Several pressure groups, including the pow erful North East Students Organisation and political parties in the region were strongly against the passage of the Citizenship (Amend ment) Bill by Rajya Sabha on December 11, 2019. AFSPA will be lifted gradually Meanwhile, the union minister said the Centre will gradually lift the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA), 1958 after proper investigation and observa tion, claiming that the Centre was not in favour of impos ing laws which were against the will of the people. “The centre is slowly and gradually moving in that direction as in some places, the imposition of AFSPA has been withdrawn following restoration of peace. Any such law which is against the will of the people will be removed as we are not in favour of keep ing such laws,” Mishra said.
State govt to appeal to SC for more time to hold ULB polls
NEW DELHI, AUG 20 (AGENCIES): Doctors have sounded an alarm over a new illness that is gaining a foothold in India. ‘Tomato flu’, as it is com monly called, is a new type of hand, foot and mouth disease and cases have been found in Kerala and Odisha. According to Lancet Respi ratory Journal, cases of ‘to mato flu’ were first reported in Kerala’s Kollam and May 6 and has so far infected 82 children. These kids are un der the age of 5, the Lancet report further said. “Just as we are dealing with the probable emer gence of fourth wave of Co vid-19, a new virus known as tomato flu, or tomato fever, has emerged in India in the state of Kerala in chil dren younger than 5 years,” Lancet said in its report. The infectious disease is caused by intestinal vi ruses and is rare in adults as they usually have immune systems strong enough to defend them from the virus. The infection has been named ‘tomato flu’ because of the red, painful blisters that appear on a patient’s body and gradually enlarge to the size of a tomato. The symptoms include high fever, body ache, joint swelling and fatigue - much like chikungunya. Some patients have also reported nausea, vomiting, diar rhoea, fever, dehydration, swollen joints and body aches.According to Lancet, other affected areas in Ker ala are Anchal, Aryankavu, and Neduvathur. It also said that the surfacing of this illness even triggered an alert in the neighbouring states of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka.“Additionally, 26 chil dren (aged 1-9 years) have been reported as having the disease in Odisha by the Regional Medical Research Centre in Bhubaneswar. To date, apart from Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Odisha, no other regions in India have been affected by the vi rus,” the Lancet report said. Health experts say that it is a self-limiting illness and no specific drug exists to treat it. Speaking to the journal, they also warned that the infection is “very contagious”.
DIMAPUR, AUG 20 (NPN): Former chairman of the Nagaland Public Ser vice Commission (NPSC) Razhukhrielie Kevichusa, popularly known as R. Kevi chusa and Khrielie, passed away on August 20 in Di mapur. He leaves behind his wife, Ethel, children, six grandsons, his songs, and his example. According to fam ily sources, the funeral ser vice will be held at 12 noon on August 21 (Sunday) at his residence at Kevichusa Colo ny, Burma Camp, Dimapur. Born on October 21, 1941, late Khrielie was trained as an agriculture engineer and was later inducted into the Indian Administrative Ser vice (IAS), and served the State government in various capacities until his retire ment in 2001. Following his retirement, he served as the chairman of the Nagaland Public Service Commission. He was one of the founding members of Union Baptist Church, Kohima, and deeply loved the church and its Christ. Kevichusa was also trained as a classical vio lin performer, and had a deep and lasting love for music. Condolences State chief minister Neiphiu Rio led others in condoling the passing away of Razhukhrielie Kevichusa. In a condolence mes sage to Mrs. Ethel Kevichu sa, chief minister Neiphiu Rio stated that late R Kevi chusa’s contribution as an agriculturist, later on as an administrator and Chairman of various boards, have left an indelible mark and foot steps worthy to be emulated. Rio said late Kevichu sa’s work ethics were a testa ment to the person that he was—an outstanding officer, upright, humble, diligent and down to earth, with an excellent sense of humour. Rio also stated that late Kevichusa’s contributions in the field of environment pro tection and agriculture, espe cially for bringing changes in the practice of jhum cultiva tion in Nagaland, were wide ly appreciated today even outside Nagaland. Naga society has become poorer with his passing away, Rio said, adding that the void created by his death would be difficult to fill. The chief minister conveyed heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family and prayed that his soul rest in peace. Dy.CM: State deputy chief minister and BLP lead er, Y Patton, has condoled the death of R Kevichusa and said that in his demise the state has lost an elderly gen tleman, whose legacy would remain in days to come. In a condolence message, Patton described late Kevichusa as a fine bureaucrat, who along with former chief secretary AM Gokhale, redesigned the Agro landscape of Nagaland through village level empow erment.
DIMAPUR, AUG 20 (NPN): Power Grid has informed that there would be power shutdown in Me diphema area from 6am to 10am starting August 22-26, 2022. In a press re lease, senior DGM, Dima pur sub-station informed that the power shutdown was being necessitated for maintenance work of 132kv Imphal-Dimapur transmis sion line of power grid cor poration of India Ltd.
DIMAPUR, AUG 20 (NPN): Nagaland on Sat urday recorded two fresh cases of COVID-19 taking the total caseload to 35888. According to health department’s daily bul letin, bulletin said four persons recuperated from the infection and the active cases in the State dropped to 20. The cumulative number of recoveries stood at 33582. No fresh fatality was reported and the death toll remained unchanged at 776 (including 5 nonCovid deaths but with positivity).India on Satur day logged 13,272 fresh coronavirus infections that pushed its tally to 4,43,27,890, according to Union health ministry data. The toll due to COV ID-19 climbed to 5,27,289 with 36 fatalities, including six deaths reconciled by Kerala, the data updated at 8 am stated. Correspondent KOHIMA, AUG 20 (NPN): Even as the Su preme Court had directed the Nagaland State Election Commission to complete the elections to the local bodies and declare the re sults by the end of January, 2023, the State government will appeal to the court to seek more time to hold the elections to the Urban Local BodiesInforming(ULBs). this to me dia persons, minister plan ning and coordination and land revenue Neiba Kronu said that the decision was made during the cabinet meeting held on Saturday, chaired by chief minister Neiphiu Rio. He said the advocate general KN Balgopal had briefed the Cabinet about the July 29 order issued by the apex court told to complete the election pro cess by January. The court also sought a report in this regard to be filed by the sec ond week of February 2023. Kronu said the cabinet deliberated on the matter and after considering that declaring elections during the festive season-- Decem ber to January may not be feasible, the cabinet decided to appeal to the Supreme Court to give more time to hold the ULB elections. Since the process of revision of the electoral rolls for all municipal and town councils were in progress, Kronu said it may take some more time as some of the municipal councils like Dimapur, Mokokc hung and Kohima were opposed to the conduct of the polls without rectifying or amending the Nagaland Municipal Act 2001. He, therefore, said it was important to gain the confidence of these munici pal councils and complete the process so that ULB polls are held smoothly and avoid a 2017 like situ ation, where the State had witnessed widespread vio lence.Kronu reiterated that the ULB elections will be held, but before that the gov ernment will have to appeal to the Supreme Court to grant more time to conduct ULB elections smoothly. When asked about re ports of early arrival of Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs), Kronu said this was a normal procedure as EVMs are sent in advance before conduct of elections.
RPP further said that the NDPP-BJP should reso lutely convey to the BJP government at Centre that even laws passed by the Parliament shall not apply to the state of Nagaland unless the State Assembly so decides. “Therefore, a mere notification of a min istry, is considered null and void,” RPP said. The party maintained that Naga peo ple were watching whether NDPP-BJP team would have “the same zest to go to Delhi on an issue which does not have monetary benefit for both the parties.”
DIMAPUR, AUG 20 (NPN): Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee (NPCC) has reacted to the statement made by UDA spokespersons Planning & Coordination, Land Rev enue and Parliamentary Af fairs minister Neiba Kronu and IT&C, Science & Tech nology and NRE adviser Mmhonlumo Kikon, by reiterating that chief minis ter Neiphiu Rio and Prime Minister Narendra Modi were solely responsible for not fulfilling the long-prom ised solution to the Naga NPCC that the July 16 resolution of the parliamentary core commit tee on Naga political issue was not taken to the prime minister of home minister, the two UDA spokespersons said the resolution was with the Centre and response was awaited. In this regard NPCC responded by saying that so far, there has been no information that the July 16 resolution was communi cated to the Centre till the media carried the report of the August 19 press confer ence on August 20. NPCC said people have been seriously believ ing in the assurances of the Prime Minister and the chief minister of early solu tion. NPCC said Congress party also welcomed the assurances and supported two official agreements–Framework Agreement and AgreedNPCCPosition.thus remind ed NDPP–BJP that seven years have elapsed since the Prime Minister Modi had announced that Naga political issue was resolved. NPCC demanded to know what was resolved and why should anyone “go back from what they agreed and concluded?NPCC said it is the responsibility of the Prime Minister to explain to the people but not the responsi bility of any other persons. It also said people have been brainwashed by the BJP’s promise for early solution with “election for solution.”
Former NPSC chairman Khrielie Kevichusa passes away State govt to release damage compensation to Kiyevi villages
FM, CM to grace CSR conclave; Kma police issue traffic advisory
Ajay Mishra NSF president K. Tep along with others addressing the media on Saturday. (NP) (Cont’d on p-5) (Cont’d on p-8)(Cont’d on p-5)
DIMAPUR, AUG 20 (NPN): State government has decided to release dam age compensation to the respective structure owners of Kiyevi village to facilitate timely construction of the two-lane NH-129 ‘A’ (PerenDimapur) road project in larger interest of the state. In an order, commis sioner Nagaland Rovilatuo Mor stated that in connec tion with construction of the road project, the district ad ministration Dimapur pres ently Chumoukedima, took assessment of the damage compensation for the private structures to be affected un der Package-III 152.225 Km to 156.810 Km under Kiyevi village jurisdiction. Mor stated that the total amount sanctioned by NHIDCL on the damage compensation stood at Rs.2.3 crore as ap proved by the tedtheiroverlagebeneficiariestheChumoukedimationvillageHowever,government.theLamhaicouncilfilledobjecintheofficeofDCtowithholdcompensationtotheofKiyevivilcitingthelanddisputeKiyevivillagereferringrepresentationsubmitto
DIMAPUR, AUG 20 (NPN): Union Minister of Finance Nirmala Sith araman and chief minister Neiphiu Rio would be grac ing the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Con clave, which is scheduled to be held at Kohima from August 22-24, According2022.toDIPR, a number of corporate chiefs and leading captains of Indian industry and execu tives would be attending the conclave to be inaugurated on August 22 at the NBCC Convention Centre at 4 p.m. Technical session of CSR conclave would con tinue on August 23 at the NBCC Convention Centre from 10 a.m. onwards. Bank er’s conclave would be held at the State Cultural Hall on August 23 at 10 a.m. while the investment and start up conclave would be held at the IT &C Centre at 10 a.m. Traffic advisory: In view of the scheduled visit of the union finance minis ter to Kohima from August 22-24, Kohima police have issued traffic regulations. The on-road parking would be restricted along Classic point to Red Cross building, NSF Martyrs Park; Box-cutting to T.C.P gate; Y-Junction to New NST; Old NST to Razhü point and PHQ junction to South Point Market. Those attending the Conclave at NBCC Conven tion Centre have been asked to park their vehicle at NSF Solidarity Park, Social Wel fare directorate compound. No vehicle would be allowed to park on the road side from NSF Solidarity Park to NPSCHeavyoffice. vehicles are barred to commute within Kohima Municipal area from 8 a.m. till all official programmes are completed for the day. Loading/Un loading of goods within Ko hima Municipal area should be completed before 7 a.m.
This is it! “Nitishji has gone back to Tejashwi. His habit of changing partners means his affection is not long term.”
DIMAPUR, AUG 20 (NPN): Naga Students’ Fed eration (NSF) has appealed to the state government to ensure that Nagaland Staff Selection Board (NSSB) was made operational soon. Addressing a press con ference here on Saturday following NSF 3rd Federal Assembly, NSF president Kegwayhun Tep said that NSSB should be made oper ational and advertisements published for recruitments of different posts through the board.NSF president stated that meritocracy and fair ness should be maintained during the process of re cruitment examinations. He said that unem ployed youth were frustrated because recruitment was not being done through proper channel. Tep said purpose of NSSB was to ensure that backdoor appointments were do away with. Tep also disclosed, during the recent meeting with the secretary of NSSB, the federation team was assured that the advertisements would be published starting August. On the issues hinder ing operationalization of NSSB, Tep said the secretary informed that despite notifi cations, many departments were not in a position to send details to the board about the requisite recruit ments.Tem said NSF had also filed RTI queries across departments and received response from many that recruitment details were submitted to the board. However, NSF president said NSSB members and secretary claim they have not received details from many departments, which was delaying the process.
State logs 2 fresh Covid-19 cases
Correspondent SHILLONG, AUG 20: Union Minister of State for Home, Ajay Mishra on Sat urday said that the Citizen’s Amendment Act (CAA) does not trample on the rights of any citizen, but a mere amendment to provide citizenship rights to minori ties residing in neighbouring countries.“The anti-CAA groups should welcome CAA as it will help people, who are stuck in other countries, to settle in their own country. Only those who don’t under stand CAA are opposing it,” he said.“The only amendment we have made is the minori ties from Pakistan, Bangla desh and Afghanistan. If the minorities of those countries came to India before De cember 2014, we are giving them citizenship rights and with that nobody in this country will lose their rights or citizenship,” Mishra said. On the growing de mand that North East should be exempted from CAA, Mishra said, the anti-CAA groups should hold talks on the matter. “The nation belongs to them. You should welcome your own people since they are stuck in some other countries. Now, they have been given citizenship in the country,” he added.
Staff Reporter
CAA does not trample on the rights of any citizen: MoS Home
Power outage in Medziphema area Nagaland Post MYK C MYK C Vol XXXII No. 256 DIMAPUR, SUNDAY, AUGUST 21, 2022 Pages 12 ` 5.00 India beat Zimbabwe by 5 wkts; seal ODI series SPORTS, PAGE 12 FOLLOW US ON @Nagaland_Postnagalandpostofficial Pak, India can’t afford another war: Shehbaz INTERNATIONAL, PAGE 9
NPCC blames UDA and PM for no-solution
Lancet raises alarm about emergence of tomato flu in India
Late Khrielie Kevichusa Representational image.
RPP opposes Centre’s groundwater notification
DIMAPUR, AUG 20 (NPN): Rising People’s Party (RPP) has described as “alarming and unprecedent ed” the Jal Shakti Ministry notification, which warned ground water users to take permission from the Central Ground Water Authority on or before September 30, 2022 or face action. RPP stated that every tubewell, borewell, tradi tional wells, would have to be registered with CGWA and permission sought for every extraction in the future if the order is implemented. RPP said Nagaland was still unable to extract oil and minerals despite the right guaranteed under Article 371 A. However, it said that the notification has “made an absolutely mock ery of our rights over ‘Land and its resources’ and this cannot go mediatelyBJP371A.asstitutionaltherecentralpublicnotificationfirmedernment,purviewwhichregulationAdmittingunchallenged.”thatsomewasrequired,shouldbeundertheofthestategovRPP,however,aftooppose“thisillegaltoothandnail.”RPPurgedthegeneralnottosubmittothedirectivebecausewaslargerissueofconrightsinvolvedguaranteedunderArt.Itsaidthat“NDPP-team”shouldwriteimtotheJalShakti Ministry and convey that the notification was illegal and cannot be implemented.
NSF urges govt to make NSSB operational soon
(Cont’d on p-8)

DIMAPUR: Ao Students’ Union Dimapur (ASUD) has expressed gratitude to the Dimapur police of Nagaland and Nagaon police of Assam for the thorough investiga tion and effort taken, in arresting the accused who was involved in the May 25 hit-and-run case. In a press release, ASUD has appealed to the respon sible authority to give befitting punishment as per the law and added that ASUD would “not tolerate any person(s) giving bail to the alleged accused.”
- Always Loving Mom, Wife, Children & Grand Children
DIMAPUR: Nagaland Baptist Church Council’s (NBCC’s) Clean Election Movement (CEM) pro gramme in Sumi inhabited area was held at Sumi Bap tist Church, Zunheboto on Friday.In a press release, CEM SBAK NM, NBCC media cell informed that clean election convenor SBAK Nito Mount Rev. Kughato Chophy while speaking at the programme, stressed on the importance of Chris tians to “strongly stand firm on cleanRev.election”.Kughato also cit ed Biblical references sup porting his statement. At the programme, the pastors of all Sumi church es, GBs, council chairmen, VDB council, women rep resentatives and student unions of every Sumi vil lage were inducted as core committee members of the clean election movement.
7th DeATh AnnIveRsARY wc-186/22
DIMAPUR: Amahator Range Students Union (ARSU) has refuted the clarification issued by dep uty commissioner (DC) Kiphire that the total fund allocated to Amahator range amounted to Rs 6639,606 and not Rs.11.28 lakh.In a press release, ARSU press and infor mation secretary Selem ba Sangtam claimed that as per RTI reply, only Rs.11,28,000 was sanctioned to Amahator Range. However, ARSU said that on August 8, 2022 joint consultative meeting, between DC and ARSU, it was revealed that Rs.66,39,606 was sanc tioned to Amahator area, which was not mentioned in the RTI Therefore,report.ARSU has demanded to know why was it not mentioned in the RTI report.During the meeting between district adminis tration, ARSU and Ama hator Area GB’s Union (AAGBU) on August 10, 2022 at DC office Kiphire, the union said DC had clearly mentioned ver bally that the sanctioned amount was Rs.18 crores out of project cost Rs. 35 crore for aspirational fund. However, ARSU said he “wrongly mentioned” only Rs. 12.18 crore in the press statement, which it said showed “his incom petence as the head of the district.”In RTI report, ARSU said the sanc tion released till date was Rs.14,29,42,660 out of Rs. 35 crore. ARSWU claimed that PIO Kiphire gave false information in the RTI report, which it said was against the RTI rule, add ing it was condemnable on the part of PIO office Kiphire.The union has, there fore, appealed to DC Kip hire not to confuse the general public but rather strengthen his office to be more careful while doing official paper work. ARSU stated that the clarification given by DC Office, Kiphire was “to tally baseless.”
In LovIng MeMory of Mr. Khushepfu and Mrs. Hawile Kath on tHeIr 10tH DeatH annIversary dp-3921/22 We can measure Time, but we cannot measure Loss, It’s been a year since you left us. Our hearts still Ache with sadness knowing that You will never be here for us anymore. But the happy Moments and Memories spent with you, Gives us the Strength and Courage to move on. Although life doesn’t last forever, love is Eternal. We will always remember your love through our Memories And your memories will never Fade from our Hearts, so rest peacefully.
Correspondent KOHIMA, AUG 20 (NPN): Fountain Club Ko hima in collaboration with State Council for Educa tional Research & Training (SCERT), government of Nagaland is set to organise the 9th Nagaland Spelling Bee Championship 2022. Releasing the promo tional video for the event, advisor for Technical Edu cation and Election, Medo Yhokha said the event was a laudable venture by the club since it would be beneficial for participants to enrich their knowledge. He pointed out that since its inception, the event has been helping out student community, especially in the field of education.Yhokha said the event was an initiative for young er generation and would help them create awareness on various issues. He also said the event has become a platform in providing students with by harnessing skills. The launching was chaired by convenor of the event, Neizokhotuo Belho. Addressing the press conference, president of the club, Kevisavi Hibo said the championship would be held at Regional Centre for Excellence in Performing Arts (RCEM PA) on the theme, “the learning edge” on October 13 and 14. Prize pool for the event has been set at Rs 1.59 lakh along with cita tions and trophies. The winner will walk away with a cash prize of Rs 60,000, while the first, second and third runnersup will receive Rs 40,000, 20,000 and 15,000 respec tively while quarter finalists would receive Rs 5,000 and the Young Speller would receive Rs 4,000. Two students each studying in classes VI to IX will be eligible to represent one educational institu tion. Belho said so far there was a positive response from schools and parents of interested students. Belho said the organ isers were also trying to cope with the criteria fol lowed in regional and na tional level of the event and subsequently try to send participants in the future to biggerInterestedevents. participants can download the entry forms at 9089260646.04982,, Medo Yhokha with Fountain Club members during the video launch at Kohima on Saturday. (NP)
NEWS IN BRIEF NUSU-KC elects new team: NUSU-KC held a gen eral election for Nagaland University Kohima Campus, Meriema on August 17 and elected 15 members for the tenure 2022-23. The newly elected executives will be led by Vikalu Shohe as president, T H Kenloi Phom as vice president, Khriesilie Lhoushe as general secretary along with 12 other members. NSCN (I-M) Lotha region recovers: NSCN (I-M) Lotha region has recovered three stolen bikes without registra tion numbers at Wokha town bearing chassis no MD 634NE63F2A12843, engine no AE6AF2004667, chassis no MD2A93DX1LCE07193, engine no JEXCLE15970 and chassis no MD2A11LZ90018496, engine no AHZCCH18516. Region secretary P. Renthungo Odyuo has informed rightful owners to claim the vehicles by producing original documents in the office of the central administrative officer, Lotha region within seven days. Youth ministry organises sales day: H. Khehoyi youth ministry of H. Khehoyi Baptist Church organised a sales day on August 20 at H. Khehoyi village local ground with BJYM Nagaland state president, Hosheto Awomi as special guest. NSCN (I-M) UT recovers two-wheelers: NSCN (I-M) UT has recovered two Scooty—chassis num ber MD626AG75K2G03528, engine number AG 7GK2503221 and chassis number MD626AG75K 2NO4902, engine number AG7NK2903540. UT secretary Beto Tuccu has informed rightful owner(s) to claim them by producing original documents within five days from the date of this publication.
ARSU refutes DC Kiphire’s clarification
A andAlole,muchiswithoutyearyoualmosttootobear.youaremissedmoremoreeachday.
Freshers’ day held at MOCK, MHSS DIMAPUR: Mount Olive College Kohima (MOCK) organised its 30th fresh ers’ day on August 20, in the college auditorium, Kohima.Ina press release, MOCK informed that advocate, Gauhati High Court, Kohima Bench, Zhekheli Zhimomi remind ed the students to be cau tious about their behaviour and character while shap ing up their Pointingfuture.out that the society was being influ enced by social media, she said Nagas were gradually losing their roots, culture and tradition. Zhekheli opined that phone addic tion was affecting intellec tual abilities and suggested the need to limit its usage. Earlier, Mhalo chaired the event, Lovitoli Zhi momi offered invocation, Kihika S Chophy delivered welcome note while a spe cial number was presented by NCC cadets of the col lege and Tumchobemo Kithan read a poem. Later, Amugha Shohe and Menguzenuo Tsükrü were declared Mr and Miss Olivian 2022. MHSS: Modern Higher Secondary School (MHSS) Kohima held its fresher’s social on August 19 at the school Auditori um with singer, songwriter, director and procedure, Sunep Lemtur as the spe cial guest.Atthe programme, special presentation of awards was given to the teachers and students for their excellent academic re sults in HSLC and HSSLC examination with citation and cash award.
1st Death anniversary of Late G. Ghoito yeptho, hd. GB Ghoshito village (21st aug. 2021) -3930/22dp Mother rose teresa saBs Born : 26-02-1941 First Profession : 18-04-1960 Final Profession : 18-04-1963 Died : 20-08-2022 With deep sorrow, the Provincial Superior, Corpus Christi Province, Dimapur (SABS), regrets to inform the demise of rev. Mother rose teresa one of our beloved pioneers of the Province at 4:30 AM, Saturday, 20th August 2022, in SABS Provincial House, Chumoukedima, Dimapur. her Funeral service will be held in saBs Provincial house at 2:00 PM, sunday, 21st august 2022. All the priests and religious, friends and well wishers are invited to attend the service and pray for the repose of the soul of Late Mother Rose Teresa. Rev. Sr. Catherine SABS Provincial Superior Corpus Christi Province Dimapur OBITUARY dp-3946/22
Acknowledgement dp-3949/22 Late Motsuo tsopoe For if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s. (Romans 14:8) 7 years have passed but you are still in our hearts. We will always have peace knowing that you are watching us from above in Heaven.
Programme on clean election held in Zbto The congregation at the programme on Friday. spelling bee
1st Death a nniversary Lt. Menielo-u Lasuh 13/11/1993 – 21/08/2021 Dad,BelovedMom and Sisters. db-911/22 dp-3940/22 Epa and Eja, It’s been 10 years since you left us and it still feels unreal that you are not around us anymore. Losing you left us with a void but the rich values you’ve left behind will always be forever treasured in our hearts. We hope you are offered happiness, comfort and peace in Heaven. A loving tribute from your children
Late Mrs. Khenivi Kiba Born: 08/08/1969 | Died: 17/08/2022 The family of Late Mrs. Khenivi Kiba of Asukhomi Village wishes to acknowledge the many expressions of sympathy and gestures of kindness shown to us following our sad loss. We offer our heartfelt thanks to the many friends, neighbours and well-wishers, who visited our home, attended the wake service and burial and who provided emotional and practical support for us during our difficult time for which we are truly grateful. As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our deepest gratitude.
ASUD lauds police for arresting the accused
1st Death anniversary of Late n hUMan neWMai ZeLianG 07/01/1968 – 21/08/2021 It’s been a year since you left us for your Heavenly abode. Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure and even though you are not here with us physically but your memories are still fresh in our hearts.
Loving Wife, Sons and Family Membersdp-3939/22
Loving Wife, Children, Grand Children and Great Grand Children

SJU: With an aim to provide an opportunity for students to gain practical skills and experience rural living, the department of Social Work, St. Joseph University (SJU), Chü moukedima organised a “rural camp” for master of rural development (MRD) and bachelor of social work (B.SW) students at Old Sendenyu Village, un der Tseminyu district and Khrimito village under Zunheboto district from August 15-20. In a press release, SJU informed that the students carried out various drives including tree plantation drive and cleanliness drive to promote the importance of individual responsi bilities in eldersgroupswithcamp,personalmentalprogrammedropoutwithconductedbiodiversity.safeguardingThestudentsalsoasessionschoolstudentsandstudentsandaon“environconservationandhygiene”.Duringtheweek-longstudentsinteractedmembersofself-help(SHGs)andvillageinordertounder stand the social system, culture and tradition of the placesAmeeting was held with the village youth and villagers to discuss problems prevalent in the village and its possible measures.Asurvey on “socioeconomic, health and education status of Old Sendenyu Village” and Participatory Rural Ap praisal (PRA) were con ducted for social work students.Craft training session and field visitation activi ties were also carried out along with other activities such as street play on drug abuse and school dropout, dance and song competi tions,Altogether,etc. 88 stu dents along with four fac ulty members took part in the camp.
Winners of the start-up competition along with the judges on Saturday. (NP) reducing t he content load and providing more space for critical thinking and more holistic, incontentstionalised/,sibletentdroppedbusbasedsions-baseddiscovery-based,inquiry-based,discusandanalysis-learning.NBSEsaidthesyllahavebeenrationalised/inviewoftheconwhichwereeasilyaccestostudentsandcanbewhichareirrelinthepresentcontextoverlappingwithsimilarincludedinotherAlltheprincipalshaverequestedtonotetheanddisseminateittosubjectteachers.Therationalisedsyllawillbehostedatwww.andsharedthedistrictWhatsAppFurtherNBSEsaidratopicsorwillnotbeassessedthefinalexaminations.
INTACH: Indian Na tional Trust for Art & Cul tural Heritage (INTACH) Nagaland Chapter on Au gust 19 held INTACH Heritage Quiz Competition for schools from classes 7-9 at Don Bosco Institute of DevelopmentAltogetherLearning.90students in teams of two partici pated from 10 schools. The winning Team in the Di mapur City round was the team of Kebenhilo Thong and Yarpalli Hiteshwar from Hollotoli School. The informs schools, principals on NEP 2020
DIMAPUR: The Dimasa GBs/ VCCs of villages that have been merged with Chümoukedima dis trict held a meeting at the resi dence of head GB, Doyapur, Phiju Langthasa and formed an organ isation under the nomenclature “Dimasa(Kachari) Naiso Hosom, Dhansiripar Sub-Division” to liaise and promote the Dimasa (Kachari) villages for all round development with the responsible authority. In a press release, president K. Naben and general secretary Nibi son Hasnu informed that the office bearers were elected as an adhoc body for a period of one year or till regular office bearers are inducted, with K. Naben as president, Nibison Hasnu as general secretary, Rangmai Jigdung as vice president along with three other members. The organisation has informed that any matter with regard to Dimasa (Kachari) villages under Dhansiripar sub-division of Chü moukedima district either from the district authority, agencies and or other tribal Hohos would be dealt with through this organisation.
“Membership fee is a birth right of every citizen to pay his/her membership to the rightful owner where it belongs”, ENCSU stated. The union has notified all the students belonging to the Eastern community to refrain from paying its membership to other organisation/as sociations without consulting ENCSU. It further warned that the admin istration of the colleges would be “held accountable in event to comply with the said notice.”
Correspondent KOHIMA, AUG 20 (NPN): Ilando services Pvt Ltd emerged the win ner of the Nagaland start up competition under the category “registered start up” with a cash prize of Rs. 3 lakh at the 2022 startup competition organised by Startup Nagaland team, department of Industries and Commerce at Hotel De Oriental Grand, here, on Saturday.Speaking at the pro gramme agriculture pro duction commissioner (APC), Y. Kikheto Sema said the state could gener ate revenue and provide employment to the youth only through agro-based industries and enterprises. He disclosed that the state government has “set aside Rs. 65 crore under the CM microfinance ini tiative”, which would be launched by union minister on August 23 to help entre preneurs and farmer. In this regard, Kikheto encouraged the farmers and youth to come up with primary or secondary processing units. In terms of agricul ture infrastructure, APC said an amount of Rs. 230 crore has been “allocated to the state” and the funds would be allocated to the 16 districts.Atthe programme, winners under “aspiring startups” were—Tribal lo gistics, Ngurie, Tabernacle, Online Express, Modern Myriad Branding Pvt Ltd. All the winners bagged cash prizes of Rs. 50,000. NagaEd won the GST reimbursement category and a cash prize of Rs 1.5 lakh, Jome Food Pvt ltd under marketing & pro motion with Rs. 1 lakh, Autocion under marketing & promotion with Rs. 1 lakh, NE Health Services, marketing & promotion with Rs. 1 lakh, Eduservcie LLP under marketing & promotion with Rs. 1 lakh and Ahibo LLP under seed money funding with Rs. 1 lakh.Meanwhile, founder, NagaEd, Shiroi Lily Shai za bagged the title “Best Women Led start-up.” Earlier, introduction to judges and pitching parameters was carried out, followed by com mencement of pitching of startups to the Nagaland Innovation society while director, department of industries and commerce Vitsutho Nyuthe delivered welcome availableofaccessoninstartuptomostintopinggalandthatduringBankNorthtionmentNorthBankaddress.representatives,EasternDevelopFinanceCorporaLtd(NEDFi),HDFC,EastSmallFinancewerealsopresenttheevent.ItmaybementionedStartupIndiainNaisaimedatmakNagalandoneoftheStartupdestinationsIndiabyprovidingtheenablingecosystemsupportandnurtureentrepreneurshipthestate.Itisfocusedfacilitatingstart-upstovariousresourcestheStartupEcoSysteminthestate.
Educational institutions organise various programmes
DIMAPUR: Eastern Nagaland Col lege Students’ Union (ENCSU) has expressed concern over collection of membership fee from students belong ing to the Eastern community by other organisations.Inapress release, ENCSU presi dent Mankap C Konyak and general secretary Sanglekhamba C Chang stated that the union has taken “serious note” on the “unwillingness of Eastern college students” to pay membership to other organisations.Theunion notified that college students belonging to Eastern com munity will not pay its membership to any other organisation or associations, except its “rightful owner ENCSU.”
DIMAPUR: Various pro grammes were organised by educational institutions and other organisations for students as part of their as part of their yearly cur riculum or extracurricular activity.
ENCSU concerned over membership fee collection
DIMAPU R: Nagaland Board of School Educa tion (NBSE) has reminded schools registered with the board to come forward in introducing the vocational subjects under the NEP 2020.According to a DIPR report, NBSE informed that NEP 2020 envisages to reach out to at least 50% of learn ers to have exposure to vo cational education by 2025. In this regard, the board has introduced vocational education from classes IX to XII from 2022 academic session in a phase manner, i.e. to begin with Class IX. The vocational subjects shall be an optional subject in classes IX & X and elec tive subject in classes XI & XII. The theregisteredaryinformedisvocationalplicationcom.emailcanthemayatcationalcurriculumcompetency-based&,thetimeextendeduptoOctober31.Meanwhile,NBSEhasallHigherSecondSchoolsandCollegesunderNBSEthatNEP2020emphasiseson
Dimasas form organisation DIMAPUR: Jalukie battalion of Assam Rifles under the aegis of IGAR (North) provided emergency medical treatment to a patient at New Beisum pui on August PRO IGAR (N), the battalion also organised a solemn wreath laying ceremony at the Unit War Memorial at Jalukie. The programme was organised to honour Naik/general duty late Dhan Bahadur Sunar, Shaurya Chakra who sacrificed his life in line of duty on August 17, 1991 Near Along village in Ukhrul district in Manipur under Operation Hifazat. The programme was attended by all ranks. Tuensang: Tuensang battalion organised a book donation ceremony at TOB Yakshu, under Mon district on August 17. The books were donated to student union in the presence of school teach ers and student union secretary and others. At the programme, notebooks and other materials were also handed to the gathering to help students in need.
NEXT POLL Q: Is the BJP govt at the Centre concerned for the minorities?religious Yes. No. Can’t Say. (Temperature in ºC) Max Min Agartala A morning t-storm in spots 34 26 Aizawl Cloudy, a t-storm in the p.m. 28 21 Guwahati A t-storm around in the a.m. 34 27 Imphal A stray afternoon t-storm 30 22 Itanagar A stray morning t-storm; hot 33 25 Shillong Turning cloudy with a t-storm 25 19 Kohima A p.m. t-storm in spots 26 20 Dimapur A brief morning shower or two 33 25 Mkg Rather cloudy with a t-storm 29 21 Tuensang A stray morning thunderstorm 24 17 Wokha A t-storm around in the a.m. 29 23 Zunheboto Mostly cloudy with a t-storm 26 19
Students and faculty members of SJU at the rural camp. teams would go on to the regional round to be held at Guwahati and to the nationals at Delhi is they succeed in the regional round. MCK: The training and placement cell of Modern College Kohima (MCK) organised a career guidance programme on “preparing for entrance exams with higher educa tion” on August 19 at the college premises. Speakers of the programme, alumni, Kaimang Chingmak and alumni, Takangunba Pon gen spoke on “How to prepare and crack B.Ed. CET entrance exams” and “How to prepare and crack NU-MAT Entrance exams” respectively.
AR conduct civic action programmes
DIMAPUR: Diphupar Village Council (DVC) has reiterated the declaration of a “alcohol free zone Diphupar village” and resolution adopted during the general public rally on July 25, 2022. In a press release, DVC chairman Ghuzui Shohe and secretary Tiatemsu Ao said the village council seized an autorickshaw bearing registration num ber NL07 F2433 on ac count of selling alcohol. In this regard, DVC has directed the responsible owner to claim the said autorickshaw with proper documents within seven days from the date of this publication at Diphupar village council office The village council has informed that it would not entertain the claim, if the responsible failed to do the same.
MYK C MYK C 3STATENAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR SUNDAY, AUGUST 21, 2022 Q.: Did the Gujarat govt wilfully patronise the released rapists? A Yes. 80% B No. 14% C Can’t Say. 6% 100%90%80%70%60%50%40%30%20%10%0% Poll A B C
State sets aside Rs. 65 cr under CM microfinance initiative
DVC reiterates stand on ‘alcohol free zone’

Mizoram govt launches SEDP AIZAWL, AUG 20 (PTI): The Mizoram government has launched the state’s flagship programme - SocioEconomic Development Policy (SEDP) - to provide direct monetary assistance to 60,000 household fami lies. The scheme will be im plemented by nine depart ments in coordination with 11 district administrations and will encompass more than 70 different livelihood avenues.Launching the scheme, Chief Minister Zoramthan ga on Friday said the scheme will cover 60,000 benefi ciaries, 1,500 each from 40 assembly constituencies. The beneficiaries will be provided with monetary assistance to the tune of Rs 50,000 each to supplement their ongoing economic activities or to start the fresh one during the current fiscal, he said.The beneficiaries will be given Rs 25,000 in the first installment, which will be credited to their bank ac counts, he said. The CM said his gov ernment has allocated more than Rs 300 crore for the implementation of family oriented programme of the SEDP in the current fiscal despite the state losing over Rs 3,000 crores in in terms of revenue grants, other central assistances and other financial devolutions due to the pandemic.
Correspondent IMPHAL, AUG 20: Mani pur chief minister N Biren Singh lamented books that distorted the history of the state, on the occasion of 31st Manipuri Language Day widely observed to mark the inclusion of Ma nipuri language in the 8th schedule of Indian Con stitution.The 31st Manipuri Language Day was ob served at the Maharaja Chandrakirti Auditorium, Palace Compound and or ganized by the Manipuri Language Day State Level Celebration Committee in collaboration with the state department of Art and culture and director ate of language planning and implementation. Singh lamented that many books distorting history of the land were being published. In order to check such distortion, the state govern ment is in the process of constituting a state level committee to check and regulate books published in the state, specially books related to history, he said. The committee is to be set up under the educa tion department, he said, while expressing concern over lesser number of his tory books with in-depth research work in the state. “There are not many good published works of our history, on our forefa thers’ struggle,” he said and appealed to intellectuals, scholars, historians, etc. to research and publish their work based on truth and facts. “We have to safeguard, protect the indigenous land, identity and language,” he emphasized. Singh pointed out the need to educate the younger and future genera tions about the history, na Language Day observation in Imphal.
Tripura to install statue of Maharaja Bir Bikram
AGARTALA, AUG 20 (PTI): Terming Bir Bikram Kishore Manikya Bahadur as a “visionary king and ar chitect of modern Tripura”, Chief Minister Manik Saha said a statue of the maha raja will be installed near ‘Kaman Chowmuhani’ in the heart of the city to pay due respect to him. Saha made this an nouncement during a pro gramme marking 1the 44th birth anniversary of Maha raja Bir Bikram Kishore on Friday“Inight.havealready spoken to my cabinet colleagues including Deputy Chief Minister Jishnu Dev Verma, who hails from the royal family on the issue. The government will surely in stall a statue of Maharaja Bir Bikram to pay him due respect”, he Maharajasaid.Bir Bikram, who died at the age of only 39 years had set up MBB College, Airport and many institutions like a bank and treasury.Terming the Maharaja as a visionary king, the chief minister said Bir Bikram wanted to establish one university and medical col lege in the state for higher education. “However, he could not materialise his dream as he died at a very young age but his works are still visible and laudable. We must recognize his good works and pay respect to the royal family”, he said. Saha also declared that the crematorium ground for the royal family near Battala, which had been neglected during the succes sive governments, will also be renovated shortly. Noting that Maharaja Bir Bikram had good rela tion with Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore, Saha said he had visited countries like Italy, Germany and USA and had meetings with the rulers of these nations on various issues. “Maharaja had tried to implement the good things that he learnt from the for eign tours and seeds he had sawn here have grown up for the welfare of the people”, he said.Saha also lauded the Maharaja for his respect towards decentralization of power. “He used to regularly interact with tribal sama jpatis (headman) to know their views on how to rule the state in the best possible way”, he Primesaid.Minister Naren dra Modi had come down to Agartala to unveil the statue of Maharaja at MBB Airport, one of the best airports in the Northeast. “This shows the BJP salutes those who had contributed to nation building while others had continued to ignore the royal family’s good works deliberately”, he said.
Biren rues distortion of Mnp’s history
affiDavit I, Shri l a N uya N ger, S/o H. cH uba cH a N g alias tebo K c H a N g , resident of Darogapathar Village, Dimapur, Nagaland , do hereby solemnly declare that my father’s correct official name is H. cHuba cHaNg, whereas in some of my previous certificates and official documents my father’s name is entered as teboK cHaNg and whereas H. cHuba cHaNg alias teboK cHaNg, both respectively refers to my father’s name or the same and one person only. That henceforth, my father’s name shall be used as H. cHuba cHaNg in all my official documents. Registered vide Reg. No. 786/2022, Date 20.08.2022. Notary Public, Dimapur ; NagalandDP-3950/22 affiDavit I, Shri. ro N g S e NN e KSH i , S/o H. c H uba c H a N g alias i M ti , resident of Darogapathar Village, Dimapur, Nagaland do hereby solemnly declare that my father’s correct official name is H. c H uba c H a N g , whereas in some of my previous certificates and official documents my father’s name is entered as i M ti and whereas H. cHuba cHaNg alias iMti, both respectively refers to my father’s name or the same and one person only. That henceforth my father’s name shall be used as H. cHuba cHaNg in all my official documents. Registered vide Reg. No. 787/2022, Date 20.08.2022. Notary Public, Dimapur ; Nagaland.DP-3950/22 OFFICE OF THE NATIONALIST DEMOCRATIC PROGRESSIVE PARTY (NDPP) 44 A/C Phomching Dist. Mon : Nagaland-798621 “Facta Non Verba” EXPULSION OF SMT. HELEN FROM 44 PHOMCHING ASSEMBLY CONSTITUENCY NDPP WOMEN ORGANISATION
Assam to opt for DBT to rehabilitate damaged houses
31st Manipuri
File photo of Himanta Biswa Sarma with Conrad Sangma.
Mrs. Helen, who was holding the post of Secretary in 44 Phomching Assembly Constituency NDPP Women Organisation has been expelled from the Party with immediate effect. The decision was made after the party came to know about her anti-party activities. (CHINGE KONYAK) (KHATWANG KONYAK) President General Secretary k-1910/22
GUWAHATI, AUG 20 (PTI): The Assam govern ment on Saturday launched a direct benefit transfer (DBT) programme to ex tend rehabilitation grants to beneficiaries whose houses were damaged by this year’sUnderflood.the initiative, the affected families will receive the grant to their bank accounts for recon structing their houses. Chief Minister Hi manta Biswa Sarma cer emonially launched the programme at the state secretariat here, while min isters and senior officials at tended similar programmes in districts during the day. Addressing a press conference on the occa sion, Sarma said, “A list of 2,04,348 houses, which were either severely or par tially damaged in this year’s flood, has been compiled. The rehabilitation grant to be paid to these families who have lost their homes will be transferred directly to their bank accounts.” He said Rs 119.11 crore has been sanctioned for theAltogetherpurpose. 5,185 houses have been severely or fully damaged, while there are 34,924 partially damaged pucca houses and 1,53,326 kutcha houses and the rest are huts and cattle sheds, he said. The flood had dam aged the properties in 31 of 34 districts of the state with 199 people killed due to the deluge and landslides this year. Houses of 309 families were completely washed away in the flood and they will receive an additional Rs one lakh each in September from the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund, Sarma said. The government had earlier released Rs 76.76 crore to 2.02 lakh affected families as a clothing and utensil grant, while Rs 1,000 was given to each of 1,01,539 students as a special book grant.
Mizoram exports pineapples to Dubai Mizoram CM seeks apology after daughter ‘hits’ dermatologist Milari Chhangte
Himanta Biswa Sarma Professors in govt medical colleges to now retire at 70 CM voices concern over law and order in Tripura industrial belt Manik Saha tionalism, nation-building concept, obstacles faced by the forefathers, etc. The chief minister pro posed a three-month course for those willing to study the dialects and languages of the different commu nities of the state. This will encourage interaction amongst the people and help in building unity and nationalism, he observed. The chief minister also pro posed schemes to develop local language dictionaries and help in developing and protecting the languages and dialects.Hefurther paid his respect to those who were in volved in the movement for inclusion of the Manipuri language in the 8th Schedule of Indian Constitution. On the occasion, state education minister Th Ba santa Kumar Singh also stressed on the importance of promoting and preserv ing the Manipuri language. He said that the United Nations Educational, Scien tific and Cultural Organisa tion (UNESCO) has clas sified all languages of the world and categorized the Manipu ri language under vulnerable classification.
GUWAHATI, AUG 20 (PTI): Assam Chief Min ister Himanta Biswa Sarma on Saturday asserted that the 2024 Lok Sabha elec tions will be a walkover for the BJP if Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) chief Arvind Kejri wal is pitted against Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He claimed that the Delhi chief minister is not even known in many states, which will lead to a further increase in the BJP’s tally in the Lok Sabha. “Badhiya hai (It will be fine),” Sarma quipped, when asked by reporters whether it will be Modi versus Kejriwal in the 2024 Lok Sabha polls. “In any game, say cricket, an opposition is needed. Someone needs to play against Australia also. Modiji versus Kejriwal will be a good game,” he said. The BJP leader claimed that people in many states haven’t even heard of Ke jriwal and if he is pitted against Modi, BJP will be happy as the party’s tally in the Lok Sabha will increase manifold due to it. “It will amount to a walkover,” Sarma asserted. On allegation by the AAP that the Centre is try ing to destroy the healthcare model initiated by Kejriwal’s party, the Assam chief min ister maintained that Delhi’s ‘mohalla clinics’ cannot be a model for nationalinonrefrainingtheifseeoneicsmedicaldistrictAssampeopleasaid,canhealthcareAssertinghealthcare.thatAssam’ssystem,instead,serveasamodel,Sarma“Iftherecanbeatallmodel(forhealthcare),shouldcomedowntoandseehowineverywearepromotingacollege.”“Delhi’smohallaclincannotbeamodel.NowillcometoIndiatoourhealthcarefacilitiesmohallaclinicsbecomemodel,”headded,whilefromelaboratingtheallegedshortcomingstheAAPinitiativeinthecapital.
Declaration Regd. No. 368/2022 Date 09/08/2022 I, Smt. Jepangnaro, wife of T. Shilu Jamir, aged about 75 years, by caste Christian, resident of H.No. 50 D, D-Khel, Diphupar A, District : Dimapur, Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirm and declare that :1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India and a resident of the abovementioned address. 2. That, in my husband’s Pension Payment Order (P.P.O) book, having P.P.O No. NL/1622, my name has been mistakenly recorded/entered as Smt. J. Narela, whereas in all my other official documents such as Aadhaar bearing No. 9123 4445 8718, Nagaland pensioners I.D. Card bearing No. L-2128 and other documents, my name is entered and recorded as Smt. Jepangnaro, which is my official name. 3. That, this Affidavit is sworn for the purpose of declaring that the name’s Smt. J. Narela as entered in my husband’s Pension P.P.O Book and Smt. Jepangnaro, as entered in all my other official documents are one and the same person. Henceforth, this is my solemn declaration that I shall be officially known and referred to as Smt. Jepangnaro for all intents and purpose. 4. That the statements made in para 1 to 3 are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing material is concealed therein. And signed this affidavit on this 9th Day of August, 2022 at Dimapur : Nagaland. Declarant Notary PublicDP-3943/22
M’laya, Assam CMs likely to meet for boundary talks today
GUWAHATI, AUG 19 (PTI): The Assam Cabinet on Friday decided to raise the retirement age of faculty members of government medical colleges in the state from 65 to 70 years. The move is aimed at augmenting availabil ity of experienced doctors for educational and medi cal services, government spokesperson and Minister for Water Resources Pijush Hazarika told reporters here.The cabinet also decid ed to sanction Rs 136.8 crore for implementation of the Free Drugs and Consum ables scheme for 2022-23, which will ensure uninter rupted availability of free essential drugs, surgicals, disinfectants, chemicals and consumables in government health facilities, he said. It also approved the decision to re-engage 66 former employees of Hindu stan Paper Corporation Ltd (HPCL) in vacant grade-III and -IV posts.
Maharaja Bir Bikram
Walkover for BJP if Kejriwal pitted against Modi: Himanta Arvind Kejriwal
Correspondent SHILLONG, AUG 20: Meghalaya Chief Minister Conrad Sangma and his Assam counterpart Himanta Biswa Sarma are likely to meet on Sunday at Guwa hati for the second phase of discussion on the modalities for settlement of the remain ing six areas of difference on the inter-state boundary. Informing that Sangma is scheduled to meet Sarma while on his way back to Shillong, Deputy Chief Min ister Prestone Tynsong said, “After this preliminary meet ing, both the chief ministers will set the stage for setting up of regional committees as was done in the first phase of the boundary talks”. “We are committed to seeing the second phase of interstate boundary dialogue take off,” he asserted. The two neighbouring north-eastern states had earlier agreed to demarcate the boundary along six areas of difference after conclusion of the first phase of the discussion. Under the agreement for the first phase of boundary settlement, Assam got full control of 18.51 sq km and Meghalaya 18.28 sq km. Of the 36 villages claimed by Meghalaya in 2011, 30 remained in Meghalaya. The areas where the boundary has been settled are Upper Tarabari, Gizang reserve forest, Hahim, Bor duar, Boklapara, Nongwah, Mawtamur, KhanaparaPilangkata. The next phase of the boundary talks will be on the remaining six areas of differences which include Langpih, Block-1 and Block-2.
AIZAWL, AUG 20 (PTI): Mizoram Chief Minister Zoramthanga tendered a public apology on his of ficial Instagram handle on Saturday for her daughter’s “misbehaviour” with a doc tor earlier in the week, and said that he would, in no way, justify her conduct. Milari Chhangte, the CM’s only daughter, was recently seen hitting a doc tor at a clinic in a purported video clip that went viral on social media. The incident has sparked outrage among the medical fraternity, with over 800 doctors staging a protest on Saturday, con demning the alleged as sault.Members of the In dian Medical worewhich(IMA)-MizoramAssociationchapter,helmedtheprotest,blackbadgestotheir work places during the day. Lalhlutthangi Hmar, one of the protesters, told PTI that Chhangte as saulted the andvisitedInstagram,saidciation’snevermedicalactsconsultation.herandaydermatologistAizawl-basedonWednesonbeingaskedtogetappointmentpriortovisittotheclinicfor“Wewantthatsuchofviolenceagainstpractitionersshouldberepeated,”theassoMizoramchapterinthestatement.TheCM,takingtosaidthathehadthedermatologistofferedanapology.
official sources here said. “Peace is the prerequi site condition for growth of industry. I have, however, heard that the police here have not acted as per law even after the registration of FIRs,” Saha said during a programme in Bodhjung nagar.He pointed out that parts of the boundary wall around the growth centre have been “damaged or dismantled” on occasions by “unknown miscreants”. “We have to terror ize those who are trying to scare us. People be hind such acts must be booked immediately,” the CM stated. Asserting that his government was keen on creating an industry friendly atmosphere in the state, the chief minister also expressed disappoint ment over the closure of two medium-sized factories due to “shortage of natural gas”.Saha said he would sit with authorities of Tripura Natural Gas Corporation Ltd (TNGCL) to ensure supply of gas to those fac tories as soon as possible. He also laid empha sis on the need to buy ing indigenous products manufactured by the state’s industrial“ you expect our industries to do well if we don’t encourage them? In the recently concluded Niti Aayog meeting, Prime Minister Narendra Modi called for ‘atmanirbharta’ (self dependence). The slo gan ‘vocal for local’ should be translated into reality,” he added.
AIZAWL, AUG 20 (PTI): Mizoram has for the first time exported pineapples grown in the state to Dubai, an officialDeputysaid.Chief Minister Tawnluia on Friday flagged off the consignment of 230 kg of pineapples grown by farmers at Sialhawk vil lage in Khawzawl district to Dubai. Speaking on the occasion, Tawnluia, who is also the local MLA, said that preparation is going on to export Sialhawk pine apples to Qatar’s capital Doha and Bahrain. He said that the state government would take steps to construct link roads to all pineapple farms within his constituency and also efforts would be made to find market for the farmers if they harvest more. State shortQatarDubai,wouldofHeshippedMumbaiGroupLimited,bypineapplesKtureindevelopmentFNationalchairmandevelopmentHorticultureboardviceandrulingMizoFrontlegislatorLalnunmawiahailedtheasamilestonethehistoryofMizoram.AccordingtoHorticuldepartmentsecretaryLalthawmmawia,thewereboughtFairExports(I)PrivateadivisionofLuluInternational,inandtheywillbetoDubai,hesaid.saidthatanother900kgpineapplesfromSialhawkalsobeshippedtoand740kgeachtoandBahrainwithinatimefromnow.
AGARTALA, AUG 20 (PTI): Expressing concern over the “deteriorating law and order situation” in Tripura’s tivitygroups,legedlyingtheparkandrubberingspreadcentreperTripuraaskedregistrationseveralagainsttionhasoffenders”.necessarytheSahatre’,Industrial‘BodhjungnagarGrowthCenChiefMinisterManikonSaturdaypulleduppolicefor“nottakingactionagainstTheCMalsosaidhecometoknowthatachasnotbeeninitiatedlawbreakersincases,despitetheofFIRs,andthepoliceinWestdistrictto“actasrules”.TheindustrialgrowthatBodhjungnagar,overanareameasur535.73acres,housesapark,afoodparkanexportpromotionamongotherprojects.Mostprogrammesatcentre,however,areinlimboowingtoalinterferenceofmafiapoorroadconnecandotherbottlenecks,

CBI rejects TMC leader’s bail plea, custody till Aug 24 (From p-1) The federation president has, therefore, appealed to the depart ments to comply with the directives and forward the details so that it does not become a stumbling block to NSSB.NSF has warned that if NSSB was not made operational at the earli est, the student bodies would resort to democratic protests soon. During interaction, Tep said that one of the resolutions that the federa tion had adopted during the assembly was to appeal to the educational insti tutions to spare a day once a week to wear traditional attire to protect the cultural identity of the Nagas. Reiterates on AFSPA repeal: NSF general secretary Süpuni Ng Philo reiterated the resolution ad opted by the NSF executive councils on March 12, 2022, Kohima during the second federal assembly (20212023) on repeal of AFSPA from Naga homeland.Hesaid that the house after through discussion and elaboration resolved to firmly extend non-cooper ation to Indian army force. It was fur ther of resolved that: No individual/ groups across the Naga homeland shall accept any form aid from the Indian armed or Para-Military forces. No Individual/groups would be al lowed to invite Indian Armed force and paramilitary force personnel to any event being organized in the Naga homeland neither attend event of such forces. As a mark of protest, black flag would be hoisted across the Naga homeland. The federating units and Sub-ordinate bodies of the Federation have been asked to effectively imple ment the NSFresolution.generalsecretary men tioned that the 3rd federal assembly endorsed the matter to the executive council to take effective remedies and measure simultaneously to repeal AFPSA from Naga homeland and North East at large. NSF has also appealed to the government of India to deliver justice to the families of victims who were massacred on December 4, 2021. “We feel that the issue is dying away, but NSF will ensure that until and un less justice is delivered to the victim family, NSF will continue to fight for justice” NSF president added.
BENGALURU, AUG 20 (IANS): As many as 16 people were arrested for attacking leader of the Opposition in Karnataka Assembly Siddaramaiah’s convoy and endangering his life as row over Veer Savarkar took an ugly turn in theKodagustate. Superinten dent of Police Aiyappa M.A. stated on Saturday that the police have se cured nine persons from Kushalnagar and seven from Madikeri city in this connection.Theaccused have been produced before the magistrate and their po litical affiliations are being probed, SP Aiyappa stated. The accused, while protest ing against Siddaramaiah, had thrown stones covered in clothes at him, police sources
First, he deepened the foundations of the IT revo lution that has transformed India, Ramesh said, adding that Gandhi ushered the country into the computer, telecom and software devel opment“Heera.launched technol ogy missions for addressing societal challenges that have, for example, made India a world-leader in vaccine pro duction and made the coun try polio-free,” Ramesh said. “Second, he led the way personally in ensur ing that Panchayats and Nagarpalikas were accorded Constitutional status with one-third reservation for women and emerged as effective institutions of selfgovernment,” the Congress general secretary said. The fact that there are now 14 lakh women elected to such institutions is a trib ute to his determination, Ramesh added. Rahul Gandhi acknowledges greetings of supporters during a ceremony to pay tribute to former PM Rajiv Gandhi. (PTI)
NEW DELHI, AUG 20 (PTI): A day after the CBI raided his residence, Del hi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia on Saturday claimed that the 2024 Lok Sabha polls will be a battle between Arvind Kejriwal and Prime Minister Naren dra Modi who he alleged was using all means to scare the AAPNotingsupremo.thatthe Delhi excise policy was imple mented with complete trans parency and there was no scam, Sisodia said they want to stop Arvind Kejriwal whose work on education and health is being talked about in the world. The CBI on Friday morning carried out search es at the residences of Siso dia and IAS officer Arava Gopi Krishna apart from 19 other locations after register ing an FIR in connection with the alleged corruption in implementation of the Delhi excise policy, officials said. “I want to thank the CBI for not causing any inconvenience to my family.
State govt to release damage compensation to Kiyevi villages (From p-1) the government dated July 20, 20222.OnAugust 20, 2022, com missioner said both the Lamhai village council and Kiyevi village council was summoned including DC Peren and Chumoukedima to explore any possible ways for resolving the impasse, but the out come was only negative. Lamhai village representation was also examined critically vis-avis the status of Kiyevi village legal status, government instructions received on the Lamhai represen tation.However, Mor said there was no change on the status of Kiyevi village which exists as an indepen dent recognized village with clear jurisdiction of chainage on the road stretch as of Commissionernow. stated that the release of damage compensation to the structure owners of Kiyevi village was issued without any prejudice to any claims/counter claims over landownership issue that may arise in future.
Day after CBI raid, Sisodia says 2024 Lok Sabha polls will be Modi vs Kejriwal fight
Thesaid.AAP condemned the raids with Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal claiming the agency has been “asked from above” to harass its leaders. The BJP asked the Delhi government to come out clean on its exciseThepolicy.CBI FIR, which was registered before a spe cial court on Wednesday, has also been shared with the Enforcement Direc torate, a financial probe agency, which will look into the allegations of money laundering.Under the CBI probe are at least two payments in crores allegedly made to “close associates” of Siso dia by Sameer Mahendru, the owner of Indospirits, who was one of the liquor traders actively involved in alleged irregularities in the framing and implementa tion of the excise policy. The FIR alleged Si sodia’s “close associates” Amit Arora, director of Buddy Retail Pvt. Lim ited in Gurugram, Dinesh Arora and Arjun Pandey were “actively involved in managing and diverting the undue pecuniary advantage collected from liquor licens ees” to the accused public servants. The search opera tions on Friday continued for nearly 15 hours with the CBI team leaving Sisodia’s residence at around 11 pm. The searches at the AAP leader’s home, the residence of IAS officer and former excise commissioner Arava Gopi Krishna, and 29 other places took place after the CBI registered an FIR for alleged corruption and bribery in formulation and execution of the Delhi Excise Policy brought out last November, officials said. The policy was with drawn in July this year after Delhi Lt Governor VK Sax ena called for a CBI probe. The FIR on August 17 was based on a reference from the Lieutenant Gover nor’s office routed through the Union Home Ministry. The CBI has invoked IPC section related to crimi nal conspiracy and pro visions of Prevention of Corruption Act in its FIR filed against 15 persons: Sisodia, public servants including Krishna, former Deputy Excise Commis sioner Anand Tiwari and assistant excise commis sioner Pankaj Bhatnagar, nine businessmen and two companies.Speaking to reporters after the raid, Sisodia had said on Friday, “The CBI team reached in the morn ing and searched the whole house. My family and my self extended them full cooperation. They seized my computer and mobile phone. They also took away someHefiles.”alleged that the Centre was misusing the agency to stop the Arvind Kejriwal government from “doing good work” in Del hi. The CBI, which reg istered an FIR in a special court here on Wednesday, began its raids from 8 am in sevenSisodiastates. immediately tweeted about the arrival of the sleuths at his home and “welcomed” the move. The search operation expanded to 31 locations in Delhi, Gurugram, Chandi garh, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Lucknow, Bengaluru which led to the recovery of “in criminating” documents, articles, digital records etc, the officials had said.
They are good officers but they have orders from above to carry out raids,” he said during a media briefing. Sisodia claimed that they were being targeted be cause their worry is Arvind Kejriwal who has gained the love of the people of this country and has emerged as a “national“Theyoption’’.arenot con cerned about any scam in the excise policy. They are scared of Kejriwal who has gained the love of people, specially after the party’s victory in Punjab assembly elections.“They want to stop the good work being done in education and health sectors. They first arrested Satyendar Jain who was holding the charge of the health portfolio and I will also be arrested in the next couple of days,” he claimed. Sisodia termed the Ex cise Policy 2021-22 as the “best policy”, and said there was “no wrongdoing” in its implementation but a con spiracy to scare Kejriwal. “This is not befitting of a prime minister who has got the people’s mandate. The difference between Ke jriwal and Modi is that the former thinks about poor people and the latter thinks about his select friends.
Siddaramaiah’s state ment on vacating Veer Savarkar’s flex from a circle in Shivamogga has stirred a controversy.Hehad questioned about erecting a flex in Muslim majority area. He had also questioned the resistance towards installa tion of flex of Tipu SiddaramaiahSultan.faced stiff opposition during the time of his visit to Ko dagu to assess the damage caused by heavy rains. He was booed and his vehicle was attacked with eggs. He was also shown blackMeanwhile,flags. Dharwad police have booked 12 lead ers attached to Congress party on charges of burn ing down Veer Savarkar’s photo.The police had booked a case against the accused based on the complaint of Bajrang Dal activist Shiva nand in this regard.
Kerala Chief Minister Pina rayi Vijayan on Saturday accused the BJP-led central government of trying to destroy the state by ‘squeez ing’ it financially and put ting obstacles in the path of its development.Chargingthe Centre with attempting to curtail even the limited rights of the state, he said they were trying to impose a peculiar kind of “financial pressure” on the southern state with an objective to destroy it. The Chief Minister was speaking after inau gurating the state confer ence of the PSC employees unionThehere.union government was continuing its efforts to violate the federal principles prevalent in the country, he alleged.“Our state’s deserved revenue grant is slashed and effort is on to curtail its bor rowing limit. The attempt is to push our state into a deep crisis,” he Claimingsaid. that the union government was ‘usurping’ the powers of the state, the Marxist veteran further said this has become a “bane” for the country. The Centre’s attitude was “we can do anything and you cannot”, he said, adding that it was even try ing to take over the coopera tive sector.Bykeeping one mil lion positions vacant, the union government was try ing to destroy the employ ment sector of the country, he added.Vijayan also warned against attempts to weaken the constitutional institu tions of the country and create division among the people.The CM’s scathing attack against the Cen tre comes weeks after the Enforcement Directorate had sent a notice to former state finance minister T M Thomas Isaac in con nection with its probe into alleged violations in the financial dealings of KI IFB, the primary agency of the state government for financing large and critical infrastructure projects.
NSF urges govt to make NSSB operational soon
Kerala CM accuses Centre of ‘squeezing’ state financially Congress pays tributes to Rajiv Gandhi on his birth anniversary that dream and gave a new direction to India,” Priyanka Gandhi said. “Our path is definitely full of challeng es. But, today on the birth anniversary of Shri Rajiv Gandhi ji, we all have to reiterate our resolve to fulfil the dream of taking India to the highest level,” she said. On Twitter, Priyanka Gandhi posted a montage of pictures and videos of Rajiv Gandhi and also a quote by the former PM – “I dream of India Strong, Indepen dent, Self-Reliant and in the front rank of the nations of the world, in the service of mankind.” In a statement, Congress general secretary in-charge communications Jairam Ramesh said his single term as prime minis ter will be remembered for numerous landmarks and far-reaching achievements of which six stand out for his personal drive, commit ment and leadership.
NEW DELHI, AUG 20 (PTI): The Congress on Sat urday paid rich tributes to former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi on his birth anniver sary, saying his single term as PM will be remembered for far-reaching achieve ments, including deepening the foundations of the IT revolution that has trans formedFormerIndia.Congress chief Rahul Gandhi and party general secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra visited their father’s memorial, Veer Bhumi, and paid homage on his 78th birth anniversary in the“Papa, are always with me, in my heart. I will always try to fulfil the dream that you saw for the coun try,” Rahul Gandhi said in a tweet in Hindi. He also shared a video and picture montage on Rajiv Gandhi. In a Facebook post in Hindi, Priyanka Gandhi said, “My father Shri Rajiv Gandhi had laid the road map for 21st century India before the country. An India in which the power of the youth, the power of villages, the potential of women, the use of new technologies, finds workedrankwasexpression,wererightrevolution,revolution,Stepsexpression.”likeinformationcommunicationPanchayatiRaj,tovoteat18yearsstepstostrengthenthissheadded.“Myfather’sdreamtotakeIndiatothetopinthe21stcentury.Hedayandnightabout
Manish Sisodia Pinarayi Vijayan k-1877/22 dc-927/22
Excise scam: CBI grills more aides of Sisodia
NEW DELHI, AUG 20 (PTI): The CBI has sum moned for questioning on Saturday several accused in the corruption case related to the implementation of the Delhi Excise Policy, of is examin ing the documents seized during raids at 31 places including the residence of Delhi Deputy Chief Min ister Manish Sisodia, the officials said on Saturday. They said once the process of examining the documents and electronic gadgets as well as the bank transactions is completed, summonses will be issued to other accused. A CBI FIR, which was registered before a special court on Wednesday, has also been shared with the Enforcement Directorate, a financial probe agency, which will look into the allegations of money laun dering. The agency on Fri day carried out searches at 31 places which included premises related to Sisodia as well as some bureaucrats and businessmen.
16 held for attacking Siddaramaiah, 10 booked for burning Savarkar’s photo
CBI raids Manish Sisodia’s residence. ( PTI)
Protesters attack Siddaramaiah’s convoy. ASANSOL (WB), AUG 20 (PTI): A special CBI court here on Saturday rejected Trinamool Congress leader Anubrata Mondal’s bail plea in the alleged cattle smuggling scam and extended his custody with the central agency for four days till August 24. Describing Mondal as a “very powerful and highly in fluential person”, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) appealed for an extension of the TMC leader’s custody stat ing that he could “influence witnesses and tamper evidence if granted bail”. The CBI law yer said that Mondal has been “non-cooperative from the very beginning” despite being issued summonses 10 times. The counsel also claimed that Mondal had pressurised a doctor to prescribe “complete rest”. Mondal was arrested on August 11 by the CBI in con nection with its investigation into the alleged cattle smug gling scam.

T he way Nitish Kumar and Tejashwi Yadav put one past the BJP has no doubt warmed the hearts of the Opposition, and put the spring back in their step. Once again, there is a glimmer of hope that if it could be done in Bihar, then perhaps there might be a way to put it past a rampaging, maraud ing BJP in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections as well. Of the fact that the JD(U)’s separation from the BJP and its reunion with the RJD alters the arithmetic for Bihar, there is no doubt. The BJP, which had been steadily gaining political space in Bihar, will be on the defensive and forced to try and defend itsrecent gains. Instead of expanding, the party will worry about retaining its seats in the as sembly and the cascading effects of the recent setback in Bihar on its prospects in Lok Sabha 2024. It will also worry if Bihar will become the epicentre of more damaging shock waves in the Hindi heartland and beyond. The prospect of contesting the Bihar assembly election on its own again might give the BJP the heebiejeebies. The last time it did so with minor allies in 2015, the mahagathbandhan -- a grand alliance of the JD(U), RJD, Congress and other par ties—had blown away the mighty BJP. It had made no difference that the party throw everything it had into the battle—a battery of highimpact campaigners, led by Narendra Modi, their star of the 2014 Lok Sabha and by now the party’s trump card for most occasions.Taken together, the results of the 2014 Lok Sabha and the 2015 state assembly demonstrat ed that the politically discerning Bihari voter could cast his votes differently for the Lok Sabha and the state assembly. They did not vote for Nitish in 2014 in the general election, but they overwhelmingly preferred him in 2015 in the assembly election. In their own wisdom, they decided who deserved to be the leader of the government in Delhi and who in LosingPatna.Nitish and the thought of facing another ma hagathbandhan in 2025 will certainly worry the BJP. But that is still three years away. A year before that there will be the Lok Sabha elections, and the BJP must first try and save the 17 (of 40) seats it had won here in 2019. Optimists in the party might hope for 22 seats, its 2014 tally, but it will take another dra matic turn for that to become a real possibility.Acomparison of the 2014 and 2019 Lok Sabha results in Bihar is instructive. In 2014, the BJP fought in alliance with the Lok Janshakti Party (LJP) and the Rashtriya Lok Samata Party (RLSP); the JD(U) contested in alliance with the Communist Party of India (CPI), while the RJD fought in alliance with the Congress and the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP). In 2019, the BJP contested the election with JD(U) and the LJP. The RJD allied with the Congress, the RLSP, the Hin dustani Awam MorchaSecular (HAMS) and the VikassheelIn saan Party (VSIP). In all the 17 constituencies the BJP contested in 2019, the vote for its candidates saw a big spike compared to 2014. For in stance, in Paschim Champaran, BJP candidate Sanjay Jaiswal, currently party president of the state unit, polled 3.7 lakh votes (or 43% of the votes polled) in 2014; in 2019, he polled six lakh votes (60% of the votes polled). The alliance with the JD(U) and LJP worked in its favour not just in Paschim Champaran but elsewhere too, in 2019. But in 2024, the BJP will be back to the 2014 situation when it contested the election without the JD(U). The situation will in all likelihood be worse, because the RLSP has moved away from it and the LJP is splintered. And that could make Jaiswal’s victory very uncertain. He might have lost by nearly 30,000 votes in 2014, if he were facing a ma hagathbandhan candidate. The combined vote of the JD(U), the RJD, the CPI and the CPI(MLLiberation) in the constituency was 4.04 lakh against his 3.71 lakh. With the RLSP gone and the LJP diminished, the gap will, in all probability,widen in 2024. The party will be similarly vulnerable in several other Lok Sabha constituencies in 2024. Add to the combined vote of the mahagathbandhan, a palpable disenchantment with Modi’s governance record over the past two terms, and the prospects do not look so bright for the BJP in Bihar in What2024.does all this mean for national politics? Bihar has a reputation for being the nerve centre of political movements in colonial and post-colonial India, and it is perhaps showing the way Theagain.BJP has been system atically going after all non-BJP governments. It has split parties by exploiting any and all vul nerabilities; it has threatened legislators with the full might of central investigative agencies; it has gobbled up state after state, even after losing the popular mandate, and in its unbridled ambition to conquer all, it has even cannibalised its own allies. It looked like there was no stopping this marauding on slaught till Bihar, courtesy Nitish and Tejashwi, got in its way. A similar coup was in the works in Bihar too, but astute Nitish had the sense and political timing to play his trump card at just the rightThetime.war, however, has just begun. One state is not enough. One political combination is not enough. One Nitish Kumar is not enough.TheBJP has fused its per sonality with the cult of Nar endra Modi. He is the party’s EVM (electronic voting ma chine)—and remains strong. His popular appeal is phenom enal. He is a shrewd, relentless self-propagandist. He speaks to people in simple catchphrases every day. He is all over the mediascape—TV, print, radio, digital and social media. He has made sure that a good part of India listens only to him and he has cast a hypnotic spell on vast swathes of the country. The battle against Modi is not simply about reclaiming votes, it is about reclaiming minds. If the minds return, the votes will too. Modi has given electoral contests a psychic di mension, and that is where the Opposition must target him. It’s not for lack of trying, but the Opposition has been misfiring. For instance, they have at tacked him for being a divisive politician. But Modi has taken the battle beyond that. Of course, Hindutva sits in the sanctum sanctorum of his political temple, but he has built three more il lusory temples around it. The temple of Nationalism. Here the deity blesses Indians with pride in a strong nation that can take care of itself and push back bullies. The second is a temple of Development. This deity creates highways, airports, industries, AIIMSes, spacecraft, 24x7 power and unicorns where there were none. The third is a temple of Welfarism. This deity gives free food, a house, a toilet, free gas cylinders, a zero-balance bank account, direct benefit transfer, health insurance and Rs 6,000 a year to every small farmer, like never before. The Opposition has to at tack the creaky foundations of these three temples he has built before they can hope to pull down the bigger temple. They have to begin with the temple of Nationalism: they have to expose the lies in his claims to global power and glory. They have to show that he is not as strong and decisive in dealing with Pakistan and China as he projects. They have to make people understand that he whips up symbolic campaigns such as ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ to bolster his image as the chief protector of the nation even as his policies weaken the nation. The temple of Develop ment is built with right-of-centre bricks. But the Opposition has not been able to attack and damage it, even though they are ideologically left-of-centre. He is an apostle of the free market. He has been giving up more and more space to the market, to cronyThecapitalists.Opposition did play a role in foiling his bid to open up agriculture to the market. They are opposing his plans for disinvestment in PSUs and public sector banks. But they need to do much more to prove that his pri vatisation policy is totally against the interests of the people. They need to credibly explain how they will rebalance the roles of the state and the market in develop ing the economy and improving the lives of people. It is in attacking his temple of Welfarism that the Opposition may find an immediate emo tional connectwith the people. But they cannot do so by compet ing with him with more welfare schemes. Regional parties might derive electoral benefits locally, but it won’t diminish Modi’s appeal among the poor on a national scale—he seems to have run away with that constituency. In order to pull down his temple of Welfarism, the Opposi tion needs to convey to the poor that he is distributing handouts to them because he has failed to provide them quality employ ment. That economic growth under his prime ministership is not creating stable jobs. They have to attack ‘jobless growth’— that is his Achilles heel. The resentment of jobless youth is a fact. The participation of women in the labour force has been going down. The Opposi tion can build support among the youth and women by presenting to them a redesigned economic policy that will create secure jobs and incomes for them. Is the Opposition ready with an alternative vision? Does it have a credible plan for the country’s jobless youth and women? To convince people that Modi’s slogan of ‘sabka saath, sabka vikas’ is just a slogan, they need a credible alternative plan to ensure ‘sabka vikas’. That vision alone will also not be enough. There has to be a credible political alternative too, the kind of option that reassures people that voting in change will improve their lives. They will want to pin their hopes on a leader, a visionary figure to take on another cult figure. A fragmented opposition will give Modi a cakewalk. Arun Sinha is an independent journalist and the author of ‘Nitish Kumar and the Rise of Bihar’ and ‘The Battle for Bihar’ (As published in National Herald)
…and I will give you rest. —Matthew 11:28 Whenever anything begins to disintegrate your life with Jesus Christ, turn to Him at once, asking Him to re-establish your rest. Never allow anything to remain in your life that is causing the unrest. Think of every detail of your life that is causing the disintegration as something to fight against, not as something you should allow to remain. Ask the Lord to put awareness of Himself in you, and your self-awareness will disappear. Then He will be your all in all. Beware of allowing your self-awareness to continue, because slowly but surely it will awaken self-pity, and self-pity is satanic. Don’t allow yourself to say, “Well, they have just misunderstood me, and this is something over which they should be apolo gizing to me; I’m sure I must have this cleared up with them already.” Learn to leave others alone regarding this. Simply ask the Lord to give you Christ-awareness, and He will steady you until your completeness in Him is absolute.Acomplete life is the life of a child. When I am fully conscious of my awareness of Christ, there is something wrong. It is the sick person who really knows what health is. A child of God is not aware of the will of God because he is the will of God. When we have deviated even slightly from the will of God, we begin to ask, “Lord, what is your will?” A child of God never prays to be made aware of the fact that God answers prayer, because he is so restfully certain that God always answers prayer. If we try to overcome our self-awareness through any of our own commonsense methods, we will only serve to strengthen our self-awareness tremendously. Je sus says, “Come to Me…and I will give you rest,” that is, Christ-awareness will take the place of self-awareness. Wherever Jesus comes He establishes rest— the rest of the completion of activity in our lives that is never aware of itself.
Reader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the columns do not reflect the view of this newspaper nor that of the Editor in any manner. Yet to deliver Having taken it upon itself of playing the role of mentor and moral guide of society, the church in Nagaland has much to learn by taking a serious introspection of what has been achieved through its ministry. The church has taken up various issues but hardly worked on a long-term basis to effect change. For instance, it went hammer and tongs over liquor, then even before the dust settled, it launched a ‘clean election’ campaign in 2012 which has instead become a slogan by which the church appears convinced that it has at least achieved something. The other issue that the church used to be quite happy to raise was on factional clashes and factionalism. The phrase gun-culture nurtures factionalism as every faction seeks to legitimize itself with another medieval term ‘revolu tion’ and legitimizing the ideology of Mao Zedong that power flows through the barrel of the gun and have pushed their lifestyle to force the ‘passive/fear ful’ sheep that they live, by ‘might is right’ and not what is right. This stone age concept is accorded a dominant status. A society under gun siege is not free nor democratic and speaking out the truth (even supposedly traditional style) is not supported by the people but ire of those exposed and silence from society. However, the church appears to fight shy on the issue of corruption possibly because it could ill afford to displease the wealthy donors who count. This silence has only made corruption no longer an unscriptural offence since donation and fund raising drives have many whose hands are tied. In a world of feel good gurus, there are not two opinions about Mamon, which morally, is a good servant but a bad master. The radar to divine wisdom is not properly functioning and, on the ground, the compass is also not giving accurate reading. That is why contempo rary society is continually being churned by changes but at the same time, suffering from an inertia and thus lost vision of the reality. Recent incidents in the state point to erosion of the social values where moral absolutes are but hurdles that stand in the way. Respect for the law has been lost because the freedom that exists is to do as one please or perpe trate the ‘khushi-khushi’ syndrome. This deepening crisis has created a moral abyss where eventually, the means justify the end. Despite all that is being professed by the people, neither the preaching nor teaching inspire people anymore. What has gone wrong then? Probably because these lack magni tude and direction and above all, fail to confront the problems squarely in the eye. But who can bell the cat? So long the church buries its head in the sand and only hope for a miraculous deliverance, the ailment will turn it upside down. In the recent past, violent activities have continued without respite and could even turn worse in the next few years and if the church fails to read the writing on the wall, then it is like the end times happening. Quotes Free speech carries with it some freedom to listen. ~ Warren E. Burger
Manish Kumar (As published in Mongabay India)
Climate change could impact India’s renewable energy potential T he expanse and suc cess of wind energy in India is concen trated in a few states be cause of the commercial viability and favourable wind and climate condi tions they offer. About 95 percent of the installed wind energy in the country is in eight states – Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Karna taka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Telangana and Tamil Nadu – according to government data. Solar energy projects, meanwhile, are mushroom ing across the thetheseinformationtryvariousclimateandProjectModel(CORDEX),Downscalingdinatedmatemonths.trendareastheshoreincreasingthefuture.wouldlandmass,thatTheteorologyInstituterecentbyexpectedproduction,Renewablecountry.energyhowever,istobeimpactedclimatechange,findsastudy,bytheIndianofTropicalMe(IITM),Pune.researchersclaimovermostofIndia’ssolarpotentialdecreaseinthenearWindpotential,onotherhand,showsantrendontheonregionsinIndiabutpotentialintheoffshoreshowsadecreasingfornon-monsoonThestudyusedclimodelssuchasCoorRegionalClimateExperimentCoupledIntercomparisonphase5(CMIP5)CMIP6tounderstandprojectionsforpartsofthecounoverfivedecades.Theprovidedbymodelshelpsanalyseavailabilityofrenew
The opposition needs to get its act together
able energy sources in the future.The researchers looked at the historical sim ulation data from the last 55 years and projected how renewable energy sources would fare in the next 55 years. “The findings could be used by policy makers to take preventive measures to mitigate the actions which are leading to global warming and cli mate change. It could also help the energy sector in working towards more re search and development in boosting the technical ca pabilities of solar and wind energy,” study co-author Parthasarathi Mukhopad hyay told Mongabay-India. The study said that the southern coast of Odisha and southern states of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu show promise for wind potential. This is in contrast to the present situ ation where wind energy is yet to take shape in Odisha. Meanwhile in Jammu and Kashmir, the study pre dicted an increase in the frequency of lower wind velocities while higher ve locities could see a dip in future.An assessment report by the National Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE), Chennai for wind power potential at a height of 120 meters, put Odisha, Jammu and Kashmir and some others as medium potential areas for wind energy and where the industry is still not developed. The IITM study, however, has differ ent predictions, possibly because it used climate model data through COR DEX and CIMP, while the NIWE assessment is based on advanced wind flow model with corrobo ration from the actual 406 measurement sites in India. The seasonal analysis of the climate models done by the IITM scientists also shows that the southern and the northwest regions of India could see a higher wind speed during win ter and monsoon months when the wind potential is usually the maximum. The study also notes that solar radiance is likely to decrease during all seasons over most of the solar farm ing regions of India and hence, from an investment point of view, central and south central India must be considered during the premonsoon months as the potential loss is likely to be minimal in these regions. The IITM study also hinted towards prominent changes of annual solar radiance in the foothills of Himalayas and central India whereas the solar radiation is likely to be the lowest in the future decades and would im prove along the central and south central India between 2040-2070.Thestudy concluded that the annual and season al wind speeds are likely to decrease over north India and increase over south India. The study batted for more intensive investment on the research and devel opment of technologies used for solar and wind en ergy. “With the estimated decrease in future wind and solar potential, an ex panded and more efficient network of wind and solar farms is needed to increase renewable energy produc tion,” the report said. IITM’s Mukhopad hyay also said that there is also a need to maintain real time data on changing climate situations and its impact on energy systems to analyse the trend and act accordingly.Thestudy assumes significance as this could be used by solar and wind energy developers and in vestors, which are primar ily private players. The research also comes at a time when the Indian government has globally committed to increase its share of renewable energy and achieve net zero tar get by 2070 through the latest updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) which the Indian government is set to sub mit to the United Nations Framework for Conven tion on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Climate change and clean energy Experts working in the energy sector claim that climate conditions often play a key role in the suc cess of the sensitive solar and wind energy sectors. Deepak Krishnan, As sociate Director (Energy Programme) at the World Resources Institute (WRI), India also explained that most of the wind farms in India are situated close to favourable geographical locations, the economics behind this decision and what pre-requisites the wind energy developers or investors see before ventur ing into it. Krishnan said that the maximum concen tration of wind energy is in the Palghat pass area of Kerala and Kanyakumari region in Tamil Nadu, fol lowed by “TheGujarat.interest of wind energy developers/inves tors is mainly dictated by the potential speed of wind that exists in that area. Post the potential assessment, developers will also look at friendliness of policy, competitiveness of the tar iff offered and presence of industry which can help them enter third party con tracts. Yes, geography and climate play a key role in determining the best wind sites. The more you move away from them, your tar iffs increase as wind speeds reduce,” Krishnan told Mongabay-India.SaptakGhosh, Senior Policy Specialist (Energy Efficiency and Renew able Energy) at Center for Study of Science, Technol ogy and Policy (CSTEP), told Mongabay-India, that climate change impacts could lead to more drastic monsoons, summers and winters affecting the overall production from solar and wind“Climatefarms. change leads to more drastic monsoons, summers and winters. This means that in some parts of the year solar radiation will be higher than the average trend of the re cent past and vice versa. The same goes for wind. So unless renewable (RE) generation projections and prediction models do not account for this variability, the operation of the grid will become more complex in terms of scheduling, balancing and dispatching. Various research organisa tions are conducting exten sive research programs in this field worldwide. The outputs and recommenda tions of these studies will determine if the negative impact of climate change on RE-based generation can be mitigated or not,” Ghosh said. A 2018 paper on the Indian Ocean showed that warming of the Indian Ocean during the studied period (1980 to 2016) led to weakening of monsoon al circulation and wind speeds in India. The latest available assessment report 6 (AR6) of Working Group II of the faceoftransboundaryHimalayanglaciersnent,otherdroughtwavesincreaserisingpactnoted(IPCC),PanelIntergovernmentalonClimateChangeearlierthisyear,thatduetotheimofclimatechange,temperaturescouldthethreatofheatacrossAsiaandinSouthAsiaandpartsofthecontibesidesmeltingofintheHinduKushregionwhileriverbasinsGangesandotherscouldseverewaterscarcity.

Himachal flash flood: 6 killed, 13 feared dead Collapsed portion of railway bridge over the Chakki river in Dharamshala, Saturday. (PTI)
Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami visits the affected areas after a cloudburst in Dehradun. (PTI)
NEW DELHI, AUG 20 (IANS): Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Saturday said the Govern ment is committed to make the Armed Forces Tribunal more empowered and re sponsive and implement measures that were required in thisThedirection.minister said that the judiciary is a strong pillar of democracy, and judicial officers, and law yers are in turn pillars of this judicial system. He said people knock on the doors of the judiciary when all other options were closed to them and sound judiciary delivery systems were the basis for good Addressinggovernance.thegather ing at a seminar titled ‘Intro spection: Armed Forces Tri bunal’, organised by Armed Forces Tribunal Principal Bench Bar Association in New Delhi, he stated that domain-specific tribunals were set up to deal with diverse cases and clear pend ing cases.The minister stressed that litigants have trust in our judiciary and whatever measures required were be ing implemented, such as filling up of vacancies in the tribunals, to expedite the justice delivery process. He also assured the gathering that government would con sider suggestions that would emerge from the seminar to fulfil the aspirations of ex-servicemen, and serving personnel for the speedy delivery of justice. The minister called for a balance between ‘justice delayed is justice denied’ and ‘justice hurried is justice buried’ to lessen the burden of pendency.
Mumbai police get threat of ‘26/11-like’ attack
Police personnel use a sniffer dog to patrol Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus Station in Mumbai, Saturday. (PTI) Govt committed to empower Armed Forces Tribunal: Rajnath Rajnath Singh
SHIMLA, AUG 20 (PTI): Six people were killed and 13 others were feared dead in separate incidents of flash flood and landslide triggered by heavy rains in Himachal Pradesh, officials said on Saturday.Twenty-two people, who were stranded follow ing a flash flood in the state’s Hamirpur district, were evacuated safely, they said. According to of ficials, train service be tween Jogindernagar and Pathankot route have been suspended after the Chakki bridge in Kangra district col lapsed in the morning due to heavyTherains.railway authori ties had declared the bridge unsafe. Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur expressed con dolences over the deaths and said that administration is carrying out rescue opera tions on war-footing in the affected districts. According to officials, three people were killed after their house collapsed follow ing a landslide triggered by rains in Chamba district. The Chamba district emergency operation centre (DEOC) said the landslide occurred at Banet village in Chowari tehsil around 4.30 am following which a house collapsed, killing threeInpeople.Mandi, a girl was killed and 13 others were feared dead in a landslide and flash flood triggered by heavy rains, officials said. The body of a girl was recovered about half-a-km away from her house in Baghi Nullah on Mandi-Ka tola-Prashar road on Friday night, while five members of her family were washed away, state disaster manage ment department officials said. Several families also left their houses located be tween Baghi to Old Katola areas after a cloud burst and took shelter at safe places, the department added. Besides, eight members of another family are also feared buried under the debris of their house follow ing a landslide at Kashan village in Gohar develop ment block, the department added.However, the bodies have not been retrieved yet, it said. Several roads in Mandi district have also been blocked following flash flood and multiple land slides.Several vehicles were damaged and a number of villagers were stuck in their houses as water entered their houses and shops at Balh, Sadar, Thunag, Mandi and Lamathach, officials said. Schools in Himachal Pradesh’s Mandi district will remain closed on Saturday due to ongoing incessant rains, a senior administra tion official said.
dc-940/22 UNITY CHRISTIAN HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL DIPHUPAR : DIMAPUR JOB VACANCY Post - Teacher Required Qualification - M.A (Sociology) with B.Ed Date of Interview - 27th August 2022 Time - 10:00 AM Venue - School Premises Interested candidates may apply. Kindly bring your resume and necessary documents on the day of interview. For more details, Contact : # 9436005272, # 9362366306 dp-3928/22 dp-3947/22 ZION HOSPITAL & RESEARCH CENTRE PURANA BAZAR, DIMAPUR NURSING AID TRAINING COURSE Applications are invited for Nursing Aid Training Course session 2022-2023 at Zion Hospital and Research Centre. Eligibility Criteria : Qualification - 10th Age - 18 to 25 years Course Duration : One year Candidates should submit the application along with their documents to the Human Resource Department on any working day. For more information, kindly contact @ 9366562969 dc-948/22 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR SUNDAY, AUGUST 21, 2022 NATIONAL 7
MUMBAI, AUG 20 (PTI): Mumbai police has received text messages warning of a “26/11-like” attack on the city from a phone num ber with Pakistan’s country code and a person has been detained in this connection, officials said on Saturday. A man was detained from Virar near Mumbai and the Mumbai crime branch team which is probing the threat messages is question ing him, sources said. The messages were received on WhatsApp on a helpline number of traffic police’s Worli control room around 11:45 on Friday night. While one message said that six people will ex ecute the attack, another said preparations were on to blow up Mumbai which will bring back the memories of the 26/11 attack, officials said. “Police received mes sages around 11.45 pm on Friday, which threatened that a 26/11-like attack would be carried out in Mumbai and the city would be blown up. There was a mention of 26/11 attacks terrorist Ajmal Kasab and (deceased) Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri in the messages,” city police com missioner Vivek Phansalkar said at a press conference on Saturday. “It was also men tioned that some of their aides were working in India. Prima facie, the threat mes sages came from a number that has the country code of Pakistan,” he added. Police have taken the messages seriously, he said, assuring that citizens’ safety and security was police’s responsibility. “Necessary measures are being taken to investigate the threat mes sages. We are alert on coastal security and are coordinat ing with the Coast Guard,” he added. ‘Sagar Kavach’ operation has been launched and coastal security beefed up, the police commissioner added.The ten Pakistani ter rorists including Kasab who caused mayhem in Mumbai and killed at least 166 per sons had arrived in the city by sea route on November 26, 2008. Phansalkar, mean while, said a First Informa tion Report (FIR) was be ing registered under Indian Penal Code section 506 (2) (criminal intimidation) at Worli Police Station regard ing the threat messages. The crime branch is also sharing the information with the Maharashtra AntiTerrorism Squad, he added. Police were also inves tigating the numbers and persons mentioned in the messages, he said, adding that these numbers were In dian ones. Asked about the fact that the messages were in Hindi and not in Urdu and whether there was an attempt to create a fake IP address so that the messages would appear to have come from a Pakistani number, he said, “We can not rule out any possibility without investigation.”Askedabout media re ports tracing the number to a Lahore-based gardener who claimed that his number had been `hacked’, the commis sioner said police were look ing into this aspect too. Po lice are already on high alert during the ongoing festive season, he said. The threat messages were received a day after a yacht was found off the Raigad coast near Mumbai with AK-47 rifles and live rounds on board, causing a scare, although of ficials said that there was no terror angle in it.
U’khand cloudburst: 4 killed, bridges washed away
Chief Minister Push kar Singh Dhami visited the affected areas near Thano and instructed officials to make arrangements for re storing vehicular movement. “The administration is fully alert. Disaster relief teams are already at work in the affected areas. The Ar my’s help may also be taken if needed,” he said. Dhami was accompanied by Raipur MLA Umesh Sharma Kau and Garhwal commissioner SushilMussoorieKumar. MLA Ga nesh Joshi and Dehradun District Magistrate Sonika also visited the affected areas to assess the damage. Mud entered homes in over a dozen villages following the cloudburst, prompting the State Disas ter Response Force to shift the affected people to safe locations.
rampantCorruptioninGovt offices: K’taka HC BENGA LURU, AUG 20 (PTI): The Karnataka High Court has denied bail to a Bangalore Development Authority (BDA) official stating that there was ram pant corruption in govern ment“Now-a-days,offices. in the Government office, corrup tion has become rampant and no file will be moved without any bribe. There fore, I am of the view that the petitioner is not entitled for the grant of bail BDA had allegedly used land belonging to Suv valal Jain and Suresh Chand Jain for a road without prop er acquisition proceedings. An application for an al ternative site in lieu of the land was filed by their GPA (General Power of Attor ney) holder Manjunath. Raju allegedly de manded a bribe of Rs one crore, negotiated it down to Rs 60 lakh and was caught red-handed while accepting a bribe of Rs five lakh in cash on June seven, 2022.
VIJAYAWADA, AUG 20 (IANS): Chief Justice of India (CJI) N.V. Ramana on Saturday said that if people lose faith and trust in the ju diciary, the very survival of democracy will be at stake. Justice Ramana, who is scheduled to demit office next week, said it was neces sary to ensure that people do not lose faith and trust in the judiciary.“Ifthe people lose the faith and trust in judiciary and if the judiciary col lapses, the very survival of democracy will be at stake,” the CJIJusticesaid. Ramana was speaking after inaugurating Vijayawada Court Com plex here in the presence of Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy, Chief Justice of Andhra Pradesh High Court Prashant Kumar Mishra, judges of the high court and otherHecourts.said during his ten ure as the Chief Justice, he focused on filling up vacan cies of judges and as many as 250 high court judges were Theappointed.CJIsaid filling up the vacancies of judges and improving infrastructure were the two issues on top of his agenda during his tenure of one-and-half years. He said during his ten ure as the CJI, 250 high court judges were appoint ed. Twelve judges to the Supreme Court and 15 chief justices of various state high courts were also appointed. The CJI said he en sured all sections of society, especially women and back ward sections get proper rep resentation in the judiciary. He said he spoke on the filling up of vacancies of judges and improving in frastructure in courts across the country and raised the issue with the Prime Minis ter, Central Ministers, Chief Ministers and Chief Jus tices. In view of the financial problems faced by some states, he wanted the Centre to provide funds to the state for construction of court buildings.“Though there was some opposition from the Centre, some Chief Min isters, especially of West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, supported me and demanded that the Centre provide the funds. I thank them for their sup port,” he Justicesaid.Ramana ob served that high pendency of cases is the main problem faced by the judiciary in the county and there are many reasons for that. He remind ed judges and lawyers that ensuring speedy justice is their responsibility. Stating that the ultimate aim of ju diciary is to deliver justice to people, he advised them to ensure speedy justice within the shortest possible time. He advised lawyers to extend all support to various initiatives to strengthen the judiciary and also recalled the days when he served as a member of Vijayawada Bar Association in 1983.
Loss of faith in judiciary will endanger democracy: CJI CJI N.V. Ramana
DEHRA DUN/NEW TEHRI, AUG 20 (PTI): A series of cloudbursts hit dif ferent parts of Uttarakhand early on Saturday killing four people while 10 went missing as rivers breached their banks and washed away bridges, officials said. Torrential rains dam aged two houses in Gwad village in Tehri district trap ping seven people under the debris. Two bodies have been recovered from under the rubble, Tehri District Magistrate Saurabh Ga harwar said. In Kothar village, an elderly woman suffocated to death after getting trapped underneath rubble brought in by the rains, he said. In Bi nak village of Pauri district, a house collapsed burying 70-year-old Darshani Devi alive. Her body was recov ered by villagers, the disaster control room Excessivesaid.rains have affected around 13 villages in the Pauri district prompt ing the administration to close all Anganwadi centres and schools. A house and a shop were damaged by heavy rains in Bhainswad village of Dehradun district injuring three people while five were missing, the state emergency operation centre here said.Water also entered the caves of Tapkeshwar, a fa mous Shiva temple on the banks of the Tons river, which was in spate, officials said. A cloudburst occurred around 2.15 am in Sarkhet village in the Raipur area, they said, adding a bridge over the Song river near Thano got washed away while the Kempty Falls, a popular tourist spot near Mussoorie, was also flowing dangerously.

Das, according to the minutes of the MPC meet ing released on Friday, said retail inflation was “unac ceptably and uncomfort ably” high, as he along with other members proposed a 50 basis points hike in repo rate at the last policy review with a view to preventing its upward drift from the target. The MPC at its meet ing from August 3 to 5 had decided to increase the benchmark lending rate by 50 basis points to 5.40 per cent.The sequence of policy measures, Das said, “is expected to strengthen mon etary policy credibility and anchor inflation expecta tions. Our actions would continue to be calibrated, measured and nimble de pending upon the unfolding dynamics of inflation and economicFrontloadingactivity.”of mon etary policy actions, opined RBI Deputy Governor Mi chael Debabrata Patra, “can keep inflation expectations firmly anchored, re-align inflation with the target and reduce the mediumterm growth sacrifice as it is timed into the recovery underway.”MPChas been tasked by the government to en sure that Consumer Price Index (CPI) based inflation remains at 4 per cent with a margin of 2 per cent on eitherTheside.CPI inflation was at 7.01 per cent in June and eased to 6.71 per cent in July. The data for August is scheduled to be released by the National Statistical Office (NSO) on Septem ber 12.
Staff Reporter
Air India launches additional flights
MUMBAI, AUG 20 (PTI): With the price situation remaining at “unacceptably and uncomfortably” high level, members of the RBI’s Monetary Policy Commit tee underlined the need for preventing upward drift of inflation and bringing it down to the target band, as per minutes of its recent policyReservemeeting.Bank Gov ernor Shaktikanta Das said the policy actions of the central bank “would continue to be calibrated, measured and nimble de pending upon the unfolding dynamics of inflation and economic activity.”
Retail Inflation ‘unacceptably and uncomfortably’ high: Das
NPF president: Naga People’s Front (NPF) presi dent Dr. Shürhozelie Liezi etsu has expressed deep pain and sorrow over the demise of R Kevichüsa and said that his death was a great loss for the Naga people, but the legacy he left behind and his contributions to the society would be always remembered.Inacondolence mes sage, Dr. Shürhozelie Liezi etsu said late Kevichusa lived his life as capable, sin cere and dedicated officers, adding that Naga society will always be thankful for his valuable contributions and services for the uplift ment of the society.
WAPO: Western An gami Public Organisation (WAPO) has expressed shock and grief over the demise its member R Kev ichusa, who it said had immensely contributed to Naga society as a whole while serving in various ca pacities to the Government of Nagaland.Inacondolence mes sage, WAPO president Ke pelhoutuo Chüsi and gen eral secretary Pekruvotuo Nagi said his demise has created a sense of void in the community, which would be unable to ever fill. At this moment of grief and sorrow, WAPO conveyed heartfelt condo lences to the bereaved family members and prayed that the Almighty God give them solace and comfort. TUD: Tenyimi Union Dimapur (TUD) condoled the demise of R Kevichusa, who it said a man who epito mized love and forgiveness. TUD through its media cell stated that his contribu tions to the Tenyimi family in particular and the Naga society in general would be deeplyThecherished.union conveyed heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family members and prayed that the departed soul rest in peace.
ACROSS 3 Swamp (5) 8 Pilfer (5) 10 Small boat (5) 11 Mesh (3) 12 Provide food (5) 13 Child’s vehicle (7) 15 Doorstop (5) 18 Sweet roll (3) 19 Confuse (6) 21 Colonist (7) 22 Nobleman (4) 23 Military cap (4) 24 Welsh rabbit (7) 26 Call off (6) 29 Consume (3) 31 Water vapour (5) 32 Disperse (7) 34 Fish (5) 35 Female sheep (3) 36 Give out (5) 37 Garden statue (5) 38 Ogles (5) DOWN 1 Because (5) 2 Month (7) 4 Slightly open (4) 5 Brochette (6) 6 Seraglio (5) 7 Pointed teeth (5) 9 Star sign (3) 12 Middle (7) 14 Sound of disap proval (3) 16 Continental quilt (5) 17 Weird (5) 19 Beg (7) 20 Glasses (5) 21 French river (5) 23 Young cats (7) 24 Distant (6) 25 Bleat (3) 27 Circular coral reef (5) 28 Christmas hymn (5) 30 Rains heavily (5) 32 Wound mark (4) 33 Number (3) Air Conditioner Serial No. 2708 4th Prize : 32 Inch TV Serial No. 2351 5th Prize : Washing Machine Serial No. 1948 5 Consolation prizes : Serial nos. : 2507, 1590, 1649, 2763, 1574 note : The winners should claim the prize within 15 days of the results published. Fund raising organising Committee Island ColonyDP-3952/22
Azo: NPF legislature party leader and UDA cochairman Kuzholuzo (Azo) Nienu has expressed deep sadness over the demise of R Kevichusa, son of A. Kevi chusa, founder of regional NPF political party. In a condolence mes sage, Azo described late R Kevichusa as “a refine gentleman and a humble person” who held his integ rity in every facet of his life. Azo also said late Kevi chusa was a capable officer who truthfully and tirelessly devoted to render his service for the welfare of the Naga society.NPF legislature party leader said the legacy he left behind would always be adorned by all and his contribution will always be treasured. Aso expressed heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family in this hour of grief and prayed that his soul will rest in peace.
NPF president men tioned that late R Kevichusa was the son of the founder of the regional NPF party and also the father of Ate Kevichüsa, CEC member of theNPFparty.president, on be half of the party rank and file, deeply mourned the demise of late Kevichüsa and conveyed deepest con dolences to the bereaved family and prayed Almighty God to grant them solace and comfort.
Kronu: Minister plan ning & co-ordination, land revenue & parliamentary affairs Neiba Kronu has expressed grief over the demise of R Kevichusa and said that the state has lost a noble man who was an inspiration to all the Nagas. In a condolence mes sage, Kronu described late R Kevichusa as “a humble, dedicated and a fearless man of great vision” who stood and spoke for truth. The minister also ex pressed deepest condolences to the bereaved family mem bers.
DIMAPUR, AUG 20 (NPN): Tumble dry, a laundry service was opened here Saturday, at K Ketovi Sumi’s complex, near YLS motors, Chümoukedima. Accord ing to the proprietors Hitova Achumi and Ungerna Toy, Tumble dry is the fastest growing laundry and dry clean chain. It has 172 live stores at present across 95 cities and upcoming 108 stores. Tumble dry is a eco-friendly organic cleaning, cuff and collar cleaning, spot and stain removal, wash and steam iron, wash and fold and dry cleaning and steam ironing. Shaktikanta Das ‘Tumble dry’ opened at Chümu Proprietors Hitova Achumi and Ungerna Toy at the opening of ‘Tumble dry’ on Saturday. (NP) (From p-1) NPCC said even pres ently BJP wants to hold election after abandoning the July 26 resolution by announcing a seat sharing arrangement with NDPP on JulyNPCC26. said the state BJP is part of the party rul ing the centre and without the latter’s recommenda tion the Election Commis sion will never advance state election from 2023 to 2022-end.Onthe issue of Rs. 365 crores granted to Nagaland by the then Prime Minister AB Vajpayee and allegation about the role and “con duct” of NPCC president (as the then finance minister of NPF in 2003-04) NPCC has demanded evidence if there was any misconduct on Therie’s part or face defamation case. The party also alleged that Nagas were “not blind to the resorts, hotels and properties amassed by the chief minister” during the last several years and also the notices issued by the ED to a few of his close aides. While pointing out the poor road conditions in the State, erratic power supply and late payment of salaries, that continue to haunt the state, NPCC said the state continues to reel under “misgovernance and corruption”. It also pointed out that the youths were suffering without jobs, while those self-employed were unable to sustain due to extortion. It also alleged that contractors were not receiving payments except to a close family of the CM. NPCC further said that syndicates support ed by unscrupulous ele ments were controlling the business activities thereby stifling the sincere Naga youth struggling to estab lish themselves in business. “Everything in Dimapur (From p-1) Patton, on behalf of the state BJP legislators, conveyed deepest condo lences to the bereaved family and prayed for the departed soul to rest in eternal peace.
Crossword No. 10369 Yesterday’s solution No. 10368 Su doku No. 4991 Yesterday’s solution No. 4990 KAKURO No. 4015 Yesterday’s solution No. 4014 8 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR SUNDAY, AUGUST 21, 2022BUSINESS/STATE Land For SaLe Henivi Village 4-Lane Touched Area : 7 Price(1,05,444BighasSq.Ft):Rs.250PerSq. Ft. No Brokers Contact : 70058388799436071234, DP-3880/22 LAND FOR SALE Location : Bamunpukhuri-B (5 kms from Zion Hospital) (2 minutes from New 4 Lane) 50 × 50 : Rs. 5.50 lakhs 50 × 80 : Rs. 8.80 lakhs 50 × 100 : Rs. 11.00 lakhs 70 × 100 : Rs. 15.40 lakhs Call: 94026156487005204949DP-3881/22 FORMarutiSALEAlto Year : 2007, 2010 Price : Rs. 1,45,000/Location : Kohima Contact : 70053028679366315201k-906/22 Lost Notice I, PoTSIITHo nYUSoU, am applying for a duplicate copy of NU Registration Card as I have lost it. F/ Name : Nguvitho Nyusou Regd. No. : 19011466 of 2019 Roll No. : 19MATH120 St. Joseph College, Jakhama k-1913/22 SaSu Raffle DRaw PoStPoneD SASU Lottery schedule to be drawn on 20th August 2022 has been Postponed to 27th August 2022 due to Inconveniencecircumstances.unavoidableisregretted. DP-3944/22 lanD & BuilDing foR Sale at Indisen Village, Dimapur (Only For Ao's) 4- Storeyed Building : Approx . 11000 Sq. Ft. Land : Approx. 25000 Sq. Ft. Price : Negotiable Only Genuine Buyers May Contact Contact : 9612300964/ 8787349174 DP-3870/22 foR Sale Land with Building at Industrial AreaRazuphe,Ward-5VillageDimapurNearD.COffice:00B-03K-00LS( Contact No. : 6909645500 DP-3924/22 SIBERIANHUSKYPUPPIESFORSALE C O ntAC t: +91 9402054933 +91 9366641123 k-1902/22 Wanted • Kitchen Assistant • tillContactInterested(Skilled/SemiCarpenterWaiter/WaitressSkilled)Salary:NegotiableLocation:KohimaCandidatesmay(10:30am-7:00pm)26 th of August, 2022. - 60090 78885 - 87940 19121 k-1902/22 PLOT FOR SALE BEHIND GOVERNMENT COLLEGE DIMAPUR AT A REASONABLE RATE IDEAL FOR RESIDENTIAL AND VARIOUS INSTITUTIONS. 5 BIgHaS InTereSTed PerSonS Can KIndLY 8798439412/9362619411ConTaCT b-891/22D MoUnT MarY aCadeMY CHUMUKedIMa nagaLand NCTE Approved B.Ed./M.Ed. Admission Last opportunity to pursue UgC/nCTe approved B. ed. Course from andhra Pradesh. NIOS/BBOSE 10th & 12th BA/B.Sc./B.Com/ Fine Arts/ MA/M.Com/M.Lib. & many more 8729880618 Db-486/22 FoR sALe II FULLY"WILLYS"WWJeePreSTored&rUnnIng 4-134 L HEAD "GO-DEVIL WILLYS" ENGINE With U S NAVY Colour & Markings NL Registration & Insurance SerIoUS BUYerS PLeaSe Call : 9436012051 -3929/22DP Isl ANd ColoNy luCky BuMpEr loTTEry rEsulT It is notified to all participants that the Island Colony Lucky Bumper Lottery organized in aid of Panchayat Hall is declared on 20.08.2022 at Anganwadi, Island Colony at 9 AM. We thank each and everyone who have participated and contributed willingly in the Fund raising event. May God bless the lives of the contributors more. Below are the Results with Serial Number of the winners : 1st Prize : Royal Enfield Bike Serial No. 1240 2nd Prize : Honda Scooty Serial No. 2366 3rd Prize :
IASAN: IAS Associa tion Nagaland (IASAN) has expressed profound grief and sorrow on the demise of Razhukhrielie Kevichusa, retired IAS officer of Na galand.In a condolence mes sage, IASAN general secre tary Abhijit Sinha said late R Kevichusa, as an admin istrative officer, held many significant posts in the State. The association said late R Kevichusa was a large hearted, courageous and gifted officer, adding that his pleasing personality made a lasting impression on any one who met him. His passing away has left a deep void in the lives of everyone he impacted upon, IASAN said and added that his numerous contributions in the various fields would be long remembered by the people of the State. The as sociation also conveyed its deepest condolences to the bereaved family and prayed to the Almighty to give them strength to bear the irrepa rable loss.
Former NPSC chairman Khrielie Kevichusa passes away
NEW DELHI, AUG 20 (IANS): Aiming to boost connectivity between key metro cities, Air India will start 24 additional domes tic flights from Saturday onwards. Most of these flights will be deployed on the routes of metro cities including Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru, Chennai, among others.While Air India will add two new frequencies from Delhi to Mumbai, Bengaluru and Ahmed abad, and from Mumbai to Chennai and Hyderabad, one new frequency on the Mumbai-Bengaluru route and Ahmedabad-Pune route will be included as Commentingwell.on the network expansion, Camp bell Wilson, MD and CEO, Air India, said: “This expan sion bolsters connectivity between key metros, and im proves connectivity between Air India’s domestic and international networks...”
NPCC blames UDA and PM for no-solution has syndicates who suck the blood of innocent Nagas,” NPCC asserted. It also said that people knew how Congress legisla tors were lured and made to join NPF in the previous Assembly and how the NDPP and BJP had won the last elections by spend ing crores of rupees. NPCC accused NDPP and BJP of buying votes during the election and form the gov ernment to loot the State exchequer for five years without any development activities.Meanwhile, NPCC said it was very disturb ing and alarming that the BJP Nagaland and UDA government had not con demned the draft constitu tion of ‘Hindu Rashtra’, which declares India as a Hindu nation, under which Christians and Muslims would have no voting rights. It said that the BJPNDPP have also failed to condemn the recent release of convicted rapists in Gu jarat. The party alleged that the BJP-NDPP have already become catalysts in the dilution of Nagas’ ethnic values, identity and faith.While claiming that the people have seen how Hindu customs and rituals were being practiced by Nagas under the present re gime, NPCC advised UDA that instead of pointing fingers, it would do well to stand up to the occasion and defend the interests of the people they represent.

across the world have been targeted for what they do and this is unacceptable.
7. Miss Menguzeno Nakhro for successfully securing the post of Asst. Professor in Environmental Science under Higher Education, NPSC 2019. Our Visatsunuomia Krotho offer our prayers for God's favour and further wishes them success in all their future endeavours. Er. Ketousielie Kengurusie Keneisezo Nakhro President General Secretary Visatsunuomia Krotho Visatsunuomia Krotho k-1909/22
Atleast killed in Somali hotel attack Security officers patrol near the Hyat Hotel
Pak, India can’t afford another war: Shehbaz Shehbaz Sharif
LONDON, AUG 20 (AGENCIES): Security officials say 10 people have been killed after al-Shabab militants stormed a hotel in the Somali capital, Moga dishu.Police said attackers detonated two explosives outside the hotel before entering the building and opening fire, BBC reported. They were reported to be holed up on the top floor of the Hotel Hayat, hours after the attack began. A special police unit is said to have rescued dozens of guests and staff from the hotel.“The security forces continued to neutralise ter rorists who have been cor doned inside a room in the hotel building. Most of the people were rescued, but at least eight civilians were confirmed dead so far,” said an official, Mohamed Abdikadir.Earlier, a website af filiated to al-Shabab said a group of militants had “forcibly entered” the ho tel and were “carrying out randomTheshooting”.Hayatisdescribed as a popular location for employees of the federal government to meet. Nine people were in jured and carried away from the hotel, the head of Mogadishu’s Aamin ambu lance services, Abdikadir Abdirahman told Reuters news agency Unverifiedearlier.images cir culating on social media appeared to show smoke billowing from the hotel while shouting and loud bangs can be heard. “Two car bombs tar geted Hotel Hayat,” a po lice officer told the Reuters news agency in a state ment. “One hit a barrier near the hotel, and then the other hit the gate of the ho tel. We believe the fighters are inside the hotel.” An affiliate of al-Qae da, al-Shabab has engaged in a long-running conflict with the federal govern ment.The group controls much of southern and cen tral Somalia but has been able to extend its influence into areas controlled by the government based in Mogadishu.Inrecent weeks fight ers affiliated with the group have also attacked targets along the Somalia-Ethiopia border, which has raised concerns about a possible new strategy by al-Shabab. The attack on Friday marks the first in the capital by the group since Soma lia’s new president, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, was elected in May.
Imran Khan faces arrest in fundingforeigncase
Aid workers face increasingly dangerous situation: UN UK ex-minister endorses Sunak in PM race
Michael Gove
ISLAMABAD, AUG 20 (IANS): Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has reiterated his country’s strong resolve to main tain peace in the region, but added that sustainable peace in South Asia was linked to the resolution of Jammu and Kashmir issue in line with the UN resolutions and the wishes of Kashmiris, and nothing short of it would work. “We want permanent peace with India through dialogue as war is not an option for either of the countries,” The News quot ed the premier as saying said while speaking to a group of students from the HarvardSharifUniversity.pointed out that Islamabad and New Delhi should have competi tion in trade, economy and improving the conditions of theirPakistanpeople.was not an aggressor, but its nuclear assets and the profession ally trained army are de terrence, he said, adding: “We spend on our military to protect our frontiers and not for aggression,” The NewsThereported.delegation con sisted of students from di verse origins and academic backgrounds.ThePrime Minister welcomed students and held a candid discussion about contemporary chal lenges Pakistan was facing today.In response to a ques tion about the national economy and the IMF pro gramme, the premier said that Pakistan’s economic crisis stem from structural problems along with politi cal instability in the recent decades.He said the first few decades since the incep tion of Pakistan witnessed impressive growth across all sectors of the economy when there were plans, national will and the imple mentation mechanism to produce“Overtime,outcomes.we lost the edge in sectors in which we were ahead. The lack of focus, energy and policy action led to reduction in nationalCash-starvedproductivity.”Pakistan is facing growing economic challenges, with high infla tion, sliding forex reserves, a widening current account deficit and a depreciating currency.With the rising current account deficit at USD 13.2 billion in the first nine months and pressing external loan repayment requirements, Pakistan re quired financial assistance of USD 9-12 billion till June 2022 to avert further depletion of foreign cur rencyAsreserves.Pakistan turned 75 on August 14, Sharif wrote an essay in The Econo mist magazine in which he stated that the country in its adolescence, in the 1960s, brimmed with hope and promise as it had a date with destiny.
Writers, friends gather in support of Rushdie
LongkhümFELICITATIONSensoTelongjenKohima would like to express our happiness and extend our heartiest congratulations to Dr. C. Furkumzuk Sr. Analyst of Nagaland GIS and Remote Sensing Center, Planning and Coordination Department for being awarded Governor’s Commendation Certificate on the 76th Indian Independence Day, 15th August 2022. It is our prayer that God grant him good health and wisdom and guide him in all his future endeavours. Sd/- Sd/(MOKOK IMCHEN) (IMNANUNGSANG) President, LSTK General Secretary, LSTK k-1914/22
A group of writers and supporters gather in solidarity with Salman Rushdie outside New York Public Library. (AP)
UNITED NATIONS, AUG 20 (IANS): Aid workers around the world are working in increasingly dangerous and unstable situations and are being killed, injured, kidnapped and harassed on a daily ba sis, a UN official theOfficedirector-generaltohavealmostingsinceworkerthelife-savingmostaidthesenewsthemyearweremoreHumanitarianficeniorRameshWorldmemorativeAddressingwarned.acomeventforHumanitarianDay,Rajasingham,seofficialoftheUNOffortheCoordinationofAffairs,saidthan460aidworkersvictimsofattackslastandmorethan140ofdied,reportsXinhuaagency.Hesaid98percentofvictimswerenationalworkers,whocarryoftherisktodeliverassistance.“Sadly,thismarkshighestnumberofaidfatalitiesrecorded2013,”hesaid,addthatsofarthisyear,170aidworkersbeenattacked,leading44fatalities.TatianaValovaya,oftheUNinGeneva,saidateventthataidworkers
NEW YORK, AUG 20 (PTI): A week after au thor Salman Rushdie was stabbed onstage at a lit erary event, writers and friends of the Mumbaiborn author gathered at the New York Public Library here and read from his works, expressing their solidarity with him and his “relentless” advocacy for free expression.Literaryand advo cacy group PEN America, which Rushdie had helmed as President, his publisher Penguin Random House, the New York Public Li brary, and House of Speak Easy on Friday hosted the “Stand With Salman: Defend the Freedom to Write’, a special solidar ity event that brought to gether authors, activists, and friends in support of Rushdie.Authors, writers, art ists and members from the literary community, includ ing Tina Brown, Kiran Desai, Aasif Mandvi and Reginald Dwayne Betts read from some of Rush die’s most celebrated works and wished the 75-year-old Booker Prize winner a speedyPENrecovery.saidthrough the event, that writers from around the world stand in solidarity with Rushdie and “celebrate his tire less advocacy for the free dom of expression and the plight of imperilled writers around the globe.” The event was hosted exactly a week after Rush die was stabbed in the neck and stomach onstage in front of a stunned audience by 24-year-old New Jersey man Hadi Matar before the ‘Satanic Verses’ author was about to speak at an event at the Chautauqua Institu tion in western New York. Rushdie, the Mumbaiborn controversial author who faced Islamist death threats for years after writ ing ‘The Satanic Verses’, was airlifted to a local trauma centre and put on a ventilator and underwent several hours of surgery.
“When a would-be murderer punched a knife to Salman Rushdie’s neck, he pierced more than just the flesh of a renowned writer. He sliced through time, jolting all of us to recognise that horror of the past is haunting the pres ent,” CEO of PEN Amer ica Suzanne Nossel said at the start of the event. She said that Rush die has been “a constant, indefatigable champion of words and of writers attacked for the purported crime of their work. Today, we will celebrate Salman for what he has endured, but even more importantly, because of what he has engendered — the stories, characters, metaphors and images he has given to the world.”
“The world is cur rently facing multiple and interconnected challenges and crises -- violent con flicts, devastating climate change, widespread ter rorism, rising tensions be tween nuclear-armed and other states, the Covid-19 pandemic, increasing in equalities, global mistrust, the digital divide, and law lessness in
the package on Friday, say ing “We have taken another important step to defeat the aggressor.”Thislatest aid comes as Russia’s war on Ukraine is about to reach the sixmonth mark. It brings the total US military aid to Ukraine to about USD 10.6 billion since the beginning of the Biden administration. It is the 19th time the Pentagon has provided equipment from Defense Department stocks to Ukraine since Au gust 2021.TheUS has provided howitzer ammunition in the past, but this is the first time it will send 16 of the weapon systems. The aid package also includes 1,500 anti-tank missiles, 1,000 javelin missiles and an undisclosed number of high-speed, anti-radiation or HARM missiles that target radar systems. The Ukrainian forces have been successfully using various precision artillery systems to try and hold off Russian forces and take back territory Moscow has gained.The defence official briefed reporters on the new weapons aid on condition of anonymity under ground rules set by the Defence Department.Formuch of the last four months of the war, Russia has concentrated on capturing the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine, where pro-Moscow separat ists have controlled some territory as self-proclaimed republics for eight years. Russian forces have made some incremental gains in the east, but they have also been put on the defensive in other regions, as Ukraine ratchets up its attacks in Ukraine’s Black Sea peninsula of Crimea. The Russian-occupied territory was seized by Mos cow in 2014. Nine Russian warplanes were reported destroyed last week at an airbase on Crimea in strikes that highlighted the Ukrai nians’ capacity to strike deep behind enemy lines.
1. That on July 28, 2022, Page No. 9, Nagaland Post, a SELF DECLARATION was published which states as “I, Shri. Mulatayo Kezo, hereby declare myself Insolvent' (Bilan), therefore, my only land property and the buildings located at House No. 234, Midland, Kohima bearing Patta No. 7642 was already surrendered to the District Magistrate Court, Kohima, Government of Nagaland, because I Could not pay my debts, Hence, I appeal to the competent authority to kindly take up necessary arrangement for possible amicable settlement and prevent any untoward incidence”. 2. That I on behalf of Kidima Dzüvürü Block, Kohima hereby states that we have purchased the said land & the building belonging to Shri. Mülütayo Kezo located at Midland Colony, Kohima bearing Patta Book No. 61, Patta No. 7642, Plot No. 5097 by executing Sale Deed, dated 26-08-2014 in the presence of witnesses. 3. That we have taken possession of the said land & the building following the execution of the Sale Deed, till date the occupation is without any disturbance. It is hereby made known through this Declaration that no act must be made or nothing should be done in connection with the property without giving me/us prior notice. (KEVILEPO PUCHO) On Behalf of Kidima Dzüvürü Block, Kohima, Nagaland.k-1903/22
LONDON, AUG 20 (PTI): A senior Conserva tive Party MP and former minister on Saturday issued a ringing endorsement of Rishi Sunak to succeed Boris Johnson as the Tory leader and the British Prime Minister, saying the former Chancellor has what the top jobMichaelrequires.Gove, who was dramatically sacked as Levelling Up Secretary by Johnson after he called for him to quit amid a mounting Cabinet rebel lion against the outgoing Prime Minister last month, branded current frontrun ner Foreign Secretary Liz Truss’ tax-cutting plans to tackle the cost-of-living crisis facing the country as a “holiday from reality”. He said Sunak was the one in the leadership con test who was making the right arguments and telling the voters the truth. “I know what the job requires. And Rishi has it,” writes Gove in ‘The Times’ newspaper.“Even more important is what a future government will adopt as its central eco nomic plan. And here I am deeply concerned that the framing of the leadership debate by many has been a holiday from reality. The answer to the cost-of-living cannot be simply to reject further ‘handouts’ and cut tax,” said the veteran Tory politician.“Incontrast, I believe Rishi makes the right argu ments… And, even more importantly, on the central economic questions he has told the truth. We cannot cut general taxation further until we get inflation under control, and control spend ing and reduce borrowing. We cannot reduce spend ing quickly on the scale required to make the tax cuts we want when support for the poorest is so neces sary,” he Govesaid.missed out in his own leadership bids first in 2016, when he surprised many by announcing his own candidacy instead of backing Johnson at the time as was expected, and then again in 2019 when Johnson emerged as the unanimous choice to suc ceed Theresa May. He has since served in senior Cabinet posts under Prime Ministers David Cameron, May and then Johnson. This week, Gove alluded to taking a backseat from frontline politics as he said his backing for Sunak comes from the heart. “I make my case from my heart too. I do not ex pect to be in government again. But it was the privi lege of my life to spend 11 years in the Cabinet under three Prime Ministers,” he said. Sunak welcomed Gove’s endorsement, tweet ing: “Brilliant news to have Michael Gove on team #Ready4Rishi.”
WASHINGTON, AUG 20 (AP): The US for the first time on Friday said it will give Ukraine Scan Eagle surveillance drones, mineresistant vehicles, anti-ar mour rounds and howitzer weapons to help Ukrainian forces regain territory and mount a counteroffensive against Russian invaders. A senior defence of ficial told reporters that a new USD 775 million aid package will include 15 Scan Eagles, 40 mineresistant, ambush-protected vehicles known as MRAPs with mine-clearing roll ers, and 2,000 anti-armour rounds that can help Ukraine troops move for ward in the south and east, where Russian forces have placedThemines.official said the US is looking to help shape and arm the Ukrainian force of the future as the war drags “Theseon.capabilities are carefully calibrated to make the most difference on the battlefield and strengthen Ukraine’s position at the ne gotiating table,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a tweetedVolodymyrUkrainianstatement.PresidentZelenskyyhisappreciationfor
Russian leaders have warned that striking fa cilities in Crimea marks an escalation in the conflict fu eled by the US and NATO allies and threatens to pull America deeper into the war. One Western official said Friday that the war is at a “near operational stand still”, with neither side able to launch major offensives.
FELICITATION We, the Visatsunuomia Krotho with immense pride extend our heartiest congratulations to the following members for clearing HSLC & HSSLC, 2022 Examinations. HSLC 1. Mr. Thejaselhou Nagi, 1st Div. S/o Mr. Thekrulezo Nagi 2. Miss Mhaleneino Zutso, 1st Div. D/o Mr. Khriekhoto Zutso HSSLC 3. Miss Rokovi-i Phira, 1st Div. (Arts), D/o Mr. Dokho Phira 4. Miss Alüleno Chale, 1st Div. (Science), D/o Mr. Vichiesa Chale We also congratulate the following members: 5. Er. Kevide Nakhro for being promoted to Chief Engineer PWD(R&B). 6. Er. M. Z. Akho for being promoted to Additional Chief Engineer PWD(H).
The Office of the Mongsenyimti Students’ Unit's Kohima (MSUK) with immense pride would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to Wb. Tzudimeren Jamir (Horticulture Inspector, District Horticulture Office, Zunheboto), S/o Mr. Akangwati Jamir & Mrs. Meyimakla on being awarded the District Commendation Award in recognition of his dedication and outstanding contributions towards public service during the 76 th Independence Day celebrations at Zunheboto on 15th August, 2022. The MSUK wishes him the very best in his future endeavours. Sd/- Sd/(Wapangnungsang Pongen) (Moalemla Pongen) President, MSUK Gen. Secy, MSUK k-1916/22
US announces new military aid for Ukraine
ISLAMABAD, AUG 20 (IANS): Pakistan’s Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) has decided to arrest for mer Prime Minister Imran Khan if he fails to appear before the investigation committee or respond to the notices concerning the prohibited funding case, according to sources. The agency will get permission from a court of law to arrest Khan to get details of the party funds and accounts, The News reported.“The final decision to arrest the PTI chief could be taken after issuing three notices,” the sources main tained.The FIA issued the second notice to Khan on Friday. The former premier received the first notice on August 10 but refused to appear before the FIA in vestigation team to provide details of the party funds and accounts, The News reported.The sources disclosed that five more PTI compa nies had been traced which were not mentioned in the reports submitted to the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) and FBR.

B ollywood actor Anu pam Kher has turned narrator for the show ‘Lal Qile Se Goonj - Nehru Se Modi Tak’, which show cases historical facts and anecdotes about Indian Prime Ministers from 1947 to 2022.Talking about the show, Kher said: “India has progressed immensely over the last 75 years, and our Prime Ministers have been crucial in making this possible.”Theaudience will also get to know about the de cisions and policies of different Prime Ministers and the impact they had on the country through Kher’s narration.“Assomeone who has passionately followed the nation’s political history, I believe this show to infor mative as well as interest ing,” he Startingsaid.from the first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru to Narendra Modi, the show has been shot within the premises of the Prime Minister’s Museum at the Teen Murti Bhavan to give it a more authentic look.
A ctor Ajith Kumar on Saturday urged people to protect their Throughears. a Tweet, the actor had said: “Protect your ears. Unconditional love always,” his manager also posted the definition of an issue called Tinnitus. The definition read: “Ringing or buzzing noise in one or both ears that may be constant or come and go, often associated with hearing loss.” It also went on to list the common causes for the problem. It said: “Ringing in ears can have causes that aren’t due to underlying disease. Examples include exposure to loud sounds, whiplash, head injuries, too much ear wax or medica tion side Respondingeffects.”to Ajith’s suggestion, director Vi gnesh Shivan said: “Noise pollution is defined as un wanted sounds that disrupt normal sound in the envi ronment ! Let’s be careful and mindful about the work environment and avoid un necessary loudness!” “Es pecially in film sets usage of explosives,microphones & loud devices can be mi nimised or avoided.”
MYK C MYK C 10 INFOTAINMENT NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR SUNDAY, AUGUST 21, 2022 dp-3948/22dc-941/22dc-941/22 dc-947/22
“I got fired from another job yes terday” Baldwin told CNNAlecBaldwin says the death of Rust cinematogra pher Halyna Hutchins has cost him acting jobs and taken “years” off his life due toThestress.64-year-old ac tor fatally shot Hutchins and wounded director Joel Souza on the Rust set on 21 October, after assistant director David Halls alleg edly handed him a prop gun that turned out to be loaded with live ammuni tion.In a new interview with CNN, Baldwin said he’d lost out on five jobs due to the fallout from the shooting, which he denies responsibility for. “I got fired from an other job yesterday,” he said. “There I was all set to go to a movie, jump on a plane... I’ve been talking with these guys for months and they told me yesterday we don’t want to do the film with you because of this.” A few weeks after the incident, former US presi dent Donald Trump base lessly suggested that Bald win may have deliberately shot his two Baldwincolleagues.toldCNN that the stress of these ac cusations has “taken years off my“Therelife”.is just this tor rent of people attacking me who don’t know the facts,” he said. The 30 Rock star added that he believes he would have quit the film industry if it wasn’t for his wife, Hilaria Baldwin. “If I didn’t have my wife, I don’t know where I would be right now,” he said. “If I didn’t have her, I probably would have quit, retired, gone off, you know sold everything I owned, got a house in the middle of nowhere and just you know did find something else to do, sell real estate.” Both Gutierrez-Reed and Halls deny responsi bility for Hutchins’ death. No decision has yet been made by prosecutors.
‘Lost five jobs since Rust shooting’: Alec Baldwin
Anupam Kher to narrate anecdotes about Indian PMs
Cholesterol & Triglycerides:
H ollywood star Will Smith’s planned biopic is report edly back in the pipeline. Sources said Netflix, which halted talks over a film of the actor’s life in the wake of his Oscars slap scandal, are reportedly looking to reopen stalled negotiations.Asource told The Sun: “Will was left out in the cold by Netflix and Apple+ in the wake of the slap. He has since apolo gised and stepped out of the spotlight for a lengthy period. With this in mind, it is broadly agreed enough time has passed to let the dust settle. It has been made clear discussions can be started again about a biopic which Netflix were interested“Arguably,in. the slap, and the fallout, are pivotal moments in Will’s life and will become part of the storyline of his life. Netflix wants to be part of those conversations and Will’s team have no doubt Apple will follow suit,” reports earlier this month seen in public for the first time since he slapped comedian Chris Rock at this year’s Oscars for comparing his 50-yearold wife Jada Pinkett Smith’s shaven head to GI Jane’s buzzcut. He stormed the stage to deliver the slap, before tearfully picking up the best actor award for his role in ‘King Richard’, about the father of tennis icons Serena Williams and VenusWillWilliams.laylow for weeks in the wake of the slap and was said to have travelled to India for a spiritual retreat.He then issued an apology via video online last month and said he was “deeply remorseful.”
Felicitation 1. The Office of the Ungma Senso Telongjem Dimapur convey our heartiest congratulations and appreciation to our bonafide member Mr. l . Mongkum Jamir S/o Lt. Limasungba Jamir for being appointed as a Member of the High Powered Monitoring Committee (HPMC) of National Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Hub (NSSH) under the Union Minister of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME). The union further extends best wishes in his future endeavours. 2. The union also extends our sincere appreciation to the law enforcing agencies for nabbing the accused person involved in the hit and run case which took the life of our beloved sister lt Miss Mapuienla lkr The union further requests the concerned authority to give befitting judgement so that justice be delivered to the deceased family members. Lipokmeren Longkumer T. Nungshi Longkumer President, USTD General Secretary, USTD oFFice oF the UngMa SenSo telongJeM DiMapUr : nagalanD
Will Smith’s biopic back in development post Oscar slap ‘Protect your ears’: Actor Ajith Kumar draws attention to tinnitus
You Don’t Get Tested Get your cholesterol levels measured frequently do you know what they are. Unhealthy cholesterol numbers don’t typically cause any symptoms, so it’s important to get them checked. If you find out there’s a problem, diet, lifestyle changes, and medi cation can help. After age 20, your doctor will want to do a simple blood test every 4 to 6 years to make sure they’re in the healthy range. If your levels are off, your doctor will keep a close eye on them to see if you need treatment. You Skip Your Work outs Exercise regularly to help control your choles terol Regularlevels. exercise is one of the best ways to control your cholesterol. You don’t have to run a marathon -- 40 minutes of walking, swimming, cycling, or dancing 3 or 4 times a week will do the trick. If you’re short on time, you can break it into 10-minute increments throughout the day. Resistance training -pushups, pullups, weights -- may help, too. You Park Yourself Prolonged sitting is linked to obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure and high Sittingtriglycerides.toolong can be linked to obesity, heart disease, and high blood pressure. It lowers “good” cholesterol, which helps get rid of the bad stuff, and raises triglyceride levels. This is true even if you exercise regularly. If you work at a desk, try to get up and move around every 30 minutes, or think about using a standing desk. You Smoke Smoking lowers good cholesterol levels and it in creases high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease. It lowers your “good” cholesterol levels, which means you keep more of the bad stuff. And it’s linked to high blood pres sure, diabetes, and heart disease. Quitting can make your cholesterol levels bet ter and help protect your arteries. If you don’t smoke, do your best to stay away from secondhand smoke. You Ignore Your Weight Losing just 10% of your body weight when you are overweight may help improve your cholesterol levels.Carrying too many pounds, especially around your belly, can raise bad cholesterol (LDL) and low er the good kind (HDL). But lose just 10% of your weight, and you could really help your numbers. Talk to your doctor about the best diet and exercise program to help you lose weight. You Eat a Lot of Sat urated Fat Eating too much sat urated fat may increase “bad” cholesterol levels. This comes from beef, pork, lamb, and full-fat dairy like butter, cream, milk, cheese, and yogurt, as well as tropical oils like palm and coconut. All those things can raise your LDL, or “bad” cholesterol. It can help to trim visible fat from meats and go with skim milk and low-fat yo gurt. If your LDL is high, you shouldn’t get more than 6% of your calories from saturated fat. You Eat a Lot of Trans Fat Foods high in trans fats can also raise bad cho lesterol levels and lower the goodSometimeskind. called “partially hydrogenated” fats or oils, you find them in fried foods, pastries, pizza dough, doughnuts, muffins, cookies, crackers, and many prepackaged foods. They raise your bad cholesterol levels and lower the good stuff. Check food labels to limit trans fats. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy, poultry, fish, and nuts. You Cut Out all Fats Eat polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats instead of saturated and trans fats for better choles terol They’relevels. not all bad. Replace saturated and trans fats with healthier polyun saturated and monounsatu rated fats. You’ll find those fats in trout, salmon, her ring, avocados, olives, wal nuts, and liquid vegetable oils like safflower, canola, sunflower, and olive oil. But make sure no more than 30% of your daily calories come from any kind of fat. You Forget About Fiber Soluble fiber helps lower LDL cholesterol levels.There are 2 types: soluble, which dissolves in water, and insoluble, which doesn’t. Both are good for your heart health, but soluble fiber in particu lar helps lower your LDL levels. Add it to your diet with a bowl of oatmeal in the morning or with oat bran, fruits, beans, lentils, or vegetables. You Drink Too Much Overconsuming alco hol can increase unhealthy cholesterolOverdoingnumbers.itwith al cohol can cause unhealthy cholesterol numbers. In particular, it can raise the level of fats in your blood. Men should have no more than two drinks per day, and women one. If you keep to that, you also might boost your HDL or “good” cholesterol numbers. You Ignore Other Conditions Treat conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney disease, hypothyroidism and liver disease associated with bad cholesterol numbers. It’s important to un derstand and treat any medical issues linked to bad cholesterol numbers like high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney disease, liver disease, and hypothy roidism. If you have one of those conditions and manage it well, you may help your numbers, too. You Skip Your Medi cation Sometimes Do not skip medica tion doses.Follow your doctor’s directions about any pre scriptions. If you do forget to take your medicine, don’t try to “make up” doses by taking more the next time. It may not work the way it’s supposed to, or it may make you dizzy or sick. Make sure to tell your doctor about any drugs you already take. Some drugs can cause problems if they’re taken at the same time as other meds. Reviewed By: James Becker man, MD, FACC Mistakes That Can Affect Your Cholesterol
Your Numbers agesomeaffectnumbersyoumonand“good”cludestrokes.disease,ies,tohealthyfatstellyourmationlevelsCholesterolrevealinforaboutthefatsinblood.Yourcholesterollevelsyourdoctorabouttheinyourblood.Unlevelsarelinkedhardeningofthearterwhichcancauseheartheartattacks,andYournumbersin“bad”(LDL)and(HDL)cholesterol,triglycerides,acomfatinyourbody.Ifunderstandwhereyourareandwhatmaythem,youcandothingstohelpmanthem.

NZ thrash West Indies by 50 runs in 2nd ODI
India’s star Olympic football captain ‘Badru’ dead Samar ‘Badru’ Banerjee, KOLKATA, AUG 20 (AGENCIES): ATK Mohun Bagan missed a plethora of chances as their galaxy of stars were humbled by a resilient Ra jasthan United 3-2 at the Vivekananda Yuba Bharati Krirangan in the Durand Cup on ATKSaturday.Mohun Bagan were dominating from the word go but it was Raj asthan who walked away the victors, News18 report stated.Florentin Pogba put the ball in the back of the net in the 3rd minute itself, but the goal was ruled out due to off-side. He had got the ball at the edge of the six-yard box from a Liston Colaco free-kick from the left flank.Atthe fifth-minute mark, ATKMB got another chance but the pass across the face of the goal did not find a willing runner to finish.Liston missed anoth er golden opportunity to take the lead, in the 11th minute, after he was put in behind with a defencesplitting pass but pulled his shot Kiyamwide. Nassiri tried his luck with an outra geous scorpion kick after Hugo Boumous’ cross was a tad bit behind him. But his effort was far too tame to trouble the Rajasthan United keeper. Cup: Rajasthan Utd shock ATK Bagan
Governance issue resolved, decks cleared for 2023 Hockey World Cup
Rameshbabu Praggnanandhaa
After many missed chances and close calls, Ki yam was brought down in a dangerous position at the 30th-minute mark. Liston’s curled free-kick looked des tined for the top right but the keeper made the save to keep the scores level. Four minutes later, Liston was again in the thick of things as his one-two with Hugo led him clear of the defence but his shot again was pulled harmlessly wide. As the half looked like it was drawing slowly and painfully to a close for the Mariners, patient buildup from the back led to a lighting move to Ashique Kurunian down the left flank who squared it for Kiyam to finally put it in the back of the net in the 43rd Itminute.wasa rude awaken ing for Rajasthan, as ATK Mohun Bagan took time to clear the ball from the six-yard box as William Neihsial’s cutback found Bektur Amageldiev ahead of Pogba to tap it home and bring parity to the scoreline.After the restart, it took barely seconds for ATK Mohun Bagan to take the lead as Ashique was brought down on the left flank. Hugo took to the free-kick short to find Ashique, who slotted it into the back of the net with a sublime left-footed finish. ATK Mohun Bagan pressed hard and up the pitch to force Rajasthan United to make mistakes and they did, as a good save from the keeper stopped another strike from Kiyam from going into the back of the net. Lalremsanga equalised for Rajasthan in the 61st minute as his towering header landed at the foot of Youseff Atriss, whose shot was saved by the keeper only for the ball to land to Lalremsanga again, who smashed it into the back of the net. Vinit Rai came on and started his marauding runs down the right, and had a golden chance to get his side back in the lead after combining brilliantly with Kiyam.Then again in the 76th minute, Manvir skied his shot after being one-onone with the keeper having been played in behind by Joni Kauko. In the 82nd minute, Kiyam’s shot rat tled the crossbar from an other Kauko through ball. Manvir missed again after a cut back from the right with just the keeper to beat.William Pau liankhumh seemingly scored the winner for Ra jasthan in the 90th minute after confusion in the back for ATK Mohun Bagan but the off-side call saved the day for the home fans. In added time, as Gya mar Nikum scored after stealing the ball from Carl McHugh in the middle of the park to break the hand ful of hearts in the stands. Neihsial making a run before he scored the second equaliser for Rajasthan United. (Durand Cup Media) NEW DELHI, AUG 20 (IANS): Veteran Indian fast bowler Jhulan Goswami is all set to retire from interna tional cricket at the Lord’s, after the third and final ODI on England tour on September 24. The 39-year-old pacer, who was named in India’s squad for the three ODIs in England, will leave the game as the highest wicket-taker in women’s internationals, with 352 wickets across formats. She had earlier missed the tour of Sri Lanka in July, which led to speculations about her international future. According to an ESPNcricinfo report, Goswami missed out the series be cause of fitness issues. She regained full fitness in mid-July and was selected for the England tour following clearance from the National Cricket Academy medical staff. The report further said that the team management had spoken to her about looking to the future and building a pool of young fast bowlers who can feature across formats. Notably, Goswami last played for India during the ODI World Cup LAHORE, AUG 20 (AGENCIES): Pakistan pacer Shaheen Shah Afridi has been ruled out of Asia Cup 2022 with injury. He has been advised four to six weeks rest by the medical team following an injury to the right knee ligament.According to Sport star, Shaheen will also miss the home series against England. But he is ex pected to return before the ICC men’s T20 World Cup in Australia.Hesuffered the injury while fielding during the first Test against Sri Lanka in Galle.Pakistan begins its Asia Cup campaign against India on August 28 in Dubai. Shaheen had played a crucial role in Pakistan’s victory against India in the 2021 T20 World Cup, winning the Player of the Match award for his spell of 3 for 31 in four overs. Shaheen ruled out of Asia Cup due toJhulaninjury to play her farewell match at Lord’s Kiran Navgire, member of Nagaland Cricket Association (NCA) senior women team has been selected for T-20 squad. The All-India Women’s Selection Committee on Friday announced the squads for India’s upcoming tour of England. India will play three T20Is and three ODIs in England starting September 10. (Image NCA)
Medziphema Town Students’ Union (MTSU) held its 7th Biennial Inter School Tournament on August 19. Special guest at the opening ceremony Kerelhouvi Angami, IFS Retd. (C) with MTSU executive and other delegates after the programme.
MIAMI, AUG 20 (IANS): The brilliant winning spree of Indian Grandmaster Ra meshbabu Praggnanand haa in the FTX Crypto Cup came to a halt af ter four perfect rounds as he slumped to a 0.5-2.5 defeat against Vietnam’s Liem Quang Le, ending his chances of taking sole lead in champion Magnus Carlsen losing the fifth round to Jan-Krzysz tof Duda of Poland in tiebreak, Praggnanandhaa had an opportunity to take sole lead.TheIndian wonderkid Pragg, who has looked so impressive in this event and was in a neck-and-neck battle with Carlsen, finally cracked under pressure after four straight match wins. He went down in three games 2.5-0.5 to Viet nam’s Liem Quang Le, ending his hopes of taking the sole lead. It was Pragg’s (12) first defeat of the tourna ment and it leaves him one point behind Carlsen, who clawed his way into a narrow lead with a point salvaged from a disastrous Round 5 match on Friday. The out-of-sorts world champion blundered his way to a two-game defi cit against Jan-Krzysztof Duda before an unexpected power outage in the Eden
KOLKATA, AUG 20 (PTI): Former India foot ball team captain Samar ‘Badru’ Banerjee, who led the country to a historic fourth-place finish in the 1956 Melbourne Olympics, died here in the early hours of Saturday after a pro longed illness. He was 92. Banerjee is survived by his daughter-in-law.Fondlyknown as ‘Bad ru Da’, he was suffering from Alzheimer, Azotemia and high-blood pressure related ailments, and was admitted at the MR Bangur Hospital after testing posi tive for COVID-19 on July 27. “As his health deterio rated he was shifted to the state-run SSKM Hospital under the supervision of state sports minister Arup Biswas. He breathed his last around 2.10am,” Mohun Bagan secretary Debasish Dutta told PTI. “He was our beloved ‘Badru Da’ and we had bestowed him with the Mo hun Bagan Ratna in 2009. It’s another big loss for the Maidan,” he added in his condolence message. His body was brought to the club as the members and fans paid their last re spects. The Indian football teams have participated in three Olympics so far and till date, the performance by the Banerjee-led 1956 side remains the best, when it finished fourth after losing to Bulgaria 0-3 in the bronze medal playoff, in what was known as the ‘golden era’ of football in the country. Having got a walkover in the first round, the Syed Abdul Rahim-coached side that also had the likes of PK Banerjee, Neville D’Souza and J ‘Kittu’ Krishnaswa my, defeated Australia 4-2. D’Souza struck a hat-trick in their glorious win. But the team failed to make the final, going down 1-4 to Yugoslavia in the lastfour stage. The All India Football Federation (AIFF) condoled the death of the renowned player. “It’s sad to hear that Badru-da, one of India’s greatest footballers, is no more. His contribution to Indian football will never be forgotten. I share the grief,” said AIFF acting general secretary Sunando Dhar. “He will stay synony mous with the golden gen eration of Indian Football. Badru-da, you will remain alive in our hearts,” Dhar added in a statement. As a mark of respect, a one-minute silence will be observed in the Durand Cup matches in Imphal and Kolkata on Saturday. Be sides guiding Mohun Bagan to several trophies including their first ever Durand Cup (1953), Rovers Cup (1955), Banerjee has also won the Santosh Trophy twice as a player (1953, 1955) and once as coach (1962). He also served India as selector. With his demise, Maid an has lost another foot balling great after the likes of PK, Chuni Goswami, Subhas Bhowmick and Sur ajit Sengupta in less than three years.
BRIDGETOWN (BARBA DOS), AUG 20 (IANS): New Zealand pace bowlers Tim Southee and Trent Boult shared seven wickets among themselves as the visitors thrashed West Indies by 50 runs in a rain-curtailed second ODI at the Kensing ton Oval to level the series 1-1 on Saturday (IST). After Black Caps open er Finn Allen had anchored the innings with a polished 96 to take the visitors to a competitive 212 off 48.2 overs batting first on a dif ficult pitch, Southee and Bolt claimed four and three wickets respectively as the home side slumped to 63/7 in 22.4 overs when a sec ond downpour resulted in a prolonged delay to the day/ night fixture. Set a revised target of 212 off 41 overs under the D/L method, Yannic Cariah’s 52 in his debut One-dayer innings and a quick 49 (31 balls) by Alzarri Joseph gave New Zealand the jitters with an 85-run ninth-wicket stand. However stand-in skip MUMBAI, AUG 20 (IANS): A positive re sponse from the Interna tional Hockey Federation (FIH) to the draft Constitu tion for Hockey India and an election timeline has lifted the storm clouds and cleared the decks for the Men’s FIH Hockey World Cup, which is scheduled to be held in Bhubaneswar and Rourkela in January 2023.Hockey India was, just like the All India Foot ball Federation (AIFF), facing the threat of suspen sion from FIH for alleged third-party intervention in the governance of the sport in theWhilecountry.the AIFF has been suspended by FIFA, putting the U-17 Women’s World Cup scheduled to be held in India in October in a limbo, Hockey India survived the threat as the FIH delegation accepted the principal changes in the draft Constitution, gave the Committee of Admin istrators (CoA) 10 days to submit the approved Con stitution, and set a deadline of October 28 to complete the election process.
Women’s Club Championships
per Tom Latham called upon Southee and he re sponded by getting the bet ter of Joseph, while Allen completed a superb bound ary catch to end Cariah’s effort as the West Indies were dismissed for 161 off 35.3 overs.Theseries decider will be played at the same venue on Sunday. Man of the match Finn Allen said he had enjoyed playing on the challenging wicket. “I’ve always known I’ve got the grit in me but I never showed it. Showing now that I can do it is good,” Allen was quoted as saying by supers“The wickets haven’t been batting-friendly but I have enjoyed the challenge,” added Allen. “It’s disap pointing to lose so many wickets in the powerplay,” said West Indies captain Nicholas Pooran in reflect ing on the opening period of his team’s reply when they slumped to 27/6. “Just one good partnership in the top order might have been enough to see us home.”
Brief scores: New Zea land 212 in 48.2 overs (Finn Allen 96, Daryl Mitchell 41; Jason Holder 3/24, Kevin Sinclair 4/41) beat West Indies 161 in 35.3 overs (Yannic Cariah 52, Alzarri Joseph 49; Trent Boult 3/18, Tim Southee 4/22) by 50 runs D/L Method.
Even while the Indian men’s and women’s hockey teas were fighting for med als at the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham few days back, many Indian fans were worried over the future of the teams, consid ering the governance mess in the sport in the country. The sport’s adminis tration has been in turmoil since May this year when the Delhi High Court ap pointed a Code,withorganisation’sHockeytratorsCommitteethree-memberofAdminis(CoA)togovernIndia,realigntheConstitutiontheNationalSportsadoptthenewCon stitution, and conduct elec tions for the new governing body.The CoA was appoint ed as the federation was judged to be in violation of the National Sports Code after the high court ruled as illegal the life membership with voting rights bestowed upon former FIH Presi dent Narinder Batra and Hockey India CEO Elina Norman.TheFIH was unhappy with the timelines set by the CoA for adapting the new Constitution and conduct ing the elections thereafter, thus raising the spectra of penal action.
Tim Southee celebrates with teammates after he bowled out West Indies’ Shamarh Brooks at the second ODI at Kensington Oval in Bridgetown, Barbados. (AP)
NEW DELHI, AUG 20 (PTI): Gokulam Kerala women’s team will return home on Monday from Uzbekistan after it was re moved from the AFC Wom en’s Club Championships following the FIFA ban on India. The 23-member team, led by India captain Ashala ta Devi, were left stranded in Tashkent for six days since arriving at the Uzbekistan capital on August 16, the day the news of the ban imposed on the AIFF by the world governing body FIFA reachedGokulam,India. the Indian Women’s League champi ons, were to play against home side Sogdiana-W in Qarshi on August 23 and against Bam Khatoon FC of Iran in its next round-robin match on August 26. “Yes, it is confirmed. The sports ministry has told us that its request to FIFA and AFC to allows us to play in the AFC Women’s Club Championships has been refused. So, we are not playing. The organisers have also told us that we can’t play,” Gokulam Kerala president V C Praveen told PTI. “We were trying for the players to return home on Sunday but there is no flight from Tashkent to India. The earliest flight is on Monday, so we are trying for the play ers to return home on Mon day or Tuesday,” he added.
Champions Chess: Pragg loses to Liem; Carlsen too fumbles Roc Miami Beach affected the playing arena. It appeared to affect the players too as Carlsen refocused when Duda could not and dug deep to win the next two games. Having looked dead and buried, Carlsen had lev elled the match at 2-2 and taken it to tiebreaks. With momentum be hind the Norwegian going into the blitz play-off, histo ry suggested there was only going to be one winner. But Duda had other ideas. He roared back to win the first blitz game and then, when Carlsen blun dered a bishop in the sec ond, the match ended with Poland’s number 1 picking up the win. Duda took 2 points and Carlsen 1. While Pragg and Carlsen slipped up, French Iranian teenager Alireza Firouzja jumped into the fray when he breezed past the enigmatic American Hans Niemann by 2.5 to 0.5 to sit a point behind Pragg and just two off the lead. What looked like a two-horse race yesterday now has three riders going into the final two rounds which are becoming in creasinglyAnishtense.Giri, another player who has been badly out-of-sorts, took all three points from his match against Levon Aronian. Winning two games in a row to finish Aronian off, Giri showed he has redis covered his ruthless streak. However, realistically, both players are out of the run ning.
Gokulam Kerala barred from AFC

Cristiano Ronaldo (Portugal): He has won the European Championship but the leading scorer in men’s international soccer hasn’t played in a World Cup final. Expectations will be intense around Ronaldo in Qatar, as they beat North Macedonia to secure their place at the tournament and the 2016 European cham pions will look once again to Ronaldo’s ability to lead their attack as a huge focal point.
Harry Kane celebrates after scoring a goal. in the right direction. Un der Gareth Southgate, Eng land finished fourth at Rus sia 2018, third in the 2019 UEFA Nations League and runners-up at Euro 2020. Progress is being made. The next step is the biggest, but they can win the World Cup. Apart from these teams, Germany, Spain, Belgium and Netherlands could be a threat to any team. Portugal have the ability to cause an upset, even if Ronaldo will be 37 by the time the World Cup kicks off.
NEW DELHI, AUG 20 (AGENCIES): Antim Pan ghal became the first-ever Indian woman wrestler to win a gold at the U-20 world championships, when she defeated Kazakhstan’s Atlyn Shagayeva 8-0 in the 53kg category final in Sofia, Bul garia on AccordingFriday. to TOI, it was for the first time in the competition’s 34-year long history that an Indian girl has finished on top of the po dium. Antim, the youngest of four siblings, dominated Shagayeva with her leg at tacks and takedowns to be crowned the world junior champion. Belonging from Haryana’s Bhagana village in Hisar district, the 17-yearold won all her bouts by huge margins, including the prized scalp of European champion Olivia Andrich, whom she defeated by technical superi ority (11-0). In the quarters, Antim had pinned Japan’s Ayaka Kimura before blaz ing past Ukraine’s Nataliia Klivchutska (11-2) in the semis. Antim was inspired to pursue her career in sports af ter watching her eldest sister, Sarita, make the senior ranks as a national-level kabaddi player with the Indian team. “I didn’t know about the re cord. Only after winning the final did my coaches tell me that I have become the firstever woman wrestler from India to win the champion ships,” a joyous Antim said. Antim becomes India’s first ever U-20 world wrestling champion Antim became the first Indian girl to win a medal at the world junior wrestling championship. (File)
Tuchel gets onematch ban after Conte clash Norrie beats Alcaraz; enters Cincinnati SFs
LONDON, AUG 20 (AGENCIES): British number one Cameron Nor rie beat Spain’s third seed Carlos Alcaraz to reach the semi-finals in Cincinnati. Norrie, 26, squandered a 4-1 lead in the second set and battled back from 3-1 down in the decider to win 7-6 (7-4) 6-7 (4-7) 6-4 in just over three hours. The world number 11 will play Croatia’s Borna Coric in the next round, while world number one Daniil Medvedev will play Greece’s Stefanos Tsitsipas in the other semi after their wins. “That was unbeliev able,” said Alcaraz,Norrie.ranked fourth in the world, had been seek ing his third ATP Masters 1000 title of the season but was only able to convert two of the 13 break points he had againstTheNorrie.Briton, who has reached his second ATP Masters 1000 semi-final, added: “Credit to Carlos. I was up a set and a break, NEW DELHI, AUG 20 (PTI): Indian para shut tlers Pramod Bhagat and Sukant Kadam claimed the gold after beating Indo nesia’s Dwiyoko Dwiyoko and Fredy Setiawan in the men’s doubles final of the Thailand Para Badminton International tournament in Pattaya on Saturday. The Indian duo de feated the Indonesian pair 21-18 21-13 in the summit clash of SL3-SL4 category. In the men’s singles, Bhagat and Kadam had to settle for a silver medal each after losing their re spectiveWhilefinals.Pramod went down fighting to England’s Daniel Bethell 13-21 19-21, Kadam lost 2-21 17-21 to France’s Lucas Mazur. “I am happy with my performance throughout the tournament. I wish to congratulate Bethell on the win and now I will head back to the training ground and train harder for World Championship in Tokyo,” Bhagat said in a release. In other results, Ru thick Ragupathi and Ma nasi Joshi finished second best in mixed doubles SL3SU5 class, losing 21-17 1521 7-21 to France’s Lucas Mazur and Faustine Noel in the final. In women’s singles, Mandeep Kaur got the better off compatriot Manasi 20-22 21-19 21-14 in SL3 finals to claim the gold medal, while Manisha Ramadass also bagged the yellow metal after beating Japan’s Kaede Kameyama 20-22 21-12 21-19 in SU5 final.
HARARE, AUG 20 (PTI): Sanju Samson produced a responsible unbeaten 43 after a clinical bowling dis play, led by pacer Shardul Thakur, as India sailed to a five-wicket win over Zim babwe in the second ODI to take an unassailable 2-0 lead in the three-match se ries here on Saturday. It was not quite a domination unlike the first ODI but the paltry 162-run target meant that the KL Rahul-led side did not have to sweat much despite a mid-innings jolt. Sent into bowl, come back man Thakur (3/38 in seven overs) brilliantly set it up and became the wrecker-in-chief as the Indian bowlers once again came out on top to skittle out Zimbabwe for 161. In the absence of Deepak Chahar who missed out after his exploits in the last ODI, Thakur made his presence felt and rocked the Zimbabwe toporder with his double blow in the 12th Shikharover.Dhawan and Shubman Gill then showed their same flair and author ity, even as the duo bat ted in different positions this time, posting identical scores of 33. But the duo could not steer the team home this
Indian players celebrate a wicket on the second day of the ODI between Zimbabwe and India at Harare Sports Club in Harare, Zimbabwe, Saturday. (AP/PTI)
LONDON, AUG 20 (AP): Harry Kane scored for the second straight game to secure a 1-0 win for Tottenham over Wolverhampton in the Premier League and main tain his team’s unbeaten start to the season on Sat urday.Kane lost his marker near the back post to head in following a flick-on from Ivan Perisic at a cor ner in the 64th minute. It was his 185th Pre mier League goal, moving him into outright fourth place in the all-time list above former Manchester City striker Sergio Aguero. Only Alan Shearer, Wayne Rooney and Andrew Cole are above him. The England captain also glanced in a stoppagetime equalizer to earn Tottenham a 2-2 draw at Chelsea last seasonnine,pointsTottenhamweekend.hassevenfromapossiblehavingopenedthewitha4-1winover
Karim Benzema (France): The veteran for ward has reminded everyone of his big-game talent in 2021-22 and he remains one of the deadliest finishers on the planet.
Kevin de Bruyne (Bel gium): Widely regarded as the world’s best midfielder, his driving runs are among the best sights in soccer. Belgium just have to hope he arrives healthy. Neymar (Brazil): In creasingly overshadowed by Mbappe and Messi at PSG, but still the main man for Brazil. The mercurial Bra zilian continues to shoulder the burden of his country’s hopes on the biggest stage, and Qatar 2022 will be no different. A nation expects whenever Neymar pulls on the shirt he will be desperate to lead the Selecao to their first world title since 2002. Watch out for the tricks and flicks -- and of course some histrionics, too. Apart from these stars, there are players like Vini cius Jr. (Brazil), Virgil van Dijk (Netherlands), Luka Modric (Croatia), Harry Kane (England), and many others who can enthrall the world with their amazing on-field skills. Where is the 1.3 billion-people country, India? As usual, sitting on the fence, cheering for others and day-dreaming to get into the World Cup in the distant future!
‘Biggest Show on Earth’ could be the last for Messi, Ronaldo
India beat Zimbabwe by 5 wkts; seal ODI series
Southampton.Wolves, who only have one point from three games, started new sign ing Matheus Nunes in midfield and had the better of the first half to frustrate Spurs and the home fans. The visitors didn’t create any clear-cut chanc es, though, and Tottenham came more into the game after halftime as Perisic — making his first start since his offseason move from Inter Milan — started to have some joy down the left. Kane headed against the crossbar from a cross by Dejan Kulusevski and Son Heung-min was de nied by a last-ditch tackle after being sent through by Kane’s quick free kick. 4-1, and I kind of lost a little bit of vision. I was thinking a little bit too much about the finish line rather than focusing on how I was win ning points and I honestly got a little bit tight and he raised his level, didn’t give me anything.“Ijustwanted to hang tough with him and I think the only place I had him better was the legs and the physicality. So I was just trying to make every rally as physical as I could and make it tough for him to fin ish points.”
It would have been worse for the hosts had India were not sloppy on the field as keeper Samson missed one stumping and dropped a difficult catch against Axar Patel, while Kuldeep Yadav missed a sitter off his own edcatchtothebutstruck.partnershipWiliamsgotbeforethroughthreejustiessometroubledupbounce,facenotCup.practicebatterstoorderstrugglingna2-16-1)Mohammedbowling.Siraj(8-andPrasidhKrish(6.1-1-28-1)troubledtheZimbabwetop-afterKLRahuloptedfield,whichdeniedthesomemuch-neededaheadoftheAsiaButthebowlersdidmind.OnaHarareSCsurwithnicecarryandtheduoworkedgoodpace,swingandtheopenerswithgoodlengthdeliverasthehostsmanagedonerunfromthefirstovers.SirajeffectedabreakintheeighthoverThakurandKrishnaintotheact.SikanderRazaandputona40-runbeforeKuldeepRazatriedtoattack,onlymanagedtosliceballforIshanKishancompleteawell-judgedtotriggeracollapse.ThethirdODIisslatonAugust22.
time as India endured some anxious moments in the middle following the de parture of Dhawan. Luke Jongwe (2/33) produced a double blow, dismissing Ishan Kishan (6) and a well-set Shubman Gill in successive overs, to reduce India to 97 for four at the drinks break. But with just 65 runs needed from 36 overs, Deepak Hooda and Sam son produced a sensible stand of 56-run together to virtually seal the fate of the match.Withnine runs to win, Hooda was yorked by Si kandar Raza but Samson remained unbeaten on 43 (39 balls; 2x4, 4x6) and wrapped it up with a six off legspinner Innocent Kaia in the 26th Havingover.posted a 192run unbroken stand in their previous win, Dhawan and Gill did not open together this time with the skipper Rahul opting to go along side the former. In the first ODI, Ra hul, who was returning to action after nearly three months following a sports hernia surgery and a bout of COVID, chose to go with Dhawan and Gill as the twoTheopeners.duoposted a 192run unbroken stand to fash ion India’s 10-wicket win. But Rahul got back to his usual slot on Saturday, only to get out LBW by pacer Victor Nyauchi after missing the line of the ball. This was Rahul’s first International match since his 49-run outing against the West Indies in an ODI in Ahmedabad on Febru ary 9.After Rahul’s brief stay, it was once again busi ness as usual for Dhawan and Gill as the duo started from where they left in the first ODI here two days’ back.Earlier, Sean Williams played a counter-attacking knock and top-scored for the hosts with a run-a-ball 42 (1x6, 3x4) after his side was reduced to 31/4 in the 13th Indiaover. brought in parttime off-spinner Deepak Hooda to give the muchneeded breakthrough in the form of Williams who went for a pre-meditated pull to be taken at the deep square leg by Shikhar Dha wan.Ryan Burl made a 47ball 39 with three boundar ies and one six but he ran out of partners as Zim babwe could not stage a comeback. Their last three wickets fell in just eight balls that included the runouts of Victor Nyauchi and Tanaka Chivanga.
Bhagat-Kadam win doubles gold in Para Badminton Pramod Bhagat and Sukant Kadam, medal winners in the Thailand para badminton tournament.
Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo
Lionel Messi (Argen tina): Talk of Messi’s pow ers waning has been exag gerated this season, but the seven-time ‘World Player of the Year’ might have been saving his 35-year-old legs for one last push at a World Cup winner’s medal. He is currently the leading assist maker for PSG in Ligue 1 and his enduring class will be crucial for Argentina in the World Cup.
LONDON, AUG 20 (IANS): Thomas Tuchel has been fined 35,000 pounds and hit with a one-match touchline ban over his clash with Antonio Conte in Sun day’s derby clash with Tot tenham.Spurs boss Antonio Conte has also been fined 15,000 pounds after both managers admitted im proper conduct in several touchline clashes in the 2-2 Premier League draw at Stamford Bridge, reports DPA. Tuchel’s touchline ban has been suspended temporarily though, allow ing the Chelsea manager to take his place in the dugout in Sunday’s Premier League clash at TheLeeds.German’s ban has been given a stay of execu tion until the publication of written reasons from the independent commission that adjudicated on the pun ishments.
Norrie, who reached the Wimbledon semi-finals last month, is expected to move up to at least ninth in the world rankings. The US Open, the final grand slam of the year, starts on Monday, 29 Aliassimebeat6-3canTsitsipas6-3,canpionreigningElsewhere,August.Russia’sUSOpenchamMedvedevbeatAmeriTaylorFritz7-6(7-1)worldnumberseventookoutAmeriJohnIsner7-6(7-5)5-7andCoric,ranked152,Canada’sFelixAuger-6-46-4. Cameron Norrie
MYK C MYK C Printed, Published and Edited by Geoffrey Yaden at G.M. Printers, Circular Rd. Dimapur-797112. Ph: Desk 248489, Adm.& Advertisement :248267,8798162009, R.N. 40978/90 RN/NE 707 SPORTS12 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR SUNDAY, AUGUST 21, 2022
NAGALAND OLYMPIC: FOOTBALL RESULTS Chümoukedima 1-0 Niuland Noklak 1-1 Tseminyu Mokokchung 2-0 Kiphire Phek 4-1 Longleng
Kane scores again as Spurs beat Wolves 1-0
Top KylianStars: Mbappe (France): The star of the last World Cup at the age of 19, Mbappe is only getting bet ter. The speedy striker could match Brazil’s great Pele in being a champion at his first two World Cups. Mbappe was superb for France as Di dier Deschamps’ side sealed the world title in 2018, but the PSG star has moved to another level in the last two seasons with incredible per formances for his club PSG and is ready to continue his stellar form in the World Cup.
NEW DELHI, AUG 20 (IANS): Football stars are once again ready to show case their talent in the World Cup 2022, which starts in less than 100 days in Qatar, but for the world’s two big gest starts -- Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo -- it will probably be the last time they will be seen in the action in the football extrava ganza.Argentina’s Messi is now 35, and the Portuguese striker is 37, and this could probably be the last World Cup for them. So far, Messi and Ronaldo have not won the World Cup and this time around both would be determined to add the only trophy missing from their stellarHavingcareers.inspired their respective national teams to continental glory (Portugal at Euro 2016 and Argentina at the 2021 Copa America), both players know they’re representing teams capable of winning in Qatar if they can overcome traditional favourites like France, Brazil and Germany. Favourites: Thirty-two teams, 64 matches, 28 days. The first World Cup in the Middle East. The tournament starts on November 21 and the final is set for December 18. Here are the top four favourite teams: Brazil: No. 1 in FIFA rankings and the five-time champions Brazil have the mercurial Neymar, touted as the next big thing in international football, Vinicius Junior and Alisson in their ranks, which makes them firm favourites in Qa tar. However, they have not won the trophy since 2002. France: Defending champions France are also the favourites with a starstudded squad that includes Kylian Mbappe, Paul Pog ba and Karim Benzema. Guided by one of the clever est brains in international football Didier Deschamps, France will try to make history by winning backto-back trophies. No team has retained the World Cup since Brazil in 1962. Argentina: They have not won the World Cup since the days of the great Diego Maradona. This will be the first World Cup since his death in November 2020 and Argentina is improving, with Messi still at its core. Argentina are hoping to see Messi land the one major honour that has so far eluded him in a remarkable career. England: Semifinalists at the World Cup in 2018, finalists at the European Championship in 2021. Soc cer’s most underperforming national team is treading