Nagaland Post
AR commemorate Battle of Kohima
Vol XXVI No. 211
CM holds meet on DRR DIMAPUR, JUL 8 (NPN): Nagaland chief minister, T.R. Zeliang, as a follow up to the discussions during the workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction at Kohima, held a detailed deliberations with Sikkim Lok Sabah MP, PD Rai; DG NECTAR, Sanjiv Nair; Dr David Dror from Micro Finance Academy, Sushil Ramola of IMI, former chief secretary and Member IMI & SDFN, Alemtemshi Jamir; Nagaland chief secretary Pankaj Kumar and other officials on Friday at C’s official residence. According to CMO media cell, the discussions stressed on the need to take forward issues of risk financing and insurance. Zeliang also emphasized on the need to work out a mechanism for insurance of the community against disasters. Zeliang said there was an urgent need to sensitize people on disaster risk reduction so that during any kind of eventuality, people would be prepared and at the same time minimize risks. It was also decided that with the support of the state government and involvement of NECTAR and Micro Finance Academy, a small pilot project could be taken up which could be up scaled further to include other areas.
DANLP meet on July 11
DIMAPUR, JUL 8 (NPN): Ahead of the assembly session, a meeting of the Democratic Alliance of Nagaland Legislature Party (DANLP) has been convened on July 11 at 11am in the State Banquet Hall, Kohima. A CMO media cell statement informed that the meeting was convened to discuss business matters relating to the twelfth session of the twelfth Nagaland Legislative Assembly (NLA). All members have been requested to attend the meeting.
NSCN (R) condemns killing of 4 cadres
DIMAPUR, JUL 8 (NPN): NSCN (Reformation) said it vehemently condemned the killing of its cadres by 16 Assam Rifles at Kheti village under Tirap, Arunachal Pradesh. In a press note, NSCN (R) MIP secretary said out of the four killed, one had recently deserted NSCN (K) and joined NSCN (R) “in the quest for peace” while the other two were civilians. MIP said that the AR troops first cordoned the area and captured all the men alive. “After committing all atrocities, including parading them naked and beating them black and blue, they first killed two of them playfully making them as human target, later the other two civilians were also killed from point blank range mercilessly to hide their heinous crime”, MIP alleged. It accused the jawans that in their quest for promotions and medals armed with AFSPA, “didn’t hesitate to commit the crimes in the Naga homeland”. MIP has asked AR to stop “cooking stories of always being fired upon by national workers and killing during the retaliatory action”. While asking AR not to be naïve and innocent, MIP said “it may be easy for you to fool us but remember; the world is watching your action”. (Cont’d on p-7)
This is it!
“Yes, I admit it’s oversized but couldn’t resist since it was offered at an unbelievable 75% off.” K Y M C
Name India’s top 100 loan defaulters: Sitaram Yechury DIMAPUR saturday, july 9, 2016
SC speaks tough on AFSPA
SAYS No ‘blanket immunity’ for unjustified deaths
Govt takes note on suggestions on disaster: CS KOHIMA, JUL 8 (NPN): Nagaland chief secretary Pankaj Kumar IAS, in his concluding remark, on the state level workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change at Capital Convention Centre, here Friday said that state government has taken serious note on the constructive suggestions forwarded by the participants of the workshop. He therefore, urged the officials of various departments to work together with local bodies in rural and urban areas and shared their ideas and knowledge acquired from the workshop to the local populace. He further termed the workshop as a big relief to the state, as it provided various knowledge on how to response to natural disaster. Sushil Ramola from Integrated Mountain Initiative (IMI) in his address on reflections of workshop recommendations and ways forward said everyone both individual and group should remain alert and responsive to any kind of disaster. In support to chief minister suggestion, to establish legislators’ forum on disaster, Ramola said if that happen in reality it would become a role model in whole country. He said disaster events were unpredictable and that everybody should be prepared in advance as per relevant to the local situation. (Cont’d on p-7)
IT deptt to pursue tax defaulters, undisclosed income: Addl. Commr
State BJP reacts to NPCC remarks
Staff Reporter
DIMAPUR, JUL 8 (NPN): Income Tax (IT) department has “huge data on bogus long term capital gain (LTGC), banking transactions, benami transactions etc and would “vehemently” pursue tax defaulters and undisclosed income after expiry of the Income Declaration Scheme (IDS), 2016 time-window (September 30, 2016). Announcing this at the ‘awareness program on IDS 2016’ at Lions Club here on Friday, the additional commissioner of Income Tax Dimapur cum nodal officer for IDS 2016 in North East Region, I.K. Zhimomi, said that IDS 2016 was an opportunity given by the prime minister to the citizens to not only ‘Make in India’ but to ‘make India great again’ by contributing to the nation’s progress. The awareness programme was organised by Office of the Additional Com-
into the killing of 1,528 persons by the Manipur Police and security forces since 1978. Holding that armed forces should refrain from resorting to excessive fire power in counter-insurgency operations, Justice Lokur, speaking for the bench, said: “When the state uses such excessive or retaliatory force leading to death, it is referred to as an extra-judicial killing or an extra-judicial execution or as it is called ‘administrative liquidation’.” “Society and the courts obviously cannot and do not accept such a death caused by the state since it is destructive of the rule of law and plainly unconstitutional,” the court said, adding “it is abundantly clear that the right of selfdefence or private defence falls in one basket and use of excessive force or retaliatory force falls in another basket”. Reiterating an earlier view taken by the top court, the bench ruled that proceedings could be initiated before a criminal court in the event of the death of a person on account of excessive or retaliatory force by the armed forces. Rejecting the government’s contention that Manipur was faced with “unconventional war” like situation, the judgment said: “Be that as it may, we need to be clear that the situation in Manipur has never been one of a war or
missioner of Income Tax, Range-Dimapur. Stressing on the ‘absolute immunity’ offered under IDS 2016, Zhimomi appealed to tax defaulters to come forward and declare their assets. Further, additional commissioner said his office was open to all and requested everyone to approach him for any advice or assistance with regards to the Scheme. At the programme, ‘IDS 2016’ was also highlighted through a PPT presentation by IT officer (ITO), Ward-2-Dimapur, Sanasam Sachidananda Singh. Earlier, deputy commissioner of IT Circle-Dimapur, P. Lokho, who delivered welcome address, presented a brief introduction of the Scheme. Later, ITO Ward-1Dimapur, proposed the vote of thanks followed by interactive session and lunch. It may be mentioned that IDS 2016 is a one-time opportunity to persons, who have not paid full taxes in the past, to declare
their undisclosed incomes and assets voluntarily The scheme shall remain in force for four months, June 1 to September 30, for filing of declarations and payments towards taxes, surcharge and penalty must be made latest by November 30, 2016. Declarations can be filed online ( or with the jurisdictional Pr. Commissioners of Income-tax across the country. Under the scheme, such income as declared by the eligible persons, would be taxed @ 30% plus a ‘Krishi Kalyan Cess’ of 25% on the taxes payable and a penalty at the rate of 25% of the taxes payable, thereby totalling to 45% of the income declared under the scheme i.e. Rs. 45 will be taxed for Rs.100. Moreover, there will be no enquiry, scrutiny and prosecution in future against declarants in respect of income declared under the Scheme.
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5 Dallas policemen killed in sniper attack
an external aggression or an armed rebellion that threatens the security of the country or a part thereof.” “No such declaration (of war like situation) has been made by the Union of India - explicitly or even implicitly - and nothing has been shown to us that would warrant a conclusion that there is a war or an external aggression or an armed rebellion in Manipur. That is not anybody’s case at all nor has it even been suggested,” the court said. Taking note of National Human Rights Commission’s submission that it was a “toothless body”, the court sought the government’s response as to whether it was bound by the recommendations of the rights body. Reiterating that an allegation of excessive force resulting in the death of any person by police or the armed forces in Manipur must be thoroughly enquired into, the court said, that for the time being it was leaving open the decision as to which agency would probe the cases. The decision on this, the court said, would be taken after amicus curiae Menaka Guruswamy along with EEVFAM representatives revisits all the 1,466 cases as it had already done in 62 cases. The court said that Guruswamy will prepare a chart of the cases that would be taken up after four weeks.
NEW DELHI, JUL 8 (PTI): Supreme Court today said there would be no “blanket immunity” for the armed forces personnel for causing unjustified deaths until it is determined that the killings had occurred in genuine encounters or insurgency operations. While dealing with the controversial Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, the apex court said that section 6, dealing with grant of immunity from prosecution, and section 49 of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) giving protection for action taken in good faith, was not applicable to cases pertaining to alleged extra-judicial killings in Manipur. “The use of excessive force or retaliatory force by the Manipur Police or the armed forces of the Union is not permissible,” said a bench of Justice Madan B. Lokur and Justice Uday Umesh Lalit in their judgment, adding that Manipur was not faced with an unconventional war-like situation. The central government and the army had argued that the Army Act gives immunity to armed forces personnel from being prosecuted by criminal courts. The court verdict came on the plea by the Extra Judicial Execution Victim Families Association (EEVFAM) which has sought a SIT probe
DIMAPUR, JUL 8 (NPN): Taking serious note of the statement made by NPCC president K.Therie that BJP would not be able to grow in North East region, Nagaland BJP state unit reminded that in the North East, after the 2014 parliamentary elections, the first assembly election was conducted in Assam where the people gave “huge mandate to BJP to run a transparent and corruption free government.” In a press release, BJP unit spokesman M.Yanghose Sangtam said Assam was the most advanced among the NE states and that the “right thinking people of Assam” were therefore “showing the way to the other north east states by allowing the Lotus to be planted in their home soil.” BJP state unit claimed that now it was only a matter of time before other states like Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland and so on to follow suit and allow the “Lotus to grow and flourish in the entire North East.” (Cont’d on p-7)
(L) Micah X. Johnson, responsible for the killings and Police personnel retaliate. DALLAS, JUL 8 (AGENCIES): At least one sniper killed five Dallas police officers and wounded another seven in a racially charged attack that ended when police used a robot carrying a bomb to kill him, the city’s shaken police chief said on Friday. Thursday night killings, at the end of a protest over this week’s pair of fatal shootings of black men by police in Louisiana and Minnesota, added anxiety and fear to the national debate over excessive police force, racial disparities in the justice system and gun violence. A long string of killings of black men by police in cities including Ferguson, Missouri, New York, Baltimore and Chicago have given rise to the Black Lives Matter movement against excessive police force. The killings have spurred almost two years of
largely peaceful street protests. Thursday’s shooting sent protesters running in panic while swarms of police found themselves under attack by what they believed to be multiple gunmen using high-powered rifles at ground level and on rooftops. The suspect was identified as Micah X. Johnson, who was a member of the U.S. Army Reserve, a U.S. government source told Reuters. During lengthy negotiations with police, the gunman said “the end is coming,” according to Dallas Police Chief David Brown. “The suspect said he was upset about Black Lives Matter,” said Brown, who is black. “He said he was upset about the recent police shootings. The suspect said he was upset at white people. The suspect stated that he wanted to kill
white people, especially white officers.” Brown declined to say how many people took place in the attack. “We’re going to keep these suspects guessing,” he told reporters at City Hall. Police said they were questioning two occupants of a Mercedes they had pulled over after seeing a man throwing a camouflage bag inside the back of the vehicle, which then sped off on a downtown street. A woman was also taken into custody near the garage where the standoff took place. With Thursday’s attack, 26 police officers have been shot and killed in the United States so far this year, according to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund. That is up 44 percent from the 18 officers slain in the same period in 2015, the group said.
SC hears disqualification case against ex-Cong MLAs DIMAPUR, JUL 8 (NPN): Supreme Court on Friday heard the disqualification case involving 8 former Congress MLAs in court no.2 by Justice Anil L. Dave and Justice L. Nageshwara Rao. In a press release, NPCC president K. Therie said the advocate for the defendants pleaded that the case should be sent to the Gauhati High Court, but the Justice replied that the Speaker of Nagaland has delivered his judgement based on Gauhati High Court. “Even if the matter is sent back to Gauhati High Court, they would
simply send back the matter to Supreme Court again. It would be a waste of time,” the Court observed. Senior Advocate Salman Khurshid, former union minister, foreign affairs and law, represented the petitioner. He said that “this is exactly what I have been pleading. It would be nothing more than a waste of time.” NPCC president said the Court rejected the prayer of the defendant and the case was now slated for hearing on July 18, 2016 to consider the merit of the case.
ACAUT questions SVC’s silence over scams DIMAPUR, JUL 8 (NPN): ACAUT Nagaland has questioned that silence of the State Vigilance Commission (SVC) over several scams raised by them including the recent one where six fuel adulteration units were busted jointly by the Dimapur police, district administration and the ACAUT on 27th In a press note, ACAUT media cell stated that such issues should have grabbed the immediate attention of SVC. Alleging that the past record of State Vigilance Commission in solving cases had been nothing short of discouraging, ACAUT said “it will be extreme dereliction of duty if SVC, instead of taking up the case suo moto should wait for the complainants, in this case (fuel adulteration) the ACAUT, to file FIR before it”. ACAUT highlighted issues like anomalies in procedures of liquor destruction by Excise department in 2014. It said that the procedural lapses meant that above Rs. 30 lakhs
worth of IMFL was missing. The ACAUT said it was of the strong opinion that “SVC recommended suspension of a few constables and lower ranked officers to cover-up the case of this magnitude by scapegoating lower cadres so as to protect the top fishes in the Excise department which was travesty of justice of the worst kind”. It further went on to point out the complaint filed in 2015 with regard to alleged backdoor appointments of 36 BDOs. “Sons and daughters of top bureaucrats’ and politicians’ inserted as BDOs probably stopped the Commission from pursuing the issue”, ACAUT said. In 2016, ACAUT said a case was filed regarding misappropriation of Rs. 402 crores in the Food & Civil Supply department as per CAG report. Specific cases of siphoning of PDS items were mentioned, however the case seemed to have met its dead end without even starting,
ACAUT said. “Therefore if one goes by precedence, and knowing that the under par Commission is not known to have solved high profile cases/issues involving powerful politicians and bigwig bureaucrats, and the issue of “fuel adulteration” being precisely this, the outcome and handling of the case by the SVC seems obvious”, ACAUT stated. If such was the case, ACAUT questioned whether SVC should be declared defunct and powerless department? “Therefore, scrapped in the interest of the public on the grounds of it becoming a liability to the state finance and wasting public money? It so far appears to be serving only as a decorative arm for the state”, it questioned. ACAUT has demanded that the SVC live up to the expectation as a duly constituted statutory body and also to take suo moto cognizance of the fuel adulteration case and investigate the connection between the fuel adul-
teration kingpins and the F&CS department since the core issue involves siphoning off of SK OIL. Stating that the criminal aspect of the case was already under investigation by Dimapur police, ACAUT opined that the SVC should aid the investigation by probing “why several lakh litres of SK oil meant for the poor people should be diverted into the adulteration business with the knowledge of the F&CS department”. It further felt that “if SVC was unable to take up the case for whatever reasons, the staff and members should honorably resign instead of bringing this body into disrepute time and again”.
ACAUT clarifies
ACAUT in a clarification informed that Dinanath, the on the run kingpin of fuel adulteration racket is the SK Oil power of attorney holder of M/S Yanthan Agency, Wokha, and not M/S Lim Agency as previously rendered. K Y M C