Ukrainian forces encircle key city

NEW DELHI, OCT 1 (PTI): Prime Minister Na rendra Modi on Saturday launched the 5G telephony services that promise to pro vide ultra high-speed inter net on mobile phones, say ing it marks the beginning of a new era and presents an infinite sky of opportunities.
The fifth generation or 5G services started with India’s No.2 operator Bharti Airtel rolling out out servic es in eight cities, including Delhi, Mumbai, Varanasi and Bengaluru.
Reliance Jio, the coun try’s top operator with most subscribers, is to launch its services in four metros sometime this month, while Vodafone Idea Ltd, the third operator, has so far not indicated any fixed timeline for its 5G rollout. Launch ing the services at the India Mobile Congress (IMC) 2022, Modi said today is a special day for the world’s fifth largest economy.
“Today, 130 crore Indi
ans are getting a wonderful gift in the form of 5G from the country and from the telecom industry of the country,” he said, adding 5G is the dawn of a new era. “5G is the beginning of an infinite sky of opportuni ties.” With speeds multiple times faster than 4G and lag-free connectivity, 5G can enable billions of con nected devices to share data in real time. It holds the promise of revolutionising
sectors from healthcare and education to agriculture and disaster monitoring.
The 5G services will progressively cover the en tire country over the next couple of years -- Jio prom ises to do that by December 2023 and Bharti Airtel by March 2024.
Modi said while the nation was dependent on foreign countries for tech nology for 2G, 3G and 4G telecom services, India has
created history with indig enous technology playing a major role in 5G. “With 5G, India is setting a global stan dard in telecom technology for the first time,” he said.
Modi said his govern ment’s vision for ‘Digital India’ was founded on four pillars -- the cost of devices, digital connectivity, data cost and the digital-first ap proach. This approach has led to mobile manufactur ing units in India increased from just two in 2014 to over 200 now, bringing down the cost of handsets.
Also, India now has the world’s lowest data charges, as tariffs fell from a high of Rs 300 per 1 GB of data in 2014 to just Rs 10 per GB. Going by the aver age consumption of 14 GB of data per month, the data cost has come down from Rs 4,200 to Rs 125-150, he said. While internet users have grown to 80 crore from just 6 crore in 2014, opti cal fiber now connects 1.7
lakh village panchayats as opposed to under 100 pan chayats eight years back.
The country, he said, is shipping phones overseas worth crores of rupees as against zero exports a few years back. Also, digital payments have increased, he pointed out. Technol ogy has truly now become democratised, Modi said.
Taking a dig at the previous Congress-led UPA government, he said this was possible because of the right intentions of his government. “2G ki niyat and 5G ki niyat mein yehi farak hai (this is the differ ence between the intentions during 2G era and 5G era now),” he said in reference to the alleged 2G spectrum allocation scam.
Talking about Digi tal India, Modi said some people think that this is just a government scheme. “But Digital India is not just a name, it is a big vi sion for the development
NEW DELHI, OCT 1 (AGENCIES): The longawaited Durga Puja cel ebrations across North East India are in for a potential dampener, as heavy rains look set to make a come back over the region this weekend.
As per the India Me teorological Department (IMD), fairly widespread/ widespread light to mod erate rains, along with isolated heavy falls (64.5 mm-115.5 mm), thunder storms and lightning are all very likely across Naga land, Manipur, Mizoram and Tripura from October 1-3 and over Assam and Meghalaya from October 2-5.
DIMAPUR, OCT 1 (NPN): As resolved during the May 31, 2022 National Assembly to designate every third Sunday in October as Naga National Prayer Day, Council of Nagalim Churches general secretary rev. Seksim Kasar has ap pealed to all the citizens to consecrate and take up prayer for the nation.
CNC also appealed to leaders of all faith and belief (religions) to set apart a brief moment during the usual congregational wor ship service of the day and solemnly lead as per the prayer points.
text on p-6)
Even as protest by teachers under the banner of All Nagaland Ad hoc Teachers Group-2015 (ANTAG-15) batch entered the sixth day Saturday, there appeared to be still no sign of the impasse getting resolved any time soon.
It may be recalled that after ANATG-2015 office bearers and ANSTA held a joint meeting with chief sectary, commissioner and secretary school education department, it concluded with an agreement for form ing a High Power Commit
Naga Students’ Federation (NSF) has condemned the overarching approach of the Central government in extending the draconian Armed Forces Special Pow ers’ Act (AFSPA) for an other six months under the pretext of “law and order” problem in major parts of Nagaland.
NSF president Keg wayhun Tep and general secretary Shpuni Ng Philo in a press communiqué de nounced this continuous at tempt of the Centre to paint the State as a land of lawless ness and chaos. NSF said that the world was witness to the fact that Nagaland was a
beautiful State and inhabited by peace-loving citizens, which was contrary to what it was made to look like by the impugned order.
It asserted that the his tory of excesses commit ted by armed forces upon Nagas under the cover of AFSPA called for condem nation from all.
NSF reiterated its ear lier stand that Naga people did not merit the draconian Act that had empowered the Indian military and para military war machines with unlimited powers to extend evil claws and judicial im punity to arrest, torture, kill and to commit everything inhuman. More so, AFSPA
was unconstitutional as it only encouraged abuses and serious human rights violations by the armed forces acting on behalf of the State, they pointed out.
NSF, therefore, ap pealed to the Centre to objectively assess the situ ation and not act upon bias reports from its agencies, while urging the Home ministry to take right steps forward in order to ensure that the AFSPA was re pealed once and for all from the entire Naga homeland.
NSF said it will be their endeavour to ensure that AFSPA is repealed or completely lifted from the entire Naga homeland.
the constitution of High Power Committee Friday that led to some core com mittee members even ten dering their resignation on moral grounds.
However, the differ ences were resolved Satur day afternoon at a meeting held at Naga Solidarity Park, where the teachers on indefinite fast were camping. At the meeting Saturday, ANATG repre sentatives from all district units called for reinstating the core committee mem bers and decide on the next course of action for the group.
of the country. The goal of this vision is to bring that technology to the common people which works for the people, works by connecting with the people.” Just as the government started a doorto-door campaign to provide electricity, worked on the mission of providing clean water to everyone through the Har Ghar Jal Abhiyan, and delivered gas cylin ders to the poorest of the poor through the Ujjwala scheme, it is now working in a similar manner on the goal of internet for all, he said.
Highlighting the ef forts in the field of digital payments, Modi said it was the government that went ahead and made the way for digital payments easier.
“The government it self promoted citizen-cen tric delivery service through apps. Whether it is farmers or small shopkeepers, we have given them a way to meet their daily needs through apps,” he said.
NEW DELHI, OCT 1 (NPN): Nagaland has been ranked 12th out of 14 among states with fewer than 100 Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) in the seventh edition of the Swachh Survekshan, the central government’s cleanli ness survey.
In the overall national ranking, Dimapur ranked 376th out of 382 scoring 1112.87 points in the cat egory of cities having 1 lakh to 10 lakh population while Kohima ranked 378th with 1098.08 points.
According to the ‘sta tus of the city’, Dimapur fared poorly (scored less than 25%) in segregated door to door waste collec tion, cleanliness of pub lic toilets, daily sweeping in residential areas and citizens grievance redressal while the city scored 2550% in cleanliness of mar ket areas and residential ar
eas, non-availability of open garbage dumps. However, Dimapur scored 90% in cleanliness of water bodies.
Kohima also fared poorly (with less than 25%) in segregating of door to door waste collection, clean liness of public toilets and daily sweeping in residential areas.
The State capital, how ever, scored 90% in cleanli ness of market areas and residential areas, cleanliness of drains and water bodies and non-availability of open garbage dumps
The Swachh Survek shan is an annual survey of sanitation, hygiene, and cleanliness in Indian vil lages, cities, and towns. Among the states with more than 100 Urban Local Bod ies, Madhya Pradesh topped the list followed by Chhat tisgarh, and Maharashtra. Among the states with few er than 100 ULBs, Tripura has ranked first.
DIMAPUR, OCT 1 (NPN): Nagaland Pradesh Youth Congress (NPYC) has extended solidarity and declared all-out support to All Nagaland Ad hoc Teach ers’ Group’s (ANATG) 2015 batch demand for regula risation of services of its 1,166 members.
NPYC president Lima yangba Lemtur said it was disheartening to learn that despite having appeared the suitability test conducted by the Department of School Education (DoSE) as per norms for service regularisa tion in 2017, DoSE had nei ther declared the results nor regularised their services to
date, which had compelled them to resort to sit-in pro test and hunger strike since September 26 here.
When the department had declared that these 1,166 ad hoc teachers were not illegal appointees but were given irregular ap pointments, NPYC insisted that all measures should be taken immediately to help them get regularised.
With the final exams of schools in the offing, NPYC pointed out that the agitation was hampering the academic career of thou sands of younger generation for want of course comple tion throughout the State.
While the government of the day and the department had been citing reasons of standing court order for their inability to regularise the services of ad hoc teachers, NPYC alleged that it was an open secret that many departments had been regu larising the services of their ad hoc employees.
While appreciating the dialogue between ANATG and DoSE officials where chief secretary announced to form High Powered Com mittee (HPC), NPYC, how ever, said it was sceptical about the long duration of a year for HPC to study their case.
The ongoing protest against non-payment of salary by Dimapur Municipal Council (DMC) employees under the banner of DMC Employers Welfare Union (DMCE WU) has been put on hold till October 10.
Informing this to me dia persons, DMCEWU president T Revo Anar said the members held an emer gency meeting on September 30 and decided to suspend the agitation till October 10 following the request made by various Dimapur based civil society organizations.
He said that the Dimapur based CSOs-- Dimapur Urban Council Chairman Federation, Naga Council Dimapur, Dimapur Sadar G.B. Union, Dimapur Naga Women Hoho and Dimapur Naga Students Union, met DMCEWU members on September 16 and assured to take up the matter to the highest level.
Based on this assur ance, he said DMCEWU unanimously decided to keep on hold the “No Pay! No Work” agitation. Anar, however, said that the em ployees would resume the agitation with effect from October 11, if the state
KOHIMA/DIMAPUR, OCT 1 (NPN): Along with the rest of the world, Na galand celebrated Interna tional Day of Older Persons (IDOP) on the theme “The Resilience and contribu tions of Older Women” on Saturday. To mark the occasion, Social Welfare de partment organised various programmes where health camps were conducted by Health & Family Welfare department and districtlevel awards were presented to senior citizens.
Kohima: In Kohima, the programme was held at Highland Park, with advisor of Social Welfare, Home
Guards & Civil Defence, Noke Wangnao as special guest. In his speech, advi sor Noke acknowledged the efforts of the department towards senior citizens of Nagaland. Commissioner & Secretary, Martha R. Ritse pointed out that the day
was observed to celebrate the life of well-deserved older women who greatly contributed to society. Highlighting 2011 cen sus where elder popula tion of Nagaland stood at 1,39,494, roughly 7% of the total population of the
state, she pointed out that the proportion remained constant over the next 15 years and Nagaland Vision 2030 stated that the number of old age people would increase to 2.23 lakh by 2030. Ritse observed that the pandemic made people aware of socio-economic, environmental, health and climate-related impacts on the lives of older persons.
During the occasion, the state-level distinguished senior citizen’s award was presented to Dr. Joyce Zinyü Angami and Prof. Talitsuba Alinger.
In their speeches, Dr. Joyce Zinyü Angami ac knowledged the depart ment of Social Welfare for
recognising her work while professor Talitsuba Alinger urged upon the senior citi zens to work for the cause of people with their experi ences from the past.
It may be mentioned that Dr. Joyce is a doctor by profession, involved with several NGOs and organisa tions and has also worked in the United Kingdom as senior house officer & reg istrar in gynae/ obstetrics and venereology.
She is serving as pres ident of Nagaland State Medical Council, executive director of Society for the Welfare of Children Affected by HIV&AIDS, and medical officer, ODIC Kripa Foun dation.
government failed to act positively. Anar said the CSOs met chief secretary on September 28 and high lighted the issues faced by the DMC employees.
The CSOs also sub mitted a representation to the chief secretary, and cautioned that DMC would collapse if the employees were not bailed out from the crisis.
They also highlighted that after the government banned DMC from collec tion of urban utility fee, the financial condition had been severely affected. Fur thermore, they said that since there was no elected
body, Central fund alloca tion earmarked for mu nicipal body has not been released.
The CSOs observed that these were the main reasons why DMC has been faced with financial crisis, and unable to pay salaries due to paucity of fund, besides, halting all develop mental activities.
The CSOs, therefore, urged upon the chief secre tary to reconsider and allow DMC generate revenue by collection of urban utility fee etc., for smooth func tioning of the office and also carry out developmen tal activities as done earlier.
NEW DLEHI, OCT 1 (PTI): Jet fuel (ATF) price on Saturday was slashed by 4.5% and that of com mercial LPG used in hotels and restaurants by Rs.25.5 per 19-kg cylinder.
The price of a 19-kg commercial LPG cylinder was cut to Rs.1,859.50 in the national capital from Rs.1,885, according to a price notification from state-owned fuel retailers.
This is the sixth reduc tion in the price of com mercial LPG since June, in step with softening inter national energy prices. In all, rates have come down by Rs.494.50 per 19-kg
cylinder. However, rates of LPG used in household kitchens for cooking pur poses remained unchanged at Rs.1,053 per 14.2-kg cylinder.
This because the rates of domestic cooking gas were way lower than cost and now with a drop in international prices, they are at breakeven, industry sources said. While com mercial LPG rates are re vised once a month, ATF prices are changed every fortnight. There was no change in jet fuel prices on September 16. Prior to that, they were cut marginally by 0.7% on September 1.
“I guess all these prayer requests for peace is about man proposes and God disposes.”Staff Reporter Correspondent Correspondents/DIPR tee to look into ANATG for regularisation of service. However, the general body of ANATG rejected Members of the ANATG-2015 batch at the protest site (Naga Solidarity Park) on the sixth day of protest. (NP) Noke Wangnao with the recipients of the senior citizens award in Kohima on Saturday. Narendra Modi launches 5G services at the 6th India Mobile Congress, at Pragati Maidan in Delhi, Saturday. (PTI)
Staff Reporter
DIMAPUR, OCT 1 (NPN): Additional deputy commissioner (ADC), Dimapur, Mhalo Humtsoe on Saturday disclosed that 7 lakh children were addicted to inhalant in India and that the most common inhalant used by the youth in Nagaland was “dendrite”.
She lamented that this was not openly discussed in the society.
The ADC was speaking at the launching programme of the 10-day mental health awareness campaign in the conference hall of the deputy commissioner (DC) Dimapur on the theme “make mental health & well-being for all a global priority”.
The programme is being organised by Community Mental Health Programme (CMHP)
Prodigals’ Home and State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities, supported by district administration, District Mental Health Programme (DMHP), District Legal Services Authority (DLSA) and Gracious Life Foundation.
Addressing the gathering, Mhalo Humtsoe stressed that India stood far behind in terms of number of recommended psychiatrists with only
about two psychiatrists per 3 lakh population.
She added that the case was even worse in Nagaland with only one government appointed psychiatrist for the entire state.
ADC stated that stigma and discrimination attached to mental illness continues to be a barrier in social inclusion. In this regard, she requested the people to contribute to the
campaign by spreading awareness among family and friends.
Underscoring the importance of “World Mental Health Day”, senior medical officer (SMO) DMHP, Dr. Temsuyanger pointed out that although the day was first observed in 1992, no changes was witnessed in the past 30 years in the field of mental health, especially in Nagaland.
He, however, expressed hope that this year’s theme would be worked on throughout the upcoming year, and suggested measures to address mental health issues in Nagaland.
At the programme, director, Prodigals’ Home, K. Ela welcomed the gathering and briefed on the awareness campaign while short speeches were delivered by DDLSA member Sangto Longchar and programme coordinator, state commissioner for PwDs Ashe Kiba.
A special prayer song was also offered by children of Prodigals Home and dedicatory prayer by Nathan Yanlem from Kingdom Culture Church. The launching programme was followed by launching of the poster campaign.
Voluntary Blood Donors Association Kohima in collaboration with Mount Olive College, Kohima organised National Voluntary Blood Donation Day on the theme “donating blood is an act of Solidarity, join the effort to save lives”, here, on Saturday.
At the programme, project director, Nagaland State Aids
Control Society, Dr. Akuo Sorhie urged upon the people to save more lives by creating awareness on the facts and myths of blood donation.
Dr. Akuo highlighted the significant role blood donors played and urged upon the voluntary blood donors to continue being ambassadors for the noble act.
Blood bank, Naga Hospital Authority Kohima also awarded certificates to—Voluntary Blood Donors Association Kohima,
Blood Caritas and Network of Blood Donors. The programme was chaired by HoD department of Education, MOCK & nodal officer, Red Ribbon Club Vetoli Chopy while welcome address was delivered by MOCK acting principal Swedezhono Tsukru.
Keynote address was delivered by VBDAK president Ainato Yeptho. The event was jointly supported by Nagaland Aids Control Society, Blood
Band NHAK, Red Ribbon Club, Mopongchuket Students’ Union Kohima and Imprint and Fusion Press. It may be mentioned that the source of Blood is only through Blood donation, the Voluntary Blood Donors Association Kohima (VBDAK) has launched an Android app called “Nagaland Blood Donors”, where one can get registered as a voluntary blood donor to donate and receive blood in times of need.
DIMAPUR: Hindu Seva
Samiti Dimapur has issued several guidelines for proper conduct of puja festival. HSS Dimapur president Y.P. Gupta informed Puja committees to perform pujas with discipline; puja pandals should not disturb public thoroughfare and pandals should display posters on “Clean Dimapur, Green Dimapur, Save Energy”; loud speakers should not disturb public and sound system should be off by 10 pm.
Puja committees to prevent consumption of
alcohol during puja and immersion functions; only devotional music should be played in pandals; to report suspected articles around puja pandals to concerned police station.
On Vijaya Dashmi-trucks carrying idols to assemble at City Tower 9 am; Puja committees to wear ethnic costumes/white cholapyjama; not to bring waste with idols. Puja committees to bring unattended idols lying on road for immersion and to prevent scuffles.
Puja committees with card holders will be
permitted inside ghat who are vaccinated and are to take care of idols till immersion; puja committee volunteers to take charge of truck carrying idols till immersion; to avoid candles and use diya in pandals and temples; to cooperate with district administration, police, DMC and HSS to ensure smooth and joyous conduct of pujas; not to bring children below 10 years and senior citizen above 65 years due to pandemic. All devotees are requested to visit puja pandals till 9 pm only.
15th Dec. 1935 to 29th Sept. 2022
We, the bereaved family of our mother Late Shitoli Y. Zhimo (Zhuikhu Village) would like to express our profound gratitude to each and every individual, friends, relatives, neighbours, churches and well-wishers near and far who stood by us physically, spiritually, emotionally, financially and through prayers during her illness and sad demise.
We deeply regret our inability to thank each and everyone of you individually. It is our humble prayer that our Almighty God bless you all abundantly.
Loving family members, in-laws and grandchildren.
Maongla Yaden Sono February 17, 1980 – September 25, 2022
Faithful and courageous, most loving, most beloved. She was beauty, grace and kindness, constant of faith, generous of heart.
Our heartfelt Gratitude to all who stood by us during the most difficult time of our lives. May God Bless you all abundantly.
From all the loved ones
02-10-2020 to 02-10-2022
When you left us for heavenly abode, we felt the world crumble beneath our feet. We may never walk on solid ground again, but we will walk, and we will move forward because of the love and strength you showed us throughout our lives.
Always in our hearts and missed dearly Loving Husband, Children and Relatives
“Whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty…… …….I’ll protect him for he acknowledges my name…. and show him my salvation”.
2nd DEATH ANNIVERSARY of our beloved mother Late T. Jongshichila SangtamADC Dimapur Mhalo Humtsoe along with participants and speakers at the programme on Saturday. (NP) Ghaspani battalion of Assam Rifles, under the leadership of Maj Gen Vikas Lakhera, SM, IGAR (N), handed over a community hall, constructed under AR civic action programme, to Khonoma village council on Saturday. The community hall will facilitate the community to conduct regular meetings, celebrations and functions. [PRO IGAR (N)]
DIMAPUR: Nagaland Police Retired Officers’ Association (NPROA) has convened its 7th annual general meeting and elec tion of new office bearers for the tenure 2022-2025 on October 25, 11 a.m. at Central Police Officers’ Mess, Chümoukedima. All retired inspectors and above, and Nagaland police service officers have been asked to attend the meeting.
respect the departed and cherish their memories, he said the ASTD took up the project with approval from Naga Council Dimapur (NCD) through a Memo randum of Understanding (MoU) on March.
With regard to prepa ration of construction, the members informed that the cleanliness drive will be carried continuously till the completion of “revamp project.”
The members stated that they have been con stantly working to collect names to identify tombs for renovations.
that gates were symbols and identity of a village.
He lauded members of Kuda village and paid tribute to pioneers for their effort in forming the vil lage.
Short speeches were also delivered by Sümi Council Unity Village, chairman Khekishe Aye, Merentemjen Jamir and Unity Village Council chairman, Hetoka Awomi.
Staff ReporterDIMAPUR, OCT 1 (NPN): Minister of Pub lic Health Engineering Department (PHED) Ja cob Zhimomi inaugurated Unity Village gate here, on Saturday.
(NPN): With an objec tive to revamp the Naga Cemetery located at Lake View Colony Dimapur into a Tourist Attraction Centre in remembrance of the loved ones who were laid to rest, Ao Sen so Telongjem Dimapur
(ASTD) conducted a mass social work, here, on Sat urday.
The mass social work was carried out by ASTD members along with six ASTD range executive members.
Speaking to Naga land Post, ASTD members stated that they had set up a committee for beautifica
tion of the area.
ASTD president Me ren Nokpu stated that the reason behind choos ing the particular area for beautification was because the old Naga cemetery remained abandon after the inauguration of the new Naga cemetery at Zani village.
In order to honor and
Established in 1972 and spread over an area of 18 bighas, NCD had been maintaining the old Naga cemetery in the larger in terest of the citizens of Dimapur irrespective of caste, tribe and religion.
It may be mentioned that the beautification of old Naga cemetery was one of the activities pro posed, to commemorate the plati num jubilee in 2024.
Addressing the gath ering, Jacob stated that Na galand with no industry, trade and commerce, was dependent on the central for any developmental activities.
He opined that Na galand being a “salary economy” has yet to prog ress ahead in all fronts.
In this regard, he re quested everyone to be ambitious, to grow and to come together to cooperate with the state government so that together they can work on developments.
(From p-1)
Professor Talitsuba Alinger is an educator who served as a lecturer and later a history profes sor at Fazl Ali College (FAC) Mokokchung. He also served as director of School Education and SCERT.
The district-level dis tinguished senior citizens award for Kohima district was awarded to Vizosul Luho of Khuzama vil lage and Vitole Sothu of Viswema village.
Kiphire: IDOP was
celebrated at H opongkyu Memorial Hall with EAC Kiphire Ane Kheiya as spe cial guest. Kheiya thanked senior citizens for their con tribution to the society and described them as source of wisdom. DWO in-charge S. Yesumong Sangtam ex plained the benefits pro vided for older persons by the government while field response officer NHSC, Th riseo Sangtam highlighted services available to them. At the programme, two se nior citizens were awarded with cash and certificates.
Mokokchung: District Welfare Office DWO in collaboration with office of chief medical officer Mokokchung celebrated IDOP at Ongpangkong Salang, Mokokchung.
According to a DIPR report, deputy commission er (DC) Shashank Pratap Singh stated that the centre has come up with various schemes to provide assis tance to the elderly citizens. Distinguished senior citizen award was presented to Dr. Tiameren Ao and Temsula Lemtur. Token distribution
of assistive devices under RVY scheme was handed to beneficiaries.
Longleng: In Long leng, the programme was organised at PBCA hall with DC Dharam Raj as special guest.
According to a DIPR report, DC said today’s generation has not devel oped the value of sharing thoughts and time with aged people and that they focused more on unimport ant areas. DC also present ed senior citizens awards to Nyangpen Phom and
Pukyung Phom.
Tuensang: Tuensang district celebrated IDOP at Town Hall with DC Ku mar Ramnikant as special guest. According to a DIPR report, DLSA and judicial magistrate also conducted free legal advice for older persons. DC appreciated the strong community fab ric of Nagas as compared to others as Nagas gave better treatment to older people. Earlier, T. Amenla Sangtam and Longkhangba Yimkhiung were awarded at the programme.
Describing the youth as greatest strength of the nation, Jacob maintained that 70% of the population including Nagaland were well-informed, dynamic, committed and ready to take up any event in the interest of the state and the country.
He also reiterated on the policies of the prime minister such as free hous ing, free cooking gases, educational reservation, infrastructure, town plan ning and women empow erment, etc, for aspiring youth in the country.
While inaugurating the gate, the minister said
The programme as chaired by VDB secretary Athonlo Thyug, dedica tory prayer was offered by Unity Village Sümi Baptist Church pastor, Rev. Dr. Khetoshe Aye, invocation was offered by Nagamese Church Unity Village pastor, Rev. Temsu Wati and welcome address was delivered by Unity Village Council secretary, I Abenjang.
Later, vote of thanks was proposed by Unity Vil lage, head GB, K Kikheshe Aye and benediction was offered by Rev. Toshime ren.
Jacob Zhimomi speaking at the programme on Saturday. (NP) ASTD members carrying out the social work on Saturday. (NP)NEW DELHI, OCT 1 (PTI): Arunachal Pradesh Governor B D Mishra has been given additional charge of Meghalaya as incum bent Satya Pal Malik completes his term on October 3, the Rash trapati Bhavan said on Saturday.
GUWAHATI, OCT 1 (PTI): Several Durga Puja committees across Assam have used environmentalfriendly, recyclable and sus tainable materials in their pandals and idols this year.
Traditional bamboo and cane remain favourites as raw materials for pandal decoration, while biode gradable materials are in the rage for idol making.
IMPHAL, OCT 1: A pow erful bomb blast inside a government office in Manipur’s Senapati district headquarters on Friday night damaged properties like tables, benches and computer sets inside the office.
No casualty was re ported in the explosion that
occurred inside the office of the chief medical officer (CMO) at Senapati district headquarters around 9 pm on Friday.
Police suspected a hand grenade lobbed by militants went off inside the CMO office located around 500 meters away from the district police headquarters.
No armed group
owned up the blast till the time of filing this re port. However, the police suspected involvement of cadres of an armed group actively operating in the district.
The police have reg istered a case and initi ated an investigation to establish the attacker(s) and ascertain the motive behind the blast.
“The President of India has been pleased to appoint Brig. (Dr.) B.D. Mishra (Retd.), Governor of Arunachal Pradesh to discharge the functions of the Gover nor of Meghalaya, in addition to his own du ties from the date he assumes charge of the office of the Governor of Meghalaya, until regular arrangements are made,” Ajay Kumar Singh, the Press Secretary to the President, said in a com munique.
Satya Pal Malik (76) completes his term on Monday, the press re lease said.
age homes.
The chief minister stated that the Central and the state government had taken up various schemes for the welfare of older persons.
Sanjib Basak, an artist from Dhubri, has made an idol of the mother god dess using single-use plastic utensils such as spoons and bowls.
Basak said festivals should be used to spread important messages among the masses.
In the previous years, he had used empty COVID vials and match-sticks to bring alive Goddess Durga and her entourage in the form of idols.
Pradip Kumar Ghosh, another idol maker from the same district in western Assam, is utilising the occa sion to spread the message of sustainability.
Ghosh has made an idol using coconut waste,
discarded cycle tubes and plastic bottles. A pandal at Tezpur town has used only recyclable materials, com pletely shunning plastic.
The marquee has been decorated with cane and bamboo materials.
Organisers said they wanted to show people how a beautiful pandal can be built using items available in the nature. The puja committees in Guwahati are also not behind in creating awareness about environ mental conservation.
The Shantipur Durga Puja committee has centred the pandal around the theme ‘heritage’ and used jute leaves for the decoration.
The Chatribari Sarbajanin Debo Pujasthan Samiti is utilising the occasion to motivate people to develop reading and writing habits.
while in previous years, he had used sugarcane pulp,
Over 10,000 books in various languages will be displayed in their pandal, which is themed as ‘library’, while two sets of idols have been made – one of clay and the other using colourful pens and pencils.
nipur chief minister N Biren Singh on Saturday stressed the need for a stringent Act to deal with those people who misbe have with their old age parents, in his speech on the occasion of “Inter national Day of Older Persons.”
Like in other parts of the globe, International Day of Older Persons was observed in the state at various levels under the theme ‘The resilience and contributions of older women.’
In one of the obser vances hosted by the state social welfare department in Imphal’s Iboyaima Shu mang Lila Shanglen, the chief minister expressed strong concern over the increasing inmates in the old age homes in the state.
“We should not en courage leaving our elders at old age homes unless it is absolutely necessary for elders with no relatives,” he said. He cautioned that such culture will make the state move backward and hinder its development.
He said that parents at their old age should be given respect and taken good care of. Making them feel insecure at their age can be termed as a crime against humanity, he added.
The chief minister appealed to people who keep their parents at old age homes, to take their parents back home and take good care of them.
He assured to pro vide required assistance for their living from the government side and warned legal action against those who force their parents to stay at old
The state govern ment is also in process to increase the pension amount under Manipur Old Age Pension Scheme (MOAPS) and Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension (IGNOAP) from Rs 200 per month to Rs 1000 per month for beneficiaries of 80 and above years of age, he informed.
“Around 25,000 old er persons will be ben efited by this initiative costing about Rs 20 crore from the state exchequer,” he said.
He further informed that 16,000 additional beneficiaries had been provided old age pensions under MOAPS during the current financial year.
State health minister Dr Sapam Ranjan, in his speech, stated that elder persons were the ones who imbibed knowl edge of our cultures and tradition to the younger generation since time im memorial.
“This has helped preserve our culture,” he added.
The International Day of Older Persons was being observed to
give respect to elders, who had done everything for their younger generations and the society, state social welfare minister H Dingo, said in his speech on the occasion. He informed that the social welfare depart ment was in the process of opening a cell exclusively to look into the matters re lated to inhuman treatment against older persons.
On the occasion, the chief minister also felici tated the state’s well known singer Konthoujam Bobin for his contribution in Na sha Mukt Bharat Abhiyan campaign. He also felici tated other elder persons and took their blessings.
SHILLONG, OCT 1: The International Union of Geo logical Sciences (IUGS) has selected Mawmluh Cave locally known as Krem Mawmluh in Meghalaya as one of the first 100 IUGS Geological Sites in the world.
“Mawmluh Cave in Sohra, Meghalaya known for the ‘Meghalayan Age’ has been selected by @theI UGS(@UNESCO) as one of the ‘FIRST 100 IUGS GEOLOGICAL SITES’ in the world,” Chief Minister Conrad Sangma tweeted on
Saturday “IUGS 60th Anni versary Event in Zumaia, Basque Coast UNESCO Global Geopark (Spain) will declare The First 100 IUGS Geological Heritage Sites selected from 181 candidate sites from 56 countries,” Sangma added.
Mawmluh Cave is lo cated in Sohra, known to the outside world Cherrapunjee, the wettest place on earth as ‘Meghalayan Age’ after a team of geologists defined the last 4,200 years as a new chapter in Earth’s history, after analysing stalagmites inside the cave.
The last age of the Holocene began 4,200 years ago during a worldwide mega drought, and it has been named the ‘Meghalay an Age’. The mega drought at the beginning of the Meghalayan was a very
disruptive climatic event that lasted for around 200 years, which in turn led to extensive human migration in areas such as Egypt, Mesopotamia, the Indus River Valley, and the Yang tze River Valley.
Correspondent SHILLONG, OCT 1: Senior Air Staff Officer at Headquarters South Western Air Command at Gandhinagar, Air Marshal SP Dharkar on Saturday assumed charge as the Air Officer Commandingin-Chief of Headquarters Eastern Air Command here in Meghalaya, of ficials said.
Air Marshal Dharkar succeeds DK Patnaik who superannuated on Sep tember 30 after more than 38 years of distinguished service in the Indian Air Force.
Commissioned in June 1985, Air Marshal Dharkar is a qualified flying instructor, fighter strike leader and instru ment rating instructor & examiner and has also been an Air Force ex aminer.
An experienced fight er pilot with over 3600 hours of flying, the newly appointed Air Force of Eastern Air Command is an alumnus of the Rash triya Indian Military Col lege Dehradun, National Defence Academy Pune,
Defence Services Staff College, Wellington and Air War College, USA.
During his illustrious career, he has commanded a front line fighter squad ron and a Fighter Flying Training Establishment.
Air Marshal Dharkar has instructional experi ence in conducting Profes sional Military Education for medium and senior lev el officers at the Defence Services Staff College and at the College of Air Warfare, Secunderabad.
He has served as Assistant Chief of Air Staff (Training) at Air Headquarters and Air Defence Commander at Headquarters Eastern Air Command. He has the distinction of being the first Director General of Defence Space Agency.
asChief UNESCOselectsMawmluhcaveasIUGSGeologicalSite Mawmluh cave in Sohra Manipur CM N Biren at the International Day of Older Persons in Imphal on Saturday. (NP) Idol of Goddess Durga with single-use plastic spoons to raise awareness on plastic ban. (PTI) Properties damaged inside properties Senapati’s CMO office. (NP) Air Marshal SP Dharkar
Former Jharkhand minister K N Tripathi’s nomination for the Con gress presidential election was rejected on Saturday, leaving party leaders Mal likarjun Kharge and Shashi Tharoor in the fray.
The three had filed nominations on Friday, the last day of the process.
The withdrawal of nominations is allowed till October 8 and the final list of candidates will be out at 5 pm on the same day.
Addressing a press conference at the Congress headquarters here, the par ty’s central election author ity chairman Madhusudan Mistry said the panel met for scrutiny of forms on Sat urday. A total of 20 forms were received during the nomination process. Four of them were rejected as signatures were repeated or did not match, he said.
While Kharge sub mitted 14 forms, Tharoor submitted five and Tripathi one. “Two candidates -
Kharge and Tharoor - are in a direct contest now. One form of another candidate from Jharkhand has been rejected,” Mistry said.
There is a seven-day window for withdrawal of forms till October 8 when the picture will be clearer, he said. If no one with draws, the polling will be held, he added. Mistry said Tripathi’s form was rejected as the signature of one of his proposers did not match and another proposer’s sig nature was repeated.
While one rejected form was of Tripathi, Mis try refused to divulge who
had filed the other three forms that were rejected
Reacting to the devel opment and sharing the list of valid nominations issued by the chief election author ity, Tharoor tweeted, “De lighted to learn that, follow ing scrutiny, Shri Kharge and I will be squaring off in the friendly contest for President of Congress. May the Party and all our colleagues benefit from this democratic process!”
According to a notifi cation issued by the party on Thursday, the process for filing nominations for the election was from Septem
Bengal cadre) retired from service. Thaosen has been holding the additional charge of ITBP DG after his batchmate and incum bent Sanjay Arora was ap pointed Delhi Police Com missioner in August.
ber 24 to 30. The polling, if needed, will be held on October 17. The counting of votes will be taken up on October 19 and the results will be declared the same day. Meanwhile, Kharge has resigned as the Leader of Opposition in Rajya Sabha, sources said on Sat urday.
Kharge’s resigna tion, which the 80-year-old leader sent to Congress president Sonia Gandhi on Friday night, is in line with the party’s declared ‘One person, One post’ principle that was announced at the Udaipur ‘Chintan Shivir’ in May. Senior leaders P Chi dambaram and Digvijaya Singh are learnt to be the front-runners to take on the mantle of Leader of Oppo sition in Rajya Sabha.
A Dalit leader from Karnataka, Kharge has emerged as the clear fa vourite for the Congress president’ post. More than 9,000 Pradesh Congress Committee (PCC) delegates will vote in the election.
JAIPUR, OCT 1 (PTI): Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Saturday said the Congress govern ment will complete its five years and that the next budget will be dedicated to students and the youth.
He also said the Con gress will not let the BJP succeed in its plan to top ple the government.
“We will complete five years and I have said the next budget will be presented for students and the youth,” Gehlot told reporters while replying to a question whether he will present the fifth budget of the incumbent government in the state.
Gehlot is on a tour of Bikaner division to attend various events related to rural youth olympics.
Attacking the BJP, he said, “They keep making efforts to ensure that our government does not com plete five years. Earlier, too, the BJP tried horse trading but our MLAs were united and they did not budge. You can see the government was saved last
time and it is still going strong.” Gehlot appealed to the youth, students and the public in general to send their suggestions di rectly to him so the govern ment can come up with better schemes.
Responding to the al legation that the Congress was not able to deliver a strong Opposition in the country, Gehlot said Ra hul Gandhi’s ‘Bharat Jodo Yatra’ had left the BJP gov ernment shocked and that it was left with no issue to attack the grand old party.
Further, he said the election to choose the Con gress president was send ing across a message to the people of the country.
“When Rajnath Singh, Amit Shah and Nadda became the BJP presidents, no one knew. In the Congress, election is being conducted in a democratic manner. This election has given a mes sage to the people of the country that the Congress is still in the position of giving a strong Opposi tion,” Gehlot said.
NEW DELHI, OCT 1 (IANS): Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Saturday said bolstering national security has been “our top priority since the beginning”, adding that the allocation of a total budget of Rs 5.25 lakh crore to the Ministry of Defence in 2022-23 is a testament to that unwavering resolve.
“As India has com pleted 75 years of indepen dence, it is moving forward with renewed confidence and determination under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in ‘Amrit Kaal’ to become one of the most powerful countries in the world by 2047. This goal can only be achieved if India has a strong military, which is equipped with state-ofthe-art weapons or equip ment, manufactured by an ‘Aatmanirbhar’ defence industry,” said Singh while launching several digital initiatives of Defence Ac counts Department (DAD) during its 275th Annual Day celebrations here on Saturday.
NEW DELHI, OCT 1 (PTI): Senior Indian Police Service (IPS) officers Sujoy Lal Thaosen and Anish Dayal Singh have been ap pointed as the new directors general of the CRPF and ITBP respectively, a govern ment order said Saturday.
Thaosen, a 1988-batch officer of the Madhya
(PTI): The Delhi High Court on Saturday dis missed a plea by minister Satyendar Jain challenging a lower court order to trans fer the money laundering case against him to another court. Justice Yogesh Khan na said all facts were duly considered by the Principal District and Sessions Judge while transferring the case, which is being probed by the Enforcement Director ate (ED), and it cannot be held that the decision suf fered from any illegality or needed interference.
The judge noted that in view of certain circum stances, the ED had an ap prehension that justice may not be done and was of the opnion that such an appre hension was to be seen from the the party’s point of view and not that of the judge.
“The question is not of integrity or uprightness of the judge but is of an ap prehension in the mind of a party,” it said. The court also said the apprehensions raised by the agency were not at a “belated stage” and “the facts show that the department did not merely harbour such apprehension but rather had acted upon it by rushing to this court (at an earlier occasion) ... hence it cannot be said to be flimsy or not reasonable”. “The petition is, therefore, dismissed,” the court said in its order. Jain had moved the high court last month challenging the September 23 order of Principal Dis trict and Sessions Judge Vi nay Kumar Gupta transfer ring the money laundering case to Special Judge Vikas Dhull from Special Judge Geetanjali Goel, who was hearing his bail plea.
Pradesh cadre, is currently working as the director general (DG) of Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) and hold ing the additional charge of the Indo-Tibetan Border Police. The Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) DG post fell vacant on Friday after IPS officer Kuldiep Singh (1986-batch West
Anish Dayal Singh, also a 1988-batch officer (Manipur cadre), is cur rently serving as a special director in the Intelligence Bureau. Thaosen is sched uled to retire in November next year, while Singh will superannuate in December, 2024. The order for their appointment was issued by the Personnel Ministry after sanction from the Appoint ments Committee of the Cabinet (ACC) headed by the prime minister.
touch with Canada-based gangster Lakhbir Landa.
Baljit was also in touch with Happy Sanghera, and on his directions only, he had picked consignment of weapons from a pinpointed spot at Makhu-Lohian road near the sanctuary in village Sudan in July 2022.
BHUBANESWAR, OCT 1 (PTI): The Odisha government on Saturday asked officials to extend the free distribution of rice among 9.05 lakh people under its State Food Secu rity Scheme for three more months.
Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik directed the officials to distribute five kilograms of rice per month free of cost to ben eficiaries of the scheme till December end, an official said.
Altogether 2.92 lakh families will get benefit from it, he said.
AHMEDABAD, OCT 1 (PTI): Union minister Smriti Irani on Saturday said Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Arvind Ke jriwal was peddling “new dreams and lies” during electioneering in Gujarat.
She said women in Gujarat will never vote for Kejriwal for supporting those who had conspired to deprive Gujarat and Gu jaratis of Narmada dam water.
Addressing a gathering of workers of BJP’s women wing here, the Union Min ister for Women and Child Development said the AAP national convener had fe licitated those who had
conspired to deprive people of the Narmada water. She accused the AAP of trying to buy BJP workers with money.
Irani alleged Kejriwal is fighting the upcoming elections by spreading lies
about the people of Gujarat but he will taste defeat the same way he lost to Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Varanasi during the 2014 Lok Sabha elections.
“He is now in Gujarat to peddle new dreams and lies.. I would like to tell those who are here to con test the election that PM Modi has gifted Gujarat and Gujaratis the gift of Vande Bharat and Ahmed abad metro trains, but your (AAP’s) ugly truth is that you are involved in a scam in the purchase of DTC buses in Delhi,” she said.
Kejriwal has prom ised a slew of “guarantees”
including unemployment allowance for youth and women, free power, health care and education, during his campaigning in Gujarat which is mainly centred on the “Delhi model”.
Calling Kejriwal a “dream merchant from Del hi,” Irani said Modi, as the chief minister of Gujarat, had struggled to ensure that women get clean drinking water from the Narmada river in their households and every family get water security. On the other hand, Kejriwal feted those who had tried to deprive Gujarat and Gujaratis of Narmada water.
(PTI): The Punjab Police on Saturday said it has ar rested another operative of the ISI-backed terror mod ule that was jointly handled by Canada-based gangster Lakhbir Singh alias Landa and Pakistan-based gang ster Harvinder Singh Rinda.
Director General of Police (DGP), Punjab, Gaurav Yadav said the ac cused has been identified as Harpreet Singh alias Har Sarpanch of village Jogewal in Ferozepur. The arrest came eight days after the Counter Intelligence team led by Assistant Inspector General (Counter Intel ligence) Jalandhar Navjot Singh Mahal had busted the module with the arrest of its two operatives - Baljit Singh Malhi and Gurbaksh Singh, both residents of Ferozepur.
The police had also recovered one sophisticated AK-56 assault rifle along with two magazines, 90 live cartridges and two bul let shells from a location pinpointed by Gurbaksh Singh in his village. DGP Yadav on Saturday said following the disclosures of accused Baljit Malhi, the police team managed to apprehend Harpreet Singh alias Har Sarpanch, who is considered to be the close aide of Italy-based gangster Harpreet Singh alias Happy Sanghera and was also in
During preliminary investigations, Harpreet Singh alias Har Sarpanch has confessed to having arranged a 10-day stay for Lakhbir Landa’s associate identified as Jagjit Singh alias Jotta of Mehta Road in Amritsar and his aide at an abandoned house in the Makhu area of Feroz epur, said the DGP. Jotta has been facing four crimi nal cases and is currently lodged at Central Jail, Am ritsar. Har Sarpanch also revealed that he was in close touch with Nachattar Singh alias Motti—already arrested, and used to ferry his drug consignments in a luxury car.
AIG Navjot Singh Mahal said the accused Har Sarpanch also used to collect money on behalf of gangsters Lakhbir Landa and Happy Sanghera to further provide financial assistance and logistics sup port to their associates.
• TIME: 9:30 AM – 1:30 PM.
dictator Vladimir Putin is perhaps one of the few remaining despots in the 21st century who fancies himself as a kind of a Tsar legend-in-the-making of his people, predestined to reclaim the glory days of Tsarist Russia. As president, he has tied his personal destiny to that of the Russian state and actively deployed various interpretations of the country’s past to reinforce policy positions, frame key events, and cloak himself in the mantle of historical legitimacy. However, Putin’s dream of making Russia great again; or precisely, making himself (Putin) the greatest Russian ruler ever, comes with a heavy price. Putin has always been a Russian imperialist who was shocked by the downfall of the Soviet Union, or, as he use to call it, a version of the ‘historical Russia’, and believes that Ukraine was a crucial actor in the Empire’s dismemberment. This is at least partially true: Ukraine was the largest Soviet republic that declined to sign a new Union treaty in summer of 1991; it never ratified even a more loose Commonwealth of Independent States charter; it rejected the Russia-picked candidate in 2004/05 presidential marathon; it opted out of any Customs or Eurasian Union with Russia, and finally it revolted against the Moscow-imposed cancellation of the EU Association Agreement in 2014. Ukraine under president Volodymyr Oleksandrovych, instead moved closer to the west. Zelenskyy sought membership of the European Union and NATO. This infuriated Putin who even called Zelenskyy a Nazi (even though the Ukrainian is a Jew). He launched the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February this year by lying that he only wanted to get rid of Ukraine of its Nazi party leadership under president Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy whom, he vowed to depose and replaced. Putin expected that his invading Russian forces would hardly take a week or so to conquer/liberate Ukraine. However, all of Putin’s much vaunted army and sophisticated weapons could only presently occupy hardly 15% of Ukraine. Putin invaded Ukraine during February by unleashing the entire might of the Russian military- around 2 lakh infantry including armoured and artillery brigades, air force and navy. Even currently, the Ukrainians are pushing the Russian invaders out of the 15 % occupied lands. Putin, now in his 23rd year in power, has repeatedly sought to justify Russia’s actions in Ukraine, where his forces have devastated cities, killed thousands and forced millions of people to flee, by propounding a view of history that asserts Ukraine has no real national identity or tradition of statehood. As way back as in June this year, Meduza, a Russian-language outlet, reported that the Kremlin was planning to combine all the lands into a new federal district that could be annexed by Russia as soon as this autumn. This came true on September 30 when Putin annexed Ukraine’s four regions-Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, Luhansk and Donetsk- after a farcical referendum. Ukraine has fought courageously against a far superior Russian invasion force that has reduced most or Ukraine into rubble and several thousands civilians killed. The Ukrainians have bloodied Putin’s nose and now all that can do is issue threat of use of nuclear weapons if Russian territory (now inclusive of the annexed Ukrainian regions) are attacked and understood as a threat on Russia’s existence. Putin’s invasion has only strengthened unity among the free world’s big powers and they need to act so that the world remains free of despots like Putin, Xi Jin Ping and some others.
…Jesus took…them up on a high mountain apart by themselves… —Mark 9:2
We have all experienced times of exaltation on the mountain, when we have seen things from God’s perspective and have wanted to stay there. But God will never allow us to stay there. The true test of our spiritual life is in exhibiting the power to descend from the mountain. If we only have the power to go up, something is wrong. It is a wonderful thing to be on the mountain with God, but a person only gets there so that he may later go down and lift up the demonpossessed people in the valley (see Mark 9:14-18). We are not made for the mountains, for sunrises, or for the other beautiful attractions in life— those are simply intended to be moments of inspiration. We are made for the valley and the ordinary things of life, and that is where we have to prove our stamina and strength. Yet our spiritual selfishness always wants repeated moments on the mountain. We feel that we could talk and live like perfect angels, if we could only stay on the mountaintop. Those times of exaltation are exceptional and they have their meaning in our life with God, but we must beware to prevent our spiritual selfishness from wanting to make them the only time.
We are inclined to think that everything that happens is to be turned into useful teaching. In actual fact, it is to be turned into something even better than teaching, namely, character. The mountaintop is not meant to teach us anything, it is meant to make us something. There is a terrible trap in always asking, “What’s the use of this experience?” We can never measure spiritual matters in that way. The moments on the mountaintop are rare moments, and they are meant for something in God’s purpose.
The period from 1947 to 1963 was a period of political uncertainty in the Naga Hills under Assam State of India. Despite, the grant of statehood in 1963 with the sole objective of bringing peaceful atmosphere, there was no sign of normalcy as the Naga Nationalist Leaders continued to show their stiff opposition to piece-meal solution to Naga political movement for full Sovereignty. The nascent state began to witnessed fierce fighting between the Indian armies and Naga armed groups.
It was at this juncture, the Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC) came in to take the initiative to form a Peace Mission which had the support of the GOI. The Peace Mission consisted of Jaya Prakash Narayan, Indian Social Worker, Bimla Prasad Chaliha, the then Chief Minister of Assam and Rev. Michael Scot, a Baptist priest from England.
It was in such a turbulent situation that JP arrived in Nagaland in the month of April 1964 along with his wife to take up the responsibility of working for peace in Nagaland. JP along with the other members of the
Peace Mission traverse across the length and breadth of Nagaland to meet with the leaders of Naga Nationalists in their various hideouts. They rode on jeep, walked on feet and braved the monsoon to meet the prominent underground Naga leaders to convince them to come to negotiating table. All the members of the Peace Mission were above 60 years of age but despite so, their enthusiasm to bring about Peace in Nagaland defeated their ages and they climbed the hillocks of the Naga Hills to fulfil the objective they were tasked upon.
Finally, in the month of May 1964, the Peace Mission motivated the Naga Political Leaders to signed the most historic Ceasefire at Satraba Village in the Phek district of Nagaland. At the mammoth public gathering JP spoke “As far as we three are concerned, we shall pursue this task with utmost impartiality. We shall take no sides.
The only side we shall take is the side of the right as it appears to us. It may appear that this problem is a political problem. Basically, it is a human problem and a spiritual problem. Our
task is to create mutual understanding, to open hearts. I have noticed that every meeting in Nagaland began with a prayer. This deeply religious character is a sign of great hope. You are aware that our leader Mahatma Gandhi considered Jesus Christ as one of his masters. Therefore, friends, it is this kind of Christianity and human love and friendship that exists in the hearts of the leaders of India also. It is this fact that makes me hopeful.”
The Peace Mission noted that while a section of Naga people accepted the status of statehooh another larger section did not consider statehood as the satisfying solution towards their quest for Sovereignty. Therefore, the Peace Mission, while appreciating the positions of both the Government of India (GOI) and the Federal Government of Nagaland (FGN) declared it’s most impartial proposal which stated: “ On the one hand, the FGN on their own volition, decide to be participant in the Union of India and mutually settle the terms and conditions for that purpose. On the other hand, the GOI could consider to what extend the pattern and structure of the
Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi was a great journalist & media crusader, not only because he was great in so many ways and his greatness was total, but because he had a great journalist’s gift of expression and communication.
Journalism is not scholarship; it is a literature or history written in a hurry. In part it is action too. A journalist must have the capacity to understand, to reach, and to communicate; and for a half a century Gandhiji was the greatest one-man medium of mass communication.
Gandhiji was most fearless of journalists. His life was an epic of struggle for freedom and equality, though national freedom came in the last year of his life. He had been carelessly expressing his freedom before it came, fighting so many restrictions imposed by the British regime from time to time. He also fought for the freedom of press. Although this might see natural, but he was the most independent journalist possible, independent of the government business and party in the usual external and internal pressure of the press.
Gandhiji not only edited his papers, but wrote for them incessantly. They were small papers, inevitably weekly papers. But they were the greatest weekly papers that have ever been published. Gandhi’s advent into journalism, as in many other things was accidental.
In 1904, he was asked to take over a printing press which was at work in Durban (South Africa) under the direction of Shree Madanjeet Vyavharik, a Mumbai ex-school teacher and Gandhi’s political co-worker. Gandhi had contributed a large portion of its cost. Indian opinion published weekly in Hindi, Gujarati, Tamil and English and was printed at this press with Mansukhlal Hiralal Nagar as its editor. All the editions except one had large circulations compared to other weeklies.
It was through Indian opinion that Gandhi arrived at the word ‘Satyagraha’. In the struggle of 1913, the paper was Gandhi’s standard. 1914 was the year of his farewell of South Africa and his association with the paper ended.‘Young India’ was established in a more spacious atmosphere and a far greater vogue. Like Indian Opinion, it was also
ready for Gandhi to take over. He was keen on conducting a paper in Gujarati also and he was offered ‘Navjeevan’ a monthly, which was converted into a weekly. Under his full control, Navjeevan appeared on October 7, 1919 and a day later ‘Young India’ appeared; both from Ahmedabad. Gandhi was the editor of both the papers and Mahadev Desai was its publisher. Both journals were priced one Anna each and the circulation of each at one stage rose to the neighbourhood of forty thousand. All Indian newspapers reproduced Gandhi’s articles. Interestingly, he did not accept any advertisement.
Before taking up ‘Navjeevan’ and ‘Young India’, Gandhi had edited for a short-time an un-registered weekly ‘Satyagrah’, priced one paise, in April 1919 to protest against the discriminatory and biased policies of British Government. This newspaper was the weapon of civil disobedience. Actually, the idea was to publish in every centre a written newspaper without registering it, occupying not more than one side of half a full scape.
On Feb. 11, 1933, the first issue of weekly ‘Harijan’, priced one Anna, appeared from Pune. It was published for and by the Servants of the untouchable society (Harijan Sevak Sangh) and contained poem by Tagore ‘The Cleaner’. Its ten thousand copies were published. ‘Harijan’ was not a name of Gandhi’s choice. Some untouchable correspondents had suggested it. He also published “Harijan Bandhu” in Gujarati and “Harijan Sewak” in Hindi. All three papers focused on India’s and the world’s social as well as economic problems.
Fight against Censorship The “Bharat Chhodo” movement meant a change. It was “Karo Movement” and Gandhi did not want any newspaper to be published after the severest possible restrictions on publication of news of the “Bharat Chhodo” movement.
At historic AICC session of August 1942, Gandhi said that he had asked the fellow journalists to realise their responsibilities. He wanted them not to become partner with the government with censorship and pre-censorship.
When he along with Sardar Patel and other leaders have been arrested, all old fight of “Harijan” and “Navjeevan”
relationship the Nagaland and the GOI should adopt and recast, so as to satisfy the political aspirations of all sections of Naga opinion and to make it possible for the ideals of Peace….”Further, the Peace Mission “ would like to, in all earnest, impressed upon both sides that the approach herein suggested, is not only the fairest, but the only practical way in the given circumstances, and it fervently hopes that it will command itself to GOI as well as the FGN.”
The bold and truthful stand taken by the Members of the Peace Mission was not without any cost. Rev. Michael Scott was charged of indulgence in anti-Indian activities. Mr Dinesh Singh, the then Union Minister of State for Defense accused Scott with indulging in “Prejudicial activitie” and declared in Rajya Sabha that The Reverend is being asked to leave India immediately which was responded with loud cheers. As a result, Scott had to hurriedly leave India. Bimala Prasad Chaliha who had a more political recognition of the GOI also had to face the ire of his bosses as he played a far more prominent role in the Peace Mission. For Jaya Prakash Narayan, his
love and concern for peace in Nagaland cost him to be publicity vilified by the patriotic Indians who accused him of trying to divide India. Wherever he went he was sneered as anti-India. Although, JP became a highly prominent Indian figure when he successfully rallied all nonIndian National Congress political parties and over threw Indira Gandhi’s rule of Emergency, yet it is for the reason that he had very boldly supported the historic rights of the Nagas that his three years stay in Nagaland is ignored by many Indian authors and writers who have written books on JP. Perhaps, it is wilfully ignored as the Lost Years of JP for the Indians.
For the Nagas, it’s one of the most precious years to have a personality like Lok Nayak Jaya Prakash Narayan. His involvement in the Indo-Naga Peace process has proven to a very great extent that the Right to Self- Determination lies with the Nagas and the denial for this right has prolonged the Naga Political struggle. Had GOI heeded to the call of the Peace Mission as early as so, in the right perspective at that point of time, things could have been far different today. In
fact, JP ‘s period of three years was the Lost Years for India but a historic period for the Nagas as it succinctly supplemented the Nagas’ political rights to decide on their own volition either to be with India or otherwise. The Naga people must be forever indebted to JP for his unconditional empathy towards the Nagas Struggle for Self-determination.
JP continued to stay in Nagaland for around three years along with his beloved wife and founded the Nagaland Peace Centre in Kohima which became the first ever registered NGO in Nagaland under Registration under Societies Act 1860 in 1971 bearing no. R.S -21971. The Peace Centre was founded with the objectives of Peace and Prosperity. Dr. M. Aram, Doctorate from the Ohio State University and a Padma Shri Awardee later became the Director of the Peace Centre.
(Courtesy: Rev. V. K Nuh, Dr. Aram) Senchumo NSN Lotha Former president, Naga Student Federation (NSF)were hampered.
After a lapse of three and half years, “Harijan” was revived in Feb. 1946. Gandhi was again immersed in harijan welfare work. It had to rename the weekly and wanted to call it “Bhangi”. After Gandhi’s death on January 30, 1948, an attempt was made to carry on with the “Harijan” in his memory. There were hectic debate & arguments on this issue, but controversy arose among his followers and finally, the historic “Harijan” was shut down forever.
Various other publications
In ‘Gandhi era’ of journalism, many newspapers were published to give voice to the freedom movement. ‘Swarajya’ (1920), ‘Karmaveer’ (1920), ‘Desh’ (1920), ‘Aaj’ (1920), ‘Arjun’ (1923) were some famous newspapers published at that time. In 1920, Ramrikh Pal Sahgal started publishing journals (on economic subject) named ‘Chand’ and ‘Gyan Mandal’ from Prayag and ‘Swarth’ from Kashi, Varanasi. Monthly journals like ‘Sudha’, ‘Madhuri’, ‘Hans’ and ‘Vishal Bharat’ and daily journals like ‘Hindustan’, ‘Nav Bharat Times’, ‘Veer Arjun’ (all from Indraprastha, Delhi) and ‘Aaj’ were well known to all. Many daily journals had their weekly edition. Research papers like ‘Rajasthan Bharatiya’, ‘Maru Bharati’, ‘Hindusthani’, ‘Nagari Pracharani Patrika’ etc. were published in this era.
Gandhiji was a natural writer in Gujarati, but had a place as a writer in English language too. He had the power of Rajas and Avtars. Three objects of journalism were propagated by Gandhi in Hind Swaraj (1921). First object is to understand the popular feelings & thoughts of the people and to express it; second is to arouse national, historical & spiritual feelings among the people; and the third objectis to write down the faults fearlessly.
Gandhi’s newspapers suggest that his purpose of journalism was to serve the society in all respect and inspire the mass for a greater cause. He talked to the people in their own language and succeed to communicate the messages concerned. Gandhi’s practice of journalism set high ethical and moral standard by practicing mass oriented and value-based journalism, which will always be a bench mark for the print media world.
Er. Prabhat Kishore is a technocrat & academician
Greetings, in the precious name of our Lord!
By the grace of God, the National Assembly on May 31, 2022 has thoughtfully and prayerfully resolved to designate every third Sunday in October as Naga National Prayer Day.
This is God’s marvelous work being done among the Nagas and a visible demonstration of His constant and unceasing leading through the ages. This is one of a signs of God’s irrevocable covenant with the Naga People that He will not leave us alone and abandon us into the hands of ruthless and mindless enemies. This is also a fresh renewal of His loving promise that He will lead us through to the end.
Taking into consideration of this truth, we earnestly appeal to all the citizens to consecrate and take up prayer for the nation. Leaders of all faiths and beliefs (religions) are also ardently pleaded to set apart a brief moment during your usual congregational Worship Service of the day and solemnly lead the following prayer points given below.
We hope all will gladly extend cooperation to our appeal
knowing that prayer, basing on the promises of God, is the most acceptable and desirable worship of God in Christ. Therefore, alongside with our own other priorities, let us also give our hearts to this unique resolution of the nation.
Main focus of prayer in this year’s National Prayer Day:
1. Acknowledge God who he is for the Naga and sanctify His name among the people
2. Seek God’s forgiveness of the sins of our fore-fathers and our present generation
3. Seek God’s guidance and blessing for our leaders
4. Seek God’s blessing for every Naga citizen, village, town and city (each one may pray for own village/town/city)
5. Seek God’s preservation of every inch of Naga territory till to the end time
6. Confession of our faith in the Saviour, our commitment to the cause and our pledge to Naga flag and constitution, the embodiment of our national identity and sovereign power.
Rev. Seksim Kasar General Secretary, CNCIn India, the percentage of road crash fatalities and injuries occur in the economically productive age groups of 15 - 64 years. Even the compliance of seat belts in the rear seat is poor in India. For most people, wearing seat belts is mandatory only for the front seat. It is not uncommon to find people preferring to sit in the back just to avoid the “inconvenience” of wearing a seat belt.
Disciplined driving, proper road infrastructure and vehicles equipped with safety features. Only if all these three essentials fall in place can India’s horrific accident figures be brought down. But, unfortunately, we lag in each of these departments. Piecemeal efforts will not produce the desired results even though every little step counts, thus making the recent rule mandating all cars to have six airbags a welcome stipulation. However, recognising the automobile industry’s inability to scale up airbag production at once, the government has deferred the implementation of this norm by a year. This safety equipment is much needed as airbags cushion the impact of a collision and significantly reduce the depth of injuries caused to the passengers in case of an accident. No stone must be left unturned to remove roadblocks in the car manufacturers’ way as they move to meet this deadline.
It’s vital is to accelerate public awareness extolling the primacy of disciplined driving. There is no better safety measure than driving safely and strictly abiding traffic rules. The absence of accountability for such fatal lapses as potholed and poorly-designed roads and highways, poor traffic regulation and enforcement and lack of warning signboards, crash barriers in hilly areas and dedicated lanes for pedestrians and cyclists are some of the major causes of the sad state of affairs. Roads have become veritable death traps as those behind the steering wheel or riding two-wheelers routinely violate rules of speed limit, lane driving and overtaking from the wrong side.
It is this twin effect of rash driving and poor quality of infrastructure that has been driving up the rate of accidents, leading to injuries and deaths, as revealed by various surveys annually. The yawning gap between what is and what should be is best exemplified by the incriminating data that India accounts for nearly 10 per cent of all crash-related deaths even though it has only 1 per cent of the world’s vehicles. Optimal conditions are still a long time away. Meanwhile, the onus of reaching home safely largely falls on each driver.
Aghaka Awomi, KohimaReader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the columns do not reflect the view of this newspaper nor that of the Editor in any manner.
God gives the nuts, but he does not crack them.
The Vatican with its impos ing St. Peter’s Basilica and artistic treasures of medi eval Europe has come to Kolkata, as a city-based club created a replica of the famous church complete with statues and frescos to house its Durga idol this year.
The splendid work of artistry which has become the talk of the city took craftsmen more than two months to complete.
shown love and respect to another religion,” Father Naveen Taoro, a priest of St. Teresa’s Church in the city’s Moulali area, said.
Father Taoro, who had visited the Vatican, thinks it is a great oppor tunity for the people who have never been there.
(PTI): Indore was adjudged India’s cleanest city for the sixth time in a row, while Surat and Navi Mumbai followed it on the next two spots in the Central govern ment’s annual cleanliness survey, the results of which were announced Saturday.
In the category of best performing states in ‘Swachh Survekshan Awards 2022’, Madhya Pradesh has secured the first position, followed by Chhat tisgarh and Maharashtra.
Indore and Surat re tained their top positions in the big cities category this year, while Vijaywada lost its third spot to Navi
Mumbai. Among the states having fewer than 100 urban local bodies, Tripura has bagged the top rank, ac cording to the survey results.
President Droupadi Murmu on Saturday gave away the awards to the winners at an event here also attended by Union Housing and Urban Affairs Minister Hardeep Singh Puri and others.
In the category of cit ies having population fewer than one lakh, Maharash tra’s Panchgani was ranked number one, followed by Chhattisgarh’s Patan (NP) and Maharashtra’s Karhad.
Haridwar was ad judged the cleanest Ganga town in the category of
more than 1 lakh popula tion, followed by Varanasi and Rishikesh. PTI BUN
Bijnor was ranked the first among Ganga towns with fewer than one lakh population. fol lowed by Kannauj and Gar hmukhteshwar respectively.
In to the survey, Ma harashtra’s Deolali was ad judged the country’s clean est Cantonment Board.
The 7th edition of Swachh Survekshan was conducted to study the prog ress of the Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban) and rank the Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) based on various cleanliness and sanitation parameters.
Sreebhumi Sporting Club near Lake Town, situated on the northern fringes of Kolkata, has cre ated quite a frenzy among people as it themed its Durga Puja Pandal on the St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican City this year.
St. Peter’s Basilica is one of the most renowned works of Renaissance architecture. It is often regarded as the greatest building of its age.
The replica of St. Pe ter’s Basilica has become a must-visit destination for puja revellers and pandal hoppers. The marquee has simply left people awe struck, even from other faiths.
“I went to the pandal recently and was happy to see that the replica was very nicely done. In that way, the puja organisers have
“The marquee looks exactly like the Vatican. The organisers have kept every detail intact and I am really happy about it. In this way, the puja organisers are educating people about the Vatican,” he said.
The public craze has been noticeable over the last couple of days as peo ple belonging to different age groups and from all walks of life poured in at Lake Town bus stop, the place from where one has to walk down towards the Sreebhumi Durga puja pandal.
Sixty-year-old Baby Das was full of enthusiasm as she walked from Lake Town towards Sreebhumi.
“I will not go pandal hopping... my age does not permit it anymore. But I was keen on visiting this particular puja,” she said.
West Bengal has very creative minds, said Fa ther PV Thomas, Salesians of Don Bosco, Calcutta Province, after visiting the
“I am amazed by the artistic creation, the me ticulous work. It is very similar to St. Peter’s Ba silica. I had the fortune of visiting the Vatican more than once. This is surely a piece of art,” he added.
It took 70 artisans 75 days to build the replica of the St. Peter’s Basilica, said Romeo Hazra, the artist of the club.
“A gentleman, who is a Christian by faith, had come to the puja pandal a few days ago. He said he had come from Baranagar (in north Kolkata) and he was so happy to see the pandal and the Durga idol inside it,” Hazra said.
PATNA, OCT 1 (PTI): Bi har Deputy Chief Minister Tejashwi Prasad Yadav has asserted that he was not in a hurry to occupy the highest seat of power in the state and advised leaders of his Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) to refrain from speaking on the issue.
“I have no personal ambition nor am I in a hurry. Supporters tend to go overboard but this is not the time when we should be thinking who will be the CM in the future,” Yadav told reporters on Friday.
2023 when Yadav will take over as his successor.
“I grew up in an en vironment where we have learnt to accept and toler ate each other’s faith. I too accept every religion. The puja organisers’ concept sends that message. I have no problem with it at all,” a teacher with a catholic school in Hooghly district, Philomena Thomas, said.
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee inaugurated the puja al most a week ago and soon after, people have been thronging the marquee to get a glimpse of the replica of the church in the Vatican City.
Work for St. Peter’s Basilica began by Pope Julius II in 1506 and was
completed in 1615 under Paul V. It is designed as a three-aisled Latin cross with a dome at the cross ing, directly above the high altar, which covers the shrine of St. Peter the Apostle.
The chief patron of the Sreebhumi Sporting Club’s Durga puja is West Bengal Fire and Emer gency Services Minister Sujit Bose.
In 2021, the puja com mittee created a replica of the Burj Khalifa build ing in Dubai. The pandal was shut down from the Ashtami day after a crowd thronged the place throw ing traffic out of gear on the arterial VIP Road.
The Central Bureau of In vestigation on Friday filed its first charge sheet in a Special CBI court in con nection with the West Ben gal School Service Com mission (SSC) recruitment scam, naming ex-education minister Partha Chatterjee as one of the accused.
The charge sheet also named 15 others as accused including former SSC advi sor Shanti Prasad Sinha, ex-SSC assistant secretary Ashok Kumar Saha and the then president of Adhoc Committee at the Board of Secondary Education, Dr Kalyanmoy Ganguly.
Several ‘illegally ap pointed candidates’ were also named in the charge sheet. It was alleged in this case that the accused people
entered into a conspiracy with one another to extend undue advantage in the matter of giving appoint ments to unqualified can didates to Group-C posts at various schools after the expiry of a panel.
The investigating agency, on the direction of the Calcutta High Court, is probing alleged irregu larities in the recruitment of teaching and non-teaching staff in upper primary and secondary schools in the state. The alleged irregulari ties took place when Chat terjee was the education minister.
Chatterjee was ar rested by the Enforcement Directorate in the last week of July when he was the state’s industry and com merce minister.
Yadav was reacting to RJD state president Jag adanand Singh’s recent statement in Delhi that the young leader will become the chief minister by next year, which appears to have consternated some lead ers in the JD(U), the party of the incumbent Nitish Kumar.
“We must remain fo cused on dislodging from power Fascist forces rep resented by the BJP. We have accomplished that in Bihar. The same needs to be achieved nationally,” he said. Asserting that Nitish Kumar is the chief minister and the leader of the multiparty Mahagathbandhan, Yadav said that the JD(U) leader too wants to defeat
the BJP without wanting anything for himself in return.
“We all must rise to the occasion,” he added.
Jagadanand Singh had said on Thursday that Nit ish Kumar will devote him self to national politics by
JD(U) parliamentary board chief Upendra Kush waha took a dig at Singh, likening the veteran RJD leader to an “aging father who is desperate to marry off his children some way or the other”.
Kushwaha however asserted that the state RJD president’s words were not indicative of any rift with the JD(U) and discarded the claim of BJP leaders like former deputy CM Sushil Kumar Modi that a “deal” has been struck between the two Mahagathbandhan partners.
Political strategist Prashant Kishor will embark on a 3,500 km ‘padyatra’ in Bi har from West Champaran district on Mahatma Gan dhi’s birth anniversary on Sunday as part of his ‘Jan Suraj’ campaign.
The yatra is likely to take anywhere between 1218 months and it is being widely seen to be a likely precursor to his entry in politics even though he has often stressed that any such decision can only be taken
every panchayat and block during the yatra and will be a part of it till its end with out taking any break.
He will start his jour ney from Gandhi Ashram in Bhitiharwa in West Cham paran, where the father of the nation had launched his first satyagraha movement in 1917.
teract with members of civil society, emphasising that the state does not merely need a change of govern ment but require coming together of well-meaning people to transform the system.
NEW DELHI, OCT 1 (PTI): Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Saturday called for fair compensa tion for families of CO VID-19 victims and asked Prime Minister Narendra Modi, “why are you deny ing them their right”.
Gandhi on Friday in teracted with family mem bers of some coronavirus patients who died due to oxygen shortage, at Gund lupet in Karnataka during the Bharat Jodo Yatra.
Sharing a video from that interaction, the for mer Congress chief on Saturday tweeted, “Prime Minister, do listen to Pra tiksha, who lost her father due to BJP govt’s COVID mismanagement.”
She pleads for govern ment support to pursue her education and meet her family’s needs, Gandhi said.
“Don’t families of COVID victims deserve fair compensation? Why are you denying them their right,” he asked.
According to a state ment issued by the Con gress, during an interaction with Gandhi, the fam ily members of the vic tims, expressed their anger against the BJP govern ment that it did not even acknowledge the deaths of their loved ones.
by people who associate themselves with his cam paign.
A statement said Kishor will attempt to reach
In the run up to the yatra, Kishor had been tour ing the backward state to in
The statement said the yatra has three main goals, including identifying right people at the grassroots and bring them on a democratic platform.
In the Court of Shri. Ajongba Imchen District & Sessions, Judge Zunheboto
duly instructed and able to answer all material questions relating to the Suit on 18/10/22, 10:00 am without fail.
Take notice that in default of your appearance on the date mentioned the Suit will be heard and determined in your absence. Given under my hand and seal of the Court 29th day of Sept 2022.
District & Sessions Judge Zunheboto : Nagalanddp-4745/22
affiDavit Regd. 9833
Date 1/9/22
AFFIDAVIT (Correction of Names)Regd. No. 6758 Date 30/9/22
I, Shri/Smti/Miss KAINALI ZHIMO Primary Teacher, GPS Sheyipu village under the establishment of SDEO Zunheboto, Department of School Education, Nagaland That in some of the documents my name has been recorded as KAINALI ZHIMO and in some of the documents including Service related my name has been recorded as KAINALI K ZHIMOMI and KAINALI K ZHIMO respectively hence, the stated name represents the same person i.e. myself. DEPONENTk-2312/22
160 19/9/22
No. Rev-1/90-D/ Dated Dimapur, the th 2022
Notice is hereby given that Shri/Smti Dr. B. L Achila Jamir a resident of Dimapur who has applied for issue of mortgage clearance concerning to Patta No. of 339, Dag No 374, measuring an area 00-00-15LS located at Block No/Village 07, Mouza No 02 which has been mortgage with SBI Bank/Society.
Claim/objection concerning to the said land if any & should there be any, should submit to this court on or before 7(seven) days from the date of publication in local newspaper.
Sd/- Deputy Commissioner Dimapur : Nagalanddp-4754/22
Declaration Regd. No 144/2022 Date 30/09/2022
daily for
loss due to the
to give
Mathematics in order to mitigate
Two periods set aside on Wednesdays and Saturdays to focus on spiritual and co-curricular activities for wholesome and systemic development of the learners.
9. Skill based courses viz. Food and Beverage under Tourism and Hospitality and Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) are offered and additionally Financial Literacy at Class 9 and 10
10. Class 12 Arts and Science stream to be upgraded from 2023 session.
11. School bus services provided where feasible and limited hostel seat available for Class 8-12 students.
12. Two power generator providing a total of 32 KV power back up.
13. Two performance stages equipped with flood lights and sound system and full set musical instruments for performances.
Govt. of
I, Shri. B. Temsukumba Chang, S/o T. Bendang Chang belonging to Sipongsang Village and a resident of Hakushang Ward, Tuensang Nagaland do solemnly affirm and declare as follows :
1. That my name is B. Temsukumba Chang, belonging to Chang Community and a bonafide resident of Nagaland.
2. That due to clerical error my name has been wrongly entered in my Appointment Order and other academic documents as I. Temsukumba Ao, S/o I. Mangyang Jamir of Unger Village Mokokchung District.
3. That the above mentioned names belonging to one and same person only.
4. That henceforth, I shall be known as B. Temsukumba Chang, S/o T. Bendang Chang of Sipongsang Village and the same shall be used in all my official documents and records.
Solemnly declared this affidavit with the best of my knowledge and belief on this day the …………
Solemnly swore and oath before me on this open Court on this day the ……………
I, Smti. Razouvonuo, W/o. Lt. Kharka Bahadur Sunar, R/o. H/No. 397, Ward No. 2, Chumukedima Town, Nagaland do hereby declare and affirm as follows :
That I am a bonafide citizen of India and resident of the above mentioned address.
2. That I am the legitimate wife of the deceased Lt. Kharka Bahadur Sunar, who was serving as Constable (Driver) at 11th IR Nagaland.
3. That my late husband and his first wife Smti. Maya got separated in the year 2011 and their marriage were absolutely dissolved.
4. That thereafter we got married in the year 2013 and out of wedlock we are blessed with 2 children.
5. That henceforth my name Smti. Razouvonuo has been entered as nominee in all his official documents and Service Book etc.
6. That we have been living together as husband and wife till his last breathe.
7. That this affidavit is made to declare that I am the legal wife of Lt. Kharka Bahadur Sunar.
That the statements made in para 1 to 7 are true to the best of my knowledge and nothing material has been concealed thereof.
DEPONENT Solemnly swore before me.
Rahul Gandhi Prashant Kishor WBSSC scam: CBI files charge sheet, names Partha’s aide Partha Chatterjee ( File). The Shree Bhoomi Sporting Club has created a replica of St Peters Basilica. President Droupadi Murmu on Saturday gave away the awards to the winners at an event also attended by Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri and others. Tejashwi Prasad Yadaveconomy which is going to create more employment potential,” he said.
“We are importing petrol and diesel worth Rs 17 lakh crore and creating pollution in the country.
We can diversify our agri culture towards energy and power sectors. Yesterday, we have decided to launch a flex engine for the Toyota car’s Camry on 100 per cent bio-ethanol.
NEW DELHI, OCT 1 (PTI): Reliance Jio, the nation’s big gest telecom firm, will expand 5G telephony services offering ultra high-speed internet con nectivity to every part of the country by December 2023, its chairman Mukesh Ambani said on Saturday.
(From p-1)
All the members unanimously decided to remain at the protest site and also submit a representation to the chief minister to be signed by all the 1166 members.
As the indefinite hunger strike entered the sixth day, some of the participants-- three females and one male- were taken to hospital for medical support after their health deteriorated due to malnutrition.
Union Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari on Friday said that India can be come a “super economic power” given its economic potential.
He was speaking on the topic “India’s Growth” at an award ceremony or ganised by Pune Mirror, an English daily.
As much as 52 to 54 per cent growth in the country comes from the service industry, 20 to 24 per cent from the manu facturing industry and ag
riculture and allied sectors contribute 12 to 14 per cent growth, he said.
“India is the fastest growing economy....I feel there is huge potential for the Indian economy and we can become a super economic power,” he said.
The industrial growth in urban areas is good but it lags in rural and tribal areas and in agriculture, he noted.
“So the most impor tant challenge before the Indian economy is how we are going to create an
Two-wheelers and three-wheelers can run on 100 per cent bio-ethanol. We have got a lot of etha nol available. You can convert sugarcane juice, molasses and rice into ethanol,” he said.
While wishing all those who received awards at the function, the BJP leader said society should respect those who are do ing excellent work.
“One thing that always happens in our country is that those who do good work are never respected, and those who do bad work are never punished,” he said.
Jio had in September 2016 made an entry into the telecom sector, offering free voice calls and dirt-cheap data, forcing the competition to either match or fold up/consolidate. Ambani has now promised affordable 5G ser vices. “Today, I want to reiterate Jio’s commitment to deliver 5G to every town, every taluka, and every tehsil of our country by December 2023,” he said at the India Mobile Congress (IMC) conference here. Ambani had at his flagship Reliance Industries Ltd’s annual shareholder meeting in August announced the rollout of 5G services across multiple key cities, including metro cit ies of Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata, by Diwali. Most of Jio’s 5G is developed in India, and hence carries the stamp of ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’, he said, adding 5G and 5G-enabled digi tal solutions can bring affordable and high-quality education and skill development within the reach of common Indians.
Meanwhile, ANATG members informed that they will be holding a devotional service on Sunday after which, the representation to chief minister will be submitted.
DoSE and ANATG stand on impasse
The Department of School Education (DoSE) made its stand clear regarding the constraints placed by court order with regard to regularisation of services of ad hoc teachers.
Asked what was the constraint, an official from the department informed Nagaland Post that ir respective of the mode of appoint ment under it, the department had conducted a suitability test. How ever, even before the results could be declared, the court order was issued over which the department could not override or face contempt.
The official said the claim of ANATG that ad hoc employees of other departments were being regularised, could only be explained
by the Personnel & Administra tive Reforms (P&AR) department that cleared the files. The official claimed that the court had, in its order on August 3, 2018, passed in WP (C) No. 145 (K) 17, directed the State Government not to regu larise “any person” on the basis of mere completion of three years of continuous service on contract/ adhoc basis. The official said the de partment’s hands were tied mainly because of this order.
As per the court order, the subsequent judgment was upheld by the same court on February 7, 2019 passed in WA No. 16 (K) 2018.
In view of the judicial pronounce ments, the regularisation of service was not feasible at this juncture, the official clarified.
Meanwhile, speaking to this correspondent, one of the agitating teachers said the suitability test was conducted and files of the selected 1,166 teachers were put up for cabi net approval. However, the filed was delayed and before the result was declared, ACAUT filed a petition in the court and that hampered everything, he added.
The teacher mentioned that ANATG had asked DoSE to clarify as to why the ad hoc employees of other departments were regularised and not theirs?. The teachers’ body also questioned the department as to why appointments were still continuing when there was a court
(From p-1)
Professor Talitsuba
Alinger is an educator who served as a lecturer and later a history professor at Fazl Ali College (FAC) Mokok chung. He also served as director of School Educa tion and SCERT.
The district-level dis tinguished senior citizens award for Kohima district was awarded to Vizosul Luho of Khuzama village and Vitole Sothu of Viswe ma village.
Kiphire: In Kiphire IDOP was celebrated at Hopongkyu Memorial Hall with EAC Kiphire Ane Kheiya as special guest.
Delivering a speech, Kheiya thanked senior citi zens for their contribution to the society and described
older persons as source of wisdom.
She said no society would grow without the cul ture of care and respect to older persons and therefore appealed the gathering to cultivate care for the older persons. DWO in-charge S. Yesumong Sangtam ex plained the benefits pro vided for older persons by the government while field response officer NHSC, Th riseo Sangtam highlighted services available to them.
At the programme, two senior citizens were awarded with cash and certificates.
Mokokchung: District Welfare Office (DWO) in collaboration with office of chief medical officer (CMO) Mokokchung cel
ebrated IDOP at Ongpang kong Salang, Mokokchung.
According to a DIPR report, deputy commis sioner (DC) Mokokchung, Shashank Pratap Singh stat ed that the centre has come up with various schemes to provide assistance to the elderly citizens.
At the programme, distinguished senior citizen award was presented to Dr. Tiameren Ao and Temsula Lemtur. Token distribution of assistive devices under RVY scheme was handed to beneficiaries.
Longleng: In Long leng, the programme was organised at PBCA hall Longleng with DC Dharam Raj as special guest.
According to a DIPR report, CDPO & i/c DWO
Longleng, T. Longlang Luckpan delivered welcome address followed by award presentation for senior citi zens for 2021-2022.
In his speech, DC said today’s generation has ne glected to develop the value of sharing thoughts and time with aged people and that they focused more on areas which would dis appear with age. “Older people are the source of knowledge for us because it is only, they, who know about tribal customs, and culture”, he stated.
DC also presented the award for senior citizens 2021-2022 to Nyangpen Phom from Tangha village and Pukyung Phom from Hukpang village.
Tuensang: Tuensang
district celebrated IDOP at Town Hall with DC Kumar Ramnikant as special guest.
According to a DIPR report, DLSA and judicial magistrate also conducted free legal advice for older persons. DC appreciated the strong community fabric of Nagas as compared to others as Nagas gave better treatment to older people.
DSLA secretary & ju dicial magistrate first class Tuensang, Cheliam Khiam niungan delivered aware ness speech on “Mainte nance and Welfare of Par ents and Senior Citizen Act 2007” while UTELU president Impong Soted spoke on making ID cards for senior citizens and re quested the DC for allot ment of one office cabin for
Earlier, T. Amenla Sangtam and Longkhangba Yimkhiung were awarded at the programme.
Peren: In Peren, IDOP was observed in the GB’s hall, Peren Town, wherein, special guest, ADC Peren Keyirangding Hegui ac knowledged the senior citi zens for their contribution in imparting social val ues which is required for younger generation. At the programme, distinguished senior citizens—Dineu Ndang (85) and Wepenyi-U Ndang (90) were awarded in recognition of their contri bution to society.
Phek: In Phek dis trict, the programme was held at Meluri village coun cil, wherein, VCM Meluri Chiilekhu Nyusou urged upon the older people to live contented lives and to leave good examples to the younger generations.
The programme was attended by VCMs of Me luri and well-wishers in cluding 110 older persons among the total 155 older persons in the Meluri area.
order that banned ANATG mem bers from getting their services regularised.
On whether ANATG has not reacted to other department go against the court order by regula rising the services of employees, the member said ANATG had substantiated in its demand on regu larisation order that it has no the intention of forcing department to follow suit and do something illegal.
He however remarked that the recruitment policy of school education was different from oth ers and ANATG was not under the purview of Nagaland Public Service Commission (NPSC) and Nagaland Staff Selection Board (NSSB) and therefore the department should give what was due to them.
Asked why ANATG did not take the matter to court, he said the matter was subjudice, but the recruitment was done under the department policy and therefore there was no reason for the group to go to court.
Referring to the definition of a lawyer in 2018 at a coordination meeting between DoSE officials and ANATG office-bearers in the presence of lawyers, who said that their (ANATG) appointment was temporary and backdoor, the teacher said that this should be clarified by the department as the teachers only joined service as per the department’s policy.
NEW DELHI, OCT 1 (PTI): Bharti Airtel’s 5G service will be available in eight cities from Saturday, its chairman Sunil Bharti Mittal said at India Mobile Congress. With this, Bharti Airtel has become the first company to launch 5G ser vices in the country.
“When you (Prime Minister) will launch 5G to day. 5G from Airtel will be available in 8 cities - Delhi, Mumbai, Varanasi, Banga lore and other cities,” Mittal said. He also said that Airtel will roll out 5G services in several cities across the country by March 2023 and across India by March 2024.
Mittal lauded Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s understanding of technol ogy and connecting it with the nation’s progress.
“We are proud and very fortunate that we have amongst us a leader who understands technology meticulously. Many leaders appreciate technology but its granular understanding and linking it for the prog ress of the country, accord ing to me what Modi Ji can do no one else will be able to do,” he said.
ACROSS 1 Holy (6) 7 Unhorse (8) 8 Girl’s name (4) 10 Creature (6) 11 Submissive (6) 14 Limb (3) 16 Distinguished (5) 17 Beach grains (4) 19 Detests (5) 21 Aspect (5) 22 Senior member (5) 23 Pole (4) 26 Herb (5) 28 Hairstyle (3) 29 Axilla (6) 30 Fine mortar (6) 31 Spool (4) 32 Demote (8) 33 Wilt (6) DOWN 1 Deviates (6) 2 Wandered (6) 3 Single combat (4) 4 Rifle attachment (7) 5 Let in (5) 6 Yielded (5) 8 Pottery oven (4) 9 Label (3) 12 Lettuce (3) 13 Jumps (5) 15 Shoe fasteners (5) 18 Communion table (5) 19 Dried grass (3) 20 Number (3) 21 Leafage (7) 22 Dive (3) 23 Instant (6) 24 Biblical murder victim (4) 25 Hat (6) 26 Iraqi port (5) 27 Little (5) 28 Insect (3) 30 Ship’s company (4) Crossword No. 10411 Yesterday’s solution No. 10410 Su doku No. 5031 Yesterday’s solution No. 5030 KAKURO No. 4056 Yesterday’s solution No. 4055 8 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2022BUSINESS/STATE He also acknowledged the contribution of Reliance Industries Limited chair man and managing direc tor Mukesh Ambani to the growth of 4G. “The Sunil Mittal-led firm recently acquired 19,867.8 MHZ spectrum in 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 2100 MHz, 3300 MHz and 26 GHz bands, bolstering its spectrum holding.
Ukrainian forces encircled the strategic eastern city of Lyman on Saturday in a counteroffensive that has humiliated the Kremlin, while Russian bombardments intensified after Moscow illegally annexed a swath of Ukrainian territory in a sharp escalation of the war.
In the northeast, Ukrainian officials accused Russian forces of attacking a civilian evacuation convoy, killing 20 people including children.
In the south, Ukraine’s nuclear power provider said Saturday that Russian forces blindfolded and detained the head of Europe’s largest nuclear plant.
The fighting comes at a pivotal moment in Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war.
Facing Ukrainian gains on the battlefield — which he frames as a U.S.-orchestrated effort to destroy Russia — Putin this week heightened his threats of nuclear force and used his most aggressive, antiWestern rhetoric to date.
Despite Purtin’s landgrab Friday of four regions
in Ukraine, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his military have vowed to keep on fighting to liberate the annexed regions and other Russian-occupied areas.
Ukrainian officials said Saturday their forces had surrounded some 5,000 Russian forces who were trying to hold the eastern city of Lyman, which is located in Luhansk, one of the four annexed areas.
Andriy Yermak, Zelenskyy’s chief of staff, posted video online Saturday purporting to show Ukrainian soldiers at a monument on the outskirts of Lyman, waving a signed Ukrainian flag.
It remained unclear whether Ukrainian forces have entered the city itself.
Luhansk Gov. Serhiy Haidai claimed that all routes to resupply Russian forces in Lyman were blocked.
Russia has not confirmed that its forces were cut off, and Russian analysts had said Moscow was sending more troops to the area.
But the Institute for the Study of War, a Washington-based think tank, said Ukraine likely will retake Lyman in the coming days.
Citing Russian reports, the institute said it appeared Russian forces were
North Korea on Saturday test-fired two short-range ballistic missiles, its neighbours said, the fourth round this week of weapons launches that prompted quick, strong condemnation from its rivals.
In an unusually strong rebuke of North Korea’s weapons programs, South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol said North Korea’s “obsession” with nuclear weapons is deepening the suffering of its own people, and warned of an
“overwhelming response” from South Korean and US militaries should such weapons be used.
“North Korea hasn’t abandoned its obsession with nukes and missiles despite the persistent international objection in the past 30 years,” Yoon said during an Armed Forces Day ceremony.
“The development of nuclear weapons will plunge the lives of North Korean people in further pains.”
“If North Korea
attempts to use nukes, it’ll face a resolute, overwhelming response by the South Korea-US alliance and our military,” Yoon said.
Yoon’s comments could enrage North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, who has alleged that Yoon’s government was led by “confrontation maniacs” and “gangsters”.
Kim has already rebuffed Yoon’s offers of massive aid and support plans in return for denuclearisation.
retreating from Lyman, 160 kilometers southeast of Kharkiv, Ukraine’s secondlargest city.
That corresponds to online videos purportedly showing some Russian forces falling back.
Meanwhile Ukrainian authorities accuse Russian forces of targeting two humanitarian convoys in recent days, killing dozens of civilians.
On Saturday the governor of the Kharkiv region, Oleh Syniehubov, said 20 civilians were killed in an attack on a convoy of people trying to flee the Kupiansky district, calling it “cruelty that can’t be justified.” The Security Service of Ukraine, the secret police force known by the acronym SBU, posted photographs of the attacked convoy.
At least one truck appeared to have been blown up, with burned corpses in what remained of its truck bed. Another vehicle at the front of the convoy also had been ablaze. Bodies lay on the side of the road or still inside their vehicles, which appeared pockmarked with bullet holes.
SBU said the convoy was attacked with “small arms fire,” while the governor said it was shelled. The discrepancy could not be immediately resolved. The exact date of the attack was not announced.
Russian forces have not acknowledged or commented on the attack.
Russian troops have retreated from much of the Kharkiv region after a successful Ukrainian counteroffensive last month but have continued to shell the area.
In an apparent attempt to secure Moscow’s hold on the newly annexed territory, Russian forces seized the director-general of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, Ihor Murashov, around 4 p.m. Friday, according to the Ukrainian state nuclear company Energoatom. That was just hours after Putin signed treaties to absorb Moscow-controlled Ukrainian territory into Russia, including the area around the nuclear plant.
Energoatom said Russian troops stopped Murashov’s car, blindfolded him and then took him to an undisclosed location.
OUAGADOUGOU (BURKINA FASO), OCT 1 (AGENCIES): Gunshots rang out Saturday in Burkina Faso’s capital amid signs of lingering tensions a day after a group of military officers overthrew the man who had seized power in a coup only nine months earlier.
Roads remained blocked off in Ouagadougou, where a helicopter could be heard flying overhead. An internal security analysis for the European Union seen by The Associated Press said there was “abnormal military movement” in the city.
As uncertainty prevailed Saturday, the international community condemned the ouster of Lt. Col. Paul Henri Sandaogo Damiba, who overthrew the country’s democratically elected president in January. The African Union and the West African region bloc known as ECOWAS sharply criticized the developments.
“ECOWAS finds this new power grab inappropriate at a time
when progress has been made,” the bloc said, citing the recent agreement Damiba had made to return to constitutional order by July 2024.
After taking power, Damiba made promises to end the Islamic extremist violence that has forced 2 million people to flee their homes in Burkina Faso.
But a group of officers led by Capt. Ibrahim Traore said Friday that Damiba had failed and so was being removed as interim president. The new junta leadership said it would commit “all fighting forces to refocus on the security issue and the restoration of the integrity of our territory.”
But it remains to be seen whether the junta can turn around the
crisis. Concerns already were mounting Saturday, though, that the latest political volatility would further distract the military and allow the jihadis to strengthen their grip on growing swaths of the once peaceful country.
Earlier this month, Damiba had addressed the nation and told the Burkinabe people that “our efforts have begun to bear fruit at the military operational level.” Only two days later, a roadside bomb struck a military convoy in the north, killing at least 35 people. This week, at least 11 soldiers were killed and 50 civilians went missing after gunmen attacked a supply convoy in Gaskinde, a commune in Soum province in the Sahel.
DUBAI, OCT 1 (AGENCIES): Students rallied at universities across Iran on Saturday and strikes were reported throughout the country’s Kurdish region, as demonstrations ignited by the death of a woman in police custody entered their third week.
The protests sparked by the death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old from Iranian Kurdistan, have spiralled into the biggest show of opposition to Iran’s clerical authorities since 2019, with dozens of people killed in unrest across the country.
Social media posts
The Office of the Imlotokujo Union Dimapur would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to the following members.
1. er. Kuhoi Zhimomi promoted to SDO (PHE) ABOI
2. er. Aghakali K. Zhimomi, D/o Er. Kuhoi Zhimomi for securing JE (Civil Engineer) Cl-II Gazetted under PHE Department in recently declared NPSC Exam.
The union wishes them a very bright future endeavours.
Vikishe chishi Swu Khetolu Katty President, IUD Secretary, IUD dp-4770/22
showed rallies at numerous universities on Saturday, including in the capital Tehran, with some students demanding the release
University students were detained during Saturday’s demonstration. The semiofficial Fars news agency said some protesters were arrested in a square near Tehran university.
Tavsir1500 also posted what it said was a video taken at the gates of Isfahan University during which shots could be heard.
an education ministry spokesperson.
Amini was arrested on Sept. 13 in Tehran for “unsuitable attire” by the morality police who enforce the Islamic Republic’s strict dress code for women.
of students detained in previous protests.
The widely-followed Tavsir1500 Twitter account said dozens of Tehran
With immense pride and honour, the Kandi Students' Union heatily congratulates Miss Siden Kath, D/o Lt. Rev Tikeya Kath for securing the post of Junior Engineer (Civil Engg.). (Class-II Gazetted) under Works and Housing Department in the recently declared CTSE result, conducted by NPSC.
The Union wishes her success and wisdom in all her future endeavors with God’s blessings.
Wasenlo Kath Lechenya Kath President General SecretaryUNITED NATIONS, OCT 1 (AGENCIES): The U.N. chief is strongly urging Yemen’s warring parties to not only renew but expand a truce that expires Sunday, saying it has brought the longest period of relative calm since the conflict began in 2014.
Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said Friday that the internationally recognized government and Houthi rebels should prioritize the national interests of the Yemeni people and “choose peace for good.”
His statement followed a stark warning Tuesday from the U.N. envoy for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, that the risk of a return to fighting “is real.”
Yemen’s brutal civil war began in 2014 when the Houthis seized the capital, Sanaa, and much of northern Yemen and forced the government into exile. A Saudi-led coalition entered the war in early 2015 to try to restore the internationally recognized government to power.
The conflict has created one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises and over the years turned into a regional proxy war between Saudi
Arabia, which backs the government, and Iran, which supports the Houthis. More than 150,000 people have been killed, including over 14,500 civilians.
Both sides accepted the U.N.-brokered truce for two months at the start of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan on April 2. It has been extended twice, and Grundberg and the secretary-general have been pushing both sides for a longer extension to try to start negotiations toward ending the conflict.
“Over the past six months,” Guterres said, “the government of Yemen and the Houthis have taken important and bold steps towards peace by agreeing to, and twice renewing, a nationwide truce negotiated by the United Nations.”
With the Sunday deadline looming, Guterres strongly urged the parties to expand the duration and terms of the truce in line with a proposal presented by Grundberg that has not been made public.
Nabil Jamel, a government negotiator, said the U.N. proposal includes ways to pay civil servants in Houthi-held territories and reopen roads of blockaded cities, including Taiz.
The Dimapur Area Chuchuyimlang Senso Telongjem with immense honour extend our earnest congratulations to Ms. Alemmongla , D/o Mr. repatemjen & Mrs. temjenienla , for achieving 1 st Position (Departmental Topper 2022) in Master of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering from National Institute of Technology, Nagaland.
The Union further wishes her success and greater accomplishments in her future endeavours.
Sd/- Sd/-
i. Sungit Lrk. Nukshitemjen President, DACST Asst. Gen. Secy., DACST
Office Of tHe JOrAPHuKHuri cOlOny cOuncil eASt DiMAPur felicitAtiOn
Reuters could not verify the social media reports.
A government website had earlier reported that most detained students had been released, citing
The protests which first erupted at her funeral on Sept. 17 have spread to Iran’s 31 provinces, with all layers of society, including ethnic and religious minorities, taking part and many calling for Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s downfall.
The SKZ extends our heartiest congratulations to e r. Siden Kath, D/o Lt. Rev. Tikeya Kath for her achievement as the Junior Engineer (Civil Engg). (Class-II Gazetted) under Works and Housing Department in the recently declared CTSE 2021 by NPSC.
We are immensely proud and honour your momentous achievement. May God's guidance be with you in your future endeavours.
Khunenchi Apon Sengchhilo Kath President General Secretary k-2326/22The Office of The Kangtsung Students’ Union with immense pride and honour would like to congratulate Miss imnajungla imsong, D/o Mr. Bendangmar Imsong & Mrs. Sentimenla Jamir, for securing Top 17 position (CGPA 8.03, Grade O+) among the Top 20’s in the recently declared B.Ed Final Examination result of 2022 from Mokokchung College of Teacher’s Education.
The KSU further wishes her good health and pray for wisdom from God as she moves ahead in life.
The Jorapukhuri Council would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to Miss Vinoli K. Awomi, D/o Mr. Kiheto Awomi and Mrs. Hotoli K. Awomi for securing the post of Forest Ranger (Class-II Gazetted) under Environment, Forest and Climate Change Department.
The Council wishes her success and Prosperity in her future endeavours.
Hokiye Shikhu Pushpa Sharma Chairman General Secretary
The Diphupar 'B' Ao Kaketshir Telongjem, with utmost pride and honour extends our heartiest congratulations and appreciation to Miss Meyilemla Jamir, D/o Dally Jamir and Akumla for successfully clearing NPSC-CTSE2021 as JE (Electrical Engineering) Department of Power, Govt. of Nagaland.
The D'B'AKT wishes her the best in her future endeavours.
Imnaneren Walling Shiluna N Lemdor President General Secretary D'B'AKT D'B'AKT
Mr. Aotenzuk Jamir Miss tenlamongla Lkr. President, KSU Gen. Secy., KSU dp-4746/22
Sd/- Sd/-
With immense joy and honour, the KJST would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to the esteem members of our union to the following individuals:
1. Shri. T. John Longkumer, IPS, DGP Nagaland.
2. Er. Moasashi , Chief Engineer, Mechanical (NPWD)
3. Er. P. Tiameren Walling , Chief Engineer (Power)
The KJST sincerely convey our best wishes and may our Almighty God continue to bless you all with wisdom and good health in all your future endeavours.
Sd/- Sd/-
B. Alem Pongen I. Watitemjen Walling)
President General Secretary k-2330/22
Ms. Alemmongla Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant near Enerhodar Iranian Americans rally in Washington, D.C. on Sept. 28.On the occasion of Mahatma Gan dhi’s 153rd birth day, acknowledging that his ideas and philosophy are still alive and cinema has in its way promoted it, his life will be brought on screen through several movies.
On the special occa sion of Gandhi Jayanti, here’s a list of actors, who have given some memora ble performances in films based on the Father of the Nation:
Ben Kingsley in ‘Gandhi’: This definitive biopic of the Mahatma and Richard Attenborough directorial starred Ben Kingsley in an Oscar-win ning role and on its release in 1982, became an instant global success. The film followed Gandhi’s journey from South Africa to India where he became a mass leader helming the nonviolent, non-cooperative Independence movement against the British.
Naseeruddin Shah in ‘Hey Ram’: The veteran
actor finally got to play Gandhi in the 2000 Kamal Haasan directorial ‘Hey Ram’, a film about the fu tility of hate and violence. Even though the role was short, it was poignant and impactful as it shows how any crisis of faith between communities can be over come through mutual trust and how only non-violence and not hate can transform people for the better.
Rajit Kapur in ‘The Making of the Mahatma’: In this 1996 Shyam Bene
gal directorial, Rajit Kapur portrayed Gandhi during the 21 momentous years in South Africa that went on to shape him as a leader who would one day wield such moral power that the likes of Nelson Man dela and Martin Luther King Jr. would be inspired by him. ‘The Making of the Mahatma’, based on Fatima Meer’s book, ‘The Apprenticeship of a Ma hatma’, won Rajit Kapur a National Award.
Chirag Vohra in
‘Shobhayatra’: In Zee Theatre’s teleplay ‘Shob hayatra’, Chirag Vohra plays Gandhi but with a difference. Written by Sha faat Khan, the play high lights the loss of idealism that won us our nation’s independence. It depicts a few citizens eager to join a ‘Shobhayatra’ dressed as Gandhi, Subhash Chandra Bose, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Jawaharlal Nehru, Rani Laxmibai and Babu Genu but without really sharing the values of these icons.
Dilip Prabhavalkar in ‘Lage Raho Munna Bhai’: In this 2006 Raju Hirani directorial, Dilip Prabhavalkar played Gan dhi with a genial, witty warmth and won over the hearts of millions of film goers. The comedy starring Sanjay Dutt in the lead depicted how virtually any issue in life can be solved by the Gandhian credo of truth-telling, honesty, humanism, and non-vio lence. The film won four National Film Awards. (IANS)
Some like it hot... and some can’t take the heat. Spicy food makes your blood vessels swell and even break, lead ing to purple marks on your face. If you have rosa cea -- common in women after menopause -- the heat from spice can trigger a flare-up. It also raises your body temperature, so you sweat to cool back down. When sweat mixes with the bacteria on your skin, it can cause breakouts and blotches.
Frozen Dinners: One frozen dinner can pack in half the so dium of a healthy daily diet. When you have too much salt, it causes you to drink more than normal and flood your kidneys. Any extra water will move to places in your body that have less salt, like your face and hands. That’s what makes you look puffy.
Processed Meats: Processed meats, like bacon, sausage, ham, and deli cuts, are smoked, cured, or salted so they’ll last longer without go ing bad. It’s what makes them both delicious and dangero us. The sodium
and chemical preservatives cause inflammation that can wear your body down inside and out.
Fried Foods:
The difference be tween dough and a dough nut is a nice long bath in boiling oil. That bath promotes free radicals, or unstable molecules that damage other molecules in your cells and add years to your skin.
Baked Goods:
Baked goods like cookies and cakes are high in artery-clogging fat that put on the pounds. They also don’t skimp on sugar, which can cause diabe tes, high blood pressure, and tooth decay (among other things). The more
inflammation you have, the higher your chances of arthritis, depression, Alzheimer’s, and some cancers.
Charred Meats:
How this for an ac ronym? Frying or grilling meat at high temps creates advanced glycation end products, or AGEs. Low levels of AGEs are fine (your own body produces them), but high amounts from charred meats cause inflammation that ‘inflam mages’ your body and triggers heart disease and diabetes.
If you’ve ever had cotton mouth in the morn ing after a night of drinks, you know alcohol dehy
drates you. This makes a big impact on your skin, which is 63% water. Even if you drink a big glass of water, it will hydrate all your other organs be fore your skin. When you don’t get enough, your skin looks and feels dry, and can’t defend itself against wrinkles.
Caffeine: Caffeine is a diuretic: It stimulates your brain and your need to urinate. This can cause dehydra tion. When you don’t have enough water, your skin stops releasing toxins. The backup makes you more prone to dry skin, psoria sis, and wrinkles.
Sodas and Energy Drinks: The more sodas and energy drinks you con sume, the quicker the cells in your tissues age. In addi tion to the fizz, they have more calories and added sugar than any other bev erage. Combined with the bacteria in your mouth, that sugar also forms acid that wears down your tooth enamel and causes decay.
Reviewed By: Christine Mikstas, RD, LDquid Game’ star Jung Ho-yeon has been chosen as one of the 100 rising lead ers from across industries around the world by US magazine Time for this year.
Jung was named in the phenoms category of the 2022 Time 100 Next list, which included American actress Sydney Sweeney and Spanish tennis player Carlos Alcaraz, reports Yonhap. The Time 100 Next list recognises emerg ing leaders from around the world who are shaping the
B ollywood actress and mum-to-be
Alia Bhatt, who made her debut as a pro ducer with ‘Darlings’, said that she will set out goals with shows, mov ies, or podcasts to create content that connects with an extremely high emotional core and added that she wants to be a part of the process behind the camera.
Alia Bhatt was speaking at Forbes India Tycoons of Tomorrow 2022.
Alia said: “It seemed to be financially the right thing to do. I wouldn’t want to load the produc tion and wanted to take a back-end perspective. That led me to realise how interested I am be hind the camera. (IANS)
Australian pop band ‘5 Seconds
Of Summer’ re cently released their new song ‘Bad Omens’ for which they are elated to have collaborated with Ukrainian direc tors Danny Mitri and Alyona Shchasnaia over the song’s video.
The song was shot in the war torn Ukraine which is currently at loggerheads with the advancing Russian army.
Talking about the same, the band said in a collective statement: “We are really proud to have worked with Ukrainian directors Danny Mitri and Alyona Shchasnaia”.
This was the very first international com mercial/video shoot in Ukraine since the war began. (IANS)
future and defining the next generation of leadership in five categories - artists, phe noms, innovators, leaders and advocates, according to the magazine. Jung was
the only Korean actor to be on the list.
‘Squid Game’ creator Hwang Dong-hyuk gave a reference to the model-ac tress, who made her acting
debut with the 2021 global sensation survival drama.
“Ia-think Ho-yeon is still fighting every day against her fame, the expec tations and the jealousy of her success, as well as her own desires. I often joke around and call her a ‘war rior,’” Hwang said. “There’s no doubt that she has the skill and courage to fight her numerous battles. And I hope her acting career can become a true resting area, not her battleground.” Jung rose to global stardom for her role in ‘Squid Game’. (IANS)
Actor Suriya, who re ceived the National Award for Best Ac tor from President Drau padi Murmu for his sterling performance as ‘Maara’ in director Sudha Kon gara’s Tamil film ‘Soorarai Pottru’, has dedicated the award to his ‘Anbaana fans’.
Taking to Twitter on Saturday to express his gratitude, Suriya said: “Ever grateful Sudha! Hearty congratulations to all the winners. This one’s for you Anbana fans!! #SooraraiPottru #Nation
alFilmAwards.” The actor also responded to a tweet by Ajay Devgn, who had along with Suriya jointly won the Best Actor Award
for his role in the Hindi film, ‘Tanhaji - The Unsung Warrior’. Ajay Devgn had initially tweeted: “It was fantastic to share time with
my esteemed colleague & fellow best actor award winner, Suriya. Deeply respect his talent and love his movies.” (IANS)
A blistering century from the in-form Sarfaraz Khan and a sensational four-for by pacer Mukesh Kumar put the Rest of India in the driver’s seat against the hosts and defending cham pions Saurashtra on the first day of the Irani Cup 2022 at Saurashtra Cricket Association Stadium, here on Saturday.
Rest of India were 2053 in their innings, leading by 107 runs at stumps on Day 1 after bowling out Saura shtra for just 98 in the first innings.
After winning the toss and opting to bowl first, pacer Mukesh Kumar set the tone with the ball for Rest of India by dismissing Harvik Desai and Chirag Jani for ducks off consecu tive balls in the third over of the morning.
Saurashtra got another jolt as Cheteshwar Pujara was out caught in the next over from Kuldeep Sen. They further slipped to 5/4 Snell Patel, nicked behind to give Mukesh his third wicket.
Arpit Vasavada did a brief counter-attack getting to 22 off 19 before he was bowled by Umran Malik. It was followed by Mukesh
getting the other big middleorder mainstay in Sheldon Jackson for just 2.
There were some contributions from skip per Jaydev Unadkat and Dharmendrasinh Jadeja lower down the order but Umran Malik and Kuldeep Sen picked up three each to end Saurashtra’s innings on a paltry total.
In reply, Rest of India were also put in a spot of bother by the left-arm opening pair of Unadkat and Chetan Sakariya. The duo got rid of the top three (18/3) inside five overs to raise the hopes of the hosts. However, Sarfaraz and skip per Hanuma Vihari with
CONAKRY, OCT 1 (AGENCIES): Guinea was on Friday stripped off hosting the 2025 Africa Cup of Nations because the infrastructure is not yet ready, the Confed eration of African Football (CAF) President, Patrice Motsepe, announced in Conakry.
“We are not ready as of yet in Guinea... and we should reopen the pro cess” of allowing prospec tive host countries to bid, Motsepe said in a press conference.
Motsepe said CAF’s decision was in fact taken in July.
“I had insisted that
OSTRAVA (CZECH RE PUBLIC), OCT 1 (IANS): World No.1 Iga Swiatek leads a strong draw at the Ostrava Open 2022, a WTA 500-level indoor hard-court tournament.
Along with the reign ing U.S Open champion, Ostrava features four of the WTA Tour Top 10 and a total of seven major cham pions, including Elena Ry bakina, Emma Raducanu, and Jelena Ostapenko.
Coming off a semifinal run in Seoul, Raducanu will face No.5 seed Daria Kasatkina in the first round. Ostrava will be Kasatkina’s first tournament since the US Open. The winner will face either Seoul champi on Ekaterina Alexandrova or Victoria Azarenka in the second round. Swiatek tops the draw, with No.3 Paula Badosa, defending champion and No.4 Anett Kontaveit, and No.7 Maria Sakkari rounding out the Top 4 seeds. All four have byes into the second round. In her opening match, Swi atek will face either Tokyo semifinalist Zhang Shuai or a qualifier. No.2 seed Badosa will face either Petra Kvitova or a qualifier Kontaveit and Sakkari head into Ostrava off con fidence-boosting weeks in Tallinn and Parma, respec tively. Kontaveit advanced to the semifinals in her home tournament in Tal linn and Sakkari made her first final since Indian Wells in Parma.
that message should not go public – I should come personally here”, he said.
CAF will hold an ex ecutive committee meeting on Saturday.
“Tomorrow CAF is going to be asked to receive new bids, because where we are now, the infrastruc ture and the facilities are not appropriate or ready,” he added.
The CAF president was scheduled to meet with the leader of the country’s junta, Colonel Mamady Doumbouya, Friday, according to a pro gramme for the visit com municated by the Guinean federation.
their contrasting knocks stitched a solid unbeaten stand for the fourth wicket.
Vihari ground it out at one end with a 145-ball vigil for his 62. But at the other end, Sarfaraz blazed away to a nearly run-a-ball 125, out of which 88 came in just boundaries. Their unbeaten 187-run stand ensured that Rest of India did not waste the advantage given by their bowlers.
Brief scores: Saura shtra 98 all out (D. Jadeja 28; Mukesh Kumar 4-23, Kuldeep Sen 3-41, Umran Malik 3-25) trail Rest of India 205/3 (Sarfaraz Khan 125 not out, Hanuma Vihari 62 not out) by 107 runs.
PROVIDENCE, OCT 1 (IANS): Jamaica Tallawahs were crowned the 2022 Caribbean Premier League (CPL) champions as they cruised to an eight-wicket win over the Barbados Roy als here.
Brandon King (83), with the bat, and Fabian Al len (3 for 24), with the ball, were their star performers.
It was the third title win for Jamaica Tallawahs, who also won the CPL in 2013 and 2016. They have won each time they entered the final. Barbados, cham pions in 2014 and 2019, have now lost two finals -- in 2015 to Trinidad and Tobago and in 2022 to Ja maica Tallawahs.
Barbados Royals won the toss and chose to bat. They got off to a superb start with Rahkeem Corn wall (36) and Kyle Mayers (29) getting them 63 runs in the powerplay.
However, Fabian Al len removed both openers in successive overs to bring the Tallawahs back into the game. The run rate also slowed down but Azam Khan put Barbados back in the saddle. Azam Khan (51) continued his fine form with the bat as he batted until the 19th over, scoring his second successive half century to help the Royals reach 161/7 after 20 overs.
Fabian Allen added the valuable wicket of
Azam for figures of three for 24, while Nicholas Gor don three for 33.
Needing 162 for a win, Jamaica Tallawahs suffered an early setback as opener Kennar Lewis lost his wicket for a duck. However, Brandon King (83 not out in 50 balls) and Shamarh Brooks (47 in 33 balls) produced an 86-run partnership that frustrated the Royals’ bowling attack.
Despite Jason Holder taking the wicket of Brooks, King led the rest of the chase.
Once Brooks lost his wicket in the 11th over, King shouldered the re sponsibility of finishing the chase. He had 13 fours and two sixes. In the end he took his side to victory with a six, sparking celebrations from Jamaica Tallawahs players, staff and fans. Jamaica won with 3.5 overs to spare.
Brief scores: Barbados Royals 161/7 in 20 overs (Azam Khan 51, Rahkeem Cornwall 36, Kyle May ers 29, Fabian Allen 3/24, Nicholas Gordon 3/33) lost to Jamaica Tallawahs 162/2 in 16.1 overs (Brandon King 83 not out, Shamarh Brooks 47) by eight wickets.
MOSCOW, OCT 1 (AGENCIES): Russia ac cused the head of the In ternational Olympic Com mittee (IOC) on Saturday of violating Olympic prin ciples by suggesting that its athletes might be allowed to return to competition pro vided they did not support the invasion of Ukraine.
Responding to the idea from IOC President Thomas Bach, one sports federation chief said Olym pic participation should not require athletes to become traitors. Russian news agen cies quoted Sports Minister Oleg Matytsin as saying: “The main task of the in ternational Olympic move ment is to provide athletes with equal access to par ticipation in the Olympic Games, regardless of their views and religions, tradi tions and citizenship.”
Matytsin said Russia would keep talking to the IOC and hoped it would change its stance. “Bach’s latest statement goes against Olympic principles,” he said.
The head of the Rus sian Wrestling Federation, Mikhail Mamiashvili, told RIA news agency the
Olympics “do not have a principled position that one must be a traitor to the Motherland.” He added: “What do these words of Bach mean – that we must now condemn our people, our president, our country? What is the meaning of his words? What kind of choice is this?”
The IOC issued guid ance to sports governing bodies in February to re move from competition athletes from Russia and
Belarus, which let Moscow use its territory as a launch pad for the Feb. 24 invasion of Ukraine.
Bach, explaining the IOC’s thinking, told Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera: “It is not about neces sarily having Russia back. It’s about having athletes with a Russian passport who do not support the war back in competition… This war has not been started by the Russian athletes.”
Russia, which tradi
“I have fought the good fight, I have completed the race, I have kept the faith” 2nd Timothy 4:7
Through this column, we the bereaved family of Lt. Hillo Keppen would like to express our deepest heartfelt gratitude, appreciation and our indebtedness to all individuals, friends, well-wishers, churches, organizations, fellowships, prayer centre, unions, doctors & nurses of District Civil Hospital and Eden Hospital for your unreserved contributions physically, clinically, materially, financially and unconditional moral support through words of comfort and encouragement during his illness and at the ultimate demise on 25th September 2022.
Though there is little that one can say and do and we are unable to thank each and everyone personally in person but it is our ardent prayer to Almighty God that you will be richly blessed.
Loving Wife and Family Members.
Died on 02/10/2021
A year ago, on this day, you left us for your Heavenly Paradise. You are fondly remembered and hold you dearly in our prayers.
Loving Wife, daughters
Born on : 09-08-1964 Died on : 25-09-2022
Lt. ONGPA PHOM 22/06/1988 – 04/09/2022
The family members of Lt. ONGPA PHOM CISF, would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to every individuals, families, church members, villages, friends and well-wishers who stood by us spiritually, materially, financially and physically at the time of our grief and sorrow.
We sincerely convey our special thanks to:
Dimapur Phom Baptist Church
Tuli Town Ao Baptist Church
Kangching Baptist Attoi
Kangching Phom Union Dimapur
Phom Union Tuli Town
We sincerely regret our inability to thanks each and every individual but it is our prayer that Almighty God bless you all in abundance.
Loving wife, family members and relatives
gone too
unseen but
Sarfraz Khan raises his bat to celebrate his century during the Irani Cup final cricket match Saturday (PTI)runners Elakiyadasan VK (10.44) and Siva Kumar B (10.48) were second and third respectively.
“You know, it’s like a stage show, sometimes you perform, sometimes you don’t,” Borgohain said.
Asked about the hot conditions during the race, he said, “I don’t think about it much. It is the same for everyone, isn’t it?
Pratap Singh Tomar 17-9 in the mixed team 10m air rifle final at the AM & RTA Rifle Club on Saturday.
5 match.
GANDHINAGAR, OCT 1 (PTI): Amlan Borgohain of Assam and Jyothi Yar raji of Andhra Pradesh emerged as the fastest man and woman respectively of the National Games after clinching gold in the 100m dash events.
Jyothi, whose pet event is 100m hurdles in which she holds the nation al record, stunned the likes of Dutee Chand (Odisha) and Hima Das (Assam), to win the women’s 100m gold with a time of 11.51 seconds.
Tamil Nadu’s Archana Suseendran (11.55s) and Maharashtra’s Diandra Val ladares (11.62s) won the sil
ver and bronze respectively.
National record holder Dutee finished sixth with a time of 11.69s while Hima was seventh in 11.74s.
“I didn’t come here thinking of winning or los ing. I just wanted to give a good timing and that helped me come up with my fastest race,” Jyothi said.
“They (Dutee and Hima) have always encour aged me and I thank them for their support. I am just happy that I won and don’t think on the lines that I beat them,” she added.
Borgohain clocked 10.38s in the men’s 100m dash to stand on the top of the podium. Tamil Nadu
SINGAPORE, OCT 1 (AGENCIES): Charles Leclerc will start this year’s Singapore Grand Prix from pole position after produc ing a fine lap at the end of Q3 to squeeze ahead of Ser gio Perez and Lewis Ham ilton in the dying seconds of a fascinating qualifying session.
The Ferrari man will be aiming to convert his ninth pole of the year into a much-needed victory to re vive his faint hopes of chal lenging Max Verstappen for the Drivers’ Championship title, although the Dutch man still looks to be on the cusp of F1 glory in spite of a muted showing at the Marina Bay Street Circuit on Saturday. Verstappen looked set to rival Leclerc’s final lap time at the end of Q3 but struggled to main
tain his grip on the soft tyres, with heavy rainfall earlier in the day making certain areas of the track hugely difficult to contend with for all 20 drivers. He will be forced to begin Sunday’s race from eighth on the grid but will have every chance of climbing up the order to compete for victory before the chequered flag drops. Hamilton, meanwhile, will be hoping to stay in the run ning for his first Grand Prix win of the year after manag ing to secure a third-placed grid start despite leading the pack for the majority of Q3.
“In the All-India Rail way competition, I ran at 2 PM in similar weather conditions and clocked 10.25 seconds. So, I am experienced in this kind of weather.”
Borgohain also took the opportunity to highlight the sacrifices his family had made to help him make a career in athletics.
“You see this,” he said, pointing to his arm on which he had tattooed ‘Maa’. “I was in Orissa and was thinking of my mother and simply went and got this inscribed on myself,” he said, adding that he didn’t tell his mother before get ting it done.”
Rosy Meena Paul raj of Tamil Nadu turned out to be the unlikely star of the athletics competi tion in the National Games as she shattered the national record en route winning gold here on Saturday.
The 24-year-old Rosy cleared 4.20m to go past VS Surekha’s earlier national mark of 4.15m set in 2014.
Ramita, 18, and Arsh deep Singh, 26, made the gold medal match appear pretty one-sided. That be lied expectations of a close contest after the Madhya Pradesh team had topped qualification 0.2 points ahead of Haryana. It was Haryana’s second gold in the shooting competition and helped the state’s gold medal haul touch double figures.
Jeswin Aldrin of Tamil Nadu beat Com monwealth Games silver medallist Murali Sree shankar of Kerala for the gold in a high-quality long jump competition in the National Games here on Saturday to qualify for the 2023 World Athletics Championships. Aldrin jumped 8.26m in his sixth and last attempt to win the gold and go past the World Champion ships qualifying mark of 8.25m.
CHENGDU (CHINA), OCT 1 (IANS): The Indi an men’s table tennis team started its ITTF World Team Championships Fi nals 2022 campaign with a 3-0 win over Uzbekistan 3-0 in its first Group 2 tie, here on Saturday.
World No. 37 Sathi yan Gnanasekaran set the ball rolling for India by beating Kholikov Elmurod 3-0 (11-9, 11-9, 11-1).
National Games champion Harmeet Desai then registered another 3-0 (11-9, 11-6, 11-9) win over Anorboev Abdulaziz and Manav Thakkar sealed the victory after downing Iskandarov Shokhrukh 3-0 (11-6, 11-5, 11-5).
After the victory, the Indian men’s table tennis team sits second in Group 2 with two points and will next play second-seeded Germany on Sunday.
Meanwhile, the wom en’s team gave a tough fight but ultimately went down 2-3 to fifth seeds Germany in its first Group
The tie began with Manika Batra losing the first match 0-3 (3-11, 1-11, 2-11) to world No.8 Han Ying. However, the young Sreeja Akula and Diya Chitale turned the tie around in the next two matches.
National champion Sreeja, ranked 77 in the world, brought India back into the tie with an impres sive 3-0 (11-9, 12-10, 11-7) win over world No. 14 Nina Mittelham. Teenager Diya then pulled off an other upset, beating world No. 46 Sabine Winter 3-1 (11-9, 11-8, 6-11, 13-11) to give India a 2-1 lead in the tie.
Looking to seal off the tie, Manika took the opening game against Nina Mittelham but she lost 1-3 (11-7, 6-11, 7-11, 8-11) as Germany made it 2-2. Sreeja Akula could not repeat her heroics in the deciding match as she lost 0-3 (3-11, 5-11, 4-11) to Han Ying.
(AGENCIES): A’ja Wil son poured in 19 points as the all-conquering United States crushed China 83-61 to win their fourth straight women’s basketball World Cup and 11th overall in Sydney on Saturday.
Kelsey Plum added 17 points and Jewell Loyd 11 as the Chinese were overpowered by a formi dable team that stretched their unbeaten streak in the competition to 30 games.
The US went to halftime with a 43-33 lead and there was no stopping them in front of 15,895 fans at Sydney SuperDome – the biggest-ever crowd for a women’s basketball match in Australia.
In front of the watch ing Chinese basketball legend Yao Ming, the odds were heavily stacked
against China, who were led by Li Yueru with 19 points and took home their first medal since 1994.
On top of being 10time champions, the USA were coming off a recordbreaking 83-43 semi-final victory against Canada, the biggest win ever in a World Cup last four, and they had beaten China 7766 in the group phase.
The Chinese had also lost all seven previ ous World Cup clashes with the American jug gernaut, and by an average 22 points.
They were again without star player and leading points scorer Li Meng, who has a fever, but Li Yueru and Wang Siyu both scored early buckets as China started strongly.
But the USA soon found their stride to close
(NPN): Chümoukedima FC emerged as the win ner of the first edition of Chümoukedima District Football League (CDFL) which concluded at Chü moukedima Local Ground Saturday.
The 15-day event was organized by Chümouke dima District Football As sociation.
The winners were awarded a cash prize of Rs 1.50 lakh along with trophy and certificate.
Naga United FC fin ished runner-up beating Piphema United FC in the last match of the tourna ment by 3-1. NUFC was awarded a cash prize of
Rs 80,000.
Keneisede of Piphe ma United FC was ad judged as the highest scor er while Chümoukedima
by Naga United FC’s Ka toho and Sovima FC’s Lijanthung respectively Speaking at the clos ing ceremony as special guest, Nagaland Foot ball Association (NFA) president and executive member of All India Foot ball Federation (AIFF), Neibou Sekhose, stated that football was “people’s game” and a household name in the state. Sekhose said that football relied purely on skill and creativ ity rather than strength and stature making it “a more inclusive sport” than others.
NFA president con gratulated the Chümouke dima District Football As sociatio n for organising the event.
out the first quarter with an 18-13 advantage, although it was scrappy with the Americans only shooting
The Canadian tennis play er Denis Shapovalov pro duced a relentless display to overcome American Jenson Brooksby 7-5, 6-4 and reach the finals of the Korea Open Tennis Championships, here on Saturday.
In an aggressive per formance, the fourth seed opened his shoulders to hit through Brooksby, fir ing 24 winners during the one-hour, 35-minute clash to reach his fifth tour-level final and first since Stock holm last November.
“I am very happy with my performance today...,” Shapovalov said.
LONDON, OCT 1 (AGENCIES): Mikel Ar teta insisted Arsenal proved their credentials as genuine Premier League title con tenders with an impressive 3-1 win over 10-man Tot tenham in Saturday’s north London derby.
Arteta’s side made it seven wins from eight league games this season as they moved four points clear at the top of the table.
The 192nd meeting between these bitter rivals from opposite ends of the Seven Sisters Road was a typically frenetic occasion from the moment Thomas Partey put Arsenal ahead early in the first half.
Harry Kane equalised with a penalty but thirdplaced Tottenham implod ed after the interval as Hugo Lloris’s mistake allowed Gabriel Jesu s to restore
Arsenal’s lead. Tottenham defender Emerson Royal was sent off for an ugly foul on Gabriel Martinelli before Granit Xhaka’s goal en sured Arsenal would avenge the 3-0 defeat against their
match against a top-four rival this season ended in a 3-1 defeat at Manchester United, but this dynamic performance showed they must be taken seriously in the title race.
Next Sunday’s show down with Liverpool will be another test for Arsenal, but while champions Man chester City remain the title favourites, Arteta’s team are emerging as a force to be reckoned with.
With Tottenham sit ting too deep in a desperate bid to soak up Arsenal’s pressure, the Gunners took the lead in stunning style after 20 minutes.
Bournemouth 0 0 Brentford Crystal Palace 1 2 Chelsea Fulham 1 4 Newcastle Liverpool 3 3 Brighton Southampton 1 2 Everton
at 44 percent.
They began finding the hoop as they lifted the tempo and pulled out to a
Refreshed, the relent less USA shifted up a gear in the third frame with ag gressive defence and built it into a 68-47 lead head ing into the home stretch, where a ragged China had nothing left in the tank.
Earlier, Lauren Jack son produced a vintage performance to end her international career on a high, 25 years after mak ing her debut, as Australia swept past Canada 95-65 to win bronze.
13-point lead, before Jin Weina netted outside the arc on the siren to pull it back to 43-33 at the break.
Jackson, 41, turned back the clock with a huge all-round effort, end ing with a game-high 30 points, seven rebounds and one assist. The seven-time WNBA all-star ended her fifth World Cup – and first in 12 years – tied as the all-time leader in games played, on 43 with Brazil’s Janeth Arcain.
Right-handed batter Jemi mah Rodrigues marked a glorious return to the na tional team with her T20I career-best knock of 76, and the bowlers picked up wick ets at regular intervals as In dia registered a convincing 41-run win over Sri Lanka in their opening match of Women’s Asia Cup at the Sylhet International Cricket Stadium on Saturday.
Apart from her knock of 76 coming off 53 balls, laced with 11 fours and a six at a strike rate of 143.40, Jemimah looked rock-solid in her drives and was also involved in a 92-run part nership for the third wicket with captain Harmanpreet Kaur (33) in a match-defin ing stand after losing open ers Smriti Mandhana and Shafali Verma cheaply.
But after Jemimah fell, things slowed down a bit for India as they scored only 16 off the next 14 balls to be at 150/6 in 20 overs. In reply, Dayalan Hemalatha (3/15), Deepti Sharma (2/15) and Pooja Vastrakar (2/12) were instrumental in bowling out Sri Lanka for 109 in 18.2 overs.
Electing to bowl first, Sri Lanka had early success as Smriti and Shafali holed out in the deep in the first four overs. Jemimah took time before driving Sugan dika Kumari for a brace of fours in the final over of powerplay. She then dished out similar treatment in suc cessive overs to Achini Ku lasuriya and Malsha She hani. On the other hand, Harmanpreet started her
boundary flow by sweep ing Inoka Ranaweera twice in two overs on the legside. But the scorching heat meant she needed attention from the physiotherapist and was soon stumped off Oshadi Ranasinghe a ball after long-off palmed the ball over for six.
Jemimah continued to manufacture a few shots after reaching her eight fifty in T20Is, like hitting Inoka for back-to-back fours -smacking over long-on was followed by a cheeky re verse sweep through the offside. It took an attempted swing across the line which was missed to shatter her stumps off captain Chamari Athapaththu, ending a sub lime stay at the crease. After that, In’ia couldn’t do much but managed to reach the 150-mark.
In the chase, Harshitha Madavi had a blistering start, taking three fours through cover, fine leg and off the outer edge in the opening over off Renuka Thakur. But the standout shot from her early burst was dancing down the pitch to loft Sneh Rana down the ground.
Though Deepti Shar ma took out Chamari, Harshitha found an ally in Malsha to take Sri Lanka to 39/1 in five overs. In the final over of power-play, Malsha tried to steal a quick single by pushing the ball to a backward point, only for Deepti to gather it quickly and fire a direct hit after a 360-degree turn’at the bowler’s end to catch her short of the crease.
Two overs later, a horrible mix-up led to Harshitha’s dismissal. From there, it was one-way traffic as Pooja Vastrakar struck twice before Radha Yadav trapped Anushka Sanjee wani lbw and Deepti took another scalp. Dayalan He malatha then picked three tail wickets to draw early curtains on the match.
Brief Scores: India 150/6 in 20 overs (Jemi mah Rodrigues 76, Har manpreet Kaur 33; Oshadi Ranasinghe 3/32, Chamari Athapaththu 1/8) beat Sri Lanka 109 all out in 18.2 overs (Hasini Perera 30, Harshitha Madavi 26; Dayalan Hemalatha 3/15, Pooja Vastrakar 2/12) by 41 runs.
Amlan Borgohain Jyothi Yarraji Shooters Ramita and Arsh deep Singh extended Hary ana’s lead at the top of the medal tally at the 36th Na tional Games by defeating the more fancied Madhya Pradesh duo of Shreya Agarwal and Aishawary S hooters Arshdeep Singh and Ramita pose for photographs after winning the gold medal. (PTI) Pole vaulter Rosy breaks ntl record hated neighbours last sea son that cost them a Cham pions League place. Ending Tottenham’s 13-match unbeaten run in the league was a significant statement of intent from Ar senal. Arsenal have now lost just once in 30 home league games against Tottenham, yet there was far more than local bragging rights at stake for the Gunners. Their only previous Arsenal’s Granit Xhaka celebrates scoring their third goal with Fabio Vieira and Gabriel Martinelli. Gold medalists the United States celebrate after defeating China in the final at the women’s Basketball World Cup in Sydney Saturday. (AP/PTI) Staff Reporter FC’s Manton was declared as the Player of the Tour nament. The awards for the Best Defender and Best Goalkeeper were bagged Team members of Chümoukedima FC celebrate win. Charles Leclerc MYK C MYK C Printed, Published and Edited by Geoffrey Yaden at G.M. Printers, Circular Rd. Dimapur-797112. Ph: Desk 248489, Adm.& Advertisement :248267,8798162009, R.N. 40978/90 RN/NE 707 SPORTS12 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2022 Jemimah Rodrigues bats throughout India’s opening match of the 2022 women’s Asia Cup.