DIMAPUR, AUG 26 (NPN): Northeast Frontier Railways (NFR) will imple ment the recent December 2021 directive of the Su preme Court of India on the Railways to initiate action against unauthorized land occupants and ensure that there was no encroachment on itsDisclosingproperties. this at an interaction with media after the inaugural run of the train services from Donyi Polo (Arunachal Pradesh) to Shokhuvi (Nagaland), GM (NFR) Anshul Gupta said Dimapur is not an exception in the court order.
NSCN (I-M) reaffirms ‘one people, one nation’ Time to settle Naga issue, not election: WC
(NP) (Cont’d on p-8)
NEW PARTY (Cont’d on p-8)
Staff Reporter
According to Supreme Court in its December 2021 ruling, pointed out that In dian Railways was “equally responsible” for ensuring that there was no encroach ment on its properties and must initiate action against unauthorised occupants immediately whenever such issues are brought to its notice.According to the or der of the Supreme Court, the Railways was directed to immediately issue no tices on the occupants of structures falling within the stretch, that are immediately required for resuming the development project by giv ing the occupiers two weeks to vacate the premises. In respect of structures that are not immediately required to be vacated, the Railways may give six weeks time in the proposed notice prior to eviction and re moval of Referringstructures.toeviction drives being carried on rail way lands pan-India, Gupta said there was no exception for Dimapur as development works are being stalled. Gupta said doubling of existing track through Di mapur were to be carried out from Lumding to Furkating. He also said that NFR will be modernizing the Dima pur Railway station into a world class station. In order for all these to happen, he said land was required and for which the support of the state govern ment/district authorities was required for providing security during the eviction process.
Nagaland gets second Railway station after over 100 years
Ghulam Nabi Azad quits Congress
DGP TJ Longkumer and others after the inauguration.
Rio flags off ‘Donyi Polo Express’ from Shokhuvi Station Railways (NFR) for mak ing the dream of Nagaland come true. Rio hoped that state would be benefited im mensely not just economi cally but socially also. He said that the passen ger service and goods station provided by the Shokhuvi station would cater to the needs of the Admittingstate.the challeng es faced by NFR in procuring land, the chief minister said that one cannot blame NFR for the delay, adding that the railways have faced many hindrances in acquiring land required for the construction of railway line. In this regard, Rio urged upon the people to provide support and also requested village councils, GBs, civil society organisa tions and leaders to come forward. Rio said he was informed that survey would be conducted from Zubza to New Kohima and onward to Imphal in order to fulfil the commitment of the Centre to connect all capitals with rail way line. Rio along with his colleagues flagging off the Donyi Polo ExpressGhulam Nabi Azad NDPP committed to issue tickets to sitting MLAs: Rio
Anshul Gupta (NP)
ENSF holds mass rally against alleged custodial death NPCC demands dismissal of Dr. Chuba as NSCM&CF chairman NFR to enforce eviction as per SC order; Dmu not an exceptionDGP inaugurates Nagaland Police referral hospital extension, 850 LMP oxygen plant
DIMAPUR, AUG 26 (NPN): Nagaland Police Referral Hospital Exten sion and 850 LMP Oxygen Plant was inaugurated by Director General of Police (DGP) Nagaland, T John Longkumer, at Police Com plex, at Chümoukedima on Friday. Speaking at the inau gural programme, DGP acknowledged all those offi cials and unsung heroes who were involved and worked tirelessly for the completion of the 100-bedded extension of Nagaland Police Referral hospital.DGP expressed grati tude to the state chief min ister, deputy chief minis ter and chief secretary for sanctioning the required amount.Longkumer informed that the hospital was ini tially construed to cater to Covid patients, but since Co vid cases
DIMAPUR, AUG 26 (NPN): Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee (NPCC) has demanded the dismissal of BJP national vice president Dr. M Chuba Ao as chairman of Naga land State Co-operative Marketing and Consumer Federation (NSCM&CF) Ltd. for abuse of power and misuse of his position instituted in the name of Nagaland by the State gov ernment.Ina press note, NPCC communications depart ment, citing news reports, claimed that the police had seized illegal consign ment of 23 metric tonnes of areca nut belonging to NSCM&CF Ltd. in Febru ary 2022 and a case reg istered with the police in Guwahati.NPCC alleged that Dr. M. Chuba Ao, in his official writing pad as chairman NSCM&CF Ltd issued strict order prohibiting veri fication and checking along the route to Delhi from Dimapur. NPCC further pointed out that the letter had stated that “any viola tion will be imprisoned for 6 months
Staff Reporter
www.nagalandpost.com Nagaland Post MYK C MYK C Vol XXXII No. 262 DIMAPUR, SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 2022 Pages 12 ` 5.00 China, Russia disrupting world order: Taiwan INTERNATIONAL, PAGE 9 FOLLOW US ON @Nagaland_Postnagalandpostofficial NOPG 2022: Dimapur clinch gold in football SPORTS, PAGE 12 (Cont’d on p-5) (Cont’d on p-5) (Cont’d on p-8)(Cont’d on p-8) (Cont’d on p-5) (Cont’d on p-8) This is it! “I would even go to the extent of calling their liquor policy as bootlegging policy”.
Rallyists march towards DC office Longleng on
DIMAPUR, AUG 26 (NPN): Thousands of “Naga national workers” from Nagaland state af filiated to National Social ist Council of Nagalim (NSCN) adopted five-point resolutions and reaffirmed “one people, one nation” during a co-ordination meet ing held at Agri Expo Site, here on TheFriday.five-point resolu tions were read out by Col
Friday. (DPRO)
DIMAPUR, AUG 25 (NPN): Dimapur District Planning and Develop ment Board (DPDP) on Friday discussed about the dilapidated condition of the road along NH-36 from 160/000 km to 166/880 km in Dimapur city. At the monthly DPDP meeting at DC conference hall, the board agreed to write to PWD (NH) to expedite the construction work to alleviate the suffer ings of the Accordingpublic.to DPRO Dimapur, the board also agreed to direct the au thorities to clear the trees around Assam Rifles camp at Firing along NH-36 as they were posting hazard to theThepublic.board also decided to write to the Commission er of Police to identify areas required to install CCTV in order to monitor accidents and criminal activities.
Staff Reporter DIMAPUR, AUG 26 (NPN): State chief minister, Neiphiu Rio, who flagged off the Donyi Polo Express from Shokhuvi Station on Friday, described the day as “historic” and said that Nagaland was getting the second railway station on Dhansari-Shokhuvi railway line after a gap of more than 100 years since Dimapur station was opened in 1903. Speaking at the flagging off ceremony at Shokhuvi Railway Station, the chief minister said it was a “Red Letter Day” for the state of Nagaland and congratulated the officers, engineers and staff of Northeast Frontier
Probe underway An inquiry has been launched to probe into the death of Henveih Phom while in Assam police cus tody, police Informingsaid.to the media at a programme held at Po lice complex, IGP Range, Limasunep Jamir said an inquiry team was formed headed by additional CJM Sivasagar and has been asked to submit the report within seven days. Jamir said that as per the post-mortem report, which was video graphed, it was revealed that Henveih died due to cardiac failure because of chronic anemia.
DIMAPUR, AUG 26 (NPN): Working Committee of the Naga National Politi cal Groups (WC, NNPGs) asserted that it was time to settle the Naga political is sue and not hold elections, adding that the overwhelm ing demand of the people for early solution is being ignored and the narrative is shrewdly being manipulated to electoral narrative from politicalHittingsolution.outat the op positionless government for “creating so much friction within Naga tribes”, WC, NNPGs said the Govern ment of India is being misin formed about matters on the ground. It said the Govern ment of India representatives and inner circle of Naga land’s elected representatives were visibly “saying one thing one day and doing the opposite the next day, play ing havoc with the sentiment of the Naga Pointingpeople.”outthat the July 16 four-point resolution adopted by 60 legislators gave a clear lucid signal to the Centre that the Na gas, state government, apex civil societies and common people were prepared for a political solution, WC, how ever, said the resolution was not meant to officially reach the Prime Minister’s Office or Union Home Minister’s office, but “a mere exercise to fool the Naga people”. WC also accused NDPP and BJP of betray ing the Nagas by declaring the 40-20 pre-poll alliance on July 26, 2022. “Naga people and their history cannot be held hos tage for cheap political gains for cheap selfish leaders. However, ‘It is time to settle Naga Political solution and not Election’,” WC asserted. WC also said it was time for government of India to be forthcoming. “If a negoti ated solution is to be kept undeclared and prolonged, disrespecting and hurting the Naga people’s sentiment, the aggrieved Nagas have every right to revert back to preindependent India position and status of 1929 memo,” WC stated. (Full text on p-6)
lective Leadership Member and steering committee convenor, KK Angami and was adopted through rais ing ofAngamihands. termed the day as historic as over 7000 “Naga national workers” from Nagaland state reg istered and attended the co-ordination meeting. (Resolution on p-6) Nagas suffered, sacri ficed, says Tuccu: Attacking “those asking for solution within Indian constitution”, NSCN chairman, Q Tuccu said many Nagas suffered and sacrificed their lives to build “Naga nation” and not to settle for Nagaland state. Recalling the contri butions and sacrifices of the Naga national workers, Tuccu said the pioneers sacrificed their lives so that Nagas could live as “one people and one nation”. Tuccu said that since today there was peace be cause of ceasefire many Nagas have forgotten the sufferings and sacrifices of the pioneers. He reminded that hundreds of Nagas died for “Naga nation” and that their sacrifices should be honoured.Asserting that “all Na gas are same” and that Nagas have “one common goal and one issue”, Tuccu said there was “no bigger Naga, no smaller Naga, no special Naga, no non-special Naga” and that “Nagas are Nagas.
Staff Reporter
Staff Reporter DIMAPUR, AUG 26 (NPN): State chief minister Neiphiu Rio on Friday said that Nationalist Democratic Progressive Party (NDPP) has already committed to is sue tickets to the sitting leg islators of the party for the 2023 Assembly elections. Speaking at the inau gural programme of NDPP Dimapur region office at Duncan Basti, Dimapur, Rio said there was “no con fusion” and that NDPP-BJP would have to help one another “in the spirit of al liance and carry this formula in the whole state.” He also said that the seat sharing formula 40 (NDPP): 20(BJP) was de clared with the support of Central BJP leaders includ ing Home minister Amit Shah, BJP president JP Nadda and other senior BJP leaders. Rio said the alliance was “firm” and that it was under his leadership that the NPF had stitched an alliance with the BJP in 2003. Since there were some issues, Rio said he switched to NDPP and forged the al liance with BJP since 2018 and have been running a stableOngovernment.Nagapolitical is sue, Rio assured that the NDPP, as promised in its manifesto, will pursue for Naga political solution till the last minute. He assured if the solution comes that is honorable, acceptable and inclusive, the legislators will pave the way.
NEW DELHI, AUG 26 (AGENCIES): Ghulam Nabi Azad, a Congress veteran and former Union Minister, quit his party of more than five decades to day with a scalding attack on Rahul Gandhi, ripping into him for “childish behav iour”, “glaring immaturity” and for letting a “coterie of inexperienced sycophants” run theAzadparty.said that he will visit Jammu and Kashmir ‘soon’ to form his own party. He also denied any plans of joining the Bharatiya Janata PartyIn(BJP).alacerating resigna tion letter to Sonia Gandhi, he blamed her son Rahul for the Congress’s defeat in the 2014 national election- a turning point for the party that has been struggling to win elections since. The Congress was “comprehen sively destroyed” and had reached a point of no return, he declared, and slammed a “remote control model” in which Sonia Gandhi is “just a nominal figurehead” while important decisions are taken by “Rahul Gandhi or rather worse his security guards and PAs (personal assistants)”.Thisis the latest big exit from the Congress in the past three years and the third this year after Kapil Sibal and Ashwani Kumar. Azad, 73, said the Con gress had conceded its po litical space to the BJP and regional parties “because the leadership in the past eight years has tried to foist a non-serious individual” at the helm of the “Unfortunately,party. after the entry of Rahul Gandhi into politics and particu larly after January 2013, when he was appointed Vice President by you, the entire consultative mechanism which existed earlier was demolished by him,” Azad wrote, pointing out that Sonia Gandhi had heeded seniorAllleaders.senior and expe rienced leaders were side lined, he said, and “new coterie of intheturityingthesycophants”inexperiencedstartedrunningaffairsoftheparty.“Oneofthemostglarexamplesofhisimmawasthetearingupofgovernmentordinancethefullglareofthemedia by Rahul Gandhi,” he said. Rahul Gandhi in 2013 tore up a controversial or dinance or special order to spare convicted lawmakers from disqualification and called it “complete non sense”, embarrassing his own Congress-led govern ment and then Prime Minis ter Manmohan Singh. “This childish behav iour completely subverted the authority of the Prime Minister and the govern ment of India. This one single action more than anything else contributed significantly to the defeat of the UPA government in 2014 that was at the re ceiving end of a campaign of calumny and insinua tion from a combination of forces of the right wing and certain unscrupulous corporate interests,” Azad’s letter said.
Q. Tuccu and Tongmeth Wangnao address the gathering. (NP)
Staff Reporter/Correspondent DIMAPUR, AUG 26 (NPN): Mass public soli darity rallies were held across Eastern Nagaland and a candle light vigil in Dimapur on Friday in protest against the death of Henveih Phom, “who was suspiciously found dead under the custody of Assam Police at Sivasagar DistrictHundredsjail.” of people including students attend ed the rallies organized in all headquarters of the seven federating units un der the banner of Eastern Naga Students’ Federation (ENSF)-- Chang Wedoshi Setshang, Konyak Stu dents’ Union, Khiamni ungan Students’ Union, Phom Students’ Confer ence, Tikhir Students’ Union, United Sangtam Students’ Conference and Yimkhiung Akheru Ari hako, ENSF president Ch ingmak Chang and asst. general secretary Kaibo Konyak stated in a press note.The rallyists con demned the incident and demanded setting up of a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to probe into the in cident and early justice to the family.Candle light vigil in Dimapur: Hundreds from all walks of life attended the candle light vigil held at The Garden, Supermarket area Dimapur in memory of Henveih Phom, orga nized by Dimapur Phom Students’ Union (DPSU).
Adopts resolution5-pointatAgriexpomeeting
DPDB conditiondilapidateddiscussesroadofDmu

ing force was intolerable, PSU said it was “a matter of disgrace to the constitu tion of the country.”
BORN ON : 21/01/1972 – DIED ON : 21/08/2022 We, the family members of Lt. Mr. VIKHEHO SHOHE, (AWOHUMI) would like to express our deepest and heartfelt gratitude to all the individual, groups and churches who stood by us mentally, physically and spiritually at his sudden demise. Although we are unable to thank you all individually, it is our prayer that Almighty God bless you all abundantly.
Loving Wife, Children & Family
It further expressed hope that the responsible authority would deliver justice at the earliest.
IMNALUIN (Ungma) dp-306/22 We,
10 th DEATH ANNIVERSARY dp-4006/22 -4025/22dp
DIMAPUR: The 6th union assembly of the All Sumi Students’ Union (SKK) after reconsidering temporary dissolution of the executive council has “unanimously resolved” to restore the Executive Council with immediate effect for all normal and official transactions. In a press release, SKK union assembly speaker Ninoto H Chophi stated that 12 units out of 17 units present in the as sembly “re-endorsed” the restoration of the executive council with consensus opinion and to work to wards strengthening the image and integrity of the SKK.Further, the house re solved that the advisory board and the working committee, which were formed to carry out the powers and functions of SKK during the absence of the executive council, have been dissolved following the restoration order. The house also re voked the one-month sus pension order dated July 13, 2022 to SKK president Katho P Awomi, following the expiry of the suspen sion period.Thehouse resolved that he would be reinstated to his former position as president, SKK. As suggested by the union assembly, it has been decided to appoint addition of two or more person as tribunal members “to deal with any elements con fronting the aspiration of the SKK.”The appointment of the additional members has been endorsed to the executive council, the re lease stated.
RCCD to observe 91st martyr’s day: Rongmei Council Chümoukedima District held an emergency meeting on August 22 at Diphupar and unanimously resolved to observe the 91st martyr’s day anniversary of Haipou Jadonang (a freedom fighter) on August 29, 3:30 pm, at Diphupar, F Khel Public Ground no 2, Chümoukedima, with NSDMA joint chief executive officer, Home department, Pou. Johnny Ruangmei as main speaker. RCCD has invited RCN and federating units, frontal organisations and Rongmei community of Na galand to attend the programme.
GPPK convenes meeting: Gorkha Public Panchayat Kohima has convened a general body meeting on August 28, 12 pm, at Multi Utility Hall Chandmari, Kohima where report presentation of present tenure, deliberations and adoption of resolutions, declaration of new GPPK office bearers and felicitation will be carried out. All the GPPK members have been requested to attend the meeting.
DIMAPUR: Longmatra Area Gaon Bura Union (LAGBU) has strongly condemned the alleged physical assault by security personnel of 14 IR, E-Coy on August 22 at Kiphire village junction for parking his truck on the road side. LAGBU president A. Throngethe Sangtam said the association was “dis gusted” to learn about the event that unfolded on the said evening as the union did not expect the law en forcing personnel, who were supposed to safeguard the citizens under the area, “to take law in their own hands.”“Such act of barbaric attack on innocent youth by the military personnel is reprehensible and ex tremely unacceptable in a civilised society”, it stated. The union asked the law enforcing agency to book the perpetrators at the earliest and that proper judicial enquiry must be followed as no one is above the law.PSU: Condemning the alleged physical as sault, Pongren Students’ Union (PSU) stated that the “heedless behaviour and savagery” of the per sonnel cannot be justified in anyPSUmanner.president Irothe T. Sangtam stated that the brutal beating to the point of being unconscious was in violation of various pro visions of law. “The jawans who are supposed to protect the citi zens have completely failed which undermines and pay no heed to the fundamental rights of citizens as en shrined in the constitution of India”, it Pointingsaid.out that the inhuman act by law keep
Born – 06.06.1970 | Died – 27.08.2021 Missed Beyond Measure From Loving Wife, Sons and Relatives. LT. the bereaved family members deeply express heartfelt gratitude to one and all who stood by us at the sad demise of beloved mother Late TOUNEI-U SUOHU who left for her Heavenly abode on 5th August 2022. regret our inability to thank everyone individually but it is our fervent prayer that Almighty God bless you all abundantly in return.
WSYF asks public to cooperate with district administration
LAGBU, PSU condemn alleged physical assault
SKK U/A restores executive council; revokes suspension of president
LATE L. IMTIKOKBA AIER Born : 20.12.1950 – Died : 27.08.2012 "Despite passing years, in our memory you live as long as we do. Praying for your Eternal Peace."
k-1945/22 1939 – 23rd August 2022 “The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away” (Job 1:21) We would like to profoundly appreciate and acknowledge all individuals, churches, organizations, neighbours, friends and relatives who stood by us during the prolonged illness and demise of our beloved mother Lt. Solhou-u Sami, who left us on 23rd August 2022. Though we are unable to mention each and every individual by name, it is our sincere prayer that our Almighty God shower His abundant blessings for your love, prayers and generosity.
Loving Family Members
Army recruitment rally to be conducted in Dimapur: Agniveer army recruitment rally will be held for all the districts of Nagaland at Bhagat Stadium, Rangapahar Military Sta tion, Dimapur from September 7-15. PRO (Defence) Kohima, Lt. Col. Amit Shukla has informed that admit cards for candidates who have registered online have been generated and sent to email. All who have registered for the rally must carry two copies of admit card to the rally ground. Date and time of attendance has been mentioned on admit cards.
NLA speaker attends conference in Canada
Loving Wife, Children &
Strategic plan for TB free Longleng launched DC Longleng Dharam Raj with CMO, MS DH and district TB officer. (DIPR)
Husband, Children, Grandchildren and In-laws Ack NO w LE dg E m ENT dp-4023/22
DIMAPUR: Nagaland Legislative Assembly (NLA) speaker, Sharin gain Longkumer attended the 65th Rioin-charge,release,fax,fromParliamentaryCommonwealthConferenceAugust20-26,atHaliCanada.InapressNLAsecretaryKhruohituonuoinformedthatmatters
DIMAPUR: A “district strategic plan for TB free Longleng” was released by deputy commissioner (DC) Longleng, Dharam Raj on Friday, in the conference hall of the DC. The strate gic plan was launched un der District Health Society (DHS) and National TB Elimination Programme (NTEP) Longleng. According to a DIPR report, DC Dharam Raj lauded DHS and NTEP Longleng for coming up with the strategic plan for TB free Longleng by 2025 and extended gratitude to the medical team for their concern. He pointed out that a strategic plan was required before any battle and similarly, elimination action plan was essential to achieve a complete eradica tion of the disease in the district. DC, therefore, ap pealed to the stakeholders to extend their cooperation to the medical team in car rying out the strategic plan smoothly.Dharam Raj stated that due to prolonged use of medication for TB treat
DIMAPUR: Western Sumi Youth Front (WSYF) has asked land donors and public of Niuland district to extend cooperation to the district administration for all round develop ment of the district. In a press release, WSYF president Mu ghavi Awomi said with Niuland being a newly created district, the cooperation from people was required for smooth development activities. The youth front also urged upon the responsible departments to “sincerely execute the ongoing projects in the district” and complete them with in the time period as given in the work orders. Further, it acknowledged minister for Pub lic Health Engineering Department (PHED), Ja cob Zhimomi and advisor for Excise, Sericulture and Minority Affairs, Zhaleo Rio for showing concern in creating Niuland district and bring ing all round developments in the district.
SOUDA meeting: Shena Old Union Dimapur Area (SOUDA) has convened a meeting on August 27, 10 am, at the residence of union banker Yenito Sümi, Thilixü Village. All the of fice bearers, executives and sector representatives have been requested to attend the meeting.
with regard to various is sues were deliberated at the conference.Some of the discus sions included—role of parliaments in achieving sustainable development; a people’s parliament: acces sibility through innovation; professional development for parliamentarians— op portunities and challenges for small parliaments; ac cess to assistive technolo gies: implementation of standards across the com monwealth parliaments; building sensitive parlia ments; the climate emer gency: are parliaments holding governments to accounts.
Sharingain Longkumer and others at the parliamentary conference. ment, some patients avoided or skipped regular medica tion leading to drug-resistant TB to extremely drug-re sistant TB threatening and ending their life. In this regard, he in formed the medical team to give proper instruction and awareness to TB patients. In her address, chief medical officer (CMO) Longleng, Dr. Obangjungla informed that Longleng was the first district to release the district strategic plan for TB free district in the state and acknowledged the efforts of Longleng district TB officer, Dr. Temsusashi.Sheinformed that due to stigmatisation, people seldom came forward for TB testing when approached and suggested transparency in carrying out the strategic plan.In a short speech, med ical superintendent, District Hospital Longleng said the medical team alone would not achieve the target with out active participation from churches, NGOs and civil societies.Inthis regard, he said a mass awareness was re quired from all the stake holders to disseminate to their respective community down to the grassroots level. Earlier, chairperson, Dr. Temsusashi informed that the alarming figure of morbidity and mortality of TB in India gave birth to the Revised National TB Con trol Programme (RNTCP) pilot project in 1993. Later, in 1997, RNTCP was launched as a national programme with a plan to scale up in a phase manner covering the entire country by 2006. Meanwhile, Cen tral TB Division, ministry of Health & Family Welfare has developed the National Strategic Plan to end TB by 2025.

Dr. SC Jamir speaking at the programme.
WSYF: Western Sumi Youth Front has strongly con demned the highhandedness of Assam police for taking law into their own hand and brutally killing the innocent Naga youth in theirWSYFCustody.through its secre tary, Bohoi K Yepthomi urged upon the state government to intervene and bring justice at the earliest and that proper investiga tion be set up. of Naga Orgns demand judicial probe
DIMAPUR: Condemning the alleged custodial death of E. Henveih Phom, a retired Na galand police personnel from Anaki village under Mokokc hung district while in the cus tody of Assam police, various organisations in the state have demanded judicial probe into the death. Azo Nienu: NPF Legis lature party leader and UDA co-chairman Kuzholuzo (Azo) Nienu, has vehemently con demned the alleged custodial death of Henveih Phom. Azo said it was learnt that the deceased was physically tortured by the police person nel while he was under their custody and said to have suc cumbed to the injuries after five days of his arrest. Azo questioned Assam government, particularly the law enforcing agencies by say ing that when “our own neigh bour is not safe in the hands of our own security personnel then it will break the trust of brotherhood between the two peace loving states.”
ASM: Condemning the alleged custodial death, Anaki Senso Mungdang urged upon the competent authorities to conduct thorough judicial probe and demanded that those per petrators who committed such heinous crime against its fellow citizen be booked and awarded befitting punishment irrespec tive of creed or colour.
2. For details regarding eligibility criteria, reservation, age, etc. candidates may please refer to the detailed advertisement to be published in ‘Employment News / Rozgar Samachar’ dated 03.09.2022 or FCI website https://fci.gov.in.
USSC vice president Se throngba Y Sangtam and educa tion secretary Irothe T Sangtam said the inhuman act by lawabiding forces was “a disgrace to the constitution of the country”. It demanded that the per sonnel be brought to justice immediately and also extended its support to the demand of Eastern Naga Students’ Fed eration (ENSF) to immediately constitute a Special Investiga tion Team (SIT).
Dr. Hewasa also in formed that four students have been selected to rep resent Tetso College at the 2022 International Leading Together event in Chennai in September-- a joint col laboration with the Univer sity of Melbourne and four leading institutes in India. Sovima Village Coun cil chairman Sebastian Zumvu also addressed the gathering and acknowl edged the college for its contribution in all aspects. Meanwhile, the Annu al Governor P.B. Acharya Dr. T Ao Sports Scholar ship awarded to Sentitoshi Jamir of BBA VI Semester in the field of Basketball and Dzuziengunuo Linyii of BA 3rd Semester (Politi cal Science) in the field of Badminton.Theinformal session witnessed a host of events such as Mr. & Miss Fresher 2022, dance, songs, and other special performances.
RECRUITMENT NOTICE Food Corporation of India (FCI), one of the largest Public Sector Undertakings ensuring the food security of the Nation, invites only ONLINE APPLICATIONS for Zone-wise recruitment of Management Trainees / Managers in its Depots and Offices spread all over the Country, from eligible candidates who fulfill the prescribed qualifications, age, experience etc.
ANPSA Dimapur literary competition
DIMAPUR, AUG 26 (NPN): Director General of Police (DGP) Naga land, T. John Longkumer, released a booklet on ‘Na galand Crime Data 2021’ and also gave away DGP Disc award to 63 police personnel for their exem plary performances in the field of policing, sports, and public service at Rho dodendron Hall, Police Complex, Chümoukedima on Friday.Speaking at the pro gramme, DGP T John Longkumer congratulated all the awardees and said that award was being given away to acknowledge per sonnel for their dedication, discipline, and sacrifices. He said that selection process awards began with recommendations of unit commanders.Meanwhile, briefing the media, IGP Range, Limasunep Jamir, stated that law and order situa tion in the state continued to be peaceful, which he said was reflected in the de-notification of 15 police stations from the purview of AFSPA. He disclosed that more police stations in the state could be denotifiedIGPsoon.range informed that in 2021, a total of 1525 crime cases were registered in the state, of which 765 were charge sheeted and 553 pending investigations. He said that 179 persons were also convicted, with crime rate at 77.07 per one lakh population as compared to 74.5 of the previous year, registering a 3.3% increase in reported crime.With regard to the trends analysis among the 1525 cases, Jamir informed that there were 434 theft cases, 160 related to ex tortions, 29 murder, Kikon.byceremonypassing/burglary.80eightkidnapping/abduction,48relatedtorapes,andrelatedtocriminaltresEarlier,theawardwaschairedADGP,RenchamoP Crime
DIMAPUR, AUG 26 (NPN): Veteran Naga politician and former chief minister and governor Dr. SC Jamir on Friday la mented that the Naga so ciety was fragmented and wasting precious time for things which were impos sible to achieve and leaders have abdicated governance. He said this while ad dressing the 28th Freshers’ Day of Tetso College-‘Salvete 2022’, as the chief guest.Speaking on the theme “A Tryst with the Future of Nagaland”, Dr. Jamir recalled that the leaders of the past had a dream of a united and robust Nagaland, with one accord, one purpose, one mind and one objective. However, Dr. Jamir lamented that the present Naga society was exactly like the bibli cal story of the Tower of Babel, where the State has been witnessing fragmenta tion of both underground and over-ground organiza tions into multiple factions with divergent outlook and agenda.“No one has divided us. But it is we, ourselves that are divided and today we are reaping the bitter fruit,” he stated.
He appealed to the coun terpart Assam government to “immediately set up a Special Investigative Team (SIT) and probe into the case with utmost seriousness, without any bias ness and deliver justice to the victim’s family at the earliest.
1. Candidates may apply online through FCI website https://fci.gov.in under “Current Recruitment” head of Main page of the FCI website.
DIMAPUR: Dimapur District Planning and Development Board (DPDB) held its meeting for the month of August in the conference hall of the deputy com missioner (DC) under the chairmanship of Moatoshi Longkumer, MLA, who is also the DPDB chairman, on August 25. According to a DIPR report, at the meeting Sylvan School, Hollohon village, Eralibill, Dimapur and Excel lence Academy, Aoyimkum village were recommended by the board for upgradation.Afterthorough deliberations the following societies were recommended by the board—Sharon Self Help Group, Impact Foundation Society, Nagaland Kho Kho Association, Archway Soci ety, Gurudwara Sri Guru Singh Sapha, Alumni Association Sakus Mission Col lege, Touch Life Society, All Nagaland Electricity Field Workers Pensioners Welfare Society, Horus Welfare Society and Ongpang Tantan Welfare Society. However, approval of Elate Welfare Society, Model colony Purana Bazar and Wise Nagaland, Rengma colony Dimapur were deferred to future meet ings pending submission of verification report and relevant documents from responsible authority. A detailed presentation was given during the meeting by representative of waste management, Amos Ezung and environmentalist Tonika Miachieo with proposal to remove hazardous eucalyp tus trees near Super Market area under DAN and redevelop the area as a mini park with special emphasis on health.
Naga society fragmented: Dr Jamir
MYK C MYK C dc-973/22
DGP releases booklet on ‘Nagaland
3. Submission of Online Application Form will commence from 27.08.2022, at 10:00 Hrs. The last date for Online Application is 26.09.2022 till 16:00 Hrs. General Manager (R) FCI, RO Dimapurdc-973/22
USSC: Condemning the alleged custodial death, United Sangtam Students’ Confer ence said the personnel who were supposed to protect have “completely failed”, which it said, undermined the funda mental rights of the citizens as enshrined in the constitution of India and the International Human Rights law.
“We talk too much about the past forgetting about the fact that we must live in the present and mould the future,” he stated.To reinvent and trans form the Nagaland of to day, Dr. Jamir mentioned that the mindset of the Nagas would have to be rooted in contemporary realities.Asthe world was now a global village due to de velopments in technology and was very competitive, Dr. Jamir stressed that our outlook and attitude should also have to be global. He said that a selfcentric approach will have to give way to an inclusive approach and short-term perspective will have to be replaced with a long-term perspective.Hefurther called upon the youth of Nagaland to be the standard torch bearer of all the good that we have lived for and we seek. Dr. Jamir encouraged the gathering to face chal lenges with clear vision without fear or ill will. Earlier, in her wel come address, principal Tetso college Dr. Hewasa L Khing challenged the stu dents to practice the vision and mission of the college to empower themselves towards lifelong excellence and to go on creating a posi tive impact in the world. She said that “by join ing Tetso College, you are joining a community of 2000 plus students. You are also joining a community of dreamers, thinkers and most importantly doers.”
The statistical report of Sakhi-OSC Kohima on genderbased violence 2017-2021: Year Number of (Non-Disabledcaseswomen) Number of Cases (Women with Dis abilities) GroupAge 2017-18 22 1 50 2018-19 19 5 40-50 2019-20 14 2 20-40 2020-21 15 2 20-30 Total 70 10 20-40
Dimapur DPDB holds monthly meeting
DGP T. John Longkumer launching the Nagaland crime data 2021 on Friday. (NP)
ASM president I. Nuklu Lemtur and secretary T. Aren Imsong conveyed deepest con dolences to the bereaved family and prayed that the Almighty would grant them solace.
Seminar discusses rights of PwDs, stigma and inclusion Staff Re porter DIMAPUR, AUG 26 (NPN): Prodigals’ home, Dimapur, director K. Ela on Friday, stated that there were very limited services available in Nagaland for Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) “as we live in a bubble of abled world”. K. Ela was speaking at the national seminar on “rights of differently abled women in North East In dia”, organised by depart ment of History and Po litical Science of Immanuel college and supported by National Commission for Women in the college con ference hall. In her keynote address, she pointed out that parents and teachers have never taught us that the PwDs have rights entitled in the constitution and that we have never been taught how to talk with them or befriend them.Lamenting that PwDs were discriminated and Very limited services for PwDs in Nagaland, says K. Ela stigmatised in schools and society, Ela said there were not many PwDs in colleges because they dropped out of school and one of the main reasons was because of the discrimination that they faced. ‘Need to check how far reservation for PwDs is implemented’ Deputy commission er (DC) Dimapur Sachin Jaiswal pointed out that 4% reservation reserved for PwDs in Nagaland should be checked on how far it was implemented.Hesaidlack of educa tion for people with dis ability was a concern and a matter of neglect as they were not given the opportu nity to venture out by their family because of shame and stigma.Stating that the men tality of society has to go through a paradigm change, DC lamented that despite Nagaland being a strong knit community, it was the same as the rest, since the issue of disability was not beingSharingaddressed.that he did not consider DC office as PwD friendly, Jaiswal said it had no facilities or services for them although there were provisions for offices to be made PwD friendly. “In Nagaland which is mostly rough terrain, there is who have been left behind. Presenting a talk on “right to employment con cerning with disabilities women with special refer ence to Nagaland”, Khru talu Dozo and Bendang Jamir informed that as per Nagaland population 2011, the state’s population was 1.9 million, out of which 29, 677 (1.5%) of the population had one or other kind of disability.Onthe rights of em ployment, Bendang Jamir said according to the census of Nagaland state govern ment employee published by the directorate of Eco nomics & Statistics 2011, there were 4,26, 765 female workers and that 17.09% of the total male workers were working for the government while 4.83% female work ers were working for the government. He highlighted the Rights of employment for people with disabilities and difficulties they faced in private and public spheres, and barriers in accessing employment.Atthetechnical ses sion “right to education and women with disabili ties” was presented by Loli Athisii and “human rights, women with disabilities and its right entitlements” was presented by Sangto Longchar.Meanwhile, topic on “evaluation of policies per taining to the rights and protection of women with disabilities” was presented by Ashe Kiba and “elderly women with disabilities and well-being” was presented by Karilemla Longchar. The seminar also in cluded questionnaire hour.
3STATENAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 2022 Q.: Has the CSR conclave in Kohima been a success? A Yes. 28% B No. 64% C Can’t Say. 8% 100%90%80%70%60%50%40%30%20%10%0% nagalandpost.com Poll A B C NEXT POLL Q: Has the BJP shelved the promise of solution before election? Yes. No. Can’t Say. (Temperature in ºC) Max Min Agartala A stray thunderstorm 31 27 Aizawl A couple of thunderstorms 23 21 Guwahati A p.m. t-storm in spots 34 28 Imphal Thunderstorms, mainly early 25 23 Itanagar A couple of thunderstorms 31 26 Shillong A shower and thunderstorm 23 20 Kohima A couple of thunderstorms 23 20 Dimapur Mostly cloudy with a t-storm 30 25 Mkg Rather cloudy with t-storms 26 22 Tuensang A couple of thunderstorms 21 18 Wokha A couple of thunderstorms 27 23 Zunheboto Mostly cloudy with t-storms 23 20 FORECASTWEATHERAUGUST27
DIMAPUR: All Nagaland Private Schools’ Associa tion (ANPSA) Dimapur unit organised a district level literary competition on August 26. In a press release, ANPSA Dimapur unit informed that the literary programme saw participa tion of 18 schools in com petitions such as quiz and extempore.Under quiz competi tion, Manchem Chang and Shahida Sultana of St. Mary’s Higher Sec ondary School Dimapur bagged first prize while Elijah Ronren Kikon and Debashree Hazarika rep resenting Pilgrim Higher Secondary School bagged the secondMeanwhile,prize.
PUK: Phom Union Ko hima said it was disturbed to know that the torture and brutality inflicted on Henveih Phom leading to his death was committed by law keepers themselves.PUKpresident Dr. S. Manyau Phom and general secretary T. Lungmei Phom stated that the crime committed was “absolute violation of the fundamental rights enshrined in the constitution of India and abuse of human rights.” The union appealed to the responsible authority to take legal action against the culprits and deliver justice at the earliest.
The programme was chaired by asst. prof. & IQAC coordinator Dr. Chikhosale Thingo, invoca tion by executive secretary Council of Rengma Baptist Churches Haiwalo Apon and the vote of thank and benediction by Tetso Col lege student council general secretary B. Temjensunep Longchar and asst. prof. & senior advisor to EU, Tetso college, Akali Sumi respectively.
Nom rita Mech of St. Mary’s Higher Secondary School Dimapur, Amina Begum of MGM Higher Second ary School and Imrongtula Jamir of Pilgrim Higher Secondary School were declared first, second and third runner-up under ex tempore speech competi tion.Winners of the com petition were awarded with trophies and certificates, and would be participating at state level competition in Kohima.
Data 2021’
K. Ela Sachin Jaiswal hardly any services friendly for them and there are lots of infrastructure, psychological gap and many do not pos sess disability certificate, which will ensure them of the entitled schemes”, DC stated. ‘Violence against women with disabilities surrounded by silence’ Although the Nation al Crime Record Bureau (NCRB) has declared Na galand as “safest” state for women with only 67 in cidences of crime against women, violence against women with disabilities has been an issue surrounded by silence, assistant professor, department of History, Im jungla Imchen stated. Despite significant number of disabled women in Naga society, Imjungla said they were ignored, neglected, hidden and their rights were Deliveringunrecognised.apresenta tion on “violence against women with disabilities in Nagaland”, she challenged the gathering by saying that it was time that people listen to the voices of PwDs, to raise more awareness and amp up efforts to create long lasting change for women Staff Reporter
Alleged custodial death

1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India. 2. That my present official name as per Apptt. Order NO.ED/HT/ GEN/1/2004-05 dt.31/3/05 is Shri/Smti Wethselhiu S/o D/o Kedutsozü Mekrisuh and in some of my important document it is written as Shri/Smti. Wetselhiu S/o, D/o Kedutsozü Mekrisuh which otherwise is one and the same person. 3. This affidavit is, therefore sworn in to declare that my name Shri/Smti. Wetshelhiu and Shri/Smti Wetselhiu S/o, D/o Kedutsotii Mekrisuh of Chakhesang Tribe is one and the same person and henceforth, I shall be known as Shri/Smti Wetshelhiu in all official records.
AFFIDAVIT (Declaration )
AGARTALA, AUG 26 (PTI): Newly appointed Tripura BJP chief Rajib Bhattacharjee on Friday urged party leaders and workers to work hard to se cure an emphatic victory in the 2023 assembly elections. The polls to the 60-member House are likely to be held in March next year. “The BJP high com mand has given me a big responsibility by appointing me as the party state presi dent. I will continue to work to strengthen the organisa tion,” he told Bhattacharjee,reporters.who is a BJP member since 1991, had earlier worked in vari ous organisational capaci ties from treasurer to vice president. He is considered close to former chief minis ter Biplab Deb. “I am thankful to BJP national president J P Nad da, Prime Minister Naren dra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah for reposing faith in me to lead the party in Tripura. I will work under the guidance of party leaders to ensure our victory in the 2023 elections with more seats,” he said. The BJP secured 36 of the 60 seats in the 2018 assembly elections in the northeastern state. “Our president J P Nadda will begin his twoday visit the state from Au gust 28. His stay means beginning of election cam paign. I urge you all to make his rally a grand success,” he said. day… Fish would have been served daily for breakfast, meat for lunch, and pulao for dinner,” Sarma said. On Kejriwal asking him to visit Delhi to see the healthcare and educa tion facilities, Sarma said, “I frequently visit Delhi, he doesn’t have to tweet to ask me to go there. “Since he so desires, I will visit the clinics and schools there during one of my visits. He can also come here and see our facilities.”Thetwo CMs had entered into a tussle on the micro-blogging site on Thursday with Kejriwal criticising the Assam gov ernment for closing down schools when there was a need to open more schools across the country. Sarma had countered it by claim ing that the government had provincialised or taken over private schools into the government fold since 2013 as well as established new Onones.ABVP criticism of the state government’s decision to teach maths and science in the English language from Class 3 on wards, Sarma said the or ganisation has a democratic right to protest against any government decision as long a s the opposition is not violent.
AFFIDAVIT (Correction of Name) Regn. 551/16 | Date 16/2/16 I, Smti. PEKRUZONUO SEKHOSE alias P. SEKHOSE S/o, D/o,W/o, Late Zeluonyu Sekhose permanent resident of T Khel Kohima Village, district Kohima, Nagaland and presently residing at Lerie Colony Kohima, Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirm and declare on oath as follows: 1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India by birth. 2. That my actual name is PEKRUZONUO SEKHOSE and also known by the name P. SEKHOSE as such in some of my important documents including my Service Appointment Order my name has been recorded as P. SEKHOSE and in other document as PEKRUZONUO SEKHOSE, the word ‘P’ stands for PEKRUZONUO hence, the above stated name represents the same persons having single identity i.e myself. 3. That henceforth, I herewith rectified and corrected the same and my name will be PEKRUZONUO SEKHOSE for all official, correspondences and future references. 4. That the above statements made are true to the best of my knowledge and no material has been concealed herein and I sign this affidavit before the competent authority on 16th Feb 2016. DEPONENT NotaryK.LotanPublicSolemnly sworn before me by the deponent above mentioned named on this day 16th Feb.2016 at Kohima.-1944/22K
C HAN g E OF N AME Regd. No. 2919 Date: 19/05/2014 I, Shri, SIMON, S/o Late Rev. Arhüchu Trakha of Hutsü village do hereby solemnly declare/affirm that my surname was not included in my documents, but I would like to include my surname Simon Trakha. Henceforth, my name be known as called and Simon Trakha in all future correspondences, The statement made above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. The statements was declared before this court on this Day 19th March 2014.
DEPONENTSolemnly affirmed and declared by the deponent before me on this day the 25th of October 2021 at Meluri. Magistrate, 1st Class Meluri District Phek, Nagaland
DIMAPUR, AUG 26 (NPN): The Defence Wing of the Press Information Bureau ( PIB) has announced that the army recruit ment rally under Agnipath scheme to enrol Agniveer general duty (women) in Corps of Military Police (CMP) will be conducted for female candidates of North East states at Dalguri, Assam in November 2022, the exact date of which will be intimated to the registered candidates through admit cards. A press release by the PRO (Defence), Kohima stated that online registration is mandatory to attend the rally. Registration is open from August 9, 2022 to September 7, 2022.The release further stated that all female candidates desirous of participat ing in the rally are advised to acquaint themselves with the details of eligibility criteria given in the notification, adding that for more detail, they can visit www. joinindianarmy.nic.in.
Silver Award as ‘Best Eco Tourism Destination’ in India
AFFIDAVIT Regd. No. 4509 | Date 17/03/2015 I, Smti. T. VEIKHOVAH HAOKIP, D/o Shri T. Jangkholun Haokip of Ngaloimol Village District Churachandpur Manipur solemnly declare/ affirm that: 1. I am a bonafide citizen of India. 2. My name has been wrongly entered as T.V. Haokip in my Regularization Order, Service Book, GPF. 3. My actual name is Smti. T.Veikhovah Haokip. 4. My name shall be used as Smti. T.Veikhovah Haokip in all future references. 5. My date of birth is wrongly entered in my GPF as 01-06-1969 which should be as 01-05-1969. 6. The statements made in the above para are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and nothing false has been stated or concealed therein. (T.VEIKHOVAHDeponentHAOKIP) Solemnly affirmed and declared by the deponent before me on this the 17th day March 2015 at Meluri. (JOHN TSÜLISE SANGTAM) Magistrate 1st Class Meluri, Dist. Phek, Nagaland -1946/22K
4. That the statements made in the affidavit and those statements made in the para 2 & 3 is one and the same person. That the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed. Solemnly affirmed and declare by the deponent in my presence on this day the 30.06.2017. 1st Class Magistrate Deponent Pfutsero, Nagaland K-1946/22
AFFIDAVIT (Correction of Name) Regn. No.468-B | Dt. 30/06/2022 I, Shri/Smti. Zürhovi Po, D/o Shri. Souchitho Po of Meluri Town P.O/P.S Meluri, Dist. Phek, Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirm/declare and state an oath as under. 1. That my name has been inadvertently entered in my Appointment Order as Zürhovipo. 2. That my correct name is Zürhovi Po. 3. That Zürhovipo and Zürhovi Po is the same person. 4. That henceforth, my name shall be used as Zürhovi Po in all my legal correspondences and official purposes. 5. That the statements made in the above paras are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and nothing false has been stated or concealed therein. (Zürhovi Po) Deponent D/o Souchitho Po. Solemnly affirmed and declared by the deponent before me on this day the 30th June 2022 at Meluri. Magistrate 1st Class Meluri, Dist, Phek, Nagaland -1946/22K
STDC reignites campaign for ST status for Meitei/Meetei that developing world class tourism infrastructure has been a major thrust area of the current Meghalaya Government.TheConrad Sangmaled government has ear marked Rs. 16,00 crore in vestment to boost tourism as it has a positive ripple effect across the state’s economy. Mawlynnong, which means “a cluster of stones” in the local Khasi dialect, is located on the southern slopes of East Khasi Hills district, and is also cited as “Asia’s clean est village”. It is about 90 km from Meghalaya capital Shillong and four km from the Bangladesh border. In 2015, the Central Government recognized Mawlynnong as a role model village for the entire country to emulate. Mawlynnong village duced to a minority. “The community is vulnerable to become refugees in their own ancestral land with a proud nation for more than 5000 years,” he said. The president alleged that the Centre delayed in consid eration of the demand due to failure on the part of the Manipur government to do the needful.Heasserted that rail way line reaching Manipur is no reason to be happy as there were possibilities of an overwhelming number of migrants arriving in the state.It may push the in digenous Meetei/Meitei to extinction. As such, the community needs a con stitutional safeguard, he reiterated. The president warned that if the state government remains silent without doing the needful, STDC was ready to launch intense forms of agitations with people’s support.
New Tripura BJP chief urges workers to work for victory Azad’s resignation letter to Cong similar to the one I wrote when leaving party: Himanta
1st Class Magistrate Deponent District Phek, Nagaland K-1946/22
Tripura CM Dr. Manik Saha with newly elected state BJP chief Rajib Bhattacharjee in Agartala, Friday. (PTI)
Correspondent SHILLONG, AUG 26: Meghalaya’s Mawlynnong village, popularly known as Asia’s cleanest village has bagged the Silver Award as the ‘Best Eco Tourism Destination’ in India. The accolade was con ferred to the representatives of Meghalaya government at the glittering Outlook Trav eller Awards function - 2022 organised in New Delhi recently. The Outlook Trav eller Awards is considered the ‘end word’ in terms of quality & competence in the travel and tourism industry. The awardees were chosen by a team of expert jurors from across the indus try and government agencies based on stringent global tourism parameters. The recognitions were handed out by the Union Minister of Tourism & Culture & De velopment of Northeastern Region G. Kishan Reddy. Besides Mawlynnong village, another destination of Meghalaya, the famous ‘Shillong to Sohra route’ was also nominated among the Best Scenic roads in India. Speaking on the achievement, Chief Minis ter Conrad K. Sangma said “Tourism has the potential to usher progress and pro mote grass root develop ment. Our government has been working tirelessly for the past 4 years to project Meghalaya as a world class destination for eco-tourism.” He said the accolade from a reputed platform like Outlook Traveller is a “testimony to this relentless commitment.” “I am sure, going ahead Meghalaya will emerge as the top ecotourism destination not only in India but the world,” the Chief Minister said, adding Mawlynnong, Meghalaya’s cleanest village bags
AFFIDAVIT (Correction of Name) Regd. No. 446 | Date: 25/10/2021 I, Shri Cherhuchu Trakha, S/o Shri Thuchu aged about 41 years, a permanent resident of Hutsu Village, P.O/P.PS Meluri, and District Phek of Nagaland state; do hereby solemnly affirm/declare as under: 1. That I am bonafide citizen of India and a resident of the above mention address. 2. That my correct name is Cherhuchu Trakha but in my Appointment Order it has been wrongly/Inadvertently entered/recorded as CHERHUCHU TROKHA. 3. That this affidavit is made to declare that from henceforth, shall be known as CHERHUCHU TRAKHA for all my official/legal purpose and correspondent documents. 4. That the statements made in the above paras are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and nothing false has been stated or concealed therein.
Affidavit (Correction of name) Regd. No. : 220 (P), Date11/2/2021: I, Shri Rhoshutho of Meluri Town P.O/P.S Meluri- 797114, Dist. Phek, Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirm/declare and state an oath as under. 1. That my name has been advertently entered in my appointment order as Rhoshutho Nguson 2. That my correct name is Rhoshutho. 3. That my name Thoshutho and Rhoshutho Nguson is the same person. 4. Therefore, my name Rhoshutho shall be used in all correspondence and official purposes 5. That the statements made in the above paragraph are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and nothing false has been state or concealed therein. Solemnly affirmed and declared by the deponent before me on this day the 11th Feb, 2021 at Meluri Magistrate 1st Class Deponent Meluri Dist, Phek Nagaland K-1946/22
AFFIDAVIT (Declaration ) Regd. No. 206/2022, Date: 15/10/2021 , I, Smti SIEVITSHU KAJIRI resident of Meluri village, Phek, Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirm and declare on oath as follows: 1. That I am a citizen of India belonging to Pochury Tribe of Nagaland. 2. That my correct/official name is SIEVITSHU KAJIRI. 3. That however, in some of my official documents my name has been inadvertently entered/recorded as SIEVITSHU KAJIRI alias SIEVITHSU alias SIEVITSHU KAJIRY, whereas, the names refer to the same and one person, i.e., SIEVITSHU KAJIRI. 4. That for all my official purpose and future references, rectifications and doubts if any arise with regard to my name, this affidavit shall stand as a proof of evidence. That the statements made in the above paragraphs are true to the best of my knowledge and nothing has been concealed herein. Signed by the deponent above named on this the 13th day of October, 2021 at Kohima, Nagaland. Notary Public Deponent -1946/22K
Recruitment for female Agniveers in Nov
D EC l ARATION Regn. No. 541 (B), Dt. 23-08-2022, I, Smti Visoutshu Nyusou, D/o Shri Zapopa Nyusou of Meluri Village, Dist, Phek: Nagaland do hereby solemnly declare/affirm as under: 1. That my name in my Regularizatio Order has been inadvertently entered as Visouthsu Nyusou, in my Aadhaar as Visuotshu and in my bank Pass Book as Visouthsu. 2. Whereas my correct name is Visoutshu Nyusou. 3. The aforesaid names are the same person. 4. Henceforth, my correct name shall be used as Visoutshu Nyusou in all my documents The statements made above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. The statement was declared before this court on this day the 23rd of August 2022. Magistrate 1st Class Deponent Meluri, Phek, Nagaland K-1946/22
Do not compare Delhi education with Assam: Sarma
Affidavit (Correction of Name) Regn. No. 489 (B) Dated: 20/10/21, I, Shri. TUSU THURR, S/o NATO THURR permanent resident of MOLEN village P.O/P.S Meluri. Dist Phek, Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirm/declare and state an oath as under 1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India. 2. That my name has been inadvertently entered in my Appointment and Regularization Order as TUSU TSURR & TUSU THUR. 3. That my correct name is TUSU THURR. 4. That TUSU TSURR. TUSU THUR and TUSU THURR is the same person. 5. That henceforth, my name shall be used and written as TUSU THURR in all official/legal purposes. 6. That the statements made in the above paras are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and nothing false has been stated or concealed therein. Solemnly affirmed and declared by the deponent before me on this day the 18th August 2021. 1st Class Magistrate Deponent District Phek, Nagaland K-1946/22
GUWAHATI, AUG 26 (PTI): Assam Chief Min ister Himanta Biswa Sarma on Friday asserted there can be no comparison between the northeastern state and Delhi as the national capital is more like a “municipal corporation”.Heasked his Delhi counterpart Arvind Kejriw al to come to Assam and see for himself government-run education and healthcare units, while stating that he will also visit similar facilities in Delhi during his frequent trips there. Sarma was reacting to claims by Kejriwal and oth er AAP leaders that Delhi has better education and healthcare facilities than Assam. “Delhi is a state merely in name. It is more of a municipal corpora tion” the senior BJP leader claimed. He argued that if Assam has to be compared with other states, it has to be done with places like Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, or Punjab. “I have seen their ‘mohallah clinics’. But after seeing the facilities at our Gauhati Medical College and Hospital, what is there to see in those clinics?” SarmaThesaid.chief minister was speaking to reporters after reviewing the progress of work of a ‘Swahid Smarak and Park’ here. In the educa tion sector, he maintained that Delhi has about 1,200 schools with 6,000-7,000 teachers while there are 60,000-70,000 state govern ment schools, employing nearly 2.5 lakh teachers in Assam. “If we had only 1,200 schools, I would have visited the institutions every Himanta Biswa Sarma and Arvind Kejriwal.
Correspondent IMPHAL, AUG 26: Sched uled Tribe Demand Com mittee (STDC) Manipur on Friday stressed the need of putting in place a protec tion mechanism for the Meetei/Meitei community before the arrival of train in Imphal.STDC president Yum nam Dhiraj said that the community needs a con stitutional safeguard before the arrival of the train in Manipur and scheduled tribe status was the only option.The president was talking to reporters on the sideline of a sit-in-protest held by the members of the STDC in Imphal’s Keishampat Junction to mark the beginning of the fresh movement of the com mittee.“No ST status, no rail line,” read one of the placards displayed at the protest site. Other read, “We demand ST status for Meetei/Meitei,” “We want action no words”, “Meetei/ Meitei needs constitutional protection,” etc. STDC has been cam paigning for inclusion of Meetei/Meitei in the sched uled tribe list of India under Article 342(1) of the Con stitution.The committee has been pressing the Central government to include it in the ST list since 2013 by submitting many represen tations to the Prime Minis ter, Union home minister, Union minister of tribal affairs and However,others.no concrete response was received from the Union and state govern ments till date, Yumnam lamented.Hestressed the need for a constitutional safe guard of the theingexpressingscheduledcommunityMeetei/Meiteibygrantingtribestatuswhileworryifgrantthestatusisdelayed,communitywillbere
Members of STDCM staging a sit-in-protest in Imphal on Friday demanding ST status for Meetei community.
AFFIDAVIT (Correction/rectification of name) Regd. No.3078/19, Date: 26/06/19, I, Shri RHUVITHO NYUTHE, S/o Shri KHEVITHO NYUTHE presently residing at Meluri Village, 'Dist.- 'Phek, Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirm and declare on oath as follows:1. That 1 am a bonafide citizen of India. 2. That in some of the official documents my name has been recorded as RHUVITHO NYUTHE however in some of my documents including in my Appointment Order and Regularization Order, my name has been recorded as RHUVITHO and in my Medical Fitness Certificate my name been recorded as RHIVITHO NYUTHE which is a clerical error hence, the stated name represents the same person having single identity i.e.. myself 3. That henceforth I herewith rectified the same and declare that my name will be RHUVITHO NYUTHE for all official references. 4. That the above statements made are true to the best of my knowledge and no material facts has been concealed herein and I signed this affidavit before the competent authority on 26th June 2019 at Kohima, Nagaland. Solemnly sworn before me by the deponent above mentioned named by on this day 26th June 2019 Kohima, Nagaland. Magistrate/ Notary Public Deponent -1946/22K
Himanta Biswa Sarma
AFFIDAVIT (Correction of Name) Regd. No. 480 | Dated 29/11/2021 I, Shri SHAILESH KUMAR SAHA, of NayaTola, Ward No. 35 Kathar (Bihar) P.O/P.S Kathar-854105, Dist. Katihar, Bihar do hereby solemnly affirm/declare and state an oath as under. 1. That my name has been inadvertently entered in my Appointment Order as SHALESH KUMAR SAHA. 2. That my correct name is SHAILESH KUMAR SAHA. 3. That my name SHALESH KUMAR SAHA and SHAILESH KUMAR SAHA is the same person. 4. That henceforth, my name shall be used as SHAILESH KUMAR SAHA for all my official/legal purpose. 5. That the statements made in the above paras are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and nothing false has been stated or concealed therein. (SHAILESH KUMAR SAHA) Deponent Solemnly affirmed and declared by the deponent before me on this day the 29/11/21 at Meluri.-1946/22-1946/22KK
Regd. No 1453, Date: 30.06.2017, I, Shri/Smti Wetshelhiu, S/o D/o Kedutsozü Mekrisuh age about 38 years, resident of Chizami Village/town, Dist Phek, Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirmed and declared that.
“I had written in 2015 that a time will come when only the Gandhis will be left in the Congress and all oth ers will leave. This is what is happening,” the CM stated. Senior Congress lead er Ghulam Nabi Azad on Friday resigned from all party positions, including its primary membership, delivering another blow to the embattled party that has seen a series of leaders leave it. The situation in the Congress, Azad maintained, has reached a point of no return and now “proxies” are being propped to take over leadership of the party. Sarma, talking to re porters, said the letter writ ten “by me in 2015 has many similarities to the one written by Azad ‘sahab’. The issues that were there earlier, are still there and will continue to be there, leading to a situation when only the Gandhis will remain in the part,” he Referringadded.to Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, the chief minister said that he is a “boon” for the BJP. “When leaders of both the parties are compared, the BJP is way ahead of the Congress and that suits us,” he added. Sarma resigned from the Congress in 2015 to join the BJP before Assam assembly elections the year after. He was largely cred ited for the saffron party’s first electoral victory in a northeastern state.
GUWAHATI, AUG 26 (PTI): Assam Chief Minis ter Himanta Biswa Sarma on Friday said that the resigna tion letter sent by Ghulam Nabi Azad to Congress president Sonia Gandhi had many similarities with the one he had written when he quit the party in 2015. The problem in the Congress is that everybody knows Rahul Gandhi is “im mature, whimsical and un predictable” but his mother is still trying to promote him, Sarma said on the sidelines of a programme here. “The Congress presi dent is not taking care of the party. She had been basically trying to promote her son all these years, but it is a futile attempt... Her mission will not be successful,” Sarma claimed.People who had been loyal to the party are desert ing it one by one, he said.

NSCN (I-M) reaffirms ‘one people, one nation’
DECLARATION (Correction of Name) Reg. 301/22 Date 21/10/22 I, Miss Chisa Rasutho Nyusou, daughter of shri Rasutho Nyusou, permanent resident of Meluri Village, District- Phek, Nagaland, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare on oath as follows: 1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India hailing from the Pochury Naga tribe and a permanent resident of the above mentioned address. 2. That I am presently serving as P/T at GPs, Meluri Village, under the Establishment of sDEO, Meluri, Nagaland. 3. That whereas in my most of my Official Documents and records my name has been enter and recorded as Chisa Rasutho Nyusou. 4. That however in my Appointment Order bearing No. ED/EL/A/1/2001-02 Pt, Dated 09.08.2004, my name has been inadvertently and by oversight entered and recorded as Chisa Rasutho. 5. That whereas `Rasutho' in my name refers to my Father's name and ‘Nyusou’ refers to my official surname. 6. That whether my name has been entered and recorded as 'Chisa Rasutho' or ‘Chisa Rasutho Nyusou', it refers to the one and same person i.e. me and it is indistinguishable interchangeable and synonymous. 7. That this affidavit shall stand as a piece of evidence for any rectification/clarification if any complications that may arise with regard to the correction of my name in my Appointment Order, and/or any other official documents or records. 8. That this affidavit is signed and sworn before the competent authority declaring that my correct official name is 'Chisa Rasutho Nyusou' and herein it shall be used for all my service records, official records, future references and future correspondence. That the above statements made in Pam 1-8 are true to the best of my knowledge and nothing material has been concealed herein and I signed this affidavit before the competent authority on 21 of October, 2021 at Kohima.
NEW DELHI, AUG 26 (PTI): The Supreme Court on Friday dismissed a plea challenging the Allahabad High Court judgement in a matter pertaining to the al leged hate speech of 2007 in volving Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. A bench headed by Chief Justice N V Ramana said it is not necessary to go into issue of denial of sanction in this case. “The legal questions of sanction will be kept open to be dealt with an appropriate case,” the bench also com prising Justices Hima Kohli and C T Ravikumar said. In its verdict delivered in Feb ruary 2018, the high court had said it has not found any procedural error either in the conduct of an investigation or in the decision-making process of refusal to grant sanction to prosecute. An FIR was lodged at a police station in Gorakhpur against Yogi, then a Member of Parlia ment, and several others on alleged charges of promoting enmity between two groups. It was alleged that sev eral incidents of violence were reported in Gorakhpur on that day after an alleged hate speech by Adityanath.
ADVERTISEMENT A Walk-in-interview will be held on 02-09-2022 at 1:00 p.m. in the Office of the Dean, school of humanities & Education, Nagaland university, Kohima Campus, Meriema for engagement of two Guest Faculties in the Department of Psychology, Nagaland university, Kohima Campus, Meriema. Interested candidates are requested to bring along their full bio data and original academic documents during the interview.
(From p-1) Many were seen with placards that read: “We condemn killing of innocent life by man in uniform”, “Justice delayed is justice denied”, “No justice, No peace” etc. Dimapur Phom Union president Philip Bu chem mentioned that the victim and his wife were ar rested in Nagaland and not Assam, and lamented that none from the state govern ment had visited the family of the deceased till date. He also mentioned that representation was sub mitted to both the chief ministers of Assam and Nagaland and the police chiefs. Buchem stressed on the need to deploy adequate police personnel along the border areas to safeguard the people and their land. Dimapur Eastern Naga Students Union Dimapur president Bendgangnuken and representatives from Di mapur Anaki Phom Union, Phomla Hoichem Dima pur, ENPO, ENWO, PSC and others addressed the gathering. The programme was chaired by DPSU vice president Achung N Phom, invocation by Signal Phom Baptist Church associate women pastor Shemlen and welcome note by DPSU president Longtung Phom. PPC serves 15-day ultimatum to deliver jus tice: A peaceful public rally, under the aegis of Phom Peoples’ Council (PPC) was held at Longleng local ground in protest against the custodial death of Henveih Phom while under Assam police in Sivasagar district Jail. After the programme at the public ground, the participants marched to the DC’s office and submit ted a memorandum to the chief secretary through the DC. The rallyists were seen shouting slogans like: “We want justice, justice delayed is justice denied, etc.” The memorandum signed by PCC president Shami Angh served a 15-day ultimatum on the state gov ernment to deliver justice to the family and the victim.
accused Naga National Political Groups (NNPGs), Nagaland People’s Action Committee (NPAC) and Nagaland GB Federation (NGBF) of wanting to accept “solution without Naga national flag and Naga constitution, solution within Nagaland state and solution within Indian con stitution”.Hesaid that NPAC’s recent memorandum to Prime Minister of India was based “only in the interest of Nagaland state” and that NGBF does not represent the “voice of the NagaChishipeople”.also claimed that government of India formed NNPGs to counter NSCN as it could not con vince NSCN leaders to ac cept solution within Indian union.Stating that no group or organisations have Naga people’s mandate, Chishi said 1951 Plebiscite and January 24, 2005 mandate to NSCN were the only “le gitimate mandates” given by the Naga people. He then said that (From p-1) He, however said if solution did not arrive, they would have to be prepared as political party, “to face election as the election com mission has mandated”. Rio also stated that it was a constitutional obligation for them to face the election whenever it would be an nounced.Hesaid the sentiment cannot be fragmented as it was “one Naga, one issue and one settlement”. Rio further added that there would be “many groups but the competencies were agreed from both sides” and that they would all come together and sign the settle ment for all the Nagas. Stating that Dimapur area and town were the most important constitu encies, Rio said in the last election, there was no party representative and that the party was handicapped, however, he said, with Moatoshi Longkumer and Azheto Zhimomi joining the party has strengthened their position. He also de clared that the two legisla tors would fight the 2023 polls under NDPP.
Rio further informed that the President of In dia Draupadi Murmu was likely to visit Nagaland next month to express her grati tude for the overwhelming support given to her during the presidential polls. Rio also congratulated new office bearers 2-Di mapur-II NDPP party and expressed happiness that both old and new team would work out a formula to accommodate one another and strengthen the party. Short speeches were also delivered by NDPP president Chingwang Konyak, 2 Dimapur-II A/c president Limawati Imchen and MLA, 2 Dimapur-II A/c Moatoshi Longkumer.
Kejriwal also ques tioned if the money came from GST collections, the PM CARES fund or some of the BJP’s Speaking“friends”.intheHouse, the deputy chief minister de fended his government’s Ex cise Policy 2021-22, which has now been withdrawn. “There was no burden on the people in the excise policy and the government’s revenue also increased, but still the BJP was alleging corruption in it,” Sisodia said.
The application in the prescribed proforma complete in all respect should reach through proper channel to shri Bhawani shankar Kothari, under secretary (Ayurveda), Ministry of Ayush, Government of India, Ayush Bhawan, B-Block, GPO Complex, INA, New Delhi- 110023 within 60 days from the date of publication of the advertisement for this post in the Employment News/Rozgar samachar. (Bhawani Shankar Kothari) under Secretary to the Government of Indiacbc 17201/11/0016/2223
Shami asserted that Phom people were peaceloving who have resolved to end all forms of violence and conflicts both within and outside since June 6, 1952. He informed that failure to deliver justice within the stipulated time would compel the people to confront with violence for justice as directed by the Eastern Nagaland Students FederationAccording(ENSF).to DPRO, DC Longleng Dharam Raj while extending solidar ity with the people of the district asserted that death under the custody of police was the highest crime and assured the mammoth gath ering of people that justice will be delivered and urged the people to appeal before the National Human Rights Commission of India. Informing that he and SP Longleng had spoken to their counterparts in Siva sagar, the DC said both the officials have assured them speedy investigation and justice. Earlier, Eastern Nagaland Women Organi zation (ENWO) president, Phom Students’ Conference (PSC) president and Phomla Hoichem president also ad dressed the rally. Kiphire: A peaceful protest under the aegis of United Sangtam Students’ Conference (USSC) was held on Friday at Public ground Kiphire against the death of Henveih Phom while in the custody of As sam police.Hundreds of peo ple attended the protest, where ENSF vice president Huheymong Yimkhiung briefed the gathering about the sequence of the incident. Speakers representing United Sangtam Likhum Pumji, Akehta Sangtam larü Thsingmüjang, Kip hire Area Students’ Union and United Sangtam Stu dents’ Conference all spoke condemning the action of Assam police. USSC also submitted a statement con demning the incident and demanded justice from gov ernment. holds mass rally
CBI FIR fake, Centre like ‘serial killer’: Sisodia Manish Sisodia
The programme was chaired by Dimapur region secretary Shikato Swu, in vocation by DABA mission director Imnatoshi Long kumer, welcome address by NDPP Dimapur region president Vihoshe Awomi and special number by Imli K Imchen.Highlights of the event included flag hosting by NDPP president Ching wang Konyak and cutting of the NDPP Dimapur region office by chief minister. Vote of thanks was proposed by youth organisa tion, Dimapur region gener al secretary Gracely Chishi and benediction by Lotha Baptist Church Dimapur, pastor Yanbemo Lotha. NSCN would not betray Naga people’s mandate and that it would not settle for any solution without “Naga national flag” and “Naga constitution”.Delivering short speeches, member, collec tive leadership, “Lt. Col (Retd)” Neipfupe Venuh said “other factions” have betrayed the Nagas by wanting to settle within Indian constitution. He also urged the “Naga national workers” and Naga people to pay their respect and honour the sacrifices made by theMember,pioneers. collective leadership, TT Among, lamented that Indians were using the Nagas to divide the Nagas and asked the people whether they were willing to allow India to further divide the Nagas. He then called for uni ty and oneness among the Nagas.Member, collective leadership, RT Tsanglao also lamented the present situation where a demand for solution for Nagas of Nagaland without Nagas of Burma (Myanmar), Nagas of Arunachal, Nagas of Assam, Nagas of Manipur have Kive.chaplain,tionVikutosaidPongen;steeringbymeetingTheemerged.co-ordinationwasmoderatedCLMandco-convener,committee,ChubainvocationwasbyCHQChurchPastorKappoandbenedicbyGHQassianthead“Col.”PitoviL
DECLARATION Regd. No. 470 (B) Date 29/03/2022 I, sMTI. R. s. WuNGPAMPhI, of somdal Village P.O/P.s somdalManipur795144, Dist. ukhrul, Manipur, do hereby solemnly declare/affirm that, 1. That my name has been wrongly entered in my Appointment Order as smti WuNGPANGPhI, in my Regularised Order as R. s. EANGPANGhI and R. s. WuNGPAPhI in my service Book. 2. Whereas my correct name is R. s. WuNGPAMPhI. 3. But both the aforesaid name is the same person. 4. hence forth, my correct name shall be used as R. s. WuNGPAMPhI for all official/Legal purpose. The statements made above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. (R. s. WuNGPAMPhI) Deponent The statement was declared before this court on this day the 29 th of March 2022. Magistrate 1st Class Meluri, Dist. Phek, NagalandK-1946/22
Requisite Qualification Area of Specialization M. A in Psychology with NET. Preference will be given to those with Ph.D Clinical Psychology. No separate invitation letter for the interview will be issued. No TA/DA will be paid. The terms of reference shall be as follows: 1. They will be engaged only for a short period especially for the ongoing semester till 20th December 2022. 2. They will be paid @ Rs. 1,000/- per lecture (1 hour) for a maximum of Rs. 25,000/- per month. sd/PROF. N. VENuh Pro-Vice Chancellor Nagala N d u N iversity dc-970/22
NEW DELHI, AUG 26 (PTI): The BJP-led Centre is acting like a serial killer to eliminate state governments, Delhi Deputy Chief Minis ter Manish Sisodia claimed on Friday, as he termed the CBI FIR against him “com pletely fake” and based on “mereSpeakingsources”.in the Delhi Assembly, Sisodia said the CBI does not have proof of any corruption in the city government’s excise policy. He also alleged that the CBI conducted raids on his residence because the Delhi government’s good work was being praised across the globe.The deputy chief min ister, who is an accused in the CBI case related to the Delhi government’s excise policy, said Prime Minister Narendra Modi “feels in secure” seeing good work done by “Primeothers.Minister Modi feels insecure seeing good work by others. I have not seen a more insecure person than him. Had Arvind Kejri wal been the prime minister and I the education minister of a state, he would not have done something like this,” Sisodia said, participating in a discussion on a govern ment resolution moved by Revenue Minister Kailash Gahlot.The deputy chief min ister asserted that Kejriwal supported the prime minis ter in all the Centre’s good initiatives but the PM did the opposite.Hesaid CBI officers searched his clothes and even his children’s clothes during the 14-hour raid at his house but found nothing.
NDPP committed to issue...
F. No.GovernmentL.12013/4/2022-ASofIndiaMinistryofAyuSh(AyurvedaSection)
Dialogue concluded on 3rd August 2015, says Tongmeth: NSCN vice chairman, Tongmeth Wang nao categorically pointed out that dialogue between government of India and the NSCN “successfully concluded” on August 3, 2015 and not on October 31, 2019.Heread out a sentence from August 3, 2015 Frame work Agreement signed be tween government of India and NSCN which stated, “It is a matter of great satisfac tion that dialogue between the government of India and NSCN has successfully con cluded and we are confident, it will provide for an endur ing inclusive new relation ship of peaceful co-existence of the two Referringentities.”tothe Frame work Agreement, Tongmeth pointed out that the dia logue concluded on August 3, 2015 and not on October 31, 2019.Hethen quoted the last sentence of the Framework Agreement which stated, “The two sides agreed that within this framework agree ment details and execution plan will be worked out and implementedAttackingshortly.”those us ing NSCN nomenclatures, Tongmeth said NSCN was formed to condemn Shillong Accord and advised them to at least know the history and not to belittle NSCN to the status of Shillong Accord. Tongmeth then asked them to understand the value of NSCN and honour Acknowledgingit. and honouring the sacrifices of the “Naga national move ment” pioneers, Tongmenth said today Nagas would not be where they are had the pioneers not stood for the Nagas and laid the “Naga nationalCallingfoundation”.upon the “Naga national workers” to retrospect and be mind ful of public outcry against “multiple taxation”, he reminded them that they joined the Tatarspeech,domination.”bedayhis“personalmovement”“revolutionaryandnotforprosperity”.Tongmethconcludedspeechbysaying,“Oneoranother,NagaswilltogetherfreefromallInanintroductoryNSCNspeakerHoho,HutoviChishi
Advertisement for the Post of Director, RAV, New Delhi - Reg. Applications are invited in duplicate from eligible candidates for filling up the post of Director, Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth (RAV), New Delhi, an autonomous body under the Ministry of Ayush, Government of India. Details are available on the website of this Ministry (www.ayush.gov.in) and Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth (RAV) (http://www.ravdelhi.nic.in)
We, the family members of Mr. Chingman Konyak, S/o Late Bongnao Konyak of Tangnyu Village, in the District Mon, Nagaland, do hereby solemnly affirm on oath and states as under : 1. That we are the citizens of India and a resident of the above mentioned address. 2. That we the family members of Mr Chingman Konyak hereby declare that we are not responsible for any consequences cause without our consent or knowledge for dealing in any matter by way of lending money/loan/mortgage etc with Mr Chingman Konyak or whosoever had dealt or dealing with him in any kind of business without our consent or knowledge are doing so at their risk. 3. That we the family members will not be held responsible or liable for any acts, disputes, claims, charges and demands etc whatsoever if arises as we have no knowledge what Mr Chingman Konyak has done without our consent. 4. We hereby declare this declaration with sound mind and robust health on this 23rd day of August 2022. Declarant Solemnly declare before me. (Pangong Konyak) Notary Public Regd. No. 971/2022 Date 23/08/2022 dP-4024/22 iN tHe COurt OF PriNCiPal Judge FaMily COurt diMaPur : NagalaNd suMMON FOr settleMeNt OF issue (ORDER-V, RULE - 1, 5, 20) CASE NO. : Divorce 36/2022 PETITIONER : Kishore Kumar Pradhan RESPONDENT : Durga Sherasta To, Smti. Durga Sherasta D/o Bir Bahadur Sherasta R/o Signal Angami Dimapur, Nagaland Whereas the above named petitioner has instituted a case against you for U/S 13(I) (I-b) of Hindu Marriage Act 1955. You are hereby summoned to appear before the Court in person or by pleader duly instructed and able to answer all material questions relating to the case on 29/09/22 at 10:30 AM without fail. Take notice that in default of your appearance on the date mentioned the case will be heard and determined in your absence. Given under my hand and the seal of this Court, this 23rd Day of Aug. 2022. PriNCiPal dP-4027/22 aFF (CorrectionidavitofName)Regd. No. 524(B) Date 18/08/22 I, Smti Rasieta Nyusou permanent resident of Khumiasü village P.O/P/S Meluri-797114, Dist. Phek: Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirm/ declare and state an oath as under: 1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India. 2. That my name has been inadvertently entered in my Regularization Order and Statement of GPF account as Rasieta 3. That my name Rasieta Nyusou and Rasieta is the same person. 4. Henceforth, my name Rasieta Nyusou shall be used and written for all official/legal purposes. 5. That the statements made in the above paras are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and nothing false has been stated or concealed therein. (rasieta NyusOu) Deponent Solemnly affirmed and declared by the deponent before me on this day the 18th August 2022 at Meluri. Megistrate 1st Class Meluri district Phek, NagalandK-1946/22
ThREE MONThS COuRSE CLASS COMMENCE FROM 13 September 2022 hOSTEL ATTAChED Add: Little Buds School, united Colony, near Ghss,Contact:Dimapur. 7005858921/8729960241 1. child Psychology. 2. Phonetics. 3. First Aid 4. social Etiquette & Grooming. 5. Aesthetic. 6. Creativity. 7. Calligraphy/handwriting. 8. Montessori apparatus. 9. Pathology and many more. -936/22db
(From p-1) Commenting on delay of Naga solution, Tuccu said NSCN would not settle for any solution outside August 3, 2015 Framework Agreement and added that NSCN would never com promise the rights of the NagaHepeople.said many people were complaining and even asking the NSCN to com promise the rights of the Nagas. However, Tuccu said “tomorrow this same people” would “spit on us, accuse us and shame us for surrendering the rights”. Tuccu then asked the Naga people whether they want NSCN to come back “empty handed after surrendering our rights to the Indians”. Urging Naga people to be patient, Tuccu requested them not to be swayed by the “false promises of NSCN copy cats” but to stand with NSCN for Naga solution based on Framework Agree ment.
No.Nu/KCM/EsTT-22/2014-625 Dated : 25-08-2022
DECLARATION (Change of Surname) Regd. No. 1195, date: 19-9-17 Nagaland, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare on oath as follows: 1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India hailing from the Angami Naga Tribe. 2. That I am presently serving as a constable under the department of Excise, Kohima, Nagaland. 3. That for and on behalf of myself I hereby renounce/ remit relinquish and abandon the use of my former name/Surname 'Medom' or Tribe name 'Angami' as Neizokieo Medom and Neizokie-o Angami that was mentioned in my Service book and records and Neizokie-o that was mentioned in my G.P.F Statement bearing No. 5227 and herein use my new name/surname as Neizokie-o Keyho i.e. mentioned in my children Academic records as my official name/Surname in place and in substitution of my former names and Surname. 4. That in my Service book my Late Father's surname has been erroneously entered and recorded as Kiyaselhou Medom instead of Kiyaselhou Keyho, 5. That whether my name/surname has been entered and recorded as Neizokieo Medom and/or Neizokie-o Angami and/or Neizokie-o and/ or Neizokie-o Keyho it refers to one and the same person i.e. me and it is indistinguishable and synonymous. 6. That this affidavit shall stand as a piece of evidence for any ratification/clarification if any complication that may arise with regard to change of my name/surname as Neizokie-o Keyho and henceforth I shall at all times hereafter in all record, deed and in writing and in all proceeding, dealings and transactions private as well as upon all occasions whatsoever use and sign my name as Neizokie-o Keyho. That I expressly authorize and request all persons at all times hereafter to designate and address me, by such assumed name/ surname of Neizokie-o Keyho accordingly. 7. That this affidavit is signed and sworn before the competent authority and herein it shall be used for all my official records, future references and future correspondence. That the above statements made in Para 1-7 are true to the best of my knowledge and nothing material has been concealed herein and I signed this affidavit before the competent Authority on 19th September, 2017 at SolemnlyKohima.sworn before me by deponent above named on this the 19th September, 2017. Chief Judicial Magistrate Deponent Kohima : Nagaland K-1942/22 deClaratiON
DECLARATION (CORRECTION OF NAME) Regd. No. 466 (P) Date: 16/03/2022 , I, Shri. Lu C hu ZO, s /o T. TRAKhA, aged about 39 years and resident of hutsii Village, Dist. Phek of Nagaland do hereby affirm and declare an oath as under: 1. That, I am a bonafide citizen of India, belonging to Pochury Naga Tribe of Nagaland state. 2. That in my conversion letter from A/T to LDA my name has been inadvertently entered/recorded as LuChuZO TRAKhA 3. That, this affidavit is made to declare the names Lu C hu ZO and LuChuZO TRAKhA are my name and related to a single person i.e. LuChuZO, which is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing material has been concealed herein. 4. That, henceforth the name LuChuZO shall be used for all official and correspondence purpose and I shall be known by the name LuChuZO sonly.olemnly affirm, and declared before me by the deponent on this day the 16th March 2022. Magistrate 1st Class, Meluri Deponent District Phek. Nagaland K-1946/22 No.Government24/7/2020-Admin.IofIndia Ministry of New & Renewable Energy Applications are invited for four (04) positions of young Professionals [Finance (03) & Law (01] in the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE). Full details are available on the website of the Ministry i.e. www.mnre. gov.in/the-ministry/vacancy. The last date for receipt of applications in prescribed format is 07th september 2022 (yoginder Singh) under Secretary to the Govt. of India Atal Akshay urja Bhawan (AAuB) Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110 003cbc 28101/11/0015/2223
I, Shri. Neizokie-o Keyho, son of Late Kiyaselhou Keyho, permanent resident of chedema Village, district- Kohima,
“The FIR against me is completely fake. I have com mitted no corruption...They (BJP) are acting like serial killer to eliminate other state governments. The effort they are putting to murder state governments, they should have put that much effort into building schools and hospitals,” Sisodia said. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Thursday had held a show of strength by summoning all its MLAs at party supremo Arvind Ke jriwal’s residence where he accused the BJP of trying to topple his government by of fering Rs 800 crore to 40 of his legislators for switching sides.
Yogi hate speech: SC dismisses plea against HC order

T he Naga National work ers from Nagaland state comprising sixteen (16) regions, do hereby adopt the following resolution for a uni fied Nagalim:1.Wedo acknowledge the inalienable political foundation laid down by the founding lead ers on the basis of the Naga plebiscite of 16th May 1951, and further, reaffirm the prin ciple and commitment of one People one Nation.
5-point ‘solemn declaration’ of NSCN (I-M)
2. Body hair: Many girls are very conscious about their body hair. Since hair grows in the arms, legs and private areas, many people have the idea that women should remove all of their body hair, or they won’t be “ladylike”. They are expected to shave. Girls with more body hairs are being commented and shammed.
1. Weight: One of the most common reasons that people are body shamed is because of their weight. Someone might be body-shamed for being “too big” or “too thin.”
Stop the misuse of social media
Abduction and murder
All bodies are good bodies: A reminder
Are You Ever Troubled?
Müzitalü Lohe, B.A. 5th ModernDepartmentSemesterofEnglishCollege,Kohima
Sir Circulating videos and photos including sensitive content with out any regard for the people in the content needs to be curbed. The moment we receive a “forwarded” sensitive media should be the moment we stop circulating them any further. How do we feel when we put ourselves in the shoes of those, whose videos or photos are being forwarded “many times” on WhatsApp or other social media apps? We as civilized beings, need to be mindful and stay away from misusing social apps.
Frank DailyDevotion
There have been many killings along the AssamNagaland border that had taken place during the decades along Mokokchung or Wokha or Dimapur districts and some being of the most heinous nature such as a Naga woman who was buried alive near Golaghat sometime in the mid-90s. Incidents along Assam-Nagaland border have been highly vola tile mainly due to the belligerence of the Assam Police which reacts mostly on the complaints or allegations made by those living along the border area and most of who are migrants settled to act as buffer. The 1985 incident at Merapani (Wokha) was the worst incident but its genesis had to do with acts of war by the Assam Police and the resultant consequent response of selfdefence by the Nagaland Police. The recent incident along the Assam-Nagaland border at Mokokchung is another of the many incidents where the Assam Police has shown total disregard not only for people from Na galand but also for the very rule of law. A couple from Phom-Anaki village under Mokokchung district were taken to custody by the Assam Police sometime during August 16 or so. According to Assam Police sources, the person identified as Henveih Phom was held alleg edly with some arms while the woman was released. Details are still not clear but Henveih was lodged under Sivasagar district jail and the Assam Police did not in form their Nagaland Police counterpart and neither was the case referred to the inter-state border magistrates so that the rule of law was upheld. What happened is that on August 21, Henveih’s father was informed by the O.C. Assam Police of Geleki PS that his son was unwell and was asked to visit him at the Joysagar Civil Hospital. When the father rushed to the hospital, he was horrified to find Henveih’s dead body in the hos pital corridor. Leaving aside the cause of death which can be explained in many ways; what is clear is that Henveih was in the custody of the Assam Police and that he was not released to Nagaland nor to his family members when he died of mysterious circumstances. The custodial death of late Henveih deserves a highlevel judicial probe headed by a sitting high court judge to ascertain the facts and bring those responsible to book. A victim may die of heart attack or even some organ failure. But it is important to ascertain what had caused the heart attack or even organ failure? Simply explaining that death was due to heart failure can never be acceptable but rather it only exposes utter criminality on the part of those who are trying to shield themselves. It may also be recalled that in recent years there have been many similar acts such as on June 29, 2009 when Assam Police were accused of killing of two persons along the border between Dimapur and Karbi Anglong. Later, in 2012 the dead bodies of two females from Nagaland was discovered between Mariani and Titabar in Assam. According to reports then, the two fe males from Longleng had reportedly gone to do some marketing in Assam. Such cases have not been solved despite mounting pressure from Nagaland side. Such incidents do not help boost confidence of people from Nagaland side on the law enforcement agency from the other state. At a time when the border disputes in the region are being pursued through mutual dialogue, such incidents only negate the environment. The state government has to raise the issue and make it clear to Assam that such incidents especially committed by the police will not be tolerated. Quotes I don’t think of all the misery but of the beauty that still remains.~Anne
depute trusted interlocutor Mr. R.N Ravi to interlocute with the Naga groups. The same Hon’ble Prime Minister is still at the helm, he began the talks, he must conclude it. Why begin something if it cannot be concluded? Naga people and their history cannot be held hostage for cheap political gains for cheap selfish leaders. However “It is time to settle Naga Political solution and not Election”.Itistimefor GoI to be forthcoming. If a negoti ated solution is to be kept undeclared and prolonged, disrespecting and hurting the Naga people’s senti ment, the aggrieved Nagas have every right to revert back to pre-independent India position and status of 1929Thememo.right to self-de termination is not an ex clusive right of strong and powerful nations alone. Every struggling agrarian nation, big or small, pos sess its proud historical and political right to selfdetermine its own future in consonance with its dis tinct history and identity. God bless Nagaland! Media Cell WC, NNPGs
ship officially invited WC, NNPGs to begin political negotiations by signing ‘AGREED POSITION’ on 17th November 2017. All entities concluded talks on 31st October 2019. Clearly differentiat ing between illusion and reality; sentimentalism and practical geo-political sur roundings, WC, NNPGS took the apex tribal bodies into confidence and negoti ated with GOI. There is no question of negotiating for Nagas of Nagaland alone. It is for propagandists to whine on. WC prays for them to wake up to reality. Sufficient political and administrative realign ments for Nagas and their ancestral land in the state of Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh and Assam is mu tually agreed in principle. WC,NNPGs have cordially met the Ahoms, Meiteis and other communities cre ating a better understand ing with Naga neighbours.
Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you…—John 14:27 There are times in our lives when our peace is based simply on our own ignorance. But when we are awakened to the realities of life, true inner peace is impossible unless it is received from Jesus. When our Lord speaks peace, He creates peace, because the words that He speaks are always “spirit, and they are life” (John 6:63). Have I ever received what Jesus speaks? “…My peace I give to you…”— a peace that comes from looking into His face and fully under standing and receiving His quiet contentment. Are you severely troubled right now? Are you afraid and confused by the waves and the turbulence God sovereignly allows to enter your life? Have you left no stone of your faith unturned, yet still not found any well of peace, joy, or comfort? Does your life seem completely barren to you? Then look up and receive the quiet contentment of the Lord Jesus. Reflecting His peace is proof that you are right with God, because you are exhibiting the freedom to turn your mind to Him. If you are not right with God, you can never turn your mind anywhere but on yourself. Allowing anything to hide the face of Jesus Christ from you either causes you to become troubled or gives you a false sense of security. With regard to the problem that is pressing in on you right now, are you “looking unto Jesus” (He brews 12:2) and receiving peace from Him? If so, He will be a gracious blessing of peace exhibited in and through you. But if you only try to worry your way out of the problem, you destroy His effectiveness in you, and you deserve whatever you get. We become troubled because we have not been taking Him into account. When a person confers with Jesus Christ, the confusion stops, because there is no confusion in Him. Lay everything out before Him, and when you are faced with difficulty, bereavement, and sorrow, listen to Him say, “Let not your heart be troubled…” (John 14:27).
Pending integration of Naga areas, GoI will reserve appropriate space and position for the NAGA FLAG, respecting and hon ouring the Naga political sentiment. For the Naga constitution, Naga tribes will endorse leaders with impeccable knowledge of ancient traditions, customs, usages with historical and social bearings to be in corporated with modern constitutional structures. Upon the premise of these practical and realistic understanding of the mat ters, negotiated and agreed in principle, the NSCN IM too have said that the ball is in the court of the GoI. WC, NNPGs is crystal clear that it is by the time for GoI to take a theMr.Hon’bleedofficialthenotIndiaorablegas.interesttheshouldpropriate.elementsrespondrevolutionaryadhereeventuality.solelyaggrandizementliticalmentsAnti-solutiondecision.elehijackingNagaposolutionforpersonalshallberesponsibleforanyNNPGswilltothepioneeringleadersandtoanti-solutionasdeemedapTheantagonistsunderstandthatdelayisneitherintheofGoInorofNaThequestiontoHonPrimeMinisterofis,IftheGoIwasdeterminedtosolveNagaissue,whywasinvitationextendtoNagaentities?ThePrimeMinisterNarendraModihadcourageandgutsto
90 year unresolved British-Indo-Naga issue more important than elections: WC, NNPGs
Reader’s Post B ody Shaming has become a common thing which affects the lives of many young people today. Receiving unfavourable remarks about one’s appearance might influence how one can feel about one’s body and cause anxiety, embar rassment, and self-consciousness. However, there are strategies for handling criticism and gaining bodyBodyacceptance.shaming is the act of degrading someone by using un flattering or disparaging remarks about their appearance. Negative remarks may be made about a person if they are underweight or in regard to a particular body area, in addition to shaming someone’s body because of the size such as “Fat”, “thin”, “short”, “tall”, etc. Many young people today are not satisfied with their looks and have being criticized by others or to one self. One may harshly criticize oneself if they are unhappy with their weight or physical appearance. Even worse, one can say things to themselves such as, “I feel so bloated today,” or “I need to quit stuffing my face with food”.Intoday’s world we can encounter that due to the increase use of social media platforms, adolescents and youth’s are so much influenced by the beauty standards that they see in so cial media’s such as Instagram, Facebook, etc. Nobody is im mune from external expectations to look a certain way and in any situation, comment about one’s body, which is unneces sary. Whether a person himself/ herself is the one who is body shaming oneself or someone else, there are solutions available. One may cultivate body positivity and learn to view themselves with more empathy and openness. Appreciating ones beauty and size is decreasing in today’s world which should be replaced by complimenting oneself or others to boost ones Adolescentsconfidenceareso much more vulnerable to body sham ing, weight shaming, and appear ance-based shaming. In the teen years or college days, ones attitude and beliefs about body image and selfesteem are largely influenced by ones family members, peers, and social media. One might think that only teenage girls are the victims of body shaming, but boys can also be affected. They may be particularly concerned about not being mus cular enough in relationship to the popular concept of masculin ity. We find that, body shaming is most often about body size, but negative comments about any facet of a person’s body count as bodySomeshaming.ofthe main reasons why many college students faced body shamming are:
W C, NNPGs re calls the nation alist spirit of the 2000 Naga Labour Corp members who returned from Europe after WWI and formed the Naga Club in 1918; The signatories of 10th January 1929 Memo randum to British Statutory Commission to Naga Hills led by Neihu Angami Hd. Interpreter, Gepo Kacha Naga, Nizhevi Sema, Apo mo Lotha, Resilo Rengma, Lenjang Kuki etc.; The NNC stalwarts like T Imti Aliba Ao first President, T Sakhrie Angami, Mhonda mo Kithan, A.Z Phizo, Tolhopu Sema, Kughato Sukhai and host of other NagaThesenationalists.pioneers inspire us from their silent graves. Naga political and his torical position is strong because of what they did yesterday.Today, the opposition less government in Naga land is creating so much friction within Naga tribes. The GoI is being mis informed on matters on the ground. The overwhelm ing demand of the people for early solution is being ignored. The narrative is shrewdly being manipu lated to electoral narrative from political solution. Government of India (GoI) representatives and inner circle of Nagaland’s elected representatives are visibly saying one thing one day and doing the opposite the next day, playing havoc with the sentiment of the NagaThepeople.four point reso lution adopted by sixty MLAs on 16th July 2022 gave a clear lucid signal to the GoI that the Naga tribes, state government, apex civil societies and common people were pre pared for a political solu tion.However, the reso lution was not meant to officially reach the PMO or the office of Hon’ble Home Minister of India. It was a mere exercise to fool the Naga people. On 26th July 2022, the NDPP and BJP betrayed the Naga people with a 40-20 prepoll alliance.On5thAugust 2022, a mammoth really was held at Dimapur for ear ly Indo-Naga solution, organised by Nagaland People’s Action Commit tee (NPAC) under NGBF platform and endorsed by 37 Naga Civil Societies. Shockingly, some elected members pressurised their own tribal bodies to desist from attending the rally for Naga political solution! A stab on the Naga people’s dream. Apparently, the ef fort of CM Rio, too, is to keep the ninety year
3. We firmly believe, pro fess and stand by the Frame work Agreement signed on 3rd Aug 2015 for an early honour able and acceptable solution as two sides have already agreed to work out the details on the competencies.4.Anysolution that dis regard historical and political rights of the Nagas by repeat ing the act of another Naga Peoples Convention (NPC) and imposing its will upon us is not acceptable.5.As necessitated by the situation, the house does reit erate its stand by the decision of National Assembly held on 31st May 2022, to uphold and protect Nagas Unique history and National principle at any cost under the leadership of Chairman Ino Q. Tuccu Vice Chairman Ino Tongmeth Wang nao, and General Secretary Ino. Th. Muivah. Kuknalim
3. Food: Food-shaming is generally done in relation to body size. Many young people are concern about their body size and scared of body shamming that, the intake of food is being chosen accordingly not realizing the healthy or unhealthy food. They are concern with other people’s remark on the quantity and the item they eat. Some even comment on example like, “They look like they don’t need to be eating that” which is an example of food- shaming. One can also food-shame oneself. For example, one might say, “I’m so fat, I shouldn’t eat this piece of cheesecake”.4.Age: Ageism/age-sham ing is discrimination or bullying towards people because of their age. This usually focuses on the elderly or the older population. Age shaming may sound like, “They’re too old to wear that much makeup.” Making nega tive comments about someone’s wrinkles or loose skin is another form of body- shaming. This is the time where one should emphasize importance on how one can turn body sham ing in a positive way especially those victims who have faced this situation.Inpastfew years, it has be come clear that efforts are being made to shift the emphasis away from body shaming and toward more acceptance and apprecia tion of one’s appearance. Bodypositive hashtags have been used by social media sites to increase their followings and combat deeply ingrained stereotypes based on looks. The pursuit of acceptance of oneself and oth ers is the goal of body positivity. Learning self- compassion and changing ingrained cultural ideas take time and effort. One can modify their all-or-nothing mindset and begin to see them selves as a whole person, but one cannot control what other people say orTheredo. are some simple steps where we can overcome body shaming. It is necessary to de velop self one and substitute criti cal self talk. It is very important to control how we used social media and manage our time and socialized over food with friends and loved Speakingones. with a trusted friend or relative for advice and assistance should be given im portance rather than searching answers in internet. We all need to stop bodyshaming ourselves and cultivate self-compassion as the first steps in defending ourselves from body-shaming.Itisimportant to keep in mind that, one’s health state is more important than how one look, and that should always be ones top focus. There will always be days when we don’t feel or look our best, but don’t let this undermine your feeling of worth or self-worth.Youngcollege students like me should be nice to oneself and understanding the self care is vital personal being. As Doctors advice us, we need to re -energize your body and mind, engage in physical activity, consume whole some foods, socialize with people you care about, and spend some time Itoutside.isvery stressful to be the target of body shaming. One needs to strive for a healthy physique, which is distinct from our desire for perfection. We can all improve one’s self-image by focusing on the good things about oneself rather than retell ing oneself unfavorable things. There is a need to promote body positivity to others and one’s own body. Confidence and acceptance of one’s own body is required for the hour. We need to avoid bullies who engaged themselves on body shaming in various ways It is important to help our fellow friends who are in need of friends if they are shamed by others. Tell them how much you value them and how worried you are aboutEncouragethem.and remind them about their wonderful sense of humor, how smart they are, their adventurous spirit, or highlight a particular talent they have. One should not have to ac cept or participate in any activi ties that include body shaming, or tolerate such words or actions. One would never want that to be done to oneself and one should know that it can cause real problems.Wecanstrengthen our care, compassion and connection with others and with ourselves by working on speaking kindly about our bodies and ourselves, as well as by identifying features in ourselves and others that we enjoy and value. It can feel like a challenge to speak positively about our own bodies in a world where so much focus is put on what is wrong with us. But doing so is good for you, and it also prevents harm to other people.
Reader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the columns do not reflect the view of this newspaper nor that of the Editor in any manner. Post-mortem OPINION/EDITORIAL6 Nagaland Post VOL. XXXII NO. 262 DIMAPUR, SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 2022 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 2022
2. We reject any kind of divisive and repressive policies perpetrated upon the Nagas by the adversaries and its collabo rators on the basis of the arbi trary administrative boundaries.

DECLARATION (Correction of Name) Regd. No. 205/2021, Date:22/10/2021, I, Ivis Ngouri, Daughter of Shri. Tsavutho Ngouri, permanent resident of Meluri Town, District, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare on oath as follows: 1. That, am a bonafide citizen of India hailing from the Pochury Naga and a permanent resident of the above mentioned address. 2. That. I am presently serving as P/T at GPS Meluri Town, under the establishment of the SDEO Meluri, Nagaland. 3. That, whereas in most of my Official Documents and records, my name has been entered and recorded as ‘Ivis Ngouri’ 4. That however, in my Appointment Order bearing No. ED/EL/A/1/2001-02// Date 01 Nov. 2002, my name has been inadvertently and by oversight entered and record. as 'Ivis Ngouri Pochury’ 5. That whereas ‘Pochury’ in my name refer to my Tribe. 6. That the above mention name entered and recorded as Ivis Ngouri Pochury or Ivis Ngouri, it refers to the one and same person i.e me and it is indistinguishable, interchangeable and synonymous. 7. That, This affidavit shall stand as a piece of evidence for any rectification/Clarification for any complications that may arise with regard to the correction of my name in my Appointment order, and/or any other official documents or records. 8. That, this affidavit is signed and sworn before the competent authority declaring that my correct official name is ‘Ivis ngouri’ and herein, it shall be used for all my service records, official records, future references and future correspondences. Deponent NoTaRy PublICk-1946/22 AffIDAvIT (Change of Name) Regd. No. 438 (3), Date: 21st oct, 2021 I, Simi Karutsu, S/o late Chinkhi, permanent residence of Phokhungri Village, P.0 Meluri, District Plink, 7971 14 Nagaland do hereby, solemnly affirmed and declare an oath as follows: 1. I am a bonatide citizen of India hailing from Pochury Naga tribe. 2. That my name has been inadvertently entered in my academic records as C. Karütsü and as Koratsü in my service Regularization Order (Order No.Ed/EL/A/1/96-97).
DECLARATIONRegd. No. 522 (B) Date: 18-08-2022 I, SHRI NYUTHSUTHO, S/o SHRI PHRUTHO of Meluri Village, Dist. Phek, Nagaland do hereby solemnly declare/affirm as under: 1. That my name in my First Appointment order has been inadvertently entered as NGUTHSUTHO and in my Regularization Order as NYUTHUTHO. 2. Whereas my correct name is NYUTHSUTHO. 3. The aforesaid names are the same person. 4. Hence forth, my correct name shall be used as NYUTHSUTHO in all my documents. The statements made above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. The statement was declared before this court on this day, the 18th of August 2022. Magistrate Deponent 1st Class, Meluri, Phek Nagaland k-1946/22 (CorrectionAFFIDAVITofName)Reg. No. 430 (B) Date 20/10/21 I, Shri R. APUPE, S/o R. TSEPITU permanent residence of PHOR Village, P.O/P.S Meluri- 797114, Dist. Phek, Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirm/declare and state an oath as under: 1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India. 2. That my name has been inadvertently entered in my GPF Account as R. ARUPE. 3. That my correct name is R. APUPE. 4. That R. ARUPE and R. APUPE is the same person. 5. That henceforth, my name shall be used and written as R. APUPE for all my official/legal purpose. 6. That the statements made in the above paras are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and nothing false has been stated or concealed therein. (R. APUPE) Deponentk-1946/22
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Ghulam Nabi Azad with party leader Rahul Gandhi during a ‘Bharat Bandh’ protest, in New Delhi. (PTI)
Azad’s exit was simul taneously a shock and a surprise to sections across the Congress, considering he was a key figure in the party’s decision-making pro cesses through the Sanjay Gandhi days and the tumul tuous times of the Emer gency under Indira Gandhi, followed by the Rajiv Gan dhi era, the Narasimha Rao period and eventually the tenure of the longest serving Congress president Sonia Gandhi.Born in 1949 in Soti vil lage of Bhadarwah in Jam mu and Kashmir’s Doda dis trict, Azad made his way up the ladder in the Congress and went on to become the chief minister of his home state in 2006. In his almost 50 years in politics, he has been a two-term Lok Sabha and a five-term Rajya Sabha member, besides occupying all top Congress positions and a union minister in all Congress governments since 1982. He also remained as two-term member of J&K
NEW DELHI, AUG 26 (PTI): Veteran Congress man Ghulam Nabi Azad, a constant fixture in the organisation’s decisionmaking process since the tumultuous times of Emer gency, finally fell out with his mother party on Friday after a not-so-smooth rela tionship with the top brass in the past couple of years.
kohima the 25th March 2022, for the post of: 1. Driver 2. Peon-cum-Chowkidar-cum-Sweeper Time : 11:00 AM onwards date : 30-08-2022 Venue : Office of the chief Electrical Inspector, Electrical NagalandInspectorate,:kohima(below AG Office ) Sd/Chief Electrical Inspector Electrical Inspectoratedc-974/22 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 2022 NATIONAL 7
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh holds talks with Tanzanian counterpart Rajnath Singh shakes hands with Stergomena Lawrence Tax before a Tri-Service Guard of Honour, in New Delhi. (PTI) Ocean Player”. “Reviewed the full range of India-Tan zania defence ties during
dc-972/22 P-4026/22d
Interview is hereby call with to ESTT-46/2021-22/231 232 dated
Jharkhand political crisis: Crucial meeting at CM’s residence
JMM’s Vinod Pandey stated that Soren will con tinue as the chief minister, while ruling out the option of any ‘resort Meanwhile,politics’.Raj Bha van sources said the gover nor may take a call by the evening on the Election Commission’s views on “disqualification” of the chief minister as an MLA. The opinion was sent to the Jharkhand Raj Bha van in a sealed cover. The BJP, the petition er in the case, has sought Soren’s disqualification for violating Section 9(A) of the Representation of the People Act, 1951, which deals with disqualification for government contracts.
RANCHI, AUG 26 (PTI): Amid a crisis situation in Jharkhand where a threat to Chief Minister Hemant Soren being “disqualified” as an MLA has arisen, a crucial meeting of the UPA was held at the CM’s resi dence on Friday to chalk out a strategy with over 40 legislators reaching there, sources said. In the rapidly changing political scenario, ‘resort politics’ may come into play in the state to keep the numbers intact, according to some insiders present at the meeting.
“The situation has be come irretrievable”, Azad, 73, said in his parting shot to Sonia Gandhi, whose trusted confidante he re mained right from the time of Sitaram Kesri’s uncer emonious exit as the party’s chief in Known2000.for his ability to negotiate the challenging twists and turns of body politic, Azad was often sent by the leadership to fire fight any situation - be it a crisis in a faction-ridden state unit like Haryana or cobble up a new alliance and govern ment in Karnataka with the JDS. But things were never the same between Azad and Gandhi after the summer of 2020 when he headed the ‘group of 23’, seeking a lead ership and organisational change. Observers say the relationship broke irretriev ably after the Congress chief denied Azad, the sitting leader of opposition in Ra jya Sabha, a renomination to the upper house last year. Many an eyebrow were raised when Prime Minister Narendra Modi profusely praised Azad while deliver ing an emotional speech during the Congress leader’s farewell in Rajya Sabha in 2021. In return, Azad was also effusive in his praise for Modi.Again the Congress did not take it easily when the Modi government conferred the Padma Bhushan on Azad. Senior leaders called it a political decision and not one onAndmerit.very recently, Azad resigned from the post of head of the Jammu and Kashmir Congress cam paign committee hours after he wasTheappointed.writingwas on the wall since then.
Loyalist to rebel: Azad’s journey in Cong AAP’s pre-poll promises like Chinese products: Guj BJP chief CR Paatil
The G23, dissenters to some, preferred to call itself the reformist panel which sought meaningful organisa tional overhaul, an advisory role for the Gandhis and a new full-time party chief. The letter G23 wrote to Sonia Gandhi in August 2020, under the leadership of Azad, laid the ground for the former minister’s eventual divorce from the partyAzadtoday.entered the po litical fray as secretary of the Block Congress Committee in Bhalessa in Jammu and Kashmir in 1973 to 1975 and moved up the ranks to become the president of the J&K Youth Congress in 1975-76.He won his first par liamentary election in 1980 from Washim in Maharash tra and became a minister at the Centre under Indira Gandhi in 1982. He later served under all Congress prime ministers - Rajiv Gan dhi, Narasimha Rao and Manmohan Singh. Azad was first given a Rajya Sab ha ticket in June 1991.
3. Therefore, my name shall be corrected to Shri. KARUTSU for any further official uses. 4. That the above mentioned names refer to one and the some person i.e my name. 5. The above statements made are true to the best of my knowledge and nothing has been concealed therein. signed this and append my signature in sound mind on this day the 21st October, 2021. First Class Magistrate Deponent Phek, Nagaland AffIDAvIT (Correction of name) Regd. No. 857/22, Date: 24/08/2022, I, Shri Mezhichu, S/o Siatho resident of Hutsu Village, Phek Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirm and declare an oat as follows: 1. That I am bonafide citizen of India. 2. That my correct name is Mezhichu however, in my GPF Statement series ID: NL/EDN Account No. 19061 my name has been entered ad recorded as MEZHIELU. 3. That the above stated name Mezhicu and Mezhielu represent the same and one person having single identity I,e myself. 4. That henceforth I, herewith rectified the same and declare that my correct name is Mezhichu and the same shall be use for all official and future references. 5. That the above paragraphs 1-4 are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and nothing material has been stated or suppressed therein. And I signed this affidavit on this day the 24th August, 2022 Solemnly affirmed and declared by the deponent on this the 24 /8/2022 at Kohima Nagaland. Notary Public Deponent -1946/22
Legislative Assembly in 2006 and Many2008.Congress lead ers term Azad’s move as an “outright betrayal”, even as the old warhorse kept both his supporters and critics guessing about his future moves following his resigna tion from all Congress posts today.“Some of my other colleagues and I will now persevere to perpetuate the ideals for which we have dedicated our entire adult lives outside the formal fold of the Indian National Congress,” said the former chief minister of Jammu and Kashmir, who appears set for a fresh innings in the Union Territory where the election process has begun with the finalisation of the electoralAzad’srolls.name will be etched in Congress history as a quintessential rebel who raised a banner of revolt against the formidable first family of the Congress and even managed to bring 23 leaders together in a group called G23.
NEW DELH I, AUG 26 (PTI): Defence Minister Ra jnath Singh on Friday held extensive talks with his visit ing Tanzanian counterpart Stergomena Lawrence Tax to boost bilateral militaryto-military cooperation in sync with India’s broader priority to deepen strategic ties with Africa. In the dis cussions, the two defence ministers also explored new avenues for defence and industrial cooperation to further strengthen bilateral engagements, officials said. Following the talks, Singh said India and Tanza nia share the same strategic space and New Delhi con siders the African nation as a “major Western Indian the fruitful meeting with the Tanzanian Defence Minis ter, Dr Stergomena in New Delhi. India & Tanzania share the same strategic space. India considers Tan zania as a major Western Indian Ocean Player,” he tweeted. “There is immense scope to boost defence and military-to-military coopera tion between both the coun tries. I am confident IndiaTanzania partnership will continue to grow over the coming decades, taking the bilateral relations to greater height,” Singh added.
AFFIDAVIT (Correction of Name) Regd. No. 460 (B) | Date 14/03/2021 I, Smti. T. KUSI TRAKHA, D/o T. Trakha is a permanent Resident of Hutsu Village, PS/PO-Meluri Town of Phek District, Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirm/declare and state an oath as under: 1. That my name is inadvertently entered in my Service Book as T. KUSI TROKHA. 2. And in my HSLC Admit Card and Mark sheet as T. KUSI 3. That Smti. T. KUSI TRAKHA, T. KUSI TROKHA and T. KUSI are the same person only. 4. Henceforth, Smti. T. KUSI TRAKHA shall be used in all correspondences and official purposes. 5. That the statements made above in SI. No. 1, 2, 3 & 4 are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and nothing false has been concealed therein. (T. KUSI TRAKHA) Deponent Solemnly affirmed and declared by the deponent before me on this day the 14th March 2022 at Meluri. Magistrate 1st Class Meluri, Dist, Phek Nagaland AFFIDAVIT (Correction of Name) Reg. 432 (B) | Date 20/10/21 I, Shri. TEPENG, S/o NYASEN permanent residence of Akhegwo Village P.O/P.S Meluri- 797114. Dist. Phek, Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirm/declare and state an oath as under. 1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India. 2. That my name has been inadvertently entered in my GPF Account as JEPENG. 3. That my correct name is TEPENG. 4. That JEPENG and TEPENG is the same person. 5. That henceforth, my name shall be used and written as TEPENG for all my official/legal purpose. 6. That the statements made in the above paras are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and nothing false has been stated or concealed therein (TEPENG) Deponentk-1946/22k-1946/22
AFFIDAVIT FOR CORRECTION OF NAME Regn. No. 455 (B) Dated 28/10/2021 I, Shri TVUSETSU THUVURI, Son of Late Tinatsu Thuvuri, resident of Sutsu Village, Meluri Sub-Div, District Phek, Nagaland, do hereby solemnly affirm and state as under:1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India and resident of the above referred address 2. That, my official name is "TVUSETSU THUVURI", however, in my Service Appointment Order bearing Order NO ED/EL/A/1/98-99, Dated Kohima the 26th May 1999 Dept. of School Education, Govt. of Nagaland, my name has been inadvertently entered as "TVUSETSU" only without sure name. 3. That, the names "TVUSETSU THUVURI" and "TVUSETSU" pertains to same and single person only i.e. me. 4, That henceforth, wherever my name "TVUSETSU", appears it should be known and rectified as "TVUSETSU THUVURI" by all concern for all Purposes. 5. That this affidavit is sworn solely to rectify my name before the competent authority.Thatthe statements in Para 1 to 5 are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, belief and Information and nothing is concealed therein. DEPONENTk-1946/22 (CorrectionAFFIDAVITofName)Regn. 431 (B) Date 20/10/21 I, Shri. ANYUPU, S/o MUGHAZHU permanent residence of New Phor Village P.O/P.S Meluri-797114, Dist. Phek, Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirm/declare and state an oath as under: 1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India. 2. That my name has been inadvertently entered in my Appointment Order as ANYPU. 3. That my correct name is ANYUPU. 4. That ANYPU and ANYUPU is the same person. 5. That henceforth, my name shall be used and written as ANYUPU for all my official/legal purpose. 6. That the statements made in the above paras are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and nothing false has been stated or concealed therein. (ANYUPU) Deponentk-1946/22 A (CorrectionFFIDAVITofName)Regd. No. 8087 Dt. 22/09/2015 I, Smti. DAHAM CHUKHONGHO, D/o Shri. M. CHUPA CHUKHONGHO age about 40 yrs permanent resident of Kukegwo Village, P.O/PS Meluri Dist. Phek Nagaland, do hereby solemnly affirm/declare and state an oath as under: 1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India. 2. That my name has been inadvertently entered in my Regularization Order of Adhoc Graduate Teacher recorded as DOHAN CHUKHONGHO. 3. That my correct name is DAHAM CHUKHONGHO. 4. That henceforth my name shall be used and written as DAHAM CHUKHONGHO for all purposes. 5. That the statements made in the above paras are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and nothing false has been stated or concealed therein. (DAHAM CHUKHONGHO) Deponentk-1946/22
(CorrectionAFFIDAVITofName)Regd. No. 48 Date 30/07/2022 I, Mary Thüvüri, Daughter of P.Paratsü Thüvüri, resident of Phokhungri village under Meluri Sub-Division, District Phek : Nagaland, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under: 1. That my name has been inadvertently entered as Mary Thüvürü in my Appointment Order. 2. That my correct name is Mary Thüvüri 3. That my name Mary Thüvüri is used in all educational documents and other official documents. 4. That my statements made in the above paragraphs are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and no part of the affidavit is false and nothing has been concealed and misstated therein. Deponent Solemnly affirmed and declared by the deponent before me on this day 30th July 2022 at Meluri. k-1946/22k-1946/22
AFFIDAVIT (Change of Name) Reg. 2358 | Date 1/8/2013 I, Shri. THIMU FEEDHU, S/o Shri. THULU FEEDHU aged about 38 yrs, permanent resident of Zhipu Village, Dist. Phek, Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirm/declare and state on oath as under : 1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India. 2. That my name has been in advertently entered in my documents record as Shri THIMU 3. That my correct name is known and spelled as Shri THIMU FEEDHU. 4. That henceforth, my name shall be known and written as Shri. THIMU FEEDHU for all purposes. 5. That the statements made in the above paras are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and nothing false has been stated or concealed therein. (THIMU FEEDHU) Deponent
The BJP believes in overall development and that is why Gujarat is the number one state, Paatil claimed.
A few insiders from the Congress, which is a crucial ally of the ruling coalition here, told PTI on the condition of anonym ity that ring-fencing MLAs by parking them in a resort in a ‘friendly state’ such as West Bengal or Bihar is an option, which was mulled as a potential poaching threat from the However,BJP. they said a decision on the future course of action will be taken if Governor Ramesh Bais communicates to them on the Election Commis sion’s ruling about a possible disqualification of the CM as an MLA for violating electoral norms. The MLAs are expect ed to hold another meeting in the evening, they said. “We will definitely pre fer a UPA-ruled state,” the Congress source said, add ing that the mandate from the party high command is to wait for the communica tion before any such step. The Election Com mission sent its opinion to Bais on August 26 on a plea seeking that Soren be disqualified as an MLA for violating electoral norms by extending a mining lease to himself.Rural Development and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Alamgir Alam, however, said the “MLAs of the ruling alliance cannot be poached and will stay in Ranchi”.Another Minister Mithilesh Thakur claimed that the ruling coalition has the magic number of “50 MLAs, which can go up to 56”.
SURAT, AUG 26 (PTI): Gujarat Bharatiya Janata Party chief CR Paatil on Friday taunted the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and its national convener Arvind Kejriwal, saying “a person visiting the state nowadays” was offering pre-poll prom ises that were like “Chinese products”, which one would regretThebuying.AAP has been making a concerted effort to widen its support base and take on the ruling BJP in Gujarat, where Assembly polls are scheduled by the year-end, and Kejriwal as well as other party leaders have been visiting the state regularly and giving “guar antees” to people, ranging from power bill relief to al lowances to women and the unemployed.“Nowadays, a person visits Gujarat and promises to give free electricity. But, he does not give guarantee that electricity will actu ally come. Such promises are like Chinese products. You will regret it if you buy them,” Paatil said in his address at the inaugural cer emony of ‘Vibrant Weavers’ Expo 2022’ in AttackingSurat.Kejriwal fur ther without naming him, Paatil said, “That person person is trying to lure Gu jarat’s youth by promising them 10 lakh government jobs. How is this feasible when the total number of government posts at pres ent is only 5.5 lakhs. He even promises to double that number in the next five years, but does not disclose how he will do that.”

MUMBAI, AUG 26 (PTI): Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Friday said the Indian economy will grow at 7.4 per cent in this fiscal and continue at the same level in the next fiscal as “Ourwell.own estimates have also shown based on the developments, that we are definitely at that range...7.4 (per cent) and that level will continue even next year,” Sitharaman said, speaking at the FE Best Banks Awards event here.She said the International Mon etary Fund and the World Bank have projected India’s growth to be the fastest for the next two fiscal years, and their estimates are in sync with that of the Reserve Bank of India as well. The global situation continues to be challenging and it is not the right time to throw caution to the winds as yet, she said. India to grow at 7.4% in FY23, at same level next year as well: FM (From p-1) Azad went on to chronicle the Congress’s downspiral over the past few years, pulling no punches. “Under your steward ship since 2014 and sub sequently that of Rahul Gandhi, the Congress has lost two Lok Sabha elections in a humiliating manner. It has lost 39 out of the 49 assembly elections held between 2014 - 2022. The party only won four state elections and was able to get into a coalition situation in six instances. Unfortunately, today, the Congress is rul ing in only two states and is a very marginal coalition partner in two other states.” Azad said since the 2019 national election the situation has only wors ened. “After Rahul Gandhi stepped down in a ‘huff’ and not before insulting all the senior party functionaries who have given their lives to the party in a meeting of the extended working commit tee, you took over as interim president. A position that you have continue to hold even today for the past three years.”The former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister said he joined the Congress in the 1970s, when it was still taboo to be associated with the party in his home state. Azad was a leading member of the G-23 or the group of 23 “dissent ers” who wrote to Sonia Gandhi in 2020 calling for a complete overhaul of the organization and a fulltime, collective and visible leadership.Hesaid after that letter, he was attacked, vilified and humiliated.TheCongress, Azad said, has reached a “point of no return” as “proxies” were being propped up to take over the leadership. The “chosen one” would be nothing more than a puppet on a string, he felt, calling the upcoming internal polls a “giantThefraud”.Congress has lost both the will and the ability “under the tutelage of the coterie” that runs it to fight for what is right for India, he said. The former Rajya Sabha member said instead of a “Bharat Jodo” cam paign - Rahul Gandhi will travel the country - the lead ership should have gone for a “Congress Jodo” exercise. The Congress said it was “most regrettable” that a senior leader quit just before the party’s big cam paign.
DGP inaugurates Nagaland Police referral hospital...
(From p-1) or a fine of Rs. 10,00,000/-” and a copy of the letter sent to Ministry of Railway and GM Northeast Railway, Malegaon, Guwahati. NPCC questioned on what authority did Dr. Chuba issue such Itorder?said the GST invoice mentioned that the Areca nuts were local products and were being transported to Delhi. NPCC claimed that evidence of the misuse was in police custody. Pointing out that the government is a people’s government, and as a conscious political party, NPCC said it cannot afford to remain silent on such abuse of power and misuse of authority. The party said that if Dr. M. Chuba Ao had any moral, he should have resigned on hisAssertingown. that people of Nagaland were not all smugglers and in order to save the image of the Naga people, NPCC de manded that the government relieve Dr. M. Chuba Ao from chairmanship NSCM&CF Ltd. and enable police to proceed with the case against his misconduct. While questioning the silence of the State government, NPCC said: “We under stand there is fear in the nerves of UDA. We also understand BJP hides and pro tects criminals evident in their conscious release of rapists and even celebration of the event.” However, it said that if it were any other person particularly a Congress man, surely the ED or CBI would already be knocking.
Lost Notice I, Vitoli s wu, am applying for duplicate copy of Early Childhood Care Education Provisional Certificate as I have lost it. Name: Vitoli Swu F/Name: Kamu Swu Roll. No. : 3502 SCERT – (A) Kohima -1943/22K Land For Urgent SaLe 1. Kushiabill Sec-IV -3 Bighas 2. Lengrijan (1 Plot of Land) 3. Indisen (Ao’s only) (1 Plot of Land) Contact No. : 7005424879 DP-4008/22 LaNd For SaLe 50 x 64 and 60 x 60 @ Rs. 670 per sq. ft at Ward -09, Chumoukedima Town 100 x 100 and 100 x 200 @ Rs. 220 per sq. ft. at Etta Batta, Chumoukedima Village Negotiable Contact No. : 8014992750, 7005666161 DP-4015/22 LAND FOR SALE Near 4 Lane Second row 90 Bighas (22½ Puras) rs. 130 per sq. ft. (Slightly Negotiable) dry Land Suitable for any type of School/College, Industry, Hospital, Residential and Farming Site Contact : +91-9362359493 -3981/22DP LAND FOR SALE Location : Bamunpukhuri-B (5 kms from Zion Hospital) 50 × 50 : Rs. 5.50 lakhs 50 × 80 : Rs. 8.80 lakhs 50 × 100 : Rs. 11.00 lakhs Call: 94026156487005204949DP-3996/22 LaNd For SaLe atddiphupar,imapur Genuine Buyers Please Contact : 8413808228 -3984/22DP FORLANDSALE Near Viola Colony, dimapur Area/Plots available as per Budget Contact : 8732002080 -3975/22DP LAND FOR SALE @ dimapur Primeland Location : ½ kms away from Dimapur Government College Highway Size : 1) 40 x 50 (2000 sq. ft.) 2) 40 x 78.5 (3140 sq. ft.) 3) 80 x 121.5 (9720 sq. ft.) INTERESTED PERSONS CAN KINDLY CONTACT : 9362619411/ 8798439412 -3994/22DP LoST NoTICe I, a Nahyoh Konyak am applying for duplicate copy of Admit Card, Marksheet of HSLC, HSSLC and Registration Card, Marksheet and Admit Card of B.A. Nagaland University as I have lost Namethem. : A Nahyoh Konyak F/Name : Abo Konyak DoB : Contact04.06.1997:8974467741 -4029/22DP FOR SALE SCORPIO S11 2019 (NL) BOLERO POWER + 2017, 2018 (NL) BOLERO POWER + ZLX 2018 (NL) BOLERO SLX 2012, 2013 (NL) BOLERO SLX 2010, 2014 (NL) FORTUNER 2013, 2014 (NL) XUV 300 2020 (NL) NISSAN KICKS 2020, 2021 (NL) WAGON R VXI/ZXI 2020, 2021 (NL) ERTIGA VXI 2019 (NL) BOLERO PIC UP 2017, 2018 (NL) ALTO 800 LXI 2017, 2018 (NL) ALTO 800 LXI 2013, 2014 (NL) WAGON R VXI 2012 (NL) HYUNDAI VENUE 2019 (NL) i20 MAGNA 2015 (NL) GRAND i10 2014 (NL) DATSUN REDI GO 2020 (NL) DATSUN GO 2016 (NL) RENAULT KWID 2016 (NL) TERRANO 2015 (NL) CELERIO VXI 2015 (NL) ALTO LXI 2009, 2010 (NL) # 9774699215 / 8974247694 -4032/22DP Land For SaLe at Ekrani Pathar Village Dimapur Area : 14400 Sq. Ft. Price : Rs.165/- Per Sq. Ft. (S/Nego) Contact : 8974192251 /9362722567 DP-4017/22 StoLen My Yamaha Scooty (CYGNUS Ray ZR) has been stolen from Referral Colony, Diphupar on 18.07.2022 at around 10.00 A.M. Owner's Name : Mughakhi Zhimo Reg. No. NL07EB7408 Engine No. : E33SE0140977 Chassis No. ColourME1SEJ2F2N0008948::Black Contact No. : 8837401477 DP-4019/22 LoSt notice I, Keneiseno Meyase am applying for duplicate copy of BA 6th Semester Admit Card as I have lost it. Name : Keneiseno Meyase F/Name : Thekruvikho Meyase DoB : 25.12.1997 Roll No. : 16AH107 College : Pataki Christian College, Chumoukedima Contact : 6009348568 DP-4020/22 LoSt notice I, Lokato H. Chophy am applying for duplicate copy of HSLC Admit Card as I have lost it. Name : Lokato H. Chophy F/Name : Hesheto Chophy DoB : 26.09.1999 Roll No. : 1583675 School : Govt. Hr. Sec. School Diphupar ‘A’ Contact : 9863095398 DP-4022/22 Land For SaLe at old Showuba residential area, roads attached. Plots of various sizes available, @ Rs. 220/- per sq. ft. (Slightly Negotiable). Contact Nos. : 96128298727005431345 DB-932/22 For SaLe 1. Alto 800 LXi.2014/2015 2. Alto K10 LXi. 2014 3. Alto LX. 2009 Contact No. : 9612769739 DB-934/22 Name : Gucci Breed : White Pomeranian Mix Gender : Female Age : 2 ½ Months Last seen : At Tinpati Kohima on 24th of August around 9:30 am Contact No. : 93662854607005636518 Finder will be Rewarded MiSSinG K-1940/22 Land For SaLe at Burma Camp, U.N.B –a , Dimapur, Nagaland Near Ao Church Any size available from Rs. 14 Lakhs & above Contact No. : 8730052207 DP-4031/22 PaisaSambhalo.com We’re Hiring for Marketing Agents, Qualification : 10 th and Above, Salary : Rs.10K, Contact : 9863725119/8837225144. Location: Opp to Metro Hospital, Next to Pantaloon Showroom, Dimapur. You can forward your resume to mail@paisasambhalo.com Wanted SCHooL CHeF Who can Cook Indian, Chinese and Naga dishes. CoNTaCT No : 9366987175 Halfadd:Nagarjan, dimapur. DB-935/22 ACROSS 1 Postulate (5) 6 Love affair (5) 9 German wine (7) 10 Cheeky (5) 11 Pair (5) 12 Line of people (5) 13 Raging (7) 15 Lie (3) 17 Operator (4) 18 Tranquil (6) 19 Confine (3,2) 20 Stomach organ (6) 22 Solid block (4) 24 Sweet potato (3) 25 Army officer (7) 26 Severe (5) 27 Jinx (5) 28 Arm joint (5) 29 Mexican spirit (7) 30 Thin biscuit (5) 31 Fore part (5) DOWN 2 Offensive (6) 3 Weaken (6) 4 Plaything (3) 5 Planet (5) 6 Egg white (7) 7 Lake (4) 8 Roguish child (6) 12 Monarch (5) 13 Finicky (5) 14 Kingdom (5) 15 Thighbone (5) 16 Cant (5) 18 Warning device (5) 19 Ling (7) 21 Oriental temple (6) 22 Basement (6) 23 Monkey (6) 25 Set (5) 26 Satisfy fully (4) 28 Pixie (3) Crossword No. 10375 Yesterday’s solution No. 10374 Su doku No. 4997 Yesterday’s solution No. 4996 KAKURO No. 4021 Yesterday’s solution No. 4020 8 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 2022BUSINESS/STATE NEW DELHI, AUG 26 (PTI): Adani group on Fri day rejected NDTV’s asser tion that Sebi’s approval is necessary to acquire inter ests in RRPR, saying the promoter entity is not a part of the regulator’s order that restrained Prannoy and Radhika Roy from accessing the securities
(From p-1) have dropped, the hos pital would now be used as medical centre for ex cellence for treatments of police forces, and also for public in the surrounding areas.On the recently inau gurated oxygen plant, DGP informed that the plant was fully sponsored by Oil India Corporation Ltd. (OIC), at a cost of Rs 88 lakh. He officially acknowledged the corporation for sponsoring the Oxygen plant under its Corporate Social Responsi bilityDGP(CSR).expressed hope that the plant would cater to the needs of all. At the programme, nodal officer, health and family welfare, Dr George, who presented a brief in sight into the commission ing of oxygen plant, stated that the 850 LMP PSA Oxygen Plant was the third biggest in the state.
Ghulam Nabi Azad quits Congress NFR to enforce eviction as per SC order; Dmu...
(From p-1) He also said that connecting all North East states with railways would only fulfil the vision of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ‘Act East’ “Railwaypolicy.isthe second cheap est mode of transport and there fore this will change the face of our state and our economy,” Rio stated. He further expressed hope that the Molvom Station would be completed by March or April 2023. Rio, however, reminded NFR to not forget the Dimapur Railway station while pursuing new railway lines. Also, delivering his speech on the occasion, the Northeast Frontier Railway (NFR) general manager, Anshul Gupta, acknowl edged the chief minister Neiphiu Rio for his guidance and support in enabling the railways to come up with the second railway sta tion in Nagaland after a gap more than 100 years. He maintained that it was a proud moment for Indian railways and NFR. Gupta said that Nagaland was most important for NFR, adding that it offered many opportunities not only for its citizens, but also for wholeHecountry.alsoinformed that the rail ways would not stop its connectiv ity at Zubza, adding that a proposal was sent to undertake survey from Zubza, to new Kohima, to Imphal, then to Aizawl, so that all states were connected in a loop. Informing that NFR wants to commission Molvom railway station by March 2023, the GM sought assistance and support from Nagas so as to carry out the works.He also informed that many connecting trains would come up in the station, including Rajdhani and Shatabdi trains, whilst adding that long distance trains would also be introduced in the near future.Minister PHED, Jacob Zhi momi, who also spoke at the programme, expressed hope that the newly launched and extended Donyi P olo Express would not only boost the trade and commerce and economic activities of the state, but also improve the social relationship between Nagaland, Assam and Arunachal Pradesh. The 15817/15818 Donyi Polo Express, which used to run between Guwahati and Naharla gun (Arunachal Pradesh), is now extended to Shokhuvi, and will henceforth run as a daily train service between Shokhuvi and Naharlagun. The train will cover a distance of 440 kms in 13 hrs and 40 mins. It will have stoppages at Dhansiri, Diphu, Lumding, Lan ka, Hojai, Chaparmukh stations in its extended service between Shukhovi and Guwahati.
Enterprises said in the regu latoryTheupdate.Warrant Exercise Notice was issued by its subsidiary promoteracquire“necessary”markethaditthementSEBIpriornotRRPR.andofpursuantnoyingisofwillWarrantbyperformanceitwhich(VCPL)CommercialVishvapradhanPrivateLtdunderacontract,isbindingonRRPR,added.ThegroupalsosaidtheofobligationsRRPRpursuanttotheExerciseNoticenotresultinviolationtheSebiorderas“thereno,directorindirect,dealinanysecuritiesofPranRoyorRadhikaRoy”totheexercisethewarrantsbyVCPLallotmentofsharesby“VCPL,therefore,doesagreewithRRPRthatwrittenapprovalfromisrequiredforallotofsharestoVCPLonexerciseofwarrants,”added.OnThursday,NDTVsaidtheapprovalfromregulatorSebiisforVCPLtointerestsinNDTV’sentityRRPRLtd against an unpaid loan. The Securities and Ex change Board of India (Sebi) on November 27, 2020, restrained the founder-pro moters Prannoy and Rad hika Roy “from accessing the securities market, and further prohibiting buying, selling, or otherwise dealing in securities, directly or in directly, or being associated with the securities market in any manner whatsoever for a period of 2 years”. This ban expires on November 26, 2022, said NDTV in a disclosure to exchanges.“...unless pending ap peal proceedings were to successfully conclude prior, Sebi approval is necessary for the proposed Acquirer to secure 99.5 per cent inter ests in the Promoter Group vehicle, since this would consequently lead to the acquisition of voting rights in respect of 29.18 per cent of the issued share capital of the Target Company held by the Promoter Group vehicle,” NDTV said in the regulatory filing.
NPCC demands dismissal of Dr. Chuba as NSCM&CF...
Adani group rejects NDTVs assertion of sebi nod
Nagaland gets second Railway station after over 100 years
(From p-1) Responding to claims made by some individual occupiers that the land belonged to them and not the railways, Gupta categorically stated that “people may say anything but whatever is Railways land belong to railways.” He pointed out that Railways had been operat ing in Nagaland since 1900 and that it was not a recent venture.Asked when would the eviction drive be car ried out, Gupta said there was no timeline. However, since the projects have al ready been sanctioned, the eviction drive may be carried out soon, he added. When asked about religious structures that have been setup in Dima pur railway land, Gupta said as per the Supreme Court order “any unau thorized structure would be removed/relocated” under due process.Nagaland Post had been highlighting the stalled development of Dimapur railway station owning toe to unauthor ized occupation of railway land. This newspaper had also spoken extensively to NFR officials about the failure to get land for expansion to double track from Lumding to Furkat ing, which could have led to by-passing of Dimapur station from Dhansiri to Bokajan.Itmay also be noted that two legislators of Di mapur had also strongly favoured immediate evic tion of encroachers from railway land and also ini tiate disciplinary action against officials involved in issuing land pattas.

Sd- Sd(Bendangyapang Aier) (Aonaro Longchar) President, S.S.T.K President, S.T. K K-1939/22 Office of the SüngratSü SenSO telOngjem KOhIma nagaland - 797001
TAIPEI, AUG 26 (AP): Taiwan’s leader on Friday said China and Russia are “disrupting and threatening the world order” through Beijing’s recent large-scale military exercises near the island and Moscow’s inva sion of PresidentUkraine.Tsai Ing-wen was speaking during a meet ing in Taipei with US Sen. Marsha Blackburn, who is on the second visit by members of Congress since House Speaker Nancy Pe losi’s trip earlier this month. That visit prompted China to launch the exercises that saw it fire numerous mis siles and send dozens of warplanes and ships to vir tually surround the island, including across the centre line in the Taiwan Strait that has long been a buffer between the sides. China claims Taiwan as its own territory to be brought under its control by force if necessary. Beijing has also boosted relations with Russia and is seen as tacitly supporting its attack on Ukraine.
Blackburn, a Repub lican from Tennessee, reaf firmed shared values be tween the two governments and said she “looked for ward to continuing to sup port Taiwan as they push forward as an independent nation.”China sees high-level foreign visits to the island as interference in its affairs and de facto recognition of Taiwanese sovereignty. Chi na’s recent military drills were seen by some as a rehearsal of future military action against the island, which US military leaders say could come within the next few Alongyears.with staging the exercises, China cut off con tacts with the United States on vital issues — including military matters and crucial climate cooperation — rais ing concerns over a lasting, more aggressive approach by Beijing. It also called in U.S. Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns to formally complain. He later said China was overreacting in order to manufacture a crisis.Due to the separa tion of powers in the U.S. government, the executive branch has no authority to prevent legislators from making such foreign visits and Taiwan benefits from strong bipartisan support in Washington. China, whose ruling Communist Party wields total control over the country’s politics, refuses to acknowledge that funda mental andlutetinueBeijing.formalU.S.sayingandgoneandsaidspokespersonU.S.principle.StateDepartmentVedantPatelmembersofCongresselectedofficials“havetoTaiwanfordecadeswillcontinuetodoso,”itwasinlinewithpolicytoonlymaintaindiplomatictieswith“We’regoingtocontotakecalmandresostepstoupholdpeacestabilityintheregion and to support Taiwan in line with our longstanding policy,” Patel said at a brief ing Thursday.Taiwanese Foreign Minister Joseph Wu told re porters Friday that “China’s motivation is to destroy the Taiwan Straits’ status quo, and after this they want to cut down on Taiwan’s de fensiveTaiwanspace.” is seeking stepped-up defense cooper ation and additional weap onry from the U.S., along with closer economic ties. In their meeting, Tsai and Blackburn underscored the importance of eco nomic links, especially in the semiconductor sector, where Taiwan is a world leader and the U.S. is seek ing greater investment at home.Blackburn arrived in Taipei late Thursday after visiting Fiji, the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea as part of a U.S. push to “expand our dip lomatic footprint in the area,” her office said in a statement.
26/11: US court decision on Rana’s extradition pending for over year now 4 Indian-American women racially abused in Texas, told to ‘go back to India’ Tahawwur Rana
Rana knew of Head ley’s meetings, what was discussed, and the planning of the attacks, including some of the targets. The US government asserted that Rana was part of the con spiracy and there is probable cause that he committed the substantive crime of com mission of a terrorist act. Rana’s attorney on the other hand opposed the ex tradition.Asmany as 166 people, including six Americans, were killed during the at tacks by the LeT members. Because members of the conspiracy committed acts resulting in death with the intention of causing death, or at minimum commit ted those acts knowing its imminent dangers, there is sufficient evidence that the elements for murder would be satisfied, federal prosecu tors said.
“But obviously no one tells the Queen what to do and ultimately it is her deci sion, and as we saw when she made a third appear ance on the Buckingham Palace balcony at the Jubi lee she likes surprises. There are some parts of her role that Prince Charles can do on her behalf but the Queen is adamant that she appoints the Prime Minister,” the source“Itsaid.may not be the best choice to make the Queen travel 1,000 miles there and back for a 48-hour visit when the Prime Ministers can easily get to Balmoral instead,” the source added. According to the re port, when the Queen ar rived in Scotland last month for a 10-week holiday she had hoped to make the journey south once the new prime minister is elected and her Windsor Castle residence in Berkshire had been earmarked for the traditional constitutional ceremony.
In a historic first, Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II is likely to conduct the traditional ceremony to appoint a new ly elected leader as the coun try’s prime minister at her Balmoral Castle residence in Scotland, according to a media report on Friday. The 96-year-old mon arch, who has been experi encing age-related mobility issues, is on her annual sum mer vacation in Scotland. ‘The Sun’ newspaper claims that secret plans have been drawn up for her to re ceive either former Chancel lor Rishi Sunak or Foreign Secretary Liz Truss at her Balmoral base rather than make the journey down to Buckingham Palace in London or Windsor Castle in south-east England. The new Conservative Party leader will be elected on September 5 and is then scheduled for an audience with the Queen the day after to be formally appointed as Boris Johnson’s successor at 10 Downing Street. A final decision on whether she stays on will be announced publicly next week because the outgoing and incoming prime min isters need advance notice, the newspaper said. It would be the first time in living memory that the so-called “kissing of the hands” of the monarch by the leader of the majority party in Parliament happens outside London or Windsor. “The Queen has now been advised not to travel,” ‘The Sun’ quoted a source as saying.
MANILA (PHILIP PINES), AUG 26 (AP): A Philippine ferry carrying 82 passengers and crew caught fire as it was ap proaching a port south of Manila on Friday and at least 73 of those onboard have been rescued, coast guard officials said. Search and rescue ef forts were continuing after nightfall for the passengers and crew of the M/V Asia Philippines, an inter-island cargo and passenger vessel which came from nearby Mindoro island, the coast guardAsaid.44-year-old woman who was among those rescued was taken to a hospital with unspecified injuries.
The abnormal increase in rainfall generated flash floods across the country, particularly in the southern part of Pakistan, which rem ains inundated at the moment with 23 districts of Sindh being declared “calamity-hit”, the newspa per reported.Minister for Climate Change
ISLAMABAD, AUG 26 (PTI): Pakistan govern ment has declared a na tional emergency as raininduced floods have so far killed 937 people, including 343 children, and left at least 30 million without shelter.Sindh Province report ed the highest number of deaths as 306 people lost their lives due to floods and rain-related incidents from June 14 to Thursday, ac cording to National Disas ter Management Authority (NDMA). Balochistan re ported 234 deaths whereas Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Punjab Province recorded 185 and 165 deaths, respec tively. In Pakistan-occupied Kash mir, 37 people were killed while nine deaths were reported in the GilgitBaltistan region during the
A man wades through flood waters beside his damaged house following rains and floods in Dera Allah Yar. (Reuters) current monsoon Accordingrains.to the NDMA, Pakistan received 166.8 mm of rain in Au gust, as opposed to the aver age of 48 mm - an increase of 241 per cent. Sindh and Balochistan - the worst-hit regions - witnessed a 784 per cent and 496 per cent increase in the monsoon deluge, respectively, the Dawn News reported.
Philippine ferry carrying 82 people catches fire Pak declares national emergency as flood death rises
U.S. Sen. Marsha Blackburn meets with Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen in Taipei, Taiwan on Friday, Aug. 26. (AP)
FELICITATION With immense pride and honour, we the Süngratsü Senso Telongjem Kohima, Süngratsülar Telongjem and Süngratsü Students’ Union Kohima would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to : 1. Smt. Imcharenla IPS, DIG(NAP) Kohima, W/o Mr. Mangyangkokba Walling, President’s Police Medal for Distinguished Service. 2. Shri. Kilang Walling, NPS DCP Niuland, DGP Commendation Disc(Silver), President’s Police Medal for Meritorious Service. We further pray to Almighty God to grant them sound health, wisdom and success in their future endeavours.
WASHINGTON, AUG 26 (PTI): A federal US court has kept in abeyance for more than a year now a decision on extradition of Pakistani-origin Canadian businessman Tahawwur Rana, sought for his involve ment in the 2008 Mumbai terror attack, to India. US District Court, Central District of Califor nia in Los Angeles Judge Jacqueline Chooljian held the last hearing on this issue in June 2021 and the last set of papers was filed in July 2021. But it has been more than a year now and the court is yet to give a verdict on the US government’s request to extradite Rana to India. There has been no word from the court since then.The US government has argued that India’s ex tradition request contains sufficient evidence of prob able cause on each of the criminal charges for which India seeks Rana’s extradi tion. He has been declared a fugitive by andtheactivities,fordingassistinge-TaibawasDavidthatarguedFederalIndia.prosecutorsthatRanawasawarehischildhoodfriendColemanHeadleyinvolvedwithLashkar-(LeT),andthatbyHeadleyandafhimacoverforhishewassupportingterroristorganizationitsassociates.
NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 2022 INTERNATIONAL 9 Queen Elizabeth II We the Congress Party of 56 Noklak A/C DCC Office bearers, ACCC Office bearers and all the party workers from different villages who are signatories in the list have unanimously decided to join the Nationalist Democratic Progressive Party (NDPP) to strengthen the leadership of Shri. Neiphiu Rio, Hon’ble Chief Minister and Shri. Chingwang Konyak, President NDPP. Enclosed : List of members. Yours faithfully Dr. Benjung Lam Ex PCC Member. LIST OF CONGRESS PARTY WORKERS RESIGNED FROM ACTIVE/ PRIMARY MEMBERSHIP AND DECIDED TO JOIN NDPP NOS. NAME DESIGNATION UNIT 1 Dr. Benjung Lam Member PCC 2 Mr. Kongkhao President 56 Noklak A/C 3 Mr. Hempao Vice President 56 Noklak A/C 4 Mr. L Chaba Secretary 56 Noklak A/C 5 Mr. Nyuksa Vice President DCC 6 Mr. Henong Vice President DCC 7 Mr. Mulang President DYC 8 Mr. Leyang President NSUI 56 Noklak A/C 9 Mr. Samo Secretary Youth ACCC 10 Mr. Pakhio President Youth ACCC 11 Mr. Langkhang Vice President NSUI 56 Noklak A/C 12 Mr. Peyan M Longshen Shiu General Secretary NSUI 56 Noklak A/C 13 Mr. Thengem Asstt. General Secretary NSUI 56 Noklak A/C 14 Mr. Tangi Vice President ACCC 15 Lunga President Noklak Village 16 Pukhaio Vice President Noklak Village 17 Lusang Secretary Noklak Village 18 Ms. Moun President (Women Wing) Noklak Village 19 Ms. Mushem L Secretary (Women Wing) Noklak Village 20 Y Tsongtsan President Choklangan Village 21 P Pakhio Vice President Choklangan Village 22 P Khenou General Secretary Choklangan Village 23 T Langkhong Asstt. Secretary Choklangan Village 24 P Tsongnya Treasurer Choklangan Village 25 L Chingmak President Waoshu Village 26 A Sao General Secretary Waoshu Village 27 L Yimjong Joint Secretary Waoshu Village 28 S Wamei Advisor Waoshu Village 29 Y Mongba Treasurer Waoshu Village 30 S Elem President (Youth) Waoshu Village 31 S Yimlong Vice President (Youth) Waoshu Village 32 M Susang President Chendang Saddle 33 K Ado Vice President Chendang Saddle 34 K Sipong General Secretary Chendang Saddle 35 N Chaang Joint Secretary Chendang Saddle 36 Ngaku Advisor Chendang Saddle 37 A Pensola President (Mahila) Chendang Saddle 38 S Senti Vice President (Mahila) Chendang Saddle 39 K Naro General Secretary (Mahila) Chendang Saddle 40 N Ason Joint Secretary (Mahila) Chendang Saddle 41 K Chaang Somba President (Youth) Chendang Saddle 42 S Lemba Vice President (Youth) Chendang Saddle 43 N Yensen General Secretary (Youth) Chendang Saddle 44 Y Tonching Joint Secretary (Youth) Chendang Saddle 45 N Ajong President Chingmei 46 Mongko General Secretary Chingmei 47 Shobo Joint Secretary Chingmei 48 Chapou Advisor Chingmei 49 Hopong Treasurer Chingmei 50 Alung President (Youth) Chingmei 51 M Wungto Secretary (Youth) Chingmei 52 Ms. Changlepla President (Mahila) Chingmei 53 Ms. Naong Secretary (Mahila) Chingmei 54 K Moa Joint Secretary (Mahila) Chingmei 55 Mr. Mongtham President Wonsoi Village 56 Mr. Buhin Secretary Wonsoi Village 57 Mr. Pukoi Vice President Wonsoi Village 58 Mr. Hangchiu Asstt. General Secretary Wonsoi Village PRESS RELEASE db-937/22 The Soyim Students' Union, Ungma, Mokokchung would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all those who stood with us and fought tirelessly to deliver justice to our beloved sister and daughter Late MAPUIENLA LONGKUMER. We would like to especially thank the following organizations, groups and associations for their support, hardwork and dedication in detaining the culprit who was involved in the hit-and run case. 1. DGP, Nagaland Police 2. Special Investigation Team (SIT) Dimapur Police 3. ACP Traffic Dimapur 4. SP Mokokchung 5. Naga Students’ Federation (NSF) 6. Ao Students’ Conference (AKM) 7. All Nagaland College Students’ Union (ANSCU) 8. Central Naga Students’ Association (CNSA) 9. St. Joseph University Dimapur 10. St. Joseph University Students’ Council (SJUSC) 11. Dimapur Ao Youth Organisation (DAYO) 12. Dimapur Naga Students’ Union (DNSU) 13. Diphuphar ‘B’ Ao Students’ Union 14. Ikishe Village Students' Union 15. Ao Senso Telongjem Dimapur 16. Ao Students’ Union Dimapur 17. Ongpangkong Mundang Dimapur 18. Ongpangkong Students’ Conference (OKM) 19. Ungma Senso Mungdang 20. Ungma Senso Telongjem Dimapur 21. Tuophema Village Students’ Union 22. Highway Area Sumi Students’ Union 23. Students Union Patkai Christian College 24. Nagaland Students’ Law Federation 25. NERIST Naga Students’ Union 26. Naga Students’ Union Guwahati 27. Mokokchung District Combined Colleges (MDCC) 28. Soyim Students’ Union, Dimapur (Moatemsu Longkumer) (Merennukshi Imsong) President General Secretary MKC-308/22
The person who post ed this video wrote, “this incident occurred in Dal las, Texas after my mom and her three friends went to dinner”.Themom is seen con testing the arguments made by the ingwhere,”youotherassaultinginan,Mexican-AmericanAtnotwomanMexican-Americanandrequestinghertomakeracialslurs.onepointintime,thewomwhosaysshewasborntheUnitedStates,isseenthemomandherfriendsaswell.“EverywhereI...go,Indiansare...everysheisseenscreaminthevideo.
“These developments demonstrate how authori tarian countries are dis rupting and threatening the world order,” Tsai said.
Sherry Rehman said on Thursday that a “war room” has been set up by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif at NDMA, which would spearhead relief op erations across the country. She said that the incessant “monstrous” rainfall had “made it hard to carry out relief operations, especially helicopter“Pakistansorties”.is going through its 8th cycle of monsoon; normally the country has only three to four cycles of [monsoon] rain,” the minister said during a press conference in Islamabad. “Pakistan is under an unprecedented monsoon spell and data suggests the possibility of re-emergence of another cycle in September,” she was quoted as saying by the daily.
WASHINGTON, AUG 26 (PTI): Four IndianAmerican women have been racially abused and smacked by a MexicanAmerican woman in the US state of Texas who hurled racist slurs at them that they are “ruining” America and should “go back to TheIndia”.incident took place on Wednesday night in a parking lot in Dallas, Texas. The woman, who has now been arrested, is seen in the video identify ing herself as a MexicanAmerican and assaulting a group of Indian-Amer icans. “I hate you Indian. All these Indians come to America because they want a better life,” Esmeralda Upton is seen saying in the video.The video shows her telling the group of wom en to “Go back to India. You... people are ruining this country,” the CBS NewsThereported.video has now gone viral and sent shock waves among the Indi an-American community across the United States. The video shows Up ton using racial slurs, and at one point physically smacking at least two of the women.
China, Russia disrupting world order: Taiwan
Queen may appoint new UK PM in Scotland in historic first: Report

Amy Gorin, MS, RDN, a plant-based di etitian in Stamford, Con necticut, and owner of “Plant Based with Amy,” told Healthline she’s not surprised plant-based milk has more nutrients than we previously thought since the ingredients that these milk products are made from such as soy boast a wide array of vita mins, minerals, and other nutrients.
• Only pea-based and soy-based drinks had higher levels of the four essential minerals than cow’s milk
Soy milk Soy milk contains all the essential amino acids, which is similar to dairy milk. It is also cholesterolfree and low in saturated fat. Soy is also a common allergen and is not tolerated by everyone equally. Almond milk
‘Squid Game’ star Lee Jung-jae to reprise role from
With immense joy and appreciation, the Waromung Compound Baptist Church, would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to our leader and teacher Rev. Dr. Limatula Longkumer, on being appointed as the Registrar of the Senate of Serampore. The church is also extremely delighted on learning that she is the first woman in India and also first among the North East to hold such a prestigious position. The church members earnestly pray that God will continue to guide and bless her, as she undertakes the new responsibility.
Anupam Kher shares his take on Bollywood vs South films debate: ‘They’re telling stories, we’re selling stars’ are not aping Hollywood. They are telling stories, over here we are selling stars.” Karthikeya 2 is a mys tery adventure film written and directed by Chandoo Mondeti, the sequel to the 2014 film Karthikeya. The plot follows Nikhil’s Dr Karthikeya who is on a quest to find the lost anklet of Lord Krishna. Anupam, who has a sup porting role in the film, had celebrated its success in a post on his Instagram account writing, “Meri to nikal padi dosto (I am on a roll) The Kashmir Files ke baad meri Karthikeya 2 film bhi blockbuster hai!! (After The Kashmir Files, my fil Karthikeya 2 is also a blockbuster).” (ToI)
‘Deliver Us From Evil’ in series spin-off
“Just as there is wide variability in nutrient con tent in many food sources, it appears the same may be true for non-dairy plantbased milk,” says Lon BenAsher, MS, RD, LD/N, a nutritionist at Pritikin Lon gevity Center in Florida. “It is reasonable to believe that plant-based milk such as legumes, pea, and soy have more mineral content than others due to its vast array of nutritional value.” But believing is dif ferent from knowing for certain. “Where and how these products are sourced are key to identifying dis crepancies in nutrients and breakdown based on mineral soil content,” BenAsher told Healthline. “Ultimately, there should be standardization in labeling regulations that every manufacturer must abide by to reduce inequi ties and having all products on the same level playing field, this allows consumers to make the right decision for themselves and feel confident in their choice,” he said.
mkc-307/22 • A new analysis is detailing the mineral content of plant-based milk alternatives.
Senti Jamir Pastor, WCBC Office O f the Waromung Compound Baptist ChurCh Al O ngkim A, mO k O kchung FELICITATION
Amy Bragagnini, MS, RD, CSO, an oncology nutrition specialist at Trin ity Health Lacks Cancer Center in Michigan and a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, told Healthline that the topic of switching from dairy to milk alterna tives comes up often in her Almond, Soy, or Oat? New report lists benefits of Plant-based Milk alternatives line of work. She said clients tell her they choose milk al ternatives for a number of reasons, including their concern for the environ ment, issues with lactose intolerance, or their prefer ence for the taste/flavor of non-milk alternatives.
• Pea-based drinks contain about 50% higher levels of phosphorus, zinc, and selenium Benjamin Redan, PhD, a research chemist in the Food and Drug Ad ministration and principal investigator on the proj ect, said these plant-based milk alternatives could be important sources of micronutrients if you’re trying to reach the recom mended dietary allowances for them. The researchers said they hope their data helps consumers make informed dietary decisions about non-dairy plant-based drink products.
• Pea-based drinks had the most phosphorus, zinc, and selenium • Soy drinks had the highest amounts of magnesium
“Deliver Us From Evil” was re leased in August 2020, during a break in Korea’s pandemic lockdown mea sures and scored an impressive $28.9 million from 4.36 million spectators. Lee is currently riding high as director-producer and star of “Hunt”, a 1980s-set espionage drama that de buted in Cannes. The film received a mixed reaction in Cannes, with several foreign reviewers call ing it confusing. Lee has since re-cut it for interna tional audiences, with a new version set to play in Toronto. (IANS)
S inger Britney Spears’ fans around the world are praising the pop star’s return to music after she dropped her new single with Elton John. Spears collaborated with John on ‘Hold Me Closer’, a new spin on his hit song ‘Tiny Dancer’. The single marks the first music to come from Spears since her conser vatorship was terminated in November 2021. With in hours after the track launched online, it already tops sales on iTunes across 29 countries, according to the news outlet France Info, reports Variety. Throughout the con servatorship, Spears record ed music, went on tour and held a Las Vegas residency, but testified last summer that she was forced to work against her will throughout the 13-year court-ordered arrangement.
‘Hold Me Closer’, sings #WelcomeBackBritney;Britneysayfans
A nupam Kher, whose film The Kashmir Files is the high est-grossing Hindi film this year, has shared his thoughts on why Bollywood films have majorly failed to perform at the box office while South Indian films have become blockbusters in the same time period. The actor said that it’s be cause South films prioritize content while Bollywood films focus on stars. Anupam’s latest film Karthikeya 2, which left Laal Singh Chaddha and Dobaaraa behind at the Hindi box office, is a Telugu film starring Nikhil Sid dhartha in the lead role. Anupam praised the ap proach of South Indian films in a new interview about the film. In a conversation with ETimes, Nikhil spoke about the need to keep a tab on the audience’s pulse to make relevant movies. To this, Anupam added, “You make things for consumers. (Problem starts) the day you start looking down on consumers, that, ‘we’re doing you a favour by mak ing a great film. Now you are watching a great film.’ Greatness is achieved by a collective effort and that I have learnt by doing films in Telugu...I just did another film in Telugu, I did a film in the Tamil language, I’m going to do a Malayalam film.” The actor added, “I think over there, I’m not differentiating between the two but I think (their) cin ema is relevant because they “ Squid Game” actor Lee Jung-jae is to reprise his role as a manic killer in “Ray”, a TV series spun off from 2020 Korean action-horror film “Deliver Us From Evil”. Korean media sources report that Lee will star in and co-produce the series through his own Artist Studio company and Hive Media, producer of “Deliver Us From Evil” has been reached out for further details. In the original movie, Hwang Jung-min played In-Nam, a former black ops agent who travels to Thailand to investigate an abduction. There he is pursued by Lee’s character Ray, a Korean-Japanese ruffian whose brother had been killed by In-Nam. Both heavily tattooed and charming, Ray embarks on a bloody rampage of revenge. “Ray” is expected to develop the back-story of the seductively evil Ray, establishing how he became such a cruel killer and setting him up against other villains around the world. Ace cinematographer Hong Kyung-pyo whose credits include “Parasite”, “Broker”, “Burning”, “Snowpiercer”, and “The Wailing” will pick up the reins from “Deliver Us From Evil” and act as director of pho tography. Pre-production is reported to begin in 2023. No streaming platform attachment has yet been announced.
KYM C KYM C 10 INFOTAINMENT NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 2022 k-1947/22a k-1908/22 dp-4034/22
Cashew milk Cashew milk has a creamy taste, which may be preferred over almond milk. It is also high in vita min E, lower in calories, and fits well into a vegan diet. But, cashew milk has a low protein content, so it may not be helpful to meet one’s overall protein needs. Rice milk Rice milk is a good op tion if there are allergies to dairy, nuts, or soy products. However, rice milk contains a higher carbohy drate and calorie content, so may not be appropriate for someone following a calorie-controlled diet. Choosing plant-based milk based on your needs Gorin says when it comes to choosing the right plant-based milk for you and your family, she suggests looking at the nutrition facts panel and the ingredient list. “For an everyday milk, you’ll want to choose one that does not contain any added sugar,” she says. Bragagnini offers the same suggestion: “When choosing one of these prod ucts, try to opt for the nonsweetened version, as it is important to lower intake of products with a lot of added sugar.” Ben-Asher agrees, adding it’s also important to choose the option low in sodium and low in un healthy fats.
Spears’ legal battle con tinues, as the singer fights against her father, Jamie Spears, who oversaw her conservatorship, and her former business manager, Tri Star Sports and Enter tainment Group. Spears claims that her father and Tri Star took advantage of her finances throughout the conservator ship and has made damning allegations about their al leged behaviour towards her, which she has categorised as “conservatorship abuse”. The judge recently sided with the singer, ordering that her father must sit for a deposition this month, and ruling that she would not be deposed. As Spears’ attorney, Mathew Rosengart, contin ues her fight in the court room, the singer has been enjoying her newfound free dom and marriage to Sam Asghari, while keeping busy working on projects of her choosing, including a major book deal and recording in the studio with John. On the heels of ‘Hold Me Closer’ dropping, Rosen gart issued a statement to Variety, congratulating his client, who he hailed as a “brilliant artist” and “iconic person” who has “been through a lot”. “After our hard-fought court battles and success in removing her father as conservator and then the termination of the conser vatorship last year, I was inundated with inquiries about what Britney would do next. My response was simple: ‘For the first time in 13 years, that is up to one person and one person only: Britney’,” Rosengart said in a statement to Variety. “No one should be surprised that her first foray is a smash success. As I’ve said all along, Britney is a brillian t artist and iconic person. It’s been a privilege working with her. She’s been through a lot. Regardless of what comes next for her and whatever she chooses, I am so very proud of her.” Now that the single is here, the #FreeBritney movement, which supported the pop star throughout her entire conservatorship battle and has now started the hashtag #JusticeForBritney, is cheering on the Princess of Pop. The Grammy-winning pop icon has sold more than 100 million records throughout her career, with numerous No. 1 albums and singles on the Bill board charts, and ranked as Forbes’ highest-earning female musician for multiple years. (IANS)
• Experts say con sumers should take these ingredients as well as any family allergies when pur chasing plant-based milk products.
Even if you check the nutrition label, you may not have all the necessary information to make the healthiest choice for you and your family. That’s according to a new nutritional analysis on the mineral content in single-base ingredient plant-based milk products such as almond, cashew, coconut, hemp, oat, pea, rice, or soy. The report was pre sented at the American Chemical Society’s annual meeting. The central issue that researchers focused on in the study is that essential minerals and components of dairy milk such as mag nesium, phosphorus, zinc, and selenium are not re quired on the nutrition facts label in plant-based milk alternatives. The analysis included 85 milk alternative sam ples. Mineral content var ied significantly across different plant-based milk product types and between brands.
Almond milk is lower in calories than dairy milk, which may be preferred in adults trying to lose weight. However, this is not a good alternative if there are nut allergies present.
Thekeyfindingsreported bytheresearchersincluded:
“I also like opting for one that is a good source of protein, meaning it con tains at least 5 grams of protein per serving,” says Gorin. Whatparentsneedtoknow “Milk alternatives may not be appropriate for children during the first two years of their lives,” says Bragagnini. “At this young age, children require adequate calories, iron, and protein,” she notes. In such cases, breast milk or formula are gener ally recommended over any milk alternative. “If a child struggles with intolerance to lactose from milk, it is reasonable to experiment with the various alternatives but important to realize the difference between them,” Bragagnini said. (Jillian Kubala MS RD)
• Among other findings, researchers say pea-based drinks have the most phosphorus, zinc, and selenium.
• They also note that soy-based products have the highest amounts of magnesium.

DUBAI, AUG 26 (IANS): India women’s team vice-captain Smriti Mandhana has joined young opener Shafali Verma in the Interna tional Cricket Council’s “100 per cent Cricket Su perstars” list released on Friday.Shafali Verma, Eng land’s Sophie Ecclestone, New Zealand’s Amelia Kerr, West Indies’ Hay ley Matthews and South Africa’s Laura Wolvaardt were the first crop of what will ultimately be a “100 per cent Cricket Super stars” squad that fans can pick from to decide on a final OnXI. Friday, the ICC added five more players who are part of the initia tive -- Mandhana, Fatima Sana (Pakistan), Ashleigh Gardner (Australia), So phia Dunkley (England), and Gaby Lewis cricket.decadecloseMandhana,(Ireland).26,istocompletingaininternationalShehasestab lished herself as one of the most complete allformat players around the globe. Her record speaks for itself, combining ag gression at the top of the order along with a heavy penchant for scoring some big runs.Mandhana has played 74 ODIs, aggre gating 2,892 runs at an average of 42.52, with five centuries and 23 fifties. In T20I cricket, she has 2,192 runs in 92 games, with 16 half-centuries to her name. Mandhana has also played four Tests and has one century and two fifties in the Mandhanaformat.has also emerged as a leader in In dian women’s cricket, as it moves on from the era of Mithali Raj and Jhulan Goswami.Herconsistency has seen her being named the 2021 ICC Women’s Crick eter of the Year while being ranked 10th and fourth in the ICC Wom en’s Player Rankings for batters in ODIs and T20Is respectively.
dECLARAtiON Reg. 453 (B) Date 27/10/2021 I, Smti. ZUVITHSÜ KAJIRI of Meluri Town P.O/P.S Meluri : 797114, Dist. Phek, Nagaland do hereby solemnly declare/affirm that, 1. That my name in my Regularization Order has been inadvertently entered as ZUVITHSÜ. 2. That my correct name is ZUVITHSÜ KAJIRI. 3. That ZUVITHSÜ and ZUVITHSÜ KAJIRI is the same person 4. That henceforth, my name shall be used as ZUVITHSÜ KAJIRI for all my official/legal purpose. 5. That the statements made in the above paras are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and nothing false has been stated or concealed therein. (ZUVITHSÜ KAJIRI) DeponentK-1946/22
1. That my, actual and correct name is Mukeshwar Sah but, my service record under N.F Rly., my name has been recorded as Shri. Mukeswar Sah, instead of my correct name i.e. Mukeshwar Sah.
IN THE COURT OF DEPUTY COMMISSIONER DIMAPUR : NOTICENAGALAND No. M-561/2022/5143 Dated, Dimapur, the 23rd Aug, 2022 Notice is hereby given that Smti. Nganuo Pienyu -Vrs- Shri Pilanthung, a resident of Duncan Bosti Colony/Village in the District of Dimapur, Nagaland under Rule 50 & 51 of the Assam Land Revenue Regulation Act 1886 have applied for Mutation of Land described in the schedule below:The undersigned under Rule 52 of the said Rules do hereby invite Claims/Objection concerning to the said land if any & should there be any, should submit to this Court on or before 1 (one) month from the date of publication in local newspaper. SCHEDULE OF LAND AND BOUNDARY Name of Patta Holder : Smti. Nganuo Pienyu Village : Purana Bazar Patta No : 1780, Dag No: 2219/2440, Area : 00-01-12 North : Land of Meribeni South : Nallah East : Colony Road West : Nallah Sd/- SACHiN JAiSwAL iAS DeputyDimapurCommissioner:Nagalanddb-938/22 AffidAvit Regd. No. 756/2022 Date 23/08/2022 I, Shri. Mukeshwar Sah, son of Lt. Imrit Sah, resident of Railway Colony, Dimapur, Dist. Dimapur, Nagaland do hereby swear on oath and declare as follows:
3. This affidavit is sworn for the purpose to make correction of my first name in my all N.F. Rly service records. I further declare that the statements made by me herein above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing concealed therein.Sworn before me.
Smriti Mandhana
ICC adds Smriti Mandhana to its ‘100 per cent Cricket
NEW YORK, Aug 25 (AGENCIES): Top seed Daniil Medvedev will open his U.S. Open title defence on Monday against Ameri can Stefan Kozlov but faces major hurdles on the path to a second Grand Slam title at Flushing Meadows, including in-form Austra lian Nick WhileKyrgios.Medvedev will not be looking too far ahead, fans certainly will at the prospect of an enthralling fourth-round showdown between the Russian and Wimbledon finalist Kyrgios who beat the world number one in three sets in Montreal this month.The bottom half of the draw also throws up a potential CarlosOpenbiddingsecondall-Spanishmouth-wateringclashbetweenseedRafaNadal,forafifthU.S.crown,andteenagerAlcaraz,wholast year became the youngest man to reach the quarter-fi nals at Flushing Meadows. Nadal, who could leave New York with the world number one ranking if he can lift a 23rd Grand Slam trophy, will meet Australian Rinky Hijikata in the first-round while third seed Alcaraz takes on Argentine Sebastian Baez. Also standing in his way are seventh seed Cam eron Norrie, the top-ranked Briton who faces an open ing clash against France’s Benoit Paire, and ninth seed Andrey Rublev. Greek fourth seed and Monte Carlo winner Ste fanos Tsitsipas has never got past the third round at Flushing Meadows but may run into last year’s Wimbledon finalist Mat teo Berrettini in the fourth round if he can find his form on the famed blue courts.
Audi will enter Formula One from 2026 with one of the sport’s existing teams and using a new power unit to be built in Germany, it announced on Friday. The Volkswagenowned premium brand said it would reveal by the end of the year which team it would be partnering in what will be the start of a new and more sustainable era for the sport. The marque has been in talks with the Swiss-based Sauber Group, whose team competes under the Alfa Romeo name, according to reports by Reuters and other media.Aston Martin and Wil liams, who both use Mer cedes engines, have also ex pressed an interest in linking up with“FormulaAudi. One is both a global stage for our brand and a highly challenging development laboratory,” said Audi chairman Markus Duesmann in a statement coinciding with a news conference at Spa-Francor champs.
Correspondent IMPHAL, AUG 26: Ma nipur Governor La Gane san along with chief min ister N Biren Singh kicked off 2nd Manipur Olympic Games-2022 on Friday at a grand opening ceremony held in Imphal’s Mapal Kangjeibung.Thefive-day event will last till August 30. Young sportspersons representing all the 16 districts of the state were participating in the event.About 6000 sportsper sons from across the state will compete in 34 sports disciplines including in digenous sports disciplines such as Kang, Mukna, etc. during the five days. In his address at the opening ceremony, the Governor stated that the basic objective of games and sports was to develop good citizenship among boys and girls by forming their character - training them in the habits of ob servation, obedience and self-reliance and promoting their physical, mental and spiritual development in the trueAssertingspirit. that Mani pur had already produced many Olympians at na tional and international level, he expressed his con fidence that the state would keep producing many more sportspersons who will bring laurels to the country. He said that youths of the state were born sportsmen and athletes and stated that if they were provided with infrastruc tural facilities, incentives and give a little more thrust to sports activities in rural areas, they will emerge as distinguished and excellent sports persons of national and international stature. On the occasion, chief minister N Biren Singh ex pressed his happiness that the 2nd Manipur Olympic Games was being orga nized after 34 years as the 1st Manipur Olympic Games was held in 1988. He announced that the state government after consultation with the Ma nipur Olympic Association had decided to organize the games every year and added that the budget for organizing the same will be allocated separately from next year. The chief min ister asserted that sports represent an important place in Manipur where different communities re side together, as there is no religion or caste in sports. He stressed the need to organize the state Olym pic games in a festive mood with showcases of many cultural programmes from next Stateyear. power minister Thongam Biswajit, YAS minister Govindas Kon thoujam, transport minis ter Khashim Vashum and many MLAs also attended the opening ceremony. The governor raised the flag of Manipur Olym pic Association to declare the opening of the games. Wushu Player Naorem Roshibina Devi took oath of all the participating districts.Cultural programmes consisting of Thang-ta, choreographic representa tion named ‘Colour of Oneness’ and performance of theme song of 2nd Ma nipur Olympic Games were the main highlights of the opening ceremony.
Audi to enter Formula One from 2026 Medvedev handed tough draw for US Open title defence
DEPONENT NOTARY PUBLiCdP-4021/22 IN THE COURT OF DISTRICT & SESSIONS JUDGE ZUNHEBOTO : NAGALAND No. JUD/SUCC-34/2020-21/189/22 Dated Zbto, the 25/08/2022 Notice calliNg objectioN for the issue of successioN certificate Whereas application has received from Smti. Aloni Achumi U/S 372 of the Indian Succession Act, resident of Project colony, Zunheboto for Succession of SbI Saving Account bearing A/c No - 30750343983, GPF, GIS, Leave encashment pension benifits, debts & securities of Late Hekuto Aye. Notice is hereby issued for filing objections to all who has interest in the said claim(s) within 30 (thirty) days from the date of publication to this notice.Sd/district & Sessions Judge Zunheboto : NagalanddP-4028/22
DIMAPUR, AUG 26 (NPN): United Gorkha Football Club, affiliated to Dimapur District Foot ball Association (DDFA) is set to organise football boys’ under-15 open tour nament from September 2 – 8 at Thahekhu village, Dimapur under the theme “FocusTheYoung”.champions will be awarded Rs. 20,000 with trophy and certificates while runners-up will re ceive a cash amount of Rs. 10,000. Individual prizes for best player, top scorer, best defender, best goal keeper, man of the match, best discipline team are also included.Lastdate of joining will be September 1 and joining fee will be Rs. 2000. All the interested teams/ club/institution have been requested to contact at 8415921592, 9330032729, 7005470903.
Daniil Medvedev
Superstars’ list
Governor of Manipur, La Ganesan being greeted with a bouquet, while chief minister N Biren Singh was seen clapping during the opening ceremony in Imphal. (NP)
2nd Manipur Olympic Games 2022 kicks off
2. That Shri. Mukeshwar Sah, son of Lt. Imrit Sah and Shri. Mukeswar Sah, son of Lt. Imrit Sah resident of Railway Colony, Dimapur, Dist. Dimapur, Nagaland is the same and single person and henceforth all records spellings of my name shall be Mukeshwar Sah.
U-15 open tournamentfootballfromSeptember2-8
“The combination of high performance and competition is always a driver of innovation and technology transfer in our industry. With the new rules, now is the right time for us to get Formulainvolved.”Onewill have a new power unit from 2026 with the focus on sustain ability and a more costefficient future. The Liberty Media-owned sport has set a goal of being carbon-neutral by 2030. The new rules will also bring greater electrifica tion and the use of advanced sustainable fuel, with power unit manufacturers also subject to a cost cap from next season.“Wehave decided to be a full electric car manu facturer and F1 did change the rules in a way that we can enter,” Duesmann, who was previously involved in Formula One with BMW when it owned Sauber, told reporters. Audi’s powertrain operations will be based in Neuburg an der Donau, near the carmaker’s head quarters at Ingolstadt, with a separate Audi Sport sub sidiary being founded for the project.Adam Baker, a motor sport veteran and former employee of motorsport’s FIA governing body, will be chief executive of the Formula One Germanproject.rivals Mer cedes, who have won the last eight constructors’ titles, build their power unit at Brixworth in central Eng land with a team factory nearby in Porsche,Brackley.another Volk swagen Group brand, is also expected to enter Formula One in 2026 in partnership with current championship leaders Red Bull. read more Audi were 13 times winners of the Le Mans 24 Hours endurance race before quitting in 2017 and the marque has a pedigree dating back to pre-World War Two grand prix racing as Auto Union. It will continue to com pete in the annual Dakar Rally, held in Saudi Arabia, with an electric prototype as well as customer racing with GT cars.Audi did not put any figure on the costs involved of entering Formula One, or how much had been set aside, but said they did not need to make money with the commitment.“Wewill spend as much money as we did spend for the other racing series before, so for us it’s not an additional spend,” said Duesmann, who said the plan was for a very longterm “There’sengagement.ahigh likeli hood of having an Audi powertrain in an existing car,” he added when pressed about the likely future part ner”. “We won’t set up a complete new team. It’s much better if you start with an existing car.” Duesmann said the plan was to be ‘very competitive’ within the first three years.
MYK C MYK C dc-971/22

NEW DELHI, AUG 26 (PTI): Former captain Bhai chung Bhutia on Friday cited his “credibility”, “ex perience” and his equivalent in cricket, Sourav Ganguly, to hammer home the point that he is “definitely the right man” to lead the All India Football Federation (AIFF).Both Bhutia and Gan guly are iconic former cap tains of their respective sport and while the cricketer was born and brought up in Kolkata, the ace footballer shares a deep bond with the city, having spent so much time there while playing for Mohun Bagan and East Bengal in his heyday. Bhutia threw his hat into the AIFF election ring once again even as former goalkeeper Kalyan Chaubey, seen as the BJP candidate, has emerged as the front runner for the top job. Both the former players filed their nominations on Thursday.“Today what I’ve be come is only because of football. I’m a Padma Shri because of it. I played for In dia for 16 years -- this is my moment to give back to my sport. It needs reforms with the ban happening,” Bhutia said during an interaction. “I’m not new to AIFF. I’m working with the gov ernment and the sports min istry. The government is supporting all sportspersons. Our PM is helping sports grow in India. “I have the experience, the knowledge, and plans for Indian football. I can do it. With so much negativity around, we need reforms. Sportspersons are now mo tivated to enter administra tion.”A decorated player with more than 100 interna tional appearances, Bhutia added, “Look at Sourav Ganguly, he is an iconic cricketer and doing so well in cricketBhutiaadministration.”wasallpraise for Chaubey’s keenness to help the sport navigate its way through one of its toughest phases as an ad ministrator, but reiterated that he can do a “much bet ter job”.Given a chance to run the AIFF, he said he will do his best to arrange substan tial funding for all state asso ciations, in order to organise regular tournaments in all age-groups, set up football centre of excellences across the country, and also use the training facilities to develop coaches and conducting advanced courses for the referees. He also said that regional languages must be introduced in coaching programmes so that the ones aspiring to become coaches are not made to do it in english as they might not be fluent in it. “I want to help the state associations finan cially, technically. We need both long-term and shortterm Thoughgoals.” he had once contested the legislative elections and also floated a political party in his native state of Sikkim, Bhutia said he does not belong to any big national party, and it can help him in managing foot ball administration better. “See, whenever there were big politicians at the helm you would hear one state saying he belongs to my party, he belongs to another. But with me, I can go to any state without any issues, because I am not affiliated to a big national political“Ourparty.priority should be to produce players, we need to play the World Cup on merit and not just as hosts. We have to make sure that football is the winner. “Let me and Kalyan sit and have a discussion, and the media can also be part of it and then decided who is the better man to lead Indian football. Let’s not make this election political,” he said. “Let’s not get politics involved and destroy this beautiful sport.”
To buttress his belief that he is good at adminis tration, Bhutia also cited his experience as an advisor at the Sikkim Football Asso ciation, besides running of the United Sikkim club for nearly two decades. One of the country’s greatest players, the 45-yearold concluded by saying, “I can change Indian football for good. I have the cred ibility, I am competent. It’s definitely a challenge, but not impossible.”RajasthanFootball As sociation president Man vendra Singh, a Congress politician and a former Lok Sabha MP, is back ing Bhutia’s candidature along with Andhra Pradesh FA president Gopalkrishna Kosaraju, who on Friday withdrew his nomination for the treasurer’s post in the AIFF elections slated for SeptemberManvendra2. alleged that Karnataka FA chief N A Harris has bullied Ko saraju into withdrawing his candidature.BothManvendra and Kosaraju claimed that Har ris also wanted Telangana’s GP Palguna, also a former India player, to pull out of the race for the vice presi dent’s post.
DIMAPUR, AUG 26 (NPN): Dimapur District took 3 gold and one silver to top the medal chart for wushu competition held as part of second Nagaland Olympic & Paralympics Games 2022 which con cluded at Dapfhiitsumia Indoor Stadium, Kohima village on Friday evening. It was followed by Zunhe boto (one gold, one Silver and two bronze) and Chu moukedima (one gold and one silver).Thetwo-day cham pionship was organized by Nagaland Wushu As sociation under the aegis of NOA. In one of the best fights for final competition for 48-52 kg, Vipu Zhimomi defeated Hamwang Konyak in the third round after an intense fight. Both the play ers exchanged heavy fists and kicks to win a bout each but it was the stamina of Zhimomi that gave him the upper hand in the final round to take the only gold for Zunheboto team. Atokivi T. Chishi (Di mapur) who won gold for 56-60 kg was declared as the best fighter for the tourna ment. While Mon district were adjudged as the best discipline team. NOA sec retary general Abu Metha graced the occasion as the special guest for the closing ceremony and gave away the awards to the winners. Earlier, addressing the inau gural function on Thursday, Nagaland Wushu Asso ciation (NWA) president Kiidecho Khamo impressed upon the Naga youth to take up the discipline of Wushu with seriousness and profes sionalism aspect as it repre sents high scope at national and international platforms. He assured that NWA will give its best to pro mote Wushu in Nagaland. Khamo also encouraged the players to maintain disci pline and stay committed to excel in the field of Wushu.
Abu Metha with winners and others after the prize distribution programme.
MYK C MYK C Printed, Published and Edited by Geoffrey Yaden at G.M. Printers, Circular Rd. Dimapur-797112. Ph: Desk 248489, e-mail-npdesk@gmail.com. Adm.& Advertisement :248267,8798162009 e-mail-npostadvt@gmail.com, R.N. 40978/90 RN/NE 707 SPORTS12 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 2022
ZURICH, AUG 26 (PTI): World football governing body FIFA on Friday lifted the ban imposed on the AIFF after the Supreme Court terminated the man date of the Committee of Administrators (CoA), clearing the decks for India to host the Women’s U-17 World Cup in October. FIFA had suspended the AIFF on August 15 for “undue influence from third parties” and had said the U-17 Women’s World Cup “cannot currently be held in India as planned.”
NOPG 2022: Dimapur clinch gold in football Dimapur team celebrating with their medals after winning gold in the football event on Friday at IGS, Kohima. (NP) avoidable errors. Dimapur team appeared to be the dominant team as they took possession of the ball for the better part of the first half. After the two goals, Tseminyü switched gears and restructured its line-up to tighten their defence. The match remained uneventful for a few min utes owing to some injuries sustained by some of the players from both the sides. Suddenly the stadi um roared to life when Tseminyü was awarded a penalty in the 34th minute of the game which was taken successfully by its captain, jersey No 9, Yhun shalo Kemp. The first half ended with Dimapur having the upperHowever,hand. in the sec ond half, Tseminyü made a strong comeback when jersey No. 17, Calvin Kent made an impressive head er equalising the score in the 41st minute. Tseminyü could have bettered their score when the team was awarded a free kick from the 16-meter distance however they could not capitalise it. The relentless attack from Dimapur paid off when its player in jersey No. 9, Aloumai netted the ball from the D-box area bypassing Tseminyü keeper Tesinsen Kath’s stretched arms in the 65th minute. The equalising score from Tseminyü’s jersey No 18, Ntsenlo Semp in the 69th minute came in the form of an out throw which bounced right over the Di mapur keeper, Homuka’s fingers right into the nets. Dimapur quickly re taliated within a few min utes when jersey No. 11, Surhosol, deflected a corner kick right past Tseminyü’s keeper earning himself the second goal and the fourth goal for the team which also became the deciding goal of the match.Thejam-packed sta dium had very little time to rest as the exciting match kept them on their toes. It was not just the two teams but even their fans started their own competi tion off the field by way of cheering louder than the other. Earlier in the bronze medal match, Peren bested Phek with a score 2-1 and emerged as the winner. The special guest for the final match was Na galand Olympic Associa tion, general secretary Abu Metha while MLA and for mer speaker, Chotisuh Sazo was the match patron for the semi-final match.
Sure of Virat Kohli, KL Rahul getting back to form at the right time for India: Saba Karim Basketball: India lose to Jordan in Asian qualifiers
The suspension, the first time in AIFF’s 85-year history, lasted just 11 days after the Supreme Court on Monday dissolved the three-member CoA, con stituted by it in May, while modifying its earlier or ders to ensure that India hosts the FIFA Under-17 Women’s World Cup from October“The11-30.Bureau of the FIFA Council has decided to lift the suspension that was imposed on the All India Football Federation (AIFF) due to undue thirdparty influence,” the FIFA said in a “Thestatement.decision was taken after FIFA received confirmation that the man date of the committee of administrators that was set up to assume the powers of the AIFF Executive Com mittee had been terminated and that the AIFF admin istration had regained full control of the AIFF’s daily affairs.“As a consequence, the FIFA U-17 Women’s World Cup 2022 scheduled to take place on 11-30 Oc tober 2022 will be held in India as FIFAplanned.”saidit and the AFC will continue to mon itor the situation and will support the AIFF in con ducting its elections in a timelyOnmanner.Tuesday, the AIFF’s acting general sec retary Sunando Dhar had requested FIFA secretary general Fatma Samoura to “reconsider their decision of suspending the AIFF”.
“It is with immense pleasure that we inform you that the Hon’ble Su preme Court of India took up our matter and vide order dated 22.08.2022 was pleased to pass directions regarding the full repeal of the CoA mandate and con sequently the AIFF having full charge of the AIFF’s daily affairs,” Dhar wrote in theTheletter.top court also postponed the August 28 elections of the AIFF by one week to allow a changed electoral college and the start of the nomi nation process. The AIFF elections will now be held on September 2 with the legendary Bhaichung Bhu tia and former goalkeeper Kalyan Chaubey set to have a straight fight for the post of president.
BWF: Chirag-Satwik assure India’s first men’s doubles medal tomorrow, we’ve never beat en them (Aaron Chia/Soh Wooi Yik). We just want to go there and enjoy the pres sure. It’s going to be a big match,” Rankireddy told the BWF website. However, the other Indian pair M.R Arjun and Dhruv Kapila, who be came the first Indian men’s doubles pair to make the quarterfinals at the World Championships, bowed out after losing 8-21, 14-21 to third-seeded Indonesian veterans Mohammad Ahsan and Hendra Setiawan. Later, in the men’s sin gles, H.S Prannoy also fell short of assuring himself a first medal as he lost 19-21, 21-6, 21-18 to China’s Zhao Jun Peng.Prannoy, who had beaten former World Cham pion Kento Momota and Commonwealth Games gold medallist Lakshya Sen in the preceding rounds, fought hard to take the first game and after losing a slew of points in the second, he decided to conserve his en ergy for the crucial decider. In the third game, both players were evenly matched until 11-11 but the Indian shuttler committed a few unforced errors to allow Jun Peng to win seven of the next nine points and take an 18-13 lead. The 30-year-old Prannoy fought back with some sublime smashes and point construction to get the gap down to 19-17 and later at 20-18. But Zhao Jun Peng held his nerves and hit a cross-court smash to put In dian on the wrong foot and finished it off with an easy winner.“Hestarted to play bet ter from the second game and in the first half of the third game he was able to move swiftly, better than me, and catch the shuttle high,” said Prannoy. “It’s a good tournament for me. I would’ve loved to be on the podium, but that’s how it is. Some days you need to work a bit harder,” he added.
Dimapur tops wushu medal tally
KL Rahul, Saba Karim and Virat Kohli.
I’m the right man for prez post: Bhutia on AIFF elections
NEW DELHI, AUG 26 (IANS): Saba Karim, the former India wicketkeep er-batter and ex-member of the senior selection committee, said he was highly optimistic about right-handed batters Virat Kohli and KL Rahul get ting back to finding form at the right time for the side after the duo go through “2-3 good practice ses sions”.Both Kohli and Rahul are coming back to India’s T20I side for the Asia Cup. But the challenge for the duo is to adapt them selves to the new, attack ing approach with the bat India has embraced whenever the duo were not featuring regularly since last year’s T20 World Cup in theInUAE.thepast, both Ra hul and Kohli have been known for being slow start ers in the shortest format of the game though the latter did show signs of adapting to that approach during the two T20Is he played against England in July, going for his shots right from the word go be fore falling cheaply.
AMMAN (JORDAN), AUG 26 (IANS): The In dian men’s basketball team lost 64-80 to Jordan in Group E of the second round of the FIBA Basket ball World Cup 2023 Asian Qualifiers at the Prince Hamza Hall, Amarendrahere. Nayak was India’s best performer, scoring 15 points while Dar Tucker led the way for Jordan with 18 points on ThursdayIndia’snight.Pranav Prince opened the scoring in the game with a dunk in the very first minute. It set the tone as Seijin Mathew and Muin Bek Hafeez also scored to help India to an early 13-8 lead. Jordan found their rhythm towards the end of the quarter and levelled it up at 17-17. In the early parts of the second quarter, the Indian hoopsters went toeto-toe with Jordan but the host’s superior quality en sured that they led 40-27 by half-time, an olympics.com reportJordansaid. never gave up their lead thereafter and de spite a late fightback from India in the final quarter, the gap proved to be too big to close as India went down.The Indian basketball team will next face Leba non on August 29 at home in the indoor Kanteerava Stadium in Bengaluru.
“My top order is cap tain Rohit Sharma, KL Rahul and Virat Kohli. And I’m backing experi ence to do well against a big team like Pakistan and also in an important tournament like Asia Cup. I can understand that Virat Kohli has struggled with form.”“KL Rahul, would love to see him get more runs but I still feel that both Virat Kohli and KL Rahul, if they undergo 2-3 good practice sessions, I’m sure they’ll get back to form at the right time for India,” said Karim on ‘Sports Over The Top show’ on KarimSports18.further re marked that he sees the option of Suryakumar Ya dav being used as a floater in India’s playing eleven for the versatility he brings in to the Apartside.from possess ing a range of shots against pacers and spinners, Suryakumar can excel in any role, seen from his 117 against England com ing at number four or his sparkling 76 against West Indies as an “Suryakumaropener.Yadav is such a multi-dimension al player, I can keep him as a floater. I can push him up the order, if my two openers bat say till the 7th-8th over, I can push in SKY then. Or in case it is required, I can also push him down the order because he’s such a player who can give me value at whatever number he bats and I’m looking at my 4-56 as floaters.”Karimsigned off by stating he would keep Rishabh Pant’s role flex ible in the eleven due to his left-handedness, which is a rare scene in India’s right-handed heavy main batting order. “I will in fact keep Rishabh Pant very handy. Because if I feel that I need to push in a left-hander at the top of the order, I can do that as well. But as of now my fixed three posi tions at the top would be Rohit Sharma, KL Rahul and Virat Kohli.”
India’s Satwiksairaj Rankireddy and Chirag Shetty celebrate after winning their badminton game of the men’s doubles quarterfinal against Japan in Tokyo, Friday. (AP/PTI)
TOKYO, AUG 26 (IANS): India’s It’stohappysemifinalsandMalaysiannowGamesSatwik,thewomen’sanddoublesonlyatshipstheinbayashiTakurochampionssairajensuringWorlddoublesthefirsthistoryShettyRankireddySatwiksairajandChiragonFridaycreatedbybecomingtheIndianpairtoreachsemifinalsofthemen’seventattheBWFChampionships,thusamedal,here.ChiragandSatwikbeatreigningworldandsecondseedsHokiandYugoKo24-22,15-21,21-14athree-gamethrillerinBWFWorldChampion2022quarterfinals.OfIndia’s12medalstheworldchampionships,onehascomeinthewhenJwalaGuttaAshwiniPonnappawondoublesbronzein2011edition.Chirag-theCommonwealthchampions,willtakeonsixth-seededduoAaronChiaSohWooiYikinthenext.“We’resoandexcited.Wewantfinishthisonabignote.arevengematchforus
Correspondent KOHIMA, AUG 26 (NPN): Dimapur emerged as the winner of the football events by beating Tseminyü with a score 4-3 during the final match played at IG Stadium, here on Friday. Dimapur started on the offensive with a number of attempts within the first few minutes of the game as soon as the referee blew the whistle. Tseminyü also had its share of attempts especially a header from its captain, Yhunshalo Kemp, which unfortunately went over the crossbar. The first goal of the game came from Dimapur’s striker, jersey No. 11, Surhosul, in the 7th minute of the game giving the team an edge over their opponent. Within three minutes of the first goal, Dimapur’s stopper, jersey No. 7, Toka netted the ball with an impressive header doubling the teams score very early on in the game. Players of both the teams appeared to be under pres sure as they made some
Bhaichung Bhutia