February 23, 2017

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Nagaland Post www.nagalandpost.com

Vol XXVII No. 78

DIMAPUR, thursday, february 23, 2017 Pages 12 ` 4.00

No plan to introduce new Rs 1,000 note, says Das

CL: Aguero brace guides City to 5-3 win over Monaco

Ready to give US ‘slap in the face’: Iranian commander

business, Page 8

sports, Page 12

international, Page 9

Dr. Shürho takes office as 11th CM 11 ministers sworn in; 3 out, 3 in

P.B. Acharya administering the oath of office and secrecy to Dr. Shürhozelie Liezietsu. (NP) Correspondent

KOHIMA, FEB 22 (NPN): After being sworn-in as chief minister earlier at Raj Bhavan, 81-year old veteran regional politician Dr. Shürhozelie Liezietsu assured that his government would create a public platform so that every Naga is given the opportunity to discuss and express views on crucial issues so that together with various leaders, they can work out solution to problems. Nagaland chief minister Dr. Liezietsu said this at a reception accorded to him and the new team at the state Banquet Hall, Wednesday.

Dr. SC Jamir fetes Dr. Shürhozelie

Referring to recent shutdown of government offices, the chief minister lamented at the colossal loss because of the days lost but admitted that “it was our fault, the blame has to be shared.” Dr. Shürhozelie urged upon every Naga to make peace, so that the fruits could be enjoyed by future generations, saying “forgiveness is the virtue and essence of peace.” He also acknowledged contributions by former chief minister, T.R. Zeliang on the “extra ordinary” step in sacrificing the chair. He also lauded Mrs. Zeliang for the undeterred support

to her husband during the recent crisis. Dr. Shürhozelie also urged the party rank and file to remain steadfast and to bury all differences in order to strengthen NPF party. He further thanked everyone for reposing their faith in him and assured to do his best to fulfil the dreams and desires of all.

‘Induction of ministers, a temporary arrangement’

The chief minister also acknowledged that ministry formation was always a challenge as it was difficult to satisfy everybody. In a reference that drew

intense interest, the chief minister assured those who did not find a place in his ministry that it was a “temporary arrangement”. This opened a window of hope that there could be a reshuffle in the coming days. He said all legislators that their services would be utilised irrespective of their status in order to help the government achieve the goal to bring peace and development. “Be it cabinet ministers, advisers or parliamentary secretaries, it does not

matter since everyone would be working as a team,” he reiterated. Without elaborating much, Dr. Shürhozelie further said he had come for six months as CM and that time would speak since 11 months were left to go for the next election. O n T h u r s d ay, D r. Shürhozelie along with his cabinet colleagues is scheduled to hold a meeting fol- P.B. Acharya and Dr. Shürhozelie with the new cabinet ministers at Raj Bhavan. lowed by prayer and felcabinet ministers in TR Ze- ister in the presence of outlowship/interaction with Correspondent liang government, have been going chief minister TR government officials. Kohima, Feb 22 (NPN): dropped, Chotisu Sazo (who Zeliang, who has been apChief Minister Eleven cabinet ministers has already resigned as the pointed as DAN chairman. Dr. Shürhozelie Liezietsu were on Wednesday sworn assembly speaker), Imkong After the swearing in in by the Nagaland governor L. Imchen, MLA and G. programme, Dr. Shürhozelie Cabinet Ministers PB Acharya at Raj Bhavan Kaito Aye, MLA have been Liezietsu left for Khedi Bap1. Kiyanilie Peseyie here. While Dr. Niekiesa- inducted into the cabinet. tist Church along with his 2. Yanthungo Patton lie Nicky Kire, Tokheho Six advisors were also supporters and party mem3. P. Longon Yepthomi and Nuklutoshi, sworn in by the chief min- bers to seek God’s blessings. 4. C. Kipili Sangtam 5. C. L. John 6. Yitachu 7. Paiwang Konyak 8. Vikheho Swu 9. Chotisuh Sazo 10. Imkong L. Imchen 11. G. Kaito Aye

1. S. I. Jamir 2. Thongwang Konyak 3. Kuzholuzo Nienu 4. Naiba Konyak 5. Imtilemba Sangtam 6. Dr. T. M. Lotha


KVC chairman resigns

TR Zeliang defends recent decisions



Adviser/Cab status 1


Dimapur (5 seats) Kohima/Tseminyu (7 seats) Phek (5 seats) Wokha (4 seats) Mokokchung (10 seats) Zunheboto/Pughoboto (7 seats) Mon (9 seats) Longleng (2 seats) Tuensang (7 seats) Kiphire (2 seats) Peren (2 seats)

2 (including CM) 2 1 1 2 2

1 1 2

1 1


to ‘repeat lies’ of previous govt.

DIMAPUR, FEB 22 (NPN): ACAUT Nagaland has reminded the newly sworn-in chief minister Dr. Shürhozelie not to act like the previous government which brushed aside apprehensions of tribe bodies on possible dilution of Article 371A as it indicated that no legislator would listen to people’s voices so long their mandate was derived not from popular votes but from purchased votes. ACAUT through its Media Cell also reminded the government under the new chief minster Dr. Shürhozelie not to be arrogant as the previous government and not to repeat denial of basic rights to people such as non-payment of salaries, non-compliance with Mid-Day Meal Scheme or diversion of PDS, rice, SK Oil, Sugar etc. ACAUT also asked

Parl Secys. 2 3 1 4 5 3 1 4 1

1 (DAN chairman)

24 parliamentary secretaries appointed ACAUT cautions Dr. Shürho not

DIMAPUR, FEB 22 (NPN): Odisha Governor, Dr. SC Jamir on Wednesday congratulated Dr. Shürhozelie Liezietsu on becoming the chief minister of Nagaland. In a congratulatory note, Dr. Jamir said, “Your assuming office represents a defining moment in state’s history and testifies to the renewed confidence which the people of Nagaland have placed in you to chart the future course of the state.” Dr. Chief minister, Dr. Shürhozelie Liezietsu along with the newly inducted parliamentary secretaries on Wednesday. Jamir said Dr. Shürhozelie, List of Parliamentary Secretaries Correspondent with his experience, had beters and 24 parliamentary ter knowledge of the ground 1. Kejong Chang secretaries. Dr. Shurhozelie 14. Pukhayi Assumi reality and expressed hope 2. C. Apok Jamir KOHIMA, FEB 22 (NPN): Liezietsu also inducted T. 15. Amenba Yaden that the new government 3. Deo Nukhu A total of 24 legislators were Torechu and Tovihoto Ayemi 16. Yowllow Konyak would work to bring people 4. R. Tohanba sworn-in as parliamentary as parliamentary secretaries 1 7 . Toya n g C h a n g k o n g together, make good things 5. Khriehu Liezietsu secretaries by chief minister, replacing Neiba Kronu and Chang prevail and contribute con- 6. Dr. Benjongliba Dr. Shurhozelie Liezietsu at Imtiwapang. 18. S. Chuba structively to the stability, 7. E. E. Pangteang the State Banquet hall, KoEarlier in the morning, 19. Hukavi development and economy 8. B.S. Nganglang hima on Wednesday. Dr. Shürhozelie was escort20. Eshak Konyak of Nagaland. 9. Shetoyi The council of minis- ed to Raj Bhavan for swear21. Khekaho 10. L. Khumo Khiam ters in Dr. Shurhozelie Liezi- ing in ceremony by hundred 22. Er. Vikho-o Yhoshü 11. Er. Levi Rengma etsu ministry now has 42 leg- motorcycles and vehicles, 23. T. Torechu D I M A P U R , F E B 2 2 12. Er. Picto Shohe islators-- 12 cabinet including which after the ceremony 24. Tovihoto Ayemi (NPN): Executive commit- 13. N. Jacob Zhimomi the chief minister, six advis- escorted him back. tee of the Kohima Village Council (KVC) accepted the resignation of its chairman, Medoselhou Keretsü. In a press note co-opt chairman, Kruyie Pienyü and ing, or obstructing the Govco-opt secretary Menuovilie D I M A P U R , F E B 2 2 deep gratitude for their Liezietsü. (NPN): Former chief minsupport. He also justified and ernment’s function”. Kesiezie said it was a unaniZeliang also blamed defended holding civic Zeliang also urged mous decision to accept ister and newly appointed DAN Chairman T.R. Ze“inimical” forces, for trying polls with 33% women resthe people that in future if the resignation, during the liang, reiterated that he to destabilize the unity and ervation as a constitutional such demand was made emergency meeting held on February 16. In this regard, resigned from the chair for cohesion of the NPF party mandate and a decision for someone in high office KVC vice chairman Khri- the sake of peace and har- from day one, after he took taken to pre-empt Supreme to step down on moral ezothie Chielie took charge mony, and for his love for over the helms from his Court judgement against ground, then the ways and the party and Government. predecessor Neiphiu Rio Article 371A . Zeliang means used should also be as the acting chairman. In his farewell speech on May 24, 2014. He also also said his government equally fair and justifiable. on Wednesday at the State recalled how the political agreed to the demand of . He also appealed Banquet Hall, Zeliang tsunami hit the party in agitators to defer polls by to all the elected members blamed various elements January 2015, and which two months but then it was and party functionaries to with political intention, almost led NPF to disinte- hijacked by elements op- take forward the Vision opposed to his continu- gration. posed to his continuance as 2030 and translate it into a ance as chief minister, for However, with stead- chief minister. reality. hijacking the agitation (op- fast determination of party Zeliang was hopeful Zeliang also praised position against holding rank and file, led by the that Dr Shürhozelie with his former colleagues for of ULB election with 33% party president, the party his experience, leadership backing him till the last women reservation), that stood by its Constitution, qualities and statesman- moment and thanked them took an ugly turn that led which ultimately resulted ship, would take the NPF for unanimously appointto killings of Naga youths in the reconciliation of the party and DAN Govern- ing him as the chairman and which subsequently NPF party on April 30, ment to greater heights. of the DAN Coordination led Naga tribe bodies to de- 2015, Zeliang said. He also expressed the Committee. mand his resignation. Zeliang also said the hope that the government He also acknowledged He said that during government could sailed under the leadership of Dr. the support, love and co“Women deserve to be given all these turmoil, his col- through due to unstinted Shürhozelie would also operation he received durleagues and party rank and support extended by chief take step and not “allow ing his two years and 26 equal rights and men given file firmly stood behind minister and also NPF mobs, or hurriedly formed days (May 24, 2014-Feb 20, equal responsibilities.” him and so expressed his president Dr. Shürhozelie adhoc bodies to start dictat- 2017) in office.

This is it!

Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

the new chief minister not to repeat the lies of the previous government which claimed it had no money but RTI documents proved that as on December 7,2016 the government had Rs.5229.56 crore released by the Centre for 2015-1617 parked in coffers. AC AU T s a i d t h e above amount was more than sufficient to pay for salaries of all SSA, RMSA and Hindi teachers combined “100 times over” but the T.R.Zeliang government instead subjected teachers to “humiliations, water cannons and finally beggary.” ACAUT said the hundreds of innocent teachers were debt ridden and unable to pay loans borrowed at exorbitant interest “thanks to the greed of our unscrupulous legislators”. (Cont’d on p-8)

NPCC slams Dr. Shürho, NPF DIMAPUR, FEB 22 (NPN): Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee (NPCC) has slammed Dr. Shürhozelie Liezietsu even as he took oath as chief minister of Nagaland on Wednesday. In a rather sarcastic tone, the NPCC through its media cell congratulated Shürhozelie on his swearing in as the chief minister “after successfully engineering instability to his advantage.” The congress party alleged that since 2003, he has been treating NPF as his “personal fiefdom”. NPCC said it came as no surprise that he had “cleverly manoeuvred himself in outwitting other contenders to become the chief minister in the midst of instability arising out of their blatant disregard towards the voices and sentiments of the people.” (Cont’d on p-8)

Protestors demand NTC on Rajnath’s statement GoI to disclose Aug 3 DIMAPUR, FEB 22 (NPN): Drawing attention to statement made by Union Home Minister Rajnath framework agreement the Singh in Manipur, clarifying that there was not a word Correspondent

IMPHAL, FEB 22: Despite Union Home minister Rajnath Singh’s assurance and clarification that Manipur’s territorial integrity would be protected and that there was no mention of Manipur state in the August 3, 2015 ‘Framework Agreement’ signed between Centre and NSCN (I-M), hundreds of protestors led by students and womenfolk stormed the Imphal Raj Bhavan on Wednesday, as part of its ongoing campaign initiated by All Manipur Students’ Union (AMSU) The protestors who were shouting slogans, demanded that the Governor press Centre to make public the framework agreement. The agitators said they were apprehensive of a hidden agenda in the framework agreement, as the Centre continued to remain silent without making the public the agreement.

mentioned about Manipur in the August 3, 2015 Framework Agreement signed between government of India and NSNC (I-M) and that Manipur’s territorial integrity would be protected at any cost, the Nagaland Tribes Council (NTC) on Wednesday said Singh’s statement implied that whatever were the provisions contained in the agreement were confined only to the state of Nagaland. NTC media cell further said Rajnath had also claimed that none of Nagaland’s neighbouring state’s territory would be disturbed. In this regard, NTC expressed surprise that even after 19 months since the signing of framework, Nagas of Nagaland in particular did not know an iota of the contents. NTC said what it knew was that the two most important principle issues-- sovereignty and integration – were left out and that the settlement was within the ambit of the constitution of India. Further, NTC also made it clear to Centre and NSCN (I-M) in particular and Nagas in general that the indigenous Nagas of Nagaland were not in a position to accept such agreement without their knowledge and consent. “We are the chief stake-holders of State of Nagaland and we are qualified and legitimate enough to handle and protect the interest of Nagaland,” NTC said. In the light of the above, the NTC reiterated its earlier stand on Naga Political solution and vehemently objected to “a non-stakeholder handling the destiny of the Nagas of Nagaland without taking the indigenous citizens of Nagaland into confidence.” NTC said it rather considered such attempt as “outside interference.” K Y M C

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