(Cont’d on p-8) (Cont’d on p-8)
The driver of the truck-- a police constable, was killed in the incident and co-driver sustained severe injuries, PROPROsaid.said a police team that rushed to the spot re trieved the body of the truck driver some 400 metres be low theBothroad.the injured per sons were initially rushed to CHC Medziphema and the co-driver was later shifted to Christian Institute of Health Sciences & Research (CIHSR). The PRO men tioned that the bodies of the deceased were handed over to the respective family members. He said an inves tigation was on to ascertain the cause of the accident.
NEW DELHI, AUG 17 (AGENCIES/PTI): The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has asked airlines to strictly enforce Covid-19 protocol, includ ing mask mandate, inside aircraft amid rise in infec tions.In a statement, the DGCA said it will be con ducting “random checks” in aircraft across the country to see if the Covid-19 protocol is being enforced or not, as per report.Itfurther stated that airlines have to ensure that passengers are wearing face masks properly throughout the journey and there is proper sensitisation of pas sengers through various plat forms, adding that, “in case a passenger does not comply with the directions, strict ac tion will be taken by airlines against the passenger.” This development comes in view of the rise in the number of Covid-19 cases, the airlines have been advised again on Au gust 16 to strictly comply with Covid-19 protocol inside the aircraft, the re port said. Notably, India on Wednesday recorded 9,062 fresh Covid-19 in fections that took its tally to 4,42,86,256, while the number of active cases came down to 1,05,058, according to Union Health Ministry data. The Health Ministry data further stated that the death toll climbed to 5,27,134 with 36 new fatali ties, including six reconciled by Kerala, while the active cases comprise 0.24 per cent of the total infections. The national Covid-19 recovery rate stands at 98.57 per cent. The ministry said that a decline of 6,194 cases has been recorded in the ac tive Covid-19 caseload in a span of 24 hours.
The ill-fated truck below the road on Wednesday.
Staff Reporter
Airlines will have to take action against flyers without mask: DGCA
CHENNAI, AUG 17 (AGENCIES): The draft for the global pandemic treaty aimed at equitable distribution of vaccines and drugs, data sharing, genome sequencing and related re search will be available in the next 18 months as most countries have agreed on it, said World Health Organ isation chief scientist Dr Soumya “Discussionspreparedhealthcarewouldberspandemic,riencesBasedSwaminathan.ontheirexpeduringtheCovidWHOmemproposedatreatythathelpbridgegapsinsystemsandstayforfuturedisasters.werecom
pleted in July and most countries agreed on the ways of working and broad policies,” she said. “Even now we see how countries like Africa have to aggres sively demand vaccinations against monkeypox and some countries are hoard ing them,” said Dr Soumya, on the sidelines of an event organised by women in pul monology at the Sri Ram achandra Institute of Higher Education in Chennai. An ortothirdsmatterswillHealthintotionguideline.itexpressedasitmostthepreparingnegotiatingintergovernmentalbody(INB)isthedraftbasedonbroadcontentsagreedbycountries.Asofnow,maynotbelegallybindingseveralcountrieshavereservations,butwillgiveabroadworkingLiketheconvenontobaccothatcameforcein2005,theWorldAssemblyAuthorityadoptconventionsonofhealth.Atwo-majorityisneededadoptsuchconventionspacts.
DIMAPUR, AUG 17 (NPN): Western Sumi Youth Front (WSYF) has appealed to the state gov ernment to declare Aghu naqa and Khaghaboto ar eas under Niuland district as drought-hit and release financial assistance to the genuine affected farmers. In a representation ad dressed to the minister for agriculture, WSYF presi dent Mughavi Awomi and general secretary Bohoi Yep tho stated that the farming community of Aghunaqa and Khaghaboto areas had been hugely affected due to scanty rainfall during 20212022. The youth body stated that deficient rainfall has left the farmers in those areas deeplyRainfallworried.being the pri mary source of water for agriculture, WSYF said the late arrival of monsoon and the insufficient rainfall has left farming community in huge distress. Further, the youth front stated that farmers in those areas also witnessed massive crop loss this year due to scanty rain fall. WSYF said the farmers, who were already hit by pandemic, were facing diffi culties since almost all crops were Itrainfall-dependent.statedthatthecur rent situation spells doom for the farming community of those areas, which were witnessing extended dry spells compared to others parts of the state. WSYF has, therefore, appealed to the agriculture minister to declare those areas as drought-hit and take necessary steps in the inter est of the affected farmers. It also requested de puting staff of agriculture department and NSDMA to for on-spot verification.
NEW DELHI, AUG 17 (ANI): As Covid-19 cases rise in the country especially in Delhi and Mumbai, Dr VK Paul, member (Health), NITI Aayog warned that the pandemic is still not over and emphasized the need for people to take precau tion dose.“We need to protect ourselves and need to take precaution dose. Those who have taken a second dose and exceeded 6 months should take the precautionary dose soon. It was said there was slowness in the starting but in 75 days to Amrit Ma hotsav, there has been an improvement in inoculation rate and it is satisfactory,” Paul told ANI. He said there is no dearth of vaccines and eligible beneficiaries should go to the vaccination centre. “It was 8% of precaution dose vaccination rate and now it has reached 17% at present within a month but this speed needs to increase,” he added.Paul said, “Cases are around 16,000 and testing norms are there and we are only testing close contact when they have symptoms. We are also reporting deaths and serious cases are also witnessed, although not as serious as they used to be in previous waves...”
NSF joins NESO protest against CAA, AFSPA BJP rejigs Parliamentary Board; drops Gadkari, Shivraj as members
DIMAPUR, AUG 17 (NPN): Two persons were killed and two injured in a road mishap in Pherima area here on Wednesday afternoon.According to PRO Di mapur Police Bharat Lax man, the incident took place around 2.40 p.m. when the truck, belonging to the Na galand police, was on its way to Dimapur and reportedly hit two bystanders near a makeshift roadside vendor shed.After hitting the by standers, the truck report edly lost control and fell about 700 metres below the road. While one of the Nagaland logs 10 fresh Covid cases
Post MYK C MYK C Vol XXXII No. 253 DIMAPUR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 2022 Pages 12 ` 5.00 Ship on ‘mission of friendship’ to SL: China INTERNATIONAL, PAGE 9 FOLLOW US ON @Nagaland_Postnagalandpostofficial Nagaland Olympic: Football event begins SPORTS, PAGE 12 This is it! “Our party’s DNA is we don’t merge with others but others merge with us. That’s action not words”
Massive explosion hits Kabul mosque, many feared dead bystanders was killed on the spot, a lady was also injured.
DIMAPUR, AUG 17 (NPN): Young Naga Ac tion Committee on Foothill Road (YNACFR) has set September 15, 2022 dead line for the State govern ment to complete the Foot hill RoadComprisingconstruction.students and youth of 13 affected tribes and formed under the aegis of Nagaland Foot hill Road thewhichincompletestructionmentattitudeobservingleasetheCommitteeCoordination(NFHRCC),committeeinapressresaidithadbeensadlythelackadaisicaloftheStategovernincompletingconofthedecades-oldFoothillRoad,wasthelifelineforpeopleofNagaland,in spite of NFHRCC’s con stant YNACFRappeals. however appreciated the contrac tors for completing 80% of the work despite onset of summer season. It recalled that the meeting convened by the PWD (R&B) chief engineer on July 22, 2022 had specifically decided that the pending bills would be released as per the work completed. The committee however alleged that the contractors’ pending bills had not been cleared to date. It feared that the project would not be completed as per the stipulated time set by NFHRCC.Meanwhile, YNACFH has threatened to take its own course of action if the matter was not resolved. NFHRCC to consultativeholdmeet Nagaland Foothill Road Coordination Com mittee, as resolved during the joint meeting held on August 6, has called for a consultative meeting with all primary stakeholders from Tizit to Niuland inclu sive of all village councils, coal miners’ union, log & saw mills union, stone crushers/boulders and transporter union and the Young Naga Action Com mittee to deliberate on the foothillInformingroad. this in a press note, NFHRCC said that the meeting will be held on August 19 at NFHRCC base office, Khermahal, Dimapur from 10 a.m. on wards. It has requested two members from each village councils and various organ isations/unions to attend the meeting positively. For further informa tion the office bearers can be contacted: convenor Supu Jami- 9436016389; gen. secretary W. Humtsoe-gen.shi-info.Mar9863022644;convenorChang-9856867464;Lembaco-HokiyeYepthomi-fin.SecretaryLemtur-9436019202;secretaryHimaitoChi9862409627andasst.secretaryChenithung8974028616.
Correspondent KOHIMA, AUG 17 (NPN): Activists of Naga Students’ Federation (NSF) under the aegis of North East Stu dents’ Organisation (NESO) staged a three-hour sit-in dharna outside its office premises here on Wednesday against Citizenship Amend ment Act (CAA) and Armed Force Special Powers Act (AFSPA) and to demand proper implementation of Inner Line Permit (ILP), among others. Similar pro tests were also held across other North Eastern States under the banner of NESO. Addressing the gather ing, NSF president Kegway hun Tep said NESO during its executive and federating units meeting on August 3 decided to on a three-hour protest in all the North-east ern States’ capitals against CAA, AFSPA and other issues confronting the re gion, besides seeking proper implementation of ILP. Will not allow CAA to be implemented: Highlight ing the charter of demands of NESO, he asserted that as the North-eastern States were already occupied by outsiders and illegal immi grants even without imple mentation of CAA, the Act would not be allowed to be implemented in the region. He recalled that despite stiff opposition from the North-eastern States, the Central government went ahead and introduced the Bill in Parliament, which passed it in 2019. He alleged that the BJP government was committed to implement ing the Act before the next Assembly election, which would not be allowed, he added. Govt ILP portal nonfunctional: Tep said even though the State govern ment was claiming that ILP was being implemented, the ILP portal was not-function al. He alleged that many visitors and labourers who had entered Nagaland were not even aware to fill up the ILP form and nor knew that they needed to apply for ILP before entering the State. He claimed that during a surprise check at Nagaland Gate in 2019, NSF activists detected more than 1,600 persons without ILP, adding that the documents seized then were still under the federation’s custody. He remarked that the State government talked about unemployment, but outsiders were capturing the local markets, thereby depriving Naga youth of opportunities. In this regard, he urged the government to ensure strict implementation of ILP and also update Na tional Register of Citizens (NRC) 1951. AFSPA an evil law: Terming AFSPA as an evil law, Tep insisted that the law should be repealed at any cost, lamenting that even the December 4 massacre issue was made to die down without delivering justice to the victims’ families. He disclosed that the Oting incident was discussed at the NESO meeting where it was resolved to demand that justice be delivered to the victims’ kin without delay, besides demanding repeal of AFSPA, alleging that the armed forces were here to harass and not to protect the citizens. Wrong portrayal of NE in school textbooks: Tep mentioned that there was flawed representation of the Northeast in CBSE school textbooks and cited an in stance of a Class III textbook wrongly mentioning that the official languages of Naga land, Meghalaya and Mani pur were Bengali, Nepali etc.
DIMAPUR, AUG 17 (NPN): Western Sumi Hoho (WSH) has agreed to suspend the ongoing indefinite bandh of Dan siripar sub-division after assurance from the deputy commissioner (DC) Chu moukedima to resolve the issue of the payment of damage compensation Ki yevi village. WSH media cell stated that the Sumi Hoho, Western Sumi Hoho, Sumi Kukami Hoho and the core committee, on the invitation of DC Chumoukedima, held an informal meeting at the official residence of DC on August 17, 2022. After thorough deliber ation on the issue of payment of damage compensation to Kiyevi village, WSH said the talk came to a meeting point whereby on the appeal and assurance of DC to resolve the issue of the payment of damage compensation within seven days, WSH agreed to suspend the ongo ing indefinite bandh.
Global pandemic treaty draft to be ready in 18 months WSYF appeals govt to declare two areas under Niuland as drought-hit
Covid still not over, precaution dose rate needs a boost: Dr. Paul KABUL, AUG 17 (IANS): Many worshippers are feared dead following an explosion inside a mosque in the northern part of the Afghan capital Kabul. The blast occurred dur ing evening prayer in the Kotal-e-Khairkhana area of the city, Kabul police spokesman Khalid Zadran was quoted as saying by dpa on Wednesday.Zadransaid the ex act number of casualties was not clear but security forces were investigating the incident. Unconfirmed reports suggested that at least 20 people, including the mosque Imam Mawlawi Amir Mohammad Kabuli, were killed in the blast and 40 others were injured. There was no immedi ate claim of responsibility for the incident. Despite the Taliban’s assertion that they have brought security to the nation, the country is witnessing regular attacks, mostly claimed by the Islam ic State. The Taliban retook power in August 2021 dur ing the chaotic withdrawal of the US-led NATO forces and re-imposed their strict rule. No country has yet recognised the hardliners’ de facto government.
One of the important ongoing research triggered by Covid is airborne trans mission of pathogens. “We are trying to understand short and long-range aero sols to find out how patho gens spread,” she said. Shar ing knowledge and data on science will be one of the key factors to manage pandemics.Itwill also be impor tant for scientists to ensure myths, misconceptions, and disinformation, emerging from social media, do not harm. Vaccine hesitation is the reason for 14,000-15,000 deaths due to the pandemic, she said.
indefinite bandh
YNACFR sets Sept 15 deadline to complete Foothill Road 2 dead, 2 injured in road mishap in Pherima area
NEW DELHI, AUG 17 (PTI): In a major shakeup, the BJP on Wednesday dropped Union Minister Nitin Gadkari and Mad hya Pradesh chief minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan from its parliamentary board, its apex organisational body, and brought in six new members, including Karna taka leader B S Yediyurappa and Iqbal Singh Lalpura, first Sikh representative. The party also rejigged its Central Election Com mittee (CEC) and named Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fad navis and Union minister Bhupender Yadav among its new members. Gadkari and Chouhan ceased to be CEC members after their ouster from the board. All parliamentary board members, which in clude Prime Minister Naren dra Modi, Union ministers Amit Shah and Rajnath Singh and BJP president J P Nadda, automatically become part of the CEC, which has some additional members as well. The other new board members are K Laxman, Sudha Yadav and Satyana rayan Jatiya, three old party faithfuls but considered po litical lightweights, besides Union Minister Sarbananda Sonowal, a tribal leader from Assam. BJP General Secretary (Organisation) B L Santhosh is an ex-officio member of the both bodies. The omission of for mer BJP president Gadkari ( 65), considered close to the RSS, and Chouhan (63) marks their diminish ing stock within the party which has tried to make its key organisational bod ies more socially and re gionally representative by inducting members of dif ferent communities, in cluding former cop and Punjab leader Lalpura, cur rently the chairman of the National Commission for Minorities. Former Union ministers Jual Oram and Shahnawaz Hussain have been also dropped from the CEC.
DIMAPUR, AUG 17 (NPN): Nagaland on Wednesday recorded 10 fresh Covid-19 positive cases while no deaths were reported during the day. Of the fresh cases, five were from Dimapur, four in Kohima and one in Mon, taking the total caseload to 35,883. The active cases in the State dropped to 30 with eight more patients recovering from the infection.
Nitin Gadkari Shivraj Singh Chouhan Naga Students’ Federation functionaries during the sit-in protest in Kohima on Wednesday. (NP)

The family of late H. NYEI-E PANJA would like to acknowledge the uncountable act of Love and Kindness shown during his prolonged illness and sad demise. Our deepest appreciation to all the families, friends, relatives, neighbours, churches, unions and well wishers who stood by us during our darkest hours. Words just cannot express the depth of thankfulness and gratitude we feel at the overwhelming love and support, prayers and words of comfort, care and concern bestowed upon us. We regret our inability to reach out individually and express our gratitude for your gestures, but we offer our prayer to Almighty God, that He may always make way in your lives to receive blessings abundantly. We also convey our special gratitude to:1. Dr. Along Konyak and Staff of Eden Hospital, Dimapur. 2. Doctors and Staff of Civil Hospital, Mon. 3. Dr. Chingjei and Staff of Rapha Hospital, Mon. 4. Dr. Tali and Staff of City Clinic, Dimapur. 5. Dr. Abenla Jamir and Staff of Family Clinic, Dimapur. 6. Konyak Baptist Church, Mon Town. 7. Tompang Ward Fellowship, Mon Town. 8. Wakching Area Union, Mon Town. 9. Wakching Union, Mon Town. Love & Prayer Loving Wife, Son and Relatives
3rd DEATH ANNIVERSARY DP-3793/22 20.01.1957 12.08.2022
Students of MHSS along with faculty members and others. Accused person in police custody on August 16.
P Chander (seated R) with NMPA members and other delegates at the event on Wednesday. (NP)
‘Romancing Print East 2022’ held in Kohima
We the bereaved family members of Lt. Yevito Yepthomi would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to every individual and organizations who stood by us spiritually, financially and physically during the illness and sad demise of our beloved Father on 3rd August’ 2022. We express our special thanks to: 1. Shri. Y. Vikheho Swu, Hon’ble MLA.
Correspondent KOHIMA, AUG 17 (NPN): Nagaland Mas ter Printers Association (NMPA) organised the Ro mancing Print East 2022, under the aegis of All India Federation of Master Print ers (AIFMP) at Ura Hotel, here on SpeakingWednesday.asthe special guest, AIFMP president, P Chander disclosed that there were around 82 af filiated associations from all over the country under the federation. He said the federation was formed in the year 1953 after which it has been successfully organising such events. Chander said the federation represented all the printers and media houses involved in printing books and other documents and was one organisation which was recognised all over the world. He said Romancing Print was started 20 years back which initially was confined to only metro cit ies. However, later along the years, Chander said the ambit was widened to cover even the smaller cities so that those in printing pro fession could learn schemes and opportunities available in theHeprofession.saidtheevent serves a meeting point for mem bers and a time to learn new trends of the printing profession. He assured help to the members in the print ing sector. The programme was chaired by NMPA gen eral secretary, Povotso Lohe, while welcome address was delivered by Zievinyü Yaliet su. A folktune was presented by Phetsukiku Club and NMPA advisor, Mhiesizo kho Zinyü proposed the vote of thanks.Later during the day, a business session was held with AIFMP former presi dents-Prof Kamal Chopra and Dibyajyoti Kalita, for mer vice president-S Surjit Singh and vice president East-R N Dutta Baruah as speakers.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT DP-3894/22 Mr. T. P. Imchen (06.05.1932 – 18.08.2021) A father’s love is forever imprinted on his children’s hearts. Those special memories we made, help you to live on even though you are gone. On the 1st Anniversary of your passing, we remember what a truly wonderful person you were. We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labour prompted by love and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Thessalonians 1:3 NIV).
We, the bereaved family of Lt. Hutoho Shohe of Naghutomi (Old) Village sincerely extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Church of CRC Pezielietsie Kohima, Doctors & Nurses of Naga Hospital Kohima, each and every individual who stood by us spiritually, physically and financially at the sudden demise of our father. We sincerely regret our inability to thank each and every individual, but it is our earnest prayer that our Almighty God bless you all abundantly.
Late K. HOTOSHE ZHIMO (GHUKIYE VILLAGE) 20.11.1938 - 18.08.2019 Three years have passed since you left us. Yet, the power and strength of your prayers and the knowledge and wisdom of your advice and encouragement, the joy, love, and blessings of your life are still in our hearts every passing day. We miss you dearly with silent tears. Your Loving Wife, Children, In-laws and Grandchildren
Loving Wife, Children, Grandchildren and Family Members
2. Dr. Sukhato.A.Sema, Rt. Principal Director, Health & Family Welfare. 3. Shri. N. Hokugha Yeptho, Diphupar. 4. Shri. Ghokiye Kiba, Thilixu Village. 5. Doctors & Nurses, Olive Christian Hospital and Research Centre, Dimapur. 6. Doctors & Nurses, Faith Hospital, Dimapur. 7. SABAK Urban Ministry, Dimapur. 8. Sumi Aphuyemi Kukami Hoho. 9. Sumi Aphuyemi Kuqhakulu, Dimapur. 10. Director and Counselors, Gethsemane Prayer Home, Dimapur 11. Thilixu Village Baptist Church. 12. Iphonumi Village Council. 13. Iphonumi Students Union. 14. NCRC Iphonumi. 15. Iphonumi Baptist Church, General, Women & Youth Department. 16. Iphonumi Union, Dimapur. We deeply regret our inability to mention each and every individual but it is our humble prayer that Almighty God bless you all abundantly. Loving Wife, Children, In-laws, Grand Children, Great Grand Children and Relatives.
Police nab 1 with 450gm heroin Manipur and seized 450 grams of suspected heroin. Acceding to PRO PHQ Kohima, the police personnel during routine checking of suspected ve hicles at NH-2, between Viswema and Khuzama village, Kohima inter cepted a
DIMAPUR: Modern Higher Secondary School (MHSS) Kohima conduct ed a career guidance pro gramme on August 16 for its students with Chartered Accountant (CA), A. Loso Kayina and Mt. Everest College, Senapati, assistant professor (department of commerce), Daikho Piku as the resource persons. In a press release, MHSS informed that Kay ina exhorted the students by sharing his preparation and experiences on clearing the various stages of CA exam conducted by ICAI and also about the different subjects the students need to study to complete the CA course. He also encouraged Janata Dal (United), Nagaland state unit, on Wednesday, carried out poster campaigns in various parts of the districts demanding the UDA government to conduct Urban Local Bodies (ULB) polls.
We the bereaved family members of Late Yananimo Humtsoe would like to express our heartfelt thanks and profound gratitude to each and every individual, various organisations, colony members, neighbours, churches, well-wishers and friends who helped and supported us physically, materially, financially and spiritually at the sad demise of our beloved father on 12th August 2022. We deeply regret our inability to thank each and every individual personally but it’s our sincere prayer that our Almighty God bless you all opulently.
Loving Wife, Children, Parents and Relatives
IN GRATITUDE "A Life that touches others goes on Forever" K-1884/22 BORN : 29/04/1971 | DIED : 10/08/2022
DIMAPUR: An aids and appliances distribution camp under Assistance to Disabled Persons for Purchase / Fit ting of Aids and Appliances (ADIP) scheme was held on Wednesday at District Disability Rehabilitation Centre (DDRC), District Hospital Dimapur (DHD). According to DIPR report, the camp was jointly organised by the National Institute for Empowerment of Persons with Multiple Disabilities (NIEPMD), State Com missioner for Persons with Disabilities, Nagaland (SCP wDN), Dimapur district administration and DDRC, DHD. The campaign was recognized for mental illness, autism spectrum disorder, low vision, visual impairment, hearing and speech, locomotor handicapped, cerebral palsy, and leprosy cured. The survey was also carried out by nodal officer, northeast region, NIEPMD, Chennai, Dr. Stalin and consultant, ADIP, Dr. Amrudaan and MD (PMR), Dr. Imlitemsu in three outposts namely Medziphima, Dhansa ripar and Molvum. Altogether, 76 Persons with Disabilities (PwDs)benefitted from the camp.
Loving family members
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT K-1886/22 09/07/1976 - 11/08/2022
Aids & appliances distribution camp in Dimapur
DIMAPUR: Nagaland po lice personnel of Narcotic Cell (NC) PS on August 16, arrested one Md. Sabir Khan (21) son of Md. Ma zid Tulla of Lilong village,
MHSS conducts career guidance for students the students to be sincere, dedicated and hardworking and move away from nega tivity. In the second session, Daikho Piku, highlighted the various scope, job op portunities and benefits available in studying com merce.
IN REMEMBRANCE 1st Death Anniversary
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith. II Timothy 4:7 10.01.1950 – 03.08.2022 DP-3902/22
NSCN (Akato) greets Sangtams: NSCN/ GPRN (Akato Chophi) has extended warm Hunapongpi greetings to the Sangtam Nagas and wished Sangtam brothers and sisters to continue to dwell in prosperity, wealth and good health, and to foster unity and goodwill among Naga family so as to bring forth the essence of peace and harmony. LJP Nagaland meeting on Aug 30: Lok Janshakti Party (Ram Vilas) Nagaland has convened a general meeting on August 30, 2 pm, at Hotel De Oriental Grand, Kohima. All the members have been asked to attend the meeting.

MYK C MYK C 3STATENAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 2022 Q.: Is the release of convicted rapists by Gujarat a mockery on justice? A Yes. 84% B No. 14% C Can’t Say. 2% 100%90%80%70%60%50%40%30%20%10%0% nagalandpost.com Poll A B C NEXT POLL Q: Is the financial position of the state in dire straits? Yes. No. Can’t Say. (Temperature in ºC) Max Min Agartala A t-storm around in the p.m. 34 26 Aizawl Cloudy with a stray t-storm 30 21 Guwahati Clearing, a thunderstorm 35 27 Imphal Warm with a t-storm in spots 30 22 Itanagar Cloudy, a t-storm; hot 34 26 Shillong Cloudy with a thunderstorm 26 20 Kohima Cloudy with a thunderstorm 27 20 Dimapur Mostly cloudy with a t-storm 34 25 Mkg Cloudy, a couple of t-storms 29 22 Tuensang Cloudy with a stray t-storm 23 18 Wokha Cloudy with a stray t-storm 30 23 Zunheboto Couple of thunderstorms 26 20 FORECASTWEATHERAUGUST18 DIMAPUR: Advisor for horticulture and border affairs, Mhathung Yant hun Wednesday said that the state government was giving special focus on agriculture and allied ac tivities to improve the welfare of the farmers and make Nagaland a vibrant economy.According to a DIPR report, the advisor while speaking at the inaugural programme of Sub-Divi sional Horticulture Office (SDHO), Pfütsero, said with an aim to uplift the welfare of the farmers and elevate their economy, the department of horticulture has established 11 SDHOs across the Statingstate.that Pfütsero sub-division has “great potentials” in horticulture activities and with the es tablishment of SDHO Pfüt sero, Mhathung said the department could serve the people better and would be better equipped to look into the welfare of the farmers of theShortarea.speeches were also delivered by addi tional director, horticul ture department, Y. Bongti Konyak and convener, Pfütsero Town Welfare Committee, Mezelo Lomi. The programme was chaired by EAC Pfut sero, Dr. Riku Khutso, the dedicatory prayer was pronounced by Sr. Pastor PTBC, Rev. Dr. Neingupe Chiero, welcome address was delivered by DHO Phek, Senkalemba P while vote of thanks was deliv ered by SDHO Pfutsero officer in-charge HRF, Kel houzakie Chielie.
DIMAPUR: Inavi colony at Aghunato town under Zun heboto district on Wednes day protested against the administration’s decision to merge Inavi colony with Achesa.Ina press release, rep resentatives of Inavi colo ny—Ahokhe Achumi and Kiyeto Zhimo stated that the colony would “never merge with any colony” since Inavi colony “stood alone as big ger colony within Aghu nato” which was formed since the establishment of Aghunato town bearing population over 1000. Claiming that although the administration passed out the information to the GBs to consult members of each colony, the representa tives said merging of Inavi colony and Achesa was done “without any consul tation from any member of the colony” and that the GBs failed to consult the colony.Stating that Inavi col ony and Achesa colony were “not even close in area”, the press release said Aghunato town in its es tablishment had a division of four colonies i.e., DIC colony which was now Inavi colony, Education which was now Phushito colony, Medical colony which was now ADC colony and PWD colony.They said the division of ten colonies were done in 2013-2014 and table for the division of colonies were as follows: DIC colony (Inavi and Achesa); Educa tion colony (Phushito and Shevillo); Medical colony (Lukikhe, ADC and Vikiye) and PWD (PWD, Medical and Forest).Asserting that they would “never agree to this merger”, the representatives sought for the intervention of higher authority to solve this matter and warned that “this problem may effect ULB election and general election.”The protest saw par ticipation from STH, youth wing, ATSU and public rep resentatives, were all the rep resentative discussed about the progress and expansion of Aghunato “instead of decreasing the colonies.”
Colony members protest against merger with another colony at Aghunato
DIMAPUR: Along with the rest of the nation, Akuluto celebrated the 76th Independence Day on at Akuluto ADC Hq, where advisor, NSDMA and CAWD, Kazheto Ki nimi hoisted the national flag and delivered the In dependence Day speech. Other highlights of the programme were cultural presentations, exhibition stalls and Covid vaccina tion booth. Assam Rifles: Mo kokchung Battalion of Assam Rifles celebrated 76th Independence Day at Battalion Headquarters and Company Operating bases.Jalukie Battalion of Assam Rifles celebrated 76th National Indepen dence Day on Third high est peak of Nagaland, Mt Pauna (2486 meters) with unflinching spirit and en thusiasm.Dimapur Battalion or ganized a band display and an exhibition on “Know your Armed Forces” on the occasion of Independence Day celebration at DDSC stadium, Dimapur.
PASU decries transfer of SDO (C) Phomching from Assam, Manipur, and from the various districts of the home state, Nagaland are exhibiting varieties of handloom products at the expo.
NHP medical camp conducted at Kezoma
TO pensionersinformsDimapur
Members of Inavi colony protesting in front of the ADC office at Aghunato town along with NGOs.
GPSC students along faculty members during one of their activities as part of the SIP
DIMAPUR: Government Polytechnic Seithekema-C (GPSC), Chümoukedima became the first institute in the state to complete the first Student Induction Programme (SIP) for 26 students.Ina press release, GPSC lecturer, Er. Ronja mo C Murry informed that the SIP was conducted in the institute over a period of three weeks from July 27 to August 17, covering all the nine modules given in the handbook for SIP pro vided by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE).The curriculum of the induction programme included basic arts, crafts humanities, games & sports, fitness routine, literature, culture, lectures by health professionals and eminent people and interactions on Universal HumanTheValues.students along with all the staff and facul ties of the institute carried out activities (VR)screening,sports,physicalMinistry)(Nagalandtianareasinstitute,familiarisationincluding—withthevisitstolocalsuchasPatkaiChrisCollege&OrphanageOutreachGiftatSeithekema-C,exercise,games&inspirationalmovieVirtualRealitysessionsetc.
Govt focusing on agri & allied activities: Mhathung Mhathung Yanthun along with department officials and others after unveiling the plaque, Wednesday. (DIPR)
State handloom expo underway in Dimapur Abhijit Kumar inaugurating the expo on Wednesday, in the presence of NHHDC officials and others.
DIMAPUR: Condemning the transfer of Phomching SDO (C) headquarters, the Phomching Area Students’ Union (PASU) has appealed to the state government to immediately cancel the transfer order and retain the present SDO (C) at Phomching.Inapress release, PASU president Wanggok Konyak and general secre tary L Wangjam stated that Phomching, one of the old est towns under Mon district and established in 1969, was left without designated/full time SDO (C) for the past three years without any reliever.After many years of hardships and requests, the union said the state govern ment recently on July 15, 2022 posted new SDO (C). However, PASU stated that within a span of less than a month, the SDO (C) was transferred to Mon HQ. with additional charge of SDO (C) PointingPhomching.out that Phomching sub-division, which shares border with Myanmar and Arunachal Pradesh, holds a signifi cant role geographically, the union said the law and order “must be strictly implement ed for the maintenance of peace and Despiteharmony.”thefact that law and order problems were very uncertain and fragile, PASU said the state government immediately transferred the newly posted SDO (C) to Mon HQ. fol lowing the firing incident at Nyasa Village and Longwa Village on August 15, 2022. PASU said the general public was surprised with the order of the state govern ment and condemned “the cowardly order.” The union has, there fore, strongly appealed to the state government to cancel the order and retain the present SDO (C) at Phomching, failing which PASU would take its own course of action.
The medical team of 10 doctors and specialists, 12 nurses and several helpers provided the villagers with consultations for ENT, gen eral medicine, Obs & Gynae, optometrist, orthopaedics, paediatrics and Ayush. Around 200 patients from the village were pro vided with medical aid at the camp.Itmay be mentioned that NHP aims to improve management and delivery of health systems and increase their utilisation by commu nities in targeted locations across the state.
DIMAPUR: A 14-day state handloom expo organised by the Nagaland Handloom & Handicrafts AbhijitDEB,(NSCB)Stateinauguratedinformeddirector,NHHDCbanderwayministrycommissionerofficeLtd.CorporationDevelopment(NHHDC)andsponsoredbytheofthedevelopment(handloom)oftextilesgotunWednesdayatUrHaat,Dimapur.Inapressrelease,Ltd.managingZakaboVRotokhathattheexpo,byNagalandCo-operativeBankLtd.,Dimapur,managingdirector,Kumar,wouldcul minate on August 30. NHHDC Ltd. said the main aim and objective of the exhibition was to devel op and promote marketing channels in domestic and export markets and bring about linkage between the two in a holistic and inte grated manner. It said the exhibition also serve to provide mar keting opportunities to handloom workers with special focus on talented and uncovered weavers. Further, Nagaland Handloom & Handicrafts Development Corporation Ltd. said 60 participants DIMAPUR: Nagaland Health Project (NHP) under the department of Health and Family Welfare funded a medical camp at Kezoma village, at the of fice of Kezoma Students’ Union and Kezoma VIP guest house on August 12. In a press release, CHC Kezocha informed that dur ing the programme, CHC Kezocha medical officer, Dr. Vekholu Venyo informed that incentives and funding were provided under the project on basis of progress on defined indicators of improved health and nutri tion related services and practices in the community of interest.Dr.Vekholu expressed gratitude to the department for projects such as NHP which were evidently bridg ing the gap between commu nities and healthcare. The medical officer said such programmes were much needed progress in the overall healthcare system in the state.The medical camp saw participation from the vil lage council, women’s soci ety and youth organisation as volunteers.
DIMAPUR: District Health Society (DHS) Tuensang, on Wednes day, organised a district level training on “Social Awareness and Actions to Neutralise Pneumo nia Successfully (SAA NS), for medical officers, community health of ficers (CHOs) and Aux iliary Nursing Midwives (ANMs) under Tuensang district. In a press release, DMO, NHM Tuensang, Apheang informed that resource persons for the training included junior specialist (Paediatrician) District Hospital Mokokc hung, Dr. Imlisenba Lem tur and MO Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) Tuensang, Dr. Chumbeni.Theresource persons sensitised the participants on pneumonia prevention, breastfeeding, age appro priate inhealthticipantswerepneumoniatestgramme,andfeeding,complementarygoodqualityairimmunisation.Atthetrainingpropre-testandpost-oncasestudiesformanagementalsocarriedout.Altogether,41parfromvariousunitsparticipatedthetraining.
Deputy commissioner (DC) Mon, Ajit Kumar Verma addressing the Mon District Planning and Development Board (DPDB) monthly meeting, on August 16, in the conference hall of the DC Mon. The meeting was also attended by SP Mon, Imnalensa and other district heads of offices and officers.
DHS Tuensang organises
GPSC completes first student induction programme
DIMAPUR : Office of the treasury officer (TO), Dimapur has informed all pensioners drawing monthly salary under se nior treasury office that the physical verification for the year 2022 would begin on September 12, 2022Inonwards.apress release, senior treasury officer (TO), Dimapur informed that scheduled date for the verification has been prepared according to the pensioner’s serial number in order to avoid the nor mal departmental transac tion TObusiness.saidthis was also done to meet the conve nience of every pensioner. In this regard, all the pensioners have been in formed to bring personal copy of Pension Payment Order (PPO) book and Identity Card (ID)/drawal card issued by the Dima pur District Pensioner Association.Theoffice has further informed that failure to attend the physical veri fication the pension case shall be considered as closed and submit to the AG Nagaland right after completio n of verifica tion.
SAANS for healthcare workers
Resource persons along with participants in the conference hall of the CMO Tuensang, Wednesday.

Meghalaya CM sets base for Umsning-Jagi Road
Police custody of M’laya BJP leader extended AGARTALA, AUG 17 (PTI): The trial run for cargo movement from Kolkata to the northeast via Bangladesh’s Mongla port has been successfully conducted, with Union Minister Pratima Bhoumik receiving a consignment in Tripura’s Sepahijala district, officials said. Cargo movement from Kolkata port to the northeastern states through the India-Bangladesh Protocol route will not only reduce transit cost and time, but also help in boosting the economy, they said. “A shipment reached Srimantapur LCS (land customs station) from Bangladesh on Tuesday. It will be transported to Silchar later...” said Bhoumik. Trial run for cargo from Kolkata to NE via B’desh port successful GUWAHATI, AUG 17 (PTI): Assam Chief Min ister Himanta Biswa Sarma on Wednesday directed all deputy commissioners in the state to ensure smooth conduct of the examinations for recruitment into nearly 30,000 Grade III and Grade IV posts for various govern mentSarma,departments.ina virtual meeting with the DCs, asked them to adhere to the Stan dard Operation Procedures (SOPs) in letter and spirit for maintaining a foolproof mechanism for recruitment of competent youths trans parently.More than 14,30,000 candidates are expected to appear for the recruitment examinations to be held on August 21, 28 and Septem ber 11, officials said. On these three days, mobile internet will be suspended during the three-hour exam in areas where the examina tion centres are located. The candidates and the invigila tors will be barred from car rying mobile phones or any other electronic gadgets to the centre of examination. The chief minister also directed the DCs and superintendents of police to be ready to thwart un scrupulous elements from disrupting the Governmentexaminations.officers will be deployed as observers in each examination centre to ensure that the SOPs are properly executed. One subinspector level police officer will also be posted in each examination centre who will be assisted by other police personnel. The in-charge of each examination centre will engage two persons to video graph key events during the exam time, of ficialsSarmasaid. also asked the SPs to keep their intelligence network active to help them pre-empt any motive to disturb the examination process.
Correspondent MAWHATI (MEGHALA YA), AUG 17: Meghalaya Chief Minister, Conrad K Sangma, on Wednesday set the foundation stone for the Umsning-Jagi Road at a function held at Mawhati in Ri-Bhoi“Thisdistrict.road has been neglected for years and the last time it was repaired was during late P.A. Sangma’s time and to be able to con tinue the work started by him gives me joy and makes this occasion more special,” Sangma said, referring to his late father, who had held the post of Chief Minister from 1988 to Noting1990.that the road is of great importance not only for the people of the constituency but is a strate gic road for the entire state of Meghalaya, the Chief Minister said, “This road can connect faster to Jagi Road and then to Upper As sam making it very strategic economically as the entire area in this region or the district has a lot of trade with Jagi Road and the rest of Assam.”Healso said that in future the road will be even more critical for the con nectivity between Assam and Meghalaya.“Hence,realizing all these facts, we have done our best to help and support the people of this area so that this project is initiated for not only Mawhati but the entire State,” the Chief Min ister said and also informed that the 36forRoadWaywithin5.5mingincludesworkestandcialcommoditiesinpeoplethenectedvillagesvillage.40.13HighwaytionalfromkmBank(MITP),IntegratedRoadmentofborderatandKmRoadRoadsanctionedRskilometerslasnai-SabudaBhoirymbong-MawRoadof10amountingto18.5croreshasalsobeenandallotted.TheUmsning–JagiisaMajorDistrictstartingfromthe51stofNH–6atUmsningendsatUmsiangvillagetheAssam–Meghalayahavingatotallength80Km.Upgradation/ImproveofUmsning-JagiunderMeghalayaTransportProjectfundedbyWorldhasalengthof40.13inRi-Bhoi.TheprojectroadstartsthejunctionwithNaHighway-6/AsianandendsatKmofSH-8nearSonidanThereareabout17thataredirectlyconbythisroad.Thisroadservesasmainlifelineforthelivinginthisregiontransportationofessentialandcommerproductstothevillagesothersagricultural,forproducts.ThescopeofunderthisprojectwideningofexistcarriagewaywidthtointermediatestandardtheavailableRightof(ROW).TheUmsning-Jagiprojectisstipulatedcompletioninthenextmonths
Correspondent SHILLONG, AUG 17: The Court of Chief Judicial Mag istrate, Tura in Meghalaya on Wednesday further extended the police custody of state BJP vice-president Bernard N Marak for six days. With this, the days in custody of Marak, who has been booked under the Im moral Trafficking Act, 1956, Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 and the Explosives Sub stances Act, 1908 and is cur rently in the police dragnet, will now be 26 days. The senior BJP leader, who is also a sitting member of the Garo Hills Autono mous District Council, was produced before the Court on completion of six days police custody on Wednes day in a case related to the seizure of explosives from his farmhouse at Edenbari. A police official said that the investigating of ficer has sought for eight more days’ police custody to interrogate Marak in con
Notes: 1. Last date for inviting online applications is ex tended up to 31.08.2022
NESO organizes protests againt CAA across NE
Various apex stu dents’ bodies in different state of the Northeast spear headed the protest to repeal CAA. Here is a report from different NE states. AASU hits the streets in Assam After a gap of over two years, protests against the controversial Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) resumed across Assam on Monday.Protests by members of the All Assam Students’ Union (AASU), a part of the North East Students’ Organ isation (NESO), was held in all the district headquarters of the state amid heavy security arrangements. In Guwahati, the protests were held outside the ‘Swahid Bhawan’, the AASUNESOheadquarters.advisorSamuj jal Bhattacharjee told re porters that the people of Assam can never accept the CAA and it has to be repealed.“We had to suspend our protests two years ago due to the prevailing pan demic but have now decided to renew it so that the CAA is not implemented,” he said. “The anger against this unjust law, however, has been burning in the hearts of the Assamese people and our protests against it will continue till it is repealed,” he added. The students’ organisation also demanded an end to the problem of radicalisation, a permanent solution to the foreigners’ issue and the complete re moval of the Armed Forces Special Power Act (AFSPA) from the entire Northeast. It also demanded con stitutional safeguards for the indigenous population of Tripura, resolving the prob lem of Chakma-Hajong ref ugees in Arunachal Pradesh and a separate recruitment board for the youths of the Northeast. NESO stages sit-in protest in Shillong and West Garo Hills
2. The applicants who have already applied online need not apply again.
3. That, the above mentioned names S SETONGLICHU SANGTAM and SETONGLICHU SANGTAM refers to one and same person. 4. That, this affidavit is made to rectify my name S SETONGLICHU SANGTAM 5. That, I hereby renounce and relinquish the name S SETONGLICHU SANGTAM and in place thereof I shall be known as SETONGLICHU SANGTAM for all future correspondences. IN WITNESS WHERE OF I have signed this affidavit on this, the 12 August, 2022 at Chumoukedima, Nagaland. Deponent Magistrate or Notary Public dp-3893/22 Regd. No. 787/2022 Date : 12/08/2022 GoverNMeNt of NaGalaNd office of the dePuty coMMissioNer diMaPur : NaGalaNd Public Notice No.GEN-18/CR/2016-D/ Dated Dimapur, the 16th August’ 2022 Consequent upon receipt of an application for the recognition of “NEISATUO COLONY” under Dimapur Municipal Ward No. 10 and on completion of all formalities for the recognition of the concerned Colony, notice is hereby given to all the general public of the area for claims/objections if any, within 30 (Thirty) Days from the date of publication of this notice. No complaint/objection will be entertained after the stipulated time under any circumstances. The proposed boundaries of the Colony are as under: North : Island Colony South : Road to IV (LRC)/Assam East : Khermahal Colony West : I.V. (LRC) Colony (sachiN JaisWal), ias DeputyDimapurCommissioner;Nagalanddp-3896/22 cbc 24201/11/0010/2223
In Guwahati, the protest demonstration was held under the aegis of All Assam Students’ Union (AASU) at the Swahid Nyash Bhawan in Uzanbazar.
Conrad Sangma at the foundation stone laying ceremony.
Ensure smooth conduct of recruitment exams: Sarma Himanta Biswa Sarma Correspondent SHILLONG, AUG 17: North Eastern Hills Uni versity (NEHU) Vice Chan cellor, Prof Prabha Shan kar Shukla on Wednesday said that the university is awaiting the decision of the Union Ministry of Educa tion on whether to regular ise its 700 odd contractual workers.“We have communi cated to the ministry of education and it is upto the ministry to give its deci sion,” Shukla said in the wake of the ongoing protest launched by contractual workers outside the varsity administrative building. The workers under the banner All North Eastern Hill University Workers’ Union are demanding that their job is regularized.
nection with the seizure of explosives. However, the court granted only six more days of police custody. Police seized 35 gelatine sticks, 100 detonators apart from four cross bows and 15 arrows from Marak’s farmhouse on July 29. Marak, a former leader of the now-disbanded militant outfit ANVC (B), was arrested on July 27 by Uttar Pradesh police.
CBC 45103/12/0009/2223
AFFIDAVIT I, SETONGLICHU SANGTAM, resident of Chungtor, Tuensang, Nagaland do hereby truly and solemnly affirm and state as follows : 1. That I am officially called and known as SETONGLICHU SANGTAM. 2. That my name has been erroneously recorded as S SETONGLICHU SANGTAM in my husband's Field Service Documents (34th ASSAM RIFLE, C/o 56 APO).
The Khasi Students’ Union (KSU) staged a sit-inprotest at the U Kiang Nang bah statue in Meghalaya’s state capital Shillong, while the Garo Students’ Union activists protested in Tura, the district headquarters of West Garo Hills. “We will continue to put pressure on the cen tral government to scrap the contentious CAA and implement the Inner Line Permit across all North eastern states to protect the identity and land of the indigenous communities,” NESO Chairman Samuel JyrwaThesaid.CAA seeks to re move hurdles in the way of eligible migrants from six minority groups from Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan from getting IndianJyrwacitizenship.saidthe NESO also demanded repeal of Armed Forces (Special Pow ers) Act (AFSPA), 1958, an update of the National Register of Citizens (NRC) in Assam as per the 1951 census, and the implementa tion of the Assam Accord immediately.TheNESO also de mand a solution to vexed inter-state boundary as well as international border is sues Onimmediately.therefugee prob lem in the Northeastern states, the NESO urged the government to solve the refugee issue of Chakma and Hajong of Arunachal Pradesh and to look into the issue of ethnic Myan marese citizens crossing over to Northeastern states to escape persecution like provision of food and shelter and other welfare amenities till the situation improves so that they can return to Myanmar. The NESO also asked the central govern ment to declare North East special employment Zone and all the grade III & IV of central offices must be reserved for Northeastern people cent percent. “The government must provide special constitu tional status for NE people with rights over land and natural resources and for mulate a comprehensive policy for economic de velopment of the region,” Jyrwa said, adding that the administrative centre of “Act East Policy” must be establish in the North East region itself. Correspondent Mizo student body demands withdrawal of CAA, AFSPA Mizoram’s apex stu dent body Mizo Zirlai Pawl (MZP) on Wednesday staged a demonstration in Aizawl demanding with drawal of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and Armed Forces (Special Powers)TheAct.protest was made in response to a call given by the North East Students’ Organisation (NESO), the umbrella body of major student bodies in the eight North-eastern states. In the sit-in held at the MZP office here, sup porters of the organisation demanded that the Centre revoke CAA and AFSPA from the region. It also asked the central government to resolve the inter-state boundary dis putes in the Northeast and the problems faced by the states of the region along the international border. The MZP demanded that an education policy be framed to suit the culture of the people of the region. Its other demands in cluded providing relief to the Myanmarese refugees staying in the Northeast and declaration of a sepa rate time zone and special employment zone for the Northeast. Manipur demands more effective ILP Members of the All Manipur Students’ Union (AMSU) on Wednesday staged a protest at the gate of AMSU head office in Imphal’s DM College campus. The protest was staged to join North East Students Organization’s protests across the north eastern states against the Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA). “Repeal CAA” , one of the placards dis played during the protest read, while others read, “Implement ILP system in the entire NE region”, “Update NRC”, “Repeal AFSPA, 1958”, “provide special constitutional status for NE people” etc. Protesters also shouted various slogans demanding introduction of Inner Line Permit System (ILPS) in the whole of the northeast region to safeguard the in digenous communities and separate education policy for theAMSUregion.president Hao bijam Chalamba Meitei said that if the Indian govern ment was sincere enough to develop the region at par with the other parts of the country, the 12-point char ter of demands placed by NESO must be addressed. The demands were in the interest of the people of the region, he said, while observing that the region will continue to lag behind unless the multiple issues plaguing the people of the region are addressed first. He said that in order to protect the indigenous communities of the region, a special constitutional pro vision was needed besides placing the whole NE region under the inner line permit regime.He further pointed out that t the way the ILPS is currently implemented in Manipur needs to be reviewed as it includes no provision to safeguard the indigenous communities of the state.“The ILPS introduced in Manipur is only for name sake. It has no provision to safeguard the indigenous communities of the state,” he said.The Central govern ment must consider a special constitutional provision for the NE region while repeal ing the CAA. The CAA will one day become a big challenge to the existence of the indigenous communities of the region, he asserted. The AMSU president also demanded complete repeal of the AFSPA, 1958 from the entire northeastern region, including the state. He further said that the existing inter-state boundary disputes need to be resolved for the peaceful coexistence among people of the region and urged the Centre to also settle the international borderTheissues.region also needed a separate education policy which would be based on the cultural and history of the region, he added. The separate policy must focus on setting up more universities, technical and vocational institutes, medical and engineering colleges, and research cen tres, he said. The region also needed a separate time zone so as to bring development at par with other regions of the country, he added. AMSU held the protest under the banner NESO, he said, adding that AMSU will launch various forms of agitation under the banner of NESO till the demands are fulfilled.
3. No applications is physical form shall be ac cepted.
GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Ministry of Law and Justice Department of Legal Affairs (Notary Cell) Ministry of Law and Justice, Department of Le gal Affairs, Notary Cell invites ONLINE applications for appointment of Central Government Notaries against 200 numbers of vacancies for the State of Nagaland. Eligible legal practitioners/ advocates may apply on the official website of the Department of Legal Affairs (https://notary.legalaffairs.gov.in).

3. Seat is limited and admission will be on 'First Come First Basis' 4. Hostel facility is available for male trainees (Both LMV & HMV) 5. Application form is available at Driver Training Institute Virazouma (7 th Mile) Chumoukedima on all working days 6. Last date for receipt of duly filled application forms for both LMV & HMV31/08/2022 7. For queries and application forms contact the Institute Office on all working days or call : 6009808855 DURING OFFICE HOURS Sd/(LONGTSU TUNGOE) Deputy General Manager NST Driver Training Institute Virazouma (7th Mile) Dimapur NagalandDC-930/22
Auction n otice ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Medziphema will be auctioning two numbers of adult bulls (Murrah Buffalo & Holstein Friesian cross cattle) and one number of adult Murrah Buffalo Cow on 30.09.2022 (Friday) at 9:30 am through open bidding. Kindly see the website (www.icarnagaland.nic.in) for further terms and conditions. Sd/Asstt. Administrative Officer ICAR RESEARCH COMPLEX FOR NEH REGION (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) Nagaland Centre, Medziphema, Nagaland- 797106 DC-933/22
Row over govt flats to Rohingya
the Chief Minister is the Leader of the House in the Assembly, while the deputy CM holds the equivalent post in the Council.The Upper House also passed a resolution congratulating Droupadi Murmu and Jagdeep Dhankhar on their election as President and VicePresident, respectively.
NEW DELHI, AUG 17 (PTI): Hours after Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri said that Rohingya refugees in the national capital will be shifted to flats for economically weaker section, the Union Home Ministry on Wednesday denied any such move and directed the Delhi government to ensure that “illegal foreigners” remain in detention centres pending their extradition. Earlier on Wednesday, Puri, the Union Minister for Housing and Urban Affairs, tweeted that India has always welcomed those who have sought refuge in the country and all Rohingya refugees would be shifted to EWS flats in east Delhi’s Bakkarwala area. But in the evening, he shared the Home Ministry statement clarifying the issue of Rohingya illegal foreigners and said it “gives out the correct position”. In the statement, the Home Ministry said, “With respect to news reports in certain sections of media regarding Rohingya illegal foreigners, it is clarified that the MHA has not given any directions to provide EWS flats to Rohingya illegal migrants at Bakkarwala in New Delhi.”
Puri had in his morning tweets tagged a news agency story and said those who had made a career out of spreading canards on India’s refugee policy deliberately linking it to CAA will be disappointed.“India respects & follows @UN Refugee Convention 1951 & provides refuge to all, regardless of their race, religion or creed,” he said. “India has always welcomed those who have sought refuge in the country. In a landmark decision all #Rohingya #Refugees will be shifted to EWS flats in Bakkarwala area of Delhi. They will be provided basic amenities, UNHCR IDs and roundthe-clock hasunder(NDMC),Municipalsaid.Affairs,thecountrydeportationuppresentforeigners”totheMinistryashiftgovernmentprotection,”@DelhiPoliceheposted.NotingthattheDelhiproposedtoRohingyaMuslimstonewlocation,theHomesaidithasdirectedDelhigovernmentensure“theseillegalremainattheirlocation.IthasalreadytakenthematteroftheirwiththeconcernedthroughMinistryofExternaltheHomeMinistryTheNewDelhiCouncilwhichfunctionstheHomeMinistry,constructedEWSflats in the Bakkarwala area near the Tikri DelhiDelhiwithoutfortheLieutenantthewasshiftclaimedonHomethefactsnewsNotnationalappeasementisminister)threatRohingyaMinistryjurisdictionwillcountrytheinfiltratorssecuritycompromisepolicygovernmentBhatiaspokespersonBJP’sborder.nationalGauravsaidtheModihasaclearthattherewillbenoonnationalandtheRohingyaareathreattointegrityofthecountry.“ThelawofoursaysthattheybedeportedandthislieswiththeofHomeAffairs.infiltratorsareatoIndia’ssecurity.“But(DelhichiefArvindKejriwaldoingthepoliticsofkeepingthesecurityatbay.longago,therewerereportsinwhichtheweremeanttomisleadpublic.TheMinistryofAffairshasclarifiedthat,”BhatiasaidHowever,SisodiathatthedecisiontotheRohingyaMuslimstakenbyofficersatbehestoftheDelhiGovernor(LG).Hesaidaftertakingdecision,itwassenttheapprovaloftheLGshowingittotheChiefMinisterortheHomeMinister.“TheDelhi government will not allow this conspiracy to illegally settle Rohingyas in Delhi,” the Delhi Deputy CM said. Sisodia said the central government was flaunting the settling of Rohingyas as an achievement in the morning, but after it was opposed by the Aam Aadmi Party, “it has now started putting the responsibility on the Delhi “Whereasgovernment”.itisafact that the central government was secretly trying to give permanent residence to the Rohingyas in Delhi,” he claimed.Mariam, a 35-year-old Rohingya refugee, claimed some of the migrants in Kalindi Kunj “were told on Wednesday that they will be moved to detention centres”.“We don’t know why the Government of India changed their decision. The only thing I was happy about was that my daughter and I would be living in a pucca building for the first time after a decade,” Mariam told PTI. Kabir Ahmed, who came to India in 2012 and holds a UNHCR ID, said that they “fear being mistreated” if their refugee camps transform into detention centres. refugees; MHA clarifies
1.Note:Interested candidates may submit their resumes to contact@nagalandeduproject.com , on or before 28th August 2022. Applications will be accepted via Email only and should clearly state the post applied for. 2. Candidates are allowed to apply for one post only. If found to have applied for more than one post, the application will be rejected.
Devendra Fadnavis
5. Candidates selected for the Interview, after the result of the written test, must bring along with them, in original, all educational qualification documents from matriculation onwards till requisite qualification together with HSLC Admit Card for proof of age and all other relevant documents like experience certificates. Failure to bring original documents will disqualify the candidate from appearing the interview.
4. Eligible candidates will be called for a written test, for which the time, date and place will be specified later through Email.
The Government of Nagaland has received financing from the World Bank towards the cost of the Nagaland Education Project -The Lighthouse (NECTAR) and intends to apply part of the proceeds towards engagement of contractual employees. The Department of Education, Government of Nagaland therefore invites applications for filling up the following contractual engagement vacancies under Nagaland Education Project-The Lighthouse, in the manner prescribed below: Item No.1: 1 (One) post of Procurement Executive Item No. 2: 4 (Four) posts of District Project Assistants (1 each for Chumoukedima, Niuland, Shamator and Tseminyu District)
A boy looks on from a makeshift tent at the Rohinya refugee settlement area in Kalindi Kunj, New Delhi. (PTI) NEW DELHI, AUG 17 (AGENCIES): With an eye on the Kejriwaltowillheduringtohasthetoruledimmediateinandurging1”announcedKejriwalChiefnationalElections-2024,GeneralAAPconvenerandDelhiMinisterArvindonWednesday“MakeIndiano.missionpoliticalparties,all,includingBJPCongress,totakepartit.However,inthecontext,BJP-stateofGujaratwillgoAssemblypollstowardsendofthisyear.AAPpulledoutallstopsmakeadentintostatetheelection.Launchingthemission,saiditwasapolitical.Hevisitacrossthecountryachievethismission.Inanaddress,setoutfivegoals in the mission relating to education, health, jobs, farmers and women, saying their achievements would help achieving it. He said it was possible because the country is teeming with a diverse range of professionals, and a wealth of 130 crore population.Facing criticisms for AAP’s alleged culture ofannouncing freebies as electoral promises, Kejriwal said for the mission to come to fruition, free education to all children, employment to youth andhealthcare to all citizens, among others, are needed.He said the people of the country are still suffering in want of basic amenitiesafter 75 years of Independence.
Devendra appointedFadnavisLeaderofHouseinMLC
Cattle smuggling: CBI freezes FDs worth Rs 16.97 cr of Anubrata MUMBAI, AUG 17 (PTI): Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis has been appointed the Leader of the House in the state Legislative Council, Chief Minister Eknath Shinde announced on Wednesday. Shinde made the announcement as he introduced newly-inducted members of his Cabinet to the Upper House on the first day of the monsoon session of the state legislature.Later, Fadnavis, a senior Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader, introduced the newlyelected members of the LegislativeFadnavisCouncil.isamember of the Legislative Assembly fromUsually,Nagpur.
Minimum qualification and experience required: Item No. 1: • B.Com / BBA / M.Com / MBA or equivalent • Minimum 2 years of relevant working experience • Working knowledge of Government and World Bank procurement guidelines and procedures is highly desirable and preferred • Experience in handling civil works related procurement activities is highly desirable and preferred • Working experience in an International Development Organization Project in Nagaland or within the Northeastern Region • Excellent project and time management skills • Excellent writing and documentation skills, and good command of English • Good computer knowledge is essential Item No. 2: • Graduate or equivalent in any discipline • At least 3 years of experience in a State or NGO run project as a supervisor or field executive • Should have experience in roles of supervision, data collection and entry, project site visits and inspection • Proficient in their respective district common local dialect • Proficient in using MS Office • Excellent communication and management skills
Anubrata Mondal
Arvind Kejriwal waves national flag during the launch of ‘Make India No. 1’, at Talkatora Stadium in New Delhi. (PTI) ‘Make India mission; asks BJP, Cong to join
6. The engagement will purely be on contractual basis for a period on 1 year and can be extended yearly, subject to performance and requirement.
Gram:Agricomplex Phone:247241/247250 Medziphema Fax :03862 -247241
Remuneration: Item No.1: Between ` 40,000 - 70,000/- P.M (Fixed) depending on experience Item No.2: ` 30,000/- P.M (Fixed) Age as on 01-01-2021 Minimum Maximum 21 Years 40 Years
7. Any issue/complaints must be settled on or before the last date of submission of application. No complaints will be entertained thereafter. Sd/THAVASEELAN K (I.A.S) Project Director Nagaland Education Project-The Lighthouse (NECTAR)DC-932/22 GOVERNMENT OF NAGALAND OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER NAGALAND STATE TRANSPORT DRIVER TRAINING INSTITUTE VIRAZOUMA (7th MILE) DIMAPUR : NAGALAND NO.NST/DTI/TRG-5/2022-23/ Dated : ADVERTISEMENT Applications are invited from interested Male and Female candidates for under-going Motor Vehicle Driving Training at NST Driver Training Institute, Virazouma (7th Mile) Chumoukedima. Course offered : Duration 1. Light Motor Vehicle 1 (one) Month 2. Heavy Motor Vehicle 3 (three) months Conditions and eligibility criteria : 1. The minimum age limit of the candidate must be 18 (eighteen) years and above on the date of admission. 2. (a) Admission for HMV (Heavy Motor Vehicle) is going on for SeptemberNovember 2022 Batch (b) Admission for LMV (Light Motor Vehicle) is going on for the month of September 2022 and classes will commence w.e.f 01/09/2022.
Kejriwal launches
no. 1’
NEW DELHI, AUG 17 (AGENCIES): Three CISF commandos have been dismissed from service and two senior officers of its VIP security unit shunted following an inquiry into a security breach at the residence of National Security Advisor (NSA) Ajit Doval in Delhi earlier this year, officials said on Wednesday.NSADoval, 77, is a top category ‘Z plus’ protectee under the central VIP security list and the cover is provided by a special armed unit of the CISF, called SSG. Apart from securing the NSA when he travels to any part of the country, the commandos of the paramilitary force guard his second-in-command,security(DIG)DeputyKaushikdismissedGroupofwhileagainstandguiltyheldtheSecuritybycourthasaccommodation.governmentThepunitiveactionbeentakenafteraofinquiryconductedtheCentralIndustrialForce(CISF)intoFebruary16incidentthefiveofficialsonvariouscountsrecommendedactionthem.TheofficialssaidthreecommandostheSpecialSecurity(SSG)havebeenfromservice,Ganguly,theInspectorGeneralheadingthisVVIPunit,andhissenior commandant-rank officer Navdeep Singh Heera, have been Replacementshunted. officers for the two have recently been posted at the SSG, they said. The CISF or government sources did not specify the exact grounds on which the five were held guilty. The incident that set off alarm bells took place around 7:30 am on February 16 when a man from Bengaluru attempted to drive a red-colour SUV into the high-security house of Doval in central Delhi. The three commandos, who have been dismissed, were present at the NSA’s residence that day as part of the security detail. paramilitary personnel dismissed over security breach at Doval’s home
3. For the post of item no.2, the applicants should clearly state the NAME OF DISTRICT APPLIED for. Candidates are allowed to apply for one district only and should be a permanent resident of that particular district and Permanent Residence Certificate (PRC) should be produced during the time of interview.
It also said that the Delhi samehaveDetentiontheofasCentretosaid,Twitter,includingpartsMyanmarwho40,000MinistryitsRohingyaofPartyKejriwal-ledaccusingthisgovernmentinresidencetryinggovernmenttryingcentraldispensation,SisodiaChiefnewRohingya“proposedgovernmenttoshiftMuslimstoalocation”.ButDelhiDeputyMinisterManishattackedtheBJPallegingthegovernmentwastoblametheAAPafter“’secretlytogivepermanenttotheRohingyasDelhi”andtheDelhiwillnotallow“conspiracy”.TheBJPhasbeentheArvindAamAadmi(AAP)governmenttryingtosettleillegalMuslimsduetoappeasementpolitics.AccordingtoaHomeestimate,aroundRohingyamigrantshavefledfromliveindifferentofthecountry,Delhi.InitsstatementontheHomeMinistry“IllegalforeignersarebekeptinDetentiontilltheirdeportationperlaw.TheGovernmentDelhihasnotdeclaredpresentlocationasaCentre.Theybeendirectedtodotheimmediately.”
NEW DELHI, AUG 17 (PTI): The CBI has frozen fixed deposits worth Rs 16.97 crore allegedly belonging to TMC leader Anubrata Mondal and his family members in connection with a case of cattle smuggling across the Indo-Bangladesh border, officials said Wednesday. The agency detected the fixed deposits in State Bank of India, Axis Bank and Bank of India during the questioning of several close aides of Mondal and other witnesses during its ongoing probe in the case, they said.The probe has found that Mondal allegedly gave cash to his aides who used to deposit it in bank accounts and later set up fixed deposits in his name, they said.The central agency kept the heat on Mondal and grilled his accountant Manish Kothari for over two hours at its temporary camp office in TheBolpur.agency also recorded statements of two bank officials of the bank where the Mondal has accounts, the CBI officials said. The CBI suspects that several bank accounts belonging to Mondal’s daughter Sukanya were used for financial transactions in the scam, they said. A four-member agency team on Wednesday visited Mondal’s Nichupatti residence in Bolpur to question Sukanya, a primary school teacher, but left within 10 minutes after she refused to talk to them. The team had gone to question Sukanya about the alleged wealth accumulated by her which does not look justified going by her salary and profession.Theteam returned after she said she was not in an “emotionally good shape” due to the recent death of her mother and arrest of her father. The CBI officials said she did not cooperate in the investigation. Under scanner are several properties in the name of Sukanya, who is also director in some companies.Mondal (62), who is currently TMC’s Birbhum district president and member of the party’s national working committee, rose to prominence in the 11 years of the TMC regime in Bengal, mostly for his audacious statements and browbeating.Bornin1960 to a family of farmers in Birbhum, Mondal, popularly known as ‘Keshto’, the eldest of five siblings, started his career as a fish trader in Suri.

Economy must run faster to address socio-eco problems
…Jesus…said to him, “You still lack one thing. Sell all that you have…and come, follow Me.” But when he heard this, he became very sorrowful, for he was very rich. —Luke 18:22-23 Have you ever heard the Master say something very difficult to you? If you haven’t, I question whether you have ever heard Him say anything at all. Jesus says a tremendous amount to us that we listen to, but do not actually hear. And once we do hear Him, His words are harsh and unyielding. Jesus did not show the least concern that this rich young ruler should do what He told him, nor did Jesus make any attempt to keep this man with Him. He simply said to him, “Sell all that you have…and come, follow Me.” Our Lord never pleaded with him; He never tried to lure him— He simply spoke the strictest words that hu man ears have ever heard, and then left him alone. Have I ever heard Jesus say something difficult and unyielding to me? Has He said something personally to me to which I have deliberately listened— not something I can explain for the sake of others, but something I have heard Him say directly to me? This man understood what Jesus said. He heard it clearly, realizing the full impact of its meaning, and it broke his heart. He did not go away as a defiant person, but as one who was sorrowful and discouraged. He had come to Jesus on fire with zeal and determination, but the words of Jesus simply froze him. Instead of producing enthusiastic devotion to Jesus, they produced heartbreaking discouragement. And Jesus did not go after him, but let him go. Our Lord knows per fectly well that once His word is truly heard, it will bear fruit sooner or later. What is so terrible is that some of us prevent His words from bearing fruit in our present life. I wonder what we will say when we finally make up our minds to be devoted to Him on that particular point? One thing is certain— He will never throw our past failures back in our faces. Reader’s Post I ndians can v iew the country’s journey since Independence with great satisfaction. These 75 years have witnessed fundamen tal social dramajoythereasforThishappycreepingandsinceconcerns,thelourPMheartsglobalinvoiceactionhavehealth.space,includinginbedemocracy.andvanceremarkabletransformation,economicadandthemaintenancedeepeningofelectoralIndiacanalsoproudofitsachievementsscienceandtechnology,thespheresofnuclearandhumanTheseachievementsimpactedIndia’sinterwiththeworld.Itsisheardwithrespectmanycriticalareasofconcern.Yet,evenasIndianwillfillwithprideasModiunfurlstheTricofromtherampartsofRedFortonAugust15,somecontinuingfreedomwasachievedsomenew,maycomein,ifnotonthatday,thenthenext.wouldnotbeunnatural,inthelivesofcountries,ofitsindividualcitizens,isneitherunalloyednorsorrow;suchistheoflife.
To wait a little longer Veteran Congress leaders– party president K. Therie and former chief minister K.L. Chishi- have taken on their one-time party colleague and present chief minister Neiphiu Rio on his speech on the occasion of 76th Independence Day on August 15,2022 especially on the issue of Naga political solution. As an academic exercise, the matter would not have attracted flak had the ‘top agenda’ of the regional party leaders who have been ruling the government, was made only in passing. Of course, every Naga in Nagaland and other areas know that the regional party that eventually came to power and actively backed by the BJP government at the Centre; had promised that solution to the Naga political issue would be secured within three months of coming to power in 2003. That was an awe some, authoritative and assertive announcement or promise, if ever there was one. The regional party benefitted hugely in the form of financial reward given by the BJP for having defeated its arch enemy the Congress with a peace bonus of Rs. 365 crore in 2003. It is also known to Nagas of Nagaland as to how the elections since 2003 were fought and how those who were on the same page are today in separate political factions. After months turned to years and years into decades, there was no solu tion but only rhetoric. Yet the coalitions of regional parties- NPF and now NDPP- with BJP continue to assure Nagas that talks are ongoing and moving in the right direction. The Congress took on the speech of chief minister Neiphiu Rio was for urging Nagas to be patient on solution since it cannot be achieved as and when desired. Quite obviously no one ever said solution can be achieved in one go as promised the leaders and those now in opposition in 2003. How ever, despite decades of talks that had also resulted in written agreements with the Naga Political Groups (NPGs) solution is still evasive. There are many points that have been raised in the recent past by Congress and other organizations on the question able role being played by the regional-BJP alliance, now the opposition-less United Democratic Alliance (UDA). To cut the long story short, Nagas have been told consistently, even after October 31, 2019 that talks were “ongoing”. The leaders also chose to ad dress the Centre’s Representative as Interlocutor. Like the saying “you can fool all the people some time, some people all the time but not all the people all the time”, the game was up. With no other way out, the reunited and expanded legislators’ forum now called Parliamentary Core Committee on Naga Political Issue (PCCoNPI) had finally admitted on July 16, 2022 that talks have concluded on October 31, 2019 and called on the Centre to secure early so lution. However, the resolution took another innocu ous deviation by urging upon the prime minister and the home minister to get directly involved in sorting out the competencies. That the UDA-comprised PC CoNPI leaders went to Delhi ostensibly to relay the resolution but instead came out with the seat sharing formula only infuriated the public. After all these, to now urge upon people to be patient is restating the same point made in 1998 by the then ruling govern ment which was condemned for maintaining that there can be no specific time or date for solution. Of course, today 25 years is indeed too long a period and people’s patience is wearing thin.
Sir, I would like draw the attention of the responsible Electri cal Department to the fact that there is frequent breakdown of electricity in our locality, Nagarjan. There are power cuts for 10-12 hours every other night for the past two weeks. This problem has been continuously going on ever since the beginning of the month. The residences of the area are in a problematic situation due to the frequent power cuts. The department has not issued any notice regarding the cause or reason for such power outage. The concerned authorities should listen to the grievances of the public, and address the problem at the earliest without fail. Imna Jamir, Half Nagarjan, (podcast.imna@gmail.com)Dimapur,
ThethewhilenaturewereternalaqueathedtionrootedforFatherafullycitizenIndependence,nation.Thatneversary,pastperiods?toquarrelsofwithfutureitrights-oriented?rationalistvariednon-discriminatoryprogressive,towardshumanorientations,andscientificandOrshouldberigid,focusingnotonquests,butobsessedrightingthewrongshistory,miredinpastanddeterminedobliteratelonghistoricalInspirationfromachievementsisnecesbutthepastshouldbecomeaquagmire.canonlyleadtostagAnd,75yearsaftereveryIndianhastobeconsideredauthentic.ItwouldberepudiationofwhattheoftheNationstoodifthatessentialpositioninIndia’sConstituisabandoned.ThecolonialstatebetotheIndianstatenumberofunresolvedexissues.SomeoftheseembeddedintheveryofthecolonialstateothersemergedfromcreationofPakistan.twoprincipalissues which remain unresolved and have adversely impacted India are border problems with China and Pakistan. The India-China border difficulties stem from the colonial period while the India-Pakistan border prob lems have their origin in Pakistan’s hostility towards India. Unfortunately, there seems to be no prospect of a resolution of either issue in the foreseeable future. The Chinese threat will only increase in time. China aspires to surpass the US as the world’s pre-eminent power. For this, it wishes to settle its periphery on its own terms. Its preferred manner of dealing with India is to keep it in a pincer through Pakistan. Through CPEC it is seeking to impart new and positive dimensions to its ties with Pakistan. The arrangements of the 1990s to maintain peace along the LAC cannot be relied upon. Hence, more invest ments in men, material and infrastructure will have to be made. India must enhance its manufacturing base to reduce dependence on Chi nese supply Pakistanchains.iscurrently in the throes of a crisis. If it was a rational state, with the security provided by its nuclear weapons, it would have reoriented ties with India. There is no likeli hood, however, that Pakistan would do so. It will continue to rely on calibrated use of terror to keep India tied down in J&K. As India’s footprint increases in the world, it must realise that its true attraction to smaller states comes from the example of its democratic institutions embedded in the Constitu tion. Newly independent countries had admired these institutions which enhanced individual freedoms and ushered in social-economic reform, seeking to build an egalitarian, peaceful and harmonious society embrac ing all Indians. India at 75 must ensure that the strength of these institutions is never impaired.
It is necessary to re call this period of Indian renaissance, for some of the concerns of today have their roots in the ideational contestations of that stirring period. And, the contested idea, relevant to contem porary India, is this: where do the roots of nationalism lie? In a united geography with varied cultures, or in a cultural stream of ancient origin unsullied by the wa ters which may have flowed, even over extended periods of time, through this vast land? This is the great ide ational divide that confronts India at 75. It has to be admitted that while it was thought to have been settled in the first four decades of Independence, in favour of a political nationalism, the forces subscribing to ‘cul tural’ nationalism have come to the fore and have gained greater acceptance. The Par tition of the country on the basis of religion also ensured that this fundamental debate would remain alive. Even if the underpin nings of nationalism are taken to be cultural, what should be the nature of the public culture? Should it be open, inclusive,
Procrastination - The thief of time
The great ideational divide
75 years of ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’ I ndia ’s economic journey started with Independence. Many people do not re alise that India’s economic progress in the first half of the twentieth century under British rule was dismal. During these five decades, India’s annual growth rate was just 0.9%. With population growing at 0.83%, per capita income remained almost flat. Immediately after Independence, growth became the most urgent concern for policymakers.Thedominant view in the literature on development eco nomics in the 1950s and 1960s was that the government had an important role to play and that it should undertake activi ties that would compensate for ‘market failure’. The literature also emphasized the benefit of a coordinated and consistent set of investment decisions. It is this line of reason ing that led most developing countries, including India, to formulate economy-wide plans. Though India adopted a mixed economy, the mix was tilted heavily towards state, at least incrementally. However, by the 1970s, it was becoming clear that the model we had chosen was not delivering. But our poli cymakers refused to recognize this. It was around that time China made a big change. It was the crisis of 1990–91 that compelled the policymakers to turn to an ‘idea whose time had come’. The break with the past came in three important directions – first to dismantle the complex regime of licences, permits and controls, second to reverse the strong bias towards state ownership and third to abandon the inward-looking trade policy. Trends in growth India’s average growth till the end of the 1970s remained modest with the average growth rate being 3.5%. However, on several parameters, there were noticeable improvements, such as the literacy rate and life expectancy. There was break through in Agriculture after GreenTheRevolution.industrial base was also widened. The Indian econ omy did grow at 5.6% in the 1980s. But it was accompanied by sharp deterioration in the fis cal and current account deficits and the economy faced the worst crisis in Between1991–92.1992–93 and 2000–01, GDP at factor cost grew annually by 6.20%. Be tween 2001–02 and 2012–13, it grew by 7.4% and the growth rate between 2013–14 and 2019–20 was 6.7%. The best perfor mance was between 2005–06 and 2010–11 when GDP grew by 8.8%, showing what the po tential growth rate of India was. During this period, the invest ment rate reached the peak of 39.1% in 2007–08. However, the growth story suffered a setback after The2011–12.decline in growth rate which started well before the advent of Covid-19 should make the policymakers reflect and introspect. The growth performance since 2012–13 is a bit difficult to interpret. The introduction of a new series on national income with the base 2011–12 has raised many controversies. After good perfor mance in 2015-16 and 2016-17, growth started declining and touched the level of 3.7% in 2019–20. In fact, this period is marked by a sharp decline in gross fixed capital formation rate from 33.4% of GDP in 2012–13 to 28.8% in 2019–20. The economic impact of Covid-19 is largely because of the actions taken to contain the spread of Covid-19 such as the lockdown. The net result has been a decline in growth rate by 6.6 per cent in 2021 and a rise in growth rate by 8.7% in 2021–22. The economy is virtually where it was in April 2020. We have lost two years. The decline in output is even greater when looked at from the trend rate of growth.2022–23 could have been the first normal year after Co vid-19. However, the economic impact of Russia-Ukraine war can be severe, if it continues for long. The sudden surge in crude oil prices can severely affect our BOP and the current account deficit can rise to 3% of GDP or even higher. Perhaps, we should settle for a growth rate of 7% in 2022-23. Challenges and oppor tunities Post Covid-19 and post the Russia–Ukraine war, there is need to lay down a clear roadmap for India’s future de velopment. Initially, we need to raise the growth rate to 7% and then follow it up with a growth rate of 8 to 9%. We have shown that in the past we can have a growth rate of 8 to 9% over a sustained period of six to seven years. What is needed is to raise the investment rate steadily back to around 33% of GDP. India’s future growth path cannot be unidimensional. We need a strong export sector, both of goods and services. We also need a strong manufacturing sector domestically both with a view to meeting the domestic demand as well as providing employment to a wide cross sec tion of talent. Our own ‘sunrise industries’ will be different from those of other countries. The rapid pace of globalization that we saw since the beginning of the 1990s will slow down for a variety of reasons. Atmanirbhar should not result in pure import substitution. That is neither economically sound nor is it desirable. An open economy with some limitations is still the best route to follow. We need to raise the sav ings and investment rates rapidly and keep the ICOR around 4 which is a reflection of the efficiency with which we use capital and labour. Growth is the answer to many of our socioeconomic problems. In terms of growth, we have a long way to go. We need to run faster. C Rangarajan is former chairman of the Economic Advisory Council to the PM and former governor, RBI (As published in Financial Express)
~ Neal A. Maxwell DailyDevotion Are You Discouraged or Devoted?
DiscouragementQuotesisnot the absence of adequacy but the absence of courage.
Reader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the columns do not reflect the view of this newspaper nor that of the Editor in any manner.
All through history, the idea prevailed that the vast land from the Himalayas in the north to the ocean in the south, and from the sea in the west to the sea in the east had an underlying unity. It was seldom admin istratively united nor was it populated with people who followed a rigid uniformity in custom and practice, but the concept of unity was reflected in ancient sacred texts and became part of popular consciousness. The British gave the Indian sub continent administrative unity — not uniformity though — through a colonial state. However, the idea of Indian nationalism which emerged during colonial rule was the response of the Indian people to the loss of freedom. This response embraced ideas from India’s own rich inheritance, and also from the European en lightenment. Many streams of thought and consequent action came up, in what be came a great movement for national independence and a comprehensive reformation of Indian society.
Vivek Ex-Secretary,Katju,Ministry of External Affairs (As published in The Tribune)
I feel so grateful and thankful to God that I got a chance to join the rest of fellow citizens of India to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee or 75 years of Independence Day of India. For the first time I saw the public hoisting the Indian Flag in almost ev ery house in the city. This shows the love and pride of the people which comes out from their own hearts. It is a good sign of returning to the old days when we were able to celebrate the Independence Day in the schools, churches government institutions etc. But, my simple thoughts go to the youth of the country. Are they (the youth) truly celebrating or is it a joy for two days only. Are the rulers of the country and states really thinking about the youth who are the future of the family, society, the state and the country or about those hailing from the downtrodden families and villages. Where will our youth go when they are not getting proper jobs whether in the government or private sector or agriculture or in any other profession. The top policy makers and the powers that can have an influence and even the lower ranks are too busy with their own interests. No doubt, from the above there is a small percentage who really think about the welfare of the state and the country in general and the youth in particular but they are not in a position to do anything because the system is either too comple x or they are not allowed to carry on their Mymission.simple suggestion to all those who are in power, to please put the country and the youth first, for the prosperity of the nation. Create avenues for employment in every sector. Show the way through your deeds and not through your speech. Actions speak louder than words. P.S.R. Kharkongor, Mawlai Mawdatbaki, Nongpathaw, Shil long, Meghalaya (The writer is a technocrat and is pres ently advisor to the Government of Meghalaya, Power Department)
NNC clarifies on president’s speech
D o you procrastinate more than once? Do you ask why you don’t simply continue ahead with it? In the event that delaying is a “hole among expectation and activity” what holds you back from setting your goal in motion? You’re following in , some admirable people’s footsteps since practically everybody hesitates. Yet, not every person is a slacker. Stalling is impulsivity prevail ing upon potential compensations. To this end it’s on the increment. Our cutting edge world has boundless in terruptions: a plenty of TV channels, electronic games and Internet entice ments. Docks Steel discussing about hesitation says, “You were unable to plan a more terrible workplace on the off chance that you attempted”. Historically, it was said tarrying was brought about by compulsiveness, anxiety toward disappointment, and insubordination to tyrannical guard ians that one has never grown out of. Then there were the daredevils who affirm they work best under tension and use tarrying to make that strain Survive “yes-but” and the tarrying it causes. To delay utilize the definite fire “yes-but” method: “Indeed, I realize that I really want to finish that, how ever not currently.” It regularly works brilliantly effectively. “I’d very much want to go after that position, however I’m most likely not qualified.” The “yes” demonstrates your advantage in the gig. The “but” is your reason for not applying.Are you a yes-but? Dr. Arthur Freeman and Rose DeWolf, creators of The 10 Dumbest Mistakes Smart People Make, say a typical explanation you might delay in awk ward circumstances is on the grounds that you have a low capacity to bear dissatisfaction. Since disappointment is an unavoidable truth you’ll have to endure unsavory conditions better on the off chance that you hope to beat this extremely powerful slow ing down training. Recognizing the disagreeableness of your undertaking can help. However, don’t overdo it. On the off chance that you misrepresent how disagreeable the occupation is you’ll be right once again into “yesbut.” Instead, deliberately recognize the due date of your responsibility and at least make a strategy To push ahead , let’s change our “yes-but” to “yes-and.” Instead of, “I’d very much want to go after that position, but I’m qualified?”, say, “I’d very much want to go after that position and I really want to look into the prerequisites.” “Yes-however” gives you pardons. “Indeed and” shows you the means you’ll have to take.”Delay is the deadli est type of forswearing”. Escape the lingering mode and on second thought center around a beginning stage. Each time you hear yourself say “OK But” pause and say “OK and” to see what the inferred required advances are, so that you can begin your activity plan. Frequently, beating hesitation is just venturing out for better results later. At last you should invest your effort where your objectives are. On the off chance that you don’t achieve them, make your objectives more modest and simpler to accomplish extending them as your progress. Putting off the less lovely for the more prompt and more appealing is extremely ordinary. We as a whole do it some of the time. Yet, for persistent slackers recall the main thing to do is simply start! Push toward your objective by taking one step at a time. So What are you hanging tight for? Get rolling! T Amangmeren Jamir, BA 5th semester, Political Science Honours, Immanuel College
A propos the “Message on 75 years of Naga Independence day” by of Gen (Retd) Thinoselie M Keyho, owing to issues in translation and interpretation, a section of the speech that appeared in the media (quote) “Leaving others matters aside,……(upto)……free from Indian oppression in its sovereign land” (unquote) should read as: “Leaving others aside, I myself is a proponent of the Anti-Shillong Accord, the Accord of which is nothing but the acceptance of the Indian Constitution and surrendering of arms and ammunition. However the newly formed (NSCN/GPRN) faction of the Anti-Shillong Accord group left us in the NNC/FGN even though we had the same Anti-Shillong Accord stand and despite us backing them most staunchly. Inspite of their departure however, the NNC/FGN lives on most tenaciously and will never give up on the Naga aspiration of being free from Indian military occupation, dominion and op pression in its sovereign land.” Gen (Retd.) Thinoselie M Keyho, President, Naga National Council
Frequent power outage

NEW DELHI/JAMMU, AUG 16 (PTI): Congress president Sonia Gandhi Tuesday appointed former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister Ghulam Nabi Azad as the party’s cam paign committee chief in the union territory, but he declined the offer. As part of a compre hensive revamp of the or ganisation in Jammu and Kashmir, Gandhi also ap pointed Vikar Rasool Wani, considered close to Azad, as the new JK unit chief. Azad is a prominent mem ber of the G23 grouping within the Congress which has been critical of the lead ership and has been seeking an organisational overhaul. Azad, who retired from the Rajya Sabha last year, was not renominated to the upper house by the Congress. In the revamped unit, Raman Bhalla was named as the working pres ident of J&K Congress and Azad as champaign com mittee chief, with former PDP leader Tariq Hamid Karra as vice chief of the campaign panel.
BENGALURU, AUG 17 (PTI): Senior Congress leader photo?”theyMuslimlem.whateverlimvarkar’sainstallHinduquestionsgaquarterstensionBJPblypositiontopartwhethersomeaswithactionarea?”Savarkar’sstatementSiddaramaiah’sasking“WhyputphotoinMuslimhasevokedsharprefromtherulingBJP,itsleaderstermingit“Jihadimindset”,andevenseekingtoknowsuchlocalitieswereofPakistanaccordinghim.TheLeaderoftheOpinthestateassemonTuesday,blamingtheforcreatingcommunalinthedistrictheadtownofShivamogonAugust15,hadraisedaboutattemptsbyandBJPactiviststoSavarkar’sphotoinMuslimdominatedarea.“TheytriedtoputSaphotoinaMusarea.Letthemputupphoto,noprobBut,whydothatinaarea?And,whydidsaynotoTipuSultan’sheasked.
Lashing out at Sid daramaiah, a former Chief Minister, state BJP leaders have accused him of indulg ing in ‘Muslim appease ment’ and even demanded his expulsion from the Con gress.“What do you mean by Muslim Area? By peri odically displaying a ‘Jihadi mindset’ you are proving to be more dangerous than the Jihadis who kill innocents,” BJP National General Sec retary C T Ravi Sultan”,varkar”onmaiahChallengingsaid.Siddaraforapublicdebate“NationalistVeerSaand“TyrantTipuheasked,“Dareto BJP targets Siddaramaiah for ‘Muslim area’ remarks accept?”Further calling it a mindset that instigates forc es that want to divide the country, Ravi said, “does Muslim area mean Paki stan? It’s a dangerous mind set. Siddarmaiah has to withdraw his Revenuestatement.”Minister R Ashoka asked whether Sid darmaiah is of a thinking that Muslim-residing areas of this country belong to Pakistan. “Siddaramaiah seems to be in a confusion, does Muslim residential areas belong to Pakistan? It is part of India....Savarkar fought for the freedom of this country and was in An daman (&) Nicobar jail for about 12-14 years. Should we ask the local community and put photos of national icons?” he said, adding that Congress has no morality to preach about where to install Savarkar’s photo.
NEW DELHI, AUG 17 (AGENCIES): The fam ily of Bilkis Bano -- the woman gangraped during the 2002 Gujarat riots -- are terrified after the Gujarat government released the 11 rapists on Monday. “The Supreme Court, the Bombay High Court gave orders and still... In just one move, our fight of 18 years is over. We are scared. We weren’t in formed about the release,” Bilkis Bano’s husband Yakub Rasul told NDTV in an exclusive interview. The men walked free on Independence Day. Cellphone videos circu lated later on social media showed them being feted with sweets and garlands. A committee formed by the government had come to a unanimous deci sion in favour of remission, following the state’s own policy of 1992. The mat ter had passed to the state after one of the convicts approached the Supreme Court seeking remission. The court had asked the state to look into the issue. Asked if they are go ing to issue a legal chal lenge, Rasul said, “We are still in shock and don’t know whether we’ll ques tion it”. “We have no legal pa pers and don’t know much right now. We are still in shock. What happened with us is complete injus tice,” he Theadded.family, he con firmed, was not informed about the release. “We had no idea, we got to know about it from the local me dia. We learnt at the last moment,” he said. Bilkis Bano saw seven members of her family -- including her little daugh ter -- murdered in March 2002 as violence spiralled after a compartment of the Sabarmati Express was set on fire in Godhra, killing 59 people.Thewoman, who was five months pregnant, was gangraped. Cong asks if PM ap proved of Guj govt deci sion PTI: The Congress on Wednesday stepped up its attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi over the release of the convicts in the Bilkis Bano case, ask ing whether he approved of the Gujarat government’s decision.The party asked what action the prime minister will take against the Gu jarat chief minister if the Centre’s concurrence has not beenCongresssought.leader Ra hul Gandhi said the entire country is seeing the dif ference between the prime minister’s words and deeds. The party alleged that the Gujarat government flouted rules while releas ing the convicts serving life imprisonment for rape and murder in the 2002 Gujarat riots case and demanded answers from the prime minister and Home Minis ter Amit Shah on whether the decision had the Cen tre’s concurrence.Congressspokesper son Pawan Khera told re porters that in cases where the central agencies like the CBI have investigated, the state government can not grant remission on its own without the Centre’s approval. He also asked why some sections of the Opposition are silent on the injustice and exhorted them to come together on the issue.“We demand an an swer from Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah on whether the Gujarat gov ernment had sought the Centre’s concurrence be fore giving remission to the convicts in Bilkis Bano cape case,” he told reporters.
NEW DELHI, AUG 17 (AGENCIES): With the Janata Dal-United (JD(U)) apparently keen on the pro jection of Nitish Kumar as the Opposition’s face in the 2024 parliamentary elec tion, Bihar Congress presi dent Madan Mohan Jha on Wednesday said Rahul Gandhi or whoever he picks will be the party’s prime ministerialMadancandidate.Mohan Jha’s assertion came days after JD(U) chief Nitish Kumar snapped ties with the BJP and joined hands with the RJDand the Congress to form the government in Bi har. Asked if Nitish Kumar would be acceptable to the Congress as the Opposi tion’s face, he told reporters, “Neither Nitish Kumar ji has said that he is the prime ministerial candidate, nor have we said that he will be our Prime Ministerial candi date.” “Our candidate is our leader Rahul Gandhi ji or whosoever he nominates for the post our entire party will stand behind that person,” he said. The Bihar Congress chief, however, said the issue was not at hand and would be discussed later as two years were left for the Lok Sabha election.
‘We are very scared’: Bilkis Bano’s husband on release of 11 convicts
“Sukesh Chandrashek har had given various gifts worth Rs 5.71 crore to Jac queline Fernandez from the proceeds of crime generated by criminal activities includ ing extortion,” the ED had then said in a “Chandrasekharstatement.had put Pinky Irani, his longtime associate and co-ac cused in this case, to deliver the said gifts to her,” the ED had said.Inaddition to these gifts, it said, Chandrashek har also gave “funds to the tune of USD 1,72,913 (about Rs 1.3 crore as per current exchange rate) and AUD 26740 (approx. Rs 14 lakh) to the close fam ily members of Fernan dez out of the proceeds of crime through co-accused Avtar Singh Kochhar, an established and well known international hawala opera tor.” The agency said its probe found that Chan drashekhar had “delivered cash to the tune of Rs 15 lakh to a writer on behalf of Fernandez as advance for writing a script of her web seriesTheproject.”ED has alleged that Chandrashekhar used illegal money to purchase gifts for Fernandez which he had extorted by cheating high-profile people includ ing former Fortis Healthcare promoter Shivinder Mohan Singh’s wife Aditi Singh.
The Centre is wanting to hold assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir soon and the process of finalisation of electoral rolls is underway after the completion of the delimita tion exercise.Wanireplaces Gh ulam Ahmad Mir who had tendered his resigna tion in July after holding the post for eight years. The Congress president has accepted the resigna tion of Mir from the post of president, Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee, a party state mentThesaid.Congress presi dent appointed president and working president of the J&K unit and also constituted the campaign committee, political af fairs committee, coordina tion committee, manifesto committee, publicity and publication committee, disciplinary committee and pradesh election com mittee of the UT unit with immediate effect, the state mentWanisaid. (46), a resident of Banihal township of Jammu region’s Ramban district, is a two-time for mer legislator who also
Hours after the ap pointments were made public, sources said Azad declined to accept the offer.
ED names Jacqueline Fernandez as accused in money laundering case
Jacqueline Fernandez Azad declines to be J&K Cong campaign chief served as a minister during the Omar Abdullah-led National Conference-Con gress coalition government betweenTariq2009-14.Hamid Karra will be the vice chairman of the campaign commit tee headed by Azad, while G M Saroori will be its convenor, according to the statement. The campaign committee has named 11 leaders with PCC president and working president its permanent invitees. Mir, Tara Chand, Thakur Balwan Singh, T S Bajwa, Shabir Khan, Neeraj Kundan, Abdul Majeed Wani and Fairoz Khan are also part of the campaignGandhicommittee.alsoset up a political affairs committee with Karra as its chairman and it included the likes of Azad, Mir and Saifuddin Soz. The political affairs committee also includes Peerzada M Syed, Taj Mo hiuddin, Tara Chand, Mula Ram and Khemlata Wakh lu. The committee com prises nine leaders with AICC in-charge, PCC president and working president being permanent invitees in the panel. The party also formed an 11-member coordina tion committee headed by Mir, 12-member mani festo committee under the chairmanship of Soz and nine-member publicity and publication panel led by MulaARam.seven-member dis ciplinary committee has been formed with Taj Mo hiyuddin as the chairman. A Pradesh Election Committee headed by PCC chief has also been set up. The Election Com mission had recently re vised to November 25 the date of final publication of voters list of Jammu and Kashmir – the union terri tory’s first voters’ list after the boundaries of assembly seats were redrawn in the delimitation exercise. After the rolls are pub lished, the EC can techni cally hold assembly polls in the UT. A timeline for the election is yet to be of ficially declared.
SURE SUCCESS COACHING CENTRE Naharbari, East Dimapur, Puranabazar opp UCO bank , Dimapur Adm started for Class 10(All sub)&12(Arts,Com,Sci) NEET,JEE .NPSC, SSC, bANKING, RRb & NDA. Hostel for Girls & boys....Cont. NO: 9436013903 / 9862572386 *WITH GOD EVERYTHINH IS POSSIBLE * db-896/22 k-1877/22 k-1880/22 dc-934/22 mkc-294/22 PERI MONTESSORI TEACHERS TRAINING INSTITUTE (An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Institute) Internationally recognized ADMISSION OPEN FOR JULY BATCH-2022 Courses Duration Requirement Advance Diploma 1 year (10 +2) Pass or above Diploma 6 Months Certificate Course 3 Months 10 pass or equivalent (Hostel facility is available) Dimapur Centre - 3: Lhomithi Village (Signal Basti), near Lhomithi Baptist Church Dimapur – 797112: Nagaland Kohima Centre: Opposite Oking Hospital, APO Building 3rd Floor Kohima – 797001: Nagaland Call: 8118925102 (Kohima), 6009459412 (Dimapur) P-3897/22 POST VACANCY Applications are invited for the post of PGT in English for a reputed School in Kohima Qualification : MA in English with B.Ed. Interested candidates may submit application with detailed bio-data and photocopies of marks cards from H.S.L.C. onwards through email at Lastbenjongwall@gmail.comdateofsubmission:-20th Aug 2022. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted for Interviewcum-Demo Class on 22nd Aug 2022. For any further query, Contact:- 8416058589/7005633048 -1886/22k VJ'S COACHING CENTRE & HOSTEL D.C. COURT ROAD, DUNCAN, DIMAPUR ADMISSION GOING ON * Offer Intensive Coaching for the REPEATERS of * Class-X & XII (Science / Arts) * Hostel Attached for both BOYS & GIRLS (Separately) * SPECIAL HIGHLIGHTS : Hygienic food/Clean & Sanitized Room / 24x7 Power Backup Contact : 03862-248394/9436600530/8257880984 -3903/22Pd dP-3904/22 J O b VACANC y (In Kohima, near Secretariat Area) Computer cum Office Assistant : 2 Posts Graphic Designer : 1 Post Interested candidates may submit their resume at entproxplore@gmail.com dc-937/22 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 2022 NATIONAL 7 NEW DELHI, AUG 17 (PTI): The Enforcement Di rectorate (ED) on Wednes day filed a charge sheet naming Bollywood actor Jacqueline Fernandez as an accused in a multi-crore money laundering case linked to alleged conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar and others, official sources said. The federal probe agen cy filed the fresh (second supplementary) charge sheet or prosecution complaint in this case on Wednesday before a special Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) court in Delhi and, according to sources, the ac tor has been arraigned in it as anSheaccused.isthe only accused named in the latest charge sheet, they said. The court will take up the charge sheet for taking cognisance on August 31. The 37-year-old actor has been questioned mul tiple times by the agency in this case, the last being in June. The actor, a Sri Lanka national, debuted in the Hindi film industry in 2009. The ED in April pro visionally attached Rs 7.27 crore funds of the actor under the PMLA apart from Rs 15 lakh in cash as the agency called these funds as “proceeds of crime”.
Sonia Gandhi and Ghulam Nabi Azad Rahul or his pick will be party’s PM candidate: Madan

NEW DELHI, AUG 17 (PTI): Gold in the nation al capital on Wednesday slipped Rs 53 to Rs 52,340 per 10 grams amid a decline in international precious metal prices and rupee ap preciation, according to HDFC Securities. In the previous trade, the yellow metal had closed at Rs 52,393 per 10 grams. Silver also declined Rs 256 to Rs 57,957 per kg from Rs 58,213 per kg in the previ ous trade.Therupee appreciated 44 paise to 79.30 against the US dollar in the opening trade on Wednesday, mainly on account of foreign fund inflows. In the international market, gold was quoting lower at USD 1,772 per ounce while silver was flat at USD 19.96 per ounce. “Gold prices have kept a steady trading range on mixed global cues and firm dollar,” said Tapan Patel, Se nior Analyst (Commodities) at HDFC Securities.
NEW DELHI, AUG 17 (IANS): The Union Cabinet on Wednesday cleared the enhancement in the limit of emergency credit line guarantee scheme (ECLGS) by Rs 50,000 crore, from Rs 4.5 lakh crore to Rs 5 lakh crore for the hospitality and tourism sectors, which had faced disruptions due to the Covid-19Ministerpandemic.forInforma tion and Broadcasting An urag Singh Thakur told the media after the Cabi net meeting, the additional amount of Rs 50,000 crore would be given to the hospi tality sector till the validity of ECLGS, i.e. till March 31, 2023. According to an official statement, the en hancement would provide relief to the tourism and hospitality sector by incen tivising banks to provide additional credit of up to Rs 50,000 crore at low cost, which would help enterpris es under the sector to meet their operational liabilities.
for Ao’s) Asking Price Rs.30 Lakhs (Negotiable) No Brokers Contact: 9862639329 DP-3885/22 LAND FOR SALE Opposite DDSC Stadium, Ghorapatti, Golaghat Road Road Touching Plot Measuring 14800 Sq. Ft. Price : Rs. 5.5 (Negotiable)Crores No Brokers Please Contact : 8837338807 DP-3889/22 LAND FOR SALE Location : bamunpukhuri-b (5 kms from Zion Hospital) (2 minutes from New 4 Lane) 50 × 50 : Rs. 5.50 lakhs 50 × 80 : Rs. 8.80 lakhs 50 × 100 : Rs. 11.00 lakhs 70 × 100 : Rs. 15.40 lakhs Call: 70052049499402615648DP-3881/22 URGENT LAND FOR SALE 1. 100 x 125 Land with building at 5th Mile Model Village, Dimapur 2. 110 x 111 sq ft Land with building at 5th Mile 3. 150 x 260 sq ft at Seithekema Contact: 60091864469615297693 -1869/22K Land & BuiLding for saLe at Indisen Village, Dimapur (Only For Ao's) 4- Storeyed Building : Approx. 11000 Sq. Ft. Land : Approx. 25000 Sq. Ft. Price : Negotiable Only Genuine Buyers May Contact Contact : 9612300964/ 8787349174 DP-3870/22 Land for saLe at Old Showuba Near Four Lane Area (100x100),(50x100),(100x140)@Rs.180persq.ft. # 8258096631 DP-3559/22 PLOT FOR SALE BEHIND GOVERNMENT COLLEGE DIMAPUR AT A REASONABLE RATE IDEAL FOR RESIDENTIAL AND VARIOUS INSTITUTIONS. 5 BighAS iNTERESTED PERSONS CAN KiNDLY 8798439412/9362619411CONTACT b-891/22D LAND FOR SALE at henivi Village 4 lane touched Area : 210 x 75 sq. ft. Price : Rs. 250/- per sq. ft. Phone : 8787613922 -3900/22DP LANDCOMMERCIALFORSALE AT VETERiNARY COLONY, BURMA CAMP, DiMAPUR AREA 45 X 80 ft. CONTACT NO : 8131889410 NO BROKERS ALLOWED DP-3899/22 LAND FOR SALE Between Old Showuba & New13,000Showubasq.fts @ Rs. 150 per sq. fts. 12000 sq. ft. @ Rs. 150 per sq. fts. 18197 sq. fts. & 7436 sq. fts. @ Rs. 140 per sq. fts. Contact : 9862040529 -3898/22DP DIMAPUR, AUG 17 (NPN): CEO, Investment and Development Authority of Nagaland, Alemtemshi Jamir launched the eTrac app at a coordination meet ing with the Liaison Officers of CSR Conclave 2022 at the Conference Hall of the Capital Convention Centre Kohima on August 17. According to DIPR report, the eTrac applica tion developed by depart ment of Information & Technology, Government
Bharti Airtel pays Rs 8,312 cr for spectrum upfront
(From p-1) In this regard, he suggested that book publishers and authors should first iden tify the facts before publishing the books, stressing that the Centre must adopt an educational policy for the region based on its culture and history. Demand for more Central institutes: The NSF president further disclosed that NESO had resolved to urge the Centre to establish more Central universities, techni cal and vocational institutes, medical and engineering colleges and research centres. In Nagaland’s context, he pointed out that the lone Central University – Naga land University – offered limited courses as compared to other Central universities. He called for introduction of more courses so that Nagas students did not have to seek education outside the State. Further, he said Nagaland was the only State without a medical college and that the claim of the State government of having two medical colleges was not correct as they were not functional yet. He demanded immediate opera tionalising of the two medical colleges, besides establishing more Central technical institutes.Demand for comprehensive develop ment policy: Tep mentioned that NESO had also resolved to demand a compre hensive policy for economic development of the Northeast, besides setting up the administrative unit of Act East policy in the regionReserveitself.lower grade posts for NE: To resolve the unemployment problem in the Northeast, he demanded that the Central government must declare the region special employment zone where all grade III and IV staff of Central departments must be reserved for the indigenous people of the region. Shelter people from Myanmar He said NESO resolved to demand that the Centre should look into the issue of people from Myanmar crossing over to the Northeast to escape persecution from military rule there by providing them food, shelter and other amenities till the situation improved in their country to help them return.The stir continued till 2 pm where NSF and All Nagaland College Students’ Union (ANCSU) office-bearers took part.
Land and BuiLding for saLe Land measuring 60/70 ft. with House (4 Rooms) for sale at Indisen Village. (Only of Nagaland for Android phone users and would soon be put up on the iOS platform as well. eTrac is the short form for electronic transportation, reception, accommodation, and communication.eTracappwas devel oped to help the officials coordinate better and dis seminate important and relevantTheinformation.appisbeing used for the first time for the CSR Conclave 2022 to be held from August 22 to 24. Through the app, the Liaison Officer (LO) or the concerned individual can access the notifications of the event being organised, and can receive messages from the control room. The LOs can access the detailed schedule of the programmes, assignments including information of the guests, hotel accommo dations, mobile numbers, e-mails, etc.
8 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 2022BUSINESS/STATE ACROSS 1 Back scrubber (6) 7 Contrivance (8) 8 Cry (4) 10 Red wine (6) 11 Continent (6) 14 Stripling (3) 16 Afterwards (5) 17 High (4) 19 Aspect (5) 21 Piece of turf (5) 22 Filleted (5) 23 Depend (4) 26 Rope-making fibre (5) 28 Congeal (3) 29 Tolerates (6) 30 Recollect (6) 31 Portent (4) 32 Tires out (8) 33 Oozed (6) DOWN 1 Surgical knife (6) 2 Of flowers (6) 3 Stop (4) 4 Small stream (7) 5 Fulcrum (5) 6 Cut off (5) 8 Vestibule (4) 9 Marry (3) 12 Rodent (3) 13 Oyster’s gem (5) 15 Bird (5) 18 Improvise (2-3) 19 Flipper (3) 20 Fish (3) 21 Dreary (7) 22 Not good (3) 23 Ebb (6) 24 Style and vigour (4) 25 Screamed (6) 26 Rescues (5) 27 Vision (5) 28 Jewel (3) 30 Boy’s name (4) Crossword No. 10366 Yesterday’s solution No. 10365 Su doku No. 4988 Yesterday’s solution No. 4987 KAKURO No. 4012 Yesterday’s solution No. 4011 REQUIRED * Female Warden for a reputed institution in East Dimapur * Applicant should be above 25 years old & Experienced ones * Cook & Helper (Female) for Hostel Co.No:- 9862572386 b-895/22D Job va C a NC y Full Time baby Requirements:Sitter Female, 18 years+ Salary: Rs. 6000/Month House location: High School Area, Kohima FreeandAccommodationFooding. Contact: 9819819709 (call between 9am-5pm) -1889/22K Wanted 1. Warden cum Teacher for Hostel (Male) Qualification : Graduate (Any Stream) 2. Chowkidar 3. SalaryHelper/Cook:Rs.10,000/ 6,000/ 5,000 respectively Free Accommodation Contact: 9436018611/9383311203 DP-3891/22 Lost notice 1. Name : Ito Y. Aye 2. Fathers' Name : Yepaka 3. Class : XII 4. Date of Birth : 18/02/2003 5. Roll No. : 222821008 6. Regd No. : 1960111953 7. College : Vision Home Hr. Sec. School, Diphupar DP-3883/22 Lost notice I, Limeka N. Awomi am applying for a duplicate copy of HSSLC (CBSE) Marksheet as I have lost it. Name : Limeka N. Awomi F/Name : Nikheto Awomi DoB : 25.04.2001 Roll No. : 3639846 of 2019 School : Livingstone Foundation International School (Thahekhu Dimapur Nagaland) Contact : 8731821444 DP-3887/22 Lost notice I, Pongyong T Konyak am applying for duplicate copy of HSLC Admit Card as I have lost Nameit. : Pongyong T Konyak F/Name : Toang Konyak DoB : 08.09.1999 Roll No. : 171806305, Year : 2017 Contact : 7628937908 DP-3884/22
eTrac app launched
will be avail able in the Play Store
CHENNAI, AUG 17 (IANS): Telecom major Bharti Airtel on Wednesday said it has paid Rs 8,312.4 crore to the Centre towards dues for spectrum acquired in the recently concluded 5G auctions.The company has paid four years of 2022 spectrum dues Accordingupfront. to the com pany, the upfront payment coupled with the mora torium on spectrum dues and adjusted gross revenue (AGR) related payments for four years, will free up future cash flows and allow it to dedicate resources to single-mindedly concentrate on the 5G roll out. Over the last one year, Bharti Airtel has also cleared Rs 24,333.7 crore of its de ferred spectrum liabilities much ahead of scheduled maturities.
(From p-1) After these changes, the board now has the full strength of 11 members while the CEC has 15 lead ers. The new entrants to the CEC are Rajasthan leader Om Mathur and BJP women wing chief Vanathi Srini vasan besides Fadnavis and Bhupender Yadav. Sriniva san replaces her predecessor Vijaya Rahatkar as the par ty’s ‘Mahila Morcha’ chief as its an ex-officio member. With Chouhan gone, there is no chief minister on the board. There was specu lation that Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath may make an entry. Union minis ter Piyush Goyal, who is also the Leader of the House in Rajya Sabha, Dharmendra Pradhan and Bhupender Yadav were also seen as contenders. Yadav, though, is in the CEC now. Both Yediyurappa and Jatiya are over 75 years of age, an informal age bar within the party for holding important posts as it has gone all out to reduce the average age of its organisational leaders. Yediyurappa’s inclusion highlights the party’s ef forts to reward the Lingayat leader whose community is critical to its poll prospects in the Karnataka assembly election slated for the next year. Fadnavis’ induction into the CEC is seen as a nod to his importance after the former Maharash tra CM was asked by the party to become the deputy chief minister in the Eknath Shinde-led government, a position for which he was initially reluctant. This is the first time the board has been rejigged under Nadda, who took over as the par ty president in 2020. The board had several vacancies caused by the death of Arun Jaitley and Sushma Swaraj while Venkaiah Naidu and Thaawarchand Gehlot had to leave it after becoming Vice President and state governor respectively. When Shah was the party presi dent, veteran leaders L K Advani and Murli Manohar Joshi were eased out of the crucial party body in 2014 and made members of ‘Margdarshak Mandal’, as the party on Modi’s watch worked to make the or ganisation and government more youthful. Recently at an event in Nagpur, Gadkari was reportedly quoted as saying that present-day poli tics is more about powerplay, and at times he thinks of quitting politics. Among the new board members, Sudha Yadav and Laxman are from the Other Backward Classes while former Union minister Jatia is from the Scheduled Castes. Sonowal is tribal. Party sources said the exercise shows how the party “rewards” old workers and values their “Thereexperience.isalsoan em phasis on diversity. Sonowal is from the Northeast, Lax man and Yediyurappa hail from the South. In Lalpura, there is a Sikh representing minorities,” a leader said. He described Sudha Yadav as a self-made po litical leader whose husband was martyred in Kargil.
CEO, IDAN Alemtemshi Jamir launching the eTracmobile app along with advisor to chief minister Menukhol John at the Capital Convention Centre Kohima on August 17. (DIPR) MUMBAI, AUG 17 (IANS): The Indian rupee has appreciated 22 paise on Wednesday to close at 79.44 against the US dollar on easing Brent crude oil prices and uptick in domes tic equities.But,further appreciation of ru pee can be capped by the corporate outflows lined up in this week. At the interbank foreign ex change market, rupee ended at 79.44 as against 79.66 close on the previous trading session on Friday against the US dollar.Indian financial markets were closed on August 15 and 16 on ac count of Independence day and Parsi New“USDyear. INR spot closed 20 paise lower at 79.44. Fall in oil prices and higher global equity markets helped Rupee to gain against US Dollar. FPI flows have been persistently positive and that is positive for Rupee. However, there are corporate outflows lined up over this week and that can limit downside in USD INR. Over the near term we expect a range of 79 and 80 on spot,” said Anindya Banerjee, VP, Currency Derivatives & Interest Rate Derivatives at Kotak SecuritiesBrentLtd.crude oil prices which were trading at $98 a barrel on Friday has eased to $92.04 per barrel. Crude oil prices in the interna tional market has fallen due to disap pointing China’s economic data that forced China’s central bank to hike lending rates. The prices on crude continue its fall on Tuesday too, but by afternoon trade it rose. Meanwhile, Sensex ended up 417.92 points or 0.70 per cent at 60,260.13, and Nifty ended 119.00 points or 0.67 per cent higher at 17,944.25. About 2,019 shares have advanced, 1,405 shares declined and 132 remained unchanged. BSE midcap ended up 0.64 per cent, whereas BSE SmallCap and BSE LargeCap closed 0.53 per cent and 0.71 per cent, respectively. BSE IT index and BSE Con sumer Durables index ended over 1 per cent up on BrokingitySachdeva,inpeethethatpolicyforminutespersistentlyforthatfromMoreover,Wednesday.hawkishcommentsseveralFedofficialsindicatetheUSFedisstilllikelytooptsteepratehikesandacttoughonhighpricepressures.“MarketsarenoweyeingtheoftheFed’sJulymeetingfurthercuesaboutthemonetarypathoftheUScentralbankwillfurtherdictatethetrendforIndianrupee.Weenvisagetherutotradeinthe79.20-80.10rangethecomingdays,”saidSugandhaVicePresident-CommodandCurrencyResearch,ReligareLtd.
BJP rejigs Parliamentary Board... NSF joins NESO protest against CAA, AFSPA
Gold slips Rs 53; silver declines Rs 256 clears
Rupee closes at 79.44 against US dollar

Israel carried out Gaza strike that killed 5 minors visited the site, it saw none of the usual signs of an air strike by an Israeli F-16 or drone, adding to suspicions that the blast was caused by an errant rocket. Both the Israeli military and Pales tinian rights groups said at the time that they were still investigating the blast. On Tuesday, the Ga za-based Palestinian Center for Human Rights said its investigation of shrapnel and other evidence led it to conclude that the blast was caused by an Israeli airstrike.“This was a missile fired from an Israeli air craft,” said Raja Sourani, the director of the group, as he displayed pictures of what he said was a frag ment showing the missile’s serialIsrael’snumber.Haaretz news paper meanwhile cited un named Israeli defense offi cials as saying the military’s investigation had conclud ed that the five were killed by an Israeli strike. Asked about the Haaretz story, the military said it was still examin ing the event. It said that throughout the the latest round of fighting, it had tar geted militant infrastructure and “made every feasible effort to minimize, as much as possible, harm to civilians and civilian property.”
A Palestinian girl lays roses on the grave of one of the children at Al-Faluja cemetery in Jabalia.
With immense pride and honor, Mokokchung District Gaon Burah Association (MDGBA) congratulates Mr. Along Jamir GB (Tongdentsuyong Ward) President MDGBA for being conferred with the prestigious District Award on the 76 th Indian Independence Day. MDGBA wishes him wisdom and good health in future endeavours.Sd/- Sd/(iMKONGANGSHi) GB (iMLiTeMSU) GB Vice President Secretary MDGBA MDGBA kc-296/22M
At a sit-in held by fam ily members at the site of the explosion on Tuesday, Sahar Nijm said the loss of her son Mohammed was made even more painful by the suggestion he was killed by a Palestinian rocket. “We always heard about other massacres, but when it happens to you, you really feel the oppression,” she said. “Especially when (Israel) denies this in order to portray us as oppressors and terrorists before the international community.” Diana Nijim said her son Hamid was desperate to go outside after sheltering indoors for the first two days of fighting. She said he and the other children went to the cemetery because it was the only open space in the neighbourhood where they could“Thisplay. is the cruelest crime in the world,” she said. “This is deliberate. They want to uproot us.”
in psychiatric hospitals: Report
Former President Gotabaya to return to Sri Lanka on Aug 24
Jaishankar holds ‘productive’
conversations with Thai counterpart External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar with his Thailand counterpart and Deputy PM Don Pramudwinai during the 9th India-Thailand Joint Commission Meeting, in Bangkok. (PTI)
Alexei Navalny demands tougher sanctions on Russian oligarchs
Alexei Navalny Gotabaya Rajapaksa Office O f
Note of AppreciAtioN
BANGKOK, AUG 17 (PTI): External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on Wednesday held “produc tive” conversations with his Thai counterpart Don Pramudwinai during which they discussed advancing bilateral contacts in politi cal, economic, security and defence, connectivity and healthJaishankar,domains. who ar rived here on Tuesday, cochaired the 9th India-Thai land Joint Commission Meeting with Pramudwi nai, who is also the SouthEast Asian country’s Dep uty Prime health&litical,advancingeralourtions“ProductiveMinister.conversatofurtherstrengthenallencompassingbilatrelationship.Discussedcontactsinpoeconomic,securitydefence,connectivity&domains,”Jaishan kar tweeted.Theminister also exchanged views on the situation in Myanmar and shared India’s perspectives on the Indo-Pacific, amid China flexing muscles in the strategic region. “As its neighbours, ex changed views on the situa tion (in) Myanmar. As also our cooperation within the ASEAN and BIMSTEC. Shared our perspectives on the Indo-Pacific. Agree ments signed today on cooperation in Health and Broadcasting will take our ties forward,” he said in anotherSpeakingtweet. on IndiaThailand ties earlier, Jais hankar had said that for In dia, the ASEAN has been associated with a period of reforms.“Among Association of Southeast Asian Na tions (ASEAN) countries, Thailand has been par ticularly important for us. It is today a very major partner...I think trade today is in excess of USD 15 bil lion,” he Thailandsaid. is a partner to India not only in ASE AN but other organisations like the Bay of Bengal Ini tiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) and Mekong-Ganga.Hesaidtheobjective of the joint commission is to build greater politi cal comfort, to increase trade, to look at the bar riers which stand in the way to promote more eco nomic activity and more investments between the two countries and to make it easier for the people to travel between the two nations. ‘mission of friendship’ to SL: China Economic Zone (EEZ) of Sri Lanka and no scientific research to be conducted in Sri Lankan waters. The ship is to remain at Hambantota port “for re plenishment and ship chan delling,” Captain Zhang Hongwang was quoted here on Tuesday in a statement by the management com pany of the Hambantota harbour.“Yuan Wang 5 is a ship on a mission of peace and friendship. As an inter national port that accommo dates multinational ships, Hambantota International Port will provide us with necessary ship supplies in accordance with interna tional practice,” he said. “We believe the ship’s call at Hambantota Interna tional Port will deepen the exchange between China and Sri Lanka in the field of space science and technol ogy and promote the com mon progress of the space industry of the two coun tries. It will also deepen the connection between China and Sri Lanka and further grow the friendship between people of both countries,” ZhangThesaid.ship’s voyage was clouded in controversy when Sri Lanka asked the Chinese to delay the arrival due to reported concerns from India on its mission. India had cited security concerns with the ship’s technical capability and the purpose of the visit, the lo cal officials said. New Delhi is con cerned about the possibility of the ship’s tracking sys tems attempting to snoop on Indian installations while being on its way to the Sri LankanTheport.owners of the port Hambantota Port Group owned by the Chinese said the port had extended wel comes to ships from various countries approved by the Sri Lankan government and the Sri Lanka Ports Authority.“Up to July, we ca tered hundreds of vessels including RoRo, gas and oil vessels, bulk carriers, layups, cruises, yachts etc”, Johnson Liu, the port CEO said. The request for post ponement of the visit by the ship became a political debate with a section of the opposition issuing a joint statement blaming the government for bungling the issue. They questioned the wisdom of asking for a postponement having been originally given clearance mid July.The government said it was treating the matter as a sovereign decision of Sri Lanka and friendship with all nations was important to the island. The ties between India and Sri Lanka came under strain after Colombo gave permission to a Chi nese nuclear-powered sub marine to dock in one of its ports in India’s2014.concerns have been focused on Hambanto ta port in particular. In 2017, Colombo leased the south ern port to China Merchant Port Holdings for 99 years, after Sri Lanka was unable to keep its loan repayment commitments, fanning fears over the potential use of the port for military purposes.
Ship on
MADRID, AUG 17 (IANS): In China, posting a political comment, submit ting a complaint about a corrupt official, or shouting slogans in the street, will quickly get you locked up in a detention centre or it might get you admitted to a psychiatric hospital, a report has claimed.Thereport by Madridbased NGO Safeguard Defenders “exposes” how Chinese police and govern ment agents are still sending petitioners and activists to psychiatric wards for medi cally-unnecessary compul sory treatment, where some languish for years. “In 2022, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is still routinely locking up po litical targets in psychiatric hospitals despite implement ing legal changes to stop this barbaric practice more than a decade ago,” the report claimed. “In the name of stability maintenance, the CCP is able to remove peti tioners and activists entirely out of the justice system, with no hope of seeing a lawyer or going to trial, while diagnosing them with mental illness so that they are socially isolated even af ter release,” the report said. “Police and govern ment agents continue to arbitrarily send petitioners and activists, sometimes repeatedly (one woman in the study had been sent 20 times!) to psychiatric commitment, both within the Ankang system and in general medical facilities,” the report“Doctorsclaimed.andhospitals are either coerced by, or col lude with, the authorities by allowing this abuse to take place,” it Onceadded.inside, victims may stay there for months, even years. Nine victims have been inside for more than 10 years. Others have been locked up again and again (almost a third of the 99 victims had been sent two or more times), the report said. “Locked up, many pa tients were physically and mentally abused. They were subjected to painful electro convulsive therapy, often without anesthesia; tied to their beds where they were left for hours to lie humili ated in their own waste; and beaten and isolated and contact with their family or lawyers through visits or phone calls was blocked,” the report said.
Vice President General Secretary DP-3895/22 Apology I, Shri Besuvoyi Rhakho, S/o Lt. Verhayi Rhakho, resident of Zani Village, Dimapur do hereby declare that I have forged the signatures of the Zani Village Council Chairman, GBs, Council Secretary and V.D.B. Secretary. I also made the duplicate seals of the above mentioned Council Officials for my personal gain and used them which is against the Village Council Rules. That I have used the above forged signatures and seals on the fake Village Patta and Sale Deed which shall be invalid with this declaration. I do hereby tender my sincere apology to the above village authorities to kindly accept my apology. I also declare not to repeat same in future.
MOSCOW, AUG 17 (IANS): Jailed Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny has called on the West to im pose tougher sanctions on Russian oligarchs, as Moscow’s war on Ukraine continues unabated. “Let us not forget: sanctions are needed to force the aggressor to stop the war. To put pressure on him. And there are com plex solutions here like the oil and gas embargo. But then there are really simple ones: personal sanctions,” dpa news agency quoted Navalny as saying in an appeal from the prison camp where he is serving a lengthy“Theysentence.don’t require anything but political will.” In a series of tweets, Navalny criticized the fact that while the head of state-owned Rosneft, Igor Sechin, is on an EU sanc tions list, the head of ener gy giant Gazprom, Alexei Miller, is Billionairenot. Roman Abramovich, a former English football club Chel sea FC, was not included on a US sanctions list, for example, he said. Of the 200 people list ed as the richest Russians bz Forbes magazine, barely a quarter are on Western sanctions lists, Navalny said. Navalny is currently serving a nine-year prison sentence in a penal colony for alleged fraud.
The office of the Philimi Village Council would like to thank and acknowledge Shri. Er. Picto Shohe, Hon’ble MLA 32 AC Atoizu for the profound help and support extended towards his fellow citizens of Philimi Village by establishing the much needed Primary Health Centre and also for deploying a Health Worker at the PHC to facilitate the medical facilities at the earliest. The Council further wishers him with good health and long life and pray that his aspirations for his people are fulfilled to the satisfaction of his people.
COLOMBO, AUG 17 (IANS): Ex-Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Ra japaksa, who fled the country following protests against economic crisis in the island nation, will return to Sri Lanka on August 24. Former Ambassador to Sri Lanka and Rajapaksa’s cousin Udayanga Weeratun ga, who appeared before an investigation into a procure ment of MiG aircraft during the civil war against Tamil rebels, said that the former President would return to the country. Gotabaya was the powerful Defence Sec retary during the last stages of war. “Gotabaya should return to the country and people will welcome him but he would not continue in politics as he is not suitable,” Weeratunga, who was criti cal of the role of Gotabaya as a President, told media. “Gotabaya must be a good administrator but he is not suitable for politics,” Weeratunga who praised his other cousin and former President and Prime Minis ter Mahinda Rajapaksa said. After protesters stormed President’s house and office on July 9, Gota baya went into hiding and later fled to the Maldives and then to the Singapore. On a request of Sri Lankan government, Gotabaya en tered Thailand last week. The Thailand govern ment denied reports that the Sri Lankan ex-president had sought asylum there. The Thailand Foreign Ministry said it received a request from Rajapaksa to visit the country with no intention of seeking political asylum.
JEBALIYA (GAZA STRIP), AUG 17 (AP): A Palestinian human rights group and an Israeli news paper reported Tuesday that an explosion in a cem etery that killed five Pal estinian children during the latest flare-up in Gaza was caused by an Israeli airstrike and not an errant Palestinian rocket. It was one of a num ber of blasts during the fighting that did not bear the tell-tale signs of an Israeli F-16 or drone strike, and which the Israeli mili tary said might have been caused by rockets misfired by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad militant group. The five children, aged 4 to 16 years old, had gath ered in the local cemetery, one of the few open spaces in the crowded Jebaliya refugee camp, on Aug. 7, hours before an Egyptianbrokered cease-fire ended three days of heavy fighting. Residents said a pro jectile fell from the air and exploded in the cemetery. When The Associated Press
NatioNalist Democratic Progressive Party “Facta Non Verba” 48th Moka asseMbly ConstituenCy Dist : Mon, Nagaland Press release nDPP 48th Moka a/C extol the state government
BESUVOYI RHAKHO Zani Village DimapurDP-3890/22 COLOMBO, AUG 17 (PTI): China’s high-tech research vessel ‘Yuan Wang 5’ is on a “mission of peace and friendship” and its dock ing at a Sri Lankan port will deepen bilateral relations in the field of space, science and technology, according to the controversial ship’s captain.Chinese ballistic mis sile and satellite track ing ship ‘Yuan Wang 5’ is berthed at Sri Lanka’s strategic southern port of Hambantota. The ship ar rived on Tuesday and will be docked at the Chinese-run port till August 22, amidst security concerns expressed by India.The ship was originally scheduled to arrive at the port on August 11 but it was delayed in absence of per mission by the Sri Lankan authorities.OnAugust 13, the Sri Lankan government granted the port access to the vessel from August 16 to 22 on condition that it will keep the Automatic Identifica tion System (AIS) switched on within the Exclusive
The NDPP 48th Moka A/C profoundly express our appreciation to the State Government under the leadership of the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Nagaland Shri. Neiphiu Rio for taking the initiative in achieving remarkable progress in all dimensions under Moka Assembly Constituency throughout his entire innings in DAN-I, II, III & UDA PriorGovernment.to2003,Moka was one of the most neglected Constituencies in the state. One of the reasons for lack of development is the absence of separate administration set up, causing huge inconveniences both for the general public in allowing easy access to convey their grievances and for the Government Officials to supervise beyond proportionate administrable jurisdiction, as such, a large section of people are side-lined and deprived of adequate due shares from the Government. However, under the current regime, the Constituency has seen massive development revival through creation of various important offices such as SDO (Civil) Angjangyang, RD Block Angjangyang and Police Station Angjangyang and other infrastructures. In the sole interest of the people, the government re-structured administrative jurisdiction, wherein, Mopong EAC Headquarter was placed under the supervision of Angjangyang Sub-Division in 2014, which is a welcomed step and a political decision taken by the government. Furthermore, the party expresses gratitude in connection with recent posting of Shri. Wiridin, NCS as EAC Mopong. Therefore, the party is fully committed for cooperation to the Government and urge upon to continue fulfilling developmental activities in Mopong and Angjangyang Circles. The undersigned reiterate its stand to support and re-elect the incumbent MLA, Shri. E E Pangteang in the upcoming NLA election, 2023 in order to provide stiff and stable government. (a lanGPhonG) (l lanGPhonG)
Zhang Hongwang of the Yuan Wang 5 snubbed @ ReAdSarath who tried to shake hands. is locking up critics

With immense joy and pride, the Dimapur Unger Senso Telongjem would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to R. Longkong GB, Bank Colony, Ao Goanbura Union, for receiving the Certificate of Commendation in recognition of the commendable contributions in the field of Public Service. May our Almighty God continue to bless him and his family. Sd/Dimapur Unger Senso Telongjem DIMAPUR UNGER SENSO TELONGJEM FELICITATION dp-3892/22
C anadian rapper Drake has surpassed the record of the legendary English rock band - The Beatles as he has officially become the artist with the most top five hits in Billboard Hot 100 history.Heachieved the feat with DJ Khaled’s ‘Staying Alive,’ on which he and Lil Baby are featured, debuting at No. 5 on the latest, August 20-dated chart, reports ‘Billboard’. Drake with 30 passed The Beatles, who have 29, for the record over the list’s 64-year history. The Beatles held the top-five mark for 55 years, having last reached the region in 1970 with ‘The Long and Winding Road’/’For You Blue’, which spent two weeks at Number Following1. the impressive news, the rapper took to Instagram to share a screenshot of his latest accomplishment. “Ok I broke my records for the month now me and @stake need you to do your thing Bitcoin,” he captioned the post, tagging cryptocurrency betting platform,AccordingStake. to ‘Billboard’, ‘Staying Alive’ also extended Drake’s records for the most top 10s, top 20s, top 40s and overall Hot 100 entries, dating to the chart’s August 4, 1958, inception. In June, Drake unveiled his seventh studio album, Honestly, Nevermind, which gave him his 11th No. 1 on the Billboard 200 albums chart. With the 14-track set, he is the fifth act with more than 10 No. 1 albums on the Billboard 200 since the chart began regularly publishing on a weekly basis in 1956. (IANS)
Most Top 5 hits on Billboard Hot 100: Drake surpasses The BeatlesShaan, Papon lend their voices to Durand Cup anthem
WhatsApp now has native standalone app on Windows Now everyone can cross-post Reels from Instagram to FB to cross-post Reels from Instagram to Facebook. Mosseri also mentioned that the Add Yours sticker that became popular in Stories is now coming to Reels on Instagram and Facebook. All qualifying creators on the platform will soon have access to the Facebook Stars tipping function. They will also have access to more Reels insights via Creator Studio. Meanwhile, recently, the Meta-owned platform confirmed that it will soon begin testing new ‘ultra-tall photos’. The company said it will introduce support for slimmer, taller 9:16 screen ratio photos to help them fill the entire screen as users scroll through the app’s feed. (IANS)
With immense pride and appreciation, the office of the Lumami Kuposhukulu Dimapur (LKD) extends our sincere congratulations and gratitude to Mr. Kasho. H. Kinimi, S/o Hukato Kinimi, Forester-I, Dimapur Range, Dimapur Forest Division, for being a recipient of District Level Award for Meritorious Service on 15th August 2022. The Kuposhukulu is proud of your achievement and wishes greater success in all of your future endeavours. Sd/- Sd/Nithashe Zhimo Allon Kinimi Chairman, LKD General Secretary, LKD OFFICE OF THE LUMAMI KUPOSHUKULU DIMAPUR FELICITATION -3886/22dp db-892/22 appWhatsApp’seta-ownednewonWindows no longer requires users to link their phones to send, and sync WhatsApp has a slightly cleaner interface when compared to the previous version of the app but otherwise does not look all that different.Themost significant change is that users no longer need to keep their phones online to sync messages between the phone and the desktop app. WhatsApp said it is currently working on a native app for macOS as well.WhatsApp’s multidevice feature has been fully rolled out and is out of beta. This lets users link up to four devices to their WhatsApp account without needing a phone, all while maintaining endto-end encryption. (IANS) W ith an aim to enhance
P layback singers Shaan and Papon have lent their voices to the anthem of the 131st edition of the Durand Cup. The anthem captures the affection and essence of the oldest football competition and the most loved sport. Durand Cup is an annual domestic football competition in India hosted by the Durand Football Tournament Society (DFTS). First held in 1888 in Shimla, the tournament is the oldest existing club football tournament in Asia and the third oldest in the world.Commenting on the occasion, Shaan, who is the voice behind iconic tracks such as ‘Woh Ladki Hai Kahaan’ and ‘Dus Bahaane’ said in a statement, “Well, the Durand Cup is something that all of us Indians should be very proud of. The Indian Army is associated with the Durand Cup, so I followed this league very closely.”Going down memory lane, the singer added, “I’ve had the opportunity to sing the anthem in 2019 for Bikram Ghosh, the Durand Cup anthem and again, and to get this opportunity through Papon to sing it again for the 2022 Durand Cup is obviously a matter of pride and I’m very happy to be part of this anthem.”Talking about his collaboration with Papon, he shared, “It’s always fun because Papon is not just a great musician, a great singer, but also a very dear friend, a lovely human being, we have a very close connection.”Theanthem has been incorporated into 5 languages -- English, Hindi, Assamese, Bengali and Manipuri.Sharing his excitement, Papon said “The reason behind the composition of the anthem, ‘Durand Cup’ is because I had this opportunity of meeting up with an amazing gentleman and sir Lieutenant General Rana Pratap Kalita. It just came up in our conversation about the Durand Cup and we spoke about the anthem. This was an opportunity I got from the Army to compose and produce the anthem and I grabbed it with both Paponhands.”wasfaced with a great challenge as the song had to be incorporated in five“Thelanguages.football trophy this year is going from Kolkata to Guwahati to Imphal, the three cities. I roped in Shaan and approached Rewben Mashangva (Manipuri singer) because he’s one person who’s really respected and has done amazing work in that region, so, he also agreed so that’s how we all came in and I composed the Durand Cup Theanthem.”131st edition of the Indian Oil Durand Cup is being telecast on Sports18 and live streamed on the VOOT platform. (IANS)

Imchaba Master Memorial trophy
We, the bereaved family members of Late Mr. Neimetuo Pfüsenuo, would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all the churches, various organizations, well-wishers, friends and each and every individual who stood by us spiritually, physically, materially and financially during the sudden illness and untimely demise of our beloved son on 14th August, 2022. We sincerely regret our inability to mention each and every individual personally, but it is our fervent prayer that Almighty God bless you all abundantly.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AOYANGER (Mokokchung Village) DIED : 13.08.2022mkc-295/22
The immense love and support rendered to us during the prolonged illness till the last breathe of our dearest beloved Mr. Kekhriesilie V. Rio has touched our hearts beyond measure. Words cannot express the feelings in our hearts. Your thoughts, prayers, words of sympathy and generous gestures provided great support to our family. It would be impossible to thank everyone of you individually but we pray that Almighty God bless & enrich your lives. Our special gratitude to: 1. Christian Revival Church, Chiechama 2. Koinonia Prayer Centre, Tsiesema 3. Kohima Harvest Ministry, Mohonkhola 4. Peniel Christian Revival Church, Kohima 5. Christian Revival Church, Bayavü 6. Doctors & Nurses, Bethel Hospital Kohima 7. Nagaland Two Wheeler Taxi Association 8. Rio Youth Organisation, Chiechama Village & Riders, Kohima Loving Family Members
1st March, 1999 – 14th Aug, 2022
The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. Job 1:21 -1885/22k 05.10.1989 – 13.08.2022 “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith” 2 TIMOTHY 4:7
DIMAPUR, AUG 17 (NPN): The newly constructed Cricket Concrete Practice Pitch was inaugurated at St. Joseph’s College (A), Jakhama by advisor, Technical Education and Elections, Medo Yhokha on August 17. According to DIPR report, Medo in his speech expressed gratitude to Nagaland Cricket Association for having the dreams and visions, and initiating hope and aspirations for the younger generation. He congratulated the NCA for choosing SJC (A) as one of its partners. He hoped that players from the college will be inducted to NCA in the near Deliveringfuture. his speech, Medo Yhokha and others at the inauguration of Cricket Concrete Practice Pitch at SJC(A), Jakhama. (DIPR) Cricket concrete practice pitch inaugurated at SJC (A) secretary, Nagaland Cricket Association, Hyunilo Anilo Khing expressed happiness for choosing SJC (A), as a partner for development of the game and to take it further. He said sports was not only a discipline, but a multi-billion industry which brings people, communities and nations together. He stressed on the need to polish, guide and help the players to come up to the national and international levels. He also said that NCA has constructed concrete practice pitches in all the districts of the state and in some sub-divisions and institutions under the initiative of the government of Nagaland to give equal importance to every sphere. Earlier, Rev. Fr. Binoy Joseph, administrator, SJC (A) led the dedicatory prayer followed by unveiling and cutting of ribbons by the special guest.
Loving parents, siblings & relatives
DIMAPUR, AUG 17 (NPN): The 15th Imchaba Master Memorial Nagaland Open Volleyball Trophy 2022, organized by Mokokchung District Volleyball Association (MDVA), will be held from September 20 to 23. Further details can be contacted at the following numbers president, MDVA – 8132865806; and Convenor, Technical Committee – 9612938723.

HYDERABAD, AUG 17 (AGENCIES): Nikhat Zareen, the reigning world women’s boxing champion and the recentlycrowned gold medallist in the Commonwealth Games, says she is a bit disappointed at missing out on the chance of completing what “would have been a terrific hattrick of gold with the postponement of the Asian Games originally scheduled later this year”. “With the Asiad being rescheduled to next year, I will try to qualify again and go for the gold there,” Nikhat said. “Of course, Paris Olympics is the ultimate dream for sure and the journey started when I was preparing for the last Nationals, itself” she said. “Well, the biggest challenge for me from changing the weight category of 52 kg (in which she won the Worlds gold) to the 48-50 kg in the CWG was to sacrifice my taste for food,” she said with a big smile. “And, honestly, also I didn’t have time to really celebrate my World championship gold as I had to go for training to Belfast for CWG and that training helped me a lot,” she said. “I really enjoyed the CWG and was excited about the first edition. I am very happy that I could win the gold,” she said.
Take proactive steps to host U-17 Women’s WC: SC to Centre
Under new coach Simon JamshedpurnotAmritAleksandarJhingan,centreropedKrishna,Mondal,Englishdisposalatheirsemifinalaawayonbar.whogoalkeepergivenfromlookedFC’stowithbolsteredBengaluruGrayson,FCthentheirdefencefivemenatthebackholdoffJamshedpurlatesurge,astheymostthreateningsetpieces.CreditshouldalsobetotheirseasonedGurpreetSinghstoodtallundertheWithfourminuteslefttheclock,hepalmedaRishicorner.TheBlues,whomadequarterfinal(2014)and(2021)exitinpreviousoutings,havenewlooksideattheirincludingtheircoachGrayson.ApartfromHiraPrabirDasandtheyhavealsointhelikesofIndiabackSandeshJaviHernandez,Jovanovic,GopeandFaisalAli.Jhingan,however,waspartofthesideagainstFC.AlirezawillyetNiemann,AmericanPraggnanandhaa6/6topalongsidethebeforeGiriEsportsearliernumbercostlygamebeatPraggnanandhaapoweredCryptooutCarlsenworldPraggnanandhaaRameshbabuandchampionMagnusmadeittwowinsoftwoastheFTXCupfavouritesintoanearlylead.OnTuesdaynight,narrowlyAnishGiriinthefour-matchtoavengeadefeattheDutch1inflictedonhimthisyearintheOsloCup.PraggandplayedoutthreedrawstheIndiastruckinfinalgame.TheyoungstersitsCarlsenattheoftheleaderboardonpoints.OnWednesday,willplayteenagerHanswhileGiri,stilltogetoffthemark,faceFrench-registeredFirouzja.Worldchampion
Paris Olympics is the ultimate dream: Nikhat
Printed, Published and Edited by Geoffrey Yaden at G.M. Printers, Circular Rd. Dimapur-797112. Ph: Desk 248489, e-mail-npdesk@gmail.com. Adm.& Advertisement :248267, 8798162009 e-mail-npostadvt@gmail.com, R.N. 40978/90 RN/NE 707 MYK C MYK C SPORTS12 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 2022
Durand Cup: Bengaluru FC beat Jamshedpur FC 2-1 Leon Augustine of Bengaluru FC vie for the ball with Saphaba Singh Telem (L) of Jamshedpur FC, Wednesday. (PTI) MIAMI, AUG 17 (IANS): India’s chess star
Carlsen recovered from a shock loss against Niemann to march into Round 3 of the Meltwater Champions Chess Tour round-robin. Carlsen’s day started badly as he was blown away by Niemann, the lowest rated player in the tournament.Niemann, coming off a 3-0 loss on Monday, was super-smooth with the black pieces. The killer move was 35... Be4, which wreaked havoc in Carlsen’s defence and ended Niemann’s tilt. In his post-game comment, Niemann summarised his win by simply saying: “Chess speaks for itself.” But Game 2 saw the world No.1 1 hit back in ruthless style to level the score at 1-1. Then in the third game, Carlsen sprung another opening surprise with the dubious 1. a3, played for the first time on the Tour, before moving into a more orthodox queen’s pawn opening. The Norwegian has previously played 1. e3 and 1. f3 -- all highly unorthodoxCarlsenmoves.quickly went a pawn up and secured a beneficial queen trade before turning the screw against his 19-year-old opponent to take the win and go 2-1 up. Niemann now needed to win the next game on demand. He battled hard, but could not hold back the tide. Carlsen won the final game -- despite missing a chance to win a piece -- to take the match 3-1.
Members of the newly formed Chümoukedima District Shooting Sports Association, which was formally launched on August 17, 2022.
Er Zale Neikha and other officials with the two teams before the opening match on Wednesday. (NP)
Correspondent KOHIMA, AUG 17 (NPN): Football event for the 2nd Nagaland Olympic and Paralympic Games (NOPG) 2022 kick started after the inaugural programme at Indira Gandhi Stadium, here on Wednesday.Inthe opening match, Dimapur district thrashed Wokha 6-1, Peren blanked Zunheboto 4-0 and Shamator beat Mon 3-2. Speaking as special guest, advisor for Youth Resources and Sports, Er Zale Neikha, appreciated all the 16 districts taking part in the various disciplines of the games. He said Olympic symbolised the unity of athletes who had come from all the parts of the State through their love for sports and to appreciate the beauty of the game. He said the goal of Olympic was to build a better and peaceful world by educating youths through sports practice without discrimination of any kind in true Olympic spirit which requires mutual understanding, good leadership, solidarity and fairNeikhaplay. disclosed that about 4000 athletes will be participating from all the districts in the State and will compete in 11 disciplines of sports including archery, athletics, badminton, basketball, boxing, football, lawn tennis, table tennis, taekwondo, shooting and wushu.He said football was one of the attractions of the people as it was played in all the districts and villages. Citing famous international player like Pele and Nagaland’s Dr Talimeren Ao, Neikha said one thing evident in such players were hard work and dedication.Heurged the players to give their best by exhibiting confidence, discipline and dedication and replicate the good qualities of legendary players.Exhorting the players to develop a sportsmanship mindset, which was lacking, the advisor urged the players to be humble as it was one’s pride that led to downfall. He urged the players to take responsibility and strive to be the best in the discipline they choose. Later, Neikha conveyed best wishes to all the players.Earlier, in the inaugural programme, the Nagaland Olympic Association (NOA) flag was unfurled by NOA secretary general, Abu Metha.The programme was chaired by Nagaland Football Association (NFA) vice president and organising committee (Football Event) convenor, Colo Mero.
Nagaland Olympic: Football event begins
Praggnanandhaa, Carlsen share lead in FTX Crypto Cup R Praggnanandhaa
RIO DE JANEIRO, AUG 17 (IANS): Brazil and Argentina will no longer be required to replay a World Cup qualifier that was FIFAfriendlywouldstatement,inverythisandFIFAtheQatarateamwillreplayedArgentinatheXinhuaAssociationtheConfederationfromitsSeptembermatchArgentina.Covid-19kickofflessthequalifierbeenSouthassociationsbothabandonedcontroversiallylastyear,countries’footballhavesaid.TheAmericanrivalshadslatedtoplaythelastSeptemberbutfixturewassuspendedthan10minutesafterbecauseofallegedrulebreachesbyFIFAhadorderedtheberescheduledfor22butchangedmindfollowingappealstheBrazilianFootball(CBF)andArgentineFootball(AFA),reports.“Finally,matchbetweenBrazil-willnotbeandtheopendateallowforournationaltoplayafriendlyasresult,inpreparationforWorldCup2022,”CBFsaid.“(Weare)gratefultoforthewillingnessavailabilitytoresolveproblemunderthesespecificcircumstancesthisshortspanoftime.”InaseparatetheAFAsaiditalsoseektoplayaonthenowvacantdate.
NEW DELHI, AUG 17 (AGENCIES): The Supreme Court on Wednesday asked the Centre to take proactive steps to ensure that India hosts the Under-17 Women’s World Cup in October, even as the government informed of its efforts to “break the ice” with the world body over the suspension of the All India Football Federation (AIFF).According to The Hindu, the FIFA ban has thrown a cloud of uncertainty over the prospect of India hosting the World Cup this year. A day after the government sought an urgent hearing of the case in the Supreme Court, Solicitor General Tushar Mehta asked the court to adjourn the case till August 22, to which the court agreed. “We are trying to break the ice,” Mr. Mehta explained to a three-judge Bench led by Justice D.Y. Chandrachud.Thelaw officer said the government has already twice met with FIFA officials in a bid to resolve the issue. Mr. Mehta said given the “active discussions” being held, the hearing could be postponed to August 22. He said the Committee of Administrators (CoA) is also playing a constructive role in the talks with FIFA. “We would impress upon the Union of India to take (a) proactive role in the matter for holding the World Cup and so that lifting of (the) ban on AIFF is facilitated,” the court observed, postponing the case to SomeMonday.parties, including petitioner Rahul Mehra, said outside forces have orchestrated the turn of events.To this, the court warned that it would certainly intervene if “somebody from outside is trying to create fortryingheavilythegovernmentthatMehtaSolicitorsomething.”Generalinterjectedtonoteherepresentstheandagreedthatcourtshouldcomedownonthosewhoaretointerfere.“Thisisagreateventthecountry,forchildren under 17,” the court observed.“Yes, this is about the pride of the country,” Mr. Mehta agreed. On Tuesday, news broke out about the FIFA ban, citing “undue influence from third parties” as the reason for AIFF’s suspension.Theapex court had appointed a Committee of Administrators (CoA) to govern the AIFF following its order on May 18, 2022, in which it was observed that the continuance of the executive committee of the AIFF beyond its four-year term was “not in the interest of the proper governance of the Federation”.OnAugust 11, the Supreme Court allowed a request made by the Sports Ministry for an opportunity to calm the troubled waters within the AIFF by meeting with its Committee of Administrators and FIFA. KOLKATA, AUG 17 (PTI): Sunil Chhetri and Roy Krishna scored a goal each as a 10-man Bengaluru FC overcame some anxious secondhalf moments to down Jamshedpur FC 2-1 in the Durand Cup in Kolkata on Wednesday.Eyeing the elusive Durand Cup title, the former I-League and Indian Super League champions began on a positive note with Chhetri finding the net in the 23rd minute from a Prabir Das corner. The much-anticipated pairing of Chhetri and Krishna then got going together to make it 2-0 with the former ATK Mohun Bagan star marksman opening his account in the 56th Havingminute. started from the bench, the marquee Fijian recruit scored just 11 minutes after coming on to the pitch, as he worked in tandem with talismanic skipperAnticipatingChhetri. Krishna behind him, Chhetri made a perfect run into the Jamshedpur FC box, providing an inch-perfect backheel to the Fijian to do the needful and give them a 2-0 cushion inside the one hour-mark.Butthe Blues were in for some jittery moments after their skipper left the field.Bengaluru’s signing from East Bengal, Hira Mondal, who was already on a yellow card, once again caught the eyes of referee Rahul Kumar Gupta to get a second booking as Bengaluru were reduced to 10 players in the 59th Theminute.Red Miners were quick to cash in on their numerical advantage to earn a freekick, resulting in their first goal of the DurandRishiCup.utilised Phijam Vikash Singh’s freekick from the right to pull one back as they slowly started to build pressure on Bengaluru.