T20 WC: NZ beat Aus in Super 12 opener


DIMAPUR, OCT 22 (NPN): A low-pressure system over the Andaman Sea that is expected to intensify into a cyclonic storm is likely to bring rain to North East region. The cyclone in the Bay of Ben gal, to be named ‘Sitrang’ when it forms, may inten sify into a severe cyclone October 25 2022, accord ing to the latest national cyclone bulletin released by the IMD.
In its daily bulletin, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) said that well marked low pres sure area concentrated into a depression over southeast adjoining eastcentral Bay of Bengal was very likely to intensify further into a deep depression over eastcentral and adjoining southeast Bay of Bengal by October 23 morning.
Subsequently, it is very likely to recurve gradually northnortheastwards and intensify into a Cyclonic Storm over central Bay
DIMAPUR, OCT 22 (NPN): Nagaland on Sat urday reported one more Covid-19 fatality while no positive cases were recorded during the day.
With one more Covid death from Dimapur, the death toll rose to 782 (in cluding 5 non-Covid deaths but with positivity).
The state currently has two active cases while the total caseload as on October 22 stood at 35972.
Meanwhile, India saw a single-day rise of 2,112 new infections raising the tally to 4,46,40,748, while the death toll climbed to 5,28,957 with four fatalities.
The daily positivity rate was recorded at 1.01 per cent. The weekly posi tivity rate was recorded at 0.97 per cent, according to the health ministry.
DIMAPUR, OCT 22 (NPN): State geology and mining (G&M) depart ment on Saturday rejected the claim of Nagaland Pradesh Congress Com mittee (NPCC) that the state government signed Memorandum of Under standing (MoU) with the oil ministry.
In a press release, sec retary G&M, K Libant hung Lotha, clarified that “no MoU/MoUs has been signed neither with the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas (MoPNG), GoI nor with any Oil Com pany/Companies”.
of Bengal by October 24 morning, IMD stated.
Under the impact of the system, IMD said fairly widespread/Widespread light/moderate rainfall with isolated heavy falls and thunderstorm/light ning was very likely over Assam & Meghalaya and Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram & Tripura dur ing 24-26 and Arunachal
Source: RMC GuwahatiPradesh on October 25, 2022.
IMD also stated that isolated very heavy rain fall was also very likely over Assam & Meghalaya and Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram & Tripura on October 25 & 26, 2022.
Meanwhile, Regional Met Centre (RMC) Gu wahati on Saturday issued ‘Orange’ alert for Peren dis
trict on October 24- 25 with very heavy rainfall likely and also for Phek, Kiphire and Tuensang districts on October 25-26.
On Friday, Union Cabinet Secretary Rajiv Gauba also reviewed the preparedness of Central ministries, agencies and state governments to deal with the situation arising out of Cyclone Sitrang developing in the Bay of Bengal during the National Crisis Management Com mittee (NCMC) meeting.
Reviewing the pre paredness measures of the states and Central agencies, Gauba stressed that all pre ventive and precautionary measures should be taken by the concerned authori ties of the state govern ments and concerned agen cies of the Centre, before the cyclonic storm makes landfall, as the aim should be to keep the loss of lives to near zero and minimize damage to property and infrastructure.
NEW DELHI, OCT 22 (AGENCIES): Prime Min ister Narendra Modi on Saturday launched Rozgar Mela, the recruitment drive for 10 lakh personnel. Dur ing the ceremony, appoint ment letters were handed over to 75,000 newly in ducted appointees.
Addressing the ap pointees, Modi said,“Today marks the day when a new link in the form of Rozgar Mela is being anchored to the employment and selfemployment campaigns in the country that are going on for the last 8 years.”
Modi said that keep ing in mind the 75 years of independence, the central government is giving ap pointment letters to 75,000 youngsters under a pro gramme. “I am happy that many NDA-ruled and BJPruled states along with union territories will also organise similar Melas”, he added.
DIMAPUR, OCT 22 (NPN): In view of vari ous reasons cited in the recent past, Nagaland Inservice Doctors Associa tion (NIDA)through the media cell, has renewed its demand on the state govern ment to immediately review the “re-employment” envis aged by the notification dated July 15,2022 and in its place, translate it into “enhanced superannuation age of 62 years” for doctors without any condition or criteria.
Further NIDA has also urged upon the government of fill all vacant and sanc tioned posts and to regular ize contract appointments made during the covid-19 pandemic in order to run the health care delivery system smoothly.
In a statement, NIDA explained that its intention was not to confront the government on any issue but instead to contribute
Union Law Minister Kiren Rij iju Saturday said the Centre will repeal more than 1500 obsolete and archaic laws during the winter session of Parliament.
The minister told news persons here that this initiative stemmed from Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s desire to re duce the role of the government in people’s lives.
Obsolete laws are impedi ments in the normal life of common people and do not have relevance in the present time, nor deserve to remain in the statute books, Rijiju said.
“It is the prime minister’s desire to reduce the compliance burden of the people, to ensure
that they can live as peacefully as possible. He wants less gov ernment role in the life of the common people,” he said.
“We (NDA government at the Centre) have decided to remove all obsolete archaic laws from the statute as unnecessary laws are a burden to the com mon man. We have decided
to revoke more than 1500 laws in the winter session of Parlia ment. I am ready to introduce many more repealment acts,” the union minister said.
Laws, he said, are meant to facilitate justice for the common people and not trouble them. They are meant to prescribe certain mechanisms to ensure that the life of common people is as normal as possible.
Rijiju praised the NPP-led government in Meghalaya but expressed the desire that BJP be given more role in the BJP in the government for more benefit to the common people.
Meghalaya Assembly poll is due in about four months’ time. Rijiju said the Centre
is giving special focus to NE and there is no reason why the region will lag behind in any sector. “It is BJP’s desire to make the northeast prosperous and India a powerful nation. The party desires to fulfil the targets set by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to make India prosperous and fully developed by 2047,” he said.
The union minister said the home ministry is looking into the demand of the people to introduce ILP in Meghalaya to check outsiders to the state.
“As ILP is a local demand, the government has to take a collective decision taking into account the larger interest of everyone around,” he stated.
towards healthcare delivery system and to contribute towards advancement of medical science in the state.
NIDA also said it was also expected of the state government to take advan tage of the opportunity offered and to utilise the technical expertise and hu man resources of NIDA for the best interest of the government.
NIDA said it was un fortunate that superannua tion has become an issue between itself and the gov ernment since policy mak ers failed to understand the finer points of the matter.
In this regard, NIDA said that instead of building a better relation between the two sides, the policy mak ers were using “deceptive methods to mislead both the association and the gen eral public of Nagaland” on demand for enhancement of superannuation.
In justifying its de
mand, NIDA cited the announcement by prime minister Narendra Modi on May 26,2016 that retire ment age of government doctors would be enhanced to 65 in order to mitigate the problem of acute shortage of doctors in the country.
Subsequently, NIDA said the central government amended the Fundamen tal (Second Amendment) Rules 2018 for doctors vide order dated August 11,2018. Accordingly, states across India including some north eastern states did likewise.
NIDA pointed out that while the recommended Doctor to Population ratio as per World Health Organ isation (WHO) is 1:1000, the national average was 1:1445 (economic survey 2019-2020) while in the case of Nagaland it was 1:4056 (projected popula tion 2020).
DIMAPUR, OCT 22 (NPN): Na galand GB Federation (NGBF) has lauded the recent agreement reached between NSCN (I-M) and NNPGs to form the Council of Naga Rela tionships and Cooperation (CoNRC) to explore realistic ways for Nagas to move forward on the basis of Naga historical and political rights.
NGBF through its media cell said it was “extremely happy and confident” over the ongoing devel opment on reconciliation and peace process initiated by FNR. Appreciat ing the maturity shown by both the groups, the federation said that the initiative was “really a response to people’s yearning for reconciliation and unity.”
DIMAPUR, OCT 22 (NPN): Ahead of the festive season, the Dimapur Cham ber of Commerce and In dustry (DCCI) has appealed to the district administra tion and law enforcement agencies to set into motion mechanisms to ensure a safe, pleasant and peaceful envi ronment in Dimapur.
In a press release, DCCI president Akashe K Zhimomi said that Di mapur, state’s commercial hub, would witness a flurry of activities and events with Hornbill Festival and festive season approaching.
DCCI said that in crease in traffic snarls, congestion in markets and
streets, rise in crimes and petty thefts and rampant il legal taxation and donation drives were among predict able daily scenarios.
Donation and fund drives: DCCI has appealed to the district administra tion led by the deputy com missioner not to authorise or give permission to any union/organisation to un dertake donation and fund drives like sale of calendar, lottery etc. It said that spon sorship forced upon the busi ness community by various unions and organisations to fund their winter confer ences, events or jubilees have become a menace and a bane to society.
DIMAPUR, OCT 22 (NPN): A team compris ing representatives of Na galand Foot Hills Road Construction Committee (NFHRCC), PWD (R&B) additional chief engineer, superintending engineer, executive engineers and contractors undertook a joint inspection of the on going Foothills road con struction simultaneously at Dimapur, Longleng, Tuli, Mangkolemba and Naginimora PWD (R&B) divisions on October 20.
In a press note, NFHRCC convener Supu Jamir, general secretary W Lemba Chang, co-con vener Hokiye Yepthomi
and asst general secretary Chenithung Humtsoe said the committee would sub mit its observation of the inspection to the PWD (R&B), while urging the contractors of Tizit and Mangkolemba divisions to start the work at the earliest. It said that the PWD (R&B) chief engi
Streamlining of traf fic: Lauding the Dimapur traffic police for its efforts in keeping the traffic flow bear able, DCCI has requested the traffic commissioner to deploy more tow-away trucks for vehicles violat ing traffic rules and impose heavy penalties to violators.
DCCI also advised shop owners not to park their ve hicles in front of their respec tive shops so as to give easier access to customers to park for shopping. It stated that drop and pick-up vehicles for shop owners will, in some way, ease traffic congestion. Shops to open on Sun days: To facilitate shoppers/ traders coming from other
districts, DCCI has urged the shop owners and business houses to open their shutters on Sundays also at least until the festive season is over.
Eviction of footpath vendors: DCCI also re quested Dimapur Municipal Council (DMC)/respon sible authorities to evict/ remove all footpath ven dors in crowded streets and markets. The chamber said that footpath vendors were causing great inconvenience to pedestrians, shoppers and also shop owners due to congestions. It said that sell ing and trading on drainage slabs was very unhygienic, adding that vegetable wastes and other litters thrown into
drains lead to foul smell and clogging of drains.
Enhancement of se curity: DCCI has appealed to the commissioner of police Dimapur, to enhance security for the safety and security of both the business community and shoppers.
DCCI said that many unwanted elements like pickpockets, robbers, gam blers and drunk drivers pose grave threat to life and secu rity of citizens. DCCI said that police personnel so far have been providing safety and security to the citizens of Dimapur.
Meanwhile, DCCI has conveyed Diwali greetings to one and all.
NFHRCC members and the bridge’s contractor.
neer would also personally visit Baghty division in Wokha district along with its representatives soon.
A team led by ad ditional chief engineer Hozeto Sumi further vis ited Doyang bridge con struction site at Gover nor’s Camp, Liphanyan in Wokha district along with
NFHRCC claimed that in spite of the string of challenges over the years, the additional CE along with his technical colleagues expressed sat isfaction on the progress of the Doyang bridge con struction as the technical work had almost been completed, which would be recommended for in auguration for public use at the earliest.
NFHRCC said the bridge at Governor’s Camp, the third over Doy ang river and the longest in Nagaland, was started in 2014 as a part of the
foothills road initiatives spearheaded by civil soci ety organisations in 2013 and under the leadership of chief minister Neiphiu Rio, while deputy CM Y Patton provided an additional funding to make the road motorable, including the Doyang bridge, in 2021.
NFHRCC said it felt that the department con cerned must reiterate its earlier notification in pre serving the stone gravels at least 1 km on both up and downstream of the river to safeguard the bridge from erosion and to impress upon the district adminis tration to kindly ensure its implementation seriously.
NGBF said its main concern has been unity and peace amongst Naga brethren. The federation re called that during factional confron tation, it had organised peace initia tive by forming GB &DB joint fo rum and successfully brought peace amongst Naga political groups. NGBF said that till date both the parties have restrained themselves and shunned violence on the prin ciple of reconciliation and peace. The federation has, therefore, appealed to all the people to “sup port the movement with maximum cooperation.”
NGBG said that when Nagas are united no force on earth can destroy their aspirations.
Former prime minister Boris Johnson returned to Britain on Saturday from a Caribbe an holiday aiming to launch an audacious political come back, as Conservative rival Rishi Sunak reached the minimum threshold to con test the UK’s top job.
His apparent bid to re turn to office just weeks later has already been decried by opposition politicians, and even some in his own fractured ruling party who are demanding stability and unity.
Meanwhile, Rishi Su nak’s supporters claimed on Saturday that the Indianorigin former chancellor
has hit the threshold of 100 members of Parliament required to make it to the shortlist for the race. Howev er, both Sunak and Johnson are yet to announce they are running, with reports that a declaration by the former was imminent.
On the other hand, cabinet member Penny Mordaunt, who just missed out on making the final run off after Johnson quit, was the first to formally unveil her candidacy. Penny said she was running for “a fresh start, a united party and leadership in the national interest” but is already trail ing her rivals by dozens of nominations.
DIMAPUR, OCT 22 (NPN): Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee (NPCC) has refuted the allegation of NPF president Dr Shurhozelie Leizietsü that Congress had betrayed the Nagas in 1998.
NPCC president K Therie clarified in a press release that Congress did not agree to boycott election with anyone in 1998 and hence the question of betrayal did not arise.
He went on to state that Congress supported NPF candi dates in all constituencies where it did not contest in 2018 Febru ary election. Therie also said that Congress had sincerely supported NPF candidate C Apok Jamir in the May 2018 Lok Sabha byelection. He also expressed grate
fulness to NPF for supporting Congress candidate KL Chishi, former chief minister.
“We lost because 7 NPF MLAs betrayed us. Then they were joined by others when 21 MLAs defected. From 26 it has come down to 4. NPF’s immu nity in resisting defection is weak perhaps because of compromis ing with NDPP and BJP whose ideals are anti-Christian and antiNagaland because of Hindutva,” Therie stated.
He asserted that Congress was neither the cause of betrayal, nor had it betrayed at any point of time or compromised its faith and secular principles. He explained that he was issuing the rejoinder to clear the minds of people from wrong propaganda.
DIMAPUR: The special commissioner & ADGP of Delhi police, Robin Hibu on Saturday, exhorted the students by stating that they should be ready to put in hard work and not be deterred by deprivations, if they aspire to become someone in life.
In a press release, LFI information desk stated that Robin Hibu was speaking at a career seminar-cumpep talk for college students of Dimapur and adjoining areas at Livingstone Foundation International (LFI), Dimapur.
In his address, he shared the journey of becoming the first IAS officer from Arunachal Pradesh despite coming from a marginal family.
In this regard, he challenged the students to sacrifice their comfortable life and social obligations, and asked them aim for the best career.
He also motivated the students by advising them not to follow the crowd but
to make a mark in a career of their choice.
Robin Hibu also highlighted various career options including fashion, IT, education, horticulture, entrepreneurship, which he said should become the focus in a modern
generation instead of opting for traditional career options like medicine, engineering and civil services.
Robin Hibu, who is also the founder and president of Helping Hands India, informed that
Helping Hands Nagaland will become the nodal centre for ALS Scholarship Examinations through which, students can receive lucrative scholarships to pursue their dreams of becoming a civil servant.
Briefing the gathering
on Helping Hands, president of Helping Hands Nagaland and LFI chairman, Dr. Andrew Ahoto Sema said that Helping Hands was a humanitarian organisation working for the welfare of the downtrodden and needy, especially from the North Eastern Region.
Dr. Andrew informed that Helping Hands was a charitable non-profit nongovernment organisation with core principles including shared vision and goals, collaboration and sharing, mutual respect and joint investment of efforts.
Earlier, Robin Hibu and his wife, Dr. Gampi Padu Hibu and established entrepreneur from South India, Sunil Chabbra were welcomed and felicitated by Dr. Andrew Ahoto Sema.
It may be mentioned that the special commissioner will launch Helping Hands Nagaland Chapter on October 23, at LFI.
DIMAPUR: Office of the chief medical officer Peren has informed departments under Peren district that the district medical board will be held on November 9, 10 am, in the office chamber of the CMO Peren.
In this regard, departments who have candidates for confirmation, invalidation and commutation of pension etc. for Grade-III and Grade-IV employees have been directed to submit the list on or before November 8, 2022.
KOHIMA, OCT 22 (NPN): VK Area Union Kohima (VKAUK) celebrated its silver jubilee at State Academy Hall, here, on Saturday.
Speaking as guest of honour, senior superintendent of police, H Kuhovi Chishi lauded the union for having reached a milestone and expressed hope that VKAUK would continue to grow and prosper as they move ahead.
The senior SP paid respects to the two oldest
surviving members— Shetoli Kiba and Khehovi who, he said, played instrumental roles in keeping the union alive till date.
He suggested that members living in Kohima should encourage their peers and relatives in the village to work hard and keep the name of the village alive.
Exhorting the youth, Kuhovi Chishi said although many members had done well in their studies and competitive exams, he urged them to not lose their focus and to
earn more laurels for their village.
Further, he conveyed jubilee greetings and wished the celebration a grand success.
Earlier, invocation was offered by Shetoli Kiba Tungoe, a short history on VKAUK was presented by former president of the union T Zhekuto Kibami while jubilee blessing was offered by Kughashi Chishi.
Later, vote of thanks was proposed by finance secretary, H John Assumi and benediction was offered by Bokali K Chishi.
KOHIMA, OCT 22 (NPN): Rengma Public Organisation Kohima (RPOK), organised a cultural programme at NSF Solidarity Park, here, on Saturday.
Addressing the gathering as cultural guest, advisor of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services and Women Resources Development, R. Khing stressed on the need to protect and preserve the rich valued culture so that the younger generation did not lose their identity.
He exhorted the youth by stating that cultures and
traditions would diminish if they did not adopt them and encouraged them to pass cultural values and practices to the next generation.
At the programme, invocation was offered by Rengma Baptist Church Kohima, associate pastor youth, Zakevi Kesen, welcome address by Rengma Public Organisation Kohima president K Gwanilo Himb, greetings were delivered by N S Rengma and special appearance by Kezia Semy while words of gratitude were delivered by RPOK general secretary K K Rengma.
The programme was
Mass social work in Dimapur on Oct 25: Dimapur district administration has informed that a mass social work will be conducted in Dimapur on October 25, 6 am-9 am. In this regard, all the public in Dimapur have been asked to participate in the mass social work to prevent the spread of dengue cases in the district.
NPROA 7th AGM, election: Nagaland Police Retired Officers’ Association has convened its 7th Annual General Meeting and election of new office bearers for the tenure 2022-2025 on October 25, 11 am, at Central Police Officers’ Mess, Chümoukedima. All retired inspectors and
followed by folk song and folk dance competitions where winners were informed to represent RPOK in the forthcoming cultural programme organised by the directorate of Tribal Affairs.
Under the category of folk song, Tesophenyu Group Union Kohima bagged the first prize, Phenshunyu Lowjvu Nezen Kohima (second) and Tsogin Union Kohima (third).
Under the category of folk dance, Tesophenyu Group Union Kohima was declared the winner, Tseminyu Union Kohima (second) and Kasha Daho Kohima (third).
above, and Nagaland Police Service (NPS) officers have been asked to attend the meeting.
RPOD general meeting on Oct 24: Rengma Public Organisation Dimapur has informed that a general meeting & induction of new team for the tenure 2022-2025 will be held on October 24, at Tetso College auditorium, Sovima, 11 am.
NSCN/GPRN (Niki) terminates: NSCN/ GPRN through its MIP has informed that it has terminated “leacy” Kughato Achumi and “khapur” Hito Ayemi, both of Tichipami village, from active national service for their involvement in anti-social activities, with immediate effect.
m any speculating that it may arrive by December or January.
Senior advocate, Gauhati High Court, Ko hima Bench, C. T Jamir pointed out that there was a huge trust deficit in the society that could be easily seen in the rela tionship between elected representatives and their constituents.
Amenba Yaden, MLA, urged upon the gathering to remember the contribution of pioneers and encouraged them to contemplate on how to best contribute to society.
DIMAPUR: Keron Janger, a prominent lawyer and president of Dimapur Bar Association (DBA) passed away on Saturday, in Dima pur, after a brief illness. Late Janger was former member and acting chairman of Nagaland Public Service Commission (NPSC).
sense of integrity, confiden tiality and fairness in all his official dealings.
Imnatiba addressing the gathering at the jubilee celebration. CT Jamir (right). (NP)
KOHIMA, OCT 22 (NPN): The advisor of Industries & Commerce, Labour & Employment, Skill Development & En trepreneurship, Imnatiba on Saturday, asserted that a time has come for mem bers of the Ao community to “rethink and restruc ture” in order to address challenges that lie ahead, and to reap the opportuni ties at present.
Speaking at the gold en jubilee celebration of Kohima Jangpetkong Senso Telongjem (KJST) at Molu Ki on the theme, “Kumkumshidi” (rejuve
nation), Imnatiba stated that amid the apparent disintegration Naga so ciety was going through, Aos should take up the responsibility to “unite and integrate the Nagas”.
He stressed that retir ing bureaucrats should use their expertise by setting up centres for learning and researches instead of con testing elections, which, he said, was the trend in present times.
In his address, advisor of National Highways, Treasuries and Accounts, Dr Longrineken said that a solution to the vexed Naga political issue may “even tually be on the way” with
Jamir stated that the political system in Naga society has taken a form where the electoral see leaders as thieves and elected see constituents as leeches, which, he said, was detrimental to the progress of the society.
He also highlighted the need for Aos in par ticular and Nagas in gen eral to be ready to adopt new approaches and new techniques in a society that was constantly changing and stressed on the need to value the importance of honesty.
Further, Jamir stressed on need for Naga society to consider their cultures and traditions as their greatest strengths.
Jubilee Resolution Committee member, Er Moa Aier informed that as part of the jubilee cel ebration, the committee resolved to give thanks to the Almighty for blessing the union over 50 years; to set up an education trust and build a multi-purpose hall in Kohima for liveli hood opportunities and venue for events.
KJST also resolved to invest in Agri and Al lied sector and help farm ers and entrepreneurs in exploring uncharted ter ritories with the vision to bring in economic and social development.
It may be mentioned that Jangpetkong is one of the six ranges, com prised of 10 villages— Changki, Chungliyimsen, Khar, Mongchen, Dibuia, Waromung, Imjenkimong, Molungyimsen, Molung kimong, and Luyong.
DIMAPUR, OCT 28 (NPN): A mega job fair, organised by Emporium Training and Consultancy Pvt Ltd Nagaland, in as sociation with District Skill Committee, district admin istration Dimapur is sched uled to be held on October 28, at district agriculture office Dimapur.
Announcing this at a press conference here, on Saturday at Emporium
training centre, ADC Di mapur, Mhalo Humtsoe informed that a total of eight companies have agreed to partner for the fair.
HQ operations man ager, Anirban Mukherjee informed that the fair was industry focused with em phasis on hospitality and cruise line.
He stated that they were focusing on these sec tors since they were identi fied as some of the “most potential sectors for hiring
people from the entire NE region.”
Anirban informed that candidates who get selected, will receive offer letter on the same day and candi dates who do not make it, would be trained. He also asked candidates to bring Adhaar card and resume.
A total of 450 candidates from Mizoram, Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh and oth er states have also registered.
At the programme, Temjen kala Aier said companies
that Emporium works with, have signed MoU and so far, there have been no issues.
The most important aspect will be checking the background, get infor mation and make use of mechanisms, Temjenkala stated.
She informed that the companies follow a “zerotolerance zone” and one could report to human re source, after which, immedi ate action would be taken.
District employment
officer, Dimapur, Gideon L Sumi expressed hope that through the initiative, the educated unemployed youth could come out of their comfort zone and explore what lies ahead.
He also stated that the government was “actively promoting skill develop ment” through various de partments and agencies in various sectors.
DBA: Dimapur Bar Association (DBA) has expressed grief at the de mise of its president, Keron Janger. DBA general secre tary, Hukavi Zhimomi said DBA has lost one of its founders, who contributed immensely to the bar in various capacities until his last breath.
Hukavi said the de mise of late Janger has created a void which can not be filled and that his exemplary stature in the bar would continue to in spire the young and old. DBA conveyed its deepest condolences to the bereaved family and prayed that the Almighty God will grant them solace.
NPSC: Nagaland Pub lic Service Commission (NPSC) secretary, John Tsu lise Sangtam has expressed shock to learn the untimely demise of Keron Janger, who was former member and acting chairman of the commission.
Tsulise said late Janger, who joined the commission on September 5, 2006 as member and performed as acting chairman from Au gust 11, 2012 to September 4, 2012, demitted his office on completion of six years term as member.
He described late Janger as a humble person with high intellectual acu men and upright character. He said late Janger served the commission with high
Tsulise said late Janger set new standards of inter viewing public service as pirants for the commission to follow and that, NPSC has lost a person whom it looked to, for advice in times of need.
Members, officers and staff of the commission joined him in conveying condolences to family of late Janger and prayed that the Almighty grant them solace at this time of grief.
Justice Hukato: Con sumer Disputes Redressal president and chairman advisory board for N.S.A Nagaland, justice S. Hukato Swu, has expressed deep sadness at the demise of K Janger, GB Old Showuba and DBA president.
Justice Hukato said that he personally knew late
Janger for a long time and that his demise was a great loss to the legal fraternity. He described late Janger as a truthful man of principles who fought for the cause for justice. Justice Hukato con veyed heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family.
ENPUD: Eastern Nagaland People’s Union Dimapur (ENPUD) has expressed deep sadness to hear the demise of Keron Jangrü.
ENPUD described late Jangrü as a tall and charismatic leader who extended his service in dif ferent capacities, and was a socially responsible being, who dedicated his service for society.
“His demise has left a great vacuum which will be irreplaceable for the com munity”, ENPUD stated and conveyed sympathies to the bereaved family.
Sd/(Vitsutho Nyuthe) Director of Industries & Commerce & State Nodal Officer, PMFME.
as the terrain is extremely challenging in terms of hills with steep gradients and thick jungle.
One MI-17, two Ad vanced Light Helicopters and three columns of the Indian Army were deployed in the search operations.
Another defence spokesman said that the cause of the crash at this stage is not known, and de tails are being ascertained.
Since the site of the crash is not connected by road, more details are still awaited.
AIZAWL, OCT 22 (IANS): Mizoram’s Aizawl district authority has pro hibited lighting fireworks and sky lanterns, among others, for a period of two months to prevent air and noise pollution in Diwali, officials said on Saturday.
Aizawl District Mag istrate Lalhriatzuali Ralte issued a notification prohib iting lighting of fireworks and sky lanterns, among others, during the Diwali festivity.
ITANAGAR, OCT 22 (IANS): Army authority has constituted a Court of Inquiry to investigate the causes of the crash of an Advanced Light Combat he licopter of the Indian Army in Arunachal Pradesh’s Up per Siang district, and bod ies of four of the five per sonnel on board have been recovered so far, officials said on Saturday. The crash took place on
ITANAGAR, OCT 22 (IANS): The Indian Army on Saturday paid tributes to the brave hearts of Namka Chu battle, fought on Oc tober 20, 1962 against the Chinese. Homage paid to the brave hearts by conduct of traditional military hom age at the Surwa Samba War Memorial which was followed by a Namka Chu Run in the sacred battle field.
Octogenarian Pem Dorjee, who was a porter with the Army in 1962 and had ferried heavy loads on his shoulders, was felicitated by Senior military dignitar ies as a mark of gratitude by the Indian Army.
Defence spokesman Lt. Col Mahendra Rawat on Saturday said that Namka Chu war remained etched in history as an epic battle which was fought under most challenging conditions and overwhelming odds.
Friday morning in Migging village, around 25 km from the district headquarters.
The helicopter, which took off from Likabali (in As sam), was on a regular sor tie. Defence spokesman Lt. Col Mahendra Rawat said that the weather was good for resuming the search op erations on Saturday.
“The pilots had more than 600 combined flying hours on ALH-WSI and over 1800 service flying hours between them. The aircraft was inducted into service in June 2015.
“Prior to the crash,
the Air Traffic Control had received a ‘May Day’ call suggesting a technical or mechanical failure,” he said.
Names of five person nel, who were on board the helicopter, would be released after notification to the next of kin.
The Indian Army of fers deepest condolences and stands firmly with the bereaved families.
Lt. Col Rawat said that the joint search operations, which were launched im mediately after the mishap, with teams from the Army and Air Force were on even
Upper Siang’s Superin tendent of Police, Jummar Basar, said the crash site is a mountainous region, and it would take time to complete the search operation.
Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu on Friday tweeted: “Shocked to hear about the news of Advanced Light Combat Helicopter crash near Tuting area in Upper Siang district of Arunachal Pradesh. The State Govern ment has rushed the rescue team to the accident site and providing all assistance.”
“I am of the opinion that lighting of fireworks and sky lanterns is pos ing air and noise pollution which may have adverse effects,” the DM said in her order.
The notification said: “There are sufficient grounds for proceeding under Section 144 of Cr PC 1973 to prevent injuries to the public and danger to human life during this com ing Diwali festival.”
It said that no person shall possess, store, display, use, sell firecrackers and sky lanterns within Aizawl district and there is a total ban on the import and sale of these items.
IMPHAL, OCT 22: Four alleged drug peddlers, in cluding a woman, were ap prehended and 2.38 kg of illegal drugs worth crores of rupees were confiscated from them in two separate operations, police said on Saturday.
Two of the alleged drug peddlers were a driv er and handyman of an inter-state bus which a police team in Bishnupur district detained after a hot pursuit on Saturday morn ing along Tidim Road (Imphal-Churachandpur Road).
Additional SP of Bishnupur district Ronie Mayengbam said that a police commando team on routine frisking and check ing duty along Tidim Road signalled an inter-state bus coming from Churachan dpur district headquarters to stop.
During a thorough search into the bus, 87
soap cases containing Her oin powder were recovered from different parts of the bus, the additional SP said.
At first, a search was done at the driver’s cabin based on the disclosure made by the driver during spot interrogation and 57 soap cases were recovered from there. Thirty more soap cases were recovered during further search of the passengers’ seats, he said.
Following the re
IMPHAL, OCT 22: A sub-inspector (SI) and one rifleman of the Manipur police department were suspended on corruption charges and negligence on duty, an official source said on Saturday.
SI D Lalpi Vaiphei was suspended from his service by an order of the Imphal West SP Ksh Shivakanta Singh issued on October 20 while Rifle man Akoijam Ibomcha Singh under suspension by an order issued by Com mandant Watham Basu of 7th Battalion Manipur Rifles on October 21.
Rifleman Akoijam
Ibomcha Singh was at tached to the state police headquarters and utilized at the receipt section. Departmental enquiries were contemplated against them for their grave mis conduct and dereliction of duty, the orders stated.
Chief minister N Bi ren Singh, in a Facebook post, wrote that the two were suspended on cor ruption charges and negli gence on duty.
During the period of suspension, the headquar ters of the SI will be at Reserved Lines, Imphal West district and he will not leave his headquarters without prior permission from the SP.
A source said that the SI was recently arrested after more than 60 SIM cards were recovered from his possession which he allegedly used for taking bribes for transfer of po lice personnel by taking advantage of his position at the police headquarters During the suspension period, his headquarters will be 7th MR Battalion headquarters in Imphal’s Khabeisoi and he will not leave the station without prior permission from his commandant, the order stated.
Departmental enqui ries have been initiated against them, the source added.
covery of the contraband drugs, the driver identified as Kapsuanlian (37) of P Kanaun Veng of Chura chandpur and the handy man, Siekminlal Suktung (33) of Kousabung village of Churachandpur were arrested, the additional SP said. During prelimi nary investigation, it was revealed that the drugs were about to smuggled to Shillong.
The other two alleged drug peddlers, including
the woman, were arrested by a team of Churachan dpur district police com prising women personnel during a raid at a house in Gilgal Veng under Chura chandpur police station on Friday evening, another police source said.
During the raid con ducted based on reliable information, police de tained two persons found in the house before the recovery of 1.233 kg of brown sugar packed in 100 soap cases.
The arrested alleged drug peddlers were identi fied as Limkholet Lhun gdim and Nengtinhoi. A Maruti Gypsy brand vehicle allegedly used in the transportation of the illegal drugs was also re covered from the house, the source said.
After lodging a case, the Churachandpur police station had taken custody of the two arrested alleged drug peddlers for investi gation, the source added.
GUWAHATI, OCT 22 (PTI): Union minister Sar bananda Sonowal on Friday said the youth should work with honesty and dedica tion for the growth of the country.
The Union minister of Ports, Shipping and Wa terways, was speaking after handing over appointment letters to 200 successful candidates who got employ ment in government depart
ments here.
Sonowal, who virtu ally joined the launching of “Rozgar Mela” by Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, “Today is a historic day for the youth of the coun try as under the dynamic leadership of the Prime Minister, 75,000 youths of the country have joined the workforce”. The Prime Minister launched the “Ro zgar Mela” on Saturday
to recruit 10 lakh people across the country via video conferencing and more than 75,000 people were given appointment letters for vari ous government jobs in the first tranche.
The PM has rightly pointed out that the role of our youth in shaping and building a new India is crucial for the country to become “Atmanirbhar” by 2047, Sonowal said.
GUWAH ATI, OCT 22 (PTI): National Health Mission, Assam, has taken a series of measures, in cluding visits by the state team to all 34 districts, for improving maternal and child health.
The team stays in the district for three days to review maternal, and newborn deaths and oth er health-related aspects, NHM mission director Dr. M S Lakshmi Priya told a review meeting.
The measures also in clude organising a monthly consultation-cum-review conclave in the districts, and special health camps.
The NHM mission di rector said that the state has the capability to reduce ma ternal and newborn deaths if a targeted approach is adopted.
The maternal death cases have come down to 289 in the April–September period of 2022-23 as against 384 during the correspond ing period in 2021-22.
The number of child deaths has also declined from 3,842 in 2021-22
(PTI): The Meghalaya High Court directed the residents of Punjabi Lane in Shillong to respond to the govern ment’s plan to relocate them within a month.
Hearing the matter on Friday, a division bench of the high court directed the Harijan Panchayat Commit tee (HPC) to respond to the proposal of the state govern ment to relocate 342 families from Them Iew Mawlong within four weeks.
The court said the state government has submitted a proposal along with the blueprint for the relocation and it has been forwarded to the HPC.
Union Law Minister Ki ren Rijiju on Saturday said that the art of governance has changed under the leadership of Prime Min ister Narendra Modi.
“I have been work ing with the Prime Min ister (Narendra Modi) since a very long time. The art of governance has changed…The gover nance as well as the spe cial emphasis for the rural and border areas have changed tremendously in the last eight years,” he said addressing a ‘Rozgar Mela’, a recruitment drive
for 10 lakh personnel, here in Meghalaya.
Stating that the North East has become a priority and cited the instance of road linkages that are now completed in a faster pace as compared to earlier times, Rijiju said, “The Prime Minister made the North East a priority. We can see the transforma tion in N-E. From being a slow developing region, it has become a fast growing economy today.”
“Shillong (the State capital of Meghalaya) was the capital of North East. Since the British had al ready set it up as a capital, it had modern amenities
since the very beginning. But when you step outside this city and move to other places you will realize the changes brought in by the Prime Minister,” Rijiju said.
“I would like to as sure you that in the future from the Government of India’s side, nothing will be found wanting. All the issues of the Northeast will be given priority. I am from the Northeast so I have a direct affinity, a close connection because I have extensively trav elled across the region. The whole of Northeast, united, is developing fast. We are becoming a hub
of economy,” Rijiju, who is a native of Arunachal Pradesh said.
“The Northeast will become prosperous. It has all the natural resources. It has all the beautiful flora and fauna. The NE people are gifted with culture and are vibrant,” the Union minister said and iterated the Government of India’s focus on the region.
Pointing out that the PM had visited the North east “innumerable times” to ensure that the region prospers in all aspect, Union Law Minister also informed that the PM was likely to visit Shillong on November 7.
“Since the respondent committee says that it is assessing the proposal, the respondents are requested to respond to the proposal within the next four weeks. Let the matter appear two months hence,” the bench said.
The next hearing will be held on February 16.
On September 29, the state government presented the blueprint to the HPC during a meeting. As per the proposed plan, multi-storied flats will be constructed at the site of the official quarters of the Shillong Municipal Board (SMB) for the relocation of the 342 families. Deputy Chief Min
ister Prestone Tynsong said the state government has rejected the HPC’s demand that 200 square metres of land be provided to each of the 342 families, while also bearing the cost of construc tion of their houses.
The state government decided to relocate the “il legal settlers” -- mainly Sikhs who have been living in the area for generations -- on the recommendation of a highlevel committee.
The committee, formed in June 2018, was tasked to resolve the decades-old land dispute in the area after vio lent clashes between Kha sis and Sikhs the previous month.
S/o Chosatsu Lohe, in all my official record.
2. That whereas my real name is PUNEKHU LOHE, S/o Chosatsu Lohe and not KEDUGE. Error is hereby corrected.
3. That, from today onwards my name shall be called PUNEKHU LOHE, S/o Chosatsu Lohe and not Keduge, S/o Chosatsu of Phek Village in all my official record.
Verification: I, Shri. Punekhu Lohe, the deponent do hereby verified the above declaration from Para 1 to 3 and found correct, to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing is hereby concealed herein.
Solemnly affirmed that the above declaration is made before me by the deponent on the 17th day of January 2012 in my Court.
Class Magistrate, Phek, Nagaland
(April-September) to 3,523 in 2022-23.
A monthly consulta tion-cum-review conclave, ‘Swasthya Manthan’, is be ing organised by the NHM in all the districts and so far three such programmes have been conducted, she
The consultation con clave is attended by all the district health teams and development partners to review the district-wise per formance on major health indicators and to take future course corrections.
Orung Lego Arunachal Pradesh
Pel Lego Arunachal Pradesh
M Jogeeta Devi Manipur
M Rishi Kanta Manipur
K Florish Chiru Manipur
Rupali Derang Assam
Lakshi Handique Assam
Karabi Sara Deka Assam
Jun Moni Kalita Assam
Dipanjali Basumatar Assam
Imtisangla Mokokchung
Temsuyangla Mokokchung
Temsusungla Mokokchung
Imsurenla Mokokchung
Imsumongla Mokokchung
Seyiengulie Kohima
Jongse Sangtam
Temsula Longkumar Kohima
Pangmeia Konyak Kohima
Asenla Longkuher Kohima
Lanusangla Kohima
Imetula Kohima
Cycy Sangtam Kohima
Sashikhala Aier Kohima
Lumjano Ezung Kohima
Loyingi Gillian Yan Kohima
Mhonchumi Tungoe Kohima
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(ZAKABO V ROTOKHA) NCS Managing Director(PTI): Prime Minister Na rendra Modi launched the “Rozgar Mela” on Saturday to recruit 10 lakh people and underscored his govern ment’s efforts to create jobs in the last eight years amid the opposition’s constant criticism of it on the issue of unemployment.
In his address after more than 75,000 people were given appointment let ters for various government jobs in the first tranche, Modi acknowledged the challenges facing the econ omy the world over with many countries hit by a record inflation and unem ployment and said India is making every effort to come out of the situation unscathed.
“It is a fact that the global scenario is not very good. Several large econo mies are struggling. In many countries, problems such as inflation and unemploy ment are at their peak,” he said. No one thinks that the side-effects of the oncein-a-century COVID-19 pandemic will go away in 100 days, the prime minister
said, adding that the crisis is grave and global, causing adverse effects all around.
“Despite this, India is taking new initiatives and some risks to shield our country from being af fected by these problems. It is a challenging job, but with your blessings, we have been protected till now,” he said, adding that it was made possible as his government dealt with the shortcomings that were a hindrance to the economy.
The efficiency of the government departments has increased manifold and India has now leapt from being the 10th biggest econ omy to occupy the fifth spot in the world in the last eight
years, Modi said.
In his speech to the new appointees, Modi cited numerous measures taken by the government, includ ing the push to the manu facturing, infrastructure and tourism sectors, to boost employment opportunities.
Unemployment has been a major plank of the opposition in several state elections as it has accused the government of failing to create adequate employ ment opportunities.
The government has rejected the claim, with the ruling Bharatiya Janata Par ty (BJP) citing its victories in most of the poll contests to counter the charge.
Modi cited the record
amount of loan given under the “Mudra” scheme, which funds prospective entrepre neurs, and noted that the as sistance to the tune of more than Rs 3 lakh crore during the pandemic helped avert a crisis to over 1.5 crore jobs in the micro, small and me dium enterprises (MSME) sector.
He said the Centre is working on multiple fronts to create maximum job op portunities for youngsters and asserted that the “Ro zgar Mela” is an important milestone in the efforts to create employment and self-employment in the last eight years.
The government is also working to boost agricul ture, MSME and other sec tors with a stress on upgrad ing the skills of youngsters.
More than 1.25 crore people have been trained under Skill India, the prime minis ter said. Modi had directed various ministries and de partments in June to recruit more than 10 lakh people in the next 18 months.
Though his govern ment has been generating employment for eight years,
keeping in mind the 75th year of independence, it was decided that the Centre will give appointment letters to 75,000 youngsters on Satur day, the prime minister said.
“We decided that a tradition of giving appoint ment letters in one go should be started so that a collective temperament of completing projects in a time-bound manner develops in the de partments,” he said, explain ing the rationale behind the “Rozgar Mela”.
Initiatives such as lib eralising the drone policy, opening up the space pol icy and loans worth Rs 20 lakh crore under the Mudra scheme have further boosted the employment opportuni ties, Modi said.
“Never before a selfemployment programme of this magnitude was imple mented in the county,” he added.
For the first time in the country, the worth of the Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) has crossed Rs 4 lakh crore and more than four crore jobs have been created in the sec tor, he said.
The Start-Up India campaign has shown the potential of the youngsters, the prime minister pointed out, adding that the MGN REGA employment scheme has benefitted seven crore people in the country.
The most ambitious projects for the country in the 21st century have been “Make in India” and “Aat manirbhar Bharat”, he said, adding that India is moving from being an importer to an exporter in many sectors.
“The government is working comprehensively in the manufacturing and tourism sectors as both have a huge employment poten tial,” Modi said, citing the PLI scheme to give incen tives on a production basis.
Its results are already visible in many sectors, he said.
The prime minister noted that about 17 lakh people joined the Employ ees’ Provident Fund Organ isation (EPFO) in August and have now become a part of the country’s formal economy. He said about eight lakh of these people are in the 18-25 age group.
CHANDIGARH, OCT 22 (PTI): Union Minister and BJP leader Anurag Thakur on Saturday exuded con fidence that his party will again form government in Himachal Pradesh as people have seen the working of the “double-engine” govern ment. The “double-engine” phrase is used by BJP lead ers to emphasise that devel opment will be expedited if the same party is at the helm in states and the Centre.
Sejal Malaviya, an AAP cor porator in Surat, bit a female security guard when she was being moved out a meeting of the Surat Municipal Cor poration’s General Board.
The incident took place on Friday during the zero hour of the meeting when BJP leader Amit Rajput tried to raise the oath issue involving Delhi’s former So cial Justice Minister Rajen
dra Pal Gautam. This was opposed by the attending AAP councillors, leading to a ruckus.
In response to the ruck us, Surat Mayor Hemali Boghawala suspended AAP corporator Mahesh Ang han from the meeting, after which security guards were ordered to move all the party corporators out.
During this, Malaviya bit the security guard.
Voting for the Him achal Pradesh Assembly elections will take place on November 12 and the counting will be held on December 8.
Speaking to reporters, Thakur said the BJP will again form the government in Himachal Pradesh.
“Results will be in fa vour of the BJP because people have seen the work ing of the BJP and the dou ble-engine government. We
will get the benefit of the leadership which Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave in the country and (Chief Minister) Jai Ram Thakur at the state level,” he added. He said the BJP will also retain power in Gujarat.
Earlier also, the BJP had retained power in Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Goa and Manipur, he said.
Targeting the Aam Aadmi Party, Thakur said the Kejriwal-led outfit will not be able to open an ac
SRINAGAR, OCT 22 (PTI): PDP president Me hbooba Mufti on Saturday hit out at the media, saying instead of covering real problems, it was wasting time by discussing nonissues such as the Jammu and Kashmir administra tion issuing an eviction notice to her.
The administration had earlier this week issued an eviction notice to the former Jammu and Kash mir chief minister, saying she was not entitled to use the bungalow on the high security Gupkar Road.
“The media is wasting time in discussing nonissues like Mehboba Mufti vacating the house. Ideally, they should focus on real issues and problems faced
by people (of Jammu and Kashmir) but they are not doing that,” the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) leader told reporters after paying obeisance at her father Mufti Mohammad Sayeed’s grave in Anantnag district.
Mehbooba also said that seizing of passport, questioning by the Enforce ment Directorate or evic tion notices do not surprise her. “If anything surprises
me, it is the priorities of (the visual) media,” she said.
“A teenager was killed while he was in police cus tody. He was just an ac cused and nothing had been proved against him. Instead of holding prime time de bates on the circumstances in which this 19-year-old life was snuffed out, media is holding debate on evic tion notice to Mehbooba Mufti,” the PDP leader said.
“The discussion should have centred on how this youth could be killed while he was in police custody,” she added.
On if she would vacate the Fair View bungalow, Mehbooba said if the gov ernment has no concern for security, “I will vacate the
house”. “What is the big deal?” she asked.
Several political par ties, including the PDP and the National Confer ence (NC), on Wednesday had called for a probe into the killing of an arrested “hybrid” Lashkar-e-Toiba militant during an anti-mil itancy operation in Shop ian district of Jammu and Kashmir.
Imran Bashir Ganaie was arrested for his alleged involvement in the killing of two labourers at Harmain in district in the early hours of Tuesday. He was killed early on Wednesday in fir ing by militants when police launched an anti-terror operation in Shopian’s Nau gam area, according to the Kashmir Zone police.
count in the Himachal Pradesh Assembly elections.
Thakur also slammed the Arvind Kejriwal-led AAP over deteriorating law and order in Punjab.
Asked about the ongo ing row between the Punjab governor and the AAP gov ernment over the appoint ment of the vice chancellor of Punjab Agricultural Uni versity, Thakur said he will not make a comment on it.
But at the same time, Thakur accused AAP of
setting new standards in cor ruption as the Union minis ter targeted the Kejriwal-led party in Delhi and Punjab.
“Kejriwal came to power in Delhi and his party here. New standards of corruption have been set. Their two health ministers in Delhi and Punjab faced corruption charges. The ed ucation minister (in Delhi) is the main accused of liquor scam,” he alleged.
Targeting the AAP government in Punjab over law and order, Thakur said since the party came to power in the state, over 50 people have been killed.
“It clearly shows dete riorating law and order in the state,” he alleged. To a question on the restoration of the old pension scheme in Punjab, Thakur said, “You know the (financial) situa tion of Punjab better than me where the salary gets delayed by 10 days.”
soon his department will come out with the next instalment of appointment letters to meet the target of 10 lakh government jobs in the next few months.
In his address at the Rozgar Mela in Delhi, he said, as per the directions of the Prime Minister, all Ministries and Depart ments are working towards filling up existing vacan cies against sanctioned posts in Mission Mode.
(IANS): The Union gov ernment’s Department of Personnel will soon come out with the next install ment of appointment let ters to meet the target of 10 lakh government jobs in the next few months.
Prime Minister Nar endra Modi launched Ro zgar Mela - the recruitment drive for 10 lakh personnel via video conferencing on Saturday. During the ceremony, appointment letters were handed over to 75,000 newly inducted appointees.
Union Minister for DoPT, Jitendra Singh on Saturday promised to the Prime Minister that very
Singh distributed ap pointment letters to 40 out of 532 new appoin tees assigned to him from Ministries of Defence, Railways, Home, Finance, Communications, Labour, Mines, Information and Broadcasting, Water re sources, Department of Space and Banks.
Rest of the letters will be distributed on Saturday itself by concerned depart ments. The Minister noted that today’s lot released by Prime Minister Covers government posts at all levels including GradeA, Grade-B (Gazetted), Grade -B (Non-Gazetted) and Grade-C.
Union Minister Narayan Rane on Saturday claimed four MLAs of the Uddhav Thackeray faction of the Shiv Sena were in touch with him to join the ruling group led by Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde but refused to di vulge names.
He was in the city as part of the Union govern ment’s ‘Rozgar Mela’, un der which Prime Minister Narendra Modi handed over appointment letters to government job aspirants electronically in Delhi.
“From 56 MLAs, there hardly six to seven left (in the Uddhav Thac keray faction). Those too are on the way out. Four MLAs are in touch with me but I won’t divulge their names,” Rane said.
Mocking Thackera y, the Union minister said the former’s politics is confined to Matoshree (the private residence of the Thackerays in Bandra in Mumbai and a power centre of the party along with Sena Bhavan), add ing “there is no faction of the Sena left”. Speaking about the ‘Rozgar Mela’, Rane hailed PM Modi for asking various government departments and minis tries in June to recruit 10 lakh people on a “mission mode” in the next year and a half.
NEW DELHI, OCT 22 (IANS): A Delhi court has extended interim protection granted to Bollywood actor Jacqueline Fernandez in connection with the Rs 200 crore extortion case involv ing multimillionaire con man Sukesh Chandrashek har. As her bail was ending today, she appeared before the Patiala House court for the hearing. The court extended interim protection granted to Fernandez till November 10.
On November 10, the court will hear the argu ments on her regular bail plea. The scrutiny of the documents will also be done on the date. The Enforce ment Directorate (ED) had recently filed its second supplementary charge sheet
LUCKNOW, OCT 22 (PTI): BSP president May awati alleged on Saturday that the RSS is raising issues related to religious conver sion and the population policy to divert people’s attention from the failures of the BJP government at the Centre. She also said the “silence” of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) on the present situation in the country is harmful.
“The discordant voice being raised by the RSS now over the new popula tion policy and religious conversion for diverting the attention of the people of the country reeling under the curse of a massive infla tion, unemployment, vio lence and disorder is grossly improper. This is a planned
conspiracy to divert the at tention from the failures of the BJP government,” the former Uttar Pradesh chief minister said while address ing a daylong convention of the office-bearers of her party’s state unit here.
“Actually, this cam paign by the RSS is being taken up before the next (2024) Lok Sabha polls
as part of a conspiracy to support the BJP and its government and it is very important to make people aware of this,” Mayawati was quoted as saying in a re lease issued by the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP).
She said it is an iro ny that the RSS supports the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in every election with
its “eyes closed”, but “never openly opposes its govern ment’s wrong and anti-peo ple policies”. “Its silence on the prevailing atmosphere in the country is not only sad but also harmful,” the BSP chief said. Her comments came in the wake of RSS general secretary Dattatreya Hosabale saying religious conversions and illegal mi gration from Bangladesh are leading to a “population imbalance” in the country.
Addressing reporters after a four-day all-India working committee meet ing of the RSS in Prayagraj on Wednesday, Hosabale said the organisation is try ing to raise awareness on conversions. He also said the existing laws to prevent religious conversion need to
be implemented strictly.
Mayawati, who gave necessary directives to BSP leaders for the upcoming local body polls, also in structed them to work with dedication and honesty for strengthening the party’s support base among the “sarv samaj” so that it emerges as the right and worthwhile alternative to the BJP. “As it is, people are sad as their experience of giving power to the BJP for ‘achhe din’ (good days) has not been good in any way,” she said, adding that instead of paying attention to development and public welfare, governments led by the saffron party appear to be spending their time and resources on anti-poor activities and mere rhetoric.
of crime received by the actresses.
In February, the ED had filed its first supplemen tary prosecution complaint against Pinky Irani, an al leged aide of Chandrashek har, who introduced him to Bollywood actresses.
It has been alleged in the charge sheet that Pinky Irani used to choose cost ly gifts for Fernandez and later used to drop it at her house after the payments were made by Sukesh Chan drashekhar.
the case. Earlier, fixed de posits worth Rs 7.2 crore belonging to Fernandez were attached by the ED. The ED termed these gifts and properties as proceeds
Bollywood actor Jacqueline Fernandez leaves after appearing before the Patiala House court. (PTI) in which Fernandez has been named as an accused. Fernandez and another Bollywood actress Nora Fatehi had recorded their statements as witnesses in
In December last year, the ED filed the first charge sheet in this matter before the court of Additional Ses sions Judge Praveen Singh. Later on, in February, the ED filed a supplementary charge sheet against Irani.
‘RSS raising conversion issue to divert attention from BJP’s failures’Jitendra Singh Mehbooba Mufti Mayawati Narayan Rane Anurag Thakur
Asthe popular festival of lights or Diwali is just around the corner, the Hindu community in particular and other would-be celebrants in general, await the day with mixed feelings. Unlike in the past when Diwali was welcomed with bursting of crackers throughout the night; of late, there has been demands to ban bursting of firecrackers in view of air pollution which have become serious matters. The air pollution in mega cities, particularly the national capital, is worst. Over the years, celebratory fireworks during Diwali has become a sensitive topic in India, with many Hindus arguing that a cracker ban is discriminatory. Several celebrities, who have done anti-cracker campaigns, have been also accused of hurting religious sentiments. Delhi is notorious for being dangerously polluted on the average day, but in October and November – when festivals like Dussehra and Diwali are celebrated – fears about pollution seem to reach a peak. Smog caused by bursting crackers penetrate homes and worsens those having eye and lung problems. For weeks to come, pollution levels in Delhi air will continue to spike until a yearly record is broken. The smog-filled air, which covers the city during this time, contains dangerously high levels of fine particulate matter called PM2.5 - tiny particles that can clog lungs and cause a host of diseases. This year too, air quality is expected to dip to the “very poor” category ahead of the festival on October 24, due to calm winds and the stable atmospheric conditions. In Delhi, against the backdrop of worsening pollution levels, mostly caused by stubble burning, the AAP environment minister has warned that those who burst firecrackers in Delhi during Diwali will face up to six months in jail. The rules are part of a broader ban on firecrackers announced in September to help curb extreme pollution. There are two kinds of pollution- air and noise pollution. Delhi is the world’s most polluted capital and smog has become part of the life threatening reality. Various factors such as factory emissions, traffic fumes, and general weather patterns contribute to the high pollution levels in the city. The air turns particularly toxic every winter when farmers in neighbouring states burn crop stubble and fireworks during Diwali only worsen the air quality as low wind speeds trap the pollutants in the lower atmosphere. Firecrackers are symbolic of celebration, of extravagance, and good luck. While India is notoriously known for its adoration for firecrackers each year during the October-November festival cycle, these strings of paper and chemicals are unnervingly bad for the health, more so now than ever before. With each firecracker, chemicals like copper, lead, magnesium, sodium, etc. are released too, which settle on surfaces. Complemented by pollutants like sulfur oxide and nitrogen oxide, the miniscule particles affect health without those who breath the air, feeling any direct effects. These days technology may be offering the best solution for the problem during Diwali. Electronic crackers producing light and sound mimicking real crackers are already there. E-crackers should get government incentives and become part and parcel of Diwali. Of course, there is nothing that can substitute the old crackers but sometimes there is need to give up some old harmful habits.
The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit… — Romans 8:16
We are in danger of getting into a bargaining spirit with God when we come to Him— we want the witness of the Spirit before we have done what God tells us to do.
Why doesn’t God reveal Himself to you? He cannot. It is not that He will not, but He cannot, because you are in the way as long as you won’t abandon yourself to Him in total surrender. Yet once you do, immediately God witnesses to Himself— He cannot witness to you, but He instantly witnesses to His own nature in you. If you received the witness of the Spirit before the reality and truth that comes from obedience, it would simply result in sentimental emotion. But when you act on the basis of redemption, and stop the disrespectfulness of debating with God, He immediately gives His witness. As soon as you abandon your own reasoning and arguing, God witnesses to what He has done, and you are amazed at your total disrespect in having kept Him waiting. If you are debating as to whether or not God can deliver from sin, then either let Him do it or tell Him that He cannot. Do not quote this or that person to Him. Simply obey Matthew 11:28, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden….” Come, if you are weary, and ask, if you know you are evil (see Luke 11:9-13).
The Spirit of God witnesses to the redemption of our Lord, and to nothing else. He cannot witness to our reason. We are inclined to mistake the simplicity that comes from our natural commonsense decisions for the witness of the Spirit, but the Spirit witnesses only to His own nature, and to the work of redemption, never to our reason. If we are trying to make Him witness to our reason, it is no wonder that we are in darkness and uncertainty. Throw it all overboard, trust in Him, and He will give you the witness of the Spirit.
In the first place, it is never in the interest of Nagaland In-Service Doctors’ Association (NIDA) to confront the Government of Nagaland for any issues. The association being matured, believe that we have rather much to contribute to the healthcare delivery system and contribute to the advancement of medical science in the state. Likewise, the government of Nagaland is also expected to take advantage of the opportunity and utilize the technical expertise and human resources of NIDA to serve the best interest of the government.
Lately, the Superannuation issue has become a matter of contention between NIDA and government of Nagaland. It is very unfortunate that the policy makers failed to understand the finer points of the issue. Instead of building a better relation between the two and addressing the issue with trust, the policy makers have rather used deceptive methods to mislead both the association and the general public of Nagaland.
General public of Nagaland must understand why our state needs enhanced superannuation age for doctors more than any other states in the country.
1. On 26th of May 2016 our honourable Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi announced that retirement age of government doctors shall be enhanced to 65 years in order to mitigate the problem of acute shortage of the doctors in the country. The central government subsequently amended the fundamental rules for doctors titled the Fundamental (Second amendment) Rules 2018. Vide order dated the 11th Aug 2018 G.S.R. 767(E). Accordingly, almost all the states across India including North-Eastern States implemented the order in their respective states.
2. The recommended Doctor Population ratio according to World Health Organisation is 1:1000 whereas national average stands at 1: 1445 (The Economic Survey 20192020). In case of Nagaland State it is 1: 4056 (Projected Population 2020)
3. In Nagaland public sector, the total number of sanctioned post for doctors (including dental surgeon) stands at 548. Out of these, 435 are filled (322 regular+113 contract) and the rest 113 are still vacant. On numerous occasions the department of Health & F.W has advertised for filling up the vacancies in
different capacities and specialities but the vacant posts could not be filled due to lack of applicants and resignation after joining the service. Further, the shortfall will stand at 326 for MBBS doctors, 13 for dental surgeon and 20 for AYUSH for various health units if we apply Indian Public Health Standards (IPHS) norms in Nagaland. If we consider the post creation for the newly created districts, the number will increase further.
4. Nagaland being the only state in the country without medical college, requires more doctors to fill the faculty positions in the two upcoming medical colleges. This vacancy cannot be occupied by employing any educated unemployed youth but by the qualified medical professionals alone.
5. As a matter of fact, it is in the best interest of our government and not NIDA per se to retain the most experienced doctors in the state, as our state is not in a position to outsource doctors from abroad or outside the state. Many of our young medical graduates also prefer to be employed in private sectors owing to better job satisfaction and remunerations.
6. The long term goal should be directed towards
creating more MBBS seats as well as making the two medical colleges in the state functional at the earliest. The immediate action should be to retain the experienced doctors in the state.
Chronology of Superannuation issue in the state of Nagaland: 1. On 26th May 2016, the Prime Minister declared 65 years as retirement age for government doctors.
2. Government of India issued an order regularizing the Prime Minister’s promise through order No.31st May 2016 No. A.12034/1/2014CHS-V
3. A memorandum was submitted by NIDA in Aug 2016 to Government of Nagaland in regard to enhancement of superannuation age for doctors.
4. NIDA being a matured association and knowing the position of the Government scaled down its demand of superannuation age from 65 to 62 years for all.
5. After waiting patiently for 5 years, on 25th of January 2021, NIDA registered its first resentment by wearing Black Arm Bands.
6. On 8th of April 2021, NIDA through press release announced the start of second phase of agitation in the form of
mass casual leave for three days w.e.f 12th April 2021.
7. On 10th April 2021, Chief Secretary of Nagaland appealed to NIDA to withdraw the proposed mass casual leave in view of Covid-19 pandemic and also assured NIDA that government is working to resolve the issue at the earliest.
8. NIDA honoured the Chief Secretary’s appeal and decided to keep the agitation in abeyance.
9. NIDA announced 3rd phase of agitation in the form of indefinite cease work except Emergency Service w.e.f 15th April 2021.
10. On 17th April 2021, the Chief Secretary appealed to call off the strike and gave assurance to NIDA in writing that “The Government is actively considering the matter relating to the increase in the superannuation age of medical doctors and offered to resolved the matter within a period not exceeding one year”
11. On 21st April 2022 the Cabinet decided to enhance the superannuation age of all the doctors from 60 to 62 years through Reemployment (letter No. CAB-2/2013.)
12. On 26th April 2022, NIDA out rightly rejected the cabinet decision and requested
the Government to review the decision taken on “Reemployment” and fulfil demand of 62 years of superannuation age for all doctors without condition and criteria.
13. After a lapse of 3 months without any response from the Government, NIDA again announced the indefinite cease work from 18th July 2022.
14. NIDA honoured the appeal of Hon’ble Minister of Healthv & Family Welfare to keep the agitation in abeyance in view of upcoming Presidential Election.
Basing on the above cited facts and events, NIDA request the government of Nagaland to immediately:1. Review the “Reemployment” envisaged by the notification dated 15.7.2022 and let it be made into actual translation of enhanced superannuation age of 62 years for doctors without any condition and criteria.
2. Recruit sufficient doctors to fill all the vacant and sanctioned posts and regularize all contract appointments made during the covid-19 pandemic in order to run healthcare delivery system smoothly.
Media Cell Nagaland In-service Doctors’ Association (NIDA)Faith in the Lord Savior Jesus Christ, commitment to the sacred cause of the Naga people, and our pledge to our Flag and Constitution, which are the embodiments of our national identity and sovereign power.
Minister: O Lord we are thankful to you for your revelation of truth and for the saving work for humanity in Christ Jesus. We are totally persuaded that salvation is found in Jesus alone and that there is no other name who can deliver us. As we confess this truth, we pray to you to keep us safe and secure in your arms where no one can harm and snatch us away.
And the people say:
AMEN Minister: O Lord, for so many years, we have been living together as one people and one nation. But these aggressors have invaded upon our sovereign right, territory, culture, history, and our faith in Christ Jesus. Naga people have been suffering from the hands of the aggressive domineering nations around us. They divided our land into
many parts in order to colonize us. All these have happened because we have turned away from your grace. Nagalim is our land. This portion of land is God’s given land. O Lord, hear our cry and help us to stand strong and remain faithful to you and our sacred cause.
And the people say:
AMEN Minister: O Lord, you have given us the Naga Flag with the six-edged star and the rainbow in the blue background as a sign of your covenant and presence with the Nagas. This is the embodiment of our national identity and sovereign power. Teach us to remain true to your words always.
And the people say:
AMEN. Minister: O Lord, we pray all these in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
In unison: AMEN Rev. Deisaung Pame Area Pastor Zeme Presbytery Presbyterian Church of India (PCI) Halflong
Employment is so vast that many people fail to see the totality. Some people sit back and complain about unemployment without raising their heads above the walls of their homes. Furthermore, there are thousands of unemployed youth barking for employment without skilling themselves with the required skills to meet the required needs.
Employment opportunities are numerous. However, one needs to be skilled in order to be fitted in the school of employment. Employment depends on the learners/trainees. The world can be in your hands, if you know how to handle it. Handle your life with care so that you can perceive the greater meaning of life. Life is not only about employment. It is the manner in which you skill yourselves to be employed. Skill yourselves when you are young and energetic.
We can talk about employment from two perspectives: Positive Employment & Negative Employment. Employment becomes positive when you have the required skills to meet the required needs. It becomes negative when you do not possess the required skills to meet the
required need. We hear many parents commenting “even if my sons/daughters graduate, they will not get jobs.” This negativity emerges because people fail to skill themselves with the basic requirements of an employee. There are thousands of institutes and corporate sectors in search of skilled employees. If you do not have the required skills, you have no right to complain about unemployment.
The world is looking for skilled labourers. Some academic courses are designed in such a way that students are trained physically, intellectually, emotionally, mentally and socially for any kind of work. Skill based education is the need of the hour. Skilling and killing go hand and hand. You must kill all that does not help you to skill yourselves. A skilled person must possess a large heart that can contain people and circumstance. Narrow mindedness should be disposed.
If you want to be employed in a professional institute, allow your skills and works to be known to people. Go beyond yourself to meet and interact with people of different professions. Learn from successful and unsuccessful people. Sieve the two sides of the
A ge is often used as an alibi to downplay or ignore a problem, and we’re all guilty of it at times. Common excuses for not keeping up with technological advances include “I am too old to learn new things,” “I am older and 20 kilogrammes heavier, so I will not be able to stay up,” and “I wish I could code, but my degree is in marketing, and I lack the intelligence for it. ”Stop using your age as an excuse; you are not too old. The pursuit of knowledge and success is ultimately about the individual, not about beating out other people. Could you increase your contentment independent of age in this era of thoughtless consumption and the renaissance of simplicity?
Restricting one’s ability to learn is detrimental to cognitive health. One of the most effective strategies to prevent diseases that weaken your brain and improve
your memory is to engage in mental stimulation.
Constantly engaging in the same activities or consuming the same sources of knowledge prevents our minds from growing and developing. Likewise, it can be quite detrimental to one’s mental health to feel as though one has lost ground professionally or socially. It becomes increasingly difficult to maintain a sense of mastery over one’s environment as one ages.
Feelings of isolation and despair may set in as a result.
Pew Research Centre researchers concurred, finding numerous advantages to lifelong education. Ninety per cent of respondents reported that the experiences they had while learning “made them feel more capable and well-rounded.” Seventy per cent or so of respondents indicated that expanding their horizons through education improved their
quality of life. 64% also reported that the lessons they had learnt “resulted in them meeting new people. ” Taking a class or course will need you to put in mental effort, just like exercising a muscle.
Demonstrate to yourself and others how much potential there is in your receptive and active brain. If you are not interested in attending a traditional school setting. Sure, don’t fret about it. Don’t get left behind; modernise your education by taking classes online. It’s impossible to exercise different portions of your brain if you never challenge yourself to learn something new and instead stick to the same routines repeatedly. And hence, there will be no further expansion of those regions. You’ll start to feel like it’s time to make a change when boredom at work sets in. Maybe that’s the case. It’s possible that gaining some new knowledge and abilities
w ill help you land your dream position. Whether you’re looking to advance in your current position or switch careers entirely, expanding your knowledge and credentials is always to your benefit.
A lot of times, how successful we are determines how much we value ourselves. We seek a perpetual sense of triumph. You can’t buy, own, or gain success or “winning,” hence these concepts are irrelevant. You may manufacture a sense of accomplishment by working on yourself and becoming the most accomplished version of yourself that you can be. A poll by the Office of National Statistics found that respondents with higher levels of education were more likely to indicate medium or high levels of overall life satisfaction and to think that the activities in which they engaged had greater importance.
Mahima Baisstory and build your own story with your knowledge and skills. Self construction of constructive knowledge is the best knowledge. Apply them as balm to various areas of life. Change of attitude and life flow from it.
Today, the world is such that if you do not have anything to contribute, you are nowhere and nothing. To contribute something worthwhile to the society, you need skills. The consumerist world is emerging stronger day by day. You must keep yourselves fit to meet these challenges.
Young people must be dreaming of stable employment that can fetch good sum of money. However, employment is not only about earning wages. It is more about how you impact the organization/society with your skills. The more you skill yourself, the more you climb the ladder of success. Every activity must be directed towards positive impact. By this you change the face of the society.
Stir your potentials. Skill yourselves justly and rightly. Practicality comes from skills. Dream big because big things come to those who dream big.
Rev. Fr. G. L. Khing NEISSR, ChümoukedimaSir, With deep regret I issue a rectification note on my remarks on Mr. T.h Muivah,Late Mr. Isak Chishi Swu and Late Mr. S.S Khaplang in my speech on “Naga National Prayer Day”. I have no personal grudges or enmity with them at all.
With no ill intention whatsoever, I conveyed what I believed to be appropriate so that Nagas may forgive one another and truly repent so that we may find God’s grace and forgiveness.
I am so sorry for the misinterpretation of my message by some vested Indian journalists which created misunderstanding. I meant to convey that, “NSCN must say sorry for the misdeeds and wrongdoings committed by its workers in the name of nationalism and repent so as to make Nagalim for Christ a reality.”
My sincere apology to Mr. T.h Muivah and the family members of Late Mr. Isak Chishi Swu and late Mr. S. S Khaplang. The twisted interpretation of my message by some neighbouring states dailies had caused misunderstanding which I regret.
Rev. Dr. V.K. Nuh, Chairman Naga Archive and Research CentreReader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the columns do not reflect the view of this newspaper nor that of the Editor in any manner.
If the world seems cold to you, kindle fires to warm it.
~ Lucy Larcom
(PTI): Around 18 lakh earthen lamps will be lit on Sunday here as part of Deepotsav, the Diwali cel ebrations that will include fireworks, a laser show and the staging of Ramlilas.
The sixth edition of the Deepotsav will be attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Ayodhya Divisional Commissioner Navdeep Rinwa said over 15 lakh earthen lamps will be lit by more than 22,000 volun teers at Ram ki Paudi near the Saryu bank. The rest will be placed at important intersections and spots, of ficials said. Volunteers have been told to arrange 256 earthen lamps in a square and the distance between two squares will be approxi mately two to three feet, Deepotsav organisers said.
Rinwa said there will also be a laser show, 3D projection mapping show and fireworks. Ramlila will also be staged by cultural troupes from other countries and states, he said.
At the Ram Katha
park, Lord Ram, Goddess Sita, Lord Lakshman and Lord Hanuman will be shown descending from a “pushpak vimana”.
An aarti of the Saryu river will also be performed on this occasion, he said.
“October 23 being a Sunday will see Ram Lalla wearing a red-pink dress and a new set of dresses is being stitched for Lord Ram and his brothers,” said Acharya Satyendra Das, chief priest of the Ram temple here.
Das said the chosen colour is regarded as auspi cious for Sunday. The Lord wears dresses of different colour on different days, he said. Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath in a tweet in Hindi said, “Shree Ayodhya ji is ready for a grand and divine Deepotsav. All of you are welcome. Jai Shree Ram.”
Adityanath also tweet ed the new logo of the event.
Meanwhile, Mahant Raju Das of the Hanuman
A leader of the All India Majlis-E-Ittehadul Musli meen (AIMIM) has been offering biryani and break fast to new entrants in the outfit in Narela Assembly constituency of Madhya Pradesh’s Bhopal as part of a drive to increase the party’s base in the region.
The party led by Asa duddin Owaisi had for the first time contested the recently held urban bodies’ polls in the state and secured seven seats of corporators.
join the outfit, as a mark of respect, we offer them biryani or breakfast such as samosas and tea, like we do to guests in our homes,” AIMIM leader Peerzada Tauqeer Nizami told PTI.
garhi temple said hectic preparations are underway for the occasion. Ayodhya Mayor Rishikesh Upadhyay said the entire city is ready to welcome people arriving from different parts of the country and world to wit ness the spectacle.
Ayurved doctor RP Pandey said, “It seems that the ‘tretayuga’ (the era of Lord Ram) has returned to Ayodhya. This Deepotsav is going to be more grand and memorable for us as
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be coming for the event.”
He added that at around 25 road crossings, Ramlilas are being staged. “Apart from this, a number of organisations too will light lamps to mark the festival,” he said. A visibly excited Rajat Singh said he and his family members are eagerly waiting for the Deepotsav. Monu Singh, a resident of Gosaiganj area of the district, said he along with his family plans to wit ness the lighting of lamps.
“Deepotsav is an occa sion, which is characterised by happiness, excitement and enthusiasm. People themselves are decorating the city using rangolis,” Lavkush Srivastava said.
Prime Minister Naren dra Modi will visit Ayodhya on Sunday to perform a “puja” at the Ram temple.
Modi will also inspect the construction work of the Ram temple and later perform a symbolic corona tion of the Lord, according to a statement issued by his office on Saturday.
NEW DELHI, OCT 22 (PTI): Delhi Police has beefed up security arrange ments in markets, malls and heavy footfall areas to ensure a smooth and safe Diwali, officials said on Saturday.
Elaborate security ar rangements have been made, especially in markets, malls, vital installations and places likely to draw large crowds, they said.
Police visibility has been enhanced through in tensified patrolling and de ployments of extra pickets. All personnel are on high alert to thwart any untoward incident, they added.
Special Commissioner of Police (Law and Order) Sagar Preet Hooda said, “In view of the festival season, we have intensified patrol ling in market areas, extra police pickets have been installed and personnel de ployed.
“From the anti-terror point of view, anti-sabotage checks are being done to ensure that no anti-social or anti-national elements carry out activities that can harm anybody’s life.” For wom
en’s safety, women person nel have been deployed on the ground, Hooda added. They will also patrol major intersections on scooters to ensure a safe environment.
Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) (East) Pri yanka Kashyap, along with Additional DCP Sachin Sharma, other officials and police mitras, carried out foot patrolling at Laxmi Nagar, one of the busiest markets in Delhi and V3S Mall, Preet Vihar, to take a stock of the security mea sures and instil confidence among the public.
Kashyap spoke to the personnel deployed on the
ground to brief, sensitise and motivate them. She also in teracted with representatives of Market Welfare Associa tions and the general public to seek their suggestions. Police personnel in plainclothes will be deployed in market and crowded areas to check on any anti-social elements or criminals trying to create any untoward situ ation, the officials said.
In the southwest dis trict, a cyber awareness pro gramme was organised at Sarojini Nagar Market to sensitise citizens and cre ate preventive awareness among the people, especially vulnerable
“We are welcoming people who did not get due respect in their par ties, whether it was the BJP or Congress. When they come to our office to
Nizami said new en trants are garlanded and of fered food in keeping with their respective religious practices, he said.
“They should feel that they have come to the right place. I listen to their prob lems and make efforts to sort them out,” he said.
NEW DELHI, OCT 22 ( AGENCIES): Taking a stern view of the failure of Gujarat government officials to send a compli ance report on transfer and posting of officials ahead of the Assembly polls, the Election Commission has sought an explanation from the state chief secre tary and DGP.
Citing a letter the EC shot off to the Gujarat chief secretary on Fri day, sources said despite reminders the chief sec retary and the Director
cumstances as to why the compliance reports have not been furnished “so far even after the lapse of stip ulated time limit despite issuing of the reminder in the matter,” a source said quoting the letter.
General of Police failed to send compliance reports on transfer and posting of certain category of of ficials ahead of the polls.
Now they have been asked to explain the cir
The letters regard ing transfer and posting of officials were sent to Himachal Pradesh and Gujarat.
While Himachal Pradesh will go to polls on November 12, dates are yet to be announced for Gujarat election.
Kerala Governor Arif Mo hammed Khan on Saturday said the state was replacing Punjab as the “capital of drugs” and felt ashamed that the two main sources of revenue of the southern state were lottery and al cohol.
Khan, who is at log gerheads with the Left gov ernment over various issues including appointment to universities, said while ev eryone campaigned against liquor consumption, Kerala was encouraging its use.
“Here, we have decided that lottery and alcohol is enough for our develop ment. What a shameful situation for a state which has 100 per cent literacy. I, as the head of the state, feel ashamed that the two main sources of revenue of my
OCT 22 (PTI): Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, who is leading the Bharat Jodo Yatra in Karnataka, on Sat urday walked along with a group of ex-servicemen here.
The 45th day of the yatra, which began at Yer agera in the district this morning, will end at Ba saveshwara circle ground in Raichur city in the evening.
Members of Ex-Ser vicemen Raichur District Association marched along with Gandhi today holding the national flag, the Con gress said.
Tweeting a short video of him having a small run with them, Gandhi called the soldiers a “defence shield and pride of India”.
The yatra that entered the state near Gillesuguru at Raichur border on Fri day morning, is passing through the rural and urban segments of the district, be fore entering neighbouring Telangana on October 23.
state are lottery and alcohol. What is a lottery? Has any one of you sitting here ever bought a lottery ticket. Only very poor people buy lot tery tickets. You are robbing them. You are making your people addicted to alcohol,” Khan said.
Khan, while speaking at a book launch event here, said Kerala was “replacing Punjab as the capital of
drugs” because the state promotes the sale of liquor.
“Everybody carries campaigns against liquor consumption. Here liquor consumption is being en couraged. What a shame,” Governor said.
In September, the Kerala Governor and state Chief Minister Pinarayi Vi jayan had traded barbs with the former hitting out at the
ruling LDF over the state’s revenue generation being largely dependent on lottery and liquor sales.
On Saturday, Khan also raked up the issue of appointment of vice chan cellors to various universi ties in Kerala and said the Supreme Court itself had earlier made it clear that the appointment of the vice chancellors was the respon sibility of the Governor. He said the state government has no role in it and if the government passes any law, it should be in accordance with the provisions of the University Grants Commis sion (UGC) regulations.
Khan also attacked the Kerala ministers who ques tioned his authority and said a state minister had asked whether a Governor from Uttar Pradesh can under
stand the education system of Kerala.
“...Yesterday the Su preme Court made it clear. Don’t make the same com ment about the honourable judges of the Supreme Court because yesterday they gave a judgement against your appointment of VC of Ker ala Technical University,” Khan said.
The Supreme Court had on Friday quashed the appointment of the vice chancellor of APJ Abdul Kalam Technological Uni versity in Thiruvanantha puram, terming it bad in law and contrary to UGC regulations.
The court said, as per UGC rules, the search com
mittee constituted by the state should have recom mended a panel of not less than three suitable persons among eminent people in the field of engineering sci ence to the chancellor but instead it sent only the name of Dr Rajasree M S.
The bench said the im pugned judgment and order passed by the division bench of the high court and the sin gle judge dismissing the writ petition and refusing to issue the writ of quo warranto (a writ or legal action requiring a person to show by what warrant an office is held) declaring the appointment as bad in law and/or illegal and void ab initio are hereby quashed and set aside.
of purely part time contractual
UDHAMPUR/JAMMU, OCT 22 (PTI): Assert ing that the morale of the Indian Army is very high, Minister of State for De fence Ajay Bhatt on Sat urday said our soldiers are always ready to tackle any situation at any given point of time.
He said Indian troops always gave a befitting reply in troubled situations.
“Today, the morale of our soldiers is very high. We are always ready to tackle any situation at any time”, Bhatt said while addressing troops after lay ing a wreath at the Dhruva War Memorial at North ern Command and paying homage to the bravehearts who sacrificed their lives for the nation.
He said that whenever the country faced any situ ation of trouble or during calamities, troops gave a befitting response.
Bhatt said that the situation in the country has changed today. Negative thoughts have turned into positive thoughts in terms of development, he said. He commended the Northern Command for always being in combat while securing the borders and keeping the internal se curity situation stable in the union territories of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh.
The Union minister visited headquarters North ern Command at Udham pur, where he was briefed on the security and opera tional situation, a defence spokesman said. He inter acted with senior officers and deliberated on various defence related issues.
Bhatt also flagged off the ‘Shaurya diwas (Infan try day) motorcycle rally’ in presence of Northern Command chief Lt Gen Upendra Dwivedi.
for PGT-Chemistry for the session 2022-23 in Kendriya Vidyalaya Tuli, Walk-in-interview
arranged on 31st October 2022
in the Vidyalaya.
(IANS): Even as economic growth and rising inflation remain major concerns for India, with Finance Min ister Nirmala Sitharaman saying that these twin chal lenges would be in focus in the next Union Budget, the monthly economic review for September has said that country’s economic perfor mance has been “impres sive” in the first half of 2022-23. “Indian economic performance in the first half of 2022-23 has been impres sive compared to the world. As measured by PMI com posite index, the economic activity level was higher for India at 56.7 compared to 51.0 for the World level dur ing April-Sept 2022,” said the economic review which was released on Saturday by the Finance Ministry.
“While wholesale in flation has significantly re duced from its peak of 16.6 per cent in May 2022 to 10.7 per cent in September 2022 on account of moderating commodity prices and gov ernment measures, retail inflation remains above the RBI’s upper tolerance band due to an uptick in
food prices. However, food inflation is expected to moderate as the harvesting and procurement seasons progress, thereby contribut ing to a declining headline retail inflation in the rest of the fiscal year,” it said while elaborating on inflation.
“On the external front, the rupee has performed relatively well in first half of 2022-23 compared to other major economies, reflecting the strong fundamentals of the Indian economy.” The rupee incidentally had touched a historic low of 83.18 earlier this week, even as Sitharaman said that she saw it more as a case of the dollar strengthening than
the rupee falling. The eco nomic review for September 2022 however noted that “the country should be able to meet these challenges and keep the economy growing steadily”.
“Prudent macroeco nomic policies that have served the country well since 2014 continue to remain essential. As is the case with batting in swinging conditions, balls well-left (policy errors avoided) will be as important as balls played well (policy decisions taken),” it said.
The Central govern ment’s continuous thrust on capital expenditure pro motes broad-based growth by facilitating private sector capital formation. Signifi cant pick-up in consumption has resulted in a more-thanproportionate jump in GST revenues, a more robust economic recovery could allow the collections to settle at an elevated level, proving the high revenue produc tivity of the broad-based consumption, the review further noted.
A well-capitalised banking system has led to an upswing in credit disburse
ic, MDS Orthodontist Dr. Chumbeni Odyuo thanked his parents and family for their support on her new endeavor.
She mentioned that af ter her post-graduation last year, her holistic approach towards treating patient grew immensely, and with the inauguration of the clinic she looked forward to make the clinic a place of healing.
ment to the retail, indus try and services segments.
“High-Frequency Indicators (HFIs) suggest a continued broadening of traction in services activity. E-way bills, in particular, point to the overall growth of inter-state wholesale and retail trade.
“Going forward, the pent-up demand in the services sec tor, combined with a strong economic outlook for India, will drive growth in the service sector,” the review said. Service sector firms are positive about demand conditions, sales turnover, their hiring plans and the overall business situation they expect in third quarter of the current fiscal.
However it cautioned that “even as India remains one of the bright spots in an otherwise gloomy global scenario where the dark clouds of recession gath er, the country’s fiscal and monetary authorities must remain watchful. The glo balised nature of India’s economy portends that even as inflationary pressures abate, another challenge to macroeconomic stability will rear its head in the form of external sector pressures”.
MUMBAI, OCT 21 (IANS): Telecom major Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd on Friday said it has logged Rs 4,518 crore net profit for the second quarter of FY23.
During the period un der review, Reliance Jio had earned a net profit of Rs 4,518 crore as against Rs 3,528 crore earned for the period ended September 30, 2021. Revenue from opera tions for the period ended September 30, 2022 stood at Rs 22,521 crore, up from Rs 18,735 crore posted in the same period of the previous year. Reliance Jio is setting up 5G network and contin ues augmenting its existing wireless and wireline net work capacity.
The company, during the period under review, has acquired 25,036 MHz of spectrum in 700 MHz, 800 MHz, 1800 MHz, 3300 MHz and 26 GHz band across the 22 telecom circles for a period of 20 years at a total price of Rs.87,947 crore in the spectrum auc tion conducted by Depart ment of Telecommunica tions (DoT).
(IANS): Ola Electric on Sat urday launched an all-new Ola S1 Air electric scooter at a special introductory price of Rs 79,999. The e-scooter weighs 99 kgs and claims to deliver top speed of 85 km per hour, and goes from zero to 40 in just 4.3 seconds.
(IANS): Google India on Saturday said it is pleased with the Income Tax Ap pellate Tribunal (ITAT) decision that the payments made by the tech giant to Google Ireland between 2007-08 and 2012-13 is not a royalty so it is not subject to withholding tax in the country.
In its earlier order in 2018, the ITAT had said that Google India’s payment to Google Ireland is a royalty and tax should be paid in the country.
“We are pleased that the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal through its de tailed and reasoned order has confirmed the distinc tion between royalty and business profits,” a Google spokesperson said in a state ment to IANS.
“As such, we pay all of the applicable taxes due and comply with the tax laws in India and in every country
where we operate around the world and will continue doing so,” the spokesperson added. After re-examining the matter on the orders of the Karnataka High Court, the Bengaluru-bench of ITAT announced its ruling on Friday. However, the Karnataka High Court had directed ITAT to re-examine the matter.
The ITAT, in its 72page order, said that “we hold that the impugned payment cannot be charac terised as royalty under the India-Ireland DTAA”.
Meanwhile, Google said that it will review the Competition Commission of India (CCI)’s penalty of Rs 1,337.76 crore pen alty for its anti-competitive practices, terming the order a “major setback” for Indian consumers and businesses.
“The CCI’s decision is a major setback for Indian consumers and businesses, opening serious security risks for Indians who trust Android’s security features, and raising the cost of mo bile devices for Indians,” a Google spokesperson said in a statement.
KOLKATA, OCT 22 (PTI): The Tea Board has warned exporters of the beverage who are not filing returns either online or of fline and cautioned them that their licenses may be revoked or suspended, a Board official said on Sat urday.
About 28 tea exporters who are not have been iden tified by the Board of not submitting export returns, he said.
Filing the return is mandatory but it has been noticed that some perma nent exporters have not registered themselves nor do they submit monthly reports online or offline during the previous months as per the provisions of Tea (Distribu tion & Export) Control Or der of 2005, the official said. This is in contraven tion to the provisions of the Order which states that the licensing authority, that is the Tea Board, after giving them an opportunity to be heard can cancel or suspend the licenses if the licensee fails to comply with the directives.
DIMAPUR, OCT 22 (NPN): Minister of Health and Family Welfare, S Pan gnyu Phom inaugurated “Radiance Dentistry” at Purana Bazar on Saturday.
The minister in his speech, lauded Dr. Chum beni Odyuo for her new
initiative, which will assist in catering to the health of the general public.
Pangnyuh also spoke on the importance of engag ing with the patients, saying that as a doctor and nurse, they should build a relation ship with the patients.
Speaking on the objec tive of opening a dental clin
Radiance dentistry at present has three full time dentist MDS Prosthodon thist and implantologist Dr. Ajanpeni, BDS general den tist Dr. Nongothung Odyuo and herself.
Later, benediction was offered by Dr.Dolrich New mai. Earlier, a dedicatory prayer and message was of fered by pastor LanlongoY anthan.
The new S1 Air is built on the S1 platform, is pow ered by a 2.5KWh battery pack and a 4.5KW hub motor. The new S1 Air of fers a two-tone body colour scheme and is available in five colours -- Coral Glam, Neo Mint, Porcelain White, Jet Black and Liquid Silver.
Those who reserves the scooter for Rs 999 on or before Diwali can get it for an introductory price of Rs 79,999. The purchase
window for the Ola S1 Air will open in February 2023, and deliveries are scheduled to commence from early April next year. “With the introduction of the Ola S1 Air, we have transformed the everyday scooter from being merely functional, to a sophisticated and techno logically advanced product with the latest MoveOS features,” said Bhavish Ag garwal, Founder and CEO, Ola.
Ola has also an nounced its third major software upgrade within a year called MoveOS 3. With Ola Hypercharg ers, users will now be able to charge their scooters upto 50 km in 15 minutes, at a charging speed of 3 km per minute.
(IANS): Reliance Jio on Saturday announced it is expanding the True 5Gpowered Wi-Fi services to Chennai and the temple town of Nathdwara in Ra jasthan.
The company said it is introducing 5G in high footfall areas such as edu cational institutes, religious places, railway stations, bus stands, commercial hubs and more.
“5G cannot remain an exclusive service to the privileged few or those in our largest cities. It must be available to every citi
zen, every home, and every business across India,” said Akash M Ambani, Chair man, Reliance Jio Info comm Limited.
To begin with, Jio has started 5G services in the temple town of Nathdwara in Rajasthan.
“We have powered the
first True 5G-enabled Wi-Fi service at the holy town of Nathdwara and the temple of Lord Srinath Ji.
In addition, we wel come Chennai as our latest city to be added to the Jio True 5G Welcome Offer,” he informed.
This is in addition to the Jio 5G welcome offer, launched recently in Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, and Va ranasi.
Invited Jio users in Chennai can access Unlim ited 5G Data at up to 1 Gbps and experience JioTrue5G.
BEIJING OCT 22 (AFP): China’s Communist Party on Saturday endorsed Xi Jinping’s “core position” in the country’s leadership, all but assuring he will be handed an unprecedented third term in power.
At the end of the week-long gathering in Beijing, China’s ruling party approved a sweeping reshuffle that saw a number of top officials -- including Premier Li Keqiang -step down, allowing Xi to appoint new allies.
The largely rubberstamp meeting of among 2,300 party delegates was meticulously choreographed, with Xi determined to avoid any surprises as he enshrined his leadership for the next five years.
But in an unexpected move that punctured the proceedings at the Great Hall of the People, former leader Hu Jintao was led out of the closing ceremony. No official explanation was given.
Delegates then approved a call obliging all party members to “uphold Comrade Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole”, according to a unanimously passed resolution on changes to the party charter.
Xi is now all but certain to be unveiled as general secretary on Sunday, shortly after the first meeting of the new Central Committee.
This will allow Xi to sail through to a third term as China’s president, due to be announced during the government’s annual legislative sessions in March.
A new Central Committee of around 200 senior Party officials was elected shortly after before the closing ceremony.
A list of officials of the newly elected group revealed that four out of seven members of the Party’s Standing Committee -- the apex of power -- would retire.
Among them was current Premier Li Keqiang,
(REUTERS): Giorgia Meloni was sworn in as Italy’s first woman prime minister on Saturday alongside her cabinet team, giving the country its most right-wing government since World War Two.
Ms Meloni, head of the nationalist Brothers of Italy, swept to victory in an election last month as part of a coalition that included Forza Italia, led by former premier Silvio Berlusconi, and Matteo Salvini’s League.
“I swear to be faithful to the republic,” the 45-yearold Meloni said under the crystal chandeliers of a frescoed chamber, before shaking hands with President Sergio Mattarella.
Her government, the 12th this century, replaces a national unity administration led by former European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi. It faces a string of daunting challenges, notably a
looming recession, rising energy bills and how to present a united front over the Ukraine war.
While MS Meloni has pledged support for Ukraine, Berlusconi has repeatedly undercut her, earlier this week blaming Kyiv for the Russian invasion and revealing he had exchanged gifts and “sweet letters” with his old friend, Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Technocrats make up the rest of the 24-strong squad, which includes just six women.
as well as fellow Politburo Standing Committee members Wang Yang -who was touted as a possible successor to Li -- Han Zheng, and Li Zhanshu.
Han and Li Zhanshu were widely expected to step down, having surpassed the informal age limit of 68 for Politburo-level officials -- a requirement not extended to 69-year-old Xi. Wang and Li Keqiang, both 67, could still have continued in the Standing Committee or 25-member Politburo for another five-year term.
Other high-profile Communist Party top brass absent from the new Central Committee include highranking diplomat Yang Jiechi and economic tsar Liu He.
tapped him on the shoulder before being ushered off stage?
The frail-looking 79-year-old was sitting beside President Xi Jinping when he was approached and led away by officials. No explanation was given.
After its week-long congress, the party is expected to confirm Mr Xi, 69, for a historic third term.
Hu Jintao, who held the presidency between 2003 and 2013, was on stage when two officials approached him. He said something to Xi Jinping, who nodded back. Then Mr Hu was escorted out of the Great Hall of the People.
Footage of Hu Jintao being asked to leave the stage is drawing global attention, as people try to work out what has just happened. There are a lot of questions and no answers so far from the Chinese government.
The country’s former leader, at one point, appeared reluctant to move. If that is the case, why? What did he say to the man who replaced him, Xi Jinping, which prompted a nod from China’s current leader and what did he say to his protégé Li Keqing as he
The two most likely reasons for his departure are that it was either part of China’s power politics on full display, with a leader representing a former time being symbolically removed, or that Hu Jintao has serious health problems.
If he was led away because of ill-health why did this happen so suddenly? Why in front of the cameras? Was it an emergency?
A longer edit of footage taken today shows Xi Jinping turning to the former Party Chairman and also, to Mr Hu’s left, senior figures Li Zhanshu and Wang Huning appearing concerned.
The Communist Party’s mass meetings are normally highly scripted events, leading to speculation that the timing of Hu Jintao’s departure might not have been an accident. He attended the earlier closed-door session on the last day of the Congress, then cameras were allowed in for the final portion of the day. It was just after the cameras had set up that officials approached Mr Hu and indicated that he should go.
Money laundering and terrorist financing watchdog Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has put Myanmar on the “black list” and has called on members to apply enhanced due diligence to business relations and transactions in Myanmar.
Myanmar has entered the FATF’s high-risk jurisdictions list, often referred to as the ‘black list’. The FATF blacklist, officially designated as High-Risk Jurisdictions subject to a Call for Action, identifies nations with weak anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist funding regulatory frameworks.
In February 2020, Myanmar committed to addressing its strategic deficiencies. Myanmar’s action plan expired in September 2021.
In June 2022, the FATF strongly urged Myanmar to swiftly complete its action plan by October 2022
or the FATF would call on its members and urge all jurisdictions to apply enhanced due diligence to business relations and transactions with Myanmar.
FATF said that given the continued lack of progress and the majority of its action items still not addressed after a year beyond the action plan deadline, the FATF decided that further action was necessary in-line with its procedures. FATF called on its members and other jurisdictions to apply enhanced due diligence measures proportionate to the risk arising from Myanmar.
out after Russian missiles slammed into local energy facilities, he said.
The central city of Uman, a key pilgrimage center for Hasidic Jews which counted some 100,000 residents before the war, was also plunged into darkness after a rocket hit a nearby power station, regional authorities said on Telegram.
When applying enhanced due diligence measures, countries should ensure that flows of funds for humanitarian assistance, legitimate NPO activity and remittances are not disrupted, FATF advised.
It added that Myanmar should continue to work on implementing its action plan to address these deficiencies, including demonstrating an improved understanding of Money laundering (ML) risks in key areas, demonstrating that on-site/offsite inspections are risk-based, and hundi operators are registered and supervised.
LONDON, OCT 22 (AFP): British Conservative politician Rishi Sunak late Friday reached the minimum threshold to run for party leader, as former prime minister Boris Johnson targeted an audacious comeback.
Cabinet member Penny Mordaunt became the first to formally declare her candidacy, after the UK’s ruling party was forced into a second leadership contest following the dramatic resignation of Prime Minister Liz Truss.
“Honoured to be the 100th Tory MP to support #Ready4Rishi,” senior backbencher Tobias Ellwood tweeted, as other backers of Sunak also said he had crossed the barrier.
Sunak will automatically become party leader and prime minister if his opponents fail also to win 100 nominations from their fellow Tory MPs.
Security minister Tom Tugendhat, who ran for leader himself after Johnson was toppled in July, issued a thinly veiled appeal to the scandal-tainted ex-leader to stay out of the race.
“This is no time for political games, for settling scores, or for looking backwards,” Tugendhat said as he also endorsed Sunak late Friday.
Neither Sunak nor
WASHINGTON, OCT 22 (AFP): Joe Biden, the oldest person ever in the US presidency, said Friday it’s his “intention” to run again in 2024 and that his wife Jill thinks he should not “walk away.” Biden’s comments in an interview with MSNBC addressed a question fascinating Washington watchers as Biden approaches his 80th birthday next month.
“I have not made that formal decision but it’s my intention, my intention to run again, and we have time to make that decision,” Biden told MSNBC.
Asked what the first lady, who is widely judged to be a powerful voice behind the scenes in the White House, thinks of him seeking a second term, Biden indicated she was in favor. “Dr Biden, my wife, thinks that we’re doing something very important and that I shouldn’t walk away from it,” he said.
NAIROBI, OCT 22 (IANS): Two Indians who went missing in Kenya in July this year, have been killed by the disbanded Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) unit, a close aide of President William Ruto claimed.
Service Unit (SSU), a group that has been accused of extrajudicial killings, was behind the disappearance of Khan and Kidwai.
Johnson has publicly declared they are running. But Johnson cut short a Caribbean holiday to take part in the accelerated contest, which will see Tory MPs hold a vote on Monday before a possible online ballot for party members next week.James Duddridge, one of Johnson’s closest allies in parliament, said he had been in contact with his old boss via WhatsApp.
“He said... ‘We are going to do this. I’m up for it’,” the MP said, as a Sky News reporter posted a photograph apparently showing Johnson on a flight home from the Dominican Republic. The Sunak and Johnson camps are reportedly seeking talks to see if there is scope for a unity deal -- although there is plenty of bad blood since the former prime minister’s defenestration.
Mordaunt, who just missed out on making the final runoff after Johnson quit, said she was running
for “a fresh start, a united party and leadership in the national interest”.
But polling company YouGov found that three in five voters now want an early general election, in line with demands from opposition parties, as Britons struggle with a worsening cost-ofliving crisis.
Labour and other parties argue only an election can end the months of political chaos, sparked when Johnson was himself forced out after non-stop personal and political scandal.
In the resultant contest, Truss won the support of just over 80,000 Tory party members, defeating Sunak, who correctly warned that her right-wing programme of debt-fuelled tax cuts would crash the economy.
Truss announced on Thursday she was quitting after just 44 tempestuous days in office.
Political website Guido Fawkes, which is running a rolling spreadsheet of Tory MPs’ declared support, had Sunak on 103, Johnson on 68 and Mordaunt on 25 by late Friday. Defence
Secretary Ben Wallace, a favourite of the Tory grassroots, told reporters he was not standing himself.
“At the moment, I’m leaning towards Boris Johnson,” he said.
ISLAMABAD, OCT 22 (PTI): Former Pakistan prime minister Imran Khan on Saturday challenged in Islamabad High Court the top election body’s decision to disqualify him from holding public office for five years in the Toshakhana case for hiding proceeds from the sale of gifts he received from foreign leaders.
The 70-year-old cricketer-turned-politician lost membership of the parliament, as well as, barred from contesting elections for five years after the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) on Friday found him guilty of hiding the proceeds from the sale of precious gifts.
He filed an appeal in the Islamabad High Court (IHC) through his counsel Barrister Ali Zafar.
Zafar appealed to the court to take up the case immediately for a hearing on Saturday.
The IHC accepted the appeal but observed that
Imran Khanthe matter was not urgent to be dealt with on the same day as the application was filed and set the hearing on Monday.
The Pakistan-Tehreeke-Insaf (PTI) chief in his appeal said that the ECP had no power to make decisions on corrupt practices or disqualify people, requesting the court to suspend the body’s ruling until the final decision on the appeal.
The filing of the appeal put Khan on a path to go through a gruelling legal battle to regain his political turf in the wake of his disqualification.
Hundreds of thousands
KYIV, OCT 22 (AP):
Hundreds of thousands of people in central and western Ukraine woke up on Saturday to power outages and periodic bursts of gunfire, as Ukrainian air defence tried to shoot down drones and incoming missiles.
Russia has intensified its strikes on power stations, water supply systems and other key infrastructure across the country, the latest phase of the war as it nears the eight-month mark.
Ukraine’s air force said in a statement Saturday that Russia had launched “a massive missile attack” targeting “critical
infrastructure,” hours after air raid sirens blared across the country. It said that it had downed 18 out of 33 cruise missiles launched from air and sea.
“Several rockets” targeting the capital were shot down on Saturday morning, Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko said on the Telegram messaging service.
Similar reports were made by the governors of six western and central provinces, as well as the southern Odesa region on the Black Sea.
The presidential office said in its morning statement that five explosive-laden drones were downed in the
central Cherkasy region southeast of Kyiv.
The western city of Khmelnytskyi, which straddles the Bug river and was home to some 275,000 people before the war, was left with no electricity, shortly after local media reported several loud explosions.
The city council urged local residents to store water, “in case it’s also gone within an hour,” in a social media post on Saturday.
The mayor of Lutsk, a city of 215,000 in Ukraine’s far west, made a similar appeal on Telegram on Saturday. Power in Lutsk had been partially knocked
In the capital and four surrounding regions, including Cherkasy, rolling blackouts came into effect on Saturday morning in response to the reduced power supplies. The state energy company Ukrenergo continued to urge all Ukrainians to conserve energy.
Earlier this week, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called on consumers to curb their power use between 7 a.m. and 11 a.m. daily, and avoid using energy-guzzling appliances such as electric heaters. Over the past two weeks, Moscow has increased its attacks on key civilian infrastructure across Ukraine. About 40% of the country’s electric power system has been severely damaged, officials said. Zelenskyy said earlier in the week that 30% of Ukraine’s power stations have been destroyed since Oct. 10.
Dennis Itumbi said in a Facebook post that Zulfiqar Ahmad Khan and his friend Mohamed Zaid Sami Kidwai were part of the Kenya Kwanza digital campaign team, and contributed immensely to the success of Ruto’s campaign.
According to The Nation, Itumbi said the evidence suggests that the two were in a cab that was blocked by the disbanded DCI unit.
He further said that Khan, Kidwai and their taxi driver were all dragged into another car and killed in what he called the ‘killer waiting bay’, a container used to kill Kenyans at a police station in the past.
“After three days, the trio were put in a vehicle and sent towards Aberdares, over 150 km from the capital Nairobi,” Itumbi was quoted as saying in The Nation.
A report in The Nation stated that the Special
“Sometimes when our team was overwhelmed and we needed graphics, I sent (material) their way and they paused whatever they were doing and did me the favour,” he said in a Facebook post.
Ekhyo Yan Village Council, hereby notifies to all the villagers and outsiders having land at Ekhyo Yan Village, Dimapur, Nagaland, to cutdown all standing Teak Trees within the village jurisdiction with effect from 1st November' 2022 to 31st March' 2023, in pursuance to resolution adopted in General Public Meeting.
(Phanchamo Lotha)
Yan Village Council
It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned that the University Grants Commission (UGC), Ministry of Education, Government of India has issued a circular (NO. F. 13-11/2020(CU)) Dated 19 th May 2022 that Central Universities of North-Eastern Regions including Nagaland University were exempted from Common University Entrance Test (CUET) for admission in the Undergraduate Programmes for current academic session 2022-23.
It is to be noted that from the next academic session i.e. 2023-24 all students intending to seek admission for Undergraduate Programmes will be required to appear for the CUET.
(THAVASEELAN K) IAS Principal DirectorNagaland is all set to host the first North East Beauty Pag eant on November 3, 2022 at Capital Cultural Hall, Kohima. The pageant will be hosted by Beauty and Aesthetics Society Nagaland (BASN) under the aegis of Northeast Beauty Pageant Organisations (NEBPO) in collaboration with Govern ment of Nagaland.
Addressing a press con ference on Saturday, BASN media secretary, Sarah Konyak, said that 15 con testants from eight North Eastern States would be participating in the pageant.
The contestants would be arriving Kohima on Oc tober 26.
Two contestants from each state were supposed to participate, but only one contestant would be arriving from Tripura, she added.
BASN president Mele Pucho said necessary prepa rations have been put into place to host the event.
Pucho said contestants would be introduced to the
various cultural practices and traditions in the State.
The contestants would also pay a visit to Pfütsero where they would get the chance to taste Naga tradi tional cuisines and also wit ness Chakhesang Women Organisation manufacturing sanitary pads, weaving etc.
On the third day, the contestants along with the organisers would hold a charity event in the form of a jumble sale where clothes, furniture and other essen
tials would be put up for sale proceeds of which would be donated to orphanages and people with disabilities (PwD).
He said that there would be only four rounds including Ethnic Round, two Designers Rounds and Evening Gown Round.
There would be a total of five judges including a guest judge and four local judges.
Dr. Sagar J. Abichan dani, a Celebrity Dentist &
a well-known Pageant Smile Expert including Femina Miss India will be the guest judge. The official choreog rapher for the event is Theja Sekhose.
The winner of the pag eant would walk away with a cash prize of Rs 1.5 while the first and second runnersup would receive Rs 1 lakh and Rs.70,000, respectively.
The subtitles include:
Miss Photogenic, Miss Per fect Ten, Miss Talent, Queen of Hearts, Miss Beautiful
If you deal with insomnia, then cardio workouts, also called aerobic exercise, such as swimming, biking, jogging, or walking, may help you sleep. You may also see some improve ment in sleep apnea symp toms. Some studies suggest moderate-intensity cardio is better than more intense exercise for sleep health.
Another benefit to continued cardio work outs is more restful sleep. Moderate aerobic exercise -- the kind you can do and still hold a conversation -- increases the amount of deep sleep you get. Deep sleep is when your body and brain rejuvenate.
Also called strength training, resistance exer cises such as sit-ups, pushups, and weight lifting build muscle. Research sug gests regular bouts of these moves could improve sleep as well as lower anxiety and depression symptoms that hinder sleep.
Yoga Studies show that for certain groups of people
such as adults over 60, women with sleep prob lems, and women with type 2 diabetes, a regular yoga practice can improve the quality of sleep you get each night.
Taking a few min utes each night to do deep breathing lowers your blood pressure, creates calm, and relaxes your body to get it better prepared for a night of good sleep.
Adding simple stretch es to your bedtime routine can improve blood flow and relieve muscle tension so you’re better relaxed
from St. Joseph College Jakhama and Masters from IGNOU.
Best known for short poems, Pongom Lam’s area of interest includes nature, humanity, motiva tion, ecstasy and realistic of life.
for sleeping. Some stud ies show stretching can increase the amount of rap id eye movement (REM) sleep you get, which is when your brain organizes and stores memory.
Aerobic exercise re leases chemicals called en dorphins into your blood stream. For some people, this increases brain activity and keeps them awake. Try to end your cardio exercise 1 to 2 hours before bedtime so your brain can wind down.
you raise your body’s core temperature, which is a sign to your body it’s time to be awake. About 30 to 90 minutes after a workout, this temperature starts to go down, which can usher in feelings of sleepiness — another reason it might be wise to wait a while after exercise to crawl into bed.
You only need about 30 minutes of exercise a day to start seeing the bene fits at bedtime. Continuing a regular exercise routine for at least 6 months will bring you the most sleep relief and improve your overall quality of life.
Regular physical ac tivity can create a sleepexercise positive feedback loop. When you get good sleep, you’re more likely to have energy for work ing out. When you work out, it promotes better sleep. When you commit to one, you’re improving the chances that you’ll also get the other.
Skin, Miss Multimedia, will receive Rs 20,000 each.
Following are the con testants for the pageant:
Radhe Mamung and Dyna Jomo from Arunachal.
Nityashree Modak and Eshanee Hatimuria from Assam.
H. Lalhriatpuii and Sylvia Lalvenpuii from Mizoram.
Smita Sen from Tri pura.
Jessica Olivet Khar lukhi and Irene Dkhar from Meghalaya.
Bhaswati Roy and Sub ekcha Pradhan from Sikkim.
Kawimaningsiliu Khu vung and Lika Chophy from Nagaland. Mannasha Devi Sapam and Pallavi Laurem bam from Manipur.
The pageant will be held annually on a rota tional basis among the eight member states and next year Sikkim will host the event followed by Mizoram.
The event will be live streamed in pay-per-view at a nominal rate for people in the other states.
(Correspondent)Taylor Swift’s 10th album, which re leased on Friday, has officially broken the Spotify record for the moststreamed album in a single day. Spotify announced the news on its socials Friday afternoon, writing: “And before the clock could even strike midnight on October 22nd, Taylor Swift broke the record for the moststreamed album in a single day in Spotify history.”
Swift reacted to the news on Twitter, saying: “How did I get this lucky, having you guys out here doing something this mind blowing?! Like what even just happened??!?!”
Throughout the week, Swift also partnered with Spotify to tease lyrics from the album on different bill boards around the world, including in New York City, Nashville, Mexico and London.
It’s been quite the 24 hours for Swift, who re leased a deluxe “3 a.m.” edition of the album with
seven bonus tracks and dropped a music video for “Anti-Hero” on Fri day morning. Before the album came out, Swift also appeared on Amazon Prime Video’s “Thursday Night Football” to tease the rest of the album’s music videos, which star the Haim sisters, album producer Jack Antonoff, Laura Dern, Pat McGrath, Mike Birbiglia, John Early and Dita Von Teese.
“Midnights” has gar nered rave reviews, with Variety‘s Chris Willman
writing: “With the first pulse of the first track, ‘Midnights’ is back at the oasis of pop music steeped in synthesizers and programmed beats, not acoustic instruments and high-string guitars. She’s returned to what at this point counts as her most familiar stylistic home — a mostly electronic bed of sounds that, for the length of this album, anyway, is coming back stronger than a ‘90s trend, to borrow a phrase.” (Variety)
Dimapur-based Naga singer, Vipito Swu, has released a single music video titled, “More Than Love” on Friday.
Talking about the song, Vipito said “More Than Love” was not just a song, but a testament, a story, a journey of love, sharing and living, which started as an imagery story in his head, a sort of happy ending everyone wishes for.
Vipito, 24, is currently doing his music degree at Margaret Shishak School of Music.
The singer said he chose music because it was one of the best art forms for expressing oneself.
The song is written by Vipito, audio production was done by Moyuchen
Naga poet, Pongom Lam, won the “Best Poet of the Year 2022 and Youth Im pact Award 2022” at the VON Words Fest 2022 or ganized by Voice of North East at Guwahati recently.
A native of Noklak town, Pongom Lam holds a BA (History Honors)
Lam, a passionate writer and award-winning author, has published-“The Hardship of Life” in 2017, “Being in Time” in 2018 and ‘’Footprints” in 2021.
Pongom Lam is cov eted with Poem of the year 2019-2020 by all Northeast featured Poetry Award Poem of the year 2021 rec ognized by Local for Vocal Northeast Poetry Award.
Luxury fashion house Balenciaga said that it would no longer work with Kanye West, becoming the first com pany to sever ties with the rapper and designer after he made a series of controversial and antiSemitic remarks in the last few weeks. In a statement, parent company Kering said: “Balenciaga has no longer any relationship nor any plans for future projects related to this artist,” Business of Fashion and Women’s Wear Daily reported, according to forbes.com. West and Balenciaga collaborated on his short-lived Yeezy line with retailer Gap - West and Gap ended their partnership last month after West accused the brand of breaching its contract with him. (IANS)
duced a superb performance to earn their second win of the season. Jurgen Klopp’s side were off the pace in the first half as a disciplined Forest side knocked them out of their rhythm.
Forest went ahead in the 55th minute when Awoniyi poached a rebound after his initial effort struck the post. The hosts were dangerous on the counter-at tack and had several chances to give themselves some breathing space.
But they were indebted to keeper Dean Henderson who made a series of saves, the best coming in stoppage time when he somehow kept out a sensational Virgil van Dijk close-range header from a corner. Forest held on and moved to 19th place with nine points from 12 games, one ahead of Leicester City.
KOHIMA, OCT 22 (NPN): Northern ACYA emerged as the champions (women) while Western ACYA secured the run ner up position in penalty shootout on the second day of the annual sports meet of Angami Catholic Youth Association (ACYA) held at Loyola Higher Second ary School Jakhama.
The meet is held un der the theme, “For in him we live, and move and have our being”.
The day two began with unfurling of ACYA flag by its advisor Zeneikho Benedict while the event for the day was formally kicked off by Fr. James Kulvi.
Addressing the gather ing, Benedict encouraged the youths to live their lives in a productive way.
NOTTINGHAM, OCT 22 (REUTERS): Nottingham Forest stunned Liverpool as Taiwo Awoniyi sealed a
1-0 win with a second-half goal to lift the Midlands club off the foot of the Premier League table today.
NEW DELHI, OCT 22 (PTI): Commonwealth Games champion Lakshya Sen suffered a straightgames loss to Japan’s Ko dai Naraoka in the men’s singles quarterfinal to bring down curtains on India’s campaign at the Denmark Open Super 750 tournament in Odense.
Sen, 2021 world champion ships bronze medallist, lost 17-21, 12-21 to Naraoka, a bronze medallist at the 2018 Youth Olympics, in a lop-sided contest on Friday night.
The two have played thrice in international cir cuit with the Japanese win ning twice.
A below-par Liverpool, seeking a third consecutive league win, could have few complaints as Forest pro
He said that the best time for a human was prob ably during their youth when they are energetic and vigorous.
DIMAPUR, OCT 22 (NPN): Two-day youth convention-cum-sports re treat organized by Western Chakhesang Baptist Church Council (WCBCC) youth department kicked off on Saturday, at WCBCC mis sion centre, 7th mile village.
A total of 17 churches under WCBCC are partak ing in the meet organized under the theme, “Held under the theme “Stronger
together” (Eccl 4:9-12)”.
At the inaugural pro gramme, GethemGo sports international founder direc tor Dr.Viposa Kiso encour aged the participants to deliver their best and play as a real sportsmanship.
Highlights of the inaugural programme included flag hoisting and act of bless ing by WCBCC chairman Neizo Koza, welcome note by Johütsü Swüro, message in song by CBC Diezephe and later blessing prayer
by Welhilo Mero. The pro gramme was followed by volleyball match and pen alty shoot-out. The closing programme will highlight worship hour with speaker professor of applied theolo gy oriental theological semi nary, Bade, Chümoukedima Rev. Dr. Chekrovie Cho-o who will be sharing mes sage on the topic “Stronger together”.
At the culmination pro gramme choir competition will be conducted.
Wicketkeeper-batter Dev on Conway smashed an unbeaten 92 as New Zea land began the T20 World Cup Super 12 stage in em phatic fashion, thrashing defending champions Aus tralia by 89 runs here on Saturday.
The 31-year-old lefthanded opener played some sublime shots as he held the New Zealand in nings together in a 58-ball knock, which was studded with seven fours and two sixes and took them to an imposing 200 for three after they were sent in.
Also, not to forget the explosive start given by ris ing T20 star Finn Allen as he hammered a sensational 16-ball 42.
In reply, Kiwi pacer Tim Southee (2.1-0-6-3) set the tone early on before left-arm spinner Mitchell Santner (4-0-31-3) foxed the Aussies with his clever variation to make it a lop sided contest.
The New Zealanders were relentless in attack as Australia folded for 111 in 17.1 overs to suffer their second heaviest T20I de feat in terms of runs.
This was also Aus tralia’s first defeat to New Zealand in Australia in any format since 2011.
The Aussies lost half of their side in 10.2 overs
after the talented Tim Da vid (11) became Santner’s third victim.
Southee cleaned up David Warner in the most unlikely fashion when the left-hander’s pull shot rico chetted off the his leg, arm and bat before unsettling the stumps in the second over.
Despite the big set back, the defending cham pions were quick to regroup as Mitchell Marsh played some exquisite shots, in cluding a stunning six over covers against Santner.
Just when the hosts looked to be getting into
the groove with the expe rienced duo of Marcus Stoinis and Glenn Maxwell in the middle, a Supermanlike flying catch by Glenn Phillips triggered a col lapse. The boundaries start ed drying up after Finch and Marsh fell cheaply.
Stoinis looked to at tack a wide Santner deliv ery as Phillips, from the deep cover ran a few yards to his right and dived to complete a blinder.
Australia, without their star batter Steve Smith, looked out of depth.
Earlier, Conway did not go ballistic but his runs
came at a good rate and he completed his fifty in 36 balls, with a six off Adam Zampa in the 13th over.
In the process, he be came the second fastest player in T20I history after Dawid Malan to score 1,000 runs. However he failed to complete his maiden century in the for mat with Jimmy Neesham (26 not out; 13 balls) taking most of the strike at the death to push the total to 200 with a six off the final ball by Josh Hazlewood.
Conway’s opening partner Finn Allen fired the open ing salvo, as he blasted his
NEW YORK, OCT 22 (IANS): The tennis world was left shocked at the start of the weekend when For mer World No.1 and twotime Grand Slam champion Simona Halep of Romania announced that she has tested positive for a pro hibited substance and was provisionally suspended.
way to a 16-ball 42, hitting three sixes and five fours in side the powerplay to give the Kiwis the perfect start after Aaron Finch opted to field.
The 23-year-old Allen showed why he’s labelled as the future T20 star as he took the fiery Mitchell Starc head on with two fours and one six, includ ing a clean powerful thump over the mid-on boundary in the first over.
He continued his fury against Pat Cummins, too, as the Aussie veteran fed him with a short-pitched stuff, and Allen happily swivelled him for a six in an over that yielded 17 runs.
The seasoned Conway was content playing the second fiddle with Allen hitting all around the park, as they raced to 56 for no loss inside four overs.
Hazlewood finally gave a breakthrough to the hosts as he yorked Allen in the fifth over to bring an end to his innings, which came at an astonishing strike-rate of 262.5. Brief scores: New Zealand 200/3 in 20 overs (Finn Al len 42, Devon Conway 92 not out, James Neesham 26 not out) beat Australia 111 all out in 17.1 overs (Glenn Maxwell 28, Pat Cum mins 21; Tim Southee 3/6, Mitchell Santner 3/13) by 89 runs
Correspondent KOHIMA, OCT 22 (NPN): New Market FC and Shillong Lajong FC joined Fifa FC and Ura Uvie FC in the last four stages by winning their respective quarter final matches at IG Stadium, here on Saturday.
In the third quarter final match, New Market overcame Red Scars FC 3-1.
New Market’s Pete vizo Kezio scored the first goal in the 48th second which has turned out to be the fastest goal of the trophy so far.
The equalizer goal came from the boots of El minhao Kilong in the 15th minute.
However, after 10 minutes of the equaliser, New Market’s Yhunshalo Kemp doubled the team’s score in the 35th minute.
Top scorer so far in this edition, Rhitso Mero netted the final goal to take his team into the semifinal. Sanyem Salem was named man of the match.
In the last quarterfi nal, Shillong Lajong deci mated Unity FC Meriema 9-0.
Chanmitre opened the account for Lajong in the 18th minute.
And soon the barrage
of goals continued as Yo han, Kladajied, Aman, Samuel, Ioanis and Ev erbright all netted a goal each in the 27th, 34th, 41st, 45th, 53rd and 67th minutes of the game re spectively.
The final two goals for the team were added by Henry Ford in the 82nd and 90th minutes.
The man of the match was awarded to Aman Ahlawat.
Meanwhile, the or ganisers, Angami Students’ Union has informed that Headhunters had been banned from participation in the trophy for the next three years.
ASU informed the media that following the
walk out of Head Hunters in the first quarter final match, the jury board had taken the decision to ban the club for the next three years with immediate ef fect.
The decision to ban the team was taken on the grounds of disciplinary ac tion in accordance with By Law Rule no 26.
Meanwhile, ASU in formed that the jury board had also resolved the ap peal of Jotsoma Youth Organisation’s three year ban which came into effect in 2019.
ASU said since the ban had expired, their frevent appeal to partici pate in the next edition has been granted.
DIMAPUR, OCT 22 (NPN): Kughaho Kiho emerged as the champion of the Sumi Chess Cham pionship 2022 in open cat egory organized by Sumi Chess Association Naga land (SCAN) held at Tour ist Lodge Dimapur.
According to SCAN general secretary, Mu ghato K Kiba, Itokhu Sumi and Toikhu Awomi emerged as the first and second runners up. Tohuto
Yeptho,Toyivi Yeptho and Akaho Achumi received the 4th,5th and 6th posi tion prizes.
In the U-14 category Hukato Jakhalu emerged as champion while Jesse Chishi and Iloito Jakhalu won the 1st and 2nd runner up award.
All the top three win ners from both categories received cash prize along with trophy and certificate.
Meanwhile, Sumi
Chess Association Naga land held an emergency general meeting after the Championship and dis cussed on its Silver Jubilee celebration in 2025.
In the meeting, the house unanimously elected Dr Inaje Phuleshe as jubi lee planning board conve nor along with 14 others.
In the meeting former presidents and members of SCAN took active par ticipation.
Halep, who won the 2018 French Open and 2019 Wimbledon women’s singles titles, tested positive for a substance called Roxadustat in a sample provided at the U.S Open 2022. “Today begins the hardest match of my life: a fight for the truth. I have been notified that I have tested positive for a substance called Roxadustat in an extremely low quan tity, which came as the big gest shock of my life,” Halep informed in a statement.
“The International Tennis Integrity Agency (ITIA) has confirmed that Simona Halep, has been provisionally suspended under Article 7.12.1 of the 2022 Tennis Anti-Doping Programme,” the ITIA in formed.
DIMAPUR, OCT 22 (NPN): Puiteing FC emerged as the champions of the first Peren District Football League (PDFL) 2022 organised by Peren District Football Associa tion (PDFA) after defeating Benreu FC 3-1 at Jalukie ‘B’ village ground on Saturday.
Puiteing FC finished on top of the table with 18 points. Jangminlen of Puit eing FC drew the first blood in the 17th minute after which Wibonjibou scored in the 23rd and 51st minutes.
The lone goal for Benreu FC was scored by Digumpeung in the 50th minute.
The top four teamsPuiteing FC, Native Feath ers, Barak FA and Lekie Mtei FC will vie for PDFA Cup title as the league matches came to an end on Saturday. In the other match, Lekie Mtei FC beat Barak FA 3-2 to qualify for top four. The match witnessed equal display as Barak FA aimed for PDFL title while Lekie Mtei FC eyed top four finished. In the 23th minute, Kenumdi of Barak opened the account. But Lekie Mtei fought back and Poulin
lung scored the equalizer in the 47th minute. Barak FA again took the lead in the 58th minute through Dihube’s strike. However, it was equalised by Haileuyibe of Lekie Mtei in the 63rd minute.
Two minutes later, Haileuyibe scored the win ning goal to seal top four berths for Lekie Mtei.
Despite the lost, Barak FA secured top four slot as it finished behind sec
ond place Native Feather on 15 points. Prime FC hoped for top four ended as it lost to Nsong Area Sports Association (NASA) 1-2. It was also NASA first win of the league. Native Feathers stunned Northern Zeme Sports Association (NZSA) 7-2 and finished on second position. NZSA drew the first blood when Lungkiesing scored in the 10th minute. However it was equalised by Lamsanggin of
Native Feathers in the 29th minute. It was followed by two goals from Ngugoolal in the 60th and 71st min utes. Khiuwangbo scored in the 67th minute for Native Feathers. The second goal for NZSA was scored by Ziepwa in the 80th minute. However, Native Feathers’ Kindibo scored in the 86th minute and Kiu wangbo struck in the 89th minute to put Native Feath ers in top four.
Correspondent KOHIMA, OCT 22(NPN): Kezhaseluo Pienyü emerged as the champion of the ’Naga Wrestle Mania-9: King of the Ring Series 2022 de feating Kezhavizo Thevo at Indira Gandhi Stadium, Kohima on Saturday.
Atuo Thevo and Kev izhakho Suokhrie finished in third and fourth posi tions.
NEW DELHI, OCT 22 (AGENCIES): Indian shooter Swapnil Kusale sealed a 2024 Paris Olym pics quota in 50m rifle 3 po sitions event after finishing fourth at the ongoing ISSF World Championships in Cairo, Egypt. According to Sportstar, Kusale had en tered the final with the sec ond highest qualification score of 593 after China’s Liu Yukun’s 596.
In the final, Kusale was at the top of the stand ings after kneeling with a score of 104.8 but slipped to third at the conclusion of the prone stage with his total being 207.9.
The 27-year-old from Maharashtra could have made it to the gold medal match in the elimination round during the standing stage but a disastrous shot of 8.2 ended his campaign and allowed Norway’s JonHermann Hegg to pip him to bronze with a 10.1. Ku sale’s aggregate score was 407.6 while Hegg finished with 407.9.
Kezhaseluo Pienyü pocketed Rs. 1,20,000, Thevo received Rs. 60,000, AtuoThevo and Suokh rie walked away with Rs. 30,000 and Rs. 15,000 re spectively.
NagaWrestleMania-9 (King of The Ring Series 2022) was organised by 3E Nagaland under the aegis of Nagaland Wrestling As sociation (NWA) where in ternational wrestlers from USA: Hmun Sang (current
Chin Heavyweight Cham pion, popularly known for defeating former cham pion Rung Lian Ceu), Van CeuHmung (current Chin Lightweight champion) and Uk Lian Thang (for mer Chin Heavyweight Champion) also partici pated.
The event was live steamed on pay-per-view at 3enagaland.in for wres tling fans to watch from anywhere.
(IANS): The All-India Football Federation (AIFF) president Kalyan Chaubey has said that his “request to restart Merdeka Cup” -- the friendly football tourna ment -- has been welcomed by Football Association of Malaysia (FAM) chief Da tuk Haji Hamidin Bin Haji Mohd Amin.
The AIFF chief took to Twitter to share the news. IANS has learned that the friendly tournament will kickstart next year and India will participate in it.
“The #MerdekaCup had created so many oppor tunities for #IndianFootbal in the past. My request to re start this tournament & have INDIA as one of the invitee participants was warmly greeted by FA Malaysia President Dato Haji Hami din bin Haji Mohd. Amin.
Thank you@FAM_Malay sia,” he tweeted. Merdeka is Asia’s oldest football tour nament which has invited football-playing nations to compete since 1957.
MUMBAI, OCT 22 (AGENCIES): Mumbai City FC (MCFC) played out a 1-1 draw with Jam shedpur FC (JFC) in match 13 of the Indian Super League (ISL) at the Mumbai Football Arena on Saturday.
According to Sport star, Lallianzuala Chhang te and Daniel Chima Chukwu scored for Mum bai and Jamshedpur, re spectively.
It took Mumbai just eight minutes to score the first goal of the match. Greg Stewart used his quick feet to escape his marker and played a onetwo with Jahouh. Looking up, he saw Chhangte in a good position at the centre of the box and squared the ball to him. Despite being under pressure, Chhangte found the top corner with an excellent finish.
The joy did not last long for MCFC and its fans. Just four minutes lat er, Jamshedpur equalised through Chukwu. Harri son Sawyer flicked the ball with his head to Chukwu from a Wellington l ong
Jamshedpur FC players celebrate after scoring a goal against Mumbai City FC.
throw, and the Nigerian made no mistake in finding the net with his head from point-blank range.
With both teams locked in a 1-1 scoreline at the start of the second half, it was the Islanders who started strongly.
The early pressure on JFC’s goal almost paid off, as Chhangte was brought down inside the box by Ricky in the 48th min
ute. The Mumbai players vociferously demanded a penalty, but the referee waved play on, inviting the wrath of the players and coaching staff. In the second half, Mumbai substitute Vi kram Singh came close to scoring in the 63rd minute when his shot hit the post. But neither team found the net, leading to both sharing the spoils.