consigned to history as he inaugurated the revamped stretch with a new name, Kartavya Path, and unveiled a statue of Netaji Subhas
II (1926-2022) This is it! “Before under one district, we had to share collections. But now three of us will separately operate in the three districts.”
The recent track record gives some other indications,” Dr. JamirOncestated.the chief min ister leads in announcing the same, Dr. Jamir said all other legislators would be compelled to step down.
CNSA volunteers carrying a banner, Thursday. (NP)
over Buckingham Palace moments before the Queen’s death was announced. The flag at Buckingham Palace was lowered to half mast.
c hange both for the U.K. and the world.
press conference outside of 10 Downing Street. “Queen Elizabeth II was the rock on which modern Britain was built,” she added.
tors, they have been pursu ing the issue with utmost sincerity.Meanwhile, the del egation is also scheduled to meet Union Home minister Amit Shah and other lead ers onBesidesFriday. chief minis ter Rio, the team include deputy chief minister Y. Patton, UDA chairman TR Zeliang, UDA co-chairman Kuzholuzo (Azo) Nienu, ministers-- G. Kaito Aye (NDPP), Neiba Kronu (NDPP), S. Pangnyu Phom (BJP), Tongpang Ozukum (Ind) and NPF legislator Khriehu Liezietsu.
(L) Narendra Modi pays tribute after inaugurating 28-ft statue of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose (R) as part of the revamped Central Vista. (PTI)

Continuing to press for “Solution over election”, Central Nagaland Students’ Association (CNSA) activ ists hung banners at the residences of chief min ister Neiphiu Rio, deputy chief minister Y Patton, United Democratic Alli ance (UDA) chairman TR Zeliang and UDA co-chair man Kuzholuzo (Azo) Ni enu on Thursday morning.
worse-hit area, the WSYF said the farming community was experiencing drought in 2022 also. The youth front stated that all their agricul ture crops have failed, add ing that hunger was looming large over drought-hit areas. WSYF has expressed hope that the chief minister would intervene and imme diately release the fund to the poorLastfarmers.month,the WSYF had appealed to the state government to declare Ag hunaqa and Khaghaboto areas under Niuland district as drought-hit and release financial assistance to the genuine affected farmers.
“People will see the India of the future in them and its energy will instill them with a new vision for a great India,” he said.

NEW DELHI, SEP 8 (PTI): Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday said Rajpath symbolised India’s “slavery” and has now been

CCoNPI delegation meets Mishra, to meet HM today
Chandra Bose at India Gate.

He also said that the changes undertaken by his government are not just limited to symbols but are now part of policies.
PM Modi condoles
ENSF emergency Federal Assembly
in Delhi on Thursday. Dr. Jamir said: “As we stand today-- second week of September - we know ev eryone of the stakeholders are not sincere. This is the juncture when we ought to stay away from any kind of Lip Service politics and doubleHestandards.”saidthatthe MLAs were morally obliged to step aside to “facilitate” a solu tion, something they have pledged.“But almost proving the old phrase, Promises are made to be broken, our legislators have not done it
Veteran Naga politician and former governor and chief minister, Dr. SC Jamir on Thursday categorically asserted that it was now time for all the 60 elected representatives led by chief minister to act positively visà-vis Naga political solution.
BJP national president JP Nadda, who is expected to arrive Nagaland on a two-day visit (September 15-16) is scheduled to hold a public rally in mapuretc.members,inviteechasdistrict,tionpartyyear.intionsingfunctionariesdistrictholdsources,AccordingDimapur.topartyNaddawillalsomeetingswithState,andmandalpartyfortheensuStateAssemblyelecscheduledtobeheldtheearlypartofnextInthisregard,thethroughanotificahasdirectedallstate,mandalsandmorofficebearers,specialmembers,executivecouncilmemberstobestationedinDifromSeptember14.
In a press release, CVSU president Thrimho L ex pressed dismay at the school education department for its negligence in taking care of CHS. Since 2015, CVSU said the civil society groups of Chessore area had appealed to the department on many occasions to look into the griev ances of CHS. However, the union said that the school has been overlooked thus far, adding that currently the school was left with no headmaster and adequate teachers.
PM inaugurates Kartavya Path, says slavery symbol now history
In Britain, a plan (called Operation Unicorn in the event of her death in Scotland, and Operation London Bridge had she died in London) lays out exactly how the death is announced, what the Royal Family and prime minister will do and how security forces will deal with in creased crowds and protect the newThesovereign.bodyof the late Queen Elizabeth II be moved from Balmoral to Edinburgh then move to St Giles Cathedral on the Royal Mile for a funeral service. She will then be
Dr. Jamir’s statement comes close on the heels of the meeting held be tween Core Committee on Naga Political Issue delega tion led by chief minister Neiphiu Rio and Centre’s representative on Naga political issue AK Mishra
Thursday was quickly fol lowed by reports that her family, including her son Prince Charles and grand sons, Prince William and Prince Harry, had gathered in Balmoral to be with her.
CVSU serves ultimatum on DoSE
DIMAPUR, SEP 8 (NPN): Chessore Village Students’ Union (CVSU) under Shamator district has served an ul timatum on the department of school education (DoSE) to deploy headmaster, Maths, Science and English teachers at Chessore High School (CHS) before September 15, 2022, failing which it would take up “intense course of action.”
leadership. As such, an Ac cession Council will be con vened as soon as possible to meet at St. James’ Palace to officially declare Charles the new monarch. It usually meets within 24 hours and “as soon as practicable after the death,” the council not ed, with invitations sent to representatives of remaining Commonwealth countries.
Informing in a press note, KU Mon unit president T. Kaiyan Toalem and general secretary Nokhreih Ünok SN said it was a unanimous decision taken by Mon block civil societies to protest against the extortion and harassment faced by business community.
T he death of Queen Elizabeth II on Thursday has immediately made her eldest son, Charles, the head of the British Centuries-oldmonarchy.acces sion protocol states that the “new Sovereign succeeds to the throne as soon as his or her predecessor dies,” the royal family’s website states.

DIMAPUR, SEP 8 (NPN): In view of the 12-hour ‘shutter-down’ called by Mon civil society organizations on September 9, Konyak Union Mon unit has directed Mon town market areas, fuel pump, gas agency and shop keepers along with commercial vehicles to observe complete bandh from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. on September 9, 2022.
DIMAPUR, SEP 8 (NPN): Western Sumi Youth Front (WSYF) has appealed to the state chief minister to release the additional assis tance of drought funds from SRDF 2021-22, an amount of Rs.39.28 crore, which it claimed was released by the Centre on June 16, 2022 for drought-hitWSYFareas.president Mu ghavi Awomi stated that the farmers under Western Sumi areas, who depend on agriculture for their liveli hood, were in distress as they have failed to cultivate their fields due to insuf ficient rainfall. Stating that Niuland district was the
DIMAPUR, SEP 8 (NPN): Eastern Naga Students’ Federa tion (ENSF) has convened an Emergency Federal Assembly at Tikhir Students’ Union headquarters, Anatongre, Kiphire at 10 a.m. on September 20 to discuss Eastern Nagaland People’s Organisation’s (ENPO) August 26 resolution visà-vis demand for Frontier Nagaland and strategies.
CNSA hangs banners outside residences of CM, DyCM, others
Although the Queen was well enough to preside over the appointment of Liz Truss as Britain’s Prime Minister on Tuesday, she had to do so from her Bal moral estate in Scotland instead of Buckingham Pal ace, where such appoint ments are traditionally done.
so far. They should do it at the earliest. This is the mo ment of history-- to make sacrifices. Mr Chief Min ister, are you ready for it?
KOHIMA, SEP 8 (NPN): Core Committee for Naga Political Issue (CCoNPI) delegation led by chief minister Neiphiu Rio held a meeting with Centre’s rep resentative for Naga talks, AK Mishra at Nagaland House Delhi on Thursday evening.Sources informed Na galand Post that the core committee delegation con veyed the desire of the Naga people for an early so lution to the Naga political issue. They also explained their stand, that as facilita
U.S. President Joe Biden, while not releasing an official statement yet, released through a spokes person that his thoughts and prayers were with the Queen’s family. The White House said: “Our hearts and our thoughts go to the family members of the Queen, and to the people of the United Kingdom.”French President Em manuel Macron tweeted his condolences, saying the queen “embodied the British nation’s continuity and unity for over 70 years,” calling her a “friend of France” and a “kind-hearted queen who has left a lasting impression on herCondolencescountry.” poured in from different corners of the world, grieving the loss of Queen Elizabeth II.

World leaders mourn
Prime Minister Naren dra Modi on Thursday con doled the death of Queen Elizabeth II as he hailed her “inspiringTakingleadership”.toTwitter, the Prime Minister recalled his memorable meetings with the Queen during his UK visits in 2015 and 2018. “I will never forget her warmth and kindness. During one of the meetings, she showed me the handkerchief Ma hatma Gandhi gifted her on her wedding. I will always cherish that gesture,” Modi tweeted.
King Charles III
The news of the mon arch’s deterioration on
In recent months, the Queen appeared visibly frail and had a series of withdrawals from public engagements. She had taken to walking with a stick and was also seen touring the Chelsea Flower Show in a motorised buggy.
Informing this in a press note, ENSF speaker Pho-e Konyak and ENSF assembly secretary L Kuikhum Yim have asked the presidents, general secretaries, speakers/ executive chairpersons and one adviser from Chang We doshi Setshang, Khiamniungan Students’ Union, Konyak Students’ Union, Phom Students’ Conference, Tikhir Students’ Union, United Sangtam Students’ Conference and Yimkhiung Akheru Arihako to attend the Federal Assembly without fail.
Following the Jalukie Zang di Village Council (JZVC) rejoinder to its statement, the Western Sumi Hoho (WSH) has offered “due apology” to the village council for the oversight on its part in labelling the citizens of Jalukie Zangdi as non-indigenous set tlers from Manipur. WSH through its media cell stated that Jalukie Zangdi was “very much” a recognised village of the Chakhe sangs and a constituent of the Western Chakhesang Hoho. The hoho expressed deep regret for the error.
Her extraordinary reign, which began in 1952, spanned 15 British prime ministers. She inherited the throne of a country almost broken by the legacy of war, and remained upon it through a time of epochal
expressing the hope that the leaders would convey to Prime Minister Narendra Modi that the people of Nagaland, especially the youth, were anticipating an early solution and not election.Taking a dig at the election manifesto of NDPP-BJP alliance for the 2018 election (“Election for solution”), Pongen pointed out that the people were be ing misled at every election.

It’s time for 60 MLAs led by CM to act positively, says Dr. JamirWSH apologyofferstoJZVC

Noting that Rajpath was also known as King sway earlier, he said it was appropriate for the British Raj when India was under its rule. Its spirit as well as architecture symbolised our slavery and now both have been changed, he said fol lowing the inauguration of the renovated central vista avenue.“Kartavya Path will now remind all that we need to keep the nation first. When people of the country come here, the statue of Netaji, the National War Memorial will inspire them so much and fill them with their sense of duties,” he said. Nagaland Post MYK C MYK C Vol XXXII No. 275 DIMAPUR, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2022 Pages 12 ` 5.00 Another US delegation in Taiwan amid tensions INTERNATIONAL, PAGE 9 FOLLOW US ON @Nagaland_Postnagalandpostofficial Asia Cup: India beat Afghanistan by 101 runs SPORTS, PAGE 12 (Cont’d on p-8)

trans ported by the Royal Train which will take her back to London down the east coast mainline for the burial service.
“The Govt of India and the Naga negotiators and lead ers will also come under in tense pressure and solution will be at our doorsteps,” he said. (Full text on p-6)
Charles ascends the throne
He mentioned that the same thing had happened this time as well, and ques tioned why they were talk ing about election and not solution this time as well.
Some of the banners read “CM Sir, we need action not words on IndoNaga political solution. Don’t destroy our genera tion”, “Dy CM Y Patton
Queen Elizabeth II, Britain’s longest-serving monarch, dies at 96
WSYF appeals CM to release fund for drought-hit farmers
BJP chief Nadda to address public rally in Dimapur
In a swipe at previous Congress governments, he said had India followed the path shown by Bose, then it would have reached new heights but the iconic leader was sadly forgotten and his symbols and ideas ignored. He added that imprints of his ideals and dreams are now visible in the BJP gov ernment’sKingswayworks.or Rajpath, a symbol of slavery, has been consigned to history and erased forever, Modi said, asserting that a new history has taken birth in Kartavya Path and this along with Ne taji’s statue will now guide and inspire the country.
CIES): Queen Elizabeth II, the world’s longest-serving head of state who led her subjects for more than seven decades, has died at the age of 96. “The Queen died peacefully at Balmoral this afternoon. The King and The Queen Consort will remain at Balmoral this eve ning and will return to Lon don tomorrow (Friday),” the Royal Family tweeted.
Staff Reporter
Her close family rushed to her bedside as doctors grew “concerned” about her health on Thursday, Buck ingham Palace said.
This is neither the be ginning nor the end, Modi said of efforts towards re moval of symbols of “slav ery”, adding that it is a relentless march of resolve with the goal of the free dom of one’s mind. “Both thinking and behaviour of the countrymen are getting freed from the mentality of slavery.”
He said the initiative should be seen by the del egation as a sign to inform the Central government that Nagas wanted a solu tion and not election, while
Sir, we trust your blunt truths. Act on them. His tory beckons”, “MLA Azo Sir, walk the talk on IndoNaga political matter. Our future is at stake. We will identify treacherous chair
R Sunep Pongen clarified that the motive of hanging banners was not to show resentment against any po litical party or legislator, but show support to a delega tion that was now in New Delhi.It may be mentioned that a Core Committee on Naga Political Issue (CCoNPI) delegation led by Rio was in New Delhi to impress upon the Centre for an early settlement of the Naga political issue.
Charles, the oldest per son to ever assume the Brit ish throne, became King Charles III on Thursday following the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II. No date has been set for his coronation. Charles’ second wife, Camilla, will be known as the Queen recognizingresponsibilitythementnewfulCharles,However,Consort.while73,istherightheirtothethroneandking,theActofSettlefrom1701stillgivesBritishgovernmenttheofformallythechangein

It once again requested the Mon Area Students’ Union and Mon Town Students’ Union to depute volunteers dur ing the bandh and to ensure smooth enforcement of the directive. The union warned that any shop and commercial vehicle found violating the bandh will be strictly dealt with.
Her close family rushed to her bedside as doctors grew “concerned” about her health on Thursday, Bucking ham Palace said. A poignant double rainbow appeared
“The death of her maj esty the queen is a huge shock to the nation and the world,” UK Prime Minister Liz Truss said Thursday in a
12-hr shutter down in Mon today
aspirants”, “Mr TR Zeliang, we have had enough of your going-where-the wind blows political games, Stop it,” etc. Addressing a gathering outside the chief minister’s residence, CNSA president
1st Death anniversary of Mhonchan humtsoe
NCRC Sumi,
NCRC Sumi,
Loving Family Members
The DC said deput ing representatives in the DPDB would not serve the purpose and that the members need “thinking minds” for healthy debate and discussions for a fruit
DIMAPUR: Kohima po lice personnel of Narcotic Cell (NC) PS mobile unit on September 7 during sur prise MVCP, arrested one P Ngaopu (39), son of Th. Pe ter of Katafiimai of Senapati, Manipur and a female, Matia (34) wife of K H Zao James of Pahibung Khullen of Se napati, Manipur on charges of possessing 840 grams (approximate) of suspected heroin.According to PRO PHQ Kohima, the mobile unit in tercepted a Dimapur bound Maruti Alto (AS11D2654) near Viswema Y-junction investigation.wasandwiththeheroincasescheckingfromNH-2,Kohima-Pfütsero-Imphal,ofwhichwascomingImphal,Manipur.PROinformedthatonthevehicle,70soapcontainingsuspectedwererecoveredandillegalcontrabandalongthevehiclewereseized,acaseunderNDPSActregisteredforfurther

10-02-1987 to 09-09-2020
Correspondent MOKOKCHUNG, SEPT 7 (NPN): An Akhoyaongyimsenhall,tongyaMokokchung,DevelopmentforficeofficialswasKisantralcum-registrationawareness-ofCenSectorScheme,“PMSammanNidhi”,jointlyorganisedbyofSBI,LBOofandNationalBankAgricultureandRural(NABARD)atChang(old)communitySeptember7,forYaChangtongya,andUngervillage.
1st Death anniversary of a MaLIO OVUNG

ful result.Therefore, he appealed to the HoDs to come up with agendas and grievances to redress the issues and said inputs and contribution from all con cerned members and HoDs was required for an effec tive planning system in the district.In regard to Long leng District Drivers Union (LDDU) proposal for es tablishment of a Transport Office in the district, the DC said the union was seeking to redress the is sues through DPDB for the
DIMAPUR: Longleng and Peren District Planning and Development Board (DPDB) meetings were held at the respective dis tricts on September 6 and September 7.

DPDB meetings held in Longleng and Peren
Unidentified bodies retrieved
NCRC Sumi,
Mishilimi Village & Loving Family Members ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 1923 – 3/9/2022 -2048/22K aCKnOWLeDGeMent We, the bereaved family members of Lt Mrs Liyingbeni Ngullie through this column express our heartfelt gratitude to each and every individual as well as wellwishers who stood and supported us through prayer, physically, materially and financially at the sudden demise of my wife and our mother. Our special thanks convey to : 1. Naga Christian Fellowship, Dehradun 2. Naga Students’ Union, Dehradun 3. Dehradun Eastern Naga Students’ Union 4. Delhi Lotha Baptist Church 5. Delhi Lotha Students’ Union 6. Dimapur Yimkha Kyong Ekhung 7. Dimapur Phiro Khumshum 8. Kohima Phiro Khumshum 9. Vungoju Colony Council 10. Wokha Town Yimkha Ekhung 11. Vungoju Colony Eloe Ekhung 12. Vungoju Colony Youth Forum 13. 37th Tyui Ngullie Youth Forum 14. Phiro Eloe Yanpoi Yanpia Eyi Randan Khumshum 15. Rengma Baptist Church Wokha Town 16. Civil Hospital - Daily Market Taxi Union, Wokha 17. Yimkha Baptist Church 18. Yimkha Eloe Ekhung Wokha We deeply regret our inability to thank and mention each and every individual but we pray that our gracious God bless you all abundantly. Loving Husband, Son, Daughters, Grandchildren and Relatives (Born : 07/10/1968 – Died : 29/08/2022) WC-197/22 We, the bereaved family members of Late Mr. Pulohu Rhakho express our sincerest heartfelt gratitude to all who stood by us and supported us physically, morally, materially and spiritually through prayer at his sudden demise on 31st August 2022. We convey our special thanks to: 1. Khulazu Bawu Baptist Church 2. Khulazu Basa Baptist Church 3. CRC Khulazu Bawu Village 4. Krikruma Baptist Church 5. Chesezu Baptist Church 6. Phuyoba Baptist Church 7. Thenyizu Baptist Church 8. CBCK Kohima 9. Porba Baptist Church 10. Thipuzu Baptist Church 11. Immanuel Baptist Church Pfutsero 12. Rihuba Baptist Church 13. North Kikru Baptist Church 14. SS Dept. K. Bawu Baptist Church 15. Chakhesang Baptist Church Council. 16. Chokri Area Baptist Church Council 17. K. Bawu & K. Basa Welfare Union 18. Rhakho Clan, Thipuzu 19. Veyie Clan, Thipuzu 20. K. Bawu Women Welfare 21. K. Bawu Students’ Union 22. Chetheba Town Committee 23. Chokri Area Games & Sports Ass. 24. K. Bawu Union , Dimapur 25. Thenyizumi Village Council 26. Phuyoba Village council 27. Rihuba Village Council 28. Khulazu Bawu Village Council 29. Khulazu Basa Village Council 30. Lt. Rev. Kevesu Rhakho’s Children 32. Lt. Mr. N. Theyo’s Children 32. Dr. Chotisu Sazo, Member, NLA 33. Dr. Keveduyi Theyo & Family 34. Mr. Kudecho Khamo & Family 35. Mr. Thenucho Tunyi, Former Minister 36. Rev. Vevotso Theluo, Chairman CABCC Loving Wife, Children, Grandchildren & Relatives Acknow L edge M ent DP-4233/22
sibilities of the Head of Departments (HoDs), said that the role of the HoD was to control, supervise and monitor their employ ees for effective functioning of the government estab lishment besides active participation in the DPDB and other development ac tivities of the district.
-2039/22K “I have fought the good fight. I have completed the race. I have kept the faith.” II Timothy 4:7 We, Nagaland Christian Revival Church Mishilimi and the bereaved Family Members of Lt. GHUJUKHA SHEQI Faith Home Keeper, would like to express our sincere gratitude and heartfelt appreciation to each and every individual, relatives, churches and well-wishers who stood by us physically, financially and through prayers during his prolonged illness and sad demise.
Town Pughoboto Town Baptist Church
NCRC Sumi, kindness will always be remembered. It is our earnest prayer that our Almighty God bless you all abundantly.
Changtongya SDO (C), Rorheu Peseyie with bank officials and beneficiaries. (NP)
Sumi, Pughoboto Prayer Centre HQ Mishilimi Baptist Church Mishilimi Yepaqa Baptist Church
NLA CSL convenes meeting
A year has gone by since you left us but your humbleness, kindness, goodness and your sweet memories still remain in us, you are still alive in our hearts. We miss you a lot.
NCRC Sumi,

gang informed that the KCC loan was eligible for all farmers and for pen sioners below Rs. 10,000 per month and that the repayment process was five years at the rate of 7% per annum.He also added that fisheries and animal hus bandry loanees would be provided only the “working capitalTherequirements.”registration pro cess was initiated by chief manager (LDM) SBI, LBO office, Mokokchung, Hat neikim Gangte Imsong.
Arrested persons in police custody.
Kohima police arrest two with heroin
Time flies, Life goes on But Memories can never be forgotten or erased From the minds of your dearest ones. You will forever remain in our hearts Wife, Children, Grandchildren, Daughters-in-law &
Loved Ones
Died on : 09.09.2021
cuss the matter with the DC of Mokokchung and other senior officers in Kohima. Departmental activity was presented by the labour department, Longleng.
Natsumi Village
: Rev. Vitoka Kinimi, Executive Secretary NCRC Sumi

Delivering the key note address, SDO (C) Changtongya Ronheu Peseyie said Kisan Credit Card (KCC) scheme was introduced by the centre to provide monetary assis tance to struggling Indian farmers.He added that the (new) PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Scheme has been modified to loan assistance towards fishery and animal husbandry.Ina brief speech, DDM NABARD, Mokok chung, S. Amarjit Man
Longleng: Longleng DPDB meeting was held under the chairmanship of the deputy commissioner (DC) and vice chairman DPDB Longleng, Dharam Raj on September 7 at DPDB
Our Special Thanks To
Family Members
2nd Death anniversary of Late Mrs. Thungbeni Thisa
Two years have passed since you left us but the pain of losing you never fades away and we miss you in silent tears.We hold you close within our hearts and there you will remain. Until we meet again.
Sumi, Lazami Khuluqa
to a DIPR report, Raj while deliberat ing on the roles and respon
Sumi, Ghathashi Town
Unity Village Dimapur
2nd Death anniversary of Late iMsUaKUM JaMir (Chuchuyimlang)
Born : 01-09-1947 : 09-09-2021
Tichipami Village We regret our inability to mention each and every individual but your considerate acts of
DIMAPUR: Dimapur po lice on September 6 retrieved one unidentified dead body of a non-local male (55-60 years approx.) at Railway station gate, Dimapur below fly overAccordingbridge. to Dimapur police PRO, the cause of dead was suspected to be due to starvation and dehy dration. On completion of legal formalities, the body was shifted to Dimapur District Hospital morgue for PM examination.Deceasedwas shirt less with a blanket and was brown in Meanwhile,complexion.on Sep tember 7, Dimapur police retrieved one unidentified
fourth time. However, he said the department was yet to respond to the demand of the union and suggested at least establishing an at tached branch office to redress the grievances faced by the tionhicles,trationtooftransporttoLDDUInpeople.therepresentative,informedthatduenon-establishmentofaofficedenizensLonglenghadtotravelotherdistrictsforregisandrenewalofvedrivinglicense,etc.AfterlengthydeliberatheDCassuredtodis
We are holding you in our hearts and minds as we cherish all the beautiful memories we have shared. We still feel your prayers guiding us. Nothing can and nothing will ever replace you. Ones
dead body of a non-local male (around 40-50 years approx.) at Supermarket Marketing Shed, Nagarjan junction. Police PRO in formed that the deceased was suspected to be a beggar and died due to starvation and dehydration.Oncompletion of legal formalities, the body was shifted to Dimapur District Hospital morgue for PM examination.Thedeceased was shirtless with a blanket and was brown in Dimapurcharge,questedceasedClaimant(s)complexion.ofthedepersonshavebeenretocontactofficer-in-EastPoliceStationat7085055020.
District Planning and Development Board (DPDB) meetings at Longleng and Peren districts.
DIMAPUR: Nagaland Legislative Assembly (NLA) Committee on Subordinate Legislation (CSL) chairman, Vikheho Swu has convened a meeting of the committee on September 14, 11 am in the Committee Room of the Assembly Secretariat, Kohima. All members of CSL have been requested to attend the meeting.
Peren: Peren DPDB meeting was held on Sep tember 6 at the Conference Hall of deputy commis sioner (DC) Peren under the chairmanship of advi sor water resources, Namri Nchang.According to a DIPR report, in the meeting, the board discussed the follow ing agendas – creation of the post of drug inspector in Peren district and the as pirational block plan of the TeningForSub-division.thenextmeeting, the DC entrusted the de partment of district soil and water conservation and veterinary department to present a PowerPoint presentation of their de partmental activities.
NCRC Pughoboto
Iphonumi Village
Died on 09-09-2020
Awareness, registration programme on ‘PM Kisan Samman Nidhi’
Earlier, chairperson of the meeting, deputy CMO Mon, Dr. Rong sennungla Ao welcomed
DIMAPUR: Phom Stu dents’ Conference (PSC) on Thursday, appealed to the minister of School Education and SCERT, to come up with corrective measures to stop proxy teaching in the state at the earliest.Taking note of the performance of govern ment schools in the HSLC and HSSLC examina tions, PSC conducted its first phase of Education Tour on the theme “inclu sive, equitable and quality education” from August 8-13 under Phom area “Education Vision 2030”, wherein, it found that the number of proxy teachers were “more than the ac tual teachers in Longleng district.”Ina press release, PSC education secretary L. Shahchong and infor mation & publicity sec retary K. Lenangh Angh claimed that there were teachers who were run
The district is facing acute shortage of teach ers due to retirement and transfer with post without any notice and there is no replacement, PSC stated.
Pointing out that the department should look into the matter and revoke transfer of teachers imme diately, PSC said Long leng had opportunities to overcome challenges and
In a press release by National Health Mission (NHM) Mon informed that in the meeting, chief medi cal officer (CMO) Mon, Dr. Vezokholu Theyo reminded the gathering that DHS under NHM objective was to provide accessible, af fordable and quality health care to the population at the grassroot level.
DIMAPUR: Electrical sub-division No.III under Dimapur division, power department has informed that it would be carrying out an “intensive revenue drive cum raid” from Sep tember 22 onwards.
Dr. Vezokholu said one of the tools indicate the mis sion was being implemented successfully was through
DIMAPUR: Following the detection of African Swine Fever (ASF) in various locations in Kohima district, deputy commissioner (DC) Kohima Shanavas C, has informed that vari ous areas have been declared as “in fected zones and surveillance zones” DC in an order informed that the infected zone include—Kezocha (1 km radius of infected premises) and surveillance zone—10 km radius from the infected premises (9 km radius outside the infected zone). The order also informed public to strictly adhere to the following restrictions in the aforementioned locations until further order—ban of pigs slaughter; ban on import and export of pigs and piglets and ban on transportation of pigs and pork.
DIMAPUR: District Health Society (DHS) Mon held its review meeting on Thurs day, in the conference hall of District Hospital Mon (DHM), wherein the mem bers deliberated on effec tively implementing central health projects to provide accessible, affordable and quality health care.
to make the education system better.
Dr. Vezokholu Theyo speaking at the review meeting on Thursday.
The award
Jangpetkong Range Pastors Union carried out road repair works at Jangpetkong range, covering nine to 10 villages.

Correspon dent

King Secondary school), Honoli Y Sumi (GMS For est Colony, Kohima) and Kekhrieletuonuo (Bethel Higher Secondary School Kohima).
Power deptt to carry out revenue drive & raid
Higher secondary school), Tiasangla Lemtor (G RIO School), TheyievinoMiddleChiesotsuKevilhousenuo(GovernmentSchool,Meriema),Whiso(C.D.
DC Kohima informs on ASF infected zones
KOHIMA, SEP 8 (NPN): Rotary Club (RC) of Ko hima observed Interna tional Literacy Day 2022, wherein, eight teachers were selected and awarded with the National Builder Award.In her speech, club president, Prof. Rosemary Dzüvichü said it was a privilege for the club to organise the event and recognise the teachers. She disclosed that the award from Rotary Inter national Literacy Mission and Rotary India Literacy Mission was a part of the focus of Rotary on educa tion, schools and teacher supportProf.programs.Rosemary said this was the first time that Rotary Club Kohima was organising the event and informed that the award carried a citation, a Rotary National Builder Award certificate signed by lead ing Rotary patienceoftenservedfrastructurewayNagalandgovernmentKohima.cashrepresentativesInternationalalongwithfromRotaryClubofSheobservedthatschoolsinstillhadalongtogointermsofinandfacilities.Prof.Rosemaryobthatteacherswereneglected,yetthetheypossessed

ning businesses or other “politically appointed jobs” in Longleng while the students were ne glected.Italso claimed that cases were reported where proxy teachers would stand right under the noses of school inspec tors, however, no action was taken.Apart from proxies, PSC said many schools under Longleng district were facing shortage of Mathematics, Science, English, Hindi and Na galand Heritage teachers.
In this regard, SDO (E) has directed all con sumers to clear all unpaid bills to avoid disconnec tion. It has also cautioned

MYK C MYK C Seminar on MBBS Abroad “Recent India Govt. Amendment on Foreign Medical Education Policy and Medical Education (MBBS) Guidance at Present Scenario" Date : 10th September, 2022 Time : 11 AM Venue : Hotel Saramati Conference Hall, Dimapur, Nagaland Speaker : Mr. D. N. Trivedy, Director, GECS Note : All NEET appearing/qualified (last year/this year) students and their parents are invited to attend seminar. Website : Mobile - 7005146897, 9871258885 db-970/22 3STATENAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2022 Q.: Has the AAP image been dented by recent alleged scams? A Yes. 53% B No. 41% C Can’t Say. 6% 100%90%80%70%60%50%40%30%20%10%0% Poll A B C NEXT POLL Q: Is there need for elected members to continue to make trips to Delhi for solution? Yes. No. Can’t Say. (Temperature in ºC) Max Min Agartala A t-storm around in the p.m. 35 26 Aizawl An afternoon t-storm or two 30 21 Guwahati A t-storm around in the p.m. 35 26 Imphal Mostly cloudy and very warm 31 20 Itanagar A t-storm around in the a.m. 32 25 Shillong A stray afternoon t-storm 26 19 Kohima A stray thunderstorm 27 19 Dimapur A thunderstorm in spots 33 24 Mkg A strong morning thunderstorm 29 20 Tuensang A morning t-storm in spots 24 16 Wokha A thunderstorm in spots 29 22 Zunheboto A stray morning thunderstorm 27 18 SEPTEMBERFORECASTWEATHER9
the new CMO Mon and said that the department would benefit from her “immense knowledge and experience”.APowerPoint presen tation by Block Programme Managers (BPM) on the 1st quarter FY 2022-2023 HMIS and issues and challenges faced by each block was presented dur ing the meeting. Vertical programmes of the depart ment National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme (NTEP), Mental Health, Universal theirperformancesgavegrammeBorneHealthHealthcentProgrammeImmunization(UIP),AdolesReproduction&sexual(ARSH),SchoolandNationalVectorDiseaseControlPro(NVBDCP)alsoapresentationontheirandbriefedonprogrammes.
It also warned ille gal practices of proxy teaching under Longleng district will be reported to the higher authority for necessaryWhileaction.revealing that the district education office has been running without DEO and SDEO for more than five months, prior to their retirement from the post, PSC demanded the Department of School Education (DoSE) to post DEO and SDEO in the district at the earliest.
Rotary Club Kohima observes Intl Literacy

DIMAPUR: Nagaland Pen sioners’ Association Dima pur (NPAD) has informed all pensioners/family pen sioners in Dimapur, Chü moukedima and Niuland districts that government of Nagaland has introduced “Chief Minister’s Health In surance Scheme” (CMHIS) for pensioners in lieu of the earlier proposed scheme of “Health care Insurance for Pensioners”.Inapress release, NPAD president, S.K. Kenye informed that new format has been issued since the old format submitted earlier has beenIncancelled.thisregard, NPAD has requested all concerned to come with the coupon No/slip No issued earlier by NPAD office and get the new format and resubmit it as per the following– date of issue, September 14, coupon No/ slip No – 1 to 1300, date of re-submission September 22; date of issue, September 16, coupon No/slip No – 1301 to 2600, date of re-submission September 23; date of issue, September 17, coupon No/ slip No – 2601 to 3900, date of re-submission Se ptember 24.
DHS Mon discusses quality healthcare
lage, Kevijau colony, Signal colony/village, Nagagaon colony, Y. Zhimo colony, Metha colony, RIO colony, Lhomithi village, Forest colony, S.B. Rana colony and T.K. Naga colony.

cum raid” would be car ried out in the following colonies and villages - Len grijanDuncanvillage basti, Indus trial Razuphe, Indisen vil lage, Rilan colony, Aoy himkhum village, Senjum village, Kashiram village, Lotha colony, Viola colony, Oriental colony, Kacharig aon village, Thahekhu vil

that any consumer found defaulting by means of direct usage without me ter, meter by-pass, hook ing, tampering of meter would be penalised as per Electricity Act 2003. For any queries or complaint regarding electricity bills, consumers have been asked to approach SDO (E) of fice.

was a v irtue that should be admired.Shesaid some of the best memories people have were of their school teach ers and the schools that create the foundation of who they Earlierwere.welcome ad dress was delivered by vice president, Pikato V Jimo while invocation was offered by Don Bosco Col lege principal, Fr Suresh. Vote of thanks was proposed by treasurer Dr. Ketoulelhou Vizo.
PSC appeals state govt to do away with proxy teachers
On Village Health Nu trition Day (VHND), Dr. Vezokholu said the district ranked in a good position in regard to collaboration with the anganwadi workers of social welfare department and appreciated the health workers for the same.
reporting system and la mented that Mon district was failing to report in a “timelyShemanner”.askedthe depart ment to give due importance to Health Management In formation System (HMIS) portal with “quality report ing” as the district ranking would wholly depend on the key performance indica tors, which are in the HMIS reporting system.
In a press release, SDO (E) No.III, Er Nung sang Jamir informed that “intensive revenue drive
Members of Rotary Club Kohima with recipients of the award. (NP)
It also expressed shock to learn that text books and uniforms were being distributed in the middle of the academic session.PSC has warned any teacher found absent for more than one month or keeping proxy teachers would be liable for ter mination with effect from the date of appointment.
40 exotic animals seized in Assam, 2 arrested
In what can be seen as a heavy blow to the BJPled government’s “School Faghahansi” mission that aimed at improving gov ernment-run schools in the state, schools having a good number of students were facing shortage of teachers.
File photo of ultra-light M-777 howitzers.
state education (school) de partment is in the process of rationalization of teachers and the same will be com pleted by October 31, 2022 while urging students to give some time for posting of teachers in the schools where there is a shortfall in teachers’ strength.
The students alleged that at the commencement of this year’s session, the school had around 70 teach ers, a shortage of 20 against
“I pay my tribute to the great music legend Dr Bhupen Hazarika on his birth anniversary. Bhupen da will forever live with us. This is one of those many beautiful songs created by Bhupen da about Arunachal Pradesh,” he tweeted, along with a song of Hazarika on ArunachalRijijuPradesh.hails from ArunachalHazarikaPradesh.was a play back singer, musician, lyri cist, poet, actor and film maker. He was awarded the National Film Award for music direction in 1975, Padma Shri in 1977, Sangeet Natak Akademi Award in 1987, Dada Saheb Phalke Award in 1992, and the Padma Bhushan in 2001.
NORTHEAST4 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2022 AFFIDAVIT Regd. No. 178/22 Date 26/08/2022 I, Shri O.M Kithan, bearing Regimental No. G/3501051 Rfm/GD aged about 39 years, permanent resident of Serika Village, District: Wokha, Nagaland, do hereby solemnly affirm and swear as follows:1. That I am bonafide citizen of India and a resident of the aforesaid locality. 2. That at the time of my appointment, I have inadvertently entered the following details in my service book as under: i) P/O - Wokha ii) Telegraph - Wokha iii) Wife's name - Magdalene Yanthan iv) Wife's D.O.B -28.02.1985 v) Daughter's name - Christrovn M Kithan vi) Father's D.O.B - 01-07-1938 vii) Mother's name - Nthenhyalo Kithan viii) Mother's D.O.B - 01.07.1951 However, the details should be as under: i) P/O - Bhandari town ii) Telegraph - Bhandari town iii) Wife's name - S Magdalene Yanthan vi) Wife's D.O.B - 28.02.1990 v) Daughters name - Christina M Kithan vi) Father's Y.O.B - 1930 vii) Mother's name - Thechano Kithan VIII) Mothers Y.O.B - 1941 3. That this affidavit is made to prove the following fact along with the certificates and that this shall be use as a piece of evidence before any competent authority as and when required. 4. That the statements made in paragraphs 1, 2 & 3 are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing materials therein-has been Andconcealed.signed this affidavit on this the 26th day of August, 2022 at Kohima.Deponentk-2046/22
the BJP will take appropri ate action.“The demand for CBI enquiry” on alleged coal mining and transportation in the state, saying that till date, no positive response was committed from the central government in this connection,” the memo randumTheread.HITO also de manded the central gov ernment to conduct a CBI enquiry on different scam and scandals committed by the previous and the present government from the coal scam, teachers recruitment scam, social welfare department rice scam, Saubhagya scam, ISBT scam, New Assembly building scam, ADC’s fund scam, smart meters scam, smart city scam, scam in the purchase, use of police HQ vehicles etc
Thesector.Army faced the difficulty of transporting heavy artillery guns in the mountainous regions but the deployment of ultralight howitzers has ad dressed the challenge.

A Bharat Ratna award ee, Hazarika was born in As sam’s Sadiya on September 8, 1926.“I bow to Bharat Rat na Dr Bhupen Hazarika, an amazing musician with an exceptional voice, on his jayanti. With his versatile and mesmerising songs, he popularised Indian music and Assamese folk culture across the world. His contri bution to the world of music and art is commendable,” ShahIntweeted.histweet, Nadda said Hazarika was the “voice of many hearts” with his brilliant compositions.
NFR clocks 17pc jump in loadingfreightinAug
As a result of a series of military and diplomatic talks, the two sides com pleted the disengagement process in the Gogra area and the north and south banks of the Pangong lake last year. The last round of military talks in July ended in a stalemate as there was no forward movement in ending the standoff in re maining friction points in the region.Eachside currently has around 50,000 to 60,000 troops along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in the sensitive sector.
A student leader said they have complained to the pertinent authorities on many occasions but no teachers have been posted till date. He asked how students can learn without teachers in a school, adding that their academic careers were put at stake due to the irresponsive attitude of the pertinent authorities.
“The ultra-light M-777 can be transported quickly in Chinook helicopters. We now have the flexibility of quickly moving them from one place to another based
Students demand teachers in government-run schools in Manipur
He also served as San geet Natak Akademi chair man for five Hazarikayears.died on No vember 5, 2011.
Meghalaya pressure group writes to PM seeking CBI-ED probe into corruption
The eastern Ladakh border standoff between the Indian and Chinese militar ies erupted on May 5, 2020, following a violent clash in the Pangong lake areas and both sides gradually en hanced their deployment by rushing in tens of thousands of soldiers as well as heavy weaponry.Thetension escalated following a deadly clash in Galwan Valley.
(IANS): The Assam Po lice have seized 40 exotic animals from two West Bengal-bound SUVs at Ran gia in Kamrup district and arrested two people, officials said.
It termed Hazarika as one of northeast India’s “leading socio-cultural re formers, whose creations and compositions united people from all walks of life”.It said the artwork, il lustrated by Mumbai-based guest artist Rutuja Mali, “celebrates Hazarika’s work to popularise Assamese cin ema and folk music”.
bution to Indian and Assa mese music. He became the voice of many hearts with his brilliant compositions that are now immortal,” Nadda said in a tweet.
The L-70 guns were originally manufactured by Swedish defence firm Bofors AB in the 1950s and India started inducting over 1,000 of them in the 1960s.
In recent times, stu dents of various schools and students’ bodies have been demanding posting of ad equate numbers of teachers in government-run schools where there is a good num ber ofRespondingstudents. to the demands, state education minister Th Basantakumar had sought some time a few days ago to solve the prob lems and admitted shortage in the teaching staff in the government-run schools.
Union Minister of Ports, Shipping and Wa terways and former Assam chief minister Sarbananda Sonowal said Hazarika’s everlasting songs had car ried the message of human ity and brotherhood across borders.“...My tributes to the Bard of Brahmaputra, Bharat Ratna, Dr Bhupen
“NF Railway has load ed 4.961 MT from April to August. This is an increase of 24.1 per cent as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year,” he said. De said coal loading increased by 122.2 per cent on-year in “DuringAugust.the month, fertiliser loading rose by 25 per cent, dolomite load ing increased by 11.1 per cent, POL (Petroleum, Oil and Lubricant) loading was higher by 7.7 per cent and loading of other commodi ties increased by 62.5 per cent,” he Fromsaid.April to August, coal loading jumped by a whopping 1,282.1 per cent, while dolomite load ing increased by 13.8 per cent compared to the same period last year. He said that NF Railway is exploring all possible ways to boost freight loading performance, as freight transportation by rail is safer and quicker than roadways, and is “the most environment friendly” mode.
The Army’s bolstering of firepower in the forward locations of Arunachal Pradesh comes after the howitzers were deployed in several sensitive areas in the Ladakh sector amid the lingering border standoff with IndiaChina.has been ramp ing up its overall military might in all strategically key areas along the nearly 3,500-km-long LAC after the Galwan Valley clash in June 2020 that triggered a major escalation in tensions between the Indian and Chi nese Armyarmies. officials said the deployment of M-777 howitzers coupled with ad
the required 90 teachers.
The Indian Army has de ployed a significant num ber of easily transportable M-777 ultra-light howit zers in mountainous re gions along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in Arunachal Pradesh, mili tary officials said on Thurs day.
on operational require ments,” a senior official told PTI.“Now we are in a much better position to deal with any eventualities,” he added.The Army deployed M-777 guns in Bum-La last year but now the howitzers are being pressed into ser vice in Arunachal Pradesh’s RALP area, comprising several key mountainous regions.The M-777 artillery guns, having a maximum range of 30 km and manu factured by the BAE Sys tems, were first received
Police said that acting on a tip-off, 40 exotic ani mals, including 19 primates, were seized from two Del hi ingthetwomain55-kmceptedAssamMizoram,ingkmtravelledanimals.forMizoramlicethedetainees,packedbirds.tortoises13cludedingtimes,animalsseizureernboundfromSUVs,government-registeredwhichweremovingMizoramandwereforSiliguriinnorthWestBengal.ThiswasthebiggestofsmuggledexoticinAssaminrecenttheofficialsaid,addthattheotheranimalsintwobabywallabies,smallturtles,threebigandthreeexoticsTherareanimalsareinseveralcages.ThewhoweredrivingtwoSUVs,toldthepothattheytravelledfromandwereheadingSiliguritodelivertheThetwoSUVshadmorethan720throughthreebordernortheasternstates--Meghalayaand--beforebeinginteronNH-31atRangia,northwestofAssam’scityofGuwahati.Thepolicesaidthatthepersonsarrestedwithexoticanimalswerebeinterrogatedtoobtain
Bhupen Hazarika

IMPHAL, SEP 8: Students demands for teachers in Manipur grew louder when a large number of students of a government-run higher secondary school took to street in Thoubal district to air their grievances.
Hazarika on his birth anni versary,” he tweeted.
ditional air assets including unmanned aerial vehicles, military aircraft and sur veillance equipment has en hanced India’s military pre paredness in the Arunachal Pradesh
Students of govern ment-run schools have been protesting against non-post ing of shortage teachers in their respective schools with apprehension of losing their academic careers when half of the current academic ses sion passed.Responding to the plea of the students, Manipur education minister had re cently sought some time while informing that ratio nalization of teachers as an interim arrangement was being taken up and will be completed by October 31.
Students of a government-run school in Thoubal district demand filling up shortage teachers in their school on Thursday.
He had said that the
Google pays tribute to Hazarika with doodle
A BJP legislator on Thurs day alleged in the Arunachal Pradesh Assembly lack of coordination between de partments in implementing the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) in theBJPstate.MLA Lokam
Taking part in the dis cussion, another BJP MLA Nyato Dukam said that many central schemes are difficult to implement in the state due to its peculiar topography in comparison to other states of the coun try and requested the gov ernment to make aware the elected representatives on the guidelines before implementing any central programmes. Tana Hali Tar (BJP) suggested for areaspecific programme imple mentation and expressed concern over the hurdles created by banks while sanc tioning loans to Respondingfarmers.tothe ap prehensions of the mem bers, Agriculture and Hor ticulture Minister Tage Taki informed the House that the PMKSY launched in 2015 has benefitted many farm ers in the state. Taki said that a state level committee has already been constituted under the chief secretary to monitor implementation of the scheme.
Lack of ‘coordination’ in implementing PMKSY: BJP MLA
GUWAHATI, SEP 8 (PTI): The Northeast Frontier Rail way has registered a 17-per cent rise in freight loading to 0.950 million tonnes (MT) during August, a senior offi cial said. NFR Chief Public Relations Officer Sabyasa chi De said the railway divi sion has been continuously registering growth in freight loading in the recent past on a year-on-year basis.
sectors, officials said.
The land bearing Patta No- 11256 (P), Plot No- 6114, Ward Nagabazaar, k ohima belongs solely to us therefore we the undersigned give this information for the general public that any party that deals in sale or mortgage with Mr. Visakhotuo, son of Mr. Neilezo Angami in relation to this plot will be doing so at their own risk.

SHILLONG, SEP 8: The Hynñiewtrep Integrated Territorial Organization (HITO), a pressure group in Meghalaya on Thursday petitioned Prime Minister Narendra Modi demand ing a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and Enforcement Directorate (ED) inquiry into the al leged scams in the state.
The guns have been up graded by state-run Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL).
However, 16 teachers were transferred and posted to other schools and 10 teachers retired from the service at the beginning of the session and no replace ment teachers posted till date.
“On the basis of the above-alleged scam, the HITO appeals to the cen tral government through
The exotic animals seized by Assam police from two West Bengal-bound SUVs at Rangia in Kamrup district .
committee to monitor im plementation of all flagship programmes of the Centre.
M-777 howitzers placed along LAC in Arunachal
The Army has taken a series of measures to boost its operational capabilities in the eastern sector border ing China.TheArmy has been putting an equal amount of focus on enhancing op erational capability in the Northern as well as eastern
Police added that like
In a memorandum submitted to Modi thor ough BJP president, Ernest Mawrie, HITO president Donbok Dkhar urged the Prime Minister to initiate investigation by the CBI and ED in the alleged ille gal coal mining and trans portation, recruitment of teachers and andestheoughlysaidPresidentMeanwhile,gambling.BJPstateErnestMawriethatthepartywillthorstudythereportonvariouscorruptioncaspreparedbytheHITOthecorecommitteeof
you to kindly enforce a CBI enquiry and book all the corrupt ministers and officials of the state so as to bring corruption-free and accountable gover nance,” Dkhar said, add ing that “HITO feel that the State BJP should with draw support to the MDA government as to enable a free and independent enquiry on the alleged cor ruption.”Onthe legalization of gambling in the state, HITO president informed the Prime Minister that all sections of the society in the state are opposing the legalization of gambling in the state.“The MDA govern ment is in the position to proceed with the casino game in spite of opposition and objection, therefore your interference and in tervention on the matter is highly requested for the public interest at large,” the memorandum read.
The2016.addition of up graded L70 air defence guns to the existing Bofors guns in the forward locations in Arunachal Pradesh also added additional might to the Army’s combat prowess.
Union Home Minister Amit Shah, BJP President J P Nadda and other leaders on Thursday paid tributes to singer Bhupen Hazarika on his birth anniversary, recall ing his “amazing” contribu tion to music and art.
the previous cases, these 40 exotic animals smuggled from Myanmar and the people of Mizoram and West Bengal are likely to be involved in the animal smuggling.

(PTI): Google on Thursday paid tribute to iconic singer Bhupen Hazarika on his 96th birth anniversary with a doodle that illustrated the musician with a harmonium and his trademark Gurkha cap. Besides an acclaimed singer, the Bharat Ratna awardee was a composer, poet and filmmaker who created music for scores of films in Assamese, Hindi, Bengali and a few other languages.“Happy birthday, Bhu pen Hazarika! Your songs and films continue to com mand respect for Assam’s rich culture,” Google said.
Paying no heed to the education minister’s appeal, students of government-run schools continued to stage protests demanding teach ers and boycotting their classes.Even today, students of Heirok Higher Secondary School, a government-run
Tassar during a short hour discussion alleged that the departments – Rural Devel opment, Water Resources Development (WRD) suggestedinangmakersuffering.ofwithandoutseparatedepartmentsscheme.ofstatewhichdinatingofingresponsibleAgriculture-Horticulture,andforimplementtheflagshipprogrammetheCentre,arenotcoorwitheachotherformanyplacesinthewerebeingdeprivedthebenefitsfromtheTassarallegedthattheareformulatingactionplanswiththeknowledgeofotherarenotcoordinatingeachother,asaresultwhichbeneficiariesareTheseniorlawrepresentingKoloriassemblyconstituencyKurungKumeydistrictforconstitutinga
Shah, Nadda, others pay tributes to Bhupen Hazarika on singer’s birth anniv
“I pay my tributes to Bharat Ratna Dr Bhupen Hazarika on his Jayanti. He was a legendary musician who will always be remem bered for his indelible contri
Union Minister of Law and Justice Kiren Rijiju said Hazarika would forever live with the people.
by the Army in 2018. The procurement had come after a 30-year wait for new artil lery guns since the Bofors scandal. India ordered 145 M-777 guns from the US under a USD 750 million deal in
Undersigned: Medokhrie-ii. Vikiesou-ii. Vituomenuo.
the details about animal smuggling.Theanimals have been handed over to the Assam Forest officials for taking the next course of action.
school in Thoubal district, carried out a rally demand ing immediate posting of shortage teachers in their schools.“No education without teacher”, read one of the placards displayed by the students while others read “Allow us study properly”, “No teacher no future”, etc. The government-run school, having a strength of around 1200 students from class VI to XII, currently has only 40 teachers against the actual strength of 90.

During his interaction with Kanchanben Patel, a widow from Olpad taluka, Modi asked if coastal vil lages in Olpad are now getting clean drinking water.

“It’s a big scam to the tune of crores. We are going to file a complaint with the CBI today to seek a probe into it,” heBharadwajsaid. said the state government’s scheme having an outlay of Rs 2,500 crore pertained to providing “forti fied food” to children in the
but no action has been taken by the CBI or the ED so far as the case is against a chief minister of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s own party (BJP). The department which implemented the schemes comes under Shivraj Singh Chouhan,” he charged.
Delhi BJP MLAs have writ ten a letter to the CBI urging the agency to take cognisance of the “sting operation” video released by the party early this week in connection with the alleged excise policy scam.
Modi praised the health infrastructure in Gu jarat, saying the state has a robust network of multispe cialty“Thehospitals.number of medi cal colleges has gone up from 11 to 31 in the last two decades. An All India Institute of Medical Sci ences (AIIMS) is coming up (in Rajkot) and several new medical colleges are also proposed for the state,” he said. The entire event and
NEET.Congress MP from Karur in Tamil Nadu, S Jothimani tweeted a picture of Anitha’s family meeting Gandhi.
On the occasion, Modi urged doctors deployed at the medical camp to talk to patients about their lifestyle and the importance of hav ing nutritious food, which can keep people away from manyHeillnesses.saidnearly four crore people in the country, including 30 lakh in Gu jarat, have already availed benefit of the Centre’s Ay ushman Bharat scheme, which provides health cover of up to Rs five lakh per fam ily in a Praisingyear. the Gujarat government, Modi said 97 per cent of rural homes in the state are now get ting drinking water through the ambitious ‘Nal Se Jal’ scheme. “Under the Prad han Mantri Kisan Sam man Nidhi scheme, farmers across the country have received Rs two lakh crore through direct transfer so far. Sixty lakh farmers from Gujarat and nearly 1.25 lakh farmers from Surat have availed the benefit of this
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday said In dia has become the fifth larg est economy in the world and this is not an ordinary achievement.“EveryIndian is feel ing proud of it. We need to maintain this enthusiasm,” ModiHesaid.was virtually ad dressing beneficiaries of var ious government schemes and those present at a mega medical camp organised in Olpad area of Surat city in Gujarat, where the Assem bly polls are due later this year. The PM interacted with some of the beneficia ries and appealed to farmers
to switch to natural farming, saying this will result in bet ter yield at minimum cost.
They said the “sting op eration” video has exposed the Aam Aadmi Party which claims to be “hardcore hon est”.
Excise case: BJP urges CBI to take cognisance of ‘sting op’
TN NEET victim’ssuicidefamilymeetsRahul
the medical camp were or ganised by Gujarat Minister of State for Agriculture, Energy and Petrochemicals Mukesh Patel, who is the MLA from Olpad in Surat.
KANYAKUMARI (TN), SEP 8 (PTI): Senior Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, who has embarked on the Bharat Jodo Yatra, on Thursday met the family of S Anitha, who had allegedly died by suicide five years ago after failing to crack
age group of six months to three years, lactating mothers and girls who have dropped out of schools. Terming the accountant general’s audit findings “shocking”, the AAP leader said the registration numbers of the vehicles men tioned as trucks, which were used in the transportation of the take-home ration under the supplementary nutrition scheme across 50 districts of Madhya Pradesh, turned out to be of “motorcycles, cars and water
He lauded the Gujarat government and referred to the BJP-led state and the Centre as “double engine government”.“Recently, India has become the fifth largest economy in the world. This achievement gave us confi dence to work even harder and achieve bigger goals in this Amrit Kaal. This prog ress is not ordinary. Every Indian is feeling proud about it. We need to maintain this enthusiasm,” the PM said.
“Leader Rahul Gandhi met the family of Anitha, who committed suicide for not able to clear NEET,” Jothimani said in the tweet.
Narendra Modi virtually addressing a mega medical camp organised in Olpad area of Surat city in Gujarat.

Saurabh Bharadwaj
Justice Anup Jairam Bhambhani issued notice to the defendants -- Ram dev, Patanjali Ayurveda Ltd, and others on the plaintiffs’ notice.part-heardtheorderdirectionsence,datedclarificationdate.”briefCourt).ingtheWewillapplication(associations)andsaid,“Igiveyousometime.willhavetogothroughwritpetition(pendbeforetheSupremeIwillgiveyouahearingonanother“TheplaintiffsseekofanorderAugust26,inessubmittingthatthecontainedintheshouldnotpreventfurtherhearingofthismatter.IssueLetreplytothe
He said farmers earlier used to get nothing despite tall promises made by pre vious governments at the Centre. “But, the interests of farmers are always a priority for our double engine gov er nment. That is the reason why farmers of the country and Gujarat give us their blessings,” he said.
application be filed before the next date,” the court ordered.Several doctors’ as sociations moved the high court last year, alleging that Ramdev was mislead ing and misrepresenting to the public at large that allopathy was responsible for the deaths of several people infected by COV ID-19 while claiming that Patanjali’s Coronil was a cure for the virus.
scheme,” he said.
“Suchtankers”.abigstory of cor ruption is being run on TV channels since many days
many as three crore houses were built by the govern ment across the country for the poor during the last 8 years. Of these, nearly 10 lakh houses were construct ed in Gujarat alone.”
She accompanied Gan dhi in his TN leg of the 3,500 km Kanyakumari to Kash mir footmarch, launched on Wednesday from here.
NEW DELHI, SEP 8 (PTI): The Delhi High Court Thursday said it will hear on October 6 a lawsuit by several doctors’ associations against Ram dev over the use of Coronil and asked the yoga guru to respond to the associa tions’ plea contending that the pendency of allegedly similar issues before the Supreme Court should not stall the proceedings here.

Senior counsel Akhil Sibal, appearing for the plaintiffs, argued that when “nobody can con trol the timeline there and dates are generated by a computer in Supreme Court”, the high court proceedings should not be stalled on account of the
The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Thursday alleged that “a big scam” worth crores has taken place in BJP-ruled Madhya Pradesh in the imple mentation of a supplementary nutrition scheme, and said it will file a complaint with the CBI.Addressing a press con ference, AAP chief spokesper son Saurabh Bharadwaj cited findings of the accountant general’s audit report and hinted at Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan’s involvement in it as the state women and child welfare department, which implemented the scheme, comes under him.

‘Big scam’ in BJP govt’s nutrition scheme in MP; will file complaint with CBI: AAP
While talking to Sukh devsinh Rana, a differentlyabled farmer, the PM ap pealed to all cultivators to switch to natural farming, saying this would provide better yield with minimum cost.
The accountant general’s audit report on the take-home ration (THR) component of the supplementary nutrition programme ‘poshan-aahar’ has kicked up a political row in the state, with the Congress also alleging corruption in its implementation.However,the Madhya Pradesh government on Wednesday denied any ir regularities in the implemen tation of the scheme and said the accountant general’s audit report on the programme was “not final.
2 per cent to 12 per cent and its benefit was passed on to AAP leaders,” Leader of Opposition in Delhi Assem bly Ramvir Singh Bidhuri said at a press conference on Thursday.BJPnational spokesper son Sudhanshu Trivedi, who was also present at the press conference, said Kejriwal, who earlier assured people of action if he was provided with sting videos as proof of corruption, should either take action in the matter or tender a public apology.
The BJP released the “sting operation” video on Monday that purportedly showed the father of an ac cused named in the CBI FIR filed in connection with the alleged excise policy scam claiming to have paid com mission to acquire liquor licences in Delhi.
“A recent sting video clearly exposes the AAP as it claims to be hardcore honest. Despite this, it has been try ing to divert (attention from) the issue. Delhi BJP MLAs, in view of these diversionary tactics and inaction by the Kejriwal government, suspect that it will not let a proper investigation take place into the irregularities in the excise policy,” he Trivedisaid.also hit out at the Kejriwal government for moving a trust motion in the Delhi Assembly without anyone asking for it, saying it showed that the AAP dispen sation has lost the confidence of theThepeople.chief minister ta bled the trust motion in the House to prove that all AAP MLAs are with him, amid alleged attempts by the BJP to poach the ruling party legislators.
The prime minister should get the “scam” probed by the Central Bureau of In vestigation (CBI) and the En forcement Directorate (ED), Bharadwaj added.
Supreme Court case by anotherSeniorentity.counsel In derbir Singh, appearing for Patanjali -- one of the defendants, said that it has already filed an applica tion before the top court to bring to its notice the existence of the present proceedings and the same is likely to be listed soon.
Before the address, Modi virtually interacted with some of the beneficia ries of the state and centrally sponsored schemes, such as the widow pension, Prad han Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi, Pradhan Mantri Ujj wala Yojana and the Ayush man Bharat Yojana.
It had thus asked that a copy of the petition by the Indian Medical As sociation pending before the apex court be placed before it while directing Patanjali Ayurveda Ltd, which was stated to be a party in the proceedings there, to file an appropriate application there bringing to notice the pendency of the present proceedings and to obtain appropriate orders.
In an apparent reference to his sister’s death, Anitha’s brother S Manirathinam said his family was “personally affected” due to the Centre,accepted,”qualifyingseekingTamilfectedtoldandfectedaffectedtion.protectbarked(NEET).Entrance-cum-EligibilityNationalTest“RahulGandhihasemonthefootmarchtoIndiaandtheConstituThismarchisforallthepersons.WewereafpersonallyduetoNEETwantedexemption,”heaTamilnewsTVchannel.ThestatehasbeenafduetoNEETandtheNaduAssembly’sbillsexemptionforthetest“havenotbeenapparentlybythehesaid.
Respond to doctors’ plea in case on use of Coronil: Delhi HC tells Ramdev
India becoming world’s 5th largest economy a feat: PM
Referring to the Cen tre’s Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana, Modi said, “As
The modus operandi as revealed in the video is that 80 per cent of the profit will go to Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, his deputy Manish Sisodia, who is also the excise minister, and their friends, the BJP had Sisodiacharged.denied the alle gations and termed the “sting operation” a “joke”.
On August 26, the court had orally observed that judicial propriety and discipline demanded that proceedings before it should be restrained until there is “some clarity” concerning the pendency of allegedly similar issues before the Supreme Court.
In their letter to the Cen tral Bureau of Investigation (CBI) director, BJP MLAs said the agency should take into account the new facts revealed in the “sting opera tion”“Itvideo.has become clear from the sting video that the commission of liquor con tractors was increased from
Patel informed the PM that the government has resolved the issue.
We are with pollution right now, where we used to be with cigarette smoking during the 60s in terms of seriousness.
imperatives and its reali ties that the Naga political problem has to be settled with the GoI, in the soil of the Nagas , the col lective leadership of the NSCN(IM) had decided to continue the political talks in India which was a positive step, I must say. After a series of talks both within and outside the country, both the leader ship of the NSCN(IM) and the Interlocutor of the GoI mutually agreed to draw up in writing a Political Agreement known as the Framework Agreement of 3rd August, 2015.This pact was inked in full media glare. As Isak Chishi Swu was in ThuingalengICU, Muivah stole the media limelight along with his senior com rades and several of them from Nagas areas of Ma nipur. It - of course - en compassed all issues that were mutually agreed upon by the parties involved. This was signed by Isaac Swu, the President of the NSCN(IM), Th.Muivah, the General Secretary of the NSCN(IM) and R.N.Ravi, the Interlocu tor representing the Govt of India.The significance of this agreement is that it was signed in the presence of PM Narendra Modi, Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh and Na tional Security Advisor Ajit Doval, and also in the presence of all top leaders of the NSCN(IM). The Prime Minister stated that it was a historic agreement because for the first time the leaders of the under ground had agreed to join the mainstream of Indian nationalTherelife. were hand shakes between central and Naga leaders; applause by clapping their hands and most importantly, no other extraneous issues wereItraised.wasan explicit and formal expression of finally putting a ‘seal’ on the sa cred document of final political settlement. It was signed by both the parties at their own volitions. Under the contemporary political environment in the country and the world, it was given out that ‘we cannot expect better than the Framework Agreement’.
“ The Parliamentary Committee, appeals to the negotiating parties to refer to competencies as reflected in the Framework Agreement of 3rd August 2015 signed between the Government of India and the NSCN(IM) to arrive at a mutually accept able definition of competen cies to resolve this conten tious issue at the earliest, and bring about a final solution that is honorable, acceptable and inclusive. Since the talks has been concluded officially on 31st October 2019, the Hon’ble Prime Minister and the Hon’ble Home Minister are urged upon to invite the NSCN(IM) leaders for an early conclusion.”
This will be the most significant and perhaps historic political step by the Party-less government under the leadership of Mr Neiphiu Rio, the Chief
My note of caution is about the 60 legislators and the state government run by Mr Rio and in which the NDPP, the BJP and the NPF and even Indepen dents are partners. As we stand today -- second week of September - we know everyone of the stakehold ers are not sincere.
eing a youngster and at tending parties always gets one question hurled at me more often than I had imagined: ‘Do you smoke?’ and if I happen to be in a metropolitan city of India, my answer is always ‘Yes, but unwillingly’.Wereadhundreds of air quality reports, get enraged about delayed flights due to lack of visibility, see foreign cricketers wearing masks while playing in our country and watch viral videos of cars piling up on freeways with more injuries than NASCAR; but are we only recipients of news or something worse comes our way?
Nagaland Post
The entire people of Naga land shall rise above party and even ethnic issues and differences and will solidly support such a resolution.
pantly along with parents. We were allowed to smoke in flights and it was a lifestyle choice rather than a Thenvice.came along studies which showed adverse health ef fects and diseases found through decades of research; proving it to be a carcinogen. Tobacco lobbies tried hard and long to sustain but better sense prevailed.
A huge bonus to health care
To depend on that (optimism) in reality gives strength to fight challenges. Who needs positive think ing and optimism in their hearts more than the Na gas? However, as a senior citizen of India residing in the state of Nagaland -- I also owe certain obli gations to our people .As a politician, I have been witness to certain things. I have handled some infor mation, saw some file not ings and documents. Some of these will die with me as I held the prized offices under the Constitution of India under oath.
One fine morning, as I flipped open the daily newspa per and skipped past a couple of pages with only ads in it (fortunately I don’t have to wait
“N o one can stop an idea whose time has come” so had proudly proclaimed Voltaire years ago. A new idea, when floated by an individual or a handful few, is scorned in the beginning; but when the ‘Time’ really comes, none can stop it. We are at such a cross roads as a human race. At present Nagaland is a classic case yearning for a new idea to resolve the seven-decade old Naga problem.Leaders cutting across party lines have been fight ing for a final political settlement since long, but it has eluded Nagaland. Some reasons are known to us; some of these are also factors created by the Government of India and of course a few by we - the NagaLetpeople.metake the debate a step further and say that ‘we, the Nagas of Naga land’ are also responsible. For me, it seems as if we have been through ages. But then, what is this new idea all about that was do ing the rounds in the Naga political circle? The Chief Minister, Mr Neiphiu Rio and perhaps some of his colleagues in their political wisdom propounded the idea of an All-Party Gov ernment or now popularly known as portantlyundergroundernment,thethethisproblems.shadowaresadlyandcreateditslowedmemberssomethehasNagaProblem.thethemademonumentalIttheiradheresentativesthatgalandbythetheireverythingLegislativemembersmitmentspressionlooksButearliestpeopletheclaredgovernment‘opposition-less’withthedeobjectiveoffulfillingpassionatedesireoftheofNagalandforthepoliticalsettlement.thisexperimentthoughoutlandishisanexofthetotalcomofthe60electedoftheNagalandAssemblytodopossibleundercommandtoresolveNagapoliticalproblemallmeans.TheelectorateofNastatefirmlybelievetheirelectedrepreshallsteadfastlytothesanctityofsolemnresolution.isevidentthatsuchadecisionwasafterfullyanalyzingvariousdimensionsofwholeNagaPoliticalSevendecadesofpoliticalstrugglegivenreputationtoleaderstransformednoviceundergroundintoheroes,alcorruptiontospreaddreadedtentaclesandscopeforpoorlawordersituation.ButthecommonNagalanguishingundertheofthesehostofThestakeholdersinpoliticalquagmireareGovernmentofIndia,NagalandStateGovobviouslytheandmoreimandtheignored
of long exposure to Particulate Matter (PM) inhaled by the pres ent youth, showing its effects later in life. But it will be too late byWethen.already have results of safe Air Quality standards be ing a boon to people and home air filters selling like hot cakes.
Who signed FA, who should own it?
boost was given to the health care in Naga land with the launch of the Medical Certification Cause of Death (MCCD) & Affordable Cancer Care (ACC)Project at a programme jointly organised by Tata Memorial Trust(TMC), under the department of Atomic Energy, government of India and the state departments of health and family welfare and eco nomics and statistics at Kohima. The Medical Cer tification of Cause of Death Scheme is an important tool of obtaining authentic and scientific information regarding causes of mortality. The scheme formulated by office of the Registrar General, India is a big step towards establishment of a system in the country for obtaining data on cause of death. Mortality statistics is essential for better health planning and management of programmes and for undertaking control measures in an effective and planned manner for welfare of peo ple. It also provides a scientific and basic information for medical research as well as gives mortality profile for medical professionals. Another giant leap in af fordable care was the Affordable Cancer Care project under Tata Memorial Centre(TMC). When it comes to cancer, while the Northeast India recorded the highest prevalence of 16 forms of cancer in both male and female, Nagaland figures among the top of the list with particular reference to incidence of nasopharyngeal cancer (AAR of 14.4 in men and 6.5 in women), a relatively rare cancer in other regions of India. Hun dreds of cancer patients from Nagaland are compelled to travel to nearby Assam or Meghalaya every year for treatment and have to incur huge expenditure not to talk about care and attention. Cancer treatment is very expensive and the affordable cost under ACC will be a huge bonus, especially for the economically weaker sections. The launch of the Affordable Can cer Care project, initially in two districts- Kohima and Mokokchung- will have targeted intervention where staff under the district hospitals will be provided train ing on cancer screening process. Chemotherapy and radio therapy centres will also be set up at selected centres in the state under the ACC & MCCD project. Needless to say, the setting up such facilities will be a tremendous boon for the state. It is also a matter of concern that health care system in Nagaland is still in dire need of a thorough streamlining with a huge dose of professionalism that has to be injected into the system. This has to be done without fear or favour since the state has one of the worst performing health service system as shown by service indicators such as –anti natal care coverage, full immunisation coverage, hospital births etc. It was reported that some hospitals in some districts do not even have a single functional X-ray machine, not to talk of Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI),Positron Emission Tomography (PET) or Computerised Tomography(CT) scans. In some hospitals, some of the sophisticated scanners as mentioned above, costing the department several crores of rupees, are lying unused for many years since trial runs could not be done either because they were not installed or because there was no qualified and experienced technicians to man them. Though Nagaland is the second oldest state in the region, its progress in the field of medical health care has not been as expected.
tion has become very deli cate, critical, crucial and also laden with imponder able tionpassedtowardstheirwithofofingtheparty-lesswisdomMLAsanythetoandtutionallysentatives,thoselegislativemembersAttionquiredtionalLegalconsequences.andConstitulegitimacyisretomakeinterveninsuchasituation.presentonlyelectedoftheNagalandAssemblyfulfillcriteria.Theyarepeoplerepretheyareconstiunderobligationtheyareinapositiondowhatnooneelsecan.Withthemandateofpeopleandwithoutpoliticalcolor,the60intheirpoliticaldecidedtoformagovernmentwithsoleobjectiveofresolvthepoliticalproblemNagalandonthebasistheAgreementsmadetheGOI.Tofortifysolemncommitmentthisend,theyhaveaunanimousresoluonwhichreads…

The youngsters growing up in developing countries like India seem to be going through that hellish phase again, only this time it is not the 6 inch deadly stick, but the 6 foot carbon emitting vehicle and unchecked industrial pollution, all being jus tified by hiding under the veil of ‘necessary evil for development’ in our third world nation.
This resolution is most significant and articulate, truly reflecting the genuine aspirations of the entire electorate of Nagaland who are passionately wait ing for an early conclu sion of the Naga political problem. Furthermore, it encompasses the whole range of the Manifesto of the BJP- “Election for solution”Now that all MLAs have been forged into ‘one entity’ as Naga representa tives with single-minded ness and purpose, nothing will remain out of reach. This is time to demonstrate the sacred duty vested on them by adopting a unani mous resolution in the As sembly urging both the govt of India and two groups of the underground to implement the agreements within a time-frame i.e. within one month or so.
A few decades down the line, we might get deadly reports
Samarth (As published in The Indian Youth)
…casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God… —2 Corinthians 10:5
factors -- the faceless Naga people. This oppositionless or party-less govern ment was necessitated on account of the prevailing situation in the state, they argued. Besides factions, rifts and divisions, there is no unity among the Nagas themselves.Inthe past many experiments have been tried at different points of time to find an honor able settlement but to no avail. What the problem like cancer does to human being continued into the Naga
S.C. Jamir For mer CM & Governor
Determinedly Demolish Some Things. Deliver ance from sin is not the same as deliverance from hu man nature. There are things in human nature, such as prejudices, that the saint can only destroy through sheer neglect. But there are other things that have to be destroyed through violence, that is, through God’s divine strength imparted by His Spirit. There are some things over which we are not to fight, but only to “stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord…” (see Exodus 14:13). But every theory or thought that raises itself up as a fortified barrier “against the knowledge of God” is to be determinedly demolished by drawing on God’s power, not through human ef fort or by compromise (see 2 Corinthians 10:4).
This is the juncture when we ought to stay away from any kind of Lip Service politics and double standards. The Nagas in general and the Nagas within the state of Na galand have seen enough political shenanigans. The Rio-Chingwang Konyak led NDPP as a party has a historical role to play. The MLAs are morally obliged to step aside to ‘facilitate’ a solution -- something they have pledged. But almost proving the old phrase, Promises are made to be broken, our legislators have not done it so far. They should do it at the earliest. This is the moment of his tory -- to make sacrifices. Mr Chief Minister, are you ready for it? The recent track record gives some otherOnceindications.theChief Min ister leads in announcing the same, I am sure all other legislators will be compelled to step down. The Govt of India and the Naga negotiators and lead ers will also come under in tense pressure and Solution will be at our doorsteps. Let us be ‘good hosts’ to Peace and Solution. Time to show - we also are a matured lot of human race; and yes, time to prove that the Naga leaders can make personal and even political sacrifices.
Naga solution: It’s time for 60 MLAs led by CM to act positively
5 seconds to skip these ads), the first page seemed to shock me. ’14 of world’s 15 most polluted cities in India’, said one headline. ‘Taj Mahal turning green due to pollution’ read the other. Now I am not a big fan of metaphors, but we really seem to be in the eye of the storm in this case. That which can cause a discoloration of a marble structure can surely cause deadly diseases in the human organs too, and most definitely the tender lungs!
see it straight away – We can definitely shun private vehicles for public transport, switch to electric vehicles and solar energy and permanently throw away the mentality of flicking out our garbage anywhere we like (out of the car, on the road, out of our apartments, on trekking sites Weetc.).can boycott plastic usage to protect our rivers and not be afraid to shame/educate anyone who doesn’t seem to care about this overlooked matter. After all, our generation will be the first guinea pigs to show carcinogenic signs, and based on these, preven tion laws will be passed. But we don’t want to lay down our lives for civil laws, do we?
It is only when God has transformed our nature and we have entered into the experience of sanc tification that the fight begins. The warfare is not against sin; we can never fight against sin— Jesus Christ conquered that in His redemption of us. The conflict is waged over turning our natural life into a spiritual life. This is never done easily, nor does God intend that it be so. It is accomplished only through a series of moral choices. God does not make us holy in the sense that He makes our character holy. He makes us holy in the sense that He has made us innocent before Him. And then we have to turn that innocence into holy character through the moral choices we make. These choices are continually op posed and hostile to the things of our natural life which have become so deeply entrenched— the very things that raise themselves up as fortified barriers “against the knowledge of God.” We can either turn back, making ourselves of no value to the kingdom of God, or we can determinedly demolish these things, allowing Jesus to bring another son to glory (see Hebrews 2:10).
Pollution: The dark reality hidden under the garb of development
The only difference is, we have a fair bit of knowledge about the ill effects of this silent killer. During the 60s in devel oped countries, youngsters, even teenagers were smoking ram
peaceful and prosperous future for their children and grandchildren.Letusbehonest and transparent about the con tents of both the agree ments, the FA of 2015 and the Agreed Position of 2017 signed between GoI and the NNPG -- an um brella body of underground groups who generally con fined their ‘roles’ within the state of Nagaland. Then comes another significant chapter of Naga history of peaceWhatevertalks. they have said on 29th February 2012 in a mammoth gathering at Agri-Expo, Chümouke dima, in the presence of all underground lead ers including Isaac Swu, Th.Muivah, Gen Kholi, Kitovi and galaxy of un derground leaders, was as a matter of fact and also a crystal clear sum up story.. In thatLategathering,General Khole in a written speech de clared that according to Th Muivah, Naga indepen dence will not be possible because of the “Interna tional situation” and also integration too would not come because of the policy of the Govt of India and Myanmar respectively. It is abundantly clear that neither sovereignty nor integration figure in both the Agreements.Theleaderships of both the underground groups were honest in what they have declared on 29.2.2012. Since this is the real status of the political agreements, why should it be delayed in the final implementation ? For how long will the people of Nagaland be taken for a ride ? For how long will they be pawns in the hands of the political people, underground and other anti-social elements? How long will the people of Nagaland remain cut off from the rest of the Nation? For how long the youth of Nagaland will rot in poverty and despair when their counterparts are leading a drastically different life in the rest of the country?Wearewitnessing two diametrically different po litical conundrums today in the political firmament of Nagaland. The Govern ment of India is maintain ing a stoic silence over the Naga issue, on the other hand the NSCN(IM) in particular has started revis iting the old and hackneyed issues instead of explain ing the significance and contents of the Framework Agreement of 3rd August 2015 to the people. Even though the people are daily yearning the dawn of the new political dispensation on the basis of the two agreements, but so far no clear indication from the Govt of India. The situa
Reader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the columns do not reflect the view of this newspaper nor that of the Editor in any manner.
Do It Yourself (1)
Minister of Nagaland. This will reflect a sincerity of purpose and unlock the door of the present stale mate especially with the NSCN(IM) and usher in a peacefulenvironment to finally resolve the long standing Naga political problem. I would like to conclude this article with a note of cautious optimism. To be optimistic is one of the great human virtues.
Now, comes the vital part. The leadership of the NSCN(IM) should not now hesitate to tell the peo ple the ‘achievements’ they have secured for the people. The Naga people are not novice in politics and as such they will wholeheart edly welcome the agree ment already made by both the underground groups. What people passionately desire is for peace and nor malcy.They want a stable,
Global Warming is no new sub ject either.Wehave all read it in our Environmental Science books as school children, and even though it is difficult to imagine the decline of global civilization due to rising temperatures, it is not so difficult to realize what it does to our body mechanisms in short
So,term.the question is, what can we do? Our bit can’t be quanti fied, but here’s what can make a difference even if we don’t
The plea by IUML filed through advocate Pal lavi Pratap seeks an interim stay on the operation of CAB and the Foreigner Amendment (Order), 2015, and Passport (Entry Into Rules), Amendment Rules, 2015.The petition alleged that the government’s CAB was against the basic struc ture of the Constitution and intended to explicitly dis criminate against Muslims as the Act extended benefits only to Hindus, Sikhs, Bud dhists, Jains, Parsis, and Christians.Theplea filed by Con
cosmetics, traditional dresses, grocery items
(PTI): The Supreme Court would hear on September 12 a batch of pleas challenging the constitutional validity of the Citizenship (Amend ment) Act (CAA) which seeks to grant citizenship to non-Muslim migrants who came here from Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghani stan on or before December 31, 2014.While refusing to stay the operation of the law, the top court had on December 18, 2019, issued notices to the Centre on the pleas.
Issued by: will be done through merit in the YASASVI ENTRANCE TEST (YET) being conducted by National Testing Agency. Scheme guidelines and advertisement are available in the website
Supreme Court of India
In view of the above, the following actions have been initiated /decided by theTheMinistry:tentative timeline for activities for the year 2022-2023 are as follows:-
and Parsi communities who came to the country from Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan on or before December 31, 2014.
3 Display of Admit Cards 20.09.2022

intended to deal
K Venugopal, representing the Centre, to consider us ing audio-visual medium to make citizens aware of the legislation.“Weare not going to grant a stay,” the apex court had said.The Indian Union Muslim League (IUML), one of the petitioners which have challenged the CAA, said in its plea that it vio lates the fundamental Right to Equality and intends to grant citizenship to a sec tion of illegal immigrants by making an exclusion based on religion.Parliament cleared the
Commander level meeting, the Indian and Chinese troops in the area of GograHotsprings (PP-15) have begun to disengage in a coordinated and planned way, which is conducive to the peace and tranquility in the border areas,” the state ment
Thesaid.announcement of the disengagement process comes around a week ahead
The then President Ram Nath Kovind gave assent to the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2019 on December 12, 2019, turning it into an Act.
Tsütuonuomia Sokhriezie Market Committee -2054/22K p-4203/22D k-2023/22a p-4234/22D GOVERNMENT OF NAGALAND OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY COMMISSIONER MON:*********NAGALAND No.DC-MON/CON-08/REC/2022-23 Dated Mon the 7th September, 2022 NOTICE INVITING TENDER The Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Mon, Nagaland invites bids from eligible dealers/suppliers/authorized vendors for Procurement of Medical Equipments/Items for: District Hospital, Mon vide NIT No.DC-MON/CON-06/REC/2022-23/461 dated Mon the 31st August, 2022. Community Health Centres vide NIT No.DC-MON/CON-07/IOCL/202223/462 dated Mon the 31st August, 2022. Opening of Tenders 01-09-2022 Last Date & Time 30th September, 2022 at 12:00 Noon 1. For further information, kindly visit our official website or contact through and contact Number:+917005694678 & +917005539188 2. Tender documents may either be downloaded from above mentioned website or collected from the Deputy Commissioner’ Office, Mon from 01-09-2022 to 30-09-2022. 3. The Bids complete in all respect should be submitted to the DC Office, Mon on or before 30-09-2022. Sd/DeputyMon:CommissionerNagalandDC-1035/22 p-4091/22D GOVERNMENT OF NAGALAND DIRECTORATE OF SCHOOL EDUCATION NAGALAND: KOHIMA NO. ED/SCHO/YET/2022-23 :: Dated Kohima, the 6th Sept, 2022 NOTIFICATION ON YASASVI ENTRANCE TEST This is to inform all concerned that the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment has extended the date of registration for YASASVI ENTRANCE TEST (YET) 2022 for Top Class School Education for OBC, EBC, and DNT students through the web portal Under the scheme, the Central Government will provide Scholarship of Rs. 75, 000/p.a for Class 9 and 10 and Rs. 1, 25, 000 /- p.a for Class 11 and 12 covering the School fee, Hostel fee etc. The selection of students

The amended law seeks to grant citizenship to non-Muslim migrants belonging to Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Christian, Jain,
In his petition, Ramesh has said that substantial questions of law, including whether religion can be a factor in either acquiring or denying citizenship in India, arises for consideration of the court as it is a pleagroundsarewhocitizenshipprovideofrationalunreasonablesificationsography,ficationofviz,creates1955.mentunconstitutional”“patentlyamendtotheCitizenshipAct,“TheimpugnedActtwoclassifications,classificationonbasisreligionandtheclassionthebasisofgeandboththeclasarecompletelyandsharenonexustotheobjecttheimpugnedActi.e.,toshelter,safety,andtocommunitiesintheirnativecountryfacingpersecutiononofreligion,”thehassaid.
JAIPUR, SEP 8 (IANS): Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Thurs day visited the Dargah of Khwaja Moinuddin Ch ishti in Ajmer along with her delegation, during a tour to Earlier,Rajasthan.she reached
an end to an over two-year stand-off in the Patrolling Point 15. The beginning of the disengagement process was an outcome of the 16th round of high-level military talks in July, according to a joint statement by the two armies.“On 8th September 2022, according to the con sensus reached in the 16th round of India China Corps

Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina being welcomed by folk artists on her arrival at Jaipur airport, in Jaipur. (PTI)

India, China begin disengagement in Gogra-Hotsprings PP-15
On July 23, 2021, the
social media posts by the minister and an interview by Irani’s daughter, Zoish – in which she nods in agree ment when a food critic asks if the restaurant is hers – but Irani told the court the es tablishment was not family owned.Now, an RTI response from the Goa government to advocate Aires Ro drigues – who had earlier obtained the information that the bar’s excise license was illegally renewed – has revealed that the Director ate of Food and Drugs Administration’s licence to Silly Souls was issued in the name of Eightall Food and Beverages Limited Liability Partnership, the very com pany in which two firms controlled by Smriti Irani’s husband and family, own a 75% Thestake.application, com plete with company board resolutions, was made on line and approved after a site visit on June 26, 2021.
Cafe food licence was issued to company controlled by Smriti Irani’s husband: RTI
which she could not stop herself and danced with the artists at the airport itself.During the visit of Sheikh Hasina, the Dargah was completely evacuated for security. The lanes lead ing from the road were also closed and traffic was diverted during passing of her cavalcade.Morethan 30 min isters and relatives of her cabinet accompanied the Bangladesh Prime Min ister.
Last date of submission: 25th September 2022.
As per the list of busi nesses uploaded on the apex court website, a bench com prising Chief Justice Uday Umesh Lalit and Justice S Ravindra Bhat has posted 220 petitions, including the lead plea of the Indian Union of Muslim League, for hearing on Monday.
of the annual summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) in Uz bekistan which is set to be attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chi nese President Xi Jinping. There is speculation that there could be a bilat eral meeting between the two leaders. However, there is no official word on such a possibility.
Act which grants citizenship rights to religious minorities such as Hindus, Christians, Sikhs, Parsis, Jains, and Buddhists, who have come to India on or before De cember 31, 2014.
Mobiles of Khadim and others were kept out side during Ziyarat. Sheikh Hasina wrote her message in Bangladeshi language in the visitor’s book of the DargahSheikhCommittee.Hasina’s con voy reached the circuit house in Ajmer after spend ing an hour in the dargah. Hasina and her delegation rested here and left for Jaipur.
(AGENCIES): A Right to Information request has revealed that Silly Souls, the controversial Goa res taurant and bar located at a private home in Assagao, Goa – now the subject of a libel suit by BJP leader Smriti Irani against Con gress leaders – has a food license issued by the state Directorate of Food and Drugs Administration to a company controlled by the senior minister’s husband and theirIranichildren.toldtheDehi high court in a sworn statement last month that she and her daughter had no connection to the Silly Souls Cafe and Bar at House 452, Bouta Waddo, Assagao, Goa.
Note: Applications can be submitted to the office of the Tsütuonuomia Sokhriezie Market during working hours.
Any individual/society interested to run business in the new building complex of Tsütuonuomia Sokhriezie Market, Kohima (BOC Main Market) are invited to submit application in plain paper with detailed address and indicate specific (e.g. electronics, etc.) with.
NEW DELHI, SEP 8 (PTI): In a major develop ment, the Indian and Chi nese armies on Thursday
4 Exam Date 25.09.2022
Gogra Hotsprings PP-15
1 Re-opening of registration 01.09.2022 to 11.09.2022
SNO Activities Date
While issuing the no tice on pleas, the bench had asked Attorney General K
The top court had is sued notice to the Centre and had sought its response by the second week of Janu ary 2020.However, due to the COVID-19-induced restric tions, the matter could not come up for a full-fledged hearing as the matter in volved a large number of lawyers and litigants.
Jaipur airport from Delhi at around 11 am. She was given a rousing welcome by Rajasthan Education Min ister B.D. Kalla and Chief Secretary Usha Sharma. The traditional artists of Rajasthan welcomed her with a folk dance, during
Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina visits Ajmer Dargah
announced that they have started to disengage from the Gogra-Hotsprings area in eastern Ladakh, marking
VACANCY Applications are invited from qualified candidates for : Name of Post One Maths Teacher for Higher Secondary Science Qualification M.Sc Maths Application letter along with supporting documents can be submitted in the School Office before 15th September 2022. Office Mobile No. 9436070967 / 7085598829 Email – BETHEL HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL, KOHIMA HigH ScHOOl AreA , KOHiMA DC-1036/22 TSIERAMIA COUNCIL L. Khel, Kohima Village NOTice ON SAle AND TrANSFer OF lAND UNDer TSierAMiA JUriSDicTiON With due reference to the agenda of Tsieramia General Meeting held on 12.06.2022 and Executive Committee Meeting on 15.02.2022, the Tsieramia Council, in considering the welfare of its community and future generations, hereby issue this notification on Ban on Sale/Transfer of Land within its jurisdiction,BanonSale/Transfer of Land within the jurisdiction includes the following areas: 1. Lower Khruzie, 2. Tsiekhou, 3. Puliezou, 4. Nasorü, 5. Chienuozou, 6. Tekhuseirha, 7. Medi, 8. Seiserü, 9. Phierü, 10. Chalhomekhru, 11. Lower Sanuorü, 12. Rügarü Tsieramia Council therefore requests the Land Owners, Sellers and Buyers to be informed of this notice and comply with it. Any person violating the notice by purchasing lands from the fore mentioned areas shall bear sole responsibilities for their own action. Keviseyiezo Vizo Khriengulie Dzuvichü General Secretary President K-2050/22

2 Correction window 12.09.2022 to 14.09.2022
SC to hear pleas challenging CAA on Sep 12

The Union woman and child development minister has been battling criticism ever since the Goa excise commissioner issued notice in July alleging the liquor license of Silly Souls Cafe and Bar had been renewed illegally. Media reports cited

gress leader Jairam Ramesh has said that the Act is a “brazen attack” on core fun damental rights envisaged under the Constitution and treats “equals as unequal”.
Goa government’s FDA directorate issued Eightall Food and Beverage with an FSSA license, bearing num ber 10621001000195, under the FSSTheAct.Wire reached out to Smriti Irani via What sApp on Thursday evening, sending her a copy of the RTI documents and inviting her to respond to what the official record showed. We will update this story with her comments as and when The Wire receive them.
The Cooperation Min ister said that equal develop ment of cooperative sector will be ensured by consider ing every state equally in the new cooperative policy.
and aspirational buyers. Speaking on the occa sion Mr. Takuya Tsumura, President & CEO, Honda Cars India Ltd said, “It’s a proud moment for us to achieve 5 lakh sales mile stone for Honda Amaze. We would like to thank our customers for the love and acceptance they have shown for the brand and to our partners for their continuous support. Honda Amaze is our strategic en try model in India and key pillar of our business. Its popularity and accep tance in both big and small cities is a testament that
DIMAPUR, SEP 8 (NPN): Accusing the state government of failing to take any positive steps to address their grievances till date, the All Nagaland Junior Engi neers’ Association (ANJEA)—compris ing of NPWD, PHE and Power depart ments—has decided to launch phase-I protest by wearing black badges for six days starting September 12, 2022.
Asserting that Naga youths were in the dark, he cautioned that without solution, Nagaland would never grow. He hoped that the delegation would come with positive results.
Amit Shah addresses a national conference of states’ cooperation ministers, in New Delhi. (PTI)

Inflation management can not be singularly left to monetary policy, which has proved totally ineffective in many countries, she said.
“The RBI will have to synchronise somewhat, maybe not as much synchro nised as other western devel oped countries would do. I am not prescribing anything to the Reserve Bank...
is handling inflation also is an exercise where the fiscal policy, together with the monetary policy has to work,” she said. The min ister further said there are economies where policy is designed in such a way that the monetary policy and the interest rate management is the one and the only tool to handle inflation, she said.
The dollar index, which measures the green back’s strength against a basket of six currencies, fell 0.11 per cent to 109.72.
NEW DELHI, SEP 8 (AGENCIES): The Cen tral government is going to set up a multistate export house that will enable coop eratives to brand and export items, said Cooperatives Minister Amit Shah, as per a statement released by Ministry of Cooperation on Thursday.Inaugurating a two-day National Conference of State Cooperation Ministers in New Delhi, Shah said, “Modi govt is going to set up a multistate export house which will export Khadi products, handicrafts and agriculture products to the worldwide market.”
Rising share of Au tomatics
Young and Aspira tional Buyers
(L-R) Mr Yuichi Murata Director-MarketingSales Mr Takuya Tsumura President CEO Kunal Behl VP Marketing Sales.
MYK C MYK C Land For SaLe Signal angami Village Per Sq. Ft. : Rs. 500/Negotiable Ph. no. : 87878269237005646325 DP-4221/22 Land For SaLe 1. Kushiabill Lane-4 Imkong Senden Colony Any size available Price : Rs. 180 per sq. ft. 2. duba Gaon, Main Road Touched Price : Rs. 200 per sq. ft. Contact : 6033897221 DP-4225/22 Lost Notice I, Pututiba Ao am applying for duplicate copy of Marksheetcum Certificate of HSLC as I have lost it. Name : Pututiba Ao F/Name : Imtimar DoB : 25.03.2002 Roll No. : 181818265 Regd. No. : 04801(2018) DP-4226/22(A) Lost Notice I, Pututiba Ao am applying for duplicate copy of Marksheetcum Certificate of HSSLC as I have lost it. Name : Pututiba Ao F/Name : Imtimar DoB : 25.03.2002 Roll No. : 204812060 Regd. No. : 10604(2020) DP-4226/22(C) Lost Notice I, Pututiba Ao am applying for duplicate copy of Migration Certificate of HSSLC as I have lost it. Name : Pututiba Ao F/Name : Imtimar DoB : 25.03.2002 Roll No. : 204812060 Regd. No. : 96721(2020) DP-4226/22(B) LaNd For saLe Bamunpukhuri ‘a 3-4 Kms away from Zion Hospital Road Touched Rs. 270/- per sq. ft. (Negotiable) 3 Bighas (Any Size) Contact : 9856744485 DP-4227/22 WaNted 1. Civil engineer 2. architecture Minimum 3 years of experience in Construction Field Location : Dimapur Contact : 98622474518798958575 DP-4228/22 For saLe alto LXI 2019 KM – 20,000 Price : Rs. 3.20 fixed Regd. No. : NL-07 Contact : 8119962196 DP-4230/22 Regular Course F-TEL admISSIon/eXam onLIne Class 10 & 10+2, BA/MA, B.Com/M.Com,BBA/MBA,B.Sc/M.Sc,BCA/B.Ed.B.Sc/M.Sc.IT,PGDCA Call : 8413818142/ 9863318721 Admission GoinG on DP-4231/22 LaNd For saLe 1. Kushiabill Sec-IV Area : 1 Bigha with Building 2. Indisen (Ao’s only) Area : 5500 Sq. Ft. 3. Mon Bosti, Near Ao Church Contact no. : 7005424879 DP-4198/22 -4045/22DP LAND FOR SALE Location : Bamunpukhuri-B (5 kms from Zion Hospital) 50 × 50 : Rs. 5.37 lakhs 50 × 80 : Rs. 8.60 lakhs 50 × 100 : Rs. 10.57 lakhs Call: 94026156487005204949DP-4154/22 LaNd For saLe 1. at naga United Village dimapur Price : Rs. 300/- Per Sq. Ft. (Nego) Any size will be available 2. near Hope academy Price : Rs. 280/- Per Sq. Ft. (Nego) No Brokers Only Genuine Buyers Plz. Contact : 8413808228 DP-4178/22 Land For SaLe 1. Near St. John School Diphu Road. Area : 5000 Sq. Ft. 2. Indisen Village Area : 5000 Sq. Ft. Contact No. : 87988585599612292806,(opt.) DP-4120/22 Land for saLe Town Area, 1/2 km from Dimapur Government College. Accessible to various Institutions and Hospitals. 1. 10 Bighas @ Rs. 780/- sq. ft. (Negotiable) 2. 40x40 @ Rs. 1350000/Contact : 9362619411 -974/22DB WANTED 1. Cook full time (preference female) Free fooding and lodging handsomewithsalary Contact No. 9862849633/8787858390: -981/22DB forXUVsaLe300 Model : 2020 NagalandPriceColourRegistration:White:Rs.7,60,000 Contact : 9366539450 -4235/22DP ACROSS 9 Vegetable (9) 10 Above (8) 12 Row (4) 13 Argument (6) 14 Listlessness (7) 15 Cheese (9) 17 Stupidity (9) 18 Interminable (7) 20 Bird (6) 21 Examine (4) 24 Abode (8) 26 Told (8) 28 Places (4) 29 Outhouse (6) 31 Excursionist (7) 34 Silly (9) 36 Ruse (9) 38 Unaffected (7) 39 Usual (6) 40 Unruffled (4) 41 Valuable (8) 42 Sight (9) DOWN 1 Fragment (8) 2 Flock (6) 3 Filleted (8) 4 Meal (6) 5 Bullfighter (8) 6 Rebuke (7,3) 7 Sang (7) 8 Greeting (6) 11 Gift (7) 16 Submissively (6) 19 Frumpish (5) 20 Pin (3) 22 Crawl (5) 23 Painter (6) 25 Inherited (2,3,5) 26 Wrath (3) 27 Final (7) 30 Trade (8) 31 Menace (8) 32 Recall (8) 33 Take back (7) 35 Kind (6) 36 Emphasis (6) 37 Look (6) Crossword No. 10388 Yesterday’s solution No. 10387 Su doku No. 5010 Yesterday’s solution No. 5009 KAKURO No. 4033 Yesterday’s solution No. 4032 8 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2022BUSINESS/STATE Honda Amaze crosses 5 lakh sales milestone
Inflation control can’t be left to RBI: FM
MUMBAI, SEP 8 (PTI): The rupee appreciated 23 paise to close at 79.72 (pro visional) against the US dollar on Thursday amid easing crude oil prices and a firm trend in domestic equities.Atthe interbank forex market, the local unit opened at 79.72 against the greenback.Itwitnessed an intraday high of 79.65 and a low of 79.83 during the session. It finally ended at 79.72, up 23 paise from its previous close of 79.72.
said “We cannot think of any sector’s development without an authentic data base, so Ministry of Coop eration is going to create a national database of coop erative“Thesector.”cooperative sec tor should be a major con tributor to PM Modi’s vision of a $5 trillion economy and cooperative sector should become a major part of the Indian economy in the next 100 years,” he added.
Shah added, “Along with mass production, pro duction by the masses is also very important for the de velopment of our economy and this can be possible only through the cooperative model.”He said, the policy’s focus area will be – free registration, computeriza tion and democratic elec tions. Shah said, focus will also be on ensuring active membership, professional ism in leadership and trans parency, being responsible and answerable and all the discussions are held with the stakeholders.TheCentral govern ment is also formulating a policy idea that along with short term finance PACS should also be involved in medium and long-term financing.
In a press release, ANJEA president Er. L. Hekuto and General Secretary Er. Noswedeno Khatso cautioned that the members would continue with phase-II in the form of casual/earned leave if the association did not receive any positive outcome.
CNSA hangs banners outside residences of CM, DyCM, others
time now for the youth to raise their voice demand ing solution to the Naga issue.He reiterated that CNSA, which was part and parcel of Nagaland People’s Action Commit tee (NPAC), supported the August 5 memorandum of the committee submitted to the Prime Minister urg ing Government of India to implement the conclud ed political negotiations into solution without any furtherWhendelay.asked on the next step of CNSA, he
Later, speaking with Nagaland Post, Pongen remarked that as Nagas had been talking so much about solution, it was high
On the domestic eq uity market front, the BSE Sensex ended 659.31 points or 1.12 per cent higher at 59,688.22, while the broader NSE Nifty gained 174.35 points or 0.99 per cent to 17,798.75.
Shah said the govern ment wants to bring a posi tive change in the lives of crores of poor of the coun try by making the coopera tive sector a strong pillar of the economy.Shahalso said that the cooperative sector can play an important role in making India self-reliant and ensure the economic prosperity of 70 crore poor people.
“It is time for the coop erative sector to once again earn everyone’s trust by empowering itself according to the needs of the times,” he said.
ANJEA to launch protest from Sep 12
NEW DELHI, SEP 07 (NPN): Honda Cars In dia Ltd. (HCIL), leading manufacturer of premium cars in India, on Thursday announced that its popu lar family sedan Honda Amaze has cumulatively sold 5 lakh units since its first introduction in 2013.

replied they would first wait for the outcome of CCoNPI meetings with Central leaders.
Nirmala Sitharaman
Shah said, currently there are 65 thousand active Primary Agricultural Credit Societies PACS in the coun try. He said, Government has decided to establish 3 lakh PACS in the next 5
Multistate export house in next 2 months: Shah
ANJEA stated that a representation was submitted to the government for the career progression of the junior engineers and subsequently submitted a reminder.
mance and fuel economy.
Strong Popularity across markets
Honda Amaze is the entry model in Honda’s line-up. Currently, almost 40% of its customers are first time buyers as Amaze is a great choice as a first car offering status of a premium sedan and great peace of mind with Hon da’s famed durability, qual ity, reliability, low cost of maintenance and 3 years Unlimited Kms warranty.
check the rate of price rise.
With the growing pop ularity of automatic trans mission models among customers, the share of automatics in Amaze has also progressively increased from 9% at the time of ini tial introduction in 2013 to currently more than 30%.
“In the next 2 months, we will form a multi-state cooperative for the mar keting and certification of organic products and seed culture,” he said.
“I would say India’s inflation management, the word ‘taming inflation’ or the word ‘keeping it within the tolerance limit’, is an exercise of so many differ ent activities and a major ity of which is outside the monetary policy in today’s circumstances,” Sithara man said. There could have been a time when people would have thought this is sacrilegious for the finance minister of a country to say so, she added.
According to ANJEA, the state gov ernment has formulated the Nagaland Engineering Service Rules in such a way that the Group-B cadre of engineers were deprived of timely promotion to the post of SDO and never get the opportunity for further promotion (i.e. EE and above) as JEs get promotion only on the verge of re tirement. It stated that so many members have retired without a single promotion and more members were in line due to stagnation.

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Thursday said inflation management cannot be “singularly” left to the monetary policy as a majority of activities are outside its purview in the currentSpeakingcontext. at a semi nar organised by economic think-tank Icrier, the finance minister said that both the fiscal policy and the mon etary policy have to work together to contain inflation.

Rupee rises 23 paise to close at 79.72 against USD
years.Shah said, defunct PACS should be liquidised as soon as possible, so that new PACS can be built.
“If they are positive towards our demand, then we can be positive to them. And if they are not, then we will raise our voice in days to come with some new initiatives,” he added.
Consumer price in dex (CPI) based inflation or retail inflation is ruling above the Reserve Bank’s comfort level of 6 per cent since January. The central bank, which has been tasked by the government to keep inflation within 2-4 per cent range, has hiked the key pol icy rate by 140 basis points since May with an aim to
The minister further
He also clarified that CNSA did not have any agenda, adding that what Nagas needed now was an early solution as promised by the leaders.
The car, presently in its second generation ver sion, holds a strong posi tion in India’s entry sedan segment and enjoys a pre ferred brand status among personal buyers. Amaze is presently the largest selling model for HCIL account ing for more than 40% of company sales. Being an India centric product, the Made in India Amaze from Honda’s Tapukara plant in Rajasthan is sold in both domestic and export mar kets in different customerAmazetechnologies,vanceddrivingciousdesign,AbovesignedDevelopedcountries.andDeas“OneClassSedan”withitsboldsophisticated&spainteriors,outstandingperformance,adfeaturesandsafetytheHondahascreatedastrongbaseofyoung
the premium sedan not only matches the customer needs, but also exceeds their Theexpectations.”HondaAmaze is a contemporary sedan with striking bold design, elegant and roomy inte riors, exceptional driving performance, cutting-edge features and safety tech nologies. Available in both Manual Transmission and CVT in Petrol with 1.2L i-VTEC engine and also Diesel with 1.5L i-DTEC engine, the Honda Amaze adopts the best of Honda’s powertrains to achieve a perfect balance of perfor
“I am not giving any forward direction to the RBI but it is the truth that India’s solution to handling the economy, part of which

Brent crude futures, the global oil benchmark, fell 0.60 per cent to USD 87.47 per barrel.
(From p-1)

Honda Amaze has created a strong presence and acceptance across mar kets. The model’s current sales contribution from Tier 1 markets is almost 40% while Tier 2 & 3 combined contribution is around 60%.

The Chinese capital issued a fresh coronavirus alert on Thursday after it reported 21 local COVID-19 infections a day earlier, three of which were from a high school and the rest from a university, health officials said.
Crisis-hit Lanka
The Union extends its best wishes in her service and may her recognition be an inspiration for all.
1.process.Hon'ble Chief Minister, Government of Nagaland 2. Hon'ble Deputy Chief Minister, Government of Nagaland 3. Hon'ble Cabinet Ministers and Members of the Legislative Assembly 4. Hon'ble Advisor, School Education 5. Shri. Menukhol John, Retd. Principal Secretary 6. The Commissioner & Secretary, School Education and Subordinate Officials 7. The Principal Director, School Education and Department Officials 8. The Naga Students' Federation (NSF), Eastern Naga Students' Federation (ENSF) and their Federating Units 9. The Tribal Hohos 10. The Civil Society Organizations 11. Media Fraternity 12. Well-WishersSd/- Sd/(Penthungo Y. Yanthan) (Khriekuo Rüpreo) President President NSSATA NRMSATA K-2051/22 PRESS RELEASE The 12th Luke Sasong Memorial Volleyball Trophy 2022, organized by the Luke Sasong Sporting Association will commence from 4th October 2022 at Multipurpose Sports Hall, Mokokchung. Cash prizes carrying a sum of `. 70,000/-, `. 40,000/-, `.10,000/- will be awarded to the Champion, Runners-up and Semi Finalist respectively alongwith individual prizes of `. 5000/- each for Best Spiker, Best Setter and Player of the InterestedTournament.Teams/Clubs
The Western Sumi Totimi Hoho extend our heartiest congratulations to Miss Vinika Kiho and Grand Master Israel G. Xuivi on their recent success as Public Prosecutor in the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) through UPSC examination and on being officially inducted in the Taekwondo Hall of Fame, New Jersey USA, 2022, respectively. We are highly proud of your achievements and honour you have brought to the Nagas in general and Sumis in particular. Your incredible well deserved success has set a new milestone for the younger generations. We pray that this accomplishment is just one step in your endeavours.Sd/-
The office of the Nagaland Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Teachers' Association (NSSATA) 2010 & 2013 and Nagaland Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan Teachers’ Association (NRMSATA) 2013, is elated with the eagerly anticipated approval of the Cabinet, dated the 21st of April 2022 and the subsequent release of the Mainstreaming Notification, vide No. DSE/SSA-RMSA/COM/18-86/2021, dated, Kohima, the 2nd of September 2022.
needed to effect it. Against the backdrop of China’s ag gressive moves around Tai wan following US Congress Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taipei, Jaishankar said: “In the face of such chal lenges, the case for India and Japan to collaborate more closely on foreign policy and security questions has become even stronger.”
administration officials are providing lists of Ukrainians to be targeted for filtration and receiving reports on the scope and progress of opera tions, she Statesaid.Department Dep uty Spokesperson Vedant Patel told reporters at a sepa rate news conference that filtration is a dehumanising word describing a massive campaign that the Kremlin has launched to imprison, forcibly depart or disappear those Ukrainian citizens that Moscow decides could be a potential threat to their control over Ukraine.
Russia is using filtration centers to detain, abuse Ukrainians: WH
Beijing under Covid alert as school report fresh cases appoints 37 ministersjunior
“We have newly down graded information about how over the course of this conflict, Russia has increas ingly relied on infrastruc tures, including facilities, technology, and transpor tation, to accommodate hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian citizens who have been and will be processed through these filtrations’ operations,” Patel said.
“Japan should...not provide the Taiwan indepen dence force any platforms for political manipulation,” Mao said. Throughout his political career, Abe was a strong supporter of Taiwan, a Japanese colony for 50 years until the end of World War II which maintains close political, economic and social ties with Japan.
“It was a terrible thing. And frankly, that’s had a big impact on the popula tion. But that was a ter rible thing that they did. Raiding my home was a terrible thing. And I think it’s, it’s boomeranged and very negatively on them,” Trump said.
Sd/- Sd/T Mendang Imchen Imchawapang President Secretary MKC-330/22
Sri Lanka is going through its worst economic crisis since its indepen dence in 1948 which was triggered by a severe pau city of foreign exchange reserves, leaving the coun try of 22 million people scrambling for essentials.
TOKYO, SEP 8 (PTI): In dia and Japan on Thursday agreed to further enhance their security and defence cooperation, including hold ing the first Air Force fighter exercises, as they reaffirmed their commitment to a rulesbased global order that re spects sovereignty and ter ritorial integrity of nations, amidst China’s aggressive moves in the strategic IndoPacificParticipatingregion. in the second India-Japan 2+2 Foreign and Defence Min isterial Meeting here, Exter nal Affairs Minister S Jais hankar said that India and Japan were committed to promoting a rules-based or der, ensuring respect for in ternational law and norms, and safeguarding the global commons.Ina joint statement after the meeting, the foreign ministers and defence min isters of the two countries emphasised the need for all countries to seek peaceful resolution of disputes in accordance with interna tional law without resorting to threat or use of force or any attempt to unilaterally change the status quo.
plores” the congressional visit, saying it violates the US commitment to the “oneChina policy” that forbids formal diplomatic relations with “WeTaiwan.will continue to take strong measures to resolutely safeguard national sovereignty and territorial in tegrity,” Mao said at a daily briefing.Under the US system of separation of powers, the executive branch of govern ment has no legal right to prevent members of Con gress from visiting Taiwan. China has repeatedly refused
We, the Kangching Buhu Union Dimapur would like to convey our heartiest congratulations to Shri. M. Tongpang Phom Sub-Inspector (NPTO) on being promoted to the Rank of Inspector (NPTO).

The Associations remain deeply indebted to all those who supported our genuine cause physically, financially, morally and spiritually. We would like to acknowledge and express our heartfelt gratitude to the undermentioned who facilitated the fruition of our Mainstreaming may collect entry forms from JBS Store, below Elate Hostel, Mokokchung. which will be available from 10th September 2022 The last date for submission of entry forms is 22nd September 2022 further information, Contact : 8119016736 (M), 8837246636 (M)
India, the US and sev eral other world powers have been talking about the need to ensure a free, open and thriving Indo-Pacific in the backdrop of China’s rising military manoeuvring in the region. China claims nearly all of the disputed South China Sea, though Taiwan, the Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia and Vietnam all claim parts of it. Beijing has built artificial islands and military installations in the South China Sea. The armies of India and China are still engaged in a prolonged standoff at easternTheLadakh.eastern Ladakh border standoff erupted on May 5, 2020, following a violent clash in the Pangong lake areas.China also has mari time territorial dispute with Japan in the East China Sea.
In an interview to NDTV news channel at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey, the former president said, “Everyone wants me to run, I’m leading in the polls...I’ll make a decision in the very near future, I suspect. And I think that a lot of people are going to be very happy.”
The Longmatra Village Students' Union is extremely proud to extend its heartiest congratulations to Ma'am Mrs. Y. Mhono, W/o Shri Menshethe for receiving the District Teacher's Award 2022
Murphy, who was born in Hanoi to Vietnamese parents, is among lawmak ers who introduced a bill that would allow the US to lend weapons to support Taiwan, similar to a bill that was passed to lend weapons to Ukraine. Last week, the Biden administration ap proved a $1 billion arms sale to Taiwan.
Trump signals he might run for US presidential election 2024
TAIPEI, SEP 8 (AP): An other US congressional del egation is visiting Taiwan as tensions with China remain high over its claims to the self-governed island.
and way of life. Taiwan will not backMurphydown.”replied that Congress “should advocate for greater Taiwanese par ticipation in “stronglyontrypropriate,”internationaldeservespubliccommunity,memberitselforganisations.”international“Taiwanhasshowntobearesponsibleoftheinternationalespeciallyinhealthissues,andittoparticipateinforawhenapshesaid.ChineseForeignMinisspokespersonMaoNingThursdaysaidChinarejectsandde
Rajnath Singh with Minister of Defense of Japan Yasukazu Hamada during a bilateral meeting, in Tokyo. (PTI)


against Ukraine, Jaishankar noted that conflicts and climate events have further aggravated the global eco nomic situation, creating deep anxieties in respect of energy and food security. He also stressed on the necessity of creating resilient and reliable supply chains in the aftermath of the Covid cooperationinsions,terHayashiForeignDialogueSinghDefenceBesidespandemic.Jaishankar,MinisterRajnathparticipatedinthewithJapaneseMinisterYoshimasaandDefenceMinisYasukazuHamada.“Duringtoday’sdiscuswenotedtheprogressthemilitary-to-militaryandexchanges
to recognize that principle. Mao also cautioned Japan not to allow a Taiwan ese government official to attend an official funeral for ex-Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. China strongly pro tested after Taiwanese Vice President Lai Ching-te paid his respects at Abe’s Tokyo residence following his as sassination in July.
Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen, exchanges gift with Florida Democrat Stephanie Murphy. (AP)

“The tactics Russia has used to collect information are invasive and victims of filtration are given no choice but to submit or face dire consequences. Russia has systematically used the practice of forced deporta tions previously, and the fear and misery it evokes for
Thepact.other American lawmakers visiting are Ha waii Democrat Kaiali’i Ka hele and Republicans Scott Franklin of Florida, Joe Wil son of South Carolina, Andy Barr of Kentucky, Darrell Issa of California, Claudia Tenney of New York and Kat Cammack of Florida.
recovered files there, calling it an attempt to weaponise the government.“Theyput(the recov ered secret documents) there. It’s a set up. It’s wea ponisation. And it’s inap propriate to do and it’s a bad thing for our country. And this is like Russia, Rus sia, Russia, and the Muel ler report and all of the hoaxes that we’ve had to go through and it’s become standard American politics and it’s a disgrace,” he said.
(Holi V. Chophy) (Visheli S. Yeptho) Akiyetou Alakhu mpeu -4236/22Pd
between the two sides. We shared a common desire to further increase the scope and complexities of our bi lateral exercises,” Singh told reporters“Wehere.arehappy to note that our Air Forces are work ing closely for early conduct of the inaugural Air Force fighter exercise,” he said.
Sri Lanka on Thursday appointed 37 junior minis ters, including the nephew of former presidents Go tabaya and Mahinda Raj apaksa, as President Ranil Wickremesinghe went for a major expansion to pro vide a stable government to tackle the island nation’s worst-ever economic crisis.

KBUD appreciates your well-deserved promotion bringing laurels to our community.
Another US delegation in Taiwan amid tensions
Limaakum Longkumer Imdongensa Gen. Secretary President B-982/22d
Last month, the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago, the residence of the former president in Palm Beach, Florida, and reportedly recovered several classi fied documents related to national security interests.
The Khar Citizens Union Mangkolemba extends its sincere and heartfelt congratulations to Er. TIAMEREN WALLING on his well deserved promotion to Chief Engineer (d&R) Govt. of Nagaland
“I think so. A lot of people will be (happy); and a couple of people will be unhappy,” he said without naming those who won’t be pleased with his decision
In the backdrop of Rus sia’s ongoing aggression
Pelosi was the highestlevel member of the US government to visit Taiwan in 25 years. China responded by holding extended military exercises that included fir ing missiles over the island and sending ships across the midline of the Taiwan Strait, which was long a buffer be tween the two sides. Some of the missiles landed in Japan’s exclusive economic zone.
people forced to live under the Kremlin’s control are hard to overstate,” he said.
In view of the fresh outbreak, Beijing’s health officials asked residents to stay put during the upcom ing Mid-Autumn festival holiday on Saturday, official mediaAccordingreported. to the Beijing Municipal Health Commission, there have been three confirmed cases screened out from the com munity level in Beijing’s Haidian district. The three, who tested positive are class mates and live in the student dormitories of the high school affiliated to Minzu University of China, staterun Global Times reported on Thursday.Itismandatory for the city’s 21.5 million popula tion to undergo COVID-19 tests on alternate days.
The Union wishes him good health and wisdom in exercising his duties for the welfare and upliftment of the people of our society. O. Thokphen Longau President General Secy.
NEW YORK, SEP 8 (PTI): Donald Trump has strongly indicated that he might run for the 2024 US presidential election, claim ing that “everyone” wants him to contest the polls once again, a decision he said will make a “couple of peopleTheunhappy.”76-year-old Re publican leader who has still not conceded defeat in the 2020 US presidential election to his Democratic Party rival Joe Biden, as serted that “we didn’t lose.”

Donald Trump
India, Japan agree to further increase cooperation
Karine Jean-Pierre

The Union wishes him sound health, ample opportunities and success in his future endeavours.
Joel Rhangpenmong General Secy., LVSU President, LVSU -4232/22Pd
At the United Nations later in the day, US Ambas sador to the UN ThomasGreenfield demanded that Russia halt its filtration op erations immediately and allow the UN independent observers and humanitarian and human rights organisa tions access to these filtration sites and to those who have been sent to Russia. The US ambassador presented newly downgraded information to the UN Security Council, saying that that the United States has information that officials from Russia’s Presi dential administration are overseeing and coordinating filtrationRussianoperations.Presidential
“NewJuly.state ministers (were) sworn in before the president at the presidential secretariat,” the president’s media division said in a statement.
A steady stream of US visitors has come to meet with Taiwanese officials since US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited in early August. China in response has stepped up its military harassment of Taiwan, send ing warships, warplanes and drones toward the island daily.Led by Florida Demo crat Stephanie Murphy, the delegation met Thursday with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen, whose admin istration China has relent lessly sought to deprive of diplomatic recognition and participation in interna tional ourTsaitowanrockdelegation’smilitaryReferringorganisations.toChina’sthreats,Tsaisaidthevisit“conveyssolidsupportforTaifromtheUSCongress.”“Taiwanwillnotbowpressureorcoercion,”said.“Wewilldefenddemocraticinstitutions
He said that Russian forces and Russian proxies in Russian controlled Ukraine are using dedicated informa tion technology to support filtration“Theoperations.UnitedStates has information that officials from Russia’s presidential administration are oversee ing and coordinating infiltra tion operations. We are fur ther aware that the Russian presidential administration officials are providing lists of Ukrainians to be targeted for infiltration and receiving reports on the scope and progress of operations,” he added.The US assess that the Kremlin views filtration operations as crucial to their efforts to annex areas of Ukraine under their control.
Murphy also said deep ening economic relations with Taiwan was “one of the most important things Congress can do right now,” particularly by pushing for a “high-quality free trade agreement” between the sides. Negotiations are un derway between the Biden and Tsai administrations on a trade
During the meeting, the Japanese side conveyed its resolve to examine all op tions necessary for national defence, including “counter strikeJapancapabilities.”alsoexpressed its determination to fundamen tally reinforce its defence ca pabilities within the next five years and secure substantial increase of defence budget
A few also included the former president Mai thripala Sirisena’s Sri Lan ka Freedom Party (SLFP), which decided to stay away during the government for mation in
While not acknowl edging Biden’s win and his inauguration as the 46th US President in January 2021, Trump himself has spread unproven allega tions of electoral fraud in key US states, despite re peated pushback from elec tion officials and judges in several court Replyingcases.toaquestion on the recent FBI raids at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida on charges that he had taken away official secret files when he left the White House in 2021, Trump alleged th at the Federal Bureau of Inves tigation (FBI) planted the
WASHINGTON, SEP 8 (PTI): American intelli gence shows that Russia is using filtration centers in eastern Ukraine and West ern Russia to detain, interro gate and in some cases abuse thousands of Ukrainians, a senior White House official has said.Addressing media per sons during her daily news briefings, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said that the US assess that the Kremlin views filtration operations as crucial to their efforts to annex areas of Ukraine under their control.
to seek another term in the White House in 2024.
The high school has traced 570 close contacts and has been designated as a high-risk area since the three cases have been stay ing on the campus since September 1.
The majority of the ju nior ministers or lawmakers appointed in the ministers of state rank were from the ruling Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (SLPP) party.
• Lower your blood pressure
It’s normal for your muscles to be mildly sore for a day or two after your workout when you’re new to exercise. That fades as your body gets used to it. Soon, you might be surprised to find that you like how you feel when you’re done.
How Much Should You Exercise and How Often?
the SARS-CoV-2 virus in creased with each variant be cause each time, it changed the amino acid sequence of the part of the spike protein that binds to the ACE2 receptor.
Types of Exercise
• Reduce LDL “bad” cholesterol
• Burn calories
The Chungliyimsen Kaketshir Telongjem Mokokchung takes immense pride in congratulating Mr. Jojangsangba Ao , Graduate Teacher GHS Dilong Mokokchung for receiving the District Award for Teachers 2022 in recognition of his valuable service to the community as a teacher of outstanding merit.

By using antibody treatment, there is a possibil ity that the need to provide repeated booster shots to the entire population every time a new variant emerges will be eliminated, the research ers said. The study, recently published in the journal Communications Biology, is a continuation of a prelimi nary research conducted in October 2020, at the height of the COVID-19 crisis.
Don’t forget to check in with your doctor. They’ll make sure you’re ready for whatever activity you have in mind and let you know about any limits on what you can do.
Releasing the song, CEO of NK Square In fotech Private Limited, Kepezelhou Semou ex pressed happiness for releasing the first ever World Cup theme song from India for Football enthusiasts. He also as sured to support and encouraged the Naga composers and songwrit ers who are passionate to follow their dreams despite the many struggles of the music industry. He encouraged all to extend support towards local songwriters, composers, and musicians to improve the financial and creative opportunities for talented but undiscovered artists.
Exercise for a Healthy Heart

Aim for at least 150 minutes a week of moder ate-intensity activity (such as brisk walking). That amounts to about 30 min utes a day at least 5 days a week. If you’re just getting started, you can slowly build up toInthat.time, you can make your workouts longer or more challenging. Do that gradually, so your body can adjust.
behind the song is to hearten all the football players and football lov ers around the world, and the recording for the song has been done from Clef Ensemble Studio Mao gate, Senapati, Manipur, and the song was written and composed by Oren Mozhui.Music was produced by John Pfokrelo and sup ported by Bethesda Youth Welfare Centre Dimapur, featuring Pitches Choir group Manipur which was produced by Senti Pongen, and co-produced by Aneitho Kath.
A short speech was delivered by manager of Hotel Vivor Kohima, Aneitho Kath and a vote of thanks was pronounced by Dziesesanyii Sokha.
Stop and get immediate medical help if you have pain or pressure in your chest or the upper part of your body, break out in a cold sweat, have trouble breathing, have a very fast or uneven heart rate, or feel dizzy, lightheaded, or very tired.
Oren Mozhui releases first FIFA WC 2022 theme song ‘Football Star’
The official audio is available on YouTube, Rever beration, Session Live, and other international musical platforms. (DIPR)
Your exercise plan should include:
The researchers not ed that the infectivity of

“The second antibody, TAU-2310, neutralises the Omicron variant with an efficacy of 84 per cent, and the Delta variant with an efficacy of 97 per cent,” the scientist said. According to Freund, the surprising effectiveness of these anti bodies might be related to the evolution of the virus.
(PTI): Scientists in Israel have isolated two antibodies from the immune system of recovered COVID-19 patients that may neutralise all known strains of SARSCoV-2, including Omicron, with up to 95 per cent ef ficiency.
2 antibodies identified in Israel may fight all known Covid strains: Study
What sounds like fun? Would you rather work out on your own, with a trainer, or in a class? Do you want to exercise at home or at a gym?

Kepezelhou Semou releasing the first FIFA World Cup 2022 English theme song at NK Square building Kohima. (DIPR)

When you work out, keep your pace low for a few minutes at the start and end of your workout. That way, you warm up and cool down each Youtime.don’t have to do the same exact thing every time. It’s more fun if you change it up.
The Chungliyimsen Kaketshir Telongjem Mokokchung prays that you will continue to play the role as a motivator to the students’ community in particular and to the society in general. Sd/Imlisunep Imchen Sentimongla Jamir President, CSUM General Secretary, CSUM

You’ll probably be able to exercise with no prob lem if your doctor says you can and if you pay atten tion to how you’re feeling while you’re working out.
first antibody, TAU-1109, in neutralising the Omicron strain is 92 per cent, and in neutralising the Delta strain, 90 per cent.,” Freund said.
MYK C MYK C 10 INFOTAINMENT NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2022 dc-1039/22 dc-1038/22 k-2052/22

Once you get going, you’ll find it pays off. People who don’t exercise are almost twice as likely to get heart disease as people who are active.
A new single “Foot ball Star” has been released by Oren Mozhui on 7th Septem ber 2022 at NK Square Building, Kohima.
Freund said. The SARSCoV-2 virus uses the spike protein to infect and enter the cells.Inthe current study, the researchers proved that two other antibodies, TAU1109 and TAU-2310, which bind the viral spike protein in a different area from the region where most of the antibodies were concen trated until now are actually very effective in neutralising the Delta and Omicron variants.
our heart is a muscle, and it gets stronger and healthier if you lead an active life. It’s never too late to start exercising, and you don’t have to be an athlete. Even taking a brisk walk for 30 minutes a day can make a big difference.
“In the previous study, we showed that the various antibodies that are formed in response to infection with the original virus are directed against different sites of the virus,” said Na talia Freund, who co-led the study. “The most effective antibodies were those that bound to the virus’s ‘spike’ protein, in the same place where the spike binds the cellular receptor ACE2,”
instance) for this. Do it 2-3 times week. Let your muscles recover for a day between sessions.
The team at Tel Aviv University noted that target ed treatment with antibodies and their delivery to the body in high concentrations may serve as an effective substitute for vaccines, espe cially for at-risk populations and those with weakened immune systems.
How to Start Exercising
Ready to get started?

The singer, Oren Mozhui said that the concept
Stretching: You’ll become more flexible if you do this a couple of times a week. Stretch after you’ve warmed up or finished exercising. Stretch gently -- it shouldn’t hurt.
Regular exercise can help you:
Strength training: You can use weights, resis tance bands, or your own body weight (yoga, for
First, think about what you’d like to do and how fit you are.
If you want to do something that’s harder than what you can do right now, no problem. You can set a goal and build up to it.
Aerobic exercise (“cardio”): Running, jogging, and biking are some examples. You’re moving fast enough to raise your heart rate and breathe harder, but you should still be able to talk to someone while you’re doing it. Otherwise, you are pushing too hard. If you have joint problems, choose a low-impact activity, like swimming or walking.
Exercise Precautions
The researchers now found that some of these antibodies are very effec tive in neutralising the new coronavirus variants, Delta and Omicron.
This led to Increase in infectivity of the virus and at the same time it was able to evade the natural antibodies that were created following vaccinations, they said.
At that time, the team sequenced all the B im mune system cells from the blood of people who had recovered from the original COVID-19 strain in Israel, and isolated nine antibodies that the patients produced.
For example, if you want to run, you might start by walking and then add bursts of jogging into your walks. Gradually start running for longer than you walk.
“According to our find ings, the effectiveness of the
• Boost your HDL “good” cholesterol
Hinting that he would like to maintain a complete gender equality in Indian football, the AIFF president said the federation has the plan to introduce a mini mum salary cap for the play ers in the Indian Women’s League

Kalyan Chaubey

(IANS): All India Football Federation president Kalyan Chaubey announced his plans to expand women’s football and introduce a new age-group league to get the best talents at a young age.
Alcaraz was a human highlight reel all night, sliding and diving around the court and hitting a sensational behind-theback circus shot that set up a forehand winner in the second set.
We, the family members of Late Mr. Lanunokchaba Tzüdir is truly humbled by the immense love, generosity and kindness extended during his prolonged illness till his mortal remains was laid to rest.We offer our heartfelt thanks to each and every individual, churches, relatives, various organizations, neighbours, well wishers and friends who helped and supported us physically, materially, financially and spiritually through prayer.
The 21-year-old twice failed to serve out the match in the second set and was broken six times by the eighth-seeded Pegula, who saw her own serve broken sevenSwiatektimes. will meet Aryna Sabalenka in the semi-finals. She holds a 3-1 record against the powerful Belarusian. Pegula’s defeat ended any hope of an Amer ican woman winning the tournament in New York, with 23-time Grand Slam champion Serena Williams expected to head into retire ment after her third-round loss last week.
Alcaraz converted on the next point when Sin ner’s shot hit the net for a 5-3 lead and then fired a serve into Sinner’s body on match point to end the five hour, 15 minutes contest.
The 6-3 6-7(7) 6-7(0) 7-5 6-3 win keeps alive Al caraz’s hopes of winning a maiden Grand Slam title and claiming the world number one Alcarazranking.puthis finger
We are truly grateful, as it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our deepest gratitude. We pray that Almighty God bless and enrich your lives.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT the resurrection and the life, the one who believe in me will live, even though they die" 11:25
World number one Iga Swiatek overcame a shaky serving performance to beat American Jessica Pegula 6-3 7-6(4) on Wednesday and reach the semi-finals of the U.S. Open for the first time.

The top-seeded French Open champion dropped her racket and pumped her fist after the win, which guaranteed that she will re main the world’s top player when the tournament ends.
The deputy commis sioner of Tseminyu and chairman, DSC Tseminyu, Dr. Zasekuolie Chusi, was the special guest of the event which was attended by a host of officials of the district including DSC Tseminyu members to hon our the achievements of the district team. Deputy Chef De Mission and member DSC Tseminyu, Hini Thong shared the experiences of the Olympic Games while also conveying appreciation to the district administration and officers of the district for their pro-active support and leadership. Footballer and silver medallist, Hyulo zu Semp spoke on behalf of the players during the event.
Nagaland Olympic medallists
“Today,stage.Indian busi nessmen, corporate exec utives, scientists etc. are holding top positions in the world. Then why not our coaches and players can do the same? We believe that given the right education and directions, they too can prove to be the best in the world. We should try for that,” he Chaubey,maintained.while point ing out that improvement of the game at the state level is the best pathway for tak ing Indian football ahead, said a lot of importance would be given in future to Santosh Trophy and other inter-state championships.
NEW YORK, SEP 8 (AGENCIES): Carlos Al caraz saved a match point in the fourth set before digging deep in the decider to beat Jannik Sinner in a five-set thriller and reach the U.S. Open semi-finals in the early hours of Thurs day in New York.
“It(IWL).isnot right that honorariums of footballers should have huge differences at men’s and women’s levels. All efforts should be made to restore a balance,” Chaubey said. Dr. Shaji Prabhakaran, Secy Gen, AIFF, Avijit Paul, Member, Executive Com mittee, AIFF; and Suna ndo Dhar, Dy Secy Gen, AIFF were also present on the occasion. The AIFF president revealed that the newly-elected committee has the plan to take the In dian licensed coaches and professional footballers to a level, where they will soon be most sought-after people in their own profession at the world
Carlos Alcaraz
hands with the 21-year-old Sinner and 19-year-old Alcaraz engaging in one thrilling exchange after another to the delight of
[November 19, 1947 – September 01, 2022]
US Open: Alcaraz storms into semis

Swiatek stops Pegula to reach semis
The event was chaired by EAC Tsogin, Shri Tum
dp-4222/22 dp-4238/22 dc-1026/22
the fans.Alcaraz plays Ameri can Frances Tiafoe on Fri day for a spot in Sunday’s final.

to his ear in the fifth set after he raced across court to catch up with a Sinner drop shot and fired it past the Italian to set up break point, bringing fans at Ar thur Ashe Stadium to their feet.
MYK C MYK C NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2022 SPORTS 11 dc-1037/22 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have kept the faith” – 2nd Timothy 4:7 We, the family members of Late Nchumbemo Yanthan wish to acknowledge the many expressions of sympathy and gestures of kindness shown to us during his prolonged illness followed by his sad demise on 4th Sept 2022. Also, your expressions of love and prayers have been a great source of peace and comfort that will be forever remembered with gratitude.Wesincerely convey our special thanks to the following groups and individuals :1. The Management, Doctors, Nurses & Staff of Dialysis Unit Naga Hospital Authority Kohima, Apollo International Hospital, Guwahati, Oking Hospital, Kohima and Bethesda Hospital Kohima. 2. Blood Doners. 3. Yanthungo Patton (Hon’ble Dy. CM and Home Minister GoN) 4. Dr. Chumben Murry (Hon’ble Advisor Justice & Law GoN) 5. Mhathung Yanthan (Hon’ble Advisor Horticulture & Border Affairs 6. Hachio Patton Ps to Dy. CM 7. C Renponthung Ezung (Longsa village) 8. Mr. Lizamo Kinghen (Akuk Village) 9. Kohima Lotha Baptist Church 10. Middle Bayavu Hill Youth Org. Kohima 11. Middle Bayavu Hill Colony,Kohima 12. Kohima Lotha Bayavu Ekhung 13. Cuckoo Cultural Group (Bayavu Hill: Kohima) 14. KNZ Randan Khumshum kohima 15. Kohima Niroyo Range Ekhung 16. Niroyo Village Baptist Church. 17. AG Church Niroyo Village 18. Citizens of Niroyo Village Wokha 19. Niroyoe Ekhung Wokha Town 20. Niroyoe Eloe Ekhung Wokha Town 21. Longla Baptist Church 22. In-Laws and Friends from Longla Village. 23. In-Laws and Friends from Yikhum Village. 24. In-Laws and Friends from Shesulimi Village, Pughoboto. 25. Yanthan Brothers from Niroyo Village. We also sincerely extend our apologies for our inability to mention several individuals and groups who have rendered their valuable service in various capacities as we go through this dark moment. May God bless you all. Loving Wife, Mother, Children & In-Laws, Grandchildren, Brothers, Sister, Nephews & Nieces, Family Members and Friends. 18-04-1958 to 04-09-2022 k-2053/22 dp-4220/22

“We are shortly intro ducing an under-17 women’s league in India in associa tion with the Sports Author ity of India,” Chaubey said during a media interaction in Kolkata on Thursday (September 8, 2022).
If the match was a pre view of the future of men’s tennis, the sport is in good
Despite the victory the Pole is still trying to regain her dominant form from earlier in the year when she went on a 37-match winning streak.
The District Sports Council (DCS) Tseminyu organised a felicitation programme on September 7, at Tizü Hotel, Tsonsa for the medal win ners, Olympians as well as officials of the Tseminyu District Olympic contingent of the recently concluded Nagaland Olympic and Paralympic Games 2022.

Iga Swiatek
ben Tsanglao while Superin tendent of Police, Tseminyu, Kanchan Kumar Kandpal, and ADC Tseminyu, Lon gasen exhorted and encour aged the medal winners while also congratulating and acknowledging their achievements in bringing pride and laurels to the dis trict. The Tseminyu district team in its maiden Olympic Games participation se cured 2 silver medals (Foot ball and 200m women: Keni Kent) and 3 bronze medals (10m women: Keni Kent; 400m men: Ntsenlo Semp; and 50m .22 Rifle (women): Loshule Jishing) from its participation in football, badminton, athletics, shoot ing and table tennis disci plines. Some players from Tseminyu district have also been shortlisted to represent the state in the upcoming Northeast Olympics to be held in TheMeghalya.deputy commis sioner also handed over citations and awards to the medal winners and officials of the Tseminyu district team including coaches, managers and DSC officials on duty.
The first edition of Under 15 open football tournament organized by United Gorkha Football Club at Thahekhu concluded on September 8. The closing ceremony was graced by convenor, Nagaland Foothills Road Coordinator Committee, Supu Jamir. Unity FC was the winner of the tournament while Young FC Thahekhu was the runners-up.
DSC Tseminyu felicitates
"I am

Loving Family Members
The Spanish teenager collapsed on his back after the match lasting more than five hours concluded at 2:50 a.m., beating the previous record for the lat est finish of 2:26 a.m. set in three matches in 1993, 2012 and 2014.
“Over the years, some of the best names of Indian foot ball have risen from these meets. We will continue to nurture these tournaments,” he promised.
Chaubey announces plan to women’sexpandfootball

Lewandowski produced a diving header from an Ousmane Dembele cross in first-half stoppage time.
de feat by Napoli in their opening Group A game at the Diego Armando Maradona Stadium on Wednesday.TheItalian side were magnificent in the opening 45 minutes, going in 3-0 up at the break having opened up a woeful Liverpool de fence at Napoliwill.have now beat en Liverpool on all three occassions they have hosted them in the competition’s group stage and Luciano Spalletti’s side will feel they have a real chance of get ting out of a group that also
BARCELONA, SEP 7 (AGENCIES): Robert Le wandowski scored a hattrick in his first Champions League game for Barcelona to power the Catalans to an emphatic 5-1 home win over Viktoria Plzen on Wednes day. Midfielder Franck Kes sie put Barca in front in the 13th minute, heading in his first goal for the club follow ing a Lewandowskicorner.
The team is made up of students from Greenwood School
With this win, team Nagaland now has a total of

Viktoria were awarded a penalty and Barca defend er Andreas Christensen was shown a red card for haul ing down Jhon Mosquera but a VAR review showed Mosquera had struck Chris tensen with an elbow and the decision was overturned, the Plzen forward being shown a yellow card instead.
dismantled the Afghanistan challenge, restricting them to 111/8 in 20 Bhuvneshwarovers. was right on the money from the word go, shaping one back in to trap Hazratullah Zazai lbw. Two balls later, he produced an absolute jaffa to shatter Rahmanul
lah Gurbaz’s stumps to send both openers back to pavilion in the opening over. Swinging the ball both ways and relentlessly pitch ing in right areas, Bhu vneshwar was making Af ghanistan batters dance to his tunes. Karim Janat gave a thick edge to first slip on
extend ed their lead with a rightfooted finish into the bottom corner in the 37th, after Barca had survived a scare which almost led to them
The Poland striker completed his treble midway through the second period, meeting a layoff from Fer ran Torres and curling the ball inside the far post with one touch.Itwas Lewandows ki’s sixth hat-trick in the Champions League and he became the first player in the competition’s history to score one for three different clubs, having netted trebles for Bayern and Borussia Dortmund. Torres complet ed a hugely satisfying eve ning for Xavi Hernandez’s side by scoring the fifth goal
In the process, Kevi sede scored a hat-trick as Nagaland now becomes the dominant team in its group winning both the matches it had played so far
to put Barca top of Group C. They head to Bayern next on Sept. 13, when Plzen host Inter ItMilan.was a near-perfect night for Barca and in stark contrast to their first game of the competition last season, when they were outclassed and beaten 3-0 by Bayern on their way to crashing out at the group stage for the first time in 21 years.
in the 31st minute of the game as the team gained confidence.Within 4 minutes of the fourth goal, Kevisede seized another opportunity to score his hat-trick setting the bar higher for their op ponents who by this time were only waiting for the inevitable final whistle.
Liverpool crash to 1-4 defeat at Napoli Liverpool, Champi ons League runners-up last season, suffered a shock 4-1
Brief Scores: India 212/2 in 20 overs (Virat Kohli 122 not out, KL Ra hul 62; Fareed Malik 2/57) beat Afghanistan 111/8 in 20 overs (Ibrahim Zadran 64 not out, Mujeeb Ur Rah man 18; Bhuvneshwar Ku mar 5/4, Deepak Hooda 1/3) by 101 runs
Correspondent KOHIMA, SEP 8 (NPN): Team Nagaland thrashed Indian Public School Con ference (IPSC) 6-0 in the second group match for the team at the ongoing U-14 Subroto Cup International Football Tournament in New Delhi on Thursday.

an outswinger while Na jibullah Zadran missed his flick and trapped lbw on an inswinger.After Arshdeep Singh trapped Mohammad Nabi lbw, Bhuvneshwar complet ed his five-wicket haul by having Azmatullah Omar zai chipping a knuckle ball straight to cover. Rashid Khan hit a couple of bound aries before holing out in the deep off Deepak Hooda’s first ball.Ibrahim Zadran struck some boundaries while Mu jeeb Ur Rahman played the long handle against Ravi chandran Ashwin. Though Mujeeb eventually was castled by Ashwin, Zadran got his fifty with sixes off Dinesh Karthik in the final over. But, by then, the result was a foregone conclusion.
Nagaland team gather for a photo for their second match on Thursday in New Delhi. (NP)
features Ajax and Rangers. Richarlison’s first goals for Tottenham Hotspur helped them mark their return to the Champions League with a 2-0 victory over 10-man Olympique de Marseille in Group D on Wednesday.TheBrazilian forward, signed for a reported 60 million pounds ($69 mil lion) from Everton in the summer, enjoyed a dream Champions League debut as he struck twice in five minutes late on to secure three points for his side that had not looked likely.
International Stadium on Thursday.After Virat Kohli end ed his drought of not scor ing a century in interna tional cricket for 1020 days with a sensational careerbest 122 off just 61 balls to power India to 212/2, Bhuvneshwar’s spell of 5/4
IPSC 6-0
Subroto Cup: Nagaland thrash
India’s Bhuvneshwar Kumar, third left, celebrates with teammates the dismissal of Afghanistan’s Karim Janat during the T20 cricket match of Asia Cup between India and Afghanistan, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Thursday. (AP/PTI)


conceding a penalty and having a man sent off.
Senior pacer Bhuvneshwar Kumar blew the top-order away with his skillful bowl ing to record his career-best T20I figures as India beat Afghanistan by 101 runs in a dead-rubber match of Super Four stage in Asia Cup 2022 at the Dubai
Asia Cup: India beat Afghanistan by 101 runs
Plzen pulled them selves back into the game in the 44th minute with a header from Jan Sykora but Barca quickly restored their two-goal cushion when
Barcelona’s Robert Lewandowski celebrates scoring their fourth goal to complete his hat-trick. (Reuters)
Lewandowski bags hat-trick in Barca Champions League bow; Napoli beat Liverpool 4-1

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6 points with its last Pool-F match against Haryana to be played on Saturday.
With another goal in the 36th minute of the game from Sulanthung, the deal was sealed. The young Naga boys have performed well so far in the two matches and their prospect to progress in the Cup is bright.