History made in China as Xi to serve third term

CIES): A “red alert” has been issued for Tripura, Assam, Mizoram, Manipur and Nagaland. An “orange alert” has been issued for Arunachal Pradesh and West Bengal as a deep de pression over Bay of Ben gal has intensified into a cyclonic storm “Sitrang”, a weather report stated on Sunday.
The cyclone, named Sitrang by Thailand, will reach the West Bengal-Ban gladesh coast on Tuesday, IMD said. Indian Meteoro logical Department said the North East region is likely to be affected with heavy to extremely heavy rainfall, with wind speeds up to 60 kmph on Monday.
NSDMA issues up date: Meanwhile, Nagaland State Disaster Manage ment Authority (NSDMA), Home department on Sun day, has issued weather up dates for the coming days.
NSDMA joint chief
DIMAPUR, OCT 23 (NPN): Nagaland Gover nor, Prof. Jagdish Mukhi, chief minister Neiphiu Rio, deputy CM Y. Patton and NPCC president K. The rie have extended Diwali greetings to the people of Nagaland.
In his greeting, gover nor Mukhi said Diwali, the festival of lights, signifies victory of light over dark ness, good over evil, truth over falsehood and knowl edge over ignorance.
Besides decorating homes with colours, he said it also gives an opportunity for people to spend time together and foster good relationships in the family, workplace and society.
“May the spirit of the festival guide us from dark ness to light. May you all be blessed with good health, joy and prosperity,” Mukhi said.
CM: Extending Diwali greetings, chief minister Rio hoped that the festival of lights, which celebrates the victory of good over evil and light over darkness, brighten our lives and strengthen bonds. He also urged all to celebrate the festival respon sibly and to stay safe.
Dy.CM: Deputy chief minister Y. Patton said that the great Indian festival of lights, which signifies triumph of good over evil should light up the life of everyone celebrating it.
Patton, however, ex pressed concerns about the random display of fireworks which becomes hazardous.
executive officer Johnny Ruangmei said Nagaland will experience heavy to extremely heavy rainfalls at most places and thunder showers will be a common feature for next few days. However, districts such as Peren, Phek, Wohka, Kiphi re and Tuensang were likely to experience very heavy rainfall at isolated places.
NSDMA appealed to all to take necessary precau
tionary measures during this time and exercise caution from gale winds which may cause disruption in com munication and connectiv ity. During this time, the minimum and maximum temperature of the state will also vary between 9°C and 30°C respectively, it said.
NSDMA has appealed to the public to exercise caution to avoid any eventu alities during this period. It
also requested all DDMAs and other line departments, responsible to attend to any emergencies caused by natural calamities, to be on alert to save lives and prop erties during this period.
NSDMA said the deep depression, which has moved north-westwards with a speed of 18 kmph, and lay centred at 11:30 hours IST on October 23, is very likely to move northwestwards and intensify into a cyclonic storm over central Bay of Bengal. Thereafter, it would recurve and move north north-eastwards and cross Bangladesh coast be tween Tinkona Island and Sandwip close to Barisal around October 25 early morning.
Under its influence fairly widespread/ wide spread rainfall accompanied with thunderstorm/light ning/heavy to very heavy rainfall is very likely to oc cur at isolated places over the North Eastern states during October 24-26.
DIMAPUR, OCT 23 (NPN): Eastern Naga land Women Organisation (ENWO) has resolved to support the August 26, 2022 ENPO resolution to not take part in any election vis-à-vis Frontier Nagaland demand.
Informing this in a press note, ENWO president A. Shamthai Phom and me dia secretary M. Chongthen said that the decision was made during the consulta tive meeting with all seven tribal federating units at Tu ensang HQ on October 13.
In this regard, ENWO also decided to hold a rally on October 25, from 10 a.m. at Parade Ground, Tuensang Hq. ENWO, therefore, asked all educational institution, shops and commercial ac tivities to remain closed till the rally was over.
(AFP): Following gargan tuan global efforts against Covid-19, tuberculosis is once again the world’s big gest infectious killer, a top expert has told AFP, la menting the lack of focus on rooting out TB.
Mel Spigelman, presi dent of the non-profit TB Alliance, hailed the swift and dramatic progress to rein in the Covid pandemic, with a vast array of safe and effective vaccines, tests and treatments developed in the space of two years.
“But the juxtaposition with TB is pretty stark,” he said in a recent interview.
Tuberculosis, once called consumption, was the world’s biggest infec tious killer before the arrival of Covid-19, with 1.5 mil lion people dying from the disease each year.
With global Covid deaths steadily declining, “TB has regained the dubi ous distinction,” Spigel man said. The TB Alliance, a non-profit working to
Village councils of Old Jalukie & Jalukiekam, Beisumpui and Beisumpuikam said, that as landowner -villages of Hebron Camp and Ntangki National Park respectively, they were constrained clarify facts on the recent statement of Se nior Citizens’ Association Nagaland(SCAN) so that “Nagas are not misled by con cocted stories which will have future ramifications”.
The village councils were reacting to statement by Se nior Citizens’ Association Nagaland (SCAN), that He bron Camp of NSCN(I-M) was within the jurisdiction of Ntangki National Park.
In a joint statement, chairmen of Old Jalukie Vil lage Haingkeing; Beisum pui village Irangtalakpe, Jalukiekam village Ninga Newme, Beisumpuiam Village Tadibe Zeliang and Jalukie Pumling Nko Kumuinring al leged that SCAN had falsely inferred that the NSCN (I-M) Hebron camp was within the jurisdiction of the Ntangki National Park.
The villages pointed out that Hebron designated camp was not within the jurisdiction of the Ntangki National Park but donated by the Beisumpui village and falls within the jurisdiction of the Old Jalukie village, the original landowner.
They said that the bound ary between Jalukie and Beisumpui was clearly marked by Mungleu river, and so there was no room for confusion and misunderstanding.
They reiterated that Naga people should know who the then chief minister of the State was when Hebron camp was established at Forest Colony, in late 1990s, which is outside the jurisdiction of Ntangki NP”.
They informed that the the resettlement of NSCN (I-M) cadre to the present loca tion, was finalized during the tenure of SC Jamir as the chief minister and therefore, “asking questions to Neiphiu Rio or
DIMAPUR, OCT 23 (NPN): GPRN/NSCN on Sunday said that rec onciliation was a must for true healing to take place within the Naga family and asserted that “without coming together and work in unison for a common aspiration, Naga’s future is heading to obscurity.”
Putting on record the September 14 ‘September Joint Accordant’ and the October 17-18 ‘Kolkata Meeting’ and subsequent formation of the Council of Naga Relationships and Cooperation (CoNRC) un
der the initiative of Forum for Naga Reconciliation (FNR), GPRN/NSCN through its MIP said it firmly believed that “… to explore, at the earliest, realistic ways for Nagas to move forward on the basis of Naga historical and po litical rights” was not only a glimmer of hope but in earnest for a timely IndoNaga political resolution.
Unlike the past failed agreements, GPRN/ NSCN said opting for the realistic and practical ways would certainly yield a positive result in time.
It further extended deep appreciation to the Naga national leaders of NNPGs, NSCN (I-M) and Rev. Dr. Wati Aier led Forum for Naga Reconcili ation (FNR) members for re-committing themselves and putting in extra effort to restrengthen Covenant of Reconciliation (CoR).
While joining hands with FNR initiated CoN RC, GPRN/NSCN called upon fellow Naga brethren to jointly participate and support this process of shaping and building a shared future.
Shurhozelie or T.R. Zeliang is illogical and incomprehen sible”. Further they corrected the spelling of the area as ‘Ntangki’ and not ‘Intangki ‘as rendered by SCAN.
They also pointed out that resettlement was done outside the jurisdiction of the National Park in the then Forest colony of the Forest de partment and this fact was also validated by the incumbent director of Ntangki National Park T. Aochuba.
They also refuted claims that some arrangements were being made to rehabilitate the NSCN (I-M) cadres inside Ntangki forest post Naga solu tion.
develop and deliver fasteracting and affordable drugs against the disease, espe cially in poorer countries, points out that based on the annual death rate, TB kills 4,109 people a day. That compares to 1,449 people a day dying due to Covid, calculated from the 40,578 deaths reported in the past 28 days on the Johns Hop kins University dashboard.
But unlike Covid, there appears to be little, and even waning, interest in taking on TB. In fact, the pandemic had a devastating impact on efforts to battle tuber culosis, with TB hospitals taken over for Covid care, and lockdowns preventing
patients from coming in for diagnosis and care. As a result, the number of an nual TB deaths swelled for the first time in a decade in 2020.
“We went from what I honestly consider to be unbelievably slow progress, but at least progress, to a re versal,” Spigelman said. “It has been a major setback,” he said.
While billions of dol lars were being thrown at the Covid fight, global economic woes and swell ing geopolitical tensions prompted top donors to wards the TB battle to tight en their purse-strings.
Sumi Hoho (SH) and Sümi Kükami Hoho(SKH) have issued an open appeal to all individuals, leaders and organizations across the spectrum, to desist from interfering in any form in the survey works of the “Showuba–Pangsha National Highway” which has been approved “in principle” by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways.
In a joint statement, SH president I Nikheto Jimo, SKH president Kashi toYeptho and SH general secretary Dr. Vihuto Asumi, said that though the concerned department may extend logistical support as maybe required by the survey team (NHIDCL), any undue interference with ulterior motives may hamper the team from
bringing up the best possible Detailed Project Report (DPR).
They also asserted that the saying “too many cooks spoil the dish”, was no exception to the present survey works, currently underway.
“Sümi Hoho is afraid that the very purpose of constructing this important road may be defeated if we fail to bring up the best survey report before the actual work commences,” they said.
The hoho, therefore, appealed to all the Nagas in general and Sümis in particular, to refrain from any sort of interference but give a free hand to the NHIDCL to prepare the timely and proper survey report that would benefit Sümis in particular and Nagas in general.
ROME, OCT 23 (AFP): Giorgia Meloni officially took over Sunday as Italy’s first woman prime minister at the helm of the country’s most right-wing government since World War II.
Four weeks after her post-fascist Brothers of It aly party won the elections, Meloni joined outgoing premier Mario Draghi for a handover ceremony at Chigi Palace.
(AGENCIES): Ministry of Home Affairs has cancelled the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) license of Rajiv Gandhi Foundation (RGF) and Ra jiv Gandhi Charitable Trust (RGCT), organisations as sociated with the Gandhi family, for alleged violations of the law.
The action came after investigations carried out by an inter-ministerial com mittee, which was formed in 2020 by MHA after the BJP alleged that RGF received funds from the embassy of
(NPN): Helping Hands, a non-profit organization, founded by special commis sioner, Delhi Police, Robin Hibu launched the Naga land chapter at Living Stone Foundation International (LFI) Dimapur on Sunday.
In his keynote address, Hibu highlighted about how the NGO was started with just Rs 25,000, as an award he received from the govern ment of Arunachal Pradesh for recovering Rs. 15 crore that was stolen in a heist.
Hibu informed that the NGO in the last four years had buried/cremated 297
are in distress and had no one to help them outside the region. Hibu further dis closed that he was handling around 27 cases related to cybercrime from Nagaland out of which six were from Dimapur.
He said members of the Helping Hands com prise of IAS, IPS, IFS, IRS officials belonging to the North East including law yers, journalists and people from other fields.
The NGO also consists of over 1600 volunteers, le gal team and partners with various NGOs.
Hibu informed that the NGO has opened a blood bank for the needy people
from the North East at AI IMS Delhi while 57 hospi tals in Delhi also provide concessions to the needy for treatments.
Besides assisting peo ple in distress, he said the NGO was also involved in providing coaching for civils services aspirants, and vari ous scholarships.
Earlier, in his welcome address, chairman of LFI and president of Helping Hands Nagaland chapter, Dr. Andrew Ahoto Sema said it was time for the people to be more of a giver than a taker; a time for the people to discard selfish and greedy inhibitions.
the People’s Republic of China. The committed had started probing the funding of RGF and RGCT and in vestigated funds received by these organisations with re spect to a suspected violation of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), Foreign Contribution Regu lation Act (FCRA), and the Income Tax Act.
The committee was headed by a special director from Enforcement Direc torate (ED), along with the members from CIT, Income Tax Department; Ministry of Finance; Ministry of
Urban Development and MHA.
The development as sumes significance as both the organisations are headed by former Congress presi dent Sonia Gandhi and have top leaders of the Congress, including Rahul Gandhi, as members. The RGF even has former prime minis ter Manmohan Singh and former finance minister P Chidambaram as members.
Sources said the inves tigation into alleged irregu larities in RGF and RGCT is likely to be handed over to central probe agency CBI.
(NPN): Southern Anga mi Public Organization (SAPO) along with villages have decided to carry out temporary repair work of the deplorable NH-2 on October 26, 2022.
In a press note, SAPO general secretary Swelul Pucho said that the deci sion was made during the joint meeting with all frontal organization of Southern Angami area on October 19 at SABT, hall Kohima.
The house deliberated on the matter and came to conclusion that the road was too risky for vehicles to ply and has become an accident-
prone area besides commut ers facing untold misery. As a good gesture and temporary relied, SAPO along with the villages have decide to repair the road. In this regard, SAPO said all heavy vehicles (trucks and tankers both local and non-local) will be totally prohibited to ply from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. Further, parking of ve hicles from Phesama check gate to Khuzama village will be restricted. SAPO has appealed to the state govern ment, all commuter and citizen of SAPO to cooper ate with the organization in restoring the deplorable road.
DIMAPUR: Amur Falcon Roosting Area Union (AFRAU) Pangti village on Sunday resolved to revoke the resolution which restricted visitors from visiting Amur Falcons roosting at Tzüza Eryü Pangti village from October 1 to 31. The decision was taken as there was no sign of Amur Falcons roosting at Tzüza Eryü Pangti Village.
AFRAU said that the
falcons have shifted to 3 to 4 kilometres away from their actual roosting place and were roosting between Chubi Bridge and Raphaphen junction, Pangti village.
It therefore warned that any one harming or disturbing the falcons will be dealt as per the union resolution. Further information and queries can be contacted at the following number- 9862248907.
DIMAPUR: Nagaland along with the rest of the states, observed “7th Ayurveda Day” on the theme “Har din Har Ghar Ayurveda” at Integrated AYUSH Hospital Razha Chedema, Kohima on October 23.
The programme was attended by the staffers of IAH, village council members and the general public of the neighbouring villages.
According to media cell of IAH, Razha,
Chedema Kohima, the event was graced by SPO (AYUSH), Dr. Seyiekhrietuo John as the chief guest.
In his speech, he stressed the importance of AYUSH in the health care system and highlighted various activities carried out by the department of AYUSH in the state.
Dr. Khonuo Mary Belho, Medical Superintendent I/c spoke on the event focusing on the theme and urged the general public and staff
to adopt healthy lifestyle and promote Ayurveda. She also encouraged the general public to grow medicinal plants and avail the Panchakarma services in the hospital.
Dr.Gwachung Magh, M.O. (Ayurveda) gave an overview regarding the celebration of Ayurveda Day and its significance.
Along with awareness a video presentation and talk on Ayurveda, IEC materials were distributed among the general public.
DIMAPUR: Assam Rifles battalions under Hq IGAR (North) has been conducting various welfare activities and awareness programmes for the people of the state.
Shamatore Battalion distributed wheelchairs and blankets at Chokla village, Noklak district on October 23. Jalukie battalion organized awareness on dengue prevention at Ndunglwa village, Peren district on October 22. During event, the attendees were informed about various essential steps to be taken for prevention of the fever. A total of 30 students attended the event. On the same day, the battalion also conducted a motivational lecture on Youth Empowerment for students of Zeliangrong Heraka High School, at Tening town, Peren. 22 students attended the lecture.
Phek battalion also organised a motivational lecture for school students of Government High School at Pokhungri village in Phek district on October 21.
PAC NLA meeting: Advisor, school education and chairman of Public Accounts Committee (PAC), Nagaland Legislative Assembly (NLA) has convened an introductory-cum-adoption meeting of PAC on October 27, 11 a.m.at the Committee Room of the Assembly Secretariat. All the members have been requested to attend the meeting.
NMSA informs: Nagaland Medical Students’ Association (NMSA) informed that an orientation-cum-counselling for the selected candidates of NEET(UG) 2022 would be held on October 27. Candidates have been requested to bring their original documents as well as photocopy along with two passport photos.
NNC, FGN joint meeting: A joint meeting of the Naga National Council (NNC) and the Federal Government of Nagaland (FGN) has been convened on October 31, 10 am at Transit Peace Camp (TPC), Kohima. All the central authorities, regional authorities and high-ranking “Naga army officers” of the NNC/FGN have been requested to attend the meeting.
GBUW 50 years: Gaun Buras Union Wokha (GBUW) would be celebrating golden jubilee on October 27-28 at GB’s Court PWD Colony Wokha Town and Likya Community Hall Wokha with Additional Deputy Commissioner, Wokha, K.Furhesie Nyuwi and advisor, law and justice and chairman DPDB Wokha as the inaugural day guest and special guest respectively.
LJP (RV) greets: Lok Janshakti Party (Ram Vilas) Nagaland unit has extended warm greetings to the Hindu community of Nagaland and neighbouring states of India on the auspicious occasion of Diwali, which is the festival of light and prosperity.
ZSU institutes ‘humanitarian award’: Zhavame Students Union (ZSU) humanitarian award committee convener, Truvi Rhi has informed that the union has instituted ZSU Humanitarian Award for the citizens of Zhavame community. The award would be given to an individual or any organization that has outstanding contribution towards the Zhavame community.
Workshop on DRITWL: A workshop on development of resources on indigenous and traditional ways of learning was held on October 17-21 at North East Regional Institute of Education (NCERT), Umiam, Meghalaya with resource persons from Nagaland, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya and New Delhi.
DIMAPUR: Agriculture Technology Management Agency(ATMA) blocks conducted various activities for farmers across the state.
Kubulong block: With an aim to impart the farmers on various scientific and improved method of cultivation of broccoli and cauliflower for quality and quantities production, ATMA Kubulong block carried out a demonstration on improved cultivation practices of broccoli and cauliflower. The block also conducted a capacity building programme on small scale vegetable farming for Farmer interest groups (FIGs)/Commodity Interest Groups (CIGs).
DIMAPUR: Ghotovi Village Council (GVC) has imposed “blanket ban” on fishing and picnicking at “Dadi Ghoki” with effect from October 24.
GVC secretary, Kivigho Zhimomi informed that anyone found violating the “azah” will be penalized as per the law of the land.
The council stated that the “azah” has been enforced for the overall health of villages under Niuland district receiving water supply from Ghotovi village.
GVC said that main water supply source has been contaminated with the use of poisonous chemicals by fishing parties and picnickers.
The council said that immoral activities were also taking place in the village jurisdiction by unknown persons.
In this regard, the council warned that anyone caught during the enforcement of ban will not be spared.
The programmes were carried out on October 22 at Kubolong Town, Mokokchung with Assistant Technology Manager (ATM),Kubolong block, Tsuktirenla Jamir as the resource person.
Earlier, in a separate event, ATMAKubulong block organised one-day training programme on soil health management and demonstration on proper cultivation techniques of potato on October 21 at Amesuba, Longjang Village with Junior Soil Conservation Officer, Toshinenla and BTM Amongla Jamir as the resource persons.
Mangkolemba block:
ATMA Mangkolemba block under Mokokchung district conducted training and demonstration programme on October 20 at Dibuia and Mongchen Village. Training on cultural practices of winter vegetables was conducted at Mongchen Village with ATM, Mangkolemba block,
Shilunokdan Jamir as the trainer while mobilisation of Food Security group (FSG) was conducted at DibuiaVillage with BTM Mangkolemba block, Limawapangla as the resource person. Kuhuboto block:
ATMA Kuhuboto Block, Dimapur carried out a demonstration on “Sowing method of Potato in Ridges” on October 21.
Ongpangkong North block: ATMA Mokokchung Ongpangkong North Block conducted mobilization of farmers group, Jangyumedem FSG on October 20 at Longmisa Village with ATM, Ongpangkong North Block, Nuksunginla Jamir as the resource person. Demonstration was also conducted on improved management practices of mustard and improved package and practices of
knol- khol, with ATM, Ongpangkong North Block, Tajungsola Jamir as the resource person.
On October 21, the block also conducted mobilization of farmers group Onchenna FSG at Ungma Village with A.O, BTT Convener Ongpangkong North Block, T. Mayang as the resource person. Training on cultivation technique of organic winter vegetable and demonstration on improved packages and practices of garden pea was conducted with ATM, Ongpangkong North Block, Nuksunginla Jamir as the resource person.
DIMAPUR: All Nagaland College Students’ Union (ANCSU) has reiterated its stand that no one should threaten or dictate the college students and authorities (affiliated to ANCSU) for their “selfinterest and propagandize their narrow manifesto(s)”.
In a statement, ANCSU president, Toito D Chishi and general secretary, Tenyesinlo Bukh cautioned that in the event of such incidents, it will take any necessary steps to protect the sanctity of the educational institutions.
The union also assured its continue support to represent the aspiration and voices of the students in all circumstances and therefore appealed to the students to not pay heed towards unauthorized directives from any individual or group.
Meanwhile, ANCSU extended gratitude to all the dignitaries, students and well-wishers for their participation at the ANCSU Collegiate Meet, hosted at Sakus Mission College from October 1721.
missed your presence and your warmth around us. Every single day we are reminded of what we have lost and try to make our peace with it. We take solace knowing that you are at peace in the ever loving care of our Almighty. Today APUO-O, you are dearly missed and we are only console by the priceless memories we had together which will be ever cherished till the day we meet again.
“Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near; still loved, still missed and very dear.”
Loving Wife, Children, Grandchildren and In-laws.
"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race,
have kept the faith" II Timothy
With profound gratitude, we the family of Lt. Welson
would like to thank each and every one who supported and comforted us in every way during his brief illness and sad demise on the 13th of October 2022. It is our sincere prayer that our Almighty God bless you all in abundance.
have lost a son, a brother and an uncle, a gentle and kind hearted man; but Heaven has gained a beautiful soul.
judge, Justice Songkhup chung Serto said despite judiciary in Nagaland being at a nascent stage, it had made tremendous progress in terms of court infrastruc ture development of district court infrastructure.
Songkhupchung said new court complexes had been inaugurated in many districts and new court buildings were on the anvil in remaining districts.
DIMAPUR: Secretary (ju dicial)department of Law and Justice, Nino Iralu called upon the legal servic es lawyers to maintain the “highest ethical standards” and provide effective legal services to the common people with special focus on the marginalised section of the society.
In a press release, Na galand State Legal Ser vices Authority (NSLSA) stated that Nino Iralu was addressing the inaugural programme of the state level training programme for retainer lawyers and panel lawyers on October 22 at SIRD Conference Hall, Kohima.
She advised the legal
services lawyers to remain independent from money power and pressure and to maintain professional integrity so that their ser vices were unquestioned and to the satisfaction of the receiver.
Stating that legal ser vices lawyers should be more accessible and provide law and legal advices to those seeking it, she noted that most lawyers “nor mally do not open up when money is not involved” thus making common people reluctant to seek help.
Iralu also underscored the need for panel and re tainer lawyers to spend more time with Under Trial Prisoners (UTPs), who they
represent in the court.
She advised senior panel lawyers, who have more experience in the District Legal Services Au thority (DLSA), to men tor juniors and upcoming lawyers and Para Legal Volunteers (PLVs).
In the keynote address, NSLSA member secretary, Victo Sema reminded that the paramount role of the lawyers in legal services was disseminating information about the mission of legal services.
Victo said the mission was to empower margin alised and economically weaker section through legal awareness and as sistance.
DIMAPUR: Krishi Vig yan Kendra (KVK)Long leng organised cleanli ness drive on October 21 at Government Middle School, Leinak, Longleng district as part of month long special “Swachhta Campaign 2.0” under “Azadi Ka Amrit Ma hotsav”.
Underscoring the importance of lawyers enhancing their skill and knowledge, he said without “upgradation and enhance ment” they would not be able to empower the grass root people.
“No civilisation, coun try or society will grow and prosper when the majority of the population live in poverty and without any access to justice”, Victo added.
In the training ses sion, district and session judge and chairperson, Phek DLSA, Mezivolu Therieh spoke on constitu tional perspective of legal services and legal services authority act; chief judicial
magistrate & secretary, Di mapur DLSA, Seyielenuo Mezhü spoke on lawyering skills: criminal: drafting, witness examination and arguments; senior advo cate, Gauhati High Court, Kohima Bench, R. Iralu dwelt on cursory glance on civil procedure code and its practices; chief judicial magistrate and secretary, Mokokchung DLSA, Won chibeni V Patton spoke on overview of cybercrimes and cyber law: types of cybercrime, legal provisions and its prevention and advo cate, Gauhati High Court, Kohima bench, Temjenmoa spoke on skills development on communication with clients and counselling.
The training was at tended by 46 retainer law yers and panel lawyers rep resenting all DLSAs across the state
A skill development training programme for staff of subordinate courts of Nagaland organised by Judicial Academy, Assam in collaboration with Gauhati High Court, Kohima Bench and department of Law & Justice was held at Law Guest House in Dimapur on October 21.
In the inaugural speech, Gauhati High Court
He pointed out that alongside physical infra structure, training of human resources to man the courts were also essential for jus tice delivery in the districts.
“The staff of the sub ordinate judiciary are the backbone of the district judiciary and to this end the court staff ought to be properly trained in the rules and procedure of the courts”, he stated.
He also stressed that dispensation of justice was incomplete without active involvement of court staff to assist, support judges and magistrates.
Resource persons for the training included Ju dicial Academy, Assam faculty members SP Moitra and Mridu Chanda Bordo loi, research officer Shivani Handique.
DIMAPUR: Various pro grammes and activities for students and teachers were organised by educational institutions and others as part of their yearly cur riculum and extra-curricular activities.
dation day lecture and also spoke on “natural farming”.
DIMAPUR: Three-day 13th session of Association of the Gorkha Baptist Churches Nagaland (AGBCN) pas tors’ fellowship conference was held under the theme, “Be still & know that I am God” at Nepali Baptist Church Sechu (Zubza).
A press release by AGBCN informed that 47 churches and 100 delegates
from different churches across the state participated in the conference.
Apostle Dhurba Si sya, Siliguri (West Bengal) and Sechu, Zubza Baptist Church Pastor Neivilhou Kuotsu were the speak ers and council chairman, AGBCN, Robert Aley and Shalom Bible Seminary assistant professor, Wirl
Thaw Mu were the resource persons. During the intro ductory session on October 21, the flag hosting was led by GBC Xukiye pastor Yelto Sharma and minis tered by AGBCN executive secretary, Rev. Santabir Rai while guest speaker, Apostle Dhurba Sisya delivered ser mon on the topic, “Divine Restoration”.
DIMAPUR: One day orientation training on People’s Plan Campaign (PPC) 202223 for district resources persons on Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP) was held on October 21 at the Conference Hall of the Rural Development (RD) Kohima.
In a press release, RD department stated that in the introductory speech, joint director and state nodal officer, K. Neibou Sekhose highlighted the importance of GPDP. He said GPDP was prepared through a participatory process involving all stake holders matching people’s need and priorities with available resources.
“GPDP provides a vision of what the people would like their village to look like
and set out clear goals to achieve that vi sion and give an action plan to reach those goals,” said Sekhose.
Towards this, Sekhose called upon the district resource persons to tie up with the line departments in order to successfully and effectively carry out the campaign.
Presentations on PPP-GDDP and GPDP-Portal were presented by BDO, JakhamaVilopi Angami and RDO, Imlisan enAier respectively, which was followed by a detailed discussion.
Meanwhile, the department informed that PPC is an ongoing activity for GPDP which began on September 12, 2022 and would conclude on January 31, 2023.
During the pro gramme, SMS, Dr. Lily Ngullie highlighted the im portance of frequent wash ing of hands, keeping the school surrounding clean and general hygiene prac tices. She also encouraged the children to maintain kitchen garden by utiliz ing the waste materials as compost.
Mokokchung: KVK Mokokchung organised “swachhata” awareness programme under “Swach hata Special Campaign 2.0” during the “Kisan Samman Sanmilan” on October 17 at Krishi Vig yan Kendra office.
In a press release, KVK Mokokchung stated that during the programme the participants were sen sitised on the “swachhata” initiatives undertaken by the government to promote hygienic environment. In a separate programme, Krishi Vigyan Kendra Mo kokchung trained farmers on the aspect of managing crop residues on October 19 at SDAO Tuli Town.
MC: Career guidance for students and faculty interaction programme was organised by the training and placement cell of Mod ern College on October 21 at the College Auditorium with department of political science, Dimapur Govern ment College, associate professor A. Moamongla Aier as the guest speaker.
DBCK: The NSS units of all the semesters includ ing NCC Cadets of Don Bosco College Kohima on October 21 took an initiative of bringing the waste from their homes and localities for the NSS Clean India Campaign
NAGC: Nagaland Adolescent Girls Club un der the Nagaland State Social Welfare Board of Bayavü Higher Secondary School held its monthly club meeting on October 21 with Manlee Manpuhro and Khriezotuo Lie Chase, programme assistant, as the resource persons.
NU, SASRD: Na galand University (NU) School of Agricultural Sci ences and Rural Develop ment (SASRD) celebrated its 45th Foundation Day on October 20, wherein profes sor Alemla Ao exhorted the gathering and professor MB Sharma delivered the foun
Alumni Awards were also presented to the toppers of the B.Sc (Hons) Agri. batches (2021-2022) by presi dent of AASASRD(Alumni Association SASRD), Prof L Tongpang Longkumer.
OC: Three-day “Skill Fest ‘22” organised by Ori ental College culminated with Chief Operating Of ficer (COO) Nagaland State Rural Livelihood Mission (NSRLM), Menuoneituo Chadias the guest of hon our.
PGC: Anti-Tobacco and Narcotics Cell (ATNC) Peren Government College organised an awareness pro gram under the theme, “The tobacco and the youth” on October 20 at the College Hall with social worker, District Tobacco Control Cell, Peren, Hoineichin Singson as the resource person.
PWCD: Under the initiative of the National Service Scheme (NSS) Cell of Pranabananda Women’s College, Dimapur, one day cleanliness drive under the theme, “Swachta hi Seva” was organised on October 22 at the College Campus and in and around Lhomithi Colony.
MITE: Modern Insti tute of Teacher Education, Kohima organised an out reach activity for creating awareness on health and hygiene to ChedemaVillage community on October 22.
SCHE: To commemo ration 100 years of the Don
Bosco’s Society presence in India 1922 – 2022, Salesian College of Higher Educa tion Dimapur organised Dimapur-Chumukedima in ter-collegiate youth talk and quiz competition on Octo ber 21. The programme was held with VC of St. Joseph University, Dimapur, Pro fessor D. Gnanadurai as special guest and attended by ten colleges from the two districts. In a separate event, regional director, NSS Guwahati, Dipak Ku mar on October 22 held an interaction with the NSS unit of SCHE.
CVSAH: Week-long wildlife celebration pro gramme of College of Vet erinary Sciences & Animal Husbandry Jalukie, Peren concluded on October 21. Various activities includ ing essay competition were conducted.
SJS: Students of St. John’s School, Diphupar’B’ on October 15held their first “cooking without fire” inter house competition to exhibit their culinary skills.
ICFAI: ICFAI Uni versity Nagaland celebrated its freshers’ day on October 21 with Sovima Village Council (SVC) chairman, Sebastian Zumvu. Mr. and Miss Fresher of ICFAI University Nagaland 2022 was the highlight of the programme.
MTC: Mount Tiyi College, NSS unit organised a cleanliness drive in NSS Adopted Village Koioon October 22 as part of Clean India Campaign.
C-Edge: One day na tional seminar on the “pros pects and challenges of in clusive growth in north east region with special focus on agripreneurship” sponsored by NABARD was organ ised by the department of economics and department of management studies, CEdge College in collabora tion with the Department of Economics, Unity College, Dimapur on October 21.Sri Ram College of Commerce, University of Delhi, associ ate professor, Dr. S. Prakash was the keynote speaker. The resource persons for the technical sessions were assistant professor, depart ment of Management Stud ies, Nagaland University, Dr.Ditalak Mpanme, head of department of Com merce, Assam University, Diphu Campus, Dr.Subit Dutta and Dr. S. Prakash.
NPC: Norman Putsure College conducted skill development class on horti culture and floriculture for the students on October 22 at Sovima Campus.
SJC (Autonomous): In view of the ensuing St. Joseph’s College (Autono mous) Jakhama alumni association silver jubilee celebration, SJC principal, Dr. Fr. George Keduolhou Angami held a joint meeting of college management and ex-officials of alumni on October 21 at Conference Hall of the college, wherein various agendas such as alumni meet-cum-alumni silver jubilee celebration, AQAR, etc. were discussed.
DIMAPUR: Indian Army has announced recruitment rally for all the seven states of North East for the cat egories of soldier nursing assistant and soldier nursing assistant (veterinary) and religious teacher junior com missioned officer.
In a press release, PRO (Defence), Kohima has informed that the recruitment would be conducted in the month of November 2022 and that desirous candidates can apply for the Sol NA / NA Vet rally till October 30 and for the category of RT JCO till November 7.
PRO has informed that notification for the rally has been uploaded on the website of the Indian Army (www.joinindianarmy.nic.in) and that the Indian Army has granted relaxation of two years with regards to the upper age limit for the candidates.
DIMAPUR: Surakshit Ma tritva Aashwasan (SUMAN) scheme was launched in Dimapur, Wokha and Tuen sang districts on October 21. The launching programme was organised by the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) office of the respective dis tricts.
SUMAN scheme is an initiative by the central gov ernment for zero prevent able maternal and new born death and aims at achieving
the target of reducing mater nal and infant mortality in the country.
In Dimapur, the scheme was launched by SDO (C) Dimapur, Yan thungbemo at the Con ference Hall of the CMO Dimapur. CMO Dimapur office also observed “Global Iodine Deficiency Disorder Day” on the same day. In a presentation, DPO RCHUIP, Dr. Rebecca stated that SUMAN scheme was aimed
at providing quality health care free of cost to every woman and newborn visit ing a public health facility.
Presenting a talk on iodine deficiency disorders, deputy CMO Dr. Antoly Swu stated that Global IDD Prevention Day was ob served to spread awareness on the importance of iodine in the diet. Short speeches were also delivered by Yant hungbemo Kikon and senior specialist, District Hospital
Wokha: In Wokha district, SUMAN scheme was launched at Dr.Motsuo Memorial District Hos pital Wokha by SDO (C) Wokha, Tsidi. In his speech, Tsidi asked the healthcare workers to ensure that the government schemes were implemented successfully.
CMO Wokha, Dr. Toshirenla expressed hope that with the launching of the scheme the beneficia
ries in the district would be benefited. In a brief intro duction on SUMAN, Obs & Gynae, District Hospital Wokha, Dr.Azo Louis Kha rutso emphasised on the importance of providing dignified quality care to the mother and child.
In this regard, Dr. Azo called upon the stakehold ers to create awareness on the services available for pregnant women at different health centres.
Tuensang: Launching programme of SUMAN scheme was held at the Conference Hall of District Hospital Tuensang. In keynote address, DPO (UIP & RCH), Dr. Sentiyenla highlighted the aim of SUMAN scheme and stressed on the benefits under the scheme. She also asked NGOs to support the department for success ful implementation of the scheme.
DIMAPUR: A ten-day farmers skill training programme on Chawki silkworm rearing (1st phase) and late age silkworm rearing (2nd phase) organised by Research Extension Centre (REC), Central Silk Board (CSB), Di mapur under the aegis of Central Sericultural Research & Training Institute (CSR&TI), CBS, Berhampore, West Bengal concluded on October 22.
In a press release by REC Dimapur stated that 25 women farmers selected by the department of sericulture, government of Nagaland participated in the programme which was inaugurated by Scientist-D, RSRS, Jorhat, Dr. Kartik Neog.
GUWAHATI, OCT 23 (IANS): A large population in Assam is breathing toxic air, with Guwahati topping the charts of the highest polluted cities in the state.
The Delhi-based Cen tre of Science and Environ ment (CSE) had recently warned that the problem of air pollution is growing steadily in Assam and also in other northeastern states, posing a threat to the con cept of pristine blue skies and clean air in this region.
In the National Air Quality Monitoring Pro gramme (NAMP), five ‘nonattainment’ cities have been identified in Assam, namely, Guwahati, Nagaon, Silchar, Sivasagar, and Nalbari. The pollutant levels in these cit ies have exceeded the pre scribed air quality standards.
Accordingly, the Na tional Clean Air Programme (NCAP) has been initiated to develop action plans to bring down the fine particu late matter (like PM10 and PM2.5) by 20-30 per cent within a stipulated time frame. An emission inven tory study has been initiated for Guwahati, wherein the contribution of pollutants from different sectors like commercial, transportation, domestic and industrial sources will be estimated.
The high level of air pollution resulting from
AGARTALA, OCT 23 (PTI): Three people were arrested in connection with the alleged gangrape of a 16-year-old girl in Tripura’s Unakoti district, police said on Sunday.
Alleging the involve ment of a state minister’s son in the incident, opposi tion Congress and CPI(M) demanded the arrest of all the accused, while the BJP dismissed the charge.
The girl was allegedly raped by a group of youths in a three-storey building in Kumarghat on October 19, triggering an outrage.
Based on an FIR lodged in the case, three people including a woman were arrested but a few oth ers are still at large, Kumar ghat Sub-divisional Police Officer Biplab Debbarma told PTI.
In the police com plaint, the survivor’s mother alleged that a woman from the neighbourhood had taken the girl to Kumarghat on October 19 and kept her at the building where she was gang-raped.
massive motorisation, traffic congestion, and use of solid fuel are causing a public health crisis in the hilly terrains and valleys of the northeastern states.
What is worse is that although the air quality has declined gradually, it has failed to draw public atten tion yet. But, in the winter, air pollution in Guwahati is as bad as in many cities in Uttar Pradesh. Pollution is high even in smaller cit ies too.
Parthankar Choud hury, Professor of Ecology and Environmental Science, Assam University, Silchar, said that over the years, the concentration of particu late matter in the ambient air is on the rise, which is alarming.
“More research proj ects need to be carried out on the respiratory distress and other health ailments caused due to air pollution,” he added.
In the present scenario,
various construction works are going on in and around Guwahati, which may be responsible for the increase in concentrations of PM10.
This increase, however, is temporary in nature be cause, after the completion of the construction works, e.g., a flyover, the vehicle flow will be smooth with less congestion which will eventually lead to lesser pol lutant levels in the long run.
Black carbon is just next to carbon dioxide in global warming potential and has an effect on global climate.
Rajarshi Sharma, a re search scholar of the Air & Noise Research Lab of IIT Guwahati (IIT-G) headed by Prof. Sharad Gokhale, studied emission levels of black carbon and found that fossil fuel burning (from transportation, industries, kerosene lamps for light ing in residential use) is responsible for about 60 per cent of black carbon
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which is a constitu ent of the ruling Meghalaya Democratic Alliance, has raised concerns about un employment in Meghalaya.
State BJP president, Ernest Mawrie rued the fact that even after 50 years of statehood, the various governments have not been able to generate sufficient employment opportunities for the youths in Meghalaya.
“The government view has always been myopic and government policies have failed to look at the holistic picture of the state. Elected leaders have continuously failed as policy makers,” Mawrie claimed. Mawrie, however, thanked Prime Minister Narendra Modi for launching the ‘Rozgar Mela’ under which 10 lakh Central Government jobs will be provided to the youth. He expressed confidence that the youth of Meghalaya will also benefit much from the scheme. “Pragmatic policies could have generated new
jobs in Meghalaya as well. But instead, the state failed to fill even the existing vacan cies. A recent news report claiming that an RTI has revealed that more than 8000 positions are lying vacant in various departments of the state government has raised red flags within the party,” Mawrie said and insisted that Meghalaya needed a BJP-led government which would focus on turning it into a revenue-generating state, making it self-reliant and providing new avenues for employment. Stating that an NGO had recently taken out a rally in the state capital to highlight the problem of unemployment, Mawrie said that the grievances highlight ed by the NGO resonated with that of the BJP.
emission, while biomass burning (from firewood for residential use, cropland burning, forest fires, slash burning) contribute to about 40 per cent.
The total emission of black carbon is about 19.38 Gg (Gigagram) during 201819, of which 3.38 Gg is from Kamrup Metropolitan district only, which is also the highest black carbon emitting district.
The other reason which is affecting Guwahati is the unplanned and open burn ing of solid waste disposal right in the city itself.
People do not realise the amount of black carbon and toxic pollutants which are emitted from burning waste disposal.
Guwahati has one of the highest black carbon pollution levels in the world which is alarming, said an officer of the state govern ment. Ardhendu Shekhar Chaudhury, another re searcher at IIT-G, found in a study near urban roadways of Guwahati that the aver age black carbon level in winter season at the breath ing level is about 32 micro grams per cubic meter.
Prof Gokhale said that the air pollution scenario in Assam is not as grave as Delhi today but is certainly alarming as the levels of fine particles are rising.
GUWAHATI, OCT 23 (PTI): The Assam govern ment on Sunday announced an additional dearness al lowance (DA) of four per cent for its employees and all India service officers as a festival gift.
The hike will be effec tive from July 1, and the ad ditional amount will be paid with October’s salary, Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma said in a tweet.
It will increase the DA of the state government employees to 35 per cent.
“Happy to announce 4 per cent additional Dear ness Allowance for State Govt employees/All India Service Officers w.e.f. 1st July, 2022, payable with this month’s salary.
“Hope this will add to the festive fervour. Also extending my good wishes for an auspicious and happy Deepawali!,” Sarma said on the microblogging site.
Dearness allowance for state government em ployees and dearness re lief for pensioners was in creased by 11 per cent in August last year.
IMPHAL, OCT 23: A man who facilitated illegal migrants to obtain Aadhaar cards by providing residen tial proofs was arrested by police in Manipur’s Thou bal district on Sunday.
The police accused him for providing residen tial proof certificates to the illegal migrants from Bangladesh so that they can obtain Aadhaar cards as natives of the state.
Hafiz Salahdur (26) son of Md Sallauddin of Mayang Imphal of Imphal West was arrested by a team of Thoubal district police Sunday morning from a rented house at Lilong Bazar in Thoubal district.
The police alleged that the arrested person recently provided a residential proof certificate to a Bangladesh national identified as Md Ramjan Ali (35) who en tered into the state illegally.
Md Ramjan Ali was recently arrested by the police during a special drive against illegal migrants and ILP violators.
The arrested Ramjan tried to prove himself as a native of the state by show ing a genuine Aadhaar card issued in his name.
However, during a po lice investigation, he was found to have been arrested earlier for being an illegal migrant.
ITANAGAR, OCT 23 (PTI): The Army has launched a search operation to find out the Black Box of the Advanced Light Heli copter (ALH) that crashed in Arunachal Pradesh on Friday killing five personnel, officials said.
The Black Box is an instrument that records all flight information which could help ascertain the reason for the crash.
Personnel of 21 Para (Special Force) from Jorhat in Assam, were air dropped at the crash site near Migging, around 35 kilometres from the border with China, on Saturday to recover the Black Box.
“The area is thickly wooded which is creating hindrances in searching for the Black Box,” an official said on Sunday.
The ALH, carrying five Army personnel including two pilots, was on regular
sorties when it crashed at 10.43 am on Friday.
The bodies of four personnel were recovered on Friday evening from the crash site in a densely wooded mountainous area, while the fifth body was found the next day.
Prior to the crash, the Air Traffic Control (ATC) had received a mayday call from the pilots of the ALH suggesting a technical or mechanical failure, defence spokesperson Lt Col A S Walia said.
‘Mayday’ is the word used across the world to make a distress call over radio communication in case of emergency, usually on a ship or aircraft.
The Army headquar ters ordered a Court of Inquiry to investigate the cause of the crash.
According to officials, the weather was good for flying operations on Friday
and the two pilots had a combined experience of flying for more than 1,800 hours. The Army helicopter, also known as HAL Rudra, had taken off from Likabali in Lower Siang district.
The HAL Rudra is an attack helicopter manufac tured by Hindustan Aero nautics Limited (HAL) for the Indian Army. It is a weapon system integrated (WSI) Mk-IV variant of the Dhruv ALH and is the first armed helicopter produced indigenously in India.
This is the second ac cident involving an Army helicopter in Arunachal Pradesh this month.
A Cheetah helicopter crashed in Tawang district on October 5 and claimed the life of one of its two pilots. According to official records, Arunachal Pradesh has witnessed 13 crashes since 1995, and 47 people were killed in them.
IMPHAL, OCT 23: Ma nipur CPI’s demand for compensation to farmers hit hard by drought and fertilizer scarcity gained momentum when more farmers of the state joined its campaign on Sunday.
Expressing grave concern over the plights of farmers hit hard by drought and fertilizer scar city, Communist Party of India (CPI), Manipur State Council has been pressing the Manipur government to provide relief to them.
CPI Manipur State Council secretary L Sotin kumar said, “It is unfor tunate for the government to turn a blind eye over the situation even as the state is staring at a possible famine,” he said.
He informed that the party demanded that the state government provide Rs 30,000 compensation per Sangam to the affected farmers and demanded that the state government convene a special session of the state legislative As sembly to declare drought
MELAMORA (ASSAM), OCT 23 (PTI): In a quaint Assam village, Pranita is busy peeling and chopping vegetables while another woman cleans a boat at the nearby pond and two others sit by the entrance, chatting among themselves.
This could well be the scene of any rural house hold in Assam, except that these women are busy with the activities at a tourist spot nestled in an interior part of Golaghat district.
“We are a group of 20 women who take care of the tourist park here at Melamora. All of us gather in the morning to clean the premises and for the rest of the day, we are divided in groups of six to cater to the visitors on a rotational basis,” Pranita told PTI.
She said the park has been developed on a plot of barren government land by Khumtai MLA Mrinal Saikia, who has now handed it over to the women of the village to run it.
“Out of the total earn ings, two-third is divided among the women and one-
third is kept for its mainte nance. We have good foot fall, especially during the winters, and the local men also help us out in the more heavy jobs,” Pranita said.
Besides tranquil spots for people to unwind, it has a children’s section, boating facility and an eatery.
Pradyut Khound, a local person who has been actively engaged with rural tourism ventures in Khum tai, said there are two more such places that have been developed under the initia tive of the legislator, and have now become means
for sustenance for families living nearby.
“There is one park at Jogibeel, which is closer to Golaghat town, and another in Missamora Mudoi Gaon area. The one at Jogibeel was known for its migra tory birds, but it has been given a proper ambience only now,” he said. Close to the Melamora park is a ‘chang ghor’ (stilt house), named ‘Meluha’ by its own er, which has turned into a major tourist draw.
Khound said curious onlookers used to visit the house, which is decorated
with artefacts from around the world and is dotted by plants and trees of different species. The owner, who is a doctor by profession, eventually decided to turn it into a tourist spot, keep ing only a room locked for personal use.
“Regular maintenance of the house is entrusted to three families. They collect the entry fees, which go up to thousands of rupees during peak tourist season, and ensure its upkeep,” he added. Saikia, who has been the brain behind these rural tourism initiatives, said,
“We wanted to include the local community in running these ventures. This ensures better maintenance of the places and also empowers them economically.
“We have witnessed tremendous enthusiasm among the women and youth for these ventures. The women themselves pooled resources and went to see how such tourist spots are maintained in Megha laya. Later, we organised such a trip for the youth.”
Saikia has been pro moting rural tourism in his constituency through the ‘Destination Khumtai’ initiative, which started in August with a day-long jour ney for tourists to villages.
A marathon and a flower carnival are lined up in the next couple of months, and more attrac tions will be added soon, the MLA said.
“We have earned up to Rs 10,000 each in a month. We had never even touched so much money before. All of us are determined to make this initiative a suc cess,” Pranita said.
as well as provide com pensation to the affected farmers.
The proposed special session, the state govern ment must also table a long term policy for the farmers, he demanded.
Furthering its de mand, the CPI staged a sit-in-protest at Keirao in Imphal East district today where farmers of the area took part in.
Farmers of the state
were slated to face crop failure resulting in loss of investment and hard labour and the state government was doing nothing for the relief of the farmers, L Sonitkumar said.
The CPI leader la mented that this season paddy fields in most parts of the state were facing severe water scarcity due to no rain for successive months.
He alleged that the
state government, particu larly the state irrigation department did nothing to provide water and the agriculture department did not provide fertilizers, particularly Urea to the farmers on time.
Owing to these fac tors, over 95 per cent of the paddy crops in fields in the state have failed and the farmers have lost their investments and hard labour, he added.
(PTI): The Left Front man aged to rule Tripura for several years because of a “backdoor understanding” with the Congress, the BJP has alleged.
BJP state president Rajib Bhattacharjee said the saffron party changed the state’s “political arithmetic” by winning 36 seats in the 60-member House in the
2018 assembly elections.
“People of the state are well aware of the tricky politics of both the Left and the Congress. The political alignment between the two parties, which are advocat ing for an alliance among the secular forces, is not new in the state,” he said, urging BJP leaders and sup porters to “remain alert” about the poll tactics of the
CPI(M), Congress and the newly floated Tipra Motha. Asserting that the BJP will sweep the 2023 assembly election with a massive mandate, Bhat tacharjee on Saturday said at a party programme in Gandacherra in Dhalai dis trict that it doesn’t believe in terror tactics, but “will not spare those trying to create trouble”.
(PTI): Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s “clear” message to Russian President Vladimir Putin that “today’s era is not of war” resonated widely in Europe in a very positive way, German Ambassador to India Philipp Ackermann said on Sunday while complimenting India’s call for respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries.
In an exclusive interview to PTI, the envoy said there has been a “certain shift” in India’s position on the war in Ukraine as he referred to the Indian statement on the UN resolution against Moscow’s annexation of four Ukrainian regions.
Ackermann said Germany would not “blame” the Indian side for buying crude oil from Russia, but what it expects is a clear positioning saying international laws must be adhered to.
Elaborating on the global energy crisis triggered by the war, Ackermann said that there is a need for an international network of like-minded countries to deal with it and that Germany counts India in this group.
Asked about Prime Minister Modi’s message to Putin to end the war,
Ackermann said, “It is a sentence that has resonated widely, widely in the region in a very positive way.”
“It is a very beautiful phrase. The whole world was listening to it. I think it was a very very clear, very loud sentence that I cannot underline how much I agreed with Prime Minister Modi. So we were very pleased to hear the sentence,” he said.
In his bilateral meeting with Putin in Uzbekistan on September 16, Modi said “today’s era is not of war” and nudged the Russian leader to end the conflict.
Germany has been playing a vital role in formulating Europe’s strategy to deal with the crisis in Ukraine and it has provided shelter to over one million Ukrainian refugees besides sending humanitarian aid to that
Ackermann also noted India’s statement at the UN during the discussion on a resolution on the Russian annexation of four Ukrainian regions though New Delhi abstained from voting on it.
“There are certainly some disagreements on some issues. I would say that in the last couple of months if you read carefully the Indian statements on the matter, you will see a certain shift in the Indian position,” he said. “We read carefully what the Indian representative to the United Nations said during the vote on the resolution on the annexation. Unfortunately, India abstained, but what the Indian representative said made it clear that India has a very strong emphasis on sovereignty and territorial integrity,” he said.
NEW DELHI, OCT 23 (PTI): The Aam Aadmi Party on Sunday demanded the removal of BJP national spokesperson Sambit Patra as ITDC chairman for allegedly violating Central Civil Services (Conduct) rules and misusing the post for party work.
In a letter to Union Tourism minister G Kishan Reddy, senior AAP leader Atishi alleged that despite being the chairman of the India Tourism Development Corporation, Patra continued to campaign for the BJP which is a “blatant violation of CCS (Conduct) Rules”.
Atishi’s letter comes days after the Delhi government’s planning department issued a showcause notice to Dialogue and Development Commission of Delhi ViceChairperson Jasmine Shah over charges of “misusing public office” by acting as the “official spokesperson” of the AAP.
The action came following a complaint by BJP leader and West Delhi MP Parvesh Verma. The AAP had termed the notice “yet another attack on the
Delhi government due to its rising graph in Gujarat”.
“I have written a letter to the Union Tourism minister and the Central Vigilance Commission, demanding the removal of Sambit Patra from the ITDC’s chairman’s post. Despite remaining ITDC chairman and holding public office, Patra did not demit the post of BJP National Spokesperson,” the AAP MLA said during a media briefing.
“He uploaded several political videos on social media which were shot in his office which is a textbook example of misuse of public office,” she claimed.
On November 30 last
year, Patra was appointed as the ITDC chairman, which comes under the Tourism ministry.
“The moment he gets appointed as ITDC chairman, he fulfils the legal conditions of being a ‘public servant.’ A ‘public servant’ is clearly defined in the Indian Penal Code, Prevention of Corruption Act, Central Civil Services Conduct Rules,” she said.
She cited Section 1 of Rule 5 that says that “no government servant shall be a member of, or be otherwise associated with, any political party or any organisation which takes part in politics nor shall he take part in, subscribe in aid of, or assist in any other manner, any political movement or activity.”
“However, Sambit Patra, in complete ignorance of law, held press conferences, took part in TV debates and election campaigns for BJP.
“His Twitter timeline is also filled with several political videos and debates which he shot from his government office. It is a textbook example of misuse of public office,” she said.
Ackermann said respect for sovereignty, territorial integrity and international law are crucial and that he saw a growing overlap between German and the Indian position on the crisis.
“I will not blame the Indian side for buying energy from the Russians. What we expect is the clear positioning saying that we must adhere to international law,” he said.
The German ambassador’s comments came in the backdrop of growing disquiet in the Western countries about India repeatedly abstaining from votes condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine and its increasing purchase of crude oil from Moscow.
Talking about overall India-Germany ties, the envoy said the relationship is “very comprehensive and extremely broad.
“In many ways, the sky is the limit for Indo-German relations. I see a great future for them,” he said.
On the unfolding global energy crisis, Ackermann pitched for a network of like-minded countries to deal with it. “I think that what we need is somehow an international network of like-minded countries and states and I count India very much in this group,” he said.
“I think we should
sit together and discuss the burning and urgent questions of our times and energy security is one of them. The terrible Russian war of aggression that we are witnessing has led us to understand that the energy crisis is to be solved quickly,” he said.
The German envoy said the G-20 countries should take up the issue of the energy crisis in its upcoming summit in Indonesia next month, but indicated that a united voice may not come out of it as Russia is part of the grouping.
“I think the G20 should very clearly tackle this energy problem. I see, basically, when you take the Russia factor out right now, I see a great convergence in G20 on this issue,” he said.
Ackermann said now is the time to figure out ways how to minimise dependence on fossil fuel and enhance cooperation to expand the availability of clean fuel.
“India is a great power for us in this context. We feel that in this partnership for green and sustainable development that we concluded with the Indian side in May, this is all laid down. We will work together with the Indian side to get the transition from fossil fuel to renewable sources,” he said.
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, OCT 23 (PTI): Kerala Governor Arif Mohammed Khan’s decision to call for the resignation of Vice Chancellors (VCs) of nine universities in the state stirred up a political storm on Sunday with the ruling CPI(M) terming the move as an ‘attempt to appoint RSS members’ at the helm of varsities, while the Congress-led UDF opposition welcomed it.
While CPI(M) state secretary M V Govindan said the Governor’s latest decision as Chancellor of universities in the state was “unheard of” and was one among many other similar decisions, Leader of Opposition in the state assembly V D Satheesan welcomed it as “belated”.
Speaking to reporters here, Govindan said there was no doubt that the call for resignation of the nine VCs was part of a plan to use the Governor for appointing those close to or in the RSS at the helm of the varsities through the back door.
“It is a political agenda and will be countered by the state of Kerala,” he said. He said that there is power and authority (in the Governor) to take certain decisions, but it has to be done as per the Constitution and added that things have reached “a level of madness”.
Satheesan, on the other hand, said that the Governor finally accepted now what the opposition has been saying for long that University Grants Commission’s norms were being violated while appointing VCs in the state’s universities.
He, in a Facebook post, alleged that such illegal appointments were taking place when the Governor and the state government were working together.
“We welcome the fact that the Governor is now ready to correct the mistake he made, even if its belated,” he said.
Kerala Higher Education Minister R Bindu said that the “unilateral” decision of the Governor was a “deliberate and conscious effort” to create problems in the field of higher education in the southern state.
She told media that the decision was not correct and an example of the country falling prey to fascist forces
BENGALURU, OCT 23 (PTI): Congress leader Rahul Gandhi said his party will not allow Karnataka to be turned into a laboratory for the BJP’s experiments with hatred and misgovernance.
The leader was optimistic that his party will unleash Karnataka’s true potential through the path of love, peace and harmony.
“The Congress party will not allow this garden of peace to be turned into a laboratory for the BJP’s experiments with hatred and misgovernance,” he said in a statement, after winding up his Karnataka leg of Bharat Jodo Yatra and entered Telangana on Sunday.
“Through the untiring efforts of our state leaders, drawing on the rich cultures of Karnataka and the support of crores of Kannadigas, that day will soon come when we will unleash Karnataka’s true potential through the path of love, peace and harmony,” he added.
While thanking the people for their outpouring of support throughout his journey in Karnataka, Gandhi said he saw the potential of its people being crippled.
Farmers growing
crops from every region are struggling to support their families due to rising costs, uncertain yields and fluctuating prices, the Wayanad MP said.
The youth are unable to find opportunities that meet their aspirations despite repeated attempts, Gandhi said, adding, small entrepreneurs are closing down with inadequate or no support and a market that is tilted heavily in favour of a few big players.
“MGNREGA workers, women, weavers and many others are staring
at shrinking incomes. Disadvantaged sections of the society and minorities face a rising tide of hatred and violence. The languages, the diverse cultures and the history of the state are being distorted and decimated,” the former Congress president alleged.
He accused the BJP in Karnataka of going against the teachings of 12th century social reformer Basaveshwara, the founder of Lingayat sect.
He said Guru Basavanna had taught “Do not steal, do not kill, do not
MOHALI (PUNJAB), OCT 23 (PTI): To send out a message of global peace, world’s largest oil lamp was lit in Punjab’s Mohali, the organisers of the event claimed.
Over 10,000 citizens contributed oil for the event that concluded with a world record, they said.
AYODHYA (UP), OCT 23 (PTI): Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday offered prayers to Ram Lalla at Ram Janmbhoomi here.
Immediately after reaching Ayodhya for the Deepotsav celebrations, the PM went to the makeshift Ram temple and offered prayers to Ram Lalla. He lit an earthen lamp there and performed an “aarti”.
Temple chief priest Acharya Satyendra Das applied vermillion on his forehead.
He will be attending the Deepotsav celebrations. Modi will witness a 3-D holographic projection mapping show at Ram ki Paidi on the banks of the Saryu, along with a grand musical laser show, the Prime Minister’s Office said.
Around 6.30 pm, the prime minister will witness an “aarti” on the banks of the Saryu, which will be followed by the launch of the Deepotsav celebrations, a statement said.
Manufactured with around 1,000 kilogram steel, the world’s largest diya measuring 3.37 metres in diameter was lit here on Saturday evening by chief guest of the event Lt Gen K J Singh (retd), former general officer commanding-inchief of Army’s Western Command, to spread the message of world peace, unity, secularism, and humanism.
Over 10,000 citizens including 4,000 residents of ‘Hero Homes’, representing the diverse fabric and diversity of Indian society, pooled in 3,129 litres of organic and diyaappropriate oils to create
this unique symbol of peace.
Hero Homes, which had organised the event at its premises, is a residential unit of Hero Realty Private Limited, the real estate arm of Hero Enterprise.
Themed around the festival of peace, the huge diya was lit in the presence of official adjudicators of the Guinness Book of World Record, who were present at the society of Hero Homes at Mohali to record this feat, said Ashish Kaul, CMO, Hero Realty.
He said that as per the Guinness Book of Records,
this diya has been lit with 3,000 litres of cooking oil and qualifies as the world’s largest oil lamp ever lit.
Lt Gen Singh said, “this is an unconventional event combining the dual intent of celebrating Diwali as per tradition and one that also manages to spread an important social message.”
He said it is befitting that Punjab which has in the past seen strife is now the location of the biggest icon of peace.
Lt Gen Singh further said, “if you look at diya, it is a medium to spread
light, awareness, knowledge and knowledge related to peace.”
Ashish Kaul, CMO, Hero Realty, the person behind the idea of world’s largest oil lamp, said, “I have my roots in Kashmir. For last 32-33 years, I have been looking for peaceful way to return home. That is my journey, that is a journey of every individual who wants dignity and dignity cannot be restored unless you have peace.
lie, do not be angry, do not be intolerant of others” but the BJP has done exactly the opposite of his teachings in Karnataka.
“The state that once spearheaded India’s growth story is now known for the ‘40 per cent Commission’ government that exemplifies the BJP’s model of suit, boot, loot Sarkar,” Gandhi charged.
Corruption, according to him, is at an unprecedented scale where people have to pay for jobs, contracts and public services.
and therefore, the state government will have to consider it seriously.
Bindu said that action might be taken against her now for her comments, but she cannot avoid pointing out that no such situation has ever arisen in the state in the past with any other Governor.
“It is a sad state of affairs. Attempts are being made to chain or control the government,” she claimed.
State Law Minister P Rajeeve told reporters that it was an “extraordinary” decision and the universities being autonomous bodies, can decide what course of action has to be taken.
Referring to a recent Supreme Court order quashing appointment of the vice chancellor (VC) of APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University here for being contrary to UGC regulations, Khan sought resignations of VCs of nine varsities in the state by Monday morning 11.30 AM.
BARAMATI, OCT 23 (PTI): NCP president Sharad Pawar on Sunday said he will participate in the Congress’s Bharat Jodo Yatra when it enters Maharashtra as an attempt is being made through it to bring harmony in society.
Talking to reporters here, Pawar said state Congress leaders Ashok Chavan and Balasaheb Thorat had met him and extended an invitation to participate in the Bharat Jodo Yatra, a mass outreach programme, when it enters the state on November 7.
The Congress’ Bharat Jodo Yatra is scheduled to cover a distance of 3,570 km in 150 days. It started on September 7 from Kanyakumari in Tamil Nadu and will conclude in Jammu and Kashmir.
Pawar said, ‘’The yatra is a Congress party programme. But through this initiative, an attempt is being made to bring harmony in the society.”
To another question, Pawar scoffed at politics being done over the elections of the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI).
The Geological Survey of India, North Eastern Region, SU: Manipur-Nagaland intends to hold an open auction for its unserviceable stores. All those interested bidders can join the auction on 26.10.2022 at 11 AM in the main hall of the Geological Survey of India, SU: Manipur-Nagaland. The terms and conditions can be obtained from the office of the Deputy Director General, Geological Survey of India, North Eastern Region, SU: Manipur-Nagaland and the contact person is Shri Moawati (9436102056) and Sikander Ali (7005735148).
Project Director, APC/FOCUS-IFAD Cell Nagaland
It was indeed something that needs to be seri ously addressed when the Supreme Court on October 21 noted that it is “tragic what we have reduced religion to” in the 21st century and a “cli mate of hate prevails in the country”, while directing police and authorities to immediately and suo motu register cases against hate speech makers with out waiting for a complaint to be filed. A Bench of Justices K.M. Joseph and Hrishikesh Roy ordered that any “hesitation” to comply with the direction would attract the proceedings for contempt of the Supreme Court against the erring officers. Fur ther, the court also directed that First Information Reports (FIRs) should be registered and criminal proceedings initiated against the makers of hate speech “irrespective of their religion so that the secular character of the country is preserved”. The apex court’s interim directions were primarily for the benefit of the police of Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand. The court has issued notices to the three States and asked them to submit reports on action taken on hate speech cases. These three states, which are also come under what is de scribed as Hindi heartland, are witnessing numer ous instances where political leaders and ministers of the BJP have been spewing venom-laced hate speeches almost on a day-to-day basis. The com munal agenda that has been unleashed across India is not about A versus B but when minister also indulge in it, it has certainly become government versus B and unfortunately, the constitutional guar antee accorded to every India citizen is no longer sacrosanct. This has come about when the BJP’s electoral victories since 2014, and especially after 2019, emboldened party activists and others of the saffron brigade to an extent that they indulge in casual everyday anti-minority actions with the con fidence that they have a free hand to do this. Even recently, two spokespersons of the ruling party had glibly peddled hate speech against a community on national television and social media. These were reprehensible acts that continue to shock right thinking citizens but the tragedy is that today, these are not sudden eruptions of bigotry but part of the ruling party’s DNA. What the Supreme Court had ruled on October 21 is that police ought to act immediately and not get bogged down by various interpretations of what constituted ‘hate speech’. The ruling party from the government down to the grass root prefer silence as the baying gets more loud and shrill, even with the so-called dharam sansads advocating no less than mass murder as their religious leaders claim to redeem the majority religion, peddle hate and misogyny. Unless those indulging in such acts are allowed to go unpun ished, India will gradually cease to be a pluralistic, secular and vibrant democracy. The Supreme Court on October 21 has only reiterated a prescription to the state governments and the law enforcement to rescue the constitution from the clutches of those who have scant regard for the rule of law.
If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. —2 Corinthians 5:17
Our Lord never tolerates our prejudices— He is di rectly opposed to them and puts them to death. We tend to think that God has some special interest in our particular prejudices, and are very sure that He will never deal with us as He has to deal with others. We even say to ourselves, “God has to deal with other people in a very strict way, but of course He knows that my prejudices are all right.” But we must learn that God accepts nothing of the old life! Instead of being on the side of our prejudices, He is deliberately removing them from us. It is part of our moral education to see our prejudices put to death by His providence, and to watch how He does it. God pays no respect to anything we bring to Him. There is only one thing God wants of us, and that is our unconditional surrender.
When we are born again, the Holy Spirit begins to work His new creation in us, and there will come a time when there is nothing remaining of the old life. Our old gloomy outlook disappears, as does our old attitude toward things, and “all things are of God” (2 Corinthians 5:18). How are we going to get a life that has no lust, no self-interest, and is not sensitive to the ridicule of others? How will we have the type of love that “is kind…is not provoked, [and] thinks no evil”? (1 Corinthians 13:4-5). The only way is by allowing nothing of the old life to remain, and by having only simple, perfect trust in God— such a trust that we no longer want God’s blessings, but only want God Himself. Have we come to the point where God can withdraw His blessings from us without our trust in Him being affected? Once we truly see God at work, we will never be concerned again about the things that happen, because we are actually trusting in our Father in heaven, whom the world cannot see.
Afailed experiment with the UK Prime Minister Liz Truss, who quit office in 44 days, has shaken the once mighty kingdom and globalised market, which breathes a sigh of relief hoping credibility to return as still London controls major world trading of bullion to metals. No less a shock it was for India as it has been talking to Truss since she was the relevant minister for carrying on talks for free trade agreement (FTA) hoping to export more and earn hard currency.
A super 13.3 percent inflation driven, jobless, uncertain British economy was a bit too much for Truss to manage through populism of tax cuts and other sops. Perhaps more than that Truss does not know how to manage her own MPs, after she de feated Rishi Sunak, all Sunak friends were put out of the government. The fissure and her fast-shifting stance played the worse.
Neither populism worked in an economy having gal loping inflation nor she was able to remain firm on her decisions, normal attribute of politicians.
She collapsed but sent a signal that those indulging in populism needs to have
abundant caution as with her the industry, investor and the stocks go tizzy.
India that has been priding itself of replacing the UK as the fifth biggest economy is itself in a shock whether it has surpassed the UK or something left to be done. Rarely before a premier of six weeks has shaken not only its econo my but also major world currencies. One wonders whether her persona was so weak or the Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Joe Biden tangle in NATO supported Ukraine war took her toll.
The European crisis is not easy as EU does neither know whether to jump into the war or face an unprecedented energy cri sis. Biden-Putin duo’s ani mosity triggered sanctions ensure that the continent instead of renewable en ergy goes back to coal and other fossil fuel.
The plunging curren cies amid 8.2 percent infla tion are the other shock.
The sterling pound is crash ing against a continuously rising dollar. So is the Euro. Have they become lackeys of the US? The US despite its economy not in the pink, faces uncertain market and the NATO countries stare at unknown future.
True, the US dollar holds the sway but coun tries like India is taking baby steps to look beyond. Amid rising purchases of Russian crude oil, a Rus sian bank opens an account in India’s Yes Bank in Sep tember. Saudi Arabia and India discuss rupee-riyal trade. The State Bank of India advises Indian ex porters to avoid trade in dollars with countries like Bangladesh. Many nations are looking at alternate cur rencies to the dollar, which still enjoys dominance in the global market and re serves.
The In ternational Monetary Fund says despite the domi nance the dollar is losing share in global foreign ex change reserves from about 72 percent in 2000 to about 60 percent in 2022. Major currencies gaining share are Euro, pound and Chinese renminbi. Recently, India’s chief economic advisor V Anantha Nageswaran said that while weaponiza tion of currencies or forex was the current trigger for countries to explore alternate arrangements, internationalising the rupee was a “logical evolution”.
Shivaji SarkarIndonesia, Paraguay, Chile, Costa Rica and Hungary. Indian rupee is considered equivalent to 305 Vietnam ese dong and 192.11 to Indonesian Rupiah. India is majorly us ing roubles to buy crude oil from Russia. It offers discounts, bears the trans portation and insurance costs. Oil purchases from Russia almost trebled from $ 5.3 billion in 2021-22 to $ 14.5 billion in just five months. The Russian share of total imports by India rise from 2.5 percent to 11.4 percent, according to the Commerce Ministry. Till 2019, 50 percent of Indian pay ments to Russia was in dollars. From 2021, with the S-400 air defence deal, it has risen to 53.4 percent of Indian transactions are in roubles and 38.3 percent in dollars.
than many economies.
Similarly, India still has about 86 percent of the foreign trade in dollars –86.6 percent of exports and 86.3 percent of imports. In other currencies it has trade in Euro, exports 7.4 percent and imports 8.8 percent; other currencies (yen, ren minbi, Canadian dollar, Swiss franc and Australian dollar) 3.8 percent exports and 3.3 percent imports; British Pound 2.4 percent exports and 0.5 percent imports; and Japanese yen 0.1 percent exports and 1.1 percent imports.
ferred to resign. It proved that it is not enough to be a party leader without the team spirit and managerial skill. That is keeping India passing through the unsa voury phase. Modi hopes announcements of pack ages in Gujarat, Himachal and Uttrarakhand are likely to lead the country to an improvement.
In a limited way rupee is accepted in Vietnam,
The Britain remain ing the politically most unstable with low growth if not corrected sooner may lose even Indian interest for having the FTA. Indian per ception is that the UK still has command over world economy. If that is lost the FTA would add little for India. Still except for the juggled up total figures, the UK economy is stronger
India is trying to diver sify despite being anchored in dollar. With problems besotting the domestic mar ket, slower growth, though apparently faster than many countries, inflation and limited job opportunities, social angst subsided with free food dole to 800 crore people, despite a tough road. Because of a strong prime minister Narendra Modi, it is gradually sailing through with billions of rupee packages of infrarelated programmes. The major civic activities the government believes would lead the country out of the covid pandemic induced morass.
Truss could not face a similar situation and pre
India is the land of festivals.
Deepawali or Diwali is one of them, which is celebrated on the Amavasya of Kartik Krishna Paksha. The Shanti Mantra from Brihadaranyaka Upnishad “Tam so Ma Jyotirgamya” i.e. “Lead me from darkness to light” reveals its spiritual spirit.
Deepawali is a 5-day long fes tival, which starts from Dhanteras and ends on Bhaiya Duj. Deepawa li is mentioned in Padma Puran and Skand Puran. It is composed of two Sanskrit words “Deep” i.e. light or candle and meaning that which glows, illuminates or knowledge and “Awali” i.e. rows or series. Thus Deepawali means “Rows of Lights” or “Festival of Lights”. The first day, Dhanvan tari Trayodoshi or Dhanteras is celebrated to commemorate the arrival of Devi Lakshmi from KshirSagar (Ocean) during the Samudra Manthan (churning of the cosmic ocean of milk) by the Devtas and Asuras to receive the Amrit (nector). On this day, Bhagwan Dhanvantari also came out of the ocean with Ayurved for mankind. Bhagwan Kuber, the
lord of wealth is also worshipped.
Shopping for new items on this day is considered auspicious. Chhoti Diwali, also termed as Narak Chaturdashi or Roop Chaudash, is the second day of the festival. It is celebrated because Bhagwan Krishna and his wife Satyabhama had killed demon king Narkasur of Pragjyotish and released nearly 16000 girls from demon’s captivity. It is also believed that Devi Kali had made Narkasur disappear.
On the third day, the main Diwali is celebrated with great enthusiasm all over the world.
Devi Lakshmi and Bhagwan Ganesh are worshiped together to achieve the blessing of wealth & prosperity and the triumph of good over evil and light over dark ness. According to mythology, once Goddess Lakshmi was proud of herself that the whole world worships her and yearns to get her.
Lord Vishnu understood this feel ing of his conscience and with the aim of breaking Lakshmi’s pride, he said that Goddess, even though the whole universe yearns to have you, you are not yet complete.
Lakshmiji narrated her woes to
her friend Parvatiji and asked her to adopt Ganesh, one of her two sons. Lakshmiji adopted Ganesh with the consent of Parvatiji and since then Ganesh was came to be called the adopted son of Devi Lakshmi. Being very pleased Devi Lakshmi gave a boon to Ganesh that I will fulfill the wishes of the devotees only when they will wor ship you along with me. For this reason, there is a law to worship Ganesh along with Lakshmi in Diwali. Bhagwan Kuber is also worshiped by the devotees on this auspicious day.
There are several beliefs be hind this festival. In Treta Yug, Raja Ramchandra along with Sita, Lakshman & Hanuman returned to Ayodhya from Lanka on this day after victory over Ravan and people celebrated the occasion by lighting Deeyas and decorating Rangolis. On this auspicious day the Nirvan Diwas of Bhagwan Mahavir, 24th Tirthankar of Jain, is observed by the followers of Jainism. The Sikh community celebrates this day to mark the release of Guru Hargovind ji Ma haraj from Mugal prison and his
arrival at the Holy Swarnmandir, Amritsar. The fourth day is the Go vardhan Puja or Padwa. Bhagwan Krishna had lifted the Govardhan parvat and held it up to protect the people and cattle from the rain & thunder produced by the angry Indra. When Indra conceded defeat, on the request of Krishna, the people of Brajbhoomi started performing the Govardhan Puja.
Bhaiya Duj or Bhai Teeka is the fifth and last day of Diwali. This day is dedicated to sisters.
Yamraj (the lord of death) had visited his sister Yamuna on this day and gave her a vardhan (boon) that whoever visits his sister on this day will be liberated from all sins and will achieve Moksha or final emancipation. As per another belief, Krishna had visited his sister Subhadra after defeating Narakasur, who welcomed him with a tilak on his forehead.
The festival of Deepawali not only has religious or spiri tual significance, but it also has scientific importance. The clay Deeyas with oil and cotton wick are eco-friendly and do not leave any harmful residue. During mon
The Economist in its review says digitisation, successful start-ups and the green transitions have led India to become the world’s fastest-growing economy, However, the climate, en ergy and food crises; and a socio-political environment could be dampener in the country’s bright prospects.
The UNCTAD lauds India’s continuing free food drive and calls for cut in global food prices for en suring food security world wide, especially in develop ing countries through the Black Sea grain initiative, crucial for Europe and adja cent areas. This is expected to keep currencies stable, so necessary for India facing high import prices.
The currency manage ment and rupee trade in larger areas being planned is likely to be panacea for a long-term solution to the forex crisis and ensure a better future for the country.
soon, the air is moist and full of bacteria & fungus.
The heat generated from the Deeya destroys the bacteria, insects, fungus and thus cleans the air. The magnesium present in the Deeya’s oil reacts with harmful Sulphur and Carbon Dio-oxide present in the air to form Sulphate and Carbonates and purify the environment.
The Panch Tatwa (five ele ments of the universe)-Kshiti (Earth), Jal (Water), Pawak (Fire), Gagan (Sky) & Sameer (Air)- is represented by the Deeya. The Earth element is represented by the clay Deeya, oil & cotton wick, Water is produced during the combustion of oil, Fire by the light generated, Sky by the light around the flame, and Air is the oxygen diffused to the wick.
Deepawali is the season of celebration and there is joy, light and happiness everywhere around us. It illuminates the houses and hearts and spread the message of friendship and togetherness.
Er. Prabhat Kishore (Author is a technocrat and academician.)
Casteist and racist overtones surface in subtle and hideous ways in different pockets of India all the time. Nonethe less, not many come to the public domain, but a few surfaces at times. By and large, the people of India somehow have come to a point of realisation that though these things are happening on regular basis, they feel that nothing can be done about it, and so live with it as if nothing can be done. It thus shows that we will have to live with it – be it 2022 or 2042 or 2082.
Therefore, casteism and racism are part and parcel of our existential reality in the Indian society. It is real and manifests in front us in covert and overt ways and yet we continue to remain as the silent spectators and participants to casteism and racism.
Recent incidences that surfaced in the print media should make everyone as Indians bow our heads in shame. Few days ago, Nagaland Minister Temjen Inna said that “Because I have small eyes, less dirt enters my eyes. Also, I can easily sleep when I am on the stage.” Though he seems to have uttered in
lighter vein or jokingly the pain with which he said only he and those who face racial attacks day-in and day-out know the gravity and intensity of those slurs.
Likewise, a few days ago, a Dalit youth, who entered Mulkattamma temple at Nitturu of Gubbi taluk in Tumakuru district, which is about 90 kms from Benga luru was asked to leave by a priest. Sources said that 10-15 Dalits from Kadaba village had gone to offer prayers and perform puja to the village deity.
A video showed Anith Raj of Kadaba entering the temple and requesting the priest, Sridhar t perform pooja in his name. There were two men inside the temple and one of them asked Raj to sit out the temple as “Dalits are not allowed inside.” The irked priest also asked him to leave.
But Raj retorted back saying “I have come to offer puja but why are you talk ing so rudely.” In another video, A Dalit woman sit ting outside the temple was seen telling a few children not to go inside as entry is banned for them. In an other case a man restricts a Dalit woman from en
tering the temple. She was seen arguing with him and questioning whether God has told them that he/she (God) should not touch Dalits. The man replied that the temple trustees will not take a call on the issue.
In another video showing a mean outside the temple telling the Dalits to “follow custom practised for the past several years”. Shivaraju, an eyewitness and Dalit from Kadaba, said: “We performed puja outside the temple and were preparing non-vegetarian food a little away from the premises when the incident (between the youth and the priest) happened.” The social structure of India is premised on casteism and racism. Hence, we can say that India is a casteist and racist society which is candidly divided on the basis of ‘We’ and ‘They’— Aryans and Dravidians, pure and polluted, superior and inferior. Based on the binaries that are at work in the Indian society we should reckon with the fact that race and caste are not biological category, but so cially constructed category.
Racism is a set of ideas which is systematically and coherently constructed
ideology, reified and rein forced by a complex be liefs and practices. North easterners are sarcastically called as chinky, ChineseMomos or Corona. Like wise, Dalits face all sorts of humiliation, treated as sub-humans and called by many names.
Dalits and those from the Northeast though they are part and parcel of In dia, even after 75 years of free independent India go though apart from physi cal assaults and lynching, face verbal remarks that hits Dalits’/tribals’ human dignity and human worth that hits their very core of their existence leading to psychological trauma thereby affecting their very being and becoming. Dalits and indigenous people go though all sorts of humilia tion and are being ridiculed in such ways that makes those with consciousness to wonder that though the Dalits and those from Northeast India despite being Indians belonging to India they are treated differently as ‘aliens’ and ‘outsiders’.
In fact, they are the in digenous and adi-dravidas who originally belong to this land, while on the
other, in a land where they have been living for thou sands of years as original inhabitants now face all kinds of problems that questions their very roots and identity. Indicidences gets flashed in the national media that covers polity, economy, social, religiocultural facets of India that describes the onslaughts faced by the Dalits and those from the Northeast.
Dalits due to the system of caste face number of problems such as dying is cesspools while physically entering and cleaning the drainage and are subject to all kinds of menial jobs because in the caste sche ma they are considered as ‘Avranas’ – outside the varna system.
Racism is a prejudice, discrimination or antago nism by an individual, community or institution against a person or peo ple on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typi cally one that is minority or marginalized. Casteism or racism by and large in fers ‘inferior’ or ‘superior’ over one to another. Those within the caste or race rubric functions within the prescribed domains of
the parameters that dis tinguishes who is ‘I’ and ‘You’, ‘We’ and ‘They’, and so the ‘other’ such as Dalits and indigenous continue to remain as ‘they’ within the racist and casteist lexicons.
Casteism and racism are widely prevalent and thus operating in the areas of entertainment industry, sports and games, polity, work places, rural and ur ban India, cultural and reli gious domains, enterprises, beauty pageants, advertise ment industry and host of others. As we ‘advance’ and claim ourselves as ‘progres sive’ our actions and inter actions within and between individuals, communities and in society reflect our casteist and racist attitudes and behaviours’.
In order to protect our caste and race we even go to the extent of engaging in ‘honour-killing’ and ‘white or Aryan supremacy’. Those who undergo racist and casteist slurs in their day-to-day existence suffer psychological trauma. The hope is there are people who keep striving for a society and a world without any prejudices and biases.
Dr. I. John Mohan Razu, Professor of Social EthicsReader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the columns do not reflect the view of this newspaper nor that of the Editor in any manner.
We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.
Bill Gates
SRIHARIKOTA/BEN GALURU (AP), OCT 23 (PTI): Indian Space Re search Organisations’ heavi est rocket LVM3-M2 on its maiden commercial mis sion on Sunday successfully placed 36 broadband com munication satellites of a UK-based customer into the intended orbits, the space agency said, describing the mission as ‘historic’.
OneWeb Ltd is the UKbased customer of NewS pace India Ltd (NSIL), ISRO’s commercial arm, and a global communica tion network powered from space, enabling internet con nectivity for governments and businesses. Bharti En terprises is one of the major investors in OneWeb.
London-based satellite communications company Network Access Associated Limited (OneWeb) said its partnership with ISRO and the space agency’s com mercial arm NSIL demon strated its commitment to provide connectivity across the length and breadth of India by 2023.
Prime Minister Naren dra Modi lauded ISRO and
ISRO’s heaviest rocket LVM3-M2 lifts-off at the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota, Sunday. (PTI) other stakeholders for the success.
“Congratulations @ NSIL_India @INSPA CeIND @ISRO on the suc cessful launch of our heavi est launch vehicle LVM3 with 36 OneWeb satellites meant for global connectiv ity. LVM3 exemplifies At manirbharta & enhances In dia’s competitive edge in the global commercial launch service market,” he said.
With Sunday’s success, ISRO put behind the anom aly experienced in its August 7 Small Satellite Launch Vehicle (SSLV) mission, that had then made the satellites unusable due to orbital is
sues. Early on Sunday, a beaming ISRO Chairman S Somanath announced Deep avali had started early for the scientists at the space agency.
“LVM3 M2/OneWeb India-1 mission is completed successfully. All the 36 satel lites have been placed into intended orbits. @NSIL_In dia @OneWeb,” ISRO said in a tweet, minutes after Somanath announced that 16 satellites have been placed in the desired orbits while the rest would take some more time.
All the 36 satellites were injected into the orbits around 75 minutes after the rocket blasted off from the
(PTI): Ayurveda is India’s ancient tradition and wealth and it can be nurtured in association with the people living in forests, Union Trib al Affairs Minister Arjun Munda said on Sunday.
He was speaking at the 7th Ayurveda Day event at the Vigyan Bhawan which saw participation of several dignitaries and experts.
On the occasion, a memorandum of under standing was signed be tween the Ministry of Ay ush and the Ministry of Tribal Affairs to explore the areas of collaboration, convergence and synergy for tribal development while preserving the tribal culture heritage through evidencebased planning and capacity building.
This year’s Ayurveda Day was celebrated with the theme “Har Din Har Ghar
Ayurveda” so as to propa gate benefits of ayurveda to a larger and grassroots community.
The six-week-long cel ebrations saw huge par ticipation from across the country, more than 5,000 events were organised by institutes and councils of the Ministry of Ayush with the support of more than 26 central ministries, missions and embassies.
Munda, who was the chief guest at the event, said, “Ayurveda is India’s an cient tradition and wealth. Ayurveda can be nurtured in association with the people
living in forests. Ayurveda is the only medical science that talks about prevention of disease, not treatment after getting sick.”
On the occasion, Union Minister of Ayush Sarbananda Sonowal said, “Ayurveda is a science of prevention of disease. It’s an ancient knowledge and we are doing some impres sive research work in Ayush sector.” Union Minister of State for Ayush Munjpara Mahendrabhai Kalubhai said, “We have accelerated the Ayush system of health in the country, Ayurveda is now recognized in 30 countries. The current turn over of Ayush is18.1 billion dollars.”
Meenakshi Lekhi, Union Minister of State of External Affairs and Culture, underlined that it’s time to appreciate the sci ence of our ancestors.
Sriharikota spaceport at 12.07 am.
Addressing the gather ing at the Mission Control Centre, Somanath said the festival celebrations started at Satish Dhawan Space Centre as LVM3 and its very first commercial mission have accomplished the orbit very accurately.
“Now the rocket has entered into the orbit, 16 sat ellites out of the 36 satellites have been already injected. I wanted to tell you that this is a slow process of separating the satellites. The data of the separation of the remaining 20 satellites will come little later and mission operations of observing this separation is continuing”, he said ear lier. ISRO later confirmed the desired objective of the mission has been met.
Former ISRO chiefs K Sivan and A S Kiran Ku mar and Bharti Enterprises founder-chairman Sunil Mit tal among others witnessed the launch from the Mission Control Centre.
Terming the mission as ‘historic’, Somanath, also the Secretary, Department of Space credited Prime
Minister Narendra Modi’s support for the mission’s success.
“Congratulations to the entire launch vehicle team for grabbing the opportunity and making it ready today for the historic mission. I also want to thank the OneWeb team for having confidence in us to host the LVM3...we are very hope ful that the next mission of LVM3 will do the same to place the remaining 36 satel lites it has been contracted by NSIL”, he said.
NSIL Chairman and Managing Director D Rad hakrishnan, complementing the ISRO team for a ‘com mendable’ mission of LVM3 said, “the three major stake holders to this particular mission the NSIL, ISRO and OneWeb India, have shown the entire world how to con tract and execute the mission in less than 3-4 months.”
According to OneWeb, it will bring secured solu tions not only to enterprises but also to towns, villages, municipalities and schools, including the hardest-toreach areas across the length and breadth of the country.
CHAIBASA, OCT 23 (PTI): Seven people, in cluding two minors, were nabbed for the gang rape of the 26-year-old software en gineer in Jharkhand’s West Singhbhum district, police said on Sunday.
The woman, who works at a well-known IT company, was out with her boyfriend on a two-wheeler on Thursday evening when the incident happened near the old aerodrome in Chai basa, they said.
A group of people stopped the couple, beat them up and allegedly raped the woman after taking her to a nearby secluded spot, they added.
Police said they de tained some people, who were frequent to the area for questioning. During in terrogation, some of those detained broke down and confessed to the crime.
The arrests were made by the Special Investiga tion Team (SIT) which was formed to probe the case, Superintendent of Police Ashutosh Shekhar said.
The woman’s wallet that had her Aadhaar card, driving licence, ATM card and Rs 4,500 in cash, and her mobile phone were re covered from those arrested, he said.
The clothes of the ac cused matching the descrip tion provided by the woman were also seized, he said.
After raping her in turns, the accused persons left her alone at the spot. As she was walking back home, a police van spotted her and she narrated the whole inci dent to them, an officer said.
They rushed her to the hospital, he added.
Police said a hunt is on to nab the rest of the accused.
Karnataka Minister V Somanna apologised on Sunday after he allegedly slapped a woman who ap proached him with a plea to redress her grievance.
The incident, the vid eo of which went viral on social media, took place when the Housing and In frastructure Minister was participating in a property document distribution cer emony at Hangla village in this district.
Property ownership papers were handed over to landless people who were occupying government land for residential purposes.
During the ceremony on Saturday, the woman, later identified as Kempam ma, approached the Chama rajnagar district incharge Minister reportedly pleading with him to allot a plot. The minister turned angry after he was shoved due to the unruly crowd and allegedly slapped her.
“This incident is not an inci dent at all. I have
been in politics for the past 40 years. This was a pro gramme organised for the downtrodden and economi cally weaker section of the society. Though I did not misbehave at all but if any one felt hurt then I apologise and express my regret,” he told reporters in Chamara janagar.
According to him, Kempamma, a widow, was repeatedly coming on to the stage compelling him to ask her not to do so.
Though he told her that he will resolve her issue in 10 minutes once he comes down from the stage, she did
not relent, Somanna added. “I was trying to make her stand aside indicating her with my hand. There was no other intention other than that. I have high re gards for women. I too come from a financially weaker background,” the minister explained.
He added that he is sued a ‘Hakku Patra’ (own ership paper) to Kempamma on Sunday.
Former Chief Min ister and Congress leader Siddaramaiah came down heavily on Somanna saying that the incident “showed his culture”.
OCT 23 (PTI): Top district officials of Baran in Raj asthan on Sunday made a fact-finding visit to a village where 12 members of a Dalit family converted to Buddhism last week and interacted with the family and other villagers.
The family of Rajendra Bairwa of Bhulon village in the Bapcha police sta tion area of Baran district embraced Buddhism on Fri day, allegedly upset over the assault of a family member by a man and the police’s refusal to book the husband of the village sarpanch in the matter.
The investigation into the assault case has now been transferred to an ad ditional superintendent-level officer at the office of the inspector general of police, Kota.
AURANGABAD, OCT 23 (PTI): Shiv Sena presi dent Uddhav Thackeray on Sunday demanded the Maharashtra government declare “wet drought” in the state and provide Rs 50,000 per hectare as compensation to farmers affected by rains
without waiting for the loss assessment reports.
In a dig, Thackeray said there is a downpour of announcements under the Eknath Shinde government and a “drought” in their implementation as he inter acted with rain-hit farmers
Heavy rain and wind gusts up to 100 kmph are likely to hit the coastal areas of West Bengal as a deep de pression over Bay of Bengal intensifies into a possible cyclone by Sunday evening, dampening Kali Puja and Diwali festivities in large parts of the state. The IMD said the weather system, which lay 700 km south of Sagar Island on Sunday morning and is moving in a northwestward direction, is very likely to recurve in a northeastward direction and cross the Bangladesh coast between Tinkona Island and Sandwip around early morn ing on Monday.
It is very likely to bring heavy to very heavy rain in coastal districts of South 24 Parganas and North 24 Parganas, and heavy rainfall in East and West Midnapore on Monday, while Kolkata, Howrah and Hooghly are likely to receive moderate rain on Monday and Tues day, the Met Department said in a bulletin. Heavy rain will occur in North 24 Parga nas, South 24 Parganas and Nadia on Tuesday, it said. The development comes as
people gear up to celebrate Kali Puja and Diwali in a big way after two years, amid easing Covid cases and curbs. The cyclone is ex pected to be named ‘Sitrang’, as suggested by Thailand.
The system is likely to bring in its wake winds reaching speeds of 80-90 kmph gusting to 100 kmph in coastal North 24 Parganas and South 24 Parganas on Tuesday, while speeds of 45-55 kmph gusting to 65 kmph could be experienced on Monday in these districts along with East Midnapore, the bulletin said. Kolkata, Howrah, Hooghly and West Midnapore are likely to be affected by winds reaching speeds of 40-50 kmph gust ing to 60 kmph on Tuesday, and 30-40 kmph gusting to 50 kmph on Monday.
A Kolkata Municipal Corporation official said it has initiated steps to tack le any situation that may emerge owing to the im pending cyclone in the me tropolis, including keeping all pumping stations active and making arrangements for shifting residents from dilapidated buildings to local schools or community halls.
in Aurangabad district. He said the incumbent govern ment loved to organise cel ebrations without bothering to see if people are happy and satisfied.
The former chief min ister was talking to reporters after visiting Pandharpur
and Dahegaon villages in the Aurangabad district where retreating rain dam aged crops. “This state gov ernment is a celebrationloving government. There is an excess downpour of the announcement, whereas there is a drought in their
implementation. Events should be celebrated but the government should see the people in the state are at least satisfied,” he said.
Thackeray said the state government must take efforts to change the relief criteria set by the National
Disaster Response Fund as they have become outdated.
He also said the state government should follow up with the Centre on the implementation of the ‘Beed pattern’ of crop insurance, also called the 80-110 for mula.
Baran district collec tor Narendra Gupta and superintendent of police Kalyan Mal Meena visited the village on Sunday and interacted with Rajendra Bairwa, his family and other locals, an officer said.
The officer said that two locals instigated the family to convert to Bud dhism.
Action is being initi ated against those who pro voked the family, SP Meena said, adding there was no evidence of any mass con version.
Rajendra, 32, lodged a case of assault against Lalchand Lodha of the same village on October 5, following which the police lodged a case under relevant sections of the IPC and the Scheduled Caste and Sched uled Tribe (Prevention of Atrocities) Act against the
accused and arrested him.
The officer rejected the claim that the dispute between Rajendra and Lal chand was linked to wor ship at a village temple on Vijaya Dashami. The scuffle between them was due to personal enmity, the officer said. The police said their investigation revealed that Rajendra, accompanied by his two brothers, had reached Lalchand Lodha’s house on the night of Oc tober 5 to avenge his assault earlier in the day. It was also found that Rahul Sharma, the sarpanch’s husband, had reached the spot to meditate and returned home after pacifying both sides.
A few days later, Rajen dra approached the police and demanded that Rahul Sharma be made an accused in the case.
NEW DELHI, OCT 23 (PTI): London-based satel lite communications com pany Network Access As sociated Limited (OneWeb) on Sunday said its partner ship with ISRO and the space agency’s commercial arm NSIL demonstrated its commitment to provide connectivity across the length and breadth of India by 2023.
From Ladakh to Kan yakumari and Gujarat to Arunachal Pradesh, One Web will bring secured solutions not only to en terprises but also to towns, villages, municipalities and schools, including the hard est-to-reach areas across the country, it said.
“OneWeb’s commit ment to enhance connec tivity in India is backed by Bharti Global, its largest investor,” the company said in a statement.
OneWeb confirmed the successful deployment of 36 satellites launched by NewSpace India Lim ited (NSIL), the commer cial arm of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC- SHAR) in Sri harikota.
“This launch by ISRO and NSIL is one of the biggest commercial orders by India’s premier space organisation, and the first
Most of the TB Alli ance donors suddenly could not commit more than a year of funding at a time and slashed the amounts given, with traditional top donor Britain providing no funding at all this year.
“I am very worried that the progress that has been made, which has already been eroded by Covid... could be even further erod ed,” Spigelman said.
Around five percent of the 9.5 million people who contract TB each year are resistant to commonlyprescribed antibiotics, mak ing them difficult to treat. Until recently, “the situation with drug resistant TB was horrible,” Spigelman said. Patients were forced to take five to eight pills a day, and often a daily injection, for up to two years, with horrible side effects and a cure-rate of just 20 to 30 percent.
But a new drug regi men BPaL, first approved by the US Food and Drug Administration in 2019, consists of just three pills a day for six months, and has
far fewer side-effects and a cure-rate of 90 percent, Spigelman said. “I think it’ll really be an amazing gamechanger.” He acknowledged though that “we are closer to the beginning of this journey than we are to the end of it,” pointing out that resources are needed to roll out the new regimen to the patients who need it. And with TB, resources are al ways in short supply.
Spigelman blamed the lacking urgency around rooting out TB on it being “a disease of the poor”.
“If rich people around the world were getting it, I think we would see a very dif ferent response,” he said. As things stand, candidate vaccines against TB have been languishing, with no funding available to develop them, and there have been no attempts to roll out easy testing like the kind devel oped for Covid. Spigelman said that with the kind of resources poured into Co vid, TB could be wiped out altogether. “If the resources were there, I bet you it could be eradicated.”
using the LVM3 rocket,” OneWeb noted. The lift-off took place on Sunday at 12.07 am.
OneWeb’s satellites separated successfully from the rocket and were dis pensed in nine phases over a period of one hour and 15 minutes, with signal ac quisition on all 36 satellites confirmed.
This is OneWeb’s 14th launch, bringing the constellation to 462 satel lites. This launch represents
more than 70 per cent of its planned 648 low earth orbit (LEO) satellite fleet that it said will deliver high-speed, low-latency connectivity worldwide.
With only four more launches to go, OneWeb said it remains on track to activate global coverage in 2023, while its connectivity solutions are already live in regions north of 50-degrees latitude.
“This (Sunday’s launch) will pave way for more launches in the fu ture. The interaction with OneWeb was so seamless, right from the receipt of the satellites until injection,”, ISRO Chairman S Som anath was quoted as saying.
Executive Chairman of OneWeb Sunil Bharti Mittal said today’s launch is a significant milestone for OneWeb.
“This new phase of
our launch programme from India brings us a step closer to not only enhanc ing our global coverage but also delivering connectivity in India and South Asia, particularly to the commu nities who need it most,” Mittal said.
“Today, my dream of having an Indian element in the OneWeb constel lation has been realised. This launch with ISRO and NSIL opens up the space sector in India with the pos sibility of billions of dollars flowing into the country,” he added.
NSIL Chairman-cumManaging Director Rad hakrishnan D said: “We look forward to strength ening our partnership with OneWeb and utilising the potential that LEO con nectivity has to deliver broadband services across India.”
MUMBAI, OCT 23 (AGENCIES): MukeshAmbani-led Reliance Indus tries (RIL) has warned that weak global growth, high inflation and interest rates could weigh on energy de mand in the future. Accord ing to Business Standard, this could hurt companies operating in the space, the management of the oilto-telecom major said in a post-results conference call on Friday.
RIL reported a consoli dated net profit of Rs 13,656 crore for the quarter ended September 30, 2022 (Q2), due to a subdued show in its key oil-to-chemicals (O2C) segment. The overall net profit was almost flat versus the year-ago period figure of Rs 13,680 crore, falling well short of analysts’ forecasts. The company’s net revenue increased 37.3 per cent year on year to Rs 2.3 trillion for the quarter, marginally above street estimates.
Volatile energy markets and the introduction of a
special additional excise duty (SAED) on transpor tation fuels from July 1 hit the firm’s bottomline, its management said. The im pact was to the extent of Rs 4,039 crore on Q2 earnings, it added.
“Overall GDP growth weakness, inflation, mon etary policy, interest costs, all of them are definitely areas of concern,” V Sri kanth, joint chief financial officer, RIL, said. “Interest rates continue to remain higher. However, the Chi nese export quota will keep the markets well supplied,” he said. Last week, China raised refined fuel exports to 15 million tonnes in a bid to boost trade. The quota in
cluded 13.25 million tonnes of refined products and 1.75 million tonnes of low-sulfur marine fuel. Refined prod ucts include petrol, diesel and aviation turbine fuel.
RIL derives close to 60 per cent of its revenue and nearly 50 per cent of its earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and am ortisation (Ebitda) from its O2C business. This includes refining, petrochemicals and fuel retail. Retail and telecom, on the other hand, account for 34 per cent of revenue and nearly 45 per cent of Ebitda, according to its financial results for the financial year ended March 31, 2022 (FY22).
RIL said in its investor presentation following its Q2 results that it saw oil de mand in the coming months averaging 99.6 million bar rels a day, up 1.9 per cent from a year ago. This is still lower than the 100 million barrels a day seen during the July-September period, its presentation showed.
NEW DELHI, OCT 23 (AGENCIES): Hailing the government’s Emer gency Credit Line Guar antee Scheme (ECLGS), launched post-Covid for ail ing MSMEs, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said around 1.5 crore jobs were saved due to the credit support. “About 1.5 crore jobs which were threatened during the Corona crisis were saved after the central govern ment provided more than Rs 3 lakh crore to MSMEs,” PM Modi said on Saturday launching the Rozgar Mela after distributing govern ment job appointment let ters to 75,000 candidates, Financial Express reported.
“Today crores of people are working in the MSMEs and small indus tries, in which a large num ber of youth have joined in recent years,” PM Modi
added as he also highlighted startups’ contribution to jobs.
“Where there were a few hundred startups in the country till 2014, today this number has increased to more than 80,000. Many companies worth thousands of crores of rupees have been created during this period by our young col leagues. Today lakhs of youth are working in these thousands of startups of the country.”
Festive season mar keting strategies for small businesses that don’t cost too much In terms of entrepre neurship or self-employ ment, the Prime Minister highlighted the govern ment’s Mudra scheme, which enables credit up to Rs 10 lakh for the setting up of micro enterprises, gener ally proprietary concerns at the bottom of the entrepre neurial pyramid.
PM Modi said Rs 20 lakh crore Mudra loans have been given so far and out of the total Mudra ben eficiaries, over 7.5 crore people have started their businesses for the first time. Also, around 70 per cent of the beneficiaries are women. “Such a big program related to self-employment has nev er been implemented in the country before,” he added.
(From p-1)
The councils said nei ther the government of India nor the landowner village will part with any land within the National Park to whomever for whatsoever reasons, as Ntangki National Park was nationally recognized and in existence for the benefit of the whole Na gas.
The village councils affirmed that one of the Ntangki National Park protection force camp is situated within the juris diction of Beisumpuikam village and the rest in side the Ntangki National
Further, the villages also informed that there was an agreement and condition that in the event of NSCN leaving the Hebron camp, the land will be repossessed by Jalukiekam village and Jalukie village, the origi nal landowners.
Therefore, they said th e claim that Hebron camp was within Ntangki National Park was “either ignorantly misinterpreted or intentionally claimed.
They said this was done in order to deprive the Jalukiekam village in reclaiming possession of
the land in which Hebron camp is currently set up. Worse still, they said it could be a ploy to declare, that part of the land as ‘No Man’s Land’ as was done in the past, by vested indi viduals to encroach upon the land in the future for their personal interest.
The villages have also welcomed any further clar ification, by approaching Beisumpui village council and Old Jalukie village council.
Meanwhile, the vil lages also put on record that the correct spelling was “Ntangki” and not “Intangki”
(From p-1)
On behalf of the state BJP legislators, Patton conveyed Diwali greetings and prayed that the celebrations would bring joy, peace and prosperity.
NPCC: Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee president K. Therie greeted the Hindu community on the occasion of Deepawali. He said the celebration
of good over evil and light over darkness remind all that evil and darkness never triumph, while good deeds and truth al ways prevail.
“May this Diwali truly be a celebra tion of good deeds, truth, knowledge and light in all spheres of life. May this Deepawali usher in joy, good health and prosperity,” Theire said.
“Helping Hands is a sacrifice not a namesake glorification; it is some thing that is truly commit ted to the society,” Ahoto said.
He hoped that the organization will pursue what is best and right, and try to be the person who can reform and transform the land.
Ahoto also suggested extending help to non–
Nagas in Nagaland who were in distress, so that the same could be recipro cated, when people of the state face the same situa tion in mainland.
On the occasion, vari ous individuals, who ex celled in the field of sports and in need for help, were also recognized and felici
The programme was chaired by Vernon Fernan dez, invocation by Chris tian Academy Interna tional vice chairman Rev. Dr. Joshua Barela, special number by Gideon Sangma and NK Naga. Vote of thanks was proposed by Abel Achumi.
Chinese President Xi Jin ping on Sunday created history, becoming the first leader of the ruling Com munist Party after party founder Mao Zedong to get re-elected for an unprec edented third term in power with the prospect of ruling China for life.
Xi, 69, was elected Sunday morning as General Secretary of the Communist Party for 3rd five-year tenure by the Central Committee, which was constituted a day earlier by the once-in-a-fiveyear Congress.
The Central Commit tee session, presided over by Xi, was attended by 203 members of the 20th CPC Central Committee and 168 alternate members, an offi cial communique here said.
The Central Commit tee also approved a 24-mem ber Political Bureau which in turn elected a seven-mem ber Standing Committee, which is packed with Xi’s supporters. In a familiar pattern, all seven members of the Standing Committee, the most powerful body that governs the country, walked in a file with Xi leading the
group at the ornate Great Hall before the media. Their appearance was telecast live on the national media.
“I was re-elected as the General Secretary of the CPC Central Commit tee,” Xi said and introduced the other six, two of them were from the previous committee.The other six are Li Qiang, Zhao Leji, Wang Huning, Cai Qi, Ding Xuexiang and Li Xi.
Both Zhao and Wang, who is the ideologue of Xi, are the members of the pre vious committee.
Li Qiang, head of the Shanghai CPC, is regarded as a close associate of Xi and widely expected to be promoted as Premier in March to replace the incum
bent Li Keqiang who retired.
Li Qiang’s selection has raised eyebrows as Shanghai performed gravely during the recent COVID-19 spike leading to the closure of over 25 million strong city for weeks. The prolonged lockdown during which people suffered for basic necessities invoked strong criticism from the public.
A notable official who was elevated to the Political Bureau is the Foreign Min ister and State Councillor Wang Yi, 69, who was pre viously a Central Commit tee member.
Wang, who is selected in spite of been crossed the retirement age of 68 for top officials, is expected to play a significant role in shaping
Giorgia Meloni officially took over Sunday as Italy’s first woman prime minister at the helm of the country’s most right-wing govern ment since World War II.
Four weeks after her postfascist Brothers of Italy party won general elections, Meloni joined outgoing premier Mario Draghi for a handover ceremony at Chigi Palace, the prime minister’s seat in Rome.
After almost 90 min utes of private talks, the pair smiled broadly as Draghi, a former Euro pean Central Bank chief, symbolically handed over to Meloni a small bell used in cabinet debates. She will later hold her first meeting of ministers comprising
Giorgia Melonimembers of her party and its allies, former premier Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia party and Matteo Salvini’s far-right League.
Chancellor Olaf Scholz of Germany later said he looked forward to “working closely together with Italy in EU, NATO
and G7”-- a sentiment Mel oni reflected in responses to congratulatory messages on Twitter.
On Saturday, Meloni and her 24 ministers were sworn in before President Sergio Mattarella at the Quirinal Palace in Rome, once home to popes and kings of Italy. She de clared her intention to get “straight to work”. Melo ni’s ministerial experience is limited to three years as youth minister under Ber lusconi’s 2008-2011 gov ernment, while her party has never held power.
Brothers of Italy won just four percent of the vote in 2018 elections, but se cured a historic 26 percent of the vote in the Septem ber 25 poll.
Xi’s foreign policy.
Also, the Political Bu reau has reappointed Xi as the Chairman of the allpowerful Central Military Commission (CMC), the overall high Command of the Chinese military.
With this, Xi will con tinue to hold all top power centres, the Presidency, the head of the Communist Party and the CMC.
The People’s Libera tion Army (PLA) Gener als Zhang Youxia and He Weidong were appointed as the Vice Chairmen of the CMC.
The other CMC mem bers included top military officials Li Shangfu, Liu Zhenli, Miao Hua and Zhang Shengmin. They will head different branches of the military, including the Navy and the Rocket Force.
Like his previous two tenures, Xi is the only civil ian in the CMC.
Addressing the me dia, Xi said China and the world need each other and projected a positive picture of the Chinese economy, which is in a slowdown mode especially due to his resolve to implement the
zero-COVID policy result ing in lockdowns of several top cities leading to supply chain disruptions.
“Just as China cannot develop in isolation from the world, the world needs China for its development. The Chinese economy has a great reliance potential and latitude. Its strong funda mentals will not change and it will remain on a positive trajectory over the long run. China will open its doors wide,” he said.
“We will be steadfast in deepening reform and opening-up across the board in pursuing high-quality development. A prosperous China will create many more opportunities for the world,” Xi said, playing down concerns at home and abroad over his emphasis on Marxism and his new goal to turn China into a modern socialist country.
To the cadre of the CPC, Xi said, “We must show greater historic initia tive in adopting Marxism to the Chinese context and the needs of the times write new chapters in developing socialism with Chinese char acteristics in the new era.”
onto Monday’s ballot.
During his previous time in Downing Street he was supported by many of the different factions in the party, including those on the right who spearheaded Britain’s departure from the European Union.
LONDON, OCT 23 (AGENCIES): Boris John son was fighting on Sunday to get enough support to make a shock return as Britain’s prime minister after prominent figures on the right wing of the Conserva tive Party coalesced around the man once accused of betraying him, Rishi Sunak.
Sunak, the 42-year-old former finance minister, confirmed on Sunday he would enter the competition to replace Liz Truss, vowing to tackle the country’s “pro found economic crisis” with “integrity, professionalism
and accountability”.
“I want to fix our econ omy, unite our party and deliver for our country,” said Sunak, the man accused by Johnson’s supporters of end ing his previous three-year spell in office.
Sunak quit the cabinet in July, triggering an unprec edented ministerial rebellion against Johnson.
The declaration from the clear front-runner throws down the gauntlet to Johnson, who returned from a holiday in the Caribbean to try to secure the backing of 100 lawmakers to get
This time, however, many previous backers have told Johnson he should step aside, noting that the country needs stability after Truss’s chaotic six-weeks in power sparked turmoil on financial markets, hitting the value of the pound.
Johnson is also still fac ing a privileges committee investigation into whether he misled parliament over Downing Street parties dur ing COVID-19 lockdowns. He could be forced to resign or be suspended from office if found guilty.
“This isn’t the time for Boris’s style,” Steve Baker, an influential lawmaker on the right of the party who is backing Sunak, told Sky News. “I’m afraid the trouble is because of the privileges vote, Boris would be a guaranteed disaster.”
Two days of tribal fighting in Sudan’s south killed at least 220 people, a senior health official said Sunday, marking one the deadliest bouts of tribal violence in recent years.
The unrest added to the woes of an African na tion mired in civil conflict and political chaos.
Fighting in Blue Nile province, which borders Ethiopia and South Su dan, reignited earlier this month over a land dispute. It pits the Hausa tribe, with origins across West Africa, against the Berta people.
The tensions escalated on Wednesday and Thurs day in the town of Wad el-Mahi on the border with Ethiopia, according to Fath Arrahman Bakheit, the di rector general of the Health Ministry in Blue Nile.
He told The Associ ated Press that officials counted at least 220 dead as of Saturday night, add ing the tally could be much higher since medical teams were not able to reach the epicentre of the fighting.
Bakheit said the first humanitarian and medical
(AP): A Russian warplane slammed into a residential building in the Siberian city of Irkutsk on Sunday, killing both crewmembers, authori ties said. It was the second time in less than a week that a combat jet crashed in a residential area in Russia.
The Irkutsk region’s governor, Igor Kobzev, said the Su-30 fighter jet came down on a private, twostory building housing two families.
He said that there were no casualties on the ground as the building’s five resi dents were out at the mo ment of the crash.
He said the residents would be offered temporary accommodation and com pensation.
The cause of the crash wasn’t immediately known and an official probe has
started. On Oct. 17, an Su34 bomber crashed near an apartment building in the Sea of Azov port of Yeysk and exploded in a giant fire
ball, killing 15 and injuring another 19.
The crashes might re flect the growing strain that the fighting in Ukraine has
NEW YORK, OCT 23 (AP): Salman Rushdie’s agent says the author has lost sight in one eye and the use of a hand as he recovers from an attack from a man who rushed the stage at an August literary event in western New York, accord ing to a published report.
Literary agent Andrew Wylie told the Spanish lan guage newspaper El Pais in an article published Satur day that Rushdie suffered three serious wounds to his neck and 15 more wounds to his chest and torso in the attack that took away sight in an eye and left a hand incapacitated.
Rushdie, 75, spent
years in hiding after Iran’s Ayatollah Ruhollah Kho meini issued a 1989 edict, a fatwa, calling for his death after publication of his novel “The Satanic Verses,” which some Muslims consider blasphemous. Over the past two decades, Rushdie has travelled freely. Ha di Matar, 24, of Fairview, New Jersey, has been incarcerated after pleading not guilty to at tempted murder and assault in the August 12 attack on Rushdie as he was being introduced at the Chautau qua Institution, a rurally located center 89 kilometers southwest of Buffalo that is known for its summertime
lecture series. After the at tack, Rushdie was treated at a Pennsylvania hospital, where he was briefly put on a ventilator to recover from what Wylie told El Pais was a “brutal attack” that cut nerves to one arm.
Wylie told the news paper he could not say whether Rushdie remained in a hospital or discuss his whereabouts. “He’s going to live ... That’s the im portant thing,” Wylie said. The attack was along the lines of what Rushdie and his agent have thought was the “principal danger ... a random person coming out of nowhere and attacking,” Wylie told El Pais.
put on the Russian air force.
The United Aircraft Corporation, a state-con trolled conglomerate of Russian aircraft-making
plants, said in a statement that the plane in Sunday’s incident came down during a training flight before its delivery to the air force. The jet carried no weapons dur ing the flight.
Surveillance camera videos posted on Russian social networks showed the fighter in a nearly vertical dive and then exploding.
Other videos showed the building engulfed by flames and firefighters de ployed to extinguish the blaze.
Irkutsk, a major indus trial centre of more than 600,000 in eastern Siberia, is home to an aircraft factory producing Su-30s, a super sonic twin-engine, two-seat fighter that has been a key component of the Russian air force. China, India and many other countries also use the planes.
An explosion struck an am bulance carrying a medic team of the southern progovernment Yemeni forces in southern Abyan province, killing five medics on board.
“A remotely detonat ed Improvised Explosive Device (IED) struck an ambulance carrying a medi cal military team of the southern troops while pass ing through a main road in the Al Mahfid district of Abyan,” a security official told Xinhua news agency on condition of anonymity, adding the blast also de stroyed the ambulance.
Homemade bombs
were heavily laid by terror ist elements through various roads and areas in an at tempt to impede and abort the progress of the pro-gov ernment military campaign aimed at tracking down ter rorists in Abyan, he noted.
No group has claimed responsibility for bombing the military medical team yet. Yemeni military and government officials often hold the Yemen-based alQaida branch responsible for such attacks. In Sep tember, forces loyal to the Yemeni government evicted scores of al-Qaida militants from Abyan following days of armed confrontations.
convoy managed to reach Was el-Mahi late on Sat urday to try to assess the situation, including count ing “this huge number of bodies,” and the dozens of injured.
“In such clashes, ev eryone loses,” he said. “We hope it ends soon and never
happens again. But we need strong political, secu rity and civil interventions to achieve that goal.”
Footage from the scene, which correspond ed to the AP’s reporting, showed burned houses and charred bodies. Others showed women and chil
dren fleeing on foot.
Many houses were burned down in the fight ing, which displaced some 7,000 people to the city of Rusyaris. Others fled to neighbouring provinces, according to the U.N. Of fice for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.
Overall, about 211,000 people have been displaced by tribal violence and other attacks across the country this year, it said.
Authorities ordered a nighttime curfew in Wad el-Mahi and deployed troops to the area. They also established a factfinding committee to inves tigate the clashes, accord ing to the state-run SUNA news agency. The fighting between the two groups first erupted in mid-July, killing at least 149 people as of earlier October.
DUBAI, OCT 23 (AP): Iran’s atomic energy agency alleged on Sunday that hack ers acting on behalf of an unidentified foreign country broke into a subsidiary’s network and had free access to its email system.
An anonymous hack ing group claimed responsi bility for the attack on Iran’s Atomic Energy Organisa tion, demanding Tehran release political prisoners arrested in the recent nation wide protests.
The group said it leaked 50 gigabytes of in ternal emails, contracts and construction plans related to Iran’s Russian-backed nucle ar power plant in Bushehr. It was unclear whether the breached system contained classified material.
The hack comes as Iran continues to face na tionwide unrest first sparked by the Sept. 16 death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old woman in police custody for allegedly not adhering to the country’s strict Is lamic dress code. On Sun day, Iran’s leading teachers’ association reported that
sit-ins cancelled classes at multiple schools across the country in protest over the government’s crackdown on student protesters.
The protests first fo cused on Iran’s state-man dated hijab, or headscarf, for women but soon grew into one of the most serious challenges to the country’s ruling clerics.
Protesters have clashed with police and even called for the downfall of the Is lamic Republic itself. Se curity forces have fired live ammunition and tear gas
to disperse demonstrations, killing over 200 people, according to estimates by rights groups.
Iran’s civil nuclear arm said hackers breached the email system used by the company that runs the coun try’s sole nuclear power plant in the southern port city of Bushehr. The agency blamed a “foreign country” for the attack, without elab orating. Iran has previously accused the United States and Israel for cyberattacks that have impaired the coun try’s infrastructure.
(AP): Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama arrived in Israel on Sunday for an official visit that will in clude a meeting with Israeli cyber defence officials, the Israeli Foreign Ministry said.
Rama’s three-day visit came a month after Al bania severed diplomatic ties with Iran over a July cyberattack that targeted
Albanian governmental websites and services.
After Albania cut ties, a second cyberattack from the same Iranian source hit an information system that records Albanian border entries and exits, causing delays for travelers.
Israel and Iran are archrivals and have waged a more than decade-long shadow war across the region and in cyberspace.
The Foreign Ministry said that Rama would meet with the head of Israel’s National Cyber Director ate, the country’s main cybersecurity body. It pro vided no additional details.
The ministry said Rama would also meet with caretaker Prime Min ister Yair Lapid, the coun try’s figurehead President Isaac Herzog and other officials.
the students.
Alovi Achumi emerged as the winner of Nagaland Exotic Model Hunt (Season - 3) during an event organised by The Blue Curves at IMC Hall, Dimapur on October 20 under the theme “Escalate fashion, innovate you”. The event was graced by president, Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee & former finance minister, Nagaland, Kewekhape Therie, as the chief guest.
The first runner-up was bagged by Britney Jidung, second runner-up by Panglih Wangsu, third runner-up by Neisekhonuo Rüpreo and Wonchano
Ngullie was adjudged as the fourth runner-up.
The three winners of Nagaland Exotic Model Hunt Season - 3 will be getting direct entry to the 19th edition of Sunsilk Mega Miss North East which is to be held in December this year.
In a special appearance, Miss India Nagaland, Lovi Awomi, presented the subtitles to the participants.
Lists of subtitle winners are: Miss Photogenic - Sussana Kikon; Miss Top ModelNeisekhonuo Rüpreo; Miss Fresh Face - Alovi Achumi; Miss Multimedia - Ayuh W Konyak; Miss People’s
Choice - Atunali Chophy and Miss Best in Evening Gown - Alovi Sumi.
The pageant was judged by president of Mokokchung Arts & Aesthetic Management, Asola Ozukum; Reigning Runners up of Mr Arunachal Pradesh, Kholie Guma; Miss Nagaland 2012, Miss India Elite 1st runners up 2015, Miss Asia Pacific India 2016, Miss Supra Talent World runner up Season – 7, Imlibenla Wati Nienu; Reigning Winner of 18th Sunsilk Mega Miss North East, Danube Kangjam; Counsellor, Life Skill Communication and Development, board member of CAN Youth
NGO & Tribal Old Age Home, Kilentola Jamir. Speaking at the programme, Kewekhape Therie. said being a politician with over a decade of experience, he opined that he sees youth as the nation’s treasure and find “The Blue Curve” very active and functional in the state. “You have dreams and visions. What do we mean by dreams? If we are to make our dreams reality, we have to believe in God and ourselves. Your dream is your objective”, he stated. He added that a person carrying many dreams doesn’t succeed, but if one has one particular dream, it can be successful.
Therie mentioned about the students’ education loans where he lamented that other states of India provide financial support from the bank, but it is only Nagaland because of its horrific government that no banks or financial groups provide money to
Hope Academy emerged as the winner of the Melomania 2022 contest during an event on October 22 at Hope Academy, campus. Melomania is an annual event organized by Hope Academy. The initiative was to promote excellence in music where schools can come together under a common platform for a healthy competition.
The winner walked away with a cash price of Rs. 50000/-, while Delhi Public School was adjudged at the runner-up. Other individual categories included Best Vocalist, Best Guitarist, Best Drummer and Best Bassist.
Excited students from seven schools thronged the campus to support their contesting bands.
Little Star Hr. Sec School, Hollotoli School, Govt. Hr. Sec School (Nagarjan), Livingstone Foundation International, Maple Tree School, Hope Academy and Delhi Public School vied for the title.
The beat contest kicked off with an enthralling performance by the Hope
Choir, after which the bands battled. The bands were given the autonomy to perform on any two songs of their choice.
The contest was judged by Trance Effect and director of Music Academy Kohima (MAK), Khyochano TCK Ngullie, as the special guest.
The Trance Effect band got the stage on fire with their scintillating performance by singing five of their popular songs to which the students grooved
and sang along.
The sponsors were Fitness House, INSYNC Taekwondo, Kumzuk T. Jamir, H. Zhimomi Brothers, M.I. Printers and Jiana Jain.
Special guest, Khyochano TCK Ngullie talked about how proud and amazed she was to see amateurs at school level challenging professionals.
She further added that Melomania is about being crazy and obsessed about something they are
Many doctors who used telehealth to treat patients with opioid addiction because of the COVID-19 pandemic would like to make it a permanent part of their practice.
A new study from Yale School of Public Health surveyed more than 1,100 physicians who treated opioid-use disorder patients via telehealth.
Researchers found that 6 out of every 7 physicians were in favor of making this temporary telehealth flexibility a permanent part of their practice. More than 75% said they would like to continue using telehealth after the COVID pandemic if regulations permitted.
“Recent exposure to telehealth due to the COVID-19 pandemic has promoted the perspective among the physicians surveyed that it is a viable and effective treatment option for patients,” said study lead author Tamara Beetham, a PhD student in health policy and management.
“Findings like these could have major implications for the future of telehealth regulation. Continued flexibility would allow more individuals to access life-saving
treatment,” Beetham said in a Yale news release.
This survey comes as policymakers debate whether existing regulations that allowed for telehealth during the COVID pandemic should be extended temporarily or permanently.
It also is a time when it’s clear that treatment options are needed. More than 107,600 people in the United States died of drug overdose in 2021. That was up 15% from just 2020, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
While physicians will often prescribe buprenorphine to treat opioid-use disorder and to reduce the risk of overdose, they must then regularly follow up with the patients as part of their treatment.
Telehealth was allowed so that patients could still access medication and participate in required follow-up despite social distancing and other mandates due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Many of the physicians surveyed were using telehealth for the first time during the early stage of the pandemic.
More than half of those surveyed said it was more effective than they had expected. About 1 in 6 found it less effective.
“That so many doctors found telehealth to be effective after using it suggests the importance of this innovative method of delivering treatment,” said study co-author Susan Busch, a professor of public health.
(Cara Murez)passionate about. “So, likewise be it academics or music we should have devotion and make it in life”, she stated. She encouraged the students to plan their destination globally and trust in themselves.
She also surprised the audience and declared that she will mentor one of the top three winning bands, which was selected through a lucky draw and was bagged by Little Star Hr. Sec School.
While commenting on not providing good health aid to the older generations, Therie said the government of Nagaland only sees after their party workers. Speaking on electoral process, he pointed out that no one should practise the habit of proxy voting in elections or any place which he said is the biggest crime of overpassing others’ votes. “The people of Nagaland don’t have the light to enjoy the benefits of a good economy, filtered water supply, uninterrupted power supply, good roads, and no hope at all”, he added.
President of The Blue Curves Talikaba Longkumer, in his address spoke on the difficulties in organising the show, but said that with faith in God and prayer as well as with the support of his team, they could succeed in coming together once again to witness the event.
Ranveer Singh attended the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) 280 mixed martial arts event at Yas Island in Abu Dhabi late Sunday night. The actor then took to the story section of his Instagram to share pictures from the event. In one of the pictures from the Etihad Arena, he can be seen with Vijay Deverakonda, who was last seen playing a homegrown MMA fighter in ‘Liger’.
Earlier, Singh was seen attending a pre-season basketball game at the same arena. Soon thereafter, a picture of him posing with American MMA fighter Sean O’Malley, who went on to win the bantamweight title against Russia’s Pyotr Yan, went viral on the Internet. On the work front, Ranveer has not had a good run at the box-office so far after his sports drama ‘83’, based on the 1983 Cricket WC, performed disastrously at the box-office, followed by ‘Jayeshbhai Jordaar’, which too was singularly rejected by the audience. (IANS)
Duranchi B Marak emerged as the winner of Patkai Model Hunt 2022 followed by Neiketuno Sechü as the first runner-up and Leena Awomi as the second runner-up at an event held under the theme “Embrace your flaws” organised by the Elysian Entertainment in collaboration with Meraki Entertainment Nagaland.
The grand finale was held at Bundrock
Auditorium, Patkai Christian College on October 22.
The subtitle winner includes, Miss popular by Khapila Sangtam; Miss Multimedia by Rhitüno Shijoh; Miss Artistic by Tekhevu Ü Lasuh; Fitness Icon 2022 by Ganchuiliu Gonmei and Best Cat Walk by Duranchi B Marak.
The judges for the event were VLCC Femina Miss India Nagaland 2022, Lovi
Awomi; chairman Meraki Entertainment Nagaland, Thritong Sangtam and Director Mr Kohima, Thejakhrienuo Nakhro. The artistes were Moko Koza, Akokla Langu, Humunulu Curhah, Bongoi Chemdok, Catherine Kikon and Thujongoyi Vero. The host for the event was Sharon Singson while Münulu Chizo was the show director and official choreographer.
Veteran Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan recently shared that he was rushed to a hospital after he cut a vein on his left calf.
The senior actor, whose recent release ‘Goodbye’ received a lot of positive response, took to his official blog to share the news with his fans and admirers.
He shared that he had received stitches to control the bleeding. “A jutting piece of metal sliced my left calve and managed to cut the vein .. the vein when cut spurts out the ‘red’ uncontrollably .. but had the nerve to get the doc and so into an OT and the stitching up .. with the assistance of team of staff and docs in time (sic),” he wrote on his blog.
He mentioned that the injury seems to be a inoperative. “The throb is the control factor on KBC and it must be stated that those three-four hours on each episode, does take care of the... Its a little inoperative, but the will to continue in the similar spirit of measurement and tribe and class in range does give a hope and we
cope... Its quite fresh and with opinion and advice.” For now, the medical experts have advised him to not strain or try walking, even on a treadmill.
The Big B accepted the medical advice with a dash of resigned philosophy. He wrote: “At times the satisfaction of the extreme may bring the joys or the griefs of existence.” (IANS)
BHUBANESWAR, OCT 23 (AGENCIES): The Di wali fireworks started early at the Kalinga Stadium in Bhubaneswar as Odisha FC secured all three points against Kerala Blasters with a dramatic 2-1 come back win in the Indian Su per League (ISL). Harman jot Khabra scored in the 35th minute before Jerry Mawihmingthanga equal ised in the 54th minute and substitute Pedro Martin won it for the Juggernauts in the 86th minute.
Odisha FC made one change to the side that lost to Mumbai City FC. Thoiba Singh replaced Raynier Fernandes in the midfield as they retained their 4-3-3 formation with Diego Mauricio up top.
Kerala Blasters FC field ed the same eleven that lost against ATK Mohun Bagan as Ivan Kaliuzhnyi retained his place up front alongside Dimitrios Dia mantakos.
The ball was in the Kerala Blasters’ net after seven minutes, but the goal was disallowed. Mauricio cut in from the left flank before getting his shot away from an ex tremely acute angle. The effort was par
ried by Prabhsukhan Gill before it reached Isaac Chhakchhuak.
The midfielder’s goalbound shot was blocked by Gill before Jerry tried to tap it in from close range. The goal was chalked off because Gill had a glove on the ball when Jerry toepoked it into the net.
Halfway through the first half, the Blasters scur ried to clear an Odisha FC corner. The ball found its way to Thoiba, whose shot from the edge of the
box forced a brilliant save out of the Blaster’s shotstopper.
The visitors got their noses in front ten minutes before half-time. Adrian Luna played a short corner to Lalthathanga Khawl hring before whipping a brilliant in-swinging ball from the left flank. Khabra sprung the offside trap and broke the deadlock with a thumping header.
The Juggernauts al most equalised three min utes later from a corner,
Isaac curled the ball in towards the far post. Saul Crespo, under pressure from Khabra, saw his head er fly narrowly wide of goal.
Two minutes into the second half, Jerry’s cross from the right wing was poked at goal by Mauricio.
However, Gil was posi tioned well and pushed the effort onto the post before it was cleared to safety.
It was all square in the 54th minute when Shub ham Sarangi’s long throw
(NPN): St. Xavier School, Shamator conducted its an nual games and sports meet from October 19 to 22 with Yimkhung Tribal Council president, Throngso Yim khiung as the special guest.
Speaking at the pro gramme, Throngso Yim khiung, stressed on the im portance of education as an “all round development”.
He also acknowledged and thanked the Catholic community adding that the Catholic Institutions are responsible for bring ing changes in the society through their services in educating and shaping the lives of many. He further advised the students to be an asset to the society, but not a liability in the society.
Earlier, the invocation was pronounced by Execu tive Secretary YBBA, Rev. Dr. Akhum. Principal of St. Xavier School, Shamator, Rev. Fr. Latsutho John Poji, welcomed the guest, digni taries, invitees and parents. He also thanked them for the support and encourage
ment shown towards the institute.
On the concluding day, Chairman of Shamator Vil lage Council, Thongsangkiu graced the occasion as the guest of honour. Thong sangkiu said that winning and losing is not only part of games but of life too.
“Therefore, we must not only rejoice in victory but
also accept the defeat’, he added. He also asserted that whether they win or lose, they must invariably try to excel in all that they do. He also gave away the prizes to the winners of the sports meet.
Later Samuel Pastor of Shamator Village Baptist Church said the benedic tion.
On the concluding day of the annual sports meet, the school organised a mini marathon race on the theme, “Living together in Peace and Harmony”. Flagged off for Xavierites and public by Deputy Commissioner, Sha mator, Tsüvisie Phoji. Later benediction was said by pastor of Shamator Village Baptist Church, Samuel.
Leicester City thrashed Wolverhampton Wan derers 4-0 in the Premier League on Sunday for their first points away from home this season to move off the bottom of the stand ings and out of the rel egation zone. Back-to-back league wins moved a clini cal Leicester -- who had lost all their away games -- up to 16th while strug gling Wolves fell to a fifth defeat in six games to drop to 19th as the home fans booed Steve Davis’ side at the final whistle.
Wolves started bright ly but it was Leicester who drew first blood when a clearance fell to Tielemans and the midfielder fired a volley from more than 20 yards out that arrowed into the top corner.
A buoyant Leices ter side then cut open the Wolves defence 11 minutes later as Harvey Barnes played a one-two pass with Kiernan Dewsbury-Hall before firing a shot from an angle past goalkeeper Jose Sa to double the lead.
Wolves nearly halved the lead towards the end of the half but keeper Danny Ward pulled off a spec tacular save to deny Daniel Podence’s lashing strike be fore safely catching Diego Costa’s follow-up header.
Leicester’s top scorer
from the right was flicked on by Osama Malik in a chaotic penalty area before Carlos Delgado’s shot was parried into the path of Jerry and the 25-year-old made no mistake tapping it in from close range.
A minute from the hour mark, Luna’s inswinging ball from the corner caught the Odisha FC defence off-guard. Am rinder Singh, at full stretch, could not get a glove on it and was relieved to see the ball hit the far post and roll out for a goal kick.
The game turned on its head in the 86th minute. Amrinder lofted the ball towards the final third, where substitute Pedro Martin took it down with a deft touch before smashing it past Gil with aplomb to give Odisha FC their sec ond ISL win over Kerala Blasters FC.
The Juggernauts are now third in the ISL with six points, just a point off the top. They will host Ben galuru FC on 27th October, Thursday. Meanwhile, The Blasters are now ninth with just three points and will travel back home to wel come Mumbai City FC on 28th October, Friday.
(NPN): The 3-day Angami Catholic Youth Association (ACYA) sports meet which began on October 21 con cluded on Sunday at Loyola Higher Secondary School Jakhama.
During the 2022 edi tion of the ACYA sports, Southern ACYA and Western ACYA emerged as overall champions and runners-up respectively in volleyball for both men and women categories. As for men’s futsal, Chakhroma ACYA emerged as champi ons while Southern ACYA secured the runners-up po sition. In the women’s pen alty shootout, Northern ACYA emerged as champi ons while Western ACYA
secured the runners-up po sition.
In the choir compe tition, Western ACYA emerged as the champions while Kohima Town ACYA secured the runners-up po sition.
As for the mad Olym pics, Northern ACYA were adjudged as the champions while Western ACYA se cured the runners-up posi tion. Kohima Town ACYA emerged champions in Treasure Hunt followed by Western ACYA.
The final day of the meet began with a Walk athon where hundreds of participants walked for about 6 km from the school to Bee Farm at Mima.
Along the way, the youths sang hymnals, prayed and also cleaned
the roadsides. Convenor of the ACYA sports commit tee, Kevitsu Peter Yhome informed that the walk was held to glorify God through a walk, thanking the Al mighty for the good health and blessings.
On reaching Mima, St. Joseph’s Men’s hostel, director, Fr. George Rino, celebrated the Holy Eu charist.
Delivering the homily, Rino urged the youth to spread the good news of the Lord. He said as believers, one needs to live their life in faith with God. The sport ing event came to a close with the prize distribution ceremony graced by Fr. Vemedo Joseph. He briefly exhorted the youth to live and profess the Catholic faith at all times.
DIMAPUR, OCT 23 (NPN): Hollotoli School in partnership with La Liga Football Schools India, Spain’s Premier Football League concluded its two weeks summer camp training under the management of coaches Wikimlak Newmai and Agnes Anthony Chet tiar.
The highlight of the camp was on improving technical ability, inculcat ing leadership values and emphasizing on the art of ‘ball-mastery’.
The training pro gramme was a first of its kind which was designed to adapt the La Liga training method
ology to the young and en thusiastic students, who are one step closer towards their football dreams. The basic
purpose of the camp was to offer systematic training and foster professional training in the young minds.
James Maddison put the game to bed in the second half when he made room for himself at the edge of the box before whipping in a low shot past Sa for his sixth goal of the season, leaving Wolves deflated.
Brendan Rodgers’ side completed the rout when they won the ball back from a sloppy Wolves side, with Timothy Castagne’s uncontested cross turned in by Jamie Vardy as the 35-year-old striker scored their fourth goal and his first of the season.
Aston Villa 4-0 Brentford New Castle 2-1 Tottenham Southampton 1-1 Arsenal
Virat Kohli re-iterated on Sunday why he is consid ered one of the best chas ers in cricket, slamming an unbeaten 82 off just 52 balls to power India to an incredible four-wicket vic tory over archrivals Pakistan in a thrilling Super 12 match of Men’s T20 World Cup in front of 90,293 fans at a sell-out Melbourne Cricket Ground on Sunday.
After the right-left fastbowling duo of Hardik Pan dya and Arshdeep Singh picked three wickets each to restrict Pakistan to 159/8 in their 20 overs, Kohli and Hardik Pandya (40) shared a match-winning stand of 113 off 77 deliveries, lifting India from 31/4 to 160/6 on the last ball of the match to get their campaign off to a winning start.
In their chase, India were struck a huge blow when K.L Rahul chopped onto his stumps while trying to defend against Naseem Shah in the second over. Two overs later, Haris Rauf had Rohit Sharma pok ing tentatively at a 145kph length ball and the thick edge flew to the first slip, who dived low to pouch a blinder of a catch.
Suryakumar Yadav sweetly punched a drive off
Rauf and then pulled off the front foot over mid-wicket to collect a brace of fours. But the right-arm pacer had the last laugh as his back-ofthe-length ball on stumps cramped Suryakumar for room, who looked to cut the ball away.
All he could do was to nick behind to the keeper, leaving India at 26/3 in 5.3 overs. Things went from bad to worse for India as a mix-up in the middle for a non-existent single resulted in run-out of Axar Patel.
Kohli and Pandya took some time before opening up against Pakistan’s spin twins, leg-spinner Shadab Khan and left-arm spinner Mohammad Nawaz. Pan dya began by drilling a drive straight down the ground off Shadab before he smacked
sixes over long-on and deep mid-wicket off Nawaz, sandwiched between Kohli launching a glorious six over long-on to make it 20 runs off the 12th over.
Apart from collecting plenty of twos with Pandya, Kohli brought out his deft touch with a fine glance off Shaheen, playing the cut off his wrists past deep cover off Shadab and flicked past a diving short fine-leg off Naseem to collect three quick fours.
On the back of India scoring 55 runs in 11-15 overs, Pakistan brought back Rauf and Shah and the duo gave away just six runs each in the 16th and 17th overs respectively. With 48 needed off the last three overs, Kohli brought up his fifty by fetch ing a short ball from outside
the off-stump to pull Afridi through mid-wicket for four and ended the over with another four, swivel-pulled over short fine leg.
Kohli then smacked back-to-back sixes off Rauf -- a straight loft down the ground was followed by using the pace of the ball to flick off wrists over fine leg -- to make it 16 runs needed off the final over.
Nawaz dealt a huge blow on the first ball of the final over when he had Pandya miscuing the slog and the thick edge went to cover-point. On the fourth ball, Kohli smacked a waisthigh full toss high over deep square leg fence which was called a no-ball.
After Nawaz conceded a wide, Kohli and Dinesh Karthik ran three byes on the free-hit delivery before the latter was stumped on the fifth ball. Nawaz con ceded a wide yet again and Ashwin finished off the chase with a loft over midoff to win a thriller for India.
Brief scores: Pakistan 159/8 in 20 overs (Shan Masood 52 not out, Iftikhar Ahmed 51; Hardik Pan dya 3/30, Arshdeep Singh 3/32) lost to India 160/6 in 20 overs (Virat Kohli 82 not out, Hardik Pandya 40; Haris Rauf 2/36, Moham mad Nawaz 2/42) by four
The world No.5 Ste fanos Tsitsipas delivered a clinical semifinal showing, easing past Emil Ruusu vuori 6-2, 6-2 to reach the final at the Stockholm Open, here on Saturday.
STOCKHOLM (SWE DEN), OCT 23 (IANS): Marcelo Arevalo and JeanJulien Rojer on Sunday captured the men’s doubles title at the Stockholm Open after beating third seeds Lloyd Glasspool and Harri Heliovaara 6-3, 6-3 in the final, here.
In a strong display, the top seeds broke three times and won 79 percent (15/19) of points on their opponents’ second serve to triumph after 67 minutes at the ATP 250 event. Arevalo and Rojer were competing for the first time since they reached the semi-finals at the US Open in September.
However, they showed little sign of rustiness in Stock holm, dropping just one set en route to their fourth tourlevel title of the season
Earlier this season, the pair won tour-level crowns in Dallas and Delray Beach before they clinched their maiden Grand Slam at Ro land Garros. The Salvador an-Dutch team will compete at the ATP Finals in Turin in November after they secured qualification for the presti gious end-of-year event last month. Glasspool and He liovaara are currently sixth in the ATP Live Doubles Teams Rankings with 3,240 points.
there, it would have meant two or more people would not get any posts. So, I’ve moved aside,” Ganguly said.
The top seed broke Ruusuvuori’s serve five times in the pair’s maiden tour-level meeting, find ing consistency behind his groundstrokes to overpow er the Finn in 74 minutes.
The win improved Tsitsipas’ record in Stock holm to 7-0 and main tained his unbeaten re cord at the ATP 250 event. The Greek will hope to seal a second title at the hard-court event when he returns on Sunday for the championship match against Holger Rune.
Tsitsipas has shown no nerves upon returning to compete in Stockholm for the first time since 2018 when he lifted his maiden
ATP Tour title in the Swed ish capital. He has not dropped a set in moving past Maxime Cressy, home favourite Mikael Ymer and Ruusuvuori, and he be lieves that his past success at the event has helped him find his best level this week.
Saturday’s victory was a Tour-leading 56th of the 2022 season for Tsitsipas, who has already booked his place at November’s ATP Finals. He has now reached seven tour-level finals this year, the jointmost alongside World No.1 Carlos Alcaraz. Sunday’s clash against Rune will be an opportunity for Tsitsi pas to avenge his four-set fourth-round defeat to the Dane in May at Roland Garros. The World No.5 admitted he sees some similarities between him self and Rune, who will be competing in his third tour-level final of the year.
India captain Rohit Sharma didn’t bat an eye lid before declaring Virat Kohli’s 82 here on Sunday as not only his best but the most accomplished knock played in the country’s T20 history. Kohli has had his issues with form, but his skipper didn’t count himself among the Doubting Thom ases, who had termed him well past his sell-by-date.
“Yeah, I think it has to go -- definitely his best for sure, but I think from the situation we were in, and to come out with a victory, I think it has to be one of India’s best knocks, not just his best knock,” Rohit told mediapersons after India’s T20 World Cup win against Pakistan.
He explained why he rated this innings as India’s No. 1 T20 knock. “Because until the 13th over (needing close to 100 runs), we were so behind in the game, and the required rate was just climbing up and up. But to come out and chase that score was an extremely bril liant effort from Virat, and then obviously Hardik (Pan dya) played a role there, as well,” the skipper didn’t for get to praise his all-rounder.
Spinners Wanindu Hasa ranga and Maheesh Theek shana took two wickets each while opener Kusal Mendis smashed an unbeaten 68, his second consecutive fifty on the trot, as Sri Lanka se cured a clinical nine-wicket win over Ireland in their Super 12 match of the Men’s T20 World Cup at the Bel lerive Oval on Sunday.
After Hasaranga and Theekshana took two wickets each in a brilliant bowling performance as Sri Lanka restricted Ireland to a paltry 128/8 in 20 overs, Mendis and Dhananjaya de Silva (31) shared a 63-run opening stand, before the right-hander and Charith Asalanka (31 not out) fin ished off the chase with nine wickets in hand and 30 balls remaining.
In a modest chase, Mendis and de Silva smashed five boundaries to bring up the fifty of the opening stand in the powerplay as Ireland’s bowling attack had an off day. The Irish had the breakthrough in the ninth over when Ga reth Delany forced de Silva to cut a short and wide delivery, giving a top-edge straight to Lorcan Tucker.
Mendis then brought up his fifty with back-to-
back fours off Delany and then gave the same treat ment to Joshua Little. Fit tingly, Mendis finished off the match with a brace of sixes off Simi Singh to lead Sri Lanka’s commanding chase.
Earlier, Sri Lanka, the 2014 T20 World Cup cham pions, were disciplined and economical in their bowl ing effort, especially their spin twins, Theekshana and Hasaranga. They began by using a lot of fast bowlers in the first half of Ireland’s in nings, before unleashing the leg-spin plus off-spin duo of Hasaranga and Theekshana to stem their run-flow in the later half.
Ireland captain An drew Balbirnie fell cheaply,
as pacer Lahiru Kumara disturbed his stumps while trying to go for an audacious ramp.
Paul Stirling held one end and was smashing boundaries off Chamika Karunaratne as well as de Silva. But his dismissal at the halfway stage, as Bha nuka Rajapaksa took a low catch at wide mid-off, letting Sri Lanka take full control of the innings of de Silva.
Brief scores: Ireland 128/8 in 20 overs (Harry Tector 45, Paul Stirling 34; Maheesh Theekshana 2/19, Wanindu Hasaranga 2/25) lost to Sri Lanka 133/1 in 15 overs (Kusal Mendis 68 not out, Charith Asalanka 31 not out; Gareth Delany 1/28) by nine wickets.
Ura Uvie FC and New Mar ket FC have progressed to the final after upsetting their opponents during the semifinal matches of the 22nd NSF Martyr’s Memorial Trophy at IG Stadium, here on Sunday night.
Ura Uvie defeated Fifa FC 6-2 and New Market FC overpowered Shillong Lajong FC 2-1 and entered into the final.
In the first semi-final match, Ura Uvie domi nated Fifa FC and secured itself another shot at the title. Ura’s Nyithong Magh scored the first goal through a spot kick in the 34th min ute and later doubled his score with a free kick in the 51st minute and went on to earn a hat-trick in the 82nd minute.
His teammates Shürhosül Zhotso, Mengu zelie Rutsa and Kevisanyü Peseyie added a goal each in the 45th, 60th and 90th minutes of the game respec
On the other hand, Fifa’s Haohan and Laisham each scored the two goals in the 54th and 76th minutes respectively. The man of the match was awarded to Nyithong Magh.
In the second semifinal match, it took more than 120 minutes for New Market to secure the victory against the famed Shillong Lajong FC.
New Market’s star
player of this edition, Rhitso Mero, who is also the high est scorer so far, proved his mettle once again by push ing his team to the final with his two goals.
The first goal which came unexpectedly early on in the game was scored in the 2nd minute of the game.
However, Lajong’s ef forts to keep in the score line in check paid off when Aman Allawat equalised the score in the 49th minute.
The stalemate con tinued as both the teams strived to better the other well through full time. With no breakthrough, an additional time of 30 minutes was given during which Rhitso sealed the deal with his second and the much-needed goal.
The grand finale for the trophy will begin on Monday at 5:30 with chief minister Neiphiu Rio as the special guest.
(PTI): Former BCCI presi dent Sourav Ganguly on Sunday pulled out of the race to become the Cricket Association of Bengal’s next chief, paving the way for his elder brother Snehasish to be elected uncontested at its upcoming AGM on October 31.
“I had said that I would contest only if there’s elec tion. There’s not going to be any election, so it will be uncontested,” Ganguly told reporters at Eden Gardens after he chose not to file his papers for the president’s post on the last date of nomination.
Denied a second term at the Indian cricket board, the former BCCI president only a week back had an nounced that he’s all set to contest elections to return as the CAB chief. “Had I been
“I would have been elected uncontested, but I don’t think it’s right. Oth ers would not have got the opportunity to work for this association. They will be working for these three years now and we will see after that.” Asked about his next innings, he said: “Let’s see. I’m free of responsibilities for some time now and I’m happy about it.”
“I’ve no rival in CAB, everyone is my friend here. There are new and experi enced people here to run the show. I’ll also be around and they will get me at times,” he added before leaving the Eden. The elder Ganguly, who was the secretary un der Avishek Dalmiya, will now run the show, while Amalendu Biswas, who is the father of Students Fed eration of India (SFI) leader Mayukh, will be appointed as the vice-president.
Naresh Ojha will oc cupy the secretary’s chair, while Prabir Chakraborty and Debabrata Das will continue their second term as the treasurer and the joint-secretary respectively.
GUADALAJARA (MEX ICO), OCT 23 (IANS): No.3 seed Jessica Pegula moved into her second final of the year with a 7-6(3), 6-1 win over former World No.1 Victoria Azarenka in the Guadalajara Open Akron here on Saturday.
Pegula will have to wait to find out who her final op ponent will be. In the second semifinal, No.4 seed Maria Sakkari won an 83-min ute first set 7-5 over Marie Bouzkova, but the rest of the match was rained out and postponed to 1:00 p.m. local time on Sunday.
Pegula, who has quali fied for both her singles and doubles debuts at the WTA Finals, is one win away from her first title of the year and
her second career title (fol lowing 2019 Washington D.C.). Pegula notched her 40th match-win in WTA main draws this season with her 1-hour and 29-minute triumph over Azarenka. She becomes just the fourth player to hit 40 victories for the year, joining Iga Swiatek (62), Ons Jabeur (46) and Daria Kasatkina (40).
Pegula’s two 2022 fi nals have both come at the WTA 1000 level; she also reached the final in Madrid earlier this year, falling to Ons Jabeur. Pegula is the first American to reach two or more WTA 1000 finals in a single year since Sloane Stephens in 2018.
In fact, U.S. No.1 Pe gula has become an expert
at WTA 1000 tournaments since the start of 2021. Pe gula has won 38 matches at WTA 1000 events over the last two seasons, more than any other player, including World No.1 Iga Swiatek, who sits in second place with 36.
To make it into the fi nal, Pegula had to beat four Grand Slam champions in a row this week, with victories over Elena Rybakina, Bi anca Andreescu and Sloane Stephens preceding her win over two-time Australian Open champion Azarenka.
“Vika (Victoria Aza renka) is always tough no matter what, especially on hard courts, especially in faster conditions,” Pegula said.
ABU DHABI, OCT 23 (AGENCIES): Islam Makh achev pulled off a sensa tional submission win over Charles Oliveira to win the lightweight title and Alja main Sterling beat TJ Dil lashaw by TKO to claim the bantamweight belt at UFC 280 at the Etihad Arena on Saturday. Makhachev capped his ascent to the lightweight throne with a brilliant win by arm trian gle choke against Brazilian Oliveira, the holder of the UFC record for submission wins with 16.
Oliveira was stripped of the lightweight belt in May when he missed the weight for his title clash with Jus tin Gaethje and though he beat the American the title remained vacant, setting up the showdown with Russian Makhachev.
After spending much of the first round defend ing and trying to threaten with submissions off his back, Oliveira tried to keep the fight on the feet in the second round. That tactic looked like it was paying off until he was decked by a punch from Makhachev, who wasted no time jump ing on his opponent, locking
Islam Makhachev celebrates with the belt after winning his fight against Charles Oliveira. (Reuters) in the choke and forcing the tap for Oliveira. Makhachev dedicated the win to his late coach Abdulmanap Nurma gomedov, who died in 2020, saying: “Many years ago he told me just train hard and I will be champion”, before handing the belt to Khabib Nurmagomedov who took over from his father as the Russian’s coach and is him self a former UFC light weight champion.
His 11th submission win moves the 31-year-old Makhachev on to a record of 23 wins and one loss as a pro. In the co-main event Dillashaw, who had to give up the belt and serve a two-year suspension after
testing positive for EPO in 2019, suffered a dislocated shoulder early in the first round but somehow made it through the first frame.
Reigning champion Sterling did not let up and Dillashaw’s shoulder popped out again in the second round, allowing the 33-yearold Jamaican-American to take him down and domi nate him until referee Mark Goddard called a halt. In the main card’s other big fight, American Sean O’Malley won a close split decision over Russian Petr Yan after a three-round brawl to put himself in pole position for a shot at the bantamweight title.