Tharoor declined to comment on whether he would throw his hat into the ring, he has written an article for the Malayalam daily ‘Mathrubhumi ‘calling for a “free and fair” election. In the article, he has said ideally the party should have announced elections also for the dozen seats on the Con gress Working Committee (CWC) itself which are sup posed to be “Allowingelected.members of the party drawn from the AICC and PCC delegates to determine who will lead the party from these key positions, would have helped legitimize the incoming set of leaders and give them a credible mandate to lead the party,” said Tharoor, who was among the group of 23 leaders who wrote to Con gress chief Sonia Gandhi in 2020 seeking organisational reforms. “Still, electing a fresh president is a start to wards the revitalisation the Congress badly needs,” the MP from Thiruvanantha puramTharoorsaid. said the elec tion also has other beneficial effects-- for instance, “we have seen the global inter est in the British Conser vative Party during their recent leadership race, a phenomenon we already witnessed in 2019, when a dozen candidates contested to replace Theresa May, and Boris Johnson emerged on top”. Replicating a similar scenario for the Congress will similarly increase the national interest in the party and galvanise more voters towards the Congress party once again, he said. “For this reason, I hope that several candidates come forward to present them selves for consideration. Putting forward their visions for the party and the nation will surely stir public inter est,” he wrote. While the party as a whole is in need of renewal, the most urgent leadership position that needs to be filled is naturally that of the Congress presi dent, Tharoor said.
DIMAPUR, AUG 30 (NPN): In a major crack down, a joint team of Arunachal Police and Di mapur Police busted an inter-state drug racket and arrested several individu als from different locations and seized 1.2 Kg of heroin worth Rs 2.36 ofPoliceclosure,BasedSeppa,2022wasdrugquotingAccordingcrore.toreports,policesources,apeddlerApuVeniaarrestedonJuly24,with5.38gmheroininArunachalPradesh.ontheVenia’sdisArunachalPradeshestablishedthechainsuppliersbyusingtechni cal and financial records and disclosure and arrested two peddlers Saiful Islam and Asadul Islam from Itakhola, Sonitpur on August 1. On further interroga tion of Saiful, one of the main supplier Ashraf Hus sain Chaudhary, with area of operation of Assam from Karbi Anglong to Guwahati operating from Dimapur/ Karbi Anglong border was identified.Apolice team camped along the Nagaland-Assam border area for three days and arrested Ashraf with 1200 gm of heroin while dealing with another person Kamaluddin, who was also arrested. It was reported that the heroin was transported by a truck from Senapati, Manipur to be supplied to Ashraf. Shayan Chandra, the truck driver was also ar rested and the truck seized . Altogether six persons have been arrested while suspected drugs (heroin) packed in 100 soap cases (weighing approx 1kg 200 grams), one two-wheeler Scooty, one Maruti 800, and one truck have been seized in connection with the case. It was also reported that the bank accounts used by the accused were also frozen.
DIMAPUR, AUG 30 (NPN): India Meteorologi cal Department (IMD) has predicted that heavy spell of rainfall was likely to con tinue over North East region during next five days. IMD stated that MeghalayaingArunachalheavyalsoduringandTripura,land,wasandwithlight/moderatewidespread/widespreadfairlyrainfallisolatedheavyfallsthunderstorm/lightningverylikelyoverNagaManipur,Mizoram&ArunachalPradeshAssam&Meghalayanextfivedays.IMDstatedthatisolatedveryrainfallwaslikelyoverPradeshdurSept1-4andAssam&duringSept2-4.
NEW DELHI, AUG 30 (AGENCIES): Senior Con gress leader Shashi Tharoor is exploring the possibility of running for the post of Congress president, though he is yet to take a final call on it, sources said. They said he has not made up his mind, but could take a call on it Whilesoon.
DIMAPUR, AUG 30 (NPN): Nagaland’s CO VID-19 case load neared the 36000-mark after two more positive cases were reported from Dimapur, taking the total tally to 35,907. The active cases dropped to 12 after five more patients recovered from the infection. As on August 30, there were three active cases each in Dimapur, Kohima and Longleng, two in Kiphi re and one in Mokokchung, all under home isolation. India saw a major de cline in daily Covid cases with 5,439 new coronavirus infections being reported, while the active cases de clined to 65,732, the Health Ministry said. The death toll climbed to 5,27,829 with 30 new fatalities. Wet spells likely to continue in NE
DIMAPUR, AUG 30 (NPN): Deputy commis sioner (DC) Mokokchung has suspended all forms of vehicular movement on NH202 (Mokokchung-Tuen sang road) 12KM for repair and maintenance of bailey bridge until further notice. In an order issued by the DC, vehicles carrying a maximum load of 10 MT from Mokokchung towards Tuensang had been advised to take the diversion from KM 158 NH-02 towardssangAlisopur-Thronger-Tuenjunction-Longmisa-Dikhu-LongmisarouteandthoseplyingMokokchungfrom Tuensang to take the diver sion from duressthethatDCkokchung-TuensangDikhureportedlydia,thatdivertedwouldloadvehiclesduringmisapur-Dikhu-Longmisa-LongThronger-Alisojunction-Mokokchungtherestrictedperiod.Italsostatedthatonlywithamaximumcapacityof10MTbeallowedintheroute.Meanwhile,inavideowentviralonsocialmeatruckwasseenstuckinthemiddleofriverbridge(Moroad).hadearliercautionedtheBaileybridgeofDikhuriverwasunderpressure.
ASIA CUP: Afghanistan beat B’desh (Cont’d on p-8) (Cont’d on p-8)
State Total crime against women in 2021 Rate Andhra Pradesh 17752 67.2 Arunachal Pradesh 366 49.1 Assam 29046 168.3 Bihar 17950 30.2 Chhattisgarh 7344 49.8 Goa 224 28.9 Gujarat 7348
16658 119.7 Himachal Pradesh 1599 43.8 Jharkhand 8110 43.0 Karnataka 14468 43.8 Kerala 13539 73.3 Madhya Pradesh 30673 74.7 Maharashtra 39526 66.0 Manipur 302 19.1 Meghalaya 685 41.7 Mizoram 176 29.1 Nagaland 54 5.1 Odisha 31352 137.8 Punjab 5662 39.2 Rajasthan 40738 105.4 Sikkim 130 40.6 Tamil Nadu 8501 22.2 Telangana 20865 111.2 Tripura 807 40.2 Uttar Pradesh 56083 50.5 Uttarakhand 3431 61.5 West Bengal 35884 74.6 A&N Islands 169 89.4 Chandigarh 343 61.7 D&N Haveli and Daman & Diu 99 25.3 Delhi 14277 147.6 Jammu & Kashmir 3937 61.6 Ladakh 18 13.8 Lakshadweep 9 27.3 Puducherry 153 18.5
Shashi Tharoor planning to run for Cong Prez: Report
August 16, 2022 from Anaki ‘C’ Village Jurisdiction (Na galand). Manngai said late Henveih was tortured and beaten by the Assam Police in broad daylight and lodged at Sivasagar district jail, Assam.Manngai said late Hen veih was in good health at the time of his abduc tion and arrest but after six days of torture, died under suspicious circumstances while in custody of Assam Police on August 21. He said the victim’s family were informed that Henveih was in a hospital and when they reached the hospital, they found that Henveih had al ready died and his body left in the verandah of Joysagar Civil Hospital, Assam. Manngai condemned the heinous act commit ted by Assam saying that the inhuman and barbaric act committed by the law enforcing force which paid no heed to the fundamental right of the citizen enshrined in the Constitution of India and International Human RightPSUKLaw. strongly de manded that the state government immediately constitute the Special In vestigation Team (SIT) to enquire into the mysteri ous circumstances that led to the death, ensure that timely justice by booking the perpetrators under the relevant sections of the law. The union also conveyed the deepest condolences to the bereaved family members and prayed for the departed soul to rest in Presidentpeace.Phom Union Kohima (PUK) Dr. Manyau Phom cited the provisional 22.1 Haryana
Nagaland Covid-19 total caseload nears 36000-mark
JDU likely to withdraw support to BJP-led govt in Manipur Inter-state drug racket busted; heroin worth Rs. 2.3 crore seizedNEW DELHI, AUG 30 (AGENCIES): Around 12 per cent of the eligible 77 crore population in the age group of 18-59 years have taken the precaution dose of COVID-19 vaccine so far, officials said on Tuesday. Besides, 35 per cent of the 16.80 crore population aged 60 years and above, healthcare and frontline workers have been admin istered the precaution dose, officials said. A total of 15.66 crore precaution doses have been given till now with 10.39 crore doses being adminis tered since July 15 till now after the ‘COVID Vaccina tion Amrit Mahotsava’ was launched, official sources told PTI. The precaution dose coverage among the 64,89,99,721 eligible popu lation between 18-59 years was 8 per cent till July 14. Under the campaign which was launched on July 15, 9,28,598 special vac cination camps have been organised so far by all the states and UTs. This includes camps at railway stations (4,259), bus stations (9,183), airports (370), schools and colleges (1,16,675), on the way to religious places (3,522) and camps at other places (7,94,589), health ministry said. Since July 15, 10,16,78,376 doses of Cov ishield, 1,68,14,771 doses of Covaxin and 85,03,008 doses of Corbevax have been given. On July 15, the gov ernment launched a special 75-day special drive to ad minister precaution doses to all aged 18 years and above at government vaccination centres free of cost. The drive ‘COVID Vaccination Amrit Mahotsava’, aimed at boosting the uptake of Covid-19 vaccine precaution doses among the eligible population, is being held as part of the government’s Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav to celebrate the 75th an niversary of India’s Inde pendence.
This is it! “These days winning elections is not important but winning over rival elected members.”
Vehicular traffic temporarily suspended along NH-202 Neiphiu along with his colleagues and others at the inaugural programme. (DIPR)Hundreds of people at the candle light vigil held in Kohima on Tuesday evening. (NP) post mortem report as per the local dailies dated 27 August, which claimed that the cause of death as being due to cardiac failure be cause of chronic anaemia. Dr. Manyau however contested the reports when he said that the injuries sus tained on the body as per the photo and videos out in the media showed a completely different picture. While stat ing that as a death man tells no tale, Dr. Manyau also said a dead body does not lie and so demanded that a proper forensic investigation be carried out to ascertain the actual cause of death. Dr. Manyau also ex pressed shock that the tor ture and brutality inflicted on the person leading to his death was committed by none other than the law keepers themselves. He reminded that Ev ery citizen of the country deserves the right to a fair trial in the court of law no
Post MYK C MYK C Vol XXXII No. 266 DIMAPUR, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 2022 Pages 12 ` 5.00 Taiwan prez assures troops amid China threats INTERNATIONAL, PAGE 9 FOLLOW US ON @Nagaland_Postnagalandpostofficial
GUWAHATI, AUG 30 (AGENCIES): Nitish Ku mar’s Janata Dal (United) is likely to withdraw support from BJP-led government in Manipur, sources have said. Currently, the BJP-led coalition is backed by 55 MLAs in the 60-seat as sembly. This includes seven JD(U) members. Even if the party withdraws support, it would bring the number of the ruling coalition to 48-way above the majority mark of 31. JDU was extending outside support to the Bi ren Singh government even though Kumar had ended the alliance with the BJP and walked out of the National Democratic Alliance. The final decision on this will be taken at a crucial meeting of the Manipur unit of the party with JDU national leaders during the upcoming national execu tive meet in Patna on Sep temberThe3-4.BJP and the JD(U) were not in alliance in the state elections that took place earlier this year. Af ter the elections, the seven JD(U) MLAs had extended support to the Biren Singh government since the party was part of the NDA, sourc es in the Manipur unit said. The JD(U)’s Manipur unit has discussed the mat ter in the last state executive meet held on August 10, sourcesKumarsaid. ended the al liance with the BJP earlier this month. Sources said he had concerns that the BJP was plotting a repeat of the Maharashtra model -- where the Uddhav Thackeray gov ernment was dismantled by the rebellion by senior Shiv Sena leader Eknath Shinde who is now the chief minister.
Assam records highest crime rate against women in 2021, Nagaland lowest new relationship of the two entities”.He said it was done in the spirit of framework agreement and with the spirit that sovereignty lies with the people and that Naga movement should be recognised.Rioreminded that Na galand was a special status state, wherein the Constitu tion of India has granted special provision with re spect to Naga customary law and procedure, administra tion of civil and criminal justice involving decisions according to Naga custom ary law. He, therefore, urged the guardians of customary law and traditions to know the true meaning of the institution and work accord ingly for the welfare of the community.Riosaid Wokha dis trict is so fertile and blessed with so many minerals from oil and natural gas to the best river producing hydro power. In this regard, Rio urged the Lotha community to work hard for a progres sive society.
Correspondent KOHIMA, AUG 30 (NPN): H undreds of people from a cross section of society including representatives of various tribal organisa tions held a candle light service here at Old MLA Hostel Junction in memory of late Henveih Phom (35) of Anaki-C village who died while in custody of Assam Police after being taken to custody from the village under Mokokchung district on August 16. Most of the partici pants clad in traditional attire were seen with plac ards that read: “The worst form of justice is pretended justice”, “Where is Article 21?”, “Justice delayed is justice denied” Addressingetc.the gath ering here at Old MLA Junction, president Phom Students Union Kohima, Manngai Phom said late Henveih was taken into custody by Assam Police on NEW DELHI, AUG 30 (AGENCIES): For the fifth consecutive year, Assam recorded the highest rate of crimes against women in 2021, according to the National Crime Record Bureau’s “Crime in India” report for last year. The rate is calculated as the number of crimes recorded for every one lakh people.According to the data, the rate of crimes against women last year stood at 168.3 in Assam, an increase from 154.3 in 2020. Next on the list were Odisha at 137.8, Haryana at 119.7, and Rajasthan at 105.4. In terms of the ac tual number of cases, Uttar Pradesh with 56,083 cases, topped the list, followed by Rajasthan (40,738), Ma harashtra (39,526), West Bengal (35,884) and Odisha (31,352).Nagaland, with 54 cases registered in 2021, stood out with the lowest number of cases among states. At 5.5 per cent, Na galand also tops the list with the lowest crime rate against women in 2021. A total of 4,28,278 cases of crimes against women were registered in the country under the Indian Penal Code and special and local laws last year. The number is 15.3% more than the 3,71,503 cases registered in 2020. Overall, 60,96,310 crimes were registered in the country last year. This marked a decline of 7.6% in all crimes as compared to 66,01,285 cases in 2020. “Crime rate registered per lakh population has de clined from 487.8 in 2020 to 445.9 in 2021,” the report noted. “During 2021, regis tration of cases under IPC [Indian Penal Code] has declined by 13.9% where as SLL [special and local laws] crimes have increased by 3.7% over 2020.” Out of the total cases, 1,01,707 cases were of kidnapping and abduction, 31,677 of rape and 29,272 of murder.Crimes against chil dren, including cases of kidnapping and rape, in creased by 16.2% in the country in 2021, the re port showed. The high est number of such cases were reported in Madhya Pradesh (19,173), Mahar asthra (17,261) and Uttar PradeshCases(16,838).ofhuman traf ficking also rose by 27.7% in the country in 2021, ac cording to the report.
DI MAPUR, AUG 30 (NPN): State chief minister, Neiphiu Rio, on Tuesday reiterated that the present UDA government was sin cere and committed to re solve the Naga Accordingissue.toa DIPR report, the chief minister said this while speaking at the inauguration pro gramme of the Lotha Hoho (Lotha Tribal Council) building at Wokha town on August 30, 2022. Rio said that settle ment should come at the earliest, adding that if that happened, “we will not ob struct, but will pave the way in Naga wisdom and tribal wisdom and resign for the interimThegovernment”.chiefminister as serted that the negotiating parties have already signed the Framework Agreement and the Agreed Position, which means that “they have signed to be with the Indian Union, but recognise the unique history of the Nagas and “co-exist with a
Shashi Tharoor (Cont’d on p-7)
by 7 wkts SPORTS, PAGE 12
UDA govt for Naga solution: RioCry for justice at candle light vigil for late Henveih
Only 12% in 18-59 age group have taken booster dose

Development Association of Nagaland organises ‘organic mela’ at Jalukie
SAP initiated Mongsenyimtiatvillage
DIMAPUR: An “organic mela” was organised by Development Association of Nagaland (DAN) under the under the aegis of the FARM NE Project imple mented by DAN with the support of Caritas India on Tuesday, at Jalukie town weekly bazaar. In a press release, DAN informed that farm ers from 12 communities in Jalukie and Athibung region partook in the mela which was graced by Ad ditional Deputy Commis
held in the presence of pro vincial of the Salesian Prov ince of Dimapur, Fr. Jose Kuruvachira and his council members and dignitaries from various sectors. Other notable persons who were acknowledged in several places also includ ed—Neihunuo Sorhie in recognition of her contribu tions to keeping handloom heritage alive; Dr. Roland Lotha in recognition of his selfless work towards welfare of the downtrod den children; Diethono Nakhro in recognition of her contribution towards the upliftment and rights of persons with disabilities; Rakesh Kochhar in for his social service in donat ing and arranging blood for needy patients; Sumit Kumar Patni for his social service during the COVID pandemic and Methaneilie Solo in recognition of his contribution in the field of music
DIMAPUR: Under the aegis of “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav”, Income Tax de partment of the Northeast region under the leadership of principal chief commis sioner, Gunjan Prasad ac knowledged and felicitated notable persons who made significant contributions in different sectors from Nagaland.One among seven award recipients was Fr. (Dr.) Peter Salew sdb from Salesians of Don Bosco, popularly known as Don Bosco Fathers, who was fe licitated at Don Bosco Pro vincial House, Dimapur for his yeomen service towards the lives of Speakingprisoners.atthefelicita tion programme, Fr. Peter said “we are not here to judge them but to transform them and reintegrate them into society with dignity and a sense of responsibility.” The programme was
Kengurüse (seated 6thR) with leaders at Nerhe Phezha on Tuesday. (NP)
Officials of the IT department along with Fr. (Dr.) Peter Salew sdb.
IT deptt recognises Don Bosco priest’s mission in prisons
MYK C MYK C dp-4676/22 dp-4080/22 dp-4087/22 It’s been ten years since you’ve left us for a better place in Heaven, leaving us with only fond memories of the times when we were together. We continue to remember you and will do so till we meet again. Loving mom, sister, brother-in-law, nephew & niece of Late N.T. Akhang Chang 31.08.2012 10th DeATh ANNiversAry -4072/22dp 1. Konyak Baptist Church, Kohima 2. Minister’s Hill Fellowship Kohima 3. Officers and Staff of SIRD Nagaland 4. Aboi Area Union Kohima 5. ENPO Wokha 6. Brightway Motors. 7. Langmeing Union, Kohima 8. Chaoha Union Kohima 9. Sowa Baptist Church 10. Sowa Changle Bumeinok 11. Aboi Town Baptist Church 12. Chaoha Union Aboi Town, 13. Aboiyang Ward Aboi 14. Molongkimong Union, Mokokchung 15. Molongkimong Fellowship Kohima 16. Konyak Baptist Church Mokokchung 17. Officers & Staff, RD Block Changpang Wokha 18. Ao Baptist Church Wokha 19. C L John MLA 45 A/C Tehok. 20. Well Wishers, Friends and Neighbours AcknowledgementlateB.PongkHAo16.12.1988–22.08.2022 We, the bereaved family members and relatives of late B. Pongkhao would like to extend our gratefulness to each and every one who stood by us during our most difficult times as we were grieving the lost of our dear one. Words may fail to express all but we are deeply indebted toward your immeasurable support and sympathy bestowed on us. We extend our sincere thanks to : Family Members and Relatives K-1972/22 STATE2 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 2022
Correspondent KOHIMA, AUG 30 (NPN): A newly constructed waiting shed was inaugurated by PS to chief minister, Neik etouzo Kengurüse at Col lege of Arts & Technology (CAT), Nerhe Phezha, here, on Tuesday.Theshed was con structed by Vitho Society based at Nerhema as part of its goodwill gesture towards CAT.Speaking at the occa sion, Kengurüse expressed happiness over the estab lishment of CAT at Nerhe Phezha, which, he said, was the first college within 11th Northern Angami-II
DIMAPUR: Senior trea sury officer (STO) Dimapur office has informed all the pensioners who are draw ing monthly salary under STO Dimapur office that physical verification for the year 2022 would commence from September 12. In a press release, STO Dimapur office informed that a schedule date for veri fication has been prepared according to the pensioners serial number so as to avoid normal departmental trans action business and to meet the convenience of every pensioner.Inthis regard, all pen sioners have been informed to bring a personal copy of PPO book and ID/drawal card issued by Dimapur district pensioner associa tion. STO Dimapur has cautioned that in case of failure to attend the physi cal verification, the pension case shall be considered as closed and submit to AG Nagaland right after completion of verification.
Kiusumong also ex horted the farmers to uti lize of available land for farming to the best of its capacity through the tech niques and skills imparted by the project team. Earlier, Vicar Gen eral, Diocese of Kohima, Rev. Fr. Neisalhu Carlus invoked God’s Blessing and Director, DAN, Rev. Fr. Sajan Joseph, expressed his gratitude for the co operation from the line department and all the stakeholders.
Waiting shed inaugurated at Nerhe Phezha assembly constituency. He sought for the support of the public towards the college for holistic development of students. Vitho Society has been undertaking various charitable ac tivities since its formation in 1988, he said.In a short speech, Educational Visionary Forum, chairman Rev. Dr. Tseibu Rutsa, expressed gratitude to Vitho Society for showing their concern and support to CAT. The programme was chaired by society’s president Neiketou Kiewhuo.
DIMAPUR: Krishi Vigyan Ken dra (KVK) initiated a Swachhta Action Plan (SAP) programme on “vermi-composting” on Au gust 29 at Mongsenyimti village, Mokokchung. At the programme, participants were deliberated and demonstrated on how to make vermi-compost using locally available bio-resources.
Farmers selling their products at the mela on Tuesday.
sioner (ADC) Jalukie, T. L Kiusumong as the special guest.In his address, Ki usumong appreciated the DAN project team for pro moting organic farming and supporting the subsis tence farmers to market their products. He said that the intervention was a valuable step towards protecting the mother na ture while ensuring and sustenance and livelihoods for the small-scale farmers in the villages.

NBSE to organise onlineonworkshopCBE
DoP&S bids farewell: Directorate of Printing & Stationery Nagaland Ministerial staff organized a short farewell ceremo ny on August 30 for its outgoing registrar, Nribemo Shititri. At the programme, the outgoing officer extended his gratefulness to the entire ministerial team for the support and cooperation towards the department. NSCN (Akato) suspends: NSCN/GPRN (Akato Chophi) has indefinitely suspended “rajou peyu”, Obed Chophi and “under secretary” Aketo Sema for misconduct and breach of NSCN/GPRN “yehzabo” with immediate effect.
DIMAPUR: BJP Mokok chung district on Tuesday, organised a workshop on “good public leadership” at multipurpose hall with Rev. Dr. I Imkong Jamir (World Aid Mission) and senior journalist & writer Aso Imsong as resource persons.Ina press release, BJP Mokokchung district me dia cell informed that dur ing the programme, Aso Imsong spoke on the topic “traits and characteristics of a good leader”. He said that a good leader should be hardwork ing, good communicator, have a good lifestyle and have a Speakingvision. on the topic “‘roles and responsibilities of a public leader – do’s and don’ts”, Rev. Dr. Im kong Jamir said a leader should be a motivator, a guide and someone who garners public support. “He should have selfawareness to lead the peo ple”, Rev. Imkong stated. Sharing that this was the first time that spoke at a leadership workshop organised by a political party, the resource per sons expressed hope that the workshop would be a starting point from which, leaders would interface, learn and lead people. At the programme, BJP Mokokchung district office also handed out ap pointment orders to differ ent capacities in the party’s organisational set up. Delivering the keynote address, BJP Mokokchung district president Imolemba Jamir said BJP was pre pared to face the political scenario of ImolembaNagaland.saidif the seat sharing of 40:20 ratio between NDPP and BJP should be accepted, then it was “common sense” that 60% of municipal seats be reserved for BJP in the forthcoming urban local bodies/town committees. He also stated that if Dimapur with five con stituencies could be allotted three NDPP tickets then Mokokchung district with 10 constituencies should also be allotted at least four BJP tickets as per the seat sharing gramme.ductedpointmentmandalThearrangement.26Aonglendenalsohandedaporderstoinofficersatthepro
DIMAPUR: Phom Peo ple’s Council (PPC) and Rising People’s Party (RPP) have condemned the custodial death of E. Henveih Phom, a retired Nagaland police personnel from Anaki village under Mokokchung district while in the custody of Assam police. PPC: Phom People’s Council has strongly con demned the murder of Henveih Phom, who it said, was an innocent per son and was “tricked by some Assam people who had connection with their local police.” PPC claimed that the victim’s family were asked to pay a huge sum of money for his re lease by the Assam police personnel.While stating that most times, innocent Naga people who lived in the border of Assam were trapped by such policies, PPC expressed apprehen sion that similar threats would take place if the state government takes no actionPPCnow.also expressed hoped that the state govern ment would take up this issue swiftly and punish those who were involved. Further, the Phom People’s Council expressed gratitude to all the civil society organisation for extending their support.
World Bank team with Y. Kikheto Sema at Nagaland GIS Centre on Tuesday. (DIPR) BJP Mkg organises workshop on public leadership RPP, PPC condemn custodial death of Naga youth in Assam
ADC Kohima informs village and wards: ADC Kohima Rhosietho Nguori has informed concerned villages, ward pan chayats and colony under Kohima town that the Assam Rifles will be conducting small arms firing from September 1-30 at Firing Range Kohima Garrison. The ADC has informed all concerned to not enter in the firing range nor take cattle graz ing near the firing range from the said date.
ADC Satakha informs on vehicular traffic movement: Ad ditional deputy commissioner, Satakha has informed that traffic movement would be restricted from 10 pm-5 am from August 31-September 10 to facilitate fresh earth cutting works at Ch.94+500 to Ch.95+000 between Satakha and Zunheboto and Ch. 88.000 to Ch. 88.500 between Kilo Old and Yezhimo stream (Chakabama-Zunheboto two-lane road construction).
The Parcel Packaging Unit is an endeavour by the department of Posts which provides the pro vision of packaging of parcels within the norms of the department in order to improve the safety and integrity of parcels during transit.PPU is currently only supplied with two kilo and five kilo carton boxes which are priced at Rs. 70 and Rs. 90 Customersrespectively.availing this service will be charged according to the cost of the carton and a minimal service charge of Rs. 10.
DIMAPUR: NE-II re gion Dimapur, postmaster general, Som Kamei, on Tuesday inaugurated the Parcel Packaging Unit (PPU) at Dimapur MDG. A press release from the office of the superin tendent of posts informed that Som Kamei in his ad dress, said since Dimapur MDG generated the high est revenue in Nagaland division in terms of book ing of speed post letters and parcels, the setting up of PPU was a positive step towards provision of better and improved service to the public availing the ser vices of the
DIMAPUR: Rongmei Council Chümoukedima district (RCCD) observed the 91st martyr’s day of Naga freedom fighter, Haipou Jadonang hosted by Rongmei Communi ty Diphupar on August 29, at Diphupar village ground-2, F-Khel. In a press release, RCCD president Meilun grei Panmei and general secretary G.K Alphonse informed that resource person, joint chief execu tive officer for Nagaland State Disaster Manage ment Authority (NSD MA), Home department, Johnny Ruangmei ex horted the community to live with the significance of Haipou Jadonang, who led the Naga Raj move ment against the British rule.He also highlighted the need of Rongmei people to be proactive in all fields with optimism to live up to the desirable standard in the present society.RCN advisor and RNPO former presi dent Namgai Gonmei spoke about the history of freedom struggle by Haipou Jadonang and Rani Gaidinliu, who he said, paved way for people to reap the fruits of their struggles.Highlights of the day included Ho Hoying (traditional chanting) by menfolk with traditional ho hoying steps, patriotic song by women group, paying homage and tribute to Haipou Jadonang by lighting of candles. The programme was attended by Rongmei Council Nagaland presi dent and his colleagues, resource person entou rages— Naga Hoho gen eral secretary Elu Ndang, Kisan Morcha BJP Na galand general secretary Meru Terieng, Diphu par head GB Kekhwetsu Khutsoh, Diphupar Vil lage Council chairman Ghuzui Shohe and GB Diphupar F-Khel Tohovi Sema as special invitees. Members from Chü moukedima, Dimapur, Peren and Kohima dis tricts also attended the event.Earlier, invocation was offered by Gaipuip hun Malangmei, RCCD president welcomed the gathering while vote thanks was proposed by RCCD general secretary and closing prayer by RBFC pastor Pouhourei Gangmei.
The first parcel packed at Parcel Packaging Unit Dimapur MDG on Tuesday.
Dr. Obangjungla said palliative care was an ap proach to improve the qual ity of life for the patients and families and caregivers dealing with any type of life-threatening illness and thereby maintain quality of life through practical help, physical care, medicines, emotional and spiritual support.The programme was chaired by PBCA women secretary, Angbhen; invo cation by CBC pastor Rev. Bau-uh; interactive session and concluding remarks by PBCA executive secretary, N. Tialemba Phom and benediction by Longleng Town Baptist Church asso ciate pastor H. Mongngei.
MYK C MYK C 3STATENAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 2022 Q.: Is the resignation of Ghulam Nabi Azad from Congress a huge blow to the party?
KCC Jalukie summer youth camp concludes
DIMAPUR: Kuki Christian Church (KCC) Jalukie Town first ever summer youth camp held under the theme, “The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom” (Proverbs 9:10) concluded on August 28. In a press release, KCC informed that the main objective of the camp was to train the youth to be able to see and appreciate God so that they could flourish and prosper both spiritually and physically.
DNEE executive meet: Dimapur Nkonjan Ezung Ekhüng has convened an executive meeting on September 3, 2 pm at the residence of its chairman James Ezung, Burma camp. Office bearers, executive members, advisors and village representa tives have been requested to attend the meeting. DNEE also in formed village representatives to collect membership fees and welfare fund (2021-2022) and submit it during the meeting. Pre-Teej festival in Kma: Gorkha women of Chandmari Kohima celebrated the Pre-Teej festival on August 28 at Upper Chandmari Panchayat Hall, Kohima.
Church leaders along with healthcare workers at the programme on August 29.
ference hall and apprised the purpose of the visit of the team and what was to be expected from the project. DIPR report informed that the team would visit the Naga Integrated Settled Farming (NiSF) project at Boke-Botsa, Jhum field at Tseminyu and an Agroforestry model project at Khonoma on August 31 to get firsthand view of the various agricultural and allied activities being practiced in the state.
The three-day camp sponsored by department of Gospel Mission Society (GMS) Kuki Christian Church Nagaland Synod was attended by 60 youth from seven churches. The resources persons were secretary GMS KCCNS, Rev. P.Thangeo; evangelist, Pr. Nehkholal Simte, evangelist, Themnu Thango and evangelist, Paotinlun Hangsing.
All concerned have been advised to plan the movement along the route accordingly.
DIMAPUR: A training for church leaders of Longleng district on “introduction of palliative care” was initi ated by Chief Medical Of ficer (CMO) Longleng on August 29 in the conference hall of Phom Baptist Chris tian Association (PBCA). In a press release, of fice of the CMO Longleng informed that the pallia tive care training to the church leaders was a part of the multidisciplinary team in palliative care consists of doctors, nurses, phys iotherapist, psychologist, counsellor, social workers, volunteers and chaplains. Delivering an introduc tion and keynote address, resource person, CMO Longleng, Dr. Obangjungla deliberated on the impor tance of palliative care. She said at recent scenario burdened with raise in cases of cancer, chronic kidney diseases, strokes etc., the need for palliative care be comes an important health care for the chronically ill and terminally ill patients.
Church leaders trained on palliative care in Longleng
A Yes. 66% B No. 17% C Can’t Say. 17% 100%90%80%70%60%50%40%30%20%10%0% Poll A B C NEXT POLL Q: Is there need for a body set up by the govt to look into prevalent rates for contract works? Yes. No. Can’t Say. (Temperature in ºC) Max Min Agartala A t-storm around in the p.m. 33 26 Aizawl A t-storm around in the p.m. 27 20 Guwahati Mostly cloudy with a t-storm 31 26 Imphal A t-storm around in the a.m. 29 21 Itanagar A thunderstorm in spots 30 25 Shillong Couple of thunderstorms 24 19 Kohima A shower and thunderstorm 26 19 Dimapur Mostly cloudy with a t-storm 33 25 Mkg A thunderstorm in spots 27 21 Tuensang A thunderstorm in spots 22 17 Wokha A p.m. t-storm in spots 28 22 Zunheboto Mainly cloudy with a t-storm 24 18
DIMAPUR: LiFE (Living For Environment) in collaboration with SBM and district administration organised an Information Education Communica tion (IEC) awareness programme-cum-training on waste segregation and plastic waste management on Tuesday, at town hall/indoor stadium, Meluri town.
IEC awareness & training on waste management at Meluri
According to a DIPR report, resource person Niksungla, who is the founder and chairman of LiFE stressed on the importance of waste segrega tion and plastic waste management. She highlighted the benefits of waste segrega tion and also demonstrated the use of different wastes such as domestic waste, electronics waste and hazardous wastes. Earlier, extra assistant commissioner (EAC) Tsalimse Sangtam delivered the keynote address.
RCCD observes 91st martyr’s day of Haipou Jadonang
RPP: Rising People’s Party has condemned the custodial death of E. Hen veih Phom while in the custody of Assam police. RPP termed the in cident as an act of terror ism and murder and that the torturous death of the 35-year-old man under the custody of Assam Police was completely inhumane and befitting of the highest level of punishment under relevant sections of the law. RPP said it was expect ing immediate intervention from the government of Nagaland at the highest level so that an investiga tion be set up to book the irresponsible Assam police involved in the case. RPP also lauded National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) and Indigenous Lawyers As sociation of India (ILAI) for the commendable act of taking up the issue and various civil society organ isations for raising their voices to seek justice.
NPGN appoints(NNC)generalsecretary
Johnny Ruangmei speaking at the programme on August 29.
DIMAP UR: NPGN (NNC) has appointed Dr. Carlos Naga as general secretary of the organisa tion during the tatar hoho session on Tuesday. The group through its MIP informed that Dr. Carlos’ name was pro posed by advisor to col lective leadership Vizheto Chishi and seconded by senior kilonser Khehoshe followed by raising hands of the members present. MIP said the “official declaration” was made by tatar speaker Luhoto and the decision was taken due to the “intolerance and ir responsible leadership of ato kilonser Z. Hozheto Chophi.”Inthis regard, NPGN (NNC) said it was com mitted to serve “Naga national movement” and reaffirmed good working spirit to strengthen lat est development of the “agreed position” revolu tionary group consisted of NNPGs under the dy namic leadership of ato kilonser GPRN/NSCN Kitovi Zhimomi WC con vener 7 NNPGs.
DIMAPUR: A core team headed by agriculture production commissioner (APC) Y. Kikheto Sema and Technical Support Commit tee of the project entitled “Enhancing Landscape and Eco-system Management Project (ELEMENT)” held meeting with the visiting team from the World Bank in the conference hall of the APC on a DIPR report, head of the World Bank team, senior environ mental specialist, Pyush Dogra gave a PowerPoint presentation on the differ ent stages involved in the preparation and framework and how the project could best be tailor made to ad dress unique situation of the state.The World Bank team held an interaction with the department of Land Resources on Nagaland coffee and spring shed de velopment. The team also visited Nagaland GIS and Remote Sensing Centre and were impressed by the works being carried out by the department. The visiting members were also shown a demonstration of the operation of the air drone.The team also held a coordination meeting with the administrative heads of departments (AHoDs) and head of departments (HoDs) of agri & allied departments and state mis sions at the secretariat con
DIMAPUR: Nagaland Board of School Education (NBSE) in collaboration with the Dream a Dream will be organising an online workshop on Competency Based Education (CBE) on September 8 and 9, 2 pm-4Accordingpm. to a DIPR report, Dream a Dream is an Indian non-profit organisation working to transform the experience of education for the 260+ million children that go to school in India. The webinar is organ ised for teachers to get an overview of CBE on the core principles, key ele ments of curriculum design and pedagogical approaches and overview of assessment tools and teacher.alongtoboardtionsdistrictaddresswillthethetheworkshop.seconddistrict-wiseSchoolstechniques.willbedividedforthefirstanddayoftheonlineThelistofdistrictsforfirstandseconddayofworkshopalongwithlinkfortheworkshopbesharedintheemailoftheschoolsandWhatsAppgroups.Allheadsofinstituregisteredwiththehavebeenrequestedattendtheworkshopwithonesubject
Parcel packaging unit inaugurated in Dimapur
World Bank officials hold coordination meetings

Correspondent SHILLONG, AUG 30: Meghalaya Chief Minister Conrad Sangma on Tuesday said the process to initiate peace talks with outlawed Hynniewtrep National Lib eration Council (HNLC) militant outfit is “moving in the right direction.”
Himanta Biswa Sarma Police with the seized consignment.
“We believe that the Peace process would be expedited at the earliest and a step toward a political solution would be arrived at. So as to enable peace and tranquillity in the State.”
Notice Whereas application under Succession Act 1925 for grant of succession certificate for the estate/pension benefits of Late A. Chubanungkum has been applied by Smti Marnenla W/o Late A. Chubanungkum R/O H.No.96 Yimlang Sector, Chuchuyimpang village, Mokokchung, Nagaland for possession of: 1. Closing of SBI Life Insurance policy 2. Closing of Regd. No. NBOCW/Mkg/20/0466 3. Closing of A/C Notice is hereby given that any person interest in the administration of the estate/pension benefits of the said deceased may, if she/he so desire to appear in this court on or before the said day of 29.09.2022. Given under the hand and seal of the court on this day the 29.08.2022. Sd/Principal District & Sessions Judge Mokokchung: NagalandMKC-313/22
4. That there are no impediment or discrepancy in law, obstructing my claim to the rights, titles, estate and benefits privileges and profits etc., whatsoever of my deceased husband.
DECLARATION I, Shri. Akie Insing , S/o Kanangga of Peren District, Nagaland, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare before the Magistrate.Thatmy actual name is Shri. Akie Insing, whereas it was erroneously entered in some of my official documents as Shri. Akie Zeliang. That the name Akie Insing and Akie Zeliang refers to one and same person. That on this day onwards, Shri. Akie Insing, shall be the right name which shall be used for all purposes.
Declarant Solemnly affirm and declare before me on 30th August 2022. 1st Class MagistrateDb-946/22(b)
Statues destroyed in a Catholic church in Daram village of North Garo Hills.
IN THE COURT OF PrinciPal DiStrict & SeSSionS JUDGe MOKOKCHUNG : NAGALAND. S/C NO. 131/2022 notice NOTICE INVITING CLAIMS/OBJECTIONS OF OTHER CLAIMANT(S) FOR ISSUE OF SUCCESSION CERTIFICATE UNDER PART-I OF INDIAN SUCCESSION ACT 1925 Whereas application under Succession Act 1925 for grant of Succession Certificate for the estate/pension benefits of Late Imtinungsang Ao has been applied by Smti. Temjenyangla, wife of Lt. Imtinungsang Ao R/o H.No. 149 Artang Ward, Mokokchung, Nagaland for possession of: 1. GPF 2. GIS 3. Gratuity 4. Leave encashment 5. Pension etc. 6. Closing of A/c Notice is hereby given that any person having interest in the administration of the estate/pension benefits of the said deceased may if she/ he so desire to appear in this court on or before the said day of 29.09.2022. Given under the hand and seal of the court on this day the 29.08.2022. Principal District & Sessions Judge Mokokchung : NagalandMKC-315/22 DELHI, AUG 30 (PTI): China’s infringe ments along India’s border are a violation of the inter national order and should not be accepted, but at the same time, there is a need to understand Europe’s outrage over the Russian attack on Ukraine, German Ambassador Philipp Acker mann said on Monday. In an interaction with the media, the new ly-appointed envoy also described China’s claims over Arunachal Pradesh as “outrageous”. Terming the Russian attack on Ukraine as the most serious aggres sion in the world in the last 70 years, the envoy said he believed the Indian side also very well recognise that it is a violation of in ternational law. Ackermann said India and Europe may not agree to “every single line” when it comes to the Ukraine crisis, but there was an understanding of the problem between the two sides. “We are aware of the Indian problem at the Northern border. We should not forget that China claims Arunachal Pradesh is part of China. We see very clear ly that the infringement at the border is extremely difficult and should not be accepted,” he Ackermannsaid.said India should also differentiate be tween what is happening at the border with China and Ukraine.“This (Russian attack on Ukraine) is by dimension is completely different than what we see at the border (India-China border) at an abstract level,” he said. “I think the Indian side very well recognises the vio lation of international law,” the envoy said about the Indian position on Ukraine. The ambassador wel comed India’s recent vote at the UN Security Council allowing the Ukrainian president to address the global body virtually. It is progress in India’s position, he said. The Ger man envoy said the Russian invasion of Ukraine has been a constant subject of discussion between Ger many and India, adding it has “manifold impact” in cluding on food and energy security.
DECLARANT Solemnly affirmed and sworn before me. NOTARY PUBLIC DP-4075/22 Regd. No. 1799/2022 Date : 30/08/2022 DECLARATION I, MATHIUCHUN ZELIANG, S/o Athou Zeliang, a resident of H/No. 296, 'D' Khel, Tenyiphe-I Village, under Chumukedima District Nagaland, do hereby solemnly affirm on oath and state as under :1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India, hailing from (Zeliang Naga) Tribe. 2. That in my Service Record Book No. 2302074Y Grade - GD RFN, Mokokchung 23 AR Unit, my wife PHAMKHAW WANGSU had been inadvertently entered as PHAMKHAW ZELIANG as nominee. 3. That PHAMKHAW WANGSU and PHAMKHAW ZELIANG referred to one and same person i.e. PHAMKHAW WANGSU, W/o MATHIUCHUN ZELIANG. 4. That this declaration is made so as to enable me to make necessary correction from the concern authority. 5. That the averments made in this affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and nothing material is concealed therefore.INWITNESSETH WHEREOF, I signed this affidavit on this the 30th day of August 2022 at Chumukedima. DEPONENT Sworn before me. NOTARY PUBLICDP-4086/22 Regd. No. 447/2022 Date : 30/08/2022
Over 4,700 kg ganja seized in Assam told PTI that the truck was coming from Tripura. “When the driver saw a police checkpoint, he stopped the vehicle and fled the spot taking ad vantage of darkness. The police searched the truck thoroughly and recovered the ganja under the rubber sheets,” he said.
Declaration Regd. No. 476(B) Date: 18/04/2022 I, SHRI SEZUTHO JOSHOU of Lephori Village, P.O/P.S Meluri –797114 Dist. Phek, Nagaland, do hereby solemnly declare/affirm, 1. That my name has been wrongly entered in my Regularise Orderas SEZÜTHO. 2. Whereas my correct name is SHRI. SEZUTHO JOSHOU. 3. But both the aforesaid name is the same person. 4. Henceforth, my correct name shall be used as SEZUTHO JOSHOU for all official/Legal purpose. The statements made above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. The statement was declared before this court on this day the 18th April 2022.
install CCTVs: East Khasi Hills DM to pol parties SHILLONG, AUG 30 (PTI): The East Khasi Hills District authorities in Meghalaya have directed political parties, and or ganisers of religious gath erings and other events to install CCTVs to monitor the movement of people and to keep a contingency plan ready to deal with accidents, an official said on Tuesday. The order was issued ahead of the festival season, and the Assembly election, which is due early next year. “The organisers will monitor the movement of people by installing CCTV at various locations of the venue and liaise closely with security personnel on duty,” the order issued by East Khasi Hills district deputy commissioner I Laloo said. Shillong is the head quarter of East Khasi Hills District as well as the state capital.
Declarant Solemnly affirm and declare before me on 29th August 2022. 1st Class MagistrateDb-946/22(a)
GUWAHATI, AUG 30 (PTI): Assam Chief Min ister Himanta Biswa Sarma on Tuesday said various agencies have procured five lakh MT of paddy for Rs 972 crore, benefitting 43,000 farmers across the state. The Assam govern ment had earlier set a target of procuring 10 lakh MT of paddy at Minimum Sup port Price (MSP), which is Rs 1,940 per quintal, from the state.“Today, under MSP, paddy procurement crossed 5 Lakh MT (Kharif 202122) benefitting 43000 farm ers & involving Rs 972 Cr,” Sarma tweeted. “I congratulate all farmers, procuring agencies, millers for this feat, first time in last 75 years. We stand to expand the operation to cover all farmers of Assam,” he added. The Kharif mar keting season 2021-22 runs from October to September. The paddy procure ment in 2020-21 was 2.12 lakh MT, down from 3.15 lakh MT in the previous year. It was 1.51 lakh MT in 2018-19.Meanwhile, the chief minister laid the foundation stone for construction of an RCC bridge over Dhansiri River on Udalguri-Bhair abkunda Road in Udalguri district at a financial outlay of Rs 34.42 crore. He said that the new bridge will improve the inter-state connectiv ity between Assam and Arunachal Pradesh and will give a boost to the socioeconomic condition of the people living along the interstate “Thisboundary.bridge will also shorten the travel time to Western Arunachal Pradesh, including Tawang which is a very popular international tourist hub of this region. The bridge will give a major boost to the tourism poten tial of Bhairabkunda and help generate employment,” Sarma added.
5. That I have sworn this declaration for the purpose declaring that I am the legitimate wife of Late Y. Zhimoto Sema and entitled to succeed to the rights, titles, estates and benefits, privileges and profits etc., whatsoever left behind by my deceased husband.
Peace talks with HNLC moving in the right direction: M’laya CM
DECLARATION I, Smti. Marlyn, wife of Late Y. Zhimoto Sema, resident of H/No. 74, Lake View Colony, Dimapur : Nagaland do hereby solemnly declare : 1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India and a resident of the aforementioned address.
Five militant leaders of the HNLC led by their vice chairman Manbhalang Jyrwa had arrived in the State on August 5 to start the tripartite peace talks with the Centre and the StateJyrwagovernment.willbe assisted by the outfit’s political sec retary Aristerwell Thong ni, and foreign secretary Phrangkupar Diengdoh, including two of their PSOs, in the peace talks. “The process to begin the peace talks is going ahead and are on the right track,” Sangma told reporters
2. That I am the legitimate wife of Late Y. Zhimoto Sema, who expired on 08/10/2018 at Dimapur.
Deponent MAGISTRATE 1 CLASS Meluri, Dist. Phek, NagalandK-1969/22 IN THE COURT OF PrinciPal DiStrict & SeSSionS JUDGe MOKOKCHUNG : NAGALAND. S/C NO. 123/2022 notice NOTICE INVITING CLAIMS/OBJECTIONS OF OTHER CLAIMANT(S) FOR ISSUE OF SUCCESSION CERTIFICATE UNDER PART-I OF INDIAN SUCCESSION ACT 1925. Whereas application under Succession Act 1925 for grant of Succession Certificate for the estate/pension benefits of Late I. Chujang Longkumer has been applied by Smti. Repasenla, wife of Lt. I. Chujang Longkumer R/o H.No. 43 Artang Ward, Mokokchung, Nagaland for possession of: 1. GPF 2. GIS 3. Gratuity 4. Leave encashment 5. Pension etc. 6. Closing of A/c Notice is hereby given that any person having interest in the administration of the estate/pension benefits of the said deceased may if she/ he so desire to appear in this court on or before the said day of 29.09.2022. Given under the hand and seal of the court on this day the 29.08.2022. Principal District & Session. Judge Mokokchung : NagalandMKC-316/22
“We are trying to speed up the process, but it’s a complicated process. We are trying to take into con fidence all the stakeholders and we are confident of taking the peace talks to its logical conclusion,” he added. The centre and state government has granted a safe passage to HNLC militant leaders hiding in Bangladesh after the state government’s interlocutor Peter S. Dkhar held three rounds of meetings during the last three months with the executive members of the militant outfit, who are holed up in HNLC’sBangladesh.interlocu tor Sadon Blah had earlier revealed that the HNLC delegation had informally met with the government interlocutor, Dkhar after the arrival in the “Thearrivalstate. of the HNLC leaders is one step of the process to start the peace talks between the outfit and the government,” Blah Earlier,said.
5 lakh MT paddy procured in Assam for Rs 972 cr: Sarma
M’laya cops identify suspect in church desecration case
Correspondent SHILLONG, AUG 30: The Meghalaya police have identified a suspect, who desecrated one of the oldest Catholic churches at Daram village in North Garo Hills district recently, a police of ficial said on Tuesday. “One suspect has been identified in connection with the desecration of a church. The suspect is mentally unsound and is currently admitted at Tura Civil Hospital under psy chiatric ward,” Shailendra Bamaniya, the district police chief of North Garo Hills, said. According to the po lice, the suspect “has a his tory of vandalizing” as he had in the past destroyed other revered church icons inside homes in Daram village.“We are keeping a close watch on the suspect in the hospital and investiga tion is on,” Bamaniya said. Police said that the incident occurred when all the priests were in Tura, the district headquarters of West Garo Hills for a church retreat programme on the nights of August 25 and August 26, when idols installed in the church premises were smashed by miscreants.AnFIR was lodged on August 26 by the church members following which an investigation into the matter is currently on.
China’s claims over Arunachal is ‘outrageous’: German envoy
Mnp JD-U politician held for inter-state drug syndicate
In one of the biggest drug hauls in recent times, over 4,700 kg of ganja has been seized in Karimganj district of Assam, Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma said on Tuesday.Thecontraband was being transported in a truck when the Assam Police seized it on Monday during a routine check-up at a place under the Churaibari police station limits, an officer said. “In largest seizure in a while by sonnellaudedSarmabouringtrucksheets4,728@karimganjpolice@assampolice,seizedkgganjahiddenunderofnaturalrubberinacomingfromaneighstateonMonday,”wroteonTwitter.Thechiefministerthestatepoliceperfortheirefforts.Aseniorpoliceofficial
‘Liquor scam’: Nadda asks Kejriwal to prove innocence in court
Declaration Regd. No. 214/22 Date 30.08.2022 I, Mrs. H. Hotoli Sema @ Angeline H. Achumi, Daughter of Hekishe Achumi, resident of Middle Point Colony, Near Metro Hospital, Dimapur Sadar, Dist: Dimapur, Nagaland, do hereby solemnly affirm on oath and declare as under: 1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India belonging to Sema (Naga) tribe which is classified as a Schedule tribe under the Constitution of India. 2. That in my SBI saving bank account bearing account No. 34904781698, my name was inadvertently entered and recorded as Angeline H. Achumi. Whereas in my Aadhaar Card bearing No. 807271091164, my name is recorded as H. Hotoli Sema which is my correct and official name. 3. That the names H. Hotoli Sema and Angeline H. Achumi, is the one and same person and that is me. 4. That this Declaration is solely made for the purpose of declaring that as and when the names H. Hotoli Sema and Angeline H. Achumi appears, it should be read and understood as H. Hotoli Sema for all practical as well as official purposes. 5. That the statements made in this declaration are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and nothing material is concealed thereof. In witness whereof, I sign this declaration on this the 30th day of August, 2022 at
DECLARATION I, Shri. Singo Haining, S/o Ireuheing of Dimapur, Nagaland, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare before the Magistrate. That my actual name is Shri. Singo Haining, whereas it was erroneously entered in some of my official documents as Shri. Singo Zeliang. That the name Singo Haining and Singo Zeliang refers to one and same person. That on this day onwards, Shri. Singo Haining, shall be the right name which shall be used for all purposes.
Correspondent IMPHAL, AUG 30: A candidate of the recently concluded elections to the Manipur Assembly and an Assamese were among three members of an inter-state drug syndicate arrested by police in Manipur. The three alleged drug peddlers were arrested along with 9.614 kgs of WY tab lets, worth around Rs 4.4 crore in the international market, the police said on Tuesday.The arrested drug ped dlers were identified as Longjam Ratan Singh (30) of Nongdam Awang Leikai of Imphal East district, Kangabam Jadu Singh (52) of Charangpat Awang Lei kai presently residing at Wangkhei Yonglan Leirak in Imphal East district, and Majnu Miah (37) of Jordanga Part II of Assam’s Dhubri.Kangabam Jadu Singh had contested the recently concluded general elections to the state Assembly as an official nominee of Janata Dal-U.Addressing a press conference, Imphal West SP Ksh Shivakanta claimed that the trio were the mem bers of an inter-state drug syndicate and Kangabam Jadu Singh was the owner of the seized drug consign ment.They were trying to carry the drug to Dimapur for onward smuggling to other states, he claimed. Acting on specific in formation, a team of police commandos led by inspector P Achouba Meetei arrested the trio in an operation on Monday evening during frisking and checking at Meitei Lamkhai area along Imphal-Moreh section of NH-102 under Singjamei police station last evening. They stopped a car (i20 brand) on suspicion, and during thorough checking, 88,000 pieces of WY tablets, weighing around 9.1614 kg, wrapped in brown adhesive tapes were found concealed in a chamber of the vehicle. On spot verification, the driver (Ratan) revealed that the narcotic items be longed to Jadu while dis closing that he along with one of his associates had moved in advance along NH-2 (Imphal-Dimapur) road.The police commando team immediately chased and intercepted Jadu and Majnu who were traveling a Tata Hexa brand car near Sappermaina police station of KangpokpiPreliminarydistrict.investiga tion revealed that the ac cused persons are part of an inter-state drug syndicate, the SPThesaid.police further con fiscated a cash amount of Rs 1,42,430, six mobile phones, and other items from their possessions, he added. The arrested persons along with the seizures have been handed over to Sing jamei police station where a case was lodged, the SP informed.
3. That by virtue of marriage and by right of inheritance, I am entitled to succeed to all the rights, titles, estates and benefits, privileges and profits etc., whatsoever, left behind by my deceased husband. As such, I have also obtained the Succession Certificate for succeeding to the benefits and privileges of my deceased husband vide Succession Case No. 265 dated 20/12/2018.
Philipp Ackermann Conrad Sangma
AGARTALA, AUG 30 (PTI): BJP president JP Nadda has said that Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal should answer the questions on the alleged liquor scam and go to court if no wrongdoing was committed. Addressing a press conference in Agartala, Nadda claimed that Kejri wal was trying to divert the people’s attention from the alleged scam. “Whenever he is asked about the liquor scam and excise policy, he evades the questions. Sometimes Ke jriwal claims that the Central govern ment is trying to send his leaders to jail and sometimes he says AAP leaders are being harassed and sometimes he says something else,” Nadda said on Monday. Delhi Lieutenant Governor V K Saxena has recommended a CBI probe into alleged corruption in the implementation of the Delhi Excise Policy 2021-22 while the AAP is claiming that he is “interfering” in the city government’s work. “You first answer the queries of the investigative agencies. All the ac cused after detention claims he or she is innocent, honest and clean. If you have not committed any wrongdoing and are honest, go to the court and prove your minister’s innocence,” Nadda said. Based on the LG’s rec ommendations, the CBI had registered an FIR in connection with the alleged irregularities in the formulation and implementation of the Delhi govern ment’s Excise Policy 2021-22. The agency has raided the resi dence of Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia, who also holds the excise portfolio and is an accused in the case.“Amassive scam has taken place in your government and the state has suffered a huge revenue loss. The press has already highlighted the liquor scam in detail. Why are you talking aimlessly? Stop talking aimlessly and make it clear why the treasure was stolen?” he added.
HNLC Gen eral Secretary Sainkupar Nongtraw, in an e-mailed, said, “HNLC is committed to the peace talks and expect the same kind of commit ment from the government.”

Following a petition by the BJP seeking Soren’s disqualification from the As sembly in an office of profit case, the Election Commis sion sent its decision to state Governor Ramesh Bais on August 25. Though the EC’s decision has not yet been made official, there is a buzz that the poll panel has rec ommended the chief min ister’s disqualification as an MLA. The Raj Bhavan has not announced anything on this matter as yet. The UPA legislators have requested the governor to clear the confusion saying they were ready to face any situation. In a joint statement on August 28, UPA constitu ents – the JMM, Congress and the RJD – had on On August 28, had accused the governor of encouraging political horse-trading by “deliberately delaying” an nouncing a decision on the CM’s membership of the legislature.There were also specu lations earlier on August 27 that the UPA legislators would go to an undisclosed destination in West Bengal or Chhattisgarh as the leg islators entered the chief minister’s residence for a meeting with luggage.
NE W DELHI, AUG 30 (PTI): Preventing a citizen from expressing a bona-fide opinion against any bill or law passed by Parliament is violative of the right to free speech and principles of de mocracy, Congress leaders Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi have contended before the Delhi High Court while opposing a plea for a hate speech FIR against them in the February 2020 riots Thehere. Gandhis, in two separate affidavits, submit ted no case was made out for the court to issue direc tion for registering an FIR against them and there was no requirement to order con stitution of a Special Investi gation Team (SIT) to probe the matter. No interference and the case of issuance of direction to register an FIR against Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi is not made out and no interference is called for by this court to pass any order. The high court, while hearing a batch of petitions related to the 2020 riots in north-east Delhi, had on July 13 allowed several amendment applications wanting to implead political leaders, including Sonia and Rahul Gandhi, as parties to proceedings seeking FIR and investigation against them for allegedly delivering hate speeches leading to the communal conflagration.
On Monday, a bench of Justices Siddharth Mridul and Amit Sharma listed the matter for further hearing on September 27. In their affidavits filed in response to the petitions seeking FIR, Gandhis said to prevent a citizen from forming, holding, expressing a bonafide opinion in public interest on a bill passed by Parliament is not a reason able restriction and violates the basic principles on which our democracy is founded. “To prevent a citizen from expressing a bonafide opinion against any bill or law passed by the govern ment and putting it in the public domain to inform, generate a debate, build public opinion for reforms/ change is violative of our right to free speech,” the affidavits, filed through ad vocate Tarannum Cheema, said. It said, “Moreover, the respondent (Sonia Gandhi) as major leader of the op position is bound by the fundamental duty towards the citizens of the country, to call out and criticise the bills introduced by the rul ing government which are detrimental to the rights of the citizens.”Hatespeeches by po litical leaders during antiCAA protests were alleged to have fuelled the riots. The affidavits claimed the array of respondents showed the selective man ner in which they have been picked and gives away the larger conspiracy behind the exercise and the acts have fallen on cise,”colouredtheconvenientlytheisderambitfallingmembersofparties.leadersnon-conformistindependent,sectionsandoftheopposition“Meanwhile,aseriesspeechesmadebytheoftherulingparty,squarelywithintheofthesectionsunwhichthepresentwritseekingactionagainstrespondents,havebeenleftoutbypetitioner,revealingthenatureoftheexertheysaid.
RANCHI, AUG 30 (PTI): The MLAs of the ruling UPA coalition in Jharkhand on Tuesday left Ranchi for neighbouring Chhattisgarh to stave off the BJP’s possi ble poaching attempt during the ongoing political crisis in the state.Achartered flight car rying about 40 MLAs took off from the Ranchi airport shortly after 4.30 pm to wards Raipur, the capital of Chhattisgarh, sources said. The ruling coali tion has 49 MLAs in the 81-member Assembly. “This is not a surpris ing move. It happens in politics. We are ready to face any situation,” Chief Minister Hemant Soren told reporters after coming out of the airport. The legisla tors had started from Soren’s residence in two buses and Soren himself was on the front seat of one of them. He came out of the Birsa Munda Airport staying in side for some time. A Congress legislator, on condition of anonymity, said that they will be shifted to a resort in Raipur in Chhattisgarh, a state with a non-BJPSoren’sgovernment.JMMbelieves that the BJP may make a serious attempt to poach MLAs from it and from the Congress in a bid to topple the government in a man ner “similar to Maharash tra” and there is a need to ringfence the legislators in a “safe haven.”
hi’s Excise Policy 2021-22.
Jharkhand CM Hemant Soren with UPA MLAs leaves for Ranchi airport on way to Raipur, Tuesday. (PTI) BJP ‘using’ Anna Hazare as CBI found nothing against Sisodia, claims Kejriwal
ED summons TMC’s Abhishek Banerjee in coal smuggling scam Abhishek Banerjee
Delhi most unsafe for senior citizens among all metro cities
“people don’t believe the BJP”.Hazare on Tuesday wrote a letter to Kejriwal, slamming his government’s Excise Policy 2021-22 and said it seems the Delhi chief minister has “sunk into the addiction of power.” He also said it seems the new policy will encourage liquor sales and consumption and spur corruption.Lastmonth, Delhi Lt Governor V K Saxena rec ommended a CBI probe into the alleged irregularities in the implementation of Del
KOLKATA, AUG 30 (PTI): The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has issued a summons to Trinamool Congress’ national general secretary Abhishek Baner jee for questioning in con nection with its probe into the ‘coal pilferage scam’, an official said on Tuesday. The central agency has asked Banerjee, the nephew of West Bengal Chief Min ister Mamata Banerjee, to appear at its Kolkata office on Friday morning, he said. The ED has also sent a notice to Abhishek Baner jee’s sister-in-law Menoka Gambhir for questioning in the same case on September 5, the officer Gambhirsaid.has been asked to appear before sleuths of the central agen cy at its New Delhi office, he said.“We have summoned Abhishek Banerjee to ap pear before our sleuths at our office here at 11 AM on September 2. Our of ficers from New Delhi will come to interrogate him in connection with the coal pilferage scam,” the senior ED officer told PTI. The notice to the TMC MP was sent on Sunday, he said. “We have to find out more details about Gamb hir’s bank account in Lon don through which several transactions were carried out,” he Whilesaid.attacking the BJP during a programme, TMC supremo Mamata Ba nerjee had on Monday ap prehended that the central agencies might send notices to her nephew, considered the second in command in the party.Abhishek Banerjee, who was present at the August 29 programme, had also said, “This is a big gathering today, and mark my words, maybe some thing is going to happen in three-four days.” The Diamond Har bour MP had earlier ap peared before the ED of ficers twice for questioning in theThecase.Supreme Court had on May 17 stayed a Delhi High Court order, which had dismissed the pleas filed by the TMC MP and his wife Rujira Baner jee seeking quashing of summons issued to them in a money-laundering probe, and said the ED can ex amine them in its Kolkata office by giving 24-hour advanceThenotice.central agency had earlier questioned Ru jira in connection with the coal pilferage investigation.
Preventing citizen from voicing opinion violates free speech right: Sonia, Rahul
Form No. 3 [See Regulation-15(1)(a)]/ 16(3) Debts RecoveRy tRibunal guwahati Suwarna Bhawan, House No. 12, New Town Path, Near Hanuman Mandir, G.S. Road, Ulubari, Guwahati- 781007 (Assam) Case No.: OA/188/2022 Summons under sub-section (4) of section 19 of the Act, read with subrule (2A) of rule 5 of the Debt Recovery Tribunal (Procedure) Rules, 1993 Exh. No.: 2051 CANARA BANK VS MR. BENDANGANSHI To, (1) MR. BENDANGANSHI K. Kire Colony, Half Nagarjan, Near Yimchuger Church Dimapur Dimapur, Nagaland - 797112 (2) MR. LANUCHUBA CO SR AUTOMOBILE ENGINEER, NAGALAND STATE TRANSPORT DIMAPUR DIMAPUR, NAGALAND - 797112 suMMons WHEREAS, OA/188/2022 was listed before Hon'ble Presiding Officer Registrar on 03/08/2022 Whereas this Hon'ble Tribunal is pleased to issue summons/notice on the said Application under section 19(4) of the Act, (OA) filed against you for recovery of debts of Rs. 8078388.69/- (application along with copies of documents etc. annexed). In accordance with sub-section (4) of section 19 of the Act, you, the defendants are directed as under(i) to show cause within thirty days of the service of summons as to why relief prayed for should not be granted; (ii) to disclose particulars of properties or assets other than properties and assets specified by the applicant under serial number 3A of the original application; (iii) you are restrained from dealing with or disposing of secured assets or such other assets and properties disclosed under serial number 3A of the original application, pending hearing and disposal of the application for attachment of properties; (iv) you shall not transfer by way of sale, lease or otherwise, except in the ordinary course of his business any of the assets over which security interest is created and/ or other assets and properties specified or disclosed under serial number 3A of the original application without the prior approval of the Tribunal. (v) you shall be liable to account for the sale proceeds realised by sale of secured assets or other assets and properties in the ordinary course of business and deposit such sale proceeds in the account maintained with the bank or financial institutions holding security interest over such assets. You are also directed to file the written statement with a copy thereof furnished to the applicant and to appear before Registrar on 19/09/2022 at 10:30 A.M. failing which the application shall be heard and decided in your absence. Given under my hand and the seal of this Tribunal on this date: 05/08/2022. RegistrarSd/Debts Recovery Tribunal, Guwahati
Unofficially they (CBI) ad mit that there is nothing questionable but they are also under some sort of pressure to find something so that I can be put in jail for two to three months. “There is pressure from the prime minister to put me behind bars for two to three months… Truth shall triumph,” a smiling Sisodia said. In the morning, camera
NEW DELHI, AUG 30 (PTI): Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal Tuesday slammed the BJP follow ing Anna Hazare’s letter to him over the liquor policy, alleging it was “using” the social activist since the CBI found nothing in the probe involving his deputy Manish Sisodia.He claimed the CBI has given an “informal clean chit” to the Delhi deputy chief minister but may ar rest him within a week or 10 days under political pres sure. Kejriwal also claimed
CBI gave ‘clean chit’ after search: Sisodia
Form No. 3 [See Regulation-15(1)(a)]/ 16(3) Debts RecoveRy tRibunal guwahati Suwarna Bhawan, House No. 12, New Town Path, Near Hanuman Mandir, G.S. Road, Ulubari, Guwahati- 781007 (Assam) Case No.: OA/204/2022 Summons under sub-section (4) of section 19 of the Act, read with subrule (2A) of rule 5 of the Debt Recovery Tribunal (Procedure) Rules, 1993 Exh. No.: 2053 CANARA BANK VS M/S MAMTA COLLECTION To, (1) M/S MAMTA COLLECTION Represented by its Proprietor Mr. Kutu Das New Market, Dimapur Dimapur, Nagaland - 797112 (2) Sri Kutu Das S/O ADHIR DAS, R/O LHOMITHI COLONY NEAR SITALA MANDIR DIMAPUR - 797112, NAGALAND (3) SRI BAPPAN DAS S/O ADHIR DAS, R/O LHOMITHI COLONY, NEAR SITALA MANDIR DIMAPUR - 797112, NAGALAND suMMons WHEREAS, OA/204/2022 was listed before Hon'ble Presiding Officer Registrar on 03/08/2022 Whereas this Hon'ble Tribunal is pleased to issue summons/notice on the said Application under section 19(4) of the Act, (OA) filed against you for recovery of debts of Rs. 3564544.54/- (application along with copies of documents etc. annexed). In accordance with sub-section (4) of section 19 of the Act, you, the defendants are directed as under(i) to show cause within thirty days of the service of summons as to why relief prayed for should not be granted; (ii) to disclose particulars of properties or assets other than properties and assets specified by the applicant under serial number 3A of the original application; (iii) you are restrained from dealing with or disposing of secured assets or such other assets and properties disclosed under serial number 3A of the original application, pending hearing and disposal of the application for attachment of properties; (iv) you shall not transfer by way of sale, lease or otherwise, except in the ordinary course of his business any of the assets over which security interest is created and/ or other assets and properties specified or disclosed under serial number 3A of the original application without the prior approval of the Tribunal. (v) you shall be liable to account for the sale proceeds realised by sale of secured assets or other assets and properties in the ordinary course of business and deposit such sale proceeds in the account maintained with the bank or financial institutions holding security interest over such assets. You are also directed to file the written statement with a copy thereof furnished to the applicant and to appear before Registrar on 19/09/2022 at 10:30 A.M. failing which the application shall be heard and decided in your absence. Given under my hand and the seal of this Tribunal on this date: 05/08/2022. RegistrarSd/Debts Recovery Tribunal, Guwahati cbc 03110/12/0008/2223
GHAZIABAD, AUG 30 (PTI): The CBI has given a “clean chit”, Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Si sodia said on Tuesday after a team of the probe agency searched his bank locker for about two Sisodiahours.and his wife were present as the fourmember team, including a woman officer, conducted the search at a Punjab Na tional Bank branch in Va sundhara, Ghaziabad, on the outskirts of the national capital. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader is among the 15 people and entities named in an FIR registered by the agency in connection with alleged irregularities in the implementation of the Delhi government’s Excise PolicyThe2021-22.CBI was acting under pressure, Sisodia told reporters after the search was over.“Just like my home, they did not find anything in my lockers. Jewellery of about Rs 70,000-80,000 of my children, my wife...I am happy that I got a clean chit from the CBI in searches to day. They have found noth ing (incriminating) from searches of my locker or resi dence,” Sisodia told report ers here. The Delhi deputy chief minister said he was happy “the prime minister got my house searched but could not find anything”. “Today, he sent the CBI to get my locker searched but could not find anything. This is the proof that I and my family have come out clean in all the inquiries done by the prime minister. I have got a clean chit in all the probes done by the prime minister and not a single penny of questionable nature has been detected. I have full faith in my truth,” Sisodia said. He said all the CBI of ficers were cordial with him and his“Wefamily.also cooperated.
Jharkhand crisis: UPA MLAs leave Ranchi for Raipur
crews jostled with each other and curious crowds gathered as the Sisodias as well as CBI the team arrived at the bank. “The CBI is welcome,” Sisodia had said in a tweet on Monday. “Tomorrow, the CBI is coming to check our bank locker. They did not find anything during a 14-hour raid at my residence on August 19. They won’t find anything in the locker too… My family and I will extend full cooperation in the probe.”OnAugust 19, the fed eral probe agency raided 31 locations, including Si sodia’s residence, over al leged irregularities in the implementation of the Delhi government’s Excise Policy 2021-22.Sisodia has been claim ing that he has been “made an accused in a false case to stop the march of Chief Minister Arvind Kejriw al” who, he believes, has emerged as an alternative to Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the run-up to the 2024 Lok Sabha polls.
Immediately after that, the Delhi government repealed the newKejriwalpolicy.said the BJP termed him a “terrorist” during the Punjab Assembly elections and “when no one believed them they brought in Kumar“NowViswas”.theyare using Anna Hazare to target my government,” he alleged. The CBI raided Siso dia’s residence and checked his bank locker but found nothing incriminating, he said.
Manish Sisodia at the Vasundhara branch of PNB amid a search of his bank locker by CBI officials in connection with alleged irregularities in Delhi Excise Policy, in Ghaziabad. (PTI)
Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi NEW DELHI, AUG 30 (AGENCIES): Delhi is the most unsafe for senior citi zens among all metropolitan cities in India accounting for over 27 per cent of total crimes committed against people aged 60 years and above in these cities, accord ing to the latest NCRB data. Moreover, the national capital has also witnessed a 28.69 per cent surge in crime against senior citizens in 2021 as compared to the pre vious year with 1,166 cases registered by the police, the data of the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) showed.In 2020, 906 crimes against senior citizens were reported in the national capital. The charge sheet rate in cases involving such people is also quite low in Delhi at 31.5 per cent. After Delhi, Mumbai also reported a high number of crimes against senior citizens (987). As many as 4,264 cases of various crimes against senior citi zens were reported in 19 metropolitan cities in 2021. Among the crimes against senior citizens, theft is the most common with 659 cases reported in Delhi in 2021, followed by cheat ing and fraud (153). In 2021, Delhi Police investigated 2,318 cases of crimes against senior citizens, out of which 1,152 were pending investigation from the previous year, NCRB data shows. The police disposed of 1,143 cases of crimes against such people in 2021, it added. Experts believe that higher reporting of such cases and zero sensitisation for the needs of elders might be the reasons for the higher crime rate against senior citizens in “DelhiDelhi.has a higher density of older people. Nearly 15 per cent of our population is older people. Moreover, police in the capital are quite active and sensitive about older people so there is higher reporting of crimes,” said Himanshu Rath, founder of Agewell Foundation.“However, there is zero sensitisation among people for the need of elders in society. Moreover, the pan demic might also lead to the rise in the abuse of the older people,” he added.

“In our world of big names, curiously, our true heroes tend to be anonymous. In this life of illusion and quasi-illusion, the person of solid virtues who can be admired for something more substantial than his well-knownness often proves to be the unsung hero.” ~ Daniel J. Boorstin
Why is there opposition to the proposed Electricity Amendment Bill?
Jesus Christ is saying here, “Don’t rejoice in your suc cessful service for Me, but rejoice because of your right re lationship with Me.” The trap you may fall into in Christian work is to rejoice in successful service— rejoicing in the fact that God has used you. Yet you will never be able to measure fully what God will do through you if you do not have a right-standing relationship with Jesus Christ. If you keep your relationship right with Him, then regardless of your circum stances or whoever you encounter each day, He will continue to pour “rivers of living water” through you (John 7:38). And it is actually by His mercy that He does not let you know it. Once you have the right relationship with God through salvation and sanctification, remember that whatever your circumstances may be, you have been placed in them by God. And God uses the reaction of your life to your circumstances to fulfill His purpose, as long as you continue to “walk in the light as He is in the light” (1 John 1:7). Our tendency today is to put the emphasis on service. Beware of the people who make their request for help on the basis of someone’s usefulness. If you make usefulness the test, then Jesus Christ was the greatest failure who ever lived. For the saint, direction and guidance come from God Himself, not some measure of that saint’s usefulness. It is the work that God does through us that counts, not what we do for Him. All that our Lord gives His attention to in a person’s life is that person’s relationship with God— something of great value to His Father. Jesus is “bringing many sons to glory…” (Hebrews 2:10). T he Ministry of Power in the latest Monsoon Session of Lok Sabha introduced the Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2022 with an objective to transform the power sector, with a special focus on boosting the power distribution network in the country. However, the move did not go well with the opposition parties, as a ma jority of them vehemently opposedForcedit. by vocal op position to the Bill in the House, the federal govern ment sent the legislation to a Parliamentary Stand ing Committee for a better scrutiny of the Bill, before initiating a discussion on the same in the House. Po litical parties such as the Indian National Congress (INC), Trinamool Congress (TMC), the Communist Par ty of India-Marxist (CPM) and others, opposed the introduction of the Bill in the Lok Sabha citing threat to the powers of the states, a fear of an increased priva tisation of the power sector in the country. They also had apprehensions regard ing the subsidies given to farmers for electricity, being snatched away. The Bill aims to amend the principal Act – The Electricity Act, 2003, which governs the electricity business in India. Union Power Minis ter R.K. Singh, during the Lok Sabha session, denied several apprehensions of the rival parties calling it a “false propaganda”. He told the Lok Sabha, “The Bill does not mandate snatching any kind of subsidies for the farmers and the provi sion of allowing more than one distribution company (discom) in one area was already prescribed in The Electricity Act of 2003.” However, it’s not just the political parties that are against the controversial Bill, but also the Samyukt Kisan Morcha, a coalition which had spearheaded the farmers protest following newly introduced farm laws in India in 2020-21. The coalition had also raised their apprehensions against provisions of the Bill. The All India Power Engineers Federation (AIPEF) has also written to the government voicing their views about the provisions of the Bill. The power ministry in the ‘statement of object’ of the legislation claimed that the legislation was meant to boost the competition and efficiency of power distribu tion companies in order to enhance non-discriminatory open access, so that the services given to consumers are improved and the power sector becomes sustainable. The most controversial reform the Bill tries to im pose, is the provision of al lowing more than one power distribution company in one region which could lead to the end of monopoly of one power network in one area. It also mandates several changes in the powers of the State Electricity Regula tory Commissions (SERC) in terms of regulating the power tariffs in the coun try, gives the SERC powers equivalent to a civil court. The new Bill also attempts to remove the punishment of jail term in case of defi ance of rules made under the Bill, and in the case of offences like power theft, but keeps the provision of fines with an increased amount going up to Rs 1 crore per offence. The discom dilemma While the new Bill pro poses 35 amendments to the massive 84-page Electricity Act of 2003, one provi sion that stands out is Sec tion 5 of the Bill which is about allowing more than one distribution licensee (or discom) in one region to distribute power to the consumers. Although the provision of allowing more than one discom in one area was also mentioned in the 2003 Act, as per the old law the new discom had to have its own wire and dis tribution infrastructure. The new Bill, however, envisages a regime where the new entrant can use the distri bution infrastructure of the existing discom by paying some charges like wheeling charge and others. Opposi tion parties and others see this as an alleged attempt to boost privatisation in the power distribution business with this Somitprovision.Dasgupta, a senior visiting fellow at the International Council for Research on Interna tional Economic Relations (ICRIER) told MongabayIndia, “The most distinctive feature of the bill under consideration is the con cept of multiple distribution licensees in each geographi cal area. While there can be multiple distribution li censees, the distribution wires of only one of the licensees will be used. The concept of having multiple licensees in one area is not a workable proposition in India where we have large scale cross-subsidy, huge commercial losses etc. The central government is well within its rights to suggest something as a matter of policy since ‘power’ is a concurrent subject, but the problem is that it is not vi able,” Dasgupta elaborated. “What is more mys tifying is that in case an applicant applies for a distri bution license in more than one state, the license will be granted by the CERC and not the SERCs. CERC actu ally has nothing to do with the subject of distribution,” he continued.Healso claimed that as around 80 percent of the costs incurred by discoms are in purchasing powers from power generating com panies, the consumers are not likely to get any great benefits in a case of avail ability of more than one discom competing with each other. Can multiple discoms help meet the losses? The concept of co-exis tence of multiple discoms in a single area is not alien to India. In Mumbai, there ex isted a model in which two discoms operated together. However, it was mired in several litigation processes and experts do not cite this as a success Ashwanimodel.Ghayal Chit nis, Senior Advisor, Legal Initiative for Forest and Environment (LIFE) cited the Mumbai case and said that multiple players can not be linked to lowered costs. “There is no data to support the assumption that simply having multiple privately owned distribution companies will lead to cost improvements. The success of the proposed changes will depend on parameters such as: how the area of supply is defined, what would be the basis for determining the floor and ceiling tariffs, would there be regulatory certainty for cost recovery for all distribution licensees, who will invest in network augmentation, and so on. However, these absolutely crucial details are not part of the proposed bill and will be defined later on by the central government through rules,” she told MongabayIndia.She also added that this kind of opaque process does not bode well for creating a transparent and level playing field, which is a pre-requisite for healthy competition. “Also, there is no effort to improve and strengthen consumer participation and public accountability of the regulatory commissions. Issues with the current sys tem such as, lack of access for a common consumer to approach the fora such as the Appellate Tribunal For Electricity (APTEL) or CERC, remain unad dressed,” she said. A study report by Chit nis and Saumya Vaishnava, on the Mumbai model of multiple discoms earlier had claimed that although the cables were underground and saw less losses the com petition in terms of distri bution was not very much significant, as the consumers who wanted to transit had to pay heavy regulatory charges which proved as a deterrent.A2021 report of the NITI Aayog also claimed that in several parts of India, the presence of private play ers in distribution networks is significant in cities like Delhi, Surat, Ahmedabad, Kolkata and Mumbai which also saw reduction of distri bution losses. But the report also cited the example of Odisha, where four discoms were privatised in 1999, but they could not help in improving the distribution system or reduce losses while one private discom even abandoned the attempt leading to its de-licencing.
Reader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the columns do not reflect the view of this newspaper nor that of the Editor in any manner.
Do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in—Lukeheaven.10:20
Other reasons for crit icism of amendments The Bill also suggests that the central government can give directions to the SERCs directly, bypassing the states, which is another reason for opposing, added Dasgupta. “Further, the composition of the selec tion committee for appoint ing the Chairman and the members of the SERCs, has been altered somewhat. Currently what happens is that the Central government provides direction to the CERC, and the states give directions to the SERC. But the Bill proposes that, now the Centre can give direc tions to the SERC directly, which the states are likely to oppose,” he explained.
“The government is comparing electricity dis tribution infrastructure with that of telecom distribution. While telecom works on air waves, electricity is supplied with huge infrastructure with wires, transformers, and others. The Bill will not give equal playing op portunity to the government discoms and private players because while the onus is on the government discoms to reach out to all sets of con sumers, the private players would be allowed to use our infrastructure,” Dubey told Mongabay-India.“So,withthis Bill, the government units are likely to face the brunt of invest ing in all areas without dis criminations, private units will have the advantage of choosing their area of their choice without any infrastructure of their own. In such a situation, the gov ernment discoms of today would become the BSNL of tomorrow,” said Dubey. Discom health and RPO obligations Discoms in India are often seen incurring losses in their power distribu tion business which has remained a major chal lenge for decades, yet to be resolved despite several reforms. According to the government data, discoms owe around Rs 1.1 lakh crore to the power generat ing companies.ThenewBill mandates that the discoms would be liable to comply with Renewable Purchase Obli gations (RPOs) otherwise they would be forced to pay penalties.RPOs refer to the man date given to discoms, to purchase a portion of their total power through renew able sources of energy. Ex perts working in the energy sector claimed that this could lead to increased use of clean energy but there are still several challenges in this pathway too.
T here have always been untold storiesthe stories of suffer ing, heroics, valor, courage, determination, inspiration, struggle, martyrdom, de feats and victories remain buried in the unknown, largely ignored, silent, invis ible corners of the world. The northeast region of In dia that comprises the State of Nagaland, Manipur, As sam, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh, Tripura and Sikkim is a rich reser voir of stories of patriotism, unity and national spirit which unfortunately could not become a part of the mainstream academic as well as cultural narratives. Not too many people from outside the region would know about Haipou Jadonang, the Rongmei Naga leader, social re former, political & spiritual leader from present-day Ma nipur who fought valiantly against the British Raj in pre-Independence India. The spiritual leader and po litical activist envisaged an independent Naga kingdom or ‘Naga Raj’ that brought him in direct conflict with the then British rulers of India. He was eventually hanged on August 29 in 1931. Haipou Jadonang was a man who built a strong army of 500 to take on the British and set up a Naga kingdom. He has been largely overlooked by writers and historians. It’s time to put his story in right perspective.Hisfamous slogan “Makaam Mei Rui Gwang Tu Puni” which means “The sons of soil will reign”has been an inspiration to all indigenous people in the northeast India. Jadonang was one of the first Nagas to claim to be the ‘Messiah King’ of the Nagas and strove to liberate his people from British rule. Playing the role of a God-King, he became popular for his prophesies, healing power, religious and social activi ties. He organised his people into an effective resistance against British rule. His movement popu larly called the Naga Raj movement spreading like wildfire in no time and engulfed the whole Ze liangrong areas and the neighbouring areas. Haipou Jadonang was distantly in spired by Mahatma Gandhi and the Congress Movement for national freedom as evi dent from the writings of the Political Agent Higgins that he had a suspicion based on information received from his sub-divisional officer in the North Cachar Hills Dis trict that Haipou Jadonang was, whether directly or indirectly, coming under the growing influence of the Indian National Congress. It may be recalled that before launching his po litical movement Haipou Jadonang first saw the rising proliferation of Christianity. He felt this was an instru ment of British imperialism. In the areas in and around present-day Tamenglong and Noney districts, the British had asserted control by then, posting officials to oversee ZeliangrongducedreligiousGangmumeirenownedreligion.practicesthethetocourageoustwenties,thoughHaipouanofhighimposedisheconomicOfbeliefs,toregionBritishtheAccordingadministration.toJadonang,conversioneffortsofmissionariesintheposedaseriousthreatindigenousNagafaith,customsandsociety.course,therewerethecoststhatBritimperialismhadalsoontheNagaswithtaxes,theintroductionunjustcoloniallawandoppressiveportersystem.Jadonang,evenhewasinhisearlyayoungman,tookandboldstepsgoagainsttheeldersincommunitytoreformirrelevantsuperstitiousofthetraditionalAccordingtoascholarProf.Kamei,thereformheintrointhetraditionalsocietywas
Usefulness or Relationship?
“The Bill also talks about boostin g clean en ergy by ensuring manda tory RPO compliance by discoms. This provision is likely to force the discoms to buy clean energy at a higher cost. In such a situation how, these companies will ensure compliance is a question to discuss and needs special attention.Usually, the discoms tend to pass on such extra burden on the consumers. We have to see how the consumers would be af fected by such actions,” said Tirthankar Mandal, Head of Energy Policy at the World Resources Institute (WRI), India.Mandal, however, add ed that the Bill needs a wider consultation, to address the bigger and fundamental questions around power distribution.
Haipou Jadonang: The great unsung son of ‘INDIA’
It is also hoped that the state government will also intervene in issues where NFR has ‘hijacked’ trains such as Jan Shatabdi and even Nagaland Express from Dimapur to Assam and also press for providing demand for more ticket quotas for Dimapur.
Manish Kumar (As published in Mongabay India)
The All India Pow er Engineers Federation (AIPEF), Andhra Pradesh State Power Employees Joint Action Committee (APSPE JAC) and other power sec tor associations are also against the bill. Shailendra Dubey, Chairman of the All-India Power Engineers Federation (AIPEF) told Mongabay-India that this Bill could allow the power discoms to cherry pick the preferable profitable areas and not likely to benefit the domestic consumers more as claimed in the bill.
It is not so much our friends’ help that helps us, as the confidence of their help.
a synthesis of Christian monotheism and Hindu idolatry and Temple culture, rationalized and simplified form of a religious worship and a political ideology of a kingdom. It is worth noting that socially he wanted to unite all his kindred groups of Zemei, Liangmei, Rong mei and Puimei and lay the foundation for Zeliangrong movement as a social and political entity which gradu ally evolved as a strong political voice in the region. As has been men tioned, as a social and spiri tual leader his reforming activity began by preaching the unity of God, Haipou Ragwang and later on it was directed against the social abuses of the Zeliangrong society. He worked hard to remove the blind supersti tions, prejudices, orthodox ideas and beliefs and also for the abolition of certain social taboos and gennas. In short, the Heraka movement of Haipou Jadonang was launched to eliminate the evils that crept in his own religion and society and to save the religion in par ticular from the onslaughts of the alien religion. As regards the political aim of his movement, Haipou Jadonang appealed to all the Nagas to forget about the past hatred, history of savage internecine warfare, inter-village feuds and com munalism and unite against the foreigners and their exploitation to achieve it. It may also be mentioned that Haipou Jadonang was living in very challenging times. Mainly three kinds of challenges faced him. The first chal lenge was the prevailing so cial and religious conditions - Zeliangrong superstitions, beliefs, orthodox ideas and practices. The second chal lenge was the atrocities of the British colonialism. The third challenge was the in trusion of the Kukis during their rebellion against the British rule. Jadonang be lieved that taking advantage of the situation, the Kukis armed with firearms/power were ruthlessly exploiting, suppressing and killing many Nagas including the Zeliangrongs during their armed rebellion against the BritishThisrule.belief was so to say backed by what Robert Reid had written that in the year 1930-31, occurred the unrest connected with the rise of Haipou Jadonang who started a new reli gion and induced the su perstitious Zeliangrongs to believe that he would overthrow the existing ad ministration and enable them to take on the Kukis. John Parratt also mentioned in his book that the Kuki Rebellion has resulted in ethnic violence in which Kabui Nagas in particular suffered severely. This vio lence thus remained in Naga memory as a bitter scar for another decade and hence became one of the main factors behind the Jadonang movement.Itmay be clearly mentioned that Haipou Jadonang wanted to drive out all the Britishers and set up the Naga kingdom. Perhaps his refusal to ac cept the British suzerainty had caused a great hostility between him and the Brit ish authority. By the end of 1927, his movement had become such an irritation to the British Administra tion in Manipur that it had decided to arrest Jadonang and bring him in for serious questioning.Asplanned, the Brit ish authority arrested him and on 29th August, 1931 hanged him on false accusa tion, nipping his movement in the bud. The Zelian grongs, and other Nagas, the people of Manipur re gion and India have lost a great freedom fighter, an inspiring figure and a promising leader whose real intention was to end the British colonial rule and establish “SWARAJ”. It is certain that if he had lived, the story of his movement would be a different one. Dr. Rimmei Longmei, Dept of Political Science, Unity College, Dr. Aniruddha Babar, Dept of Political Science, Tetso College
One of the main reasons why Dimapur Rail way Station, among the oldest railway sta tions in the north east, continues to be in a state of stagnation, is because of unauthorised occupation of lands belonging to the railways and a step-motherly attitude shown by the Northeasten Frontier Railways(NFR). Shrinking land at Dimapur railway station is the chief reason for the stagnated expansion and development. Nagaland Post has been highlighting the problems through a series of reports during the past decades. This is the reason why a double track could not be constructed through Dimapur and as a consequence, it continues to be a bottleneck against expansion and development. A double-track would have enabled trains to run in both directions and shortening mandatory stops for slower trains. Since the track from Dhansiri-Bokajan via Dimapur is still a single lane track, some trains have to schedule longer at certain stations to allow express trains to pass. Consequently, due to this problem many trains do not stop long enough at Dimapur. Even the Jan Shatabdi express has a stoppage of hardly ten minutes at Dimapur. Other trains also stop for hardly the same period. It may be recalled that the Chief Public Relations Officer (CPRO), NFR Lumding Division, Sabyasachi De, told Nagaland Post recently that around 30.283 hectares out of 53.806 hectares of railway lands have been under unauthorised occupation in Dima pur. The CPRO claimed that the NFR has not been getting positive response from the government of Nagaland and the Dimapur district authorities to evict illegal encroachers. The other problem is that court cases have been dragging on for decades without any end in sight. Nagaland Post had also highlighted the consequences due to the twin problems- stagnation of development and also the step-motherly attitude shown to Dimapur by the NFR. Dimapur railway station has been earning the second highest revenue under NFR but owing to the land issues which have halted expansion and also giving NFR an alibi to look at other options, the train travellers of the state are made to bear the brunt. The most reassuring statement in recent times came when current General Manager(NFR) Anshul Gupta told media on August 26 that NFR will implement the Supreme Court order on December 16,2021 that the Indian Railways is “equally respon sible” for ensuring that there is no encroachment on its properties and it must initiate action against unauthorised occupants immediately after the issue is brought to its notice. Gupta said Dimapur railway station is no exception to the Supreme Court order when asked about unauthorised occupants, most of who have been issued with land pattas(permits) by the Dimapur district authorities in the past. Asked to comment even on some religious structures at the railway station, Gupta said the same Supreme Court order will apply after due process is followed. The ball is in the state government’s court and it now has to show political will to free the encroached lands. This will serve to facilitate expansion and development of the railway station for the benefit of the state in terms of trade, travel and tourism.
Welcome response from NFR
~ Epicurus

Why didn’t divine knowledge dawn upon Azad when his seat, house were safe: Cong
BJP MLAs to continue protest at Delhi Assembly
Jawhar Sircar is free to leave the party: TMC MP KOLKATA, AUG 30 (PTI): Senior TMC leader Sougata Roy Tuesday said Jawhar Sircar, who has criti cised the corruption within the party, is free to leave as it does not need “selfish people at the time of crisis”. Sircar, he said, should stop “attaching too much importance to his views” and Trinamool Congress should immediately initiate disciplinary action against him for violating party dis cipline. “If he (Sircar) is so embarrassed by the develop ments, then why is he still holding on to his post? He should immediately resign from his post of (Rajya Sabha) MP. He is free to leave the party, it won’t have any impact. People like Jawhar Sircar had no role in TMC’s struggle or in its fight in the last Bengal Assembly polls,” Roy said. Sircar had said on Monday that a sec tion of TMC is “completely rotten” and that BJP cannot be fought in the 2024 general election with such elements.
Gourav Vallabh
UDAIPUR, AUG 30 (IANS): India is no longer weak and has become the most powerful country in the world, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh said here on SpeakingTuesday.afterunveiling a statue of Panna Dai, a 16th-century nurse maid, the Defence Minister also said that the Russia-Ukraine war was stopped for a few hours at the behest of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and hence the government could bring back over 22,000 Indian students from the war-torn region. “Such an incident will never be repeated in the future,” he said after unveiling the 9.6 feet tall statue. Panna Dai is known sacrificing her son to safeguard the future of Mewar in Rajasthan. When Mewar scion Udai Singh was left in her care after Rani Karnavati committed ‘Jauhar’ in 1535, he was attacked by his uncle Banvir. It was Panna Dai who sacrificed her own son’s life to save UdaiSpeakingSingh. on the occasion, Rajnath Singh said, “I consider myself lucky to have unveiled this statue. The story of Panna Dai’s sacrifice is known to all. I was also touched by her bravery and valour.” “India has not invaded any country till date, nor has it occupied any place. However, if someone looks at our country with an evil eye, we give a befitting reply,” he added. Speaking about the country’s armed forces, the Defnce Minister said, “We will soon stop buying arms and ammunition from other countries, as everything will be manufactured in India. Presently, we are selling weapons worth Rs 13,000 crore. Eight years ago, this figure was only Rs 900 crore. By 2047, it will go up to Rs 2.75 lakh crore.” “’Amrit Kaal’ is ending in 2047, which will take another 25 years. By 2047, India will become a ‘Vishwaguru’,” he added.
BJP MP Ramesh Bidhuri and LoP in Delhi Assembly Ramvir Singh Bidhuri with party leaders during a protest against the new excise policy of Delhi Government, in New Delhi. (PTI)
orOppositionpublicityingthreeManishthetest.hadalsowalkedBidhuri,Bidhuri.however,outinprotest.“IwouldhavebeenmarshalledoutlaterInotwalkedoutinproTheywantedustohear‘pravachan’oftheirsaintSisodia.IthasbeendayssincetheyareustheAssemblyfortheirandnotallowingtoraiseissuesquestionthem,”Bidhuri told PTI over phone. He said the party members were demanding a discussion on the liquor and education “scams”, but the deputy speaker not only ignored their demands, but also got them marshalled out of the House.“BJP members had given notices for discussion on liquor scam and educa tion scam in the house even today. No explanation has come from the government till now on the liquor scam of thousands of crores,” he said. The Delhi government kept the CVC report on hold for two and a half years, de spite it clearly stating about a scam in the construction of classrooms. “The Ke jriwal government is run ning away from discussion on both these issues. The MLAs of the ruling party continued to create hue and cry in the well of the House, but it is unfortunate that the BJP members were thrown out to suppress their voice. “The Kejriwal govern ment has no answer to these allegations, so they are not tolerating the opposition even in the House,” he said. Bidhuri said the MLAs will sit on a night-long pro test for the second consecu tive day near the statues of Chandrshekhar Azad, Bha gat Singh and Rajguru in the Assembly premises to demand a probe into various scams by the government ranging from the liquor to the DTC to the Jal Board scam.Bidhuri said they have already written to President Droupadi Murmu over their “voices being throttled in Delhi Assembly” and have sought an appointment with her. Earlier in the day, BJP MP Ramesh Bidhuri had come to meet the party’s eight MLAs who sat on a night-long protest but was stopped at the gate.
India witnessed 82 murders every day in 2021, number highest in UP: NCRB
apparently referring to the arrest of a BJP corporator in an alleged child kidnapping case, following which BJP legislators protested prompt ing Birla to marshal out everyone, except Leader of Opposition in the Assembly Ramvir Singh
The former bureaucrat, who was elected to the Rajya Sabha a year ago on a TMC ticket, had recently said his friends and family had asked him to quit politics after the party’s leaders Partha Chat terjee and Anubrata Mondal were arrested by central investigating agencies in connection with the alleged teacher recruitment and cattle smuggling scandals respectively.
NEW DELHI, AUG 30 (AGENCIES): Not long ago, a spate of killings, attacks, and threats in the name of religion follow ing the Nupur Sharma episode had India on the edge. More recently, the sensational death of Sonali Phogat and the burning alive of a minor Hindu girl by her Muslim stalker in Jharkhand’s Dumka have left the nation stunned. Last year, it was the murders of Mansukh Hi ren near Mumbai and a judge in Dhanbad that had grabbed the headlines. In fact, according to the Na tional Crime Records Bu reau (NCRB), a total of 29,272 murder cases were registered in 2021. This number is slightly up from 29,193 in 2020 and 28,915 the year before. The total victims numbered 30,132, which translates to over 82 murders every day of the year! The victims included 1,402 minors and 8,405 women.Uttar Pradesh regis tered the highest number of murders at 3,717, fol lowed by Bihar (2,799) and Maharashtra (2,330). The crime rate per lakh popula tion was 1.6, 2.3, and 1.9, while the national average stood at 2.1. Among bigger states, Jharkhand (4.1) and Haryana (3.8) had the high est crimeThisrate.was the third consecutive year that UP, Bihar, and Maharashtra ranked at the top in murder cases registered. But while total cases dipped slightly for the first two, it wasn’t the case for Maharashtra. The year 2019 saw 3,806 murder cases in UP; 3,138 cases in Bihar; and 2,142 cases in EvenMaharashtra.Delhiretained its position as the crime capital of India for the third year in a row. It registered 454 mur der cases in 2021, galloping far ahead of Mumbai (162) and Chennai (161). Since 2019, Delhi has registered 1,420 murders, which trans lates to 13 murders every 10 days. In early 2020, Delhi witnessed its worst riots in three decades that resulted in over 50 deaths. A total of 1,955 mur der cases were registered in metro cities in 2021 – a 5.7 percent rise over 2020 (1,849 cases). The main motives were disputes (849 cases), personal enmity (380 cases), and love affairs (122 cases). Nationally, the main motives were dis putes (9,765 cases), ven detta (3,782 cases), and gain (1,692 cases).
Assam records highest crime rate...
dc-987/22 k-1973/22 SURE SUCCESS COACHING CENTRE Naharbari, East Dimapur, Puranabazar opp UCO bank , Dimapur Adm started for Class 10(All sub)&12(Arts,Com,Sci) . NEET,JEE .NPSC, SSC, BANKING, RRB & NDA. Hostel for Girls & Boys....Cont. NO: 9436013903 / 9862572386 *WITH GOD EVERYTHINH IS POSSIBLE * db-947/22 k-1877/22a mkc-294/22 k-1966/22 MOUNT MARY COLLEGE (B. Ed.)CHÜMOUKEdIMA : NAGALANd VACANCY Interested and eligible applicants may either mail their detailed CV with colour academic documents at or submit in person on or before 2nd Sept. 2022. PG Subject Prof. Deg. Min. Criteria His, Pol.Sc, Eco. Geog, Socio M. Ed. NET or Ph.D. Math, Chem, Phy, Zoo/Bot M. Ed. NET or Ph.D. M. P.Ed., MFA/MVA NA NET Candidates without M.Ed. Need Not Apply. Preference will be given to those with Ph.D. ManagingSd/-Directordb-944/22 db-924/22 Tamul/Arecanuts growers from all over Nagaland are invited to contact us now for Purchase and Sales arrangements of your products. Invitation : TAMUL/ARECANUTS GROWERS Contact us at –M/s. Eastern Arecanuts & Spices, Dimapur. Mobile : 8798203473 E-mail : P-4074/22d Teacher WanTed for school in Kohima No.Sl. Subject Qualification 1 Mathematics b. Sc. (For Lower Section) Preference will be given to the candidate with b. Ed. 9436645367/Office 7005136312 k-1967/22 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 2022 NATIONAL/STATE 7 NEW DELHI, AUG 30 (PTI): BJP MLAs will con tinue their overnight pro test at the Delhi Assembly for the second consecutive day to Tuesday to demand the sacking of AAP minis ters over alleged corruption charges.The BJP MLAs were marshalled out of the House for the third day amid mul tiple adjournments and slo ganeering by the leaders of both the ruling AAP and BJP. Leader of Opposi tion in the Assembly Ram vir Singh Bidhuri said the MLAs will sit on a nightlong protest for the second consecutive day to demand a probe into various scams by the Delhi government. On Monday, MLAs of both the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and the BJP had staged an overnight protest at the assembly premises amid an ongoing war of words between the two par ties on allegations of cor ruption.AAP legislators are demanding the resignation of Delhi LG V K Saxena while the BJP lawmakers were pressing for the sacking of ministers Satyendar Jain and Manish Sisodia over al leged corruption allegations. The AAP has accused Saxena of pressuring two of his subordinates to get demonetised currency notes worth Rs 1,400 crore ex changed during his term as the Khadi and Village Indus tries Commission chairman (KVIC) in 2016. The BJP MLAs were marshalled out by Deputy Speaker Rakhi Birla on Fri day and asHouse.whichthesession,mentsMultipleMonday.adjournmarredTuesday’sandaround2pm,sessionresumedduringSisodiaaddressedtheSisodiareferredtoBJPthe‘BachchaChorParty’,
‘India has become the most powerful country in the world’
(From p-1) Nearly 20% increase in rapes across India: A total of 31,677 rape cases were registered in India dur ing 2021 – or around 87 rape cases every day on average – reveals the NCRBRajasthanreport. recorded the highest number of rape cases in the country, while Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh followed. As per the NCRB’s report, there was a 19.34% increase in rape cases last year when compared to 2020.Rajasthan reported the high est number of rape cases in the country in 2021, with an increase of more than 19% in comparison to 2020. Of the total 31,677 rape cases registered across the country last year, 6,337 were reported in Rajasthan, followed by 2,947 in Madhya Pradesh and 2,845 in Uttar Pradesh. Maharashtra (2,506) was the only other state which reported more than 2,000 rape cases in 2021. Nagaland registered the least cases of rape (4) in 2021, followed by Sikkim (8). In fact, all the North Eastern states – except Assam (1835) – registered below 100 cases of rape.
In all the states except West Bengal, offenders who knew the survivor committed more than 90% of theAcrossrapes. the country, minors were subjected to rape in 3,038 cases or nearly 10% of the total cases. Nearly 64% of the rape cases were against women in the 18-30 age group. Crimes against SCs and STs: A total of 50,900 cases of crimes against Scheduled Castes were reg istered in India in 2021. The num ber rose marginally from 50,291 in 2020, according to the report. Out of these, 13,146 cases were registered in Uttar Pradesh alone. However, in terms of crime rate, the state ranked fifth among all states with 31.8 crimes being committed per lakh population of Scheduled Castes in the state. Madhya Pradesh had the high est rate of 61.8, followed by Bihar (35.3) and Telangana (32.6). Meanwhile, crimes against Scheduled Tribes increased from 8,272 in 2020 to 8,802 in 2021. Kerala recorded the highest rate of crime against Scheduled Tribes at 27.4, followed by Rajasthan (23) and Madhya Pradesh (17.2).
Praising Rajasthan, he said the soil of the state tells the story of women with valour, as he remembered the sacrifices made by Panna Dai and Hadi Rani, among others.
NEW DELHI, AUG 30 (PTI): The Congress Tues day questioned the timing of Ghulam Nabi Azad’s letter to party chief Sonia Gandhi attacking the lead ership and asked why this “divine knowledge” did not dawn upon him before 2021 “when his seat and bunga low wereNowsafe”.thatAzad’s Rajya Sabha seat and his Delhi bungalow are not safe, “di vine knowledge has dawned upon him and he is writing five-page letters in British English”, Congress spokes person Gourav V allabh said. “Whoever resigns from the party, writes fivepage letters. Going by the English used in the letter, it seems some Britisher has written that. But the ques tion is why did this divine knowledge not come to you before 2021? All answers lie in that,” he told reporters Asked about Azad’s attacks on the Congress leadership while severing five-decade-long ties with the party, Vallabh said, “The divine knowledge which was attained today, why was that not attained before 2021? Because before 2021 your seat was secure and your bungalow was safe. “When there was a crisis on the seat and the bungalow, divine knowl edge dawned on you and now you are writing big letters,” he said. The Congress spokes person said writing a letter is very easy for educated people but asked what is the meaning of that. “Why was that letter not written before 2021? This question has the an swer to all your questions. But keep in mind, whatever they do, there will be a his toric rally on September 4 at Delhi’s Ramlila Maidan and questions will be asked about why GST was im posed on flour. We will not leave that,” he said. To a question about Rahul Gandhi, Vallabh said on September 4, the party is organising a “Halla Bol rally” against inflation and one would have to walk 25 km daily for 150 days from September 7 covering more than 3,500 km. “For 150 days, Rahul Gandhi Ji will walk in the Bharat Jodo Yatra to con nect the country. He will walk to raise the issues of the country. I have given his schedule of the next five months to Azad ‘Sa heb’ through you,” he told reportersAbout the Congress president election, the par ty’s national spokesperson said the election schedule mentioning the dates for filing nomination, polling and counting has been an nounced.“So, if anybody wants to contest, the dates are there. The Congress has a constitution and the entire timetable has been placed before you,” Vallabh said. In a fresh attack on the Congress, former leader Gh ulam Nabi Azad Monday said the “ailing” party needs medicines which are being provided by compounders instead of doctors.

Eastern Naga People’s Union Kohima (ENPUK) president N. Toshi Chang vehemently condemned the barbaric act of the Assam Police whose outrageous act ended up taking the life of a person and clearly showed their utter callousness and disregard to human life. He said Nagas are peace loving people and like any other community want to live in peace with their neighbours and so any of fence committed should be dealt as per the provisions of theHelaw.said the eastern Na galand people and all Nagas demand that both Assam and Nagaland government should work in coordina tion and conduct a thorough investigation to bring to j the culprits to book and restore the honor of the victim’s family.In his speech, ENSF assistant general secretary Molo Phom condemned the dastardly act and accused the Assam police of violation of the fundamental rights as guaranteed in the Indian constitution and a gross vio lation of the right to live as per the human right charter under Article 21. He urged upon both the state governments to thor oughly investigate the death of late Henveih and bring out the facts so that peace and harmony is restored between the two states and to deliver justice for peace lovingEasterncitizens. Nagaland Women Organisation Kohi ma (ENWOK) unit represen tative Limei Phom expressed anguish over the custodial death, senseless and brutal killing of late CondemningHenveih.the act, ENWOK demanded the state government ensure thorough investigation and appropriate action as per the provisions of the law. It may be noted that the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) is sued a suo moto notice on Sivasagar Police over the custodial death of Henveih Phom and sought an action taken report (ATR). Cry for justice at candle light vigil...
The center was inaugurated by DC Dimapur, Sachin Jaiswal as chief Alongguest.with the inaugu ration, an orientation pro gramme was also organized where
LAND FOR SALE Nihoto Village Dimapur : Nagaland 80 x 62 Rs. 7,00,000 Cont. : 9612831057 dp-4077/22 Swimming leSSonS for beginnerS at Aiko Pool, Aiko PuranaGreens,Bazar Junior Program : 7-17 years Adult Program : 18 years and above Limited slots available! Contact : 9089440443 dp-4063/22 l and for Sale Near 4 Lane Second Row 90 Bighas (22½ Puras) Rs. 130 Per Sq. Ft. (Slightly School/College,SuitableDryNegotiable)LandforanytypeofIndustry,Hospital,ResidentialandFarmingSite. Contact : +91-9362359493 -4056/22dp l and for Sale Near Viola DimapurColony Area / Plots available as per Budget Contact : 8732002080 -4043/22dp LAND FOR SALE at Old Showuba, residential area, roads attached. Plots of various sizes available, @ Rs. 220/- per sq. ft. (Slightly Negotiable). Contact Nos. : 96128298727005431345 dp-4045/22B-932/22 1. MBBS/BDS/MDS/MD/VETERINARY ( d irect admission in top medical & veterinary colleges in India with affordable package) 2. B.ED & M.ED (Available in Govt. University for both attending & Nonattending mode) Recognized & approved by UGC & NCTE 3. Other courses: Engineering all branches, Agri, p harma. d B. pharma, forestry, horticulture, Fishery, Nursing, paramedical, BpT. 4. Distance Courses: BA, MA, B.Sc, M.Sc. B.Com, M.Com & others ADMISSION OPEN 2022 EDUAIDE CAREER COUNSELING: 8700695549; 9718225382 dp-3166/22 LAND FOR SALE 1. 3 (ResidentialBighas site at Khughovi Village Near 4 Lane) Rs. 170 Per Sq. Ft. 2. 9 (PaddyBighasField at Nihoto Village) Rs. 45 Per Sq. Ft. 3. 4 (4BighasLaneTouched) Rs. 300 Per Sq. Ft. Contact : 9362359477 -4079/22dp
to understand their Representativesissues.ofKi dEx, Teralumens, iMumz, Recur Club, capitalists.connectingtheoutlaySamridh.withtheretarylakh.ingprovidetoRIDH)opmentProductAcceleratorningbusiness,”fromupswith100andmoreparticipatedSystemsmiKrishifyFarmstock,AyuRhytm,BlueSeR&DPvtLtd,GurutvaaandNextSkills360,inthemeeting.Atpresent,Indiahasthan73,000startupsoutofthem,morethanareunicornsorthose$1billionvaluation.“WearehelpingstartinproductdevelopmentwheretheycanpickupSharmasaid.MeityisalreadyrunaprogrammeStartupofMeitYforInnovation,Devel&Growth(SAMunderwhichitplansselect300startupsandeachofthemfundsupportofuptoRs.40MeityAdditionalSecBhuvneshKumarsaidministryhaspartnered22acceleratorsforTheentireschemeisRs.100croreandgovernmentispartneracceleratorswhowilltothemtoventure
DIMAPUR, AUG 30 (NPN): Business Asso ciation of Nagas (BAN) launched its district chap ters in Tseminyu and Wokha on August 29 and 30 respectively.Inapressrelease, BAN general secretary, Dr. Yan Murry said that the associa tion felt the need for instal lation of district chapters in order to connect with Naga entrepreneurs throughout the state. Zukeya Woch was appointed as district conve nor of Tseminyu chapter and Thungdemo Kyong was appointed district con venor of Wokha chapter. The district chapters will comprise of five coordina tors representing services, manufacturing, agriculture, education and trading sec tors. The launch pro gramme in Tseminyu was held at the Rengma Hoho office conference hall. Yhunthonlo Khing, Pas tor, Tseminyu Town Baptist Church offered the dedica tory prayer for the district chapter. In Wokha, the programme was launched at Tourist Lodge where Nongothung Kikon, Asso ciate pastor, Wokha Village Baptist church offered the dedicatory prayer. BAN team led by president L Mongkum Jamir were present at the launching programme in Wokha. In Tseminyu, BAN general secretary Dr. Yan Murry along with BAN office bearers and execu tive members attended the programme.
LAND FOR SALE 4048 Sq. Ft. Near Hope Academy, Naga United Village # 8492062425 -4082/22dp
(From p-1) He also reminded the people to propagate the slogan “Do not eat the Seeds, Nurture it and eat the Fruits”.Further, the chief min ister urged the people to think positively and know how to co-exist in peace and harmony with one another for a progressive NagaStatingsociety.that there were about 15 schemes directly benefiting the farmers, the chief minister appealed to the district administra tion and concerned de partments to monitor the schemes and policies so they were properly imple mented. He also urged them to ensure that both Central and State schemes and policies reached the targetedWithpeople.regard to the internal differences going on between the Lotha Bap tist Churches Association (LBCA) and Wokha Town Baptist Church (WTBC), Rio appealed to both the parties to come to an ami cable settlement so that “good sense prevails among the community and for the benefit of the Lotha com munity.”The chief minister disclosed that as requested by Lotha Hoho for con struction of new tribal council hall during his visit to Wokha in 2018, he approached the Centre for the same and today it has become a reality. He congratulated the Lotha community for the new building and appreciated the good workmanship exhibited by Lotha Hoho led by its chairman Er. Mhondamo Ovung and all individual involved in the successful completion of theThebuilding.chiefminister also expressed his appreciation to the Government of India and the Ministry of Tribal Affairs for sanctioning the amount for construction of the building.Statedeputy chief minister, Yanthungo Pat ton, who was the chief host of the programme, thanked the chief minister Neiphiu Rio on behalf of the Lotha community for taking keen interest in initiating the construction of the new Lotha Hoho building and making it a reality. He also appreciated the Lotha Hoho team and all involved for showing their sincerity and dedica tion and successfully com pleting the building.
NEW DELHI, AUG 30 (PTI): The government is looking to promote more than 10,000 startups in the next 5-6 years under the GENESIS programme, Ministry of Electronics and IT (Meity) Secretary Alkesh Kumar Sharma said on Tuesday.Sharma also said he has not seen any startup run ning for funds and instead they are looking for growth opportunities through vari ous means.“Funding is not an is sue. We are now moving to level next where Genesis is coming. We are going to launch. We are going to promote 10,000 startups in the next 5-6 years,” Sharma said. He was responding to question about possible funding winter that could lead to shortage of funds for startups.InJuly, the govern ment launched the Digital India GENESIS (Gen-Next Support for Innovative Start ups). The programme has an outlay of Rs. 750 crore. Sharma participated in a briefing session with vari ous startup representatives
opportunities and beThesociable.programme was followed by interactive ses sion with the students. The programme was chaired
UDA govt for Naga solution: Rio
BAN president L Mongkum Jamir and others in Wokha.
4025 Yesterday’s solution No. 4024 8 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 2022BUSINESS/STATE Mahendra’s education centre opened DC Dimapur, Sachin Jaiswal inaugurating the education centre. (NP)
Meity to promote 10,000 startups in next 5-6 years: Govt
Staff Reporter DIMAPUR, AUG 30 (NPN): A new coaching centre, “Mahendra’s Edu cation Center” was inau gurated here at Tajen Ao road above Amber Store on Tuesday.The centre will provide coaching to the aspiring students for competitive exams such as NPSC, SSC and banking. DC He spoke on the im which he said was benefi He also reminded the students not to be disheart by failures but have a positive approach and work hard look for by Lovingi
(From p-1) matter what the offence was. He appealed to the competent authority to take action against the culprits as per law and deliver justice without delay. He said those police personnel responsible for the custodial death should be charged for homicide. He also appealed the government of Assam and Nagaland to provide due compensation to the family members of the deceased.
l and for Urgent
NEW DELHI, AUG 30 (PTI): Gold price in the national capital on Tuesday fell Rs 66 to Rs 51,469 per 10 grams amid rupee ap preciation, according to HDFC Securities. In the previous trade, the yellow metal had closed at Rs 51,535 per 10 grams. Silver, however, gained marginally by Rs 4 to Rs 55,550 per kilogram from Rs 55,546 per kg in the previous trade. “Spot gold prices for 24-carat gold in Delhi fell by Rs 66 per 10 grams on sharp rupee appreciation despite steady COMEX prices,” said Tapan Patel, Senior Analyst (Commodities) at HDFC Securities. The rupee appreciated 7 paise to 79.84 against the US dollar in early trade on Tuesday in line with a positive trend in domestic equi ties. In the international market, both gold and silver were trading flat at USD 1,736.80 per ounce and 18.81 per ounce, respectively.
portance of concise reading,
Sale 1. Kushiabill Sec-IV 3 Bighas 2. Lengrijan with House 3. Indisen (Ao's only) (1 Plot of Land) Contact No. : 7005424879 -4084/22dp
MUMBAI, AUG 30 (PTI): The rupee re bounded by 39 paise to close at a nearly two-week high of 79.52 against the US dollar on Tuesday, supported by foreign fund inflows and a correction in crude oil prices. The US dollar re treating from the 20-year high levels against a bas ket of world currencies also supported the local unit. At the interbank forex market, the local unit opened at 79.92 against the greenback. It witnessed an intra-day high of 79.44 and a low of 79.92 against the Ameri can currency during the session.Itfinally ended at 79.52 against the US dol lar, up 39 paise from its previous close. The rupee had settled near this level on August 17 previously. In the previous ses sion, the rupee depreci ated 7 paise to close at 79.91 against the Ameri can dollar. The rupee fell to its all-time low of 80.15 against the US dollar in intra-dayMeanwhile,trade. the dol lar index, which measures the greenback’s strength against a basket of six currencies, slipped 0.06 per cent to 108.76. The dollar index had surged to 109.48 in overnight trade, a level not seen since Sep temberBrent2002.crude futures, the global oil benchmark, fell 2.23 per cent to USD 102.75 per barrel.
The programme was chaired by LH vice chair man S. Mhonlumo Lotha while LH chairman Er. Mhondamo Ovung de livered the welcome ad dress. Technical report was presented by building construction committee convener Er. O.N. Ngullie, while vote of thanks was proposed by advisor LH, Dr. N. Mhabemo Kithan. The new LTC building was constructed under the initiation of chief Minister and funded by Minister of TribalTheAffairs.chief minister was accompanied by minister V. Kashiho Sangtam, advi sors-- K.T. Sukhalu, Imna tiba, Er. Zale Neikha, Dr. Chumben Murry, Chuba Chang and a host of dig nitaries and party officials from NDPP and BJP. Earlier during the pro gramme, the dedicatory prayer for the new building was offered by Rev. Tsope mo Ngullie while pastor WBTC pastor Rev.Abemo Jungoi read the scripture.
Rupee spurts 39 p to nearly 2-week high of 79.52 against dollar
Wokha and Tseminyu Chapters of BAN launched
encouraged the students to adopt the habit of reading paper.
Ezung. ACROSS 3 Inexpensive (5) 8 Establish (3,2) 10 Based on truth (5) 11 Auction item (3) 12 Broaden (5) 13 Liked by many (7) 15 Approaches (5) 18 Torn cloth (3) 19 Sulky, morose (6) 21 Planet (7) 22 Cupid (4) 23 Just, impartial (4) 24 Exhibit (7) 26 Edible seed (6) 29 Hit lightly (3) 31 Worker in stone (5) 32 Income (7) 34 Rage (5) 35 Flipper (3) 36 Thick (5) 37 Hoodwinks (5) 38 Business (5) DOWN 1 Fruit (5) 2 Surgical stitches (7) 4 Comb this (4) 5 Street lined with trees (6) 6 List of jurors (5) 7 Liquid measure (5) 9 Summit (3) 12 Passerine songbird (7) 14 Circuit (3) 16 Relieve, soothe (5) 17 Trap (5) 19 Photographer (7) 20 Kingdom (5) 21 Naming words (5) 23 Having consequencesimportant(7) 24 Meal (6) 25 Loo (3) 27 Keen (5) 28 Browned bread (5) 30 Melodies (5) 32 Rip (4) 33 Pinch (3) Crossword No. 10379 Yesterday’s solution No. 10378 Su doku No. 5001 Yesterday’s solution No. 5000
Gold falls Rs 66; silver up marginally

T. Tohuka Achumi N. Lemchimong President, NLSF General Secy., NLSF
BEIJING, AUG 30 (PTI): China’s ruling Communist Party proposes to hold its 20th Congress in Beijing on October 16 which is widely expected to endorse an un precedented 3rd term for President Xi Jinping. A meeting of the Politi cal Bureau of the Commu nist Party of China (CPC) held on Tuesday decided that a plenary session con sisting functionaries of the party will be held on Octo ber 9 during which it will be proposed that the 20th Congress will be held on October 16 in Beijing, staterun Xinhua news agency reported.Political bureau meet ing presided over by Xi stressed that the 20th CPC National Congress is a con gress of great significance to be convened at a cru cial moment, as the whole Party and the entire nation embark on a new journey
PENGHU (TAIWAN), AUG 30 (AP): Taiwan’s president told the self-ruled island’s military units Tues day to keep their cool in the face of daily warplane flights and warship maneu vers by rival China, saying that Taiwan will not allow Beijing to provoke a conflict. China has kept up mili tary pressure on Taiwan in the weeks following U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pe losi’s visit to Taipei in early August.Beijing initially retali ated with large military drills in the waters and skies near ItTaiwan.fired missiles over the island, some of which landed in Japan’s economic zone, considered a serious escalation, while also send ing warships and planes toward the island in large numbers.President Tsai Ing-wen said Taiwan must remain restrained despite the daily pressure from China.
Taiwan has responded by tracking the ships and the planes, issued warnings and used its missile systems to monitor the other side’s movements.China has also sent drones flying over the Kin men islands, which are clos est to China, in the latest escalation.Avideo that went viral last week showed two sol diers staring up at the drone from an outpost in an outly ing island in Kinmen before attempting to strike it down with a rock. This weekend, another video published online allegedly showed a Chinese drone flying around a different outlying island. A spokesperson for Kinmen’s army unit said in a statement Monday that Tai wan would take a four-step measure to deal with drones in the future, which involves warning it off, reporting the incursion, expelling the drone, and finally shooting it down if it doesn’t leave.
UN humanitarian chief Martin Griffiths made the remarksat a UN Secu rity Council meeting on the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan, reports dpa news agency. More than half of the country’s popu lation needs humanitarian assistance, Griffiths said. With the Taliban’s re turn to power on August 2021, the country’s situation has further deteriorated. Un employment and extreme poverty have forced tens of thousands of Afghans to flee their country. In addition, a devastating earthquake and flash floods have com pounded the situation. The international com munity is pumping roughly $40 million into the coun try’s economy each week. But there are com plaints that the Taliban is allocating the majority of the money to its supporters. “Poverty is deepening, the population is still grow ing, and the de facto au thorities have no budget to invest in their own future,” Griffiths said.
TOKYO, AUG 30 (AP): The defense ministers of Japan and Israel shared concerns on Tuesday about growing global tensions from Asia to the Middle East and signed an agree ment to step up cooperation in military equipment and technology.Japanese
The Office of the Nagaland Law Students' Federation would like to acknowledge Miss Vinika Kiho, D/o Mr. Kisheto Kiho and Mrs. Kavili Yeptho for clearing the Combined Recruitment Exam conducted by the Union Public Service Commission for the post of Public Prosecutor in the CBI, Dept. of Personnel and Training, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension.The Federation takes pride in congratulating her and may her success inspire and motivate all the Law Fraternity from Nagaland toward scaling greater heights.
“Some parties say that they will not join an all-party government due to action by the govern ment which they cannot condone. Others express a reluctance to join due to their opposition to the policies,” he said. The proposal for an all-party government was mooted in early April amidst widespread public unrest over the previous government led by former President Rajapaksa’s mis handling of the economic crisis.Rajapaksa’s call to form an all-party govern ment was ignored by the opposition parties. Sri Lanka has been witnessing one of the worst economic crises since its Independence in 1948. They have defaulted on international loans as well. ISLAMABAD, AUG 30 (PTI): Pakistan govern ment has set up a nodal disaster agency to provide an institutional response to the devastating floods caused by record monsoon rains that has displaced more than 33 million or one-seventh of the coun try’s ministerstiveseralwhichandNationalonledGDP.3whichtatedtheUSDtryonMinisterties.taskedtheManagementbyingmillionover1,,with1,634injuredand33displaced,accordtothelatestdataissuedtheNationalDisasterAuthority,chiefnationalbodytodealwithcalamiPakistan’sInteriorAhsanIqbalsaidTuesdaythatthecounwouldneedmorethan10billiontorebuildinfrastructuredevasbytheragingfloods,roughlytranslatestopercentofthecountry’sTheShehbazSharif-federalgovernmentMondaysetuptheFloodResponseCoordinationCentre,willcomprisefedministers,representaofarmedforces,chiefandexpertsto
BAGHDAD, AUG 30 (AP): Powerful Iraqi cleric Muqtada al-Sadr called on his loyalists in the govern ment zone to withdraw af ter nearly 24 hours of fierce clashes with security forces and paramilitary groups. In a televised speech Tuesday, al-Sadr gave his supporters, hundreds of whom stormed the govern ment palace and have been holding an ongoing sit-in outside the parliament building, an hour to leave. Supporters of an in fluential Iraqi Shiite cleric fired rocket-propelled gre nades and machine guns into Iraq’s Green Zone and security forces returned fire Tuesday, a serious es calation of a monthslong political crisis gripping the nation.
COLOMBO, AUG 30 (PTI): Sri Lankan Presi dent Ranil Wickremesing he on Tuesday appealed to all parties to join the unity government to tackle the island nation’s worst-ever economic crisis and pre vent “strong economies” from using it as a “tool of interference,” days after India and China verbally clashed over the docking of a high-tech Chinese ship at a port in the country. His remarks came as he presented the revised budget for 2022 in his ca pacity as the minister of finance.“We can no longer be a nation dependent on loan assistance. We can also no longer be used as a tool of interference by other countries with strong economies,” Wick remesinghe said without naming any oftoustionthispartyParliamentpartiesatecommontogetherachieved,HambantotaWangoverandcameHowever,country.hisremarksdaysafterChinaIndiaverballyclashedthedockingof‘Yuan5’atSriLanka’sport.“Allthiscanbeonlyifweworkinunitywithconsent.Ireitertheinvitationtoalltherepresentedinthistojoinanall-government.Sinceunprecedentedsituaistheresponsibilityofall,andthereforeneedprioritisethenecessitiesthecountry”.
“The more provoca tive enemy soldiers are, the more stable we need to be. We will not allow those on the opposing banks to manufacture a conflict with an inappropriate excuse,” she said during a visit to the navy’s station on Penghu, an archipelago of several dozen islands off Taiwan’s western coast.She also inspected a ra dar squadron, an air defence company, and a navy fleet.
“When each Taiwan ese person sees you in the national military uniform, everyone’s hearts are filled with respect and gratitude.”
Ranil Wickremesinghe
Taiwan prez assures troops amid China threats
A family salvage usable items from their flood-hit home in Jaffarabad, a district of Baluchistan province. (AP) provide proper institutional response to the calamity. “The Centre will serve as a bridge between disaster management authorities, donors and government institutions. It will collect and analyse latest infor mation and pass it on to the relevant government agencies. It will also over see rescue and relief work including restoration of infrastructure,” the PM Office tweeted after the meeting.The move comes as the “2022 Pakistan Floods Response Plan (FRP)” is being jointly launched by the Pakistan government and the United Nations on Tuesday, simultaneously in Islamabad and Geneva. Foreign Minister Bila wal Bhutto Zardari deliv ered the keynote address at the launch event, hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.“What we are facing today has been an above average monsoon. It’s an entirely new level of cli mate led catastrophe. Na ture is sending us all a new message, and because of its geographical location, Pakistan has become the ground zero for this cen tury’s biggest threat;global warming,” Bilawal said. The conference was also addressed by the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres.
China accuses the U.S. and Taiwanese “separatist forces” for creating insta bility by rejecting Beijing’s claim to sovereignty over the island.“The Taiwan inde pendence forces’ attempt to solicit foreign support, in cluding that of the U.S., for independence is the source of current tensions across the Taiwan Strait,” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said at a daily briefing in Beijing on Tuesday.
Sri Lanka granted the port access to the vessel from August 16 to 22. There were appre hensions in New Delhi about the possibility of the Chinese vessel’s track ing systems attempting to snoop on Indian defence installations while being on its way to the Sri Lank an port.India on Saturday hit back at China for alleging that it was “interfering” in Sri Lanka’s internal af fairs, firmly telling Beijing that what Colombo needs now was “support, not unwanted pressure or un necessary controversies” to serve another country’s agenda.Since becoming stopgap president to fill in the void left by his ousted predecessor Gotabaya Ra japaksa mid-July, Wick remesinghe’s efforts to bring in a government of unity had so far failed.
Japan, Israel step up defense ties
(SHIKAHO ZHIMOMI) (HETOVI YEpTHOMI) president, WSH. Jt. Secretary, WSH.
The death toll rose to at least 30 people after two days of unrest, officials said. After cleric Muqtada al-Sadr announced Mon day he would resign from politics, his supporters stormed the Green Zone, once the stronghold of the U.S. military that’s now home to Iraqi government offices and foreign embas sies. At least one coun try evacuated its embassy amid the Iraq’schaos.government has been deadlocked since al-Sadr’s party won the largest share of seats in October parliamentary elections but not enough to secure a majority gov ernment — unleashing months of infighting be tween different Shiite fac tions. Al-Sadr refused to negotiate with his Iranbacked Shiite rivals, and his withdrawal Monday catapulted Iraq into politi cal uncertainty and volatil ity with no clear path out. Iran closed its bor ders to Iraq on Tuesday — a sign of Tehran’s con cern that the chaos could spread, though streets be yond the capital’s gov ernment quarter largely remained calm.
WOKHA TOWN LAKHUTI ELOE EKHUNG FELICITATION The Wokha Town Lakhuti Eloe Ekhung extends its heartiest congratulations to Miss Zachelo Z Kikon (Gold Medal) in B.A psychology and Miss Wochano Z Kikon, Topper in M.A (pol. Science) both daughters of dr. Zuben Kikon of Lakhuti Village.
President Wickremesinghe asks parties to join unity govtPakistan government sets up body to tackle devastation caused by floods
The Ekhung prays that Almighty God continue to bless both and guide them in their future endeavours.Sd/- Sd/Myingthunglo Ngullie K. Rosalen patton Chairperson, WTLEE Secretary, WTLEEWC-19022
Six Afghansmillionatrisk of famine: UN official KABUL, AUG 30 (IANS): A top UN official has warned that 6 million Af ghans are at risk of famine as the war-torn country continues to face extreme hardship and uncertainty under the Taliban regime.
OFFICE OF THE WESTERN SUMI HOHO H.Q. Chekiye Village Dimapur - 797112 : Nagaland date : 30/08/2022dp-4094/22
Relatives attend a funeral of a man killed during clashes with security in Baghdad in Najaf, Iraq, Tuesday. (AP/PTI)
While China’s biggest maneuvers, which had dis rupted fishing, shipping and air traffic, are over, Beijing has kept up the pressure in recent weeks with daily flights by warplanes and warship navigations, often over the median line of the Taiwan Strait, a waterway that separates the island from China.
CPC mulls congress to endorse rare 3rd term for Jinping toward building a modern socialist country in all re spects, and advance toward the Second Centenary Goal. The CPC holds its allimportant Congress once ev ery five years during which it reviews the government and party work and endorse plans for the remaining five years.Under the prevail ing party conventions, the leadership and top officials change every 10 years. Unlike his predeces sors, who retired after 10 year tenures, 69-year-old Xi, who will be completing his second five year tenure this year, is widely expected to be endorsed for a third term at the 20th Congress. Xi, regarded as the most powerful heading the Presidency, the party and the military, has been designated previously as a leader on par with party founder Mao Zedong, who remained in power until his death in 1976. Xi Jinping
Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen is briefed during a visit to a naval station in Penghu on Tuesday.
on Oct 16
Office Of the SungratSu Walling KidOng dimapur, nagaland felicitatiOn
At the Magong air base, she was greeted by pilots standing in front of a Taiwanese-made Indig enous Defence Force fighter jet. “You are the pride of the Taiwanese people,” Tsai said.
“In the name of main taining stability in the West Pacific, the U.S. tries to blatantly contain China with the Taiwan issue,” Zhao said.
Defense Min ister Yasukazu Hamada said he welcomes stronger military ties with Israel as a way to achieve a “free and open Indo-Pacific” vision advocated by Japan and the United States to counter China’s growing assertive ness in the region. Hamada said peace and stability in the Middle East would also help Japan’s peace and pros perity. Both regions have key sea transportation lanes. Japan and Israel, which are both strong US allies, are marking the 70th anniver sary of their diplomatic ties this year. Visiting Israeli De fense Minister Benny Gantz told a joint news conference after meeting with Hamada that strengthened defense cooperation “will elevate the 70 years of excellent ties between our countries to the strategicTheirlevel.”cooperation in broader areas from defense technology to information sharing and military-to-mili tary activities “will strength en the defense capability of each country and our joint contribution to peace and stability in our regions and all over the world,” he added.
We the following BJp functionaries from state and constituency levels decided to resign both from active and primary membership in order to support the visionary leader Shri.S. Keoshu Yimkhiung, Hon’ble MLA & Advisor in the forthcoming general election 2023 for allround development in the constituency and state as a whole. The bold decision was taken to strengthen the party under the dynamic leadership of Shri. Chingwang Konyak president, Ndpp (Nagaland) and Hon’ble Chief Minister Shri. Neiphiu Rio. 1. Shitoba, Co-Convenor Teacher Cell (BJp), Nagaland. 2. T.R. Toshi, V/p Tuensang Region. 3. Rikhum, president Youth Wing 58th A/C 4. Kiukhum T, V/p Youth Wing 58th A/C. 5. Tochimong, V/p Youth Wing 58th A/C 6. Amos, Secretary Youth Wing 58th A/C TeacherCo-Convenor(SHITOBA)Sd/-CellBJp,Nagaland
The Sungratsu Walling Kidong, Dimapur convey our heartfelt congratulations to Smti. i mcharenla, dig (nap) Kohima (Wife of Shri Mangyangkokba Walling) and Shri. Kilangyanger Walling , DCP, Niuland for being awarded the President’s Police Medal (PPM) for their Distinguished and Meritorious Service on the occasion of 76th Independence Day, 2022. We further pray that our Almighty God continue to bless them with good health and long life in their future endeavours.Sd/- Sd/Taliwapang Walling Lolen Walling President, SWKD Secretary, SWKD -4071/22dp
The Western Sumi Hoho (WSH) extends its profound appreciation and congratulates Grand Master, Israel G Xuivi, deputy Commandant, 1st NAp, on his induction into the Taekwon-do Hall of Fame, on the 19th of August, 2022, at New Jersey City, New Jersey, USA. Israel G Xuivi, the founder of Naga Kiti-do, was inducted into the Taekwon-do Hall of Fame in conformity with the recognition in the official website of the international Taekwon-do Hall of Fame 2021 for his outstanding performance and achievements in Taekwon-do. The WSH applauds Israel G Xuivi for making the Nagas proud internationally and wishes him the very best in all his future endeavours. The WSH, in the same breath, extends its heartiest congratulations and felicitates Vinika Kiho for clearing the combined recruitment exam conducted by the UpSC for the post of public prosecutor in the Central Bureau of Investigation. It is not everyday that we hear of a Naga clearing an examination conducted by the UpSC. The WSH loudly applauds Vinika Kiho for making the Nagas proud and wishes her the very best in all her future endeavours.
Iraqi cleric calls on loyalists to withdraw after violent clashes

Endometriosis is a condition in which lining tissue of the uterus tissue grows in other locations of the body outside of the uterus. The extra tissue may infringe upon other organs like the bowel and bladder. This is called deep infiltrating endometriosis (DIE). Blue-eyed women are more likely to develop DIE than women who have eyes of any other color. Researchers think genes that govern eye color may be linked to those responsible for DIE. Response to Therapy Can your eye color determine how well psycho therapy works for you? Maybe. One study found that people who have brown eyes achieve better treatment results from behavior therapy that is more rigid. People who have light-colored eyes may do better with therapy that changes with them at a pace that is comfortable for them. Unequal Pupil Dilation Anisocoria is a term that means the pupils are not the same size. About 1 in 5 of people have pupils that differ in size. Sometimes it is no cause for concern. Other times, different sized pupils may be a sign of something more serious like a problem with the nervous system, the presence of an infection, or a stroke. Vitiligo Vitiligo is a condition that creates loss of pigment in patches on the skin. People who have blue eyes are less likely to get vitiligo than those who have brown eyes. Researchers think it may be because genes responsible for blue eyes are linked to decreased risk of getting the condition.
T here’s a type of cancer that affects the eyes called uveal melanoma. It is more common in those who have green, blue, or gray eyes than it is in people who have brown-colored eyes. The risk of this type of eye cancer is very low. It affects approximately 2,500 people in the U.S. every year. Trustworthiness
ANPSA Kohima unit organises music contest
Consolation: Little Flower Higher Secondary School, Holy Family Higher Secondary School and Mezhur Higher Secondary School
Angel Award Tasangna Pongen (Jo Foundation School) Double Quartet 1st - Mezhur Higher Secondary School 2nd - Oking Christian School 3rd - Ministers’ Hill Baptist Higher Secondary School
cataracts than those who have blue eyes. People with brown eyes are twice as likely to get cataracts as those who have lighter-colored eyes. Scholastic Achievement Larger pupils may be a sign of high intelligence, according to the results of some studies. Larger rest ing pupil size may indicate a brain that functions well.
Eye Health: How eye color and shape can affect your health
Multicolored Eyes Eyes that contain multiple colors may be a sign of Waardenburg syndrome. This is a rare genetic condition that causes loss of pigment in the hair, eyes, and skin. People who have this condition may go deaf or have distinct facial features such as a wide-bridged nose or wide-set eyes. Athletic Ability Eye color may be linked to athletic ability. People who have brown eyes may excel in sports that require a reaction, such as football defense, boxing, and hitting a ball. Those who have blue eyes may excel in sports that require constant control, such as golfing, bowling, and pitching a baseball. Tolerance to Pain Scientists observed women in labor to determine the link between eye color and pain tolerance. They noticed women with brown eyes showed more distress during labor. They also felt more pain while moving and at rest, they woke experiencing pain more often, and experienced more depression due to pain compared to women with light-colored eyes. Macular Degeneration People who have light-colored eyes are twice as likely to develop age-related macular degeneration compared to those who have brown eyes. Light-colored eyes allow more UV light reach the retina where it causes damage. Macular degeneration may lead to a loss of vision.
A court here on Tues day sent actor and film critic Kamal Rashid Khan, popularly known as, in 14-day judi cial custody after he was arrested by the city police over his alleged defama tory tweets posted two yearsWhileago. his lawyer said the tweets were about the film “Laxmii Bomb” (later titled as “Laxmii”) starring Akshay Kumar, police did not disclose any details. Khan was arrested at the Mumbai airport late Monday night after he ar rived from Dubai. Police produced him before a magistrate’s court in Borivali and sought his custody for four days for investigation.Butthecourt rejected the request and sent him in 14-day judicial custody. His lawyer Ashok Sa rogi then filed a bail appli cation which was likely to be heard later in the day. As per his lawyer, the police arrested Khan for tweets against Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar and a film producer regarding the film “Laxmi Bomb”. The First Information Report in the case had been registered against Khan in 2020 under Indian Penal Code sections 153 (giving provocation with intent to cause riot) and 500 (defa mation) and provisions of the Information Technol ogy Act, police said. A look-out circular too had been issued against him, a police official said. (PTI)
Actor KRK arrested over ‘defamatory’ tweets from 2020, sent in judicial custody
The Union takes immense pride as we extend our heartiest congratulations to Miss VINIKA K KIHO, D/o Mr. Kisheto L Kiho and Mrs. Kavili Kiho for clearing UPSC for the post of Public Prosecutor in Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). The achievement through your extraordinary hardwork and persistence has made our hearts filled with profound gratitude and jubilant celebration for the fulfillment of our deepest aspirations and prayers. May you continue to be an inspiration in all of your future endeavours.
Bhojpuri movie ‘Hum Haii Rowdy SP Vijay’ premiered in Dimapur
In one study, scientists found that people trust those who have brown eyes more than those who have eyes of another color. Researchers note the findings may be explained by facial features common in those who have brown eyes, which may convey trust. Type 1 Diabetes Risk A study from 2011 found that Caucasian people living in Italy who had blue eyes were more likely to develop type 1 diabetes. More research is needed to confirm the results. A prior study in northern European Caucasian people also concluded that blue eyes and fair-colored skin increase the risk for type 1 diabetes.
Hearing Loss Exposure to loud noise harms hearing, especially for those who have blue eyes. People who have brown eyes seem to be better protected. Researchers think it may be because brown-eyed people have more melanin that protects the ears against loud noises. Alcohol Dependence
With immense pride, the children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and in-laws of Ngutsovi Tepa of Mima village would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to Dr. Kevilenuo (Kevi) Tepa, (D/o Zelhounuo Tepa and Vitsu Ngukha) for having completed her Ph.D from Centre for English Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi. The topic of her dissertation was "Self, Region and Conflict: A study of Northeast Women's Autobiographies” and she worked under the Supervisorship of Prof. GJV Prasad and Prof. Dhananjay Singh. We wish her great success in the days to come.
Winners with organisers at RCEMPA Jotsoma. was proposed by princi pal, St. Mary’s Cathedral Higher Secondary School Kohima, Fr. C.J, Jaison. Judges for the competition included Kekhrieü Suokh rie, Khriekethozo Sekhose and Samuel Thapa.
Ghuvika Yeptho Viloka Zhimo President General Secretary EAsTErn sumI sTudEnTs' unIOn rEGd nO. rs/77, dT. 25th OCT, '75 HQ : Aghunato : nagaland FELICITATION dp-4085/22
Madonna is first woman to earn Billboard 200 10 albums in each decade since 80s
T he premiere of the Bhojpuri movie “Hum Haii Rowdy SP Vijay”, directed by Dimapur based actor and filmmaker Munna Yadav was organized on August 28 at St. Mary’s Montes sori High School, Dima pur in the presence of prominent personalities from the entertainment industry.The owner of Amar Mill, Chhawi Kumar Sethi, attended the premier as the chief guest with national executive member of BJYM, Arvind Dam ani and the founder and director of LA Creation and Enterprise, D. Ledia Awomi, gracing the event as the guests of honour. Arawali Aryan Devi Film Production and Ya dav’s Murti Films Cre ations collaborated on the film, which was released by Yashi Films Private Limited, which has ac quired the rights. It was produced by Rani Kumari Pandey and Martha Yadav. The movie was partially shot in Di mapur and a number of local artists are part of the movie.Speaking at the event, Yadav pledged to keep working for Nagaland and promoting local artists, adding that his journey would not have been pos sible without the help of many people, including his wife Martha Yadav and his parents. He also introduced the cast of his newest film, “Khiladiyon ka Khiladi,” to the crowd during the premiere. Along with Yadav, the film stars Prince Mishra in the lead, Hemant Birje, known for playing the lead role in 1985 Bollywood movie “Adventures of Tar zan”, and other popular faces like Priyanka Pandit, Kalpana, Munna Yadav, Megha Saxena etc. Also, it has Udit Narayan as one of the playback singers.
The union extends our best wishes in your service and may your success inspire the youths, through the generations to come.
With immense pride, I would like to congratulate Miss Vinika Kiho, D/o Mr. Kisheto Kiho and Mrs. Kavili Kiho of Phulesheto Village under Aghunato ADC Headquarter, for her outstanding achievement in clearing UPSC for the post of Public Prosecutor in the Department of Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). I wish the best for her future and pray that this will not be the end but a beginning of a new journey outshining in her career. This is a perfect example set by her for the youngsters that through hardwork everyone can excel in life. May our Almighty God bless her and let her be the blessing for all in general.
Consolation: Mount Hermon Higher Secondary School, Model Higher Secondary School and Fernwood School Guitar Ensemble 1st - Mezhur Higher Secondary School 2nd- Dainty Buds 3rd - Mount Hermon Higher Secondary School Consolation: Oking Christian School, Model Higher Secondary School and Chandmari Higher Secondary School. (Correspondent)
M adonna has be come the first female artist to earn Billboard 200 top 10 albums in each decade since the 1980s.The64-year-old star - who is often referred to as The Queen of Popachieved the milestone after her remix compila tion ‘Finally Enough Love’ debuted at number eight in the chart.Madonna registered her first top 10 on the Bill board 200 chart in October 1984 with her self-titled record, which went on to peak at number eight. The 80s also saw Ma donna achieve four other top 10s on the Billboard 200 with ‘Like a Virgin’, ‘True Blue’, the ‘Who’s That Girl’ soundtrack and ‘Like a ShePrayer’.amassed seven in the 1990s, including the likes of ‘The Immaculate Collection’ and ‘Some thing to Remember’, six in the 2000s, including ‘Confessions on a Dance Floor’, and four in the 2010s, ‘Sticky Sweet Tour’, ‘MDNA’, ‘Rebel Heart’ and ‘Madame X’. The other acts who have achieved the milestone of having Billboard 200 top 10 albums in each decade since the 1980s are AC/DC, Def Leppard, Sir Paul Mc Cartney, Metallica, Ozzy Osbourne, Robert Plant, Prince, Bruce Springsteen, and James EarlierTaylor.this month, Nicki Minaj’s ‘Super Freaky Girl’ became the first number one debut on the Billboard Hot 100 chart for a hip hop song by a solo female artist without accompaniment since 1998. The 39-year-old rap per became the first star since Lauryn Hill, with ‘Doo Wop (That Thing)’ 24 years ago, to achieve such success, and ‘Super Freaky Girl’ also gave Nicki her first Hot 100 number one as an unaccompanied artist. (Contactmusic)
Following are the winners of the various categories: Solo 1st - Arolü Phesao (The Vineyard) 2nd - Neivisienuo Zuyie (Northfield) 3rd - Khrieketho Chüzho (Oking Christian School)
Sd/- Sd/Tunavi G Assumi Vitokhe Chishi (President) (General Secretary)
A ll Nagaland Pri vate Schools As sociation (ANPSA) Kohima unit organized a Music Contest in collabo ration with Task Force for Music & Arts (TaFMA) at RCEMPA, Jotsoma Sat urday.Speaking as the guest, TaFMA advisor, Theja Meru, said hard work was the key to success and urged the students to work hard if they want to progress in their academic career. He exhorted the young students to give their best in whichever profession they of 16 schools participated in double quar tet, 8 schools took part in the guitar ensemble while 24 schools in solo compe tition.Earlier, welcome ad dress was delivered by ANPSA Kohima unit general secretary, Ke pelhouto Nakhro while unit president Zhopota Rhakho invoked God’s blessings. Vote of thanks
Cataracts People who have brown eyes are more likely to get
The Office of the Eastern Sumi Students' Union (ESSU) would like to honour and congratulate Miss Vinika Kiho, D/o Mr. Kisheto L Kiho and Mrs. Kavili Kiho of Phulesheto Village for successfully clearing the prestigious UPSC examination, for the post of Public Prosecutor in Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).
Pukhayi Sumi Advisor Food & Civil Supplies, LMCP and Taxes. Government of Nagaland.
Blue-eyed individuals are more likely to drink alcohol and to become addicted to it, according to results of a study published in 2015. Researchers think genetic linkages and other potential variables may play a role in propensity to drink alcohol and the potential for addiction.

Late Ekonthung Lotha (Humtsoe) (26/10/1978 – 24/08/2022) The Family members of Lt. Mr. Ekonthung Lotha would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to each and every individual, relatives, neighbors, colonies and well wishers who stood by us spiritually, materially, financially and physically at the sudden and unfortunate demise of our beloved father on 24/08/2022. We would like to express our sincere thanks to: 1. Dr. Ram Manohar Lahia Hospital, New Delhi 2. Nagaland Police, Delhi 3. 8th NAP Naltoqa, ‘E’ Coy, Delhi 4. All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi 5. North Eastern Assistance Team, New Delhi Police 6. S.P & Staff NAP Wokha DEF 7. Shri. Yilobemo Ezung, DSP, 8th NAP Zunheboto DEF 8. Commandant & Staff, 8th NAP, Zunheboto DEF 9. Shri. Nshumbemo Tsopoe and Shri. Bhanchamo Kikon 10. Samyan Baptist Church, Vungoju Wokha Town 11. Samyan Baptist Church, Youth and Woman Dept. 12. Rev. John Patton, Evangelist, LBCA, Vankhosung 13. Vungoju Colony Council and Youth 14. Dimapur, Wokha and Pongidong Ekhung 15. Pongidong Village Council 16. Kapongs family 17. Kapong Brother’s Club 18. Mhanka Yinga Pongidong We sincerely regret our inability to mention and thank every individual but we pray that your love and valuable sacrifices will be richly blessed by our Almighty God.
Ecclesiastes 7:1
DIMAPUR, AUG 30 (NPN): Nagaland Olympic and Para lympic Games 2022, women’s best athlete, Peiheiteile Es alung was accorded warm welcome in a reception-cumfelicitation programme orga nized by Tesenlui Council at Tesenlui Council Hall, Tesen village under Peren district. Peiheiteile was awarded the best women’s athlete at the recently held Nagaland Olym pic and Paralympic Games 2022 in Kohima. She won gold medal in 800m race (women), gold in 4X400m relay (mixed), bronze in 1500m (women) and bronze in 5000m (women) for PerenDuringdistrict.the programme, Peiheiteile expressed grati tude to Tesen Lui Council for organizing the programme and lauded the Peren District Athlete Association, team coach and management board members for the support and guidance throughout her suc cessful journey. She said that with the immense support and unceasing love from family members, village elders and friends, she overcame various obstacles. She further urged the gathering to continue to remember her through prayers even in the coming days. It may be recalled that Peiheiteile was the winner of All Zeme Olympic As sam, Manipur and Nagaland
Loving Husband and Children Born on 05.05.1983 Died on 26/08/2022
DIMAPUR, AUG 30 (NPN): Peren District Football Association (PDFA) will be organizing the first Peren District Football League 2022 from October 4 to 29. PDFA through its media cell informed that the last date for players and clubs’ registration under PDFA will be September 15, while the last date for submission of league registration has been fixed on SeptemberPDFA15.also informed that Peren District Football League pre-launch and release of anthem, logo and season ticket will take place on September 10. Open Futsal tourney
Durand Cup: Hyderabad FC qualify for QFs; FC Goa bow out
Amlan Borgohain CDAA fetes archers
Assam’s Amlan breaks 100m national record
MYK C MYK C NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 2022 SPORTS 11 dp-4083/22 Acknowledgement 2 Timothy 4:7 – I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. We, the bereaved family of Late Toqheli Swu wife of Vinito Swu would like to sincerely express our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to each & every individual, prayer groups, churches, educational institutions, friends, neighbors (Kohima Naga Bazar & Pughoboto Town) and well wishers who stood by us spiritually, physically, morally, materially and financially during brief illness of our beloved who passed away on 26th August 2022. We sincerely convey our special thanks to :1. NCRC Sumi, Kohima 2. Mishilimi Union Kohima 3. Aphuyemi Sumi Kuqhakulu Kohima 4. MTF Naga Bazar Sunday School Kohima 5. NCRC Sumi Pughoboto (General, Women & Youth Department) 6. NCRC Pughoboto Prayer Centre 7. Baptist Church Pughoboto 8. Police Church Pughoboto 9. Mishilimi Baptist Church 10. Mishilimi Yepaqa Baptist Church 11. Mishilimi Students' Union 12. Sumi Totimi Hoho, Pughoboto 13. Mother’s Group of 10 14. VDB Woman Pughoboto 15. Vuloluto Welfare, Pughoboto 16. BJP Mandal Pughoboto 13th A/C 17. Mr & Mrs Y Vikheho Swu MLA 18. Dr & Mrs Sukhato A Wotsa Rtd. Principal Director 19. ADC Pughoboto & Staff 20. APRO Pughoboto & Staff 21. Mr & Mrs Mathung Lotha DIPR, Kohima 22. Mr & Mrs Kekhriezo Pienyu, Manager NRB Head Office, Kohima 23. Mr & Mrs Sentilemba Walling Branch Manager NRB Pughoboto & Staff 24. Mr & Mrs Khriengulie Rio GB Naga Bazar, Kohima 25. Mr & Mrs. Abeiu Solo 26. Mr & Mrs Akra Solo 27. Mr & Mrs Neposwu Kezo 28. Mr & Mrs Khriekuo Solo We regret our inability to thank each & everyone personally but we pray that your kindness and generosity will be rewarded manifold by our Almighty God.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT -191/22Cw KOCHI, AUG 30 (AGEN CIES): Amlan Borgohain, who holds the 200m na tional record, has now add ed the 100m record to his name.According to Sport star, the 24-year-old from Assam clocked 10.25s (wind speed +1.8, legal) to break the six-year-old na tional record of Amiya Ku mar Mallick (10.26s) at the 87th all-India inter-Railway athletics championships in Rae Bareli, Uttar Pradesh on Monday.Borgohain’s previous best, 10.34s, came at the National Open in Warangal last year. However, it is not anywhere close to the entry standard (10.00s) for next year’s World Champion ships in Budapest. So, what are its chances of being ratified as a national record? “There is a process. If the process is followed it will be ratified. It is an ab solutely super performance by young Amlan,” Adille Sumariwalla, the president of the Athletics Federation of India and a sprinter who ran in the 1980 Moscow Olympics, told Sportstar. “I am sure due process will be followed and it will be ratified.”Meanwhile Stanley Jones, the chairman of AFI’s technical committee, said he would check all the reports before sending Borghain’s time for ratifica tion. “I’m waiting for all the reports, photo finish image, wind speed report, dope test report...everything. Let me get those reports and then put it up for ratification,” said Jones. According to Railway sources, there was dope-testing at the 400mtookandwhilewomen’smashreeMeanwhile,meet.HiRoywonthe100min11.42sR.Rajesh(46.73s)KiranPahal(53.91s)themen’sandwomen’stitles.
Loving Children, In-laws, Grand Children & Great -Grand Children
DIMAPUR, AUG 30 (NPN): Chümoukedima District Archery Association (CDAA) felicitated the archers who won the medal in the recently concluded Nagaland Olympic and Paralympic Games 2022. Thenuohelie Metha won two silver and Vetavolu Rhakho won a silver in Compound category. In Compound Team category, both Thenuohelie Metha and Vetavolu Rhakho secured bronze. Thu puvoyi Swuro won silver in Recurve category while the team consisting of Thupovoyi Swuro, Teisovi Lohe and Vedeta won bronze in the Recurve Team category.Four archers from the association are also se lected to represent the State for the 2nd North East Olympics Games 2022 to be held in Meghalaya. CDAA presented cash reward to the players. PDFA League from Oct 4
"A light from our household is gone, A voice we loved is stilled, A place is vacant in our hearts, which never can be filled."
Loving wife, children, parents, in-laws, sister and relatives
DIMAPUR, AUG 30 (NPN): The 1st Open Futsal Tournament organised by Western Sumi Sports Asso ciation in collaboration with Atoqa Tea Factory and YouthNet will be held on September 15 and 16, 2022 at Junkyard Turf, Padumpukhuri, behind Yamaha Showroom.Champion team will receive a cash prize of Rs. 1,00,000 and runner up Rs. 50,000 while the best goalkeeper will receive a cash award of Rs. 5,000. Further information can be contacted at 9383149460 or 8415813980
Sunil Chhetri celebrates with his teammates after scoring the first goal for Bengaluru FC. (Debasish Bhaduri)
Marathon in 2019 held at Jalukie. She had represented Nagaland in Northeast state level events at Manipur and Arunachal Pradesh in 2014, 2016 and 2017 and bagged two silver medals and one bronze medal. She was also a National Bronze medalist of Khelo India 2022. Penam, PS to advi sor, Water Resources De partment, Namri Nchang, president Tesen Students’ Union, Woman Organiza tion Tesen, Village Council Old Tesen, Village Council New Tesen, Village Council Mbaulwa, Village Coun cil Heiranglwa, Tesen Lui Council Jalukie Valley and District Sports Council, Peren also spoke on the oc casion.The programme was chaired by Tesen Lui Coun cil chairman, Hingbam Put lang, who also delivered the welcome address. Vote of thanks was delivered by pastor, New Tesen Baptist Church, Heikwetgong Put lang.
The family of Late Mrs. Suwaienla Jamir (Longmisa) express our deepest gratitude and appreciation to all the individuals, neighbors, friends, various unions, churches and well wishers, for the sympathy and the kind gestures poured to us during the brief illness, and the sad demise of our beloved mother and accompanied till her final journey to Longmisa village,WeMokokchung.haveindeedlost someone who will remain an epitome of nobility for the rest of our lives. Her legacy will be cherished and will forever hold dear to our hearts. We have nothing to give in return but it's our prayers that our Almighty God bless you all abundantly. "A good Name is better than precious Ointment, and the day of death than the day of Birth."
dp-4070/22 Born : 03.06.1929 Died : 09.08.2022
AUGKOLKATA/IMPHAL,30(PTI): Reigning Indian Super League (ISL) champions Hyderabad FC qualified for the quarterfinals of the Durand Cup football tournament, blow ing away Neroca FC 3-0 at the Orange Brigade’s home turf in Imphal on Tuesday. In what was another highly impressive and pro fessional display by the side from Hyderabad in Group C, the Manolo Mar quez managed team now has three wins from three games.Their top striker Bar tholomew Ogbeche (17th and 82nd minute) scored his second brace of the tournament at the Khuman Lampak Stadium to climb on top of the scorer’s chart with four goals now against his name.Australian Joel Chi anese gave Hyderabad the lead in the third minute. In Kolkata, FC Goa bowed out of the tourna ment on a high after their young side held a Sunil Chhetri-led Bengaluru FC to an entertaining 2-2 draw in a Group A match. The defending cham pions Goan side came from behind in the second half to share the spoils with Phrangki Buam (53rd min ute) and Lesly Rebello (64th) scoring to cancel out first half goals from Sunil Chhetri (24th) and N Siva SakthiThe(26th).Blues dominated the game from the start and had the majority of the possession in the first half. They did not give the Gaurs any chance to settle down in the game.Thefirst goal came in the 24th minute from a freekick, after Rohit Kumar was fouled just outside the box. Chhetri curled one de lightfully into the top right corner to give Bengaluru FC a deserving lead. It was the talisman’s third goal of the tournament.Bengaluru continued to dominate the proceed ings with Bruno Ramires in thick of things, providing accurate passes to wingers Udanta Singh and Namg yal Bhutia. The pair were always willing to run into the open spaces left by the GoanOnedefence.such ball from Bruno found Udanta who headed it across the six-yard box for Siva Sakthi to score his second of the tourna ment and double BFC’s lead. BFC began the second half brightly but FC Goa showed more vigour and hunger to come back in the game. The Goans started to press higher up the pitch, creating more chances. The BFC midfield and defence came under pressure and conceded the first goal from a blunder.Aweak header to the keeper by Rohit Kumar was poached by Buam, who rounded off goalie Amrit Gope to finish with con summate ease. Goa continued to at tack and the second goal came in the 63rd minute from a darting run by Vasim Inamdar, who pushed the ball ahead for captain Les ley Rebello to send the ball in between the keeper’s legs. The Gaurs ended their Durand Cup campaign with four points while Bengaluru have seven points from three games.Bengaluru will play Mohammedan Sporting on September 2 to decide Group A winners.
Best Nagaland women athlete 2022 feted
Peiheiteile Esalung, with the officials of District Sports Council Peren, Tesenlui Council and others at the reception-cum-felicitation programme.

US OPEN: Tsitsipas stunned by Galan; Medvedev wins first match Serena overcomes Kovinic’s challenge; Halep bows out Serena Williams Daniil MedvedevDaniel
to make debut in FIFA U-17 Women’s WC in India
Japan Open 2022: HS Prannoy advances to pre-quarterfinals technology
“Weofficials.aredelighted that the FIFA U-17 Women’s World Cup is returning after a four-year hiatus caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. We are really looking forward to this important competition in India taking place in Octo ber,” said the chairman of the FIFA’s Referees Com mittee Pierluigi Collina. “For the match offi cials, of course, it’s another big stage in the preparation of the potential candidates for the FIFA Women’s World Cup Australia & New Zealand 2023.”
Israel G. Xuivi speaking at the felicitation progarmme at Dimapur Airport on Tuesday.
NEW DELHI, AUG 30 (PTI): The upcoming Un der-17 Women’s World Cup in India will see the Video Assistant Referee (VAR) technology making its debut in the age-group showpiece, world football governing body FIFA an nounced on Tuesday. The prestigious tour nament, which was given the go-ahead by FIFA after lifting the 11-day-long sus pension on All India Foot ball Federation (AIFF), will be held in Bhubaneswar (Kalinga Stadium), Margao (JLN Stadium) and Navi Mumbai (DY Patil Sta dium) from October 11-30.
OSAKA (JAPAN), AUG 30 (IANS): Ace Indian shuttler HS Prannoy ad vanced to the men’s singles round of 16 at the Japan Open 2022 badminton tour nament, here on Tuesday. Prannoy, the world No 18, was leading 11-10 in the first game against Hong Kong’s Ng Ka Long Angus when the latter retired from the tie due to an apparent injury.The Ng Ka Long An gus withdrawal means that Prannoy will get the mustneeded rest for his next round encounter which will be against the 2021 world champion Loh Kean Yew of Singapore.TheIndian, who reached the quarter-finals at the world champion ships last week after beating Kento Momota and Lak shya Sen along the way, will fancy his chances against Loh Kean Yew. In the women’s dou bles, the pair of Ashwini Bhat and Shikha Gautam were knocked out after they lost 15-21, 9-21 to South Koreans Baek Ha Na and Lee YuMeanwhile,Lim.
Taekwon-do Hall of Famer, Israel feted Man Utd sign Antony from Ajax LONDON, AUG 30 (IANS): Manchester United have reached an agreement with Ajax for the transfer of Brazilian winger Antony, the club said in a statement on Tuesday. The transfer is set to go through ahead of Thursday’s transfer dead line, subject to medical, per sonal terms being finalised and international clearance. Antony’s omission from the Ajax squad last weekend came after he pub licly pleaded with Ajax to sell him to AntonyUnited.will become United’s fifth signing under Erik ten Hag, whose side have won their past two Premier League games after losing their opening two matches. Lisandro Martinez will present Antony with a familiar face in the squad, having also joined from Ajax -- Ten Hag’s former club -- while Tyrell Malacia arrived from Feyenoord. Former Ajax, Totten ham and Inter playmaker Christian Eriksen arrived on a free transfer after leaving Brentford, and United last week signed Casemiro from Real Madrid.
Odisha presents Rs 2.12 cr sportspersonsto
“This event will be another great opportunity to showcase the skills of the appointed VARs and con tinue the development of our female VARs as part of the Road to Australia/New Zealand 2023 project,” she said in a FIFA statement. The VAR technology supports the decision-mak ing process of the referee in four game-changing situa tions: goals and offences leading up to a goal, pen alty decisions and offences leading up to a penalty, direct red card incidents, and mistaken Throughoutidentity.amatch, the VAR team constantly checks for clear and obvi ous errors related to these four match-changing situa tions. The VAR team com municates with the referee only for clear and obvious mistakes or serious missed incidents.The U-17 Women’s World Cup in India will be the third FIFA women’s tournament to utilise VAR following the U-20 Wom en’s World Cup Costa Rica 2022 and the FIFA Wom en’s World Cup France 2019.This will be the sec ond time the VAR technol ogy will be used in India, the first one being from the quarterfinal stage of the AFC Women’s Asian Cup the country hosted in January-February this year. The FIFA Referees Committee also announced match officials for the tour nament comprising 14 women referees, 28 women assistant referees, three sup port referees and 16 video match
Printed, Published and Edited by Geoffrey Yaden at G.M. Printers, Circular Rd. Dimapur-797112. Ph: Desk 248489, Adm.& Advertisement :248267, 8798162009, R.N. 40978/90 RN/NE 707 MYK C MYK C SPORTS12 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 2022
Galan, meanwhile, faces Australian Jordan Thomp son next after securing the biggest win of his career on his main-draw debut at Flushing Meadows in New York.Although Tsitsipas claimed a must-win third set to keep his hopes alive, Galan was able to recover from a break down in the fourth and won four of the final five games to seal a memorable 6-0 6-1 3-6 7-5 victory.
Andy Murray beat Argen tine 24th seed Francisco Cerundolo 7-5 6-3 6-3. Another seed to fall was American 10th seed Taylor Fritz, who lost to compatriot Brandon Holt - the son of two-time US Open champion Tracy Austin - 6-7 (3-7) 7-6 (71) 6-3 6-4. Spanish 16th seed Roberto Bautista Agut also suffered an early exit against American JJ Wolf, losing 6-4 6-4 Meanwhile,6-4.
ASIA CUP: Afghanistan beat B’desh by 7 wkts
SHARJAH, AUG 30 (PTI): A fine performance from the spinners and an impactful cameo from Na jibullah Zadran helped Afghanistan record a sev en-wicket win over Bangla desh in the Asia Cup here on Tuesday.Afghanistan’s star spinners Mujeeb Ur Rah man (3/16) and Rashid Khan (3/22) ran through a reckless Bangladesh bat ting line-up to restrict the opposition to Bangladesh127.stifled Af ghanistan in the run chase before Najibullah’s bel ligerent 43 not out off 17 balls, comprising six sixes, got his team over the line in 18.3 Ibrahimovers. Zadran also contributed with 42 off 41 balls as he shared an un beaten 69-run stand off 36 balls with Najibullah. With their second win in as many games, Af ghanistan also became the first team to qualify for the SuperLike4s. Bangladesh, Af ghanistan too found it hard to push the scoring rate. Skipper Shakib Al Hasan opened the bowl ing for Bangladesh and returned with impressive figures of 1 for 13 in four overs. The other bowlers too were accurate with Af ghanistan batters not able to put them away. After the fall of open ers Hazratullah Zazai (23) and Rahmanullah Gurbaz (11), Afghanistan found themselves needing 80 off the last 10 overs. With the batters strug gling to find the big hits, it seemed the game would go down to the wire. Howev er, a barrage of sixes from Najibullah quickly change the course of the game. It was only fitting that the left-hander finished the game with a
“The FIFA U-17 Women’s World Cup will give us important and significant insights into the qualities of the match officials who have been appointed. We are very happy that, also for the first time, VAR technology will be used at a FIFA U-17 Women’s World Cup,” said FIFA’s Head of Women Refereeing Kari Seitz.
NEW YORK, AUG 30 (AGENCIES): Fourth seed Stefanos Tsitsipas was stunned by Daniel Galan in the US Open first round, as Daniil Medvedev made a winning start to his title defence.Tsitispas was one of five players who could have ended the year’s final Grand Slam as the top-ranked men’sButplayer.theGreek, 24, was unable to win any of the first 11 games as he lost in four sets to world number 94 Galan, who prevailed with a ninth match point. Russian world number one Medvedev beat Ameri can Stefan Kozlov 6-2 6-4 6-0. Medvedev, 26, claimed his first Grand Slam title in New York last year by beat ing Novak Djokovic, who was not allowed to travel to the United States because he is not vaccinated against Covid-19.Hewill play French man Arthur Rinderknech in the second round follow ing his comfortable win on Arthur Ashe ColombianStadium.qualifier
Staff Reporter DIMAPUR, AUG 30 (NPN): Grand Master Is rael G. Xuivi, founder of Naga Kiti-do and an In ternational Taekwon-do player, who was recently inducted into Taekwon-do Hall of Fame, was accorded a warm welcome by various organizations on his ar rival at Dimapur Airport on Tuesday.Israel Xuivi was for mally inducted in the Tae kwon-do Hall of Fame at the historic ceremony held at the Hyatt Regency at 2 Exchange Palace, Jersey City, New Jersey, USA on AugustHe19.was inducted for his outstanding achieve ments and tagged him as “Pioneer Taekwon-do In structor”.Speaking at the felicita tion programme organized by the Western Sumi Sports Association (WSSA), Is rael thanked God for every thing and said that he was humbled by the reception accorded to him by various organizations.Hesaidthat he started this sport out of his passion and interest and it soon became “his identity, his community, state and the country”.Stating that his journey will not be complete with out the countless support of the people, he dedicated his achievement to the people of the Nagaland and hoped that it will inspire the young er generation in the days to come. He also thanked the police department especial ly the DGP for the support. Various organiza tions such as Sumi Hoho, Western Sumi Hoho, Sumi Gazetted Officers’ Union, Central Nagaland Tribes Council, etc felicitated the Grand Master.
NEW YORK, AUG 30 (IANS): American ten nis star Serena Williams, four weeks shy of her 41st birthday and playing in her last career event, overcame Danka Kovinic of Monte negro 6-3, 6-3 to secure a place in the second round of the US Open on Tues day (IST).Serena will play No.2 seed Anett Kontaveit of Estonia on Wednesday. The winner of 23 sin gles titles at majors, Serena has now won 107 matches in New York, and 102 of them have come in Arthur Ashe Stadium, according to wtatennis.comMeanwhile,in the first major upset at this year’s US Open, qualifier Daria Snigur of Ukraine over came Romania’s Simona Halep in three sets to reach the second round. The 20-year-old Snigur, playing only her third WTA-level match and first at a major, upset the Romanian 6-2, 0-6, 6-4. “I’m very happy,” she said. “I’m very, very, very nervous,” she added. “But I tried to do my best.”
The spinners had a clear plan to target the stumps and Bangladesh batters chose to play crossbatted strokes against them, leading to their downfall.Mujeeb broke the backbone of Bangladesh batting by striking thrice in the powerplay. He used the slider effectively to get through left-handed Mohammad Naim’s (6) stumps before Anamul
It leaves Spaniard Ra fael Nadal, who is seek ing a 23rd major title, his compatriot Carlos Alcaraz, and Norway’s Casper Ruud - who beat Britain’s Kyle Edmund in his opener - as the three players who can threaten Medvedev’s posi tion as world number one this fortnight.Medvedev was banned from competing at Wim bledon this summer be cause of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, although he remained the top-ranked men’s player after the grasscourt Grand Slam was stripped of its rank ing points because of that decision.Returning to action at a major - although not permitted to compete under the Russian flag - Medvedev secured victory in emphatic fashion as he closed out the match by winning eight suc cessiveElsewheregames. in the men’s draw, Britain’s 2012 winner
BRIEF SCORES: Af ghanistan 131/3 in 18.3 overs (Najibullah Zadran 43 not out, Ibrahim Zardan 42 not out; Shakib Al Hasan 1/13 and Mosad dek Hossain 1/12) beat Bangladesh 127/7 in 20 overs (Mosaddek Hossain 48 not out, Mahmudullah 25; Mujeeb Ur Rahman 3/16 and Rashid Khan 3/22) by 7 wickets.
Afghanistan’s Rashid Khan, second right, and teammates appeal successfully LBW out of Bangladesh’s Mushfiqur Rahim, Tuesday. (AP/PTI)
Common wealth Games champion Lakshya Sen will begin his Japan Open 2022 cam paign against Kenta Nishi moto on Wednesday. The likes of Kidambi Srikanth and Saina Nehwal also begin their campaigns on Wednesday, as do the pairs of MR Arjun/Dhruv Kap ila and Treesa Jolly/Gayatri Gopichand.However, two-time Olympic medallist and for mer world champion PV Sindhu is still recovering from a stress fracture on her ankle sustained during the Commonwealth Games and will miss the tourna ment.
Italy’s 2021 Wimbledon finalist Matteo Berrettini recorded a comfortable 6-2 6-3 6-3 win over Chile’s Nicolas Jarry, while Canadian sixth seed Felix Auger-Aliassime beat Switzerland’s Alexan der Ritschard 6-3 6-4 3-6 6-3. This year’s Wimbledon runner-up Nick Kyrgios also advanced, beating his fellow Australian - and doubles partner and best friend - Thanasi Kokkinakis 6-3 6-4 7-6 Austria’s(7-4).2020 winner Dominic Thiem lost 7-5 6-1 5-7 6-3 to Spain’s Pablo Car reno Busta as he continues to search for his best form after a lengthy lay-off with a wristStaninjury.Wawrinka, the 2016 winner, retired injured after losing the two opening sets of his first-round match 6-4 7-6 (9-7) to France’s Corentin Moutet. Wu Yibing became the first Chinese man to win a singles match at a Grand Slam in 63 years - since Fu Chi Mei at Wimbledon in 1959 - with his 6-3 6-4 6-0 victory over Georgia’s world number 35 Nikoloz Basilashvili.Wu,ranked 174 and who came through qualify ing, is also the first Chinese man to win a US Open singles match since Guy Cheng in 1935. The Netherlands’ Tim van Rijthoven saved seven match points in the third set against China’s Zhang Zhizhen before sealing an improbable comeback vic tory, winning 3-6 6-7 (4-7) 7-6 (11-9) 6-1 Sebastian6-4.Korda - son of former world number two Petr Korda and and brother of golf stars Jessica and Nelly - beat Argentine qualifier Facundo Bagnis 5-7 7-6 (7-3) 7-5 6-1.
BHUBANESWAR, AUG 30 (IANS): On the occa sion of National Sports Day, Odisha government on Monday felicitated 291 sportspersons with cash awards of Rs 2.12 crore for their spectacular per formance in national and international events. CWG 2022 medal win ners in hockey Amit Rohi das received a cash award of Rs 75 lakh for winning silver while Deep Grace Ekka received Rs 50 lakh for Bronze. Dutee Chand and Srabani Nanda for par ticipation in CWG 2022, Padmini Rout for participa tion in FIDE Chess Olym piad, Dinesh Kumar for participation in CWG 2022 received Rs 7.5 lakh each. Similarly, chess player Saina Salonika received Rs 1.5 lakh, football player Tankadhar Bag received Rs 2 lakh, blind chess player Soundarya Pradhan re ceived Rs 2 lakh, wheelchair fencers, V. Ramesh Rao, Rakhal Sethy received Rs 2 lakh and Malati Panure received Rs 3 lakhs.
Haque (5) went for the slog sweep only to be trapped in front of the Mujeeb’sstumps.third scalp was of opposition skipper Shakib Al Hasan (11) who played a poor shot to see his stumps