28 March 2023

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Nagaland Post

Rio presents tax free `1374.17 cr deficit budget Tribal hohos adopt 7-pt resolution; threaten to boycott ULB elections



Nagaland chief minister

Neiphiu Rio, who also holds the finance portfolio, presented a tax-free deficit budget of Rs. 1374.17 crore for the financial year 2023-2024 at the ongoing first session of the 14th NLA Monday, while stressing on the need to mobilize more resources to meet the increasing developmental needs. Rio put forth the budget proposals estimating the gross receipts at Rs.23,145.66 crore rupees and gross expenditure at Rs. 23,085.66 crore rupees.

He informed the house that increased receipts in Share of Central Taxes and Duties and as well as from state’s own revenues has helped the state discharge a substantial amount of liabilities in the form of CSS backlog as well as civil deposits. As a result, the closing accumulated deficit was re-

NPGN/NNC ato kilonser Hozheto passes away

DIMAPUR, MAR 27 (NPN): NPGN/ NNC ato kilonser and NNPG working committee co-convenor Z Hozheto Chophy passed away at a private hospital in Dimapur on Monday after a prolonged illness. According to family sources, the funeral service would be held at Zuheshe village, Niuland district on March 28, at 10 am. Born on November 7, 1945, Hozheto Chophy, who was ato kukau (village chief) of Zuheshe village till date, served the people in various capacities such head master of ME school Hovishe and western Sumi students union president besides leading a Naga political group.

Ban on garbage dumping along NH-29 stretch


(NPN): In view of the G20

Business Meet scheduled to be held in Kohima from April 4-6, 2023, the Deputy Commissioner (DC) Chümoukedima has prohibited dumping of garbage/waste on the roadside along the stretch of NH-29 from Dimapur Airport to Piphema.

In an order, DC Chümoukedima, Abhinav Shivam, cautioned that failure to adhere to the directive would invite penalties under relevant provisions of the law.

This is it!

“Why beat around the bush about Municipal Act 2001, when the real motive is opposing 33% women reservation?”

duced substantially from the estimated closing amount of Rs.2,212.74 crore in budget estimates to Rs. 1334.17 in the revised estimates.

However, Rio said the current’s year transactions were estimated to result in a negative balance of Rs. 40 crore, while the year 20232024 is estimated to close with an accumulated deficit of Rs. 1374.17 crore. Also due to the forced release of CSS backlog of Rs. 728 crore, the closing deficit for the year 2022-23 has been reduced by Rs. 878 crore from Rs. 2212.74 crore to

Rs. 1334.17 crore, he said. Naga issue top priority: Rio’s 14-paged budget speech also mentioned that Naga political issue would continue to be at the top of government’s agenda with the government playing the role as active facilitators and to make every possible effort to contribute in taking the political dialogue in the desired direction.

Rio welcomed the positive initiatives and achievements that have been made in the recent past by the negotiating parties and the various Naga groups who

are making genuine efforts towards unity and understanding and also welcomed the joint statement made on October 18, 2022 at Kolkata, and the signing of the ‘Nagas are moving ahead’ at the Meeting at Chümoukedima on January 14, 2023.

ENPO demand: Rio said the State Government has already recommended the formation of an autonomous region for eastern Nagas and reiterated that the state government will render all possible support in making this a reality. He added that the state government

Sale of liquor only to foreign nationals: Rio



(NPN): Nagaland chief minister Neiphiu Rio that the government has decided to permit sale and consumption of liquor only to foreign delegates attending the G20 business meeting to be held in Kohima from April 4-6.

Addressing the media after presenting the Budget, Rio explained that the relaxation arose due to a pressing need for the government to mobilize more resources to meet increasing developmental needs. He said revenue generation was one of the areas being considered in permitting sale of liquor to foreign nationals coming to Nagaland for the G20 meeting.

Rio said the restricted sale was permitted within the ambit of the Nagaland Liquor Total Prohibition Act, 1989, for certain hotels of star category. He clarified that the government decided to allow sale of liquor to foreign nationals under Section 16 of the NLTP Act.

He however reiterated that the permit was given only under the provisions laid down in the act and that there would be no relaxation on the Nagaland Liquor Total Prohibition (NLTP) Act 1989.

Rio also said that the sale of liquor was permitted under the section cited above, to foreigners and their associates in order to give a boost to tourism.

The section states that:

“The State Government and the Director may grant permit on such conditions and for such periods as may be specified for the use and consumption of liquor by any person who is- (a) a sovereign or Head of foreign country, or (b) an Ambassador, diplomatic envoy or counsel, Honorary counsel or trade, commerce or other representatives of a foreign country, or (c) a foreign national on tour to India, and d) the consort of any person specified in Clause (a), (b) (c) or any relation of such person and dependent upon him”.

He observed that while towns in the neighboring state of Assam like Khatkhati were growing economically due to sale of liquor for consumers while adjacent places on the Nagaland side were like forests.

Rio expressed concerns over sale of adulterated and illicit liquor in Nagaland which has proved harmful for those who consume them.

While advocating practical implementation of the Act, Rio however maintained that the debate on whether or not to life the Act should continue.

Answering a query on a suggestion made by an advisor of the government to either strictly implement or lift the Act, Rio said that no matter what the one may say, government policies will be decided only by the cabinet.

Govt on a revenue huntthroughoil, andsaleoflottery

Earlier in his Budget speech, Rio also stressed on the need for revenue through oil exploration along the border areas. He said the state government intends to begin exploration and extraction in the Disputed Area Belt (DAB) once the tripartite MoU with Government of India, Nagaland and Assam was signed.

Rio expressed concern over the substantial loss in revenues while Assam continues to exploit the resources from oil in the border areas to Nagaland’s disadvantage.

Oil exploration hit a road block when the union government deflated the DAN-II government’s effort to explore oil by framing its own rules under Nagaland Petroleum & Natural Gas Regulation 2012. The DANII had also awarded huge oil zones mainly in Wokha district as well as Peren to the controversial MoGPL in 2012. It is not known as to under what principle will the tripartite MoU be signed between the three parties.

On state lotteries which are being run by the same organiser for several decades on extension and eventually through tender, Rio said the government will explore the possibility of introducing sale of state’s own lotteries within the state to begin with.

has collectively urged upon the Centre to extend a special economic package to the eastern region and exuded confidence that this will be realised and implemented in the coming months.

Rio, however, noted that Nagaland was a small state and any division was painful and will further weaken the Nagas. Rather he said Nagas are for greater unity and desire the integration of the contiguous Nagainhabited areas to live under one administrative umbrella.

“We will always stand for unity of the Naga people at all costs” Rio said and appealed to strengthen the bonds of oneness and work as one united force so that the Eastern region will emerge as a shining star of Nagaland and together make greater contribution in nation building and provide opportunities to the youth to be part of India’s rise and growth.

Correspondent KOHIMA, MAR 27 (NPN): Nagaland chief minister, Neiphiu Rio, said that the State government was only following the Supreme Court’s (SC) directive to hold the Urban Local Bodies (ULB) elections. He said this while addressing the media after presenting the Budget for the financial year 2023-24 on Monday. Referring to the violent incidents of 2017 over holding of ULB polls, Rio mentioned that the State government did not want to confront tribal hohos, civil

Govt appoints advisors to CM, chairmen of PSUs

DIMAPUR, MAR 27 (NPN): State government has appointed Abu Metha, Dr. Chumben Murry and Neiphrezo Keditsu as advisors to the chief minister with the status of a cabinet minister with immediate effect.

In another notification, cabinet secretary J Alam notified the appointment of ten persons as chairman to various PSUs/corporations-- Dr. Watizulu Jamir as chairman, DAN; Dr. Neiphrezo Keditsu (NKVIB); Thongwang Konyak (NHL); Kuputo Shohe (NSMDC); Dr. M. Chuba Ao (MARCOFED); Obed Quinker (Honey Mission); Wanpong Konyak (Bio Resource Mission); Supongmeren Hoki (NEPED); Abu Metha chairman IDAN (post re-designated) and Theja Meru chairman, TaFMA (post re-designated).

NMC team inspects ongoing works at NIMSR



A three-member team from the National Medical Commission (NMA) inspected the ongoing works at the Nagaland Institute of Medical Science and Research (NIMSR), Kohima on Monday.

NMC officials inspected the teaching hospital at Naga Hospital Authority Kohima (NHAK) followed by inspection of NIMSR campus. Monday’s visit was the second by NMC. The first visit was made on January 10.

Speaking to Nagaland Post, commissioner and secretary H&FW, Y. Kikheto Sema said the team was “very impressed” with the ongoing works, adding that

the team observed “massive improvement” taking place at the college campus. Kikheto said the team also expressed satisfaction at both the campuses, but


(NPN): The tribal hohos of Nagaland, which adoped seven-point resolution at a consultative meeting held at Commissioner’s Guest House, Kohima on March 27, 2023, have resolved that they would be compelled to “boycott” the ULB elections if the government failed to adhere to the demands.

The hohos suggested that until and unless the Nagaland Municipal Act 2001 was reviewed and rewritten, ULB election be deferred.

Describing the Nagaland Municipal Act 2001 as “a borrowed Act”, the hohos stated that in the context of the Naga people, any part/section of the Act that infringed Article 371(A) should therefore be “reviewed and rewritten” in complete consonance with the voice of the Naga people. They demanded that the word “omission/omit-

society organisations or the public on the same issue.

“The government is only following the SC order and if the tribal hohos, CSOs and public do not want to hold it, then the government was not going to confront them like before,” he assured.

He however reminded everyone that Nagaland was not exempted from the 74th Amendment, which pertained to ULB elections, and explained and after the amendment was passed in 2001, Nagaland Legislative Assembly (NLA) too decided to follow it. Rio recalled that

ted” used in the subsequent amendments of NMA 2001, demanded that in respect to “Land and Building Taxation”, “Scheduled Caste” and in sections wherever they occur, should be totally substituted with the word “deletion/deleted”

They said that reservation of the office of the chairperson for women was a deprivation provision to the rightful candidate and was therefore “unacceptable.”

In this regard, the hohos demanded that office of the chairperson by reservation or by rotation should be totally revoked/annulled so the elected members could democratically elect the rightful candidate (a scheduled tribe indigenous inhabitant of Nagaland) to the office of the chairperson from among themselves, be it man or woman. Further, the hohos asked the state government to give a

all tribal bodies, CSOs and NOGs had attended a consultative meeting convened by the State government at the banquet hall of CM residential complex here on March 9, 2022. During the meeting, he said that all the participants had given their consent to hold the ULB polls and also subsequently came to an understanding to remove property tax but not women reservation could.

“But there was no reservation for chairperson and reservation was only for tribals and women and also no mention of percentage in the original, principal law.

“clean chit/guarantee” to the people of Nagaland that “33% Women Reservation” does not infringe Art 371 (A) before rushing to conduct the ULB election. The tribal hohos demanded that the government clearly specify the tenures or the time duration of the application of 33% women reservation. The hohos suggested that the duration of the application of 33% women reservation should not exceed more than two tenures. The hohos have assured “fullest cooperation” to the government in the conduct of ULB elections if their demands were “timely fulfilled”. Meanwhile, the house also resolved that respective tribal hohos and the frontal organisations would oversee respective jurisdictions and ensure that till the government fulfilled the demands,

But this time the complaint came out that it infringes upon Art 371A, demanding repeal of the 74th Amendment,” Rio said. He added saying “There is no point for us to amend, deleting the percentage for chairperson because their demand is in toto, not against article 371A and strict demand of repealing the law and do everything afresh.”

Rio reiterated that the ULB issue cannot be discussed in the Assembly as the government was only following the directive of the Supreme Court.

queried about the faculty members.

He informed that the first batch of faculty was recruited while the second and third phase of the recruitment would be conducted within April 2023.

Kikheto said that first batch of the faculty members will be joining their duties shortly since many of them were serving outside the state and certain procedures have to be followed.

He exuded confidence that everything will be completed and would be set by May 31.

M Y K C M Y K C Vol XXXIII No. 110 DIMAPUR, TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 2023 Pages 12 ` 5.00 Israeli PM freezes judicial overhaul INTERNATIONAL, PAGE 9 Mumbai Indians beat DCs to win 1st WPL title SPORTS, PAGE 12 FOLLOW US ON @Nagaland_Post nagalandpostofficial (Cont’d on p-8) (Cont’d on p-7) (Cont’d on
A: RECEIPTS Rs. In Crore State’s Own Tax and Non-Tax Revenue 1950.56 State’s Share in Central Taxes 5812.05 Central Assistance (Grants and Loans) 8050.63 Internal Debt (including WMA from RBI) 7330.91 Recovery of Loans and Advances by State Govt 1.51 TOTAL 23145.66 B. EXPENDITURES Rs. In Crore Non developmental Expenditure (Excluding Servicing of Debt) 11491.76 Servicing of Debt (Including Repayment of WMA) 7325.27 Development Expenditure (Including CSS etc) 4268.63 TOTAL 23085.66 C. BALANCE (A-B) 60.00 D. PUBLIC ACCOUNTS (NET) -100.00 E. CURRENT TRANSACTIONS (C+D) -40.00
(Cont’d on p-7) (Cont’d on p-7)
only following SC’s directive: Rio on ULB
Late H Chophy
Paiwang along with NMC team and others at NIMSR Kohima, Monday (NP) Neiphiu Rio presenting the Budget FY 2023-24. (DIPR)

Gov commends SEIL’s initiatives


(NPN): Nagaland governor

La Ganesan on Monday said that the Student Experiences in Inter-State Living (SEIL), which was founded in 1965 with an aim to promote the feeling of brotherhood between youths from Northeast India and the rest of the nation, has been helping in promoting a sense of oneness among every student of the country.

Governor was speaking as chief guest at a programme organized by SEIL at the Dr.Imkongliba Hall, Raj Bhavan Kohima on March 27, 2023.

As part of the Students’ National Integration Tour -2023 and in commemoration of “Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav”, 482 students from North East were sent to 21 states in February 2023.

Governor said the SEIL has been working “magnificently” in conducting annually study tours and cultural exchange programmes touching the lives of over 1500 students since its inception.

In addition to its continuing approach towards

Samagra Shiksha organizes study trip for students

DIMAPUR:Samagra Shiksha, Nagaland organized a two-day study trip to Jorhat, Assam for students of Government High Schools from March 23-24.

The trip was organized by Samagra Shiksha for Government High School Students under Rastriya Avishkar Abhiyan (RAA) during 2022-23.

The team consisting of 33 Secondary students from Government

High Schools and 10 teachers from across the state along with two officials from State Mission office visited CSIRNorth East Institute of Science and Technology (NEIST), Jorhat.

Director of NEIST Dr.G.Narahari Sastry along with his colleagues held an interaction session with the students on skill development and various scientific methods.

The students also visited various laboratories in the campus. On the second day, the team visited Majuli Island which is the biggest River Island in the world. The team also visited the Science Centre and Planetarium, Jorhat where the students got hands-on demonstration on some general principles of science.

RSZ, KKO demand probe into alleged harassment

ransom for his release”.

sequences causing mental trauma”, where the officer was even “forced to pay a hefty sum for his safe passage”.

Nagaland governor La Ganesan along with SEIL officials and students. (Raj Bhavan) national integration, governor said that SEIL has been working for skill development, financial literacy and education amongst the youth of North East.

Governor commended all the students, who took part in the initiatives over the years. He maintained that they were the future leaders who will help build a bright and healthy society.

Governor also complimented SEIL for giving students the opportunity to overcome differences and instead focus to build a strong and vibrant democracy.

The chief guest gave away participation certificates to SEIL delegates and also interacted with them and asked about their experiences. Eight SEIL delegates, who shared their tour experiences, said they visited many remarkable monuments, historical places, universities, and enjoyed different food and culture.

Delivering welcome address, SEIL 2023, co-coordinator Nagaland Tharila

Yim said the main focus was on the North East Region of India to connect with the rest of the states and create

a sense of unity among the states. She said 82 tribes from the entire NE region were sent to all parts of India on February 2, 2023.

Out of the total, Nagaland had sent 38 students representing 12 tribes from 10 districts to different states of India to learn the culture and traditions of different states. The programme was chaired by Nuzise Sangtam and Kohima unit secretary Peteneilhou Mechiilho gave invocation while vote of thanks was proposed by Jesse K. Awomi.


DIMAPUR: Western Sumi

Hoho (WSH) and NSCN/ GPRN (Akato Chophi) have mourned the demise of Hozheto Chophy, ato kilonser NPGN/NNC (NA) and co-convenor of 7 NNPGs on March 27.

WSH described late Hozheto Chophy as an “affable man with a multifaceted personality” who dedicated his life for the good of the Naga people.

WSH said late Hozehto was instrumental in bringing the NNPGs together and served as the co-convener of the 7 NNPGs till his last breath.

Late Hozheto Chophy, during his earlier days also served as the president of the Western Sumi Students Union (WSSU) and rendered his service in the capacity of the general secretary of the Western Sumi Kukami Hoho (WSKH).

WSH said as the Atokukau (Head GB) of Zuheshe village, he was a role model to all the Kukamis of the western Sumi villages, and, as such, his passing away is an irreplaceable loss to the western Sumi people.

The Hoho said at this juncture, when talks between the NNPGs and the government of India was near to its logical conclusion, the demise of Hozheto was a great loss to the Naga people. The WSH extended condolences to the grieving family members and prayed that Almighty God grant strength and solace to bear the irreparable loss and departed soul rest in eternal peace.

NSCN/GPRN (Akato): MIP of NSCN/GPRN in a condolence note said that late Hozheto followed

Unidentified dead body recovered

DIMAPUR: Government Railway Police Station (GRPS), Dimapur has informed that a dead body of a non-Naga aged around 3540 years was found between KM 258/2 and KM 258/3 at the railway track.

According to Dy. Commissioner of Police (Crime), & PRO, Dimapur, the severed head of the deceased was found lying inside the train track while the body was found outside the track. PRO informed that the deceased might have been ran over by a running train. On completion of all legal for-


CPO convenes emergency executive meeting: Chakhroma public organization (CPO), has convened an emergency executive meeting on March 29 at 11 am at CPO hall.

In this regard, all executive members have been requested to attend the meeting positively.

DC Zbto convenes meeting: In view of the forthcoming Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) election, Deputy Commissioner & DEO Zunheboto, Rahul Bhanudas Mali, has convened a meeting on March 31 at 12 pm. In this regard, Superintendent of Police Zunheboto, Sumi HoHo, SKH, STH, SKK, Zunheboto town GBs association and presidents of NDPP, BJP, NPF, INC, NCP and LJP Zunheboto district have been requested to attend the meeting without fail.

malities, the dead body was shifted to District Hospital morgue for post-mortem examination and identification. The deceased was wearing a blue T-shirt and brown long pant.

the footsteps of his late father Zuheshe Chophi, and was one of the top leader of NNC, who later founded the Zuheshe Village under Niuland district.

“Both father-son duo had forfeited the comforts of family, pleasures of life and perusing of successful dreams, but decided to dedicate their entire lives for

DIMAPUR: Rengma Selo Zi (RSZ) and Kathu Kami Organization (KKO) have demanded a high level probe into the alleged harassment on Er. Thanyalo Kath, SDO (power) Mon by some miscreants claiming to be from NSCN (U). The organisaions also demanded appropriate action against the perpetrators. RSZ has appealed to the state government to ensure the safety and security of its officers. RSZ claimed that Er. Thanyalo was summoned by the miscreants and threatened of “dire con-

Expressing displeasure on the incident, RSZ president Kenneth Kath and joint secretary, Kenyuhulo Semy called upon the GPRN/ NSCN to immediately clarify the motive behind the act of its cadre under Mon region and come clean on the issue failing which the community will be forced to resort to unpleasant confrontations in the days ahead. The youth organi -


the sake of national cause”, MIP said. MIP said the demise of Hozheto was a great loss for the Sumis in particular and the Nagas in general, and prayed that the departed soul rest in eternal peace and the Almighty grant comfort and solace to the bereaved family members and friends at this hour.

Lt. Wonthungo Kikon

Born on 25th August 1966 – Born on 28th March 2021

Dear Apo, "Death leaves a heartache no one can heal. LOVE leaves a memory no one can steal ".


You are Deeply missed " . From Loving Family Members


saiton further said that they were deeply hurt by the actions of the national workers towards their member and called upon all right thinking citizens to condemn such dastardly act committed against its own brethren.

In another condemnation note, Kathu Kami Organization (KKO) vehemently condemned the incident where one of its member, Er. Thanyalo Kath, SDO Electrical division, Mon, was summoned by “NSCN (U) under false allegation and demanded

In a condemnation note, KKO president, Akhu Kath and secretary, Hisinlo Himb expressed anguish and pain on the harassment meted to its member, and demanded that the NSCN/ GPRN authority to terminate the cadres involved in such inhuman act. Further, the organization appealed to the law enforcing agency to thoroughly investigate the case and apprehend the culprit and book those involved under appropriate Sections of laws.



H.Q. - Thahekhu, Dimapur - 797112 : Nagaland Regd. No. H/rs - 3504 CONDOLENCE MESSAGE

The Western Sümi Students’ Union express our heartfelt condolence on the demise of Late Hozheto Chophy, Ato Kukau Zuheshe village, 3rd President Western Sümi Students’ Union (1971-74) and Hon’ble Ato Kilonser NPGN/NNC Co-convenor Working Committee NNPG, at this sad hour and difficult time. We pray that God give eternal peace to the departed soul and comfort to the bereaved family.

Your immeasurable contributions towards the Union and Sümi Community will always be remembered.

Vinili H. Zhimomi Kabo G. Zhimomi General Secretary President Western Sümi Students’ Union Western Sümi Students’ Union



3. Changki Village Families, Dimapur

4. Olive Hospital, 2½ Mile

5. Chairman and G.B Burma Camp United North Block (A) Loving Wife, Sons and Family





Born : 27.01.1981 – Died : 20.03.2023

We, the bereaved family members of Lt. Yanbenthung Odyuo of Phiro Village would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to each and every individual who stood by us physically, financially and spiritually at the sudden demise of our beloved who left for his heavenly abode on 20.03.2023, at Olive Hospital, Dimapur.

We convey our special thanks to:

1. All Rank and Staff of 9th NAP IR, Saijang.

2. Lotha Baptist Church, Purana Bazaar, Dimapur.

3. Phiro, Shaki and Sankiton Baptist Church.

4. Phiro Village Student Union.

5. JNV Chukitong Alumni.

6. Doctors and Staff of Olive Hospital, Dimapur

7. All Well-Wishers, Union/Organization, Neighbours, Friends & Relatives.

We sincerely regret and apologize for our inability to mention all the names individually but it is in our Prayer and supplication that our good Lord will reward you all for the love and support that you have shown to us during our difficult and painful time.


Loving Family Members

you" doesn't begin to describe the immense gratitude we have for you.
Your endless caring Your giving spirit Your unceasing prayers Have carried us through our darkest days.
You've been Our Family Our Friend Our Strength Our Comfort.
who you
For all you did For
are We
forever remember
love And remain in your debt.
6:24-26 - FAMILY OF ETHEL KEVICHUSA KEVICHUSA Ethel AUGUST 6, 1944 ~ MARCH 14, 2023 DB-404/23 K-643/23 DIED : 28-03-2022 Gone but your memories will never fade away Loving Family Members
our Beloved Father Lt. K IHOTO CHISHI on his 1st Death Anniversary DP-1309/23 Born on 19.12.1974 – Died on 03.03.2023 We the bereaved family of Late Bendangwati Ao of Changki Village would like to express our love and gratitude to every individuals and family members in comforting us financially, physically and spiritually. God bless everyone, thanking you all sincerely. Special thanks goes to : 1. Pastor Christian Fellowship, Burma Camp. 2. 7th NAP Battalion, Bhandari,
bless and keep you; The
make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace. NUMBERS

RARC observes Mission Poshan 2.0 in Dimapur

DCCI, Traffic Police discuss traffic problems

DIMAPUR: A joint meeting between Dimapur Chamber of Commerce & Industry (DCCI) and Dimapur Traffic Police was held on March 21 and discussed on the traffic problems in Dimapur.

DCCI vice president, V Shikuto Achumi, in a press statement informed that issue pertaining to business and shop owners parking their vehicles the whole day in front of their respective shops was also discussed.

Career guidance programme organised for aspirants at Longleng

DIMAPUR: Regional Ayurveda Research Centre (RARC), Dimapur unit observed Poshan 2.0, Mission Vatsalya Scheme, extension of Poshan Abhiyan, initiated by AYUSH (MoA) in association with Ministry of Women and Child Development (WCD), by visiting different Child Care Institutes (CCI) under department of WCD in Dimapur.

In a press release, it was informed that the team visited Prodigals Home, Deaf Biblical Ministry, Nagaland Children’s Home, where physicians from RARC Di-

mapur conducted medical screening to rule out nutritional deficiency, delivered awareness talks, distributed saplings to develop Poshan Vatika and performed yoga sessions for children and caretakers. Based on the theme

“Nutrition is directly related to growth and development” monitoring nutritional deficiencies among the children was the primary aim of the scheme as well as ruling out low blood cell count as outcome of nutritional deficiencies through medical and haemoglobin

blood testing.

Necessary medications along with nutritional supplements were provided to the needy throughout the visits.

The release also stated that principles of Ayurveda, awareness talks on healthy lifestyle practices and yoga sessions were conducted by health professionals, and Yoga Instructor, while motivation purpose and competitions were driven among students on promoting health and prevention through the Ayurveda principles.

RCH camp at Wui and Choklangan villages

DIMAPUR: District

Health Society under Chief Medical Officer, Department of Health & Family

Welfare Noklak conducted the Reproductive Child Health (RCH) camp at Wui HWC (Thonoknyu Block) and Choklangan HWC (Noklak.) on March 25 and 26.

According to DIPR report, in both the villages, a short programme was held with the villagers before the camp. Dr. Victor NC, CMO urged the villagers to be more health conscious, considering all vertical programmes and urged them

to avail the services provided free of cost at their door steps by the health providers. Under the programme, he reminded that priority will be given to the pregnant women and children.

During the camp, FGD, immunization and family plan-

ning activity was held where 12 women received the IUCD.

A total of 176 patients were treated during the camp. The team was led by C Hosea, DPM along with the staff from CMO, DH Noklak and Wui and Choklangan HWC Noklak.

KVK Kohima trains youth on ‘soil conservation’ under STRY prog

DIMAPUR: KVK, Kohima, Nagaland in association with SAMETI, Medziphema and MANAGE, Hyderabad conducted an intensive week long Skill Training of Rural Youth (STRY) programme on “Soil Conservation” from March 20 to 27 March 2023 at KVK Conference Hall, Kohima. The programme was conducted under SubMission on Agricultural Extension (SMAE), Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India. The inaugural programme was chaired by Imtinuksung SMS (Soil Conservation) STRYcourse director and began with an invocation by Medzonkhe Seb, supporting staff and Dr.Paihem Michui, ACTO (Animal Science) delivered the keynote address.

At the week-long training programme, resource persons Imtinuk -

s ung, SMS (Soil Conservation), Dr. Sesenlo Kath, technical officer and Dr.Paihem Michui, ACTO (Animal Science) delivered the lecture and power point presentation on various topics on soil conservation measures like terracing, half moon terracing, contour bunding and strip cropping, tillage practices, etc. The participants were also shown videos on Soil conservation measures like mulching, Contour bunding, half-moon terracing, green manuring, cover crops and stripe cropping. Various

doubts which were raised by the participants at the training were also explained and clarified by the resource persons. The valedictory function was chaired by Dr.Paihem Michui, ACTO (Animal Science),followed by summarisation of the week long programme by the course director, who encouraged the participants to utilise the skill and knowledge imparted through the training and demonstration for the farming community. Altogether 15 rural youths participated in the programme.

Budget 2023-24: Laying of annual administrative reports and rules

DIMAPUR: Nagaland chief minister

Neiphiu Rio laid the Annual Administrative Reports 2022-2023 of the following departments on the fourth day of the first session of the 14th Nagaland Legislative Assembly-- Personnel and Administrative Reforms, Fisheries & Aquatic Resources, Transport, Soil & Water Conservation, Nagaland Public Works department, Sericulture, Information & Public Relations and Information Technology & Communication.

AAR of Tourism; Environment, Forest & Climate Change and Horticulture department were also laid by the respective ministers.

Further, Rio also laid the Nagaland Lokayukta Annual Report, 2022 and Na-

galand Ceiling on Government Guarantee Rules, 2022.

The chief minister also presented the Supplementary Demand for Grants for the year 2022-2023. Further, he laid the Review of the Trends in Receipts and Expenditure for the First, Second and Third quarter of the year 2022-23, as required under Section 11 of the Nagaland Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, 2005.

Meanwhile, Rio also moved for consideration of the Nagaland Goods and Services Tax (Sixth Amendment) Bill and the Nagaland Fire & Emergency Services Bill, 2021 which were introduced in the House on 23rd March 2023. The House agreed for both the Bills to be passed.

DCCI has therefore appealed to the shop owners to make alternative arrangements for convenience of shoppers and customers, as shop owners could arrange drop and pick-up vehicles instead of parking their vehicles in front of their respective shops the whole day.

DCCI expressed the hope that shop owners by following the arrangements would go a long way in easing traffic congestion.

Further, DCCI extended appreciation to traffic personnel for their untiring efforts to streamline the traffic in the congested city.

DIMAPUR: Longleng district administration, police and Phom Students’ Conference conducted a career guidance under the theme “Education with Goal to Serve,” for aspirants of UPSC/NPSC/CAPF and other departmental exams at PSC Conference Hall, Longleng on March 25.

EAC Longleng, Dr. Samuel A. Konyak in his short speech said there was always a perception in Nagas that only wealthy people get through Civil Service Exams. However, he dismissed such theory

and encouraged the aspirants to work hard and give their best so that they can achieved their goal.

Irrespective of educational background, every individual has the potential to get through the exams with concerted effort, Dr. Samuel said.

SP, Longleng, Dr. Pritpal Kaur, in her short speech said she was sure that one of them sitting as aspirants will become DC, EAC, SP, etc one day.

“Even the Britishers were unable to deal with the Nagas and now how

can we defeat ourselves”, she said.

She further reminded the aspirants that being poor should not be an excuse, everything was possible if they have strong will power and determination to work hard. PCBA literature secretary, Philip, also spoke in the programme.

On the occasion, they also briefed the strategies to be adopted for various entrance exams. Altogether, 80 students participated and PSC president, N. Dape Phom, delivered the welcome address.

M Y K C M Y K C 3 STATE NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 2023 Q.: Is the stand of various CSOs and tribal organisations against ULB polls legally tenable? A Yes. 62% B No. 32% C Can’t Say. 6% 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% nagalandpost.com Poll A B C
POLL Q: Do you expect the PDA 2.0 in Nagaland to bring meaningful changes?  Yes.  No.  Can’t Say. (Temperature in ºC) Max Min Agartala Couple of thunderstorms 32 23 Aizawl A stray morning thundershower 27 15 Guwahati Mostly sunny and very warm 31 19 Imphal Some sun; breezy in the p.m. 29 14 Itanagar A little afternoon rain 25 15 Shillong A t-storm around in the a.m. 23 15 Kohima A t-storm around in the p.m. 24 13 Dimapur A t-storm around in the p.m. 29 17 Mkg A t-storm around in the a.m. 26 13 Tuensang A shower and thunderstorm 18 9 Wokha A t-storm around in the p.m. 23 16 Zunheboto Partly sunny, a stray t-storm 22 11
Medical screening in progress as part of Poshan 2.0
Aspirants at the career guidance programme at Longleng. (DIPR) Medical team and villagers at the RCH camp at Choklangan village. Participants with their certificates after the training programme.

Rahul’s disqualification: Opposition ‘observes black day for democracy’


(PTI): Opposition parties stepped up their offensive against the government and observed a “black day for democracy” on Monday, three days after Congress leader Rahul Gandhi was disqualified from the Lok Sabha.

Gandhi was disqualified from Parliament on March 24, a day after his conviction in a defamation case by a Surat court which also gave a two-year sentence to him.

Dressed in black, opposition MPs created a ruckus in both Houses of Parliament and forced their adjournment. They later staged a protest in the Parliament Complex and took out a march to the Vijay Chowk, raising slogans against the government over Gandhi’s disqualification and on the Adani issue.

The BJP condemned the ruckus created by the Opposition in Parliament and accused the Congress of resorting to “low-level politics” in its bid to justify Gandhi’s remarks against the OBC community.

Leaders of various opposition parties, barring the Shiv Sena (UBT), attended a strategy meeting at Congress president and Leader of Opposition in the Rajya Sabha Mallikarjun Kharge’s residence in the evening and discussed the way forward.

Former Congress presidents Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi were also present in the meeting.

Shiv Sena (UBT) leader Sanjay Raut said they did not attend the meeting in protest against Rahul Gandhi’s “unacceptable” remarks against V D Savarkar.

The Trinamool Congress attended the meeting which was followed by a dinner.

RS returns Finance Bill 2023 to LS without discussion


Deadline to Rahul Gandhi to vacate govt bungalow

In Parliament, opposition members caused disruptions in both Houses forcing their adjournment soon after they reassembled for the day.

Rajya Sabha on Monday returned the Finance Bill-2023 with an amendment to Lok Sabha before being adjourned for the day amid Opposition uproar over the Adani issue.

vited members for discussion, opposition MPs continued to disrupt the House demanding a discussion on the Adani issue and a joint parliamentary committee probe into the matter. Later the bills were approved to be returned to Lok Sabha by voice vote without discussion.


The Trinamool Congress, which has so far stayed away from the Opposition’s protests, joined the sit-in at Vijay Chowk in the morning. To keep up its charge against the government, the Congress has decided to hold press conferences across the country on March 28 and 29.

“Senior Congress leaders will address press conferences in 35 cities on March 28 and 29 on ‘Democracy Dis’Qualified’. Among other issues, the reality of ‘Modani’ and the Modi government’s clean chit to Nirav Modi and Lalit Modi will also be highlighted,” party general secretary Jairam Ramesh said.

In the Lok Sabha, Congress members wearing black scarves trooped into the Well shouting slogans. Two Congress members, T N Pratapan and Hibi Eden, who were in the Well holding placards, hurled order papers towards the Chair along with their scarves.

“Dear ED daro mat, Adani per raid karo (ED don’t be scared, raid Adani),” read one of the placards. After the Houses were adjourned, opposition MPs, including Sonia Gandhi and Mallikarjun Kharge, gathered near the statue of Mahatma Gandhi in the Parliament Complex and raised slogans against the government.

Holding a huge “Satyamev Jayate” banner and placards with “save democracy” written on them, the MPs proceeded towards the Vijay Chowk where they staged a sit-in.

The Upper House of Parliament returned the Finance Bill as well as the Jammu and Kashmir Budget 2023-24 and appropriation bills to Lok Sabha without any discussion.

Soon after Rajya Sabha reassembled at 2 pm, having been adjourned in the pre-lunch session, Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar began the process of returning the bills amid din.

The House first returned the Jammu and Kashmir Budget and later the appropriation bills and the Finance Bill-2023.

While moving the Finance Bill for discussion, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman moved an amendment to correct the rates of Securities Transaction Tax in the bill that was passed by Lok Sabha last week.

Though Dhankhar in-

Lok Sabha too had approved these bills last week without discussion amid continuous disruption of the House.

Dhankhar lamented that members did not avail the 10 hours that had been allocated for discussion on the bills. He then adjourned Rajya Sabha for the day.

In the pre-lunch session too opposition MPs, wearing black clothes to protest Congress leader Rahul Gandhi’s disqualification from Lok Sabha, created a ruckus over the Adani issue.

MPs of the Congress and other opposition parties began shouting slogans even before Chairman Dhankhar took his seat. Sensing the mood, he adjourned the proceedings till 2 pm.

leader Rahul Gandhi has been asked to vacate his government-allotted bungalow at 12, Tughlaq Lane by April 22, days after he stood disqualified as a Lok Sabha member. parliamentarian isn’t entitled to a government accommodation, and is given a 30-day period to vacate the official bungalow, reports the Hindu.

This was Rahul Gandhi’s fourth term as Lok Sabha MP, first elected in 2004 from Uttar Pradesh’s Amethi constituency. In 2019, he lost in Amethi to Union minister Smriti Irani, however managed to win from Kerala’s Wayanad

According to the rule, a disqualified seat. The Congress leader was disqualified from the Lok Sabha on March 23 after he was convicted for a two-year term in a criminal defamation case. According to the Article 102 1(e) of the Constitution and Section 8(3) of the Representation of People Act, 1951, when read together, a Member of

Parliament can be disqualified if he or she is convicted of any offence and sentenced to imprisonment for two or more years. The notice to vacate the bungalow was served by the Housing Committee of LS.

The disqualification was prompted following a judgement in a criminal defamation case, where a local court in Surat convicted the Congress leader for twoyear term over a speech he made ahead of 2019 Lok Sabha election where he asked about ‘how all thieves have Modi surnames’. According to a senior official, as quoted by news agency PTI, Gandhi can seek an extended stay from the Housing Committee which may be considered by the panel.

M Y K C M Y K C NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 2023 NATIONAL 5 K-650/23 K-642/23 DP-1320/23
Oppn MPs, wearing black over the disqualification of Rahul Gandhi from LS, protest over the Adani issue, New Delhi. (PTI)

Cautionary or diversionary

It appears that elections to Urban Local Bodies(ULBs) in Nagaland is proving to be mired in conflict of ideas and interpretations over clauses in the Nagaland Municipal Act 2001 pertaining to the issue of tax on land and building. In response, the Municipal Affairs Department (MAD) pointed out that the particular clause was removed from the NM Act by the NM Act(3rd Amendment) Act 2016. The department clarified that the clause on tax on land and building was removed through section 120(1)(a) which stated that “All references and operative provisions relating to tax on land and buildings, wherever these occur in the Nagaland Municipal Act ,2001 shall be deemed to have been omitted.” The issue took on quite an amusing turn when some of the organisations demanded that the word “omitted” should be replaced with “deleted”. To this bizarre demand, MAD explained that as per legal opinion, “Omission, omitted and deleted” have no difference but ought to be read as having the same meaning and character in the context of amendment of the clause under question. Then the other issue that was raised pertained to rotation of the post of chairperson in some ULBs. This was not included in the NM Act 2001 nor under the NM Act(3rd Amendment)2016 but made rotational in pursuance of the spirit of women reservation. The MAD explained that this was notified as per Section 238 of the NM Act 2001 in order to bring fair play by rotating the post in ULBs in alphabetical order. After various organisations had raised taxation on land and building, it was thought that the issue was resolved after clarification issued by the Municipal Affairs Department(MAD) so as to enable the polls to ULBs. However, another element has been introduced by the Nagaland GBs Federation(NGBF) when it brought out certain legal points. According to the NGBF, the Supreme Court’s directive to conduct polls to ULBs was due to the failure of the state government in convincing the court about the political negotiations between the government of India with Naga National Political Groups(NNPFGs) and that those involved should take responsibility. NGBF said the agreement of 1960(or 16 Point Agreement) signed between the government of India and Naga People’s Convention(NPC) addressed the formation of a legislative assembly with separation of powers from the parliament of India. According to NGBF, Naga customary law as per agreed terms of 1960 does not warrant the creation of Urban Local Bodies(ULBs). It said as per the agreement, village, area and range councils alone can be made operational but Article 243 cannot be applied to Nagaland including the 73rd Amendment. NGBF also pointed out that the NM Act 2001 under (9)(2) in dividing village into wards and the same as in 21(2) of the same Act do not fit into the same scheme of Article 371(A)(1)(a). NGBF also pointed out that the negotiations for solution to the Naga political issue was also discussed at various fora and with state legislators and upon which, it was understood that formation of bicameral house and federal hoho and structuring of administration of the federal hoho is to be decided after securing Naga political solution. In the light of this, NGBF maintained that conducting polls to ULBs at this juncture was not fully the will of Nagas. It also added that if at all everyone is serious about Naga political solution, then the political reality should be made known to the Supreme Court of India.


Spiritual Vision Through Personal Character

Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place… —Revelation 4:1

A higher state of mind and spiritual vision can only be achieved through the higher practice of personal character. If you live up to the highest and best that you know in the outer level of your life, God will continually say to you, “Friend, come up even higher.” There is also a continuing rule in temptation which calls you to go higher; but when you do, you only encounter other temptations and character traits. Both God and Satan use the strategy of elevation, but Satan uses it in temptation, and the effect is quite different. When the devil elevates you to a certain place, he causes you to fasten your idea of what holiness is far beyond what flesh and blood could ever bear or achieve. Your life becomes a spiritual acrobatic performance high atop a steeple. You cling to it, trying to maintain your balance and daring not to move. But when God elevates you by His grace into heavenly places, you find a vast plateau where you can move about with ease.

Compare this week in your spiritual life with the same week last year to see how God has called you to a higher level. We have all been brought to see from a higher viewpoint. Never allow God to show you a truth which you do not instantly begin to live up to, applying it to your life. Always work through it, staying in its light.

Your growth in grace is not measured by the fact that you haven’t turned back, but that you have an insight and understanding into where you are spiritually. Have you heard God say, “Come up higher,” not audibly on the outer level, but to the innermost part of your character?

“Shall I hide from Abraham what I am doing…?” (Genesis 18:17). God has to hide from us what He does, until, due to the growth of our personal character, we get to the level where He is then able to reveal it.

Nagaland Church’s initiative for clean Election

“ Pages of yesterday can not be revised , but pages of today and tomorrow are blank and you hold the pen: Make it an inspiring story.”

Every Naga man and woman yearns for a peaceful, united, harmonious, progressive and prosperous Nagaland, where justice and transparency shall be the bulwark of governance. Honesty, truthfulness, courage and endurance were the inherent qualities of the natives of Nagaland. It will not be a gigantic task for the present generation to revive these characters and make these the essence of governance of Nagaland and to make our land a shining example for others to emulate. The Nagas especially the younger generation is well advised not to curse the kind of darkness our people had to encounter. But let us rather kindle a little light because it is only through the collective effort and wisdom of all sections of the people of Nagaland alone can bring out of the darkness of despair into light of hope and joy.

With this short preface let us have an in-depth introspection and dig out the causes to enable us to find remedies.

Clean Election: Nagaland Church leaders have taken up prayerfully to have a clean election in Nagaland. Both Churches and Civil societies at all levels attempted to educate the electorates to exercise their votes honestly in electing their representatives. They should forsake materialism and adhere to truth and honesty. This simple edict which simply says: “This you should not do” had no effect on the hearts and souls of the Christian electorates . As Christian they were called upon not to yield their hearts’ inclination towards worship of mammon , outwardly they seem to have eschewed the sin but the inward hungering of mammon continued. This is exactly the real picture of recent election. Because of this unrelenting attitudes of the electorates candidates were compelled to spend beyond their means. The people had made them not as leaders but as pauper and helpless creatures. Who are to be blamed for this nefarious and totally commercialized culture of election in Nagaland ? Many seen and unseen forces germinated over the years are responsible for the present ugly and deplorable spectacle of humdrum electoral ex -

travaganza in Nagaland.

Party system is a cornerstone in a democracy.

India is one of the biggest democratic countries of the world and Nagaland is a state within Indian Union. As any states of the country, since 1964 there had been election to the Nagaland Legislative Assembly on party lines.

In the past the electorates of Nagaland exercised their rights to vote purely on party’s lines and almost all previous elections were peaceful. The underground had started involving actively during 2003 election and since then this element was used by vested interests during the elections all these years. Ideology and principle of all Political parties in Nagaland have given way to money and muscles power. Threats are common practice and manifestoes are just a paper, electorates are not at all interested in them. All candidates who are interested in the election have got only one objective i.e to become MLA and Minister. Political parties are relevant for candidates only to get tickets. All members of respective parties have shown and proved that after distribution of tickets all those who were denied of tickets started moving helter-skelter and knocking at the door of hitherto antagonistic parties seeking tickets for contesting in the election. What then is the significance of political ideology and morality ? This is the most dangerous trend in Naga polity even including the underground.

The behaviours of candidates who were denied of party tickets had demonstrated and depicted that generally Naga politicians are like weathercock. Such people are never admired in civilized countries of the world, as a politician or anything else and the world shall never respect him. This virulent malady is seriously afflicting Naga polity. Have the enlightened citizens of the state have ever considered how much moral weight we lose in society by perpetual instability. No one even attach any importance to your opinion , because your opinion has no importance in it , seeing that you yourself will contradict it in a very short time. Will it not amount to throwing away the whole force and weight of one’s character, simply because this insane habit of being always unstable ? Why

not recognize this ugly and unpalatable stigma in our body politics. If one continues to be instable, he would be like the chaff which the wind drives away -of no account to the world at all. This is one of the most cancerous maladies that is creeping into the minds of many Naga politicians. Multiple defections were the hall mark of the recent Nagaland Assembly election of 2023. Cupboard love in politics will be very dangerous for the people and the state.

A new concept of a Party-less or Opposition less Government is another queer or outlandish experiment in the State of Nagaland. Initially, it was proclaimed that formation of a Party-less Government in Nagaland was to help hasten the Naga political settlement but there was no positive result to achieve the objective. Election was held and after declaration of results all elected MLAs irrespective of different political parties came out officially supporting the ruling government which is nothing but hangover of the Opposition-less idea . It is a clear manifestation of their sole objective to be a part of the treasury bench only which as a matter fact is a negation of democratic norms. I thing party-less government is a new and peculiar political lexicon in a democratic government which is found only in Nagaland. Politically,this is not at all a healthy development for the future of Nagaland. Should the Naga leaders both overground and underground truthfully and sincerely work for an objective that is real , things will begin to get out of their muddles. Chasing mirage will create more and more confusions in their minds as well as the people. Pages of yesterday can not be revived because millions of yesterdays have merged into eternity but today and tomorrow are still in our hands and both the pages are blank. It is entirely up to us to decide what kind of history should we write on these pages.? Proverbs 14:34.” Righteousness exalted a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.” For a better and regenerated Nagaland , Truth must be the cornerstone . Nothing so common now-a-days in Nagaland as to hear from different sections of the community such as the Church leaders, politicians and educated men

and women, advocating eloquently the cause of truth , duty and reformation but in reality noting is noticeable in human society. It is difficult to make out how many of them who really feel and faith in their hearts of what they say to be the right way ! The hour of trials over the years have proved that the zeal which leaders which have been exhibited for the cause of the people is viewed in mere vapory sentimentalism. The people are silently watching how many intellectuals and leaders of different political colours have been converted into moral pigmies under the overpowering weight of materialism and how strikingly has their boasted sense of truth melted away into nothingness. There is a tremendous realization in the minds of the majority of the people of Nagaland that chasing a mirage shall neither redeem nor salvage the people of Nagaland. They are anxiously waiting for a new dawn wherein Naga polity can measure up with the rest of the civilized society. While designing and fashioning then future, we should also remember that the past cannot be the ruler of the present, and also the new concept of the polity must give way to something higher and better and more in keeping with the contemporary realities. It is of utmost importance to the Nagas to harmonize, if possible, such conflicting opinions and hopes and determine, honestly and dispassionately, where all of them should unite for the common goal, and , to enable the hearts and minds of contenting groups or parties may be brought together, and made to pursue the common path which leads to the better and brighter future of Nagaland. The leadership of the Nagas should be guided by realism and pragmatism while fashioning the future of Nagaland. Geographical location, size of the area, population, resources and man power etc should be taken into account while working out to build the state of Nagaland. It has been the common error in the past that many a time, we generally speculate about the future, we dwell more on what men wish than what facts warrant. It will never help achieve the goal nor help to soar into the height of fancy, and behold, grand and mag -

nificient, adorned with all the riches of colours available under the sun which are our imagination could conjure up. It is time perhaps to keep ourselves grounded to realities of contemporary settings. We ought to avoid all imagining schemes and poetical sentiments, we are to be guided by the light of facts as available around us. It will be foolish to speculate about the future without the aid of the past; for it is only from induction of facts which have actually happened that we can devise with tolerable accuracy what may happen in future. What are the stark realities of the present political quagmire in Nagaland ? There are multiple factions of the underground but all of them spring up originally from the one and the same root, but soon branched off in different and opposite directions. All of them born of the same parentage, they vary in the course of their development according to the influence they respectively received. Some of them have to borrow from Chines political ideology-“ Power emanate from the barrel of the gun.” More than 20 years ago, may be at the appointed time,political wisdom dawn in the minds of the underground leadership to find and explore an honourable political settlement and subsequently ceasefire was declared in 1997 to embark on negotiations with the GOI for a final settlement. After years of discussions and deliberations at different times and places, it was mutually agreed between the Govt. of India and the underground groups to commit all the agreed points into writing to be the basis of formal political agreements to bring the Nga political problem to a logical conclusion. Accordingly Frame Work Agreement of 3rd August 2015 between the NSCN( IM) and the Government of India was signed in the presence of the PM Narendra Modi, HM Rajnath Singh and National Security Advisor Ajit Doval and n the other side by none other than Th.Muivah, The General Secretary of the NSCN(IM) and late Isac Swu, the President of the NSCN(IM) also appended his signature on the body of the said agreement from his sick bed. Another agreement known as Agreed Position was signed on 17.11.2017 between the GOI and the NNPGs. All

these exercises were made after thorough discussions and considerations of all political implications. Lastly, its significance is the unanimity at the time of signing the agreements. The public of Nagaland will surely presumed that the two agreements were signed consciously and with full knowledge and understanding of its contents. Moreover, under the contemporary political realities, the agreements would serve the best interests of the people of Nagaland and the country. Notable commitments of the GOI.

1. The Prime Minister of India had said that Naga problem would be resolved within eighteen months. Accordingly to demonstrate that spirit and commitment two agreements were signed.

2. In the last Nagaland Assembly election in 2018 the BJP had categorically and publicly announced “Election for solution”. Even though another election of 2023 has been already completed and a new Govt. has been formed, this declaration is yet to see the light of the day.

3. The sanctity of the two agreements needs to be respected by the signatories. Political agreements once officially signed , it should be implemented both in letter and spirit. Extraneous issues should not overshadow the sanctity of the agreement.

4. Time has come that any pious fraud which is hindering the peace process requires to be shown up in its true colors and its evil effect and design exposed, that it may be publicly proscribed and execrated. It is awful to contemplate the gravity and magnitude of the deception itself , and the amount of damage done to the morality of the Naga polity.

Now that a new Government is on the saddle with fresh mandate from the people of Nagaland, the people are expecting that with the full and solid backing of this new Government both the GOI and the Naga Underground to finally resolve the Naga political problem within a time frame. A unanimous resolution of the Nagaland Legislative Assembly will be the legitimate voice of the people of Nagaland to urge the signatories of the two previous agreements.to come forward and ink the final agreement for a lasting solution.

S.C.Jamir, Former CM & Governor

G20: Water conservation for a more sustainable climate

India assumed the G20 Presidency on December 1st, 2022, taking over from Indonesia. The G20 leadership offers the country the opportunity to showcase the “India story” to the world countering multiple contingencies including global warming, food and energy shortage, terrorism, geopolitical conflict, and bridging the digital divide.

tries expressing support on the themes outlined by MoEF&CC for India’s Presidency. Discussions on restoring degraded land, promoting blue economy along the coastal sustainability, enhancing biodiversity, preventing forest fire and marine littering and strengthening Circular Economy have created the platform for a more insightful deliberation in the second Summit.


Be great in act, as you have been in thought.

~ William Shakespeare

As the largest democracy in the world, and the fastest growing economy, India’s G20 presidency will play a crucial role in building upon the significant achievements of the previous 17 presidencies. The G20 theme of this year “One Earth, One Family, One Future” perfectly captures India’s underlying philosophy of “VasudhaivaKutumbakam” (the world is one family), which will guide India’s G20 leadership.

The first G20 Environment and Climate Sustainability Working Group (ECSWG) meeting concluded with a positive note with all G20 coun -

Best Practices on Water Resource Management

During its G20 Presidency stint, India is looking forward to an integrated, comprehensive and consensus-driven approach to mitigate the challenges of climate change and water scarcity. Water conservation in fact is an integral part of the Indian identity and cultural history and has become even more relevant in the present day. “Saving” water is not just about conservation, but to ensure the availability of enough clean water at any given time and place to meet our combined needs.

The Ministry of Jal Shakti, Government of India has taken various initiatives for promoting water conservation through Artificial Recharge and Rain Water Harvesting. The Jal Jeevan Mission program aims to connect more than 193 million rural households with functional household tapwater connections by 2024. Our ambitious NamamiGange mission has created a paradigm shift in river rejuvenation, pollution abatement, conservation of ecosystems and holistic approach to river basin management. It has recently been recognized as one of the top 10 World restoration flagships to revive the natural world by UN.

India is also implementing the largest dam rehabilitation program in the world, to build climate resilience for critical water storage infrastructure. Further,to ensure long term sustainability of ground water resources through a combination of demand and supply side interventions, the scheme

of Atal Bhujal Yojana is being implemented through community led, Gram Panchayat-wise Water Security Plans having convergence with ongoing / new schemes.

With these efforts and many more schemes, India is gradually moving towards the goal of becoming a water secure nation by year 2047. In this scenario, we are eager to host the second G20 Environment and Climate Sustainability Working Group (ECSWG) meeting focusing on water conservation and managing water resources sustainably and equitably.

We look forward to the participation of multiple delegates from G20 countries, along with representatives of international organizations,deliberating on the global best practices and ideas on water resource management. I am confident that discussions on river rejuvenation, focusing on the National Mission for Clean Ganga, Climate Resilient infrastructure, Ground Water Management, Strategies

for universal access to sanitation and clean drinking water, through the Swachh Bharat Mission and Jal Jeevan Missionwill help participating countries to learn from each other and accelerate achievement of the sustainable development goals.

History and heritage are synonymous to Gujarat. Glorious Gujarat is home to many ancient city ruins, palaces, forts and tomb standing proudly bearing testimonies to the golden era of dynasties. The stepwell of Rani ki Vav and Adalaj Vav demonstrate the ancient water management practices of India’s long-standing tradition of conserving water resources. Gujarat with its mix of the old and the new-traditional water wisdom and modern technologies used in creating water infrastructure, will provide a valuable platform for 20 countries to bring out and learn from the best in each.

Reader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the columns do not reflect the view of this newspaper nor that of the Editor in any manner. Post-mortem OPINION/EDITORIAL 6 Nagaland Post VOL. XXXIII NO. 110 DIMAPUR, TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 2023 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 2023


BSF seizes over 6 kg

heroin dropped by drone


(PTI): Border Security Force personnel on Monday recovered over six kilograms of heroin dropped near a village here by a drone that entered from across the border, officials said. In a statement issued here, BSF spokesperson said, “On March 26, at about 21:36 hours, BSF troops deployed at Indo–Pak international border, heard buzzing sound of a suspected flying object (drone) entering from Pakistan into Indian territory in the area near village - Toor in District - Amritsar”.

BSF troops opened fire at the drone, it said.

CAF commander killed in IED blast in Bijapur


(IANS): Chhattisgarh

Armed Forces (CAF) personnel was killed by an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) planted by Maoists in the state’s Bijapur district on Monday. The deceased has been identified as Assistant Platoon Commander Vijay Yadav. Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel expressed grief over the incident and condemned the cowardly act. Police said that road construction work was underway in the Maoist-affected district’s Mirtur police station area, where the personnel were deployed for security. A team of CAF troopers was out on an area domination exercise when Yadav accidentally stepped on the IED, police said.

DRI recovers gold worth Rs 1.5 crore from Siliguri, 3 arrested


(IANS): In a late-night operation, the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) recovered smuggled gold worth Rs 1.5 crore from Siliguri, the prime township in West Bengal’s Darjeeling district. Three persons have been arrested. They were identified as Shree Baiju, Murarilal Soni and Sonpal Saini. The estimated market value of the seized gold biscuits is to the tune of Rs 1.5 crore, a DRI source claimed.

Mamata urges Prez to protect Constitutional rights of people

KOLKATA, MAR 27 (PTI): West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday appealed to President Droupadi Murmu to protect the country’s Constitution and its citizens’ constitutional rights and save the nation from a disaster.

At a civic reception of Murmu here, Banerjee lauded her as a “Golden lady” and said the country has a proud heritage of people from various communities, castes and creeds living in harmony for ages.

“Madam President, you are the constitutional head of this country. I would request you protect the Constitution and the constitutional rights of the poor people of this country. We would request you to protect the country from a disaster,” Banerjee said at

the civic reception. Banerjee, who presented the President with a goddess Durga idol, played the tribal drum and danced with tribals during the programme. While thanking the government and people of West Bengal for the warm welcome, the President said that sacrifice, martyrdom, culture and education had been the life ideals in the

Tribal hohos adopt 7-pt resolution; threaten to

(From p-1) no candidate file the nomination so that ULB election was not held.


“The people of Bengal are cultured and progressive. The land of Bengal has given birth to immortal revolutionaries on the one hand and prominent scientists on the other. From politics to the justice system, from science to philosophy, from spirituality to sports, from culture to business, from journalism to literature, cinema, music, drama, painting

and oth er art forms, Bengal’s remarkable pioneers have found new ways and methods in many fields,” she said.

Murmu said the people of Bengal have always prioritised the ideals of social justice, equality and selfrespect.

She said she was happy to note that a street in Kolkata, has been named ‘SidoKanhu-Dahar’ in memory of the Santhal leaders who spearheaded a rebellion to oust the British colonial authority and the corrupt zamindari system.

“Such initiatives give strength to the ideals of our freedom struggle, especially to the self-confidence and self-pride of our tribal brothers and sisters,” she said. No representative of the opposition BJP was present at the civic reception.

Over 1.55L posts vacant in three forces, maximum in Army: Govt


(PTI): The three armed forces are facing a deficiency of around 1.55 lakh personnel with the Army accounting for the maximum 1.36 lakh vacancies, the Rajya Sabha was informed on Monday.

In a written reply, Minister of State for Defence Ajay Bhatt said the shortage of armed forces personnel and mitigating measures are reviewed regularly and numerous measures have been initiated to fill the vacancies and encourage youth to join the Services.

Bhatt said there is a shortage of 8,129 officers in the Indian Army that includes includes Army

Medical Corps and Army Dental Corps. There are 509 vacant posts in the Military Nursing Service (MNS), and 1,27,673 posts of JCOs and other ranks are vacant as well. There are also 252 vacant posts in group A among the civilians employed by the forces, 2,549 vacancies are there in Group B, and 35,368 in Group C, the minister said.

In the Navy, there is a deficiency of 12,428 personnel. There is a shortage of 1,653 officers, 29 medical and dental officers, and 10,746 sailors, the minister said in his reply.

Among the civilian employees, there is a deficiency of 165 in Group A,

4207 in Group B, and 6,156 in Group C.

In the Indian Air Force, there is a shortage of 7,031 personnel. There is also a deficiency of 721 officers, 16 medical officers, 4,734 Airmen, and 113 Airmen of Medical Assistant trade among others, he said.

“Shortage of armed forces personnel and mitigating measures are reviewed regularly by the Armed Forces and based on detailed analysis. Numerous measures have been initiated to fill the vacancies and encourage youth to join the Services,” Bhatt said. These include enhanced emphasis on improved image projection

and publicity in audio, visual, print, internet, social media, holding career fairs, exhibitions, motivational lectures in schools and colleges, computer-based online application filling examination, revamping of websites of Services to facilitate implementation of a robust recruitment management system among others, the minister said.

The house warned that anyone violating the resolutions of tribal hohos would be dealt with appropriate action as per respective customary laws.

Meanwhile, the tribal hohos have asked the state government to bring to the knowledge of the concerned people and groups the report of the JIC report on January 31, 2017 Dimapur incident where two persons were killed. The signatories of the resolution included Lotha Hoho (LH) chairman Er. Mhondamo Ovung, Ao

Senden president Chubawati Longchar, Angami Public Organization (APO) president Razouvotuo Chatsu, Chakhesang Public Organisation (CPO) president Vezühü Keyho, Sumi Hoho (SH) president I Nikheto Jimomi, Pochury Hoho president Chonpa Jurry, Rengma Hoho president Pollem Tep, TPO K Gwanilo Himb, Nagaland Zeliang People Organisation (NZPO) president Kevipele Iheilung, CNTC president T Lanu Imchen, LH general secretary S Abenthung Ngullie, NZPO member Gaigwang, Kohima Lotha Hoho chairman C Pankathung Lotha, KT Vilie and SH general secretary Dr. Vihuto Asumi.

Govt only following SC’s directive: Rio on ULB

(From p-1)

He said the government has been directed to see that the notification was fully implemented and ensure that no organisation or citizens of the state should obstruct or create problem. “If anything like that happens then it would be a breach of the SC’s order,” he said. Answering to a query on NSCN (I-M) opposing holding ULB elections on May 16 which coincides with

‘Naga Plebiscite’ Day of 1951, Rio wished not to comment on that and said that the government functions differently. Opposition-less govt: The chief minister said that discussions were on to finalize the opposition-less government, though the letters of support were already submitted to the governor and the Assembly. Rio also said that he would be holding a meeting with the alliance partner BJP on the issue.

NMC team inspects ongoing works at NIMSR

(From p-1)

Sema was also hopeful of receiving the Letter of Permit (LOP) and getting the college started as anticipated from this academic session 2023.

The commissioner secretary has appealed to all sections of society to extend cooperation to make the college become a reality.

Amidst the ongoing budget session, minister health and family welfare P. Paiwang Konyak also rushed to NIMSR and interacted with NMC team.

Ban on garbage dumping along NH-29 stretch

(From p-1)

DC also directed the CTC administrator, ADC Medziphema and EAC Seithekema to ensure strict compliance and get the highway stretch cleaned in coordination with ward and village authorities.

DC Kohima informs shop, construction owners: In view of the ensuing G20 Summit, the deputy commissioner (DC) Kohima, Shanavas C, informed all the roadside shops such as butcher shops, coffin shops, garages, workshops etc to hang presentable and transparent blinds with uniform colors to enhance the image of the township and the under-construction buildings to be disguised with green color mesh on or before March 27, 2023.

DC informed that physical verification of shops/ areas would be done and defaulters would be penalized to the extent of cancellation of trade permit.




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Woman loses Rs 8.30 lakh to

cyber fraudsters


A senior citizen in Maharashtra’s Thane district lost Rs 8.30 lakh in a case of cyber fraud, a police official said on Monday. The 70-year-old Mira Road resident had purchased six towels online and Rs 19,005 was debited from her account instead of Rs 1,169, after which she called her bank, the official said. “Soon, a man called her up claiming to be from the bank and asked her to download an app for the refund. After she downloaded the app, a sum of Rs 1lakh was debited from her account. By the time she reached the police station, she had lost Rs 8.30 lakh in further withdrawals,” he said.

3 held with Rs 1.5 cr

in foreign currency at Mumbai airport


(PTI): The Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) has arrested three passengers and allegedly seized three trolley bags containing Rs 1.5 crore in foreign currency from them at Mumbai international airport, an official said on Monday. The accused, who were held on Sunday, were scheduled to fly to Dubai and the foreign currency seized comprises 57,900 Euros and 4,42,300 UAE Dirhams, he said. “They were intercepted at the Customs counter on a tip off. They hail from Haryana. As per our probe, one person had given each one of them a trolley bag and a ticket to Dubai.


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President being felicitated by West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee during civic reception in Kolkata, Monday. (PTI)

CM Rio terms Budget

2023-24 as ‘balanced’


KOHIMA, MAR 27 (NPN): Nagaland chief minister, Neiphiu Rio said the Budget for the financial year 2023-24 was ‘balanced’ targeting the Agri & Allied, the micro farmers, entrepreneurs and people who were trying to be positive and make and honest living.

Addressing media persons after the presenting the Budget, Rio said because of various constraints, the government had to take care of the financial managements.

Rio also pointed out that for the first time the budget made specific highlights on the State Matching Share for all Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) under various departments unlike previous years where that was not mentioned.

Rio said the need to mention matching share on CSS was necessitated after financial year 2022-23 started on uncertainties owing to the struggle with the after effects of the pandemic and the damage it had caused to the state finances.

He disclosed that at a time when the state was recovering from the pandemic which had affected the whole world, the State was hit again as the financial tension reached its peak in July 2022.

This was when the Finance Ministry gave standing directives to all states to release all CSS in their accounts by July 20, 2022, on condition that the Centre would withdraw all the unutilised funds which were pending release even during the deadline. At that point of time, the State Government held a total of Rs. 728 crore in CSS funds, an amount so high that forced the state to withdraw funds from the Consolidated Sinking Fund to manage these releases, he said.

He informed that a positive outcome of this incident was that the State Government was able to discharge almost all the backlog of CSS, which also helped to reduce the accumulated deficit.

The Central Government has made it mandatory for States to release all pending CSS before the next instalments were re -

leased. This new procedure now binds the states to release CSS funds along with State Matching Share within 30 days failing which a penalty in the form of fine to the tune of 7% interest per annum would be charged. Further, delay in release of CSS funds would result in blockade of subsequent installments.

He informed that the state government paid some penalties in the current financial year as some departments had underperformed and could not meet the prescribed procedure.

Presenting the budget speech earlier, Rio informed that the state had also implemented the integration of all CSS with the Public Finance Management System (PFMS) portal where departments implementing CSS programmes were required to manage all receipts and expenditure as well as submission of Utilization Certificates through the portal.

As such, it has become necessary for the implementing departments to ensure that they maximize the impact of the activities undertaken. “For this reason, I intend to have in-depth reviews of the implementation of the CSS programs in the State on a quarterly basis. The review shall examine the physical and financial progress of the projects, and the impact they have made on the target areas or beneficiaries.

All the concerned departments may accordingly prepare themselves from the start of the next financial year,” Rio said.

He observed that there was a growing trend of departments neglecting their core activities over the years as a result of which the delivery of Government services for the public benefit in various sectors are being neglected.

Except some major CSS programs, most departments were paying less attention to their core activities and focusing more on construction of offices and residential buildings.

“This trend needs to be corrected. We have to ensure that the activities of departments positively impact the lives of the public,” CM added.

Rio presents tax free `1374.17 cr deficit budget

(From p-1)

He also informed that Union Home Minister Amit Shah, has on more than one occasion, given assurance that the Central government will work out an arrangement in consultation with the ENPO and the State Government to address their aspirations for a degree of autonomy and speedier economic development.


sector: In the socio economic sector, Rio made brief references to some key initiatives that were launched in 2022. These included CMHIS, CM’s Micro-finance Scheme, Nagaland Staff Selection Board (NSSB), hosting of three-day Corporate Social Responsibility Conclave from August 22 to 24, 2022 during which an opportunity was seized to showcase the potential for investment absorption in human resources, tourism and hospitality, forest and environment, agrobased industries and organic produce. He claimed that these areas would benefit both the investors and people and disclosed that funds actually received, formally committed and value of goods stood at about Rs 82 crore to date.

Financial issues: Rio said reforms were undertaken in Central sponsored schemes (CSS) by their integration with Public Finance Management System (PFMS) portal. He said all CSS implementing departments were required to manage receipts and expenditure as well as submission of utilisation certificates through the PFMS portal.

Under this new system, he mentioned that both the State and Central governments had the facility of viewing all transactions undertaken from the single nodal account linked to PFMS and now most of the CSS had gone into

Direct Benefit Transfer mode.

Along with rest of the country, he said Nagaland also migrated to this system that would bring in transparency and efficiency. He stressed on releasing the Central and State shares within 30 days from the date of receipt of funds from the Central government, failing which the State would have to pay a penalty of 7% per annum on the amount received.

This required all CSS implementing departments to ensure timely movement of files, he added.

Rio maintained that the implementation of CSS was of critical importance since these could substantially impact the State socially and economically. He said it was necessary for the implementing departments to ensure that they maximised the impact of the activities undertaken.

He also noted that there was a growing trend of departments neglecting their core activities over the years, which affected delivery of government services for public benefit in various sectors. Barring some major CSS, he said most departments were paying less attention to their core activities and focusing more on construction of offices and residential buildings. He called for correcting this trend and take up activities that positively impacted people’s lives.

He disclosed that some of the points in the election manifestos would be incorporated in government plans and schemes like scholarship for sponsoring doctors for further specialised education, exposure trips and study tour for progressive farmers, capacity building to promote indigenous products and entrepreneurs, scholarships and awards in sports and games, ca -

pacity building, chief minister’s scholarship on music, arts and performing arts, capacity building and training for meat and dairy production, training centres and coaching institutes for students aspiring for civil services and common entrance exams, sponsoring courses in institutions within and outside the State for specialised studies and introduction of CM’s Journalism and Media Fellowship and study tour-cum-seminars for press and media fraternity. He said the government’s aim now was to take Nagaland towards “A State of Excellence” and work out policies, programmes and development strategies that would enable the citizens, especially the youth, to attain excellence in all sectors, and succeed at national and international levels. He appealed to the citizens to strive to excel in their chosen fields and, while doing so, push “brand Nagaland” and popularise “Naga soft power”.

Increase in revenue: Rio also stated that there was a gradual increase in revenues in areas like State GST, which had increased from Rs 788.37 crore in 2019-20 to Rs 1,092.21 crore in 2021- 22.

He revealed that revenue from coal sector too increased from Rs 53 lakh in 2019-20 to Rs 2.03 crore in 202122, while it had already touched Rs 5 crore in the current financial year, as per the latest details furnished by the department, and was expected to cross Rs 8 crore by the end of the current fiscal.

He mentioned that forest sector too witnessed a jump in revenue collection from Rs 13.72 crore in 2019-20 to Rs 19.06 crore in 2021-22.

However, the chief minister revealed that despite encouraging trends, the State’s own revenue collection still accounted

for only 12.36% of total revenue receipts and this was barely sufficient to meet the salary expenditure for twoand-a-half months, mainly because the State had a small tax base. He cautioned that the State would be adversely impacted by the yearly reduction in Revenue Deficit Grant as recommended by the 15th Finance Commission. Over the five-year period of the award from 2020-21 to 2025-26, he said the Revenue Deficit Grant would reduce by Rs 910 crore, adding that it appeared that the Commission had taken this stand to pressurise the State to cut down its revenue expenditure, especially on salaries.

He said the unusually huge amount of resources the State spent on payment of salaries had been viewed critically by almost all the finance commissions. Given these circumstances, Rio said it had become incumbent upon the State to look into all potential areas for revenue generation, streamline collection systems and plug all areas of leakage. He mentioned that this would require the government employees to remain motivated and driven by a determination to contribute positively. He said that some measures had already taken and were in place like PIMS, while e-PayBill had already put a huge check on ghost employees and illegal appointments that were rampant in the past, thereby putting an end to misuse of salary provision in the budget by departments.

Rio pointed out that

unless an appointment went through the proper process, no salary would be provided, claiming that this would help the Finance Department to be more accurate in providing salary provision to each department.

Another important initiative in the pipeline was the integration of Grade-IV GPF with e-PayBill, which was nearing completion, he added. He stated that keeping of GPF accounts of Grade IV employees till now was the complete discretion of drawing and disbursal officers (DDOs), which the State government was unable to ascertain how much had been deposited, how much was withdrawn and what was the balance. He hoped that this uncertainty would be completely removed once this was linked with PIMS and e-PayBill.

The chief minister said the State was moving towards computerising the pension, taking advantage of the registrations being made for Chief Minister’s Health Insurance Scheme (CMHIS). He pointed out that this would help remove bogus and doubtful pension payments, adding that this was urgently required considering the fact that the total pension expenditure in 202122 stood at Rs 2,158.67 crore, which was a heavy burden on the State exchequer.

He also called for reducing losses in the power sector.

The Power department had collected Rs 260.64 crore up to February 2023 this year, out of which Rs 68.58 crore

was from power trading, and the amount spent on power purchase up to January this year was Rs 448.12 crore.

By the end of the current financial year, he said the amount spent on power purchase was estimated to reach Rs 580.89 crore, while revenues might barely touch Rs 280 crore.

The last four years had witnessed a loss of Rs 1079.74 crore in the power sector, which was unsustainable, and required urgent corrective measures, he stressed.

Rio pointed out that NST department was another loss-making entity, pointing out that as against Rs 12.64 crore spent on fuel alone, the department was able to collect only Rs 6.50 crore in revenue. He noted that although the government provided bus services to interior areas for the benefit of people, such levels of losses could not be sustained over a prolonged period.

Admitting that there were areas where the State could reduce losses and improve efficiency, he stressed on the government bringing down unnecessary expenditure and practising austerity in the functioning of all departments. He appealed to the departments involved in collecting taxes, cess, royalties and fees to offer the facility of online payment to their customers, especially in places where there was good mobile connectivity, stating that this would increase transparency, reduce delays and prevent misappropriation.

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MCTE observes ‘World Theatre Day’

The Mokokchung College of Teacher Education (MCTE), Yimyu observed “World Theatre Day” on March 27 with an aim to ‘Explore the effectiveness of DramaBased Pedagogy.’ The event was organized under the initiative and facilitation of assistant professor of MCTE Yimyu, Temjenzungba Kechu, who has M.A. in Applied Theatre, University of London and PGD from Dramatic Arts, National School of Drama, New Delhi. The event witnessed enthralling and creative performances showcased by the 2nd semester Students-Teachers of MCTE, Yimyu using various drama-based tools and learning approaches such as clowning, ‘The Thief,’ dramatizing the folk story of ‘Mehouviu and Morusa,’

human puppeteering of ‘The Refund,’ improvisation of ‘Environmental Pollution,’ melodramatizing ‘Macbeth,’ pantomining, ‘The Gift of the Magi,’ and

shadow playing, ‘The Three Brothers.’

The event was attended by both the 4th and 2nd semesters Student-Teachers and Teacher-Educators and

Malayalam actor & former MP Innocent passes away

Innocent, one of the most popular actors of the Malayalam film industry, died here in Kerala on Sunday night. He was 75. He was admitted to a private hospital in Kochi on March 3.

The former MP -- a two-time cancer survivor, had contracted Covid and later suffered from pneumonia that eventually led to his death. His body will be taken to the Rajiv Gandhi Indoor stadium in Ernakulam at 6.30 a.m. on Monday morning. The body will be kept there for three hours. From the stadium, his body will be taken to his native place Iringalakkuda where the funeral will be held in the evening.

The veteran actor who had acted in around 700

movies and produced many of them was a comedian and a character actor.

He had won from the Chalakudy Lok Sabha constituency in 2014 as a CPI-M candidate, and had been quite a “significant voice” in the Parliament while representing the constituency.

Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan in his condolence message said: “Innocent, through his natural acting had entered the hearts

of people. He was also a good social worker. He has stamped his presence in all the areas of film industry and had performed as a comedian, character actor and producer.”

Vijayan also offered condolences to the bereaved family of the actor.

Innocent has written a popular Malayalam book, ‘Cancer Wardile Chiri’ or ‘Smile in Cancer Ward’. Innocent entered the Malayalam film industry with the movie ‘Nrithasala’ directed by Mohan, one of the most popular Malayalam directors. Innocent was also the president of Association of Malayalam Movie Actors (AMMA) -- an organisation for Malayalam actors. He headed the AMMA for 18 years. (IANS)

non-teaching faculty of the college.

The event focused on the process and pedagogical approach on how students learn and engage with con-

cepts and skills using the tools of drama rather than the theatrical outcome. Incorporation of drama-based pedagogy into the teachinglearning process enables students to inquire into and interpret new ideas as they extend their understandings of the world and engage in academic, affective and aesthetic learning through dialogic meaning-making. Performances in ‘real-time’ can enable students to make their knowledge and perspectives visible and available which makes learning more relational and representational within a shared imagined context. Dramabased Pedagogy provides a powerful alternative in transforming and empowering the consciousness of the learners which in turn will transform their lives and enable them to create a socially just society.

Jodhpur man who threatened Salman Khan sent to police custody till April 3

ARajasthani youth, who was arrested in a joint operation by Mumbai and Jodhpur Police, was produced before a Magistrate Court which sent him to seven-day police custody, an official said here on Monday.

The accused, identified as one Dhakadram Ramlal Siyag, 21, was nabbed on Sunday for allegedly sending an email threatening to kill Bollywood mega-star Salman Khan last week.

Cracking into the probe, the Bandra Police Station registered an FIR on March 18 and with techintel traced the email originating to Rajasthan.

They shared the information with the Jodhpur Police, who tracked down Siyag and after zeroing in on his location, they went in a

combined operation to nab him on Sunday morning.

The Bandra Police team said that the arrested Siyag is a history-sheeter and wanted by the Rajasthan and Punjab Police in different cases and has some cases lodged against him in that state. These include a case filed in the Sardarpura Police Station in Rajasthan and threatening the killed singer Siddhu Moosewala’s father in an email threat,

registered by the Mansa Police Station in Punjab.

It may be recalled that a week ago, the Bandra Police lodged the FIR against mafiosi Lawrence Bishnoi, his associates Goldie Brar and Rohit for the threat email sent to the actor’s aide, Prashant Gunjalkar.

It had referred to the mafia don Lawrence Bishnoi’s interview in which he made a chilling claim, that “his life’s aim was to kill Salman Khan”. (IANS)

Anxiety post cardiac arrest more common in women than men: Study

Women are more likely to experience long-term anxiety after cardiac arrest than men, finds a study.

The study, presented at ESC Acute CardioVascular Care 2023, a scientific congress of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), revealed that more than 40 per cent of women report anxiety four months after a cardiac arrest compared with 23 per cent of men. Cardiac arrest causes one in five deaths in industrialised countries. The heart unexpectedly stops pumping blood around the body and if flow is not restored quickly, the individual passes out and dies within 10 to 20 minutes.

Less than 10 per cent of people who have a cardiac arrest survive to hos-

pital discharge.

Anxiety and depression are frequent after critical illness and are strongly associated with reduced quality of life in patients and relatives.

“Cardiac arrest occurs with little or no warning and it’s common to feel anxious and low afterwards,” said Dr. Jesper Kjaergaard of Rigshospitalet-Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark.

“After the initial shock and confusion, patients and their families have an abrupt change in their way of life, with medical investigations to determine the cause of cardiac arrest and in some cases diagnosis of a condition requiring treatment. This may add to the stress and anxiety.

“Our study indicates that women are more af-

fected psychologically and could be targeted for extra support,” Kjaergaard said.

Between 2016 and 2021, the study enrolled 245 patients who had a cardiac arrest in the community and were admitted to hospital in a coma. Psychological symp -

toms were assessed during a four-month follow up appointment.

Depression and anxiety scores were found significantly higher in women (3.3 and 6.1, respectively), compared to men (2.6 and 4.5, respectively). Women also had sig-

nificantly higher levels of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) compared with men (median score 33 vs. 26, respectively). In both men and women, anxiety was significantly correlated to PTSD symptoms.

“The findings confirm our experience in clinical practice that the psychological effects of cardiac arrest persist for months. Anxiety was frequent, particularly in women,” Kjaergaard said.

“Our results highlight the need for long-term follow up of cardiac arrest survivors to identify and treat mental health issues. Patients should be encouraged to tell their healthcare professional about anxiety, depression and stress related to cardiac arrest.” (IANS)

Students-Teachers of MCTE after the observation of ‘World Theatre Day’

Euro qualifiers: England, Portugal register wins

LONDON/VALLETTA, MAR 27 (IANS): England saw off Ukraine 2-0 to make it two wins from two, while Portugal thrashed Luxembourg 6-0 to take back-toback wins in Euro 2024 qualifiers.

England hosted Ukraine at Wembley after having beaten reigning European champions Italy away three days previously.

Harry Kane tapped in Bukayo Saka’s cross after 37 minutes and Saka curled in a close-range volley three minutes later, reports Xinhua. The visitors failed to make any threat with only three attempts on goal, with England sealing a comfortable win to lead Group C with a perfect start.

Italy beat Malta 2-0 thanks to goals from Mateo Retegui and Matteo Pessina.

The Azzurri are second in the group, but North Macedonia also claimed three points and have one game in hand over Italy.

In Group J, Cristiano Ronaldo scored twice to

help Portugal sweep Luxembourg 6-0. The 38-yearold extended his record for international goals to 122 in his 198th appearance for his country.

Slovakia are two points behind Portugal as they

SC agrees to hear plea related

All India Football Federation

NEW DELHI, MAR 27 (PTI): The Supreme Court on Monday agreed to list for hearing a plea on issues related to the All India Football Federation (AIFF), including objections raised to certain aspects of its draft constitution.

A bench comprising Chief Justice D Y Chandrachud and justices P S Narasimha and J B Pardiwala took note of submissions of senior advocate Rahul Mehra, who had filed a PIL on the issue in the Delhi High Court, that the matter needed a hearing.

“It will not be deleted (from the cause list) on the next date of hearing,” said the bench while declining the submission that the matter be kept high on the board. “The matter is urgent and has not been heard for quite some time,” Mehra submitted.

On February 9, the top court had said it must bring the curtain down on issues plaguing the AIFF, including those pertaining to approval of its draft constitution.

The bench had asked senior advocate Gopal San-

karanarayanan, assisting it as an amicus curia (friend of the court), to have a meeting with the counsels of all stakeholders and find out key objections to the draft constitution of the AIFF.

The top court had also directed the termination of the mandate of a threemember committee of administrators appointed by it in May last year to manage the affairs of the AIFF.

It had modified its earlier orders to facilitate the revocation of the suspension which was imposed on the AIFF by international football federation FIFA and the holding of the Under-17 Women’s World Cup 2022 in India.

On May 18 last year, the bench had appointed the panel headed by Justice (retired) Anil R Dave and had ousted the NCP leader Praful Patel-led management committee that had exceeded its tenure by over two-and-half years. The Dave-headed committee had former chief election commissioner S Y Qureshi and former Indian football team captain Bhaskar Ganguly as its members.


defeated Bosnia and Herzegovina 2-0 on Sunday.

Iceland whitewashed Liechtenstein 7-0 to collect three points after two matches. In Group H, Kazakhstan came from 2-0 down to beat Denmark 3-2, Slovenia

beat San Marino 2-0, and Northern Ireland lost 1-0 to Finland.

Italy beat Malta 2-0 Italy bounced back from their defeat to England in Euro 2024 qualifying Group C with a 2-0 win over

Malta, with Mateo Retegui scoring again. The Azzurri’s campaign didn’t start on the right foot as they lost 2-1 to England in their opening match on Thursday, representing their first defeat in European qualifiers since 2006, reports Xinhua. Head coach Roberto Mancini made radical changes in the starting lineup, opting for a new midfield partnership of Matteo Pessina, Sandro Tonali and Bryan Cristante, while Argentina-born forward Retegui led the line flanked by Matteo Politano and Wilfried Gnonto.

The reigning European champions got the job done in the first half, as Retegui broke the deadlock in the 15th minute when Tonali’s corner allowed him to score his second goal in as many games, before Pessina sealed the win in the 27th minute. In Group C’s earlier fixture, England made it two wins from two as they beat Ukraine 2-0.

Sreeja defends her national crown, Sathiyan earns his second title


Defending champion Sreeja Akula of RBI claimed a second successive women’s singles crown after beating Sutirtha Mukherjee of West Bengal 4-2 in the 84th UTT Inter-State Senior National Table Tennis Championships here on Monday.

G. Sathiyan too claimed his second men’s singles national title, defeating Harmeet Desai in straight games at the Gymnasium Hall of Jammu University. He won the first crown in 2021, beating old foe Sharath Kamal in the Panchkula Nationals.

Both Sreeja and Sathiyan were richer by Rs.

2.75 lakh each following their victories. Sreeja was scratchy in the final. Whenever in trouble, she found a way to extricate herself from depth to do the unexpected.

In other words, Sutirtha let her opponent off the hook as she couldn’t make the most of the best situations in the final.

Sutirtha was in fine

form and had her forehand going well, executing some unbelievable cross-court shots, but Sreeja never relented from her attacking posture nor went into a shell. Though Sutirtha won the first game, she should have also taken at least two of the next three games as she held two game points in each. But Sreeja’s boldness and passive play helped her to eventually record a 9-11, 14-12, 11-7, 13-11, 6-11, 1210 win over the West Bengal player, a former national champion.

Sathiyan, on the other hand, was in his zone in the final, exemplifying it with a fast-paced game against Harmeet.

The former’s superiority on the day was visible as he stroked his way with thundering forehands. His backhand, too, cooperated with him without brooking any challenges from Harmeet. Except for the first game that became too close for his comfort, Sathiyan dominated the show and

inched his way up with the win in every game. So frustrated was Harmeet that he lost steam and the desire to push Sathiyan further, losing the fourth game tamely.



As we celebrate 100 years of your life, our hearts are filled with gratitude for this milestone.

You have moulded us with God's Word, and imparted invaluable wisdom through your life. Thank you for living such an exemplary life.

On this day, we thank God for His abundant grace and favour. And it remains our prayer that our good Lord will continue to bless and protect you.

“For by Me thy days shall be multiplied and the years of thy life shall be increased” - Proverbs 9:11


Taekwondo Premier

League with 12 teams launched; to be held in June


(PTI): As many as 12 teams will vie for honours in the Indian Taekwondo Premier League (TPL), which was launched here on Sunday.

The franchise-based league, to be held in Delhi in June this year, has found takers in Hyderabad, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Assam, Delhi, Bengaluru, Dehradun, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal, Chennai and Gujarat.

Top taekwondo exponents Jun Lee and Moon

Dae Sung, a world, Olympic and Asian Champion, hailed the TPL as a pathbreaker. “There are 10 lakh registered players in the country, making it one of the more popular sports in

India,” Sung said while addressing about 400 players.

“The top players will get the opportunity to hone their skills at the highest level and, I am sure, India will soon see an Olympic medal winner.”

Taekwondo, which finds its origins in South Korea and is a form of mar-

tial art that involves kicking and punching, is practiced by over 20 million athletes in about 200 countries and is an Olympic sport.

An international panel led by Jun Lee, the TPL commissioner, Kim Chang Kwon, chief TPL coach, and Sung will pick the players following selection trials in 12 cities. The mentors and coaches for each team have been identified.

“The TPL will be played out in a team format, with each team boasting five top players. We have also restricted ourselves to the 58.1kg-67.9kg category to keep the competition fast and thrilling,” Ganesh Duvvuri, the founder director, said.


Rachü Union Kohima (RUK) conveys our heartiest congratulations to Dr. Tseilhoutuo Rhütso (Dr. Ato), NPP Candidate, 9-Kohima Town Assembly Constituency for emerging victorious in the General Elections to the 14th Nagaland Legislative Assembly.

Dr. Ato is a leader who has a genuine concern for our society and ever willing to help the poor and needy. We are confident that he will continue to serve our people with dedication and we will witness all round progress and development under his leadership.

We pray for his good health and wisdom and wish him the very best as he embark on his political journey.


Mission Poshan 2.0 observed by rarC in Child Care institutes of diMaPur

On behalf of Poshan 2.0, Mission Vatsalya Scheme, an extension of Poshan Abhiyan which the Ministry of AYUSH (MoA) initiated, has been associated with the Ministry of Women and Child Development (WCD) in convergence, Regional Ayurveda Research Centre (RARC), Dimapur unit under CCRAS, MoA has visited different Child Care Institutes (CCI) under Dept. of WCD in Dimapur District of Nagaland. Visits to Prodigals Home-Fellowship colony, Deaf Biblical Ministry-Naharbari, Nagaland Children’s Home-Diphupar, Physicians from RARC Dimapur conducted medical screening to rule out Nutritional deficiency, delivered Awareness talks, distributed saplings to develop PoshanVatika and performed yoga sessions for the children and caretakers. Nutrition is directly related to growth and development; thus monitoring nutritional deficiencies (screening for SAM/MAM) among the children was the primary aim of the scheme as well as ruling out low blood cell count as an outcome of nutritional deficiencies through medical and haemoglobin blood testing. Necessary medications (based on Krimighna, Agnideepaka, Santarpan and Brihanajanya) along with nutritional supplements (Chyawanprasha, Drakshavaleha, C-Health forte, Granules and Ragi cookies) were provided for the needy throughout the visits. Also, principles of Ayurveda, Awareness talks on healthy lifestyle practices and Yoga sessions were conducted by health professionals, and Yoga Instructor. Motivation purpose some Competitions were driven among the students on promoting health and prevention through the Ayurveda principles, and prizes were distributed.

& Grand
With Love & Prayers, Loving Wife, Children, in-Laws
K-649/23 K-628/23A
Portugal’s Cristiano Ronaldo, center, scores his sides fourth goal during the Euro 2024 group J qualifying soccer match between Luxembourg and Portugal, Sunday. (AP/PTI)

Mumbai Indians beat DCs to win 1st WPL title


(IANS): Nat Sciver-Brunt struck a superb half-century to capitalise on a good show by their disciplined bowlers as Mumbai Indians defeated Delhi Capitals by seven wickets to emerge champions of the inaugural Women’s Premier League (WPL) in front of an adoring fullhouse at the Brabourne stadium, here on Sunday.

Sciver-Brunt struck 60 not out off 55 deliveries, hitting seven boundaries and raising 72 runs for the third wicket with captain Harmanpreet Kaur (37) and 39 for the unbeaten fourth wicket partnership with Amelia Kerr (14 not out) to guide them to 134/3 in 19.3 overs after their bowlers Issy Wong, Hayley Matthew and Amelia Kerr shared eight wickets between them as Delhi Capitals were restricted to 131/9 in 20 overs.

Delhi Capitals, who had topped the table for a direct berth into the final, had opted to bat first on winning the toss but could manage only 131/9 in 20

overs, that too because of an unbeaten 52 runs partnership for the 9th wicket between Shikha Pandey (27 not out) and Radha Yadav (27), who hammered 36 runs off the last two overs of their innings. Mumbai Indians too got off to a poor start as they lost both their openers Hayley Matthews (13) and Yastika Bhatia (4) with only

23 runs on the board.

Captain Harmanpreet Kaur and Nat Sciver-Brunt came together to raise 72 runs off 75 balls for the third wicket, building the innings with patience and caution, and keeping alive Mumbai Indians’ hopes.

With Mumbai Indians needing 37 runs off 23 balls, Harmanpreet went for a risky single and was

Miami Open: Alcaraz powers to the 4th round, to face Tommy Paul next

MIAMI, MAR 27 (IANS): World

No. 1 Carlos Alcaraz of Spain continued his ‘Sunshine Double’ quest on track, beating Serbia’s Dusan Lajovic 6-0, 7-6(5) to advance to the fourth round of the Miami Open.

In a high-quality performance the Spaniard, who hit 27 winners to Lajovic’s eight, recovered from failing to serve out the match at 5-4 in the second set against Lajovic, recomposing himself to seal his eighth consecutive straight-sets win on his fourth match point in one hour and 31 minutes on Sunday.

The 19-year-old needs to lift his fourth ATP Masters 1000 trophy in Miami to prevent Novak

Djokovic from replacing him as No. 1 in the ATP Rankings. Alcaraz will become the youngest man to win the coveted ‘Sunshine Double’ with another title run in Miami. Roger Federer was the last man to win the ‘Sunshine Double’ in 2017.

The Spaniard will next play World no 19 Tommy Paul. The American has a 1-0 head-to-head lead against Alcaraz, having won in the Canada Masters 1000 6-7(4), 7-6(7), 6-3.

Paul reached the fourth round in Miami for the first time with a 6-3, 7-5 victory against Spaniard Alejandro Davidovich Fokina.

out by yards as Shikha Pandey sent an accurate throw to bowler Alice Capsey, as they slumped to 95/3. Sciver-Brunt found a willing partner in Amelia Kerr as they took Mumbai past the 100-run mark. With 21 needed off the last two overs, Sciner-Brunt struck a boundary off Jonassen to complete her halfcentury off 52 balls.

Naga twin brothers strike gold and silver

She took a single off the next ball and Amelia Kerr blasted two boundaries off successive deliveries and took a single from the last delivery as Mumbai went into the final over needing five runs from six deliveries.

Alice Capsey conceded one run off the first delivery and then Sciver-Brunt struck a brace off the next ball and paddled the third delivery for a boundary to seal victory for Mumbai Indians.

Sciver-Brunt was declared Player of the Match for her brilliant innings. She was also adjudged Player of the Match for her unbeaten 72 in the Eliminator against UP Warriorz. Brief scores: Delhi Capitals 131/9 in 20 overs (Meg Lanning 35, Shikha Pandey 27 not out, Radha Yadav 27 not out; Hayley Matthews 3-5, Issy Wong 3-42, Amelia Kerr 2-19) lost to Mumbai Indians 134/3 in 19.3 overs (Nat Sciver-Brunt 60 not out, Harmanpreet 37, Amelia Kerr 14 not out; Radha Yadav 1-24) by 7 wickets.

at Taekwondo National Championship

DIMAPUR, MAR 27 (NPN): Eight-years-old Nagaland’s twin brother Shiusuthong and Shiuthong secured one gold and one silver in the National Championship for sub-junior of Pee Wee category held from March 25 to 27 at JN Indoor Stadium at Cuttack, Odisha.

Shiusuthong secured gold medal for Nagaland in the 36th National Taekwondo Sub-Junior Championship 2023.

With 25 states participating in his weight category of U-23kg, the younger twin Shiusuthong managed to outclass all his opponents to win gold for Nagaland team.

While his twin brother Shiuthong could only manage a silver losing in the final of the under-25 kg. With 27 states participating in the category, he lost in the finals failing to beat his younger brother record of securing a gold medal in the national championship.

The twins are 8 years old hailing from Anatongu

Coach Santsuthung Ngullie and manager Keneingulie along with medallists Shiusuthong and Shiuthong in Cuttack.

village under Kiphire district and are currently training at Sports Academy, IGS Kohima.

Earlier last year in July, the duo did struck gold for under 22 kg & 24 kg in Pee Wee category (U-8) at the Open India Kukkiwon championship held in Assam from July 1 to 3, 2022.

With this, Nagaland team ended up the campaign winning two medals with a silver and gold medal in the championship.

The team was led by

Coach Santsuthung Ngullie and Manager Keneingulie. A total of 8 players representing Nagaland Taekwondo Team took part in the national championship held from.

The sub-junior boys team includes: Alimthong - under 18 kg, David M.under 21 kg, Shiusuthong - under 23 kg, Shiuthongunder 25 kg, Sudeh - under 27 kg, Hantsukhum - under 29 kg, P. Athongti - under 35 kg, Pauziechangbe Herie - under 38 kg.

Iran thrash Japan in AFC Beach Soccer Asian Cup final

BANGKOK, MAR 27 (IANS): Iran thrashed threetime former champions Japan

6-0 in the 2023 AFC Beach Soccer Asian Cup final in Thailand’s Pattaya.

Iran scored a spectacular opener when Movahed Mohammadpour collected a long pass from keeper Seyedmahdi Mirjajili before firing home in the fourth minute, reports Xinhua.

Japan suffered another setback in the eighth minute as Mirjajili scored again, this time from Ali Mirshekari’s assist.

Japan had no answer to Iran when they conceded again in the 20th minute after Movahed diverted Mirjajili’s throw to an unmarked Moslem Mesigar, who slammed the ball home. In the 29th minute,

Japan goalkeeper Shinya Shibamoto was dispossessed in his

own area by Mohammadali Mokhtari, who tapped home the fourth into an empty goal. Iran extended their lead in the 35th minute thanks to an own goal by Kosuke Matsuda, before Mirshekari netted the final goal with seconds remaining. Iran had finished unbeaten to top Group B before hammering Bahrain 11-0 in the quarterfinals and beating Oman 6-3 in the semifinals. In the third-place playoff, Oman defeated the United Arab Emirates, joining Iran and Japan to qualify for the 2023 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup in Dubai this November.

Printed, Published and Edited by Geoffrey Yaden at G.M. Printers, Circular Rd. Dimapur-797112. Ph: Desk 248489, e-mail-npdesk@gmail.com. Adm.& Advertisement :248267, 8798162009 e-mail-npostadvt@gmail.com, R.N. 40978/90 RN/NE 707 M Y K C M Y K C SPORTS 12 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 2023
Mumbai Indian’s players with the winning trophy during the presentation ceremony.(PTI) Iran players celebrate with their medals and trophy.

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