June 28, 2016

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This issue 12 + 4 = 16 Pages @ ` 4.00

Nagaland Post www.nagalandpost.com

Naxalism will be rooted out soon: Rajnath Singh


DIMAPUR tuesday, june 28, 2016

Vol XXVI No. 200

ACAUT busts fuel adulteration units

NSF reminder against backdoor appointments

Staff Reporter:

DIMAPUR, JUN 27 (NPN): With alleged irregularities and rampant backdoor appointment in almost all the government departments, the Naga Students’ Federation (NSF) on Monday has affirmed its stand against such practices. In a press release, NSF public grievance cell chairman Shikavi Achumi and secretary Kesosul Christopher Ltu stated that as per the cabinet approval and office memorandum of the department of personnel and administrative reforms dated June 6, 2016 the appointments on contract basis (Ad-hoc, casual, temporary, work-charged appointments) were banned. In this regard, NSF has reminded that all administrative heads of the departments (AHoDs) and heads of the departments (HoDs) to strictly adhere to the laid rules/ procedures for appointments to government service. The federation asserted that it would not allow any department to make appointments unless through NPSC or through open advertisement or through employment exchange. NSF has warned that any AHoD and HoD making/approving contract appointments or any appointment not in accordance with the revised rules/procedures would be strictly dealt with.

Dimapur, Jun 27 (NPN): ACAUT Nagaland volunteers, Dimapur along with officials of the Dimapur district administration re-confirmed but made a shocking discovery of illegal networks of petrol adulteration units across several places in Dimapur and Chumukedima Monday afternoon. Several thousand litres of kerosene(PDS item), are being used everyday to create a substance that looking like petrol by adding a chemical substance (Zero Suphate) that turns golden yellow like petrol. This is then mixed with petrol in large tanks or oil tankers and transported for sale to various petrol pumps across the state. Acting on a tip-off, members of ACAUT Nagaland, Dimapur along with officials of the Dimapur district administration went to inspect an adulteration unit, housed in several sheds at Ghorapatti along Golghat Road Monday at around 1 p.m. The sheds were under the name of Umesh, Srikant, Lal Mohan, Navel, Dhina Nath and Ajay. However, none of them were present during the raid except some workers. Another team of ACAUT volunteers had also fanned out towards 5th Mile and Chumukedima on the same mission. At a place in 5th Mile, the ACAUT team including an official of the district administration and public raided a place.At the site, the

Ultimatum on power deptt.

DIMAPUR, JUN 27 (NPN): Saksi NAP sector 13th ward public, Tuensang has served an ultimatum on the power department to install of 33 KV transformer on or before July 7, 2016. In an ultimatum submitted to the chief engineer, power department, through the deputy commissioner (DC), Tuensang, the Saksi NAP sector 13th ward president O. Somba Chang and secretary Lumtiba Sangtam stated that the public have been reeling under darkness and were facing untold hardships for over three months ever since 33 KV transformer broke down on March 19, 2016. The signatories said they were “unable to comprehend the inefficiency and lackadaisical attitude shown by the power department” to address their genuine and rightful demand. Therefore, they said an ultimatum was being served and cautioned that failure to install the transformer within the stipulated time, the public would be compelled to take their own course of action and the department would be solely held responsible.

CEO notifies on NERP programme

Cameron’s replacement to take over by early September

Oil tanker filled with adulterated petrol

A unit for adulterating kerosene with chemicals

Zeliang launches ‘NFSA 2013’ 1478502 beneficiaries to get rice at `3, wheat at `2

T.R. Zeliang along with his cabinet colleagues at the launching programme on Monday. (NP) Staff Reporter

The fake petrol for mixing with genuine petrol

team discovered nine steel storage tanks of 2000 litre capacity besides another four steel storage compartments of 30,000 litres capacity all filled with kerosene including two motor pumps and an oil tanker. The storage godown was run by one Ajay Prasand and Romeo on a land owned by a local. Three persons taking care of the premises were also caught including a minor.

Zero sulphate for mixing with kerosene

Later, the team went to a petrol pump in Chumuekdima where the manager and three staff were caught involved in the racket. The manager of the pump was identified as Amar Chaudhary and the pump was operated under contract by one Tina Nath though the company dealer was a local. The manager confessed that they were involved in mixing chem-

icals to kerosene to make it look like petrol and then add it with petrol and transported to pumps in Dimapur, Kohima, Wokha, Kiphire and Phek. Interestingly a demand note was also recovered from the petrol pump, purportedly issued by a functionary of the NNC (Non-Accordist), out of the “Second Class” business (petrol mixture). (Cont’d on p-7)

Tourism deptt-NPRAAF meet held; J&K murder: Pochury bodies deptt okays separate TO for Kiphire seek state govt intervention DIMAPUR, JUN 27 (NPN): The department of Tourism, on the demand of Nagaland Public Rights Awareness and Action Forum (NPRAAF), has agreed to post a separate tourist officer (TO) at Kiphire. In this regard, director (in-charge) of tourism department, K.T. Thomas has, in a written statement, assured NPRAAF that “the directorate will take into account for necessary action with the Administrative Head.” During a meeting held at Tourist Lodge Dimapur on June 24, NPRAAF said it also put forth fresh suggestion for increasing the number of 12 sanctioned posts of TOs to at least 27 recognizing the need for more TOs both within and outside the state especially where Nagaland Houses were established. The organization, nevertheless, affirmed that it was “uncompromising in its demand for cancellation of backdoor appointments of Tourist Officers which led to excess officers,” stated a NPRAAF press statement. NPRAAF said its demand for increasing the sanctioned posts of TOs should not be confused as contradictory with the demand for cancelling

appointment of excess officers, which were made through backdoor. “Whether there is excess or permissible number of officers, as long as the appointment is backdoor, NPRAAF will continue to oppose such appointments,” it stated. At the meeting, the department, which was represented by assistant director I. Temjen Ao, clarified the cases of appointments of few officers, which, NPRAAF described as “backdoor” in its ultimatum. NPRAAF said the since clarification was substantiated with documentary evidence, it has dropped the demand for cancellation of such appointments. However, it said there were several other anomalous and irregular appointments that were yet to be discussed and for which the department has sought more time to look into the issues. Seeing the positive response of the department, NPRAAF said it has extended the deadline to cancel all backdoor appointments and rectify other anomalies to July 20, 2016. Meanwhile, NPRAAF has appreciated the positive steps taken by the department to rectify irregularities.

DIMAPUR, JUN 27 (NPN): In connection with the murder of Jisietho Nyuwi at Sunderbani in Jammu on June 22 last, the Pochury Hoho, Pochury Students’ Union (PSU) and Pochury Mothers’ Association (PMA) have placed a three-point demand before the government of Nagaland. In a representation submitted to the chief minister, through additional deputy commissioner (ADC) Meluri, the Pochury hoho president Penthü Pochury, PSU president Er.Joyson Fithu and PMA president Machü Joshou demanded setting up of an inquiry commission to expedite the case. They also demanded that the Meckwe Telecom Company, in which the Jisietho was employed, and the government must bear the responsibility of granting ex-gratia on humanitarian ground for immediate relief. Further, the organisations have asked the government to offer a government job to one member of the family in the form of compensation. Meanwhile, in a press release, Pochury Hoho president Penthü Pochury and general secretary Er. Vichutho Nyusou stated that body of the deceased reached Meluri on June 26 midnight and the funeral service was conducted on June 27 morning. It stated that various organisations of Pochury community and thousands of public gathered attended the funeral service. They said five days have passed after the fatal incident had occurred, yet no headway in the case.

DIMAPUR, JUN 27 (NPN): After a delay of nearly three years, Nagaland government on Monday finally launched the much awaited ‘National Food Security Act’ (NFSA) 2013 here at the Directorate of Food and Civil Supplies (F&CS), Dimapur. It may be mentioned that under the Act, beneficiaries of Priority Household (PHH) would be provided 5 kgs of subsidized foodgrains per head at Rs.3 per kg for rice and Rs.2 for wheat in the ratio of 4:1. NFSA 2013 would also cover 78.83% of the rural populace and 61.98% of the urban populace in the State. Launching the NFSA, Nagaland chief minister T.R Zeliang, who is also holds the F&CS portfolio, remarked that the launching of NFSA 2013 was a landmark event in the State’s history. T.R. Zeliang informed that delay in implementation of the Food Security Act in Nagaland was due to unfavourable funding pattern and various logistical issues such as lack of infrastructure, lack of godowns in most districts of the State, lack of power backup, digitization process, constitution of State Food Commission, vigilance committees, and grievances redressal mechanism at the

district level. He was however optimistic saying it was “better late than never”, and called upon all stakeholders, particularly the beneficiaries, to actively participate at all levels for the successful implementation of the Act. Zeliang also highlighted the incorporation of technology in the Act to ensure transparency from top to bottom. The chief minister later distributed PHH cards to women beneficiaries of Dimapur. Also speaking on the occasion, Food and Civil Supplies director, Alun Hangsing stated that the Act would greatly benefit a large number of the population. Hangsing informed that the department, from top to bottom, was fully mobilized to achieve the target of providing highly subsidized food grains to the beneficiaries. Informing that both Above poverty Line (APL) and Below Poverty Line (BPL) beneficiaries have been amalgamated under the name of Priority Household as per the Act, director said the department had 2,37,434 households with an increase of 44,464 households with female members as head of family in the PHH ration card covering 11,93,922 individual beneficiaries. Together with

2,12,034 Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) beneficiaries, the department would cover 14,05,956 beneficiaries, he added. He also stated that details of food grain allocation, date of dispatch and receipt, grievance redressal mechanism at state, district, and sub-divisional level etc. would be made online by uploading transaction details at www. fcs.nagaland.gov.in. Highlighting the importance of Aadhar card, Hangsing said that since Point of Sale machines would be used shortly in fair price shops across the State, seeding of Aadhar number with ration cards was essential to identify genuine beneficiaries. Earlier, the function was chaired by F&CS secretary, Ramongo Lotha, invocation pronounced by pastor, TBC Dimapur, Rev. Vilodi Sakhrie and introductory address on NFSA 2013 was delivered by director F&CS. The vote of thanks was delivered by joint director of F&CS. Other dignitaries who attended the function include-- Home minister, Y. Patton, parliamentary secretaries, advisors, chief secretary Pankaj Kumar; DC Dimapur, Kesonyu Yhome and Dimapur Police Commissioner, Liremo Lotha.

Yitachu flags-off MDM delivery vehicles

This is it! Yitachu flagging off the MDM delivery vehicles on Monday. (NP) Correspondent


Pages 12+4 ` 4.00

(L) Some of the items used for adulteration. (R) Tanks and drums used for storage. (NP)

DIMAPUR, JUN 27 (NPN): Office of the chief electoral officer (CEO), Nagaland has informed that the National Electoral Roll Purification (NERP) programme 2016, launched by the Election Commission of India on March 1, 2016 would conclude on August 31, 2016. (Cont’d on p-7)

“Nothing worse or insulting than sitting with somebody who keeps talking over mobile.”


KOHIMA, JUN 27 (NPN): School Education and SCERT minister, Yitachu flagged off a fleet of 26 vehicles (pick-up trucks) for each SDEO in the state at Secretariat Plaza here on Monday, meant for delivering food grains under mid-day meal (MDM) programme. Speaking at the launching programme as chief guest, Yitachu said the idea of launching MDM vehicle struck his mind while interacting with a village council member, who

shared the transportation problem faced in the rural areas. The minister challenged the responsible officers to produce successful MDM implementation story with the vehicles so that could be replicated in other parts of the country. He said the good idea and programme alone cannot run the system successfully unless the responsible officers and persons involved worked sincerely on the ground. Urging the responsible officers to work hard, the minister said those who provide

their best service would be cherished even in future. Minister also told the drivers that the vehicle was to be used for mid-day meal programme and assigned duty of school by SDEO only. He warned that anybody misusing the vehicles would be penalized. The minister further advised the drivers to take care of the vehicle and maintain it properly, adding that their sincerity and faithfulness would promote them in future. On the occasion, the minister also discouraged the department staff

from holding agitating against the department, which he said would be a loss for them and the department. Chairing the programme, commissioner & secretary (C&S) school education and SCERT, F.P. Solo, said the vehicle would transport the MDM from FCI godown to SDEO office and to the school respective school. Besides transporting MDM, he said the vehicle would also carry textbooks and uniform for the school. Solo also informed that the misuse of the vehicle would be strictly monitored through SDEO and any defaulter would be penalized immediately. C&S said this noble idea was initiated by the minister Yitachu to address the problem of transporting MDM faced by the in-charges especially to the remote areas. He said this facility would greatly reduce the transportation charge and would also improve the management of the department by inspecting the schools regularly. (Cont’d on p-7) K Y M C

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