N Korea fires more shells toward buffer zone
T20 WC: WI, Ireland win; hunt for Super 12

DIMAPUR, OCT 19 (NPN): In a major develop ment that has caught many by surprise, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is reportedly coming to Nagaland on a day’s visit by end of October and also expected to address a public rally at Indira Gan dhi Stadium, Kohima.
Highly placed official sources confirmed to Naga land Post that Modi is likely to visit Nagaland on Octo ber 28, after campaigning in Tripura. As per the draft itinerary, the Prime Minister will land at Dimapur airport and fly by chopper to Ko hima where he is expected to address a public rally at IG Stadium, sources said.
Hectic preparations are on to organise Modi’s second visit to Nagaland. Indication of the Prime Minister’s visit was first known when the ongoing NSF Martyr’s Tro phy 2022 at IG Stadium was rescheduled.
(NSF match details on p-12)
(NPN): Department of Power Nagaland (DoPN) has refuted a report recently published in a national daily, which claimed that an amount of Rs. 44.24 crore had been allegedly with drawn against electrifica tion and water supply works of the under-construction High Court Complex, Mer iema.
In a press release, department of power en gineer-in-chief clarified that the sanctioned amount from justice & law depart ment to power department for external electrification works was only Rs.44.24 lakh (not in crores).
The department stated that the external electrifica tion was completed in full as per the technical speci fications and scope of the sanction way back in 2011 and the payments were released accordingly.
The department also said that the matter has been examined by the Court and subsequently discharged in February 2022.
Power department has, therefore, clarified that all matters relating to electrifi cation works at New High Court Complex, Meriema by the department have been settled, adding that the media report stands clarified.
The visit holds signifi cance as both Nagaland and Tripura are going to polls by early part of next year.
Though the Election Commission of India (ECI) is yet to formally announce election schedule for Naga land, Modi’s visit has also led to many speculations about whether he is likely to make some important announcement when he addresses the rally.
As per reports, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to visit Tripura on October 27. Modi’s, sudden one-day tour- has also added fuel to speculations that it is to primarily rejuvenate the state BJP, which is showing signs of spreading its wings across the state and also to counter the anti-incumben cy factor against the ruling UDA coalition government.
Election in Nagaland is scheduled to be held by end of February 2023 to constitute the next 14th NLA by first week of March.
President to visit Na galand in Nov: Official sources also informed that President of India Droupadi Murmu is expected to visit Nagaland by first week of November.
State chief minister Neiphiu Rio had earlier informed that the Presi dent Murmu was likely to visit Nagaland to express her gratitude for the overwhelm ing support given to her during the presidential polls.
(AGENCIES): As expect ed, Mallikarjun Kharge was on Wednesday elected the Congress president beating Shashi Tharoor in a tightly fought contest. The veteran, who won 7,897 of the valid votes (84.14 per cent) of the Pradesh Congress Commit tee (PCC) delegates to Tha roor’s 1,072 (11.4 per cent), takes over as the first nonGandhi chief of the party in two-and-a-half decades.
While Kharge’s victory was no less than a landslide, Tharoor managed to cross the 1,000 vote mark, sur prising many in the party. Kharge will formally take over as the Congress chief on October 26.
Although the compo sition and the numbers of the electoral college were different and there can be no comparison, Tharoor man aged to garner more votes than Sharad Pawar when the latter contested against Sitaram Kesri in 1997.
The last time a contest took place for the Con gress presidency was in 2000 when Jitendra Prasada faced off with Sonia. He was de feated by 7,448 votes to 94.
In 1997, Kesri had defeated heavyweights Sharad Pawar and Rajesh Pilot easily, with 6,224 votes against Pawar’s 882 and Pilot’s 354 respec tively.
As the results became clear, Tharoor congratulated Kharge and thanked the del egates who supported him.
“It is a great honour and a huge responsibility to be President of the Indian National Congress and I
wish Mallikarjun Kharge all success in that task. It was a privilege to have received the support of over a thousand colleagues, and to carry the hopes and aspirations of so many well-wishers of Con gress across India,” he said in a Twitter post.
“The decision of the party delegates is final and I accept it humbly. It is a privilege to be a member of a party that allows its workers
DIMAPUR, OCT 19 (NPN): Naga National Po litical Groups (NNPGs) and the National Socialist Coun cil of Nagalim (NSCN) have agreed to form the Council of Naga Relationships and Cooperation (CNRC).
This was agreed at a meeting held in Kolkata on October 17 and 18, 2022 under the initiative of the Forum for Naga Reconcili ation (FNR).
A joint statement signed by NSCN (I-M) vice president Tongmeth Wang nao and NNGPs WC con venor N Kitovi Zhimomi
stated that the two groups, with a renewed spirit of commitment, met in re sponse to the Naga people’s yearning for reconciliation and unity in purpose.
MUMBAI/AHMEDABAD, OCT 19 (PTI): India’s voice on the global stage can only gain in au thority and credibility from a strong commitment to in clusivity and respect for hu man rights at home, United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres said here on Wednesday.
Speaking after paying floral tributes to martyrs of the 26/11 terror attacks in Mumbai at Taj hotel, he also said that fighting terrorism must be a global priority and
no cause can justify terror ism of any kind. Addressing students of the Indian In stitute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, Guterres said, “As an elected member of the Human Rights Council, India has a responsibility to shape global human rights, and to protect and promote the rights of all individuals, including members of mi nority communities.”
This could be done by “securing and upholding the rights and dignity of all people, especially the most
“Taking forward the September Joint Accor dant’s resolve ‘to chart a path forward’, we have agreed to form the Council of Naga Relationships and
torical and political rights,” declared the joint statement.
Further, understanding the urgency to rise above their present condition, the NNPGs and the NSCN affirmed to commit them selves to the “values of Truth, Forgiveness, Justice, and Peace as the discerning power to help us choose a shared future over the divi sions of the past.”
to choose their president,” he said in a statement.
He was always the un derdog, punching above his weight. But by securing 1,000-plus votes in the Con gress presidential election, Shashi Tharoor has made a mark and declared that he cannot be ignored anymore.
And the close to 12 per cent vote share that he received shows that there is appetite for change in the Congress - or, in other words, resentment against the status quo that the AICC establishment so desperately wanted. Kharge, the new Congress president, and the leadership will have to acknowledge Tharoor and the sentiment he represented in the high-stake internal election.
Meanwhile, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday said that he will report to the new Congress president who will decide his role in the party. He told reporters at Adoni during Bharat Jodo Yatra that the Congress president will be the final authority and he will decide how the party is going to move forward.
(Read more on p-5)
KOHIMA, OCT 19 (NPN): State government has con stituted a five-member High Powered Committee (HPC) Tuesday to look into the ser vice regularisation demand of the All Nagaland Ad hoc Teachers Group (ANATG) 2015 batch.
The HPC shall be headed by principal secre tary to chief minister KD Vizo as chairman, commr & secy School Education as member secretary and mem bers-- commr & secy P&AR, commr & secy Justice & Law and commr & secy Finance.
ANATG president, Rüguotsolie and general secretary Kewasing Khing said that the group acknowl edged the “quick action” taken by the government to form the HPC even before the stipulated periods of 15 days as agreed earlier.
While reaffirming “good faith” in the govern ment that it would look into their issue at the earliest, the group expressed hope that the HPC would also come out with a positive solution.
DIMAPUR, OCT 19 (NPN): Food Corporation of India (FCI) on Wednes day informed that there was sufficient stock of rice to meet the requirements of Nagaland state.
Cooperation led by the Con venor of NNPGs and Chair man of NSCN to explore, at the earliest, realistic ways for Nagas to move forward on the basis of Naga his
The two groups have urged the Naga public to jointly participate and sup port “this process of shap ing and building this future together.”
In a press release, FCI, regional office, Dimapur in formed that in order to meet the needs of citizens in Na galand, the Centre has allo cated approximately 27000 MT rice for the month of October 2022 through dif ferent schemes i.e., NFSA, PMGKAY, OWS.
FCI also stated that at present FCI Nagaland Re gion has the stock position of 43111 MT rice. Stating that Nagaland is a rice con suming state, FCI said there was no procurement of rice/ paddy in the year 2022.
In August this year, Food Corporation of India released 11,500 metric tonne (MT) of food grains, as per the Central government’s monthly allocation. Till September, FCI received 12,149.73 MT (five rakes) of food grains.
vulnerable, by taking con crete action for inclusion, recognizing the enormous value and contributions of multi-cultural, multireligious and multi-ethnic societies, and by condemn ing hate speech unequivo cally,” he said.
Guterres also stressed the need for protecting the rights and freedoms of jour nalists, human rights activ ists, students and academics, and ensuring the continued independence of India’s ju diciary.
DIMAPUR, OCT 19 (NPN): As the felling of trees along the stretch of Naga Shopping Arcade (Su per Market) area here en tered the third on Wednes day, altogether 370 trees were felled till Wednesday.
When contacted, as sistant conservator of for est (ACF) Vivika Sema informed Nagaland Post that 95 trees were felled on Day one, 108 trees on Day two and 167 on the third day.
Vivika said that the tree felling exercise was expected to be completed
by Thursday afternoon, and sectioning would com mence.
The official informed that the roads would be
NEW DELHI, OCT 19 (PTI): School students will soon be able to earn credits from academic and non-ac ademic activities which will be stored in the Academic Bank of Credit (ABC) just like in higher education with the Ministry of Educa tion planning to introduce a National Credit Framework (NCrF).
Union Education Min ister Dharmendra Pradhan launched the NCrF draft here Wednesday for public consultation.
“The government has developed the NCrF to enable the integration of academic and vocational
domains to ensure flexibili ty and mobility between the two. NCrF would be a game changer by opening nu merous options for further progression of students and inter-mingling of school and higher education with vocational education and experiential learning, thus mainstreaming skilling and vocational education,” he said.
“NCrFwill also enable students who have dropped out of the mainstream education to re-enter the education ecosystem. The National Credit Framework is an umbrella framework for skilling, re-skilling, up-
skilling, accreditation and evaluation encompassing our people in educational & skilling institutions and workforce,” he added.
Taking the high-level inter-ministerial committee report on NCFr as the basis, the Ministry of Education (MoE) has started a nation al level public consultation on Wednesday on the same.
The framework aims to formulate a unified credit accumulation and transfer for general and vocation education and from school to higher education. As envisaged in the National Education Policy 2020 to make education more holis
tic and effective with an em phasis on the integration of general (academic) educa tion, vocational education and experiential learning, it becomes imperative to establish and formalize a national credit accumula tion and transfer system.
The NCrF provides for creditisation of all learning and assignment, accumula tion, storage, transfer and redemption of credits, sub ject to assessment.
According to the Re port of the High-Level Inter-Ministerial Commit tee on National Credit Ac cumulation and Transfer Framework led by Nir
maljeet Singh Kalsi, chair person, National Council for Vocational Education and Training, while a stu dent can earn up to 40 credits for learning up to 1200 hours per year, for pre-school up to Class 5 the learning hours range from 800 to 1000 hours.
The Minister appealed to all institutions, schools, ITIs, AICTE-affiliated en gineering colleges, cen trally-funded HEIs, state universities and regulatory authorities, bodies to host the public consultation for National Credit Framework on their website for seeking suggestions from citizens.
opened for traffic only after the sectioning, loading and clearing of the entire area was completed.
He said the tree felling
operation has been going on smoothly.
The ACF mentioned that a meeting with deputy commissioner (DC) Dima pur and other officials on Tuesday discussed coordi nation and execution of the ongoing work.
Vivika reiterated that the Forest department was only supervising felling of trees along the stretch (Shopping Arcade), which was under Development Authority of Nagaland (DAN).
He informed that DAN had tied up with vari ous mills to clear the area.
(NPN): Western SümiKu kami (WSK) reiterated its demand that the State gov ernment implement the latter’s July 8, 2019 order which called for eviction of a new village set up within Kiyevi village jurisdiction.
WSK through its media cell said it would stand firm on its demand and work collectively with Western Sümi Youth Front to ensure that justice was done. It also warned that in case of any untoward incident, the gov ernment will be solely held responsible as it has been left with no other choice. WSK accused the state government of trying to avoid responsibil
ity from implementing its own orders in solving the issue, by diverting the case by inviting 14 tribes to mediate.
However, WSK said that when the invitation was turned down by 14 tribes on the ground that the land conflict was between two tribes, the government had again on October 6 invited Central Nagaland Tribes Council and Tenyimi Public Organisation towards find ing an amicable solution to the issue. WSK alleged, that instead of upholding its orders, the government has been clearly shrugging of its responsibility and left the issue to be resolved by the public. (Full text on p-6)
has a responsibility to protect rights of all individuals, says UN chief Guterres
Zunheboto: Office of the chief medical officer (CMO) along with Dis trict Health Society (DHS) Zunheboto organised the launching programme of SUMAN in the conference hall of District Hospital, Zunheboto on Wednesday.
In a press release, dis trict media officer (DMO) Zunheboto, Keneikhrietuo stated that in the welcome address, SMO, senior spe cialist (surgeon), Dr. Shika to highlighted the main aim of SUMAN scheme and stressed on it would be beneficial for the state.
In order to implement the scheme in the district, he informed that DH Zun heboto was selected by the state government along with various health units.
In the keynote ad dress, DPO (UIP&RCH), Dr. Heto Swu highlight ed SUMAN activities in the district and delivered detailed statistics on ma
ZUNHEBOTO NOKLAKNoklak: District Health Society (DHS) un der CMO Noklak conduct ed the Surakshit Matritva Aashwasan (SUMAN) orientation on October 18 at the Conference Hall of CMO Noklak office.
According to a DIPR report, during the orien tation, CMO-cum-MS, Dr. Victor shared on the free and safe services for delivery care and treat
ternal mortality rate and infant mortality rate which showed a drastic declina tion compare to a decade ago.
He said this was due to the initiative taken by the state government. Dr. Heto also elaborated on the vision of SUMAN.
Beneficiaries for this scheme included—preg nant women and up to six months after post and sick
At the programme, EAC Nyamok Konyak delivered a short speech while medical superin tendent (MS) DH, Dr. C. Yanpo Kithan launched the SUMAN facility.
DPM (NHM) Rose mary Vitoli chaired the programme while senior specialist Ob & Gy, Dr. Meyielhi Kapfo proposed vote of thanks.
Longleng: The SUMAN scheme was launched on October 15 at Community Health Centre (CHC) Tamlu in the pres ence of additional depu ty commissioner (ADC) Tamlu, Neiloze Tep. In his speech, Tep asserted the importance of coordina tion among departments, using church platforms and support of ASHAs and An gwadi workers for success
ment available through “SUMAN initiative”. The programme was attended
DC Mkg informs on CMHIS: Deputy Com missioner Mokokchung, Sashank Pratap Singh has informed that a beneficiary enrollment drive for Chief Minister’s Health Insurance Scheme (CMHIS) has commenced at the Registration Centre, CMHIS locat ed at the Deputy Commissioner’s Office, Mokokchung on October 18 and culminate on October 31.
GPS-C principal informs students: Government Polytechnic Seithekema-C, Er. Zhapulhoulie Rupreo has informed students that filling up of forms for even semester compartmental examination scheduled to be held from first week of December would start from October 25-31 during office hours (9 am-4 pm). Stu dents have been asked to submit a photocopy of their last examination mark sheet while filling up the forms.
by church leaders, NGOs village health chairmen and health workers.
NPGN/NNC(N/A) appoints: NPGN/ NNC(N/A) has appointed Vito Sumi as its Dimapur town “Chaplee in-charge” and assigned to “deal with all financial matters i.e., yearly tax, financial assistance etc.” in and around Dimapur town area. NPGN/ NNC(N/A) has informed all HoDs, business and general public not to entertain anybody other than Vito Sumi. For queries, one has been asked to 7005261487
DoPN informs: Department of Power, Engineerin-Chief, Er. Moa Aier has informed that SDO (IT) SLDC Dimapur, Er. Pongmei Phom has been assigned additional works for implementation of Smart Prepaid Meters in addition to her normal duties with immedi ate effect.
ful implementation of all national programmes. The launching programme was attended by DPM Longleng,
DIMAPUR: Pongkhao Konyak, mother of advisor, CL John passed away in Mon on October 18. Organisations led by Eastern Nagaland Peoples’ Organisa tion (ENPO) have conveyed condolences to CL John and the bereaved family members.
ENPO: Eastern Nagaland Peoples’ Organisation (ENPO) described late Pongkhao Konyak lived a long and productive life and that she was truly loved, admired and appreciated by everyone.
ENPO prayed for the love and mercy of the Lord upon the grieving family during this griev ing time.
KU: Konyak Union (KU) described late Pongkhao Konyak was a virtuous and self-esteem lady with simplicity and grace, and that she was not only a
DIMAPUR: A four-day residential training for community level partici pants on Jal Jeevan Mis sion (JMM) organised by Public Health Engineer ing Department (PHED) and Salt Lake Institute of Engineering and Manage ment Limited (SLIEM) in Wokha entered the third day on Wednesday.
According to a DIPR report, the training was be ing organised to sensitise the public about the roles and respon sibilities to be shouldered by the stakeholders includ ing the village functionaries and WATSAN members.
During the training, Dr. Biplab Ghosh apprised the trainees on overseeing of water supply infrastruc
DIMAPUR: Modern Insti tute of Teacher Education (MITE), Kohima celebrated its 10th graduation day on Wednesday with principal director, School Education, Thavaseelan K as special guest.
In a press release, MITE stated that Thavas eelan in his speech stressed on effective transactions in teaching learning process and pedagogical reforms, which he said, were required in school education.
He encouraged the graduates and studentteachers to stay motivated, to empathise and to work together. In the welcome address, MITE principal, Dr. Kate Dandesh Kumar encouraged the studentteachers to pursue what they love and do it with “a crazy amount of passion.”
He highlighted the
achievements of MITE such as being the state topper in producing highest pass percentage from B.Ed 202022 batch with 13 university top rank-holders and vari ous distinction holders and mentioned that such result was proof that the institute was working in-line with the vision of its founder, late Dr. S. Hekha Mao.
In her valedictory speech, NU 1st rank holder, Vepeni K Zhimo acknowl edged her parents, manag ing director, principal, vice principal, teaching and nonteaching staff.
She also encouraged everyone to be sincere in every walk of life.
Later, the vote of thanks was proposed by MITESU vice president Mhashienu Lothii and bene diction was offered by Puku mla Jamir.
NGOs, Phomla Hoichem, church leaders, ASHAs and AWWs, administration and staff of CHC Tamlu.
SAMD organises various activities: Shree Agar wal Mahasabha Dimapur (SAMD) on October 16 organised a blood donation camp in association with the District Hospital Dimapur as part of the “Agrasen Jayanti Celebrations 2022”. It also organised a “cul tural event” on the same day at Durga Mandir Hall.
mother to her children but a mother to her people. KU has extended prayer support and sympathy towards the bereaved family members for comfort and strength.
ENPUD: Expressing deep sadness over the demise, East ern Nagaland People’s Union Dimapur (ENPUD) described late Pongkhao Konyak as not only a mother to her family but a mother to the entire Eastern people.
ENPUD said her simplicity and benevolent gesture towards the people would be deeply missed.
Further, ENPUD conveyed heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family members and prayed that the Almighty would grant them solace at this hour of grief.
DIMAPUR: Excise Dimapur, Mobile Squad and Narcotic Cell of the Excise department seized 2655 bottles and cans of assorted Indian Made Foreign Liquor (IMFL) and 1255 litres of country liquor during extensive raids and checking carried out within Di mapur and Chümoukedima districts between October 10-18.
According to deputy commis
Angh informed that the country liquors were destroyed on the spot and assorted IMFLs were safely deposited to the concerned malkhanas for “fu ture destruction.”
AR conduct lecture at Sainik School Punglwa in all branches of armed forces and different rank profiles and arms.
DIMAPUR: Jalukie bat talion of Assam Rifles un der the aegis of HQ IGAR (North) organised an in teraction and lecture with cadets of Sainik School Punglwa, Peren, on Octo ber 18.
According to PRO IGAR (N), the programme was organised with an aim to encourage cadets to join
defence forces to serve the nation through various entry schemes.
The programme was also aimed at instilling focus on personality development in order to evolve as better students and better armed forces officers in the future.
During the lecture, ca dets were briefed in detail on lifestyle and career prospects
They were also educat ed on evaluation procedures in Service Selection Board (SSB) and various Officer Like Qualities (OLQ).
Altogether, 250 cadets of Classes IX, X and XI at
tended the programme. The school also ac knowledged AR for encour aging its students to join defence forces by organising educational events. It also expressed hope that such programmes would moti vate young cadets to join the forces.
Chümoukedima and Mon District Planning and Development Boards (DPDBs) held monthly meetings, on Wednesday, in the conference halls of respective district commissioner (DC) offices.
Chümoukedima: DC and vice chairman DPDB Chümoukedima, Abhinav Shivam informed DPDB members that the district has been designated as election district and urged the head of the departments to be “mentally prepared” to render services.
According to a DIPR report, to make the DPDB meeting more meaningful and action oriented, Shivam also advised the department heads to submit agendas for deliberation during the DPDB meeting, for betterment of the district.
In the meeting, District TB officer, highlighted the basic information of National TB Elimination Programme (NTEP) with special focus on Chümoukedima, Dimapur and Niuland districts.
She said that the
NTCP, Dr. Ngullie also requested the officials present to disseminate information about the smoke free campaign and implement stern action against the offenders.
At the meeting, DTO Zunheboto Dr. Y. Aron Muru highlighted the members on NTEP and asserted the need for concrete and synchronized efforts and contribution from the stakeholders to eliminate TB.
DIMAPUR: Following various activities carried out under National Tuberculosis Elimination Program (NTEP) and National Tobacco Control Program (NTCP), 24 schools and six villages under Zunheboto district have been declared “tobacco-free”.
In a press release, office of the chief medical officer (CMO) Zunheboto, stated that a District Level Coordination Committee (DLCC) meeting was held on October 18, in the conference hall of District
Hospital Zunheboto to discuss agendas of District AIDS Prevention and Control Unit (DAPCU), NTEP and NTCP.
During the meeting, NTCP district nodal officer, Dr. Esther Ngullie informed that four schools was declared “tobaccofree” and appreciated the teachers in-charge for their hard work and cooperation in restricting the use of tobacco within the school premises.
Highlighting the activities carried out by the NTCP, Dr. Ngullie
said 24 schools and six villages have been declared as “tobacco-free” under Zunheboto district.
Stating that the district was fortunate to have received a Carbon Monoxide (CO) monitoring device (Smokerlyzer) to check the lung condition of smokers, she urged officials present to sensitize the public so that they could avail the free service.
While acknowledging the administration and the police department for playing an important role in the achievements of
Extra assistant commissioner (EAC) Zunheboto, Viketoulie Metha presented “tobaccofree” certificates to the representatives of the four schools. He acknowledged NTCP for rendering their services in making the society better.
Supervisor NTEP presented a detailed report of case findings for the year 2020 till date and gave update on the Nikshay Mitra while DPO DAPCU, Hokishe Chophy spoke on stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV and presented a detailed report and statistics on people with HIV.
DIMAPUR: Nationalist Democratic Progressive Party (NDPP) president Chingwang Konyak asserted that the NDPP led government was taking an active role of a facilitator for an “honourable solution” to Naga political issue.
According to NDPP media & communication committee, Konyak said the “present NDPP led government was taking an active role of a facilitator for
arriving at an honourable solution acceptable to one and all”.
Speaking at a meeting Wednesday during a visit to Zunheboto Town, Konyak highlighted the gathering in detail the stand of the NDPP regarding the IndoNaga problem.
The party president then appealed all party cadres present to be vigilant and extend full support to the party central and the NDPP-led government in
the state.
Minister, G. Kaito Aye also exhorted the gathering with “actual facts and anecdotes”. He thanked the party president and his team for visiting Zunheboto and acknowledged the six assembly units for their cooperation and respect shown to the party president and his entourage.
NDPP president was accompanied by senior party members and host of other party leaders.
DIMAPUR: Chozuba Town Chakhesang Students’ Union (CTCSU) organised “Chozuba Area Inter-School Literary Competition” on “embracing all-round education” at Vamuzo Memorial Town Hall, Chozuba Town on October 15.
At the programme, guest speaker, sub-divisional education officer, Meyawabang vouched for building good citizenship during the school days and urged upon the students to learn and develop the skills when their minds are free.
He also encouraged them to not only engage in their studies but also in co-curricular activities to develop personal skills.
CTCSU president Veyito Nyekha highlighted the need to broaden educational perspectives not simply to excel in studies but also in developing both personal and interpersonal skills.
He asserted that despite excellency in academic performances, the time demanded skills such as leadership, confidence, networking
and association, etc.
Chakhesang Students’ Union president Avezo Kevin Kapu also encouraged the schools and union to organise more of such activities. He advised the students to make use of available technologies for educational purposes.
Altogether, eight government and private schools participated in the event through extempore speech, essay writing, quiz and indigenous quartet, and around 100 students and teachers attended the event.
DIMAPUR: In a move towards forming higher level of federation of rural poor women under Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana -National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM), Block Mission Management Unit (BMMU) Longmatra block under Nagaland State Rural Livelihood Mission (NSRLM) on October 18 formed Block Level Federations (BLFs).
In a press release, BMMU Longmatra block stated that the BLFs were formed under the guidance and support of a team from resource block Kiphire,
vision of NTEP was to achieve TB free India by 2025 and to achieve universal access to quality TB diagnosis and treatment for all TB patients in the community.
Power Point presentation was also given with regard to District Aids Prevention Control where the responsibilities, key functions, services under National AIDS control program was highlighted.
Agriculture department presented power point presentation and highlighted on the Agro ecological situation of C Chümoukedima district, land use pattern, crop production status, oilseeds production and the ongoing schemes/ programs.
Mon: DC and vice chairman DPDB Mon, Ajit Kumar Verma, IAS reviewed the previous DPDB agenda during the board’s monthly meeting.
According to a DIPR report, the board also approved the proposal for change of beneficiaries for LADP 2022-23 under 41 Tizit Assembly Constituency. It also deliberated on the upcoming departmental tournament.
Chief Medical Officer, Mon highlighted on the Chief Minister’s Health Insurance Scheme (CMHIS).
BPM Kiphire Ripise Sangtam and Ac-IBCB Kiphire block Piose Anar as resource persons.
During the launching programme, the resource persons said that BLF was an organization/institute that brings together all village organisations and non-VLO from the blocks.
They said the BLFs are formed with an objective to provide space, voice, better bargaining power and resources to the poor and reducing their dependence on external agencies.
The resource persons informed that all funding
to the self-help groups (SHGs) shall be routed through BLF which shall ensure proper development of all the SHGs attached to it through village organizations.
They said these institutions would partner with government, public and private sectors for the last mile delivery of social and economic services for the rural poor. It will also promote livelihoods collectives, producer’s cooperatives and forward linkages, and access to information, credit, markets etc., informed the resource persons.
DIMAPUR: Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Nagaland University organised “krishi samman samelan” on October 17, in the conference hall of KVK Nagaland University.
In a press release, KVK NU stated that during the programme, farmers watched the live stream of prime minister Narendra Modi
Principal scientist and head, KVK, Dr. Rakesh Kumar Chaurasia delivered
the welcome address, a brief introduction of the programme was given by SMS (Agril. Extension), Dr. Kundan Kumar while vote of thanks was proposed by chief technical officer (Agronomy/ GPB), Dr. Visakho Shunyu.
At the programme, 44 farmers from three villages were received vegetable seeds.
Mon: A “special campaign 2.0” aimed at covering a wide range of various programmes
Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) Mon conducted various programmes from October 2-19.
Under this campaign, special training programme on swachh was conducted for the woman flock of different Self-Help Groups (SHGs) of Aboi town and nearby villages, where awareness was emphasized on sanitation and recycling of waste and to convert to wealth by using crop residue and kitchen waste was imparted.
The officials and stuff also conducted cleared drainage and cleaned water pipelines, water reservoirs and tanks as part of the campaign. The cumulative programme would culminate on October 31.
In a separate event, KVK Mon organised “PM Kissan Samelan” on October 17 at KVK campus wherein, ACTO (soil science) Zhiete explained the objective of the programme.
GUWAHATI, OCT 19 (PTI): Bangladesh is prioritising reduction of trade imbalances and improving investment possibilities in the country, Mahisur Rahman, the advisor to that country’s prime minister said here on Wednesday.
Bangladesh’s economy is mostly consistent but has to bear huge expenditure for trade with Nepal and Bhutan as there is no direct transportation to those countries and goods have to be sent through India, he said on the inaugural day of the two-day IndiaBangladesh Buyers Sellers Meet (BSM) here.
‘’The custom systems of both Bangladesh and India need to be improved. The protocol agreement for through movement of transport and the policy to enforce it should be given prior importance so that exporters and importers
do not get involved in illicit trade,’’ Rahman said.
Trade and nontrade barriers need to be addressed seriously and there should be a systematic arrangement to ensure that standards of all consignments and other requirements are addressed adequately, he said.
Referring to the jute industry in Bangladesh, Rahman said that it is facing losses due to poor performance and periodic inflation primarily due to
anti-dumping subsidies in the Indian side.
He further said that to improve its imports and exports, Bangladesh should have access to ports outside the country.
Union Minister of State for DoNER and Cooperation, B L Verma said that Bangladesh is the nearest country to India and both the countries can have more defined trade relations with each other.
Besides, Bangladesh can serve as the largest market for goods produced in the north eastern states, he added.
Assam Minister for Industries and Commerce Bimal Borah said that trade relations between Bangladesh, India and ASEAN countries can be enhanced through Mongola and Chittagong ports and a part of the exports can be delivered to third countries.
He said buyers and
Chief Minister Pema Khandu Wednesday said the state government is committed to preserve the rich cultural heritage of the indigenous communities of the state and hailed Tibetan settlers for maintaining cordial relations with them.
The Tibetan settlers have preserved their rich Buddhist culture, tradition and language and the local indigenous communities have learnt from them in keeping alive their own traditional textile and handloom, language and rich culture, he said at the golden jubilee celebration of Sambhota Tibetan School at Tenzing Gang in West Kameng district, over 300 km from here.
Khandu said the responsibility of preserving the culture and tradition of the indigenous communitites lies more with today’s generation of elders, seniors and parents.
Tenzing Gang is one of the three official Tibetan settlements in Arunachal Pradesh. The other two settlements are in Tezu (Lohit) and Miao (Changlang).
Khandu appreciated the school management for imparting quality education and producing bright students, who are today contributing in the country’s growth, a CMO communiqué informed here. “This is indeed an incredible journey of Sambhota Tibetan School since 1972. The institution is doing great work, especially focusing on education of girls, the Tibetan community and local Arunachalis,” he said.
“I make it a point to visit the Tibetan settlements whenever on tour. I have visited both the settlements in eastern Arunachal and found that the indigenous communities around these settlements have benefitted from the Tibetans,” he said.
NEW DELHI, OCT 19 (PTI): Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma has urged the heads of Indian and American companies to join hands with his government and explore the opportunities offered by his state, especially in tea, trade and tourism.
Addressing an event hosted by the US-India Strategic Partnership Forum (USISP) here on Tuesday night, Sarma also said that in terms of policy and development, the strategically located state is now “at the heart of the country”.
The chief minister urged CEOs and heads of several companies of both India and the US to partner with Assam and grab the opportunity that the state offers for investment, according to an official statement.
“Our inherent strengths - the geographical, natural resources, flora and fauna, coupled with enabling policy push guided by the vision of Prime Minister Narendra Modi has made Assam a powerhouse of opportunities. From tea to trade and tourism, we offer enormous possibilities for businesses,” he said.
Outlining his vision at the interactive round table meet, Sarma said
Himanta Biswa Sarmathe state government has been working relentlessly on creating a robust environment for investments through a bouquet of policies. The chief minister also welcomed investments in higher education.
On the progress achieved in Assam and the Northeast region, he said, “If you consider policy and development, we are now at the heart of this country. So, that is the kind of difference Prime Minister Modi has brought.”
Several CEOs evinced keen interest in partnering with Assam in higher education, skill development, connectivity, infrastructure and telecom sector, the statement said.
President and CEO of US-India Strategic Partnership Forum, Mukesh Aghi reaffirmed that both India and the US desire to strengthen economic relations and strategic partnership at a time when India is celebrating its 75th year of independence.
Khandu assured that the state government will do everything necessary for the school and the area and asked the district administration to study and submit proposals officially to the government.
Referring to a message from the Dalai Lama, he said “Our focus should be on inculcating compassion and human values in our children. And also teach them about the significance of our environment, climate and our planet,” he said.
Earlier, on arrival at the Tenzing Gang Monastery, Khandu felicitated its abbot Sharpa Choeje Rinpoche and sought his blessings for the development of Arunachal Pradesh and prosperity of its people.
sellers meets serve as platforms for strong and dedicated approach to strengthen the bilateral relation between the two countries.
Federation of Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industries director Syed Moazzam Hossain said that the IndiaBangladesh Buyers Sellers meet is an important platform for improving the bilateral relations between the two countries.
The governments of the two countries should give each other the opportunity for exports by solving the trade, non-trade barriers and visa issues that exist between the two nations, he said.
Hossain also emphasized on improvement of connectivity through roads, railways and waterways which would boost the opportunity of both the countries to strengthen the
The Meghalaya Pradesh Congress Committee (MPCC) on Wednesday welcomed the election of senior Congress leader and Rajya Sabha member, Mallikarjun Kharge as president of the All India Congress Committee.
Eighty-year-old Kharge, who defeated his rival, Thiruvananthapuram MP Shashi Tharoor by over 6,825 votes. Kharge is the first non-Gandhi president in 24 years. “He won with a thumping majority, which goes to prove the vibrant democratic traditions of the Congress,” said a State Congress functionary, even as he also congratulated Sashi Tharoor for being in the contest for the top post in the oldest political party in the country. Meanwhile, though figures were not known, sources said that out of the 56 MPCC members who voted for the Congress presidential poll, the majority stamped their support for Kharge.
The counting for Congress president election was held at the AICC headquarters in New Delhi at 10 am on Wednesday.
trade relations. Indian Chamber of Commerce - NER chairman M K Saharia said the region’s strategic importance for the Act East policy is due to its location.
India has various local resources for industrial use and raw materials and finished products for south Asia and ASEAN countries and can take imports from Bangladesh, he said.
Several connectivity projects are progressing fast and north east India will be connected to the world through road, river and air in the near future, Saharia added.
ICC has organised the India-Bangladesh BSM in association with the commerce department of the central ministry of industry and commerce. More than 35 Bangladesh buyers and 150 Indian sellers took part in it.
AGARTALA, OCT 19 (PTI): CPI(M) politburo member Manik Sarkar has claimed that the BJP has failed to keep leaders in the parties that had toppled the Left Front government in the state in 2018 as five MLAs of the ruling coalition have quit to join other outfits.
The situation has now changed in the northeastern state and three BJP lawmakers have quit and joined different parties, while two Indigenous Peoples Front of Tripura (IPFT) MLAs have joined Tipra Motha, Sarkar said at a state-level programme of the SFI here.
BJP MLAs Sudip Roybarman and Ashis Saha joined the Congress, while Burbu Mohan Tripura of the saffron party, and IPFT’s Dhananjoy Tripura and Brishaketu Debbarma are now with the Tipra Motha.
The leader of the opposition in the Tripura Assembly said the defectors of the NDA are publicly saying that they were disheartened and deeply unhappy with the style of functioning by the saffron party.
“This is a big jolt for the ruling party ahead of the election”, the former chief minister said on Tuesday. The Assembly poll in Tripura is due in February next year.
“All the anti-Left parties had come together to defeat the Left Front government in Tripura before the 2018 Assembly elections. That resulted in the BJP, whose vote share was less than five per cent before 2018, securing a 42 per cent vote share of the Congress and its ally INPT.
“The Left Front lost seven to eight per cent vote which took the vote share of BJP and its ally IPFT
to around 52 per cent and the saffron party won the election,” he said.
Criticising the BJP, he said the chief minister had to be changed only 10 months before the Assembly election.
“The person (Biplab Kumar Deb) who was applauded by the prime minister had to be moved out of the chief minister’s office and a new face (Manik Saha) was brought in to lead the government. “This was done to divert the people’s attention from the failures of the BJP-IPFT government. But this will not save the BJP in the 2023 elections”, he said.
Urging the SFI supporters to put up resistance against the saffron party, the CPI(M) leader claimed that the BJP will bite the dust if the people come forward unitedly and decisively.
IMPHAL, OCT 19: A leader of Nepali based student body abducted by armed miscreants was rescued during a joint operation by police and Assam Rifles in Manipur’s Kangpokpi district.
Chief minister N Biren Singh praised the police and security forces for timely rescue of the student leader.
Thirty-five year-old Roshan Uprety, president of Charhajare unit of All Manipur Gorkha Students’ Union (AMGSU) was abducted by some armed miscreants suspected to be militants on October 16 evening.
Following a complaint by family members, Kangpokpi district launched an operation to rescue him. During investigation into the complaint, the police arrested a person identified as Letmang Tuboi, suspected to be involved in the abduction who is currently in police custody.
On Tuesday evening, a combined team of personnel of district police, state police commandos and troops of Assam Rifles launched an operation at the eastern side of the
Pointing out that the world is about positive competition and positive criticism, Meghalaya Chief Minister, Conrad K Sangma on Wednesday stressed on the need to compete with the best.
“The reservation policy is there for us but that does not mean that our mindset has to be a ‘reservation policy mindset’ but one of a competitive mindset,” he said addressing a gathering after he felicitated the district talent winners of Aspire Meghalaya District Talents Events 2022 at U Soso Tham Auditorium.
“Fight as if you need to survive. Fight as if there is no reservation for you. Fight as if you are going to compete with the best from the world. It is that competitive mindset that I want in every single youth,” the Chief Minister emphasized.
Aspire Meghalaya’s District Talent Events 2022 commenced on October 6 with events scheduled to be held across all districts in October and November.
Speaking to the gathering that comprised students, teachers and parents, the Chief Minister said that for any State or nation, the youth is one of the biggest strengths as well as one of
the biggest challenges.
“There’s no reason why in spite the challenges we may have as a State why we can’t come out on the top and change the mindset that we cannot be among the top states of the country, become one of the ‘Top Ten’ states in ten years and the process must start with key stakeholders and key groups – farmers, women, youth,” he said.
Sangma informed that Aspire was meant to unlock the talents, accept oneself and build confidence with proper grooming and guidance.
“You may not see the results of the programme today, but ten years from now, these same youth who are here today, the kind of confidence they will have in moving forward in life, the kind of positivity, acceptability and respect they have for others and themselves is the kind of impact and transformation we will see. We will see a
different sense of purpose, passion, confidence and positivity like never before. But we need to be persistent and work together,” he added.
A key highlight of the event today was an interactive session on stage between the Chief Minister and some of the students from schools that attended the event.
One of the questions that the students had for the Chief Minister was where and how he found the skills needed to be the leader he is today when, in his time as a young man perhaps, soft skills and leadership training were hard to come by.
To this the Chief Minister replied, “There were opportunities to pick up the skills we needed, although not at a scale like Aspire’s. However, my experiences were my best teachers. Like any other person, I have gone through defeat and losses on both personal and professional fronts. Through it all, I realized the power of trust, respect and hard work”.
He further spoke about his late father, Purno A Sangma, former Chief Minister of Meghalaya, and how growing up with a leader such as him meant that there were always moments of learning even at casual dinner-table conversations.
Koubru range, some five kilometer on the west of Mangjol village under Sapermaina police station of the district, based on a tip-off.
The combined team intercepted a hideout of the suspected abductors at an isolated location on the eastern side of the Koubru range.
During extensive search in the area, Roshan Uprety was found while others fled on seeing the approaching security personnel by taking advantage of the thick forest.
The rescued student leader was later handed
GUWAHATI, OCT 19 (IANS): An accused in a cattle theft case died after attempting suicide inside the toilet of a police lockup in Assam’s Bongaigaon district, an official said on Wednesday. The deceased, identified as Abdul Jabbar, was arrested in a cattle theft case, and put up at Jogighopa police station.
He had tried to end his life inside the toilet where he was spotted in a semiconscious state.
“He was rushed to a nearby hospital but unfortunately, he collapsed on the way. The doctors in the hospital declared him dead,” Swapnaneel Deka, Superintendent of Police, Bongaigaon district, told IANS. The police officer said Jabbar was arrested on Tuesday night. He was an accused in a cattle theft case. Deka said that after questioning Jabbar, the stolen cattle was also rescued by the police.
An inquiry into the matter has been ordered while a constable Mokimul Hoque Patgiri has been placed under suspension, he said. The body has been sent for autopsy.
Meanwhile, local residents have expressed anger over the incident and staged a protest against the police.
over to his family after a medical examination and other necessary procedures, the police said.
The search operation, however, continued to trace the abductors. The police believe that three or four armed militants abducted the student leaders from Charhajare Bazar on October 16 evening.
Meanwhile, Kuki National Front-Nehlun (KNF-N), in a press release, claimed that its cadres abducted the student leader and released him unharmed later on “humanitarian ground”.
The non-SoO (Suspension of Operation)
Kuki based militant group said that the student leader was abducted after he failed to give a positive response to repeated summons for a talk on a matter related with the capture f two of its cadres by residents of Charhajare on July 10 last. It claimed that two of its cadres were caught by the residents and handed over to the police along with their arms on that day. He was abducted not for ransom but to settle the July 10 incident and released later on humanitarian ground considering the situation of his wife, children, and parents’ prayer.
Regd. No. 2727/2022 Date 12/10/2022
I, Shri. CHASU CHARLES KROCHA S/o Late RHINYI KROCHA, a permanent resident of Zhavame Village under Phek District Nagland, do hereby solemnly affirmed and swear as follows:-
1. That I am a bona-fide citizen of India and a resident of the aforesaid locality.
2. That my name CHASU CHARLES KROCHA as reflected in my Aadhaar Card has been erroneously read and mentioned as CHASE CHARLES and CHARLES CHASU KROCHA in my Job Appointment Order and Educational Documents respectively.
3. Henceforth, I am making a declaration (Affidavit) that my names and CHASU CHARLES KROCHA, CHASE CHARLES and CHARLES CHASU KROCHA are one and same person.
I thereby affirmed and declared, in a sound mind and robust state of health, that the above statements are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and nothing material has been concealed therein.
Deponent Solemnly affirmed and declared by the deponent in my presence on this 12th October 2022. K-2450/22
AFFIDAVIT (Declaration) regd. no. 3799 Date 19/10/2022
I, Smti. Vethitolu Zango, resident of Thipuzu Village, Phek District, Nagaland, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as follows:
1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India.
2. That my correct and official DOB is 20.02.1987.
3. That however in my Appointment Order my date of birth has been entered and recorded as 10.02.1987. instead of 20.02.1987.
4. That this affidavit is made to declare that my correct and official DOB is 20.02.1987 and the same shall be used for all official purposes, future references and correspondences.
5. That this affidavit shall also be used as a piece of evidence of the fact and proof as mentioned above and also to be use for any rectification if arises in future.
That the statements from Para 1-5, are true to the best of my knowledge and nothing false has been stated. And I sign this affidavit before the competent authority at Kohima, Nagaland, on this the 19th day of October 2022. Deponent notary Public/MagistrateK-2448/22
I, Shri. gaiCHaMdiN S/o HAIDEURA of IKISINGRAM Village, Jalukie, Peren Nagaland hereby declared that:
1. THAT I am the deponent of this affidavit.
2. That the name GAICHAMDIN and GAICHAMDI is of same person.
3. I hereby declared that my correct name is GAICHAMDIN and shall be use for all official purposes in the future.
1st Class Magistrate Ikisingram Vill. Peren Nàgaland
Narendra Modi on Wednesday said the 5G telecom service would take the education system in the country to the next level as the latest technology will go beyond “smart facilities, smart classrooms, and smart teachings”.
He also asserted that the New Education Policy (NEP) will pull the country out of the “slave mentality” surrounding the English language.
The prime minister was speaking after launching the Gujarat government’s Mission Schools of Excellence initiative at Adalaj town in Gandhinagar district.
He pointed out that knowledge of English was considered as the mark of being intellectual even though the English language is just a medium of communication.
The Mission will help strengthen education infrastructure in Gujarat by setting up new classrooms, smart classrooms, computer labs and overall upgradation of the infrastructure of
schools in the state.
“Recently-launched 5G service will go beyond smart facilities, smart classrooms, and smart teachings. It will take our education system to the next level,” the prime minister said.
He said students can now experience virtual reality, the Internet of Things, and other cuttingedge technologies in their schools with the help of the 5G service.
The PM also advocated the use of local languages to make sure that those uncomfortable with English are not left behind.
“Earlier, knowledge of the English language was considered a criterion of
being intellectual. In reality, the English language is just a medium of communication. This language barrier was a hindrance. Many young talents from villages could not become doctors and engineers because they were not well-versed in English,” he said.
The prime minister said youngsters now have the option to pursue studies in other languages.
“We aim to ensure that children of poor parents become doctors and engineers even if they are not educated in English (medium). We want to ensure that no one is left behind due to the lack of the English language,”
SILIGURI (WB), OCT 19 (PTI): West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday claimed that it was not her but the CPI(M) which drove away Tata Motors from Singur.
Addressing a ‘Bijaya Samillani’ or post-Durga Puja meeting in Siliguri, Banerjee said she only returned the land to the people that was forcibly acquired by the former Left Front government for the Tata Motors’ Nano factory in Singur in Hooghly district.
“There are people who are spreading canards that I have driven away the Tatas from West Bengal. I did not force them away, but it was the CPI(M) which drove them away,” she said at the government function, adding that she thought of not making any political statement at the programme.
“You (CPI(M)) forcibly took land from the people for the project, we returned that land to the people. We have done so many projects, but never taken any land forcibly from anybody. Why should we take land forcibly? There is no dearth of land here,” she added.
Banerjee is often criticised by her opponents,
especially the CPI(M), for the movement against the acquisition of land at Singur in the mid-2000s, which forced the Tata group to abandon its ambitious car manufacturing project, which could have created thousands of jobs, even after completing a significant part of it.
The movement fuelled Banerjee’s rise to power in the state as she routed the Left Front government of 34 years in 2011.
The then CPI(M)-led Left Front government had acquired around 1,000 acres of farmland for the project, which was taken back from the Tatas following a court
BJP leader Rajyavardhan Rathore on Wednesday called newly elected Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge a “rubber stamp” and alleged that the party’s internal polls to its chief were a “fraud”.
Reacting to allegations of irregularities in the conduct of the polls in Uttar Pradesh, the Jaipur Rural MP said when the party cannot conduct internal polls between two people properly, then “how can it deal with elections at the national level”.
Kharge won the polls for the post of the Congress president, the results of which were announced on Wednesday. He was pitted against party leader Shashi Tharoor.
“A strong opposition is required for a strong democracy. After a long period of time, the Congress party is looking away from one family but still it has searched a rubber stamp. Their internal election is just a fraud and drama,” he said. He also targeted
Rajasthan’s Ashok Gehlotled Congress government, alleging poor law and order.
Rathore claimed that it is only concerned about collecting information about its MLAs, apparently referring to differences in the party.
“The state government is only concerned about political intelligence. Police and intelligence departments are given orders for political intelligence. They are given orders to collect information about which MLA is meeting whom, which minister is sitting with whom in the evening,” he alleged.
“When police are engaged in such works, then how can they protect the general public,” he said.
Rathore said criminals from Uttar Pradesh and Haryana are finding Rajasthan a safe haven.
“Criminals are facing action in UP and Haryana and they know that there is no rule of law in Rajasthan and the chief minister has no time, so they are moving to Rajasthan,” he claimed.
order after Banerjee became the chief minister. Her government partly returned the land to its owners.
“There is no discrimination in Bengal. We want each and every industrialist to invest here,” she said, referring to the Tajpur port project of the Adani group and the Deucha Pachami coal mine project.
In an apparent reference to the ongoing agitation for school jobs in Kolkata, the chief minister said her government would continue providing jobs to the people though there were forces who create hindrances.
Modi said, adding the “New Education Policy of the Centre will pull the country out from this slave mentality surrounding the English language”.
The prime minister said Gujarat has experienced a drastic change in the education scenario during the last two decades.
“During the last two decades, the Gujarat government has built 1.25 lakh new classrooms and inducted nearly 2 lakh teachers. Television sets were already installed in 15,000 classrooms a decade ago. Today, attendance of nearly one crore students and 4 lakh school teachers is being marked through online mode,” said Modi, who had served as the chief minister of Gujarat before becoming the prime minister in 2014.
Under the Mission Schools of Excellence, the state government will build 50,000 new classrooms and convert nearly 1 lakh existing classrooms of government-run schools into smart classrooms using 5G technology, the prime minister said.
“Using this technology, a teacher can impart realtime education to several schools in villages through online mode. Now, the best education and content will reach everyone. Students of villages will be benefited the most because of this initiative.” he said.
He said under the Mission, students will be prepared for competitive exams from a young age and also made aware of other subjects such as arts and robotics.
The PM recalled that as chief minister he had launched several schemes, such as ‘Shala Praveshotsav’ and ‘Gunotsav’- a festival focussing on the quality of education- to improve the education scenario in Gujarat.
Ahead of his address, the prime minister interacted with some youngsters who he said were admitted to the first standard of school in his presence at a village in Gujarat many years ago during the ‘Shala Praveshotsav’, a state government initiative to increase the student enrolment.
KURNOOL (ANDHRA PRADESH), OCT 19 (IANS): Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday said that he will report to the new Congress president who will decide his role in the party.
He told reporters at Adoni during Bharat Jodo Yatra that the Congress president will be the final authority and he will decide how the party is going to move forward.
“He will decide what will be my role and how I am to be deployed,” the Congress MP said before the announcement of the result of the AICC presidential election.
He declined to answer queries on the role of the president, saying the new president would comment on it.
“As far as the Congress party is concerned, the president will be the final authority. We will have a new Congress president who will decide how the Congress party moves forward,” Rahul said.
“Mr Mallikarjun Kharge and Mr Shashi Tharoor are both people
with experience and understanding. Whoever gets elected they do not need advice from me. They have experience and understanding and they will decide what to do,” he added.
To another query, Rahul said he would report to the Congress president.
“Obviously. In the Congress party the president is the supreme authority and every Congress member reports to that person.”
When asked about the allegation by Shashi Tharoor team about irregularities in AICC presidential election in Uttar Pradesh, he said the Election Commission of the party would look into it.
“We are the only political party in the country that holds elections. We are also the only political party that has an election
commission inside it. We have a T.N. Seshan kind of person. I worked with Mistry ji (Congress’ Central Election Authority chairman Madhusudan Mistry). He is an absolutely straightforward, solid person. Whatever issues are there will be addressed to the election commission. It will take a decision whether there were irregularities or not,” Rahul said.
He also claimed that the Congress party is the only party with an institutional framework to address such issues.
Rahul wondered why questions were not asked to other parties about their internal election.
“Everybody asks questions about elections to the Congress party president. I am proud that the Congress party has had an open and transparent process. Why is nobody interested in elections in other parties? Why does nobody ask a question? Why isn’t there an election in the BJP why isn’t there an election in the regional parties. Nobody seems to be interested in asking the question.”
NEW DELHI, OCT 19 (PTI): The campaign team of Congress leader Shashi Tharoor, who on Wednesday conceded defeat to Mallikarjun Kharge in the party presidential poll, had written to the party’s chief election authority, flagging “extremely serious irregularities” in the conduct of the election in Uttar Pradesh, sources said.
Besides demanding that all votes from Uttar Pradesh be deemed invalid, Tharoor’s campaign team had also raised “serious issues” in the conduct of the election in Punjab and Telangana.
In his letter to Central Election Authority chairman Madhusudan Mistry, Tharoor’s chief election agent Salman Soz has said the facts are “damning” and the election process in Uttar Pradesh is “devoid of credibility and integrity”, they said.
He said that after a detailed discussion with polling agents, Tharoor’s team is constrained to report “disturbing facts”.
After the letter came in public domain, Soz said
on Twitter, “In light of complaints from our UP team yesterday, we wrote to @INCIndia’s CEA immediately, a standard practice. Subsequent discussions with the CEA have assured us of a fair inquiry.”
Tagging Soz’s tweet, Tharoor said, “It was unfortunate that a strictly internal letter to the CEA was leaked to the media. I hope this clarification by Salman Soz ends an unnecessary controversy. This election was meant to strengthen @INCIndia, not to divide it. Let’s move on.”
Mistry at a press conference, where he announced that the MP from Kerala got 1,072 votes against Kharge’s 7,897, also said about team Tharoor’s letter and added that he will respond to it point by point.
He said the letter should not have been leaked to the press and Tharoor’s team should have directly engaged with the poll authority. Mistry said there was no basis for the contents in the letter.
Soz conveyed to Mistry that what has been witnessed in Uttar Pradesh is an open challenge to the authority of “your office” as well as contempt for the orders of the Congress president and the Congress Working Committee to hold free and
Shashi Tharoor (PTI)fair elections.
“We would like to underline that we have no evidence that Kharge ji was aware of how his supporters
were engaging in electoral malpractice in UP. We are certain that if he was aware, he would never allow what happened in Uttar Pradesh,” Soz said in his letter, according to sources.
“He (Kharge) would not allow the tainting of an election that is so important for the Indian National Congress,” Soz was quoted as saying in the letter.
The “irregularities” in Uttar Pradesh flagged by Tharoor’s team include use of unofficial seals for
ballot boxes, presence of unofficial persons in polling booths, voting malpractice, no polling summary sheet, presence of AICC secretaries in-charge of Uttar Pradesh.
“We do not see how this election can be deemed free and fair if the tainted process of Uttar Pradesh is allowed to stand. We, therefore, demand that all votes from Uttar Pradesh be deemed invalid,” the letter dated October 18 said, according to the sources.
List BT candidates
Annexure III GT (Sc) List of Unsuccessful candidates
Annexure IV GT (Maths) List of Selected & Waiting List General candidates
Annexure V GT (Maths) List of Selected & Waiting List BT candidates
Annexure VI GT (Maths) List of Unsuccessful candidates
Annexure VII GT (Sc) details of Marks Secured in Objective Type Qns.
Annexure VIII GT (Sc) details of Marks Secured in Objective & descriptive Type Qns.
Annexure IX GT (Maths) details of Marks Secured in Objective Type Qns.
Annexure X GT (Maths) details of Marks Secured in Objective & descriptive Type Qns.
The selected candidates have to submit acceptance of offer of appointment within 15 days from the date of issue of this notification. The Waiting List will remain valid for a period of 1 (one) year from the date of publication of results and candidates placed in the Waiting List will be offered appointment in order of merit if the selected candidates against the particular category fail to accept the offer of appointment within the specified time limits.
Appointment Orders of candidates whose cases against the State Government are pending in Supreme court/High court or any other court in India will be kept in abeyance as their cases are sub judice.
declaration of results of Graduate Teacher (Hindi) is kept in abeyance in view of the Stay Order issued by the Hon’ble High court in WP (c) No. 123/2022.
This issues with the approval of the Government vide Letter No. dSE/MISc/12-128/ Recruit/2020 dated 11/10/2022 & 12/10/2022.
The Notification along with Annexure I to X is available at https://dosenl.in
OUT OF ENGLISH ‘SLAVE MENTALITY’Narendra Modi interacts with students during the launch of Mission Schools of Excellence at Trimandir, Adalaj. (PTI) West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee during her visit to Siliguri. (PTI) Rahul Gandhi
Governmentemployees of several departments in Nagaland are on agitation path in demand ing payment of salaries that have been unpaid for several months while election is around the corner scheduled sometime in February 2023. The cloud over election is the long expected solution to the Naga political issue. The fate of both solution and election seemed still uncertain though the realm of possibility can be further diminished when the Election Commis sion of India(ECI) notifies the election schedule and by which, it would mean that polls will have to be held to avoid a constitutional crisis. There is also another cloud hanging over what can happen next in the prepoll stage, as the Eastern Nagaland People’s Organ isation (ENPO) has declared that none of the candi dates in all 20 assembly constituencies under the six districts-Mon, Tuensang, Kiphire, Longleng, Noklak and Shamator- will participate and neither will there be any campaign activities in the districts . The resolution was reaffirmed by the Central Executive Council(CEC) of ENPO on October 14. If the ECI is to announce election schedule, the abstention in 20 constituencies or as much as over 30% of the 60-member legislative assembly is certainly another matter that has to be addressed as such an extraordinary situation throws a challenge to the constitutional obligations. A state cannot go to the polls where only 40 assembly con stituencies out of the total of 60 would be electing the representatives. All the while, even as these pressing issues are on- financial issues, price rise and political imperatives, the state government is focussed on its favourite annual pastime- the Hornbill Festival or to borrow a phrase, Hornbill Festival International. Even on this grand idea, the ENPO has also resolved that none from the six districts, will participate in any way, in the forthcoming Hornbill Festival during the first week of December 2022. As with election, the declara tion by the CEC of ENPO to abstain from Hornbill Fes tival has also thrown a spanner in the works, literally. While prompting and promoting Hornbill Festival, the state government has also declared Nagaland as ‘The Land of Festivals’ in acknowledgment of there being 16 tribes having their own respective festivals that are celebrated at different months of the year. Coming to alive on the eve of the week-long December Hornbill Festival only belittles the government’s focus on other more important priorities. In this regard, the govern ment has emphasised on completion of the ‘never ending’ four-lane construction works which began in 2016 and which were expected to be completed by 2018. The time period went on extending year after year and this time, the National Highways and Infra structure Development Corporation Limited (NHIDCL) , has assured that the work will be completed by December 2022. The 4-lane construction work has been delayed due to negligence of all involved and the state government has not done much to crack the whip. Earlier, then governor R.N.Ravi had demanded timely progress report with a warning that any further delay would be taken up at the highest level. Maybe the Hornbill Festival would not suffer on account of an incomplete road anymore than the feedback from visitors. Roads are no less important than air and rail connectivity which, at their current state, do not serve the purpose of promoting economic trade and tourism. Much remains to be done to improve overall connec tivity all-year round and not only for Hornbill Festival.
Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world.” — John 18:36
The great enemy of the Lord Jesus Christ today is the idea of practical work that has no basis in the New Testament but comes from the systems of the world. This work insists upon endless energy and activities, but no private life with God. The emphasis is put on the wrong thing. Jesus said, “The kingdom of God does not come with observation….For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:20-21). It is a hidden, obscure thing. An active Christian worker too often lives to be seen by others, while it is the innermost, personal area that reveals the power of a person’s life.
We must get rid of the plague of the spirit of this religious age in which we live. In our Lord’s life there was none of the pressure and the rushing of tremen dous activity that we regard so highly today, and a disciple is to be like His Master. The central point of the kingdom of Jesus Christ is a personal relationship with Him, not public usefulness to others.
It is not the practical activities that are the strength of this Bible Training College— its entire strength lies in the fact that here you are immersed in the truths of God to soak in them before Him. You have no idea of where or how God is going to engineer your future circum stances, and no knowledge of what stress and strain is going to be placed on you either at home or abroad. And if you waste your time in overactivity, instead of being immersed in the great fundamental truths of God’s redemption, then you will snap when the stress and strain do come. But if this time of soaking before God is being spent in getting rooted and grounded in Him, which may appear to be impractical, then you will remain true to Him whatever happens.
The Western Sümi came into existence in 1911 with the estab lishment of Kiyezu Village in the dense virgin forest, when the brave Sümi War riors were approached and permitted by the Britishers to settle in the present West ern Sümi areas which were shadowed by huge trees and habitat by wild animals. At the beginning, these areas were not suitable for human settlement but it was the brave Sümis who took up the challenge and thus ex panded its territories far and wide in the Western Sümi areas with Britishers issu ing permits to some of the oldest villages like Kiyezu (1911), Kuki Dolong (1916), H. Khehoi (1919), Kuhoxu (1919), Nikhekhu (1920), Nihokhu (1920), Hovishe (1922), Alato (1924), Shox uvi (1926), Kupuhe (1936), Lhothavi (1939), Kiyevi (1939), Zhuikhu (1940) and Hekheshe (1940). Before Nagaland statehood, gov ernment issued permits to villages like Zuthovi (1948), Ghowoto (1951), Thahekhu (1951), Ghowoto (1951), Hozukhe (1953), Pimla (1954), Chekiye (1959) and Vihokhu (1962). It gradually expanded to other areas and now the Western Sümi areas include 174 villages under its jurisdiction.
In this way, Kiyevi Vil lage was established in the year 1939 during the British era when no boundaries
existed and when there was no district called Peren as of what it is today. During those days different tribes had dwelled in that area, including both Nagas and Non-Nagas but mostly they were non-Nagas who re sided and cultivated in the lands owned by Sümis by paying taxes. If it were not for the brave Sümi warriors who made the Western Ar eas habitable for everyone with the British permit then it is of everybody’s knowl edge that it would have not been our Nagaland state.
Thereafter, in the year 1945, the friendly peopleMr. Lothavi, Mr. Kiyevi and Mr. Puti without any hassle or issues demarcated the boundary between Kiyevi village (Sümi) and Lamhai village (Zeliang). Thus, the people of two tribes had been co-existing peaceful for the past 79 years with no disputes between them but suddenly on 4th September 2018, the Lamhai Village Council issued an authori zation (NOC) to the people of Zeliangrong community for setting up a new village within the land that falls under Kiyevi Village and named it as ‘Lamhainamdi’ by claiming it as their tradi tional or ancestor land. This has further led to the present ongoing conflicts between two peace-loving tribes, due to the vested interest of a few individuals playing behind the scene.
When this issue came to light, the state govern ment immediately issued two separate orders which were to maintain a status quo on 25th June 2019 and eviction order on 8th July 2019, to avoid any further law and order deteriora tion in the area, as it was evident that it was clear case of encroachment of Kiyevi village jurisdiction.
However, instead of strongly implementing these orders and solving the issue, the government to avoid respon sibility diverted the case by inviting 14 tribes to mediate the case of eviction orders.
Moreover when this was turned down by 14 tribes on the ground that the land conflict is between 2 tribes the government again on 6th Oct 2022, invited the Central Nagaland Tribes Council (CNTC) and Tenyimi Public Organization (TPO), to find amicable solution. The gov ernment instead of taking up its responsibility to uphold its previous Government orders, have been clearly shifting its responsibility and in turn, has left the is sue to the public to resolve, which is unbecoming of person holding chair of re sponsibility. Such situational circumstances created the foundation of hatred and more tribalism within the divided Naga Society.
On the other hand, Sümi Hoho, the apex body of Sümi tribe and its fron
tal organization has been trying its best to maintain a peaceful and harmoni ous relationship with every Naga tribes. The SH shares a peaceful and cordial rela tionship with the Eastern Naga People’s Organiza tions (ENPO), Central Nagaland Tribes Council (CNTC) and also shares a brotherhood with Angami Public Organization (APO) and Chakesang Hoho (CH) along with being in touch with all tribal apex hohos or organizations, including both Nagas and Non-Nagas. The effort of maintaining a good relationship with every tribe and organization is done with the aim of mak ing the state of Nagaland a peaceful dwelling for all the tribes.
The Western Sümi frontal organizations are also trying our best to live in peace and tranquility with all our Naga brothers and sisters. Western Sümi Hoho (WSH) which is the apex body of Western Sümis, from time to time organizes co-ordination meetings with Chakro Public organization (CPO) and Western Chake sang Hoho (WCH) so that they can together build hope for future generations and sow seeds of brotherhood.
With this same mind set, the Western Sümi Sports Association (WSSA) on its part shares a brotherhood relationship with Chakro Youth Organization (CYO)
and Western Chakesang Youth Front (WCYF) through sports to promote and uplift our youths. The Western Sümi Youth Front (WSYF) also has been or ganizing coordination meet ings from time to time with Ao Youth Organization (DAYO) and Lotha Youth Organization Dimapur (LYOD) to strengthen the future of our Youths.
It must always be kept in mind that the Naga Free dom Fighters had declared our state as ‘Nagaland for Christ’ and are trying their best in every possible way to bring a solution for the Nagas, but the government has created a state filled with tribalism by inviting other organisations without understanding the actual facts on the ground. We are afraid that the govern ment’s inability to lead its people in a rightful way may take our generation and the coming generation back to the head-hunting days of our forefathers. The state government has directly de clared the issue between two tribes as disputed land but this is not a disputed land as it truly and purely belongs to the people of Kiyevi vil lage and the government is not ignorant of this fact but trying to ignore it, in spite of issuing eviction orders, which is a clear indication and fact which cannot be hidden in the eyes of Naga public.
We Sümis are trying our best effort not to cre ate any unwanted incident which may hamper peace but this does not mean that we will give away our land and properties. If the said issue was in the boundary of two villages, the Sümis would have settled it long ago even to the extent of giving our portion of land but it is not settleable beyond question. Our perseverance and faith in government have been wrongly taken for granted and the ultimatum served to the state govern ment by WSYF on 21st September 2022 had expired on 13th October 2022 but we are yet to receive any positive news from the state government to pro-actively defuse the situation, as now more encroachments are taking place in spite of de ployment of IRB to avoid any new settlements.
Now, in case of the failure of the government to implement Evection Or der NO.CNG-1/45/COM/ KHEHOI/2018/785, Dated Kohima, the 8th July, 2019, the Western Sumi Kukami will strongly stand and work collectively with WSYF to ensure that justice is done. Thereafter whatever inci dent it may cause to the public, the government will be solely responsible for it as we are left with no choice by the government.
Media Cell, Western Sumi KukamiSeeking God’s forgiveness for the sins of our forefathers and our present generation Minister: O Lord, in time past, our forefathers were animists. But in your own appointed time you visited our fathers and saved them from the power of the evil ones and made them your children through faith in Jesus Christ. For this grace of salvation, we bring glory and honor to you today.
Congregation: O Lord, we rejoice in your grace! Minister: As we acknowl edge your holiness and the power of your grace, we confess our forefathers’ as well as our own sins. We pray for the forgiveness of our forefathers in whose culture we still walk. Our forefathers were violent headhunters. They did not know you yet, O Lord; but today our present generation although we claim to have accepted you, we live like our headhunting forefathers. Give us the strength to break all the curses of the past generations. O Lord, we cry out to you for your forgiveness and your blessings upon us.
Congregation: O Lord, have mercy on us! We surrender our lives to you!
Minister: Unduly, our fa thers might have removed their neighbors’ boundary stones and forcefully snatched and occupied their land. Many of us, knowingly or unknowingly, might have inher ited the land. Not only have we inherited unlawful properties but we have also inherited the sinful nature of our fathers by following their footsteps. O Lord, we cry out to you for your forgiveness of such sins.
Congregation: O Lord, have mercy on us! We surrender our lives to you!
Minister: Many of our fa thers might not have been so kind and peaceable with others. We heard about their cruelty towards others, the weak, the orphans, the widows, and the poor. Cruelty is not acceptable in the eyes of the Holy One. Many of us are the descendants of such cruel and unruly fathers. Many of us are continuing the cruel way of life. We repent our cruel way of life. Forgive us, O Lord.
Congregation: O Lord, have mercy on us! Give us hearts full of compassion!
Minister: Out of ignorance, many of our fathers were opposed
to the gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ. Many of them had passed away rejecting the grace you of fered them. Many of us are chil dren of those unbelieving fathers.
Today, the present generation lives their lives worse than their unbe lieving fathers. We blatantly reject your voice and resist the guidance of the Holy Spirit. O Lord, forgive us our sins of disobedience to you.
Congregation: O Lord, have mercy on us! Give us willing hearts to follow your path!
Minister: O Lord, our gen eration has committed the sin of Noah’s generation. Sexual immorality is rampant in our society. Infidelity in marriage, divorce, incest and dysfunctional in the family is ever increasing in our land. O Lord, forgive us from these despicable sins.
Congregation: O Lord, have mercy on us! May you be the Cornerstone of our society!
Minister: O Lord, many people of this generation have become slaves to money. Many of our public leaders, political leaders and officers are corrupt and dishonest in their dealings. Bribery, in the name of giving gifts and services has become the order
of the society. O Lord, cleanse us from this deadly sin of corruption.
Congregation: O Lord, have mercy on us! Replace our greed with generous heart!
Minister: Alcoholism and abuse of drugs and others sub stances, coupled with flesh trade, human trafficking and murder are on the rise. Our country is being destroyed from within. O Lord, if you do not heal our ailing society and our land through your loving grace, we will be doomed. O Lord, forgive us from these horrible transgressions.
Congregation: O Lord, have mercy on us! May you become the rock of our society!
Minister: O Lord, the unlaw ful activities like extortion, rape, looting, theft, violence, and many other crimes are rapidly growing in our land. These crimes are being committed by unruly individuals from all corners of our land. O Lord, to whom shall we place the blame if not to ourselves? As you have said in the scripture, there is none, no one is righteous, for all have sinned and come short of the glory. We have come short of your standard. Therefore, O Lord, unless you forgive us, we will all
Our education sys tem has placed us on the pedestal of complete disarray. Failing to comply with vision of the present century, that demands purpose driven and committed individu als, it has cast aspersions on educational integrity of our youth. With students, now earning stellar grades in schools or even national level examinations, to ac complish narrow dreams of getting into premier institu tions, the very foundation of an “all rounded”, approach is gradually eroding for the worse.
This failure to secure the educational needs of all citizens, also generates a profound sense of unreason able inequality, butchering hopes of the rather neglect ed yet vibrant minds, who thereby seek refuge abroad.
The very pretext of the Ukrainian crisis, a lopsided image has been conveyed to the people. With the government on the driver’s seat, rescuing stranded Indi ans, people seem to be con fronted with several critical
questions, questions which have baffled us for years, but we have been too feeble to realise them.
Firstly, “Is our country incompetent to realise the unique potentialities har nessed by individuals, who may otherwise fail to live up to academic requirements?”, and “Does this accentu ate the problem of “brain drain”. Well, to my mind, the horizon appears to be quite clouded.
The quantitative legacy or what we call “marks” has been ingrained into academ ic endeavours. Subsequently, the pursuit of excellence has taken a back seat. Often a metaphorical reflection of the same as portrayed by beaming character of “Ran choddas Chanchad” from “3 Idiots”, epitomises the aforementioned statements, and how such instances subtly point out blemished academic prospects of our country.
Brain drain, a process whereby our lively and dy namic youth, wooed by brighter prospects on foreign shores, tend to shun all sorts
of ties with their parent country.
This has been highly pertinent to India’s disad vantage, and a by- product of these everlasting flaws. The practice of accepting wider shades of an indi vidual, has been in existence across different parts of the world. However, the same has failed to trickle down into the Indian educational context.
As I mentioned at the very outset, the fact that in view of increasing depen dence on rather “quantita tive calibre”, a void has been left in the ability to be more proactive and forthcoming. Conjuring up new skill sets to succeed in one’s own career prospects, as is the case abroad , has developed into a significant challenge for the youth of India.
It is imperative to un derstand this very term of “skill set”, and how it sig nificantly differs from our notions of extra and cocurricular activities. Now, there are two aspects to this. Firstly, by skillsets, we mean a range of ac
tivities performed outside the curricular walls, for the enhancement of the productive efficiency of an individual in the longer run, that could also comple ment his/her professional / academic commitments.
Extra or co-curriculars on the other hand, refer to an advancement of the same but more on a generalised level, and on a more specific instance, fail to complement the long-term aspirations of an individual. However, they do foster the objective of a “complete and holistic individual”.
Secondly, unique skills may/may not pertain to one’s own course or pro fession, but appear to be convergent and facilitate the smooth understanding of the nuances of the trade. Moreover, extra curriculars may fill the void of an indi vidual’s holistic profile, but fail to steer the individual to a path of academic con stancy. This very aspect has given rise to issues of unem ployment, which has given us sleepless nights. Several professional institutions,
perish from our own sins and in the hands of such evil people. For give us and save us from our sins.
Congregation: O Lord, have mercy on us! We surrender our lives to you!
Minister: The practice of moving boundary stones, land grabbing, community feud, un forgiving heart, jealousy, hatred, shedding of innocent blood for no justifiable reason etc., are still rampant in our land. Sanity and decency in our society are quickly vanishing. O Lord, heal us our ailing hearts. Heal our land from the curse of crimes, forgive us our sins and grant us to live in the land you have destined us.
Congregation: O Lord, have mercy on us! We surrender our lives to you!
Minister: For all these sins we genuinely ask your forgiveness. O Lord, have mercy on us! We pray this in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit!
And all God’s people say: Amen!
Rev. Tusaya Kath, Member, Nagaland Joint Christian Forum (NJCF), Superintendent of Assembly of Godin view of the changing professional environment, demand alternative skills to prepare individuals for the challenges of the present century. Consequently, the problem of unemployment has increased, as several lack such unique shades to their academic prospects.
Rote learning and bookish knowledge have proved to be perilous in the modern era. Consequently, we have an influx of online networks such as Coursera and Ud emy coming up, that convey the nuances of the trade.
As a by-product of the “New Educational Policy, 2020”, we witness a plethora of private institutions mod elled on the educational requirements abroad, com ing up in huge numbers.
The Ashoka University, OP Jindal Global Univer sity, Shiv Nadar University, Symbiosis are some of the eminent ones, to name a few.
Notwithstanding, the quality of education these institutions bring to the table, the financial quotient has always been a challenge for several. Moreover, even
if the cost of education is taken care of through schol arships, others associated with residence/hostels and miscellaneous costs add on to the burden.
Despite these pitfalls, there has been a system atic lowering in the existing reputation of our popular universities. Delhi Univer sity, earlier known for its sky rocketing cut-offs in the twelfth standard, has had to adopt the entrance-based method of “CUCET” for various courses even at the UG level.
However, the present trend of moving towards the entrance-based system, promotes a negative coach ing culture as seen in cases of JEE and NEET, thereby completely neglecting the high school profile.
The need of the hour for our age-old universities, is to change and broaden the way they go about evaluat ing an individual, to cope with the present challenges, in order for the system to refashion itself on the anvil of the modern era.
Ainesh DeyReader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the columns do not reflect the view of this newspaper nor that of the Editor in any manner.
When all else is lost, the future still remains.
The Opposition AIADMK presented a picture of con trast on Wednesday with former Chief Minister O Panneerselvam attending the Assembly session while the leader of opposition K Palaniswami staged a pro test here, demanding that the Speaker de-recognise the former as deputy floor leader of the party.
The principal oppo sition had boycotted the last day of the three-day Assembly session today to seek the Assembly Speaker to accept the party’s R B Udayakumar as the new deputy floor leader, replac ing Panneerselvam, who has been removed from the party.
Clad in black shirts and white dhotis, the AIADMK members gathered in large numbers at the historic Val luvar Kottam here to stage a fast agitation demanding that Udayakumar be allot ted Panneerselvam’s chair in the Assembly. They raised slogans denouncing the ruling DMK. The par ty’s women cadres turned up for the agitation wearing black sarees.
The police however detained Palaniswami, who is AIADMK’s interim gen eral secretary, along with his party members for stag ing a fast agitation without police permission. As a result, hundreds of agitat ing members were shifted to the Rajarathnam stadium, here, before being released. Speaking to reporters at the stadium, Palaniswami alleged “murder of democ racy” and accused Chief Minister M K Stalin of attempting to ‘demolish’ the AIADMK through Panneerselvam. When the police, present on the occa sion, objected to giving byte
to the media, a visibly an noyed Palaniswami raised his voice against the po lice. Immediately, the party members shouted at the police and Palaniswami had to restrain the AIADMK members.
Resuming after the brief disruption, he an nounced that the agita tion would continue till Udayakumar is accepted by the Assembly Speaker and made to occupy Panneer selvam’s chair, next to him.
“The Speaker (M Ap pavu) says Panneerselvam continues to be the deputy floor leader. This is injustice and biased, as Panneer
(PTI): Political strategist Prashant Kishor claimed on Wednesday that Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar is in touch with the BJP and that he may go for a tie-up with the party again if situation demands so, a suggestion dismissed by the JD(U) as misleading and aimed at spreading confusion.
Kishor, who is on a padyatra in Bihar in what is widely seen as a precur sor to his fresh entry into active politics, told PTI that Kumar has kept a line of communication open with the BJP through JD(U) MP and Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairperson Harivansh.
Query sent to Har ivansh for his reaction did not elicit any response but his party rejected the claim and asserted that Kumar will never join hands with the BJP again.
Kishor said, “People who are thinking that Nitish
(IANS): Delhi Chief Min ister Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to work together to improve the schools and education system across the country.
Offering his govern ment’s expertise to improve the schools, Kejriwal said that they could use it to transform the schools com pletely. “PM sir, we have done a wonderful job in the field of education in Delhi. In five years, all the gov ernment schools of Delhi were improved remarkably.
Schools across the country can be improved in five years,” Kejriwal said in a series of tweets in Hindi.
“We have experience in this field. Please use our ex perience completely for this. Let’s do it together for the country”. In an earlier tweet in the morning while shar ing PM Modi’s photo sitting in a school room, Kejriwal tweeted: “I am very happy that today all the parties and leaders of the country have to talk about education and schools. This is our biggest achievement. I hope that education is not missed only during elections. All govern ments together can make its schools great in just 5 years.”
Kumar is actively building a national alliance against the BJP will be surprised to know that he has kept a line open with the BJP. He is in touch with the BJP through his party MP and Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairperson Harivansh ji.”
He suggested that Har ivansh has not been asked to resign his Rajya Sabha post for this reason even though the JD(U) has severed ties with the BJP.
“People must keep this in mind that whenever such circumstances arise, he can go back to the BJP and work with it,” he said.
The JD(U) slammed Kishor, with its spokesper son KC Tyagi noting that the Bihar chief minister has publicly announced that he will never again in his life join hands with the
BJP. “We strongly refute his claims. Kumar is in active politics for over 50 years and Kishor for six months. Kishor has made such a mis leading comment to spread confusion,” Tyagi said.
Kishor started his ‘padyatra’ on October 2 from the Gandhi ashram in Beti harwa in West Champaran. He has set out to complete a 3,500-km journey in the next 12-15 months through Bihar, seeking people’s sup port to ‘change’ the system.
He was in the JD(U) for less than 18 months before being expelled from the party in 2020 for his stri dent criticism of Kumar for his support to the BJP over contentious measures like the Citizenship (Amend ment) Act. Kumar was then a BJP ally.
The JD(U) leader re cently snapped his party’s ties with the BJP and joined hands with the RJD-Con gress-Left alliance in Bihar and has vowed to work to build an alliance against the saffron party at the national level. A united opposition will topple the BJP from power at the Centre, he has asserted.
selvam has been expelled from the party three months ago,” Palaniswami said.
Even the three legisla tors who supported Pan neerselvam have been re moved from the AIADMK and the party’s general council elected former state minister R B Udayakumar as deputy floor leader, he said.
“Normally, the Chief Minister or leader of the opposition is decided by the respective party MLAs and not the Assembly. The Chief Minister would forfeit his position if a majority of party MLAs withdraw support and the same yard stick applies to the deputy floor leader,” Palaniswami argued. Palaniswami and the MLAs supporting him, skipped the first day of the Assembly session on Mon day to participate in the party’s foundation day cel ebrations.
Panneerselvam who attended the Assembly had celebrated the day sepa rately with his supporters.
On Tuesday, Palaniswami and his party MLAs were evicted from the Assembly House for causing a commotion over seating arrangement.
YADGIR (KTK), OCT 19 (PTI): Hitting back at the Congress for its ‘SayCM’ campaign, Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai on Wednesday called the grand old party “jobless”.
He said the BJP gov ernment in the state led by him believes in the fact that its work should speak for itself and is working for the welfare of the people.
“Let them do, let them do more. They are job less, so they are doing such things, but we have a re sponsibility to run the gov ernment and do public wel fare work. We are reaching out to people through our work. We believe that our work should speak rather than us speaking, and are doing our work,” Bommai said.
He was responding to a question on Congress’ ‘SayCM’ campaign.
The Congress in Kar nataka today announced the launch of ‘SayCM.com’ campaign, with ‘ SayCM QR code’, targeting Bom mai and the BJP govern ment over alleged unful filled promises made by the governing party in its 2018 poll manifesto.
BHUBANESWAR, OCT 19 (PTI): In the midst of the election campaign for the Dhamnagar assembly bypoll, the ruling Biju Janata Dal Wednesday expelled former MLA Rajendra Das, from the party for “antiparty activities”.
Rajendra, who was elected to Assembly from Dhamnagar assembly seg ment as a BJD candidate in 2009, has gone against the party diktat and filed his nomination paper as an independent candidate for the November 3 by-poll.
Das filed his papers despite requests from the party to withdraw his nomi nation. “Sri Rajendra Ku mar Das, EX-MLA of Biju Janta Dal, Dhamnagar Assembly Constituency, District- Bhadrak has been expelled from the Party for his anti-party activities by Shri Naveen Patnaik, Presi dent, Biju Janata Dal,” the BJD announced through a statement. Reacting to the announcement, an un fazed Das said he was not surprised by the BJD’s deci sion. “I welcome the deci sion as the people of Dham
nagar are with me. The action is a blessings for me,” he told reporters expressing confidence that he would win the by-polls. After being denying a party ticket Das, BJD fielded Abaniti Das, a woman self help group activist and chairperson of the Tihidi block in Bhadrak district, as its candidate. Incidentally, Rajendra had made her the chairperson of the Tihidi block.
Though Rajendra was a strong contender for the BJD ticket having lost the 2019 election to BC Sethi of BJP, whose demise necessi tated the by-election, the re gional party fielded Abanti Das to counter the sympa thy wave in favour of the BJP candidate Suryabanshi Suraj. The BJP has fielded Suraj, the son of ex-MLA Sethi, who passed away on September 19, 2022.
Rajendra’s decision to contest the by-poll after denial of the party ticket, has come as a shock for the ruling party as it won all the five by-elections held in the state since 2019 general elections for the State As sembly.
ABAD, OCT 19 (PTI): A 36-year-old woman was in hospital on Wednesday after being allegedly gang-raped by five men who nurtured a rivalry against her over property, police said.
Four of the accused have been arrested, they said.
According to authori ties at the Guru Teg Baha dur Hospital, the woman’s condition is stable and no
internal injury has been found yet.
Sources at the hospital, however, said there were signs of sexual assault and a “foreign object” was found in her body.
Earlier in the day, the Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) had issued a notice to Ghaziabad police in connection with the case, with the panel chief Swati Maliwal saying the attack reminded her of the Nirb
haya case.
The woman, a resident of Nand Nagri in Delhi, was found in Ghaziabad “wrapped in a jute bag, with her hands and legs tied and an iron rod inserted in her private part,” the DCW had claimed.
According to Nipun Agarwal, Superintendent of Police (City-I) Ghaziabad, Nandgram police station received a call on the 112 emergency helpline number
at around 3.30 am on Oc tober 18, saying a woman was found lying on Ashram road.
He said the police took her to a nearby hospital, but she insisted that she be ad mitted to a hospital in Delhi. She was then taken to GTB Hospital.
In her statement to po lice, the woman said she had been to Gurugram to cel ebrate her brother’s birthday, a day before the incident.
HYDERABAD, OCT 19 (IANS): AIMIM president Asaduddin Owaisi has urged Prime Minister Na rendra Modi to defend the Places of Worship (Special Provisions) Act, 1991 before the Supreme Court.
In a letter to the Prime Minister, the Hyderabad MP said he should defend the Act as it upholds India’s diversity.
Owaisi wrote the letter in the wake of the hearing in the Supreme Court of a petition challenging the constitutionality of the Act. The apex court has sought the Central government’s stand on the legislation.
The MP wrote that it is a general duty of the execu tive to defend the constitu tionality of parliamentary legislation.
He pointed out that the Act was enacted to protect the character of places of worship as they stood on August 15, 1947.
The primary purpose behind such a provision was to protect the diversity and pluralism in India. This was to ensure that independent India did not suffer from religious disputes that cause perpetual divisions in soci
Asaduddin Owaisiety. This was clearly a reflec tion of the values of India’s freedom struggle, he said.
“When this law was introduced in Parliament, it was rightly stated to be a measure necessary to avoid controversies that arise from time to time regarding con version of places of worship which tend to vitiate the communal atmosphere. It was enacted as a law with the hope that it would heal the wounds of the past and help restore communal am ity and goodwill,” reads the letter.
Owaisi recalled that while deciding the Babri Masjid dispute, the Supreme Court had stated that by enacting the 1991 Act, the state had enforced the con stitutional commitment and operationalised its constitu tional obligation to uphold the principle of secularism,
which is part of the basic structure of the Constitu tion.
“While Parliament in tended the Act as a mea sure to preserve communal harmony and peace, the Supreme Court considered it to be an affirmation of the solemn duty which was cast upon the State to preserve and protect the equality of all faiths as an essential constitutional value, a norm which has the status of being basic feature of the Constitution.”
Owaisi further urged the Prime Minister not to let the executive take any view which deviates from the true spirit of constitutionalism as reflected in the Supreme Court judgment as well as in the aims and objects of the legislation.
The MP said the apex court found that the concept of ‘constitutional morality’ is embedded in our consti tutional system, adding that it is the basic rule which prevents institutions from turning tyrannical, warns against the fallibility of in dividuals in a democracy, checks State power and safe guards minorities from the tyranny of the majority.
cause of “population imbal ance.”
“Population imbalance caused by infiltration from Bangladesh has been seen in districts of north Bihar, including Purnia and Kati har, and in other states,’’ he said at the press conference in Gohania, 25 km from the district headquarters.
PRAYAGRAJ (UP), OCT 19 (PTI): RSS leader Datta treya Hosabale on Wednes day said religious conver sion and migration from Bangladesh are causing “population imbalance” and called for strict imple mentation of anti-conver sion laws.
Addressing reporters after a four-day all-India working committee meeting of the Rashtriya Swayam sevak Sangh here, the RSS general secretary said the or ganisation is trying to create awareness on conversions.
He said as a result there has been a favourable outcome of “Ghar Wapsi” -- the Sangh Parivar effort to
bring back to the Hindu fold people it says converted to faiths like Islam and Chris tianity.
He said the existing laws to prevent religious conversion need to be imple mented strictly.
This was an appar ent reference to laws in some states, including Uttar Pradesh, that prohibit con version by force or allure ment, particularly through marriage.
RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat too attended the meet in Prayagraj from Oc tober 16 to 19.
Hosabale claimed that after conversion, infiltra tion was the second biggest
The RSS leader said those who changed their religion should not get the benefit of reservation.
He referred to the com mittee formed under former Chief Justice of India K G Balakrishnan to exam ine whether communities that adopted other religions should get the Scheduled Caste status.
Hosabale said the meeting also discussed in creasing the participation of women in social activities of the Hindu community.
“Women are entering every sector. Their role in decision making in social work must also increase,” he said. The RSS said 372 Sangh workers attended the meeting.
‘Jobless Cong’ is doing ‘SayCM’ campaign: Bommai
NEW DELHI, OCT 19 (PTI): RBI Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) member Ashima Goyal on Wednes day said that the efforts of the Reserve Bank to contain price rise by repeatedly in creasing interest rates will help in containing inflation, which is likely to fall below 6 per cent next year.
Goyal further said that the policy rate hikes have largely reversed pandemictime cuts but the real rate remains low enough not to hurt the growth recovery.
“With a lag of twothree quarters, higher real rates will reduce demand in the economy.
“International com modity prices are softening with the global slowdown and supply chain bottle necks have reduced,” she told PTI in a telephonic interview.
In order to control ris ing inflation, the RBI on September 30, raised the short-term lending rate for the third consecutive time by 50 bps to take the repo rate to 5.9 per cent. Since May it has cumulatively in creased the key interest rate by 190 basis points.
“The Indian govern
ment is also taking action to reduce supply-side inflation. Current projections show inflation falling below 6 per cent next year,” Goyal said.
The central bank is mandated to keep inflation at 4 per cent with a 2 per cent margin on either side.
According to Goyal, a mildly positive real inter est rate can act to reduce inflation, with supportive supply-side action, while imposing minimal growth sacrifice.
She noted that today the forward-looking real interest rate is positive and such a rapid response in an inflation targeting regime to inflation exceeding toler ance bands, helps anchor inflation expectations.
India’s consumer price
(NPN): Apollo Hospi tals, Visakhapatnam has successfully performed first ever Transcatheter
Mitral Valve Replace ment (TMVR) in Andhra Pradesh. According to Apollo Hospitals, a 61-yearold woman successfully underwent a Trans-catheter Mitral Valve Replacement (TMVR).
The procedure was performed in two hours by the doctors of Apollo Hospitals and the patient recovered well.
A valve in valve trans catheter mitral valve re placement (ViV-TMVR) is a mitral valve replace
ment procedure that allows Cardiologist to replace a diseased previously surgi cally implanted mitral valve with a new valve without surgery. The patient had previously undergone open heart surgery with replace ment of the mitral valve along with aortic valve replacement in 2013.
After relevant investi gations, it was found that the replaced mitral valve had degenerated over time and required another re placement. Since the pa tient was at very high risk for a repetitive open-heart surgery, a percutaneous ap proach was used to replace the diseased mitral valve.
index (CPI) based infla tion in September rose to a five-month high of 7.41 per cent, remaining well above the upper tolerance level of RBI’s inflation targeting framework for the ninth consecutive month.
Replying to a question on the Indian rupee touch ing a historic low, Goyal pointed out that a more depreciated rupee makes imports more expensive and hurts those who have bor rowed abroad but may raise returns for some exporters.
While observing that lower imports and higher exports can help reduce the current account deficit, she said the dollar is strengthen ing against all currencies as rising Fed rates attract funds back to the US.
(IANS): India now has more than 450 active Web3 startups, with four unicorns, that have raised $1.3 billion funding (till April 2022), a Nasscom report said on Wednesday.
Currently, India is home to over 11 per cent of the global Web3 talent, making the country the third largest Web3 talent pool worldwide.
Between 2021-2022, India registered over 170 new Web3 startups, yield ing over 50 per cent CAGR growth since 2015.
With increasing con fidence and interest from global investors, investments in Indian Web3 and Web 2.5 startups have also soared. New age incubators have pooled in over $587 million, said the NAsscom report with VC firm Hashed Emer gent, prepared in research partnership with Zinnov Consulting.
“While we are only scratching the surface when it comes to emerging tech such as Web3, the ‘Techade’ will be all about the tech nology making significant advances leading to innova tive use-cases and magnified positive impact at a grass roots level,” said Debjani
Ghosh, President, Nasscom.
Web3 has become a buzzword with techno logical concepts, such as metaverse and non-fungi ble tokens (NFTs) gaining prominence.
In terms of distribu tion, over 80 per cent of Indian Web3 startups are in the tier I cities.
However, the tier 2 and 3 ecosystem is growing rap idly with locations such as Jaipur, Vadodara, Ahmed abad, Kolkata, Trivandrum and Coimbatore evolving as emerging hubs for Web3 startups.
Today, nearly 75,000 Blockchain professionals are actively employed by the tech industry in India, the report said.
This surge in Web3 startups has driven up the adoption of blockchain. Startups focused on other emerging technologies are building solutions for onchain consumption.
While the global de mand for blockchain special ists and developers surges, India’s existing, and fastest growing digital talent pool has incumbent advantages when it comes to expertise development, quick reskill ing, and bridging the Web3 demand-supply gap.
(From p-1)
Interacting with stu dents at the IIT, he also spoke about violence against women, comparing it to a “big cancer” and called for an “emergency plan” to tackle it in every country.
He also pointed out that women activists and politicians are targeted in a big way on social media.
The UN is working to achieve gender parity within its own organization, he said.
“I must confess that there is one problem that I did not manage to solve. Many people thought -- and
I fully respect that -- the sec retary general of the United Nations must be a woman,” he said.
Climate goals: Speak ing on climate change, he said there was a need for a historical pact between developed and developing countries to counter it and keep the temperature under control.
G20 countries are re sponsible for 80 per cent of global emissions and they must take the lead in cutting greenhouse gases, he added.
“We need a historical pact in which developed countries strongly support,
with financial and techni cal resources, the emerging economies to allow for com bined efforts of the two with extra requirements from the developed countries to allow us to defeat climate change and keep the temperature under control,” he said.
Climate crisis could be the greatest barrier to collective development aspi rations, and India is no ex ception. It is already a grave threat to India’s economy, agriculture and food sector, and to the health, lives and livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people, Guterres pointed out.
Rupee touches record low of 83.18 said last week that she saw it more as a case of dollar strengthening rather than rupee falling.
NEW DELHI, OCT 19 (IANS): The rupee touched a historic low of 83.18 against the dollar briefly during intraday trading, before it closed at 82.74 on Wednesday. However, the rupee’s close of 82.74 was lower than Tuesday’s close of 82.45 against the dollar.
Earlier in the day, ru pee had opened at 82.37 but later fell to a record low of 83.18 against the dollar.
Analysts have attrib uted rupee’s fall to growing
inflation concerns across the globe which has strength ened the dollar, more so due to expectations of hike in key rates by major central banks the world over.
With the UK facing a 40-year high inflation, mar ket watchers are speculating that the Bank of England may hike rates to curb ris ing prices.
Falling rupee has been a concern and Finance Min ister Nirmala Sitharaman, when asked about the dip,
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North Korea fired about 100 more artillery shells toward the sea Wednesday in response to South Korean live-firing drills at border ar eas as the rivals accuse each other of dialing up tensions on the Korean Peninsula with weapons tests.
The drills conducted by both sides come amid heightened animosities over recent North Korean missile tests that it calls simulated nuclear attacks on South Korean and U.S. targets.
South Korea’s military detected the artillery being fired from a western North Korean coastal town, the Joint Chiefs of Staff said in a statement. On Tuesday night, North Korea fired about 100 shells off its west coast and 150 rounds off its east coast, the Joint Chiefs of Staff said earlier.
Both days, the North Korean shells landed in the northern parts of the maritime buffer zones the two Koreas created off their eastern and western coasts as part of agreements they made in 2018 to reduce tensions, according to the
South’s Joint Chiefs of Staff.
North Korea also fired hundreds of shells at the buf fer zones Friday in its most significant direct violation of the 2018 agreement.
North Korea’s military said the launches were a warning against what it called provocative South Korean artillery firing drills along the border earlier this week.
“Our army strongly warns the enemy forces to immediately stop the highly irritating provocative act in the frontline areas,” an unidentified spokesperson at the General Staff of the North’s Korean People’s
Army said in a statement Wednesday.
South Korea’s Defense Ministry said it conducted artillery drills at land border areas as part of its annual military exercises. But it said its drills didn’t violate the 2018 accord because its shells didn’t land in the buf fer zones.
South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff warned North Korea to immedi ately stop provocations that threaten peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula. It added that it is boosting its military readiness and, in coordination with the United States, is closely
said in televised remarks at the start of a Security Council meeting. “Those who are on the frontlines or undergoing training at firing ranges and training centers should feel our support and know that they have our big, great country and unified people behind their back.”
monitoring North Korea’s moves.
There were no reports of violence between the two Koreas. But animosities could persist as North Ko rea will likely react to South Korea’s ongoing annual “Hoguk” field exercises with its own weapons tests. South Korean officials said the ”Hoguk” drills are aimed at improving a military readi ness against North Korean nuclear and missile threats and involve an unspecified number of U.S. troops.
North Korea views regular South Korea-U.S. military training as an inva sion rehearsal. It said its recent barrage of missile tests were meant to issue a warning to one of the allies’ earlier exercises involving a U.S. aircraft carrier.
In parts of the “Hoguk” drills open to the media, South Korean and U.S. troops built floating bridges on a river southeast of Seoul to let tanks and other ar mored vehicles move over them. South Korea’s army said Wednesday’s training was meant to deal with a hypothetical enemy attack
that would leave some of the bridges over the river destroyed.
“It’s so far been ex tremely successful and dem onstrated the strength of the ROK-U.S. alliance,” said Capt. Sean Kasprisin, a company commander at the U.S. military, using the initials of South Korea’s of ficial name, the Republic of Korea. “We are definitely stronger together with the two nations.”
From Oct. 31 to Nov. 4, South Korea and the United States will also hold combined air force drills involving some 240 war planes, including F-35 fight ers operated by both nations. The drills are designed to in spect the two countries’ joint operation capabilities and improve combat readiness, the South Korean military said Tuesday.
China’s Foreign Min istry spokesperson, Wang Wenbin, said at a briefing Wednesday that Beijing hopes all relevant countries would keep trying to look for a political settlement to ease tensions on the Korean Peninsula.
Chinese authorities in Tibet have sentenced six Tibetan writers and activists to pris on terms from four to 14 years on charges of “inciting separatism” and “endanger ing state security”, Tibetan sources said, as per a media report.
The six were sentenced in September in Sichuan’s Kardze Tibetan Autono mous Prefecture after being held incommunicado for from one to two years fol lowing their arrests, a source living in exile said, RFA reported. “This was all done in complete secrecy,” RFA’s source, a former political prisoner living in Switzer land named Golog Jigme, said, citing contacts in the region. “Because of tight restrictions and constant scrutiny inside Tibet, it is very difficult now to learn more detailed information about their current health conditions or where they are being held,” Jigme added.
Sentenced by the Kardze People’s Court were Gangkye Drupa Kyab, a
w riter and former school teacher now serving a 14year prison term; Seynam, a writer and environmen tal activist given a six-year term; and Gangbu Yudrum, a political activist now serv ing a seven-year term.
Also sentenced by the court in Kardze were Tser ing Dolma, a political activ ist given eight years; Pema Rinchen, a writer given four years; and Samdup, a politi cal activist now serving an eight-year term. The arrests and sentencing of the group, who had also served previ ous prison terms for their ac
tivities, underscore Beijing’s continuing drive to destroy the influence of men and women whose views of life in Tibetan regions of China go against official Chinese narratives, RFA reported.
Formerly an indepen dent nation, Tibet was in vaded and incorporated into China by force more than 70 years ago, and Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama and thousands of his followers later fled into exile in India and other countries around the world following a failed 1959 national upris ing against China’s rule.
Russian President Vladimir Putin declared martial law Wednesday in the four re gions of Ukraine that Mos cow annexed and gave ad ditional emergency powers to the heads of all regions of Russia.
Putin didn’t immedi ately spell out the steps that would be taken under martial law, but said his
order was effective starting Thursday. His decree gives law enforcement agencies three days to submit spe cific proposals and orders the creation of territorial defense forces in the four annexed regions.
“We are working to solve very difficult largescale tasks to ensure Rus sia’s security and safe future, to protect our people,” Putin
The upper house of Russia’s parliament was set to quickly seal Putin’s decision to impose martial law in the annexed Do netsk, Kherson, Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia regions. Draft legislation indicates it may involve restrictions on travel and public gather ings, tighter censorship and broader authority for law enforcement agencies.
Putin also didn’t pro vide details of the extra powers the heads of Russian regions will have under his decree.
WELLINGTON, OCT 19 (IANS): The New Zealand government is strengthen ing counter-terrorism laws to make it harder for people who are known threats to undertake terrorist acts, Jus tice Minister Kiri Allan said on Wednesday.
British Prime Minister Liz Truss faces a House of Commons grilling Wednes day from a hostile opposi tion — and her own furious Conservative Party — as she tries to fend off calls to quit over her botched economic plan. Truss is set to attend the weekly Prime Minister’s Questions ses sion two days after newly appointed Treasury chief Jeremy Hunt ripped up
the tax-cutting package unveiled by the prime min ister’s new government less than a month ago.
The package of un funded tax cuts announced Sept. 23 sparked turmoil on financial markets, ham mered the value of the pound and increased the cost of U.K. government borrowing. The Bank of England was forced to in tervene to prevent the crisis spreading to the wider econ
omy and putting pensions at risk. Under intense political and economic pressure, Truss last week fired her ally Kwasi Kwarteng as Treasury chief, replacing him with Cabinet veteran Hunt. On Monday Hunt scrapped almost all of Truss’ tax cuts, along with her flagship en ergy policy and her promise of no public spending cuts. He said the government will need to save billions of pounds and there are “many difficult decisions” to be made before he sets out a medium-term fiscal plan on Oct. 31. Foreign Secretary James Cleverly urged Conservatives to give Truss another chance, say ing “mistakes happen.”
“What you’ve got to do is recognize when they’ve happened and have humility to make changes when you see things didn’t go right,” he said. Official figures re leased Wednesday showed U.K. inflation rose to 10.1%
in September, returning to a 40-year high first hit in July, as the soaring cost of food squeezed household bud gets. While inflation is high around the world – driven
up by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and its effect energy supplies – polls show most Britons blame the govern ment for the country’s eco nomic pain.
Yanpha Village Council would like to express its sincere thanks and gratitude to the concern department and all the individuals/officials involved in establishing the Sub-Divisional Horticulture Office (SDHO) at Yanpha Village.
Further extend our sincere appreciation and thanks to the following for the inclusion and approval of SHDO at Ralan Area.
1. Hon’ble Chief Minister and his Cabinet Colleagues.
2. Hon’ble MLA & Advisor, Horticulture.
3. Hon’ble MLA & Advisor, IT SST, NRE.
4. Commissioner and Secretary, Horticulture.
5. Director, Horticulture.
May our Lord God Almighty continue to bless you all with good health.
Wobenthung Ovung Limhathung Humtsoe Secretary Chairman Yanpha Village Council Yanpha Village CouncilAkimiji : "Küqhakulu Vecheo Thuwuni".
CANBERRA, OCT 19 (AP): Australian Prime Minister Anthony Alba nese said on Wednesday he will discuss with his Japanese counterpart Fu mio Kishida strengthen ing their bilateral defense and security partnership to counter a more asser tive China when the lead ers meet in Australia this week.
Kishida will make the first visit to Australia by a Japanese prime minister since Shinzo Abe in 2018 when he arrives Friday in the west coast city of Perth, officials said.
“Prime Minister Kishida and I will discuss ways to strengthen our cooperation and achieve our shared vision for a peaceful, stable, climate re silient and prosperous Indo Pacific,” Albanese said in a statement. Kishida and Albanese will consider further implementing the Reciprocal Access Agree ment, a security coopera tion pact Kishida struck in January with then-Austra lian Prime Minister Scott
Morrison that removes obstacles to holding joint military exercises in either country.
“Discussions be tween leaders will look to strengthen the defense and security partnership, and leaders will consider next steps to implement the Reciprocal Access Agree ment, which will enhance the ability of defense forces to operate and exercise to gether,” Albanese’s office said in a statement.
The leaders were plan ning a new declaration on security cooperation that would revamp a document signed in 2007, Kyodo News reported this week.
Signed by then-Prime Ministers Abe and John Howard, the pact com mitted the countries to regional and global peace and stability as well as cooperation on counterter rorism and rebuilding Iraq after the 2003 Iraq War.
The new agreement would be more “ambi tious” than the 2007 ver sion, Australian Broad casting Corp. reported.
Following the terror attack in Auckland’s Lynn Mall supermarket last year, where the individual re sponsible was known to be a threat to New Zealand’s security, the cabinet sought a review on how the con trol order regime could be strengthened, Xinhua news agency quoted Allan as saying in a statement. “The changes we are making will improve the effectiveness of the Control Orders Act, and expand the criteria for high-risk individuals who can be covered by the re strictions, which limit their ability to undertake an at tack,” she said.
“While no law can ever stop a motivated terrorist from undertaking an attack, these changes will go a long way in preventing, disrupt ing and limiting their ability to do so.” The changes to the control order regime include expanding the eligibility criteria for those who can be covered by a control order to include if the person has received a conviction for ob jectionable publications that promote torture, extreme violence, or cruelty.
This is in addition to the current criteria, which includes a conviction for objectionable publications that promote terrorism.
The Vedami Kuposhukulu Dimapur (VKD) extends its heartiest congratulations to Shri. N. Vikheho Aye , S/o Lt. Niyikhu Aye on being promoted/ elevated to the Post of Joint Director Department of Industries & Commerce Government of Nagaland.
The Vedami Kuposhukulu Dimapur (VKD) is overjoyed at your exemplary achievement and We further believe that your success will inspire the young and old to aspire for greater heights and we wish the best in all your future endeavours.
1. In the report of Nagaland Post News published on October 16, 2022. Page 3. Headline “Conference of Ao Villages Established from Koritang”. Among the report of short speeches delivered, Mr Talichiba. Tatar Khensa (as published) should be corrected as Talichiba. Jungler. Khensa.
2. Tir Yimyim Adok October 16, 2022 page 2. “Chuchuyimpang Yimtak 3 Buba Kortang nungi yim kumtetta Aortem Telongjem Mungdang aka” iba rasa zulua aluba nungji, otep jembir rongnungji Wb. Tsuktisangba tatar Khensa ta alibaji Wb. Talichiba Jungler Khensa ta metongshitsur
R apper Kanye West continues to attract controversies as the daughter of George Floyd, whose death in police custody triggered global protests against racism, is now planning to file a $250 million lawsuit against the rapper over controversial remarks he made about the manner of Floyd’s death.
Attorneys for Floyd’s family have issued a ceaseand-desist letter to the rapper -- also known as Ye -- and have claimed that his daughter has been “retraumatised” over his comments, reports Mirror. co.uk.
They have also suggested that Kanye is “creating an unsafe and unhealthy environment for her”. Roxie Washington, who is acting on behalf of her child and the sole beneficiary of Floyd’s estate, is suing Kanye, his business partners and
associates for “harassment, misappropriation, defamation, and the infliction of emotional distress”.
They are seeking $250 million in damages.
According to Mirror.co.uk, Kanye’s remarks during his recent appearance on podcast Drink Champs is cited in the press release released by Witherspoon Law Group and Dixon & Dixon Attorneys At Law, who
are representing Floyd’s daughter.
“Kanye West knowingly made blatantly false statements about George Floyd’s death to promote his brands, and increase marketing value and revenue for himself, his business partners, and associates,” Floyd’s legal representation claimed.
“During the podcast interview, Kanye West stated malicious falsehoods about George Floyd to
profit from Mr Floyd’s horrendous death and his family’s trauma,” the statement added.
Mirror.co.uk further states that the full interview has since been removed from YouTube and RevoltTV, but clips of the rapper’s rant continue to be viewed and shared on social media platforms by millions across the world.
“The interests of the child are a priority. George Floyd’s daughter is being retraumatised by Kanye West’s comments and he’s creating an unsafe and unhealthy environment for her,” the lawyers’ statement said.
Floyd died after being arrested by Derek Chauvin and three other officers on May 25, 2020. He had been handcuffed and was lying face down on the street as officer Chauvin knelt on his neck for nine minutes.
(IANS)British rock band
Coldplay’s ‘Music of The Spheres’ World Tour concert, which will be held at the River Plate stadium in Argentina, will be broadcast live on the big screens across India on October 29. Indian fans of the band will get to be a part of all the action as they experience Coldplay’s magic as they will perform hits like ‘Viva La Vida’, ‘A Sky Full of Stars’ and ‘My Universe’, ‘Yellow’, ‘The Scientist’ and ‘Fix You’.
The event will be organised by PVR Pictures, which is the film production and distribution arm of the PVR Group.
Talking about the exclusive broadcast, Kamal Gianchandani, CEO, PVR Pictures, said in a statement, “PVR Pictures always seeks to bring the best of content from across the globe to Indian shores. The live broadcast of the Coldplay concert is our endeavour to create a stadium like atmosphere at a cinema near you.”(IANS)
The Supreme Court on Wednesday declined to list urgently a petition against Ajay Devgn-starrer Hindi film “Thank God”, scheduled for release on October 25.
A bench, headed by Chief Justice U.U. Lalit and comprising Justice Bela M. Trivedi, said there is nothing urgent here and posted the matter for hearing in November.
Counsel, representing ‘Sri Chitragupta Welfare Trust’, mentioned the matter before the top court seeking urgent hearing in the matter, and sought directions for removing the trailers and posters of the movie from YouTube and other platforms.
“Thank God” is written and directed by Indra Kumar, with Ajay Devgn, Sidharth Malhotra and Rakul Preet Singh playing lead roles.
Counsel pressed that the movie is slated for release on October 25 and
the matter would become infructuous. However, the bench was not convinced.
Citing the trailer of the film, the plea claimed that there are derogatory expressions, statements, dialogues and insulting images, and videos in and around the character of
God Chitragupta played by Ajay Devgn. The petitioner claimed that movie posters and the trailer are spreading insulting and derogatory messages against the deity across the country and the world.
BTS will reportedly be allowed to participate in “national-level” events in South Korea even while serving in their compulsory military terms, the defence ministry has announced.
On October 18, Moon Hong-sik, the acting spokesperson for the South Korean defence ministry, told press that the members of BTS will still be allowed to participate in events while serving in the military.
A rescue dog turned police mascot has become one of Brazil’s most beloved furry internet sensations.
Dubbed “Corporal Oliveira,” the dog was taken in by Rio police officer Cristiano Oliveira, who found him in 2019 near his police station abandoned, injured and hungry.
The dog - decked out
in a police uniform with a toy gun strapped in and sunglasses - has become the official mascot of the Rio de Janeiro Military Police’s 17th batallion, patrolling alongside his officer and running beside motorbikes.
“I took a coat, a police shirt and put it on him as a joke. I took a picture and sent it to our station’s roster groups and posted them
there,” said Oliveira. “And then the joke started going viral.”
Now, the furry corporal has his own Instagram account with more than 117,000 followers.
“If I don’t post a picture for three days people are already demanding ‘Where is Oliveira?’ ‘Where did Oliveira go?’” said the officer, laughing. (Reuters)
“Our position is that we will provide an opportunity if they wish to participate when there is a national-level event for the public good or an event designed in light of the national interest,” Moon said, per The Korea Times.
Typically, K-pop artists in active service
If you’re unfortunate enough to get cancer, it seems like the first option from your oncologist – even today – is endless rounds of chemotherapy drugs.
One reason is that it’s all they know. But there’s another very concerning reason…
Chemotherapy drugs can make oncologists very, very rich.
You see, most doctors will just write you a prescription for a drug. But not oncologists. They are allowed to buy these drugs at wholesale prices and then sell them to cancer patients at marked-up prices.
They’re the only specialists in mainstream medicine that are allowed to profit directly from the sale of a drug. And they depend on that money. It’s estimated that selling chemo drugs makes up 2/3 of cancer doctors’ incomes!
It’s a pretty strong incentive to keep using these drugs. I’ve been using turmeric as a powerful medicinal since my first trip to Bali.
The exclusion of natural cancer therapies is universal. If there are cancer doctors out there who recommend these remedies, I haven’t met them. Not a single one. In fact, if you’re a cancer patient, they’ll likely tell you to toss out any supplements you’re taking.
When I see a patient with cancer, I often feel like it’s a war between me and their oncologist… with the
patient stuck in the middle.
I understand that getting a cancer diagnosis is scary. And that most people would be willing to pay any price for a cure.
The good news is you don’t have to. Mother Nature has powerful cancerkillers that not only destroy cancer cells… but prevent them from ever forming in the first place.
And two of the most powerful weapons in her cancer-fighting arsenal are galangal and turmeric. Their ability to wipe out deadly cancer cells is so remarkable, I like to call them nature’s “1-2 cancer punch.”
The root of the galangal plant has been used in Southeast Asian cooking and traditional medicine for thousands of years. And it’s loaded with cancerfighting compounds like beta-sitosterol, galangin, and emodin. In studies:
Beta-sitosterol decreased cancer cell growth by 24% and induced programmed cell death fourfold in a line of prostate cancer cells.1
Galangin killed human
colon cancer cells.2
Emodin suppressed tumors and improved immunity.3
One study from Thailand showed that galangal is effective at treating different kinds of throat cancer.4 Another showed that it inhibits the growth of a type of gut bacteria that’s been linked to gastrointestinal cancers.5
In the UK, researchers found that an extract of galangal triggered enzymes that help cells rid themselves of carcinogens. It also killed breast and lung cancer cells.6,7
If galangal is Mother Nature’s jab, turmeric is her right hook.
The root of the turmeric plant contains a powerful compound called curcumin. It’s what gives Indian curry dishes their yellow color. It’s an age-old cure in India for everything from smallpox to sprains!
How Does Curcumin Fight Cancer?
Curcumin’s ability to fight cancer is nothing short of extraordinary. In fact, curcumin is known to target 10 separate factors that can lead to cancer.
You’d have a good shot at preventing cancer by just eliminating one factor… imagine eliminating 10!
Studies have shown that curcumin:
Triggers programmed cell death in breast cancer cells
Targets destruction of cancer-cell mitochondria while leaving healthy cells alone
Halts replication of cancerous cells
Prevents DNA damage
Targets cancer stem cells, which are at the root of tumor formation and malignancy
Both galangal and curcumin are loaded with antioxidants, which neutralize and remove dangerous free radicals from your body. They’re also great at reducing inflammation.
That’s the main cause of
are not able to perform outside of military events. While some acts have released music recorded in advance while serving, they are usually unable to hold concerts or make public appearances for
promotional purposes.
The statement comes after Big Hit Music announced yesterday (October 17) that all seven members of the boyband would fulfil their compulsory military terms.
Big Hit’s announcement came after a lengthy debate amongst South Korean politicians discussing the possibility of a military exemption or alternative service for BTS.
“Big Hit Music
has focused [on] the milestone moment when it would be possible to respect the needs of the country and for these healthy young men to serve with their countrymen, and that’s now,” said the agency. It added that eldest member Jin would be the first to enlist later this year, as soon as he concludes promotions for his upcoming solo single.
The remaining members of the group will schedule their own enlistment dates around their individual upcoming solo projects.
The agency also revealed that BTS plan to reconvene some time in 2025, which suggests that younger members Jimin, V and Jungkook (born in 1995 and 1997) may enlist earlier than expected, well ahead of their 30th birthdays. (NME)
cancer and the other chronic diseases we face today.
So why don’t oncologists tell their patients about these two wonder plants? Because they’re cheap and readily available. And by giving you a REAL cure, they’d be giving up their cash cow.
For curcumin, look for a turmeric supplement that contains the black pepper extract piperine (also called Bioperine). It increases the absorption of curcumin by as much as 2,000%.
Also, choose one with at least 90% curcuminoids. I recommend 1,000 mg taken twice daily.
Galangal is available in capsule form and as a powder. You can also find it in tinctures mixed with ginger. Take 100 mg twice a day. Dr Al Sears MD
ODENSE (DENMARK), OCT 19 (IANS): Com monwealth Games 2022 gold medallists Lakshya Sen and Satwiksairaj Rankireddy and Chirag Shetty advanced to the mens singles and mens doubles round of 16, re spectively, at the Den mark Open 2022 but their compatriot Saina Nehwal crashed out of the tourna ment, here on Wednesday.
Lakshya Sen, who climbed to a career-best world No 8 in the BWF world rankings last week, beat Tokyo Olympics bronze-medallist Anthony Sinisuka Ginting of Indo nesia 21-16, 21-12 in his men’s singles campaign opener.
The 21-year old Lak shya set the tone early on and took full advantage as Ginting, the world No 6, struggled to find his range on the day. Despite a late hiccup, the Indian badmin ton player took the opening game.
He was more ruthless in the second game and it reflected on the scoreline as he extended his head-tohead record against Gint ing to 3-0.
Lakshya will either face compatriot HS Pran
noy or China’s Zhao Jun Peng in the next round.
On the other hand, World championships bronze-medallists Chirag Shetty and Satwikrairaj Rankireddy played some attacking badminton to beat South Korea’s Kang Min Hyuk and Seo Seung Jae 21-15, 21-19.
The Indian pair, seed ed seventh, will now face a tough encounter against reigning All England Open champions Muhammad Fikri and Bagas Maulana of Indonesia in the next round. Meanwhile, former world No 1 Saina Nehwal bowed out of the Den
mark Open 2022 women’s singles event after a hardfought 17-21, 21-19, 11-21 loss to Zhang Yi Man of China.
After losing the first game, Saina fought back in the second and had as many as four game points before finally forcing a decider. However, the Lon don 2012 Olympic medal list ran out of steam as Zhang Yi Man took back control in the third game and completed a fine vic tory.
This is the third straight tournament where Saina has been knocked out in the opening round.
(IANS): India captain Har manpreet Kaur on Wednes day withdrew from par ticipating in the ongoing Women’s Big Bash League (WBBL) for the Melbourne Renegades due to back in jury. Harmanpreet, 33, had earlier missed the Rene gades’ opening two matches against Adelaide Strikers and Brisbane Heat due to leading India to their seventh Women’s Asia Cup victory in Sylhet, Bangladesh.
England batter Eve Jones, who was signed as an initial replacement for Harmanpreet, will now be signed on as an overseas replacement player by the Renegades. “Harmanpreet was fantastic for us last sea son and we were looking forward to having her as part of our squad again this year, but unfortunately she has been ruled out through injury. Eve will stay on with our squad for at least the next couple of matches, as we work through the best strategy for our squad for the remainder of the tournament,” said James Rosengarten, Melbourne Renegades general manager. In the 2021 season of the WBBL, Harmanpreet was a crucial cog in the wheel for the Renegades, scoring 406 runs at an average of 58 and strike-rate of 130.96 in 12 innings.
KUWAIT CITY, OCT 19 (PTI): Skipper Taison Singh and Gurkirat Singh struck in either half as India edged past hosts Kuwait 2-1 in their final qualification match but the third-place finish in Group H was not good enough to qualify for the next year’s AFC U-20 Asian Cup.
India finished ahead of Kuwait but behind top pers Australia and secondplaced Iraq in the qualifica tion event, which identified participants for next year’s tournament in Uzbekistan.
Top teams from all the 10 groups and the five best runners-up qualified for the final tournament, with Uzbekistan getting a direct entry as hosts in the 16-team continental event to be held from March 1 to 18 in 2023.
India had lost 2-4 and 1-4 to Iraq and Australia respectively in their pre vious group matches. In the match against Kuwait on Tuesday night, Taison Singh and Gurkirat Singh scored for India while Saleh Almehtab pulled one back for the hosts at the Ali Sa bah Al-Salem Stadium.
India started on the front foot, and in the very first minute, a long throw hurled into the box caused some confusion in the Ku wait defence, resting in an Indian corner.
Himanshu Jangra
19 (REUTERS): The Golden State Warriors re sponded to a fourth cham pionship-ring ceremony in the last eight years with a performance it hopes will lead to a fifth in nine, riding Stephen Curry’s game-high 33 points to a 123-109 vic tory over the visiting Los Angeles Lakers on Open ing Night in the NBA on Tuesday.
Andrew Wiggins chipped in with 20 points and Klay Thompson had 18 as the Warriors, which opened their championship season a year ago with a road win over the Lakers, gradually pulled away over the final three quarters.
LeBron James went for a team-high 31 points, Anthony Davis finished with 27 and Russell West brook tallied 19 for the Lak ers, but it wasn’t enough to prevent a sixth straight loss on Opening Night.
Held to 25 points in the first quarter, the War riors poured in 34, 32 and 32 over the final three pe riods, shooting 45.5 overall while outscoring the Lak
ers 48-30 on 3-pointers. Curry bombed in four threes in 13 attempts and Wiggins nailed another four in six fewer tries, pac ing a Golden State attack
that saw seven different players nail 3-pointers.
Curry also found time for six rebounds, seven as sists and four steals.
Jordan Poole was a
NEW DELHI, OCT 19 (PTI): Legendary Ameri can pugilist Roy Jones Jr feels boxing’s exclusion from the Olympics will lead to countries like India los ing hope of unearthing “a new star” in the sport as as piring boxers will no longer have focus and direction.
In a major blow, box ing has been left out of the initial list of sports for the 2028 Olympics in Los An geles, a decision made due to a number of governance issues.
One of the most suc cessful boxers of his genera tion, Jones wrote an open letter to the International Olympic Committee Presi dent Thomas Bach and the IOC Executive Committee, urging them to reconsider the decision regarding box ing’s exclusion earlier this month. In his letter, the 1988 Olympic silver medal list suggested that leaving out boxing from the sport ing extravaganza would be similar to “committing a crime”.
“So many kids will lose hope, focus and direc
tion. Look how many box ing superstars the Olympics had produced,” Jones told PTI in an email interview.
Boxing is one of the most popular Olympic sports in India and the likes of six-time world champion MC Mary Kom, Beijing Games bronze medallist Vijender Singh and Amit Panghal have taken India to great heights.
“It gives boxers and countries the hope of hav ing a new boxing star. With no boxing in the Olympics, where will that hope come from?” the 53-year-old said when asked how the ab sence of boxing from the Olympics will affect India.
The situation remains bleak for boxing as the IOC has been issuing a series of warnings to the
International Boxing As sociation (IBA) over gov ernance. Last month the IOC said it was “extremely concerned” after the IBA voted at its Extraordinary Congress against holding fresh presidential elections where Dutch official Boris van der Vorst would have stood against IBA chief Umar Kremlev of Russia.
Jones has launched the #STANDFORBOXING campaign earlier this month in a bid to keep boxing in the Olympic roster.
“I was robbed of a gold medal but the Olym pics was my first ever real goal in my young life. If I don’t stand for boxing after all it’s given me, then why even have been given the gift from God? He gave me a gift.”
In perhaps one of the most controversial mo ments in Olympic history, Jones lost 2-3 to South Korean Park-Si-Hun in the final of the light middle weight (71kg) division in the 1988 Seoul Games, despite landing 86 punches to the home favourite’s 32.
fourth Warrior in double figures with 12 points off the bench while also dish ing out seven assists.
James, with 14 re bounds, and Westbrook,
with 11 boards, complet ed double-doubles for the Lakers. James missed a triple-double by two as sists, notching a game-high eight.
Kendrick Nunn added 13 points off the bench for the Lakers, who missed the 2022 playoffs after finish ing the regular season with 20 fewer wins than Golden State.
The Lakers shot just 10-for-40 on 3-pointers. James made three in 10 attempts.
After a sluggish start for both teams that could have been the result of the long ring ceremony, the Warriors finally got their offensive game in gear in the second quarter, run ning out to as many as a 14-point lead.
Curry (16) and Poole (10) combined for 26 points in the half, during which Golden State used 13 as sists to help build a 59-52 lead.
Davis had 15 points, James posted 14 and West brook nabbed 11 in the half for the Lakers.
Golden State’s biggest lead in the game was 27.
made a fine run at the near post onto a Vibin cross, but his effort went over the cross-bar. India goalkeeper Zahid Bukhari had to make a crucial save a minute later off a shot by Fahad Alazmi.
However, Taison gave India the early lead in the eighth minute when he burst into the box, skipped past his marker and laced a powerful shot into the top corner. Kuwait pounced on the attack soon and Jarah Alheleeli struck the Indian cross-bar from a free-kick.
Kuwait continued to attack in search of the equaliser, while the Indians tried to hit their opponents on the break. Jangra broke free on the left, cut in and tried his luck but his shot was blocked. Jangra had
another opportunity in the 19th minute when a Vibin corner found the former, who nodded it into the ground but Kuwait goal keeper Bader Alajmi was equal to the task.
With around five minutes from half time, Abhishek Tekcham was released down the right by Taison, as the former beat his marker, entered the box, and sent in a low cross but nobody could get onto the end of it. India went into the break with a goal lead.
Kuwait came out with more impetus after the change of ends with Yosef Alshammari looking to make a few darting runs.
However, it was Tai son who had the first real chance of the half in the
53rd minute when he charged down the right, cut inside, and unleashed a left-footer that was saved by Alajmi.
A little after the hour mark, a Vibin corner fell to Gurkirat, whose header was blocked. Sajad Hussain struck the rebound over the target. With under 20 minutes to go, it was a tale of two free-kicks. Kuwait captain Saleh Almehtab curled in a free-kick into the Indian goal to equalise for the hosts.
Kuwait’s joy lasted for just three minutes as Taison was brought down outside the Kuwaiti area. Gurkirat stepped up and sent a pow erful shot towards the goal which took a deflection before going into the net.
(REUTERS): Argentina captain Lionel Messi has said defending champion France and Brazil are the favourites to win the World Cup in Qatar as they have a core group of players who have played together for a long time.
Messi said Brazil, Ger many, France, England and Spain are always labelled favourites to win but the 35-year-old forward feels France and Brazil are the
great candidates to win the World Cup,” Messi told DIRECTV Sports.
best two teams going into the November 20-Decem ber 18 tournament.
“We always say the same great teams ... but, if I have to choose, Brazil and France are the two
“They’ve had the same group (of players) for a long time, working well. France, aside from the last Euros when they were eliminated (in the last 16) and did badly, they have some im pressive players. “They have a clear idea and the same coach (Didier Deschamps). Bra zil is a bit the same (under Tite).”
OCT 19 (IANS): The In dian team comfortably beat Slovenia 5-0 in its fourth and final Group B tie at the World Junior Mixed Team Badminton Championships 2022, here on Wednesday.
India finished second in the Group B table with three points -- having beaten Iceland, Australia and Slo venia. They only lost to group toppers China, the most successful team in the tournament with 13 titles, in their second group tie on the opening day. The Indian team will now play playoff matches against secondplaced teams from other groups for the best possible finish in the 9-16 bracket.
The mixed doubles pair of Vignesh Thathineni and Srinidhi Naryanan began the day by defeating Ziga Podgoresk and Spela Alic 21-11, 21-9. Ayush Shetty then registered a 21-5, 21-5 win over Kevin Lin Lenar cic in men’s singles before Nicholas Raj and Tushar Suveer wrapped up the tie with a 21-15, 21-14 victory over Anel Hac Gyorkos and Mark Korosa in the men’s doubles.
NEW DELHI, OCT 19 (PTI): India’s Suryakumar Yadav will enter the T20 World Cup as the second best batter in the format following an update of the ICC Men’s Player Rankings issued on Wednesday.
Pakistan opener Mo hammad Rizwan (861 rat ing points) has extended his lead at the top of the T20I batter rankings after yet another consistent showing during the tri-series in New Zealand, while Suryakumar (838) is still second ahead of the blockbuster clash be tween the two neighbours at the MCG on Sunday.
KL Rahul (13), Virat Kohli (15) and skipper Ro hit Sharma (16) are all static in the latest update.
Pakistan skipper Babar Azam is placed third ahead of South Africa’s Aiden Markram and Devon Con way of New Zealand.
The only movement inside the top 10 following the latest rankings update for batters saw aggressive New Zealand right-hand er Glenn Phillips jump an impressive 13 spots to equal 10th on the back of his strong tri-series efforts against Bangladesh and
Hardik Pandya also remained static at sixth spot in the T20I all-rounder rankings with 173 rating points.
Bangladesh captain Shakib Al Hasan will enter the T20 World Cup as the top all-rounder.
Shakib claimed the top billing on the back of an excellent tri-series against New Zealand and Pakistan, with the veteran hitting
consecutive half-centuries during Bangladesh’s final two matches.
Shakib displaced Af ghanistan’s Mohammad Nabi. There was very little movement inside the top 10 in the updated list for bowl ers, with Mujeeb Ur Rah man (up two spots to fifth) and South Africa counter part Keshav Maharaj (up one place to eighth) climb ing up.
Australia seamer Josh
Hazlewood (705 rating points) retains his lead at the top of the T20I bowl ers rankings, followed by Afghanistan spinner Rashid Khan (696), Sri Lanka tweaker Wanindu Hasa ranga (692) and South Af rica veteran Tabraiz Shamsi (688).
Indian trio of Bhu vneshwar Kumar, Ravi chandran Ashwin and Axar Patel are placed 12th, 22nd and 23rd respectively.
BWF Jr Mixed Team: India beat Slovenia 5-0
Two-time champion West Indies and Ireland re bounded from their open ing losses at the Twenty20 World Cup with emphatic victories on Wednesday to open up Group B.
Curtis Campher belted an unbeaten 72 from 32 deliveries to lead Ireland to a six-wicket win over Scotland.
Later in the night game, fast bowler Alzarri Joseph picked up 4-16 and led West Indies to a 31-run win over Zimbabwe, which was bowled out for 122 with 10 balls to spare.
That leaves all four teams in Group B with two points each from two matches. The winners of West Indies vs. Ireland and Zimbabwe vs. Scotland on Friday will advance to the Super 12.
Scotland upset twotime champion West Indies in the group opener on Monday and was in con trol of its second game as Ireland struggled at 61-4 in the 10th over chasing 177 to win.
That’s where Cam pher and George Dockrell dug in, combining in an un broken 119-run fifth-wicket stand that turned the game around at Bellerive Oval.
Ireland steadily erod ed the target to the point
where the equation was 12 runs needed from the last 12 balls. Campher ensured the victory, and posted Ireland’s highest-ever in dividual score at the T20 World Cup, with three straight boundaries to lift the total to 180-4 and finish off the 19th over. Dockrell finished unbeaten on 39 from 27 balls.
Campher said his aim when Ireland lost two wick et within five deliveries in the ninth and 10th overs was just to back himself.
Ireland skipper Andy Balbirnie said his team was motivated after getting close too many times but not quite getting the result.
After losing George Munsey in the second over, Scotland’s batting was sol id. Michael Jones posted 86 from 55 deliveries with six boundaries and four sixes, including one onto the stadium roof.
He shared a 59-run stand with Matthew Cross (29) and 77 with skipper Richie Berrington (37) to
OCT 19 (PTI): Sajan Bhan wala became the first Indian Greco Roman wrestler to win a medal at the Under-23 World Championship when he edged past Ukraine’s Dmytro Vasetskyi on ‘crite ria’ to emerge winner in the bronze play-off, here.
It was the Ukrainian who pulled off a four-point er on the edge of the circle for a solid start but Bhan wala bounced back immedi ately with a strong move that got him into a position from where he could pin his rival.
Though he could not pin his rival, it was good enough to earn four points.
Bhanwala lost two more points and got into defensive mode. For staying passive, Bhanwala put on ‘Par Terre’ position, some thing Indian wrestlers are very poor at defending and the Ukrainian pulled off another four-pointer from the ground position for a handsome 10-4 lead. Bhan wala scored two points with a take-down move and with
Sajan Bhanwala (PTI)35 seconds left in the bout, managed to push his rival on the back to level the scores.
The bout ended at 10-10 but since the Indian had scored the last point he was declared winner on criteria.
Bhanwala had begun with a 3-0 win over Lithu ania’s Aistis Liaugminas but lost his pre-quarterfinal bout to Moldova’s Alexandrin Gutu. As Gutu made the final, Bhanwala bounced back into medal contention via the repechage route and he made full use of that with a 9-6 win over Ka zakhstan’s Rassul Zhunis.
Meanwhile, Vikas will fight for a bronze in the 72kg
after losing his semifinal by technical superiority to Croatia’s Pavel Puklavec. He will be up against the winner of repechage contest be tween Georgios Theodoros Sotiriadis and Jpana’s Daigo Kobayashi.
Before losing his semi final clash, Vikas beat Kyr gyzstan’s Adilkhan Nur lanbekov and home team rival Marcos Sanchez Silva Mejias by technical superi ority, losing just one point across bouts. In the 60kg category, Sumit got back to medal reckoning when he made the repechage round. He will be up agianst Ka zakhastan’s Olzhas Sultan.
In the 67kg competi tion, Ashu had bowed out after losing his qualfication bout by technical superiority to Georgia’s Diego Chkh ikvadze. Six Greco Roman wrestlers travelled to the Spanish city for the cham pionship along with two women and one free style wrestler while visas of 21 other Indians were rejected by the Embassy of Spain.
set the foundations for Scotland’s total of 176-5.
Off-spinner Sikandar Raza picked up 3-19 and strangled the West Indies in the middle overs before it reached 153-7 after electing to bat first.
Opening batter John son Charles top-scored with 45 off 36 balls before West Indies lost wickets in cluster and slipped to 101-6 in 14 overs. West Indies was going along nicely at 90-2 before it lost four wickets within two overs. Captain
NEW DELHI, OCT 19 (PTI): India’s challenge ended at the Aimchess Rap id online chess tournament with the trio of D Gukesh, Arjun Erigaisi and Vidit Santosh Gujrathi bowing out in the quarterfinals.
Gukesh, who had beaten world champion Magnus Carlsen during the prelimi nary phase, went down 1.52.5 to Richard Rapport after having taken the lead with a win in the second game of the four-game contest.
The 16-year old Indian ap peared to have gained the advantage when he took a 1.5-0.5 lead with a win in 32 moves in the second game after the first had ended in a stalemate.
Rapport, who is highly rated, showed his skills by winning the third game in 55 moves and then defeated his opponent in a mara thon fourth game to end Gukesh’s hopes. Erigaisi, who too had upset Carlsen in the preliminary round, was outclassed by the world No.1 Norwegian 0.5-2.5.
Nicholas Pooran gave a tame return catch to Sean Williams and three balls later Charles was run out. Raza then had Shamarh Brooks leg before wicket for zero before Jason Holder also perished by offering a simple catch back to Raza.
Zimbabwe’s aggres sion led to its downfall as its batters continued to look for big hits before getting dismissed for 122 in 18.2 overs.
Joseph picked up two wickets inside the batting powerplay through his re lentless pace before clean bowling the threatening Luke Jongwe (29) in his return spell.
Holder also finished with impressive figures of 3-12 as he claimed the last wicket of Tendai Chatara.
India’s warmup game against New Zealand and Bangladesh’s warmup game against South Af rica didn’t get started at the Gabba because of per sistent rain, one of three practice games in Brisbane that were either curtailed or abandoned.
Mohammad Nabi scored an unbeaten 51 in Afghanistan’s 154-6 against Pakistan. The second in nings lasted 2.2 overs, with Pakistan on 19 without loss, before the match was stopped because of rain.
74th and 80th minutes.
Correspondent KOHIMA, OCT 19 (NPN): Head Hunters and Fifa FC continued their imperious forms by secur ing huge victories on their way to the quarterfinals of the NSF Martyrs’ Trophy at IG Stadium, Kohima on Wednesday.
Head Hunters domi nated Chedema Unite FC 8-0 while Fifa FC thrashed Nagaland University Stu dents Union (NUSU) KC 6-0.
Head Hunters’ cap tain, Haotingmang Thom son opened the account in the 18th minute through a spot kick.
Thereafter, his team mate, Samson scored a hat-trick in the 24th, 29th and 65th minutes.
The rest four goals were equally decided be tween Chingsha and Pur sunep in the 40th, 70th,
Samson with his hat-trick earned him the man of the match award.
In the second pre-qua ter final, Fifa’s L Benjohn son emerged as the hero of the match as he became the third person to score a double hat-trick. He scored six goals in the 18th, 30th, 37th, 40th, 43th and 77th minutes. The man of the match was awarded to Ngulgoulal of Fifa FC.
Head Hunters and Fifa will now face off in the first quarter final match to be played on October 21 at 4 p.m. In the previous edi tion, Fifa FC lost to Head Hunters in the semi-final 2-1.
Meanwhile, the or ganisers, Angami Students’ Union (ASU) has informed that the remaining matches of the tournament would be preponed owing to the
proposed visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the state capital and the public rally to be held at IG Stadium.
Accordingly, a total of four matches will be played from October 20 onwards with two day matches to be played at 10 a.m., and 12 p.m. while the other twonight matches to be played at 4 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. The semi-finals will be played on October 23 while the final will be played on October 24 at 5:30 p.m.
3rd Pre-Quarter (10 am) Vafumei Gaziphema FC Manipur Vs Infinite FC 4rd Pre- Quarter (12 pm) SWAT FC vs URA UVIE FC 5th Pre-Quarter (4 pm) New Market FC Vs Bucaneers FC 6th Pre-Quarter (6:30 pm) Red Scars FC vs Phesama Youth Organisation.
LAHORE, OCT 19 (PTI): The PCB on Wednesday said BCCI secretary Jay Shah’s statement that India won’t travel to Pakistan for the Asia Cup next year has the potential to split the cricketing communities and requested the Asian Cricket Council (ACC) to convene an emergency meeting on the issue.
Shah, after beginning his second stint as BCCI secretary, said India would like to play the continental tournament at a neutral venue and not tour Pakistan.
In its first official re sponse to Shah’s statement, the PCB said, “such state ments can spilt the Asian and international cricket communities” and impact Pakistan’s visit to India for the 2023 World Cup.
Shah, who made the statement after the BCCI AGM on Tuesday, also happens to be the ACC president.
“The overall impact of such statements have the potential to split the Asian and international cricketing communities, and can im pact Pakistan’s visit to India
JAKARTA, OCT 19 (AFP): Photos of the FIFA president laughing and clapping during a foot ball match with local offi cials weeks after a stadium disaster killed 133 people in Indonesia have sparked fury in line in the country on Wednesday.
More than 40 children were among those killed in the October 1 stampede, one of the deadliest disas ters in football history.
Police had fired tear gas to quell a pitch invasion after a game in East Java.
FIFA chief Gianni Infantino met Indonesian President Joko Widodo in the capital Jakarta on Tues day, with the pair pledging to tighten match security and rebuild Arema FC’s Kanjuruhan stadium to avoid a repeat of the di saster.
But on Wednesday morning, the Indonesian Football Association, or PSSI, posted footage on its Twitter account of In fantino playing a football match in Jakarta with its under-fire president Mo chamad Iriawan.
“Instea d of playing
football together, it’s bet ter to go together to the victims of the Kanjuruhan tragedy. They are more im portant,” Indonesian actor Vino G. Bastian tweeted to his 1.9 million followers, garnering a following. just under 20,000 likes.
“133 people died. And your president came here
to have fun football and laugh? Why don’t you just play fun football in Kanju ruhan? Shame on you @ FIFAcom,” the famous In donesian football account tweeted. PanditFootball to its 600,000 subscribers, in a post retweeted more than 4,000 times.
The initial tweet from
PSSI, whose posts rarely get more than double-digit responses, was inundated with more than 4,000 re sponses, which were over whelmingly negative.
Pandit Pangeran Sia haan said the officials were “extremely deaf” for stag ing the match. “I can’t believe the
beleaguered PSSI and its president thought the best idea to show their legiti macy was to be pictured laughing and kicking a soccer ball with the FIFA president,” he told AFP.
Last week, an investi gative task force called on Iriawan, a former Jakarta police chief, to resign over the disaster, along with the rest of the PSSI executive committee.
Football analyst Ak mal Marhali, who is part of the task force, said he believed the association would take Infantino to pay tribute to the victims in the town of Malang where the tragedy unfolded.
“I don’t know who suddenly decided to have fun with the football game while the graveyard floor is still wet,” he said.
The association did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Tuesday night’s game.
Infantino’s visit came less than three weeks after he described the disaster as ‘a dark day’ for football, and before the Southeast Asian nation hosted the Under-20 World Cup of FIFA from May next year.
for the ICC Cricket World Cup 2023 and future ICC Events in India in the 20242031 cycle.
“The PCB has to date not received any official communication or clarifi cation from the ACC on the statement of the ACC President. As such, the PCB has now requested the Asian Cricket Council to convene an emergency meeting of its Board as soon as practi cally possible to discuss this important and sensitive mat ter,” the PCB said.
Pakistan has been al lotted hosting rights for the Asia Cup which will be held ahead of the ODI World Cup in India in October-
The T20 Asia Cup held last month had to be shifted from Sri Lanka to the UAE amid the economic crisis in the island nation.
The 2018 Asia Cup, scheduled to be held in India, was also moved to the UAE after the BCCI couldn’t procure clearance from government security agencies to host Pakistan.
India and Pakistan only play each other in the Asian and the ICC events due to the political tensions between the two countries.
India last toured Pakistan in 2008 while Pakistan’s played last series in India in 201213. The P CB said Shah’s
statement was surprising and disappointing at the same time.
“The PCB has noted with surprise and disap pointment of yesterday’s comments made by the ACC President Mr Jay Shah with regards to shifting of next year’s Asia Cup to a neutral venue.
“The comments were made without any discus sion or consultation with the Board of the Asian Cricket Council or the Pakistan Cricket Board (event host) and without any thoughts towards their long-term con sequences and implications.
“After having presided over the ACC meeting dur ing which Pakistan was awarded the ACC Asia Cup with an overwhelming sup port and response from the ACC Board Members, Mr Shah’s statement of shifting of the ACC Asia Cup has clearly been made unilater ally,” the PCB said.
The officials from both the PCB and BCCI will be confronted with the issue at the International Cricket Council’s board meeting in Melbourne next month.
Correspondent KOHIMA, OCT 19 (NPN): In commemora tion of its 25 years jubilee, Capital Shutters Kohima or ganized the Nagaland Open Badminton Championship at Indoor Stadium Kohima on Wednesday.
Minister of Planning and Coordination, Land Revenue and Parliamen tary Affairs Neiba Kronu graced the occasion as spe cial guest.
In his brief address,
Kronu congratulated Capi tal Shutters on completion of 25 years and lauded them for producing professional badminton players.
He also urged the of ficials of Capital Shutters to judiciously utilize the sanc tioned amount to improvise the court.
SP Kohima, who was also the Convener of the silver jubilee tournament, delivered welcome address.
Altogether 80 players from across the state are taking part in the three-day
event. An exhibition match was played between Neiba Kronu and Joseph Sumi against Kevithuto Sophie and Imliwapang Tzudir.
It may be mentioned that Capital Shutters Ko hima was formed in 1997 by 13 members formally known as Evening Club. Later, the club was renamed as Capital Shuttlers and registered under state gov ernment.
The club has been con ducting events, coaching camps.
:248267,8798162009 e-mail-npostadvt@gmail.com, R.N.