi
3 from Nagaland get President’s police medal, 1 fire service medal DIMAPUR, AUG 14 (NPN): On behalf of seven tribes-- Chang, Khiamniungan, Konyak, Phom, Sangtam, Tikhir and Yimkhiung living in the country’s remotest and far-flung region bordering Sagaing division and Kachin State in northwest of Myanmar, Eastern Nagaland People’s Or ganisation (ENPO) has appealed to all sections of Naga people for an atmosphere of peace and tranquillity, free from any conflict in all Naga areas. In a statement, ENPO also called upon everyone to re solve all differences and conflicts through democratic and peaceful means, be it the civil societies, Naga political groups or indi vidualWhileetc. extending good wish es to all as they together celebrate platinum year of the country’s independence, ENPO said it expected and hoped for a “mag nanimous and truly justness for their shared future with the rest of the country.” It was undeniably one of the most undeveloped and denied regions of the country– a dark corner and a black spot on the socio-economic and political map of the Republic of India, ENPO stated. Nagaland Post MYK C MYK C Vol XXXII No. 250 DIMAPUR, MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 2022 Pages 16 ` 5.00 Salman Rushdie off ventilator and talking following stabbing INTERNATIONAL, PAGE 13 FOLLOW US ON @Nagaland_Postnagalandpostofficial No Olympic future for CWG lawn bowls ‘trailblazers’ SPORTS, PAGE 16 (Cont’d on p-8) This is it! “They all came and left early because they went for department picnic.”
DIMAPUR, AUG 14 (NPN): On the occasion of Independence Day 2022, a total of 1082 police person nel were awarded the Presi dent’s police medals. Out of 1082, President Police Medals for Gallantry (PPMG) has been awarded to 347 personnel, 87 with President’s Police Medal (PPM) for Distinguished Service and 648 personnel were awarded the Police Medal (PM) for Meritorious Service.From Nagaland, Im charenla, DIG (NAP) Ko hima has been awarded the President’s Police Medal (PPM) for Distinguished Service and Renchamo Kikon, Additional DG and Kilangyanger Walling, DCP, Niuland have been awarded Police Medal for Meritori ous Service.Further, on the occa sion of Independence Day 2022, Havildar Joy Kumar Singh of Nagaland Fire & Emergency Services was awarded the President’s Fire Service Medal for Meritori ous Service.Altogether 55 person nel have been awarded Fire Service Medals-- 11 got FSM for Gallantry, 6 FSM for distinguished service and 38 FSM for meritorious service.

DPDB meetings in Kohima, Kiphire
DIMAPUR: A workshop on “women’s rights are human rights” was organised by North East Dioscean Social Service Society (NEDSSS) in collaboration with Peace Channel (PC) on August 13 at 7th Mile, Chümoukedima.Apressrelease by PC desk stated that in a keynote address, PC director and principal, Dr. Fr. C.P Anto spoke on the importance of knowing one’s own basic human rights and not using it on other’s expense but expressing them in complementary to one another. He also appealed the participants to stand for ones right steadily with peace and to avoid forceful means and methods to usher peace in the society. In the first session, Childline Dimapur, centre coordinator, Lozua Kape spoke on “women’s human rights”, where she focused on eight major rights of women such as right to maintenance, right to equal pay, right to dignity and decency, right against domestic violence, right at workplace, right against dowry and right to self- defence protection. She further encouraged women to be aware of their rights and freedom and avail themselves to the emergency helpline 112 and women helpline 181. Speaking on “challenges women face today and how to ideally respond to”, in the second session, Childline Dimapur, team member and district support person, Rangdouliu Rolnu mentioned some of the key areas where women faced challenges and discrimination in their daily life and how to ideally respond to such challenges and conflict.mediatorsandpeacebeenAssociationoflevel.village,fromtoexplainedinspokeDimapur,cumforMSWdiscrimination.Inthethirdsession,NET,liaisonofficerNEISSRandPCassistantprofessorSusanLothaon“roleofwomenpeacebuilding”andthatpeaceneedsstartfromoneselfandtheretolocality,districtandstateShegaveexampleshowNagaMother’s(NMA)hasintheforefrontofbuildinginNagalandplayedactiveroleasinsituationsof
DIMAPUR: Department of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (DoEFCC) Nagaland Wildlife Wing on August 12 observed “World Elephant Day” on August 12 at Forest Office Complex, Dimapur. A press release by chief wildlife warden Dimapur stated that director, Nagaland Zoological Park and incharge Wildlife Warden, Dimapur, Dr. C. Zupeni highlighted the gathering on the significance of the day and stressed on the importance of saving the jumbos as they play a vital role in maintaining the ecosystem.Shesaid the day was first observed on August 12, 2012 under the initiative of Canadian filmmakers Patricia Sims and Michael Clark of Canazwest Pictures and Thailand based Elephant Reintroduction Foundation and since then the day was observed by various wildlife organizations and individuals all over the world.Dr. Zupeni informed that Nagaland declared Singphan Wildlife Sanctuary as elephant reserve on August 16, 2018, making it the second elephant reserve, the other being Intanki Elephant Reserve.Delivering a speech, special invitee of the programme, state biodiversity board Nagaland, chairman,Satya Prakash Tripathi said the three basic needs of life which was shelter, water and food are all provided by the forests and as such conservation of all wildlife species including elephant, was very important. He also called upon the people of Nagaland to come forward for conservation of forests as it would be beneficial in the long run and encouraged the students to be the ambassadors for conservation of forest and wildlife for one’s survival and to have empathy to all animals. Tripathi said the country has made a significant step for forest and wildlife conservation such as enactment of the Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972, Forest Conservation Act 1980 and the subject of Forest being transferred from state list to concurrent list inDuring1976. the programme, a short documentary film on elephant conservation and steps taken by the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, government of India under Project Elephant to improve elephant habitats and address the conservation issues related to it, was shown.The programme was attended by DFO Dimapur and staff, various officials of the department from Wildlife Division Dimapur, Nagaland Zoological Park, Intanki National Park, CWLW, Dimapur and students from Government Middle School Indisen Village and owners of captive elephants.
Director, Nagaland Zoological Park Dr. C. Zupeni along with officials.
Participants of workshop on “women’s rights are human rights” along with resource persons at Chümoukedima.
NHM, UNICEF hold training on NBSUs DoEFCC observes ‘World Elephant Day’
DIMAPUR: With an objective to improve management of newborn in health facilities, a three-day training for Newborn Stabilisation Units (NBSUs) in the public sector was organised by National Health Mission (NHM), Nagalandand United Nations Children’sInternationalEmergency Fund (UNICEF) on August 10-12 in Kohima. A press release by Department of Health and Family Welfare (DoH&FW) Kohima, stated the training focused on the survival of new-born through module reading, presentations, skill stations, and field visits to Naga Hospital (NHAK).AuthorityKohima DoH&FW further stated that Nagaland has been consistently striving for delivery of quality health services to new-born in theAtstate.the training, NHM Nagaland mission director, Dr. Thorhusie Katiry stressed on the importance of quality care in facilities and encouraged all medical officers for continued dedication at their respective place of work.In her talk, director (medical education) Dr. Temjenstungla Jamir emphasised on quality capacity building of healthcare workers and thanked UNICEF for its continued support to the state.Clinical sessions were conducted by senior paediatrician (NHAK) Dr. Khreimenuo and paediatrician (DH Longleng) Dr. Sanozulo including demonstrations at skillStatestations.nodal officer, child health, Dr. Imkongtemsu Longchar and UNICEF, Dr. Longri Kichu deliberated on the importance of prioritising new-born care as they remain the most vulnerable. The participants consisted of paediatricians, medical officers, and other specialists from all districts.
Speakers along with paediatricians and healthcare workers at the training programme.
DIMAPUR: National Oral Health Programme (NOHP) Mon district conducted an outreach dental health camp on August 13 at Longwa Village, Mon district. In a press release, National Health Mission (NHM) Mon informed that during the camp, the medical team leader, district oral health officer, Dr. I Simon Sumi highlighted on ill effects of tobacco use while Dr. Funitchiba shared on importance of good oral hygiene. NHM said the camp was conducted for the less privileged and those lacking access to basic health care services. The medical team of provided service to 209 beneficiaries.
Longmisa: In commemoration of centenary celebration of Longmisa Baptist Church (LBC), a health camp was organised at Longmisa Village on August 13 by chief medical officer (CMO) Mokokchung office in collaboration with LBC. A medical team led by DPO (NCD) Dr. Limanaro provided medical services to 266 beneficiaries. Health camps held at Longwa, Longmisa
DIMAPUR: Kohima District Planning & Development Board (DPDB) meeting was held on August 12 under the chairmanship of DPDB chairman, Keneizhakho Nakhro, MLA, in the conference hall of DPDB Kohima on August 12. The meeting was chaired by ADC Kohima, Rhosietho Nguori.According to a DIPR report, various societies presented aims and objectives where the house decided to recommend various societies to the government. Members also decided to upgrade, recognise and merger few educational institutions. At the meeting, members were reminded against usage of banned SUPs at offices. Kiphire: The monthly DPDB meeting for Kiphire district and felicitation of HSLC and HSSLC toppers was held on August 12 at the conference hall of DC Kiphire office. According to a DIPR report, minister for geology & mining, soil and water conservation and chairperson of the meeting, V Kashiho Sangtam congratulated the students and encouraged them to be more dedicated. He also welcomed the new members.
Workshop on ‘women’s rights are human rights’
MYK C MYK C STATE2 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 2022 Born: 27th August 1956 – Died: 15th August 2021 My loving wife/ our loving mother/ grandmother, Late Mrs. T Amongla Walling left us for her Heavenly abode on this day, a year ago. It was the saddest day of our lives. We all surrendered to the wishes of Almighty. Your memory is engraved in our hearts and we miss you every moment of our life, a void which can never get filled again. Loving husband, children, grandchildren and relatives 1st Death anniversary DP-3829/22 LT. I. SUNGIT (25-01-1946-LONGKUMER15-08-2021) DEATH LEAVES A HEARTACHE NO ONE CAN HEAL, LOVE LEAVES A MEMORY NO ONE CAN STEAL We can’t see and hear you anymore but we can feel you because you are alive in our hearts and mind. Rest peacefully in heaven Oba! Loving Wife & family IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR DEAREST DAD DB-862/22 A year has passed since you left for your heavenly reward, but not a single day passes by without remembering you. We misses your smile and your ever loving presence.. “Gone yet not forgotten” Loving Husband, Daughters, In-laws and Grandchildren 1st Death anniversary of beloved Wife & mother lt. oreno t lotha 15th aug 2021 DB-885/22 Q.: Are voters in Nagaland concerned about communalism as electoral issue? A Yes. 38% B No. 55% C Can’t Say. 7% 100%90%80%70%60%50%40%30%20%10%0% Poll A B C NEXT POLL Q: Will India become the world’s number 1 economic super power by 2025? Yes. No. Can’t Say. FORECASTWEATHERAUGUST15 (Temperature in ºC) Max Min Agartala A thunderstorm in spots 32 26 Aizawl An afternoon t-storm or two 28 20 Guwahati A stray afternoon t-storm 34 27 Imphal A t-storm around in the p.m. 30 21 Itanagar A t-storm around in the a.m. 32 24 Shillong A stray afternoon t-storm 24 19 Kohima Partly sunny, a stray t-storm 26 19 Dimapur A t-storm around in the p.m. 34 24 Mkg A morning t-storm in spots 28 21 Tuensang Some sun with a stray t-storm 22 17 Wokha A t-storm around in the a.m. 28 22 Zunheboto Some sun with a stray t-storm 25 19

#HarGharTiranga Ministry
On the occasion of the Independence Day, grateful Indians bow to their countless freedom fighters. As the champion proponents of freedom had joined hands for the cause of independence, in the same way, we have to unite for the development of the country. - Narendra Modi Watch live telecast of the Independence Day ceremony from the ramparts of the Red Fort on Doordarshan from 6:25 a.m. onwards of Information and Broadcasting Government of India Day Greetings to All Fellow Citizens on Completion of 75 Years of Freedom 25 years of 'Amrit Kaal' to be 'Kartavya Kaal' of every citizen us build together India of our freedom fighters’ 22201/13/0101/2223cbc
DIMAPUR: Commemorating “Har Ghar Tiranga” campaign under the aegis of “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav” to mark the 75th year of India’s indepen dence, Dimapur Bongs in col laboration with the Dimapur Municipal Council (DMC) or ganised “Tiranga Rally” Sunday. The rally was flagged off by advisor, power department, H. Tovihoto Ayemi and Deputy Commissioner (DC) Dimapur, Sachin Jaiswal at Misti Mukh junction.Hundreds of participants carrying national flags including a massive 575 ft. long national flag culminated the rally at City Tower,DeliveringDimapur.a short speech, Tovihoto lauded the Dimapur Bongs and Dimapur Municipal Council for organising the rally and invited the citizens of Dima pur to be part of Independence Day celebration on August 15 at DDSCOthersStadium.who spoke on the occasion include DC Dimapur, Administrative Officer, Dimapur Municipal Council and officers from the paramilitary forces. Bongs, DMC organise ‘Tiranga rally’
Participants carrying national flags at the ‘Tringa rally’ in Dimapur.


NSF hoists Naga flag at Parashen
ANPSA Kohima: All Nagaland Private Schools’ Association (ANPSA) Kohima unit Nagaland,Collegeovercompetitiontoandknowgetcitizenstoday’sgainlookurgedchairman,Schoolguest,occasionSchool,Cathedralonextempore“inter-schoolorganisedanquizandcompetition”August13atSt.Mary’sHigherSecondaryLerie,Kohima.SpeakingontheasthespecialNagalandBoardofEducation(NBSE)AsanoSekhoseuponthestudentstobeyondtextbookstoknowledge.Shesaidchildrenareglobalandthattheyshouldtherightinformation,theirresponsibilitiesobligationstothesociety.Attheevent,prizesthewinnersofthewerehandedbysecretaryPrivateAssociation,president,
RCK inducts: Rotary Club Kohima (RCK) inducted its 20th executive members headed by its chartered president, Rtn. Dr. Rosemary Dzuvichu along with the board of directors for the term July 2022-July 2023. RCK also inducted 14 new members.
MGM: MGM College, Dimapur conducted its freshers’ day celebration on August 12 at the College Auditorium. Highlights included a ceremonial lighting of the lamp, speeches, ice breaking and presentation of the freshers, voice, dance and choreography.
NEWS IN BRIEF NSCN (I-M) Sumi region reaffirms: NSCN/GPRN Sumi region during its emergency meeting on August 12 at Yezami Village, Zunheboto deliberated on the “historic Framework Agreement” and adopted a strong resolution to stand by the “Framework Agreement” signed on August 3, 2015 between the government of India and the NSCN.
ABAM executive secretary, Rev. Dr. Mar Pongener informed that with sesquicentennial celebration at sight, ABAM has been organising spiritual awakening programme for all the full-time workers and the ordained ministers under ABAM and that the “spiritual awakening” programme for associate pastor women was the last of the series.
BBC: The “International Youth Day” was celebrated by District AIDS Prevention Control Unit (DAPCU), Red Ribbon Club of Bailey Baptist College (BBC) on August 12 at BBC Wokha. At the programme, theme speaker, panel lawyer, District Legal Services Authority (DLSA) Wokha, Shanchobeni P. Lotha highlighted the significance of the day. Lotha also called upon youths to raise their voices for the welfare of HIV infected persons and explained various laws and Acts enacted to protect the rights of HIV infected persons.
RJHSS: Ram Janaki Higher Secondary School celebrated its 18th freshers’ meet on August 12 at the school premises with lot of attraction and much more educational instincts. Highlights include song, dance, fashion show and other colourful activities.
ABAM ‘spiritual awakening’ ends: Two-day “spiritual awakening” programme for associate pastor women of Ao Baptist ArogoMungdang (ABAM) concluded on August 10 at Impur.
DIMAPUR: Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) Mon in collaboration with State Agricultural Management and Extension Training Institute (SAMETI) Nagaland, and National Institute of Agricultural Extension Augustvillage,crops’pestprogrammeforconducted(MANAGE)ManagementHyderabadskilltrainingruralyouth(STRY)on‘integratedmanagement(IPM)ofatLapaLampongTizitblockfrom8to13.
LFIC: Livingstone Foundation International College (LFIC) conducted students’ council election on August 13 and elected HivikaP. Yepthomi and Lambemo as the president and general secretary respectively along with other members. In a separate event, the college took a pledge led by the principal and the elected executive membersof the students’ council on August 12reaffirming to fight against drug abuse among the student’s community in particular and the society in general.
CMHSS: Christina Memorial Higher Secondary School (CMHSS) Aoyimti, Dimapur on August 12 observed National Library Day at the school premises. Highlights of the programme include poetry slam, personal experience from the students on being a book lover, which was followed by a play on the benefits of reading. Altogether 18 students from classes 4-12 were awarded by the “Book Lovers Club” for their analysis.
SJC (A): Nagaland State Aids Control Society (NSACS) in collaboration with Red Ribbon Club, department of society.partnersthewasthethemtheDr.AkuoSorhieNSACSAtJakhamaIndoorDay“InternationalAugust(Autonomous),St.departmentadministrationBusinessandofCommerce,Joseph’sCollegeJakhamaon12commemoratedYouth2022”atSJC(A)Stadium.theprogramme,projectdirector,exhortedstudentsandbriefedonthesignificanceofday.Shesaidthedayalsoobservedtohonourpotentialityofyouthasintoday’sglobal
Educational institutions celebrate, organise various activities VeziihiiKeyho. Medical camp held at MGMHSS: St. Thomas Mission Dimapur in collaboration with two former students of MGMHSS Dimapur, Dr. Janet M J and Dr. Suman Das, and Team Tejas from Asclepius Wellness Pvt Ltd organised a medical camp on August 12 at school premises. SJU conducts field visitation: St. Joseph University, thefaculties49on7thRehabilitationadepartmentEducationwentonfieldvisittoShalomCentreatMile,ChumoukedimaAugust12.Altogether,studentsalongwith2participatedinfieldvisit.
KLC: Kohima Law CollegeRed Ribbon
JCC: District AIDS Prevention Control Unit (DAPCU) Kohima in collaboration with Japfü Christian College on August 12 celebrated “International Youth Day”, where an awareness talk on HIV was shared by district ICTC supervisor DAPCU Kohima, VituozolieKuotsu and an awareness talk on TB was shared by district TB officer Kohima, Dr ChibenthungKithan. PGC: Peren district on August 12 celebrated “International Youth Day” at Peren Government College, where DPO, District AIDS Prevention Control Unit (DAPCU) Peren, RovikhotoMor spoke on significance of the day. ZPC: District AIDS Prevention Control Unit (DAPCU), Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Kiphire office in in collaboration with Red Ribbon Club of ZPCand sponsored by Nagaland State Aids Control Society (NSACS) on August 12
NSF past and present leaders with other dignitaries during the flag hoisting at Parashen on Sunday. (NP)
STRY on IPM at Lapa Lampong Village
NERISTNSU informs: North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology Naga Students’ Union (NERISTNSU) Arunachal Pradesh has informed all selected candidates of NERIST entrance examination (NEE-1, NEE-2, NEE-3) and NEPGET to contact the union at 8415960267 or 9612509654 for any queries related to travel, admission and accommodation. NBSE, NSACS to conduct training: Nagaland Board of School Education (NBSE) and Nagaland State AIDS Control Society (NSACS) would be jointly conducting online training programme under Adolescence Education Programme (AEP) for teachers on August 25-26, 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., in this regard, all the heads of registered institutions have been asked to select one teacher to attend the meeting.
LMC: District AIDS Prevention Control Unit (DAPCU) in collaboration with Red Ribbon Club of Loyem Memorial College (TB)?symptomsandbeenyourincluding—dospokePHC,careanaesthesiologistAtControlbyon“InternationalTuensangobservedYouthDay”August12sponsoredNagalandStateAIDSSociety(NSACS).theprogramme,andcriticalmedicine,MOKuthurDr.NongosalKirhaonthreetopicsyouknowHIVstatus?HaveyouvaccinatedonHepatitisdoyouhaveanyontuberculosis
KBC organises ‘revival crusade’: In commemoration of 25 years of jubilee, Koinonia Baptist Church (KBC) organised revival crusade (inter-denominational on August 11 under the theme, “Proclaim the year of the Lord” at Sahitya Sabha Hall, Supply Colony.
DC Kohima informs: Deputy Commissioner (DC) Kohima and DISHA member secretary, Shanavas C has convened a meeting of district development coordination and monitoring committee on August 26, 11 AM at DPDB Hall, Kohima. All concerned officers have been asked to attend the meeting.
Clarification: Apropos to the news item “ACVA Wokha regrets Aug 11 incident”, the fourth sentence should be read as “inconvenience to the passengers” and not as published. Inadvertent error is regretted.
PCC (A): Students union Patkai Christian College in collaboration with the Patkai reading and writing club conducted a one-day workshop on academic reading and writing on August 13 at the College Conference Hall. The workshop was attended by students of PCC and other institutions. MCC: Model Christian College held its 8thStudents’ Council Election on August 12 and elected YansathungKikon and KumsutoWotsa as the president and general secretary ofModel Christian College Student Union (MCCSU) respectively along with other members.
KROS College: KROS College Kohima celebrated its 12th freshers’ day on August 13 at Kevi Hall.
Correspondent KOHIMA, AUG 14 (NPN): Naga Students Federation (NSF) organised a Naga flag hoisting programme at Parashen, the place where the first hoisting took place on March 22, the programme, former editor, Platform (W) & Nagaland Newsreview and author of Phizo and the Naga Problem, Mhiesizokho Zinyü said it was a day of rejoicing, a day of celebration and a day to proclaim “our” right to freedom.Hesaid NSF completed 75 years of existence and so also the declaration of the Naga Independence on August 14 1947, which he said, was “our” history and that the people still stood firm on the unique history and “our” great heritage. Zinyü said ever since its inception the NSF took active part in the asaccessionnevertheNagarealisedthegainedwhatcannothaveandhowever,untowardinnumerableandandtearsstruggle,yearspatriotism.”withNNCmovementnon-cooperationlaunchedbyinsubsequentyears“unrelentingspiritofHesaidthepast75hadbeenyearsofthirstandhunger,andbloodshed,rapesuppression,dissensionfactionalismandinstancesofeventualitiestoday,theNagasthegovernmentofIndiarealisedthatfightingbringanysolution.HeobservedthatthepeoplehadtilltodaywasthatGovernmentofIndiaandrecognisedthehistoryasuniqueinsensethatNagashadsignedanytreatyofwithanycountrysuchNagacountryhad country or for that matter not even India. In has never been a part of any foreign view of our unique history, the Naga issue is political and not a law and order problem, therefore the people should safeguard whatever they had gained so far, he said. Zinyü pointed out that the Naga political issue was the second longest surviving political problem in Asia today having already waited for 75 years and that the people were now impatient. However, he urged the people not to forget that India was under British domination for about 200 years before being freed. He called on the people to not get discouraged when things do not happen easily but understand that God’s timing was never too late or never too early. “We must and we will continue to defend and protect our God - given land, our people, our rights to freedom and our flag and may God help us to stand our ground today for our tomorrow” Zinyü said. One of the surviving members of the first Naga flag hoisting ceremony, 102 year old Nnolo Lorin during a reminiscing of the event said he witnessed the event first hand when he was a youth in his mid thirties. He said 66 years ago Zhapu Phizo along with few of his friends hoisted the flag of the Naga Federal Government on March 22, 1956 at Parashen, Rengma area.In the solidarity message, All Nagaland Students Association Manipur, general secretary, AC Thotso saluted the past and present Naga leaders who stood firm for the cause of the people and the land . “We dearly remember with deep sense of pride and respect to our martyrs, fallen fellow warriors who have given their all for the Nagas to live as a free people,” he said. Thotso also thanked all the Naga national workers, CSOs, leaders and all the fellow compatriots who had been tirelessly working for the cause of the Nation. “On this auspicious day, we must realize together that we are at verge of defining our own shared future and it is high time that we firmly reiterate our stand and strive for an inclusive, honorable and acceptable solution based on the unique history and situation of the Nagas; recognising integration, flag and constitution as the inalienable right of the Nagas,” Thotso asserted. The youth are hopeful for a positive outcome: NSF In the president’s address, Kegwayhun Tep said as people embark upon this landmark occasion, “we” must shoulder the sacred legacy and the solemn responsibilities which “our” visionary leaders had collectively struggled for and shouldered.“Ourhumble presence on this solemn occasion this morning is itself an homage and prayer offered to all Nagas who have contributed selflessly towards the Naga Cause. It is our solidarity of sharing in the grief at the irreparable loss of countless sons & daughters, parents, friends and loved ones whose innocent lives were robbed in the Naga peoples’ search for peace and a dignified future,” Tep said. He said the youth today were hopeful about a positive outcome, having placed their trust in the strong political will and able statement-ship of the Prime Minister of India, that lasting peace and justice would be brought in the Naga homeland through a settlement that was inclusive, honourable, acceptable and transparent.. He asserted that the people placed their confidence that the PM would hold on to the declaration made to the international communities that the South-East Asia’s longest running conflict would be brought to its logical conclusion and that this declaration would be translated into reality without further ado. Earlier the programme was chaired by NSF platinum jubilee planning committee co-convenor, NSN Lotha while invocation was pronounced by Tenyimia Union Baptist Church, Tseminyu, pastor KrodilhouSolidarityVimera.message was shared by Eastern Naga Students Federation (ENSF) president Chingmak Chang and vote of thanks was proposed by Rengma Students Union president, Ajo Tsela.Aspecial number was presented by youths from Rengma Baptist Church Kohima while Parashen Cultural Troupe presented a folk dance.
PGC: District AIDS Prevention Control Unit (DAPCU)Phek districtin collaboration with Red Ribbon Club (RRC) Phek Government College (PGC) celebrated “International Youth Day” on August 12 at PGC. At the programme, district program officer DAPCU Phek, KuduvoKezo highlighted the significance of the day and objective of 2022 theme.
In a press release, deputy project director (Dy. PD) ATMA Mon, N Subenthung Odyuo informed that resource persons ATM Dr. Nchumthung Murry, ATM Lizao Murry, and progressive tea farmer Yeangmao Konyak trained participants on various aspects of IPM focusing mainly on organic management.Training covered a wide range covering concept, components and tools of IPM, benefits of adopting IPM for pest control and use of biopesticides, etc. A field visit on ‘monitoring and scouting of pests’ and other activities were also carried out.
DIMAPUR: Educational institutions across the state celebrated “International Youth Day 2022” on August 12 under the theme, “Intergenerational Youth: Creating a World for all Ages – HIVInFree”.separate events, the educational institutions and other organisations also organised various activities for the students and teaching staff as part of their yearly curriculum / extracurricular activity.

Reader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the columns do not reflect the view of this newspaper nor that of the Editor in any manner.
Speeches on ‘76th Naga Independence Day’
This 14th August is a great day in the History of Naga, on this auspicious occasion of 76th Naga Independence Day, it reminds us to salute our Naga patriots and Martyrs who laid down their lives for our great Nation, and we will always remember their precious Blood sacri fice for the Naga soil. Whereas we all know that the political negotiation signing of agreement on 17th Nov 2017 be tween Govt of India and NNPGs as “Agreed Position” of which the logical conclusion of the Indo-Naga political conflict between the two Na tions is concluded under the dynamic Leadership of our convener Shri. N. Kitovi Zhimomi Ato Kilonser GPRN/NSCN and Co-Conveners of Working Committee for the vi sionary and maturity decision taken for our younger generation for better tomorrow.Iamvery happy that the Prime Minister of India Shri. Narendra Modi step to recognize the Histori cal and Political right of the unique History of Naga for final settlement. I appeal to all my countrymen to uphold and strengthen us in your prayers for the long-lasting solution. May the Almighty God Bless our Nation Kuknalim
NPGN NNC Ato Kilosner Z. Hozheto Chophi
FRIENDS, NAGAS, COMRADES AND COMPATRIOTS F irst of all, my Revolutionary Salute to you all on this 76th Anniversary of Naga Independence Day as we give all glory to the good Lord for having sustained the Nagas all through these years of our tumultuous Odyssey though marked with both ups and downs. We specially honour and exalt our founding fathers for whose unfathomable faith and courage and upon whose plat form, we still continue to stand firm to proclaim and profess our inherent rights as a Nation. Let us also remember each and everyone of our fallen heroes, who chose to die than yield, whilst in defense of our beloved Nation. Today as we all stand at the crucial stage to trying to arriving at an honourable Indo-Naga political solution acceptable to both entities, the top priorities of the NSCN is always to fulfilling the aspirations of the Naga people as a whole and hence we have left no stone unturned in pursuing a pragmatic approach Today, it is the bounden duty of educated young Nagas to shoulder the gigantic task of this legacy that our fathers left behind for us. It is their duty to analyse and scrutinize the past mistakes and to bring it back to the right track. Until then, let us all look forward to a bright future where every Naga shall once again be proud to call ourselves a Naga in the true spirits of our ancestors with our heads held high, but at the same time let us also remember that, we are Nagas by birth and not by choice and so as we stand at the threshold of our future doorway, let us be clear that our past and our present must lead us to a future that is secure for all. The NSCN also with no dearth and paucity acknowledges the immense contributions of the Naga civil societies, churches, Naga public, patrons, protagonists, supporters, sympathisers and every individuals for without whose valuable advises, prayers and supports, we could not have come thus far. Last but not the least, I call upon all Nagas everywhere, “to raise your hands into the air and proclaim that we are Naga Warriors by blood and by birth and the progeny of our fearless and brave ancestors” Let it also be made known to the world that, by clinging on to our forefathers’ legacy and perseverance, and for the safeguard of future posterity, we did also unfalteringly and unwaveringly made our stands and stood our grounds, with pride.
My Dear Countrymen! O n this joyous cel ebration of the historic 76th Naga Independence Day, I greet you all in the precious name of our Lord and Saviour JesusWeChrist!payhomage to our beloved comrades-in-arms who have made sLpreme sacrifices for the cause of Nagalim for Christ. We highly appreciate all the civil societies who have taken all the neces sary troubles in advocating for the rights of the Naga people at any time of hor rible military atrocities committed agai nst our people by the aggressors. We are thankful to all the churches and prayer warriors who have been praying for the national cause and the workers in the forefront without ceas ing. Furthermore, we are grateful to our friends abroad for their unflinch ing supports to the cause of the oppressed Naga people. Indeed, the Naga people are deeply indebted to them. We are Nagas by blood, by culture and by history, who profess the same faith and political concept. We are neither Indians nor Burmese. There should be no doubt about it that Nagas are a sovereign people from time imme morial, which makes our historySovereigntyunique. is our birthright, which should be defended at all costs. If we cannot defend our sovereignty, our future will be decided by others. If we cannot defend our land, the aggressors will possess it. If we cannot defend our people, we will become foreigners in our own land. If we cannot defend our freedom, we will become a lost people. If we cannot defend our history, it will be uprooted. If we cannot defend our culture, it will be assimilated. And if we cannot defend our identity, we will be proselytized. We don’t want war, but war is imposed on us. War has killed hundreds of thousands of Nagas. It has destroyed our villages, towns, and forests. It has destroyed our educational institutions and churches. This ugly war has dam aged the psychology of our people, young and old. This war must be stopped or it will devour us. We look for peace, but peace without freedom is a wishful thinking. Peace does not exist by itself. It goes along with freedom, truth, justice and rights. Cease-fire is a political terminology. It is the har binger of peace. Cease-fire has been with the Nagas for 25 years now. But we see no meaning in the cease-fire that does not embark upon political negotiation. And we see no meaning in ne gotiation if it cannot deliver solution. Indeed, we are for agreement, but it would be a form without content if it cannot bring a solution. All the past agreements were no solution because they betrayed the Naga national principle. The Nagas are looking for an issue-based solution. And that we are opposed to imposition of Indian will on the Nagas. What shall we do if the Government of India imposes its will on us? We need to work out a survival strategy. We must stay the course. Our future is in our decision to stand firm on our sovereign right, not in submission to the aggres sors. Our no to the dictation of the enemies w1U save our history. Our survival strategy lies in the power of prayer in the name of Jesus Christ. The name of the Lord is our strong tower, which we believe is bigger and stronger than the coal1t1on forces of many kings. The presence of the Lord has been with us on all fronts since the beginning of the resistance movement. Our strength comes from the Lord. Conscious of it or not, it is God who guides the destiny of nations and the course of their history. He is the author of history. Let us also take critical note that divisive elements and collaborators are rest lessly indulging in slander ous fabrications targeting the Framework Agreement. The irony is that the Gov ernment of India is keeping pretentious silence over the Framework Agreement it has signed on 3rd August, 2015. But the truth shall prevail in the long run. The 31st May, 2022, Emergency National As sembly is one of the turning points in the history of the Naga political movement. We have taken the stand be fore God and Naga people that NSCN will uphold and protect the unique Naga history and the Naga Na tional principle at any costs. The Naga flag and constitu tion are indivisible parts of the recognized sovereignty and unique history. We believe the Indian leaders too understand it. The Nagas have en dured 25 years of grueling ceasefire living up to our commitment for peaceful solution of the Naga po litical issue. We have also waited patiently for seven long years after the historic Framework Agreementwas signed on the 3rd Au gust, 2015. We have not left any stone unturned of what it takes to bring a solution that is honorable, inclusive, and acceptable to both the Nagas and the Government of India. The ball is now in the court of the Government of India to make the right move and to fulfill the commitment given to the ofoneoneourtionallshouldeconomy.tiveaeducation.militaryfieldsspiritmovetiestalblessedresources.raltermsalimaboutWementtainablewithoutPoliticalNagas.movementlookingintosuseconomicdevelopisoutmodedpolicy.havetofeelcomfortablethefactthatNagisimmenselyrichinofGod-giftednaturesourcesandhumanTheNagasarewithphysical,menandspiritualpotentialitogrow.Allthenationsforwardthroughtheofself-relianceinall-political,economy,andinthefieldofInordertobuildstrongnation,itisimperaforustobuildastrongTherefore,webereadytoexploreavenuesforthegeneraofrevenuestobuildnationaleconomy.AllNagasunitewithdecision,onefaith,andpoliticsontheprincipleNagalimforChrist.KUKNALIM!
Similarly, the Federal Government of Nagaland sent a protest note to the Prime Minister of India on the event of granting full-fledged state hood to Manipur from the Union territory. The protest note titled “A protest Against Naga Territorial Involvement by the Government of India in Manipur” – dated 19th January, 1972. As such, the name of Naga country is Nagaland - no other name. And no other constitution and no other flag except the constitution and flag of the Federal Government of Nagaland.Thisday is also an occasion for thanksgiving. We Nagas are blessed in many ways, which we can count at the individual level and at the national level. But the most impor tant ones are; Nagas as a nation with one destiny on this earth and as Christians for eternity. This is a rare thing in the world. Therefore, we must be grateful to the Almighty God always and look for his guid ance and blessing at all times. I wish to state, that Nagas of my generation have stood against all the odds the enemy unleashed on the Nagas in this past 75 years. And I am proud to claim that Nagas have done well in giving our all to the Naga rightful cause in our own rustic way. Come what may, we are ready to face any eventuality in the years to come. But today, the challenge is upon the youth of the present generation. Who are much better equipped in many respects; educationally, intellectually, techno logically and financially. Therefore, the youth must come forward to shoulder the national responsibility and make Nagaland of our dream. Long Live KUKNALIM.Nagaland.
Speech by President of NNC/GDRN (N-A) Kiumukam Yimkhiung
The Discipline of the Lord My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord, nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him. —Hebrews 12:5 It is very easy to grieve the Spirit of God; we do it by de spising the discipline of the Lord, or by becoming discouraged when He rebukes us. If our experience of being set apart from sin and being made holy through the process of sanctification is still very shallow, we tend to mistake the reality of God for something else. And when the Spirit of God gives us a sense of warning or restraint, we are apt to say mistakenly, “Oh, that must be from the devil.” “Do not quench the Spirit” (1 Thessalonians 5:19), and do not despise Him when He says to you, in effect, “Don’t be blind on this point anymore— you are not as far along spir itually as you thought you were. Until now I have not been able to reveal this to you, but I’m revealing it to you right now.” When the Lord disciplines you like that, let Him have His way with you. Allow Him to put you into a right-standing relationship before God. “…nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him.” We begin to pout, become irritated with God, and then say, “Oh well, I can’t help it. I prayed and things didn’t turn out right anyway. So I’m simply going to give up on everything.” Just think what would happen if we acted like this in any other area of our lives! Am I fully prepared to allow God to grip me by His power and do a work in me that is truly worthy of Himself? Sanctification is not my idea of what I want God to do for me— sanctification is God’s idea of what He wants to do for me. But He has to get me into the state of mind and spirit where I will allow Him to sanctify me completely, whatever the cost (see 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24).
Speech of NSCN (I-M) Ato Kilonser Th Muivah Speech of Gen. (retd.) Viyalie Metha, Kedahge FGN Speech of NSCN/GPRN president Akato Chophi Dear comrades and coun trymen, on this auspi cious and historic occa sion of 76th Naga Independence, I give glory and honour to our Almighty God for bestowing us the opportunity to once again celebrate this historic day. On this 76th anniversary of our Naga Independence. I most humbly pay my homage and sa lute all the pioneers and stalwarts for their visionary leadership, indomitable courage, faith and belief, with which they carried out their ardent yoke for our present Naga generation could proudly proclaim our birth right as a Naga and a Nation. On this day, I on behalf of all comrades, salute all the brave hearted departed brothers and sisters for their supreme sacrific es and for establishing the foun dation of Naga Nation. They shall forever live in our hearts for generation, Today I join the na tion in paying my homage to all the martyrs and all the patriots who are no more with us today. The Naga Nationalism in essence is a movement for the restoration of our political and historical rights. It started with the resistance of British coloniz ers and later with the Indian im perialism, The Naga since then had been fighting for free home land and resisting the oppressive occupational forces of India and Myanmar on our land, ever since the British left the Indian subContinent. Nagas have always been fierce lover of freedom and equality, our aspiration has al ways been for self determination and for free Nation. The Memorandum submit ted to the British Simon Com mission on 10th Jan 1929 by the Naga Club, “……….to leave us alone to determine ourselves as in ancient times” in the event of British withdrawal from India, but the silent of the British govt for Naga self determination let to the NNC to declare Naga In dependence a day before India’s Independence on 14th August 1947 and to augment the dec laration the NNC conducted the plebiscite on 16th may 1951 where in 99.9% voted for free sovereign nation. The Indian govt tried to sup pressed and crushed the growing spirit of Naga Nationalism by introducing several oppressive laws and Acts like “Disturbed Area Act, The Armed Forced Special powers Act, Prevention of unlawful Activities act.” etc. But despite of all the torture, Rape, killings, burning of gra nary, villages .etc. However the Naga freedom struggle have withstood with unbridled cour age and Today as we celebrate our 76th Independence day, Let us all remained steadfast to our goal and objective with faith and prayer to our Almighty God. The working Committee of NNPGs had been in dialogue with GOI since 2017 for political solution which is honourable and mutually acceptable. We belief in peaceful solution not in bloodshed and violence, We have all the faith in G.O.I and that the new Interlocutor, A.K Mishra with his vast knowledge and experience will understand the pulse and sentiment of the Naga and to deliver us our rights during the present term of B.J.P govt under the dynamic leader ship of Prime Minister Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah. The political negotiation between the G.O.I and the working commit tee of NNPGs have conclude on 31st October 2019 and now the onus lies with the G.O.I to materialize it. On our Part, we as an entity of NNPGs, We firmly belief and have stood by our commitment given to the Nagas in the hope that it will usher in new era of lasting peace and tranquillity, long desired by our people. We stand united for permanent and lasting political solution, which is honourable and ac ceptable to this perplexed Naga political solution. The zest of our people to regain the freedom and the glory that we lost and the ‘never say die’ spirit of our younger generation sustains our Nationalist movement. We are optimist that the growing echoes of all the Naga Civil societies, organisations, bodies and gen eral populace for early solution or Solution before Election had reached to those at the helms of India and we awaits for their genuine and matured decision .I am hopeful that our aspirations would be fulfilled with sincerity from Government of India. The historic event that pro voked and instilled the spirit of Nationalism in our minds and the birth of Nagas as a Nation remains true and the NNC/ GDRN stands firm to protect this commitment. Lastly the NNC/GDRN (N-A) acknowl edges the Commitment, unwaver ing support and prayers of all the stakeholders, The apex organisa tions, Tribal bodies ,NTC.NGBF. ENPO. CNTC. Student bodies, churches, General populace etc. May God’s grace be upon us all. “Happy Independence’s Day. Long live KuknalimNagaland” (MIP), NNC/GDRN (N-A)
A historic 75th Independence Day India’s 75th Independence Day on August 15,2022 is being celebrated with nationalist fervor as people across the entire nation hoist the ‘Tiranga’ in re sponse to ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ campaign under the ae gis of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. Tiranga means three colours” or “tricoloured,” which is the common name for the national flag. The call by the Modi government which seeks to imply that nationalism and the govern ment are on the same page. There has been a clear effort since 2014 to change the narrative of secularism to mean secularism for appeasement at the cost of the national interest and secularism that acknowledges the rights of the majority community. Today since 2014, India has undergone a series of changes many of which are in contrast with the prevailing narrative. It is a matter of concern, that just as the nation is celebrating its 75th Independence Day, some issues have been highlighted. It is to be noted that besides celebration of the historic day, it is also an occasion to remember the leaders and countless people who were involved with Indian independence movement. Some were hanged while others suffered at the hands of the colonial rulers. The celebrations of Independence Day and Republic Day over the years has under major changes. The most glaring is that India’s first prime minister Nehru has been left out in the Karnataka government’s Ghar Tiranga advertisement. It may be forgiven if a freedom fighter may have been omitted but to do that to Nehru is totally unexpected. Those who were included are-Hindu Mahasabha’s Veer Savarkar in the first row with other freedom fighters like Mahatma Gandhi, Subhash Chandra Bose, Vallabhbhai Patel, Bhagat Singh and Chandrashekhar Azad. The government which will also take over the Teen Murti Bhavan which had been the abode of Nehru for 16 years, till his death, will be renamed as Nehru Memorial Museum and Library (NMML). Exhibits of various prime ministers will be set up but shockingly, Nehru will not be included. This is not a simple omission but deliberate act of re-writing history. It matters not whether one likes Nehru or not but facts of history cannot be erased. India had its first prime minister and even though his mishandling led to India’s humiliating defeat at the hands of China in the 1962 war; facts cannot be ignored. If Nehru can be blamed for the defeat, surely, he has to be recognized as the prime minister when the war happened? In the old India, it was acknowledged that the foremost for a nation with multi-religious and multi-cultural diversity was peace and communal harmony. Indeed, working towards peace and communal harmony was needed as a reminder to heal the pain and horrors of partition of India. It is also a tribute to the millions of people from all religions, caste and cultures who participated in the Indian independent movement. Tribute is for those who sacrificed their lives while holding aloft the Tiranga. There are far too many people who played their roles in the Indian independence movement. And so, when there is need to include more into the roll of honour, it is unfortunate that petty politics has come into play. Quotes “We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.” J.K.
Dear Fellow Nagas, W arm greetings to all the Nagas, far and near on this momentous occasion of the 75th Anniversary of Nagaland Independence Declaration. Wishing you all joy and happiness wherever you mayToday,be.we are able to celebrate a great achievement, made it possible through God’s blessing and protec tion. At the same time, the sufferings, losses and sacrifices endured and given by the Naga people, starting from 1950s till today. Therefore, we owed our existence today and beyond to the Almighty God and the patriotic Naga men and women who had given their all for us to live as a nation among nations. Which is the envy of people around us. Be proud that Nagas had done and achieved all that is proper and legally right. To narrate briefly our national status from early period till today; from time immemorial Nagas lived freely in their villages without any foreign control. When the British intruded into parts of our country we allowed them to stay in our land without entering into any legal and written agreement. On the eve of the British departure several goodwill diplomatic missions went to meet the leaders of the emerging nation of India. One such important mission took place on July 19, 1947. Where a Naga delegation consisting of Naga National Council (NNC) leaders met the undisputed father figure leader Mahatma Gandhi and informed him of the Naga intention to formally declare Naga Indepen dence on 15th August, 1947. To which Gandhi asked and encour aged the Naga delegation, “Why wait August 15? Why not declare it today? Remember, that was on July 19, 1947. Such good nature and understanding, and goodwill from Mahatma Gandhi. Thus no body stopped us and has no right to stop Nagaland Independence. That was how Nagaland Independence was declared by the Naga National Council on 14th August, 1947 in Kohima. From then on it is history. Where India is answerable sooner or later. Which we are not going to delve into today. The issue with India is withdrawal of its occupational forces from Nagaland. What matters is, who can stop our Independence. Coming to Nagaland, the ter ritory of the Naga country, I would like to enlighten ignorant Nagas by quoting the Article I of the Yehzabo (Constitution) of Nagaland, which states; The territory of Nagaland shall comprise all the territories of the Nagas and such other territories as the Tatar Hoho may by law admit on such terms and conditions as it may deem fit. Thus, one should not be con fused with the puppet state of Na galand created by the Government of India with the intention to divide and confuse the Nagas. For that matter, from the very inception of the so-called 16-point Agreement which created the state of Nagaland by India was outrightly rejected by the then NNC President, A.Z. Phizo through a statement dated July 31, 1960, where Phizo stated; “No agreement can be recognized regarding the future of Nagaland except with people who are truly representative of the Naga Nation.”
Th. Muivah

an indispensable symbol of our resistance but, is it the only element denoting Naga Identity? Is it not a mischief to say Nagas had no Identity before official adoption of the Naga Flag on 22 March 1956? Were we identity-less nomads without land? I tell what is real Naga Identity Naga culture, customs, tra ditions, defined Mongoloid features, semi naked martial existence, close knit com munity, generosity, hospital ity, simplicity, Village-state governance, rule by warriors and chieftains, finally the entirety of Naga migration and Political struggle against occupational forces, is our NagaInIdentity.thelast quarter of 2017, the Government of India, realising the futility of talks with a single group, of ficially invited the Working Committee, Naga Nation al Political Groups (WC, NNPGS), a conglomerate of six Naga armed groups, to the negotiation table. Then came the unthinkable, the NSCN (IM) suddenly demanded from the GoI to give them Flag and Con stitution unconditionally. Factually, they officially for feited Naga integration on 29th Feb, 2012, at Agri Expo FNR meeting. Apparently, since GoI started negotia tions with WC, NNPGs, the sudden demand and claim for Flag and Constitution became necessary in order to prolong and sabotage pos sible Indo-Naga solution. How could an entity, having declared successful conclu sion of political talks, ap preciating the intricacies of the Indian system, demand Flag or constitution? No amount of propaganda can change this fact. There were no subsequent political and administrative initiatives or transitional steps. Till date, the details of FA have been kept away from the Naga people. The bits and pieces which have come into the public domain points to hegemonic, despotic and diabolic agenda straight out of communist rulebook.
Speech of N. Kitovi Zhimomi, Ato Kilonser & Convener WC, NNPG
on ‘76th Naga Independence Day’
Leaders and friends, in Nagaland, ancestral prin ciples of Village adminis tration is an impenetrable fortress because, pure demo cratic customary laws on land ownership by individu als and community have per sisted for centuries. In such a thriving tradition the only way to change and disturb the Naga democratic ethos is by introducing alien land laws through soft propa ganda followed by coercive policies. To push in their plan, they demanded from GoI for the creation of the Pan Naga Hoho (PNH). They sought to empower its chairman absolute author ity over Naga people, their land and resources. Nagas opposed and fought British and Indian rulers for these very regressive character istics and laws enforced in our land. Is it not akin to throwing out a snake from the house only to invite in another snake? Having understood the concept and future consequences, in con sultation with Naga tribes, the WC, NNPGs during the course of negotiations, flatly rejected the proposed creation of the PNH. The GoI is clear that the Naga people will have a final say over their ancestral land. I appeal to those ac cusing WC Status Paper as “edited version of 16 Point Agreement”, “Economic Package” etc. to have the courage to surrender the political documents and ar rangements of twenty five years, to the Naga people. Feeding on the bountiful harvest of Nagaland is not a political solution and it must not prolong. Using emotive elements to fuel and drive propaganda ma chinery is unsustainable. Nagas are readying for a practical political solution. Lest we forget, Adolf Hitler convincingly promised the German people that the Third Reich will regain lost German glory and reign for a thousand years. Confused citizens and frightened Ger man intellectuals of the day, fearing terrible reprisals, blindly supported the Na zis and their propaganda. In eleven years time, by autumn of 1945, Germany was in ashes. The German people had to pay a heavy price for one megalomaniac and hisToday,cronies!Naga people are in a self imposed crisis. There is a confusion be tween illusion and reality. The world will not wait for us to heal our differences. There are those wide awake but pretending to be asleep. Sixty elected members in the oppositionless Nagaland state assembly led by Chief Minister, as facilitators, hav ing the mandate of the elec torate of Nagaland, must translate words into action. Should electoral politics and desire to occupy the chair betray the century old Naga political problem? God of history and Naga public will seek answers. This is a time to give future generations a glimmer of hope for their future.Every elected member has a copy of ‘STATUS PAPER’, a negotiated docu ment based on ‘AGREED POSITION’ signed between WC, NNPGs and GoI. It is in reality a
L adies and Gentle men. Revolution ary comrades of NSCN/GPRN- Refor mation in particular and freedom fighter of all other political groups in general, let us not forget to thank our almighty God, Lord Jesus in celebrating our 76th Naga Independence Day on this day, the 14th of August 2022 for creat ing our invincible politi cal history inspite of our weakness and ignorance. Our political history is so dear to all of us that, our great fighters bravely fought simultaneously with both mighty Indian Army and Burmese force right from 1960’s without any external assistance but only with whatever re sources available in their disposal.Wejust cannot aban don their footprint as will amount to sell-out of our birth rights (Identity). The Naga people without harboring any negative attitude towards any country declared our Independence on 14th August 1947 announcing the existence of sovereign nationhood to interna tional communities but our good neighbor India took it as a challenge to her sovereignty and be gan to butcher our Naga brothers and sisters which culminated into large scale war between India and the Nagas costing heavy losses on bothTherefore,sides. our politi cal journey involved tears and blood which continued till the days, both NSCN (IM) and NSCN (K) signed bilateral ceasefire with GOI in 1997 and 2001 respectively.Whatever may cost us, let us not forget our past glory and continue our journey to protect our historical right for self de termination of our future. We have not lost our great freedom fighters in enemies’ hand alone, but our madness fratricidal sordid drama also eaten up many precious lives of great freedom fighters. We all must feel sorry for our past arrogant and supremacy mindset. Now the scenario of the world drastical ly changed bringing all mankind closer then ever before, thus bitterness of the past into sweet brother hood relationship through inter dependency, what ever the cause may be, without compromising the unique political history of the Nagas, we must find ways and means to resolve our long pending political issue with India. Thus, the talk started between the GOI and the Naga negotiators for reso lution of vexed issue which concluded on 31st October 2019.Inspite of mutually resolved all key issues, the GOI delays the announce ment of final agreement. The Naga National Political Groups / Work ing Committee and the Naga people of all Naga inhabited areas are eagerly waiting for announcement of final agreement from GOI since November 2019 but waiting and patience have already crossed the border line. Hence all re sponsibilities are on the shoulder of GOI. The hon’ble Prime Minister of India Shri. Narendra Modi must take bold step without wavering least, the movement may take negative turn through the entry of multi-element requiring heavy price to reach such peaceful and responsive environment (which is LANDLONGuncertain).LIVENAGA Y. Wangtin NSCN/GPRNPresident,Naga,-Reformation
My dear Countrymen & women, It is a great privilege and an honour for me to address you on this historic occasion of the Naga Independence Day, today the 14th of August 2022. I warmly greet you on behalf of all the ranks and file of the NNC/FGN. It was in 1947 that our pioneers and visionary leaders proclaimed the aspirations of the Naga people and took the giant step to declare our freedom and independence to the world on this historic day. We are grateful to our Almighty God for the guidance, protection and sustenance throughout our long struggle for an hon ourable existence and a rightful place as a Nation among the Nations of the world. Naga Nationalism in essence is a movement for the restoration of our political and historical rights. Nagas have always been fierce lovers of freedom and equality. Our aspiration has always been for self determination. We do not covet what is not ours or what belong to oth ers but we would keep what is rightfully ours at all cost. The political history of the Nagas first started with the resistance of the British colonizers and later with Indian imperialism. The Naga people for many decades has been fighting for a free homeland and resisting the op pressive occupational forces of India and Myanmar on our land ever since the British colonial empire left the Indian sub-continent. Since the British Govern ment remained silent on the Nagas’ right to self-determination at the time of its departure from the Indian sub-continent, the Naga National Council (NNC) after getting the necessary assurances from the top Indian leaders of the time, declared Naga Independence on 14th August 1947, a day ahead of India’s declaration of independence. To augment this decla ration, the NNC conducted the Plebiscite on 16th May, 1951 wherein 99.9% voted for Sovereignty. And ever since its forma tion, the Federal Government of Naga land has always stood firm and resolute on the “historical and political rights of the Nagas.”When it was made clear to India that the Nagas would not join the Indian Union, India started sending thousands of troops to occupy the Naga territories. The massive deployment of Indian armed forces to hunt down the nationalists unleashed intolerable suffer ings on the Naga people, they intruded our homes, persecuted and tortured our people without any valid reasons, our women were abused and molested, car ried out wilful destruction of our goods and properties, killed and injured many of our people. It was because of these reasons that the Nagas were compelled to rise up with arms against the Indians. The Indian Government introduced several oppressive laws and acts like the Disturbed Areas Act, the Armed Forces Special Powers Act, Prevention of Un lawful Activities Act, etc. These Draco nian Laws continue to be imposed and enforced in our land by the Government of India, the so called biggest democracy in the world. The Nagas also concluded several agreements with the GoI like the Hydari Agreement of 1947 or the 9 Point Agreement, the 16th Point Agreement, the Ceasefire of 1964, etc. but unfortu nately India has not honoured her com mitments and successive Indian leaders failed to uphold the promises made to the Nagas by their most venerated leaders like M. K. Gandhi and Rajagopalachari. However, Nagas have always sought to live in harmony and peaceful co-exis tence with our neighbours. We are aware that conflicts do not serve any purpose; it is not beneficial either for India or the Na gas. Thus to end the conflict, the NNC/ FGN after many rounds of deliberation, consultation and much thought, took the decision to take part in the political dialogues with GoI in 2017 as an entity of the NNPGs, in order to hammer out the differences and arrive at a political solution which is honourable and mutu ally acceptable. We took the decision to participate in the Talks believing that violence should end and that we should pave the way for peace to prevail in our beautiful homeland which though not of our making or design, has experienced so much violence and bloodshed. The political negotiations between the Government of India and the Work ing Committee of the NNPGs having concluded, the solution of the Naga issue may pose as a challenge to the wisdom and statesmanship of the Indian leaders.
A positive and a great achievement of the many deliberations between the Govern ment of India (GoI) and the Naga Na tional Political Groups (NNPGs), Work ing Committee (WC) was the recognition of the Historical and Political rights of the Nagas to self determine their future in consonance with their distinct identity by the GoI. It is perhaps for the first time in history that the GoI has put on record that the Nagas have a Historical and Political right for future self deter mination in tune with our distinct iden tity. The GoI has also given assurance to the WC, NNPGs that post solution the unresolved issues can be pursued by Political Democratic Process. On our part, we as an entity of the NNPGs have stood by our commitment given to the Nagas in the hope that it will usher in a new era of lasting peace and tranquillity, long desired by our people. As we celebrate the Historic Day, we also celebrate with pride and fondly remember the contributions and sacrifices of the patriots who selflessly gave their lives for the Nation and the patriots who selflessly chose to bear the hardships and sufferings in the pursuit of the long cher ished dream. I join the nation in paying my homage to all the martyrs and all the patriots who are no more with us today. I warmly congratulate all the recipients of the awards and special commendations for their dedication and commitment. God bless us KUKNALIMall.
Speech by Brig. (Retd) S. Singnya, Kedahge, FGN Speech by Kiyelho Wokhami Ato Kilonser NPGN/NNC/NA (MK)
tors, legal and constitution al experts from mainland India and Nagaland. We have also maintained close understanding with our neighbours like the Ahoms, Meiteis and Kukis. The statesmanship and decisiveness of Hon’ble Prime Minister Mr. Naren dra Modi is most desirable at this hour. Naga people have been assured an hon orable, inclusive solution many times in the last few years. Negotiation with the GoI interlocutor has con cluded with sincerity and full commitment, putting across the practical aspira tion of the Naga people. All contentious issues have been tackled in the spirit of mutual benefit and interest. Unresolved matters have been agreed, in principle, to be further pursued through democratic political process post solution. The world looks at the world’s larg est democracy headed by Hon’ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi to resolve the Indo-Naga political is sue based on the concluded negotiations of 31st October 2019 with Naga groups. This is a decisive moment for we all live in a limited timeline, be it a political career or lifespan. The uni versal principle attributed to ‘TIME’ must be taken into serious consideration by the political leadership of India and also by Nagaland State government.Thechairs will remain but occupiers will change. May the wisdom of God Almighty dawn on the GoI leadership.GodBless Nagaland!
Ladies and Gentlemen, Remember, God Al mighty created Na galand. It is neither the British nor the Indians who gifted the Naga people this land.14th August 1947 is our greatest milestone. It epitomises Naga nation hood. This is the day Naga pioneers gently reminded the crumbling 200 year old Brit ish Indian Empire and the leaders of the newly birthed Indian nation, the will of the Naga people! Over decades, the blood of thousands of warriors and unarmed civil ians have been spilled. We salute their souls. The Naga struggle is guided by a Spiritual Force and we cannot fail it. We are called to protect and defend our land, our rights and our history, so that our children and grandchildren do not inherit an arid, silenced and doomed Nagaland, bereft of any hope for political, social, moral, spiritual and economic revival. It would be catastrophic because our forefathers left us a great legacy to take forward the Naga vision. The Naga tribes, CSOs and political leaders of today must insist for a space and time for the younger generation Nagas to regenerate themselves for a nobler existence. I thank our Almighty God for His grace. His wis dom and His will alone resulted in the creation of Nagaland. Human folly; of uncontrolled pride, mon strous egos, reckless killings, nepotism, tribalism, region alism, selfish motives, secre tive political talks over the years, have further eroded common Naga future, hav ing been divided into many states in India and Myanmar first by the British and then by GoI. However, with or without integration, Naga homeland will never evapo rate and it shall be known and be called NAGALAND and no other, as coined by Naga pioneers. The leaders and followers, both past and present, are mere tools in the hands of a great Sculptor striking and chipping away to fulfil a greater purpose. Every nation on earth is predestined to rise or perish. The question before the Naga people is, are we preparing to rise or perish? All leaders will eventually be phased out either by fel low humans or by Supreme time keeper. This natural law applies to everyone be it the Hon’ble Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Nagaland Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio, WC,NNPG Convener, N. Kitovi Zhi momi or any other leaders. In the Naga context, history will remember who wasted twenty five years in fruitless parlays amassing wealth and enriching themselves and who negotiated with GoI earnestly and brought out the most transparent practi cal political roadmap for the Naga people at its most divi sive, confused, disgruntled and restless hour. Today, the Naga people must understand and adapt to the dynamics of a fast changing geo-political en vironment around us. The past gives us our rightful, legitimate space to pursue our goal as a people. The future is how we salvage our people and land through co-existence and mutually ‘AGREED POSITION’. Nagas cannot live in isola tion, illusion or simple hope. It is time to set foot into the practical domain. We must learn from history and call for a meaningful existence with our honour and pride intact.Today, many Naga leaders have become self worshippers and too slip pery in their utterances, unable to define the real meaning of SOVEREIGN TY, IM.andreadyofFAstage.reachedthecessiveMorebecausetime.MinisterduringthebolicNagaessentiallythestruggle,emotionalingallegianceNagatheRengmaIndependence,after22whichthesionBritishIDENTITY.INTEGRATIONINDEPENDENCE,orNAGAFrom1929StatutoryCommisNagamemoto2017,matterofNagaFlag,wasfirsthoistedonMarch1956,nineyearsdeclarationofNagaatParashen,NagaCountry,andConstitution,whichallPoliticalgroupssweartotheirown,havsymbolic,politicalandspaceintheNaganeverdistractedNagasastheseelementsbelongedtothepeople.ThesesymissuesdidnotdisruptflowofnegotiationsthelateIndianPrimeIndiraGandhi’sThetalksdidnotfailflagorconstitution.recentlywithsucGoIinterlocutors,twinissuesneverreallytalks-sabotagingTheydonotfeatureinatallsincetheintricaciestheIndiansystemwerealaccepted,appreciatedunderstoodbyNSCNIagreeNagaFlagis
Dear Naga People, Ipraise our living God in thanksgiv ing for the 75th Year of Anniver sary of the Naga Independence Day Celebration of 14th August 2022. This day was declared and acknowl edged by the United Nations one day ahead of India’s Independence in the year 1947. This significant day of our National and Historical Right is the main political and democratic right for Freedom of Sovereignty of the NagaTodaypeople.we also honour and re member the thousands of Naga National martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the sovereignty of the Nagas. Therefore the Naga National council caution the present Naga national workers who are negotiating with the Indian Government not to compro mise the very democratic rights for which the martyrs has fought and sac rificed for. The Naga national workers who compromise this legitimate and inalienable right will be condemned and the blood of the martyrs will be uponThethem.Naga National Council have been honouring and celebrating the Naga Independence Day of 14th August ever since the declaration in 1947, as official cable message was sent to the United Nations Organisation and Nagas as an Independent people and nation was acknowledged by the World Body. The Naga people must be very clear about this indisputable democratic right of freedom. Therefore the Government of India and Burma (Myanmar) must officially recognise and declare Naga people and it’s Home land a free Independent Nation, as both the aggressors have illegally occupied the Naga Homeland for the last 75 years. However, the political situations around the globe is such that the day is not far off as the political plight of Na gas as a suppressed and oppressed na tion is now better known to the world. This is the time for both the ag gressors’ Governments to free the Naga people on this Jubilee year of freedom from bondage and control. The Naga people have been po litically suffering for a long time now with tears and blood in the hands of the Government of India and Military Junta of Myanmar, and at this point we yearn for real peace in the Homeland. The Nagas have been fighting for our political and historical rights to be recognised by other sovereign nations as a free and independent nation to de velop itself and to contribute towards peace not only in the region but the world at large. Therefore the NNC appeal to the community of nations to address the plight of the Nagas. Therefore the Naga people as a whole must stand firm in our historical and political rights to be officially rec ognised as political situation around the South East Asian countries are fast changing in favour for development. The Naga National Council as the Parent Body would like to appeal once again to all the Naga people as a whole to unite for the permanent settlement for peace in the Homeland. In conclusion, the Government of India being the biggest and largest democracy in the world must officially declare the Nagas and its Homeland a Free and Independent Nation to develop itself. And as Government of India has already recognised the Historical and Political Rights of the Nagas to self determine their future in consonance with their distinct identity as unique history and situation. And this will result in permanent peace and development in the South East Asian Region. Praise God in the Highest, Amen.KUKNALIM.
Ithanked our almighty God for his mercy and blessing upon the Nagas and preserv ing all the Naga and the Nagas identity. On this auspicious day of 14’ August the Naga Independence day I convey my warm greeting to all the citizens of the Naga nation. On this day we remembered our fallen hero’s who sacrificed their precious life for the cause of the Naga Inde pendence, we pay homage to the thousands patriotic heros. The present Naga leaders of the political groups, NGOs, and citizens of the Nagas need to retrospect and introspect how we have been struggling for the freedom of Nagaland since from the beginning of the movement, we must also remembered how the Naga plebiscite of 16 may 1951 took place where 99.9 Na gas voted in favour of the Naga Independence.TheNagas still remain as a warrior and will remain for ever, Even the Britishers treated the Naga peoples as honorable people so why don’t we all humble before our creator and come closer to each and unite as one to bring peaceful and lasting solution for the future of the Nagas generation as desired by our people.Nosettlement can be done or achieve without unity and in tegration among ourself, unity is the only way on which our right and aspiration are embedded. Its never too late to wake up from slumber and this the perfect moment for the Nagas to decide our destiny. Will never give up to defend our right, though there are so many inexplicable miser ies and hardship that we faced but still we believe in ourself that we will achieve our cherished dream. I give my deepest respect to all the Naga political groups irrespective of faction for the courage and support to defend the right of the Nagas. I on behalf of NPGN/ NNC/NA (MK) appeal to all the political groups, NGOs, church leader’s, citizens of the Naga nation to unite together as one in order to bring peaceful and lasting solution at the earliest basing on framework agreement, any accord or agreement is not acceptable without flag and constitution in order to preserve our unique history and identity. Kuknalim MIP
Speech of Yilow Humtsoe acting President of NNC Speech by Y. Wangtin Naga, President NSCN (R)
KAKURO No. 4009 Yesterday’s solution No. 4008
NEW DELHI, AUG 14 (PTI): After turning net buyers last month, foreign investors have become ag gressive shoppers of Indian equities and have invested Rs 22,452 crore in the first two weeks of August amid softening inflation con cerns. This was way higher than a net investment of nearly Rs 5,000 crore by Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) in the entire month of July, data with deposito ries showed.FPIshad turned net buyers for the first time whobanks:cheatedFM FPIsinvestRs22,452crinIndianequitiesinAug
Akasa Air founder, top
Addressing the gather ing, Zheshito said “nothing can deter our spirit or de ceive us, if Nagas remain united, firmly rooted in our beliefs and values.” He said time has come for Nagas to rise up togeth er in one voice and demand for what is “ineradicable and God gifted right” of the Naga people, restoring the future of Naga genera tions to come. On the occa sion, messages of NSCN/ GPRN president ‘gen.’ (Retd) Niki Sumi and ato kilonser Starson Lamkang were also read out. The leaders stressed on the need for unity of Nagas as first and foremost in order to pursue for what rightfully belonged to Na gas- “the right to determine our ownOnefuture”.minute silence was observed in honour and memory of the Naga martyrs.The function was chaired by CFSB joint secretary Hiketo Kiho Swu and recorded by dy. sec retary central secretariat Ahovi Sumi while the invo cation was said by chaplain of CFSB office Vikato L. Sema. Illi. Nika Kiho Swu presented a special number. The declaration of rank promotion was con ducted by HoD to keya Viputo Chophi and bene diction by dy. kilonser, ministry of Religious Af fairs, Viheshe Yeptho fol lowed by a grand feast. Akato-led NSCN/ GPRN: Akato Chophi led NSCN/GPRN com memorated the “76th Naga Independence Day” at an undisclosed location, which was graced by ato kilonser Michael Yeptho as chief guest, who also unfurled the Naga Flag and received the guard of hon our from the Naga Army. Addressing the gather ing, Michael called upon all to “once again be rejuve nated and to look forward, to what God has in store for thePayingNagas.”tributes to the martyrs, he said the fallen heroes neither yielded nor succumbed to adversaries, but at all times stood their grounds.Deputy kilonser of ministry of religious af fairs Wenkai Konyak in voked God’s blessings, fol lowed by observing “silent prayers in honour of Naga martyrs”.The presidential speech was read out by kilo kilonser Nokrang Lanu Aier. (Full text on p-6) Special numbers were presented by Vivi V. Yep thomi and Toluvi Aza noqo.Vote of thanks was proposed by the collective leader Viniho Kiho and the programme culminated with mass benediction fol lowed by ‘Independence Day ceremonial feast’.
MUMBAI, AUG 14 (IANS): Top broker-in vestor and founder of the recently-launched Akasa Air Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, passed away in Breach Candy hospital here on Sunday morning. A Chartered Accoun tant by qualification and training, he was 62 and is survived by his wife Rekha and three Oftenchildren.referred to as the ‘King of Bulls’ in the stock markets, Jhunjhun wala’s latest venture Akasa Air’s maiden flight took off exactly a week ago on August 7, last JhunjhunwalaSunday.had an estimated net worth of $5.5 billion (as of July 2022), which made him the 36th richest man in India. Jhunjhunwala was also chairman of Hun gama Media and Aptech, as well as a director of Viceroy Hotels, Concord Biotech, Provogue India, and Geojit Financial Ser vices.He grew up in Mum bai, where his father was posted as an Income Tax Officer. After graduating from Sydenham College in 1985, he enrolled at the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Jhunjhunwala invested Rs 5,000 in capital in 1985 which grew to Rs 11,000 crore by September 2018. He has developed interest in the equity market after listening to his father dis cussing it with his friends. His father had asked him to read newspapers regu larly because news made the marketJhunjhunwalavolatile. bor rowed money from his brother’s client and prom ised to return the capital with higher returns after his father refused to give money to him. When he bought 5,000 shares of Tata Tea. He made a huge profit in 1986. He earned over three-times profit. In three years he earned Rs 20-25Helakh.remained an ac tive investor in the market after that and held various stocks in his portfolio. Akasa Air is an Indian air line co-founded by Rakesh Jhunjhunwala and former Jet Airways CEO Vinay Dubey. The airline cur rently has two aircraft with additional order for 70 more aircraft and flies to three cities as of Aug 9, 2022.After the 2008 global recession, his stock prices fell by 30 per cent, but he eventually recovered from the loss by 2012. By the year 2020, Jhunjhunwala planned to give away 25 per cent of his wealth to charity. He contributed to St Jude, which runs shelters for cancer-affected children, Agastya Twitter.Omtodening.Hisaboutwastoansightful,FullwalawalaendraonawarenessanFoundationInternationalandArpan,entitythathelpscreateamongchildrensexualexploitation.PrimeMinisterNarModimetJhunjhunandhiswifelastyear.“RakeshJhunjhunwasindomitable.oflife,wittyandinheleavesbehindindeliblecontributionthefinancialworld.HealsoverypassionateIndia’sprogress.passingawayissadMycondolenceshisfamilyandadmirers.Shanti,”Modisaidon broker Jhunjhunwala passes away
Pursued those
For Sale i20 ASTA-O Colour : White Model : 2018 (Dec.) NL-07 Regd. Price : Rs. 5.80 Lacs Ph : 85758107968974655339 DP-3862/22 loSt Notice I, Pradip Dey am applying for duplicate copy of Migration Certificate as I have lost it. Name : Pradip Dey F/Name : Manik Dey DoB : 25.09.1984 Roll No. : K06082 Reg. No. : 2804227, Year : 2004-05 College : Dimapur Govt. College Contact : 9774745332 DP-3861/22 UrgeForNtSale TATA (DUMPER)TIPPERTRUCK 1923. K SIGNA BS6/ MARCH 2021 FullyOnlyModified/GPS14500KmsRs.24.50Lakhs( Negotiable) WhatsApp : 9863542665 DP-3852/22 UrgeNt laNd For Sale at Dimapur, Interested persons Please contact : 9863227620 DP-3839/22 MOUNT MARY ACADEMY CHUMUKEDIMA NAGALAND NCTE Approved B.Ed./M.Ed. Admission Last opportunity to pursue UGC/NCTE Approved B. Ed. Course from Andhra Pradesh. NIOS/BBOSE 10th & 12th BA/B.Sc./B.Com/ Fine Arts/ MA/M.Com/M.Lib. & many more 8729880618 Db-486/22 LAND fOR SALE Nepali Kashiram Near Sarbura School Any size available 6009141428/8787429147 -3612/22DP laNd For Sale Location : Kushiabill, Near Highway (4.5 kms from Zion Hospital) Area (Approx): 1. 5600 sq. ft. 2. 7700 sq. ft. Price : Rs.180 per sq. ft. Plots with drainage and approach road. Contact: 87877771487005227608 DP-3752/22 LAND fOR SALE Near Viola Colony Area/PlotsDimapuravailableasperbudget Contact : 8732002080 DP-3811/22 For Sale BuildingCommercialwithLand Main Town – Blue Hill, Eros Colony Land Building8523Measuringsq.ft.Rentpermonth=Rs.1LakhPlus No Brokers Please Contact : 8837338807 DP-3843/22 1. MBBS/BDS/MDS/MD/VETERINARY (Direct admission in top medical & veterinary colleges in India with affordable package) 2. B.ED & M.ED (Available in Govt. University for both attending & Nonattending mode) Recognized & approved by UGC & NCTE 3. Other courses: Engineering all branches, Agri, Pharma. D b Pharma, forestry, horticulture, Fishery, Nursing, Paramedical, bPT. 4. Distance Courses: bA, MA, b.Sc, M.Sc. b.Com, M.Com & others ADMISSION OPEN 2022 EDUAIDE CAREER COUNSELING: 8700695549; 9718225382 -3166/22DP Chef required Experienced Chef required for Chinese and Indian Cuisine for a restaurant in Duncan, Dimapur. Salary : 10k Call : 9663724512 -3864/22DP 8 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 2022BUSINESS/STATE ACROSS 9 Flying (8) 10 Observe (3) 11 Fish (6) 12 Intelligent (6) 13 Voter (7) 14 Substitute (4) 15 Supernatural tale (5,5) 17 Curb (8) 18 Began (7) 19 Pest (4) 21 Engrossed (6) 24 Ignoring (6,2,9) 27 Expressionless (6) 29 Vegetable (4) 30 Fidgety (7) 33 Reveal (8) 35 Fruit (10) 36 Formerly (4) 37 Stop (7) 38 Tie (6) 40 Material (6) 41 Child (3) 42 Fancied (8) DOWN 1 Excessive (4,3,3) 2 Report (4) 3 Aversion (8) 4 Cover (7) 5 Amend (3,2,6) 6 Imitation (10) 7 Smart (6) 8 Response (8) 10 Each (5) 16 Wandered (7) 20 Depart (5) 22 Weed (7) 23 Anyway (2,3,6) 25 Fool (10) 26 Hire purchase (5-5) 28 Eastern (8) 31 Final (8) 32 Hold (7) 34 Tick (6) 35 Wonderful (5) 39 Journey (4)
NEW DELHI, AUG 14 (AGENCIES): Finance minister Nirmala Sithara man on Saturday said the Centre has ensured that those who cheated banks are r elentlessly pursued and money recovered by auctioning their properties is being returned to banks. According to ET re port, she said that while the earlier government also ran schemes, this government is working to empower the people and not just giving something as an entitle ment.The government has thrown away the heavy legacy problems of the pre vious government by clear ing the burdens on public sector banks, she said. Banks are doing good business now and we have infused `3.36 lakh crore to assure them of some order, Sitharaman said. “We en sure that those who have cheated the banks and gone away, they are pursued relentlessly and their prop erties are auctioned and the money is given back to the banks and that is happening continuously,” FM said.Onthe issues of ben efits to citizens, the finance minister said, every Indian citizen deserves to have access to basic facilities without being beholden to anybody.
in July, after nine straight months of massive net out flows, which started in Oc tober last Betweenyear.October 2021 till June 2022, FPIs sold Rs 2.46 lakh crore in the India equityGoingmarkets.forward, foreign fund inflow is expected to improve in the emerg ing markets on account of fading concerns of rising inflation and tightening of monetary policy by central banks, Shrikant Chouhan, Head - Equity Research (Re tail), Kotak Securities, said. According to official figures, India’s retail infla tion softened to 6.71 per cent in July due to mod eration in food prices but remained above the Reserve Bank’s comfort level of 6 per cent for the seventh consecutive month. US inflation slowed down from a 40-year high in June to 8.5 per cent in July on lower gasoline prices, indicating that the US Fed might be less aggressive in hiking interest rates. “As long as energy prices remain low and there are no surprises from the war zone, foreign flow is likely to continue,” Vijay Singhania, chairman at TradeSmart, said. Bren t crude futures, the global oil benchmark, is hovering around USD 98 per bar rel. According to data with depositories, FPIs infused a net amount of Rs 22,452 crore in Indian equities dur ing August 1-12. The senti ments in the equity market have turned bullish due to sustained buying by FPIs. “Depreciation in dol lar (dollar index declined from above 109 during late July to around 105.26 on August 12th) is the primary driver of capital flows to emerging markets,” VK Vijayakumar, Chief Invest ment Strategist at Geojit Financial Services, said. India is a preferred destina tion since the country has the best growth prospects among large economies of the world, he added. Kotak Securities’ Chouhan attributed the positive inflow to lower ing of concerns over rising inflation. Also, decent first quarterly earnings aided the market sentiment. Falling energy prices and soften ing of inflation improved sentiment that helped in FPIs buying, TradeSmart’s Singhania said. Rakesh Jhunjhunwala (From p-1) He mentioned that the freedom came to the country on August 15, 1947 as a result of years, decades and centuries of sacrifice and valour on the part of ancestors and the freedom fighters. They came from all regions of the country, all sections of society, all communi ties and all social and eco nomic groups, he added. Mukhi expressed hap piness at “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav” celebrations being organised across the country under the initia tive of Government of India to commemorate 75 years of India’s indepen dence and the glorious history of the people and their culture and achieve ments. He said the Mahot sav was dedicated to the people of India who had been instrumental in mak ing India a world leader. This was a festival of awakening of the nation, a festival of fulfilling the dream of good governance and a festival of global peace and development, he added.Further, the governor appealed to all Nagas not to lose hope but believe in their ability to achieve individual potentials and build a great nation. He expressed happiness at the amazing feats of young people who were blaz ing a trail of excellence in education, sports and other areas and thanked their teachers and coaches for the investing invaluable time in them. He noted that despite the challenges, setbacks and despair, the combined efforts of dedicated and hardworking Nagas had laid a foundation to build a brighter future for the country.“We have a duty to care for each other. I ask you to assist in the mentoring of our young people. Help them with their homework, assist in youth organisations, volunteer in some activity for the elderly and give public service in whatever way you can,” the message exhorted. Nagaland will remain an integral part of India: Governor Mukhi (From p-1) Neingulo Krome re called that sacrifices made by Naga freedom fighters who laid down their lives for Naga nation. He also paid tributes to leaders and pioneers who laid the foundation of Naga freedom movement starting from formation of Naga Club which later became the Naga National Council just on the eve of the departure of the British.Earlier, the Naga na tional flag was unfurled by Th. Muivah. The pro gramme was chaired by SC secretary Joseph Patton and ladies unit GHQ, 2 i/c ‘lieut.’ Ningkhan Zimik and invocation offered by CNC president Rev D Heu tui Zeme.Highlights of the programme included spe cial numbers by Thaanci Whourr, Makuilongdi Lun Choir, Benjongsola Jamir, while folk dance was per formed by Kharan Union Dance Troupe; A silent prayer in honour of mar tyrs was also conducted by Naga Army chaplain ‘col.’ Ph Daniel.Drill display by GFTHq, Naga Army, while vote of thanks was given by cabinet secretary John and benediction of fered by CNC general sec retary Rev Seksim Kasar. (NNC/FGN from p-1): regarding the future of Nagaland except with people who are truly rep resentative of the Naga Nation.” (Full text on p-6) On the occasion NNC president Adinno Phizo released a book to com memorated “75 years of NagaEarlier,Independence.”theprogram was chaired by convenor organizing committee, Shevohü Keyho. The scrip ture was read out by direc tor Development and Out reach SABK, Rev Hotokhu Zhimomi. The blowing of the trumpet was done by ShekhopaSpecialVenuh.numbers were presented by Khedi Bap tist Church, Rüsoma vil lage, patriotic folk song by Tetseo sisters, cultural dance by Pfosemei vil lage, Rüzazhomi cultural organization, Tesophenyu village and Khiamniungan cultural club, Kohima. The vote of thanks was delivered by speaker Tatar Hoho, FGN, Lhou vitsuu Kesiezie and closing prayer by pastor Chede ma Baptist Church, Rev Neivilie-o Zuyie. (Niki):NSCN/GPRN NSCN/GPRN (Niki) observed the “76th Naga Independence Day” at CFSB office premises on Sunday where NSCN/ GPRN kilo kilonser Zheshito Swu graced the occasion as chief guest and unfurled the Naga national flag.
Various Naga political groups celebrate ‘76th Naga Independence Day’
Crossword No. 10363 Yesterday’s solution No. 10362 Su doku No. 4985 Yesterday’s solution No. 4984

ITANAGAR, AUG 14 (PTI): Forest officials of Arunachal Pradesh are ea gerly waiting for the report of the maiden snow leopard enumeration in the state which is to be released in October this year. The estimation of snow leopards is being conducted in the North eastern state for the first time with technical support from World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF), India, a senior officer said. The assessment for the presence of the elusive spe cies, which started in June last year, was done in 11 forest divisions located in high altitude and snowfall areas, Deputy Conservator of Forest (Wildlife) Millo Tassar“Thesaid. WWF-India is doing the data analysis of the survey, which has al ready been completed and the report is likely to be published on October 23 this year, to mark the Interna tional Snow Leopard Day. “We are all looking forward to the report,” he said. Over 200 persons in volving state forest depart ment officials and field staff besides experts from WWFIndia were engaged in the estimation exercise which took five months, the senior forest official said. The golden-eyed ani mal having thick fur, padded paws, and a long tail lives in the mountainous regions of GUWAHATI, AUG 14 (PTI): Assam Chief Min ister Himanta Biswa Sarma on Sunday rolled out nearly 1,000 model Anganwadi centres constructed across the state and said 15,000 such units would be con structed by Inaugurating2026. a centre at the main programme held at the RB Higher Secondary School playground under Palasbari Assembly con stituency, Sarma said that these model Anganwadi centres will fulfil the hopes and aspirations of parents living in the remotest parts of the state. “Anganwadis are centres where physical and mental foundations of a child are built. It prepares the child for their journey to wards the higher education system,” the chief minister said. It is very important that there is proper infra structure in place to take for ward the Anganwadi system in the state, he added. “It is with this in mind that we started the project of constructing model An ganwadi centres across the state. I appeal to all parents to enrol their eligible wards in these model centres,” Sarma said. Building an Anganwadi centre should be considered as important as constructing a new medi cal or engineering college as it is from these centres that doctors and engineers of tomorrow will emerge, Sarma said.
The TIPRA defeated the CPI-M led Left Front, the BJP and the Congress in the elections to the TTA ADC, which in terms of political significance is con sidered as a mini-legislative assembly after the Tripura 1985 under the sixth schedule of the Constitution, the TTAADC has jurisdiction over two-thirds of Tripura’s 10,491 sq. km. area and is home to over 12,16,000 people, of which around 84 per cent are tribals, making the 30-member autono mous body the second im portant law making legis lature after the 60-member TripuraAfterassembly.themerger of the Indigenous Nationalist Party of Tripura (INPT), one of the state’s oldest tribal based parties, last year with TIPRA, the latter got a further political boost to take on the other local and national parties. With the electoral politics and reserved seat based political scenario gradually changing, the possible coalition pros pects and related scenarios before the 2023 assembly polls are still unclear as the political pundits foresee varied permutations and combinations emerging during the next six months. To further consolidate their base among the trib als, the TIPRA led TTA ADC adopted a resolution in the council and it was subsequently sent to the Governor, the state govern ment and the Centre to cre ate a “Greater Tipraland” for the tribals, who consti tute one third of Tripura’s four million population. Most major political parties, the BJP, the Left Front and the Congress, however, rejected the de mand.The TIPRA during the past 17 months, had organised various events in Tripura and in national capital Delhi in support of their “Greater Tipraland” demand to woo the tribals before the 2023 assembly polls. The leaders of the TIPRA while explaining about their “Greater Tip raland” demand said that under the concept they wanted to improve the socio-economic condition of the backward tribals living in the northeastern states of India, neighbour ing Bangladesh, Myanmar and adjoining areas. Though the BJP op posed the “Greater Tip raland” demand, its ally IPFT leaders took part in the two-day sit-in at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi in November last year. Wesson 9 mm pistol with magazine, a Beretta 9 mm pistol with magazine, 35 live rounds of 9 mm am munition and two hand grenades from their posses sions, the police said. With the arrest of the seven cadres, police claimed that plans to trig ger explosives at various places to disturb the Inde pendence Day were foiled. He said that the com bined force launched an operation in Yairipok Ba zar in Thoubal district yes terday based on a reliable input from 4 AR that some cadres of the PLA were planning to plant explosive devices at various gov ernment installations and target security forces in Thoubal district and other districts of the state on the eve of the upcoming Inde pendenceTeamsDay.of police com mandos attached to Thou bal district police and a column of 16 Assam Rifles immediately rushed to Yai ripok Bazar and conducted a cordon and search opera tion to trace the location of the explosive devices. The combined teams expanded the operation at various locations in Thou bal, Imphal East, Imphal West and Kakching dis tricts and arrested the seven cadres of the PLA, he said. A child in conflict of law was also apprehended. He has been placed under the charge of the desig nated child welfare police officer of Yairipok police station, the SP okhandedandcharged.EastAndrokillingdistrictManipuriinvolvedsaid.prejudicialvalleynon-localtheyRishikantaofcentnon-ManipurisinvolvednabbedgationPreliminarysaid.investirevealedthatthecadreswerealsointhekillingofintheretime,theSPsaid.Undertheinstructionsself-styledLtColonelofthePLA,havebeentargetingpeopleinallthedistrictsandotheractivities,heTheywereallegedlyinkillingofanon-atinKakchingonJune23lastandofonenon-localatHuikapinImphalonJuly8last,heThearrestedpersonsseizeditemswereovertoYairippolicestationwherea
AGARTALA, AUG 14 (AGENCIES): After the emergence of a new party in Tripura — TIPRA, the electoral politics of the northeastern state is gradu ally changing since the tribal based party captured the politically important TTAADC last year. The coming closer of the CPIM led Left Front and the Congress signifies another permutation and combi nation ahead of the next assembly elections, around six months away. After several centuries of the rule of 184 kings, on October 15, 1949, the erstwhile princely state of Tripura came under the control of the Indian government after a merger agreement was signed be tween the regent Maharani, Kanchan Prabha Devi and the Indian Governor Gen eral. From 1949, Tripura got different constitutional institutions till 1972. Tri pura along with Manipur and Meghalaya became full-fledged states on Janu ary 21, 1972 under the North Eastern Region (ReOrganisation) Act, 1971. Before 2018 Tripura’s politics was dominated by the Communist Party of India-Marxist led Left Front and the Congress led coalition. But the political situation steadily changed and in 2018 the Bharati ya Janata Party (BJP) led alliance wrested power, thrashing the Left parties after 25 years (1993-2018). Of the 60 assembly seats in Tripura, 20 re served for the tribals (ST) and ten reserved for the people belonging to the Scheduled Caste (SC), the CPI-M had an overwhelm ing domination in these 30 reserved seats for decades. The CPI-M in the 2018 assembly polls re ceived a severe blow in these reserved seats from the BJP and its junior ally Indigenous People’s Front of Tripura (IPFT). The CPI-M got only four seats (two ST and two SC) out of the 30 reserved seats while the BJP and the IPFT alli ance bagged the remaining seats.When TIPRA (Tip raha Indigenous Progres sive Regional Alliance) headed by Tripura’s for mer royal scion Pradyot Bikram Manikya Deb Bar man scripted history in the northeastern state and captured the TTAADC (Tripura Tribal Areas Au tonomous District Coun cil) in the April 6, 2021 elections, it became the fourth big political force after the Left, the Congress and the BJP in Tripura.
GUWAHATI, AUG 14 (PTI): A multilayer secu rity arrangement has been put in place across parade grounds and other sensi tive places in Assam after banned militant groups ULFA(I) and NSCN called for a “boycott” of Indepen dence Day celebrations and “total shutdown” in five states of the Northeast, a top police officer said on Sunday.The Assam Police of ficer told PTI that they have information on some movements of the insur gent groups in a few dis tricts, mostly in those along the inter-state border with Arunachal Pradesh. “We have got inputs of militant movements in a few districts, mostly in Upper Assam along the inter-state border with Arunachal. The district SPs have been asked to deploy a multi-layered security sys tem in and around the pa rade grounds in the state,” he said on condition of anonymity. Though there is no specific threat input
Multilayer security in Assam for I-Day amid boycott call by militants as of now from any part of the state, as ULFA(I) and NSCN(K-YA) have called for a boycott as well as a shutdown, some may try to do “mischievous acts” during the celebrations of the Independence Day, the officerThesaid.police have identi fied the sensitive areas and extra precautions have been taken in those locations, he said.“Night dominations have been ensured by joint teams of security forces across these places. Besides, the regular patrolling has also been intensified,” he added. Stating that proper security arrangements have been put in place across the state, the police officer said that a peaceful Indepen dence Day is expected. “The response to cel ebrate the 75th Indepen dence Day is overwhelm ing. People from all walks of life are eagerly waiting for the day to take part in the historic moment. No body is concerned about the boycott call,” he said. The main Indepen dence Day function in As sam will be held at the Vet erinary College Playground in Khanapara in Guwahati.
An armed ULFA (I) cadre was apprehended by Assam Police and Indian Army ahead of Independence Day.
Tudu to take up ILP and inclusion of Khasi, Garo languages in Eight Schedule with Centre Union Minister Bishweswar Tudu on Saturday said he will take up with the Centre regarding the implementation of Inner Line Permit in Meghalaya and inclusion of Khasi and Garo languages in the Eight Schedule of the constitution. On return to Delhi, “I will give a report and will also discuss these issues and what action can be taken to solve the matter,” Tudu told reporters here. The Meghalaya Legislative Assembly has already passed an official resolution for implementation of In ner Line Permit in the state. With regard to the demand for declaring the Niam Khasi and Niam Tre indigenous religious faiths as ‘reli gious minority’, Tudu said he has not received any such representation on the matter. “If I get it automatically I will give the report, otherwise I will send a team to inquire and examine the matter practically, so that the matter can be solved,” he said.According to him, a survey has to be conducted on the matter seeking religious minority status as per guidelines.“There is a procedure as the proposal will go from the state government to the central government and central government will examine and if the criteria is fulfilled automatically they will be given the opportu nity,” he said.
case was lodged for further investigation, the SP in formed.Meanwhile, security across Manipur has been tightened in view of the shutdown calls given by the rebel groups, including the Coordination Committee (CorCom) of five major rebel groups , to boycott celebration of India’s Inde pendence Day in Manipur, particularly in the vicinity of the venues where Inde pendence Day celebrations would be held, said a police source.The source said that armed police, state and Central security forces were deployed in the capi tal city and headquarters of other districts of the state to check any untoward incident during the celebra tion. Tightened security has been put in place well ahead of the day by way of conducting mopping op erations at sensitive places, particularly in and around the Imphal city where the state level function to mark the 75th Independence Day is to be held. Seven cadres of PLA nabbed by police with arms and ammunition.
File photo of snow leopard. Anganwadi1,000launchesmodelcentres
Union Minister Bishweswar Tudu
Manipur CM N Biren Singh flagged off motor bike rallies in connection with Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav in Imphal on Sunday. Forest officials wait for report of first-ever snow leopard survey in Arunachal Pradesh central and southern Asia. In India, the geographi cal range of the wild cat species covers a large part of the western Himalayas, including Jammu and Kash mir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim, and Arunachal Pradesh in the easternTheHimalayas.lastthree states form part of the eastern Hi malayas – a priority global region of WWF and the Living Himalayas Network Initiative.Snow leopards prefer steep, rugged terrains with rocky outcrops and ravines. This type of habitat provides good cover and a clear view to help them sneak up on their prey.“We are confident about the presence of a good number of the big cat species in the state,” Tassar said. The state forest depart ment last year shared pho tographs of snow leopards captured in camera traps in high-altitude areas of the state. The camera traps were laid as part of Snow Leop ard Population Assessment. The photographic evi dence of the presence of snow leopards was captured from Shi-Yomi district of the state last year, the DCF said. A WWF study on snow leopards in 2017 yield ed photos of the elusive spe cies in the Thembang area of West Kameng district of ArunachalWhilePradesh.locals knew about the presence of snow leopards at Thembang, sci entists had not been able to get photographs till 2017. On the occasion of International Snow Leopard Day, the Union Ministry for Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) launched the first National Protocol on Snow Leopard Population Assessment in India (SPAI) in 2019.
The state government has identified many water bod ies for rejuvenation so that the water capacity can be increased.Onthe delay in com pleting the Greater Shil long Water Supply Scheme (GSWSS) Phase-III, Tudu said if the project is not completed within the stipu lated period, action will be taken on this regard.
7 PLA rebels held in Mnp ahead of I-Day
SHILLONG, AUG 13 (PTI): Union Minister Bishweswar Tudu on Sat urday expressed “disap pointment” over the imple mentation of various Cen tral schemes in Meghalaya. The Union Minister of State for Jal Shakti and Tribal Affairs said the state on an average was able to achieve only 30-40 per cent in all the central schemes. “In pen and paper I am happy but practically I am not happy. We have suggested to the state to achieve what we have given the period (for completion of such schemes),” Tudu said at the sideline of a programme at the BJP of fice here.The union minister was on a two-day visit to the state capital for review ing the implementation of the various central schemes in Meghalaya.Tududirected the state administration to take lead ers of all political parties into consideration. “This is because there are allega tions that only proposals of ruli ng parties elected
TIPRA, Left and Cong herald political shifts in Tripura
When I reach Delhi I will talk to ensure the work starts immediately other wise if the agency to which the work is awarded it will be withdrawn and another agency will be given.” He stressed on the need to rejuvenate wa ter bodies to address the problem of water crisis.
Correspondent IMPHAL, AUG 14: Se curity forces in Manipur apprehended seven cadres of the rebel group, People Liberation Army (PLA) as it tightened security measures ahead of I-Day celebration in the state. A combined force of state police comman dos and 16 Assam Rifles nabbed the seven cadres during a day-long opera tion at various places in Thoubal, Imphal East, Imphal West and Kakch ing districts on Saturday, Thoubal SP Dr H Jogesh chandra said. A child in conflict of law was also apprehended during the operation. The arrested cadres were Chingakham Bas anta Singh alias Khabaton (38), Moirangthem Jitesh (22), Konjengbam Romeo (28), Phanjoubam Rabi @ Luwangamba (26), Salam Mangijao (55), Naorem Manoj (23) and Samu railatpam Akash @ Mus ton Sharma (19). The combined force also seized one Smith and
IMPHAL, AUG 14 (PTI): Manipur Chief Minister N Biren Singh on Sunday flagged off a motorbike rally from state capital Imphal to Mao town on the Nagaland border to mark the 75 years of India’s Independence. The rally, organised by the Home Department and the state police, will cover a distance of 105 km. “The rally is a part of the ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’, and will take the message of the country’s independence to the people,” Singh said. It will also spread the message of oneness and integrity, he added.
Disappointed with implementation of Central schemes in M’laya: Tudu representatives (were being considered) but not those from other Therefore,parties.ithas also been directed, suggested and advised to take them (other parties) into consid eration,” he stated. On the status of the Ekalavya Model Residen tial Schools (EMRS) sanc tioned by the Union Tribal Affairs ministry, Tudu said there are those which are under construction and yet to be completed and there are others where tendering process is not completed. “We have asked them to complete the EMRS before 2024,” he said, add ing “This is the duty of the state government to start (the work) immediately.
Manipur CM flags off motorbike rally to mark 75 years of Independence

10 NATIONAL NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 2022 NEW DELHI, AUG 14 (PTI): India’s “generous” and “multi-faceted” assis tance to Sri Lanka to help it deal with its unprecedented economic crisis is “heart ening”, 2.5landupCommonwealthmemberLankaScotlandofbotheningtanceandtrade.recoverypost-pandemicissuesvariousherweekonservicedinarydescribingtheoftancehailedSecretary-GeneralensuremoretowardsCommonwealthcrisiscombatingIndia’sScotlandScotlandSecretary-GeneralCommonwealthPatriciahassaid.InaninterviewtoPTI,alsotalkedaboutprominentroleintheglobalfoodandsaidthattheisworkingbringingaboutaholisticapproachtofoodsecurity.TheCommonwealthalsoIndiaforitsassistoalargenumbercountriesincombatingCOVID-19pandemic,itasan“extraoractofinternationalandleadership.”ScotlandwasinIndiaafour-dayvisitlastandheldtalkswithIndianinterlocutorsonregionalandgloballikeclimatechange,economicandwaystoboost“India’sgenerousmulti-facetedassistoSriLankaishearttosee.ItexemplifiesthespiritandvaluestheCommonwealth,”said.BothIndiaandSriareamongthe56nationsofthethatmakeaquarteroftheworld’smass,representaroundbillionpeopleandhave a combined GDP of more than USD 13 trillion. “In spirit, we are a family of nations, and families rally to help one another in times of need. Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently expressed India’s support for the quest of the people of Sri Lanka for stability and eco nomic recovery, through established democratic means, institutions, and constitutional framework,” she said. India has ex tended assistance worth over USD 3.8 billion to Sri Lanka this year to help it deal with the economic crisis. “The unprecedented challenges Sri Lanka is fac ing have required, and still require, the dedication and fortitude of its leaders as well as the support of the international community,” Scotland said. On the global food crisis, Scotland said, the world is facing it due to a range of factors such as conflicts, climate change and the economic impacts of COVID-19.“Fromthe Central American Dry Corridor, through Africa to Asia, the World Food Programme (WFP) describes a ring of fire stretching around the world where conflict and climate shocks are driv ing millions of people to the brink of starvation,” she said. The SecretaryGeneral said many Com monwealth countries are finding themselves “within or worryingly close to this ring of “Tofire”.address the acute crisis, I have called on the international community, of which India is such a prominent part, to offer ur gent practical and financial support to the countries and communities most in need,” Scotland said. She said the leaders at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in June backed the grouping’s efforts to bring about a new and more holistic approach to food security by ratifying a charter. The charter recog nises that the vulnerabili ties of ecosystems to land degradation, biodiversity loss and climate change are closely interrelated and need to be considered collectively.“TheCharter will en able us to work closely with countries like India to produce more food and manage the land in a more sustainable way,” Scotland said. The growing,membersothermonwealthtradeaboutistryseniorlandleadership,”ternationalextraordinaryCOVID-19triesandvaccinescines,”neededcludingduringCommonwealthandtudethecountriesassistanceappreciationtorsconveyedSecretary-GeneralCommonwealthalsotoherinterlocutheCommonwealth’sforIndia’sinhelpingmanyindealingwithCOVID-19pandemic.“IexpressedourgratiforIndia’sgenerositysupporttovulnerablecountriesthepandemic,insharingmuch-COVID-19vacshesaid.“Indiahassuppliedto98countriesmedicinesto150counsincethestartofthepandemic;anactofinserviceandshesaid.InNewDelhi,ScotalsodiscussedwithofficialsoftheMinofExternalAffairsboostingIndia’swithotherComcountries.“India’stradewithCommonwealthissignificantandandIndiaisakey
India’s assistance to SL ‘heartening’: Patricia Non-inclusion of Nehru in govt advt, Siddaramaiah calls Bommai ‘RSS slave’
PM pays homage to those who lost lives during Partition; Cong slams BJP
BJP trying to break non-NDA govts in states: MamataOver one cr cases settled in National Lok Adalat: NALSA NEW DELHI, AUG 14 (PTI): Over one crore dis putes were settled in the third National Lok Adalat of this year, recording a total settlement amount of Rs 90 billion, the National Legal Services Authority said.Of the disputes settled on Saturday, more than 75 lakh were pre-litigation cases and 25 lakh pending cases, NALSA said. The third National Lok Adalat was held in all states and Union Territories, except Delhi where it will be held on August 21. Chief Justice of Indiadesignate and executive chairman of NALSA Jus tice UU Lalit said, “Lok Adalat has been instrumen tal in channelising the de velopment of an inclusive society by making justice accessible at the fulcrum of theTosociety.”ensure a cordial organisation of Lok Adalat throughout the country, Justice Lalit interacted with the State Legal Ser vices Authorities to keep track of the progress of the developments, giving his invaluable contribution to the success of the Lok Adalat.
CHENNAI, AUG 14 (PTI) : Union Minister Sarbananda Sonowal on Sunday asserted that India is well equipped to handle any kind of challenges that may arise in the wake of Sri Lanka allowing a high-tech Chinese ‘research’ ship to dock in its waters. His statement comes a day after the island nation said that it has allowed a Chinese military ship to anchor at the Hamban tota port from August 16 till 22 for “replenishment purposes,” amidst India’s concerns over the presence of the vessel in the neigh bourhood.“Weare well equipped and well prepared to handle any kind of situation ef fectively under the dynamic leadership of Prime Minis ter Narendra Modi. That is clear,” Sonowal said. The Minister of Ports, Shipping and Waterways was responding to a ques tion from reporters here. To another query re garding Indian cargo ships depending on Colombo port, which acts as a trans shipment hub in the Eastern coast, he said, “The Minis try is very much committed to developing a transship ment hub on the Indian coasts. We have declared it earlier also.” Chennai Port Trust Chairman Sunil Pali wal intervened to say, India already responded strongly on the issue relating to the Chinese ship and cautioned that “security situation of a country should not be discussed like this.” On the development of infrastructure at Ports across the country, the Union Minister said, “We have already started to de velop our infrastructure in Paradip, Vishakapatnam and also in Chennai Port. We are also planning to develop infrastructure in TuticorinSonowalport...”said his Min istry has planned to set up a new fishing harbour in Paradip Port, Vishakapat nam and also Chennai Port ‘within a short span of time’.
TaiwanthanksIndia,othersforrestraintensionscall ‘Hathras victim’s family torture goes on even after 2 yrs’ India well-equipped to handle challenges: Sonowal on SL allowing Chinese ship to dock Patricia Scotland Siddaramaiah and Basavaraj Bommai
Congress general Rameshcommunications,secretary,Jairamsaidthetragedyof Partition cannot be misused to fuel hate and prejudice. “The tragedy of Parti tion cannot be misused to fuel hate and prejudice. The truth is Savarkar originated two-nation theory and Jin nah perfected it. Sardar Patel wrote, ‘I felt that if we did not accept Parti tion, India would be split into many bits and would be completely ruined’,” Ramesh said. In his tributes, Shah said the ‘Partition Hor rors Remembrance Day’ will remind the you nger generation the torture and pain suffered by the coun trymen and will inspire citizens to maintain peace and harmony “forever”. “The partition of the coun try in 1947 is that inhuman chapter of the Indian his tory, which can never be forgotten. The violence and hatred claimed millions of lives and displaced innumer able people”.“Today, on ‘Partition Horrors Remembrance Day’, I bow to the lakhs of people who suffered the brunt of the Partition,” he said in Hindi. While announcing his govern ment’s decision to observe the ‘Partition Horrors Re membrance Day’, Modi had noted that millions of people were displaced and a huge number of people lost their lives due to the mindless hate and violence. BJP president J P Nad da remembered those who paid an unbearable price during the Partition. “We must never forget how poli tics of selfishness & personal interests led to the Partition & pain,” he said. The BJP also hit back at Ramesh for his swipe at Savarkar over two-nation theory, with its IT depart ment head Amit Malviya saying that it was first pro pounded AMU founder Syed Ahmed Khan way back in 1876, much before Savarkar was even born. Savarkar and the Hin du Mahasabha had, in fact, opposed to idea of the Par tition till the very end, he claimed. Congress leader Ramesh also asked, “Will the PM also recall today Shyama Prasad Mookher jee, the founder of the Jan Sangh, who championed the partition of Bengal against the wishes of Sarat Chandra Bose, and who sat in free India’s first Cabinet while the tragic consequences of the Partition were becoming evident?”
driver of intra-Common wealth trade in goods and services,” she said. She said the trade re lations can be advanced under the framework of ‘Commonwealth Advan tage’.
NEW DELHI, AUG 14 (PTI): Prime Minister Na rendra Modi and other se nior BJP leaders on Sunday paid homage to those who lost their lives during the Partition as the Congress accused the ruling party of using the traumatic events as a “fodder” for its politi cal battles.Onthe ‘Partition Hor rors Remembrance Day’, BJP president J P Nadda also led a silent procession at Jantar Mantar here and was joined by several party leaders, including Union ministers Piyush Goyal and Anurag Thakur. In a tweet, PM Modi said tributes to all those who lost their lives during the Partition, and applauded the resilience and grit of those who suffered during the tragedy. He had an nounced last year that Au gust 14 will be observed as ‘Partition Horrors Remem brance Day’ in memory of the struggles and sacrifices of people. Union Home Minister Amit Shah said “inhuman” chapter of In dia’s history can never be forgotten. The Congress, however, alleged that the real intent of PM Modi to mark August 14 as ‘Parti tion Horrors Remembrance Day’ is to use the traumatic events as “fodder” for his current political battles.
NEW DELHI, AUG 14 (PTI): Taiwan on Sunday expressed gratitude to India and several other countries for their calls for exercis ing restrain and avoiding unilateral actions to change the status quo in the Taiwan Strait in the face of China’s belligerent military postur ing following US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to theWithisland.Beijing launching a diplomatic overdrive seek ing reiteration of support by countries across the world for its ‘One China’ policy in the backdrop of the current crisis, Taiwan said it is en titled to maintain relations with other Pelosi’snations.visitto Taiwan around 10 days back drew a furious response from China which launched its big gest-ever military exercise around the self-governing island and blamed the US for escalating the tension in the region.China considers Tai wan as its breakaway prov ince. In a statement, Tai wan’s representative office in New Delhi said the gov ernment of Taiwan will continue to enhance its selfdefence capabilities while maintaining close commu nication and coordination with the US, Japan and all other like-minded nations including India to jointly preserve the rules-based international order. It said Taiwan con veyed sincere gratitude to all countries that have voiced justice and “grave concerns” regarding China’s recent bel ligerent military posturing across the Taiwan Strait. The statement was is sued by the Taipei Economic and Cultural Center (TECC) which is the Taiwanese government’s representative office in India.
BENGALURU, AUG 14 (PTI): Taking strong excep tion to the non-inclusion of former Prime Minister Jawa harlal Nehru in the list of freedom fighters in the Kar nataka government advertise ment published in media on Sunday, senior Congress lead er Siddaramaiah slammed the BJP-led dispensation in the state and called Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai an “RSS slave”. In a series of tweets, Siddaramaiah, who is the Leader of the Opposition in the Assembly, even attacked V D Savarkar, who was in cluded in the advertisement, accusing him of pleading with British officials and act ing as their “stooge” for his survival. However, hitting back, ruling BJP said Nehru was left out “intentionally” as he was responsible for the partition of the country. Targetting Bommai, Siddaramaiah said, “When we thought slavery ended with the British gone, CM of Karnataka Bommai proved everyone wrong by show ing that he is still a slave to RSS. Not including Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru in the list of freedom fighters in today’s govt ad shows how low a CM can go to save his chair.” He said Bommai should remember that Neh ru wrote letters and books to inspire people to participate in the freedom movement while he was jailed by the British for 9 years. “Looks like RSS is sad that Nehru did not write apology and mercy petitions to British like Savarkar.”“Byomitting Nehru from the list of freedom fighters, Bommai has hu miliated the entire nation in front of the world. Slow claps for Bommai for giving an opportunity to the rest of the world to mock India,” he said urging the CM to apolo gise to the entire nation. The advertisement by the state government as part of 75th Independence Day celebrations, highlights the contributions and sacrifices of some prominent freedom icons both at the national level and in the state. Further alleging that RSS has hatred towards Nehru, because he had vociferously opposed it’s communalism, its support to murder Mahatma Gan dhi, and had banned it, Siddaramaiah asked “But, what is wrong with you? Mr Bommai?” “Bommai govt’s ad clearly shows that RSS does not have anyone from its organisation to show as freedom fighters, other than Savarkar who pleaded with British officials and acted as their stooge for his survival. This display of insecurity has exposed the true role of RSS in the freedom move ment,” he said.
NEW DELHI, AUG 14 (PTI): Former Congress president Rahul Gandhi Sunday attacked Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath over a report claiming that his gov ernment was not keeping its promise of providing a job and a house to the family of the 2020 Hathras gang-rape victim.A 19-year-old Dalit woman was allegedly raped by four men in September 2020. She died at the Safdar jung hospital in Delhi two weeks later during treat ment, and her body was allegedly cremated forcibly by the Uttar Pradesh police. In a tweet Sunday, Gandhi alleged the BJP has never desisted from do ing “injustice” to daughters and its talk of “beti bachao” is merely a pretence.
Narendra Modi Sarbananda Sonowal Mamata Banerjee KOLKATA, AUG 14 (PTI): West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Sunday lashed out at the BJP-led Centre, question ing the reason behind the CBI arrest of TMC leader Anubrata Mondal, who is known to enjoy her trust. Banerjee contended that the BJP was trying to break non-NDA govern ments in “Withoutstates. evidence, how can you accuse a per son,” she said, speaking at a public function in Behala on the eve of the 75th In dependenceClaimingDay. that an agenda has been made to “destroy her image”, The TMC supremo said she was being targeted as the BJP was afraid of Assertingher.that law would take its own course if there was any illegal activity, Banerjee asked, “Why was Keshto (Anu brata Mondal) arrested? What did he do?” Mondal was held by the CBI for allegedly not cooperating with its probe into a cattle smuggling case.Maintaining that Mondal had denied every offer to become an MLA or an MP, Banerjee said, “I had even asked him to go to Rajya Sabha, but he politely turned down the proposal.”Shealleged that agen cies are being used to ma lign “just about anyone”. “This is being done as (they know) Narendra Modi will not win in 2024,” she said.Banerjee alleged that the BJP was trying to weak en the TMC in Bengal. “Have you seen Royal Bengal Tiger? Come and see,” the TMC supremo thundered, asking her party workers not to be afraid. “They want to gag us the way they have done that to some other parties to ensure that no opposi tion force stands up in the country,” Banerjee said. She stated that not just political persons but offi cers are also being intimi dated through summonses. “Eight officers have been called to Delhi,” she said, adding that her gov ernment would stand by them. “I have come to say on the eve of the Indepen dence Day that I will die but will not be afraid... we will continue to fight,” she affirmed.The chief minister said that attempts to buy out MLAs in Jharkhand were foiled by the police in West“WeBengal.caught them redhanded; Rs 10 crore were being given to buy MLAs,” she said. Three Jharkhand Congress MLAs were re cently arrested with nearly Rs 49 lakh cash in their vehicle.Insisting that the Ma harashtra government was brought down “unethi cally”, Banerjee claimed that the federal structure of the country has been destroyed by the BJP. “Where are you get ting so much money from, BJP? Why are the CBI and the ED not (probing) against you?” she asked, adding, “you are saint and I amAllegingthief?” that some corruption cases being tagged to her government or party leaders are of the Left Front era, the chief minister said that she had not acted against the for mer ruling coalition mem bers as she had “called for change and not revenge”. She stated that the Saradha chit fund scam had started during the Left FrontBothera. the CPI(M) and the Congress have criti cised Banerjee and the TMC over the recent ar rests of Partha Chatterjee in a school recruitment scam, and Mondal in con nection with the cattle smugglingClaimingcase.that she was aware of plans being made against her party, Banerjee said, “who do you want arrest - Bobby (Firhad Hakim), Arup Biswas ... Abhishek? And in which jails will you keep them?” She threatened to start a “jail bharo agitation” with her “Somecolleagues.aresaying that I went to Delhi for an understanding; it was to claim our money,” she said, rebuffing opposition allegations that Banerjee met Prime Minister Nar endra Modi after finding her party in a sticky pitch. She said that workers are not getting wages under NREGA scheme for the last seven months. “I will go a thousand times if required for the interest of the state and to seek our dues,” she un derlined.
“The government of ROC (Taiwan) wishes to convey sincere gratitude to the executive branches and parliamentarians of over 50 countries -- including India -- which have called on all sides to exercise restrain, de-escalate tensions, avoid unilateral actions to change status quo and maintain peace and stability in the region,” it said. In its first reaction to the Taiwan issue, India on Friday opposed any unilat eral action to change the status quo in the Taiwan Strait and called for efforts to maintain peace and stabil ity in the India,region.however, avoid ed any mention of the “One China” policy in its state ment.Chinese Ambassador to India Sun Weidong on Saturday called on India to reiterate its support for the ‘One-China’ policy in the backdrop of the Taiwan question, and hoped that New Delhi will support China’s “justified position”. Beijing has claimed that around 160 countries have reaffirmed their sup port for the “One China” policy following Pelosi’s visit to “China’sTaiwan. deliberate intensification of various forms of military postur ing targeted at Taiwan re cently has severely disrupted peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and in the region,” the statement by TECC said. “We earnestly call on the international commu nity to jointly condemn China’s irrational military provocations and urge all countries to continue to speak up in support of dem ocratic Taiwan with an aim to safeguard the values of freedom and democracy,” it said.

Tuesday, 41 days after taking oath as the chief minister by inducting 18 ministers - nine each from his rebel Shiv Sena group and the BJP. However, the list did not include any woman. Apart from the Urban Development Department, CM Shinde has kept with himself General Adminis tration Department, Public Works Department (public sector undertakings), In formation and Public Rela tions, Transport, Market ing, Social Justice, Disaster Management, Relief and Rehabilitation, Soil and Wa ter Conservation, Environ ment and Climate Change and Minority Development. From the BJP’s side Chandrakant Patil, Sud hir Mungantiwar, Girish Mahajan, Vijaykumar Ga vit, Suresh Khade, Ravin dra Chavan, Atul Save and Mangal Prabhat Lodha were inducted as PWDRavindraWelfaregivenistries.ningheadedhisAffairsDevelopmentallocatedandpast,AffairsTextileandhasHomeconsideredChandrakantministers.Patil,closetoUnionMinisterAmitShah,beenallocatedHigherTechnicalEducation,andParliamentaryministries.InthehehadhandledPWDCooperationministries.MungantiwarhasbeenForest,FisheriesandCulturalportfolios.During2014-19stint,hehadFinanceandPlanaswellasForestminAtulSavehasbeenCooperationandOBCdepartments,whileChavanhasgotandFoodandCivil
30 CBI sleuths get police medals on Independence Day PATNA, AUG 14 (PTI): The Congress will get three ministerial berths in the new Nitish Kumar govern ment in Bihar, a senior party leader said on heofTheBiharbandhanwillisterialpensnextwill16,oathCongressBhaktaAICC’sSpeakingSunday.toPTI,statein-chargeCharanDassaidtwoMLAswilltakeasministersonAugustandonemorelegislatorbeinductedwhenthecabinetexpansionhapafterthat.“ThenumberofminberthstheCongressgetintheMahagathgovernmentinhasbeenfinalised.Congresswillgetatotalthreeministerialberths,”said.
Government of n aG aland Office Of the Deputy cOmmissiOner & District electiOn Officer Zunheboto : n aG aland NO.ELE-ZBTO/APPT/2022/88 Dated Zbto the 8th Aug 2022 a dvertisement In pursuance of the CEO, Nagaland letter No. ELE/ESST-49/20122022 dated Kohima, the 10th June 2022, applications are hereby invited for indigenous inhabitants of Zunheboto district for filling up 1 (One) post of Office Peon under the District Election Office, Pughoboto. Forms will be available during office hours at the office of the District Election Office, Pughoboto & District Election Office, Zunheboto Last date of submission of application/form : 30.08.2022 Tentative date(s) of personality Test (PT)/Interview : 10.09.2022 Rahul Bhanudas Mali, IAS Deputy Commissioner & District Election Officer Zunheboto : NagalandDB-883/22 faCultY & staff Wanted A reputed school with a scenic campus based in Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh is looking to appoint qualified, experienced & dedicated faculty for the following posts: English Teacher with B A & B Ed Geography Teacher with M A / M Sc & B Ed Political
MUMBAI, AUG 14 (PTI): Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Mohan Bhagwat on Sunday said the whole world looks towards India for managing diversity. Speaking at a function on ‘Bharat@2047: My Vi sion My Action’ in Nagpur city of Maharashtra, Bhag wat also said an “Akhand Bharat” will happen when people stop being scared. “The world points at India when it comes to man aging diversity efficiently. The world is full of contra dictions but managing du alities will only come from India,” he Bhagwatsaid. said there have been many historical events which were never told to us nor taught in a proper“Forway.instance, the place where Sanskrit grammar was born is not in India. Did we ever ask a question why?” he said. “It is chiefly because we first forgot our own wis dom and knowledge and later the land was conquered by foreign invaders who mainly came from north west region,” he said. “We unnecessarily gave importance to caste and other similar structures,” Bhagwat said. The systems which were formed for work were used to create differences between people and com munities, he said. “We do have small dif ferences in language, dress, cultures, but we need to have a mind that will see the big picture and not get stuck into these things,” the RSS chief “Ifsaid.we want Bharat to become big, we should un derstand that all languages in the country are national languages, people from vari ous castes are mine, we need to have such affection,” he said. He said “why should we be afraid when we talk about Akhand Bharat.” People wonder when will it happen. “It will hap pen when we stop being scared. What was there will happen again. But we will need to become that Bharat and dream about that Bharat,” he Bhagwatsaid.also empha sised on knowing what is Bharat.He said Bharat gives the entire world the mantra of unity and non-violence. At the same time, Bharat can forgive and punish also. The RSS chief further said that in the modern world, Germany became powerful and Hitler was born. When America be came powerful, Hiroshi ma and Nagasaki (atomic bombings)“Nowhappened.whenChine is getting a little powerful, we can see what is happen ing across the world. But when India is powerful, it uses its powers to save the world. India is the worship per of non-violence and not a worshipper of weakness,” he said.Speaking on the im portance of the country’s Constitution and citizen discipline, he said there is a system and a Constitution made by representatives selected by people. “The Constitution should be followed properly. The Constitution is so gener ous there is already a system in it for amendments. We all should faithfully obey the Constitution and laws which have been made,” he said. Bhagwat also asked the youth to be ready for sacrifices to make Bharat big in 2047.
“Two Congress legisla tors will take oath on August 16, when the chief minister is expected to expand his cabinet. One more party legislator will be inducted in the Nitish Kumar cabinet when the next expansion takes place after August 16,” he added.Dassaid the Congress MLAs who will become the ministers are yet to be decided. “We will finalise the names of our legisla tors who will be part of the Nitsih Kumar cabinet on Monday,” he newfourthesourcesEarlier,said.Congresshadindicatedthatpartywaslookingforministerialberthsinthegovernment.
PATNA, AUG 14 (PTI): In a deviation from the decision of other left parties to extend outside support to the new Grand Alliance government in Bihar, the CPI on Sunday said it would like to be a part of the Nitish Kumar cabinet if the party is given an “honourable representation”. Atul Kumar Anjan, a senior leader of the Commu nist Party of India, said Deputy Chief Minister Tejashwi Yadav had recently met its National General Secretary D Raja in Delhi and they discussed about the priorities of the “Mahagathbandhan” (Grand Alliance) government in the eastern“Talksstate.are on with the alliance partners of the ‘Maha gathbandhan’ government. We would like to be a part of the Nitish Kumar cabinet if the CPI is given an honourable representation”, Anjan told PTI. He said the CPI has “nothing to do with the stand” taken by other left parties to support the new Grand Alli ance government from outside. Congress to get three ministers in new Nitish govt, says party leader
World looks towards India for managing diversity: RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat Mohan Bhagwat
Water being drained out after breach in MP dam wall, need not worry: Chouhan Shivraj Singh Chouhan
Eknath Shinde and Devendra Fadnavis (File)
Science Teacher with M A & B Ed 4. Science Teacher with B Sc (PCB) & B Ed 5. BOYS’ HOSTEL WARDEN- Minimum Experience of 5yrs 6. Male / Female Hostel Experienced Care Takers- 3 nos. Attractive Salary, Free Accommodation & Food is provided for all posts. Interested candidates may send their resume to WhatsApp or Contact 8920869179 Interviews will be conducted at Itanagar shortly after Independence Day. DB-884/22K-1863/22VJ'S COACHING CENTRE & HOSTEL D.C. COURT Road, Duncan : Dimapur ADMISSION GOING ON * Offer Intensive Coaching for the RepeateRs of * Class-X & XII (Science / Arts) * Hostel Attached for both BOyS and GiRlS (Separately) * SPECiAl HiGHliGHTS : Hygienic food/Clean & Sanitized Room / 24x7 Power Backup Contact : 03862-248394/9436600530/8257880984 DP-3766/22 RAINBOW COACHING CENTRE lengrijan H/No. 749, Dimapur - 797113, Nagaland. (Near immanuel College) Estd - 2006 Contact : 9856857778 (or) 9862700227 Class Started Class Mon- Fri. Saturdays Unit Test. Limited Hostel Seats Perfect place for overall development. Admission Going on Class - 10 & 12 (Arts) Repeaters Hostel attached for both boys & girls in separate building with parental care & guidance. -3725/22DP
NEW DELHI, AUG 14 (PTI): CBI officers prob ing the coal scam case and tasked with internal vigi lance are among the 30 sleuths of the premier agen cy awarded police medals on the 76th Independence Day, officials said Sunday. The awards were an nounced on the eve of In dependence Day. 6 officers received the President’s Po lice Medal for Distinguished Service (PPMDS) while 24 were honoured with the Police Medal for Meritori ous Service (PMMS). Ad ditional SP Alok Kumar, who is part of the Special Unit of Mumbai tasked with preventing corruption within the agency, received the PPMDS, it said. The other 5 officers who received PPMDS are Dy SPs Atul Hajela, Tejprakash Devrani and T.Sridharan, SI Gurmeet Singh and ASI Narpat Singh. DIG Keshav Ram, who investigated the coal scam, and Addl Legal Advisor Vijay Kumar Shar ma, who successfully built a foolproof case in the matter, were awarded the PMMS. Other CBI officers who received the medal include SP Sandeep Kumar Sharma; Addl SPs Suresh Kumar, Bhartendar Sharma and Bharat Bhushan Bhatt; Dy SPs Karan Singh Rana, Sub hash Pandey, Gulshan Mo han Rathi, T.Selvakumar, Shri Bhagwan, and Manoj Kumar; Inspector Vijay Yadav; SIs Shibani Saha, Shashikant Rajaram Ra japure; ASIs Bishram Singh and Sham Singh; Head Constables Krishan Lal, Rajesh Babu Chauhan, Durga Singh and Tej Pal Singh; Constables Siby, P G and Ram Singh Dhami; and Stenographer Dinesh Singh Pundir, the statement said.
MUMBAI, AUG 14 (PTI): Five days after the induc tion of 18 ministers into his cabinet, Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde on Sunday distributed portfoli os, with the Bharatiya Jana ta Party (BJP) getting several key ministries, including the Home and Finance that will be handled by Deputy CM DevendraShindeFadnavis.keptUrban De velopment and 11 other ministries with himself. Shinde, whose rebel lion against the Shiv Sena leadership had led to the collapse of the Uddhav Thackeray-led Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) government, had taken oath as the chief minister on June 30 with the support of the BJP. Fadnavis was sworn in as his deputy. In addition to Home and Finance and Planning, Fadnavis will also handle Law and Judiciary, Water Resources, Housing, Energy and Protocol hisparty.electionsbeforetheVikheBJPpartmentportfolioAnotherportfolios.important-theRevenueDe-hasbeengiventoleaderRadhakrishnaPatil,whohadquitCongressafewmonthsthe2019AssemblytojointhesaffronShindehadexpandedtwo-memberministryon
Supplies and Consumer Protection ministries. Both of them were Minister of State for a brief period in the past.Former Mumbai BJP chief Mangal Prabhat Lodha has got Tourism De velopment, Skill Develop ment and Women and Child Development minister,andwaspartment.beenMining.willpreviouslywhileSanitationtainedtion.ministerDeepakgroupsibilityhasMaharashtra,BJPopmenthasYouthEducationPanchayatiofbeenfidantFadnavis’ministries.closeconGirishMahajanhasgiventheresponsibilityRuralDevelopmentandRaj,MedicalandSportanddevelopment.DrVijaykumarGavitbeengivenTribalDeveldepartment,whileMLAfromwesternSureshKhadebeengiventheresponofLabourministry.FromtheShinde-ledofShivSenarebels,KesarkaristhenewforSchoolEducaGulabraoPatilhasreWaterSupplyanddepartment,DadaBhuse,whoheldAgriculture,nowhandlePortsandAbdulSattarhasgivenAgriculturedeUdaySamant,whopreviouslytheHigherTechnicalEducationhasbeengiventhe Industries ismaximumfoliosShindeaexpansion,”oscantribution.SenaEknathbetweenexpansionaheadexchangeandonministries.SchemeEmploymentanddleShambhurajFamilybilityhassuicide.blamedtochiefUddhavthement.FoodjayfromControversialdepartment.leaderShindecamp,SanRathod,willhandleandDrugsDepartRathod,whowasforestministerwhenThackeraywastheminister,wasforcedresignafterBJPleadershimforawoman’sWhileTanajiSawantbeengiventheresponsiofPublicHealthandWelfaredepartment,DesaiwillhantheExcisedepartment,SandipanBhumreGuaranteeandHorticultureMeanwhile,FadnavisSundaysaidtheBJPtheShindecampcansomeportfoliosofthenextcabinetifneeded.“ThereisnodisputetheBJPandCMShinde-ledShivovertheportfoliodisIfrequired,weexchangesomeportfoliaheadofthenextcabinetsaidFadnavis.Hewasrespondingtoqueryabouthimselfandholdingseveralportamongthemselves.Maharashtracabinet’sallowedstrength43.
Want to join Nitish cab if given honourable representation: CPI Nitish has no standing before Modi, both Mandal & Kamandal are with BJP: Sushil larity and the mass base have declined,” Modi said. He underscored that BJP now enjoys the support of all sections of society and is not affected by the Mandal-Kamandal binary. “Today’s BJP is both Mandal and Kamandal. Both Mandal and Kaman dal are with the party. And Prime Minister Modi rep resents aspirations of OBCs in the country,” Modi said.
In the aftermath of the anti-Mandal Commis sion protests in 1990, the Mandal term was coined for politics involving Other Backward Classes (OBCs) and Scheduled Castes with several regional parties ral lying these communities as their core ‘Kamandal’support. a water pot used by ascetics became a metaphor for Hindutva politics of the BJP, primar ily because it rhymed with Mandal.Earlier this week, as Kumar severed ties with ally BJP and embraced the RJD to join the Opposition camp, there was much talk in political circles about how the saffron party could again face the challenge of ‘Mandal versus Kamandal’ politics.
Sushil Kumar Modi
BHOPAL, AUG 14 (PTI): In the wake of a dam wall breach in Dhar, Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan on Sunday said there was no need to worry and efforts were on to drain out water from the Earlierreservoir.inthe day, of ficials said a channel was dug up to drain out water from the under-construction dam on the Karam river af ter a breach in a wall of the reservoir.Water was being re leased safely through the channel since 3 am on Sunday, which reduced the threat of the dam bursting due to water pressure and causing a disaster down stream, they said. Later, the CM in a statement said the chief en gineer, commissioner, senior police officials and collector were on the “Therefield.isno need to worry. But we won’t sit quiet till the entire water from the reservoir is drained out. Efforts are on to empty the dam,” he Chouhansaid. also said the need of the hour was for po litical parties to refrain from levelling allegations and rather focus on public safety. His statement has come after the opposition Congress alleged corruption in the construction of the Rs 304 crore dam. Talking to PTI, Con gress MLA from Manawar in Dhar Dr Hiralal Alawa claimed the dam’s weak foundation had caused the water“Theleakage.weak foundation couldn’t withstand the pres sure of water. The leakage smacks of rampant corrup tion in dam construction. This has put the lives of more than 26,000 people liv ing downstream in danger,” AlawaAccordingsaid. to sources, Rs 174 crore has so far been spent on the dam, the con struction of which began in 2018.Meanwhile, officials said a pause in the rains in the area since Friday was also helping, or else the situ ation would have got more complicated with continu ous accumulation of water in theThereservoir.leakin the dam, located some 35 kilometres from the district headquar ters, was reported on Thurs day, after which an alert was sounded as 18 villages downstream, including 12 in Dhar and six in Khargone, were in danger of getting inundated, they said. Several people from the 18 villages have already been shifted to safer places, they added.Agovernment release said the CM had monitored the situation from his office for 16 hours, returned home at 3 am on Sunday and was back at 11 am to take stock of the work underway on the ground.Chouhan had also informed Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah about the water leak from dam, the CM’s office today. Teams from the Army, National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) and other agencies were at work and prepared to deal with any emergency situation. Two helicopters of the Indian Air Force (IAF) were also on standby, officials said. State Water Resources Minister Tulsi Silawat and Industries Minister Rajvard han Singh Dattigaon had gone to the dam site to take stock of the situation, they said. Dhar Collector Pankaj Jain had on Thursday said the dam was filled with wa ter for the first time (before the leakage happened).
Maharashtra CM Shinde allocates portfolios
NEW DELHI, AUG 14 (PTI): JD(U) supremo Nit ish Kumar has no standing in front of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, senior BJP leader Sushil Kumar Modi said on Sunday and asserted that BJP now enjoys the sup port of both “Mandal” and “Kamandal.”Rejecting the prospect of Kumar emerging as the Opposition’s prime ministe rial candidate, Sushil Modi said there are bigger claim ants like TMC supremo Mamata Banerjee and TRS chief K Chandrashekar Rao. The JD(U) leader’s in fluence was “diminishing” even in his home state Bi har, Sushil Modi, who once enjoyed a good rapport with Nitish Kumar and was the deputy chief minister under him in Bihar for more than three terms, claimed in an interview to PTI. “There are more pow erful state leaders having bigger mandate than him ( Nitish) such as TMC leader and West Bengal Chief Min ister Mamata Banerjee, TRS supremo and Telangana Chief Minister K Chan drashekar Rao and AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal. “Nitish has no standing in front of Prime Minister Modi. He has nothing out side Bihar and his influence as the state’s leader is also diminishing. Both his popu

JD (U) state unit executive members and party workers.
Orientation workshop held in Kohima INTERNATIONAL
CETINJE, AUG 13 (AP): Montenegro declared three days of national mourning Saturday, a day after 10 people, including two children, were killed in a daylight attack by a 34-yearold gunman who police said had recently exhibited a “change in behaviour.”
rankingparticularlyforeignanyobjectsTheforandandsendingPelosi’sterritory,self-ruledwithdoesU.S.TheInstituteothertrade,relations,towillMarkeyDemocraticdelegation,five-memberledbySen.EdofMassachusetts,meetseniorleadersdiscussUS-Taiwanregionalsecurity,investmentandissues,theAmericaninTaiwansaid.instituterepresentsthegovernment,whichnothaveofficialtiesTaiwan.China,whichclaimsTaiwanasitsrespondedtoAug.2visitbymissiles,warshipswarplanesintotheseasskiesaroundTaiwanseveraldaysafterward.ChinesegovernmenttoTaiwanhavingofficialcontactwithgovernments,withahigh-congressional leader like Pelosi. A ofofSundaywouldannouncingaAmericanwhoitTaiwaneseAirportp.m.planeofbroadcasterTaiwaneseshowedvideoaU.S.governmentlandingabout7SundayatSongshaninTaipei,thecapital.Whilewasn’tconfirmedwasonboard,theInstituteissuedbriefstatementsoonafterthedelegationbeinTaiwanonandMondayaspartatriptoAsia.Theothermembersthedelegation
TAIPEI, AUG 14 (AP): A delegation of American lawmakers is visiting Taiwan just 12 days after a visit by US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that angered China.The
Phek: Phek DLSA conducted NLA where 17 bank recovery cases were taken up and all the cases were disposed; criminal Compoundable cases was cases taken up and disposed. The total settlement amount was Rs.27,07,106. Kohima: Kohima DLSA took up the highest number of cases at the District Court premises out of which 20 cases were amicably resolved and disposed. While the total outstanding amount was Rs.14,50,333.18, the settlement amount stood at Rs 5,68,481. As such total waived amount, through the initiation of the presiding officer and the conciliators was Rs.8,81,852.18. Dimapur: In Dimapur, 42 bank recovery cases were taken up and 40 cases were settled; 29 MACT cases were settled and one civil case was settled. The total settlement amount was Rs. 2,64,45,222.
Kiphire: Kiphire DLSA conducted NLA wherein seven bank cases were taken up out of which five cases was disposed with settlement amount of Rs.3,88,865 and one criminal compoundable case was also taken up and disposed of on good behaviour bond. Peren: Peren DLSA conducted NLA where a total number of 25 prelitigation cases (bank loan defaulters’ cases) and one criminal compoundable case were taken up wherein 21 cases weredisposed with a total settled amount at Rs. 29,64,174. Longleng: Longleng DLSA conducted NLA wherein, out of total cases taken up 11 including 10 pre litigation/bank loan recovery and one civil case, eight cases were disposed involving total Settlement Amount of 197500.
Longleng Phek Wokha Mon
Delegation of American lawmakers in Taiwan on August 14, 2022.
DIMAPUR: A training for Child Rights Club (CRC) leaders was conducted by Child Friendly Dimapur (CFD) ANMA Integrated Development Association (AIDA) on August 13 at AIDA, Conference Hall. A press release by AIDA stated that the training was organised with an objective to enhance the leadership skills of the CRC leaders through capacity building and educate them on the four cardinal rights of the children as enshrined in the United Nation Convention for the Rights of a Child (UNCRC).During the session, the club leaders were trained on the leadership, characteristics of a good leader, steps to become a good leader and roles and responsibility of the CRC leaders. Throughout the training session, the children were motivated and trained to become an influential leader by being a doer.Later, the children were also taught about violence against children i.e., exploitation of children in the form of child labour, begging, commercial sexual exploitation of children, child trafficking, use of children in criminal acts (thefts, smuggling, etc); neglect to the children by being deprived of food, health care, safe health habits, education, physical and emotional care, play and creative activities; sexual violence; physical and emotional programme.leadersAltogether,violence.28CRCattendedthe
Child Rights Club (CRC) leaders training at AIDA conference hall.
are Republican Rep. Aumua Amata Coleman Radewagen, a delegate from American Samoa, and Democratic House members John Garamendi and Alan Lowenthal from California and Don Beyer from ChineseVirginia. warplanes have been crossing the midpoint of the Taiwan Strait on a daily basis even after the conclusion of the military exercises, with at least 10 doing so on Sunday, Taiwan’s Defense Ministry said.
killed by a passerby and that a police officer was among the wounded. She said nine of those killed died at the scene and two died at a hospital.Witnesses of the attack were struggling Saturday to come to terms with the carnage. They described scenes of chaos and horror as the gunman unleashed his fury on innocent people just going about their daily business on a warm summer afternoon.“You could hear women crying, people shouting in panic that a man has a weapon and is indiscriminately shooting around. I heard gunshots,” said witness Milena Stanojevic. “I’ve seen a lot of crying, tears and sadness and today, silence and disbelief.”Cetinje, a city of 17,000 people and the seat of Montenegro’s former royal government, is 36 kilometers (22 miles) west of Podogrica, the current capital of the small Balkan nation.Four of the wounded were transferred to the Clinical Center in Podgorica for surgery and were still in intensive care Saturday, according to its chief neurosurgeon, Dr. Ivan Terzic. Two others suffered less severe injuries and were recovering at a hospital in Cetinje.
10 killed in street attack in Montenegro
The attacker had an appointment to see a mental health care specialist but went on the rampage prior to it.
The attacker used a hunting rifle to first shoot to death two children, 8 and 11, and their mother, who lived as tenants in his house in the western city of Cetinje’s Medovina neighbourhood. He then walked to the street and randomly shot 13 more people, seven of them fatally. The gunman was shot dead later after a gunbattle with police.Police investigating the rampage issued a statement Saturday saying it was still unclear what motivated the gunman — identified only by his initials, V.B. But they said people close to the attacker said he had recently started exhibiting a “change in behavior but nothing that indicated he could commit such a Thecrime.”attacker had an appointment to see a mental health care specialist but went on the rampage prior to it. The police statement also said the law enforcement officers sent to the scene came under fire from the attacker and responded by firing at him at least 20 times and seriously injuring him. “It is still being investigated if he died as the result of the serious injury (by police) or as the result of being shot at by a local citizen,” the statement said. The FridayNastic,investigation,coordinatingprosecutortheAndrijanatoldjournaliststhatthegunmanwas
DIMAPUR: Minister, health and family welfare, S. Pangnyu Phom released “Yachem Allou Tetshep”, a dictionary of Phom (Yachem) dialect on August 12 at Community Hall WhileLongleng.releasing the dictionary, Pangnyu thanked Yachem Buhu staff Pangthai (Yachem Citizen Staff Union) for spearheading the initiative to publish the dictionary, which would be beneficial for the present and upcoming generations of Yachem and Phom community in general.Theminister also underscored the importance of promoting and preserving one’s mother tongue and urged the people to learn their own language. Pangnyu releasing “Yachem Allou Tetshep” at Longleng.
Pangnyu releases ‘Yachem Allou Tetshep’
DIMAPUR: Thsoiphu Paopong Union (TPU) Mokokchung has condemned the heinous crime committed by one, Prasanta Chaudhuri, a Hindi teacher of Govt. High School Chipur under Noklak District where a student of GHS Chipur was sexually molested on different occasions. In a condemnation note, TPU president, M. Shai and general secretary, Pushong K stated that the perpetrator, who is a “habitual offender”, has “barbarically exploited” the innocent students through his “low and cheap act of molestation and sexual harassment” towards the students.Further, stating that in a modern and civilized world, TPU has mentioned that perpetrators of such act would not be tolerated and should be punished according to relevant laws. TPU has appealed to all right thinking citizens to vehemently condemn such acts and has appealed to law enforcing agencies to deliver justice to the innocent students and punish the culprit.
DIMAPUR: With an aim to provide support for a streamlined and effective documentation process, the state level committee on documentation of traditional attires, designs, motifs and ornaments, organised a two-day orientation workshop from August 10 to 11 at Kohima. In a press release, the committee informed that, opening remarks and welcome address were delivered by scientist B, Nagaland Science & Technology Council (NASTEC), Kekuniel Ltu, and additional secretary, department of Science & Technology, Kuko Mero respectively and on day two by chairman, NHHDC Ltd & doc. committee, Miathou Krose.Technical sessions were conducted by research scholar on Textile & Filmmaker MLCU Shillong, Sophy Lasuh Kesiezie; independent researcher & freelance editor, Dr. Vizovono Elizabeth; scientist D, patent information centre NASTEC, Dr. Nesatalu Hiese; research scholar & assistant professor, Zunheboto Govt. College, Ngutoli Y. Swu; and writer & assistant professor, Kohima College, Dr. Theyiesinuo Keditsu.Post technical sessions, various issues and challenges faced were deliberated upon. Managing director NHHDC Ltd & member secretary, doc. committee, Zakabo V Rotokha said the closing remarks and also assured support from the doc. committee.
CRC leaders trained on cardinal rights
Wokha: Wokha DLSA conducted NLA where 16 cases under bank loan recovery at pre litigation were taken up and a total of 14 cases were disposed. While the total outstanding Amount was Rs.20,71,557 and the total settlement amount was Rs.12,90,248. Tuensang: Tuensang DLSA conducted NLA and took up 22 bank cases out of which 18 cases were disposed with settlement of Rs. 11,53,638. Zunheboto: Zunheboto DLSA took up 18 cases where two criminal compoundable cases and one matrimonial case was disposed and 11 bank recovery cases were disposed with settlement amount of Rs.4936539. Mon: Mon DLSA held the NLA where 31 cases were taken up with a settlement amount of Rs. 428851. Mokokchung: Mokokchung DLSA conducted NLA where 23 pre- litigation bank loan recovery cases were taken up and settled with total amount settled at Rs 18,90,109.7.
More US lawmakers visit Taiwan
JD (U) State unit for firm foundation
DIMAPUR: Janata Dal (United) Nagaland unit has called upon the party workers to work vigorously and connect with the grass root levels in order to establish a firm foundation in leaders made this appeal at the meeting of the JD (U) 5 Ghaspani II Assembly Constituency held on August 12 at the residence of Kitoho S. Rotokha State general secretary.This was stated in a press release issued by JD (U) 5 Ghaspani II A/C, president, Khezheto Rochill and general secretary, Hotoshe Jimo. The leaders have also urged the workers to work in cohesion to achieve a common goal. JD (U) state unit also emphasized on the strong secular credentials of Bihar chief minister, Nitish Kumar, who took keen interest in resolving the Naga political issue at an earliest and also exhibited the party sincerity both inside and outside the parliament on various occasion.Atthe meeting, a new team of office bearers for 5 Ghaspani II Mandal for the tenure 2022-25 was also elected to be headed by Khezheto Rochill as president, Zhekiye Yeptho as vice president along with three executives and four advisors.The new team was dedicated by Jetovi Chishi pastor,Meanwhile,TVBCB7FC.JD (U) unit expressed confidence on the new team and wished them luck in their endeavour and responsibility.Themeeting was also addressed by Holuvi Awomi state KitohostateImsumongbasecretary,PongengeneralsecretaryandS.Rotokha.
DLSAs settle 230 cases & disputes during ‘National Lok Adalat’
DIMAPUR: District Legal Services Authorities (DLSAs) under the aegis of the Nagaland State Legal Services Authorities (NSLSA) conducted 3rdquarterly National Lok Adalat (NLA) on August 13 across Nagaland and settled 230 cases and disputes with a total settlement amount of Rs. disputescourtconstitutedofNSLSAIn4,29,66,737.apressrelease,statedthatout11LokAdalatsittinginthe11districtpremises,787cases/werelistedfor compromise settlement which included cases in pending stage as well as in pre-litigation stage mostly in the category of bank recovery, criminal compoundable cases & Motor Accident Cases Tribunal (MACT) and other cases viz. public utility i.e., telephone bills. NSLSA said Lok Adalat aims to settle disputes/cases at prelitigation stage i.e., even before the case was filed in the court and pending cases in the court of law which are admissible under the Lok Adalat regulation to be settled through compromise and amicable means.

Rushdie attack: Rishi Sunak calls for Iran sanction
Salman Rushdie Rishi Sunak LONDON, AUG 14 (PTI): The brutal attack on noted author Salman Rushdie should be a wakeup call for the West to impose tougher sanctions against Iran and proscribe the country’s elite military unit as a terrorist organisa tion, British prime ministe rial hopeful Rishi Sunak said on TheSunday.former Chancel lor told ‘The Daily Tele graph’ that attempts to revive the Iran nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), may be futile and therefore it was important to assess action against Iran’s Islamic Revo lutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).He spoke as the suspect in the attack on Rushdie, Hadi Matar, was on Saturday charged with attempted murder and assault and remanded without bail. Preliminary investigations suggest his sympathies with the Shia extremism and IRGC. “The situation in Iran is extremely serious and in standing up to [Vladimir] Putin we can’t take our eye off the ball elsewhere,” Sunak told the newspaper. “A nuclear-armed Iran would pose an exis tential threat to our ally Israel, and indeed imperil the whole of Europe with ballistic missile capabil ity. We urgently need a new, strengthened deal and much tougher sanc tions, and if we can’t get results then we have to start asking whether the JCPOA is at a dead end. The brutal stabbing of Salman Rushdie should be a wake-up call for the West, and Iran’s reaction to the attack strengthens the case for proscribing the IRGC,” he said.Under the original JCPOA agreement, signed in 2015, Iran received relief from sanctions in exchange for agreeing to strict curbs on its nuclear activities. Former US President Donald Trump withdrew America from the JCPOA deal in 2018, but President Joe Biden has sought to resuscitate it, arguing it is the best way of stopping Iran from developing a nuclear bomb. A fatwa call ing for Rushdie to be killed over his book ‘The Satanic Verses’ was issued by Iran’s former Supreme Leader, late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, in 1989. Since the stabbing of Rushdie at a literary festival at the Chautauqua Institution in New York state on Fri day, Iranian media have welcomed the attack and activists and opponents of the Iranian regime said its rulers bore responsibility for theWhileattack.the Iranian re gime appeared to renounce the threat in 1998, in 2019, Ali Khamenei, the current Supreme Leader, tweeted that the fatwa was “solid and irrevocable”.Meanwhile, it has been reported that Rush die sustained nerve damage to his arm, damage to his liver, and could lose an eye. The India-born author was taken off a ventilator in a Pennsylvania hos pital and is now able to speak, according to fellow British American author Aatish Taseer, information confirmed by the writer’s agent.
LONDON, AUG 14 (IANS): Author Salman Rushdie has been taken off his ventilator and is talking as he recovers from being stabbed in the British-AmericanUS. writ er Aatish Taseer said, in a since-deleted tweet, that the 75-year-old was “off the ventilator and talking (and joking)”, which was then confirmed by the author’s agent Andrew Wylie. Wylie had earlier said Salman was using the ven tilator and could lose an eye after he sustained injuries to his arm and liver in the attack, dpa news agency reported.
The Indian-born Brit on, whose novel “The Sa tanic Verses” led to death threats from Iran in the 1980s, was about to deliver a lecture in New York state on Friday, when he was attacked.The man accused of stabbing him pleaded not guilty on Saturday to charg es of attempted murder and assault.A lawyer for Hadi Matar, 24, entered the plea on his behalf during a for mal hearing at a court in western New York. Salman was stabbed at least once in the neck and once in the abdomen, ac cording to police, before he was taken to hospital. Salman began his writ ing career in the early 1970s with two unsuccessful books before “Midnight’s Children”, about the birth of India, which won the Booker Prize in 1981. The author lived in hiding for many years in London under a British government protection pro gramme after the fatwa. In 1998, the Iranian government withdrew its support for the death sen tence and Salman gradually returned to public life, even appearing as himself in the 2001 film “Bridget Jones’s Diary”.The Index on Cen sorship, an organisation promoting free expression, said money was raised to boost the reward for Salman’s killing as recently as 2016, underscoring that the fatwa still stands.
Salman Rushdie off ventilator and talking following stabbing

MYK C MYK C 14 INFOTAINMENT NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 2022dc-908/22 dc-909/22 dc-813/22 db-886/22
The Game drops 10-minute diss against Eminem S ongdew, a Gurgaon based major music label on August 11 released Abiogenesis’ latest single titled “Cry Of The Wounded”, which is now available globally through all International major digital platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Deezer, song described about the pain and sufferings of the innocent people due to wars and conflicts in the name of ethnicity, money, power, community, religion, ideology, politics, etc. With the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the tension building up between China and Taiwan, besides many others, Abiogenesis felt the need to write a song which is relevant to the present world scenario. The song has a Naga folkish flavour with a sad rock tone. Common link to listen to the song at various platforms: - cry-of-the-wounded
Taking up 10 and a half of those, ‘The Black Slim Shady’ is the lengthiest song on the disc, and is more than twice as long as its two runners up – the A$AP Rocky-assisted ‘Money Cash Clothes’ and ‘Ruby’s Rose’ (which features Twista and Jeremih) – combined. The first preview of ‘DRILLMATIC’ landed back in January with the Kanye West joint ‘Eazy’. The song was controversial for West’s verses, which took aim at his estranged ex-wife (Kim Kardashian) and her then-boyfriend (Saturday Night Live mainstay Pete Davidson), and also caught the ire of PETA for its graphic cover art. Two videos for the song were released – both animated, one with clay figures and the other with 3D avatars, both featuring violent attacks taken out on Pete Davidson – and West appeared onstage with The Game to perform it at the ‘DRILLMATIC’ album launch last month. The second ‘DRILLMATIC’ single, ‘Violence’, was released back in June. The full album features a wide range of big-name collabs – in addition to the aforementioned A$AP Rocky, Twista/Jeremih and Ye joints, artists with guest spots on ‘DRILLMATIC’ include Ice-T, 2 Chainz, Lil Wayne, Big Sean, Rick Ross, YG, Pusha T, French Montana, Meek Mill, Ty Dolla $ign, Roddy Ricch, Fivio Foreign and YoungBoy Never Broke Again. West also makes a second appearance on the song ‘Fortunate’ alongside Dreezy and CHILLER. (NME)
Songdew releases Abiogenesis new single ‘Cry of The Wounded’
T he Game has returned with his 10th ‘DRILLMATICalbum, Heart Vs. Mind’, which features a 10-minute diss against Eminem titled ‘The Black Slim Shady’. The scorching track opens with a skit led by an Uber driver named Matthew, who’s revealed later in the song to be the brother of Stan, the subject of Eminem’s titular 2000 hit. With incendiary bars, The Game delivers a litany of deep references to Eminem’s career, catalogue and personal life, taking aim at his history of addiction, his family, and the debate over whether Eminem is guilty of cultural appropriation.Inastandout moment, The Game satirises Eminem’s flow on his 2002 song ‘Lose Yourself’, rapping: “Oh, he goes platinum / And, oh, I’m on the ‘Math with him / He got all the Blackest friends / He wants to be African / Me, left for dead on the ‘Doctor’s Advocate’ / Dre never executive-produced it, I just imagined it.” Elsewhere in the track, The Game fires quips at several of Eminem’s associates – among them 50 Cent (with whom The Game already has a storied beef), Dr. Dre and Paul Rosenberg (Eminem’s manager). He closes the song out by encouraging Eminem to hit back with a diss of his own: “Mr. Shady, don’t be shady / Pick that pen up, don’t be lazy / Call up Dre and get that Dre beat / Jump off stage if shit get crazy.” Back in March, The Game hit out at Eminem during his appearance on the Drink Champs podcast, claiming he’s a better rapper and would happily go up against him in a VERZUZ battle.‘DRILLMATIC Heart Vs. Mind’ was released today (August 12) via spanningandEntertainment/MNRK,100features31tracks119minutes.

Don’t worry about FIFA ban threat: Chhetri tell players Sunil Chhetri
BENGALURU, AUG 14 (IANS): The Super Match has decided the fate of many teams in the Grand Prix Badminton League so far and it was not different for the Bandipur Tuskers as they clinched three points from the final match of their tie against Kodagu Tigers, at the Karnataka Badminton Association, here on WithSunday.this, Bandipur Tuskers moved up to the fourth place on the lead erboard.Koadagu Tigers field ed Rujula Ramu in their opening match (women’s singles) which was also their trump match. The youngster lived up to her reputation giving two points for her team beating Alifya Riyas.
GPBL: TuskersBandipuredgepastKodaguTigers
The undoubted star for India in track and field in Birmingham was Avinash Sable, who challenged the Kenyan hegemony in the 3000m steeplechase, finish ing second, losing the gold medal by 500th of a second. Abraham Kibiwot, the gold medallist, presented a brave front but it was sure he had his heart in his mouth for a few seconds as Sable made a late charge to the fin ish line, virtually hanging onto the Kenyan runner’s shoulder as he crossed the finishing line. It was tactically a bril liant race as Sable broke to the front early and forced the Kenyans to speed up and exert energy early so as to keep ahead and thus, they could not produce a strong finishing kick. Sable found some hid den reserves somewhere in his body and produced a deadline finishing kick. His timing of 8:11.20 is a new personal best and the national record while Kibi wot took gold in 8:11.15 with his compatriot Amos Serem taking the bronze in 8:16.83.Eldhose Paul, who led a 1-2 finish in triple jump, was the other big gain for India from track and field, one who could be further groomed into a medal win ner at Paris. He hopped, skipped and jumped into history books as India’s first gold medallist in the triple jump. Prior to this, the silver won by Mohinderpal Singh Gill in 1974 was India’s best finish in triple jump. Paul had the best effort of 17.03 metres for gold while his compatriot Abdulla Aboo backer finished with 17.02 to take the silver. India’s Praveen Chithravel finished fourth, narrowly missing the bronze medal. “I am happy that the national anthem was play ing and the first two ath letes were from India. I felt proud. We were already preparing for CWG and Asian Games. The World Championships gave us an experience that benefitted us. Neeraj Chopra’s gold (in Tokyo 2020 Olympics) changed our mentality,’’ Paul said after returning’slong jump, Murali Sreeshankar won the first-ever silver medal for India in the event. His jump of 8.08 metres was equal to that of gold winner Laquan Nairn, but Sree shankar had to settle for sil ver as Nairn had made the jump in his second attempt while the Indian nailed it in his fifth.Sandeep Kumar, who won bronze in men’s 10km race walk, did it with a personal best timing, while Priyanka Goswami took the silver in the women’s event, shattering the national re cord with a personal best timing of 43:38.83.
CWG 2022
GUWAHATI: 1ST FLOOR, H.NO.3, UDAY PATH, ZOO ROAD NICSE HAS THE HIGHEST RESULTS FOR THE 10TH YEAR & IS INCOMPARABLY SPECIALISED IN NPSC & IAS THE CROWN : NEW DELHI HEAD OFFICE THE CORE : BIGGEST BACKEND TEAM 3. EXCELLENCE OF TEACHERS 4. FAMILY INCLUSIVE PROGRAMS MOST EXTENSIVE CLASSES TOP OF THE CLASS STUDY MATERIALS BEST MOCK TESTS IN NAGALAND CURRENT AFFAIRS UPDATES : FROM PRELIMS TILL INTERVIEW ADDITIONAL FREE SUPPORT: NICSE provides free NPSC PRELIM CAPSULE PROGRAM of over 100 HOURS to all its students just before NPSC Prelim every year and an additional MAINS CAPSULE PROGRAM of over 80 HOURS to all its students who clear NPSC Prelim, just before NPSC Mains every year. on the Thesis title: "Response of Soybean (Glycine max L. Merril) to sources and levels of Zinc" from the Department of Agriculture Chemistry and Soil Science, SASRD Medziphema, Nagaland University. We are incredibly proud of her achievement. We wish Dr. Sentimenla success in all her future endeavour.General Secretary Sd/Mrs. T. Anungla Jamir President Miss Watisenla Jamir OFFICE OF THE DIMAPUR CHANGTONGYATSÜR TELONGJEM DIMAPUR - 797112 : NAGALAND FELICITATION dp-3865/22
NEW DELHI, AUG 14 (IANS): The 2022 Com monwealth Games in Bir mingham was a huge suc cess for India and athletics was one such discipline which gave fans opportu nities to celebrate recordbreaking moments. As expected, India ex perienced a medal rush in boxing, wrestling, weight lifting, badminton and table tennis in CWG. However, the one field which helped shoot up the country’s med al tally was athletics. At Gold Coast 2018, India could only manage three medals in the disci pline. But this time around, India’s athletes set new benchmark, winning eight medals, including one gold, four silver and three bronze, which augurs well for next year’s Asian Games and the 2024 Olympics in Paris. The performances in track and field by youngsters like steeplechaser Avinash Sable, triple jumpers El dhose Paul and Abdulla Aboobacker, walkers Pri yanka Goswami and Sand eep Kumar, javelin thrower Annu Rani, long jumper Murali Sreeshankar and high jumper Tejaswin Shan kar were heartening which stole the show.
BENGALURU, AUG 14 (PTI): Seasoned striker Sunil Chhetri on Sunday advised fellow players to continue giving their best on the pitch and not worry about FIFA’s threat of sus pension on Indian football. Earlier this month, world football governing body FIFA had threatened to suspend the AIFF (All India Football Federation) and strip off its right to host the women’s U-17 World Cup in October due to a third party “influence”, the warning coming just days after the Supreme Court’s directive to hold elections of the national federation. The yourtentionnotboysaretoralthough,tratorsCommitteeSC-appointedofAdminis(CoA)hassince,startedtheelecprocess.TheelectionsslatedforAugust28.“I’vespokentotheandmyadviceistogiveittoomuchatbecauseitisoutofcontrol,”Chhetrisaid during a virtual media in teraction organised by his club Bengaluru FC in the build-up to the new season. “People who are in volved are doing their best to make sure that we are going to come out with the best results possible. Everyone is working hard towards it. As far as players are concerned we are going to make sure that we do our work properly. We have to make sure you better your self as a player. Whenever you get an opportunity to represent your club or your country, put your best foot forward. All other verticals in the AIFF are trying to fix as much as possible to make sure that they come out with flying colours,” he said. India is to host the FIFA women’s U-17 World Cup from October 11-30 and the Union Cabi net last month approved the Signing of Guarantees for hosting the women’s age group showpiece in Bhubaneswar, Goa and Mumbai. The Durand Cup will kick off the season in Kolkata on August 16 and Bengaluru FC will take on Jamshedpur FC on the sec ond day of the tournament. Having won every ma jor national title since the team came into existence in 2013, the Blues will be desperate to add the miss ing Durand Cup to their trophyForcabinet.Chhetri too, it’s “very, very special” as he also has not won the old est football competition in Asia, whose 131st edition will be held this year.
huge success for Indian athletics
Murali Sreeshankar

MYK C MYK C Printed, Published and Edited by Geoffrey Yaden at G.M. Printers, Circular Rd. Dimapur-797112. Ph: Desk 248489, Adm.& Advertisement :248267,8798162009, R.N. 40978/90 RN/NE 707 SPORTS16 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 2022 NEW DELHI, AUG 14 (IANS): The Indian team of Lovely Choubey, Rupa Rani Tirkey, Pinki and Nayan moni Saikia combined to win the country’s first-ever medal in lawn bowls at the 2022 Commonwealth Games during the recently concluded event, to bring some new and much-needed fans for the sport. Lawn bowls has been a fixture in the CWG itiner ary since 1930, barring the 1966 edition in Jamaica. However, Indians have been oblivious to the niche sport. Compared to cricket, hockey, boxing or tennis, lawn bowls is trying to estab lish itself in India’s sporting map. After national-level competitions started only in 2007, Indians started com peting when Delhi hosted the Commonwealth Games in 2010.The team, which is being hailed for winning a historic maiden gold medal in the 2022 Commonwealth Games, came into the event in Birmingham without playing a single competitive match on natural grass in the run-up to the event. The players would probably not even remember when they last played on natural grass, since interna tional events are mostly held on synthetic surfaces.They had not even practiced much with the new balls that they bought after reaching London so as to avoid the high excise duty back home, officials claim. Yet, the team went on to spring one surprise after another to win a his toric maiden gold, beating a strong South Africa team that had won silver in the 2018 Mostedition.of the players that have taken up the sport come from poor back grounds and started late as age and physical fitness are not the criteria. With little support from the govern ment, through SAI and the Sports Ministry-funded schemes like Mission Olym pic, Target Podium Scheme etc., the players used their own resources and those provided by the IOA to participate in the Asian and Asia-Pacific CWGwomen’sandingWithterminationhandwork,byceededships,Despitecompetitions.allthesehardtheplayershaveexallexpectationsthesheerdintoftheirdedication,deanddevotion.lawnbowlsstilllackproperinfrastructuresupportinIndia,theteam’sgoldat2022isnothingshort of extraordinary.Notonlythe women, the Indian men’s fours team of Sunil Bahadur, Navneet Singh, Chandan Kumar Singh and Dinesh Kumar also won the silver medal in lawn bowls at the 2022 Commonwealth Games. However, there will be disappointment for the fans, who want to see both teams compete at the 2024 Paris Olympics - the pinnacle of sports. Notably, lawn bowls as a sport is not part of the Olympics and it’s up to the stakeholders and decision makers of the game to in clude it in future. Now that India have won medals at CWG, the game could reach greater heights in terms of popularity.With a large popula tion, India could become a big market and muchneeded change-maker for lawn bowls in future, but as of now, it’s not part of the Olympics. ‘’This is as big as the Olympics for us though lawn bowls are not part of the Summer Games,’’ Lovely Choubey, part of the women’s team, had said after winning the gold. Apart from lawn bowls, squash is another sport, which is part of the Com monwealth Games but not Olympics.Insquash, Saurav Gho sal won his first individual medal -- a bronze in men’s singles beating a strong op ponent in James Willstrop of England in three straight games in the plate final. The 36-year-old also partnered with Dipika Pallikal Karthik for the bronze medal in mixed doubles. However, the big squash contingent was a bit of a let-down, given that it was only a few months back that India had emerged world champions in both mixed doubles (Gho sal/Dipika) and women’s Doubles Chinnappa).(Dipika/Joshna
HYDERABAD, AUG 14 (IANS): Badminton star P.V. Sindhu said on Sunday that she has been practicing mediation for a long time as it helps overcome stress. “I have been practicing meditation for a long time and always felt a relief as I connected very well within through meditation,” she said while virtually par ticipating in the concluding session of the Internation al Rising With Kindness Youth Summit. The threeday youth summit organised by Heartfulness came to an end on Sunday at Kanha Shanti Vanam, the head quarters of Heartfulness in the outskirts of (Daaji).nesstakeKanhahutofortheurdaymonwealthmedalanceintoyouthstress“MeditationHyderabad.helpsgooff.Iwishthedon’tforgettotakemeditation,”saidSindhuherfirstpublicappearafterwinningthegoldattherecentComGames2022.SheannouncedonSatthatshewasoutofworldchampionshipsthenextfewweeksdueastressfracture.SindpromisedtobebackatShantiVanamtosittingsfromHeartfulguideKamleshPatelChiefnationalbad Meditation helps overcome stress: Sindhu
P.V. Sindhu
Remember, many In dian players in the past had expressed disappointments on squash not being part of the Olympics. However, nothing has changed since then.“Squash has got every thing to be in the Olympics. It ticks all the Olympics ideals, but unfortunately the world is not as black and white as we want it to be. There are a lot of grey areas. Getting into the Olympics is not as transparent as what I believe it should be. We have tried hard for the last 14-16 years to get in, but it hasn’t happened,” Saurav had said. “Frustrating. I think we all got to a point where all we could do was laugh. There are some ridiculous sports in the Olympics and if those sports deserve to be part of the Games, so does squash,” Dipika had said. “But I think a lot of good things have happened to our sport because of the bid. It has grown leaps and bounds. So, I think that as a sport, we have done our homework. If the Olympics don’t want to have a sport like squash, it’s their loss,” she had said. Only time will tell whether lawn balls, squash will become Olym pic sports.
PARIS, AUG 14 (AP): Neymar and Paris SaintGermain’s high-powered attack put on another im pressive display in a 5-2 win over Montpellier in the French league on Saturday as Kylian Mbappe opened his account but missed a penalty in his return from a groinNeymarinjury. scored twice to take his tally to three goals in two league games for the defending champion on a night when Lionel Messi was held scoreless. The Brazil striker was also PSG’s best player in preseason friendlies as he looks to find his peak form for the World Cup in Qatar, which starts in November.PSGalso netted five goals in its league opener and Montpellier opted for a low defensive block to deny space for the hosts. But the pressure was too much for center back Falaye Sacko, who diverted Mbappe’s offtarget shot into his own net in the 39th Sackominute.thenhandled the ball in the 42nd when Lionel Messi juggled the ball on a dribbling run. Neymar wrongfooted Jonas Omlin to convert the subsequent penalty for a 2-0 lead. PSG capitalized on another blun
Tottenham’s Pierre-Emile Hojbjerg celebrates after scoring his side’s opening goal at Stamford Bridge Stadium in London, Sunday. (AP/PTI) Man United suffer worst defeat der to add a third goal in the 51st. Mbappe blocked Om lin’s pass and found Achraf Hakimi, whose deflected cross was headed home by Neymar. Far from his best level, Mbappe still found the net with a flick from a corner in theIn69th.hisPSG debut, Por tugal midfielder Renato Sanches rounded off the scoring with a first-time ef fort in the Omlin88th.pulled off some outstanding saves to frus trate PSG for more than 30 minutes. The Swiss goal keeper saved a penalty from Mbappe in t he 23rd after Jordan Ferri had handled the ball. He then turned around the post a curling free kick from Messi in the 26th. Montpellier scored with a close-range effort from Wahbi Khazri in the 58th and a half-volley from Enzo Tchato in stoppage time. Earlier, Rennes’ defen sive issues were exposed as it squandered the lead to draw 1-1 with 10-man Monaco. In a clash between two contenders for Euro pean spots, Monaco forward Breel Embolo pounced on a heavy touch from goal keeper Dogan Alemdar to equalize with a sliding effort in the 73rd. Rennes striker Gaetan Laborde opened the scoring by converting a re bound in the 59th. Monaco was down to 10 men in the 15th when midfielder Yous souf Fofana was red-carded for a stamp on Martin Ter rier’s Despiteankle. its numerical superiority, Rennes looked shaky at the back. Embolo proved a magnet for fouls and Joe Rodon and Arthur Theate were booked for holding the forward in the 21st and the 23rd, respec tively.Steve Mandanda also received a yellow card in the 31st for catching Embolo in the face while attempting to punch the ball away. The Rennes goalkeeper made amends by stopping the subsequent penalty taken by Axel Disasi before de nying Krepin Diatta in the 36th.However, Mandanda picked up a knock and was replaced by Alemdar at half time. Monaco goalkeeper Alexander Nubel helped salvage a point by turning Baptiste Santamaria’s longrange strike around the post in the 27th and parrying a close-range header from Terrier in the 28th.
celebrates after
Manchester United suffered one of their worst defeats in Premier League history as Erik ten Hag’s side barely laid a glove on Brentford in a 4-0 defeat on Saturday. Ten Hag was look ing for a response to last weekend’s 2-1 home loss to Brighton and Hove Albion and was able to hand Cris tiano Ronaldo a start, but all United got was a humili ation, reports DPA. David de Gea was at fault twice as Josh Dasilva and Mathias Jensen put Brentford two up inside 18 minutes, before Ben Mee and Bryan Mbeumo en sured Brentford became only the third side to put four past United in the first half of a Premier League game. While the Bees could not inflict further misery on Ten Hag and United, it mattered little as the damage was already done. United gave Thomas Frank’s men a helping hand for the opener as De Gea inexplicably let Dasilva’s 25-yard effort squeeze into the bottom-right corner after Ronaldo had been robbed. The floodgates then opened.Shortly after United escaped a similar situation, Christian Eriksen was dis possessed inside his own box following an ill-advised pass from De Gea, and Jen sen applied a disguised fin ish with 18 minutes played. The off-balance Mee nodded in at the back post as United failed to cope with the hosts’ physicality, and by the 35th minute it was 4-0 -- Dasilva racing onto a clearance to play an exquisite pass into the box where Mbeumo held off Luke Shaw to score. Ten Hag made three changes at the break and that at least helped stem the flow of goal concessions. United improved as an attacking threat, with Ronaldo presented with a couple of half-chances and Eriksen testing David Raya with a Butheader.still Brentford eased to a famous victory.
TORONTO, AUG 14 (AP): Two-time champion Simona Halep of Romania advanced to the National Bank Open’s final, beat ing Jessica Pegula of the United States 2-6, 6-3, 6-4 on Saturday.Halepwill face Bra zil’s Beatriz Haddad Maia, a 6-4, 7-6 (7) winner over 14th-seeded Karolina Plis kova of the Czech Republic in the night Halepsemifinal.smashed a racket on the hard court at Sobeys Stadium after she missed a return late in the third“Theset. fire is back,” Ha lep said. “It’s a good sign if I do that. It looks like I’m fighting. It helps me sometimes. I don’t know if it’s always good or not, but it helpsTheme.”15th-seeded Ha lep won the tournament in Montreal in 2016 and 2018. Pegula was seeded seventh.Haddad Maia reached her first WTA Masters event final. In June, she won consecutive grasscourt events in Nottingham and Birmingham in Eng land for her first two tour titles. “I just try to breathe a little bit more. I try to calm down and think about what I need to do and not what I’m experiencing,” Haddad Maia said. “I try to play every point and think about the nextSheshot.beat top-ranked Iga Swiatek in the round of 16. “I don’t think about, ‘Oh, I’m here playing against No. 1 in the world in a big stage in a 1000 WTA,’ because otherwise I wouldn’t be able to play,” Haddad Maia said Halep won the Mel bourne Summer Set 1 to open the season for her 23rd title, and first since since 2020. She began working with coach Patrick Mouratoglou in April and said he has rekindled her passion for tennis, pointing to training sessions at his tennis school in the French Riviera.
IOA awaits Delhi High Court verdict on election NEW DELHI, AUG 14 (AGENCIES): The Indian Olympic Association (IOA) awaits the Delhi High Court verdict on August 16 to spell out a road map for its election. The acting president of the IOA, Anil Khanna, said that the court had not given permission, on IOA’s request, to hold the adjourned Annual General Meeting and other related meetings, Sportsstar reported.The IOA has also sought a meeting with the Interna tional Olympic Committee (IOC) to make matters clear. The IOA president, along with secretary general Rajeev Meh ta and treasurer Anandeshwar Pandey, are scheduled to visit the IOC Headquarters in Lau sanne on September 1 and 2 to speed up the matter. ‘’We have a right to be heard. We expect the elections to be held in the next three or four months’’, said Anil Khanna.‘’The honourable courts had to step in as there were major differences internally within the IOA regarding electoral rolls and non-compli ance of IOA Constitution, as already approved by IOC and the law of the land. The elec toral college has to be clean. IOA will ensure this before elections are held as per time lines to be reached in consulta tion with the IOC and OCA’’, stated Anil Khanna.
minton coach Pullela Gop ichand said that Kanha Shanti Vanam makes me swell with pride for its use fulness is “ are in sports or any other field, excellence is what you must always strive for. Heartful ness teaches you that in how they transformed this place which was as barren as it can get,” he said. The concluding session saw re nowned environmental ac tivist Vandana Shiva along with Waterman of India Rajendra Singh leading a plantation drive with Dr. Ramakanth and Sarvanan from ThisHeartfulness.wasfollowed by a plenary session that they joined with Daaji and Ki ran Sethi. Daaji, who led a meditation session, urged the students to think about their future “Kindnessgenerations.isaninher ent quality in each of us. If you listen closely to your conscience, you will invari ably become kind. Con science can never go wrong. It always guides us to the right path. Always think of your future generations. You may not live fully to counsel your grandchildren through their teens, but you can set a pathway for them,” he said. The heartfulness guide advised youth to make your lives simple and tune in with divinity through simple prayers for guidance. “God is our only true goal. Once your desires are minimised and God becomes the centre of your lives, once you are in tune with Him, you can gradually surpass the state of bliss as well,” he said.
Harry Kane’s equaliser six minutes into stoppage time earned Tottenham a dra matic draw after a fiery London derby at Stamford Bridge ended in an angry confrontation between man agers Thomas Tuchel and AntonioTempersConte.were running high throughout as Chelsea twice led before Kane’s glancing header seconds from the end gave Spurs a point. Chelsea dominated the first half and fully de served the 19th minute lead they earned when their two summer signings combined, Kalidou Koulibaly flash ing home a powerful vol ley from Marc Cucurella’s corner.Spurs struggled to make any sort of impres sion, Kane missing their best opportunity, but drew level after 68 minutes when Pierre-Emile Hojbjerg’s shot beat Edouard Mendy. Chelsea were furious that referee Anthony Tay lor had failed to penalise Rodrigo Bentancur for a challenge on Kai Havertz, the ensuing melee leading to face-to-face fury between the two managers which ended with both Tuchel and Conte receiving yellow cards.
Chelsea, Spurs play out 2-2 draw; Brentford shock Man Utd
(From L) Lovely Choubey, Pinki, Nayanmoni Saikia and Rupa Rani Tirkey celebrate at CWG 2022. (AP)
Neymar nets 2 PSG beats Montpellier St Germain’s Neymar scoring. bowls ‘trailblazers’
5-2 Paris
Simona Halep to face Beatriz Haddad Maia in Toronto final Simona Halep
(Reuters) No Olympic future for CWG lawn