Linking voter ID with Aadhaar voluntary: ECState logs 2 fresh Covid-19 cases
DIMAPUR, AUG 22 (NPN): Nagaland Law Stu dents’ Federation (NLSF) has threatened to take up any democratic means of protest if the state govern ment failed to complete High Court building within this year.NLSF through its media and publicity wing stated that as per its fed eral assembly resolution for completion of High Court construction by 2022, the federation visited the con struction site on August 16, 2022 to find out the status of the ongoing project con struction.Nagaland Law Stu dents’ Federation claimed that it had obtained detailed information concerning the delay in Whileconstruction.interacting with a contractor, the NLSF said it was “baffled” to find out that there were 81 contractors in the ongoing High Court Construction, thereby causing problems. NLSF said that the contractors were trying their best to complete the High Court Building at the earliest subject to the release of payment of run ning bills by the govern ment.The federation has expressed shock that state government was not releas ing the fund meant for High Court Construction well in time.NLSF has, therefore, appealed to the state gov ernment to start releasing the liability fund to the con tractors so the construction works could be carried out smoothly before the end of this year.Itsaid that the foun dation stone of the High Court was laid on May 21, 2007, but the project still remained incomplete after 15 years “making a mock ery of the governing system of ourTheState”.federation has, therefore, appealed to the state government to speed up the release of funds so the construction of the High Court was completed by this year without drag ging into 2023.
RPP appeals FM to fulfil its demand for PR in Nagaland
DIMAPUR, AUG 22 (NPN): Drawing attention to the Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA) notice on mandatory permission for groundwater withdrawal, the All Ward Union Mo kokchung Town (AWUMT) has demanded that the state government “declare the order unconstitutional and, therefore, null and void.”
Nirmala Sitharaman launches various CSR initiatives asks govt to declare CGWA notice unconstitutional
NHA issues hardware guidelines for healthcare institutions Cong ‘unanimously’ in favour of Rahul for party prez: Gehlot JAIPUR, AUG 22 (PTI): As the countdown began for the election of Congress president, Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Mon day said the party is “unanimously” in favour of Rahul Gandhi for the post. The party’s election authority has said it will stick to the schedule of electing a new chief by September 20. “If Rahul Gandhi does not become the party president, it will be a disappointment for the Congressmen in the country. Many people will sit at home and we will suffer…,” Gehlot told reporters here. The chief minister said even within the party, there is an opinion in favour of making Rahul Gandhi the new president. “The unanimous opinion is in support of his becoming the president. So, I think he should accept it. It is not about Gandhi or non-Gandhi family. It is the work of the organisation and no one is becoming a prime minister,” he said.
Complete High Court within this year: NLSF
INAUGURATES ‘NAGALAND RESPONSIBILITY & INVESTMENT CONCLAVE 2022’ Nagaland Post MYK C MYK C Vol XXXII No. 258 DIMAPUR, TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 2022 Pages 12 ` 5.00 Rio exhorts sportspersons at 1st NOPG 2022 SPORTS, PAGE 12 FOLLOW US ON @Nagaland_Postnagalandpostofficial Imran gets protective bail in terrorism case INTERNATIONAL, PAGE 9 This is it! (Cont’d on p-8)
organic products: FM
NEW DELHI, AUG 22 (PTI): Election Commis sion of India Monday reit erated that seeding of Aad haar with Voter ID was voluntary while responding to TMC spokesperson Saket Gokhale claim that poll of ficials were forcing people to link their Aadhaar numbers with voter CitingID.tweets by the Internet Freedom Founda tion, Gokhale said there have been “many cases” of election officials calling up people forcing them to link voter ID with Aadhaar numbers.“We’ve written to the Election Commission today asking to issue a clarifica tion & immediately cease & desist from doing this,” he wrote on Twitter. The poll panel too re sponded on Twitter saying that submission of Aadhaar in Form 6B -- a new form issued to share Aadhaar details -- is “voluntary”. “No entry in electoral roll shall be deleted on the ground of non-submission of Aadhaar,” the EC said sharing a link of instructions issued to state chief electoral officers in this regard. In his representation to the EC on behalf of the TMC, Gokhale pointed out that the Election Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2021, which allows for the link ing of electoral data with the Aadhaar number, was passed by Parliament in December“Subsequent2021. to the passing of the Bill, Union Law Minister Kiren Rijiju informed Parliament that linking of voter I cards with Aadhaar was ‘voluntary’ and ‘not mandatory’”, he said.
Correspondent KOHIMA, AUG 22 (NPN): Union minister for finance and corporate affairs Nir mala Sitharaman launched various projects to be spon sored by various companies under Corporate Social Re sponsibility (CSR) initiative. Some of the projects include-- Credit Outreach Facilitation Unit: to be set up in all the districts, sponsored by Boeing India and the implementing partner will be Learning Links Foundation with Support of tEA. Dialysis Unit at Dis trict Hospital, Dimapur: Sponsored by Boeing India and Doctors For You as implementing partner Entrepreneurship De velopment Centres: To be setup in Tuensang sponsored by Sri Kumaraswami Miner al Exports Pvt. Ltd; in Peren district by Astral Foundation and RNB Project Aspire To day to Eternity Foundation for Wokha district. Mobile Science Labs (Lab on Wheels): To be installed in Dimapur and Mon, sponsored by VRL Logistics, Coromandel In ternational Ltd. & Agastya International Foundation. World Class Toilet Facility: Toilet facility for District Hospital Dimapur sponsored by Boeing India and SULABH International as implementing partner. Stem Labs: Science Technology Engineering Math (STEM) Labs with Amazon Alexa Support (10 Schools) will be installed across Nagaland sponsored by Mphasis and implement ing agency Children’s Love Castles Trust India (CLT). Nursing Schools: Up gradation of Library and Lab Facility in Nursing Schools for conversion to Nursing Colleges in Dimapur and Kohima. Further Nursing schools will be sponsored by Bharat Petroleum Corpora tion Ltd. and Housing and Urban Development Cor poration in Mokokchung with Doctors For You as implementing partner. CT Scan facility: At Naga Hospital Authority Ko hima (NHAK) sponsored by Power Finance Corporation (PFC) and for Mokokchung to be sponsored by Power Grid Corporation Ltd. Mobile Science labs: For four districts sponsored by Gas Authority of India Ltd. (GAIL). Solar Cold Storage Unit: For Phek district to be sponsored by Credit Ac cess Grameen Pvt. Ltd. and District Administration as the implementing agency. Abode Creative Acad emy: A MoU based engage ment (Creative University/ Academy) to be setup across Nagaland with Adobe as partnering agency. Most of the projects among those listed are re lated to health, education and skill and entrepreneur ship development.
DIMAPUR, AUG 22 (NPN): Nagaland on Mon day recorded two fresh Co vid-19 positive cases while no deaths were reported during the day. One case each were reported in Dimapur and Longleng, taking the total caseload to 35,890. With four more pa tients recovering from the infection, the State currently has 16 active cases while the death toll remained un changed at 776. India on Monday logged 9,531 fresh Covid-19 cases pushing its tally to 4,43,48,960, while the toll due to COVID-19 climbed to 5,27,368 with 26 more fatalities.
Nirmala Sitharaman addressing the ‘Nagaland CSR and Investment Conclave 2022’ at NBCC Convention Hall on Monday.
Spl. Correspondent NEW DELHI, AUG 22 (NPN): The National Health Authority (NHA) has issued hardware guidelines across States and Union Territories for healthcare institutions like hospitals, clinics and health and wellness centres to promote digitization in hospitals.The guidelines provide a basic framework to States for planning, assessment and procurement of the IT hard ware (including IT specifica tions of various hardware equipment) to operate ap plications compliant with Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM). Talking about the guidelines, Dr. R. S. Sharma, CEO, NHA said – “The first step towards ABDM implementation is digitization of hospitals. Several States and UTs ex pressed the need for some guidelines that gives them an overview of the IT infra structure requirements based on the health facility size. The hardware guide lines issued by NHA will help the states/ UTs in as sessing the requirement and facilitate the adoption of ABDM in their healthcare institutions.”ABDM will simplify the processes and increase ease of living by connecting the digital health solutions of hospitals and other health facilities across the country with each other. The digital ecosystem will also enable a host of other facilities like telecon sultation, paper-less health records, QR code based OPD registrations etc. The digitization of health records will ensure that old medical records of patients cannot get lost and are accessible to them anytime anywhere. Ensuring necessary IT infrastructure and imple mentation of Hospital In formation Management Systems across health fa cilities at the State/UT level will play a pivotal role in creation and exchange of digital health records across the ecosystem.Theguidelines on the IT hardware specifications to support this ecosystem is available at
Nagaland sitting
DIMAPUR, AUG 22 (NPN): Rising People’s Party (RPP) has appealed to Union Fi nance minister Nirmala Sith araman to fulfil its demands for President’s Rule in Naga land and CBI investigation into the various irregularities. In a representation, RPP president Joel Naga and secre tary Akum Longkumer stated the party had submitted a memorandum to the Gov ernor on May 12, 2022 de manding the President’s Rule in Nagaland citing financial emergency in the state. RPP also appealed for expediting all the pending CBI and ED enquiries in the state including giving prosecution sanction to the CBI on the High Court construction scam. RPP stated that Naga land happened to be the most corrupted state in India “with absolutely nothing to show in terms of growth”. It pointed out that as per NITI Aayog’s SDGI index 2021, Nagaland was the ‘Worst Performing State’ in India in terms of poverty, health, af fordable energy, sustainable cities, industries and infrastruc ture. RPP stated that Nagaland was also the Worst Performing State as per State Energy and Climate index and was ranked 33rd out of 35 states & UTs. Further, RPP stated that the state government was un able to pay the outstanding salaries of 130,000 government employees, including teachers, police personnel, administra tive officials, and national mission employees. It stated that perpetual deficit state budget with the latest being minus Rs.2212.74 Crore for the year 2022-23 was a major cause for concern. According to finance ministry report published on July 25 2022, RPP said the total outstanding liabilities (Debt) of Nagaland Govern ment stands at Rs.15620.80 crore as of March 2022. It also stated that according to the latest CAG Report 2022 for the financial year 2019- 2020, some of the serious offences of the state government included: Rs. 200.65 crore siphoned off in 12 departments and Rs. 6.6 crore in other departments; Rs. 25.28 crore siphoned off in the power department awaits departmental and criminal investigation; Rs. 82.79 crore embezzled by the department of school education awaits criminal investigation in two cases; three misappropriation cases amounting to Rs. 223.79 crore found in the PWD (R&B) department; planning and coordination department mis appropriated Rs. 20.23 crore; tourism department misap propriated Rs.14.20 crore and health and family welfare department misappropriation case of Rs.13.70 crore. RPP also highlighted the status of medical college, which still remained incom plete after nine long years. It said the amount sanctioned by the Centre stands at Rs.171.10 crore. The party also stated that Nagaland High Court building remained incomplete at 35% work done even after 15 years and the exorbitant amount of Rs.52.63 crore stands withdrawn till date. “The above irregularities and misappropriations are just the tip of the ice-berg, and perhaps it’s important for you to ask hard questions during your visit,” RPP stated.
“At the rate politicians are arrested or detained, soon there won’t be any opposition parties left.”
AWUMT president Li manungsang and general secretary Jongpongtemjen stated that CGWA order was in total contravention of the traditional Naga customary procedures, social practices and ownership of land and its resources. It said that the order directly infringes upon the constitutional provisions of Article 371 (A) that safe guards the Naga way of life. Further, AWUMT pointed out that the Dima pur Urban Council Chair men Federation, Associa tion of Kohima Municipal Wards Panchayat, AWUMT and Naga civil society orga nizations have long been de manding review and amend ment of the Nagaland Mu nicipal Act (NMA) 2001 by deleting various sections of the Act that infringed upon the constitutional rights of the Nagas-- Art. 371(A). AWUMT pointed out that Sec. 215-220 of the NMA 2001 pertaining to tube wells, wells, springs and other water-course infringed upon Art. 371 Meanwhile,(A).AWUMT has directed all the residents of Mokokchung town not to honour CGWA public notice.
Correspondent KOHIMA, AUG 22 (NPN): Union minister of Finance and Corporate Affairs Nir mala Sitharaman who is on a three-day visit to Nagaland on Monday launched sev eral projects under Corpo rate Social Responsibility (CSR) and acknowledged Nagaland’s potential as an organic producer by saying the state was endowed with a wealth of organic products which should be aggregated by the people for markets within and outside India. Addressing at the inau gural programme of the ‘Na galand CSR and Investment Conclave 2022’ at NBCC Convention Hall, Monday evening, the finance minis ter referred the call of the Prime Minister to identify one product from each dis trict and assured that the Centre along with banks, upon identification, would help in setting up primary infrastructureSitharamanrequired.suggested that millets, fruits, turmeric and ginger could be organic, while acknowledging the difficulties faced by farmers in marketing their produce considering the State’s hilly terrain and poor transport infrastructure.Shepointed out that be sides marketing, the brand ing was a big deal and so Naga products should be branded in order to find the best way to communicate about the unique product of the state as there is a global market waiting to lap them up. Sitharaman said CSR in many parts of the country was pushed depending on board decisions and the po tential area for social activity. She said Nagaland was facing conundrum and in vestments were taking time to come. However, she said a lot of investors have begun to arrive and exuded confi dence that conclave was the stepping stone for the state for opening more opportuni ties so that possible potential investments will take place. In the list of CSR, she said maximum projects were in healthcare sector, and hoped that this would help strengthen the State’s public healthcare facilities. She said youth of Na galand were well educated, carried themselves well and had great strengths and a lot of government and private investment were in the pipe line aiming to strengthen infrastructure in the coun try, both existing and new, brown field and green field. To create a synergy among projects like railways, airports, seaports, seaports, water ways and manufactur ing hubs, she said energy of young people was required. She appealed to the youth to prepare themselves in this regard and take leadership roles.Sitharaman appre ciated Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) for recognising the potential in the youth of Nagaland and coming forward to set up a skill training centre in that State, which would equip lo cal youth with skills to work in any part of the country. To promote interest in Science, she said NITI Aayog had come up with Atal Innovative Mission (AIM) under which science labs could be set up in every school. Though Nagaland could have set up such labs in all schools, she regretted that this had not been done yet and asked the State gov ernment to ensure that these labs were installed as soon as possible.Intourism sector, she remarked that home stay had a huge potential in boosting the local economy. She advised that visitors should be encouraged to stay at Naga homes to fa miliarise them with Naga culture. She asked the State’s Tourism Department to come up with innovative ideas in this regard. In Agri sector, she said drones were helping in im proving agricultural output as these helped in better mapping, understanding of the terrain and knowl edge to farmers regarding soil nutrition to help them decide what crop was best cultivated, the union min ister appealed to youth to develop interest in drones. She appreciated chief minister Neiphiu Rio for bringing many CSR projects to Nagaland and hoped that youth of the State will support him. She suggested forming a task group that would move around the country, convey the message of Nagaland to the industry and help build Nagaland as a brand and destination for investment.Shealso thanked the companies that invested in CSR projects in Nagaland, stressing that Nagaland also required to develop like any other State, as India would not develop unless each and every State developed equally.In his address, Rio, who was host of the event, thanked the Central gov ernment for giving greater focus on development in the Northeast because of which the private sector was look ing at the region with a fresh perspective. on of

The family of Late Xuhoni N Murrumi express our profound gratitude to all individuals, groups, neighbours, relatives, churches and well wishers for the sympathy and gestures of kindness shown to us during her brief illness and demise till her final journey to Shena Old Village. May the Lord bestow His blessings upon each and everyone.
DIMAPUR: Advisor for IPR & Village Guards, S. Keoshu Yimkhiung on Monday, inaugurated the new building of Health and Wellness Centre (HWC) at Sangphur village. In a press release, DMO NHM Tuensang, Apheang informed that During the villageurgedprogramme,inaugurationtheadvisorupontheeldersofthetosupportandcoop erate with the health staff in order to help the health centre function smoothly. In his address, chief medical officer (CMO) Dr. Keveduyi Theyo ac knowledged the advisor and people of Sangphur village for the support extended to the department during the construction of the health centre and for its successful completion with their help. He requested the community health officer (CHO) and other health workers to be in their places of posting and perform their duties diligently. The inaugural pro gramme was also attended by officers and staff of CMO office Tuensang, healthcare workers from Community Health Centre (CHC) Sha mator, church leaders, vil lage council members and youth leaders.
Liviko The Singing Young Fathers of Khedi Baptist Church, Kohima CONDOLENCE MESSAGE K-1920/22 -3963/22DPDP-3964/22 Lt. Leya Engtipi Sangma Born on : 11/09/1997 – Died on : 09/08/2022
DIMAPUR: Advisor for Power, H. Tovihoto Ayemi has expressed deep grief over the demise of former chair man of Nagaland Public Ser vice Commission (NPSC), Razhukhrielie Kevichusa, who passed away on Au gust 20 in Dimapur. In a condolence message, Tovi hoto described a man of high caliber and talent yet, humble in nature and down to earth. Tovihoto said late Kevichusa was an upright
AR nab truck driver involved in hit-and-run case STO Mkg informs pensioners and dedicated officer, who made remarkable contribu tion towards development of the society, especially in the agriculture sector. “Naga society has lost a fine gentleman whose character is defined by his concern and love for the people”, the advisor said. Tovihoto conveyed condolence to the bereaved family.
DIMAPUR: Cornerstone college Dimapur, celebrated its 7th fresher’s day on Au gust 19, in the college audi torium.In a press release, Cor nerstone college media cell informed that chief guest, extra assistant commissioner (EAC) Dimapur, Nukshi matong encouraged stu dents to set a goal in life, to make rightful use of the technologies, to be respon sible citizens and to put God first. Delivering the welcome address, college principal, Imsuinla Imti shared words of encouragement with the students. She stressed on how knowledge, being the most powerful element was intact with the college motto “pursuing perfection”. The formal session was hosted by assistant profes sor, department of History Chumthunglo T. Jami. Eren Mozhui and Arati Thapa were crowned “Mr. & Miss Fresher 2022” of Corner stone college Dimapur. Highlights of the programme included musical items and other presentations.
DIMAPUR: Senior trea sury officer (STO) Mokok chung has informed all the pensioners who are drawing pension payment from the senior treasury office Mo kokchung that life certificate form is being issued from AugustSTO1. informed that the forms could be obtained from the treasury office on all working days. Form should be supported by identity card ‘D’ duly re newed from the Pensioner Association Office Mokok chung and pension payment order book (PPO) during submission.STOinformed that no pension payment will be made for those who fail to submit the required docu ments on the given date.
Submission and verifi cation of life certificate for pensioners will be conduct ed as follows—September 12 (Tsusapang Sector, Sung komen Ward, Tongdent suyong Ward, Alempang Ward, Alongmen Ward, Dilong Ward, Yimyu Ward, Kapayong Sector); Septem ber 13 (Majakong Ward, Aertang Ward, Marepkong Ward, Lichaba lijen Ward, Mongsenbai Ward, Kum long Ward); September 14 (Salangtem Ward, Kichutip Ward, Sangtemla Ward, Arkong Ward, Penli Ward, Aongza Ward); September 15 (Ongpangkong Range); September 16 (Asetkong and Langpangkong Range) and September 17 (Jang petkong, Tsurangkong and Japukong Range).
DIMAPUR: The director ate of Employment, Skill Development & Entrepre neurship with the initiative of Zynorique Initiative Society has informed that a “demand driven skill de velopment programme for the youth of Nagaland” in construction section during the current FY 2022-2023 will be conducted from August 29-September 3 at town hall, Dimapur. The department in formed that the training would be imparted in the field of plumbing and elec trician with an intake ca pacity of 60 trainees on first come first basis. Aspiring participants have been asked to bring self-attested xerox copy of Aadhar. The trainees will receive certificates and complimentary tools after the training.Registration will be free and one could con tact in the following num ber - District Employment Exchange, Zion Hospi tal Road, Purana Bazar, Dimapur- 7005285277, Women Industrial Train ing Institute, Seithek ema, Chümoukedima at 9436831218.
INNEWSBRIEF KMC informs on IEC awareness programme: Kohima Municipal Coun cil (KMC) has informed the public, churches, or ganisations, associations, educational institutions, CSOs, NGOs and Ward Sanitation Committees to send representatives for IEC awareness Secretariat.ventiononwards,onwhichstakeholdersment”plastic“wastegramme-cum-trainingproonmanagementandwastemanageforULBstaffandofKMC,willbeconductedAugust25,10amatCapitalConCentre,nearCivil Dimapur DBDB meet ing on Aug 25: Deputy commissioner (DC) and District Planning and Development Board vice chairman, Dimapur, Sa chin Jaiswal has informed that the DPDB meeting for Dimapur district will be held in the conference hall of the DC Dimapur on August 25, 11 am. In this regard, DC has requested all the mem bers to attend the said meeting.
“For this God is our God forever and ever; He will be our guide even unto death.” -Psalms 48:14 DP-3969/22
DIMAPUR: Dimapur battalion of As sam Rifles under aegis of IGAR (North) on August 20 apprehended a truck driver, who fled after hitting a 68-year-old man identified as Marnuken from Chuchuy imlang village.
Loving Children, In-Laws Grandchildren & Great Grandchildren
“Gray Hair is a crown of splendor; i t is attained in t H e way o f ri GH teousness”. Proverbs 16:31 DP-3962/22
DIMAPUR: The Science Block of Don Bosco College Kohima (DBCK) organised the first departmental activi ty in the form of a workshop on the topic “introduction to basic sciences”, based on the theme “igniting young minds” on August 20. In a press release, DBCK informed that dur ing the inaugural session, Dr. Kizukala jamir gave an introduction on what was studied under life sciences and chemistry.Shealso highlighted the hands-on experiments and model presentations that were to be carried out by each department. At the programme, in vocation was offered by Dr. Shurhovolie Tsurho, welcome note by Patricia Kiewhuo, followed by the collegeTheanthem.students and teach ers proceeded to their re spective laboratories where botany department con ducted a hands-on experi ment on “know your urine (sugar content/albumin/ uric acid)”.Thechemistry de partment also conducted a hands-on experiment on “lets formulate sanitisers and bye plastics, hello bio plastics”.Later, Zoology depart ment demonstrated model presentations on “life cycle of plasmodium vivax, struc ture of DNA and RNA, im munity and sex determina tion” where B.Sc. students explained their respective topics.The programme ended with vote of thanks from Khikeya. A total of 23 stu dents along with their class teacher actively participated in the programme.
ESD&E to hold skills training in Dimapur
Keoshu inaugurates HWC building at Sangphur village
According to PRO IGAR (N), two AR personnel immediately boarded an auto and chased the truck for 2.5 kms. The accused was later apprehended near Nagaland gate and was handed over to Nagaland police personnel.
Tovihoto mourns demise of Khrielie Kevichusa
15.04.1923 – 14.08.2022
Acknowledgement DP-3965/22
“The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away, may the name of the Lord be praised” Job 1:21 We, the family of Lt. Miss Leya Engtipi Sangma would like to extend our sincerest appreciation and heartfelt gratitude to everyone who stood by us spiritually, physically, materially and financially at the sudden demise of our daughter in a tragic accident at 3rd Mile, Chumoukedima, on 9th August 2022. Our special thanks goes to : 1. Garo Baptist Church, Eralibill. 2. A.G. Church, Eralibill. Sumi Baptist Akukuhou, Eralibill. 4. Lamkang Baptist Church, Eralibill. 5. Nagaland Garo Mother’s Association. 6. Doctors, nurses and staff of C.I.H.S.R. (All Departments) 7. Mission India Bible College (MIBC) 8. Discipleship Prayer Centre, Eralibill. 9. Chairman & colleagues, Eralibill Village Council. 10. CMHSS Batch 2014 (Class 10) 11. Dimapur District Truck Owner's Union. 12. Bethesda Batchmates. 13. Koksi Mahari. 14. Noune Resort Family. 15. Vika Yeptho, Eralibill Village. 16. Azheto Zhimomi MLA, 3 Dimapur -III 17. K. Lun Tungnung, Social Activist. 18. Rev. Moses Murry, Superintendent, AGEI. 19. Different Communities of Eralibill Villages. 20. Friends from all the Garo Villages and Units. We regret our inability to thank each one of you individually, but it is our earnest prayer that the Lord Almighty bless you all abundantly. Loving, Parents, Siblings and Relatives
S. Keoshu Yimkhiung inaugurating new HWC building at Sangphur village on Monday.
Born : 7th May 1953 – Died : 17th August 2022 the bereaved family of our beloved Lt. Lashito Kiho would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one for supporting us physically, financially, morally and in prayers at the time of our grief and sorrow. deeply regret our inability to thank each and every one of you personally, but humbly, request you to acknowledge expression of sincere gratitude. pray that our Almighty God bless all of you immensely. Wife, Children and Family Members
Our beloved departed mentor Mr. Razhukhrielie Kevichüsa , a great musician with so much love and patience for everyone has left us a legacy that will be cherished and remembered in every step of our lives. Our heartfelt condolences to Athi Ethel and Loved Ones he leaves behind. May the Almighty grant solace to the bereaved family members.
DBCK organises first science departmental activity

MYK C MYK C 3STATENAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 2022 Q.: Is there likelihood of China laying military siege on Taiwan? A Yes. 67% B No. 29% C Can’t Say. 4% 100%90%80%70%60%50%40%30%20%10%0% Poll A B C NEXT POLL Q: Is the Liquor scam involving AAP in Delhi based on facts? Yes. No. Can’t Say. (Temperature in ºC) Max Min Agartala A morning t-storm in spots 32 26 Aizawl Mostly cloudy with a t-storm 27 21 Guwahati A couple of thunderstorms 34 27 Imphal A strong morning thunderstorm 27 22 Itanagar A stray morning thunderstorm 32 26 Shillong A thunderstorm in spots 24 19 Kohima A thunderstorm in spots 26 20 Dimapur A strong morning thunderstorm 32 25 Mkg A strong t-storm in spots 29 22 Tuensang A stray morning thunderstorm 23 18 Wokha A thunderstorm in the morning 28 23 Zunheboto A thunderstorm in spots 26 20 FORECASTWEATHERAUGUST23
Prof. Jagdesh Mukhi addressing the gathering.
and others.
DIMAPUR: Commemo rating the 75th anniver sary of Peren township, a “demand on driven skill development programme on tiling, plumbing and masonry for the youth of Nagaland in construction sector” was conducted at Peren town hall on Mon day. According to a DIPR report, deputy director, department of Employ ment, Skill Development & Entrepreneurship, Er. Alongse Sangtam while briefing the participants, encouraged them to focus on achieving the required skills and to uplift local economy. He highlighted vari ous schemes and encour aged the participants to take the
DEOs private,informgovtschools
Skill training
AR conduct civic action programmes
DIMAPUR: Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) Dimapur conducted a Skill Training of Rural Youth (STRY) pro gramme on “Value added food products for income generation” from August 16-22 at ATMA training hall, InDimapur.apress release, ATMA Dimapur informed that the programme was organised with an aim to impart skill-based training to rural youth on agri-based vo cational areas in agriculture & allied areas; to promote employment in rural areas; to generate skilled man power to perform farm and non-farm operations under Sub-Mission on Agriculture ExtensionResource(SMAE).persons for the technical sessions were assistant technology man ager (ATM) Yatetla Long kumer, ATM Hitokali Jimo, ATM Kaiho Achumi, and course director & deputy project director (DPD), ATMA, Avitoli K. Yeptho. In her address, DPD Avitoli K. Yeptho laid em phasis on nutritional wellbe ing and how it served as a sustainable force for health and development of people. She highlighted how food has been considered as the major factor in maintain ing the wellbeing and health of individuals while stat ing the various nutritional sources and benefits. Avitoli further briefed on how the issue of unem ployed in the North East could be addressed through income generation by value addition. Post technical ses sion, hands-on practical ses sions were conducted where participants were trained on various value-added prod ucts such as ginger candy, pickles, marmalades, jams, squash,Later,etc. vote of thanks was proposed by DPD ATMA Dimapur, Dr. Ithika C. Swu.
ATMA conducts STRY programme on food products programme on in Wokha at Wokha
DIMAPUR: Battalions of Assam Rifles under the aegis of Headquarters of Inspec tor General of Assam Rifles (IGAR-North) organised various civic action pro grammes across Nagaland. Jalukie bn: Jalukie bat talion of Assam Rifles or ganised a medical camp at Upper Sinjol village, under Peren district on August 20. According to PRO IGAR (N), during the medi cal camp, villagers were pro vided with health check-up, treatment of various ailments followed by an awareness lecture on personal hygiene and COVID-19 vaccination. Altogether, 133 villagers including 47 men, 53 women and 33 children availed the medical services at the camp. Kiphire bn: Kiphire battalion assisted the villag ers of Mimi in clearing a major road blockade which occurred due to landslide on the road axis to remote border Mimi village between Lopfukong and Khongjiri village on August 17. Due to incessant rains in the past few days, the road from remote village of Mimi to Khongjiri junction and further to Pungro and Kiphire was heavily blocked. The leaders of Mimi Village Council approached Mimi COB of Kiphire bat talion for its clearance. In this regard, the bat talion deployed 25 personnel and assisted the villagers in clearing the road calwassufferingunderresident67-year-oldemergencyRiflesMeanwhile,blockade.Assamtroopsprovidedmedicalaidtoaman,whowasaofNewBeisumpui,Perendistrict.PROsaidthemanwasfromdiabetesandinneedofurgentmedihelp.
Skill development training underway in Peren district
underway at ATMA training hall, Dimapur. Awareness programme
Jalukie battalion attending to the beneficiaries at the medical camp. Hiazu Meru along with representatives of student unions, leaders and others. (DIPR)
DIMAPUR: Nagaland Apex Weavers & Artisans Cooperative Federation (WEAFED) Ltd. Dimapur has informed that a state handloom expo will be held from September 1-14 at Tseminyu,
have responsibility to enhance progress of Nagaland: Gov ST. JOSEPH’S COLLEGE JAKHAMA CELEBRATES 32ND GRADUATION DAY
targets.Altogether, 43 youth from all the wards of Peren town participated in the programme.Thetraining pro gramme will culminate on August 27. The moderator of the formal programme was PTYO president Ngautube R. Chamlak while PTC ADC & ingInitiativeneurshipvelopmentoforganisedconcludingKeyirangdingadministratorHeguigaveremarks.TheprogrammewasbydepartmentEmployment,SkillDe&EntreprewithZynoriqueSocietyastrainpartner.
the programme along with members of NUN TI, NUN LWS
WEAFED Ltd. to organise expo at Tseminyu
DIMAPUR: Nagaland gov ernor, Prof. Jagdesh Mukhi on Monday said the youth of today had a great respon sibility towards enhancing the progress of “this hugely beautiful and resourceful state” as Nagaland was standing on the “launch pad of significant change and development.”Accordingtoa Raj Bha van statement, governor was speaking at the 32nd gradua tion day of St. Joseph’s Col lege Jakhama at the college indoor stadium. In his address, Prof. Mukhi appealed to the stu dents, to set out into entre preneurship and become job providers rather than job seekers. He said that it was “very unfortunate that our students even after postgraduation from universities are prepared to join as em ployees in government sector on contractual basis.” In this regard, he sug gested the students to take up agriculture and contribute to making India Commendingself-reliant.thecol lege for leaving an indelible mark in the legacy of edu cation in Nagaland, he ex pressed happiness by saying that his heart was filled with pride to see that a batch of promising youngsters armed with knowledge and skills were ready to accomplish their Congratulatingdreams. the 1259 undergraduates and 102 postgraduates, the gov ernor also lauded the faculty members, college adminis tration and parents for their support in achieving this milestone.Heexpressed happiness to know the college held the distinction of being the larg est college in Nagaland and added that the institution emerged as one of the top autonomous colleges in the NorthProf.East.Mukhi said the college has been accredited with Grade A by the NAAC in 2016 and that it left no stone unturned in providing quality higher education to the youth of Nagaland and neighbouring states. He advised the students to remember the difficult times that one has endured and to be thankful to God for empowering them in overcoming the struggles. He urged upon the students to not fear while they are in uncomfortable situations as such moments would propel towards the ultimate purpose in life. “Some may foray into business, politics, finance and various technical fields, while some may pursue further studies and research and regardless of whichever field one’s steps in, we are helping to build our nation”, the governor asserted. Later, the governor also conferred the gradua tion day award 2022 to 11 graduates—Illo I Jimomi (governor’s gold medal); Kithetoli Yepthomi (APJ Abdul Kalam Award); Kevileinuo Angami (Mahat ma Gandhi Award); Mecievi Khieya (Dr. Talimeren Ao Award); Reena Rai (Best BBA Student Award); Hosea Kent (Best Science Student Award); Temjenmenla Wall ing (Alumni Association Award); Ukumari Bisukar ma (Avika Achumi Memo rial Award); K Benjamin (Chikrophuyo Memorial Award); Moanaro Jamir (Khriebuno Nagi Literary Award) and Zuchobeni Humtsoe (Capt. Regina Ra zousinuoEarlier,Award).St. Joseph’s College Jakhama, principal Dr. Fr. George Keduolhou Angami delivered welcome address while bishop of Nagaland, Most Rev. Dr. James Thoppil delivered a short message and blessing for graduates.
DIMAPUR: An aware ness programme on “HIV&AIDS, promotion of HIV&AIDS testing, prevention and treatment cum DRP,under21wasgroupingsyphilis,screeningcommunity-basedonHIV&AIDS,hepatitisC,bloodanddiabetics”conductedonAugustatN.Longidangvillage,Wokhadistrict.Inapressrelease,NUNLWSWokha, Patrick W. Tungoe in formed that the pro gramme was organised by Nagaland Users’ Net work (NUN) TI and NUN LWS Wokha in collabora tion with District AIDS Prevention and Control Unit (DAPCU) Wokha, HSCMC N. Longidang, SC N. Longidang and AYUSH Health & well ness Centre (HWC) N. Longidang supported by Nagaland Health Project (NHP) and Nagaland State AIDS Control Society (NSACS) with an objective to reach the 95:95:95 UN AIDS target by 2030. DPO, DAPCU Wokha, Lichumo Odyuo said stigma and discrimi nation were major chal lenges that people living with HIV&AIDS faced. These, he said, were reflected in negative label ing, separation of personal belongings, avoidance, loss of status, and social rejec tion within families and communities limiting their willingness to disclose their HIV status and seek healthDPOcare.said according to HIV&AIDS Prevention and Control Act, 2017, discrimination against People Living with HIV/ AIDS (PLHIV) could also lead to imprisonment. In this regard, he urged upon the commu nity to do away with social stigma and werereactive)grouping,village,testingnity-basedfrom35-49agegroup,wereperHIVshowedNagalandHIV&AIDSOdyuodiscrimination.saidthescenarioinandthedatathatamong29,837positivepatientsasNSACSdata,12.8%from15-24age39.1%from25-34group,35.1%fromagegroupand8.5%50yearsandabove.DuringthecommuscreeningandatN.Longidang65RBF,61blood72HIV(allnon-and72syphilistested.
DIMAPUR: Deputy com missioner (DC) Noklak, Hiazu Meru on Monday, inaugurated the new build ing of Government Higher Secondary School (GHSS) Noklak, constructed by Khiamniungan Students’ UnionAccording(KSU). to a DIPR report, DC congratulated KSU for taking up the construction of classrooms at GHSS Noklak. He said the union has tirelessly worked for wel fare of students which he said, was a fine example of community participation. In this regard, he requested the principal, teaching faculty and stu dents of the GHSS to use the facility in best interest of students.Hiazusaid the school should understand the par ticipation of community and the laudable interven tion of KSU. It is now incumbent upon the school authority and the teaching faculty to give more effort than before, to work for the upliftment of the school, he stated.DCalso elaborated on the importance of coordi nation among government departments and agencies and encouraged them to work as a team for the welfare of the people of Noklak district. As a part of com munity participation, the District Planning & De velopment Board (DPDB) Noklak also discussed on the poor HSLC 2022 re sult of GHSS Noklak and decided to teach Math and Science subjects to classes VI-X which would start from August 22. Officers with Science and Math background with assistance of NPSC aspi rants having Science and Math background will be volunteers for the special classes.In his speech, KSU president Shangjiu high lighted the project of con structing of classroom with 150 students sitting capac ity to the lone GHSS in the district.Others who spoke in the programme included KTC vice president TL Khaoshai, GHSS Noklak principal Y. Khongkhao and Education department Noklak,Earlier,Imkhong.the pro gramme was chaired by KSU speaker Shingnya Ed ucation & Literature secre tary KBCA Munno offered the dedicatory prayer of the building, audit report was presented by KSU finance secretary Nyukshing P Lam while vote of thanks was proposed by GS KSU Pusho P.
DIMAPUR: District education officer (DEO) Mokokchung has in formed all the principals, Government Higher Sec ondary School (GHSS)/ headmaster Government High School (GHS), in cluding private schools under Mokokchung district to collect teach ers’ day token from the undersigned office from August 24-31. In this regard, DEO has informed all the heads of institutions to submit the details of enrolment under respec tive schools.Meanwhile,
KSU constructs classrooms for GHSS Noklak
DEO Dimapur has informed all schools, both private and government, under Dimapur district to col lect teachers’ day token and car flags from DEO office room number 1 during office hours. DEO informed that the token would be is sued as per student’s enrolment of the school at Rs. 5 per token and Rs. 20 per flag.
Participants along with officers of the department and members of ZIS. (DIPR)

1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India and a resident of above mentioned address.
AFFIDAVIT I, Shri. ZIELEIGAI NDANG, son of Lt. ABO NDANG, a permanent resident of Peren, Nagaland, do hereby, solemnly affirm and declare on this day of 20 August 2022. That my name was erroneously entered on my Appointment Order and some official documents as Shri, ZEILEIGAI NDANG, Shri. ZELEIGAI NDANG and Shri. ZIELEIGAI NDANG, respectively, which the correct name was to be entered as Shri. ZIELEIGAI NDANG. Therefore, on this day onwards, I shall be known as Shri. ZIELEIGAI NDANG, and shall be used in all my official documents hanceforth. Declarant Solemnly affirm and declared before me on this day, the 20th of August 2022. NOTARY PUBLICDB-915/22
3. That the names "Mhonyani Lotha and Mhonyani Ezung" are of the one and the same person. 4. That henceforth, I shall be known as "Mhonyani Ezung" for all official records. 5. That from now onwards for all official purposes I shall be using my name "Mhonyani Ezung" as per the name mentioned in my Aadhaar Card.
4. That, I am availing Surveyed Trace Map from the concerned authority for Change of Ownership and official purposes.
“So this agreement was signed by exercising due diligence and we have been able to come to an agree ment in six areas, out of the 12. This issue was under negotiation from 1974-75 and finally we came to a solution,” he said . On the opposition by border residents and the TMC, Tynsong said, “I re peat the opposition is only from vested interest groups. Some of the traditional heads are fighting among themselves claiming each other’sOnterritories.”“historical facts” that was overlooked as is being claimed by those op posing the agreement, the Deputy Chief Minister said, “According to some his torical facts the territorial boundary of Meghalaya extended right upto river Brahmaputra. Likewise Assam may also claims that Shillong is also part of their territorial boundary since Shillong was once the capital of undivided Assam. therefore, we won’t be able to resolve this dispute , if we continue with claims and counter-claims.”
DHUBRI (ASSAM), AUG 22 (PTI): Students’ union AASU on Monday alleged that a large stretch of the India-Bangladesh border in Assam’s Dhubri district has remained “unfenced” even after 37 years of signing of the historic Assam Accord. A team of All Assam Students’ Union led by its general secretary Shankar Jyoti Baruah went to the international border in the district on Sunday and ex pressed their dissatisfaction over the “exposed” bound ary. “We are shocked to see that the border between India and Bangladesh along the Gangadhar river in Bin nachara area near Golak ganj is totally exposed,” Baruah said. He accused both the Centre and the state government of making “false promises on sealing of the border” to the Assamese people, he said. The historic Assam Ac cord of 1985 has completed its 37th anniversary, and “still one of its major clauses of total sealing of the IndoBangla border remains un fulfilled”, Baruah said. “The government has no interest in protecting the Indo-Bangla border, and in fact, the quality of fence in Assam is poor as compared to that of the India-Pakistan boundary,” he alleged. All promises that the Centre and the state are mak ing about the sealed border and different technologies being used to protect the il legal migration are “false”, the student leader said. Ba ruah claimed that AASU had warned the authorities 40 years ago of the outcome of the open international border in Dhubri district, and “now the chief minister is saying that the Jihadi activities in the state have increased”. Assam has become a hotbed of “jihadi activities” with five modules having links with Bangladesh-based terror outfit Ansarul Islam found in five months, Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma had said earlier this month.
Drawing from his experience as a member of the regional panels that had dealt with the inter state boundary row with Meghalaya, Hazarika said willingness of locals has to be given theclaimfromterritoriesrecommendedteeinPradeshtransferredmunitiestothatestedplainedterritorywhichlongPradeshofaddingsolvingtitude”thathemustwithdisputedimportant.thatexperience,“Fromprerogative.ourMeghalayawehavelearntpeople’swishesareveryIfpeopleofaareawanttostayoneparticularstate,werespecttheirwishes,”said.Theministeraddeda“giveandtakeatwasnecessaryforthesedifferences,thathewasconfidentapositiveoutcome.AssamandArunachalsharean804.1-km-border.ArunachalPradesh,wasmadeaunionin1972,hadcomthatseveralfortractsintheplainstraditionallybelongedhilltribalchiefsandcomwereunilaterallytoAssam.AfterArunachalachievedstatehood1987,atripartitecommitwasappointedwhichthatcertainbetransferredAssamtoArunachal.AssamcontestedthisandthematterisinSupremeCourt. panels begin border visits
2. That, Smt. VIKIESOü ANGAMI and VIKIESOü are same as one person in all official purposes.
up ‘Special Helpline’ for NE people in Noida
Assam, Arunachal
5. That, anybody/any person claim and objection within 7 days from the date of publication. Contact No. 9612110185/9862251016. 6. Thereof, any case may not be entertained after 7 days of publication.Thatthestatements made by me in Para 1 to 6 are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, belief and information and nothing material is concealed therein
“The duo suffered grievous injuries including in their heads. They went to the hospital but they were told to go to the police sta tion first before treatment. Accordingly, they went to the local police station to file an FIR but as they are from the northeast, the Noida Police also did not take them seriously and kept them waiting despite the victims requiring immediate medical treatment. Finally, the FIR was registered but no action has been taken so far. The accused are roaming around freely,” said Santosh Baburah Chakma, President of theTheCWCSN.memorandum said that the people from the northeast are different and they are often not accepted by the local populations. The northeastern people feel insecure and often are vulnerable because of their Mongolian features they fre quently suffer discrimination in their daily lives, it said.
ZPM growing in both rural & urban areas: Laltanpuia AIZAWL, AUG 22 (PTI): Mizoram’s main opposi tion party Zoram Peo ple’s Movement (ZPM) on Monday claimed that the party’s wave is growing not only in the urban areas, but also in rural villages. The five-year old par ty, which won eight seats in the 2018 assembly elec tion, now has six members in the 40-member state assembly, after it failed to retain two seats in the bypolls.“We continue to grow constantly in towns. At the same time, our wave is also growing in rural areas faster than that in the towns. People are urging us to go at a much faster pace,” ZPM treasurer C Laltanpuia said while ad dressing a function at the party office in Aizawl. He said that the ZPM party would implement its policies in real and not on paper if it comes to power. The ZPM was formed by several minor parties as an “electoral alliance” in 2017.The alliance was con verted into a single po litical party and obtained party registration in July 2019, seven months after it contested the assembly polls.
NOTARY/PUBLIC Regd. No. 926/22 Dated : 19/08/22 DP-3966/22
Indo-Bangla border remains unfenced: AASU
Shah urged to set
Correspondent SHILLONG, AUG 22: The ruling Meghalaya Dem ocratic Alliance (MDA) gov ernment has reiterated its stand that it won’t reviewed the boundary agreement signed between Meghalaya and Assam government say ing that only a few “vested interest groups” are oppos ing it. “There is no question of reviewing the boundary agreement since all stake holders were consulted and only a few vested interest groups are trying to oppose it,” Deputy CM, Prestone Tynsong said He said the NPP-led government is not worried about the political repercus sions of its decision as the opposition are gearing up to make it an election issue for the upcoming 2023 As sembly polls. “This agree ment was not signed to gain political mileage. We don’t care about election results. We signed the agreement for the benefit of the people and the state,” the Deputy CM asserted. Tynsong added : “Since the agreement wasn’t signed with any malafide intentions, the government would not back out of it and would only pursue to bring about a solution in the next six areas of Tynsongdifference.”remarks as sumed significance in the wake of the growing de mand of several groups and the opposition Trinamool Congress (TMC) seeking repeal of the border agree ment signed between the two states. Several Garo Hills-based pressure groups on Monday staged protest in-front U Kiang Nangbah monument criticising the state government and de manded immediate review of theHowever,agreement.Tynsong said the MoU signed by Chief Minister Conrad Sangma and his Assam counterpart Himanta Biswa Sarma has been arrived at only after regional committees met with all stakeholders and traditional heads in the af fected area and took into consideration their views and also parameters like administrative convenience, ethnicity, people’s will were taken into consideration.
DEPONENT Solemnly sworn and declared before me on this 22nd day of August, 2022. NOTARY PUBLICDP-3971/22 Regd. No. 963/2022 Dt : 22/08/22
Representational image of dam.
Only few ‘vested interest groups’ opposing border pact: M’laya Dy CM Amit Shah Prestone Tynsong The committee members at the joint field visit.
DECLARATION(ChangeofName) Regd. No. 433/2022 Date 05/08/2022 I, Smti. Losa Rachel Rutsa, wife of Shri. Kevitsatuo Robert Rutsa, permanent resident of H/No. E/070, Pfuchatsumia Khel, Kohima Village, District- Kohima, Nagaland, 797001 do hereby solemnly affirm and declare on oath as follows: 1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India and a permanent resident of the above mentioned address. 2. That I am the legal wife of Shri. Kevitsatuo Robert Rutsa, married on 27.01.2022 from Christ The King Parish, Kohima and marriage was registered before the Marriage Officer, Kohima, bearing Regd. No. 0331/2022 dated 04.08.2022. 3. That whereas in all my Academic records and in most of my official documents and records my name has been entered and recorded as Dhaneswary Losa. 4. That however by virtue of my inter-tribe Christian marriage to Shri. Kevitsatuo Robert Rutsa for and on behalf of myself I hereby renounce/ remit/ relinquish and abandon the use of my former name Dhaneswary Losa and use my name as Losa Rachel Rutsa. 5. That whether my name has been entered and recorded as Dhaneswary Losa or Losa Rachel Rutsa, it refers to one and the same person i.e. me and it is indistinguishable, interchangeable and synonymous. 6. That this affidavit shall stand as a piece of evidence for any ratification/ clarification if any complication that may arise with regard to change of my name as Losa Rachel Rutsa and henceforth I shall at all times hereafter in all record, deed and in writing and in all proceeding, dealings and transactions private as well as upon all occasions whatsoever use and sign my name as Losa Rachel Rutsa, wife of Shri. Kevitsatuo Robert Rutsa. 7. That expressly authorise and request all persons at all times hereafter to designate and address me by such assumed name as Losa Rachel Rutsa, wife of Shri. Kevitsatuo Robert Rutsa accordingly. 8. That this affidavit is signed and sworn before the competent authority and herein it shall be used for all my academic records, official records, future references and future correspondence. That the above statements made in Para 1 - 8 are true to the best of my knowledge and nothing immaterial has been concealed herein and I signed this affidavit before the Competent Authority on 05th August, 2022 at Kohima. DEPONENTK-1915/22
3. That, I am the rightful owner and possessor of a plot of land bearing Patta No. 632, Dag No. 481, measuring an area of 00B-01K-15Ls, located at Block No. 04, Dimapur, Nagaland.
6. That this affidavit is made to declare that the name "Mhonyani Ezung" and Mhonyani Lotha" is one and same person and henceforth I shall be using my name "Mhonyani Ezung" as per my Adhaar Card for all official purposes.
SHILLONG, AUG 22 (AGENCIES): In what could be called a rare spiri tual phenomenon, some members of the Baptist Revival Church in Dima pur and Kohima went on a three-day fasting and prayer from August 13-15 after one member of the group had a ‘vision’ of the Umiam dam bursting and taking a heavy toll of human lives and property.According to The Shil long Times, the prophecy came to one of the prayer warriors from amongst a group of 24 whilst they were praying for their own programme.Asource from Naga land informed The Shil long Times that the proph ecy came out of the blue through a prayer warrior who had a sudden vision about the Umiam dam while the group was praying for their own concerns. The prayer group said they nei ther had any idea about the dam and nor was it discussed prior to the prayer time. But since one among the prayer group prophesied very clearly the group fasted and prayed for three days from August 13-15. The Church prayer group of around 24 people plan to visit the Umiam dam on August 30 to intercede on its behalf and to pray for the safety of people residing in the downstream areas of the dam and also for the hydroelectric project and the fact that the bridge spanning the Umiam Dam is a life link for the people of Shillong and beyond.Itislearnt that this prayer group has in the past visited several cities which were revealed in prophecies to members of the group.
AUGNAMSAI/GUWAHATI,22(PTI): Region al committees formed by the Assam and Arunachal Pradesh governments to resolve interstate border disputes began their joint field visits on Monday. One of teams, led by Assam Border Protection and Development depart ment minister Atul Bora, visited Namsai district of Arunachal Pradesh, ad jacent to Tinsukia of the neighbouring state, during the day.The second team from Assam, headed by Water Resource Minister Pijush Hazarika, did a recce of Son itpur, adjoining Arunachal’s Pakke Kessang district. Talking to reporters at Namsai, Bora said, “This is the first visit of the regional committee. We will be going to Lohit district from here. We are confident of resolv ing all differences amiably through hadKhanduPradeshSarmaMinistersionsernments,wereChownaleddelegationThediscussion.”ArunachalPradeshinNamsaiwasbydeputychiefministerMein.Asmanyas12panelsformedbythetwogovfollowingdiscusbetweenAssamChiefHimantaBiswaandhisArunachalcounterpartPemaonJuly15,whichalsoledtothesigning of the ‘Namsai Declaration’. The two states, as per the declaration, decided to restrict the number of ‘disputed villages’ to 86, instead of the previous 123, and agreed to make attempts to resolve all issues by Sep temberBora15.said the ‘Namsai Declaration’ was a testi mony of the progress made in the matter through talks between the states. The minister also said that he was confident the regional committees would be able to submit recommen dations to their respective governments by September 15, as was decided earlier. He urged the people in the border areas to main tain peace as the talks were progressing well, especially after the signing of the Nam sai Declaration.“Wehave come to know that there have been some problems in a few ar eas after the Namsai Decla ration was inked. We should refrain from creating a warlike situation over minor issues,” Bora stated. On the disputed areas in Namsai, Bora said people have cooperated during the visit. “There are some differences over an area in Tengapani village where eight families reside. Both states claim these families to be their residents. We can resolve this through discus sion,” he “Hadsaid.previous govern ments made such concerted efforts, these matters could have been solved much ear lier,” he added. At Balipara in Sonitpur district, Mama Natung, environment and forest min ister of Arunachal Pradesh, along with his team, dis cussed matters related to interstate border dispute with the delegation led by Hazarika, according to an official release. It was decided at the meeting that the regional committees would visit the disputed areas on September 2 and 3, and hold talks with the local residents for find ing an amicable solution, the reporters later, Hazarika said, “There are four villages which both the states claim to be theirs. We feel that through dis cussion, this matter can be
DECLARATION I, Smt. VIKIESOü ANGAMI , permanent resident of Upper Chandmari, Kohima and presently residing at Duncan Bosti, Dimapur, Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under :1. That, I am a bonafide citizen of India and a resident of the above mentioned address.
Correspondent IMPHAL, AUG 22: A Myanmar national was among five alleged cadres of different insurgent out fits nabbed by police and security forces in ThoubalCananVengManipur,insurgentworkingthatlicefromradiophones41Sunday.atingthecommandosAssamthatmunitiontionscounter-insurgencyseparateoperawitharmsandaminManipur.AnofficialsourcesaidacombinedforceofRiflesandpoliceapprehendedMyanmarnationalduranoperationinalocalitythebordertownMorehonTwo9mmpistols,liverounds,fourmobileandonewirelesssetwererecoveredhispossession,theposaid.Thepoliceallegedtheforeignnational,asacadreofanoutfitbasedinwasnabbedfromofMorehtown.Acombinedteamofpolicecommandos
AFFIDAVIT I, Smti. MHONYANI EZUNG, D/o Shri. Lt. Yitsudamo Tungoe, R/o H/No. 279, Lotha Colony, Dimapur : 797112, Nagaland, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under :
2. That in all my other official documents records such as, PAN Card, ST/ SC etc., I used my name as "MHONYANI LOTHA" whereas in my Aadhaar Card my name has been entered as "MHONYANI EZUNG".
Nagaland church member gets ‘vision’ of Umiam dam collapse
AGARTALA, AUG 22 (PTI): The ruling BJP in Tripura on Monday vehe mently protested against Congress’ demand for im position of President’s Rule in the state and condemned it for attempting to ‘tarnish” the state’sStateimage.saffron party leader and Tripura Infor mation and Cultural Affairs Minister Sushanta Chow dhury claimed that AICC general secretary Ajay Ku mar and party MLA Sudip Roy Burman had tried to send a “negative message” about Tripura to the nation by placing the demand in Delhi when it is marching ahead under BJP. “We vehemently condemn the way Ajay Kumar and Sudip Roy Barman demanded President’s Rule in Tripura before the national media at the AICC headquarters in Delhi on Sunday citing worsening law and order situation,” said Chowdhury. Keeping up his attack, Chowdhury said “It is ri diculous that Sudip Roy Bar man did not rush to Delhi and seek imposition of President’s Rule during 25 years of Communist regime when murder, rape, attacks, threat and intimidation were rampant in the state”.
BJP slams Cong for demanding Prez Rule in Tripura
Myanmar national among 5 insurgents nabbed in Manipur and troops of 16 Assam Rifles also apprehended three more cadres of PLA, in the follow up action to the recent arrest of 12 cadres of the armed rebel outfit earlier. The three cadres were nabbed from Wangoo Sabal Leikai in Bishnupur district, the police said. They were identified as Sanasam Govind (32) of Wangoo Sabal Leikai, Sanasam Manglemba Meitei (56) of Lamshang and Nandeidam Jillangamba alias Bungcha (26) ofEarlier,Pourabi.the police and security forces arrested 12 cadres of the PLA in sepa rate operations on August 13 and 16. The nabbed cadres were handed over to Khongjom police station of Thoubal district where the cases related to the ar rest of 12 PLA cadres were investigated after registering a case.The same combined forces arrested a woman cadre of Manipur Naga Rev olutionary Front (MNRF) from Khabeisoi area of Imphal East district on Sun day. The nabbed woman was identified as Leimio Sanga wife of Mayonpam Sanga of Siroy village of Ukhrul district.
GUWAHATI, AUG 22 (IANS): Three tribal organ isations have urged Home Minister Amit Shah to es tablish a “Special Helpline Number for North East people” in Noida to address “discrimination and acts of violence against the people of the region” residing there. The Chakma Welfare and Cultural Society, Noida; Arunachal Pradesh Chak ma Students Union, and Arunachal Pradesh Chak ma and Hajong Students Association in their joint memorandum to the Union Home Minister said that the population of the Chakma community in Noida alone is about 1,000 people, and they face acute discrimina tion and acts of violence regularly.They said that a sub stantial number of the popu lation from the northeast region is working in Noida which is one of the areas under the National Capital Region where such a special helpline for the northeastern people has not been estab lished. The organisations claimed that on August 13, two persons -- Gyana Ran jan Chakma and Nivaran Chakma from the northeast ern region working in Noida were brutally beaten up by their landlord and others with iron rod and bricks.
7. That statements made above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing material concealed therein. DEPONENT (Sworn before me on this 19th day of August, 2022.)
(DECLARATION OF NAME) Regd. No. : 1042/2022 Dated 21/07/2022 I, Shri. CHECHULO LOHE, presently residing at Jericho II Ward, Phek Town, Dist- Phek, Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as follows1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India. 2. That my correct official name is CHECHULO LOHE. However in my service book my name has been inadvertently recorded as CHIECHULO LOHE and in my appointment order as CHIECHULO CHAKHESANG as well as in my Govt. service ID Card too as CHICHULO LOHE. 3. That the above mentioned names CHIECHULO LOHE, CHIECHULO CHAKHESANG, CHICHULO LOHE and CHECHULO LOHE connotes the indistinguishable and interchangeable meaning attached and interpreting the one and the same. 4. That this affidavit is to declare that my name shall be called as CHECHULO LOHE and this declaration of my name shall be use for all official communications and records. 5. That this affidavit shall be used as a piece of evidence in reference to the above paragraphs in all official correspondences and records. 6. That this affidavit is made for the purpose of any complications that may arise in the future. 7. That I verify that the contents of this affidavit are true to my knowledge and nothing has been concealed and verified at Phek this 21st day of July 2022 DeponentK-1919/22

cbc 48129/12/0029/2223
Launching a sharp counter-attack, BJP national spokesperson Gaurav Bhatia, at a press conference at its party headquarters in New Delhi, said Kejriwal is frustrated, and “accused no. 1 Manish Sisodia says he has got a message from the BJP”.“Ican only say, those whose intentions are faulty, and thinking is small, who can break them (jinki niyat khoti hai aur soch chhoti hai, unko koi kya todega),” Bhatia said in a mocking tone.He also told reporters that these AAP leaders will “play victim cards and several other cards” now to deflect attention from the corruption“Questionscharges. of corruption have been raised on Arvind Kejriwal and his deputy, but Delhi CM running away with goal posts,” Bhatia added. Tiwari tweeted in Hindi to raise questions about these claims: “Manish’s phone was taken by CBI. That is what he said. On whose phone did he receive the message or call? Reveal that person’s name and get his phone submitted to the CBI.” He also took a dig using a Hindi idiom with a twist, saying Sisodia should reveal the name so that ‘doodh ka doodh aur sharab ka sharabOtherho’.Aam Aadmi Party leaders, including Atishi and Saurabh Bhardwaj, also backed Sisodia but neither they nor the deputy chief minister disclosed the name of the person from the BJP who had approached him with such Claimingoffers. that BJP had offered Sisodia the Delhi CM post if he could bring an adequate number of MLAs along with him, the AAP accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his BJP of trying to topple Kejriwal’s government in the national capital, the way they did in Maharashtra but asserted that it was not a possibility since it was a hardcore honest party.
“In view of a heightened security scenario and threat perception, some persons or protestors were stopped at the Ghazipur border. However, after due verifications, all of them were allowed to proceed to their respective destinations,” Deputy Commissioner of Police (East) Priyanka Kashyap said.
NO.HR/DTE/ACTT-18/SCHO/STIPEND/2022-23/ This is to inform all the students undergoing B.Sc.(Hort.), M.Sc.(Hort.) and Ph.D.(Hort.) studies that –1. Online Scholarship Application for the academic year 2022-2023 will be active from the date of issue of this Notification till 15th December, 2022 on the State Common Scholarship Portal (http://www.scholarship.
NEW DELHI, AUG 22 (PTI): Thousands of farmers from various states gathered at the Jantar Mantar here on Monday to take part in a “mahapanchayat” called by a farmers’ body, causing massive traffic snarls in Delhi, especially at the city’s borders, including Singhu and Ghazipur.Asthe farmers associated with different unions reached Delhi, police put up layers of barricades at all the entry points of the city and checked every vehicle entering the national capital, which led to huge trafficApartjams.from the borders, including Ghazipur, Singhu and Tikri, key stretches on the DelhiMeerut Expressway, the Palam flyover, Aurobindo Marg, Ring Road (near Indraprastha Park), crops,supportlegislationwastheinOdishaKarnataka,farmersHaryanawitnessedroad,roadGhaziabad-WazirabadtheandtheMunirkaamongotherroads,trafficsnarls.OtherthanPunjab,andUttarPradesh,fromstatessuchasMaharashtra,andKeralaarrivedDelhitotakepartin“mahapanchayat”thatcalleddemandingaontheminimumprice(MSP)forfarmloanwaiverand
NEW DELHI, AUG 22 (PTI): Online nominations and recommendations for the Padma Awards 2023 have opened and the last date for submission is September 15, the Union Home Ministry said in a statementAskingMonday.general public to send nominations and recommendations for Padma awards, the ministry said they can be filed online only on the Rashtriya Puruskar Portal (https:// in 1954, the three Padma awards -Padma Vibhushan, Padma Bhushan and Padma Shri -- are amongst the highest civilian awards of the country.These are announced on the occasion of the Republic Day every year. The award seeks to recognise ‘work of distinction’ and is given for exceptional achievements and service in all fields and disciplines, such as, art, literature and education, sports, medicine, social work, science and engineering, public affairs, civil service, trade and industry etc. All persons without distinction of race, occupation, position or sex are eligible for these Awards. Government servants including those working with Public Sector Undertakings, except doctors and scientists, are not eligible for Padma awards. The Modi government is committed to transform Padma awards into “People’s Padma”, the statement said. All citizens are, therefore, requested to make nominations and discipline.hisrecommendedandexceptionalout800narrativeincludingavailablespecifiedcontainrecommendationstheselflesspersonsSCsweakerfromdeserveandpersonsbeitincludingrecommendations,self-nomination,said.Concertedeffortsmaymadetoidentifytalentedwhoseexcellenceachievementsreallytoberecognisedamongstwomen,sectionsofsociety,andSTs,divyangandwhoaredoingservicetothesociety,statementsaid.Thenominationsandshouldallrelevantdetailsintheformatontheportal,acitationinform(maximumwords),clearlybringingthedistinguishedandachievementsserviceofthepersoninherandrespectivefieldand
PATNA, AUG 22 (PTI): Police baton-charged and used water cannons in the heart of the Bihar capital on Monday when hundreds of people, many owing allegiance to a political party, staged a demonstration to press several disperseresortedMildDakallowedthatkilometresBhavan,toParty,workersandcandidateseligibilityonewhereDaktroubleChandrashekharDistrictAccordingdemands.toPatnaMagistrateSingh,eruptedattheBungalowcrossingtwoseparategroups,comprisingteachers’testqualifiedseekingjobstheotherconsistingofoftheJanAdhikargatheredandtriedproceedtowardstheRajsituatedacoupleofaway.“ItwasahugecrowdcouldnothavebeentoproceedbeyondBungalowcrossing.useofforcewastoastheyrefusedtodespiteanofferthat a five-member delegation can visit the Raj Bhavan along with a magistrate and submit a memorandum,” the DMMeanwhile,said. a video clip went viral of an official raining blows on a young protester who can be seen rolling on the ground, writhing in pain, while holding aloft a tricolour. State Congress spokesman Asit Nath Tiwari, whose party is an ally of the ruling coalition, issued a strongly worded statement condemning the episode.“The official is K K Singh, an additional district magistrate with a reputation of high-handedness. During the COVID epidemic, he had commanded citizens to produce videos of themselves beating utensils failing which their applications will not be considered,” Tiwari alleged. “We could have understood had the youngster been involved in stone-pelting or any type of physical violence himself. But beating up of a sections”.behence,Bungalowareaspartlodgedaddedaccordingly,”andsubmitvideoallegationscommitteeuptheaboutdemanded.mustandmenaceyoungtricolour-wieldingmanwhoposednoisunacceptabletheofficialconcernedbepunished,”TiwariTheDM,whenaskedtheepisode,saidadministrationhassetatwo-memberinquirytolookintotheandexaminethefootage.“Thecommitteewillitsreportintwodaysactionmaybetakenhesaid.However,theDMalsothat“acasewillbeagainstthosetakinginthedemonstrationwell.NoprocessionsallowedattheDakcrossingandtheprotesterswillbookedunderrelevant
Manish Sisodia (PTI) Anirudh Sharma
Lathi charge and water cannons on streets of Patna
Traffic snarls as farmers gather in Delhi for ‘mahapanchayat’
3. Detailed guidelines/instructions are available in the State Common Scholarship Portal or in the Department’s website (https://hortidept.
DELHI,AHMEDABAD/NEWAUG22(PTI): Delhi Deputy chief minister Manish Sisodia on Monday claimed that he was “offered the CM’s post” by the BJP and closure of all cases if he quit AAP and joined the saffron party, which hit back, accusing him of trying to deflect attention from the corruption charges. The startling claims of Sisodia came days after his house was raided by the CBI over allegations of corruption in the implementation of the Delhi excise policy, even as Northeast Delhi BJP MP Manoj Tiwari asked the AAP leader to name the person who made these offers from the party. Sisodia, who along with Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal is on a two-day visit to Gujarat to reach out to voters ahead of the assembly polls scheduled for later this year, also played the caste card. “I have received a message from the BJP -Leave AAP and join BJP. We will ensure that all cases by CBI and ED against you are shut.“My reply to BJP -- I am a descendant of Maharana Pratap and a Rajput. I am ready to get beheaded but can never bow down before conspirators and corrupt people. All the cases against me are false. Do whatever you want to do,” he said in a tweet in Hindi. Later addressing a press conference in Ahmedabad, Sisodia said he was surprised when someone came to him with a message that he has two offers from the BJP. “The messenger said one was that all big cases registered against you by CBI-ED will be taken back. The other offer was that I break the party and they will make you chief minister,” the AAP leader claimed. “I gave a clear political answer to them, saying Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal is my political guru and I have learnt politics from him. I have not come into politics to be CM or PM,” Sisodia said.
2. Applicants are requested to fill up the online scholarship form at the earliest to avoid last hour congestion.
“This will improve the effectiveness of tracking and identifying pre-existing resident space objects (RSO), and will result in the creation of a hybrid data pool that will serve both the commercial and the defence sectors of the space industry,” Sharma said. “We are proud to support Digantara’s vision and plans in establishing India’s first dedicated Space Situational Awareness (SSA) observatories in Uttarakhand,” Sudhir Nautiyal, Director Industries in the Government of Uttarakhand was quoted as saying in the statement.
JantarTheMantar.SKM (nonpolitical) is a breakaway group of the Samyukt Kisan Morcha (SKM) that had spearheaded the year-long protests at Delhi’s borders against three contentious farm laws of the Centre. Kohar said farmers coming from Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh were stopped on Sunday night and not allowed to reach the Jantar Mantar. They were taken to Gurdwara Bangla Sahib, Rakabganj and Moti Bagh and released later, he said. Kohar said during the anti-farm laws protests, the Centre had promised to consider all the demands of the farmers but did nothing. “So here we are again to raise our demands and chalk out the future strategy of the movement,” he added.
NEW DELHI, AUG 22 (PTI): India’s first commercial space situational awareness observatory, to track objects as small as 10 cm in size orbiting the earth, will be set up in the Garhwal region of Uttarakhand by Digantara, a space sector start-up. The space situational awareness (SSA) observatory will help India track any activity in space including that of space debris and military satellites hovering over the region. Currently, the United States is a dominant player in monitoring space debris with observatories in multiple locations and commercial companies providing additional inputs from across the world. “The observatory in Uttarakhand will fill the crucial gap in SSA observations in the region as there is a lack of such facilities between Australia and southern Africa,” Anirudh Sharma, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Digantara told PTI. The wouldEarth,theinmonitorhelpbasedthoseobservations,high-qualityalongwithofitspartnerground-sensornetwork,wouldimproveitsabilitytoeventsoccurringdeepspace,especiallyingeostationary,medium-andhigh-Earthorbits.“Withthisdata,itbeabletoreduce the potential for collisions between satellites and other spacecraft by making more accurate predictions of their location, speed, and trajectory,” Sharma said. The observatory will also give India indigenous capabilities to monitor space activity over the subcontinent, he said, adding that ahead of the war in Ukraine, several Russian satellites were seen hovering over the “If,region.for example, Chinese satellites are seen over one particular region of India for a long time, having indigenous capability to monitor such activities and not being dependent on countries like the US is a plus for India,” Sharma said. He said India has been monitoring space objects using multi-object tracking radars and the SSA observatory will be a huge boost in the “Withsector. the establishment of the observatory Digantara will be able to supplement its space-based sensors in their mission to monitor satellites and debris in orbits ranging from Low Earth Orbit (LEO) to Geosynchronous Earth Orbit (GEO). This will also bring indigenous capabilities to the nation for both military and civilian applications,” a company statementTheresaid.isan increasing need for efficient collision avoidance systems in highly congested orbital regions like low earth orbit and geosynchronous earth orbit. The addition of the new observatory will be a part of Digantara’s network of observational facilities and was expected to work in tandem with the currently planned constellation of space-based sensors.
“Who will people talk to about their issues when these people are playing ‘CBI-ED’ and are busy toppling governments,” he said. Sisodia is among 15 people and entities named in an FIR registered by the Central Bureau of Investigation in connection with alleged irregularities in the implementation of the Delhi excise policy. first observatory to monitor space activity to come up in
Padma awards online nominations open till Sept 15 Clash in JNU between students, guards; 6 injured NEW DELHI, AUG 22 (IANS): Over six ABVP activists suffered injuries after allegedly being assaulted by the security guards outside the admin block of the Jawaharlal Nehru University here on Monday. The confrontation took place reportedly over the issue of scholarship which is delayed for the past two years. According to the information, some students belonging to the ABVP had gathered outside the admin block to protest. They didn’t have permission for any kind of whichguardsallegedamongledstudentsadminaskedThedemonstration.securityguardsthemtoleavetheblocksbutthedidn’tbudge.Thistoaheatedargumentthem.Thestudentsthatthesecurityattackedthemduetotheysufferedinjuries.
Farmers assemble at the Jantar Mantar following a call by some farm unions to stage a protest in New Delhi. (PTI)
Security personnel use water canons to disperse CTET and BTET qualified candidates during their protest in Patna. (PTI)
In a tweet, police asked motorists to avoid Tolstoy Marg, Sansad Marg, Janpath Road, Ashoka Road, Connaught Place Outer Circle, Baba Kharak Singh Marg and Pandit Pant Marg due to the farmers’ “mahapanchayat”givethat“mahapanchayat”.ofpolitical)Kohar,saidBill,theMSPasreiteratepeacefulclaim.theJantarbeinglocations,leaderscongregation.SKM(non-political)claimedthatatsomefarmerswerestoppedfromreachingMantar.However,DelhiPolicedeniedthe“ThisisadaylongeventwherewewillourdemandssuchalegalguaranteeontheandthecancellationofElectricity(Amendment)2022amongothers,”AbhimanyuSinghanSKM(non-memberandonetheorganisersoftheHe,however,addedpoliceareyettopermissionfortheatthe
AAP leader Atishi claimed that Sisodia had been approached by the “same person” from the BJP who had approached former TMC leaders Suvendu Adhikari and others in the Mamata Banerjee-led party to bring them into his party fold. The BJP has also offered to declare Sisodia as the party’s chief ministerial candidate in the next Delhi assembly elections if he joins the party, the AAP chief spokesperson BharadwajWhenclaimed.asked to name the BJP leader who approached Sisodia with such offers, the AAP spokesperson said that his party will share “all these details when the time comes”.Meanwhile, Kejriwal attacked the Centre over a host of issues, including inflation and unemployment, and wondered how will the nation progress like this.
AUCTION NOTICE: SL NO. SSPN/QM/390/2021-22 DATED 22 Aug 22
Public auction will be held on “as is where is basis” for condemned items like School furniture, Iron /Plastic/computer Scrap etc on 09 Sep 22 at 1100 hrs for the year 2021-22. Bid documents and Terms and Conditions may be obtained during Office hours between 0800 hrs – 1400 hrs on payment of Rs 500/-. Tender bid docs are also available on the school Website For Details, contact–03839 - 262004/262002. Principal-957/22DC
on otherManyissues.of them came with their bags packed and with an intent to stay put. Holding flags and wearing caps given by farmer leaders, they were seen sitting in and aroundTheyJanpath.raised slogans for farmer unity and against the Centre for “not fulfilling” its promises.Magha Nibori, a farmer from Punjab with one acre of farmland on which he cultivates seasonal crops, said he came here fully prepared to stay put, if required.“We are poor farmers. Nobody is helping us. Nothing is being done for us. We participated in last year’s (anti-farm laws) protests as well. The government had assured us that it will listen to our demands but nothing is being done. We will not hesitate to camp here, if required, to get our demands addressed,” Nibori told PTI. The heavy security measures led to massive traffic snarls across the city. Police also put up cemented barricades to avoid any untoward incident. The traffic police informed the commuters about the traffic situation and advised them to plan their journeys accordingly.
4. Last date of online verification : 31st January, 2023. Submission of hard copy of applications/documents to the Director of Horticulture, Nagaland, Kohima: 31st January, 2023. Applications will not be entertained after the expiry of last date. Sd/DR. R. ELITHUNG LOTHA Director of NagalandHorticulture:Kohima.DC-958/22

A s we celebrate 75 years of Indepen dence, it is a high time to introspect and con template about the gains and losses we made in past this much of years. We got Independence after a long struggle on Au gust 15, 1947. On this day, a new Independent state came into existence. On January 26, 1950, the Constitution of India was implemented, which begins with the ‘Pre amble’.The Preamble indicates the mission and vision of the Constitution. The Preamble begins with “We the People of India” followed by “Sov ereignty, Justice, Liberty, Equality and Fraternity”. All of these goals are the collective responsibility of every citizen of this nation. Here sovereignty and fraternity is related to the rights of the nation and rest with the rights of the citizens. Unfortunately, the concept of nation has not received appropriate atten tion within the existing con stitutional scheme. In fact, in the entire Constitution, the term ‘na tion’ has hardly been men tioned at one or two places, only under the chapter of Fundamental Duties. Article 1 of the Con stitution begins with - India i.e. Bharat shall be a union of States. For majority of the people, there is no difference between India and Bharat, but in reality there is a big difference. India is a political entity comprising territories and citizens but Bharat is one of the most ancient cultural civilizations.Indiaisdefined accord ing to the modern theories of political science, but the meaning of Bahrat remained undiscussed in post-Indepen dent BharatIndia. is one of those rarest nations whose geogra phy naturally defines its ter ritory. According to Puranas, from the Himalayan range in north to the Indian Ocean in south, the entire region was the land of Bharat. Before 1857, the area of Bharat was somewhere around 1 crore sq km which is now hardly 33 lakh sq Bharatkm. Mata means a living entity having all the rights of a natural per son. Like any other person, Bharat Mata has the right to dignity, sovereignty and integrity and it is the respon sibility of every Bhartiya to protect her rights even at the cost of their own life. Bharat Mata has some distinguished rights - like right to territorial sovereign ty, ecological sovereignty, cultural sovereignty and spiritualHeresovereignty.themeaning of territorial sovereignty is any attempt to alter the territo rial boundaries should be discouraged and defended by the people of this country with best of their ability. This right of motherland is non compromisable. Our land has been dived 24 times in the last 2500 years, which proves that we could not successfully defend the ter ritorial sovereignty of this country.The idea of ecologi cal sovereignty is deeply ingrained in Indian society in connivance with spiritual sovereignty.TheBhartiya culture is fundamentally eco-centric. Bhartiya darshan always believed in the deep alliance of human being with nature and considered itself as the trustee, and not the owner of the same. The philosophy of non-duality removes the difference among the dif ferent creation of supreme divine whether inanimate or animate.Through the spiritual richness of this nation, we kept our ecology balanced for thousands of years and also provided a safe ecosys tem to all components of nature, including the five ele ments of universe or ‘Panch Mahabhoots’, i.e., Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. Bhartiya culture does not believe in exploitation of nature but under the in fluence of globalisation we are compromising with the cultural and ecological sov ereignty of this nation and leaving behind our richest cultural and spiritual heri tage, which is the constant source of our existence in all odds.As we mark the 76th Indpendence Day, we need to analyse how much we are concerned about our nation’s rights. There are several good reasons for celebrations. We are now the fifth largest economy of the world, there is a considerable hike in per capita income and we are among the most pow erful nations in the world. But there is more to inspect, to think and to anal yse. It is a reality that our total forest cover is now only 21.71 per cent though it should at least be 33 per cent of the total area. In coming years, we are going to be the most popu lated country leaving behind China, which is going to cause immense pressure on our natural resources. We are the third most polluted country in the world. We are under serious ecological threat. Around 10,000 species of plants and a few hundred animal species are under severe threat due to the violation of ecological sovereignty of the nation. Air pollution was responsible for 16.7 lakh deaths in India in 2019, or 17.8 per cent of all deaths in the country that year. According to a report by World Meteorological Or ganization (WMO), natural disasters, such as cyclones, floods and droughts, cost India around $87 billion in 2020. Air pollution cost Indian businesses about $95 billion or Rs 7 lakh crore ev ery fiscal. There are around 76 active terrorist organisa tions operating in India. Our border areas are constantly receiving direct or indirect threats; divisive voices are rising from within the nation. These data re veals that we have heavily compromised with the cul tural, ecological, spiritual and territorial sovereignty of our nation. All these data indicate that the threats faced by the nation is actually damaging each of us. All these threats are challenging not only our right to life but also to our cultural, ecologi cal and territorial existence. Our Constitution and our courts are very much concerned about the pro tection of the rights of the citizens. Under Articles 32 and 226 on the violation of the fundamental rights, im mediate relief can be claimed before the Supreme Court or any high court. But what about the rights of the na tion? They have not been properly recognised by us. In fact, in many cases of conflicts between the rights of the nation and the rights of the citizens, the latter’s rights prevail. In a very recent obser vation, the Supreme Court suspended the sedition law. The right to freedom of speech and expression of the citizens is many times protected in violation of the restriction of Article 19(2) which is also a constitutional mandate.Even after 75 years of Independence ‘Rajdroha’ is not recognised in the form of a separate offence, though it directly violates the right of the nation. Many a times courts are mixing rights of refugees and rights of intrud ers and illegal migrants and passing such orders which are adversely affecting the rights of the nation. Perhaps we don’t have the realisation that without protecting the rights of the nation, rights of the citizens cannot be protected. In few recent judgments of high courts some ray of hope could be seen, as the courts gave recognition to the ecological right of the nation when they recognised the rights of rivers, birds and animals.In2017, the Uttara khand High Court (UHC) had ruled that rivers Ganga and Yamuna, the Gangotri and Yamunotri glaciers, as well as other related natural elements are ‘legal persons’ with all corresponding rights, duties and liabilities of a liv ing person.Andmore recently, the Punjab and Haryana High Court declared the entire animal kingdom, including avian and aquatic, as legal entities having a distinct persona with corresponding rights, duties and liabilities of a living person. In both the judgments, the ecologi cal and environmental sov ereignty of the nation were indirectly recognised. All these discussions conclude that we are very indifferent with the impor tance of the rights of the nation. The importance can be understood from those who are stateless and known as illegal migrants or intrud ers. We still don’t realise that we cannot exist without the existence of our nation. This is not the respon sibility of the armed forces and the government only to protect the rights of the motherland. This should be our collective responsibility. It is high time for the government/s and judiciary to recognise the rights of the nation and to give them supremeGovernmentspriority. should be responsible to citizens, but every citizen must also be responsible to the nation. We cannot survive as a powerful citizen unless the rights of the nation are protected. So let’s take a pledge to save our nation, to save its values, its sovereignty and its culture. Let’s take a pledge that we will not destroy what we have not created on our motherland... we will save this divine motherland at all cost raising above our petty interests.Let’s rise together to protect the territorial, cul tural, ecological and spiritual sovereignty of the nation to save our existence and to save the future of the coming generations. Dr Seema Singh is an Assistant Professor, Campus Law Centre, University of Delhi S ince quantitative easing (QE) has become part of the con ventional monetary policy tool for most of the advanced economies, the spillover effect of these policies has gained prominence. Almost all central bank policies are expected to impact the real economy, given their effect on financial markets. While the pace of globalisation in the current account (i.e. goods and services) has slowed during the past decade or so, the inter-linkages among financial markets (i.e. capital or financial account) are only getting stronger. These facts have serious consequences on the real economy, and the solutions are definitely dif ficult, and unpopular. There are three types of central banks in the world: One, those that don’t intervene in the forex market at all (like the US Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank, and the Bank of Two,England).thosethat maintain a fixed or pegged currency against the USD (like the People’s Bank of China, the Swiss National Bank, the Monetary Authority of Singapore, and the Central Bank of Republic of ChinaThree,(Taiwan)).thosethat are some where in the middle of these two extremes (like the Reserve Bank of India, the Bangko Sentral ng Pili pinas, and the Bank of Thailand). It is important to note that some advanced economies fall into type two, while some emerging markets fall in the first category. Inflationtargeting central banks may also be tempted to intervene in the forex market as sudden and excessive movements in domestic currency can affect inflation as well. The spillover effect of QE by major central banks (falling in type one) makes the life of central banks in type two and type three very dif ficult. Like all other interventions, the intervention in the forex market by a central bank comes at a cost. For any central bank, there are only two asset markets: government securities and foreign exchange. Since central banks in the first category do not intervene in the currency market, they are absolutely free to support or tighten the domestic bond market, and thus practice an independent monetary policy. In order to support currency levels, an independent monetary policy is not possible for central banks falling in the second category.
I t is a sad commentary on the divisive times we live in that films get trolled, and the patriotism of their makers questioned, even before they are released.There used to be an adage, ‘Don’t let conclusions jump on you’, and nowhere has it been more appropriate than in the troll army’s response to ‘Laal Singh Chaddha’.People have gone ahead and delivered their own judgments on the film weeks before its release, causing the voices of sanity, such as the IANS columnist Vinod Mirani, and then model and actor Milind Soman, who has urged the trolls in an interview with IANS to first watch the film and then jump on to conclusions, to speak up. It is too early to say how ‘Laal Singh Chaddha’ will be hurt by or benefit from the negativism surrounding it -- its advance book ing figures, according to trade analysts, have been more than double of its opposition, Akshay Kumar’s ‘Raksha Bandhan’. But, without doubt, it is a love letter to India. And the supporters of the present political dispensation should be pleased by the occa sions in contemporary history and the imagery the film chooses to play up. It start with a celebra tion of the end of the Emergency, it shows without airbrushing real ity the destruction of the Golden Temple during Operation Blue Star, it portrays with heartfelt sincerity the tragedy that befell the ordinary Sikhs because of the riots unleashed by the goon brigade of the Congress in the aftermath of Indira Gandhi’s assassination.Thepathos of the scene where Mona Singh, who plays Aamir’s on-screen mother cuts off his hair so that the anti-Sikh rioteers do not target him, will make even the eyes of hardened trolls well up with tears. The film even harks back to L.K. Advani’s Ram Rath Yatra without rushing into a political judgment. There’s, in fact, a lighter moment in this scene where the Kareena Kapoor character, who turns into a Monica Bedi-type gangster’s moll later, tells Aamir’s Laal Singh Chaddha jokingly, “Iska naam bhi Lal hai (His name is also Lal).” They both had gone to see the Yatra come to Delhi from their alma mater, Hindu College. Aamir also celebrates the Swachh Bharat Campaign. And the backdrop of the scene where Laal Singh runs across Va ranasi is dominated by an image of the holy city’s representative in Parliament, Prime Minister Narendra Modi. As ‘Laal Singh Chaddha’ draws to an end, images of the beauty of India -- from the glory of the Ganges as seen from Vara nasi to Jaisalmer’s ‘night sky with diamonds’ (not of course in the way The Beatles meant it!). How better can India be celebrated without anyone breaking into patriotic speeches? The trolls have now picked on the segment where, during the Kargil War, Laal Singh Chaddha saves a Pakistani soldier, Moham mad Paaji, played by Manav Vij (last seen as Mohammad Ghori in ‘Samrat Prithviraj’). How can an Indian soldier save his Pakistani enemy? The trolls obviously have not idea of the codes of honour at play even on the battlefield. And then, horror of hor rors, the same soldier advises Laal Singh and his wartime comrade Bala, played by Naga Chaitanya, about how to make their ‘chaddi-baniyan’ company into a successful business. But then, the same Pakistani makes the point, and it should gladden any ‘deshbhakt’, that he had been fed lies by his superiors about how bad the ‘kaffirs’ were. While on the subject of the imagery on display on ‘Laal Singh Chaddha’, on a lighter note, don’t miss out a CGIenabled cameo of Shah Rukh Khan learning his trademark dance steps from Laal Singh -- a throwback to the ‘Forrest Gump’ scene where Elvis Presley masters his iconic pelvic thrusts by watch ing the Tom Hanks character. There’s also a cameo of Dawood Ibrahim (played by Vijay Maurya, now in the news for his Lalu Prasad Yadav-inspired onscreen character in ‘Rangbaaz 3’) asking for a drink from Rupa, Kareena’s character, at a party thrown by her gangster lover. No number of trolls will be able to erase memorable vignettes such as these from a movie they have wronged. Sourish Bhattacharyya, IANS
Holding sports to ransom
The more the central banks (falling in type three) try to influence the currency, the lesser is their scope to follow an independent monetary policy. If a central bank has an eye on its currency against the USD, which is directly linked with foreign capital flows, it tends to import the US monetary policy. The tradeoff between the currency and the domestic bond market is real for currency-intervening central bank economies.While the US Fed is drafting its policies based on its national objec tive, the other central banks are left with two options. First, if it doesn’t intervene in the forex market (and behaves like the type one category), its currency will either strengthen or weaken based on foreign capital inflows or outflows. Based on do mestic fundamentals, the bank can pursue an independent monetary policy by practicing more influence on the domestic bond market. As the currency adjusts, it is likely to overshoot on either side, as is the case with most financial markets. When that happens, market analysts will start worrying about overshoot ing of the currency, likely leading to its reversal, initiated by the selffulfilling fears of foreign investors. Therefore, the free market ensures that the currency falls back towards its equilibrium eventually, while the central bank maintains full autonomy over its monetary Alternatively,policy.ifthe other cen tral banks decide to intervene in the forex market, it will either cut or raise domestic interest rates to discourage foreign capital inflows or outflows. Historical experiences suggest that the forex market is truly global, and tends to follow global sentiments and USD movements. In other words, foreign capital flows are driven more by global policies and sentiments, rather than domestic policies. The inability to control foreign capital flows, and either the depreciation or appreciation in the domestic cur rency, will lead to an over-reaction from the respective central bank in the form of an excess interest rate action. This will, however, have an impact on domestic economic growth.Incase, the other central banks choose to sterilise their forex inter ventions by either selling or buying G-Secs during the period of high foreign capital inflows or outflows, domestic interest rates will move ac cordingly. It is, thus, equivalent to the case where foreign capital flows, led by global policies and the US Fed, in fluence the monetary policy of other currency-intervening central bank economies.Although it is widely believed that higher interest rates are required to mitigate depreciation in the USD:INR, there is not enough evidence to prove this hypothesis. It is unarguably true that the move ments in the rupee are more linked with other important factors. What otherwise explains the 6.5 percent depreciation in the USD:INR in 2022 (as of August 17) after a cumulative hike of 140 bps in the repo rate, as compared to 6-7 percent depreciation in the Malaysian Ringgit and the Thai Baht, which have hiked rates by only 50 bps and 25 bps, respectively, and the 3 percent weakness in the Indonesian Rupiah, which is yet to begin its rate hike cycle? The RBI has hiked the repo rate by 140 bps since May (and the Standing Deposit facility, which is the operational rate, by 180 bps since April), and it is generally expected to raise rates by another 50-100 bps over the next six-to-nine months. There is no doubt that inflation is high in India. However, a large portion of the excess inflation (i.e. more than the 6 percent target ceiling) is on ac count of geopolitical factors. At the same time, unlike the western world, the economic growth is also weak in India, demanding more cautious monetary tightening. Therefore, the current rate hike episode seems ag gressive, possibly driven by the US monetary policy, and the fears of a large depreciation in the USD:INR, rather than domestic fundamentals. At the same time, it is highly perplexing that RBI’s FY23 real GDP growth projection has been kept unchanged at 7.2 percent since April. How can the RBI or market participants expect higher interest rates to affect inflationary pressures, unless it is successful in hurting GDP growth? The US Fed has cut its growth projection for 2022 to 1.7 percent in June from 2.8 percent in March (when the first rate hike was announced. It will probably reduce it further when the new projections are presented in September. All this suggests that growth downgrades are imminent in India. Nikhil Gupta is the Chief Economist, Motilal Oswal Financial Services (As published in Moneycontrol)
The importance of rights of the nation
butKnowledgeQuotescomes,wisdomlingers.~AlfredLordTennyson DailyDevotion “I Indeed. . . But He” I indeed baptize you with water…but He…will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and —Matthewfire. 3:11 Have I ever come to the point in my life where I can say, “I indeed…but He…”? Until that moment comes, I will never know what the baptism of the Holy Spirit means. I indeed am at the end, and I cannot do anything more— but He begins right there— He does the things that no one else can ever do. Am I prepared for His coming? Jesus cannot come and do His work in me as long as there is anything blocking the way, whether it is something good or bad. When He comes to me, am I prepared for Him to drag every wrong thing I have ever done into the light? That is exactly where He comes. Wherever I know I am unclean is where He will put His feet and stand, and wherever I think I am clean is where He will remove His feet and walk away. Repentance does not cause a sense of sin— it causes a sense of inexpressible unworthiness. When I repent, I realize that I am absolutely helpless, and I know that through and through I am not worthy even to carry His sandals. Have I repented like that, or do I have a lingering thought of possibly trying to defend my actions? The reason God cannot come into my life is that I am not at the point of complete repentance. “He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.” John is not speaking here of the baptism of the Holy Spirit as an experience, but as a work performed by Jesus Christ. “He will baptize you….” The only experi ence that those who are baptized with the Holy Spirit are ever conscious of is the experience of sensing their absolute unworthiness. “I indeed” was this in the past, “but He” came and something miraculous happened. Get to the end of yourself where you can do nothing, but where He does everything.
Reader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the columns do not reflect the view of this newspaper nor that of the Editor in any manner. Post-mortem OPINION/EDITORIAL6 Nagaland Post VOL. XXXII NO. 258 DIMAPUR, TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 2022 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 2022
Geopolitical factors have led to inflation, but the headache is ours Trolls must watch films before letting conclusions jump on them
After months of legal battle over the non-holding of elections to India’s top football body, All India Football Federation (AIFF), and inter vention by the Supreme Court, which led to Federa tion Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), impose a ban the AIFF, decks have been cleared after the Supreme Court dissolved its Committee of Administrators (CoA) to run AIFF. The FIFA ban was imposed on August 15 because AIFF was looked after by a Supreme Court appointed com mittee which was deemed as a third party and not allowed to run a football organization by FIFA The problems arose because the outgoing president and NCP leaders Praful Patel refused to quit despite having served three terms. It is an inglorious period for Indian football when the AIFF went against all principles of the rules by pitching for continuance of NCP leader Praful Patel as the president. Patel has been president since 2009 and has been in office without any elections being held. In December 2020, Praful Patel completed his three four-year terms as the AIFF president and is not eligible to continue as per the federation constitution and the national sports code. Anyway, Patel who was civil aviation minister under UPA was known for having destroyed Air India by giving profitable international routes to his pet airline –Jet Airways. His tenure as AIFF chief was controversial because there was nothing much that the AIFF did. In order to hang on to the chair, Patel on February 5, 2022, announced the formation of a three-member committee to look into the legal aspect of the federation elections of office bearers, which has now been delayed for around 14 months. The excuse was that the AIFF constitution was still a work-in-process. When some of the members sought for elections, the Delhi High Court okayed it and unseated Patel from his chair. When the high court unseated Patel, his group in the AIFF went to the Supreme Court to appeal against the Delhi High Court order. On August 3, the Supreme Court ordered the holding of AIFF elections under the aegis of the CoA on August 28, giving 36 eminent players voting rights. But the FIFA, which was not in favour of individual members forming the electoral college, suspended the AIFF on August 15. FIFA on the other hand, was adamant that, in line with its rules for all countries, only the 36 member bodies could elect the All India Football Federation’s new governing body, while the Supreme Court-appointed Committee of Administrators proposed an electoral college of which half (another 36) were eminent for mer players (nominated, not elected). This was the basis for FIFA to cite “third-party interference” while banning the AIFF. It is reported that AIFF spent close to Rs. 3 crore on settling legal matters but has yet failed to secure anything concrete in more than four years. There are 37 state football associations under AIFF. As per estimates there are an estimated 265 million or 2.65 crore people-men and women-across the world playing football while another staggering 3.5 billion or 350 crore consider themselves football fans. India has around 3 crore people playing the game across various states and its popularity has been overshadowed by cricket. It is time that Indian sports is cleansed of self-servers who seek personal gain at the cost of the nation’s sports and the sooner the system is cleansed the better.

4) Shortlisted candidates will be intimated through phone. Contact: 8787453115 Db-913/22
“Mr Gandhi identified three main pillars of the Bharat Jodo Yatra -- eco nomic, social and the politi cal,” he Rameshsaid. said there were very grave economic challenges confronting the country on account of infla tion, unemployment and concentration of economic wealth and growing regional disparities. He also pointed to social polarisation on the basis of caste, religion, dress, food and language. Ramesh said there were political challenges on account of growing use of the Centre’s institutions and complete weakening of the states.
3) Preference will be given to People Living with HIV (PLHIV) and Local resident candidates.
“The states identity is about to end. The Dogra, Kashmiri, Pahari or Gu jjar or Sikh, who reside here, will lose their identity. The assembly will be in the hands of the outsiders... We all oppose it and are not ready to accept it,” he told reporters.The meeting, called by Abdullah, was attended by leaders of the Congress, PDP, Awami National Conference (ANC), Shiv Sena, CPI, CPI(M), JDU and the Akali Dal Mann. However, Sajjad Lone-led People’s Conference and Altaf Bukhar’s Apni Party stayed away. The BJP, meanwhile, accused the NC, PDP and other parties of spreading “misleading propaganda” to poison the minds of the people over the issue of “in clusion of non-local voters” in the revised electoral rolls in the Union AddressingTerritory.apress con ference in Jammu, the par ty’s J&K unit chief Ravinder Raina said there is no issue of “locals or non-locals” as the Constitution gives all citizens the right to vote in the country after attaining the age of 18. “The Representative of the People Act was imple mented across the country in 1950 and was extended to J-K after the abrogation of Article 370 (in August 2019). The revision of elec toral rolls is taking place in accordance with the Act,” the BJP leader said. He was speaking after chairing a meeting of senior party leaders at party head quarters here to chalk out a “counter-strategy” against the meeting called by Abdul lah inAbdullahSrinagar. had con vened the meeting after the NC and other parties objected to the remarks of the Union Territory’s Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) Hirdesh Kumar that there will be around 25 lakh ad ditional voters and anyone who is living ordinarily can avail the opportunity to get enlisted as a voter in J&K under the provisions of The Representation of the PeopleTheAct.government on Saturday issued a clarifica tion, saying the reports of a likely addition of over 25 lakh voters after the sum mary revision of electoral rolls is a “misrepresentation of facts by vested interests” and the increase in numbers will be of voters who have attained the age of 18 years as of October 1, 2022, or earlier.Dissatisfied with the clarification, the NC and other parties claimed the administration has not ad dressed their main concern on whether ‘’outsiders’’ ordinarily residing in J-K will be allowed to enroll as voters.Asked about their strat egy, Abdullah said there were a lot of things that could be done including ap proaching the court. “One is to make people aware, that is our job first. Secondly, there are avenues like we can go to court also. We are thinking on that as pect also,” he said.
Parties in J&K against inclusion of ‘non-locals’ in e-rolls
‘Anybody can be PM’, Nitish Kumar not in race, says his party leader
the home minister said. These SIMI people from Malwa were involved in “terror activities” in the entire country, he said. However, the BJP gov ernment in Madhya Pradesh has uprooted the base and activities of the SIMI, banned under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, from Malwa, Shah said. Shah said more police men than soldiers have laid down their lives in the line of duty.More than 35,000 po lice personnel have been killed while maintaining internal security and peace besides fighting Naxalism and terrorism, he said. The Union minister said some filmmakers pres ent a wrong image of police men on the silver screen in a bid to ensure success of their movies. Contrary to their image, police personnel have to work round the clock and even at a time when people are busy celebrating festi vals, Shah said.
SRINAGAR, AUG 22 (PTI): Any decision to in clude “non-locals” in elec toral rolls in Jammu and Kashmir is unacceptable and will be contested by all means including in court, Nation Conference presi dent Farooq Abdullah said on Monday after a meeting of nine parties here over the issue.Abdullah said they were united against the move to extend the vot ing right to “outsiders” as it would rob Jammu and Kashmir of its identity.
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‘Bharat Jodo Yatra’ like ‘tapasya’ for me: Rahul
BHOPAL, AUG 22 (PTI): Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Monday said the BJP government in Mad hya Pradesh has uprooted “terror activities” of the banned outfit Students Is lamic Movement of India (SIMI) that were centred in the Malwa region of the state.Shah said policemen have outnumbered soldiers in laying down their lives in the line of duty. The home minister was addressing a function at Bhopal’s Ravindra Bhawan after virtually laying the foundation stone for a fo rensic science university, to be constructed on 27 acres of land at Barkheda Bondar near the state capital. Shah also inaugurated and laid the foundation stones for various projects related to housing and ad ministrative buildings of the police
Says ready for ‘long battle’ to unite country NEW DELHI, AUG 22 (PTI): Congress leader Ra hul Gandhi on Monday told a group of civil society representatives the party’s upcoming ‘Bharat Jodo Yatra’ is like a “tapasya” for him and that he is ready for the “long battle” to unite the country.The Congress had an nounced last week it will launch on September 7 the ‘Bharat Jodo Yatra’ -- be ing billed by the party as the longest yatra mounted in this country over the last century.Interacting with civ il society members at the ‘Bharat Jodo Yatra Con clave’ at the Constitution Club here, Gandhi said the Yatra is like “tapasya” for him, according to sources. “I know uniting India (Bharat Jodo) is going to be a long battle and I am ready for it,” Gandhi was quoted as saying.Stressing that the poli tics of the country has be come “polarised”, Gandhi said the idea of undertaking the yatra is to tell that on one side there is the ideology of the Sangh and on the other side is the ideology of unit ing everyone.“Weare starting this journey with the belief that the people of India want the politics of uniting, not divid ing,” he was quoted as say ing during the interaction. The ‘Bharat Jodo Yatra Conclave’ here was attended by over 150 civil society organisations, movements, professionals and Unions with the likes of Aruna Roy, Syeda Hameed, Sharad Be har, P V Rajgopal, Bezwada Wilson, Devanoora Ma hadeva, GN Devy and Yo gendra Yadav, participating in it. The conclave engaged in substantive discussions and expressed broad soli darity with the Bharat Jodo Yatra, a statement issued by the civil society representa tives Thesaid. participant or ganisations welcomed the decision of launching the Yatra and expressed their willingness to engage with the initiative. It was also decided that an appeal will be issued in the coming days for larger engagement of various civil society groups, Jan Andolans and individu als, the statement said. In the morning, Con gress leader Digvijaya Singh presented the details of the ‘Bharat Jodo Yatra’ to the civil society delegates and invited those speaking up on people’s issues to participate in it. Gandhi met the civil society members in the af ternoon.Speaking with re porters after the meeting, Congress general secretary Jairam Ramesh, who was present in both sessions, said Rahul Gandhi spent al most 90 minutes interacting with about 150 civil society organisations drawn from 21-22 states of the country. He said that during interaction, held in a ques tion-answer format, Gandhi answered several posers from the civil society rep resentatives. “He (Gandhi) answered questions from 3540 people. He had no notes or pad in his hands, and definitely no tele-prompter,” Ramesh said in an apparent swipe at Prime Minister Narendra Modi who he often claims reads from the tele-prompter.Ramesh said Gandhi talked about how the Yatra is planned and what he ex pects from that.
BJP govt has uprooted terror activities of SIMI from Madhya Pradesh: Shah Amit Shah with Pushkar Singh Dhami and Shivraj Singh Chouhan during meeting of ‘The Central Zonal Council’. (PTI)
“Moreover, four facto ries manufacturing synthetic drugs were busted in the last three months. This is hap pening right under the nose of Harsh Sanghavi, who is doing nothing to stop it. We believe he should resign on moral grounds. And if he does not, he should be sacked,” the Congress leader said. She questioned the silence of the probe agen cies and sought to know if PM Narendra Modi had asked private port owners why drugs were landing in their ports.
Drugs worth over Rs 2.5 lakh cr caught in Gujarat in 5 years: Cong
AHMEDABAD, AUG 22 (PTI): The Congress on Monday alleged drugs worth Rs 2.5 lakh crore had been seized in Gujarat in the last five years and promised to get the illegal business probed by Central agencies if the party came to power. Addressing the media, Supriya Shrinate, chairper son of the Congress’ social media operations, also de manded the resignation or sacking of Gujarat Home Minister Harsh Sanghavi for allegedly failing to curb the illegal trade and nabbing the real culprits “Privateinvolved.ports like Mundra and Pipavav in Gujarat have become gate ways to bring drugs into the country. I am told drugs worth Rs 2,50,000 crore were caught between 2017 and 2022 in Gujarat. This figure is larger than Gujarat’s budget,” Shrinate alleged at the press privateingthoroughoragenciesWhyconference.haveCentralliketheED,CBItheNCBnotconductedaprobebyquestiontheownersofthesetwoports,sheasked.
Rahul Gandhi interacts with representatives of various CSOs during the ‘Bharat Jodo Yatra’ conclave in New Delhi. (PTI)
Nitish Kumar Bihar Speaker should resign: RJD PATNA, AUG 22 (PTI): RJD on Monday demanded that Bihar Speaker Vijay Kumar Sinha, a BJP leader, resign forthwith in view of the no confidence motion moved against him by the ‘Mahagathbandhan’ ear lier this month. RJD state spokesman Shakti Singh Yadav said in a statement that as per the Vidhan Sabha rules Sinha cannot preside over the special session con vened on Aug 24 when the new government is also scheduled to prove its major ity on the “Sinhafloor.should make an honourable exit and step down. We wonder what he is trying to prove by stick ing around. He cannot sit in the Chair when the House meets. As per rules, the business will have to be conducted by the deputy speaker till a new Speaker is elected”, said Yadav, who is also a former MLA. More than 40 MLAs of the
Farooq Abdullah addresses the media after an all-party meeting, in Srinagar, Monday. (PTI)
PATNA, AUG 22 (AGEN CIES) : If the opposition defeats the BJP in 2024 then “anybody can become Prime Minister”, a leader of Bihar’s ruling Janata Dal United said today, reassert ing that Nitish Kumar is not in the“Werace.don’t see him as Prime Minister,” said JDU chief Lalan Singh, a day after Tejashwi Yadav, the Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar, called Nitish Kumar a “strong candidate” for the PM’s post in 2024. “We have repeatedly said this, as has Nitish Ku mar himself, that he is not a candidate for PM. But yes, he has all the qualities of a Prime Minister,” he said. Lalan Singh, who is a close aide of the Chief Min ister, said it was important to focus on opposition unity rather than who will be Prime Minister. “We believe Nitish Kumar should work to unite all opposition par ties to take on the BJP. If the BJP is defeated, then anyone can become PM,” said the JDU national president. Asked to comment on Tejashwi Yadav’s remarks, Singh said: “I agree, Nitish Kumar is PM-material, but he is not a Prime Minister candidate.”Tejashwi Yadav, in an interview to news agency PTI, said he believed Nitish Kumar is a strong candidate for PM with his vast experi ence and goodwill. “I cannot claim to speak on behalf of the en tire Opposition, however, if considered, respected Nitish ji definitely might be a strong candidate. He (Kumar) has more than 37 years of vast parliamentary and administrative experi ence and enjoys immense goodwill on the ground as well as among his peers,” the RJD leader said. Kumar had earlier dismissed talk about his prime ministerial ambitions. “I say this with folded hands, I have no such thoughts…My work is to work for everyone. I will make an effort to see that all opposition parties work together,” he had told news agencyHeANI.made the com ments after he ended his alliance with the BJP and formed a new government with Tejashwi Yadav’s RJD and other opposition par ties. Tejashwi Yadav was sworn in as his Deputy. Nitish Kumar’s break-up with the BJP and “return” to the opposition fold had revived talk about him as a consensus candidate for the 2024 general election. A smarting BJP has accused Nitish Kumar of betrayal. Union Minister Giriraj Singh of the BJP scoffed: “He was Chief Minister all these years but took oath eight times and couldn’t form a government on his own even once. He’s not even Chief Minister material, how can he be PM material?”

LIC Housing, for indi viduals with a CIBIL score of equal to or greater than 700, is offering an 8 per cent interest rate on home loans greater or equal to Rs 10 lakh. RBI, in the last three policy meets, has in creased the repo rate by 140 basis points - 40 basis points in May, 50 basis points in June, and 50 basis points in August. The latest an nouncement regarding the policy rate hike was made on August 5.
Committee on MSP sets up four sub-groups to discuss key issues (From p-1) He said the manda tory requirement for CSR spending by companies had opened up huge opportuni ties for them to participate in grassroot development activities without losing sight of their business com mitments. He however la mented that Nagaland had now been able to draw much attention of the companies and the amount spent for CSR in the State was very low. Quoting figures avail able, he claimed that the total spending by compa nies in Nagaland had been less than 0.01% of the total CSR spent across the coun try, adding that there was still scope and potential for companies to increase their spending in the State. Rio hoped that the conclave would provide a platform to companies investing in CSR to harness the various opportunities that Nagaland offered and help them identify not only the right projects, but also the right organisations to partner with for implement ing projects. He clarified that the State government’s objective was not limited to getting companies spend larger amounts of CSR in Nagaland, but also encour aging them to invest. In seeking CSR invest ments, he also clarified that the State government was not trying to supplement its own development initia tives. He exuded confidence that the companies would bring along the spirit of private enterprise, which would help youth of the State to imbibe the culture of entrepreneurship.ThoughNagaland was among the top literate States in the country with good health indicators, he lament ed that remoteness and dif ficult geographic terrain had hindered its progress. He said he expected the com panies with their expertise, innovation and resources to help complement the State government’s efforts to meet the challenges of public service delivery, especially in education and healthcare sectors, in remotest parts of the State.Rio urged the compa nies to take up projects in all regions and districts for eq uitable development. In ad dition to CSR, he remarked that companies could also explore the untapped invest ment potential in forest, agriculture, handicrafts, ed ucation, medical, bamboo, hospitality, tourism, music and arts sectors, adding that the State had already launched a single window system and was working to enable long-lease/land holdings in select areas to facilitate investors. On the banking front, he hoped that the banks would provide hassle-free credit to promote budding entrepreneurs and thereby contribute to the overall development initiative. Sharing the industry perspective, CII president designate R Dinesh ex pressed happiness for having been part of the conclave. He noted that the Northeast, especially Naga land, was resource rich and talent rich, which should help the companies pay attention to the region to enable growth and develop ment.Initiatives such as de velopment of Sittwe Port in Myanmar, access to Chit tagong Port in Bangladesh, improving road and rail connectivity, along with development of inland wa terways, would further im prove connectivity between region and the neighbouring countries and rest of India, he added.Inthis backdrop, Dinesh assured that more investments and CSR ini tiatives in the region would be the prime focus of the industry.Taking note of the meagre amount of CSR investment in the region, he pointed out that this hap pened as investment and CSR went hand in hand and remarked that holding the conclave was very important to make sure the industry and the region worked to gether.He pointed out that ed ucation and health were the two main priorities to attract CSRs, but mentioned that the focus had now shifted to local development, skill development and in multiple sectors. Dinesh said it was necessary to concentrate on materials produced locally in Nagaland and the North east, disclosing that CII wanted its support to be di rectly linked with outcomes that would benefit Nagaland
8 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 2022BUSINESS/STATE ACROSS 1 Dwarf tree (6) 7 Military unit (8) 8 Delicate strand (4) 10 Impudent (6) 11 Shape (6) 14 Attempt (3) 16 Yields (5) 17 Fling (4) 19 Nobleman (5) 21 Manservant (5) 22 Stiff (5) 23 Sound in mind (4) 26 Girl’s name (5) 28 Friend (3) 29 Pressed (6) 30 Scold (6) 31 Cupid (4) 32 French policeman (8) 33 Rue (6) DOWN 1 Bay lynx (6) 2 Winter sportsmen (6) 3 Guessing game (1-3) 4 French bean (7) 5 Haughty (5) 6 Mountain system (5) 8 Moistens (4) 9 Heavens (3) 12 Information (3) 13 Be sovereign (5) 15 Based on truth (5) 18 Smell (5) 19 Sack (3) 20 Colour (3) 21 Sour liquid (7) 22 Managed (3) 23 Skirt-like garment (6) 24 Unfortunately (4) 25 Excused (6) 26 Scorch (5) 27 Noise (5) 28 For every (3) 30 Ale (4) Crossword No. 10371 Yesterday’s solution No. 10370 Su doku No. 4993 Yesterday’s solution No. 4992 KAKURO No. 4017 Yesterday’s solution No. 4016 LOST NOTICE I, Yavisa-ü Ekaterina Sekhose, am applying for duplicate copy of Nagaland University Registration Card as I have lost it. F/Name : Kevisevolie Sekhose Regd. No. : 16010983 of 2016 K-1918/22 (CorrectionAFFIDAVITofNames) I, Keneiseü Yhome, D/o Wokho Yhome do hereby solemnly affirm and declare an oath that in some of the documents including Service related documents my name has been recorded as Keneiseü, I herewith rectified and declares that my correct name will be Keneiseü Yhome for all official references through affidavit Regd. No. 8091/18, Date: 08-10-2022DEPONENTK-1892/22 RAFFLE DRAW RESULT In aid of CHUDI BAPTIST CHURCH BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Drawn Date : 15th Aug 2022, Time : 9:00 AM Sl.No Name Contact Winning No. Prize 1. Oren Humtsoe - 8730021075 - 626 - 1st Prize 2. Benri Enni - 8787723689 - 1665 - 2nd Prize 3. Renthungo Jami - 9101419480 - 1502 - 3rd Prize 4. Marinda Tungoe - 8787706009 - 1738 - Consolation 1 5. Mhalo Jami - 9856053354 - 1444 - Consolation 2 6. Longshibemo Mozhui - 8876633283 - 1510 - Consolation 3 7. C.B.C. - 8974731915 - 1941 - Consolation 4 8. Munu Das - 8471870979 - 1778 - Consolation 5 -187/22WC LOST NOTICE I lost my original documents of Elementary for the year of 2018 & Edl.M/NameF/NameName2020.:LEMREMEW:Aliba:TsakiusheQualification:Class- VIll & IX Place of Lost :Tinpati Kohima -1921/22K Land For SaLe 1. AreaPadumpukhuri:5000Sq. Ft. 2. Kushiabill Sec-IV Area : 3 Bighas 3. Indisen (Ao’s only) Contact No. : 7005424879 DP-3967/22 PLOT FOR SALE BEHIND GOVERNMENT COLLEGE DIMAPUR AT A REASONABLE RATE IDEAL FOR RESIDENTIAL AND VARIOUS INSTITUTIONS. 5 BighaS iNTERESTED PERSONS CaN KiNDLY 8798439412/9362619411CONTaCT b-891/22D 952/22DC LAND FOR SALE at henivi Village 4 lane touched Area : 210 x 75 sq. ft. Price : Rs. 250/- per sq. ft. Phone : 8787613922 -3900/22DP MOUNT MaRY aCaDEMY ChUMUKEDiMa NagaLaND NCTE Approved B.Ed./M.Ed. Admission Last opportunity to pursue UgC/NCTE approved B. Ed. Course from andhra Pradesh. NIOS/BBOSE 10th & 12th BA/B.Sc./B.Com/ Fine Arts/ MA/M.Com/M.Lib. & many more 8729880618 Db-486/22 For sale 1. JCB (L&T Case) 2010 4x4 Price. Rs. 650000/2. Land for Sale @ Seithekima a, 5 Bighas in Bulk. Rs. 65 per sq. ft. Contact : 883-7268381 b-915/22D
LIC Housing Finance increases home loan rates
NEW DELHI, AUG 22 (AGENCIES): By the end of this fiscal, India’s head line retail inflation is pre dicted to decline below 6%, ending the current cycle of rate increases, analysts predicted.Analysts expect the RBI to increase repo rate by 50–60 basis points by December taking it to 5.9 per cent.“We expect the RBI to deliver two 25 bps rate hikes at the September and December meetings, taking the repo rate to 5.90%,” said Rahul Bajoria, chief India economist at Bar clays. The RBI has so far increased repo rate by a total of 140 basis points sinceInMay.the recently re leased minutes, the MPC members pointed out that the inflation though com ing down due to modera tion in food prices still faces risks from volatile external conditions, Business Stan dard Somereported.analysts pre dicted that a steep 50 basis points increase in repo rate was also possible next month.“The possibility of a 50 bps hike in September can’t be ruled out, if the (U.S.) Fed delivers another 75 bps hike,” Gaura Sen Gupta, India economist at IDFC First Bank said in a note.
The third group -- led by a representative of Na tional Institute of Agricul tural Extension Manage ment (MANAGE) -- will study ‘zero budget based farming’, including organic and natural farming meth ods, and generate consen sus of farmers.
“The hike in repo rate has caused some minimum fluctuation in the EMIs or the tenure on the home loans but demand for housing will remain robust. Hence, the interest rate hike of LIC HFL is in line with the mar ket scenario,” Gowd added. LIC HFL’s prime lend ing rate is the benchmark rate to which the interest rate on which the housing finance company’s loans is linked. After the hike, the updated interest rates on home loans would start from 8 per cent, as against 7.50 per cent on previous home loans. As per the update on the LIC HFL’s official website, the rate of interest (Floating - Linked to LHPLR) on current LHPLR stands at 15.80 per cent and the rate of interest on LH PLRNH is at 15.90 per cent. Moreover, LIC HFL, for salaried and profession als with a CIBIL score of greater or equal to 700, is now imposing an 8.05 per cent interest rate on home loans of up to Rs 50 lakh, and 8.25 per cent on more than Rs 50 lakhs to Rs 2 crore. For people with a credit score between 600699, the interest rate is 8.30 per cent on home loans up to Rs 50 lakh and 8.50 per cent on over Rs 50 lakh to Rs 2 crore. For people with a CIBIL score of less than 600, LIC HFL charges 8.75 per cent for home loans up to Rs 50 lakh home loan and 8.95 per cent for more than Rs 50 lakh to Rs 2 crore. On the other hand, for individuals with a CIBIL score of 101-200 or NTC, the rate is 8.70 per cent for up to Rs 50 lakh loan and 8.90 per cent for more than Rs 50 lakh to Rs 1 crore.
NEW DELHI, AUG 22 (PTI): The committee on Minimum Support Price (MSP) formed four subgroups on mandated topics, including making “MSP more effective and trans parent” in its first meeting on Monday but Samyukta Kisan Morcha (SKM) re mainedTheabsent.committee, head ed by former agriculture secretary Sanjay Agrawal, discussed ways to “promote zero budget based farming”, to “change” crop patterns keeping in mind the chang ing needs of the country, and to make MSP more “effective and transparent”. The panel has 26 mem bers including the chairman, while three membership slots are kept aside for rep resentatives of SKM. “After a day long deliberation, the committee decided to form four sub-groups or commit tees on three mandated top ics,” the committee member Binod Anand told PTI. Anand, who is hold ing the charge of general secretary at farmers’ group CNRI, said the first group will study Himalayan states as well as the cropping pat tern and crop diversification and how to ensure MSP support in those states. The second group on micro ir rigation -- to be headed by Sukhpal Singh from IIMAhmedabad -- will study how to make micro-irriga tion farmer-centric. Current ly, micro irrigation is driven by government subsidies and the group will examine how to generate farmers de mand for this, he said.
Nagaland sitting on wealth of organic products: Nirmala and the region, adding that sustainable development would lead to employment generation.Heinformed the gath ering that (IDAN).andganizedfirst-of-its-kindministerandordination,proposedandAlemtemshiNagalandDevelopmentdeliveredgathering.MalhotraernmentofsecretaryfairsMinistryingsharednetenvironment,ness,viewJformation.anyplace,thoughendeavours.impetusregionprivatewerelotadmitted2022aroundistersclosedgetairports,opmentsector,peciallyplacedevelopmenttaryEastregion,developmentantment,thatRsplanneddevelopmentinfrastructurewasbeingfortheregionfor1,34,000crore.HehopedwithsuchaninvestCSRwouldtakeagileap,pavingthewayforoftheentireespeciallyNagaland.Inhisspeech,NorthCouncil(NEC)secreMosesChalaiclaimedhadtakeninrecentpast,esininfrastructureandcitedthedevelofroads,railways,bridges,etc.UndertheGrossBudSupport(GBS),hedisthat55CentralminwouldbeinvestingRs75,000croresinto2023.Hehoweverthatalthoughahadbeendone,stillalotyettobedone.ChalaicalledformoreinvestmentsinthetoprovideanewtodevelopmentHeregrettedthatalgrowthhadtakenthesedidnotleadtomajoreconomictransEarlier,chiefsecretaryAlamgaveabroadoverofNagaland’sbusieconomyandsocialwhileYouthfounderHekaniJakhaluherexperienceofdoCSRinNagaland.SecretaryinUnionofCorporateAfRajeshVermaandintheDepartmentFinancialServices,GovofIndia,SanjayalsoaddressedtheWelcomeaddresswasbyInvestmentandAuthorityof(IDAN)CEOJamir.ConcludingremarksvoteofthankswasbyPlanning&CoLandRevenueParliamentaryAffairsNeibaKronu.TheCSRconclave,isbeingorbytheInvestmentDevelopmentAuthority
DIMAPUR, AUG 22 (NPN): A Naga youth who was ar rested by Assam police, was suspected to have died while under police custody. The deceased, from Mokokchung district, was reportedly arrested with another person in connection with arms related case. The other accused was reportedlyAccordingreleased.toreports, the family members were in formed only after three days that the dead body was kept at a hospital in Assam. When contacted, Mokokchung police sources in formed that the dead body was brought back to his home town. Police said they were yet to get more details as the incident took place in Assam. Suspected custodial death
Inflation expected to drop below 6% by March
NEW DELHI, AUG 22 (AGENCIES): India’s lead ing housing finance mort gage loan company LIC Housing Finance Ltd (LIC HFL), following the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)’s recent decision to hike the policy repo rate in its August 2022 policy, announced 50 ba sis points or 0.50 per cent increase in lending rates, with effect from Monday, AugustAccording22. to Busi ness Today, Y Viswanatha Gowd, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer of LIC Housing Finance Ltd, while commenting on rate revision, said, “As expected, the RBI’s deci sion to hike the repo rate by 50 basis points on 5th August was well measured and abreast with the global economic trend.” With this, the equated monthly instal ments (EMIs) on home loans linked to LIC HFL’s prime lending rate are also expected to go up. How ever, the housing finance company expects demand for housing to remain robust despite the rate hike.
The fourth group -- to be led by Indian Council of Agricultural Re search (ICAR) -- along with Hyderabad-based Central Research Institute for Dry land Agriculture (CRIDA) and Nagpur-based National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning (NBSS LUP) and one more institute will study the crop diversi fication and cropping pat tern across the country and submit a background report, he added. “The four groups will hold separate meet ings and the committee’s final meeting will he held in September-end,” Anand said. He said that SKM rep resentatives were not present in the day-long meeting. Niti Aayog member Ramesh was also not present due to other engagements.SKM,which neces sitated setting up of this committee on July 18 after leading the farmers’ protest against three farm laws and forcing the government to repeal them, has already rejected this committee and decided not to nominate its representatives. While an nouncing the repeal of three farm laws in November last year, Prime Minister Naren dra Modi had promised to set up a committee to look into farmers’ MSP issues. Other members who at tended the meeting included agri-economists CSC Shek har from Indian Institute of Economic Development, Sukhpal Singh from IIMAhmedabad, and Commis sion for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) senior member Naveen P Singh. Among farmer rep resentatives who attended the meeting were Nation al award-winning farmer Bharat Bhushan Tyagi as well as Gunwant Patil, Krishnaveer Choudhary, Pramod Kumar Choudhary, Guni Prakash and Sayyed Pasha Patel. IFFCO chair man Dilip Sanghani was present.

JERUSALEM, AUG 22 (AP): Israel’s Supreme Court has rejected an ap peal to release a Palestinian detainee who has been on a hunger strike for several months to protest his deten tion without charge. Khalil Awawdeh, 40, is protesting being jailed without charge or trial under what Israel refers to as ad ministrative detention. His family says he has been on a hunger strike for 170 days, subsisting only on water. A photo of Awawdeh taken by his lawyer on Sat urday shows him appearing frail and lying in a hospital bed. The court on Sunday rejected an appeal by the lawyer, Ahlam Haddad, calling for Awawdeh’s im mediate release due to his failing medical condition. The Israeli military ar rested Awawdeh in Decem ber 2021, claiming he was an operative for the Palestinian Islamic Jihad militant group — an allegation that his law yer one of several Palestinian prison ers who have gone on pro longed hunger strikes over the past years to protest Israel’s policy of administra tive detention.Israelsays the policy helps keep dangerous mili tants off the streets and al lows the government to hold suspects without divulging sensitive intelligence.
Office Of the Dimapur ungertSur telOngjem Dimapur-797112 : nagalanD Felicitation
MOSCOW, AUG 22 (PTI): Russia’s top intel ligence agency said on Monday that it has de tained an Islamic State ter rorist from a Central Asian country who underwent special training to carry out a suicide attack against a member of India’s leader ship elite for the offensive comments on the Prophet. According to Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB), the foreign national was recruited by one of the Islamic State’s ringleaders as a suicide bomber some time between April and June 2022, while in Turkey, state-owned TASS news agency“Thereported.Federal Security Service has identified and apprehended in Russia a member of the outlawed (by the Russian Federation) Islamic State international terrorist organisation. The detainee is a native of a Central Asian country, who planned to commit a terrorist attack against a member of India’s ruling circles by blowing himself up,” the FSB said.
1. IGP Sonia, (PHQ) Nagaland : Kohima 2. Ben Longkumer- Commandant, 13th IR, Yachang 'C' Me and my family will be forever indebted to you for your immense support in times of our need. Thank you. -Lanuwapang ao (Retired) Asst. Commandant 13th IR, Yachang 'Cmkc-299/22
er. O. thokphen c longau phom President, KBUD General Secy., KBUD Kangching Bühü uniOn Dimapur FELICITATION -3959/22DP
Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen, meets U.S. Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb at the Presidential office in Taipei. (AP/PTI)
Investigators work on the site of the explosion of a car driven by Daria Dugina outside Moscow. (AP) Monday, the FSB said that Ukrainian national Natalya Vovk (43) carried out the bombing.According to the FSB, Vovk arrived in Russia with her teenage daughter on July 23 and rented an apartment at the building in Moscow where the victim also lived, RT reported.Vovkand her daugh ter attended the ‘Tradi tion’ festival on Saturday, where Aleksandr Dugin was giving a lecture and his daughter was also present, the FSB said.
An IS terrorist being detained in Russia. (PTI)
MOSCOW, AUG 22 (IANS): The car bombing outside Moscow on Satur day night, which took the life of journalist Darya Du gina, was orchestrated and carried out by Ukrainian secret services, the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) has said, as per media reports.Dugina was killed while returning from a con servativefamily festival held in Moscow, RT reported. She was the daugh ter of anti-Western author and political commentator Aleksandr Dugin. Like her father, she was known for her vocal support of the Russian military operation in Ukraine.Ina statement on
COLOMBO, AUG 22 (PTI): A high-tech Chinese research ship docked at the strategically important Hambantota port departed from Sri Lankan waters on Monday after a controver sial six-day visit. The ballistic missile and satellite tracking ship ‘Yuan Wang 5’ ship was originally scheduled to arrive at the Chinese-run port on August 11 but it was delayed in absence of permission by Sri Lankan authorities following se curity concerns raised by India.The Chinese ship ar rived in the southern Sri Lankan port of Hambanto ta on August 16 at 8:20 am local time. It was docked there for replenishment. The ship left the port at 4 pm local time, harbour
Israel court rejects call to free Palestinian hunger striker
China’s ballistic missile and satellite tracking ship ‘Yuan Wang 5’ departed from Sri Lankan waters on Monday. (AFP) master Nirmal Silva told reporters here. Its next port call is at China’s Jiang Yin port, of ficialsThesaid.Hambantota port officials said as agreed there was no rotation of personnel during the call. Sri Lanka provided the nec essary assistance sought by the Chinese embassy here during the ship’s visit. Sri Lanka had asked China to defer the vis it amid India’s concerns over it. On August 13, Colombo granted the port access to the vessel from August 16 to 22 on condi tion that it will keep the Automatic Identification System (AIS) switched on within the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of Sri Lanka and no scientific research to be conducted in Sri Lankan waters. Sri Lanka has said that the security clearance was granted from the Ministry of Defence for the visit of the vessel for replenish ment purposes during the stipulated period. It said no rotation of personnel would take place during the port call and the Sri Lankan government was requested to provide the necessary assistance by the Chinese Embassy in Colombo.Thesecurity and co operation in the neighbour hood are of utmost priority in handling the issue of the Chinese vessel Wang Yang 5, the Sri Lankan Foreign Ministry said in a state ment earlier this month. The local telecom munications regulatory authority had issued a No Objection Letter for the use of frequencies and commu nication equipment subject to non-interference and non-protection basis. There were apprehen sions in New Delhi about the possibility of the ves sel’s tracking systems at tempting to snoop on In dian defence installations while being on its way to the Sri Lankan port. China says the ship is used for scientific research, but the US Defence De partment says the ship is under the command of China’s People’s Libera tion Army (PLA) and is ca pable of tracking satellites and missile launches.
The Dimapur Ungertsür Union with immense joy and pride extends heartiest congratulations to Wb. R l ongkong G.B Bank Colony for receiving the Commendation Award Dimapur District for his Selfless Service rendered towards publicThewelfare.union wishes him success in his future endeavours. Sd/- Sd/Wt. m Asungla Wt. Odienla President Secretary DP-3957/22 oFFice oF the lakhuti StudentS’ union acknoWledgement
Supporters of Pakistan’s former PM Imran Khan’s party gather outside his residence in Islamabad, Monday. (AP/PTI) the ruling PDM (Pakistan Democratic Movement) for his fearless criticism, and extremely bold and blunt stance against cor ruption and corrupt politi cians.”“And to achieve this malicious agenda, acting in a most unfortunate and clumsy manner, a false and frivolous complaint has been registered against him by the Islamabad Capi tal Territory police at the behest of the incumbent government,” it said. The plea further al leged that the government had decided to “cross all limits” to arrest Imran “under false accusations” and was “hell-bent to sort out the petitioner and his party at all Justicecosts”.Kayani took up the petition and asked what objections were raised on Awanit. informed the judge that an objection per taining to approaching the relevant forum was raised on the plea. At that, Justice Kayani said an objection pertaining to biometrics was also Duringraised.the proceed ings, Awan claimed that “Imran’s residence has been surrounded and... he cannot even approach the relevantUnderliningcourt”. that Khan had no past criminal record, the bail applica tion stated that the former premier was ready for any investigation involved in the case.After hearing argu ments, the court approved protective bail till August 25 and directed Khan to approach a relevant Antiterrorism Court by then. Quoting sources at the registrar’s office, the Express Tribune news paper said that the office had raised three objections to Khan’s application for protective bail - first, he did not get his biometrics done; second he came to the high court instead of approaching an anti-ter rorism court; and third, a certified copy of the terror ism case against him was not provided to the office. The FIR registered against Khan said that at the PTI’s rally at F-9 park on Saturday, the former premier had “terrorised and threatened top police officials and a respected female additional sessions judge” with the aim to stop them from performing their functions and abstain from pursuing any action against any individual related to his party.Itsays that Khan’s speech had spread fear and uncertainty among the po lice, judges and the nation. In his address, Khan had threatened to file cas es against top police offi cials, a woman magistrate, Election Commission of Pakistan and political op ponents over the treatment meted out to his aide Shah baz Gill, who was arrested last week on charges of sedition.He had also taken exception to Additional District and Sessions Judge Zeba Chaudhry, who had approved Gill’s two-day physical remand at the request of the capital po lice, and said she should “prepare herself as action would be taken against her”.Khan’s pre-arrest bail application stated that the government, in an illegal effort to settle a political score, has decided to “il legally and unlawfully vic timise” the petitioner.
I, s hri. Lanuwapang a o, having served in the i ndian r eserved police ( irp ) to the Government of Nagaland has duly retired from the post of Asst. Commandant on March 31st, 2022. Through this message, I extend my heartfelt gratitude towards everyone who worked with me and supported me during my tenure till my pension papers were finalized. I thank below individuals for offering their knowledge and hardwork in expediting completely my pension process on the day of my superannuation
ISLAMABAD, AUG 22 (PTI): Pakistan’s oust ed prime minister Imran Khan was on Monday granted protective bail till Thursday by the Is lamabad High Court in a terrorism case registered against him for threatening police, judiciary and other state institutions during a rally in the national capital last week.Khan, 69, has been booked under Section 7 of the Anti-Terrorism Act (punishment for acts of terrorism), according to the copy of the first informa tion report. The case was registered at the Margalla Police Station of Islam abad on Saturday night. His lawyers - Babar Awan and Faisal Chaudhry - filed a petition in the Is lamabad High Court (IHC) seeking pre-arrest bail on his behalf.Atwo-member bench comprising Justice Mohsin Akhtar Kayani and Justice Babar Sattar took up the petition.The petition stated that the chairman of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party was a “target of
2. Dr. Sentimenla, for being conferred Doctor of Philosophy. 3. m rs. i tsungrosongla a o, on being promoted to District Programme Officer, Social Welfare Department. 4. e r. Shiluti l ongkumer, promoted to Executive Engineer, Power Department. Furthermore, the Union wishes them colossal success in their future and invokes God’s favour upon them. Sd/(nungsangnungba) (t. Samuel ao) President General Secretary DP-3960/22
The terrorist’s “ideo logical indoctrination was conducted remotely via Telegram messenger ac counts and during personal meetings in Istanbul with an IS representative,” the Russian Federal Security Service’s Center for Public Relations (CPR) said. The FSB noted that the would-be suicide bomber swore allegiance to the IS Emir (chief), after which he was instructed to leave for Russia, draw up the necessary documents and fly to India to commit this act of terrorism, the reportThesaid.terrorist, who was not identified by the Russian intelligence agen cy, confessed that he was preparing an act of ter rorism against a member of India’s ruling circles for insulting the Prophet Muhammad, the report added.In a video of his in terrogation released by the CPR on Monday, the would-be suicide bomber, whose face was blurred, said he swore allegiance to the IS Emir in April 2022 and underwent special training, after which he flew to Russia, from where he was to travel to India. “I was supposed to be given things there (in India) to commit a terrorist attack at the behest of the IS for insulting the Prophet Mu hammad,” he said while speaking in broken Rus sian.BJP spokesperson Nu pur Sharma was suspended and the party’s Delhi media head Naveen Kumar Jindal was expelled by the party after their controversial re marks against the Prophet which sparked protests in the Muslim world early this year.
With immense pride and honour, we the Kangching Bühü Union Dimapur would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to both Shri. t i mdong p hom a dvisor, p hom l iterature Board for being awarded governor's commendation certificate in recognition of Distinguished Service rendered by him, and er. Kanshing phom, junior engineer, Department of power, longleng for being awarded the District Award based on the recommendation and fulfillment of the parameter laid down by the District award committee and the Deputy commissioner We appreciate your achievements which will serve as an inspiration to our community. The Union further wishes them both good health and wisdom in exercising their duties for the welfare and upliftment of the people of our society.
We, the Office of the lakhuti Students’ union, lakhuti eloe ekhung and lakhuti Village council takes unfeigned delight and congratulates Governor’s Commendation Certificate Awardee Compounder Shri. mhathung humtsoe for his 32 (Thirty-Two) years of valiant selfless social service on 75th Indian Independence Day, 15th August 2022. The Union further wishes him long life with good health, happiness and more success for the years to come. mhathung lotha Yibemo Kikon (general Secretary) (president) DP-3968/22
Message of appreciation
Russia detains ISIS terrorist plotting suicide attack against Indian elite
1. Shri. l anutoshi j amir, promoted to Additional Director, Food and Civil Supplies.
The Lerie Panchayat, Kohima would like to acknowledge Dr. Elizabeth Yhome, Veterinary Surgeon and the staff of The Veterinary Hospital Kohima under the Department of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services for carrying out Free Anti-Rabies Vaccination (ARV) and Awareness Campaign at Lerie Colony Kohima on 18th of August Altogether2022.150 dogs and 04 cats were vaccinated. This Anti-Rabies Vaccination campaign was carried out to create awareness to all pet lovers and owners about the need to Vaccinate their pets as Rabies is a Zoonotic diseases and it is 100% curable. Sd/Dr. Ilang A. Moanungden Chairman, Lerie Panchayat Jt. Secretary, Lerie Panchayat Kohima Kohima.
Russia says Ukrainian national carried out Moscow car bombing
Another US delegation lands in Taiwan amid tensions official contacts between Taipei and other countries. Beijing started largescale military manoeuvres around Taiwan in response to Pelosi’s August 2 visit. Tsai stressed in a presi dential office meeting with Holcomb that the US and Taiwan are key security and economic allies in the IndoPacific“Taiwanregion.has been con fronted by military threats from China, in and around the Taiwan Strait. At this moment, democratic allies must stand together and boost cooperation across all areas,” Tsai told the Indiana Governor.Shealso said Taiwan was eager to strengthen cooperation to build sustain able supply Holcombchains.signed a memorandum of under standing with Taiwan’s Min istry of Economic Affairs to facilitate bilateral business, trade and scientific coop eration.He told Tsai that In diana will continue to seek strategic partnerships with Taiwan and said he was excited about the prospect of future collaborations with Taiwan.Holcomb plans to meet with other senior govern ment officials and repre sentatives from the semi conductor sector, according to Taiwan’s Ministry of ForeignTaiwanAffairs.has had an independent government since 1949, but China con siders the island part of its territory.
Chinese satellite tracking ship leaves SL after controversial visit
TAIPEI, AUG 22 (IANS): Taiwan’s President Tsai Ingwen on Monday received another delegation from the US amid rising tensions with IndianaChina. Governor Eric Holcomb arrived in Taipei on Sunday night for a fourday trip, reports dpa news agency.Upon his arrival, he said in a tweet: “I landed in Taipei to kick off an eco nomic development trip in Taiwan and South Korea. Indiana’s home to 10 Tai wanese & 12 South Korean businesses. This week marks my 2nd trip to South Korea as Governor and I’m proud to be the first governor to visit Taiwan since before the pandemic.”Hisvisit comes after re cent trips by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and top Dem ocrat Ed Markey drew ire from Beijing, which rejects
Imran gets protective bail in terrorism case
Office Of the DarOgapathar aO SenSO telOngjem 2½ mile, Dimapur – 797115, nagaland felicitatiOn With esteemed pride and joy, the Office of the Darogapathar Ao Senso Telongjem would like to convey our heartiest congratulations to the following members of Darogapathar Ao Senso Telongjem, who have excelled in various fields:

PIL in Calcutta HC against screening of ‘Lal Singh Chaddha’
Soda This can give you the “daily double” of sugar and caffeine. You’ll get a quickly disappearing rush of energy and lots of calories, along with all the issues caffeine can cause. It doesn’t give you any nutritional value and isn’t a good choice for hydration. Don’t Go Hungry While plenty of things aren’t great for pre-workout snacks, not eating might be just as bad, even if you’re trying to lose weight. Your body needs fuel to keep you going strong, but it needs the right fuel at the right time. What to Eat Experts say the best way to go is a snack that’s a combination of carbs (to give you fuel) and protein (to get your body ready to build and repair muscles). Some ideas include a ba nana and some peanut but ter with crackers, a handful of nuts and raisins, or a hardboiled egg. When to Eat Even the right choice of pre-workout meal or snack isn’t a good idea if you have it right before you’re active. Your digestive system will be competing with the rest of your body for blood and oxygen, which are important for build ing and repairing muscles. Everyone is different, but a buffer of 1 to 3 hours does the trick for most people. Reviewed By: Tyler Wheeler, MD (Top to
The ‘As It Was’ hit maker is up for several gongs at the ceremony including Artist of the Year and Best Video for his aforemen tionedDojahit.Cat is also up for six awards but Lil Nas X, Jack Harlow and Kendrick Lamar lead the field with sevenDrake,nominations.EdSheeran, Bil lie Eilish, Dua Lipa, Taylor Swift and The Weeknd are all up for five prizes each. Meanwhile, Madonna has made history by becom ing the only artist to be nominated in every decade since the VMAs were first held in The1984.Queen of Pop is the most awarded artist in VMAs history and ‘Ma dame X’ has provided her with a 69th career nomina tion. There are 26 first-time nominees this year includ ing Kacey Musgraves and Maneskin.Thisyear’s VMAs will air from 8pm on MTV, the CW, BET, BET Her, CMT, Comedy Central, Logo, MTV2, Nickelodeon, Para mount Network, Pop, TV Land, and VH1. (Contactmusic)
R ed Hot Chili Peppers are the 2022 recipient of the Global Icon Award at the MTV Video Music Awards (VMAs). Anthony Kiedis and co will take to the stage to perform and collect the prestigious accolade at the star-studded ceremony at the Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey on AugustThe28.‘By The Way’ rockers - completed by Chad Smith, John Frusciante, and Flea - previously accepted the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award at the 2000 awards, where they performed ‘Californication’. The latter honour will go to rap megastar Nicki Minaj this year, who said: “I’m receiving the Video Vanguard Award at the 2022 #VMAs! You DO NOT !!!! I REPEAT!!!! You do NOTTTTTT want to miss my performance – Sunday August 28 at 8p on @MTV.” Along with securing the gong, the ‘Super Freaky Girl’ star will take to the stage along with the likes of Anitta, J Balvin, Marsh mello x Khalid and Panic! At The Disco, Maneskin Red Hot Chili Peppers to be bestowed with MTV VMAs’ Global Icon Award and Jack Harlow. Bruce Gillmer, Paramount’s presi dent of music, music talent, programming and events and Music for Paramount COO said: “Nicki has bro ken barriers for women in hip-hop with her versatility and creative artistry. She has shifted the music industry and cemented her status as a global superstar with her crossover appeal, genredefying style and continu ing to be unapologetically ‘Nicki.’”Elsewhere, Harry Styles has earned six nomi nations.
G ranola or Protein Bars
Dr. Suiyile Pame With immense pride and appreciation, the office of the Nzauna Students’ Union and Nzauna Village Council extends our sincere congratulations to Dr. Suiyile Pame, daughter of Rev. Dr. Rabi Pame and Mrs. Bangko Pame for completion of Doctor of Medicine on 22 nd July 2022 from Manila Central University (MCU) College of Medicine, Manila, Philippines. The Union and Village Council is proud of her achievement and wishes greater success in her future endeavors.
A medical camp was held at kezoma village at kezoma Students' Union Office and kezoma VIP Guest House on the 12th of August 2022. The camp was funded by the Nagaland Health Project (NHP) under department of Health and Family Welfare, Nagaland. NHP aims to improve management and delivery of health systems and increase their utilization by communities in targeted locations across the state. dr Vekholu Venyo, the medical Officer of kezocha cHc under which kezoma Village comes as a catchment area for the implementation of the project said incentives and fundings are being provided under the project on the basis of progress on defined indicators of improved Health and Nutrition related services and practices in the community of interest . The medical Officer expressed gratitude to the department for projects such as NHP which are evidently bridging the gap between communities and Healthcare bringing about the much needed progress in the overall Healthcare System in the state. The medical camp saw a united participation from the Village council, Women Society and Youth Organization as volunteers. About 200 patients from the village were given medical aid during the one day camp. The medical team of 10 doctors and Specialists, 12 Nurses and several helpers provided the villagers with consultations for ENT, General medicine, Obs & Gynae, Optometrist, Orthopaedics, Paediatrics and Ayush. k-1923/22
Participants perform during the cultural extravaganza at a glittering opening ceremony of the Nagaland Olympic and Paralympic Games 2022 at Capital Cultural Hall, Kohima on Monday. (NOA)
The Longjakrep Semchir Telongjem Ungma (LSTU) whole heartedly convey our congratulations to our bonafide member Mr. L. Mongkum Jamir (S/o Lt. Limasungba Jamir) presently the President, Business Association of Nagas (BAN) for being appointed as member of the High Powered Monitoring Committee (HPMC) of the National Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Hub (NSSH) scheme under the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME), Government of India. The LSTU wishes him good health and success as he endeavours to serve in the Committee. The LSTU also acknowledges MSME Minister Honourable Bhanu Pratap Singh Verma for posing faith on Mr. L. Mongkum Jamir and giving him this unique opportunity. Imtidongba Jamir, Tatar Onentiba Jamir, Tatar Longjakrep Semchir Telongjem Ungma Longjakrep Semchir Telongjem Ungma Office Of the LOngjakrep Semchir teLOngjem Ungma FELICITATION
Zeliang Officers Association Nagaland (ZOAN) extends its heartiest CONGRATULATIONS to Er. Kewizun Zeliang, NPS, Addl. SP (Comm), NPTO on being awarded the Governor’s Gold Medal on the occasion of Independence Day 2022. ZOAN also congratulates him on being awarded the DGP’s Commendation Disc (Silver) for the year 2021-22 for his outstanding performance. We thank and appreciate the State Government for acknowledging his sincerity, and efficiency in performing his official duty by awarding the accolades at the highest level. We are proud of your exemplary achievement and believe that your success will continue to inspire all of us and we wish the best for all your future endeavours. (Dr. Hiabe Zeliang) (Raithu Newmai) President General Secretary ZELIANG OFFICERS ASSOCIATION NAGALAND No. ZOAN/GS/2022/4 Dated 18-08-2022 FELICITATION -914/22db
(MASANG NEWME) (RANGWANG) Chairman, President, Nzauna Village Council Nzauna Students’ Union
A public interest litiga tion (PIL) was filed at the Calcutta High Court on Monday against the screening of movie “Lal Singh Chaddha”, starring Aamir Khan and Kareena Kapoor, in the state and may be heard on Tuesday. In the plea filed before the division bench of Chief Justice Prakash Srivastava and Justice Rajarshi Bha radwaj, state BJP leader and advocate Nazia Illahi Khan claimed that that screening of the movie might result in breach of peace. The petitioner argued that for the last few days there had been debates and controversies on social me dia over the screening of the movie and even a social media campaign has started for boycotting the movie. She argued that in a situa tion when West Bengal is ex tremely volatile to religious issues, the screening of the movie can further lead to breach of peace. In her argument, she also referred to certain re cent incidents in the state, especially tension and vio lence in certain minori ty-dominated pockets in districts like Howrah and Murshidabad. (IANS)
Energy Drinks Like smoothies, these might seem like a natural pre-workout boost, but they have lots of things that can make you jittery and raise your heart rate and blood pressure. It’s better to steer clear of energy drinks until after your workout.
Flaxseed This seed has all sorts of potential health benefits -- some people use it to try to ease constipation or lower their cholesterol level. But it’s high in fiber and fatty acids, which aren’t what you want before a workout. So when adding it to your diet, pay attention to when you have it. Fast Food It might be tempting, but skip the drive-through on the way to the gym. Chances are, you’ll feel uncomfortably full, and the fat and sugar in most fast food items will keep you from getting the most out of your workout.
These might seem like a good idea before you hit the gym, but there’s no clear definition of what they really are. Check the labels -- both kinds can have lots of sugar. If they do, your body will burn through that fast, and you may not get much else. High-Fiber Vegetables Your body needs fi ber, but not before a work out. Vegetables like broc coli, Brussels sprouts, or cauliflower can be hard to digest and could make exercising uncomfortable. Stick with veggies that are easier on your system, like well-cooked asparagus or potatoes. High-Fat Food Not all fats are bad for you. But foods that have a lot of any fat can be a bad idea if you’re about to be active. Things like red meat make your body work hard to change their fat to energy. That can make you tired before you even get started. Yogurt As with protein bars, you’ll need to read the label carefully. Certain brands can be surprisingly high in sugar and fat, neither of which is good for your workout. And if you don’t digest dairy easily, a stop at the gym can make things worse. Smoothies These sound great in theory as a way to hydrate and get nutrients at the same time. But in practice, they can be less than ideal. Some are packed with sugar and will give you only a short burst of energy before the Fitness and Exercise: Worst things to eat or drink before a workout dreaded “crash.” And de pending on what’s in it, a single smoothie can have as many as 800 calories.

CWG bronze medallist Srikanth, seeded 12th in the tournament, had to toil in his 22-20 21-19 win over Nhat Nguyen of Ireland, while Prannoy secured a dominating 21-12 21-11 win over Luka Wraber of Austria.Srikanth will face Zhao Jun Peng of China in the second round while Prannoy will be up against second see Kento Momota of Japan. Former Commonwealth Games bronze medallists Ashwini Ponnappa and N Sikki Reddy progressed to the women’s doubles second round with a 21-7 21-9 win over Maldives’ Aminath Nabeeha Abdul Razzaq and Fathimath Nabaaha AbdulAshwiniRazzaq.and Sikki will face an uphill task of taming top seeds Chen Qing Chen and Jia Yi Fan of China in the second round. In mixed doubles, Tanisha Crasto and Ishaan Bhatnagar defeated German duo of Patrick Scheiel and Franziska Volkmann 21-13 21-13 in 29 minutes to also make a positive start to their campaign.
BERLIN, AUG 22 (IANS): Kylian Mbappe equalled the record for the fastest goal in Ligue 1 history as he struck just eight seconds as part of a hat-trick in Paris SaintGermain’s emphatic 7-1 win over Lille on Sunday. The 23-year-old superbly lifted over Leo Jardim almost immediately from kick-off, with Ligue 1 announcing it matched Michel Rio’s eight-second strike for Caen against Cannes in 1992, reports DPA. That set the stage for an utterly dominant performance from the champions as Lionel Messi, Achraf Hakimi and Neymar all added goals beforeNeymarhalf-time.and Jonathan Bamba exchanged goals shortly after the interval before Mbappe added two more in the final 24 minutes to cap a memorable display. PSG started in some style as Mbappe latched onto Messi’s ball over the top and lobbed Jardim inside 10 Mbappeseconds.hit the side netting after rounding Jardim midway through the first half, yet Messi doubled the visitors’ advantage with a cool finish from 12 yards after a clever one-two with NunoHakimiMendes.then added a third six minutes before half-time with a composed finish having been played in by Neymar, who got in on the act four minutes later with a clinical strike after Messi’s deflected pass fell kindly for him. Neymar grabbed his second seven minutes into the second half following a wonderful dummy from Mbappe, before Bamba pulled one back for Lille with a close-range finish after Gianluigi Donna rumma had saved his initial effort.Mbappe and Neymar combined again superbly to make it 6-1 as the former lashed home. They were at it once more three min utes from full-time when Mbappe ran onto Ney mar’s pass to thump past a helpless Jardim and cap an emphatic victory.
India beat Zimbabwe by 13 runs; sweep series
IMPHAL, AUG 22 (IANS): Indian Super League (ISL) champions Hyderabad FC (HFC) began their Durand Cup campaign with a dominating 2-0 win over local favourites Tiddim Road Athletic Union (TRAU) FC at the Khuman Lampak stadium here on Monday.This was TRAU’s second successive loss in the tournament. In the Group C encounter on in Monday’s first game, HFC scored two splendid goals through Halicharan Narzary in the 27th minute and Borja Herrera in the 52nd minute to seal three points.TRAU FC, who were coming in after a 1-3 loss to rivals NEROCA in their opening game, started the brighter of the two sides. They controlled possession and looked for openings in the HFC defence. The ISL champs took a while to settle down in the match. However, once they did, they started to stitch passes together and created chances. The first real chance came for HFC when Mohammed Yasir’s shot was directed straight at theTheykeeper.took the lead in the 27th minute through a quality Halicharan Narzaray strike. It was Spaniard Borja’s pressing that forced an error from the TRAU midfield and the loose ball was latched on to by Halicharan, who curled a spectacular shot from distance into the top right corner of the post. HFC slowed down the game after the goal but there was a lack of intention from the home players to get back the ball as well as the goal seemed to have deflated them. HFC took complete control of the proceedings in the second half, as they continued to play the attractive football that took them to the ISL summit last season.Thesecond goal also came through a screamer in the 52nd minute through Borja, who was rightly declared the Man of the Match. Mohammed Yasir found him from the right and the Spaniard took a sublime first touch to then produce a left footed scorcher into the top corner.HFC continued to maintain total control of the game and created a host of chances but couldn’t convert. They hit the bar at least twice without luck. Coach Manolo Marquez brought on his regulars for the last half hour which totally shut down the game for TRAU.Hyderabad FC will face Chennaiyin FC on the 26th of August and TRAU will face Army Red Football Team on the August 28. Chennaiyin FC and Army Red played out a draw in their first match. Halicharan Narzary opened the scoring for Hyderabad FC with a right-footed curler from outside the box. (Sportzpics) Hyderabad FC beat TRAU
HARARE, AUG 22 (PTI): Sikandar Raza’s lion-heart ed effort took Zimbabwe on the cusp of a famous vic tory before India held their nerves to pull off a 13-run win in the third ODI and complete a series sweep here on Monday. The final game of the series too was heading India’s way until Raza (115 off 95 balls) brought Zim babwe back into the contest with the support of Brad Evans (28 off 36). The duo shared a 104run stand off 77 balls for the eighth wicket to raise hopes of a memorable result against their mighty oppo nents. However, Raza fell to a brilliant catch by Shubman Gill in the penultimate over, as India scraped through. It was Gill who had set up the game for India as he smashed his maiden inter national hundred to take the visitors to 289 for eight. Zimbabwe’s innings ended at 276 in 49.3 overs. Gill (130 off 97 balls), who reached a major career milestone more than three years after making his India debut, shared a 140-run stand with Ishan Kishan (50 off 61) after the visitors de cided to bat for the first time in theSeanseries.Williams (45 off 46) and Raza played some bold strokes early in the Zimbabwe chase.
Deepak Chahar once again impressed with the new ball while left-arm spin ner Axar Patel got welcome wickets in the middle overs. Chahar got his first wicket with a booming inswinger as Innocent Kaia (6) was trapped while charg ing down the wicket. The Indians were convinced that the full ball hit the pad first and went for a review that turned out to be successful. His opening partner Takudzwanashe Kaitano (13 off 22), who walked back to the dressing room with leg pain, returned to the middle but not for long. India spinner Kuldeep Ya dav drew him forward with a wrong un that had the ZimbabweanThoughstumped.Zimbabwe kept losing wickets regular ly, the seasoned Raza stood strong before completing his third hundred in the last six innings.The crowd got more in volved when Raza smashed Shardul Thakur for three fours in the 39th over that eventually yielded 20 runs. The Indian bowlers were found wanting with Raza and Evans collecting boundaries at will. In the end, the hosts fell agonis inglyOptingshort. to bat for the first time in the series, India did not have the most fluent of starts as they struggled to 63 for one in 15 overs. Both the seasoned openers -- skipper K L Ra hul (30 off 46) and Shikhar Dhawan (40 off 68) -- would be disappointed at not being able to convert their starts. Coming back from a long injury break, Rahul had an ideal opportunity to get back into groove ahead of the Asia Cup T20. He played on to a length ball off medium pacer Brad Evans who ended up taking five wickets for the first time. The first hour has proved to be tricky for the batters here but with so much experience under their belt, both Dhawan and Ra hul should have gone on to make big Barringones.the stand be tween Gill and Kishan, not much stood out from the IndianGill,innings.who made his ODI comeback with the se ries against the West Indies, was a treat to the eye during his innings comprising 15 fours and a six. The 22-yearold played shots all around, with his straight drives and cover drives standing out. Gill had a few nervous moments in the 90s before he reached the milestone. Evans appealed for a close leg before call but the DRS was turned down after UltraEdge showed that the ball touched Gill’s bat be fore thudding into the pads. On the same ball however, Kishan was run out at the other end after he left his crease for a quick single, but Gill was preoccupied with the appeal. Shubman Gill celebrates after scoring 100 runs at Harare, Monday. (PTI)
Mbappe scores after eight seconds and hits hat-trick as PSG thrash Lille 7-1 Kylian Mbappe celebrates after scoring a goal.
BWF Worlds: Lakshya, Srikanth win; Praneeth loses India’s Lakshya Sen in action. (File/AP)
TOKYO, AUG 22 (PTI): Commonwealth Games champion Lakshya Sen continued his impressive run, trouncing Danish Hans-Kristian Solberg Vittinghus in straight games to progress to the men’s singles second round at BWF World Championships here on Monday.Sen’s senior teammates Kidambi Srikanth and H S Prannoy also won their respective first round matches.India also registered twin wins in women’s and mixed doubles competition on the opening day which saw B Sai Praneeth bow out after losing in three games to world number 4 Chou Tien Chen of Chinese Taipei.The 20-year-old Sen, who had returned with a bronze on his debut in Spain last year, prevailed 21-12 21-11 over an erratic Vittinghus in his opening match.Sen will next face Luís Enrique Penalver of Spain. Praneeth, a 2019 bronze medallist, put up a brave effort before going down 15-21 21-15 15-21 to Chen in little over an hour. It was yet another forgettable outing in Tokyo for Praneeth, following his struggles at last year’s Olympic Games, where he participated without a proper coach or physio to bow out Birminghamearly.
MAIMI, AUG 22 (IANS): India’s blitzmistakecapitalisingtensedrawingame,chancescreatedgames,tiebreaks.takeIndianingamewhorapidlosinglooking17-year-oldNorwegiantwoChampionstheinthusseventhCarlsenworldgamebackPraggnanandhaaRameshbabucamestronglyfromadeficittostunchampionMagnusintiebreaksintheandfinalroundfinishingrunner-uptheFTXCryptoCup,secondmajorontheChessTour.StartingtheroundpointsbehindtheCarlsen,thePraggwasdownandoutafterthethirdofthefourgames.ButCarlsen,wassteeringthefourthtoadraw,blunderedtheendgameandthecapitalisedonittothematchintoblitzInthefourrapidPraggnanandhaaanumberofinthedrawnfirstdefendedsuperblythesecond--another--,wentdowninathirdencounterbeforeonCarlsen’stowinthefourth.Hedominatedthegamestowintwo points, taking his total to 15. Iranian-French teenager Alireza Firouzja claimed three points in the final round to tie with Pragg at 15 points but eventually had to be satisfied with the third in the third rapid game meant that Carlsen took his total to 16 points, and thus emerged the champion, winning the FTX Crypto Cup for the second year in a row. Carlsen notched up a third win of the Meltwater Champions Chess Tour season and his first Major win. The result also stretches his lead at the top of the USD1.6 million Tour leaderboard and wins him the tournament’s unique NFTPraggtrophy.and Carlsen were neck-and-neck throughout the whole tournament with the youngster putting in a real statement performance throughout.ButinRound 7 of the all-play-all event, Pragg faced the real acid test -world No. 1 Carlsen. The youngster had chances in the first game and then had to defend like a lion in game 2. Finally, he ran out of steam in the Carlsenthird.clinched the win that guaranteed him the title and in classic Magnus-style -- with a piece of endgame brilliance and a huge sense of relief, according to a release on Sunday by the organisers of the event, Play Magnus Group.Reacting before the final rapid game, Carlsen said, “This game was very nervy, I think, for both of us. Today I haven’t been able to find a rhythm at all, but hopefully I can relax a bit in the last game.” Carlsen did relax -but it barely mattered to him. In the fourth game, the champion looked to be steering the game to a draw but blundered in the endgame.
Pragg stuns Carlsen in tiebreaks to finish runners-up in FTX Crypto Cup R. Praggnanandhaa (PTI)
Zverev fails in bid for US Open recovery: Report HANOVER (GERMA NY), AUG 22 (IANS): The US Open will take place without German star Alexander Zverev, who has not recovered in time from an ankle injury sustained at the French Open to play in New York, a report said Monday.Zverev does not yet feel fully fit for the grand slam and will instead make his comeback in the Davis Cup group phase, Septem ber 13-18 in his hometown Hamburg, according to the Bild newspaper.The25-year-old world number two went over his ankle in the Roland Garros semifinal with Rafael Nadal in early June and suffered ligament damage requiring surgery, reports DPA. His rehabilitation pro gramme, however, has not quite been completed in time for him to be competi tive in a slam. “If it was a normal tournament, best of three, then I could say perhaps I’m already there,” Zverev said recently. But best of five as the first tournament back is hard.”
Durand Cup:
Hasnain replaces Afridi in Pakistan squad for Asia Cup LAHORE, AUG 22 (IANS): The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) have brought in young right-arm pace bowler Mohammad Hasnain as replacement for Shaheen Afridi in the 15-member squad for the T20 Asia Cup 2022, which begins in the UAE on Au gust 27. Afridi was ruled out of the tournament after being advised a 4-6 weeks rest by the medical team following an injury to the right knee ligament. He has also been ruled out of the seven-match home T20I se ries against England, which is to run from September 20 to OctoberHasnain2. was recently cleared to bowl in inter national cricket following an independent reassess ment of his action at the ICC-accredited centre in Lahore. He was reported for a suspect action dur ing a stint with the Sydney Thunder in Australia’s Big Bash Twenty20 league last season and suspended from bowling after biomechanical testing confirmed his action was illegal.

Former chief election commissioner SY Qureshi and former Indian football team captain Bhaskar Ganguly were the other members of the CoA. The move by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports was also seen as an attempt to ensure that India hosts the FIFA Under-17 Women’s World Cup. The FIFA had on August 15 imposed a ban on the AIFF due to “third party interference” and said the women’s agegroup showpiece “cannot currently be held in India as planned”.“The day-to-day management of AIFF shall be exclusively looked after by the AIFF Administration led by the Acting Secretary General. The mandate of the Committee of Administrators appointed by the order of this Court stands terminated,” the courtThesaid. Monday order came on a fresh plea filed by the Centre seeking modification of the May 18 and August 3 orders of the court after consultation with the FIFA to ensure revocation of the suspension of the AIFF and the hosting right for holding of the Under-17 Women’s World Cup 2022 in India. The bench noted that the CoA has already submitted the draft Constitution for the AIFF, together with a tabulated set of suggestions, to this Court on July 15, 2022, and therefore appointed its counsel senior advocate Gopal Sankaranarayanan to assist it as amicus curiae.
Improving Metabolism, works as a Mild Laxative and helps a control Hyperacidity, it is also available as a Sugar free variant and works as an effective ayurvedic Medicine for Fatty Liver & Cirrhosis. Is useful in Alcoholic Liver Disease, Jaundice, Fatty Liver, Liver Cirrhosis, Anorexia, Hapatitis-B & Protect Liver damage from regular alcohol consumption. DC-853/22
Printed, Published and Edited by Geoffrey Yaden at G.M. Printers, Circular Rd. Dimapur-797112. Ph: Desk 248489, Adm.& Advertisement :248267, 8798162009, R.N. 40978/90 RN/NE 707 MYK C MYK C SPORTS12 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 2022
Supreme Court dissolves CoA to overturn FIFA’s ban on AIFF
DIMAPUR, AUG 22 (NPN): Grand Master Israel G. Xuivi, founder of Naga Kiti-do and a International Taekwon-do player has been inducted in the Taekwon-do Hall of Fame at the historic ceremony held at the Hyatt Regency at 2 Exchange Palace, Jersey City, New Jersey, USA on August 19. He was inducted for his outstanding achievements and tagged him as “Pioneer Taekwon-do Instructor”. He was honoured by Grand Master Gerard E Robbins, president of Taekwon-do Hall of Fame in presence of executive directors and technicalTheadvisors.award was in conformity with the recognition in the official website of andpresidenthonouredonorganisationsfrominternationalthattaekwondoasTaekwon-doandoutstandingFameTaekwondoInternationalHallof2021forhisperformanceachievementsintagginghim“OutstandingITFchampion”.Itmaybementioned67renownedGrandMastersvariousTaekwondowereinductedthesaidceremony.PersonpreviouslyincludedITFProf.ChangUngWTFpresident,Dr.Un Yong Kim. In India, Israel is the second person to be inducted into the Hall of Fame after Grand Master Puran Andrew Gurung, the founder of taekwondo in India and Nepal. As approved by the technical advisors of All Naga Kiti-do Association, Israel also awarded honorary 9 Degree Black belt to Grand Master Gerard E Robbins for his achievement, commitment and dedication towards promotion Martial Arts around the world and to promote Naga indigenous Martial Art Naga Kiti-do globally.Meanwhile, the All Naga Kiti-do Association has congratulated its founder and president, Grand Master Israel G. Xuivi for the historic achievement.
Caroline Garcia generated momentum going into the U.S. Open in a week, capturing the Western & Southern Open women’s championship with a 6-2 6-4 win over PetraAndKvitova.Borna Coric continued his headlong rush up the men’s rankings, completing an improbable run to the championship with a 7-6 (0) 6-2 win over No. 5 Stefanos Tsitsipas in the first final at this tournament for both players on Coric,Sunday.25,isexpected to be ranked 29th going into the US Open. He opened the tournament at 152 before upsetting five seeded players and four in the top 10, including Rafael Nadal. The Croatian entered the tournament on a protected injury ranking. The 24-year-old Tsitsipas, from Greece, was trying to become the first man this season to win championships on all three surfaces — hard court, grass and clay. He has won a tour-high 46 matches this season.Tsitsipas took a 4-1 lead in the first set, but he couldn’t hold it and he wasn’t sure why. “I’m not in any condition to answer that, because I’m still looking for the answer myself,” he said. “I don’t have a clear answer for that. He was serving well. He was making me move a lot. He plays the way he’s always played. He hasn’t changed much. The less he misses, the more he makes your life difficult.”“Irealised I had to be more aggressive,” Coric said. “I had nothing to lose. I knew if I continued to play the way I was playing, I was going to lose anyway. I had to hit the ball harder and deeper.”Inthewomen’s final, Garcia already was the first qualifier to ever reach the title match and clinched the victory when Kvitova sent a second serve return into the net. Garcia dropped to her knees and lay on her back on the court after the final “Purepoint. joy,” said Garcia, the first French woman to win the tournament.“Justhappiness. Every single win is important. Every single title is very special. It’s always very hard to describe it. It’s not happening so often, and you have to really like enjoy it. I’m really grateful for this great week of tennis, and to win another title, it’s very Thespecial.”28-year-old has a WTA Tour-leading 27 match victories since June. The 28th-ranked Kvitova and 35th-ranked Garcia both shook off firstround losses the previous week in Toronto to make their first appearances in a CincinnatiGarciafinal.broke her Czech opponent in the first game, and raced to a 4-0 lead. Garcia also gained an early edge with a first game break in the second set. Kvitova, 32, left the court for treatment of an injury after falling behind 2-0 in the second set. She looked sharper after returning but couldn’t overcome the early break. “Definitely not the result I wanted, but ... I have to take it like this and see the positive things,” Kviotva said. “I know it’s hurting right now, but on the other side, I have to see it like overall and be proud on my 40th final of my career.”
NEW DELHI, AUG 22 (PTI): The Supreme Court on Monday disbanded the Committee of Administrators (CoA) it had set up to manage the affairs of the AIFF in a bid to get the suspension of the national football body by the FIFAMeetingrevoked.akey criteria set by the world football governing body FIFA that raised the prospects of the AIFF’s suspension being lifted, the court directed the termination of the mandate of the threemember CoA and handed back the football body’s day-to-day management to its administration to also help salvage the Under-17 Women’s World Cup 2022 due to held in October in India. The CoA headed by former apex court judge Justice (retd) Anil R Dave was appointed on May 18. The court said it is modifying its earlier orders to “facilitate” the revocation of the suspension and holding of the world tournament in India. “In the event that the above process is not taken to its logical conclusion, the Court would consider any further order at the subsequent stage,” a bench of Justices DY Chandrachud and AS Bopanna said, a day after the Centre moved an application seeking an end to the “mandate” of the CoA as demanded by the FIFA in a desperate bid to get the All India Football Federation (AIFF)’s suspension lifted. The top court also postponed the August 28 elections of the AIFF by one week to allow a changed electoral college and the start of the nomination process.The Centre in its application had virtually accepted all the demands made by the FIFA including ending the tenure of the CoA as well as not allowing individual members in the electoral college.
Former Indian football team captain Baichung Bhutia and the CoA opposed modification of the court’s orders and said the court should not terminate the reform process. The court should not come under pressure from threats of FIFA as sacrificing the Under-17 Women’s World Cup now would eventually enable the youngsters of the country, in the long run, to look for the main World Cup, they submitted. The bench said it understands the gravity of the situation but cannot sacrifice the world cup in the larger interest of the country.“Had it been cricket and a world cup would have been cancelled due to the court order, everyone would have targeted us saying there are people who have done this or that. Here, we understand everything and our only concern is that the scheduled Under-17 Women’s World Cup is held in India”, it Solicitorsaid. General Tushar Mehta, appearing for the Centre, said there are two programme,application.thetournament,Women’simportancesaidinterference.worlduniformagainstIndiamatchesevenwillcup,ofIndianotisconsequences”“disastrousthecountryfacing,iftheordersaremodified--onethatwilllosehostingrightsanyfuturefootballworldandsecondourteamsnotbeabletoplayfriendlyinternationalacrosstheworld.HesaidthatitisnotthatisbeingdiscriminatedbutFIFAfollowspolicyacrosstheagainstthird-partyThebenchbearinginmindtheoftheUnder-17WorldCup2022itispassingdirectionsontheTheelectionwhichwas
Cincinnati Open: Garcia, Coric win first titles Caroline Garcia Borna Coric Israel G. Xuivi
Correspondent KOHIMA, AUG 22 (NPN): On day 6 of the ongoing football events of the Nagaland Olympic and Paralympic Games 2022, Tseminyü, Phek and Chümoukedima districts each registered victorious in their respective matches. In the first match of the day, Tseminyü thrashed Mokokchung 5-0 and emerged as the winner of the group.Inthe second match, Phek defeated Niuland 2-0. In the third match, Chümoukedima qualified for the quarter finals by defeating Longleng 2-1. With only 8 out of the 15 teams remaining, the teams are now headed to the quarter finals which will be played in a knockout format on Tuesday.
Israel G. Xuivi inducted into Taekwon-do hall of fame
Para-athlete T Ato Yimkhiung, accompanied by Arjuna awardee Chekrovolu Swuro, administering the oath at the inaugural programme of the Nagaland Olympics & Paralympic Games, 2022 on Monday. (NOA)
Correspondent KOHIMA, AUG 22 (NPN): Nagaland chief minister Neiphiu Rio on Monday inaugurated the second Nagaland Olym pic and first edition of the Paralympic Games (NOPG), 2022 at Capital Cultural Hall Addressinghere.the glit tering opening ceremony, Rio remarked that it was a red letter day for the State especially because of the inclusion of paralympic events for people with dis abilities (PWDs). He expressed happi ness at the participation of sportspersons from all 16 districts of the State – over 3,500 sportspersons and official delegates are par ticipating in the event. Rio, however, ex pressed dismay that Naga land was lacking behind in all spheres, particularly in sports, while other neigh bouring States were excel ling at the national level and even representing their country at the international level, including the recent ly-held Commonwealth Games.He said that despite Nagaland being a resource crunch State, the govern ment with the support
(L) State chief minister Neiphiu Rio delivering speech (R) performers presenting special item during the opening ceremony of the Nagaland Olympic & Paralympic Games 2022 at Kohima on Monday. (NOA)
fixed in pursuance of the order dated August 3, 2022, is permitted to be modified by extending the date of election by one week, it added.“The voters’ list for the ensuing elections shall consist exclusively of representatives of the Member consistCommitteesaid,completedensureonstageofmodalitiestheOfficersUnionrepresentingthecontestingcontinuancebeenthebyreturningshallandofficers--UmeshplayerssaidAssociations)”,UnionrepresentingAssociationstheStates/Territories(35+1thebenchandexcludedeminentasdirectedearlier.ItsaidthereturningSinhaTapasBhattacharya--bedeemedtobetheofficersappointedthiscourttoconductelectionsastherehasnoobjectiontotheirbyanyofthepartiesincludingmemberassociationstheStates/Territories.“TheReturningshall,withinsaidperiod,refixtheforthefilingnominationsfromthewhichwasreachedAugust13,2022,andthattheelectionsareonschedule”,itaddingtheExecutiveofAIFFshallof23persons.
TUESDAY’S MATCHES QF1: Peren vs Mon 4 p.m.QF2: Kohima vs Dimapur 6 p.m. MATCHESWEDNESDAY’S QF3: Tseminyu vs Chümoukedima 4 p.m. QF4: Mokokchung vs Phek 6 p.m. Nagaland Olympic: Football results
Rio exhorts sportspersons at 1st NOPG 2022 of ‘Khelo India Mission Scheme’ was making all efforts to develop sports infrastructure across the State and provide basic sports facilities to the sportspersons.Heassured of pro moting games and sports among the youth since they were the hope, strength and future of the country, while encouraging the athletes to take up sports seriously. He said they would be rewarded with success if they really pursued sports with Remindingpassion. that games and sports were no longer regarded as mere entertainment or time-pass, Rio said play ers vying for dominance at international sporting events and winning med als indicated the advance ment and maturity of the countries and people they represented.Thechief minister ob served that Nagas were tal ented and could do well in competitions but stressed that they needed to work harder in order to realise their “Nagasdreams.are second to none, we have the talent and also the instinct to be sportsperson and excel but we have to work very hard to excel in this competitive arena,” Rio said. He also maintained that sports could be used to promote unity and fos ter oneness among Na gas, while hoping that the youth would take interest in sports, give their best and eventually represent the State and country in national and international sporting events respective ly. He remarked that pro fessional sports could be a full-time job too, which in turn could also help a sportsperson develop a sense of dedication, deter mination and the basics. He pointed out that sports taught discipline, punctuality, team spirit, oneness and camaraderie, promoted health, fitness, mental wellness and the potential to be an asset to the society.Hewished all the par ticipants success and urged them to give their best. The byprogrammeinaugurationwaschairedTheyiesinuoKeditsu, while para-athlete T Ato Yimkhiung administered the oath to the players. He was escorted by Olympian and Arjuna Award winner ChekrovoluHighlightsSwüro.of the event include screening of a documentary on sporting activities in Nagaland and special performances and cultural presentations by variousTheartists.week-long Olym pic is jointly organised by the Nagaland Olym pic Association (NOA) and Youth Resources and Sports department.