Heart, neuro disorders on the rise in Covid-19 survivors
JD(U) alleges ‘undeclared emergency’ in country BJPwillberestrictedto50seatsin2024polls,ifOpposition givesaunitedfight -NitishKumarNEW DELHI,
BJP chief Nadda likely to visit Nagaland
DIMAPUR, SEP 3 (NPN): Taking serious note of the recent vandalization of a Church in Punjab, the Naga land Joint Christian Forum (NJCF) said the incident has once again raised an alarm that Christians are never secure in the hands of the majority.Ina statement, NJCF vice president Rev. Dr. N. Paphino wondered why has the nation become so intolerant to people of other faith? Pointing out that India has always taken pride in her size as the world most populous democracy in the world, NJCF, however, said this was turning out to be a threat to the religious minorities in the big nation. “The uncontrolled element fuelled by certain religious fanatics in the country has emboldened certain scrupu lous groups to create restless and unsafe situations across the nation,” he said. While appreciating Punjab chief minister for reassuring the people by proclaiming that a probe has been initiated into the “highly condemnable” in cident, NJCF demanded justice and to restore peace of mind and assurance to the Christian community and other minority groups that “we matter to the nation as much as the majority.” NJCF said that hate crimes in the country against religious minorities have always a labelled as false report and a conspiracy while the authority “usually explain their way out”. “There is an undercur rent movement to destroy the secular spirit in the coun try. Only when the author ity takes what has happen seriously as a threat to the nation then, confidence and insecurity feelings of the minorities will be restored and the nation will move forward,” NJCF stated. The forum called upon people of different religious traditions and faith in India to live in peace. (Full text on p-6)
DIMAPUR, SEP 3 (NPN): All Nagaland Goods Movers Union (ANGMU) has called for 72-hour “chakka bandh” from September 5-7, 2022 to express its resentment against the August 26 firing incident, in which one em ployee of TS Goods Carrier at Kalibari Road near DMC office suffered injuries. It may be recalled that three unidentified motor cycle-borne miscreants re sorted to blank firing at the employees, who were inside the office on August 26 evening.ANGMU through its media cell condemned the firing incident and urged the responsible authorities handling the case to take swift and necessary action so those responsible were identified and brought to book at the ANGMUearliest.has cau tioned that failure on the part of the authorities would compel the union to take its own course of action for “indefinite chakka bandh.” Meanwhile, the union has appealed to the citizens to bear with the proposed “chakka bandh” since threat and harassment from vari ous elements have become an everyday affair.
NJCF concerned over safety of Christians
DIMAPUR, SEP 3 (NPN): India Meteorological De partment (IMD) has pre dicted that heavy rainfall spell was likely to continue over North East region dur ing the next four-five days. In its weather bulletin, the Met department stated that the western end of mon soon trough at mean sea level lies along the foothills of Himalayas and eastern end runs north of its normal position. It said the east ern end was likely to shift southward from September 5 onwards.Under the influence of the above system, IMD said fairly widespread/ widespread rainfall with isolated heavy falls and thunderstorm/lightning was very likely over Arunachal Pradesh, Assam & Meghala ya and Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram & Tripura during next four Isolateddays.
DIMAPUR, SEP 3 (NPN): All Nagaland Taxi Associa tion (ANTA) Hq. Kohima has described as “alarming” the increasing cases of at tacks on taxi drivers in the recent months and appealed to the state government to take action against the per petrator under relevant sec tions of law at the earliest. In a press release, ANTA president Dziese vituo Solo while seeking to highlight the two recent incidents said that the taxi drivers were robbed and physically abused by some miscreants.According to ANTA, the first incident occurred on August 15, 2022, when two unknown miscreants “forcefully stopped” the taxi at Shortcut 10 Mile and started demanding money from the passengers and even confiscated their phones.Itsaid that the second incident happened on Au gust 30, 2022, when three unidentified miscreants with firearms hired a taxi from Medziphema to Pherima village. ANTA said the driv er was “mercilessly beaten up and robbed at gunpoint” near Tsiepama Model Vil lage entrance Vehementlygate.condemn ing “these inhuman acts”, ANTA Hq. Kohima has warned of taking stern ac tion against the “perpetrator of the atrocities”.
“There’s no guarantee that even a 2-wheeler will get you through this mad traffic.”
Russia bids farewell to Gorbachev in funeral snubbed by President Putin
Intense wet spell likely to continue in NE
Coffin of former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev during a farewell ceremony in Moscow on Saturday.
PATNA, SEP 3 (PTI): Bi har chief minister Nitish Kumar on Saturday asked opposition parties to bury their differences to forge national unity, saying they can together reduce the BJP to 50 seats in the 2024 Lok SabhaThepolls.Janata Dal (Unit ed), whose office bearers are meeting here for two days, also charged the BJP-led central government with imposing an “undeclared emergency” in the country, “misusing” probe agencies to silence opposition voices and stoking “communal frenzy” in Addressingsociety.the party’s national executive meeting, Kumar, who snapped ties with the BJP last month, claimed his only goal is to work for uniting the Oppo sition to unseat the saffron party from power, amid a buzz within his JD(U) that he may emerge as the prime ministerial face. If all opposition parties fight unitedly, the BJP tally will be confined to 50 seats, Kumar told a meeting of JD(U)’s state executive of Bihar before its national executivePartymeeting.leaderand Bihar Rural Development minister Shrawan Kumar told report ers that Kumar has been au thorised to work for uniting opposition parties and said a “united opposition under the leadership of Kumar is the need of the hour to take on the BJP in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections.” The JD(U) leader may reach Delhi on September 5 to meet sev eral opposition leaders, party sourcesThesaid.JD(U) also accused the ruling BJP of having “authoritarian” tendencies and destabilising non-BJP governments in several states, including Delhi and Jharkhand besides Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra earlier. The no-holds-barred attack from the party came as it lost four of its five MLAs to the ruling BJP in Manipur. In its resolution passed at the meeting, JD(U) accused the central government of label ling the democratic right of dissent as “treason”. SEP 3 Doctors are seeing cardiovascular, neurological and mental health disorders. A lot of young patients are having myocarditis after Co vid infections, said Nishith Chandra, director of inter ventional cardiology at For tis Escorts Heart Institute. “They are definitely related to Covid,” he said. Adding a word of caution for those who have had Covid, he said: “Anyone who has had moderate to severe Covid should look for symptoms of fatigue, breathlessness or palpita tions. If these symptoms are present, then they should seek consultation from a car diologist who should do an ECG and ECHO to rule out Covid-induced myocarditis. If treated in time, it can be reversed to a great extent.” Anurag Agrawal, for mer head of the Insacog laboratory consortium and chair of the WHO’s Techni cal Advisory Group on Virus Evolution, said the trend of increasing cardiac events was being reported globally. Joyeeta Basu, a phy sician from New Delhi’s Lady Hardinge Medical College, said those who had recovered from Covid in the recent past should get a physical check-up before resuming training. This is especially for those who are training for marathons, longdistance runners and people who do high-intensity work outs, Basu said, adding that she had seen more cases of post-Covid arrhythmias in the 30-45 age group. The mantra, doctors say, after Covid would be moderate exercise and not strenuous, high-intensity exercises. Covid is leaving people sicker- susceptible to a range of medical condi tions. Nutritionist Kavita Devgan said an increasing number of patients were hav ing a badly affected gut, hay wire sugar and thyroid cases due to stress and fatigue. A recent analysis by the Financial Times showed a significant rise in deaths from heart disease since the start of the pandemic. FT analysed data from UK’s National Health Service and found that in the 4064 age group, heart attacks increased 15% in 2021 com pared with 2019. Researchers also found that rates of many conditions like heart failure and stroke were substantially higher in people who had recovered from Covid.
Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, who launched drastic reforms that helped end the Cold War and precipitated the breakup of the Soviet Union, was buried Saturday after a farewell ceremony attended by thousands of mourners but snubbed by Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Kremlin’s refusal to formally declare a state funeral reflects its uneasi ness about the legacy of Gorbachev, who has been venerated worldwide for bringing down the Iron Cur tain but reviled by many at home for the Soviet collapse and the ensuing economic meltdown that plunged mil lions into poverty. On Thursday, Putin privately laid flowers at Gor bachev’s coffin at a Moscow hospital where he died. The Kremlin said the president’s busy schedule would pre
ANGMU calls for 72-hour ‘chakka bandh’ from Sep 5
Anyone who has had moderate to severe Covid should look for symptoms of palpitationsbreathlessnessfatigue,or
Correspondent SHILLONG, SEP 3: The BJP on Saturday threatened to withdraw support to the National People’s Party (NPP)-led Meghalaya Dem ocratic Alliance (MDA) government following the spate of allegations against the government.“Wemay withdraw support from the government within one month. We will discuss with our party na tional president (JP Nadda). Discussions are going on,” BJP’s national vice-president and Meghalaya in-charge, M Chuba Ao told reporters after a marathon meeting chaired by BJP general sec retary (Organisation), B.L. Santosh. “Once the party makes a decision to with draw support it would chalk out its strategy for its way ahead by explaining to the people why it has withdrawn its support,” he informed. However, the Conrad Sangma-led government will not collapse even if the two BJP legislators- Alexan der Laloo Hek and Sanbor Shullai- withdraw support as the effective strength of the government then will be 46 including the Speaker Met bah Lyngdoh and Deputy Speaker Timothy D. Shira in the 60-member House Meghalaya assembly. The NPP which is lead ing the coalition government has 23 legislators and is supported by United Demo cratic Party (8), People’s Democratic Front (4), Hill State People’s Democratic Party (2), BJP (2), Nation alist Congress Party (1) and Khun Hynniewtrep Nation al Awakening Movement (1) besides five suspended Con gress MLAs. The opposition Trinamool Congress has 12 members.“We have been receiv ing complaints of corrup tion against the government, but since there is no docu mentary evidence, the party has not been able to take any decisions,” Chuba said. The saffron party has been openly criticising the Conrad Sangma-led gov ernment for the alleged Saubhagya scam, illegal coal mining, FCI rice scam, misuse of central funds from the Special Assistance Grant Scheme in JHADC & GHADC.The BJP leader said that the party has instructed its workers to find documen tary evidence on the scams against the present govern ment and once that is made available, the party would make the next move. “Our people are on the job. and then the ED and the CBI would move in to investigate the charges,” the BJP leader further said.
a prepareCovid,Swaminathanzationfrompeoplehigh-intensityexercise,toportswhoofthromboembolismmuscleinflammationbeatincidencehigher-than-normalofirregularheart(cardiacarrhythmias)oftheheartandincreasedrateof(blockingbloodvessel)inpeoplewereCovid-positive,reTheEconomicTimes.Thisispromptingthemrecommendmoderateandnotstrenuous,workouts,forwhohaverecoveredsevereCovid.WorldHealthOrganichiefscientistSoumyasaidpost-countriesneededtoforlargeincreasesin
DIMAPUR, SEP 3 (NPN): Nagaland on Friday re corded two fresh Covid-19 positive cases and two more fatalities.Two Covid deaths were recorded in Dimapur includ ing two fresh cases. The death toll rose 779 (includ ing 5 non-Covid deaths but with positivity) while the to tal caseload stood at 35,926. With tow more recov eries, the active cases stood at 19, all under home isola tion. With 7,219 new coro navirus infections being re ported in a day, India’s total tally of COVID-19 cases rose to 4,44,49,726, while the active cases declined to 56,745, according to the Union Health Ministry data updated on Saturday. The overall COVID death toll rose to 5,27,965 with 33 fatalities in the last 24 hours, which includes eight deaths reconciled by Kerala, the data updated at 8 amThestated.active cases com prise 0.13 per cent of the total Theinfections.national COV ID-19 recovery rate has increased to 98.68 per cent, the health ministry said. A decline of 2,465 cas es has been recorded in the active COVID-19 caseload in a span of 24 hours. The daily positivity rate was recorded at 1.98 per cent and the weekly at 2.42 per cent, according to the health ministry.
very heavy rainfall was also likely over Arunachal Pradesh on Au gust 4, it stated.
ANTA sounds alarm over attacks on taxi drivers
Staff Reporter DIMAPUR, SEP 3 (NPN): Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) national president Jagat Prakash Nadda is expected to visit Nagaland during the third week of September.According to BJP sources, JP Nadda is sched uled to inaugurate the State BJP office in Kohima dur ing his visit. He is also like ly to hold meeting with BJP karyakartas and legislators. Nadda is also expected to pay a courtesy call on chief minister Neiphiu Rio. BJP sources said Nad da’s visit will be finalized once the final touch-up is done on the State BJP office.Nadda’s visit comes close on the heels of the visit by national BJP gen eral secretary (Organisa tion) BL Santosh. During his visit Santosh had also inspected the BJP office site. Santosh had reportedly been made to understand that BJP cannot go it alone contrary to the demand of some of its leaders. The state party unit is also mulling the re-location of some of the 20 seats to other districts where it has better prospects. On this, score sources said Nadda could likely discuss the is sue with the state party. In 2018, BJP had con tested 20 and won 12 seats in the following districts: Dimapur (2/2), Zunheboto (4/2), Mokokchung (2/2), Phek (1/0), Wokha (3/2), Mon (2/1), Longleng (1/1), Kiphire (2/1), Tu ensang (2/0) and Noklak (1/1).Nationalist Demo cratic Progressive Party (NDPP) contested 40 and won 18 seats but after merg er of other party MLAs (NPP, JDU), the party tally went up to 21. The in April 2022, 21 NPF legislators also merged with it and raised the tally to 42 MLAs. The issue of seat shar ing formula in 2018 is un der contest since several of the 21 NPF legislators who merged with NDPP, had won against BJP can didates. In seats where NPF candidates won in 2018 against BJP but who are now NDPP legislators, ticket distribution could pose some Furthermore,problem.the 21 MLAs had merged with NDPP on the assurance that they will be given NDPP ticket to fight the forthcomingHowever,election.NDPP is sticking to the 40:20 ar rangement and how it does that remains to be seen. On the other hand, several candidates from both NDPP and NPF are making a bee line for BJP tickets.The sources said BJP tickets will be issued on the basis of winnability and that it is also likely some sit ting BJP legislators would be denied party tickets due to their unsatisfactory per formances.Onwhether party workers will hold any dis cussion with Nadda over such issues remains largely speculative. B.L. Santosh during his recent visit held consultations with party workers and other wellwishers to gauge the party’s prospects for the forthcom ing assembly polls. As reported, BJP sources said that the party high command could “re view” the seat/ticket allo cation and may not stick to the 2018 seat arrangement. The BJP party high command has already as sessed the political situa tion and taken note of all these issues after which a final decision will be taken at the appropriate time, sources said.
This is it!
vent him from attending the funeral.Asked what specific business will keep Putin busy on Saturday, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Pes kov told reporters that the president will have a series of working meetings, an international phone call and needs to prepare for a business forum in Russia’s Far East he’s scheduled to attend next Gorbachev,week.who died Tuesday at the age of 91, was buried at Moscow’s Novodevichy cemetery next to his wife Raisa, following a farewell ceremony at the Pillar Hall of the House of the Unions, an opulent 18thcentury mansion near the Kremlin that has served as the venue for state funerals since Soviet times.
State logs 2 Covid deaths, 2 fresh cases
www.nagalandpost.com Nagaland Post MYK C MYK C Vol XXXII No. 270 DIMAPUR, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2022 Pages 12 ` 5.00 ‘No place to hide’: Ousted Rajapaksa faces arrest calls INTERNATIONAL, PAGE 9 FOLLOW US ON @Nagaland_Postnagalandpostofficial Asia Cup: Sri Lanka beat Afghanistan by 4 wkts SPORTS, PAGE 12
BJP threatens to withdraw support to Meghalaya govt

Staff Reporter
Tovihoto Ayemi with leaders of the colony and others on Saturday. (NP) Dr. Zuben Kikon and Dr. Thungjanthung Ovung along with healthcare workers and council members of Lotsu village.
DIMAPUR: Following the report of an unidentified dead body found at Chü za near Chowkhwe river, Viswema village on Septem ber 1, SDO (C) Jakhama, Ruopfukuotuo Noudi in a verification report, informed that a team led by SDO (C) Jakhama visited the spot on September 2, during which, the body was found in a highly decomposed state below a cliff about one km from agri-link road. The body was reported to be of a male between 3040 years with no bullet or injuryThemarks.cause of death could not be ascertained and the body was handed over to the south police station morgue for possible identification. The team also included SDPO south, med ical officer, Khuzama PS police personnel, Viswema village council and youth organisation representatives.
CFA AIDA organises workshop for teachers 5-day programme on skill development concludes Master trainer along with the participants and others at the closing programme. (DIPR)
Rev. Fr. Salew stressed upon the fact that in order to impart quality education to the children, there must be co-relation between students and the teacher. He encouraged the teachers to know their children well and be a good facilita tor by having the experience of writing and delivering training, excellent com munication and presentation skills, good interpersonal and management skills, analytical and motivating skills. Earlier, in a welcome address, GHSS Singrijan principal, Aienla Longkumer thanked CDF AIDA for their intervention and for taking the initiative to capacitate the students by forming Child Rights Club. She also thanked the organisers for motivating the teachers and encouraging them to be an affectionate teacher through the workshop.
DIMAPUR: A workshop for the teachers as duty bearers under the theme, “Being an affectionate teacher” was organised by Child Friendly Dimapur (CFD) ANMA Integrated Development Association (AIDA) on September 3 at Government Higher Secondary School, Singrijan. In a press release, AIDA informed that the workshop organised with the in tent to create awareness among the teach ers to be affectionate towards children and to initiate in creating a safe space for children was attended by 36 participants. During the workshop, two vital topics, “developing effective facilitating skills” and “effective teaching method ologies” were deliberated. SDB, director, Don Bosco Youth and Educational Ser vices, Rev. Fr. (Dr.) Peter Salew and his team facilitated the workshop.
ZSUN greets: Zeliang Students Union Nagaland (ZSUN) while extending Teacher’s Day greetings to teachers also saluted and paid homage to their sacrifices. ZSUN said Teacher’s Day was not a mere day and that it was more about celebrating the teachings they have inculcated in a student and carrying those values and teachings ahead with the wisdom of knowledge.
NNC/GDRN (N-A) terminates: Naga National Council (NNC) Government of the Democratic Republic of Nagaland (GDRN) NonAccord (N-A) through its MIP has informed that it has terminated Tomito, secretary, from “active national service” with immediate effect for breach of “yehzabo”, “anti-national activities” and “misuse of power of the government”.
ENWO, PUM visits: Eastern Naga women Organization (ENWO) members and Phom Union Mokokchung (PUM) separately visited the family of Late E Henveih Phom, who died while in the custody of Assam police. ENWO also met the village council members and assured full support of the organisation to deliver justice. Meanwhile, PUM while sharing the grief of the family has urged the state government to expedite the process to deliver justice to family.
DIMAPUR, SEP 3 (NPN): Advisor of Power, Tovihoto Ayemi, on Saturday said that Dimapur city, which comprises of different tribes and communities, had been existing peacefully, and therefore, urged upon the Dimapur residents to con tinue the habit of helping one another.Speaking at the inau gural programme of Dr. Haralu Colony welcome gate, at Burma Camp, the advisor also stressed on the importance of coopera tion from the public for all aroundHedevelopment.askedthegathering to extend support and con tinue providing cooperation to the state government and any agencies to see more positiveLamentingchanges. that “cer tain sections of people in Dimapur” vouched for indi vidual development and not community development, Tovihoto opined that this way of thinking would only lead to individual develop ment and not community development.Theadvisor said that village gate has become integral part of a colony, and that the village/colony gate held great importance as it was the identity of the village/colony. Lauding the strength of the colony council and administration, he ac knowledged the unity of residents, council members and leaders for having con cern for the colony. He also requested them to continue working for the betterment of the colony and to continue re siding peacefully. Earlier, the pro gramme was chaired by Amenla Thapa and dedica tory prayer was offered by Rev Peuhau N Hau. Short speeches were also delivered by GB, Suika heung, history on the colo ny by former DTC member, GK Rengma, special songs by Mary Merry Chetri and Visakholie Angami.
With the objective to preserve and revive traditional items, practices and craft, a life-size Ao Naga traditional house was built at Süngkotenem Park, Mopungchuket village, under Mokokchung district by the village community under the initiative of Mopungchuket Community Tourism Society on September 2.
Ayush Health and Wellness Centre dedication programme at Lotsu village Verification report on unidentified dead body
Tuensang DPDB meeting on Sep 9: Deputy commissioner and vice chairman, District Planning and Development Board (DPDB) Tu ensang, Kumar Ramnikant has informed that the DPDB meeting for the month of September will be held on September 9, 11 am, in the conference hall of the DC. All the DPDB members have been requested to attend the meeting.
Exercise the habit of helping: Tovihoto
DIMAPUR: The five-day programme for demanddriven skill development under the construction sector for Dimapur district, concluded at town hall on SeptemberAccording3. to a DIPR report, master trainer from Zynorique Initiative So ciety (ZIS), Kumar in his speech, lauded the trainers for their dedication. He advised them not to misuse the tools and encourage them to work hard even after they go to their respective Deliveringplaces.words of encouragement, SDO (C), L. Samuel Konyak ex pressed hope that the train ing would help trainers in their future and asked them to work sincerely as success would automati cally come to them if they work with honesty and dedication.Theprogramme was chaired by principal, Wom en Industrial Training In stitute (WITI) Dimapur, Er. Imchen Ao while vote of thanks was proposed by district employment officer Dimapur, Gideon L. Sumi and invocation was offered by TA, DEE, Dimapur, Kahoto K. intrainersthefromAltogether,Zhimomi.62trainersDimapurattendedprogramme,besidesfromotherdistrictsNagaland.
DIMAPUR: A dedicated programme for the reno vated Ayush Health and Wellness Centre (AHWC) at Lotsu village, under Sa nis sub-division, Wokha was held on Saturday. The programme was graced by deputy chief medical officer (CMO) Wokha, Dr. Zuben Kikon.Lotsu village council chairman, R. Thechamo Ovung informed that the medical centre was previ ously run by a medical staff without a doctor, however, he said, with its renovation on Saturday, a medical of ficer would be posted at the centre.At the dedication pro gramme, medicines along with oxygen cylinders were handed over to MO of the AHWC Lotsu, Dr. Thun gjanthung Ovung. The renovation of the building included construc tion of one chamber for doctors, a Youga hall and electrification. The centre was dedicated by rev, R. Zaremo Tsanglao while R. Thechamo Ovung chaired the dedication programme.

‘Poshan Maah 2022’ launched in various districts across Nagaland
KLC: Kohima Law College on September 1 signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Increasing Diversi ty by Increasing Access (IDIA) Charitable Trust, Bengaluru, Karnataka. IDIA trains underprivi leged students, to transform them into leading lawyers and community advocates. KLC agreed to sup port IDIA in launching a student volunteer body which would function as IDIA’s official “Nagaland Chapter”. Educational institutions organise various programmes
Q.: Are syndication of market and extortion in Dimapur proof of govt failures?
According to a DIPR report, while launching “Poshan Maah”, CDPO Longleng, Longlang Luck pan highlighted the poli cies and programmes of “Poshan Maah”, it’s ac tivities and the role and re sponsibilities of the health workers in the grassroots level.Later, he administered the “Poshan pledge” to the gathering health workers and officials. Mon: Deputy commis sioner (DC) Mon, Ajit Ku mar Verma while launching the “Poshan Maah” on September 2 at DRDA Hall, highlighted the main objec tive of the campaign which was to spread awareness about proper nutrition for women and
Pangnyu Phom releasing the souvenir at AG Kisama. (NP) TSUD members participating in the traditional fire making competition. (NP) A cultural troupe performing at the KASUD Mongmong celebration. (NP)
DIMAPUR: A seminar and awareness on “Phom Tribe Festival” was organ ised by Hongmeila SHG Society on Saturday, at IRCA hall Longleng. In a press release, the society informed that the programme was organ ised with an objective to “reignite the knowledge of our traditional culture of the Phom Monyiu festival and how to preserve Phom culture in this transitioning modernSpeciallife”.guest of the programme, Phom Peo ple’s Council (PPC) former president, H. Leisha Phom elaborated on how Phoms must value and embrace their culture and learn to co-ordinate with the cur rent modern lifestyle. He reminded the people not to forget their “old ways”, values and their roots. Leisha also highlight ed the gathering on the sig nificance of Phom Culture and Monyiu learnonPhangeLongleng,OrangkongResourceFestival.person,LaUnionpresident,Phomalsospoketheutmostneedto“re-andre-nurturethe values of tribal culture and how Phoms must not for sake but learn to preserve our culture”.Theprogramme was chaired by Hongmeila SHG Society general sec retary, Shamla, prayer by Longleng Town Bap tist Church deaconess, Pongyau, welcome note by Hongmeila SHG So ciety president, Phongla Phom and special Songs by “Chenchong Liho Group” and Shahshing and friends. Other highlights include cultural songs and cultural show.
DIMAPUR, SEP 3 (NPN): Tsarü Suro Union Dima pur (TSUD), Kiphire Area Sangtam Union Dimapur (KASUD) and Sangtam Union Kohima (SUK) on Saturday, celebrated Mong mong festival with pomp and gaiety. Promote the good legacy without ‘isms’, Pangnyu tells Sangtams Minister for Health and Family Welfare (H&FW), S. Pangnyu Phom on Saturday, ex horted the Sangtam com munity to carry forward in letter and spirit their good legacy beyond the borders withoutAddressing“isms”. the Sang tam Union Kohima (SUK) golden jubilee-cum- Mong mong Thüpcheh festival at Kisama heritage village, the minister lauded Sang tams for being united and said the spirit of together ness has made everyone witness the significant day in a grand Payingmanner.hisrespect to the pioneers and initiators of SUK, Pangnyu said because of them, the mam moth gatherers at Kisama were blessed with loving children in every walks of life.Pointing out that seeds they had sown were not wasted, the minister added that their dreams have made many officers, intellectuals and social reformers.Theyoungsters are second to none as per the statistical record, Pangnyu said. He also stated that el ders, settlers and leaders of Sangtams in Kohima have been instrumental in many reformations at grassroots level which, he said, was a livingThoughtestimony.thetribes were divided by demarcation, Pangnyu said they were united in habits, thoughts and daily practices in life which was a thing for all to pledge in building a robust relationship among each Further,tribe. he asserted that a great change was ob vious in the Sangtam land. Minister for Soil and Water Conservation, Ge ology and Mining and chairman NSMDC Ltd, V. Kashiho Sangtam, Müt hingnyüba, MLA, and ENPUK president Toshi Chang also spoke on the occasion.
Members of Hongmeila SHG society and others at the programme on Saturday.
Jalukie, Nam huheing stressed on the awareness of nutrition of all age groups especially children below 6 years, adolescent girls, pregnant women and lactating moth ers while Dr. Laseng also spoke on good nutrition and a healthy Pharmacist,diet.
KASUD: Kiphire Area Sangtam Union Di mapur celebrated Mong mong festival at the resi dence of secretary, NPSC Kohima, John Tsulise Sangtam, Kikhrürüzha colony, Chümoukedima, here, on DwellingSaturday.onthe signifi cance of Mongmong festi val, T Setsathong said Sang tams have about 12 festivals and Mongmong was one of the most important festivals with its predominant theme as worship of God of house and three cooking stones at the fire place. He said after toiling for several months through out the year and when crops were ripe for harvest, the village priest would an nounce the green signal to start the celebration of the festival with due prayers and rites.Headded that Mong mong festival, meaning togetherness forever, was cautiously observed every year, stretching over six days, with the objective to have a bountiful harvest. John Tsulise informed that the figure “SIX” also bore great significance among forefathers and that each day had its own significance.Earlier, the pro gramme was chaired by office bearers of KASUD, invocation from Diphupar Baptist Lithro youth pastor, Sepio Sangtam and wel come speech from KASUD president.Short messages were also delivered by Tsulise Sangtam, DGM NST Ko hima, Thomas Kiutsang mong and vote of thanks was proposed by KVUD president,HighlightsSelipa.of the fes tival included women folk dance, men’s folk song and dance, and welcome song by Ziliba and friends.
DIMAPUR: To commem orate “World Physiother apy Week and National Nutrition Week”, which is observed from September 1-7, a free health camp was organised at the office of the Dimapur Municipal council (DMC) for DMC workers on Saturday, under the initiative of You & Health team. In a press release, clinical dietitian, Naga land Multispecialty Health and Research Centre (NMHRC), Zuthunglo odyuo informed that the team of profession als included medical of ficer Dr. Molu Ozukum, Nagaland Multispecialty Health and Research Cen tre (NMHRC) clinical di etitian Zuthunglo Odyuo, physiotherapy rehab team Dr. Tiatula Longkumer (PT), Dr. Inavika Swu (PT), Dr. Soni Phom (PT) along with three nursing assistants.During the health camp, free diet and phys iotherapy consultation and treatment were carried out. Free medicines were also distributed to the benefi ciaries availing the health facilitates.Around 70 patients were assessed, consulted and treated.
Team members of You & Health along with DMC administrator Albert Ezung.
KV Dimapur: To spread the awareness on cleanliness, students of Kendriya Vidyalaya Dima pur on Saturday, carried out “Swachhata Pakhwa da”. At the drive, students cleaned the area which was littered by passers-by and local people.
Sangtam community celebrates Mongmong festival
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Staff Reporters/Correspondent
DIMAPUR: Educational institutions across the state have been organising vari ous activities for students and teaching staff as part of their yearly curricu lum and extracurricular activity.
DIMAPUR: Month-long Prime Minister’s Overarch ing Scheme for Holistic Nu trition (POSHAN) Maah 2022, which aims to address the challenge of malnutri tion in a mission-mode, was launched across Nagaland. This year, the objective of POSHAN Abhiyaan is to trigger “Poshan Maah” with key focus on “Mahila aur Swasthya” and “Bacha aur Shiksha”. Longleng: Longleng district launched “Poshan Maah and ICDS Project 2022” under the theme, “converging towards a healthy walk through life” on September 3 at Child Development Project Of ficer (CDPO) office Com plex, Longleng.
CDPO office Noklak, P. Hemping gave a brief in troduction on Poshan 2.0 and highlighted the health and nutritional care for chil dren, adolescent girls, preg nant and lactating mothers. He stated that, in order to accomplish the target, it was the duty and re sponsibility of all the line departments to work hand in hand, and to make this mission a people’s move ment with the support of local administrative bodies, village councils, SHGs and the community.PoshanPledge was administered to Anganwadi workers.Food staff under SNP were also distributed for ICDS beneficiaries on the occasion.
Peren: Social Welfare department, Jalukie ICDS project along with medical team from CMO office Peren jointly organised a block level importance of good nutrition-cummedical camp at Lamhai Dungki village council hall, Peren on September 3. The camp was organised as part of the ongoing monthlong celebration of Poshan MaahCDPO2022.
Tseminyu: Poshan Maah 2022 was launched by ADC Tseminyu, Lon gasen Lotha on September 3, at BDO Tseminyu confer ence ADChall. lauded CDPO and staff for carrying out various activities and schemes under Social Wel fare department.Healsourged upon the Angawadi workers to continue being sincere to their assigned responsibili ties and to be forthcoming whenever the administra tion and other convergent departments ask them for assistance.CDPO Tseminyu, Menokhrielie highlighted Poshan Abhiyaan theme 2022. The programme was chaired by senior supervi sor Obed Magh and vote of thanks was proposed by supervisor Kenyuyhunlo.
Health camp organised at DMC office
College of Teacher Educa tion (MCTE) organised an induction programme for the new batch of 2022-24, on September 3. At the teachers.laprincipal,attheofwhilethemfresherstheherTemsumenlaprogramme,Walling,inspeechonbehalfofseniors,welcomedtheandencouragedtogivetheirbestPutikokbaonbehalfthefreshersspokeonprivilegeofstudyingMCTE.Later,MCTEviceDr.Temsurenexhortedthestudent-
Chozuba: Monthlong “Poshan Maah” was flagged off by Additional Deputy Commissioner (ADC) Imokokla on Sep tember 2 at Chozuba. At the programme, a brief introduction on “Poshan Maah” was presented fol lowed by rally undertaken by women, stated a DIRP report.
Q: Are voters interested for a clean election in the state? Yes. No. Can’t Say. (Temperature in ºC) Max Min Agartala A couple of thunderstorms 32 26 Aizawl Mostly cloudy with a t-storm 26 21 Guwahati Mostly cloudy with a t-storm 31 26 Imphal Mostly cloudy with a t-storm 28 22 Itanagar Mostly cloudy with a t-storm 28 24 Shillong A thunderstorm in spots 23 19 Kohima Mostly cloudy with a t-storm 25 20 Dimapur Mainly cloudy with a t-storm 32 25 Mkg Some rain and a thunderstorm 27 21 Tuensang Couple of thunderstorms 21 17 Wokha Some rain and a thunderstorm 27 22 Zunheboto A shower and thunderstorm 24 19
Sunny also briefed the partici pants on National Nutri tion Week 2022. The pro gramme concluded with vote of thanks from Lamhai chairman Akwa.
MCTE: Mokokchung
TSUD: Tsarü Suro Union Dimapur celebrated Mongmong festival by or ganising various cultural activities at Signal Angmai here, on Saturday. On the occasion, tra ditional fire making, top spinning and tug-of-war was organized. In the tugof-war, womenfolk took part and competed against men, where the former emerged as the winners. In all the events, the winners were awarded cash prizes. The significant of Mongmong festival was narrated by S.T. Sangtam while welcome note was delivered by executive chairman of TSUD, C. Tsalito. The programme began with an invocation by fellowship convener, Chumhori and special number was presented by members of TSUD.
Longleng Mon Noklak Tseminyu
Seminar & awareness on ‘Phom tribe festival’ in Longleng
Noklak: Rashtriya Poshan Maah 2022 was launched at Noklak on September 1, at CDPO of fice Noklak.Senior supervisor,
MC: The final round of debate on “clean elec tion is possible in Naga land” organised by the department of English with Debate Club of Mod ern College was held on Saturday. The organisers informed that the aim of the debate was to cre ate awareness on election in Nagaland among the students. The opposition team emerged as the win ner with Moarenla (5th semester) bagging the best debater title of the debate competition.

5. Qualification : Class 12 pass in any stream. 6. No. of seats - 20 sd/- medical superintendent Impur Christian hospitalMKC-322/22
GUWAHATI, SEP 3 (PTI): Assam Chief Minister Hi manta Biswa Sarma on Sat urday listed the initiatives of his government in the educa tion sector, particularly for tea garden tribes, on Twitter, tagging Delhi CM Arvind KejriwalSharingagain.a video clip, Sarma said, “Unless forced to, we prefer to work qui etly!” “In this academic year we’ve established 100 Secondary Schools for kids of tea garden workers; 100 more in pipeline. Tea gar dens are located in remotest parts of Assam,” he said. The video claimed that Assam has a robust school education system with more than 2 lakh teachers teach ing over 65 lakh students in 44,521 government schools. A total of 1.18 lakh mid-day meal workers are also engaged by the state government, it said. While 100 secondary schools for children of tea garden work ers have been opened this academic session, 100 more schools and 10 colleges are in the project preparation stage, it added. The video ended with the line, “We prefer to deliver quality, quietly!” The two chief ministers has been engaging in verbal duels on Twitter for quite some time, each of them asking the other to visit their state and witness the development work undertak en. Tagging Kejriwal, Sarma had on Friday shared his government’s achievements in the healthcare sector. The spat started after the Delhi CM, in response to a news report of the As sam government merging schools due to poor results, said shutting down schools was no solution.
Chandra said the ‘Maitri Setu’ (bridge) over the Feni river was inaugu rated by Modi on March, 9, last year to support the port connectivity with Chittagong in Bangladesh. However, trade has not yet begun as a Land Customs Station was yet to be set up on the other side of the river in that country. “We hope that the use of Maitri Setu will also come in the meeting be tween two prime ministers,” he said.
Impur ChrIstIan hospItal anm sChool oF nursInG Impur : moKoKChunG, naGalanD (permitted by state nursing Council, nagaland) NO: ICH/NS/GEN-1/2021 Dated, 2nd September 2022 aDVErtIsEmEnt Applications are invited from the unmarried girls for undergoing 2 years FHW/ANM course at the ANM School of Nursing, Impur Christian Hospital, Impur, Mokokchung (Permitted by SNC Nagaland) for the session 2022-23.
JD(U)’s decision to quit the NDA.“When we were in NDA, they (BJP) gave our MLAs nothing. Now they have been won over,” said Kumar, in what appeared to be a reference to horse trading.“Is it proper? Is it con stitutional? Is it in line with established norms? They are doing so everywhere. Hence all parties must unite in 2024 for a positive mandate,” said the JD(U) leader who is be ing pitched for a “national” role by his party.
Gupta said NFR ex pects to handle 65 million tonne of traffic by the end of 2025 from 30 million tonne it is handling currently. “NFR has put efforts on various other develop mental works to further increase capacity for move ment of both passengers as well as goods traffic,” he added.The top official said as this zone serves as the gateway to the Southeast Asia, many projects have also been undertaken to get it connected to Southeast Asia. “This zone has a com plex rail network stretching through hilly terrain with a large number of tunnels, highest number of bridges and the longest elephant corridor across the entire railway system,” he said. Gupta said NFR cur rently has 6,829 Km of railway network and 1,242 Km will be added to this network, of which work is in progress.Projects for improving rail connectivity to the state capitals in the North Eastern region are on in full swing, he added.
“This merger shows the love and trust entrusted by people in the leadership of Hon’ble PM Shri Narendra Modi ji and Hon’ble BJP President Shri J.P.Nadda ji, “ Singh added in the post.
GUWAHATI, SEP 3 (PTI): Bharat Bhushan Dev Choudhury was on Saturday sworn-in as the Chairman of the Assam Public Service Commission (APSC).Governor Jagdish Mukhi administered the oath of office to Choudhury at a function at the Raj Bha van, an official release said. Chief Minister Himan ta Biswa Sarma was also present on the occasion. The APSC chairman’s post fell vacant after the term of Rajiv Kumar Bora ended in June this year. The Commission’s Member Ajanta Nath was perform ing the duties of the office of the Chairman since then. An avid quizmaster, Choudhury was an Assam Civil Services (ACS) officer and was promoted to IAS in 2010.He had served in vari ous posts, including Deputy Commissioner of Nalbari and Bajali districts, during his tenure.Heis the first-ever APSC Chairman coming from an ACS background.
1. The session will start from 1st October 2022.
AGARTALA, SEP 3 (AGENCIES): Tripura Chief Minister Manik Saha has expressed grave concern over the state’s youth’s grow ing propensity to drugs and other intoxicants, reports East SpeakingMojo. at the inau gural session of Mukhya mantri Sustha Sishu Sustha Kishore Abhiyan (MSSKA 3.0) at Rabindra Satabar shiki Bhavan, Saha said, “It makes no sense to improve our health infrastructure or introduce new and advanced treatment facilities if our next generation becomes dependent on such addictive substances. The department alone can’t do anything; it is a social battle that needs to be fought together.” He said, “Under this scheme, health workers will visit each and every college and school to provide chil dren and teenage students with free doses of health supplements. These health supplements significantly help in the growth of the students in the crucial for mativeTheyears.”CM directed the health officials to make the students aware of the risk factors associated with drug abuse, apart from carrying out routine work. “Since all schools and colleges will be covered un der this programme, officials should also speak to the students and inform them about the kind of dangers they may face if they don’t quit drugs. The officials must take the responsibility as a part of their duty,” said Saha. He also appealed to the people to stop consum ing tobacco as the state had recently recorded an alarming rise in cancer cases because of tobacco use.
4. That wherever the name “Talinungla” appears it should be rectified/ recorded as “Talinungla M Longchar” by all concern for all my official purpose. 5. That, this affidavit is made to declare to rectify my name before the competent office/authority. That, the statements made by me from para 1 to 5 are all true and correct to the best of my knowledge, belief and information and nothing material is concealed therein. DEPONENT Solemnly sworn and declared me on this 19th day of July 2022. notarY puBlICDP-4145/2
GUWAHATI, SEP 3 (PTI): The Northeast Frontier Rail way (NFR) is putting thrust on faster implementation of PM Gati Shakti scheme in the North Eastern region as the traffic being handled by the railways currently in these areas is expected to increase manifold, a top NFR official said. He also underlined the importance on connectivity projects in North East as the region serves as the gateway to Southeast Asia, an official releaseSpeakingsaid. at a meet ing here on Friday with Members of Parliament (MPs) whose constituencies are served by Rangiya and Lumding divisions, NFR General Manager Anshul Gupta said much emphasis is being laid on faster adop tion of PM Gati Shakti in North Eastern states for handling of both outward and inward traffic so that rail, road and port gets integrated.PMGati Shakti Na tional Master Plan was launched in October 2021 for providing multimodal connectivity infrastructure to various economic zones.
Regd. No. 635/2022 Date 19.07.2022
aFFIDaVIt For CorrECtIon oF namE
Correspondent IMPHAL, SEP 3: Manipur unit of Janata Dal (United) on Saturday termed the ‘merger’ of five of its MLAs with BJP as “defection’ while seeking disqualifica tion of the five legislators. In a setback to the JD(U), five of its six MLAsKh Joykishan, N Sanate, Md Achab Uddin, L M Khaute and Thangjam Arunkumar - merged with the BJP in Manipur on Friday. The development came to light when the Speaker of Manipur Legislative As sembly accepted the merger of the five members of the legislature party of JD(U) with BJP in the state Assem bly under the 10th schedule of the Constitution of India, the Assembly bulletin was issued late on Friday stated. “It is not a merger but defection of MLAs since JD(U) as party did not merge with the BJP,” JD(U) Manipur unit president Ksh Biren Singh was quoted by various sections of media in Imphal. The president said AGARTALA, SEP 3 (PTI): Bangladesh’s objections to set up an Integrated Check Post (ICP) and other is sues concering Tripura are likely to be discussed when the neighbouring country’s Prime Minister tSheikh Ha sina will meet her Indian counterpart Narendra Modi next week in Delhi, an of ficialHasinasaid. will be on a four-day visit to India start ing September 5 with a focus on strengthening the “multifaceted” bilateral ties. Her meeting with Modi is scheduled for the next day. “Due to objections from the Bangladesh side, construction of ICP in South Tripura’s Muhurighat could not be made. The prime minister (Modi) has agreed to take up the issue with his Bangladesh coun terpart during her visit,” Special Secretary of In dustries and Commerce, Abhishek Chandra, told a press conference here. An Integrated Check Post is an entry and exit point on the international border, which has facilities such as immigration and customs.
I, Smti. Talinungla M Longchar, D/o Shri. Moatemjen, resident of Signal Angami, Dist-Dimapur, State Nagaland, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India and resident of the above mentioned address. 2. That, my official name is “Talinungla M Longchar” as entered/recorded in my all official documents, however in my service Appointment Order vide No. DHFW-3/117/PEON/DMP/2007 Dated, Kohima, the Jan 2015 issued by the Directorate of Health & Family Welfare Nagaland, Kohima, my name has been inadvertently entered/recorded as “Smti Talinungla”.
T EZPUR, SEP 3 (PTI): A massive eviction drive to clear 330 acres of gov ernment land in Assam’s Sonitpur district was carried out by the authorities amid heavy security on Saturday, a top official said. The exercise was com pleted peacefully, the official said. All the structures were demolished with excavators and other heavy machinery, while jute crops of the en croachers were spared, for the time being, he said. A madrassa in the area was also demolished, though two mosques were not destroyed as the people pleaded for time and assured the authorities that they themselves will dismantle the mosques soon. More than 30 excava tors, heavy machinery, and a large number of workers were deployed for the drive that commenced at around 6 am to demolish houses in No 3 Chitalmari area in Bar challa on the northern bank of the Brahmaputra river.
3. That, the names “Talinungla M Longchar” and “Talinungla” belongs to same and single person only i.e. Name.
Eviction drive to clear govt land in Sonitpur completed Security personnel stand guard as bulldozers carry out an eviction drive to clear 330 acres of land at Chitalmari area in Sonitpur district, Saturday. (PTI) NFR thrust on implementing PM Gati Shakti expeditiously ‘We prefer to work quietly’: Himanta tags Kejriwal again Himanta Biswa Sarma and Arvind Kejriwal Tripura-related issues to be raised with Modi & Hasina Abhishek Chandra Tripura CM orders intensive campaign against drug abuse in schools Tripura CM, Dr Manik Saha at the inaugural session of MSSKA 3.0 New APSC chairman sworn-in Fake document racket busted in Assam Assam Governor Prof. Jagdish Mukhi administers the oath of office to IAS Bharat Bhushan Dev Choudhury as Chairman of the APSC in Guwahati. (PTI) Is it constitutional?’ Nitish on JD(U)’s Manipur setback Manipur CM N Biren Singh and BJP Manipur Pradesh president A Sarda Devi felicitating five JD(U) MLAs. Mnp JD(U) seeks disqualification of its 5 MLAs
AffidAvit I, G/5017757N, RANK-RFN/GD, SHRI. V. KHETO AWOMI, S/o M. Viqheto Awomi, permanent resident of Nikiqhe Village, P.O & P.S. Niuland, Dimapur, Nagaland declare through an Affidavit No. 873/2022 dated 02.09.2022 that my wife’s name inadvertently appear as TOKATOLI in my service record. Her correct name is TOKATOLI AWOMI. TOKATOLI AWOMI and TOKATOLI are the names of the same person. The correct PIN code is 797112 and not 797103 as mentioned in the Service Record. DP-4143/22
3. Prospectus and Application form will be available from Impur Christian Hospital. 4. Age: 17-25 years (as on 30.09.2022).
NAGAON, SEP 3 (PTI): Two persons were arrested in Assam’s Nagaon district on Saturday for allegedly operating a network of providing fake documents and identity cards under the guise of an NGO, a senior police officer said. Both the accused were apprehended from a shop at Dumdumia village, Nagaon superintendent of police Leena Doley said. The duo was involved in manufactur ing and supplying fake voter cards, PAN cards, and Aadhar cards, the SP said. They were running this illegal trade in the name of an NGO, she added. Six fake PAN cards, six mobile hand sets, several pen drives, two computers, documents, and fake rubber stamps were recovered from their possession, the SP said. Interrogation of the two accused was on to ascertain if other persons were also associated with their network, Doley added.
BJP may play tricks, JD(U) on track to become national party: Lalan PATNA, SEP 3 (PTI): A day after most of its MLAs in Manipur joined the BJP, the JD(U) on Saturday lashed out at its former ally whom it accused of using “dhan bal” (money power) to poach legislators from other parties. JD(U) national president Rajiv Ranjan Singh alias Lalan alleged that the BJP did in Manipur what it had “previously attempted in Delhi, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra”. “Our MLAs in Manipur had defeated BJP candidates at the hustings. Ditto in Arunachal Pradesh where our MLAs were poached while we were still in NDA,” fumed Lalan. The development comes as an embarrassment for the party which is holding its national executive meeting here and trying to project Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, its de facto leader, for a bigger role. that the five MLAs should be disqualified from being members of the state As sembly as they violated pro visions of the 10th schedule of theHeconstitution.saidthatthe party will knock at the court seek ing disqualification of the five MLAs.Itmay be mentioned that after the five MLAs joined the BJP, the strength of the JD(U) in the state As sembly reduced to one. The party was the third largest party in the state Assembly after it secured six seats in the last assembly polls. Meanwhile, top leaders of BJP Manipur Pradesh –chief minister N Biren Singh and president A Sarda Devi today felicitated the five MLAs to the party fold in New Delhi. Sarda Devi who left Imphal for New Delhi today along with the five MLAs joined the chief minister who was camping in the national capital. Singh rushed to Delhi on Friday after he was called up by the national leaders of the party. The chief minister along with the state party president and the five MLAs are likely to meet BJP na tional president JP Nadda later on Saturday evening. The chief minister wrote in his Facebook page, ‘Along with state BJP unit president A Sharda Devi, heartily welcomed the five JD(U) MLAs who got merged into BJP yesterday.’
Sonitpur deputy com missioner Deba Prasad Mishra, who oversaw the process, said, “The eviction drive was completed peace fully. The people had mostly vacated their premises with their belongings over the last few days. “Only the perma nent structures were there, which we have demolished.” Mishra said the en croachers, who were mostly engaged in agriculture, had requested the authorities to permit them to harvest their jute crops.“They have been cut ting jute over the last few days and we have allowed them another seven days’ time to harvest the standing crop under police supervi sion,” he said. A 100 MW solar power plant is planned to be set up in the cleared area, which will be able to meet the entire energy demand of the district, the official said. About 1,200 security personnel, including those of Assam Police and paramilitary forces, were de ployed at the site, equipped with anti-riot Accordinggear.to govern ment records, 299 families were living in the area, but more than 90 per cent of them have already left after receiving the notice around eight months back. Some of the residents being evicted lamented that no rehabilitation has been provided to them by the government with many tak ing shelter in their relatives’ houses while for others, embankments have become their temporary residence. “We have been living here for decades. We have no jobs and live off the fields here. We don’t know where we will go,” a woman said, gathering the last of her belongings as the excavators approached the structure that used to be her home. Another man claimed that they had paid for the land and the government has now left them in the lurch.
Manipur BJP welcomes 5 JD (U) MLAs to its fold
PATNA, SEP 3 (PTI): Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Ku mar on Saturday expressed outrage over MLAs of his JD(U) in Manipur jumping ship to join the BJP. Talking to reporters at the party office here, where a two-day national con clave is underway, Kumar questioned the propriety and constitutionality of the alleged poaching by his formerHeally.said the party’s Ma nipur MLAs had confirmed their presence at the meet ing, and had earlier backed
The health department has recently identified a total of 57 educational institu tions in the West Tripura district where as many as 193 children were found to be active injecting drug us ers. Among them, 62 drug users had been diagnosed with HIV positive, a source in the state health and family welfare told EastMojo on the condition of anonymity. Sources said among these 57 educational insti tutions, 47 are schools and the rest are colleges and uni versities. “The real numbers would be much more than what we have found in our survey,” sources said.
The following particulars are given for information of interested candidates:
2. The last date for receipt of the application is 20.09.2022.

Pictures of PM Modi on LPG cylinders.
All set for Azad’s first public rally in Jammu since leaving Cong
Continuing his attacks on the central minister, Rama Rao on Saturday told Sitharaman that it’s time to put up banners ‘Thanks to Telangana’ at PDS shops in all BJP ruled states. “Since our FM is going around lecturing how ‘Modi Sarkar’ is the Giver. Here are the facts and figures. For every Rupee that Telangana contributes to the Nation, we only get back 46 paisa! Madam, time to put up a banner: “Thanks to Telan gana in all BJP states’ PDS shops,” KTR tweeted.
HYDERABAD, SEP 3 (AGENCIES): Amul but ter invoked as Subrama nian Swamy lashes out at Nirmala Sitharaman for viral video; says ‘shameful display of coolaramanchophancyhighlightinvokedalsoofingTelanganaishingvideoramanianoutmanianFormerchamchagiri’BJPMPSubraSwamyhaslashedonUnionMinisterSubSwamyafteraofthelatteradmonanIASofficerinwentviral.Termitas‘shamefuldisplaychumchagiri,’Swamyreactedtoauser,whoAmulbuttertoSitharaman’ssyforModi.Intheviralvideo,SithwasseenlosingatanIASofficerfor not displaying the photo of Modi outside a ration shop in Telangana. Sithara man’s office even shared the embarrassing video as it wrote, One of Swamy’s fol lowers wrote sarcastically, “Was wondering as to why there’s shortage of Amul butter these days! All is consumed in doing makhan bazi!” To which Swamy re plied, “Shameful.” Sithara man also faced widespread condemnation for her rant as netizens reminded that exchequer money too be longed to ordinary taxpayers and this did not belong to Modi as claimed by the min ister. Many users found her conduct cringeworthy as she continued with her outrage.
According to the FIR, on August 31, Lok Sabha MP from Godda Nishikant Dubey, his son Kanishk Kant Dubey, Mahikant Dubey, MP Manoj Tiwari, Mukesh Pathak, Devta Pandey, and Pintu Tiwari entered the high-security Air Traffic Control (ATC) at Deoghar airport without permission and used their influence to pressure of ficials to give clearance to their chartered However,plane.the newly inaugurated airport is yet to be cleared for night opera tions. Flight services at the airport are currently allowed till 30 minutes before sunset.
CHITRADURGA (K’TAKA), SEP 3 (PTI): Chief pontiff of Murugha Math Shivamurthy Murugha Sharanaru, who is accused of sexually harassing minor highschool girls, underwent various medical tests at the Chitradurga district hospital on Saturday, sources said. The police brought him to the dis trict hospital under tight security from a Deputy Superintendent of Police’s office where he is being questioned. Sources said his blood and hair samples were also taken for investigation purposes. After the tests, he would again be taken to the Deputy SP’s office for further question ing, sources said. The 64-year-old seer has been remanded to police custody till September 5 by a local court. Sharanaru has been booked under provisions of the POCSO Act and the SC/ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act for allegedly sexually abusing two girls, studying in a school run by the Math and staying in a hostel also belonging to it.
RAJKOT, SEP 3 (PTI): Delhi Chief Minister Ar vind Kejriwal on Saturday appealed to Bharatiya Jana ta Party (BJP) workers in Gujarat to work for his Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) while staying in the ruling party. Kejriwal said BJP workers should continue to get “payment” from the BJP but work for AAP “from inside”.Addressing a press con ference in Rajkot on the final day of his two-day visit to poll-bound Gujarat, Kejri wal said BJP workers will benefit from all the “guar antees” promised by him to people when his party comes to power in the state. “We do not want BJP leaders. The BJP can keep its leaders. BJP’s ‘panna pramukhs’, workers in vil lages, booths and talukas are joining us in droves. I would like to ask them what the BJP gave them in return for their service in the party even after so many years?” the AAP national convener asked.Kejriwal said the BJP did not offer free and qual RANCHI, SEP 3 (AGEN CIES): An FIR has been lodged against BJP MPs Nishikant Dubey, Manoj Tiwari and seven others after they allegedly forced officials at Deoghar airport in Jharkhand to clear their chartered flight for takeoff at night, reports India Today. The case against the BJP leaders was registered based on a complaint by Suman Anan, DSP of the airport. Nine persons, in cluding Nishikant Dubey, Manoj Tiwari and the air port director, have been charged with endangering the life or safety of others and criminal trespass.
TRS hits back at FM with PM’s pictures on LPG cylinders
KOLKATA, SEP 3 (IANS): Trinamool Congress leader and chairman of Halisahar municipality in North 24 Parganas district of West Bengal, Raju Sahani was re manded to five days of CBI custody by a special court at Asansol on Saturday. He will be presented at the same CBI court on September 8. Sahani, allegedly a beneficiary of a chit fund entity, Sanmarg Coopera tive, was on Friday evening arrested by the Central Bu reau of Investigation (CBI) sleuths from his residence at New Town on the northern outskirts of Kolkata. Cash worth Rs 80 lakh and an un licensed pistol was also re covered from there. The CBI sleuths also traced the de tails of a bank account held by him in Bangkok, where huge sums were transferred in phases.After presenting him at the Asansol court, the CBI counsel informed the court that central agency sleuths need to know further details of Sahani’s nexus with the chit fund entity and for that purpose they need him in custody for some more days for further municipalityaarguedloan.banks,aterativethatinCooperativebyresidencemoneytoCooperative.someadmittedSahani’sMovingquestioning.thebailplea,counselindirectlythathisclienthadlinkswithSanmargAccordingSahani’scounsel,therecoveredfromhiswasaloantakenhisclientfromSanmargforinvestmentbusiness.HealsoarguedsinceSanmargCoopwasofferingtheloanlowerinterestratesthanhisclientwentfortheSahani’scounselalsothatsincehisclientischairmanofanimportantinthestate,his bail application should be granted since he would not go underground.However, the CBI’s counsel opposed that since Sahani is an influential poli tician in his area, if granted bail he might attempt to tamper with the evidence and also influence the wit nesses. Finally, after hearing both sides, the special court of CBI granted him a CBI custody till September 8. While Sahani was be ing taken to the court from CBI custody, he claimed innocence in the matter to the waiting media persons.
Shivamurthy Murugha Sharanaru
Don’t quit BJP, work for AAP internally: Kejriwal
Swamy lashes out at FM for ‘chamchagiri’; Amul butter invoked
JAMMU, SEP 3 (PTI): Ghulam Nabi Azad, who recently broke his five-decade-long association with the Congress, will begin his fresh po litical journey Sunday from Jammu where he would set up the first unit of his own party. All preparations have been com pleted for Azad’s first public rally in Jammu, a close aide of the former chief minister said on the eve of the publicAzadmeeting.would be accorded a grand reception on his arrival from Delhi Sunday morning, and a proces sion would accompany him to the venue of the public meeting at the Sainik Colony, former minister G M SarooriSaroorisaid. is among over two dozen prominent legislators who resigned from the Congress in sup port ofTheAzad.73-year-old Azad is likely to announce the formation of his own political party. Azad, 73, ended his five-decade association with the Congress on Au gust 26, terming the party “compre hensively destroyed”. He also lashed out at Rahul Gandhi for “demolish ing” the party’s entire consultative mechanism. Since Azad’s resignation, a former deputy chief minister, eight former ministers, a former MP, nine legislators besides a large number of Panchayati Raj Institution (PRI) members, municipal corporators and grassroots workers from across Jammu and Kashmir defected to the AzadHoardingscamp. and banners wel coming Azad have been put up at the Satwari chowk along the JammuAirport road and in the route leading to the venue of the public rally, where seating arrangements for over 20,000 people have been made. “All those who resigned in sup port of Azad will be present at the public meeting,” Saroori, who was busy over the past week in making arrangements for the public meeting, told PTI.
BJP MPs Dubey, Tiwari booked for forcing flight take-off at Deoghar airport
Delhi Chief Minister and AAP Convener Arvind Kejriwal interacts with locals in Rajkot, Saturday. (PTI) ity education, healthcare and free electricity to BJP workers and their family members but AAP will care for their“Youwelfare.(BJP workers) can stay in that party but work for AAP. Many of them get paid (by BJP), so take the payment from there but work for us, because we do not have money,” he said. “When we form a gov ernment, we will provide free electricity, and this will apply to your houses as well. We will provide you with free, 24-hour power, and build good schools for your children where they will get free education. We will ensure free and quality treatment for your family members and offer Rs 1,000 to women (as allowance) in your family,” he said. Appealing to the saf fron party workers, Kejriwal said there is no point staying in the BJP and ensuring its victory again after 27 years of rule.“I would like to tell all the BJP workers to stay there but work for the AAP. You are smart, work for AAP from the inside,” he further said. He raised the issue of the recent attack on Gujarat AAP general secretary Manoj Sorathiya and apprehended that many more attacks will take place “on the people of Gujarat for supporting AAP”. “The attack on Manoj Sorathiya shows that BJP is desperate. It is not able to understand what to do. It is staring at a defeat,” he said. Kejriwal said AAP is not like Congress and can not be intimidated by the rulingChallengingparty. the ruling BJP, he said, “You have dealt with Congress so far, but we are AAP people. We consider Sardar Patel and Bhagat Singh as our ideals”. Kejriwal said if BJP thinks it can scare AAP by orchestrating such attacks, then it is “Wewrong.arenot going to be scared. We are not cowards. We will fight hard against injustice and corruption. Six crore people of Gujarat now have an alternative (in AAP). They will respond to the 27 years of misgov ernance (of BJP),” he said. He appealed to people to not resort to violence. “I would like to tell the people that the number of attacks will increase in the coming 2-3 months not just on AAP but on the people. They will attack those peo ple who say they will vote for AAP. Those who speak against BJP will be attacked. They are going to attack people in large numbers,”the AAP leader said. He said people shouldn’t resort to violence but stay patient and express anger by pressing the (EVM) button to vote out BJP. Kejriwal, who has an nounced a string of “guar antees” in a bid to reach out to various sections of the society in Gujarat, said he had met representatives of police personnel, anganwadi and ASHA workers, health workers, traffic cops, gram raksha dal (GRD), auto drivers, and home guards among others during his multiple visits to the state. The AAP leader said he will meet every group separately in the coming days.
The TRS’s protest came a day after Nirmala Sitharaman hauled up Ka mareddy district Collec tor Jitesh V. Patil as Prime Minister’s photos were not displayed at a fair price shop. She publicly expressed her anger saying that Centre is supplying free rice to poor under the Prime Minister’s Garib Kalyan Yojana and yet Prime Minister Modi’s photos did not find place in fair price shops of Telan gana.Sitharaman was on a visit to Zaheerabad Lok Sabha constituency since September 1 as part of BJP’s Lok Sabha Pravas Yojana. The Central minister’s action came under criticism from various quarters. TRS working president K. T. Rama Rao stated that he was appalled by the un ruly conduct of the union finance minister with the District Magistrate/Collec tor of“TheseKamareddy.political histri onics on the street will only demoralise hardworking All India Services officers,” he said.
HYDERABAD, SEP 3 (IANS): A day after Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman pulled up a dis trict collector in Telangana on not finding Prime Minis ter Narendra Modi’s photo at a PDS shop, supporters of
“You will come to know one day that I am nowhere connected with any scam,” he said.
Arrested K’taka subjected to medical tests
Ponzi scam: Arrested TMC leader remanded to 5-day CBI custody
Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) on Saturday pasted Modi’s posters on LPG cylinders.The posters put up on cooking gas cylinders car ried Modi’s photographs along with price of each cylinder Rs 1,105. The TRS took the jibe at the Prime Minister over the massive hike in the price of cooking gas during the last eight years. The TRS leaders point ed out that the price of LPG was only Rs 410 in 2014 when Modi became the Prime“YouMinister.wanted pictures of Modi ji, Here you are @nsitharaman Ji,” tweet ed TRS leader Krishank Manne with a video clip of Modi’s posters on LPG cylinders.
Ghulam Nabi Azad Raju Sahani Manoj Tiwari and Nishikant Dubey
According to the complain ant’s statement, the time of sunset on the day of the incident was 6:03 pm. The chartered flight with the BJP leaders on board took off at 6:17 pm. Reacting to the FIR against him, Nishikant Dubey told India Today, “The airport authority did not object. We took permis sion from the director of the airport I am ready to fight the case, we will put forward our side of the events.” On Friday night, Dubey got into a Twitter spat with Deoghar District Magistrate (DM) Manju nath Bhajantri, who said the BJP leader “breached national security” by by passing safety regulations and forcibly getting clear ance for his flight. Dubey hit back, tweeting, “I’d suggest you to study aviation rules again. As an IAS officer, the nation expects better from you. Now the matter is under investigation at all possible levels, please comment further only after reading aviation and airport rules carefully henceforth.”

Rev. Dr. N. Paphino Vice ChristianNagalandPresidentJointForum
Reader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the columns do not reflect the view of this newspaper nor that of the Editor in any manner.
Rising intolerance Areport by the United Christian Forum (UCF) says that in the first 45 days of the new year till February 14, 2022 itself, 53 incidents were reported by its helpline number, according to media. In a study reported by the United Christian Forum (UCF), an ecumenical group located in New Delhi that tracks violence against Christians, at least 127 incidences of violence against Christians were documented in the first 103 days of 2022 in India. As per statistics, it indicates that in 2022 there were more than one incident each day so far. While not attempting to speculate on the reasons behind, yet the figures also prove that the number of attacks on the minority Christian community in India is a cause for concern. In 2022, the highest number of attacks against Christians occurred in Congressruled Chhattisgarh (12), Tamil Nadu (10), Madhya Pradesh (8) and Uttar Pradesh (7). Of all northern states, Punjab has fewest number of anti-Christian attacks. However there appears to be some people fomenting trouble in the otherwise communally peaceful state. Earlier, on July 19, a pastor in Lud hiana was attacked in his car. The FIR registered at a local police station booked the accused for attempt to murder and rioting while armed with deadly weap on. On August 29, there were at least two incidents of violence and intimidation reported in Punjab. In Amritsar district, Nihangs, blue-clad members of a Sikh order of warriors, disrupted a Christian prayer meeting, alleging forced conversion. The Akal Takht – the highest centre of authority in Sikhism – later demanded that the first information report on the incident be withdrawn and the arrested Nihangs be released. In Ludhiana, a pastor was forced to bow to a Hindu idol. On August 31, a group of people in Punjab’s Tarn Taran district allegedly forcefully entered a local church last night and vandalised a statue of Jesus and Mary. They also set fire to the pastor’s car. Visuals from the spot show the car engulfed in flames and a broken statue inside the church. In many states, such as Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh, stringent anti-conversion laws have been used to target Christian communities. Despite India being a secular democratic country where fundamental rights of every citizen is guar anteed under Article 25-28, communal violence continue unabated. In particular, Christians have been targeted solely on the allegation of forced conversions to justify such incidents, although the census data indicates no massive conversions have happened over the years and the population of the 2.3 % Christians in India has not seen any significant rise which proves that mass conversions has been a bogey. Punjab does not have such a law, although there is growing pressure from sections of the Sikh clergy and from Hindutva groups for one. Sikhs have a reputation of being most tolerant and respectful to all other religious communities. The recent at tacks on Christians in Punjab are the handiworks of certain elements hell bent on creating disharmony for vested interests. It is also encouraging that all political parties in Punjab, the ruling AAP, opposition Congress, BJP and Akali Dal have condemned the incidents and demanded strict action. As for forced or fraudulent conversion, an impartial probe should be conducted to ascertain facts in the interest of justice.
Pouring Out the Water of Satisfaction
The contribution of agricultural engineering
A griculture is a unique biological field, de spite the concept of the discipline being changed by engineering. “The farm ing, cultivation, and animal breeding of lands” is the definition of agriculture. A definition of engineering is “the design and production of equipment and machin ery for the convenience of people.” The scientific disci pline of combine agricultural engineering creates, designs, improves, and constructs machinery and equipment for the benefit of agricultural workers. Future farming will be easier thanks to a new device developed by an agri cultural engineer employing cutting-edge scientific meth ods. Agricultural engineers help the agricultural industry flourish by developing and discovering useful instru ments. The practise of ap plying engineering concepts to any procedure involved in the production of items with an agricultural basis and the management of our natural resources is known as agricultural engineering. The field focuses on the creation of labor-saving agricultural equipment, farm structures, irrigation and drainage systems, and meth ods for preserving and pro cessing agricultural output into useable feed and fibre products. Thus, it is clear that agricultural engineering is not the same as tractor ization, despite what many people mistakenly believe. Because the first engineer ing intervention heavily involved the use of tractors to reduce drudgery for a very long time, people have long believed that agricultural engineering is synonymous with Agriculturaltractorization.engineers need a wide range of knowl edge and abilities to work efficiently in the diverse agricultural and agribusiness sectors. The agricultural engineer contributes to eco logically friendly, environ mentally safe farming. They evaluate new technology and procedures for farming in order to boost yields, optimise land use, and save resources like fuel, water, fertiliser, pesticides, and seed. The engineer makes recommendations for mea sures to safeguard the well being, safety, and security of agricultural goods, workers, and animals. Better methods are developed by agricultural engineers to minimise crop loss due to field damage during handling, sorting, packaging, and processing. Food and fibre storage is a significant sector of the agriculture economy. The agricultural engineer is re sponsible for organising the post-harvest heating, cool ing, and ventilation systems. Agricultural engineers create techniques and machinery for clearing land, planting crops, and harvesting. They provide automation, ac curacy, and “intelligence” through smart technologies to both new and old equip ment. (includingareligence,controllers,Microcomputers,artificialintelandothersoftwareintegratedwithsensorsbiosensors)to
4. Improvement of the quality of life for the farmer: Farm buildings, good farm roads, and other amenities are made possible by agricultural engineering. Options in Agricul tural Engineering A wide range of spe cialty fields are included in agricultural engineering. Specialty fields change and are established when new problems, technologies, and information are discovered; many of these areas overlap with one or more others. Areas of specialization of Agricultural Engineering include:1.
NE states must develop united character muscles for overcoming challenges and adversities Unmasking the fake face of secularism by masked men
What has been like “water from the well of Bethle hem” to you recently— love, friendship, or maybe some spiritual blessing (2 Samuel 23:16)? Have you taken whatever it may be, even at the risk of damaging your own soul, simply to satisfy yourself? If you have, then you cannot pour it out “to the Lord.” You can never set apart for God something that you desire for yourself to achieve your own satisfaction. If you try to satisfy your self with a blessing from God, it will corrupt you. You must sacrifice it, pouring it out to God— something that your common sense says is an absurd waste. How can I pour out “to the Lord” natural love and spiritual blessings? There is only one way— I must make a determination in my mind to do so. There are certain things other people do that could never be received by someone who does not know God, because it is humanly impossible to repay them. As soon as I realize that some thing is too wonderful for me, that I am not worthy to receive it, and that it is not meant for a human being at all, I must pour it out “to the Lord.” Then these very things that have come to me will be poured out as “rivers of living water” all around me (John 7:38). And until I pour these things out to God, they actually endanger those I love, as well as myself, because they will be turned into lust. Yes, we can be lustful in things that are not sordid and vile. Even love must be transformed by being poured out “to the Lord.” If you have become bitter and sour, it is because when God gave you a blessing you hoarded it. Yet if you had poured it out to Him, you would have been the sweetest person on earth. If you are always keeping blessings to yourself and never learning to pour out any thing “to the Lord,” other people will never have their vision of God expanded through you.
3. Land and Water Resources Engineering: What happens to water af ter it hits the ground? This element relates to irrigation design and management, drainage, and erosion con trol, as well as the recom mendation of excellent soil and water conservation mea sures. Utilizing this knowl edge, it is possible to increase crop productivity, preserve soil, prevent erosion, and safeguard water quality.
4. Agricultural Pro cessing and Food Engineer ing: Over 40% of the out put of different agricultural crops is squandered each year during storage and pro cessing because the experts in crop processing and stor age are not employed in the agro-industries. Therefore, the emphasis of this choice is on the design, construc tion, and maintenance of crop processing and storage equipment and systems. This specialty focuses on the processes and tools required to convert agricultural prod ucts into food. Agricultural engineering is currently go ing through important and major changes as a result of the global economic shocks. These adjustments are due to some new technologies. Some of these emerging technologies include in formation technology, bio technology, environmental engineering, and renewable energy.
Conclusion The practise of apply ing engineering concepts to any procedure involved in the production of items with an agricultural basis and the management of our natural resources is known as agricultural engineering. There is more to agricultural engineering than merely tractorization. The field of agricultural engineering was developed from other engineering specialties. Ag ricultural engineering seeks to accomplish a wide range of goals and has made a significant contribution to national economic growth in the areas of food production, employment opportunities, industrial development, sus tainable agriculture, farmer quality of life, environmen tal management, natural resource conservation, rural infrastructural development, reduction of drudgery in agricultural work, food se curity,Agriculturaletc. engineer ing is the cornerstone of agricultural progress, and its neglect could jeopardise a nation’s long-term viability. Most of the nations that have recently called out for aid are those where the ag ricultural system has failed either because of a drought, an insect invasion, or a lack of agricultural input. Inter estingly, given the resources and difficulties, agricultural engineering as a profession could have prevented the majority of these issues. The occupation has excel lent potential to address the majority of issues affecting agriculture, particularly in emerging nations.
T o play effective role in North East politics, one need to study the genesis chapter in depth and need to understand the intricacies of the region politically or otherwise. Undivided Assam was ruled by various dynasties-the Pala, Koch, Kachari, and Chutiya and there was constant warfare among the princes until the coming of Ahom people in the 13th century. Till 1714 Ahom kings ruled the entire Assam before the Ahom kingdom was occupied by warriors from Myanmar in the late 18th century. The Britishers came in and ultimately drove out the invaders, and, Treaty of Yandabo was signed with Myanmar in 1826. That’s how Assam became a part of British India. With the par tition and independent of India in 1947 Assam became a constituent state of India in 1950. Between the early 1960s and the early 1970s Assam lost much of its territory to new states those emerged from within its borders. In 1963 Nagaland become the 16th state of India under the name of Nagaland with a political agreement under the protection of Article 371-A. In 1972 Meghalaya was given statehood. Also in 1972 Arunachal Pradesh and Mizoram were separated from Assam as union territories; both became fullyfleged states in 1986. Princely states Tripura and Manipur were merged with India in October 1949, and On 21st January, 1972 the state of Manipur and Tripura also became full-fledged states under the North Eastern Region (ReOrganization) Act, 1971. Likewise, Sikkim became a fully-fledged 22nd state of India in 1975 under the protection of Article 371-(F) of the constitution of India. North East India, consists of eight states, as we all know today, is very different from what it was some centuries ago. The entire NER was not part of India politically and not even administratively, till the Britishers unified it with the rest of India sometime in the beginning of the 18Aftercentury.having excruciating ex perience dealing with the people of the region, based on political and administrative convenience, the region was divided to eight political units-Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Tripura, Manipur and Sikkim. Unlike the formation of states in so called mainland India on lin guistic basis, these states in NER were formed on the basis of ethnic and tribal boundaries. Therefore the formula of the creation of these eight states is on ethnic and cul tural differences. Nevertheless, on the basis of some common shared problems, nature of its geographi cal isolation.Itisalso due to a particular unique geo-political strategy in the Indian polity that for all practical purposes the NER is looked upon as a single unit. These eight states as one unit is the Eastern-most region connected to mainland India via a narrow corridor squeezed between Nepal and Bangladesh, which is popularly known as Chicken’s Neck. It is pertinent to mention that no where does India’s complex issues exists as serious as it exists in the northeast India, where the politics of identity and self-determination led to internal and external security challenges.Forsometime, situation had been looking somewhat peaceful in the recent time since signing of the Mizo Accord, Bodoland Ac cord, Accord with Karbi Armed groups and Nagas peace accord between GOI, NSCN I.M and NNPGs. Nonetheless, it seems the much hyped signing of Naga Peace Accord between Narendra Modi government and various Naga insurgent groups have hit a road block due to growing trust deficit between government of India and the Naga insurgent groups. More so, when seat sharing formula an nounced, forgetting the last famous election slogan, “ELECTION FOR SOLUTION” which have hurt the sentiments of the enthusiastic Nagas waiting for final settlement of the final Naga Accord. If the talks fail after waiting with such a high enthusiasm, the consequences could be highly unsavory. Of late, looking at the growing unrest between Assam with the neighboring states in the region. It’s evidently clear that the biggest blunder committed by the Britishers, and the then successive governments at the Centre for not properly demarcating the state boundaries between Assam and the neighboring states. As a result the alarming rise in the aggressive and violent behavior of Assam towards all her neighbor ing states in the most volatile North East India, the situation is getting deteriorated day by day and ag grieved youths are in no mood to watch the situation as mute bystand ers and no one can predict what’s there in Therestore.are numerous instances where peace loving tribal people from the neighboring states residing in the common border areas lost lives and properties due to unprec edented aggression from Assam side. The situation has so much worsened in almost all the border areas, the grave fear of succumbing to one’s aggressive impulses, violent urges and starting civil unrest is clearlyParticulvisible.arly in Assam-Naga land, Assam-Mizoram, AssamMeghalaya and Assam-Arunachal border areas. For many decades, tribal people from across all these states are tolerating to coersive Dadagiri attitude of Assam, and all these ill treatment committed against every innocent commuters across Assam border areas hap pening under the nose of various centralIt’sagencies.evidently clear that Assam superior political influence at the Centre and privileged placement in various central government establishments is systematically abused to. Harass the people from the neighboring states and intended to destroy lives, properties and caus ing injury to the neighboring states with their much improvised fighting forces fully supported by New Delhi on variousAggrievedpretext.people will defi nitely try to find the root causes of such aggressive hostility and why such violent behaviors are on the rise lately.Inthe given situation, sharing the same Governor with Assam is not at all acceptable. Nagaland need to have separate Constitutional head of the state at the earliest. Every Naga leaders must un derstand the Role and power of the governor as per Article 154 of the IndianCentralconstitution.government must im mediately review the policy for maintaining maximum harmony and coordination with all the ag grieved NER states and also review the deployment of central neutral forces policy in the disputed border areas. As of today, so called neutral forces functions under the com mand of an officer who takes order from Assam police Head Office. Keeping in view of the stated reasons, It is evidently clear that Assam always stands as the most fa vored choice of New Delhi in terms of socio-economic upliftment and other Developmental programmes, irrespective of whichever political party is at the helm of affairs in New Delhi. (N.Thomas Lotha)
He would not drink it, but poured it out to the Lord. —2 Samuel 23:16
“For my government, the Constitution is its real holy book. And, in that holy book, freedom of faith, speech and franchise, and equality of all citi zens, regardless of background, are enshrined as fundamental rights” (Economic Times, 8 June Unless2016). the good speech is translated into action in a time such as this, the future of the nation is bleak. A nation cannot be called developing nation/developed nation unless the fear which inhabits in the minds of the people are dealt with. False accusations one after the other will disintegrate the nation. “Force conversion” has no constitutional defini tion, it is only used as a shield for perpetrators and those who are trying to create animosity among the people. Religion be it Christianity, Islam or others lie within the ambit of “freedom of religion.” Religious buildings used for worship is not only considered as sacred but is an integral part of the community spiritual experience. The Nagaland Joint Chris tian Forum urges upon the government of Punjab under the leadership of the Chief Minister to do all that they can and bring the perpetrators and be dealt with sternly according to the law of the land. Vandal izing of sacred worship places must be put to an end once and for all. What happened in Tarn Taran district in Punjab is most unfortunate. The authority should not leave the matter at the “sympathy” level but most investigate and good down to the bottom and expose the link because what happened in Punjab is not an isolated case. There is an under current move ment to destroy the secular spirit in the country. Only when the authority takes what has happen seriously as a threat to the nation then, confidence and insecurity feelings of the minorities will be restored and the nation will move forward. We call upon people of different religious traditions and faith in India to live in peace. Violence will beget violence; it is only love that will give birth to peace and harmony.
Quotes Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.
maximise efficiency, sustain ability, and the dependability of our food, feed, fibre, and fuel economies. In addi tion to organising, manag ing, and supervising the construction of irrigation, drainage, flood, and water control systems, dairy efflu ent schemes, environmental impact analyses, processing agricultural products, and interpreting and applying research findings, agricul tural engineers may also perform tasks like processing agricultural products. Objective of Agricul tural Engineering Agricultural engineer ing aims to improve the farmer’s financial situation, provide him with a digni fied work environment, and make food readily available to consumers in appropriate quantities and of sufficient quality whenever they need it. These objectives are pur sued through one or more of the1.following:Reduction in agri cultural hazards: The under lying causes of these dangers are discussed, and recom mendations are made. The farmers’ labour is ensured to be fruitful by doing this. 2. Reduction of drudgery in agricultural sec tors: Agricultural engineer ing interventions strive to develop tools and equipment that can be used in agricul tural activities to alleviate the burden on farmers. 3. Ensuring the ac cessibility of agricultural products all year-round: Sea sonal crops must be prepared and stored to meet demand throughout the year.
Farm Power and Machinery Engineering: This area of agricultural en gineering focuses on the de sign, upkeep, and repairs of machinery and equipment, as well as the transportation and processing of biological materials. It also deals with various power units such water pumps, electric power production systems, small engines, etc. 2. Structures and En vironmental Engineering: This area focuses on the construction of agricultural infrastructure, such as farm buildings, access roads, ani mal housing, greenhouses, storage buildings, and wa ter handling structures like dams and canals.
Dr. Laishram Kanta Singh SMS (SWCE/Agric. Engg) ICAR-Krishi Vigyan Kendra Imphal West ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Manipur Centre W hat has gone wrong with our big nation? Why has my faith and my worship place become the target of the religious fanatics? Why has the nation become so intolerant to people of other faith? India has always taken pride in her size as the world most populous democracy in the world. However, unfortunately, this is turning out to be a threat to the religious minorities in the big nation. The uncontrolled element fuelled by certain reli gious fanatics in the country has emboldened certain scrupulous groups to create restless and un safe situations across the nation. The recent vandalization of a church in Punjab has once again raised an alarm that Christians are never secure in the hands of the majority. We do not need to speculate that there is a force behind all these acts in the na tion. We appreciate the Chief Minister of Punjab for reassur ing the people by proclaiming that a probe has been initiated into the “highly condemnable” incident. From far, the Nagaland Joint Christian Forum demands justice be delivered and restore peace of mind and assurance to the Christian community and other minority groups that we matter to the nation as much as theNevertheless,majority. until the people who are in power at the centre take a drastic step and action it will be labelled as “conspiracy.” We are not new to this kind of situation. Minor ity groups have gone through untold miseries time and again leading them to lose their faith and trust in the system to pro tect them.Hate crimes in the country against religious minorities are always a labelled as false re port and a conspiracy and the authority usually explain their way out. Thus far, we have not heard of befitting penalization of the guilty. The perpetrators hide under the forearms of the big brothers who run the show. Life has become miserable and intolerable in recent past. The sweet talks are failing to cover up the acts of those who are instigating things from behind. It is now time to put the speech of Prime Minister, Nar endra Modi to the US congress in 2016 into action.

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NEW D ELHI, SEP 3 (PTI): The Congress will launch an all-out attack on the BJP government over price rise, unemployment and the GST hike on essen tial items with a big show of strength at Delhi’s Ramlila maidan on FormerSunday.Congress presi dent Rahul Gandhi and a host of party leaders would address the “Mehngai par halla bol” rally. Party work ers from Delhi, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh, besides other parts of the country, would participate in it. The rally comes ahead of the opposition party’s 3,500-km “Bharat Jodo Yatra” from Kanyakumari to Kashmir starting Septem ber 7, where Rahul Gandhi will walk across the country highlighting the issues of price rice and unemploy ment, and promoting com over price rise and unem ployment and saying that these are issues of the com mon people and should be discussed at all forums. The opposition party is also seeking a solution to the problems of price rise, inflation and unemploy ment, besides the hike in the Goods and Services Tax (GST) on essential items, and want efforts on the part of the establishment to help provide respite to people. On Sunday, former Congress leader Ghulam Nabi Azad is also scheduled to address his first public ral ly after quitting the party at the Sainik farms in Jammu. Azad, who was critical of the Congress leadership in his resignation letter, may step up his attack further on Sunday. The Congress has, however, termed the former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister’s public utterances against its leadership as “diversionary tactics” initi ated at the behest of the rul ing Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
Cong to hold mass protest rally against price rice, GST, unemployment
president Sonia Gandhi and party general secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra are currently out of the country for the former’s medical treatment and would not participate in the events.Rahul Gandhi, who is also abroad currently along with his mother Sonia Gan dhi, is set to return by Satur day and will participate in both the mega events.
The Congress has been attacking the government
KC Venugopal speaks during a press conference ahead of ‘Mehangai Par Halla Bol’ rally, in New Delhi, Saturday. (PTI) munalTheharmony.“Bharat Jodo Yatra” is the Congress par ty’s biggest ever mass con tact programme, where the party leaders will reach out to the common people at the grassrootsCongresslevel.
President Droupadi Murmu with Dharmendra Pradhan and Subhas Sarkar in IIT Delhi, in New Delhi, Saturday. (PTI)
Efforts being made to defame Rajasthan: Gehlot Ashok Gehlot
BENGALURU, SEP 3 (IANS): Former Chief Min ister B S Yediyurappa, who has been brought to the forefront by the BJP high command ahead of assem bly elections in Karnataka, on Saturday claimed that he will ensure thumping victory for the saffron party. Yediyurappa, who has been nominated to the par ty’s highest decision-making bodies, the Parliamentary Board and the Election Committee at the national level, was seen sharing dais with Prime Minister Naren dra Modi in the frontline in Mangaluru on Friday. During Prime Min ister Modi’s last visit to Bengaluru and Mysuru cit ies, Yediyurappa was only seen at the airport receiving him and could not be seen anywhere during his twoday visit on the occasion of celebration of International YogaSourcesDay. in the BJP said that this time, seating ar rangements were made as per the wishes of the Prime Minister. ‘Will saysvictoryensureforBJP’,Yediyurappa B S Yediyurappa
As a result of this, 45.28 per cent cases of crime against women in the state in 2019, 44.77 per cent in 2020 and 45.26 per cent in 2021 turned out to be false,” he said.
Social activist Teesta Setalvad being escorted to a session’s court, in Ahmedabad. (PTI)
Teesta Setalvad taken to sessions court after SC grants interim bail
NEW DELHI, SEP 3 (PTI): President Droupadi Murmu on Saturday stressed on the need to make educational institutions future ready, asserting that if the country takes steps to protect itself from vagaries of the future, it can reap rich demographic dividends. The president was addressing the clos ing ceremony of diamond jubilee celebrations of the Indian Institute of Technol ogy (IIT)“IndiaDelhi.has great talent pool which is yet to be fully tapped. We need to make our institutes adaptable to the future. This will require a new teaching-learning ma trix, pedagogy and content which are future-oriented. I am confident that with our famed IITs, we will be able to nurture the younger generation with necessary knowledge base and right skills to face the challenge,” she said. Calling IITs the country’s pride, Murmu said, “Their story is the story of Independent India. “IITs proved to the world the capability of India in the domains of education and technology. In more than one way, the story of the IITs is the story of In dependent India. The IITs have contributed immensely to India’s improved standing on the global stage today. Faculty and alumni of IITs have shown the world our brainpower,” she said. The president said that by 2047, when the country will cele brate the centenary of Inde pendence, the world around us will have changed drasti cally, thanks to the Fourth Industrial“JustRevolution.aswewere in no position 25 years ago to imagine the contemporary world, we cannot visualise today how artificial intel ligence and automation are going to transform life. With our high population num bers, we need to have a fore sight and strategies in place to deal with the forces of the future where disruptions will be a new normal. The nature of employment will get completely changed,” she said.
An other tribal group in Odi sha has demanded action against the woman social worker who allegedly forced sick Padma Sri awardee and tribal icon Kamala Pu jari to dance while being discharged from a hospital in Cuttack.Following the public outcry over the issue, au thorities of the SCB Medical College and Hospital, Cut tack have constituted a com mittee headed by the head of the medicine department Prof Jayant Panda to probe into the incident where Pu jari was ‘forced’ to dance despite her illness.
People from different cities want to come here and make it their permanent residence, he said. The pressure of popu lation is increasing in the neighbouring districts as well and there are com plaints of unplanned devel opment at times. Keeping in view the needs of the future, Uttar Pradesh State Capital Region should be formed on the lines of National Capital Region (NCR), he said. Adityanath asked officials to prepare a proposal in this regard and Lucknow and its surrounding districts like Unnao, Sitapur, Rae Bareli, Barabanki, Kanpur Nagar and Kanpur Dehat could be included in the SCR. After deliberating on all aspects, a detailed action plan should be submitted as soon as possible, the chief minister said. While decid ing on the development projects, the situation arising in the next 50 years should be taken into consideration while authorities will have to consider doing their own financial management for their projects, he said.
The committee com prised the registrar of the SCBMCH, Abinash Rout will submit its report to the hospital“Wesuperintendent.havealready re corded statement of doctors, nurses on duty, attendants, hospital security and oth ers. Two more people will be interrogated and we will submit report on Saturday”, Panda told PTI. He said the woman social worker was accompanying Pujari from Jeypore and was known as a lady attendant of the Padma Sri awardee. “The hospital staff allowed her (the social worker) entry because she had come along with Pujari during the admission time,” PandaMeanwhile,said. a day af ter Paraja tribal commu nity demanded strong action against the woman social worker who forced Pujari (72) to dance, now the Bhu mia tribe also condemned the incident where the tribal icon was forced to dance in the ICU of the hospital. The Bhumia tribal society leader Narendra Kandolia said that the entire tribal population of Odisha, who comprise 22.5 per cent of the Odi sha’s population, condemn it. They have submitted a memorandum to the govern ment through sub-collector, Jeypore on Friday.
AHMEDABAD, SEP 3 ( AGENCIES): Activist Teesta Setalvad was taken to the sessions court from Gujarat’s Sabarmati jail on Saturday. She was granted interim bail by the Supreme Court on Friday in connec tion with the 2002 Gujarat riots case, reports India Today.Officials said she will be processed in court and an estimated time for her release will be known ac cordingly.Setalvad is accused of drafting false statements by witnesses and submitting them before the Nanavati commission set up to in vestigate the riots. Teesta Setalvad and former top cop RB Sreekumar were arrested for allegedly fabricating evi dence, committing forgery, and criminal conspiracy. The FIR filed by the Gujarat ATS also stated that false statements of witnesses had been drafted by Teesta Setalvad and filed before the Nanavati commission set up to investigate the riots. According to the FIR, Setalvad and Sreekumar had conspired to abuse the process of law by fabricat ing false evidence and insti tuting false and malicious criminal proceedings against innocent people.
JAIPUR, SEP 2 (PTI): Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Friday said after the report of the National Crime Records Bu reau (NCRB) was released, efforts are being made to defame the state. He said it would be appropriate to compare the figures of 2019 and 2021 as there was a lockdown in 2020. Gehlot said despite the policy of compulsory regis tration of FIRs in Rajasthan, the number of incidents of crime registered in 2021 was about 5 per cent less than that of 2019, while 17 states and Union territories, including MP, Haryana, Gujarat and Uttarakhand, registered more crimes. In a statement, he said Gujarat registered an in crease of about 69 per cent in incidents of crime, Hary ana recorded a 24-per cent hike and Madhya Pradesh a 20-per cent increase. “UP is ahead in the country in murder cases, crime against women and kidnapping. Gu jarat has the highest number of custodial deaths. In the case of rape of minors under the POCSO Act, MP ranks first in the country while Ra jasthan is at the 12th place,” the chief minister said. He said it is the result of the compulsory FIR reg istration policy that in 201718, 33 per cent FIRs were registered through courts under section 156(3) of the CrPC but now, this has come down to 13 per cent. Gehlot said as a result of the steps taken by the state govern ment, the time taken in the investigation of rape cases has come down to 68 days from 274 days in 2017-18. The average time taken in the investigation of a POCSO case was 232 days in 2018. It has now come down to 66 days, he pointed out. “In Rajasthan, effec tive action is being taken by the police against every crime and the government completely stands with the victims,” he Gehlotsaid.said in 2015, about 51 per cent cases un der the SC-ST Act were reg istered through courts under section 156(3) of the CrPC and now, it has come down to about 10 per cent. “It is a matter of con cern that some people have misused the government’s policy of compulsory regis tration of FIRs and got false FIRs registered.
LUCKNOW, SEP 3 (PTI): Uttar Pradesh Chief Min ister Yogi Adityanath has directed officials to form ‘Uttar Pradesh State Capital Region’ along the lines of the Delhi-National Capital Re gion (NCR) keeping future requirements in Adityanathmind.onFriday held a review meeting of the Housing and Urban Plan ning Department, Hous ing Development Council, and all urban development authorities through video conference at his official resi dence on Friday, an official statement said. Due to con tinuous-coordinated efforts, the state capital Lucknow is today being equipped with state-of-the-art urban facili ties,” the chief minister said during the meeting.
Need to make educational institutes future ready: Prez
Develop UP State Capital Region on lines of NCR: Yogi Yogi Adityanath
Tribal group demands action against woman for forcing Pujari to dance
Padma Shri awardee Kamala Pujari being allegedly forced to dance by a social worker inside a hospital. (PTI)

It’s constituted under the Insurance Ombuds man Rules, 2017 for individual policyholders to have their complaints settled out-of-the-courts system. New ESI Contribution Rates: Eligibility, applicability and benefits for employees At present, there are 17 insurance ombuds men in different locations. Any person who has a grievance against an insurer can himself, or through his legal representative, make a com plaint in writing to the Insurance ombudsman. Sudhir Krishna, insurance ombudsman, said the Delhi centre strives to resolve com plaints within 30 days of registration. Over a half of the complaints at this centre were resolved by conciliation/settlement.
NEW DELHI, SEP 3 (AGENCIES): The En forcement Directorate (ED) on Saturday raided online payment gateways like Ra zorpay, Cashfree, Paytm as part of an ongoing probe in connection with the Chinese instant loan app case. The raids are currently underway at six premises in Bengaluru. The case is based on 18 numbers of FIRs registered by the Cy ber Crime Police Station in Bengaluru City, Business Today reported. The cases were registered against nu merous entities and persons in connection with their involvement in extortion and harassment of the pub lic who had availed small amount of loans through the mobileDuringapps. preliminary enquiries, the central probe agency found that these entities were controlled and operated by Chinese Per sons. “The modus operandi of these entities is by using forged documents of Indi ans and making them as dummy directors of those entities, they are generating proceeds of crime,” the ED said. The agency further said that these entities were doing their illegal business through various merchant IDs and accounts held with payment gateways and banks. “The premises of Ra zorpay Pvt Ltd, Cashfree Payments, Paytm Payment Services Ltd and amounthavingsite/registeredCorporateonfromtheywithchantcrimewereobservederation,itinnesecontrolled/operatedentitiesbyChiPersonsarecoveredthesearchoperation,”said.DuringthesearchoptheEDsaid,itwasthattheseentitiesgeneratingproceedsofthroughvariousmerIDsandaccountsheldpaymentgateways.“...arealsonotoperatingtheaddressesgiventheMCA(MinistryofAffairs)webaddressandfakeaddresses.AnofRs17crorehas been seized in merchant IDs and bank accounts of these Chinese persons-controlled entities,” the ED said. Reacting to the raids, Cashfree Payments in a statement said that it ex tended diligent co-operation to the ED operations, “pro viding them the required and necessary information on the same day of enquiry. Our operations and onboarding processes adhere to the PMLA and KYC directions, and we will con tinue to do so in the time to follow.”The Razorpay spokes person said that some of its merchants were being investigated by law enforce ment agency about a year and a half back. “As part of the ongoing investigation, the authorities requested additional information to help with the investigation. We have fully cooperated and shared KYC and other details. The authorities were satisfied by our due dili gence process,” it said.
India overtakes UK; become 5th largest economy
NEW DELHI, SEP 3 (IANS): Global shipments of traditional PCs are forecast to decline 12.8 per cent in 2022 to 305.3 million units while tablet shipments will fall 6.8 per cent to 156.8 million, according to a new report. Inflation, a weakening glob al economy, and the surge in buy ing over the past two years are the leading causes for the reduced outlook, according to the report by the“Long-termIDC. demand will be driven by a slow economic recovery combined with an enterprise hardware refresh as support for Windows 10 nears its end. Educational deploy ments and hybrid work are also expected to become a mainstay driving additional volumes,” said Jitesh Ubrani, research manager for IDC Mobility and Consumer DeviceFurtherTrackers.contraction is also expected in 2023 as consumer demand has slowed, the educa tion demand has been largely fulfilled, and enterprise demand gets pushed out due to worsening macroeconomic conditions. The combined market for PCs and tablets is forecast to de cline 2.6 per cent in 2023 before returning to growth in 2024, said the report.“With economic headwinds gaining speed, we expect worsen ing consumer sentiment to result in further consumer market contractions over the next six quarters,” added Linn Huang, research vice president, Devices and Displays.“Economic recovery in time for the next major refresh cycle could propel some growth in the outer years of our fore cast. Though volumes won’t hit pandemic peaks, we expect the consumer market to drive towards more premium ends of the market,” Huang added.
ED raids online payment gateways Razorpay, Paytm, Cashree
NEW DELHI, SEP 3 (IANS): The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) said on Saturday that it has issued refunds of over Rs 1.14 lakh crore to more than 1.97 crore taxpayers be tween April 1 to August 31. It also said that income tax refunds of Rs 61,252 crore have been issued in 1,96,00,998 cases and cor porate tax refunds of Rs 53,158 crore have been is sued in 1,46,871 cases. “CBDT issues refunds of over Rs 1.14 lakh crore to more than 1.97 crore taxpayers between April 1, 2022 to August 31, 2022. Income tax refunds of Rs 61,252 crore have been is sued in 1,96,00,998 cases and corporate tax refunds of Rs 53,158 crore have been issued in 1,46,871 cases,” the CBDT said.
Insurance ombudsmen settle 40,527 complaints in FY22 NEW DELHI, SEP 3 (AGENCIES): Insurance ombudsman offices across India settled 40,527 complaints related to grievances of policyhold ers in FY22, up 32% from a year before. As many as 3,830 cases were settled by the Bima Lokpal’s (ombudsman’s) Delhi of fice alone in the last fiscal, Financial Express reported.TheBima Lokpal, an alternative grievance redress mechanism set up by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (Irdai), offers a platform for expeditious and cost-effective disposal of customer complaints.
Gross domestic prod uct (GDP) growth of 13.5 per cent year-on-year com pares to a 20.1 per cent expansion a year back and 4.09 per cent growth in the previous three months to March, according to official data released earlier this week. The growth, though lower than the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) esti mate of 16.2 per cent, was fuelled by consumption and signalled a revival of do mestic demand, particularly in the services sector. Pent-up demand is driving consumption as consumers, after two years of pandemic restrictions, are stepping out and spend ing. The services sector has seen a strong bounce back that will get a boost from the festival season next month.But the slowing growth of the manufacturing sector at 4.8 per cent is an area of worry. Also, imports being higher than exports is a matter of Additionally,concern. an un even monsoon is likely to weigh upon agriculture growth and rural demand. The GDP print will, however, allow the RBI to focus on controlling in flation, which has stayed above the comfort zone of 6 per cent for seven straight months.The central bank has raised the benchmark policy rate by 140 basis points in three installments since May and has vowed to do more to bring inflation un der control.Besides tighter mon etary conditions, Asia’s third-largest economy faces headwinds from higher en ergy and commodity prices that are likely to weigh on consumer demand and companies’ investment plans. Also, consumer spending, which accounts for nearly 55 per cent of economic activity, has been hit hard by soaring food and fuel prices.TheGDP growth in the first quarter of the cur rent fiscal was higher than China’s 0.4 per cent expan sion in April-June.
LosT noTICe I, Shri I. J. Lepden Jamir, S/o Imdak Jamir, R/o Signal Angami Village, Dimapur lost my Appointment Order issued by the Directorate of School Education Department dated 21.04.1991 on 22.08.2022 in between Signal Angami to SDEO Office, Dhansiripar. -4153/22DP
NEW DELHI, SEP 3 (PTI): India has overtak en the UK to become the world’s fifth-largest econ omy and is now behind only the US, China, Japan and Germany, according to IMF Aprojections.decadeback, India was ranked 11th among the large economies while the UK was at the fifth position. With record beating expansion in the April-June quarter, the Indian econo my has now overtaken the UK, which has slipped to the sixth spot. The assump tion of India overtaking the UK is based on calculations by Bloomberg using the IMF database and historic exchange rates on its ter minal.“On an adjusted basis and using the dollar ex change rate on the last day of the relevant quarter, the size of the Indian economy in ‘nominal’ cash terms in the quarter through March was USD 854.7 billion. On the same basis, the UK was USD 816 billion,” stated a Bloomberg report. With India being the world’s fastest growing ma jor economy, its lead over the UK will widen in the next few “Proudyears.moment for In dia to pip the UK, our colo nial ruler, as the 5th largest economy: India $3.5 trillion vs UK $3.2 trillion. But a reality check of population denominator: India: 1.4 billion vs UK 0.068 billion. Hence, per capita GDP we at $2,500 vs $47,000. We have miles to go... Let’s be at it!,” Uday Kotak, CEO of Kotak Mahindra Bank, said in a Indiatweet.hasa population 20 times that of the UK and so its GDP per capita is lower.“We just became the 5th largest #economy in the world, surpassing the UK!,” tweeted Anil Agar wal, chairman of mining gi ant Vedanta group. “What an impressive milestone for our rapidly growing Indian economy... In a few years, we will be in Top 3!” India’s GDP expanded 13.5 per cent in the AprilJune quarter, the quickest pace in a year, to retain the world’s fastest growing economy tag but rising in terest costs and the looming threat of a recession in ma jor world economies could slow the momentum in the coming quarters.
Advisor, H Tovihoto Ayemi at the inauguration of The Fit Factory/Spa near West Police Station, Dimapur on Saturday.
ACROSS 9 Grouse (8) 10 Write (3) 11 Tell (6) 12 Char (6) 13 Madman (7) 14 Coy (4) 15 Brainwave (6,4) 17 Blow (8) 18 Quieten (7) 19 Apartment (4) 21 Pictures (6) 24 Amassing (9,8) 27 Vegetable (6) 29 Merit (4) 30 Search (7) 33 Capsize (8) 35 Nonsense (10) 36 Cut (4) 37 Emerging (7) 38 Vacillate (6) 40 Break (6) 41 Look at (3) 42 Offered (8) DOWN 1 About (10) 2 Fight (4) 3 Pitiful (8) 4 Contain (7) 5 Order (11) 6 Punish (10) 7 Matter (6) 8 Pamphlet (8) 10 Animal (5) 16 Bigger (7) 20 Beer (5) 22 Abashed (7) 23 Game (4,3,4) 25 Zest (10) 26 Entered (10) 28 Lent (8) 31 Interminable (8) 32 Frivolous (7) 34 Tore (6) 35 Colour (5) 39 You (4) Crossword No. 10383 Yesterday’s solution No. 10382 Su doku No. 5005 Yesterday’s solution No. 5004 KAKURO No. 4029 Yesterday’s solution No. 4028 8 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2022BUSINESS db-958/22 Land For SaLe at Vihokhu Just 1 minute drive from Foothill Road. Any size at Rs. 45 Per Sq. Ft. (Slightly Negotiable) Contact No. : 60095306326009094225 Land For SaLe 1. Khehokhu Near Baptist College Rs. 90 per sq. ft. 2. Tzudikong (Paper Mill) 10th Mile Near Railway Station Contact : 89749321449862086218 DP-4118/22(A) Land For SaLe Near Vihokhu Rs. 37 Per Sq. Ft. Contact No. : 7085747979,9862086218DP-4118/22(B) PRIMELandLOCATION for Sale at Unity Village Behind Ao & Sema Church with Boundary Wall, Ring Well, Gate and Electricity.Proper 20800 sq. ft. Rs. 550 per sq. ft. Contact : 8415009835 -4110/22DP Land For SaLe Newly Constructed Building Padumpukhuri Lane - 5 Price : Rs. 36,00,000/Naga United Lane - 17 Area : 8600 Sq. Ft. (Approx) Price : Rs. 300/- Per Sq. Ft. Contact : 7005794836 DP-4114/22 Land for saLe Town Area, 1/2 km from Dimapur Government College. 1. 4 Bighas @ Rs. 680/ sq. ft. 2. 40x40 @ Rs. 1350000/Contact : 9362619411 -960/22DB SIBERIANHUSKYPUPPIES FOR SALE Contact+91: 9402054933 +91 6009342389k-1997/22 Land For Urgent SaLe 1. Kushiabill Sec-IV–3 Bighas 2. Lengrijan with House –Rs. 27 Lakhs 3. Indisen (Ao’s only) 1 Plot of land Contact No. 7005424879 DP-4140/22 Wanted a data operator Experience in MIS Excel & Word Printing Nearby Duncan, ADC Court, Sewak, Kashiram Preferred Co-operative & Deligent Qualification 12th Pass + Salary Rs. 8k PM Contact - 9774964084 Add : Office near ADC Court Area -4144/22DP Urgent Sale Land with Building 4th Mile Diphupar Rs. 70 lakhs (Negotiable) No Brokers, Only genuine buyers Contact8837301558,: 8056674419 DP-4148/22 Wanted 1. Indian/Tandoor Cook 2. Chinese Cook 3. Kitchen Helper 4. WaiterMinimum 2 years of experience Contact : PLAZA RESTAURANT Nyamo Lotha Road, Dimapur #8787796357, 9811007111 DP-4149/22 Job Vacancy PageMaker cum Translator (English to Nagamese): 3 posts. Interested candidates send resume to gmail.com.Nagamesekhobor@ Must have good knowledge of Adobe PageMaker 7, Adobe Photoshop 7 & Indesign. Call # 8798957323 (10 am – 4pm). Candidates residing in or near Signal Basti area preferred. Night Job therefore male candidates preferred. Hurry. DP-4151/22 Name : Moakaba (Noorin) Age : 11 years Height : 4 Feet (Approx) Complexion : Dark Dress worn : White T-Shirt and Blue Half Pant Finders may kindly contact in the given :(M) 7005815910 (M) 9436267669 MiSSing DP-4152/22 Job vacancy- Kohima 1. Housekeeper(HouseCleaning) - 1 Requirements: Female (Single or with family) Salary : Rs. (Negotiable)6000/Free HouseandaccommodationFreefoodinglocation:HighSchoolArea,kohima Contact: 93669 90753 (Call Between 9 am - 6 pm)k-2007/22 Land for saLe 1. 3 (ResidentialBighas site at Khughovi NearApproachVillageRoadTouched4Lane) Rs. 150 per sq. ft. 2. 9 (PaddyBighasField at Nihoto Village) Rs. 45 per sq. ft. Contact No. 9362359477-4155/22DP Land for saLe Location : Bamunpukhuri-B (5 kms from Zion Hospital) 50 × 50 : Rs. 5.37 lakhs 50 × 80 : Rs. 8.60 lakhs 50 × 100 : Rs. 10.57 lakhs Call: 94026156487005204949DP-4154/22
Recently, the Income Tax Department said that tax collections from cor porates soared 34 per cent in the first four months of the fiscal over that in the equivalent period in 202122, indicating that the “sim plified tax regime with low rates and no exemptions” has lived up to its promise. It said that the corpo rate tax collections during April and July period stood at Rs 7.23 lakh crore regis tered a growth of over 58 per cent as compared to the tax collection of FY 2020-21.
Global PC, tablet shipments to fall significantly in 2022 and 2023 CBDT issues refunds of over Rs 1.14 lakh crore

Special Song : Mt. Sinai Higher Secondary School, Kohima
Argentines rally for VP after failed assassination attempt
NAGALAND : KOHIMA STATE LEVEL TEACHERS’ DAY CELEBRATION, 2022 5th September 2022 // 10 AM // Capital Cultural Hall, Kohima
Vote of Thanks : Shri. Thavaseelan K, IAS Principal Director, School Education (LAUNCH OF)
3. A Question A Day (AQAD) in collaboration with Educational Initiatives
WASHINGTON, SEP 3 (REUTERS): The FBI re covered more than 11,000 government documents and photographs during its Aug. 8 search at former President Donald Trump’s Florida estate, as well as 48 empty folders labeled as “classi fied,” according to court records that were unsealed on Friday.Theunsealing by US District Judge Aileen Can non in West Palm Beach came one day after she heard oral arguments by Trump’s attorneys and the Justice Department’s top two theunsealbuttoingquest.materialslegemastersheprosecutorscounterintelligenceoverwhethershouldappointaspecialtoconductaprivireviewoftheseizedatTrump’sreCannondeferredrulimmediatelyonwhetherappointaspecialmastersaidshewouldagreetotworecordsfiledbyJusticeDepartment.
ISLAMABAD, SEP 3 (IANS): Pakistan is cur rently reeling from the biggest climate tragedy in recent history of the world, Federal Minister for Plan ning Ahsan Iqbal said here on Saturday.TheMinister said this during a press conference following the first meet ing of the newly formed National Flood Response and Coordination Centre (NFRCC), Samaa TV re ported.This year, monsoon struck areas of the country that usually do not receive much downpour and those areas that usually experi ence heavy rainfall were spared this “Pakistanseason.bore the brunt of 500% more rain fall compared to a 30 year average,” the Minister highlighted, adding that it resulted in heavy flooding across the region, Samaa TV reported.“Thescale of the lat est calamity faced by Paki stan can be matched to the destruction caused by hur ricane Katrina in the US that rendered the world’s super power helpless in the face of natural disaster.” He hoped that the country will face the ad versity with courage and overcome it with the help of people.TheMinister further pointed out that some re gions of Sindh and Balo chistan that usually receive less than 40 mm of rain were pounded by around 1,500 mm of downpour resulting in heavy losses. He further said sev eral parts of South Pun jab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Gilgit-Baltistan also suffered damage due to torrential rains and re sulting floods, Samaa TV reported.Ahsan pointed out that major chunk of dam age was incurred by hill tor rents and flash floods after rains lashed the region. “Hill torrents swept away at least a million houses and damaged 5,000km of road network,” he leastworstwhichacresspanningdistrictslustratedsharedmaintained.Theslidepresentationbytheministerilthatintotal34inBalochistanover1.2millionwereinundatedofLasbellawasthehit.AsofSaturday,at1,265peoplehave died in the devastating floods that hit the country sinceAccordingmid-June. to the Na tional Disaster Manage ment Authority (NDMA), 12,577 persons have been injured while some 320,680 houses have been destroyed and 3,766 livestock per ished.The NDMA said that 169,676 people have been rescued since the beginning of the crisis, adding that 627,793 people are cur rently living in the camps.
Huge mural of Gandhi, Mandela unveiled at South African NPO
COLOMBO, SEP 3 (AFP): Deposed Sri Lankan presi dent Gotabaya Rajapaksa faced calls for his arrest Saturday after returning home from self-imposed exile under the protection of the government that took charge when he fled. Rajapaksa fled the is land nation under military escort in July after a huge crowd stormed his official residence following months of angry demonstrations against his government. The 73-year-old an nounced his resignation from Singapore and spent weeks under virtual house arrest at a Bangkok hotel lobbying his successor to allow his Leadersreturn.of the protest campaign that toppled his government said Rajapak sa, who lost his presidential immunity after leaving of fice, should now be brought to justice.“Gotabaya returned because no country is will ing to accept him, he has no place to hide,” Joseph Stalin, the leader of a teach ers’ trade union that helped mobilise demonstrators, told AFP.“Heshould be arrested immediately for causing such misery for the 22 mil lion people of Sri Lanka. He should be prosecuted for his crimes.”Rajapaksa’s govern ment was accused of cha otic mismanagement as the Sri Lankan economy spiralled into an unprec edentedThedownturn.crisissaw acute shortages of food, lengthy blackouts and long queues at gas stations for scarce fuel supplies after the country ran out of foreign currency to pay for vital imports. “He can’t live freely as if nothing has happened,” said Stalin, who was named for the former Soviet leader by his leftist Rajapaksafather.arrived at the main international air port in Colombo and was garlanded with flowers by a welcoming party of min isters and senior politicians as he disembarked. He was driven in a security convoy to a new official residence in the capital provided to him by the government of his successor, President Ra nil inisland’sprisonersandWickrematunge’schargespresident.stalledesAssociation,LankaaTharinducrimesbringsionWickrematunge.newspaperassassinationhislitanyapaksa’svowedreturn.allowandWickremesinghefinancebrotherWickremesinghe.Rajapaksa’syoungerBasil,theformerminister,metwithlastmonthrequestedprotectiontothedeposedleadertoRightsactivistshavetopressforRajprosecutiononaofcharges,includingallegedroleinthe2009ofprominenteditorLasantha“Wewelcomehisdecitoreturnsothatwecanhimtojusticeforthehehascommitted,”Jayawardhana,spokesmanfortheSriYoungJournalists’saidFriday.SeveralcorruptioncaslodgedagainstRajapaksaafterhewaselectedRajapaksaalsofacesinaUScourtovermurderthetortureofTamilattheendofthetraumaticcivilwar2009.
LONDON, SEP3 (AGEN CIES): A pilot who circled above a Mississippi city for hours and threatened to crash into a branch of Walmart has landed the plane safely after talks with police.State Governor Tate Reeves tweeted that no one had been injured, offering his thanks to law enforce ment in Tupelo, BBC re ported. A livestream by a reporter of local television station WTVA appeared to show the vehicle sitting in a field.The Walmart and an other nearby store were ear lier evacuated, while citizens were asked to avoid the area. Details of the conversa tion between the pilot and police while he was in the air, or his identity, were not immediately made public. However, local media report the pilot was arrested after landing the plane. Police were originally notified at around 05:00 lo cal time on Saturday (10:00 GMT) of a plane flying above the city, an earlier statement said. At the time, police de scribed it as a “dangerous situation”. The statement added that the plane was possibly a “King Air type” - referring to a small utility plane.
A view of makeshift tents of flood victims taking refuge on a higher ground, following rains and floods in Dera Allah Yar, Jafferabad, Pakistan. (Reuters/Amer Hussain)
A career politician and a divisive figure, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner was Argentina’s president from 2007 to 2015, and its first lady for four years before that. She has been the vice president since 2019. Footage shows the moment she found herself face-to-face with the loaded weapon. Ms Fernández de Kirchner was outside her home in Buenos Aires, surrounded by a mob of supporters who back her in her fight against corruption charges.As she greets them, the gun can be seen emerging from the crowd. She initially appears confused by what is going on, ducking down to retrieve an object dropped on the floor.
Supporters of Argentine Vice President Cristina Fernandez gather in Plaza de Mayo square the day after a person pointed a gun at her in Buenos Aires. (AP/PTI)
SPECIAL GUEST: Shri. Neiphiu Rio Hon’ble Chief Minister of Nagaland ORDER OF PROGRAMME 9.15 AM : Arrival of Guest / Teachers / Students 9.50 AM : Arrival of Special Guest 9.55 AM : Unfurling of the Teachers’ Day Flag by Special Guest
National Anthem : T.M Government Higher Secondary School, Kohima Invocation : Rev. Kelhuseto Nagi Pastor, Calvary Baptist Church, Phezhu, Jotsoma
NEW DELHI, SEP 3 (ANI): Germany’s flag carrier Lufthansa Airlines has cancelled 800 flights globally due to a one-day pilots’ strike, resulting in around 700 passengers being stranded at the T3 terminal at Delhi’s Indira Gandhi In ternational Airport (IGIA). Stranded passengers and their relatives registered strong protests on the in tervening night of Friday at Delhi“Anairport.information was received at IGI Airport at 12.15 AM in which it was conveyed that crowd has gathered on the main road in front of Departure gate no. 1 Terminal 3 IGI Air port. On reaching the spot it was found that approx 150 persons were present there and because of this, the traffic moment was slowed down. The crowd was de manding for a refund of money or alternate arrange ment to be made for their relatives who were present
Gotabaya Rajapaksa
Pakistan reeling from biggest climate tragedy
Lufthansacancelsover800flightsglobally inside the Terminal build ing,” airport police said. Lufthansa airline oper ates two flights from Delhi to Frankfurt and Munich which remain canceled on Friday.“On enquiry, it was found that two flights of Lufthansa airlines were cancelled. LH 761 (Delhi to Frankfurt) having 300 passengers and scheduled departure at 2.50 AM and another Lufthansa flight LH 763 (Delhi to Munich) having 400 passengers and scheduled departure at 1.10 AM cancelled,” said an of ficial.“Both the flights were cancelled by the Lufthansa headquarters due to One day worldwide strike of all the pilots of Lufthansa air lines for salary appraisals,” Airport police said. Security concerns had arisen at the Delhi airport last night due to the move ment of Lufthansa passen gers at the terminal building following the cancellation of a Lufthansa Airlines flight. In the viral video, pas sengers are shouting at the airport for justice and mon ey back, with the official also pointing out that most of the students were sup posed to travel by Lufthansa last night.
Life Sketch of Late Dr. S. Radhakrishnan : Rüzhükhrie Government Higher Secondary School, Kohima Greetings : Shri. K. T Sukhalu, IAS (Rtd.) Hon’ble MLA & Advisor for School Education & SCERT
Special Item : Government High School, New Market, Kohima Address by the Special Guest Presentation of Awards
Pilot threatens to crash plane in Mississippi
‘No place to hide’: Ousted Rajapaksa faces arrest calls
LONDON, SEP 3 (AGEN CIES): Thousands of sup porters of Argentina’s vicepresident have rallied to denounce political violence, after she narrowly survived an assassination attempt. “We are all Cristina,” chanted crowds in the capi tal Buenos Aires, referring to Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.The 69-year-old es caped unharmed on Thurs day evening after a gun man’s weapon jammed as he aimed at her, BBC reported. Ms Fernández de Kirchner has not spoken publicly about it yet, but waved to supporters as she left home on FridayAlbertoArgentina’sFriday.PresidentFernándezdeclaredanationalholiday to allow Argentines time to “express themselves in defence of life, democracy and in solidarity with the vice-president”.Hundredsof thousands of flag waving supporters descended on the capital’s historic Plaza de Mayo, next to the presidential offices. “Thank God and the Virgin that the bullet didn’t come out,” 58-year-old teacher Santiago Bianco told Reuters news agency. “For us, the possibil ity that something like that could happen to Cristina is unthinkable,” said Clau dia, 37, who declined to provide her surname. “We were saved last night from something terrible that we can’t even comprehend,” she added.
A Tribute to Teachers : Pilgrim Higher Secondary, Kuda ‘B’, Dimapur
JOHANNESBURG, SEP 3 (PTI): A huge wall mu ral of images of Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu, Ahmed Kathrada and a host of other South African leaders, both deceased and still alive, has been unveiled at the Aryan Benevolent Home in the sprawling mainly Indian township of CelebratedChatsworth.Indian-or igin artist Nanda Soobben spent more than a month painting the mural after the violence in South Africa last year as an exercise to show the solidarity between dif ferent communities in South Africa which brought about the democratic order in 1994 after decades of whiteminority apartheid rule. “The aim of the paint ing (unveiled on Friday) is to bring about peace and a non-racial society follow ing the unrest, without the allegations spread on social media that inflamed such violence. It is to bring about social cohesion and show that different races in South Africa made great sacrifices to free our country of apart heid,” Soobben said. “Besides being peace murals, I also wanted them to be history lessons on a wall. Hopefully, the images will encourage those who see them to go and read up more on these great leaders of our past and present,”
Soobben said of the mural at the Aryan Benevolent Home (ABH), a non-profit organisation, in Durban’s Chatsworth. He recalled how a mural he had painted in New York almost three decades ago had spurred him to do something similar in SouthSoobbenAfrica. had to go abroad to further his career as an artist and cartoonist before he returned to South Africa to start the Centre for Fine Art Animation and Design in 1994 after Nelson Mandela became the presi dent. He had a number of challenges earlier with the regime due to his outspoken but widely appreciated antiapartheid cartoons in lead ing newspapers.TheCentre has assisted scores of previously disad vantaged young artists in developing their passion for a range of skills, from design to animation, using the lat est technology.Soobbensaid he chose the ABH for the first mural because of the excellent work that it does in look ing after orphaned children and the aged. The late Dr Sishupal Rambaros, who founded the ABH with oth ers 101 years ago, was him self an orphan cared for at the fledgling institution and spent his entire life there. He is one of the people featured on the mural.
Honouring of Teachers : Little Flower Higher Secondary School, Kohima
Comperes: Smt. Vitsusie Savinuo // Shri. Prakash Shrestha
Presentation & Felicitation of winners of the Chief Minister’s Meritorious Students Fellowship (HSLC 2021 & 2022)
A redacted FBI photograph of documents recovered from a container stored at Donald Trump’s Florida home FBI found over 11,000
govt records at Trump’s home
Former US Attorney General William Barr, who was appointed by Trump, questioned the usefulness of such an appointment. “I think at this stage, since they’ve (FBI) already gone through the docu ments I think it’s a waste of time” to have a special mas ter, Barr said in an interview on FoxBarr,News.who left the post in late December 2020, de fied Trump by not backing his false claims that the presidential election that year had been stolen from him. In the interview, Barr added that he saw no “le gitimate reason” for Trump having documents at his Florida estate if they were classified.One of the records, released on Friday, provides a little more detail about the 33 boxes and other items the FBI found inside Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate, as part of its ongoing criminal in vestigation into whether he illegally retained national defense information and tried to obstruct the probe. It shows that docu ments with classification markings were at times comingled with other items such as books, magazines and newspaper clippings. Also found were un specified gifts and clothing items.Of the more than 11,000 government records and photos, 18 were labeled as “top secret,” 54 were la beled “secret” and 31 were labeled “confidential,” ac cording to a Reuters tally of the government’s inventory. “Top secret” is the highest classification level, reserved for the country’s most closely held secrets. There were also 90 empty folders, 48 of which were marked “classified,” while others indicated that they should be returned to staff secretary/military aide.
Welcome Address : Smt. Kevileno Angami Commissioner & Secretary to the Government of Nagaland Department of School Education & SCERT
2. Digital Diary for Government Teachers
Short Video on National Awards to Teachers 2022 Awardee Smt. Mimi Yhoshü
1. Nagaland Reading Festival (Enabling Micro Improvements to Improve Love for Reading)

hef and actor Ranveer Brar has announced that his food chan nel on YouTube has gone sharper as it is the first in India to be 4K. Brar released a video, where he made the exciting announcement. In the clip he is heard saying: “Lights, camera, action. This is Ranveer Brar and I have an announcement to make and the news is that since yesterday, our channel has become 4K. India’s first channel to go all 4K.” Brar’s YouTube channel which goes by the name Chef Ranveer Brar currently has 5.33M Mumbai’.‘Baai’debutrateur.also‘Masterchef44-year-oldThesubscribers.Lucknow-bornchefhasjudgedIndia’.He’sanauthorandrestauHemadehisactingwithHansalMehta’sin‘ModernLove
• Song of the Soil by Chuden Kabimo, trans lated from the Nepali by Ajit Baral(Rachna Books, 2021)
CONGRATULATIONS With immense pride and honour, the Xuivi Students’ Union would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to Grand Master and Founder of Naga Kiti-do Israel G. Xuivi for the Historic Achievement on being officially inducted in the International Taekwon-do Hall of Fame The Union takes this privilege to express our deepest appreciation and wishes the best in all his future endeavours.
Pikali H. Zhimomi Tenkali Sumi Akivi G. Jimomi President, XSU Magazine Editor, XSU General Secretary, XSU dp-4156/22 dc-1014/22
The School takes immense pride to congratulate Miss Vinika Kiho , D/o Mr Kisheto Kiho and Mrs Kavili Kiho for clearing the UPSC for the post of Public Prosecutor in Central Bureau of Investigation.TheEden Boarding School proudly honours your exceptional feat that has brought laurels and jubilation to the School's reputation. May this distinction you have achieved through integrity and hard work continue to inspire the younger generations. We send our sincere prayers and wish you all the very best in your life’s new venture.
The JCB Prize for Literature is awarded each year to a distinguished work of fiction by an In dian writer. The jury will announce the shortlist of five titles in October. The winner of the Rs 25-lakh JCB Prize for Lit erature will be announced on 19th November. If the winning work is a transla tion, the translator will receive an additional Rs 10 lakh. Each of the 5 short listed authors will receive Rs 1 lakh; if a shortlisted work is a translation, the translator will receive Rs 50,000.
• Spirit Nights by Easterine Kire (Simon & Schuster, 2022)
• Imaan by Manoranjan Byapari, translated from Bengali by Arunava Sinha (EKA, C2021)
provided.The group given a daily avocado was called the Avocado Supplement ed Diet Group; the other group that continued their usual diet was called the Habitual Diet Group. Sabate and team found the group that avo cado eaters experienced “modest but nominally significant” reductions in total and LDL cholesterol compared to the habitual diet group. They pointed out that fibre in avocados may contribute to lower cholesterol levels. “The betweenandbodythat3.3avocadopointinggroups,”fiberwithlesteroldifferencesbetween-groupintotalchoandLDL-Caligntheobserveddietarydifferencesbetweentheauthorswrote,outthatasinglecanhaveaboutgofsolublefiber.Othermeasurementsincludedbodyweight,massindex(BMI),insulinweresimilarthetwogroups.
The 2022 longlist is:
Easterine Kire’s ‘Spirit Nights’ at longlist for JCB Prize for Literature
Ranveer Brar’s YouTube channel is India’s first to go 4K
• Crimson Spring by Navtej Sarna (Aleph Book Company, 2022)
• Valli by Sheela Tomy, translated from Ma layalam by Jayasree Ka lathil (Harper Perennial, 2022)Commenting on the longlist for 2022 and the overall reading experience, chair of the jury, A S Pan neerselvan commented: “This year’s deliberation to select the novels for the JCB prize for the 2022-long list was an enriching expe rience. These ten novels are in a sense a metaphor of contemporary India, where each language is permitted to shine; its in trinsic beauty is not sub sumed by the other.”
The JCB Prize for Lit erature was set up in 2018 to enhance the prestige of literary achievement in India and create greater visibility for contemporary Indian writing. The prize encourages translations and aims to introduce new audiences to works of Indian literature written in languages other than their own. It is funded by JCB and administered by the JCB Literature Foun dation. For more information about the prize, one may visit: www.thejcbprize.org. For updates, look for @ thejcbprize on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Key 2022 dates: Long list announcement: Sep tember 3, 2022; Shortlist announcement: October 2022; Winner announce ment: November 19, 2022. About JCB Litera ture Foundation The JCB Literature Foundation, a not-forprofit company registered under Section 8 of the Indian Companies Act, is single-handedly respon sible for running the Prize. In 2018, JCB India established the JCB Lit erature Foundation, whose purpose is to promote the art of literature in India, and whose principal ac tivity is to administer The JCB Prize for Literature. A leading global manufac turer of earthmoving and construction equipment, the company has been active in India since 1979.
What Researchers found about Avocados and Cholesterol level
“LDL is also known as the bad cholesterol which can build up plaque in the blood vessels of the body,” Aeshita Dwivedi, MD, a cardiologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York, told Healthline.Dwivedi added that plaque build-up in arteries of the heart or neck can lead to heart attacks and strokes.He emphasized that the observed reduction in cholesterol wasn’t sig nificant enough to improve heartWhenhealth.asked about the government’s Dietary Guidelines for Americans Trusted Source, Dwivedi said they’re “good to fol low.”“It is important to discuss your diet with your doctor and or a nutritionist so it can be tailored to the medical conditions and medications that you take,” DwivediDwivediadded.found the study interesting but ac
A new study looked at eating avocados and the potential to improve metabolic factors. Researchers found people who ate one avo cado a day had slightly lower cholesterol levels than the control group. Other measures, in cluding body weight, BMI and insulin levels, were not significantly different between the two groups. New research pub lished in the Journal of the American Heart As sociation looked at whether or not eating one avocado per day could impact these levels. Researchers found a small but noticeable re duction in key cholesterol levels.“While one avocado a day did not lead to clini cally significant improve ments in abdominal fat and other cardiometabolic risk factors, consuming one avocado a day did not result in body weight gain,” study author Joan Sabate, MD, professor at Loma Linda University School of Public Health, said in a statement. Study included over 1,000 participants Called the Habitual Diet and Avocado Trial (HAT), the study was de signed to test whether con suming one large avocado per day for 6 months in a diverse group of about 1,000 people with an el evated waist circumference would decrease belly fat compared with those who ate their habitual diet. Researchers provided participants with written instructions describing how to ripen, cut, remove the pit of, and peel avocados and serving ideas and recipes containing avocados. No additional die tary coun selling or guidance was
• Tomb of Sand by Geetanjali Shree, trans lated from Hindi by Daisy Rockwell (Penguin Ran dom House India, 2022)
• Paradise of Food by Khalid Jawed, trans lated from Urdu by Baran Farooqi (Juggernaut, 2022)
Comments on Easter ine Kire’s ‘Spirit Nights’ by the jury: Spirit Nights posits a different view of the world where the human is just another creature struggling within the vastness of cre ation. Simple yet evocative, full of deep insights and important teachings, this grounded, lyrical novel is a powerful celebration of oral storytelling traditions. About JCB Prize for Literature
• The Odd Book of Baby Names by Anees Salim (Penguin Hamish Hamilton, 2021)
• Escaping the Land by Mamang Dai (Speaking Tiger, 2021)
The Classic Club Kohima convey it's heartfelt congratulations to our Life Member & Advisor Shri. K Neibou Sekhose for been elected in the highest apex body of All India Football Federation (AIFF) as Executive Member. The Club wishes him all success in his new endeavor.
George Citroner
knowledged that dietary studies are “tough to per form.”“This study tested a simple hypothesis which did not seem to make clini cally significant changes,“ he said. “Following a mod erate, sustainable and bal ance lifestyle is the key to good health.” Staying healthy re quires multiple steps “For many folks, it would be great if a simple step like eating one avoca do a day could significantly reduce LDL levels; how ever, there’s no one ‘magic pill’ for good heart health,” said Michael Chan, MD, an interventional cardi ologist with Providence St. Jude Medical Center in Southern California. He pointed out that the key to maintaining heart health comes down to focusing on fundamentals that include: A healthy diet; Regular cardiovas cular exercise; Avoiding smoking and significant alcohol“Theintake.study showed that simply adding one large avocado a day to your diet for six months does not make a significant difference in reducing your total body fat levels and had minimal impact on total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels,” said Chan.“This was essentially a negative study.” Chan recommended a diet rich in vegetables and fruits to help maintain healthy cholesterol levels. This includes legumes such as lentils, lima beans, chickpeas, soybeans, kid ney beans, and whole grains like oatmeal, buck wheat, and barley. Chan said lean protein like fish with high omega-3 fatty acids could also help. “Avoid red meat, shellfish, whole milk prod ucts and limiting saturated, and trans fats would be ”rudent,” he cautioned. Experts say statins can be critical to reduce cholesterol Joshua Yamamoto, MD, a cardiology specialist in Washington, D.C., and co-author of “You Can Prevent a Stroke,” said high cholesterol levels are best managed with statins. “This is really just genetic, and all you have to do is stop being stub born and take statin,” said Yamamoto.“Allthis concentra tion on diet when the body runs on pure biology and genetics – vascular dis ease is genetics and aging, and statins solve both,” Dr. Kristin Thom, Yama moto’s partner at Foxhall Medicine. The bottom line New research finds adding one avocado per day to our diets could slightly reduce cholesterol levels while not causing a significant increase in bellyExpertsfat. say no one food or nutrient can help prevent cardiovascular dis ease, but fundamentals like exercise and a healthy diet are key.They also say that vascular disease is a com bination of genetics and aging, and statin drugs help against both of those factors.
• Rohzin by Rah man Abbas, translated from Urdu by Sabika Ab bas Naqvi (Vintage Books, 2022)
OFFICE OF THE CLASSIC CLUB kOHIMA : FelicitationNAGALAND kN ow in its 5th year, the Longlist was announced on September 3 for the ‘2022 JCB Prize for Literature’. The list of ten novels was selected by a panel of five judges: (Chair) jour nalist and editor, A. S. Panneerselvan; author, Amitabha Bagchi; author and academician; Rakhee Balaram; translator, his torian and academician, Dr. J Devika; and author, JaniceThePariat.longlist for 2022 is dominated by 6 trans lations. Amidst titles in Bengali and Malayalam, titles in Urdu, Hindi and Nepali have been featured in the longlist for the first time. A truly diverse rep resentation of what Indian fiction has to offer, the 2022 longlist brings forth stories from Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Ka limpong, Punjab, Kolkata, Kerala and the heartland. The longlist was cho sen from a vast range of submissions by writers from sixteen states writing in eight languages includ ing English, published between August 1, 2021 and July 31, 2022.
President & Colleagues Classic Club, Kohima.

With sincere gratitude, we the bereaved family members of Late Nsenga Seb would like to acknowledge and express our heartfelt appreciation to each and every individual, relatives, friends, neighbours, churches, unions and well wishers who stood by us physically, emotionally, financially and through prayers during his illness and sad demise. We extend our humble thanks to: 1. Ziphenyu Baptist Church 2. Ziphenyu Men’s Fellowship 3. Tesophenyu Group Public Union 4. Prayer Fellowship Rengma Colony Walford Dimapur 5. Fixed Ortho Dental Clinic Family 6. Sebunyu Clan Organization 7. Er. Levi Magh (Ex- MLA) 8. Ar. Jwenga Seb 9. Dr. R. Kemp (IFS) 10. Shri Khonbu Jemu 11. Shri Sazhiikha Jemu (Retd Colonel) 12. Old Comrades We deeply regret our inability to thank each and every one of you personally but your considerate act of kindness will always be remembered. It is our earnest prayer that our Almighty God bless you all abundantly. - Loving Wife and Family Membersk-2006/22
Burl grabs 5 as Zimbabwe shock Australia by 10 runs in 3rd ODI
India vs Pak: Focus on toporder approach, Avesh Khan
Dimapur district team and members of Dimapur District Badminton Association at the felicitation programme held at DDBA indoor Stadium on Saturday. The team bagged 10 medals at the LIN-NING 44th Inter-District & State Open Badminton Championship.
DIMAPUR, SEP 3 (NPN): Kohima District Volleyball Association (KDVA) observed its 17th Foundation Day at An gami Morung, Kisama on Saturday.During business hour, it has decided to organize KDVA Open Tournament 2022 in the first week of November at Kohima. From this year on wards, there will be no player restrictions. It will be opened to all, it re solved.It also resolved to or ganize volleyball referee clinic during the last week of September this year. Earlier, Teisobou Sek hose, joint director, Direc torate of Youth Resources & Sports Nagaland and advisor KDVA exhorted the gathering.KDVA president Visasielie Suhu delivered presidential address. The programme was chaired by KDVA techni cal secretary Mhalevilie Kere while vote of thanks was delivered by Mhalel hou Mere.
KDVA observes 17th foundation day
LONDON, SEP 3 (AGENCIES): Substitute Kai Havertz scored a late winner as Chelsea came from behind to record a dramatic victory over West Ham, who had a 90thminute Maxwel Cornet equaliser ruled out. The Hammers frus trated Chelsea in a first half that saw plenty of home possession but no shots on target for either side, and looked to have executed their gameplan to perfection when Michail Antonio scored from a rare attack after 62 minutes, BBCThereported.forward bundled in from close range after Blues goalkeeper Edouard Mendy failed to deal with a corner, but the visitors’ lead was wiped out 14 minutesChelsea,later. on the back of a record summer of spending and with £70m arrival Wesley Fofana making his debut, had struggled to break down David Moyes’ side before Ben Chilwell snuck in to level from a tight angle shortly after coming off the bench.Itsparked a frantic finish, with Cornet almost winning it late on for the visitors, only to see his header come back off the post and the Blues imme diately score themselves through a clinical Havertz header from Chilwell’s cross.There was still time for more drama as Cornet pounced, but only after a foul on Mendy that was awarded once referee An drew Madley consulted the pitchsideTottenhammonitor. main tained their unbeaten start to the season as they beat Fulham with goals from Pierre-Emile Hojbjerg and Harry Kane. A late strike from Ful ham’s star man Alexander Mitrovic made for a nervy final 10 minutes as Marco Silva’s side suffered a sec ond loss of the season. Spurs threatened to score virtually every time they came forward and had ample opportunity to extend their lead further, firing off 23 shots, 10 of which were on However,target.it was thanks to former Arsenal keeper Bernd Leno and a resolute Fulham defence that they were held to just two goals.Hojbjerg’s slotted fin ish into the bottom corner after some nifty passing in Fulham’s box opened the scoring, before Kane headed home to double their lead after 75 minutes. Fulham had been completely unable to get in the game for the major ity of the 90 minutes with Mitrovic’s threat nullified until his 83rd minute goal -
DUBAI, SEP 3 (PTI): The famed top-order would be desperate for a course cor rection while the bowling attack could be rejigged as India aim for a ‘Sunday En core’ against Pakistan in an Asia Cup ‘Super 4s’ clash. If top-order’s Power play philosophy is a prob lem, the inexperience of Avesh Khan at the death is no less a worry as the team management may need to revamp the bowling attack against a strong Pakistan side which is coming into the game after demolishing Hong Kong by more than 150 runs.With no Ravindra Jadeja available in this game, Axar Patel seems a straightaway replacement but the team combina tion does take a hit in the absence of Saurashtra allrounder. In the last game against Pakistan, head coach Rahul Dravid pro moted Jadeja to number four to keep the left-right combination going in the top six as Rishabh Pant was dropped from the play ing XI.It remains to be seen if skipper Rohit Sharma and Dravid will take the gamble again on Sunday. But it won’t be an exag geration to say that when it comes to requirement of having a pure left-hand bat ter in top six, only the man from Roorkee can provide the solution.LastSunday, it was Hardik Pandya’s oneman show that got India over the line in a thrilling last-over finish and Rohit would expect that intensity is maintained in this game too. However, the Indian team despite being a mine field of talent does have a soft underbelly and the top-order’s cautious ap proach in the Powerplay overs is one of them. Nei ther Virat Kohli nor Rohit looked comfortable against Pakistani attack and as the pitch got slower their problems seemed to have compounded.
TOWNSVILLE, SEP 3 (IANS): Zimbabwe scored a historic three-wicket victory against the Aaron Finch-led Australia, with leg-spinner Ryan Burl grabbing five wickets for just 10 runs as he brought the hosts to their knees in the third and final One-day International here on Saturday.Though Australia clinched the series 2-1, it was the manner in which the hosts capitulated which stood out, with nine of their batters scoring in single digit. Opener David War ner, with his patient 96-ball 94, helped the hosts to 141 before they were bundled out in 31 overs. In reply, Zimbabwe notched up the required runs for the loss of seven wickets in 39 overs to record a memorable win. Australia had a forget table start with the bat, as they were reduced to 72/5 after only 18 overs. Put in to bat first, Zimbabwe made full use of the conditions on offer here. Richard Ngarava and Victor Nyauchi sent Finch and Steve Smith pack ing for 5 and 1 respectively. Brad Evans then inflicted a double-strike, sending Alex Carey (4) and Marcus Stoi nis (3) back into the dress ing room. Cameron Green
MYK C MYK C NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2022 SPORTS 11 DP-4119/22(A) 01.09.1925 – 29.08.2022
All-rounder registered figures of 5/10 as Australia bundled for 141 in the 3rd ODI in Townsville. (William West) departed soon to Sean Wil liams for 3 as half the Aus tralian side was back in the hut before the 20th over. Warner brought up his 26th ODI half-century, mix ing caution with aggression. But he was hapless as Burl cleaned up the Australia lineup from the other end. Glenn Maxwell (19) and Ashton Agar (0) were his first two victims. Warner finally ran out of patience, as Burl accounted for his wicket after a workmanlike 94. Burl then dismissed the remainder of the tail including Mitchell Starc (2) and Josh Hazlewood (0) as Australia were bowled out for 141. Burl ended his spell with figures of 5/10, accord ing toZimbabweICC. had a de cent partnership at the top, with Takudzwanashe Kaita no and Tadiwanashe Maru mani giving them a 38-run opening stand. But after Kaitano was dismissed on 19 by Hazlewood, the visi tors would have to endure some jitters. Hazlewood then sent Wessly Madhe vere (2) and Sean Williams packing on back-to-back deliveries to further increase the tension in the Zimbabwe camp.Sikandar Raza (8) also could not contribute much and Marumani’s dismissal for 35 by Green had the visitors reeling at 77/5. A vital stand of 38 between skipper Regis Chakabva and Tony Munyonga then calmed some nerves. The duo batted patiently, taking their time, while not taking unnecessary risks.
Liverpool 0-0 Everton Brentford 5-2 Leeds Newcastle 0-0 Crystal Palace Nottm Forest 2-3 Bour nemouth Wolves 1-0 Southampton his sixth of the Richarlison,season.making his first start for Spurs since joining from Everton in the summer, looked lively and had a goal chalked off for offside in the final minutes of the match.
We, the children of Lt. MR. KEKHRIELETUO of Kiruphema Basa village, wishes to acknowledge the many expressions of sympathy and gestures of kindness shown to us following our sudden loss. We offer our heartfelt gratitude to our relatives, neighbors, friends and well-wishers who visited us during our hospital stay as well as our home, attended the wake, service and burial. Those who provided emotional and practical support for us at this difficult time, We are truly indebted and grateful. Your attribution made our loss more bearable. As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, but through this acknowledgement we express our deepest gratitude to some of the following unions and 1.individuals:NagaStudents' Union Delhi. 2. Angami Students' Union Delhi. 3. Angami Krotho Delhi Seniors and Elders. 4. Doctors and nurses especially ENT Department AIIMS HOSPITAL New Delhi. 5. Nagaland Baptist Church Council. 6. Kiruphema Baptist Church. 7. Kiruphema General Council. 8. Kekhrie Krou Kiruphema 9. Rev. Dr. Avi Sophie, Pastor, Golden Gate Christian Revival Church, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi and family. 10. Mr. Aba Dolie and family. 11. Sir Kuolie Mere, Deputy Director, Senior PRO, Nagaland House New Delhi. 12. Mrs. Salhoutuonuo Kruse. 13. Keneizhakho Nakhro, MLA 8 Western AC. 14. Mr. Robert Reapson Züpao -Loving children, relatives & family members
W. Ham 2-1
KDVA officials and members at the 17th Foundation Day at Kisama on Saturday.
Kai Havertz combined with fellow susbtitute Ben Chilwell to win it for Chelsea
Chelsea come from behind to beat

The winner walked away with a cash prize of Rs 30,000 along with a trophy and citations, while the runner-up team received a cash prize of Rs 20,000 along with a trophy and citations.Earlier, in the first semi-final match, Lhouch alie FC Meriema defeated Circle FC Meriema 5-1 while Zasivi FC Jotsoma beat Sechü Zubza FC 3-1. Man of the matches in the quarter final match es were Petevizo Kezieo (Lhouchalie FC), Khiu wangbo Kaurinta (Sechü Zubza FC), Kenei Viluo (Circle FC) and Kedolhuvo (Zasivi FC). In the two semi final matches and the final, man of the match were awarded to Menoneikho Nakhro, Menguzelie Rutsa and Kev isanyü Peseyie respectively.
Serena Williams
Serena retires from Tennis define success in her sport. Another 50 singles titles elsewhere.The14 majors in dou bles with her sister, Venus. The 319 weeks at No. 1. The four Olympic gold medals.So, sure, it’s impos sible to assess Williams without considering her place in the pantheon of su perstars, as worthy as any one — woman or man, this generation or any other, this sport or any other — of the honorific “Greatest of All Time” (one clever spec tator at Williams’ 7-5, 6-7 (4), 6-1 loss to Ajla Tom ljanovic held up a poster with, simply, a drawing of a goat).“She is an all-time great. Obviously, that’s an understatement,” said Martina Navratilova, an 18-time major winner who certainly is part of that wholeButconversation.Williamsis also about a lot more than that. No Black woman had won a Slam title since Al thea Gibson in the 1950s until Williams came along and collected her first at the 1999 U.S. Open at age 17. Over the more than two de cades since, Williams and Venus, who earned seven major singles trophies of her own, get credit for inspiring Coco Gauff and Naomi Osaka and count less of others to play tennis, yes, but also for pushing plenty of others to change their views about what can be done and what can’t. “She embodies that no dream is too big,” Tom ljanovic said. “You can do anything if you believe in yourself, you love what you do and you have an incredible support system around you.”
AHMEDABAD, SEP 3 (IANS): The 36th National Games, Gujarat 2022 will be officially launched at the EKA Arena TransStadia here on Sunday in the pres ence of eminent dignitaries from the world of politics and sport. Union Home Minister Amit Shah will grace the mega event along with Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel and Union Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports Anurag Thakur. Over 9,000 guests from across the state are expected to attend the ceremony. The National Games will take place from September 29 to October 12. The curtainraiser event on September 4 will witness the unveiling of the Games anthem and mascot, as well as a customcurated website and mobile application, marking the beginning of the biggest sporting extravaganza in the country.“We are delighted and proud to host the National Games,” Gujarat chief min ister Bhupendra Patel said. “We are eagerly waiting for India’s top athletes and officials and are leaving no stone unturned to make this the best Games ever,” he added. The 36th National Games, whose theme is ‘Celebrating Unity Through Sports’, are being held after a gap of seven years.
Shah to launch 36th GamesNationalanthem
Zasivi FC win Kohima Futsal Championship
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Correspondent KOHIMA, SEP 3 (NPN): Zasivi FC Jotsoma emerged as the champion of the 1st Kohima District Futsal Championship by defeating Lhouchalie FC Meriema, 7-2 in the final match played at L Viluo FIFA Pro Turf at Meriema, here on Saturday.
US Open: Medvedev in fourth round could top the men’s rankings after the Kyrgiostournament.continued his progress with victory over JJ Wolf. The Australian beat his American opponent 6-4 6-2 6-3. Murray eliminated Andy Murray’s latest Week 1 exit at a Grand Slam tournament did not discour age him. The three-time major champion still thinks he can go toe-to-toe with the best in men’s tennis — even after two hip operations, even as the years without a trip past the third round at any of the sport’s biggest events stretch on. After bowing out at that stage of the U.S. Open with a 6-4, 6-4, 6-7 (1), 6-3 loss across more than 3 1/2 hours against 2021 Wimble don finalist Matteo Berret tini on Friday, Murray chose to look on the bright side. Berrettini, a big hitter who reached the 2019 semi finals at Flushing Meadows, dominated in just about ev ery statistical way at Arthur Ashe Stadium.
NEW YORK, SEP 3 (AGENCIES/AP): De fending champion Daniil Medvedev set up a fourthround meeting with Aus tralia’s Nick Kyrgios with a straightforward 6-4 6-2 6-2 victory over Chinese quali fier WuTheYibing.Russian was far too strong for his 22-year-old opponent as he fired 12 aces and converted six out of 12 break points to comfortably progress. Wu was the first Chinese man in US Open history to reach the third round. But he struggled to cope with the relentless pres sure from MedvedevMedvedev.isaiming to become the first player to win consecutive US Open titles since Roger Federer’s run of five between 2004-08. But a defeat by Wim bledon runner-up Kyrgios in the next round would see Medvedev lose his number one ranking. Both Austra lian Open and French Open winner Rafa Nadal and rising sta r Carlos Alcaraz
The different looks. The fist pumps. The just crazy in tensity. ... Passion,’ I think, is a really good word. Just continuing through ups and downs,” she responded Friday night. “I could go on and on. But I just honestly am so grateful that I had this moment — and that I’m Serena.” That captures so much about her so well. And to think: Wil liams, who turns 41 this month, did not even men tion anything about being an elite athlete or any of the statistics that help de fine what she did with a racket in her hand. The 23 championships at the Grand Slam tourna ments that have come to
Bhutia ‘shocked’ with political interference in AIFF elections
Cleiton Silva scored two goals against Mumbai City FC, with the second one putting his team in front in the Durand Cup match in Kolkata. (Durand Cup Media) Jorge Pereyra Diaz but the shot went just wide in the 9th minute.EastBengal FC then went in front through a header from Passi, who converted a deep cross from Jerry Lalrinzuala in the 17th minute. Five minutes later, Silva curled home a stunning free-kick to make it 2-0 to the Red and Gold Stewartbrigade.then halved the deficit five minutes later with a fine left-footed finish but East Bengal FC restored their two-goal lead when Passi’s cross went through goalkeeper MohammadHowever,Nawaz.Mumbai City stormed back through two goals from Chhangte to make it 3-3 going into the break.Both managers man aged to stem the flow of goals in the second half as both defences upped their game.East Bengal FC man aged to make the decisive blow when Silva finished off a superb counter-at tacking move to put Ste phen Constantine’s team 4-3 up with nine minutes to play.Kamaljit Singh then made a sine save to deny Stewart from making it 4-4 as East Bengal FC held on to win their first match of the Durand Cup. Sri Lanka’s Dilshan Madushanka, center, celebrates with teammates after taking the wicket of Afghanistan’s Hazratullah Zazai, Saturday. (AP/PTI)
SHARJAH, SEP 3 (PTI): Sri Lankan batters showed enormous tactical acu men in yet another tricky run-chase as they defeated Afghanistan by four wick ets in the opening Super 4 game of the Asia Cup here on Saturday.Itwasfantastic bowl ing effort at the death that saw Sri Lanka restrict the Afghans to 175 for 6 with only 37 runs coming in the last five overs despite a brilliant 84 off 45 balls by Rahamanullah Gurbaz. In reply, Sri Lanka chased down the target in 19.1 overs with several small but impactful con tributions that sealed the issue for them. This was the highest run-chase in a T20I at Sharjah.Justlike great bow ing at the death, the overs between 15-18 yielded 51 runs for the Lankans and that proved to be a gamechanger.Kusal Mendis (36 off 19 balls) started from where he had left against Bangladesh the other day as he launched into oppo sition’s best bowler Rashid Khan, depositing him for two successive sixes as 17 r uns came in that over inside the Powerplay. His opening partner Pathum Nissanka (35 off 28 balls) also gave solid support as 62 were added for the open ing stand.However, it was Danuska Gunathilaka (33 off 20 balls) and Bhanuka Rajapaksa (31 off 14 balls), whose 32 runs stand of just 2.3 overs changed the com plexion of the game. Their daredevilry had enormous impact in the final outcome of the game as they hit sixes and found the gaps with ease. The Af ghan bowlers, who are not always used to handling pressure situations, did fal ter in the end and Rashid’s poor day (1/39 in 4 overs) at the office did have its effect.Put into bat young opener Rahmanullah Gur baz gave a brilliant ex hibition of his dashing strokeplay as his innings was the cornerstone of Afghanistan’s competitive total of 175 for 6. However, Afghanistan will be a bit disappointed as the last five overs yield ed only 37 runs and lost five wickets in a jiffy with Gurbaz’s dismissal putting some sort of a brake on the run flow. Gurbaz, the 20-year-old right-hander, who was a part of IPL champion team Gujarat Titans, smashed half a dozen sixes and added 93 in just 10.4 overs with Ibrahim Zadran (40) to take Afghanistan to a more than respectable total at the Sharjah Cricket ground. Zadran though got a few lusty blows and so did Rashid Khan (9) towards the fag end of the Afghani stan innings to take the score close to 180. While spinners Theek shana (1/29) and Hasaran ga (0/23 in 4 overs) gave away only 52 in their eight overs, it was skipper Dasun Shanaka (0/22 in 2 overs) and Karunaratne (0/29 in 2 overs), who leaked 51 runs in four overs for the “fifth bowler’s quota”.
Bhaichung Bhutia
Asia Cup: Sri Lanka beat Afghanistan by 4 wkts
Winners with guest of honour and KDFA officials. (NP) KOLKATA, SEP 3 (IANS): Cleiton Silva scored a late winner as East Bengal FC beat Mum bai City FC 4-3 in a Group B clash in the Durand Cup 2022 at the Kishore Bharati Krirangan, here on Saturday.The first half saw six goals as East Bengal FC scored through Sumeet Passi (17’, 34’) and Silva (22’) but Mumbai City FC came back from behind to make it 3-3 through goals from Greg Stewart (27’) and Lalianzuala Chhangte (36’, However,43’). Mumbai City still finished top of Group A courtesy of their superior goal difference. Mumbai City and ATK Mohun Bagan became the two teams to qualify for the quarter-finals from GroupMumbaiB. City FC cre ated the first opening of the match when Mandar Rao Dessai sent a low cross that was poked goalwards by Durand Cup 2022: East Bengal FC edge Mumbai City FC 4-3
BRIEF SCORES: Af ghanistan: 175 for 6 in 20 overs (Rahmanullah Gur baz 84, Ibrahim Zadran 40; Dilshan Madushanka 2/37).Sri Lanka: 179 for 6 in 19.1 overs (Kusal Mendis 36, Pathum Nissanka 35, Danushka Gunathilaka 33; Mujeeb Ur Rahman 2/30, Naveen-ul-Haq 2/40).
“If they (his oppo nents) were so confident of victory, why a power ful union minister had to come at the hotel (where the voters were staying) at 9pm (on Thursday) and stay there till 2am in the morning of election day (on Friday) and take all of them to a particular floor of the hotel?,” he said. Though Bhutia did not take the name of the union minister, his propos er in the polls and Rajast han state association presi dent Manvendra Singh had on Friday alleged that law minister Kiren Rijiju was present at the hotel and told the members to vote against the former India captain. Bhutia, one of the legends of the game in the country, said he did not understand why a central minister would spend so much time with the voters the night before the AIFF elections, though he did not accuse Rijiju of can vassing against him. “Out of the 34 mem bers of the electoral col lege, 33 (except Gopal akrishna Kosaraju) were taken to a floor of the hotel and access was denied to the whole floor. I could not contact any of the voters, the network was down. “I tried calling the secretary of Rajasthan as sociation, who is a voter and whose president (Man vendra Singh) was my sec onder, but I could not reach him on “Thephone.political interfer ence was a shocking thing to me and it was very un fortunate and a sad thing for IndianAndhrafootball.”Pradesh state association president Kosaraju had seconded Bhutia. New president Chaubey also admitted that Rijiju was present at the hotel where the vot ers were staying but had termed Manvendra’s al legations a “complete lie”.
The team of referees of the matches were Meyie to Sachü, Mechievilie Yas hü, Khrieneisa Üsou, Mi chael Dul, Takatemsu and KezevituoGracingVizo.the closing ceremony of the champi onship as the guest of hon our, president of Angami Sports Association (ASA), Lhoubeizo Mere Kesiyie, urged the players to show seriousness in their chosen discipline.Lhoubeizo said al though futsal was relatively new to the people and Na gas were yet to catch up in many respects, he hoped that the present leaders in the sports sector would stand up to the challenge and help the people and players come at par with the rest of the world. He pointed out that futsal was a game with its main focus on the discipline of the players. He therefore challenged the players to respect the rules and regula tions of the game and make the game shine through them.The two-day champi onship was organized by the Kohima District Foot ball Association (KDFA). The winner, Zasivi FC Jotsoma will now repre sent Kohima district in the upcoming Nagaland futsal championship to be held soon.
NEW YORK, SEP 3 (AP): After all of the many tributes to Serena Williams were done, the celebra tory words and the video montages, the standing ovations and the shouts of her name, it seemed ap propriate that she herself would provide the defining look at her legacy. So the last question at the news conference after her last match of the U.S. Open — and, it seems clear, of her career — of fered Williams the chance to say how she’d most like to be“Iremembered.feellikeI really brought something, and bring something, to tennis.
NEW DELHI, SEP 3 (PTI): Former India cap tain Bhaichung Bhutia on Saturday said he was shocked at the “high level” of political interference in the All India Football Fed eration (AIFF) elections, which didn’t pan out as he would have Bhutialiked.lost to BJP leader and former goal keeper Kalyan Chaubey in the election for the presi dent’sThepost.45-year-old Bhu tia himself has dabbled in politics, having unsuc cessfully contested Lok Sabha and state assembly elections on TMC ticket in 2014 and 2016 respectively and founded the Hamro Sikkim Party in his home state. But he said, the AIFF elections should have been fought without any “po litical interference”, and purely on football matters. “I was shocked be cause I personally did not expect that the political interference (in AIFF elec tions) would be of such a high level. I thought it’s a football president election and I wanted to contribute with sincerity,” Bhutia told PTI.
Daniil Medvedev