June 4, 2016

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Nagaland Post www.nagalandpost.com

Global oil giants seek inroads into India’s market: Pradhan ( 8 )

Vol XXVI No. 176

India, Tunisia vow to combat terror DIMAPUR saturday, june 4, 2016

Gowda assures on separate HC


KOHIMA, JUN 3 (NPN): Union minister for law and justice, D.V. Sadananda Gowda on Friday assured to again write to the chief justice of Gauhati High Court to give opinion with regard to separate high court for the Nagaland. He said that the need for a full fledged high court for the state was the view of the government. The union minister said that the chief minister has concurred and written a letter to the ministry and sequentially the ministry has written to the Chief Justice Gauhati High Court in August 2015. Union minister said that concurrent has to be given by the Gauhati High Court for bifurcation while infrastructure has to be given by the state. Gowda said the if the Chief Justice concurred, the matter would be immediately taken care because all other small states have high courts except Nagaland, Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh. He also said that about three district courts could not be computerized because of connectivity problems. The union minister, however, assured to work on it. When asked about elevation of judgeship as currently there was only one Naga judge in Gauhati High Court, Gowda said appointment of judge was exclusively under the domain of judiciary for selection and appointment. He said the

Education policy report to be made public: Irani NEW DELHI, JUN 3 (PTI): The report of the TSR Subramanian- led Committee on evolution of a National Education Policy (NEP) will be made public only after its recommendations are shared with states and “not just for the sake of headlines”, HRD Minister Smriti Irani Friday said. At a press conference here, she was asked about former Cabinet Secretary Subramanian’s letter seeking that the contents of the report be made public by the HRD ministry otherwise he would proceed to do it himself. “This education policy will not become a legacy of one individual who seeks a headline,” she replied. “It is the property of one lakh tens thousand villages, over 5000 blocks, over 500 districts, over 20 states that have given it to us with the confidence that any recommendation that comes to us will be shared with them before it is made a draft policy,” the HRD minister added. She said when the process of drafting NEP was initiated, it was promised that before putting anything in public domain, the opinion of states would be taken. “It is true, that on May 27 we got some recommendations, but still state governments have to express their opinions. So to present an incomplete thing before the people, I feel, would be an injustice...,” Irani replied.

This is it!

“I see all past and present governments in the reverse-- backdoor appointments, backward fund, backward area etc.” K Y M C

Manipur poiticians to press New Delhi over three bills

the state government of the schemes rolled out by the NDA IMPHAL JUN 3 (IANS): A team of Manipuri politicians, government. led by chief minister Okram Ibobi Singh, left for New Delhi on Friday to urge the Union minister for law central government to give and justice, D.V. Sadananda assent to three bills the state Gowda, disclosed that under assembly passed on August Modi government Rs. 54 crore 31, 2015 on regulating the inhas been allocated for 2015-20 flux of “outsiders” but which for State Disaster Response some view as anti-tribal. “The team shall camp Fund (SDRF) while during the in Delhi till appointments last two years and the present financial year, Rs. 14.44 crore are granted from the offices of the Prime Minister, the has been released. He said that this was Home Minister and others,” against the last five years of Manipur chief minister, O. previous government 2010-15, Ibobi said. The centre has been where an amount of Rs. 24.73 reluctant to give assent since crore released to Nagaland. The papers made avail- the tribals are opposing the able to media highlighted contentious bills terming schemes and amount released them “anti-tribal”. State BJP president for department of animal husbandry, dairying and fisheries Khetrimayum Bhabananda (DAHDF) under the Ministry was conspicuous by his abof Agriculture and Farmers sence from the team. Instead, Welfare. For Livestock health the party deputed its spokesand disease control, national man and the media coordilivestock mission, diary devel- nator. Meanwhile, sources opment, fisheries development and statistics schemes, the cen- said that two veteran polititre had released Rs. 3518.44 cians, Moirangthem Nara lakh during 2014-15 and Rs. and Okram Joy, are already in Delhi. 2045.51 lakh during 2015-16. N. Sovakiran, president Under special initiative, the ministry had sanctioned of the Manipur People’s Rs. 2.15 crore for establishment Party said: “The team will of Gokul Gram for mithuns, apprise the central leaders scope and livestock insurance of the absence of any mechahas been increased form seven nism to regulate the influx districts to all districts and 5117 of outsiders. Even foreigners animals insured in the state come and settle in Manipur. during the last two years. The Manipuris will soon be (Cont’d on p-5) swamped.”

`54 cr allocated for 2015-20 from SDRF

(R-L) Vinay Sahasrabudhe D.V. Sadananda Gowda and Nihalchand at Raj Bhavan. (NP)

ministry’s role was minimum such as getting views of chief minister, sending the papers to Chief Justice, getting it back and sending it to the Prime Minister and then for Presidential assent. Gowda, who along with National BJP vice president, Vinay Sahasrabudhe and union minister of state for Panchayat Raj, Nihalchand, addressed a press conference at Raj Bhavan, Friday, also disclosed works for construction of fencing along the Indo-Bangladesh border would be completed by end of December. Further, the union minister also assured that the central government would not go out of agreements unilaterally, especially the framework agreement signed between Government of India and NSCN (I-M) on August 3, 2015. Lamenting that works for four-lane national highway was delayed because of land problem, the union minster

said that unless state government cooperates, developmental activities cannot take place. BJP national vice president stressed on the need to create an independent platform of likeminded political party from North East, which were pro-development and pro-good governance, under North East Democratic Alliance (NEDA). He said that the more NE states were integrated with one voice; impetus could be given for the overall development of the region. The vice president further said that in the process of allotting work for national highway projects, procedures laid down in the ministry of road and highway were done in a transparent manner through e-tendering, adding that there was no scope for middleman. While outlining policy approach of the BJP-led NDA government, he said that there has to be more awareness by


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Nagas fortunate to have Art. 371 A: CM DIMAPUR, JUN 3 (NPN): Nagaland chief minister T.R. Zeliang said Nagaland was most fortunate to have specific mention in the Constitution of India— Article 371 (A), about protection of the traditions, cultures and religious practices of the Nagas and more importantly, assurance of ownership of the land and its resources. Interacting with a delegation of the Central Naga Tribes Council (CNTC) led by its president Hokiye Yeptho at his office chambers on Friday, Zeliang pointed out that as compared to Mizoram (Article 371 G), where the special provision cites only “ownership and transfer of land”, Nagaland was privileged to enjoy the status of owning the resources as well. He expressed dismay that the people of Nagaland “did not protest against the unilateral violation of some important points of the 16-point Agreement of 1960, such as placement of the state of Nagaland under Home Ministry from the Ministry of External Affairs as contained in Point number 2 of the Agreement, and the financial assistance to the State from the Consolidated Fund as mentioned in Point number 11 of the Agreement which was never kept.” It was time for people to be more aware of their rights and how to protect them, he added. With regard to oil issue, Zeliang apprised the CNTC about the tussle between the Ministry of Petroleum, Government of India and the state government over exploration

and extraction of petroleum and natural gas in the State. He said that the Ministry of Petroleum termed it as unconstitutional for the state government to frame the Rules & Regulations on Petroleum and Natural Gas quoting the Oilfields (Regulation and Development) Act, 1948. However, the state argued that as per 13th Amendment of the Constitution of India, December 1963 by which Article 371 A was inserted into the Constitution and Statehood for Nagaland was created, had, in effect, over-ruled the 1948 Act, he said. He said that the ministry was also made known of the Article 371 A wherein states that “notwithstanding anything in this Constitution, no Act of Parliament in respect of … ownership and transfer of land and its resources, shall apply to the State of Nagaland unless the Legislative Assembly of Nagaland by a resolution so decides.”. The chief minister also informed the delegation that he had written a letter in September 2015 to the Union Minister for Petroleum and Natural Gas, after the Ministry had put up for auction two oil blocks in Nagaland decrying the decision. Though there were reports of few oil blocks located in Nagaland, that were included in the list of 69 oil fields to be opened for competitive bidding, he however said that the government had framed the NP&NGR 2012 in accordance

with Article 371-A(1) (a) of the Constitution of India. Based on this rules, he said that the state government had already invited Expressions Of Interest from interested oil companies, and was in the process of allocating the oil blocks in Nagaland. As such the ministry’s competitive bidding was not appropriate, he said. He cautioned that such a decision by Government of India at this juncture would have an “adverse impact on the on-going peace negotiations to resolve the Naga political issue, which is in an advanced stage now.” Based on Article 371 (A), solution for Naga political issue was one of key point, he added. Accordingly, the matter was kept in abeyance with the arguments of the state government being seriously scrutinized by the Government of India, Zeliang told the delegation. However, on the other hand Zeliang lamented that a tribal Hoho had filed a PIL in the Court and the matter was shifted to the legal arena where the state government’s efforts to carry out oil exploration and extraction was stalled. “If we can’t fight for, protect what is legally ours today in our lifetime, future Naga generations will curse us,” he said and requested the leaders from the three major Naga tribes--- Ao, Lotha and Sumi, to create awareness about the negative ramifications of the PIL.

FCI clarifies on supply of worm-infested rice State govt. sits on March 5 incident report DIMAPUR, JUN 3 (NPN): Food Cooperation of India (FCI) has sought to clarify the reports that was published in local dailies pertaining to supply of worm-infested and uneatable rice under Mid-Day Meal Scheme (MDMS) to some schools in Mokokchung district, non-implementation of MDMS in some other schools and an apparent “confusion” between the roles of FCI and state government in implementation of the MDMS. In a press release, FCI general manager (R) Anenla T Sato asserted that following the reports published in local dailies on March 10, 2016 pertaining to supply of worm-infested rice for MDM, the department of school education through its secretary, assuming worminfested food grain was directly coming from FCI godown, claimed that FCI had agreed “in principle” to replace the rice although no FCI official had given such assurance. The release pointed out that government of India allocated rice/wheat @100 grams per primary student (class I to V) and @150 grams per up-

per primary (class VI to VIII) student per school day in age group of six to fourteen years. Stating that rice allocations for the first two quarters of 2016-17 (April—Sept 2016) were 2507.07 MT, the release said those allocations were to be lifted from the nearest FCI godown by the respective district administrations as per district-wise allocations made by the state government on monthly, bi-monthly and quarterly basis. According to the release, the samples (in triplicate) of stocks from where to be lifted were jointly drawn by the representatives of the state government and FCI and the sample slips jointly signed and sealed. “These samples are to be retained for three months in token of quality of food grains received from FCI,” FCI general manager said, adding that in case of any complaint of low quality of food grains was received within this period, those samples were to be used to ascertain the veracity of the complaint. The release also stated

that Nagaland government had authorised M/S Vitoi Sumi to lift the entire allocations of MDM food grains for Nagaland for the period 2015-16. The allocations for the last three quarters were lifted by the authorised agency during September 2016 (July— Sept/15), December 2015 (Oct—Dec/15) and March 2016 (Jan—Mar/16) after joint sampling and satisfaction of the quality of the food grain, it stated. Further, stating that quality of food grains in FCI godowns were maintained by quality control staff in conformity with standards set by FSSAI, the release said the joint samples of food grains lifted during those periods were preserved by the quality control staff. At a joint meeting of state government, department of school education, FCI and state government MDM carriage contractor on March 13, 2016 in the directorate of school education, the joint samples were produced and on visual inspection found to be a good quality, the release said. (Cont’d on p-5)

Staff Reporter

DIMAPUR, JUN 3 (NPN): After being caught flat footed during the run up to the March 5, 2015 incident in Dimapur and subsequent storming of the Central Jail by a mob and resulting in the brutal killing of a rape accused; the state government ordered an inquiry to probe the incident and identify and prosecute those responsible. Subsequently the oneman Inquiry by retired district and sessions judge Veprasa Nyekha was expanded when retired justice B.D. Agarwal was appointed to head the probe and also to make recommendations to the government. During the press conference called by the JIC team on Friday at Chumukedima police complex, copies of a report with recommendations were handed out to mediapersons, though the final report was not handed out. JIC report, besides giving out various recommendations, laid emphasis on “detection

Veprasa Nyekha and justice (rtd) B.D. Agarwal (NP)

and deportation of foreigners”, by effectively implementing stringent legal provision like the National Register of Citizens (NRC), which was being done in Assam. JIC stated that though Nagaland had already adopted the system of Inner Line Permit since British rule, despite existence of such stringent legal provision the influx of IBIs was still unabated. In this regard, JIC felt the need to update NRC in the state of Nagaland, which it said would go a long way to solve the critical issue of detecting foreign nationals. Further, the JIC report

stated that the state government had informed the commission that it was not necessary to ascertain the names of culprits as it was to be examined by the investigation agency (Central Bureau Investigation). The government further informed the commission “to mostly confine to the issue of dereliction of duty by the government officials and not to find out the culprits, which task is assigned to the CBI.” On the request of the commission nine written statements were submitted by the individuals, school authorities, students’ organizations etc. on the other hand, 38 written statements were filed by government officers, the report said. “Though the government declined to appoint lawyers to assist the commission 30 witnesses were crossexamined by the chairman and member themselves to obtain certain clarifications,” the report stated. According to sources, the inquiry commission on the

March 5, 2015 had received a number of extensions and that the final report and recommendation was reportedly submitted to the chief minister and chief secretary on March 9, 2016. Sources said that though the then DC and SP Dimapur including Central Jail superintendent were immediately placed under suspension and the then DC recently transferred as DC of a district, the inquiry commission was stonewalled by the poor cooperation from public and legal fumbling by the state. (Full text report on p-6)

Wuzu firing incident

When asked about ‘Wuzu Firing Incident Inquiry Commission’ findings, Veprasa Nyekha, who heads the commission informed that till date the government had failed to provide a protocol officer and stenographer to be attached with the commission. He said due to shortage of staff, the commission was unable to proceed further.

100 model ‘Swachh Tourist Destinations’ Miscreants assault pastor Cancel anomalous appointments NEW DELHI, JUN 3 (PTI): Government plans to come up with 100 model ‘Swachh Tourist Destinations’ under a special clean-up initiative focused on developing iconic heritage, spiritual and cultural places in the country as part of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s pet programme Swachh Bharat Mission. “Under the Swachh Bharat Mission, it has been decided to undertake a special clean-up initiative focused on 100 iconic heritage, spiritual and cultural places in the country. The list of these 100 places is under discussion and will be finalised soon. “The initiative has been undertaken under the guidance of Prime Minister Narendra Modi,” the statement said. Ten such places including Taj Mahal in Agra, Golden Temple in Punjab, Vaishno Devi in Jammu and Kashmir, Jagannath Puri in Odisha and Manikarnika ghaat in Modi’s Parliamentary constituency Varanasi, have already been selected in first phase of the programme.

Special clean-up initiative focused on 100 iconic heritage, spiritual & cultural places The names of all these destinations will be finalised soon, an official statement said. Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation will be the coordinating Ministry for this initiative, in association with the Ministry of Urban Development, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Tourism and the concerned state governments. It said the aim of this initiative is to make these 100 places model ‘Swachh Tourist Destinations’ that will enhance the experience for visitors from India and abroad. Other places selected in phase one of the programme are Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus in Maharashtra, Tirupati Temple in Andhra Pradesh, Ajmer Sharif Dargah in Rajasthan, Meenakshi Temple in Tamil Nadu and Kamakhya Temple in Assam. The lessons and experiences from phase one will be integrated into the clean-up

campaign for the remaining 90 sites. In order to ensure better coordination with the state teams, a video conference was held with all Chief Secretaries and Secretaries of the relevant departments of the concerned states in which they shared the clean-up work that is already underway, and listed the key challenges to be faced. “The secretaries of the central ministries expressed full support to the states in terms of technical assistance and also requested the states to converge resources for the clean-up under ongoing central programmes, such as the Swachh Bharat Mission and the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) “The state officials were asked to present a detailed plan of action for the clean-up within two weeks,” the statement said.

DIMAPUR, JUN 3 (NPN): A pastor of Dimapur Rongmei Baptist Church (DRBC) was allegedly assaulted by miscreants numbering around six in the wee hours of Friday at around 12:45 a.m. near Faith Hospital, Dimapur. The incident occurred when he was returning from Railway Station after dropping one of his relatives who had left for Delhi by Rajdhani Express train. In a press release, DRBC secretary Aguipou Kamei claimed that the miscreants forcibly stopped the autorickshaw in which the pastor was travelling and dragged him down. The miscreants then took the said autorickshaw along with the driver and immediately left the place leaving the helpless pastor there in the odd hours of the night, the release stated. As pastor started to make calls to his neighbour to pick him up, the miscreants rushed back and beat him up back and blue causing head injury and bruises on his body, it stated, adding that pastor’s mobile phone Nokia X2 dual SIM (8413040082 and 9402612359) was also snatched from his possession. Stating that pastor was assaulted even after he repeatedly disclosed his identity, DRBC secretary said Dimapur Rongmei Baptist Church denounced such act of assault on religious leader and regretted that such incident occurred in the Christian majority state. “The Church appeal to the culprit to repent, mend their ways and seek forgiveness to Christ Jesus who is the true forgiver,” Church secretary said. Meanwhile, DRBC has requested those involved to return the mobile phone, which contained important data related to Church ministry.

in Tourism department, NPRAFF

Staff Reporter

DIMAPUR, JUN 3 (NPN): Activists of Nagaland Public Rights Awareness and Action For um (NPRAFF) staged a demonstration at Tourist Lodge compound, Dimapur on Friday and served 30-day ultimatum to department of Tourism demanding that anomalous appointments of class-III staff and tourist officers (TO) in the department should be cancelled. Addressing media persons, president, NPRAAF, Wedieu Kronu, claimed that, according to an RTI reply to NPRAAF by the department of Tourism, there were 17 TOs against the sanctioned strength of 12 posts. Alleging that backdoor appointments and premature promotions of three employees resulted in the excess of five TOs, Kronu demanded cancellation of the promotion orders and suggested measures to bring down the number of TOs to the sanctioned 12 posts. NPRAAF also demanded appointment of TO in Kiphire. Forum general secretary, Hito Swu said that they were not against any individual, but was

fighting in the interest of tens of thousands of educated unemployed youths in Nagaland. In the ultimatum addressed to director, department of Tourism, NPRAAF has also demanded cancellation of promotion orders in order to minimize the excess number of TOs; immediate posting of separate TO in Kiphire; post of TO held by one employee be declared vacant and requisitioned to the NPSC; cancellation of absorption service of one TO along with the post of PRO; cancellation of one backdoor appointment and cancellation of absorption service of two employees by sending them back to their parent departments. The forum has also planned a phase-wise manner of democratic protests and agitations to bring the issue of all irregular and anomalous appointments in the Department to a logical conclusion. Further, NPRAAF warned that after the expiry of 30 days, it would have no option but to resort to the planned agitation and added that any situation arising out of such protests, the department would be solely held responsible. K Y M C

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