State logs two COVID-19 cases
Post MYK C MYK C Vol XXXII No. 252 DIMAPUR, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 2022 Pages 12 ` 5.00
Vladimir Putin blasts US ‘hegemony’ FIFA suspends AIFF over ‘third-party influences’
DIMAPUR, AUG 16 (NPN): All Sumi Students’ Union (Sumi Kiphimi Kiki hakulu) Tuesday issued state ment seeking to bring to its logical conclusion the “un necessary impasses”, which has affected the normal func tioning of the SKK for the tenure 2022-24 in particular. In a press release, SKK union assembly speaker Ni noto Chophy and assembly Secretary Vitopu Ayemi as serted that no organizations or individuals should “usurp the authority laid down in the Constitution” of SKK and “execute the same un der anyTheycircumstances.”admittedthat the dissolved executive council had “inadvertently com mitted some unwarranted mistakes”, for which rap prochement steps have al ready been undertaken. The signatories, how ever, stated that at no point in time, the SKK, the Sumi Kiikami Hoho (SKH), the Sumi Totimi Hoho (STH) and other mass-based Sumi civil society organisations had “ever had any frictions or precedence.laidHohoderworkingallamongstmisunderstandings”themselvessincetheSumiCSOshadbeenindependentlyuntheapexbodyofSumi(SH)withtheirowndownconstitutionsandTheysaidthatever since SH “arbitrarily and unilaterally usurped and executed” the provisions of the constitution of the SKK on April 18, 2022, various authorities under SKK have appealed time and again to reconsider the decision made by SH so as to allow SKK to initiate appropriate actions to any officials of SKK according to the laid down provisions in the con stitution of SKK. SKK has, therefore, requested the sensible and right-thinking Sumi public leaders and organizations to review the “unethical ac tions committed so far” in the interest of all.
“This time the north east festival in Bangkok has inspired us to turn Nagaland into Thailand of India.”
Correspondent KOHIMA, AUG 16 (NPN): State government has termi nated the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Andhra Pradesh-based M/s Shivasais Oil Palm Private Limited, which was signed in 2014, after the company failed to set up collection centres within the allotted clusters and purchase fresh fruit bunches (FFBs) from the farmers before setting up the mill.Informing this to Na galand Post, the Agriculture Production Commissioner (APC) Nagaland, Y Kikheto Sema, said the signing of the MoU was intended to enhance the income of the farming community con sidering the massive unused land in the state. APC said the land was supposed to be utilized for plantations of oil palm in a large scale, which would be a ready raw material feeder for oil palm manufacturing units. Sema said the Cen tre had also earmarked Rs.11,040 crore to take up palm oil plantation under the National Mission on Edible oils with special focus on North East. However, with the termination of MoU, he said that has ceased in the state. APC said that the next step of the directorate is to create a convincing proposal with clear guidelines besides creating awareness of the oil palm among the farmers and letting them come forward it they were willing to take up the plantation.WithJhum as integral practice in the state, APC Kikhteo said that the de graded land could be made good use through oil palm cultivation.Heinformed that the actual coverage area at the initial part was 2,50,000 ha, but was reduced to 15,000 ha under oil palm plantations due to a lack of good nurs eries. However, APC said that to meet the demands of the farming community, the reviewed area coverage was enhanced yet again. During the on-the-spot verification by the officials of the department, he said it was observed that buy-back of the FFBs had not been completed and at the same time the department received complaint letters by the oil palmItfarmers.maybe mentioned that in continuation of the first MoU signed on Sep tember 11, 2014, a second ancillary MoU for the four districts was signed on Au gust 11, 2015.
DIMAPUR, AUG 16 (NPN): Two students, eightyear-old and 11-year-old, drowned in a stream below Molvom village on August 15 at around 2 Expressingp.m.shock and pain over the incident, Mol vom Youth & Students’ Union (MYSU) president Chonminthang Haolai said that the students Thang sonlun Singson (8 yrs) and Thongminhao Dimngel (11 yrs) studying in class 3 and class 4 drowned at one of the areas, along the stream, that was dug for construction of RCC bridge under Northeast Frontier Railways (NFR). MYSU said that NFR had been carrying out con struction works for the rail way link around Molvom area.MYSU, citing reliable sources and the villagers as a witness, said that the foun dation of the RCC bridge was built in the same stream (where the duo had drowned), which used to be knee deep, small and shallow. However, MYSU said after the site was excavated the depth of the stream was around 16-20 feet, which was not filled up even after the work for the founda tion was MYSUcompleted.saidthat the ignorant boys drowned on the spot while playing on the stream and lost their precious lives.
Further, district authorities were also empowered un der law to firmly deal with those indulging in actions that violated the law or cre ated law and order problem or disturbed the existing atmosphere of peace and public tranquillity or caused nuisance and obstruction to generalThepublic.home commis sioner directed the district administration and police officials to appropriately sensitise the organisations and groups concerned which had any pending grievance or had given a call for disruptive agitation. Further, in case of any violation by any individual, group or association, the memo asked the authorities concerned to initiate appro priate action under the rel evant provisions of IPC, the Prevention of Damage to Public Property Act, 1984, the National Highway Act, 1956 and other such appro priate laws depending upon the violation, disruption ad disturbances caused.
Rio misleading Nagas on solution: NPCC Blocking NHs, public roads punishable offence: State govt
WSH resents govt’s memo on road blockade
K. Therie and KL Chishi addressing the media, Tuesday. (NP) (Cont’d on p-8) (Cont’d on p-8) (Cont’d on p-8) (Cont’d on p-8) (Cont’d on p-8)
2 students drown in Molvom; MYSU slams negligence of NFR State govt terminates MoU with oil palm company
DIMAPUR, AUG 16 (NPN): State Home de partment has decreed that calling for bandhs, strikes, agitations involving block ing National Highways and public roads in the State as a mode of agitation to press for various demands was a punishable offence. An office memoran dum issued on August 16 by home commissioner Ab hijit Sinha said that certain individuals, organizations and associations had been calling for bandhs, strikes, agitations involving block ing highways and public roads as a mode of agitation to press for their grievances. Citing various judg ments of Supreme Court and high courts, the memo stated the courts have held that bandhs and road block ades were illegal and uncon stitutional and organisers must be prosecuted. The memo, therefore, specified that blocking highways and public roads was a punishable offence under relevant sections of Na tional Highway Act, 1956, Prevention of Damage to Public Property Act, 1984 and Indian Penal Code . It also noted that in some cases, as a part of agitation to press for certain local demands, calls are given for disturbing celebrations of national days or force fully prevent law-abiding citizens from participating in suchThefunctions.memosaid that any forceful act with the intent to disturb the cel ebration of national days was illegal and a serious offence, warning that the culprits were liable to be prosecuted under relevant sections of law. It ruled that any purported grievances for any agitation should be brought to the notice of and pursued with the govern ment authority concerned for appropriate action. It declared that any public gathering meant to express views/grievances or other wise without prior permis sion of the competent dis trict authorities was illegal.
Staff Reporter D IMAPUR, AUG 16 (NPN): Veteran Congress leaders– K. Therie, NPCC president and K.L. Chi shi former chief ministerhave taken on chief minister Neiphiu Rio for his message on the 76th anniversary of India’s Independence Day at Kohima. Therie: Taking on Rio for urging upon Nagas to be “patient” for solution, NPCC president K. Therie pointed that it has been 25 years of cease fire and subse quent negotiations and now Rio was still “asking us to be patient”.Talking to media per sons here at Congress Bha van, Therie maintained that Rio had repeated only what the United Naga Council (UNC) Manipur had said. He said UNC had appealed to all Nagas to be “patient and not to be in a hurry” as there was no need to be in any hurry, for solution. Therie said those in UNC areas in the hill dis tricts of Manipur, may not be in any hurry but people of Nagaland who have been shouldering the problem for several decades want solu tion as they were concerned about the future of their children.Therie held the chief minister and the ‘oppositionless’ UDA coalition govern ment responsible for delay in solution. “They (UDA) are the roadblock to solution” said Therie. He cited the July 16 resolution by the Parlia mentary Core Committee on Naga Political Issue (PC CoNPI) and CSOs endorsing the Framework Agreement and the Agreed Position and acknowledging that official negotiations concluded on October 31, However,2019.Therie said no official delegation from the state went to meet either the prime minister or home minister to apprise them of the resolution. Therie thun dered “This is a betrayal. Instead of doing that, they signed a seat-sharing deal and then they came back. I think it’s time for the people, for the voters to realize that this (UDA) government is a traitor.”He said the ruling party leaders have been betraying the people of the state at numerous times and years as they wanted election and not solution”. He asked “Do you think these MLAs will resign and pave the way for a solution? No. Therefore, we don’t see Rio and his govern ment ever pursuing political solution in TherieNagaland.”saidthathis par ty therefore wants the people of Nagaland to know that Congress is going to fight the next election likely to be held in December 2022 with or without solution. Therie said “the people should be prepared either for no solu tion for many years to come or for solution by throwing out the UDA government. And the choice is left to the people”.He also attacked the ambivalence of BJP for giv ing false promises. Therie said central BJP leaders have been mouthing solution but nothing has happened. He said even prime minister Narendra Modi had repeated on several occasions that the Naga political had been resolved. “We can no longer trust the central leaders any more” said Therie. When it came to elec tion, Therie implied that BJP had fought election in Manipur with the sup port of “insurgent groups” and will be doing the same again in Nagaland. Therie said people in the state cannot expect Central gov ernment to deliver political solution because for its leaders DIMAPUR, AUG 16 (NPN): Western Sumi Hoho (WSH) has expressed its resent ment at the office memorandum (OM) is sued by home commissioner Abhijit Sinha decreeing blocking of national highways and public roads as punishable offence. In a memorandum to the commis sioner through DC Chümoukedima, WSH president Shikaho Zhimomi and media cell co-convener Benito Z Swu said they were completely taken aback and were aghast at the OM, which they alleged reflected nothing but double standards on the part of the State government. They stated that the memo would have been justified had it been issued im mediately after the CSOs of Peren district had intimated to Peren deputy commis sioner (DC) on August 9, 2022 about their already resolved decision to impose block ade on Kiyevi village. Instead, WSH said “your office obliged the CSOs of Peren district to their unjustified blockade of Ki yevi village and relented to their demand” through commissioner’s August 13 letter addressed to DC of Chümoukedima / Peren by agreeing to keep on hold payment of damage compensation to Kiyevi village. Thereafter, they said WSH was left with no option but to impose a counterblockade to fight for the bona fide right of Kiyevi village, which is a recognised village of Nagaland under the jurisdiction of the hoho.
DIMAPUR, AUG 16 (NPN): Nagaland on Tues day recorded two fresh Covid-19 cases taking the total caseload to 35,873. The two new cases were reported from Dimapur and Mokokchung districts. Currently, Nagaland has 29 active cases, while 33,560 people have recovered. The toll remained unchanged at 776 (including 5 non-Covid deaths but with positivity). PTI adds: India’s CO VID-19 case tally increased by 8,813 in a day to reach 4,42,77,194, while active infections have declined to 1,11,252, according to the Union Health Ministry data on Tuesday.
Addressing the me dia, All Assam Students’ Union (AASU) chief advi sor Samujjal Bhattacharya said the government needs to come out with a perma nent solution to the illegal immigrantBhattacharyaissues. said that the peaceful protest will be held in all state headquarters on August 17 against the Citizenship and to highlight various socio-political issues which still have existed in the North Eastern states. Furthermore, the pro test will also cover issues like the influx of migrants, complete scrapping of the Armed Forces Special Pow ers Act (AFSPA), providing constitutional safeguards to the indigenous communi ties, implementation of In ner Line Permit (ILP) across all North Eastern states, along with the elimination of the operations of funda mentalist groups existing in the region.“People of the North east have not accepted the CAA and will never accept it. This act will reduce the indigenous people into a minority. The Northeast can’t be used as a dumping ground for illegal migrants. Assam has already taken a lot of burden by accepting the migrants till March 24, 1971 and cannot accept more such migrants,” Bhat tacharjya told reporters in Guwahati.
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North East Stu dents’ Organisation (NESO) will be holding protests across the North Eastern states on Wednesday against the Citizenship (Amend ment) Act (CAA). In Nagaland, a sit-in the protest will be orga nized by the Naga Students Federation (NSF) under the banner of NESO. The sit-in protest will be held outside the NSF of fice, Kohima at 11 a.m. According to reports, the protest will also be held with the aim to draw atten tion to the prevailing situa tion in different regions of the North Eastern states.
SKK clarifies position on ‘impasse’ NPC condemns firing incidents
DIMAPUR, AUG 16 (NPN): Nagaland Peace Centre (NPC), Kohima has strongly con demned the firing incidents that occurred at Nyasa village and Longwa village under Mon district on Monday. In a press release, NPC chairman Pedi Miachieo said that thew firing incidents oc curred at a time when the country was celebrating its 75th year of Independence and when Nagas have been holding onto peace to solve the ongoing unresolved issues. NPC stated that the “irrational and uncivi lized actions of some people” trying to complicate the situa tions cannot be tolerated.
NESO to hold protests against CAA today

13th march 1926 – 17th August 2021 Today we remember with deep respect in our hearts forever, who built our past, nourished our present and blessed our future. Your life was a blessing Your memory a treasure You are loved beyond words And missed beyond measure FONDLY REMEMBERED BY Loving Wife, Children, In laws and Grandchildren
LT. TEMSUTULA LKR (UNGMA) 15/10/1942 – 17/08/2021 It’s been a year since you left us for your Heavenly abode and even though you are not here with us physically but your memories are still fresh in our hearts.
DIMAPUR: Thsoiphu (Chipur) Union, Kohima (TUK) has condemned the alleged sexual assault on four minor girls by one Hindi teacher of Govern ment High School Chipur, under Noklak district. In a condemnation note, TUK president Muth ong K. Chai and general secretary P. Khape while condemning the heinous act in the strongest term said teachers were expected to impart quality education to children and not take advantage of them.
DIMAPUR: Advisor for Youth Resources & Sports, Er. Zale Neikha on Tuesday, urged upon the youth of Nagaland to choose one’s calling and vocation rather than settling for mediocrity. In a press release, SAYO info & publicity in formed that the advisor was speaking at the inaugural programme of weeklong “youth advancement train ing” organised by Southern Angami Youth Organisation (SAYO) in collaboration with various departments at Thiazu, Mima village, under KohimaThedistrict.advisor said al though leaders in the region were not less than others, he lamented that the “leaders in our region lack discipline, punctuality and determina tion.”In this regard, Zale said advised the youth to should display patience and tackle adversities with agility dur ing times of need, while referring to ongoing issues and concerns surfacing the region.
MYK C MYK C 17/08/2021 Apuo, you were our world. Every bit of our lives revolved around you. Selflessly you loved us, sacrificing your all. Your unconditional love bound us all together. We thank God for giving us the most wonderful soul to be our Apuo, a true man of God, an example of love, patience and endurance. Apuo, our world was shattered, our hearts broken from the day you left us. The wounds remain fresh, the pain never healed. Our hearts aches and long for you everyday. Time has not healed the pain of your absence nor filled the void you left behind. Your memory is our keepsake with which we will never part. God has you in his keeping and we have you in our hearts. We deeply love you and will miss you till we meet in His Heavenly abode. Your loving Children, Grandchildren and In-laws
SJU ‘HistoriaorganisesDiem’
First Death anniversary Late akangtemjen (khensa) mkc-291/22 dc-929/22 It’s been two years since you’ve been gone. Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure. We love you beyond words and miss you beyond measure. We hope to see you when Jesus comes. Mom, Wife, and Son Benjamin, Siblings and Relatives 2nd death anniversary Lt. alur danla P-3876/22d
Don’t settle for mediocrity, Er. Zale Neikha tells youth He disclosed that the upcoming Hornbill Festival in December would open up more avenues for tourist guides especially Dzükou Valley and that the state government would “con sider events to promote the eco-tourism for the valley.” Further, he encouraged the trainees to learn from the training as it could be ap plied in their daily lives and make one a better person in service to the society. In the welcome ad dress, SAYO president Me tekhrielie Mejura said the training had a host of ses sions from various nodal departments and experi enced officers as a platform for the youth to enhance their Metekhrielieskills. expressed concerns over the footfall of tourists in the region and added that effective actionoriented response was re quired to be given back to the tourists.Atthe first day of the training, senior research associate, department of Environmental, Forests and Climate Change, Er. Ke heibamding Thoü spoke on “wildlife and awareness on forest protection” and forest range officer, Kohima range, Pezaneinuo presented the Forest Fire Management Plan while department of Fire and Emergency Ser vices, officer in charge, Fire station (south division), Sedevizo Hibo conducted practical session and dem onstration on “Fire and emergencyAltogether,services”.82 youth from 13 Southern Angami villages are being trained. It may be mentioned that after the training, the participants will be issued identity cards and certifi cates and would be mo bilised when called for re sponse and combat.
The bereaved family of Late Yarangjang Imchen express our deep gratitude and appreciation to each individual and every organizations for your comforting presence and prayers, immeasurable support and immense help in cash and kind at the unfortunate and sudden demise of our most beloved.We regret our inability to thank each of you in person despite your steadfast kindness shown during the darkest hour of our lives. Nevertheless we would like to acknowledge and mention the following individuals and organizations. Dr. Shurhozelie Liezietsu, President Naga People's Front and all ranks and file, NPF Mokokchung Division led by the President and all ranks and file. We pray that Almighty God bestow blessings on each of you. Loving Wife, Children and all Family Members.
AcknowledgementBorn:15.10.1959–died:03.08.2022 mkc-293/22
Loving Husband, Children & Family Members
Loving Wife, Brothers and RelativesdP-3871/22
TUK said the accused exploited his own students by torturing them mentally and have spoiled their ca reer. The union said such sick and maniac behavior did not have any place in a civilized society and should not be tolerated at any cost.TUK has appealed all right-thinking individuals to condemn such barbaric act and appealed to the law enforcing agencies to penalise the culprit under non-bailable offences. State deputy chief minister Y. Patton on Tuesday, inaugurated the newly constructed village welcome gate at New Changsu. He later held a review meeting at both New and Old Changsu village under 37 Tyui A/C constituency, Wokha district. TUK flays alleged sexual assault Er. Zale Neikha addressing the youth at the inaugural programme of the training on Tuesday.
1st DEATH -3873/22Pddb-887/22
Born on : 26/03/1986 – Died on : 07/08/2022 With profound gratitude and thanksgiving, we, the bereaved family of Lt. NUNGSANGMANEN , express our heartfelt appreciation and acknowledgement to every individual and groups who stood by us and extended unconditional support at the sudden and unfortunate demise of our beloved serviceman in the line of duty. Sincere thanks to : 1. Battalion HQ Chingtok Longleng 12th NAP Bn (IR) 2. ‘D’ Coy 12th NAP Bn (IR) 3. All Ranks and Files of Commissioner of Police, Dimapur 4. Shri. Tongpang Ozukum, Minister for Housing and Mechanical (PWD) 5. Dimapur Ao Lanur Telongjem (DAYO) 6. Dimapur Mongsenyimti Senso Telongjem 7. Khughovi Village Council 8. United Baptist Church, Nihoto 9. Imonen Zunga Dimapur Unit, friends, neighbours and all well-wishers.Weareindebted by your generosity and it is our humble prayer that our Almighty God bless you abundantly.
DIMAPUR: The depart ment of History, St. Joseph University organised 2nd “Historia Diem” on Tues day on the theme, “Voy age of Traditions” at SJU auditorium.Inapress release, the college informed that the objective of the event was to instil the importance of teamwork among the students.Highlights of the pro gramme included speech on “Historia Diem” by Kapani Regina, folk song, Vivotsonuo Kikhi, Yant suchan Yanthan and Sashi menla narrated folktales, drama on Angami folklore, Manguli Sangtam present ed a special number and Naga traditional attires was showcased.Theprogramme was hosted by Likivi and Yant suchan Yanthan of PG III semester, Veruyi Chuzo of fered invocation while vote of thanks was proposed by Bimal Kumar and benedic tion by Akhrie Rakho.

Monyakshu: The 76th Inde pendence Day was celebrated at Monyakshu, Mon, wherein DB in-charge SDO (C) Monyakshu, Bumang hoisted the national flag and took the rashtriya salute. Educational institutions: Educational institutions across the state celebrated 76th Inde pendence Day by organising various activities. Some of the highlights of the celebrations include hoisting the national flag, singing national anthem and patriotic songs, dances, drills, cultural presentations, social work and competitions. The In dependence Day was celebrated by Global Open University, Na galand; St. Joseph’s College (A), Jakhama; Kendriya Vidyalaya Rangapahar Cantt; Livingstone Foundation International Col lege, Dimapur; Pranab Vidyapith Higher Secondary School, Di mapur; Sainik School Punglwa; St. Mary’s Higher Secondary School; Mount Tiyi College Teachers Association.
CSOs & political parties: Many Civil Society Organisa tions (CSOs) and political parties celebrated the 76th Independence Day by organising events, visita tion, donations etc. across Na galand. Following are the CSOs and political parties - Lions club of Dimapur Japfu and Leo Club; Dimapur Red Cross; National People’s Party (NPP) Nagaland and all its district units; Lions Club of Kohima; Nagaland Contractors & Suppliers Union (NCSU); Zunheboto Chamber of Commerce and Industries (ZCCI); Nagaland State Coop erative Bank Ltd. and general manager (IOC) NABARD RO Nagaland; All Commercial Vehi cle Association (ACVA) Wokha District and Business Association of Nagas (BAN). Exhibition cum sales day: Different blocks of Agricul tural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) Nagaland, government departments, Self Help Groups (SHGs) and oth ers organised “exhibition cum sales day” as part of the 76th Independence Day celebrations. Agriculture produces, indigenous crops and other varieties were dis played and sold; exhibition stalls were also put up at the venue. Dy. CM congratulates award recipients Deputy Chief Minister and minister for home, Y Patton has congratulated the police officers for getting recognition on their outstanding services. In a press release, Dy. CMO media cell stated t hat Patton has congratulated DIG (NAP), Imcharenla, ADGP, Renchamo P Kikon, DCP Nuiland, Kilang yanger Walling, F& ES, Joy Kumar Havildar and Addl. SP, Tulukha K Sema for being awarded the president police medal for distinguished service, police medal for meritorious service, fire service medal for meritorious service, union home minister medal for excellence respectively.Further, the deputy CM has also congratulated all of ficers and staffs under home department for being selected for governor medal and com mendation certificate also the DGP commendation disc (silver) awards and wished them all the best in their future endeavours.
A B C NEXT POLL Q: Is the release of convicted rapists by Gujarat a mockery on justice? Yes. No. Can’t Say. (Temperature in ºC) Max Min Agartala A thunderstorm in spots 34 26 Aizawl Cloudy, a couple of t-storms 28 20 Guwahati Cloudy with a stray t-storm 34 27 Imphal A t-storm around in the a.m. 30 21 Itanagar Warm; a strong a.m. t-storm 33 25 Shillong Mostly cloudy with a t-storm 26 18 Kohima Cloudy with a stray t-storm 26 20 Dimapur A stray afternoon t-storm 34 26 Mkg Cloudy with a stray t-storm 29 21 Tuensang Cloudy with a thunderstorm 23 17 Wokha Cloudy with a stray t-storm 29 23 Zunheboto Cloudy with a thunderstorm 26 19
DIMAP UR: Along with the rest of the country, dis trict and sub-division ad ministrations, government departments, educational institutions, organisations and others celebrated 76th Independence Day on Au gust 15. Mangkolemba: The 76th Independence Day was celebrated at Mangkolemba Public Ground with minister higher education and tribal affairs, Temjen Imna Along as the special guest. The minister hoisted the national flag and took the rashtriya salute. He also inaugurated the exhibition stalls set up by various departments and self-help groups. Other high lights of the programme include folk song, Rajasthani dance, cultural dance and special performance by the DGP Band. Pughoboto: Pugho boto sub division celebrated 76th Independence Day with Y. Vikheho Swu, MLA at the Local Ground, Pughoboto. The MLA hoisted the na tional flag and received the rashtriya salute from six pa rade contingents. Highlights of the celebration includes choreography, folk song and folk dance, stalls agri depart ment, ATMA, NSLRM and others. Bhandari: Bhandari sub-division celebrated the 76th Independ ence Day on Independence Day celebrations at the Public Sports Ground with Advisor for Information &Technol ogy, Science &Technology, New and Renewable Energy, Mmhon lumo Kikon as the special guest. Kikon hoisted the national flag and received rashtriya salute from five parade contingents. Kikon also inaugurated marketing shed and exhibition stalls put up by different agricultural groups, departments and public organizations. Highlights of the day included folk song, special song and tug of war. Satakha: The 76th Indepen dence Day was celebrated at Satakha town Zunheboto with advisor, Tour ism, Art and Culture Government of Nagaland, Khehovi Yepthomi as the special guest. The special guest hoisted the national flag and inspected the parade and delivered the Independence Day speech. Other highlights of the programme include recitation of Hindi poem, choreography and cultural items. Medziphema: The 76th In dependence Day was celebrated at Local Ground Medziphema, sub-division with advisor for Seri culture, excise & minority affairs, Zhaleo Rio Retd as the chief guest. Rio unfurled the national flag and took the rashtriya salute followed by singing of the national anthem and inspected the parade contingents. Other highlights include songs and cultural presentations. Meluri: The 76th Indepen dence Day was celebrated at Me luri sub-division, where Yithachu, MLA, hoisted the national flag, read out Independence Day speech and took the rashtriya salute from the parade contingents. Highlights of the day included special number, patriotic choreography and cultural items. Yithachu,also inspected ex hibition stalls which were displayed from various VLo’s and SHGs un der the department of social welfare, rural development and agriculture.
Changtongya: Chang tongya Town celebrated 76th Independence Day at SDO (C) Office complex, where special guest, SDO (C) Changtongya Town, Rorheu Peseyie hoisted the national flag, took salute and read out the Independence Day.
Aboi: Aboi celebrated 76th Independence Day at local ground, Aboi with Eshak Konyak, MLA, as special guest. The MLA hoisted the national flag, delivered Inde pendence Day speech and took rashtriya salute from the parade contingents. Konyak also inau gurated the exhibition cum sale stalls. Highlights of the celebration included cultural troupe dance, song and patriotic dance. Longkhim: Longkhim Town celebrated 76th Independence Day Public Ground, Longkhim Town Tuensang with Muthingnyuba, MLA and chairman DPDB Tu ensang, as chief guest. The MLA hoisted the national flag, delivered Independence Day speech and took rashtriya salute from seven parade contingents. Highlight of the celebration include song, special presentation, cultural performances. The chief guest also inaugurated agri department stalls. Chozuba: The 76th Indepen dence Day was celebrated at Cho zuba with Chotisuh Sazo, MLA, as special guest, who hoisted the na tional flag, delivered Independence Day speech and took rashtriya salute from parade contingents. Highlights of the celebration in clude songs, archery show, school drill and tug of war. The MLA also inaugurated the exhibition stalls. Chiephobozou: 76th Indepen dence Day celebration was held at Local ground Chiephobozou HQ with advisor youth resources and sports, Er. Zale Neikha, who hoisted the national flag and delivered the Independence Day speech. Other major highlights of the programme included a march past by parade contingents and cultural presentation. The advisor also inaugurated the exhibition stalls. Sanis: The 76th Indepen dence Day was celebrated at Sanis ADC Headquarters, with advisor for horticulture and bor der affairs, Mhathung Yanthan as the chief guest. Yanthan hoisted the national flag, took salute and delivered the Independence Day speech. Cultural dance was another highlight of the event.
Tobu: The 76th Indepen dence Day was observed at Tobu H.Q. with advisor DUDA, Bongkhao Konyak as chief guest, hoisted the national flag read, the Independence Day speech and took salute from five parade contingents.
Jakhama: Jakhama sub-di vision celebrated the 76th Indian Independence Day at SDO (C) office premises, where SDO civil Jakhama, Ruopfukuotuo Noudi hoisted the national flag, took rastriya salute and read out the Independence Day speech. High lights of the function included special number and indigenous songs. Chen: Chen celebrated 76th Independence Day at Mini SDO (Civil) Complex Chen, where EAC Mon, Khenpa Konyak hoisted the national flag, took rashtriya salute and read out the Independence Day speech. Thonoknyu: At Thonoknyu headquarter, the 76th Indepen dence Day national flag was hoisted by SDO (C) Wangan Phom at SDO (C) Office campus.
T.R(Peren)Zeliang H. Khehovi(Satakha)Yepthomi Zhaleo (Medziphema)Rio Mhathung(Sanis)Yanthan Mmhonlümo(Bhandari)Kikon Er. Zale (Chiephobozou)Neikha S Keoshu(Shamator)Yimkhiung L.(Noklak)Khumo Küzholüzo (Azo) Nienu (Phek) Yithachu(Meluri) Y. Vikheho (Pughoboto)Swu Muthingnyuba(Longkhim)Sangtam Eshak(Aboi)Konyak Dr. Chotisuh (Chozuba)Sazo
Pfütsero: 76th Indepen dence Day was celebrated at Pfütsero Town Sports Com plex with MLA and chairman DPDB Phek, Kezhienyi Khalo as the special guest. The MLA hoisted the national flag and took rashtriya salute from nine parade contingents and read out Independence Day message. Other highlights include cultural tune, patriotic play, awards and felicitations.
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Temjen Imna (Mangkolemba)Along
Ahthibung: 76th Inde pendence Day was celebrated at SDO (C) Office Complex, Ahthibung, Peren where SDO (C) Ahthibung, N. Zubenthung Ngullie hoisted the national flag and delivered the Independence Day speech.
Tening: Tening Town cel ebrated its 76th Independence Day at Tening with Additional Deputy Commissioner Tening, Tokai. V. Achumi as the special guest. The special guest unfurled the national flag and took ras triya salute from the parade contingents. Seyochung: Seyochung ADC Hqs celebrated 76th Inde pendence Day at office campus with Additional Deputy com missioner, Renbemo Ezung as special guest. Ezung hoisted the national flag, delivered the Independence Day speech and took rastriya salute.
Pungro: Pungro Town un der Kiphire district celebrated 76th Independence Day at Pub lic Ground Pungro Town with Deputy Speaker NLA, T Yang seo Sangtam as the special guest. The deputy speaker inspected the parade contingents, took salute from seven parade contingents, hoisted the national flag and delivered the Independence Day speech. Sangtam also gave away commendation certificates and inaugurated the stalls put up by various departments and SHGs.
More reports
NH New Delhi: The 76th Independence Day was cel ebrated at Nagaland House, New Delhi with advisor, food and civil supplies, LM & CP NSDMA, Pukhayi Sumi, wherein the ad visor hoisted the national flag. Tizit: Tizit Independence Day celebration was held at the Local ground Tizit Hq with ad visor land resources, C.L. John, who hoisted the national flag and delivered the Independence Day speech. Aghunato: The 76th In dependent Day was observed at Additional Deputy commis sioner Office premises with SDO (civil) and ADC I/C Aghunato, Zhoi Lohe, who hoisted the national flag and took rashtriya salute.
Wakching: Wakching subdivision under Mon celebrated Independence Day at SDO(C) office, where SDO (C) Wakch ing, James Renbi Kikon hoisted national flag and took salute from Nagaland police.

Sd/Mr. Kezhaletuo Kire House No. 370 C-D (1) (2), Seikhazou D Khel, Kohima Village. Ph.No. 8974064204.K-1879/22
Correspondent SHI LLONG, AUG 16: BJP minister in the Megha laya Democratic Alliance (MDA) government, San bor Shullai on Tuesday backed Ernest Mawrie to continue as president of the State BJP, even as he exuded confidence that the BJP will lead the gov ernment in Meghalaya in 2023.Shullai’s statement comes at a time when a sec tion of the BJP members, including BJP national vice president in-charge Megha laya, M. Chuba Ao, are baying for Mawrie’s blood over the style of function ing as state party president. Ao even asked Mawrie to “gracefully retire”. What angers the BJP leaders most was when Mawrie stirred up the hor net’s nest with his startling revelation that the party might not allot ticket to the two sitting BJP legisla tors (Shullai and veteran BJP legislator Alexander Laloo Hek) and to those sit ting legislators from other political parties, who are warming up to join the saffron party for the 2023
AIZAWL, AUG 16 (IANS): With the dis posal of huge quantities of drugs and seizure of large consignments of smuggled exotic animals, Mizoram Police has entered the two prestigious Gold Editions of ‘World Book of Re cords’, officials said here on Tuesday.Asenior Mizoram Police officer said that London-based World Book of Records’ Presi dent and CEO Santosh Shukla recently in a letter to the Director General of Mizoram Police Devesh Chandra Srivastava com municated this feat of the stateThepolice.Mizoram police got this distinction first for carrying out mega disposal (through burn ing and bulldozing) of smuggled drugs weighing 930.229 kg valued at over Rs 2,362 crore on June 24 and second for seizure of the largest consignments of 468 smuggled exotic animals.“We are extremely grateful to the team of the ‘World Book of Records’ recognising the dedica tion, sincerity and tireless efforts of Mizoram Police in curbing the menace of illegal drugs and checking the smuggling activities,” the official said. He said that the peo ple also always extended constant support to the Mizoram Police in the efforts of prevention and detection of crimes, curb ing the menace of illegal drugs, and checking the overall smuggling activi ties. According to central and state security officials the d rugs were smuggled from Myanmar, which shares an unfenced border with Ma nipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, and Arunachal Pradesh. They said, apart from varied illicit drugs, espe cially heroin, methamphet amine tablets or ‘Yaba’, poppy seeds, opium, ganja, morphine, bottles of cough syrup, other contraband like gold, as well as arms and ammunition are smuggled to other parts of India and neighbouring countries in cluding Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan.
Correspondent IMPHAL, AUG 16: Five cadres of People Liberation Army (PLA), the armed wing of Revolutionary Peo ple’s Front (RPF) were ap prehended along with four hand grenades in Manipur’s Thoubal district on Tuesday. The arrest of the five cadres, including a woman, was barely three days after the security forces had ar rested seven cadres of the same armed rebel group with arms and ammunition. A combined force of police commandos and troops of 16 Assam Rifles arrested the five cadres dur ing an operation, based on inputs provided by the As sam Rifles authority. The combined team rushed to the Tentha area of the district today morn ing and conducted a cordon and search operation based on theBasedinputs.on the inputs, the combined force conducted a cordon and search operation at Tentha Tuwaband Leikai and arrested the three cadres along with seizure of four handThegrenades.police identified the arrested cadres as Kei dongbam Subol @ Khomei (43), Paonam Manikanta Singh alias Amuyaima (32) and Thambalmani (46) wife of Md Tomba. In the follow up opera tion based on their disclo sure, two more cadres were arrested, the police said. They were identified as Sougaijam Ronan (32) and Naorem Britain (27). Citing the spot inter rogation report, the police said that the arrested cad res were involved in recent bomb blast incidents in some places and attacking non-local people along with the seven cadres arrested earlier on August 13. Earlier on August 13, a combined force of com mando unit of Thoubal district police and troops of 16 Assam Rifles had ar TEZPUR (ASSAM), AUG 16 (PTI): A man allegedly beheaded his fellow villager following an altercation over a bet on a football match and walked into a local police station with the severed head in Assam’s Sonitpur district, a senior officer said on Tuesday. The incident occurred on Monday in Doyalur area under the Rangapara Police Station limits after the foot ball match organised on the occasion of Independence Day was over, he said. “Tuniram Madri was supporting one of the two teams, while Hem Ram was a fan of the other. They promised that one has to give Rs 500 to the other if his team“Ramloses.won the bet and asked for the money but Madri did not honour the promise and instead asked him to go for dinner,” the officerAccordingsaid. to the police, Ram kept on demanding the money and Madri, in a fit of anger, took out a sharpedged weapon from his bag and beheaded him.
NORTH LAKHIMPUR, AUG 16 (PTI): A group of miscreants allegedly at tacked a Village Defence Party in Assam’s Lakhimpur district injuring six per sons in the area bordering Arunachal Pradesh, police said on TheTuesday.incident has sparked tension with lo cal units of the All Assam Students’ Union (AASU) staging a blockade on the road leading to Arunachal Pradesh on Tuesday morn ing. A senior police officer said the incident took place in Rupahi Rajgarh area at around 1 am on Monday after the VDP questioned four youths from the neigh bouring state on finding them moving in a vehicle in the locality. “The VDP let the youths go after some questioning. However, they returned after some time with around 40 miscreants, who attacked the VDP per sonnel,” he added. At least six VDP mem bers were injured in the incident, the official said. At present, there are
Manipuri Students’ Federation renews vow to campaign against AFSPAAssam man walks into police station with severed head CopsnabfivemorePLAcadres,seize4handgrenades
state assembly elections, if the survey report yield bad data against sispartyMawrieministernotpartymasseandalatepresidentlimitedpartythehour.presidentonrequestotherAohasistercollectively,”issuicidalpointchangecompleteriedates,ofstanceEndorsingthem.Mawrie’sontheallotmentpartyticketstocandiShullaisaid,“Mawshouldbeallowedtohistermandaofpresidentatthisoftimeisnothingbutfortheparty.”“TheneedofthehourtostandunitedandworktheBJPminsaid,addingthathepersonallyspokenwithandwillalsospeakwithcentralleadersandeveryonetoholdtothechangeofpartyatthiscrucial“Iwouldappealtoallleaderstoworkfortheandsincethetimeissoachangeofstateatthishouristooandthatitmaytriggercollapsewithkaryakartasleadersresigningen-asreorganizingtheatthisshorttimewillbepossible,”theBJPasserted.“Ipersonallyfeelthathasstoodbytheduringtherecentcriandthathehasliftedthe
morale of party karyakar tas in Garo hills,” Shullai said, apparently referring to the recent arrest of state BJP vice president Bernard N. Marak, who is accused of running a brothel from his farmhouse in Garo Hills.Welcoming the news of sitting Trinamool Con gress (TMC) legislator, Himalaya Muktan Shang pliang joining the BJP, Shullai said, “He will be a right choice for Mawsyn ram and personally speak with party leaders there to work together with him.” Stating that he is in touch with MLAs, MDCs from Jaintia Hills and will ensure that more than five seats are won from Khasi and Jaintia Hills this time, the BJP minister exuded confidence that BJP will cross the double digit mark in the upcoming elections, but said that infighting and groupism within the party should end immediately. “The BJP will lead the government in 2023 and I will continue to defend my party in case any other political party or leader tries to tarnish the image of BJP,” Shullai iteirated.
Miscreants clash along Assam-Arunachal border over 22,000 registered VDPs in Assam. Protesting against the attack and demanding immediate arrest of the culprits, the local units of the AASU blocked the road leading to the neighbouring state on WhenTuesday.senior gov ernment officials from Arunachal Pradesh reached the spot and gave an assur ance of stern action against the culprits, the AASU with drew the road blockade. Assam and Arunachal Pradesh share an 804.1-km border in Udalguri, Sonit pur, Biswanath, Lakhim pur, Dhemaji, Tinsukia, Dibrugarh, and Charaideo districts.Assam has boundary dispute with Arunachal Pradesh at 1,200 places, Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma told the state assembly last year. After Independence, Arunachal Pradesh was a centrallyadministered region. Later it became a Union Territory before attaining full state hood in 1987.
AffidAvit Registration No. 1662/2022 Date 16/08/2022 I, Mr. Longshithung Lotha, son of Nchamo Lotha, resident of H/No. 32, Kyong Colony, Dimapur : Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirm and declare on oath as follows: 1. That I am bonafide citizen of India and a resident of the aforementioned address. 2. That I am serving as Agriculture Officer at SDAO Office Baghty, Wokha Dist. Nagaland, Department of Agriculture, Govt. of Nagaland. 3. That my name has been recorded as Longshithung Lotha in all my official documents, service records including my Bank Account, Service Identity Card and Aadhaar Card bearing Aadhaar No. 8088 6271 1800. Whereas, in my initial Appointment Order bearing No. AGR/ESTT-93/2000(Part-II)/94258 dated 9th May 2001, my name been recorded as Longshithung 4. That the variations such as Longshithung Lotha and Longshithung are indistinguishable and connotes to the name of the one and the same person i.e. me and that there are no discrepancy in the names mentioned herein whatsoever. 5. That this Affidavit shall be produced as a piece of documentary proof and evidence as and when required before any competent authority/ies to declare that Longshithung Lotha and Longshithung connotes to the name of the one and the same person i.e. me and that henceforth I shall use and be addressed as Longshithung Lotha for all official purposes, intent and future correspondences before the concerned authority. DEPONENT Sworn before me. NOTARY PUBLICDP-3874/44
Correspondent IMPHAL, AUG 16: Ma nipuri Students’ Federation (MSF) on Tuesday reaf firmed its stand to continue its struggle for the repeal of the controversial Armed Forces (Special) Powers Act (AFSPA) as the students’ pressure group observed Students’ Martyrdom Day today.MSF has been observ ing the day each year to remember anti-AFSPA cru sader, Pebam Chittaranjan, who self-immolated to pro test against the draconian law on August 15, 2004, when the country was cel ebrating Independence Day. He succumbed to in jury the following day (Au gust 16) after 80 percent of his body was burnt. Floral tributes were of fered at the memorial site of the anti-AFSPA crusader in Bishnupur Bazar where he committed the self-immola tion and at his birthplace in ImphalLikeWest.each year, the ob servance of the 18th death anniversary began with a mass silent rally carried out on the streets in Imphal with hundreds of students from various schools and colleges. The rally started from Pebam’s birthplace at Kwakeithel in Imphal West and culminated at THAU ground in Imphal where the main commemoration function was held. Leaders of civil society organizations and human right activists, including acting chairperson of the Manipur Human Rights Commission (MHRC), at tended the function. MSF president Kh Bidyasagar, speaking on the occasion, renewed the student body’s vow and said that they will continue its campaigns against AFSPA until the black law is com pletelyHerepealedasserted that even after 75 years of indepen dence, people of state were yet to taste the true taste of independence under the AFSPA.He said that the then Congress government had removed the Act from Imphal Municipal Corpo ration (IMC) areas and the BJP government had further removed the black law from nine more police stations in the valleyHowever,areas.the Act is still enforced in major parts of the hills and valleys of the state and people are still living with fear under the draconian law,” he said. “The people of the state will not be able to lead a peaceful life so long as there is AFSPA,” he said. When there was no right to live, there would be no meaning of indepen dence, he added. He demanded that all black laws must be repealed and there should be no op pression of any forms and imperialism should stop. Earlier, students and people from various sec tions of the society turned up at the memorial site of the Pebam Chitaranjan in Imphal’s Kwakeithel and offered floral tributes. District units of the MSF also remembered the anti-AFSPA crusader at their Bishnupurlevel. district unit of MSF,with other district branch of student bodies, observed the day at the district headquarters where Pebam self-immolated at Bishnupur Bazar.
Mizoram creates ‘World Record’ for seizure of exotic animals
rested seven cadres of the PLA in a day-long operation in vari ous places in the valley districts. The police linked the activi ties of the seven cadres arrested earlier with the five cadres arrest ed today. The police alleged that the arrested five cadres were also involved in various bomb blasts and attacks on non-Manipuris in the recent time. The police said that as per the inputs provided by the AR, some PLA cadres had planned to trigger explosives to disturb the Independence Day celebra tion under the instruction of its self-styled Lt Colonel Rishikanta @ Ranbir.Theinputs further stated that the cadres were also plan ning to target non-local people in various valley districts of the state, and for this purpose, arms and explosives had been transported from Moreh and de posited at a house in the Tentha area of the district. The police source alleged that the arrested cadres were involved in an IED blast at Durga Mandir at Telepati in Imphal East on May 13, 2022 and also another blast at Khong jom Sapam in Thoubal on May 30, 2022The arrested cadres along with the seized items were hand ed over to Khongjom police sta tion of Thoubal district where a case was lodged against them. Amidst these develop ments, RPF, the armed wing of PLA, in an email statement to day, clarified that the seven individuals arrested by the security forces on August 13 are not cadres of the outfit and not related and have nothing to do with the activities of RPF or its armed wing PLA. Five cadres of PLA arrested by security forces in Manipur along with seized hand grenades. disputed Assam-Arunachal border area.
M’laya BJP optimisitc to lead govt in 2023
It has come to my notice that some unscrupulous fraudsters are trying to mortgage my land at Walford Area near Northern Angami Colony, Dimapur, covered by Patta No. 84, Block No.11, Mouza 1 under Dag No. 171 and 146 for an area of 05-03-00. I declare that no part of the above land is for sale nor mortgage nor lease. Anyone doing so without the express knowledge of the undersigned will be doing so at his/her own risk and the undersigned will bear no responsibilities whatsoever.

SRINAGAR, AUG 16 (PTI): Terrorists shot dead a Kashmiri Pandit and injured his brother on Tuesday at an apple orchard in Jammu and Kashmir’s Shopian district, which had seen similar at tacks on the minority com munity in April. The victim Sunil Ku mar Pandit had gone with his brother Pitambar Nath Pandit alias Pintu to his orchard in Chotigam village of Shopian along with their cattle when they were at tacked with AK-47 assault rifle. “Terrorists fired upon civilians in an apple or chard in Chotipora area of #Shopian. One person died and one injured. Both belong to minority commu nity. Injured person has been shifted to hospital. Area #cordoned off. Further de tails shall follow,” a police spokespersonAccordingtweeted.topolice of ficials, two terrorists came to the orchard in the forenoon. While one started firing with his AK-47 rifle on the brothers, the other captured the act on his mobile phone camera.Sunil Kumar, who leaves behind four daugh ters and his wife, died on the spot, and his brother was battling for life at an army hospital here. Terrorists had struck in the same village in April when they opened fire on Kashmiri Pandit chemist Balkrishen Bhat alias Sonu Kumar, who miraculously escaped death. He was in jured and remained in hos pital for a long period. After the incident, the administration had assured that the presence of security forces where minorities were living would be increased. There has been a sud den spike in attacks on mi norities, labourers and po lice personnel in the valley since the beginning of this year. The death toll in tar geted attacks has gone up to 21 this year which includes two Kashmiri Pandits. An obscure Kashmir Freedom Fighter group claimed responsibility for the attack but security forces believe it to be an act by the terrorists of banned Jaish-eMohammed.Heated arguments were witnessed outside the residence of the victim when officials from the adminis tration visited the family. The brother of Balkrishen Bhat confronted the officials and accused them of failing in their duties to ensure the safety of minorities.
Bihar CM Nitish Kumar with Dy CM Tejashwi Yadav, HAM-S Chief Jitan Ram Manjhi and RJD leader Rabri Devi during the swearing-in ceremony of Bihar Cabinet Ministers at in Patna. (PTI)
wrong sense. He had spoken specifically with respect to some cooperative related is sue. Things are fine, there is no problem,” Bommai told reportersWhenhere.told that several of his cabinet colleagues are upset and are criticising Madhuswamy, he said, “I will talk to all of them.....”
PATNA, AUG 16 (PTI): Chief Minister Nitish Ku mar expanded his new cabi net on Tuesday by inducting 31 new ministers, including a huge contingent of 16 from key ally RJD, taking care to give due representation to all sections of society, including minorities.Ofthe council of min isters, 11 are from Chief Minister Nitish Kumar’s JD(U), two from Congress and one from ex-CM Jitan Ram Manjhi’s HAM, be sides an TheIndependent.swearingin took place at Raj Bhavan, where Governor Phagu Chauhan administered oath of office to the inductees in batches of five and six. Kumar and Deputy CM Tejashwi Prasad Yadav, who had been sworn in earlier on August 10, were among those present. RJD president Lalu Prasad’s elder son Tej Pratap Yadav enjoyed a pride of place, as the second-term MLA took oath in the first batch, alongside party vet eran Alok Mehta, JD(U) heavyweights Vijay Kumar Chaudhary and Bijendra Yadav and Mohd Afaque Alam of the Congress. The mercurial MLA was, however, uncharac teristically solemn and no sooner than the CM arrived at the Rajendra Mandapam hall before the swearing in commenced, Yadav got up to greet the latter by touch ing his feet. Kumar blessed the maverick leader, keep ing whom on a tight leash could be a challenge, before proceeding to have a chat with Tejashwi, the younger but more mature sibling on whose shoulders lies the burden of keeping family feud and unruly party cad res under check. The new cabinet, predictably, has a sizeable number of Yadavs and Muslims, though mem bers of other sections of the society also find a place. Three of the ministers are women – Sheela Kumari and Leshi Singh (both JDU) and Anita Devi (RJD).
BENGALURU, AUG 16 (PTI): With a Karnataka Minister’s alleged remarks that the “government is not functioning, we are some how managing”, causing an embarrassment to his administration, Chief Min ister Basavaraj Bommai on Tuesday tried to do damage control by stating that the comments were made in a “different context”. He also said that he will talk to other Ministers, who are upset about the re marks made by the Law and Parliamentary Affairs Min ister J C Madhuswamy, and have openly expressed their displeasure against therecontexttext.hadtonirathnaHorticulturefrommentsMadhuswamy’shim.comhavedrawncriticismsomeMinisters,withMinisterMuevenadvisinghimquittheMinistry.“He(Madhuswamy)saidinadifferentconIwilltalktohim.Thewasdifferent,soisnoneedtotakeitina
For more details please visit BARC website or The facility of online application will be opened from 17.08.2022 to 12.09.2022 Government of India Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Personnel Division LAST DATE FOR RECEIPT OF APPLICATION: 12.09.2022 Post Name of posts Unit No. of Posts ST UR DR/01 Nurse/A BARC 01 00 04 01 07 13 DR/02 BARC 00 00 01 00 01 02 DR/03 01 00 03 02 02 08 DR/04 BARC 00 00 00 00 01 01 DR/05 BARC 00 01 01 00 02 04 DR/06 BARC & 02 01 02 01 02 08 TOTAL 04 02 11 04 15 36 Advertisement No. 05/2022(R-I) eãÀHe³ee DeefOeJeÀ peeveJeÀejer JesÀ efueS YeeHeDe JeWÀê JesÀ JesyemeeFì ³ee osKeW~ Dee@veueeFve DeeJesove keÀer megefJeOee 17.08.2022 mes 12.09.2022 lekeÀ Kegueer jnWieer ~ dc-927/22 F.No.4(4)/2021-P&PW(H) Government of India Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare 3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi ****************** Registration of Pensioners Associations under the Pensioners’ Portal Scheme This Department intends to register 10 Central Government Pensioners’ Associations to assist the Department in implementation of objectives envisaged under the Pensioners Portal Scheme. The Criteria for selection and other details are available on this Department’s portal website
A purported phone conversation between Mad huswamy and Bhaskar, a Channapatna-based social worker, had gone viral on Saturday. “We are not run ning a government here, we are just managing, pulling through for the next 7-8 months,” Madhuswamy can be heard telling Bhaskar in response to his complaints against a cooperative bank, with respect to some farm ers’ issues.Inthe purported phone conversation, while responding to the social worker’s complaint, the Minister can be heard even expressing “helplessness” over Cooperation Minister S T Somashekar’s “inaction”. “I know these issues. I’ve brought this to the no tice of Somashekhar. He is not taking action. What to do?” Madhuswamy can be heard saying. Somashekar has hit out at Madhuswamy over his comments, saying, “He (Madhuswamy) feels that he is the only intelligent person, he has to remove it from his head first.” Minister Munirathna has said, Madhuswamy should resign from the Min istry immediately, before making such a statement.
The Central Government Pensioners’ Associations desirous of being associated with the Pensioners Portal may send their details and relevant documents as indicated on the website referred to above. (Ashok Kumar Singh)’ Under SecretarycBc/32301/12/0001/2223 GOVERNMENT OF NAGALAND OFFICE OF THE CHIEF VETERINARY & A.H OFFICER ZUNHEBOTO : NAGALAND NO.ZV/EST-2/ADV/2/2005/210 Zbto, Dt. the 12th Aug. 2022 ADVERTISEMENT Applications are invited to fill up a post under the establishment of chief Veterinary & A.H. Officer, Zunheboto: Sl.No. Name of the Post QualificationEdn. Place Vacancyof No. of Post 1 Bull attendant cl-VIII Passed VHc Akuhaito 1 (One) Hence, interested persons are hereby informed to submit application with relevant documents to cVO Office Zunheboto during office hours on or before 11th of September 2022. The date of interview has been fixed on 16th of September 2022, 11:00 a.m. in the office chamber of the deputy commissioner, Zunheboto. No separate calling letter would be issued for the above mentioned interview. Further, the selection board reserves the right to cancel, postpone and reschedule the date and venue of the exam in the event of unforeseen circumstances. Further, the appointment will be subject to the approval of the directorate of A.H & Veterinary Services, Nagaland, Kohima. (Dr. Meyatoshi Aier) chief Veterinary & A.H Officer Zunheboto : NagalanddP-3877/22 GOVERNMENT OF NAGALAND MOTOR VEHICLES DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE TRANSPORT COMMISSIONER KOHIMA – 797004, NAGALAND e-mail: NO.Tc/MV-73/2019/ date 11th August, 2022.
Applications are invited from Professionals of indigenous inhabitants of Nagaland for filling up ten (10) posts at various capacities for the Vehicle Location Tracking System (VLTS) for a duration of 1 (one) year from the date of engagement which may be extended on yearly basis subject to performance for a maximum of 5 (five) years. The engagement is purely for implementation of Project “Deployment of Vehicle Location Tracking (VLT) System as per AIS 140 standards in Public Service Vehicles in the State of Nagaland under Nirbhaya Framework” Sl No. Position RenumerationMonthly (Rs.) No(s) Positionof 1. Manager 40,000.00/- 1 2. control centre Operator 25,000.00/- 6 3. VLT device Installer 20,500.00/- 3 For further details, please visit
Kejriwal promises free education if AAP elected to power in Gujarat
BHUJ, AUG 16 (PTI): In another pre-poll guarantee for Gujarat, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday announced free and quality education to the people of the poll-bound state and auditing of private schools if the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) was elected to power in the year-end Assembly elections.The AAP convener also promised to improve infrastructure of the existing government schools and open new ones in large numbers across the state if his party comes to power in the state currently ruled by the“AllBJP.those born in Gujarat will get free and quality education. We will not force anybody. If parents have money, they can send their kids to private schools. But if they do not have money, we will not let the lack of money come in the way of good educa tion for their kids. We will provide them best education for free,” he said at a town hall meeting Kejriwalhere.said if the AAP forms the next government in Gujarat, all private schools will be audited and made to return “extra money” collected from parents like what has been done in Delhi, where his party is in power. The Delhi CM said an AAP government will ensure that the prac tice of private schools selling textbooks and uniforms to students is stopped forthwith. When the AAP forms a government in Gujarat, service of teachers working on a contract basis will be regularised and they will be offered job security, he said.
awaz Alam (all RJD). Com paratively, the last Nitish Ku mar cabinet in alliance with BJP, had as Muslim repre sentation Senior BJP leader Syed Shahnawaz Hussain besides Zama Khan. The sizeable number of Muslims and Yadavs, apparently, led BJP national spokesman Sanjay Mayukh to allege “this is not a cabinet headed by Nitish Kumar. It bears the imprint of Tejash wi Yadav. We will expose the inherent contradictions of this opportunistic alliance”. Although a pro-OBC bias was expected in the al liance dominated by RJD and JD(U), both owing their rise to the Mandal agitation, members of the upper castes also find a Whileplace.Vijay Kumar Chaudhary and RJD debu tant Kartikeya Singh are Bhumihars, Leshi Singh (JDU), Sumit Kumar Singh (Indpendent) and Sudhakar Singh (RJD) are Rajputs. Sanjay Kumar Jha of JD(U) is represntative of the Brah mins.
Rajnath hands over key military systems to Army to boost combat capability in Ladakh
NEW DELHI, AUG (16): Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Tuesday handed over to the Army a wide range of indigenous mili tary equipment including unmanned aerial systems and quick reaction fighting vehicles to crank up its com bat capabilities in eastern Ladakh in the backdrop of the prolonged border faceoff withTheChina.other key equip ment that the Army re ceived included surveillance hardware, patrolling boats, ‘Future Infantry Soldier as a System’, a new antipersonnel mine --Landtwoeralwithviewinesstoofthethermaltemsystem,automaticityinfantry-protected‘Nipun’,mobilvehicles,ruggedandcommunicationupgradedsightssysfortanksandadvancedimagers.Thehandingoverofnewequipmentwaspartthegovernment’seffortsenhancethecombatreadofthearmedforcesinofthemilitarystandoffChinesetroopsinsevfrictionpointsforoveryears.ThenewboatsingCraftAssault (LCA)--equipped with ad vanced surveillance gadgets and other equipment are be ing deployed to keep a strict vigil over the Pangong Tso lake in eastern Ladakh. The 134-km-long lake at an altitude of 13,900 feet is considered strategically significant. China controls around two-thirds of the lake. Last year, the Army had ordered 12 LCA boats to strengthen its existing fleets of “Thevessels.LCA is much more versatile and has over come the limitations of launch, speed and capacity. It has enhanced the capa bility to operate across the water obstacles in eastern Ladakh,” the defence min istry Itsaid.said the infantryprotected mobility vehicles and assault boats will enable the troops deployed along the borders to respond to any “challenge in a befitting manner”.
Karnataka Minister’s remarks ‘we are somehow managing’ embarrasses govt J C Madhuswamy Bihar cab expansion: 31 ministers inducted
There are altogether seven Yadavs from RJD, in cluding the two sons of Lalu Prasad, besides Bijendra Yadav of the JD(U). Others from the popu lous caste group in Bihar in clude Lalit Yadav, Surendra Prasad, IsrailandAfaque–draRamanandChandrashekhar,YadavandJitenKumarRai.TherearefiveMuslimsZamaKhan(JDU),MohdAlam(Congress)MohdShamim,MohdMansuriandShahn
Rajnath Singh hands over indigenously-developed Hand Held Thermal Imager (Uncooled) to Indian Army in New Delhi. (PTI) Terrorists gun down Kashmiri Pandit, injure brother Pintu Kumar, a Kashmiri Pandit who was shot at by militants, being treated at a hospital, in J&K’s Shopian district. (PTI)

Reader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the columns do not reflect the view of this newspaper nor that of the Editor in any manner. Post-mortem OPINION/EDITORIAL6 Nagaland Post VOL. XXXII NO. 252 DIMAPUR, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 2022 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 2022
It is not just the states The Union government expenditure on redistribution schemes in 2021-22 was ap proximately Rs 10.5 trillion. It spent Rs 4.63 trillion on food and fertiliser subsidies, Rs 1.36 trillion on direct income transfer schemes (including PM Kisan), Rs 1.26 trillion on schemes of jobs and employment (including the MGNREGA), Rs 2.98 tril lion on in-kind benefit transfer schemes, and Rs 0.26 trillion on indirect benefit schemes such as Fasal Bima Yojana. The expenditure on bailing out banks, telecom companies, Air India, industrial subsidies, etc. was additional. Let there be a public debate Welfare schemes are power ful means to reach out to people and convert them into a votebank. Both the Union and state governments use these, in fact they Therecompete.isnothing intrinsically wrong in political parties promis ing to spend public resources on public welfare schemes. The debate, however, should widen. The recipients of these benefits, the taxpayers, who fund these expenditures, the academics, the government and non-government agencies, and other stakeholders should join in this debate.
Money comes to nowhere
Does He Know Me?
Welfare or freebies; a debate will separate wheat from chaff
(From previous issue...) In Nagaland, Central or State’s Government job is the yellow road that more than 90% of the students undertake which leads most to downfall since there can only be so much available vacancies. There are no major defin ing forked roads. Granted that numbers of young sters choose to become businesspeople and con tractors through their own merits and visions - which reduces unemployment, yet majority of typicalthinking-students are left standing when the beats stop in metamorphical musical chairs game, be fuddled in the middle of nowhere.What’s the height of insanity? To mildly put it, it’s doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a differ ent result. Conventional jobs vacancies may have worked one upon a time but it is no longer suffi cient. And people, let me tell you that the present
Subhash Chandra Garg, cur rently Chief Policy Adviser, Subhanjali, is former Union Finance Secretary, and author of “The $10 Trillion Dream” (As published in Moneycontrol)
The most critical question is which of the government schemes serve the cause of public welfare, and which are ‘freebies’. Anatomy of welfare ex penditures No one will disagree that it is the primary duty of the government to take care of the poor and the vulnerable. Aged and infirm people, specially-abled, people in need of health services, destitute without food — all deserve the govern ment’sTheresupport.are many schemes to meet this objective — old age pensions, free medical aid and in surance schemes run by both the Centre and many states, and so on. These are justifiable welfare expenditures — not ‘freebies’. The governments also need to take care of positive and negative spill-overs, termed merit goods and services, with fiscal expenditures. An individual af fected by COVID-19 virus is a risk toByneighbours.vaccinating people against deceases and viruses, the governments prevent nega tive spill-overs. Primary health services, including mohalla clin ics, are unquestionably justifiable on thisExpenditureconsideration.on universal literacy, primary education, etc. spread positive externalities. At the core of general dis gust against ‘freebies’ is the feeling that many government schemes benefit undeserving people. Subsidies to industrial ists, expenditures on bailing out loss-making PSUs, providing free/subsidised electricity, fer tilisers and loan wavers for eco nomically well-off farmers and others are definitely ‘freebies’. Some schemes serve welldeserved poor also provide free bies — for example, Rs 6,000 under PM KISAN scheme is provided to government servants, and rich farmers as well. Similar is the case under Telangana’s Rayatu Bandhu scheme. There is one class of public expenditures where targeting public welfare to deserving poor presents some design problems. The government needs to provide a backup for the work ers who lose job for whatever reasons. Programmes such as the MGNREGA are modelled on self-selection to resolve the issue. Universalising electricity ac cess under programmes such as SAUBHGYA and free electricity up to a defined number of units to the poor offer another way to resolve such contradictions. While there are good prin ciples to investigate the design of welfare schemes to determine their true nature, public welfare or freebie, there is indeed a good challenge to sift wheat from chaff and callout ‘freebies’.
Viketo Nihokhe Sumi, Purana Bazar, viketo06@gmail.comDimapur
He calls his own…by name… —John 10:3 When I have sadly misunderstood Him? (see John 20:11-18). It is possible to know all about doctrine and still not know Jesus. A person’s soul is in grave danger when the knowledge of doctrine surpasses Jesus, avoiding intimate touch with Him. Why was Mary weeping? Doctrine meant no more to her than the grass under her feet. In fact, any Pharisee could have made a fool of Mary doctrinally, but one thing they could never ridicule was the fact that Jesus had cast seven demons out of her (see Luke 8:2); yet His blessings were nothing to her in comparison with knowing Jesus Himself. “…she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, and did not know that it was Jesus….Jesus said to her, ‘Mary!’” (John 20:14, 16). Once He called Mary by her name, she immediately knew that she had a personal history with the One who spoke. “She turned and said to Him, ‘Rabboni!’ ” (JohnWhen20:16).Ihave stubbornly doubted? (see John 20:24-29). Have I been doubting something about Jesus— maybe an experience to which others testify, but which I have not yet experienced? The other disciples said to Thomas, “We have seen the Lord” (John 20:25). But Thomas doubted, saying, “Unless I see…I will not believe” (John 20:25). Thomas needed the personal touch of Jesus. When His touches will come we never know, but when they do come they are inde scribably precious. “Thomas…said to Him, ‘My Lord and my God!’ ” (John 20:28). When I have selfishly denied Him? (see John 21:15-17). Peter denied Jesus Christ with oaths and curses (see Matthew 26:69-75), and yet after His resurrection Jesus appeared to Peter alone. Jesus restored Peter in private, and then He re stored him publicly before the others. And Peter said to Him, “Lord…You know that I love You” (John 21:17). Do I have a personal history with Jesus Christ? The one true sign of discipleship is intimate oneness with Him— a knowledge of Jesus that nothing can shake.
It has been quite some time since government em ployees in Nagaland have not been paid salaries regularly and on time since every effort is made to pay them even if it means having do take a bit from here and there. When salaries were not releases, the government informed that it had sent orders to all departments to release salaries on the first of every month. The delay, according to a government source was due to some technicalities as all requirements were sent to the Treasury and Accounts on the thir tieth day and this time it fell on June 30. When the technical problems overran the period to the second week, the government had to come out with an assur ance that all salaries will be released from August 16. However, there was rider that this would depend on the State government’s resources position as it only receives revenue deficit grant and share of Central taxes at different periods. The state government has also admitted that the budget will close with a nega tive balance of Rs 2,212.74 crore due to the negative opening balance. Nagaland has been the recipient of huge central funds over the decades since 2003 that began with a gigantic one-time grant of Rs.365 crore peace bonus. This bonus wiped out around Rs.225 crore deficit left behind by the previous government and resulted in unparalleled positive balance of around Rs.140 crore for 2003-04. However, by the succeed ing annual financial year the state again fell under the deficit trap. It may be noted that over and above the huge peace bonus, the Vajpayee government had pumped in hundreds of crores for various projects in the state. Nagaland has witnessed many projects that have sprouted across the landscape but these projects have become the conduits for making money through multiplication of estimated projects. Sadly, against the flood of money, roads, except in Dimapur and Kohima, are not at all something to be proud of. The govern ment has been making much about achievements with publications of colorful brochures that have become an annual affair and of course at huge cost to the depart ments. If the beautifully printed booklets were even half factual, it would have made a lot of difference on the lives of the ordinary people. The worst facet of financial mismanagement is the fact that Nagaland has an outstanding of around Rs.15,620.8 crore bor rowed from the market. The total outstanding liabilities (debt) of Nagaland Government have been gradually increasing and stood at Rs 15,620.8 crore as of March 2022, informed data provided by the Union Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman in the Lok Sabha on July 25. Among the North-East State, Assam had the highest outstanding liabilities at Rs 1,07,719.5 crore while Tripura was on the second at Rs 23,624.5 crore. Nagaland was third among the NE States. These loans will have to be repaid when due and that will also lead to cuts from the source at the finance ministry. While Assam has gas, oil, rubber tea for earning revenue, Tripura has thermal power as source for revenue. Nagaland could have had oil but that will be a delayed process. Unfortunately, coal is being mined unscientifi cally by landowners who have become pawns at the hands of coal mafia in Assam and Bihar. It is time that the finance portfolio is specifically allotted to a minister having some knowledge about commerce or account ing so that the minister will be able to devote time to monitor financial management. Quotes
Shivaji Sarkar
The election commission (EC) is not the right institution to pronounce judgment on welfare programmes, or to stop undeserv ing freebies.TheEC can, however, be asked to prescribe a declaration form for all political parties to file details of the welfare programmes they espouse, the beneficiaries targeted, the scale of proposed assistance, the likely cost to the exchequer, and how the expenditure will be funded. This will provide a sound basis for an informed debate. The Supreme Court admit tedly does not get into the thicket of policy issues. Welfare schemes and ‘freebies’ are classical ques tions of public policy. Besides asking the EC to prescribe the declaration on public welfare programmes, the court can also ask the Union gov ernment to task another finance commission, which would be constituted shortly, to examine the welfare programmes of both the Centre and the states, quan tify actual expenditures thereon, and classify these expenditures into public welfare and ‘freebies’.
Major veritable step to thwart unemployment in Nagaland
The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me. ~ Ayn Rand T he corporate know how to invest and reap dividends. Long before a sleuth could know, the investments in JD-U’s fortune were soaring. Yes it is the party with donations of Rs 160 crore in a short span, largest among regional parties for past some time. Its luck smiled long be fore it was known to change its alliance partner in Bihar this month and Nitish Ku mar formed the government with RJD dumping the BJP. If the donations were in anticipation of the miracle, the donors must be compli mented for their foresight and speculative capacity. Having been with BJP, Nit ish Kumar realises the im portance of the purse in a volatile political situation. The JD-U chief minis ter Nitish Kumar received Rs 60.15 crore, the highest donation among 54 regional parties, in 2020-21 as per figures submitted to the Election Commissioner. It was followed by DMK – Rs 33.99 crore and AAP –11.32 crore, Indian Union Muslim League Rs 4.16 crore, Telangana Rashtra Samithi Rs 4.15 crore. Even Samajwadi Party with Rs 50.44 crore before the UP elections in 2020-21 was a laggard.With the maximum number of donations dur ing FY 2020-21, JD(U) declared 58 donations from corporate/business sectors amounting to Rs 60 crore while 272 individual donors donated Rs 90.60 lakh to Bihar CM Nitish Kumar’s party.It has not stopped there. In Februrary 2022, JD-U Bi har president Umesh Kush waha announced that during a fortnight of starting fundraising campaign, it received Rs 100 crore as donation from, “leaders, supporters and workers showed the popularity of Chief Minister Nitish Kumar”. He hoped at that time that by March the party would get Rs 300 crore. It was not confirmed. With regard to the total amount of donations, the Shiv Sena leads with Rs 62.859 crore from 436 dona tions, followed by the All India Anna Dravida Munne tra Kazhagam (AIADMK), which has declared receiving Rs 52.17 crore from three donations.In2019-20, corporate and business donated Rs 931.95 crore to national parties. The BJP had the highest with Rs 720.4 crore. At Rs 4847 crore, BJP has the highest assets among top sevenTheparties.Congress was a distant second, with Rs 55.36 crore received from 151 corporate donors. During the two-year period, the report said that the BJP and Congress’s vol untary contributions above Rs 20,000 from corporate or business houses were 94 percent and 81 percent respectively.Inthiskind of scenario, the JD-U has seemingly changed its tack. It appar ently has systemregulartroducedinalevyonits leaders, officebearers and other workers. Even Deputy Chairman Rajya Sabha Harivansh Narayan Rai is regularly contributing to it. But it has never been averse to corporate dona tions. The importance of money, particularly which can be converted into loose cash, is a significant political need. It helps the party in its penetration to different areas, influence its sup porters, organise various other activities in an easy manner. That JD-U has ambition and its leader Nit ish Kumar pines to become a key political player is no secret. In such operations, seeking donations is nor mal. Among its corporate donors are groups from Bihar, West Bengal, Delhi, Noida and Mumbai among otherPoliticalplaces. parties are associations of people who are working for the nation and its populace. Often the rules of donations have been changed. Former prime minister Indira Gandhi had totally banned it. But it was not found to be practical. In 2016, the concept bondscorporateanonymousofwas issued. There are still con cerns and changes may be likely.In such scenario, anon ymous bonds supposedly keep the donors identity a secret. Technically it is so but in reality may not be. It shows a corporate tilt for parties in power. There are expectations for the party as well as the donors. Seek ing favours may be easy but obliging in a structured framework is never easy. But corporate are known to have flourished with the proximity they have with the powers that be. An Asian house recently donates a huge sum to major Aus tralian parties and got the business foothold. So the expectations for the rise the JD-U are natural. The recent move by Nitish Kumar is seemingly appreciated by the corporate group. Despite it being not so big an event in the panIndian canvas, it has been a major deviation from usual one-sided political develop ment. It has given a jolt to many players, who want to be at the right side of any political dispensation. Busi ness leaders despite being sceptical do not rule out a change. They are silent but have reportedly activated the systems to take care of their Donationsinterests. do not es tablish a direct quid pro quo. However, the proxim ity it allows help curry out favours not only to the party but individual leaders who shape the party. The percep tional aspects change how a favour would be carried out or not. Bihar elections are three years away but the Lok Sabha polls less than two years from now may see a keen tussle. The JD-U moves may be keenly watched and help it gain more financial support from a larger catchment area. Apart Nitish KumarTejasvi Yadav duo have to take steps to change the economic fundamentals of Bihar with more invest ments. That would be an op portunity for the corporate to grab. Those who believe that it is hinged with only the Lok Sabha polls may not be right. The overall well-being of Bihar has a lot to do with the fortunes of the new BihartoBihar.changesunlesslikely,thetrieddaringthestoryrompformayclout.increase,hisbeyondthetoModiPrimehastoopportunityalliance.MahagathbandhanThisisasingulartheyhavegotprovethemselves.NitishKumarnomorebenefitoftheauraofMiniserNarendratosailthrough.HehasbuildthenewallianceaschangemodelmaybeBihar.IfitsucceedsdonationkittywouldandsomighthisButifhecannotitbearun-awaysuccesshisopponentswhomightBiharandelsewhere.TheNitish’sdonationissignificanttodayforsuccessornotofthenewmodelthathehastosetup.Mereriseindonations,whichismostmaynotbeenoughitbitespoliticallyandtheoverallcourseofItwillbeinterestingwatchhowthewavesofsweepthecourse.
JD-U funds leap Bihar be a change model!
P rime Minister Narendra Modi’s discomfiture with ‘populist’ schemes led to formulation of the ToR ‘control or lack of it in incurring expendi ture on populist measures’ for the 15th Finance Commission (FC) in 2017. The ‘populist measures’ of the 15th FC mandate have metamorphosed into ‘freebies’ and ‘revadis’ now. The 15th FC unfortunately did not identify or quantify ‘pop ulist measures’. Neither did it call out the states which splurged or controlled expenditure on popu list schemes.Onapetition filed by a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader-advocate, the Supreme Court (SC) expressed its angst at freebies culture in India. The union government has under standably supported the petition by pontificating that freebies will lead to economic disaster. The SC appears keen on constituting an expert committee to make recommendations in this important public policy matter. Governments, both at the Centre and states, spend sub stantial public funds on myriad ‘welfare’ and ‘freebies’ schemes; many targeted at deserving sec tions of society, and many not so.
structural and numbers of allocated government jobs can never house the entire unemployed bodies. Nor can founding more Government Departments solve this issue. Now, let me get to the sole heart of the ar ticle. Central Government have been inventive, im parting arrays of free or partly financed at mod erately priced technical diplomas to unemployed party, helping them set up a productive and resource ful environment in society. These programmes are genuinely advantageous which have helped mil lions of our countrymen and women make a mark in their lives. But such res ervations doesn’t amount to any adequacy when the reserved numbers of des ignated seats drips down to StateAdditionally,level. our State Government have also been promoting such dynamism on top of Cen tral’s undertakings and such acts truly deserved appreciation. Our govern ment have hit a jackpot in this particular arena. Imparting technical and practical skills packaged into diplomas have helped hundreds of unemployed people gain rightful jobs and set up their own es tablishments through bank loans, backed by their in fused diplomas. But I don’t project that it’s enough and there’s a wider range of areas that can be out reached.More articulate mea sures of practical diplo mas in more viable fields should be announced, so that thousands of Nagas can stop seeking minimum wages at a dead-end job, thousands of miles away from our WhatStatehood.moreour gov ernment can do is to pro vide fairly and enterprising business atmosphere to foreign or other Indian states to establish many major assembling centers at competitive prices. Cut ting down state taxes to production factories with the help of a veteran and skillful accountants ben efitting both private sectors as well as the state and bringing a major change to our economy too. Our government should also start imparting more basic techinical skills to unemployed masses. Its not a myth but a fact that larger international corpo rations are at constantly scouting for Asian towns and cities where techni cians and skilled workers can be amassed locally, where they can set their base. Commercially, it is sound, looking from every dimensions, than flying in experienced workers from all corners of the world. Additionally, manpower is enormously cheaper than the advanced countries. Wherever in Asia it may be, if corporations find enough skilled technicians flocking together in any locality, they are prone to come with lucrative proposals.Here, I don’t sin gularly mean to attract foreign companies but national enterprises also. Now is the era when we need an extremely canny and modulating government - government that doesn’t capitulate when we hit a hard wall but breakthrough it by revitalizing and revamping critical sectors and ideally equipping the unemployed with skills that the present generation demands, after surveying through micro scopicApartglass.from imparting practical skills in various areas to the unemployed masses, state government should start encouraging youths after 8th and 10th standard students into practical skills if they are not interested in further formal education. I am certain such steps can be rewarding not for only a segment but overall community. It gives youngsters a sense of accomplishments and accountability instead of being a nuisance to the community with no pur pose but unending free time.The critical stand point of my article is: We need more and more State Government funded diplomas in every field imaginable that can sus tain a living for individu als by marketing their skills rather than being complacent applying for government jobs that they keep on falling on and on, regardless.Moreimportantly, we need Ministers and Advi sors who don’t merely de pend on State’s Taxes and Central Grants but those that are charismatic and diplomatic enough to build a profitable relationship on both sides with other states and even foreign counter parts with the consent of the Central Government; also attracting foreign aids in our state through states manship’s endeavour and responsibility.

NEW DELHI, AUG 16 (PTI): Opposition parties on Tuesday hit out at Prime Minister Narendra Modi over the release of 11 people convicted for rape and mur der in the Bilkis Bano case of 2002 Gujarat riots within hours of his praise for “Nari Shakti” in Independencethe Day speech and alleged that this is the “real face” of ‘’New India” under the BJP. They said the remission for the convicts, serving life imprisonment for the gang rape of a pregnant Bilkis Bano and murder of seven of her family members, was a violation of the Centre’s guidelines and demanded withdrawal of the order. The convicts, who were also charged with killing the pregnant Muslim woman’s three-year-old daughter, were welcomed with sweets and garlands outside the jail on Monday. Congress spokesperson Pawan Khera said Prime Minister Modi should tell the country if he himself believed in his words when he spoke about the safety, respect and em powerment of women. “The BJP government in Gujarat released 11 con victs in the Bilkis Bano gang rape case. This decision brings out the BJP govern ment’s mindset,” he told reporters. He also referred to the Kathua and Unnao cases and said it embarrasses everyone in politics when office-bearers and support ers of a national political party are seen taking out a rally in favour of rapists on the streets.“Yesterday, from the ramparts of the Red Fort, the prime minister spoke big things about women’s safety, women’s power, women’s respect. A few hours later the Gujarat government released those behind the rape. We also saw that the convicts in the rape who were released are being hon oured. Is this the Amrit Ma hotsav,” Khera said. “The Congress asks the prime minister to tell the country that what he said from the ramparts of the Red Fort were merely words, as he himself did not believe in his words.
ers to mark ‘Azadi Ka Am rit Mahotsav’ (75 years of Independence), the Centre issued guidelines to states. Rape convicts are listed among those who are not to be granted release under this policy. She said the Gujarat government’s release order is shocking, shameful and condemnable.“Ofwhat value is the prime minister’s statements for women’s dignity from the ramparts of the Red Fort when his own party-led gov ernment shows such crimi nal partisanship towards rapists and murderers. The order must be immediately rescinded,” she said. “The murder of a Dalit child for drinking water from an ‘upper caste’ pot in an RSS-run school in Rajast han and the release of eleven rape and murder convicts in Gujarat in the Bilkis Bano case tell us that something is truly rotten in the state of India after 75 years of freedom!,” said CPI (ML) general secretary Dipankar Bhattacharya.Aspecial CBI court in Mumbai on January 21, 2008, sentenced the 11 ac cused to life imprisonment on charges of gang rape and murder in the Bilkis Bano case of the 2002 Gujarat riots. Their conviction was later upheld by the Bombay High Court.
ing that all groups, namely the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM), Al-Badar and Harkat-ulMujahideen, are running camps there. The Manshera cluster has camps at Boi, Balakot, Garhi Habibullah. The Muzzafarabad cluster has camps at Chela bandi, Shawainala, Abdul lah Bin Masood and Dulai. The 3 POK brigade of Pak army is coordinating the activities of Sensa, Kotli, Gulpur, Fagosh and Dubgi camps of Kotli cluster. Sources say the camps mainly work as feeders for launch pads in the forward areas. The forward areas are 2-3 km close to the Line of Control (LOC) in Gurez, Kel, Neelum Valley, Tang dhar, Uri Chakoti, Gulmarg, Poonch, Rajouri, Naushera and Sundarbani sector. At the camps, youths recruited from Pakistan’s Punjab are trained in use of arms and suicide attacks, sources had said. They move just before winter and over ground workers (OGW) from Srinagar work as their supervisors, said sources. The OGWs get the weapons sent by the ISI through drones. CNNNews18 had earlier spoken to a retired ISI officer, who, on condition of anonymity, had revealed their blueprint. According to the of ficer, the ISI was activating its ‘Mission Kashmir’ again for survival and importance in the region.
Terror activities in J&K to shoot up, Pak under pressure to violate CF: Sources
MUMBAI, AUG 16 (PTI): Maharashtra Cul tural Affairs Minister Sud hir Mungantiwar on Tues day said it was not manda tory for state government officials to say “Vande Mataram” while receiving phoneAnycalls.equivalent words reflecting nationalism can be used during phone calls, he said after facing criti cism from the opposition parties over the call.”usedinfuseVandeornotingTVisterwillformalyear.officesreceivingram”havetheandsaryMahotsavwasSundayMungantiwardirective.hadonsaidthecountrycelebratingtheAmrit(75thanniverofIndependence)henceallofficialsofstategovernmentwilltosay“VandeMatainsteadofhellowhilephonecallsintillJanuary26nextHehadalsosaidagovernmentorderbeoutbyAugust18.However,theminonTuesdaytoldachannelthat,“SayVandeMataramismandatory.AnywordwordsequivalenttoMataramwhichnationalismcanbewhilereceivingphone
CORNERSTONE HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL DUNCAN BASTI, DIMAPUR, NAGALAND POST VACANCY applications are invited from interested candidates for the following teaching post: Post Min. Qualification History Teacher Ma (History) with b.Ed applicants can email their resume and documents to – The last date for submission of online application will be 22nd August 2022. Only shortlisted candidates will be invited for the interview. For any enquiries, contact: 8798859818 dp-3882/22 dp-3879/22
GALAXY COACHING CENTRE (L.Chase Complex, Above ICICI Bank, Midland, DIMApur) Admission open For Class X & XII (Arts) Repeaters. Classes Started Girls Hostel Attached (Limited Seats) Contact : 9436002701, 9862227758 -811/22DC
A CRPF soldier stands guard in Srinagar. (PTI file) SHIVAMOGGA (KTK), AUG 16 (PTI): A man suspected to be involved in the stabbing of a garment shop employee here suffered injuries on Tuesday when police opened fire on him after he allegedly attacked them, while a right wing activist was assaulted in the city, a day after a two groups had a face-off over installing pictures of VD Savarkar and Tipu MohammedSultan. Zabiullah alias Charbi (aged 30), a resident of Marnami Bailu in this district headquarters town allegedly tried to at tack a police team that went to pick him up in connection with the attack on Prem Singh, who was stabbed on Monday, police said. Monday’s skirmish be tween the two groups saw the ruling BJP and the Con gress spar over the matter, even as the local MLA from the saffron party issued a warning against “Muslim Goondas”.Theinjured person is recovering in a hospital after the incident.According to police, Singh (20) was stabbed after two groups clashed over put ting up banners of Hindu tva icon Vinayak Damodar Savarkar and 18th century Mysuru ruler Tipu Sultan on Monday. Prohibitory orders un der section 144 of the IPC were imposed in the town. A case of attempt to murder was registered against Nadeem, Tanveer, Zabiullah and Abdul Rehm an in connection with the attack on Singh and they were Thearrested.district administra tion also declared holiday to schools and colleges in Bhadravati and Shivamogga towns today. On Tuesday morning, when a police team went to detain Zabi ullah, he allegedly tried to attackInthem.self-defence, subinspector Manjunath S Kuri of Vinoba Nagar police station shot in his right leg, police said, adding, Zabiul lah was rushed to a govern ment hospital, where he is recovering. Additional Director General of Police (Law and Order) Alok Ku mar told reporters the stab victim hails from Rajasthan and was an employee of a garment shop where the two groups clashed over putting up the pictures of Savarkar and TipuSinghSultan.wasnot involved in the clashes. “We have ar rested four people. We will interrogate them to find out any background and ideo logical support to them, or their ideological leanings,”
Congress questions govt over corporate tax cut Not mandatory to say Mataram’:‘VandeMin personnel7killedand32injuredassecuritybusfallsintogorgeinJ&K
NEW DELHI, AUG 16 (PTI): The Congress on Tuesday questioned the BJP government over corporate tax cut leading to a revenue loss of Rs 1.84 lakh crore and asked why the middle class was charged at peak tax rate of 30 percent against 22 percent for corporates. Congress spokesperson Gaurav Vallabh told report ers that the Government had claimed that Corporate Tax cut would help increase corporate tax collection but the parliamentary Com mittee on Estimates said in its report on August 8 that corporate tax cut of 2019 had resulted in a negative “revenue impact” of Rs 1.84 lakh crore. Vallabh said on September 20, 2019, the Government announced the corporate tax cut from a base rate of 30 percent to 22 percent for existing firms without exemptions/incen tives and from 18 percent to 15 percent for new manufac turing“Whatunits. is more impor tant for the Government during a pandemic taking a negative revenue impact of Rs 1.84 lakh crore in two years due to a corporate tax cut (Average Rs 92,000 crore per annum) or increasing the MGNREGA Budget to 2.26 times of the current allocation (Budget Estimate for FY23 in MGNREGA is Rs 73,000 crore),” he asked. “Why are such rate cuts limited to corporates, why the middle class is taxed at a peak income tax rate of 30 per cent (that too without setting off the expenses) and corporates at 15 percent or 22 percent,” he also asked. The Congress leader said after the corporate tax cut a new record was also made when corporate tax collection in 2020-21 was Rs 4,57,719 and fell below income tax collec tion of Rs 4,87,144 crore. For 2021-22, the cor porate tax cuts may give a revenue loss of more than Rs 1 lakh crore, sufficient for transferring Rs 20,000 per annum per family to the bot tom 20 percent of families, Vallabh claimed, asking, “What is more important”.
Rescue work underway after a bus carrying 39 personnel (37 from ITBP and 2 from J&K Police) skidded off a road. (PTI) Gaurav Vallabh
“Who is the real Nar endra Modi? The one who serves falsehood from the ramparts of the Red Fort or the one who gets his Gujarat government to re lease those behind rape. This Congress party and the country want to know,” the Congress leader asked. In a tweet, the CPI(M) also strongly condemned the re lease of the convicts, saying “this is the real face of New India -- convicted killers and rapists released” and activist Teesta Setalvad “who fought for justice was whoreleasedmassmurderedandinsaidspokespersonTrinamooljailed”.CongressSaketGokhaleBilkisBanowas“rapedthe2002Gujaratpogromherentirefamilywasandburiedinagrave”.“Gujaratgovthasnowall11monsterswereconvictedofthis
heinous crime. Where’s the outrage by people & the Noida media? Not even a whimper,” he tweeted. All India Majlis-e-Itte hadul Muslimeen (AIMIM) chief Asaduddin Owaisi also targeted Prime Minister Modi over their release. In his Independence Day speech, Modi had asked Indians to take a pledge not to do anything that low ers the dignity of women, Owaisi said. “He said some thing about supporting ‘Nari Shakti’.Gujarat BJP govt re leased criminals convicted of gang rape on the same day. The message is clear,” Owaisi tweeted. Bahujan Samaj Party MP Danish Ali also referred to the prime minister’s remarks and said the release of 11 convicts has exposed the huge gap between words and the spirit of justice.“The world is watch ing but who cares in ‘New India’?” he policyproposingonment.fromfromrape,excludingofvictsthatmemberCPI(M)tweeted.politburoBrindaKaratsaidthereleaseoftheconwasablatantviolationtheCentre’sguidelinethoseconvictedofgangrapeandmurderbenefitsofremissionafulllifetermimprisInJunethisyear,aspecialreleaseforconvictedprison
Convicts for Bilkis Bano’s gang-rape were welcomed with sweets and garlands outside the jail, Monday.
k-1877/22a db-890/22
Oppn PM over release of Bilkis case convicts
NEW DELHI, AUG 16 (AGENCIES): Pakistan is likely to increase terror activities in Jammu and Kashmir as terror outfits are pressuring the Army to violate ceasefire (CF), top intelligence sources told CNN-News18 Kotli,shera,KashmirofbeinggencebyhadsaidtoughIndiaLinewillmeansInfiltrationTalibanofandreturnedes,Muzzaffarabad,Peshawar,trainedinfiltration.stanareconfirmedcessedIntelligenceexclusively.inputsacbyCNN-News18thatthesegroupsputtingpressureonPakitoarrangefortheirAlargenumberofcadreissittinginBahawalpurandsaidsourcaddingthatthecadrehasfromNangarharotherborderregionsAfghanistanaftertheforcedthemback.bythecadrethePakistanArmysupportthemfromtheofControl(LOC).Theirfiringwillforcetoretaliate,makingittosustainceasefire,sources.Earlier,CNN-News18reportedhowfacilitatedtheInter-ServicesIntelli(ISI),terrorcampsareruninthreeclustersthePakistan-Occupied(PoK)region.TheclustersareManMuzzafarabadandsourceshadsaid,add
Shivamogga clashes: Man involved in stabbing shot at the ADGP said. He also said the ‘sec tor-wise bandobast’ and patrolling will continue for the next three days. After re viewing the situation, police will decide the next course of action.Meanwhile, a Bajrang Dal activist Sunil sustained grievous injuries when a man, identified as Mubarak hacked him at Bhadravati, where prohibitory orders are in place.According to police sources, Mubarak is a ha bitual offender and was on bail. He was tosaidMinisterMeanwhile,arrested.ChiefBasavarajBommaihehasgivendirectioninitiateactionasperlaw against those who disturbed peace in the Shivamoggacity. MLA and former minister K S Eshwarappa blamed the Congress for the clashes in the town. In a statement, he said, “I want to say about Muslim Goondas. The Mus lim leaders should give them proper teaching or else the government will take care of them. This incident was a handiwork of a SDPI (Social Democratic Party of India) worker. His wife is a CongressEshwarappacouncillor.”said he would discuss with the chief minister regarding banning SDPI, and expressed hope it would be outlawed soon.
SRINAGAR, AUG 16 (PTI): Seven ITBP jawans died and 32 security per sonnel were injured when the bus in which they were returning from Amarnath Yatra duty fell into a deep gorge in the Pahalgam area of Jammu and Kashmir, a police official said. The bus, carrying 37 Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) personnel and two policemen, was on its way to the police control room here from Chandanwari, he said.While two ITBP per sonnel died on the spot, five others succumbed to their injuries later, the of ficialsThesaid.condition of eight of the injured is stated to be critical. They have been evacuated to Srinagar for specialised treatment. The remaining injured are be ing treated at the Anantnag districtEarlier,hospital.the official had said that one of the seven deceased was a po liceman.However, later he said, “It was a case of mistaken identity. The two policemen are undergoing treatment.”President Droupadi Murmu and Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar con doled the loss of lives in the accident.“The tragic loss of pre cious lives of ITBP per sonnel in the unfortunate accident at Anantnag, J&K fills me with sadness. My heartfelt condolences for the bereaved families. I pray for speedy recovery of the injured,” Murmu tweeted. “Saddened by the loss of lives of Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) per sonnel in a bus accident ... My thoughts are with the bereaved families in this hour of grief. My prayers for the speedy recovery of the injured,” a tweet by the Vice President’s Secretariat quoted Dhakhar as saying. Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha said all pos sible assistance is being pro vided to the injured security personnel.
RAF personnel conduct a route march amid communal tension following a dispute between two groups in Shivamogga, Tuesday. (PTI)

Rio misleading Nagas on solution: NPCC
ACROSS 1 Exchanges (5) 6 Foolish (5) 9 Sharp reply (7) 10 Once more (5) 11 Admission (5) 12 Spools (5) 13 Sideways (7) 15 Plunge (3) 17 Among (4) 18 Facade (6) 19 Sea duck (5) 20 Under control (2,4) 22 Assistant (4) 24 Pistachio (3) 25 Railway coach (7) 26 Sacks (5) 27 Concerning (5) 28 Makes watertight (5) 29 Defamation (7) 30 Delete (5) 31 Book of maps (5) DOWN 2 Native dwellingAmerican(6) 3 Valued highly (6) 4 Transgression (3) 5 Wooden peg (5) 6 Studio (7) 7 Enclosures (4) 8 A sally (6) 12 Quick (5) 13 Ancient language (5) 14 Taut (5) 15 Jeans fabric (5) 16 Clean
NPC condemns firing incidents (From p-1) It stated that such people were a threat to peace and the society, adding that “severe disciplining” should be given to them. Asserting that now was not the time to have multiple factions, organizations or leaders, the NPC said “What we need now is shed all forms of selfishness and unattainable ideology.”
Compared to India, South Korea has fiberized 65-70% of its sites, while in the US, Japan and China, the level of fiberisation is 80-90%, according to information by Digital In frastructure Providers As sociation acrossseveralcost,isslowDirectorfasterroll-out2018assharetionproviderstheshould“The(DIPA).governmentconsiderenhancingscopeofinfrastructure(IPs-1)registrabypermittingthemtoactiveinfrastructureenshrinedinNDCP-whichwillensureof5Gservicesatapace,”saysTRDua,General,DIPA.Amajorreasonforthepaceoffiberisationtherightofway(RoW)whichrangesfromlakhtoafewcrorecircles. feathers (5) 18 Planet (5) 19 Allow (7) 21 Numeral (6) 22 Watch chain (6) 23 Perennial plant (6) 25 Coin (5) 26 Ado (4) 28 Ocean (3) No. 10365 solution No. 10364 Su doku No. 4987 Yesterday’s solution No. 4986
NEW DELHI, AUG 16 (AGENCIES): The tele com industry will need at least Rs 1.5-2.5 lakh crore investment in the next twothree years towards infra structure development to facilitate meaningful roll out of 5G services given that India’s fiber layout is much below the required levels.“The low level of fi berisation at present will necessitate network capex of Rs 1.5-2.5 lakh crore in the next 2-3 years. However, with fiberisation at 35.11% in India as of June 2022, more than 3 lakh km has to be covered at the pan-India level between fiscal 2023 and 2025,” according to a report by Crisil Research. The 5G network in frastructure will need to support up to 10 times more bandwidth than what 4G infrastructure currently sup ports, said experts. In India, currently only 35% of total towers are fiberised – or connected through optic fiber - against an ideal re quirement of 70% for the launch of 5G services. Be sides, investments in net work densification through provisioning of fiber, small cells and active infrastruc ture sharing are the other initiatives which need to be taken at the earliest, say industryAmidexperts.arace between Mukesh Ambani’s Reliance Jio and Sunil Bharti Mittal’s Airtel for 5G supremacy, Gautam Adani’s foray into India’s telecom sector has raised a lot of eyebrows. What does it mean for the consumer and commercial sectors? Kalyan Parbat of The Economic Times ex plains
galand being a predominant ly Christian State, claiming to be ‘Nagaland for Christ’, Chishi lamented and com pared it with Sodom and Gomorrah-- notoriously sin ful cities in the biblical book of Genesis.Hesaid “when the leader or the leaders cannot control themselves how is it that we should continue with prohibition.” When security forces are directed to seize and raid other places, what about the businesses owned by the leaders, Chishi ques tioned.
(From p-1) “winning the election is more important than resolving the political problem”. He said “for India, cease fire agreement is the solution”. Therie lamented that “it is the Nagas of Nagaland and Nagas in the North East, who need solution but that is not in the mind of BJP”. KL Chishi: Meanwhile, former chief minister and senior Congress leader KL Chishi, who too addressed the media, took a dig at chief minister Neiphiu Rio’s Independence Day speech claiming that the state was doing well in all development aspects and that the financial position was sound. He, however, implied that the chief minis ter had misled the people as the Union Finance Minister in the recently held Parliament session had categorically stated that Nagaland had a whooping debt of over Rs. 15800 crores. “Isn’t that a fallacy,” Chishi asked and wondered whether the statement made by the union fi nance minister in the Parliament or the claims made by the chief minister was the truth. He said if the State’s financial position was strong, why were the salaries of the lower section/work charge government employees of the Assembly sessions, Chishi said that for the first time in the history SKK clarifies stand on ‘impasse’
Land For SaLe Henivi Village 4-Lane Touched Area : 7 Price(1,05,444BighasSq.Ft):Rs.250PerSq. Ft. No Brokers Contact : 70058388799436071234, DP-3880/22 Cook Required for Private Residence Work type : Cook for Family Location : Kohima Salary : Rs. 10,000 (Free Fooding and Lodging) Call between 10 AM to 3 PM: +91 70859 24154 +91 96153 31764 k-1873/22 THENYIZUMI UNION KOHIMA RAFFLE DRAW RESULT DATE 14/8/2022 1st Prize : 042 2nd Prize : 503 3rd Prize : 296 Consolations : 415, 576, 060 N.B: Unclaimed will be fortified after 15 days from draw date Sd/- TUK k-1873/22 LOST NOTICE I, Keneizetuo d zuvichu , am applying for duplicate copy of Class 10 Admit Card as I have lost Name:it. Keneizetuo Dzuvichu F/Name: Vizosietuo Dzuvichu Roll. No. : 1321818 k-1876/22 LAND FOR SALE Location : Bamunpukhuri-B (5 kms from Zion Hospital) (2 minutes from New 4 Lane) 50 × 50 : Rs. 5.50 lakhs 50 × 80 : Rs. 8.80 lakhs 50 × 100 : Rs. 11.00 lakhs 70 × 100 : Rs. 15.40 lakhs Call: 70052049499402615648DP-3881/22 b-889/22D LandUrgentForSaLe at dimapur, Interested persons Please contact : 9863227620 DP-3839/22 MoUnT MarY aCadeMY CHUMUKedIMa naGaLand NCTE Approved B.Ed./M.Ed. Admission Last opportunity to pursue UGC/nCTe approved B. ed. Course from andhra Pradesh. NIOS/BBOSE 10th & 12th BA/B.Sc./B.Com/ Fine Arts/ MA/M.Com/M.Lib. & many more 8729880618 Db-486/22 1. MBBS/BDS/MDS/MD/VETERINARY (Direct admission in top medical & veterinary colleges in India with affordable package) 2. B.ED & M.ED (Available in Govt. University for both attending & Nonattending mode) Recognized & approved by UGC & NCTE 3. Other courses: Engineering all branches, Agri, Pharma. D b Pharma, forestry, horticulture, Fishery, Nursing, Paramedical, bPT. 4. Distance Courses: bA, MA, b.Sc, M.Sc. b.Com, M.Com & others ADMISSION OPEN 2022 EDUAIDE CAREER COUNSELING: 8700695549; 9718225382 -3166/22DP URGENT LAND FOR SALE 1. 100 x 125 Land with building at 5th Mile Model Village, Dimapur 2. 110 x 111 sq ft Land with building at 5th Mile 3. 150 x 260 sq ft at Seithekema Contact: 60091864469615297693 k-1869/22 re QUI red Cook for a Hostel Contact : 7005310568 -3872/22DP LAND FOR SALE 1. near airport : 2 minutes from National Highway (Only for Ao's) Area : (i) 50 x 110 (ii) 60 x 90 Price : Rs. 370/- per sq. ft. 2. Padumpukhuri : 100 ft. (approx) away from National Highway Area : 5000 sq. ft. Price : Rs. 700/- per sq. ft. 3. naharbari : Highway Touched No Brokers Contact : 9862954673 -3878/22DP
NEW DELHI, AUG 16 (PTI): Consumer durable products maker Bajaj Elec tricals on Tuesday elevated its Executive Director Anuj Poddar to the role of man aging director and chief executive officer. The company has also separated the post of chair man and managing director and its patron Shekhar Bajaj will continue as the executive chairman of the company, Bajaj Electricals said in a “Thestatement.separation of the Chairman and Manag ing Director positions is in continuation of the profes sionalisation of the man agement of the company and marks the company’s commitment to strong cor porate governance stan dards,” Bajaj Electricals said.
WSH resents govt’s memo on road blockade (From p-1) The duo mentioned that they were deeply an guished by the one-sided stance of the government clearly manifest in the OM issued only after the WSH had imposed a counterblockade. For the sake of justice and peaceful coexistence, they said the gov ernment would have done itself a favour had it issued the OM immediately after the imposition of Kiyevi blockade by the CSOs of Peren district or after due payment of damage com pensation under package-III to Kiyevi village. In the face of such blatant injustice, they said WSH had no other alterna tive but to further strengthen and continue its indefinite bandh until the government revoke its order to keep on hold the payment of damage compensation to Kiyevi vil lage. They added that they expected equal treatment and justice from the State government.
(From p-1) According to MYSU, the preliminary inspection conducted by its officials at the site found that there was “no safety fence, notice board, warning signs and even the bank of the stream was cut vertically straight into 16-20 feet deep gorge” which may even take an adult by surprise and lead to drowning. It said that similar sites were present at different locations along the stretch of the railway line at Molvom village. In this regard, MYSU has vehemently condemned the igno rance and negligence on the part of all workers under Northeast Frontier Railways (NFR) who failed to provide safety measures in public vicinity, adding that it was punishable under relevant sections of the Meanwhile,IPC.MYSU con veyed condolences to the be reaved families and pray that Almighty God grant the solace and comfort.
5G: Industry requires Rs 2.5 L cr capex
Amul, Mother Dairy hike milk prices by Rs 2 per litre
NPC, however, lamented that “Naga Political Settlement” is sue was experiencing “a kind of ‘arrested development’ because of selfishNPCmotives.”has,therefore, urged every stake holder to be mature and practical and work for a common solution at the earliest. (From p-1) Since its inception in early part of 1940 at Imulomi IB (Inspection Bungalow) till date, the signatories said SKK has grown from strength to strength leading the Sumi community in particular on various issues as a single united organization of the Sumi studentThecommunity.studentbody has, therefore, appealed that any of its units or student leaders, who may have any issues with SKK, to come forward and clarify any misunderstandings.SKKhasassured that any issue that concerns SKK could be settled under the available provisions in its constitution.
2 students drown in Molvom; MYSU slams of NFR of the Nagaland Legislative Assembly, Neiphiu Rio’s government transacted busi ness for just 15 minutes and dispersed.Chishi asked whether this was the way to transact business for the people. He also recalled that the government led by Rio had on various occasions assured of acting as a fa cilitator in the Naga peace process. Hence, he asked what changes it had brought about in more than four-anda-halfComparingyears. the scenar io of Nagaland with neigh bouring States, he observed that while other States had been developing by leaps and bounds, the only changes that had been brought about in Nagaland were rampant corruption, nepotism, fa vouritism, unemployment, freeze on mockery.therofHebutmadetodayownedthatLegislativetroducegovernmentthatinacknowledgedProhibitiontheMNREGAandtonon-paymentappointments,ofsalariesgovernmentemployeesslashingoffundsunderandVDB,etc.ChishialsoreferredtoNagalandLiquorTotal(NLTP)Actandthatitwasnotthemindsoflegislatorsattime,buttheCongresswasforcedtointheBillinNagalandAssembly.However,heallegedbusinessestablishmentsbysomeleaderswerenotonlysellingIndianforeignliquor(IMFL)eventheimportedones.admittedthatemergencenightclubshadonlyfurmadetheNLTPActaWhilestatingthatNa
KAKURO No. 4011 Yesterday’s solution No. 4010 (AGENCIES): Amul and Mother Dairy have hiked milk prices by Rs 2 per litre. This is the second hike by the companies this year. The new prices will be effec tive from August 17. According to India To day, the price of Amul Gold will be Rs 31 for 500 ml, Amul Taaza will be sold at Rs 25 for 500 ml, and Amul Shakti will be sold at Rs 28 for 500ml. The increase of Rs 2 per litre amounts to a 4 per cent increase in MRP which is lower than average food Amulinflation.had hiked prices in February this year. After this, Amul Gold milk was priced at Rs 30 per 500 ml, Amul Taza was priced at Rs 24 per 500 ml, and Amul Shakti at Rs 27 per 500 ml. This price hike is be ing done due to an increase in the overall cost of op eration and production of milk. The cattle feeding cost alone has increased to approximately 20 per cent compared to last year, Amul said. “Considering the rise in input costs, our member unions have also increased farmers’ prices in the range of 8-9 per cent over the previous year,” Amul said in a statement.InMarch, Mother Dairy increased milk prices by Rs 2 per litre in the Del hi-NCR (National Capital Region). Mother Dairy is one of the leading milk suppliers in the Delhi-NCR market and sells more than 30 lakh litres per day in poly packs and through vending machines.Acompany official on Tuesday said it is “com pelled” to raise its liquid milk prices by Rs 2 per litre with effect from August 17, 2022. The new prices will be applicable for all milk variants. Full cream milk will cost Rs 61 per litre from Wednesday, up from Rs 59 per litre.Prices of toned milk will increase to Rs 51 while double toned milk will rise to Rs 45 per litre. Cow milk price have been hiked to Rs 53 per litre.
Bajaj elevatesElectricalsPoddarasMD,CEO

MOSCOW, AUG 16 (AP): Russian President Vladimir Putin accused the United States of trying to encourage extended hos tilities in Ukraine as part of what he described Tuesday as Washington’s alleged ef forts to maintain its global hegemony.Addressing a secu rity conference attended by military officials from Africa,, Asia and Latin America, Putin reaffirmed his long-held claim that he sent troops into Ukraine in response to Washington turning the country into an “anti-Russia” bulwark. “They need conflicts to retain their hegemony,” Putin charged. “That’s why they have turned the Ukrainian people into can non fodder. The situation in Ukraine shows that the United States is trying to drag the conflict out, and it acts in exactly the same way trying to fuel conflicts in Asia, Africa and Latin America.”The speech repre sented the latest attempt by the Russian leader to rally support amid bruising Western sanctions that tar geted the Russian economy and finance along with its government structures, top officials and businesses for Moscow’s action in Ukraine.Putin also drew par allels between the U.S. backing Ukraine and a recent visit to Taiwan by U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, charging that both were part of an alleged American attempt to fo ment global instability. “The American ad venture in Taiwan wasn’t just a trip by an irresponsi ble politician. It was part of a deliberate and conscious U.S. strategy intended to destabilize the situation and create chaos in the re gion and the entire world, a blatant demonstration of disrespect for another country’ sovereignty and its own international obli gations,” Putin said. The Russian leader claimed that “Western glo balist elites” were trying “to shift the blame for their own failures to Russia and China,” adding that “no matter how hard the ben eficiaries of the current globalist model try to cling to it, it’s ”Thedoomed.”eraofthe unipo lar world order is nearing its end,” he Speakingadded.atthe same conferenc e, Russian De fense Minister Sergei Shoigu charged that along with supplies of weapons to Ukraine, Western allies also have provided detailed intelligence information and deployed instructors to help the Ukrainian mili tary operate the weapons systems.“Western intelligence agencies not only have provided target coordinates for launching strikes, but Western specialists also have overseen the input of those data into weapons systems,” Shoigu said. He dismissed allega tions that Russia could potentially use nuclear or chemical weapons in the conflict as an “absolute lie.” “From the military viewpoint, there is no need for using nuclear weap ons in Ukraine to achieve the stated goals,” Shoigu said. “The main mission of the Russian nuclear forces is providing a deterrent against a nuclear attack.” Shoigu added that the claims of a possible chemi cal attack by Russia were equally “absurd,” saying that Moscow fully liqui dated its chemical weapons stockpiles in compliance with an international treaty banning chemical weap ons. Russia warns of ‘direct military clash’ with US Washington’s behav iour on the world stage risks direct conflict be tween the nuclear states, the Russian embassy in the US has warned, media reports“Today,said. the United States continues to act with no regard to other coun tries’ security and interests, which contributes to an increase in nuclear risks,” the embassy said in a state ment on its Telegram chan nel, RT“Thereported.(US’) steps to further engage in a hybrid confrontation with Russia in the context of the Ukrai nian crisis are fraught with unpredictable escalation and a direct military clash of nuclear powers,” the statement said. The embassy noted that Washington has re cently withdrawn from two key arms control agree ments, the 1987 Intermedi ate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, which banned cer tain classes of land-based missiles, and the 1992 Trea ty on Open Skies, which allowed for surveillance flights over each other’s ter ritories, RT reported. The embassy urged the US to “take a closer look at its own nuclear policy instead of making unfounded accusations against the countries whose worldviews do not coincide with the American ones.”
With immense pride and honour, we the Suruhuto Tokukujo Kuqhakulu Kohima (STKK) would like to convey our heartiest appreciation and congratulations to our member Mr. Tulakha K.Sumi, Addl. SP on being awarded Union Home Minister’s Medal for Excellence in Investigation for 2022 by the Ministry of Home Affairs, GoI during the 76th India’s Independence Day. In the meantime, the union also congratulates and appreciates Dr. K. Akaho Sema, Dy. CMO, Zunheboto for being awarded District Commendation Certification for his sincere and dedication towards Public Service during the 76th India’s Independence Day. The union wishes them all the best for their future endeavours. Sd/- JEHOVI ACHUMI (IVETO AWOMI) President, STKK General Secretary, STKK k-1875/22
“Our country faith fully fulfills its obligations as a nuclear-weapon state and makes every effort to reduce nuclear risks,” the diplomats said. The statement comes after the US accused Mos cow of using the Zaporo zhye nuclear power plant in southern Ukraine as cover for itsThesoldiers.plant, the larg est in Europe, was seized by Russian troops during the early stages of Mos cow’s military operation in Ukraine, which was launched in late February.
COLOMBO, AUG 16 (PTI): China’s envoy in Sri Lanka on Tuesday played down the controversy sur rounding the arrival of a high-tech Chinese research ship at the southern port of Hambantota, calling such visits “very Chinesenatural”.ballistic mis sile and satellite tracking ship ‘Yuan Wang 5’ ar rived in the southern port of Hambantota at 8.20 am local time. It will be docked there till August 22. The ship was originally scheduled to arrive at the port on August 11 but it was delayed in absence of per mission by the Sri Lankan authorities. Sri Lanka had asked China to defer the visit amid India’s concerns over it. On Saturday, Colom bo granted the port access to the vessel from August 16 to 22. Sri Lanka said the security clearance was granted from the Ministry of Defence for the visit of the vessel for replenishment purposes during the stipu
Najib Razak Court Judge Mohamad Nazlan Mohamad Ghazali was public knowledge. Na zlan is now a judge in the Court of otherfindingsJustice“Weisduringingidencetheofcouldchargesroletweencouldn’tTuanChiefAppeals.JusticeMaimunMatsaidthecourtfindanylinkbeNazlan’spreviousatthebankandtheagainstNajibthatleadtoarealdangerbias.Shealsosaidsomeofproposedadditionalevthedefenseisseekwasalreadyavailabletrialandinanycaseirrelevanttothecharges.arenotconvincedthatNazlanmadehisbasedonanythingthantheevidenceon record,” she said. “To our mind, there is no miscarriage of justice” since Najib can include the allegation in his final appeal to the top court, she added. Najib said after the hearing that he was “shocked and bitterly dis appointed.”“Ibelieve the addi tional evidence will clearly indicate that Justice Na zlan was heavily conflicted. He was very much aware of the 1MDB and SRC trans actions and therefore had deep personal knowledge of these two entities,” Na jib told reporters. “I hope that in the final appeal, we will be able to show the truth of the matter.”
The Taiwanese officials with the delegation from US.
This is to inform the families of those who are buried in the European Civil Cemetery, Midland, Kohima to exhume their remains before 31 st August 2022. A Community Hall cum Parking facility is being proposed there. The names of all those buried there will later be inscribed on Marble Panels inside the Community Hall. Managementk-1874/22
BEIJING, AUG 16 (PTI): China on Tues day announced sanctions on seven “die-hard” proindependence Taiwanese politicians and officials, including Taipei’s represen tative to Washington, amid concerns over the increasing visits by foreign dignitar ies to the self-ruled island claimed by Beijing. The sanctions were announced by Beijing following trips to the island by US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in early August and a US Con gressional delegation led by Democratic Senator Ed Markey on Monday. Also Last week, Lithu anian Deputy Minister of Transport and Communica tions Agne Vaiciukeviciute visited Taiwan. Lithuania is part of the European Union. China has already imposed sanctions against Pelosi and Agne and held high-intensity military drills in Taiwan Strait, sparking fears of an armed conflict with Taiwan, which China claims as part of its main land.After Pelosi’s visit, China is concerned that there will be a flurry of visits by top officials from the US and allied countries to the self-ruled Island. China an nounced sanctions against seven Taiwanese govern ment officials and politi cians, saying they pushed a pro-independence agenda
KABUL, AUG 16 (IANS): An Afghan armed resis tance group claimed to have arrested dozens of Taliban forces, as the Is lamists celebrated their first year in power and others called it a “dark day”. Five “Taliban occu piers” were killed and 40 captured in the Arezoo valley of Panjshir prov ince, said the spokesman of the National Resistance Front (NRF), Sibghatullah Ahmadi, as he released pictures of alleged captives. NRF is led by Ahmad Massoud, the son of fa mous anti-Soviet guerilla commander Ahmad Shah Massoud, and claims to be fighting for democratic values such as a equitable political representation of ethnic groups, protection of women’s rights and fair elections.The Taliban’s govern ment is yet to comment on
nawardena said the issue was settled ”Relationsamicably.with all countries are important to us,” Gunawardena said. The security and coop eration in the neighborhood are of utmost priority in handling the issue of the Chinese vessel Wang Yang 5, the Foreign Ministry here said in a Indiastatement.hastradition ally taken a stern view of Chinese military vessels in the Indian Ocean and has protested such visits with Sri Lanka in the past. The ties between India and Sri Lanka had come under strain after Colombo permitted a Chinese nuclearpowered submarine to dock in one of its ports in 2014. China is the main creditor of Sri Lanka with investment in infrastructure. Debt re structuring of Chinese loans would be key to the island’s success in the ongoing talks with the International Mon etary Fund for a bailout.Sri Lankan port workers hold a Chinese national flag to welcome Chinese research ship Yuan Wang 5. (AP/PTI) Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin blasts US ‘hegemony’
PUTRAJAYA, AUG 16 (AP): Malaysia’s top court ordered former Prime Minister Najib Razak on Tuesday to begin his final appeal in two days after rejecting his request that it throw out his graft convic tion and 12-year sentence over alleged judicial bias. Najib has sought to in troduce new evidence that would spark a retrial on grounds that the high court judge who convicted him may be biased due to his previous job at a bank that provided financial services to the 1Malaysia Develop ment Berhad state fund. 1MDB was a devel opment fund Najib set up shortly after taking power in 2009. Investigators al lege at least USD 4.5 bil lion was stolen from the fund and laundered by Na jib’s associates. Najib was found guilty of abuse of power, criminal breach of trust and money launder ing for illegally receiving USD 9.4 million from SRC International, a former unit of 1MDB. The five-mem ber Federal Court bench unanimously dismissed Najib’s request, agreeing with prosecutors that the background of then-High
Germany flying 6 fighters 8K miles in 24 hours to Singapore quickly to the region. The European Union unveiled a new strategy in Septem ber for boosting economic, political and defense ties in the Indo-Pacific.
Top Malaysian court orders exPM Najib to begin final appeal
Port not for military purposes: Sri Lanka PM China will not be allowed to use the southern port of Hambantota for military purposes, Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe has said, apparently attempting to allay fears in India and the US about China’s increasing maritime presence in the strategic Indo-Pacific region. Ranil Wickremesinghe said this ahead of the ar rival of a high-tech Chinese research ship, which on Tuesday docked at the Hambantota Port, which Beijing took over on a 99-year-lease as a debt swap in 2017. “We do not want Hambantota to be used for mili tary purposes,” Ranil Wickremesinghe said on Sunday in an interview with the Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper at the President’s House in Colombo.
Mr. S. John Yimkhiung Mr. Y. Lolimthong Mr. C. Kipithong Office of the Fakim Village Council & Fakim Village Students’ Union would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to the following individuals for their achievement and bringing laurels to our Village and Community in general. 1. Mr. S. John Yimkhiung, regular promotion from Forest Guard to Forester-II, Department of Environment Forest & Climate Change, Govt. of Nagaland. 2. Mr. Y. Lolimthong, H/Major VG, 1(Silver) & 1(Bronze) Medal under Kumti & Kate 60-65 kg category & Mr. C. Kipithong, Constable VG, 1(Bronze) Medal under Kumti 50-55 kg category, at the 1st NORTHEAST JIKENKAI KARATE CHAMPIONSHIP-2022. Organised by KARATE-DO JIKENKAI INTERNATIONAL. HOSTED BY PRANAB KARATE ACADEMY member of KARATE-DO JIKENKAI INTERNATIONAL & ASSAM STATE KARATE ASSOCIATION UNDER ASSAM OLYMPIC ASSOCIATION at Gauhati University Indore Hall, Gauhati, Assam on 09-10th July 2022. They have also received the Commendation Certificate from the Commissioner & Ex-Officio Commandant General VG, Govt. of Nagaland on 15th August 2022, at Pungro ADC HQ, Dist-Kiphire. We are extremely proud of their achievements and we pray for the best for their future endeavours. (HANRUTHONG) (TSUSEKI) Chairman President Fakim Village Council Fakim Village Students' Union FELICITATION k-1881/22
BANGKOK, AUG 16 (AP): A group of German air force fighter jets neared Singapore on Tuesday in a marathon bid to fly them some 12,800 kilometres from their home base to Southeast Asia in just 24 hours.The exercise comes at a time of heightened ten sions between China and the US and its allies over Taiwan and demonstrates the ability for a European nation to move air power
Chinese research ship docks in Sri Lanka amid controversy lated period. Qi Zhenhong, China’s Ambassador to Sri Lanka, was present at the port to welcome the ship. Several parliamentar ians from the breakaway group of the ruling Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna party were also present. “This kind of research ship visiting Sri Lanka is very natural. In 2014 a simi lar ship came here,” he told reporters when asked about the visit. Asked about the Indian concerns, the Am bassador said “I don’t know, you should ask the Indian friends”. The ship main tained a very strict security operation with no one being allowed on board. The Sri Lankan deci sion to postpone the visit caused much controversy in the country as the visit had been cleared in spokesmanship’sCommentingmid-July.onthearrival,theCabinetBandulaGu
A German Eurofighter prepares for takeoff at Neuburg Air Base in Neuburg An Der Donau, Germany. (AP/PTI)
China sanctions seven top Taiwanese officials after US visit for the breakaway island. The Taiwan Affairs Of fice of the ruling Commu nist Party of China said on Tuesday those sanctioned and their family members would not be allowed to en ter mainland China, Hong Kong or Macau. They will not be permitted to do busi ness with the Chinese main land. “Their affiliated com panies and financial spon sors would not be allowed to gain profits from the mainland,” a spokesman of the office was quoted by state-run Xinhua as saying. The Taiwan office would take other neces sary measures and those sanctioned would be “held accountable for life,” the spokesman said. “The names of die-hard separat ists announced Tuesday are only a part of the list,” the spokesperson said. Among the seven people on the sanction list, six are mem bers of the independenceleaning Democratic Pro gressive Party (DPP) of Taiwan. They include Hsiao Bi-khim, Taiwan’s represen tative to the US and Ker Chien-ming, the DPP cau cus head of the legislature. Others included Wang Ting-yu, a legislator who sits on the foreign relations and defence committee, Wellington Koo, secretary general of the island’s Na tional Security Council, Tsai Chi-chang, vice-speak er of Taiwan’s legislature, and Lin Fei-fan, deputy sec retary general of the DPP. The non-DPP member sanctioned is Chen Jiauhua, New Power Party leg islator and chairwoman, Hong Kong-based South China Morning Post re ported.
Afghan resistance group claims arrest of Taliban forces the claim.However, Defence Minister Mullah Yaqoob Mujahid said on Monday that their forces will sup press rebel groups under all circumstances.Tomarkthe first anni versary of the fall of Kabul, Taliban members paraded in the city with US mili tary equipment and their leaders spoke at a televised gathering. At the event, the Tal iban’s Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi called on the world to cooperate with their government. On social media, many Afghans spoke of their ordeal and called it a “dark day” for the nation. In a statement, the UN diplomatic mission in the country said “with out change, things can worsen”. File photo of Afghan anti-Taliban resistance group.

Humtsoe, Dr. R. Zechano Ezong, Dr. Joshua Murry, Dr. Renben N. Ngullie and Dr. Pankathung Ezung ren dered their services. Mean while, a one-day seminar on the theme, “Health Awareness” was also or ganized at Okotoso Baptist Chruch with Dr. P. Ngullie as speaker. OMS expressed gratitude to all the doctors for their invaluable services at the medial camp. 450 treated at medical camp at Okotso village
Six-day training on skill development concludes at Aboi
Metsübo inaugurates hall, building in Mkg
Correspondent MOKOKCHUNG, AUG 16 (NPN): Minister for Ru ral Development, Metsübo Jamir on Tuesday, inau gurated the Mongsenbai Ward Community Hall and Multipurpose building and newly bought building of Mokokchung District VDB Association botipurposeCommunitynewguralSpeaking(MDVDBA).attheinauprogrammeoftheMongsenbaiWardHallandMulbuilding,Metsürecalledhowhemadea
(L-R) Toshimenla Kichu, SP Aotula, Metsübo Jamir, Shashank Pratap Singh and Imtinungba. (NP)
DIMAPUR: A total of 450 people including chil dren were treated with free medicines at the medical camp held at Okotso vil lage, Wokha on August 13. In a press release, OMS president, Rev. J. Thungjamo Lotha in formed that the medical camp was conducted by Okotsoe Mission Society (OMS) for the people of Sungro range. At the medi cal camp, Dr. P. Ngullie, Dr. Joel Ngullie, Dr. E. Phyantsüthung, Dr. Vin cent Merry, Dr. Epipeni L. Participants along with officer of the department and ZIS members. (DIPR)
promise for the construc tion of the community hall during his election campaign in 2018 whether or not he gets elected. In this regard, he said he was fortunate to be able to inaugurate it as sitting MLA from the constitu ency.Calling on the need for proper town planning of Mokokchung town, he urged upon the gathering to place high importance towards this aspect and ap pealed to All Ward Union Mokokchung Town to plan carefully before making any extension of wards further.He reiterated that such perspectives should be looked at first before thinking about develop ment of the Metsübotown.also spoke about the unity and co hesiveness prevalent in the ward and called for maintaining the same kind of unity even in the days to come.The programme was also attended by Naga land Legislative Assem bly speaker, Sharingain Longkumer, who also spoke at the programme. Meanwhile, short speeches were delivered by deputy commissioner (DC) Mo kokchung Shashank Pratap Singh, Chairman Ungma Village Council chairman Nungshilepden Jamir and AWUMT president Lima nungsang.Theconstruction re port of the building was given by contractor & con vener Construction Com mittee I. Mar Meanwhile,Jamir.atthe in auguration of the newly bought building of MD VDBA, Metsübo said that a new system of work would soon be implemented in the department with fo cus on income generation activities.Hecautioned all the villages to be aware and keep a check on bogus job cards and advised strict adherence to issuing of such cards to genuine per sons Theonly. minister also stressed on drain of human resources from villages and urged upon the responsible authorities to make it stop the migration in order to contain human resource drain from villages. He assured that the due shares of any devel opmental activities of the department will be given to all respective villages. Earlier, short speeches were delivered by DC Sha shank Pratap Singh, village council chairman Sungrat su, Tekachiba Longchar while success story of VDB building was shared by MDVDBA president Im tinugba, who chaired the programme.
DIMAPUR: Patkai Chris tian College organised an interactive discussion on “making my education count: re-searching” by students’ union of the col lege at Bundrock hall on August 16. In a press release, PCC informed that resource person, senior post-doc toral fellow of Electronics and Electrical Engineer ing Advancement Institute of Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea, Dr. Ethungshan Shitiri spoke on scientific research/ scientific ad vancement and opportu nities in higher education abroad.Underscoring the im portance of research in academia, Dr. Ethungshan said research has its place in every areas of human development including in dividual experiences vis a vis growth.Highlighting two cat egories of researchers (past oriented and future ori ented) in approach, he said an ideal researcher should possess both qualities. He said that the use of critical thinking began early, which he said, had not edged in toto in the NagaDr.society.Ethungshan ad vised the students to pursue higher studies, research opportunities and briefed them on advantages of studying abroad. The programme was chaired by assistant profes sor, department of History, Bauna Pamei, who gave a brief introduction about the speaker which was followed by inviting the SUPCC president, Luyi Chiswute to hand over a token of appreciation to the speaker. The discussion was followed with a Q and A round.
dc-908/22 dc-909/22
Konyak Union vice president, H.A Hongnao Konyak received the Indian Humanitarian Excellence Award 2022 at The Leela Ambiance Hotel & Residence, Gurugram, on Independence Day, August 15. The award was handed over by Surendra Pal, Film and Television Actor, Satya Prakash Jaravata, MLA, Haryana Legislative Assembly, Dr.SK Nanda, IAS, former Secretary to prime minister of India, Saurabh Gautam, National President of ICF.
PCC organises interactive discussion
Metsübo Jamir, Sharingain Longkumer and others after unveiling the plaque at Mongsenbai. (NP)
DIMAPUR: A six-day de mand driven skill develop ment programme on tiling, plumbing and masonry for youths of Nagaland in con struction sector concluded on August 13 at Aboi, Mon district.According to a DIPR report, speaking at the culmination programme at Aboi Town Hall, E. Eshak Hessum, MLA, encour aged the participants to take ownership and uplift the local economy through their newly acquired skills. The training was organised by the depart ment of Empowerment, Skill Development and Entrepreneurship with Zynorique Initiative So ciety (ZIS) as the training partner.The programme was chaired by SDO(C) Ang jangyang, Yanithung Ngul lie while vote of thanks was proposed by CO 11th NAP (IR) Aboi, Yangba Konyak. Altogether, 50 par ticipants including three females from Aboi subdivi sion attended the training programme.

KOLKATA, AUG 16 (AGENCIES): Indian football does not exist on pen and paper but on the field, Mohammedan SC and FC Goa kicked off the 131st Durand Cup at the Vivekananda Yuba Bharati Krirangan in Kolkata on Tuesday.The All Indian Foot ball Federation was sus pended by the sport’s world governing body FIFA late on Monday, News18 re ported.The crowds though came out in numbers to support the home side as Pritam Singh, Faslurah man and Marcus Joseph managed to overturn FC Goa skipper’s Mohammed Nemil super strike as Mo hammedan SC won 3-1. The fact that this was the first game of the season was evident from the open ing exchanges of the en counter. Both teams looked off theThepace.first meaningful chance of the game came to SK Faiaz, who was de ployed on the wings but got the ball in the middle of the park in the 29th minute and decided to go on a tearing run. It did not yield much as the defenders had caught up and his shot ended up being well blocked.
NEW DELHI, AUG 16 (IANS): Indian hockey leg end Zafar Iqbal declared the 1st Khelo India Women’s Hockey League (U-16) open at the Major Dhyanchand National Stadium here on Tuesday. The Phase 1 of the tournament, scheduled until August 23, started earlier in the morning.Alsopresent during the opening ceremony were Ekta Vishnoi, Senior Direc tor, Khelo India, Vineet Kumar, former Indian men’s team hockey player, Asunta Lakra, former Indian wom en’s team hockey player, Piy ush Kumar Dubey, former coach of the Indian men’s hockey team, amongst oth ers. “It is great to see the kind of enthusiasm our Hon’ble Prime Minister has for sports and today we have so many platforms like the Khelo India scheme, which has made this U-16 tourna ment possible,” mentioned Iqbal, gold medalist, 1980 Moscow future,”andworld.ofletics,thatGames“TheOlympics.CommonwealthrecentlyshowedusbeitinHockeyorAthourgirlsarecapabledefeatinganyteamintheYouhavetheskillstaminaandyouaretheIqbaladded.
MUMBAI, AUG 16 (IANS): Left-arm spin ning all-rounder Shahbaz Ahmed has been included in the Indian team for the upcoming three-match ODI series against Zim babwe as a replacement for the injured Washing ton Sundar, the BCCI an nounced on Tuesday. Sundar has been ruled out of the Zimbabwe series due to a shoulder injury. He sustained the injury to his shoulder when he landed badly on it while represent ing Lancashire in the Royal London Cup in England. The all-rounder did not return to the field after suffering the injury and did not play in the subsequent games. Meanwhile, Shah baz has been rewarded with a maiden call-up for his wonderful performances in the Indian Premier League (IPL) with the Royal Chal lengers Bangalore. An allrounder by trait, Ahmed is a left-hand batter and a left-arm orthodox spinner. In the IPL 2022 season, he scored 219 runs in 16 matches and also picked up four wickets. The 27-yearold, who is uncapped, has played 26 List A matches, scoring 662 runs at an aver age of 47.28 and picking 24 wickets at an economy rate of 4.43.On the other hand, it has been a rough 12 months for Sundar with the latest injury piling on the several setbacks he has suffered since the start of the year. The 22-year-old was ruled out of the series against Sri Lanka and West Indies in February due to a hamstring injury. Prior to that, the Covid-19 infection stopped him from travel ling to South Africa for the ODI series.
With tremendous joy and honor, the Ao Theological Association (ATA) would like to extend our deepest congratulations to Rev. Dr. Limatula Longkumer (Waromung Village) Professor of Christian Ministry for being appointed as the Registrar of the Senate of Serampore College. She is the first person from the North East as well as the first woman in India to be appointed in this distinguished post. We are indeed filled with appreciation for being a pioneer in such an esteemed post. It is our earnest prayer that God would bless and guide her and her family to serve the church and the theological education. In His Service, Rev.PresidentJongpong Ao Theological Association FELICITATION MkC-292/22
Pritam Singh missed a golden chance to get his side up a minute later as a cut-back from the right found his way over to the left but he managed to blaze over an empty net. At the 31-minute mark, Marcus Joseph did not make the continuous pressure count as his nim ble feet got him away from his marker but his shot too crept agonisingly wide. It was FC Goa though who took the lead from a stunning Muhammed Nemil strike against the run of play in the 35th minute after a miss pass from Nuriddin Davronov into a dangerous area. The young Gaur side-stepped his marker on latching onto the loose ball and curled the ball to the side of the hapless Sankar Roy in goal. After the break, Mo hammedan SC looked like a new team as they came at the FC Goa defence with renewed vigour as coach Andrey Cherenyshov’s words surely rang in their ears. SK Faiaz got the ball on the wing as he darted towards the touchline and tried picking up Marcus Joseph at the back post but Hrithik Tiwari in Goa’s goal managed to punch it out. It was only as far as the edge of the penalty box as Pritam Singh blasted his team level in the 49th minute.In the 59th minute, Mohammedan were on the attack yet again as Faiaz went up for a floated ball from Abhishek Ambekar but Hrithik managed to thwart him but both ended up on the ground. The game turned physical as players turned and the cramps started creeping in, especially for the FC Goa youngsters. The constant stop pages in play meant that there were a number of new faces on the pitch and two of them combined well to hand Mohammedan the lead for the first time in the match. Abhash Thapa’s cross found the head of Faslurahman in the 84th minute.Inadded minutes after the end of regulation time, Marcus tapped in a third from a Faslurahman cross, with most of the FC Goa players looking like they just wanted the game to end. And both sets thanked the heavens when it did. Players of Mohammedan SC and FC Goa in action.
defeated Dutch No. 1 Anish Giri. Duda got the better of Hans Niemann of the United States while Aroni an beat Liem Quang Le of Vietnam. Each match will be played over four rapid games, with blitz tiebreaks in case of a 2:2 Praggnanandhaa,draw. In dia’s 17-year-old hotshot, got off to the best start possible in the battle of the prodigies, sealing a first-game win by taking advantage of a tiny mistake from Alireza Firouzja. Pragg followed up Fir ouzja’s pawn push (21... c5) by taking it (22. cxd5) and then made a fine rook move (23. Rac1) to set up tactics in his favour. The Indian Grandmaster from Chennai capatilised on the small tactical advantage to duly convert it into a win. Firouzja, the French Iranian prodigy, however, is not known as the world’s best junior for nothing. Immediately, he hit back in the second game to level the score before building up a strong advantage in the third. In the third game, Pragg looked lost but, in credibly, managed to turn things around and score an improbable second win to go 2-1 up. In the fourth and final game of the tie, Pragg closed out the draw he needed to take the 3 points and continue his incredible form in Meltwater Cham pions Chess Tour events. He had finished second to China’s Ding Liren in the first event of the hybrid series in which players are playing on their personal laptops to maintain con tinuity.Meanwhile, World Champion Carlsen put on a masterclass to secure a first-round win against An ish Giri. Norway’s world champion went up the gears as he ended the round with two dominant wins to blow Giri away 3-1. It was an ominous sign for the rest of the field, Play Mag nus Group, the organisers of the Champions Chess Tour, informed in a release on Monday.
Praggnanandhaa beats Firouzja in Crypto Cup R Praggnanandhaa
MIAMI, AUG 16 (IANS): Indian prodigy Rameshba bu Praggnanandhaa came back strongly from a dis advantageous position to beat World’s No. 1 junior player, Alireza Firouzja, in the third encounter of their four-game match as the FTX Crypto Cup, the American finale of Cham pions Chess Tour, which got off to a thrilling start here. The 2.5-1.5 win in the first-round encounter on Sunday night in Miami, the first offline event of the tour, put Praggnanand haa in the top spot along with World No. 1 Magnus Carlsen, Jan-Krzysztof Duda of Poland and Kevin Aronian in the eight-play er all-play-all field. With USD7,500 at stake for each match win at the Eden Roc Miami Beach Hotel, the Meltwater Champions Chess Tour Major started with plenty of fire and fightingCarlsenchess.
NEW YORK, AUG 16 (IANS): American star women’s basketball player and Olympic champion Brittney Griner has been sentenced to nine years in prison by Russian authori ties after being charged with possession of drugs. She has also been asked to pay USD16,300 as fine for the reported offence, said a report in insidethegames. biz. The 6’8” tall Griner, an eight-time All-Star with Women’s National Basket ball Association (WNBA) side Phoenix Mercury, was reportedly held at an air port near Moscow in Feb US Olympic gold medallist Griner gets 9 years in Russian prison ruary shortly before Rus sia’s invasion of Ukraine. She reportedly had can nabis oil vape canisters in her luggage. The 31-year-old Gri ner, who was part of the gold-winning team at the 2016 Rio Olympics and in Tokyo five years later, was in the country to play for Russian Premier League side UMMC Ekaterinburg. She has been playing for the club since 2014. US President Joe Biden has termed the arrest unacceptable and called for her immediate chargedthatreleaseandBrittney.siaworldmoreprisonBrittney“...Americanrelease.citizenGrinerreceivedasentencethatisonereminderofwhatthealreadyknew:RusiswrongfullydetainingIt’sunacceptable,IcallonRussiatoherimmediately...”Thereportsaidthe,“Thepoliticallytrialcouldlead to a potential prisoner ex change involving Russian arms trafficker Viktor Bout, known as the ‘Merchant of Death’.” The report added that, initially Russian pros ecutors had demanded a nine-and-a-half-year prison sentence for the player but it was subsequently reduced since she has been in prison since February 2022. While Griner has pleaded guilty to drug charges, she has denied she knowingly broke the law. A CNN report said US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, has sent Russia a “substantial pro posal”.
Women’s FTP: India to play 2 Tests, 27 ODIs India and Australia will play each other in four series in Women’s FTP. (R Senthil Kumar)
ber of Supreme Courtappointed CoA for All India Football Federation (AIFF).Sportspersons who are considered as a con sultant, including Olympic medallist shooter Abhi nav Bindra (from Uttara khand), former long jump athlete Anju Bobby George (from Kerala), and Archer Bombayla Devi Laishram (fromComingManipur).down heavily on the mismanagement of the sports bodies by few individuals, the court said, “.. those who mismanage the sports bodies and those who have converted the sports bodies into their personal fiefdoms, dare the Government / Authorities and Courts that if they try to democratize the sport association and remove the mis-management, the country would suffer derec ognisation and the Indian sportsmen would not be able to participate under the country’s flag in the immediate future.” The court noted that “..electoral colleges of most of the sports bodies are controlled by a few individuals where genuine sportsmen find it difficult to get elected and play an important role in manage ment. Most of the sports bodies are split down the middle. Even the Electoral College/ list of authorised representatives to attend and vote at the General Body meeting of the IOA is seriously disputed.”
Shuthei Vongangla H. Q. Kangching Village Felicitation Mrs. Meyilemla Jamir Wife of Lt. Yashikaba Ozukum (Mopungchuket) Praise be to God for this one-in-a-lifetime moment, your simplicity and endurance has surpassed all your difficulties of life and attained a century's worth of memories and experiences, which makes a meaningful life.
Ireland all-rounder O’Brien retires Kevin O’Brien Shahbaz Ahmed
Khelo India Hockey League (U-16) begins
The Office of Shuthei Vongangla, Dimapur, extends profound happiness and congratulations to Shri. T Imdong Phom on being awarded Governor’s Commendation Certificate in recognition of Distinguished Service rendered by him. A Pathfinder in every sense, he has been an inspiration to the community from a young age to 30 years post-retirement. It is only fitting that his selfless dedication and monumental contributions to the community has been honoured in this way. The Union further wishes him good health and longevity as he continues to give benevolent service to the people.
NEW DELHI, AUG 16 (IANS): In order to im prove the ‘ecosystem’ of sports bodies and structur ally reform them, the Delhi High Court on Tuesday put the affairs of the In dian Olympic Association (IOA) in the hands of a Committee of Administra tors (CoA) in line with a re cent Supreme Court order. The court also direct ed the Centre not to grant recognition or any facility to the Indian Olympic As sociation or any National Sports Federations (NSFs) if they refuse to comply with the Sports Code. “..the legal regime apropos sports adminis tration in India has to be implemented fully and ef fectively. Compliance with the Sports Code is non-ne gotiable,” a division bench of Justice Najmi Waziri and Justice Manmohan stated in an order. As per the court order, now the Committee of Ad ministrators-- former Judge of the Supreme Court, Jus tice Anil R. Dave, former Chief Election Commis sioner Dr. S.Y. Quraishi, and former secretary, Min istry of External Affairs Vi kas Swarup will carry out the day-to-day governance of IOA.Justice Anil R Dave and Dr. S.Y. Quraishi have already working as a mem Delhi HC appoints CoA for IOA; orders to improve ‘ecosystem’ of sports bodies
Brittney Griner DUBLIN, AUG 16 (IANS): Ireland all-rounder Kevin O’Brien on Tuesday an nounced his retirement from international cricket, leaving a lasting legacy on the game. Making his debut for Ireland in 2006, O’Brien was a central figure in his team’s rise from Associate Membership to Test match status across a career that spanned close to two de cades. O’Brien bows out with a number of batting re cords, and as Ireland’s lead ing wicket taker in the ODI format, claiming 114 scalps at an average of 32.68 and an economy rate of 5.20. Ireland legend announced his retirement in a long so cial media post. In his post O’brien sa id that he had hoped to retire after playing in the upcoming T20 World Cup, but lack of opportuni ties has led him to take the decision to hang his boots. “Today I announce my retirement from interna tional cricket after 16 years and 389 caps for my coun try. I had hoped to finish my career at the T20 World Cup in Australia but hav ing not been picked for the Irish squad since last year’s World Cup, I feel that the selectors and management are looking elsewhere,” said O’Brien.
HAPPY 100th BIRTHDAY!! -3869/22DP threeAT20Is).totalof 301 matches (seven Tests, 135 ODIs and 159 T20Is) will be played over the period, besides the global ICC tournaments (two T20 World Cups and ODI World Cup in 2025). According to ICC, the 2022-25 Women’s Cham pionship, teams will gen erally play three-match bilateral ODI series before the 2025 World Cup. “All bilateral T20I matches count towards respective team rankings, which in turn serves as a primary mechanism for determining the teams that qualify for ICC global events,”“Thisadded.isa huge mo ment for the women’s game,” ICC general man ager of cricket, Wasim Khan, said in a statement. “This FTP not only lends certainty to future cricket tours but also sets the base for a structure that is sure to grow in the com ing years,” Khan added.
Mohammedan SC beat FC Goa 3-1 in Durand Cup
President Gen. Secy L Lokshang Phom O. Tiazungla Phom DP-3875/22
NEW DELHI, AUG 16 (AGENCIES): The Indian women’s cricket team is slated to play 65 interna tional matches in a threeyear period, according to the ICC’s maiden Wom en’s Future Tours Program (FTP) on IndiaTuesday.isalsoset to host two Tests at home against England and Australia in 2023-24 as the ICC re vealed the full FTP sched ule that runs from May 2022 - April 2025, Sportstar reported.India will feature in 27 ODIs and 36 T20Is during the three-year period. It has already completed three ODIs and as many T20Is in this cycle in May when it toured Sri Lanka. It will host New Zea land, South Africa, West Indies and Ireland at home, while being scheduled to play the away series against Australia, England, Sri Lanka (already played) and Bangladesh.Oneof the marquee events in this phase will be India’s five-match T20I se ries against Australia later this year.While Australia will tour India during the sum mer of 2023-24 for a multiformat series (one Test, three ODIs, and three T20Is), the Indians will return the favour when they tour Down Under in the winter of 2025-26 (one Test, three ODIs, and
Yours Loving, Children, Grandchildren, Great Grandchildren and In-laws

Mohun Bagan’s Sept. 7 AFC Cup Inter-Zonal semi-finals under cloud One of India’s most loved football clubs, ATK Mohun Bagan, were supposed to play its AFC Cup Inter-Zonal semi-finals on September 7, but a look at the AFC website will show that ATKMB’s name currently doesn’t feature among eight clubs in theTheplay-offs.teams that are listed on the website are PSM Makassar, Kedah Darul Aman, Viettel FC, Kuala Lumpur City FC, Arabi SC, Al Seeb, East Riffa, Al Riffa. Mohun Bagan played great football at the group league stage and their fans were eagerly waiting for the upcoming games at the continental level.
India on 11-30 October 2022, cannot currently be held in India as planned. FIFA is assessing the next steps with regard to the tournament and will refer the matter to the Bureau of the Council if and when necessary.” In the wake of the latest development, the Centre sought an urgent hearing in the Supreme Court on the AIFF matter. A bench of Justices DY Chandrachud and A S Bopanna was told by Solici tor General Tushar Mehta, appearing for the Centre, that “important develop ment” has taken place and FIFA has sent a letter sus pending India which is in public domain and needs to be brought on record. This was after a four-member FIFA delegation held a meeting with senior sports ministry officials and the CoA on Friday and Mon day, respectively.“Tilllastevening it seemed consensus has been reached between all the parties but last night FIFA just informed us that they will have to ban AIFF as per its internal committee decision,” an official in the sports ministry said. “FIFA is against CoA’s interference but it is open to dialogue and wants the AIFF executive board to be in place at the earli est, and if that happens, they will lift the ban. “The government is committed to solving the matter as soon as possible as it wants the U-17 Women’s Junior World Cup to be hosted by India,” he added. A ban on India has been on the cards since the Supreme Court removed Praful Patel as AIFF presi dent on May 18 for not holding elections, due in December 2020. The court had ap pointed a three-member Committee of Administra tors (CoA), headed by for mer apex court judge AR Dave, to manage the affairs of the national federation. The CoA, which has for mer Chief Commissioner of India SY Quraishi and ex India captain Bhaskar Ganguly as other mem bers, also had to frame its constitution in line with the National Sports Code and model guidelines. The Bu reau of the FIFA Council decided that upon lifting of the suspension, the AIFF constitution will have to be revised in accordance with the requirements of the FIFA and the AFC and to be approved by the AIFF general assembly without interference from any third party.The FIFA, “concur rently”, wants an “indepen dent electoral committee to be elected by the AIFF general assembly to run the elections of a new ex ecutive committee”.It also said the AIFF must “carry out the upcoming electoral process as per the statutory requirements and to hold its elections based on the pre-existing membership of the AIFF (i.e state as sociations only). As per the FIFA move and with the AIFF losing all member ship rights until further notice, the Indian clubs and representatives (players, referees, officials) are no longer entitled to take part in international suspen sion until the suspension is lifted. “This also means neither the AIFF nor any of its members or officials may benefit from any de velopment programmes, courses or training from FIFA and/or the AFC,” the world body said in its detailedThestatement.FIFAhas never allowed third party inter ference in the affairs of its member units whether by the court or the govern ment. It has set up nor malisation committees in various countries in cases similar to India. FIFA, though, has kept a window open for India, saying it is in touch with the sports ministry on the issue. “FIFA is in constant constructive contact with the Ministry of Youth Af fairs and Sports in India and is hopeful that a posi tive outcome to the case may still be achieved,” it said. Following the ban, the fate of the AIFF elections, to be held on August 28 on the orders of the Supreme is not yet known. The poll process began on August 13 as the top court approved the time-line prepared by the Committee of Admin istrators (CoA). The CoA has already appointed a returning officers and has published the electoral col lege for the elections, in cluding 36 eminent players in the list. The filing of nominations is to start from Wednesday till Friday. India’s football fra ternity is hoping that a last-minute solution will salvage the FIFA under-17 women’s world cup when the Supreme Court hears the matter on Wednesday.
Gokulam women wait anxiously in Uzbekistan Indian Women’s League champions Gokulam Kerala were set to open their campaign in the AFC Women’s Club Championship against home side Sogdiana-W in Qarshi, Uzbekistan on August 23. The Kozhikode-based side is then set to face Bam Khatoon FC of Iran in its next round-robin match on August 26. While the Supreme Court has listed the matter for urgent hearing on Wednes day, it will be an anxious wait for the team that touched down in Tashkent on Tuesday.Gokulam Kerala had participated in the last edition of the continental pilot tournament last year and finished third in the four-team event.
Some years ago, the Indian men’s team used to struggle to get quality games on FIFA international friendly dates, and a lot of the blame lay at the doors of the All India Football Federation’s (AIFF) administration. Things did change slightly after Croatian head coach Igor Stimac pushed for more friendlies, something that his predecessors Stephen Constantine and Wim Koevermans lacked. The ban has brought the senior team back to square one.
Murray edges Wawrinka in Cincinnati Open Andy Murray
FIFA, the governing body of world football, banned the AIFF on August 16.
CINCINNATI, AUG 16 (REUTERS): Frances Tiafoe was unable to break Mat teo Berrettini’s serve but the American showed grit in the tiebreakers to beat last year’s Wimbledon runner-up 7-6(3) 4-6 7-6(5) in the opening round of the Cincinnati Open on Monday. Britain’s Andy Murray got the bet ter of Stan Wawrinka 7-6(3) 5-7 7-5 in a clash of former Grand Slam winners to advance at the ATP Masters event, the last tune-up before the U.S. Open kicks off in New York from Aug. 29. Tiafoe had failed to capitalize on five match points against Nick Kyrgios in Washington earlier this month and he struggled to get over the line against Berrettini, squandering three attempts to put the match to bed. But with the crowd willing him on Tiafoe did not let a fourth chance go by, sealing victory after two hours and 52 minutes. Tiafoe failed to convert any of his eight breakpoint chances against Berrettini, who was at a career-high of sixth in the world rank ings in January but has since dropped to 15th. The only break of serve came in the second set when Berrettini lev eled the match. The Italian then saved a match point at 5-6 in the third and two more in the deciding tiebreaker before Tiafoe sealed victory. Tiafoe will next meet fellow American Sebastian Korda, who defeated Karen Khachanov 6-3 6-4. In their 22nd meeting, neither Murray nor Wawrinka managed a break of serve in the first set. A double fault from the Swiss in the tiebreak opened the door for Murray, who took the open er when Wawrinka sent a forehand long. In the second set, a broken racket string led Murray to shank a shot that handed set points to Wawrinka and he converted on his first opportunity to level the Murray,match.35, and Wawrinka, 37, both needed visits from the physios in the third set, which Murray claimed when he ripped a return winner on his fourth match point.
The two friendly internationals against Vietnam (September 24) and Singapore (September 27) will stand cancelled if the ban is not revoked at the earliest.
MYK C MYK C Printed, Published and Edited by Geoffrey Yaden at G.M. Printers, Circular Rd. Dimapur-797112. Ph: Desk 248489, Adm.& Advertisement :248267,8798162009, R.N. 40978/90 RN/NE 707 SPORTS12 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 2022 NEW DELHI, AUG 16 (PTI): In a massive setback for the country, world foot ball governing body FIFA on Tuesday suspended In dia for “undue influence from third parties” and said the U-17 Women’s World Cup “cannot currently be held in India as planned.” The country is sched uled to host the FIFA tour nament from October 1130. This is the first time the All India Football Fed eration (AIFF) has been banned by FIFA in its 85year history, with the apex body saying there have been “flagrant violations of the FIFA“TheStatutes”.Bureau of the FIFA Council has unani mously decided to sus pend the All India Football Federation (AIFF) with immediate effect due to undue influence from third parties, which constitutes a serious violation of the FIFA Statutes,” the FIFA said in a Thestatement.Bureau of the FIFA Council said the lift ing of the suspension will be subject to repealing of the Committee of Admin istrators’ (CoA) mandate in full. In a statement, FIFA also said it wants the AIFF administration to “be fully in charge of the AIFF’s daily“Theaffairs”.suspension will be lifted once an order to set up a committee of ad ministrators to assume the powers of the AIFF Execu tive Committee has been repealed and the AIFF administration regains full control of the AIFF’s daily affairs.”“The suspension means that the FIFA U-17 Women’s World Cup 2022, scheduled to take place in FIFA suspends
FIFA ban and its ripple effect on Indian football
Luis Diaz of Liverpool celebrates with Fabinho after scoring a stunning solo goal. (Clive Brunskill)
India’s AFC U-20 Qualifiers in Iraq starts Sept. 14 India, who won the U-20 SAFF Cup recently under tutelage of S Venkatesh, is due to play the AFC U-20 Qualifiers in Iraq. India is clubbed in a very tough group with hosts Iraq, Australia and Kuwait. The matches are slated for September 14 (Iraq), 16 (Australia) and 18 (Kuwait) respectively at the Iraqi city of Basra. Could lose out on massive FIFA grants It is being learnt that FIFA has reportedly sanctioned grants to the tune of USD 3 million in last three years. This money is used by AIFF for development of grassroots football in the country. If the ban persists, annually, the AIFF stands to lose USD 500,000 in grants. However, an AIFF insider said that FIFA currently pays its member nations in kind -- such as construction of astro-turf, providing footballs, jerseys and other gears -- and not in cash. All this could be stopped.
AIFF over ‘third-party influences’
Liverpool thought they were level just before the break as Harvey Elliott’s chip found Nunez down the left side of the penalty area, but his deflected shot came back off the post.Things went from bad to worse for Nunez as the Uruguayan reacted to being shoved by Joachim Ander sen by pushing his head into the Dane, with referee Paul Tierney immediately producing a red card for the Liverpool striker. However, the Anfield atmosphere soon improved as Diaz dribbled inside several Palace de fenders before unleashing a rocket of a shot past Vicente Guaita’s despairing dive to his left.The hosts tried to find a winner despite having fewer players, though Palace could also have won it when Zaha missed a great chance at the far post, but both were forced to settle for a point.
NEW DELHI, AUG 16 (PTI): There was palpable tension among top players as well as prominent ISL and I-League clubs after the FIFA ban on Indian football due to “third party interference”. As per Article 13 of FIFA Statutes, the letter sent by the world football govern ing body general secretary Fatma Samoura states that “AIFF representatives and club teams are therefore no longer entitled to take part in the international competi tion until the suspension is lifted. “This also means that neither the AIFF nor any of its members or officials may benefit from any development programmes, courses or training from FIFA and/or the AFC.”While there is no imminent threat to the AFC Asian Cup participation by the senior men’s team in late 2023 or early 2024, some of the games slated for clubs and age-group national teams in the next few months could well be a tricky terrain. PTI looks at some of the upcoming assignments under threat India’s men’s national team
LONDON, AUG 16 (IANS): It was a mixed night for Liverpool’s South Americans as Darwin Nunez was sent off on his home debut, but Luis Diaz scored a wonder goal to earn a point for the 10-man hosts in a 1-1 draw against Crystal Palace. A frustrating night for Jurgen Klopp’s team appeared to be heading for defeat after Wilfried Zaha’s first-half opener and Nunez’s dismissal just be fore the hour, reports DPA. Diaz’s superb individ ual effort got his team level, though, before last season’s Premier League runners-up set about trying to find a winner but to no avail. It represents another early season blow to Liv erpool’s hopes of running champions Manchester City close again in the title race, already four points be hind their rivals, but as with their opening draw against Fulham, it may feel like a point gained for Klopp in the circumstances.Liverpool started brightly as they tried to find an early opener, with Nunez mishitting a vol ley at the far post, while Mohamed Salah also went Nunez sees red in Liverpool 1-1 draw Vs Palace close to scoring from Trent Alexander-Arnold’s pull back, but the Egyptian’s sidefooted attempt whizzed just wide of the near post. After absorbing so much at the other end, it was Palace who took the lead in the 33rd minute when Eberechi Eze got away from Fabinho before playing Zaha in on goal, with the Ivory Coast international plac ing his shot past Alisson into the bottom-right corner.