(Cont’d on p-8) (Cont’d on p-8) (Cont’d on p-8)
(L-R) Dr Ajoy Kumar with K Therie and Ranajit Mukherjee addressing the media in Delhi on Thursday.
Alemtemshi Jamir and other officials addressing press conference at Kohima on Thursday. (NP)
DIMAPUR, AUG 18 (NPN): All Nagaland School Teachers’ Associa tion (ANSTA) has appealed to the Department of School Education (DoSE) to re solve the impasse with All Nagaland Ad-hoc Teach ers’ Group (ANATG) 2015 batch and deliver justice. In a representation to DoSE commissioner & sec retary through principal director, ANSTA president Kasheto Sumi and general secretary Pekinto Y Jimo re called that the teachers were appointed against sanc tioned posts on ad hoc basis between 1995 and 2012. They said the first ap pointees of 1995 had com pleted uninterrupted ser vice of over 26 years, while the last appointees of 2012 had completed 10 years of uninterrupted service. They pointed out that these teachers appointed in the prime of their lives were now left helpless or rather overaged to find another job to sustain their livelihood. The duo mentioned that the 2015 batch teachers had also undergone suitability test for service regularisation, which had been acknowledged by the State government in its letter to Personnel & Admin istrative Reforms (P&AR) Department joint secretary on August 8, 2017. The DoSE under-sec retary had also written a letter to the Cabinet Cell deputy secretary on October 26, 2017 for service regula risation of the 2015 batch, they added. However, they lamented that the regula risation process had not materialised to date due to which ANATG-2015 Batch had served an ultimatum to the State government on July 21, 2022.
‘Infection’ most prevalent ailment in Nagaland: Survey
NEW DELHI/DIMA PUR, AUG 18 (NPN): All India Congress Committee (AICC) in-charge for Naga land, Tripura and Sikkim Dr Ajoy Kumar has alleged that Nagaland chief minister Neiphiu Rio and the BJP are delaying solution in favour of election and towards this, want the help of the NSCN (I-M) to win the election scheduled in 2023. Dr. Kumar made the claim at a press confer ence at AICC headquarters New Delhi on Thursday in presence of Nagaland Pradesh Congress Com mittee (NPCC) president K Therie and AICC secretary RanajitDr.Mukherjee.Kumarasked, what could be more “anti-nation al” than using armed groups to win elections? He also accused the BJP of having used similar tactics to win recent election in another North Eastern state. He recalled that the cease fire in Nagaland has been in effect for the past 25 years and on Au-gust 3, 2015, after signing of the Framework Agreement (FA), Prime Minister Naren dra Modi had declared that the Naga issue will be solved soon. However, Dr. Kumar said even after near-ly seven years, there is little evidence to indicate early solution. He therefore, accused the Prime Minister of “lying to the country for the past seven years on the issue”. Dr. Kumar also claimed that the FA is kept under wraps and demanded to know why the government of India was hiding the details of the FA from the people of Naga land? He also said despite the government of India’s own appointed Interlocutor for the Naga Peace Talks, RN Ravi having declared that the official negotiations concluded on October 31, 2019, senior central BJP leader in-charge of Naga land, Nalin Kohli signed an “seat sharing agreement with Rio for election and maintained that solution would be Referringlater.”to Nagaland as a “sensitive” State shar ing international borders, Dr. Kumar warned that if BJP wins the Assembly elec tion with the help of armed groups, it Correspondent KOHIMA, AUG 18 (NPN): Union Minister of Finance and Corporate Af fairs, Nirmala Sitharaman, who had postponed her visit to the State in July last, is slated to visit Nagaland from August 22-24 to attend Nagaland Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) & Investment Conclave 2022. Addressing a press conference at Investment and Development Author ity Nagaland (IDAN) con ference hall, the IDAN CEO, Alemtemshi Jamir, said the union finance min ister has con-firmed her three-day visit to attend the CSR conclave, Bankers and Investors meet apart from holding a series of meetings.Highlighting the im portance of Sitharaman’s proposed visit, Jamir said it would attract a good num ber of corporates, investors and bankers to the State and pave the way for economic opportunities to boom. Stating that develop mental process all over the world was going through a paradigm shift, the IDAN CEO, therefore, said it was important that Nagaland should also open up itself to absorb investments and catch up with the rest of the world. He said that for a long time the State had failed to access to the huge potentials that were attached to CSRs and in vestments.Dispelling rumours that the conclave would be accessed only by a selected few, Jamir clarified that it was open to anyone and everyone willing to be part of it.He said the conclave would be an open field and was just the beginning to a whole new world of oppor tunities that would open up for entrepreneurs who were willing to venture out.
are demanding answers?”
DIMAPUR, AUG 18 (NPN): Nagaland governor Prof. Jagdish Mukhi has extended warm greetings to the members of the Sangtam community on the occasion of Hunapongpi festival. In his message, Prof. Mukhi said the celebrations of Hunapongpi express affection and care for one another. He said children were the prominent partici pants in Hunapongpi festival whereby they learn to preserve the beautiful culture displayed in the form of folk songs, dances and traditional sports. On the occasion, governor also wished happiness, good health and prosperity to all. NLA session on September 20
Rio-BJP tie up for not solution, says Congress
The DGPs of border states should keep a watch ful eye on the demographic changes taking place in border areas, he said. The home minister fur ther said that since becom ing the prime minister in 2014, Narendra Modi has not only given a thrust to in ternal security of the coun try but has also strengthened the mechanism to face chal lenges.He said states should give top priority to the issues related to national security as this is the fight for the future of the country and the youth, for which everyone has to come together and win at any cost. Shah added that in the field of internal secu rity, the government has achieved greater success in dealing with terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir, vari ous extremist groups in the northeast and Left Wing Extremism.Under Modi’s leader ship, the central government has enacted many new laws, increased coordination with states, increased budgetary allocations and made op timum use of technology, he said.“The prime minister has tried to change the na ture of the DGP conference since 2014, and we see that we have been successful in finding solutions to many problems,” the Union home min-isterShahsaid.said a system has been developed for the first time in the country in the form of the National Auto matic Fingerprint Identifica tion System (NAFIS) and it should percolate down to the grassroots level. Referring to the prob lems of circulation of nar cotics, he said it was not enough to just catch a con signment since the com plete uprooting of the drugs network and getting to the bottom of its source and destination are of utmost necessity.Thehome minister said the central government was preparing a database of different types of crimes, and for the first time, with a scientific approach, so much work has been done on so many fronts simultaneously. “We have to make good use of 5G technology to strengthen the security system,” he said. Shah said the basic principle of a modern intel ligence agency should not be “need to know” but “need to share” and “duty to share”, because no success will come unless the approach changes.
DIMAPUR, AUG 18 (NPN): The heads of four colonies-- Lengrijan village, Industrial Estate, Aokong and Hill View-- have re solved to not entertain any individual, group or organi zations to collect tax from their respective colonies. In a joint statement, the chairmen of four colo nies expressed dismay over random collection of tax by various individuals, groups and organizations. They reaffirmed to stand by the October 2013 clarion call for “one government, one tax” and also appealed to all Naga political groups to unite and reconcile in the interest of the people. (Advt on p-9)
Nearly 64% of males and 54% of females in the age group 3-35 years were currently attending educa tion, the survey found. Estimated male popu lation between age 3 to 35 years was 401000 (304000 in rural & 97000 in urban) while that of female was 331000 (251000 in rural & 80000 in urban). National Sample Surveys are large scale sample surveys on vari ous socio-economic subjects conducted perennially by the National Statistical Of fice (NSO) since its incep tion in 1950.
Nagaland is it!
Spl. Correspondent/Staff Reporter
NEW DELHI, AUG 18 (PTI): Union Home Minis ter Amit Shah on Thursday said police chiefs of border states should keep a watch ful eye on the demographic changes taking place in the borderShahareas.was addressing the National Security Strate gies (NSS) Conference 2022, which was at-tended by the top brass of the country’s policeTheforces.two-day confer ence held in Delhi discussed subjects like bordertheirstrategictogeneralsresponsibilityareas.inggraphiclengesveillance,cybercounter-dronecryptocurrency,technology,andsocialmediasuremergingchaldueto5G,demochangesandgrowradicalisationinborderShahsaiditwastheofthedirectorofpolice(DGPs)gatheralltechnicalandinformationinstates,especiallyinthedistricts.
DIMAPUR, AUG 18 (NPN): Governor of Nagaland has summoned the Twelfth Session of the Thirteenth Nagaland Legislative Assembly to meet at 9:30 am on September 20, 2022, in the Assembly Hall, Kohima. YNACFR clarifies DIMAPUR, AUG 18 (NPN): Apropos the news item published on August 18, Young Naga Action Commit tee on Foothills Road (YNACFR) has clarified that the deadline has been served on the State government to release the pending bills of the contractors involved in the construction of the Foothill Road before September 15 and not as published.
Sitharaman on 3-day visit to state from Aug 22 DIMAPUR, AUG 18 (NPN): Power department has informed that there would be shutdown of power supply in and around Dima pur town in a phased manner from 3 a.m. to 8 a.m. starting August 20-31, 2022. Dimapur electrical di vision executive engineer Er.Y Akito Sema informed that the power shutdown was being necessitated in view of maintenance work for shifting of existing 11 kV lines as well as LT lines to the newly constructed trunkAslines.per the proposed shutdown programme, Old SM college Area under 11kv Duncan feeder would be affected on August 20 & August 27; City Tower area, TATA parking area, Kher Mahal area would be af fected on August 22 & 23 and August 29 & 30; Half Nagarjan, KK Colony, Unit ed Colony, D Colony, Mao Colony would be affected on August 24 &25 and August 31; Duncan, Lengrijan, Kashiram, Aoyimkum and Senjum would be affected on Au-gustMeanwhile,26.
DC Kiphire refutes ARSU, AAGBU claims DIMAPUR, AUG 18 (NPN): DC Kiphire has refuted the claims made by Amahator Range Stu dents’ Union (ARSU) and Amahator Area GBs Union (AAGBU) concerning the “unequal fund distribu tion” under Kiphire aspi rational district projects. In a press release, DC Kip hire, T Wati Aier, stated that he had a meeting with ARSU and AAGBU and clarified that funds approved and sanctioned by various Ministry/CSR till date was only Rs.12.18 crore and not Rs.35 crore as alleged them. DC also stated that the allegation by ARSU and AAGBU was also found to be baseless as the total fund allocated to Amahator range amounted to Rs 6639,606 and not Rs.11.28 lakh.
to make
3 colonies resolve against taxation
Union Home Minister Amit Shah addresses the National Security Strategies (NSS), attended by top police officers of the country in Delhi. (PTI)
DIMAPUR, AUG 18 (NPN): Nagaland governor Prof. Jagdish Mukhi and chief minister Neiphiu Rio have extend ed warm greetings to the people celebrating Janmashtami. In his message, Prof. Mukhi stated that Janmashtami is the celebration of the birth, life and teachings of Lord Krishna. He prayed that Lord Krishna’s noble message of righteous con-duct and action inspire each and every one to strengthen the moral foundations of the society.
The directorate of economics and statistics Nagaland has been par ticipating in the nation-wide survey since 1972. Survey on household social consumption related to health forms a vital source of primary data on the sub ject for the State and the country as a whole. The survey gathers basic infor mation on the health sector like morbidity, profile of ail ments including treatment, role of government and private facilities in provid ing health care, expendi ture on medicines, medical consultation, thechildbirth,turehospitalizationinvestigation,andexpendithereon,maternityandtheconditionofaged,etc.
SDO Di mapur electrical sub-division no-II has informed that there would be power supply shut down at Half Nagarjan, Kuda Village, Supermarket, Rajbari, Imkonlengden, Ura villa, Moa, United, Bank and Police colony on August 19, from 3 a.m. to 8 a.m.
DIMAPUR, AUG 18 (NPN): ‘Infection’ was the most prevalent ailment among both genders in both rural (48 per 1000 persons) and urban (29 per 1000 per sons) sectors, according to the National Sample Survey (NSS) 75th round. NSS 75th Round re ports on Household Social Consumption: Health and Household Social Consump tion: Education , were re leased by advisor to CM, Abu Metha, in the confer ence hall of economics & statistics directorate, Ko hima on August 18, 2022.
Gov, CM, DyCM extend Janmashtami greetings
ANSTA appeals state govt to resolve impasse
Accused in May 25 hit & run case arrested Power outage in parts of Dimapur asks DGs of border states to maintain vigil
2023 polls
Post MYK C MYK C Vol XXXII No. 254 DIMAPUR, FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 2022 Pages 12 ` 5.00 US to hold talks with Taiwan, island drills military INTERNATIONAL, PAGE 9 FOLLOW US ON @Nagaland_Postnagalandpostofficial India beat Zimbabwe by 10-wkt; take 1-0 lead SPORTS, PAGE 12 This
National Sample Sur vey, which presents key state level parameters on health and education in Nagaland pertaining to the period July 2017-June 2018, found that about 6% of the rural popu lation and nearly 5% of the urban population reported as ailing during a 15-day reference period. It also found that 83% of ailments in rural areas and 66% in urban areas were treated at government/ public hospitals. About 85% of women received pre-natal care and 76% received postnatal care in both rural and urban areas. Around 55% of the aged population (60 years & above) in rural areas and 72% in urban areas were economically independent. The survey found that 100% of children aged 0-5 years in rural areas and 99% in urban areas had received some weretowhileandofwithinabilityurbanandhouseholdsfoundEducationSocialSurveyvaccination.onHouseholdConsumptiononinNagalandthatnearly87%ofinruralareas73%ofhouseholdsinareasreportedavailofprimaryschool1kmfromthehouse.Italsofoundthat5.4%personsaged15yearsabovewere‘notliterate’14.2%wereliterateupprimaryleveland15.2%Graduateandabove.
D IMAPUR, AUG 18 (NPN): In a major break through, Dimapur police with the help of Nagaon police on August 18 appre hended the accused involved in the May 25 hit-and-run case of student of St Joseph University.Inapress note, assis tant PRO and ADCP (W&J) Dimapur police said that accused has been identified as one Dildar Hussain. ADCP said that after a thorough investigation and massive efforts, they were able to identify and locate the vehicle (black Mahindra Scorpio AS01 AK8524) and arrested the accused from Nagaon, Assam on Thursday with assistance of Nagaon Traffic Branch and Nagaon Sadar Police Station. Police said that the vehicle, currently at Nagaon Sadar Police Station in con nection with an-other case, would be brought to Di mapur after completion of formalities there. It may be mentioned that the second semester student-- Mapuienla Long kumer (20) was critically injured after the vehicle hit her near the college campus at Ikshe model village on May 25 Sheafternoon.wasadmitted to the ICU of Christian Insti tute of Health Sciences & Research (CIHSR), 4th Mile and succumbed to injuries the next day. Police bust veg syndicate; 3 held In another incident, police special operation team arrested three persons for their involvement in “or ganized syndicate operating in the vegetable wholesale market in AccordingDimapur.”topolice, the three persons– Rakesh Kumar, Islam Uddin and Samir Ali, were allegedly involved in the racket and were extorting and collect ing money from the market and handing it over to vari ous underground groups. A case had been reg istered under East Police State, police said.
“I guess we’ll have no more reason trips to Delhi now that people
CM: State chief minister Neiphiu Rio has extended greetings and good wishes on the occasion of Janmashtami. “May the festivities strengthen bonds and bring joy and peace in our lives,” Rio said in a tweet. DyCM: Deputy chief minister Y. Patton extended greetings to the devotees of Lord Krishna on the occasion of Janmasthami. “It is celebrated all over India with much fun and fervor, enacting the childhood days and life of Lord Krishna,” Patton said. Extending greetings on behalf of the state BJP legisla tors, Patton hoped that the celebrations would bring peace and harmony to one and all. Gov greets Sangtam community

DIMAPUR: Incessant Welfare Society Nagaland (IWSN) Training Cen-tre organised a seminar & awareness programme on healthcare sector at Gigal School Dimapur on Thurs day. In a press
Martha R Ritse, DC Zunheboto Rahul Bhanudas Mali and others on Thursday. (DIPR) expressed concern that if lesser cases are being filed despite of larger number of crimes commit-ted then it could be a cause of con cern for everyone. She then asked the Deputy Commis sioner (DC) Zunheboto to work along with the con cerned departments and get the definite data. Ritse also lauded Zun heboto district administra tion headed by DC for ensuring that the building came up in the stipulated time despite many challenges. She fur ther exhorted the depart ment to work with utmost sincerity.DC Zunheboto, Ra hul Bhanudas Mali lauded the officers and staff of Sakhi-One Stop Centre for their commendable ef forts even though the office was functioning in a rental housing.Mali said the district admin-istration would con tinue to assist and be avail able for the centre. The programme be gan with the unveiling of the inaugural stone and invocation by assistant pas tor youth (ZTSBC) Nipato; speech on be-half of the social welfare department was delivered by direc tor, social welfare, Tosheli Zhimomi; vote of thanks by EAC and nodal officer OSC Zunheboto, Mopling M. Phom and benediction by associate pas-tor sector (SBCZ), Veto Assumi
IWSN training centreseminarorganises
Lt. Y. S. Yansumong Born on : 01/ 07 /1956 Died on : 14 /08/2022 With profound gratitude and thanksgiving, we the bereaved family of Lt. Y.S.Yansumong would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to every individual, friends, groups, unions, organizations and societies who stood by us and extended unconditional support morally, financially, materially, physical presence and prayers throughout the prolonged illness and demise of our beloved father and my husband on 14th August 2022. We convey our gratefulness to: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
A CKN o WL e D ge M e N t p-3912/22
Mokokchung district TB forum discusses ways to eliminate TB STRY on post-harvest processing in KohimaLVC, LSU condemn Aug 15 firing incident
DIMAPUR: A six-day Skill Training of Rural Youth (STRY) pro-gramme on the topic, “post-harvest processing and packaging of fruits and vegetables” was organised by Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Ko-hima on August 11-17 at KVK, conference hall, Kohima.Ina press release, KVK Kohima informed that STRY was conducted under the aegis of ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, gov-ernment of India, in association with State Agricultural Manage ment & Extension Train ing Institute (SAMETI), Nagaland and National Insti-tute of Agricultural Extension caltion),Aier;ticulture),sionsduringareas.onruralparttrainingMezhatsuKohi-ma,entistnote(MANAGE),ManagementHyderabad.Deliveringthekeyaddress,seniorsciandhead,KVKDr.Ruokuoviliesaidthesix-daywasaimedtoimskill-basedtrainingtounemployedyouthagri-basedvocationalTheresourcepersonsthetechnicalsesincludedSMS(hor-Dr.ShisarenlaSMS(soilconservaImtinuksung;techniofficer(FM),Dr.Ses
1. Tikhir Baptist Church Kohima. 2. Women Department, TBC Kohima. 3. Youth Department, TBC Kohima. 4. Tikhir Union Kohima (TUK). 5. Anatongre Students’ Union Kohima. 6. Shri. Kekhrie Yhome 7. Shri. Zhazo Yhome. 8. Shri. Khotuo Yhome. 9. Shri. Neisokie Dzurehu. 10. Tikhir Baptist Church Kiphire Town (TBCK) 11. Women Department, TBC Kiphire Town. 12. Youth Department TBC Kiphire Town. 13. Tikhir Tribal Union Kiphire Town (TTUK). 14. Tikhir Women Union Kiphire Town (TWUK). 15. Tikhir Students’ Union Kiphire Town (TSUK). 16. Anatongre Village Union Kiphire Town (AVUK). 17. Tikhir Tribal Council (TTC). 18. Tikhir Women Association (TWA).
DIMAPUR: Zunhebo to district has registered only 20 cases on vio-lence against women and chil dren in the last three years, informed commissioner and secretary, department of social welfare and admi nis-trator Nagaland State Social Welfare Board (NS SWB), Martha R Ritse. According to a DIPR report, Ritse while inau gurating Sakhi-One Stop Centre office building Thursday at Zunheboto, said if registration of only 20 cases in last three years was “genuine” then Zunhe boto could be declared as one of the safest places for women and missionerHowever,children.thecomandsecretary
1 convicted for theft in Kiphire
Sakhi OSC building inaugurated in Zbto
DIMAPUR: The kick-off programme of the 2nd supervision mission of Fos tering of Climate Resilient Upland Farming System in the Northeast (FOCUS)Nagaland was held on August 17, in membersinteractedvisit.travelsionactionsthefinancialsentationpresentedCUS,deputyconstraintalsovisitingtomissioncommis-sionerally,atAugustAlliedprojectdistricts,scheduledfromtheCUS-MizoramthreeOfficer,headedreport,AccordingKohima.toaDIPRasix-memberteambyProgrammeFrewBehabtuandmembersfromFOar-rivedinstateandsomeofficialsIFADjoinedvirtually.ThemissionteamistovisitdifferentinteractwiththeteamandAgri&departmentsfrom18-24.Speakingtheprogrammevirtuagricultureproduction(APC)anddirector,Y.KikheSemawelcomedtheteammembers.Headdressedthefinancialofthestate.Attheprogramme,statedirector-FOI.LipokonenJamiranoverviewpreofthephysical,achieve-ments,statusoftheagreedofpreviousmisofthepro-jectandtheitineraryforthefieldLater,APCmetandwiththeteamatHotelVivor.
DIMAPUR: Mokokchung District Tuberculosis (TB) Forum held its meeting on August 18 in the conference hall of the chief medical officer (CMO) Mokokchung office, where the members deliberated the common vision of the country to eliminate TB by 2025. In a press release, CMO Mokokchung office stated that in the meeting, CMO Mokokchung, Dr. Limatula Aier encouraged the attendees for an interac tive and productive meeting keeping in mind the ulti mate goal of eliminating TB by the year 2025 while dep uty CMO, Dr. Aonung-dok gave a brief introduction on the formation and purpose of District TB Forum. In a PowerPoint pre sentation, district TB of ficer Mokokchung, Dr. R. Toshila Jamir highlighted the objectives of TB forum, terms of refer-ence of the district TB forum, National Strategic Plan 2017-25 for end-ing of TB in India and commitments/aims of the government of India to end TB by the year 2025 and achieve the goal, “TB Harega Desh Jeetega” cam paign which was launched on September 25, 2019. She also presented a detailed statistical slide on the TB scenario and achievement of the Mokokchungdistrict.SDO (C), Longdiba L Sangtam congratulated the DPO and team for achieving the high est district wise TB score for Nagaland, January- June quarter 2022. He further urged the district TB forum to actively contribute in the elimination of TB by the year 2025 as pro-posed by the Government of India. In a short speech, In dian Medical NMP+.andIMDH,istration,stafftendedinsupportstakeholderstomakingoftiativesplaudedDr.Mokokchung,Associationpresident,Medemmayangaptheincessantiniofthegovern-mentIndiaintacklingTBandservicesavailabletheneedy.Heurgedalltoassistandthehealthwork-erseliminatingTB.Themeetingwasatbyrepresentative/fromdistrictadmin-CMOoffice,TBHospital,CareSupportSocietyand
DIMAPUR: The chief judicial magistrate Kiphire, Phuleto Yeptho, convicted one Tsarili Sangtam to seven months simple imprisonment for theft.According to assistant public prosecutor, Sashilemba Kichu, the ac-cused was imprisoned for offence under section 379 of IPC on August 14, in connection to Kiphire police station case number January, 2022. While pronouncing the judg ment, the court said the prosecution proved beyond reasonable doubt that the accused committed an offence under section 379 IPC “be yond reasonable doubt.” Sashilemba Kichu conducted the case while UBSI Mhonchumo was the investigating officer.
Loving wife, children and grandchildren
19. GHS Ward No. 2, Kiphire Town. 20. GHS Yangphi, Kiphire Town. 21. Green Land Society, Kiphire. 22. Shri. T.Setsathong Sangtam, Langkok Village. 23. Good Shepherd School Kiphire Town. 24. Tikhir Baptist Biti Atükhianti (TBBA). 25. Anatongre Baptist Church (ABC) 26. Women Department, ABC. 27. Youth Department, ABC. 28. Anatongre Women Union (AWU). 29. Anatongre Students’ Union (ASU). 30. St. Mary’s Church, Anatongre Village. 31. Kiukhian Kyuyap. 32. Kiuphülong-Kiukhian Kyuyap 33. Latsü Baptist Fellowship. 34. Maihpok Village Council. 35. Maihpok Baptist Church. Loving Wife, Children, In-laws and Relatives. K.RENYIMI KIKON of Lt. K.RENYIMI KIKON offer our heartfelt gratitude to: 1. New Colony Wokha Town 2. Police Baptist Church Wokha Town 3. Wokha Town Lakhuti Ekhung 4. Wokha Town Kikon Ekhung 5. Lakhuti Baptist Ekhumko 6. Lakhuti Pangtilan Khel And all the individuals, families, friends, neighbors and well-wishers who stood by us through physical, emotional, financial support and through your prayers at the sudden demise of our loving mother. We deeply regret our inability to thank and mention everyone individually, but we pray that Almighty God bless you all abundantly. Loving Sons, Daughter, In-laws, Grand-Children and
enlo Kath and technical officer (home science), Keviyieno Zhasa. The resource persons spoke on topics such as scope and importance of post-harvest processing and packaging of fruits and vegetables, causes of food spoilage in fruits and vegetables, principles and methods of preservation, etc. Hands on practical sessions were also conduct ed where the participants were trained on making of various value-added prod ucts followed by packaging and labelling of prepared food products for sell and exhibi-tions.Altogether 15 partici pants attended the training and received certifi-cates provided under STRY scheme by Sub-Mission on Agricultural Exten sion (SMAE) and National Mission on Agriculture Extension & Technology (NMAET).
*1st July 1955 – 16th Aug 2022* We, the family of Lt. Visakho Paphino Sovima, Razha Khel would like to extend our sincere gratitude to everyone for your kindness, prayer and presence during the brief illness and passing of our beloved Father. We offer our heartfelt thanks to the friends, neighbours and well-wishers who visited our home and who provided emotional and practical support for us at this difficult times. A special thanks to the : 1. Nikos Hospital Dimapur, Staff. 2. Sovima Village Council. 3. Logos College Staff and Students. 4. Logos Church Sovima. 5. Pfuchama Chakro Union. 6. Pfuchama Village. 7. Dr. Roland & family. For their kindness and support shown at all times. Your presence meant a lot to us. May the good Lord bless you all abundantly.
DIMAPUR: Longwa Village Council (LVC) and Longwa Students’ Un-ion (LSU) have vehemently condemned the August 15, firing incident at Nyasa Village and Longwa Village, where some Indian army personnel were also injured. In a joint statement, LVC chairman, Nyasa Village and Longwa Village and LSU president, Jeilei said the incident which occurred on the na-tion’s Independence Day created a very tense environment while sending waves of fear and terror among the people of the region. LVC and LSU said the people of Longwa are “shocked and dismayed at the audacity of the concerned group/ individual to carry out operations in the heart of the village while risking the lives of the peace-loving inno-cent people, just for the sake of their inter est”. Despite of the strategic location of the village, LVC and LSU said the people of Longwa, though their minds are filled with fear, have been en-joying a peaceful environment for decades. “The reckless behaviour of the concerned group/individual has now be-come a barrier to our attachment to a peaceful environment, since our minds are disturbed post the incident,” read the statement. LVC and LSU said such acts would only be a hindrance to Naga Political Talks and that the stake holders should strictly refrain from use of vio-lence especially at the cost of risking the lives of the innocent public. Further, LVC and LSU has strongly appealed the concerned group/individual to abstain from cre ating such untoward incident hereafter and warned that such action would only invite non-cooperation of the people towards them.
DB-897/22 19.08.2021 Your memory is engraved in our hearts and we miss you every moment of our life, a void which can never get filled again. Loving husband, children, grandchildren & great grandchildren ON THE FIRST DEATH ANNIVERSARY of our dearest mother Rheitsoü Metha k-1882/22 25/05/1921-16/08/2022 Lt.
We the families
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT(29.11.1937–10.08.2022) k-1893/22 k-1891/22
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTRelativesDB-902/22 Dp-3905/22
We express our profound gratitude and deepest appreciations to all who stood by us physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially during the illness and sad demise of our beloved mother Lt. Mrs Kietono (Ato) Yhoshu on 10th AugustWords2022.are not enough to extend our thankfulness to each and everyone including churches, colleagues, wellwishers and relatives. We pray that Almighty God bless all for your kind and good gestures. - Loving Children, Grand Children and Family Members.

SDH office inaugurated at Meluri
Annual price bulletin, NSS 75th round reports released
DIMAPUR: District-level social audit public hearing under MGN REGA for nine villages audited for financial year 2020-21 was held in the conference hall of DPDB Kohima on August 17. According to a DIPR report, the gram panchayat/villages includ ed—Chedema Model, Dzulakema, Kiruphema Basa, Kiruphema Bawe, Gariphema Basa, Tseimekhuma Basa, Viphoma, Phekerkeima Basa & Thongsunyu under five (5) RD Blocks i.e., Kohima, Sechu-Zubza, Botsa, Chiephobozou & Tseminyu district.The programme was chaired by C. Khanyang Imlong PD/ DPC, DRDA, Kohima while Vepo Keyho, state resource person, Social Audit Unit Nagaland highlighted on MGNREGA programme and importance of social audit. Representing the district ad ministration, SDO (C) Sadar, Ko hima, Chonpenthung Ezung and EAC Kohima Pichano Kikon at tended the hearing as independent observers. Phek: The second phase dis trict level social audit public hearing under MGNREGA was held in the conference hall of DRDA Phek on AugustAccording17. to a DIPR report, 15 villages—Chozu-Basa (Sekruzou Block), Chesezu Nasa, Phuyoba, Thenyizu (Chetheba Block), Phusa chodu, Rihuba (Kikruma Block), Sumi, Chobama, Enhulumi, Go zuto (Chizami Block), Reguri, New Akhegwo, Molen (Meluri Block) & Yisisothe, Sutsu (Weziho Block) were audited for FY 2020-21 during 2nd phase social audit. Social Audit Unit Nagaland, assistant director Imlirenla Sanglir in her introductory speech high lighted the importance of social audit under MGNREGS. She reiterated the programme functionaries on guidelines since compliance of the states with the audit of scheme rules and ministry Action Plan on Social Audit would serve as a pre-condition for the re lease of Central share to the State Governments under MGNREGS. Representing the district ad ministration as an observer, SDO (C) Phek Tsenthungo E Ngullie appealed to the programme func tionaries to utilise fund judiciously for benefits of the village. He reiter ated on the importance of proper book keeping and to take corrective measures by implementing agencies as per social audit findings. The social audit report was presented by district resource per son, Toshimanen Jamir & block resource person, Keneise Sopfii. The resource persons high lighted audit findings where Open Action Taken Reports (ATRS) were being discussed and rectifications were produced in written by the concerned block development of ficersAltogether,(BDOs). Rs. 68,060 was recovered during the social audit process under the category of fi nancialThemisappropriation.programmewas chaired by project director & DPC, DRDA Phek district, Razukhru D. Vasa.
Advisor to the CM, Abu Metha releasing the annual price bulletin and NSS 75th round reports. (DIPR)
Various programmes organised for students
DGP T. John Longkumer along with the meritorious students and others on Thursday.
MC: Students’ seminar on “grooming to bloom” was organised by depart ment of Economics, Mod ern College and sponsored by 1st battalion, Assam Rifles, Kohima on August 18. In a press release, the college informed that special guest, commandant, 1st battalion Assam Rifles Ko hima, Col. Umesh Chandra Sati exhorted the students to develop skills, increase gen eral awareness and inculcate spirit of Sdbistry,rector,Resourceentrepreneurship.persons,diSalesianYouthMinFr.Dr.PeterSalew,spokeon“networking and people management” and “effective study method and students’ responsibility statement, youth animator, DBYES, Alan Paul spoke on “confidence building and youth animator DBYES, Khelika Achumi spoke on “personality development”.
Social audit public hearing under MGNREGA held in various districts USSC remainteachersaskstoatstation
DIMAPUR: United Sangtam Students Conference (USSC) has appealed to the responsible department to direct teachers who are posted in Kiphire to join their respective places of posting and start the classes within 10 days as per government notification dated July 21, 2022. In a press release, USSC vice president Sethrongba Y Sangtam said the classes for science stream were yet to start and the academic year 2022-23 was coming to an end. USSC said “as per the source”, out of five science teach ers have been deployed at Govern ment Higher Secondary School (GHSS) Kiphire and that two teachers were yet to join their places of posting. The conference also found that GHSS Kiphire was func tioning with shortage of two English (PGT) and one Sociology (PGT) since the upgradation of higher secondary school “despite repeated representation and ul timatums” made by USSC and school authority. In this regard, USSC asked the responsible authority to ex pedite the genuine demand as top priority for the welfare of the studentFurther,community.itexpressed grati tude to the department of School Education (DoSE) and state gov ernment for introducing science stream at GHSS Kiphire which, it said was a long-awaited dream for people of Kiphire district. Earlier, USSC also visited GHSS Kiphire and saw that the school was functioning with shortage of school benches and desks due to limited resources. In this regard, USSC donated school benches and desks for classes XI and XII.
MYK C MYK C 3STATENAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 2022 Q.: Is the financial position of the state in dire straits? A Yes. 63% B No. 22% C Can’t Say. 15% 100%90%80%70%60%50%40%30%20%10%0% nagalandpost.com Poll A B C NEXT POLL Q: Is Trump likely to be a presidential candidate in 2024? Yes. No. Can’t Say. (Temperature in ºC) Max Min Agartala A stray afternoon t-storm 33 26 Aizawl A stray thunderstorm 28 22 Guwahati Mostly cloudy with a t-storm 34 28 Imphal A thunderstorm in spots 29 21 Itanagar Warm with a t-storm in spots 34 26 Shillong Mainly cloudy with a t-storm 26 20 Kohima Mostly cloudy with a t-storm 28 19 Dimapur Mostly cloudy with a t-storm 34 25 Mkg Mostly cloudy with a t-storm 29 22 Tuensang A stray thunderstorm 24 18 Wokha A p.m. t-storm in spots 29 24 Zunheboto A stray thunderstorm 27 19 FORECASTWEATHERAUGUST19
DIMAPUR: A felicitationcum-award programme for HSLC and HSSLC topper of 2022 for children of Nagaland police personnel was held on Thursday at mini conference hall, PHQ. In a press release, PRO PHQ informed that director general of police (DGP) Na galand, T John Longkumer felicitated and presented the DGP commendation certificate along with cash to 13 meritorious children of Nagaland police person nel in recognition for their excellent academic achieve ment and performance. In his speech, Long kumer congratulated all the achievers and their parents for their dedication and sacrifice and wished them the best in the days to come. PRO said the award was presented to encourage the pursuits of excellence in education. The award incentive to the meritorious HSLC and HSSLC students was sponsored by the IPS Nagaland Chapter and NPS Association Nagaland. The programme was attended by DGP Naga land, senior police officer of PHQ, unit commanders and other meritorious students and parents through video conference from various parts of Nagaland. GHSS Wokha: With an objective to spread awareness among the youth on HIV & AIDS and illicit drug addiction, We Care Foundation (WCF) Wokha organised a seminar on HIV & AIDS and drugs addiction on August 17 at Govern ment Higher Secondary School (GHSS) Wokha. In a press release, WCF informed that WCFW coun sellor, Meribemo Patton said drug abuse posed a big threat to health and society in general and that it needed to be completely eliminated. On the present scenario of drug abuse in Wokha dis trict, Patton said it was “very high among the youth”. He cautioned that In jecting Drug Users (IDU) were at high risk of infec tion with blood-borne virus including Hepatitis B and HepatitisAssistantC. media and in formation executive WCFW, Renbeni Ovung spoke on drug abuse prevention men tioning demand reduction strategies, supply reduction strategies and strategies to mitigate negative health and social consequences.
SJU: St. Joseph Uni versity (SJU) department of Computer Science in collaboration with IIC or ganised “patriotic slogan contest” as part of 75th Independence Day celebra tion. The slogan “My home, My beautiful land to which I owe allegiance” written by Neipe K Nuh of I BCA won the contest while “We are the land of the free because of the brave” by Shelly N Swu of I Year B.A and “My Pride My Confidante; My India” by Vituna K Yeptho of III B.A bagged the joint runners up position
DIMAPUR: Advisor for Horticulture & Border Af fairs, Mhathung Yanthan on Thursday, inaugurated the Sub-Divisional Horticulture (SDH) office at Meluri. According to a DIPR report, the advisor said the present government focuses much on agri & allied sec tor, where horticulture was a major component. He pointed out that with climatic change and with new technological in puts, farming should not only be a means for sus tenance but also act as a business sector. In his speech, Yitachu, MLA, said the most impor tant element of economy for Nagas was agriculture. At the programme, additional director, Horti culture Y. Bongti Konyak and Meluri Area Public Organisation president Rho letho Ngouri also delivered speeches.Earlier, dedicato ry prayer was offered by MVBC pastor, Rev. Müluote Nyuwi, welcome address and vote of thanks were delivered by EAC Meluri Tsalimse Sangtam and DHO Phek Senkalemba P respec tively.
DIMAPUR: A book of An nual Price Bulletin 2022 & NSS 75th Round Reports— household social consump tion: health and household social consumption: edu cation, were released by advisor to chief minister, Abu Metha, in the confer ence hall of the Economics & Statistics directorate on Thursday.According to a DIPR report, commissioner & secretary, Kevileno Angami said that the department has been declared as the nodal agency for collection of data, for coalition, publica tion and dissemination of data for the state. She said that gather ing, analysing and inter preting data aids in many decision-making processes and if false data were to be collected, the state’s policies would be faulty. In his address, advisor to CM, Abu Metha said that the department was the source and the backbone of all the departments in the state. He stated that it was necessary for any govern ment, especially the state to ensure accurate informa tion and any policies, pro grammes which concerns the welfare of the people Metha said that gov ernment initiatives as such should be backed up by fac tual data and scientific data. Strategies should be formulated and data and information should not only be the foundation of re search and progress but they should also be available for students, he said. He added that the department’s books and publications and the journey that it goes through are the basis of every other department’s works. Metha urged upon the department to make maxi mum use of technology which would boost trans parency and meritocracy in the state.Pointing out that the way forward was through the advancement of technol ogy, he asked the depart ment to find ways to push the state ahead to establish numerical benchmarks and to ensure that policies were meeting initial aims and identifying any areas which requireTheimprovement.programme was chaired by additional direc tor, Charles N. Kikon while director Neidilhou Angami delivered the welcome ad dress and Economics & Sta tistics officer Visi Yhokha proposed vote of thanks.
Bhandari: The department of Rural Development Wokha conducted its second phase of district-level social audit public hearing under MGNREGS for 12 villages under Bhandari block for the financial year 2020-21 during financial year 2022 on Thursday in the conference hall of the deputy commissioner (DC), Wokha. According to a DIPR report, 12 GPs villages were covered dur ing the second phase social audit. State resource person Social Audit Unit (SAU) Nagaland, Vepo Keyho in his introductory speech highlighted on the importance of social audit under MGNREGA and other central sponsored schemes covering other departments. He said while the direct objec tives of social audit process were to deter corruption. Vepo said the social audits were critical mecha nism through which it empowered people and strengthened democratic action.To attain its objectives, he encouraged the implementing agen cies and programme functionaries to follow the Independentguidelines.observer from district administration, EAC, Wokha, I. Yentinougbou said af ter introduction of MGNREGA scheme in 2005, there was wit nesses’ enormous amount of de velopment throughout the country. In this regard, EAC urged upon the RD department and VDBs of the villages to implement all the schemes under MGNREGA judi ciously for the benefit of the village, district and country. He urged upon the Village Development Boards (VDBs) and village councils to execute works and projects with transparency and efficiency. DRDA Wokha, deputy project officer, Shuyhunle Nyethong urged the Village Development Boards of different villages to take corrective measures accordingly as per the social audit findings. She further reminded the VDBs to follow the MGNREGS guidelines while ex ecuting the projects. Block resource person of SAU and district resources persons pre sented social audit findings and issues resolved for 12 villages under BhandariLater,block.VDBs read-out the reso lutions adopted of the social audit findings for their respective villages. The programme was chaired by DPO, DRDA Wokha Shuyhunle Nyethong while vote of thanks was proposed by BDO Bhandari Along Konyak.

A said.Secretariat,”fromwaitingSeptemberofjubileebepresident,haspresent,ManikAryaMurmu,wherewilloldestanniversarybecross-countryculturalfootballcompetition,drawinginter-collegetournament,progammesandarunwillalsoheldasapartofthe75thofthestate’scollege,hesaid.ThemainprogrammebeheldonSeptember9PresidentDroupadiGovernorSNandChiefMinisterSahawillbeheadded.“ThechiefministeralreadyinvitedtherequestinghertopresentintheplatinumcelebrationsMBBCollegeon9.WeareforconfirmationthePresident’stheofficial
AFFIDAVIT I, Shri. I. LUCKLEE CHANG, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare before the Magistrate on this day 18th of August 2022. That my actual name is Shri. I. LUCKLEE CHANG, whereas it was erroneously entered in my Service Book as Shri. I. LAKLEE CHANG, in which the correct name was to be entered as Shri. I. LUCKLEE CHANG. Therefore, on this day onwards, I shall be known as Shri. I. LUCKLEE CHANG and shall be used in all my official documents. Declarant Solemnly affirm and declared before me on this day, the 18th of August 2022. 1st Class Magistratedb-903(b)/22db-103(a)/22
U.S. Consulate Kolkata & Asian Confluence host dialogue on NE region
Correspondent IMPHAL, AUG 18: Manipur chief minister N Biren Singh on Thursday cautioned that the right to free speech does not include the right to defame or slander.There should be limitations to the right of freedom of speech and expression, Singh said, in a speech on the occasion Sadbhavana Diwas which the state observed today. The day is to be observed on August 20. However, it was observed on Thursday as August 20 being Saturday is a holiday for state government offices and August 19 is a gazetted holiday on account of Janmashtami festival. Singh raised concern on exercising the freedom of speech by some people beyond the ambit provided under the Constitution of India, causing harm to the interest of the general public and creating tension among different communities. He said that his government will not tolerate any expression by individuals or organizations that will disturb the peace and tranquility and harmony of the languagespeoplecommunalnationalSadbhavanaManipurHallGandhiPrimebirthSadbhavanaearliest.thatelectedforumgrievancestoactivitiespublicthen,againstactions“Appropriatepeople.legalwillbeinitiatedthem,”hewarned.ThechiefministerappealedtothetorefrainfromsuchandaskedthemcomeupwiththeirintherightandthroughtheirrepresentativessoitcouldbesolvedattheThestateobservedDiwasontheanniversaryofformerMinisterRajivattheBanquetofthe1stBattalionRiflesinImphal.Thethemeofistopromoteintegrationandharmonyamongofallreligions,andregions.The idea behind observance is to eschew violence and to promote goodwill among the people.Thechief minister maintained that the motto of his government was to protect the lives and property of the general public, adding that the government would always work for the welfare of its people irrespective of differences among different communities residing in the state.Manipur is like a miniIndia where people from different communities have been residing together for the last many years, he said even as he stressed on the importance of phasing out all differences and marching forward together to make one Manipur within one India.He said the observation of the Sadbhavana Diwas was very important for a country like India where different communities live together and expressed his desire to make the observance more meaningful with every citizen following its basic theme of Sadbhavana in a real sense.
part of Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav celebrations, which helped more than 5000 people. “We will continue to conduct such programs in the future for the convenience of the people,” he Deputysaid.Chief Minister Chowna Mein said the government has taken many initiatives to ensure that the benefits of various programmes reach the last mile.The good governance index was conceptualised to focus on aspects which may vary from the development indices. Recognising the importance of the index, the Cabinet had taken the decision to prepare it in January this year, Mein said.
“The ruleBritishAminulstatement,heforcesfeelofanythingWesomegovernmentindependenthastotakestepswithcourage.willnottoleratethreateningthelifeourindigenousyouths.IthatsomeinternationalaretargetingAssam,”said.ReactingtohisAIUDFMLAIslamsaidthatthepolicyofdivideandstillpersists.
centralButgovernments.soonafter the Modi government took over in 2014, the prime minister had stated that every effort would be made to bring the region at par with the more developed areas of the country, the minister said. Singh said Prime Minister Modi is working to make Arunachal a major gateway to East Asia.
ITANAGAR, AUG 18 (PTI): Union Minister of State for Personnel Jitendra Singh on Thursday said Prime Minister Narendra Modi is working to make Arunachal Pradesh a major gateway to East Asia. He said the work culture of Northeast has seen
A presentation during the conclave in Shillong.
AGARTALA, AUG 18 (PTI): President Droupadi Murmu is likely to attend the platinum jubilee celebrations of Mahara Bir Birkam College, which will commence on September 5, Education Minister Ratan Lal Nath said. Nath, who presided over a preparatory meeting for the programme on Wednesday, said the presence of the president will take the celebrations to a great height. “A rally will be held to mark the occasion on September 5 and the state-level teachers’ day programme will also be held at the MBB College campus,” a senior official of the higher education department said on Thursday.
There have been attacks on the press, people’s rights, Constitution and language,weakenhascentralised,”andStateGSTisThewhichmakestagessocietyreligious,India’sevolved,anddemocracy,parliamentarywhilefascismcommunalismhaveheclaimed.“After75yearsofindependence,afeudalandcasteistisbeingmade.AllhavebeenmadetoIndiaafasciststate,weallmustresist.economicconditionalsoverybad.Thereisonalmostallitems.rightsarecurtailedeverythingisbeingGogoisaid.HeallegedthattherebeenanattempttotheAssamesewhiletheCAA was brought in to weaken the Assamese“Whilesociety.we have achieved procedural democracy, substantive democracy is not attained in India. An independent media is very important, but it is being systematically weakened. The biggest scare is the change of attitude of the people. The common people are liking fascism, communalism and autocracy, and that is very worrying,” Gogoi said. Raking up the issue of Islamic fundamentalism, BJP MLA Padma Hazarika said, “Will we be able to tolerate jihadi activities? Will the brotherhood remain? Some people are conspiring to make Assam a part of a network. Shouldn’t we raise our voice?”
AGARTALA, AUG 18 (PTI): Tripura Chief Minister Manik Saha on Thursday claimed that all opposition parties – the CPI(M), Congress and the Trinamool Congress - had joined hands to defeat the BJP in the June 23 byelections but remained unsuccessful.Theruling BJP won three assembly seats and the Congress bagged one in the by-polls. Saha is one of the saffron party candidates who emerged victorious. “They (opposition parties) had joined hands to ensure defeat of the BJP in the recent by-elections to four Assembly constituencies but could not succeed in their plan,” he said during a party programme here. Saha, who is also the state BJP president, claimed that opposition parties transferred votes in their bid to defeat the saffron party. The chief minister, who returned from New Delhi earlier this week after meeting central BJP leaders, said, “We have guardians and have to discharge duties as per instructions from them.” The opposition parties indulged in negative politics to create riots but people foiled their design, he claimed. The Assembly elections are due in the state in 2023.“Our Prime Minister Narendra Modi works for 24 hours to bring change in the society. If we can do 25 per cent of what the prime minister does, the society is bound to change,” he said. The chief minister said the able leadership of Modi and the then BJP national president Amit Shah has brought political change in Tripura in the 2018 Assembly elections.
Dutta, Executive Director, Asian Confluence said “It is really important, for us to connect the dots between the strategic importance of the Northeast region and the evolving Indo Pacific in global geopolitics. It’s a pleasure to collaborate with the US consulate to put together this timely dialogue as a part of larger initiative to connect Indo Pacific at people level”.
GUWAHATI, AUG 17 (PTI): The opposition in Assam on Wednesday claimed that secularism is being attacked and there is an attempt to destroy the Constitution after 75 years of India’s independence, while the biggest worry is the common man’s gradual liking for
Tripura opposition failed to defeat BJP in by-polls: CM Manik Saha Manik Saha
There should be limitations to freedom of speech and expression; Manipur CM N Biren Singh
Union Minister Jitendra Singh in Arunachal Pradesh
ITANAGAR, AUG 18 (PTI): Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu Thursday lauded the Centre for extending all possible help to the state. He urged the Centre to make policy decision for the border state keeping in view its topography and the challenges it Statingfaces.that a transparent model of governance is the prime focus of the state government, he said the government has already announced 2022-23 as the year of e-governance and is accordingly undertaking initiatives.Hesaid that the developments that the northeastern state witnessed in the last eight years were due to the focused initiative of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. “Arunachal will achieve the happiness index when the country will celebrate 100 years of Independence. Several initiatives are being taken up for it,” Khandu said at the inaugural session of a two-day regional conference on ‘Bringing citizens and government closer through administrative reforms’. “Aligned to the vision of vibrant
anGuwahatiupofcapitalconnected100oftimelinecompletedNortheastsaid,eighttransformationrevolutionaryinthelastyears.Asaresult,theministernowtheprojectsinaregettingwithinafixedandtheutilisationcentralfundsisalmostpercent.“EverystateistotheUnionbyrailwayandeachtheeightstatesiscomingwithitsairportwhereashasturnedintoimportantinternational airport,” Singh myopicsufferedtheSinghMinisterArunachalReforms”throughandthemeregionalInauguratingsaid.atwo-dayconferenceonthe“BringingCitizensGovernmentCloserAdministrativeherealongwithPradeshChiefPemaKhandu,said,priorto2014,NorthEasternregioneconomicallyduetopoliciesofsuccessive
Khandu urges Centre to prepare state-specific policies
forces, but the internal enemies are weakening the society, he “Secularismclaimed.is being attacked and there is an attempt to destroy the Constitution, which must be resisted. Any opposing voice is branded antinational and it will not strengthen democracy,” TalukdarIndependentsaid. member Akhil Gogoi said: “In the last 75 years, there have been many attempts to dislodge democracy. The declaration of Emergency in 1975 is the biggest black chapter in independent India. From 2014, there has been re-emergence of emergency though it has not been officially declared.”
Akhil Gogoi and Manoranjan Talukdar liking for communalism a worry’
PM working to make Arunachal a major gateway to East Asia: Jitendra SinghPresident Murmu likely to visit Tripura on Sept. 5
DECLARATION I, Smt. KEHEIZAILULE ZELIANG , D/o Lt. HEGWANGBE ZELIANG, of Peren District, Nagaland do hereby solemnly declare before the magistrate. That my actual father's name is Lt. HEGWANGBE ZELIANG, whereas it has been inadvertently written as Lt. HEGUWANGBE ZELIANG, in my Appointment Order. That the name Lt. HEGUWANGBE ZELIANG and Lt. HEGWANGBE ZELIANG refers to one and the same person. That from this day, my father's name, Lt. HEGWANGBE ZELIANG, shall be the right name and shall be used for all purposes. Deponent Solemnly declared before me on this day, the 20th June, 2022. Magistrate
‘Common man’s
“One section is being weakened economically and their homes are being destroyed -- it is not justified. All sections of people brought freedom and there is a huge contribution of Muslims to it,” he said. Islam asserted that it is not good to rewrite history as it will be an injustice to all those who sacrificed their lives in the freedom movement.Supporting the AIUDF leader, Congress MLA Kamalakhya Dey Purkayastha said that one can edit history books, but none can change it. UPPL legislator and Welfare of Bodoland Minister Urkhao Gwra Brahma said, “There is a need to compile the history of Assam and the Northeast as a whole. There are many heroes and incidents that are still unknown to the people.”Atthe end of the fivehour-long discussion, the Assembly unanimously adopted a resolution to implement various steps for strengthening democracy and different sections of the society while protecting the country’s unity and sovereignty.
“Modern infrastructure is set up, seeing Arunachal’s role regarding national security. Nature has endowed Arunachal with a lot of its treasures and the Centre is also trying to take the tourism potential of Arunachal to the whole world,” he said. Singh said that in the last eight years not only developmental gaps were bridged successfully, but the North Eastern region has also gained psychological confidence.Theminister added the significant development in terms of road, rail and air connectivity is helping facilitate the movement of goods and persons not only across the region but also across the Singhcountry.saidit is only after Narendra Modi took over as prime minister that such conferences are held in the farthest north eastern states like Arunachal Pradesh as well as other hilly and backward areas to empower them in every walk of life.He said the Itanagar conference, being organised by the Department of servicegovernanceforandtechnologytoe-governance‘ShillongAugust,heldconferencecomesGrievancesReformsAdministrativeandPublic(DARPG),afterthenationalone-governanceinMeghalayain2019,whentheDeclaration’onwasadoptedsharebestpractices,latestdevelopmentsleveragingthemachievingeffectiveandpublicdelivery.Singhinformed that the Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances in collaboration with the Government of Arunachal Pradesh and the Centre for Good Governance, Hyderabad has developed a District Good Governance Index, a first for North Eastern states, on the lines of the National Good Governance Index for improving the efficiency of governance across districts, according to a Personnel Ministry statement. He said DARPG also plans to collaborate with the Government of Arunachal Pradesh to develop a District Good Governance portal for monitoring the rankings of each district of the state on a monthly basis and help in benchmarking performance within the state.
Pema Khandu SHILLONG, AUG 18 (NPN): A conclave on the theme “The North Eastern Region of India and the neighbourhood as a strategic connector for the Indo Pacific region” was organized by thinktank Asian Confluence in collaboration with the U.S. Consulate General Kolkata at the Asian Confluence headquarter in Shillong on Thursday.The conclave witnessed a galaxy of speakers speaking on three themes: trade and connectivity, climate and ecology, and migration and peaceInbuilding.heropening remarks, ambassador Riva Ganguly Das, former secretary (East), Ministry of External Affairs, and member governing council, Asian Confluence who also served as a high commissioner of Bangladesh and Director General ICCR, said “NER is a vital link between two very important pillars of Indian Foreign Policy: Neighborhood First and Act East. NER connects us to our neighbours and to one of the most economically dynamic and politically significant geographies in the world – the ASEAN and the IndoAmbassadorPacific”. Md. Shahidul Haque, former Bangladeshi foreign secretary, in his keynote address, made a detailed presentation on the IndoPacific and talked about the Bangladesh point of view. Margaret MacLeod, first secretary, public diplomacy section, U.S. Embassy New Delhi said, “We seek to deepen our role in the Indo-Pacific, building shared capacity with our partners to address our shared challenges. I look forward to learning what opportunities the people of North East India see for cooperation to respond to regional and global challenges”.Adrian J. Pratt, public affairs officer, U.S. Consulate General Kolkata said “In keeping with the larger regional goals of integration and development, it is very important to create local stakes to sustain that over a long period of time- in building market connectivity, human and natural capital, diversity, and cultural richness. In the post-pandemic world, leveraging these factors could play an important role in the growing QUAD partnership in the IndoPacificSabyasachinarrative.”

The department “Directorate of Technical Education”, The Government of Nagaland invites applications for above scholarships, given by the Ministry of Minority Affairs, Government of India for the above schemes”. The scholarship portal www.scholarships. gov.in is now made live for the said scheme(s).
AHMEDABAD, AUG 18 (PTI): Rajasthan Chief Minister and senior Con gress leader Ashok Gehlot on Thursday cautioned that India would meet the same fate as that of Pakistan if the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) tries to turn the country into a ‘Hindu Rashtra’.The Congress’ senior observer for the Gujarat Assembly elections also ac cused the BJP of fighting and winning elections only on the issue of religion. Gehlot has been on a two-day visit to the BJPruled Gujarat from Wednes day to hold meetings with party leaders to review their preparedness for the upcom ing Assembly polls, expect ed to be held in December this year.Talking to reporters on the last day of his visit, Gehlot said, “Many people, such as activists and jour nalists, have been jailed by the BJP across the country. They are fascist, who are winning elections only on the issue of religion. Other wise, BJP does not have any ideology, policy or gover nanceHemodel.”cautioned that In dia would meet the same fate as Pakistan if the BJP tries to turn the country into a ‘Hindu“PoliticsRashtra’.based on reli gion is the easiest of all and even Adolf Hitler indulged in it,” he said, while accus ing the BJP of misguiding people in the name of “Gu jarat Gehlot,model”. who was incharge of the Gujarat Con gress in 2017, said, “We were very close to winning the 2017 Assembly elec tions. But unfortunately, the way PM Modi pitched himself and acted like a Bollywood actor during the campaign, we lost. To gain sympathy, he even dis torted Congress leader Mani Shakar Aiyar’s statement during the campaign and claimed that Aiyar called him a ‘neech aadmi’ (lowly person).”
Gehlot warns against turning India into Hindu Rashtra
NAGALAND : KOHIMA No. dTE/MIN/4/2013/9 Kohima, dated the 17th August, 2022 NOTIFICATION (Post-Matric Scholarship and Merit-cum-Means based Scholarship) Ministry of Minority Affairs (MoMA) provides an opportunity to the students belonging to six Minorities communities notified by the Government of India (Jain, Buddhist, Sikh, Zoroastrian (Parsis), Muslim and christian) for availing scholarships under two scholarship schemes viz. Post-Martic and Merit cum-Means based Scholarship for the year 2022-23.
Eligibility: The applicant should be the student of the notified minority communities (Jain, Buddhist, Sikh, Zoroastian (Parsis), Muslim and christian).
Manish Sisodia
• For any query, one may mail their query addressed to State Nodal Officer- Er. Unoto Kinimi to minoritynagaland@gmail.com (ER. M. (DIRECTOR)NAKRO)dc-939/22 Sec. candidate) are invited for the post of Education Instructor. B.PEd/MPEd. HSL c onwards should reach on or before 22nd August 2022. with relevant will preferred. : 7630856643/248507 P-3901/22
Boat with weapons found in Raigad coast
Ashok Gehlot with senior Congress leaders flags off election campaign vehicles in Ahmedabad. (PTI)
Little Star Hr.
Timeline: Last date for submission of online applications for Fresh scholarship (first time applicant) and Renewal scholarship (applicant who has got scholarship during 2021-22) by students. i. Post-Matric Scholarship & ii. Merit-cum-Means based Scholarship 31st October 2022
Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia Thursday wrote to Union Home Minister Amit Shah urging him to order an “im partial probe” to ascertain on whose instructions the decision to shift Rohingyas to flats here was taken. Addressing a press con ference, Sisodia termed the move to shift Rohingya refugees “a conspiracy” and alleged that the decision in this regard was taken by some central government officials and those of Delhi Police while keeping him and Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal “completely in dark”. “Hence I have writ ten a letter to home minister and requested that he should first make Centre’s stand clear before the country. If the Centre also believes that Rohingyas must not be allowed to settle down, then on whose instruction these decisions were being taken going against even the Centre’s stand. An impartial probe should be held into the issue, and whosoever, if they were going against the Centre’s stand or go ing ahead hiding it from the elected government of Delhi, strict action should be taken against them,” he said. Sisodia said the Kejriwal dispensation has made its stand clear time and again that it considers any type of “illegal stay of Rohingyas” in the national capital a threat to Delhi and national“Wesecurity.didnot take any decision to shift Rohingya Muslims to flats. The Cen tre also says it didn’t. Then who did it?” Sisodia asked and demanded strict action against those behind the decision. Sisodia claimed the Union Home Ministry came out with a clarification on the issue on Wednesday only after a row erupted over Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri’s tweets on the move to shift Rohingyas to apartments in Bakkarwala area in outer Delhi. Hours after Puri said that Rohingya refugees in the national capital will be shifted to flats for the economically weaker section, the Union Home Ministry on Wednesday denied any such move.
NEW DELHI, AUG 18 (PTI): Union Minister of Ports, Shipping and Water ways Sarbananda Sonowal on Thursday left for Iran on a four-day visit during which he will assess the progress of the first phase of the Chabahar port and interact with senior functionaries of the Central Asian countries and explore business oppor tunities.Located in the SistanBalochistan province on the energy-rich Iran’s southern coast, the Chabahar port is being developed by India, Iran and Afghanistan to boost trade “Duringties.my visit to Iran, I will assess the prog ress of the Chabahar port and look for business oppor tunities between South Asia and Central Asia,” Sonowal told PTI before leaving for Tehran.The minister said he will hold discussions with Iranian government func tionaries, meet stakeholders of the Chabahar port and attend business-to-business (B2B) meetings to explore tradeSonowal’spotential. visit to Iran came a fortnight after India hosted an event on ‘Chaba har Day’ to promote ‘Cha bahar - Link to INSTCConnecting Central Asian Markets’.The andChabaharCentralandshipmentsthesionridorNorth-SouthInternationalTransportCor(INSTC)isIndia’sviandinitiativetoreducetimetakenforEXIMtoreachRussiaEurope,andentertheAsianmarkets.“OurvisionistomakeportatransithublinkittoINSTCto reach out to Central Asian Countries,” Sonowal said. He said due to the potential of the Central Asian market, the Indialed connectivity initiatives help provide secure and commercially-viable access to the Indian Ocean region for Central Asian countries. He said the Chabahar port is a strategically located facility which can connect Central Asia and also South Asia.“The Chabahar port will improve the logistics network of the Central Asia and promote joint initiative to create a regional trans national transport corridor which will boost not only In dia’s trade but global trade,” Sonowal said. In 2015, India agreed to help develop Iran’s Cha bahar port and an associ ated railway that would enable India to trade with Afghanistan, unimpeded by Pakistan,After a brief halt, In dia accelerated the work on Chabahar port last year. In May 2016, Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Iran and signed an agreement to invest USD 500 million to develop the port and related infra structure.
to assess Chabahar port Anurag
• The course being pursued should be of Minimum one year duration. The applicant should have secured 50% marks in the last annual Board/class examination. For Applicants Applicants are advised to apply online against any one of the scholarship schemes on the website of National Scholarship Portal at www.scholarships.gov.in. detailed ‘Instructions’ for filling in online application and ‘Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) are available on the National Scholarship Portal homepage.
the undersigned
Sonowal leaves for
NEW DELHI, AUG 18 (PTI): The BJP on Thursday stepped up its attack on the AAP government in Delhi over the issue of Rohingya Muslims and alleged Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal was distributing “revdi” to the illegal immigrants and was ready to compromise on national security for vote bank Speakingpolitics. to reporters here, BJP leader and Union minister Anurag Thakur said that for political ben efits, “Kejriwal is giving free water, electricity, ration to Rohingyas. And the Delhi government is now planning to give them flats. Now they are distributing ‘revdi’ (free bies) to Thethem.”BJPand the AAP have been engaged in a war of words on the issue of shifting of Rohingya Mus lims to flats for the economi cally weaker section (EWS) in the Bakkarwala area in Delhi.Hours after Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri on Wednesday said Rohingya refugees in the na tional capital will be shifted to EWS flats, the Union Home Ministry denied any such move and directed the Delhi government to ensure that “illegal foreigners” re main in detention centres pending their extradition. It also said that the Del hi government “proposed to shift Rohingya Muslims to a new location”.Dubbing Kejriwal a “lie minister and not chief minister”, Thakur said, “He is speaking blatant lie.... Kejriwal and AAP are ready to compromise on national security for vote bank poli tics.”“National security is of utmost importance to the BJP,” he said, while assert ing the central government has made it clear several times that illegal immigrants will not be given shelter here and the government is in talks to send them back to their “Icountries.againwant to make it clear that the Home Min istry has categorically stated Rohingya illegal migrants will not be given Indian citizenship. And they will be sent back,” Thakur said.
“At that time, people used to make fun of BJP’s development model by say ing ‘Vikas has gone mad’. It was a big issue in 2017. To counter that slogan, Modiji, like an actor, came out with a slogan that ‘I am Vikas’. He even landed on a river on a seaplane to win the elec tions,” the senior Congress leader model”hasGehlotcandidateswhoofInvestigationthanthe“terrorising”underforcementleaderthepartyseats,House,Inadded.the182-membertheBJPhadwon99whilethegrandoldhadbagged77seatsin2017Gujaratelections.TheseniorCongressclaimedthattheEnDirectorate(ED)theBJPhasbeenpeoplebecauseagencyhasmorepowertheCentralBureauof(CBI).ReferringtotheexitseveralCongressMLAslateronwonasBJPinthebypolls,saidtheGujaratBJPgiven“horsetradingtothecountry.
• Applicant is advised to give only that bank account details which remains in active mode compliant as per bank’s instructions so that payment of Scholarship does not fail. For Universities/ Institutes/College/School
LAKHIMPUR KHERI (UP), AUG 18 (PTI): The Samyukta Kisan Morcha (SKM) on Thursday morn ing began its 75-hour-long dharna at Rajapur Mandi Samiti in Lakhimpur city to press for its various de mands, including the sack ing of Union minister Ajay KumarTheMishra.SKM had decid ed to hold a protest from August 18 to 20 to seek “justice” in the Lakhimpur Kheri violence case. “BKU national spokesperson Rakesh Ti kait, national organisation secretary Bhudev Sharma and some other prominent leaders arrived here on Wednesday for the dhar na,” the district president of Bharatiya Kisan Union-Ti kait (BKU-Tikait), the local convener of the agitation, Dilbagh Singh Sandhu, told PTI.Many more leaders of SKM would participate in the dharna, he said. Avtar Singh Mehlo, state vice president of BKU (Lakhewal), who arrived
Bhartiya Kisan Union National Spokesperson Rakesh Tikait along with farmers. (PTI) Iran; SarbanandaThakurSonowal
Application, resume with passport size photo and necessary documents from
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AAP and BJP spar over ‘Rohingya flat’ issue
• Last date for Institute to scrutiny and verify student application: 15th Nov, 2022. All Universities/Institutes/colleges/Schools, where a minority student is studying, should get themselves registered (if not done earlier) on National Scholarship Portal with KYc and Aadhaar-demo-Authentication of their Nodal Officer by 31st August, 2022
School Midland : VACANCYDimapur Applications (Male
• It has been noticed that a good number of student’s online application gets unverified at the Institute Level. Institutes are advised to regularly forward online application as in when student apply for the scholarship. Institutes are advised to strictly maintain the scholarship hardcopy of the beneficiaries.
MUMBAI, AUG 18 (PTI): Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadna vis on Thursday said the boat found with some semiautomatic weapons off the Raigad coast was owned by an Australian woman. The boat drifted due to the inclement weather and came to the Raigad coast, Fadnavis informed the state Assembly. The state home minister made the statement after NCP legislator Aditi Tatkare raised the issue in the House. “The boat found drifted off the Raigad coast is owned by an Australian woman. Some semi-auto matic weapons have been found on it,” he said. “Central agencies and the state police have started an investigation into the matter,” he Earlier,added.aCoast Guard official said there was no securityAccordingthreat. to officials, the crew members of this boat had been rescued in June this year near the Oman coast.
Three AK-47 rifles and bullets found from a boat off the Raigad coast in Maharashtra, Thursday. (PTI)
Kejriwal distributing ‘revdi’ to Rohingyas: BJP Manish Sisodia writes to Shah, seeks probe
SKM begins 75-hour-long farmers’ protest in UP here at the dharna spot on Thursday morning along with his supporters, said “our fight is for justice to the farmers killed in Tiku nia violence on October 3, 2021.”“We demand sacking of Union MoS home Ajay Kumar Mishra, compen sation to the families of farmers who died in farm ers’ agitation, law for MSP, roll back of electricity bill 2022,” Mehlo said. The Union minister’s son, Ashish Mishra, is an accused in the violence that left four farmers dead here last year.Farmers from various parts of UP, Uttarakhand, Punjab, and Haryana have started pouring in large groups to participate in the dharna.On October 3 last year, eight people were killed in Lakhimpur Kheri in Tiku nia village during a car inci dent that happened during a farmers’ protest against Uttar Pradesh deputy chief minister Keshav Prasad Maurya’s visit to the area. Four farmers who were part of the protest were mowed down by an SUV, with the minister’s son allegedly as one of the occupants. A driver and two BJP workers were al legedly lynched by angry farmers.Ajournalist had also died in the violence that triggered outrage among the Opposition parties and farmer groups agitating over the Centre’s now-re pealed agriculture laws. Sandhu, when asked if permission had been taken from the district authorities for their current agitation, said, “We had informed the district authorities about the agitation.”“Though no written permission was sought or obtained, the authorities have made arrangements of safety and security, sani tation, and water etc,” he added.Elaborate security ar rangements in and around the Mandi Samiti have been ensured by the authorities.

H ealthcare delivery system has come a long way in pro viding primary, preventive and curative health care with its three-tier system viz- Primary, Secondary and Tertiary. Ayushman Bharat lays the foundation of upgradation of exist ing primary healthcare facilities into Health and Wellness Centres (HWCs) and also provisioned the IT enabled consultation and service delivery through telemedicine.Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (Mo HFW) with the support from Centre for Develop ment of Advanced Com puting (C-DAC) launched eSanjeevani, a national telemedicine platform to virtually connect patients, irrespective of where they live with qualified and skilled health providers. In Nagaland it was launched on 6th August 2022 by the Minister for Health & Family Welfare, S. Pangnyu Phom. US AID’s flagship health sys tem strengthening project NISHTHA, implemented by Jhpiego is support ing the state of Nagaland for operationalization of HWCs and smooth implementation of eSan jeevani Tele-Consultation in the state. State Health Department endeavours to strengthen the service delivery through the eS anjeevani application by providing requisite training and other support to the health care workers at all the facility level. The Tele-Consulta tion platform has 2 mod ules:Community Health Officers (CHOs) to Doc tor- to enable patient as sisted consultations by the CHOs to the Doctors at the HWCs (eSanjeevani AB-HWC). Patients re quiring treatment should visit the Health and Well ness Center-SC, whereby necessary examination and investigation will be done and tele-consultation can be initiated through the Community Health Officers.Patient to Doctor- it allows patients to consult doctors from the comfort of their homes (eSanje evani OPD). For Patient to Doctor Consultation, the application can be accessed using the web page URL as http://esanjeevaniopd. in. Download the android/ IOS based eSanjeevani OPD Application from Play Store and follow the steps shown e-Sanjeevanibelow:enables a patient residing in ru ral areas to avail quality healthcare services. It ex tends the reach of special ized healthcare services to masses in both rural areas and isolated communi ties. It will also enable the health practitioners to give e-prescriptions.Thetiming of the eS anjeevani OPD services initially will function from 10:00 A.M to 4:00 P.M on official working days. National Health Mission, Nagaland T he local papers pub lished the Nagaland Home Commission er’s order dated August 16, 2022 based on the National Highway Act 1956 and the Prevention of Damage to Public Property Act 1984 including Indian Penal Code(IPC) restricting open public “bandhs, strikes, agi tations involving blocking National Highways and public roads in the State as a mode of agitation to press for (redressing) their grievances.” “…agitation to press for certain local demands, calls are given for disturbing celebrations of ‘National Days’ or forceful ly preventing law-abiding citizens from participating in such celebrations and functions.” On the eve of the 75 years celebration of India’s Independence Day, the NSCN(K-YA) and ULFA jointly called for boycott. It is therefore obvious and relevant that such an order restricting anti- national elements from disturbing the set na tional day celebrations by the Govt. is correct and is in the public Nevertheless,interest.such an order of the UDA Govt. intending to totally curb the voice of the aggrieved individual or a group of the aggrieved individuals seeking for redress through peaceful agitation in Naga land is against the spirit of democracy. The very order, as I understood, implies that the general public has no right to disagree and to criticize the decisions and actions of the Govt. how ever detrimental it may be. There is no law which per mits the established Govt. to take the public for a ride as though the people are lesser human beings hav ing no right to oppose and expose the wrongdoings. Rather, the Constitution of India provides the basic and fundamental rights for every citizen of India. One has the freedom of speech and expression, freedom to assemble peacefully, and the citizens have the right against exploitation. The very order is, therefore, against the spirit of the Constitution of India. No matter how trans parent and honest an es tablished Govt. of a State or of the Union may be, it is humanly impossible to usher in a perfect gov ernance. There are always both natural and unnatural tendencies to commit er rors in governance whereby any citizen or section of citizens is/are aggrieved. When so, the ag grieved party has the demo cratic rights to seek for redress through peaceful agitations. Such demon strations are natural too to cause inconveniences to the targeted authority or to the general public for a limited period of time. And if at all no such inconvenience is caused to the concerned authorities, how will the aggrieved party attract the attention of the redresser? And if the attention of the authority is not drawn by such agita tion, how will the aggrieved party ever attain redressal? Is not the very order of the Home Commis sioner, Govt. of Nagaland an overlapping notification when there has been such existing laws as quoted and not requiring repetition or addendum? Was the successful public rally on the 5th of August, 2022 at Dimapur town the eye opener as well as the eye sore to UDA Govt.? Had the facilitation of the UDA Govt. been sincere, trans parent and effective, the political solution would have evolved by now. Yet, since the UDA’s facilita tion goes ‘flip-flop’ most of the time, the citizens of Nagaland are made to feel unrepresented lest they themselves present their plight to GoI through such public involvement. And the said public rally was nothing more than the ear nest demand of the public for early political solution from the negotiators and particularly from the GoI. If the UDA is genu inely for solution, and it is believed so since it has never made any official statement against the politi cal solution there was no difference in its objectivity between the UDA Govt. and the Dimapur rallyists for the fact that the rally was solely for early politi cal solution. Therefore, the UDA is supposed to be pleased with the show of public strength on that day rather than being alarmed. What prompted the UDA Govt. to suddenly become so apprehensive about public agitations in the democratic State-Na galand? Does UDA Govt. have the hidden agenda that no right message be sent to GoI from the gen eral public out of such rallies as for the political solution is concerned? At this juncture, if one places one’s ego above solution, no matter how one pro fesses, it comes to naught. Well, much to the con sternation of the rulers, the governance of UDA Govt. has been in shambles. So much injustices have been done to the citizens of Nagaland over the years. Some few decades ago, the Opposition bench accused the Treasury bench that ‘developments are made in heaven and bills are made on earth.’ Similarly, the rul ers have been at their best in attempts to camouflage their anti-people activities with HiFi public state ments similar to that of the hiding of the Ostrich. It is therefore undem ocratic and unacceptable of such order of curbing the public agitations which are peaceful. The UDA Govt. being ultimatum fueled and agitation fueled Govt., unless democratic agitations are there, the suf fering and the suppressed public will be forced to live in the 17th and 18th centuries slavery age. The elected members have the mandate to rule the State for 5 years and yet they are not voted to take the citizens to be their slaves. I, for one, stand for democratic and peaceful agitations of any kind as my rights are enshrined in the Constitution of India. I stand against the autocratic rule because I am neither a Russian nor a Chinese, but I am a Naga and an Indian citizen. Z. Lohe
~ C.S. Lewis, A Grief Observed
When he heard this, he became very sorrowful, for he was very rich. —Luke 18:23 The rich young ruler went away from Jesus speech less with sorrow, having nothing to say in response to Jesus’ words. He had no doubt about what Jesus had said or what it meant, and it produced in him a sorrow with no words with which to respond. Have you ever been there? Has God’s Word ever come to you, pointing out an area of your life, requiring you to yield it to Him? Maybe He has pointed out certain personal qualities, desires, and interests, or possibly relationships of your heart and mind. If so, then you have often been speech less with sorrow. The Lord will not go after you, and He will not plead with you. But every time He meets you at the place where He has pointed, He will simply repeat His words, saying, “If you really mean what you say, these are the“Sellconditions.”allthatyou have…” (Luke 18:22). In other words, rid yourself before God of everything that might be considered a possession until you are a mere con scious human being standing before Him, and then give God that. That is where the battle is truly fought— in the realm of your will before God. Are you more devoted to your idea of what Jesus wants than to Jesus Himself? If so, you are likely to hear one of His harsh and unyielding statements that will produce sorrow in you. What Jesus says is difficult— it is only easy when it is heard by those who have His nature in them. Beware of allowing any thing to soften the hard words of Jesus Christ. I can be so rich in my own poverty, or in the aware ness of the fact that I am nobody, that I will never be a disciple of Jesus. Or I can be so rich in the awareness that I am somebody that I will never be a disciple. Am I willing to be destitute and poor even in my sense of awareness of my destitution and poverty? If not, that is why I become discouraged. Discouragement is disillusioned self-love, and self-love may be love for my devotion to Jesus— not love for Jesus Himself.
Aday after prime minister Narendra Modi made his longest speech on India’s 75th Independence Day on the ramparts of the historic Red Fort, when he said that a distortion had crept in societal con duct toward women and therefore urged upon every In dian to respect women, eleven men convicted of raping a pregnant Bilkis Bano in 2002 in Gujarat when he was chief minister. The convicted rapists were released by the state government under remission of prisoners which is governed under some conditions. According to media reports, Bilkis Bano, was in her early twenties at the time and also pregnant. After her rapists were released, Bano, on August 17, issued a statement. She said that no one enquired about her “safety and wellbeing before taking such a big and unjust decision.”
Have You Ever Been Speechless with Sorrow?
tionprototypesandlow-carbonthements.toemissionpollutersquirements,performancetechnologies,reportingreetc,nudgetoconsidertheirlevelsastheytrymeetregulatoryrequirePolicysupportforfundingofR&Dfortechnologysupportfortestingofboostinnovaanditsdiffusion.Indiahasalreadyput in place implicit prices on carbon emissions. The current regime of indirect taxes imposes high tax in cidence on petroleum fuels. The GST compensation cess, which replaced the pre-GST era clean energy cess, levies a tax on coal. Moreover, the marketbased Perform, Achieve and Trade (PAT) scheme works to enhance energy ef ficiency and thus indirectly reduce carbon emissions from energy consump tion in quiteisofenablingorlizingroletheirtioncarbon-intensiveones,tries,transitionusetechnologyminerals,theterms.nance,toingsuccessfulnologiesshiftproductionconsumptionbringingcompositionnalcarbonthemechanism—ismarket—anmoveblendingindustries,energy-intensiveasdoesethanolinpetrol.Thetoestablishacarbonexplicitpricingthereforenaturalnextstep.Explicitandimplicitpricingareexterstimuliimpactingtheofenergyuse,aboutachangeinpatternsanddecisions.Atolow-carbontechcan,however,beonlyifdevelopcountrieshaveaccessresources,includingfionconcessionalItalsodependsonavailabilityofcriticalasmuchgreenisintensiveinitsofthese.Therearealsocosts,ascounespeciallydevelopingmovetowardslessproducinashorterperiodthandevelopedpeers.Theofthelatterinmobicapitalatreasonableconcessionaltermsforthistransitiondevelopingcountriesasinequanon,and,frankly,partoftheir
T his monsoon session of Parliament con cluded with the pass ing of the Energy Conser vation (Amendment) Bill, 2022 (bit.ly/3pmZHkM) by the Lok Sabha. Among other things, the bill pro poses a momentous carbon market framework in India to incentivize carbon emis sion reduction. The Bill empowers the government to specify a carbon credit trading scheme as well as issue tradable carbon credit certificates. Any other au thorized agency may also issue these certificates, as per the Bill. These can be traded by entities registered for the carbon credit trad ing scheme, which may involve the sale of such credits by entities reduc ing emissions in excess of the required levels to those unable to meet their reduction requirements. Through a recent article, professor Amit Garg of IIM Ahmedabad has dis cussed how India could draw upon international experiences in designing its carbon credit market. The origins of carbon trading can be traced to 1997, when the Kyoto Pro tocol established carbon as an internationally tradable commodity and developed countries (except econo mies in transition) were mandated to have carbon markets. This changed with the Paris Agreement making it voluntary for countries. This piece dis cusses the importance of the steps taken by Indian Parliament and the need for a holistic framework to reduce carbon emissions. Carbon is one of the most abundant elements in the world. We are made of carbon and so are our homes and hearth. Most economic activities lead to carbon emission into the atmosphere. Rapid indus trial growth, an outcome of the Industrial Revolution and its spread, led to the accumulation of carbon in the atmosphere. Climate change is already being ex perienced and would only intensify once a tipping point is reached. This un certainty is a worry to all. In the absence of a carbon price, economic agents do not factor in the social cost of their emissions. Setting a price for carbon emissions has been conceded as an opti mal strategy to internalize these costs. Carbon pricing is often done explicitly through specific carbon taxes and carbon markets, and implicitly through in direct taxes, subsidies, etc. In addition, it is widely accepted that a portfoliobased approach with nonpricing policy measures can positively incentivize a gradual shift to low-carbon and green alternatives. Regulatory instruments like setting standards for products,
Carbon market would help fight climate change
A ll human beings need help at a cer tain time. People need more support when they are in crisis or in some problem. Individu ally someone may need help but the community also needs help when they are in a disaster or conflict. There is a saying that goes: It takes a village to raise a child. Similarly, it takes a village to support a person in a humanitarian crisis. We have seen that whenever and wherever people are in need, there are others who help them. They are the affected peo ple themselves – always first to respond when di saster strikes – and a global community that supports them as they recover. Far from the spotlight and out of the headlines, they come together to ease suffering and bring hope. The global facts and figures are not positive as In 2021, 460 aid work ers were attacked: 140 killed, 203 wounded and 117 kidnapped. Of the aid workers who died, 98% were national staff and 2% were international (ex patriate) staff - more than half (53%) were staff of national NGOs. Most of the violence took place in South Sudan, Afghanistan and Syria.There is importance of humanitarian support or assistance. With recordhigh humanitarian needs around the world, this year’s World Humanitar ian Day (WHD) which is observed on 19th August builds on this metaphor of collective endeavour to grow global appreciation of humanitarian work.
An offence to justice
Reader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the columns do not reflect the view of this newspaper nor that of the Editor in any manner. Post-mortem OPINION/EDITORIAL6 Nagaland Post VOL. XXXII NO. 254 DIMAPUR, FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 2022 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 2022
promise made at the Earth Summit in 1992 and as part of the Paris Agreement in 2015. Instead, one of the biggest contributors to the world’s cumulative carbon emissions of the last 150 years, the EU, is now using disparities in carbon prices across countries as a tool to justify carbon border taxes. Europe is responsible for around 22% of the world’s carbon emissions, while a country as large as India has contributed only 3%. These taxes are being promoted as a way to prevent supposed carbon leakage from a country with stringent carboncontrol policies to those with laxer policies. Seek ing to establish a uniform emission trading system, similar regulations and comparable carbon taxes across countries violates the principle of common but differentiated respon sibilities and respective capabilities set out in the Rio convention and Paris Agreement, which also required developed coun tries to provide financial resources to assist develop ing countries in implement ing the objectives of the convention. In principle, carbon mitigation should be a shared responsibility, but the burden of carbon prices cannot be shared uniformly by all. V. Anantha Nageswaran, Chandni Raina & Ritika Bansal are, respectively, chief economic adviser; and officers of the In dian Economic Service working with the minis try of finance. (As published in Livemint)
Let us get engaged in humanitarian work
What that meant was about the convention where the local court takes into consideration on the safety of a victim if convicted accused persons are released.
Is autocracy unveiled? Tele-consultation platform Nagaland
The 2022 WHD cam paign shines a light on the thousands of volunteers, professionals and crisisaffected people who deliver urgent health care, shelter, food, protection, water and muchThemore.best way to join this year’s campaign is to share the profiles and other materials via our social media channels with #It TakesAVillage and #world supportandOCHA,FundEmergencyrelief.forentitiesbersCommittee,thesponsessibleUN(OCHA).officebyhumanitarianday.WHDisacampaigntheUnitedNationsOffortheCoordinationHumanitarianAffairsOCHAoftheSecretariatisresponforcoordinatingretoemergencies.ItdoesthisthroughInter-AgencyStandingwhosememincludetheUNsystemmostresponsibleprovidingemergencyTheUNCentralResponse(CERF),managedbyisoneofthefastestmosteffectivewaystorapidhumanitar ian response for people af fected by natural disasters and armed conflict. On 19 August 2003, a bomb attack on the Canal Hotel in Baghdad, Iraq, killed 22 humanitarian aid workers, including the UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Iraq, Sergio Vieira de Mello. Five years later, the United Nations Gen eral Assembly adopted a resolution designating 19 August WHD. Each year, WHD focuses on a theme, bringing together partners from across the humanitar ian system to advocate for the survival, well-being and dignity of people af fected by crises, and for the safety and security of aid workers. Humanitar ian aid is provided when there are natural disasters like floods or earthquakes. Aid workers also take risks to provide basic required things to individuals who become victims or conflicts or disasters.Wemay become part of humanitarian aid by joining different organisa tions or even by being vol unteers. We must remem ber that if we are helping someone then we would be also helped by others and let us get engaged in humanitarian aid whenever there is need. Ranjan K Baruah bkranjan@gmil.com
The released men were convicted following a long and complicated legal battle waged by the National men who have now been Human Rights Commis sion (NHRC) against the Gujarat government – then under Narendra Modi. The Supreme Court accepted the NHRC’s argument that the Gujarat police and ad ministration were intent on covering up the crime and handed the investigation over to the Central Bureau of Investigation. However, the release of the rapists by the prime minister’s own home state and a day after the Independence Day speech, has taken the moral wind off the sails over the gender concern. It means that speeches can be made to sound good for public consumption only. The government of Gujarat main tained that it only exercised its discretionary powers vested with the government on the basis of the 1992 remission policy. This policy was in force at the time of their conviction but does not include any category of criminal from being eligible, provided they had served at least 14 years of their total sentences. This claim has been challenged legally in the court and the outcome is awaited. The Gujarat state committee vested with recommendation for remission of sentences, has a total of four members. According to a report, among the four panel members who recommended the release of 11 convicts included two Bharatiya Janata Party MLAs. The third panel member was, one Murli Mulchandani, the person whose testimony as a prosecution witness in the Godhra train attack was disbelieved even by the trial court. Upon release on Monday, the convicts were greeted with sweets outside the Godhra jail. On March 3, 2002, Bilkis Bano, then 21 and five months pregnant including her 3-year-old daughter and family were hiding from the mob when they were attacked by 20-30 men with sticks, sickles and swords. Seven of Bano’s family were massacred while she was raped by the mob and her 3-year-old daughter snatched and murdered with her head smashed on a rock by one of the attackers. The release of the 11 rapists means that the Gujarat government placed more importance on remission than on justice for Bano. It is also very disturbing that most TV channels who continue to conduct kangaroo trials against religious minorities and including the National Commission on Women, have remained silent on the release of rapists. Bano’s case is not an isolated one but an example of how under the new Indi, there is little space for citizens from the minority religious and caste community. Quotes No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear.

SRINAGAR, AUG 18 (PTI): The National Con ference on Thursday termed the inclusion of outside vot ers in Jammu and Kashmir electoral rolls as “clear-cut de-franchising” of people of the erstwhile state, saying no outsiders should be allowed to vote just because they come here “Firstly,temporarily.thereis no clarity on what the chief electoral officer (CEO) has said. What is the criterion of an ordinarily living citizen? Can anyone, including tour ists, register their vote here?” party’s chief spokesperson Tanvir Sadiq told report ers here. He said there are apprehensions among the people, and the government should“Theclarify.important point is that there are many states in the country where there are no elections yet. Those states can send their people here, register themselves as voters, then vote and then de-register themselves here, after which they will again register themselves in their own states. “This is the ap prehension in the minds of the people as there is no clar ity... there is apprehension that all this is being done under a plan,” he said. The reaction comes after Chief Electoral Officer Hirdesh Kumar announced that the Union territory is likely to get around 25 lakh additional voters, including outsiders, after the special summary revision of elec toral rolls being held for the first time after the abroga tion of Article 370. The National Confer ence (NC) chief spokesper son said the people of Jam mu and Kashmir should be given the right to vote only because they are locals, and “no outsider should be al lowed to vote just because he has come here temporarily”.
TMC leader claims his daughter cleared recruitment exam Sukanya Mondal
Inclusion of non-local voters a clear-cut de-franchising of people of J&K: NC
NEW DELHI, AUG 18 (PTI): The Delhi High Court has ordered that an FIR be registered forth with against BJP leader Shahnawaz Hussain on a woman’s complaint in 2018 allegingWhilerape. noting that there was a complete re luctance on the part of the police to even register an FIR, Justice Asha Menon said there was no perver sity in the 2018 trial order directing the registration of the FIR and vacated the interim orders of the court staying its “Thereoperation.isnomerit in the present petition. The petition is dismissed. The interim orders stand vacat ed. The FIR be registered forthwith. The investiga tions be completed and a detailed report under Sec tion 173 Cr.P.C. be submit ted before the learned MM (metropolitan magistrate) within three months,” said the court in its order on Wednesday.ADelhi-based woman had moved the lower court seeking registration of an FIR against Hussain on her allegation of rape. In its order, the high court said that while refer ence is made in the police status report to the record ing of the statement of the prosecutrix on four occa sions, there was no explana tion as to why the FIR was not lodged.“The FIR only puts the machinery into opera tion. It is a foundation for investigation of the offence complained of. It is only after investigations that the police can come to the conclusion whether or not an offence had been com mitted and if so by whom. In the present case, there seems to be a complete re luctance on the part of the police to even register an FIR,” said the court. A magisterial court had on July 7, 2018, or dered registration of an FIR against Hussain, saying a cognizable offence was made out in the complaint of theThiswoman.waschallenged by the BJP leader before a ses sions court which dismissed his plea.On July 13, 2018, the high court had passed an in terim order staying the trial court order which directed the Delhi Police to register the FIR. The BJP’s support to criminals displays the party’s mindset towards women, Congress leader Rahul Gan dhi alleged on Thursday and asked Prime Minister Naren dra Modi if he was ashamed of “such politics”. He cited the examples of rape cases in Unnao and Hathras in Uttar Pradesh, Kathua in Jammu and Kashmir and now Gu jarat where the government this week released those con victed of rape and murder in the 2002 Bilkis Bano case. “Unnao - worked to save BJP MLA. Kathuarally in favour of rapists. Hathras - the government in favour of rapists. Guja rat - the release and honour of rapists. The support to criminals displays the petty mindset of the BJP towards women,” Gandhi said in a tweet in Hindi. “Are you not ashamed of such politics, Prime Minister ji,” he asked. Discussing the release of the Bilkis Bano case con victs, senior Congress leader P Chidambaram added that two BJP MLAs were part of the review panel that granted them“Thereremission.isan interest ing side story to the grant of remission to 11 persons convicted for gang rape in Gujarat. Among the Review Panel were two BJP MLAs Shri C. K. Raolji and Shri Suman“AnotherChauhan! member was Shri M urli Mulchan dani who was a key wit ness for the prosecution in the Godhra Train burning case!,” he alleged on Twitter. He asked whether this was a neutral, non-partisan panel of experts in criminol ogy and penology and said the district collector was the chairperson. Gandhi and his Congress party have been attacking the BJP and the prime minister for releas ing the rapists in the Bilkis Bano case by granting them remission.Eleven convicts, sen tenced to life imprisonment, walked out of the Godhra sub-jail on August 15 after the Gujarat government al lowed their release under its remission policy. They had completed more than 15 years in jail. A special CBI court in Mumbai on January 21, 2008, had sentenced the 11 to life imprisonment on charges of gangrape and murder of seven members of Bilkis Bano’s family. Their conviction was later upheld by the Bombay High Court.
KOLKATA, AUG 18 (PTI): Denying an alle gation that his daughter Sukanya Mondal was ap pointed to a primary school without having cleared Teachers’ Eligibility Test, arrested TMC leader Anu brata Mondal on Thursday claimed that she has passed the exam and has a docu ment to prove it. His comment came af ter the Calcutta High Court had on August 17 directed Mondal’s daughter to ap pear before it on Thursday in connection with the al legation that she and five others were appointed in primary schools without having passed the TET. “She has passed the test and has a certificate to prove it. I am not well,” said the TMC leader while he was taken to a hospital for a medical check-up. Mondal, the party’s Birbhum district president, was arrested by the CBI last week in a cattle smugglingSukanyacase.is likely to appear before the high court as she left her Bolpur resi dence in the district earlier in the day. The petitioner has alleged that some people closely related to Anubrata Mondal, who is also the chairman of West Bengal Rural Development Au thority, have been given jobs as teachers, including Sukanya, who never visited Kalikapur Primary School in Birbhum, where she was employed.Inthe affidavit, the petitioner claimed that the school attendance register was sent to Sukanya’s resi dence for her signature. Justice Abhijit Gango padhyay directed six persons named in the affidavit to appear personally on Thurs day before the court with their TET certificate and their appointment letter. “If anybody fails to appear, as has been directed above, the court will not hesitate to take harsh steps against them,” he directed on Wednesday.
NEW DELHI, AUG 18 (PTI): Delhi Chief Min ister Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday welcomed Bihar Education Minister Chan drashekhar’s interest in studying the “successful” school education system of his government in the city and said the country will progress if the governments learn from each other. The Delhi government will be happy to show its schools to the Bihar education minister and his team when they visit the national capital, he said. Noting that the school education system in the state needs a complete overhaul, newly appointed Education Minister of Bihar Chan drashekhar on Wednesday said his government will send a team to Delhi and other states to study their education“Peoplemodels.are praising the Arvind Kejriwal govern ment’s education model in the national capital. We will send our officials to study the successful the school education system in certain states, including Delhi,” Chandrashekhar, an RJD MLA, said. Kejri wal said in a tweet in Hindi, “Chandrashekhar ji and his team are welcome to the Delhi government schools. We will be happy to show them government schools in Delhi.”
Rahul attacks PM on BJP’s ‘support’ to rape accused Rahul Gandhi Developments in Bihar positive for national politics: Akhilesh Akhilesh Yadav
Kejriwal welcomes Bihar ’s interest in Delhi model of edn
43% of legislators have criminal antecedents: SCBA president Vikas Singh
LUCKNOW, AUG 18 (PTI): Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav said on Thursday that the po litical shift in Bihar is a “positive sign” and hoped a strong alternative to the BJP is formed in the 2024 parliamentary polls. He also claimed that the BJP’s allies in Uttar Pradesh are not happy with it and will also break free from the saffron party in the future.JD(U)’s Nitish Kumar recently dumped the BJP and joined hands with Lalu Prasad’s Rashtriya Janata Dal (R JD), the Congress and other parties to form a new government in Bihar. In an interview to PTI at the party headquarter here, Yadav said his party is focusing on strengthening and restructuring its organ isation and will be holding a national convention this year. The SP chief also ac cused the Election Com mission of “dishonesty” and blamed it for his party’s defeat in the assembly polls as well in the bypolls to Aza mgarh and Ramgarh seats. When asked about the developments in Bihar, the former Uttar Pradesh chief minister said, “It (Bihar de velopment) is a positive sign for the country’s politics.” “Political allies are not happy with the BJP. See in UP what they (BJP al lies) are getting. One day they will also run away from them,” he said without elaborating.
Subramanian Swamy meets WB CM Mamata in Kolkata Mamata Banerjee with Subramanian Swamy.
WALK IN INTERVIEW The Network of Kohima District People Living with HIV/AIDS (KNP+) invites application for Health Promoter (2 posts) under Vihaan CSC. (Preference will be given to the community) Requirements: Class 12 pass above and minimum 2 years field experience. 1 post for Tseminyu district (resident) 1 post for Kohima (basic Computer knowledge required). Interested candidates may kindly submit your resume to the office or email at knpkohima@gmail.com on or before 27/08/2022. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for interview. Submission of Application & Interview venue at KNP+ near Naga Hospital above Famous Popular Bakery. President KNP+ Kohima- 8787737149K-1899/22 4th Mile, Opp. Diphupar Police Station Class 10, 12 (Arts & Com.) Hostel Attached both Boys and Girls Free Computer Course : DCA with Certificate Limited Seats. For further info. # 7629842409, 8731961913 Fill Up CoaChing Centre DP-3828/22 -294/22KCm poSt VaCanCY Applications are invited for the post of PGT in English for a reputed School in Kohima Qualification : MA in English with B.Ed. Interested candidates may submit application with detailed bio-data and photocopies of marks cards from H.S.L.C. onwards through email at Lastbenjongwall@gmail.comdateofsubmission:-20th Aug 2022. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted for Interviewcum-Demo Class on 22nd Aug 2022. For any further query, Contact:- 8416058589/7005633048 K-1887/22 VJ'S COACHING CENTRE & HOSTEL D.C. COURT ROAD, DUNCAN, DIMAPUR ADMISSION GOING ON * Offer Intensive Coaching for the REPEATERS of * Class-X & XII (Science / Arts) * Hostel Attached for both BOYS & GIRLS (Separately) * SPECIAL HIGHLIGHTS : Hygienic food/Clean & Sanitized Room / 24x7 Power Backup Contact : 03862-248394/9436600530/8257880984 -3903/22DP Db-900/22 WALK IN INTERVIEW Walk in interview for One (1) post of Junior Research Fellow in temporary position for an ongoing project will be held at North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda & Folk Medicine Research, Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh on 07.09.2022 at 10:00 hrs. Interested candidates are requested to appear for the interview with original documents and selfattested copy of all the documents and supporting testimonials at Conference Room at North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda & Folk Medicine Research, Pasighat. The candidates must submit their resume in advance, by 05.09.2022 in the email of the PI. Selected candidate will be required to work in remote and inaccessible forest areas of Arunachal Pradesh. Details of the eligibility criteria for posts along with the monthly emoluments are given below: NoSl. Name of Project NoPostof FellowshipAmount Qualification QualificationDesired Name of PI Email ID Phone No 1 Edible insect diversity in Arunachal Pradesh: A potential alternative source of medicine, nutrition and Livelihood enhancement 1 two+Rs.31,000/-HRAforyears 1st (Zoology)LifeM.Sc.ClassZoology/Sciences Knowledge in Insects, EthnoZoology Computer.and Dr. Mob:imlikumba@gmail.comMedicalImlikumbaOfficer+91-8414895879 No separate interview call letter will be sent. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. Candidates are advised to show this advertisement for crossing Police Check Post, to enter Pasighat, East Siang District, Arunachal Pradesh. Sd/(Dr. Robindra Teron) Director, NEIAFMRDC-933/22
Mehbooba Mufti addresses a press conference. (PTI) HC orders FIR against BJP leader Hussain in rape case Shahnawaz Hussain
KOLKATA, AUG 18 (PTI): Former BJP MP Subramanian Swamy on Thursday paid a visit to West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee at the state secretariat here and they held a meeting for al most half an hour, a source in the administration said. The source described the visit of Swamy, a staunch critic of Prime Minister Na rendra Modi, as a courtesy call. Swamy later tweeted: “Today I was in Kolkata and met the charismatic Mamata Banerjee. She is a courageous person. I ad mired her fight against the CPM in which she deci mated the Communists.” He also shared a photograph of him with Banerjee, the Tri namool Congress supremo. Following their meet ing, speculation is rife about his politicalSwamymove.had called on Banerjee in November last year also in New Delhi.
NEW DELHI, AUG 15 (PTI): Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) President Vikas Singh on Monday said 43 per cent of lawmakers have criminal antecedents and the country needs a course correction by enacting a law to prevent such persons from getting elected.Singh, addressing a function at the Supreme Court on the 75th anniversa ry of India’s independence, also urged the Collegium to elevate people from the low er judiciary to the Supreme Court “only on the basis of the disposals they do rather than on the seniority”. He said these were the two areas with regard to the justice delivery -- quality of legislators and appointment of judges -- where serious reforms and serious intro spection were needed. “Today, after 75 years if we see 43 per cent of our legislators having criminal antecedents, I think we need a course correction. I think we need to amend (law) be cause no individual political party can take the initiative of ensuring that people with criminal antecedents are not elected. Because if a party does not give a ticket to somebody who has been winning, the other party will,” he said. Chief Justice of India (CJI) N V Ramana, who was the chief guest at the function, hoisted the national flag at the Supreme CourtThepremises.SCBA president also urged Law Minister Kiren Rijiju, who was pres ent on the occasion, to “seri ously think on this line”. “If there’s a law, if there’s a level playing field, then definitely we will be able to have a better Parlia ment, better law making, and more lucid discussion on law making. Justice de livery will ultimately benefit if lawmaking gets better,” he added.Regarding the judges’ appointment, he claimed that Collegium members, especially at the high courts, are more interested in elevat ing judges whom they know rather than trying to find the best names.Singhsaid his efforts as the SCBA president to get SC lawyers elevated to the bench has faced “a complete stumbling block” because “nobody is interested in good“Thatnames”.iswhere the fal lacy lies. Once in a while we have a person from the SC (bar) getting elevated but that is only when one of the Collegium members here tries to push their candida ture, and that is not a healthy thing at all...,” Singh said.

(From p-1) He said IDAN was only opening the door and bridging the gap between investors and entrepreneurs. Jamir informed that any CSO could apply for the CSRs provided they were eligible and meet all the criteria.Jamir disclosed that IDAN was a CSR registered body and had been working closely with deputy commissioners of all the districts to identify eligible CSOs for the CSR. He also pointed out that the benefits of banking were still untapped as people had only started accessing the banking sector very recently and had not been able to fully exploit the potentials available in the sector.Jamir further informed that IDAN had formed a dedicated Centre for Financial Outreach (CoFU) to help people link up with the banks. He observed that the provisions in Article 371(A) coupled with the protracted Naga issue had discouraged investors from venturing into the AdvisorState.
response needed for inflation: RBI
Crossword No. 10367 Yesterday’s solution No. 10366 Su doku No. 4989 Yesterday’s solution No. 4988
Musk is bullish on solar energy and runs the Tesla Solar vertical and that provides panels for rooftops, along with energy storage solutions.Tesla’s solar business deployed a total of 106 megawatts in Q2 2022. “Although we continue to experience import delays beyond our control on certain solar components, we have expanded our supplier base to enable growth in this business,” said the company. Compared to the same quarter last year, Tesla upped solar deployments by 25 perTeslacent. acquired SolarCity in 2016 and in April this year, a US judge has sided with Musk in a hefty lawsuit brought by Tesla shareholders, which accused the executive of coercing the electric vehicle company’s board into buying SolarCity, originally launched in 2006 by Musk’s cousins.Tesla solar panels are designed to be highly efficient, delivering maximum solar production year-round, even on roofs with complicated angles. Its home storage solution ‘Powerwall’ is a rechargeable lithium-ion battery stationary home energy storage product manufactured by Tesla Energy which stores electricity for solar selfconsumption.
Sitharaman on 3-day visit to state ...
ANSTA appeals state govt to resolve impasse (From p-1) The ANSTA leaders expressed concern that should the government fail to look into the mat-ter and ANATG began its agitation, then the smooth functioning of schools and the depart-ment would be affected to a great extent, which would ultimately affect the students and their career. And at a time when the exams were round the corner, they said ANSTA strongly believed that the government would take steps to prevent any eventualities that might be detrimental to the interests of students and teachers. The duo appealed on behalf of ANSTA to the government to settle the matter at the earliest possible time, thereby delivering justice to its loyal and sincere employees.
MUMBAI, AUG 18 (PTI): Inflation is persistently at elevated levels that warrants appropriate policy responses to anchor expectations going forward, said an RBI article published on Thursday. Retail inflation based on the consumer price index (CPI) softened to 6.71 per cent in July, mainly on account of moderation in food Theprices.Reserve Bank has increased the benchmark lending rate (repo) in three quick successions by 140 basis points to tame inflation, which remains above its tolerance level for the seventh month in a row. “...perhaps the most heartening development in recent times has been the easing of inflation in July 2022 by 30 basis points from June 2022 and an appreciable 60 basis points from the average of 7.3 per cent for “ThisQ1:2022-23.hasvalidated our hypothesis that inflation peaked in April 2022,” said the article on the ‘state of the economy’.Forthe rest of the year, the RBI’s projections scent a steady easing of the momentum of price changes, it said. The article has been authored by a team led by Reserve Bank Deputy Governor Michael Debabrata Patra. The RBI said the views expressed in the article are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Reserve Bank of India.“With the trajectory of outcomes largely in line with projections, we expect momentum to ease from 3.0 per cent in Q1 to 1.7 per cent in Q2 and further to 1.3 per cent in Q3 and turn mildly negative in Q4 before picking up modestly and on seasonal food price effects to 2.2 per cent in Q1: 2023-24,” according to the article. If these expectations hold, inflation will fall from 7 to 5 per cent in Q1 next financial year - within the tolerance band, hovering closer to the target, but not yet positioned for landing, the authorsImportedsaid. inflation pressure points remain the overarching risk, followed by pending pass-through of input costs if producers regain pricing power and wages.Yet, some risks have turned down - commodity prices, especially of crude; supply chain pressures; and revving up of monsoon activity due to the depression in the Bay of “InflationBengal.has edged down, but its persistence at elevated levels warrants appropriate policy responses to anchor expectations going forward,” the article said. It further said that global growth prospects have turned gloomier over the month.Theeasing of supply chain pressures and the recent ebbing of commodity prices are providing some breather from record high inflation. In India, supply conditions are improving, with the recent monsoon pick-up, strong momentum in manufacturing and a rebound in services. The onset of the festival season should boost consumer demand, including rural, also as sowing activity picks up. Robust central government capital outlays are supporting investment activity, it said.
NEW DELHI, AUG 18 (IANS): Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has said that civilisation will be mostly solar-powered in the future. In a tweet, Musk said that almost all of Earth’s energy comes from the Sun. “We would be a dark iceball at near absolute zero if not for the Sun. And essentially the entire ecosystem is solar-powered,” he mentioned.“Civilisation uses a tiny amount of energy by comparison. Not hard to generate from wind/solar,” he added.
Civilisation will be mostly solar-powered in future: Musk DIMAPUR, AUG 18 (NPN): Business Association of Nagas (BAN) president L Mongkum Jamir has been appointed as member of High-Powered Monitoring Committee (HPMC) of National Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Hub (NSSH) under the Union Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. NSSH was aiming at capacity enhancement of SC/ST entrepreneurs and promoting entrepreneurship culture amongst the SC/ ST population. This was stated in a press release by MSME Development & Facilitation Office joint director Taliwati Longchar. BAN YanBANofwelcomedMeanwhile,welcomes:BANhastheappointmentJamir.Inastatement,generalsecretaryDrMurrysaiditwasa matter of great honour for the association that its president had been appointed as member of HPMC of NSSH. On behalf of BAN, he thanked Union MSME minister Bhanu Pratap Singh Verma for giving Jamir the opportunity. “We are positive that this appointment will benefit the SC/ST entrepreneurs, especially from the Northeastern region,” Murry stated.
KAKURO No. 4013 Yesterday’s solution No. 4012 8
BAN president appointed HPMC member of NSSH L Mongkum Jamir (From p-1) would pose a grave danger to the unity and integrity of India but added that BJP was more concerned about winning elections. On the other hand, Dr. Kumar reaffirmed that Congress had always stood for the good of the country, by citing the case in 1985 when Rajiv Gandhi signed the Assam Accord with the As-sam agitation leaders. He said the Congress signed the Assam Accord on August 15, 1985 de-spite realising it would lose election because for the party, nation came first. In contrast, he said for BJP it was about winning elections even at the cost of the nation’s interest. Dr. Kumar also slammed the Enforcement Directorate (ED) as BJP’s “Election Department”. According to Dr. Kumar, ED has been investigating chief minister Rio for accruing huge assets beyond which were multiple times of what was found in West Bengal against the ruling TMC. However, he said the ED stopped investigating Rio’s assets and was keeping the probe under wraps. He also hit out at Assam chief minister Himanta Biswa Sarma, for being busy taking legislators across India on “tours” (referring to the recent political crisis in Maharashtra where Shiv Sena MLAs were camping at a hotel in Guwahati), rather than focussing on resolving the Naga issue as the convenor of the North East Democratic Alliance (NEDA). Dr. Kumar also expressed concern over the rampant taxation by armed groups in Nagaland and reminded about the August 5 public rally in Dimapur, under the aegis of Nagaland People’s Ac-tion Committee (NPAC) which had demanded early solution. Theire slams PM Addressing the media, NPCC president K. Therie questioned Prime Minister Modi on why was he continuing to “lie and betray” the aspirations of the people of Nagaland who wanted peace and settlement? He said the people of Nagaland were expecting some announcement on settlement of the Naga political issue during India’s 75th anniversary of Independence but nothing was said aboutTherieit. said Modi, as the Prime Minister of India and also representing the people of India, had lied to the Naga people despite declaring that the Naga political of issue had been resolved after signing of FA. Therie said he was in Delhi to appeal to the nation that the people deserved an honest Prime Minister. He also recalled that on his visit to Nagaland in December 2014 Modi, had promised Nagas that he will resolve the Naga issue in 18 months. But nothing was done till date even after Modi de-clared that the Naga issue had been resolved, he said. He also pointed out that the then President of India R.N. Kovind during his visit to Nagaland declared that “solution will be very soon”. However, then BJP general secretary (i/c North East) Ram Madhav declared “Election for Solution” in 2018. Likewise, Therie said the BJP had made several promises that the Naga issue will be resolved after elections of various State includingTherieManipur.alleged that the BJP after winning the elections in Manipur with the support of the insur-gent groups, decided to apply the same tactic to win the 2023 elections in Nagaland. “This is how BJP was delivering its promises to the Naga people”, Therie said. He said all these denote that the Modi government was not serious about any settlement. Therie reminded that Nagas have struggled for the past nine decades and that the way BJP gov-ernment was taking the Nagas for a ride was “unacceptable to the people”. “We are sorry but we cannot compromise our ethnic values for communalism in our soil,” The-rie stated and regretted that BJP was trying to use the Naga issue for electoral benefits.
Rio-BJP tie up for 2023 polls not solution, says Congress held in the month of July, although postponed, was not a total washout. He said there were many takeaways from that event and many of the companies and corporate houses that turned up for the precursor were willing to comeJohnback.disclosed that the delegates had expressed happiness at the preparations and arrangements made by the State.On the second day of her visit, Sitharaman is scheduled to visit Mon where she would be inaugurating Axis bank. CSR conclave would be held at Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC) convention hall and the Bankers Meet at Capital Cultural Hall simultaneously while Investors Meet will be held at IT directorate. IDAN has reportedly received more than 400 project reports so far.
to CM, Menukhol John, claimed that the precursor event,
For Urgent Sale TaTa (Dumper)TipperTruck 1923.K Signa BS6/ MaRCH 2021 Fully Modified with gPS Only 14500 Kms Rs. 24.50 Lakhs Negotiable Whatsapp : 9436012051 DP-3906/22 LanD For SaLe chekiye Block-Vi 25,276 Sq. Ft. Rs. 320 per sq. ft. (negotiable) No Brokers phone : 7005502205 DP-3908/22 Land For SaLe at old Showuba near Four Lane Flyover Prime location Rs. 195 per sq. ft. any size available contact : 8575193378 DP-3916/22 For SaLe Beauty Salon Walford, Rengma Colony Dimapur, nagaland interested persons Please contact : 9402022717/ 7630878701 DP-3915/22 LAND FOR SALE Opposite DDSC Stadium, Ghorapatti, Golaghat Road Road Touching Plot Measuring 14800 Sq. Ft. Price : Rs. 5.5 (Negotiable)Crores No Brokers Please Contact : 8837338807 DP-3889/22 LAND FOR SALE Location : Bamunpukhuri-B (5 kms from Zion Hospital) (2 minutes from New 4 Lane) 50 × 50 : Rs. 5.50 lakhs 50 × 80 : Rs. 8.80 lakhs 50 × 100 : Rs. 11.00 lakhs 70 × 100 : Rs. 15.40 lakhs Call: 70052049499402615648DP-3881/22 URGENT LAND FOR SALE 1. 100 x 125 Land with Building at 5th Mile Model Village, Dimapur 2. 110 x 111 sq ft Land with Building at 5th Mile 3. 150 x 260 sq ft at Seithekema Contact: 60091864469615297693 k-1869/22 PLOT FOR SALE BEHinD gOVERnMEnT COLLEgE DiMaPUR aT a REaSOnaBLE RaTE iDEaL FOR RESiDEnTiaL anD VaRiOUS inSTiTUTiOnS. 5 BighaS inTereSTeD perSonS can kinDLY 8798439412/9362619411conTacT -891/22DB 1. MBBS/BDS/MDS/MD/VETERINARY (Direct admission in top medical & veterinary colleges in India with affordable package) 2. B.ED & M.ED (Available in Govt. University for both attending & Nonattending mode) Recognized & approved by UGC & NCTE 3. Other courses: Engineering all branches, Agri, Pharma. D B. Pharma, forestry, horticulture, Fishery, Nursing, Paramedical, BPT. 4. Distance Courses: BA, MA, B.Sc, M.Sc. B.Com, M.Com & others ADMISSION OPEN 2022 EDUAIDE CAREER COUNSELING: 8700695549; 9718225382 -3166/22DP LanD For SaLe henivi Village 4-Lane Touched area : 7 Price(1,05,444BighasSq.Ft):Rs.250PerSq. Ft. No Brokers contact : 70058388799436071234, DP-3880/22 mounT marY acaDemY chumukeDima : nagaLanD NCTE Approved B.Ed./M.Ed. Admission Last opportunity to pursue ugc/ncTe approved B. ed. course from andhra pradesh. niOS/BBOSE 10th & 12th, Ba/B.Sc./B.Com/ Fine arts/ Ma/M.Com/M.Lib. & many more 8729880618 DB-486/22LanD For SaLe near Viola colony Dimapur area/Plots available as per budget Contact : 8732002080 DP-3811/22 ACROSS 4 Avoid (6) 7 Elation (8) 8 Holy (6) 10 Oneness (5) 13 Scottish town (4) 14 Night insect (4) 15 Inventory (4) 16 Farmyard bird (3) 17 Flat (4) 19 On top of (4) 21 Prepare an ambush (3,2,4) 23 Young salmon (4) 24 Slippery fishes (4) 26 Dog’s foot (3) 27 Clothing (4) 29 Horse’s gait (4) 32 Sleeping places (4) 33 Aquatic birds (5) 34 Hat type (6) 35 Criminalunderworld(8) 36 Deprive of food (6) DOWN 1 Antitoxin (5) 2 Cleave (5) 3 Conservative (4) 4 Foundation (5) 5 Ice hockey disc (4) 6 European country (6) 9 Real (6) 11 Signal agreement (3) 12 Belonging to them (5) 13 Victors (7) 15 Hawaiian garland (3) 16 Spicy (3) 18 Church official (6) 20 Ski-slope (5) 21 Statute (3) 22 Spider’s trap (3) 23 Mother (6) 25 Lettuce (3) 28 Proverb (5) 30 Team race (5) 31 Cares for (5) 32 Lout (4) 33 Jokes (4)

US to hold talks with Taiwan, island drills military UK PM race:
SL this
lead but voters
KABUL, AUG 18 (AP): A bombing at a mosque in the Afghan capital of Ka bul during evening prayers killed at least 21 people, in cluding a prominent cleric, and wounded at least 33, eyewitnesses and police said Thursday.There was no immedi ate claim of responsibility for the attack Wednesday night, the latest to strike the country in the year since the Taliban seized power. Sev eral children were reported to be among the wounded. The Islamic State group’s local affiliate has stepped up attacks targeting the Taliban and civilians since the former insurgents’ takeover last August as US and NATO troops were in the final stages of their with drawal from the country. Last week, the IS claimed responsibility for killing a prominent Taliban cleric at his religious center in Kabul. Khalid Zadran, the spokesman for Kabul’s po lice chief, gave the figures to The Associated Press for the bombing at the Sunni mosque.According to the eye witness, a resident of the city’s Kher Khanna neigh borhood where the Siddiqui ya Mosque was targeted, the explosion was carried out by a suicide bomber. The slain cleric was Mullah Amir Mohammad Kabuli, the eyewitness said, speaking on condition of anonymity be cause he was not authorized to talk to the United2001stan,mahostedbantoppledformenatliceside.mosqueseeghansQyaamuddinthethetime,inpeopleheQyaamuddinblastmorning,risecasualtyandsoontratorsandcondemnedZabihullahTalibanmedia.spokesmanMujahidalsotheexplosionvowedthatthe“perpeofsuchcrimeswillbebroughttojusticewillbepunished.”Therewerefearsthenumberscouldfurther.OnThursdayonewitnesstothewhogavehisnameastoldtheAPbelievedasmanyas25mayhavebeenkilledtheblast.“ItwaseveningprayerandIwasattendingprayerwithothers,whenexplosionhappened,”said.SomeAfgobyasinglename.APjournalistscouldtheblue-roofed,SunnifromanearbyhillTheTalibanparkedpotrucksandothervehiclesthemosque,whileseveralcarriedoutonecasketavictimoftheattack.AU.S.-ledinvasionthepreviousTaligovernment,whichhadal-QaidaleaderOsabinLadeninAfghanifollowingtheSept.11,terroristattacksintheStates. Liz Truss holds still Liz Truss
Also Thursday, Tai wan’s military held a drill with missiles and cannon simulating a response to a Chinese missile attack. Taiwan and China split in 1949 after a civil war and have no official relations but are bound by billions of dol lars of trade and investment. The island never has been part of the People’s Republic of China, but the ruling Communist Party says it is obliged to unite with the mainland, by force if necessary. President Joe Biden’s coordinator for the Indo-Pacific region, Kurt Campbell, said last week trade talks would “deepen our ties with Taiwan” but stressed policy wasn’t chang ing. The United States has no diplomatic relations with Taiwan, its ninth-largest trading partner, but main tains extensive informal ties. The U.S. Trade Repre sentative’s announcement made no mention of tension with Beijing but said “for mal negotiations” would develop trade and regulatory ties, a step that would entail closer official interaction. Being allowed to ex port more to the United States might help Taiwan blunt China’s efforts to use its status as the island’s big gest trading partner as politi cal leverage. The mainland blocked imports of Taiwan ese citrus and other food in retaliation for Pelosi’s Aug. 2 visit. U.S.-Chinese rela tions are at their lowest level in decades amid disputes over trade, security, technol ogy and Beijing’s treatment of Muslim minorities and Hong Kong. The USTR said negotiations would be con ducted under the auspices of Washington’s unofficial embassy, the American In stitute in “ChinaTaiwan.always opposes any form of official ex changes between any coun try and the Taiwan region of China,” said Shu, the Chinese“Chinaspokeswoman.willtake all necessary measures to reso lutely safeguard its sover eignty,” Shu Washingtonsaid. says it takes no position on the sta tus of China and Taiwan but wants their dispute settled peacefully. The U.S. govern ment is obligated by federal law to see that the island has the means to defend itself. “We will continue to take calm and resolute steps to uphold peace and stability in the face of Beijing’s on going efforts to undermine it, and to support Taiwan,” Campbell said during a con ference call last Friday. China takes more than twice as much of Taiwan’s exports as the United States, its No. 2 foreign market. Taiwan’s government says its companies have invested almost $200 billion in the mainland. Beijing says a 2020 census found some 158,000 Taiwanese entre preneurs, professionals and others live on the mainland. China’s ban on imports of citrus, fish and hundreds of other Taiwanese food products hurt rural areas seen as supporters of Presi dent Tsai Ing-wen, but those goods account for less than 0.5% of Taiwan’s exports to the mainland.Beijingdid nothing that might affect the flow of pro cessor chips from Taiwan that are needed by Chinese factories that assemble the world’s smartphones and consumer electronics. The island is the world’s biggest chip supplier.
The latest survey, cov ering 1,089 Conservative Party members who hold a vote in the leadership election, was conducted between August 12 and 17. It comes on the back of a separate Conservative Home survey on Wednes day, which also gave Truss a 32-point lead in the race. The YouGov survey shows the contest has tight ened only very slightly since its last similar poll of mem bers over two weeks ago, when Truss had a 38-point lead, indicating that the debates and hustings are not injecting much-needed momentum for the Sunak camp.Only 13 per cent of voters say they have not yet decided how they will vote or will not be voting, which would not be enough to give him a last-minute swing in the online and postal ballot closing on September 2. Among those who have already voted, 68 per cent say they voted for Truss and 31 per cent for Sunak.
2. Reaffirm our support to the October 2013 Clarion call of “One Government, One Tax.” 3. Urge all the Naga Political Groups to unite and reconcile in the interest of the people.
The family of Kohima Bible College cordially invites all its former students and faculty for a time of fellowship on this day. We look forward to a time of mutual bonding among the blended family members of Kohima Bible College. KBC, “Saved to Serve” -Kohima Bible College Contact No : 9366221405 / 9402007112 / 9123534419
K-1897/22 Office Of the MOilan StudentS’ uniOn dist. Wokha – 797111, nagaland felicitatiOn With immense pride and pleasure, Moilan Students’ Union (MSU) extends our heartiest congratulations to Shri r a MO ng O h u M tSO e , Private Pharmacist, Moilan Village for being conferred with the prestigious District Award on 15th August 2022 on the occasion of 76th Independence Day for his exemplary public service in the District. The Union further wishes him prosperity, good health and more success in his future endeavours. MMhadeMO M. huMtSOe nZanti Y OVung President, MSU Gen. Secy., MSU DP-3914/22
VIHOSHE SEMA AYEHO Z. AYEMI President General Secretary KYGK KYGK b-899/22D OFFICE OF THE LONGSA HOHO - EKHUNG KOHIMA, DIMAPUR, CHÜMOUKEDIMA AND WOKHA TOWN. FELICITATION With immense pride and honour, the LONGSA HOHO –EKHUNG KOHIMA, DIMAPUR, CHÜMOUKEDIMA and WOKHATOWN would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to Shri Renchamo P. Kikon (IPS) Additional D.G. on being Awarded President’s Police Medal for Meritorious Service, on the occasion of 76th Independence Day 2022. Further, the HOHO and EKHUNG would also like to convey our best wishes in the Security Service of the Nation in his future endeavours. KOHIMA LONGSA HOHO DIMAPUR LONGSAI EKHUNG CHÜMOUKEDIMA LONGSAI EKHUNG WOKHA TOWN LONGSAI EKHUNG DP-3917/22
(T. Anung Pongen) (Arang Pongen) Chairman Chairman Lengrijan Village Council Industrial Estate Colony Council ( Yanger) (B. Toshi Jamir) Chairman Chairman Aokong Colony Council Hill View Colony Council DP-3910/22
NEW YO RK, AUG 18 (PTI): The 24-year-old man charged with the at tempted murder of Salman Rushdie has denied being in contact with Iran’s Revo lutionary Guard Corps and said that he acted alone when he stabbed the Mum bai-born author, whom he disliked for being “disin genuous”.Hadi Matar, of Fair view in New Jersey, was arrested last week and charged with second-de gree attempted murder and assault after he stabbed Rushdie, 75, onstage at an event at the Chautauqua Institution in New York state.In a video interview to the New York Post from Chautauqua County Jail, Matar said that “When I heard he survived, I was surprised, I Rushdieguess.”suffered three stab wounds to his neck, four stab wounds to his stomach, puncture wounds to his right eye and chest, and a laceration on his right thigh, Chautauqua County District Attorney Jason Schmidt said during the suspect’s arraignment.
prefer Boris Johnson
The Süngratsü Officers Forum (SOF) is immensely delighted to extend our heartiest congratulations to Imcharenla IPS, DIG (NAP) Kohima for being awarded the President’s Police Medal for Distinguished Service and Kilangyanger Walling NPS, DCP, Niuland for being awarded Police Medal for Meritorious Service on the occasion of Independence Day 2022. The Forum wishes them success in their future endeavours. Dr. Benjongkumba Amongla C. Jamir President Secretary Sungratsu Officers Forum Sungratsu Officers Forum b-898/22D
Matar did not respond on whether he was inspired by Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Kho meini who had issued a fatwa calling for Rushdie’s death in 1989 after “The Satanic Verses” was pub lished. “I respect the Aya tollah. I think he’s a great person. That’s as far as I will say about that,” Matar told The Post. He noted that he had only “read like two pages” of Rushdie’s controversial novel. “I read a couple of pages. I didn’t read the whole thing cover to cov er,” heThesaid.rep ort said that Hadi Matar, arrives for an arraignment in the Chautauqua County Courthouse in Mayville, New York, on Aug 13. (AP) toll in Afghan capital bombing now 21: Police fighters and local residents gather around a mosque that has been bombed, in Kabul. (AP/PTI) delegation to visit month: Bank Gov Taiwanese soldiers operate a Sky Bow III (Tien-Kung III) Surface-to-Air missile system at a base in Taiwan. (AP/PTI)
Matar, who was born in the US to parents from south ern Lebanon, denied being in contact with Iran’s Revo lutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and alluded to act ing completely alone. The IRGC is a major military and political force in Iran. However, no link has been definitively estab lished between Matar and the IRGC.Matar said he was inspired to go to Chautau qua after seeing a tweet sometime in the winter an nouncing Rushdie’s visit.
Salman Rushdie’s attacker says he acted alone
LONDON, AUG 18 (PTI): A new survey on Thursday confirmed a 32-point lead of Foreign Secretary Liz Truss over former Chan cellor Rishi Sunak in the Conservative Party leader ship race, but also showed a strong preference among Tory members for outgo ing Prime Minister Boris Johnson.The YouGov survey for ‘Sky News’ suggests 66 per cent of members are in favour of voting for Truss and 34 per cent back the British Indian ex-minister, once those Tory members who do not know or will not vote are Theexcluded.surveyalso shows a majority in favour of oust ed leader Boris Johnson, with 55 per cent saying that Tory MPs were wrong to ef fectively force him to resign and 40 per cent saying they were “Theright. poll makes clear that the incumbent Prime Minister is still held in high affection among Tory mem bers and any successor could be unfavourably compared to him by Tory members,” Sky News said in its poll analysis. If Johnson was still in the contest alongside Sunak and Truss, 46 per cent say they would vote for the incumbent and only 24 per cent for Truss and 23 per cent for Similarly,Sunak. 44 per cent say that Johnson would make the best Prime Min ister, 24 per cent favouring Truss and 23 per cent for Sunak.Almost double the number of Tory members feel Johnson is the one who could beat Opposition La bour Leader Keir Starmer in a general election.
16 killed, 36 missing in flash flooding in China BEIJING, AUG 18 (PTI): At least 16 people were killed and 36 others remained missing after a flash flood hit a county in China’s north west Qinghai province, local authorities said on Thurs day. Heavy rainfall, starting 10:25 pm on Wednesday, lashed Datong Hui and Tu Autonomous County, triggering flash floods and mudslides causing rivers to change courses, according to county’s publicity. A total of 6,245 resi dents in six villages have been affected by the natural calamity, publicity depart ment said. The province im mediately activated its Level II emergency response for disasters, state-run Xinhua news agency reported. Level-II is the secondmost severe response in a 4-tier disaster control emer gency response system in China. Local authorities have dispatched more than 2,000 personnel from armed police, public security, emer gency, health and other departments and more than 160 vehicles, for rescue and relief efforts, report said.
HUALIEN (TAIWAN), AUG 18 (AP): The U.S. government on Thursday announced trade talks with Taiwan in a sign of support for the island democracy China claims as its own ter ritory, prompting a warning by Beijing that it will take action if necessary to “safe guard its China’sWashingtonShuCommerceessayspermanent,itsageWashingtonforeignthatascriticizedXi25officialhighest-rankinglosiHousetimidatemissilescomesThesovereignty.”announcementafterBeijingfiredintotheseatoinTaiwanafterU.S.SpeakerNancyPethismonthbecametheAmericantovisittheislandinyears.ChinesePresidentJinping’sgovernmenttheplannedtalksaviolationofitsstanceTaiwanhasnorighttorelations.ItwarnednottoencourtheislandtotrytomakedefactoindependenceastepBeijingwouldleadtowar.“Chinafirmlyopposthis,”saidMinistryofspokeswomanJueting.Shecalledonto“fullyrespectcoreinterests.”
COLOMBO, AUG 18 (PTI): The Sri Lankan government’s negotiations with the IMF for a bail out package have made “good progress,” the Cen tral Bank Governor said on Thursday, indicating that a top delegation of the Washington-based lender is expected to arrive here at the end of this month to finalise a staff-level agree ment.Sri Lanka is in the midst of an unprecedented economic crisis that has led to severe shortages of fuel and other essentials. The island nation of 22 million also witnessed a major political churn in recent times following massive mass protests that forced former president Gotabaya Rajapaksa to flee the country and resign from his “Thepost.IMF pro gramme is making a good progress, and an IMF mis sion is planning to visit Sri Lanka towards the end of this month to reach a staff-level agreement on a policy package,” news portal newsfirst.lk quoted Sri Lanka’s Central Bank Governor Nandalal Weer asinghe as saying.
2. a BS i l . Zachamo n gullie on his being conferred with the DGP Commendation Disc (Silver) for Outstanding Performance for the year 2021-22.TVC,TSU and TYO further wishes both of them long life, good health and success in all their future endeavours. Janthungo Kikon t. Yanthungo ngullie eshenthung l. ngullie Chairman, TVC President, TSU President, TYO -185/22WC
2. Ms. Ahukali Aye, D/o Late Kitoho Aye and Mrs. Toniholi Aye for bagging Gold Medal in B.A Education Department under Nagaland University, 2022. KYGK wishes you all the best in all your future endeavours.
KOHIMA BIBLE COLLEGE ALUMNI MEET Date : August 24, 2022 Venue : College Chapel Hall Time : 11:00 am
Felicitation tsungiki Village council (tVc), tsungiki Students’ Union (tSU) and tsungiki Youth o rganization ( t Y o ) , under Wokha District, Nagaland extends heartiest congratulations to : 1. Dr. nyanthung Kikon, Dy. Director & State Nodal Officer, Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP) on his being conferred with the Governor’s Gold Medal on the occasion of Independence Day 2022.
Joint Statement We, the undersigned representatives of the Four Colony Councils under Ward Number 12, Dimapur make this joint statement with one accord.Distressed by the random collection of tax by various individuals, groups and organizations, we issue this public statement expressing our collective resolve: 1. Not to entertain any individual, group or organization that is collecting tax within these Four colonies.
FELICITATION We, the Kulolau Yemishe Ghami Kuqhakulu (KYGK) would like to express our heartiest appreciation and congratulations to the following individuals for bringing laurels to the Yemishe Community : 1. Dr. Vinikali Awomi, D/o Mr. Visheto Awomi & Mrs. Hosheli of Yemishe Village, on successfully completing MBBS from Our Lady of Fatima University, Manila Philippines.
“I don’t like the per son. I don’t think he’s a very good person,” he said about Rushdie. “I don’t like him. I don’t like him very much. “He’s someone who attacked Islam, he attacked their beliefs, the belief systems,” The Post report said. Matar said he was less familiar with Rushdie’s written work but had watched his videos on YouTube.“Isaw a lot of lec tures,” he said. “I don’t like people who are disingenu ous like that.” In the nearly 15-min ute-long interview to The Post Wednesday, Matar spoke about how he took a bus from New Jersey to Buffalo a day before the Friday attack, and then grabbed a ride to Chau tauqua.“I was hanging around pretty much. Not doing anything in particu lar, just walking around,” Matar said, adding that he “slept in the grass outside Thursday night, a day be fore the attack.

You can get enough essential amino acids through eating a diet rich in protein. These proteins are available in both plant foods and animal foods. Some foods contain complete proteins. These are foods that contain all 20 or more types of amino acids. Some foods are incomplete proteins and they may be missing one more of the nine essential aminoAnimalacids. and plant foods that contain complete proteins or all amino acids include:Red meat, Chicken, Fish, Seafood, Eggs, Milk, Cheese, Yogurt, Quinoa, Chia seeds, Tofu Plant foods that contain some amino acids include: Grains, Nuts, Seeds, Beans, Legumes, Fruits, Vegetables How much protein do you need? The Recommended Daily Allowance for protein is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day in the United States, or about 7 grams for every 20 pounds of bodyweight. That means if you weigh 140 pounds, you should eat about 50 grams of protein in a day.Most healthy people who live in a developed country get more than enough protein in their diet. However, millions of people, especially children and those who live in developing countries, do not get enough protein because of food insecurity. The best way to get all the amino acids you need is to eat a variety of foods throughout the day that contain amino acids. People who do not eat animal foods may need to eat more and a greater variety of plant foods that contain amino acids to reach their recommended daily intake. Risks and outlook Protein is required for your health to maintain healthy body functions. Children need extra protein as they grow, and pregnant or breastfeeding women need good amounts of protein as they grow a baby. Risks of not enough protein People who live with food insecurity may have difficulty getting enough protein and essential amino acids. People who do not eat animal foods may also be at risk for not enough protein or a variety of proteins. Too little protein and malnutrition can lead to: Poor growth Loss of muscle mass Weakened heart Weakened respiratory systemDecreased immunity Severe malnutrition and a lack of protein can lead to death. Medical Reviewer: Dan Brennan, MD
The Dimapur District Ao G.B Union extend our heartiest pleasure and congratulations to Shri. Longkong G.B. Bank Colony Dimapur, for the award received from the Government of Nagaland through D.C Dimapur, in recognition of his commendation and selfless service rendered towards public welfare on 15th August 2022. May God continuously give him long life and bless him and his family. (TemsupokSd Jamir) (A. Taku Longkumer) Secretary President Felicitation P-3909/22d We, the Bank Colony Council extend our heartfelt congratulations to Shri. R. Longkong GB Bank Colony for receiving the Commendation Award Dimapur District. We wish him success in his future endeavours. BankChairmanColonyCouncilDimapur:Nagaland Office Of the Bank Colony CounCil Govt. Recognition No. GeN. 4/08D/9788-90. Dt. 15-01-09 Dimapur – 797112 : Nagaland Felicitation P-3907/22 dP-3913/22 Office Of the KhetOi ViLLAGe StUDeNtS’ UNiON FELICITATION With immense pride and honor, the Khetoi Village Students’ Union extend our heartiest congratulations to Miss Limugha Zhimomi, D/o Mr. Vitoshe Zhimomi of Khetoi Village for securing Gold Medal under History Department (B.A) Patkai Christian College (Autonomous) The union further wishes her good health and more success in her future endeavours Sd/- Sd/Ilivi Awomi Shikalito Awomi President, KVSU General Secretary, KVSU -3911/22Pd
Twilight director regrets turning down Taylor Swift cameo Foods High in Essential Amino Acids
FELICITATION The office of the Konyak Union is proud to congratulate SHRI H.A. HONGNAO KONYAK (VicePresident of Konyak Union) son of Shri. Hamshen Konyak of Longchang Village on being a recipient of the prestigious HUMANITARIAN EXCELLENCE AWARD, 2022 by I CAN FOUNDATION on the occasion of 76th India’s Independence Day and world Humanitarian Day in New Delhi. Through this column, we express our happiness to the I Can Foundation, India for selecting Shri. H.A. Hongnao as he rightly deserved. We are optimistic that he will continue to do humanitarian services for the people even in the days to come. We pray for his good health and his future endeavours. Sd/(TINGTHOK KONYAK) President (NOKZEI P KONYAK) Media & Press Secretary k-1896/22
Benefits of amino acids Amino acids are required for life. Your body uses amino acids to build protein in your muscles, skin, hair, organs, and tissues and as a source of energy. Amino acids are important to: Build muscle BreakGrow down food Repair Balancetissuesnitrogen in the bodyRegulate theprocessesresponsiblesystempressureRegulateappetitebloodBuildbrainchemicalsRegulatetheimmuneAminoacidsareformanyotherandfunctionsinbody.
Foods high in essential amino acids
What are amino acids? You can get enough essential amino acids through eating a diet rich in protein. These proteins are available in both plant foods and animal foods. You can get enough essential amino acids through eating a diet rich in protein. These proteins are available in both plant foods and animal foods. Amino acids are an important nutrient required for life and good health maintenance. They are sometimes acidsYour body cannot make essential amino acids from scratch or from other amino acids, so you must get them from food. These include:Histidine, Lysine, Isoleucine, toconditionalcan’tacids.andbodyPhenylalanineThreonine,Tryptophan,Leucine,Valine,Methionine,Ifyou’reanadult,yourcanmakenonessentialconditionalaminoChildren’sbodiesproduceenoughaminoacidsmeettheirneeds.
FELICITATION With immense joy and appreciation, the Office of the Longwa Village Council extends our heartiest congratulations to Shri. C. NOKLEM KONYAK, Village Council Chairman Longwa, on being awarded the Governor’s Commendation Certificate for his leadership qualities, which has resulted in many positive changes in the field of Village Administration and developmental activities. He was awarded on the eve of Independence Day at TheKohima.people of Longwa truly appreciate his utmost sincerity and dedication towards his duties and pray that God will continue to bless him in all endeavours.
T aylor Swift was rejected for a cameo in ‘The Twilight Saga: New Moon’. The 2009 movie’s director Chris Weitz has claimed the ‘Love Story’ hitmaker was keen to land a part in the motion picture because she was a huge fan of the film franchise, but he thought her cameo might be tooHedistracting.said:“Taylor Swift was a huge Twi-hard, and Taylor Swift and I had the same agent at the time and he said, ‘Taylor would like to be in this movie - not because of you, but she’s a Twi-hard.’“Thehardest thing for me was to be like, the moment that Taylor Swift walks onto the screen, for about five minutes, nobody is going to be able to process madeabecausedecisiontowhatever”,thehappyagentWeitzanything.”saysSwift’sinsistedshewouldbetoplay“someoneatcafeteria,orthedinerorshejustwantedbeinthemovie.Henowregretshistoturnherdown,hecould’veformedfriendshipwithher.ButWeitzinsistshethedecisionforthe “best of the Speakingfilm”.on ‘The Twilight Effect’ podcast, he added: “I kick myself for it too, because - I was like, ‘Wow, I could’ve been hanging out with Taylor Swift.’“She must have been like, ‘Who is this jerk?’ But sometimes you make decisions thinking this is for the best of the film.” While she didn’t rub shoulders with Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Taylor Lautner in the second film in ‘The Twilight Saga’ movie series, she is to star opposite Christian Bale, Robert De Niro, Margot Robbie, Rami Malek, John David Washington, Chris Rock, Anya TaylorJoy, Zoe Saldana, Mike Myers, and Michael Shannon in forthcoming film Swift‘Amsterdam’.will play a supporting role as a grieving woman in the period-mystery comedy movie. (Contactmusic)
1st Nagaland Photography Fest
O f late, South Indian film personalities have been going places. Now, popular actor, producer, and host Lakshmi Manchu has been nominated in the 100 Most Beautiful Faces List by TC Candler.The list includes personalities from all around the world, covering over 40 countries having actors, TV personalities, internet sensations, K-pop artists, etc. The list is more inclusive and diverse. The 100 Most Beautiful Faces List is released by TC Candler and The Independent Critics annually since 1990 and is an internet sensation. This global list includes artists like Ryan Reynolds, Beyonce, Tom Hardy, Shawn Mendes, Sebastian Stan, Taylor Swift, Mahira Khan, Ram Charan, Manushi Chillar and many more.
YANLANG SHAKAM LONGHI VDB Secretary, Longwa Secretary, LVC LONGWA VILLAGE COUNCIL MON : NAGALAND Place: Longwa Village Date: 18th August 2022 db-901/22 k-1898/22
Lakshmi Manchu makes it to 100 Most Beautiful Faces global list
P hotography Club Dimapur is organizing its first Nagaland Photography Festival, which is also the first in India on August 19 and 20 at Mandeville Garden, Purana Bazaar, Dimapur from 1 pm onwards with entry fee of Rs. 50. There will be workshops and seminars, food stalls, kids’ corner, on spot photography competition, cosplay and artistes like Sunep Lemtur, KL Pamei and Dreamz Unlimited will be performing at the festival.

BRIEF SCORES: New Zealand 190 all out in 45.2 overs (Kane Wil liamson 34, Michael Brace well 31; Akeal Hosein 3-28, Alzarri Joseph 3-36) lost to West Indies 193-5 in 39 overs (Shamarh Brooks 79, Nicholas Pooran 28; Tim Southee 2-39, Trent Boult 2-49) by five wickets
Deontay Wilder to return against Helenius in October
MYK C MYK C NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 2022 SPORTS 11 dc-909/22 DAKLANE YOUTH SOCIAL ORGANISATION OPEN PENALTY SHOOTOUT Date : 27/08/2022 Time : 9:00 am Venue : Seikhazou Ground D.Khel Last date of registration: 25/08/2022, Entry fee : Rs. 3000/-, Form : Rs. 100/1st Prize : Rs. 60,000/-, 2nd Prize: Rs. 30,000/1st Semifinalist : Rs. 3000/-, 2nd Semifinalist : Rs. 3000/Best Keeper : Rs. 3000/Food Stall will be available Forms are available at: 1) Northern Sports Sepfuzou Colony, 2) Sports World Main Town : Opp. Bank of Baroda, 3) Common Service Centre, Mato Complex (Ground Floor) PR Hill, 4) Royal Enfield Showroom Opp. Vishal Mall High School For queries : 7641939233/8794494788 k-1894/22 dcBRIDGETOWN (BAR BADOS), AUG 18 (IANS): West Indies snapped their nine-match losing streak in ODIs with a comfortable five-wicket win over New Zealand in the first match of the series. On a pitch assisting the bowlers, left-arm spin all-rounder Akeal Hosein and pacer Alzarri Joseph picked three wickets each to bowl out New Zealand for just 190 in 45.2 overs. The chase was not straightforward for the West Indies. But Shamarh Brooks made a patient 79 off 91 balls to ensure West Indies had a rare clini cal performance in ODI cricket and take a 1-0 lead in three-match series. Martin Guptill and Finn Allen stitched a 41run opening stand in eight overs. But once they both fell in quick succession, wickets kept falling at regu lar intervals for New Zea land, going from 53-2 to 116-5.If not for the con tributions from Mitchell Santner (25) and Michael Bracewell (31) lower down,
LONDON, AUG 18 (AGENCIES): Former WBC heavyweight cham pion Deontay Wilder will return to the ring against Finland’s Robert Helenius on Oct. 15, his first fight since the completion of his trilogy against Tyson Fury last year, the American’s promotersWildersaid.(42-2-1) was stopped in the 11th round by Fury in Las Vegas for his second straight loss to the Briton, who retained the WBC heavyweight title. Their first fight in December 2018 ended in a split draw.“It’sbeen a long jour ney for me and as of today it continues,” the 36-yearold, who was honoured with a statue in his home town of Tuscaloosa, Ala bama earlier this year, said in a statement on Wednes day. “I thought so many times about whether I should stay out of the busi ness or come back. Once I got my statue in my home town and saw so many people arrive and celebrate with me ... made me feel like my job is not done.”
Deontay Wilder
West Indies beat New Zealand by 5 wkt the score would have been much more lesser for New Zealand, who fell ten runs short of the 200-mark. West Indies put on a collective bowling perfor mance, with Hosein (3-28) and Joseph (3-36) being pick of the bowlers while Jason Holder (2-39), Kevin Sinclair (1-37) and Yannick Cariah (1-49) chipping in as well.New Zealand struck twice in the powerplay as Shai Hope and Kyle May ers fell to Tim Southee and Trent Boult respectively. But Brooks hanged around for long to lead the chase for West Indies, with cap tain Nicholas Pooran mak ing 28. The duo were also aided by some inconsistent bowling from New Zea land, with tearaway pacer Lockie struggling to find his rhythm.Bythe time Brooks fell, West Indies were 1725 and Jason Holder, along with Jermaine Blackwood, playing in his first ODI since 2015, saw the team get over the line with five wickets and 11 overs re maining.
The fight will take place at Brooklyn’s Bar clays Center, the setting for Wilder’s knockout wins against Dominic Breazeale, Luis Ortiz and Bermane Stiverne.Helenius (31-3) last fought on the card of the third Fury-Wilder fight, securing a sixth-round win against Poland’s Adam Kownacki.“I’vebeen waiting for this opportunity for a long time and I’m going to be ready,” said the 38-yearold. “I’m going to produce an even bigger upset than I did with Kownacki. I’m going for the belt, so this is a fight to prepare me to achieve that goal.”
BERLIN, AUG 18 (IANS): Bayern Munich have sold French defender Tanguy Nianzou to Sevilla but have the option to resign the 20-year-old, the Bundesliga champions said on Wednesday.Thecentre back ar rived from Paris SaintGermain two years ago but never looked convincing. He was mostly a back-up and the arrival of Mat thijs de Ligt has lessened his chances of starting. “At the moment we are well stocked defensively. Bayern Munich defender Nianzou moves to Sevilla It was the player’s wish to have more opportunities,” Bayern sporting director Hasan Salihamidzic? said in a statement. “We will watch Tanguy’s develop ment and that is why we have the option to bring him back to Munich. Se villa are getting a top and very talented lad.” The exact details of the deal were not made clear. Bay ern have had one of their busiest transfer windows for years with most of the movement coming into the club including Sadio Mané from Liverpool. Nianzou joins new Barcelona strik er Robert Lewandowski in leaving the Bavarian’s core first-team squad, with Niklas Süle and Corentin Tolisso having departed on free transfers. Tanguy Nianzou
West Indies’ Jermaine Blackwood and Jason Holder celebrate defeating New Zealand during the 1st ODI. (AP/PTI)

IMPHAL, AUG 18 (PTI): Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Thursday inaugu rated the Manipur chapter of the 131st Durand Cup at Khuman Lampak stadium, Imphal.The Durand Cup, Asia’s oldest football tour nament is being held in multiple venues of Kolkata, Imphal and Guwahati. Ma nipur is hosting 10 group C matches of the Cup. Singh said it is a “his toric day” as Durand cup was being played in Mani
Rajnath inaugurates Durand Cup Manipur chapter
Match in action between Mumbai City and Indian Navy on Thursday in Kolkata.
Towards the end of the first half with three more additional minutes, the Is landers managed to pull one back through Vikram Partap Singh, who slotted one right above the keeper’s head, after receiving a pass on the far-right wing, to bring his side back in the game.The second half con tinued similarly for both sides with Mumbai City FC constantly penetrating in their opponent’s half while the Navy kept their defence intact. Ahmed Jahouh came on and had a profound im pact on their game, getting into the right positions and finding players in spaces and making the final pass. Lacking the finishing power, Bipin Singh and Vikram Partap Singh failed to convert two back-to-back chances as Buckingham’s men continued to have the majority share of the pos session and dominated the field with their bolstering attack.In the 65th minute, marquee signing Greg Stew art opened his goalscoring account in the Mumbai colours after making the keeper dive the wrong side from the penalty spot to make it 2-1 for his side. The Islanders were awarded a penalty as Alberto Noguera was tripped inside the box.
British billionaire Ratcliffe interested in buying Man Utd Jim Ratcliffe ZURICH, AUG 18 (AGENCIES): Organisers have sold 2.45 million tickets for this year’s World Cup in Qatar, world soccer governing body FIFA said on Thursday, with more than half a million of them sold in the last sales period from July 5-16. FIFA said the biggest number of allocated tickets were for group stage matches like Cameroon v Brazil, Brazil v Serbia, Portugal v Uruguay, Costa Rica v Germany and Australia v Denmark. “Fans living in Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United States, Mexico, the United Arab Emirates, England, Argentina, Brazil, Wales and Australia led the way and the digital queues by securing the biggest number of tickets,” FIFA said. The launch date for the next sales phase will be an nounced in late September, FIFA added. Over-the-counter sales will also start in Doha after the launch of the lastminute sales phase. The World Cup begins a day earlier than originally scheduled with the opening ceremony tak ing place before the host nation kick off the tournament on Sunday, Nov. 20 against Ecuador. It will be the first World Cup staged in the Middle East and has been pushed back to later in the year than its typical June-July schedule to avoid the region’s punishing summer heat.
pur. He said it shows a huge prestige for the North East and is a matter of huge pride for the region.
Durand Cup: Mumbai City beat Indian Navy 4-1
Rajnath Singh with Manipur CM and other officials on Thursday.
NEW DELHI, AUG 18 (IANS): Pistol shooter Ra hul Jakhar held his nerves to emerge victorious in a shoot-off as Indian shooters opened their campaign at the Changwon 2022 World Shooting Para Sport World Cup on a resounding note clinching three medals in cluding gold on Thursday. According to informa tion received here, Jakhar, who qualified in the second spot with a score of 57414x, held off a determined Kim Jungam in the shootoff (3+3+2: 3+3+0) to win the P3 -- Mixed 25m Pistol SH1 finals. Trailing Jungam throughout the final, the 36-year-old Indian kept his calm to equal the scores 20-all in the last series of the Elimination round. “It was an amazing final. I am very happy to win the gold despite facing two malfunc tions during the finals. It was a good experience before the all-important World Cham pionships in November,” Jakhar told the Paralym pic Committee of India. Pooja Agarwal claimed the Changwon World Cup: Rahul Jakhar’s gold leads India’s impressive start bronze with 14 points. Para lympic champion Avani Lekhara was also in action on the opening day, in the R2- Women’s 10m Air Rifle Standing SH1 event. The 20-year-old, quali fying in the top spot, claimed the silver medal with a total score of 247.8 finishing be hind South Korea’s Beijing 2008 gold medallist Yunri Lee (249.1). Lee’s compa triot Myungsoon Kang took the bronze with 224.2 points. Lekhara, who took gold with a world record effort at Chateauroux 2022 in June 2022, was happy to get the silver competing with a new wheelchair and new rifle. In R1 - Men’s 10m Air Rifle Standing SH1, the hosts South Korea swept the podium with Tokyo 2020 Paralympic bronze medallist Shim Youngjip taking the gold medal with a score of 249.7. Meanwhile, France claimed the 1-2 position in the R4 - Mixed 10m Air Rifle Standing SH2 finals with Kevin Liot (252.7) claiming the gold medal by just 0.1 points over Tanguy De La Forest (252.6).
FIFA sells 2.45 million tickets for Qatar World Cup
MYK C MYK C Printed, Published and Edited by Geoffrey Yaden at G.M. Printers, Circular Rd. Dimapur-797112. Ph: Desk 248489, e-mail-npdesk@gmail.com. Adm.& Advertisement :248267,8798162009 e-mail-npostadvt@gmail.com, R.N. 40978/90 RN/NE 707 SPORTS12 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 2022
HARARE, AUG 18 (IANS): Vice-captain Shikhar Dhawan and his opening partner Shubman Gill slammed unbeaten half-centuries to give India a resounding 10-wicket victory in their ODI series opener against Zimbabwe at the Harare Sports Club on Thursday.AfterAxar Patel, Deepak Chahar and Pra sidh Krishna picked three wickets each to bowl out Zimbabwe for 189 in 40.3 overs, Gill (82 not out, 4x10 and a 6x1) and Dha wan (81 not out, 4x9) were unbroken in their open ing partnership to chase down the total and help India take 1-0 lead in threematchTheseries.win is also India’s third 10-wicket victory over Zimbabwe in ODIs and also their 13th consecutive triumph over the hosts’ in 50-over cricket. A major part of the Dhawan-Gill stand was how Dhawan, the early aggressor, took a backseat for some time when Gill found his groove after a watchful beginning in the innings.
LOS ANGELES, AUG 18 (IANS): LeBron James has agreed to an extension with the Lakers, a two-year con tract with a player option, according to reports. The deal keeps him from free agency until at least 2024, when he could exercise his option. The contract is worth the maximum that could be offered - $97.1 million. It also includes a 15 per cent trade kicker. The deal could grow to more than $110 million with a rise in the salary cap, reports DPA. James, 37, was set to become an unrestricted free agent following this season - his fifth since signing with the organization in 2018. He won a NBA title in 2020 but the Lakers haven’t moved past the first round of the play-offs in any of his other seasons with the team. In 223 games with the Lakers, he has averaged 27 points, 8.0 rebounds and 8.2 assists. James’ abil ity to become a free agent, should he exercise his play er option in 2024, aligns LeBron James agrees to two-year contract extension with Lakers: Reports with his stated desires to play with his son, Bronny James, should he be in the NBA.Bronny James is head ing into his senior season with Chatsworth Sierra Canyon High and is widely considered a top-50 pros pect in his recruiting class.
Rahul Jakhar
LeBron James CINCINNATI (US), AUG 18 (AGENCIES): Emma Raducanu stormed into the third round of the Cin cinnati Open with a 6-0 6-2 thrashing of Victoria Azarenka on Wednesday, signalling she will be well prepared for her U.S. Open title defence.Worldnumber one Iga Swiatek beat former U.S. Open winner Sloane Ste phens 6-4 7-5 to start her campaign at the WTA 1000 tournament, the last big tune-up event before the hardcourt major kicks off in New ItYork.was a Tour-leading 50th win of the season for two-time French Open champion Swiatek, who will meet Madison Keys in the third round after the American beat Jelena Osta penko 6-4 7-5. After thumping Serena Williams 6-4 6-0 in the first round, Raducanu delivered another dominating display, the 10th seed needing just 62 minutes on centre court to dismiss twice Australian Open winner Raducanu,Azarenka.whohas not won a tournament since Cincinnati Open: Raducanu into 3rd round, Swiatek also through
India beat Zimbabwe by 10-wkt; take 1-0 lead
Indian batsman Shikhar Dhawan in action on the first day of the ODI match between Zimbabwe and India at Harare Sports Club in Harare, Zimbabwe, Thursday. (AP/PTI)
KOLKATA, AUG 18 (IANS): A scintillating second-half display helped Mumbai City FC begin their Durand Cup 2022 campaign with a win as they beat Armed Forces side Indian Navy 4-1 in their opening fixture of Group B at the Salt Lake Stadium, here on IndianThursday.Navy’s Adersh (43’) opened the scoring of the game before Vikram Partap Singh’s goal (45+3’) at the cusp of the half-time cancelled out their lead. A Greg Stewart penalty (65’) followed by two quick-fire goals from super sub-Lal lianzuala Chhangte (89’, 90+1’) sealed the deal for the Des Buckingham-led side.
The Islanders got off to an attacking start from the get-go as Vikram’s header flew past the goal from a Bipin Singh cross through the left wing. In the tenth minute, the Indian Navy’s defence was put to test as the pacey Vikram Partap Singh tried to get past his man with his skills but was brilliantly tackled by the armed forces Buckingham’sdefender. men continued to pounce on the Indian Navy defence with a well-planned midfield link-up play through new signings -- Alberto Noguera, Greg Stewart, and Apuia, with the latter, almost put ting his side through with a potent shot that unfortu nately hit the woodwork. With loads of chances being created and constant pressure being mounted on the opponent, Bucking ham’s men were kept at bay by the towering presence of the Indian Navy keeper Vishnu who gave a run for the Islanders’ attackers’ money.Having lesser pos session, the Indian Navy managed to crack open the Islanders’ defence to draw first blood with the help of Adersh who was left unmarked in the centre of the park, pulling a splendid finish from outside the box to make it 1-0 for the armed services side in the 41st minute.
LONDON, AUG 18 (IANS): British billion aire Jim Ratcliffe would be interested in buying Manchester United if the Premier League club was for sale.Ratcliffe, who owns the chemical conglomer ate Ineos and is a United fan, was unsuccessful in his bid to buy Chelsea in May and has now turned his attention to the Red Devils, the PA news agency understands.Thenews comes after a report in Bloomberg said the Glazer family, who have owned the club since 2005, are contemplating selling a minority stake in the club. Radcliffe recently tried to buy Chelsea, with his late offer being rejected as Todd Boehly was suc cessful in taking over from Roman Abramovich, re portsADPA.spokesperson for Ineos said the company would be interested in pur chasing a smaller stake with a view to eventually buying the club.
capturing last year’s title at Flushing Meadows as a 150th-ranked qualifier, appears to be hitting her stride with the season’s final Grand Slam coming up from Aug. 29 to Sept. 11. She next takes on American seventh seed Jes sica Pegula, who rallied to beat Ukraine’s Marta Kostyuk 6-7(5) 6-1 6-2. Wimbledon champi on Elena Rybakina barely broke sweat in a 6-3 6-1 win over Garbine Muguruza while Ons Jabeur, her op ponent in the grasscourt major final, was pushed hard by hometown favourite Caty McNally. World num ber five Jabeur saved three match points to edge the 20-year-old, ranked 179th in the world, 6-3 4-6 7-6(7) and set up a third-round match against twice former Wimbledon champion Petra Kvitova.Two-time major win ner Simona Halep, who won last week’s Canadian Open in Toronto, pulled out due of a right thigh injury before her match against Veronica Kudermetova, who advanced to a thirdround meeting with Ajla Tomljanovic.Australian Tomlja novic lost the first set tie breaker to Spain’s world number four Paul Badosa but bounced back superbly Nadal crashes out in second round Rafael Nadal crashed out of Western & Southern Open after losing the match 7-6 (9), 4-6, 6-3 against Borna Coric of Croatia here on Thursday. Nadal’s defeat ends his bid for a return to the top spot in the ATP Rankings this week. The World No. 3 will have another chance to leapfrog Alexander Zverev and Daniil Medvedev at the US Open. The Croatian edged Nadal to advance to the third round in Cincinnati, battling for two hours, 51 minutes to secure his biggest win of the season by both opponent and stage.Borna Coric picked up his fifth tour-level win since his March return from shoulder surgery on Wednesday at the Western & Southern Open. But with this one, the for mer World No. 12 announced that he is back at his best. He will next face Roberto Bautista Agut, who advanced to the third round with a 6-3, 6-3 win against home hope Marcos Giron earlier on Wednesday. to win 12 of the next 14 games for a 6-7(3) 6-0 6-2 victory to close out play on Wednesday.
Emma Raducanu Iga Swiatek
Nagaland Olympic Football Day-2 Results Longleng 0- 2 Niuland Phek 3 - 2 Chumoukedima Noklak 0 - 2 Mokokchung Tseminyu 2 - 0 Kiphire FRIDAY’S MATCHES
Dhawan began the chase of 190 with backto-back boundaries off Richard Ngarava -- a tickle through fine leg was fol lowed by slicing over back ward point. He and Shub man Gill focused on strike rotation with a few lbw shouts in between from the ZimbabweDhawanbowlers.broke the rut of boundaries by cutting past square gully on some width provided by Nga rava. As Gill continued to take time, Dhawan quickly pulled off Sean Williams and also had a life when Brad Evans dropped the catch at square leg. Gill, now 24 balls without a boundary, got back-to-back boundaries in as many balls off Evans. A cut on a short delivery through the square region was followed by an edge through the vacant slip region. He ended the 14th over by punching through cover point, as 16 runs came off Dhawanit. got his fifty when he punched to longon and on the very next ball, he lofted inside-out over extra cover to bring up India’s hundred and complete a century of his opening stand with Gill. Helped by some extras and loose bowling from Zimbabwe’s bowlers, Dha wan and Gill continued to be undeterred in the chase. Gill then slammed succes sive fours off Ryan Burl -- a drive through extra cover was followed by smash through cover-point -- to reach his third ODI fifty in the last four matches in 52 balls.Gill shifted his gears seamlessly by hitting a four and a six over the leg-side boundary off Madhevere’s successive deliveries to bring up India’s 150. Dha wan and Gill knocked off the rest of the needed runs with immaculate ease, with the latter’s short-arm pull being the standout, as India sealed the game with 115 balls to spare. Brief scores: Zim babwe 189 all out in 40.3 overs (Regis Chakabva 35, Richard Ngarava 34; Axar Patel 3-24, Deepak Chahar 3-27) lost to India (Shubman Gill 82 not out, Shikhar Dhawan 81 not out) by 10 wickets