KMC notifies CCPA guidelines to prevent unfair trade practices Poll releasespanelBLOe-Patrika

JP Nadda (File)
The joint statement further reaffirmed that both groups “were committed to a dialogue in order to move forward, live in peace and overcome the cynicism, anx iety, and disagreements that have caused us to see each other as foes and strangers, rather than members of the same“Wefamily.solemnly affirm the offer of togetherness from God in Christ. This is the Naga belonging renewed and restored with God and with each other,” it added.
in spite of approaching the department on several oc casions for payment.
This is it! “Our state is the best test for cars that can drive over potholes,plough mudslide and sail over water.”
ANGMU said due to the above reasons, it was left with no other means, but to resort to the democratic means to protest against rampant incidents of extor tion, threats and harassment to the members of the union.
DIMAPUR, SEP 14 (NPN): Nagaland on Wednesday recorded three fresh Covid-19 positive cas es and one more fatality due to theAllinfection.three cases and death were reported from Dimapur, pushing the total caseload to 35,938 and the death toll to 781 (including 5 non-Covid deaths but with positivity).With the recovery of one more patient from Longleng, the active cases dropped to seven-- one ad mitted to Covid hospital and six under home isolation.
ANGMU indefinite
Spl. Correspondent
Besides holding public meeting at Wokha (GMS ground, Old Riphyim) on September 15 and back-toback meetings with party legislators and partyworkers in Kohima, the BJP presi dent will also be meeting Church leaders of Kohima Ao Baptist Church and Cathedral Catholic Church.
At a press briefing in Geneva, WHO DirectorGeneral Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said the world has never been in a better position to stop COVID-19.
DIMAPUR, SEP 14 (NPN): Chang Khulei Set shang (Chang Tribal Coun cil) has resolved to “firmly support” the Eastern Naga land People’s Organisation (ENPO) resolution ban ning any election-related campaign by any party and candidature declaration programme under its juris diction.CKS through its infor mation cell stated that the decision was taken at the meeting of Chang frontal bodies under the initiative of the CKS on September 12, 2022.
(NPN): After the 72-hour “chakka bandh” by DCCI from September 5-7, 2022, the All Nagaland Goods Movers Union (ANGMU) has called for shutter down of all Dimapur-based goods transport offices with effect from September 16 for in definiteANGMUperiod. in a state ment said the indefinite clo sure of transport offices was called as the authorities failed to arrest the miscreants responsible for August 26 firing incident, in which one employee of TS Goods Car rier at Kalibari Road suffered injuries. In a representation addressed to the deputy com
On September 16, Nadda will arrive Dima pur and will head to Chü moukedima by autorick shaw, escorted by several hundreds of party workers in autorickshaws.Thoughtheparty was yet to finalize the seats it will be contesting as per the 40 (NDPP):20 (BJP) seat sharing pact with the NDPP, BJP sources said Nadda will be briefed about the constituencies the party planned to set up its can didates.As reported, there is considerable speculation that the state BJP would want to swap seats with NDPP in some constituen cies which were won by NPF in 2018 but now held by NDPP after merger by 21 NPF legislators.
ANGMU has appealed to the DC Dimapur to take prompt necessary steps for bringing the culprits of the August 26 incident to justice and also expedite steps for ensuring safe and conducive atmosphere for the goods transporters.
DIMAPUR, SEP 14 (NPN): A day ahead of the arrival of BJP national president Jagat Prakash Nadda to Dimapur, Na galand Pradesh Congress Committee (NPCC) said his scheduled visit at this juncture was significant but added that it could have been better if he came to Nagaland after implement ing the BJP’s NPCCpromises.president
lies, huge debt, deficit and unfulfilled promises.
The NPCC president reminded Nadda that BJP had in 2015, committed to give political solution with in 18 months and after sign ing of the framework agree ment, announced “Naga problem has been resolved” on August 3, 2015.
(NPN): Expressing displea sure over the shortage of 21 teachers at Zunheboto Gov ernment College (ZGC), the Zunheboto Range Students’ Union (ZRSU) has served an ultimatum on the depart ment of higher education (DoHE) to depute teachers within 15 days.
Staff Reporter
...Make sure we cross the line and reap all the rewards of our hard work.
COVID end ‘in sight’, deaths at lowest since March 2020: WHO NSCN (I-M), NNPGs reaffirm CoR
In a representation addressed to the state chief secretary, the district co-or dinators said that the salary of the POSHAN Abhiyaan employees had not been paid since February 2022, but the concerned author ity has turned a deaf ear
dant’ was jointly signed by NSCN (I-M) member collective leadership ‘gen.’ (Retd) VS Atem and WC/ NNPGs co-ordinator Alezo Venuh at a meeting held at Sovima on Wednesday, in the presence of Forum for Naga Reconciliation (FNR) led by Rev. Wati Aier.
I. The ‘Covenant of Reconcilia tion” (CoR) of June 13, 2009-signed by the late Isak Chishi Swu, late SS Khap lang, and Brig (Retired) S. Singnya-will be honored in letter and in spirit. Hence, we renew “to work together in the spirit of love,” and desist from all forms of armed violence and refrain from indulging in violence of words through print and so cial media among Naga Political Groups and the general public. From this time forth, in order to chart a path forward, we remain committed to “peace and respect and to resolve outstanding issues among us” (CoR).
Leaders of the NSCN (I-M) and WC/NNPGs with members of FNR after the meeting on Wednesday.
ZRSU serves 15-day ultimatum on DoHE
down’ from Sep 16
Over 350 BLOs joined via video-conferencing from the office of CEOs in States/ UTs and 50 BLOs from the nearby states joined the launch event physically at India Habitat Centre, Del hi. The event was also live streamed on ECI YouTube channel and was shared with over 10 lakh BLOs for facili tating their BLOsdirecteventservicessuresmultifacetedinstitutionnisesthatBLOsacknowledgedering,Addressingparticipation.thegathCECRajivKumartheroleofandassuredtheBLOstheCommissionrecogthestrengthsofBLOwhichwithitspresenceendoorstepdeliveryoftovoters.Today’swasafirst-of-its-kindinteractionbyECwithacrossthecountry.
NEW DELHI, SEP 14 (NPN): Election Commis sion of India on Wednesday released a new digital publi cation ‘BLO e-Patrika’ at an interactive session held with Booth Level Officers (BLOs) spread across the States. ePatrika will establish direct communication with BLOs.

that the department has failed to disburse the salary even after giving the verbal assurance to release the sal ary onThetime.signatories also asserted that the govern ment must without dis crimination and bias imple ment the finance depart ment notification dated July 22, 2022 to release the salary of all the monthly pay and fixed pay of all the government employee on the first working day of the month.
Therie expressed deep pain by recalling persecu tion of Christians by BJP and its elements carried out through hate speeches that were openly directed against Christians, forced reconversions, desecration of over 395 churches, de facing statues of Jesus, shaming sisters, torturing pastors and missionaries and continuing strangula tion of the economy of Christians.Hefurther pointed that anti-conversion Bills di rectly targeting Christians and Muslims and misusing the Act to torture innocent minorities continued.
to dominate globally and comprised nearly 90% of virus samples shared with the world’s biggest public database. In recent weeks, regulatory authorities in Europe, the U.S. and else where have cleared tweaked vaccines that target both the original coronavirus and lat er variants including BA.5.
social media among Naga Political Groups and the generalBothpublic.groups on Wednesday jointly signed the reaffirmation in the in terest of pursuing genuine understanding among the Nagas and incrementally progressing forward.

ANGMU regretted that even nearly 20 days after the incident, the miscreants responsible have not been arrested. The Union said this posed serious threat on the life and livelihood of its members. Further, the union claimed that its members were still facing multiple threats from anti-social ele ments. ANGMU stated that after thorough deliberation with its members and other civil society groups and NGOs, it has unanimously resolved to withhold all
policy briefs for govern ments to strengthen their efforts against the corona virus ahead of the expected winter surge of COVID-19, warning that new variants could yet undo the progress made to date.
“We are not there yet, but the end is in sight,” he said, comparing the effort to that made by a marathon runner nearing the finish line. “Now is the worst time to stop running,” he said. “Now is the time to run harder and make sure we cross the line and reap all the rewards of our hard work.”
“If we don’t take this opportunity now, we run the risk of more variants, more deaths, more disrup tion, and more uncertainty,” Tedros said. The WHO reported that the omicron subvariant BA.5 continues

II. We are aware of our differences and hence will guard ourselves against rifts

In its weekly report on the pandemic, the U.N. health agency said deaths fell by 22% in the past week, at just over 11,000 reported worldwide. There were 3.1 million new cases, a drop of 28%, continuing a weekslong decline in the disease in every part of the world.
DIMAPUR, SEP 14 (NPN): POSHAN Ab hiyaan employees under the department of social welfare have appealed to the state government to intervene and release their eight-month salary.
missioner (DC) Dimapur, the ANGMU said it was left with no other option but to call for the ‘chakka bandh’ following the firing incident.
DIMAPUR, SEP 14 (NPN): BJP national presi dent JP Nadda will be arriv ing Nagaland on Thursday on a two-day visit.
III. We urgently appeal to all indi viduals and organizations to refrain from all forms of rhetoric, assumptions and agendas that are divisive. Such a culture must end immediately. In this regard, churches, educational institutions, civil society organizations and conscientious individuals must take the charge to lead with faithful discernment.
was hindering the teachinglearning process and the smooth functioning of the college to a large extent.
The signatories said that the assurance to give allowances (TA) for the POSHAN Pakhwada via video conference was also not paid till date. They said it showed lack of transpar ency and accountability in the department.Statingthat the em ployees were facing untold financial hardship and dif ficulties due to non-pay ment of salary, they said
3-point ‘September Joint Accordant’ Nagaland Post MYK C MYK C Vol XXXII No. 281 DIMAPUR, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 Pages 16 ` 5.00 Zelenskyy visits city retaken from Russians INTERNATIONAL, PAGE 13 Durand MumbaiCup:FCenter final SPORTS, PAGE 16 (Cont’d on p-8) (Cont’d on p-8) FOLLOW US ON @Nagaland_Postnagalandpostofficial

State logs 3 fresh Covid cases, 1 death
goods transportation to Di mapur. The union has also decided to hoist black flags in all the Dimapur-based goods transport offices.
Tedros Ghebreyesus
The Deputy Commissioner (DC) Dimapur has constitut ed an inter-agency group for verification of flood-prone areas in Dimapur district and to formulate mitigation actionInplan.anorder, DC Dima pur Sachin Jasiwal stated that the group headed by sub-divisional officer(C) DDMA as convenor would consist of representative from Dimapur Municipal Council, sub-divisional of ficer urban development department, sub-divisional education officer, district project associates (DDMA) as members.DChas, therefore, re quested the members of the group to submit report by September 15, 2022.
that further divide us. We are committed to finding ways to transcend our differences through cooperation, to be worked out in future meetings, on the basis of the COR. In this regard, we understand that cooperation which is socially and politically imaginative and prudently concrete is nation building begun.
According to party sources, Nadda will also dis cuss party’s strategy to face the 2023 assembly polls.
GENEVA, SEP 14 (AP): The head of the World Health Organization said Wednesday that the num ber of coronavirus deaths worldwide last week was the lowest reported in the pan demic since March 2020, marking what could be a turning point in the yearslong global outbreak.
DC Dmu sets up group to flood-proneverifyareas
He also said BJP prom ised “Election for solution” in 2018 and also announced that talks had concluded with all on board on Octo ber 31, 2019 and that “talks are over” in February 2021 through governor’s address to the 13th Nagaland Leg islativeHowever,Assembly.Therie said
Maria Van Kerkhove, the WHO’s technical lead on COVID-19, said the or ganization expected future waves of the disease, but was hopeful those would not cause many China, residents of a city in the country’s far western Xinji ang region have said they are experiencing hunger, forced quarantines and dwindling supplies of medicine and daily necessities after more than 40 days in a lockdown prompted by COVID-19.
The September 14 three-point resolution titled: ‘September Joint Accor
Adding to the shortage of teachers, ZRSU said no appointment had been made in place of the teachers who were transferred, promoted and passed Further,away.theunion stat ed that the academic career of the students was being jeopardized due to the neg ligence of the department in appointing sufficient teach ers in the ZRSUcollege.has, therefore, appealed to the department to appoint the required num ber of teachers in all the departments at ZGC.
course of action and the department would be held solely responsible for any untowardZRSUincident.saidthat Zun heboto Government Col lege—the only college in Zunheboto district—had been catering to the needs of the students from Zunhebo to district since its inception. However, ZRSU said that due to the lack of develop ment and acute shortage of teachers, the students and teachers of ZGC had been facing untold hardships for manyTheyears.union stated that ZGC has been function ing without the required strength of teachers, which
DIMAPUR, SEP 14 (NPN): Kohima Municipal Council (KMC) has notified the Central Consumer Pro tection Authority (CCPA) guidelines in order to prevent unfair trade practices and protection of consumer in terest with regard to levy of service charge in hotels and restaurants.Thiswas contained in a notification issued by KMC administrator T Lanusenla Longkumer. The administra tor informed that the CCPA guidelines would be in addi tion to and not in derogation of the guidelines dated April 21, 2017 published by the department of consumers affairs. As per CCPA guide lines, no hotel/restaurant would add service charge automatically or by default in the bill or collected from consumers by any other name.Further, no hotel or restaurant would force a consumer to pay service charge. The consumer must be clearly informed that service charge is voluntary, optional and at consumers discretion. No restriction on entry or provision of services based on collection
DIMAPUR, SEP 14 (NPN): R eaffirming the June 13, 2009 ‘Covenant of Recon ciliation’, NSCN (I-M) and the Working Committee of the Naga National Politi cal Groups (NNPGs) have renewed “to work together in the spirit of love,” and desist from all forms of armed violence and refrain from indulging in violence of words through print and
K Therie in a statement, pointed out that there was no achievement from BJP to thank Nadda for. Therie said it was therefore unfor tunate that Nadda was com ing to Nagaland at a time when people were given
of service charge would be imposed on consumers, the guidelines stated. It also stated that service charge would not be collected by adding it along with the food bill and levying GST on the total Ifamount.anyconsumer finds that a hotel or restaurant was levying service charge in violation to the mentioned guidelines, a consumer could request the concerned ho tel or restaurant to remove service charge from the bill amount. One could also lodge a complaint on the Na tional Consumer Helpline (NCH), which works as an alternate dispute redressal mechanism at the pre-litiga tion level by calling 1915 or through NCH mobile app. Customer can file a complaint against unfair trade practice with the consumer commission or through e-daakhil com-ccpa@nic.inbyanddistrictcollectorbedressal.speedywww.edaakhil.nic.inportalforandeffectivereAcomplaintcansubmittedtothedistrictoftheconcernedforinvestigationsubsequentproceedingtheCCPAorbyemailat
Still, the WHO warned that relaxed COVID testing and surveillance in many countries means that many cases are going unnoticed. The agency issued a set of
there was nothing to show on theTherieground.said it was sad that chief minister Neiphiu Rio and Nagaland BJP were committing an unfor giveable crime against the demography of Nagaland and weakening Christians by promoting and celebrat ing Hindutva in Nagaland. He mentioned that the Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC) would be celebrating 150 years of Christianity in Nagaland on November 2 this year at Impur with Ao Baptist Arogo Mungdang (ABAM) where over 95% of the rural population in Nagaland was Christian.
BJP chief Nadda to arrive today

No to thank Nadda, says NPCC ‘shutters

POSHAN-A employees demand salary
In a representation sub mitted to the department of higher education through the Deputy Commissioner (DC) Zunheboto on Sep tember 13, 2022, the ZRSU president Gihuka K Zhimo cautioned that failure to depute the teachers within the stipulated periods, the union would take its own
USSC directs govt employees to remain at places of posting
Written complaints should be sent on or before Sep tember 20. Complaints, if any, received after said period will be redressed through the usual channel. Complaints can also be sent to the email address at
According to a DIPR report, child development project officer (CDPO) Phek, Povezo Puro gave a PowerPoint presentation where he explained all the activities undertaken by the department of Social Wel fare in the state and Phek district.Additional deputy commissioner (ADC) Phek T. Tia Lemtor entrusted the department of Rural Development and Youth Resources & Sports to de liver the PowerPoint presen tations in the next DPDB meeting. The meeting also reviewed the last meeting minutes.As invited by the chairman of the meeting, the new members princi pal Phek College Tiakaba Jamir and district cultural officer Zhosa Sapu intro duced themselves at the meeting.
and sad
Loving wife and family members.
DIMAPUR: Tseminyu DPDB meeting was held in the office chamber of the deputy commissioner (DC) on Wednesday, under the chairmanship of advisor Animal Husbandry & Vet erinary Services (AH&VS) and Women Resource De velopment, R. thebriefedTseminyutalpresentedForestbethatagainstactionTseminyu,vicelieTseminyumeetingsofficerstivebeedthereport,AccordingKhing.toaDIPRR.KhingrequestedofficerswhowerepostinTseminyudistricttopresentintheirrespecofficesregularly.HealsorequestedthetoattendDPDBwithoutfail.Atthemeeting,DCDr.ZasekuoChusi,whoisalsothechairmanofDPDBwarnedthatwouldbeinitiatedabsentofficersandirregularofficerswouldlistedout.ThedepartmentofandPWD(R&B)departmenactivitieswhileADCLongasenLothaontheconductofelection.
DIMAPUR: United Sang tam Students’ Conference (USSC) on September 13, directed all government employees under Kiphire district to be in their re spective places of posting.

Loving Wife,
Student body, educational institutions hold freshers’ meet
Daughters & Family Members ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Date of Birth : 05-08-1985 Date of Death : 10-09-2022dp-4335/22 Born on 15/07/1943; Died on 10/09/2022 We, the bereaved family members of Late KITEI CHAMLAK, take this platform to express our heartfelt gratitude to one and all for supporting us physically, financially and morally in time of sorrows, griefs and pains. We also express our profound thanks to the doctors, nurses of District Hospital Peren and Lekie Baptist Church for your help and selfless sacrifices in times of need. Loving wife, children & grandchildren ACKNOWLEDGEMENT db-1020/22 Born: 07-10-1966 ~ Died: 11-09-2022 The family of Late Khusezo Kezo wishes to acknowledge the many expressions of sympathy and gestures of kindness shown to us from far and near during the time of sickness, loss and grief in the form of cash and kind, time and efforts and prayers. We deeply regret our inability to express our sincere gratitude to each one of you but it is our sincere prayer that our Almighty and Loving God bless you all abundantly. Loving Wife and Family Members
DIMAPUR: PM PoshanMid day Meal Scheme (MDMS) centralised kitchen was launched on Wednesday, at Government Primary School (GPS) Len grijan,InDimapur.apress release, Community Educational Centre Society (CECS) informed that deputy com missioner (DC) and chair man of PM Poshan Dima pur, Sachin Jaiswal lauded the Department of School Education (DoSE) on the initiative of the PM Poshan in collaboration with imple mentation agency CECS Dimapur.Inhis inaugural speech, the DC remarked
DIMAPUR: Chang Stu dents Union Dimapur (CSUD), Modern Insti tute of Teacher Education (MITE) and Livingstone Foundation International (LFI) College organised freshers’ meet at different locations.
USSC also appealed to all the offices under its jurisdiction to provide an employee list and to main tain an attendance register. Failing to adhere to this directive, USSC said it would initiate its course of action as per the govern ment rule under “no work, no pay”.
PM Poshan-mid day meal scheme launched in Dmu

Khamo, Propriter of Tal ent Foresight, House of Grooming and Joy Sutrad har, Winner, Nagaland Mr. Mega Model Hunt, 2022 were judges.
LFI College: Living stone Foundation Inter national College Dimapur celebrated its 2nd freshers
We sincerely thank each and every individual for your kind gestures. We pray that our Good Lord bless you all abundantly.
FGN terminates one: In compliance with the directive of FGN kedahge, FGN rali wali min istry, deputy secretary, Thonkiubui Zeliang has notified that Tokuho Swu, acting interim midan peyu of Sumi region has been terminated from active service w.e.f. September 9, “for lack of confidence in the discharge of carrying out his mandatory responsibilities in his duties and functions.” In this regard, all “government as signments and entrustments” to him have been terminated. FGN has informed department or individual dealing with him in the name of FGN would be doing so at their own risk.

hardships unto Jesus, for He cares for all of us (1st PeterHe5:7).also spoke on forgiveness to others and oneself.Nagaland Christian Revival Church prison ministry informed that the director general of police (DGP), Prison, Kohima, has approved to observe second Sunday of Sep tember annually, as “a day of prayer and fasting” for inmates at jails in the state.
meet on September 9 at the LFI auditorium on the theme “through difficul ties to great Speakingthings”.atthe event, LFI chairman Dr. Andrew Ahoto Sema reminded the gathering about how a person was self-made by choices he made and the
The complaints should contain full details such as complete address and registration receipt number, etc. For complaints on savings schemes and post life insur ances, account number, policy number and full address of the depositor/insurer should be given.
Phek: Phek District Planning & Development Boardheld(DPDB)itsmonthly meet ing on Monday, in the con ference hall of the DPDB.
DPDB meetings held in Tseminyu, Phek

At the programme, 18 contestants participat ed here Pewe u Tunyi
In a press release, USSC executive chairman Rothrongki Sangtam and vice president Sethrongba Y Sangtam stated that most government offic es, heads of departments (HoDs) and employees were not in their respec tive posting places which USSC said, was hindering the smooth functioning of
Circle level ‘Dak Adalat’ on Sep 26
15 years ago, little did we know that, God was going to call your name. It broke our hearts to lose you But you didn't go alone.
The department has informed that the dak adalat will be entertaining grievances pertaining to postal ser vices.Written complaints may be sent through ordinary post or speed spot with subject “dak Adalat” superscribed on the cover, addressed to the chief postmaster general, NE circle, Shillong-793001.
offices.Pointing out that the public was also facing in conveniences in every offi cial work, USSC has asked the government employees to provide their services with immediate effect.
Born : 29.01.1964 – Died : 09.09.2022
DIMAPUR: Nagaland Christian Revival Church (NCRC), prison ministry conducted a “prison Sun day gospel service” for inmates of Kohima district jail on September 11.
In a press release, MITE principal Dr. Kate Dandesh Kumar informed that SBI, Kohima AGM S Besii Bosco, while exhort ing the gathering as special guest emphasise on the significance of teaching
Public Health Engineering Department (PHED), principal secretary, along with officials and participants at the inaugural programme of the five-day Training of Trainers (ToT) on “Implementation of SBM (G) Phase II”, in the conference hall of PHED, Kohima on September 12.

We, the bereaved family of Late Imlinokdang of Chuchuyimlang Village, express our heartfelt gratitude for your support and help during his illness and until his demise on 10/09/2022. It is our prayer that Almighty God bless you all abundantly.

Lt. James Patton
Mkg DPDB meeting on Sep 19: Deputy com missioner & vice-chairman, District Planning and Development Board Mokokchung, Sashank Pratap Singh has informed that the DPDB meet ing for the month of September will be held on September 19, in the conference hall of the ADC (Planning), 11 am onwards. All the mem bers have been requested to attend the meeting.
In a press release, NCRC prison ministry president, Thepfuzolie R. Metha informed that speaker at the programme, NCRC council president, Rev. Vangpong Phom spoke on casting all our anxieties, struggles and
an opportune moment and a challenge to do better towards the wellness of children.The programme was chaired by AEO & PM Poshan coordinator Kikali Achumi, welcome address was delivered by senior SDEO Dimapur Apokla Longkumer while vote of thanks was proposed by L. SMC chairman, GPS Lengrijan, Panger Yaden followed by serving of meal to around 450 children and staff.The programme was graced by various dignitar ies and representatives from organisations and govern ment schools.
We, the bereaved family members of Late Temjenpokba Ao (Ungma), resident of Arkong Ward, Mokokchung Town convey our heartfelt gratitude to all who stood by us during the prolonged illness demise of beloved on 09.09.2022.

Niu colony council seizes liquor, drugs
Social welfare deptt informs: Directorate of social welfare has informed that online applica tion of scholarship for persons with disabilities from Class I-VIII will open from September 15 for fresh applicants and renewal for existing beneficiaries for the academic session 2022-23 in the common scholarship portal of Nagaland. Eligibility criteria and guidelines of scholarship for PwDs are available on https://scholarship. Last date for submission of application through online will be October 31.
profession.Hepointed out teach ing was the most responsi ble profession in the world and that teachers were weapons for development of family and society.
DIMAPUR: Department of Posts, North East circle, has informed that the circle level “dak adalat” will be held in the office of the chief postmaster general, NE circle, Shillong on September 26, 11 am.
CSUD: Chang Stu dents Union Dimapur on September 10, held its 23rd freshers’ meet at IMC Hall on the theme “forging excellence”.Inapress release, CSUD president Auch ingsonla and general sec retary Longyang informed that the special guest for the event, advisor, PWD (R&B), H Chuba Chang emphasised on the impor tance of having an aim in life, and goal oriented from the first day of school or college.He stated that deter mined minds will open opportunities and get the courage to tackle problems no matter how hard life
Chang also spoke on the fast-moving world and dwelt on how to make good use of resources that were made available.
In a press release, Colony council chairman Vikiye Swu, general secretary Inato N Kiho and GB Hozka K Awomi informed that students with uniforms were caught bunking their schools/ colleges to participate in such activists.Niu Colony Council has warned that it would be strictly su pervising the hotspot and anyone caught indulging in such act will be strictly penalised under the rules and regulations of the council.
H Chuba Chang speaking at the CSUD freshers’ meet Mr & Miss fresher and other winners at the LFI College freshers’ meet. Faculty members of MITE and others at the freshers’ day programme.
things he took in. He encouraged the students to become great people with good hearts to bring positive changes in the societyAtthe programme, Kiyekali was crowned fresher queen while Kevin was declared fresher king.
J.P. Nadda to visit Wokha district: BJP Wokha district has informed that BJP national president J.P. Nadda will arrive Wokha district on Sep tember 15 and preside over a public rally at Old Riphyim village, 37 Tyui mandal. In this regard, BJP Wokha district has informed all district of fice bearers, morchas, mandals and karyakartas to attend the rally which will be held at GMS ground, 12 noon.
For the sacrifices you made To let us have the very best? We're thanking you now. And we are hoping you knew all along, How much you meant to us.
For part of us went with you The day God called you home. We loved you dearly and, There will never be another one, To replace you in our hearts.
Khriekekhozo Lhoungu (second from left), Subonenba Longkumer, Wonthungo Tsopoe, DC Dimapur Sachin Jaiswal and others.
Other special invitees included Chang Wedoshi Setshang president, C Pongsu, Dimapur Eastern Nagaland Students’ Union vice president Nathan, Chang Union Dimapur and Chang Sao Thangjam Dimapur.Sanghan Choba and Siponglemla were crowned Mr & Miss fresh er.

that this was a step forward and would do much for the welfare of “Wheneverchildren.we try to do something new, we have apprehensions but we should break the shackle of comfort zone and work to wards the betterment of the community”, Sachin stated.
MITE: Modern Insti tute of Teacher Education organised fresher’s day on September 9 on the theme of “Eunoia (Good Will)”.
He encouraged the gathering by saying that it was actions that eradicated doubts and that the com munity should cooperate in order to lay apprehensions to rest.In their special ad dresses, DoSE director Wonthungo Tsopoe and CECS director Subonenba Longkumer said this was
NCRC prison ministry conducts prog at Kohima district jail
In Fond Memory of You, Apo
From your forever grateful Wife, Children and Grand Children
DIMAPUR: Niu Colony Coun cil, Burma camp ward 22 Dima pur Sadar, seized liquor and drugs from Naga youth and students at Assam-Nagaland border (rail track), located at Niu colony.
These figures were disclosed by FCI Dimapur divisional officer P Vanlal pak Gangte after inspect ing the corporation’s food storage depot (FSD) here, the state’s biggest with a capacity to store 26,712 MT food grains.
dC-1057/22 3STATENAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 Q.: Is the state govt enlightening people about reversing climate change locally? A Yes. 16% B No. 80% C Can’t Say. 4% 100%90%80%70%60%50%40%30%20%10%0% Poll A B C NEXT POLL Q: Can the State govt crack the whip against illegal taxation? Yes. No. Can’t Say. (Temperature in ºC) Max Min Agartala A stray thunderstorm 30 25 Aizawl An afternoon thunderstorm 25 20 Guwahati Clouds and sun with a t-storm 31 25 Imphal A thunderstorm in spots 28 21 Itanagar Warm with a t-storm in spots 30 23 Shillong A shower and thunderstorm 22 18 Kohima Mostly cloudy with a t-storm 24 18 Dimapur A thunderstorm in spots 31 24 Mkg Mostly cloudy with a t-storm 26 20 Tuensang A p.m. t-storm in spots 21 16 Wokha A thunderstorm in spots 26 21 Zunheboto Mostly cloudy with a t-storm 23 18 SEPTEMBERFORECASTWEATHER15
The commiss ion is bringing out the publica

Dr. Andrew Ahoto wins silver award at World Stamp Championship
On total quantity is sued to the State govern ment, he said it solely depended on the alloca tions by the Central gov ernment. He mentioned that as per National Food Security Act (NFSA), monthly allocation for the Nagaland was 11,504 MT per month.

godowns.Regarding “issue”, he pointed out that allo cated quantities would be issued to the department concerned as per the al location of Government of India, clarifying that after issuing to the Supply Department, it was the de partment’s responsibility.

FCI released 11,500 MT food grains in August

State Bank of India invites offer in two bid system from owners / Power of Attorney holders for premises on lease rental basis for Commercial / Office use for State Bank Of India, Shamator, Nagaland having built up area of approx. 2500.00 Sq ft (± 5%) located in town area of Shamator either in Ground Floor or divided in Ground and First floor. The format for submission of the technical bid containing detailed parameters, terms and conditions and price bid can be obtained from the office of “Regional Manager, Regional Business office Mokokchung, Arkong Ward I.M. Road, Mokokchung-798 601, Nagaland” and also can be downloaded from website > SBI in the News > Procurement news. The last date of submission of tender is up to 02:00 PM on 27.09.2022. SBI reserves the right to accept or reject any offer without assigning any reasons thereof.

It is a new venture of ECI publication which aims to recognise and appreciate the continued efforts and sacrifice made by BLOs for voter registra tion, door to door survey for updating and clearing the, etc.BLO e-Patrika will be available in the office of the CEO Nagaland web site at and in all CEO Nagaland social media platforms.
CEO office joins launching programme of BLO e-Patrika


FCI Dimapur divisional officer P Vanlalpak Gangte addressing the media on Wednesday. (NP)

Kohima police organise programme on road safety
January 07 02 04

-SdRegional ManagerdB-1067/22

He said in 2021, a total of 180 road accidents were officially recorded in Kohima, and informed that it was during the fes tive seasons (November, December and January) that road-related incidents were most recorded.
The corporation also issued 1,054 MT and 3,080 MT food grains quarterly to the state government for Mid-Day Meal (MDM) and Wheat Based Nutri tion Programme (WBNP) respectively under other welfare schemes (OWS).

According to a DIPR report, CDPO Jalukie Namhuheing spoke on ben efits of yoga while CDPO
ceived till September 13.
Staff Reporter

sensitise the public about road safety and to encour age people to become first responders in the absence of the police during emer
Nsong, Disong Chawang encouraged the participants to adopt yoga as a means to promote physical and mentalDemonstrationhealth. on yoga was done by Mezilung and Kekungdibo while dis trict coordination Kukule proposed vote of thanks.
With an aim to sensitise the public about road safety and traffic regulations, Ko hima police under the aegis of Kohima traffic police carried out a community outreach programme in the panchayat hall, High School Colony, here, on Tuesday.Speaking at the pro gramme, additional SP (Traffic & Protocol), L. Soriso disclosed that in 2022, 61 accidents were reported in the district, out of which, 28 were recorded as injured and more than three as fatality.
aged the gathering to edu cate people and to volun teer as traffic marshals in the society.Speaking on the topic “Motor Vehicles (Driving) Regulations 2017”, deputy SP (Traffic) Manom Wallin spoke on misconceptions of driving rules.
DIMAPU R: Chief elec toral officer (CEO) Naga land, V. Shashank Shekhar along with his team of officers and booth level officers (BLOs) from Ko hima district joined the launching programme of BLO e-Patrika by the Elec tion Commission of India (ECI) through a video conference, in the office of the CEO on Wednesday.
The additional SP gave an overview of road traffic accidents and said the main causes were hu man errors such as over speeding, drunk driving, distraction to the driver and laxity.Healso spoke on the importance of community participation and encour
the World Trade Centre, Mumbai in December, 2019 is the only philatelist from Nagaland and the entire North East region to have won the large silver award.

visualTheelements.structure of the exhibit follows a chrono logical order which pro gresses from the rise of Hitler’s Third Reich to the key invasions and con quests that caused an allied force to come to war and to the culmination with American and Japanese action.Towards the end, it showcases commemora tive items that remember key events of the war at milestone dates.
Road accident data (2022) of Kohima district.
July August 06 Total 61 03 28
It may be mentioned that the Road Safety Cell under Kohima Traffic Police was instituted to
DIMAPUR: Social Welfare department, Peren district, on Wednesday, conducted a district-level yoga aware ness camp at New Jalukie Local Ground, Peren.
May 11 01 13 June 08 02

In a press release, of fice of the CEO informed that BLO e-Patrika was formally launched by the chief election commission er Rajiv Kumar along with election commissioner Anup Chandra Pandey at Indian Habitat Centre, NewBLODelhi.e-Patrika will be a bi-monthly publica tion prepared by SVEEP division in digital format.
District level yoga awareness camp

Dr. Andrew, who had earlier won the large silver award at the INPEX (Na tional Stamp and Phila telic Exhibition) hel d at

The World Stamp
Championship was a phila telic exhibition held in Indonesia by the Indonesia Philatelic Associations (IPA) under the patronage of the Fédération Interna tionale de Philatélie (FIP).
He said the FSD re ceived 32,705.34 MT (13 rakes) of food grains dur ing the month of August, which were transported to other FSDs at Mon, Tuensang, Mokokchung, Phesama, CWC Dimapur and then to Manipur.
(Kohima Traffic Police):
Month No. of Accident No. of fatalities No. of injuries
On availability of rice in FSDs, he said FSD Dimapur now had 18,699 MT of rice available for dispatch/issue.Meanwhile, when asked about the allegations that fortified rice meant for MDM and WBNP were being sold privately and found in private go downs, Gangte replied that there were two methods of disbursement of food grains– dispatch and issue. He said FCI contractors would dispatch the rice from one godown to an other, claiming that the contractors would never dump rice bags in private
CEO Nagaland V. Shashank Shekhar along with BLOs and other officers at the launching programme. tion with an aim to en sure direct periodic and timely communication with BLOs who are critical and vital link to provide electoral services to citi zens in the country.

Kohima police officers and traffic personnel along with community members of High School Colony on Tuesday. (NP)
He also informed that 12,149.73 MT (five rakes) of food grains were re

April 07 07

At the programme, Road Safety Cell (RSC) highlighted important sec tions of the Motor Vehicles Act.
The exhibition was held in Jakarta and was fully supported by the min istry of Communication & Information of the Repub lic of Indonesia, ministry of Tourism & Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia, governor of DKI Jakarta, PT Pos Indonesia and Peruri.
The large silver award conferred to Dr. Andrew Ahoto Sema at the World Stamp Championship.
February 09 March 13 02
DIMAPUR, SEP 14 (NPN): Food Corpora tion of India (FCI) re leased 11,500 metric tonne (MT) of food grains in the month of August, 2022, as per the Central govern ment’s monthly allocation.

the globe.Hewas awarded for his open class philatelic exhibition entitled “World War-II Vignettes”, which provides a visual walk through of the World WarII, arguably the most sig nificant event of the 20th century, by way of phila telic and open-philatelic material.Thegoal of his exhibit was to introduce selected categories of postal and open-philatelic memora bilia as well as tell the story of the war using interesting
State Bank of India, Regional Business Office Mokokchung, Arkong Ward I.M. Road, Mokokchung-798 601, Nagaland

gencies.The programme was attended by community members of High School Colony.
DIMAPU R: Philatelist from the North Eastern region, Dr. Andrew Ahoto Sema was conferred with the large silver award at the World Stamp Champion ship was held at Jakarta, Indonesia from August 4-9. The award was received in absentia on behalf of Dr. Andrew Ahoto Sema by Philately Commissioner of India, Sahadeva Sahoo.
Dr. Andrew, who is also a gold patron of Na tional Philately won the large silver award at the World Stamp Champion ship among 507 exhibitors from 61 countries across
A press release by the media cell of the GNF said the occupied villages are peaceful and belong to the Tangkhul indigenous people who have rights to their lands and way of life guaranteed by the Indian constitution.GNFsaid there are no anti-government activi ties, law and order issues, anti-social problems in the villages that AR has moved into. It said the Government of India owes an explanation for what it termed an “unnecessary military intrusion in the
without the guilty being prosecuted, GNF slammed the latest action of the Assam Rifles’ forceful oc cupation of nine peaceful villages in Ukhrul.
The Centre has been providing jobs through the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guar antee Scheme and took measures for upliftment and empowerment of women, she said.Jyoti also urged the officials to properly imple ment central schemes to ensure that all eligible peo ple get the benefits of the programmes.Shewas accompanied by two deputy secretaries from the union consumer affairs and rural develop mentJyotiministries.also visited an exhibition organised at the information and public rela tions department conference hall in Mamit town.
“Though for the past 20-25 years, gambling has been going on in the state with traditional archery games being betted upon on a daily basis, the state government doesn’t earn any revenue from this informal betting. The JACAC would hold a
grace in
“This is not only an obvious discourtesy to the

The Hynniewtrep Youth Council (HYC), a civil society organisation of the Khasi tribal people, strongly criticised the Na tional People’s Party (NPP) led Meghalaya Democratic Alliance (MDA) govern ment for introducing the Meghalaya Regulation of Gaming Act, 2021, to pave
and pride extends its
The Mükalimi Students' Union congratulates Er. Pitoshe Sumi, S/o Hevito Sumi for bringing laurel and pride towards our Mükalimi village by successfully becoming the first person to crack the Technical Post as Assistant Mining Engineer (Class-1 Gazetted) through NPSC under Geology and Mining Department.Theunion salutes him and wishes him more achievements and success throughout his career.
The office of the Kithagha Students’ Union would like to extend our heartiest congratulations

The Trongar Staffs Union with immense pride and joy express our heartiest congratulations to Dr. Dangtila Sangtam D/o Shri S. Sejongmong Rtd Sr S.P and Smti. Opangtula Rtd Joint Development Commissioner for successfully securing the post of Medical Officer under the Department of Health and Family Welfare, Nagaland, in the recently declared Combine Technical Service Examination (NPSC) Your hard work and determination lies behind this huge achievement. We wish you the best in all your future endeavors. Mülingmong L Yanghodong President Secretary k-2125/22

Theover.GNF said it ques tions the intent and pur pose of the intensifying military build-up in Ukhrul district and has appealed to the prime minister and home minister to immedi ately intervene “if they are truly sincere in finding a non-military resolution of the Indo-Naga problem.”
SEB SOPHIA KATH President KSU General Secretary k-2110/22 Dr. Vedulü Tetseo With immense joy and honour, the State College of Teacher Education Kohima extends its heartiest congratulations to

K. Vikuto Tsuqu Heshito Swu President, KMK Secretary, KMKk-2103/22
further wishes her success in all her future endeavors.
FELICITATION to Dr. Victor Semy S/o Mr. Thapi Semy, for successfully clearing the NPSC Combined Technical Service Examination 2021 and securing the post of Medical Officer (Class-1 Gazetted) under Health & Family Welfare Department. Union is immensely proud of his achievement and sincerely wishes him the best for his future
on a three-day tour to the northeastern state.
GNF slam AR’s ‘occupation’ of 9 Naga villages in Ukhrul
rights, on the other hand.GNF termed the action in Ukhrul as “a government in opposi tion to itself when it comes to Nagas” and the Nagas are put in a no-win situation vis-avis India.Also pointing out the attitude of India towards Nagas that “ goes back as far as 1947”, GNF said, “For In dia, Nagas are born losers, barbaric rebels, lawless ‘un dergrounds’, ‘gangrene’ on India’s body politic, who must be exterminated - to quote some Indian prime ministers.”Alsohighlighting the Indo-Naga peace negotia tions that is at an impasse, the Nagaland state elec tions due in a few months, and the Oting murder of fourteen innocent civilians by India n armed forces
B.P.O. Mesulurrit, P.O. Pfutsero, Dist. Phek, Nagaland REGD. NO. H/RS-47 DATED 18-05-98
Union Minister Sadhvi Ni ranjan Jyoti on Wednesday visited Mamit, the lone ‘aspirational’ district in Mizoram, and urged of ficials and local leaders to give their best to develop the district.Sheinteracted with village authorities and ben eficiaries of several schemes, an official release issued by the state government said.
MEHILE Dr. Vedulü Tetseo Professor SCTE-K, on being conferred the degree of of on Study on her all her future endeavours.
emotional intelligence and attitude of B.Ed students towards teaching profession in Nagaland from Nagaland University. The College wishes her success and prays that God grants
Taxation Minister James P.K. Sangma told the state assembly on Monday that temporary licences were issued to pro vide additional attractions to the tourists, visiting the state from other states.

with profound
public meeting in Nongpoh (headquarters of Ri-Bhoi district) on September 23 to decide on the further course of action on the issue. All five MLAs of the district, chiefs of traditional bod ies, church, teachers and students leaders would be invited for the meeting,” JACAC leader Kharkamni said.
The minister also said that operationalisation of classes in the newly-upgrad ed schools will be looked into at the district level. The required administrative machinery will be provided by the state Earlier,government.amajority of the state government schools in Assam had classes up to 10 only while a few could take students at 10+2 level also.
The Kulolau Mukalimi Kuqhakulu (KMK) extend our heartiest congratulations to Er. Pitoshe Sumi, Son of Shri Hevito Sumi for successfully clearing NPSC CTSE and securing the post of Assistant Mining Engineer (Class 1 gazetted) under Geology and Mining Department.

started developing health complications. They com plained of stomach ache followed by high fever, vom iting and diarrhea, official reportsAssaid.many as 80 of them were rushed to primary health centres at Tungjoy and Paomata villages. Some of them were discharged after their health improved, the report said. The health conditions of the remaining patients were being closely monitored by the doctors
lives of peaceful citi zens.”The press release by GNF stated, “It (GoI) owes it (expla nation) to the people of these villages first and foremost, but also to the country as a whole since India is still a con stitutional democracy, not a military dictator ship.The GNF further stated, “People familiar with the Indian govern ment’s treatment of the Nagas know that the mili tary occupation of these villages will be defended as legally permissible under the 1958 Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AF SPA).”GNF said that though there is AFSPA on one hand, people are also aware that Article 371(A) of the Indian Constitution guar antees Nagas the right to
and nurses of the hospitals, the report added.
the way for casinos. Gov ernment officials said that the Gaming Act was intro duced to regulate gambling parlours that have been operating for years in the northeastern state.
Launched in 2018, the Aspirational Districts Pro gramme aims at transform ing quickly and effectively the 112 most under-devel oped districts across the country. During her interac tion with officials and local people, the visiting union minister said the Centre is making all efforts to make India a self-dependent coun try and gives top priority to the northeast region, accord ing to the statement issued by the state information and public relations department.

With immense joy and pride, the Mesulumi Students' Union would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to Dr. Tshokedu Keyho S/o Welhite Keyho for successfully clearing NPSC-CTSE
The KMK further wishes him good health, wisdom and success in all future endeavours.
IMPHAL, SEP 14: At least 80 people, mostly children, fell ill after a suspected case of food poisoning at Tungjoy village in Manipur’s Senapati district late Tuesday night. The villagers were hospital ized after consuming food at a birthday party in their village on Tuesday evening, official reports said.
President, MSU G.S., MSU V.P, MSU Qhetoka Assumi Kaqheto Sumi Avi T Assumi
their lands and customary laws. It asked, “Why the Government of India act ing in self-contradiction by sending armed forces to forcefully occupy peaceful NagaGNFvillages?pointed out that while on hand India is violating its own law protecting Naga rights (Art. 371 (A), it is enforc ing another law (AFSPA) that takes away the same right, in clear violation of Naga people’s basic human
Union minister Niranjan Jyoti visits Mizoram’s ‘aspirational’ Mamit district
endeavours.Sd/- Sd/-
The villagers suspected a food item containing Ngari (fermented fish) would have been behind the food poison ing. A food item prepared with Ngari purchased from Imphal’s Sekmai was served to the participants, they said.
Ngvuyhunlo Kesen Azaria Kesen The Phenshunyu Lowjvü Students’ Union, with immense pride would like to extend heartiest congratulations to Ngvuyhunlo Kesen S/o Elia Kesen and Azaria Kesen, S/o Isac Kesen on securing Junior Engineer under Power Department, in the recently released NPSCCTSE results 2021. The Union wishes them the very their
Jyoti, the union minis ter of state for rural devel opment, consumer affairs, food and public distribution, arrived here on Tuesday
The minister said sev eral development projects are being executed in the northeast region.
the topic A
Sanchu Medongunuo Seyie (President TVSU) (General Secy. TVSU) k-2109/22 With immense pride and joy, the Natsumi Kiphimi Kuqhakulu extends our heartiest congratulations to Dr. Enavi P Kiho, S/o Pukhavi Kiho for securing the post of Veterinary Assistant Surgeon (Class I Gazetted) under the Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary in the Combined Technical Service Examination 2021 conducted by NPSC. The NKK wishes him great success in his future endeavours. (TOKUGHA SHEQI) (NILOTO P SWU) President, NKK Gen. Secy, NKK FELICITATION k-2121/22 OFFICE OF THE TRONGAR STAFFS UNION Tuensang – Nagaland
best in
To attract the tourists, we have to give them some
GUWAHATI, SEP 14 (IANS): The Assam gov ernment plans to convert all its secondary schools to higher secondary level, the Assembly was told on Wednesday.Replying to a ques tion, Education Minister Ranoj Pegu said that as per the New Education Policy, the state government has already upgraded 215 high schools to the higher second ary level.The preparation to convert another 785 high schools to the higher sec ondary level is underway, he added.The initial upgrada tion list was prepared by the Education Department, based on the availability of logistics, manpower, etc. and gradually, the other schools will also be upgraded, Pegu said.
GNF quoted reports from Tangkhul civil soci ety organizations on the development which stated that public spaces such as the playgrounds, schools, children homes and com munity halls are being used as camps thereby hindering their usual functioning, private spaces have also not been spared as construc tions are being undertaken on private properties with utter disregard for its own ership.The reports by Tang khul CSOs lamented se curity check posts set up and villagers subjected to scrutiny as they go about their daily lives.
future endeavours.Sd/- Sd/Walobu Keppen Yhunshalo Seb President General Secretary OFFICE OF THE PHENSHUNYU LOWJVÜ STUDENTS’ UNION FELICITATES k-2128/22 OFFICE OF THE NIHOTO VILLAGE COUNCIL B.P.O. Kuhuboto Dist. Dimapur - 797112 : Nagaland Govt. Regd. No. GAB-5/29/78 (Vol-IV) FELICITATION The Nihoto Village Council with immense pride and honour would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to Mr. Pitoshe Sumi for successfully clearing the presently held NPSC examination 2021-2022 and for being selected for the post of Assistant Mining Engineer (Class-I) under Department of Geology and Mining, Govt. of Nagaland. We would also like to thank Mr. Pitoshe Sumi for bringing laurels to our village and community in general. We wish him all the very best for his future endeavours. Sd/- Sd/Shikato P. Viyiho Chishi Secretary Chairman Nihoto Village Council Nihoto Village Council dp-4353/22
Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti addressing a gathering in Mamit.
James P.K. Sangma

Philosophy (Ph.D)
Officer (Cl-II Gazetted) under

Motto: “Whoever Loves Discipline Loves Knowledge" FELICITATION
2021 securing 5th rank in Veterinary Assistant Surgeon (Class 1 Gazetted) under Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Department In the recently declared NPSC-CTSE result. May God continue to guide and bestow more of His blessings upon you. The union further extends best wishes in all his future endeavours. (METSHE U KHALO) (MECIE THERIE) President, MSU General Secretary, MSU k-2105/22
and appreciation
additional amusement,” the minister had told the House.
Assam to convert all govt schools to hr secondary level
The JACAC Secretary Ferdynald Kharkamni on Wednesday said they are upset over the government’s decision, which also contra dicts Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma’s earlier assur ance. He pointed out that people of Meghalaya are not familiar with casino-type gambling which are now op erating in Sikkim and Goa.

and Water Conservation
“There are huge com petitions to attract the tour ists. The other northeastern states have a similar topog raphy like Meghalaya and the states also have historical and archaeological sites.
Soon after they had eaten the food served at the birthday party, the villagers
Despite opposition, M’laya issues licenses for casinos
To investigate the sus pected food poisoning case, a team of officials of the state food safety authority of the state health department has rushed to the village today.
80 fall ill after attending birthday party
(NPN): The Global Naga Forum (GNF) has alleged that Assam Rifles have occupied nine villages in Ukhrul district of Manipur without the consent of the Naga village authorities. GNF said AR suddenly moved into Ukhrul district of Manipur in full.

existing administration of the land but also a lack of consideration for the fears of the people”, the reports added.The Tangkhul CSO reports in Ukhrul also highlighted how women and children especially are subjected to the fears caused by the unwarranted situation and the elders, who have not recovered from traumas caused by the violence of the armies in the past are being subjected to it all
The Office of Tuophema Students’ Union delight heartiest congratulations to PELEBEI U KENSE Mr. Neitho-o Kense clearing the combined technical examination, the post of Soil Conservation Soil Department.Theunion

Various organisations, including the influential Meghalaya United Christian Forum (MUCF), voiced “apprehension and shock” over the state government’s decision to legalise gambling and online betting for tour ists coming to the state. The MUCF in a statement earlier said that online gambling and casinos might generate a lot of revenue for the govern ment but the bigger question is whether people are willing to pay the price and are they ready to bear the repercus sions of such an endeavour on the society at large.
(IANS): Amid the strong opposition from various cir cles against the issuance of licences to operate casinos in Meghalaya, the state gov ernment has issued licences to set up three casinos in the hilly state, officials said on Wednesday. The Joint Action Committee Against Casino (JACAC) and other organisations have been strongly agitating against the setting up of casinos in the state including in RiBhoi district, which borders
The state government colleges in the state have the facility to teach higher sec ondary standard students.
“We are deeply sad dened at the words coming from the Chair that a mem ber of Congress can face problems,” he said.
SmT. W.V. Patton Civil Judge (Sr.) mokokchung : nagalandMKc-344/22
thought it prudent to cau tion the opposition party’s lawmakers about any activ ity that may attract action against any of them.
GUWAHATI, SEP 14 (PTI): The Assam Assem bly Speaker’s word of cau tion to a Congress MLA over risk of facing disquali fication from his party for remaining in the House after a walk out by the opposition party led to noisy scenes on Wednesday.Following it, Speaker Biswajit Daimary had to clarify that his words were only to alert the Congress legislator of the rules so that he may not violate it unknowingly.TheCongress lawmak ers had staged the walk out during Question Hour on Wednesday over reduction of time for supplementary queries.However, some of its MLAs returned immedi ately afterwards and a ques tion listed by one of them, Diganta Barman, came up for reply.Before Barman could rise to place his question, the speaker said it was his responsibility to inform the House that if any MLA par ticipates in the proceedings while his or her party was abstaining from it, the mem ber could face disqualifica tion notice from the party.
NFR GM Anshul Gupta holds meeting with Tripura CM Dr Manik Saha at Agartala Railway Station
Tripura CM discusses Rlys projects with NFR GM
PHAGWARA (PUNJAB), SEP 14: The North-East Students’ Organization, Ja landhar, Punjab (NESOJ), held its 7th general election at Hotel Ashish Continental in Phagwara, Punjab where it elected new NESOJ ex ecutives for the term 20222023
NESOJ elects new office bearers
NO.ED/PLN/JAL SHAKTI/2022 :: It is to inform that the Ministry of Jal Shakti, Department of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation, Government of India is organizing 4th National Water Awards with an objective to encourage all stakeholders, including Educational institutions, civil society organizations, Gram Panchayats, urban local bodies, corporate sector and individuals working in the sector for adopting innovative practices of ground water augmentation, rain water harvesting, recycling of water and other steps to ensure creation of a culture of better water resources management.
Seeking to clarify his stance yet again, the speaker said, “I am just like any of you. I have to run the House as per“Myrules.statement on the disqualification notice was addressed to the House. And to Barman was only wheth er he wanted to raise the question or not,” Daimary added.
The last date for submission of form is 27/09/2022 after which no applications will be entertained. Mokokchung Mokokchung Kohima
email: NO.IND/DEV/SA/78/,thethSeptember, 2022.
The 10-km AgartalaGangasagar (Bangladesh) railway project, commonly known as Indo-Bangla rail way link, is expected to be completed by March 2023, a senior railway official said.
A session of the Assam legislature in progress.

without knowing the ar eas or villages. Just simply shouting and showing such drama for whatever reasons maybe elections is coming who knows, doesn’t help.
Countering arguments of the opposition members, Sangma said that during the first phase around 50 meet ings were held between the two sides both at the Chief Ministers’ level and by the regional committees tasked to get people’s opinion from affected areas.
Tripura Chief Minister Manik Saha at a meeting with General Manager of Northeast Frontier Railway (NFR), Anshul Gupta, dis cussed augmenting train services and oncecheckGM/NFRityinternationalgoingmeeting.wereonalsoAkhauracompletionvariousWednesday.state,developmentinfrastructureworkintheanofficialsaidonSahasaidprogressofprojects,includingofAgartala-railconnectivity,cameupfordiscussionTuesday.Seniorrailwayofficialsalsopresentatthe“WorksitesoftheonAgartala-AkhaurarailconnectivprojectwereinspectedbyAnshulGuptatoprogress.Thisprojectcompletedwillfurther

times he has visited these ar eas of difference,” Sangma posed a query to the KH NAMButlegislator.Nongrum did not reply to the Chief Minister’s query saying that he “will not do it since the Chief Minister is duty bound.”
The detailed list of categories and other related information is contained in the National Awards Guidelines which is available in the Department’s website dc-1069/22
The newly elected team led by Imsanger Jamir as president includes: Himan Debbarma, Vice President; Abhishek Paul,General
Raking up the matter after Question Hour, deputy leader of Opposition and Congress MLA Rakibul Hussain said the speaker’s words have “hurt” his party.
The pandemonium en sued when lone Khun Hyn niewtrep National Awaken ing Movement (KHNAM) legislator, Adelbert Non grum told Speaker Metbah Lyngdoh that the latter had “annoyed” him by not let ting him speak on the issue during Question Hour, fol lowing which the Speaker allowed him to raise just one question even as he asked Nongrum to refrain from disrespecting the chair.
Emotional outburst is un necessary,” the CM said.
A. press release by the newly elected president Imsanger Jamir and vice president Himan Debbarma stated that the meeting was chaired by Subhadip Bhat tacharya, member of the nomination committee for NESOJ Punjab and con ducted in the presence of Rinlungso Zas, former president of NESOJ; pastor Tiaakum Ozukum, adviso; Pele George Yievinyii, for mer president of NSUP. The election was carried out by the election committee.
“Tell me the number of
17 Nokluzungla
In The CourT of SmTI. W. V. PaTTon, CIVIl Judge (Sr.) mokokChung : nagaland Summon In A SummAry SuIt (order XXXVII, rule 2) to, mr. n. Sahojao Singh, S/o. Shri. n tomal Singh, Phayang Village, P.o/P.S. Lamsang, Imphal West-I, Pin-795146, manipur.
Secretary; Edi Ilang, Asst. General Secretary finance secretary, Bianca Fedelia Jyrwa; assistant finance secretary, Ziang Zemin S.Sangma; cultural secre tary, Archita Dutta; Assis tant Cultural Secretary,Gebi Jebisow; sports secetary, Tasso Tailyang; assistant sports secretary,David Van lalcrana; Women’s secretary, V. Lalnundiki; Media and Publicity, Kshitij Sharma; literary secetary, Binokishor Whengham; information and database, Rozal Chettri; assistant information and database, Phurilatpam Leg yan Sharma.Thenewly elected pres ident, in his speech, vowed that all opinions will be given priority during his leadership and emphasised on working towards the wel fare of the northeast region with a motive to “preserve the cultural heritage” of North Eastern states”. He also spoke about how racial slurs and discrimination will
If you cause an appearance to be entered for you. the plaintiff will thereafter serve upon you a summons for judgement at the hearing of which you will be entitled to move the court for leave to defend the suit.
16 Sashimenla
The CM said that he himself held seven meetings with the representatives of the Khasi Hills Autono mous District Council, po litical parties and NGOs.
M’laya CM rules out review of boundary agreement
Conrad Sangma

Newly elected office bearers of NESOJ. be handled so that people see their integrity, prosper ity, and excellence, the re lease added.

Dalai Lama

SHILLONG, SEP 14: Meghalaya Chief Min ister Conrad Sangma on Wednesday ruled out re visiting the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between Meghalaya and Assam government to resolve the boundary issue, which resulted in a war of words during the Question Hour in the Assembly.
Dated Kohima the th Sept 2022
Therefore, interested schools are hereby invited to apply for the same through the website before 15th September 2022.
Interested Indigenous artisans of Nagaland are hereby invited for State Level Award in the field of Handloom (Textile) & Handicraft. Only genuine artisans above 18 years of age engaged in the field of Handloom (Textile) & Handicraft for the last 5(five) years & above may collect application form from the Directorate of Industries & Commerce, Development Branch, Room No- 34 (1st floor), Kohima Nagaland on any working days.
He also informed the House that 28 meetings were held and 17 field visits conducted at the grassroots in the six areas of difference.
The other Congress MLAs who were at the lob by beside the House cham ber at that time immediately rushed in and claimed that they had decided to listen to the proceedings from outside as they were not being allowed to raise any supplementary questions.
boost the people-to-people contact between India and Bangladesh through rail ways”, the NFR said in a Facebook post.
“Assamese people do not take rules seriously but I have to run the House as per rules. And a MLA can face disqualification notice for not abiding by the party’s decision.Ithink it is my duty to
GANGTOK, SEP 14 (PTI): The Dalai Lama will pay a five-day visit to Sikkim from October 28, the state Ecclesiastical Department Minister, Ven Sonam Lama said onLama,Wednesday.whoiscurrently at Dharamsala in Himachal Pradesh, told newspersons here via video conferenc ing that he along with the department secretary Pas sang D Phempu had met the Buddhist spiritual head at his residence there on Wednesday and delivered a letter from Chief Minister P S Tamang inviting him to Sikkim.The Dalai Lama ac cepted the invitation and
Speaker’s word of caution to Congress MLA irks Assam Opp party
Dalai Lama to visit Sikkim in October
Earlier, replying to the question asked by sus pended Congress legislator, Marylborn Syiem, Sangma said, Meghalaya and Assam government have reached the second phase to resolve the remaining six areas of difference.Hesaid the process of survey for the purpose of demarcation of boundaries was underway on the agree ment reached during the first phase of the talks and subsequent MoU signed.
Given under my hand and the seal of the court, this 26th day of August 2022.
Nongrum then dared the Chief Minister to review the MoU saying that the government did not take stakeholders into confidence while signing the boundary agreement. To this, the CM Sangma instead asked the KHNAM legislator to list out the 12 areas of differ ences between Meghalaya and Assam without reading it from paper and name the specific village where con sultation was not held.
said is always dear to him, LamaTamangsaid. said “I am joyful that His Holiness ac cepted the invitation to visit our state. His benign pres ence will be a great privilege for the devotees to seek his blessings”.Thiswill be the 86-yearold Buddhist spiritual head’s sixth visit to the state, which till 1975 was a Buddhist monarchy and had a close cultural relationship with Tibet.
expressed his keen desire to visit Sikkim, which he
18 Imtizongla chang Mokokchung 19 Kughaholi K Kiba Niuland 20 Rentilong Jamir Mokokchung 21 N. Kaheli Zunheboto 22 E. Merry Phom Longleng 23 Akala Rudi Kohima 24 Mongsentula Mokokchung 25 Imtinenla Mokokchung 26 S. Onentila Mokokchung 27 Aloi Kohima 28 Nesute Wezah Phek 29 Y. Manda Phom Longleng 30 Itokali N Kiho Zunheboto 31 Rongmangnaro Mokokchung 32 Arentula Mokokchung 33 Ngipwang Konyak Mon 34 Lily Sote Kohima 35 Methai Mon 36 chonbeni Wokha 37 Imlikala Phom Longleng 38 Ngipagam Konyak Mon 39 Moabenla Mokokchung 40 S. Akanglemla Mokokchung 41 Merenjungla Kohima 42 Kezutso U Sekhamo Phek 43 Beryl Zhimo Zunheboto 44 Sara Zunheboto 45 Anne Z Yeptho Zunheboto 46 Alhoushe Zunheboto 47 chipikali Mokokchung 48 c. Yingshom Phom Longleng 49 Apang Kohima 50 Ayangla Jamir Mokokchung 51 Z. Omegali Assumi Niuland 52 Kato Kiho Zunheboto 53 Kekhrietsu Meru Kohima 54 Vitoyi Zunheboto 55 Y. Maipo Mon 56 T. Toli chophy Zunheboto 57 Angyung K Konyak Mon 58 Kokle Phom Longleng 59 Nepmei Phom Longleng 60 Jungshimanen Mokokchung NB:- 1. The selected participants are directed to report to the exhibition at Urban Haat, dimapur at 7 a.m. 2. The participants are directed to keep their exhibits in their respective stall under lock & key. The office shall not be held responsible in case of any losses/theft. 3. Selected participants are informed to strictly follow cOVId SOP and reach at scheduled time. In case of failure, appropriate action will be taken. Sd/(ZAKABO V ROTOKHA) NCS Managing Directordc-1070/22
Leave to defend may be obtained if you satisfy the court by affidavit or otherwise that there is a defense to the suit on the merits or that it is reasonable that you should be allowed to defend.
Sangma said the state government “has dared” to move forward to resolve this complex issue and there was now no question of revisit ing the MoU signed between the two emotionaldifferencememberments.topicareingtheandfrainKHNAMinnextTynsong,Deputygovernments.CMPrestonewhowassittingtotheChiefMinistertheHouse,alsoaskedthelegislatortorefromenacting“drama”getting“emotional”inHouseandsticktoaskquestions.“IunderstandthatweallemotionalaboutthisandrespecthissentiIhadonlyaskedthetolisttheareasofbecausewegetabouttheissue
State Parliamentary Affairs Minister Pijush Haz arika defending the speaker said he was playing a ‘posi tive role’.Daimary said that he is currently hearing three disqualification notices from the Congress against its MLAs and therefore
(VitsuthoSd/-Nyuthe) Director of Industries & Commercedc-1068/22 List of Participants Selected for State Handloom Expo at Urban Haat, Dimapur. W.E.F 16th September to 29th September 2022. Sl.No Name of Participants Address 1 Bina dowarah Assam 2 Ratul Patir Assam 3 Prna Mili Assam 4 Bimala Boro Assam 5 Sangita doley Taid Assam 6 Nilamani Meitei Assam 7 Haobijam Shila devi Manipur 8 Maibam Ibeyaima devi Manipur 9 B. chaoba devi Manipur 10 M. Ayingbi chanu Manipur 11 Sentiyangla Mokokchung 12 Bendangtula Mokokchung 13 Shetoli Achumi Niuland 14 Angukali V Yeptho dimapur 15 Temsurenla
point this out to the honour able member,” Daimary said.
Whereas the State Bank of India, Bazar Branch, m okokchung through the Branch manager has instituted a suit against you under order XXXVII of the code of civil procedure, 1908, for `.3,76,501/- which include contractual rate of interest, you are hereby summoned to cause an appearance to be entered by you, on the 30th day of September 2022, from the service hereof, in default whereof the plaintiff will be entitled, after the expiration of the said period, to obtain a decree for any sum not exceeding the sum of `.3,76,501/-
Only those members who had questions listed against their name had reentered the House, they said.
“Construction works at Nischintapur, corridor of Indo-Bangla rail link, have been completed. Even sub construction of the elevated corridor has been done but work on the Bangladesh side is tardy leading to delay in execution of the project”, he said.Earlier, Gupta visited Sabroom railway station at the southernmost end of Tripura bordering Bangla desh.
Can small wind turbines contribute to large renewable goals?
coal, the present situation points towards the untapped RE poten tial, especially the small wind turbines and small wind-solar hy brids, according to energy experts.
Heatwaves causing forest fires in one hemi sphere while heavy downpour causing huge floods in other parts of the world reflect the global climate crisis. Intense climate-related disas ters—floods, storms, droughts, and heat waves— have been on the rise worldwide. After scorching heat waves withered crops and dried up mighty riv ers in the Northern Hemisphere, catastrophic super flooding in Pakistan has so far killed more than a 1,000 people, displacing millions more. That heating the planet by burning fossil fuels is broadly making extreme weather more frequent and intense is well established. Scientists have been sounding the alarm bells on that for years. Weather catastrophes are never down to just one cause. They result from natural factors, as well as human-made ones. For instance, large-scale deforestation and paving over green areas that would usually absorb heavy rainfall with concrete and tarmac can worsen flooding. The link between temperature extremes and global heat ing is much more direct. Swings in temperature are not necessarily more extreme but as global average temperatures rise, heat waves have grown hot ter and cold spells milder. Without global heating, recent record temperatures of 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit) in the United Kingdom would have been virtually impossible, as would the North American heat wave of 2021, according to WWA analyses. At the same time and coupled with an in creasing concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, temperatures, on average, have been rising, and are becoming more variable and more extreme. Rainfall has also been more variable and more extreme. Warming of the atmosphere and the ocean, changes in the global water cycle, reductions in snow and ice, the rising global mean sea level, and changes in some climate extremes are already being observed as Green House Gas(GHG) concentra tions in the atmosphere continue to rise. According to global weather records, the Earth’s temperature has risen by 0.14° Fahrenheit (0.08° Celsius) per decade since 1880. However the rate of warming since 1981 is more than twice that: 0.32° F (0.18° C) per decade. The rise in temperature in 2021 was the sixth-warmest year on record based on National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA) temperature data. Worldwide, 2016 was the warm est year on record, 2020 was the second-warmest, and 2012–2021 was the warmest decade on record since thermometer-based observations began. Over the past two decades, evidence has mounted that the global climate is changing, and that anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions are largely to blame. While countries are facing rising inflation and uneven recoveries from the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change has not slowed down. 2022 is already set to rank among one of the 10 warmest years on re cord. Climate impacts threaten to push millions into poverty. The effect of global warming on the climate of India has led to climate disasters as per some experts. India is a disaster prone area, with the sta tistics of 27 out of 35 states being disaster prone, with foods being the most frequent disasters. The pro cess of global warming has led to an increase in the frequency and intensity of these climatic disasters. The contributory factors on abnormal weather pat terns are varies and many. It is therefore important to make citizens aware of their roles and once this is achieved, perhaps even choice of environmental friendly products would become a necessity.
Swuto Swu, Dimapur, (
One of Spitzen’s impactful projects is the 100 kW SWS system installed to operate the gates of a dam in Maharashtra. “Diesel was being used in Madhya Vaitarna Dam. With the SWS system, there’s a drastic reduction in diesel consumption,” recalls Kshirsagar.
Education, a right or privilege
for handling the Covid on slaught successfully - with a rare political will. He reflected a confident opti mism - that was well placed - with regard to the future prospect of India.
adequate.This connects with his specific mention of women warriors who had fought against the British. In the context of law and order, this country must quickly move towards eliminating gangs indulging in traf ficking of women and kid napping of children on a priority basis and for this the Centre must take due cognisance of the continued failure of a state govern ment and take recourse to a Constitutional remedy after administering two warnings with regard to the incidence of these crimes that have the potential of causing internal destabilisation.Equallyimportant was the Prime Minister’s call that ‘we must rid the coun try of nepotistic thinking and push it towards a meritbasedHesociety’.declared that ‘cor ruption has to be fully elimi nated’ and implicitly put the current drive of the concerned central agencies in a perspective before the citizens at Primelarge.Minister Modi managed to keep his address above internal polity. In a way, he successfully used the important occasion to spell out his government’s approach to the entire spec trum of governance as well as the strategy adopted by India in the spheres of economic growth, national security and international relations.The address was in Prime Minister’s typical conversational style and was understood and absorbed by the common Indian and the strategic observers alike.
conviction and self-belief and enhanced his image as a statesman.Itisworth recalling the thematic points of Mo di’s Red Fort address for these evidently represent the gist of his strategy of governance for the times ahead. He highlighted the aspirational character of Indian society marked by preponderance of youth and struck a note of optimism amidst the difficult situation of unemployment, by ac knowledging that the youth have the right to demand a faster economic growth and betterHeopportunities.hadatthe back of his mind the swiftness with which his government responded to the sudden Covid onslaught - a crisis of unprecedented scale - by focusing on vaccine re search and production and later working out a ‘bottom up’ approach to economic recovery in which ‘vocal for local’ carrying India to wards self-reliance became a brilliant way out of the economic dump that the pandemic had created.
The address had the distinction of keeping in ternal politics away and focusing totally on India’s forward-looking mission and the points of reform that need to be considered for preserving a healthy national outlook.
He urged all citizens - in that spirit - to focus on their own commitment to India’s development. It was a befitting call for making the country great both from within as well as in the eyes of the world Presentationoutside. of a broad vision of this kind looked appropriate for an Independence Day address. The Prime Minister urged the citizens to advance with full conviction about a de veloped India, get rid of any sense of ‘slavery’ and take pride in the nation’s history and heritage.Hecommended ‘diver sity’ and ‘inclusiveness’ as the great features of India’s culture, but refrained from using the word ‘secular’ for good reasons. Introduced in the Preamble of the Indian Constitution by late Indira Gandhi when she was the
It is easy to sit up and take notice, What is difficult is getting up and taking action.
enthil Kumar, a Chennaibased software engineer, recently experienced the difficulties brought on by hours of power cuts first-hand, on a visit to his hometown Sundarapandiam near Madurai, in southern Tamil Nadu. “I knew my parents were facing power cuts. But only when I visited, I realised how hard it was,” he recalls. Now, he is looking for a renewable energy solution to deal with frequent power cuts.
actual cost was Rs 2.5 to 3 lakh per kW,” says A.D. Thirumoor thy, a Coimbatore-based energy consultant.However, SW and SWS sys tems continue to be installed without subsidy, primarily for cor porate social responsibility (CSR) projects. The applications are varied – from residential to com mercial and public entities such as the railway and military, to remote off-grid villages or areas with erratic supply. “We’ve installed SW turbines for farmers, railway stations, level crossings, and tribal schools,” says Kshirsagar.
“The sound and vibration were the deterrents, besides the cost,” points out Thirumoorthy, when asked why rooftop SW tur bines did not take off. Biswas says that more modern systems such as that which IYSERT designs and manufactures indigenously, have overcome these problems. But presently, with no subsidies, the cost factor weighs in favour of so lar. “A 1 kW solar rooftop system costs only Rs 40,000, whereas, a 1 kW solar-wind hybrid will cost Rs 2.5 lakh,” says Biswas.
and may go up to Rs 2.5 lakh per kW for a hybrid, depending on factors, like the material, tech nology, locality and whether it is connected to the grid. “It would be good to have a subsidy as we have for rooftop solar,” opines Kshirsagar.Despite training users, there are practical difficulties in main tenance, especially as most SW turbines are off-grid. “Mainte nance is important, which people ignore. And when people get it on subsidy, it becomes nobody’s baby,” says SpitzenRamesh.overcomes this by partnering with a local NGO, for CSR projects. Given their rapport with the community, the NGO is able to ensure that the community members maintain the system.
The untapped potential in renewables
Nagaland Post
The Prime Minister in cluded the freedom fighters of all communities, tribes and regions and from dif ferent periods of time to send across the message of India being ‘one nation’. One cannot envisage a more purposeful address to the nation ever given from Red Fort.Howsoever indirect, the Prime Minister’s refer ences to some key points of the internal situation were timely and effective. He identified the states with the Centre by stating that ‘when our states grow, India grows’ and urged the states to take to ‘cooperative and competitive federalism’.
The certification was prompt ed by the high number of turbines that were being imported during the time, when repairs and replace ment of parts were a challenge, according to MP Ramesh, former director of NIWE.
The cost of a small wind turbine starts at Rs 70,000 per kW
Certification of turbines is a lengthy and costly process, as the turbines are certified after testing through different seasons of the year. As there were no clear rec ommendations for SW turbines by IEC or any other entity, NIWE ran its own tests, and charged only
Given the bottlenecks in the implementation of large RE projects, geopolitical uncertainties, and India’s reliance on imported
India with its history of ‘village economy’ was at tuned to sustaining the soci ety on localised demand and supply even as it showed its sheer brain power in catch ing up with ‘globalisation’ - an upshot of the success of information technology revolution that had caused the transition of the world from industrial age to the age of information and knowledgeEconomiceconomy.recovery still is work in progress but Prime Minister Modi gets the credit for leading the country by ‘riding a crisis’ and in the process putting India on the world map
any manner.
Global catastrophe
Besides small systems, Jai pur-based IYSERT Energy, also installs off-grid systems for the army’s remote posts, and a new SW system on highways, to har ness the velocity of moving ve hicles. “For the National Highway Authority, we install these turbines in the medians. When vehicles pass, electricity is generated and is used for lighting street lamps,” says Rakesh Biswas, the founder of IYSERT.Iffeasible, setting up a hybrid system works well, as both renew able sources can complement each other. Some of IYSERT’s turbines that spin on a vertical axis, are hybridised with solar panels.
It was quite legitimate for Prime Minister Modi to say that India’s goal is to work for a ‘Vikasit Bharat’ at a time when the country - in his words - has become ‘a ray of hope for the world’.
Challenges in installing hybrid systems

Sir, Education is a right and a matter of concern if any child is deprived of getting education. That was the sole purpose of RTE (2009) to provide free and compulsory education but to consider higher and better education can be pursue only by elites and privileges is a sheer ignorance of the mass. As Nelson Mandela has said “No country can really develop unless its citizens are educated. Therefore, it’s the duty of the elected Govt to provide subsidies on education through schemes. So, no citizen would be deprived to pursue better and higher education. To remind the fact that spending and subsidies in education is a welfare program and not freebies, the understand ing and the elaboration of the aforesaid is pass to policy makers. There’s a quite an example of state like Telangana who pay mess dues of the students whose parents are not govt employees and this scheme is applicable to all the mentioned students pursuing education in different Universities, Schools and Colleges across the nation, not to deny we even struggle to pay 10% of the scholarship amount left alone the grant and subsidies in education sector for underprivileged.Thetrend“Paisa thakiya khan he puribho pare”, has diverted the mentality to question thus failing us to advocate even our right to education. So, until and unless you question, right to education is just an imagination.
…the simplicity that is in Christ.
Even the very smallest thing that we allow in our lives that is not under the control of the Holy Spirit is completely sufficient to account for spiritual confu sion, and spending all of our time thinking about it will still never make it clear. Spiritual confusion can only be conquered through obedience. As soon as we obey, we have discernment. This is humiliating, because when we are confused we know that the reason lies in the state of our mind. But when our natural power of sight is devoted and submitted in obedience to the Holy Spirit, it becomes the very power by which we perceive God’s will, and our entire life is kept in simplicity.
the Editor

Subhas Chandra Bose, Ra jendra Prasad, Lal Bahadur Shastri, Babasaheb Ambed kar, Vir Savarkar, Shyama Prasad Mukherjee, Nanaji Deshmukh, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya and Ram Mano har Lohia, among others, for their contributions.
Jency Samuel is a civil engineer and an independent journalist (As published in Mongabay India)
D.C. Pathak is a former Director of Intelligence Bureau
Prime Minister, this adjec tive always raised contro versies in the context of defining the ‘idea of India’ - often because it was politi cally interpreted as a marker of the ‘special position’ of the Muslim minority here.
In democratic India, which is governed through the free and fair electoral practice of ‘one man one vote’ -regardless of distinc tion of caste, creed and gender - secularism was built into the state and was not meant to come in the way of the nation drawing strength and inspiration from the glory of its civili sationalModipast.reminded all Indians that ‘when we are committed to our roots, then only can we fly high’. While declaring that ‘India is the mother of democ racy’, he reiterated that ‘di versity is its strength’. This diversity is not to be invoked for instigating separatism at home. The Prime Minister significantly mentioned the enlarged motto of ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas’ to highlight in clusivity.Itis in this context that Prime Minister Modi acknowledged from the ramparts of the Red Fort the contributions made to the cause of freedom by ‘revolutionaries’ who sac rificed their lives for it but were kept excluded from the historical accounts of the struggle for Independence advanced by the protago nists of the Congress-led freedomThismovement.anomalyneeded an urgent correction. The Prime Minister mentioned Mahatma Gandhi, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Netaji
He also recalled Man gal Pandey, Tantya Tope, Maharani Laxmi Bai and Begum Hazrat Mahal, lead ers of the 1857 anti-British revolt looked upon as the ‘First War of Indepen dence’, and went on to name Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, Rajguru, Chandra Shek har Azaad, Ram Prasad Bismil, Ashfaqulla Khan, Rani Chennamma, Virsa Munda and Rani Gaidinliu and saluted them all as the architects of free India.
Arguments or Obedience
—2 Corinthians 11:3
about one-twentieth of the actual testing cost, reveals Ramesh. He points out that SW system manu facturers are small players and lack financial resources. “So, to attract new manufacturers, we need supportive policy,” suggests Kshirsagar.MNRE’s 2018-19 annual report shows only 3.35 MW of SW and hybrid systems installed across India. Though there is no data on market potential in India, market research firm Mordor Intelligence’s report estimates the global SW turbine market at $309 million by 2027. To utilise this un tapped potential, members of the Indian Small Wind Association met MNRE officials in August 2021. They sought support for subsidies and technical aid to con nect SW plants to the grid, where possible. A grid-connected system will be more affordable as a stor age battery will not be necessary.
the columns
~ Honore de Balzac
A turbine with a rotor swept area smaller than 200 m2 that generates 1,000 AC (alternating current) or 1,500 DC (direct cur rent) power is a small turbine, as per the International Electrotech nical“ForCommission.practical purposes, in the Indian context, we can say turbines up to 10 kW capacity, are small, though some countries consider up to 300 kW for the same,” says Uday Kshirsagar of Pune-based Spitzen Energy, that specialises in the small wind (SW) and small wind-solar (SWS) hybridSWsystems.turbines can run at wind speeds as low as two metres per second. They can be connected to the grid or be stand-alone systems and can also be hybridised with solar. They can be mounted on rooftops as well. Some of them are portable too.
Simplicity is the secret to seeing things clearly. A saint does not think clearly until a long time passes, but a saint ought to see clearly without any difficulty. You cannot think through spiritual confusion to make things clear; to make things clear, you must obey. In intellectual matters you can think things out, but in spiritual matters you will only think yourself into further wandering thoughts and more confusion. If there is something in your life upon which God has put His pressure, then obey Him in that matter. Bring all your “arguments and…every thought into captiv ity to the obedience of Christ” regarding the matter, and everything will become as clear as daylight to you (2 Corinthians 10:5). Your reasoning capacity will come later, but reasoning is not how we see. We see like children, and when we try to be wise we see nothing (see Matthew 11:25).
Given the potential, the Min istry of New and Renewable En ergy (MNRE) launched a ‘Small Wind Energy and Hybrid Systems’ programme in September 2010. It included the empanelment of SW turbine manufacturers, wherein the National Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE) tested and vali dated the turbines.
this newspaper nor that
A remarkable achieve ment of the Modi regime is the distinct mark that India reached - in a short span of time - in earning the recog nition of the international community as an influencer of global geopolitics, be cause of its success not only in handling the Covid crisis, but also in pursuing a for eign and security policy that is totally independent, free of ‘alignments’ and driven by thoughts of world peace.
In its efforts to decarbonise, India has set ambitious renew able energy (RE) targets. From an RE goal of 175 GW by 2022 announced in Paris in 2015, India set a new target of 450 GW by 2030 at the United Nations climate conference COP26, conducted last year in However,Scotland.the implementation of large wind energy projects has slowed down since 2017, because of several policy changes. And rooftop solar is yet to get its pace.
here is little doubt that Prime Minister Narendra Modi with his clean image and ability to drive the country’s polity on the path of develop ment through macro-level infrastructure build up on one hand and emphasis on startups on the other, has earned his position as the tallest leader in the eyes of the people.Forthe sceptics still wondering if India is a na tion, Prime Minister Modi in this year’s Independence Day speech defined - in his own inimitable style - the ‘idea of India’ by combin ing its past, present and the future and placed before the world what can be called India’s national strategy of fostering security, develop ment and integrity.
He indirectly drew at tention to the prevailing law and order scene with reference to crime against women - which is a direct responsibility of the states - by expressing his regret that ‘respect for women who are an important pil lar of India’s growth’ is not
It was a remarkable framework of strategic di rections specified by the Prime Minister in which a democratic, inclusive and progressive India would proceed in the times to come. The speech covered all major aspects of national life - position of India as a world power, development as well as future of the youth, cultural roots, par ticipative role of the states in nation-building and im portance of maintenance of internal order with special reference to crime against women.The Prime Minister spoke with a sense of dedi cation towards the nation,
Reader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of do not reflect the of of in
A complete view of the nation
His hometown is not the only one that faced power outages this year. India went through a severe power crisis in April, as a result of a coal shortage. On April 29, an energy shortage was observed – a massive 214 million units (MU), according to Power System Operation Corporation Limited (PSOCL). Although a study by the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air predicted a possible crisis again between July and August, the power shortage has been reduced. July 28, 2022 was an exception; it stood at 10.26 MU. The energy shortage ever since, has been limited to well below 10 million units, because of coalHowever,imports.recent coal imports have caused electricity prices to increase by 60 to 70 paise per unit, according to the Minister of Power R.K. Singh. While many areas continue to suffer power cuts, electricity prices are likely to increase further. Coal meets about 55 percent of India’s energy needs, according to the Ministry of Coal.
Reader’s Post
“The scheme was initiated to promote small wind and windsolar, and hence was subsidised,” explained Kshirsagar. The scheme came to a close in March 2017, as per MNRE’s 2018-19 annual report. “Because by 2017, when MNRE reviewed the scheme, it was felt the subsidy was high, as the price of photo-voltaic solar had dropped drastically by then,” says Kshirsagar.Thesubsidy was set at Rs 1.5 lakh per kW for government and public institutions and Rs 1 lakh per kW for others. “The
She said 30 universities and 14 new medical colleges have come up in West Ben gal in the past few years.
In a left-handed compli ment to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi on Wednesday suggested that he is quicker than the cheetah when it comes to evading serious issues.

The awards seek to recognise work of distinc tion and are given for dis tinguished and exceptional achievements and service in all fields and disciplines, such as art, literature and education, sports, medicine, social work, science and engineering, public affairs, civil service, and trade and industry, etc.
Modi is quicker than cheetah when evading issues: Owaisi
“We will have to frame policies from indigenous thinking emerging from the native languages rather than from thoughts arising out of foreign languages,” the se nior Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader said. The Union minister said the dictionary of Hindi needs to become “very large and detailed” to increase its acceptability in the country and abroad.

“It’s a conspiracy against me,” he said.
BJP brought armed goons in trains from outside for rally, claims Mamata
Headded.said Hindi is an in clusive language and called for strengthening native lan guages along with Hindi.
“We have nothing against democratic and
The All India Maj lis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen leader, who arrived here on a two-day Rajasthan trip, called the recent Varanasi court order in the Gyanvapi mosque- Shringar Gauri case a “setback” and said it went against the Places of Worship (Special Provi sions) Act, 1991.
K’taka special court orders graft probe against Yediyurappa
Shah said the British banned literary works in various Indian languages, including 264 poetry works in Hindi, 58 in Urdu, 19 in Tamil, 10 in Telugu, 22 each in Punjabi and Gujarati, 123 in Marathi, nine in Sindhi, 11 in Odiya, 24 in Bangla, and one in Kannada.
Applications are invited for filling up of '01' (One) post of Senior Adviser in the Department of Science & Technology on deputation (including short-term contract) Level 15 (Rs. 1,82,200-2,24,100). Eligible candidates are required to fill the application online, through the online portal https:/recruitment.dst. using valid email ID. This online portal for applying shall be available for a period of 45 days from the date of advertisement in Employment News / Rozgar Samachar. This application form duly signed by the candidate along with attested copies of ACRs/APARs for the last five years may be forwarded through proper channel so as to reach this Department by Registered Post or by Speed Post within 15 days (30 days for those in Assam. Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland. Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh, Lahaul and Spiti District and Pangi Sub Division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep from the last date of closure of online portal . Organisations/institutes (whose employees are otherwise eligible to apply) who do not have the system of recording APARs/ACRs need to furnish their work profiles and gradings of the last 05 years duly certified by their Head of organisations/ Institute alongwith the applications through proper channel so as to reach this Department by Registered Post or by Speed Post within 15 days (30 days for remote areas) from the last date of closure of online portal. For the application process and other general conditions and requirements, visit our website: in. Sivaramakrishnan)

All India Official Language Conference in Surat city on Hindi Day, Shah said that accepting the co-existence of languages was needed and stressed the need to make Hindi flexible by taking words from other languages to expand its dictionary.
Dated Kohima the 14th September, 2022
The post is reserved for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities. Shri Tongpangnokdang Longkumer was recommended for item No. 7(b) under Power Department. Further Item No. 17(a) serial No. 2 Roll No. should be read as
The CM said the pro test march inconvenienced commuters and traders, as it was held barely a few weeks ahead of Durga Puja, the state’s biggest festival.
guages will Hindi prosper,” Shah
“This shows how Rajb hasha and native languages strengthened the freedom struggle which forced the British to ban them,” he said.
peaceful protests. But the BJP and its supporters re sorted to violence, vandal ism and arson. They torched properties and instilled fear among people. We won’t allow this. Arrests are being made, and law will take its own course,” she said.
“Once an IPS officer is transferred to another post, he should leave a note to his successor which would help the new officer make the mechanism better,” the CM said adding that she wants a report on if this drill is adhered to.
k-2080/22 db-997/22 VISITING CONSULTANTS Dr. Amit Agarwal , Principal Director & HOD, Medical Oncology, Fortis Hospital, Shalimar Delhi will be available for consultation at Eden Medical Centre on 17th September 2022 from 2.00 PM to 5.00 PM. Dr. Deva Kumar Borgohain, MCH Neurosurgery (AIIMS) Consultant Neurosurgeon, APOLLO EXCELCARE HOSPITAL, PASCHIM BORAGOAN, NH: 37, Guwahati, Assam will be available for consultation on 17th September 2022 from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM. He is specialized in all neurological conditions. For further details and appointments, kindly call the Reception at 03862-248288 / 296600 dp-4329/22(a) VISITING CONSULTANTS Dr. Puneet Girdhar , Senior Director & HOD-Ortho Spine Surgery BAL-Max Centre for Orthopaedics Spine Surgery, will be available for consultation at Eden Medical Centre on 16th September 2022 from 2.00 PM to 5.00 PM. Dr. Bikas Gurung, Consultant-Surgical Oncology & Robotic Surgery BLK-Max cancer centre, will be available for consultation on 16th September 2022 from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM For further details and appointments, kindly call the Reception at 03862-248288 / 296600 dp-4329/22(b)dp-4358/22 db-1006/22 k-2129/22

The Modi government is committed to transform ing the Padma Awards into
“Many industries are coming to the state and they require skilled manpower. Bengal is rapidly emerging as the destination for such ventures,” the CM said.
“A language does not become inferior by adopting words from other languages, rather its scope widens. We will have to make Hindi flexible. Unless we do so, we can’t make Hindi grow,” he said after inaugurating the first edition of “Hindi Shabd Sindhu,” a dictionary.
B.S. Yediyurappa
Asaduddin Owaisi
Modi is set to re lease eight cheetahs being brought from Namibia into the Kuno National Park
Hindi language is not a com petitor but a “friend” of all the other regional languages in the country and they are mutually dependent on each other for their growth, Union Home Minister Amit Shah said here on Wednes day. He denounced the “disinformation” campaign to pit Hindi against native languages and underlined the need to strengthen local languages with AddressingHindi.the
With reference to the Commission’s Notification NO. NPSC/EXAM-6/2022 dated 12th September, 2022, item No.12(a) serial No. 5 Shri Tongpangnokdang Longkumer was inadvertently inserted. 21T3861
Owaisi said the prime minister “moves faster” than the cheetah when is sues like inflation or un employment are raised, his remark suggesting that Modi runs away from such matters.“When we talk about unemployment, Modi leaves even the cheetah behind. When we ask about China occupying our terri tory, Modi ji is quicker than the cheetah,” he said. “He is very quick in these mat ters, we are telling him to go slow.”“Wo bolne mein ba hut tez hain,” Owaisi said, implying that the PM can talk his way out of tricky situations.“Iam saying all this in a lighter vein so that the UAPA is not invoked against me,” he said, refer ring to the Unlawful Activi ties (Prevention) Act. The eight cheetahs will arrive on a customised Boeing 747400 aircraft from Namibia’s capital Windhoek and then flown to their new home in helicopters.TheAIMIM head de nounced the recent Varanasi court order that rejected a plea by the Gyanvapi Mas jid committee questioning the maintainability of the petition that sought daily worship of deities whose idols are located on the mosque’s outer wall.
KOLKATA, SEP 14 (PTI): West Bengal Chief Min ister Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday alleged that the BJP brought in hoodlums armed with bombs in trains from outside the state to foment trouble during its march to the state secretariat Nabanna.Banerjee, also the Tri namool Congress supremo, said the police could have opened fire on “violent” BJP protesters during the pro test march on Tuesday, but the government exercised “maximum” restraint.
Amit Shah with Nisith Pramanik and others during the 2nd All India Official Language Conference in Surat. (PTI)

and not as published. Rectified supersession Notification of even number dated 13th September, 2022 can be accessed from the Commission’s website & Notice Board.
Under Secretary to the Govt. of Indiacbc 36101/11/0014/2223 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 NATIONAL 7
There should be no is sues that can jeopardise the investment climate in Purba Medinipur district, Banerjee
Addressing the meet ing, Banerjee also asked the youth to get themselves trained in technical schools such as Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) as, she said, the state is emerging as a destination for skill-based industries.Shesaid the state has over 400 polytechnic insti tutes and ITIs and the youths can acquire skills in their chosen spheres from there.
(PTI): Online nominations and recommendations for the Padma Awards 2023, to be announced on the eve of Republic Day next year, will be received till Thursday.
Government of India Ministry of Science & Technology Department of Science & Technology
said. “There should not be any malpractice in allotting land for the development of Haldia. The industrial sce nario should be peaceful,” she added.TheCM said that funds allocated to the Zilla Pari shad should be spent prop erly. “I have asked MLAs and Zilla Parishad function aries, who attended a meet ing yesterday at Kharagpur, to work expeditiously for implementing government schemes, and ensure they do not get mired in red tape. We have to be on the side of the people,” she said.
Hindi, friend of all regional languages, says Amit Shah
(JOHN TSULISE SANGTAM) NCS, Secretary Nagaland Public Service Commission. Kohima.
Owaisi’s cheetah re mark – made in a lighter vein, he said -- came when reporters asked the Hyder abad MP to comment on plans to reintroduce the fast big cat to the country.
Shah observed that unless the Hindi language becomes flexible, it cannot grow.
“Many police person nel were brutally attacked by the participants of that rally... Police could have opened fire, but our admin istration showed maximum restraint,” she said during an administrative meeting at Nimtouri in Purba Medi nipurDuringdistrict. the rally, BJP supporters fought pitched battles with the police, threw stones at them, torched a vehicle and damaged a kiosk while the cops used batons and water cannons to dis perse the protesters. Several persons from both sides were injured in the melee.
these awards are announced on the occasion of Republic Day every year.
Nominations for Padma Awards to be accepted till today
“ People’s Padma”, an of ficial Concertedsaid. efforts are being made to identify tal ented persons whose excel lence and achievements really deserve to be recog nised from amongst women, weaker sections of the soci ety, SCs and STs, differently abled persons and those who are doing selfless service to the society.Further details in this regard are available un der the heading ‘Awards and Medals’ on the website of the Ministry of Home Affairs ( in) and on the Padma Awards portal
“I want to make one thing very clear. Some peo ple are spreading disinfor mation that Hindi and Guja rati, Hindi and Tamil, Hindi and Marathi are competi tors. Hindi cannot be a com petitor to any other language in the country. You must understand that Hindi is the friend of all the languages of the country,” Shah said. He said native languages in the country will prosper only when Hindi prospers, and vice versa.“Everybody should ac cept and understand this. So long as we do not accept the co-existence of languages, we cannot realise the dream of running the country in our own language. And I want to say with sincerity that it should be our aim to keep all the languages and mother tongues alive and prosperous. Only with the prosperity of all these lan
Banerjee, who virtually inaugurated several develop ment projects including a beautification drive in the sea resort towns of Digha and Mandarmani, said the state government was turn ing them into international places. Observing that there has been a spurt in road acci dents in the district in recent times, the chief minister said a mechanism was evolved to deal with those issues.
The Union home min istry had opened the win dow for accepting nomina tions and recommendations for the Padma Awards on May 1. They are being ac cepted only on the Rashtriya Puruskar Portal (https:// for sub mitting nominations for the Padma Awards is September 15, 2022, an official state mentThesaid.Padma Awards, namely Padma Vibhushan, Padma Bhushan and Padma Shri, are amongst the high est civilian awards of the country.Instituted in 1954,
Mamata Banerjee

He also criticised the Uttar Pradesh government’s move to conduct a survey of madrassas in the state.
others. However, the special court had dismissed the petition for not taking prior consent of the Subsequently,Governor.Abra ham had appealed the High Court which had directed the special court to revisit the case. Yediyurappa said that there is no truth in the al legations and he will emerge innocent, while expressing full faith in the judiciary.
All people without dis tinction of race, occupation, position or sex are eligible for theseGovernmentawards. servants including those working with public sector undertak ings (PSU), except doctors and scientists, are not eli gible for the Padma Awards.
in Madhya Pradesh on his birthday on September 17.
(IANS): In a setback to BJP leader B.S. Yediyurappa, a special court for cases against MPs/MLAs on Wednesday ordered the fil ing of case and investigation by the Lokayukta police, into allegations of misuse of power when he was Kar nataka Chief Minister. The special court’s order came on a plea by social activist T.J. Abraham who has al leged that Yediyurappa had allegedly awarded a BDA housing project to Ramalin gam Constructions in return for financial favours diverted through shell S.T.dra,urappa,seekingouslyAbrahamcompanies.hadpreviapproachedthecourtprobeagainstYediyhissonB.Y.VijayenCo-OperationMinisterSomashekarandsix

ADVT. No. DST / 06 / 2022-Estt.III

WPI inflation eases to 11-month low
3. smti. Vivika shohe, d/o Khekishe Shohe for being appointed to the post of Project Officer, National Resource centre for Social Audit (NRc-SA) NIRdPR, Hyderabad.
8 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022BUSINESS/STATE ACROSS 3 Trunk (5) 8 Lousy (5) 10 Power (5) 11 Paddle (3) 12 Dimness (5) 13 Game of chance (7) 15 Flying toys (5) 18 Generation (3) 19 Hat (6) 21 Trailblazer (7) 22 Burst of noise (4) 23 Insects (4) 24 Teach (7) 26 Resolve (6) 29 Unwell (3) 31 New Zealander (5) 32 Make bigger (7) 34 Cake decoration (5) 35 And not (3) 36 Defence plea (5) 37 Total (5) 38 Short musical com position (5) DOWN 1 Faint (5) 2 Cut short (7) 4 Sacred (4) 5 One who lights up (6) 6 Timorous (5) 7 Merriment (5) 9 Corpulent (3) 12 Explosive device (7) 14 Self (3) 16 1,000 kilograms (5) 17 Power of decision (3-2) 19 Art of swordplay (7) 20 Muscular contrac tion (5) 21 Christmas show (5) 23 American city (7) 24 Evoke (6) 25 Everything (3) 27 Noblemen (5) 28 Clan (5) 30 Wading bird (5) 32 Woman’s name (4) 33 Decompose (3) Crossword No. 10394 Yesterday’s solution No. 10393 Su doku No. 5016 Yesterday’s solution No. 5015 KAKURO No. 4039 Yesterday’s solution No. 4038 Lost Notice Lost BA 1st Semester Marksheet NAME: FATHER'SIsilungNAME: Agumbe Roll No.: UniversityBoard/University:Year:DimapurInstitution:AH18280061UnityCollege,2018Nagaland db-1018/22 Land For SaLe In dImapur 1. 4 Lane Touched, Area : 4 Bighas 2. Kushiabill Sec-IV1Bigha with House 3. Indisen (Ao’s only) Area – 5500 Sq. Ft. Contact No. : 7005424879 P-4311/22d Land For SaLe 1. Near ADC Court Dimapur (Area Available as per Budget) 2. Near Viola Colony (Area Available as per Budget) Contact : 8732002080 P-4297/22(A) dc-585/22 Land For SaLe Excellent location for sale at Lotha Colony, Dimapur. Persons interested may kindly call the given contact number:9863227620 P-4302/22d Land For SaLe 1. 3 Bighas (Residential Site at Khughovi Village) No Earth Filling Required Approach Road Touched Near 4 Lane Rs. 150 Per Sq. Ft 2. 9 Bighas (Paddy Field) at Nihoto Village Rs. 45 Per Sq. Ft Contact : 9362359477 P-4299/22d Land For SaLe Location : Vidima Village 4 Kms from New DC Office, 5 Kms from ARTC Sukhovi All plots JCB leveled and Agri Link Road touched. B1 120.25x120 = Rs. 12.26 Lakhs C1 130x54.8 Rs. 6.05 Lakhs C2 124.6x71.7 Rs. 7.59 Lakhs C3 130x89 Rs. 9.83 Lakhs A2 108.5x100 Rs. 9.22 Lakhs And more… No Brokers Please Contact : KEVI’S REAL ESTATE 8119010561/ 8798769783 -991/22db

July. In manufactured prod ucts and oil seeds, it was 7.51 per cent and (-) 13.48 per cent, respectively.
Domestic rating agen cy Icra said WPI inflation likely to ease to 11-12 per cent in September 2022 and print in single digits thereafter.“The downside sur prise was led by a lowerthan-anticipated rise in fuel and global commodity pric es,” Morgan Stanley said in a note.
to remain elevated around the August levels before moderating meaningfully from October onwards. This will have the RBI-led monetary policy committee front-loading the tightening cycle and deliver another 35 bps in the September 30 policyForreview.thefull year FY23, the brokerage continues to expect retail inflation to average at 6.7 per cent. Ac cordingly, she says in their base case, they continue to expect the monetary policy committee to front-load the rate hike cycle and raise the repo rate by another 35 bps in the September review.
On the positive side he notes that the gap between WPI and CPI is closing, it remains wide enough to keep the MPC on its path of front-loaded rate hikes.
NEW DELHI, SEP 14 (IANS): Soon e-commerce entities may face heavy pen alty for posting fake reviews of products, as the govern ment is finalising guidelines to curb such untaryreviews,other.viewscompaniesrivalgettingfakecommerceandwouldmadedardsthewhichrelatedisingofformedplacedAccordingpractices.tohighly-sources,acommitteebytheDepartmentConsumerAffairsisfinalchangesinthenormstofakereviews,wereformulatedbyBureauofIndianStan(BIS)in2021.Oncethechangesareinthesenorms,theybecomemandatoryentailpenaltyone-firmsforpostingreviewsandalsoforfakereviewsdoneofentities.Severale-commercegetnegativeredoneagainsteachTheBISnormsonfakeasofnow,arevolinnature.
In a note, Morgan Stanley said they expect a 35-bps rate hike in the September 30 review as they expect CPI inflation to remain around 5.3 per cent in FY24 and thus believe
Rupee ends down 29 paise against US dollar at 79.44
(AKAHO YEPTHO) (TOKAVI I. cHOPHI) General Secretary chairman
In a note, Rahul Bajo ria, the chief economist at Barclays Securities India,
No plans to set up plant in Punjab: BMW
As India prepares for the 5G roll-out, Cloud major IBM and Bharti Airtel an nounced to deploy Airtels edge computing platform in the country, which will include 120 network data centres across 20 cities.
(From p-1)
Despite of all these ill-treatments, Therie regretted that many people were running after BJP, believing that it would pump huge money in the election and also remain in power in Centre for years to come.
LAND FoR sALe through (cTSE). Tsaikha K. shohe, S/o Khehoshe Shohe for being appointed to the post of JE (Electrical Engg.) (class-II Gazetted) under Power department through NPSc (cTSE).
He claimed that every citizen was witness to the performance of BJP government at the Centre and its al liance government in the State. He therefore, stressed that Nagaland should not miss the bus and vote to bring in a God-fearing secular government.
No achievement to thank Nadda, says NPCC
at Vihokhu just 1 minute drive from Foothill Road any size at Rs. 45 per/ sq. ft. (Slightly Negotiable) Contact No : 60090942256009530632dP-4349/22 Land for sa L e at Burma Camp, Jasokie Colony Area measuring 110x80 at Rs. 540 per sq. feet Contact : 7005111602 -4257/22Pd LOST NOTICE I, Sieringle Kauring am applying for duplicate copy of Marksheet of M.A. 1st Semester as I have lost it. Name : Sieringle Kauring Father's Name : Dabu Kauring DoB : 04.09.1996 Roll No. : 19PSC16 College : Patkai Christian College (Autonomous) Contact : 8837351462 -4361/22Pd Land For SaLe Ura Colony PadumpukhuriKushiabillAoyim Contact : 8787826923 P-4339/22d Land For SaLe 1. Bamunpukhuri-I, Near DMC Fish Market 100 x 50 2. Bamunpukhuri-I, Opposite DMC Fish Market 120 x 120 3. Chumoukedima, Near Chumoukedima Village Gate 120 x 120 Contact No. : 8415001755P-4343/22d REQUIREDHELPERS For Private SalaryLocation:ResidenceKohima:Rs.7,000/-permonthFreefoodingandlodgingCallbetween10AMto3PM: +91 70859 24154 +91 96153 31764 K-2131/22 LOST NOTICE I, Tayongmeren, would like to inform that I have lost my arms licence no- 5083 NH/NEW (B), UINpleaseID-4560002142015.254580005185492015,Iffound,contact-8794417781. -2104/22K offICe of THe ROTOMI WELFARE KOHIMA FELICITATION With immense joy and honour, we the Rotomi Welfare, Kohima take the privilege to extend our heartiest congratulations to: 1. er. Kumugha K. shohe, S/o. Khekishe Shohe for being appointed to the post of SdO (civil Engg.) (class-I Gazetted) under PHE department

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) mainly looks at retail inflation to frame its monetaryRetailpolicy.inflation has remained above the Re serve Bank’s upper tolerance threshold of 6 per cent for the eighth month in a row and was at 7 per cent in August.To tame stubbornly high inflation, the RBI has hiked the key interest rate three times this year to 5.40 per cent.According to the cen tral bank’s projections, retail inflation is likely to average 6.7 per cent in 2022-23.
said elevated inflation on both the retail and whole sale fronts suggests the need for the RBI’s monetary policy committee to main tain vigilance over evolving price trends and accord ingly he expects the MPC to front-load rate hikes, and deliver another 50 bps rate hike on September 30.
Brent crude oil prices were at $92.74 a barrel by the clos ing of Indian market hours.
2. er.
RBI could raise rates by 35-50 bps
(From p-1)
“This is why we are called weak Christians by Chris tians around the world,” he said.
IBM, Airtel join hands to power Indian enterprises in 5G era
(AGENCIES): With retail inflation rebounding and surging 7 per cent in Au gust, analysts see another 35-50 basis points hike in interest rates by the RBI this month.Retail inflation has stayed above the tolerance band of the RBI for eightconsecutive months. De spite a 140 basis points hike in repo rate, the real rates have been negative due to inflation staying above the 6% mark, Economic Times reported. According to Tanvee Gupta-Jain, the India chief economist at the Swiss brokerage UBS Securities, considering the base effect, inflation print for September is also likely
The inflation was 13.93 per cent in July and 11.64 per cent in August last year. It had touched a record high of 15.88 per cent in May this year.The inflation was lower
CKS affirms support to ENPO demand
The Welfare further expresses our sincere prayers and best wishes their future endeavours.
NEW DELHI, SEP 14 (PTI): The wholesale pricebased inflation eased to 11-month low of 12.41 per cent in August, on softening in prices of manufactured and fuel products, even as food items remained ex pensive.Although the Whole sale Price Index (WPI) based inflation declined for three consecutive months, it remained in double digit for 17th months beginning April last year.

CHENNAI, SEP 14 (IANS): The BMW Group on Wednesday categorically refuted reports of setting up an auto component plant in Punjab. “BMW Group India has no plans for setting up additional manufactur ing operations in Punjab,” the German group said in a statement.BMW Group is firmly committed to its Indian operations with its manu facturing plant in Chennai, a parts warehouse in Pune, a training centre in GurgaonNCR and a well-developed dealer network across ma jor metropolitans of the country.
To begin with, Airtel edge computing platform backed by IBM Cloud Sat ellite will power Maruti Su zuki’s initiatives to stream line plant productivity and quality operations. “As India gears up to experience 5G,
has been progressing well with cumulative rainfall 6 per cent above the longterm average up to Septem ber 12, the distribution of the rainfall has been rather uneven.As a result the sum mer crop sowing declined by 1.3 per cent on-year up to September 2, largely led by paddy which declined by a negative 5.6 per cent and pulses (-4.4 per cent), UBS Tosaid.control the domes tic prices, the government last week banned exports of broken rice and imposed a 20 per cent duty on exports of various grades of rice.
The Indian rupee ended down 29 paise down, at 79.44, against the US dol lar on Wednesday. At the interbank foreign exchange market, the rupee ended at 79.44, against 79.15 in the previous trading session, against US Anindyadollar.Banerjee, VP, Currency Derivatives & Interest Rate Derivatives at Kotak Securities Ltd, at tributed the dip to the strong rally in US Dollar Index and sell-off in “However,equities.RBI inter vention and FPI flows may have capped the advance beyond 79.60. The sharp drop in the forward pre mium could be a sign of RBI selling in forwards. Post US CPI, odds of a 100 bps hike next week has increased.
that normalisation in real rates is Evenwarranted.asthemonsoon
These odds can keep US DINR supported till Fed meeting,” he said Dollar index, which gauges the the strength of greenback against the bas ket of six major currencies, was at 109.243. “We expect a range of 79.20 and 79.80 on spot,” Banerjee added.
than August print in Sep tember last year when it was 11.8 per Inflationcent. in food ar ticles in August rose to 12.37 per cent, as against 10.77 per cent in July, on account of costlier cereals, fruits and vegetables.Therate of price rise in vegetables was 22.29 per cent during the month un der review, while in case of potato it was 43.56 per cent. Inflation in cereals was 1.77 per cent, while in wheat and fruits it was 17.35 per cent and 31.75 per cent re spectively.Inthe fuel and power basket, inflation was 33.67 per cent in August, as against 43.75 per cent in
we see a massive opportunity to help businesses across in dustries transform how they deliver goods and services,” said Ganesh Lakshmina rayanan, CEO-Enterprise, Airtel“WeBusiness.have the largest network of edge data cen ters available in India under the Nxtra brand and we will leverage our work with IBM to help Indian busi nesses address their critical business needs with greater efficiency,” he added.
Once deployed, the platform is designed to en able large enterprises across multiple industries including
E-com entities may face heavy penalty for fake reviews
The meeting, which deliberated on August 26 ENPO resolution to ab stain from any central and State election, resolved to firmly support the ENPO resolution until the ENPO demand for separate State Frontier Nagaland was ful filled.CSK further resolved not to allow any electioneer ing process i.e candidature declaration or campaigns within the Chang jurisdic tion.
manufacturing and automo tive to accelerate innovative solutions that deliver new value to their clients and operations -- securely at the edge. In India, 5G has the potential to create a cumula tive economic impact of $1 trillion by Howard2035.Boville, Head of IBM Cloud Platform, said that teaming with Airtel to bring IBM’s hybrid cloud offerings to their Indian multi-access edge compute customers “will help them embrace the opportunities presented by 5G and edge, like innovating with greater speed and security”.
Therie emphasised that Nagaland needed a secular government and choice of faith was a freedom of the individual. He said the tragedy was that the voter in a de mocracy was given one chance to vote in five years.
The Indian embassy in Myanmar.

The ATS and Coast Guard officials along with the seized boat are expected to reach the Jakhau coast later in the day, he said.
ernment, NCP MP Supriya Sule said Shinde must im mediately catch a plane to New Delhi and ensure that the Vedanta-Foxconn proj ect -- “which had come to Maharashtra on merits” -- is immediately restored.
According to another input, an observer reported that during taxiing, one of the plane’s engines was on fire, the official added.
There were a total of 141 passengers, 4 infants and 6 crew members on board the aircraft, the offi cials said. Videos and imag es on social media showed smoke emanating from the plane parked at the Muscat airport.In a statement, an Air India Express spokesperson said there were 141 passen gers onboard the plane, which was to depart Muscat at 1120 hours (local time).
The Chungliyimti Union Dimapur with great pride extends its heartiest congratulations to Mr. S. Moatoshi Sangtam , S/o Mr. Shipongba Sangtam and Mrs. Kikhemla for clearing NPSC Combined Technical Service Exam and Securing a post of Foreman (Class-III NonGazetted) under Transport Department.
Air India Express said full support was extended by Muscat Airport authorities and the passengers were brought to the terminal building. There are no major injuries reported, except minor bruises to some pas sengers while evacuating.
said the matter is being in vestigated by the regulatory authorities as well as the airline’s flight safety depart ment. A senior official at the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) said the regulator is probing the inci dent and appropriate action will be taken after the inves tigation is completed.
bring back the guests from Muscat.The Civil Aviation Au thority (CAA) of Oman said there was fire in one of the engines of the aircraft.
the others out as early as possible,” he said.
Leader of Opposition, NCP’s Ajit Pawar shot off a letter in which he has alleged that the project has gone to Gujarat due to high-level political pressure, and said Shinde must take steps to ensure it returns to Maha rashtra. Attacking the gov
Er. O Thokphen C. Longau Phom President, KBUD General Secy., KBUD
Air India Express plane engine caught fire at Muscat airport on Wednesday.
He said B R Ambed kar had rightly said that social, economical and po litical independence is equallyHeimportant.wasalsoquoted as saying that “codes can be changed, not principles”.
AHMEDABAD, SEP 14 (PTI): Rashtriya Swayam sevak Sangh (RSS) chief Mohan Bhagwat on Wednesday said people of the country need to under stand their “swa” (self) be cause the whole world is looking at India for knowl edge.He was speaking at a seminar on the subject “Swadhinta Se Swatantrata Ki Aur”, organised by the RSS’ sister outfit Bharatiya Vichar Manch here.
said one of the people. They said the Indian embassy in Yangon had been working closely with the Government of Myan mar for their rescue.
“There are other efforts for rescuing these Indian citizens through various contacts among the business community, given that the area is not fully under the control of the local authori ties,” the person cited above said. “So far, the embassy has rescued more than 30 Indian citizens trapped in the Myawaddy area, and is continuing all efforts to get
On this occasion, he honoured Dr Gunjan Garg and Dr Gopal Kabra with the Hindi Seva Award for excellent writing in the field of medicine and re leased the Golden Jubilee issue of “Bhasha Vishaar”.
The chief minister also honoured 393 students who got 100 per cent marks in Hindi subject. He said the language plays an im portant role in connecting people and it a carrier of the country’s cultural heri tage. He said it is a matter of pride that Hindi is one of the most spoken lan guages in the world.
World looking at India for knowledge: RSS
On July 5, the Indian mission issued an advisory cautioning against unscru pulous elements offering jobs. “The mission has ob served in recent past that some lT companies engaged in digital scamming/forge crypto activities located in remote eastern border areas of Myanmar are recruiting Indian workers from differ ent places through their re cruiting agents on the pre text of potential employ ment opportunities in the IT sector,” it said.

H.B Asangba Lemdi Sangtam President General Secretary dp-4346/22
Fire in AI Express engine at Muscat airport
The state ATS and the Coast Guard had foiled similar attempts of drug smuggling in the past also and caught foreign nationals with huge quantities of nar cotics which they planned to smuggle into India via the Gujarat coast.
The Union is immensely proud of his achievement and further wishes him even more success in future.
The Office of the Kangching Bühü Union Dimapur (KBUD) conveys its heartiest congratulations to the following for successfully clearing the NPSC-1/CTSE 2022.
As per preliminary in formation, the aircraft VTAXZ was scheduled to oper ate flight IX442 from Mus cat to Kochi. During taxiing, one of the engines had fire and smoke and subsequent ly, all the passengers and crew were evacuated on taxiway. Slides were de ployed to evacuate the peo ple, the DGCA official said.

“Before the aircraft take off, the aircraft was hit by a failure and a fire in one of its engines, which re quired an immediate evacu ation of passengers,” the authority said in a tweet.
JAIPUR, SEP 14 (PTI): Hindi language acts as a bridge between different states of the country while being an effective medium for the expression of thoughts, Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot said on TheWednesday.language has played an important role in increasing the spirit of brotherhood among the countrymen as it is an im portant link for our na tional integrity, Gehlot added addressing a statelevel Hindi Diwas function organised at Sawai Man singh Medical College.
Yingphire Union Dimapur, with profound delight and pride conveys its heartiest congratulations to Mr. Khumlise Anar, S/o Er. Chopongse Anar on been selected to the post of JE (IT/Communication) under Department of Power in recently declared NPSC(CTSE).

chief6 Pak nationals held off Gujarat coast with heroin Vedanta-Foxconn: Shinde blames Uddhav, MVA says ‘treachery, bulldozer on Maha’
UNION DIMAPUR DIMAPUR : FELICITATIONNAGALAND dp-4359/22 dp-4360/22 GOVERNMENT OF NAGALAND NAGALAND STAFF SELECTION BOARD NAGALAND; KOHIMA No. NSSB/EXAM-4/8/2022 /// Dated Kohima, the 14th Sept, 2022 NOTICE In continuation to the Advertisement No. NSSB-1/2022 in respect of Combined Staff Recruitment Examination 2022 vide No. NSSB/EXAM4/8/2022 dated Kohima 09-09-2022 inviting Online Applications from Indigenous Inhabitants of Nagaland for filling up the Group C vacancies under the Govt of Nagaland to be recruited by Nagaland Staff Selection Board, the following Addendum and Corrigendum are hereby notified as under; A. ADDENDUM: The following posts are added as under; ItemNo Name of Post MatrixPay Number of Vacancies Name of Department CodePostfor Group Educational Qualification Remarks 1 pharmacist Level-7 1 Employment, Skill dev & Entrepreneurship 002 (A) III 1. HSSLC Science 2. diploma in pharmacology from a recognised Institution 19 LdA cum Computer Assistant (directorate) Level-5 1 Health & Family Welfare 040 II 1. Graduate (General) / HSSLC (BT) 2. diploma in Computer Application 3 Food & Civil Supplies 057 (A) 1. Graduate (General) / HSSLC (BT) 2. diploma in Computer Application 33 LdA cum Computer Assistant (district) Level-4 4 Food & Civil Supplies 098 (A) II 1. Graduate (General) / HSSLC (BT) 2. diploma in Computer Application 35 Store Keeper Level-4 6 Food & Civil Supplies 104 (A) I HSSLC 40 Assistant Fishery Inspector Level-7 4 Fisheries & Aquatic Resources 109 III 1. 75% of the vacant posts to be filled by Candidate possessing HSSLC Science with 1 year certificate course in Inland Fisheries development from Inland Fisheries Training Centre (IFTC) Lamphel, Imphal 2. 25% of the vacant posts to be filled by Candidate possessing Bachelor of Fisheries Science (B. F.Sc) OR B.Sc pisciculture OR B.Sc Zoology with major subject in Fishery Science B. CORRIGENDUM: 1. Each incorrect answer will carry a Negative Marking of 0.33%, which means for every wrong answer 0.66 marks will be deducted in paper I, II & III. 2. The Educational Qualification for the post of LdA cum Computer Assistant under the directorate of Border Affairs as per Item No. 19, Code No 032 shall be B. Sc Geo Information/ Geospatial/ Remote Sensing and GIS OR B. Tech Geo Information/ Geospatial/ Remote Sensing and GIS OR B.A (Geography)/ B. Sc (Geography) with diploma in Geo Information/ Geospatial/ Remote Sensing and GIS. This post shall fall under Group – III category. Item No. 19 for this particular post has been changed to Item No. 41. Code No. 032 remains the same. 3. The Educational Qualification for the post of Sub-Inspector under the directorate of Evaluation as per Item No. 26, Code No 064 shall be read as Graduate with Statistics/ Economics/ Mathematics/ Commerce/ Agriculture Economics/ Social Work/ Sociology/ Rural Economics/ Education. 4. The Educational Qualification for the post of Electrician under the Chief Engineer, police Engineering project as per Item No. 7, Code No 009 shall be read as HSLC with ITI diploma in Electrical Trade minimum 1 year OR HSSLC with diploma certificate in Electrical Trade from recognised Institution. SD/- B. HENOK BUCHEM, NCS Secretary-cum-Controller of Exams Nagaland Staff Selection BoarddC-1072/22 CBC 48129/12/0037/2223

Clearly taken aback by the notbutpower)details.tra”biggerassuredwheredrawithramifications,bombshellpolitical-economicwithlong-termShindespokePrimeMinisterNarenModilateonTuesdaythelatterreportedlyhimof“givingevenprojectstoMaharashinthefuture.“WearefindingouttheWehavecome(toonlytwomonthsagoVedanta-Foxconndidgetthedesiredresponse
NEW DELHI, SEP 14 (PTI): The Indian embassy in Myanmar has rescued over 30 Indians out of the 60 trapped in that country’s Myawaddy area after falling prey to an international racket promising jobs in Thailand, people familiar with the matter said on Wednesday.Myawaddy area in southeastern Myanmar’s Kayin state bordering Thai land is not fully under the control of the Myanmarese government and certain ethnic armed groups hold sway over it. The people said the Indian nationals were duped by the international gang that offered them jobs in Thailand, but instead, were taken illegally to Myanmar. “As per the avail able information from vari ous sources, more than 60 Indian nationals were duped by the fraudsters. They are reportedly in the area of Myawaddy. This area is not fully under the control of the government of Myanmar,”
NEW DELHI, SEP 14 (PTI): As many as 151 peo ple were evacuated from an Air India Express plane at the Muscat airport on Wednesday after fire and smoke were noticed in one of the engines and aviation regulator DGCA is probing the incident, according to officials.The incident happened when the Kochi-bound Boe ing 737-800 aircraft was taxiing at the airport. Some passengers suffered minor bruises at the time of evacu ation, the officials said.
“Other countries look toward ancient Indian phi losophy for guidance. Our ancient scriptures and books are eternal. Even today, the whole world looks toward India for knowledge. In such a situa tion, we all need to under stand our ‘swa’ (self),” Bhagwat is quoted as say ing in a release. Even top
AHMEDABAD, SEP 14 (PTI): The Gujarat AntiTerrorist Squad in a joint operation with the Indian Coast Guard seized 40kg heroin worth Rs 200 crore from a Pakistani fishing boat in the Arabian Sea off the Gujarat coast on Wednes day, a senior ATS official said. Six Pakistani crew members of the boat were also apprehended, he said.
The fishing boat carry ing drugs was intercepted mid-sea by a joint team of the Coast Guard and ATS near Jakhau harbour in Kutch district, the official said. “The heroin was meant to be transported to Punjab by road after being offloaded on the Gujarat coast. Based on a specific tip-off, we inter cepted the boat which left from Pakistan, and caught six Pakistani nationals with 40kg of heroin,” he said.
Hindi acted as bridge between states: CM Gehlot
Both Shinde and In dustry Minister Uday Sa mant confirmed the discus sion with the Prime Minister and the reported promises, but there were no takers in the Opposition Maha Vikas Aghadi alliance of the Na tionalist Congress PartyCongress-Shiv Sena. Virtu ally all parties have demand ed a thorough probe into the sequence of events leading to Vedanta-Foxconn opting for Gujarat when more than 90 percent of its deal was finalised with Maharashtra, including allotment of 1,100 acres of land near Pune.
Sd/- Sd/-
dent Nana Patole accused Shinde of being “a dummy CM” with Modi and Union home minister Amit Shah running the show, “which is a very serious matter and detrimental to this “Maharashtrastate”.hadgiv en a very attractive package to the saidharashtra‘conspiracy’Gujaratproject,Vedanta-FoxconnbutithaschosenduetotheBJP’stoweakenMaeconomically,”Patole.
“While it was on the
Mohan Bhagwat

Mr. Shanyu S. Phom, S/o O. Shijang Phom SDO (Civil Engg.) Class-1 Gazetted under Works and Housing Department. We appreciate your achievements which will serve as an inspiration to our Community. The Union further wishes you good health and wisdom in exercising your duties for the welfare and upliftment of the people of our society.
judges have appealed to make necessary changes in the judicial process “on that basis”, he said. “It’s the religion which teaches us the lessons of love, compassion, truth and penance. We never divided knowledge as indigenous or foreign. We always believed in adopting good thoughts coming from all directions. Countries which forget their history are destined to be wiped out soon,” said
Around 30 Indians trapped in Myanmar’s Myawaddy area after falling prey to job scam
Eknath Shinde and Uddhav Thackeray
The Union further acknowledges him for bringing laurels to the Union through success and also wishes him the very best in his future endeavours. (Muvase Ayongru) (Revo Anar) G/Secy. President
taxiway, another aircraft re ported observing fumes from one of the engines. However, there was no fire warning indication in the cockpit. As a matter of abundant precaution, and following the prescribed SOPs, the crew stopped on the taxiway and activated the onboard engine fire ex tinguishers,” the statement said. Air India Express also
An official at the Co chin International Airport Ltd (CIAL), the engine of the Air India Express’ Boe ing plane had caught fire at the Muscat airport before taking off for Kochi at 1250 hours (IST).
Rattled by the political fall out of the Vedanta GroupFoxconn Rs 2.06 lakh-crore mega project choosing Gu jarat, Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde blamed former CM Uddhav Thackeray’s government for the loss. At the same time the Opposition Maha Vikas Aghadi allies slammed Shinde for “treachery, and bulldozing the state econo my”, here on Wednesday.

She rejected the claim that “bigger projects” would be given to Maharashtra and demanded that first the Ve danta-Foxconn project must be brought back in the inter ests of the state’s youth and economy. Shiv Sena’s exMinister Aditya Thackeray said that Shinde has again resorted to ‘treachery’ - first by toppling the MVA gov ernment in June with the help of the Bharatiya Janata Party, and now failing the people of this state by allow ing the mega project to go to the BJP-ruledCongressGujarat.statepresi
from the earlier (MVA) gov ernment,” said Shinde.
Air India Express has arranged a relief flight to
Bhagwat.Theseminar was open only to select their“late”inIndiaBhagwatguests.saidthoughbecameindependent1947,thepeoplewereinunderstanding“swa”(self).
sources said that both sides have verified their posts at LAC by the ground com manders.According to sourc es both India and China moved back their frontline troops to the rear from the face-off site of PP-15 in the Gogra-Hotsprings area in eastern Ladakh and dismantled temporary infrastructure there as part of a five-day disengagement process.
A day after Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha an nounced 14 major road proj ects in Poonch, 11 people were killed and nearly 22 injured in a major accident of a minibus in the district on Wednesday.Theincident occurred when a passenger minibus was travelling from Mandi to Saujiyan area. According to sources, the bus driver was not able to negotiate a sharp turn and the vehicle went into Bareri Nullah, a deep Thegorge.minibus was car rying over 30 passengers. Soon after the accident, locals informed the police and a rescue operation was launched in the border dis trict. Soldiers from the local unit of the Army also joined the operation along with police.Police sources said 11 bodies were recovered from the spot and the injured were sent to the district hospital. Many passengers faced se rious injuries and were re ferred to different hospitals in theSixregion.ofthe seriously injured victims were airlifted to Jammu for treatment.
The process started on September 8 after months of talks and 16 rounds of corps commander meet ings. As per sources the two sides have moved back after May 2020 friction. The
With esteemed pride and joy, the Longjakrep Semchir Ungma take this opportunity to convey our heartiest congratulation to er. SUNGKUMLeMBA JAMiR, S/o Mr. Takameren Jamir and Rentibenla Longkumer on being successfully appointed through NPSC Exams as SDO (Electrical) under Power Department, and er. iMLiteMJeN JAMiR, S/o Mr. Rongsenlemba Jamir and Imnuksungla on being successfully appointed through NPSC Exams as Junior Engineer (Civil) under Works & Housing Department.TheLongjakrep Semchir Ungma appreciate your achievements which will serve as an inspiration to ourWecommunity.furtherwish them good health and wisdom in their future endeavor.

Sd/- Sd/-
The former chief min ister of Jammu and Kashmir also claimed that he never ruled out the possibility of the restoration of Article 370, but said it could be a time-consuming process, adding only Prime Minister Narendra Modi could do so immediately.“It(Article 370) was not an obstacle. (As the chief minister of Jammu and Kashmir), I introduced a three-shift work system, Assembly sittings were held six days a week, roads were built, a network of schools and colleges was created and environment clearances were given,” Azad told re porters
“I must have done some good work...because this prime minister does not shed tears for anyone just like that. Just run a search for my speeches in Parlia ment, and you will see the verbal exchnages I have had with the prime minister. Go ing by those speeches, Modi Sahib should have put me in jail, but he said he has seen all my documents during my tenure as the chief minister, he has seen my notes against corruption. That’s (the cor ruption) what the BJP is tracking today,” he said.
The union wishes them the best in their future endeavours.
2. Er. Imtisanen Ao , S/o Mr. Imkongchuba Jamir & Mrs. Nukenmenla for his success in the recently conducted NPSC (CTSE) Examination for the post of Junior Engineer (Civil Engg.) under PWD (Works & Housing Department).
Either it will be restored by Modi, like he did with the (repeal of) farm laws as he has the majority, or there should be a two-third major ity in Parliament. I cannot convince him or his cabinet on this,” he said.
The Chang Students’ Union Dimapur with immense pride and honour extend our heartfelt congratulations to Mr. Tonen A Chang, S/o N. Aojongshi and Mrs. Nokshanglemla of Litem village for successfully clearing the NPSC-1/CTSE/2021 and qualifying for the post of SDO (Civil Eng.) (Class-1 gazetted) under Works & Housing
1. Dr. Rongsenneken, S/o Mr Tsuknungchiba Jamir & Mrs. Aitsungla for his success in the recently conducted NPSC (CTSE) Examination for the post of Medical Officer under Health & Family Welfare Department.
OF THE DIMAPUR KELINGMEN STUDENTS’ UNION FELICITATION Sd/Nungsangliba Ao (President) Sd/Meyibenla (General Secretary) Dr. Rongsenneken Er. Imtisanen Ao -4363/22DP

The Union wishes her bounteous blessings and the best in all her future endeavors.
Auchingsonla Longyang President, CSUD G/Secretary, CSUD

“They are buying MLAs and making govern ments fall, which is danger ous for democracy,” the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader told a press confer
“The party that is buy ing MLAs is dangerous for democracy but the Con gress is also at fault. Why only Congress MLAs get poached? Why can’t they buy our MLAs despite their attempts?” he asked.
Rahul said, “China has refused to accept India’s demand of restoring status quo of April 2020. PM has given 1000 Sq Kms of
2. Mr Chonpenthung K. Tungoe, S/o Khondao Tungoe, SDO (Civil Engg) Class- 1 gazetted under Works and Housing Department.
Many Chief Justices have changed since then, but not one has opened even the first page of the petition. No date has been given for hearing
“I have not said Ar ticle 370 cannot be restored.
On the allegation that he was playing second fiddle to the BJP in Jammu and Kashmir, Azad said it was not him but some leaders in the Congress who were helping the BJP in achieving a ‘Congress-mukt Bharat’.

Art 370 did not obstruct J-K’s development: Azad
Bhutan king meets PM Modi
4. Mr. Alex E Ngullie, S/o Elias Ngullie, Junior Engineer (Electrical Engg) Group-B under Power Department. With immense pride and gratitude in our hearts the Old Riphyim Baptist Church thank the Almighty God for blessing upon us with these tremendous achievements. It is our prayer that the good Lord will continue to bless them with good health, wisdom and greater success even in the days to come.
The Nokpu Kaketshir Telongjem (Students Union) the examination by securing prestigious positions under GoN and for bringing laurels to the village in particular and community in general.
“We came to know on Tuesday that they (BJP) tried to buy MLAs in Punjab by offering them Rs 25 crore each. Ten of our MLAs were approached. They will address a press conference on Wednesday and expose the BJP,” Kejriwal said.
Lkr -4366/22DP DP-4364/22
Azad said according to the details he received from Parliament, 86 per cent members in the Lok Sabha -- the BJP and eight other parties -- were in favour of the abrogation while 14 per cent were against it.
Azad said the Congress leaders were levelling the
The Office of the Thipüzumi Students' Union expresses immense pride and congratulates Dr Velilü epao, Daughter of Mr Hüchota Epao on being recommended for the post of Veterinary Assistant Surgeon under the Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Department in the recently declared NPSC, CTSE result.
The union further wishes them success in their future endeavors.
NEW DELHI, SEP 14 (IANS): After reports of disengagement with China at Ladakh, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Wednes day attacked the govern ment for not restoring the status quo of April 2020 at Line of Actual Control (LAC) with China.

The other route is the Supreme Court, he said.
Chang StudentS’ union dimapur feLicitAtiON

“Can any party from here (Jammu and Kashmir) get 86 per cent? We can pray that some day we get the two-third majority but it cannot be today, it cannot be in March next year. If it has to happen by December (this year), only Modi Sahib can do it,” he said.
allegation against him as Prime Minister Narendra Modi got emotional during his farewell in Rajya Sabha.
BJP tried to buy 10 AAP MLAs in Punjab for Rs 25 crore each: Arvind Kejriwal
NEW DELHI, SEP 14 (PTI): Bhutan king Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wang chuck met Prime Minister Narendra Modi here on Wednesday and both leaders discussed bilateral ties and the ways to further strength en them. Wangchuck was in India en route to London to attend Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral, officials said.
President General Secretary Thipüzumi Students' Union Thipüzumi Students' Union
PM has given 1K sq kms of territory to China: Rahul
Department.Theunion takes this privilege to express our deepest appreciation and wishes him all the very best for his future endeavors.
ence here. He alleged that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is using public money to “buy” legislators due to which inflation is rising in the country.Kejriwal also hit out at the Congress after eight of its MLAs in Goa switched over to the saffron camp, saying the grand old party has failed to prevent its law makers from being poached.

The Yanyen Citizen Forum prays and wishes best luck in his future endeavours.
“So, we will not come up with any slogan which is not fair, just and possible. I dont want to give any false hopes, whether people vote for us or not,” he said.
Azad said while Ar ticle 370 deserves respect, there are other issues, too, which need to be corrected in terms of development and governance.“Wecannot sit idle till Article 370 is restored,” he said.
Through this column, the Dimapur Kelingmen Students' Union with immense pride and honor extends heartiest congratulations to:
Azad said the Congress could have encashed the fact that the prime minister cried for him.“But what did you do? You keep abusing the prime minister 24 hours a day. The result is that you lost even your own seat. When you keep abusing someone, that person gets sympathy from the people,” he said, without naming Congress leader Ra hul Gandhi.
Rahul Gandhi
“I am accused of being a friend of the BJP. The real friends of the BJP are those who are helping in establish ing a Congress-mukt Bharat. This is my counter allega tion on them,” he said.
3. Ms Elizabeth V. Lotha, D/o Vandamo Tungoe, Junior Engineer (Civil Engg) Class -II gazetted under Works and Housing Department.
(PTI): Former Congress leader Ghulam Nabi Azad on Wednesday said Article 370 was not an obstacle in the development of Jammu and Kashmir, and claimed that the erstwhile state had performed better that na tional average on 30 indices.
President General Secretary Mr. Pangerwati Walling Mr. Tsukti Imchen
Rs 1 lakh each was announced for seriously in jured victims, a UT admin istration official said.
ACHUAK KONYAK TINGKEI KONYAK President General Secretary -4351/22DP

Modi tweeted, “Had a warm meeting with His Majesty the King of Bhutan. Discussed various ideas to further strengthen the close and unique India-Bhutan friendship. Conveyed my appreciation for the guiding vision provided by succes sive Druk Gyalpos in shap ing our relations.” India and Bhutan share historically strong ties.
“After Delhi, these peo ple (BJP) have now reached Punjab to buy our MLAs. Where are these thousands of crores of rupees com ing from? They should un derstand -- we are not the Congress, no one can buy us. The way they are mak ing elected governments fall one by one, this has become a very serious issue for the country and democracy,” he said in a tweet in Hindi.
JAMIR Tatar T. ONENTIBA JAMIR Tatar -343/22CkM
Thehere.former Union minister, who recently quit the Congress, said he had even countered Modi in
“They (BJP) tried to buy our MLAs in Delhi and now in Punjab, but we
The Old Riphyim Baptist Church (ORBC) conveys our heartiest congratulations to the following individuals who has successfully cleared the recent NPSC Examination 2021 and bringing laurels to our village.
NEW DELHI, SEP 14 (PTI): Delhi Chief Minister and AAP national convenor Arvind Kejriwal accused the BJP on Wednesday of attempting to “buy” 10 of his party MLAs in Punjab by offering them Rs 25 crore each.He also alleged that the saffron party is planning an “Operation Lotus” to poach MLAs from other parties in every state, either with the help of money or the fear of agencies such as the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and the Enforcement Directorate (ED).
The Luvishe Ghami Kuposhukulu Zunheboto further wishes her the best in her newly assigned job and further endeavours.
“I have countered the prime minister and the home minister in Parlia ment on this issue. I have highlighted 30 indices where Jammu and Kashmir under Article 370 outperformed the national average and 40 indices where it fared better than “IGujarat.hadsaid in Parlia ment that since Jammu and Kashmir was better on most indices, Gujarat should in stead be made a Union territory and a Lieutenant Governor be sent there,” he added.On the restoration of Article 370, Azad said he never ruled out its possibility but was of the opinion that it could consume time.
it. If proceedings start, how many years will it take and in whose favour will it be decided, we do not know.
Ghulam Nabi Azad
Arvind Kejriwal
territory to China without a fight. Can GOI explain how this territory will be retrieved?” he Governmentsaid. sources on Tuesday said that there has been complete disen gagement at key flashpoints in the Ladakh sector be tween India and China.
The Office of the Yanyen Citizen Forum with immense pleasure conveys our heartiest congratulations to Dr. Pangdun Konyak , S/o Shri. Tsingwang Konyak of Loakkun Village, Tizit for his milestone achievement in the recently declared Combined Technical Services Examination result under NPSC 2021 for the post of Veterinary Assistant Surgeon (CL-1 Gazetted) under Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Department.
Patton y. Chumben Patton Church Secretary Pastor -4369/22DP
takes immense pride in congratulating Mr. Tinuwati Longkumer, S/o Er. Chuba Longkumer & Mrs Asangla Imchen and Mr. Wapangtoshi Longkumer, S/o Mr. Rongsen Longkumer & Mrs. Akumla Imchen for securing SDO (Class 1 Gazetted) under Works & Housing Department GoN and Assistant Programmer under Election Department GoN (Class 3 Non- Gazetted) respectively, in the recently conducted NPSC Combined Technical Examination 2021. The union is overwhelmed and honored for their outstanding performance in

Sd/- Sd/TOKATO yEPTHO ATHSAMU K. yEPTHO Chairman General Secretary L.G.K.Z L.G.K.Z DP-4336/22
exposed them,” he added. Eight Congress legisla tors in Goa, including for mer chief minister Digam bar Kamat, joined the ruling BJP on Wednesday, in a body blow to the opposi tion party, which is now left with just three MLAs in the 40-member state Assembly. Later, Kejriwal also took to Twitter and ques tioned the BJP’s source of money to “buy” MLAs.
1. Dr. Zuchobeni Patton, D/o Er. Thungdemo Patton,Medical Officer Class-1 gazetted under Health and Welfare Department.
Sd/- Sd/-
Parliament on Article 370.
The Luvishe Ghami Kuposhukulu Zunheboto profoundly extends our heartfelt and deepest appreciation to Miss. VINOLI K. AWOMI daughter of Mrs.& Mr. KIHETO AWOMI for successfully clearing the post of Forest Ranger (Class-II Gazette) under the Environment Forest and Climate Change Department in the recently declared NPSC combined Technical Service Examination.
“More than three years have passed since the case is in the Supreme Court.
The AAP’s Punjab leadership said it will submit a complaint to the director general of police along with evidence in support of its allegation.
LG Manoj Sinha also visited the district hospital to enquire about the health of the injured people.
OFFICE OF THE Tinuwati Lkr Wapangtoshi
11 killed, 22 injured as minibus falls into gorge in J&K’s Poonch
Rescue operation underway at the site of accident.

The Ekhung further prays that, may our Almighty God continue to guide and bless them in their future endeavours.
o FF i C e o F t H e Bu SH e MH au P H ang B H u M nyu Village, longleng FeliCitation
India-China disengagement at Patrolling Point 15 ‘one problem less’: EAM
Indian and Chinese armies carried out a joint verification of the disen gagement process at PP-15 in the Gogra-Hotsprings
“The investigation is on the right track. Culprits will be behind the bars soon and strict punitive action against them will be en sured,” he reiterated.
PANAJI, SEP 14 (PTI): Eight Congress MLAs in Goa, including former chief minister Digambar Kamat, on Wednesday joined the ruling BJP, dealing a body blow to the opposition party which is now left with just three MLAs in the 40-mem ber Assembly.Kamattold reporters that he visited the temple where in January he took a pledge to remain faithful to the people and the party after the Assembly elections held two months later.
P.O. Hukir, Dist: Shamator Nagaland Motto: “victory through education”
(lungling Peter) (a. Bauom Phom)
“The party is not de pendent on MLAs. Con gress will remain firm in the state even if the MLAs have left it,” Alemao said.
heichi irangbe isileung thou President BSUN General Secretary BSUN K-2100/22
Sd/- Sd/(Tsheypingtsü Thüvüri) (Chingpeng)
Office Of the CHairMan, Village CounCil laruri P.O/P.S Meluri, District – Phek, Nagaland – 797114. FeliCitation
The Congress termed the move as “height of be trayal and shamelessness” on part of the MLAs who had pledged to remain faith ful to the people and the party after the Assembly elections.InJanuary, they had taken the loyalty pledge at a temple, church and dargah
We the Yongnyah Union Longleng with profound delight extends our heartiest congratulations to Dr. Y. Waulong Phom son of lt. Yongba Phom on being promoted from the post of Medical Officer to Dy. Director/Senior Medical Officer, under Health and Family Welfare Department, Nagaland.

area in eastern Ladakh after withdrawing their troops and dismantling temporary infrastructure from the fric tion point on Monday. The disengagement that came days ahead of the
2. e r Vekrolu, D/o Lt. Huswunyi Swuro Junior e ngineer (Civil Engg) (Class-II gazetted) under Works & Housing Department 3. Ms. a khruvo Dawhuo, D/o Besuhu Dawhuo a griculture o fficer (Class-II gazetted) under Department of Agriculture 4. Mr. Zhokhosa Dawhuo, S/o Zhokhosa Dawhuo Junior Soil conservation (Class –II Gazetted) under Soil & Water conservation Department. We are delighted with your achievement for bringing laurels to the Union and village. We pray that Almighty God bless them with good health and wishes them greater success even in the near future.
Secretary Chairman Village Council Laruri Village Council Laruri
S. Jaishankar
“A daily dose of diver sion & disinformation is handed out to undermine
The MYS is tremendously elevated by the fruitful and lucrative booming success ushered upon the village, also being an exemplary figure for the future aspirants.Theoffice of the MYS wishes you the best and infinite success in your future endeavours.
1. er avolu, D/o of Lt. Vepoyi Swiho Junior engineer (Civil Engg) (Class-II gazetted) under Works & Housing Department.
Renbemo Patton Chairman Yanmhon New Village CouncilDB-1009/22

In a body blow to the party in Goa, eight of the Congress’ 11 MLAs, includ ing former chief minister Digambar Kamat, joined the ruling BJP. The Con gress is now left with just three MLAs in the 40-mem ber Assembly.“Operation Kichad of BJP in Goa has been fasttracked because of the vis ible success of the Bharat Jodo Yatra. BJP is nervous,” Congress general secretary in-charge communications Jairam Ramesh said in a tweet.“A daily dose of diver sion & disinformation is handed out to undermine the Yatra. We remain un deterred. We will overcome these dirty tricks of the BJP,” he said.
I. Miss. c H i D eno SH iti R i , D/o. Ronjamo Shitiri and Lt. Lochilo Shitiri for successfully securing the post of Assistant Professor in Education, under Higher Education Department.
The office of the Pongching Students' Union, Kohima with immense pride and honour would like to congratulate Mr. MONGLONG N ANG h , S/o L. NYAKLEI PHOM for securing the post of JE under Works and Housing Department, Govt of Nagaland through the recently declared NPSC CTSE result.

With immense joy and honour, the Phokhungri Students’ Union extend our heartiest congratulations to Mr. Wachisie, S/o Levi Perry for achieving the post of JE (Civil Engg.) in the recently declared NPSC result 2021 and thus becoming the first Gazetted officer from the Village through a competitive exam.
YonGnYaH Union lonGlenG Felicitation
Jairam Ramesh

the Yatra. We remain un deterred. We will overcome these dirty tricks of the BJP,” he said. His party col league Pawan Khera echoed him and said the BJP, rattled by the Bharat Jodo Yatra, had organised ‘Operation Kichad (mud)’ in the coastal state.The BJP retained pow er in the coastal state after the state Assembly elections in February this year. It has 20 MLAs in the Assembly, while the Congress’ strength will be depleted from 11 to three. The eight Con gress MLAs - Kamat, Mi chael Lobo, Delilah Lobo, Rajesh Phaldesai, Kedar Naik, Sankalp Amonkar, Aleixo Sequeira and Rudolf Fernandes - were seen in
‘Punjab church attack: Probe on right track’
III. e r. K onat HU n G n KY on G, S/o. Mr. O. Nrithung Jami and Mrs. Lichano Jami for successfully securing the post of SDO (Civil Engg) (Class-I Gazetted) under Works & Housing Department.

Cong slams BJP, says Goa MLAs crossover fast-tracked due to Yatra success
The Union wishes him good luck in all his future endeavours.Sd/-
The Bushemhau Phang with immense pride and joy extend our heartfelt congratulations to Dr. M. Athai Phom D/o K. Molim Phom and Wanchu Phom on successfully clearing the recently declared NPSC-1/CTSE 2022 to the post of Class-1 Gazetted Medical Officer under Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of Nagaland.
“The Congress par ty has challenged it in the court. The matter is pending before the Supreme Court,” he said. Altone D’Costa said he was happy that he stood by the party on whose ticket he wasGoaelected.Congress chief Amit Patkar said the party had taken all the precautions against defections. “Earlier, BJP was murdering democ racy at night, now they are doing it in broad daylight,” he said. CM Sawant told re porters that no decision has been taken yet on a cabinet reshuffle in the backdrop of the BJP strength rising to 28 in theTheHouse.Congress MLAs have joined the BJP uncon ditionally, Sawant said.
Congress MLAs who joined BJP with CM Pramod Sawant
Ahead of the switch over by the Congress MLAs, senior party leader Manish Tewari had posted a cryptic tweet, saying, “A cuckoo bird is chiming. Something is apparently cooking in an erstwhile Portuguese Terri tory. Does not smell good...! Hope the cuckoo bird is wrong.”Asked about the de velopments in Goa and whether the Congress was caught off-guard, party spokesperson Supriya Shri nate said the party was not clueless, but one cannot have a dialogue with people who compromise their val ues beyond a point. “I think it is absolutely erroneous for anybody to believe that we did not know,” she told re porters at a press conference at AICC headquarters here. Those MLAs who crossed over had sought votes from people against the Bharatiya Janata Party, she said.“With what face are you joining BJP today? Is there a thing as ideology or not,” Shrinate said.
Eight Congress MLAs join BJP in Goa
Office O f the Benreu Student S’ u nion n agaland Felicitation
We the Zungti Kuposhukulu Dimapur extend our heartiest congratulations to er. Hitoito a. Sumi son of Er. Akheto Assumi for securing the post of S.D.O under Works and Housing Department through NPSC (CTSE) 2021.
teracting with Sawant in a viral photo hours ahead of formally joining the BJP.
With prayer in our hearts, we wish you the best for your future endeavors.
With immense pride and gratitude, the Yanmhon n ew Village c ouncil convey our heartiest congratulations to the following individuals for their grand success in the recently declared nPSc combine technical Service examination 2021
To a question on “one country” blocking proposals at the UN Security Council to designate Pakistan-based terrorists, Jaishankar said the listing is done as terror ists are a threat to the entire international community.

The Pangti Ekhung Wokha Town (PEWT) with immense pride and honour, hereby convey our heartfelt congratulations to the following Union members for their successful achievements in the recently declared CES & CTSE Examination conducted by Nagaland Public Service Commission.
Shahoto Yimchunger Pungla President a.S.U. General Secretary a.S.U DB-1012/22
NEW DELHI, SEP 14 (PTI): The crossing over of eight of its Goa MLAs to the BJP is part of the ruling party’s ‘Operation Kichad’, the Congress said on Wednesday and claimed the “break” was fast-tracked because of the visible suc cess of its Bharat Jodo Yatra.
and is set to return home late Friday. On the sidelines of the SCO summit, Modi is set to have separate bilat eral meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev.
oFFice oF tHe
We are delighted for you achievement and may your sincerity, determination and integrity lead you to greater heights in future endeavours.
The Punjab Police had constituted a three-member special investigation team to probe the incident in which a church was vandalised by four masked men on August 30 night.Additional Director
NEW DELHI, SEP 14 (PTI): The disengagement between the armies of India and China at the Patrolling Point 15 in eastern Ladakh is “one problem less” on the border, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar said on Wednesday.Atamedia briefing after his talks with French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna, Jaishankar also took an indirect pot shot at China while replying to a question about ‘’one coun try’’ blocking proposals at
II. Dr. B i P ent HU n G n J a M i , S/o. Mr. O. Nrithung Jami and Mrs. Lichano Jami for successfully securing the post of Medical Officer (Class-I) (Gazetted) under Health and Family Welfare Department.
Kichad of BJP in Goa has been fast tracked because of the vis ible success of the Bharat Jodo Yatra. BJP is nervous,” Congress general secretary in-charge communications Jairam Ramesh tweeted.
Carlose Alvares Fer reira said the eight MLAs could not be said to have merged with the BJP. “If they have merged Congress into the BJP, then which party we (three) belong to,” he asked.Ferreira, a former ad vocate general, said the same thing happened in 2019 when ten out of 15 Congress MLAs joined BJP.
We further wish him sound health to scale more success and prosperity in his future endeavours.
in Goa ahead of the elec tions. In July 2019, 10 Con gress MLAs had switched over to the BJP in Goa.
“I went to the temple again and asked God what to do. God told me do what ever is best for you,” he said.
The Benreu Students’ Union, Nagaland with much pride and honour conveys our heartfelt congratulations to er. Suiyi Liegise, S/o Pauleu Liegise and er. Pezieying iheilung, S/o Akwa Iheilung for clearing the Combined Technical Services Examination, 2022 and for securing the post of Junior Engineer (Civil Engg.) under Works` and Housing Department and Junior Engineer (Electrical Engg.) under Power Department conducted by the NPSC, respectively.TheUnion further wishes them the best in all their future endeavors.
the UN Security Council to designate proscribed terror ists. “I do not think I will say anything new today except I would recognise that we have had disengagement at PP-15 (Patrolling Point 15). The disengagement as I understand was completed. That is one problem less on the border,” Jaishankar said, in response to a question.
With immense pride and honour, we the thenyizumi Village council and thenyizumi Students Union would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to the following members for their tremendous achievement in the recently declared NPSC (CTSE) Examination.
CHANDIGARH, SEP 14 (PTI): A senior Punjab po lice officer on Wednesday said the probe in connection with the desecration and fire incident at a church in the state’s Tarn Taran district is on the right track and the culprits will be nabbed soon.
(Y. Vanthungo Jami) (N Nzanbemo Ngullie) Secretary, PEWT Chairman, PEWT

The Council further wishes him more success in his future endeavors.
1. Ms. cHonBeni oRen lotHa daughter of Mr. Orenthung Lotha and Mrs. Eranbeni Patton for securing the post of economics and Statistical officer (class-1 Gazetted)

“We are giving our word that we will be with the party and will remain strong. We are not some commodity that can be pur chased,” he added.
Sd/- Sd/Medothi Rhakho Nuzovo Dawhuo Chairman President Thenyizumi Village Council Thenyizumi Students’ Union
Your sincerity and hardwork has brought laurels to the Aiponger Village.
General Secretary President DB-1013/22

No…………… Date…………
Michael Lobo said the MLAs took the decision to strengthen the hands of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and EarlierSawant.onWednesday, a resolution was passed in the Congress Legislature Party meeting here to merge with the BJP, Lobo said.
Stating that prior to the elections Congress candi dates had taken an oath not to defect, Alemao said, “I don’t know how someone can defy God.”
The eight MLAs joined the BJP in presence of Chief Minister Pramod Sawant and state BJP chief Sadan and Shet Tanavade.

The crossing over of eight of its Goa MLAs to the BJP is part of the ruling party’s ‘Operation Kichad’, the Congress said and claimed the “break” was fast-tracked because of the visible success of its Bharat Jodo
B.P.O. Mesulumi, P.O. Pfütsero, Dist — Phek, Nagaland Motto: "Victory Through Ages" FELICITATION
Wednesday, the SIT was constituted to ensure an ef fective and speedy investiga tion into the desecration and fire incident at the church in Thakarpura village of Tarn Taran. ADGP Arpit Shukla showed satisfaction over the ongoing investigation by the SIT and said the accused will be held soon.
President General Secretary Phokhungri Students’ Union Phokhungri Students’ Union
visit of Prime Minister Na rendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping to the Uzbek city of Samarkand for the annual summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Or ganisation, triggered specu lations about a bilateral meeting between the two leaders on the sidelines the summit this
The Mesulumi Youth Society is deeply gratified to felicitate Doctor TSHOKEDU KEYHO, S/o Mr. Welhite Keyho, for providentially clearing the NPSC/CTSE/2021 with 5th Rank in Veterinary Assistant Surgeon (Class-1 Gazetted) under Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Department.
The Laruri Village Council takes pride in his achievement and further expresses gratitude to him for bringing laurels to the Laruri Community through his success as the first person from the village to clear the NPSC CTSE.
The Union wishes him the very best in all his future endeavours.
With immense pride and honour, the Laruri Village Council conveys its heartiest congratulations to Mr. Khongtsathvü Peri, S/o Mr. Phoramthü Peri for clearing the recently declared NPSC CTSE 2021 as SDO (Civil Engg.) Class-1 Gazetted Officer (Under Works & Housing Department).
General of Police (Law and Order) Arpit Shukla on Wednesday held a meeting with the SIT. Later, the ADGP along with the SIT members visited the crime spot to discuss the status of the investigation.TheSITis headed by the Inspector General of Police (IGP), Ferozepur Range, and comprises the senior superintendent of police and the SP (Investi gation).According to a Punjab Police statement here on
His party colleague Pawan Khera echoed him and said the BJP, rattled by the Bharat Jodo Yatra, had organised “Opera tion Kichad (muck)” in the coastal state. “Once again it has been proven that the BJP can only break,” the Congress’ isitspoachingoftenering,”derstandbreak...crossfearingjourneyabletweetdepartmentcommunicationheadsaidinainHindi.“ThosewhoarenottosupportthisdifficultofunitingIndia,thethreatsofBJP,overtothosewho(they)shouldunthatIndiaiswatchheadded.TheCongressandothoppositionpartieshaveaccusedtheBJPoflegislatorsunder‘OperationLotus’.LotustheBJP’spollsymbol.
2. Mr. R enat HU n G a t S an G lao Son of Mr. Ashio and Mrs. Lovungi Tsanglao for securing the post of SDo civil engineer (class-1 Gazetted)
The Aiponger Students’ Union beams with immense pride and honour in extending our heartfelt congratulations to Mr. n agathu Yimchunger , S/o Mr. Lt Allen Yimchunger from Aiponger Village for his well deserved success in clearing NPSC Examination (CTSE) for the post of Junior Engineer (Civil Engg.) (Class-II Gazetted) under Works & Housing Department.
B.P.O PHOKHUNGRI, P.O MELURI – 797114 Felicitation
We further pray that our Almighty God continue to bless you and wish you all the success in your future endeavours.
Secretary President Mesulumi Youth Society Mesulumi Youth Society -2106/22K
We thank our Almighty God for their achievements, bringing laurels to our village and further wish them an enduring success in life.
However,week.there is no official word on it either by the Indian side or by the Chinese government. Modi is scheduled to reach Samar kand on Thursday evening
The three MLAs who did not switch sides -- Yuri Alemao, Altone D’Costa and Carlose Alvares Fer reira – were not present at the meeting and said they would stay with the party.
Zungti Kuposhukulu DimapurDP-4342/22
TENHE CHUNGPANG K. A. TENSO PHOM President, PSUK Gen. Secy, PSUK -2101/22K
Justin Welby, to conduct a short service assisted by the Very Revd Dr David Hoyle, the Dean of West minster. This ceremony was joined by other mem bers of the royal family, including Kate, Princess of Wales, and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, as the coffin was placed on a cata falque, or raised platform.
N LAKTUHU) President General Secretary -2130/22k
and presently residing at Dy. Inspector General Sector, HQR, SSB, Bongaigaon,
6. That the statements made in the above paragraph 1-5 are true to the best of my knowledge and nothing material has been stated or concealed herein.
The office of the Emlo-to Students’ Union extends its heartfelt congratulations to er. aghakali K Zhimomi, daughter of Er. K. Kuhoi Zhimomi and Khekhaholi Zhimomi, a native of Sukomi Village, for successfully clearing NPSC-1/ CTSE/2021 for the post of Junior Engineer under PHED Govt. of Nagaland.
3. Miss Hemsu H, D/o. Hemping for securing the post of Fishery Inspector under Fisheries & Aquatic Resources Department. The Union compliments greater heights and prosperity in their future endeavours.Sd/- Sd/-
President General Secretary k-2123/22
3. shri C Chahpong Phom, (S/o Late Chinguh) on his promotion to Jr. Engineer under the Rural Development Department.
The Dimapur Yaongyimchen s tudents’ Union (DYsU) takes immense pleasure to congratulate our members on their glorious achievements:
last Thursday.Earlieron Tuesday, crowds lined the streets of Edinburgh as a cor tege took the coffin to the airport after lying in state at St. Giles’ Cathedral in the Scottish capital. There was applause as the coffin left the cathedral, where thousands filed past since Monday to pay their re spects to the late monarch.
Staff of King Charles told during mourning they could lose jobs; UK monarchy criticised
Konganian Welfare Forum (KWF), with immense joy and pride extends our heartiest congratulations to Mr. O CHINGA JesUHU son of Shri. P Ongyam Jesuhu of Kongan Village on acquiring the post of Workshop superintendent (Grade-A) under Higher & Technical education Department in the recently declared NPSC result which was conducted by Department of Nagaland Public Service Commissioner under Personnel & Administrative Reforms, Government of Nagaland. Furthermore, the Organisation appreciates and acknowledged the Department of NPSC for being observative towards his struggle and selecting him to the post of Workshop Superintendent. While lauding his relentless effort, the Organisation also prays that the Almighty God grant him good health and success for future endeavour and to be a blessing to the people.
and that it dispatched forces to the area. It said the two suspects began shooting au tomatic weapons at troops, who returned fire.
ian militants. The military said soldiers spotted the two militants approaching Israel’s separation barrier in the northern West Bank
The move to wind down Charles’ Clarence House operations follows similar steps with the house holds of Queen Elizabeth’s mother, who died in 2002, and Charles’s father Prince Philip, who passed away last year. A spokeswoman for Clarence House said “as re quired by law, a consultation process” had begun follow ing last week’s accession.
Dated : Dimapur the 14th day of September 2022.
2. That my correct official name is Zhavise Venuh and the same has been entered and recorded in my Service Records, PAN card and Aadhaar Card.
Phongtang C Phom Dentong C Phom
King Charles III
(Correction of Name)
However, The Guard ian noted Clarence House staff are not currently be lieved to have a recognised union available to them.
3. That Mr. Moaba was taken care of by my family out of love, compassion and good faith.
Princess Anne and Princes Andrew and Edward, were also among the senior roy als in the procession be hind the Thousandscarriage.lined the route of the procession, which went past the Mall towards the Palace of Westminster by the river Thames.The coffin was re ceived at Westminster Hall by the Archbishop of Can terbury, Most Reverend
The Thang Students’ Union with immense pride and joy extends heartiest congratulations to its esteemed members for successfully clearing the Combine Technical Service Examination 2021 conducted by NPSC and bringing laurels to the Thang denizen and the community as a whole.
Regd. No. 495/2022 Date 24/08/2022
4. That the names SEYIELEZO NDANG, ASOU NDANG and ASOU SEYIELEZO NDANG are one and the same person and there are no discrepancies between the above names.
1. That I am a bonafide citizen of
Solemnly sworn before me :
(Mr. Monglemtanaok Phom) (Ms. Akangtula Phom) President General Secretary DP-4333/22 Statistical Secy. Lüruri Students' Union. Lüruri Students' Union.
Dr. Jacob H Phom, (S/o Haulong Phom) for securing the post of Medical Officer (Class -I Gazetted) under Health & Family Welfare Department in the recently declared NPSC/Exam. 2.

India. 2. That in some of the documents my name has been recorded as Simon Kussun and in some documents recorded as A Simon Yimchunger and A Simon YIM respectively hence, the stated name represents same person i.e. myself. 3. That henceforth I herewith rectified the same and declares that my name will be Simon Kussun for all official references.. 4. That the above statements made are true to the best of my knowledge and no material facts has been concealed herein and I signed this affidavit, before the competent authority on 18th Sept. 2018 at Kohima, Nagaland. Deponent Solemnly sworn before me by the deponent above mentioned named on this day 18/09/18 Kohima, Nagaland Regd No.: 7540/18 | Date: 18/09/18 MAGIsTRATe/NOTARY PUBLIC -4362/22DP
1. Mr. H Puchaiu, S/o. Hemping for securing the post of Veterinary Assistant Surgeon(Class-1 Gazetted) under Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Department.
Members of the pub lic began filing past at 5pm local time and will have until 6.30am on the day of the funeral, by which time several thousands are ex pected to have queued for hours to pay their respects to theAtQueen.2.22pm local time on Wednesday, the coffin placed on a horse-drawn
The Office of the Tamlu Village Students' Union with immense pride and joy, extends our heartiest congratulations to: 1.

across the wider royal fam ily’s estates whose futures are thrown into turmoil by this announcement, at this already difficult time”.
The union further wishes her to stride forward with zeal and confidence while continuing to add feathers to her cap and the area at large. We wish you the best in all your future endeavours.
“Our staff have given long and loyal service and, while some redundancies will be unavoidable, we are working urgently to iden tify alternative roles for the greatest possible number of staff,” she added.
Regd. No. 3441/2021 Date 24/09/2021
Regd. No. 206/22 Date 14/09/22
1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India and a permanent resident of the above mentioned address.
3. Miss Y. Manphen , D/o Shri. Yangpong Phom for clearing Junior Engineer (Electrical Engineer) under Power Department through CTSE NPSC. It is our prayer that God bless them abundantly and wish them more success in their future endeavors.
2. Mr. simonsangsa Phom, S/o Shri. Akumba Phom for clearing Agri. Marketing Inspector under Agri. Department through CTSE NPSC.
NOTICE is hereby given to the Public at large that Mr. RENBEMO MURRY , S/o Mr. Mhonrao Lotha, R/o. House No. 53. Kyong Colony, near Sewak Gate No. 3, Dimapur-797112, Nagaland is hereby disowned by me and my family with immediate effect as he persistently continues to bring shame, hardships and innumerable sufferings to me and my family. He has failed to mend his ways despite repeated advice, caution and warnings. Anyone dealing with him in any financial matters, business activities or undertakings or in personal relations in any form or matters, business activities or undertakings or in personal relations in any form or manner shall be doing so at his/her own risk, cost and consequences and my family and I shall not be held responsible, liable or accountable in any manner whatsoever.
toKaVi K. KiBa Kaino V cHiSHi President Edu. & Statistical Secy ETKK ETKK DP-4345/22
praised the attack, hailing the two gunmen as “heroic martyrs.” Israel has been carrying out nightly arrest raids in West Bank cities, towns and villages since a spate of attacks against Israelis in the spring killed 19 people.Israeli fire has killed scores of Palestinians dur ing that time, making it the deadliest year in the oc
I, Shri. Omalemba, S/o Rongsennangba, R/o Sector-B, Aoyimti, Dimapur, Nagaland, do hereby solemnly declare and affirm as follow :
e JeUHU)
The Thsoiphu Students Union (TSU) convey our heartiest congratulations to er. M. chongthen chuba, who has been selected to the post of Junior Engineer (Electrical) in the recently declared NPSC Examination. The TSU acknowledges her hard work and perseverance in clearing this prestigious exam and for bringing laurels to the village. The TSU further wishes her success in her new assignment.P.KHUMING TAMONG.T CHAI President Gen. Secy oFFice oF tHe tHSoiPHU StUDentS Union noKlaK, naGalanD Felicitation K-2112/22 Felicitation The Sangtam Students’ Union Kohima (SSUK) would like to extend its heartiest congratulations to Miss Tangrila Thonger (former Social & Cultural Secretary) D/o Lemli Sangtam for successfully clearing the recently declared NPSC Combined Technical Services Examination and for being selected to the post of Junior Engineer, Works & Housing Department. The Union also extends its congratulations to the following personalities for successfully getting selected for the following post :(1) Miss Moalila Y Sangtam - SDO, Works & Housing Department. (2) A Lumtsala Sangtam - SDO, Works & Housing Department. (3) Dangtila Sangtam – Medical Officer, Health & Family Welfare Department (4) Yanglikhumla Sangtam - Junior Engineer, Works & Housing Department. (5) S Thsaliba Sangtam – Junior Engineer, Power Department. (6) Khumlise Anar – Junior Engineer, Power Department. (7) Suliba T Sangtam – Assistant Programmer, Election Department. (8) S Moatoshi Sangtam – Foreman, Transport Department. The Union wishes them success in their future endeavours. (Müwaliba Anar) (Rangcholila) President General Secretary OFFICe OF THe sANGTAM sTUDeNTs' UNION KOHIMA NAGALAND : KOHIMA - 797001 Motto : "Go forth" (Bekhu Wung) Ref no................. Date................. DB-1011/22 With immense pride and profound gratitude, the Lüruri Students' Union is pleased to express its warmest congratulations to Mr. Khongtsathvü Peri, S/o Mr. Phoramthü Peri, of Laruri Village, on clearing and on attaining the prestigious post of SDO (Under Works & Housing Department) in recent NPSC CTSE 2021 and bringing laurels to the Lüruri Community in particular and Pochury Naga in Whilegeneral.congratulating all the successful candidates of Pochury( Naga), the union also congratulates all the successful candidates in the NPSC CTSE 2021. The Lüruri Students' Union wishes the best in your future endeavors. Sd/- Sd/(LeYKAM THÜVÜRI) (DeYPAsANGLeY LeYRI) President Education &
1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India and a resident of the above mentioned address.
Solemnly affirm and declare before me by the above name deponent on this day 24th day August, 2022 at Kohima, Nagaland.
1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India hailing from Chakhesang Naga Tribe of Nagaland.
President, TVSU Statistical Secretary, TVSU
5. That this affidavit is made to declare that from henceforth I shall be known as ASOU SEYIELEZO NDANG for all official purpose and intent.
(Mr. Mh ONR a O L OT ha)Regd. No. M221/2022 Date : 14.09.2022

gun carriage of the King’s Troop Royal Horse Artil lery began its ceremonial procession of under two kilometres to the Palace of Westminster.TheQueen’s heir, Charles, and her grandchil dren William and Harry walked side by side behind the coffin, with gun salutes firing from Hyde Park and Big Ben tolling during a sombre journey. The Queen’s other children,
Ms. P Baulen Phom, (D/o Phongshak Phom) for securing the post of Assistant Programmer (Class-III non-Gazetted) under Election Department in the recently declared NPSC/Exam.

I, Shri. ASOU SEYIELEZO NDANG, son of Neiba Ndang resident of Kuda A Khel, Dimapur, Nagaland, do hereby solemnly swear and declares as under :-
H.Q. Emlo, Dist. Zunheboto – 798620, Nagaland Felicitation
2. Mr. Leyang Lam Khiam, S/o. Lungoi for securing the post of Medical Officer (Class-1 Gazetted) under Health & Family Welfare Department.
Queen’s coffin reaches Westminster Hall
Hearty congratulations to the following successful candidates:
I, Simon Kussun, S/o Ahoshe Kussun of Old Showuba Village, district Dimapur, Nagaland, presently residing at Upper Chandmari Colony, Kohima, Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirm and declare on oath as follows:

“The decision of Clarence House to announce redun dancies during a period of mourning is nothing short of heartless,” Mark Ser wotka, general secretary of the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS), said in a statement.“Whilesome chang es across the households were to be expected, as roles across the royal family change, the scale and speed at which this has been an nounced is callous in the extreme.” He added the PCS remained “committed to supporting those colleagues
6. That this affidavit is to be treated as a piece of evidence before the authority concerned as and when necessary.
Israeli officer, 2 Palestinian militants killed in shootout in West Bank
And I sign this affidavit on this day the 24th day of August, 2022 at Kohima, Nagaland.
The Union conveys its profound gratitude to them and prays that Almighty God grant them good health and more success in their endeavours.
OFFICe OF THe emlo-to students’ Union Affiliated to ASSU

I, Shri. ZHAVISE VENUH, Son of Lt. Setso Venuh, aged about 52 years, permanent resident of Chobama Village, PO/PS: Pfutsero, District: Phek, Nagaland Assam-783380 hereby solemnly affirm and declare on oath as follows:-
3. That in my Academic records my name has been inadvertently entered and recorded as Zhavise instead of Zhavise Venuh. That the word 'Venuh' connotes my surname. That the above mentioned names namely Zhavise Venuh and Zhavise refers to one and the same person i.e myself.
5. That this affidavit is sworn before the appropriate authority to be used as a proof of evidence before authority concern regarding rectification/correction of my name.
As the Lying-in-State stage of the ceremony began, a continuous vigil was mounted by officers of the Household Division, the King’s Bodyguards of the Honourable Corps of Gentlemen at Arms, The King’s Bodyguard for Scot land, the Royal Company of Archers and the Yeo men of the OvernightGuard.on Tues day, the coffin spent its final night in the Bow Room at Buckingham Pal ace for the most private part of the ongoing state mourning since the Queen passed away in Scotland
Coffin of Queen Elizabeth II in Westminster Hall for the Lying-in State, in London, Wednesday. (AP/PTI)

The Scottish gov ernment said more than 33,000 people had paid their respects in Edinburgh before the coffin was tak en by road to Edinburgh Airport. It was flown to London, accompanied by the Queen’s daughter Prin cess Anne, on a Royal Air Force (RAF) aircraft that was used to evacuate thou sands of people fleeing the Taliban in Kabul last year. The C-17 Globemaster has also been used to take hu manitarian aid and weap ons to Ukraine following Russia’s invasion.
The official Palestinian news agency Wafa reported that the Israeli army was holding the bodies of the two men. It identified them
as Ahmad Abed, 23, and Abd al-Rahman Abed, 22, both from a village near Jenin.The Israeli military confirmed that Ahmad Abed was a member of the Palestinian Author ity security services, which coordinate with Israel in an uneasy alliance against their common foe, the Hamas militant group. Hamas
6. That the statement made in para 1-5 are true to the best of my knowledge and nothing material has been concealed therein.
King Charles III and his sons, Princes William and Harry, joined a sombre procession as the coffin of the late monarch left her official London residence to be conveyed to the his toric hall in the Houses of Parliament complex to lie in state until the state funeral at Westminster Abbey nearby on Monday.
It follows Charles’s ac cession to the throne last Thursday upon the death of his mother, which in turn meant he relinquished the prince of Wales title and duchy of Cornwall estate he had held.Those operations, for mally run from the Clar ence House residence, will now cease, his office con firmed, after The Guardian newspaper first reported the developm ent on Tuesday.
2. That Mr. Moaba was an orphan and as such, out of love and sympathy, I took him under my care and protection by giving him shelter in my house.
The Israeli army said that Major Bar Falah, 30, was killed in the shootout.
7. That the above statements are true to my knowledge and nothing has been concealed thereof.
The coffin of Britain’s lon gest-reigning monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, is Ly ing-in-State at Westminster Hall after its final journey from Buckingham Palace in London on Wednesday.
note -2119/22k
1. Dr. Limamanen Phom, S/o Shri. L. Chubanungba Phom for securing the post of Asst. professor in Zoology under Higher Education Department through NPSC.
A British trade union on Wednesday criticised as “callous” a decision by the monarchy to issue redun dancy notices this week to some staff at King Charles III’s former official resi dence. Up to 100 employ ees who work at Clarence House, including some there for decades, reportedly re ceived the notifications on Monday during a prayer service in Edinburgh for the late Queen Elizabeth II.

2. That my official name is ASOU SEYIELEZO NDANG.
cupied territory since 2016. The Israeli military says the vast majority of those killed were militants or stone-throwers who en dangered the soldiers. But several civilians have also been killed during Israel’s monthslong operation, in cluding a veteran journalist and a lawyer who appar ently drove unwittingly into a battle zone.
4. That Mr. Moaba was under my care till September 2021. However, during the month of September, Mr. Moaba was summoned by Aoyimti Youth Organization as well as the Village Council Aoyimti for his habitual offences. As such, Mr. Moaba, on his own will and without any coercion, left my house.
Sworn before me on this 14th day of Sept. 2022.
5. That this affidavit is made to declare that, Mr. Moaba is no longer under my responsibility and care and my family is no longer responsible for any act committed by him on this day onwards and in future.
IDF officers inspect the scene of a gunfight in which Maj. Bar Falah, 30, and two Palestinians were killed on September 14, 2022, near the West Bank security fence (Israel Defense Forces)

(AP): Palestinian gunmen opened fire on Israeli troops near a military checkpoint in the occupied West Bank on Wednesday, killing an Is raeli army officer, the Israeli militaryPalestiniansaid. officials said that troops killed the two gunmen.Theovernight incident was the latest in a string of deadly clashes in recent months in the northern West Bank, where Israe li troops conduct nightly raids. Most of that fighting, including Wednesday’s, has taken place near the city of Jenin, which is known as a bastion of Palestin
3. That in some of my documents my name has been erroneously recorded as SEYIELEZO NDANG and ASOU NDANG instead of ASOU SEYIELEZO NDANG.
cently retaken villages in the Kharkiv region. They announced the creation of investigative teams.
Ruto noted that a pro longed drought had also slowed down economic growth and worsened food insecurity in the country, adding that his government will mobilize resources to promote climate resilience for communities living in the rangelands.Hesaid that his ad ministration will leverage friendly taxation, provision of technical skills, and af fordable credit in a bid to boost the growth of youthled enterprises. Abolishing burdensome regulations, and the provision of state grants will also be on the cards to spur the growth of local start-ups, boost eco nomic vitality at the grass roots and create additional jobs for the youth. He said that the establishment of the Ministry of Cooperatives, Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) De velopment will ensure that local start-ups have secure property rights, access to finance and a predictable regulatory environment.

fertilizer and seeds in the October planting season in a bid to boost production of key staples.Rutowas sworn in at a ceremony attended by a host of African presidents, representatives of regional blocs, diplomats and lo cal political elite including globalThedignitaries.former deputy president took over power from Uhuru Kenyatta, his predecessor who ruled Ke nya for nearly one decade and is expected to spearhead peace and reconciliation initiatives across the region while in retirement.
Kenya’s new Prez vows to advance economic vitality, regional peace
Opening ceremony of Vostok 2022 strategic command post exercise between India, Russia, China and other countries.
Medical staff transfer an injured person at the Royal Thai Army War College in Bangkok, Thailand, Sept. 14, 2022.
SEP 14 (AP): Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zel enskyy on Wednesday vis ited an area of northeastern Ukraine that was recently retaken from Russian forc es, witnessing large scale devastation as prosecutors claimed that local residents had been tortured and killed during the half-year occupa tion.

The Office of the Aghunato Town Students’ Union (A.T.S.U) extends its heartiest congratulations to Miss Vinoli.K.Awomi, D/o Mr. Kiheto Awomi on been selected to the post of Forest Ranger (Class-II Gazetted) under Environment, Forest and Climate Change Department in the recently declared NPSC-CSTE 2021.

MYK CMYK C NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 13INTERNATIONAL k-2097b db-1010/22 BOC | KOHIMA +91-7085685569k-2127/22 The Nagaland State of NCP conveys our sincere felicitation to the good office of the National Level NCP for having re-electing Shri. Sharad Pawar ji as the National President of NCP during the 8 National Convention of the NCP held at New Delhi from 10th to 11th Sept’2022. The Nagaland State also conveys our best compliments to Shri. Praful Patel and Shri. Narendra B. Verma on being elevated to Vice President and General Secretary & In-charge of North East respectively along with other central office bearers for the next four years term of office, Meanwhile, the NCP Nagaland state heartily congratulates Shri. Vanthungo Odyuo who has been unanimously re-appointed as the President of Nagaland State NCP along with the tenure of central office-bearers. (KUVEPOYI LOHE) General Secretary NCP, Nagaland NCP NAGALAND FELICITATES k-2118/22 With immense pride and joy, the THANG HOIKAM KOHIMA would like to express our heartiest congratulations to the following individuals for their achievement in the Cobined Technical Service Examination 2021 conducted by the NPSC: 1. Dr. H. Puchaiu: Veterinary Assistant Surgeon (Class-I Gazetted) under Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Department. 2. Dr. Leyang Lam Khiam: Medical Officer (Class-I Gazetted) under Health and Family Welfare Department. 3. Miss. Hemsu H: Fishery Inspector (Class-III Non-Gazetted) under Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Department. The Hoikam wishes them the best in their future endeavors and may God continue to bless them. Sd/- Sd/B. LAMNYA L. HENONG President General Secretary OFFICE OF THE THANG HOIKAM KOHIMA P.O. KOHIMA-797001, NAGALAND FELICITATIONRef No. THK/GS/FEL-01 Date 14th Sept. 22 Dr. H. Puchaiu Dr. Leyang Lam Khiam Miss. Hemsu H k-2111/22 With immense pride and joy the Ao Senso Telongjem, Kiphire would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to Ms. Imokokla Longkumer (Ungma Village) (D/o Temjenyanger Lkr. a bona-fide member of Ao Senso Telongjem Kiphire District on her achievement as Asstt. Professor Deptt. of Education through the recently declared NPSC. May the Almighty God bless and guide you in all your endeavours. President Secretary OFFICE OF THE AO SENSO TELONGJEM KIPHIRE DISTRICT FELICITATION dp-4355/22 dp-4334/22(a) dp-4334/22(b)k-2102/22

“I see how people meet them, in what a sensitive moment,” the president said. “It means that with our army, the life comes back.”
OFFICE OF THE AGHUNATO TOWN STUDENTS’ UNION dist : Zunheboto - 798620, Nagaland

“India’s a sovereign nation, they can make their own decisions in terms of who they’re going to con duct exercises with,” Ryder told reporters on Tuesday.
We further wish her all the best and invoke God’s blessing and guidance upon her future endeavours.

BANGKOK, SEP 14 (IANS): A shooting inci dent at a Thai army college in Bangkok on Wednesday claimed the lives of two people and injured another
He acknowledged the strain the high cost of food and fuel was exerting on household budgets, adding that his administration has already made plans to sup ply farmers with subsidized
Ukrainian troops have recently carried out a dra matic counteroffensive that has allowed them to recap ture large swaths of territory around Kharkiv and inflict a stunning blow on Moscow’s military prestige.
“The view is very shocking but it is not shock ing for me,” Zelenskyy said in brief comments to the press, “because we began to see the same pictures from Bucha, from the first deoccupied territories so the same destroyed buildings, killedBuchapeople.”is a neighbour
The perpetrator was taken into custody after he surrendered to the police and the motive for the shooting is still unclear, he said.According to the spokesperson, the injured person is hospitalised and the army will set up a spe cial team to investigate the incident.

person, a military spokes personThesaid.gunman, a 59-year-old staff worker at the Royal Thai Army War College, shot at his
Shooting at Thai army college kills 2
closely with them,” Penta gon Spokesman Brig Gen Patrick Ryder told reporters while responding to a ques
WASHINGTON, SEP 14 (PTI): The United States has dismissed questions about India’s participation in the recent multinational military exercises hosted by Russia and attended by countries like China, say ing that India is a sovereign nation and it can make its own “Certainly,decisions. we have appreciated our partner ship with India in the re gion. They’re an impor tant partner, as you know. And we’ll continue to work
India can make its own decisions: US on Vostok exercises


Vostok 2022 exercise in volved more than 50,000 troops and over 5,000 weapons units, including 140 aircraft and 60 war ships. The drills engaged troops from China, India, Laos, Mongolia, Nicara gua, Syria and several exSoviet nations. “We have a very close partnership and relationship - defence relationship with India. We obviously will continue to work with India and further develop that relationship,” Ryder said.
NAIROBI, SEP 14 (IANS): William Ruto, Kenya’s new President, said that advanc ing economic vitality, trans forming the civil service, and promoting regional integration, trade, peace and stability will be key priorities of hisRuto,administration.whodelivered an official address soon after his swearing-in on Tuesday as the fifth President of Ke nya, said he would devote his initial days in office to tackling unemployment and inflationary pressure facing the citizens, reports Xinhua news“Weagency.anchored our campaign on the platform of the economy premised on job creation and the wellbeing of the people and we will be working vigorously on measures to bring down the cost of living.”
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy takes part in a national flag-raising ceremony in the recently retaken city of Izium, Ukraine, Wednesday.
The Vostok military exercises was held from September 1 to 7 at differ ent locations in Russia’s Far East amid the Russian invasion of AccordingUkraine.tothe Rus sian Defence Ministry, the
said Prosecutor General AndriyTheKostin.head of the Kharkiv prosecutor’s office, Oleksandr Filchakov, said bodies were found in Hrak ove and Zaliznyche villages, around 60 kilometres (35 miles) southeast of Kharkiv.
colleagues at around 8.55 a.m., Xinhua news agen cy quoted deputy army spokesperson Sirichan Ngathong as saying.
Zelenskyy visits city retaken from Russians
William Ruto

He said investigators were also learning of resi dents being killed and buried by Russian troops in another retaken town, Balakliia.
On the northern out skirts of Izium, the remains of Russian tanks and ve hicles lie shattered along the road. Zelenskyy declared that it was very important for the area to be reclaimed by soldiers, who are wel comed by the population.
Hekavi Yeptho Nitsato Yeptho President, ATSU General Secretary, ATSU
hood near Kyiv where the bodies of civilians, many of them bearing signs of torture, were found dumped in the streets, in mass graves and in yards after Russian forces withdrew hastily in March.Prosecutors say they have found six bodies bear ing traces of torture in re
“We have a terrible picture of what the occupi ers did, particularly in the Kharkiv region. Such cit ies as Balakliia, Izium are standing in the same row as Bucha, Borodyanka, Irpin,”
tion on India participating in Vostok military exercises with Russia and China.
Russian forces left the war-scarred city last week as Ukraine pressed forward in a sweeping counterof fensive that has reclaimed vast swaths of territory in the country’s northeastern Kharkiv region in a matter of days.As Zelenskyy visited Izium, the Ukrainian flag was raised in front of the burned-out city hall build ing in the largely devastated town.Apartment buildings are blackened by fire and pockmarked by artillery strikes. The entire centre of one residential building had collapsed, a gaping hole and piles of rubble where homes used to be.

Burpee: To do this fullbody exercise, bring your body down to the ground to do a squat thrust before exploding with a high jump. You’ll engage all your major muscle groups. At the same time, you’ll work your heart and lungs. Burpees help you build strength, which can fight back as your body loses muscle as you age.
Single Leg Deadlift: Stand on one leg with a slight knee bend. Focus on keeping your core tight.
actress.“We will ask her about her relationship with Chan drashekar and the gifts, money which she received from the conman. We might confront Irani and Fernan dez,” the source said.
hips or back dip down or arch up. Make controlled, smooth movements.
lower back pain. It’ll also ease stress on your spine, which can help improve your posture. You’ll get more flexible and gain bal ance, too.

Madhuri Dixit Nene to star as lead in ‘Maja Ma’
puwoto shohe Ghuvihe assumi President General Secretary Shesulimi Kiphimi Kuqhakulu Shesulimi Kiphimi Kuqhakulu

all on its own. You’ll work your legs, core, triceps, and shoulders, but almost every muscle group will get some use, all the while including cardio. Mountain climbers also encourage your body to move in ways you don’t usually move.
Mountain Climbers: As the name suggests, this exercise has you imitating the movements you might make as you climb a moun tain. These can be a great warmup to a workout or a powerful exercise to practice
Pelvic Tilt: To do one of these, lie flat on the floor, lifting your pelvis off the ground while keeping your knees bent and your feet
Abdominal Crunch: Lie flat on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat. Fold your arms across your chest and raise your shoulders and head off the ground, using your core muscles. It’ll strengthen those muscles and make it easier to do most sports and physical activities. Never clasp your hands behind your head when you’re do ing these crunches. Doing that can not only stop you from targeting the abdomi nal muscles, but it can also hurt your neck.

Step-ups: Although you don’t need any equip ment for this one, make
Jacqueline joins probe in extortion case

Sources in the unit said that they have prepared a long list of questionnaire which will be asked to the
It boasts of an ensemble cast including Gajraj Rao, Rit wik Bhowmik, Barkha Singh, Srishti Shrivastava, Rajit Ka pur, Sheeba Chaddha, Simone Singh, Malhar Thakar and NinadDirectorKamat. Anand Tiwari said that this is his second proj ect with Prime Video after the
Although this technically works the whole body, you’ll feel it most in your hips and legs. It builds endurance and strength in the muscles be low your waist. This exercise also helps build your ancil lary muscles -- muscles that improve your balance -- and offers the most resistance on your lower body.
Directed by Anand Tiwari, ‘Maja Ma’ is Prime Video’s first Indian Amazon Original movie, set against the celebra tory backdrop of a traditional festival and a quintessential, colourful Indian wedding.

female protagonist and her strength of conviction, beautifully portrayed on screen by the Bollywood icon, Madhuri Dixit.” (IANS)
Superman: For this, you’ll lie flat on your stom ach and raise both your legs and arms at the same time. It builds the muscles in your lower back, which can help you ease back pain or avoid it altogether. Just make sure you hold the position for at least 5 seconds to activate your muscles.
Jessi l. Kinimi akivito i assumi President, UKK General Secretary, UKK k-2116/22
winkle toes Madhuri Dixit Nene will be seen as the lead star in the upcoming movie ‘Maja Ma’, a family entertainer slated to release digitally on October 6.
Pinky Irani, an associate of Fernandez has also been
Reviewed by Michael W. Smith, MD
ollywood actor Jac queline Fernandez on Wednesday ap peared before the Economic Offences Wing (EOW) of the Delhi Police to join the investigation in connec tion with the Rs 200 crore extortion cum cheating case involving multimil lionaire conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar.Shewentinside the EOW office from a back door and was accompanied by herThecounsels.EOWhad earlier postponed her questioning on her request and had fixed the matter for Wednesday.
MYK C MYK C 14 INFOTAINMENT NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022dc-1054/22The Dimapur Lakhuni Senso Telongjem, with pride and honour conveys our heartiest congratulations to Er. I ALANGLA WALLING, D/o Mr. IMTILEPDEN WALLING & Mrs. IMKONGCHILA on being selected to the post of Junior Engineer (Civil Engg) under Works and Housing Department in the recently conducted NPSC Examination. May the good Lord continue to guide and bless in her future endeavours. Mr. Imkongmar Mr. Tajen Langu President Secretary DLST DLST OFFICE OF THE DIMAPUR LAKHUNI SENSO TELONGJEM DISTRICT : DIMAPUR - 797112 NAGALAND FELICITATION dp-4340/22 With immense delight and honour, the Loakkun Students; Union would like to express and extend our heartiest congratulations to Dr. Pangdun Konyak, S/o Shri. Tsingwang Konyak and Mrs. Amo Konyak of Loakkun Village for his magnificent achievement and bringing laurels to the village in the recently declared Combined Technical Services' Examinations under NPSC 2021 to the post of Veterinary Assistant Surgeon (CL-I Gazetted) under Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Department, GoN. The Union prays and wishes him greater success in his future endeavours.

Planks: Planking -- an exercise where you hold your body up parallel to the ground -- is a very versatile exercise with plenty of ben efits. If you’re looking to strengthen your core, the plank is definitely for you. Core work can help with
Chandrashekhar was arrested for allegedly cheat ing and extorting money from some high-profile people, including former Fortis Healthcare promoter Shivinder Mohan Singh’s wife Aditi Singh. Many Bol lywood actors and models have been questioned by the Enforcement Director ate for their alleged links to Chandrashekhar.InAprillast year Chandrashekhar was ar rested in another money laundering case linked to the 2017 Election Com mission bribery case, which allegedly involved a former AIADMK leader among others. (IANS)
In the first week of September, the EOW of ficials had recorded the testimony of another Bol lywood actress Nora Fatehi in the matter.
What Are BodyWeight Exercises?
UsütoMi KiphiMi KüQhaKUlU P.S. SATAKHA, DIST. ZUNHEBOTO "Akighiche Kudau Jukucho" Felicitation

“The movie is a labour of love for all of us, from the wonderfully talented cast to the hardworking crew, each of whom have put in their best to bring this amazing movie to the audience.”“Theresult is a story with intricate storytelling, inter spersed with human emotions and several life lessons that con tinue to be with the audiences long after they have finished watching the movie. I cannot wait to see the reactions to this beautifully crafted story from viewers within as well outside the country.”SaidAparna Purohit, head of India Originals, Prime Video: “This movie is also special for us as it showcases a
success of ‘Bandish Bandits’.
sure you have access to a set of stairs. Standing in front of them, you’ll push through your main foot and lift your body up onto the step before stepping back into the position you started. Keep your core muscles tight and your back straight. This targets your gluteal muscles, hamstrings, and quadriceps.
The Union wishes him the best in all his future endeavors.
This might be the most well-known body-weight exercise. You’ll use your triceps and chest muscles the most, since you’re pushing up your body weight. At the same time, your deltoids -the muscles in your shoulder -- support your arms’ move ment, and your abdominal muscles work to keep your core tight. Don’t let your
Squats: They’re perfect for making yourself more flexible and building lower body strength. You’ll make your lower body and hips more mobile. The main muscles you use are the big ones in your leg, like your quadriceps, hamstrings, hip adductors, and gluteus max imus. Be careful not to put too much weight on the balls of your feet. Instead, squat with your thighs parallel to the ground and push back up through your heels.
the middle over your foot. Don’t let your knee roll outward or inward.
flat. It makes your posture better and strengthens the muscles in your buttocks and core. Don’t forget to keep breathing while you’re doing this. Try not to lift your shoulders or upper back off the floor.
Lunges: These focus on working the muscles in your legs. They’re also great for conditioning for sports, particularly ones like soccer, basketball, or tennis, since they all use lunging move ments. Make sure that your knee doesn’t go farther than your toes and that it stays in
oFFice oF the shesUliMi KiphiMi KUQhaKUlU B.p o. Ghathashi, ZUnheBoto Felicitation
With immense pride and honour, the Usutomi Students’ Union extends our heartiest congratulations to Mr. Khekuto Kiho, S/o Mr. Kikheto Kiho and Mrs. Hokheli Hesso for clearing the NPSC CTSE examination as an Asst. Geologist (Class-1 Gazetted) under Geology & Mining Department.Theunion wishes him great success in his future endeavors.
They’re exercises that use your body’s weight as resistance. They usually target many muscles and help build stability and strength. You don’t need any machines or weights, so you can do them just about anywhere. You can also tailor these exercises to your needs. So whether you’re a beginner or an expert, you can get big benefits.
OF THE LOAKKUN STUDENTS' UNION P.O Tizit Dist. Mon : Nagaland Pin : FELICITATION798602 dp-4350/22 The Sakshi Union Longleng, with immense pride and honour would like to extend its heartiest congratulations to Er. Choimei Moileen Semdok, D/o Lt. Er. T. L Semdok and Imtisangla Semdok of Sakshi Village for her success in the NPSC (CTSE) examination to the post of SDO (Civil Engineering) Class-1 Gazetted securing the 10th position under Works & Housing Department. The Sakshi Union Longleng further wishes her success in the new assignment. (H. Y. Semdok) (H. Beshem) Gen. Secy., SUL President, SUL OFFICE OF THE SAKSHI UNION LONGLENG TOWN DIST - LONGLENG - 798625 : NAGALAND FELICITATION dp-4347/22 OLD RIPHYIM GAZETTED OFFICERS’ FORUM Forward in Unity Dt. 14.09.2022 The office of the Old Riphyim Gazetted Officers’ Forum (ORGOF) conveys its heartiest congratulations to the following for bringing laurels to the village in the recently concluded NPSC-1/CTSE- 2022. 1. Dr. Zuchobeni Patton Medical Officer (MO) (D/o Er. T. Patton) 2. Er. Chonpenthung K. Tungoe Sub Divisional Officer (SDO) (S/o Khondao Tungoe) 3. Alex Ngullie Junior Engineer (JE) (S/o Elias Ngullie) 4. Elizabeth Tungoe Junior Engineer (JE) (D/o Vandamo Tungoe) Sd/- Sd/Dr. N. Renthungo Patton Er. Thungdemo Patton General Secy President Old Riphyim Gazetted Officers’ Forum Old Riphyim Gazetted Officers’ Forum B-1016/22d

Basic Body-Weight Exercises You Can Do Right Now
Then slowly bend forward at your hips and keep that standing knee slightly bent.
There are possibilities that the questioning can go for two or three days. The questions that will be asked to Irani and Fernandez have been prepared by the top of ficials of the agency to nail the lies of Chandrashekhar.
With immense joy and appreciation, the Office of the Shesulimi Kiphimi Kuqhakulu would like to convey our heartiest congratulations to e r. G h U na V i G K inni M i S/o Mr. Ghuhashe Kinnimi & Mrs Hosheli Kinnimi for successfully qualifying the post of SDO (Class-1 Gazetted) under Water Resource Department in the CTSE examination 2021 conducted by the NPSC.
summoned to join the inves tigation and both are likely to be grilled together.
tion on“MyWednesday.opponent is a top fighter, she is the number one contender in atom weight. I have accepted her challenge. She is very expe rienced. My team and I have made game plans for her.
endeavours.RHayithung Patton T Lideno Kithan (President) (General Secy.) FELICITATION dp-4332/22
The Village Council and Students'Union once again extends heartiest congratulations and wishing the best in your service. May this success inspire the young youths and through the generation to come. bless you
N Tuccu With thanksgiving and glory to God, the Khukiye Lukhai Ghami Kuposhukulu d imapur (KLGK d ) express our congratulations to :
DIMAPUR, SEP 14 (NPN): Detroit Tigers sprang surprised when they defeated a spirited Diphu par Warriors 1-0 to win the 2nd Open Football Tourna ment at DDSC Stadium, here on TheWednesday.Warriorsentered the final as one of the fa vourite but were outplayed by their younger opponents, who dictated the match with their pace and swift movement.Bothteams played an attacking game and test ed each other’s defenses
T. Shahnyu Phom D. Chingkam Phom President, DSU Asst. General Secy., DSU OF THE DIMAPUR SAKSHI UNION
coachingSepaktakrawcamp in Chümu, Peren
DERBY, SEP 14 (IANS): Following their nine-wick et defeat against England women in the opening T20 International, India hit back with an equally impres sive comeback win as vicecaptain Smriti Mandhana smashed an unbeaten half century to help the visi tors level the series with an eight-wicket victory at the Country Ground in Derby late onTheTuesday.53-ball 79 from Mandhana was enough for India to chase down a competitive 142/6 from England for the loss of just two wickets and with 20 balls to Thespare.deciding third T20I will be played at Bris tol on Thursday, following which the focus will shift to the One-day International series beginning at Hove on September 18.
Mandhana scores 50 as India eves thrash Eng to level T20I series 1-1
The New Tssori Students' Union with immense pride and joy would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to Ms. ROSY T KITHAN daughter of Mr. N Thungbemo Kithan and Mrs. Mhonlumi Kithan for bringing laurels to the union in particular and village in general for being selected to the post of Assistant Chemist (Class -1 gazetted) under the Department of Geology & Mining in the recently declared Combined Technical Services Examination (CTSE) conducted under NPSC 2021.

The final match was graced by DDADU presi dent, Tito Yepthomi as guest of honour. In his brief speech, he thanked the DD FRA for organizing the
2. Miss H Olivi Awomi (Forest Ranger) under Environment, Forest and Climate Change Department.
NEW DELHI, SEP 14 (PTI): Unperturbed by the defeat in her previous fight, India’s Ritu Phogat is ready to return to the MMA cage after a long injury lay-off against Tiffany Teo of Sin gapore in a ONE 161 clash on September 29 in Singa pore.The Indian wrestlerturned-MMA (Mixed Mar tial Arts) fighter will return to action since competing in the final of the ONE Wom en’s Atomweight World Grand Prix in December last year. Phogat, who has a 7-2 record in her MMA career with three knockout wins and four wins be decision, will clash with Teo in the atomweight category. “I will be back in the ring after 8-9

The Union with utmost sincerity congratulates her for bringing laurels to the village and takes pride in her achievement and further express our gratitude for being an inspiration to many as she is the First Lady Engineering graduate and first among the women folk to achieve such position from Sakshi Village. The Union further wishes her success and conveys our best wishes in all her future endeavours.
DIMAPUR, SEP 14 (NPN): Department of Youth Resourc es & Sports will be conducting a selection-cum-coaching camp for under-14 (both boys & girls) in Sepaktakraw for Chümouke dima and Peren districts.

all-rounder Wanindu Hasaranga has also been rewarded for his dominant per formances at the Asia Cup, while a new No.1 all-rounder has been crowned in the shortest format of the game.
The champion right-hander was the big mover near the top of the T20I bat ter rankings, with India team-mate KL Rahul (up seven places to 23rd) and Sri Lanka star Bhanuka Rajapaksa (up 34 spots to 34th) also making good ground on those players near the top. Sri Lanka
DUBAI, SEP 14 (IANS): Star India batter Virat Kohli has risen 14 spots to 15th overall on the ICC T20I batter rankings due to his efforts in the recentlyconcluded Asia Cup in the UAE. Kohli scored his first international century in almost three years -- against Afghanistan -- and scored 276 runs in the continental showpiece event.
Eventually, Tigers’ Mughahuto scored the win ning goal in the 26th min ute, when he converted the spot kick. The spot kick was taken after Phanjamo was brought down inside the danger zone by one of the WarriorsUnlikedefender.thesemifinal, luck was not on Warriors side as one of its player had its shot deflected after hit ting the cross bar in the later
The Dimapur Sümi Students’ Union (DSSU) with immense pride and joy would like to express our heartiest congratulations to the following for clearing NPSC CTSE (2021).

India who batted with far more authority in the chase, with Shafali Verma (20) and Mandhana giving India a solid start of 55 runs.
OFFICE OF THE KHUKIYE LUKHAI SERVICE UNION Satakha - 798620 Zunheboto : Nagaland FELICITATION dp-4337/22 Dr. K. Pulopu
The Union further wishes them success in all their future endeavours.
opening game, which they lost by nine wickets, India went about their task in a cool manner at Derby’s In cora County offrunsbroughttoHemalathasuredpreetofHowever,catched55anantoerbeforelurchedEnglandGround.womenfrom16/3to54/517-year-oldleft-handFreyaKempguidedthemaface-savingscorewithunbeaten51.MandhanathenputonopeningpartnershipofwithVerma,whodepartfollowingasharpreturntoSophieEcclestone.anunbrokenstand69withskipperHarmanKaur(29notout)envictoryforthetourists.Inbetween,DayalanlostherwicketFreyaDavies.MandhanaupthewinningwithaboundaryoffDavies.
Intending candidates should be born after October 12, 2008 and documents such as Adhaar card (original) and birth certificate will be required at the selection trial.
It is a matter of pride and honour. faith and trust are in success which will bring more change and progress to community. Union further wishes them good health and success in their future endeavours.
1. Dr. RONGSENNEKEN, S/o Mr. Tsuknungchiba and Mrs. Aitsungla for his outstanding effort in achieving the post of Medical Officer (2nd rank) Class-I Gazetted, under Health & Family Welfare Department in the CTSE 2021 conducted by NPSC.
NAGALAND : 797112 Estd.
2. Er. IMTISANEN AO , S/o Mr. Imkongchuba and Mrs. Nukenmenla for his outstanding effort in achieving the post of Junior Engineer (24th rank) Class-II Gazetted, under Works & Housing Department in the CTSE 2021 conducted by NPSC.
May the Almighty God continue to bless and guide you in all your future endeavors.
The Kelingmen Kaketshir Telongjem with immense pride and profound admiration extends our heartiest congratulations for bringing honor and laurel to the community:
MMA: Ritu Phogat ready to take on Tiffany
stage of the game. Warriors’ striker Rhitsho, who was kept under checked by the rival defenders missed a golden opportunity in the secondEarlier,half. before the kick off, a minute of silence was observed to pay respects to Athletics Coach, Awala Walling who passed away on September 13.
Detroit Tigers lift Open Football Trophy
Power Department.
“My last match I couldn’t win. I have learnt a lot from that loss. I injured my shoul der also so I wanted to re cover completely and now I’m ready. I have imple mented a lot of new things
We are delighted with your achievement for bringing laurels to the Union and Village.
KELINGMEN KAKETSHIR TELONGJEM FELICITATION Sd/Nukshisangba PresidentKKT Sd/Temsumeren Gen.KKTSecretary db-1008/22
months. The fight against Tiffany is going to be very entertaining, it’s going to be fight between grappler and a grappler,” Phogat said dur ing a virtual media interac
, S/o Late Kughavi N Zhimomi and Late Keluongu-ii Helena Khruomo, for clearing NpSC (CTSE) and securing the post of Medical Officer (MO) Class-I Gazetted under Health and Family Welfare department. 2. Miss Vino N Tuccu, d/o Nitovi Tuccu and Mrs. Ghotoli Tuccu, for clearing NpSC (CTSE) and securing the post of Assistant Conservator of Forest (ACF) Class-I Gazetted under Environment Forest and Climate Change department. It is our sincere prayer that Almighty God continue to guide and bless them in their future endeavours. Ghusheto Zhimomi Katovi Jimo president, KLGKd Gen. Secretary, KLGKd OFFICE OF THE KHUKIYE LUKHAI GHAMI KUPOSHUKULU Dimapur (KLGKD) Dimapur - 797112 : Nagaland FELICITATION db-1014/22 The

Gazetted under
1. Dr. K. Pulopu Wilson ZhimomiGhotovi Village Council and Ghotovi Students' Union would like to and congratulate Ms. Kughali Zhimomi D/o Mr. Kahoto Zhimomi Hd GB and Mrs. Catherine of Ghotovi Village for bringing laurels to the family and village in successfully clearing NPSC Examination, for the post of Junior Engineer (JE) Works and Housing Department.
Dr. K. Pulopu Wilson Zhimomi Miss Vino N Tuccu Through this column, the Khukiye Lukhai Service Union would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to :

The YVSU takes immense pride and honour to congratulate Mr. Khumlise Anar, S/o Er. Chopongse Anar for his tremendous achievement in the recently declared NPSC (CTSE) Exam, to the post of Junior Engineer (IT/ Communication) under Power Department.
1. Dr. K. Pulopu Wilson Zhimomi, S/o Late Kughavi N Zhimomi and Late Keluongu-ii Helena Khruomo, for clearing NpSC (CTSE) and securing the post of Medical Officer (MO) Class-I Health Family Welfare department.

Brief scores: England 142 for 6 in 20 overs (Freya Kemp 51 not out; Sneh Rana 3/24) lost to India 146 for 2 in 16.4 overs (Smriti Mandhana 79 not out) by eight wickets.
By the time the young opener departed in the sixth over, Verma had laid a sol id foundation from where Mandhana just took off, hitting 13 boundaries and scoring at a strike rate of nearly 150. With none of the damp and soggy English conditions to trouble India after their travails in their

May God's favour be with you in all your endeavours. (Tsaroli Thonger) (Longtila Sangtam) President, YVSU General Secy., YVSU

Guest of honour, Tito Yepthomi with the players of both the teams and officials before the final match.
Marsh, Starc, Stoinis ruled out of India tour
The Commonwealth Championship gold medal list in wrestling, Ritu had sustained a shoulder injury.
2. Vino N Tuccu Nitovi Tuccu Mrs. Ghotoli Tuccu, clearing NpSC (CTSE) securing the post of Assistant Conservator of Forest (ACF) Class-I Gazetted under Environment Forest and Climate Change department.
MELBOURNE, SEP 14 (IANS): Australia trio of left-arm pacer Mitchell Starc, all-rounders Mitchell Marsh and Marcus Stoinis are set to miss the upcom ing T20I series against India due to injuries.
The union expresses profound gratitude and wishes her unending blessings and greater success in all her future
In this regard, interested players from Chümoukedima district have been asked to con tact 7005660252 / 8729815972 before September 20 and Peren district to reach United Chris tian School, New Jalukie, at 3pm on September 21.
while the goalkeepers of both sides were kept busy throughout the entire ses sion.
The Office of the Dimapur Sakshi Union takes pride to convey its heartiest congratulations to Er. Choimei Moileen Semdok, D/o Late Er. T. L Semdok & Mrs Imtisangla Semdok of Sakshi Village, Longleng Nagaland for clearing the recently declared NPSC Combine Technical Service Examination 2021 as SDO (Civil Engg.) (Class-I Gazetted) securing 10th Position under Works & Housing Department.

in my game.” On taking on the local favourite Toe, Pho gat said: “It doesn’t matter to me that the fight will be in her home ground I will try to beat her in her home.” The 28-year-old reiterated her aim to become a MMA world champion. “When I joined MMA that time my wrestling career was at the top and 2020 Olympics was also there but I wanted to do something different. I used to follow MMA since I was a child and I would think when some one from India will become world champion.
tournament thereby creat ing platform to the young sters. He also encouraged the players never to shy away from their dreams but keep on pursuing till they achieve. He however, reminded the players that discipline, hard work and dedication was prerequisite for success.Thetournament was organized by Dimapur District Football Referee Association (DDFRA) in commemoration of its silver jubilee. 15 teams took part in the tournament.
Smriti Mandhana
Kohli has some way to go before he is back into contention for the top ranking for T20I batters, but he is at least moving in the right direction now after returning to form during the Asia Cup.
On a day when Freya Kemp becomes the young est woman to make a T20I half-century for England, the total proved too less for
Hekishe Awomi phutolu Zhimomi president Secretary Wilson Zhimomi Miss Vino
Ritu Phogat
FELICITATION2000 dp-4348/22
Opener David Warner had already been rested from the trip and now, Starc (knee), Marsh (ankle) and Stoinis (side strain) have been ruled out of the short tour of “SelectorsIndia.felt with three games in six days across three cities -- includ ing travel to India and internally -- Marsh, Stoinis and Starc are best served remaining in Australia to prepare for the ICC Men’s T20 World Cup,” said a statement from Cricket Australia (CA). Earlier, a report in said pacer Nathan Ellis, all-rounders Daniel Sams, and Sean Abbott will be the replacements for the injured trio on their trip to India.
3. Er. Tsaikha K Shohe , Junior Engineer (Electrical Engineering) – Power Department.

1. Er. Manato S Chophy , Junior Engineer (Electrical Engineering) –

immenselyYekisheKappo Kinali Awomi Kivigho Zhimomi President, G.S.U General Secy., G.S.U Secy., Ghotovi V.C FELICITATION db-1017/22
Sri Lanka match-winner Hasa ranga improved three places to sixth on the bowler rankings and seven spots to fourth on the all-rounder list after he was adjudged ‘Player of the Tournament’ at the Asia Cup. The Sri Lanka all-rounder picked up nine wickets for the tourna ment -- including three in the final against Pakistan -- and his form was a big reason why the island nation was able to claim a sixth Asia Cup Hasarangatitle.could be eyeing a top spot in both ranking lists should he be able to replicate his current form during the ICC T20 World Cup in Australia later this year.
amicus curiae in the mat ter, that there was no jus tification in confining the cooling-off period to the President and Secretary, and it should extend to all officebearers at the BCCI.
Samson misses out: Fans to protest against BCCI
“It has been my great est honour to represent my country and my state, Karnataka. However, all good things must come to an end, and with a grate ful heart, I have decided to retire from all forms of Indian cricket. Thank you all,” Uthappa said on the Koo Uthappaapp. played the 2004 Under-19 World Cup. He made his international debut two years later and featured in 46 ODIs and 13 T20Is for India.
Group B is throwing up some sur prising results so far, with Club Brugge atop the standings after routing Porto 4-0 away for its second straight win.
In Marseille, Lindstrøm took advantage of a defensive error in the 43rd minute to score the winner for Frankfurt. Tottenham and Frankfurt have three points, with Marseille last on zero.
good chance in the 60th minute but the Moham medan Sporting goalkeep er Zothanmawia came up with a spectacular save as Stewart tried to curl the ball past him. Marcus Joseph had a fine chance in the 65th minute to put Sport ing in the lead but it was the Mumbai City custodian Phurba Lachenpa’s turn to send the ball out of harm’s way.
period to prove leadership qualities to take the sport forwar d, and urged this provision, in the existing constitution, be modified to reflect that it comes into effect after an office-bearer has completed two consecu tive terms.Onthis existing cool ing-off period rule, the top court said it is unduly strin gent and needs to be modi fied with regard to the pur pose with which cooling-off periods were introduced.
Uthappa further said in the post.The stylish batter was a part of the Indian side which lifted the inaugural T20 World Cup in 2007 in South Africa. The batter from Karnataka has won two IPL trophies-- one for KKR and one for CSK in 2014 and 2021 respectively.
Mumbai City FC players celebrate after Bipin Singh’s winner. ( Debasish Bhaduri/The Hindu)
royal’s death? Respect fans!”
Another grouse is that despite KL Rahul and Rishabh Pant’s lean sea son, they were considered ahead of IANSSamson.haslearnt that there are plans that lo cals may come wearing T-Shirts with Samson’s picture on it and protest against the BCCI during the India vs South Africa match.
Miffed with the non-in clusion of local boy Sanju Samson in the upcoming T20 World Cup squad, fans here are planning to protest against the national cricket board (BCCI) dur ing the India-South Africa T20 match, to be held at the Greenfield Stadium on SeptemberSamson,28. who hails from the coastal village near the international air port, is presently the skip per of Rajasthan Royals and had a good tour of the West Indies recently.
The top court noted submissions from senior advocate Maninder Singh,
thanks to a first-half goal from Jesper Lindstrøm.Liverpool needed an 89th-minute goal to get its first win of the Euro pean campaign. Joel Matip headed home a corner to give last year’s runner-up a 2-1 home win over Ajax, bouncing back from a 4-1 loss to Na poli in the opening round. Napoli’s game at Rangers was postponed until Wednesday because of limited police resources in Scotland following the death of Queen Elizabeth II.
Instead it was just more of the same. After the Poland striker was uncharacteristically wasteful in the first half, Hernandez did his best Lewandowski impression when the defender popped up at the near post to head home a corner in the 50th min ute. It was the kind of goal his former teammate scored so many of during his Bayern career, when he netted 344
“Coming back from the horror show in Naples, it was important we showed a reaction,” Liverpool defender Virgil van Dijk said. “It wasn’t easy … but it’s something to work on.”
booed the national anthem ahead of the FA Cup final last season. And the period of silence was respectfully ob served, except for a few random shouts that were quickly hushed.
Forward Ferran Jutgla had a goal and an assist for Brugge, which saw four different players score. It was Por to’s fourth straight loss in the Champi ons League going back to last season.
MYK C MYK C Printed, Published and Edited by Geoffrey Yaden at G.M. Printers, Circular Rd. Dimapur-797112. Ph: Desk 248489, Adm.& Advertisement :248267,8798162009, R.N. 40978/90 RN/NE 707 SPORTS16 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022
in eight years. Sane then pulled off a great solo effort for the second just four minutes later, bursting into the area and rolling a calm finish inside the far post.
of accountability and fi nancial irregularities, rec ommended that “there is also requirement of various effective steps, which are required to be taken by the TTFI in the procedure of election, the auditors, the appointment of ombuds man and for grievance re dressal”.The high court, hear ing a petition filed by ace women’s paddler Manika Batra, had in February directed the appointment of an administrator to run the TTFI, saying its faith was shaken in view of the sports body’s “sorry state of affairs”.Observing that the TTFI office-bearers have turned a blind eye to the issues of mismanagement, the report poiinted out, “Unfortunately, they ap pear to have indulged in such practices. The execu tive committee members are not having any expertise in international competi tions of table tennis of skills
KOLKATA, SEP 14 (AGENCIES): Bipin Singh scored in the final minute of the regulation time to help Mumbai City FC beat local favourite Mohammedan Sporting SC by a solitary goal in the first semifinal of the 131st Durand Cup, at the Salt Lake Stadium here on Wednesday.According to Sport star, the match saw an even contest with Mohammed an Sporting enjoying some moments of dominance before the former Indian Super League champion scored the winner in the 90th minute to reach the

Robert Andrich and Moussa Diaby scored late for the German team.
title round in its maiden appearance in the tourna ment.Mumbai City FC will take on the winner of the second semifinal –between reigning ISL champion Hyderabad FC and Benga luru FC – in the title clash scheduled on Sunday.
During the hearing, the bench noted that a 12-year total term across BCCI and state associations would be possible as administrators, and state association office bearers can escape the cool ing-off after switching to the BCCI. The bench said to ad dress this concern, it can say that after two terms at state association, there should be a cooling-off period.
Hopes were high that he would make it to the T20 World Cup squad, but failed to impress the selectors.Netizens are also questioning the selectors’ decision that how the young wicket-keeper bat ter got ignored yet again.
Champions League: Bayern beat Barca; Liverpool grab late winner
right talent and expertise is available in the organisa tion.
teams failed to keep a sin gle shot on target. Moham medan Sporting started on a breezy note and domi nated the action in the first quarter of the match. But Mumbai City FC found its way back in the second quarter but could not create the chance to find the lead.
to administer in a profes sional“Ifmanner.permitted by the court, the CoA needs to ex amine the matter by taking inputs from all the stake holders and examining the working of other federa tions in India and abroad to achieve the ultimate goal of the sport flourishing from grassroots to the interna tionalThelevel.”CoA, headed by retired Delhi High Court Chief Justice Gita Mittal, recommended to examine the necessity of prescribing essential qualifications of the office-bearers of sports associations to ensure the
It started out as a friendly home coming as Lewandowski walked down the familiar steps of the Allianz Arena players’ tunnel before kickoff, hugging every one of his former teammates along the way. Bayern’s players didn’t extend the same level of hospitality once the game started.
Tottenham had not lost a game in any competition this season before a pair of Sporting substitutes ended that unbeatenPaulinhorun. glanced in a header from a corner in the 90th minute and Arthur Gomes added the second in the third minute of stoppage time when he cut in from the left wing, darted between two Tottenham defenders and shot between the legs of goalkeeper Hugo Lloris.
NEW DELHI, SEP 14 (IANS): Observing the “sorry state of affairs” in the running of the Table Tennis Federation of India (TTFI) and the need to revamp it, the Delhi High Court-appointed Com mittee of Administrators (CoA) on Wednesday ob served that there is total mismanagement in TTFI’s functioning with no record of any decision or meeting to take major decisions.
“It’s been 20 years since I started playing pro fessional cricket, and it has been the greatest honour to represent my country and state, Karnataka- wonder ful journey of ups and downs; one that has been fulfilling, rewarding, enjoy able and has allowed me to grow as a human being,”
Robin Uthappa
Bipin Singh, currently one of India’s finest wing ers in business, found the net after an excellent com bination between Scottish forward Greg Stewart and Lallianzuala Chhangte, who et him up for the goal.
After losing 3-0 to Bayern in both group meetings last season — and with the 8-2 drubbing in the 2020 quarterfinals still fresh in memory — there was hope among Barcelona fans that things would be different with Lewandowski on their side.
“The sport needs more cleansing, particularly the TTFI. The CoA undertakes to complete unfinished tasks to the best of its ability in terms of the orders of the court. The time has come to implement all the steps which have been noticed and also to take effective steps to remove all action of certain individuals who are controlling, directly or indirectly, the themeasuresmentationFavouringTTFI.”theimpleoflong-termkeepinginviewupcominginternational
Just when the match appeared to be headed for extra-time, came the Mum bai City attack that Bipin Singh converted to decide the match in the Islanders’ favour.
In its 91-page report submitted before the high court, the CoA said there “is a critical need to reexamine the entire bye laws and its constitution in view of not only the sports code, but also for fair and transparent execution of functions as they are being managed in an unprofes sionalThemanner”.CoA, which was categorically clear in ob serving that the sport’s gov ernance in the country since long has been plagued by nepotism, fiefdom, lack
events, especially the Olym pic Games in 2024 and 2028, the CoA observed that the players have worked assiduously and the selected coaches have shown an abounding commitment to the sport.Asking the TTFI to set its house in order urgently to remain relevant and not to merely be reduced to a courier service with its role being confined to just sending entries for various national and international events, CoA member and Chandigarh-based senior advocate Chetan Mittal told IANS that they noted serious concerns as it is con trolled by some people who are promoting their own interests with lack of trans parency and accountability.

NEW DELHI, SEP 14 (IANS): The Supreme Court on Wednesday al lowed the Board of Control for Cricket in India’s (BCCI) plea in connection with the amendments proposed to its constitution to relax the cooling-off period require ment.The cooling-off period for office bearers will kick in after two consecutive terms at either the BCCI or at the state association level. The office bearers can now have a maximum of 12 years at one go: two three-year terms at the state association level and two three-year terms at the BCCI, and after this, the cooling-off will be ap plicable.Solicitor General Tush ar Mehta, representing the BCCI, submitted before a bench of Justices D.Y. Chandrachud and Hima Kohli that clause 6 as ap proved by the top court indicates that a person who has competed one term at the state cricket association level followed by one term at the BCCI would have to undergo a three-year cooling off period.Therefore, the cooling off-period would come into effect after only one term at the BCCI.Mehta had submitted before the bench that three years is a very short time
In the other Group C game, Edin Dzeko got the better of Viktoria Plzen again. Dzeko had one goal and an as sist as Inter Milan beat the Czech club 2-0 in the other Group C game. The Bosnia international now has 10 goals in nine matches against Plzen, and nine in the last six.
Ganguly, Shah set for 2nd innings as SC allows BCCI to amend constitution
Struggling Bayer Leverkusen up set Atlético Madrid 2-0 for just its sec ond win of the season after six defeats in eight games across all competitions.
LONDON, SEP 14 (AP): It doesn’t seem to matter which shirt Robert Lewandowski is wearing — Bayern Munich just keeps getting the better of Barcelona either way.
(IANS): Former India opener Robin Uthappa on Wednesday announced his retirement from all forms of IndianUthappacricket.shared a heartfelt post announcing his retirement from all forms of cricket on social media.The right-handed bat ter said it has been “great est honour” to represent India and Karnataka dur ing this illustrious career.
The proposed amend ment enables the current President Saurav Ganguly and Secretary Jay Shah to seek a second term at BCCI. According to the unamend ed clauses, they would have attracted disqualific ation - they have completed one term each at the state asso ciation and the BCCI.
After Lewandowski missed sev
Uthappa retires from Indian cricket TTFI marred by chaos, needs revamp: HC-appointed CoA

Durand Cup: Mumbai FC enter final
Liverpool got the win it so badly needed, but it was another performance that highlighted that Jurgen Klopp’s team is no longer the high-scoring ma chine it once was. Liverpool struggled to convert its possession into goals in the second half and then needed the aid of goal-line technology to show that Matip’s late header crossed the line before cleared by a defender.
eral good chances to score in the first half, Lucas Hernández and Leroy Sané scored within a five-minute span in the second as Bayern took control of Group C with two wins in two games. “Luck wasn’t on his side,” Bayern goalkeeper Manuel Neuer said about Lewandowski. “For Lewi, it’s an emotional game, here, a bit like comingSportinghome.”Lisbon also moved to six points in Group D after netting two late goals to beat Tottenham 2-0 at home. The other group game be tween Marseille and Eintracht Frank furt was marred by fan disturbances before kickoff, forcing riot police to intervene when opposing supporters launched flares and fireworks at each other. Frankfurt won the game 1-0
Bayern Munich celebrates after beating Barcelona at home in the Champions League. (Getty Images)
The change of ends saw both the opponents showing more purpose but the goal continued to remain elusive as both Mo hammedan Sporting and Mumbai City struggled to finish the few openings happening in the boxes on eitherMumbaiend. City had one
“We’re of the view that the proposed amendment would not dilute the spirit and object of the cooling-off period, if implemented after an individual has completed two terms at either BCCI or state federations. We, there fore, accept this amend ment,” said the bench.
Mohamed Salah had earlier ended his run of seven Champions League games without a goal by putting the team ahead in the 17th, but Moham med Kudus equalized when he created space in the area before smashing an unstoppable shot in off the underside of the crossbar in the 27th.
Bayern extended its recent domi nance over the Spanish giant with a 2-0 win in the Champions League on Tuesday to show it can cope quite well without Lewandowski, who left to join Barcelona in the offseason.

Klopp had urged Liverpool fans to show respect during the tribute to the queen, who died last week at the age of 96, after some of the club’s supporters
Jay Shah and Saurav Ganguly

Liverpool’s Joel Matip scored the winner in the 89th minute, earning three points for the Reds, against Ajax in the Champions League. (Reuters)

“The functioning is being done behind closed doors and without taking into account the interest and grievances of persons affected by its decisions, especially the players,” he said.
The barren first half reflected the lack of inci siveness in attack as both
A period of silence was held be fore Liverpool’s game, while Bayern fans showed their displeasure with UEFA allowing the British monarch’s death to disrupt the schedule by hold ing up a banner reading: “Last minute match delays and bans because of a