WHO sounds alarm on new Covid-19 wave Dimapur, Chümoukedima witness surge in dengue cases

Chief scientist at the World Health Organiza tion (WHO), Dr Soumya Swaminathan, on Thurs day said some countries may see “another wave of infections” with the XBB subvariant of Omicron, a variant of COVID-19 virus.

In India, at least 18 cases of XBB sub-variant of Omicron have been report ed in Maharashtra in the first fortnight of October.
Omicron sub-variants such as the BF.7 and recombi nant variants such as XBB are spreading in several countries.
Talking to reporters on the sidelines of the an nual general meeting of the Developing Countries
Vaccine Manufacturers Net work (DCVMN) here, she clarified that as of now, there was no data from any country to suggest that these new variants are clinically more severe.
“There are over 300 subvariants of Omicron. I think the one that is con cerning right now is XBB, which is a recombinant virus. We had seen some
Power supply disruption in six districts
(NPN): Power department has informed that there would be power supply dis ruption/shut down in at least six districts from Oc tober 24 to November 26.
In a press release, trans mission division Kohima executive engineer informed that some pockets of Ko hima district would experi ence intermittent disruption of power supply in view of the jungle clearance and maintenance programme of 33kV lines, which is sched uled to be carried out start ing October 24, 2022 to November 5, 22 from 8am to 3pm.
The department said that the jungle clearance exercise was being initi ated in an effort to avoid disruption and facilitate stable power supply. While it would try to minimize the total shutdown, the depart ment informed that follow ing areas would be affected
recombinant viruses earlier. It is very immune-evasive, which means it can over come the antibodies. So slightly that we may see another wave of infections in some countries because of XBB,” she said.
Swaminathan said they are also tracking derivatives of BA.5 and BA.1, which are also more transmissible and immune-evasive.
As the virus evolves, it is going to evolve more and more transmissible, she said.
“As of now, there is no data from any country to suggest these new sub variants are more clinically
severe,” she clarified. Sug gesting the measures that need to be taken, Dr Swami nathan said monitoring and tracking are the key steps.
“We need to continue to monitor and track. We have seen that testing has gone down across countries, the genomic surveillance has also gone down over the last few months. We need to maintain at least a stra tegic sampling of genomic surveillance so that we can keep tracking the variants as we have been doing and studying,” she said.
According to her, the Director General of the WHO has said that CO
VID-19 continues to be a public health emergency of international concern.
She added that 8,000 to 9,000 deaths are being reported every week world wide due to the infection.
“So we have not said that the pandemic is over, which means that all pre cautions and tools contin ued to be used. Good thing is that we have now many tools and the most impor tant thing is vaccines,” Dr Swaminathan said.
“As far as vaccine cov erage is concerned, our goals are 100 per cent of people over the age of 60 and 100 per cent of health care and frontline workers. Then we have a goal of achieving 70 per cent of the country, but subgroups are more important because they are most likely to face morbidity and mortality,” she said.
She said that a num ber of deaths from elderly groups were seen when Omicron spread as they were not fully vaccinated.
“The full vaccination schedule is actually three doses. The primary two

Truss quits as British PM amid open revolt
Embattled British Prime Minister Liz Truss on Thursday resigned as the Conservative Party leader saying she can no longer deliver the mandate she was elected on last month, end ing her humiliating tenure at 10 Downing Street on her 45th day in the job following an open revolt against her chaotic leadership.

The 47-year-old outgo ing prime minister will stay in charge until her successor is elected by the governing Tory party, with a speededup leadership election to be completed by next week.
Her former leadership rival, Rishi Sunak, is seen as a possible frontrunner in that race but a consensus within a divided Tory party remains elusive, with the Opposition Labour Party renewing calls for an imme diate general election.
Ousted premier Boris Johnson is said to be con
sidering another go in a race.
“I recognise though that given the situation, I cannot deliver the mandate on which I was elected by the Conservative Party,” Truss said in a brief state ment outside 10 Downing Street. Truss said she had spoken to King Charles III to notify him of her resigna tion and also met the 1922 Committee chair Sir Gra ham Brady who has said a new Tory leader should be in place by next Friday.
Her resignation on her 45th day in office makes her the shortest-serving Prime Minister in Britain’s history.
doses plus booster in the next four to six months. But in many countries, includ ing India, the uptake of the booster is low. So we really encourage people to take the third dose,” she said.
She advised continuing to use masks for protection from infection.
“While vaccines are still protecting us from se vere disease and hospital ization, the risk of long COVID conditions seems to increase with each infec tion. So it is not benign. We should not be too casual by saying that it is okay to get the infection.
“Many people just think that it is just like the flu or any other respira tory infection, but more and more data is coming out on how COVID is affecting all organ systems and not just the respiratory route. It also affects the cardiovascular system and the inflamma tory environment. So we have seen the risk of diabe tes doubling, we have seen the risk of heart attacks... and other neurocognitive problems,” Dr Swamina than added.
DIMAPUR, OCT 20 (NPN): State health and family welfare (H&FW) department has informed that recently there was an upsurge and detection of dengue cases in and around Dimapur and Chümouke dima districts prominently in Diphupar area. Dengue fever is a viral tropical dis ease that is transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mos quito. Dengue mosquito bites during daytime mostly early morning and evening. When a person is infected by the mosquito, the vi rus circulates in the blood for 2-7 days which is the amount of time the fever takes to develop.
In a press release, H&FW joint director & SPO National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme (NVBDCP) Dr. Neisakho Kere has re quested the public with any symptoms of fever, nausea, vomiting, rash, aches and pain to immediately un dergo testing at Dimapur Civil Hospital/Kohima Civil Hospital.
The department has
DENGUE ALERTurged the public to strictly follow the preventive mea sures for dengue such as use of insecticide repel lents; use mosquito nets (LLIN) daily during day and night time; wear long sleeve clothing/long pant and avoid stagnation of wa ter in and around homes/ dwellings, tires, flower pot bases, unclog drains and cover water tankers to curb mosquito breeding.

Dr.Kere informed that NVBDCP has been con ducting various activities like entomological studies, larvicidal operations, larvi vorous fish distribution for open drains, water bodies, fogging, house to house fever survey, house to house vector study where the own
ers are informed of high mosquito population, den gue awareness etc in order to contain dengue.
Unless every house hold actively participates in controlling dengue mosqui to breeding in and around their surroundings, Dr.Kere said combating dengue disease only through the en deavours of the programme alone was futile.
NVBDCP has, there fore, appealed to the pub lic to identify and remove all stagnant water in and around the household sur roundings.
Stating that dengue mosquito breeds even in the smallest of container containing stagnant wa ter such as a bottle cap, the NVBDCP has said it was therefore pertinent to remove all big and small mosquito breeding sites.
Further, the pro gramme has appealed to the community/public to observe “one dry day in a week” where water in all the containers around the house are emptied out into a dry area.
NTUCT firm on fighting ‘backdoor appts’ in Police dept
DIMAPUR, OCT 20 (NPN): After it had pointed out over 900 alleged back door appointments in the state police department, the Naga Tribal Union Chü moukedima Town (NTUCT) on Thursday asserted that the union was committed to fight the legal battle till final justice was delivered The matter is pend ing before the court and the Gauhati High Court, Kohima bench has listed the matter for hearing next week.

NTUCT, in 2020, had also prevented the training of the fresh police recruits at
the Police Training School (PTS) and Nagaland Armed Police Training Centre (NAPTC) Chümoukedima.
In a press note, NTUCT president Lhousito Khro pointed out that 11 writ petitions were filed before the court by 26 educated unemployed youth seeking quashing of 935 appoint ments made in the Police department during the pe riod January 2018-October 2020 allegedly through the backdoor.
The plea of the edu cated unemployed was that the posts be advertised and opportunity be given to
min Rupala asks state govt
OCT 20 (NPN/PTI): Union minister of fisheries, animal husbandry and dairying, Parshottam Rupala, who arrived Kohima on his twoday maiden visit to Nagaland on Thursday asked the state government to make a ho listic plan to boost animal husbandry and increase live stock in the state.
According to DIPR, Rupala held a review meet ing with advisor animal hus bandry & veterinary services R Khing and advisor fisher ies and aquatic resources L Khumo at Dzukuo House, Raj Bhavan, Kohima.
On being apprised that there are more than 2,000 mithun farmers in 297 vil lages of the state, the minis ter asked the state authori ties to submit a proposal to the Centre to help farmers involved in rearing of bovine species mithun. Rupala as
sured that he would consider the need-based proposals, which would benefit the farming community and the entrepreneurs.
He further encouraged the department officials to use modern and scientific technology for the welfare of
the people through various programmes of the Ministry. Union minister said there were government schemes for the rearing of cows and pigs, providing up to 50 per cent subsidy. He said that similar programmes should be proposed by the state administration to encourage mithun farming in Naga land, Rupala said.
“Your state should send the request and we will consider it,” he told officials.
Pointing out that live stock in Nagaland has de creased by 40 per cent, while the human population has been increasing, Rupala said
habit of only drawing salary: Khumo

(NPN): Fisheries & Aquat ic Resources, Evaluation, Economics and Statistics adviser L Khumo reminded the State government em ployees about the impor tance of attending offices regularly and not to practise the habit of drawing salaries without attending offices.
Speaking at the in auguration of Evaluation Directorate building below Civil Secretariat here on Thursday, he stressed that attendance was vital for the government employees, while insisting that they

should also not practise the habit of drawing salaries without going to office. He acknowledged contractors and people
involved for completing the building on time. He remarked that people often assumed that Evaluation Department was a small
department without much work. He however asserted that no department or job was small as it contributed equally to the welfare of people.
Khumo remarked that no matter how big or beautiful a building was, if employees did not perform their duties, there would be a mismatch between the building and performance. Hence, he also stressed on performance.
He appealed to the employees to inculcate a healthy work culture, work effectively and efficiently to make the department shine.
that a comprehensive plan to boost animal husbandry should be sent to the Cen tre, besides proposals on the requirement of the state and details of projects which have been pending should be submitted.
He also asked the state departments to provide de tails of funds provided by the Centre and its utilisation in the state.
He claimed that Na galand was not able to fully utilise the funds provided during the 2021-22 financial year and did not send pro posals for the current fiscal.
(Cont’d on p-8)
them, the 935 respondents and all eligible candidates.
After hearing the par ties, he said the court grant ed an interim relief to the petitioners in all the 11 writ petitions, while directing the Police Department “… that no further appoint ment shall be made to the post of Constable under the Nagaland Police establish ment without making open advertisement.”
Through the order, he mentioned that the court had curbed the menace of backdoor appointments to the post of constables in thousands, as yearly recruits
are allegedly taken in the Police department depriving eligible candidates educated unemployed Naga youths the opportunity to apply through open advertisement or face selection process in the spirit of competitiveness. He alleged that the issue of backdoor appointments in the department was long ongoing.
He claimed that NTUCT had in February 2020 first raised objection against the recruitment of about a thousand constables through backdoor without advertisement.
Police caution citizens against cyber frauds, crime
DIMAPUR, OCT 20 (NPN): Nagaland police have once against urged the citizens to be alert about the various cyber frauds and crime prevalent in the state.
Advising the public to remain vigilant and care ful at all times, Nagaland police PRO cited one recent fraud—phishing calls from scammers—that was expe rienced in the country and now in Nagaland. According to PRO, scammers posing as customer care executives from Vodafone/Airtel/Jio were offering assistance for
upgrading 4G SIMs to 5G to unsuspecting customers. Police said that fraud sters send links in the name of 5G of telecom companies and if one opened the link, there was a risk of hacking the phone. Fraudsters also ask for sharing personal/ banking information/OTPs.
Further, police said that another common fraud and still frequently used by crimi nals was hacking of personal accounts of popular social media apps like Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp.

welcomes decision to form
DIMAPUR, OCT 20 (NPN): Naga People’s Front (NPF) has welcomed the agreement reached between NSCN (I-M) and NNPGs, during the recent meeting held in Kolkata, to form the Council of Naga Rela tionships and Cooperation (CoNRC) at the earliest to explore realistic ways for Nagas to move forward on the basis of Naga historical and political rights.

NPF through its press bureau stated that such “bold and outright decision” was very welcoming as the Naga people’s earnest prayer for unity and reconciliation was “finally being answered by our Almighty God.”
Also, congratulating the FNR for taking such initiative, the NPF said that the achievement would marked as “red letter day” for the Naga people. The party “heartily honoured” the two groups for keeping the problems of the Naga people first and agreed “to come under one term” with a renewed spirit of commit ment for reconciliation and unity between them.
Further, NPF appre ciated the two groups for understanding the urgency to rise above the present condition and agreeing to commit themselves to the values of truth, forgiveness, justice and peace. NPF ex
pressed hope that with “this significant development and decision”, the Nagas could be optimistic that their long yearning for peace and unity amongst brothers would be a reality soon. It wished both the groups the best for their next endeavor.
Meanwhile, NPF re iterated that the party was formed with the “objective and foremost priority” for early resolution to the Naga political issue. It, therefore, urged upon the Centre to hear the cries of the Nagas and expedite peace process for an early resolution to the Naga political problem, which is honourable, accept able and inclusive.

H&FW deptt urges Mkg
DPDB to help eradicate TB
AOAN annual gen eral session: Agriculture Officers’ Association Na galand (AOAN) has con vened its annual general session on October 22, 1 p.m. at Agri. Expo Angh House, Chumoukedima. All officers have been asked to attend the session.
DNCYE general meeting: Dimapur Nkon jan Changsu Yanhen Ek hung (DNCYE) has con vened a general meeting on October 24, 10 a.m. at Lotha Hoho Ki, Dimapur.

All members have been requested to attend the meeting.
Pre-Tihar celebra tion in Kohima: Gorkha Public Panchayat Kohima (GPPK) in association with Gorkha NGOs, Clubs and Jatiya Sansthas would celebrating “pre-Tihar 2022 (Diwali)” on October 22, 4 p.m. at the MultiUtility Hall Chandmari Kohima. GPPK has also extended Diwali greetings to the people of Nagaland and hoped that the festival
DC Tseminyu informs on road widening

DIMAPUR: Department of Health & Family Wel fare (DH&FW) Mokok chung, on Friday, urged upon members of the Dis trict Planning and Devel opment Board (DPDB) to come forward and help eradicate Tuberculosis (TB).
According to a DIPR report, the DH&FW Mo kokchung in a PowerPoint presentation on TB elimi nation informed that pres ently there are 185 TB patients in Mokokchung.

The presentation was delivered during District Planning and Develop ment Board monthly meet ing Thursday at the Con ference Hall of Deputy Commissioner (DC) Mo kokchung held under the chairmanship of MLA and chairman, DPDB Mokokc hung, Imkong L. Imchen.
Department of Health & Family Welfare (DH&FW) Mokokchung urged the board members to come forward with every possible help, adding that it

was only through collective efforts that TB could be eradicated.
Report on Livelihood Project taken up by DPDB under LADP (Common Pool) 2021-2022, was pre sented to the house by the five-member committee, headed by the DC Mokok chung.
During the six-week exercise, the team inspect ed and monitored the ben eficiaries in four-phases.
In the meeting, shift ing of the present NST office and all public trans port buses (both govern ment and private) to ISBT Khensa was discussed. In this regard, Imkong L. Im chen maintained that the issue was genuine and has been discussed on many occasions. The board also reviewed the last meeting minutes.
DIMAPUR: In view of the development activities being carried out for widening of road, Deputy Commission er (DC) Tseminyu, Dr. Za sekuolie Chusi has informed all concerned to clear and remove any material/con struction structure from the earmarked road widening area within a period of 15 days. According to a DIPR report, DC Tseminyu has informed that the develop ment activities are being carried out for widening of the stretch of road from the junction near DC’s official residence to the road junc tion intersecting NH-2 be side M/S Noami Kent LPG Agency, Tseminyu town.
DC said the portion of the government allotted plots of land situated along side the aforementioned road stretch falls within the proposed road widening area surveyed by the Office of the Executive Engineer, PWD (R&B) Tseminyu.
As per the terms and
conditions of the allotment order issued by the Gov ernment, DC said the gov ernment would take over the land allotted from the allottee(s) if required by the government, and for, which no alternative side may be allotted. Therefore, DC said the government would take over the portions of the al lotted land falling within the aforementioned surveyed road area for the public util ity with immediate effect.
In the light of the above notice, all concerned allot tees have been asked to clear and remove any material/ construction structure from the earmarked road widen ing area within a period of 15 days from the date of issue of this notice.
On failure to com ply with the notice, DC Tseminyu warned that ap propriate action, includ ing remove/demolition of material/standing structure on the earmarked of public road, would be initiated.
would bring peace and prosperity in every home of the state.
LBB informs: Lotha Basti Borlengri (LBB) has informed that vehicular movement would be re stricted from Nepali Man dir junction to LBB road on October 23-24 due to road renovation. All have been asked to take note and cooperate.
Biennial session of 31st Sümi Baptist Conven tion: The 31st Sümi Baptist Convention comprising
of SBAK, SABAK and WSBAK biennial session will be held at Sümi Bap tist Church, Unity Village, from October 29-30 on the theme “together we serve”, with minister of Agricul ture & Cooperation Kaito Aye and engineer in chief PWD, Kahuli Achumi. In this regard, the pastors un der the three Sümi Baptist Associations along with one deacon and associa tion’s centre staff have been requested to attend the programme.
We, the bereaved family members of Late Noketo Kikhi express our heartfelt gratitude to each and everyone who stood by us physically, financially, materially and prayerfully at the sudden demise of our beloved son and brother who left us for his heavenly abode.
We regret our inability to thank each one of you personally however we pray to the Almighty God to bless you all abundantly. We would like to convey our special thanks
Doctors and Nurses of Community Health Centre, Viswema.
Doctors and Nurses, Oking Hospital Kohima
Viswema Baptist Church
Modern College, Southern Angami Student 2010 Batch.
Southern Angami Tata Sumo Union
Viswema Tata Sumo Drivers 2017 Batch
Viswema Regional Taxi Drivers.
Kirha Union Kohima

Chosanü Kita Whemi

Gandhi Club K.Khel
Lion Club Southern Angami Area.
K.Khel Panchayat.
ALC study tour to Singapore: A team of As sembly Library Committee (ALC), Nagaland Legisla tive Assembly (NLA) com prising of deputy speaker and chairman ALC, T. Yangseo Sangtam, two committee members, advi sors, Dr. Chumben Murry and S. Keoshu Yimchunger and assisted by NLA secre tary-in-charge, Khruohitu onuo Rio undertook study tour to Singapore and vis ited the National Library Singapore on October 20.
I’d like the memory of me to be a happy one.
I’d like to leave an after glow of smiles when life is done.
I’d like to leave an echo, whispering softly down the ways.
Of happy times and laughing times and bright and sunny days.
I’d like the tears of those who grieve, to dry before the sun.
Of happy memories that I leave when life is done.
The family of Late Dr. Imotemsu Ao would like to express our deepest gratitude and appreciation for all of the love, kindness and thoughtful gestures that have been bestowed upon us during this time of bereavement.

May God Bless You.
“Those we love can never be more than a thought away; for as long as there’s a memory, they live on in our hearts” From all the loved ones
our special thanks to :-
Sumi Baptist Church, Naga United Village (NUV).
Nagamese Church, Naga United Village (NUV).
Ghokuto Baptist Church.
Pimla Baptist Church.
Tsutoho Ghami Kuqhakulu Dimapur (TGKD).
Pimla Ghami Tughalo Kichemi Dimapur
Khekato V. Tuccu, V/P Hazi Park Business Welfare Committee.
Strike Fit Academy, P/Bazar.
we live,
Kaito inaugurates General K. Zuheto Swu memorial hall
Neisatuo Colony thanksgiving for official recognition

DIMAPUR, OCT 20 (NPN): Commemorat ing the recognition of NeisatuoColony, the first dedication and thanksgiv ing programme was held at NeingulieMemorial High School ground, here, Thursday.
Speaking at the pro gramme as special guest, chief editor of Nagaland Post, Geoffrey Yaden said that the day was signifi cant for two main rea sons- the thanksgiving for the official recognition of Neisatuo Colony and the day also being the 83rd birth anniversary of its pioneer late Neisatuo Keditsu.

later Neingulie Memorial School was established and continues to provide standard education to children, mostly from the weaker economic sec tions, both within and beyond the colony.
DIMAPUR: Minister of Agriculture and Coopera tion, G. Kaito Aye unveiled the memorial plaque of General K. Zuheto Swu Memorial Hall Thursday at Satakha Town, Zunheboto.

According to a DIPR report, speaking at the in augural programme, Kaito said the memorial hall was dedicated in honour of the outstanding contribu tions and selfless services rendered by late Gen. K. Zuheto Swu, KC, VSM, (Retd.) DIG-BSF, Mani pur and Nagaland Sector, towards the welfare of Sa takha people.
He said the good deeds
and sacrifices of late Gen. K. Zuheto Swu would live in the hearts of the people and requested his family for their continued support and participation, and in shar ing the vision for building and developing a better Satakha.
Kaito extended his gratitude and appreciation to the Satakha Area GB’s Association for endorsing the project and for their support in recognizing the memory of the pioneers and leaders of Satakha.
The minister said the building was constructed under LADP Scheme, Icon ic Project.
SVC, 25 AR commit to build ‘harmonious environment’
DIMAPUR: Reacting on the recent events and press state ments condemning 25 Assam Rifle’s “improper conduct”, Samziuram Village Council (SVC) said the relationship between 25 Assam Rifles, Samziuram Village authori ties and youth has been por trayed in an “unpleasant manner which is far from reality”.
In a press release, SVC chairman, N.L Pame said the village authorities and Assam Rifles promptly took initiative and have cleared the “miscom munication” and together asserted the commitment to wards building a “harmonious environment”.
SVC said the Assam Ri fles, village councils, Samziu ram Students’ Union, Samziu ram Youth Organization and Samziuram Women Soci ety affirmed to stand for the “peaceful coexistence” within its jurisdiction respecting the customary law, tradition and basic human rights provided under the constitution.
SVC informed that the council members or GBs would assist the Assam Rifles during “operations” as the

youth may “misconstrue such requests out of apprehensions and fear or depict as informant in the eye of opposite party”.
The council further said the Jalukie battalion of AR has been “keen, responsive and resolute towards its efforts in helping the Naga society and continues with its endeavour to extend unflinching support to the locals to enhance law and order and also to keep strict vigilance to thwart all security threats in the area”.
SVC has also appreciated the “sentinels of the north east for arresting these dangerous anti national elements who were harbouring arms, am munition and explosives in civil living areas”. It has also condemned the harbourer for indulging in it without the knowledge of the council. SVC has also appealed to all the fac tions to maintain and respect the ceasefire agreement.
Further, SVC has ex pressed gratitude to the “friends of the north east in helping the village with many development projects, free medical camps, events for chil dren and elderly, recruitment rallies and preparation etc.”.
In his speech, ADC Zunheboto appealed to the public to take care of the hall. Khevili Z. Swu, wife of late General Zuheto Swu hoped that the hall would be a blessing for the people of the area.
The programme chaired by NDPP 36A/C Satakha, president, Edward Muru was attended by dis trict administration of Zun heboto and Satakha, and public leaders. Dedicatory prayer for the hall was of fered by Pastor, STBC (Nito Mount), Rev. Kughato Cho phy and welcome address was delivered by SDO(C) Satakha.
BJP 23 Impur mandals hold consultative meet
DIMAPUR: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) 23 Im pur Mandal held a consul tative meeting on October 20 at Asetkong Salang, Kubulong with BJP Ma hila National Secretary, Aienla Jamir as the guest of honour.
In a press release, the party mandal stated that Aienla Jamir, while briefing the party members on dif ferent schemes and flagship programmes, encouraged mandal workers to ensure that such schemes reach the targeted people.
She opined that BJP was a disciplined and devel opment-oriented party and urged upon the karyakartas to work with full vigor so that the programs and poli cies of the BJP reach every section of the society.
The consultative meet ing was attended by a host of BJP officials from the State Mahila Unit, the BJP Mokokchung BJP unit, officials from the mandal and morchas, state council members and state execu tive members.
On the official recog nition of the colony, the special guest said though it came late, after sev eral decades, yet it was in keeping with the saying ‘better late than never’.
He described late Neisatuo as a big hearted, a down-to-earth person who treated everyone equally.
As one among sev eral other noted Naga pioneers of Dimapur, he said late Neisatuo con tributed much to society to the best of his ability. Under the stewardship of late Neisatuo, the colony gradually developed and
Various programmes organised for students
DIMAPUR: Various pro grammes for students were organised by educational institutions and as part of their yearly curricu lum and extra-curricular activities.
DBHSS: Don Bosco Higher Secondary School Dimapur conducted the Bharat Scout and Guide investiture ceremony on October 20, wherein the new scouts and guides had to go through rigor ous testing.

While addressing the newly invested Scout and Guide, the District Or ganising Commissioner (DOC), D.M. Agay Jo seph urged them to act on the motto, “Be prepared” at all times. A total of 45 scouts and 22 guides were invested, wherein the newly invested scouts and guides took oath to do their duty to God, serving the country and help oth ers at all times and obey the scout/guide law.
YMC: Commemo rating Mega Swacchata 2022, NSS unit of Yemhi Memorial College on
DC Dmu urges children to understand poll process
October 19 conducted a cleanliness drive in and around adopted village, Nepali Basti, Dimapur.
PCC (Autonomous): Patkai Christian College (Autonomous) and Em porium Training & Con sultancy Pvt Ltd (ETCPL) Nagaland signed a Memo randum of Understanding (MoU), which among others is aimed at ad dressing growing need of employment in Nagaland.
The MoU was signed by PCC principal Dr Thepfuvilie Pierü and ETCPL, Nagaland, CEO Temjenkala Aier in pres ence of core members from both the organisa tions in the office chamber of the college’s Principal, Administrative Block on October 18.
MMC: National Ser vice Scheme (NSS) cell, Mount Mary College, Chümoukedima observed “Swachchta 2022” on October 19 by collecting waste between the road stretch of the college and Chümoukedima Highway Junction.
AR holds security coordination meet at Jalukie
DIMAPUR: Jalukie battalion of Assam Rifles under the aegis of HQ IGAR (N) conducted security coordination meeting on October 19 at Jalukie, Peren district.
He also expressed the hope that the school becomes a premier edu cational institution and that in the days to come, a college will also come up in the colony to pro vide practical skills to both students within and beyond the colony.
The special guest ex pressed happiness at the role played by the upcom ing - United Nagamese Baptist Church- supported by late Neisatuo’s sister Dolly and her husband Thungbemo and ex pressed the hope that the church will also expand its focus on combating so cial problems by creating
awareness on good parent ing among residents.
In conclusion, Geof frey Yaden suggested that the celebration and thanksgiving for official recognition of Neisatuo Colony may be named as ‘First Neisatuo Day’ and subsequently as ‘Second Neisatuo Day’ in 2023 and so on.
He also ventured to offer his services if needed with regard to awareness and empowerment pro gramme for the benefit of the colony residents.
Short speeches were also delivered by colony ex-GB Lepshi Ao and former president of Naga Council Dimapur Savi Liegise.
Earlier, a dedica tory prayer was offered by Town Baptist Church Dimapur, pastor Vilodi Sakhrie, invocation by Hoili, special number
was presented by United Nagamese Baptist Church (UNBC), Neisatuo col ony.
An impressive Tae Kwon-Do display was presented by the youth of Neisatuo Colony.
The programme was chaired by Neisatuo colony chairman Lezovor Keditsu and welcome address was delivered by GB Neisatuo colony Nilo Gonmei.
Later, vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. Kezevituo Keditsu and benediction by Abeni Khuvung pastor UNBC, Neisatuo Colony.
Several other digni taries attended including Neiphrezo Kedistu former MLA, chairman Chekiye village Hukavi Zhimomi, retired director HE Mrs Toshivi Keditsu, besides many prominent leaders of various colonies.
NSF 75th anniversary on October 29
DIMAPUR: The deputy commissioner (DC) Dima pur, Sachin Jaiswal Thurs day, urged upon children to seek to understand the process of elections, in their respective locations, and start working towards ensur ing free and fair elections.

In a press release, De velopment Association of Nagaland (DAN) stated that the DC was speaking at the District Children’s Parliament, annual interface meeting with the duty bear ers and the second general session at DAN Training, Centre.
“Children should seek to understand the process of elections in their respective locations and start working towards ensuring free and
fair elections,” said Sachin.
The DC said the chil dren have a vital role to play in ensuring that the democratic system and val ues are upheld. He then exhorted the young leaders to make their voices heard in different platforms in regard to the issues that are affecting our progress and development.
Sachin opined that the Children’s Parliament was one of the best platforms for the children to hone their leadership skills. Together with learning about their rights, he the children have to understand the impor tance of their duties as the future of their communities and the country.
The DC also stressed
on ensuring gender equality in the families, institutions, communities and the coun try at large for sustainable development.
DAN director Rev. Fr. Sajan Joseph exhorted the children to identify the concerns that affect them and voice them out in the right platforms. “When you become the voice of the voiceless, you become leaders to serve our people,” said Rev. Joseph.
The focus group dis cussions were held with the resource persons by the members of the children’s parliament wherein the chil dren had an opportunity to directly interact with the officials and get to know about the functions and
processes and procedures in the respective institu tions. The resource persons encouraged the children to actively engage with the departments and also to share the learning with their friends and family.
The resource persons for the focus group discus sions were ADCP, (women and juvenile), Dr. Tiamenla Phom, SMO, district mental health programme, Tem suyanger Ao, SWI, DWO, Dimapur, Shikato Zhimo, centre coordinator, Sakhi One Stop Centre, Weriu Mero and chairperson, CWC Dimapur, Susan Lo tha. The event was attended by 65 representatives from six institutions and two neighbourhood parliaments.
According to PRO De fence, the security meeting organised in coordination with civil administration and state security agencies of Peren District was attended by ADC Jalukie, SDPO Peren, Com pany Commanders of 9 NAP (IR) & 10 NAP (IR), senior executive officer of SIB Jalukie and others.
PRO said the aim of the security meeting was to discuss issues related to security of the area and sharing of informa tion for any untoward inci dents, coordination and conver gence on the issues of mutual interest between security forces and civil administration.
Issues including intertribal clashes and upcoming state legislative assembly elec tions were discussed to prevent any untoward incidents in the region, informed PRO. PRO stated that the meeting also elaborately discussed about the law-and-order situation of the area and also about how to maintain peace in the region.
Embarking on the journey of Nagas from 1947-2022, the Naga Students’ Federation (NSF) are all set to celebrate 75 years of existence on the theme “Call to Oneness” on October 29, at Naga Solidar ity Park with chief Minister, Neiphiu Rio as chief guest.
Informing this in a press conference, former NSF president and conveyor Planning Committee NSF 75 years’ celebration, K Temjen Jamir informed that NSF said NSF was found in 1947 by pioneers where situ ation was much difficult in the Naga Hills with Nagas fighting for their political rights.
Highlighting that NSF focused more on political activities rather than aca demics of the people, Tem
jen said the federation was formed with inspiration for Nagas to attain sovereignty and emphasis on political nature.
Recalling the past, he stated that the Naga political leaders made sacrifices to bring Naga people together and compared the present times to the past.

On the theme for the jubilee, Temjen stated that it was a celebration of hope for all Nagas to come and unite for the common cause.
He added that the cel ebration included all the Nagas, irrespective of ge ography, tribes, borders and politics.
Presenting a brief high light on the programme, NSF president Kegwayhun Tep called upon all the Na gas and the Naga youth to celebrate the legacy and contribution of pioneers in
this jubilee.
The celebration will include federating units and guests from all the North Eastern Students Union under the banner of North East Students Organisa tion (NESO), with more than 2000 delegates from federating units, including, Myanmar and Naga inhab ited areas.
Meanwhile, all the fed erating units of NSF kicked off the jubilee celebration through a tree plantation programme, and in com memoration of World Envi ronment Day in their respec tive jurisdictions.
The programme was formally launched by Na galand Planning and Co ordination, Land Revenue and Parliamentary Affairs Minister, Neiba Kronu by lighting the jubilee torch on June 4.
Kaito inaugurates General K. Zuheto Swu memorial hall
Neisatuo Colony thanksgiving for official recognition

DIMAPUR, OCT 20 (NPN): Commemorat ing the recognition of NeisatuoColony, the first dedication and thanksgiv ing programme was held at NeingulieMemorial High School ground, here, Thursday.
Speaking at the pro gramme as special guest, chief editor of Nagaland Post, Geoffrey Yaden said that the day was signifi cant for two main rea sons- the thanksgiving for the official recognition of Neisatuo Colony and the day also being the 83rd birth anniversary of its pioneer late Neisatuo Keditsu.

later Neingulie Memorial School was established and continues to provide standard education to children, mostly from the weaker economic sec tions, both within and beyond the colony.
DIMAPUR: Minister of Agriculture and Coopera tion, G. Kaito Aye unveiled the memorial plaque of General K. Zuheto Swu Memorial Hall Thursday at Satakha Town, Zunheboto.

According to a DIPR report, speaking at the in augural programme, Kaito said the memorial hall was dedicated in honour of the outstanding contribu tions and selfless services rendered by late Gen. K. Zuheto Swu, KC, VSM, (Retd.) DIG-BSF, Mani pur and Nagaland Sector, towards the welfare of Sa takha people.
He said the good deeds
and sacrifices of late Gen. K. Zuheto Swu would live in the hearts of the people and requested his family for their continued support and participation, and in shar ing the vision for building and developing a better Satakha.
Kaito extended his gratitude and appreciation to the Satakha Area GB’s Association for endorsing the project and for their support in recognizing the memory of the pioneers and leaders of Satakha.
The minister said the building was constructed under LADP Scheme, Icon ic Project.
SVC, 25 AR commit to build ‘harmonious environment’
DIMAPUR: Reacting on the recent events and press state ments condemning 25 Assam Rifle’s “improper conduct”, Samziuram Village Council (SVC) said the relationship between 25 Assam Rifles, Samziuram Village authori ties and youth has been por trayed in an “unpleasant manner which is far from reality”.
In a press release, SVC chairman, N.L Pame said the village authorities and Assam Rifles promptly took initiative and have cleared the “miscom munication” and together asserted the commitment to wards building a “harmonious environment”.
SVC said the Assam Ri fles, village councils, Samziu ram Students’ Union, Samziu ram Youth Organization and Samziuram Women Soci ety affirmed to stand for the “peaceful coexistence” within its jurisdiction respecting the customary law, tradition and basic human rights provided under the constitution.
SVC informed that the council members or GBs would assist the Assam Rifles during “operations” as the

youth may “misconstrue such requests out of apprehensions and fear or depict as informant in the eye of opposite party”.
The council further said the Jalukie battalion of AR has been “keen, responsive and resolute towards its efforts in helping the Naga society and continues with its endeavour to extend unflinching support to the locals to enhance law and order and also to keep strict vigilance to thwart all security threats in the area”.
SVC has also appreciated the “sentinels of the north east for arresting these dangerous anti national elements who were harbouring arms, am munition and explosives in civil living areas”. It has also condemned the harbourer for indulging in it without the knowledge of the council. SVC has also appealed to all the fac tions to maintain and respect the ceasefire agreement.
Further, SVC has ex pressed gratitude to the “friends of the north east in helping the village with many development projects, free medical camps, events for chil dren and elderly, recruitment rallies and preparation etc.”.
In his speech, ADC Zunheboto appealed to the public to take care of the hall. Khevili Z. Swu, wife of late General Zuheto Swu hoped that the hall would be a blessing for the people of the area.
The programme chaired by NDPP 36A/C Satakha, president, Edward Muru was attended by dis trict administration of Zun heboto and Satakha, and public leaders. Dedicatory prayer for the hall was of fered by Pastor, STBC (Nito Mount), Rev. Kughato Cho phy and welcome address was delivered by SDO(C) Satakha.
BJP 23 Impur mandals hold consultative meet
DIMAPUR: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) 23 Im pur Mandal held a consul tative meeting on October 20 at Asetkong Salang, Kubulong with BJP Ma hila National Secretary, Aienla Jamir as the guest of honour.
In a press release, the party mandal stated that Aienla Jamir, while briefing the party members on dif ferent schemes and flagship programmes, encouraged mandal workers to ensure that such schemes reach the targeted people.
She opined that BJP was a disciplined and devel opment-oriented party and urged upon the karyakartas to work with full vigor so that the programs and poli cies of the BJP reach every section of the society.
The consultative meet ing was attended by a host of BJP officials from the State Mahila Unit, the BJP Mokokchung BJP unit, officials from the mandal and morchas, state council members and state execu tive members.
On the official recog nition of the colony, the special guest said though it came late, after sev eral decades, yet it was in keeping with the saying ‘better late than never’.
He described late Neisatuo as a big hearted, a down-to-earth person who treated everyone equally.
As one among sev eral other noted Naga pioneers of Dimapur, he said late Neisatuo con tributed much to society to the best of his ability. Under the stewardship of late Neisatuo, the colony gradually developed and
Various programmes organised for students
DIMAPUR: Various pro grammes for students were organised by educational institutions and as part of their yearly curricu lum and extra-curricular activities.
DBHSS: Don Bosco Higher Secondary School Dimapur conducted the Bharat Scout and Guide investiture ceremony on October 20, wherein the new scouts and guides had to go through rigor ous testing.

While addressing the newly invested Scout and Guide, the District Or ganising Commissioner (DOC), D.M. Agay Jo seph urged them to act on the motto, “Be prepared” at all times. A total of 45 scouts and 22 guides were invested, wherein the newly invested scouts and guides took oath to do their duty to God, serving the country and help oth ers at all times and obey the scout/guide law.
YMC: Commemo rating Mega Swacchata 2022, NSS unit of Yemhi Memorial College on
DC Dmu urges children to understand poll process
October 19 conducted a cleanliness drive in and around adopted village, Nepali Basti, Dimapur.
PCC (Autonomous): Patkai Christian College (Autonomous) and Em porium Training & Con sultancy Pvt Ltd (ETCPL) Nagaland signed a Memo randum of Understanding (MoU), which among others is aimed at ad dressing growing need of employment in Nagaland.
The MoU was signed by PCC principal Dr Thepfuvilie Pierü and ETCPL, Nagaland, CEO Temjenkala Aier in pres ence of core members from both the organisa tions in the office chamber of the college’s Principal, Administrative Block on October 18.
MMC: National Ser vice Scheme (NSS) cell, Mount Mary College, Chümoukedima observed “Swachchta 2022” on October 19 by collecting waste between the road stretch of the college and Chümoukedima Highway Junction.
AR holds security coordination meet at Jalukie
DIMAPUR: Jalukie battalion of Assam Rifles under the aegis of HQ IGAR (N) conducted security coordination meeting on October 19 at Jalukie, Peren district.
He also expressed the hope that the school becomes a premier edu cational institution and that in the days to come, a college will also come up in the colony to pro vide practical skills to both students within and beyond the colony.
The special guest ex pressed happiness at the role played by the upcom ing - United Nagamese Baptist Church- supported by late Neisatuo’s sister Dolly and her husband Thungbemo and ex pressed the hope that the church will also expand its focus on combating so cial problems by creating
awareness on good parent ing among residents.
In conclusion, Geof frey Yaden suggested that the celebration and thanksgiving for official recognition of Neisatuo Colony may be named as ‘First Neisatuo Day’ and subsequently as ‘Second Neisatuo Day’ in 2023 and so on.
He also ventured to offer his services if needed with regard to awareness and empowerment pro gramme for the benefit of the colony residents.
Short speeches were also delivered by colony ex-GB Lepshi Ao and former president of Naga Council Dimapur Savi Liegise.
Earlier, a dedica tory prayer was offered by Town Baptist Church Dimapur, pastor Vilodi Sakhrie, invocation by Hoili, special number
was presented by United Nagamese Baptist Church (UNBC), Neisatuo col ony.
An impressive Tae Kwon-Do display was presented by the youth of Neisatuo Colony.
The programme was chaired by Neisatuo colony chairman Lezovor Keditsu and welcome address was delivered by GB Neisatuo colony Nilo Gonmei.
Later, vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. Kezevituo Keditsu and benediction by Abeni Khuvung pastor UNBC, Neisatuo Colony.
Several other digni taries attended includ ing Neiphrezo Kedistu former MLA, chairman Chekiye village Hukavi Zhimomi, Dr. Toshevi Keditsu, besides many prominent leaders of vari ous colonies.
NSF 75th anniversary on October 29
DIMAPUR: The deputy commissioner (DC) Dima pur, Sachin Jaiswal Thurs day, urged upon children to seek to understand the process of elections, in their respective locations, and start working towards ensur ing free and fair elections.

In a press release, De velopment Association of Nagaland (DAN) stated that the DC was speaking at the District Children’s Parliament, annual interface meeting with the duty bear ers and the second general session at DAN Training, Centre.
“Children should seek to understand the process of elections in their respective locations and start working towards ensuring free and
fair elections,” said Sachin.
The DC said the chil dren have a vital role to play in ensuring that the democratic system and val ues are upheld. He then exhorted the young leaders to make their voices heard in different platforms in regard to the issues that are affecting our progress and development.
Sachin opined that the Children’s Parliament was one of the best platforms for the children to hone their leadership skills. Together with learning about their rights, he the children have to understand the impor tance of their duties as the future of their communities and the country.
The DC also stressed
on ensuring gender equality in the families, institutions, communities and the coun try at large for sustainable development.
DAN director Rev. Fr. Sajan Joseph exhorted the children to identify the concerns that affect them and voice them out in the right platforms. “When you become the voice of the voiceless, you become leaders to serve our people,” said Rev. Joseph.
The focus group dis cussions were held with the resource persons by the members of the children’s parliament wherein the chil dren had an opportunity to directly interact with the officials and get to know about the functions and
processes and procedures in the respective institu tions. The resource persons encouraged the children to actively engage with the departments and also to share the learning with their friends and family.
The resource persons for the focus group discus sions were ADCP, (women and juvenile), Dr. Tiamenla Phom, SMO, district mental health programme, Tem suyanger Ao, SWI, DWO, Dimapur, Shikato Zhimo, centre coordinator, Sakhi One Stop Centre, Weriu Mero and chairperson, CWC Dimapur, Susan Lo tha. The event was attended by 65 representatives from six institutions and two neighbourhood parliaments.
According to PRO De fence, the security meeting organised in coordination with civil administration and state security agencies of Peren District was attended by ADC Jalukie, SDPO Peren, Com pany Commanders of 9 NAP (IR) & 10 NAP (IR), senior executive officer of SIB Jalukie and others.
PRO said the aim of the security meeting was to discuss issues related to security of the area and sharing of informa tion for any untoward inci dents, coordination and conver gence on the issues of mutual interest between security forces and civil administration.
Issues including intertribal clashes and upcoming state legislative assembly elec tions were discussed to prevent any untoward incidents in the region, informed PRO. PRO stated that the meeting also elaborately discussed about the law-and-order situation of the area and also about how to maintain peace in the region.
Embarking on the journey of Nagas from 1947-2022, the Naga Students’ Federation (NSF) are all set to celebrate 75 years of existence on the theme “Call to Oneness” on October 29, at Naga Solidar ity Park with chief Minister, Neiphiu Rio as chief guest.
Informing this in a press conference, former NSF president and conveyor Planning Committee NSF 75 years’ celebration, K Temjen Jamir informed that NSF said NSF was found in 1947 by pioneers where situ ation was much difficult in the Naga Hills with Nagas fighting for their political rights.
Highlighting that NSF focused more on political activities rather than aca demics of the people, Tem
jen said the federation was formed with inspiration for Nagas to attain sovereignty and emphasis on political nature.
Recalling the past, he stated that the Naga political leaders made sacrifices to bring Naga people together and compared the present times to the past.

On the theme for the jubilee, Temjen stated that it was a celebration of hope for all Nagas to come and unite for the common cause.
He added that the cel ebration included all the Nagas, irrespective of ge ography, tribes, borders and politics.
Presenting a brief high light on the programme, NSF president Kegwayhun Tep called upon all the Na gas and the Naga youth to celebrate the legacy and contribution of pioneers in
this jubilee.
The celebration will include federating units and guests from all the North Eastern Students Union under the banner of North East Students Organisa tion (NESO), with more than 2000 delegates from federating units, including, Myanmar and Naga inhab ited areas.
Meanwhile, all the fed erating units of NSF kicked off the jubilee celebration through a tree plantation programme, and in com memoration of World Envi ronment Day in their respec tive jurisdictions.
The programme was formally launched by Na galand Planning and Co ordination, Land Revenue and Parliamentary Affairs Minister, Neiba Kronu by lighting the jubilee torch on June 4.
AFSPA extended in 8 districts, 1 sub-division of Assam
GUWAHATI, OCT 20 (PTI): The Assam government Thursday said it has extended the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958 (AFSPA) in eight districts and one subdivision for six months after a review of the law and order situation.
The government, however, withdrew the controversial law from West Karbi Anglong district as the situation there has “considerably improved”.
The six month extension of AFSPA is effective from October 1, Home and Political Department Principal Secretary Niraj Verma said in an order.
The order dated October 15 and released on Thursday stated that nine districts and one subdivision were kept under the AFSPA since April 1 as “disturbed area” after withdrawing the legislation from the rest of the state.

“A review of the law and order and security scenario in Assam in the recent past indicates that the situation has considerably improved in West Karbi Anglong
district of the state ... The Governor of Assam is pleased to withdraw the declaration of ‘Disturbed Area’ with effect from 01.10.2022 from West Karbi Anglong,” the order said.
Districts which continue to be disturbed areas are Tinsukia, Dibrugarh, Charaideo, Sivasagar, Jorhat, Golaghat, Karbi Anglong and Dima Hasao besides Lakhipur sub-division of Cachar in the Barak Valley.
The act was imposed in Assam in November 1990 and has been extended every six months since then after a review of the situation by the state government.
AFSPA allows
security forces to conduct operations anywhere and arrest anyone without any prior warrant. It also gives a certain level of immunity to the security forces in case of an operation going wrong.
Civil society groups and rights activists have been demanding withdrawal of the “draconian law” from the entire North East claiming violation of human rights by the armed forces.
The cry to repeal the act gained momentum after the death of 14 civilians in firing by security forces in a botched anti-insurgency operation and retaliatory violence in Mon district of Nagaland on December 4, 2021.
BJP to form govt in Tripura: BJP poll in-charge
AGARTALA, OCT 20 (PTI): The BJP will return to power in Tripura with a two third-majority in the 2023 Assembly elections, the state party’s newly-appointed election in-charge Mahesh Singh claimed on Thursday.
In the 2018 polls, the saffron party had bagged 36 seats in 60-member Assembly to unseat the CPI(M) which was ruling the northeastern state for 25 years. The BJP’s ally, the Indigenous People’s Front of Tripura (IPFT), had won eight constituencies.
“The BJP is ready for the Assembly elections in Tripura. The party will win the election with a twothird majority,” Singh told reporters at the state party headquarters.
Singh had played a key role in the 2016 Assembly elections in Uttar Pradesh.
Earlier, the senior leader held meetings with the state unit’s office bearers and heads of various frontal organisations. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to visit Tripura later this month. BJP coordinator for the northeast, Sambit Patra, is holding political programmes in various districts of Tripura for the past three days.
Be part of the global IT change, Biren tells youths
IMPHAL, OCT 20: Manipur chief minister N Biren Singh was on Thursday said he was impressed by projects of the students exhibited at “Destination Infinity – Manipur IT Startup Challenge”.
Singh accompanied by state chief secretary Dr Rajesh Kumar and information technology director N Deben visited the ‘Destination Infinity – Manipur IT Startup Challenge’ at the Innovation Hub of the Information Technology Park in Imphal Mantripukhri today where he interacted with the media persons as part of the programme.

Appreciating students exhibiting their projects at the hub, the chief minister said, “The projects exhibited by the young students are quite encouraging and innovative, and a few will be taken up as pilot projects soon.”
Singh said that certain prototypes based on IoT have been developed in the hub, including flood monitoring system and early warning system for rivers, smart control of home appliances and weighing machine with smart detection and
Sacked teachers go on hunger strike ’till death’ in Tripura
AGARTALA, OCT 20 (AGENCIES): A faction of the 10,323 sacked teachers on Thursday led by Pradip Banik announced a hunger strike at the Orient Chowmuhani Agartala demanding reinstatement in service, reports East Mojo.

The Pradip Banikled faction has always maintained a distance from the Joint Action Committee of 10,323 teachers which is a larger front of three organisations.
The other factions neither extended support to the agitation nor made any statement in solidarity with the Banik faction, as Banik had once vehemently opposed the protest programs undertaken by the JAC. “We are with them. The demand that is being raised from the platform created by Mr Banik is in the interest of all
the 10,323 teachers. But, for now, we can’t publicly join the hunger strike as Chief Minister Manik Saha has told us to wait till Deepavali.
We feel that the CM’s words should be respected which
Assam has third-highest murder rate in country: NCRB
GUWAHATI, OCT 20 (AGENCIES):Assam logged 1,269 murder cases amounting to 3.4 per cent in 2021, according to data released by the National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB), reports East Mojo.
This places the state third in the country in terms of the murder rate.
As many as 3,558 murder cases were registered in the state between 2019 and 2021, the report stated.
A total of 1,192 murder cases were registered by the Assam police in 2021.
According to the
data, the motive behind the highest number of murder cases (536) in the state in 2021 was unknown.
A total of 311 murders were committed due to ‘personal vendetta or enmity’, 227 due to ‘disputes’ and 105 due to ‘property or land dispute’ during this period.
Nine dowry murder cases were also recorded in the state last year.
Jharkhand has the highest murder rate (4.1 per cent), while Haryana with 3.8 per cent, has been placed second. According to the NCRB, the national average rate of murders was 2.2 per cent in 2021.
Sharma writes to Mamata on death of Assam student
GUWAHATI, OCT 20 (PTI): Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma Thursday wrote to his West Bengal counterpart Mamata Banerjee requesting her to intervene for a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding the death of IIT Kharagpur student Faizan Ahmed.
Sarma said that the untimely death of Ahmed has caused a deep sense of grief in Assam.
Ahmed, hailing from Twho hails from Tinsukia, was a third year mechanical engineering student in the Institute and was found dead in his hostel room on October 14.
His parents filed a case with the local police in Kharagpur requesting the superintending of police of Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal and inspectorin-charge of Kharagpur (Town) police station for an investigation.
is why for now we are not in the position of sharing the state. After October 25, we shall certainly join them if we don’t receive any positive response”, said Kamal Deb, a leader
of another faction of the 10,323.
Speaking to the media persons Pradip Banik said, “You all know that when the Left Front was in power, the High Court of Tripura
declared our jobs to be illegal. In the judgement, there is no mention of 10,323.
We lost our jobs due to the ignorant attitude of the higher officials of the Education and Law department as the jobs of as many as 38 people were challenged. Later Tripura saw a political change of guard, a new political party with a promise to resolve our problem was set at the helm of power but we did not see any change. We want our services in schools to be resumed. Finding no other way, we have started the hunger strike.”
Banik also accused a section of officials of misinterpreting the Court Judgements which ruined their lives. “We hope the state government will hear our pleas and make efforts to reinstate us in the schools”, he said.
sales reporting based with cloud reporting and management.
“Some of the prototypes exhibited when implemented practically could be quite beneficial for the state,” he observed.
The chief minister informed that a MoU has been signed with MiKroTik for exploring possibilities in certifying network engineers for next generation network infrastructure.
He said that the main objective of the hub was to bring out new ideas and generate new
products in line with the Prime Minister’s vision of Atmanirbhar and initiatives of Vocal for Local.
Singh also highlighted some events and activities taken up by the hub, and said 162 students have been trained on basics of IoT, 22 lecture series on emerging technologies were taken up along with online seminars.
He informed that around 1200 students from various institutes have visited the hub for exposure on various emerging technologies and 26 students have completed internships as a part of the
academic project.
“It is due to education that today our youth are able to enjoy the changes happening across the world in IT, Science and Technology sectors, ‘’ Singh said.
“Let us concentrate on education and be a part of the global IT change happening around the world, ” Singh appealed.
“We don’t lack talents, but our effort seems to be lacking,” he added, stressing that that the youths should have constructive and positive mindset.
Third round of Mizoram-Assam boundary talks to be held on Nov 4
AIZAWL, OCT 20 (PTI): The third round of inter-state boundary talks between Mizoram and Assam would be held on November 4 in Guwahati, a Home department official said here on Thursday. The Assam government on Thursday intimated to the Mizoram Home department to hold a minister-level meeting in Guwahati on November 4 to find an amicable solution to the vexed border dispute, the official said.
While the Mizoram delegation would be headed by Home minister Lalchamliana, Assam Border Protection and Development minister Atul Bora is expected to lead the Assam team, he said.
Mizoram shares a
Meghalaya HC halts construction around Umiam lake

The Meghalaya High Court on Thursday ordered a halt to further construction in or around the Umiam lake before strict norms for such construction and treatment of effluence are put in place.
A division bench comprising of Chief Justice Sanjib Banerjee and Justice Wanlura Diengdoh said no further construction would be allowed “at least within 1000m from the Highest Flood Level (HFL) of the Umiam lake after several outlets cropped up over the years up to a distance of about 300m from the HFL.

“No future construction in or around the Umiam Lake, at least within 1000m from the HFL, will be allowed before strict norms for such construction and treatment of effluence are put in place, after leaving a noconstruction buffer zone of about 500m from the HFL, by the appropriate authorities. Both the State and the District Council should ensure compliance with such direction,” the Court ordered.
A joint inspection was conducted by the Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council (KHADC) along with the State Pollution Control Board and it was revealed that seven establishments constructed buildings within 300m of
the HFL of the Umiam Lake. Several other buildings are under construction.
According to the KHADC, some form of permission has been obtained by each of the aforesaid entities or the persons in control thereof from the local authorities.
“In some cases, permissions have also been obtained from the State Pollution Control Board, but it does not appear that there may have been any law in force pertaining to the extent of the construction, the nature of construction or any limitations or regulation in such regard,” the KHADC informed the Court.
However, the Court ruled that even if an establishment is found to have made the
construction with some form of permission, “strict conditions need to be imposed” to ensure that the cleanliness of the water below or the aesthetics of the surroundings are not adversely affected.
“It does not appear that there may have been any law in force pertaining to the extent of the construction, the nature of construction or any limitations or regulation in such regard,” the bench observed.
With regard to the several metal containers, which are intended to be run as commercial kiosks or establishments for vending eatables, that have come up blocking a substantial portion of the longest viewing point of the Umiam Lake, the Court directed the KHADC and
the State Pollution Control Board will be guided by the larger public interest and the uncompromising need to ensure the cleanliness of the water rather than the pecuniary or commercial interest of the relevant establishment.
“A well thought-out designated area for such purpose may be identified with appropriate facilities for dealing with the garbage and effluence that may be generated and so that there is no possibility of the same seeping down to the water below,” the Court said, adding that further construction activities around the Umiam Lake should be kept in abeyance till a more detailed report in terms of this order is obtained from the KHADC and the State Pollution Control Board.
164.6 km long inter-state boundary with Assam.
The border dispute between the two neighbouring states is a long pending and vexed issue, which stemmed from two colonial demarcations of 1875 and 1933.
While the 509 square miles stretch of land notified as inner line reserve forest in 1875 was considered by
Mizoram as its historical boundary, Assam regarded the survey of India’s Map as it’s constitutional boundary. A violent clash took place in the disputed area near Vairengte village on the National Highway306 in July last leading to the death of six policemen and a civilian from Assam when security forces of both states exchanged fire.
Revision Jurisdiction)
Ref :- Crl. Revision Petition No.1 /2022.
North Eastern Development Finance Corporation Ltd. .......Petitioner -VersusSmti. Noktila Ao.
To, Smti. Noktila Ao, Prop :- M/S. Pinnacle Hostel, House No. 321, Duncan Bosti, Near West Police Station, Dimapur, Nagaland, Pin- 797112.
Other Address :Smti. Noktila Ao, D/o Shri. Lipok Ao, Mopungchuket Village, P.O- Impur, District- Mokokchung, Nagaland-798601.
TAKE NOTICE that a Criminal Revision Petition/I.A has been filed in this Court by the above named petitioner and that you are hereby called upon to appear and show cause in the aforesaid case. The notice is made returnable on 21.11.2022 for hearing the matter.
If no appearance is made by yourself or by your advocate or by someone by law authorized to act on your behalf on the date of appearance/hearing, the matter will be heard and decided exparte in your absence.
Signed and sealed of the Court on this the13th day of October 2022.
Principal District and Sessions Judge, Dimapur, Nagaland.Db-1237/22

Modi launches Mission LiFE; bats for 3 ‘R’s
(PTI): Prime Minister Narendra Modi and United Nations Secretary Gen eral Antonio Guterres on Thursday launched Mis sion LiFE, a global plan of action aimed at saving the planet from the disastrous consequences of climate change.
The launch of the mis sion, aimed at encouraging people towards sustainable living, comes ahead of next month’s mega UN climate meet in Egypt.
The action plan - a list of ideas on lifestyle changes that can be taken up as climate-friendly behaviour - along with the logo and tagline for Mission LiFE (Lifestyle for Environment) were jointly launched by Modi and Guterres at Kev adia in Gujarat.

Modi asked people to adopt the concept of ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’ and circular economy and said India is committed to tackling the menace of climate change.
He said Mission LiFE will strengthen the concept of a pro-people planet. The mission signifies “lifestyle of the planet, for the planet and by the planet”.
Mission LiFE aims at following a three-pronged strategy for changing peo
ple’s collective approach towards sustainability. This includes nudg ing individuals to practice simple yet effective envi ronment-friendly actions in their daily lives (demand), enabling industries and markets to respond swiftly to the changing demand (supply), and to influence government and industrial policy to support both sus tainable consumption and production (policy).
Modi said the prevail ing notion that climate change is an issue only related to policy leaves this all important issue only to the government or interna tional organisations.
“People are experienc ing the effects of climate
change in their surround ings, and in the last few de cades unexpected calami ties were witnessed. This makes it amply clear that climate change goes be yond just policy-making,” he said.
The PM said the mantra of Mission LiFE is ‘Lifestyle For Environ ment’. The mission will connect the people’s power for the protection of the earth, and teach them to utilise its resources in a bet ter way.
Mission LiFE makes the fight against climate change democratic, in which everyone can con tribute within their capac ity, Modi said.
“Mission LiFE in
Kejriwal hits back at Shah, says don’t make excuses for BJP-led MCD’s failure
(PTI): Delhi Chief Min ister Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday hit back at Union Home Minister Amit Shah over his accusations against the AAP, and asked the BJP not to make “excuses” for its “failure” in running the MCD for 15 years.
In a series of tweets in Hindi, the AAP supremo also said that in the next civic elections, people will have to decide whether they want a Delhi filled with gar bage or a clean Delhi.
“For something you could not do in 15 years, now you want three more years for that? Why should people trust you? You won’t be able to do it. Now we will make Delhi garbage-free,” Kejriwal posted in Hindi on the micro-blogging site.

He was responding to allegations levelled against his party by Shah at an event hosted by the Mu nicipal Corporation of Del hi (MCD) here. Shah on Thursday said the Arvind
Kejriwal-led party wanted Delhi to be ‘AAP Nirbhar’ while the BJP wanted the national capital to be ‘At manirbhar’, and asked the people to choose between the two in the upcoming MCD elections.
At the launch of a waste-to-energy (WTE) plant in Tehkhand here, Shah also accused the Ke jriwal government of giving step-motherly treatment to the erstwhile three civic bodies, and said it owed Rs 40,000 crore to the munici pal corporations.
In his response, Ke jriwal wrote: “How much funds did the central gov
Adityanath meets Bhagwat; discuss population issue
PRAYAGRAJ (UP), OCT 20 (PTI): Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Ad ityanath on Thursday met RSS head Mohan Bhagwat here, with the two leaders learnt to have discussed the population issue.
According to sources, Chief Minister Adityanath flew from Lucknow to meet Bhagwat and the two were together for about an hour.
The two had lunch to gether after which the CM returned, they said, adding that both discussed the pop ulation issue. Adityanath also invited the RSS chief to Deepotsav at Ayodhya on October 23. Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) leader Dattatreya Hosabale had on Wednesday said religious conversion and migration from Bangladesh were causing “population imbalance” and called for strict implementation of anti-conversion laws.
Bhagwat had attended an RSS meet here from Oc tober 16 to 19 in which the population problem was dis cussed. The Uttar Pradesh State Law Commission had last year submitted to Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath a draft population control bill and made a slew of recom mendations, including ad
ditional incentives to public servants for adopting the one-child norm and banning those who violate the twochild policy from contesting local bodies polls.
The recommendations were made in the 19th report on Population Control, Sta bilisation and Welfare. The report along with the draft Uttar Pradesh Population Control, Stabilisation and Welfare Bill, 2021 was hand ed over to the CM. But, no further action was initiated.
Meanwhile, Deputy Chief Minister Keshav Prasad Maurya said whatever issue the RSS raises is always in the interest of the nation and added its concern over population problem would get support of the nation.
When asked by the me dia in Lucknow if the gov ernment will bring a policy on the issue of population control, Maurya said, “We will have to wait for what the government will do once a meeting is held over it. What I am saying is my personal opinion.”
“The number of people opposing this issue is very small. Even among them the good people are in support. See, problems will appear if 100 people start living in a house made for 10 people,” he added.
ernment give to MCD in 15 years? The BJP was in power in both? Double-engine? Don’t make excuses for your failure. Tell the public what work you have done in 15 years. I challenge you to tell about any one work.”
The Ministry of Home Affairs on October 17 issued the final gazette notification for redrawing of municipal wards in Delhi, paving the way for civic polls in the city.
The polls were earlier slated to be held in April, and are now anticipated to take place by the end of this year or early 2023.
The BJP, which was ruling the three municipal corporations -- NDMC, SDMC and EDMC -- in Delhi for over a decade before their reunification in May this year, AAP and the Congress have already started preparation for the polls.
The central govern ment has fixed the total number of seats in the MCD at 250.
spires us to do all that can be done in our everyday life to protect the environment. Mission LiFE believes that the environment can be protected by making chang es in our lifestyle,” he said.
For example, a person goes to a gym on a vehicle that runs five kms on per li tre (fuel). If the person goes there on a bicycle, then both the goals of protecting the environment and achieving personal fitness will be met, he said.
The PM also gave an example of the adoption of LED bulbs in India for reducing electricity bills and protecting the environ ment.
“This led to massive savings and environmental benefits and this is a recur ring permanent benefit,” he said.
Modi said that Mis sion LiFE emboldens the spirit of the “P3 model- that is Pro- Planet People”.
It unites people of the earth as pro-planet people, uniting them all in their thoughts. It functions on the basic principle of ‘”life style of the planet, for the planet and by the planet,” he said.
“Mission LiFE will encompass every lifestyle related to the conservation of nature, which our an cestors adopted, and that
can be made a part of our lifestyle today,” he said.
The annual per capita carbon footprint in India is only about 1.5 tonnes, compared to the world average of four tonnes per year. Nevertheless, India is working at the forefront to solve global problems like climate change, he said.
“Today we are ranked fourth in wind energy and fifth in solar energy. India’s renewable energy capac ity has increased by about 290 per cent in the last seven-eight years. We have also achieved the target of achieving 40 per cent of the electric capacity from non-fossil-fuel sources nine years ahead of the dead line,” the PM said.
“We had also achieved a target of 10 per cent etha nol blending in petrol, and that too five months before the deadline,” he added.
Through the National Hydrogen Mission, In dia has moved towards an environment-friendly energy source. “This will help India and many coun tries of the world to achieve their goal of net zero,” Modi said. Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel and Union External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar were among those present on the occasion.
Gehlot fires back at Rathore over comments on Kharge
Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Thursday hit back at BJP MP Ra jyavardhan Rathore over his comments on new Congress chief Mallikarjun Kharge and said leaders of the saf fron party should read his tory before speaking.
Rathore had on Wednesday called newly elected Congress president Kharge a “rubber stamp” and alleged that the party’s internal polls to elect a new chief were a “fraud”.
In his response, Gehlot told reporters, “These peo ple have no shame. New boys have come... they do not understand that they should read history and then learn to speak so that their image is not spoiled.”
“They have no knowl edge... What is a rubber stamp? Sonia Gandhi her self went to his (Mallikarjun Kharje) place yesterday (on Wednesday).” Kharge won the polls for the post of Con gress president, the results of which were announced on Wednesday. He was pit
ted against Shashi Tharoor.
Gehlot, long known as a loyalist to the first fam ily of the country’s oldest party, added that if there was any leader in India who commanded respect, it was Sonia Gandhi.
“She refused to become PM, got the UPA (United Progressive Alliance) gov ernment formed at the Cen tre twice and also got many state governments formed,” he said. The chief minister also lashed out at BJP lead ers questioning what hap pened in the 70 years after Independence and said ev erything that has happened has taken place in the 70 years. “Not even a needle used to be manufactured when the country got Inde pendence. These people are misleading the public and youths. They are destroying the young generation in the name of religion and caste,” he said. Gehlot added that the BJP should not indulge in ‘panchayati’ (politics) about the Congress and instead take care of its own house.
SII to provide Ebola vax to Uganda for trials
PUNE, OCT 20 (PTI): Chief Executive Officer of the Serum Institute of India (SII) Adar Poonawalla on Thursday said the company will be providing 20,000 to 30,000 Ebola vaccines to Uganda for trials. Speak ing to the reporters here on the sidelines of annual
general meeting of the De veloping Countries Vaccine Manufacturers Network (DCVMN), Poonawalla said if the trials are successful, the firm will see whether the product should be stockpiled for future outbreaks. “Right now Ebola (vaccine) is just a support mission. We have
decided to provide 20,000 to 30,000 doses for the trials, which are happening with WHO, to Uganda. Let’s see how the trials take place,” he said. As per media reports, there have been more than 50 confirmed cases of Ebola and 19 deaths since last month in the African country.
NO.HED/SCHO-1/2016 Kohima, dated, the 19th Oct. 2022
This is to inform all the Students and Educational Institutions that:
1. Online Scholarship Application for State Merit and Research Scholarship for the academic session 2022-23 will be live (active) from 21st Oct. 2022 till 30th Nov. 2022 via the State Common Scholarship Portal https://scholarship.nagaland.gov.in. Detailed guidelines/instructions for each Scheme will also be available on the portal.
2. For State Merit Scholarship, Institutions within Nagaland shall verify the application of their students online through the same portal by the Institution Nodal Officer (INO). Institutions which are yet to send the INO nomination letter to this Office are to furnish at the earliest to this Office or email to hescholarship@gmail.com with details such as- name of the INO, Contact number, email, Institution name and the District of the Institution.
3. Last date for online verification of State Merit Scholarship Scheme at Institution level will be 9th Dec. 2022.
4. Last date for receiving hardcopy of applications and documents for State Research Scholarship and also for applicants of State Merit Scholarship studying outside Nagaland will be 9th Dec. 2022.
5. Last date for online scholarship application of Post Matric Scholarship (ST) Students of Nagaland will be extended up to 6th November 2022.

Overconsumption created threefold planetary emergency: Guterres
KEVADIA (GUJ), OCT 20 (PTI): United Nations Secretary General Anto nio Guterres on Thursday said overconsumption has resulted in a three-fold plan etary emergency of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution, and called for the need to treat the earth’s resources judiciously and respectfully.
Guterres, who jointly launched Mission LiFE (Lifestyle for Environment) with Prime Minister Nar endra Modi here, lamented that in the current times, greed was prevailing over need, and urged people to adopt a sustainable way of living. “In this perilous time, we need all hands on deck. There is no great er challenge than climate change. Overconsumption has resulted in a three-fold planetary emergency of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution,” he said.

“We are using the equivalent of 1.6 planet earths to maintain our life styles. That great access is compounded by great inequality. The combined greenhouse gas emission of the richest one per cent is more than twice of the poorest 50 per cent,” he said.
Quoting MahatmaGandhi, Guterres said, “The world has enough for everyone’s needs but not everyone’s greed...Unfortu nately in recent times, greed is prevailing over need and we need to reverse it.”
“Each one of us has to learn to live sustainably and reduce our environmental footprint,” he said.
He expressed hope that the initiatives of the LiFE movement spread through out the world.
“I am immensely en couraged by the commit ment that India has made to pursue environmentally sound policies and its pledge to significantly increase in vestment in renewable en ergy, championing Interna tional Solar Alliance…..we need to unleash the renew
able revolution and I look forward to working with India in driving this agenda forward,” the UN chief said. In a few weeks’ time, world leaders will meet for COP 27 in Egypt. COP 27 will present a key political opportunity to renew trusts and accelerate actions on all pillars of Paris climate agreement, he added.
Guterres noted that with its vulnerability to cli mate impacts and its mas sive economy, India can play a critical bridging role.
“We must treat the earth’s resources with wis dom and respect,” he said while pledging to alter the economies and lifestyles so that people are able to share earth’s resources fairly and only take what they need.
India eyeing USD 5 bn exports: Rajnath
GANDHINAGAR, OCT 20 (PTI): Terming exports as a key pillar for longterm sustainability of the domestic defence industry, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Thursday said the government has set itself a target of achieving defence exports of USD 5 billion by 2025.
Speak ing at an event at the 12th Defence Expo here, he also said the gov ernment was eyeing overall turnover of USD 22 billion in defence production in the same timeframe. “Domes tic demand alone may not always provide economies of scale to make profitable investments and sustain them,” Singh said, speak ing at a seminar jointly organised by the US-India Business Council and So ciety of Indian Defence Manufacturers at Mahatma Mandir. The seminar was on the theme ‘New Fron tiers in US-India Defence Cooperation: Next Genera

tion Technology, Innovation & Make in India’.
“The USD 5 billion export target set for 2025 reflects the intent of the gov ernment for export-oriented manufacturing,” the minis ter added. He also invited US defence companies to set up manufacturing units in India and develop tech nological collaboration with Indian industries to create a “global supply chain free from vulnerabilities and uncertainties”.
Singh highlighted the steps taken by the govern
ment to boost local de fence manufacturing such as increase in procurement categories.
“We are delighted to work with the US, our val ued partner, to strengthen our commercial and stra tegic relationship and to attract US investment for creating a high-technology defence production ecosys tem in India. For India, col laboration with US compa nies would be an important strategic force multiplier, apart from being wealth and job creator,” Singh added.
Kohima, the 20th October 2022
This is for information that Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Pre-Matric Scholarship (PMS) to the Children of those engaged in occupation involving cleaning and prone to health hazards under National Safai Karamcharis Finance and Development Corporation for the academic session 2022-23 will be opened from 20th October 2022 in the Common Scholarship Portal of Nagaland. Eligibility Criteria and guidelines of the Scheme are available in the website https://scholarship. nagaland.gov.in
Last date for submission of application through online will be 15th December 2022.
to the
by 26th October,
must be
address: patkaicollege@gmail.com
will be called for
A pyrrhic victory
As predicted weeks ahead, the election to the post of Congress president was already decid ed and the result on October 19 proved it. Even days ahead of polling, it was largely predicted that Mallikarjun Kharge, the late comer would win the con test with a majority of the family loyalists certain to not vote for Sashi Tharoor even if the latter had declared his candidature several weeks ahead of Kharge. Therefore, the results declared on October 19 went along expected lines and confirmed predictions made that the overwhelming majority of the over 9000 family loyalists would vote for the unofficial-official candidate. It may be recalled that the “unofficial” candidate and rank outsider of the loyalist circle, Sashi Tharoor,had already made known his intention to contest by the last week of August. The loyalist-laden delegates from states were hoping to field Rajasthan chief minister Ashok Gehlot and he was all ready by September 29. However, Gehlot upset the family applecart by insisting that he should be allowed to remain chief minister even after the foregone conclusion that he will be elected as Congress party president. When this was not acceded to by the party high command, since the Gandhis wanted him out of Rajasthan in order to replace him with another family loyalist and bitter foe, Sachin Pilot. This led Gehlot to decline the contest which also threw the party high command in a quandary. To save the situation, another family loyalist Digvijay Singh made known his intention to do battle against Tharoor on behalf of the Gandhis after Gehlot opted out on September 29. Then out of nowhere, the name of Mallikarjun Kharge another die-hard Gandhi loyalist was sounded. Unexpectedly, before filing his nomination, Kharge disclosed “Sonia Gandhi asked me to contest Congress presidential poll” on September 30.That statement itself seemed to confirm Tharoor’s claims that the party has set up an official candidate and expressed serious doubts about the fairness of the poll process. The Congress high command or to be precise, those who are hav ing a stranglehold over the Gandhis, believe that Kharge will be what they needed. He is past his prime at around 80 and has been rewarded for his blind loyalty to the family. Even his Dalit credentials which the inner circle flaunts will hardly do any good if the Punjab experience is anything to go by when Charanjit Channa a Dalit was propped as Punjab chief minister after showing Capt.Amarinder the door. Tharoor is certainly someone who could bring new ideas to the party but lacks rapport with the rank and file of the loy alist-laden committee. Many in the party accept that Tharoor would bring a whiff of fresh air if elected but that would mean being a threat to Rahul. The results may have just opened the Congress to the imminence of change as Tharoor got at least 12% of the votes. Kharge will be taking over on October 26 and it should assure Rahul that he can continue with the Jodo Yatra undisturbed. It has been Rahul’s agenda that those who differed with him are against the party. Rahul’s bizarre prescription for rejuvenating the Congress was that “ Congress needs to have many people who are in to go out, and get many who are out to come in”. Whether Kharge will facilitate the exit and entry policy will be tested in the coming days.
DailyDevotion Is God’s Will My Will?
This is the will of God, your sanctification… —1 Thes salonians 4:3
Sanctification is not a question of whether God is willing to sanctify me— is it my will? Am I will ing to let God do in me everything that has been made possible through the atonement of the Cross of Christ? Am I willing to let Jesus become sanctifi cation to me, and to let His life be exhibited in my human flesh? (see 1 Corinthians 1:30). Beware of saying, “Oh, I am longing to be sanctified.” No, you are not. Recognize your need, but stop longing and make it a matter of action. Receive Jesus Christ to become sanctification for you by absolute, unques tioning faith, and the great miracle of the atonement of Jesus will become real in you.
All that Jesus made possible becomes mine through the free and loving gift of God on the basis of what Christ accomplished on the cross. And my attitude as a saved and sanctified soul is that of profound, humble holiness (there is no such thing as proud holiness). It is a holiness based on agoniz ing repentance, a sense of inexpressible shame and degradation, and also on the amazing realization that the love of God demonstrated itself to me while I cared nothing about Him (see Romans 5:8). He completed everything for my salvation and sanctifi cation. No wonder Paul said that nothing “shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:39).
Sanctification makes me one with Jesus Christ, and in Him one with God, and it is accomplished only through the magnificent atonement of Christ. Never confuse the effect with the cause. The effect in me is obedience, service, and prayer, and is the outcome of inexpressible thanks and adoration for the miraculous sanctification that has been brought about in me because of the atonement through the Cross of Christ.
Nine-tenths of wisdom is being wise in time.
~ Theodore RooseveltPost-mortem
Analysing the present status of Naga women in Nagaland
Women, who con stitute 49.6% of the world’s pop ulation (in 2020), have been suppressed, oppressed, and treated as subordinate, not as equal to men in various arenas of activity. Neither in history nor social or eco nomic life have they been given their due. The -called “battle of the sexes” has been one-sided, with the “weaker sex” remaining on the losing side whenever things come to a crunch and vital decisions have to be made. Throughout the world, women remain backward except in a few advanced countries. The position in India focusing on Nagaland is still deplor able. Many provisions have been incorporated into the Constitution to give equal rights and opportunities to men and women. Despite such measures, the purpose of integrating women into the mainstream of develop ment is very slow; there fore, much more needs to be done in that direction.
The Naga women are also somewhat in a similar position, because they are not yet popularly acknowl edged for making an im pact at par with the men in society. When we consider the status of women in our society today, their position in the secular, as well as in the church still struggling with an inferiority com plex, and still subjected
to the age-old traditions and culture. They are not coming up in spite of the opportunities provided to them. Compared to women today, who are somewhat liberated from the bond of old traditional concepts, in the past, they were not given ample op portunities as they were inferior to men. The social setup was focused on male heads. Because of this, Women despite the fact women, despite being val ued, were not given much importance despite being valued, and women were suppressed by their male counterparts in all walks of life. To outsiders, Naga women would appear to enjoy a certain degree of freedom and involvement in wider society. Though socially active and freer, she is still prevented from being a decision-maker; as socially free does not mean political right or freedom.
Imtijungla Longchar, an author, cites, “Socially, I am not satisfied as many of the Naga women prefer to stay indoors; economi cally, our business is run by others. No women en trepreneurs except few, religiously no spirit-filled mighty preachers, no writ ers, and no zeal. Politically the status is zero”.
Women’s position in the Naga society is some what better compared to their traditional life. The
Located over 7 kilometres away from the sub-divi sional town Tuli, Aopenzu is a village falling under the Lang pangkong range, Mokokchung district of Nagaland. It shares the ancestral land extended from Kangtsung village; early settlement of the people dated back to the year 1991 where the majority of the population depend on agriculture for its survival. In 2009, it was officially recognized as Aopenzu village by the Government of Nagaland.
For the past 3 decades, Aopenzu is considered and operated as an independent vil lage socially, politically and eco nomically with over a total of 114 households and contributing 342 votes to 21 Tuli Constituency.
In earlier days people termed Aopenzu as ‘Canan Land’ because of its enriching quality of soil and abundance of untouched fertile land to grow various vegetable and plantation on large scale.
Presently most of the resi dents depend only on this source of income for survival are both
present status they are enjoying is because of the advent of Christianity and its influences on agen cies like the western world (new insights, way of life, responsibilities, thoughts etc.), way of thinking, liv ing etc. Christianity was first established among the Nagas in the Ao area and its impact on the Nagas changed their concept of living and their way of thinking leading to some women coming out from the bondage of tradition and involving in different spheres of life.
Even today, a com mon statement that dif ferentiates women’s sta tus from that of menfolk, sometimes raring them as minor citizens irrespective of their status, age, and qualifications to defame or defend women, they say, “What do these women and children know about?” Such usages refer not only in support of them but also to insult the gender. They are regarded as inferior to men in society and family circles because of their feminine characteristics.
In the Church, women have been excluded from leadership roles. The tra ditional attitudes towards women in such roles have been maintained in the Churches to a greater ex tent than in society gener ally. The role of women in the Church has been
limited by male control of its administrative structure.
They may teach some of the young children in Sun day schools, in Child Evan gelism classes, as teachers in Church schools, as war dens in girl’s hostels and in women’s work-but posi tions at the higher level in both the local Church and association, as secretaries of different departments, pastors or administrators, or members of the decision making bodies are denied to them. The male domi nation at that level is like an unshakeable fortress; thus, the leadership roles for women are extremely limited.
Although there has been progress in women’s ministry, they were given fewer opportunities to par ticipate in the administra tion, and ordained ministry was denied. Thus, our so ciety is still conditioned by traditional values, cultures and attitudes, which hinder full and equal participation of women in the ministry. It is yet to open the way for women to share equal op portunities in the Church’s ministry. But it was only in the year 1980 that Ao Churches raised the or dination of women issue and made people aware of it leading to Rev. Nok sangchila of Yaongyimsen Village becoming the first ordained woman on 31st May, 1992 in the whole of
Northeast India.
When Nagaland got Statehood in 1963, it was Rano Mese Shaiza who opened the chapter of the first feminine arrival into State politics. As a nomi nee of the Democratic Front, she contested in the State General election for the Legislative assembly in 1977 and defeated the sitting Chief Minister Hok ishe Sema. In 1973, she was elected as the first President of the United Democratic Party and represented at Lok Sabha. At present, S Phangnon Konyak of BJP is the second Naga woman parliamentarian and the first Naga woman Rajya Sabha member. Today, the representation of Naga women in State politics is very negligible. So far, only four female candi dates have unsuccessfully contested as independent candidates. The reasons for low representation of women are that political parties are dominated by male leadership and they prefer men over women candidates. The woman wings of different political are zed to attract female voters to vote for only male candidates, excluding them from the main party organ isations.
For a reasonably long period of time, Naga wom en could not dare to come forward in public either places nor were they free

Village diary of Aopenzu
economical and political strug gle, it is being said that very government subsidy or none contributes to this cause.
Many a times, concerned in dividuals, sections of society and council members reach out to various government departments for assistance but unfortunately turned deaf ears. A little over half a kilometer away from Aopenzu is ABAM Farm located spread ing over large acres of land has fishery farming, livestock rearing, and production of rubber sheets providing assurance for the sup ply of all the agricultural inputs. And to facilitate the delivery of farm outputs to the market on large scale, proper road infra structure is very essential, as it is the backbone to many rural and urban transport systems. It improves accessibility through the provision of rural road infra structure and improves transport services. The improvement of rural road conditions and mo bility services should be linked to the roads going to the bigger markets. Otherwise, the input on the agricultural sector and com
munication services will be low.
Road infrastructure plays a very significant role in accelerat ing agricultural production, it is one of the major key components for development, promoting ac cess to economic and social ser vices, and generating increased agricultural income and produc tive employment.
It is an important factor in determining the capacity and economy of a particular place. As far as the nature of infrastructure is concerned, a good network of roads plays an important role, especially in an under-developing village context where a large percentage of the poorer sections of the society depend on a single source of income for subsistence.
Unfortunately, since the inauguration of the village, the locals are unable to access such road connectivity and avail privileges.
When interacting with the Aopenzu Council Chairman Mr. Maronen and the public it was informed that no such government funds have been incorporated into developing the
road sector except LADP funds for minor repairs.
Throughout the year, the locals contributed by raising money among themselves and investing towards maintaining road conditions. However, keep ing these roads in a condition that provides all-weather access has become increasingly difficult. On some occasions, local people had to maintain the unpaved roads four times a year because of unforgiving weather conditions.
During every general elec tion, the intended candidates promised the villagers to give priority to providing good class road conditions in return for supporting and voting to that particular candidate.
Unfortunately, after the elections are over, they turned deaf ears. Even in this upcom ing general election, the villagers decided to take the same stand with another hope by supporting a well deserving candidate and in return to provide quality road connectivity.
This certain factor is still prevailing because only through
enough to express their constructive ideas for the well-being of society. With the coming of Christi anity and the emphasis on women’s education, Naga women realized that there should be changes in the Naga Customary Law and procedure and social practices in conformity with Naga progress in so ciety. Eventually, this led to emerging some woman organizations like Wat su Mungdang and Naga Mothers Association, with their main focus on up lifting Naga women and eliminating social evils like the sale and use of liquor, thus leading to its ban by the Total Prohibition Act. Today, different women’s organizations are making much effort to emanci pate the people from eco nomic, social and religious evils. The Crusade of these Women Organizations against various evils will be a formidable task.
Imtijungla Longchar thus quotes, “Changes are needed in any spectrum, but women are not willing to change. Let the woman/ girl stand out with quali fication, talent, and per sonality, and definitely, the world will use her; if only they are capable, the change will come.
Limasanen Longchar. D.Min (Scholar) Discipleship Bible College, Dimapur
political approach it, can be emphasize without any delay and obstacles.
Constitutionally this very kind of development needs no political vote buy in transaction but rather be approach and es tablish by the concerned depart ment through proper government channel scheme.
This is something very cru cial factor not to be ignored by the State Government nor by any sections of the society. Rather it should be a cause that every minded concern individuals and all parts of society to pressurize and forward the matter to the right department and the govern ment to take upon swift action.
This article is solely dedi cated for the Aopenzu people, contributing to the cause they have been fighting for a very long time.
Let this movement be an eye-opening approach for greater progress and developing for the society.
Lanutangit Walling Tuli Town MokokchungOct 21 is Global Iodine Deficiency Disorders Prevention Day
As we celebrate the Global Iodine De ficiency Disorders Prevention Day with the rest of the world today.
This item is published to sensitize all citizens to take forward as individual responsibility to eliminate IDDs in our state.
IDDs is a major public health problem worldwide. It is confirmed that one out of every five people in India resides in IDD endemic areas.
It is estimated that 1.5 billion people in the world and over 200 mil lion people are at risk of getting IDDs. India alone has more than 71 million people suffering from goi tre and other IDDs.
Importance of io dine:
Iodine is essential for synthesis of two thyroid hormones namely thyroxin (T4) and tri-iodothyronin (T3) which are responsible for maintenance of normal growth and development
of both brain and body. It is essential especially dur ing the foetal stage (when the baby is in the womb).
Therefore iodine de ficiency during pregnancy leads to decreased synthe sis of the two hormones by the foetal thyroid gland hampering normal growth and development of foe tal brain and body which would limit intellectual growth in later years.
- Normal daily re quirement of iodine for an individual is 100 to 150 micrograms and 200 micrograms for pregnant and lactating mother.
Source of iodine.
The best sources of iodine are sea foods such as sea fish, sea salt, sea weeds, and cod liver oil. Smaller amount occur in the foods such as milk, meat, cereals and vegetables.
But as sea foods and other sea products are not freely available everywhere, the normal body requirement comes
from food grown on soil with adequate iodine. Io dine deficiency is therefore geochemical in nature.
Lose of iodine from the soil.
Iodine is constantly lost from the soil by pro cess of soil erosion. The major factors responsible for iodine depletion in the soil are due to heavy rainfall/snowfall, recur rent flooding, accelerated deforestation, multiple crops, jhum cultivation, burning of forest exces sive use of pesticides and chemicals.
Consequence of iodine deficiency: A number of physical and mental disorders result from iodine deficiency which affects every stage of human life – both young and adult.
1) Foetus: Abortion, stillbirth, congenital, ab normalities, increased prenatal mortality, men tal retardation, deaf and dumb, paralysis, squint etc.
2) Children: Neo natal goitre, hypothyroid ism, physical and mental growth retardation, low ering of I.Q level, poor school performance and cretins.
3) Adult: Impaired mental function, low pro ductivity goitre with its complications.
4) Livestock’s: Through research it has been confirmed that the productivity of the live stock has remarkably been reduced.
Government’s Pol icy: Realizing the sever ity of IDD problem, the Government took a policy decision to iodise the en tire salt for edible purpose and instructed the States/ UT’s to ban the sale of non-iodised salt.
Any traders/shop keepers found selling noniodized salt for edible pur pose are liable for prosecu tion under the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act
(PFA) 1954.
Prevention and control of IDD’s: Though the problems of iodine deficiency dis orders are severe and ir reversible, its control and preventive measures are very simple and cheap. We can prevent both present and future generations from the consequences of IDD’s just by consuming good quality iodised salt daily.
Important points to remember :
1) To disseminate the information’s on IDD’s.
2) To generate public demand for iodised salt from Fair Price Shop at a subsidized rate for it is a PDS subject.
3) To stock and sell only iodised salt for human consumption. Non-iodised salt should be labeled “NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION”. De faulters are punishable under the provision of Food Safety and Standard
Regulation 2011.
4) Always store io dised salt in closed con tainer away from direct sunlight or moisture.
5) Do not keep io dised salt near or above the fire place.
6) Do not stock io dised salt for more than 6 months for in such cases the iodine content of the salt will be lost.
7) Always insist only on Iodised Salt from your shopkeeper.
It is indeed the re sponsibility of every citi zen to put a concerted effort to fight the menace of IDD’s by disseminating the information’s on IDD’s and demanding supply of iodised salt through PDS and consumption of only good quality iodised salt for better mental health of our future generation.
State IDD Cell Directorate of Health and Family Welfare Nagaland: Kohima iddcpnaga@yahoo.com
Reader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the columns do not reflect the view of this newspaper nor that of the Editor in any manner.
Mamata targets BJP for sidelining Ganguly

(PTI): West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Thursday targeted her guns on the BJP-led Central government for allegedly depriving former Indian cricket skipper Sourav Gan guly by not nominating him for the ICC chairman’s post, terming it an act of “shame less political vendetta”.
Banerjee, who said she would have spoken out on the issue even if mas ter cricketers like Sachin Tendulkar or Mohammad Azharuddin were similar ly deprived, alleged that Ganguly was robbed of the chance to fight the election to “secure someone else’s interests”.
“Why was he not sent to ICC? It is to secure some one’s interest (in the crick et board). They have kept the position vacant so that someone else can contest. I had spoken to various BJP leaders, but he was not allowed. He has been deprived. This is a shameful political vendetta,” she told reporters here.
Earlier this week, the TMC boss expressed shock over Ganguly’s “removal” as BCCI President and had sought Prime Minister Na rendra Modi’s intervention so that the former India cap tain is allowed to contest the elections for International Cricket Council head.
“The BJP is depriving those who have brought laurels to the country for its own selfish motive. Had
it been Sachin Tendulkar or Azharuddin, I would have supported them too in the interest of sports,” said Banerjee who was union minister of state for sports in the early ‘90s. Banerjee wondered why Ganguly was not given a second term as Board of Control for Cricket in India chief even though Union Home Minister Amit Shah’s Son Jay Shah was al lowed a similar second stint
Modi govt always in ‘election mode’, no focus on economic issues: Cong
(PTI): The Congress on Thursday hit out at the Na rendra Modi government over the “continuous fall” of the Indian Rupee and accused it of always being in electioneering mode and having no focus on economic issues.
Alleging that the “in ept” Modi dispensation is clueless about macro economic management, Congress leader Anshul Avijit feared that the worst on the economic front is yet to come.
He said the Rupee “continues its free-fall against the dollar with disastrous consequences for our fragile economy”, as it has now breached the Rs 83 mark versus the US dollar and shows no signs of abating.
The Congress leader claimed the Rupee has fall en more than 10 per cent so far in this calendar year and has reached lows of Rs 83.12. By comparison, during the UPA, the rupee was Rs 58.4 to a dollar in May 2014 on the eve of Narendra Modi becoming prime minister, he said.
The Congress’ pres ident-elect Mallikarjun Kharge said the rupee again reached a record low of Rs 83 against the dollar, noting that it can prove to
be “ve ry dangerous” for India’s economy.
“The (Union) finance minister said that the rupee is not weakening, the dollar is getting stronger. Mere statements will not work, the central government will have to take concrete steps soon,” Kharge said in a tweet in Hindi.
The Rupee depreci ated 6 paise to a record low of 83.06 against the US dollar in opening trade on Thursday due to a stronger greenback overseas and unrelenting foreign fund outflows.
“This is the proverbial perfect storm - weakening rupee, high levels of infla tion, rising unemployment, poverty and hunger. The inept Modi government is clueless about macroeco nomic management as this government is always in electioneering mode hav ing no focus or concern on the economic issues. We fear the worst is yet to
come,” Avijit told report ers.
The Congress leader said PM Modi has com pletely forgotten his own narrative when the BJP was in opposition and re called his words on Au gust 20, 2013, when he as Gujarat chief minister had said: “It is unfortunate that the leadership in Delhi is neither bothered about the security of the country nor about the decline in the value of the rupee.”
“With China in our territory and the rupeeaffected inflation, the irony of Shri Modi’s statement cannot be starker,” Avijit noted.
The Congress leader also hit out at Finance Minister Nirmala Sithara man saying, “With her ir responsible and misguided statements, she is not ready to accept the reality of this government’s failure to control the falling rupee.”
“Her comparisons with developed countries having smaller populations and much higher GDP per capita than India are grossly misplaced.”
Claiming that the fall ing Rupee has an inverse relationship with inflation levels, Avijit said accord ing to the RBI, a 5 per cent weakening of the rupee in creases inflation by 20 bps.
as BCCI secretary.
“If Sourav Ganguly’s tenure ends as BCCI Presi dent, then Jay Shah’s tenure should end too. I see cricket as India, not anything else. Sourav is a decent fellow and hence is not saying any thing,” she said.
Later, addressing a programme in the city, she claimed had India contest ed, it would have won the ICC chairman’s post.
“Those who are eli gible to contest were not allowed to file nomination. It has been done to secure the post for someone. I feel ashamed because of such cheap politics that is at play,” Banerjee said.
Roger Binny, a 1983 World Cup-winning squad member, has been elected as the 36th president of the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI), taking over from Ganguly. However, the sports body’s AGM on Tuesday concluded without discussing the ICC election.
Rejecting Banerjee’s claim, the West Bengal BJP said the CM is trying to
politicise the issue and stoke `Bengali sentiment’ over Ganguly. “There is no poli tics in it, but she is trying to find one. She is insulting not only Sourav Ganguly but also Roger Binny, a member of the world cupwinning team. The BCCI is an autonomous body, unlike sports bodies in West Bengal, which the TMC leaders are helming,” BJP state spokesperson Samik Bhattacharya.
The saffron camp had earlier asked her to appoint Ganguly as the state’s brand ambassador replacing Bolly wood megastar Shah Rukh Khan if she was “so con cerned” about Ganguly.
The TMC had earlier accused the BJP of “trying to humiliate” the former Indian skipper as it failed to induct him into the saffron party.
At one time, it was rumoured that BJP wanted to rope in Ganguly as the party’s face in Bengal, as it was looking for a way to counter Chief Minister Ma mata Banerjee’s charisma.

Possible cyclone likely to reach WB coasts by Oct 25
BHUBANESWAR, OCT 20 (PTI): The IMD on Thursday said that the pos sible cyclonic formation in the Bay of Bengal is likely to reach West Bengal-Ban gladesh coasts by October 25, skirting Odisha.
A low pressure area has formed in the Bay of Bengal on Thursday, and it is likely to intensify into a cyclonic storm over the next four days, the India Meteorologi cal Department (IMD) said in a statement.
The low pressure area is very likely to move westnorthwestwards and de velop into a depression over east-central and adjoining southeast Bay of Bengal around October 22. It is likely to intensify into a deep depression by October 23.
“Subsequently, it is likely to re-curve north wards and intensify into a cyclonic storm over westcentral and adjoining eastcentral Bay of Bengal by October 24. Thereafter, it is likely to gradually move north-northeastwards and reach near the West BengalBangladesh coasts by Oc tober 25, skirting Odisha,” IMD Director General Mru tunjay Mohapatra said.

He, however, said the IMD is yet to make a fore cast on the intensity and wind speed of the cyclone.
Mohapatra said coast al Odisha will experience
Heavy rains wreak havoc in Bengaluru
heavy downpour affecting most the areas.
The worst effect of the rain was seen at Seshadri puram where the compound wall of the Metro Rail col lapsed damaging seven cars and a few bikes. No one was present when the wall came down crashing.
One of the car owners demanded that the govern ment compensate for the loss alleging that shoddy work led to the wall collapse.
Shivajinagar resembled a river and cars and bikes were seen floating in water. People struggled hard to save their belongings.
At HSR Layout, nearly 200 families were affected when water gushed into their houses including the basements of a few apart ments.
Anugraha Layout in Bilekahalli was badly af fected as the entire colony was waterlogged.

The Outer Ring Road, which was badly hit a month ago due to heavy rains re mained unaffected, an of fice-bearer of the Outer Ring Road Companies’ Associa tion told PTI.
A BBMP official said the anti-encroachment drive taken up by the civic agency minimised the damage this time.
heavy to very heavy rainfall in isolated places from Oc tober 23.
Puri, Kendrapada, and Jagatsinghpur districts are likely to witness intense spells of rain on October 23, the Regional Meteorologi cal Centre in Bhubaneswar said.
Earlier in the morning, the IMD said the low pres sure area is likely to deepen into a depression by October 22 and into a cyclonic storm by October 24.
“Under the influence of the cyclonic circulation over north Andaman Sea and its neighbourhood, a low pressure area has formed over north Anda man Sea and adjoining areas of south Andaman Sea and southeast Bay of Bengal with the associated cyclonic circulation extending up to 7.6 km above the mean sea level,” the IMD said.
Odisha’s Revenue and Disaster Management Min ister Pramila Mallick said the state government has put the administrations of seven coastal districts on alert in view of the IMD’s forecast of a possible cyclone. The districts that may be affected are Ganjam, Puri, Khurda, Jagatsinghpur, Kendrapada, Bhadrak, and Balasore.
Authorities have been asked to remain alert and closely monitor the situa tion, the minister said.
Bihar BJP MLA stirs row with comments on Hindu deities
PATNA, OCT 20 (PTI): In an embarrassment to the BJP in Bihar, one of its MLAs has been accused of hurting Hindu sentiments by pointing out that even those who did not worship Goddess Lakshmi, Saraswa ti and Lord Hanuman, were not denied the attributes that worship of these deities was expected to bestow.
Lalan Paswan, who represents Pirpainti assem bly seat in Bhagalpur dis trict, while announcing his decision not to hold a feast in the memory of his mother who died last week, pur portedly rationalised that those who do not worship these Hindu deities, still enjoyed wealth, education and power.
A video clip, which has now gone viral on social media and is being flashed by news channels, shows the MLA questioning the custom of ‘Mrityubhoj’ and making a pitch for rational ity and scientific temper.

He also pointed out,
“Saraswati and Lakshmi are not worshipped by Muslims and Christians. This has not deprived these communities of wealth and learning. Ba
jrang Bali (Lord Hanuman) is not revered in the US but the country is still a super power. It is all just a matter of belief.”
PTI could not indepen dently verify the authenticity of the video.
The alleged comments, however, led to an outrage with some radical Hindu groups burning an effigy of the MLA in Bhagalpur town.
BJP leaders were re
luctant to comment on the episode though other parties were quick to latch on to the opportunity.
“We hope the MLA does not need the votes of those who worship gods and goddesses,” quipped RJD spokesperson Mrityunjay Tiwari.
He also wondered how the BJP reconciled such statements with its war cry being ‘Jai Shri Ram’.
Congress legislative party leader Ajeet Sharma, who is also the second term Bhagalpur MLA, said, “I am a proud Hindu who worships all gods and god desses. Paswan is entitled to his beliefs but he should have refrained from making a public statement on the same.”
Paswan, meanwhile, claimed that the video clip was “edited” and showered effusive praise on BJP and RSS, “to which people like me, born in a caste deemed to be untouchable, owe their standing”.
NTUCT firm on fighting ‘backdoor appts’...
(From p-1)
Khro recalled that NTUCT had demanded cancellation of appointment orders and serving an ultimatum of not to allow the constables recruited through the backdoor to undergo screening and training at Nagaland Armed Police Training Centre (NAPTC), Chümoukedima, which fell under its jurisdiction.
He claimed that the NTUCT’s stand was supported by all tribal hohos, including Phom People’s Council and Phom Students’ Conference, Sangtam Students’ Conference, Zhadima Students’ Union, Northern Angami Youth Organisation (NAYO), etc, who too opposed screening and training of the backdoor appointees in battalions under their respective
headquarters after NTUCT did not allow at NAPTC Chümoukedima.
With the rapid rise in unemployment among the educated youth of Nagaland and amid the rampant backdoor appointments in all State government departments and agencies, Khro said the outcome of writ petitions could open many doors for those seeking public employment.
Reiterating that it was committed to fight the legal battle till final justice was delivered, the union thanked the Nagas, particularly well-wishers, who had been helping the union in cash or in kind for the noble cause.
He requested to continue praying for the advocates who were also giving their best free of cost for the welfare of educated unemployed Naga youth.
Power supply disruption in six districts
(From p-1)
Southern Angami Area Kohima (33kV Jakhama) Oct 24 & 25; Northern Angami Area Kohima (33kV Botsa) Oct 26 to Nov 5; Zubza and Lalmati area (33kV Lamati & AP-1 Feeder) Oct 26 to Oct 29; Chakhabama & Chozuba area (33kV Chakhabama) Oct 31 to Nov 1.
Transmission Division Mokokchung: In view of the vegetation clearance of 132kV & 66kV transmission lines under transmission division Mokokchung from October 24, 2022 to November 26, 2022, the power department
has informed that there would be total shutdown of power from 8am to 4pm daily in order to facilitate smooth execution of the works.
In a press release, transmission division Mokokchung executive engineer Hekaito Assumi informed that the exercise was being necessitated with the aim to provide stable power supply and avoid unwarranted disruption of power supply.
As per the proposed
shutdown programme, Zunheboto district (66kV Mokokchung-Zunheboto feeder) would be affected from Oct 24-29; Tuensang district (66kV Mokokchung-Tuensang feeder) would be affected from Oct 31 to Nov 5; Tuli sub-division under Mokokchung, Longleng and Mon districts (66kV Mokokchung-Tuli, 66kV Tuli-Nagnimora, 66kV Nagnimora -Tizit 66kV Tizit-Mon feeders) would be affected from Nov 14-19.
(PTI): Heavy overnight rains here threw normal life out of gear and parts of the city were flooded while a compound wall of the Metro Rail collapsed and cars parked close by came under mounds of rubble, officials said on Thursday.
Waterlogging, inci dents of tree fall, damage to civic infrastructure and power outage were reported from various areas and the 70 mm rainfall brought parts of the city to its knees.
Over a month after the flooding on September 7, the city once again received
The road in front of Disha Centra in Balagere in Varthur ward resembled a river even 12 hours after the rain.
According to Jagadish Reddy, a resident of the area, the basement of many apartments in the area was flooded submerging many vehicles after the downpour.
This is to inform all the students of GOVERNMENT
KEDIMA, that filling up of forms for EVEN Semester Compartmental Examination scheduled to be held from 1st week of December, will start from 25th to 31st October 2022 during the office hours (9:00 AM till 4:00 PM). Students are directed to submit a photocopy of their last examination Mark Sheet while filling up the forms.
It is to be noted that exam forms will not be accepted/ entertained in any manner after the last notified date.
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1 (One) Post.
Salary Negotiable Interested candidates may submit their
latest by 5th November 2022. For queries, you may contact7005861298 or 9862286985.

Global stocks lower amid British pol turmoil
BANGKOK, OCT 20 (AFP): Global stock markets declined Thursday as the British prime minister faced demands to quit and Japan reported its 14th straight monthly trade deficit.
London and Frankfurt opened lower and Shanghai, Tokyo and Hong Kong declined. Oil rose more than $1 per barrel.
British Prime Minister Liz Truss faced demands to resign following chaotic scenes in Parliament during a vote on a fracking ban. Truss has been defiant despite financial market turmoil caused by multiple policy U-turns.
Truss “precipitated this political crisis by triggering the market crisis,” said Michael Every of Rabobank in a report. Britain is “deep in an emerging-market rut.”
In early trading, the FTSE 100 in London was off 0.2% at 6,914.12 and the DAX in Frankfurt fell 0.7%
to 12,655.08. The CAC 40 in Paris was little-changed at 6,041.18.
On Wall Street, the future for the benchmark S&P 500 index was off 0.3%. That for the Dow Jones Industrial Average was up less than 0.1%.
On Wednesday, the S&P fell 0.7%, breaking two days of gains. The Dow slipped 0.3% and the Nasdaq composite sank 0.9%.
In Asia, the Nikkei 225 in Tokyo tumbled 0.9% to

27,006.96 after September imports ballooned 46% over a year earlier due to a surging oil prices and a weak yen. The Japanese currency is trading at a 32year low against the dollar.
The yen weakened to 149.82 to the dollar from Wednesday’s 149.81 yen.
The dollar has gained against other currencies following repeated interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve, which increases the return on assets valued in dollars. Investors also
see the U.S. currency as a stable haven amid global uncertainty.
“Rising U.S. yields and the strong U.S. dollar are the sledgehammers pounding global equities lower,” said Stephen Innes of SPI Asset Management in a report.
The Shanghai Composite Index lost 0.3% to 3,035.05 and the Hang Seng in Hong Kong fell 1.4% to 16,280.22.
The Kospi in Seoul retreated 0.9% to 2,218.09 and Sydney’s S&P-ASX 200 sank 1% to 6,730.70.
On Wednesday, Wall Street pulled back as investors reviewed earnings and Treasury yields climbed to multiyear highs.
Netflix soared 13% and United Airlines rose 5% after releasing quarterly results. Abbott Laboratories, M&T Bank and others sank.
The yield on the 10-year Treasury, which influences mortgage rates, climbed to 4.13%, its highest
NSRLM and HDFC Bank inks MoU

(NPN): The Nagaland State Rural Livelihoods Mission (NSRLM) and the HDFC Bank Ltd. inked a memorandum of understanding on October 20 2022, to ensure effective bank linkage for SHGs.

The MoU was signed by Bina Kanta Bora, Regional Business Head HDFC Bank and Imtimenla, Mission Director, representing HDFC Bank and NSRLM respectively.
A press release by State program manager-FI, NSRLM Rajuselie Lhousa stated that the major benefits for the SHGs will be extension of credit at a concessional interest rate of 7% per annum up to 3 lakhs. Sanction as well as renewal of loan shall be cleared within 30 days and enable extend financing on continuous basis.
The release informed that the bank will not block balances in SB accounts while disbursal of entire
loan amount sanctioned.
Online loan applications and use of IBA common application form (loan & account opening) will be accepted. Extend banking services through ICT interventions/BC model will be implemented.
The Bank will establish monitoring system through meetings with MMUs and VLOs. The HDFC and Mission shall meet quarterly to review achievements.
The MoU is for a period of
3 (three) years.
The department of Sustainable Livelihood Initiative (SLI) under HDFC is a holistic approach that aims to deliver financial support to that of the population who lack access to formal banking services.
Since 2006, the bank has started making loan availability convenient and stress free, the objective of the bank is to empower SHGs and JLGs with
financial independence and eliminate their dependence on money lenders. The bank has enabled women to avail credit and utilise it for professions such as livestock rearing, tailoring, artificial jewellery designing, setting up grocery shop, etc. It has also augmented cash flow to framers by extending collateral free loans.
Other officials present in the function were Zieba Hiemme Addl. MD, M. Rollan Lotha, chief operating officer (programs), Rajuselie Lhousa, SPM-FI and Dr. S Kithan, SPM-Farm, from NSRLM and Nirmal Barman, Cluster Head-SLI, from HDFC.
HDFC Bank Ltd was awarded the best performed amongst the Private Bank during FY 2021-22 by the Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) during the Central Level Coordination Committee (CLCC) meeting at New Delhi on October 13, 2022.
level since June 2008. It was at 4.02% late Tuesday.
The yield on the two-year Treasury, which responds to expectations of future Fed action, rose to 4.54% from 4.43%.
The Fed and central banks in Europe and Asia have been raising interest rates to cool inflation that is at multi-decade highs. Investors worry they might tip the global economy into recession.
Inflation in Britain hit a 40-year high of 10.1% over a year earlier in September.
In energy markets, benchmark U.S. crude rose $1.56 to $86.08 per barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Brent crude, the price basis for international oil trading, advanced $1.34 to $93.75 per barrel in London.
The euro gained to 97.83 cents from Wednesday’s 97.68 cents.
Make plan to boost animal...
(From p-1)
Agriculture Production Commissioner (APC) Nagaland Y Kikheto Sema, chaired the meeting and power point presentations were given by the department officials from animal husbandry & veterinary services and fisheries & aquatic resources. This was followed by interaction with the Union Minister.
Rupala also called on the state chief minister Neiphiu Rio at his official residence. Later, a dinner was hosted by minister of agriculture G. Kaito Aye in honour of the Union Minister at Hotel Vivor.
The union minister would be visiting Kiphire Aspirational district on October 21 to review the centrally-sponsored schemes and central sector schemes with deputy commissioner and department officials concerned and would leave for New Delhi in the evening.
Police caution citizens against cyber...
(From p-1)
Police said fraudsters use hacked accounts for fraudulent purposes like asking money/soliciting investments/bitcoins from their contact lists and siphoning money from accounts of unsuspecting victims.
Police said another similar fraud was “boss/ friend impersonation scam”, wherein fraudsters steal identity and photos of the victims available in the internet and access the victims’ friends from websites/contact list and send them messages asking for help in the form money transfer, merchant cards, e-wallets etc.
Police also listed some common frauds that were still active:
i. Fake customer care calls from banks regarding KYC updation/Debit Card expiry and asking bank account details and OTPs after which money is withdrawn from the victims account. These fake calls can also impersonate common payment apps
like Google Pay, PayTm, PhonePe etc.
ii. Sextortion where unsuspecting male/female victims accept video calls and messages from unknown numbers and are blackmailed for money after recording and morphing / misusing their pictures.
iii. Fake lottery wins, loan/insurance sanction, scratch card coupons, investment opportunity, jobs, electricity bill etc. are also commonly used to scam innocent victims.

The public have been again requested to remain cautious and vigilant and not be duped by such scams. The fraudsters are experienced scammers and take extra efforts to appear genuine and operate through multiple identities, accounts, phone numbers etc.
Citizens are requested to maintain strict cyber security habits and practices as under: i. Never click on unverified links received through SMS, WhatsApp, Instagram etc.
ii. Never accept request from strangers in social media without verification.
iii. Never fall for attractive messages regarding loans, lottery, online game prizes, investment, bitcoins etc.

iv. Always use official stores like Google Play/ App Store for downloading apps. Check permissions settings for each app downloaded.
v. Use strong passwords and different passwords for different social media accounts and enable twofactor authentication. Review your social media privacy settings strictly. Avoid sharing personal information in social media.
vi. Never transfer money without completely verifying authenticity of the account, be it through bank transfer, payment apps, UPIs, e-Wallets etc.
In case of a financial fraud, police informed the public to immediately call cybercrime Helpline Number 1930 and register complaints at www. cybercrime.gov.in.
Don’t practise habit of only drawing...
(From p-1)

In his keynote address, director I Sentinuklu Jamir informed the gathering that the Evaluation Department was established on October 14, 1968 under the administrative control of Planning & Coordination Department and thus had completed 54 years of its existence.
He disclosed that so far the department has published 67 evaluation reports, including two in reports in 2022 – on Swatch Bharat in Wokha district and functioning of private hostels in Mokokchung – while three more were in the process.
Jamir also highlighted major activities on the department, including a proposal to set up Evaluation Resource Centre in order to facilitate the progress of capacity building. He revealed that the department was also trying to create awareness at the grassroots level on the importance of sanitation and conducting orientation programmes covering all districts, including the two new districts of Niuland and Tseminyu, while in the remaining two, it would be done after financial sanction.
He also presented the construction
technical report and recalled that construction of the new office building started in 2015 at an estimated cost of Rs 4.98 crore and initially funded under Special Plan Assistance (SPA) with a first instalment of Rs 73 lakh.
However, with the change in Planning Commission’s nomenclature and working system, NITI Aayog discontinued the fund and the State government was provided Rs 1 crore each in 2016 and 2017, adding that a loan of Rs 2.60 lakh was also obtained from Housing and Urban Development Corporation (HUDCO).
For additional work and for completion, he said additional fund of Rs 1.73 lakh was sanctioned in 2021-22 under Phase II and the total cost of the project went up to Rs 6,47,20,000. He admitted that due to the financial constraints, it took nearly seven years for completing the building.
Additional director B Rendysowa Ao chaired the programme, while Nounenuo Kense presented a special number, vote of thanks was proposed by joint director A Anden Moklong and benediction by M Pithungo Ngullie.
Russia seeks to regain ground, hits Ukraine’s infra
KYIV, OCT 20 (AP): Rus
sia’s troops fought on Thurs day to regain lost ground in areas of Ukraine that Russian President Vladimir Putin has illegally annexed while Moscow tried to pound the invaded country into submission with more missile and drone attacks on critical infrastructure.
Russian forces attacked Ukrainian positions near Bilohorivka, a village in the Luhansk region of eastern Ukraine. In the neighbour ing Donetsk region, fight ing raged near the city of Bakhmut. Kremlin-backed separatists have controlled parts of both regions for 8½ years.
Putin declared martial law in Luhansk, Donetsk and southern Ukraine’s Za porizhzhia and Kherson regions on Wednesday in an attempt to assert Russian authority in the annexed areas following a string of battlefield setbacks and a troubled troop mobilisation.
The unsettled status of the illegally absorbed terri tory was especially visible in the Kherson region’s capital,
where military officials have replaced Kremlin-installed civilian leaders amid a mass evacuation and an ongoing Ukrainian counteroffensive.
Kherson city was one of the first urban areas cap tured by Russia when it invaded Ukraine, and it remains a prime target for both sides because of its key industries and major river port. Thousands of the city’s 250,000 residents streamed out of the city in anticipation of intensified assaults.
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s office said on
Thursday that Ukrainian forces continued to engage the enemy, mounting 15 attacks on Russian military strongholds in the Kherson region.
Meanwhile, Russia continued its stepped-up attacks on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure, dispatching drones and missiles to eight regions.
At least three civilians died and 14 were wounded in overnight attacks across Ukraine, according to the Ukrainian president’s office.
In Kryvyi Rih, Russian strikes damaged a power

Nigerian firm says it can’t ship natural gas after flooding
A major Nigerian ener gy company says it can not deliver natural gas as promised in its contracts after deadly flooding hin dered its operations, raising concerns about whether Africa’s largest economy can meet increased local and international demands during an energy crisis provoked by Russia’s war in Ukraine.
Nigeria LNG Lim ited, or NLNG, declared a “force majeure” this week, meaning it is unable to fulfill its contractual obli
gations to supply the fuel used around the world to generate electricity, heat homes and run factories after flooding led to a “sig nificant disruption of gas supply.” About 3.8 per cent of global monthly supply could be affected, risking higher prices, Rystad En ergy said.
The NLNG is a joint venture between the Nige rian government, which is the majority shareholder, and energy giants includ ing London-based Shell and Italy’s Eni. With ca pacity to produce over 20
million tons of liquefied natural gas, or LNG, per year, it is Nigeria’s largest gas firm, but its produc tion capacity was only at 68 per cent because of oil theft and pipeline vandal ism that has plagued the country.
As Europe faces an energy crisis after Russia sharply reduced natural gas flows during the war in Ukraine, Nigeria and other African countries have agreed to work toward helping meet the European Union’s need for increased gas supplies.
plant and another energy facility, cutting electricity to the central Ukraine city of about 600,000 residents.
Apart from being Zel enskyy’s hometown, Kryvyi Rih is home to several large metallurgical factories that are key to Ukraine’s econ omy. Regional governor Valentin Reznichenko said the city sustained serious damage.
Ukrainian authori ties said missile and drone strikes ignited several fires in the southern city of Myko laiv, with four drones hitting a school. Another school
in Komyshuvakha, a vil lage in the Zaporizhzhia region, also took four drone strikes and sustained dam age. Authorities reported no casualties.
Russia’s sustained at tacks on Ukraine’s infra structure prompted authori ties to ask residents to reduce their energy consumption from 7:00 am to 11:00 am starting Thursday and to dim city street lights. They warned of rolling blackouts.
“Now, every illuminat ed business sign, billboard or washing machine can lead to serious emergency shut downs,” Reznichenko said.
Despite the Kremlin’s claims to the contrary, a leading Russian military expert unwittingly acknowl edged that Iran has supplied Russia with drones it uses in Ukraine.
Ruslan Pukhov, head of the Moscow-based think tank Centre for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, asked journalists before a television interview not to ask him where the drones came from, unaware that he was live on air.
Ahead of elections, Biden announces steps to reduce gas prices in US
WASHINGTON, OCT 20 (PTI): Ahead of the crucial mid-term polls, US President Joe Biden has announced a slew of mea sures to lower gas prices, which have been hurting the middle class.
Biden, in a major pol icy speech, reiterated that Russian President Vladimir Putin was responsible for the hike in energy prices in the US.
“When the price of gas goes up, other expenses get cut. That’s why I have been doing everything in my power to reduce gas prices since Putin’s invasion of Ukraine caused these prices to spike and rattled interna tional oil markets,” he said in a speech.
Biden said the Depart ment of Energy will release another 15 million barrels from the Strategic Petro leum Reserve, extending the previously announced release, through the month of December.

He said independent analysts have confirmed
that drawdowns from the reserves so far have played a big role in bringing down oil prices. So, we’re going to continue to responsibly use that national asset, he said.
Right now, the Stra tegic Petroleum Reserve is more than half full with about 400 million barrels of oil. That’s more than enough for any emergency drawdown, he said.
“With my announce ment today, we’re going to continue to stabilise markets and decrease the prices at a time when the actions of other countries have caused such volatility,” he said.
The US, he said, needs to responsibly increase oil
production without delay ing or deferring the transi tion to clean energy. He asserted that his adminis tration has not stopped or slowed oil production.
“We’re producing 12 million barrels of oil per day. And by the end of this year, we will be producing 1 million barrels a day, more than the day in which I took office. In fact, we’re on track for record oil produc tion in 2023,” he said. Biden announced a plan to refill the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in the years ahead at a profit for taxpayers.
The US government is going to purchase oil to refill the reserve when the prices fall to USD 70 a barrel. And that means oil companies can invest to ramp up pro duction now with the confi dence that they’ll be able to sell their oil to the US at that price in the future, he said.
The president also called on oil companies to pass on the savings to the consumers.
SL Parl finally takes up debate on 22nd constitutional amendment
COL OMBO, OCT 20 (PTI): The much-antici pated parliamentary de bate for the adoption of the 22nd Amendment to Sri Lanka’s Constitution aimed at empowering Par liament over the executive president started on Thurs day after two previous post ponements due to strong opposition from the ruling SLPP party.
The debate was ear lier fixed for October 6 and October 7, but it was deferred as Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena told the House that the gov ernment will have more discussions to seek views of the opposition to make
China hints at Xi’s participation in G20 summit
China on Thursday dropped a subtle hint that President Xi Jinping, who is widely expected to get endorsed by the ongoing Congress of the ruling Communist Party for a record 3rd term, will attend next month’s G20 summit in Indonesia.
Also, the Chinese Foreign Ministry flaunted the “diplomatic success” achieved under the 10-year rule of Xi, saying during his reign China has “robustly” upheld its sovereignty and security.
The once-in-a-five-year Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) being held here from October 16 is widely expected to endorse an unprecedented 3rd fiveyear term or perhaps a life long tenure in power to Xi later this week besides en hancing his powers through constitutional amendments.

Barring 69-year-old Xi, the Congress would endorse a whole set of new top-level
leaders and officials, includ ing the Premier, heralding a new administration under the Chinese President who is all set to breach the man datory retirement for CPC leaders after 10-year tenure.
Xi, who is completing 10-year tenure this year, will be the first Chinese leader after party founder Mao Ze dong to continue in power, formally ending three de cades of rule followed by his predecessors to retire.
In a special media briefing here on Thursday, officials of the CPC and Foreign Ministry claimed that Chinese diplomacy has
achieved “unprecedented and historic” breakthroughs during Xi’s tenure.
“We give active sup port to the G20 Presidency of Indonesia and support Bali summit’s theme of ‘recover stronger, recover together’,” Ma Zhaoxu, a member of the CPC Com mittee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Vice Minister, said when asked whether Xi will attend next month’s G-20 summit in Bali. “China hopes the sum mit will play a constructive role in enhancing interna tional cooperation against COVID-19, promoting
world economic recovery and safeguarding global food energy security,” he said.
“As far Chinese lead er’s participation in the summit, we will release the relevant information in due course,” he said.
Though the Congress endorsement of Xi’s contin uation in power is officially projected as a done deal with officials projecting him as the “Core Leader” of the party, an official resolution on leadership is expected to be passed on October 22, the last day of the meeting.
The new set of leaders will appear before the media on October 23, according to a media advisory.
Xi’s attendance at Bali is regarded as significant as he is expected to meet US President Joe Biden. It will be their first in-person meeting after Biden’s elec tion, though the two leaders have held several virtual summits.
it a “meaningful” exercise.
The vote on the Amendment will now take place on Friday, parlia mentary officials said on Thursday.
President Ranil Wick remesinghe had pledged constitutional reforms to appease the demand from the street protesters who ousted his predecessor Go tabaya Rajapaksa.
The 22A was to re store the powers of Parlia ment which were taken un der the executive president by Rajapaksa through the 20th Amendment of 2020. Rajapaksa had reversed the 19A which had em powered parliament over
Ranil Wickremesinghe

Wickremesinghe who has only one seat in the 225-member Assembly re lies on support from the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramu na (SLPP) parliamentary group for his legislative capacity.

We, the undersigned on behalf of the commuters at TERHUONYIEKE, RÜÜNUOMIA SIA KIKHA (Lower Midland, below FIFA Restaurant, PWD Junction, Kohima) would like to express our sincere gratitude to the Tsütuonuomiapfü Mechü Krotho (T. Khel, Kohima Village) for donating land and construction of footstep (150 feet Approx) connecting National Highway and Community Footstep.
Your good samaritan work is highly appreciated and we will remember the generous contribution made for the citizens.
The amendment must be passed by 150 votes for it to be enacted.
It was not clear if the SLPP would vote to pro vide the 150 votes required.
Sri Lanka’s main Op position Samagi Jana Bala wegaya (SJB) on Thursday said that it will support the 22nd Amendment pro vided that no underhand revisions are sneaked in at the committee stage.
Opposition leader Sa jith Premadasa welcomed the presentation of the Amendment bill, saying it was a small step in the right direction.
“We see the 22A as a little bit better than the 20A. It is a reform we need to meet international ex pectations in handling the current crisis in the coun try,” Premadasa said.
Premadasa told Par liament that the party will vote for the Amendment bill in good faith on the condition that no attempt is made to revise the bill’s prohibition on dual citizens entering Parliament. Nor should there be any at tempt to change the Presi dent’s power to dissolve Parliament in two and a half years.
Pudel Kennao Nosenu Tase
Lower Midland, Kohima Lower Midland, Kohima k-2455/22
With immense joy and honour, the kJST would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to the esteem members of our union:

1. Er. N. Moa Aier, promoted to Engineer-in-Chief, Department of Power, Govt of Nagaland. 2. Shri. K. Takeeth Imchen, promoted to Addl. Controller & HOD, Legal Metrology & Consumer Protection, Govt of Nagaland.
The kJST sincerely convey our best wishes and may our almighty God continue to bless you all with wisdom and good health in all their future endeavours.
Sd/- Sd/-
B. Alem Pongen I. Watitemjen Walling President General Secretary k-2456/22
‘Liamtra Fashion Night’ on October 22 in Dimapur
Mega audition for Mr, Miss Northeast 2022 held
Mega audition for Mr and Miss In dia, Northeast 2022 was held at, ITA Arts Center Auditorium, Pragyoti Guwahati, on October 7.
Five male and five female contestants partici pated in the audition under the aegis of Society for Promotion of Oriental Arts & Aesthetics (SPOAA).
BOND J Artistry com prising of Bambi Kevichusa (fashion designers Bambi K), Opang Jamir (model/ former Mr International India 2012) and Nise Meruno (pianist and singer) has announced to present “Liamtra Fash ion Night” on October 22, 7 p.m. onwards at Hotel Acacia Dimapur. The event is being sponsored by Liam tra (Liamtra contributes in building a universal income model by creating opportu nities for entrepreneurs with little or no investment).
Announcing this in a press conference here Thurs day, at Hotel Acacia, the organizers mentioned that fashion and music were the two industries in Nagaland, that has been booming over

the past, adding that today, they were in the era of new beginning of the industry.
On the objective of organizing the event, the organizers said the event is being organized to pro mote the Naga garment and fashion industry and will showcase some of Nagaland best known designers. They informed th at the night will witness fashion and music, showcasing collec tions by some Nagaland top designers and music featuring a line-up of ac complished Naga singers and musicians.
Liamtra fashion night will feature models-Naga actress and model Andrea Kevichusa who will be one of the headlining models for the night. Models including
Femina Miss India, Naga land 2018, celebrity model and content creator, Ruop fuzhano Whiso, first Naga male model to sign contract with BOND J artistry, run ners-up global Mr Nagaland and finalist global Mr India, Hangbe Chang, first Naga ramp model Esther Jamir, former Kingfisher Miss Arunachal 2019, Femina Miss India Arunachal 2019 and winner of MTv super model of the year -2022. Season-02 Roshni Dada, Mizo supermodel, actress and artiste, Femina Miss India Mizoram 2019, Nunui Rualhleng will be walking the ramp on the night.
Five Naga designers will be showcasing their de signs on a specific theme. (Staff Reporter)
Chumei Phom was adjudged as Miss India, Northeast Nagaland while Miss Moily Longkongly and Thriola as the first and
second runners-up respec tively. Wingmei Hitwang was adjudged as Mr India, Northeast Nagaland 2022 while Putsu and Anyak were placed in the first and second runners-up respectively.

The winners will now participate in the upcoming national competition for Mr India International and Miss India Global 2023, next year tentatively in the month of February to be organised by National Agency Talenticca India. (Correspondent)
Judi Dench says Netflix’s ‘The Crown’ uses ‘crude sensationalism’
British actress Judi Dench has called on Netflix to add a dis claimer to royal drama “The Crown”, joining a chorus of voices criticising the series’ fictionalised storylines.

In a letter to The Times on Thursday, the 87-year-old veteran said as the award-winning show approached present times “the more freely it seems willing to blur the lines between historical accuracy and crude sensationalism”.
“While many will recognise The Crown for the brilliant but fic tionalised account of events that it is, I fear that a significant number of viewers, particularly overseas, may
take its version of history as being wholly true,” Dench wrote.
Dench has portrayed histori cal queens Elizabeth I and Queen Victoria on screen as well as James Bond’s boss “M”.
Netflix says “The Crown”, which follows the reign of late Queen Elizabeth over the decades, is “fictional dramatization”, inspired by real events. Its fifth season, in which a new cast will portray the royal family in the 1990s, premieres on Nov. 9, two months after King Charles ascended the throne.
“No one is a greater believer in artistic freedom than I, but this cannot go unchallenged... the pro
80 films from 32 countries to be showcased at Dharamsala fest
Eighty films from 32 countries, including 21 feature narratives and 43 short films, will be be showcased at the 11th Dharamshala International Film Festival (DIFF) in Dharamsala next month, as announced on Thursday.

The highlights include the India premieres of Cannes Jury Prize Winner and 2022 Oscar Nominee, Joyland (Pakistan, 2022) by Saim Sadiq; Once Upon A Time in Calcutta (India, 2022) by Aditya Vikram Sengupta; the Anurag Kashyap-presented debut feature by Parth Saurabh, Pokhar Ke Dunu Paar (On Either Sides of the Pond) (India, 2022); 2022 Oscar Nominee, Writing with Fire (India, 2021) by Rintu Thomas and Sushmit Sen; and Fire in the Mountains (India 2021) by Ajitpal Singh.
The India premieres of these acclaimed inter national features will also take place at DIFF 2022: Eternal Spring (Canada, 2022) by Jason Loftus; In Viaggio (Italy, 2022) by Gianfranco Rosi; Lullaby (Spain, 2022) by Alauda Ruiz de AzAa; Mother Lode (Italy, France, Swit
zerland, 2021) by Matteo Tortone; Navalny (US, 2022) by Daniel Roher; Neptune Frost (Rwanda, US, 2021) by Anisia Uzey man, Saul Williams; They Carry Death (Spain, Co lombia, 2021) by Helena GirAn and Samuel M. Delgado; and Tukdam: Between Worlds (Finland, Ireland, Estonia 2022) by Donagh Coleman.
After two years of being online due to the pandemic, the 11th edi tion of the Dharamshala International Film Festi val (DIFF) is back with a physical edition that show cases the latest and finest indie films from India and around the world.
A large contingent of filmmakers will attend DIFF to present their films, and the programme also includes masterclasses and workshops.
DIFF will be held once again at the Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts (TIPA) in McLeod ganj.

Festival director Ritu Sarin said: “We’re so ex cited to announce our lineup! As we come out of two years of Covid, we’ve had a bumper crop of amaz
NASA has announced that its James Webb Space Telescope has captured a lush, highly detailed landscape -- the iconic Pillars of Creation, where new stars are forming within dense clouds of gas and dust.
According to the space agency, the three-dimension al pillars look like majestic rock formations but are far more permeable. These columns are made up of cool interstellar gas and dust that appear, at times, semi-transparent in nearinfrared light.
“Webb’s new view of the Pillars of Creation will help researchers revamp their models of star forma tion by identifying far more precise counts of newly formed stars, along with the quantities of gas and dust in the region,” NASA said in a

statement. “Over time, they will begin to build a clearer understanding of how stars form and burst out of these dusty clouds over millions of years,” it added.
The space agency said that the newly formed stars are the scene-stealers in the images from Webb’s NearInfrared Camera (NIRCam).
The James Webb Space Telescope is said to be the world’s premier space sci ence observatory.
NASA said it would solve mysteries in our so lar system, look beyond to distant worlds around other stars, and probe the mysterious structures and origins of our universe and our place in it.
Recently, James Webb Space Telescope captured the clearest view of Nep tune’s rings in more than 30 years. (IANS)
gramme makers have resisted all calls for them to carry a disclaimer at the start of each episode,” Dench wrote.
“The time has come for Netflix to reconsider — for the sake of a family and a nation so recently bereaved, as a mark of respect to a sovereign who served her people so dutifully for 70 years, and to preserve its reputation in the eyes of its British subscribers.”
Dench’s letter follows other criticism, including a statement from former Prime Minister John Major’s office to the Daily Mail calling a new scene a “barrel load of nonsense”.
ing new films from across India and the world to select from.
It’s been a really diffi cult challenge for our selec tion team to sift through so many fine films and we’ve had many long discus sions and debates before deciding on the final pro gramme.”
This year’s line-up of Indian features include: Adh Chanani Raat (Cres cent Night) by Gurvinder Singh; Cannes Film Fes tival Golden Eye Award Winner, All That Breathes
by Shaunak Sen; Dhar ti Latar Re Horo (Tor toise Under the Earth) by Shishir Jha; Dhuin by Achal Mishra; Dostojee by Prasun Chatterjee; Jhini Bini Chadariya (The Brittle Thread) by Ritesh Sharma; Manikbabur Megh (The Cloud and the Man) by Abhinandan Banerjee; Pedro by Natesh Hegde; Shankar’s Fairies by Irfana Majumdar; Taangh (Long ing) by Bani Singh); Urf (a.k.a) by Geetika Narang Abbasi; and Watch Over Me by Farida Pacha.
With hearts of gratefulness and thanksgiving to
N. Lipok Jamir

The Church conveys its heartiest congratulations to

Pastor and his family for being ordained. It is said “with great power comes great responsibility” and so may God grant you the power to serve with more dedication and commitment to His Calling. God who called you and elevated you to admirable heights, May He continue to be a pillar of support for you. May He continue to make your future in His vineyard more fruitful and blessed.
The Church also expresses our sincere gratitude to ABAM and the Ordination Council Members for fulfilling the need of our church. May God bless you all.

NASA’s James Webb takes starfilled portrait of Pillars of Creation
La Liga: Real cruise past Elche; Valladolid beat Celta
India have everything they need to win WC: Cornelius
NEW DELHI, OCT 20 (PTI): Former champions India have improved dras tically over the last two decades and possess the “courage and determina tion” to go all the way at the upcoming World Cup, feels Charles Cornelius, a member of the 1973 edition silver medal winning team.
India are set to host the men’s hockey World Cup for the second consec utive time in Bhubaneswar and Rourkela from January 13 to 29 next year.
Champions Chess Tour: Duda to face Mamedyarov in Aimchess Rapid final
NEW YORK, OCT 20 (IANS): Polish ace JanKrzysztof Duda knocked World Champion Mag nus Carlsen out of the Aimchess Rapid chess tournament to set up a mouth-watering final against Shakhriyar Mam edyarov.

MADRID (SPAIN), OCT 20 (IANS): Real Madrid extended their lead at the top of La Liga to six points over FC Barcelona with a comfortable 3-0 win away to bottom side Elche.
Fede Valverde con tinued his excellent recent form with the opening goal in the 11th minute with a powerful shot.
Madrid had two goals ruled off for offside from Karim Benzema and David Alaba in the first half and another one from Ben zema after the break, but Benzema scored Madrid’s second in the 75th minute to double the lead. Marco Asensio added the third in the last minute.
The win pressures
India to tour B’desh for 3 ODIs, 2 Tests in Dec
India will tour Bangladesh for the first time since 2015 for three ODIs and two Tests beginning December 4, the country’s cricket board (BCB) announced here on Thursday.
Dhaka’s Mirpur Sta dium will host all the three ODIs on December 4, 7 and 10 and the series will then move to Chattogram for the first Test from December 14 to 18. The teams will be back in Dhaka for the second and final Test from December 22 to 26, Bangladesh Cricket Board president Nazmul Hassan said in a statement.
“The Bangladesh-India matches in recent history have given us some epic contests and fans from both countries are eagerly wait ing for another memorable series,” Hassan said.
“I thank the Board of Control for Cricket in India for working closely with the BCB in confirming the schedule. We look forward to welcoming the Indian team to Bangladesh,” he added. The two-match se ries will have crucial World Test Championship points at stake. Last edition’s runnersup India are currently placed fourth in the standings.
A four-Test series against Australia at home in February-March 2023 will be their final assignment in the 2021-23 cycle.
Barcelona ahead of their home game against Vil larreal. Mikel Merino’s third-minute header from Brais Mendez’s corner was enough to give Real So ciedad a 1-0 win at home to Mallorca and stretch their winning run to eight matches and lift them to third.
Mallorca were un lucky to see an excellent goal from Amath N’Diaye ruled out for a questionable foul called by VAR in the 58th minute.
High-flying Real Betis were held to a 0-0 draw by a struggling but improving Cadiz in an Andalusian derby, reports Xinhua.
Cadiz were able to keep Betis’ attack at bay,

while Betis midfielder Ser gio Canales was sent off for seeing two yellow cards for complaining in the closing moments of the match.
Valladolid produced a clinical display to claim a morale-boosting 4-1 win at home to Celta Vigo.
Celta had over 60 per cent of the ball and over 20 shots in the match but were wasteful, while the home side scored four goals from just nine efforts.
Roque Mesa put Val ladolid ahead in the 32nd minute and although Oscar Rodriguez leveled before the break, a strike from Joa quin Fernandez and two more from Sergio Leon sealed the win for Vallado lid in the second half.
“The Indian team has drastically improved over the past couple of decades ...Today, the Indian team is beating all top teams and giving them a tough time. This team is well prepared and extremely confident about their skills,” Corne lius told Hockey India’s Flashback Series - World Cup Special.
“Hockey has come along in a very good way in India. I have to appre ciate the players and the Coaches who have trained them. Today, these young players have courage and determination to win.”
Tokyo Olympics bronze medallists India, who are currently world No. 5 in the FIH rank ings, are clubbed along side England (6), Spain (8) and World Cup debutants Wales (16) in pool D.
“They have the cour age, the quality, the de termination to reach the Semi-Finals, after which any of the four teams can
win, as a lot depends on luck. But I am confident that this Indian team have the tenacity to go all the way through and win the trophy once again.”
India have won just three medals (bronze in the inaugural, silver in 1973 and gold in 1975) at the World Cup since the event’s inception in 1971.
Former India goal keeper Cornelius, who is also a winner of the bronze medal in the 1971 World Cup, feels a few changes in rules that have improved the quality of the sport and the players.

“Back in the day, only 11 players used to play and substitutions were called in only when someone was injured. Today, players keep coming out after 10 minutes, after playing with full energy and giving their all on the turf.
“The moment the op position attacks with a full press, if the ball is not in the team’s possession, the de fence has such good speed that they five men run back to cover their goals. This was not possible in our time, especially on grass field,” he said.
Though Carlsen has already won the Tour title with an event to spare, this was not a great event for the World No.1 from Nor way as he had lost to Arjun Erigiasi and D Gukesh in the preliminary rounds.
The Duda and pair Mamedyarov, two of the most chaotic and attacking players in world chess, will go head-to-head over two days after a semifinal full of excitement in the Meltwa ter Champions Chess Tour.
Mamedyarov scraped through after beating Ro mania’s new number 1 Richard Rapport in tie breaks having come back from a point down.
Meanwhile, Duda’s match with Carlsen ex ploded in the first game af ter an opening that seemed to go wrong for the champ.
The game turned completely on its head in a matter of seconds. First, Duda had his head in his hands after being tempted by a poisoned bishop (39. Rxf5). It was a bad blunder that looked to be fatal. But then Carlsen went from completely winning to completely losing in two
moves. Duda emerged as a pawn-up in the endgame and went on to win. The 24-year-old from Krakow was one game away from knocking out the new Tour Champion.
Carlsen kept him wait ing though. A draw in Game 3 set up a tense final game, a must-win for Carlsen with Duda only needing a draw, the organ isers, Play Magnus Group, informed in a release on Wednesday.
Carlsen, with the black pieces, played a King’s Indian. It was tense, but in the end, was decided by another blunder from Carlsen. The killer blow was a double attack from Duda’s queen and Carlsen resigned.
Duda said afterwards: “I’m very happy, of course. Who wouldn’t want to win? Beating Magnus is probably the most reward ing feeling you can have when playing chess!”
Mamedyarov was up against the in-form Rap port who has got stronger

and stronger throughout the tournament. Rapport ended the prelim stage in seventh place, just getting through to the knockout. He came back hard to win against Gukesh D. in the quarterfinal and started brilliantly with a win on Wednesday to put Mam edyarov on the back foot.
Yet Mamedyarov, at 37 the oldest player in the event, found a way to get back in the match holding two draws and then taking the final game to level the score at 2-2 and take it to tiebreaks. Another win in the first blitz game and then a draw in the second saw him though.
Asked what to expect in the final, Grandmaster David Howell said: “I”ll say that Duda is a tiny favourite, he is coming off the high of beating Mag nus and he also topped the prelims.
“But Mamedyarov... I have a feeling he’s going to get at least one hit in. There’s going to be some crazy games in this final!”
NBA: Suns hit late shot to cap rally from 22-pt hole
NEW DELHI, OCT 20 (IANS): A day after Paki stan Cricket Board’s (PCB) threat of not coming to India for 2023 ODI World Cup, Sports Minister An urag Thakur on Thursday said that the country will organise the mega event and all the big teams, in cluding Pakistan, will take part in it because no one can ignore India in any field nowadays.

Thakur’s comments came after PCB requested the Asian Cricket Council to convene an emergency meeting in the wake of BCCI secretary Jay Shah’s statement that India won’t travel to Pakistan for next year’s Asia Cup and his demand that the tourna ment be moved to a neutral venue.
The PCB in its state ment had also mentioned that if India did not travel across the border for the tournament then such a move could jeopardise Pak istan’s participation in the ODI World Cup.
However, Thakur has said that all big teams, including Pakistan, will take part in the ODI World Cup, which is set to be held in India in 2023.
“It’s the BCCI’s mat ter and they will comment on it. India is a sporting powerhouse, where many World Cups have been or
Anurag Thakurganised. The ODI World Cup will also take place next year in India and all big teams around the globe will take part in it.
Because no one can ignore India in any field nowadays,” the Sports Minister told reporters during an event for the an nouncement of the Khelo India Youth Games.
“India has contributed a lot to sports, especially cricket. So, the World Cup will be organised next year, and it will be a grand and historic event,” he added.
Talking specifically about Pakistan’s partici pation, the Minister said that the country has come many times to India in the past and he expects all
teams to take part.
“All teams who qual ify for the World Cup are invited to compete on In dian soil). Many times Pakistan teams have come to India and played. I feel India is not in a position to be dictated (by someone) and there is no reason for anyone to do that. I expect all countries to come and compete,” Thakur said.
Asked about India travelling to Pakistan for the Asia Cup 2023, the former BCCI president said the decision will be taken by the home ministry.
“It’s a decision that will be taken by the Home Ministry. Overall, players’ safety and security is an important matter,” he said.
PHOENIX, OCT 20 (AGENCIES): Damion Lee knocked down the game-winning shot with 9.7 seconds left and the Phoenix Suns rallied from a 22-point, thirdquarter deficit to notch a 107-105 victory over the visiting Dallas Mavericks on Wednesday night in a rematch of last season’s Western Conference semi finals.

Lee hit a 10-foot fal laway jumper over Spencer Dinwiddie to cap an elec tric Phoenix comeback in the season opener for both teams. Dallas star Luka Doncic missed a 3-point attempt just before time expired.
Devin Booker record ed 28 points and nine as sists and Deandre Ayton contributed 18 points and 10 rebounds for the Suns. Cameron Johnson added 15 points, Mikal Bridges had 13 points and 11 re bounds and Lee scored 11 points off the bench.
Doncic had 35 points, nine rebounds and six as sists for the Mavericks.
Christian Wood added 25 points and eight re bounds in his Dallas debut while Dinwiddie added 15 points.
Rudy Gobert scored 23 points and grabbed 16 rebounds to help Minne sota earn a season-opening win over Oklahoma City in Minneapolis.
D’An gelo Russell
KBC Jubilee Trophy 2022 kicks off at Meriema
CorrespondentKOHIMA, OCT 20 (NPN): Jubilee Trophy 2022, organised by Koino nia Baptist Church (KBC) began on Thursday at Mer iema Ground, Kohima.

In the inaugural match, Christ King Church (CKC) emerged as the win ner by defeating Tuophema Baptist Church (TBC) 8-0.
One of the senior most players from CKC, Dierhevituo Benedict (62), was among the few who scored during the match even as the match appeared to be largely one sided.
CKC will now face CRC Viswema in the sec ond round on October 27. Earlier, the inaugural
was held with Pesocha Baptist Church Council, executive secretary, Me doneiu Üsou as the trophy guest.
In his speech, he called on the players, who are members of men’s fel lowship/department from various church denomina tions to give their best.
The open football tourney carries a total cash prize of Rs 2.95 lakhs. The champion will walk away with a cash prize of Rs 1 lakh while the runners-up will receive a cash prize of Rs. 70,000.
The two losing semifinalists will each receive Rs. 30,000.
Individual prizes have been assigned to names
of pioneer missionaries to the Nagas as a tribute to their sacrifices and ser vices: Dr. Sidney W Riven burg & Hattie Rivenburg Player of the tournament - Rs 15,000; Dr. EW Clark Highest Goal Scorer - Rs 10,000; CD King Best De fender - Rs 10,000; Rev George W Supplee Best Midfielder - Rs 10,000; Rev JE Tanquist Best Dis cipline Team - Rs 10,000.
In tribute to one of the first converts among the Angami Nagas: Rev Sieliezhü Sorhie Best Goal keeper - Rs 10,000.
Mezoma BC Vs Nepali BC -12 pm Botsa BC Vs Chüziema BC - 2 pm
added 20 points and Jaden McDaniels had 19 for Minnesota. Karl-Anthony Towns finished with 12 points and seven assists.
Shai Gilgeous-Alex ander led the Thunder with 32 points on 12-of-23 shooting. Josh Giddey added 14 points and 11 rebounds.
Trail Blazers 115, Kings 108
Jerami Grant capped a team-high 23-point per formance in his Portland debut with a go-ahead, three-point play with 50.4 seconds remaining, lifting visiting Trail Blazers past Sacramento on Opening Night.
Anfernee Simons scored 22 points, Damian Lillard 20 and Josh Hart 19 in a balanced attack that allowed the Trail Blazers to avenge a three-point home defeat at the hands of the Kings in last year’s opener.
Guadalajara Open: Azarenka into Round of 16
Former No 1 Victoria Az arenka advanced to the Round of 16 at the Gua dalajara Open Akron after top seed Paula Badosa was forced to retire due to ill ness, here.
The 33-year-old Aza renka will face No 13 seed Madison Keys next.
Playing flawless tennis from the baseline, Aza renka built a quick 4-0 lead before Badosa got on the board.
Struggling physi cally, Badosa called the trainer at the 4-1 change over to discuss her options but opted to play on.
De’Aaron Fox poured in a game-high 33 points and Kevin Huerter had 23 for the Kings, who finished three games ahead of the Trail Blazers in the final Western Conference stand ings a year ago.
Jazz 123, Nuggets 102 Collin Sexton scored 20 points and Lauri Mark kanen added 17 as Utah earned a season-opening win over Denver in Salt Lake City.
Seven different Utah players scored in double figures to help this new era of Jazz basketball begin with a surprising victory.
The Jazz had a wild offseason, which includ ed trading away All-Stars Donovan Mitchell and Rudy Gobert, among oth ers, and hiring Will Hardy as head coach after Quin Snyder’s resignation.
Rudy Gay put up 16
points while Mike Conley had 13 points and eight as sists for Utah.
Nikola Jokic led all scorers with 27 points and Aaron Gordon chipped in with 22 points and 10 rebounds for the Nuggets.
Grizzlies 115, Knicks 112 (OT)
Tyus Jones hit the tiebreaking 3-pointer with 47.8 seconds left in over time for host Memphis, who squandered a 19-point second-half lead before edging New York in the season opener for both teams.
Ja Morant scored a game-high 34 points for the Grizzlies. Santi Aldama (18 points, 11 rebounds) and John Konchar (12 points, 11 rebounds) each posted double-doubles while Jones had 15 points off the bench.
Julius Randle re corded 24 points and 11 rebounds for the Knicks. Cam Reddish scored 22 points off the bench while fellow reserve Isaiah Hartenstein had 16. Jalen Brunson had 15 points and nine assists in his debut for New York.
Bulls 116, Heat 108 Hornets 129, Spurs 102 Hawks 117, Rockets 107 Pistons 113, Magic 109 Wizards 114, Pacers 107 Pelicans 130, Nets 108 Raptors 108, Cavaliers 105

"Capax infiniti" H.Q. Toluvi Village, Dimapur - 797116 : Nagaland ESTD - 2017
It is hereby circulated to all the Clubs/Orgns./Assns. of Nagaland that "2nd Open Volleyball Tournament"-2022 organized by "THE LEGENDS" under the Theme- "To Promote The Spirit of Brotherhood Through Sports" will commence from 14th November 2022, at Toluvi Village Ground.
All interested Clubs/Orgns./Assns. are invited and to kindly furnish their players list along with the Clubs/Orgns./Assns. name on or before 13th Nov 2022 mid-night.
Registration forms can be forwarded on request from the official Legends executives through whatsapp (7005901955). For more details, please contact mobile numbers - 7005091955/9774808158.
• Winner - Rs. 50000
• Runner's Up - Rs. 25000
• Individual Prizes
(Hukato Khulu) (Vekaho Zhimomi)
Secretary, The Legends Chairman, The Legends
‘No one can ignore India’: Thakur to Pak threat of pulling out of 2023 ODITrophy guest being introduced to the players for the inaugural match in Kohima on Thursday. (NP)
NSF Trophy: 4 more teams head to quarters
Correspondent KOHIMA, OCT 20 (NPN):

Four more teams including Gaziphema, Ura Uvie, New Market and Red Scars quali fied for the quarter finals by winning in their respective matches in the ongoing 22nd NSF Martyr’s Memo rial Trophy played at IG Stadium, here on Thursday.

In the first match, Vafü mai Gaziphema FC de feated Infinite FC, 4-0 and progressed to quarter finals.
Gaziphema’s captain sport ing jersey no 10, Rowland, scored the first goal for the team in the 37th minute.
Fellow teammate jer sey no 9, Dairhii added two goals in the 62nd and 88th minutes while the final goal was netted by jersey no 19, Veishalou, in the 72nd minute.
Gaziphema’s Veisha lou was adjudged as the man of the match.
In the second match, Ura Uvie dominated SWAT FC 11-0 and progressed to the quarter finals. Ura’s jer sey no 8, Kevisanyü Peseyie scored the opening goal in the 9th mi nute and later
doubled his scored in the 66th minute.
The team’s jersey no 7, Nyithong Magh added a goal in the 19th minute while his teammate sporting jersey no 11, Nune Medoze contributed two goals in 60th and 64th minutes.
The remaining five goals were contributed by Kekhrieletuo Tsira, Shürhosül, Toka Achumi, Nosal and Ruokuovolie scored a goal each in the 43rd, 50th, 70th, 79th and 85th minutes respectively. An own goal was scored by
the captain of SWAT in the 35th minute.
Ura’s Kevisanyü Peseyie, was awarded with man of the match.
In the third match, New Market FC decimated Bucaneers FC 17-0 setting a new high in the trophy’s his tory. New Market’s striker Rhitso Mero emerged as the hero of the match by scoring a staggering 11 in the 12th, 14th, 25th, 27th, 32nd, 70th, 72nd, 79th, 82nd, 83rd and 86th minutes of the game.
He also currently stands as the top scorer with
Premier League: Man Utd turn on style against Spurs while Liverpool win again
20 goals to his credit in this edition so far.
From his 20 goals in 3 matches, Mero has an aver age of 6.6 goals per match and 6 hat-tricks.
Two of the 17 goals were added by Sinlo Kent in the 51st and 59th minutes.
Fellow teammates Kivi Zhi momi, Yunshalo Kemp and Neisede Peseyie contribute a goal each in the 31st, 56th and 75th minutes.
An own goal was scored by a Bucaneers player in the 49th minute.
In the fourth match,
Red Scars FC bested Phesa ma Youth Organisation (PYO) 5-1.
PYO’s jersey no 32, Vikehiezo Mejura scored the first goal for the team in the 7th minute which was equalised by Red Scars’ jersey no 11, Lalsiem in the 17th minute which re mained as the only goals for each side till the first half.
Later in the second half, Red Scars’ jersey no 13, Elminhao Kilong added two goals for Red Scars FC in the 54th and 78th minutes while fellow player, jersey no 18, Serto Kom, added the last goal in the 52nd minute. One of PYO’s player net ted an own goal in the 73rd minute.
Man of the match was awarded to Chongloi from Red Scars FC.

Viswemi FC Vs Unity FC Meriema - 10 a.m.
Pochury Students’ Union
Shillong Lajong FC12 p.m.
1st QF - Head Hunters FC
Fifa FC - 4 p.m.
2nd QF - Vafümai Gazi phema FC Vs Ura Uvie FC - 6:30 p.m.
GUWAHATI, OCT 20 (PTI): East Bengal snapped their winless run against NorthEast United in the Indian Super League (ISL) with a comfortable 3-1 vic tory at the Indira Gandhi Athletic Stadium here on Thursday.
A first-half goal from Cleiton Silva (11th minute) and secondhalf strikes from Charis Kyriakou (53rd) and Jor dan O’Doherty (84th) en sured the three points for East Bengal, before Matt Doherty’s consolation goal (90+2) opened NorthEast United’s goal account for the season.
It took a while for the two teams to find their rhythm with the game’s first real chance coming in the 10th minute when Cleiton Silva smashed a volley from range at North East United FC’s goal, but Silva didn’t have to wait long to get his goal.
East Bengal took the lead a minute later after some diligent work from Mahesh Naorem Singh.
NorthEast United’s Mo hamed Irshad got caught on the ba ll during the
Players of Northeast United FC (in white) and East Bengal vie for the ball during the ISL match in Guwahati. (PTI)

team’s build-up, which gave Noarem an opportunity to pinch it from the full-back before laying it to the open Silva, who made no mis take with his finish.
NorthEast United had most of the possession in the first-half but struggled to create any real chances.
It looked like the High landers were going to end the half without any shots on target but a speculative
effort from Emil Benny in the 45th minute led to a re bound that Matt Derbyshire should have finished. That was the best chance of the game at that point in time, but Derbyshire’s ef fort didn’t find the target, rattling the bar instead.
FRIDAY’S MATCH Chennaiyin FC Vs FC Goa Time: 7:30 pm
Travelling to Pak not BCCI’s call, govt will decide: Binny
(PTI): The BCCI can’t take a call on its own on whether the Indian team will travel to Pakistan for the 2023 Asia Cup or not as it relies on the government to make such decisions, new Board president Rogery Binny said on Thursday.
Speaking at an event organised by Karnataka State Cricket Association here, Binny said the BCCI has not approached the government yet on travel ling to Pakistan next year but eventually the central
government will only decide on the matter. “That is not BCCI’s call. We need gov ernment’s clearance to leave the country. Whether we leave the country or teams coming into the country, we need clearance.
“Once we get clear ance from the government then we go with it. We can’t make decision on our own. We have to rely on the gov ernment. We have not ap proached them yet,” said World Cup winner Binny.
The Asia Cup is sched uled to be played in Pakistan
Maaya Revathi enters Fenesta Open semis with upset win
LONDON, OCT 20 (IANS): Manchester Unit ed produced arguably their best performance of the season to defeat Tottenham 2-0 at Old Trafford as they remained in the top-five position.
Tottenham went into Wednesday night’s game in third place in the Premier League but were outclassed by United, who opened the scoring through Fred in the 47th minute and should have been out of sight by the time Bruno Fernandes added their second, with Spurs keeper Hugo Lloris making a string of magnifi cent saves.

Darwin Nunez’s 22nd-minute goal was
enough for Liverpool to beat West Ham United to build on their weekend vic tory over Manchester City.
The Uruguayan head ed home a cross from the left and was unlucky to see another effort bounce back off the post, although Liverpool also had a letoff when Jarrod Bowen’s penalty was well saved by Alisson.
Goalkeepers David Raya and Kepa Arrizabal aga were on top form with a string of excellent saves to ensure the southwest Lon don derby between Brent ford and Chelsea ended in a 0-0 draw.
Chelsea had more chances than the home
side, but a draw was a fair result, with both keepers at their best.
Newcastle United moved to fifth in the table thanks to Miguel Almiron’s 31st-minute strike giving them a 1-0 win at home to Everton.
Newcastle peppered the Everton goal, while Everton failed to have a shot on target all game.
Wednesday also saw Southampton take a 1-0 win away to Bournemouth thanks to Che Adams’ ninth-minute goal. The re sult is Bournemouth’s first defeat under Gary O’Neil but will ease the pressure on Saints coach Ralph Hasenhuttl.

NEW DELHI, OCT 20 (PTI): Maaya Revathi registered an upset 6-3, 6-2 win over fourth seed Aishwarya Jadav 6-3, 6-2 to enter the semi-finals of the under-16 section in the Fenesta Open Tennis Championship on Thursday. Laxman Siri Dandu played an up and down game before conquering Saijayani Banerjee 3-6, 6-4, 6-1 in another quarter-final. Even though ex changes were equal in the first two sets, Laxman won the decid er easily. In the under-14 section, HarithaShree N, the top seed, beat Nainika Reddy 7-6 (7/3), 6-2 to enter the last four stage.
Debasis Sahoo, seeded sec ond, beat Dhruv Sachdeva in straight sets. He was outstanding in the first set from the baseline. In the second set, Sahoo kept the pressure on.
SL into Super 12; Netherlands qualify too despite loss

GEELONG (VICTORIA), OCT 20 (PTI): Kusal Men dis stood tall with a gritty 79 as Asian champions Sri Lanka bounced back from their early debacle to seal their Super 12 berth with a 16-run win over the Nether lands in the T20 World Cup here on Thursday.
Despite the loss, the Dutch joined the Lankans in the Super 12 with UAE handing them a huge favour by winning against Namibia in the group A finale here later in the day. This was UAE’s first ever victory in the T20 World Cup.
Facing an early elimi nation after being shocked by Namibia in the T20 World Cup opener at the same venue on Sunday, Sri Lanka first crushed UAE by 79 runs and then on Thursday they come out on top against the Dutch to post a stiff 162 for six with wicketkeeper-batter Mendis leading the show in his 44ball knock.
In reply, the Dutch, who led group A with wins
over Namibia and UAE, managed 146 for 9 as the Lankan spin twins Wanindu Hasaranga (4-0-28-3) and Maheesh Theekshana (40-32-2) stymied their chase with perfect death over ex ecution. For the Dutch, opener Max O’Dowd came up with a valiant 71 not out from 53 balls (6x4, 3x6) but he lacked the final flourish
with hardly any support from the middle and lower order batters.
Sri Lanka join Eng land, Australia, New Zea land and Afghanistan in Group 1 while Netherlands move to Group 2 compris ing India, Pakistan, South Africa and Bangladesh.
2014 champions Sri Lanka, who were fresh
from winning the Asia Cup in UAE, faced a difficult road in the T20 showpiece after being stumbled by Namibia in the opening match. Since then, the Lankans came back strongly to crush UAE to lift their NRR but only to face injury woes to star seamer Dushmantha Chameera (torn calf), Pramod Madushan (hamstring) and Danushka Gu nathilaka (hamstring).
But the Shanaka-led side showed amazing resilience in the match that mattered most with opener Mendis leading the way. Opting to bat, Sri Lanka had a slow and cautious start and lost Pathum Nissanka (14 off 21b) and Dhananjaya de Silva (0) off successive deliveries right after the power-play.
Paul van Meekeren (2/25) impressed with his raw pace and hostility, while spinners Tim Pringle (3-0-22-0) and Roelof van der Merwe (3-0-16-0) were at their tidy best. The Dutch had complete control early on as the Lankans struggled to get going in the middle overs and it seemed Sri Lanka won’t get past that 140-run mark but Mendis had other ideas.
in September next year, ahead of the ODI World Cup in India.
Binny’s comments came after BCCI secretary Jay Shah said the Indian team will not travel to Paki stan next year for the Asia

Cup and will instead like to play the tournament at a neutral venue. Earlier on Thursday, Sports Minister Anurag Thakur said the Indian team will need clear ance from the Home Minis try to travel to Pakistan.
A ‘disappointed’ Paki stan Cricket Board (PCB) on Wednesday requested the Asian Cricket Council to convene an emergency meeting. Referring to Shah’s comment, the PCB had said that “such statements can spilt the Asian and interna tional cricket communities”
and impact Pakistan’s visit to India for the 2023 World Cup. India haven’t travelled to Pakistan since the 2008 Asia Cup, and after the Mumbai terror attack on November 26 that year, the scheduled bilateral series in early 2009 was cancelled. Pakistan did travel to India for a short six-match white-ball series in 2012, but in the last 10 years, there hasn’t been any bilat eral cricket. The two teams have only played each other at various ICC and ACC events.