Russia annexes 4 regions of Ukraine
Vladimir Putin has signed “accession treaties” for malising Russia’s illegal annexation of four occupied regions in Ukraine – Kher son, Zaporizhzhia, Luhansk and Donetsk – marking the largest forcible takeover of territory in Europe since the second world war. Af ter signing the treaties, the Russian-installed heads of the four regions gathered around Putin, linking hands and joining chants of “Rus sia! Russia!” with the ap plauding audience.
Putin later addressed crowds in Moscow’s Red Square, where he vowed to “do everything” to “raise the level of security” in Kher son, Zaporizhzhia, Luhansk and Donetsk. Speaking at a televised patriotic pop concert, the Russian leader said people in the regions
had made a choice to rejoin their “historic motherland”. “Welcome home!” he said, prompting chants of “Rus sia! Russia!” from the flagwaving crowd.
The Kremlin said again on Friday that it would consider attacks against any part of the regions of Ukraine that it is about to annex – Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia and Kher
son – as acts of aggression against Russia itself.

Putin insisted that Rus sia’s position on annex ing the four territories was nonnegotiable, adding that the country would defend them “with all the forces and means at our disposal.”
“I call on the Kyiv re gime to immediately cease fire and all military action,” he said, and for the Ukrai

nian government “to return to the negotiating table.”
US, West condemn Putin: Western leaders have condemned Russia’s an nexations as illegal, and the “referendums’’ that pre ceded them-- purporting to show local support for join ing Russia-- as fraudulent.
US President Joe Biden was quick to denounce Pu tin’s actions to annex the four territories, saying they “have no legitimacy’’ and adding that “the United States will always honor Ukraine’s internationally recognized borders.’’
NATO secretary gen eral, Jens Stoltenberg, de scribed Putin’s land grab as the “most serious escala tion” since the war began, while G7 foreign ministers said in a joint statement that the annexation efforts “constitute a new low point in Russia’s blatant flouting
of international law”.
European Commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, said the annexation declaration “won’t change anything”. “All territories illegally occupied by Russian invaders are Ukrainian land and will always be part of this sovereign nation,” she added.
More sanctions: In response to Putin’s annexa tion of Ukrainian territories, the US announced fresh Russia-related sanctions on hundreds of individuals and companies.
More than 1,000 peo ple and firms connected to the war effort were included in the US package, including Russia’s central bank gov ernor, Elvira Nabiullina, a longtime trusted adviser to the president, and families of national security council members.

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ANATG-2015 reject govt’s offer to form HPC; hunger strike to continue
KOHIMA, SEP 30 (NPN): The impasse between All Nagaland Ad hoc Teachers’ Group 2015 (ANATG-2015) and Department of School Education (DoSE) contin ued as the agitating teachers have hardened their stand in refusing to accept the State government’s offer to form a High Powered Committee (HPC).
The offer to set up the HPC was agreed at a mara thon discussion, spanning over five hours between state chief secretary and commissioner & secretary School Education and core committee of the agitating teachers and All Nagaland State Teachers’ Association (ANSTA) officials Friday.

However, the aggrieved teachers expressed strong resentment when the agree ment was read out by ANS TA president Kasheto Sumi
at the general meeting after the discussion with the gov ernment officials.
While speaking to the members on the outcome of the meeting with the gov ernment, ANSTA president Kasheto Sumi maintained that both sides-- govt and teachers- had tried to find the best possible solution in order to break the impasse earlier in the day. He ex plained that the agreement was to benefit both sides as the government agreed to
DIMAPUR, SEP 30 (NPN): Union Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoH&FW) additional sec retary, V Hekali Zhimomi, on Friday visited the medi cal college site at Phriebagei, Kohima to review the on going progress of medical college.

NEW DELHI, SEP 30 (PTI): Gen Anil Chauhan on Friday became India’s new Chief of Defence Staff with a mandate to imple ment the ambitious theateri sation plan that aims to en sure tri-services synergy and prepare the armed forces for future security challenges facing the nation.

Gen Chauhan, a for mer Eastern Army Com mander, took charge as the country’s senior-most military commander over nine months after first Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) Gen Bipin Rawat died in a heli copter crash in Tamil Nadu.
In a brief interaction with the media, Gen Chau han said the security chal lenges facing the nation will be dealt with jointly by the three services.
“I am proud to be as suming the responsibility of the highest rank in the Indian Armed Forces. I will try to fulfill the expectations from the three services and tackle all challenges and dif ficulties together,” he said.
He became the first retired three-star Lt Generalrank officer to return to the service as a four four-star General.
In a press release, H&FW department IEC bureau informed that the ad ditional secretary and assis tant secretary MoH&W, Re ena Hansdak, held a review meeting at site with state H&FW department officials under the chairmanship of principal director H&FW, Dr. K. Vikato Kinimi.
At the meeting, V. Hek ali Zhimomi appreciated the department for putting in a lot of hard work into the medical college project thus far.
She suggested that the medical college should be ready and functioning at the
earliest for the welfare of the future scholars.
Zhimomi also said that the infrastructure, clinical set up and faculty needed to be ready as soon as pos sible before the visitation of National Medical Council (NMC) team. Administra
tors, doctors and engineer ing wing should also sit for a meeting and carefully strategize the action plan before the NMC team’s visit, she said.
Calling for proper utilization of funds and resources, the additional secretary urged the officials to prioritize the funds to al locate where the works were of utmost importance so as to finish the project swiftly and also to avoid difficulties with the limited resources.
Further, she suggested that technical professionals should be included during planning.
(Cont’d on p-8)
Staff ReporterDIMAPUR, SEP 30
(NPN): Veteran Naga poli tician, former governor and also former chief minister Dr. S.C. Jamir urged upon the youth to adopt a fresh approach in envisioning a futuristic Nagaland as a land of peace and harmony.

Dr. Jamir said this while addressing the 37th Freshers’ Day at Public Commerce College (PCC) here on Friday. He said it was time for youth to readapt and rejuvenate themselves for moulding the State afresh. He however urged them not to blindly imitate their elders
to build a new Nagaland.

Dr. Jamir also said the present generation had at tributes that were far more progressive, informed and dynamic then the older gen eration. He said that the present world today was vastly different from what
it was 50 years ago. Dr. Jamir said that in the past, the strength of a country earlier was determined and measured by the resources available, but now it was the knowledge economy.
Quoting from “The Age of Discontinuity” by Peter Ducker, who popula rised the concept of knowl edge economy, Dr. Jamir explained that knowledge economy meant countries not blessed with abundant capital and managerial re sources, discovering that with right knowledge and ability, they could overcome hurdles and steal a march over countries that were rich
GPRN/NSCN adopts 2-point declaration

DIMAPUR, SEP 30 (NPN): GPRN/NSCN regional authorities of various regions, UTs, subregions and affairs adopted a two-point declaration during the ‘general meet ing’ held on September 28.
“Even before one protest is over, we have another one already.”
The meeting held un der the aegis of the kilo (Home) ministry at Coun cil Headquarters (CHQ), Naga Unification Camp, Khehoyi, re-affirmed un flinching support to the col lective leadership-- chair man ‘gen.’ MB Neokpao Konyak and general sec retary N. Kitovi Zhimomi, under whose “dynamic leadership, Naga people heart’s desire of durable peace and tranquillity is
The house also reit erated its optimism that the “Agreed Position” of Naga National Political Groups (NNPGs) with the Government of India would bring about timely honorable, acceptable and

comprehensive Indo-Naga political solution.
Meanwhile, the house also put on record that the “Naga people are actually agitated due to the incon clusive talks with the Gov ernment of India (GoI) and overdue political solution.”
ly endowed only with capital and material resources.
In this regard, Dr. Jamir challenged the youth to make use of knowledge for good use and mentioned that Nagaland had huge po tential for growth and devel opment through knowledge economy. He also urged the youth not to spend time try ing to find faults with others but to be the candle instead of cursing the darkness.
Speaking on the educa tion system in Nagaland , Dr. Jamir remarked that development in information technology was bringing vis ible transformation to every
(Cont’d on p-8)
form HPC within a month’s time during which it would study similar cases across the country before present ing its findings within a year before the government. Thereafter the government would then attempt to find ways to override the Uma Devi judgment and pave the way for regularisation of the agitating teachers.
The agitating members who were at the protest site, decided to continue with
ANATG stir: NSF urges govt to bring about ‘desired solution’
DIMAPUR, SEP 30 (NPN): With the All Na galand Ad hoc Teachers Group (ANATG) 2015 batch on indefinite hunger strike over its service regu larization demand, the Naga Students’ Federation (NSF) has appealed to the govern ment and the education de partment to objectively look into the matter and bring about the desired solution without further delay.

In a press release, NSF president Kegwayhun Tep and secretary education Medovi Rhi said that the

federation was “distressed to learn” about ANATG’s decision to intensify agita tion by resorting to indefi nite hunger strike against the government’s “inaction to regularize their service.”
NSF said that
ANATG’s hunger strike decision, which came after four days of silent sit-in protest by the 1166 teachers, did not augur well for the students, who were already deprived of their day-to-day learning due to the absence of the of the teachers from their place of posting due to
Disturbed Area status extended in parts of Nagaland for 6 months
Spl. Correspondent
NEW DELHI, SEP 30 (NPN): Centre on Friday extended the “Disturbed Area” status in nine districts and 16 police stations in four districts of Nagaland for a period of six months under the controversial AFSPA with effect from October 1, 2022, unless withdrawn, According to Home ministry, the decision comes following review of law and order situation in Nagaland. Areas to be covered include-Dimapur, Nuiland, Chü moukedima, Mon, Kiphire, Noklak, Peren and Zunhebo
ANGMU calls off shutter-down strike
DIMAPUR, SEP 30 (NPN): All Nagaland Goods Movers Union (ANGMU) has called off its indefinite shutter-down of all Dima pur-based goods transport offices, which was launched on September 16 against the failure to arrest the miscreants responsible for August 26 firing incident, in which one employee of TS Goods Carrier at Kalibari Road suffered injuries.
ANGMU informed that the decision to call off the agitation was taken after holding a series of meeting with DCCI and different NGOs and civil society groups, keeping in view the importance of free flow of market and the availability of essential commodities for the citizens.
It also said that the district administra tion and law enforcing agencies assured to initiate due course of action against those responsible for firing incident. The union has expressed its faith that justice would be delivered “without fail and at the earliest.”
to districts and jurisdictions of police stations-- under Kohima district: Khuzama, North and South PS, Zubza and Kezocha; Mokokchung district: Mangkolemba, Mokokchung-I, Longtho, Tuli, Longchem and Anaki ‘C’; Longleng district: Yan glok PS and Wokha district: Bhandari, Changpang, Ra lan and Sungro.
“Disturbed Area” sta tus was also extended for six months in Tirap, Changlang and Longding districts of Arunachal Pradesh and areas falling within Namsai and Mahadevpur police stations in Namsai district.
the ongoing agitation.
The federation has, therefore, appealed to the agitating teachers to “reconsider their mode of pro test” against the govern ment’s inaction “while not compromising the teachinglearning process.”
NSF stated that the continued stalemate be tween the two parties, with the responsible authorities “treading lightly” on the issue, was “only aggravat ing the situation” with the student community at the receiving end.
MTLT flays rising cases of extortion
DIMAPUR, SEP 30 (NPN): Mokokchung Town Lanur Telongjem (MTLT) has strongly condemned the rising cases of extortion in and around Mokokchung town by “national workers”, thereby vitiating the peaceful atmosphere in the society.
MTLT president Im naonen Pongen and gen eral secretary Imkongchuba Pongen said the recent case involving national workers from a certain Naga politi cal group who were arrested while extorting money from travellers was highly con demnable and could not be tolerated.
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DIMAPUR, SEP 30 (NPN): Fol lowing the order of the Registrar of Societies to hold elections/selec tion on October 11, 2022 vis-à-vis dispute between members of Lotha Baptist Church Association, Wokha district administration has clamped prohibitory orders under Section 144 CrPC in parts of Wokha town-Vankhosung Mission Centre (VMC) compound and a perimeter of 200 metres around it with effect from September 30 till October 15, 2022.
In an order issued on Septem ber 30, deputy commissioner Wokha AK Ranjan said that pending the conduct of selection/election, any attempt to change the status of possession of VMC compound and premises in it is likely to vitiate the statutory process and cause breach
of peace and public tranquility in the area. Therefore, DC said urgent preventive measures were required to ensure that the possession of VMC remains unchanged till affir mation/selection/election of LBCA office bearers.
In this regard, no groups/ association on either side shall be permitted to use the office premises at VMC for holding any meeting, except for the special general confer ence to be held in compliance of the order passed by the Registrar.
However, police, security forces, magistrates on duty, fire & emergency services, health services, educational/financial institutions and government departments as sisting the administration have been exempted from the restrictions.
Nagaland as a land of peace & harmony: JamirMoH&FW officials inspect medical college site in Kohima Moscow-installed heads of the four partially occupied regions with Putin in Moscow. (Dmitry Astakhov/Sputnik via AP) ANATG-2015 members sit on hunger strike, Friday. (NP) Health ministry and State officials during the inspection, Friday. Gen Anil Chauhan takes charge as India’s new CDS Gen Anil Chauhan GPRN/NSCN functionaries from various regions, UTs and sub-regions after the general meeting. Dr SC Jamir (NP)
Poshan Maah 2022 concludes in Nagaland

Mokokchung team for be ing on top in the state with 4601 activities and more than 1 lakh participants.

Further, Shashank en couraged the team to work with determination and that the district adminis tration would extend all possible support for suc cessful implementation of the scheme.
MOKOKCHUNG: The closing programme of Poshan Maah was held at multi-purpose hall Sang temla ward with deputy commissioner (DC) Mo kokchung, Shashank Prat ap Singh as special guest.
According to a DIPR report, in his address, DC stated that few sections of
the population required special care, especially chil dren below six years, preg nant women, and lactating mothers.
DC called for an in tensified implementation of the scheme so that tar geted sections were cov ered.
He also congratulated
LONGLENGMeanwhile, Poshan Maah concluded in Mang kolemba block by organis ing a “baby show” with district administration and line departments.
In a press release, the department informed that different activities as per ac tion plan were carried out to educate the community.
WOKHA: In Wokha, the closing ceremony was held in the conference hall of the DC. According to a DIPR report, DC acknowl edged the commendable job done by Anganwadi team and encouraged them to continue serving with dedication for the society.
He urged upon them to identify severe acute malnourished children in
LONGLENG: Longleng district organised the clos ing programme of Poshan Maah at the CDPO office premises with SDO (C), Throngdiba Tongpi Sang tam as special guest.
According to a DIPR report, Throngdiba ac knowledged the CDPO, department, and AWWs for successful conduct of the month-long Poshan
He suggested that the malnourished children and pregnant women be iden tified and provided with good care.
“Since inception in 2018, we can evidently see the fruits and progress of the mission and hope it will continue at the same level of progress in the future” SDO stated.
TUENSANG: District programme officer Tuen sang in collaboration with Sangsangnyu ICDS project observed the closing pro gramme of Poshan Maah 2022 at CBLT conference hall Tuensang.
According to a DIPR report, EAC Tuensang,
Arhonbeni Ezung ac knowledged the Angan wadi workers and helpers for making Poshan Maah successful.
The programme was followed by prize distribu tion for baby show, cook ing competition, and local food show.
the district and to upload/ include the accurate data in the Poshan Abhiyaan tracker.
Wokha block, senior supervisor, Erenbeni Oha ra said over the past five years, Wokha ICDS has been doing no less when it came to implementing the programmes and activities under Poshan Abhiyaan.
In recognition of their
notable work in August 2019, Wokha ICDS was awarded the “State Poshan Abhiyaan A ward” for “Best Field Convergence.”
In recognition of their services, 10 Anganwadi workers also received cash awards and two Moder ate Acute Mal-nutrition (MAM) were identified from GA/Project colony Wokha.
PEREN: The programme at Peren was graced by DC Peren, Vineet Kumar in the conference hall of the DC.
According to a DIPR report, the DC spoke on the importance of nutrition and encouraged AWWs to
play an active role to imple ment various activities at the village, block, and district levels.
Further, he encour aged officials and staff of the department to suc cessfully conduct all the Poshan Maah activities.
Mhathung inaugurates Pangti community hall
DIMAPUR: Advisor of Horticulture and Border Affairs, Mhathung Yanthan on Friday inaugurated Pan gti Village community hall.

According to a press release, Yanthan in his speech, urged upon the village council to give due importance to education and healthcare since the government may discon tinue them, if they were not given due care.
He informed that due to non-performance and low enrolment of students, the government discontin ued various educational institutions.
Mhathung asked the community to make use of the community hall for
Mhathung Yanthan inaugurating the Pangti Village community hall on Friday. the prosperity of Pangti village as the building now, belonged to the people.
Speaking on the rich natural resources of the area and Pangti village globally known as the “Amur Falcon Capital of the World”, the advisor encouraged them to tap the available natural resources.
He assured the com munity that there would be more developments, with their support.
Urging upon the peo ple to do away with politi cal differences, the advisor stated that they need to come together and work with the legislatures. At the programme, Pangti Vil
lage Council chairman, N. Rakomo Jami and Pangti Village Students’ Union ac knowledged the advisor for his desire to bring develop ment. Earlier, unveiling of inaugural plaque and ribbon cutting was done by the advisor while Pangti Baptist Church pastor, Rev. N. Manglio Ngullie offered dedication.
Highlights of the programme included folk songs by Yondon Yank ho (Tsoktsu Khen); Hayi Yankho (Jumpa enyan); Wokha Yankho (Yotsu von); Chumpolong Yankho (Yantsso Khen); Yanshum Yankho and a welcome song by Pangti Baptist Youth Fellowship.
Condolence messages on demise of former minister and Head GB, Hewoto Awomi
DIMAPUR: Various organ isations have condoled the demise of former minister and Head GB, Y Hewoto Awomi, who passed away on September 28.
NDPP: Nationalist Democratic Progressive Party (NDPP) president, Chingwang Konyak has expressed shock at the sud den demise of Y. Hewoto Awomi. Chingwang said late Hewoto devoted his ca reer for service of the people and as an active member of NDPP, and took up respon sibilities with dedication. In

his demise, he said Sümis as well as the NDPP fam ily lost a great leader whose service would be missed.
NDPP conveyed heartfelt condolences and prayers to the bereaved family.
NDPP 5 Ghaspani-II A/C: NDPP 5 Ghaspani-II A/C together with its MLA, Zhaleo Rio has expressed deep pain at the demise of Hewoto Awomi. NDPP 5 Ghaspani-II A/C described late Hewoto as a humble and true leader who served Nagas throughout his days and even during his stint as
a parliamentarian.
They said that late Hewoto’s simple principle of working for the common man was an example where he never failed to deliver the goods and was respected by all. The constituency said the void created by his ab sence may never be replaced again but prayed that the Lord would comfort and grant solace upon the be reaved family.
CPO: Chakhroma Public Organisation deeply mourned the demise of Y. Hewoto Awomi.
CPO said late Hewoto was among the few who served with a noble cause to bring equality, prosperity and unity. CPO prayed that the Almighty comfort the bereaved family as they con tinue to journey through life.
NH: Naga Hoho presi dent, HK Zhimomi has ex pressed deep shock over the sudden demise of his friend, Hewoto Awomi, a gentle and generous public servant who dedicated his whole life for the service of the people in general and Dimapur in particular.
Anti-rabies vaccination camps mark WRD 2022
DIMAPUR: The depart ment of Animal Husband ry & Veterinary Services (AH&VS) on September 28, organised anti-rabies vaccination camps across the state to mark the inter national awareness cam paign— “World Rabies Day” (WRD) on the theme “One Health, Zero Death”.
Kiphire: In Kiphire, the event was conducted at District Veterinary Hospi tal Kiphire, wherein, CVO Kiphire, Dr. Wezolo Sami highlighted the significance of the day.
According to a DIPR report, Dr. Wezolo stated that World Rabies Day was observed to promote the fight against rabies, raise awareness on its prevention and celebrate the achieve ments the world has made against this deadly disease.
The CVO mentioned that rabies was a fatal but preventable viral disease.
At the camp, a total of 50 dogs received anti-rabies vaccine.
Tuensang: A free vac cination drive for dogs was conducted at Old Medical Ward B, Tuensang.
According to a DIPR
report, in the opening re marks, veterinary assistant surgeon, Dr. Aojongshi explained briefly on the importance of vaccination of pet dogs and its safety for human beings. He also advised the owners to vac cinate their dogs above three months and on yearly basis.
Peren: Commemorat ing the 75th anniversary of Peren township, World Rabies Day was celebrated at Peren town hall.
According to a DIPR report, CVO Dr. Namsui Thou, in the keynote ad dress, spoke on the impor tance of prevention of rabies and precautionary mea sures.
VAS Peren, Dr. Lhuve ta spoke on the theme while VAS Tening, Dr. Suiyipeube shared the importance of housing, vaccination pro curement, feeding, etc with regard to poultry farming.
Other highlights in cluded speech from ward chairman, Peren Town and assistant commandant, 5th Assam Rifles Peren, free an ti-rabies vaccination and dis tribution of kuroiler chicks.
Meanwhile, on the oc casion of 16th World Ra
bies Day, College of Veteri nary Sciences and Animal Husbandry (CoVSc&AH), Jalukie, in collaboration with ICAR-Krishi Vigyan Kendra Peren organised a free vaccination against rabies-cum-animal health camp at Mhaikam village, Peren district.
At the programme, professor & head Dr. Shyamananda Mukher jee, professor & head, de partments of VPE & VCC, CoVSc&AH, Dr. Jayathan garaj and senior scientist, KVK Peren, Dr. Babita in augurated the free vaccina tion & animal health camp.
Altogether, 60 dogs were vaccinated against rabies while a total of 212 cases of canine, porcine and bovine species were treated and free medicines were distributed.
Later, a lecture on rabies, its prevention and control were delivered by CoVSc&AH Jalukie, as sistant professor, Dr. Kenei sezo Kuotsu while assistant professor, Dr. Amrit Gogoi highlighted significance of WRD.
Longleng: Longleng observed WRD in the con
ference hall of DPDB with Longleng Town Council (LTC) and All Ward Union Longleng Town.
In a press release, VS Veterinary Hospital, Dr. Aoyimsen Jamir informed that the meeting was chaired by SDO (C) & LTC adminis trator, Throngdiba Sangtam while significance of the day was shared by VAS Long leng, Dr. Vilie Medoze.
The meeting was fol lowed by presentation of the draft with regard to adoption of “Dog Registra tion & Proper Control of Dogs; Rules and Regula tions 2022” by Dr. Aoyim sen Jamir.
The house unanimous ly agreed to adopt the draft proposal in principle put forward by the AH&VS department.
The meeting agreed that LTC in collaboration with All Ward Union Long leng Town would adopt Dog Registration & Proper Control of Dogs Rules and Regulations, mass registra tion and vaccination of dogs under LTC would be carried out in the month of October, which will be technically assisted by the department.
District level training for medical officers held
DIMAPUR: Office of the chief medi cal officer (CMO) with District Health Society (DHS), NHM Kohima held a district level training on Standard Treatment Guidelines (STGs), Inter national Classification of Diseases-II (ICD-II), International Classification of Health Interventions (ICHI) and

Health Benefit Package (HBP) for medical officers on September 29.
Resource persons for the training included oncologist NHAK Dr. Zu chamo Patton and MO Chiephobozou CHC, Dr. Kekhrienizo Peseyie.
At the programme, STGs was briefed by Dr. Zuchamo Patton and
ICD–II, ICHI and HBP 2022 was taken up by Dr. Kekhrienizo Peseyie.
Dr. Imchatoshi chaired the pro gramme, CMO Dr. Tumchobeni delivered welcome note and overview of Ayushman Bharat-Pradhan Man tri Jan Arogya Yojana was given by deputy CMO.
Recalling his close re lationship with late Hewoto, Zhimomi described late Hewoto as a man with de termination and dedica tion whose good-will public services would always be cherished by one and all. In his death, Zhimomi said Su mis in particular and Nagas in general lost an eminent leader. He conveyed deepest condolences to the bereaved family members.
NSCN (Akato): NSCN/GPRN president, Akato Chophi has expressed shock at the demise of Late
Hewoto Awomi. Recalling his associa tion with late Hewoto for more than 30 years, Akato said he knew him to be an embodiment of all the good persona in life, amalgamated into a potential calibre of statesmanship, leadership and a frontrunner and with benevolent charisma who was admired by all. Akato described late Hewoto as a selfless leader who was always in the frontline with a diehard attitude when it came to the society. His demise is a huge loss to the
Sumis in particular and Na gas in general, Akato stated. Meanwhile, he prayed that the Lord provide solace to the bereaved family, loved ones and friends.
DCCI: Dimapur Chamber of Commerce & Industry has expressed shock at the demise of Y Hewoto Awomi. DCCI described late Hewoto as a down-to-earth

leader who was well known among the business and trad ing community and was a mentor of DCCI.
In his death, DCCI said the business community in Dimapur had lost a mentor, a patron and a source of inspiration. DCCI conveyed deepest condolences to the bereaved family members and relatives.
1st Death anniversary

Today is the day that you left us for your Heavenly home. The pain of losing you is immeasurable. Such a kind hearted and precious soul, we still miss you more than we can possibly say. On this earth we will not meet again, but we will all be there with you someday in heaven.
Missing you always.
Parents, wife, children and sisters
DIMAPUR: The month-long Poshan Maah, organised by the department of Social Welfare which began from September 1, concluded on Friday in various districts of the state. Different programmes were organised, where achieve ments of the initiative were highlighted. It may be mentioned that Poshan Maah 2022 is part of POSHAN Abhiyaan, a central government flagship programme to improve nutritional outcomes for children under six years of age, pregnant women and lactating mothers. DC Mokokchung, Shashank Pratap Singh with Mokok chung team. (DIPR) Closing ceremony of Poshan Maah celebration at DC’s conference hall, Wokha. (DIPR) MYK C MYK C STATE2 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2022 DC Peren, Vineet Kumar along with AWWs. (DIPR) Loving Closing programme of Poshan Maah at CDPO office. (DIPR) In Loving Memory of Late Zulonyi Lasuh 01/10/2021 K-2304/22 AWWs along with healthcare workers and participants at the closing programme on Friday. (DIPR)in Kma
gramme was chaired by as sistant labour commissioner, Zaremo Kikon, invocation was offered by CRC Chedema village, assistant pastor Kekhri eselie Chakrüno, Chedema village council member Kekhrievolie Keyho delivered welcome address while sec retary Seyiechütuo Suokhrie proposed vote of thanks.
NBS, BJP extend Puja greetings

DIMAPUR: Nagaland Bhojpuri Samaj (NBS) and BJP minority morcha Na galand Unit have extended Puja greetings to all.
KOHIMA, SEP 30 (NPN): Na galand Building and Other Con struction Workers Welfare Board (NBOCWWB) conducted an aware ness campaign and field registration drive at Malo-o Indoor Stadium, Chedema village, here, on Friday.

In his address, chairman of the board, Kekhrie Yhome informed that the programme was attended by a conglomerate of villages.
He pointed out that the govern ment has various schemes to cater to the need of the public, by reaching out to every village.
Kekhrie said the board’s work was to streamline those schemes and make it accessible to every household.
Sharing his observation, he said daily wage earners and labour ers faced tremendous hardships everyday. However, he pointed out that there was a huge cache of resources and wealth in this sector which could be tapped.
Observing that workers who were smart had potential to become financially stable, he suggested that they become aware of the latest traits that were being practiced in the sector and earn well instead of following traditional practices.

He also encouraged workers to unionise and build teams which could undertake bigger projects.
Highlighting the need for one such team in each village, Kekhrie informed the workers that the department would be organising training programmes under various schemes where workers would be taught to work together.
Pointing out the need to stream line male and female workers, he
of the works undertaken under the sector. Earlier, the pro

Kekhrie Yhome (5th-R) with other officials and workers at Chedema on Friday. (NP) said women should not register if they were not actively working in any
A special number was also presented by Neikono Chakrüno.
Hundreds of workers from within and nearby vil lages registered with the board.
MYK C MYK C 3STATENAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2022 Q.: Is the state govt handling issues of service and employment legally and logically? A Yes. 14% B No. 80% C Can’t Say. 6% 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Poll A B C NEXT POLL Q: Is drug use among children in the north east the biggest hidden problem? Yes. No. Can’t Say. (Temperature in ºC) Max Min Agartala Mostly cloudy; hot and humid 33 26 Aizawl A t-storm around in the p.m. 28 21 Guwahati Sunshine, hot and humid 36 27 Imphal A t-storm around in the a.m. 31 21 Itanagar Mostly sunny and hot 34 24 Shillong Clouds and sun 26 18 Kohima A stray afternoon t-storm 28 19 Dimapur A stray thunderstorm 35 25 Mkg Warm with a t-storm in spots 31 20 Tuensang A stray morning thunderstorm 25 16 Wokha A t-storm around in the a.m. 30 23 Zunheboto A p.m. t-storm in spots 28 18 WEATHER FORECAST OCTOBER 1 In separate messages, NBS and BJP minority morcha expressed hope that “Maa Durga” would grant courage and strength to the people to face all the odds in life and shower them with happiness.
Knowledge exchange prog under NQAS held
RTA Kohima discusses shifting of regional taxi stations
DIMAPUR: A meeting of Regional Transport Author ity (RTA), Kohima was held in the conference hall of the deputy commissioner (DC) Kohima on September 29.
TEA celebrates 10th foundation day
DIMAPUR: A “knowledge exchange programme” un der National Quality Assur ance Standards (NQAS) Di mapur district was organised by Nagaland Health Project Friday at Urban Primary Health Centre (UPHC) Burma Camp, Dimapur for aspiring health units from Peren, Mon and Dimapur districts.

In a press release, office of the chief medical officer (CMO) Dimapur stated that NQAS certification is the highest national quality certification in India which is awarded to government
health facilities that provides quality health care services.
UPHC Burma Camp and UPHC Duncan Bosti were among the health units in India which have achieved NQAS Certifica tion in July 2022.
Department of H&FW, joint director, Dr. Lhouvizo tuo Belho said the knowl edge exchange programme was organized to bring to gether the health workers of aspirant health units to benefit from the knowledge and experience gained by the NQAS certified health units. Dr. Belho said the
MoH&FW officials visit Mokokchung district
DIMAPUR: With an objec tive to uplift the performance of Mokokchung district under “Mission Utkarsh”, central nodal officer for Mokokchung district, Min istry of Health and Family Welfare (MoH&FW) New Delhi along with state of ficials visited Mokokchung district on September 29.
In a press release, the department stated that dur ing the visit, the officials from the ministry held a meeting at Conference Hall of Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Mokokchung under the chairmanship of central nodal officer in charge of Mokokchung district, addi tional secretary, MoH&FW, New Delhi, Hekali Zhimo mi, with district officials to discuss the key performance indicators.
A PowerPoint pre sentation on the progress of KPI for Mokokchung district was presented by MoH&FW New Delhi,
assistant secretary, Reena Hanodak and a detailed assessment of nine KPIs were made and suggestions given for improving the key indicators on child and maternal health.
The release informed that issue-based discussion was taken up. The meet ing discussed development of time bound strategies, planning and monitoring of District Health Action Plan (DHAP), convergence and coordination with allied de partments and development partners, rationalization of human resource and regu lar review and monitoring of ongoing programmes and KPIs: to be monitored closely by the district health society headed by the deputy commissioner of the district.
The department in formed that Mokokchung district has progressed in the KPIs since April 2022. After the meeting, the officials vis ited HWC Mopungchuket.
ICAR organises field day, farmers’-scientist interaction
DIMAPUR: Field day & farmers’-scientist interaction programme on participatory rice seed production was organised by Indian Council of Agricultural ResearchNational Research Centre (ICAR-NRC) on Mithun on September 28 and September 29 at Amaluma Village and H. Khehoyi Village of Dimapur district respectively.
In a press release, ICAR-NRC Nagaland stated that the programme was organised to show the performance of RC Maniphou-7 variety in rice seed production fields and scope of participatory rice seed production in Nagaland.
Farmers along with officials visited the field where performance of RC Maniphou-7 rice variety was outstand ing in comparison with different varieties.
Scientist, plant breeding and genetics, ICAR Nagaland Centre, Medziphema, Dr. Harendra Verma discussed the importance, future prospects and know-how on participa tory rice seed production of RC Maniphou-7.
SMS, KVK, Dimapur, Dr. Roben Singh spoke on use of early and medium duration HYVs of rice (RC Maniphou-7) to utilise the residual moisture and enhance cropping intensity through agronomic practices.
SMS, KVK, Dr. Bendangsenla assisted in conveying the message to farmers through local language.
At the programme, queries with regard to pest man agement and nutrient management was also discussed. A total of 40 farmers participated in each village.
RBCAN organises leadership meet
DIMAPUR: Rongmei Bap
tist Church Association Na galand (RBCAN) organised ‘church leadership meet’ on Friday, at RBC Samziuram on the theme “In Serving the Lord”, with principal, Trinity Theological College, Rev. Dr. Hukato N. Shohe as resource person. In a press release, RBCAN stated that development secretary Akeina Gonmei also spoke on church leaders’ social eti quette. The programme was attended by 110 participants from different churches and fellowships under RBCAN.
programme would facilitate exchange of ideas, expertise, knowledge and experience which will be beneficial for all the participants as well as the host health unit.
In his opening remark, CMO Dimapur, Dr. I. Moatemjen encouraged oth er health facilities to learn from UPHC Duncan and Burma Camp. Medical Of ficer, UPHC Burma Camp, Dr. Chamzai Newmai and consultant, National Urban Health Mission Dimapur, Toshinaro shared the chal lenges faced while process ing for NQAS certification.
According to a DIPR report, DC Kohima Shana vas C stated that the meeting was held to discuss matters about shifting of regional taxi stations. At the meeting, the house decided to add the following routes—local taxi route Rs 80 (base rate)+Rs 42 per km; Rs. 160 for full hire and Rs. 40 per head from Phoolbari to ISBT; High School Junction to Phoolbari Rs. 150 for full hire and Rs. 40 per head; High School Junction to ISBT- Rs. 280 for full hire and Rs. 70 per head; BOC to ISBT Rs. 160 for full hire and Rs. 40 per head; two bus stops for two NST buses and three Smart City buses ply ing to ISBT from Phoolbari junction, the rate has been fixed as Rs. 30 per head for Smart city bus and Rs. 20 per head for NST bus.
Temporary arrange ment for Eastern Bound Regional Taxis include—All Eastern Bound Regional taxis (Phek, Zunheboto, Kip
hire, Meluri, Pfutsero) plying via Viswema Road shall be parked at Reserve Phesama Area as a temporary arrange ment. On centralisation of regional taxis ticket counter, the members decided that ANTA Kohima unit will ap proach office of the Regional Transport officer Kohima on license permit. Fresh licenses have to be applied through RTO Kohima for action and approval of RTA Kohima.
On waste management, the house decided that NST would provide dust bins at ISBT and ANTA will be directed to take care of waste management. KMC will col lect wastes from locations till an alternate arrangement is made and regional taxis at ISBT and KMC tata parking will function from the same location. A Core Commit tee to check adherence of new parking arrangement for regional taxis in Ko hima was constituted with ADC Kohima as convenor, along with SDO (C) Kohima Sadar, SDO (C) Kohima, DSP (Traffic) Kohima, mo tor vehicle officer Kohima, ANTA Kohima unit presi dent and KVYO president as members.
KOHIMA, SEP 30 (NPN): Tabitha Enabling Academy (TEA) celebrated its 10th Foundation Day on at the school premises, here, on Friday.
Speaking at the pro gramme, member, Naga land Legislative Assembly Khriehu Liezietsu lamented that the society still lacked awareness on the rights of People with Disabilities (PwDs).
He stated that though the Naga society was still in its formative years, the state government was taking steps to make the society PWD
He also acknowledged the humanitarian work done by Asano Seb, Veketilu Vese and the staff of TEA.
In the welcome ad dress, Vekutilu Ngone shared the commitment of TEA in providing holistic education to children with special needs.
She said that the school focussed mainly on chil dren between the ages of 2-15 years and worked with children who had variety of disabilities, using modified curriculum and meeting the needs of each children based on their disability. At the programme, speech on
behalf of the parents was de livered by Vihokho Khrieo while greetings was deliv ered by Rev. Allen Chan.
The programme was chaired by Kanovili Yeptho and blessings were offered by Rengma Baptist Church associate pastor (youth).
It may be mentioned that TEA emphasises on reciprocal learning where children learn together and receive equal opportunity.
The academy also en courages the church, par ticularly Sunday school teachers to identify children with special needs and reach out to them through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Highlights of programmes organised for students
DIMAPUR: Educational institutions, departments and other organisations have been organising vari ous programmes for stu dents across the state.
KLC: Pro Bono Club of Kohima Law College (KLC) organised a state level law quiz competition on the topic, “Constitu tional Trivia 2022” Friday at the Conference Hall of KLC. The competition held for City Law College Dimapur, Kohima Law College and Mokokchung Law College was addressed by KLC assistant professor, Kezhokhoto Savi.
ICAR-NRC: A threeday training on “repro ductive management and artificial insemination in mithun under TSP” was conducted from September 26-28 by Indian Council of Agricultural ResearchNational Research Centre (ICAR-NRC) on Mithun for 3rd Semester Zoology students of Patkai Chris tian College. ICAR said the training was intended to provide students with the fundamental knowl edge to understand and manage an effective mit hun or dairy reproductive programme.
DBHSS: Don Bosco Higher Secondary School on September 24 held a science and arts exhibi tion for the annual year 2022 with director census operation/ citizen registra tion Nagaland, ministry of Home Affairs, government of India, Anoop Khinchi as the special guest.
DEO Kohima: Dis trict Education Officer (DEO) Kohima under the aegis of the directorate of School Education, Naga land, Kohima conducted Kohima district level stu dents’ science seminar–2022 on September 22 at the DEO Kohima Confer ence Hall.
ICFAI: Department of history, ICFAI Univer sity Nagaland organised a webinar on “Law and Gender Question in Colo nial India: Age of Consent Act 1891” on September 21 with School of Gender Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Hyderabad, assistant pro fessor, Dr. Neetha Rani as the guest speaker.
BS&G Wokha: Bharat Scouts & Guides (BS&G) Wokha celebrat ed “International Day of Peace” under the theme, “End Racism. Build Peace” on September 21 at Spring dale School, Wokha with Extra Assistant Commis sioner (EAC) cum district commissioner (G) BS&G Wokha, Rozy Sangtam as special guest.
DBCK: The inaugu ral programme of the an nual “Euphoria Festival” of Don Bosco College Kohima (DBCK) organ ised by DBCK and student forum was held on Septem ber 22 under the theme, “With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility” with entrepreneur and consul tant, Yanpvou Kikon as special invit ee. On Sep tember 23, a concert was
held as part of the annual “Euphoria Festival” with Youth Net Fellow, Youth Net Incubation’ Centre (YIC), Brand Ambassador of Nagaland Tourism and Founder of KNOW Mer chandise, Onen Nenty as guest of honour.
IC: Department of Botany, Immanuel College Dimapur organised one day “Herbarium Technique Certificate Training” on September 23 at Botanical Survey of India, Shillong, Meghalaya KLCSU: Kohima Law College Students’ Union organised its 43rd freshers’ meet under the theme, “Venturing Profi ciency into Legal Frater nity” with Dr. Neiphrezo Keditsu, former MLA and chairman Nagaland Kha di and Village Industries Board as guest speaker.
KCK: An awareness programme on e-waste management was jointly organised by Friends of Nature and Swachh Bharat Abhiyan in collaboration with e- circle, Dimapur under the aegis of IQAC, Kohima College, Kohima on September 23.
MITE: Modern Insti tute of Teacher Education, Kohima, Current Event and Literary Clubs organ ised an open extempore debate competition on September 23 which was participated by studentteachers from Aesthetic Club, Cultural Club, Cur
rent Event Club, Ecologi cal Club, Literary Club, Red Ribbon Club and other clubs.
SCC: Salt Christian College Dimapur held its 29th freshers’ meet cum cultural day on Septem ber 23 at Meren Chapel Hall under the theme “Scribbling New Paths”, wherein the principal Dr. R. Choudhury exhorted the students.
GHSS Chozuba: Government Higher Sec ondary School, Chozuba organised the NSS Day 2022 on September 24 under the theme, “NSS and the Society” with District Resource Person District Industries Centre, Phek and CTCSU presi dent, Veyito Nyekha as the speaker. The key note address was delivered by, programme officer NSS GHSS Chozuba Unit, An gelo Pfithu.
MTC: Mount Tiyi College NSS Unit organ ised celebration of NSS Foundation Day cum ori entation programme for the NSS volunteers on September 24 at the Col lege Conference Hall.
SET: School of En gineering and Technology (SET) Nagaland Univer sity Dimapur celebrated its 15th Fresher’s Day on September 24 at IMC Hall under the Theme, “Carpe Diem” with deputy com missioner of Police Chü moukedima, Munesh as
DECLARATION (Invitation for Objection) I, Shri. Neipuzo Vadeo, son of Late Krohutsu Vadeo, and husband of Smti. Posovelu Vadeo, present resident of H/No. UK - 25 E, Billy Graham Road, Kruoliezou, L. Khel, Kohima Village, District Kohima, Nagaland, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare on oath as follows:
1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India hailing from the Chakhesang Naga tribe and a present resident of the above mentioned address.
2. That I have executed a Gift Deed bearing Regd. No. 754/2022, dated 28.09.2022, from the Notary Public, Kohima, Nagaland, gifted the aforementioned below land to our daughter Miss Nutsosalu Vadeo, whereby we wish to invite any objections or suggestions to be put forward for disposal within reasonable time by legal means from any quarters for the properties mentioned below
(i) Mhasizu, Phegei, Upper Kruoliezou, Kohima, H/No. UK-25 E.
(ii) Tenyiephe - 1, Dimapur, Patta No. 579, 'A' Khel, H/No. 405.
the special guest. Dean NU-SET, Professor V.K. Vidyarthi also exhorted the students.
JCC: An awareness programme on Reserve Bank Integrated (RBI) Ombudsman Scheme and Electronic Banking Awareness and Training (e-BAAT) was organ ised by office of the RBI Ombudsman, Guwahati and Integrated Banking Department, RBI Guwa hati on September 24 for Students and Faculty of Japfü Christian College, Kigwema, Kohima.
SJU: Department of Commerce St. Joseph Uni versity (SJU) Chümouke dima in association with Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) Development and Facilitation office, Dimapur and Business Association of Nagas (BAN) organised one day entrepreneurship awareness programme on September 23 at SJU.
LFIC & LFI: Evangel ical Union (EU) of Living stone Foundation Interna tional College (LFIC) held its exchange fellowship with the Dimapur Govern ment College (DGC) on September 28 at the College auditorium. Earlier, depart ment of political science, LFIC organised a debate competition on September 21 under the topic, “Should Nagaland Liquor Total Prohibition Act 1989 be revoked?”
On September 23, LFIC organised a skill en hancement programme, wherein demonstration on “pickle making” and “soap making” skills were imparted to the students while NSS cell of the LFIC commemorated the NSS foundation day by organis ing a social work in the Sub Healthcare centre, Signal Angami village Dimapur under the theme “ Com munity outreach “.
In a separate event on September 23, the Living stone Foundation Interna tional, Dimapur celebrated its annual grandparents’ day. The programme was organized for the grandpar ents of students belonging to Prep-I to Grade-IV.
UC: The department of commerce, Unity Col lege, Dimapur in collabo ration with the Banana Co. (Hengna & Maben Pvt. Ltd.) organised a one-day skill development training programme on September 23 under the theme, “sus tainability through green skills”.
MHSS & MITE: Modern Higher Secondary School (MHSS) and Mod ern Institute of Teacher Education (MITE) organ ised Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on the topic “How to make a Les son Plan” on September 27 at the Conference Hall with MITE, assistant profes sor, Kavani Hekha as the resource person.
(Correction of Names)
Regd. No. 6758 Date 30/9/22
I, Shri/Smti/Miss KAINAL ZHIMO Primary Teacher, GPS Sheyipu village under the establishment of SDEO Zunheboto, Department of School Education, Nagaland.
That in some of the documents my name has been recorded as KAINALI ZHIMO and in some of the documents including Service related my name has been recorded as KAINALI K ZHIMOMI and KAINALI K ZHIMO respectively hence, the stated name represents the same person i.e. myself.
The Ekranipathar Village Council held an Emergency meeting on 28th Sept. 2022 at 4:00 P.M. at the Council Hall.
The house resolved to Ban outsiders on Business purpose to enter the Village Jurisdiction w.e.f. 28-09-22.
The house has exempted L.P.G. (Gas) Home Delivery and Online Courier.
The defaulters will be penalized as per the Council's Decision.
Chairman Council Secretary Ekranipathar Village Council Ekranipathar Village Council Dimapur : Nagaland Dimapur : Nagaland Contact No. 9862911112 Contact No. 9402726695
3. That this declaration is made to declare that the above mentioned lands/ property have been obtained by me and my wife Smti. Posovelu Vadeo and it is not an ancestral property.
4. That this affidavit is signed and sworn before the competent authority and also invitation for any objection from any quarters maybe put to disposable within 1 (one) month from the day of publication in written Affidavit or through direct correspondence. And herein it shall be used for all official records, future references and future correspondence.
ChIef JudICIal MagIstrate
Notice Calling Objection for the issue of Guardianship Certificate
Smti G. Khekhuli Jhimo of H/No. - 91, 'A' Khel, Satakha Town, Zunheboto District has applied for the issue of Guardianship Certificate for the minor children of Late P. Ato & Late G. Kavili Sema who expired on 02/11/2020 & 23/03/2022 namely Ilo Yeptho.
It is hereby notified that if no objection to issue this Certificate is received from anyone within a period of 30 (thirty) days w.e.f. the date of publication in press, the Certificate shall be issued and no further complaint will be entertained for issue of the same.
District & Sessions Judge Zunheboto : Nagalanddp-4741/22
Regd. No. 20231/21
Date: 05/11/21
I, Shri. Zuchanbemo A Kithan, S/o. Atsamo Kithan R/o Blue Hill Colony, Wokha ; Nagaland do hereby solemly affirm and declare an oath as follows;-
1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India belongs to the Lotha Naga tribe.
2. That in some of official documents my name has been erroneously entered/recorded as A. Zuchanbemo Kithan.
3. That Zuchanbemo A Kithan and A. Zuchanbemo Kithan are one and same person i.e. my official name is Zuchanbemo A Kithan
4. That my actual and correct name is Zuchanbemo A Kithan, and that it shall be used as a piece of evidence in reference to the above paragraphs for all my official purposes, correspondences and records and is made for the purpose of any complications that may arise in future with regard to my name.
5. That I verify that the contents of this affidavit are true to the best of my knowledge and nothing material has been concealed thereof and I signed this affidavit before the competent authority at Wokha on this ______th ____2022.
Deponent Zuchanbemo A Kithan
Solemnly sworn before me by the deponent on this day the ___th ____2022.
1st Class MagIstrate, WOkhaWC-229/22
Correspondent Healthcare workers from the aspiring health units along with speakers on Friday. Students performing at the programme on Friday. (NP)PM flags off train, launches Ahmedabad metro

(PTI): Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday flagged off the Gandhi nagar-Mumbai Vande Bharat Express semi-high speed train and inaugu rated the first phase of the Ahmedabad Metro rail proj ect on the second day of his two-day visit to Gujarat, where Assembly Modi also travelled in the express train and the metro train before address ing a rally in Ahmedabad, where he said cities will shape the destiny of India and ensure that it becomes a developed nation in the next 25 years. Modi flagged off the train from Gandhi nagar Capital railway sta tion around 10.30 am before boarding the train.
“PM @narendramodi is on board the Vande Bharat Express from Gandhinagar to Ahmedabad. People from different walks of life, including those from the Railways family, women entrepreneurs and young sters are his co-passengers on this journey,” the Prime Min ister’s Office (PMO India) said in a tweet. In the
photographs attached with the tweet, the prime minis ter is seen interacting with railway officials, women entrepreneurs and others on board the train.
The train, which con nects the capital cities of Maharashtra and Gujarat, is the third Vande Bharat Express in the country. The first such train was started on New Delhi-Varanasi route, while the second one on New Delhi-Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Katra route, an official said. The train will provide passengers air
craft-like travelling experi ence and advanced safety features, including Kavach technology, an indigenously developed Train Collision Avoidance System, he said.
“This train will offer world-class comfort and facilities to passengers. The fully air-conditioned Vande Bharat has several modern features, such as sliding doors, personalised read ing lights, mobile charg ing points, attendant call buttons, bio-toilets, auto matic entry and exit doors, CCTV cameras, reclining
Rajnath reviews functioning of 7 DPSUs carved out of OFB
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Friday reviewed the working of the seven state-run defence companies which were carved out of the erstwhile Ordnance Factory Board (OFB).

For 2022-23 fiscal, the seven new defence public sector undertakings (DPSUs) have pro jected cumulative sales target of around Rs 17,000 crore, which is significantly higher compared to previous achievements of erstwhile OFB, according to the defence ministry.
The companies com menced operations from Octo ber 1 last year before they were dedicated to the nation by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the occasion of ‘Vijayadashami’ on October 15. Addressing the of ficers and employees of the sev en companies virtually, Singh stated the corporatisation of OFB was a major reform in the direction of making the country self-reliant in the defence sector.
“The erstwhile OFB, with its infrastructure and skilled manpower, was a strategic as set of the country, which made valuable contributions to na tional security,” he said.
However, Singh said there were concerns in the armed forces regarding high costs, in consistent quality and delay in supply of products by the OFB in the last few decades.
“Being a government de partment, the OFB had little accountability to show profits. There were age-old procedures, practices, paper works and rules & regulations, which had lost relevance,” he said.
“Getting rid of these prac tices was the need of the hour and corporatisation was the best way forward. The government has been hand-holding these companies since the beginning,” Singh said. The defence minis try said an amount of Rs 2,953 crore has been released to these companies in the form of equity during 2021-22 and 2022-23 for modernisation and a further amount of Rs 6,270 crore is planned to be released up to
2026-27 for capital expenditure.
In addition, an amount of Rs 3,750 crore has been released to these companies in the form of Emergency Authorisation Fund. The functional and fi nancial autonomy provided to these new corporate entities, coupled with hand-holding by the government, has started reflecting in their performance, the defence ministry said.
Within a short span of six months, from October 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022, these new companies have achieved the turnover of more than Rs 8,400 crore, it said.
The ministry said the new DPSUs have reported produc tion achievement of more than Rs 6,500 crore in first six months of financial year 2022-23.
The ministry said the new entities have shown marked im provement in productivity and quality in the changed corporate set up. In 2021-22, out of seven companies, six have indicated profits based on the provisional financial statements.
To further improve the functioning of these DPSUs, Singh listed out some of the key areas which need to be focussed on. Terming the present era as technology-driven, he exhorted the companies to develop or get acquainted with latest technolo gies, which are vital for the de fence industry to make its mark at national and international levels.
He urged them to lay spe cial emphasis on modernisa tion through domestic research and development as it is the “strongest and the safest way forward”.
MTLT flays rising cases of extortion
(From p-1)
MTLT lauded Mokokchung Police for its prompt action in arresting the anti-social elements and initiating action as per the law of the land.
It also strongly endorsed the press statement of All Ward Union Mokokchung Town (AWUMT) published in local papers on September 30, 2022 that directed the jailed culprits to leave the town within 15 days once they come out of jail.
MTLT declared their strong support to the stance of AWUMT not to pardon any extortionist and the declaration of taking befit ting action against such elements. They also supported the direction to every household to always keep three traditional torches ready as practised in the past.
In this regard, MTLT called upon every youth of the town to take serious cognisance of AWUMT press statement and be ready for any eventuality that might arise.
Further, MTLT declared that it would not tolerate any antisocial element and requested all peace-loving citizens of the town to remain vigilant so that the peaceful atmosphere of the town was not disturbed in any manner.
facility, comfortable seats,” a release said. Modi then dis embarked from the express train at the Kalupur railway station. At the Kalupur metro rail station, he inau gurated the first phase of the Ahmedabad metro rail project between Thaltej and Vastral. After that, he then took a ride in the metro train till Thaltej station. Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel and party MPs C R Paatil and Kirit Solanki ac companied him during the journey.
With the inauguration, the 21-km corridor of the project between Thaltej and Vastral with 17 stations became operational. This corridor has a 6.6 km un derground section with four stations, the Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation (GMRC) said in a release.

Addressing a rally at Ahmedabad later, Modi said cities will shape the destiny of India and they will ensure that it becomes a developed nation in the next 25 years.
Stating that new cities are being built in the country as per the global business demand, he also made a
pitch for modernising cities as per the changing times and called for the creation of twin cities.
“India of the 21st century is going to get new momentum from the cities of the country. With the changing times, it is neces sary to continuously mod ernise our cities with the changing needs. So much focus is being given and in vestment being made on the cities in the country, because they will ensure the creation of a developed India in the coming 25 years,” he said.
Ahmedabad, Surat, Vadodara, Bhopal, Indore, Jaipur - these cities will shape the destiny of India in the next 25 years. These investments are not limited to connectivity alone, but smart facilities are being put in place in dozens of cities; basic facilities are being improved and suburbs are being developed, he said.
Calling for the need to modernise the transport systems in cities, he said, “There should be seamless connectivity. One mode of transport should support the other. This is necessary...”
UGC guidelines to universities
NEW DELHI, SEP 30 (PTI): University Grants Commission (UGC) has asked all universities to make statutory changes to facilitate students pursu ing two academic degrees simultaneously. UGC had in April approved the pro posal allowing students to pursue two full-time degrees together. The guidelines for it were notified on Friday.
“All the Higher Edu cational Institutions were requested to devise mecha nisms through its statutory bodies for allowing students to pursue two academic pro grammes simultaneously. It is once again requested that in the larger interest of the students, implementation of the said scheme may kindly be ensured and ex pedited, if not done so far,” the UGC wrote in a letter to universities. According to guidelines, students can now pursue two full-time academic programmes in physical mode provided that in such cases, class tim ings for one programme do not overlap with the class timings of the other pro gramme. It is not applicable for PhD programmes.
Himachal has special place in heart of PM Modi: Sudhanshu
SHIMLA, SEP 30 (IANS): Himachal Pradesh has a special place in the heart of Prime Minister Naren dra Modi as he considers the hill state as his second home, Rajya Sabha MP and BJP spokesperson Sud hanshu Trivedi said here on Friday.
“Late Atal Bihari Va jpayee ji has his own house in Prini in Manali and BJP national President Jagat Prakash Nadda-ji belongs to Bilaspur in Himachal. This proves that BJP’s vi sion of Himachal has a special place,” he told the media.
He said the state gov ernment-led by Jai Ram Thakur has done excellent work in every area of soci ety, especially for achieve ments in the health sector with 100 per cent Covid-19 vaccination.
Besides, he said, in health sector, AIIMS Bilas pur, which will be dedicated to the public and built at a cost of Rs 1,500 crore and six medical colleges are among the major achieve ments of the government.
The BJP leader said the satellite centre of the PGI is coming up at Una at a cost of Rs 450 crore, besides Himachal has been given several trauma centres from level one to level three.
He said even during the pandemic, the double engine government has greatly strengthened the health facilities of the state. “Earlier there were 32 ven tilators in the state. Today there are more than 1,000 ventilators and more than 5,000 oxygen concentra tors. During the Congress government in the state, there were only two oxygen plants.”
Congratulating the people that a bulk drug park to be built in the state at a cost of 1,190 crore, with the budget allocation of Rs 1,000 crore by the Centre, he said on completion, the park will provide employ ment to 30,000 youths and attract an investment of about Rs 50,000 crore.
Taking a jibe at the Congress, he said the party was busy in fighting among themselves.
PM Modi flags off a metro during the inauguration of the phase-1 of Ahmedabad Metro rail project. (PTI) Rajnath SinghTaxation syndrome
There has been strong opposition from various Civil Society Organisations in all districts in Na galand against and arbitrary imposition of tax on business activity and firms by various Naga nationalist groups. CSOs and NGOs of various districts. Various organisations have come out openly in condemning these collections and have also warned that those in dulging in such activities will be dealt with severely as per the law of the land. Though there had been various organisations like ACAUT Nagaland, Nagaland Volun tary Consumers’ Organisation(NVCO) , Naga Council Dimapur(NCD) and its affiliate such as Public Action Committee(PAC) and Naga Tribal Union Chümouke dima Town (NTUCT) besides several other organisa tions in several districts. Illegal or unauthorised collec tion of tax is deemed an offence but which has become the only major cottage industry in the state. There had been massive public rallies across Nagaland against unauthorised taxation during the past several years and asking the authorities to take stringent measures to protect business. The right to collect tax rests with the legally constituted government which uses the revenue for providing service or infrastructure to the people. There is only one government in Nagaland and which is the state government, ruled by elected rep resentatives chosen by popular vote every five years. Apex bodies of newly created districts –Chümouke dima and Niuland-have sent strong messages to those engaged in this illegal industry to keep their hands off business and other trade in the districts. Naga Tribal Union Chümoukedima Town (NTUCT) has reaffirmed its total opposition and objection to any kind of tax collection within the district by any group and under whatever pleas. NTUCT said the decision to not pay any tax to NPGs was in line with the 2013 public rally on October 31,2013 organised by ACAUT at Dimapur. The rally resolved to not pay any tax unless for one government one tax. Of course with so many groups claiming their respective legitimacy, it is impossible to even consider which of them is “the government.” In nearby Niuland(also carved out of Dimapur district), the Western Sumi Hoho (WSH) and NGOs of Niuland district unanimously resolved not to pay taxes to any underground faction. The organisations said rampant taxation have become the main reason that has been hampering the growth and development of Niuland in every sphere. Whether illegal or unauthorised, the taxes are being collected/imposed by several ‘parallel governments’ including departments of the state of Nagaland. truck laden with goods bound for Dimapur, has to pay anything from Rs.15,000. The rate could increase if the truck has above six tyres such as ten, 14 or 16. This is known as transport tax. Again when the taxed truck unloads, the receiver will have to pay godown tax. Later when the goods reach the stores, shops, each item is also taxed. Over and above, there is also syndication of business. If a dealer wants to buy an item, he or she will have to buy it through a ‘dealer’ and not from any other un-authorised source(s). there are syndicates for transport, hardware goods, ce ment, vegetables, poultry, fish, pan leaf, varieties of tobacco,fruits and even second hand clothes. Aside from the kind of negative feelings unauthorised tax collections evoke among business and public, it is also time to seriously do away with this as solution to the political issue is just round the corner.
The Assigning of the Call
I now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up in my flesh what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ, for the sake of His body, which is the church… —Colossians 1:24
We take our own spiritual consecration and try to make it into a call of God, but when we get right with Him He brushes all this aside. Then He gives us a tremendous, riveting pain to fasten our attention on something that we never even dreamed could be His call for us. And for one radiant, flashing moment we see His purpose, and we say, “Here am I! Send me” (Isaiah 6:8).
This call has nothing to do with personal sanc tification, but with being made broken bread and poured-out wine. Yet God can never make us into wine if we object to the fingers He chooses to use to crush us. We say, “If God would only use His own fingers, and make me broken bread and poured-out wine in a special way, then I wouldn’t object!” But when He uses someone we dislike, or some set of cir cumstances to which we said we would never submit, to crush us, then we object. Yet we must never try to choose the place of our own martyrdom. If we are ever going to be made into wine, we will have to be crushed—you cannot drink grapes. Grapes become wine only when they have been squeezed.
I wonder what finger and thumb God has been using to squeeze you? Have you been as hard as a marble and escaped? If you are not ripe yet, and if God had squeezed you anyway, the wine produced would have been remarkably bitter. To be a holy person means that the elements of our natural life experience the very presence of God as they are providentially broken in His service. We have to be placed into God and brought into agreement with Him before we can be broken bread in His hands. Stay right with God and let Him do as He likes, and you will find that He is producing the kind of bread and wine that will benefit His other children.
POSHAN tracker: A game changer in combating malnutrition
Malnutrition has been a persistent challenge, par ticularly among the vulner able sections of children and women in the country.
India had, relatively, some of the worst numbers for malnutrition in the world.
The first National Family Health Survey (NFHS) in 1992-1993 found that India was one of the worst per forming countries on child health indicators.
The Ministry of Women and Child Devel opment has consistently aimed at addressing the malaise of malnutrition through systemic interven tions and programmes such as Integrated Child Devel opment Scheme (ICDS), including Supplementary Nutrition Programme, pro viding health supplemen tary meals / fortified ration to the most vulnerable, namely, children under the age of 6 years, pregnant women, lactating mothers and adolescent girls.
In the endeavour to tackle malnutrition in a targeted manner, the PM’s Overarching Scheme for Holistic Nutrition or POSHAN Abhiyan was launched in 2018, with an aim to address issues of
undernutrition, stunting, Anemia, low birth weight etc in a mission mode. Con vergence with Partner Min istries / Departments, Fo cus on Behaviour Change Communication through Community Based Events and Jan Andolanand Use of Technology to ensure effective monitoring, are, inter alia, the core planks of the Abhiyan.
The Government, under the leadership of Hon’ble PM has time and again emphasised the pow er of technology as a potent tool for improving service delivery outcomes. It is in line with this spirit, that Poshan Tracker Applica tion was launched in 2021.
The Poshan Tracker App was launched with a vision to digitise data/ record related to malnutri tion and service delivery under ICDS from Angan wadi Centres across the country, paving the way for near-real time monitoring and enabling policies for targeted intervention.
Under POSHAN Ab hiyan , for the first time, Anganwadi Centres / Workers were equipped with a Smartphones. Technology under Poshan Tracker is being leveraged
for dynamic identifica tion of stunting, wasting, under-weight prevalence among children; and last mile tracking of nutrition service delivery.
Collecting daily data from over 13.9 lakh opera tional Anganwadi centres covering over 9.8 crore beneficiaries, the Tracker enable real-time monitor ing and tracking of all Anganwadi centres, An ganwadi workers and ben eficiaries on defined indica tors including Anganwadi workers’ service deliveries and complete beneficiary management for children, pregnant women and lac tating mothers.
It also helps supervi sors and program officials to access a web-based dash board to track progress and plug the gaps in the supply chain of the service deliv ery. This real-time moni toring tracks the centres, workers and beneficiaries providing a holistic over view of the progress of the program. It is available in regional languages, other than Hindi and English.
It has been the consis tent effort of the Ministry to ensure last mile tracking of delivery of services. To bring about the same, ben
eficiaries registered on the Poshan Tracker are Aadhar seeded. Where the Aadhar of a child is not available, the facility of linking it with the mother’s Aadhar is provisioned.
Aadhar seeding of the beneficiaries will help in ensuring that there is a mechanism to monitor and track service delivery up to the last mile and there is no leakage or bogus entries.
As on date, close to 82% of the beneficiaries have been Aadhar seeded.
Further, the Poshan Tracker has facilitated true universalisation of Angan wadi Services by enabling the migration module. The migration module in the Tracker allows seamless transfer of beneficiary re cords from one Anganwadi Centre to other , either within a state or across States, thus facilitating the beneficiaries to access services from anywhere in the country.
Data and evidence and feedback loops are critical for decision mak ing and altering program design to benefit uptake of services. POSHAN Track er, is not just data tracking mechanism, but it serves as a real time monitor of
efficiency and effectiveness of the nutrition program and its service delivery. An integration of the Tracker with other programmatic tools such as RCH portal of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, will ensure holistic picture of health and nutrition indicators of the beneficiaries.
It has been just 1.5 years since the launch of the Poshan Tracker. Deal ing with a large volume of data on a day-to-day basis from over 13 lakh Angan wadi centres, the potential of the Tracker for assessing nutritional outcomes is unlimitedonce the system stabilizes.
Perhaps in no other country in the world, is an intervention programme on such a large scale being conducted. So far, data of undernutrition was avail able through the NFHS reports, which are periodic and cover a sample size of households.
However, collecting and monitoring health and nutrition indicators of ev ery single beneficiary regis tered under the Anganwadi services facilitating better and more effective inter ventions, is unprecedented.
Hon’ble Prime Min
ister has maintained that, technology transforms peo ple’s lives. From mitigating poverty to simplifying pro cesses, ending corruption to providing better services, technology is omnipresent. It has become the singlemost important instrument of human progress.
India can leverage its demographic dividend and human capital when its children and youth are healthy and well nour ished. We realise that malnutrition is not only a problem for a suffering child, but it also contributes to a familial and social burden while cutting across socio-economic groups in the country. When it comes to building a strong and healthy population, correct nutrition, aided with the right progress in technology can help reverse malnutrition and impede its ill effects significantly. By spreading the mission of holistic nutrition and overall health awareness, we are ensuring a healthy future for the children and women of India.
Indevar Pandey is Secre tary, Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India
Why newspapers will survive the onslaught of the internet
Recently, a prominent Naga personality said, “Who even reads newspapers these days? Everything is read ily available on social media...”.
Without delving much into the details, I reckon that the state ment was in bad taste and with out proper thought.
Moreover, this is not a retort or a response but rather about how the question has given me the urge to retrospect on the topic.
The current scenario
The current technological world is moving at such a pace that even trends get outdated in no time, which the media indus try is clearly becoming part of.
With everything and anything readily available at the click of a finger and a few taps, the stature of print media is steadily declin ing on a global scale.
Currently, the print news media is taking a ‘beating’ at the hands of digital/social media. Digital/social media is much faster. It disseminates informa tion and news in the blink of an eye and has the ability to reach a wide range of audience in a short span of time. Look around you and see how people con sume news and media and you can make your own informed deductions.
The internet is crushing the already declining print media.
Even at the local-level, Na galand has four major English dailies, a handful of vernacular
papers and another ‘hyperlo cal’ English daily at present. Comparing this number to the presence of news pages on social media -- Facebook, Instagram and YouTube combined -- print newspapers do not even comprise half the number of these sites.
The general consensus, which has been floating around for decades, around the print news industry, however is that it is ‘not yet’ dead! Countless surveys and research around the world consistently show that there has been a steady decline in newspaper readership over the years and decades.
However, while the internet has fueled the growth of social media news sites on various platforms and shortened the gap between news and people, what it lacks is credibility and authenticity, stemming from the fact that a particular news can be morphed, edited, deleted etc. in an instant.
Moreover, the ethics of jour nalism, more often than not, is missing from social media news sites as stated and observed by veterans of the print media.
‘Print will survive’
Print newspaper has come a long way and seen major generational and technological advances. It has survived the radio and television, which arguably are faster ways to dis seminate information compared to a newspaper.
Despite the current techno
logical advances, the print media has built a niche for itself and it is because of the simplicity of picking up a newspaper and reading it that it has survived. Unlike modern technologies, newspapers do not require access to the internet and need not be charged!
A seasoned journalist, when queried about social media and its impact on print media, re sponded that social media sites just do not bring the feeling of authenticity. ‘Whenever there is a viral news or video on the internet, people will look for it in the newspapers the next day for more credible details and if it is authentic or not’, he stated.
In addition, a regular ad vertiser (an organisation) in the print media echoed the same sentiment that print is ‘authentic and credible’. And that sentiment reverberates with readers and advertisers as well, hence the preference for advertisements on print media over social media platforms.
Although some may argue that print ads are more expensive compared to digital media, it should also be known that print itself is a costly affair due to multiple inputs such as physical labour, ink, machinery etc.
Further, one has to pay a premium for the name, the credibility and the reach of an established print media just as one would have to fork out to pay an ‘internet influencer’ or
a leading digital news/social media site for a sponsored post or an ad.
Another veteran journalist based in Dimapur with almost 20 years of experience stated that despite the dwindling circulation of print newspapers, people will still need to publish court notices, affidavits, births and deaths, insurance claims among others because print is proof in a court of law.
A local newspaper is also a great way to disseminate infor mation about the community for the locals. Established print me dia houses have loyal readership bases. For these readers, reading the newspaper has become a habit that is inherent to how they consume news.
A number of scientific re search and studies conducted over the years have also found that people are able to retain information better on print than reading it on a screen. The rea son? Because print is physical. Reading and feeling the paper, the brain is able to process it easier, thereby increasing recall.
Bottom line, newspapers have adapted to several life changing technological advances and will continue to adapt for survival.
The way forward While this is not a defini tive theory proven by scientific research, here is my take on the way forward.
Established print media
houses need to up the ante and move forward with the changing times. One way of doing that is to capitalise the ‘established’ name of the paper, take it to the digital platform and diversify across various platforms.
If people subscribe and read an established newspaper, they will also, surely, follow the paper in the digital platform due to its name. For a print newspaper at this day and age, the digital platform should not be ignored or seen as a competition, but rather as an ally and try to derive the maximum benefit.
Another way forward is to know the readership, the audi ence and act accordingly. Stories about ‘the local community, by the local community and for the local community’, while raising societal issues will bring in more readers and help to amplify their stories.
To conclude, as long as there is a love for reading, love for the physical and raw feeling of reading on a physical paper or book, print media will go on despite its dwindling circulation and despite the fact that not all may make it.
‘Newspapers will survive time; the ‘paper’ part may not!’
Inakavi Kasho Signal Rio colony, Dimapur (This article in no way in tends to discredit any digi tal/social media news sites. Rather, it is a commentary on the current state of affairs)
2nd October is International Day of Non-Violence
Living in peace and without non violence is the aim of any human being on earth. There might be few individuals who wanted to create disturbances by the means of violence but most of us want peace for ourselves. One of the greatest activists of peace around the world is none other than our father of the nation. Mahatma Gandhi was one of the greatest champions of nonviolence. He has not only worked for the rights of the people but also raised many concerns for human beings and for the rights and justice of the poor and marginalized.
“Poverty is the worst form of vio lence”, said by Mahatma Gandhi. He also said that “non-violence is a weapon of the strong and non-violence and truth are inseparable and presuppose one another.” Mahatma Gandhi was born on 2nd October and we observe the day as Gandhi Jayanti in India which is a national holiday.
Like Gandhi Jayanti in India, the International Day of Non-Violence is observed on 2 October, the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, leader of the Indian
independence movement and pioneer of the philosophy and strategy of nonviolence around the world.
According to the United Na tions General Assembly resolution A/ RES/61/271 of 15 June 2007, which established the commemoration, the International Day is an occasion to “dis seminate the message of non-violence, including through education and public awareness”. The resolution reaffirms “the universal relevance of the principle of non-violence” and the desire “to secure a culture of peace, tolerance, understanding and non-violence”.
Introducing the resolution in the General Assembly on behalf of 140 cosponsors, India’s then Minister of State for External Affairs, Mr. Anand Sharma, said that the wide and diverse sponsor ship of the resolution was a reflection of the universal respect for Mahatma Gandhi and of the enduring relevance of his philosophy. Quoting the late leader’s own words, he said: “Non-violence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon
of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man”.
The principle of non-violence — also known as non-violent resistance — rejects the use of physical violence in order to achieve social or political change. Often described as “the politics of ordinary people”, this form of social struggle has been adopted by mass populations all over the world in campaigns for social justice.
There are three main categories of non-violence action: protest and persua sion, including marches and vigils; noncooperation and non-violent intervention, such as blockades and occupations.
The #KindnessMatters campaign was launched on the International Day of Non-Violence in 2018 and so far nearly 1.5 million people have shared acts of kind ness across the world! #KindnessMatters Campaign aims to mobilize young people to carry out transformative acts of kind ness to tackle the SDGs and create a positive culture of kindness.
The name of Mahatma Gandhi transcends the bounds of race, religion and nation-states, and has emerged as the

prophetic voice of the twenty-first century. The world remembers Gandhi not just for his passionate adherence to the practice of non-violence and supreme humanism, but as the benchmark against which we test men and women in pub lic life, political ideas and government policies, and the hopes and wishes of our shared planet.
We must promote the ideas and philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi. There are many organizations and individuals promoting Gandhian Philosophy not only in India but around. All Bodo Students Union (ABSU) has been observing the international day of nonviolence for more than a decade.
We must say no to illegal arms if we want a peaceful society. Together we can make a society free from violence and build a just society with peace ev erywhere. There are many challenges to make a society peaceful but it is possible when we work together.
Ranjan K Baruah Ganeshguri, Guwahati bkranjan@gmail.comReader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the columns do not reflect the view of this newspaper nor that of the Editor in any manner.
A champion is someone who gets up when he can’t.
~ Jack Dempsey
Kharge, Tharoor, Tripathi in fray for Congress Presidential poll
“I was encouraged by all leaders, party workers and delegates from key states to contest the elec tions. I thank those who were present by my side at the time of filing the nomi nation papers,” Kharge told reporters here.
No one from the Gan dhi family was present at the AICC headquarters when the leaders filed their nomi nations for the election.
AAP Guj co-incharge likely to be arrested: Kejriwal
NEW DELHI, SEP 30 (PTI): Preparations are underway to arrest Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Raghav Chadha since he was appointed as the party’s co-incharge of political af fairs in Gujarat, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal claimed on Friday.

Kejriwal, however, did not specify which agency was working on the alleged plan to arrest Chadha and on what charges.
NEW DELHI, SEP 30 (PTI): Mallikarjun Kharge, Shashi Tharoor and K N Tripathi are the three men in the Congress presidential race for which nomina tions end on Friday with the veteran Kharge from Karnataka emerging a clear favourite.

The 80-year-old Kharge, flanked by top Congress leaders, filed sev
Sharjeel Imam granted bail in sedition case
eral sets of nomination papers with the proposers also including members from the G-23 ginger group comprising Anand Sharma, Prithviraj Chavan, Man ish Tewari and Bhupinder Hooda.
Tharoor, who was also part of the G-23 group, filed five sets of nomina tion papers, while former Jharkhand minister Tripa
thi filed a single set of poll papers with Madhusudan Mistry, the chairman of the Congress’s Central Election Authority.
Kharge appeared to be a clear favourite for the Con gress presidential election as a galaxy of leaders were present by his side when he filed his nomination papers at the AICC headquarters here.
Auto driver who invited Kejriwal for dinner is ‘PM Modi’s fan’
AHMEDABAD, SEP 30 (IANS): Vikram Dantani, an auto-rickshaw driver in Gujarat’s Ahmedabad, who had recently invited Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Ke jriwal to his house for din ner, on Friday said he is a big fan of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
“I have always been fighting this battle and I am keen to fight more to uphold the ideals of the Congress party with which I have been associated since my childhood,” Kharge said.
Tharoor, 66, described his electoral opponent Kharge as the ‘Bhishma Pitamah’ of the party.
“It is a privilege to serve the only party in In dia with an open democratic process to choose its lead er,” Tharoor said after filing his nomination papers.
Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia al leged that the BJP wanted to prevent its defeat in Gujarat by getting AAP leaders ar rested, claiming that people of the state wanted to give their mandate to Kejriwal this time. Chadha, a Rajya Sabha MP from Punjab, put up a brave face and said he was neither afraid of going behind bars or even facing death sentence. The BJP has lost sleep seeing the growing support base of the AAP in Gujarat, he claimed.
Chadha, who is credit ed with playing a significant role in the AAP’s victory in the assembly elections
in Punjab earlier this year, was recently appointed as co-incharge of the party’s political affairs in Gujarat where elections are due this year. “We are hearing that these people will arrest Ragav Chadha now since he has been appointed as co-incharge of Gujarat and he has started participating in poll campaigns in Guja rat,” Kejriwal, the AAP’s national convenor, said in a tweet in Hindi.
“In which case they will (arrest) and what will be the allegations, these people are working on these points at present,” he added.
Kejriwal’s claim comes after the CBI arrested the party’s media communica
tions in-charge Vijay Nair in connection with the alleged Delhi excise policy “scam” on Tuesday.
“The BJP wasted 27 years of the people of Gu jarat. Neither opened good schools nor hospitals (in the state). Be it youth wandering in search of jobs or farmers, cow keepers or rickshaw pullers, everyone now wants to give a chance to Arvind Kejriwal,” Sisodia said in a tweet in Hindi following Kejriwal’s claim. By getting AAP leaders arrested, the BJP wants to prevent its de feat in Gujarat, he alleged.
On his part, Chadha tweeted, “Gujarat is de manding change and the BJP has lost its sleep see
ing the Aam Aadmi Party marching forward each day. “We are followers of Bhagat Singh -- neither afraid of your prison walls nor of the hanging noose. Long live the revolution.”
On Wednesday, Kejri wal slammed the BJP-led Centre over Nair’s arrest and asked his party work ers and leaders to be ready to go to jail, saying anyone from AAP could now be arrested on false charges as the BJP was scared of losing Gujarat. “They are going to arrest Sisodia next week,” he had claimed.
Kejriwal also defended Nair and said he was just a “small worker” of the AAP and that he had nothing to do with the excise policy.
The Delhi chief minis ter alleged that the CBI ar rested Nair following several rounds of questioning over the past few days after he refused to buckle under their pressure to give a false state ment against Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Si sodia to implicate the senior AAP leader in the alleged excise “scam”.
Prez Murmu urges govt officers to serve with utmost sincerity
NEW DEL HI, SEP 30 (PTI): President Droupadi Murmu on Friday said that primary aim of public ser vants should be to serve the nation and its people with utmost sincerity.

She was confident that if young offices pursue the path of serving the people, they will earn a great deal of job satisfaction.
NEW DELHI, SEP 30 (PTI): A Delhi court on Friday granted bail to for mer JNU student Sharjeel Imam in a sedition case in which he was accused of instigating the Jamia riots here in 2019.

Additional Sessions Judge Anuj Agrawal granted him relief in the matter.
A detailed order from the court is awaited.
In the New Friends Colony case, Imam was arrested for instigating and abetting the Jamia riots, due to his seditious speech delivered on December 13, 2019.
During the investiga tion, police invoked sections 124 A (sedition) and 153 A IPC (promoting enmity be tween classes) against him.
However, Imam, who is in judicial custody since January 2020, will continue to remain in jail as he is yet to secure bail in the Delhi riots conspiracy case.
Dantani was seen along with other BJP lead ers donning a saffron scarf in Prime Minister Modi’s meeting here.
When media ques tioned Dantani, he said since he has turned adult, he will vote for the BJP in the upcoming Assembly polls.
He denied any asso ciation with the AAP, and backtracked from his state ment that he liked Kejriwal.
Dantani said he had invited Kejriwal for dinner as auto-rickshaw union had asked him to do so and not
out of choice. On September 12, Kejriwal reached Dan tani’s house in his auto-rick shaw in violation of Chief Minister’s security protocol and had dinner.
At that time, Dantani had told reporters that he was not “tutored”, he had invited Kejriwal because he liked him and he had seen a video of an auto-driver inviting Kejriwal for dinner in Punjab.
She was speaking to the officers/officer trainees of Indian Defence Estates Service (IDES), Indian Skill Development Service (ISDS), Indian Trade Ser vice (ITS) and Indian Tele com Service, who had called on the president at Rashtra pati Bhavan here.

Addressing the offi cers, Murmu said that after becoming part of the respec tive services, their primary aim should be to serve the nation and its people with utmost sincerity.
In their journey as pub lic servants, they will get opportunities to bring about changes which can trans form the lives of people, the president said.
The president was hap py to note that the Direc torate General of Defence Estates has adopted tech nologies like satellite imag ery, geo-spatial techniques and artificial intelligence for management of defence estates.
She urged Indian De fence Estates Service Of ficers to utilize technology to the maximum possible extent for effective adminis tration of the cantonments.

The president said that technology has even more central role to play in the career of Indian Telecom Service officers.
India has undergone a telecom revolution during the last two decades, she said. “Launch of mobile telephony and faster inter
net networks in India have enabled the country to tap its vast digital potential. It is important for us to have the best quality telecom and internet services in order to achieve the status of a devel oped country,” Murmu said.
As we shift towards 5G Mobile tele phony, the
leaps in the technological advancements and its imple mentation are going to be swift, the president said.
It is responsibility of

Indian Telecom Service of ficers to keep abreast with these developments, she said.
Addressing the officers of Indian Skill Development Service, the president said that in order to benefit from the country’s demographic dividend, “our huge hu man resources need to be adequately skilled.”
“Skilling our people is critical as it would make our working-age population productive and help in the development of our coun try,” Murmu said.
She expressed confi dence that officers of In dian Skill Development Service will be instrumental in encouraging the skillecosystem with their fresh approach and thinking.
of the learners.
9. Skill based courses viz. Food and Beverage under Tourism and Hospitality and Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) are offered and additionally Financial Literacy at Class 9 and 10

10. Class 12 Arts and Science stream to be upgraded from 2023 session.
11. School bus services provided where feasible and limited hostel seat available for Class 8-12 students.
12. Two power generator providing a total of 32 KV power back up.
13. Two performance stages equipped with flood lights and sound system and full set musical instruments for performances.
S. Chubayanger Lemtur. BA (Hons) B.Ed. & PG Montessori (Bangalore) Chairman & Education Facilitator MSHSS & Retd. Jnt. Director School Education, Govt. of Nagaland.

PM Modi to launch 5G services in India today
NEW DELHI, SEP 30 (PTI): Prime Minister Nar endra Modi will on Saturday launch the 5G telephony services, ushering in an era of ultra high-speed internet on mobile phones.
According to an official release, 5G will be launched by the Prime Minister in se lect cities on Saturday and it will progressively cover the entire country over the next couple of years.
The cumulative eco nomic impact of 5G on India is estimated to reach USD 450 billion by 2035.
Capable of support ing ultra-high-speed inter net, the fifth generation or 5G service is expected to unleash new economic opportunities and societal benefits, serving as a trans formational force for Indian society. The three major telecom operators of the country will demonstrate one use case each in front of the Prime Minister to show the potential of 5G technol ogy in India.
Billionaire Mukesh Ambani’s Reliance Jio will connect a teacher from a school in Mumbai with students in three different
locations in Maharashtra, Gujarat and Odisha.
This, according to of ficial sources, will demon strate how 5G will facili tate education by bringing teachers closer to students, obliviating the physical dis tance between them. It will demonstrate the power of Augmented Reality (AR) on screen and how that is being used to teach children across the country, remotely, without the need of an AR device.
In the Airtel demo, a girl from Uttar Pradesh will witness a lively and immer sive education experience to learn about the solar system with the help of virtual reality and augmented real ity. The girl will share her experience of learning with the Prime Minister by ap
pearing on the dias through a hologram.
The Vodafone Idea test case will demonstrate the safety of workers in an under-construction tunnel of Delhi Metro through the creation of a ‘digital twin’ of the tunnel on the dias.
The digital twin will help give safety alerts to workers in real-time from a remote location. Modi will take a live demo from the dias to monitor the work in realtime through utilising VR and artificial intelligence.
“Prime Minister, Nar endra Modi will launch 5G services in India on October 1, 2022, and also inaugurate the 6th Edition of India Mobile Congress 2022 to be held from October 1-4, 2022, at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi,” the release added.

ANATG-2015 reject govt’s offer to
(From p-1)
hunger strike to...
aggrieved teachers and would be with them till the end.

1st EDC college launched in Peren
their fast and refused to accept the deal offered by the government. They asserted that nothing short of regularisation of their services will be acceptable.
Several members spoke against the agree ment reached between the core committee and government officials. The members said that a gen eral consensus should have first arrived among the aggrieved teachers before any deal agreed.
Later, members on fast continued their stir, while the rest went home after it was decided that ANATG will convene a general meeting.
However, the ag grieved teachers flatly re jected the offer, saying they would not accept anything apart from regularisation.
Earlier, during the day, an ANSTA advisory team and Regular Grad uate Teachers’ Forum (RGTF) executives visited the agitating teachers to express their solidarity.
Speaking on the oc casion, Regular Graduate Teachers Forum president said they stood with the
He encouraged the agitating teachers by say ing they were demanding what was rightfully theirs.
Sharing his experi ence as an adhoc teach er for over 10 years, he claimed that adhoc teach ers worked more, were more regular and per formed even beyond their assigned duties.
He said ad-hoc teach ers were also the most reg ular in schools and there were even times when schools were run solely by adhoc teachers.
He asserted that de mand of ANATG was genuine and therefore the government would have to pay heed to their request and fulfil their demand.
He also pointed out that regularising the ser vices of the teachers would not have any bearing on the financial position of the government exchequer except wastage of papers.
He informed the aggrieved teachers that all other teachers were praying for them and was hoping that justice would prevail.
DIMAPUR, SEP 30 ( NPN): The first phase of Entrepreneurship Develop ment Centre (EDC) was flagged off by deputy com missioner of Peren Vineet Kumar, at Peren Govern ment College.

A press release by Head Coordinator for Entre preneurship Development Centre (EDC), ESB, Atsung Sangtam stated that the DC in his address encouraged students to maximise the opportunity and learn about business through the entre preneurship development program.
K. Francis Hekavi from the department of industries & commerce highlighted the
Startup Nagaland policy and mentioned that EDCs will create an enabling en vironment for entrepreneurs and start-ups to grow and also know more about vari ous schemes of Government and their support for entre preneurs such as PMEGP and start India incentives.
Kangzang Zeliang, Founder & Strategist BCSS® Construction & So lutions, Zeliang CodeTech Pvt Ltd, Autocion Pvt Ltd who is an alumni of Peren Government College shared his journey and reminded the gathering that commit ment, discipline and focus is required to keep moving up the ladder steadily.
Lezo Putsure, Founder of Educentre School of Business said Kangzang as a role model for the aspiring entrepreneurs of Peren dis trict. He spoke on how the program will build job cre ators whilst sharing the road map of entrepreneurship programme. The welcome address was done by Prin cipal Government College Peren, Dr. A. Nshogaand vote of thanks by ADC Peren, Keyirangding Hegui.
EDC in Colleges is an initiative of Startup Na galand and implemented by Educentre school of business. The EDC in col leges has been supported by IDAN.
Re-envision Nagaland as a land of peace & harmony: Jamir Russia annexes 4 regions of Ukraine
(From p-1)
sphere of life for citi zens, while emphasis was given on education and skill development. He said these were to meet the de mand for high quality and trained human resources to keep up the momentum of growth in infrastruc ture, curriculum content and research.
He also lamented that Nagaland continued to rely on passive learning and urged upon the teach ers to keep themselves abreast with new knowl edge and technology, be sides laying emphasis on skill development.
Quoting William Arthur, “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The su perior teacher demon strates. The great teacher inspires”, Dr. Jamir urged upon teachers to ignite minds of youth to develop a quest for knowledge and desire to make this world a harmonious place to live in, stressing that educating the mind without educat ing the heart was no edu cation at all.
Dwelling on his vi sion for Nagaland, Jamir emphasised that people of Nagaland cannot afford to remain in a world of fantasy, while reminding
that most leaders were still talking about past events.
He urged upon the gathering not to destroy the dreams of leaders of yesteryears, who had dreamt of a united, har monious, peaceful, pro gressive and prosperous Nagaland.
He appealed to the younger generation to fight for a united and strong Nagaland instead of a divided one.
He also spoke on how Nagaland came into be ing while recalling that Nagaland was created through a political agree ment of 1960s between then Prime Minister of In
dia and representatives of Naga People’s Convention to become the 16thState of Indian Union.
Calling for a united, harmonious, peaceful, progressive and prosper ous Nagaland, he opined that a strong and united Nagaland would be the most reliable sentinel to ensure security of India, rather than a fragmented one that would be a heavy burden and a perennial li ability, both politically and economically, to Govern ment of India.
Earlier, the pro gramme was chaired by Livika V Wokhami, in vocation offered by Su
pongsangla Tzudir and welcome address deliv ered by PCC Students’ Union president Gwasino Rengma.
Short speeches were also delivered by PCC principal Dr AK Taluk der, All Nagaland College Students’ Union president Toito D Chishi, Dimapur Naga Students’ Union speaker Michael Kath, PCC Alumni Association president Kutoho Chishi and Gulshan Hussain on behalf of freshers.
It may be noted Md Shazad and Kiran Ad hikari were adjudged as Mr and Miss Fresher, 2022 for PCC.
(From p-1)
Britain also put sanc tions on Nabiullina and said it was restricting Rus sian access to key UK com mercial and transactional services as well as banning the export to Russia of almost 700 goods that are critical to manufacturing production.
Ukraine submits ap plication to join NATO: Ukraine’s government re buffed Putin’s claims and vowed to retake territory captured by Russia in the east and south.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy re sponded to Putin’s speech on Friday by announcing
that he was fast-tracking his country’s application to the NATO alliance. In a video, he accused the Kremlin of trying to “steal something that does not belong to it.” “Ukraine will not allow that,” he said.
“We are taking our decisive step by signing Ukraine’s application for accelerated accession to NATO,” Zelenskyy said in a statement posted on the presidential website. He said Ukraine was al ready cooperating closely with NATO and argued that Ukraine’s army has already helped secure alli ance members in Europe against Russian aggression by inflicting battlefield de
feats on the Russian army in Ukraine.
Putin’s decision to sign treaties annexing the territo ries, some of which Russia does not fully control, is likely to shut the door on di plomacy for years to come.
Taken together, Russia is annexing at least 40,000 square miles of eastern and southern Ukraine, about 15% of Ukraine’s total area, equal to the size of Portugal or Serbia.
Putin has repeatedly said he is ready to defend the territories using all avail able means, indicating he would be willing to resort to a nuclear strike in order to avert Ukraine’s efforts to liberate its sovereign land.
MoH&FW officials inspect medical...
(From p-1)

In his opening re marks, principal director, Dr. K. Vikato Kinimi ex pressed gratitude to ad ditional secretary for visit ing the site and showing concern for the department and the welfare of the State.
The engineering wing gave a presentation on the project background while
DC Peren Vineet Kumar with dignitaries at the launch of Peren EDC. NHP highlighted Status Report on Schools of Nurs ing for up-gradation (GNM TO BSC).Arrested 9 foreigners over protests: Iran
Iran’s intelligence ministry says it has arrested nine foreigners over recent antihijab protests sweeping the country.

In a statement car ried by the state-run news agency IRNA, the minis try said Friday that those arrested included citizens of Germany, Poland, Italy, France, the Netherlands and Sweden.
The death in custody of Mahsa Amini, who was detained for alleg edly wearing the manda tory Islamic headscarf too loosely, has triggered an outpouring of anger at Iran’s ruling clerics.
Her family says they were told she was beaten to death in custody. Police say the 22-year-old Amini died of a heart attack and deny mistreating her, and Iranian officials say her death is under investiga tion. Iran has claimed that the daily protests that have swept the country for the past two weeks were insti gated by foreigners.
Protesters have de nied such claims, portray ing their actions as a spon taneous uprising against the country’s strict dress code, including the com pulsory hijab for women
Iran has detained in dividual foreigners in the past, often on claims that they were spies while not providing evidence.
Critics have de nounced the practice as an attempt by Iran to use detained foreigners as bar gaining chips for conces sions from the interna tional community.
Earlier in June, Iran arrested two French citi zens, Cecile Kohler, 37, and Chuck Paris, 69 over meeting with protesting
UK unveils new coins featuring King Charles III portrait
of His Majesty and to re ceive his personal approval for the design,” said Martin Jennings, Designer of the King’s coin portrait.

teachers and taking part in an anti-government rally.
A number of Europe ans were detained in Iran in recent months, includ ing a Swedish tourist, two French citizens, a Polish scientist and others.
The arrests come as leaked government docu ments show that Iran or dered its security forces to “severely confront” anti government demonstra tions that broke out earlier this month, Amnesty In ternational said Friday.
The London-based
rights group said security forces have killed at least 52 people since protests over the Amini’s death began nearly two weeks ago, including by firing live ammunition into crowds and beating protesters with batons.
It says security forc es have also beaten and groped female protesters who remove their heads carves to protest the treat ment of women by Iran’s theocracy.
The state-run IRNA news agency meanwhile
reported renewed violence in the city of Zahedan, near the borders with Paki stan and Afghanistan. It said gunmen opened fire and hurled firebombs at a police station, setting off a battle with police.
It said police and passersby were wounded, without elaborating, and did not say whether the violence was related to the antigovernment protests.
The region has seen pre vious attacks on security forces claimed by militant and separatist groups.
Videos circulating on social media showed gun fire and a police vehicle on fire. Others showed crowds chanting against the government. Video from elsewhere in Iran showed protests in Ahvaz, in the southwest, and Ard abil in the northwest.
Amnesty said it ob tained a leaked copy of an official document saying that the General Head quarters of the Armed Forces ordered command ers on Sept. 21 to “severely confront troublemakers and anti-revolutionaries.”
The rights group says the use of lethal force escalat ed later that evening, with at least 34 people killed that night alone.
NO. DTE/ ESTT-2/NEET/01/2021-22/ /Dt. Kohima, the Sept. 2022.
WASHINGTON, SEP 30 (PTI): The US is committed to ensuring a free, open, sta ble and secure Indo-Pacific, President Joe Biden has told visiting leaders from more than a dozen Pacific Island countries, asserting that a great deal of the world’s history will be written in the strategically vital region over the coming years.
Biden addressed the visiting leaders here on Thursday in the first-ever summit held to make the Indo-Pacific safe and keep the island nations away from the growing clout of China, which in the past few years has made extraor dinary outreach efforts in the region.
“Today, security in the Pacific and for the Pacific Islanders remains as critical as ever to us and I hope to you as well. The security of America, quite frankly, and the world depends on your security and the security of the Pacific Islands. And I re
ally mean that,” Biden said.
He said the purpose behind the summit was also about deepening enduring commitment to each other and a shared future and commitment to tackling the climate crisis, which threat ens all.
“A great deal of the history of our world is going to be written in the IndoPacific over the coming years and decades. And the Pacific Islands are a critical voice in shaping that fu ture,” Biden said.

That is why his admin
istration has made it a prior ity to strengthen America’s partnership with the Pacific countries and with the Pa cific Islands Forum, he said.
The summit was at tended by heads of state from Fiji, Solomon Island, Micronesia, Papua New Guinea, Tuvalu, Marshall Island, Palau, Samoa, Ton ga, Polynesia, New Caledo nia and Cook Islands.
“We’re seeing the consequences of climate change around the world very vividly, including in the United States right now. And I know your nations feel it acutely. For you all, it’s an existential threat. It’s an existential threat,” Biden said. “We are also commit ted to working together to equitably rebuild the global economy in the wake of COVID-19 and Russia’s war, to ensure an IndoPacific region that’s free and open, one that is stable and prosperous, and resilient and secure,” he said.
Government of Nagaland Society for climate resilient for agriculture in nagaland (Socran)
APC/FOCUS-IFAD Cell Nagaland Civil Secretariat, Kohima-797 004
No APC/FOCUS/FR/62/2020-21/554 Dated 29.09.2022
New coins featuring the new British monarch, King Charles III, are expected to enter general circulation in the coming months as the portrait design was unveiled on Friday.
The UK’s Royal Mint revealed the new design with Charles’ head facing in the opposite direction to that of his late mother, Queen Elizabeth II, as is royal tradition, along with a set of commemorative coins in memory of the late monarch. All coins bearing the effigy of the Queen, who died aged 96 earlier this month, will continue to also remain in circulation as legal tender in parallel.
“It is a privilege to sculpt the first official effigy
“The portrait was sculpted from a photograph of the King, and was in spired by the iconic effigies that have graced Britain’s coins over the centuries. It is the smallest work I have cre ated, but it is humbling to know it will be seen and held by people around the world for centuries to come,” he said.
The first coins to bear the King’s portrait are a special GBP 5 coin and 50 pence commemorating the life and legacy of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
The Latin inscription surrounding the effigy trans lates as “King Charles III, by the Grace of God, Defender of the Faith”. The effigy will start to appear on circulating and commemorative coins produced by the Royal Mint over the coming months.
This is to inform all the candidates who have appeared NEET(UG) 2022 and submitted forms for undergoing MBBS/BDS & Allied courses during the academic session 2022-2023, that the Merit list has been uploaded in the Department website: and also on the Notice Board of the Directorate of Technical Education, Nagaland, Kohima. The candidates are therefore informed to thoroughly cross-check the details furnished in the application forms such as; Name of the Candidate, Fathers Name, DOB, NEET marks, ST category ranking, Scheduled Tribe, Indigenous Certificate, Backward Certificate and options exercised etc.
In case of any discrepancies detected, the candidates are informed to provide the correct details to the office of the undersigned on or before 10 th Oct. 2022.Thereafter no correction or changes in any manner shall be entertain.
With thanks giving and honour to God, the office of Dimapur Surumi Community with immense pride and honour would like to extend our warmest congratulations for the incredible achievements of the following individuals in the recently declared Nagaland Public Service Commission (Combined Technical Services Examination) 2021.
1. Miss H. Olivi Awomi, D/o Mr. V Hoyivi Awomi & Mrs. Hetoli Awomi for successfully securing the post of Forest Ranger (Class-II Gazetted) under Environment, Forest & Climate Change Department.
2. Miss Vinivi P Awomi, D/o Mr. N Pihoto Awomi & Mrs. Niholi Awomi for successfully securing the post of Junior Engineer (Electrical Engg.) under Power Department.
The community further wishes them success in their future endeavours.
Dated, Kohima, the 30th September, 2022
Applications are invited for filling up the following vacancies under the Government of Nagaland in the manner prescribed below:
Item No. 1: 16 (Sixteen) posts of Extra Assistant Commissioner (Class-I Gazetted, Junior Grade) under Personnel & Administrative Reforms Department.
Item No. 2: 1 (One) posts of District Commandant (Class-I Gazetted, Junior Grade) under Home Guards & Civil Defence.
Item No.3: 8 (Eight) posts of Block Development Officer (Class-I Gazetted, Junior Grade) under Rural Development Department.
Item No.4: 3 (Three) posts of Employment Officer (Class-II Non-Gazetted) under Labour & Employment, Skill Development & Entrepreneurship Department.

Item No. 5: 1 (One) post of Assistant Project Officer (Class-II Gazetted) ) under Tribal Affairs Department.
Item No. 6: 1 (One) posts of Women Development Officer (Class-II Gazetted) under Women Resources Development.
Item No. 7: 6 (Six) posts of Assistant Research Officer (Class-II Gazetted) under Art & Culture Department. (One Post each reserved for Ao, Rengma, Chakhesang, Khiamniungan, Angami & LothaTribe).
Item No. 8: 3 (Three) posts of Inspector of Excise (Class-II Gazetted,) under Nagaland Excise Department.
Item No. 9: 4 (Four) posts of Assistant Public Relation Officer (Class-II Gazetted) under Information & Public Relation Department.
Item No.10: 35 (Thirty Five) posts of Secretariat Assistant (Class-III Non-Gazetted) under Personnel & Administrative Reforms Department.
Item No.11: 2 (Two) post of Sub-Inspector (Class-III Non-Gazetted) under Home Guard, Civil Defence & State Disaster Response Force.
Item No.12: 5 (Five) posts of Project Assistant (Class-III Non-Gazetted) under Tribal Affairs Department.
Item No.13: 5 (Five) posts of Information Assistant (Class-III Non-Gazetted) under Information & Public Relation Department.
Item No.14: 3 (Three) posts of Assistant Jailor (Class-III Non-Gazetted) under Home Department
Item No.15: 6 (Six) posts of Inspector (Class-III Non-Gazetted) under Industries & Commerce Department.
Backlog vacancy:
Item No.16: 1 (One) post of Inspector (Class-II Gazetted,) under Nagaland Lokayukta Directorate of Investigation.
1. Candidates are advised to access the details and the Terms and Conditions of the Advertisement from the Commission’s website at or Notice Board of the Commission.
2. Syllabus and pattern of exam can be downloaded from the Commission’s website.
3. Only online applications shall be accepted.
4. Candidates are advised in their own interest to apply online much before the closing date and not to wait till the last date to avoid the possibility of disconnection/ inability/failure to log on to the website on account of heavy load on internet, website overload or link failure.
5. Candidates can apply online through the Commission’s website at or through any Nagaland One Common Service Center (CSC). Details of the online application form, instructions to the candidates and list of operational CSCs are available on the Commission’s website.
6. Candidates should note down the Case No. of their online application form which will be required later for downloading Admission Certificate and for future reference. Candidates requiring assistance may use the Helpdesk feature in the Commission’s website.
8. Any issue/complaints must be settled on or before the last date of submission of application. No complaints will be entertained thereafter.
9. Preliminary Examination is scheduled to be held on 26-11-2022
10. The details for opening of Online Application Form shall be notified shortly.
Sd /- (JOHN TSULISE SANGTAM) NCS Secretary, Nagaland Public Service Commission, Kohima
The Society for Climate Resilient for Agriculture in Nagaland (SoCRAN) intends to hire a Consultant Agency for impact Study on Civil Works, FOCUS Farm Road and Water Bodies constructed during the period 2020-21 under FOCUS/Nagaland. The eligibility criteria and the detail REOI can be obtained through the
The willing and interested Consultants are requested to submit Expression of Interest for conducting the study as per the prescribed format at annexure-I on or before 19/10/2022 through a hard copy in sealed envelope to the address indicated in instructions to consultants.
State Project Director

APC/FOCUS-IFAD Cell Nagaland Civil Secretariat, Kohima-797 004.
It is hereby informed that the online portal for submission of applications under AICTE Pragati Scholarship Scheme for girl students (Fresh & Renewal ) AICTE Saksham Scholarship Scheme for specially-abled students (Fresh & Renewal cases) & AICTE Swanth Scholars Scheme for Covid-19 orphans is now made live & last date for submission of online applications is 31.10.2022. The details of online portal for various schemes are as follows:
Scheme Portal address
1. AICTE Pragati Scholarship Scheme (Fresh applications 2022-2023 Batch & Renewal applications 2020-2021 & 2021-2022 Batches)
AICTE Pragati Scholarship Scheme (Renewal applications – 2019-20 Batch)
3. AICTE Saksham Scholarship Scheme (Fresh applications -2022-2023 Batch & Renewal applications -2020-2021 & 2021-22 Batches)
4. AICTE Saksham Scholarship Scheme (Fresh applications 2019-20 Batch)
AICTE Swanath Scholarship Scheme (Fresh applications 2022-23 Batch & Renewal applications 2021-22 Batch)
National Scholarship Portal
AICTE web Portal https://
National Scholarship Portal
AICTE web Portal –https://
National Scholarship Portal
The guidelines of each scheme are available at AICTE website. The students may submit their Fresh & Renewal applications at the respective portal. The students are advised to submit their online applications well in time so that their institutions are able to verify applications within the prescribed timelines.
The last date for first level of applications (fresh & renewal cases) by Institutions /(INO) including re-submitted defective applications and second level of verification (Fresh & Renewal cases) by State Nodal Officers is 15th November 2022 and 30th November 2022 respectively. The details of online portal for institutions for first level of verifications are as follows:
S.No Scheme Portal address
AICTE Pragati & Saksham Scholarship Schemes (Fresh applications -2022-2023 Batch & Renewal applications -2020-2021 & 2021-22 Batches)
AICTE Pragati & Saksham Scholarship Schemes (Renewal applications 2019-20 Batch)
AICTE Swanath Scholarship Scheme (Fresh applications -2022-2023 Batch & Renewal applications 2021-22 Batch)
National Scholarship Portal
AICTE web Portal – https://
National Scholarship Portal
The eligible institutions are also advised to verify applications of their students immediately after receiving the applications on respective online portal. Dc-1143/22
A great deal of world’s history will be written in Indo-Pacific in future: BidenJoe Biden Iranian women hold signs during a vigil with the AWF in solidarity with women in Iran who are fighting for their human rights, in West Hollywood, Calif. on Thursday. (AP/PTI) in public.
Sikkim BJP MLA accuses CM’s political secy of conversion
GANGTOK, SEP 30 (PTI): Facing allegations that he is using his posi tion to promote conversion to Christianity in Sikkim, Chief Minister Prem Singh Tamang’s Political Secre tary Jacob Khaling Rai on Friday dared a BJP MLA to file a case against him if he has proof.

Rai, a Christian, claimed in a statement that this is an “unfounded” accusation as he has served all people of Sikkim and never differentiated anyone on the basis of religion since his appointment as the political secretary to the chief minister.
Delhi-based lawyer Alok Kumar, who is also a Vishva Hindu Parishad
(VHP) leader, has written a letter to Union Home Minister Amit Shah claim ing that he received news clippings from Sikkim BJP MLA Narendra Kumar Subba and “It is apparent from the compilation of news that Rai is using his position to spread Chris tianity and conversion to Christianity”.
Rai said he is shocked and pained to learn about the allegation.
“I challenge NK Sub ba to file a case against me if there is any instance where I have used my po litical position to work against any other religion or promote any particular religion,” Rai said in a Facebook post.
The CM’s political secretary also uploaded a copy of Kumar’s letter dated September 29 to Shah.
In the letter, Kumar said, “I believe the assign ment of the Political Secre tary to the Chief Minister and the responsibility of a Pastor engaged in promot
ing Christianity are two different things and the two should not be allowed to be mixed.”
Rai, in his statement, alleged that the BJP MLA of Dentam constituency was trying to foment com munal disharmony in the North-eastern state, ruled by the Sikkim Krantikari Morcha, by making “un substantiated” allegations against him.
“Respected Lamas, Pandits and Pastors aren’t just next door neighbours but sometimes belong to a same family (sic),” he said.
Rai asserted that he has attended every reli gious function of all faiths with utmost respect and sincerity. “Photographs
Mnp University students decry notice to professor
IMPHAL, SEP 30: Stu dents of Manipur Univer sity on Friday gheraoed the administrative block of the university in Imphal, de manding withdrawal of the show cause notice served to an assistant professor of the university.
The agitating students also locked the adminis trative block after no of ficials, including the regis trar they targeted to meet for talks, was found when they stormed the admin block. They also indulged in vandalism and damaged properties of the university.
The agitating students calmed down only after the registrar who signed the show cause notice served to assistant professor Dr N Sanatomba of Manipuri department of the univer sity, arranged a meeting
Elaborate plans for Ghy development: Himanta
GUWAHATI, SEP 30 (PTI): Assam Chief Min ister Himanta Biswa Sarma on Friday said his govern ment has drawn up elabo rate plans for improving civic and other amenities in the state’s largest city Guwahati.
The city will be pro moted as the “gateway to Southeast Asia”, he said.
Thrust will be given on improving roads and drainage system, increasing open spaces and digitialisa tion of services provided by Guwahati Municipal Corporation (GMC), the CM said.
Speaking at the inau guration of a new flyover in Arya Nagar area of the city, Sarma said, “We have sev eral plans and projects lined up for making Guwahati the gateway to Southeast Asia. Our focus is on allround development of the city in a planned manner.”
He said a project worth Rs 600 crore is being given final shape for improve ment of roads and drains in all parts of the city.
Sarma also said a ring road encompassing Guwa hati is also being mooted, though the plan is still in a preliminary stage.
“We are thinking of having a ropeway service from Khanapara to the airport, with stoppages in between. It is just an idea that we have in mind. We have to see how it can be done,” he explained.
The chief minister said work was underway to increase open spaces for recreational and other activities.
“A number of govern ment office buildings are being taken down and the space emptied will be con verted into parks and walk ing zones,” he explained.
between representatives of the agitating students and members of the Deans’ Committee of the univer sity.
Registrar prof W Chandbabu Singh of MU had on September 28 is sued a show cause notice to the assistant professor Dr N Sanatomba of Mani puri department to explain, in writing, regarding his speech that criticized the Manipur government for the legalization of liquor, tourism, and other sensi tive issues at the inaugu ral function of a debating competition organized by the Manipur University Students’ Union (MUSU) on September 25 last.
Decrying the act of the authority of the uni versity, a large number of students of the university under the aegis of Manipur University Students’ Union
(MUSU) carried out a rally inside the university cam pus today.
During the rally, e students shouted various slogans alleging that the act of the university authority tantamount to suppression of freedom of expression.
They also demanded immediate withdrawal of the show cause notice while calling for a respect to the right to freedom of speech.
At the concluding part of the rally, the students stormed the administrative block of the university. The students locked themselves inside the administrative block to prevent police from intervening in their acts.
The helpless police contacted the registrar who immediately arrived and ar ranged a meeting between members of Deans’ Com mittee and leaders of the agitating students.
The fallout of the meeting could not be as certained immediately as both sides refused to dis close what had transpired in the meeting.
The agitating students alleged that the show cause notice to Dr Sanatomba was against the rules of the university as there was no complaint against his speech.
They further alleged that the Deans’ Committee has no authority to take up such a legal matter. The committee itself is uncon stitutional as the body was just created to facilitate the VC in functioning to serve as an informal advisory group.
The students pointed out that there is no provi sion for serving the show cause notice in the Act that bound the Manipur University.
Chief Minister’s Health Insurance Scheme (CMHIS)

Hospital Empanelment
of different religions func tions attended by me on my Facebook page stand testimony to it,” the Sikkim CM’s political secretary said.
The rise of Christian ity in Sikkim and neigh bouring hill districts of Kalimpong and Darjeeling in West Bengal has been there even before his birth and it will be unfair to hold him responsible for it, he said. “But from the above allegations, I am surprised and pained to see an elect ed public representative from Sikkim hold such animosity against a par ticular religion. Communal animosity is unheard of here in Sikkim,” Rai said.
He alleged that Subba can be a threat to com munal harmony in the Himalayan state.
The MLA’s “com plaint of unfounded alle gations against me should be an eye opener, that a mindset of power hungry characters like Dentam MLA NK Subba are even ready to play the commu nal card just to come back to power,” Rai said.
Subba refused to com ment on Rai’s diatribes against him.
A minister in the Sik kim Democratic Front gov ernment headed by Pawan Kumar Chamling, Subba defected to the BJP along with nine other MLAs three years ago.
Office Of the abOi aRea KOhima uNit felicitatiON
2 Full time video Editor with sound knowledge of using video editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro, Da Vinci etc. creating content etc.
Interested persons can contact: 9436003559

Office Of the Sumi hOhO
Oking : Zunheboto, Nagaland cONdOleNce meSSage

The Sümi Hoho is deeply saddened at the demise of l ate i no Y. h ewoto awomi , Former Minister, Government of Nagaland and Head GB ofYehokhu Village on the 28th September 2022.

He was a very energetic and charismatic leader. From the days of his youth till his last breath, he devoted his prime times for the welfare of the people. His demise is a big loss to the Nagas in general and the Sümis in particular. His absence in our society will be felt for a long time to come.
The Sümi Hoho expresses our greatest sympathies to the bereaved family and we also pray that the Almighty God grant solace to the bereaved family in such a time as this.
May the departed soul rest in eternal peace!
i NiKhetO JimOmi dR. VihutO aSumi President General SecretaryThe Aboi Area Kohima Unit with immense pride and pleasure conveys our heartiest congratulations and appreciation to Shri. S. Changkei Konyak, DIG (NPTO) S/o Shri. Shongwang Konyak on being promoted to the post of Inspector General of Police (Technical), Government of Nagaland. He is the first among the Konyaks to be elevated to the rank of IGP under Home Department, Nagaland.

The union expresses gratitude to him for bringing laurels and honour to Konyak citizens in general and Aboi citizens in particular and further wishes him success in all future endeavors. Sd/- Sd/(Bowang) (N. Nyeilem Konyak) General Secretary President

MYK C MYK C 10 NORTHEAST NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2022 db-1137/22 k-2319/22 The government of fices will be shifted to an integrated directorate cam pus, Sarma maintained.
With utmost pride and appreciation, the Changdang Kaketshir Telongjem would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to Mr RENDIKABA T IMCHEN, S/o Mr Talimoa N Imchen and Mrs Toshilila Jamir for successfully clearing the recently declared CTSE 2021 exam conducted by the NPSC and securing the post of Junior Engineer (Electrical Engg.) (Group-B) under Power Department. The union further wishes you the very best in your future endeavours. Mr Imtisangba Miss Subonglila President, CKT General Secretary, CKT OFFICE OF THE CHANGDANG KAKETSHIR TELONGJEM CHANGDANG VILLAGE DIST : MOKOKCHUNG, NAGALAND felicitatiON CM’S POLITICAL SECRETARY DARES MLA TO FILE CASE ON CONVERSION CHARGES Jacob Khaling RaiMokokchung Friday League kicks off
NBA to conduct selection trials for junior boys & girls on Oct 4
DIMAPUR, SEP 30 (NPN): The Nagaland Basketball Association (NBA) is all set to conduct trials for selection of junior boys and girls’ teams on October 4, at Christ King Higher Secondary School, P. Khel, Kohima Village from 3 pm onwards.
The selected players will represent Nagaland in the forthcoming 72nd Junior National Basketball Championship (Zonal - NE) scheduled to be held in Shillong, Meghalaya from October 14-17.
Only players born on or after January 1, 2004 are eligible to take part in the tri als. Players are required to bring their birth certificate & aadhar card during the trials.
For more information, one may contact at 98640 34256 or 94360 16529.
6th women football & volleyball c’ship from Nov
Concrete cricket pitch inaugurated at Pilgrim Higher Secondary School
DIMAPUR, SEP 30 (NPN): Nagaland Cricket Association (NCA) honorary joint secretary A. Rahman along with Dimapur District Cricket Association (DDCA) general secretary C K Mech and president Choba Lotha inaugurated the concrete cricket practice pitch at Pilgrim Higher Secondary, Dimapur on September 30.

The RCC cricket pitch was con structed by the Dimapur District Cricket Association under the aegis of Nagaland Cricket Association.
MOKOKCHUNG, SEP 30 (NPN): The Mokokc hung Friday League (MFL), a football league for 35+ players season 2 got un derway on Friday here at the Imkongmeren Sports Complex. A brief inaugural programme was held before the start of the match which was graced by district plan ning officer Mokokchung, Imlikokba, as the guest of honour.

The MFL consists of six teams/clubs namely, Revenant Football Club,
Senso Sporting Club, Wasang FC, Aturar FC, Terokroker FC and New Ecclesia FC. The opening match was played between Revenant FC and Terokro ker FC, where Revenant FC defeated Terokroker FC 3-0.
Addressing the gather ing, the special guest said that most of the people after 35 years get laid back and lazy getting prone to diseas es and obesity. He however, added that it is through such events that people try to get away with it which accord ing to him adds a positive attitude towards life. He also
said that a healthy citizen signifies a healthy nation.
The special guest also lamented on how the pres ent generation gets glued to virtual reality depriving opportune time, but added that seeing through such ac tive members of the league, it was an inspiration and a motivation. He further en couraged the league to keep on motivating as he consid ers it the right platform to do so and to keep the passion alive. He also wished the best of luck for the teams and a grand success for the season 2.
DIMAPUR, SEP 30 (NPN): The Wokha District Women’s Sports Association (WD WSA) is all set to organise the 6th edition of “Women Football & Volleyball Champion ship” in the third week of November 2022. The tournament is organized in memory of late Emi Shitiri (Merry), the first women IAS from Lotha community.
A press release from WDWSA in formed all interested teams to participate in the tournament where teams from other districts are also invited.
Attractive prizes in the form of cash and certificates shall be awarded in both the disciplines. Further, information regarding exact date of the tournament, rules and regulation and prize money etc. will be is sued later. For more information, one may contact at 8787361612 or 9612356399.
FIDE to form panel to monitor allege cheating
CIES): The International Chess Federation (FIDE) said it will convene a threeperson panel to look into world champion Magnus Carlsen’s allegations that American player Hans Nie mann had cheated.
Carlsen, 31, withdrew from the Sinquefield Cup in St Louis, Missouri earlier this month after losing to the 19-year-old, who lags him by almost 200 Elo points - the
rating system used to calcu late the relative skill level of players.
The surprise defeat and Carlsen’s withdrawal from the over-the-board tourna ment sparked a furore of comments and allegations that Niemann had cheated, including from U.S. grand master Hikaru Nakamura.
The Norwegian then resigned at the Julius Baer Generation Cup after just one move against Niemann
in an online game.
Niemann has previously been banned from chess. com for cheating online after admitting he had not played fairly in non-competitive games on the website in his youth. However, he has denied any wrongdoing in over-the-board games.
Carlsen on Monday said that he believed Nie mann had “cheated more - and more recently - than he has publicly admitted”.
A. Rahman, in his inaugural speech, emphasised on the benefits of playing the sport. He also motivated parents to encourage cricket, so that Nagaland may see a strong team in the future. The special guest enlightened the gathering about the upcoming young Naga cricketers who have become a role model for the young ones to follow, while also encouraging girls not to miss the opportunity.
C K Mech highlighted the objec tives of the construction to promote, encourage, organize and develop the game of cricket in the school, which will enhance the development of fine motor skills, positive behaviour and team spirit that can inculcate positivity in the classroom.
Principal of Pilgrim Higher Sec ondary School, Kaini Khekho Kikon, felicitated the dignitaries, while one of the parents offered the dedication prayer. The programme was attended by members of NCA and DDCA, along with the school administrator, princi pal, teachers, parents and students of
from that of Pharmacy.
Candidates will be permitted to fill choices only after successful registration and document verification. Candidates are advised to lock their choices; otherwise the last saved choices will be automatically locked upon reaching the deadline.

** Candidates who have received provisional admission letter after first and second round can proceed for admission, in case they are not participating in subsequent rounds of counselling. They need not to wait for the CSAB NEUT process to end.
* Candidates are advised to upload required academic documents with good clarity.
* For any queries one may mail it to
## Spot round may be conducted by respective DTE/State. Also, separate registration may be required, if conducted. DC-1146/22

National Games: Mirabai pips Sanjita for 49kg weightlifting gold
GANDHINAGAR, SEP 30 (IANS): The women’s 49kg weightlifting competi tion at the 36th National Games unfolded on expect ed lines with a tactical battle between Mirabai Chanu and Sanjita Chanu at the Mahatma Mandir here on Friday.

In the end, Mirabai walked away with the gold with a total lift of 191 kgs (Snatch 84kg, Clean & Jerk 107 kgs) while Sanjita had to settle for the silver medal
rabai. She was greeted with thunderous applause from the crowd, which included a large Manipuri contingent. The Birmingham Com monwealth Games gold medallist successfully lifted 103 in her first attempt be fore returning to lift 107kg to confirm the centre spot on the podium. She didn’t need a third attempt to take home the gold.
Elated after confirm ing the first medals for their state, the two Manipur

Tsitsipas qualifies for ATP Finals; joins Nadal, Alcaraz, Ruud
LONDON, SEP 30 (IANS): Stefanos Tsitsipas has be come the fourth men’s sin gles player to qualify for the ATP Finals, joining Rafael Nadal, Carlos Alcaraz and Casper Ruud for the season finale, which will be held for the second consecutive year at the Pala Alpitour in Turin from November 13-20.
The 24-year-old clinched his spot on Friday as a result of other matches. Four spots remain in the singles field of the year-end championships. It will be Tsitsipas’ fourth consecu
Korea Open: Nishioka stuns Casper Ruud to reach semifinals

Nishioka enjoyed a run to the championship match in Washington, where he lost to Nick Kyr gios. The top-seed Ruud defeated Nicolas Jarry in his opening match at the ATP 250 event, with his victory earning him quali fication for the 2022 ATP Finals. He was unable to match Nishioka’s con sistency, though, in their second ATP head-to-head meeting.
SEOUL (SOUTH KO REA), SEP 30 (IANS): with his variety, striking 32 winners and committing

CIES): Phil Salt smashed a robust career-best 41-ball 88 not out to help England thrash Pakistan by eight wickets in the sixth Twenty20 international in Lahore on Friday.

The England opener clobbered three sixes and 13 fours in the third fastest half century by an England batter in the shorter format to help his team chase down a target of 170 in just 14.3 overs.

Salt’s fiery knock over shadowed Babar Azam’s 59-ball 87 not out that lifted the home team to 169-6 and saw Pakistan skipper equal ling India star Virat Kohli’s record of the fastest man to 3,000 runs in cricket’s short est format. England’s victory tied the seven-match series 3-3 with an intriguing final match in Lahore on Sunday.

England, who failed to chase 146 on Wednesday, were given a rousing start by Salt and Alex Hales who compiled 50 in just three
overs. Hales, who smashed four fours and a six in his 12-ball 27, holed out after a breezy 55-run start off just 24 balls before Dawid Malan helped add 73 for the second wicket with an 18-ball 26.
Ben Duckett remained not out on 26. Salt com
pleted his second T20I fifty off just 19 balls, improving on his previous best of 57 against the West Indies at Bridgetown earlier this year.
It was a complete on slaught by England batters who dominated Pakistan bowling with only spinner

Shadab Khan taking 2-34.
Earlier, Azam anchored Pakistan’s innings with pro lific partner Mohammad Riz wan and pacer Haris Rauf rested for the match.
The Pakistan skipper, who hit his 27th half century, reached 3,000 T20I runs in 81 innings as he anchored the home team’s total after they were sent in to bat.
Azam hit Richard Glee son for a six to join Indian duo of Rohit Sharma (3,694 runs in 140 matches) and Kohli (3,663 in 108), New Zealand’s Martin Guptill (3,497 in 112) and Ireland’s Paul Stirling (3,011 in 114) in passing the milestone.
Azam hit three sixes and seven fours and added 48 for the fourth wicket with Iftikhar Ahmed (31) and 47 for the third with Haider Ali (18). Sam Curran (2-26) and David Willey (2-32) were the successful England bowlers.
England are on their first tour of Pakistan for 17 years.
Earlier, fourth seed Denis Shapovalov soared past Moldovan Radu Al
Yoshihito Nishioka England’s Phil Salt plays a shot during T20 match at Gaddafi Cricket Stadium, Lahore on Friday.