DMC workers during the protest on Monday. (NP) persons, DMCEWU presi dent, T Revo Anar, informed that the protest was staged as DMC employers have not been paid salary since July. He claimed some of the employees along with their dependent family members were leading to starvation.
of nationalism to defend the sovereignty of the nation” in which all were equal stakeholders. The hoho fur ther maintained that NNC/ FGN under the leadership of NNC president Thinose lie Keyho and FGN kedahge Vekronü Dozo had nothing to do with the ongoing “ma nipulated” solution talks.
ency committees and district committee to select their own candidates for their respectiveTherieconstituencies.alsoappealed to all “erstwhile” Congress men and women and wellwishers to join the party to fight against anti-Christian,“anti-Christ,anti-Muslim and anti-women” forces and also to remove roadblocks for implementation of a solution to the Naga political issue.
The tatar hoho also declared that the “doors and windows” were open as ever for “each and every Naga to live and work for the nation in the mainstream
DIMAPUR, SEP 12 (NPN): After Sovima Vil lage Council, Darogapathar Village Council (DVC) has expressed displeasure over putting up of posters and banners at the private resi dent of the village’s senior citizen on September 8, 2022, by an organisation without any prior informa tion or knowledge of the village council. Nagaland Post MYK C MYK C Vol XXXII No. 279 DIMAPUR, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2022 Pages 12 ` 5.00 King Charles III makes first address to UK Parl INTERNATIONAL, PAGE 9 Alcaraz clinches US Open title SPORTS, PAGE 12 (Cont’d on p-8) FOLLOW US ON @Nagaland_Postnagalandpostofficial

DIMAPUR, SEP 12 (NPN): Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee (NPCC) de clared on Monday that it was open to an alliance with like-minded secular political parties for the upcoming As sembly election scheduled early next Addressingyear. the me dia here at Hotel Saramati, NPCC president K Therie called upon all secular par ties in the State to form a non-BJP alliance. He said Congress would fully follow the democratic principles of decentralisation of pow ers whereby NPCC would authorise Assembly constitu
DIMAPUR, SEP 12 (NPN): NNC/FGN said that the Naga cause, “which was started and raised by the NNC have to be settled by the NNC and the govern ment of ThisIndia.”wasamong sev eral resolutions made during the emergency session of the Tatar Hoho of FGN held at Kohima on September 9, FGN killo kilonser Zaleo stated in a press note. It said that the issue “can never be concluded by any other organisation or fo rum which has no mandate of our people and lack the moral and legal authority.”
Staff Reporter
He cited the recent dev astating floods in Assam as an instance of change in rainfallClimateactivities.change is mak ing the weather system more unpredictable and severe, Mukhi stated.
NEW DELHI, SEP 12 (ANI): Parliamentary stand ing committee on Health and Family Welfare has strongly recommended to the government to reckon its diplomacy to appeal to the comity of nations to con duct studies to identify the origin of Covid-19 as it can have colossal consequences regarding Bio-safety and Bio-security of the world.
NEW DELHI, SEP 12 (NPN): Confirming the report in Nagaland Post the previous day, Union Home minister Amit Shah, has put the ball back in the court of the state legislators over the latter’s plea for securing early solution to the Naga political issue.
In an effort to com plement the efforts of the CCoNPI to impress upon NSCN (I-M) to accept the government of India’s of fers, the Home ministry has also roped in Assam chief minister and NEDA conve nor Himanta Biswa Sarma to assist the Besidesstate.chief minister Neiphiu Rio, the CCoNPI delegation included Unit ed Democratic Alliance (UDA) chairman T.R. Ze liang, UDA co-chairman Kuzholuzo (Azo) Nienu, ministers- G Kaito Aye (NDPP), Neiba Kronu (NDPP), S Pangnyu Phom (BJP), Tongpang Ozukum (Ind), advisers-- H Khehovi Yeptho (BJP) and Phukhayi (NDPP ) and NPF legislator Khriehu Liezietsu.
lack of concrete evidence on whether the coronavirus reached humans via a labora tory incident. Nevertheless, the Committee understands that if the origin of corona virus is allowed to remain a mystery, it will have co lossal consequences over Bio-safety and Bio-security of the world. The Commit tee, therefore, strongly rec ommends the Government to reckon its diplomacy to appeal to the comity of na tions to conduct more stud ies to identify the origin of Covid-19 and penalize the culprits at the International platform.”
Congress open to alliance with like-minded secular parties: Therie
The July 16 resolution came after various political parties and CSOs in Naga land accused the erstwhile PDA and the UDA of act ing as stumbling block to solution by maintaining that talks were still ongoing despite declaration made by then Interlocutor R.N. Ravi that all talks concluded on October 31,2019. Ravi had even mentioned this in his address to the 13th NLA on February 12,2021.

Speakingsaid. at a seminar here, Mukhi said climate change and its outcome global warming can deal a deadly blow to the earth.
ANJEA calls off phase-I protest
Speaking to the media
changes in season patterns.
The governor said global warming is causing
(Full text on p-6)
DIMAPUR, SEP 12 (NPN): Dimapur Municipal Council (DMC) workers under the banner of DMC Employers Welfare Union (DMCEWU) on Monday staged protest at DMC office premises against non-payment of salary. The workers, holding placards, some of which read “No pay! No work”, “Feed us to feed you better service”, “No pay, No to public ser vices” etc., later submitted a memorandum to DMC administrator Alber Ezung.
The CCoNPI also handed over the July 16 resolution to Amit Shah, nearly two months after it was adopted at Kohima. A copy of the resolution was earlier submitted to the Centre’s Representative A.K. Mishra at Nagaland House last Thursday. The CCoNPI delegation also submitted earlier resolutions to the Home Talkingminster.toNagaland Post over phone, CCoNPI member secretary and minis ter for Planning & Coordina tion, Land Revenue & Par liamentary Affairs, Neiba Kronu said the delegation was making the final push to secure early solution ahead of the scheduled assembly election in 2023. He also reiterated that the legislators are prepared to pave way once solution was arrived at.
Cong to contest 40 seats
Mystery over Covid origin can have colossal consequences: Parl panel
Ao Senden has served an ultimatum on the National Highways and wouldandtakecompelwithtionedsecretarybawatiAoCL,generalableMokokchungmaketoDevelopmentInfrastructure(NHIDCL)immediatelyrestoreandNH702(D)Mariani-roadmotorbySeptember20.Inanultimatumtothemanager(P)NHIDPMU-Mokokchung,theSendenpresidentChuLongcharandgeneralImtipokyimcauthatfailingtocomplyitsultimatum,wouldtheAoSendentoitsowncourseofactiontheconcernedauthoritybeheldresponsible.
provision of the ‘Yehzabo’ which militates against the unity and integrity of the country will be considered for incorporation.”Asforthedemand for a separate flag, the Union gov ernment has conceded that such a Naga flag can be used in social and cultural func tions, but not in government offices or functions. The official said the government maintained that no flag in the country can be above, or replace, the tricolour and had made this clear to NSCN(I-M) representatives.
The committee made this recommendation in its 137th report on “Vaccine Development, Distribution Management and Mitigation of Pandemic Covid-19.” The report said, “There is still

DMC staff protest non-payment of salary
Ao Senden serves ultimatum on NHIDCL

ANJEA president Er. L. Hekuto and Joint Secre tary Er. Solo Rengma stated that at a meeting convened by secretary works & hous ing on September 12, the stagnation issues and prob lems of the junior engineers with regard to the Nagaland Engineering Service Rules (NESR) was thoroughly deliberated and discussed.
ANJEA said the govern ment assured to address the issue on priority after a con sultative meeting with all the stakeholders and HoDs from NPWD, Power and PHED.
Naga cause should be settled by NNC and GoI, says NNC/FGN
ahead of the next edition of the polls due early next year.
Solution has been de layed despite all official ne gotiations being concluded on October 31, 2019 as announced by then Inter locutor R.N. Ravi, as both the government of India and NSCN (I-M) remained deadlocked over the lat ter’s interpretation that the Framework Agreement (FA) signed on August 3,2015 included Naga flag and constitution.Thegovernment of In dia, especially Union Home minister Amit Shah has said these could be incorporated where flag could be used for cultural purposes and solu tion named as ‘Yehzabo’ (NagaTheconstitution).government of India has maintained that the Indian constitution does not have any provision for a state having a separate flag or constitution. The govern ment of India has said if the demand was acceded, then it would result in states of other groups making similar demands.Onthe other hand, a senior Home ministry of ficial reportedly told Swara jya, a magazine, that no
The CCoNPI also re minded Shah of BJP’s ‘Elec tion for Solution’ slogan in the 2018 state election and urged him to work for a conclusion to the Naga issue
It explained that man date meant the will and support of all Nagas who upheld Naga sovereignty by rejecting any other al ternative solution within the framework of Indian constitution.
Failure to terminate all those appointments, the two asso ciations threatened to take necessary action.
In a press release, DVC chairman K Ado Bizo and secretary II Jamir stated that Darogapathar village, established and recognized as a village since 1811, is governed by a lawful author ity of the Village Council, under the Nagaland Village
back in its court, CCoNPI is likely to hold another meeting with NSCN (I-M) to urge upon it to accept Centre’s suggestions for resolving the deadlock.
Following the assurance from the state government to address their grievances, All Nagaland Junior Engineers’ Association (ANJEA)-comprising of NPWD, PHE and Power departments-- has temporarily called off its protest. ANJEA had decided to launch phase-I protest by wearing black badges for six days starting September 12.

ing of climate change and rational approaches to re solve“Theit. country’s ap proach to combat climate change has been through adaptation and mitigation. Right from reducing the country’s carbon emissions to increasing India’s reliance on renewable energy, India has been working to deal with the threats precipitat ing from climate change,” he said.The governor added that the state government’s policy on solar power and its investment in this sector are testimonies of the com mitment towards the fight against climate change.
This is it! “This is ridiculous. I know prices have come up but the quantity is going down.”
(PTI): Assam and Nagaland Governor Jagdish Mukhi on Monday maintained that man-made factors were partly responsible for cli mate change and serious corrective steps need to be initiated.Healso underlined that the threat of climate change could present an existential challenge to environment and human kind, an official release
(C) Therie addressing the media with senior Congress functionaires. (NP)
Spl. Correspondent
He termed the NDPPBJP seat sharing announce ment six months prior to the Assembly election as an attempt to make people forget the demand for imple
Corrective steps needed for climate change: Gov DVC displeased at putting up posters, banners
The governor stressed that a part of the climate change problem is manmade, with use of fossil fuels a major contributor to the phenomenon.Heasserted that India has been a supporter of science-based understand
mentation of the political solution that had been put in “coldCitingstorage”.media reports that the July 16 resolution was yet to be submitted to the Centre, Therie de manded to know why the Core Committee on Naga Political Issue (CCoNPI) had failed to submit the resolution till date, and ac cused the State government of betraying the Nagas by giving false statement.
He alleged that CCo NPI wanted to suppress the resolution and go ahead with the Assembly election, which led to an agreement between BJP and NDPP on seat sharing in haste.
Meanwhile, NPCC president said the party would be fielding around 40 candidates for the 2023 polls. He, however, refused to comment when asked whether NPCC would field candidates from areas fall ing under Eastern Naga land People’s Organisation (ENPO).Hefurther stated that it was a painful to see EN PO’s demand for separate State by dividing Nagaland and questioned why chief minister Neiphiu Rio was silent on the issue for the past 11 years.

Governor Mukhi addressing the seminar in Guwahati. (Twitter)

Submits memo & serves ultimatum10-dayonDMC on p-8)
At the meeting with the Core Committee on Naga Political Issue (CCoNPI), Amit Shah, has repeated his advise to the Nagaland delegation to impress upon the NSCN (I-M) on signing the final ShahinYandchiefcalCommitteethe11-memberministerconveyedThisagreement.wasthemessagebyunionhomeAmitShahtoadelegationofUDAgovernment’sCoreonNagaPolitiIssue(CCoNPI)ledbyministerNeiphiuRiodeputychiefministerPatton,duringameetingDelhionMonday.Afterhasplacedtheball
The hoho also passed crucial Bills to further strengthen the nation, Za leo added.Hesaid the hoho main tained that it was up to the negotiating parties and Gov ernment of India to arrive at any solution that suited their convenience, while as serting that this would in no way have any bearing on the “independence of Nagaland and the freedom of Nagas”.
cerned organization for the “unethical activity” per formed at the private resi dence of the senior citizen. The village council stated that it was not against the thoughts or principals of any organization voicing out for the cause of the Naga society and preferred the stand of neutrality. It further advised the organization, society or group to approach the vil lage council prior to per forming any activity hence forth.DVC has entrusted the Darogapathar youth organ isation to oversee and man age such activities within the village jurisdiction in future.
Anar explained that DMC was being managed by the government through its deputed administrative offi cer since 2010. Due to which, he said that the Central fund allocation earmarked for municipal body has not been paid. From the receipt de rived from urban utility fee,
No early Naga solution likely
CEAN, CTAN serve ultimatum on govt
Staff Reporter
DIMAPUR, SEP 12 (NPN): Civil Engineers’ Association of Nagaland (CEAN) and Combined Technical Association of Nagaland (CTAN) have jointly served a 10-day ulti matum on the state govern ment to unconditionally terminate all appointments that were made “without open advertisement (back door Inappointment)”.arepresentation to commissioner & secretary (W&H), the associations stated that they agreed in principle to call off the sit-in protest (temporarily) after the department on Decem ber 17, 2019 assured to re solves the issue within three months. However, they said that despite several remind ers, the assurance has not been implemented till date.
house rent, trade licence fee and negligible amount from sanitary tax, the union said DMC has, however, been maintaining the establish ment expenses having huge burden of salary of its 429 staff besides development of civic Sincebody. the government banned DMC from collec tion of urban utility fee, the financial condition has been severely affected. The union said it had approached the responsible authority to allow collection of Utility Tax, but has not received any positive response.
CCoNPI delegation during the meeting with Amit Shah and other Home ministry officials.
In the memorandum, the union served a 10-day ul timatum on DMC to redress its grievances, failing which the union would be com pelled to launch “no work” protest till salary was paid.
& Area Council Act, 1978. DVC said the Act empowers the council to oversee social, legal and administrative activities within the jurisdiction of DarogapatharDescribingvillage. Da rogapathar village as “a metropolitan village”, DVC said the village comprises of all Naga tribes and more and also the resident of many prominent leaders, both political and bureau cratic.As such, DVC has reiterated to uphold the principal of neutrality and unbiases within the village. DVC sough to convey its displeasure to the con
Later, an interactive session was held where students asked questions including how it felt to be a police personnel, how they arrested criminals, how they trained their dogs and how to become a police officer.The police officers took turns to respond to all the queries. It may be mentioned that the visiting students included children with disabilities and young students.
MYK C MYK C STATE2 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2022 RemembeRingyouonyour 1st Death anniveRsaRy Lt. nenya(13.09.2021)Liezietsu Psalm 147:3 “He heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds”. The pain of losing you is immeasurable and still fresh in our hearts. We know the biggest star in the sky that is shining the most is you. We hope you are living well in the world of the Creator. We will always cherish your immense love and the light you brought into our lives. Your Loving Husband, Children, Family Members and Relatives K-2073/22 dp-4294/22 dp-4288/22 dp-4293/22 Died on 13.09.2021 "The sands of time will never wash away the love that we have for you. Your sweet memories will remain forever in our hearts." Loving Family Members 1st Death a nniversary of Late NUNGSASHIBA LONGCHAR mKC-335/22 Born : Oct 1930 – Died : 13.09.2021 Surely he will never be shaken; the righteous will be in everlasting remembrance. Psalm 112:6 Dearest Father, you left this world on this day one year ago, and although it makes us feel extremely alone, we remember your patience, tolerance, honesty and love and they continue to reverberate within us as though you were here, and our hearts will hold you forever. Loving Wife, Son, Daughters & Grand Children

DIMAPUR: Niki-led NSCN (K) has discharged S. Nihokhu Awomi, kilonser, PR&NGOs, NSCN/GPRN from active “national service” with immediate effect. The group through its MIP said a discharge notification issued from the office of the ato kilonser stated that his service rendered for the cause of the “nation” would be recorded in the annals of Naga history.

NBCC team attends 10th Asia Pacific Baptist fellowship
Various units under the director general of po lice (DGP) Nagaland, in cluding District Executive Force (DEF), Nagaland Armed Police (NAP), Indi an Reserve Battalion (IRB), traffic police, tourist police, Dog Squad and guard of honour made special pre sentations for the students.
DIMAPUR: Nagaland Baptist Churches Council (NBCC) delegates attended the Asia Pacific Baptist Federation (APBF) confer ence, held at Seoul, South Korea from September 5–7.

Transport vehiclesinformsdepttonforPwDs
Kohima DPDB meeting on Sep 15: Dep uty commissioner and vice chairman, DPDB Kohima, Shanavas C has informed members of the District Planning & Development Board Ko hima that the monthly meeting will be held on September 15, 10 am, in the conference hall of the DPDB Kohima. In this regard, all the members have been requested to attend the said meeting.
She said although it was important to learn aca
demic syllabi in school, it was also equally important to learn in real time.
Students of Fazl Ali College (FAC), People’s College, Jubilee Memorial College, NCC, NYK and bikers from Royal Enfield Mokokchung (REM) & DEF personnel participating at the launching campaign of “Nasha Mukt Bharat” in Mokokchung district on September 11. The walkathon and bike rally was organised by Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyan committee and district administration Mokokchung. (DIPR)

Niki-led NSCN (K) discharges kilonser
IEC prog on waste management in Wokha
regard, she appealed to the gathering to maintain a useful waste bin, containers or a bin to deposit such waste so that it can be converted into rich organic compost.

According to a DIPR report, the resource person said proper segregation and disposal of dry and wet garbage paved a way for concepts of waste man agement such as composting, recycling and incineration. She said it was impor tant to segregate waste so that it could be treated scientifically at the source. In this
NBCC team with Rev. Dr. Elijah Brown at the APBF.
Police officers and personnel along with students at PHQ on Monday. (NP) police was to build connec tions between the public and uniformed personnel and expressed hope that the visit would be of help in building trust between the two.ADGP said there was a need to dispel bad public opinion of uniformed ser vice and therefore he said, such visit help break the barrier.Renchamo lauded the school for providing an equal platform for children especially those with dis abilities, which, he said was essential for creating an inclusive society.
The 12 delegates from the NBCC was led by sec retary (NMM) Rev. An drew Semp, NBCC vice
KOHIMA, SEP 12 (NPN): Young students in the age group of 4-12 from Bumblebee Inclusive School Kohima paid a “learning visit” to Police Headquarters (PHQ) and held an interactive session with the police officers and personnel, here on Monday.The interactive session was held with an aim to bridge the gap between the police and the public, and to inspireAddressingstudents.the stu dents during the interactive session, additional director general of police (ADGP) Renchamo Kikon pointed out that while interaction between police and stu dents were not new, it was the first time that students had taken a tour to the PHQ. He said one of the core objectives of the state
president Dr. Niholi Sema and E.S NPBCA Rev. Dr. Hukashe Zhimomi, who were also representatives of the NBCC at the general executive council meeting of APBF.Atthe opening cer emony, Dr. Niholi Sema was flag bearer represent ing theTheNBCC.NBCC team
AUDO Wokha, Kiniholi Kinimi said the purpose of conducting such workshops was to sensitise the public in sorting and separating wastes such as wet and dry garbage to facilitate recycling and correct disposal of waste. Around 206 participants representing different wards and colonies, representatives from WDCCI, GBs, all colonies sanitation committee, educational institutions, local taxi union, auto union, shopping malls, SHGs & ALF and Anganwadi Work ers under Wokha town took part in the awareness programme & training.
DIMAPUR: In pursuance of or ders dated April 28 and June 28, passed by the court of the State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities and in partial modi fication of notification dated May 31, the Transport depart ment has authorised workshops for retro-fitment of approved retro-fitment kit and alteration of vehicles in order to make it suitable to be driven by persons with disabilities 9856517295.Road,(BBEBhai+91-9436069985Bosti,mobiles,include—Authorised(PwDs).workshopsM/s.BimalAutoH/no.125,DuncanDimapur,Nagaland,andM/s.BhaiEngineeringWorksWorkshop),BillyGrahamKohima,Nagaland,+91-
Students interact with police officers at PHQ

was represented by del egates from Chakhesang Baptist Churches Council (CBCC), Ao Baptist Aro go Mungdang (ABAM), Western Sumi Baptist Association (WSBAK), Council of Rengma Baptist Churches (CRBC), SBAK Nito Mount and Nagaland Police Baptist Churches Association (NPBCA).

DIMAPUR: Department of Urban Development and Wokha Town Council (WTC) organised an IEC awareness programme & training on waste manage ment with special focus on segregation at source and plastic waste management on Monday, at Town Hall, Wokha. The programme was conducted in collabora tion with LIFE NGO Dimapur, with Nicksungla as resource person.
COPU meet on Sep 15: Nagaland Legislative Assembly, chairman of the committee on public undertaking Mhathung Yanthan has convened an introductory cum adoption meeting on September 15, 11 am, in the committee room of NLA secretariat. In this regard, all the members of the committee have been requested to attend the meeting.
In a short speech, principal of the school, Ko pele Tepa said the purpose of the visit was not merely taking children out for lei sure but to expose them to real live interactions with keepers of law and order.
DC Mon informed on list of polling sta tions: DC Mon, Ajit Kumar Verma has in formed that the draft list of polling stations under Mon district has been published and may be in spected at the office of the DC & DEO Mon, and the office of the AEROs in all the assembly con stituencies under Mon district. Any objections and suggestions on the draft list may be made in written on or before September 17.
Adolescent girls sensitised on menstrual health at Ahthibung
Earlier, DESD&E di rector, Chiden Yaden briefed on the School of Excellence
MYK C MYK C dc-1057/22 3STATENAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2022 Q.: Should stars of the Indian cricket team be selected on performance? A Yes. 89% B No. 11% C Can’t Say. 0% 100%90%80%70%60%50%40%30%20%10%0% Poll A B C NEXT POLL Q: Is China over reacting to visits by US delegates by trying to ignite a war in Taiwan? Yes. No. Can’t Say. (Temperature in ºC) Max Min Agartala Rather cloudy with t-storms 27 25 Aizawl A couple of afternoon showers 24 20 Guwahati Mostly cloudy with a t-storm 31 26 Imphal Mostly cloudy, p.m. showers 27 21 Itanagar A t-storm around in the a.m. 30 23 Shillong Couple of thunderstorms 22 18 Kohima Couple of thunderstorms 24 18 Dimapur A p.m. t-storm in spots 31 24 Mkg Mostly cloudy with a t-storm 26 20 Tuensang An afternoon thunderstorm 20 16 Wokha A t-storm around in the a.m. 26 21 Zunheboto Mostly cloudy with a t-storm 23 18 SEPTEMBERFORECASTWEATHER13
CHOs along with Dr. Thorhusie Katiry and others at the training on Monday. (DIPR)
DIMAPUR: Members of Koinonia Baptist Church (KBC) organised a pro gramme at Koinonia Prayer Centre (KPC), Tsiesema, under Kohima district, for founder and senior pastor of KBC, Rev. Zotuo Kiewhuo, who completed 25 years of ministry on Monday.
In a press release, Koi nonia media ministry in formed that Sonuo Usou, who was the first KBC at tendee in her thanksgiving speech, acknowledged Rev. Zotuo on completion of 25 years of ministry and high lighted various changes that took place over the years. She said the church has been going strong and has given blessings to many people.
The advisor also en couraged the stakeholders— the educators and learners to embrace the opportunity by motivating each other to make the project successful.

who pastored the KBC and shepherded the church while being instrumental in build ing up numerous activities with regard to women. Earlier, the programme was led by assistant pastor Rokopra Mekro, Deborah Group, The Oasis and Ru bies presented special songs while
DIMAPUR: Advisor, La bour & Employment, Skill Development & Entrepre neurship and Industries & Commerce, Imnatiba on Monday, inaugurated the first “School of Excellence in Skill Development” in Nagaland, at Government Higher Secondary School (GHSS) Sechu, Zubza.

said the silence surrounding menstrual hygiene was deeply ingrained in society and said there was a culture that made women remain silent about issues affecting them.
Induction training of CHOs underway in Kohima
Sonuo Usou also laud ed wife of the reverend,

At the programme, MO Ahthibung Dr. Vezokholu Khamo emphasised on the need for sensitisation among adolescent girls with regard to menstruation. She pointed out that most fathers did not know about menstruation and mothers did not speak to their daughters about it. Dr. Vezokholu further
In his speech, secretary, L&E, SD&E department, Rajesh Soundararanjan said this was a testament that government departments

KBC celebrates Rev. Zotuo’s 25 years of ministry
in Skill Development where he informed that the as signed syllabus will be done by NIELIT with a unique concept.He said the course would start from classes VIII-X to provide oppor tunity to students to get IT certificate while passing out HSLCTheexams.programme was chaired by L&E, SD&E department, additional sec retary, Kovi Meyase, Sechu, Zubza chairman, Khrien gulie Kuotsu said words of appreciation while vote of thanks was proposed by sec retary, School Management and Development Commit tee (SMDC), Kedizelhou Rutsa.
Imnatiba speaking at the inaugural programme of the school at GHSS Sechu, Zubza on Monday. (DIPR)
She mentioned that the CHOs in their HWC should not only provide reproductive child health and non-communicable disease services but also vertical programmes under the National informed that the training will culminate on September 16 and will comprise sessions on maternal health, child health, non-communicable diseases, TB, pa lliative care,
ABCC to onfathers’organisebrigadeSeptember15
DIMAPUR: A five-day induc tion of the 136 newly appoint ed community health officers (CHOs) of the 4th, 5th and 6th batch got underway on Monday, at the Capital Convention Hall, Kohima.According to a DIPR re port, mission director, National Health Mission (NHM) Na galand, Dr. Thorhusie Katiry said CHOs were the caregiv ers of the community under their jurisdiction and in this regard, their first goal was to provide quality healthcare to the people.Herequested them to live in harmony with the village community wherever they were posted and to create an enabling environment in and around their Health & Wellness Centres (HWCs).Inher address, state pro gram officer, NHM Nagaland, Dr. Mereninla Senlem said the CHOs had a great respon sibility towards people in the villages in providing access to equitable, affordable and qual ity healthcare services that were accountable and responsive to people’s needs.

DIMAPUR: Men’s department of Angami Baptist Church Council (ABCC) will be or ganising a fathers’ brigade from September 15-18 at Baptist College, Sechü Campus on the theme “Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power”.
can always converge to gether in bringing out such innovativeDirector,projects.School Edu cation, Wonthungo Tsopoe appealed to the school man agement board not to keep the school for namesake but to be serious, in order to bring out the aims and objectives of the program in its best Whileway.congratulating the collaborating depart ments for the initiative, NIELIT director L. Lanu wapang expressed hope that the importance of informa tion technology will be high lighted through this project.
School of excellence in skill dev inaugurated
In this regard, the Angami Baptist Church Council, men’s department has informed all the campers to report at the venue before 11 am on Sep tember 15.
blindness control program, oral health, mental health, adolescent health, etc.
DIMAPUR: As part of the month-long celebration of “Rashtriya Poshan Maah”, the department of Social Welfare, Peren district of fice, organised a districtlevel awareness camp for adolescent girls and women on menstrual hygiene and health at GMS Ahthibung town on September 9.
According to a DIPR report, the advisor, while speaking as the special guest, said that the School of Excellence in Skill De velopment in collaboration with the School Educa tion (DoSE) and National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology (NIELIT) was a new kind of initiatives taken up by the department in government school, with an aim to help students venture into a new horizon for self-employment and other avenues.

The community health officers will be appointed on different Ayushman Bharat-Health & WellnessSub Centeres across the state. Including the recent 4th, 5th and 6th batches, there are 298 community health officers appointed for Health & Wellness Centres across the state.
Further, she encour aged everyone to strive to change the culture of shame and stigma associated with menstruation.Earlier,the programme was chaired by block co ordinator, Ngauphutlakbo while a vote of thanks was proposed by DPO Peren I. Tsungrosongla.
Deputy chief minister and state BLP leader, Y Patton along with minister of Health & Family Welfare, S. Pangnyu Phom called on BJP spokesperson and co- coordinator North East states, Dr. Sambit Patra to congratulate him on his new assignment.
According to a DIPR report, the awareness camp was organised with an objec tive to provide information and education on menstrual hygiene management and prevention of menstrualrelated health issues.

The Congress’ tweet also drew a sharp response from the Rashtriya Sway amsewak Sangh.RSS Joint
Addressing a press con ference in Raipur after the conclusion of a three-day RSS coordination meet ing, he said that there was “growing support” for Hin dutva in society.
behest,” he said. He claimed that Rahul Gandhi has often used the “fire” metaphor, noting that in his address at Cambridge University earlier the Con gress leader had alleged the BJP has sprinkled kerosene all over the country and all it needs is one spark to catchHefire.had made com ments on similar lines at a Congress meeting in Rajast han and during the protests against the ‘Agnipath’ re cruitment scheme for armed forces, Patra added.
District Judge A K Vishvesh ordered that it would continue to hear the petition seeking the right to worship deities on the outer wall of the mosque complex located close to the Kashi Vishwanath temple. The court fixed September 22 as the next date of hearing in the case. Merajuddin Siddiqui, the advocate rep resenting the Muslim side, said that they will move the Allahabad High Court against the judgement.
NEW DELHI, SEP 12 (PTI): The AAP Monday said it has proof of the “il legal” raid by police at its office in Ahmedabad and would show it if Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupen dra Patel is ready to an swer all questions about the searches. The party claimed the Gujarat police forcibly entered its Ahmedabad of fice on Sunday and carried out searches for two hours without any court order and while leaving threatened that they will come again.
As the BJP and the RSS hit out at the opposition party, it launched a counterattack with its general secre tary Jairam Ramesh saying that those who “stoked the fires of hatred, bigotry and prejudice” must be prepared to receive things back in the
It is an important need of the time to reform the logistics system in tune with the 21st century, the minister said.
“Police conducted an illegal raid yesterday at the party’s office in Ahmed abad. They forcibly entered the office and carried out searches for two hours with out any warrant or court order,” AAP chief spokes person Saurabh Bharadwaj told a press conference at the party headquarters here.
“The Union of India shall thereafter file its ap propriate responses with respect to these segments of challenges,” the bench said, adding, “Let the needful in that behalf be done within
between civil and military stakeholders, and asserted that presence of representa tives from different sectors of the two sides showed the “commitment” to achieve the goal as India stood on the threshold of an ‘Amrit Kaal’.“We are rapidly mov ing towards jointness of the three services,” Singh said, adding, logistics is among the fields that benefited the most from this jointness.
Mehta said some time would be required for prepa ration and also for the hear ing theThematter.bench said the of fice of the Solicitor General shall prepare a complete list of matters which shall be put in different segments de pending upon the challenge raised in the petitions.
The defence minister also called for civil-military fusion to further strengthen the logistics system and stay prepared to deal with future challenges.Heemphasised that logistics in future wars will require jointness not only among the three services, but “also among different bodies in the form of in dustrial back-up, research and development, material support, industry and man power”.The defence minister spoke of the synergy needed
“The future satellites that we are going to put in orbit will be different where you will be able to shape the beams as per the demand or even change the frequency or even change the band width as per the demand profile on what exists on the ground on a dynamic basis,” Somnath said. He said these will be software-driven high throughput satellites that will be built in the days to come. Somnath said while ISRO would do a technol ogy demonstration inter nally, it would encourage the private sector to build and market such services.
the beams. Since the cov erage area is smaller for spot beams, there is also a reduced risk of interference with other transmissions us ing the same frequencies, or interception by third parties.
On May 20, the Su preme Court transferred the civil suit filed by Hindu dev otees on Gyanvapi mosque from civil judge (senior divi sion) to district judge, Vara nasi, saying looking at the complexities and sensitivity of the issue, it is better if a senior judicial officer having an experience of over 25-30 years handles this case.
People offer each other sweets as they celebrate after the court’s verdict in Gyanvapi mosque-Shringar Gauri case. (PTI)
The BJP, which is in power in Gujarat, is “rat tled” by the “growing popu larity” of Arvind Kejri wal and his model of gov ernance, the Aam Aadmi PartyTheclaimed.AAP’s assertions came after the Gujarat Po lice denied that any raid was conducted at the Arvind Kejriwal-led party’s office in Ahmedabad on Sunday.
The police team
Rajnath Singh addresses the first Indian Army Logistics seminar, in New Delhi, Monday. (PTI)
The criteria/ eligibility and norms for application to the said posts can be downloaded at
The district judge had on August 24 reserved the order till September 12 in the communally sensitive matter. Vishnu Jain, an advocate representing the Hindu side, told reporters that the court rejected the application of Muslim side.
He also shared his insights on Information & Communication Tech nology (ICT) architecture, terming it as a major part of efficient logistics.
The 2019 amended law, which seeks to grant Indian citizenship to nonMuslim migrants belonging to Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Christian, Jain, and Parsi communities from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghani stan has come in for sting
(PTI): Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Monday said the government is com mitted to creating a robust, secure and self-reliant lo gistics system to effectively deal with future security challenges.Addressing a seminar on Army logistics here, the Union minister said the government is also focussing on establishing common lo gistics nodes in the country in tune with the needs of the threeThroughservices. these nodes, the resources of one service will be seamlessly made available to the rest, he said.
is liable to be dismissed.”
NEW DELHI, SEP 12 (PTI): The Congress on Monday tweeted an im age of Khaki shorts on fire on Twitter with a caption “to free the country from shackles of hate and undo the damage done by BJPRSS...”, triggering a political storm as the BJP and the RSS accused it of spreading “hatred and contempt” and calling it a “blatant instiga tion forPostingviolence”.theimage with ‘145 days more to go’ tagline on its official handle, the Congress tweeted, “To free the country from shackles of hate and undo the damage done by BJP-RSS. Step by step, we will reach our goal” with a hashtag “Bharat Jodo Yatra”.The BJP lashed out at the Congress for its “promo tion of violence and hatred” with its spokesperson Sam bit Patra dubbing the yatra as “Bharat Todo Yatra” and “Aag Lagao Yatra”.
“All the services have developed their ICT archi tecture. It is our endeavour that there should be interop erability among the three services so that we can use our resources in the best way,” he added.
A bench comprising Chief Justice U U Lalit and Justice S R Bhat noted the matter will be referred to a three-judge bench.
Filled in forms may be submitted at Directorate of Youth Resources and Sports, Nagaland, Kohima during office hours or on or before 27th September 2022 till 4:00 p.m. AKUmLA CHUBA, nCs direCtOr
ing criticism by opposition parties, leaders and other entities over exclusion of Muslims.During the hearing on Monday, Solicitor Gen eral Tushar Mehta, appear ing for the Centre, told the bench that several issues have been raised in the pe titions filed before the top court.“Our reply is filed so far as some amendments and challenge is concerned. In some of the matters, our reply is yet to be filed,” he said.
inequalities are increasing due to Modi government’s policies, increasing political centralisation... to fight that is the aim of Bharat Jodo Yatra.”Later in a series of tweets in Hindi, Ramesh said, “why do those who talk of Congress-mukt Bharat have a problem with burn ing effigies? And why are they asking us for answers? The answer is to be given by those who killed Gandhi, those who support Godse and call him their role mod el. The answer is to be given by those who are trying to divide the Assertingcountry.”that burn ing effigies is a democratic right, he said the party only depicted jealousy through a cartoon. “Why are people who are burning the coun try so upset with the sym bolic burning of shorts”, he asked.“The fact is that those who opposed the ‘Quit India Movement’ are jealous of the success of Bharat Jodo Yatra. Because if India will be united then their hate shop will be shut down,” the Congress general secretary said. The BJP also attacked Rahul Gandhi for reported ly skipping the inauguration of a memorial for freedom fighters in Thiruvanantha puram on Sunday. Reports said Gandhi had agreed to attend the event but did not turn up, taking the organis ers by surprise.
The Varanasi district court on Monday rejected the plea questioning the maintain ability of a petition seeking permission for daily worship of Hindu deities whose idols are located on an outer wall of the Gyanvapi mosque.
He also cited party leader Rahul Gandhi’s meeting during the yatra with a controversial Chris tian pastor who allegedly insulted a Hindu goddess.
NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2022 NATIONAL 5 No.NU/ESTT-II/G-37/2022-2446 Dated : 12/09/2022. Advertisement Applications in prescribed format are invited for engagement of 03 (three) Assistant Professors on contract basis under UGC Scheme for Establishment of separate Department of Vocational Studies and Skill Development at SASRD, Nagaland University, Medziphema. Essential qualifications, application form and other details are available in the University website Sd/registrardc-1056/22 GOvernment OF nAGALAnd direCtOrAte OF YOUtH resOUrCes And sPOrts nAGALAnd : KOHimA NO.DYRS-SPORTS-KISCE(Manpower)/14/2020/ Dated, Kohima the September 2022. Advertisement The Department of Youth Resources and Sports invites applications from eligible citizens of India for filling up the post of the following purely on hiring basis under Khelo India Scheme for Khelo India State Centre of Excellence Kohima and terminable as and when the scheme culminates. sl. no. Place of posting designation number of Post salary 1 2 3 4 5 1. KISCE, Kohima Physiotherapist Grade-I 1(one) 40,000-60,000 pm as per SAI hiring norms 2. KISCE, Kohima Psychologist Grade-I 1(one) 40,000-60,000 pm as per SAI hiring norms

“Their (Muslim side) plea regarding the Place of Worship Act was rejected by the court. The court said that the suit is maintainable, and the next hearing in the matter is on September 22,” he said. As the news about the court order was spread, some people who had gath
The bench noted that its attention has been invited to the apex court’s January 22, 2020 order, in terms of which matters coming from Assam and North-East were already directed to be segregated.“Listthese matters be fore the court for direction on October 31,” it said, add ing, “In the meantime, let notices be issued in all fresh matters wherever notice up til now has not been issued by this“Putcourt.”the house in or der and take it that we will be making a reference to a three-judge combination,” the bench orally observed.

He said ‘atmanirbhar ta’ (self-reliance) in logistics is an important component, and the government has formulated many policies to achieve that goal.
Govt focusing on self-reliance in creating logistics system: Rajnath Singh
An image released by Congress depicting khaki shorts, a part of the RSS uniform, on fire. (PTI)

“We have evidence to prove the illegal raid and searches carried out by the police at our party office in Ahmedabad. Our people know the police officers who went there. We are ready to present the evidence if the Gujarat chief minister agrees to hold a press con ference and answer all the questions pertaining to the raid,” he Whensaid.asked why the party does not just make the proof of the alleged police raid public now instead of waiting for the Gujarat CM to clarify, Bharadwaj said, “Nothing will happen if we show the evidence now. We want to expose the BJP.”
ered outside the court here rejoiced the moment by distributing sweets.
General Secretary Man mohan Vaidya said the Congress wants to connect people through hatred. He alleged that the party’s earli er generations of leadership also harboured “hatred and contempt” for the Sangh but could not stop its rise.
Five women had filed the petition seeking permis sion for daily worship of Hindu deities whose idols are claimed to be located on an outer wall of the Gyan vapi mosque. The Anjuman Intezamia Masjid Commit tee has said the Gyanvapi mosque is a Waqf property and questioned the main tainability of the plea.
NEW DELHI, SEP 12 (PTI): ISRO is developing “intelligent” demand.andwillthesynchronousatcuewarningweathering,ing,tions,includingquirementsIndia’sSatellitesMonday.tomers,demandandbythatcommunicationgeostationarysatellitescanbere-configuredchangingfrequenciesbandwidthaspertheprofilefromcusatopofficialsaidonGeosynchronousarethemainstayofcommunicationsreindiversesectorstelecommunicatelevisionbroadcastsatellitenewsgathersocietalapplications,forecasting,disasterandsearchandresoperations.“WearealsolookingcertainintelligentGeosatellitesinyearstocomewhichwebeabletoreconfigure,remodelbasedontheThisisalready

Singh delivered the keynote address at the first Indian Army Logistics seminar on the theme ‘Sa manjasya Se Shakti’ at the Manekshaw Centre here.

four weeks from today.”
“We just had a discus sion on the point that should we make a reference to at least three judges of this court. What I felt wtoas let all these preliminaries be over and then we can make a reference,” Justice Lalit observed.Atotal of 220 peti tions were listed for hearing, including the lead plea by the Indian Union Muslim
A bench of Justices D Y Chandrachud, Surya Kant, and P S Narasimha said it will be better if a dis trict judge handles the case and made it clear that it is not casting any aspersion on the civil judge (senior division) who was earlier dealing with the suit.
The district judge de livered a 26-page order in 10 minutes in the presence of restricted 32 persons inside the courtroom, including lawyers of the two sides and plaintiffs, said an advo cate who was present in the courtroom.Inthe order, the judge said, “In view of the discus sions and analysis, I have come to the conclusion that the suit of the plaintiffs is not barred by the Places of Worship (Special Provi sion) Act, 1991, The Waqf Act, 1995 and UP Sri Kashi Vishwanath Temple Act, 1983, and the application 35C filed by the defendant no. 4 (Anjuman Intezamia)
Patra demanded that the Congress immediately take down the post, saying there is no room for violence in India’s constitutional scheme of things.
Cong tweets image of khaki shorts on fire
a subject of discussion on our design front,” ISRO chairman S Somnath told reporters here. He was inter acting with the media after the nationwide launch of Hughes Communications’ High Throughput Satel lite Broadband Service. He said the ‘intelligent’ GSATs would allow shaping of spot beams, which are targeted, high-power radio signals sent by satellite, as per the demand from customers and would also allow shap ing of antennas receiving
searched all computers, went through all the docu ments kept at the party of fice and interrogated people there, he claimed. But the Ahmedabad police is now denying it as its raiding team did not find anything against the AAP during the “illegal” searches conducted at the party’s office, Bharadwaj said. He claimed the police raided the AAP office in Ahmedabad hoping to find “money and illegal docu ments, including those of some benami property”, but had to leave with much disappointment as they did not get anything from there.
League.In January 2020, the apex court had made it clear it will not stay the operation of Citizenship (Amend ment) Act without hearing the Centre.Seeking a response of the central government in four weeks to a batch of pleas challenging the CAA, the top court had also re strained high courts in the country from proceedings with pending petitions on the issue.
Advocate Prashant Bhushan, appearing in the matter, said these are “very important matters hanging fire for a very long time” and they need to be heard and decided quickly.
NEW DELHI, SEP 12 (PTI): The Supreme Court said on Monday it will hear on October 31 a batch of pleas challenging the con stitutional validity of the Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA) which seeks to grant citizenship to nonMuslim migrants fleeing religious persecution in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan who entered India on or before Decem ber 31, 2014.
“Government is com mitted to create a robust, secure, speedy and ‘Aat manirbhar’ logistics system to effectively deal with fu ture security challenges and take the country to greater heights,” he said.
Varanasi court rejects Gyanvapi mosque plea against maintainability
SC to hear on Oct 31 pleas challenging constitutional validity of CAAISRO developing ‘intelligent’ GSATs, says space agency chairman Somnath

Raid by Gujarat police at party office in Ahmedabad, says AAP
S Somnath
In an important ob servation, the top court also said that the process to ascertain the religious char acter of a place of worship is not barred under the Places of Worship Act of 1991.
“Do you want violence in the country? Do you want people who follow the BJPRSS ideology burnt,” Patra asked.Hitting back, Ramesh said the RSS-BJP is not used to aggressive responses from the Congress and when the opposition party gives an aggressive response they “retreat”. There are numer ous instances of the BJP and its “surrogates” fanning “hatred, prejudice, lies and falsehood,” the Congress leaderHesaid.added, “If they will be aggressive, we will be double aggressive. They should understand that. But the Bharat Jodo Yatra is to unite people. Its aim is to thwart attempts to divide the country, and the divisive policies and intentions in the name of religion, language, caste and “Thestates.manner in which
sameAllegingcoin. that the Con gress has had an old associa tion with “fire”, Patra said Punjab was put on fire when the party was in power and Sikhs were burnt alive dur ing the 1984 Notingriots.that many members of RSS, the Hin dutva organisation consid ered the BJP’s ideological mentor, have been killed in Kerala where the Congress’s yatra is going on presently, the BJP spokesperson al leged that the opposition party has signalled to “ter rorists” in the southern state to target their functionaries. “This is a blatant insti gation for arson and murder. This instigation has been done by the Gandhi family and the Congress at their
India’s cricket wonders
existing funda mental elements of Naga nation must not be exploited by anybody in any form. It is the mandatory responsibility of each and every Naga from the oldest to the
he country’s encourag ingly high tax collections – indirect and direct –during the April-June quarter (Q1) of the current fiscal may have more to do with price and profit spurt than any magical growth of its economy and consumption.Highwholesale and retail prices of consumables and in dustrial inputs are choking the growth of several sectors of the economy. The revised GST (goods and service tax) rates, which came into effect from July 18, are harsher at several mass consumption items. This is bound to impact the govern ment’s future indirect tax collec tion growth and actual economic output.In Q1, 2022-23, direct tax collection stood at Rs 354,569.74 crore, up by 41.32 percent from Rs. 250,881.08 crore in the same quarter last year. Net indirect tax collection in Q1FY23 was Rs 344,056 crore, a 9.4 percent increase from Rs. 314,476 crore in Q1 last year.
Suggestions on Kohima local ground Khuochiezie
In our society is every quick to outcast a person just because they do don’t fit into one stereotypes we indeed to learn to embrace the people who have been labelled as outcasts by society, help them to find their way back, support them as the fight their biggest battle yet ,if u have a chance to change one person for the better do it, the world needs more of individuals who bring a change however small it may
High level multi-prong GST will, in due course, re versely impact consumption and economy. Economic growth boosts GST collection. And low GST rates can help boost consumption, investment and production in the long run.
rice, maize, fox nuts, specified flour, meat and curd.
t is a privilege that Kohima was selected a Smart City and with that various very welcoming developments are happen ing. It is the expectation of the citizens that the works will be completed within prescribed norms and within the time stipulated. It is learnt that many projects had been completed and many more in the pipeline. Though many questions persist in our minds, a small suggestion is being put forth for the ongoing works at the Kohima Local Ground, Khuochiezie.
The finance ministry ex pected GST collections to grow 27 percent in August to nearly Rs 1.43 lakh crore. The actual collection exceeded the figure. The government said the econ omy is on course to grow at 7-7.5 percent during the current financial year.
is the act of being held accountable for one’s, actions with or without supervi sion. For one to be a responsible person, one must be disciplined, time conscious, and always be ready to defend his or her cause of action.Itis for sure that while try ing to bring change, one will feel pain, even cry, lose your friends, your family might discourage you, people might hate you by seeing your good deeds. However, one must remember that Good deeds is not only about attending the church every Sunday, but it is about being generous, having a compassionate heart towards people, embracing them, helping others and oneself as well. The word embrace represents more just the symbolic act of hold ing on to a person who’s in need.
Rather it is an act of spiritual and political consciousness that stems from a person of love, understand ing, respect and acceptance.
Higher tax collection recorded due to spurt in prices
~ Andre Maurois
(As published in National Herald)
A little kindness goes a long way in bringing about a change in our society (be kind)
Apart from raising the costs for customers, the enhancement of the GST net is bound to further fuel inflation. In fact, the prices of several consumer products further shot up last month, following the expansion of the GST coverage.
very hu man being has a role to play in life. Any role played by an individual may contribute to personal or societal growth. Individuals in the society have different levels of responsibil ity depending on the hierarchy of the social structure and individuals’ dependent on Responsibilitythem.
Kohima Local Ground Khuochiezie had been a pride of Kohima since long back. Being very accessible the ground had served as the main entertainment centre for the citizens of Kohima. The ground had served the youth, rain or shine. The ground had been the training ground, the scout ing ground and the completion ground for many talents. It served as a resting place for the elderly and also the tourists. It served as a venue for every important function and mass gatherings. Historical events of the British and the Kewhimia in the ground are still talked about.
The entire economy is reel ing under price pressure. The latest cut in India’s 2022-23 GDP growth forecast by several rating agencies, including SBI, Citibank and Moody’s, should be a matter of concern for the government.SBIhas forecast the GDP growth at 6.8 percent. Moody’s had cut it further to 5.2 percent. They are far below the annual GDP growth forecast by the country’s National Statistical
through the memorandum to the Simon commission on Jan. 10, 1929. It was followed by the Hyderi Agreement which was not implemented and the Naga Independence declaration to the outside world on the 14th Aug. 1947. The historic voluntary popular plebiscite of 16 May 1951 affirmed the Independence declaration to uphold Naga sov ereignty.However, GOI imposed its election in 1952 and 1957 on the Nagas but our people totally rejected it. Then India coined the Naga People’s Convention (NPC) with handpicked persons to coun ter the NNC instead of coming out to address the Indo Naga case to solve it at that time. More over the Armed forces special Powers Act (AFPSA) of Assam 1958 was secretly hatched and the true design of India was unleashed on the Nagas to obliterate our identity. This super black law of the claimed biggest democracy in the world; India, continue to bind our people to this day without any compunction, blotting out even International human rights to ourThepeople.puppet state govt. of Nagaland was installed on 1st Dec. 1963 after signing the 16 Point Agreement with the NPC. So the GOI enforced the divide and rule policy which she in herited from the British colonial empire.However, unable to contain the Naga movement, India signed the historic Bilateral Ceasefire Agreement with the Federal Govt. of Nagaland on 6 Sept. 1964 wherein all Naga inhabited areas was incorporated. This fact ruled out any ground for any Naga organisation to project or demand integration, a greater Nagaland, a flag or a constitution or an agreed position in the ongo ing talks which is only fooling the Nagas of Naturallytoday.
Once a man was asked: what did you gain by regularly praying to God...? the man replied nothing, but let me tell you what I lost Anger, Ego, Greed, Depression, Insecurity and Fear of Death. Sometimes the answer to our prayers is not gain ing but losing, which ultimately is a gain. Something this could bring change in our Sometimesociety.wedeeply regard our enabling to acknowledge each and every one of you individually, but we pray that God almighty bless you abundantly, knowing is not enough but we must apply willing is not enough we must do it to bring change in our society. As life could not be easy nevertheless hard either.
the policy makers – both at the Centre and the states – are yet to appreciate the logic of bringing down the GST rates and slabs to grow consumption, production and economy to collect more taxes in the process and ensure better compliance. It is well known that increase in demand for con sumption leads to higher supply and production which ultimately helps grow the economy.
Kesao Kesiezie, Kohima village
Office (NSO) on the basis of India’s GDP increase in the April-June quarter. It is not clear if the NSO forecast is on the ‘nominal’ basis. Nominal GDP doesn’t strip out inflation or the pace of rising prices, which can inflate the growth figure.
Going ThroughSpiritual Confusion
The Strangeness of His Faithfulness (see Luke 18:18). “When the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8). Will He find the kind of faith that counts on Him in spite of the confusion? Stand firm in faith, believing that what Jesus said is true, although in the meantime you do not understand what God is doing. He has bigger issues at stake than the particular things you are asking of Him right now.
We all live in a society, we are responsible for what happens in our society, and at the same time, it is our choice whether to take action, to change something or not. As part of a society, one should understand and work towards the betterment of the society always work toward a world had great impact on human being life had become easy, so as death in hand. No one could predict life and death, why don’t we join hands together to bring change in our society.
Citing these few points, it is appeal that the project should not be confined to only changing the outlay of the ground. There is underutilized area which can be used to make the ground grander. Vehicular parking, entry and exit, player’s rest rooms, changing rooms, guest rooms, officials’ rooms, catering rooms, public utility rooms, medical emergency rooms, offices and spectators’ passageway are some very important factors that will determine the standard of the ground.
There is a strong conviction in the minds of the people that the work being executed in the heart of the city will be world class, and as such the transparency on the part of the government of the day, with regards to the scope of works, be maintained.
Corporate tax rate in India may reach 25.17 percent by the end of 2022, according to Trad ing Economics global macro models and analysts expecta tions. India’s direct tax rates are globally competitive. However, the same cannot be said about its GST and outside GST items such as petroleum products and alcohol for human consumption. Excise duties on petroleum prod ucts are extremely high.
anyone could bring change
Nagaland Post
Ngukato G Chishi, (
The Shadow on His Fatherhood (see Luke 11:1113). Jesus said that there are times when your Father will appear as if He were an unnatural father— as if He were callous and indifferent— but remember, He is not. “Everyone who asks receives…” (Luke 11:10). If all you see is a shadow on the face of the Father right now, hang on to the fact that He will ultimately give you clear un derstanding and will fully justify Himself in everything that He has allowed into your life.
Jesus answered and said, “You do not know what you ask.” —Matthew 20:22
It is certain that the work had started with detailed project report. It will be in the interest of the citizens if the public can be made aware of the DPR and admire the progress and the quality of the work being undertaken. This can be done by displaying boards with pictures of the architectural outlay of the project in both the northern and southern gates, with the details of the project, especially the time of completion.
It is up to the negotiating parties and the GOI to arrive at any solution that suits their convenience but that will in no way have any bearing on the Independence of Nagaland and the freedom of the Nagas. The Naga cause which was started and raised by the NNC have to settled by the NNC and the GOI simply because it can never be concluded by any other organisation or forum which has no mandate of our people and lack the moral and legal Mandateauthority.means the will and support of all the Nagas who upholds Naga sovereignty by rejecting any other alternative solution within the frame work of Indian constitution. The Indo Naga case is a matter that need to be solved between two nation states; i.e. Naga land and India and not through any other front or platform.Looking back at our his tory, we find that the will and aspiration of our people was for the first time raised and voiced
Of course, we cannot deny the fact that we are living in a fallen world, where hatred, jealousy, selfishness, ego, self-centeredness exists in the society. Hence, the world and society have patterns or ways that lead to a broken life. Change is difficult in a world which is broken. If you want to see changes in our society then we need to shift our patterns and focus, by renewing our mind, changing the way we think to create a better life for yourself and a life that honours God. I often say you are never too old to set another goal or dream a new dream, because the best prepa ration for tomorrow is doing your best today. Indeed, age has no bar
Higher taxes on inputs for processed grains, pulses and dairy, accounting for around 20 percent of the consumer price index basket, are expected to put further pressure on consumer prices and hit the poor people’s stomach. It is difficult to justify the latest GST revision which belied the expectation of the reduction of the number of slabs and overall Unfortunately,rates.
A successful marriage is an edifice that must be rebuilt every day.
We are responsible to make changes
It may be noted that tax revenues in the last fiscal (202122) grew by a record 34 percent to Rs 27.07 lakh crore. Direct tax collections went up by 49 per cent while indirect tax showed a growth of 30 percent. The col lection of corporate tax, which is part of direct tax, was up by 56 percent.Undoubtedly, this is a re markable testimony to India’s rapid economic recovery after the successive Covid-19 waves in 2020 and part of 2021. In fact, the tax collection trend should have induced the government to take an encouraging lesson form the result of its historic direct tax rationalisation – from over 90 percent in the early 1980s to barely 30 percent at the highest level, now — to bring down the GST rates too and compress the slabs from five to three.
On the other hand, high and complex GST rates can af fect consumption and economic growth. Therefore, future GST collections will depend on the growth performance of the In dian economy. The latest GST revisions are expected to worsen the problem of high inflation and reduce public trust on gov ernment measures to boost the economy.
The Shrouding of His Friendship (see Luke 11:5-8). Jesus gave the illustration here of a man who appears not to care for his friend. He was saying, in effect, that is how the heavenly Father will appear to you at times. You will think that He is an unkind friend, but remember— He is not. The time will come when everything will be explained. There seems to be a cloud on the friendship of the heart, and often even love itself has to wait in pain and tears for the blessing of fuller fellowship and oneness. When God appears to be completely shrouded, will you hang on with confidence in Him?
Therefore, there is nothing exciting about the large monthly GST collection growth trend. The prices of commodities and finished products have been shooting up since the end of last year. The wholesale price inflation had spiked to 15.18 percent during the month of June while WPI for May was revised to 16.63 per cent from 15.88 percent. For July, WPI eased to 13.93 percent.
Reader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the columns do not reflect the view of this nor that of the in any manner.

elebrating the 75 Anni versary of Naga Indepen dence on the 14 Aug. 2022 was an endearing milestone in the annals of Naga history. As we step into a new era of national ism to conquer and unfold new horizons, it is necessary for us to understand and proclaim the God given right of Naga freedom and Sovereignty of our nation to ourselves and the outside world at this juncture of confusion among the people which resulted due to the much talked about ongoing solution talks under the constitu tion of India by the negotiating parties.Therefore, the emergency session of the Tatar Hoho of the FGN was held on Sept 9th at Kohima in which crucial bills were passed to further strengthen the nation. The hoho maintained that the NNC/ FGN under the leadership of the NNC President Gen. (Retd) Thinoselie Keyho and the FGN Kedahge Eno. Vekronü Dozo have nothing to do with the ongoing manipulated solution talks.
India has the highest stan dard GST rate in Asia and the second highest in the world, after Chile. It has the largest number of tax slabs. The GST regime, after the latest tax revision, does not spare even householders’ daily dire necessities. GST is imposed on pre-packaged and unbranded items such as wheat,
Perhaps we are all fighting our own demons, what may seem trivial to you may just be biggest demons the other person is fight ing. Let us take it upon ourselves to be empathetic towards other so that we can co- exist peacefully.
If the high GST collection expectation is based on the lately revised tax rates, it may not hold good for long. According to the latest official data, GST collec tions in July at Rs 1,48,995 crore are the second-highest mop-up ever. The states to contribute the most were Maharashtra, Karna taka, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu and UttarInPradesh.absolute terms, Maha rashtra collected the highest GST at Rs 22,129 crore, fol lowed by Karnataka (Rs 9,795 crore), Gujarat (Rs 9,183 crore),
Even so taking Shillong Ac cord as the footstool, some Nagas fractured the Naga integrity for which our people are today ad dressing the splinter elements at par with the mandated political institution, the NNC such ele ments tend to compromise our national right of freedom and sovereignty to achieve vested individual and sectoral interest by attempting to hijack the Naga right of NagasIndependence.oftoday are em broiled in the face value of visible things only and harming the na tion. The educated and capable people of Nagaland too claim that they are Nagas but resort to excuses and try to escape from the yoke of bearing Naga National responsibility in deeds. Our people must understand that seeking self-establishment is whether knowingly or un knowingly doing so at the cost of the blood of Naga martyrs and patriots that spanned for the past 75 years. When will be the right time for the Nagas to do what one claims to be. The Emergency session of the Tatar Hoho, FGN therefore resolved to declare to our nation that the doors and windows are open as ever for each and every Naga to live and work for the nation in the mainstream of nationalism to defend the sovereignty of our nation in which all of us are equal stake holders. Nagas are one and shall be one Kuknalimforever.
There are times in your spiritual life when there is confusion, and the way out of it is not simply to say that you should not be confused. It is not a matter of right and wrong, but a matter of God taking you through a way that you temporarily do not understand. And it is only by go ing through the spiritual confusion that you will come to the understanding of what God wants for you.
Speech of FGN kilo kilonser at Tatar Hoho emergency session
Zaleo, Kilo Kilonser, Federal Government of Nagaland
• Change is something we tend to fear and become anxious about because we do not feel in control of life. The good news is that God has a plan for your life that includes hope, future, and prosperity. We need to learn to trust in God and allow the change to grow us to be come more like Jesus Christ.
Tamil Nadu (Rs 8,449 crore), Uttar Pradesh (Rs 7,074 crore), Haryana (Rs 6,791 crore), Telan gana (Rs 4,547 crore), West Bengal (Rs 4,441 crore), Delhi (Rs 4,327 crore) and Rajasthan (Rs 3,671 crore), according to the data.The collection figures did not include GST on the import of goods. In terms of growth, Lakshadweep witnessed the highest jump in GST collection at 69 percent as compared with July 2021. It was followed by Puducherry and Ladakh (54 percent each), Nagaland (48 percent), Karnataka (45 percent) and Goa (43 percent). All major states reported growth above 15 percent.In fact, GST collections exceeded Rs 1.40 lakh crore for the last six months in a row, showing a growth of 28 percent. This could be almost entirely due to price inflation instead of higher consumption, production and compliance growth.
India again crashed out of the Asia Cup 2022 at Dubai at the Super 4 stage, Sri Lanka’s triumph in the Asia Cup 2022 is surely among the major cricket highlights this year. For the beleaguered country that has suffered monumental economic and political breakdown some months back, cricket has come as some sort of panacea .For this, the entire credit must go to the highly talented and supremely motivated players plus support staff who have overcome heavy odds to put up a string of fantastic performances in the past few months. Sri Lanka and Afghanistan shone in comparison to India and Pakistan in intent as well as performance. While the Afghans could not reach the final, they put up spirited fight against the ‘big’ teams. In fact, in the league stage they beat both Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, and in the Super 4, lost to Pakistan by a whisker. The Afghans are new babes in the game and come from a country that has been ravaged by perennial strife and terrorist violence beyond comprehension. However they have shown, especially to the over rich Indian cricket superstars that they have the determination to make things happen. India’s performance in this year’s Asia Cup was not quite unexpected going by the fact that the team has a self-inflicted panic syndrome during the crunch period. The inglorious exit at Dubai this year is the second consecutive defeat. India had suf fered an ignominious defeat in 2021 at the hands of New Zealand in Dubai even before reaching the knock-out stage. Having beaten Pakistan in the first phase, India lost in the Super 4 to them, then stumbled against Sri Lanka to round off a miserable campaign.Consistency in focus and mental tough ness is as important as batting and bowling form for winning tournaments. This is an aspect which chief coach and captain Rohit Sharma will have to work on in the weeks leading up to the T20 World Cup starting in Australia in October. Team India with two non-performing super stars –captain Rohit Sharma and Virat Kohli- have to be given notice that if they consistently under perform then they will have to sit on the bench. A team laden with super stars cannot hope to win if the stars perform in patches. However despite an overwhelming super abundance of cash with BCCI including infrastructures and sponsorship from mega-corporate houses, India has around 6000 registered cricket players under BCCI whereas New Zealand has over 1,60,000 registered cricket players. Board of Control for Cricket in India(BCCI) which rules Indian cricket is the richest cricket board in the world with a colossal fund of Rs 14,680 crore. On the other hand, New Zealand cricket has around an estimated amount of Rs.4000 crore in cash. In dian cricket has taken the country nowhere despite so much money being spent and earned even if the game is played by hardly a dozen nations. It is a game that is played by about a dozen countries of the world and certainly nowhere even near in ternational games like football, hockey, basketball, volleyball, badminton, tennis etc. The over-rich BCCI with people who know little of cricket except profit making, have to accept the blame. Anyway, it is also a blessing in disguise as cricket in India will be shown as it has turned out to be –a money spinner and not a sports winner.
Thebe.problem today is people don’t cherish good people, they try to useBiblicalthem. point of view.
newest born who automatically became a member of the NNC and an equal stake holder, to defend and preserve our right of freedom. In the course of facing with the grim realities of sup pression and occupation and the brutal nightmarish horrors of ter rorism unleashed by Indian, the Shillong Accord of 5” Nov. 1975 was signed by the representatives of Underground organisations and GOI as found in record. The NNC and FGN was not incorpo rated in the agreement which can be considered as a legal victory.
“We are doing biomet ric identification of animals. We have named it - Pashu Aadhaar,” he said. Under the Pashu Aadhaar, digital identification of livestock is being done to keep track of their health, which will also help in expanding the dairy sector, he said and added the government is also working on developing a balanced dairy ecosystem to address the challenges in the sector along with a focus on in creasing production.
“He may be 100 (years old). Kindly see the mis
court on the ground that he was only granted a “postdecisional hearing” in the matter. Post-decisional hearing is a hearing by the adjudicating authority subsequent to having made a decision or choice. Setting aside the or ders, the court said that the charges against the petitioner were serious and granted liberty to the disciplinary authority to issue a “fresh note of dis agreement” and asked the petitioner to respond to it within four weeks.
“My party has never neglected me. I am not angry or disappointed with the party leadership. It has given me key posts. I was made deputy chief minis ter, leader of the opposition (in the Assembly),” the Baramati MLA told report ers here.Ajit Pawar, the neph ew of Nationalist Congress Party chief Sharad Pawar, had left the stage on Sun day when attendees were demanding that he speak.
The raids were con ducted in Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan and Delhi to dismantle and disrupt the “emerging nexus” between terrorists, gangsters, drugsmugglers and traffickers based in India and abroad, an official spokesperson said, adding these cases
Modi informed that Indian scientists have also developed an indigenous vaccine for LSD. The in digenous vaccine is delegates,amit,three-fourlaunchbodyinstituteshas“Lumpi-ProVacInd”calledandbeendevelopedbytwoofagriresearchICAR.Itscommercialisexpectedinnextmonths.Addressingthesumalsobeingattendedbylargenumberofforeignhesaidthatdis
Senior Nationalist Con gress Party (NCP) leader Ajit Pawar on Monday said neither he was unhappy with his party nor it has neglected him.

The minister will also attend a community event where he will interact with
GREATER NOIDA (UP), SEP 12 (PTI): Stating that disease in livestock affects the farmers and their in come, Prime Minister Nar endra Modi on Monday said the Centre and states are try ing to control the spread of Lumpy Skin Disease, which has caused death of cattle in large Annumbers.indigenous vac cine has been developed for Lumpy Skin Disease, he said after inaugurating the Inter national Dairy Federation World Dairy Summit (IDF WDS) 2022, being organised at India Expo Centre & Mart here. Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) is a contagious viral infection that affects cattle and causes fever, nodules on the skin, and can also lead to death. Over 67,000 cattle have died since July due to LSD in more than eight states, including Guja rat, Rajasthan, Punjab and Haryana. Currently, states are using ‘goat pox’ vaccine to control the spread of this disease. “In the recent past,
Not unhappy
1984 riots: Nation still bleeding; punish retired cop who failed to act, says HC

dp-4287/22 Admission Still Open Class-10 & 12 (Arts) Repeaters Hostel attached for both boys & girls in separate building with parental care & guidance. Contact : 9856857778 (or) 9862700227 Rainbow CoaChing CentRe Lengrijan H/No. 749, Dimapur : 797113, Nagaland. (Near Immanuel College) Estd – 2006 Class started Classes Mon - Friday Saturdays Unit test. Perfect place for overall development. Limited Hostel Seats-4204/22dp dp-4266/22 DREAM CATCHER COACHING AND TRAINING INSTITUTE (DCCTI), KOHIMA Presents you the best possible option to clear NSSB exam 2022 MOCK TEST SERIES FOR NSSB EXAM 2022 Daily Mock Test-(Online only) : Daily 10 Questions from 10 subjects. 100 Questions x 45 Working days = 4500 Questions Registration Fee @ ` 4500/One time Registration (Per day) @ ` 100/Weekly Mock Test (Both Offline & Online) –Exclusive NSSB Syllabus (Paper-I & Paper-II) every Saturday till NSSB exam (a total of weekly tests) Registration Fee @ ` 2500/One time Registration (Per Mock Test) @ ` 300/TWO (2) MONTHS CRASH COURSE (OFFLINE ONLY) Crash course for NSSB exam 2022 will be taken up on War footing. There will be a total of 3 classes in a day for 45 working days including Saturdays i.e 3X45 =135 Classes. Aspirants can also register for a specific subject on need basis. Classes starts from 16th Sept 2022 Registration Fee @ ` 12,000/- (Inclusive of Daily Mock Test and weekly Mock Test) Specific Subject Registration @ ` 1500/One time Registration (Per Mock Test) @ ` 300/(Aspirants opting for both Daily and Weekly mock test series will be given 15% discount on Registration Fee) NPSC MONTHLY MOCK TEST (BOTH ONLINE & OFFLINE) Registration Fee = ` 1800/One time Registration (Per Mock Test) @ ` 300/One time Registration (Per Mock Test) @ ` 300/For more information, Visit Office -DCCTI office, Vilas Plaza, Below Domino’s Pizza, High School Junction, Kohima, Nagaland797001 e-mail Instagram dream_catcher_Kohima Facebook Dream Catcher Coaching and Training Institute Mobile numbers - 96128187579774579128/9856772500 REGISTRATION FOR ALL COURSES OPEN NOW k-2080/22dC-1060/22 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2022 NATIONAL 7

NEW DELHI, SEP 12 (PTI): The National Inves tigation Agency Monday carried out raids at 50 plac es across three states and in the national capital to dismantle what an official called was an “emerging nexus” between terror ists, gangsters and drugsmugglers.Those covered under the raids also included gangsters involved in the murder of Punjabi singer SidhuTheMoosewala.NIAhad regis tered a case on August 26 after it identified some of the “most desperate gang leaders and their associates based in India and abroad” who were spearheading and carrying out such ter ror and criminal activities.
Six pistols, one revolv er and one shotgun were seized along with ammu
conduct. Innocent people lost their lives. The nation is still bleeding. On that ground you cannot get away. Age will not help,” said the bench, also com prising Justice Subramo nium
NEW DELHI, SEP 12 (PTI): The Union Home Ministry on Monday or dered a CBI probe into the death of BJP leader Sonali Phogat, officials said.
ThePrasad.disciplinary au thority held him guilty of misconduct during the antiSikh riots. He had chal lenged that order before the CAT which was rejected, after which he moved the high court in appeal.
Supriya Sule, Jayant Patil, Amol Kolhe and Fouzia Khan.The loudest cheers came for Ajit Pawar when Sule praised his handling of the finance ministry in Maharashtra during the COVID-19However,pandemic.AjitPawar was missing when his name was called out as the penultimate speaker before the NCP supremo made his concluding remarks.
NEW DELHI, SEP 12 (PTI): Observing the “na tion was still bleeding” years after the anti-Sikh ri ots of 1984, the Delhi High Court on Monday granted liberty to the competent au thority to issue “appropri ate order of punishment” to a retired city police officer who allegedly failed to de ploy adequate force, make preventive detentions and take action to break up mis creants during the violence.
Muraleedharan will also interact with the Indian community in Eritrea dur ing the visit, it said.
India enjoys warm and cordial relations with Eritrea and since its independence in 1993, India has offered a range of MEAtoassistancecapacity-buildingindiversefieldstheyouthofEritrea,thesaid.
show’ towards end of party’s convention
The bench headed by Chief Justice Satish Chan dra Sharma, while setting aside the orders passed by the disciplinary authority and the Central Adminis trative Tribunal against the then station house officer of Kingsway Camp police station, said innocent lives were lost in the riots and the police official “cannot get away” on account of his advanced age of 79 years.
Phogat, the BJP leader from Hisar in Haryana, died in Goa in the intervening night of August 22-23 and her death is being treated as a case of the day, Sawant told reporters in Panaji that the Goa Police has done a “tremendously good investigation” in the case and have also got some clues.“But due to the de mand of people from Hary ana and also Sonali Phogat’s daughter, we have decided to write to the Union Home Ministry to hand over this case to the CBI,” Sawant said. The Goa Police had arrested five people, includ ing two aides of Phogat, in connection with the case.
It was speculated that he was having a cold war with NCP’s Maharashtra unit chief Jayant RefutingPatil.such talk, the former deputy CM said, “I was sitting on the stage since morning. It is natural for a human being to feel the need to go to the wash room. But the media blew it out of Amongproportion.”thosewho ad dressed the eighth national convention of the party held in Delhi on Sunday were senior leaders P C Chacko, Chhagan Bhujbal,
MoS MEA to visit Kenya to attend swearing-in of Kenyan prez-elect
Koushal Chaudhary, Til lu Tajpuria, Amit Dagar, Deepak Kumar alias Tinu, Sandeep alias Bandar, Umesh alias Kala, Irfan alias Cheenu Pahalwan, Ashim alias Hashim Baba, Sachin Bhanja and their associates.Goldy Brar and Bhag wanpuria are also involved in the murder of Punjabi singer Sidhu Moosewala who was shot dead in Pun jab on May 29.
there has been loss of live stock in many states of India due to the disease named Lumpy. The central govern ment along with various state governments is trying to control it,” Modi said.

Ajit Pawar had briefly joined Bharatiya Janata Party’s Devendra Fadnavis when the latter took oath as the Maharashtra chief minister for a second time after the 2019 poll results at Raj Bhavan.Pawarwas sworn in as the deputy CM by the gov ernor in the early morning event. However, the Fadna vis-Pawar government col lapsed after 80 hours when Pawar resigned.
NIA raids at 50 places target narco-terrorism
Ongoing probes in cases being investigated by the agency including the killing of Shaurya Chakra Awardee Comrade Bal winder Singh in Punjab also revealed that most of these conspiracies were being hatched from jails in different states and were be ing executed with the help of an organised network of operatives based in abroad.
nition during the raids, the spokesperson said, adding drugs, cash, incriminating documents, digital devices, details of benami property, threat letters have also been seized.The raids came after some recent sensational crimes and extortion calls by criminal syndicates and gangsters to ingIndiaandspokespersonoutsideingworks,smugglingrorists,conspiracythereisolatedsuchtionslarge.terrorciseusingficialsdoctorsprofessionalsbusinessmen,includingwerereported.Ofsaidthesegangswerecyber-spacetopublithesecrimestocreateamongthepublicatTheNIAinvestigaalsorevealedthatcriminalactswerenotlocalincidentsbutwasadeep-rootedamongsttergangstersanddrugcartelsandnetwhowereoperatfrombothwithinandthecountry,thesaid.Manygangleadersmembershadfledfromandwerenowoperatfromforeigncountries,
NEW DELHI, SEP 12 (PTI): Minister of State for External Affairs V Mu raleedharan will visit Ke nya on Tuesday to attend the swearing-in ceremony of president-elect William Samoei Ruto as the fifth president of that country.
the members of the Indian community living in Kenya, the statement said.
India enjoys friendly and historic relations with Kenya underpinned by highlevel exchange of political visits and the visit by Mura leedharan is expected to fur ther strengthen the bilateral relations between the two countries, it said.
MHA orders CBI probe in Sonali Phogat’s death
Centre, states trying to control spread of Lumpy Skin Disease in cattle:
NCP: Ajit
Preliminary investiga tions have shown that these gangs were carrying out targeted killings, including those of prominent people, to terrorise the general public to extort money for running and promoting their criminal syndicates and activities.Thesegangs were also raising funds through smuggling of drugs and weapons to carry out such criminal activities, the spokesperson said, add ing the raids were part of efforts to dismantle these transnational terror and crime networks.

Phogat, 43, was found dead in Goa on August 22-23 night. The MHA’s move came after Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant wrote to Union Home Min ister Amit Shah requesting a probe by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). The home ministry asked the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) to get the case probed by the CBI, an official privy to the devel opment
He also said the media blew out of proportion his walking off the stage during the NCP’s national convention held in Delhi on Sunday, adding that it was for a washroom break.
Thereafter, the minister will pay an official visit to the State of Eritrea on Sep tember 14-15, the Ministry of External Affairs said in a statement on Monday. This will be his first visit to the country.In Kenya, Muraleed haran will attend the official swearing-in ceremony of the President-elect, which will take place on September 13, 2022. He will also attend a business event where he is expected to meet and address the captains of Ke nyan industry and business persons doing business with India, the MEA said.
Thesaid.CBI functions un der the administrative con trol of the DoPT.
were taken over from the DelhiSearchesPolice. were con ducted this morning at the premises belonging to gangsters Goldy Brar, who is at present based in Canada, Lawrence Bish noi, Jaggu Bhagwanpuria, Varinder Pratap alias Kala Rana, Kala Jathedi, Vi kram Brar, Gaurav Patyal alias Lucky Patyal (who was earlier arrested in Ar menia).Other premises cov ered are associated with gangsters Neeraj Bawana,
Narendra Modi with after ‘no
including Pakistan, Cana da, Malaysia and Australia.
Crime Branch team of Haryana Police deployed during a raid by NIA officials related to narco-terrorism in Gurugram. (PTI)
Ajit Pawar
In Eritrea, the minister will call on President Isaias Afwerki and hold talks with Foreign Minister Osman Saleh Mohammed on bi lateral, regional and inter national issues of mutual interest, the statement said.
ease of livestock is a major threat as it affects the farmers and their income. Since the disease in cattle also impacts milk production and its qual ity, the government is focus ing on universal vaccination of livestock.“Weare committed for 100 per cent vaccination of livestock by 2025 for foot and mouth disease,” he said. He further said India is building the largest database of dairy animals and every animal associated with the dairy sector is being tagged.
The petitioner assailed the orders before the high
He said the party would start working on an alliance after having de clared its policy.
The Dollar index, which gauges the the strength of greenback against the basket of six major currencies, was at 107.942.
He said every year mil lions of trees were felled in the State alone to be used as firewood, which, he added, was destroying vast areas of the forest.He expressed hope that the launch of GFT would mitigate the defores tation issue and also provide the people with a healthier way of Doulocooking.said tEA had envisioned to plant 1 bil lion fruit trees by 2050 and therefore GFT would
The Capital expendi tures are reported for all sources of Government - Union Government is Rs. 18,468 crores; State Government Rs. 37,477 crores; external donors Rs.
that all political parties in the State were secular and expressed the hope that their secular credentials would make them ally with Congress in the State and fight the election. “NDPP may also join us if they are secular-minded,” he added.
The Government Health Expenditure (GHE) in cluding capital expendi ture is Rs. 2,42,219 crores which is 40.61 per cent of THE, 1.28 per cent GDP, and Rs.1,815 per capita.
In his speech, Singh said that the new cylinders were made of composite fibre which is around 50% lighter than the older metal cylinders. The cylinders are rust-free and have a tran sclucent body which will help the customers to keep a check on the level.
‘Gas for Trees’ launched in Kohima
“Why is chief minister, who is running the State, silent on the demand for Frontier Nagaland since the past 11 years,” he asked. Reminding everyone that Nagaland was created with blood, sweat and tears of thousands, he mentioned that it was painful to learned that “they” wanted to divide Nagaland and yet chief min
(From p-1)
Congress open to alliance with like-minded secular...
Sanjay appointed CEO of ExpressAmericanIndia
The Total Health Expenditure constitutes current and capital ex penditures incurred by Government and private
NEW DELHI, SEP 12 (IANS): As per the Na tional Health Accounts report released on Mon day, the Total Health Ex penditure (THE) on the country has been estimated Rs. 5,96,440 crores, which translates into 3.16 per cent of GDP and Rs. 4,470 per capita for the year 2018-19.
2022 and March 2023, and will be deployed on routes from Indian metro cities to the United States of Amer ica. Mumbai will see the addition of flights to San Francisco as well as to both of the New York area’s in ternational airports, Newark Liberty and John F. Ken nedy, while Bangalore will receive a 3x weekly service to San Francisco. These air craft will result in Air India offering Premium Economy haul flights for the first time. The four A321 aircraft
“Indian rupee appre ciated for the third day in a trot following stronger regional currencies and riskon sentiments ahead of inflation data. The market is expecting a surge in infla tion to 6.9 per cent from the previous 6.7 per cent amid higher commodity prices,” said Dilip Parmar, Research Analyst, HDFC Securities.
sources including external or donor funds. As per the report, the Current Health Expenditure (CHE) is Rs. 5,40,246 crores which is 90.58 per cent of THE and capital expenditures is Rs. 56,194 crores, which is 9.42 per cent of THE.
He said the main objec tive of KSG was to promote green environment by clean and quality fuel delivery.
Earlier, Nagaland State franchisee and the Entrepre neurs Associate (tEA) CEO, Neichüte Doulo, said the launch of the franchise was a fulfillment of his decadeslong vision to provide peo ple with an alternative fuel besides firewood.
Inflation rises to 7%, factory output plunges
NEW DELHI, SEP 12 (IANS): Aiming to augment its capacity, Air India has planned to induct 25 Airbus narrow-body and 5 Boeing wide-body aircraft in its existingAirfleet.India has signed leases and letters of intent for 25 Airbus narrow-body and 5 Boeing wide-body air craft which will enter service from late 2022, increasing the airline’s fleet by over 25 per cent.Not counting the 10 long-grounded narrow-body and six wide-body aircraft that have been returned to service in recent months, these new aircraft mark the first major fleet expansion since Air India’s acquisition by the Tata Group earlier this year. The aircraft being leased include twenty-one Airbus A320neos, four Air bus A321neos and five Boe ing B777-200LRs.Aspertheairline, the B777-200LRs will join the fleet b etween December

greatly assist in preserving trees in general. It may be mentioned here that KGS was launched in 2017 and officially inaugurated by Minister of State for Minis try of Education & External Affairs, Rajkumar Ranjan on February 14, 2022 at Imphal. Nagaland is the first State in the North East region to become a franchi see and the company hopes to soon set up similar fran chisees in all the neighbour ing States.
Mystery over Covid origin can have colossal consequences: Parl panel
NEW DELHI, SEP 12 (PTI): In a double whammy of sorts for the Indian econ omy, retail inflation acceler ated to 7 per cent in August driven by high food and fuel costs, while factory output plunged to a four-month low of 2.4 per cent. The reversal of a three-month declining trend in CPI inflation will put pressure on the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to again raise interest rates to tame prices, which have stayed above the comfort zone for the eighth month in a row. CPI inflation climbed to 7 per cent from 6.71 per cent in July and 5.3 per cent in August 2021, official data released on Monday showed. A sharp increase in cereals and vegetable prices owing to erratic monsoon impacting production was the main reason. While the country was already facing double-digit wheat inflation due to unexpected heat wave pulling down the output, a lower area sown under paddy due to the shortfall in monsoon rainfall is expected to reduce the rice output.
Singh said these cyl inders were the safest since it was made up of 100% non-explosive material and the composite nature of the cylinders come from the polymer-wrapped fiber glass fitted with HDPE outer jacket. Highlighting some of the features of the franchise, Singh disclosed that it would be home deliv
significant growth, Air India is delighted to resume ex panding its fleet and global footprint. These new air craft, together with existing aircraft being returned to service, address an immedi ate need for more capacity and connectivity, and mark a strong step forward. Air India has exciting expansion and renewal plans, of which these new aircraft are just the beginning.”AirIndia’s narrowbody fleet currently stands at 70 aircraft, of which 54 are in service; the remaining 16 aircraft will progressively re turn to service by early 2023. Similarly, Air India’s widebody fleet currently stands at 43 aircraft, of which 33 are operational.Therest will return to service by early 2023.
ister was silent on this. He warned that the chief minister would be held personally responsible if Nagaland met the fate of Jammu & Kashmir by losing its Statehood and becoming a Union Territory or an au tonomous council by losing Article 371 Meanwhile,(A). speak ing on political parties in the State, Therie remarked
In this regard, the Commit tee strongly believes that the recently constituted Task Force Team led by Dr VK Paul will track the Monkey pox situation and provide guidance to the Govern ment on the expansion of diagnostic facilities in the country and combat the menace of Monkeypox,” the report said.
This amounts to about 4.81 per cent of General Government Expenditure in 2018-19. Of the GHE, Union Government’s share is 34.3 per cent and State Governments’ share is 65.7 per cent.
Air India to induct 30 new aircraft
8 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2022BUSINESS/STATE ACROSS 4 Ceremonial (6) 7 Mexican hat (8) 8 Slanting type (6) 10 Nimble (5) 13 Applaud (4) 14 Abominable snow man (4) 15 Missing (4) 16 Mattress (3) 17 Inert gas (4) 19 Therefore (4) 21 Fierce (9) 23 Golfer’s cry (4) 24 Cupid (4) 26 Blend (3) 27 Cloak (4) 29 Retain (4) 32 Let it stand (4) 33 Go by bike (5) 34 Fondle (6) 35 Hardhearted (8) 36 Parody (4-2) DOWN 1 Prose composition (5) 2 Scope (5) 3 Gaelic (4) 4 Frustrates (5) 5 Harvest (4) 6 Originates (6) 9 Skin decoration (6) 11 Information (3) 12 Passenger ship (5) 13 Notion (7) 15 Lavatory (3) 16 Vehicle (3) 18 Puts up (6) 20 Arctic dog (5) 21 Canine mammal (3) 22 Anger (3) 23 Concluding part (6) 25 Solidify (3) 28 Greek author (5) 30 Showy display (5) 31 Boy’s name (5) 32 Plant ovule (4) 33 Stout stick (4) Crossword No. 10392 Yesterday’s solution No. 10391 Su doku No. 5014 Yesterday’s solution No. 5013 KAKURO No. 4037 Yesterday’s solution No. 4036 Stolen Owner’s Name : Mhathung Jami Vehicle Number : NL07 EA 2403 Model : Royal Enfield Classic Signal Stormrider Sand Unique Tank Number : RE034047 Engine Number : U3S5C2JN342428 Chassis Number StolenStolenME3U3S5C2JN367720:from:Diphuparon:07/09/2022 DP-4289/22 Land For SaLe 1. Near ADC Court Dimapur (Area Available as per Budget) 2. Near Viola Colony (Area Available as per Budget) Contact : 8732002080 DP-4297/22(A) Land For SaLe 1. 3 Bighas (Residential Site at Khughovi Village) No Earth Filling Required Approach Road Touched Near 4 Lane Rs. 150 Per Sq. Ft 2. 9 Bighas (Paddy Field) at Nihoto Village Rs. 45 Per Sq. Ft Contact : 9362359477 DP-4299/22 Land For SaLe DiphuparVillage Contact No. 70051504609862909040:DP-4304/22 Stolen My Honda Grazia Disc Scooty has been stolen from Lions Club, Midland, Dimapur on 10.09.2022 at around 3:00 PM – 5:30 PM. Owner Name : Sagar Kumar Choudhary Reg. No. : NL07Eb5637 Engine No. : JF99EW0102545 Chassis No. ColourME4JF992JMW048996::blue Contact No. : 9436061294, 9612469257 DP-4303/22 Land For SaLe Excellent location for sale at Lotha Colony, Dimapur. Persons interested may kindly call the given contact number:9863227620 DP-4302/22 lanD For Sale at Purana Bazar, Dimapur between National Highway and Dimapur Hospital Ideal for both Commercial and Apartment building. Total Area : 15,106 Sq. Ft Contact : 9612170131DP-4301/22 OffiCe Of tHe teNiNg MAi ARAuNg DiMAPuR , NAgALAND Lottery resuLt Drawn Date : 10/09/2022 1st Prize – No. 2550 2nd Prize – No. 3784 3rd Prize – No. 1269 Consolation Prizes: 3563, 3305, 2529, 1910, 1687 DP-4300/22 Paddy FieLd For SaLe Near Chathe Prayer Centre PriceAreaMedziphema:12Puras:Rs.18/-persq. ft. (in bulk) Contact : 9862991691 DP-4280/22 c-585/22D Land For SaLe at Vihokhu Just 1 minute drive from Foothill Road. Any size at Rs. 45 Per Sq. Ft. (Slightly Negotiable) Contact No. : 60095306326009094225DP-4116/22 Land For SaLe 1. Aoyim (Road Touched) 2. Padum Pukhuri Contact No. : 89742040508259036130DP-4199/22 WANTED Naga Angami Woman for Cooking and Looking after Home Kitchen Kohima only : Age 30 plus Family of 4 Adults + 2/3 House Keeping Staff Wage – Rs. 10k Contact : 9366283029 k-2076/22b-995/22D

The committee’s rec ommendations and obser vations on the origins of the SARS-CoV-2-virus are that identification of the true source of the virus is crucial for establishment of new zoonotic reservoirs to avoid future reinfections and diseases in humans and animals.“The Committee ob serves that the origin of the virus still remains obscure and more studies need to be conducted to shed light on the origins of the SARSCoV-2Thevirus.Committee strong ly believes that identification of the true source of the virus is crucial for estab lishment of new zoonotic reservoirs so that future reinfections and diseases in animals as well as humans are prevented.”TheCommittee has further said that identifying novel pathogens and faster detection is also important.
NEW DELHI, SEP 12 (IANS): American Express Banking Corp (AEBC) on Monday announced the ap pointment of Sanjay Khan na as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Country Manager of AEBC Corp India.Khanna heads the country executive team and is responsible for driving growth across the organisa tion’s consumer and com mercial businesses.
In his new role, Khan na will also spearhead sev eral strategic and business development initiatives for the company while steering smooth collaboration across its diverse businesses in In dia. His position will be key to advancing and strength ening the company’s strate gic focus in SpeakingIndia.on the ap pointment, Rob McClean, Executive Vice President, International Card Services, American Express, said, “I am pleased to welcome San jay to this new role”.
Rupee ends 6 paise up against US dollar at 79.52
India spent 3.16% of GDP on healthcare
249 crores, the report said.
The Indian rupee ended 6 paise up, at 79.52, against the US dollar on Monday following stronger regional currencies and risk-on sen timents ahead of inflation data. At the Interbank for eign exchange market, rupee ended at 79.52, as against 79.58 against the US dollar.
are expected to join the Air India fleet in the first quarter of calendar year 2023, while the 21 A320 will be inducted in the second half of 2023. These aircraft will be de ployed on domestic sectors as well as to short-haul inter national destinations, said an Air India Commentingspokesperson.onthe fleet expansion, Campbell Wilson, CEO & Managing Director, Air India, said: “After a long time without

KGS chairman AB Singh (4th-L) with others during the inaugural at Kohima on Monday. (NP) ery system and a customer could avail a total of 11+1 cylinders in a year.

A new Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) depot called Gas For Trees (GFT), a franchise of Kangla Gas Solutions (KSG) Pvt Ltd. Manipur, was launched by chairman of the company, Akhom Birendra Singh at its corporate office, Sep füzou, here on Monday.
(From p-1)
“Large scale fatalities and the devastating impact of
Covid-19 pandemic necessi tate the need of being better prepared for possible future outbreaks viz the menace and management of Mon keypox.The Committee strong ly believes that it is incum bent upon global scientists to accelerate its efforts in identifying novel patho gens and establish a robust surveillance mechanism for faster detection of the pathogens.”“TheCommittee ac cordingly recommends the Ministry to develop a healthcare framework in the country for investigat ing and managing future outbreaks more effectively.
King Charles, Princesss Anne, Prince Andrew and Prince Edward follow the hearse carrying coffin of Queen Elizabeth. holiday home at Balmoral, in the Scottish Highlands, at the age of 96 after a 70year reign, plunging the nation into Charlesmourning.became king on her death and was for mally proclaimed as mon arch on TinaSaturday.Richardson, 63, a retiree from Dunbar, was among those standing on the centuries-old Royal Mile beside the Cathedral.
EDINBURGH, SEP 12 (AGENCIES): The coffin of the late Queen Elizabeth was taken along the Royal Mile in the Scottish capital Edinburgh on Monday in a solemn procession watched by thousands of people lin ing the street to pay their respects to Britain’s longest reigningThemonarch.skirlofbagpipes was the only sound as kilt ed soldiers from the Royal Regiment of Scotland bore the coffin from the Palace of Holyrood House and placed it in the hearse.

The new work pass will allow high-earners and high-achievers to live in the country without having to secure a job first.
We, the Tseminyu Union with would to Khing the Medalist Assam Don Bosco
ALL NAGALAND hiNDi teAcheRS’ UNiON MOKOKchUNG UNit Silver Jubilee cum 29th State Level hindi Diwas 2022

She said her middle name was Elizabeth after the late queen.“She’s like a member of my own family. There’ll never be anyone like her,” she told Reuters. “She was such a beautiful lady who gave us all so much. She dedicated her whole life to the country. In good times and bad she was there, especially during COVID. She united everybody.”
Shakespeare, he noted: “As Shakespeare said of the earlier Queen
Thesaid.Russian Presi dent is thought to have relieved Lieutenant Gen eral Roman Berdnikov of his duties over the failure of Kremlin troops to keep hold of vast swathes of Ukrainian territory over the last few days, Daily MailAreported.counter-offensive by Ukrainian forces has seen troops push to within 30 miles of the border, amid reports that ‘panicked’ Russian troops have been abandoning tanks, weap ons andTheresupplies.have been claims from some sources that Russian soldiers have “literally ran from their positions”, even leaving
Office Of
A gun salute crashed out from a battery on Edin burgh Castle as the hearse began its journey. Then there was just Elizabethsilence.died on Thursday morning in her
The Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass is not meant to be abused as a visit or travel document,” said Dr Tan. “MOM reserves the right to cancel the pass if there are extended periods of economic inactivity with no good reasons.”
The first in-person SCO summit since 2019 will be watched closely for the possibility of bilateral meetings on the sidelines with Chinese President Xi,
The pass holders can con currently work for a few companies or start their own Theybusiness.can sponsor their dependents and their spous es can work with a letter of consent.Tan said: “(These individuals) can help us push new frontiers, draw in greater investments and interest to grow our local ecosystem, and most im portantly, create a diverse range of opportunities for Singaporeans.”Givingan example in sports, Tan said such tal ent would include current and former world-class topranked athletes who may wish to set up commercial operations or training bases in Singapore, from which local athletes, coaches and the sports ecosystem here can benefit.“Letme be very clear.
Don’t backtrack on climate goals : UN tells EU Singapore to ensure new work pass for talent recruitment is not abused: Min
SCO summit. Russian of ficials have announced that Putin and Xi will meet on the sidelines of the SCO summit in Samarkand, which will be their first visit since Moscow attacked Ukraine in February this year.Prime Minister Modi will visit Uzbekistan on September 15-16 to at tend the SCO and is also likely to hold a few bilateral meetings on the sidelines of the summit, the Min istry of External Affairs (MEA) said in a statement on Sunday.Atthe invitation of Uzbekistan President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, Prime Minister Modi will be visit ing Samarkand on Sep tember 15-16 to attend the 22nd Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Coopera tion Organization (SCO), the MEA said.
behind their clothes as they ran away from the advanc ing Ukrainian army in the Kharkiv oblast in the northeast of the country, Daily Mail
Date : 16.09.2022 time : 11:00 AM Place : AONGZA Ki, MKG
congratulate Rev. fr. Lawrence
The move came after a sustained Ukrainian ‘disin formation campaign’ about a counter-offensive in the south, which succeeded in
Beyond expressing concerns about the direct impact of Russia’s war in Ukraine, she noted how the war has dented exports of food and fuel from those two countries, who are major producers of both, forcing EU states, for example, to scramble to boost their en ergy sources. “In the face of soaring energy prices which threaten to impact the most vulnerable as win ter approaches, some EU member states are turning to investments in fossil fuels infrastructure and supplies,” al-Nashif said. While such an impulse was “under standable,” she warned of the long-term consequences of boosting use of fossil fu els that contribute to global warming .
named for my mother’s Dia mond Jubilee”. Around 900 members of Parliament and peers gathered for this stage of the constitutional ritual of State Mourning, as they pledged loyalty to the new sovereign. The Speaker of the House of Commons, Sir Lindsay Hoyle, read out the condolence message, which was then handed to the new monarch.“Deep as our grief is, we know yours is deeper... There is nothing we can say in the praise of our late Queen, your mother, that you do not already know,” said Hoyle.Atthe end of the condolence ceremony, the 73-year-old monarch left for Edinburgh with Queen Consort Camilla to lead a royal procession behind the late Queen’s coffin as it makes its journey from the Palace of Holyroodhouse to St. Giles’ Cathedral in the Scottish capital. Following a special service to celebrate Queen Elizabeth II’s life, the coffin will lie-at-rest at the cathedral for 24 hours to allow members of the public
Sd/Karibong President, CKT Sd/Sademrenla Kichu General Secretary, CKT mkc-336/22
For those seeking to convert from an existing employment pass, the min istry will scrutinise their income tax filings with the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore to ensure the taxes filed are consistent with their application.
Elizabeth, she was a pattern to all princes living.”
Ao, Graduate Teacher GHS
King Charles III will have an audience with Scot tish First Nicola Sturgeon and attend the Scottish Par liament to receive a motion of condolence. On Monday evening, the monarch will hold a vigil with other mem bers of the royal family at St. Giles’ Cathedral, where the coffin will be draped in the Royal Standard flag and the Crown of Scotland placed on top.“I am deeply aware of this great inheritance and of the duties and heavy responsibilities of Sover eignty which have now passed to me,” Charles said in his declaration on being proclaimed King over the weekend.“In taking up these responsibilities, I shall strive to follow the inspiring ex ample I have been set in upholding theandCommonwealthofprosperitythegovernmentconstitutionalandtoseekpeace,harmonyandofthepeoplestheseIslandsandoftheRealmsTerritoriesthroughoutworld,”hesaid.
Xi Jinping
Ukrainian soldiers surge into the east of the country in an effort that has seen them take more than 1,000 square miles of territory in a mat ter of days, in a period of time that could prove to be a turning point in the war.
his valuable outstanding merit.
Singapore will launch new Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass for tal ent earning at least SGD 30,000 (Rs 17,09,660) in fixed monthly salary, com parable to the top 5 per cent of existing Employ ment Pass holders, or with outstanding achievements in arts and culture, sports, and research and academia. This scheme starts on Janu ary 1,Tan2023.pointed out that the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) was already con ducting back-end checks to sieve out potential cases of false salary declarations.
his future
“While very young her
late Majesty pledged herself to serve her country and her people and to maintain the precious principles of constitutional government which lie at the heart of our nation,” said Charles.
King Charles III on Mon day addressed Parliament for the first time as Britain’s monarch during which he pledged to follow the ex ample of selfless duty set by his “darling late moth er” Queen Elizabeth II in upholding “the precious principles of constitutional governance”.Responding to the condolences offered by the House of Commons and Lords at Westminster Hall in London, the monarch reflected upon the “weight of history” as he pointed to the many symbols of his mother’s reign around the historic Westminster Hall within the Houses of Parlia ment complex and quoted from William Shakespeare to pay tribute to the Queen, who passed away aged 96 in Scotland on Thursday.
for being
University, Guwahati, Assam.
SINGAPORE, SEP 12 (PTI): Singapore will put in place safeguards to ensure that a new work pass for top talent recruitment from around the world is not abused, Manpower Minister Tan See Leng assured Par liament on Monday.
Nada al-Nashif, the acting UN high commis sioner for human rights, laid out rights concerns about more than 30 countries, regions and territories in cluding Ethiopia, Ukraine, Myanmar and Haiti in an opening speech to the lat est session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva.
TAIPEI, SEP 12 (IANS): Taiwan’s meteorological agency has issued a mari time warning as Muifa, the 12th typhoon of this year, is approaching the island.
Vladimir Putin
This came after un confirmed reports back in June that he had been killed during fighting in the Donbas region of Ukraine.
Tan’s remarks came as he delivered a ministerial statement on Monday on strengthening Singapore’s position as a global hub for talent. There were 24 par liamentary questions raised seeking more details on new schemes to attract global talent, and on Singapore’s efforts to develop local tal ent, according to a report by Channel News Asia.
King Charles and his siblings - Anne, Andrew and Edward - then walked behind the hearse up the historic street. The coffin will lie in St Giles’ Cathe dral for an overnight vigil before being flown to Lon don on Tuesday.
The Chungliyimsen Students' Union, takes immense pride congratulating Jojangsangba Dilong, for of

Union wishes him the best in all his future endeavours.AchvuloKent Joshua Kent President, TVSU General Secretary
in MSW at
(IANS): Russian President Vladimir Putin is reported to have sacked a top-rank ing general just 16 days after appointing him fol lowing his crushing defeat in eastern Ukraine, media reports

Xi to attend SCO summit, to visit Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan
receiving the District Award for Teachers in recognition
plicants, and it is not tied to a job role in Singapore.
The acting UN human rights chief on Monday urged European Union member states to avoid “backtracking” on their ef forts to develop renewables and energy-efficiency proj ects at a time when soaring energy prices have prompted some to ramp up use of and searches for fossil fuels.
Affected by the me dium-strength typhoon, it also warned against heavy rain in the north of the is land, reports Xinhua news agency.The meteorologi cal agency predicted that Muifa will be nearest to the island on Monday and Tuesday, and will gradu ally depart starting from Wednesday. Taiwan had issued a maritime warning for this year’s 11th typhoon Hinnamnor on September 2, which was lifted two days later.
For overseas candi dates, the ministry will fur ther assess their company’s market capitalisation and revenue based on verifi able sources. The economic agencies will support MOM in this, said Tan.

teLONGJeM KOhiMA : NAGALAND Regd. No. H/RS-1140 Dt. 17-10-2000 feLicitAtiON The Ungma Senso Telongjem Kohima (USTK) with immense pride and honour conveys heartfelt congratulations to the following Union Members on their promotion. 1. Dr. t tiakaba Jamir, son of Shri. Takawati Jamir on being promoted to Principal, Phek Government College, Nagaland. 2. Shri. R. Alichuba Jamir, son of Late Repjenchiba Jamir on being promoted to Data Analyst, Department of Economics & Statistics, Nagaland. The Ungma Senso Telongjem Kohima wishes them all the very best in all days to come. Sd/- Sd/chubamayang Jamir temjensowa Jamir President General Secretary U STK U STK k-2079/22 GUeSt SPeAKeR : ShRi teMJeN iMNA ALONG Minister of higher education And tribal Affairs compare : SMt. LANUiNLA AO ORDeR Of PROGRAMMe 1. Invocation : Rev. Dr. Bendang Longkumer, Pastor, Artang Baptist Church 2. Welcome Speech : Shri. Chubanaxi, President, Mkg Unit 3. Presentation : Smt. Sichiya Rengma, Member of Programme Committee 4. Short Speech : i. Shri. A.S. Yarthotngam, Deputy Director (Hindi) ii. Shri. Shashank Pratap Singh, DC, Mkg iii. Smt. Sentinenla, DEO, Mkg 5. Special Presentation : i. Senayangba GHSS, Ungma ii. Govt. High School Sumi 6. ANHTU Report : Shri. Prakash Shreshtha, General Secretary, ANHTU 7. Release of Souvenir : Shri. Senzüngmar, Convener, Souvenir Committee 8. Speech : Shri. Temjen Imna Along, Minister of Higher Education & Tribal Affairs 9. Vote of Thanks : Shri. Tajung, Convener, Planning Committee A Letter From Silver Jubilee To Golden Jubilee A. Atsüla Yimchungrü Secretary Planning Committee 10.Benediction : Tiyalo, TenyimiaPastor,Baptist Church, Mkg Jubilee feast to follow invitation All Nagaland Hindi Teachers’ Union Mokokchung Unit (ANHTU) will celebrate Silver Jubilee on 16th September 2022 from 11:00 AM at Aongza Ki, Mokokchung. Therefore, all Private Hindi Teachers and All Hindi Teachers’ Pensioners are invited to attend this auspicious programme positively. For further enquiry, contact : 1.

Tan See Leng
Office Of SeNSO 8794883517 6009131739
and has attended global eventsFromvirtually.Kazakhstan, Xi would travel to the neigh bouring Uzbekistan where the SCO summit is sched uled to be held on Septem ber 15-16.The Beijing-head quartered SCO is an eightmember economic and security bloc consisting of China, Russia, Kazakh stan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajiki stan, Uzbekistan, India and Pakistan.After the Samarkand summit, where Iran was expected to formally be ad mitted into the SCO, India will take over the Presi dency of the influential grouping of Central Asian Republics.Prime Minister Nar endra Modi and Russian President Vladimir Putin are expected to attend the
BEIJING, SEP 12 (PTI): China officially announced on Monday that President Xi Jinping will travel for the first time out of the country in over two years this week to visit Kazakh stan and attend the SCO summit being held in Uz bekistan.Xiwill attend the 22nd meeting of the Coun cil of Heads of State of the Shanghai notaroundingawhichcoronavirustheturn,Januarylast17-18.visit14,KazakhstanbriefnyingspokespersonChinesefromzakhstanandtheOrganisationCooperation(SCO)incityofSamarkand,paystatevisitstoKaandUzbekistanSeptember14to16,ForeignMinistryHuaChuannouncedhereinastatement.HewouldfirstvisitonSeptemberwhichwillbehisfirstabroadsinceJanuaryMyanmarwasthecountryXivisitedon17-18,2020.JustdaysafterhisreChinahadannouncedmassiveoutbreakoftheinWuhan,laterspiralledintoglobalpandemicresultinmillionsofdeathstheworld.Sincethen,Xi,69,hasventuredoutofChina

“This vow she kept with unsurpassed devotion. She set an example of self less duty which with God’s help and your counsels I am resolved faithfully to fol low,” he Quotingsaid.
The Union further extends best for endeavours.
After the application is approved, the ministry will continue to engage the pass holders during their time in Singapore.Thepass will be for five years, compared to the current two years for new Employment Pass (EP) ap
to pay their respects.
the tSeMiNYU ViLLAGe StUDeNtS' UNiON feLicitAtiON k-2077/22
Office O f the chUNGLiYiMSeN StUDeNtS ' UNiON chungliyimsen, P. O Mokokchung - 798601
diverting Russian troops in that direction and leaving the north east vulnerable to attack, Daily Mail re ported.The main advance in the area began six days ago and has forced Moscow to withdraw its troops to prevent them being sur rounded.According to the Main Directorate of Intel ligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Lt General Berdnikov was ap pointed as commander of the Western Armed Forces on AugustHowever,26. it seems his time in charge was short lived, with Ukrainian intel ligence saying he has been sacked by Putin due to the rout in Kharkiv. There has been no confirmation from the Kremlin on this.
But Tan said that the top talent on this pass are given flexibilities because MOM wants to encourage them to “take risks, explore new frontiers and make a big impact to benefit Sin gapore”.
King Charles III makes first address to UK Parl motherSaysdarlinglatesetexampleofselflessduty
This includes scruti
much pride
On Sunday, the ty phoon was monitored to be centred at 22.5 degrees north latitude and 124.5 degrees east longitude and was moving north-by-west ward at 7 km per hour, ac cording to the agency.
In setting the tone for his own relationship with MPs and peers, Charles described Parliament as “the living and breathing instrument of our democ racy” and highlighted the “tangible connections to my darling late mother” all around, including the great bell of Big Ben – “one of the most powerful symbols of our nation throughout the world and housed within the Elizabeth Tower also
King Charles III is offered Keys of the City of Edinburgh by Lord Provost Robert Aldridge in Edinburgh. (AP)

Russian President Putin, and Pakistan Prime Minis ter Shehbaz Sharif among the leaders expected to attend.While there was no official word on whether Modi will have a meeting with Xi or Sharif, it will be after a long time that all these leaders will be at the same venue in person for a summit meeting. It will be the first time Modi and Xi will come face to face after their meeting at Brasilia on the sidelines of the BRICS (Brazil, Rus sia, India, China, South Africa) in Since2019.then, relations between the two sides nose dived over the incursion of Chinese troops in Eastern Ladakh in May 2020, lead ing to a prolonged military standoff that is still con tinuing.China and India on Thursday announced the disengagement of their troops from the Patrolling Point 15 in the Gogra-Hot springs area of eastern La dakh in a “coordinated and planned way.”
nising applications from companies with a limited track record and asking for more documents to verify that the salary declared will be paid. This will be applied to all Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass applications.
Putin sacks top general following crushing defeat in eastern Ukraine
Village Students'
Taiwan issues warning as typhoon Muifa approaches
In solemn procession, Queen Elizabeth’s coffin is taken through Edinburgh
Skip the Sunscreen
Stick With Meat and Po tatoes
We further wish him all the best and invoke God’s blessings and guidance upon his future endeavours.
Go With the Flow
48 stude nts participated in the competition. Every house in both the sections were represented by 6 stu dents each. The students brought the ingredients in accordance with the theme
It’s a rare guy who gets
Cooking competition organised at LSHSS Dimapur

Tempt Fate
You already know you need to drop a few pounds and cut back on the beer and potato chips. Besides, you feel fine. Men are ge niuses when it comes to finding reasons not to see the doctor. But one of the most important things you can do for your health is schedule -- and show up for -- a regular visit.
Theminutes.competition saw the students creating exotic Naga thalis with authentic easily available traditional ingredients. The thalis in cluded rejuvenating drinks like Rhus Chinesis Sumac with ginger etc.
The Irish government has provided a breakdown of which Irish county the 2,000 people to receive the income live in. At 764, Dublin has the highest numbers of re cipients followed by Cork (212) and Galway (148).
The Dimapur Lakhuni Senso Telongjem , with immense pride and honour would like to extend its heartiest congratulations to Dr. IMTINUNGSANG JAMIR, S/o Mr. Meren Jamir and Mrs Naro Pongen of Lakhuni Village, R/o Kukidolong Village, Medziphema, for successfully completing his Ph.D on the topic, “Diversity of Ralstonia solanacearum causing bacterial wilt of brinjal and its management through grafting” at Bidhan Chandra Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, (Agricultural Univesity) West Bengal, under the supervision of Dr. Asit Kumar Mandal, Department of Plant Pathology, and getting selected as Subject Matter Specialist (SMS) Plant Pathology in the recently conducted Examination at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Government of India, Pusa, Samastipur, Bihar.
The students prepared
Participants with judge and teachers in-charge during the cooking competition.
Ignore the Snore Sawing logs at night?
We’re not just talking about golf or beach days. You should slather on a product with an SPF 30 or higher every time you go outside to prevent skin cancer. Most guys never put it on their faces -- or any other exposed skin. Protect yourself.
Mr. Imkongmar
High school catego ry: First position (Green House); Contestants - Mol ungsunep Ozkhum (9C), Wonchio (9C), Sentijungla (9D), Tovikali Sema (9C), Limaakum (10A) and Sen tikala (10C).
s part of the an nual cultural, lit erary and sports competitions week, Little Star Hr. Secondary School (LSHSS) Dimapur has conducted house - wise cooking competition for high school and higher sec ondary school students on September 3 and 7 under the theme “Naga Thali” at the school dining hall. The participants of the compe tition were the members of the “Cookery Club” of the school.The competition was held as a learning experi ence for the students and to emphasize the value of traditional Naga food. The competition was judged by one of the master chefs of Nagaland, Joel Basu matary, who is also the
Ditch the Doc
Refuse to Get Help for Impotence
Higher secondary category: First position (Blue House); Contestants - Temsujang Longkumer (11C Arts), Moivam M Phom (12 A Sc), Mutsilu Nyekha (12B Sc), Yungle L Angh (12C Arts), Pomei H Konyak (11B Arts) and Li ani T Achumi (11B Arts).
About half of guys who snore have something called obstructive sleep apnea. It does more than just annoy the person next to you. This disorder can make you stop breathing for a few seconds. It’s also linked to heart disease and high blood pressure.
It’s in response to sugges tions by a taskforce set up by Catherine Martin – the Irish Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sports and Media – on how the arts could recover from the “unprecedented dam age” caused by the COVID pandemic. Musicians, visual artists, writers, dancers, ac tors and those working in film are among the anony mous recipients who have been chosen at random from a pool of more than 9,000 people. News of the scheme was first shared in January.
Don’t be ashamed.
Think You Can’t Have a Heart Attack
healthy dishes like boiled millet, yam curry, dried pork with fermented soya beans, winged beans chut ney, black rice pudding, chicken broth, and many more using traditional reci pes and recipes tweaked with other traditional items. The dishes were served cre atively tickling the taste buds of the onlookers. Each house served 4-5 items on the ‘Naga Thali’.
Drink Away the Blues
More women than men get depressed. That’s part of the problem -- the idea that it’s a “female problem” often keeps the more than 6 mil lion men who have it from seeking help. As a result, more guys turn to drugs and alcohol to help them feel better. This just makes depression that much harder to spot -- and treat.
How many times have
owner of Smokey Joe’s. The teachers in charge of the competitions were Sudha for the high school section and Imnasungla Aier for higher second ary section. Altogether,
you gone to the bathroom today? Really, who has time to keep track? Maybe you should. If you go more than eight times a day or more than twice at night, it could be more than a nuisance. It could be a sign of a medi cal problem like enlarged prostate, overactive bladder (OAB), or even some forms of cancer. Talk to your doc tor about it.
Keep Your Mouth Shut
Medically Reviewed by Minesh Khatri, MD
of the competition. The preparation, cooking and presentation of the finished product, was done within the allotted time of one hour 20
More than 700 visual artists have been selected
Irish government begins paying 2,000 artists a weekly income
he Irish government has started to pay 2,000 artists a weekly income of €325 (£280).

In a statement, Martin acknowledged that “there will be a lot of disappointed people today who applied and didn’t get selected”. She added: “I am very grateful to everyone who took the time to apply and I understand their disap pointment.” But she said that the Basic Income for the Arts had the “potential to fundamentally transform how we support the arts and creativity”. “Ireland could lead the way on a new model to support people active in the sector, recognising its importance to all people,” she added.
Mr. Tajen Langu President Secretary OffIce Of The DIMApUR LAkhUNI SeNSO TeLONGJeM District : Dimapur : pin – 797112, Nagaland feLIcITATION k-2082/22DP-4290/22 Dc-1055/22

Guys: Don’t make these 10 health mistakes
Bedroom problems have nothing to do with your masculinity. Chances are they aren’t caused by your state of mind, either. The main cause of impotence is usually a lack of blood flow to the penis. This can also be a sign of heart trouble, so put your pride aside and see the doc.
In the U.S., women are more likely than men to get routine dental checkups. But guys need to see the dentist regularly, too. Not only because they can spot and prevent oral problems, but sitting back and saying “ah” can also reveal symp toms of things like diabetes, Crohn’s disease, lupus, and even leukemia.

affected artists’ income. The payment is not means tested so the 2,000 people selected may still be eligible for social welfare payments and will still be able to earn other money from their work. However, they do have to take part in a research proj ect that collects data about the impact of the payment.
The winners of the competition were –
enough fruits and vegetables during the day. Doctors sug gest four to five servings of each for a heart-healthy diet. If that’s not enough, eating the good stuff also lowers the odds that you’ll have a stroke, cancer, or digestive problems. And it keeps your blood sugar in check.

to receive the payments, along with 584 musicians, 204 working in film and 184 writers. About 170 ac tors and others working in theatre were also selected, along with 32 dancers and choreographers, 13 circus artists and 10 architects. More than 50 recipients work in the Irish language.
The “Big One” is some thing most guys worry about for their dad or granddad. But the threat is often there for much younger men. If heart disease runs in your family, it could find you as early as your 30s. No matter what your age is, make it a point to take care of your ticker.
Some guys just love to drink, smoke, gamble, drive fast, or jump out of planes. Sure these things are fun, but all of them can be bad for your health. Truth is, men are more likely than women to do all these things. Why? Some guys do drink more, which messes with their judgment. Others just spend less time worrying about the outcome of their actions. Sometimes, it pays to think twice.
The Basic Income for the Arts scheme will run for three years at a cost of €25m (£22million), reports the BBC. As was the case in Northern Ireland, arts and entertainment venues in the Republic of Ireland were closed for long periods due to COVID restrictions which

Kattimani rose to the occa sion and made himself big to make the save as Hyder abad FC had their entire team in goal.
Kyle Verreynne off Rabada.
Hyderabad FC players celebrating after Akash Mishra scored its second goal against Rajasthan United. (
Sikandar Raza
Martin Chaves almost scored the second goal for his side after his curling free-kick hit the woodwork in addedHyderabadtime.
on Day 5, England took barely 25 minutes to seal a nine-wicket victory, finish ing on 130 for one. That clinched the series 2-1, to go with England’s 3-0 win over world Test champion New Zealand in June and its victory in a one-off Test against India in July.
being tested on their abili ties as tricky conditions surfaced on the pitch due to heavyManuelrains. Marquez’s men found themselves in trouble after a sloppy clearance from a tackle by Rabeeh led to a backpass
“I’malone.incredibly hum bled and honoured to have won the player of the month award from the ICC -- more humbling that I’m the first Zimbabwean to ever win such an award,” said Raza.
Dear Loving Dad, this is the day where we stand beside you shedding our tears for we know that you will be no more with us but there is always special place where we cherish the memories. Still love you Dad dearly and missing you.
Martin Chaves converted
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Though, we cannot thank each and everyone of you individually, it is our humble prayer that our Almighty God bless you all abundantly. Wife, and
Blacks as Halicharan Nar zary, who came on for Yasir Mohammad, assisted Javier Siverio for a goal with his first touch with the ball. Narzary put a peach of a cross to Siverio as the latter made no mistake and found the back of the net with ease to give a two-goal cushion to his side.
Loving mother, wife, children and family members
Zak Crawley — an opener who, like Lees, is under pressure for his place after poor returns over the international summer — helped England over the line and was unbeaten on a 57-ballOllie69.
TKC felicitates medal winners
Time flies fast Life goes on at its own pace. But some memories can never be forgotten or erased from the minds of the dearest ones. You will always remain in our thoughts.
while Rev. Kevimese Suo hu, Sr. pastor NBBC in voked God’s blessing.
4th Death anniversary of Late Phelukhwe Kirha
dropped by wicketkeeper
We, the family members of our beloved Late Toshinungsang Imchen (Longmisa) would like to express our sincere gratitude to each and every Individual, Unions, Church Members, Relatives, Neighbours and Friends who stood by us Spiritually, Physically and Financially during the time of his illness until his demise on 2nd September, 2022.


Sikandar Raza makes history by claiming monthly award

One of the medal winners being felicitated.
DIMAPUR, SEP 12 (NPN): Tsütuonuomia Khel Council (TKC) fe licitated Kewhimia sport persons for winning med als at the 2nd Nagaland Olympic and Paralympic Games 2022 on September 11 at Tsütuo Hall, T. Khel, Kohima village.

The substitutes in the 67th minute made the dif ference for the Yellow and
the penalty as he placed the shot in the left corner to beat Kattimani and restore parity.Rajasthan United FC continued to find pockets of spaces in behind the Hyderabad defence as a RUFC player was through on goal but Akash Mishra was quick enough to stop him in the tracks and make a block right in time.
Minutes later, Katti mani was called into action again as Martin Chaves curling free-kick saw a header going in towards the goal but the custodian made a diving save to keep their lead intact in what was Rajasthan United FC’s best chance of the game.
“I would like to thank everybody who has been in the change room with me over the past three to four months -- that goes out to the technical staff and to the players. Without you guys this would not have been possible.Raza’s three centuries for the month came against world-class attacks, with the right-hander’s unbeaten 135 against Bangladesh at the start of the month arguably the pick of the bunch.
K. Neibou Sekhose chairman T. Khel Coun cil delivered greetings and Er. Kelhousinyü Solo vice chairman, T. Khel Council pronounced the vote of
Durand Cup: Hyderabad FC beat Rajasthan 3-1; reach SFs
thanks.In the meet, Kewhi mia sports personnel won 11 gold, four silver and six bronze medals.
Lord’s and it moved into an almost insurmountable po sition on Sunday, when bad light stopped play with the host on the brink — much to the annoyance of specta tors who wanted to see the Test wrapped up.
Loving wife & children.
(AGENCIES): Hyderabad FC cruised past Rajasthan United FC in a 3-1 vic tory in the fourth and final quarterfinal of the Durand Cup at the Kishore Bharati Stadium in Kolkata on a rainyTheMonday.Hero ISL side put past three with the help of Ogbeche (6’), Akash Mishra (45’), and Javier Siverio (68’) whereas Raj asthan United FC managed to equalise with a goal from Martin Chaves (29’, P) but it was too little to make any difference, indiansuper league.comHyderabadreported.FC took the game by storm in the initial minutes of the game as striker Bartholomew Ogbeche opened the scor ing from a downward header after Borja Herrera whipped in a cross inside the box in what was the side’s first big chance of the game.The two teams were

He function was graced by Helievi-o Solo, chairman Kohima Village Council as special guest
It was essentially a third straight three-day match in this series. Day 1 was washed out and Day 2 was called off as a mark of respect following the death of Queen Elizabeth II on Thursday.
Pope was also there at the finish on 11 not out, but only after paddlesweeping fast bowler Marco Jansen into the grille of his helmet — prompting laughter from Stokes on the balcony of the England dressing room.
England team with the trophy after winning the series. (AP/PTI)
Eng beat SA by 9 wkts in third Test; seal series 2-1

Alex Lees was the only wicket to fall, get ting trapped lbw by Kagiso Rabada for 39 in a success ful review by the South Af ricans. Lees has earlier been
Right at the stroke of half-time, Akash Mishra righted his wrongs as he handed the lead back to his side after pulling a blister ing low-driven shot from outside the box that left the keeper no chance to make a save.Hyderabad FC kept their attacking momentum going in the second half as they had several of their players going forward but couldn’t find an end prod uct to their attack.
FC will now face Bengaluru FC in the second semi-final of the Durand Cup at the Salt Lake Stadium in Kolkata on Thursday.

mkc-334/22 dp-4296/22
Against the Proteas, the English had to come from behind in the series after losing the first Test at
England returned to the Oval on Monday to speed ily knock off the 33 runs required to win the deciding third Test against South Af rica, completing a sweep of series victories this summer in a successful start to the new era under captain Ben Stokes and coach Brendon McCullum.Resuming on 97 for no loss chasing 130 to win
Veteran all-rounder Sikan dar Raza has made history by becoming the first Zim babwe player to win the ICC Men’s Player of the Month award. Raza beat New Zealand all-round er Mitchell Santner and England Test skipper Ben Stokes to claim the monthly award for August, with the 36-year-old scoring three
ODI centuries during the month
No sooner than Kat timani’s clearance, Raj asthan United FC found themselves at an advantage as Akash Mishra sheepishly committed a handball of fence that led to the referee awarding a penalty-kick.
by Odei Onaindia to Lax mikant Kattimani as the referee awarded an indirect free-kick inside the box.
SAFF U-17: India beat Bangladesh 2-1; book spot in final
(AFP): Crisis-hit Sri Lanka burst into spontaneous cel ebrations on Sunday as the South Asian nation won the Asia Cup tournament in the shortest form of cricket in Dubai.

Improving Metabolism, works as a Mild Laxative and helps a control Hyperacidity, it is also available as a Sugar free variant and works as an effective ayurvedic Medicine for Fatty Liver & Cirrhosis. useful in Alcoholic Liver Disease, Liver, Cirrhosis, Anorexia, Hapatitis-B & Protect Liver damage from regular alcohol consumption.

pulled one back in just a few minutes, after they were awarded a penalty for a soft foul. Striker Mi rajul Islam stepped up to the spot and sent Indian keeper Sahil the wrong way, to score his side’s first goal of the match.
Drained of energy, Al caraz dropped to the floor following the victory and then climbed up the stands to embrace his coach and former player Juan Carlos Ferrero.“Itis something I have dreamt of since I was a kid. To be No. 1 in the world, to be champion of a Grand Slam, is something I have worked really, really hard (for),” Alcaraz was quoted as saying by ATP.
Roddick 21 years, two months 3 Nov. 2003
to climb to the top, join ing coach Ferrero, Carlos Moya and AlcarazNadal.spent a total of 23 hours and 39 min utes on court on way to the crown, passing Kevin Anderson at Wimbledon in 2018 for most time played at a single Grand Slam tournament on record (sinceRuud,1999).who had lost to Nadal in the French Open final in June, was bidding to become the 28th player and first Norwegian to jump to No.
game at Galle Face. “We didn’t expect a win because we have not won a tourna ment
The Indian team surged into the lead five minutes after the resump tion, as striker Thanglal soun Gangte, who was lurking around the opposi tion box, received it just outside the area, and even as the jungle of legs tried to close him down, the striker delectably finished it to the right of the goalkeeper in a flash -- a dream finish for
Rajapaksa’s succes sor, Ranil Wickremesing he, was among the first to congratulate the national team.“The President ex pressed his heartfelt thanks to all those who dedicated themselves for this great victory, despite the grave challenges Sri Lanka is currently facing,” his office said in a Governmentstatement.employ
Alcaraz has become the youngest Grand Slam winner since Spanish stal wart Rafael Nadal, 19, lifted the French Open tro phy in 2005, while he is the youngest US Open winner since American legend Pete Sampras, 19, in 1990.

Bumrah, Harshal back for T20 WC
DetroitSemifinalsTigers Vs Diphupar Football United: 1 pmDiphupar Warriors Vs Winners of the 4th quarter final: 3 pm
New York as the world No. 4 but leaves the Flush ing Meadows at the topranked player, becoming the youngest to rise to ten nis’ pinnacle in the his tory of the ATP Rankings (since 1973). The Spaniard has also equalled the big gest jump to No. 1, while he is the fourth Spaniard
That goal provided a lot of impetus to the Ban gladesh attack, as they kept searching for the equaliser. Meanwhile, India played it
Fire crackers burst, cars honked and fans danced at the seafront Galle Face promenade in the capital, where the tournament was televised live on a giant screen.
India U-17: Sahil (GK), Vanlalpeka Guite, Ricky Meetei, Mukul Pan war, Manjot Singh Dhami, Gurnaj Singh Grewal, Korou Singh, Thanglal soun Gangte (Aman 76’), Boby Singh (Lalpekhlua 66’), Malemngamba Singh Thokchom, Danny Meetei.
In the second set, Bouchard raised her game and won it quite easily to secure her first WTA main draw victory since March 2021. She is on a comeback trail after injury.
Alcaraz 19 years, four months 12 Sep. 2022
Borg 21 years, three months 23 Aug. 1977
Chennai Open WTA
smart, exploiting the gaps left behind in the Bangla desh back line, to formu late theirSubstitutecounter-attacks.Lalpekhlua had a couple of chances with around 15 minutes of regulation time left on the clock, but could not extend the lead. At the other end, Indian defender Mukul Panwar made many cru cial blocks, to keep the opposition at bay.
NEW DELHI, SEP 12 (PTI): A fit-again pace spearhead Jasprit Bumrah and death overs specialist Harshal Patel were pre dictably back in the India squad for the upcoming T20 World Cup in Austra lia starting October 16.

Safin 20 years,10 months 20 Nov. 2000
“It is tough to talk right now, I have lots of
(IANS): Spanish teenager Carlos Alcaraz displayed explosive power and dem onstrated impressive touch around the net as he over came a fighting Norwe gian Casper Ruud 6-4, 2-6, 7-6(1), 6-3 to clinch his maiden Grand Slam trophy -- the US Open crown -and secure the world No. 1 ranking on Monday (IST).
emotions. This is some thing I have tried to achieve. All the hard work I have done with my team and my family. I am just 19-years-old, all the tough decisions have been with my parents and my team as well. It is something that is really special for me,” he added.It has been an energy sapping US Open for Al caraz, who endured three consecutive five-set match es to reach his first Grand Slam final. He spent 20 hours and 19 minutes on court across six games on
way to the title showdown with “ThereRuud. is no time to be tired in the final rounds of a Grand Slam... You have to be ready and give every thing you have inside. It is something I work really hard for,” Alcaraz said.
Printed, Published and Edited by Geoffrey Yaden at G.M. Printers, Circular Rd. Dimapur-797112. Ph: Desk 248489, Adm.& Advertisement :248267, 8798162009, R.N. 40978/90 RN/NE 707 MYK C MYK C SPORTS12 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2022
Frank gave NRSFA an early lead in the 3rd minute. However, Diphu par Warriors fought back strongly as Thejasetuo lev eled the scoreline in the
Indian players celebrate scoring a goal against Bangladesh.
Bouchard beats Zuger at
Sri Lankan players celebrate with the winners trophy. (AP/PTI)
Alcaraz arrived in
Striker Thanglalsoun Gangte netted a secondhalf brace, to win the match for India, as Bangla desh later pulled one back via a Mirajul Islam penalty.
The 19-year-old Al caraz won 76 per cent of net points (34/45) to out last his opponent inside the Arthur Ashe Stadium after a nearly three hours and 20 minute slugfest. This was Alcaraz’s 51st tour-level victory of the season
18th minute. Then in the 25th minute, Thamglenhao sealed the deal to guide his team into the last four stage.Meanwhile, the fourth quarterfinal match between Red Scars and ZVYC has been postponed after heavy afternoon shower left large area of the pitch unplay able. The match has been rescheduled on Tuesday at 7 am. The tournament is organized by Dimapur District Football Referee
also among the four standbys who will travel Down Under.The other three re serve players are Shreyas Iyer, Bishnoi and seamer DeepakHardikChahar.Pandya, Ar shdeep Singh and Bhu vneshwar Kumar will be reporting to the NCA for conditioning-related work during the course of the home series against Austra lia and South BhuvneshwarAfrica. will miss the South Africa series while Hardik and Arshdeep will skip the Australia series
Squads: For World Cup: Ro hit Sharma (Captain), KL Rahul (vice-captain), Virat Kohli, Suryakumar Yadav, Deepak Hooda, Rishabh Pant Chahar.Iyer,Mohd.shdeepKumar,Bumrah,Chahal,R.keeper),Dinesh(wicket-keeper),Karthik(wicket-HardikPandya,Ashwin,YuzvendraAxarPatel,JaspritBhuvneshwarHarshalPatel,ArSingh.Standbyplayers-Shami,ShreyasRaviBishnoi,Deepak
Carlos Alcaraz with the championship trophy after defeating Casper Ruud. (AP/PTI)
noted that Sunday’s cricket win came hours after Sri Lanka won the Asia Cup in women’s netball at a tournament in Singapore.
ing the lead,” she said after the match, adding that it was good to regain focus and win.The Swiss player, ranked 167, bounced back after falling behind early, coming up with some im pressive shots on her part. However, mistakes at cru cial junctures pegged her back. The former Wimble don finalist managed to snatch the tie-break to go a set up. She had earlier saved a set point at 5-6 with a superb backhand.
“Veryrecently.”happy, very happy,” shouted Jameel Irshad, who was celebrat ing with friends at Galle Face, which until July was the launch pad for top pling president Gotabaya Rajapaksa over food,facingpoweringmismanagement.economicThecountryisendurhyperinflation,lengthyblackoutsandisacuteshortagesoffuelandmedicines
tus and soon took the lead.
NEW DELHI, SEP 12 (IANS): India defeated Bangladesh 2-1 in the SAFF U-17 Champion ship semifinal to book their spot in the summit clash at the Racecourse International Stadium in Colombo on Monday.

As the clock wound down, both the sides head ed to the dressing room with the scorers yet to be troubled. However, India came out after the change of ends with all the impe
Alcaraz clinches US Open title
beginning September 20.
after running out of for eign exchange to pay for imports since late last year.
“I lost focus after tak
world no. 1s in ATP rankings
Hewitt 20 years, nine months 19 Nov. 2001
any striker.Thelead was doubled some seven minutes later off a brilliant counterattack. The Indian defend ers thwarted a rival attack inside the box, and the counter-attack down the right caught Bangladesh unaware. Eventually, Van lalpeka Guite sent it into the box and Gangte made no mistake to tap it in. However, Bangladesh
Action in the match between Diphupar Warriors and NRSFA.
Both teams looked to size each other up through out the first half while creating several chances, which went to waste in the end. The only real chance of the half fell India’s way, but the team failed to make it count. In the 16th min ute, Korou Singh sent in a cross from the right for Gangte who managed to shoulder his marker in the box.
Jaundice, Fatty
India will play their first match against Pakistan on OctoberBumrah,23.who was suf fering from back injury and Harshal, who had a side strain, had done an intense rehabilitation programme at the National Cricket Academy and the BCCI medical team has deemed them fit for the marquee series.The two players, who missed out on World Cup berth were pacer Avesh Khan and leg-spinner Ravi Bishnoi, who was pipped by senior off-spinner Ravi chandranHowever,Ashwin.veteran pac er Mohammed Shami was back in the T20 scheme of things as he has been picked for the T20 series versus Australia and South Africa prior to the big event and is
The Indian team will now proceed to the final, where it will face the win ner of the second semifinal between Nepal and hosts Sri Lanka, which kicks off later on Monday. The final will be played on Septem ber 14, with the match kicking off at the same venue at 8 PM IST.
Open Football: Diphupar Warriors beat NRSA 2-1; enter semifinals
Eugenie Bouchard plays against Joanne Zuger at the Chennai Open tennis tournament, Monday. (PTI)
DIMAPUR, SEP 12 (NPN): Diphupar War riors came from behind to beat Naga Rising Star Football Academy (NRS FA) 2-1 to book their place in the semifinals of the 2nd Open Football Tour nament played at DDSC Stadium here on Monday.

McEnroe 21 years, one month 3 March. 1980
“This is a super sur prise,” said Mohamed Thi mal, 24, who watched the
“Things1 have been going so well. Today was a special evening,” Ruud said. “Both Carlos (Al caraz) and I knew what we were playing for and what was at stake. We will be No. 2 and No. 1 in the world, I think it is fitting. I am disappointed of course that I am not No. 1, but No. 2 is not bad either. I am happy with that number and I will continue to chase for my first Grand Slam title and No. 1 ranking,” added Ruud.
ee Prathana Weerasinghe
Asia Cup win lifts spirits of battered Sri Lanka
Canada’s former world no.5 Eugenie Bouchard, who is on a comeback trail, began her campaign in the Chennai Open WTA 250 tennis tournament with a 7-5 6-2 win over Joanne Zuger of Switzerland here on Monday.The28-year old Bouchard roared to a 4-1 lead after losing her serve in the opening game of the match before letting her opponent back into the set. It was a set which saw the two players come up with some good shots and also numerous unforced errors. She allowed Zuger to hit back after taking a com manding lead.

Jasprit Bumrah and Harshal Patel
“A very, very proud day! Girls did earlier to day and now boys. Wow, What else? Happiest day in years,” Weerasinghe told AFP.Hemalatha Tilla karatne, 72, said she feared the government could car ry out price hikes as the country savoured the rare sporting“Todayvictories.they didn’t impose the power cut be cause of the match, but they will start the black outs again from tomorrow. They could also use this win to increase prices from tomorrow,” Tillakaratne said.Another fan, Krishani Athauda, 42, said the vic tory was so much sweeter because of the $200,000 prize money at a time when Sri Lanka is scroung ing for foreign exchange to pay for“Weessentials.arehappy that we won the (cricket) Asia Cup despite the economic crisis,” Athauda said. “At a time when people are suffering, this is a relief.”
Association in commemo ration of its silver jubilee. The final will be played on September 14. On Tuesday, the semifinal will be graced by Dimapur GB’s Asso ciation president, Hokuto Zhimomi as match patron.