Nagaland Post

Paris Olympics: Nordic nations oppose Russia, Belarus participation

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2023 Pages 12 ` 5.00
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The actual COVID-19 infections in India may be around 17 times higher than the official figure, a study led by researchers at Banaras Hindu University (BHU) suggests. According to government data, nearly 4.5 crore people in India have been infected with COVID-19 so far. However, the study published in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases (IJID) estimated that the actual coronavirus cases in the country may be between 58 to 98 crores.
The research “has shown that the actual corona infection in India was at least 17 times higher,” according to a statement by BHU.
“The discrepancy observed in our study is due to the overwhelming number of asymptomatic people, which was several-fold higher than the true official infection,” said BHU geneti-
Rs. 31 crore worth seizures till Feb 7
In the run-up to Assembly election, Central and State enforcement agencies have made seizures from across the State worth Rs 31.03 crore till February 7.
While Rs 1.62 crore was recovered in cash, 40,925.65 litres of Indian made foreign liquor (IMFL) worth Rs 4.22 crore, 3.06 kg of drugs/narcotics worth Rs 23.32 crore and freebies/ other items worth Rs 1.86 crore were also seized.
On February 7, Rs 60,000 was seized in cash, along with 491.08 litre of liquor worth Rs 4,21,076, drugs/narcotics (0.0125 kg brown sugar, 6,909 SP capsule and 210 cough syrups) worth Rs 15,51,273 and freebies and other items worth Rs 20,32,349. Their total monetary value stood at Rs 20,32,349. This was stated in a press release by office of chief electoral officer.
(NPN): After reporting nil Covid-19 cases and deaths for several months, Nagaland on Wednesday recorded one fresh case. The fresh case was reported in Kohima, taking the total caseload to 35987 while the death toll remained unchanged at 782 (including 5 non-Covid deaths but with positivity).
cist Professor Gyaneshwer Chaubey.
“Asymptomatic cases were more inclined towards the younger population,” Chaubey, who led the study, told PTI.
The study involved 88 scientists from 34 research institutes across the country.
The team conducted serosurvey (antibody testing) among 2,301 individuals in urban areas of fourteen Indian districts in six states during the month of
September-December 2020.
The most striking aspect of this study was that a large proportion of the Indian population was asymptomatic for COVID infection and the age group 26-35 had the maximum number of asymptomatic people, the researchers said.
Antibody tests in people after any coronavirus wave accurately assesses the actual infection, they said.
The team conducted the research among a large
number of people -- street vendors -- living in urban areas from fourteen Indian districts who are most at risk of corona infection.
“For the first time, we have used a novel approach to estimate the frequency of people infected in a certain geographical region,” said BHU’s Prajjval Pratap Singh, the study’s first author.
Samples were taken of only those people who self-reported that they never had any Covid symptoms or positive RT PCR test.
The minimum proportion of antibody-positive people was observed in Raipur district of Chhattisgarh (2 per cent), while the maximum proportion of antibody-positive persons was found in Ghazipur district (47 per cent) of Uttar Pradesh.
The research also revealed that the cases reported by the government were several times lower
than the actual incidence of infection. Through mathematical calculations, it was estimated that the actual corona cases in India are between 58 to 98 crores, the researchers said.
“The extensive serosurveillance has enabled us to have a clear picture rather than antigen testing or RTPCR test,” said Professor VN Mishra from BHU, who led the medical testing in the study.
India on Wednesday recorded 96 fresh COVID-19 cases, while the number of active cases increased to 1,785, according to Union health ministry data. With the new cases, the total tally stands at 4.46 crore (4,46,83,639). The death toll increased to 5,30,746 with one death reported from Uttar Pradesh, the data stated. The daily positivity rate was recorded at 0.07 per cent and the weekly positivity rate at 0.08 per cent.
DIMAPUR, FEB 8 (NPN): Congress candidate for 1-Dimapur-I assembly constituency and also president Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee (NPCC) K Therie has emphasised on the need for a strong opposition to ensure a corrupt-free governance in Nagaland. He said this while addressing media at Congress Bhavan here Wednesday to underline that the current situation in Nagaland mandated a strong opposition to rein in blatant corruption.
Therie also claimed that Congress had always raised its voice against corruption
and had also declared that it stood for welfare of the people. He called for electing a government that would serve the people without being blinded by money and power. He assured that Congress would endeavour to implement the agreed political solution and restore
governance to ensure that everyone’s life and property were secured.
The NPCC president said it was also high time that people open their eyes to decide what would be best for them, instead of opting for a wrong person.
Therie, who had represented 16 Pfutsero A/C twice- in 1998 uncontested as Congress candidate and in 2003 as NPF candidate, also explained the reason behind his decision to contest from Dimapur-1 assembly constituency.
Therie said Dimapur city has been “beaten black and blue”, with pockets of each and every citizen were
Following the Gauhati High Court Kohima bench order of January 31, quashing the resolution adopted by Mongsenyimti village vis-à-vis endorsing a village consensus candidate to contest from 24 Angetyongpang assembly constituency in the assembly polls and also issuing directive to the deputy commissioner (DC) Mokokchung to take appropriate steps, the District Magistrate (DM) Mokokchung Shashank Pratap Singh has directed presidents of Mongsenyimti Riongsanger Putu Menden/
Village Council and Mongsenyimti Senso Mungdang to withdraw all resolutions/ orders/directions/press releases and submit a compliance report to the district magistrate’s office within seven working days from the date of issuance of the order.
The court on January 31, 2023 ruled that the resolutions/orders/directions/ press release issued from the office of Mongsenyimti Riongsanger Putu Menden/ Village Council and Mongsenyimti Senso Mungdang on December 28, 2021, June 1, 2022, October 7,
19 and 25, 2022 were not only against the spirit of free and fair election, but also violated the statutory rights of the individuals of Mongsenyimti village to participate/contest in the election on the basis of free will.
Further, the DM also directed the president of the Putu and Senso to appear before the DM’s court at 11 am on February 15 positively, cautioning that non-compliance could invite penal and other legal action as per the relevant section of law.
robbed while public infrastructure like roads were dysfunctional. He alleged that the revenue collected through taxes has been looted and not spent for public welfare, and that the State government had only been successful in collecting money and pocketing it but not utilising for people. He pointed out that people at Dhobinala Road area have been paying highest tax to the State had there are no proper roads in the area. He reminded the media that Congress had staged protest on this issue and after which authorities assured to address the issues before Christmas 2020.
DIMAPUR, FEB 8 (NPN): Kohima Village Council (KVC) and Pochury Baptist Theological Association (PBTA) have declared their support to Clean Election Movement (CEM).
In statement, KVC chairman Helievio Solo announced that the council endorsed CEM initiated by NBCC in principle and the Model Code of Conduct by Election Commission of India (ECI). He insisted that this should be followed in the ensuing general election in 10 Northern Angami I AC scheduled on February 27. He narrated nine points for the movement,
DIMAPUR, FEB 8 (NPN): Working Committee (WC), Naga National Political Groups (NNPGs) has claimed that among all signed political accords, agreements and understandings between Nagas and the Union of India during the last eight decades, the Agreed Position signed on November 17, 2017 was the only political document of Naga people that had the United Nations Charter 1(2) pertaining to “Right To Self Determination” of people.
Stressing that the UN Charter emphasised that the principle of equal rights and people’s self determination
should lead to appropriate measures “strengthen universal peace,” WC,NNPGs through its media cell, therefore urged upon the government of India to “respect UN Charter 1(2)”, by recognising the Agreed Position and subsequent negotiated status paper between the Centre and WC, NNPGs was very explicit and did not create confusion or diversion, and nor did it “insert mischievous non-political words or deficient historical chronology”.
WC ,NNPGs stated that with the Centre having recognised the political and historical right of Nagas
to self-determine their future , in consonance with their distinct identity, the Agreed Position was clear and unambiguous as could be, in black and white, for a thousand years.
WC, NNPGs pointed out that contemporary political realities denoted a factual position that the “Indo-Naga conflict” was unresolved and that it was also a reality that the Central government had “installed a puppet State government at Kohima” through periodic elections to enforce Indian political and administrative occupation of Naga homeland.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, speaking in Lok Sabha a day after Congress’s Rahul Gandhi’s attack on his government, lashed out at the 10 years of UPA rule, saying it had “bled the country dry”.
Replying to the motion of thanks to the President’s address in parliament, he said, “2004 to 2014 was the decade of scams and violence and the UPA’s trademark was to turn every opportunity into crisis”. And while the Congress might feel the way to go is to “abuse Modi”, the 140 crore people of the country were his “shield”. Modi accused the opposition of being so “immersed in despair” that they can’t see the progress the country is making. “And why wouldn’t it be so? Because in the decade between 2004 and 2014...” he said, launching into one of his sharpest attacks on the Congress.
“Before 2014, between 2004-14, inflation
was high. That decade was the most corrupt since Independence. In UPA’s 10year rule, from Kashmir to Kanyakumari, the entire country was gripped with terrorism. From Jammu and Kashmir to the northeast, the entire region saw nothing but violence. In those 10 years, India was so weak at the global stage, no one was even ready to listen to India.
Between 2004 and 2014, the UPA turned every opportunity into a crisis,” PM Modi said, amid raucous cheers from the treasury benches. Hinting that corruption over those 10 years had brought the Opposition
under the scanner of Central investigative agencies, he taunted the opposition over its deep rifts. “The Enforcement Directorate did what the voters could not -- ED has brought all Opposition parties together on one platform,” he said.
Over the last nine years, instead of constructive criticism, compulsive critics have taken over, “those who feel that abusing Modi will solve their problems,” he added.
“Yesterday again in the Parliament, there was a discussion on Harvard,” PM Modi then added, leaving no room for doubt about his target.
“The Congress said India’s destruction will be a case study at Harvard. However, in the past few years, Harvard did an important study. The topic was: The Rise and Decline of India’s Congress Party. In the future, the destruction of Congress will not just be studied at Harvard but also at many other institutions around the globe,” he added.
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday alleged it was clear that Prime Minister Narendra Modi was protecting Gautam Adani as he did not order an inquiry into the allegations levelled against the industrialist by a US-based research firm.
After Prime Minister Narendra Modi hit out at Rahul Gandhi during his speech in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday, the Congress leader claimed that Modi was “shell-shocked” and did not reply to any of the questions he had raised about the BJP-led govern-
ment’s alleged role in the meteoric rise of Gautam Adani.
He said the prime minister did not answer the questions he had posed to him. “I am not satisfied, but it reveals the truth. There was no talk of an inquiry. If he is not a friend, then
he should have agreed to an inquiry. There was no probe into shell companies in defence sector and benami money is changing hands, but the prime minister did not say anything on that.
“It is clear that the prime minister is protecting him,” Gandhi told reporters after the prime minister’s reply to the motion of thanks on the President’s address.
Rahul Gandhi said that if embattled billionaire Gautam Adani is not Modi’s friend, “then he should have said let’s have an inquiry” into the allegations against his companies.
which include not buying votes with money, not insisting/forcing a clan, khel, village, or family to declare support for a particular candidate, not bribing voters with money or materials, refrain from distributing alcohol or other intoxicants to voters, not setting up camps in colonies, khels, or wards, not using use force, intimidation and undue influence on voters, not to get involved in booth capturing and any other activities that were unbecoming of any political party, no proxy voting and not allowing outsiders who were not genuine voters to disrupt the voting process. He said these were
WC however asserted that elections could not finish the spirit of Naga nationalism and never destroyed nor dampened Naga political rights and aspirations. It stressed that every forced election in Nagaland would strengthen Nagas to stand firm for their right.
Further, WC said the Central government leadership ran the risk of becoming world’s largest democracy failing in its commitment to end the “Indo-Naga political conflict” through peaceful means. It also regretted that the culture of identifying the most crooked and corrupt regional politicians and
enticing them to either join or ally with ruling BJP was on a steep rise.
WC, NNPGs said Naga people trusted Prime Minister Narendra Modi when, he announced in 2015, announced to a packed stadium in Dubai, UAE that the Naga problem had been solved. It therefore asked -where was the solution?
WC said that in 2018, though Nagas were sceptical yet they embraced the idea “Election for Solution”.
However, five years today and although the negotiations had concluded, the
for ensuring a free and fair election.
PBTA: Noting that in the past everyone had played blame game to achieve their own goals, PBTA president Wuothovi in a separate statement called to end the wrong practices and take responsibility for “our wrong actions and change ourselves for our better future”.
He stressed that the right principle of democracy should be restored in order to bring change in the society by all individuals and groups.
He insisted that all policies and forces that were against true democratic electioneering system must
be stopped once and for all. He said every individual must exercise one’s own democratic right responsibly and consciously for the common welfare. Calling for voting clean and for development, he also appealed to all to abide by the guidelines of CEM.
Wuothovi stated that the 14th Nagaland Assembly election was at the doorstep and all political parties were gearing up for it. He mentioned that election had shown the dark side of everyone, whereby all sorts of corrupt practices were carried out by different groups and individuals.
With hope of finding survivors fading, stretched rescue teams in Turkey and Syria searched Wednesday for signs of life in the rubble of thousands of buildings toppled by the world’s deadliest earthquake in more than a decade. The confirmed death toll approached 12,000.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited the especially hard-hit Hatay province, where more than 3,300 people died and entire neighborhoods were destroyed. Residents there have criticized the govern-
ment’s response, saying rescuers were slow to arrive.
Erdogan, who faces a tough battle for reelection in May, acknowledged “shortcomings” in the response to Monday’s 7.8 magnitude quake but said the winter weather had been a factor.
Search teams from more than two dozen countries have joined tens of thousands of local emergency personnel in Syria and Turkey. But the scale of destruction from the quake and its powerful aftershocks was so immense that many people were still awaiting help.
something which voters couldn’t achieve: PMMedics attend to Covid-19 patients at a Banquet Hall, temporarily converted into an isolation ward, in Mumbai. (PTI File) K Therie (NP) Narendra Modi speaks in the Lok Sabha, Wednesday. (PTI) Rahul Gandhi (PTI)
In a delayed report, a fire broke out at Solo/Chiu village under Lahe Township in Naga Self Administered Zone (NSAZ), Sagaing Region Myanmar, burning down more than 60 houses, 1 Morung, 1 car and 8 motorcycles on February 2, 2023.
The fire has reportedly broke out from a Solar plate that was placed on top of a thatch roof house.
Subsequently, 73 families consisting of 390 members are said to have been affected by the fire including 156 youths under the age of 18.
Meanwhile Naga Students’ Organisation, Myanmar, is reported to have visited the affected areas on February 5 and assessed the situation.
NSO has requested every individual and groups from both East and West of Naga Land
without borders to pray and share the pain
area, Naogang Ngansa said there were various organisations including Indian Red Cross Society Nagaland, Global Naga Forum, Khiamniungan
Students Union among others have extended help to the fire victims. He informed that the affected area was about 2 hours and 30 minutes off
road ride on jeep and bike from Noklak and from ITC Dan another 1 hour, 30 minutes’ drive inside Myanmar. He requested Nagas to come forward and help out the victims as many were affected. He informed that the students union would make arrangements and take full responsibility for any organisation(s) or individual wanting to visit the affected area.
Meanwhile GNF has provided details for donations in kind for the fire tragedy in Chiu/Solo village in the NSAZ, Myanmar. Miriam Jishing7086770882 (Kohima), Azo Wetsah - 9862675997 (Dimapur), Gugu Haralu - 9612678999 (Dimapur), Dr. Theyiesino - 9862736765 (Kohima), Kevitho Kera8257912373 (Dimapur) and Dr. Rosemary Dzüvichü - 8974248224 (Kohima).
DIMAPUR: After receiving information at Sechü (Zubza) Police Station, on February 5 at around 7 pm, that some unknown miscreants suspected to be illegal tax collectors have abducted the driver of a pas-
senger bus bound for Guwahati (MN01BA-0322), near Peducha bridge area, Kohima police promptly apprehended the miscreants with the assistance of Dimapur police. According to PRO,
four persons namely 1. ‘SS Capt.’ Aben Lotha (39) of NSCN-R, Khuvito (41), Vito Yeptho (29), Muile (24) were arrested and a case has been registered at Sechü (Zubza) PS for further investigation.
DIMAPUR: Assam Rifles under the aegis of HQ
IGAR (North) have conducted various across the state such as donation of essential furniture, distributing essential commodities, provided auto solar street lights and performed the last rites of its fallen hero.
Kohima Battalion: Kohima Battalion of Assam Rifles has donated essential furniture items to Gorkha Public Panchayat Kohima (GPPK) Nagaland on February 7. According to PRO
defence, continuing its outreach programme to help out the people, Kohima Battalion of Assam Rifles assisted GPPK by providing them their projected requirement of Office Tables, Dining Tables and Chairs. The ceremony was graced by DIG 5 Sector Assam Rifles, Brig Herjinder Singh, as chief guest. Addressing the gathering, DIG 5 Sector Assam Rifles expressed sincere gratitude to Gorkha Public Panchayat for their noble work towards society. Around 80 personnel
including ex-servicemen from Gorkha Community attended the event. Event started with visit to Maa Singha Devi Temple followed by felicitation and cultural programme. During the event, Assam Rifles felicitated seven ESMs and 10 senior citizens of GPPK. Jalukie Battalion: Jalukie Battalion of Assam Rifles has extended assistance to orphan children by distributing essential commodities to Alpha Orphange Home, New Jalukie Village at Peren
district, on February 7. Apart from providing essentials, awareness on importance of education was imparted to the children. The children were also informed about the various health and hygiene precautions to be taken during the ongoing cold season. Supervisor and children of the Orphanage Home expressed their heartfelt gratitude to the Assam Rifles for their generosity and charitable work in helping out the poor and needy people in remote areas.
Kiphire Battalion: Kiphire Battalion of Assam Rifles has provided auto solar street lights to Village Council Chairman and Gaon Buras of 12 villages - Khukishe, Khekiye, Tukhinkiu, Tekinvong, Salumi, Khongsa, Moya, Sangkhumati, Metonger, Hosephu and Vongtsuvong under Kiphire district on February 7 under Op Sadhbhavna Civic Action Program for the FY- 2022-23. The aim of the event was to provide basic auto street light facility to avoid difficulty to move within
the village. At the same time, it was important to provide wireless, solar operated and inbuilt batteryoperated lights keeping in mind the incessant rains during the monsoon season. Interaction was held with the village heads about the ongoing ENPO’s meetings and upcoming elections and to further develop cooperation among locals and Security Forces. Matters relating to general situation in Area of Responsibility, prevention of untoward incidents and
KOHIMA, FEB 8 (NPN): Northern Angami Students’ Union (NASU) will be holding its 47th Biennial General Conference from January 10 to 12, 2023 at Zhadima Sports Complex to be hosted by Zhadima Students’ Union.
Special guests for the conference include, National AYUSH Mission,
Nagaland, state programme officer - Dr Seyiekhrietuo John Zhale, Department of English, Nagaland University, professor-Rosemary Dzüvichü and department of Technical Education, additional director - Er Vipulhou Lhoungu while devotional speaker would be Beautiful Feet Ministries, chairman - Ado Kezo. Introductory session will be held on January 10 at 4:30 p.m. while
inaugural will be held on January 11 from 9:30 a.m. onwards. There will be a devotional service on January 12 morning while valedictory will be held on the same day at 3 p.m.
The present Northern Angami Students’ Union team is headed by Aneizo Keditsu as the president and Viketouzo Yashü as general secretary.
DIMAPUR: In pursuance to DC & DEO, Kohima order regarding deposit of fire arms along with ammunition and license to concerned Police Station and to ensure peaceful, free and fair poll during the general election, Kohima Police has directed all arms license holders under Kohima district to deposit their licensed arms to concerned police stations without fail on or before February 15.
Failure to comply with the order, it warned that it would lead to cancellation of license, penalty process for which would be initiated w.e.f February 15 onwards.
stringent rules on stoppage of taxation by cadres were also discussed. They assured their support to the security forces in maintaining peace, tranquillity and harmony.
Tuensang Battalion:
Tuensang Battalion of Assam Rifles bade tearful farewell to Hav (Late) K Binchoba Chang and per-
formed the last rites with full military honours on February 7 who was killed in unfortunate incident in Mizoram while on duty on February 5. The mortal remains was received by grieved family for performing the last rites. Late Hav Binchoba Chang is survived by his wife and three children.
Inset: Sagar Ramula speaking at the programme. Students attending the seminar
DIMAPUR: Department of Economics in collaboration with Business Administration and Commerce departments, St. Joseph’s College (A), Jakhama, organized a seminar on “Digital Marketing” on February 7.
A press release from HoD, Department of English, SJC (A) Jakhama, James H.K informed that
the speaker of the seminar was project manager (IT Operations), London, advisory director at Thanktrum Consultants, Pune, Technology Evangelist, Sagar Ramula.
The speaker dwelt on registration and networking, overview of digital marketing awareness, job market trends, demands and projections 2023.
He said that jobs in digital marketing were some of the fastest growing across any sector, according to Linkedln, which shows a 52% rise in demand for such roles. He also stressed on starting a successful career in digital world and presented tips for creating a strong resume and a portfolio.
The talk concluded with guidelines on interviewing and negotiation skills.
The host of the day was Asst. Prof., SJC (A), Jakhama Thejasenuo Yosa, welcome address by HoD, Department of Economics, Loreni Yanthan and concluded with a note of gratitude by Verha Kezo.
We the family members of Late Mr. K.C Among Chang would like to extend our heartiest thanks to each and every individuals who stood by us at the demise of our father. Thankyou for your immense love and support emotionally, physically and financially.
Our special thanks to:
1. Saksi Baptist Lashuong (Chang) Tuensang
2. Doctors and Nurses of District Hospital Tuensang
3. Miss Chongti Khiam (Nurses)
4. PHC Tseminyu District
Baptist Lashuong
FEB 8 (NPN): After the process of filing of nominations for the 14th Nagaland Legislative Assembly election 2023 ended on Tuesday, Returning Officers (ROs) of various Assembly Constituencies have conducted scrutiny of candidates on Wednesday.
WOKHA: Scrutiny for 37-Tyui A/C and 38-Wokha A/C was held at Deputy Commissioner’s office, Wokha. For 37-Tyui A/C, the nomination papers of Yanthungo Patton (BJP), Senchumo Lotha (JDU), Yibemo Kikon (RJD) and Hayithung Tungoe Lotha (Independent) were scrutinised by the Returning Officer (RO). After scrutiny, the nomination papers of the candidates were found to be correct and were declared qualified to contest the 14th Nagaland Legislative Assembly election 2023.
For 38th Wokha A/C, the nomination papers of Y. Mhonbemo Lotha (NCP), Renponthung Ezung (BJP) and N. Wobenthung Lotha (INC) were scrutinised. All
Q.: Supreme Court take suo moto notice of the Adani stock scam? A Yes.
Q: Are the state govt agencies monitoring prices of essential items in the market?
the candidate’s nomination papers were also found to be correct and the RO of 38th A/C declared their candidature qualified.
Accompanied by former MLA Yankithung Yanthan, ex-candidates Dr. Thungjamo Murrry, Chobathung Odyuo and Wokha district BJP president Subenthung Kithan along with swarm of BJP supporters, deputy chief minister Y Patton marched from his residence Wokha in an open gypsy till DC office.
With the merger of the former MLA Y. Yanthan and his supporters and all the former candidates, Patton exuded confidence to win the election with a remarkable margin.
Tens of thousands of supporters of Renponthung Ezung thronged the town during the scrutiny hour.
PHEK : Scrutiny for the candidates in respect of the 19-Phek A/C of Phek district was conducted at the office chamber of the Returning Officer, Phek. The RO carried out the scrutiny in respect of all the three candidates from various political parties viz.
Kuzholuzo (Azo) Neinu of NPF, Kupota Khesoh of NDPP and Zachilhu Ringa Vadeo of Congress.
RO Phek, T. Moa Lemtor declared all three candidates as qualified to contest from 19-Phek AC to the 14th NLA election. DC & DEO Phek, Kumar Ramnikant attended the scrutiny session as observer.
NOKLAK: H. Haiying of BJP, P. Longon of NCP and P. Mulang of INC were cleared their scrutiny of nomination.
Returning Officer & SDO
(Civil) Noklak for 56th A/C Noklak, Vikhoto Richa and Assistant Returning Officer & EAC, Noklak Hq.
Kathyinla declared them as candidates to contest during the general election to the 14th NLA election 2023 from 56th A/C Noklak.
SHAMATOR: The scrutiny of all candidates was carried out in RO office Shamator in the presence of the General Observer and all candidates. Deputy Commissioner, Shamator, Thsuvisie Phoji who is also the District Magistrate, has informed and directed all the village councils/landowners under Shamator district to avoid any such disruption in the running of generators by telecom services providers for the smooth and efficient conduct of election activities in the district. Any violation related to this issue
will invite necessary action as per the relevant section of the law.
THONOKNYU: L. Khumo Khiamniungan of LJP, S. Heno Khiamniungan of NDPP and Benei M Lamthiu of NPP were declared as candidates to contest during the general election to the 14th NLA from 57 A/C Thonoknyu.
Returning Officer & SDO
(Civil) Thonoknyu, C. Wangan for 57 A/C Thonoknyu and Assistant Returning Officer & EAC Panso, Echongbemo Erui declared them after the scrutiny of nomination which was held at the DC & DEO’s office, Noklak.
BHANDARI: Scrutiny of nominations filed by the five candidates under 40 A/C Bhandari for the 14th NLA election 2023 was carried out peacefully. The five candidates, Mmhonlumo Kikon (BJP), Achumbemo Kikon (NPF), Chenithung Humtsoe (INC), Tsungro Kithan (NPP) and John Ovung (Independent) were all present during the scrutiny conducted in the presence of the Additional Deputy Commissioner and Returning Officer 40 A/C Bhandari, Rohit Singh at his office.
4 GHASPANI-I: Scrutiny of candidates for 4
Ghaspani-I was held at DC’s Conference Hall Chumoukidima. Nominations papers for five candidates, namely Jacob Zhimomi (BJP), Imsumongba Pongen (JDU), Akavi N Zhimomi (INC), Vikato Aye (NPF) and V Pushika Aomi (IND) were found valid and approved by the RO & ARO. Nomination papers for Dr. Amos Longkumer (RJD) were rejected on the grounds of incomplete documents during the scrutiny stage.
KIPHIRE: Nine candidates were qualified for the forthcoming general election for 59 & 60 A/C which was conducted at DC Office Kiphire. Five candidates were qualified for 59 A/C Seyochung-Sitimi, V. Kashiho Sangtam (BJP), S. Khaseo Sangtam (INC), C. Kipili Sangtam (NPP), Kyupise Sangtam (Independent) and T. Likhumse (Independent). Four candidates who were qualified for 60 A/C Pungro-Kiphire are T. Atsuba (INC), S. Kiusumew Yimchunger (NDPP), T. Yangseo Sangtam (RPI) and R. Kilimong Yimchunger (Independent).
PEREN: Scrutiny of nomination papers for the upcoming general election to the 14th NLA of 7-Peren A/C and 6-Tening AC was
held at ADC office, Peren Town. The scrutiny was done by Returning Officers (ROs) of 7-Peren A/C and 6-Tening A/C in the presence of General Observer, Manoj Kumar, candidates, and agents.
GHASPANI-II: General Election Observer to the 14th NLA election 2023 Jitendra Kumar Singh, visited ADC-cum-RO office Medziphema for the 5 Ghaspani-II A/C on February 8. He held a briefing on the smooth conduct of the forthcoming election process. Scrutiny of nominations for the 60 seats for the 14th NLA election was held. In 5 Ghaspani-II 3 candidates namely, Zhaleo Rio (NDPP), Kitoka S Rotokha (LJP (Ram Vilas), and Z Kasheto Yeptho RPI (A) filed nominations. All three candidates were declared valid after scrutiny for the 14th NLA elections.
NOKLAK: Election Expenditure Observer for 56th A/C Noklak and 57th A/C Thonoknyu, Arvind Kumar Gehlot, held a meeting with DC & DEO Noklak K. Mhathung Tsanglao, Retuning Officer for 56th A/C Noklak Vikhoto Richa,
Returning Officer of 57th A/C Thonoknyu C. Wangan, Assistant Expenditure Observers of 56th A/C & 57 A/C, accounting team and all the political parties at DC conference Hall, Noklak on February 8.
According to DIPR report, Gehlot explained in detail the procedures and rules on the expenditure of the candidates during the time of the election campaign. He elaborated on how to maintain the bank account of all the candidates. He also spoke on the ground that if the candidates did not follow the guidelines of Election Expenditure, then it will even go for disqualification of their candidates.
DC & DEO Noklak, K. Mhathung Tsanglao explained the rates of hiring and charges during the election campaign of the candidates. He informed the political parties with regard to the inspection of the expenditure of candidates. DC & DEO Noklak elaborated on how to get permission from respective ROs of 56th A/C Noklak & 57th A/C Thonoknyu or through the Suvidha App. He also spoke on the daily and overall expenditure of the candidates and its limitations.
SHAMATOR: The General Observer along with the District Magistrate, Nodal Officers, Sector Magistrates and all concerned officers held a brief meeting at DC’s Conference Hall Shamator on February 7. The observer took note of all the situations and briefed about the preparedness for the peaceful and successful conduct of the upcoming election.
KIPHIRE: Concerning the ensuing general election 2023, Assistant Expenditure Observer training for 59 & 60 A/C was held on February 8, at the DC’s conference hall, Kiphire.
Expenditure Observer B.K Vishnu Priya, while briefing the team directed the members to take note of all the guidelines and inspect, check and ensure that everything goes in accordance with the model code of conduct. She advised to record and check all the contact numbers and social media accounts of candidates. EO Vishnu also asked various team members to create separate WhatsApp groups for 59 and 60 AC, to avoid confusion while reporting. “Ensure proper channel of communication among the team,” EO said.
DC & DEO KOHIMA: In connection with the ensuing general election to the 14th Nagaland Legislative Assembly election 2023, DC & DEO Kohima, Shanavas C has informed all political parties, candidates, and the general public that Election Observers have arrived Kohima district and can be contacted for any electionrelated matters and can also be visited for electionrelated queries at the given contact numbers and venues as follows.
Police Observer, Dr. Anirban Ray, for 8 - Western Angami, 9 - Kohima Town, 10 & 11 - Northern Angami - I & II and 14 & 15 - Southern Angami - I & II Assembly Constituencies at 9932210820 and for public interview from 6 pm to 8 pm (Subject to change) at SP office. General Observer
M.J Pradip Chandren for 9
Kohima Town, 10 Northern Angami - I & 11 Northern Angami - II Assembly Constituencies at 9366606229 and for public interview between 3 pm to 5 pm at Hotel Japfu. General Observer
Janak Prasad Pathak, for 8 Western Angami, 14 Southern Angami - I and 15 Southern Angami - II Assembly Constituencies at 8787844624 and for public interview between 4 pm to 5 pm at Hotel Japfu.
Expenditure Observer
Samatha Mullamudi, for 9
Kohima Town, 10 Northern Angami - I and 11 Northern Angami - II Assembly Constituencies at 9863704678 and for public interview between 8 am to 8 pm at Hotel Japfu.
Expenditure Observer
Shyam Kumar, for 8 Western Angami, 14 Southern Angami - I and 15 Southern Angami - II Assembly Constituencies at 7005317350 and for public interview between 4 pm to 5 pm at Hotel Japfu.
DC Dimapur: Deputy Commissioner, Dimapur, Sachin Jaiswal, has informed that in the interest of public service, a facilitation centre will be set up for casting of votes through postal ballot. In this regard, all the election-related officials who are desirous of casting their votes using postal bal-
lot, for the ensuing general election to collect Form-12 from Postal Ballot Cell at the office of the Deputy Commissioner & District Election Officer, Dimapur and submit the filled form, latest by February 10 at the office of the DC & DEO, Dimapur.
A photocopy of the following documents should be submitted for issue of the Form-12 and acceptance of the same: Appointment Order and Photocopy of EPIC. DC & DEO Dimapur Sachin Jaiswal, also informed that the final list of Polling Station for 1-Dimapur-I, 2-DimapurII and 3- Dimapur-III A/C has been published and is available for inspection at the office of the District Election Officer, Dimapur during office hours.
DC & DEO Mokokcung: DC & DEO Mokokchung, Shashank Pratap, Singh has informed all concern that Election Observers appointed in various capacities by Election Commission of India (ECI) for smooth conduct of the general election to NLA 2023 in Mokokc-
hung arrived on February 8 and was stationed at GA rest house Mokokchung. Any political representative, election agents, who have queries or complaints, have been informed approach the observers on mobile numbers or in persons at Room No. 001, GA Rest House between 4 pm to 5 pm. General Observer, Prashant Kumar Panda at 9863747627; Expenditure Observer Ratnesh kumar at 6009892267; for 21- Tuli, 22- Arkakong, 23- Impur and 24- Angetyongpang constituency. General Observer, Alka Srivastava at 6009943105; Expenditure Observer Suven Das Gupta at 9366382912 for 25- Mongoya, 26- Aonglenden, 27- Mokokchung Town and 28- Koridang constituency. General Observer Kamal Kant Saroch at 6009819486; Expenditure Observer Naresh Kumar Saini at 8787846724 for 29Jangpetkong 30- Alongtaki constituency. The designated police observer for the district is Dr. B.L Meena at 7005372960. DC & DEO, Mo -
kokchung, also informed that all Heads of Offices/ Nodal Officers of various departments shall depute all drafted officials under their respective establishments to attend the training positively. Any failure to attend such training/perform such duties shall be liable to prosecution under appropriate sections of election laws.
DC & DEO Phek: DC & DEO Phek, Kumar Ramnikant, has informed that there will be a special training on February 10 at GHSS Phek for presiding officers and other polling officers who were absent during the first phase training conducted on February 3, for which a show cause notice has been served against all absentees in this regard. It warned that anyone failing to turn up on February 10 as scheduled, stringent action shall be initiated as per the provision under Section 134 of the Representation of the People Act 1951.
DC & DEO Phek: DC & DEO, Phek, Kumar Ramnikant, has directed those electors who are not able to produce the EPIC to
produce alternative photo identity documents for establishing their identity on the poll day such as Aadhaar Card, MNREGA Job Card, Passbook with photograph issued by Bank/Post office, Health Insurance Smart Card issued under the Scheme of the Ministry of Labour, Driving Licence, PAN Card, Smart Card issued by RGI under NPR, Indian Passport, Pension document with photograph, Service Identity Cards with photographs issued to employees by Central/State Government PSUs/Public Limited Companies, Official Identity Cards issued to MPs/MLAs, and UDID Card, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India. DC & DEO Mon: DC & DEO Mon, Ajit Kumar
Verma has informed all the concerned that the ECI has appointed Election Observers in various capacities in respect of Mon district to ensure smooth conduct of the general election to the 14th NLA in a free and fair manner with the following details:
For 41 Tizit A/C, 42 Wakching A/C, and 43 Tapi A/C: General Observer - Md. Sadique Alam at 8837486266, Walo Guest House; Expenditure Observer - Shree Ram Vishnoi, at 9001958758, Walo Guest House. For 44 Phomching A/C, 45 Tehok A/C, and 46 Mon Town A/C: General Observer - Sanjay Kumar at 7428400425, Walo Guest House; Expenditure Observer - Lokesh Singla at 700578296, Walo Guest House.
For 47 Aboi A/C, 48 Moka A/C, and 55 Tobu A/C: General ObserverAshok Kumar Chouhan at 9863184828, Walo Guest House; Expenditure Observer - R. A. Dhyani at 8787868038, BRO Guest House. Police Observer - L. V. Antony Dev Kumar at 7005396758, BRO Guest House. Any person desiring to meet the Observers in person to report any election-related violations/complaints/queries may meet the Observers concerned on any day from 10 am to 11 am or may contact them at the given mobile numbers.
GUWAHATI, FEB 8 (PTI): Insurgent activities in the Northeast have come down by 89 per cent and cases of civilian deaths declined by 85 per cent during the last eight years, Union Minister Anurag Thakur said on Wednesday.
Addressing the concluding session of the threeday Y20 summit here, the Union Youth Affairs and Sports Minister said that peace has returned to the region, and many developmental works are being carried out at present.
“Peace has returned to Jammu and Kashmir, and Northeast. In the case of Northeast, insurgency incidents came down by 89 per cent and civilian deaths are down by 85 per cent during the last eight years,” he added.
Thakur said that with gradual improvement in the law and order situation of the region, the stringent Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958 (AFSPA) has been withdrawn from most parts of the Northeast.
In the case of Jammu and Kashmir, he said that the government formed district development committees, which was never done since India’s Independence.
“We have got a very good response from the local people of the valley. Peace is always possible with the pa rticipation of
people in developmental works,” the minister said.
As part of India’s G20 Presidency, the Youth20 group’s first inception meeting was held at Guwahati, deliberating ideas for a better tomorrow and drafting an agenda for action on five identified themes.
“During the meeting, 21 foreign delegates and 200 Indian delegates participated. In the run-up to the event, 10,000 youths in 36 colleges of Assam participated in seminars, debates, workshops and quiz competitions on Y20. Over 10 lakh students from around 4,000 schools also
participated,” Thakur said. He claimed that nowhere else in the remaining 19 member nations of the G20 people’s participation was so huge.
At the closing ceremony, the ‘White Paper’ on the five themes of Y20 was launched by Thakur, while Assam Education Minister Ranoj Pegu presented the ‘Research Papers’ on the five themes. The themes were Peace Building and Reconciliation: Ushering in an Era of No War; Future of Work: Industry 4.0, Innovation and 21st Century Skills; and Climate Change and
NPP’s arrogance will serve them poorly: BJP
(PTI): Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Wednesday asserted that the speed of development made by the “doubleengine government” in Tripura has reached that of the bullet train.
Addressing an election rally at Suryamaninagar here, he said that the speed of the double-engine government was felt during the COVID-19 pandemic when people were getting free vaccines, free treatment and free food. Had the Congress or the CPI(M) been in power in the state, people would have been deprived of those items, the senior BJP leader claimed. The Congress and the CPI(M) mostly ruled Tripura, and the BJP came to power in 2018, ending the 25-year-long Left regime. The two parties have decided to contest the February 16 assembly elections in an alliance.
“We want development of all and honour our tradition and faith. We do not believe in violence and are against any kind of terrorism,” the UP chief minister said. Adityanath said to pay respect to the tradition, glory and development, the newly built Agartala airport was named after Maharaj Bir Bikram, the last king of Tripura.
He claimed that Tripura has created a model of ‘good governance and protection of people’ under
the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the people of the state would have to carry forward the tradition.
He said during the past five years of the BJP regime, three lakh families have got dwellings under the Prime Minister Awas Yojana, 2.70 lakh people benefited from Ujjala Yojana, 2.5 lakh peasants have received Krishak Sanman Nidhi, and more than 80 per cent of people have got pure drinking water facility.
Disaster Risk Reduction: Making Sustainability a Way of Life.
Shared Future: Youth in Democracy and Governance and Health, Wellbeing and Sports: Agenda for Youth were the two remaining themes on which Y20 delegates brainstormed in a series of sessions.
The minister said the themes were carefully chosen to be deliberated upon for a shared future for the global community and these issues present an extraordinary opportunity for the youths to create, contribute and collaborate with the development agenda of G20.
SHILLONG, FEB 8: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Wednesday said the arrogance of the National People’s Party (NPP) will serve them poorly in the upcoming elections after Chief Minister Conrad Sangma said that the saffron brigade will not improve on its tally of two seats from 2018 at the upcoming election. The saffron party, which has been its ally over the past five years in the Meghalaya Democratic Alliance coalition, said that Sangma, who is also the national president of NPP, should try and save his own seat of South Tura instead of trying to estimate the results of the BJP.
The BJP has fielded a former militant leaderturned politician Bernard Marak against Sangma.
“The NPP is very popular among the people of Meghalaya for setting new standards of corruption in the state. Instead of building roads to villages, the NPP leaders have managed to build driveways to their homes. Instead of lighting up the streets, the NPP leaders have managed to hang chandeliers in their many houses. Instead of building the state, they have managed to build up their assets,” the party said.
(PTI): The Supreme Court on Wednesday ordered the removal of reference to the Sikkimese-Nepalese as “people of foreign origin” from its January 13 verdict on tax exemption in Sikkim, following a plea by the Centre and others for modification.
The remark made by the top court in its verdict had sparked protests in Sikkim, with the SikkimeseNepalese community taking strong objections over it.
A bench of justices MR Shah and BV Nagarathna modified its verdict while hearing the Centre’s plea along with petitions filed by Sikkim and private parties seeking modification of the remark.
The top court initially agreed to remove the part “the persons of foreign origin settled in Sikkim like the Nepalese”.
However, Solicitor General Tushar Mehta, appearing for the Centre, urged the bench that the entire sentence be deleted.
The bench then agreed to remove the part “namely the Bhutia Lepchas and the persons of foreign origin settled in Sikkim like the Nepalese”. It said that the error has crept in because the original writ petitioners
have made more than 25 amendments to the petition but this fact was not brought to the notice of the court.
Mehta requested the court to clarify that the judgement has not touched upon the aspect of Article 371F of the Constitution which deals with special provisions with respect to Sikkim.
The bench, however, said that such a clarification is unnecessary as Article 371F was not a subject matter of the case.
In its January 13 verdict, the top court had said, “Therefore, there was no difference made out between the original inhabitants of Sikkim, namely the Bhutia-Lepchas and the person of foreign origin settled in Sikkim like the Nepalese or persons of Indian origin who had settled down in Sikkim generations back”.
Justice Nagarathna, who had penned down the January 13 verdict on behalf of the bench, dictated the modification order, “It is to be noted that in the said writ petition there was an amended writ petition filed pursuant to an application filed. Unfortunately, counsel for the writ petitioners did not bring to the notice of this court the
substantial amendments brought”.
The bench further said, “It was their (counsel) duty to bring to the notice of the court about the fact. Now miscellaneous applications have been filed seeking corrections as if an error has occurred on the part of the court. However, after having heard the counsel for respective parties, we think it is just and proper to correct words in certain paragraphs of the judgement”.
On January 13, the top court had ruled that the exclusion of a Sikkimese woman from exemption allowed under the Income Tax Act merely because she has married a nonSikkimese man after April 1, 2008 is “discriminatory and unconstitutional”.
Asserting that a woman is not a chattel and has an identity of her own, a bench of Justices M R Shah and B V Nagarathna had said that no justification has been shown to exclude a Sikkimese woman from such exemption. “Apart from the above, the same is clearly hit by Articles 14, 15 and 21 of the Constitution of India. The discrimination is based on gender, which is wholly violative of Articles 14, 15 and 21 of the Constitution of India.
Of the total 259 candidates contesting the February 16 Tripura Assembly election, 45 are crorepatis, according to a report. The ruling BJP has 17 crorepati candidates followed by Tipra Motha with nine and CPI(M) seven, the report by the Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR), a civil society organisation, said. The Congress has six crorepati candidates, Trinamool Congress four and two Independent candidates are also crorepati, it said. Deputy Chief Minister Jishnu Dev Varma of the BJP who is contesting from the Charilam constituency
is the wealthiest candidate with 15.58 crore of movable and immovable assets, the report said. Chief Minister Manik Saha, a doctor, is the second richest candidate with Rs 13.90 crore assets, ADR’s state coordinator Biswendu Bhattacharjee told PTI on Wednesday. Saha is contesting from Town Bardowali constituency. The third richest candidate is Abhijit Sarkar of the Tipra Motha with Rs 12.57 crore, Bhattacharjee said. The BJP which has fielded 55 candidates has also the highest average assets with Rs 1.86 crore, he said.
At least four persons were injured in Meghalaya’s West Garo Hills district in a clash between supporters of the opposition Trinamool Congress (TMC) and ruling National People’s Party (NPP), Chief Electoral Officer FR Kharkongor said on Wednesday. The CEO said the situation is under control as election officials are stationed in the area and three companies of central armed police forces have been deployed in the district. According to the police, the incident took place at around 10:45 pm on Tuesday at Charbatapara village under Phulbari assembly constituency.
Former NPP MLA SG Estamur Mominin, who joined the TMC, visited the village at around 9 pm to attend a feast at his uncle’s home following which a group of NPP loyalists went there and created ruckus and allegedly attacked the TMC supporters. Following the clash, nine persons
were taken to the Phulbari community health centre but all were discharged, the CEO said. An FIR has been lodged by one Nozim Hussain alleging that a procession led by Habibur Zaman of the NPP stopped near his house and pelted stones at his house resulting in the injury of four persons, he said.
Manen Pongen
Moatemsu Jamir
Temsir Jamir
Sanen Pongen
Zulu Aier
I Meren Aier
Sunep Jamir 129. Bendang Aier
Imli Imsong
Yimkum Aier
Achang Pongen
& sessions Judge Dimapur : nagaland DP-594/23 offICe of The aoYIm VIllage CounCIl aoYIm VIllage ChumouKeDIma – 797103, nagalanD govt. regd. no.gaB-13/17/83 (VoI-IV) 8th Jan. 92
The Aoyim Village Council, Chumoukedima is notifying that:
(1) Every household has to clear up their house tax on or before 15th March 2023, those staying in the village Rs. 500/- and the others staying outside the village will be Rs. 1000/-.
(2) Every landholder who have not applied for land patta (Village patta) is hereby informed to apply on or before 31st March 2023.
(3) Every landholder whose patta has expired is hereby informed to renew the patta on or before 31st March 2023.
Anyone failing to act in accordance with these rules, serious action will be taken by the Village Council.
Tripura poll: 45 crorepatis, 41 have criminal cases: Report 4 injured in TMC-NPP clash in M’laya
(PTI): The Railway Protection Force (RPF) has seized narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances “valued at Rs 4.7 crore” with the arrest of 83 peddlers and traffickers and rescued 35 boys and 27 girls during a month-long drive, the ministry said Wednesday. RPF is entrusted with the responsibility of security of railway property, passenger area, passengers and related matters. With the railway being the “preferred” mode of trafficking narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances for long distances, the RPF conducted the month-long nationwide drive NARCOS.
Gurugram couple held for torture
8 (PTI): A couple was arrested on Wednesday for allegedly torturing and sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl who worked for them as a domestic help, police said. A joint team of police and Sakhi, a one-stop crisis centre, on Tuesday rescued a 14-year-old girl hired by the couple to care for their child. Several injuries were found on her hands, feet and mouth, they said. According to the complaint filed by Pinky Malik, the Sakhi centre in-charge, the girl from Ranchi (Jharkhand) was hired through a placement agency. The couple made her work and also beat her mercilessly daily.
2 infants among 4 people immolated in TN
FEB 8 (PTI): Four people, including two infants, were charred to death on Wednesday after being set on fire following a marital discord in Sellankuppam area here, police said. The victims were identified as Sathguru, Tamilarasi (48), her eight-month-old girl, along with a two-year-old girl residing in the neighbourhood, Inspector R Balasubramaniyam told reporters. Dhanalakshmi, Tamilarasi’s sister, had moved into the latter’s place in Cuddalore a year ago after constant quarrels with her husband Sathguru. Today, he barged into Tamilarasi’s house with a petrol can and poured it on all persons who were in the house, including himself, at the time and set everyone on fire.
1 held for rape, murder of
GWALIOR (MP), FEB 8 (PTI): A relative of a seven-year-old girl has been arrested on the charge of raping and killing her in the Gwalior district of Madhya Pradesh, an official said on Wednesday.
On Monday, the child went out to watch a wedding procession but did not return home, prompting her family to approach the police, said the official. The police were tipped that she had seen with a relative who lives next door. Initially, the relative tried to mislead the police but later admitted to raping and killing her, said the official. The girl’s body was then recovered from an agricultural field.
KOLKATA, FEB 8 (PTI): West Bengal Governor C V Ananda Bose on Wednesday addressed the assembly for the first time amid protests and walkout by BJP MLAs who claimed that he was misguided by the TMC government and he should follow the footsteps of “other governors”.
The BJP legislators shouted slogans against the “corrupt” Mamata Banerjee government which, they alleged, prepared a speech for Bose that “has no relation with reality”.
Accusing the BJP of trying to disturb the assembly proceedings, the Trinamool Congress said Bose is functioning as per norms.
The relationship between the TMC government and the present governor is cordial, which is in sharp contrast to what the state has witnessed during
presentation of the state budget next week, BJP MLAs led by Leader of the Opposition Suvendu Adhikari started shouting slogans against the state government.
“The governor’s speech has no relation with reality. This is one of the most corrupt governments in the state. We staged a walkout as there is no mention of corruption cases and arrest of TMC leaders in the speech,” Adhikari said.
BJP MLAs tore copies of the speech on the floor of the House and even shouted slogans against the Governor.
the tenure of his predecessor Jagdeep Dhankhar whom the ruling party used to describe as a “BJP agent”.
Dhankhar resigned as West Bengal governor in July 2022 and was elected
JALNA, FEB 8 (PTI): Shiv Sena (UBT) leader and former Maharashtra minister Aaditya Thackeray on Wednesday said the “unconstitutional” state government headed by Chief Minister Eknath Shinde will not last long and fall very soon.
Aaditya, son of Shiv Sena president and former chief minister Uddhav Thackeray, was addressing a rally at Badnapur in Jalna district as part of his ‘Shiv Samvad Yatra’.
“People of Maharashtra know how this government is being run. This unconstitutional government
would not last for many days. It will fall very soon,” he said.
Aaditya’s remarks came ahead of the Supreme Court starting hearing the matter related to the disqualification of 16 rebel MLAs of Shiv Sena daily beginning February 14.
Shinde, who rebelled against Shiv Sena leadership last June leading to the collapse of the Uddhav Thackeray-led Maha Vikas Aghadi government, heads the Balasahebanchi Shiv Sena (BSS) faction of Shiv Sena and shares power with the Bharatiya Janata Party.
the Vice President of the country the next month.
Bose took oath as the state governor in November last year. A few minutes after Bose began his address to the House ahead of the
“The state government is misguiding the Governor. They are providing false data, and the Governor is reading it. I think the Governor should follow the footsteps of other gov-
ernors,” he said.
Senior TMC minister Firhad Hakim said the opposition leader had forgotten the decorum that the Governor cannot be criticised for his address.
“Earlier, the BJP had turned the Raj Bhawan into its party office. If the present Governor is working as per norms, what is the problem? He thinks every Governor will work as a flag bearer of the BJP,” he said. TMC chief whip Nirmal Ghosh accused the BJP of trying to disturb the assembly proceedings.
Dhankhar’s acrimonious relationship with the state government made regular headlines as the TMC charged the Governor with acting as an “agent of the BJP”, while he accused the state government of not functioning as per constitutional norms.
(PTI): The Congress on Wednesday strongly criticised the expunging of certain remarks made by Rahul Gandhi in Parliament targeting Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and alleged that “democracy was cremated” in Lok Sabha.
Gandhi had made these remarks while participating in a debate on the Motion of Thanks on the President’s Address in Lok Sabha on Tuesday.
In a tweet, without mentioning the expunging of his remarks, Gandhi said, “Mr Prime Minister, you cannot wipe out the voice of democracy.” “Indian people are asking you direct questions, you must reply,” Gandhi said.
Later, while heading into Parliament during Prime Minister Narendra
Modi’s remarks in Lok Sabha, Gandhi asked reporters, “Why were my words expunged?” Congress general secretary in-charge communications Jairam Ramesh said, “With the expunging of Rahul Gandhi’s remarks on PM linked Adani Maha Mega Scam, deMOcracy was cremated in the Lok Sabha. OM Shanti.” In another tweet, Ramesh said, “You can expunge, but you can’t exterminate! Jagadguru of Jhoot stands exposed. He also tweeted the three pages of expunged remarks.
(PTI): Three million people in India are at risk of flooding caused by glacial lakes, the highest number of those exposed in the world, according to new study.
The study by an international team led by scientists at UK’s Newcastle University, UK is the first global assessment of areas at greatest risk of Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOF).
Published in the journal Nature Communications on Tuesday, it estimates that 15 million people around the world are at risk from flooding caused by glacial lakes.
The researchers, which also identified priority areas
for mitigation, said more than half the globally exposed populations are found in just four countries: India, Pakistan, Peru, and China. India and Pakistan contain the highest number of exposed people -- nearly three million and two million people respectively, or one-third of the global total combined -- while Iceland contains the least (260 people), they said.
As the climate gets warmer, glaciers retreat and meltwater collects at the front of the glacier, forming a lake.
These lakes can suddenly burst and create a fast-flowing GLOF that can
spread over a large distance from the original site -- more than 120 kilometres in some cases. GLOFs can be highly destructive and damage property, infrastructure, and agricultural land and can lead to significant loss of life. Flash floods potentially triggered by a GLOF event in Uttarakhand’s Chamoli district in February 2021 left nearly 80 people dead and many more missing. The number of glacial lakes has grown rapidly since 1990 as a result of climate change. At the same time, the number of people living in these catchments has also increased signifi -
(PTI): PDP chief Mehbooba Mufti on Wednesday took to streets in the national capital to protest against the ongoing anti-encroachment drive being carried out by the administration in Jammu and Kashmir.
Carrying placards reading ‘Stop Bullying, Stop Bulldozing’, Mufti, along with scores of supporters, gathered at the busy Boat Club area with an aim to march towards Parliament in a bid to inform the opposition parties about the ongoing ‘Bulldozer policy’ being followed in the Union Territory.
However, police detained the former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister, and took her and her party workers to Jantar Mantar. The protesters dispersed
from Jantar Mantar.
“We had come to inform the public, opposition parties and members of the ruling BJP about the misery faced by the public at large in Jammu and Kashmir.
“If we can’t go to Parliament, I wonder where we should go then. Does the government want us to get our grievances redressed at the United Nations,” Mufti asked.
During the protest, Mufti accused Lt Governor Manoj Sinha and the Jammu and Kashmir administration of turning the Union Territory into Afghanistan by indulging in large-scale
destruction. “There is no rule of law in Jammu and Kashmir. First we were deprived of our identity, then our jobs and now our homes and shops. Wonder what does this government want?” she asked.
“Jammu Kashmir ko Afghanistan ki tarah barbad kiya ja raha hai (Jammu and Kashmir is being ruined like Afghanistan),” she charged. There is no rule of law that can be seen in Jammu and Kashmir and “we came all the way to Delhi to speak our hearts out. But it seems that the voice of the general public is muzzled here as well,” Mufti alleged.
The research team looked at 1,089 glacial lake basins worldwide and the number of people living within 50 kilometres of them, as well as the level of development in those areas and other societal indicators as markers of vulnerability to GLOFs.
They then used this information to quantify and rank the potential for damage from GLOFs at a global scale and assess communities’ ability to respond effectively to a flood.
The results highlighted that 15 million people live within 50 km of a glacial lake and that High Moun-
tain Asia -- which encompasses the Tibetan Plateau, from Kyrgyzstan to China -- has the highest GLOF danger, with 9.3 million people potentially at risk.
“This work highlights that it’s not the areas with the largest number or most rapidly growing lakes that are most dangerous... Instead, it is the number of people, their proximity to a glacial lake and importantly, their ability to cope with a flood that determines the potential danger from a GLOF event,” lead researcher Caroline Taylor, a doctoral student at Newcastle University, said in a statement.
West Bengal Governor C V
Ananda Bose on Wednesday addressed the state assembly for the first time, amid protests by BJP MLAs against “corruption” by the ruling TMC.
The BJP legislators shouted slogans against the Mamata Banerjee government and staged a walkout during the governor’s address. Within a few minutes, after Bose began his address to the House ahead of the state budget next week, BJP MLAs led by Leader of the Opposition Suvendu
Adhikari started shouting slogans against the state government. They also protested against the governor for reading out a speech prepared by the state government, which “has no relation with reality”. “This is one of the most corrupt governments in the state. We staged a walkout as there is no mention of corruption cases and arrest of TMC leaders in the speech,” Adhikari said. TMC chief whip Nirmal Ghosh accused the BJP of trying to disturb the assembly proceedings.
NEW DELHI, FEB 8 (IANS): A total of 5,359 private and 67 commercial vehicles have been scrapped at Registered Vehicle Scrapping Facilities (RVSFs) set up in accordance with the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) notification under Vehicle Scrapping Policy, between January 1, 2022 and January 31, 2023.
Man killed
CHANDRAPUR, FEB 8 (PTI): A 59-year-old man was killed after a tiger attacked him in the Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve (TATR) in Maharashtra’s Chandrapur district on Wednesday, a forest official said. The deceased, identified as Nilkant Nannaware, was attacked in a buffer zone of the tiger reserve, Chief Conservator of Forest, TATR, Dr Jitendra Ramgaonkar said.
GHAZIABAD (UP), FEB 8 (PTI): Ten people were injured after a leopard strayed into the district court complex here on Wednesday, triggering panic and a four-hour operation to catch the animal.
“The leopard was tranquilised following a joint operation of police and the forest department,” DCP (City) Nipun Agrawal said, adding that arrangements are being made to cage the animal.
According to police, the leopard first attacked a cobbler on the ground floor of the court complex in the Kavinagar area of
the district before heading to the first floor.
The animal’s presence in the chief judicial magistrate court complex triggered panic and sent people running for their lives. While some ran towards the staircase, others locked themselves up in offices and washrooms.
The leopard was running from one end of the building to another, attacking people coming in its way, officials said.
A joint operation of police and the forest department was launched as soon as the news spread and it took over four hours to rescue the animal, they
The rescue team managed to get a hold of the situation once the animal returned to the ground floor. “The two collapsible gates on either sides of the ground floor were closed to confine the animal. Once this was done, some of our teams focused on rescuing people locked inside offices and washrooms of the building,” a police officer said. The DCP said two lawyers and a head constable are among the 10 people injured in the incident. The injured have been hospitalised, police added.
According to a written reply by the Ministry in Rajya Sabha on Wednesday, all RVSFs set up in accordance with MoRTH notification GSR 653 (E) dated September 23, 2021 are private entities. There was no intervention by the government in the determination of fair price of vehicles to be scrapped. The price of these vehicles is decided by the market forces as per the condition of the vehicle to be scrapped.
The Ministry of Steel has specified the mechanism to determine the reserve price of governmentowned vehicles older than 15 years which are required to be scrapped in accordance with the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) notification GSR 29 (E) dated January 16, 2023.
Unconstitutional Maha govt will fall very soon: AadityaAn injured being taken away after a leopard (R) entered the premises of Ghaziabad District Court, in Ghaziabad, Wednesday. (PTI)
When a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck southeastern Turkey and northwestern Syria early morning, local time February 7,2023, its tremor could be felt as far afield as Lebanon, Cyprus, Greece, Israel, and the Palestinian territories. A second quake, which recorded a magnitude of 7.5, struck just 9 hours later. Several thousand buildings across the affected zones were reduced to rubble as more than 11,000 people are officially declared dead though the number continues to rise as search and rescue operations find more bodies underneath piles of rubble. Both Turkey and Syria are still reeling from the devastating quake, which is among the worst in ten years. The World Health Organization(WHO) has warned that the combined count could reach 20,000, and that 23 million people could be affected by the disaster. According to historical records Turkey has been hit by at least 80 major earthquakes since as early as 17 BC at Philadelphia now Alasehir and down the ages with the highest death toll being 2,60,000 on December 13,115 AD at Antioch and another in the same area on May 19, 526v AD killing 2,50,000 people. However, the highest ever toll was on December 26,2004 when an earthquake of magnitude of 9.1 and 9.3 on the Richter scale hit Indonesia, Sumatra and the Indian ocean causing the deaths of 2,27,898 people. Earthquakes are not uncommon in Turkey. Most of the country is situated on the Anatolian Plate, which borders two major fault lines: the North Anatolian fault, which stretches across the country from west to east, and the East Anatolian fault, which is in eastern Turkey. After a devastating earthquake hit the country in 1999 and killed some 17,000 people, the government at the time promised to reform the country’s earthquake infrastructure—pledging to create new construction standards and strengthen existing buildings. The Turkey-Syrian earthquake should ring alarm bells to those in India. There are four seismic zones-2,3,4 and 5 in India in ascending order of intensity and destructive zone. The Himalayan ranges, which also includes parts of the north east that form the belt are potential regions for major earthquakes. According to long-term records (since about 1900), we expect about 16 major earthquakes in any given year. That includes 15 earthquakes in the magnitude 7 range and one earthquake magnitude 8.0 or greater. In the past 40-50 years, records show that there has been more than expected long-term average number of major earthquakes by about a dozen times. The year with the largest total was 2010, with 23 major earthquakes (greater than or equal to magnitude 7.0). In other years the total was well below the annual long-term average of 16 major earthquakes. 1989 only had 6 major earthquakes and 1988 only had 7. Since the North Eastern India falls under 5 –6, the shifting of the Himalayan plates is expected to occur .History of past earthquakes in the region were recorded in Assam which experienced, the earthquakes of 1897 and 1950 , reputed to be among the ten biggest earthquakes in history. The other major earthquake occurred in Shillong in 1897 causing widespread destruction. As per the advice of seismologists, buildings in the north east should be either single or at the most, double storeyed. Besides that, the construction of buildings should also conform to the safety requirements to minimize damages or loss of life.
May the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely… —1 Thessalonians 5:23
When we pray, asking God to sanctify us, are we prepared to measure up to what that really means? We take the word sanctification much too lightly. Are we prepared to pay the cost of sanctification? The cost will be a deep restriction of all our earthly concerns, and an extensive cultivation of all our godly concerns. Sanctification means to be intensely focused on God’s point of view. It means to secure and to keep all the strength of our body, soul, and spirit for God’s purpose alone. Are we really prepared for God to perform in us everything for which He separated us? And after He has done His work, are we then prepared to separate ourselves to God just as Jesus did? “For their sakes I sanctify Myself…” (John 17:19). The reason some of us have not entered into the experience of sanctification is that we have not realized the meaning of sanctification from God’s perspective. Sanctification means being made one with Jesus so that the nature that controlled Him will control us. Are we really prepared for what that will cost? It will cost absolutely everything in us which is not of God. Are we prepared to be caught up into the full meaning of Paul’s prayer in this verse? Are we prepared to say, “Lord, make me, a sinner saved by grace, as holy as You can”? Jesus prayed that we might be one with Him, just as He is one with the Father (see John 17:21-23). The resounding evidence of the Holy Spirit in a person’s life is the unmistakable family likeness to Jesus Christ, and the freedom from everything which is not like Him. Are we prepared to set ourselves apart for the Holy Spirit’s work in us?
“The most sincere compliment we can pay is attention.”
What in the world was that thing?
The massive white orb that drifted across US airspace this week and was shot down by the Air Force over the Atlantic on live television Saturday triggered a diplomatic maelstrom and blew up on social media.
China insists the balloon was just an errant civilian airship used mainly for meteorological research that went off course due to winds and had only limited “self-steering” capabilities.
The United States says it was a Chinese spy balloon without a doubt. Its presence prompted Secretary of State Antony Blinken to cancel a weekend trip to China that was aimed at dialling down tensions that were already high between the countries.
The Pentagon says the balloon, which was carrying sensors and surveillance equipment, was maneuverable and showed it could change course. It loitered over sensitive areas of Montana where nuclear warheads are siloed, leading the military to take actions to prevent it from collecting intelligence.
A US Air Force fighter jet shot down the balloon on Saturday afternoon off the Carolina coast. Television footage showed a small explosion, followed by the balloon slowly drifting toward the water. An operation is underway to recover the remnants.
A look at what’s known about the balloon — and
Iwas for a moment taken aback and intrigued as I saw a short write up in a column The Speaking Tree in “The Times of India” dated June 9th, 2021, with a caption Nature is All for Unity Not Uniformity by Bhupender Yadav, national general secretary of the Bhartiya Janata Party and a Rajya Sabha member. As I started to read,I thought that Ishould respond to it. The writer starts with a brief description of the world in which he says “In the present world, dignity a basic tenet of civilised life, is ensured by humanism, as knowledge and technology have given impetus to equality and independent in thoughts, logic and dialectics.”
We keep uttering words such as civilised life, humanism, know-how in science and technology contributing to equality, independence in our thought process leveraging logic and dialectics and many others. But in reality,and in practical terms they have brought naught as we experience xenophobia, hatred, lynching, irrationality, human divides treating a huge sections of humanity as lesser humans which is
The Pentagon and other US officials say it was a Chinese spy balloon — about the size of three school buses — that moved east over America at an altitude of about 60,000 feet (18,600 metres).
The US says it was being used for surveillance and intelligence collection, but officials have provided few details.
US defence and military officials said on Saturday that the balloon entered the US air defence zone north of the Aleutian Islands on January 28 and moved over land across Alaska and into Canadian airspace in the Northwest Territories on January 30.
The next day it crossed back into US territory over northern Idaho. US officials spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive topic.
The White House said Biden was first briefed on the balloon on Tuesday.
The State Department said Blinken and Deputy Secretary Wendy Sherman spoke with China’s senior Washington-based official on Wednesday evening about the matter.
In the first public US statement, Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder, the Pentagon press secretary, said on Thursday evening that the balloon was not a military or physical threat — an acknowledgement that it was not carrying weapons.
antithetical to humanism.
The current world is infested with misogynistic, xenophobic, casteist, religious fanatism and racist tendencies.
As we progress and advance our ways of living and thinking our country and society should echo and manifest civility and humanity in all its practices and thought processes. Coming to globalization which many including the writer says “… globalisation has attempted to implement the same knowledge and reasoning irrespective of cultural differences and geographical distances.”
Many conceived in its initial period as “global village”, “Vasudhaiva Kodambakkam”, “One global Mall” and so on. In addition to it, Thomas L. Friedman, a columnist and a prolific writter of par excellence whose book The World is Flat: The Globalized World in the 21st Century … argues that the forces of globalization are gradually making the world flat and in the process via technology is creating aunifying world by transmitting knowledge to people across the world – unifying the fragmented world into one.
The forces of global -
He said that “once the balloon was detected, the US government acted immediately to protect against the collection of sensitive information.”
Even if the balloon was not armed, it posed a risk to the US, said retired Army Gen. John Ferrari, a visiting fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. The flight itself, he said, could be used to test America’s ability to detect incoming threats and to find holes in the country’s air defence warning system.
It may also have allowed the Chinese to sense electromagnetic emissions that higher-altitude satellites cannot detect, such as lowpower radio frequencies that could help them understand how different US weapons systems communicate.
On Wednesday as the balloon loitered over Montana, Biden authorised the military to shoot it down as soon as it was in a location where there would not be undue risk to civilians. Due to its massive size and altitude, the debris field of its sensors and the balloon itself was expected to stretch for miles. So, top military and defence leaders advised Biden not to take it down over land, even when it was over sparsely populated areas.
At 2.39 pm on Saturday, as the balloon flew in US airspace about 6 nautical miles off the coast of South Carolina, a single F-22 fighter jet from Virginia’s Langley Air Force Base
ization have not flattened, rather fragmented the world. Globalization has not unified the world, but widened the gap between the haves and have-nots. The writer while unfolding argues that “The root cause of the problem-mistaking uniformity for unity – is the presumption that all human beings are the same, therefore, their needs, aspirations and goals would be similar. In the process, we are doing away with diversity and depriving people of the very identities that distinguish them.” This is what some political parties doing in India as well. He further substantiates that “Unity is when we are one in mind and spirit. Uniformity is achieved when all believe and practice likewise.” There is no doubt that we are all humans, but simply by being humans our mind and spirit need not be the same including our belief-system and practices because of the fact that they are influenced by many factors. Over-simplification drastically leads to reductionism. Take for instance, our cognitive behaviouris influenced by the social milieu and economic status we belong to, cultural ethos
— flying at an altitude of 58,000 feet — fired an AIM9X Sidewinder into it. The Sidewinder is a short-range missile used by the Navy and Air Force primarily for air-to-air engagements, the missile is about 10 feet long and weighs about 200 pounds.
Live news feeds showed the moment of impact, as the balloon collapsed and began a lengthy fall into the Atlantic.
The F-22 was supported by an array of Air Force and Air National Guard fighter jets and tankers, including F-15s from Massachusetts and tanker aircraft from Oregon, Montana, Massachusetts, South Carolina and North Carolina.
All pilots returned safely to base and there were no injuries or other damage on the ground, a senior military official told reporters in a Saturday briefing.
As the deflated balloon was slowly drifting down, US Navy vessels had already moved in, waiting to collect the debris. The Federal Aviation Administration had temporarily closed airspace over the Carolina coast, including the airports in Myrtle Beach and Charleston, South Carolina, and Wilmington, North Carolina. And the FAA and Coast Guard worked to clear the airspace and water below the balloon.
Once the balloon crashed into the water, US officials said, the debris field stretched at least 7 miles,
and religious mooringwe subscribe to. By virtue of being born as humans does not mean that we are all one, but are different including in spirit.
It is easy to say that we should acknowledge the differences as every human being is unique in his or her own ways, but when it comes to reality, we tend to invoke binaries such as “I” –“You”, “We” – “They”. The essence of globalization is to bring about integration of diverse economies into one global economic system; homogenization of culture such as eating, dressing, education, life-style cutting across borders. Likewise, there are a few political parties in the world such as BJP-RSS play with binaries such as Majority Vs Minority, Aryan Vs Dravidian, Hindu Vs Muslim, Hindu Vs Christian, North Vs South and so on.“Unity in diversity” is a noble ideal, but the world in which we exist does not function in that way and so it is just a utopia and a slogan. In recent times, the United States, India and others is filled with hatred, lynching, ethnic cleaning, xenophobia, honour-killing, gender and racial discrimi-
and was in water 47 feet deep. That depth is shallower than what they had planned, making it easier to retrieve pieces of the sensor package and other parts that may be salvageable.
Officials said the USS Oscar Austin, a Navy destroyer, the USS Carter Hall, a dock landing ship, and the USS Philippine Sea, a guided missile cruiser, are all part of the recovery effort, and a salvage vessel will arrive in a few days. They said Navy divers will be on hand if needed, along with unmanned vessels that can recover debris and lift it back up to the ships. The FBI will also be present to categorise and assess anything recovered, officials said.
As for intelligence value, the US officials said the balloon’s voyage across the US gave experts several days to analyze it, gather technical data, and learn a lot about what it was doing, how it was doing it and why China may be using things like this.
They declined to provide details, but said they expect to learn more as they gather and scrutinize the debris.
Spy balloons aren’t new — primitive ones date back centuries, but they came into greater use in World War II. US officials said on Saturday that similar Chinese balloons transited the continental United States briefly at least three times during the Trump administration and once that they
nation. Where then the civility in the world we live?
Further, the author reiterates that “The imposed uniformity in the past when we have dictatorship and restrained democracy did not let ideas, belief and view blossom. Unity embraces and acknowledges contrasts, dissents and variations, and promotes a prosperous coexistence. We may be different, but we can exist, work and thrive together. Unity is not available if we aim for uniformity. The pursuance of uniformity can chase people away from each other and give rise to mutual suspicion.” It makes me to wonder whether the writer for the sake of hoodwinking the readers he is writing like this or genuine because the party he belongs to and its cultural outfit have failed to subscribe to whatever the writer is saying.
India believes in Unity in Diversity and not in Unity in Uniformity. This is civilizational that adds to the ethos of plurality of India.
India’s ethos is constructed on multiplicity of religious and belief systems, social and cultural heterogeneities, communitarian ethos built around “live and let-live”
know about earlier in the Biden administration. But none of those incidents lasted this length of time.
During World War II, Japan launched thousands of hydrogen balloons carrying bombs, and hundreds ended up in the US and Canada. Most were ineffective, but one was lethal.
In May 1945, six civilians died when they found one of the balloons on the ground in Oregon, and it exploded. In the aftermath of the war, America’s own balloon effort ignited the alien stories and lore linked to Roswell, New Mexico.
According to military research documents and studies, the US began using giant trains of balloons and sensors that were strung together and stretched more than 600 feet as part of an early effort to detect Soviet missile launches during the post-World War II era. They called it Project Mogul.
One of the balloon trains crash-landed at the Roswell Army Airfield in 1947, and Air Force personnel who were not aware of the program found debris. The unusual experimental equipment made it difficult to identify, leaving the airmen with unanswered questions that over time — aided by UFO enthusiasts — took on a life of their own.
The simple answer, according to the military reports, was just over the Sacramento Mountains at the Project Mogul launch site in Alamogordo. AP feature
and “mutual co-existence”. India is built on federal structure and so the Centre and the States with their autonomies ought to coexist without intruding into the autonomy of the state governments. Nationalism and regionalism are complex words. They can be twisted to suit and advance the political ends of those in power. One should be cautious in the usage of nationalism and regionalism as they are politically, culturally and religiously loaded terms.
In conclusion the author reiterates that “To enjoy peace and prosperity, we must acknowledge that we are not identical. We must also recognise that we, who are different, must come together with each other to strengthen our societies and enrich our surroundings. Unity is thus central to our life form that is rich because it is diverse.” Ideally it sounds good, but practically it is like an impossible possibility, because the ruling dispensation that reigns the GOI believes in “unity in uniformity”, and not in “unity in diversity”.
Dr. I. John Mohan Razu, Professor of Social EthicsBusiness runs as long as there is demand. So for every business entity, to be successful, one needs to keep its product attractive in order to keep on generating demands from customers for the goods and services he has produced and is going to produce. What is the first thing a businessman should keep in mind to keep demand alive? Utility. Utility, in the Theory of Consumer, is defined as a level of satisfaction derived from consumption of goods and services. A customer demands as long as the utility is positive i.e when level of satisfaction is higher than the amount of money spent for purchasing a particular good or service. We buy say a kg of pork at Rs 300. We bought it because we feel it’s worth buying. We bought a smartphone at the price of, say,
Rs. 20,000 because we feel that the service we are about to get from the given good would worth more than the money we sacrificed for acquiring the given good.
Utility could differ from one person to the other, one region to another and one country to another. Utility, a rather abstract term, is a thinking and feeling of a customer. Thus culture, religion, social environment, peer groups, family, social medias (internet) etc. play important roles in determining one’s utility.
For instance, a tenyimia guy, whose community portrays wrestling as a symbol of manhoodness, spending Rs 1000 for a ticket to watch a Naga Wrestling Champion, would not be of any disappointment but of great satisfaction for him. But let’s assume that a non-Naga guy, who grew up in a
community where Naga Wrestling was never a buzz and who does not know how Naga Wrestling game is played, spent the same amount for the ticket and he did watched it. It can be concluded that this non-Naga guy may not elicit any satisfaction from his money sacrificed. We noticed that the tenyimia guy bought the service (meaning he enjoyed the Wrestling game for which he had paid Rs 1000) while the non-Naga guy wasted his Rs 1000(meaning the level of satisfaction he got from sacrificing his Rs 1000 is rather Zero or negative). Money is not plucked out from public trees. Thus one will not likely spend money on things which do not give him satisfactions. The above examples are few reasons why we need to know our customers- their psychological behaviour, their
environment, their community, the type of family, income, etcbefore introducing our products to a market as all these factors directly or indirectly influence their choice of demands
Another important thing to drive demand is innovation. Goods and services get obsolete after years or centuries of creation. There is a time when we need to inject new set of innovations into the existing products to adapt with the changing taste of the people and a time to brand newly innovate new products to solve new problems, to adapt with new demands. Innovations could be changing the way we arrange our stocks in our shop, decorating our entrepreneurial office with beautifully new designs to attract more visitors, bringing(from outside) or innovating(by ourselves) very
needful products (or rather revolutionary products) which are not available in the existing market.
If we don’t keep innovating, our business will eventually die. Yes, it will due to the simple fact that human beings are innovative in nature. We don’t innovate, our counterpart business entities will do and eliminate us.
Innovation, Utility and Demand are complementary to each other. Innovation would help build Utility which in turn would create Demand and subsequently push the bull(business) on roll as explained above. Thus if we keep these 3- Innovation, Utility and Demand in our business psyche, we should be very successful.
Mr. Verahu Nienu, Assistant Professor, Modern College, PiphemaWalter Anderson
It is not nature alone: humans too for unity and not for uniformity
(PTI): Five members of a family, including three children, hailing from Uttar Pradesh were found dead in their rented house in Jammu and Kashmir’s Kupwara district on Wednesday, police said. Majid Ansari (35) and four of his family members were found unconscious in their rented accommodation at Kralpora in Kupwara district by their neighbours, who sought help from a local doctor, police said. All the five were declared dead upon examination, they added. While police have launched the inquest proceedings, officials said suffocation was the likely cause of the deaths.
4 Naxalite
held in Chhattisgarh
DHAMTARI, FEB 8 (PTI): Police have arrested four “supporters” of Naxalites from Chhattisgarh’s Dhamtari district and recovered from them 12 walkie-talkies, some Naxal uniforms and other items which were to be supplied to the cadres, officials said on Wednesday. After the arrest on Tuesday, the accused told the police that they used to work for Naxalites and attend their meetings. They would also extort money from traders and contractors and hand it over to Naxalites and spread their ideology in rural areas, an official said.
LEH/JAMMU, FEB 8 (PTI): The union territory Ladakh’s Leh district has reported over 230 dog bite cases so far this year, prompting authorities to call for an action plan, including a dog census to deal with the menace.
As many as 232 cases of dog bites have been registered so far in 2023, Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Leh, Dr Nurzin Angmo said. The officials said that a total of 22,145 stray dogs have been sterilised by the Department since 2013.
Dr Angmo further said that a total of 2,000 dog bite cases were registered at SNM hospital in 2022 from all over the union territory.
Police bust prostitution racket in Karnataka
MANGALURU, FEB 8 (PTI): A lodge in Ujire area of Belthangady taluk in Karnataka’s Dakshina Kannada district was raided and two persons were arrested for allegedly running a prostitution racket from the premises, police said on Wednesday. Five women were rescued during the raid on Tuesday evening, which was conducted after getting information from activists of a civil society organisation. Police had raided 20 lodges in Ujire on Monday night also, which included the one which was raided again on Tuesday.
NEW DELHI, FEB 8 (PTI): A “rogue” drone entering into India from Pakistan along the International Border in Punjab has been shot down by the Border Security Force (BSF) on Wednesday, a force spokesperson said. The drone “fell down in Pakistan territory across the IB”, he said. The incident took place during the intervening night of February 7-8 near border post ‘Babapir’ in Amritsar sector of Punjab.
BSF troops fired upon the rogue drone and deployed all counter-drone measures. As a result, the rogue drone, which was returning to Pakistan, fell down in Pakistan territory across the IB, the spokesperson said.
NEW DELHI, FEB 8 (PTI): Verbal skirmishes between treasury and opposition benches that forced frequent interventions by the Chair marked the proceedings in Rajya Sabha on Wednesday as the opposition parties targeted the government on the Adani issue pressing for a JPC probe.
With Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the House during the debate on the Motion of Thanks on the President’s address, opposition members referred to allegations against the Adani group made by Hindenburg Research and made several insinuations, prompting Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar to repeatedly ask them to authenticate the charges by end of the day.
Dhankhar urged the members to maintain dignity and not make wild allegations unless authenticated with evidence. Members of the treasury benches also asked the opposition MPs to authenticate the charges made in the House. Leader of Opposition Mallikarjun Kharge led the charge, demanding a Joint
Parliamentary Committee probe into the allegations against Adani, and asked why the government was “shying away” from an investigation.
Kharge also invoked Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s ‘raj dharma’ remark made post2002 Gujarat riots, sparking a heated exchange with BJP members who accused him of quoting the former prime minister “partly to suit their convenience”.
Leader of the House Piyush Goyal and Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman also opposed Kharge’s remarks made during his speech and asked him to authenticate the allegations.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will reply to the debate at 2 pm on Thursday.
DIMAPUR, FEB 8 (NPN): Prof. Ranjan Kumar Bal, former Dean of the Faculty of Commerce and Business Management of Utkal University and Former National President of the Indian Accounting Association, has taken over as the vice chancellor of ASBM University. For more than three decades, Prof. Bal has held various positions in Utkal University as Professor, Dean, PG Council Chairman,
Prof. R. K. Bal
HOD and Member of the Syndicate. Prof. Bal holds a PhD in Business Administration and has qualified for Faculty Development from IIM Ahmedabad. He has also served as Director of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell of Utkal University. As many as 32 students have done research and obtained PhD degrees under his guidance. He has published seven books and eighty-four research papers.
Leaders of BRS, AAP and Shiv Sena (Thackeray) earlier walked out of the House in protest after their adjournment notices on the Adani issue were denied by the Chairman who found no merit in them.
Congress member KC Venugopal also alleged the government is running away from an investigation by a JPC on the allegations against the Adani Group as it wants to “hide something”.
Leaders from different Opposition parties demanded a JPC probe on the Hindenburg-Adani issue and many alleged that the President’s speech missed out key issues especially the “attacks” on minority Muslims, price rise and unem-
NEW DELHI, FEB 8 (AGENCIES): Shiv Sena’s Priyanka Chaturvedi on Wednesday said that the Mumbai airport changed hands ‘at the speed of light’.
The Shiv Sena leader took to Twitter and said that GVK group will deny there was ‘pressure’ to handover the Mumbai airport.
“The fact remains that airport in Mumbai changed hands at the speed of light:26 June 2020 CBI registered a case against GVK - 1 July CBI raided them - 7 July ED registered money laundering case & summons by CBI - 31 Aug agrement signed
ployment, and demanded a caste-based census.
Amid a fiery debate, Rajya Sabha on Wednesday also witnessed rare moments of collective mirth when Kharge, during his speech, praised Chairman Dhankhar’s work as a lawyer and recalled that the vice president once told him that in his early years as an advocate he used to count cash with his hands, but as his career took off he bought a ‘cash counting machine’.
“I did not say this.
I think you will get a JPC (joint parliamentary committee) set on me,” Dhankhar told the Congress president as the House broke into peals of laughter over the exchange between the two veterans.
Kharge also said that Prime Minister Modi was targeting even his home constituency Kalaburagi in poll-bound Karnataka by addressing public rallies not once but twice, bringing a smile to Modi.
Leader of the House Piyush Goyal also quipped that Kharge was wearing a Louis Vuitton scarf and a JPC probe cannot be instituted on individual cases.
to handover the airports to Adani Group,” she tweeted. She said that GVK group will deny that there was pressure to handover. She said when central government agencies ED and CBI can raid them once at ‘behest’ of the government, they can do it ‘again.’
“Obviously the GVK group will deny there was pressure to handover the airport because when ED, CBI can knock on their door once at the behest of GoI then they can do it again to save face of GoI,” she tweeted. This comes at a time when Congress leader
Uddhav Thackeray, who heads a faction of the Shiv Sena, on Wednesday said that the decision by the Supreme Court on the disqualification of the party’s rebel MLAs should come first and then by the Election Commission on whom the original party belongs to.
Addressing a press conference, Thackeray also asked why the EC froze the ‘Shiv Sena’ name and its ‘bow and arrow’ symbol when it has not been used by the rival Eknath Shinde faction yet.
The decision on disqualification should come first and then by the Election Commission (which faction is the original Shiv Sena), Thackerya said, adding that the apex court will start hearing the matter related to the disqualification of rebel MLAs on a daily basis from February 14.
The Shiv Sena was split after Shinde broke away last year, triggering the collapse of the Maha Vikash Aghadi government – an alliance of Sena, Congress and Nation-
alist Congress Party – led by Thackeray. He then joined hands with the BJP to become the chief minister.
Giving the sequence of events, Thackeray said the MLAs rebelled in June after which the Shiv Sena approached the Supreme Court seeking their disqualification, while the dissidents sought to stake claim over the party in July.
On January 30, the Thackeray and Shinde factions made their final submissions before the EC, asserting their claim to the party organisation and its poll symbol. Stressing that the legislative wing of the party is not the original party, Thackeray said if this logic is taken into consideration,
Mumbai Airport, was taken away from GVK using agencies,” said Rahul Gandhi.
“The result is 24 per cent of India’s air traffic and 31 per cent of air freight passes through Adani’s airports,” he added.
then anyone can become the prime minister or chief minister in the country using the power of money.
Thackeray also took a dig at the designation of “chief leader” used by Chief Minister Eknath Shinde. He said the term “Shiv Sena pramukh (chief)” was used by his father and party founder Bal Thackeray. So after his father’s death, Thackeray said he assumed the role of the party chief. There is no post of “chief leader” in Shiv Sena’s constitution, he said. Thackeray said the EC is yet to give its nod to conduct elections in the party. Thackeray’s tenure ended on January 23.
Rival Sena factions – Shiv Sena (Uddhav Balasaheb Thackeray) and Shinde-led Balashebanchi Sena – have already been allotted interim poll symbols which could be used in the upcoming by-elections in Maharashtra, EC functionaries had said on Monday, dismissing suggestions that the poll panel could issue an early final order on their dispute.
Rahul Gandhi alleged that the Narendra Modi government had tweaked rule to favor Adani and India’s most profitable airport was ‘taken away from GVK ‘using agencies.’
“This rule was changed by the government and Adani was given six airports. After that India’s most strategic, profitable airport,
DIMAPUR, FEB 5 (NPN): Experts from the field of library science converged at the KIIT Deemed-to-beUniversity organised seminar in Bhubaneshwar on Sunday to discuss the open source movement.
Speaking at the seminar titled “Open Source Movement: What Next”, university vice chancellor Prof Sasmita Samanta emphasised on the introduction of information analytics and data science into the syllabus to expand and broaden the opportunities for students of library science.
Prof Samanta pitched for increased use of modern-day technology such as AI and data science to give a fresh impetus to the
library movement. She said the KIIT Central library embodies the best of library science and reflects the global perspective.
tained injuries in the attack.
Director General of Police of Chandigarh Praveer Ranjan said an FIR will be lodged against those involved in the incident.
The protesters wanted to go to the chief minister’s residence to press for their demands, including the release of Sikh prisoners who they claim are lodged in different prisons across the country despite having completed their sentences.
Around 30 cops were injured and several vehicles damaged as protesters seeking the release of Sikh prisoners countrywide clashed with them while trying to reach Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann’s official residence in neighbouring Chandigarh on Wednesday, officials said.
Police had put up barricades near the ChandigarhMohali border to prevent the protesters from moving towards Mann’s residence.
When the protesters tried to
force their way through the barricades, the Chandigarh Police used a water cannon to disperse them.
The protesters under the banner of the ‘Qaumi Insaaf Morcha’ then attacked the police personnel and damaged a water cannon vehicle, a “vajra” (riot control vehicle), two police jeeps, a fire-fighting vehicle and some other vehicles with swords and sticks, the officials said.
They said around 25-30 personnel, including from the Rapid Action Force, sus-
People from various parts of Punjab have been staging a protest at the YPS Chowk near the Chandigarh-Mohali border since January 7.
The seminar aims to provide useful information on open source software, journals and databases among library professionals to help the researchers and teachers openly and freely to carry out research without any monetary investment, said KIIT central library director Bijayalaxmi Rautaray. She praised the efforts of the Founder of KIIT and KISS Dr Achyuta Samanta for not only creating a world-class library but also being a great source of inspiration for the growth of library professionals to support teaching and research.
The speakers at the seminar spoke eloquently about the KIIT Central Library, commending it for its infrastructure and its objectives.
“We don’t have our future without a library. KIIT is an institution which believes that despite the overwhelming dominance of electronics in every field, the libraries movement should go on unhindered,” said the HoD of PG Dept of Library Science at Sambalpur University Prof Bulu Maharana. A library is a great place to innovate, think and collaborate, he underscored.
The Congress leader attacked the government and said that Gautam Adani, Chairman of Adani Group, fortunes rose after BJP came to power in 2014.
However, GVK group has denied the allegations. GV Sanjay Reddy, did not force GVK to hand over Mumbai Airport to the Adani Group.
In July 2021, GVK handed control of the Mumbai airport over to Adani Airport Holdings Ltd. Gandhi earlier alleged that the Modi government “hijacked” “India’s most profitable airport” from GVK using agencies like CBI and ED and gave it to Adani. However, Reddy told NDTV that there was no such pressure from anyone. Prior to the sale, GVK was considering fundraising since the debt that its airport holding company had incurred while buying Bengaluru Airport was about to become due.
Obviously GVK will deny: Chaturvedi on handing over airport to AdaniOne of the speakers addressing the seminar at KIIT.
The Reserve Bank of India slowed the pace of interestrate increases for the second straight time when it on Wednesday expectedly hiked borrowing costs by 25 basis points while keeping the door open for more hikes as core inflation remained high. The move to raise the rate will make loans -- including housing and auto -- and corporate credit expensive.
The RBI’s six-member Monetary Policy Committee voted 4-2 to raise the benchmark repurchase or repo rate to 6.50 per cent and retain its stance of withdrawing accommodation, which was adopted early last year.
This is the sixth straight increase in interest rates since May last year, and the cumulative hike now totals 250 bps.
The RBI raised interest rates by 35 bps in December 2022. Rates were hiked by 40 bps in May and 50 basis points each in June, August
and September. While the headline inflation print has seen a downward trajectory and has remained below the upper limit of 6 per cent in November and December 2022, the MPC continues to have concerns about the core inflation, which has stayed above 6 per cent for the past 15 months.
“The stickiness of core or underlying inflation is a matter of concern. We need to see a decisive moderation in inflation. We have to remain unwavering in our
commitment to bring down CPI headline inflation,” RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das said while announcing the committee’s decision.
Adjusted for inflation, the policy rate still trails its pre-pandemic levels, Das said, adding liquidity remains in surplus.
On the growth front, the RBI projected GDP growth at 6.4 per cent for the fiscal starting April 1 (2023-24), down from 7 per cent in the current year. It also believes that the global growth environment has
(From p-1)
However that assurances was yet to be fulfilled he said. Therie said that despite being the commercial hub of the state, where the business community, catering to the entire State and even neighbouring States, was based; the state government , for the last 20 years has failed to protect the community.
He claimed that Congress has been standing firmly for the safety and protection of the business community, some of whose members were kidnapped and released after heavy ransoms were paid while some were assassinated, etc.
Therie accused the state government of failing to nab culprits as it only registered cases against “unknown miscreants”. He said it was
for this reason, that the Congress has been raising its voice on the collapse of law and order and lack of governance, He also echoed the unfulfilled needs of Dimapur urgently needing a sewage system, good roads, drinking water, traffic decongestion, etc and assured that Congress was committed to addressing them.
Meanwhile, NPCC minority department chairman Rajesh Sethi, who had been aspiring to contest Dimapur –I gave way for Therie, clarified that he had given up the idea to back the election of his party president instead.
Sethis also mentioned that Dimapur-1 AC was one of the most important constituenciesof the State as it was the only unreserved/ general seat in Nagaland of
a cosmopolitan city from where most of the trade and commerce activities were based. He pointed out that despite assurances, issues like poor roads, power shortage, drainage problem, railway land encroachment issue, etc, were yet to be resolved.
He highlighted the Congress manifesto and pointed out that the party had fielded two candidates to represent minorities. He said the party would set up a Minority Board Committee to address the issues of the minorities in the State.
Sethi said that the minorities had been left behind as no scheme of the Central government had reached them. Hence, if a committee was formed, they would benefit, he added.
slightly improved, with the latest global data indicating higher prospects of a soft landing.
Das said the Indian economy remains resilient in the face of considerable uncertainties on global commodity prices.
“The global economic outlook does not look as grim now as it did a few months ago. Growth prospects in major economies have improved, while inflation is on a descent though still remains well above target in major economies. The situation remains fluid and uncertain,” he said. “Commodity prices may remain firm with the easing of COVID-19 related restrictions in some parts of the world.”
The liquidity in the system is expected to remain slightly in surplus with most liquidity enhancement measures of the pandemic period having been withdrawn. Other measures announced after the MPC meeting include allowing lending and borrowing of government bonds, issuance of guidelines on green deposits and climate financing risks and allowing foreigners access to the Unified Payments Interface (or digital transactions). Suman Choudhury, chief analytical officer, Acuite Ratings and Research,
(From p-1)
It also noted that Rionsanger Putu Menden of Mongsenyimti village was openly indulging in politics by supporting one particular candidate and debarring other citizens of the village to contest from 24 Angetyongpang constituency.
The high court also noted that the resolutions/orders/directions/press releases were in violation of various standing notifications/ instructions of Election Commission of India (ECI) and punishable under sections 171C, 339, and 340 of IPC.
The DM said that Mongsenyimti Riongsanger Putu Menden/ Village Council and Mongsenyimti Senso Mungdang had been openly indulging in politics which, being a government agency and auxiliary to the district administration under section-15 of Nagaland Village Council Act, 1978, was unlawful.
NEW DELHI, FEB 8 (PTI): France’s TotalEnergies has put on hold a planned investment in Adani Group’s USD 50 billion hydrogen project pending results of an audit launched following allegations by a US short-seller, chief executive Patrick Pouyanné said on Wednesday.
While the partnership where the French oil giant was to take a 25 per cent stake in the hydrogen venture of the Adani group was announced in June last year, TotalEnergies has not yet signed a contract, he said at an earnings call. “Obviously, the hydrogen project will be put on hold until we have clarity” from Adani group on the allegation levelled by US short-seller Hindenburg Research, Pouyanne said.
TotalEnergies is one of the biggest foreign investors in billionaire Gautam Adani’s business empire and had previously taken stakes in the group’s renewable energy venture, Adani Green Energy Ltd and city gas unit, Adani Total Gas Ltd.
As per the June 2022 announcement, TotalEnergies was to take 25 per cent
equity in Adani New Industries Ltd (ANIL) - the Adani Group firm that is investing USD 50 billion over 10 years in a green hydrogen ecosystem that includes an initial production capacity of 1 million tonnes before 2030.
The announcement by Total adds to the woes of Adani. The crisis around the group following the Hindenburg report has also been used by the opposition parties to attack the government, alleging that the tycoon’s rise was primarily because of his association with Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The government has rejected the allegation.
“This project was announced but nothing has been signed... and for now it won’t be signed,” Pouyanne said. “It makes no sense to add more (projects) until there is clarity.”
Adani has to explain the allegations, he said.
Hindenburg’s allegations of accounting and financial fraud unleashed an over USD 100 billion rout across Adani’s companies. Adani group has vehemently denied the allegations, calling them malicious and an “attack on India”. “It was announced, nothing was signed. It doesn’t exist,” Pouyanne said on the hydrogen venture. “Adani has other things to deal with now, it’s just good sense to pause things while the audit goes forward.”
He said Total has USD 3.1 billion investment and the firm was “happy” with those investments as both Adani Green and Adani Total Gas are performing well. “These companies have assets and revenue” and are healthy, he said. The French company conducted due diligence before and after investing in the Adani companies, he said.
Shares of Adani Green and Adani Total Gas are still up by a factor of two and eight, respectively, since Total invested in them, Pouyanne added.
(From p-1) Centre and State government continued to play with the sentiments of Naga people. Noting that the Assembly election would be held soon in Nagaland, it wondered whether Naga people would allow themselves to be fooled again.
WC also recalled that declaration by chief minister
Neiphiu Rio that forming an opposition-less government was solely to facilitate and hasten the “Indo-Naga political solution.” Further, WC claimed that Rio had “boldly claimed” in 2021 that removal of then Governor R.N. Ravi was a big achievement for the UDA coalition in order to “expedite the ongoing Naga political problem.”
Instead of Naga solution, WC said “a blatant deceitful game is being played out, offering crores(of rupees) in cash, SUVs such as Fortuners, Scorpios, Boleros to “central messengers, political agents and prominent leaders of Civil Society “ to sow more division and kill the people’s consensus(unity)”
WC warned that Naga his-
tory will remember all the active participants and their accomplices who are playing the role of saboteurs to perfection.
WC said that Naga issue was older than independent India and that Nagas had only been partly under British control. It pointed out that the United Nations Charter 1(2) was precisely to
remind nations like India to respect the political and historical rights of suppressed nations like the Nagas. WC therefore assured that it would continue to pursue what was historically and politically correct for Naga people and that state elections would not weaken or blot out Naga people’s quest for a just future.
(From p-1)
According to him, everybody had seen and felt the negative impact of wrong practices during election in Nagaland and people had walked under the shadow of money and muscle power for so long.
He said it appeared that nobody trusted the
election process any longer as everyone saw and knew the mess of election and the consequences they brought upon them.
Wuothovi claimed that everyone was frustrated for all the corruption and lack of development.
“We realise that the wrong practice of election
has caused enormous problem in our society. We all feel the need to change, but majority of us refuse to change our attitude and actions.
We have come to the point where it is difficult to have clean and fair election. Nagas feel that corruption is like a giant that cannot be defeated,” he stated.
In the midst of helplessness and hopelessness,
he observed that CEM under the aegis of Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC) had been creating awareness about the importance of clean and fair election in order to give hope for a better society. Although many people were pessimistic about its success, he noted that it had impacted the society
positively in a great way. The PBTA president stated that the movement’s message was being taken to different corners, from churches to colleges and to every section of society. He said its message had reached the Naga masses although many were yet to realise and change.
Mongsenyimti VC asked to withdraw...
King Charles stamp to have ‘simple’ design
The UK’s Royal Mail on Wednesday unveiled the first designs for new postage stamps bearing King Charles III’s image, which has a “simple” look without a crown. The image of the 74-year-old monarch featured on first and second class stamps is made up of his profile image, showing his head and neck in the style of his late mother, Queen Elizabeth II. In keeping with royal tradition, Charles faces to the left, similar to the late Queen.
Stampede: S Korean minister impeached
South Korea’s oppositioncontrolled parliament on Wednesday voted to impeach the country’s interior and safety minister, Lee Sang-min, holding him responsible for government failures in disaster planning and the response that likely contributed to the high death toll in a crowd crush that killed nearly 160 people in October. The impeachment suspends Lee from his duties and the country’s Constitutional Court has 180 days to rule on whether to unseat him for good or give him back the job.
Fuel shortage: Several pumps shut in Pak
LAHORE, FEB 8 (IANS): The motorists in major cities of Pakistan Punjab have been feeling the heat of fuel shortage that has caused long lines at petrol stations and frustration for commuters, local media reported. The situation has reached a boiling point with people left high and dry as they scramble to find ways to keep their vehicles running, Samaa TV reported. Several pumps in major cities, including Lahore, Faisalabad and Gujranwala, have closed down, the report said.
China renews alert for snowstorms
BEIJING, FEB 8 (IANS): China’s national observatory renewed an alert on Wednesday, forecasting snowstorms in parts of the northwestern and central regions of the country.
From 2pm Wed to 2pm Thu, heavy snow is expected in parts of several provincial-level regions, including Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Gansu, Shaanxi, Shanxi and Henan, Xinhua news quoted National Meteorological Centre as saying. Blizzards have been forecast to hit some areas of Shaanxi and Shanxi and some places may see more than 10 cm of snow cover.
GAZIANTEP (TURKIYE), FEB 8 (AP): Thinlystretched rescue teams worked through the night into Wednesday, pulling more bodies from the rubble of thousands of buildings downed in Turkiye and Syria by a catastrophic earthquake that killed more than 8,000, their grim task occasionally punctuated by the joy of finding someone still alive.
Turkiye’s disaster management agency said the country’s death toll had risen to 6,234 as more bodies had been recovered. Over 8,000 fatalities have been reported, including those from neighbouring Syria.
Amid calls for the government to send more help to the disaster zone, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was to travel to town of Pazarcik, the epicenter of the quake, and to the worsthit province of Hatay on Wednesday. Turkiye now has some 60,000 aid personnel in the quake-hit zone,
but with the devastation so widespread many are still waiting for help. Nearly two days after the magnitude 7.8 quake struck southeastern Turkiye and northern Syria, rescuers pulled a three-yearold boy, Arif Kaan, from beneath the rubble of a collapsed apartment building in Kahramanmaras, a city not far from the epicenter.
With the boy’s lower body trapped under slabs of concrete and twisted rebar, emergency crews lay a blan-
claimed as the dramatic rescue was broadcast to the country. A few hours later, rescuers pulled 10-year-old Betul Edis from the rubble of her home in the city of Adiyaman. Amid applause from onlookers, her grandfather kissed her and spoke softly to her as she was loaded on an ambulance.
ket over his torso to protect him from below-freezing temperatures as they carefully cut the debris away from him, mindful of the possibility of triggering another collapse. The boy’s father, Ertugrul Kisi, who himself had been rescued earlier, sobbed as his son was pulled free and loaded into an ambulance. “For now, the name of hope in Kahramanmaras is Arif Kaan,” a Turkish television reporter pro -
But such stories were few more than two days after Monday’s pre-dawn earthquake, which hit a huge area and brought down thousands of buildings, with frigid temperatures and ongoing aftershocks complicating rescue efforts.
Search teams from more than two dozen countries joined the Turkish emergency personnel, and aid pledges poured in.
But with devastation spread multiple several cities and towns — some isolated by Syria’s ongoing conflict — voices crying from within mounds of rubble fell silent, and despair grew from those still waiting for help.
THE HAGUE, FEB 8 (AP): An international team of investigators said Wednesday it found “strong indications” that Russian President Vladimir Putin approved the supply of heavy anti-aircraft weapons to Ukrainian separatists who shot down Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 in 2014 with a Russian missile. However, members of the Joint Investigation Team said they had insufficient evidence to prosecute Putin or any other suspects and they suspended their 8½-
year inquiry into the shooting down that killed all 298 people on board the Boeing 777 flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur.
Russia has always denied any involvement in the downing of the flight over eastern Ukraine on July 17, 2014, and refused to cooperate with the international investigation.
Dutch prosecutors said that “there are strong indications that the Russian president decided on supplying” a Buk missile system — the weapon that
downed MH17 — to Ukrainian separatists. “Although we speak of strong indications, the high bar of complete and conclusive evidence is not reached,” Dutch prosecutor Digna van Boetzelaer said, adding that without Russian cooperation, “the investigation has now reached its limit. All leads have been exhausted.”
She also said that, as head of state, Putin would have immunity from prosecution in the Netherlands. The team played a recording of an intercepted phone call in which they said Putin could be heard discussing the conflict in eastern Ukraine.
“Are we disappointed?
No, because we think we came further than we had ever thought in 2014. Would we have liked to come further? Of course, yes,” said Andy Kraag of the Dutch police. The team informed relatives of those killed in the downing of MH17 of their findings before making them public.
(PTI): Amidst growing USChina tension over a suspected Chinese surveillance balloon, President Joe Biden has asserted that America “will act” to protect if Beijing threatens its sovereignty.
The US military downed a suspected Chinese spy balloon over the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of South Carolina last week,
drawing a strong reaction from China which on Sunday warned of repercussions over America’s use of force against its civilian unmanned airship.
“I am committed to work with China where it can advance American interests and benefit the world. But make no mistake: as we made clear last week, if China threatens our sover-
(IANS): Twelve terrorists were killed in an armed offensive of the Pakistani army in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, the military said in a statement on Wednesday.
In the overnight operation, the security forces targeted a vehicle of the terrorists associated with the
CIES): French farmers drove hundreds of tractors into Paris on Wednesday to protest against pesticide restrictions and other environmental regulations they say are threatening farm production in the European Union’s largest agricultural power. The action follows an EU court ruling last month that overturned a French policy allowing sugar beet growers to use an insecticide banned by the EU, raising concern of a further decline in beet plantings and of
sugar factory closures. The sugar beet decision has sharpened discontent among farmers over what they see as excessive pesticide curbs that go against government calls to boost food security in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and war in Ukraine.
“Our means of production keep being undermined by prohibitions without solutions,” Jerome Despey, secretary general of the FNSEA, France’s main farming union, told Reuters.
Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) terror group by acting on an intelligence tip-off, the military’s media wing Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said in the statement.
Weapons, ammunition, and foreign currency were also recovered from the terrorists during the operation, the statement added.
eignty, we will act to protect our country. And we did,” Biden said in his second State of the Union address on Tuesday night. The US has accused China of violating American sovereignty and international law by sending the surveillance balloon over the country and sensitive installations. “Let’s be clear: winning the competition with China should unite all of us. We face serious challenges across the world. But in the past two years, democracies have become stronger, not weaker,” he said in his second State of the Union Address before a Joint Session of the US Congress. President Biden mentioned China and his counterpart, Xi Jinping, at least seven times in his 72-minute address, focusing mainly on how the US was prepared to compete with an assertive Beijing while also seeking to avoid conflict.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Wednesday predicted that Russia would lose the war against his country, and thanked the British people for their support from “Day One” since Moscow’s military offensive.
“I stand before you on behalf of our brave soldiers who are right now under artillery fire,” Zelenskyy said in a rousing address to Parliament, during which he complimented the “strong British character”.
Speaking of his country, Zelenskyy said Ukraine “will always come out on top of evil”.
“This lies at the core of our, and also your, traditions,” he said ahead of his meeting with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.
“Russia will lose”, Zelenskyy in a historic address, wearing his trademark olive sweatshirt.
This is his first visit to the UK since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022.
Consequent upon the meeting held on 4 th February 2023, the 24th Angetyongpang BJP Unit , the undersigned on behalf of all Rank and Files have resolved to render enmasse resignation and unanimously resolve to support Shri. S. Maongkaba Ozukum NPP candidature in the forthcoming 14th Nagaland Legislative Assembly.
Zululemba lkr Kumlipongsang Jamir President General Secretary (BJP) (BJP)
“We know freedom will win, we know Russia will lose and the victory will change the world,” he declared in his address at Westminster Hall.
To coincide with the visit, Sunak extended UK’s ongoing support to train Ukrainian fighter jet pilots
and marines to help upskill their defensive capabilities.
Buckingham Palace has confirmed that the surprise visit, not announced in advance due to security reasons, will also include an audience with King Charles III. According to UK government officials, the leaders
will discuss a two-pronged approach to Britain’s support for Ukraine, starting with an immediate surge of military equipment to the country to help counter Russia’s “offensive” and reinforced by long-term support.
“President Zelenskyy’s visit to the UK is a testament to his country’s courage, determination and fight, and a testament to the unbreakable friendship between our two countries,” Sunak said.
“Since 2014, the UK has provided vital training to Ukrainian forces, allowing them to defend their country, protect their sovereignty and fight for their territory. I am proud that today we will expand that training from soldiers to marines and fighter jet pilots, ensuring Ukraine has a military able to defend its interests well into the future,” he said.
The following Officials from NDPP Parents and Youth Wing, Chakpa Unit, 24th Angetyongpang Assembly Constituency has resigned and unanimously resolve to Support Shri. S. Maongkaba Ozukum, NPP Candidature in the forthcoming 14th Nagaland Legislative Assembly, Election.
1. Mr. Soachipen A/Gs Parent Body
2. Mr. Imlikumzuk Vice/P Youth Wing
3. Mr. Nokchingsomba General Secretary Youth Wing
4. Mr. Rongnenba A/Gs Youth Wing mkc-51/23
I, Shri. PANGJUNG JAMIR intend to contest in the upcoming General Election to be held on 27.02.2023 from 21st Tuli A/C from the National Party named as Bharatiya Janata Party. My fellow Brothers and Sisters of Nagaland, I do hereby declare a fact that the National Investigation Agency has registered against me a case being case no. RC 1/16 and has filed a charge sheet against me under section 39 and 40 of Unlawful Activities Prevention ACT, 1967 before the learned Special Judge, NIA Dimapur since I am innocent and a victim of circumstances, I have challenged the entire case before the Hon’ble High Court at Kohima and the Hon’ble High Court after hearing me was pleased to stay the proceedings against me initiated by National Investigation Agency vide order dated 06.08.2018. db-182/23
US ‘will act’ to protect if China threatens its sovereignty, warns BidenPresident Joe Biden delivers the State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday. (AP/PTI) Tractors park in front of the Grand Palais museum on the Esplanade des Invalides on Wednesday. (AP/PTI)
The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and the Indian Navy carried out initial recovery trials of the crew module as a part of the former’s human space mission tests.
According to ISRO, the crew module initial recovery trials were done at the Water Survival Test Facility of the Indian Navy in Kochi on Tuesday. The trials were part of the preparation for crew module recovery operations for the Gaganyaan/human space mission that will be carried out in Indian waters with the participation of government agencies, the overall recovery operations being led by Indian Navy, ISRO said.
A Crew Module Recovery Model (CMRM) that simulates the mass, centre of gravity, outer dimensions, and externals of the actual crew module at touchdown was used for the trials. The
sequence of operations required for the recovery of the crew module were carried out as part of the trials.
As the safe recovery of the crew is the final step to be accomplished for any successful human spaceflight, it is of paramount importance and it has to be carried out with the minimum lapse of time. Hence the recovery procedures for various scenarios need to be extensively practiced by carrying out a large number of trials.
The Standard Operating Procedures (SoPs) for recovery of crew and the
The Michael Jackson estate is in the process of selling half of its interests in the King Of Pop’s music catalog in a deal in the $800 million-$900 million range.
recorded-music catalog for his entire solo career and the latter years of his career with the Jackson 5.
crew module need to be finalised. The recovery trials will be initially carried out in a closed pool followed by trials in a harbour and in the open sea.
Different phases of recovery trials starting with the recovery of the crew module to the flight crew training are planned at the Kochi facility.
The Water Survival Test Facility is a state-ofthe-art facility of the Indian Navy that provides realistic training of aircrew for escape from a ditched aircraft under varied simulated con-
ditions and crash scenarios.
The facility simulates different sea state conditions, environmental conditions, and day/night conditions.
These trials assist in validating the SoPs, and training recovery teams as well as the flight crew. They provide valuable inputs for the utilization of recovery accessories. The feedback from the recovery team/ trainers helps improve the recovery operations SoP, design various recovery accessories, and finalize the training plan.
ISRO has also successfully carried out the first throttling demonstration hot test of the Vikas engine to enable booster stage recovery in future launch vehicle configurations. The Vikas engine with a nominal thrust of 80t is powering the second stages of ISRO’s rockets PSLV, GSLV, liquid strap-on motors of GSLV and the core liquid stage of LVM3.
Three sources confirmed this to Variety.
While details are unclear, sources say that Sony and a possible financial partner are negotiating to acquire 50 per cent of the estate’s interests in Jackson’s publishing, recorded-music revenues, the ‘MJ: The Musical’ Broadway show and the upcoming biopic ‘Michael’, and possibly more assets, reports Variety.
The package would be the biggest deal to date in the still-booming music catalog market.
A financial source tells Variety that Primary Wave Music already owns a stake in Jackson’s publishing catalog, although details are unclear.
Representatives for the Jackson estate, co-executors John Branca and John McClain, Sony and Primary Wave declined Variety’s multiple requests for comment.
Sony has been involved in some of the biggest previous known catalog deals: It acquired Bruce Springsteen’s publishing and recorded-music catalogs for a combined price sources said was around $600 million. Sources say the company also paid $150 million-$200 million for Bob Dylan’s rights to his recorded-music catalog,
Actor Brendan Fraser joined Howard Stern’s talk show and continued to sound off on the Golden Globes, which he did not attend this year despite being nominated for best actor in a motion picture drama thanks to his performance in Darren Aronofsky’s ‘The Whale’.
Austin Butler won the category for ‘Elvis’. Fraser has accused Philip Berk, former president and member of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, of groping him at a 2003 luncheon at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Fraser revealed the alleged assault in a 2018 GQ interview. Berk later disputed Fraser’s allegations, reports Variety.
During his interview with Howard Stern, Fraser said that Butler’s Globes win for ‘Elvis’ was “well deserved” and a “big win
Madonna has written a lengthy social media post saying that “ageism and misogyny” are behind the commentary about her look at the Grammys.
Unbowed and far from bloody after being the talk of Twitter for two days, Madonna ended her missive with a command: “Bow down, b****es!”
She also borrowed the words of the ceremony’s leading winner, Beyonce, writing: “You won’t break my soul,” reports Variety.
The pop superstar said that she believes criticism
for him.” He added that he had no interest in winning the prize himself.
“I found myself wondering is this a cynical nomination,” Fraser said.
“I couldn’t really tell because of my history with them and that I still have yet to see the results from their reformation. We all are still awaiting that, to tell you the truth. What does matter is that it would mean nothing to me. I don’t want it. I didn’t
ask to be considered even, that was presumed.”
Fraser continued: “They needed me, I didn’t need them. Because it wouldn’t be meaningful to me. Where am I gonna put that hood ornament? What would I do with that?”
When asked if he felt other actors should have joined him in not going to the Globes, Fraser responded: “It’s my fight, no one else’s. I don’t need everyone to stand in solidarity with me. Maybe. But, you know, it would be a leap of faith for whoever that would be. It would be a calculated risk and it could also be trivialised very easily by the cynical view of this all.”
“I honestly don’t even wanna think about it that much because it’s not that important to me,” Fraser continued about the Globes.
ues to be strong willed, hardworking and adventurous,” she wrote.
of her look is rooted far less in her appearance than longstanding historical resistance to her brazen attitude - combined with a desire to push back at women just for refusing to step outside of the limelight as they age.
“A world that refuses to celebrate women past the age of 45 and feels the need to punish her if she contin-
She wrote on Instagram: “It was an honour for me to Introduce Kim Petras and Sam Smith at the Grammys. I wanted to give the last award which was Album of the Year, but I thought it was more important that I present the first trans-woman performing at the Grammys - a history-making moment!! And on top of that she won a Grammy!!
“Instead of focusing on what I said in my speech, which was about giving thanks for the fearlessness
after seeing the legendary songwriter sell the rights to his publishing to Universal Music for nearly $400 million.
Such blockbuster deals have become routine in recent years - the three core members of Genesis sold a catalog package to Concord for $300 million - but if the information is accurate, the Jackson deal is the biggest to date by far.
Sources would not confirm the financial partner in the deal, and it remains unclear whether one is definitely involved, but likely suspects would include Eldridge Industries, which partnered with Sony on the Springsteen catalog deal and also acquired the Killers’ pre-2020 publishing catalog, and Shamrock, which recently partnered with Universal on a $200 million-plus catalog acquisition from Dr Dre and in 2020 acquired the rights to Taylor Swift’s first six albums from a consortium led by Scooter Braun.
Sony and its predecessor CBS were the sole home for Jackson’s
The Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) on Wednesday introduced a 24x7 interactive service for its subscribers on WhatsApp, allowing policyholders to easily access information and services related to policies within the official LIC WhatsApp chatbot.
Policyholders will now be able to access over 11 services directly on WhatsApp, including information on loan eligibility, repayment quotation, policy status, bonus information, statement of units, LIC services links, updates on premium due dates, loan interest due date notification, certificate on paid premium, opt-in/ opt-out option, and end conversation.
“LIC’s services on the WhatsApp business platform are redefining the
of artists like Sam and Kim, many people chose to only talk about close-up photos of me taken with a long lens camera by a press photographer that would distort anyone’s face!!
“Once again I am caught in the glare of ageism and misogyny that permeates the world we live in.”
“A world that refuses to celebrate women past the age of 45 and feels the need to punish her if she continues to be strong-willed, hard-working and adventurous.”
“I have never apologised for any of the creative
conventional experience for policyholders, making it simpler, safe, secure and on the go,” Ravi Garg, Director, Business Messaging, WhatsApp India, said in a statement.
To avail the services, policyholders will have to first register on the official site of LIC. Users can then send a ‘Hi’ from their registered mobile number to +91 8976862090 and choose from one of the 11 services.
The WhatsApp chatbot has been developed by ValueFirst.
choices I have made nor the way that I look or dress and I’m not going to start. I have been degraded by the media since the beginning of my career, but I understand that this is all a test, and I am happy to do the trailblazing so that all the women behind me can have an easier time in the years to come.”
“In the words of Beyonce, ‘You won’t break my soul.’ I look forward to many more years of subversive behaviour - pushing boundaries, standing up to the patriarchy and most of all, enjoying my life.”
“Policyholders will now be able to interact with LIC at their convenience at their fingertips on use cases such as premium due date, policy status, loan eligibility, and much more. This conversational AI solution will help LIC strengthen its brand even more through better customer engagement,” Vishwadeep Bajaj, CEO & Founder, ValueFirst, said in a statement. (IANS)
The singer died in 2009 at the age of 50; the formidable entertainment interests of his estate have been handled with a firm hand by Branca, his longtime attorney, and co-executor John McClain.
Jackson’s recorded-music catalog is one of most lucrative in history - his 1982 ‘Thriller’ album alone is one of the two biggest sellers of all time and was the first album to be certified 30-times platinum, although such figures have become muddled in the streaming age.
In 2016, Sony Corp. reached a $750 million agreement with the estate to acquire the Jackson estate’s 50 per cent stake in their joint venture, Sony/ATV Music Publishing, which they had formed in 1995. In 2018, Sony revealed in an earnings report that as part of its $2.3 billion acquisition of EMI Music Publishing, it had acquired the Jackson estate’s 25.1 per cent stake in that company for $287.5 million.
At the end of that long process, which had begun six years earlier but was not cleared by the European Union until 2018, EMI and Sony/ ATV were fully owned by Sony, making it sole owner of the world’s largest music publishing company. (IANS)
The Ghokimi Küqhakulu Dimapur (GKD) would like to honour and convey our heartiest congratulations to our esteemed member Shri. X. Lukiye Swu, Former Chairman and Advisor of Ghokimi Küqhakulu Dimapur for being elected as Gaon Bura (GB) Niu Colony, Burma Camp, Dimapur.
May the Almighty God continue to bless and guide you in all your future endeavours to serve the people with sincerity and diligently.
Vitoxu Shohe Ghokishe Wotsa Chairman, GKD General Secretary, GKDBrendan Fraser disses Golden Globes as ‘hood ornaments’ that ‘mean nothing’
Madonna says ‘ageism, misogyny’ are behind criticism of her Grammys look
DIMAPUR, FEB 8 (NPN): The Amigos FC lifted the Frolic Cup for the third consecutive time after defeating Medziphema village youth org by 2 goals to 1. The match witnessed a trilling display of team work and individual skill with both sides fighting for an opening for their team. Goals finally came in the second half when MVYO took the lead in the 75th minute from the
boot of Thejasetuo. The lead was short lived with a power shot just inside the penalty area from Kekhrie of Amigos in the 80th minute.
The match headed in extra time with both team failing to lead in the regulated time. The extra time saw the Amigos taking the lead early in the 92nd minute when Kekhrie perfectly timed a volley into the net of the MVYO.
Final Score: 2-1 in favor of Amigos FC.
Individual Award: Best Midfielder : Kekhrie Tsira of Amigos FC.
Best Defender : Toka Achumi of Amigos FC
Best Goal Keeper : Mughato Swu of MVYO
Highest Scorer : Thejasetuo Gwirie of MVYO Player of the Tournament : Thejasetuo Gwirie of MVYO.
Test cricket is indeed a different ball game but Suryakumar Yadav with his amazing skill-set and the ability to think out of the box is “perfectly equipped” to play the traditional format, the legendary Sachin Tendulkar opined on Wednesday.
In a wide-ranging interview with PTI, Tendulkar spoke about the importance of match-ups, sweep shot against spinners, brilliance of Ravichandran Ashwin and the understated importance of Cheteshwar Pujara, who is gearing up to play his 99th Test at Jamtha on Thursday.
“From entering into T20s and ODIs and now in the Test squad, he has made an incredible impression around the globe. Whoever follows Surya, they fall in love with his ability and way he thinks,” Tendulkar said.
“But Test cricket is going to be different. Surya looks perfectly equipped to play Test cricket. Someone of his calibre should be considered along with KL
Rahul and Shubman Gill. All three are capable players and I don’t want to pass any judgement here but all three are capable enough to walk into the team,” he said.
Tendulkar, Test cricket’s highest run scorer, did not want to be dragged into the debate on ideal playing XI but said consistency is a must to retain spot in the team.
“I don’t want to get into team combinations and all that. But if we get into recent past, Shubman Gill has been in good form and Rahul hasn’t been able to contribute, but such is life. You go through these ups and downs. They both
are excellent players and to retain position in the team, one has to continue scoring runs,” Tendulkar said when asked whether the team management would struggle to finalise the playing eleven.
Talking about India’s No. 1 batter Virat Kohli and his return to form in white-ball cricket, Tendulkar said it augurs well for the team ahead of Test series against Australia.
“With the way he has played in last few months, I really liked watching that, very assertive, very certain of what he wanted to do.”
Tendulkar would be certainly watching the keen contest between Nathan Lyon and Kohli as that would be one of the great match-ups.
“World cricket needs these kind of rivalries. It is important to have those rivalries and remember when Australia had come in 1998, it was termed Warne vs Tendulkar and I had to remind everyone that it is not Warne vs Tendulkar but Australia vs India. But everyone likes to see such rivalries.”
The Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad alThani, is interested in buying Premier League giants Manchester United, according to a media report. He values the club below the Glazer family’s 6 billion pound price and there is recognition UEFA may have to agree to a regulation change as the country’s ruler already owns French club Paris Saint-Germain (PSG), The Guardian reported The emir purchased PSG in 2011 through Qatar Sports Investment. Current UEFA rules do not allow clubs with the same owners to face each other in one of its competitions, so a Qatar-owned United and Qatar-owned PSG would not be allowed to compete in a Champions League tie should such a fixture arise, The Guardian reported.
While the purchase of United is being explored,
it is understood those driving the Qatar interest are conscious of the UEFA rules and a solution is being sought. This could include trying to persuade UEFA to consider the possibility of adjusting or changing its regulations. The Glazer family put United up for sale in November last year, announcing it is “commencing a process to explore strategic alternatives”, potentially bringing an end to its 17year ownership of the club.
The Raine Group, which oversaw the sale of Chelsea, has been appointed as the exclusive financial advisor, and it believed 6 billion pound is wanted for the 20-time champions of England. However, the emir believes 4.5 billion pound is a more realistic price, The Guardian reported.
Sir Jim Ratcliffe, a billionaire regarded as being one of Britain’s richest people, confirmed his company, Ineos, was in the running to buy United last month. Radcliffe, 70, was born in Failsworth in Greater Manchester, and is a lifelong United supporter. Meanwhile, Amnesty International has described the Qatari interest in United as “another wake-up call” to the Premier League with regard to strengthening its ownership rules, The Guardian reported.
NEW DELHI, FEB 8 (IANS): Four South American nations, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile and Paraguay, have officially submitted the joint bid to co-host the 2030 FIFA World Cup. The South American nations are calling for the tournament to return to where football was born. However, Fifa will announce the host of the 2030 World Cup next year. “The South American countries Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay and Chile officially launched their joint candidacy to host the highest soccer event in 2030,” the South American Football Confederation (CONMEBOL) said in a tweet.
CONMEBOL president Alejandro Dominguez said: “We have a team. We believe big and FIFA has an obligation to honor the history of those men who made a world tournament possible 100 years ago. I am sure those men would be surprised to see what soccer has achieved.” Claudio Tapia, President of the Argentine Football Association added: “We dream of hosting this cup again on its centenary. All South Americans have a lot of passion, we live football that way. “We must show the world that Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Chile are up to the job of hosting the 2030 World Cup.
We have the support of all the presidents of the 10 federations that make up CONMEBOL.” The bid follows a similar pattern to the 2026 tournament that will be cohosted by the United States, Mexico and Canada. The four South American nations will compete with a Spain-Portugal along with individual bids from Morocco and Saudi Arabia. Uruguay won the first World Cup in 1930 in a 4-2 win over Argentina. It hasn’t hosted it since, while Chile has once in 1962 and Argentina once in 1978. Paraguay is the only outlier of the four to have never hosted a World Cup.
The International Cricket Council (ICC) confirmed on Wednesday that the second edition of the ICC World Test Championship Final will be played between June 7-11, 2023, at The Oval in London, England. The Oval has hosted over 100 Test matches in its rich history, and in June will welcome the top two Test sides in the ICC World Test Championship standings, which will compete for the ICC World Test Championship Mace following two years of hard-fought competition. The ICC World Test Championship final is the pinnacle event in the Test calendar and is a week-long celebration of the longest format of the game. Termed as the “Ultimate Test” by the ICC, the final is the culmination of two years of intense competition in the cycle spanning 61 Test matches over 24 series played till date.
“Leading Team India out onto the field of play at the World Test Championship Final would be special. We have grown and developed as a team during this competition and to be in with a chance of lifting the Mace at the Oval in June,
Australian cricket teams haven’t won a Test series in India for the past 19 years
but current skipper Pat Cummins would tell anyone who cares to listen that his unit doesn’t carry the baggage of victories and defeats of his predecessors.
As Cummins leads Australia to one of its toughest assignments in India, the skipper also underlined the importance of a good firstinnings score, which will be crucial in the context of the series.
“No, this team is very different to a lot of the teams that have played here in the past. So we don’t carry the wins, we don’t carry the losses,” Cummins told reporters when asked if past results would weigh heavily on his mind.
“We know it’s tough to tour here, India are a really good cricket side, especially at home, so we are excited. And, yeah, we will give it our best shot,” Cummins added. Asked about first-innings totals, the world’s premier speedster said,”Yeah,
I think it’s more important here than anywhere else in the world, that first-innings lead, hopefully. You just got to find a way to put a big total on the board, especially thinking if it is going to spin, it’s going to get really hard in that second innings.”
The Australian media has already started raising a hue and cry about “doctored pitches” with one article in Sydney Morning Herald predicting the nature of the wicket even before a ball has been bowled on the VCA stadium track.
Cummins, however,
put things in perspective, saying his lineup being loaded with left-handers had prompted curators to dry areas where India’s right-hand seamers will create rough spots for the host spinners to exploit.
“Potentially, yes. Looks a little bit dry for the lefthanders and knowing how much traffic will probably go through there from the rightarm bowlers, potentially might be a fair bit of rough out there,” Cummins said.
But unlike his country’s media, Cummins wants to embrace the challenge. “Again, that’s something we’ve just got to embrace. It’s going to be fun.
It’s going to be challenging at times but our batters will relish the chance to problem-solve on their feet, and quite a few of them will get their chances to do that.” Cummins, however, didn’t want to predict a firstinnings score. “You have got to bat big in the first innings. It might not be the same for every venue. At some, 250 might be a good score, there might be other venues where you might need 500. Reading the wicket can be a bit difficult at times but you have to be ready for everything.”
Cummins also made no bones about Nathan Lyon expected to bowl bulk of the overs during the series. “Nathan’s going to be right up there with our most important bowlers for this series. He’s got to bowl lots of overs, he’s got the experience here. He’s up for the challenge, he can’t wait. He’s been working with a lot of the other spin bowlers that are over here as well. He will lead our attack this series.”
we know we first need to overcome a tough Australia side.” “There have been so many dramatic moments in Test cricket lately, and there are undoubtedly more to come. I am excited by the prospect of booking our place at the Final and hopefully creating history later in the year,” said India captain Rohit Sharma.
Australia currently top the standings, with India in hot pursuit in second place, and both teams go head-tohead across a four-Test series for the Border-Gavaskar Trophy from February 9 with a place for the final at The Oval, and the coveted ICC World Test Championship Mace, firmly in their sights. “The prospect of playing in the World Test Championship Final has been a big motivator for us over the last couple of years, more so now having missed
BENGALURU, FEB 8 (PTI): Talismanic India batter Virat Kohli will flag off the the first edition of the ‘one8 Run’ in Bengaluru on March 26. The run, which will be launched by the Kohliowned one8, will be open to everyone -- allowing for three competitive categories (5kms, 10kms, and 18kms).
Known for his commitment to fitness and unparalleled discipline, Kohli aims to energise runners across India. The run will give amateur runners and seasoned athletes the opportunity to be part of a larger community.
“Fitness and Bengaluru both have a special place in my heart. Launching the one8 run in Bengaluru serves as a great opportunity for us to engage with the city’s people and build a strong community of budding runners,” Kohli was quoted as saying in a media release.
out on over rates last time. To play at a neutral venue like The Oval adds another element for both sides who make the Final.”
“It’s exciting and has been a goal of ours for a while now. We are confident we can secure a place while here in India after a really strong 12 months. The Final would be a great reward for the players and staff who have done so well,” added Australia captain Pat Cummins. While six teams in total stand a chance of qualification, among the frontrunners to challenge Australia and India are Sri Lanka, who sit third in the standings and South Africa in fourth, who take on reigning WTC champions New Zealand and the West Indies respectively over two twoTest series during February and March. “Sri Lanka still has a good chance of
making it to the World Test Championship Final. We have done well to be among the top contenders, and if we can complete a good Test series on the upcoming New Zealand tour, our chances of making it to the Final will look like a greater possibility.”
“We are aware of the opportunity, as well as the challenges we will face in capturing this wonderful opportunity to play in the WTC Final. This competition is really good for redball cricket, as it ensures that every game is played at the highest level of intensity, and the teams, whether they qualify to play the Final or not, will compete to end the ongoing cycle well,” said Sri Lanka captain Dimuth Karunaratne.
While the two competing nations may not yet be known, there are a host of significant fixtures due to play out in the coming weeks to determine the finalists, and excitement is building ahead of June’s clash.
“While we may have an outside chance of qualification for the World Test Championship Final, there’s no greater encouragement than the thought of playing for silverware in such
a historic format at such a historic ground.”
“We are hungry for success in this format, and are focused on the challenge ahead with the West Indies Test series around the corner. With so much to play for, we would love to add some more drama to an already exciting competition and qualify for the Final in June,” stated South Africa skipper Dean Elgar.
Remaining ICC World Test Championship Fixtures India v Australia (1st Test) - Nagpur, India, February 9-13 India v Australia (2nd Test) - New Delhi, India, February 17-21 South Africa v West Indies (1st Test) - Centurion, South Africa, February 28-March 4 India v Australia (3rd Test) - Dharamsala, India, March 1-5 South Africa v West Indies (2nd Test) - Johannesburg, South Africa, March 8-12 New Zealand v Sri Lanka (1st Test) - Christchurch, New Zealand, March 9-1 India v Australia (4th Test) - Ahmedabad, India, March 9-13 New Zealand v Sri Lanka (2nd Test) - Wellington, New Zealand, March 17-21
NEW DELHI, FEB 8 (PTI): Dronacharya awardee CA Kuttappa has returned as the head coach of the Indian men’s boxing team for a second stint, a decision made by the Boxing Federation of India (BFI) on the advise of High Performance Director Bernard Dunne.
Kuttappa has replaced Army Sports Institute’s Narender Rana, who was appointed as the chief coach in October 2021.
“The federation had an internal meeting and the decision was taken on the advice of the new High Performance Director. He wanted Kuttappa in the team,” BFI secretary-general Hemanta Kalita told PTI on Wednesday.
“The new High Performance Director is making his team and there is no permanent position for head coach,” he added.
Incidentally, it was Rana who had taken over from Kuttappa after BFI had
made wholesale changes in the staff following the poor show at the Tokyo Olympics, where none of the male pugilists won a medal.
However, Kuttappa continued to remained a part of the coaching staff.
With important tournaments such as the men’s World Championships, Asian Games and Olympics lined up in the next two years, BFI hopes Kuttappa will stay on as the head coach till Paris 2024.
“We want him to stay
till the Olympics but his position will be on performance basis,” Kalita said.
He is currently overseeing the national camp in Patiala, that includes the likes of Shiva Thapa and Commonwealth Games medallist Md Hussamuddin, Rohit Tokas and Sagar.
During Kuttappa’s first stint as head coach from 2018-2021, Amit Panghal had won a historic silver medal at the world championships. The Services coach has been a part of the support staff during some major milestones in Indian boxing, including the 2008 Beijing Olympics bronze by Vijender Singh.
With the women’s world championships in New Delhi starting a few days after the Strandja Memorial ends, the top women boxers will give the European tournament a miss.
(IANS): The Nordic Olympic Committees and Confederations of sports have jointly opposed the participation of Russian and Belarusian athletes in the Paris 2024 Olympic Games and said “now is not the right time to consider their return.”
In a joint statement of seven Nordic nations -- Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Greenland, Faroe Islands
-- have reiterated their position on the Russian aggression in Ukraine.
“The situation with the war in Ukraine has not changed. Therefore, we stand firm in our position, not to open for Russian and Belarusian Athletes and officials in international sports participation. Now is not the right time to consider their return; that is our position,” the joint statement read.
“The Nordic Olympic
and Paralympic Committees and Confederations of sports, take this opportunity to reaffirm our steadfast support once again with the Ukrainian people and the demand for peace,” the statement further read. Ukraine has already threatened to boycott the 2024 Paris Olympics after the International Olympic Committee (IOC) included the Russian and Belarusian athletes to compete at the quadrennial event.
Last week, Baltic states -- Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania -- and Poland have jointly condemned the IOC’s call for allowing athletes from Russia and Belarus into international competitions saying that it will legitimise and distract attention from Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, launched in February last year, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Executive Board had recommended excluding athletes from Russia and Belarus from international competition adding that they should be accepted only as neutral athletes or neutral teams.
However, the IOC has earlier announced it would “explore a pathway” to allow Russian and Belarusian athletes to compete in Paris under a neutral flag, citing that “no athlete should be prevented from competing just because of their passport”.
DALLAS, FEB 8 ( AGENCIES): Marcos Giron advanced to the second round of the Dallas Open with a 6-4, 6-7 (1), 6-1 victory over Alex Rybakov, reports Sports star. The seventh-seeded Giron, who reached the semifinals of the inaugural event a year ago, responded quickly after failing to close out the second set, winning the first five games of the deciding set.
Rybakov broke his fellow American when Giron was serving for the match in the second set. Then Rybakov won the first six points of the second-set tiebreaker.
“I’m really happy with how I was able to reset in the third and just get back to the game plan from the beginning and elevate,” Giron said. “He played well and served well and kind of hung in there.” Eighthseeded Adrian Mannarino of France won the final five points of a first-set tiebreaker and the last four games of the second to beat American Steve Johnson 7-6 (6), 6-2.
With a thrilling 3-2 semifinal win over Flamengo on Tuesday evening, Al Hilal booked their place in the FIFA Club World Cup decider. Salem Al-Dawsari’s double from the penalty spot, along with a 70thminute effort by Luciano Vietto which ultimately proved to be the winner, was enough to secure a
famous victory.
Al Hilal will now await the result of the other last-four clash on Wednesday to find out who they will face in Saturday’s final - although it is likely to be a dream tie against LaLiga champions Real Madrid, who are favourites to see off Al Ahly of Egypt.
Getting this far is in itself an achievement for the Saudi Pro League outfit
given they had already seen off Morocco’s Wydad Casablanca in their campaign opener before masterminding a shock triumph over Brazilian giants Flamengo. The feat is however all the more remarkable considering only two other Asian representatives have qualified for the final previously, namely, Kashima Antlers (Japan) and Al Ain (United Arab Emirates)
8 ( AGENCIES): LeBron James has become the NBA’s all-time leading scorer, passing Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s long-standing record.
Los Angeles Lakers star James hit 38 points in a 133-130 defeat by the Oklahoma City Thunder to surpass Abdul-Jabbar’s mark of 38,387, set in 1989.
Abdul-Jabbar initially broke the scoring record in April 1984, eight months before James was born.
“To be able to be in the presence of a legend and great as Kareem, it means so much to me,” said James.
India U20 women’s team (Source: AIFF)
(IANS): The India U-20 Women’s National Team will resume it’s training camp in Chennai from Friday.
The Young Tigresses, after returning from their SAFF U-20 Women’s Championship campaign, will be back in the camp in Chennai, as they prepare for the upcoming AFC U-20 Women’s Asian Cup Qualifiers next month.
India have been placed in Group F of the qualifiers, which will be played in Vietnam. Apart from the hosts, India are also set to face Singapore and Indonesia.
The 28-member squad is as follows:
Goalkeepers: Monalisha Devi, Anshika, Anjali Munda. Hempriya Seram.
Defenders: Purnima Kumari, Kajal, Shilky Devi, Astam Oraon, Shub-
hangi Singh, Varshika, Gladys Zonunsangi, Th Saneha.
Midfielders: Babina Lisham, Martina Thokchom, Kajol Dsouza, Shailja, Nitu Linda, Tania Kanti, Shelia Loktongbam.
Forwards: Lynda Kom Serto, Sumati Kumari, Anita Kumari, Neha, Sunita Munda, Sonali Soren, Apurna Narzary, Rimpa Haldar, Amisha Baxla.
The 38-year-old, who needed 36 points to break the record, did so with a fadeaway jumper at the end of the third quarter and he finished the match with a career total of 38,390.
An emotional James rose both arms in celebration while 75-year-old Abdul-Jabbar, who was at the match at the Lakers home court, stood and applauded.
There was a brief break in play for a ceremony to mark the achievement, with James taking a microphone
Honsak, who kept his cool and beat Frankfurt custodian Kevin Trapp, making it 1-1 on the scoreboards at the half-hour mark.
Frankfurt was stunned and one goal down moments later as Honsak’s brace turned the tides following a successful counterattack.
The hosts pressed frenetically and responded before the break after Borre poked home Gotze’s pass to restore parity.
to make a speech on court.
“Everybody that has ever been a part of this run with me the last 20-plus years, I want to say thank you so much because I wouldn’t be me without all you. You all helped. Your passion and sacrifices helped me to get to this point,” he said.
“And to the NBA to Adam Silver, to the late great David Stern, thank you very much for allowing me to be a part of something I always dreamed
about. I would never in a million years dreamt this to be even better than what it is tonight.”
Abdul-Jabbar ceremoniously handed over the ball to James to recognise his new record in front of a cheering crowd that included tennis legend John McEnroe, music stars JayZ, LL Cool J and Bad Bunny, boxer Floyd Mayweather Jr and actor Denzel Washington. “I thought it had every chance of being
broken. It just had to have someone that the offense focused on continually,” said Abdul-Jabbar, who retired in 1989.
“LeBron’s career is one of someone who planned to dominate this game. You have to give him credit for just the way he played and for the way he’s lasted and dominated.”
Four-time NBA champion James is in his 20th season in the NBA, having been drafted first overall by
hometown team the Cleveland Cavaliers in 2003.
The forward joined the Miami Heat in 2010, winning two titles, before returning to lead Cleveland to the only NBA title in their history in 2016.
He has been with the Lakers since 2018 and helped them win the 2020 title, which was also the fourth time he has been named NBA finals MVP.
Two-time Olympic champion James has won four regular season MVP titles and appeared in the NBA Finals 10 times.
Abdul-Jabbar played in the NBA for 20 seasons with the Milwaukee Bucks and Lakers, during which he won six titles, six regular season MVP crowns and was named finals MVP twice.
Asked after the game whether he is the best NBA player of all time, James said: “I’ll let everybody else decide who that is or just talk about it, but it’s great barbershop talk.
“Me personally, I’m going to take myself against anybody who’s ever played this game. But everyone’s going to decide who their favourite is.”
NEW DELHI, FEB 8 (IANS): LaLiga has filed a legal complaint for the racist insults against Real Madrid and Brazil player Vinicius Jr that took place in the match against RCD Mallorca, the Spanish Football League said.
A brace from Randal Kolo Muani helped Eintracht Frankfurt see off resilient rivals Darmstadt 4-2 to reach the German Cup quarterfinals. The “Eagles” staged a lively start in front of the home crowd and needed only six minutes to break the deadlock as Kolo Muani made no mistake to head
home Aurelio Buta’s pinpoint cross into the box, reports Xinhua news agency.
Frankfurt had the chance to make it 2-0 five minutes later but for all that Rafael Santos Borre squandered Buta’s good build-up work and pulled wide with all time and space from close range.
The hosts remained in control but continued
wasteful in the final third as Mario Gotze unleashed a shot from a promising position into the arms of Darmstadt goalkeeper Marcel Schuhen with 23 minutes gone.
Darmstadt eventually punished Frankfurt’s laxness in front of the goal after Marvin Mehlem forced a turnover before squaring into the path of Mathias
After the restart, Darmstadt still looked dangerous on fast breaks, but Frankfurt regained the lead in the 61st minute when Kolo Muani’s lay-up header allowed Daichi Kamada to slot home with the outside of the boot from the edge of the box.
The visitors nearly reduced the arrears, but Philiip Tietz rattled only the woodwork from close range in the 65th minute.
Frankfurt put the result beyond doubt in the closing stages after Gotze sent the ball to Kolo Muani, who raced down the left wing before curling the ball past Schuhen.
NEW DELHI, FEB 8 (IANS): Turkish goalkeeper Ahmet Eyup Turkaslan has died following the devastating earthquake in his country, the Yeni Malatyaspor has announced.
“Our goalkeeper, Ahmet Eyup Turkaslan, lost his life after being under the collapse of the earthquake. Rest in peace. We will not forget you,” the club issued a statement on Twitter.
The 28-year-old Turkaslan has played six times for Turkish second-division club Yeni Malatyaspor after joining in 2021.
Former Crystal Palace and Everton winger Yannick Bolasie, who currently plays for Turkish second tier side Caykur Rizespor, shared his condolences on Twitter.
Vinicius Jr, was targeted by racist chants from the Mollarca supporters during Sunday’s win - the second time in as many seasons that this has occurred in Mallorca.
“LaLiga has filed a complaint with the Courts of Instruction in Palma de Mallorca for the racist insults against Vinicius Jr.
that took place in the match between RCD Mallorca and Real Madrid,” the club said in a statement on Tuesday.
“After analysing the images and audio recordings
taken from a location close to the grandstand of the only section of the Estadio de Son Moix occupied by the public. LaLiga has forwarded all the information gathered, together with its complaint, both to the Court of Instruction in Palma de Mallorca, and to RCD Mallorca so that it can participate in the case,” it added. This is the sixth complaint filed by LaLiga for racist insults or chants against Vinicius Jr. However, three of them were shelved by the prosecutors for hate crimes in Barcelona, Mallorca and Madrid, respectively, the club said.
GENEVA, FEB 8 (IANS): The Winter Gymnasiade 2023 in Erzurum, Turkiye has been canceled due to the recent earthquake, the International School Sport Federation (ISF) and Turkiye Ministry of Youth and Sports made the announcement.
“Following the devastating earthquake that struck on Monday morning in Turkiye, we are announcing the cancelation of the ISF Winter Gymnasiade 2023 scheduled from the 11th to 19th February in Erzurum,” the ISF statement reads, according to Xinhua news agecny. Hamza Yerlikaya, Deputy
Minister of Youth and Sports of Turkiye, said in a letter to ISF that “ISF Winter Gymnasiade Erzurum 2023 has been canceled because of the force major situation in our country due to the huge and sorrowful earthquake disasters happening at 04:17 and 13:24 on February 6 in 2023.” “On behalf of the whole ISF family, we would like to express our deepest sympathies for the people of Turkiye during this difficult time. Our thoughts and our support are with the victims, their families and all the people of Turkiye recovering from this traumatic event,” ISF said.