ANATG on indefinite hunger strike
All Nagaland Ad hoc Teachers Group (ANATG)
2015 batch, after a thor ough deliberation, unani mously decided to intensify their ongoing agitation, which entered its fourth day Thursday, by undertak ing an indefinite hunger strike till their demand for service regularization was fulfilled.
This was disclosed to media persons here at Solidarity Park, by the spokesperson of ANATG Bendangtemsu Ozuküm, who also said that the members have been exer cising patience had utmost restraint and cooperation at the silent sit-in protest.
He said ANATG had taken a consensus decision wherein all the members present, voluntarily con sented to go on “fast unto death” agitation.
Ozuküm said the pos
State declares PFI and associates ‘unlawful’ for 5 years
DIMAPUR, SEP 29 (NPN): Following the Cen tre’s ban on Popular Front of India (PFI) and its as sociates for five years un der the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, the state government has also de clared PFI and its associates as “unlawful association” and delegated powers to the Commissioner of Police, the District Magistrates, and the Deputy Commissioners in the State to enforce the ban.
In an order, the state chief secretary, J Alam stated that the Central Gov ernment, in the exercise of powers conferred by section 3(1) of the Unlawful Activi ties (Prevention) Act, 1967 (37 of 1967), has declared the PFI and its associates or affiliates or fronts, includ ing Rehab India Founda tion (RIF), Campus Front of India (CFI), All India Imams Council (AIIC), National Confederation of Human Rights Organisation (NCHRO), National Wom en’s Front, Junior Front, Empower India Foundation and Rehab Foundation, Kerela as “unlawful associa tion” vide notification dated September 28, 2022.
Citing the Centre’s no tification directing the States and Union Territories to ex ercise powers under Section 7 & 8 of UAPA, the State Government has directed that the Commissioner of Police, the District Magis trates, and the Deputy Com missioners shall exercise the powers accordingly.
terity will remember that ANATG for being digni fied even in a state of ex treme discomfort did not allow human instinct to take over.
He recalled that ANATG was resuming the suspended hunger strike it started way back in 2018.
Ozuküm said ANATG has decided that it will accept nothing short of regularisation of services and not to hold any nego tiations in any manner.
“The four days silent sit in protest was the maxi mum restrain humanly
possible. Now we have unanimously decided to intensify the stir and the common voice of the mem bers is that we will not go for any more negotiations.
That period is over,” he said. Ozuküm said ANATG regretted that lack of response and lacka daisical manner in which the department of higher education has been show ing towards their plight.
He also disclosed All Nagaland School Teachers Association (ANSTA) also met officials of department of school education to
break the impasse.
He said at the meeting some DoSE officials, pur portedly asked the teach ers to show them how to regularise services.
He said it was unfor tunate that some officials of DoSE had gone to the extent of inviting teachers to show how to regularise their services.
According to Ozuküm, ANATG members only wished was to teach in the best possible manner, but who are being pushed to the limit by the depart ment.
(Cont’d on p-8)
NPCC asks UDA to clarify stand on Frontier Nagaland demand Centre, NPGs talks ‘positive’
NEW DELHI, SEP 29 (NPN): The ongoing talks being held separately between Government of India and the the Naga Political Groups (NPGs)-NSCN (I-M) and Working Committee of NNPGs-- have so far been “very positive”.
Informing this to Nagaland Post, highly placed sources said that the NSCN (I-M) delegation led by VS Atem, who have been camping in Delhi since September 18, have held several rounds of “very fruitful meetings” with Centre’s representative for Naga talks AK Mishra.
WC/NNPGs led by its convenor N. Kitovi Zhimomi have also met Mishra and will be holding another round of meeting on Saturday, sources said. Sources said that there has been significant progress in the recent talks and the Centre has been trying to bring both groups to a common ground.
An inclusive common draft is being worked out to club both Agreed Position and the competency clauses of Framework Agreement before inking of the final agreement, which could be termed as ‘Yehzabo’, sources said.
NBCC asks churches to open rehab centres for drug users
Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC) general secretary Rev. Dr. Zelhou
Keyho stressed on church es opening rehabilitation centres to accommodate drug dependents and engage counsellors to address drug addiction.
He opined that pastoral care ministry should not remain confined within the church but reach out consid ering the churches had more professional counsellors, noting that many churches were not making use of the counsellors. He said this
during a panel discussion on “Sunflower drug and its ef fect on young people today” organised by NBCC Youth department at NBCC Plati num Jubilee Hall, Thursday.
On the role of the church, Keyho said harm and supply reduction were out of the church’s param eter though the church could do an aggressive exercise on preventive measures. He urged associations to set up rehab model centres where intensive counselling could take place by making use of the professional counsellors.
After a marathon dis cussion, NBCC Youth de partment secretary N Suhuto
Chishi in his concluding remark emphasised on creat ing awareness programme on drug abuse and also insisted
NBCC executive council take up the issue and work on how the associations and churches could do.
(Cont’d on p-8)
Need check posts in right places
NBCC general secretary Rev. Dr. Zelhou Keyho stressed on the need to set up check posts at the right place to keep check on illegal activities.
Responding to a query on whether absence of check-posts made entry of drugs into the State easy, Keyho said that though he was not the right person to comment, however he opined that law enforcement agencies needed put the check-posts at the right place to help keep check on illegal activities.
Keyho lamented that check-posts were abused, because of which the public became apprehensive of having them.
Empowered women are powerful tool: Gov
Staff Reporter
Nagaland Governor Prof Jagdish Mukhi has stressed on woman education and pointed out that empowered women were powerful tool and crucial for nation build ing since their thoughts, way of working and value system laid the foundation of a fam ily with good values.
Addressing the Annual Function and 31st Freshers’ Social 2022 of Pranabanan da Women’s College (PWC) here on Thursday, he ob served that women in India had a huge role in develop ment of the nation.
He said women con stituted around 48% of the country’s total population, adding that they were now joining virtually every pro fession – medical, engineer ing, legal, teaching, politics, administration, police and even the armed forces.
He mentioned that op portunities were limitless un
like earlier days, and urged the students to get ready to take up the responsibility of promoting a noble society.
Quoting Jawaharlal Nehru “If you educate a man, you educate an in dividual, however, if you educate a woman you edu cate a whole family. Women empowered means mother India empowered”, he com mented that education was the key to unlock the golden doors of progress, further adding that educated em powered women would ensure increased public par ticipation in progress of the nation.
Man gets 10-yr jail for minor’s death
DIMAPUR, SEP 29 (NPN): The court of prin cipal sessions judge cum special judge, POCSO Tu ensang, has sentenced a man to undergo simple imprison ment for a period of 10 years for killing a minor girl at Old Tsadang village, Tuensang on December 31, 2019.
Principal sessions judge cum special judge, POCSO, N Longshithung Ezung, while sentencing the ac cused-- Longdili (22) under Sec 304 IPC and Sec. 4 POCSO Act, however, stated that the period of detention undergone during investiga tion and trial from the date of arrest would be set off.
Everyone living in India is a ‘Sanatani’: Along
Correspondent SHILLONG, SEP 29: Na galand minister for Higher and Technical Education Minister, Temjen Imna Along on Thursday said that “everyone living in India is a “Sanatani”, even as he said one should not be afraid of who they are traditionally, though the method of wor shipping has changed.
“We need not be afraid of who we are traditionally.
Kehte hai na Hindi mein up sana ka padhaati, woh badal gaya hai (there is a saying in Hindi that our method to worship has changed) but our traditions and our cul ture are Sanatan,” Along told reporters on the sidelines of
Akhil Bhartiya Vidyarti Pari shad (ABVP) U Tirot Sing Best Student’s Award 2022 here in Meghalaya.
“But then today, some one are having Christian faith, like I too am a Chris tian, some are Muslims, some maybe Buddhists. So to describe the wholeness of Hinduism, it would be an
issue of clash of egos of the different faiths,” he added.
south and Himalayas to the north, Along, who is also the BJP president of Nagaland unit, said, “I think what the Sarsanghchalak (RSS Chief) was probably referring to our culture and tradition our sanskriti from the past.”
When asked if he agree with RSS chief’s statement, Along said, “If you would say in the press I agree it would be trouble and if I say I don’t agree it also not right. So, you have to understand the context in which it had been said. He (Bhagwat) is referring to our tradition and culture of life. When we were not Christians, we were all animist so we are referring to the root of a
(Cont’d on p-8)
DIMAPUR, SEP 29 (NPN): Naga land Pradesh Congress Committee (NPCC) on Thursday demanded that the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) government should make its stand clear to the people of Naga land and Government of India on the demand for Frontier Nagaland.
In a statement, NPCC president K Therie said Union Home Minis ter Amit Shah summoning Eastern Nagaland People’s Organisation (ENPO) to discuss the demand for Frontier Nagaland on October 18, 2022 was a matter of serious concern for Congress and perhaps for all those who loved Nagaland.
He alleged that the motive was to divide Nagaland that might even result in the loss of Article 371(A) in the way Jammu & Kashmir lost Article 370.
Therie feared that Shah might also promise in the manner he had done to Kukis for votes.
According to Therie, it was the design of the Government of India to counter the demand for in tegration, fuelled by BJP and ruling coalition’s negligence, suppression,
injustice and inequality in develop ment activities and job distribution.
Therie appealed to ENPO to rethink on its demand and recalled assuring to relocate Department of Under Developed Areas (DUDA) and committing a mini-secretariat at Tuensang.
He explained that the objective was to enable planning, supervision and disbursement of payments there itself, which was however rejected by the mandate.
“However, we still feel there is a need to pay special attention in mat ters of road connectivity and other basic infrastructures. Rs 300 crore vanished into thin air. Other funds are drawn with no significant works seen on the ground for the last 20 years,” he pointed out.
The NPCC president said if the government was bad, then legislators from ENPO had their share of bad too, for all 20 MLAs were in the ruling coalition and the majority party was headed by none other than veteran leader Chingwang Konyak as NDPP president, who also con tinued to enjoy Cabinet status.
SMWS revises price of sand
NEW DELHI, SEP 29 (PTI): In a significant ruling on reproductive rights of women, the Supreme Court held on Thursday that all women are entitled to safe and legal abortion till 24 weeks of pregnancy under the Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act, and making any distinction on the basis of their marital status is “constitutionally unsustainable”.
The court also said that the meaning of offence of rape must include marital rape for the purpose of MTP Act.
A bench of Justices DY Chandrachud, JB Pardiwala and AS Bopanna said the rights of reproductive au tonomy give similar rights to unmarried women as that to married women. The bench said the distinc
tion between married and unmarried women under the abortion laws is “artificial and constitutionally unsus tainable”.
Under the MTP Act provisions, the upper limit for termination of pregnan cy is 24 weeks for married women, special categories including survivors of rape and other vulnerable women such as differently-abled and minors. However, time pe riod is 20 weeks for widows and unmarried women, who are or were in consensual relationships, for allowing abortion under the statute.
The bench delivered the verdict on the inter pretation of MTP Act and whether unmarried women or single women can be allowed like their married counterparts the benefit of abortion up to 24 weeks.
DIMAPUR, SEP 29 (NPN): Sand Mahaldar Welfare Society (SMWS) Karbi Anglong has revised the price of sand to an old rate Rs.32 per cft, which it said would continue till further modification or en hancement of the rate.
SMWS president Bi mol Teron and secretary Gonesh Teron also informed that the authority of the Karbi Anglong Autono mous Council (KAAC) has allowed each truck to carry 10 CM quantity of sand with valid ‘O Form’. SMWS warned that if overloaded trucks were found without valid “O Form”, the KAAC authority would will take le gal action as per norms. The society said it has agreed to follow the rules and regula tion of KAAC and resume sand business with effect from September 28, 2022.
Landslide damages 132kV tower
DIMAPUR, SEP 29 (NPN): Power department has in formed that one 132kV tower of Dimapur–Kohima trans mission line location No.116 along NH-29 at Pherima has been severely affected by landslide posing danger to commuters and the public in around the affected area.
In a press note, execu tive engineer transmission division Dimapur informed
that the affected tower has been taken down safely and the department was making all effort to restore the line .
The department has, therefore, requested the general public not to go near the affected area till a permanent tower was con structed. While acknowl edging inconvenience, the department has sought co operation from all.
CM, others condole demise of Hewoto
DIMAPUR, SEP 29 (NPN): State chief minister Neiphiu Rio, NLA speaker and various organizations have condoled the demise of former minister and Hd GB Y. Hewoto Awomi, who passed away on Sep tember 28.
CM: Nagaland chief minister Neiphiu Rio mourned the demise of Y. Hewoto Awomi at Eden Medical Centre, Dimapur.
Recalling his close as sociation with late Hewoto, Rio said he found him to be a very down to earth per son, who selflessly rendered his service diligently and sincerely. Besides being a charismatic person, Rio said late Hewoto was also a very
helpful person, particularly to the marginalized section of the society.
His death is a great loss for the State in general and for the Sumi commu nity in particular, Rio said, adding that his absence would be deeply felt by all.
“Though we will all miss him dearly, let us cherish the good memories he has left behind,” Rio stated. Rio prayed that his good works and contributions will con tinue to inspire many.
Rio, joined by his fam ily, conveyed heartfelt con dolences to the bereaved family and prayed to Al mighty God to grant them strength and solace to bear the irreparable loss and for
the soul to rest in peace.
Speaker: Nagaland Legislative Assembly speak er Sharingain Longkumer conveyed deep pain over the demise of Y. Hewoto Awomi.
Longkumer described late Hewoto as a man of high calibre, whose im mense contributions to the State would be remembered for the times to come.
The speaker, on behalf of the 13th Nagaland Legis lative Assembly, and on his own behalf, conveyed heart felt condolences and prayed that Almighty God grant comfort to the bereaved family members and the de parted soul to rest in peace.
Spl. Correspondent
Referring to the Rash triya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief’s Mohan Bhag wat’s recent statement here in Meghalaya that everyone is a Hindu living within the geographical confine stretch ing beyond Sindh River to the Bay of Bengal in the
All women entitled to safe, legal abortion: SC
Rev. Dr. Z Keyho
ANATG-2015 batch during the fourth day of protest in Kohima on Thursday. (NP)
Imna Along being felicitated during the ABVP programme.
132kV tower affected by landslide at Pherima. Nagaland Post MYK C MYK C Vol XXXII No. 296 DIMAPUR, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 Pages 12 ` 5.00 2.5M without power as Ian drenches Florida INTERNATIONAL, PAGE 9 PM Modi declares 36th National Games open SPORTS, PAGE 12 (Cont’d on p-8) FOLLOW US ON @Nagaland_Postnagalandpostofficial Prof. Jagdish Mukhi (NP)
(Cont’d on p-5)
This is it! “If we contest under alliance our workers are unhappy and if we contest alone voters are unhappy.”
Choose your leaders responsibly: Shanavas
the concept of democracy existed only in words and not in spirit.
In this regard, he ques tioned the crowd as to who was more corrupted? The public or the politicians.
He disclosed that dur ing election period, the pub lic tend to place demand for money and are paid Rs. 5000-10,000 while the vil lage chairman and members of the village decide whom to vote for.
Training on localisation of SDGs held in Wokha
DIMAPUR: Project for cre ating model GP clusters, in collaboration with Wokha district administration, Dis trict Skill Committee (DSC), District Rural Development Agency (DRDA) and Naga land State Rural Livelihood Mission (NSRLM) Wokha organised a training pro gramme on localisation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), GPDS, PRISHGs convergence on Sep tember 29, in the conference hall of the deputy commis sioner Wokha.
Correspondent KOHIMA, SEP 29 (NPN): Deputy commissioner (DC) & district election officer (DEO), Shanavas C while highlighting the menace of proxy voting, stated that the people should not complain about developmental activi ties in the state since it was the voters who elected the leaders.
In this regard, he urged upon the people to choose their leaders carefully and responsibly, and not to be swayed by money.
Shanavas C was speak ing at the Systematic Vot ers Education and Elec toral Participation (SVEEP) awareness talk jointly organ ised by department of Po
litical Science, Mount Olive College, Kohima (MOCK) in collaboration with IQAC, as resource person, here, on Thursday.
The DC & DEO en couraged the gathering to spread awareness on press ing issues with regard to voting and also emphasised on the importance of one’s vote.
He stressed that choos ing the right candidate and electing the right leader could bring enormous changes, especially in Na galand.
Sharing his experience as the DEO, Shanavas C re marked that election process in the state was “not free and fair.”
He pointed out that
Three persons arrested for extortion in Mokokchung
DIMAPUR: Mokokchung police on September 26, ar rested three persons identified as Ningreiso ‘SS captain’ ‘NSCN I-M’, from Labo district, Ukhrul, Manipur, P/A Lijabalijen, Redeemson ‘SS corporal’, ‘NSCN I-M’, from Ukhrul, P/A Lijabalijen and Temsujungla from Longsa, P/A Kumlong, Mokokchung on charges of extortion.
According to Mokokchung police PRO, during an “area domination” at Longkong road junction, the police personnel arrested the three accused and recovered cash of Rs. 20,992, one bike and three mobile phones.
PRO informed that a case was registered and further investigation is on.
Excise Dimapur seize assorted IMFL; 26 arrested
DIMAPUR: As part of the intensive routine checking at various locations within Dimapur town, Dimapur district excise duty party has reported various seizures.
According to superintendent of Excise & Prohibi tion, Tokuho Assumi, a total of 508 bottles and cans of assorted Indian Made Foreign Liquor (IMFL) and 755 litres of country liquor were seized and destroyed on the spot.
Tokuho informed that 26 accused were arrested and penalised under relevant sections of the NLTP Act, 1989.
Excise Dimapur has informed that intensive routine checking would be continued and raids within its juris diction will be conducted every now and then.
DISHA meeting held in Peren
DIMAPUR: The second quarterly District Develop ment Coordination and Monitoring (DISHA) meet ing for Peren district was held in the conference hall of the deputy commissioner (DC) Peren on September 29, under the chairmanship of member of parliament (Lok Sabha) & DISHA Na galand, chairperson, Tokhe ho Yepthomi.
According to a DIPR report, Tokheho informed members of Peren district DISHA that MPs have been directed by ministry of Ru ral Development to monitor centrally sponsored schemes (CSS), to review progress of development and welfarebased programmes and sub mit the reports quarterly.
For this, he said, the meeting was convened in order to ascertain whether the schemes were being utilised as intended, by the responsible departments.
The MP also request ed heads of offices to be more responsible and see that there was no overlap ping while implementing CSSs in the district. At the meeting, Food & Civil Sup plies, PWD (R&B), Agri culture, Horticulture, Land Resource, and PHED gave detailed PowerPoint pre sentation on achievements and progress under different CSSs and the status of the developmental projects be ing executed in the district.
“I have fought
Shanavas pointed out that voting was a demo cratic right which cannot be deprived. He explained the significance of SVEEP is the flagship programme of Elec tion Commission of India (ECI) for voter education, voter awareness and voter literacy in India.
Earlier, the programme was chaired by MOCK act ing principal, Swedezhono Tsukru and invocation was offered by chairperson & MD, Tokheni Sema.
Later, vote of thanks was proposed by HoD, Po litical Science, coordinator, IQAC MOCK, Zinia Gang mei and benediction was of fered MOCK vice principal Lovitoli Zhimomi.
According to a DIPR report, BNO-GPDP Tushi manen said Gram Pan chayat Development Plan (GPDP) was the develop ment plan of the village prepared through a par ticipatory process involving all stakeholders matching people’s needs and priorities with available resources.
He informed that un der Article 243G, the con stitution mandates a plan at village level for economic development, social jus tice and implementation of schemes to fulfill those goals. Manen said the pri mary objective of GPDP preparation was to formu late ways to address develop ment needs of the GP.
Speaking on Pan chayati Raj Institute- Self Help Group (PRI-SHG) convergence and Village Poverty Reduction Plan (VPRP) SISD, NRLM area coordinator, H. Wophyomo said VPRP guarantees the representation of demands from different sections of the community, including demands from SHG house holds and other vulnerable sections outside SHG fold and that it was bottom-up plan preparation for ad dressing needs of the com munity. Markose gave an introduction to SDGs while MGNF, ministry of Skill Development, Anuranjan Singh said that the main objective of sustainable eco nomic development, eco nomic growth is for creating an economy that is sustain able and growing in the right direction. On “social inclusion”, he said this ob jective focuses on providing facility of housing for future generations and assisting in creating healthy, strong, and vibrant global communities.
The training pro gramme was focused on creating model GP clusters for Wokha village, Longsa, Longsachung, Riphyim Old and Humtso village.
DIMAPUR: The Sale sian Province of Dimapur felicitated 11 jubilarians on Thursday, at Salesian College Dimapur, during the 100th anniversary cel ebration of their presence in North East India.
The jubilarians who celebrated the centenary included—Fr. Matthew Pulingathil (97 years old; 60 years as priest), Fr. Paulinus Chempalayil and Fr. Joseph Kulathunkal (60 years as Salesian), Fr. Sebastian Thazhekedan (50 years as priest), Fr. Se bastian Aelavanthara, Fr. Jose Chemparathy and Fr. Tony Pallessery (50 years as Salesians), Fr. Devassy Pallaty (25 years as priest), Fr. Ashuli Lunuo Linus, Fr. Karamullil Jose George and Fr. Paul Panii (25 years as Salesian).
In his homily, Fr. Kapani Deli David said priests were called to prolong the presence of
Christ, by embodying His way of life and making them visible in the midst of the flock entrusted to their care.
During the felicita tion programme, the Sale sian brothers enthralled the gathering of priest, religious, faithful and wellwishers at Fr. Bernick Me morial Hall.
Messages from ju bilarians through video presentation was also dis played, where Fr. Matthew Pulingathil (oldest priest in the province) encour aged everyone present to be happy.
“If you love your vo cation, you will find it easy at every situation to face them. Pray that you persevere and live up to the renunciation you have promised and proclaimed through your vows”, he exhorted.
In his congratulatory note, Fr. Jose Kuruvachi ra (provincial) expressed gratitude to the jubilar ians and acclaimed them for their services in the province.
“Jubilee is the cel ebration of providential care and an expression of gratitude. It is a celebra tion of God’s grace and faithfulness. We appre ciate your commitment and dedication in God’s service in these years”, he stated.
Highlights of the pro gramme included songs, welcoming of jubilarians and guests, followed by Holy Eucharist, presid ed over by Fr. Paulinus Chempalayil and other jubilarians, priests concelebrating in it.
Later, Fr. Nazarius Lakra (vice provincial) proposed vote of thanks.
Seminar on spices & plantation crops at CIH Nagaland campus
DIMAPUR: A seminar on “production technology of spices and plantation crops” was conducted by the Central Institute of Horticulture (CIH) Naga land in collaboration with Directorate of Arecanut and Spices Development (DASD) Calicut, Kerela on September 23 at CIH campus.
In a press release, CIH Nagaland stated that the seminar was aimed at pro viding knowledge on recent production technologies and promotion of impor tant spice and plantation crops like cardamom, cin namon, ginger and tur meric.
DASD Dr. Homey Cherion delivered the wel come address; director,
horticulture Nagaland, Dr. R.Elithung Lotha and director, National Research Centre on Mithun, Naga land, Dr. M.H.Khan were the guests of honour.
The resource persons were eminent scientists and experts from ICARCentral Plantation Crops and Research Institute (CPCRI) Kasaragod and ICAR--Indian Institute of Spice Research (IISR) Kozhikode, Kerela.
During the technical session, principal scientist, CPCRI, Dr. Ravi Bhat delivered a presentation on high density cinnamon cul tivation; deputy director, DASD, Dr. Femina gave
presentation on establish ment of large cardamom nursery and accreditation; principal scientist Dr. Kan diannan and Dr. Moham med Faisal Peeran from ICAR-Indian Institute of Spice Research delivered training on various as pects related to production technology of ginger and turmeric.
The programme concluded with a vote of thanks by assistant horti culture specialist & training in-charge, Central Institute of Horticulture, Nagaland, Dr. Moasosang Longkum er; about 70 farmers par ticipated and interacted with the experts.
I express my deepest condolences to the sad demise of Shri. Y. Hewoto Awomi, Ex-Minister and Hd. G.B. of Yehokhu Village who passed away on the 28th of Sept, 2022 after a brief illness.
I have known him as a good and generous man who had genuine concern for the upliftment of the society. He was a leader of young generation among the Sumi’s and Nagas in his days. He was kind to all sections of people he came across.
Today, we have lost a true leader. The Vacuum created will be difficult to fill.
May the Almighty grant strength and courage to his bereaved families. May his soul solace in eternal peace.
Dr. Nihoto P. Chishi Atto Kukau, Nihoto Village
Though we are unable to mention each and every individuals for the sympathy and generosity provided to us during his short illness till our bereavement moment, it is our humble prayer that God bless each and every one of you.
children and family members
MYK C MYK C STATE2 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 Salesian Province of Dimapur fetes 11 jubilarians
CoNDoleNCe MeSSAge dp-1132/22
DEO Shanavas C speaking at the awareness programme on Thursday. (NP)
Dimapur Sumi Baptist Church conducted “Mother Heart Skool” on the theme, “Touching one heart, one mother and one family at a time” from September 20-24 with Rev. Dr. Toshi Langu of Frontline Ministries as the director and speaker. Altogether, 40 mothers graduated from the programme.
Mokokchung Town Ao Baptist Churches Mission, a conglomerate of 10 Baptist churches within Mokokchung town conducted “alcoholic recovery retreat” at Yimyu Baptist Church from September 27-28 on the theme “victory from addiction”. The retreat was attended by around 170 alcoholic anonymous (AA) members from 10 churches of the town.
Khaghaboto Area Students' Union expresses deep anguish and regret at the demise of Shri Hewoto Awomi, Hd. GB, Yehokhu Village, Ex-Minister of Nagaland, who passed away on 28th of September 2022. The Union conveys deepest condolences to the bereaved family and pray that Almighty God comforts and grant them strength and solace at this hour of grief and sorrow.
AWOMI KIVIBOLI AYEMI President General Secretary KHAGHABOTO AREA STUDENTS' UNION HQ. KHAGHABOTO TOWN, WESTERN SUMI CONDOLENCE MESSAGE dp-4714/22 18.09.1971 – 26.09.2022 We, the bereaved family members of Lt. Semley Hakhun would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to each and every individual who stood by us morally, materially and financially during the darkest hour in our family. We have nothing to give you in return for your kind gestures towards us at the demise of our beloved father. Loving wife,
the good
I have finished the race, I have kept the faith” 2 Timothy 4:7. dp-4721/22 Lt. R.K SETSIBA SANGTAM DoB : 27.12.1973 – DoD : 25.09.2022 Words are not enough to express our heartfelt gratitude to each and every individual, in-laws, neighbours, friends and well wishers who supported us physically, morally, financially and spiritually during the prolonged illness of our beloved Lt. R.K SETSIBA SANGTAM Conveying our special thanks and gratitude to: 1. Kiphire Town Baptist Lithro 2. Police Baptist Church Kiphire 3. Christian Education Ministry 4. Macedonia House of Worship Kiphire 5. Singrep Yangdong Suru Ashimukhong 6. Singrep Village Council 7. Singrep Village Students' Union 8. Singrep Yangdong Thsingmujang Kiphire Jila 9. Rudythonger Clan Singrep/Langkok/Longthonger Villages 10. Head GBs, DBs & VCCs Amahator Hq. 11. GBs & DBs Kiphire Town 12. Officers & Staff, District Administration Office Kiphire 13. Teaching Staff LHSS Kiphire 14. Doctors & Staff St. John Hospital Guwahati 15. Doctors & Staff CIHSR Dimapur 16. Doctors & Staff Zion Hospital Dimapur 17. Doctors & Staff, District Hospital Kiphire 18. Pungrugru Village Council 19. Forest Ward Council Kiphire 20. Maria Tribal Hostel Kiphire 21. Educate Hostel Kiphire 22. LHSS Class 10 A 23. Dr. Apila Sangtam, District Hospital Kiphire. 24. Dr. Apise Sangtam, USBLA Sub Centre Kiphire. We regret our inability to thank every person individually but your support, kindness and sympathy towards us will never be forgotten. May our Almighty God bless you all abundantly. Loving wife, children, parents, in laws & relatives Ac KN ow LEDGEMENT "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith" (2 Timothy 4:7) db-1130/22 1. Eden Medical Centre, Dimapur 2. Faith Hospital, Dimapur 3. Mon Civil hospital 4. Shri Thongwang, MLA 5. Shri Pangteang, MLA 6. Shri Y. Vikheho Swu, MLA 7. Shri Yongyak Class-1 Contractor 8. Smti Phangnon MP Rajya Sabha 9. Mrs & Mr Imnalensa, SP Mon 10. Konyak Government Officers Union, Mon 11. Jakphang Students' Union 12. Jakphang Union 13. Jakphang Village Council 14. Jakphang Nyupuh Staff 15. Jakphang Minphaihu 16. Jakphang Students' and Staff of GPS and GMS 17. KU, KNSK, KSU and MTSU 18. Konyak Baptist Bumeinok Bangjum 19. Konyak Baptist Bumeinok, Dimapur 20. Aboi Town Bumeinok 21. Jakphang Baptist Bumeinok 22. Jakphang Baptist Bumeinok, Youth 23. Leangnyu Bumeinok 24. Indisen Baptist Arogo Dimapur 25. Sumi Baptist Church, Mon 26. Chishilimi Welfare Dimapur 27. Moka Union 28. Anghphang Union, Village Council 29. Changlang Union Tizit, Village Council 30. Longchang Area Union 31. Jakphang & Changlang Union Aboi 32. Chingkao Chingnyu Village Council 33. Shamnyu Ward & Youth 34. Little Flower School Staff, Mon 35. Gospel Outreach Ministry 36. Mon Chamber of Commerce & Industry ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Late K. Kamnyi Konyak Born- 12/07/1980 Died- 23/09/2022 We, the bereaved family of Late K. Kamnyi Konyak would like to express our profound gratitude to all the individuals, groups, organisations and associations who stood and supported us through financially, physically, spiritually, morally and materially. We convey our special thanks to :
brothers & family membersK-2306/22
A&C department organises ‘tribal festivals’
than e ncouraged the gathering to preserve their culture and informed that the state govern ment has proposed to organise such events so that Naga tradi tions, values and practices were preserved. He further remarked that Nagas will become a lost tribe if they fail to preserve their cultures and identity.
their forefathers had passed down from one generation to another.
He also lamented how many of the youth who travel to urban areas for work and studies tend to forget their culture. This, he said, should be done away with and the cultural values of forefathers must be imbibed.
DIMAPUR: District cul tural offices under the de partment of Art & Culture (A&C) have been organis ing “tribal festivals” on the theme, “Igniting Cultural Traditions” in their respec tive districts across the state. The festivals are being or ganised with an aim to dis seminate the importance of various cultures and tradi tions in Nagaland and to encourage people to keep preserve their cultures.
Mokokchung: The trib al festival was held at Mo kokchung district cultural office complex with deputy commissioner (DC) Mo kokchung, Shashank Pratap Singh as special guest.
In his address, DC congratulated the depart ment for the initiative it had
undertaken, to bring people of all walks of life together through culture. He stated that Nagaland was in itself a mini India and with the state alone having 17 recognised tribes signified that there was unity in diversity. Shashank also reiterated that perform ing arts was a major asset.
At the programme, dis trict cultural officer (DCO) Imyaba Ao delivered wel come address while various presentations of folk songs by Imlinungchet & Akinaro and narration of folklore by Kajenkala and Aokonang Jamir were presented.
Cultural presentations included performances of folk songs by Associates for Performing Arts and Theatricals (APAT) Mo kokchung, demonstration
of indigenous games from Aosungkum Cultural Club Mokokchung Village and Metong Rogo Soyim.
Folk dances were also performed by students of NI Jamir GHSS and Ma yangnokcha GHSS. Vote of thanks was proposed by UDA district cultural office, Alongti.
Wokha: In Wokha dis trict, the festival was held at Likhya Community Hall Orchid colony.
According to a press release, extra assistant com missioner (EAC) I Yenti noungbou called upon the Lotha community to pre serve and promote their rich cultural practices in keeping the tradition alive.
In the welcome ad dress, DCO Zuthungo Yan
At the programme, Lansot hung Yanthan from Don Bosco Higher Secondary School Wokha and Chanchibeni Yanthan from Isaiah Ability Higher Secondary School Wokha presented storytell ing while Longsa Women Cul tural troupe, Vantsu Taro cultural troupe, Bethsaida school Wokha, Isaiah ability Higehr Secondary School and Phiro Village cultural troupe presented a cultural dance, folksong, traditional practices and indigenous games.
Kiphire: Kiphire district organised the tribal festival in the conference hall of Loyola Higher Secondary School on September 27, with ADC D. Robin as special guest.
In his speech, D. Robin expressed gratitude to the depart ment for organising such an event where younger generation would be able to learn and appreciate their art and culture through ac tive participation. Sharing that he was privileged to be part of the programme, he highlighted that the influence of modern and western culture was affecting the culture identity and practice of Nagas. In this regard, he urged upon the students to understand the importance of culture that
In a brief address, DCO P. Yongwe Wumnok said that the idea behind the festival was to learn and appreciate one’s culture through art, dance, music and language.
At the programme, head GB Kipghire town, Throng seli Sangtam declared the festival open, with an announcement of traditional blessing while partici pants from Agape School, Zisiji Presidency college and various group presented folk dances and folk songs.
Phek: In Phek district, the festival was held at Phek Town Hall on September 27.
According to a DIPR report, EAC Phek, N. Joshua Tikhir spoke on the material and nonmaterial culture. He lamented how most of the youth did not know their own traditional cul tures and expressed is view that instead of western culture, one should focus more on one’s own culture and preserve it.
In a welcome address, DCO Zhosa Sapu stated that the event was organised with an objective to influence the younger generation with the rich cultures of the land.
Highlights of the programme included various cultural perfor mances.
DC Niuland informs villages: Deputy com missioner (DC) Nouland, Sara S. Jamir has in formed all the villages under the district along 4/6 laning from km 132.375 to km 158.058 of Daboka Dimapur section of NH-36 and 39 that the Right of Way (ROW) dimension is—110 feet on both sides of the road (from centre line/divider) and 62 feet on both sides of the road (from concretet slab road). All concerned villages have been informed that there should be no encroachment, land filling, structure within the ROW.
Dimapur Bengali Samaj greets: Dimapur Bangali Samaj has extended Navaratra greet ings, an auspicious Durgapuja and a great Dussehra to all the devotees. DBS expressed hope that the festival of Dussehra will under line the victory of good over evil and that the devotees do away with whatever is negative in their lives and embark upon positivity.
Training for women entrepreneurs: Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) training for women entrepreneurs in Nagaland under National SC-ST Hub support scheme was organised by the Women Entrepreneurs Network Nagaland (WENN) in partnership with National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) on September 20.
Training on ASUSE culminates: A three-day regional training camp on “Annual Survey of Unincorporated Sector Enterprises (ASUSE): 2022- 2023” organised by National Statistical Office (NSO), field operations division, under the ministry of statistics and programme implementation, Regional Office Kohima concluded on September 21 at the NSO, Regional Office Kohima.
SMKWS organises 2nd relief camp: Sumi Missionary Kuposhukulu Welfare Society organised a charitable programme to Grace Nagamese Baptist Church, Grace colony Nagarjan on September 20. The camp was led by its president Xukhupu A Zhimomi and general secretary H. Hoito Achumi with other office bearers.
Training on agricultural marketing held in Mkg ENCSU holds meeting; adopts resolutions
MOKOKCHUNG, SEP 28 (NPN): Agriculture Produce Marketing Com mittee, Mokokchung (APMC/PMY) Sadar, under the sponsorship of District Horticulture office, Mokokchung or ganised a training on “agricultural marketing”
at Settsu Village com munity hall with special emphasis on “package o practices in papaya, banana and winter veg etables cultivation”, here, on September 28.
In the keynote ad dress, District Horticul ture officer (DHO) Mo kokchung, Imotemjen stated that the depart
ment of Horticulture has been tasked to focus on the development of fruits, vegetables, me dicinal plants and spices apart from other Agri & Allied schemes and activities.
Imotemjen stated that the department has listed 100 villages under Mokokchung district, ac
cording to the suitability of crops and topography.
He assured that the department was ready to assist farmers in their surplus yield of crops for marketing avenues.
Resource persons for the technical session were SDHO Tuli, Dr. Imchalemla, H.I, Recha & HEA Tekasangla.
The session was moderated by APMC/€PMY commit tee member, Talitemsu. Earlier, the inaugural programme was chaired by APMC/PMY Mokok chung Sadar, chairman I. Panger Longkumer and invocation was offered by Settsu Baptist Church, Rev. Nochet.
DIMAPUR: Eastern Naga land College Students’ Union (ENCSU) held a joint consul tation meeting with its federat ing units on September 24 and 26 with regard to the collection of membership fee by nonEastern students’ unions from students belonging to Eastern Nagaland.
In a press release, ENCSU media cell stated that during
the meeting, the house unani mously resolved not to pay its membership fees to nonEastern students’ unions by students belonging to Eastern Nagaland irrespective of one’s institution in the entire state of Nagaland.
It also resolved not to take part in sports and events organ ised by non-Eastern students’ unions, however, Eastern Na
galand students will extend cooperation to activities and events organised by the college.
Further, federating units endorsed full support to the decision taken by the ENCSU.
ENCSU has directed the students belonging to Eastern Nagaland to comply with its standing order and warned that defaulters will be “strictly penalised” by the union.
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PFI offices sealed in Assam; strict watch on members
GUWAHATI, SEPT 29 (PTI): Three offices of the banned Popular Front of Assam (PFI) have been sealed in Assam and a strict watch is being maintained on its members since the government’s announcement of ban on the organisation, a police official said on Thursday.
The organisation’s Assam head office at Hatigaon here, besides the ones at Karimganj and Baksa have been sealed following the ban on it by the Centre, Additional Director General of Police (Special Branch) Hiren Nath told PTI.
‘’We are monitoring the situation closely. No arrests have been made since September 27 when 25 PFI activists across eight districts were apprehended. We will arrest all those who are wanted in connection with the cases registered by the police,’’ he said.
Cases have been registered against 25 activists and the police of the districts concerned are investigating them. The police headquarters are monitoring the probes, he said.
Eleven persons were arrested by the Special Operating Unit (SOU) of Assam Police on September 22-23 for their association with PFI’s activities and the state police headquarters is monitoring these cases,’’ Nath, who heads the SOU, said.
Meanwhile, an arrested PFI activist Farhad Ali, who is also the AIUDF Barpeta district general secretary, has been suspended from the primary membership of the party immediately after the announcement of the ban.
Aminul Islam, the general secretary (organisation) of AIUDF, an opposition party, said that Ali has been suspended
and divested of all responsibilities.
Congress Rajya Sabha MP Abdul Khaleque told PTI that the Centre must inform the people of the actual reason of the ban and the anti-national activities on the basis of which the step has been taken in Assam.
‘’People have the right to know what exactly is anti-national activity for which PFI has been banned.
As far as we know no arms or ammunition have been found from any activist in Assam ... If it is for hate speech or propaganda then RSS, which was banned thrice earlier, also does the same,’’ Khaleque added.
Over 6,000 Myanmarese children studying in Mizoram schools: Official
(PTI): More than 6,000 Myanmarese children, who have taken refuge in Mizoram along with their parents following a military coup in the neighbouring country last year, have been enrolled in various schools across the state, an official said.
There is no concrete law prohibiting the Myanmarese children from enrolling in Mizoram schools but they could not be officially treated as ‘refugee students’ as the Centre did grant refugee status to them, School Education Department Director Dr H Lalthlangliana said.
Of the 6,195 such children, 5,221 were enrolled in government schools, 184 in governmentaided institutes and 790 in private schools, he said.
Lalthlangliana said that Myanmar children do not face any language barrier as most of them belong to the Chin community. They share the same ancestry and culture as the Mizos of Mizoram and also speak the Mizo language.
In some cases, parents hired teachers for their children, the official said.
Lalthlangliana also said that 68 children of Myanmarese nationals have enrolled for class 10 board examinations under the Mizoram Board of School Education during the 2021-
22 academic session.
Of them, 31 appeared in the examinations and all except three cleared the exam.
Recently, Mizoram University (MZU) and the Institute of Chin Affairs (ICA), a non-profit organisation, announced introduction of a diploma course in Burmese language and communication skills at the varsity.
Burmese is the official language of Myanmar and is spoken by around twothirds of the population there.
The course will be offered by MZU jointly with International Development Research Centre (IDRC) from next month, Prof Lalnilawma, head of extension education and rural development department of MZU said.
“This course is recommended for students who wish to study
Myanmar’s complex, multilayered society, and work with local and international agencies in Myanmar,” ICA and Mizoram University said in a joint statement.
The course will initially be run for a period of 10 months (Semester I & II) beginning October.
As per official records, more than 30, 000 Myanmar refugees have taken shelter in different parts of Mizoram since the military coup in February last year.
The majority of them are living in relief camps, some in rented houses on their own while others are staying with their local relatives.
The government, in collaboration with village authorities and NGOs, have set up more than 150 relief camps across the state for them.
Mizoram shares a 510 km long international border with Myanmar.
The state government had written to the Centre on several occasions seeking the ban on PFI holding it responsible for creating an eco-system of terror activities that encouraged people to join the radical modules sponsored by ISIS and Al Qaeda in Indian Subcontinent, Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma had said.
A senior government official said the PFI activities came to the fore in the minority-dominated districts of Assam, particularly in the ‘char’ (riverine) areas, since 2014 when it began helping people from the community in filing documents for inclusion of their names in the National Register of Citizens (NRC).
Prior to it the PFI activists were mainly involved in educational activities in the ‘char’ areas dominated by Bengalispeaking Muslims, he said.
‘’We had regular inputs from the char areas that mostly Hindi-speaking people came from outside the state and held meetings at the grounds of the private madrasas. We had even stopped some meetings as
they were held violating prohibitory orders,’’ he said.
The PFI shot into prominence during the protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act in 2019 and some of its activists were arrested for stone pelting during the violent stir against the contentious legislation. Since then the organisation was making all out efforts to foment communal strife across the state, the official said on condition of anonymity.
Its activists had tried to whip up communal passion by criticising every government policy, including the CAA, NRC and the ‘doubtful voter’. They also tried to convince the Muslim community that the new state education policy, th Cattle Protection Act, extension of Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) in some areas, the Teacher Eligibility Test in Assam, the Agnipath scheme and eviction from encroached lands were undertaken to attack the community.
The leaders of the outfit are tech savvy and
space to provoke people to defy the government and to divide the society on religious lines, he said.
The PFI leaders were also misleading and inciting people on issues which occurred outside Assam, including the hijab issue in Karnataka, the Bilkis Bano issue, court verdict on the Gyanvapi mosque, criticising the Supreme Court verdict on the Ram Janambhoomi–Babri Masjid issue, abrogation of Article 370 of the Constitution of India and communal violence on Ram Navami and Hanuman Jayanti in Rajasthan, among others, a police statement had said.
Thirtysix PFI activists have been arrested so far by Assam police from different parts of the state and the national capital. The police had arrested 25 activists from eight districts on Tuesday and 11 others were nabbed on September 22-23, including the West Bengal president of the organisation from Delhi during the national crackdown on the outfit by multiple agencies headed by the National Investigative
Meghalaya ranks top in implementation of JJM
Correspondent SHILLONG, SEP 29: Meghalaya has been ranked as one of the top performing States in the country in the implementation of the flagship program of the Central Government, the Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM), Chief Minister Conrad Sangma said on Thursday.
“All of you will be happy to know that on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti, the president of India will confer the award for one of the best performing states in the implementation of JJM, on our State’, he said at a function to inaugurate several developmental projects for 18-West Shillong Assembly Constituency, at the premises of the Hindu Mission, Lower Mawprem
Addressing the gathering, the chief minister also informed that the State had been conferred with several awards recently for its performance in different areas ranging from healthcare to tourism.
``We are working with a vision to make Meghalaya one of the top 10 States
with the right initiatives and policy interventions the State has made rapid strides in many of the developmental indices,” he added. During the function, the chief minister along with the local MLA Mohendro Rapsang and other dignitaries, inaugurated the mortuary van of the Hindu Mission as well as the LED street lights and CCTV installations in the area. The projects are funded under the Chief Minister’s Special Development Fund.
“Glad to learn that the installed CCTVs and LED street lights are creating a safe environment for the citizens,” the chief minister said. During his visit, the chief minister also interacted with the children of the orphanage run by the Meghalaya Hindu Mission.
Seven persons missing in boat capsize in Brahmaputra
DHUBRI (ASSAM), SEP 29 (PTI): Seven persons are missing after a mechanised boat carrying 29 passengers capsized in the Brahmaputra river in Dhubri district of Assam on Thursday, a government official said.
Twenty two people, including some school students, have been rescued so far by SDRF and local people and operations are on by them and BSF personnel to save the others, district deputy commissioner Anbamuthan MP said.
The mechanised boat had capsized after hitting the post of a bridge at Bhashanir area, about three km from Dhubri town, the DC told reporters on his return from the site.
The boat has been located and efforts are on to lift it with the help of cranes used for construction of a nearby bridge, he said.
Locals joined the rescue operation with country boats and divers from the State Disaster Response Force (SDRF)
been admitted to a nearby hospital where the condition of five of them was stated to be serious, Anbamuthan said.
He said that there is no information about how many students were there in the boat but there are no reports of any of them missing.
An official had earlier
is circle officer Sanju Das, who was returning to Dhubri along with a land record official and a field officer after surveying an erosion affected area in Aminur char (riverine area), the DC said.
The land record officer and the field circle officer have been rescued but are in a state of shock, he added.
the boat and 10 motorcycles were loaded in it.
Anbamuthan said that he is yet to inquire about the motorcycles loaded in the boat and will look into lapses, if any in safety measures.
‘’It is unfortunate that the incident took place while the boat was crossing a channel less than 50
metres,’’ he said.
Meanwhile, an engineer of a private firm hired for the construction of the bridge has been detained by the police for allegedly obstructing the local people from using the bridge to reach the mishap site and the cranes to rescue the people.
The cranes were later used by the authorities to rescue a few people.
Dhubri Lok Sabha MP Badruddin Ajmal expressed anguish over the boat mishap and demanded a high-level inquiry into it. He also urged the state government to pay an exgratia of Rs 10 lakh to the next of kin of the missing persons.
A Congress delegation led by its state working president Rana Goswami, legislators Wajed Ali Choudhury, Jadav Swargiary and Abdul Batin Khandekar and other party office-bearers will visit the mishap site on Friday, party sources said.
Professor served notice for speech on Mnp prohibition policy
IMPHAL, SEP 29: Manipur University has issued a show cause notice to one of its assistant professors for criticising the government legalization of liquor.
The authority of the Centrallyrun University issued the notice to assistant professor Dr N Sanatomba Singh of Manipuri department of the university.
The show cause notice asked Dr Sanatomba to explain, in writing, regarding his speech that criticized Manipur government for the legalization of liquor, tourism, and other sensitive issues at the inaugural function of a debating competition organized by the Manipur University Students’ Union (MUSU) on September 25 last.
The University department
stated that his speech violated the Central Civil Service (Conduct) Rule, 1964. He was asked to explain why disciplinary action as deemed should not be taken against him and submit a written explanation within seven days from September 28.
Video of the speech in which Dr Sanatomba criticized the lifting of the Manipur Liquor Prohibition Act went viral on social media.
Submit report on ‘police encounters’ by Nov 14: HC to Assam govt
(IANS): Gauhati High Court on Thursday directed Assam government to submit the detailed investigation report on the police encounters through an affidavit by November 14, as the state government failed to provide the same in six weeks.
Hearing a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) filed by Delhi-based lawyer and activist Arif Jwadder, the High Court on July 29 had given six weeks time to submit the detailed report through an affidavit into all the police encounters that have taken place in Assam since May last year.
The Assam government through an affidavit had earlier informed the court that 51 accused people died and 139 were injured in the encounters between May 2021 and June 2022 in 31 of the state’s 35 districts. Jwadder told IANS on
Thursday that the number of deaths by now has increased to 55.
After Himanta Biswa Sarma took charge as Chief Minister in May 2021, Assam had recorded 161 incidents of police encounters and actions resulting in the death of 51 accused people while 139 others were injured. The Assam government, through an affidavit on June 20, told the High Court that the number of deaths had increased to 54.
Jwadder had sought a thorough High Courtmonitored probe into these police encounters by independent agencies including the Central Bureau of Investigation or any police team of other state.
Assam’s Director General of Police, the Law and Justice Department, the National Human Rights Commission and the Assam Human Rights
Commission had been named as respondents in the PIL, filed by Jwadder.
Civil rights lawyer and activist Prashant Bhushan and senior lawyer Indira Jaising during their separate appearance for the petitioner, had earlier argued in the High Court that the PIL raised the issue of public importance involving the rule of law in Assam.
“The Assam Police did not follow the law and procedure laid down by the Supreme Court in the 2014 case of People’s Union of Civil Liberties (PUCL) versus Maharashtra on
alleged fake encounters.
The state government also did not follow the Supreme Court’s guidelines on conducting independent inquiries in all the cases of encounters, including those resulting in injuries,” Bhushan had told the High Court during his recent appearance on the PIL.
After assuming office in May last year, Assam CM announced a crackdown on militants, drug dealers, smugglers, murderers, cattle lifters and those accused of rape and crimes against women. Sarma, who also holds the home portfolio, has emphasised on a ‘zero tolerance policy’ towards crime and criminals, giving the police ‘full operational independence within the purview of law’ to act.
Of the 51 or 55 accused, some were killed in custody, some while ‘trying to escape after snatching police’s firearm’ while several others were shot in
the leg.
A few accused died ‘after being hit by the police vehicles’ while going to verify their (accused) statement at the crime spot. The deaths of 51 or 55 people in many encounters included militants, wanted criminals, anti-socials involved in various crimes, drug peddlers, dacoits, arms smugglers and cattle thieves.
Jwadder, who also earlier lodged a similar complaint about these alleged ‘fake encounters’ with the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), in his PIL said that all the victims were unarmed and handcuffed at the time of the encounter.
“Those people who have been killed or injured were not dreaded criminals. Above all, this petition raises the issue of violations of the rule of law and equality before the law and equal protection of laws. Police personnel do
not have a licence to kill, the whole idea of the CrPC is to apprehend criminals and bring them to justice, not to kill them.”
The PIL also said that such encounter killings deprive the victims of the right to personal liberty and life, which cannot be denied except by “procedure established by law”.
“There is no law enabling what has come to be known as ‘encounter killings’ and the Assam Police, like any other persons, are bound by the provisions of the CrPC. Failure to apprehend criminals and bring them to justice is a failure of the entire policing system in the state which requires an investigation by this court,” the PIL pointed out.
Jwadder said that the NHRC had earlier taken cognizance of his complaint and asked for an action taken report from the Assam Police.
MU authority stated in the notice that his speech on the mass public platform has tarnished the image of the University, which prima facie, appears to be highly derogatory and defamatory.
The recent decision of the Manipur government to lift the prohibition on liquor partially has been receiving sharp reactions from various sections of the society, particularly women groups.
I, Smti. Khutoli, D/o Sukhovi resident of Thahekhu Village, Dimapur, Nagaland declare through an Affidavit No. 1411/2022 dated 29.09.2022 that my name inadvertently appear in AADHAAR Card as Hetoli. My correct name is Khutoli, Hetoli and Khutoli are the names of the same person i.e. me. Henceforth, my name 'Khutoli' will be used for all official and other purposes. dp-4726/22
Whereas Smti. ATHRONGLA SANGTAM, wife of Late RILONGSE SANGTAM resident of Kipongya Ward, Kiphire District has applied for issue of Succession Certificate under the Indian Succession Act.1925 in order to draw/ receive the payment of movable/immovable of her husband Late RILONGSE SANGTAM he was a nominee in Life Insurance Company Ltd No. 7000001831, Kiphire Branch of her husband, who died on 22/06/2021.
1. G.I.S 2. Pension Case 3. Life Insurance Police No- 7000001831
4. Any other dues etc. from the Office of the SBI, Insurance Company Kiphire Branch Kiphire, Nagaland.
Public are hereby asked to file objection/claim if any within 30 (thirty) days from the date of issue of this order. If no objection/claim is received within the given time, Succession Certificate will be issued in favour of the applicant.
Three PFI offices sealed in Assam, strict watch on members. Courtesy-Financial Express.
Conrad Sangma
A boat carrying several passengers capsizes in the Brahmaputra river, in Dhubri district, Thursday. (PTI)
Refugee children holding placards saying “Thank You Mizoram” in English and Mizo languages.
Sd/Principal District & Sessions Judge Kiphire; NagalanddB-1128/22
PM Modi holds roadshow in Surat & Bhavnagar
BHAVNAGAR, SEP 29 (PTI): Prime Minister Na rendra Modi on Thursday said although Gujarat has the longest coastline in the country, no attention was paid for its development for decades post-Independence, but “honest attempts” were made in the last 20 years by the BJP government to turn it into the country’s “door of prosperity”.
He said the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) govern ment in Gujarat implement ed several big-ticket projects along the state’s coastline without wasting money on publicity.
Modi also said that the BJP always fulfils the promises it makes because it believes that power is only a means to serve the people.
He was addressing a public rally at Jawahar Maidan in Bhavnagar city of Gujarat’s Saurashtra region after inaugurating and per forming the ground-break ing ceremony of projects worth more than Rs 6,000 crore meant for Bhavnagar, Botad and Amreli districts.
Some of these projects in Bhavnagar included the world’s first CNG terminal,
development of a brown field port and a cargo con tainer manufacturing unit.
“Gujarat has the lon gest coastline in the country, but no attention was paid for its development for decades after India gained inde pendence. As a result, the coastline created challenges for the people living along it,” he said in a veiled attack on the Congress.
Due to salinity in gress, people were forced to migrate to bigger cities in search of employment. En tire villages became empty due to this issue. Youths of this region used to migrate to Surat, where they had to
Botsa-Sendenyu PMGSY beneficiaries caution
DIMAPUR: Eight villages (beneficiaries) of BotsaSendenyu PMGSY road have cautioned that “no one, whether from the said villages or elsewhere will be allowed to disturb the contractors or workers in the site with demands or tax collection.”
In a press note, convenor of Botsa-Sendenyu Road PMGSY Timothy Thong and general secretary Kegwalo Kemp said that work has started following the directive of the Gauhati High Court. It said that the stretch of road leads to the first Naga Flag Hoisting site at Parashen and would be black topped for the first time along with the adjoining villages.
Therefore, the villages affirmed to stick to its earlier resolutions that they “will not compromise with the quality aspects and get the best out of the project.”
It further appealed to all to cooperate and help in achieving the dream. According to them, the ongoing PWD road construction under PMGSY from Botsa to Sendenyu via Tsiemekhuma is being done at the old rate, for which sanction was made in 2017-18 but dragged due to litigations
Working to curb ‘love jihad’ at garba venues: Bajrang Dal
AHMEDABAD, SEP 29 (PTI): Right-wing Hindu outfit Bajrang Dal on Thursday said it was working towards curbing “love jihad” incidents that may take place at ‘garba’ venues amid Navratri in Gujarat.
Volunteers of Bajrang Dal, an organisation associated with the Vishwa Hindu Parishad, are standing outside such venues and distributing pamphlets to revellers making them aware
of the perils of “love jihad”, Gujarat VHP spokesperson Hitendrasinh Rajput said.
These volunteers are also stopping persons from the Muslim community entering garba venues allegedly to lure young Hindu women, he said.
“Love jihad” is a term used by right-wing groups and activists to allege a concerted effort by Muslim men to convert Hindu women to Islam through marriage.
Nitish upset over row triggered by woman IAS officer
issue which I learnt about through newspapers. We are committed to providing all assistance to the state’s women. If the IAS officer’s behaviour is found to be against that spirit, action will be taken.”
live in pitiable condition, he added. But honest at tempts were made in the last 20 years to turn the state’s coastline into India’s door to prosperity, he said the mas sive gathering.
Modi was the chief minister of Gujarat from 2001 to 2014. Since May 2014, he has been serving as the prime minister of the country.
“We have developed many ports and modernised several others. Today, there are three LNG terminals and a petro-chemical hub on the Gujarat coast. Apart from playing a crucial role for the export and import
sector, Gujarat’s coastline has created employment opportunities for lakhs of youths,” the prime minister said.
According to him, the state’s coastline has now become synonymous with the renewable energy sector and hydrocarbon ecosystem.
Apart from developing fishing harbours and fishing landing centres on the coast, the BJP government in Gu jarat also did commendable work in mangrove planta tion in coastal areas, Modi said, adding, “New solar projects are also coming up, including in Palitana. Such solar power projects will ensure affordable and qual ity electricity supply for that region.”
Talking about the re cently-launched Ro-Ro ferry service between Ghogha port in Bhavnagar and Haz ira in Surat, Modi said that nearly three lakh people have already travelled in the ferry.
“This service has dras tically reduced the distance between Ghogha and Haz ira. Nearly 80,000 vehicles were also transported in this ferry service. Petrol and
diesel worth Rs 40 lakh was saved. It means the service helped people in saving money,” he said.
“This service has proved to be a boon for farmers and traders. We did all this work without making any noise or without wast ing money on publicity, be cause we are not doing it for power. For us, power is only a means to serve the people and that is the reason why we continue to get people’s blessings,” the PM added.
Modi also said that he has proved his critics wrong by successfully implement ing the Saurashtra Narmada Avtaran Irrigation (SAUNI) Yojana.
The ambitious SAUNI scheme was launched by him when he was the chief minister of Gujarat. The scheme is aimed at filling 115 major dams by divert ing floodwaters overflowing from the Sardar Sarovar Dam across the Narmada river to the drought areas.
According to Modi, all the media outlets had claimed at that time that he was launching this project with Assembly elections in mind at that time.
Decision on Gehlot continuation as Rajasthan CM in a day or two
NEW DELHI, SEP 29 (PTI): In a day of frantic developments, Digvijaya Singh entered the fray for the Congress president’s election as Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot opt ed out of the race and the suspense over his continua tion at the helm in the state deepened with the party saying a decision would be taken in a day or two.
It remained unclear whether Singh or someone else would have the backing of Sonia Gandhi as her suc cessor, with sources saying a Dalit leader could emerge as a dark horse for the top party post and that Mallikarjun Kharge is the frontrunner.
Kharge will be meeting Sonia Gandhi Friday morn ing. The names of Mukul Wasnik and Kumari Selja are also doing the rounds.
Singh said he would file his nomination on Fri day, so would Shashi Tha roor. The two later met at Tharoor’s residence and they said theirs would not be a contest of rivals but of friends and the Congress will finally win.
Hours after Gehlot met Gandhi and also took moral
CM, others condole demise of Hewoto
(From p-1)
WSH: Western Sumi Hoho (WSH) president Shikaho Zhimomi and general secretary Kisheto Chishi said the hoho was deeply pained and felt orphaned at the demise of Y. Hewoto Awomi, who was a multifaceted personality whose priority in life was always “first for the people.”
As an active sitting member of the Western Sumi Advisory Board (WSAB), WSH said his valued advice was instrumental in shaping the work ing and decisions of WSH.
Besides being the founding father of the Western Sumi Youth Front (WSYF) and founding member of the Dimapur District Citizen Forum (DDCF), WSH said late Hewoto was also the founder of the Muslim Coun cil. He was respected by one and all alike for always prioritising the welfare of the people in the spirit of equality and humanity above all other consid erations, it said.
Being a true son of the Western Sumi soil, WSH said late Hewoto was “The original” who called a spade, a spade and maintained his integrity as a mass leader and did not compromise even if it came at the cost of personal loss. His passing away was an ir replaceable loss- a body blow- to the western Sumi people, WSH stated, adding that late Hewoto was a Naga first, and then a Sumi.
In his death, the hoho said that Nagas have lost one true great Naga leader. “He may be gone, but the exem plary life that he lived with the values of what being a mass leader entailed, will forever remain as his legacy for us to cherish and emulate,” the hoho said.
WSH extended heartfelt condo lences to the bereaved family members and prayed that Almighty God grant them strength and solace to bear the irreparable loss, and for the departed soul to rest in peace.
NPCC: Nagaland Pradesh Con gress Committee (NPPC) president K. Therie said he was shocked and pained to learn of the passing away of Y. Hewoto Awomi.
Describing late Hewoto as a hardworking, adventurous and a self-made person, Therie said he was also a good orator who beheld the attention of any audience, his wit ever at hand.
he was a giant slayer exhibiting im maculate understanding of the ground situation, he said.
Stating that his desire to forge peace and understanding among Naga political groups was admirable, Kitovi said there was clarity of thought pro cess in his understanding of the IndoNaga issue and his peace initiatives transcended family, clan or tribe.
Late Hewoto was never one to indulge in nepotism, and was always for peace in Nagaland and resolution of the conflict.
Kitovi said WC leaders had the privilege to meet him many times be fore and even during his time of illness. “A brave man with a warm reassuring personality. A Naga leader in his own right,” Kitovi said.
He said late Hewoto became a leader of men by dint of hard work, honesty and confidence in his ability, this was a stirring example for fel low Nagas to emulate. WC conveyed deepest condolences to Mrs. Tosheli H. Awomi, children and relatives and prayed for Almighty’s solace to the de parted leader. “May Our Lord bestow strength to the grieving family to bear the loss,” Kitovi said.
NGBF: Nagaland Gaon Bura Federation (NGBF) expressed shock and mourned the demise of Hewoto Awomi. NGBF through its media secretary, Akhu Naga said late Hewoto was known for his straightforwardness and frankness in all his approaches and contributed in various capacities as a leader for the welfare of the society.
In his demise, Nagas have lost a prominent leader of the Nagas; as a whole, NGBF said. The federation conveyed condolences to the bereaved family and prayed that Almighty God grant strength to the family and peace to the departed soul.
WSYF: Western Sumi Youth Front (WSYF) expressed pain to learn about the sad demise Y. Hewoto Awomi. WSYF said late Hewoto was a kind and generous person who had genuine concern for the society.
An inspirational figure, WSYF said late Hewoto served the State in various capacity, with great diligence holding portfolios as minister and parliamentary secretary etc.
Harjot Kaur Bumrah
Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Thursday hinted that action may be taken against senior woman IAS officer Harjot Kaur Bumrah whose indiscretion during a recent interaction with school girls has caused a major embarrassment for his government.
The officer has, mean while, issued a signed state ment expressing regret over the controversy that arose after a purported video foot age of the September 27 function went viral on social media. Kumar, who was ap proached by journalists with queries about the National Commission for Women (NCW) slapping a notice on Bumrah, said, “Orders are in place to inquire into the
Bumrah is an Addi tional Chief Secretary rank officer who also heads the state’s women’s and child development commission.
At a state-level work shop organised in collabora tion with UNICEF, she had rebuked school girls who requested that the govern ment, which gives many doles such as free bicycles and school uniforms, should also consider providing free sanitary napkins. “There is no limit to such freebies. The government is already giving a lot. Today you want a packet of napkins for free.
Tomorrow you may want jeans and shoes and, later, when the stage comes for family planning, you may de mand free condoms as well,” Bumrah can be heard saying in a purported video footage that has gone viral. PTI has not independently verified the authenticity of the video.
Late Hewoto served the people with utmost dedication and sincerity and left behind a legacy many cannot emulate, he said. Therie said that his passing away has created an irrepa rable void, not only for the bereaved family members, but for Naga society as a whole. His contributions to the upliftment of Naga society will be re membered in the annals of history, he said. Therie and the party rank and file conveyed heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family members and prayed that Almighty God comfort the fam ily and uphold all in the days to come and also for the departed soul to rest in eternal peace.
WC/NNPGs: Working Com mittee (WC) Naga National Political Groups (NNPGs) expressed shock and pain over the demise Ato Kukau and former minister Y. Hewoto Awomi.
In a condolence message, GPRN/NSCN ato kilonser and WC, NNPGs convenor N. Kitovi Zhimomi said late Hewoto was a man of strong will and determination to reform the divided Naga society. As a politician
WSYF said he was a leader who stood for the masses and reflected the aspiration of the people.
Stating that his leadership quali ties shall remain an inspiration and his footprints will always be remembered for all times to come, WSYF whole heartedly acknowledged his unselfish contributions in various capacities toward the people of Western Sumis in particular and Sumis in general.
In his demise, the people have lost a dynamic leader, an eloquent ora tor and a true son of the soil, it said, adding that the vacuum created would be difficult to fill, but his legacy will continue to live.
WSYF conveyed heartfelt con dolences to the bereaved family and prayed that Almighty God grant them strength and courage to bear the ir reparable loss.
SKK: All Sumi Students’ Union (SKK) mourned the demise of Y. Hewoto Awomi.
SKK president Katho P. Awomi and asst. general secretary Toshika K. Kiba said late Hewoto was a true leader, an inspiration to many youths
and students,
“We have lost a great leader whose selfless contribution in various capacities to the society and the SKK in particular will be forever acknowl edged in his good memory,” SKK stated.
The union prayed to Almighty God to grant peace and comfort to the bereaved family and for the departed soul to rest in eternal peace.
DSSU: Dimapur Sumi Students’ Union (DSSU) expressed deep grief and sadness over the demise of Y. Hewoto Awomi.
In a condolence message, DSSU president Vitoka N Rochill described late Hewoto as a visionary leader and a compassionate man who had con cerns for the upliftment of the people. The Nagas in general and Sümis in particular have lost a true leader and a father figure soul, he said.
The union conveyed heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family and prayed that the Almighty grant them solace and peace.
NPP: National People’s Party expressed shock to learn about the demise of veteran Naga leader Y. Hewoto Awomi.
NPP president Dr. Andrew Aho to said late Hewoto during his political career not only brought about equi table and inclusive development of Nagaland but also laid emphasis on bringing the North Eastern region on the map of progress and development.
Ahoto said he was greatly revered by his contemporaries as well as the young and upcoming leaders of all parties for his deep sense of dedica tion, wisdom, political acumen and sense of humor. As member of DMC, Ahoto said late Hewoto tried his best to uplift the lot of people belonging to all religious groups, communities and tribes. With his death, Nagaland in general and the Sumi Community in particular have lost a staunch sup porter of human rights and dignity of the Nagas, he said.
Ahoto conveyed profound con dolences to the bereaved family and prayed that God Almighty grant them strength to bear the loss and for his great soul to rest in eternal peace.
RNIFN: Rongmei Naga Indig enous Forum Nagaland expressed profound sorrow over the demise of Hewoto Awomi.
RNIFN vice president Jeliangga Kamei recalled his close association, saying late Hewoto’s simplicity and down to earth nature earned him popularity among the masses.
The forum said late Hewoto was a trustworthy man and a good leader, who served his people in different ca pacities as a politician as well as social activist. The Rongmei indigenous community of Nagaland conveyed deepest condolences to bereaved fam ily and prayed for his soul to rest in eternal peace.
KTCN: Kachari Tribal Council Nagaland (KTCN) expressed pain to learn of the sudden demise of. Hewoto Awomi.
KTCN said, in his demise, Di mapur in particular and Nagaland as a whole has lost a great leader. KTCN offered deepest condolences and prayed that Almighty God grant strength and solace to the bereaved family and for the soul to rest in eternal peace.
responsibility for what is being seen as a rebellion by MLAs loyal to him in Raj asthan, his bete noire Sachin Pilot visited the Congress president’s residence late evening and held discus sions with her.
“I have conveyed my sentiments, given my feed back to Sonia Gandhi. Our priority is to win 2023 as sembly polls in Rajasthan for which we will have to work together,” he said after the meeting, adding that whatever positive decisions have to be taken with respect to Rajasthan, the Congress president will take.
The party also issued an advisory warning of strict disciplinary action against leaders making public state ments on internal matters of the party and against other
party functionaries.
After his half-an-hour meeting with Gandhi, Gehlot accompanied by AICC general secretary (organisation) K C Venu gopal told reporters that he apologised to the Congress chief for the developments in Rajasthan where some MLAs loyal to him held a parallel meeting and set some conditions to the party high command.
Gehlot also announced that he will not contest the Congress presidential polls after taking moral responsi bility for the political crisis in his state.
“I have decided that I will not contest the Con gress president’s election as I take moral responsibility for the events that took place on Sunday,” he said.
Eighty-two MLAs loy al to Gehlot participated in a parallel meeting at a min ister’s residence in Jaipur instead of joining a meeting of the Congress Legislature Party convened for passing a resolution authorising the Congress chief to appoint a successor to Gehlot, who was to contest the Congress presidential election.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi waves at supporters during a roadshow, in Surat, Thursday. (PTI)
Ashok Gehlot
NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 NATIONAL/STATE 5 NAGALAND PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION KOHIMA NO.NPSC/ADVT/EDS-2012 Dated Kohima, the th September, 2022 ADVERTISEMENT NO. NPSC-2/CESE/2022 Applications are invited for filling up the following vacancies under the Government of Nagaland: A. Fresh Vacancies under various departments. I. Assistant Professor under Higher Education Department Item Nos. Subject No. of Post(s) 1 History 7 (Seven) 2 Education 5 (Five) 3 Sociology 1 (One) 4 Philosophy 1 (One) 5 English 6 (Six) 6 Economics 4 (Four) 7 Mathematics 2 (Two) 8 Political Science 5 (Five) 9 Anthropology 1 (One) 10 Geography 2 (Two) 11 Physics 1 (One) 12 Geology 4 (Four) 13 Botany 2 (Two) 14 Zoology 2 (Two) II. Lecturer under Technical Education Department 15 Lecturer (Civil Engg.) 8 (Eight) 16 Lecturer (Mechanical Engg.) 2 (Two) 17 Lecturer (Electronics & Electrical Engg.) 2 (Two) 18 Lecturer (Computer Science) 6 (Six) 19 Lecturer (Information Technology) 1 (One) 20 Lecturer (Architecture) 4 (Four) 21 Lecturer (Interior Design) 3 (Three) 22 Lecturer (English) 3 (Three) 23 Lecturer (Physics) 2 (Two) 24 Lecturer (Chemistry) 1 (One) 25 Lecturer (Mathematics) 2 (Two) III. Post Graduate Teachers under School Education Department 26 PGT (English) 24 (Twenty Four) 27 PGT (Economics) 8 (Eight) 28 PGT (Political Science) 10 (Ten) 29 PGT (Computer Science) 2 (Two) 30 PGT (Geography) 7 (Seven) 31 PGT (Maths) 14 (Fourteen) 32 PGT (Hindi) 1 (One) 33 PGT (Chemistry) 8 (Eight) 34 PGT (Physics) 11 (Eleven) 35 PGT (Botany) 9 (Nine) 36 PGT (Zoology) 9 (Nine) 37 PGT (Sociology) 5 (Five) 38 PGT (Education) 10 (Ten) 39 PGT (History) 8 (Eight) 40 PGT (Philosophy) 5 (Five) B. Backlog Vacancies under various departments. Year 2016 I. Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) under School Education Department. 41 Mathematics 1 (One) 42 Physics 1 (One) C. Backlog Vacancies under various departments. Year 2018 I. Assistant Professor under Higher Education Department. 43 Geology 1 (One) 44 History 1 (One) 45 Physics 2 (Two) 46 Mathematics (for PG Program) 1 (One) II. Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) under School Education Department 47 Hindi 1 (One) D. Backlog Vacancies under various departments. Year 2019 I. Assistant Professor under Higher Education Department. 48 History 1 (One) 49 Education 2 (Two) 50 Psychology 1 (One) 51 Hindi 1 ( One) 52 Environmental Science 2 (Two) 53 Botany 1 ( One) 54 English 1 (One) 55 Commerce 1 (One) 56 Librarian 2 (Two) 57 Statistics 1 (One) II. Assistant Professor (College of Teachers Education) under Higher Education Department. 58 Psychology (Childhood Studies) 1 (One) 59 Perspective in Education (Philosophy) 1 (One) 60 Perspective in Education (Social Science) 1 (One) III. Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) under School Education Department. 61 Computer Science 1 (One) IV. Research Associate (RA) under SCERT 62 Psychology 1(One) N.B: Other necessary information and details are available on the Commission’s Website (JOHN
SANGTAM), NCS Secretary, Nagaland Public Service Commission, Nagaland, KohimaDC-1140/22 DB -1134/22
A blot on the region
What the chairperson of the National Commis sion for Women(NCW) Rakha Sharma had said at Shillong on how girls from the north east are sold dreams of good money and good life in big cities only to eventually end up in the flesh trade as call girls, prostitutes etc. This is not a new revela tion and every time the issue is highlighted with new cases, it only serves to add salt to injury. Because of such cases including the dress and lifestyles of youths from the region, it has led to prejudice in metro cities against people from the region. The chairperson of the NCW had highlighted the urgent need for the states in the region to seriously combat human trafficking in the region. What the chairperson also informed was that those involved in trafficking girls from the region to metro cities, are well connected and also have very efficient network for procuring females. The other aspect which the chairperson NCW noted is that the state police forces in the region have to be sensitized about the matter. Perhaps this would need well trained and motivated, mobile and well equipped special antitrafficking units. These units of various north eastern states also have to effectively collaborate against the crafty criminals prowling across towns and villages in the north east. The obvious target for traffickers are gullible girls, young women especially from the poor economic backgrounds. In the past, girls and women from Nepal used to be the most trafficked lot and who land up in brothels or as domestic servants. It would seem that today the girls and women from the north west are becoming the target of traffickers. Girls from the north east are also much in demand in beauty parlours which become the source of exploitation. The other is the mushrooming massage parlours or spas which provide innocuous fronts for many girls who choose to be deluded that they were in a lucra tive job but ignoring the likely possibility that it was just a step from sex trade. These girls are generally duped / coerced into the commercial sex trade by illintentioned employers. Perhaps most of those girls involved, whether knowingly or not, may not like to call themselves ‘prostitutes’ but their activities do not disprove the nomenclature. It was also reported sometime in 2011, that some girls from Nagaland were caught in a so-called spa run by some foreigners in Chennai. Networking was one of the means where a girl would entice her friend with placement in the city. The newcomer would be given a good holiday time to see the good side of city life. Gradually the newcomer would be tempted with a job in the spa with good money but eventually the good money had to be earned through prostitution. With regard to Nagaland, it would be suggested that all those who go to cities register themselves at state guest houses or respective church or unions detailing their purpose of being in that city etc. The driving factor for many who go to cities is to look for jobs but unfortunately, they are underpaid and overworked. The NGOs involved in trafficking including the church and state government should seriously look into this issue to take remedial measures and prevent the ensnaring of the gullible into the hands of criminals.
The Awareness of the Call
…for necessity is laid upon me; yes, woe is me if I do not preach the gospel! —1 Corinthians 9:16
We are inclined to forget the deeply spiritual and supernatural touch of God. If you are able to tell exactly where you were when you received the call of God and can explain all about it, I question whether you have truly been called. The call of God does not come like that; it is much more supernatural. The realization of the call in a person’s life may come like a clap of thunder or it may dawn gradually. But however quickly or slowly this awareness comes, it is always accompanied with an undercurrent of the supernatural— something that is inexpressible and produces a “glow.” At any moment the sudden aware ness of this incalculable, supernatural, surprising call that has taken hold of your life may break through— “I chose you…” (John 15:16). The call of God has nothing to do with salvation and sanctification. You are not called to preach the gospel because you are sanctified; the call to preach the gospel is infinitely different. Paul describes it as a compulsion that was placed upon him.
If you have ignored, and thereby removed, the great supernatural call of God in your life, take a re view of your circumstances. See where you have put your own ideas of service or your particular abilities ahead of the call of God. Paul said, “…woe is me if I do not preach the gospel!” He had become aware of the call of God, and his compulsion to “preach the gospel” was so strong that nothing else was any longer even a competitor for his strength.
If a man or woman is called of God, it doesn’t matter how difficult the circumstances may be. God orchestrates every force at work for His purpose in the end. If you will agree with God’s purpose, He will bring not only your conscious level but also all the deeper levels of your life, which you yourself cannot reach, into perfect harmony.
~ Kin Hubbard
Equal opportunity in public employment
To promote “equal ity” let us reminds with a quotation given by Aristotle – “In justice arises when equals are treated unequally and also when unequal are treated equally”. Article 16 of the Constitution of India states that there shall be equality of opportunity for all citizens in matters relating to employment or appointment to any office under the state. Several associations especially the eligible candidates fights for equal opportunity as they were mostly deprived of their rights to sit for open competition as ad vertisement were rarely seen. In Nagaland it is very disheartening to learn from these aggrieved candidates that many of them didn’t get a chance to participate in open competition just the fact that the depart ments don’t requisite the vacant post to Nagaland Public Service Commis sion (NPSC) and many of these posts were occu pied through backdoor ap pointment. It came to light through RTI that a good number of posts were yet to send it to NPSC for the conduct of open competi tion and few hundred posts were occupied through backdoor appointment in almost all the departments under the Govt. of Naga land. Supreme Court of India remarked that the cases of backdoor appoint
ment are disgusting. The entry of these appointees into the service having been achieved back door cannot acquire any right and so regularisation of their serves would amount negating the prescribed procedure at the cost of Article 14 & 16 of the Constitution of India and even the Cabinet decision in exercise of power under 162 of Indian Constitu tion of such regularisation is still liable to be struck down. Public employment involves corruption such as; i) abuse of power – us ing position or status to discriminate somebody or gain something from that person. ii) nepotism – giving jobs to relatives and family members. iii) favoritism – giving unfair opportunity to friends, awarded contract works or supplies in table tender to own choice of people.
iv) extortion – obtained by force, threats or unfair means. v) bribery – taking money to give people’s job, profession, treatment or dishonestly persuade someone for help through cash. Selling government jobs, etc. vi) embezzle ment – stealing money or resources that is under one’s control. vii) fraud – making false claims for benefits, etc.
To ensure equal op portunity in public employ ment let us first questioned as to whether the state
government adhered to Article 14 & 16 of the Constitution of India in the process of public employ ment by way of issuing advertisement inviting ap plications from all eligible candidates and holds a proper selection where all eligible candidates get a fair chance to compete?. Secondly, whether NPSC has constituted by a body of sufficient experts and its members are fair and impartial while holding the selection process through written examination & interview maintaining proportionate/reasonable ratio of total markings of written and interview?. Any appointment made without advertisement and without inviting applica tions from open market is backdoor appointment/ irregular and amounts to infringement of Article 14 & 16 of Indian Con stitution.
The fight against back door appointment is to mete out justice by ensur ing “Equality of appoint ment in matters of public employment” enshrined as a fundamental right in Article 16 of Indian Constitution to the many educated/meritorious/ qualified/unemployed youths so as to bring about a positive change in public administration and achieve the goals/ideals laid down in the Constitution. It is also the fight against all
those employed who have been appointed/recruited in various departments of the Govt. of Nagaland bypassing the Constitu tional schemes of public employment through the modus operandi of illegal, backdoor, contractual, ad hoc, casual, temporary, deputation, irregular, etc, modes of appointment in collusion between the bureaucrats and the politi cians. The Govt. of Naga land O.M ,NO. AR-3/Gen179/2007(Pt) dated 13th January 2010 on the subject – “irregular appointment of Govt. servants by some appointing authorities” reveals the naked truth about the most unethical ‘department ethics’ that has taken a stranglehold on governance in the State which is stated as follows –“It has come to the notice of the Government that a number of unauthorised appointments have been made by certain Heads of Departments on the eve of their retirements without following the pre scribed procedure. Now, the Government has taken a decision that all those irregular appointments made by them should be immediately cancelled by the concerned Administra tive Heads of Depts. And also criminal prosecution of the guilty officials be taken up by filing an FIR in the Vigilance Commis sion (now Nagaland Loka
yukta) and all payments of pensioner benefits should be withheld till criminal case is disposed off”.
The apex court of the country reported in several case such as; (a) “regularization is not and cannot be the mode of recruitment by any State”.....“regularization cannot give permanence to an employee whose servic es are ad hoc in nature” (b)
“The appointment to any post under the State can only be made after a proper advertisement has been made inviting applications from eligible candidates and holding of selection by a body of experts or a specially constituted com mittee whose members are fair and impartial through a written examination or interview or some other rational criteria for judg ing the inter se merit of candidates who have ap plied in response to the advertisements made ...”.
“Any regular appointment made in a post under the State or Union without issuing advertisement in viting applications from eligible candidates and without holding a proper selection where all eligible candidates get a fair chance to compete would violate the guarantee enshrined under Article 16 of the Constitution”.
The entry of any ap pointees into the service having been achieved
through back door can not acquire any right and so regularization of their services would amounts negating the prescribed procedure at the cost of Article 14 and 16 of the Constitution to circumvent the procedure prescribed under a statutory rule would be contrary to the constitutional mandate. It is the established law that no regularization is permis sible on the strength of a Cabinet decision adopted in exercise of power under Article 162 of the Consti tution of India and conse quently such regularization is liable to be struck down. The adherence to Article 14 and 16 of the Constitu tion is a must in the process of public employment.
Recently the Madras High Court asked the state government to stop regular izing back door appoint ment in government jobs stating regularizing back door entry in public servic es violates the fundamental rights of those inspiring for public employment especially rural and semiurban citizens and ordered the State Government to immediately stop back door appointment in public services in order to ensure that equal opportunity is provided to all eligible candidates through open competitive process.
Kezhokhoto Savi Advocate & Social Activist
Who should control Assam Rifles—MoD or MHA?
It would be erroneous to as sume that the Army is no longer responsible for NE counter-insurgency and that the DG of Assam Rifles has taken over the entire responsibility.
The oldest Insurgencies in India originated in the mid-1950s in the Northeastern states of Na galand, Manipur, and Mizoram. It later spread to Assam, Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh, and Megha laya. Among the central forces, the Army and the Assam Rifles have borne the burden of coun terinsurgency that has varied in intensity and geographic spread over nearly seven decades. So, it is heartening to note that im provement in the political and operational environment due to the waning of insurgency in the Northeast has facilitated a noteworthy reduction in the counterinsurgency role of the Army. Its previous role is being carried out mostly by the Assam Rifles now, freeing the Army to concentrate on the growing threat from China.
The reduced role notwith standing, it would be erroneous to assume that the Army under the Ministry of Defence (MoD) is no longer responsible for coun ter-insurgency in the Northeast and the Director General (DG) of Assam Rifles with 46 bat talions has taken over the entire responsibility. The truth is that the DG only has administrative
responsibility and reports to the Home Secretary in the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), which exercises administrative control. The operational responsibility re mains with the Army and Assam Rifles battalions, brigades, and headquarters of the Inspector General Assam Rifles (IGAR) North and South function under their operational control.
The duality in command and control of the Assam Rifles between the MoD and MHA en dures and is still the main issue. It must be tackled to not only optimise counter-insurgency ef forts and its border-guarding role on the India-Myanmar Border, but more importantly, to utilise the considerable resources of the Assam Rifles to supplement the Army’s primary role against the threat from China. It is a task that has remained unaddressed because the MHA and MoD have been unable to resolve their dif ferences that in many ways have regrettably been played out as a turf battle.
Who should control the Assam Rifles?
The Assam Rifles is also responsible for guarding the 1,643-km India-Myanmar Border (IMB), where it has approxi mately one-third of its battalions deployed. The differences of opinion between the MHA and MoD regarding tactical deploy ment on the IMB have persisted
and several proposals, including handing over the IMB to the Border Security Forces (BSF), have been put forth. Most of the proposals reveal underlying turf battles. Though long overdue, the Chinese threat must now act as the driver that forces a decision to resolve the dual control problem over the Assam Rifles.
So, where do the national interests lie in the case of who controls the Assam Rifles?
Considering the contempo rary geopolitical and strategic environment, especially on the northern borders, the Northeast ern states, and Myanmar, the primary and major threat is from China. It can also be imagined as flowing across the IMB to India through proxies by China that may not be so active now but are still located in the vicinity of the IMB and could be energised to carry out cross-border activities in cahoots with insurgent ele ments in India. The Chinese threat may take different forms, but the point to note is that it is orchestrated by a single entity, the Chinese Communist Party, now under the authoritarian leadership of Xi Jinping.
It is axiomatic that only one ministry must be the lead in dealing with the China threat. Considering the range of threats that envelops territorial defence, counterinsurgency and guarding the IMB, the MoD is the natural
Impact of transport and traffic management on quality of life
The initiative being taken by the Regional Transport Authority (RTA) Kohima and District Administration Kohima on streamlining of vehicular Traffic and Transport ser vices which was widely pub lished in the media (22nd September 2022) is laudable and can indeed be termed as a big leap forward. From among the many positive out come such as easing of traf fic, the benefits that would accrue would be as follows;
1. Putting to produc tive use, the ISBT Kohima which was once seen as an epitome of wasteful and infructuous expenditure out of States Exchequer.
2. Help the public transporters (Passenger and Goods) earn more as a consequence of higher frequency of trips per day.
3. Speed up move ment of goods and services which invariably is an in dicator towards achieving economic growth.
4. Overall growth of general populace of Kohima through saving of time and money, increased devel opmental activities, better health through reduced ve hicular pollution and reduc tion of stress related health issues caused by vehicular traffic jam.
5. Help in deconges tion of Kohima Town and
bring about balance in de velopment by spreading out to areas which were once considered as outskirt or remote. While committing to extend our fullest coop eration, we eagerly look forward to the D-day (1st of October 2022) where the work of noble initiative will be on display. It is also our sincere wish that ANTA, Kohima shall endeavour to shoulder the responsibilities reposed upon them by the Government with dedica tion and provide the best of services to the public.
M. Kayina Lerie Colony Kohima
choice that can orchestrate and exploit resources optimally and provide political guidance for cre ating security assets and applying them when required. Currently, the planning and executing func tions of the Assam Rifles are split. Since the paramilitary force is under the administrative control of MHA, it decides the budget allocation and its future structure. Comparative budget ary allocation by the MHA in the last five years indicates that while the budget of various Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) increased in the range of 31-48 per cent, the Assam Rifles budget only increased by 20 per cent. It is obvious that the officers in the MHA are indifferent to the operational needs of the Assam Rifles. This can only be rectified if the DGAR is brought under the Army and the MoD.
National Security Council must step in The Assam Rifles has been led by Army officers since 1884. It has also participated in both the World Wars, the 1962, 1965 and 1971 Wars. It has been a part of Operation Pawan in Sri Lanka and counterinsurgency operations in Jammu and Kash mir. In any future India-China conflict, the Assam Rifles could be expected to play an important role. Operational planning and preparations would, therefore, incorporate the force—the fact
that it is led by Army officers is a major positive factor in carrying out such roles.
Even when the duality prob lem is resolved and the Assam Rifles comes under complete control of the MoD, it is neces sary to assign operational re sponsibility to DGAR and place it under the Eastern Command. This would require additional resources for the HQ to fulfil the functions of operations. It is only when this is done that one can say that the Army has been fully relieved of its counter-insurgency duties in the Northeast.
The resolution of the dual control issue must no longer be left to the MoD and MHA to resolve. It must instead be shep herded by the National Security Council using the institutional structure of the National Secu rity Council Secretariat (NSCS). This is so because the NSCS is created to resolve precisely such issues because its perspective is expected to be free of narrow ministerial interests and can therefore objectively support national interest.
Lt Gen (Dr) Prakash Menon (retd) is Director, Strategic Studies Programme, Tak shashila Institution; former military adviser, National Security Council Secretariat. He tweets @prakashmenon51. (Views are personal).
Will cleanliness drives be effective in the long run?
So many programmes are being undertaken under cleanliness cam paigns, which we see on papers and social media every day.
The campaigns are aiming to rein force the concept of sanitation, but as the economic growth accelerates, the garbage problem will only get bigger, unless immediate solutions are found to delink growth from garbage generation. Very soon, cities and towns will run out of land on which to dump wastes and wastes will be thrown in backyards of smaller towns, suburbs and villages.
When PM Modi launched Swachh Bharat Mission, the hope was that it would serve as India’s trigger, but years down the line, not much has changed.
South Korea has one of the world’s most sophisticated waste management systems, and has been hugely successful in decoupling the link between economic growth and waste generation.
In the face of accelerating waste generation, South Korea implemented
a volume-based waste fee system—a paradigm shift focused on controlling waste generation and achieving maximum rates of recycling while raising additional resources to finance waste management.
By the late 1980s, in the face of ac celerating waste generation, South Korea implemented a volume-based waste fee system—a paradigm shift focused on controlling waste generation and achiev ing maximum rates of recycling while raising additional resources to finance waste management.
Landfill recovery projects such as the Nanjido recovery project carried out by Seoul metropolitan government have also successfully transformed hazardous waste sites into sustainable ecological attraction and today, the Nanjido site welcomes 10 million visitors a year and saves $600,000 a year by providing landfill gas to be used as boiler fuel. Perhaps, we can learn something.
Rongsen Imchen Shillong
Reader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the columns do not reflect the view of this newspaper nor that of the Editor in any manner.
The hardest thing is to take less when you can get more.
Centre ‘using’ Gov to target non-BJP govts: Rahul
GUDALUR (TN), SEP 29 (PTI): Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Thurs day accused the Narendra Modi-led government at the Centre of ‘using’ the offices of the Governors to target the non-BJP ruled States in the country and claimed that it was pursuing its agenda of thrusting one-nation, one language policy on the country.
Gandhi, who entered the State from Kerala, nearly 22 days after launching the ‘Bharat Jodo Yatra’ from Kanyakumari, alleged that Governors were being used to “topple” the opposition ruled States.
“Why should Gover nors have right to interfere in opposition ruled States? Are they elected by the people?” he asked while addressing a mammoth rally here this evening.
The DMK government in Tamil Nadu has been at loggerheads with Governor R N Ravi over several issues, including its Anti-NEET bill, seeking to exempt the state’s students from the
ambit of the entrance test.
“Have the people el evated them to the Guber natorial position? What right do the BJP and RSS have to topple government after government, which is duly elected by the people?” he asked.
Also, Gandhi claimed that the Centre had no right to hold back the State’s share of the GST and that the sum should be given to States at the right time.
“States should be part ners (of administration) and
Central government should hold the States in partner ship. But the Centre wants to impose one language, one culture for the entire nation. We want unity but at the same time we should respect di versity of languages, cul tures and religions,” Rahul, who halted his speech for a brief while after hearing the evening prayers from a local mosque, said.
He accused the BJP-led government of spreading hatred, violence and anger
2 blasts in buses in Jammu in 9 hours
people sustained minor in juries but are now out of danger”.
He said the other blast that took place in the old bus stand area.
Singh said the nature of the blasts was being ascer tained, adding probe is being done on various angles.
“The origin of both buses is same (from Bas antgarh-Ramnagar area of Udhampur). There is simi lar class of blast according to initial examination,” he said.
among the people and said the Congress would not allow this to happen nor would the party allow any disrespect to any State or language.
During his interaction with businessmen during the yatra, he was told that the Centre’s policies, especially the demonetisation and GST were “disastrous” for the people. “The GST made the lives of businessmen more complicated,” Rahul Gandhi, said after conclud ing his 18-day long Kerala leg of the Bharat Jodo Yatra.
Praising the beauty of Gudalur in Nilgiris district, Gandhi said his sister, who built a house in Shimla used to describe its natural beauty. “Today, I told her that she has not yet seen the hill town of Gudalur.”
The Congress leader entered Tamil Nadu through this town enroute his cam paign to Karnataka on Sep tember 30. He was joined by scores of party workers and volunteers in this town in the hilly Nilgiris district.
resumes at Gudalur, Tamil Nadu. Shri@RahulGandhi along with yatries will carry on their relentless journey toward an India that is free and prospering,” the Tamil Nadu Congress Committee (TNCC) said in a tweet.
Later, addressing a press meet here, Congress National Spokesperson Jai ram Ramesh said, Rahul Gandhi has assured to take up the problems of small tea growers and Sri Lankan repatriates with Chief Min ister M K Stalin.
Ramesh also claimed that the Bharat Jodo Yatra led by Gandhi has worried the BJP, which was doing its best to ‘damage’ and ‘disrupt’ it.
Rahul Gandhi had launched his 3,500 km, 150day campaign from Tamil Nadu’s Kanyakumari on September 7.
The Karnataka leg of the Bharat Jodo Yatra will begin on Friday, with the march led by Rahul Gandhi entering the state via Gund lupet in Chamarajanagar district.
Akhilesh elected SP chief again
LUCKNOW, SEP 29 (PTI): Elected as Samajwadi Party president for a third term, Akhilesh Yadav Thursday asked party workers to bring together the followers of Dalit icon Bhimrao Ambed kar and socialist leader Ram Manohar Lohia, and make the SP a national party.
Yadav (49), who in his fresh term will lead the party in the 2024 Lok Sabha polls and the 2027 Uttar Pradesh elections, said his father and SP founder Mu layam Singh Yadav always wanted the SP to become a national party.
A party has to fulfill any of the three criteria to be declared a national party: winning two per cent of seats in the Lok Sabha (11 seats) from at least three different states in the latest polls, winning six per cent of the total valid votes in at least four states in an election to LS or a legisla tive assembly, in addition to winning four Lok Sabha seats; or being recognized as a state party in at least four states.
‘Will not allow walkover’: Omar Abdullah’s Party MP on Art 370
tity and culture, legally and democratically,” NC MP Hasnain Masoodi said.
Masoodi was speak ing in an interactive ses sion with legal experts and lawyers.
SR INA GAR, SEP 29 (AGENCIES): The Na tional Conference on Thursday said it will not allow a walkover on Article 370 abrogated by the Cen tre in August 2019 and as serted the fight against the attempts aimed at denuding Jammu and Kashmir of its unique identity and culture would continue, reports NDTV.
The party said the Centre’s August 5 move cannot stand judicial scru tiny “We will not allow a walkover on Articles 370 and 35-A. We will continue our fight against the at tempts aimed at denuding J-K of its uniq ue iden
Interacting with func tionaries and legal lumi naries associated with the party, Mr Masoodi said Ar ticle 370 is not only part of the Constitution of India, but part of the federalism that is the basic structure of the Constitution.
“August 5 (2019) move of the Centre cannot stand the judicial scrutiny. It was also a massive assault on the Constitution. It under mined the asymmetric fed eralism and diversity of the country. Assault on Article 370 and 35-A is certainly an all out attack on a country’s diversity,” he said.
Pointing out to the rul ings made by the Supreme Court and the J-K high Court from time to time, Mr Masoodi said the provi sions had acquired a state of permanence.
PFI must deposit Rs 5.2cr with govt for violence: Kerala HC
The Kerala High Court on Thursday directed banned outfit PFI and its ex-state general secretary to deposit Rs 5.2 crores with the Home Department towards damag es estimated by the KSRTC and the state government in connection with the hartalrelated violence on Septem ber 23, saying they must be held accountable for it.
SEP 29 (PTI): Suspected terrorists triggered a blast in a parked bus in Jammu and Kashmir’s Udhampur early Thursday, nine hours after a similar explosion took place in the city but there was no casualty, police said.
Additional Director General of Police (ADGP) Jammu region Mukesh Singh visited both the sites and said high explosives might have been used in carrying out the blasts which were of the same pattern.
“Initial examination points towards use of high explosives,” he said, add ing probe is on to ascertain whether it was the handi work of terror modules.
The roof and the back
side of the bus were blown away by the blast that oc curred around 5.30 am but no one was injured, police said.
The explosions took place days ahead of the visit of Union Home Minister Amit Shah from October 4. He was supposed to em bark on a three-day visit to Jammu and Kashmir on September 30 and hold pub lic meetings in Rajouri on October 1 and Baramulla on October 2. However, the visit was rescheduled.
Speaking to reporters at the site of blast in Udham pur, ADGP Singh said the “first explosion took place on a parked bus around 10:30 pm on Wednesday near a petrol pump. Two
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He said various teams are working on the case including the army’s bomb disposal squad.
Police said the bus came from Basantgarh area of the district and was on night halt at the Udhampur bus stand. It was schedule to leave for Basantgarh in the morning. The top por tion and backside of the bus (JK14C-3636) were blown up due to impact of the blast.
DIG Udhampur-Reasi range Suleman Choudary said there was damage to two to three buses in the blasts. He said the nature of explosives used and other things are under investiga tion, adding terror angle cannot be ruled out.
Expressing concern that the state administration “did virtually nothing to prevent the hartal organisers from going ahead with their illegal demonstrations and incidental road blockages” despite a 2019 HC order against it, the court said Ab dul Sathar, ex-state general secretary of PFI, be made an accused in all the hartalviolence related cases.
A bench of Justices A K Jayasankaran Nambiar and Mohammed Nias C P also directed that when con sidering bail pleas in those cases, magisterial and ses sions courts should impose a condition which insists upon payment of the amount quantified towards damage/ destruction of property by the accused for grant of any relief to them. “Citizens of the state cannot be made to live in fear solely because
they do not have the orga nized might of the persons or political parties at whose instance such violent acts are perpetrated,” the court said.
It further said that me dia reports revealed that the police force played only a passive role in dealing with the situation on September 23 till the court intervened on that date.
“An effective compli ance with our earlier order dated January 7, 2019 would have necessitated the state administration to ensure that no public procession, gather ing or demonstration took place in the state if the same was in connection with a call for a flash hartal,” the bench
said. It also said that the Popular Front of India (PFI) and Sathar “cannot feign ignorance” of their constitu tional obligations, especially
Christian Higher Secondary School Dimapur NotICe
All the Repeaters / Centre Repeaters of Class 10 and 12 (HSLC/ HSSLC) appearing from Christian Hr. Sec. School Dimapur are to report to the School office after filling up of Individual application form (IAF) in NBSE portal ( along with Examination fee and print copy of reference number.
Class 10 on or before 11th October 2022.
Class 12 on or before 24th October 2022.
Candidates may contact School office for necessary information during School hours (8:00 AM to 2:00 PM).
Sd /-
Principal Christian Hr. Sec. School Dimapur dc-1141/22
when they claim to represent members of a pluralistic society. It fixed them with the financial liability, saying that their action of inciting
their supporters and goading them into violent acts on the hartal day “cannot be legally countenanced”.
“They must be held re sponsible and made account able for their illegal actions,” the bench said and directed them to deposit the amount within two weeks.
On failure to deposit the amount within the stipu lated time, the state govern ment shall take immediate steps under the Revenue Recovery Act to proceed against the assets/properties of PFI, the personal assets of its office bearers, includ ing Sathar, for realisation of the Rs 5.2 crores, the court directed.
Job Vacancy (Urgent Requirement)
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General Secretary of PFI, Abdul Sattar, being produced in NIA Court following his arrest, in Kochi, Thursday. (PTI)
Police inspect the site of the bomb explosion at a bus stand in Udhampur, Thursday. (PTI)
Rahul Gandhi with party workers during the last leg of Bharat Jodo Yatra in Kerala, Thursday. (PTI)
Hasnain Masoodi
dp-4203/22 dc-1130/22
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Innovation key for many things: FM
BENGALURU, SEP 29 (PTI): Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Thursday said innovation is going to be key factor in making India a developed nation by 2047, as she highlighted the immense potential of digitalisation in achieving this.
She also said that if the same momentum that was seen through COVID-19 and immediately after that continues, and if all countrymen put their efforts together, building India as a developed economy by 2047 should not be difficult.
“Innovation is going to be the key for many things that we can do between now and 2047. It is because of the innovation, the solutions which we have for very many of the festering problems of this economy, we can achieve that desired developed economy status,” Sitharaman said.
Also highlighting the emphasis that is being laid on further digitalisation, whether into medical
services, education and Software as a service (SaaS), she said there is immense potential to take it up further.
The Finance Minister was addressing the 105th Annual General Meeting of Federation of Karnataka Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FKCCI) here.
Noting that India went through the pandemic with of course sufferings, but succeeded in keeping itself steady and businesses came out of it, the Minister said, “We have lots more to do, I’m not saying that we have succeeded in achieving everything that we want, but we have come out.”
“There is more assistance needed by some sections, we are attending to them, as and when we hear from them.”
Pointing out that even developed world has suffered and the countries belonging to the developed world are suffering on many parameters, whether it is inflation management, giving access to vaccination to the needy, reaching out to the poorest of poor, Sitharaman said, “you will find that different countries have had experiences, very different from what India has had.”
She said, India, despite
being a large country with huge population and different access with respect to road or any other parameter, because of the technological revolution of sorts that happened much before the pandemic there was access to technology to provide relief, reach people and for the transparent process.
For a country that is described as an emerging market, and is still referred to as a developing economy, the achievements of India through the vaccination, through the relief which was provided for the people, through the way we have reached out to small and medium businesses, stand out in comparison to the rest of the world, she added.
The Minister further said, targeted reaching out of help, relief provision and fiscal remedies have all paid off in such a way that it is now noticeable by everybody and it is also showing on the Indian people’s own confidence level.
Empowered women are powerful tool: Gov
(From p-1)
Mukhi commended the teachers of PWC for their efforts in empowering women by imparting quality education and raising their capacity to contribute to the society. “The true fruit is when we see empowered, intelligent women with good values and ethics stepping out, confident and ready to face the challenges and make their mark in the world,” he said.
He pointed out effective education system was defined as one that prepared youth to navigate the journey of life meaningfully.
In this regard, he said schools constituted basic pillars of educational edifice of a nation, adding that if school education system was stronger, greater was the prospect of progress of a country. He spoke on the necessity of schools to impart good education and make students understand worthiness of discipline, integrity and doing their work with dedication.
Speaking on the theme “Knowledge with Dignity”, the governor opined that it was something that required more focus.
“Education is more than
honorary degrees and diplomas. It is the sum total of knowledge, skills, attitudes, principles and values that you acquire over the course of your lifetime. The primary objective of our educational system has to imbue receptive minds with wholesome habits, philosophies and practices, integrity, honesty, decency, respect, compassion and a zeal for hard work, if we are to have any chance of producing individuals that we want and need to lead this country into the future,” he elaborated.
He called for absorbing and quickly comprehending streams of information, use that information to solve new and unique problems, and present the solutions in an innovative and effective way in a rapidly changing and a technologically-driven world.
Earlier, the programme was chaired by assistant professor Themneingah Hanneng, while introductory speech was given by PWC joint secretary Swami Chinmayanandajee Maharaj and welcome address delivered by college principal Dr Santosh Kumar.
The college authorities also
felicitated C-Edge College principal Dr Chubatola Aier, who delivered a brief message and encouraged students. A short speech on behalf of seniors was delivered by PWC Students’ Union president RL Velune, while speeches on behalf of juniors were delivered by Analika T Zhimomi and Yinglichumei S. The vote of thanks was offered by assistant professor Themneingah Hanneng.
Highlights of the programme included welcome song by students of PWC and a special number by Like Kenny.
Meanwhile, Mukhi presented Governor’s Award (Syama Prasad Mukherjee Award) to K Neeha Chanu (Commerce stream) for Academic Excellence, Governor’s Award (Kamla Devi Chattopadhyay) to Sushmita Deb in the field of Social Responsibility, Governor’s Award (Deen Dayal Upadhyaya) to Sharmila Sharma (Arts stream) in the field of extracurricular activities and Best Library User Award to Phalneikim, BA fifth semester student on the occasion. He also released college magazine “Pranab Vision”.
(From p-1)
asks churches to
He maintained that NBCC Executive Committee could also take up with the associations to establish rehab centres to be managed by the associations.
He said associations must constitute a team of volunteers to respond to the issue and prepare sermons on drug addiction or dependency, besides starting a mental health ministry involving professional counsellors.
Further, Chishi suggested that the associations could also start industrial skill development programmes for the drug dependents for self-sustenance.
In his address, State Mental Health Institute Kohima’s senior medical officer Dr Viketoulie Pienyu said sunflower was a street name of heroin that came in a cheaper form.
Dr Viketoulie mentioned that sunflower reactions remained for about four to five hours.
Despite Nagaland Liquor
(Total Prohibition) Act 1989 being enforced in the State, he lamented that alcohol was available openly and even socially accepted in the State.
But Dr Viketoulie cautioned that alcohol posed greater danger than sunflower that needed to be addressed.
He maintained the reason for the high rise of drug users in Nagaland was because the work culture here was very poor and focused more on leisure time, which led to youngsters engaging mostly in substance abuse.
Participating in the discussion, Western Sümi Baptist Akukuhou Küqhakulu (WSBAK) youth secretary K Nifato Chishi observed that the church could intervene through preventive activities and sensitising the society on the illeffects of drugs.
Nifato Chishi said the church should also work on how to support those who are dependent on drugs and also do away with social stigmatisation, while urging the
Everyone living in India is a ‘Sanatani’: Along
(From p-1)
Bharatiya. So today you are also Christian. I too I am a Christian, but then we are all one as Indians and we are all Bharatiyas.”
Asked if the RSS chief statement would affect the poll prospects of the BJP in Meghalaya and Nagaland which are going to polls early next year, Along asked, “Why would it affect? No Christians are being converted to Hinduism, No Hindus are getting converted to Christian. Why does the press always want to bring the issue of religion everywhere as an injunction?
“The press should always promote harmony, tribal harmony, caste harmony, religious harmony also. We should not forget whichever faith we may practice today we are all Indians and that is something if you want to bring something that someone has said like this or like that you should have asked the most respected sangcharlak on
the background of why he had said that,” Along said.
Earlier, during the programme Along asked the gathering if any foreigner was present in the audience. Getting no response, he raised the slogan “Bharat Mata ki” to which the students said “Jai”.
Urging the students to be “inclusive in diversity,” Along said, “The weakest aspect of us, we want to be inclusive in our narrowness. I know, even in Meghalaya, we have problems of the tribals and the non-tribals as well as amongst the tribals. The biggest problem with all of us is we want to say we are Indians but we don’t want to say we are Bhartiyas because that language comes in Hindi.”
“Each of our identities is unique, but that cannot be taken into exclusiveness... diversity should lead us to inclusiveness only than a nation would survive,” the minister noted, and urged the students to be “proud of their roots”.
ANATG on indefinite hunger strike
(From p-1)
He also disclosed that the indefinite fast would commence by Thursday evening and logistics and venue and that the next course of action will also be decided.
Ozukuüm informed that since ANATG members included pregnant women, nursing mothers and some with health conditions, ANATG 2015 will adopt ways to ensure their wellbeing. According to ANATG members, hundreds have volunteered to take part in the fast.
church to assist NGOs/organizations running rehabilitation centres to uplift the broken souls.
On his part, Konyak Baptist Bumeinok Bangjum (KBBB) youth secretary Wangchah Konyak said the organisation conducted detoxification camps, adding that while sunflower was a new form of drug, the organisation had been dealing with opium users for the past many decades.
On the other hand, Ao Baptist Arogo Mungdang (ABAM) youth secretary Toshi Sanglir said churches should address social stigma and use resources in primary prevention in collaboration with Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and government agencies.
Toshi Sanglir further said that the church should not only work on addressing the problem of drug abuse but alcohol abuse too.
Altogether representatives from 20 associations attended the panel discussion.
6 airbags mandatory in cars by 2023: Gadkari
NEW DELHI, SEP 29 (PTI): The government has deferred the implementation of the proposal to make six airbags mandatory in passenger cars by one year to October 1, 2023, Road Transport and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari said on Thursday.
The government had earlier planned to make six airbags mandatory in eightseater vehicles for enhanced safety of occupants from October 1, 2022.
“Considering the global supply chain constraints being faced by the auto industry and its impact on the macroeconomic scenario, it has been decided to implement the proposal mandating a minimum of 6 Airbags in Passenger Cars (M-1 Category) w.e.f 01st October 2023,” Gadkari said in a tweet.
The minister further asserted that the safety of all passengers travelling in motor vehicles irrespective of their cost and variants is the foremost priority.
An airbag interferes between the driver and the vehicle’s dashboard during a collision, thereby preventing serious injuries.
Earlier this year, the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) in a statement said that in order to enhance the safety of occupants of the motor vehicle against lateral impact, it has been decided to enhance safety features by amending the Central Motor Vehicles Rules (CMVR), 1989. “A draft notification has been issued
on January 14, 2022, which mandates that vehicles of category M1, manufactured after October 1, 2022, shall be fitted with two side/ side torso airbags, one each for the persons occupying front row outboard seating positions, and two side curtain/tube air bags, one each for the persons occupying outboard seating positions,” it had said.
Last year, Gadkari in an interview to PTI had said small cars, mostly purchased by lower middle-class people, should also have an adequate number of airbags and had wondered why automakers are providing eight airbags only in big cars bought by rich people.
His remarks had come against the backdrop of the automobile industry raising concerns that high taxation and stricter safety and emission norms for vehicles have made their products expensive.
Mostly, lower middleclass people buy small economy cars and “if their car won’t have airbags and when accidents happen, then it may result in deaths. So, I appeal to all car manufacturers to provide a minimum of six airbags across all variants and segments of the vehicle,” he had said. According to National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) data, over 1.55 lakh lives were lost in road crashes across India in 2021 -- an average of 426 daily or 18 every single hour -- which is the highest death figures recorded in any calendar year so far.
Nirmala Sitharaman hands over key of an ambulance to an NGO at the 105th AGMF in Bengaluru, Thursday. (PTI)
Land for saLe • Fourlane Touched - 30 pura • Niuland Road Touched • 10+ Puras, Near Nagaland Baptist College Khehokhu No Broker Contact : 8413815281 db-1133/22 LAND
SALE Excellent location for sale at Lotha Colony, Dimapur with dedicated approach road and drainage. Contact : 9863227620 dp-4689/22 LAND FOR SALE 1. Near ADC Court Dimapur (Area available as per Budget) 2. Near Viola Colony (Area available as per Budget) 3. Near Eden Hospital Green Valley Contact : 8732002080 dp-4686/22 LAND FOR SALE at Purana Bazar, Dimapur, between National Highway and Dimapur Hospital Ideal for both Commercial and Apartment Building. Total Area : 15,106 sq. ft. Rs. 1190/- per sq. ft. Contact : 9612170131 dp-4699/22 LAND FOR SALE 1. NEAR ST JOHN SCHOOL ArEA : 5000 sq. ft. 2. INDISEN VILLAGE ArEA : 5000 sq. ft. Contact : 9612292806 8798858580dp-4703/22 LAND FOR SALE at 7th Mile (Tenyiphe) Near ICFAI University Area : 100 x 100 sq. ft. No Brokers Contact : 9019536449 8971323693dp-4710/22 Land for saLe Kohima Near A.T.I Kohima & elsewhere. Road attached. deal directly with the owner Contact: 9366754094 K-2297/22 FOR URGENT SALE resIdenTIaL BUILdInG GoL aGHaT road, dIMaPUr FOR DETAILS, CONTACT : 7085470840 dp -4712/22 Lost Notice I, Tsapila Sangtam am applying for duplicate copy of NU registration Card as I have lost it. Name : Tsapila Sangtam F/Name : Motiumong Sangtam DoB : 02.08.1986 regd. No. : 31043384 of 2006-2007 College : Sao Chang College, Tuensang Contact : 9612111719 dp -7413/22 Wanted Cook cum Helper for a café in Dimapur Contact : 9436810436 9863447951 dp -4715/22 Land For SaLe Near 4 Lane 50 Bighas (12½ Puras) Rs. 130/- Per Sq. Ft (S/Negotiable) Suitable for any type of School, College, Bricks Field, Farming & residential Site Contact : 9362359493 8787702327dp-4716/22 Lost notice I , Sanglakpam Haridev Sharma am applying for duplicate copy of Migration Certificate (NBSE) as I have lost it. Name : Sanglakpam Haridev Sharma F/Name : S. Joykumar Sharma DoB : 06.12.2000 roll No. : 194806285, Year : 2019 (HSSLC) College : Immanuel College, Dimapur Contact : 7085911588
ACROSS 3 Draconian (5) 8 Fact (5) 10 Nun’s outfit (5) 11 For every (3) 12 Wooden peg (5) 13 Drawing (7) 15 Bypass (5) 18 Throw (3) 19 Girl’s name (6) 21 Assembles (7) 22 German man (4) 23 Rebuff (4) 24 Furious (7) 26 Pay back (6) 29 Knowledge (3) 31 Sieves (5) 32 Overdue (7) 34 Teacher (5) 35 Toddler (3) 36 Shout applause (5) 37 Mountain ash (5) 38 Wallow (5) DOWN 1 Long-snouted mammal (5) 2 Thief (7) 4 Particle (4) 5 Large scissors (6) 6 Bisect (5) 7 Timorous (5) 9 Hot drink (3) 12 Expert (3,4) 14 Decompose (3) 16 Upright (2,3) 17 Smears (5) 19 Large wave (7) 20 Scorches (5) 21 Surly (5) 23 Legislator (7) 24 Guarantee (6) 25 Congeal (3) 27 Number (5) 28 Total (5) 30 Iron, for example (5) 32 Skeleton part (4) 33 Haul (3) Crossword No. 10409 Yesterday’s solution No. 10408 Su doku No. 5029 Yesterday’s solution No. 5028 KAKURO No. 4054 Yesterday’s solution No. 4053 8 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2022BUSINESS/STATE
open rehab centres ...
2.5M without power as Ian drenches Florida
ST PETERSBURG (US), SEP 29 (AP): Hurricane Ian left a path of destruc tion in southwest Florida, trapping people in flooded homes, cutting off the only bridge to a barrier island, damaging the roof of a hos pital intensive care unit and knocking out power to 2.5 million people as it dumped rain across the peninsula on Thursday.
One of the strongest hurricanes to ever hit the United States threatened catastrophic flooding around the state.
Ian’s tropical-stormforce winds extended out ward up to 415 miles (665 km), drenching much of Florida and the southeastern Atlantic coast.
Authorities confirmed at least one storm death in Florida. A 72-year-old man was found dead early on Thursday in water in a canal behind his home in Deltona near Daytona Beach, the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office said in a statement.
It said he appeared to be using a hose to drain his pool into the wide canal and fell down an incline that was “extremely soft and slippery due to the heavy rain.”
Another Florida sheriff
said he believed the death toll would be “in the hun dreds.” Lee County Sher iff Carmine Marceno told ABC’s “Good Morning America” that his office was receiving thousands of 911 calls from people needing rescue in the county that includes Fort Myers, but roadways were still impass able and bridges are com promised.
“It crushed us,” Mar ceno said. “We still cannot access many of the people that are in need.” Emer gency crews sawed through toppled trees to reach people in flooded homes, but with
no electricity and virtually no cell service, it was impos sible for many people to call for help from the hardest hit coastal areas where the surge came in.
“Portable towers are on the way for cell service. Chances are your loved ones do not have ability to contact you,” said the sheriff’s office in Collier County, which includes Naples. “We can tell you as daylight reveals the aftermath, it’s going to be a hard day.”
In Lee County, which includes Fort Myers, just south of where Hurricane Ian made landfall, the sher
Russia annexations in Ukraine have ‘no place in modern world: UN chief
Russian President Vladimir Putin will sign documents on Friday pro claiming Russia’s annexa tion of four Ukrainian re gions, as Moscow rushes to lock in territorial claims that the Ukrainian army is threatening to reverse on the battlefield. read more
tory, confirms that Putin is pressing ahead with his war against Ukraine despite suffering a major military reversal this month.
iff’s Office posted a phone number family and friends can call for welfare checks, and said “If the line is busy, keep trying.”
The National Hurri cane Centre said Ian became a tropical storm over land early on Thursday and was expected to regain near-hur ricane strength after emerg ing over Atlantic waters near the Kennedy Space Centre later in the day, with South Carolina in its sights for a second US landfall.
A stretch of the Gulf Coast remained inundated by ocean water, pushed ashore by the massive storm.
“Severe and life-threat ening storm surge inunda tion of 8 to 10 feet above ground level along with destructive waves is ongoing along the southwest Florida coastline from Englewood to Bonita Beach, includ ing Charlotte Harbour,” the Miami-based hurricane centre said.
A chunk of the Sani bel Causeway fell into the sea, cutting off access to the barrier island where 6,300 people normally live.
How many heeded manda tory evacuation orders was impossible to know in the storm’s immediate after
In Port Charlotte, the storm surge flooded a hos pital’s emergency room even as fierce winds ripped away part of the roof from its in tensive care unit, according to a doctor who works there.
Water gushed down onto the ICU, forcing them to evacuate their sickest patients -- some on ventila tors — to other floors, said Dr Birgit Bodine of HCA Florida Fawcett Hospital. Staff members used towels and plastic bins to try to mop up the sodden mess.
The medium-sized hos pital spans four floors, but patients crowded into two because of the damage, and more were expected with people injured from the storm needing help.
“As long as our patients do OK and nobody ends up dying or having a bad out come, that’s what matters,” Bodine said.
Law enforcement of ficials in nearby Fort Myers received calls from people trapped in flooded homes or from worried relatives. Pleas were also posted on social media sites, some with video showing debris-covered wa ter sloshing toward the eaves of their homes.
S. Korean Prez, Kamala Harris share concern over North Korea
SEOUL, SEP 29 (IANS): South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol and visiting US Vice President Kamala Harris on Thursday shared their concern about North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs.
Yoon and Harris met for 85 minutes at the presi dential office and discussed a wide range of issues, in cluding ways to strengthen the bilateral relationship, and key regional and in ternational issues, Yon hap News Agency quoted deputy presidential spokes person Lee Jae-myoung as saying.
“President Yoon and Vice President Harris ex pressed serious concern about North Korea’s recent ballistic missile launches and legalization of its nu clear force policy,” he said at a press briefing, noting Harris reaffirmed the iron clad US commitment to the defence of South Korea.
The two sides also agreed to plan a visit by Yoon to the US next year to mark the 70th anniversary of the alliance.
On the controversy surrounding Yoon and US
President Joe Biden’s meet ings in New York last week, Harris said that Washing ton is not bothered by it at all, according to Lee.
The spokesperson did not elaborate on which controversy Harris was referring to, but it appar ently included the uproar in South Korea over Yoon’s remarks caught on hot mic, which were initially re ported as including vulgar language in reference to US Congress and Biden.
The his the Vice Presi dent’s Harris first visit to South Korea since taking office in January 2021.
The last time a US Vice President visited South Korea was in Feb ruary 2018, when Mike Pence led a delegation to the PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games.
Harris landed in Seoul just hours after North Ko rea fired two short-range ballistic missiles into the East Sea in apparent pro test of an ongoing South Korea-US military exercise involving an American air craft carrier.
The North had also conducted a similar shortrange ballistic missile test on Sunday.
China’s overreaction to Taiwan spells danger to peace SE Asia: US
WASHINGTON/LON DON, SEP 29 (AGEN CIES/IANS): UN Sec retary-General Antonio Guterres condemns Russia’s plans to declare the an nexation of occupied parts of Ukraine, calling it “a dangerous escalation” that “has no place in the modern world.” If Russia moves ahead with its plans to an nex four Ukrainian regions, it would mark a “danger ous escalation” that would jeopardize the prospects for peace in the region, the United Nations SecretaryGeneral said on Thursday.
“Any decision to pro ceed with the annexation of Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions of Ukraine would have no legal value and deserves to be condemned,” SecretaryGeneral Antonio Guterres told reporters.
Three Russian cosmonauts return from Space Station
Three Russian cosmonauts returned safely on Thurs day from a mission to the International Space Sta tion.
The Soyuz MS-21 spacecraft carrying Oleg Artemyev, Denis Mat veyev and Sergey Korsa kov touched down softly at 4:57 pm (1057 GMT) at a designated site in the steppes of Kazakstan about 150 kilometers southeast of the city of Zhezkazgan.
The trio arrived at the station in March.
For Artemyev, the mis sion marked a third space flight that has brought his total time spent in orbit to 561 days.
Matveyev and Korsa kov each logged 195 days on their first missions.
As the Soyuz capsule was descending on a big striped red-and-white para chute under clear skies, Artemyev reported to the Mission Control that all members of the crew were feeling fine.
Helicopters support teams landed minutes after to recover the crew.
The move, one of the legal steps Russia says will lead to formal annexation of 15% of Ukraine’s terri
The annexation, after what Kyiv and Western countries say were pho ny referendums staged at gunpoint on Russian-held Ukrainian territory, has been rejected in the West as an illegal seizure of land captured in war.
Western leaders fear Putin planning huge escalation of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
Western leaders fear that Vladimir Putin is plan ning a huge escalation of Russias faltering invasion of Ukraine with a deadly nuclear strike or an attack on European interests, media reports said.
British and American spies believe there is ‘cred ible intelligence’ to suggest that the Russian President is preparing an attack that will turn the war effort in his favour, after coming to the realisation that the war was ‘a colossal mistake’, Daily Mail reported.
It comes as the US Em bassy in Moscow is urging citizens to flee Russia amid fears that dual nationals could be drafted into its war
efforts, The Mirror reported.
Embassy officials have said Russia may ‘refuse to acknowledge US nationals’ dual citizenship’, deny their access to consular assistance and ‘prevent their departure from Russia’.
The Embassy also warned that leaving Russia has become increasingly difficult with flights filling and Putin’s troops shut ting down borders. Putin is understood to be planning land-grab of four regions said to have voted over whelmingly to join Russia after sham referendums in which residents were marched to the ballot box at gunpoint, Daily Mail reported.
We, the Wopan Ekhung (TLNRNE) with immense pride and joy extend our heartiest congratulations to its esteem members for their promotions and achievements.
1. Mr. N. Nzanbemo Ngullie, S/o Lt. Ntheo Ngullie of Longla Village promoted to Sr. SDEO/Dy. Director, Dept. of School Education Nagaland.
2. Mr. K. Phyodemo Ngullie, S/o Lt. Khungmomo Ngullie of N. Longidang Village promoted to SDEO/Asst. Director, Dept. of School Education Nagaland.
3. Mr. E. Yanthungbemo Ngullie, S/o Lt. Ezokhamo Ngullie of N. Longidang Village promoted to Agriculture Officer (AO), Dept. of Agriculture Nagaland.
4. Er. Yichothung Y Ngullie, S/o Lt. E.Y Ngullie of N. Longidang Village for securing the post of SDO (Civil Engg.) Dept. of Works and Housing through NPSC (CTSE) 2021.
5. Ms. Zubeni N Ngullie, D/o Mr & Mrs Nyanthung Ngullie of Niroyo Village for securing Lecturer DIET, Dept. of SCERT, Nagaland.
The Union sincerely appreciates your achievement and shares the joy and prays that our Almighty God continue to bless you all with many more achievements in the days to come.
Sd/- Sd/-
(Thungjanbemo Ngullie) (H. Orenpomo Ngullie)
Chairman, TLNRNE G/ Secretary, TLNRNE
BEIJING, SEP 29 (PTI): China is endangering peace in Southeast Asia with its “overreaction” to US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, America’s envoy Nicholas Burns said on Thursday, while reiterating that there is no shift in America’s ‘one-China policy’ as al leged by Beijing.
Pelosi visited Taiwan on August 2, becoming the highest-ranking Ameri can official in 25 years to visit the self-ruled island claimed by China, which conducted a series of pro vocative military maneu vers in retaliation for her presence. The US has not shifted its stance on Taiwan and remains committed to the ‘one-China policy’, but Beijing’s “overreaction” to Pelosi’s visit to Taipei risks a peaceful resolution, Burns said.
Burns, who was ap pointed US Ambassador to China in March, said countries in Southeast Asia should also be concerned about China’s aggression in the Taiwan Strait, given its importance as a major
shipping route.
“If anyone has changed policy here, it’s really the People’s Repub lic of China, with their overreaction, for nearly two months now since Speaker Pelosi’s visit,” he said speaking at the Milken Institute Asia Summit in Singapore.
“We’ve had a median line in the Taiwan Strait (separating between China and Taiwan) for 68 years; it has really kept the peace. [China] tries to erase that: they fired missiles over Taiwan into the Japanese economic zone, they simu lated a naval blockade and air blockade,” Burns was quoted as saying by the Hong Kong-based South China Morning Post.
For days, China has launched massive military drills encircling Taiwan, which it regards as a break away province after Pelosi defied Beijing’s warnings and visited the self-ruled island in early August.
It later suspended dia logue with the US on mili tary and climate chan ge matters.
We, Shri. Khupsei and Mrs. Tsuwing, Resident of Samaguri Village, Dimapur hereby tender our unconditional apology for the false claim and baseless allegation thereby tarnishing the good image of Smti. Daan Lam and Lintsuthong Lam. We declare that any matter/issue arises as upon in the near future shall be our responsibility.
Date : 21/09/2022
Place : Samaguri Village, Dimapur
Mrs. Tsuwing
Mr. Khupsei
For its part, China earlier angrily responded to US President Joe Biden’s remarks that the US forces would defend Taiwan if Beijing tries to invade the self-ruled island, saying it will “strive” for the peace ful reunification of Taiwan with “utmost sincerity” but “reserve all options”. Biden said, “Yes”, while replying to a ques tion during an interview about whether US forces, US men and women would defend Taiwan in the event of a Chinese invasion.
Reacting to Biden’s
comments on September 19, Chinese Foreign Min istry spokesperson, Mao Ning, said the US leaders’ remarks seriously violated the ‘one-China policy’ and three joint communiques related to Taiwan.
To achieve the com plete unification of the motherland is the shared aspiration and sacred duty
of all Chinese people, she said.
“We will strive for the prospect of a peaceful reunification with utmost sincerity and efforts. In the meantime, we will not tolerate any activities that are aimed to split China and we reserve all options of taking the necessary measures,” Mao added.
Damages are seen downtown after Hurricane Ian caused widespread destruction in Fort Myers, Florida. (Reuters)
Kamala Harris, left, and South Korea’s President Yoon Suk Yeol hold a bilateral meeting in Seoul Thursday. (AP)
Nicholas Burns
dc-1138/22 Antonio Guterres
wc-228/22 dp-4719/22
dp -4717/22 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 INTERNATIONAL 9 CBC 17221/12/0030/2223
Visual cleanliness prog ‘Swachatta
Hi Seva’ campaign in Zunheboto
to incorporate practicable means of recycling, sanita tion and beautification for a long term. They wish to enunciate the importance of a healthy and sustain able lifestyle during their tenure and after. They aim to utilize the unemployed labour force in the society by creating opportunities through this project. Their goal is to generate employ ment through the field of recycling.
IIFA 2023 to be held in Abu Dhabi next year; Salman Khan, Varun Dhawan to take part
more magic to come next year,” Khan said in a state ment.
Saleh Mohamed AlGeziry, Director Gener al for Tourism at DCT Abu Dhabi, said they are honoured to once again host the IIFA weekend & awards to the Etihad Arena.
“Swachatta Hi Seva” cam paign on September 29.
During the programme, Miss Sumi 2022, Hikali Achumi launched their project “The Silver Vi sion” with the theme “The Silver Vision for a greener progression”.
Speaking at the pro gramme, Hikali Achumi, said that environmentalism is a broad philosophy, ide
ology, and a social move ment regarding concerns for environmental protec tion and improvement of the health of the environ ment.
She added that after a healthy deliberation and a number of meetings, they have summed up their con cerns to work for their so ciety by incorporating the positive impact of changes brought about by humans on the environment. “We envision a healthier envi ronment for a prosperous tomorrow”, she added.
Sanitation and hy giene consultant PHED
Zunheboto, Akai Sumi, while highlighting the “Swachata Hi Seva”, said that it was towards man aging the legacy waste at garbage vulnerable sites in the village.
He added that under the campaign it focuses visual cleanliness in village, cleaning of garbage vulner able sites in the village, community awareness for segregation of waste, keep ing the areas near water bodies clean and doing tree plantation around them, generate awareness about the ill effect of single use plastic and slogan writing
/pledge taking for “no lit tering”.
Aims and objectives of the “Silver Vision” in cludes, reviving the ele ment of beauty in Sumi Land by incorporating eco-friendly means of liv ing in their day-to-day life like upcycling used goods.
It aimed at empowering young minds with the right knowledge on recycling and sanitation. To awaken a sense of responsibility and essence of environmental stewardship in the society as top priority for their vision. The project is ac companied by their vision
Inclusive of the abovestated points, they also aim to inculcate the budding talents of the society by involving schools and col leges in their project. They believed that to achieve the goals of sustainability, they must concentrate on the parts/components viz, Inter-school competitions, mural paintings, Police point beautification, flower pots installation, sanita tion drive, without losing the focus on the overall objectives of cost, time and quality.
The three silver queens as the initiator as well as the ambassadors of “The Silver Vision for a Greener Progression” project bring forward this big vision which is the North Star of its journey.
The other side of afternoon naps
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The International In dian Film Academy (IIFA) on Thursday announced that its upcom ing 23rd edition of IIFA Weekend and Awards will be held in Yas Island, Abu Dhabi, in February 2023.
The film extravaganza will take place in the island of the United Arab Emir ates for the second time in a row.
Noted film person alities including Salman Khan, Varun Dhawan, Karan Johar, and Kriti Sanon are set to be part of the gala event.
IIFA 2023 will be held in collaboration with the Department of Culture and Tourism Abu Dhabi (DCT Abu Dhabi) and Miral, Abu Dhabi’s one of the leading creators of immersive destinations and experiences.
Noreen Khan, Vice
President of IIFA said, after a successful IIFA edi tion at Yas Island they are pleased to bring the new annual gala with much more magic next year.
“IIFA this year was an amazing experience thanks to the wonderful partners Miral and DCT. Coming back after two years we really worked hard to deliver the very best of live entertainment again. The best part was the entire weekend deliv ered a positive experience to everyone who witnessed or experienced the event in any way.
“We have been inun dated with unprecedented appreciation and com ments of everyone who truly has had a wonderful time this year in Abu Dha bi and so we are pleased and excited to bring it all back again but with much
“With the eyes of the world’s film industry upon us, we have an amazing op portunity to share with the world Abu Dhabi’s exciting nightlife, inspiring cultural experiences, and restorative escapes. The awards in February can only enhance our reputation as a global centre for top-tier leisure, entertainment, and busi ness events,” Al-Geziry said.
“We are proud of this partnership, which is al ready delivering valuable business and tourism op portunities from India to the island,” Saeed added.
The organisers will announce the dates of the extravaganza soon.
According to the re lease, people can now buy tickets to the biggest awards ceremony spanning over three days at https://www. from Friday. The price range begins from 100 AED go ing up to 1,500 AED. (PTI)
Although it’s not uncommon to re quire occasional mid-afternoon shuteye to top up energy levels…
An astounding num ber of new patients report it’s impossible to make it through the day without a daily nap. Sometimes they even need two.
Being unable to func tion without napping is like a flashing warning light that your body’s en ergy tank has a troubling leak.
And if ignored, it may result in deep and never-
ending fatigue that kills any desire to do anything or see anyone.
This isn’t just anec dotal either. Several re ports, including one from Harvard University, reveal a link between excessive daily napping and the in creased onset of memory decline, heart problems, and heart issues.
You see, requiring a daily nap may indicate insufficient cellular repair while you sleep at night.
In particular, your cells’ “power plants” aren’t being sufficiently
The Pongching Students' Union (PSU) would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to Mr. Monglong N. Angh, S/o Mr. L. Nyaklei Phom and Mrs. Sojei Phom for successfully clearing the recently declared CTSE 2021 by NPSC as Junior Engineer, (Civil Engg). (Class-II Gazetted) under Works & Housing Department.
The Union further wishes him success in all his future endeavours.
Mr. N. Eshei Chemdok
regenerated. Although napping can help restore your energy levels, it fails to target the root cause of this potentially deadly energy loss.
So whenever my pa tients report crippling daily fatigue, the first thing I recommend is a natural remedy proven to help get their cells’ “power plants” whirring back into action.
My team and I have sourced one of the world’s most elite-ranked nutrients for sustained energy levels
With immense pride and joy, we the Ngangleng Tenth Pongching Village extend our heartiest congratulations to Mr. Monglong N. Angh, S/o Mr. L. Nyaklei Phom and Mrs. Sojei Phom for successfully clearing the recently declared CTSE 2021 by NPSC as Junior Engineer, (Civil Engg). (Class-ll Gazetted) under Works & Housing Department.
Wishing you the very best in your future career.
Mr. Hemsho L. Phom
Mr. L. Nyaba Phom
President General Secy.
Mr. Kongba Chungphang
President, PSU General Secy.,
With immense pride and honour, the KSU conveys its heartiest congratulations to Dr. KEYOLENU YORE
D/o Dr. Viral Yore for successfully passing the NPSC CTSE examination and securing the post of Veterinary Assistant Surgeon (Class-1 Gazetted) under Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Department.
The union also wishes you growth and bright success in your future endeavours.
President, KSU General Secretary, KSU
The PHED Zunhe boto division in collaboration with Silver Queens Miss Sumi 2022 and Green Club Zun heboto organised a visual cleanliness programme
Miss Sumi 2022 and other organisers during the ‘Swachatta Hi Seva’ campaign.
k -2303/22
NEW DELHI, SEP 29 (IANS): St. Patrick’s, Gumla, Jharkhand won the 61st Subroto Cup Inter national Football Tourna ment Girls U-17 title after beating Wangoi Higher Secondary School, Imphal, Manipur 3-1 in the final at the Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Stadium here on Wednes day.
The winners received their trophies from Chief Guest Air Marshal Sand eep Singh, PVSM AVSM
VM ADC, Vice Chief of Air Staff, Indian Air Force. Sakshi Malik, Olympic bronze and Common wealth Gold medallist was present as Guest of Hon our providing encourage ment to the young girls.
Both teams played some entertaining foot ball with the crowd be hind them. St. Patrick’s, Jharkhand took the lead early in the 5th minute through Anita Dungdung who finished brilliantly in
the top corner.
Wangoi Higher Sec ondary School equalized in the second half through TH Remi in the 52nd minute.
The match was stretched to extra time where the Jharkhand school found the extra leg to find the net twice. Both goals were scored by Alpha Kandulna in the 69th and 71st min utes.
Speaking on the occa sion, Air Marshal Sandeep Singh, PVSM, AVSM,
Grealish says his best is yet to come at Manchester City
MANCHESTER, SEP 29 (AGENCIES): Man chester City playmaker Jack Grealish said he is “nowhere near” full fitness as he continues his recovery from a groin injury but is confident fans will see the best of him when he returns to the side.
Grealish picked up the problem in August and has been limited to six appear ances in all competitions this season. “I am definitely nowhere near 100% at the moment,” Grealish told City’s website.
“I played 90 minutes against West Ham Unit ed and 45 against Bour nemouth when I picked up my injury. So, I still have a lot of fitness to improve upon but that will come over time. I just need to keep training to be the best of my ability and then I’ll get chances on the pitch.
And then you’ll see the best Jack Grealish.”
Grealish, who joined City from Aston Villa in August last year for a league-record fee of 100 million pounds ($107.98 million), has scored only one goal this season but the England international is not worried about his numbers.
“For me, it’s not all about goals and assists ...
they mean a lot for attack ing players but I just don’t think football is just about that,” he said.
“I hoped that during the second season, I play more and perform better. That’s what I need to do, no one needs to tell me that myself. It takes a while to adapt to a Pep Guardiola team and his system, so I am sure I will.”
VM, ADC, Vice Chief of Air Staff, Indian Air Force said, “Subroto Cup is a great platform for school children to showcase their skills in a national level.
It can be considered as the first step for their career as all of the girls playing here will be noticed by footballing institutions and organisations for them to take the next step in their journey.
“I congratulate not only the winners today, but
also all the teams and their coaches and support staff for the admirable effort you have put in to reach this far. I wish you all the best for the future and am confi dent that the Subroto Cup experience will enthuse you to reach even greater heights going forward.”
Sakshi Malik provided encouragement to the bud ding footballers saying, “Subroto Cup is an excel lent opportunity for young girls to be noticed in a national level.
It is great that the Indi an Air Force is conducting such a grassroots tourna ment and I hope that more tournaments of this sort are conducted that will provide more opportunities and bring young and tal ented girls to the forefront. I wish all the teams that participated in the tourna ment especially the teams that played the finals here.”
The 61st Subroto Cup now moves on to the Boys U-17 tournament which begins on October 3rd with the final scheduled for Oc tober 13th.
ATP Tour: Casper Ruud qualifies for ATP Finals, joins Nadal and Alcaraz
LONDON, SEP 29 (IANS): Norwegian ten nis player Casper Ruud on Thursday qualified for the ATP Finals for the second consecutive year, joining Spaniards Rafael Nadal and Carlos Alcaraz in the eight-player field.
The season finale will be played from November 13 to 20 in Turin.
“I just got the news that I qualified for the Nitto ATP Finals in Turin again this year and I’m so much looking forward to coming back to Italy,” Ruud was quoted as saying by atp
“I had such a great time last year, it’s a great country for tennis,” he added.
Ruud guaranteed his spot in the year-end cham pionships by winning his second-round match in Seoul against Nicolas Jar ry. After making his break through in 2021, Ruud has elevated his game to new heights this season.
The 23-year-old has tallied 47 tour-level wins,
third on the ATP Tour behind only Alcaraz (52) and Stefanos Tsitsipas (49).
He is at a career-high No. 2 in the ATP Rankings, the highest standing of any Norwegian in history (since 1973).
Ruud advanced to his first ATP Masters 1000 final in Miami and his maiden major champion ship match at Roland Gar ros. He also claimed ATP
250 trophies in Buenos Aires, Geneva and Gstaad. He then reached his sec ond major final at the US Open.
The Norwegian made his ATP Finals debut last year at the Pala Alpitour. He advanced to the semifinals with victories against Cameron Norrie and An drey Rublev before falling to 2020 champion Daniil Medvedev.
India beat Pak, B’desh to qualify for World Esports C’ships in CS:GO
NEW DELHI, SEP 29 (IANS): India’s CS:GO team produced vigorous performances in the South Asian Regional Qualifiers of the 14th World Esports Championships after hammering Pakistan and Bangladesh in the South Asian regional qualifiers.
The team, comprising skipper Ritesh Sarda (Defaulter), Shuvajyoti Chakraborty (Mcg1LLzZz), Anshul Adardkar (KiiLSwitCh), Hrishikesh Shenoy (Crazy_Gamer) and Harsh Jain (lynX), recorded identical 2-0 victories over Pakistan and Bangladesh in the semifinals and final, respectively.
Besides CS:GO team, prominent Tekken 7 athlete Hitesh Khorwal (rcool) and wellrenowned eFootball professional Hemanth Kommu (peshemak7) will also represent India at the World Esports Championships, scheduled to take place in Bali from November 29 to Decem ber 12, 2022. Hitesh and Hemanth secured their berths by winning the National Esports Cham pionships (NESC) 2022, conducted by Esports Federation of India (ESFI) earlier this year, the Esports Federation of India (ESFI) informed in a release on Thursday.
Organised by International Esports Federa tion, the prestigious event will witness the partici pation of top athletes from over 120 countries, competing in six different Esports titles-CS:GO, Dota 2, Tekken 7, eFootball, as well as PUBG Mobile and Mobile Legends: Bang Bang which
against Pakistan and Bangladesh, which shows the confidence they have in their gameplay. We are extremely proud of their performances and are now looking forward to seeing them com pete with the best teams from all over the world in Bali. Everyone at ESFI wishes them the best of luck for the grand tournament,” said Lokesh Suji, Director of Esports Federation of India and Vice President of the Asian Esports Federation.
Led by Sarda, the dominant Indian team hardly had to break a sweat in their matches as they comprehensively defeated Pakistan in two different maps by 16-6 and 16-4 and then displayed a similar aggressive performance to outperform Bangladesh in both maps of the final by 16-7 and 16-5.
“It feels amazing to represent India again at the World Esports Championships in back-toback years. We definitely want to improve on our performances from last year and have been work ing very hard to do so. The team has done very well in showcasing its qualities in-game while prevailing in all these qualifiers but the WEC final will be a stern test on a much higher level and we want to match that. I have high hopes from the tournament and we want to bring some glory from it back home,” said Sarda, captain of the Indian CS:GO team. The same CS:GO team had participated in the last edition of the World Esports Championships, held in Eilat, and finished eighth in the final.
Sofia Open: Holger Rune advances to quarters with a win over Lorenzo Sonego
Danish tennis player Holger Rune showed his fighting qualities at the Sofia Open on Thurs day, earning a comeback win against Lorenzo Sonego to reach his sixth tour-level quarterfinal of the season.
In a hard-fought clash, the 19-year-old rallied past the Italian 6-7(1), 6-4, 6-3 in two hours and 19 minutes at the ATP 250 hardcourt event. “I feel very good. Today was a tough match...Lorenzo won a title last week,
so he had a lot of confidence. I took my chances, played well and stayed in the moment, so I am proud,” Rune said in his on-court interview.
The fifth seed struck 38 winners and won 85 percent (44/52) of his first-serve points against Sonego, who won his third tour-level title in Metz last week.
Rune will continue his quest for a sec ond tour-level title when plays Ilya Ivashka in the last eight. The Dane is fourth in
DBC Kma holds annual games and sports
DIMAPUR, SEP 29 (NPN): On the 27th of Sep tember, the Don Bosco Col lege (DBC), Kohima and Student’s Forum organized a two-day annual games and sports on September 27 and 28. The inauguration programme was held at IG Stadium, Kohima.
On the first day of the event, games like football, high jump and long jump, running race & tug of war were played by the four teams, namely, Team Samu rai, Team Vikings, Team Knights and Team Ninjas.
The final day wit nessed the final match for football, played between Team Knights and Team Ninjas where Team Knights emerged victorious with three goals to one.
The other games played were tug of war, long jump, high jump and running race. After the games, the event concluded with the distribution of prizes, with Team Ninjas as the champions, followed by Team Vikings, Team Knights and Team Samurai winning the second, third
and fourth place respec tively.
Earlier on the inau gural day, the event was graced by Commandment, 45 Assam Rifles, Chiswema Battalion, Colonel Rohit Jakkhar as the special guest. Speaking on the essential ity of power and respon sibility he dwelt on how one should not wait for power to be given to them, how one achieves power by responsibility. He further spoke on the importance of knowledge and on the true character of human being.
the ATP Live Race To Milan as he looks to qualify for the Intesa Sanpaolo Next Gen ATP Finals for a second consecutive year. Rune has enjoyed a breakthrough season, highlighted by his maiden tour-level trophy in Munich in May.
Meanwhile, German qualifier JanLennard Struff also booked his spot in the last eight, dispatching French qualifier Ugo Humbert 6-3, 6-1.
Bumrah ruled out of T20 World Cup due to back stress fracture
NEW DELHI, SEP 29 (PTI): India’s pace spear head Jasprit Bumrah was on Thursday ruled out of the T20 World Cup due to a back stress fracture, dealing a massive blow to team’s chances at the ICC flagship event starting next month in Australia.
A BCCI official told PTI that Bumrah will be forced out of action for six months due to the back in jury. “Bumrah is not going to play the T20 World Cup for sure. He has a serious back condition. It’s a stress fracture and he could be out for a period of six months,” a senior BCCI official told PTI on conditions of ano nymity.
It is understood that either Deepak Chahar or Mohammed Shami could replace Bumrah in the main squad. Both were named as stand-by players for the prestigious tournament by the BCCI. Bumrah, who played the second and third T20 against Australia, didn’t travel with the team to Thiruvananthapuram for
the series-opener against South Africa. The 28-yearold fast bowler is the second senior star player to be ruled out after Ravindra Jadeja, who is recovering from a knee surgery.
The Indian team is al ready looking unsettled at the moment and Bumrah’s injury has only compound ed the woes for skipper Ro hit Sharma and coach Rahul Dravid.
“Losing Bumrah and Jadeja will be huge for India. We didn’t expect that things will pan out as they have. He was rested for the Asia Cup precisely to manage his workload management. Now it remains a question if he was even fit enough to play the Australia series,” the senior official said.
Struff, who is making his third appear
ance in Sofia, will next play Lorenzo Musetti as he seeks to reach his first tour-level semifinal of the season. Pole Kamil Majchrzak upset eighth seed Oscar Otte 4-6, 6-2, 6-4 to advance to his third tour-level quarterfinal of the year.
The 26-year-old will next take on MarcAndrea Huesler after the Swiss upset World No 14 Pablo Carreno Busta 6-3, 3-6, 6-2 to earn his first Top 20 win of the season. The World No 95 broke Carreno Busta three times to advance after one hour and 44 minutes.
World Men 6Red Snooker: Dhvaj stuns newly-crowned Asian champion Siyavosh
KUALA LUMPUR (MA LAYSIA), SEP 29 (IANS): Indian player Dhvaj Har ia stunned the recentlycrowned Asian Champion of 6Red Snooker Siyavosh Mozayani of Iran and won his first match 4-2.
From the beginning Dhvaj Haria showed great calmness and self-belief, not being perturbed by his opponent Siyavosh Mozay ani, who lifted the Asian 6 red title by 5 frames to 4 on Wednesday, in a highly competitive final encounter dethroning his compatriot Amir Sarkosh, the winner of the last year’s edition.
In the very first frame, a missed brown by Siyavosh gave Haria a good oppor tunity which he cleverly utilized by giving a snooker. However, failure to break the snooker by Siyavosh saw Haria clearing the remain ing colours to go ahead 1-0 in a best of seven frames league match.
In a scrappy second frame, Haria resorted to safe play and did not allow Siyavosh to find a scoring
opportunity and ultimately trapped him with a deadly safety and went ahead 2-0.
The 3rd frame was somewhat a repetition of the second frame when Haria with small yet useful runs wrapped up that too without allowing Siavosh to open his account. The 4th and 5th frames saw Siyavosh scoring from some difficult openings and wrapped up both the frames, with a break of 43 in the 5th.
In the 6th frame both the players were going level and Siyavosh got a good op portunity to level the frame score but a missed pink
played with the rest saw Haria taking away both pink and black to win the frame and match by 4-2.
Meanwhile, other In dian players also won their respective matches on the opening day. Ace cueist Pankaj Advani played two matches on Thursday -- he won 4-0 against Mohamed Emeesh of Libya and 4-1 against Enkhtuvshin BatOchir of Mongolia.
Kamal Chawla, Brijesh Damani, S. Shrikrishna and the defending champion Laxman Rawat also won their respective matches 4-2, 4-1, 4-0 and 4-2.
St. Patrick’s, Gumla, Jharkhand celebrate with IAF officials after winning the 61st Subroto Cup Girls U-17 title.
Casper Ruud
will be making its debut at the championships. The 14th WEC has a prize pool of USD 500,000 (Rs 4 crore). “The team was simply too good for the opposition in terms of their skills, strate gies and coordination. They won comfortably
Jack Grealish
Dhvaj Haria
Special guest Colonel Rohit Jakkhar being escorted by NCC cadets and students.
Holger Rune
Jharkhand clinch 61st Subroto Cup Girls U-17
PM Modi declares 36th National Games open
‘Ek Bharat’, a ceremonial march past, by the athletes of 36 States and Union Territories plus Services ensued.
The biggest applause was reserved for the 700-strong Gujarat contingent, which was led by tennis star Ankita Raina, who also took the oath on be half of all the athletes.
The National Games, be ing held after seven years, will witness India’s best athletes compete in 36 disciplines in six cities of Gujarat.
AHMEDABAD, SEP 29 (PTI): The 36th National Games was inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at a glittering opening ceremony here on Thursday evening in the presence of over 100,000 ecstatic spectators.
In keeping with the Olym pic convention, but with a modern twist, Gujarat’s swim ming star Maana Patel brought in the symbolic Torch of Unity into the arena and handed it over to the Prime Minister.
Watched and applauded by several current and past sports icons, including Olym pic champion Neeraj Chopra,
Former FIFA referee Sumanta Ghosh dies
Kolkata-based former FIFA referee Sumanta Ghosh, who officiated in pre-World Cup and pre-Olympic tour naments, died of prolonged illness at his residence here on Thursday. He was 70 and is survived by his wife and two sons.
“He was not keeping well for the past few days, and he breathed his last around 3 am this morning,” a Bengal referee said.
Born on April 10, 1952, Ghosh became a FIFA referee in 1990 and retired in 1997. He offici ated in pre-World Cup and pre-Olympics tournaments, AFC Club Championships, SAFF Cup and the Jawa harlal Nehru Cup among others. After retirement, Ghosh continued to be as sociated with refereeing by becoming referees’ instruc tor and AIFF Match Com missioner.
“It is really sad to hear that Sumanta-da is no more. He was a doyen of Indian refereeing and his invaluable contribution to the game will always remain with us. I share the grief with his fam ily,” AIFF president Kalyan Chaubey said.
When the PM rose to speak, a roar as loud as thou sand lions echoed in the stadi um, underlining his continued popularity in the state.
“This sight, this ambience can’t be described in words. In the world’s biggest stadium, one of the world’s youngest countries is witnessing India’s biggest sports festival,” he said.
“The sports budget of the country has increased by about 70 percent in the last 8 years, Until 8 years ago, Indian ath letes participated in less than 100 international events. Now Indian players participate in more than 300 international events,” the PM added.
Praising the theme behind the Games anthem, ‘Judega India, Jitega India’, the Prime Minister said that the National Games would act as a launch pad for every youngster.
Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel also wel comed the over 7,000-plus athletes from “every corner of the country” on behalf of every Gujarati in the state and the world.
In keeping with a timehonoured Olympic custom,
Suryakumar is now India’s highest runscorer in T20Is in single calendar year
NEW DELHI, SEP 29 (PTI): Suryakumar Ya dav’s status as India’s best T20I batter in recent times has been reaffirmed as he became the highest scorer in a single calender year with 732 runs, surpass ing Shikhar Dhawan’s 689 back in 2018.
Suryakumar, who scored one of his finest T20I half-centuries against South Africa on a seam ing track in Thiruvanan thapuram on Wednesday, is only 24 runs short of completing 1000 runs in the format.
His strike-rate in 2022 is a whopping 180.29, while his career strikerate is a staggering 173.35 across 32 games. He has already hit 57 sixes and 88 boundaries in his career so far.
Coming onto bat at No.4 position in the first T20I against South Africa with India being reduced to 17/2 in the seventh over, Suryakumar hit two sixes off his first three balls to give the innings a change in momentum after a slow start. He remained un beaten on 50 off 33 balls
as India scaled the target with more than three overs to spare and eight wickets in hand.
With the two six es early in the innings, Suryakumar also went past Pakistan’s Mohammad Rizwan to record the most sixes in any calendar year in T20Is. Rizwan held the record for his 42 sixes in 2021 with Martin Guptill also smashing 41 sixes in the same year.
Suryakumar has taken his tally of sixes to 45 in
Korea Open: Norrie makes a winning start, to face Brooksby in quarters
the ATP Finals, to be held in Turin from November 13-20.
Norrie will next face eighth seed Jenson Brooksby after the Ameri can downed South Korean Soonwoo Kwon 6-3, 6-4 in one hour and 33 minutes.
2022 already, a record in all T20Is, with three more months to widen the gap with Rizwan.
While Rizwan took 26 innings to hit 42 sixes, Suryakumar has broken the record batting five times fewer.
Suryakumar is up to second position in the lat est MRF Tyres ICC Men’s T20I Player Rankings with 801 rating points after his half-century in the third and final T20I against Aus tralia in Hyderabad.
Although they started on September 20 to accommodate World Championship-bound table tennis players, they will gather steam on Friday with nine disciplines getting under way and several top athletes entering the fray.
Earlier, the PM virtu ally inaugurated the Swarnim Gujarat Sports Unity through Augmented Reality, setting the stage for a mind-blowing show.
A special performance showcasing several of Guja rat’s traditional art forms at the start set the mood for the evening.
A tribute called ‘20 Years of Vision, Governance and Leadership – Vande Gujarat!’ in the form of a Cultural per formance by 600 local artistes and singers was one of the highlights of the evening.
DIMAPUR, SEP 29 (NPN): Nagaland is participating in the 36th National Games, Gujarat 2022 from September 29 – 12 as athletes in the sport disciplines of Archery, Athletics, Boxing and Wrestling. Participation in the National Games in every event is possible only if the teams and indi vidual athletes qualify through the criteria laid down by the respective National Sports Federations.
The Nagaland contingent comprises of the following:
1. Hunezo Thisa (Coach)
2. Chekrovolu Swuro (Asst. coach)
3. Edikunu Rikha (Individual Recurve Round)
4. Neikesa Sakhrie (Com pound Round)
5. Zhokhoto Demo (Indian Round)
6. Nukho Lohe (Indian Round) 7. Veduzo D. Vadeo (Indian Round)
1. Mhonsao Ngullie (Coach) 2. Purna Konyak (Coach)
Tsuchoi T (5000m)
Neiketoulie Belho (100m)
Boxing: 1. Tsungchetrenla (Coach)
Preeti (Physiotherapist)
Nirmal (57kg)
1. Kikhwesiil Thokhwe (Coach)
2. Nosezonu Kotso (50kg)
Team officials:
1. Chef de Mission: Kuputo Shohe – joint secretary, Nagaland Olympic Association & vice presi dent, Nagaland Shooting Sports Association.
2. Deputy Chef de Mission: Neivikuolie Khatsu, asst. secretary general, Nagaland Olympic As sociation & Advisor, Nagaland Wrestling Association.
Two technical officials under Athletics have been selected by the Athletics Federation of India (AFI) to officiate at the National Games. The two officials are:
Technical officials (Athletics): Vinolie Medom and Neikuosielie.
The flag bearers for Naga land team are: Tsuchoi T from Noklak district, participating in the 5000m Athletics. She received the Outstanding Sportswoman Award at the Nagaland Olympic & Paralympic Games 2022 by winning 5 gold medals in Athlet ics. Zhokhoto Demo from Phek district, participating in the Indian Round Archery. He received the Outstanding Sportsman Award at the Nagaland Olympic & Paralym pic Games 2022 by winning 5 gold medals in Archery.
5th T20I: Pak beat Eng by 6 runs; take 3-2 series lead
LAHORE, SEP 29 (IANS): Babar Azam’s Pakistan defended their lowest score in Pakistan (145) in another thriller to go 3-2 up against England following a sixrun victory in the sevenmatch T20I series at the Gaddafi Stadium here late on Wednesday. Managing just 145 runs in 19 overs, thanks to superb bowling effort from England pace bowler Mark Wood (3/20) and Sam Curran (2/23), the host were counting on luck to win the game, but all six Pakistan bowlers bowled exceptionally well to restrict the visitors to 139/7 to help the hosts take a 3-2 lead in the series.
After edging England out by three runs in the fourth game at Karachi on Sunday, Mohammad Nawaz was phenomenal with the new ball and de railed England’s run chase from its onset with the wicket of Alex Hales, who trying to swat the left-arm orthodox down the ground edged the ball into the hands of short third-man. Phil Salt picked up the only fielder guarding the leg-side bound ary on the first ball of the fourth over when he flicked Haris Rauf to leave England at 19 for two, according to
Qatar confirms COVID test requirements for WC fans
DOHA, SEP 29 (AGEN CIES): Fans attending the 2022 World Cup in Qatar must show proof of a negative COVID-19 test regardless of their vaccina tion status, the organisers said in a statement on Thursday.
not have a confirmed case of COVID-19) is required to enter any public closed indoor spaces,” the state ment added.
PCB. Mohammad Wasim Jr bowled a brilliant fifth over, beating Dawid Malan four times by hitting the corridor of uncertainty and when Malan finally got off the strike with a thick edge on the fifth ball, Ben Duck ett’s attempted cut ended into third-man’s hands. The introduction of spin further compounded the problems for England. The pair of Shadab Khan and Iftikhar Ahmed bowled eight overs in tandem that allowed only 41 runs, but more importantly accounted for in-form Harry Brook
and Malan. The overs 7 till 10 allowed England only one boundary and Shadab, making his comeback into the side, got Brook LBW -when the on-field umpire’s decision was overturned through DRS. Iftikhar, after drinks, sent Malan back to the pavilion in a similar fash ion. Shadab’s four overs al lowed 25 runs, while Iftikhar gave away only 16 runs. That the match went till the final ball was because of Moeen Ali’s fighting knock. The England captain scored 51 not out off 37 and took the game deep in the
hope that he may target any weak link in the Pakistan bowling line-up.
Debutant Aamir Ja mal, who replaced Moham mad Hasnain, was given the task of defending 15 off six balls. The right-arm fast bowler was exceptional with his yorkers.
Brief scores: Pakistan 145 in 19 overs (Moham mad Rizwan 63; Mark Wood 3/20, David Willey 2/23, Sam Curran 2/23) beat England 139/7 in 20 overs (Moeen Ali 51 not out, Dawid Malan 36; Haris Rauf 2/41) by six runs.
Jabeur, Raducanu to square off in World Tennis Championship exhibition
SEOUL (SOUTH KO REA), SEP 29 (IANS): Second seed Cameron
Norrie made a winning start at the Korea Open Tennis Championships, cruising past Japanese wild card Kaichi Uchida 6-2, 6-2 to reach the quarterfinals, here on Thursday.
In a strong serving display, the Briton fired eight aces and did not face a break point en route to his 63-minute victory. He has now advanced to 11 tour-level quarterfinals this season, holding a 46-23 record on the year.
“It feels great. Espe cially to wake up early this
morning as I was a bit let lagged. It was nice to get up early and get it done in straight sets,” Norrie said.
“I felt that the condi tions suited me well. It was pretty hot, so I like that. It was a tough match but I was able to win some close games and get a couple of breaks each set, so it was a good day for me overall,” he added.
The 27-year-old is cur rently 11th in the ATP Live Race To Turin. The fourtime tour-level titlist will be aiming for a deep run at the ATP 250 hard-court event as he looks to boost his chances of qualifying for
Brooksby is seeking his maiden tour-level title this week in Seoul, having enjoyed runs to the final in Dallas and Atlanta earlier this season.
The 21-year-old is up four places to No. 42 in the ATP Live Rankings follow ing his 24th tour-level win of the year.
In other action, Amer ican lucky loser Aleksan dar Kovacevic continued his dream run, eliminating Chun-Hsin Tseng 7-6(5), 6-7(5), 6-2.
The 24-year-old Ko vacevic, who is making his tour-level debut this week, will play countryman Mackenzie McDonald in the quarter-finals. McDon ald cruised past Japan’s Shintaro Mochizuki 6-3, 6-4 in 90 minutes.
All visitors aged six and over must present a negative result from a PCR test taken within 48 hours before their departure or from a rapid antigen test taken in the 24 hours be fore arriving, the Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy said.
Results of the rapid antigen tests will only be accepted if they are from official medical centres and not self-administered. No further tests will be required in Qatar if visitors do not develop symptoms of COVID-19.
Visitors aged 18 and above will also be required to download a governmentrun contact tracing phone application called Ehteraz.
“A green Ehteraz sta tus (showing the user does
Fans will have to wear masks on public trans port but vaccination is not mandatory for the unprece dented influx of 1.2 million visitors expected for the November 20 to December 18 tournament.
“Anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 while in Qatar will be re quired to isolate in accor dance with Ministry of Public Health guidelines,” the statement said.
Qatar has recorded more than 440,000 con firmed cases of COVID-19 and 692 deaths from the virus, according to data from the Ministry of Public Health.
The country has a population of 2.8 million, of which barely 380,000 are Qatari nationals.
A total of 7,487,616 vaccine doses have been administered so far, the country’s data states.
(IANS): Wimbledon and U.S runner-up Ons Jabeur will take on 2021 US Open champion Emma Radu canu at the World Tennis Championship exhibition in Abu Dhabi on Decem ber 16.
The pair have yet to meet in a professional match. Raducanu had been due to play Belinda Bencic in the 2021 edition of the exhibition but was forced
to withdraw due to con tracting Covid-19.
Jabeur, her replace ment, defeated Bencic 4-6, 6-3, 10-8. Tunisia’s Jabeur has continued to scale new heights in 2022, rising from No 10 at the end of 2021 to her current No 2. The 28-year-old’s year has been highlighted by her first two major finals, her first WTA 1000 title in Madrid and the WTA 500 trophy in Berlin.
After winning the US
Open as a qualifier last year, Raducanu’s first full pro season has been one of adjustment.
The 19-year-old Brit on has scored notable wins over Serena Williams, Vic toria Azarenka and Sloane Stephens, and is fresh off a run to the Seoul semifinals.
Previous World Tennis Championship winners include Jelena Ostapenko, Venus Williams and Maria Sharapova.
Pakistan celebrates victory after winning the 5th T20I between Pakistan and England at Gaddafi Stadium on September 29, 2022 in Lahore, Pakistan. (Reuters)
Suryakumar Yadav
Emma Raducanu
Ons Jabeur
Cameron Norrie
Olympic medallists PV Sind hu, Ravi Dahiya, Mirabai Cha nu, Gagan Narang, former na tional hockey captain and new HI chief Dilip Tirkey along with World Championship medallist Anju Bobby George, the Prime Minister placed the Torch on the podium for it to be lit by augmented reality.
(Inset) Fireworks over the Narendra Modi Stadium during inauguration of 36th National Games, in Ahmedabad, Thursday, Sept. 29, 2022. (PIB/PTI)
PM Modi during the inauguration of 36th National Games. (PTI)
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Nagaland participates at 36th National Games, Gujarat 2022