NPCC condemns release of 11 rape convicts in GujaratTORONTO, AUG 19 (PTI): A team led by an Indian-ori gin researcher has discovered a key vulnerability across all major variants of SARSCoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, including the recently emerged BA.1 and BA.2 Omicron subvariants. The weakness can be targeted by neutralising an tibodies, potentially paving the way for treatments that would be universally ef fective across variants, the researchers said. The study, published on Thursday in the journal Nature Communica tions, used cryo-electron mi croscopy (cryo-EM) to reveal the atomic-level structure of the vulnerable spot on the vi rus’ spike protein, known as an epitope -or part to which an antibody attaches itself. The researchers also described an antibody frag ment called VH Ab6 that is able to attach to this site and neutralise each major variant.“This is a highly adapt able virus that has evolved to evade most existing anti body treatments, as well as much of the immunity con ferred by vaccines and natu ral infection,” said Sriram Subramaniam, a professor at the University of British Columbia, and the study’s senior author. “This study reveals a weak spot that is largely unchanged across variants and can be neutralised by an antibody fragment. It sets the stage for the design of pan-variant treatments that could potentially help a lot of vulnerable people,” Sub ramaniam said. Antibodies are naturally produced by our bodies to fight infection, but can also be made in a laboratory and administered to patients as a treatment. While several antibody treatments have been devel oped for COVID-19, their effectiveness has waned in the face of highly-mutated variants like Omicron. “Antibodies attach to a virus in a very specific man ner, like a key going into a lock. But when the virus mutates, the key no longer fits,” said Subramaniam. “We have been looking for master keys -- antibodies that continue to neutralise the virus even after extensive mutations,” he added. The ‘master key’ iden tified by researchers is the antibody fragment VH Ab6, which was shown to be effective against the Al pha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Kappa, Epsilon and Omi cron variants. The fragment neutralises SARS-CoV-2 by attaching to the epitope on the spike protein and block ing the virus from entering human cells. By mapping the molecular structure of each spike protein, the team has been searching for areas of vulnerability that could inform new treatments. “Now that we have described the structure of this site in detail, it unlocks a whole new realm of treat ment possibilities,” he said. Subramaniam said this key vulnerability can now be exploited by drug mak ers, and because the site is relatively mutation-free, the resulting treatments could be effective against existing, and even future, variants.
Correspondent KOHIMA, AUG 19 (NPN): Planning & Coordination, Land Revenue and Parlia mentary Affairs minister Neiba Kronu of the NDPP and IT&C, Science & Tech nology and NRE adviser Mmhonlumo Kikon of the BJP have dismissed the se ries of allegation levelled by Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee (NPCC) against the rulingAddressingcoalition.the media at The Heritage here on Friday, Kronu said the In dependence Day speech of chief minister Neiphiu Rio had made it very clear that Nagas had been waiting pa tiently for an early solution. On the pre-poll alliance between BJP and NDPP, Kronu said this should not be confused with the ruling coalition being a facilitator to Naga peace process. He mentioned that BJP as a national party had its own DIMAPUR, AUG 19 (NPN): Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee (NPCC) has reacted angrily over the release of 11 persons convicted of rape in Gujarat. NPCC president K The rie maintained that what was intolerable and unacceptable besides the release of the convicts was that they were feted by their supporters. He cautioned that Nagaland cannot be part of this kind of brutish mindset of BJP and that the only way to eradicate this is to vote out the BJP. Therie also alleged that the BJP government at the Centre, by recommending pardon to the rapists exhib ited the inner conscience and mind of BJP. He said it was not a mistake, but a deliber ate and a sign of disregard and disrespect for women and moral of the nation. Therie noted that the celebration of their release in front of cameras for pub licity, proved that BJP has neither fear of reaction from women or moral keepers. He said the question was wheth er Nagaland’s women and men supported such mindset and whether they supported rape and its perpetrators?
CDGBA resolves ‘one govt, one tax’
DIMAPUR, AUG 19 (NPN): Chümoukedima District Gaon Bura’s As sociation (CDGBA) has resolved to stand by ‘one government, one tax’ till the Naga political groups unite and collectively work for one cause.Inapress note, CDG BA president Rokovitso Kuotsu and general secre tary Kekhrieselie Kera said that this resolution was adopted during its meeting held on August 12, 2022 at CPO hall Chümoukedima Town.CDGBA also remind ed all those yet to submit the list of unit office bearers and membership fees to do so on or before September 15, 2022 to the CDGBA office. Nagaland log 3 fresh Covid cases
UDA spokespersons dismiss Cong allegations Rio urges youth to propagate peace and harmony in Nagaland Release running bills to contractors: NFHRCC principle and so did NDPP as a regional party, clarify ing that merger was never discussed between the two parties.Kronu asserted that the July 16 Parliamentary Committee resolution was very categorical and had been communicated to Cen tre whose response was awaited. Kikon, who is also BJP national spokesper son, recalled that BJP and NDPP had entered into an alliance before the 2018 As sembly election and formed the government thereafter, clarifying that the two par ties had again entered into an alliance for the 2023 As semblyPostelection.2018, he claimed BJP and NDPP maintained separate identities and hence the question of merger did not arise, adding that allega tion of merger was baseless and meant to confuse the people. He also recalled that NPCC president K Therie had in the past ve hemently condemned the booklet “Bedrock of Naga Society” and even made a statement that “as long as Sonia Gandhi was lead ing the Congress, the party will not go anywhere”. But now, he changed his tune and was taking the name of Prime Minister Narendra Modi constantly, which was unbecoming of a man of his stature, he Kikonadded.mentioned that the former Prime Minister had during his Nagaland visit in 2003 granted Rs 365 crore to clear liabilities when Therie was the finance min ister and therefore everyone knew about his conduct. “As people gave us the mandate, we are fulfilling our obligations as elected representatives,” he claimed, pointing out that not having a single representative in the Assembly was a clear indica tion that people had rejected Congress. So, with that in mind, he suggested Therie to be realistic and practical in approach.OnNaga political is sues, he said the statements and resolutions of Nagaland Legislative Assembly (NLA) were being pursued with all seriousness and the message of the Prime Minister and c hief minister should be taken in a positive manner. Referring to develop ment activities mentioned in the Independence Day speech, Kikon said the ac tivities taken up by the State government was visible, but acknowledged that develop ment would not come at one go. Yet, he claimed that development was taking place at a fast pace. He cited the example of four-lane road from Chümoukedima to Purana Bazar as a proof of development and urged Congress as stakeholders to contribute positively and in a constructive manner to the development initiatives. On All India Congress Committee in-charge of Na galand Ajoy Kumar accus ing Rio and BJP for delaying solution, Kronu asserted that members of Parliamen tary Core Committee were not pretending but were giving their best efforts and wanted early solution. Mmhonlumo Kikon and Neiba Kronu addressing the media. (NP)
Rio inaugurating the newly-constructed golden jubilee building of Nagaland State Bharat Scouts and Guides. (DIPR) He said if all youth could be taught to become responsi ble citizens, then the nation could have a bright future. Rio further stressed on the need for more enrol ment into Bharat Scouts and Guides (BSG) in Nagaland and suggested district-wise enrolment through mem bership drive sin schools in servingHesociety.saidthis while ad dressing the inauguration of newly-constructed golden jubilee building of Nagaland State Bharat Scouts and Guides (NSBSG) at State headquarters, Bayavü here on Friday.Rio stressed on moti vating the children to join the Scouts and Guides so that they can emulate the many youth who have August 17, 2022. In a press release, Nagaland House New Delhi, PRO (IPR) Kuolie Mere said that the meeting addressed the need to foster industrial develop ment in Nagaland, leverag ing the State’s unique re sources and human capital. Imnatiba said Naga land presents a unique set of challenges and opportu nities in terms of growth of trade, commerce, and industry, owing to histori cal geo-political limitations and limited manufacturing capacities.
Imnatiba and others with UNIDO officials in Delhi on August 17. Gen. Pande inspecting the weapons at 3 Corps HQ. (@adgpi) (Cont’d on p-5) (Cont’d on p-5)
DIMAPUR, AUG 19 (NPN): Nagaland on Friday recorded three fresh Co vid-19 positive cases while no deaths were reported during the Kiphire,day.Kohima and Phek recorded one case each, taking the total case load to The35,886.Statecurrently has 23 active cases and the death toll remained unchanged at 776 (including 5 non-Covid deaths but with positivity). India saw a single day rise of 15,754 new Covid cases taking the total tally of cases to 4,43,14,618, while the death toll climbed to 5,27,253 with 47 fatalities which includes eight deaths reconciled by Kerala, the data updated at 8 am stated.
Post MYK C MYK C Vol XXXII No. 255 DIMAPUR, SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 2022 Pages 12 ` 5.00 Gandhi vandalisedstatueinNew York INTERNATIONAL, PAGE 9 FOLLOW US ON @Nagaland_Postnagalandpostofficial AIFF Polls: Bhutia, Chaubey file nominations SPORTS, PAGE 12 This is it! “We’ll start a YouTube series on cooking local food. That’ll make you famous.”
Serve notice to accused before enhancing sentence: SC to HCs
NEW DELHI, AUG 19 (PTI): Supreme Court has said that high courts are required to give notice to the accused before enhancing sentences so that they get an opportunity to defend their Acase.bench of Justices B R Gavai and P S Narasimha set aside an order of the Rajas than High Court which had awarded life term for the rest of their life to accused in a murderThecase.court noted that it was the appellants who had challenged their conviction by way of an appeal before the high court. It also took into account that the State had not appealed against the order of the Sessions Judge not awarding death penalty to the“Noappellants.doubt that the high court could have itself exercised suo moto powers and enhanced the sentence. However, prior to doing so, the high court was required to give a notice to the appel lants. Admittedly, the same has not been done. “As a result of the judgement and order of the high court, the sentence awarded to the appellants has been enhanced with out the appellants having an opportunity to defend their case as to why the en hanced sentence should not be granted,” the bench said. The court was hearing a plea filed by two accused challenging an order of the Rajasthan High Court which observed that the case against the present appellant fell within the category of ‘rarest of the rare cases’.Itwas further held that the trial court has failed in not considering the pres ent case to be falling in the category of ‘rarest of the rare cases’ for the purpose of awarding death sentence.
Speaking at the inaugu ration of newly-construct ed golden jubilee building of Nagaland State Bharat Scouts and Guides (NS BSG) at State headquarters, Bayavü here on Friday, Rio said with peace, Nagaland could catch up with rest of the country in terms of economic growth and de velopment.Thechief minister un derlined the need for youth to be encouraged to do good things and serve the people.
DIMAPUR, AUG 19 (NPN): Nagaland Foot hills Road atallmeetingmadesoeretaryandsecretaryHokiyeSupuevidence”torsrunningdepartmenthasCommitteeCoordination(NFHRCC)appealtotheconcernedtoreleasethebillstothecontracon“performance-basedattheearliest.NFHRCCconvenorJamir,co-convenorYepthomi,generalWLembaChangassistantgeneralsecChenithungHumtsaidtheresolutionwasataconsultativecommitteewiththethePrimaryStakeholdersDimapuronFriday.Afterthoroughdiscus
DIMAPUR, AUG 19 (NPN): State government has officially written to the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) seeking assistance and support for inclusive and sustainable industrial development in the State. UNIDO is a special ized agency of the United Nations with a unique man date to promote and acceler ate sustainable industrial and economic development. With the aim to spur industrial development and growth in Nagaland, advisor industries and commerce (I&C), Imnatiba met the country representatives of UNIDO in New Delhi on State seeks UNIDO support for industrial development
DIMAPUR, AUG 19 (NPN/AGENCIES): Chief of the Army Staff (COAS) General Manoj Pande vis ited the Spear Corps HQ at Rangapahar Military Station in Dimapur. Gen Pande arrived from Imphal, ac companied by GOC-in-C Eastern Command Lt. Gen. RP Kalita and other officials. According to reports, the Army chief reviewed the operational preparedness and was briefed by GOC 3 Corps, IGAR (South) and I GAR (North) on border management and internal securityExpressingsituation.satisfaction over the robust deployment posture and operational synergy, the Army Chief commended all ranks of the formation for their stellar contribution to improving the security situation of the North Easter states and na tion building. Emphasising the need to keep abreast with emerging challenges, COAS also commended all agencies for the synergy between them in maintaining peace in the region. He also appreciated all ranks for their profession alism and exhorted them to remain steadfast. He, however, said that the state government was committed to the immense potential of the State for building specific manufac turing value chains. Advi sor said that Nagaland’s unique natural and cultural resources could be unlocked by nurturing citizens’ en trepreneurial capacity and diversification of industrial activities in the State. “With an objective to revitalize the growth of trade and commerce in Nagaland, a new policy is therefore being formulated to replace the two-decade old State Industrial Policy,” Imnatiba said.
Army Chief visits 3 Corps headquarters
spot’ across all major
for arms,
sion and deliberation, the house resolved to endorse all the respective affected landowner village councils /authorities for supervision and maintenance of the mo torable foothills road. It was also resolved to coordinate with all the primary stake holders including saw mills, coal miners, stone crushers and boulder suppliers’ union. It may be mentioned that the Young Naga Ac tion Committee on Foothills Road had served an ultima tum on the government to release the pending bills of contractors involved in the construction of the foothill road before September 15.
DIMAPUR, AUG 18 (NPN): The court of chief judicial magistrate, Kiphire on August 17, 2022 con victed a man and sentenced him to four years imprison ment for stealing arms and ammunition of Nagaland police in The2009.accused Aseba Sangtam, personnel of DEF Kiphire, on April 19, 2009 stole two AK-47 rifles with 120 rounds of ammunition and six magazines and one 9mm carbine along with 60 rounds of two magazines and ran away while serving in Nagaland police as body guard to then senior SP of Kiphire DEF with the stolen weapons and joined NNC FGNThe(NA).chief judicial magistrate Kiphire, Phu leto Yeptho, convicted and sentenced accused Aseba Sangtam to undergo one year simple imprisonment for offence under section 379 of IPC and three years simple imprisonment for offence under section 380 of IPC. While pronounc ing the judgment, the court held that the prosecution has proved beyond reasonable doubt that accused Aseba Sangtam committed an of fence under section 379 & 380 IPC beyond reasonable doubt.
Scientists discover ‘weak Covid Study gets 4 years jail ammunition theft (Cont’d on p-5)
Correspondent KOHIMA, AUG 19 (NPN): State chief minister Neiphiu Rio said that even as the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) was still in force in Nagaland, it could change if the youth could propagate peace and harmony in the society. He said those youth who were misguided could be encour aged to work for the society.

DIMAPUR: A two-day orientation training on Fund Disbursement and Management Solution (FDMS) was organised by National Health Mission (NHM) Nagaland in col laboration with AXIS Bank Limited, Kohima Branch on August 17 in the confer ence hall of the chief medi cal office (CMO) Kohima. In a press release, NHM Nagaland informed that the training was held in line with the ministry of Finance O.M. for “Proce dure for release of funds under Centrally Sponsored
All Nagaland College Students’ Union (ANCSU) held its 2nd union assembly for the tenure 2021-2023 at Sakus Mission College on Friday.
Resource persons for the training were master trainer, department of wom en resource development Kohima, A Sungjemkala Lemtur, assistant profes sor, SETAM, Dr. Pramod, ADPM NSRLM, DRDA Dimapur, M. Yimok Phom, DC MIS,NSRLM, DRDA Dimapur, Along Pongen and SHG, Tsüüma Village Medziphema block, Noune Krotho. The resource per sons highlighted briefly on different aspects where women play a vital role in agriculture development and improve various tradi tional techniques to modern techniques.Asextension function aries, the trainees were also asked to encourage more women farmers to bring out many success stories for the upliftment of women entre preneurship in this challeng ing market.
management and preven tion con cluded with a practical session on Objective Struc tured Clinical Examination (OSCE). The participants at the training programme included two medical of ficers, three community officers, eight GNMs and three ANMs. It may be mentioned that Dakshata is an initiative under the National Health Mission (NHM) to improve the quality of maternal and new-born care during the intra and immediate post partum period, through providers who are com petent.
db-910/22 “The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord! – Job 1:21. 05.07.1943 - 12.08.2022
IN LOVING MEMORY db-907/22 Died on 30th July 2022 “As the heavens are higher than the earth, So are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts”. Isaiah 55:9 We, the bereaved family members would like to express our profound gratitude to each and everyone who stood by us during the prolonged illness of our beloved father Lt. Rhontsuthung Humtsoe. We are indebted beyond words for the immeasurable support and for aiding us financially, morally and physically throughout this harrowing experience. Our special thanks to: 1. Bor-Lengri Lotha Baptist Church Dimapur 2. Dimapur Nkonjan Lakhuti Humtsoe Ekhung 3. Kohima Lakhuti Humtsoe Wopan. 4. CTYYEO Khumshum 5. Bor-Lengri Lotha Baptist Church Eloe Yangro 6. Lotha Hoho, Karbi Anglong 7. Changpang Village Baptist Church 8. Baghty Town Baptist Church 9. Baghty Town Students’ Union 10. Baghty Town Catholic Church Youth Department 11. Nrio Jami Tsoro Nichen 12. GNRC Hospital, Guwahati 13. Doctor, Nurses and all Staff of Prime Hospital, Dimapur 14. UPHC, Wokha 15. Chandemo Murry, Youth Pastor (FG Lotha AG Church, Duncan Dimapur) 16. HWC Staff, Changpang. We deeply regret our inability to mention the names of every individual, but it is our earnest prayer that the Lord Almighty who has witnessed your benevolent deeds bestow His rich blessings upon each and every one.
Lt. IMSUTIBA (Rtd. Nb. Subedar) 16th July 1977 – 16th August 2022 Thank You We extend our deepest thanks to you for your kindness during the short illness and sudden demise of our beloved. We appreciate it more than words can express. It will always be remembered. May our Almighty God bless you all abundantly. ~Loving wife, children and relatives.~
DIMAPUR: Longleng child development officer (CDPO), Longlang Luck pan has informed all the beneficiaries of the Na tional Social Assistance Program (NSAP) viz - IG NOAP, IGNWPS and IG NDPS under Longleng dis trict that the department of social welfare has released pension payments for ben eficiaries who have renewed their pension for the year 2021-22 during the month of May to June 2022. In this regard, CDPO informed that the pension amount has been released for six months and the dis bursement of the pension would be through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) mode and the payment would be credited from the bank/post office with effect from August 19.
Orientation training on FDMS in Kohima Scheme (CSS) and moni toring utilization of funds released”. NHM Naga land stated that the FDMS would be used as a tool for effective fund manage ment and bring more ef ficiency in disbursement to NHM schemes at various agency level. At the pro gramme, mission director NHM, Dr.Thorhusie Kat iry thanked AXIS Bank for giving their valuable time to share and explain in-depth on FDMS. He also appealed the district and block accounts man ager under the umbrella of NHM and financial consultant, programme division to take the op portunity and clear up all their queries as such kind of training cannot be orga nizedThefrequently.resource persons were led by finance man ager NHM, Keneingutuo Albert along with repre sentatives from AXIS Bank and IT Solution team. The programme was also at tended by state program of ficer, NHM, Dr. Mereninla Senlem and deputy direc tor, NHM, Dr. Tinurenla. Finance staff of NHM along with the officials of Axis Bank. training culminates
Statement of Concerned Ordained Senior Christian Ministers of Nagaland Concerned Ordained Senior Christian Ministers of Nagaland (COSCMN) met at the residence of Rev. Dr. V. K. Nuh on August 16, 2022, to discuss the Church’s role and response to the current disquieting Naga political, social, and religious situation. After a thorough discussion and deliberation, the members unanimously affirmed the following points:
NPCB asks PIBOs, PWPs to register for centralised EPR SAMETI
Medo Yhokha addressing the participants at the valedictory programme, Friday. CDPO informs beneficiaries Training on ‘Dakshata’at DHS Tuensang
Loving wife, children, grandchildren & family members FIRsT DeATH AnnIveRsARY Of Our Beloved Father Late Perheikielie Khro (sr. Pastor) K-1901/22 Born : 09/10/1937 – Died : 12/08/2022 The family of Late C. AOLEPDANG AMRI wishes our sincere gratitude to all individuals, groups, neighbours, relatives, volunteers and friends for their kindness and support afforded to us during our Dimapurbereavement.AoBaptist Arogo Dimapur Changki Senso Telongjem Amri Pacha Telongjem Dimapur Dimapur Changki Fellowship Dimapur Ao Pensioners Association Melongmen Village Council Kuda C Khel Dimapur Aongba's Semtsüri Nagarjan Ao Senso Telongjem Dimapur Changki Süngdakba Telongjem Christian Hr. Sec. School Family Chungliyimsen Tsür Telongjem Dimapur Ao Baptist Church Shillong DIET Dimapur Meranglar Self Help Group Amri Nozabajang (Lanuri Kaket Committee Dimapur) May this acknowledgement be accepted as a token of our appreciation; we pray that the Almighty God shower blessings upon you and your family for your good deeds.
Indeed, the saddest day on earth and the happiest day in Heaven when we lost our dearest mother to the Lord of Heavens on the 12th of August 2022. We, the bereaved family members deeply express our heartfelt gratitude to every individual, neighbours, relatives, churches, various organizations and all wellwishers who stood by us at the sudden demise of our beloved mother Late NOVI-E ZHOTSO. We regret our inability to mention and thank everyone individually, but pray that our Almighty God bless you all abundantly. Loving sons, family members & relatives.
Loving wife, children, family members & relatives
DIMAPUR: The week long “youth advance train ing programme” organised by Southern Angami Youth Organisation (SAYO) in collaboration with various government departments and organisations culmi nated at Thiazu, Mima vil lage under Kohima district on Friday.Ina press release, SAYO information & pub licity informed that during the valedictory function, advisor for Technical Edu cation and Election, Medo Yhokha said advancement in the society will start with commitment of the youth, who will decide to reverse negative aspects from the individual level. He expressed hope that the youth training will bear deep meaning and inspire youth to explore
DIMAPUR: District Health Society (DHS) Tu ensang conducted a threeday district level training on “Dakshata” at District Hospital Tuensang from August 17-19. In a press release, DMO, NHM Tu ensang, Apheang informed that resource persons for the training were senior specialist District Hospital Dimapur, Dr. Yanren and senior consultant UNI CEF, Dr. Longri Kichu. The resource persons took sessions on goals and objectives, quality care in labour room, stages of la bour, safe childbirth check list, safe delivery applica tion, care of mother and new-born immediately af ter birth, use of partograph to decrease maternal, etc. DPM (QA) Mununu Vero also conducted a ses sion on bio-medical waste
SAYO’s youth training concludes their strength and resources to build dynamic society through a renewed perspec tive. The advisor said that society would not progress if people confined them selves to complacency, neg ativities and rigid mindsets. Pointing out that the region was home of op portunities and resources, Yhokha said the training was an investment in the youth to nurture and iden tify skills to rise above their comfort zones and create platforms.During the training programme, department of Tourism imparted sessions on areas of tourism and touristNagalandguide. Asso ciation for Adventure & Mountaineering Educa tion (NAAME) conducted practical session on trek king, tour guiding tips and techniques, sports, moun taineering and yoga while District Disaster Manage ment Authority (DDMA) Kohima conducted disaster response demonstration and training.Othertraining and activities included physical fitness training and armwrestling advancedaspletionceivedernfromAltogether,competition.87youth13villagesofSouthAngamiregionrecertificatesofcomandidentitycardstouristguidesandSAYOteam.
DIMAPUR: A two-day training on “extension strat egies for mainstreaming gender and women em powerment in agriculture” for Agricultural Technol ogy Management Agency (ATMA) functionaries or ganised by State Agricul tural Management and Ex tension Training Institute (SAMETI) culminated on August 18 at SAMETI, Medziphema.Apressrelease by SA METI, Medziphema stated that during the training, the participants were trained on the topic of role of women in agriculture, rural women empowerment and entre preneurship development, empowering rural women through Self Help Group (SHG) movement, gender friendly tools and imple ments in north-east, gender division of labour and gen der mainstreaming.
Loving Husband, Children & Loved Ones DeATH AnnIveRsARY k-1890/22 20-08-2021 A year has passed since you left us to be with the Lord. Though you are not here with us physically, your sweet memories of immeasurable love always remains in our hearts. “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on”. Revelation 14:13
Resource persons along with the participants at District Hospital Tuensang.
1. Inviting churches, Christian leaders, and pastors to play a prophetic ministry role, uphold biblical holiness and Christian integrity, and preach against corruption and evil practices in Nagaland. 2. To discourage the endorsement of any state or national political party that suppresses secularism and promotes particular religious fundamentalism through force and subversive means. 3. To support Clean Election Movement. 4. To uphold Nagaland Liquor Total Prohibition (NLTP) Act. 5. To promote peace and unity among the Naga people. 6. To continue to affirm and support Nagas’ unique history. 7. To continue to encourage for an early solution to the prolonged peace talks between the Government of India and Nagas. Members 1. Rev. Dr. V. K. Nuh 2. Rev. Dr. Pongsing Konyak 3. Rev. Dr. Phughoto Sema 4. Rev. Mazie Nakhro 5. Rev. Dr. N. Paphino 6. Rev. Dr. L. Kari Longchar 7. Rev. C. Lima Sangtam 8. Rev. J. Thungjamo Lotha 9. Rev. Dr. P. Dozo db-905/22
DIMAPUR: Nagaland Pollution Control Board (NPCB) has informed Producer, Importer and Brand Owners (PIBOs) and Plastic Waste Proces sors (PWPs) to apply for registration for centralised Extended Producers Re sponsibility (EPR) portal which could be accessed through CPCB website at (go to impor tant links: registration of PIBOs and PWPs under PWMInrules).apress release, Na galand Pollution Control Board member secretary, K Hukato Chishi directed PIBOs and PWBs to com ply with the provisions of Rule 9 (1-6) and Rule 13 (3) of the Plastic Waste Man agement (Amendment) Rules, 2018 respectively. For further informa tion/queries, one may contact 7005239265 or 8732050834.Nagaland Pollution Control Board informed that “brand owner” was a person or company who sold any commodity (plastic products) under a registered label; import er—person who imports or intends to import and holds importer-exporter code number, unless other wise specifically exempted; and sheets,layeredimportengagedproducer—personsinmanufactureorofcarrybags/multipackaging/plasticetc.

DIMAPUR: The centenary celebration of Don Bosco’s 100 years of attainment with the people of North East India which commenced from August 16, concluded Friday, at Don Bosco Higher Secondary School (DBHSS) Wokha.Ina press release, cente nary celebration, organising committee informed that chief guest at the closing ceremony, advisor for de partment of Law and Justice, Dr. Chumben Murry said through the tremendous ef forts of the pioneers of Don Bosco, many people lived their Hedreams.thanked the Don Bosco family for their sac rifices in establishing Don Bosco institutions in North east India despite challenges. Dr. Chumben said cen tenary celebration alone cannot take people forward and therefore, said it was a time to retrospect the past, introspect on the present and prospect for a better future. He reminded the teach ers to facilitate the overall development of the students and the students to develop with education in both mind and soul.Inhis speech, guest of honour, deputy commis sioner (DC) Ajit Kumar Ranjan exhorted the students to recall the aim to build a character which he said, was the foundation to establish goodHestructure.alsoadded that mobile and electronic appli cations should lead to some thing positive and creative, instead of being addicted to them.Highlighting account on Don Bosco in North East India, principal DBHSS Wokha, Rev. Fr. T.C Joseph said with great difficulty, the Salesian congregation accepted from the Holy See when the Pope ask the society to take up the mis sion of North East India.
NEXT POLL Q: Did the Gujarat govt wilfully patronise the released rapists? Yes. No. Can’t Say. (Temperature in ºC) Max Min Agartala Clouds and sun with a t-storm 33 26 Aizawl An afternoon t-storm or two 27 21 Guwahati Clouds yielding to sun 33 27 Imphal Clearing, a thunderstorm 30 21 Itanagar A t-storm around in the a.m. 34 26 Shillong A thunderstorm in spots 25 19 Kohima Mostly cloudy with a t-storm 27 19 Dimapur Some sun with a stray t-storm 34 25 Mkg Clouds and sun with a t-storm 29 21 Tuensang Partly sunny, a stray t-storm 24 17 Wokha A stray morning thunderstorm 29 23 Zunheboto Partly sunny with a t-storm 26 19
He said despite challenges, the pioneers sacrificed in the last 100 years of Don Bosco mission to the region. “God could work so many wonders for the prog ress and developmental in North East India, especially in education and skill devel opment sector”, the father stated.In his address, Rev. Fr. T.C Joseph said students should know their own culture and encouraged them to learn and appreciate the same without forgetting their roots.
Hit-and-run case: CNSA laud police DIMAPUR, AUG 18 (NPN): Central Naga land Students’ Associa tion (CNSA) has com mended Dimapur police and Nagaon police for arresting the accused involved in the May 25 hit-and-run case. Dima pur police with the help of Nagaon police on August 18 apprehended the accused identified as one Dildar Hussain. In a press release, CNSA president R Sunep Pongen and vice president Lipemo M Tsopoe appreciated the Dimapur police for their persistent efforts in ap prehending the offender. Further, CNSA has called upon all student unions and organisations to assist the authorities in bringing the offender to justice in accordance with the law. It may be mentioned that the sec ond semester student-Mapuienla Longkumer (20) was critically injured after the vehicle hit her near the college campus at Ikshe model village on May 25 afternoon. mostly in tier two cities did not feel financially independent.Shesaid the survey found that one in every four women indicated social or family restriction or lack of guidance from home as a barrier. In this regard, Toina Kinimi en couraged the people pres ent, to be aware of their fi nances as self-dependency was as important as being aware of financial savings. Further, she encour aged the participants to start taking one step at a time and that age was just a number.Sharing her experi ences as an entrepreneur, Toina Kinimi encouraged the participants to learn to take charge of one’s assets and to invest in learning. The entrepreneur also advised them to keep themselves upgraded and to learn the benefits of saving by learning their assets and questionnaireparticipantswereEarlier,liabilities.gifthampersdistributedtotheduringthehour.
DIMAPUR, AUG 19 (NPN): Sapient on a dia logue with Sapient expert, Megha Jain and Udaan brand ambassador and founder of Beauty Barn, Toina Kinimi organised a programme on “explor ing and kindling financial awareness” was held at Niathu resort, here, on Friday.At the programme, Megha Jain said “accord ing to a survey”, nearly 50 % of non-working women
MYK C MYK C 3STATENAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 2022 Q.: Is Trump likely to be a presidential candidate in 2024? A Yes. 71% B No. 25% C Can’t Say. 4% 100%90%80%70%60%50%40%30%20%10%0% Poll A B C
Staff Reporter
DIMAPUR: Sustainable Develop ment Goals Coordination Centre (SDGCC), Department of Plan ning & Co-ordination, Government of Nagaland announced “Naga land SDG Action Award” and “SDG Innovation Participatory Action Research Initiative 2.0”. According to a DIPR report, SDGCC informed that the award intends to identify and facilitate the change creators for actions which are making Nagaland bet ter. The award seeks individuals, organisations and institutions that inspire, empower and connect people to drive action towards a more sustainable future through their Theactions.award will be presented under three projectstiativeAugustandtionstionSDGly/ActionAward.awardincluding19-Septembertionsustainability.nitysustainability,categories—economicsocialandcommuupliftmentandenvironmentalThedateofapplicaentrywillbeginfromAugust18.Furtherdetailstheentryformfortheareavailableathttps://bit.ThedepartmentalsoinvitedInnovationParticipatoryAcResearchInitiative2.0applicaforindividuals,organisationsinstitutionsofNagalandfrom19-September18.Theiniistoimplementinnovativewhichwillcontributetothe ach ievement of SDGs at grassroots level and aims to find innovative ways by which the gov ernment can play a role in promoting “people action.”For more details including entry form of the initiative are avail able at https: https://
CL John addressing the students and faculty at the programme on Friday. (NP) Bosco
Participants along with resource persons during one of the activities as part of the training at NZP.
Dr. Chumben Murry, Ajit Kumar Ranjan along with fathers, sisters and others.
Staff Reporter DIMAPUR, AUG 19 (NPN): Advisor for Land Resources, CL John on Friday, said because of Christianity, Nagas re alised that there should be unity and that Nagamese Creole also played a vast role in unifying Nagas. Addressing the gath ering at the 41st foun dation day-cum-day of prayer programme of Dis cipleship Bible College (DBC) at the college prem ises, the advisor spoke on how Nagas went from headhunting to coming together as one, all be cause of Christianity, the Naga political issue and Nagamese.Healso expressed happiness that Nagaland was the only state with all elected representatives from a Christian back ground.The advisor said the college was regarded as “Miracle Bible college” and added that people from outside the state con sidered the college as a spiritual college. In this regard, he urged upon the students to be grateful for studying in the college and advised them to take advantage of studying in the “miracle” college by spreading the word of God with all their might.The programme was chaired by Arile and Kikemsangla and opening prayer from assistant pro fessorWelcomeShanthungo.address was delivered by chairman, board of governors, Dr. T Lima Jamir, keynote address by associate pro fessor Mar Pongen, offer tory prayer from assistant professor Esther Jamir, prayer for DBC by associ ate professor Dr. Alem and benediction by associate professor Dr. HighlightsTeka.ofthe pro gramme included special song by B. Th 1, opening by M Div 1, power point projection on down the memory lane by M Div III, traditional attire display by B Th III, closing by B Th II and folk fusion by M Div II.
Christianity and Nagamese unite Nagas, says CL John
centenary celebration concludes
Toina Kinimi speaking at the programme on Friday. (NP) Zookeepers trained on management of captive wildlife
Programme on exploring financial awareness in Dmu SDGCC invites applicants for Nagaland SDG action award
DIMAPUR: The first zoo keepers two-day training on “management of cap tive wildlife in Nagaland” was organised by Nagaland Zoological Park (NZP) in collaboration with scien tific and industrial research organisation Aaranyak at NZP,InDimapur.apress release, Aaranyak informed that the training covered topics such as primates & enrich ment, birds and its enrich ment, basic of husbandry practices, treatment, care & managements, treatment, care & managements and hand on training in the zoo. The inaugural ses sion began with an address from NZP zoo veterinarian, Dr. Michael Imti Imchen while second session was addressed by Mridupaban Phukan on birds and its enrichments.Inaugurating the sec ond day of the training, principal chief conservator of forest and head of forest forces (PCCF & HoFF) Dharmendra Prakash ex pressed hope to see Na galand Zoological Park as the largest zoo in the North East. He also assured sup port from the department of Environment and Forest & Climate Change. The second session was address by Dr. Bijay Gogoi from Assam State Zoo Gu wahati and Dr. Samshul Ali of Wildlife Trust of India. Earlier, during the in augural session of the train ing chief wildlife warden, and additional principal chief conservator of forest (Territorial) Nagaland, Ved pal Singh said such type of training was first of its kind in the Nagaland, which he hoped, would help partici pants expand their capacity for the management of captive animals in the Park. NZP director, Dr. C. Zupe ni Tsanglai said zookeepers were the backbone of the zoological Park and without their dedica tion, it was impossible to keep any animal at the zoo. Dr. Zupeni also thanked Aaranyak for supporting the nobleHeadcause.of Primate Research & Conservation Initiatives of Aaranyak, Dr. Dilip Chetry also asked the participants to make use of the training to en hance their knowledge. He also briefed on different of primates in Nagaland and its importance in conservation in particular and biodiversity in Meanwhile,general.afield study was conducted at the zoo cam pus. During the training pro gramme, Dr. Dilip Chetry, Mridy Paban Phukan from Wildlife Conservation and Study Centre, Dr. Bijay Gogoi from Assam State Zoo Guwahati and Dr. Samshul Ali of Wildlife Trust of India, Dr. C. Zupeni Tsan glai, Dr. Michael Imti Imch, Dr. Michael R Tsanglao and Watisungla Amer acted as re sourceAltogether,persons. 20 participants of NZP and Rajiv Gandhi Insti tute of Veterinary Education and Research, Pondicherry attended the training.
The programme com menced with Bible read ing and invocation from Kichanthunh Kikon and Sabastian respectively, a special appearance from UKG students, hostellers of Don Bosco Wokha and class 12 students while rector and parish priest, Rev. Fr. C.T. Varghese delivered a speech and Sr. Magdalene proposed vote of Thethanks.weeklong celebra tion also witnessed cultural show, handicraft making, choral competition and other activities.

thethebringeffortModimentNarendrasoonCentralpoliciescallyregiontodu,ChiefwithgionalInauguratingpractices.thereconferencealongArunachalPradeshMinisterPemaKhanJitendraSinghsaidprior2014,theNorthEasternsufferedeconomiduetothemyopicofthesuccessivegovernments,butafterPrimeMinisterModi-ledgoverntookoverin2014,PMhadstatedthateverywouldbemadetotheregionatparwithmoredevelopedareasofcountry.UnderPMModi,the work culture of the North east has got revolutionary transformed in the last eight years, Singh said. As a result, now the projects in the Northeast are getting completed within a fixed timeline and the utili sation of Central funds is almost 100 per cent, he said. Further highlighting the development in the state, the Union Minister said every Northeast state is con nected to the union capital by railway and each of the eight states is coming up with its airport whereas Guwahati has turned into an important international airport. It is only after PM Modi came to power, such conferences are being held in the farthest North East ern states like Arunachal Pradesh as well as other hilly and backward areas to empower them in every walk of life.
Coal miner killed in M’laya
B ody of martyred head constable Girjesh Kumar Uddey brought to a morgue.
Correspondent IMPHAL, AUG 19: Union defense minister Rajnath Singh credited improvement in security situation in Ma nipur and other northeast states to the Red Shield Divi sion and Assam Rifles, in an interaction with the soldiers in Imphal on Friday. “Your courage and conviction bring improve ment in the security situa tion in Manipur and other northeast states, despite challenges posed by terrain and weather,” he said. Singh, who was on a two-day visit in Manipur, interacted with around 1000 troops of Red Shield Divi sion and Assam Rifles at the headquarters of the Inspector General of Assam Rifles (South) in Imphal’s Mantripukhri today. The Union defense minister lauded the con tribution of the Red Shield Division in the defense of the nation while com mending the stellar role of Assam Rifles in internal security and securing the Indo-Myanmar border.
Mukul Sangma JE claimed 77 lives in Assam since July: Report
Mnp media set Aug 22 deadline for Congress to clear ad bills SHILLONG, AUG 19 (PTI): Meghalaya’s leader of opposition Mukul Sangma sought the intervention of Prime Minister Narendra Modi for an inquiry by a cen tral agency into the purchase of “overpriced” smart me ters by the state government. Sangma, a Trinamool Con gress leader, alleged massive financial irregularities in the contracts for procurement of smart meters awarded by the Meghalaya government. “Sir, you have always held that there is zero toler ance for corruption in New India. Your commitment to ensuring a corruption-free India gives me great expec tations and hope that the Government of India will order an immediate inquiry into this matter through an appropriate Central investi gation agency,” he wrote in a letter to the prime minister on Thursday. “This is an issue that has major reper cussions on the people of Meghalaya and the state’s exchequer, and therefore, your kind and urgent inter vention is greatly desired in order for justice to be done,” he added.Thestate government had invited bids for the sup ply of 1,80,000 smart meters. The contracts were given to two bidders -- Satnam Global Infraprojects Ltd, and a joint venture of JPM Industries and Inhemeter Co Ltd, said Sangma, the former chief minister of the state. One smart meter has been procured by the government at Rs 11,242, including GST, he said. Satnam Global Infraprojects Ltd installed Liberty 150 smart meters, while the other firm installed Inhemeter DDZ1513 devices. The open market re tail pri ce of a single Lib Mukul Sangma writes to PM on M’laya meters ‘scam’
He said the Assam Rifles took a key role in bringing northeast into the national mainstream and for this reason they are called ‘Friends of the northeast people’.Singh said that when ever he met and interacted with the troops he felt a sense of pride and confi dence in national security. He said that people in different professions, be it doctors, charter accoun tants, engineers, teachers, they also serve the nation in one or other ways. “But, I take your (troops) profession more than a profession, your service more than service, because when need arises, you sacrifice all including your life selflessly,” he said. The hard-earned free dom is being safeguarded by the Indian Army and security forces, he said. Singh further exhorted the forces to keep the na tional flag high through unflinching dedication. He said that the na tion can achieve absolute potential only when its bor ders are safe. Chief of the Army Staff General Manoj Pande, GOC-in-C East ern Command Lieutenant General RP Kalita and GOC Spear Corps Lieuten ant General RC Tiwari and other senior officers of the Army and Assam Rifles also attended the interac tion programme.Earlier,the officials briefed the Union defense minister about the counterinsurgency as well as border management operations on the Indo-Myanmar border to maintain peace and tranquil ity in the region. The Union minister ar rived in Imphal on Thursday to take part in the inaugura tion of the Manipur chapter of the Durand Cup, Asia’s oldest.He along with Mani pur chief minister N Biren Singh opened the Manipur chapter of the 131st edition of the Durand Cup 2022 at Khuman Lampak Main Sta dium, Imphal. The tourna ment was organized by the Indian Armed Forces and supported by the Manipur government.
The Lakhuti Humtsoe Khumshum is immensely happy to extend our heartiest congratulations to SHRI MHATHUNG HUMTSOE , S/o Lt. Wonimo Humtsoe for the Award of Governor’s Commendation Certificate in recognition of Distinquished Service rendered by him to the Society on the occasion of 76th Independence Day 2022. The Khumshum wishes him good health and prosperity in his future endeavours.
Correspondent SHILLONG, AUG 19: A miner was killed and an other was seriously injured in an accident inside a coal mine in Meghalaya’s West Khasi Hills district, a police official said on Friday. The mine accident occurred on Thursday in remote Urak village under Shallang Police Station. Senior Trinamool Con gress leader, Cherak Momin said that he was informed about the accident from by relatives of the miners who had requested him to help them.“I immediately in formed the officer-in-charge of Shallang police station about the incident. I was told that police and relatives have reached the accident site,” Momin said. “Of the three miners, one identified as Lapendro Sangma died, Hendid Mo min sustained serious injury and the other miner escaped unhurt,” Momin said. Confirming about the accident, West Khasi Hills superintendent of police, Herbert G. Lyngdoh said that a police team led by DSP went to the spot to ascertain“Twofacts.miners were there, they are no longer trapped, they were pulled out, while one passed away and the other injured,” Lyn gdoh said.
ReJoIndeR to SelF declARAtIon 1. That on July 28, 2022, page No. 9, Nagaland post, a SELF dECLARATION was published which states as “I, Shri. Mulatayo Kezo, hereby declare myself Insolvent' (bilan), therefore, my only land property and the buildings located at House No. 234 Midland, Kohima bearing patta No. 7642 was already surrendered to the district Magistrate court, Kohima, Government of Nagaland, because I Could not pay my debts, Hence, I appeal to the competent authority to kindly take up necessary arrangement for possible amicable settlement and prevent any untoward incidence”. 2. That, I on behalf of Kidima dzüvürü block, Kohima hereby states that we have purchased the said land & the building belonging to Shri. Mülütayo Kezo located at Midland Colony, Kohima bearing patta book No. 61, patta No. 7642, plot No. 5097 by executing Sale deed, dated 26-08-2014 in the presence of witnesses. 3. That we have taken possession of the said land & the building following the execution of the Sale deed, till date the occupation is without any disturbance. It is hereby made known through this declaration that no act must be made or nothing should be done in connection with the property without giving me/us prior notice. (keVlePo PUcHo), on behalf of kidima dzüvürü Block, kohima, nagaland.K-1903/22
Union defense minister Rajnath addresing troops of Assam Rifles and Red Shield Division in Imphal on Friday. AIZAWL, AUG 19 (PTI): Hundreds of people from Myanmar crossed over to India over the last few days after a fresh bout of violence rocked the neighbouring country’s Chin state, a local leaderZokhawtharsaid. village council president Lalmuan puia told PTI that hundreds of people from Myanmar entered Mizoram since Sun day. The latest crisis was triggered by the Myanmar army torching Haimual village in that country’s Chin state and “abduct ing” five people, including two children of the leader of a civil defence force, on Sunday, he said. Haimual village is about 7 km away from Zokhawthar, the first border village in Mizoram’s Champhai district. The violence at Haimual and the recent attack on the Myanmar army camp in Khawmawi have triggered the fresh influx from the neighbour ing country to Zokhawthar and surrounding villages, Lalmuanpuia said.
NEW DELHI, AUG 19 (AGENCIES): The Central government has planned to collaborate with the Arunachal Pradesh govern ment to develop a “district good governance portal” for monitoring the performance of each district of the state on a monthly basis and help in benchmarking perfor mance, reports ANI. Apart from this, the plan is to help the state in upgrading the e-office ver sion 5.6 to e-office version 7.0 in a phased nouncementdrament.ArunachalingoodwilltheGrievancesistrativeDepartmentmanner.ofAdminReformsandPublic(DARPG)underMinistryofPersonneldevelopthe“districtgovernanceportal”collaborationwiththePradeshgovernUnionMinisterJitenSinghmadetheanduringthetwoArunachal to develop ‘district good governance portal’
Dr. Stephen Humtsoe N. Mhonthung Humtsoe Chairman, LHK Secretary, LHK dp-3920/22
Union Minister Jitendra Singh with Arunachal CM Pema Khandu. day Regional Conference on “Bringing Citizens and Government Closer through Administrative Reforms” at Itanagar.“The DARPG, as per the MoU, will collaborate with the state government to develop a ‘district good gov ernance portal’ for monitor ing the performance of each district on a monthly basis and help in benchmark ing performance, besides helping the state in upgrad ing the e-office Version 5.6 to e-office Version 7.0 in a phased manner,” The Minister announced. The conference, which started on Thursday and concluded on Friday, discussed five techni cal sessions with reforms in governance; public grievanc es redressal and e-Office in the North East states; good governance practices in the North Eastern states; district good governance index and good governance
Correspondent IMPHAL, AUG 19: Me dia houses in Manipur on Friday set a fresh August 22 deadline to the Manipur Pradesh Congress Com mittee (MPCC) to clear the pending servedofrunningtobeenUnionManipurUnionpurpur-partythreateningadvertisementelection-relatedbillswhiletoboycotttheaswellasitsMLAs.ThreescribebodiesEditors’GuildMani(EGM),AllManiWorkingJournalists’(AMWJU)andHillJournalists’(MHJU),havepressingtheMPCCclearthependingbillsoverseverallakhsrupees.InanultimatumtotheMPCCto day, the three bodies stated that if the pending bills are not cleared, the boycott will begin from 4pm of AugustThe22.joint meeting of the three bodies convened today took the boycott decision.“The step comes fol lowing the MPCC failing to meet its commitment to clear the bills on several oc casions,” a joint statement of the three bodies said. It added that the me dia fraternity had refrained from boycotting the MPCC following the assurance given by its president to the AMWJU mitmentMPCCfailureHowever,president.therepeatedonthepartofthetomeetitscomcompelledthem to take the decision. All news related to MPCC, activities of the MLAs and advertisements will be boycotted by the media, the statement add ed. The statement added that media organizations were constrained to take the decision as MPCC has failed to clear the election related advertisement bills running into several lakhs even three months after the elections.Earlier, the three bod ies had even boycotted the MPCC along with the Manipur government, the ruling BJP and its partners in the government over the non-clearance of the election related advertise ment bills.
Acknowledgement the kejanglwa Village council, through this column, would like to express our profound gratitude to: 1. K.C. Angami, 1st Class Contractor 2. Mayasheel Construction private Limited. 3. peren Youth Federation. For their invaluable support and contribution towards the construction of an International Standard Size Football Ground at Kejanglwa Village, peren: Nagaland. Times and posterity shall always remain indebted to you for your most valuable support both materially and financially.Mayprovidence bless each of you exponentially in all your future endeavours. (nAmRAcHAng HegUI) KejanglwaChairman,VillageCouncil,peren,Nagaland 8837220819db-904/22
The state Home De partment could not be reached immediately to con firm the number of Myan mar nationals who crossed over to India since Sunday. Thousands of people from Myanmar fled to Mizoram after February last year when the Myanmar Army took power through a coup. The Myanmar na tionals are taking shelter in different parts of Mizoram and provided with food and other relief by the state gov ernment, NGOs, students’ bodies, churches and village authorities.
erty 150 smart meter is Rs 5,500, while the online retail price of a single Inhemeter DDZ1513 smart meter is Rs 1,700, Sangma claimed. “There is a massive price discrepancy of Rs 137.55 crore between the price paid by the Govern ment of Meghalaya for these smart meters and their price on the open market,” he said. Stating that Inhemeter Co Ltd is a Chinese com pany, Sangma said giving the contract to a Chinese firm does not align with the core idea of Make in India. Deputy CM Prestone Tynsong said the allegation was political in nature. An inquiry had been ordered to probe the alleged irregulari ties, he said.Retired Judge RN Mishra had in March submitted his one-man in quiry committee report into the alleged scam, an official said. Chief Minister Conrad Sangma’s NPP runs the Meghalaya government in alliance with the BJP.
Around 156 makeshift relief camps have been set up across the state, official sourcesMostsaid.of the Myanmar nationals are from Chin state and share ethnicity with the Mizos. The ma jority of them live in relief camps, while others are ac commodated by their local relatives, and some live in rentedSixhouses.Mizoram districts -Champhai, Siaha, Lawngt lai, Serchhip, Hnahthial and Saitual -- share a 510-kmlong international border with Myanmar’s Chin state. File photo of refugees cross a suspension bridge from Myanmar into India.
Rajnath interacts with Army troops in Imphal
More Myanmar nationals crossover to India after fresh violence
GUWAHATI, AUG 19 (PTI): Japanese encepha litis has claimed 77 lives in Assam and more than 370 cases have been reported since the last one month, a bulletin issued by the Na tional Health Mission said. Two fresh fatalities due to the infection were report ed from Kamrup district, it said. Two new cases were also registered during the day, one each from Goal para and Sonitpur. The Japanese encepha litis tally in the state stood at 377. All nine medical colleges in Assam and 10 district hospitals have been kept ready with ICU and laboratory test facilities, and designated as Japanese en cephalitis treatment centres, officials said.
AGARTALA, AUG 19 ( AGENCIES): A Border Security Force (BSF) jawan was killed in an ambush by banned insurgents from across the Indo-Bangla border Friday morning in North Tripura district, reports The Indian Express. Speaking to indianex, a senior official of the BSF, who didn’t wish to be named, said, “There was an ambush around 8.30 am this morning (Friday). One of our personnel was injured. We evacuated him and brought him to ILS Hospital at Agartala but he succumbed to his injuries.”
The martyred jawan was identified as 53-year old Head Constable Girjesh Kumar Uddey from Mad BSF jawan killed in ambush by insurgents in Tripura hya Pradesh. Officials suspect the ambush was perpetrated by cadres of the outlawed National Lib eration Front of Tripura (NLFT).The ambush took place in Shimnapur at Damcherra near the remote Khantalang Border Our Post (BOP), which is a tri-junction of Tripura, Mizoram and Ban gladesh. The official also said the insurgents, who were on Bangladesh soil, didn’t seem to be trying to enter the Indian territory, rather they laid an ambush at a team of security person nel deployed in the area. “They didn’t seem to be coming inside. Their aim was to ambush. There was fencing there. If they had to come in, they would prob ably choose nalla, culverts and avoid fencing,” the firing from the ultras, BSF retaliated and the insurgents ran away into Bangladesh. “There were around 7-8 insur gents,” the BSF official said, adding that the BSF team was a strong team of 15-16 people and didn’t sustain any more injuries or fatalities. Earlier on August 5, six including four insur gents and two collaborators of the outlawed National Liberation Front of Tripuration,(NLFT)-BiswamohanTripurafacsurrenderedbeforePolice.

On election for solu tion, he said the slogan had been blown out of proportion and quoted out of context.Heclaimed that solu tion for election slogan was made in the specific context of progress of the peace process as the Framework Agreement was signed and Agreed Position was in place then which raised possib ility and probability that solu tion would come. How ever, he said things have changed since then even though Nagas wanted an clarify whether people wanted a solution and not an elec tion, Kronu replied that the same was reminded to the negotiating parties as it confused the people and for which a solution must come before the election. However, if the mat ter continued to drag on, Kronu said political par ties could do little but start the groundwork for the election, which was a democratic process. Kikon supplemented Kronu by stating that Na gas had tried the formula of ‘solution and not elec tion’ in 1997, but Con gress had betrayed them by not heeding to the cry of the people and went ahead with the election. He said, being a unlimited.NagacommitmentthoughfacilitatorStateteddoubtedMinistersincerityawouldthedependenceinsuredwork”.andthepatedexercise,stitutionally-mandatedconpeopleparticiintheelectionand“strategyforsolutionnotelectiondidnotKikonhoweverasthat,asmentionedthechiefminister’sInDayspeech,Stategovernmentpavethewayoncesolutionwasreached.HedeclaredthattheofthePrimecouldnotbeandalsoadmitthattheroleofthegovernment’saswaslimiteditsenergyandtowardspoliticalissuewas
State seeks UNIDO support for industrial development
CBI raids Sisodia’s home, 20 other locations ARVIND KEJRIWAL
Kikon said Kumar’s allegation was vindictive and that he was not even conversant with the Naga political issue. He further comment ed that the NPCC presi dent appeal to MLAs to step down for a solution was a sign of immaturity and how a former minister could make such an ap peal. He said if Therie was serious, then he should come up with practical and progressive sugges tions instead of allega tions.On early election as claimed by NPCC, Kikon said it was a democratic process that would be decided by Election Com mission of India and not by Congress and for which the State government has not discussed the matter.
3. You are hereby ordered to declare on an affidavit the particulars of yours assets on or before the next date of hearing.
Form No. 14 [See Regulation 33(2)] OFFICE OF THE RECOVERY OFFICER - I/II DEBTS RECOVERY TRIBUNAL GUWAHATI Suwarna Bhawan, House No. 12, New Town Path, Near Hanuman Mandir, G.S. Road, Ulubari, Guwahati - 781007 (Assam) DEMAND NOTICE NOTICE UNDER SECTIONS 25 TO 28 OF THE RECOVERY OF DEBTS & BANKRUPTCY ACT, 1993 AND RULE 2 OF SECOND SCHEDULE TO THE INCOME TAX ACT, 1961. RC/140/2021UCOBANK Versus AKALI SEMA To (CD 1) AKALI SEMA PROPRIETOR OF M/S MOBILE HAJI PARK HONG KONG MARKET DIMAPUR NAGALAND - 797112 (CD 2) MD. SAJAN UDDIN Haralu Colony No. 1 Burma Camp, Near FCI Godown, Dimapur, Nagaland - 797112 (CD 3) MR. T VIKATO SUMI, Son of Mr. Toiho Sumi, Chekiye Village Dimapur, Nagaland - 797112 This is to notify that as per the Recovery Certificate issued in pursuance of orders passed by the Presiding Officer, DEBTS RECOVERY TRIBUNAL GUWAHATI in OA/549/2018 an amount of Rs 1233865.68 (Rupees Twelve Lakhs Thirty Three Thousands Eight Hundred Sixty Five and Paise Sixty Eight Only) along with pendentellite and future interest @ 11.75% Simple Interest Yearly w.e.f. 27/03/2018 till realization and costs of Rs. 15000 (Rupees Fifteen Thousand Only) has become due against you (Jointly and severally/Fully/Limited). 1. Amount due as per the Recovery Certificate: Rs. 12,33,865.68 2. Interest from 27.03.2018 to 31.12.2021 @ Rs. 11.75% Rs. 5,46,543.00 3. Costs Rs. 15,000.00 TOTAL Rs. 17,95,408.68
AUGVISAKHAPATNAM,19(PTI): The first indigenously-developed RTPCR kit for testing mon keypox was launched at the Andhra Pradesh Medtech Zone (AMTZ) on Friday. Developed by Transasia Bio-Medicals, the kit was unveiled by Principal Scien tific Adviser to the Centre Ajay Kumar Sood. The monkeypoxTransasia-ErbaRT-PCRkit is highly sensitive, but an easy-to-use test with unique ly formulated primer and probe for enhanced accuracy. Founder-chairman of Trans asia Suresh Vazirani said the kit would help in early detec tion and better management of the infection which the WHO declared as a public health emergency of inter national concern. Scientific Secretary Arabinda Mitra, former Director General of ICMR Balram Bhargava, adviser in the Department of Biotechnology Alka Sharma and others were present at the launch-function.
1st indigenous monkeypox test kit released
(From p-1) Advisor was accompanied by senior state government officials including state I&C director Vitsutho Nyuthe and repre sentatives from Thinkthrough Consulting (TTC).Parul Soni, Global Managing Part ner, TTC, said Nagaland has made tremen dous reforms in terms of fiscal manage ment, personnel policies, and institutional infrastructure. With 70% of the Naga population engaged in agriculture and allied activities, she pointed out that the State now seeks support to usher in muchdesired growth in the industrial sector. She said that TTC, as official advi sor to the I&C department, was delighted to assist the Nagaland government in their drive to make accelerated industrial growth a reality in the State. TTC is a multidisciplinary profes sional services firm that specializes in providing advisory support for sustainable development initiatives. They engage with clients to address critical challenges by pro viding access to the best possible expertise & solutions for achieving efficiency and creating the desired impact.
2. You are hereby directed to pay the above sum within 15 days of the publication of the notice, failing which the recovery shall be made in accordance with the Recovery of Debts Due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act, 1993 and Rules there under.
(From p-1) He mentioned that the members had put in a lot of efforts to bring the negotiating parties to gether, clarifying that the members had never tried to delay the solution.
Rio urges youth to propagate peace and harmony in Nagaland UDA spokespersons dismiss Cong allegations
(b) All costs, charges and expenses incurred in respect of the service of this notice and warrants and other processes and all other proceedings taken for recovering the amount due. Given under my hand and the seal of the Tribunal, on this date: 13/05/2022.
4. You are hereby ordered to appear before the undersigned on 13/09/2022 at 10:30 a.m. for further proceedings.
R ECOVERY O FFICER D EBTS R ECOVERY TRIBUNAL GU wAHATIDC-943/22 (PTI): The CBI on Friday raided the home of Del hi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia and 20 other locations in connection with the Delhi Excise Policy as the agency claimed that Rs 1 crore had allegedly been paid to a company belong ing to a close associate of the AAP politician. The AAP condemned the raids with Chief Minis ter Arvind Kejriwal claiming the agency has been “asked from above” to harass its leaders. The BJP asked the Delhi government to come out clean on its excise policy. The CBI, which reg istered an FIR in a special court here on Wednesday, began its raids from 8 AM in seven states including the residence of Sisodia who immediately tweeted about the arrival of the sleuths and “welcomed” the move. The CBI had registered a case on Wednesday nam ing Sisodia and 14 others in its FIR filed under vari ous sections of the Indian Penal Code including 120-B (Criminal Conspiracy), 477A (falsification of records) and section 7 of Prevention of Corruption Act which deals with taking undue ad vantage to influence public servant by corrupt or illegal means or by exercise of per sonalTheinfluence.searches at the AAP leader’s home, the residence of IAS officer and former excise commissioner Arava Gopi Krishna and 19 other places came after Lt Governor of Delhi Vinai Kumar Saxena requested for a CBI probe for alleged irregularities in the formula tion and execution of the Delhi Excise Policy brought out in November last year, officialsThesaid.premises of two other public servants were also searched, the officials said. Sisodia, Krishna, for mer deputy excise com missioner Anand Kumar Tiwari, assistant excise com missioner Pankaj Bhatnagar, Amit Arora, Dinesh Arora and Arjun Pandey, named as “close associates” of the Deputy Chief Minister have been named in the FIR. Six other businessmen and two companies have also been named as accused. According to the CBI, a liquor trader paid Rs 1 crore to a company man aged by an associate of the Deputy Chief Minister whom the agency has al leged of taking decisions pertaining to excise policy for the year 2021-22 without approval of competent au thority with “an intention to extend undue favours to the licencees post tender”. The FIR gave some bank transactions but none of them were directly nam ing Sisodia.Itsaid Vijay Nair, for mer CEO of Only Much Louder, an entertainment and event management company, Manoj Rai, Exemployee of Pernod Ricard, Amandeep Dhal, owner of Brindco Spirits and Sameer Mahendru, owner of Indo Spirits are actively involved in irregularities in framing and implementation of ex cise policy of GNCTD of Delhi for the year 2021-22. The agency has alleged that the FIR named accused Amit Arora, Director of Buddy Retail Pvt. Limited in Gurgaon, Dinesh Arora of Gujrawala Town, Delhi and Arjun Pandey are close associates of Sisodia and are actively involved in manag ing and diverting the undue pecuniary advantage col lected from liquor licensees to accused public servants. The CBI has alleged that Radha Industries man aged by Dinesh Arora re ceived one crore from Ma hendru.“Source further re vealed that Arun Ramchan dra Pillai used to collect undue pecuniary advantage from Sameer Mahendru for onward transmission to ac cused public servant Vijay Nair. A person named Arjun Pandey has once collected a huge cash amount of about Rs.2-4 crores from Sameer Mahendru on behalf of Vijay Nair,” it said. In a related develop ment, the Enforcement Di rectorate (ED) may initiate a money laundering inves tigation over the framing and execution of the AAP government’s excise policy. As CBI teams fanned out across the country and AAP supporters gathered outside Sisodia’s central Delhi home, Kejriwal said there is no need to panic and the agency had been “asked from above” to harass them. “Many obstacles will be created in our path in our mission. This is not the first raid on Sisodia, there were raids in the past too. There have also been raids on many of our ministers and me also but nothing came out of those and noth ing will come out this time as well,” he said at online briefing.Hailing Sisodia as the world’s best education min ister, Kejriwal also held up a front page story about “Del hi’s education revolution” in the New York Times. Sisodia holds multiple port folios, including excise and education.Kejriwal’s deputy, at the proverbial centre of the storm, echoed the mood and said conspiracies will not break him nor deter his resolve to continue to work for good“Weeducation.arehardcore hon est and are shaping the fu ture of lakhs of children. It is very unfortunate that those who do good work in our country are harassed like this. That is why our country could not become the number one,” Sisodia said when the raids at his residence began. As the political storm gathered strength, Infor mation and Broadcasting Minister Anurag Thakur hit out at Delhi’s ruling party. Dubbing Sisodia an “excuse minister”, Thakur said the issue is not about education but the excise policy. “Today, the issue is of liquor licences and cor ruption involved in it. The minister concerned is Man ish Sisodia. He reversed the excise policy the day the probe was handed over to the CBI. Why was this step taken, because there was corruption in the issuance of liquor licences,” Thakur said. CLAIMS AGENCY ‘ASKED FROM ABOVE TO HARASS’ ITS LEADERS
Nitish as oppn PM face an option if other parties want: JD(U) prez
5. In addition to the sum aforesaid, you will also be liable to pay: (a) Such interests as is payable for the period commencing immediately after this notice of the certificate/execution proceedings.
DamagetoGandhiphoto:2staffofRahul’sWayanadofficeheld Lalan Singh Combo photo of Rahul Gandhi’s Wayanad office. (File) (From p-1) worked and participated in trainings, attended camps and also involved in social works which have brought laurels to the state. While lauding NSBSG for the yeoman service to the community, Rio said the building was a testimony of hardwork, dedication and services rendered to the soci ety. He noted that the Scout and Guides was an interna tional movement and every member a part of that large family in the service of the people.Rio said the motto of the BS&G “Service to God is Service to Man”, was a phrase that was also found in the Bible. Therefore, as a Christian community, he said Nagaland was expected to do more in this regard. He also referred to the Armed Forces Special Pow ers Act (AFSPA) still in force and which could change if the youth could propagate peace and harmony in the society. He said those youth who were misguided could be encouraged to work for the society.Hesaid with peace, Na galand could catch up with rest of the country in terms of economic growth and development.Thechief minister un derlined the need for youth to be encouraged to do good things and serve the people. He said if all youth could be taught to become respon sible citizens, then the nation could have a bright future. Earlier, in a short speech, Youth Resources &Sports ad viser and NSBSG president Zale Neikha informed that currently there were more than 3,000 members enrolled with NSBSG with over 400 unit leaders and officials all over the State. He said NSBSG was doing an exceptionally good job in continuously produc ing Rajya Purashkar Scouts and Guides with some even qualifying for the President’s Scouts and Guides awards, the highest such award in the country, in the past. Nyekha also expressed the hope that with the cre ation of four new districts, new district associations would now be added to the organisation.Heurged upon the or ganisation to stay true to its motto and be beacon of en couragement and guidance to the people. Earlier after a ded icatory prayer pronounced by Baptist Mission Church pastor Atuo Whuorie, State chief commissioner of NS BSG Atuo Mezhür delivered the welcome address. A brief note on the con struction of the building was shared by construction com mittee convenor and NSBSG treasurer Neibou Sekhose. A special number was presented by Dziesekhri enuo Keretsü, while Youth Resources & Sports director and NSBSG vice-president Akumla Chuba proposed the vote of Thethanks.programme was also attended by ministers-G. Kaito Aye Temjen Imna Along and Keneizhakho Nakhro, MLA and host of officials.
WAYANAD (KER), AUG 19 (PTI): Four people, in cluding two staff of Con gress MP Rahul Gandhi’s Wayanad office, were arrest ed on Friday for allegedly causing damage to Mahat ma Gandhi’s photo nearly two months ago when an SFI protest march led to violence on the premises. On June 24, Students Federation of India (SFI) activists took out a protest march towards the Way anad MP’s office here on the Eco-Sensitive Zone (ESZ) issue.A Special Investigation Team (SIT) probing the case arrested the four after summoning them for inter rogation.They were later re leased on bail, a senior police officer said. The ar rested people were charged under Indian Penal Code (IPC) Section 153 (wanton ly giving provocation with intent to cause riot). Congress leader and Kalpetta MLA T Siddique said two of the arrested persons were staff of Rahul Gandhi’s office -- one Per sonal Assistant (PA) and a helper -- while two others were party fabricated.thethatagainstStronglyworkers.protestingthearrest,heallegedthechargesagainstCongressworkerswere“Thearrestwasdone with the complete knowl edge of Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan. He took such a step to appease the BJP ruling the Centre,” Sid diqueKPCCalleged.president K Sudhakaran also alleged the police action against the Congress workers was “a part of a conspiracy centered around the Chief Minister’s“KeralaOffice”.government and police are taking the ap proach of making the plain tiff the accused. The arrest is politically motivated. The Chief Minister should clarify on what evidence that the innocent Congress workers were arrested. Even before the police investiga tion started, the Chief Min ister had announced that the accused were Congress men,” Sudhakaran said in a statement.CPI(M) leader and state PWD Minister P A Muhammed Riyas said the Congress should take disciplinary action against its workers who damaged Gandhi’s photo and put the blame on the SFI workers. The Congress had al leged that the photo of Mahatma Gandhi, which was hanging on the wall of Rahul Gandhi’s office, was damaged during the vandal ism of the Wayanad MP’s office at Kalpetta allegedly by SFI activists on June 24. The SFI activists had held a protest march to Gandhi’s office and had allegedly vandalised his office claiming inaction on his behalf in connection with the issue of Ecologi cally Sensitive Zones (ESZ) around forests.
CBI officials during a raid at the residence of Delhi Dy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia in New Delhi. (PTI) NEW DELHI, AUG 19 (PTI): Amid the buzz that Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar may emerge as the opposition’s prime ministe rial candidate, his party Janata Dal (United) said on Friday that this is an option if other parties want. JD(U) president Lalan Singh said Kumar’s main fo cus is on uniting opposition parties to take on the BJP in the 2024 Lok Sabha polls and he will visit the national capital to meet leaders from various parties after the vote of confidence in the Bihar assembly next week. Kumar, Bihar’s longest serving chief minister and the main face of the JD(U), is not a contender for the opposition’s prime ministe rial candidate, his close aide Singh told PTI. Asked for the party’s view in case of other opposition parties backing him to take on the mantle, he said, “If other parties decide and want so, then it’s an option.” The JD(U) president and Lok Sabha MP noted that many opposition lead ers, including Sharad Pawar and Arvind Kejriwal, called up Kumar to congratulate him after he snapped ties with the BJP and allied with its rivals to form a new gov ernment in Bihar. Singh asserted that Ku mar has all the required attributes to be a prime min ister while stressing that he is not a contender for the job. He said all opposition parties should sit together to decide on the leadership to take on the Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led BJP in the next Lok Sabha polls. “Or, all parties should fight unitedly to defeat the BJP and decide later who will be their leader. Both options are there. Nitish Kumar will work on bring ing all other parties fighting the BJP on one platform to pose a united challenge to its rule,” he said. Kumar’s decision to break ties with the BJP, his ally since 1996 except for the period be tween 2013-17, has fuelled speculation about his prime ministerial bid. BJP leaders have claimed that it was this ambition which was behind his decision to join hands with the RJD-Congress-Left alliance. Kumar has rejected such claims.

Come to Me… —Matthew 11:28 God intends for us to live a well-rounded life in Christ Jesus, but there are times when that life is attacked from the outside. Then we tend to fall back into self-examination, a habit that we thought was gone. Self-awareness is the first thing that will upset the completeness of our life in God, and self-awareness continually produces a sense of struggling and turmoil in our lives. Self-awareness is not sin, and it can be produced by nervous emo tions or by suddenly being dropped into a totally new set of circumstances. Yet it is never God’s will that we should be anything less than absolutely complete in Him. Anything that disturbs our rest in Him must be rectified at once, and it is not rectified by being ignored but only by coming to Jesus Christ. If we will come to Him, asking Him to produce Christ-awareness in us, He will always do it, until we fully learn to abide in Him. Never allow anything that divides or destroys the oneness of your life with Christ to remain in your life without facing it. Beware of allowing the influence of your friends or your circumstances to divide your life. This only serves to sap your strength and slow your spiritual growth. Beware of anything that can split your oneness with Him, causing you to see yourself as separate from Him. Nothing is as important as staying right spiritu ally. And the only solution is a very simple one— “Come to Me….” The intellectual, moral, and spir itual depth of our reality as a person is tested and measured by these words. Yet in every detail of our lives where we are found not to be real, we would rather dispute the findings than come to Jesus. A few years ago, the senior editor of a well-known life style magazine walked on a fashion show ramp at a 5-star hotel in Pune, flash ing a live pygmy marmoset (finger monkey) stuffed in his coat pocket. He had the ladies swooning over him all evening, admiring the tiny primate who sat very still. Several asked him where they could buy one for their child or family. What they did not realise was that the endearing, well-behaved little monkey, which is not native to In dia, was possibly stressed and mortified due to the bright lights and blaring music of the fashion show party that it was made to endure all evening. On seeing one of the videos that emerged from the party, I was enraged because a display of this form is exactly what en courages people to buy a non-indigenous wild ani mal as an exotic pet that appears convenient and carries a ‘cool’ quotient. Over the years, the trending choices for keep ing pets in India have dra matically changed. While dogs, cats, rabbits, ham sters, and guinea pigs are still popular pets for fami lies and children, keeping exotic wild animals such as ball pythons, corn snakes, iguanas, macaws, para keets, turtles, lemurs, pyg my marmosets, and sugar gliders have emerged as a popular choice amongst young adults or individu als, who want to ‘make a statement’ by possessing a ‘wild’Inpet.more recent news, one reads of kangaroos being rescued from the outskirts of a city in north Bengal, orangutans being smuggled and going miss ing inside Mumbai city, and reports from Pune district about the Railway Police Force apprehending traders in moving trains while they were illegally smuggling over 1200 igua nas and 300 African sulcata tortoises stuffed inside a small suitcase. Buyers of exotic wild animals “Possessing exotic wildlife as a pet is legal in India if you have support ing paperwork, however, the domestic regulation of the rampant trade and transport, is non-existent. Hefty amounts of money are paid to acquire these pets, and the growing de mand is thus met with horrific acts of poaching from the wild, smuggling, or illegal breeding followed by incomprehensible trau ma that these animals go through during transit and transport,” says theyendordealInternational/India.Program,terManager,Bindumadhav,SumanthSeniorWildlife,DisasResponseandDharwadHumaneSociety“Theforthemdoesnotatthepointofsale,asareoftendoomedtoa lifetime of unnatural living conditions devoid of any form of animal welfare.” Besides animal suffer ing, the wildlife trade poses significant biodiversity and disease transfer risks. It is the fourth largest illicit and organised transnational crime after drugs, arms and human trafficking, which has been undeniably tracked towards fueling ter rorist activities and threats to national security. New Bill: a gaping hole waiting to be filled Since 1976, India is one of the 180 countries that signed the CITES (Convention on Interna tional Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora), an international agreement between govern ments that aims to regulate international trade in flora and fauna so they are not driven to extinction. While we have made significant contributions and have represented several inter ventions towards global conservation of species at CITES’ Conference of Parties, the inability to regulate domestic trade and ownership within India is a paradox we have lived with for over 40 years. The new Wild Life (Protection) Amendment Bill 2021 passed by the Lok Sabha on 2 August 2022, finally signals pro gressive change for India’s biodiversity and protection from the multiple threats posed by the exotic wildlife trade and ownership. There are several key changes in the act, but the one that I welcome the most is the inclusion of the section regarding the implementa tion of the CITES in India and a Schedule dedicated to species listed in Appendices I, II and III of the CITES. When the treaty was signed in 1976, the Director of Wildlife Preservation, GoI, was designated as the principal management authority for CITES in In dia. The proposed Bill calls for the Central government to appoint a management authority and details re sponsibilities such as issu ing permits for the import and export of specimens, regulating domestic trade and transfer, and issuing registration certificates to individuals who possess live specimens that are mentioned in the Schedule. It also includes the appoint ment of scientific author ity by designating one or more institutes engaged in research on different spe cies to provide guidance on issues pertaining to the specimens being traded. Critical to combatting the damage faced over the years and providing the power to make corrections to the disturbances caused in the natural ecological balance, the Bill also gives the Central government the control to forbid the import, trade, or possession of invasive alien (or for eign) species, which refers to any plant or animal that is not native to India and is proven to have a negative influence on its wildlife or environment. In such cases, the Central govern ment may give official per mission to confiscate and eliminate invasive species. “The proposed Bill has significantly increased and doubled general fines for infractions from Rs 25,000 to Rs 1,00,000, which may also help aug ment the fear of conse quences for wrongdoers and drive the implemen tation of the Wild Life (Protection) Act 1972 and its amendments thereafter,” says Bindumadhav. Challenges ahead
The attack on Salman Rushdie is also an attack on freedom of expression
Carl Gustav Jung DailyDevotion
Reader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the columns do not reflect the view of this newspaper nor that of the Editor in any manner.
EverythingQuotesthatirritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.
Congress, its own worst enemy Veteran Congress leader from J&K Ghulam Nabi Azad has pulled the rug from under the feet of Sonia and the AICC high command when he resigned from the post of chairman of the J&K Congress Campaign Committee. He was appointed to the post just a day or two earlier by Sonia Gandhi. Azad’s close aide and J&K party chief Vikar Rasool Wani, also appointed after approval by Sonia is also going to resign and so would scores of others. For a Congressman like Azad, many party leaders would have considered such a development as next to im possible since he has been a faithful Congressman for the past nearly 50 years when he joined the party in 1972. Azad began his 42-year innings in national politics when he was first elected to the Lok Sabha in 1980. He also held various important political and governmental positions such as –president of Youth Congress, tenures as union minister, J&K chief min ister, leader of the opposition in the Rajya Sabha. Ghulam Nabi Azad had been a member in the cabinet of late Indira Gandhi as well as late Rajiv Gandhi. His contributions as a parliamentarian are well recognized that even prime minister Narendra Modi showered open praises on him at the farewell on his last day as a member of the Rajya Sabha. Politicians such as Azad or his colleague Anand Sharma, are well respected in parliament for their stellar performances and incisive speeches during debates. Unfortunately, both have become victims of the kind of insanity that has gripped the Congress. They are being marginalized by family sycophants surrounding Sonia, Rahul and Priyanka (the latest to make up the family circle) such as- Ajay Maken, Venugopal, Randip Surjewala, old warhorse Diggy (Digvijay), Jairam Ramesh, Mallikarjun Kharge, Adhir Ranjan Choudhury etc. These leaders have no relevance on the ground but occupy the highest posi tions by perfecting the art of sycophancy. Such root less leaders are ruthless when it comes to ejecting out popular leaders with independent minds. The Gandhis will continue to be politically naïve as they have no idea of India and lack political acumen. Azad is a regular and senior member of the highest Congress political forum as general secretary spanning many decades. He was dropped as general secretary by Sonia in 2020 after the letter for revamp and election went on public domain. Azad is one of the leaders of the G23 or veteran Congress leaders who have been urging upon Sonia to take a course correction in order to revamp and revitalize the Congress. Such sug gestions were aimed at ensuring that the party begin its democratic process of election of grass root level workers from the block up to district and state so as to revamp the AICC for eventual free and fair election of a full-time president. The leaders had made such appeals in the past but went public in August 2020. In the present Congress party set up, the likes of Azad are not measured in terms of contribution or capability but on whether they put family first before self. Senior Congress leaders like Azad, Sharma, Manish Tiwari, Sashi Tharoor etc have been expressing concern at how the party is losing relevance and this is happening when the party machinery is preparing for presidential election in August-September this year and when the only candidate would be from the family troika.
The Bill allows for individuals to voluntarily surrender any captive ani mal protected under the law, with no monetary compensation in exchange, after which the animal be comes the property of the state government. While this may prevent the ar bitrary abandonment or release of these animals by individuals who do not want to take the trouble to register their animals and come under the purview of the law and its regula tions, the management of these exotic and potentially invasive species is going to require massive capacity building efforts in terms of infrastructure and trained personnel to ensure captive animal welfare. In addition to providing physical man agement of live animals, implementing authorities may need to adopt robust digital infrastructure to track and ensure lifetime captive welfare. Currently, the Maharashtra forest department uses an online system to keep a check on all temporary and per manently housed captive Indian wildlife present in zoos, rescue, and treat ment transit centres. Such systems will be potential ly needed to effectively manage data, including an inventory of animals, registration, deaths and transfers, in order to opti mally use resources, espe cially by forest departments in states like West Bengal, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra that hold a major proportion of exotic wildlifeThetraders.Billis yet to be presented in the Rajya Sabha, but as we prepare for the road towards pro gressive changes in the 75th year of India’s In dependence, let us take a moment to celebrate the chance we may get to lay new foundations towards securing a better future for wildlife both native and exotic, bringing us one step closer to conserving our relationship with nature. Neha Panchamia is Founder and President, RESQ Charitable Trust. She tweetschamia.@NehaPan (As published in The Print)
Exotic pets aren’t glamorous; Begin by amending Wildlife Act
T he shocking attack on Salman Rushdie at the Chautauqua Institution in New York state – which occurred, with savage irony, as he was being introduced to give a talk on artistic freedom – has left writers and readers alike stunned. The author’s stabbing, which resulted in him being evacuated by helicopter to a hospital, in an unknown condition, can only have been prompted by the lingering resentment among some Muslims over his 1989 novel The Satanic Verses.But 33 years after the original fatwa by Ayatollah Khomeini, call ing upon Muslims to kill the novelist for blasphemy, which sent Rushdie into nine years of hiding, it is fair to say that few expected the threat to materialise now in an actual assault. The suspect, Hadi Matar, a 24-year-old man from Fairview, New Jersey, had not even been born when the original fatwa was issued. Chilling effect on writers The stabbing is, first of all, an unacceptable assault on freedom of expression. The reply to of fensive words always ought to be with words, not knives or bullets. If writers have to go around fear ing that their creative work could result in assassination, the threat of violence becomes an extreme form of censorship.Theattack also does a dis service to the Muslim community, raising the spectre of intolerance and violence that many are only too quick to associate with Islam. The episode will reinforce the prejudices of bigots everywhere against the religion and its adherents. On a personal note, it saddens me to think that more and more writers and artists – and the events in which they appear – will need to adopt security measures. While some Indian politi cians might enjoy going around surrounded by security men, most normal human beings do not. We all value our privacy and personal autonomy.TheNorwegian and Japanese translators of the novel were mur dered by Muslim fanatics in 1991. Rushdie stayed under police protec tion, living in secret addresses under pseudonyms (the most famous of which, “Joseph Anton”, is the title of his 2012 book describing those years) until the Iranian government declared in 1998 that it would no longer back the fatwa. However, Khomeini’s successor as Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, did say in 2019 that the fatwa was “irrevocable”. Since 1998, Salman Rushdie has lived relatively openly and free ly, attending public events, speaking on an assortment of stages, and even heading the writers’ organisation PEN. He has been knighted by the British government and became a US citizen in 2016. But we have sadly not been able to see much of him in India, where the threat perception remained high. Life may never be the same for RushdieIrecall Rushdie, at the cusp of the millennium, strolling down a New York street alone to join me for lunch, feeling thrilled at being able to do so without needing security. It took almost a decade for him to regain that degree of normalcy. Those days are, sadly, now over for him and for those who would host Thehim. perception will be that some writers who take on con troversial issues cannot be put on a public stage without elaborate security precautions. This could be a dampener for those organisers who are unable or unwilling to take on such an additional burden. And it could restrict the opportunities available to such writers to reach a significant audience. That, too, could have a negative effect on freedom of expression. The unpleasantness that most writers normally need to fear is a bad review; the worst might be a rotten egg or tomato hurled by an offended reader. You wipe the stain off and carry on. But according to his literary agent, Andrew Wylie, “Salman will likely lose one eye; the nerves in his arm were severed, and his liver was stabbed and dam aged.” This is a high price for a 75-year-old writer to pay for his literaryEvernotoriety.sinceMidnight’s Children in 1981, Salman Rushdie, as a writer of the highest quality, has expanded the boundaries of the possible in his writing. Every Indian writer who has followed in his wake owes him a debt of gratitude for what he has accomplished. I wish him a speedy and complete recovery from his wounds, even though, with a sink ing heart, I recognise that life for him can never be the same again. Dr Shashi Tharoor is a third-term MP for Thiru vananthapuram and awardwinning author of 22 books, most recently ‘The Battle of Belonging’(Aleph). (As published in The Quint) I ndians proudly unfurled the national flag on August 15 to celebrate the birth of their nation 75 years ago. India has advanced a lot since then. But it has miles to go to achieve the “tryst with destiny” it set out to. The first stage of the journey for Indians’ independence ended with the departure of the Brit ish after a historic non-violent struggle. The second stage is to “poorna swaraj” (Mahatma Gandhi’s vision) — when all Indian citizens will have full political, social, and economic freedom; and become a country not divided into fragments by narrow domestic walls, where all minds are without fear and all heads are held high (Tagore’s vision).Sadly, many Indian citi zens — who belong to the so-called “lower” castes, and those who follow “minority” religions — are not yet assimi lated as equal citizens. Also, fear of hunger and inadequate opportunities to earn decent incomes haunt millions. Lately, even political freedoms are being curbed in the name of national security. Moreover, though India’s gross economic growth (GDP) is amongst the fastest in the world, India is be coming one of the most unequal societies in the world. The world isn’t in much better shape. The vision of a boundaryless world, a dream of international economists in which money and trade flow freely across national borders, is vanishing. The cold war for global hegemony has heated up again. Global supply chains and global flows of finance have broken down with Covid restric tions and US sanctions against China and Russia. When the Second World War, in which millions of peo ple lost their lives, ended, the world’s leaders vowed: “never again”. Global institutions were set up to maintain global peace, to help countries rebuild their shattered economies, and assist poorer countries to develop rapidly-the United Nations, the World Bank and the IMF. They have failed to do so. India’s tryst with destiny for Indian citizens is the same as the UN’s tryst was for all the world’s citizens. The UN needs urgent reforms. The Secretary-General presented recommendations to the 75th meeting of the UN General Assembly. The recommenda tions, “Our Common Agenda”, provide critical lessons for the improvement of India’s gover nance also for building India beyond“OurIndia@75.Common Agenda” emphasises the need for leaders in institutions at the top to lis ten to common people. Global institutions (and many national governments) are run by people who are experts about every where, but who don’t listen to common people anywhere, even in their own countries. People wish to be heard and to participate in the decisions that affect them. Government by the people is the essence of democracy. The SecretaryGeneral asks all governments to conduct exercises for “national listening” and envisioning the future.Multinational businesses and many economists see na tional boundaries as impedi ments to the growth of the global economy. They would rather the world did not have meddlesome national govern ments. Starry-eyed liberals also imagine a world with a global government directly elected by all citizens of the world. For them, too, nations are unnec essary divisions of a universal brotherhood.Thereport says, “One of the strongest calls emanating from the consultations on the seventy-fifth anniversary and Our Common Agenda was to strengthen the governance of our global commons and global public goods. This does not require new institutions. Rather, we need new resolve and ways of working together that are suited to the challenges we face.” It also explains “the social contract originates at the subnational and national levels, and its exact architecture is unquestionably up to each society to determine. All soci eties face and are affected by global pressures, while solidar ity within countries provides the foundation for our cooperation internationally.”Tagorewas a poet. He dis agreed with Gandhi about the value of nations for humanity. Gandhi was a practical man. He said the romantic idea of a harmonious global village would never be realised unless people learn to live together and to care for their natural environ ment in the villages and cities where they live. Self-governing communities must cooperate with other self-governing com munities around them to demo cratically manage their larger pool, shared resources-the rivers they share, the routes of com munication between them, and governance of trade amongst them. “Think global and act local” is the only way that complex problems like climate change will be solved. National and regional institutions of governance are essential inter mediates for governance of the globalGandhiji’scommons.advice to ev eryone was to “be the change you want to see in the world.” Our Common Agenda recom mends greater participation of youth in governance of national and global matters. Young people must become catalysts for movements of change in their own communities and places of work. They should listen to people around them selves and encourage people to listen to each other, to respect each other, and take collective responsibility for their local commons.Demanding change from people on top, whose ways of thinking and working have caused the problems that now need to be urgently solved, is not the way young people will bring about change in the world. Nor should young people scramble to climb up to the top of po litical parties, companies and governments to change the world. Because the designs of the institutions will have to be changed to conform to the principles that are affirmed in the UN report for global gov ernance. They were also laid out in India’s Constitution, though, sadly, they have not been implemented in practice. The 75th anniversary of India’s independence is an oc casion to reflect on the path it was pointed to and the fact that it has not yet been taken. We must now turn to it. This path will take us faster to our tryst with destiny in India @100. Moreover, by walking the talk of our founding principles, India will become a role model for harmonious governance in a troubled and divided world. Arun ChairmanMairaHelpAgeInternational(AspublishedinTheTribune)
Many miles to go for ‘tryst with destiny’

Protests against me with black flags ‘state sponsored’: Siddaramaiah
The Maharashtra gov ernment has issued an order instructing government hos pitals to treat injured mem bers of Govinda troupes free of cost. As of 6 pm, 17 Govindas were treated at the civic-run KEM hospital, fol lowed by 11 at GT Hospital, 10 at Rajawadi hospital and nine at Nair hospital, among others.Across Maharashtra, Govinda troupes build hu man pyramids to reach and break an earthen pot containing buttermilk and curd suspended high above the ground during the Jan mashtami celebrations. The incidents of par ticipants falling from heights and getting injured are com mon.
NEW DELHI, AUG 19 (PTI): Will he, will he not? That is the question on ev ery Congress leader’s mind as Rahul Gandhi has still not indicated whether he is ready to take on the mantle of partyCongress’president.
Will he, will he not: Cong’s Rahul dilemma Lalu’s son-in-law spotted at Bihar govt meetings, BJP fumes
(K’TAKA),CHIKKAMAGALURUAUG19(PTI): A day after eggs were hurled at his car and black flags were waved during his visit to Kodagu, Leader of Op position in the Karnataka Assembly Siddaramaiah on Friday termed it a “state sponsored”Allegingprotest.thatthose who pelted eggs at his car were from “an organisation to which Mahatma Gandhi’s killer Nathuram Godse be longed”, the senior Congress leader and former chief min ister wondered whether such people will spare him, as he was speaking against them. “Yesterday at Titimati, there were about 10 youths shouting slogans; after that at four places they had gath ered, Couldn’t the police have stopped it? If the Chief Minister comes, will they let people protest with black flags? Won’t they carry out preventive arrests? What was wrong with the Superinten dent of Police (SP)?” Sid daramaiah said. Speaking to LAKHIMPUR KHERI (UP), AUG 19 (PTI): Bhar tiya Kisan Union (BKU) leader Rakesh Tikait ex horted farmers to be ready for a massive nationwide agitation over their demands as a 75-hour sit-in by the Samyukta Kisan Morcha here seeking the removal of Union minister Ajay Kumar Mishra and a law on MSP entered the second day on Tuesday.Samyukta Kisan Mor cha (SKM) leaders will share at an appropriate moment the time, place and nature of the nation wide agitation, Tikait told the protesting farmers and called for strengthening the morcha, an umbrella body of farmer unions. “If SKM gets weak ened, governments will get the better of farmers,” Tikait stressed as representatives of the BKU-Chaduni faction, which is not a part of SKM, reached the protest site to express solidarity with the agitating farmers. Farmers from different states on Fri day reached the dharna site -- Rajapur Mandi Samiti in Lakhimpur Kheri district of Uttar Pradesh. Lakhimpur Kheri is represented in Lok Sabha by Mishra, the Union minister of state for home. His son Ashish Mishra is an accused in the Lakhimpur Kheri violence on October 3 last year in which four farm ers and a journalist were among eight persons killed. The agitation has gained strength since its start on Thursday with promi nent leaders, including SKM core committee member Dharshan Singh Pal, Swaraj India national convener Yogendra Yadav and social activist Medha Patekar, ad dressing the Mishra,addressedalaPradesh,ana,leadersProminentdharna.farmerfromPunjab,HaryRajasthan,MadhyaTamilNadu,KerandUttarPradeshalsothefarmers.LashingoutatMinisterTikaitsaid,“The entire country is well aware about the Tikunia violence and it was also known to all as to who was the main instigator behind it.” “It’s an irony that the minister was still holding his post,” he said and added the minister should be con sidered an accused in the violence case under IPC section 120B, which relates to criminal conspiracy to commit an offence. After this 75-hour sitin, the farmers must be ready for a larger agitation to press their demands, he said. “Apart from sacking of MoS Home Ajay Kumar Mishra, there are other de mands -- release of innocent farmers lying in jails, MSP (minimum support price for crops) guarantee law, withdrawal of the Electricity Amendment Bill 2022, pay ment of pending sugarcane dues and land rights to farm ers,” Tikait said. He also alleged that “a conspiracy is being hatched in Uttar Pradesh and Uttara khand against the Sikh com munity to snatch their land and the Samyukta Kisan Morcha will never allow this to happen.”
Siddaramaiah SKM stir Day-2: Tikait asks farmers to be ready for nationwide agitation
Rakesh Tikait along with farmers stages a protest demanding justice in the October 3, 2021 violence case, August 18. (PTI) injured Mumbai, eleven hospitalized A ‘govinda’, atop a human pyramid to attend a ‘Dahi Handi’ festival on Krishna Janmashtami, in Navi Mumbai.
Son-in-law of Lalu Prasad, Shailesh Kumar (third from right) attending Bihar government’s meeting.
PATNA, AUG 19 (PTI): The Nitish Kumar govern ment in Bihar was on Fri day embarrassed as video footages surfaced wherein a son-in-law of Lalu Prasad, founding president of the RJD that helms the new ruling coalition, was seen at two official Notably,meetings.boththe meet ings were presided over by Prasad’s elder son Tej Pratap Yadav, who was sworn in as a minister earlier this week with environment, forestry and climate change portfolio.According to video clips, at the first meeting of officials that Yadav attended in his capacity as minister on July 17, Shailesh Kumar, married to his eldest sister Misa Bharti, a Rajya Sabha MP herself, was seen seated in the back However,row. a day later, Kumar was again present at a meeting of the pollution control board, seated next to his brother-in-law minister. T he course of events drew strong condemnation from the BJP, which has lost power following the volteface by the chief minister last week. “Tej Pratap Yadav remains in news for all the wrong reasons. Now, as a minister he seems to have outsourced his duties to his brother-in-law,” said Sushil Kumar Modi, a senior BJP leader who had served as the state’s deputy CM for over a decade.“Lalu ji’s son-in-law was not just present at the meetings. The meetings, where he had no business to be present, were in fact be ing conducted (sanchaalit) by him,” alleged Modi in a statement. It is for the chief minister to answer the peo ple of Bihar on this, he said. “His new government has a large number of min isters with criminal records which confirms fears of the return of jungle raj in the state. The incident involving Lalu ji’s son-in-law is a clear sign that the RJD supremo will try to interfere in the workings of the new govern ment,” Modi, now a Rajya Sabha MP, added.
reporters, he said on August 26, he along with Congress workers will lay siege to the SP’s office in Kodagu, alleging that there is no law and order and that the offi cial had “wrong intentions” and had colluded with the RSS, Bajrang Dal and Sangh Parivar and had allowed the incident to “Yesterday’shappen.was a state sponsored protest...can’t we do it (protest) holding black flags? Can’t our workers do it for the Chief Minister of Ministers? It was an act of cowardice, they have done it when I had gone to assess rain-related damage and hear out the farmers,” he added. Alleged BJP Yuva Morcha workers and activ ists of Hindu groups had raised slogans like ‘Koda gina Virodhi Siddaramaiah’, ‘Go back Siddaramaiah’ and ‘Hindu Virodhi’ when he was in Kodagu on Thursday to visit rain-affected areas. They were protesting against his statement asking “Why put Savarkar’s photo in Mus lim area?”Noting that as the Leader of Opposition, he is a “shadow Chief Minister”, Siddaramaiah said it is the duty of the government to provide proper security for him. “It shows that there is no law and order in the is a corrupt, bad and communal government. In fact there is no government at all, it is dead,” he alleged. Earlier addressing an event, the Congress legis lature party leader, while speaking about Thursday’s incident said, “These people ‘elimin ated’ Gandhi. Will they leave me? They killed Gandhi, Godse had shot at Gandhi, but they worship his photo.”“Yesterday they were protesting holding posters of Savarkar, they are calling a man who apologised to the British as Veer Savarkar. I don’t have any personal enmity or anger against Sa varkar. He was also a human being, but his conduct was not right,” he said.
78 Dahi Handi participants
CHANDIGARH, AUG 19 (PTI): Shiromani Akali Dal’s disciplinary commit tee chief Sikander Singh Maluka on Friday said indiscipline won’t be toler ated by the party at any cost and those found indulging in it will have to face strict action.The warning came amid rumblings for a change in the leadership of the party following its humiliating defeat in the Assembly polls earlier this year. Currently, the SAD is led by former deputy chief minister Sukhbir Singh Badal and the party had asked its leaders not to question his Malukaauthority.issued the warning during the party’s disciplinary committee meeting, which was at tended by SAD leaders Sharanjit Singh Dhillon, Mantar Singh Brar and Sukhwinder Kumar Sukhi. “In the meeting, the issue of maintaining disci pline was considered seri ously and it was decided that this disciplinary com mittee won’t tolerate indis cipline at any cost and those indulging in indiscipline will have to face strict ac tion,” said a statement quot ing Maluka.Maluka said no institu tion can progress without discipline and whosoever will speak against the party with intention of weakening it, won’t be tolerated at all. He also appealed to district and circle units of the outfit that if any anti-party activity comes into their notice, then they should bring it to the notice of the party head office at Chandigarh with proof so that action could be taken against those responsible. Indiscipline won’t be SAD’stolerated:Maluka
Rahul(PTI) Gandhi
Central Election Authority chair man Madhusudan Mistry said the Congress Working Committee, the party’s high est decision-making body, will decide the date of the election of president and the exact“Theschedule.list of delegates (who will vote) is ready. From our side, we are ready, it is the CWC that has to de cide the date,” he told PTI. Most party leaders, including those known to be close to Gandhi, are un able to say with confidence whether he would give into the demands of workers and contest the party presiden tial poll or Sourcesnot.said his stand of not taking on the mantle of party president was un changed till a few days ago. A senior party leader said most people in the party want Rahul Gandhi to become president again but there have been no indica tions from him that he has changed his stance on the issue. A school of thought is also emerging from within the party that in case Rahul Gandhi does not agree to become president, Sonia Gandhi should continue at the helm.Inthat case she could be assisted by a couple of senior leaders in the day-today functioning who may be given an official role like that of working president, a senior leader said. There will be clarity on the issue within the next week, the leader, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said. Political commenta tor Rasheed Kidwai said in India the election to the post of president of parties across the spectrum is not as democratic as it seems to be. “In the case of the Congress, the person now elected will be the president till 2027. The second issue is that with what the Op position has said vendetta politics taking place and Enforcement Directorate raids, party leaders feel the Gandhis cannot be left to fend for themselves. If one of them remains at helm it becomes difficult to orches trate such actions against them,” Kidwai told PTI. As far as Rahul Gandhi is concerned, he has given the right kind of reasons for not accepting the post and there is also a sort of antidynastic mood in the nation so that makes him a “weak candidate”, said Kidwai, author of several books, including “24 Akbar Road: A Short History Of The People Behind The Fall And Rise Of The Congress”. Some people think that it may be best that Sonia Gandhi continues at the helm and around two-three working presidents are ap pointed, he said. Manindra Nath Thakur, an Associate Professor at the Jawaharlal Nehru University’s Centre for Political Studies, said the Congress is facing a “catch 22 situation”.“SoniaGandhi is on her way out, she has health issues. The problem with Rahul Gandhi is that the moment he becomes party chief he would be the target of attacks from rivals and the family does not have a trusted man like Manmo han Singh. That is the big problem facing the party,” Thakur told PTI. Rahul Gandhi’s graph has improved outside party presidency tenure but the Gandhi family will have to find a trusted leader but another problem is that the moment the leadership goes out of their hands it is very difficult to keep everybody united, he said. It seems the only option is to have Sonia Gandhi as president and some leaders to assist her, Thakur said, adding the problem with that is it would not enthuse people and bring in energy which the party needs, Thakur said. The Congress had an nounced that the election to the post of party president would be held between Au gust 21 and September 20, but with just days to go for the process to kick in, un certainty is writ large on the rank and file of the party as to who would assume the mantle of party president.
SURE SUCCESS COACHING CENTRE Naharbari, East Dimapur, Puranabazar opp UCO bank , Dimapur Adm started for Class 10(All sub)&12(Arts,Com,Sci) . NEET,JEE .NPSC, SSC, BANKING, RRB & NDA. Hostel for Girls & Boys....Cont. NO: 9436013903 / 9862572386 *WITH GOD EVERYTHINH IS POSSIBLE * db-896/22 k-1877/22a VJ'S COACHING CENTRE & HOSTEL D.C. COURT ROAD, DUNCAN, DIMAPUR ADMISSION GOING ON * Offer Intensive Coaching for the REPEATERS of * Class-X & XII (Science / Arts) * Hostel Attached for both BOYS & GIRLS (Separately) * SPECIAL HIGHLIGHTS : Hygienic food/Clean & Sanitized Room / 24x7 Power Backup Contact : 03862-248394/9436600530/8257880984 dp-3903/22 Looking for enthusiastic and creative individuals interested in creating multimedia for Videogames and Short Animations Training for 1 Month will be provided, then selection will be conducted for full-time employment. Training Module : 3D Software, Unity Game Programming Basic Requirements : Willing to learn, No prior experience required, Good listening skills, Teamwork, Time management Qualifications : Basic Computer Knowledge Freshers and experienced individuals can apply Office Location : Dimapur Contact Details : Email : Training program for game DevelopmenT dc-944/22 GOVERNMENT OF NAGALAND DIRECTORATE OF HIGHER EDUCATION NAGALAND: KOHIMA NO.HED/HOST/1/2016/ Dated: Kohima, the 18th August 2022 NOTIFICATION This is to inform all the proprietors/wardens of the hostels registered under the Directorate of Higher Education that the hostel forms for hostellers of Post Matric Students will be issued from this Office w.e.f. 22nd August – 9th Sept. 2022. The Directorate shall also issue the Hostel Eligibility Certificate (HEC) to the newly established hostels that were inspected and found satisfactory.Thehostel proprietors/wardens are required to bring: 1. Original copy of Hostel Eligibility Certificate. 2. Hostel admission’s register with recent passport pasted against the name of the students. Sd/(Dr. KATONI Nagaland:HigherDirectorJAKHALU)EducationKohimaDC NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 2022 NATIONAL 7
MUMBAI, AUG 19 (PTI): At least 78 `Govindas’ or Dahi Handi participants were injured while building human pyramids during the Krishna Janmashtami celebrations in Mumbai on Friday, civic officials said.
Of those injured, most were treated and discharged while 11 were hospitalized and their condition was stated to be stable, the Bri hanmumbai Municipal Cor poration (BMC) said in a release.

MUMBAI, AUG 19 (PTI): The country’s foreign ex change reserves fell USD 2.238 billion to USD 570.74 billion in the week ended August 12, according to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)Indata.the previous week ended August 5, the foreign exchange reserves declined USD 897 million to USD 572.978 billion. The fall in the reserves in the reporting week ended August 12 was on account a decline in the Foreign Currency Assets (FCA), a major component of the overall reserves, ac cording to the Weekly Sta tistical Supplement released by RBI on Friday. FCA declined USD 2.652 billion to USD 506.994 billion, the data showed. Expressed in dollar terms, FCA includes the effect of appreciation or depreciation of non-US units like the euro, pound and yen held in the foreign exchangeGoldreserves.reserves surged USD 305 million to USD 40.618 billion. The Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) increased USD 102 million to USD 18.133 billion. The country’s reserve position with IMF also rose by USD 7 million to USD 4.994 billion in the reporting week, as per the data.
Chairman MARCOFED, Dr. M. Chuba Ao and Chief Regional Manager, HPCL Bhanu Shankar Sahoo and others at the inauguration of new HPCL Retail Outlet at Chumoukedima on Friday.
Foreign exchange reserves decline to USD 570.74 bln
Govt hikes windfall profit tax on export of diesel MUMBAI, AUG 19 (PTI): The rupee depreciated 20 paise to close at 79.84 (pro visional) against the US dollar on Friday amid a strengthening greenback overseas.Atthe interbank for eign exchange market, the local currency opened at 79.75 and moved in a range of 79.73 to 79.84 during the day. It finally ended at 79.84 against the American currency, down 20 paise over its previous close of 79.64. Forex traders said the US dollar index witnessed an upturn after comments from US Federal Reserve officials over the quantum of rate hikes weighed on investorThesentiments.dollar index, which gauges the green back’s strength against a basket of six currencies, rose 0.18 per cent to 107.67. Foreign fund outflows from Indian equities also dragged the local unit down. Foreign institutional investors were net sellers in the capital market on Thurs day as they offloaded shares worth Rs 1,706.00 crore, as per exchange data. “Rupee continued to consolidate in a narrow range after hawkish FOMC meeting minutes,” said Gaurang Somaiya, Forex Rupee falls 20 paise to close at 79.84 against US dollar & Bullion Analyst, Motilal Oswal Financial Services. A string of US central bank officials said the Fed needs to keep raising bor rowing costs to bring high inflation under control. “We expect the USDINR (Spot) to trade side ways and quote in the range of 79.20 and 79.80,” Somai ya added. Meanwhile, Brent crude futures, the global oil benchmark, declined 1.02 per cent to USD 95.60 per barrel. On the domestic eq uity market front, the BSE Sensex ended 651.85 points or 1.08 per cent lower at 59,646.15, while the broader NSE Nifty declined 198.05 points or 1.10 per cent to 17,758.45.
Crossword No. 10368 Yesterday’s solution No. 10367 Su doku No. 4990 Yesterday’s solution No. 4989 KAKURO No. 4014 Yesterday’s solution No. 4013 AUG 19 (PTI): The government on Thursday hiked the windfall profit tax on the export of diesel to Rs 7 per litre and brought back a tax on jet fuel exports, but slashed the levy on domestically produced crude oil in line with soften ing rates.Atthe third fortnight ly review, the government raised the windfall profit tax on the export of diesel to Rs 7 per litre from Rs 5 a litre and brought a Rs 2 a litre tax on ATF exports, a finance ministry notification showed.Earlier this month, the government had scrapped the windfall profit tax on ATF (Aviation Turbine Fuel)Alongside,exports. the tax on domestically produced crude oil has been cut to Rs 13,000 per tonne from Rs 17,750. The tax on exports has been raised as cracks or margins rose but the same on domestically produced oil was reduced as inter national oil prices slid to a six-monthIndialow.first imposed windfall profit taxes on July 1, joining a growing number of nations that taxes super normal profits of energy companies. But interna tional oil prices have cooled since then, eroding profit margins of both oil produc ers andOnrefiners.July1, export du ties of Rs 6 per litre (USD 12 per barrel) were levied on petrol and ATF and a Rs 13 a litre tax on the export of diesel (USD 26 a barrel). A Rs 23,250 per tonne windfall profit tax on domestic crude production (USD 40 per bar rel) was also Thereafter, the first fortnightly review on July 20, the Rs 6 a litre export duty on petrol was scrapped, and the tax on the export of diesel and jet fuel (ATF) was cut by Rs 2 per litre each to Rs 11 and Rs 4, respectively. The tax on domestically pro duced crude was also cut to Rs 17,000 per Thereafter,tonne.onAugust 2, the export tax on diesel was cut to Rs 5 a litre and that on ATF scrapped, fol lowing a drop in refinery cracks or margins. But the levy on domestically pro duced crude oil was raised to Rs 17,750 per tonne in line with a marginal increase in international crude prices. At the third fortnightly review, the taxes on fuel exports has been raised but that on domestically pro duced crude oil has been cut. The reduction in taxes earlier this month came as India’s trade gap swelled to a record high in July as elevated commodity prices and a weak rupee inflated the country’s import bill. The gap between ex ports and imports widened to USD 31.02 billion in July from USD 26.18 bil lion in June. This, as a re sult of exports falling and elevated commodity prices together with a weak rupee, are inflating the import bill. Imports jumped 43.59 per cent in July from the yearago month, while exports dropped 0.76 per Internationalcent.oilprices have since then slid to below USD 95 per barrel but cracks on diesel and ATF rose. Industry sources said the government is working on a principle to leave some healthy margins, with both crude oil producers and re finers and taxing gains over and above that.
NEW DELHI, AUG 19 (AGENCIES): On Friday, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) issued a clarification notification stating that the views expressed in its re cent article, “Privatisation of Public Sector Banks: An Alternate Perspective, “ do not represent the views of the bank and are of the authors. It also said that the authors are of the view that the government’s ap proach to privatisation of PSBs would result in better outcomes. The article was authored by the researchers at RBI, Business Standard reported.Inthe article, the au thors argued that a gradual approach to the privatisa tion of the public sector banks (PSBs) in India is better than the big bang approach. It said, “During such stress periods if stron ger PSBs had not existed, the destabilising impact on the banking sector and the economy would have been muchHowever,greater.”the clarifica tion said, “The researchers are of the view that instead of a big bang approach, a gradual approach as an nounced by the Govern ment would result in better outcomes.”
RBI clarifies on
DB-909/22 FOR SALE Scooty Top Model Ray ZR : Oct, 2020 Km 5535 Brand New Condition Price: Rs. 75,000/Slightly Negotiable Contact: 8787513063 Kohima-1906/22K FOR SALE Maruti alto Year : 2007, 2010 Price: Location:1,45,000/-Kohima Contact: 70053028679366315201K-1907/22 Stolen My KTM RC 200 Bike has been stolen from Erosline near Hill Star Cinema Hall, Dimapur on 29.07.2022 at around 8.30 p.m. Owner's Name : Suraj Tamang Reg. No. : NL 07EB7589 Engine No. N-936*02653* Chassis No. ColourMD2JYCXK9NC006787::EbonyBlack(Met) Contact No. : 98622963878099049789 DP-3919/22 loSt notice I, M. Nyempo am applying for duplicate copy of BA 2nd Semester Marksheet as I have lost it. Name : M. Nyempo F/Name : Manlem DoB : 14.10.2002 Roll No. : AG19200033 Contact : 9383390632 DP-3918/22 RestauRant FoR sale Location : Pauna Complex, Near SBI ATM Opp. Town Hall, Super Market, Dimapur Price : Negotiable Contact : 8416012782, 7005009928 DP-3922/22 For Sale Land with Building at Industrial AreaRazuphe,Ward-5VillageDimapurNearD.COffice:00B-03K-00LS( Contact No. : 6909645500 DP-3924/22 SaNBaNu BeguM Age : 36 Height : 5” Last Seen : 6th June 2022, 4th Mile Diphupar, Ao Colony If anyone have seen kindly Contact 8730936156: MiSSing DP-3925/22 l and FoR sale 60 x 60 sq. ft. – Rs. 11, 50, 000 Purana Bazar –B, Block-V 2½ Kms from Zion Hospital Contact : 87988629018837270633 For Sale FORTUNER 2017(NL) BOLERO POWER+ZLX 2018 (NL) BOLERO POWER SLX 2017 (NL) BOLERO SLX 2018 (NL) BOLERO SLX 2012, 2014 (NL) SCORPIO M.HAWK 2012 (NL) NISSAN KICK 2020, 2022 (NL) BALENO 2019 (NL) SWIFT ZXI 2012 (NL) ALTO 800 LXI 2017 (NL) ALTO 800 LXI 2012, 2014 (NL) WAGON R VXI 2015, 2020 (NL) WAGON R VXI 2012, 2013 (NL) WAGON R ZXI 2020 (NL) ERTIGA VXI 2019 (NL) BOLERO PIC UP 2017, 2018 (NL) MAGNET 3 months old GRAND i10 2014 (NL) RENAULT KWID 2016 (NL) SWIFT D’ZIRE 2013 (NL) # 9774699215/ 8974247694 DP-3935/22 SaleS Girl (Grocery Shop) Shop: Razhii- Point Kohima Timing: 7am to 6pm Salary: Starting Rs. 4000 Contact : 9366283029 -1900/22K SIBERIANHUSKYPUPPIESFORSALE Conta C t: +91 9402054933 +91 9366641123 -1902/22K W A nt E d • Kitchen Assistant • CarpenterWaiter/Waitress (Skilled/Semi Skilled) Salary : InterestedLocationNegotiable:KohimaCandidatesmay Contact (10:30 am - 7:00 pm) till 26th of August, 2022. - 60090 78885 - 87940 19121 -1902/22K LAND FOR SALE at Henivi Village 4 lane touched Area : 210 x 75 sq. ft. Price : Rs. 250/- per sq. ft. Phone : 8787613922 -3900/22DP land For Sale Location : Kushiabill, Near Highway (4.5 kms from Zion Hospital) Area (Approx): 1. 5600 sq. ft. 2. 7700 sq. ft. Price : Rs.180 per sq. ft. Plots with drainage and approach road. Contact: 87877771487005227608 DP-3752/22 LAND FOR SALE 1. Near airport : 2 minutes from National Highway (Only for Ao's) Area : (i) 50 x 110 (ii) 60 x 90 Price : Rs. 370/- per sq. ft. 2. Padumpukhuri : 100 ft. (approx) away from National Highway Area : 5000 sq. ft. Price : Rs. 700/- per sq. ft. 3. Naharbari : Highway Touched No Brokers Contact : 9862954673 -3878/22DP land For Sale at Old Showuba near Four Lane Flyover Prime location Rs. 195 per sq. ft. Any size available Contact : 8575193378 DP-3916/22 LAND FOR SALE Opposite DDSC Stadium, Ghorapatti, Golaghat Road Road Touching Plot Measuring 14800 Sq. Ft. Price : Rs. 5.5 (Negotiable)Crores No Brokers Please Contact : 8837338807 DP-3889/22 LAND FOR SALE Location : Bamunpukhuri-B (5 kms from Zion Hospital) (2 minutes from New 4 Lane) 50 × 50 : Rs. 5.50 lakhs 50 × 80 : Rs. 8.80 lakhs 50 × 100 : Rs. 11.00 lakhs 70 × 100 : Rs. 15.40 lakhs Call: 94026156487005204949DP-3881/22 URGENT LAND FOR SALE 1. 100 x 125 Land with Building at 5th Mile Model Village, Dimapur 2. 110 x 111 sq ft Land with Building at 5th Mile 3. 150 x 260 sq ft at Seithekema Contact: 60091864469615297693 -1869/22K PLOT FOR SALE BEHIND GOVERNMENT COLLEGE DIMAPUR AT A REASONABLE RATE IDEAL FOR RESIDENTIAL AND VARIOUS INSTITUTIONS. 5 BigHaS iNTeReSTeD PeRSONS CaN KiNDLY 8798439412/9362619411CONTaCT -891/22DB MOuNT MaRY aCaDeMY CHuMuKeDiMa NagaLaND NCTE Approved B.Ed./M.Ed. Admission Last opportunity to pursue ugC/NCTe approved B. ed. Course from andhra Pradesh. 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Contact - 9863060734 -3923/22DP FOR SALE ii WW "WiLLYS" JeeP FuLLY ReSTOReD & RuNNiNg 4-134 L HEAD "GO-DEVIL WILLYS" ENGINE With U S NAVY Colour & Markings NL Registration & Insurance SeRiOuS BuYeRS PLeaSe Call : 9436012051 -3929/22DP Residency Colony Near Unity College Ph - 9089799734 LaND FOR SaLe DB-906/22 ACROSS 9 Belong (9) 10 Disliked (9) 12 Ill (4) 13 Mend (6) 14 Weapon (7) 15 Curse (9) 17 Awkward (9) 18 Interminable (7) 19 Fight (6) 20 Seat (4) 23 Month (9) 25 Take apart (9) 26 Peel (4) 27 Loved (6) 29 Loathsome (7) 32 Nomadic (9) 34 Insipid (9) 35 Equalising (7) 36 Meddle (6) 37 Gem (4) 38 Recited fluently (6,3) 39 Nuances (9) DOWN 1 Fair (8) 2 Shipshape (5-3-4) 3 Negligent (8) 4 Infuriate (6) 5 Complete (8) 6 Glasses (10) 7 Seen (7) 8 Reptile (5,5) 11 Holiday (5) 16 Fragments (6) 19 Rail (3) 21 Inconsistent (3,2,7) 22 Cloak (6) 23 Fruit (10) 24 Terrier (10) 25 Father (3) 28 Immediately (5,3) 29 Hurried (8) 30 Apathetic (8) 31 Free (7) 33 Relation (5) 34 Drum (3-3)

NEW YORK, AUG 19 (PTI): In a possible hate crime, unidentified persons have destroyed a hand crafted statue of Mahatma Gandhi with a sledgeham mer at a Hindu temple here after vandalising it earlier this month, media reports said on SurveillanceFriday. video shows a person thrashing a statue of Gandhi with a sledgehammer on Tuesday, before smashing the head off and toppling it over, according to,agroup of six stomp on it and take turns hammering the statue before taking off, the report said. “To see them coming after us like this is very painful,” Lakhram Ma haraj, the founder of Shri Tulsi Mandir, situated in South Richmond Hill was quoted as saying in the report. Maharaj discov ered the Gandhi statue was reduced to rubble on Wednesday morning. The word “dog” was spray painted both in front of the temple and down the block, it Thesaid.same Gandhi statue was vandalised two weeks ago, investigating officials“Whensaid. the Gandhi statue was vandalised, that really flew in the face of all of our beliefs and it’s very disturbing for the commu nity,” Assembly member Jenifer Rajkumar said in the report. The New York Police Department is inves tigating both incidents as possible hate crimes, media reportsMaharajsaid. says many in the community are now afraid to go to the temple. “I cannot show the congregation that I am worried because if I show them that I’m worrying and I’m not strong, how will they be strong?” the report quoted him as say ing. The temple authorities cannot afford to replace the Gandhi statue, because it was handcrafted and cost about USD 4,000, the re port said.“Iwant to know why they did it,” Maharaj said. This is not the first time that a statue of Gandhi was desecrated in the US. In February this year, an 8-foot-high Gandhi stat ue, located in Manhattan’s Union Square, was defaced by unknown persons. In December incidentMcEnany,PressofindesecratedKhalistani-supporters2020,hadaGandhistatueWashington,DCinfronttheIndianEmbassy.ThethenWhiteHouseSecretary,Kayleighhadtermedtheas“terrible”.
Gandhi statue vandalised in New York Gandhi statue outside Hindu temple in New York vandalised.
Bashar Assad’s forces now control most parts of Syria with the help of their allies, Russia and Iran.
Shehbaz Sharif ISLALAMABAD, AUG 19 ( PTI): Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has expressed his desire for peaceful relations with India based on the principles of “equity, justice and mutual respect” and the resolution of the Kashmir issue, ac cording to a media report on Friday.Sharif also urged the international community to play a “facilitative role” to ensure durable peace and stability in South Asia, it said, amidst a chill in bilateral ties over the Kash mir issue and cross border terrorism emanating from Pakistan. Sharif expressed these views during a meeting with the theDawnHawkins,issionerAustraliannewly-appointedHighCommtoPakistan,NeilonThursday,theNewspaperquotedPrimeMinister’sOffice (PMO) as “Pakistansaying. desires peaceful ties with India, based on the principles of equity, justice and mutual respect. In this context, a just and peaceful resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in accordance with the relevant UNSC resolu tions and the wishes of the Kashmiri people, was indis pensable,” Sharif said. “The facilitativecommunityinternationalhastoplayaroleinthisre gard, as it was essential for durable peace and stability in South Asia,” he added. India has repeatedly told Pakistan that it desires normal neighbourly rela tions with Islamabad in an environment free of terror, hostility, and violence. In dia has said the onus is on Pakistan to create an envi ronment free of terror and hostility.The bilateral ties dete riorated further after India announced withdrawing the special powers of Jammu and Kashmir and bifurcation of the state into two union territories in August 2019. India has repeatedly told Pakistan that Jammu and Kashmir “was, is and shall forever” remain an integral part of the country. It also advised Pakistan to accept the reality and stop all anti-India propaganda.
Pak PM expresses desire for peaceful ties with India, Kashmir issue resolution Market blast in north Syria kills at least 9, injures dozens People gather at the sight of a reported regime forces bombing at a busy market in the opposition-held city of Al-Bab.
TOKYO, AUG 19 (IANS): Amid a resurgence, Japan recorded more than 6 mil lion new Covid-19 cases in the past month, with more than 200 daily deaths on nine of the 11 days, which has further strained its medical system fueled by the seventh wave of the pandemic.Thecountry logged a record daily high of 255,534 new cases on Thursday, the second time that the number exceeded 250,000 in a single day since the pandemic hit the country in early 2020, re ports Xinhua news agency. A total of 287 people died, bringing the total fa tality toll to 36,302. Japan reported 1,395,301 cases in the week from August 8-14, the highest number of new cases in the world for the fourth week in a row, fol lowed by South Korea and the US, local media Kyodo News reported, citing the latest weekly update of the World Health Organiza tion (WHO).Manylocal residents with mild infections are quarantined at home, while those reporting serious symptoms are struggling for hospitalization. According to Japan’s Health Ministry, more than 1.54 million infected people nationwide were quarantined at home as of August 10, the highest number since outbreak was first reported.Hospital bed occu pancy rate is rising, said the country’s public broad caster NHK, citing govern ment statistics that as of Monday, the Covid bed use rate was 91 per cent in Kanagawa prefecture, 80 percent in Okinawa, Aichi and Shiga, and 70 per cent in Fukuoka, Nagasaki and Shizuoka.
BEIRUT, AUG 19 (AP): A rocket attack on a crowded market in a town held by Turkey-backed oppo sition fighters in northern Syria on Friday killed at least nine people and wounded dozens, an opposi tion war monitor and a paramedic groupThereported.attack on the town of al-Bab came days after a Turkish airstrike killed at least 11 Syrian troops and US-backed Kurdish fighters. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, an opposition war monitor, blamed Syrian gov ernment forces for the shelling, saying it was in retaliation for the TurkishTheairstrike.Observatory said the at tack killed at least 10 and wounded more than 30. The opposition’s Syrian Civil Defense, also known as White Helmets, had a lower death toll, saying nine people, in cluding children, were killed and 28 were wounded. The paramedic group said its members evacuated some of the wounded and the dead bodies. Discrepancies in casualty figures immediately after attacks are not uncommon in Syria. Turkey has launched three major cross-border operations into Syria since 2016 and controls some territories in the north. Although the fighting has waned over the past few years, shelling and airstrikes are not uncommon in northern Syria that is home to the last major rebel stronghold in the country. Syria’s conflict that began in March 2011, has killed hundreds of thousands and displaced half the country’s pre-war population of 23Presidentmillion.
Japan reports Covid spike, medical system overwhelmed

Tourism Department, Keduosie-u Metha, briefly highlighted the significance of photog raphy and the impact on the human history over the decades.Expressing that it was more than an art form, but a vital tool for docu menting and preserving the culture and traditions, Metha, stated that through photography, valuable mo ments were captured and treasured.Shealso stressed on the need to take up the art in a serous manner, to promote the rich culture and heritage of our people. Further, appreciated the contribution of the Club and lauded their initiative. The program was hosted by Shahilo Kent, who highlighted that over the decades, Naga cul ture has been portrayed through the perspective only of British explorers however, Kent also men tioned that through the ‘World Photography Day’ celebrated in Kma art form of photographs, it has given the privilege to showcase our culture, hence, the theme ‘I Naga” was chosen.President PCK, Su chamayang Kichu men tioned that the aim of such initiative was to bring all photographers and photog raphy lovers to celebrate the art and witness the passion and means of expression that binds them inphotographyKohima,Photographytogether.Clubwasfoundedbyenthusiasts2021,tocelebratetheart form through their passion. Winners of the photography competi tion: Winner - Rajkumar Joyshankar Singh, winning cash prize of Rs. 10,000, first runners-up bagged by – Vilieme Koutsu taking prize money of Rs. 7000, second runners-up – Likao Kinghen with Rs. 5000 and People’s Choice Award by Pelevizo Meyase, taking home Rs. 3000 cash prize. Altogether the event witnessed 25 participants and 98 photos were on display. (Correspondent)
T emsumongba Ozu kum, has released a music video titled “Merenemjungi” featuring variousTemsumongbaartistes. is a singer, songwriter and a composer from Dimapur who had earlier won sev eral music awards in the Nagaland Music Awards in the past years. The new music will be available on his YouTube channel and features some artistes including Imcha, Sashi, Imyarila, Akumla, Imyatetla, Temjen Naro and Lanu.Thesong talks about today’s generation of DJ Snake to embark on sixcity India tour M ulti-platinum pro ducer thecitiesenthusiaststoSunburn,undersub-variantcase.foransictionalinterlacethatandexposurecitiesamazingeverywhere.was2019,HoliWhentoaoccasion,NovemberwrapNovemberfollowedto20.HyderabadNCRfollowedinSunburnIndiaWhat’ingexpansiveSnakefessionallyGrigahcine,WilliamproknownasDJissettokickoffanIndiatour,startNovember18.The‘TurnDownForhitmakerwillbeinforasixcitytourwitharena.ThefirstcitythelistisAhmedabadbyashowinDelhionNovember19,thenonNovemberThetourwillthenheadPuneonNovember25,byMumbaion25,tofinallyupinBengaluruon27.CommentingontheDJSnakesaidinstatement:“IamexcitedbecomingbacktoIndia.IvisitedIndiaduring2019andSunburnGoatheenergyandvibesoupbeatandpositiveItisalwaystotraveltodifferentinIndia.TheculturalinspiresmymusicIndiacertainlytopsinarea.”DJSnakewillelementsoftradidancemusicwithclasR&BandfunktocreateanthemicelectronicsettheforthcomingshowSunburnArenaisaformatcreatedthebrandumbrellaandwithanaimcatertodancemusicacrossvariouspanIndiaandaroundworld.
Organisers with the 14 finalists first Nagaland Photography Festival on Friday. View of the crowd at the first Nagaland Photography Festival on Friday.
Healthcare delivery system has come a long way in providing primary, preventive and curative health care with its three-tier system viz- Primary, Secondary and Tertiary. Ayushman Bharat lays the foundation of upgradation of existing primary healthcare facilities into Health and Wellness Centres (HWCs) and also provisioned the IT enabled consultation and service delivery through telemedicine. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) with the support from Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) launched eSanjeevani, a national telemedicine platform to virtually connect patients, irrespective of where they live with qualified and skilled health providers. In Nagaland, it was launched on 6th August 2022 by the Health Minister, Shri S. Pangnyu Phom. USAID’s flagship health system strengthening project NISHTHA, implemented by Jhpiego is supporting the state of Nagaland for operationalization of HWCs and smooth implementation of eSanjeevani Tele-Consultation in the state. State Health Department endeavours to strengthen the service delivery through the eSanjeevani application by providing requisite training and other support to the health care workers at all the facility level.
ith the purpose of paying tribute to photography and promoting the art, Photography Club Kohima along with the rest of the world celebrated “World Photography Day”, under the theme ‘I Naga’, sec ond edition, followed by a photo exhibition and com petition at D Cafe, Kohima on AugustDirector,19.
This Tele-Consultation platform has 2 modules: 1) Community Health Officers (CHOs) to Doctor- to enable patient assisted consultations by the CHOs to the Doctors at the HWCs (eSanjeevani AB-HWC). Patients requiring treatment should visit the Health and Wellness Center-SC, whereby necessary examination and investigation will be done and tele-consultation can be initiated through the Community Health Officers.
2) Patient to Doctor- it allows patients to consult doctors from the comfort of their homes (eSanjeevani OPD). For Patient to Doctor Consultation, the application can be accessed using the web page URL as Download the android/ IOS based eSanjeevani OPD Applicaton from Play Store and follow the steps shown below: e-Sanjeevani OPD Flow Chart
The timing of the eSanjeevani OPD services initially will function from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm on official working Days. dc-944/22 dp-3932/22 dp-3936/22
youngsters who are greatly influenced by social media. talks about God’s love towards humanity how God wants us to walk in his path, the right path.
Miss Kiphire to be held on September 17
A two-day first Naga land FestivalPhotographyorganised by Photography Club Di mapur (PCD) commenced on Friday at Mandeville Garden, Purana Bazaar, Dimapur, with chief sec retary (retd) and CEO, IDAN, Alemtemshi Jamir as the special Deliveringguest.a short speech at the inaugural programme, Jamir said that photography is a “wonder ful world” which freezes time where one can hold the memories and also connectsJamirpeople.alsostated that Nagas now has to be pre pared to keep in touch with the changing times, adding that technology is changing.Healso urged the photography club to bring some conception and ideas about how to bring more advanced technologies and expressed hope that the state government might be able to come forward and help.Jamir reminded that photography was meant for documentation and keep moments alive, adding that now, there’s a great need for documentation among the Nagas, and further urged the club on the ne cessity of documentation of unique Naga history, tradition, and Letminthang,withMeanwhile,culture.speakingpresidentofPCD,heinformed that the main objective of the festival was to take Nagaland into the map of world photography and also connect with the neighbouring states and rest of India to be able to promote Nagaland and also to take fellowship with the rest of the country. He also added that photography as a form of art was progressing, whereby the festival was aimed at levelling up with the international level. He further informed that the photography festi val in Dimapur was first of its kind in whole of India, adding that most photogra phy festivals were concen trated as exhibitions, while the photography festival in Dimapur was a kind of properHefestival.lateradded that PCD aims to set up a big photography institute so the Nagas as well as whole of North East can benefit from it. (Staff Reporter)
‘First Nagaland Photography Festival’ underway
Alemtemshi Jamir inaugurating the
Winners of the Photography competition with their prizes. (DIPR)
Temsumongba Ozukum releases music video
e-Sanjeevani Tele-Consultation Platform for the State of Nagaland e-Sanjeevani enables a patient residing in rural areas to avail quality healthcare services. It extends the reach of specialized healthcare services to masses in both rural areas and isolated communities. It will also enable the health practitioners to give e-prescriptions.
It also
M eraki Entertain ment organizerNagaland,ofMis ter Dimapur, Mister Chü moukedima and Mister Kohima will be organizing Miss Kiphire after a gap of 15 years, in collabora tion with IWSN Training Centre on September 17 at Kiphire, local ground. Special appearance for the event will be Dreamz Un limited. Moko Koza will also be performing during the grand finale along with some local artistes from the district and Suzzan Awomi VLCC Miss India Nagaland will be the show stopper.

Pramod, Kadam reach finals in singles and men’s doubles at Para Badminton
After just 11 moves the computer suggested Aronian was losing with his queen hopelessly trapped on a5 and by move 14 he was dead “Wow!lost.What a play by Pragg,” said Grandmaster Peter Leko. “Beating Levon like this, or crushing him like this, tricking him like this. Unbelievable, never seen this ever before!” Game 4 was a differ ent story -- but the same result. In a brilliant game, Aronian threw everything at the youngster, yet Pragg defended for his life and then pounced when the older player blundered. Pragg had won 3-1 and was immediately congratu lated by his opponent.
ODI Praggnanandhaa Felix Auger-Aliassime Jessica Pegula Pramod Bhagat
You had touched countless lives in your lifetime, and even after your death, you live through your good deeds. We miss you always. Loving wife and relatives 10th DEATH ANNIVERSARY OF LATE20.08.2012TALIMEREN mkc-297/22db-908/22
Loving Dad, Mom, Brother and Sisters 1st Death anniversary Of Our Beloved Daughter Late Miss ilitoli aye P-3927/22 Lt. Imtitoshi Jamir Born : 15.12.1983 – Died : 04.08.2022 The family of Late Mr. Imtitoshi Jamir extend our warmest gratitude for all the expressions of sympathy and support shown to us during the recent bereavement. We deeply appreciate each and everyone for your kindness and thoughtfulness to get us through this difficult time. Our lives go on without you but nothing is the same. Sad are the hearts that love you, silent are the tears that fall, living here without you is the hardest part of all. The special years will not return when we were all together but with love and memories in our hearts you will walk with us forever. You are dearly missed. Loving Wife, Sons, Brothers, Sister and In-laws Gratitude dP-3933/22 dc-931/22
CINCINNATI, AUG 19 (IANS): Two of the top10 seeds at the Western & Southern Open collided on Thursday as Felix AugerAliassime defeated Jannik Sinner 2-6, 7-6 (7-1), 6-1. In women’s singles, America’s Jessica Pegu la eliminated England’s Emma Raducanu 7-5, 6-4. It was Sinner who looked sharpest early, tak ing the first three games of the opening set before securing a double break, but while Auger-Aliassime struggled to deal with the Italian’s serve early on, it was not the case as the match wore on, DPA re ports.Sinner won 80 per cent (12-of-15) of his first serve points in the first set, but that number dwindled down to 62 per cent in the second and 50 per cent in the third as Auger-Alias sime grew into the contest and stormed home Auger-Aliassimelate.will face the in-form Borna Co ric in the quarter-finals after the Croatian backed up his shock upset win against Rafael Nadal by defeating 15th seed Roberto Bautista Agut 6-2, 6-3. Pegula eliminates Ra ducanu, Swiatek falls After back-to-back wins over former grand slam champions Serena Williams and Victoria Azarenka, Eng land’s Emma Raducanu has been eliminated from the Western & Southern Open by America’s Jessica Pegula 7-5, 6-4.Ina clash between two of the world’s top 11 play ers, it was the 28-year-old Pegula who proved slightly too good for her 19-year-old opponent in a number of MIAMI, AUG 19 (IANS): The FTX Crypto Cup seems to be heading to wards a tense two-horse race as Indian teenager Praggnanandhaa and Nor way’s World No. 1 Magnus Carlsen both crushed their opponents in the fourth round here and remained in jointThelead.two front-runners look increasingly impos sible to catch up with as they stretched their lead over the pack with three points each on Thursday, that took them to perfect 12/12Praggscores.defeated Ameri can Levin Aronian 3-1 while Carlsen handed a similar verdict to Vietnam’s Liem Quang Le in the fourthTheround.second Major of the Meltwater Champions Chess Tour season may now go down to the final round on Sunday when Carlsen, the world cham pion, and 17-year-old Pragg face each Withother.three rounds to go, Carlsen and Pragg aren’t completely in the clear yet though. The excit ing teenager Alireza Fir ouzja is still in the hunt for the FTX title and sits third on the leaderboard with eightInpoints.acrazy match, Fir ouzja beat Poland’s World Cup winner Jan-Krzysztof Duda 2.5-1.5. He will need both Carlsen and Pragg to slip up badly to catch them, however.Pragg again showed he’s the real deal at just 17 by smoothly beating America’s former world blitz and rapid champion Levon Aronian, the or ganisers of the tour, Play Magnus Group, informed in a release on FollowingFriday.adraw in game 1 of the four rapid encounters, the youngster from Chennai had briefly looked in trouble both on the clock and on the board in a rollercoaster game 2. But when the queens came off the board, it pe tered out quickly into a draw and after that it was one-wayGametraffic.3was unmiti gated disaster for Aronian. Playing the Grunfeld De fence, an opening he rarely plays, the 39-year-old fell into an early trap.
You left a legacy and lots of memories for us, our hearts ache for you. Dear Beloved it's already been a year and we still can’t believe that you’re gone. We missed you everyday and even after a year we are not strong enough to accept you’reWegone.miss you Deeply.
Champions Chess Tour: Pragg, Carlsen score similar 3-1 wins in fourth Round
ROTTERDAM, AUG 19 (IANS): Pakistan over came the early loss of both their openers, Fakhar Za man and Imam-ul-Haq, as they thrashed Netherlands by seven wickets with more than 16 overs to spare in the second One-day Inter national at Hazelaarweg here to take an unassailable 2-0 lead in the three-match series.Following the dismiss al of Fakhar Zaman and Imam-ul-Haq on 3 and 6 runs respectively, skipper Babar Azam, Mohammad Rizwan and Agha Salman hit fine half-centuries to overhaul the hosts’ meagre total of 186 in just 33.4 overs on Thursday evening. Rizwan, who seemed a bit short of confidence when he came in to bat, struck an unbeaten 82-ball 69 as he and skipper Babar went about the task of amassing runs in clinical fashion. While Riwan con tinued to play safe, Salman who came at the dismissal of Babar Azam, was bel ligerent in his unbeaten knock of 50, smashing the winning runs off 35 deliv eries, embellished with five boundaries and two sixes. With 12 required to win, he hit 10 off the first three balls of the 34th over. Requiring a six to get to his 50, he slammed Vivian Kingma for a lofty maxi mum as Pakistan won the series.Earlier, after winning the toss and electing to bat first, the Dutch found the going tough with openers Vikramjit Singh (1) and Max O’Dowd (1) depart ing in the second and third overs respectively. The pair of Haris Rauf and Naseem Shah then reduced the hosts to 8/3 inside four overs. But Bas de Leede (89) and Tom Cooper (66) played patient innings to guide the Netherlands to a respectable 186.
Auger-Aliassime, Pegula advance at Cincinnati different areas, reports DPA. Pegula was stronger both on serve and in her returns, winning 73 per cent (46-of-63) of her service points compared to 60 per cent (43-of-72) for Radu canu, while creating nine break point opportunities to Raducanu’s three. She will now face the in-form Caroline Garcia in the quarterfinals after the Frenchwoman defeated Elise Mertens 6-4, 7-5. France’s Garcia has now won 10 of her past 11 matches, including a victory over world number one Iga Swiatek last Swiatek’smonth.loss to Gar cia was considered a mas sive upset, as was her loss to Madison Keys on Thursday as the American shocked her 6-3, 6-4 in less than 90 minutes. Swiatek was only able to land 54 per cent of her first serves fair in an off showing for the 21-year-old superstar.
Pakistan recover to Netherlandsthrashin
NEW DELHI, AUG 19 (IANS): World No 1 Pramod Bhagat and World No 4 Sukant Kadam have reached the finals of the men’s singles and doubles SL 3 - SL 4 event of the Thailand Para Badminton InternationalAccordingtournament.toinforma tion received here, Pramod Bhagat secured his final’s spot in the singles finals af ter defeating fellow Indian Kumar Nitesh in straight sets. The match lasted for 37 minutes and the final score read 21-12 and 21-18. Now the ace shuttler will face England’s Daniel Bethell whom Pramod de feated at the Paralympics to win India’s first Badminton gold medal in Olympics/ Paralympics. Pramod Bha gat and Sukant Kadam also secured their men’s doubles final’s spot after defeating India’s Mohammad Arwaz Ansari and Deep Ranjan Bisoyee in 3 sets. The match was pushed to its limit and Pramod and Sukant held their nerve to win with the score line of 21-10, 14-21 and 21-14. Now the duo will face the Indonesian pair of Dwiyoko Dwiyoko and Fredy Setiawan. In mixed doubles Pramod Bhagat and Manisha Ramadass went down in semifinals to the French pair of Lucas Mazur and Faustine Noel. World No 4 Sukant Kadam secured his final spot defeating Thailand’s Siripong Teamarrom in straight sets. The match lasted only 23 minutes and the final score read 21-10 and 21-16. In the finals the shuttler will face Lucas Mazur of France.

MYK C MYK C Printed, Published and Edited by Geoffrey Yaden at G.M. Printers, Circular Rd. Dimapur-797112. Ph: Desk 248489, Adm.& Advertisement :248267,8798162009, R.N. 40978/90 RN/NE 707
Neroca FC produced an excellent performance to beat Trau FC 3-1 in the ‘Imphal Derby’ in the Du rand Cup 2022 at the Khu man Lampak stadium, here on Thursday.Tangva Ragui put the Orange brigade ahead as early as the 16th minute, only for Komron Tursunov to equalise three minutes later. Thomyo then headed in to put Neroca ahead again, before Nigerian John Chidi took advantage of a defensive error to score the insurance goal, in the 50th minute of the second half. Derby nerves were clear from end to end as well as tough football was on dis play right from the starting whistle with both sides not willing to give an inch. Trau in fact had the first real chance as the Ner oca defence was caught but keeper Soram Porei was more than up to the task. Then came the goal, a good team effort by the Orange brigade involving John and a cross from Lun minlen Haokip which was brilliantly side-footed into the net by Tangva who liter ally bulldozed into the box. However, Neroca’s joy was short-lived as the classy Komron Tursunov got on the scoresheet, getting at the end of a cross from Khann gam.Attacks continued from both ends with Neroca slowly getting the upper hand and they finally got their reward when Thomyo headed in from a cross by the overlapping Singson. The Orange supporters were definitely the hap pier going into the break and they would remain so till theAnyend.hopes of a win that Trau would have nur tured going into the break, evaporated just five minutes into the second half and largely of their own doing. John Chidi, always lurking around, intercepted a catastrophic back-pass to the keeper and calmly slotted home and Neroca won 3-1.
FC Goa bounce back with a 1-0 win over Indian Air Force.
file nominations
NEW DELHI, AUG 19 (PTI): Young striker Mani sha Kalyan has become the first Indian footballer to play at the UEFA Women’s Champions League when she made her debut for Apollon Ladies FC in the European Club competition in Engomi,KalyanCyprus.replaced Cy prus’ Marilena Georgiou in the 60th minute at the Makareio Stadium, as Apol lon Ladies FC beat Latvian top flight club SFK Riga 3-0 in their UWCL opener on Thursday.The 20-year-old had emerged as the fourth In dian women’s international footballer to sign for an over seas club when she landed a multi-year contract with Cypriot top division winners ApollonKalyanLadies.had produced impressive performances for the national team and Gokulam Kerala in the Indi an Women’s League (IWL). She was recently awarded the AIFF Women’s Footballer of the Year for the 2021-22Kalyanseason.had shot to fame last year when she scored against former World Cup runners-up Brazil in their own den during an international friendly. Kalyan is the second player from Gokulam Ker ala to sign for an overseas club after Dangmei Grace joined Uzbek outfit FC Na saf. Apollon Ladies will next play FC Zurich Frauen on August 21.
Correspondent KOHIMA, AUG 19 (NPN): On day 3 of the ongoing football events of the Na galand Olympic and Paralympic Games 2022, Mon, Kohima, Peren and Dimapur emerged as the winners in their respective matches played at IG Stadium, here on Friday. In the first match of the day Mon thrashed Tuensang in a one sided match 5-0 while Kohima registered their second victory by defeating Shamator 5-2. In the other match, Peren blanked Wokha 4-0 while Dimapur beat Zunhe boto 3-0 in the fourth and final match of the day. SATURDAY’S MATCHES Phek vs Longleng (9 am) Chümoukedima vs Niuland (11.10 am) Noklak vs Tseminyü (1:30 pm) Mokokchung (3:30 pm)
Players of Dimapur District Badminton Association with the president and team managers before leaving to participate in the forthcoming inter district Badminton tournament to be held at Longleng.
M/S Global Infrastructure and Construction in the donated land by Nihokhu as part of their social responsi bility has dedicated the ground for the upcoming youth and promotion of sports in the area. During the visit, presi dent of Ato Area Sports Association, Vito Z Sumi on behalf of the associa tion handed a memoran dum to the minister for construction of rostrumcum-integrated sports com plex under any centrally sponsoredMeanwhile,scheme. the as sociation has extended gratitude and appreciation to the minister for visiting the ongoing construction work. The association also appreciated the pres ence of Wing commander S Akheto Jakhalu VSM, who was the chief guest in the Ato Area Sports Meet. The Legacy Futsal Arena which started as a family venture came in to being through the initiation of four football enthusiast. Earlier, a dedicatory prayer was offered by Rev. Thungjanshio Odyuo, pas tor Phiro Baptist Church. The inaugural function was chaired by Anthony Ngul lie, Co-Partner LFA. It is often witnessed that when prominent name emerges, a lot of candidates withdraw their nomination. While Bhutia has filed his nomination as an “emi nent player”, the inclusion of which is debatable, he could turn out to be a unify ing figure if right-minded people come together to break the impasse. “I have filed my nomi nations as representative of eminent players. In the wake of the SC decision to allow players I hope the players can have a chance to serve Indian football. We want to show we can be good not only as players but also as administrators,” Bhutia told PTI. Bhutia had contested the state assem bly elections in Bengal for Trinamool Congress and in 2019 formed his own party ‘HumroHoursSikkim’.before the FIFA ban on AIFF earlier this week the Committee of Ad ministrators (CoA) running football in India had agreed to hold the sports body’s elections without giving voting rights to ‘eminent’ players as per the world body’sChaubeywish. had been a petitioner in the case to remove Praful Patel for over staying his tenure and not someone who has filed pa pers for the heck of it. “I have got Gujarat and Arunachal backing my nomination and I have been a former player myself,” Chaubey, who was a re serve goalkeeper of national team, told PTI. For Banerjee, the mere mention of his younger sis ter invoked a sharp response. “People may say what ever but I’ve no political connection. For over 50 years I’ve been serving football and she (Mamata Banerjee) has never inter fered,” Banerjee told PTI when asked how much ac tive support she will receive from the CM.
DIMAPUR, AUG 19 (NPN): Minister of Plan ning and Coordination, Neiba Kronu visited the ongoing construction of sports ground for Ato area (football and basketball) at Nihokhu village, Niuland district on August 17. According to media cell of Ato Area Sports Association (AASA), the football ground along with first basketball court in Ato area is being constructed by
Dr. Chumben Murry, DC Wokha along with the Co-partners of LFA. (DIPR)
Neiba Kronu, members of AASA and others at the construction site of sports ground at Nihokhu village on August 17. (AASA Media Cell)
Manisha Kalyan Bhaichung Bhutia and Kalyan Chaubey
NerocabeatTrau 3-1in‘Imphalderby’ Kalyan becomes first Indian to play UEFA Women’s Champions League Polls: Chaubey
DIMAPUR, AUG 19 (NPN): Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi in his message to the Naga land Olympic Association (NOA) hoped that host ing Nagaland Olympic & Paralympic Games 2022, the biggest ever sports meet in the state, will certainly pave way for many young sportspersons to make their mark at the national and international levels. NOA and Nagaland government will be hosting the Nagaland Olympic and Paralympic Games 2022 from August 22 onwards. In a press commu niqué NOA media team stated that prime minister said that games were fur thering empowerment with the inclusion of Paralympic sports at the State Games. He said the motto of the games, “Stronger to gether” were indeed two words that succinctly cap ture the spirit of sport and its impact.Hesaid that sport knows no boundaries or barriers, no divisions or disharmony. “People may belong to any social or eco nomic background outside, but on the field, they are athletes who are pushing their limits in a quest to bring glory to their team, district, state, or nation”, minister also stated that in “New India”, sporting excellence has become a way of life. “Be it the record medal tally in the Tokyo Olym pics, the unprecedented performance in the Tokyo Paralympics that exceeded the total tallies of all previ ous editions, or the brilliant efforts seen in the recent Commonwealth Games, youth are putting India on the sporting map of the world like never before”, he said. He further extended best wishes to each and every sportsperson partici pants stating that they were the future of India and their enthusiastic involvement in such sporting events augurs well for the Meanwhile,nation. NOA thanked the prime minister and stated that his mes sage was a great source of encouragement not just for the Olympic frater nity of Nagaland but to all youngsters, especially the sportspersons. NOA also appreciated the support and solidarity of the Prime Minister and continued to look up to his support and guidance in the future too.
Durand Cup: FC Goa beat Indian Air Force 1-0
toWillBhutia’spresenceleadwithdrawalofnominations from Karnataka State Foot ball Association, who is a local Congress MLA and a very active participant in AIFF politics. There is a second Con gress member and a surprise nominee in Rajasthan’s Ma navendra Singh, who was formerly with BJP.
Nagaland Olympic: Football result Legacy Futsal Arena inaugurated at Wokha
PM Modi on Nagaland Olympic Narendra Modi
NEW DELHI, AUG 19 (PTI): The legendary Bhaic hung Bhutia on Friday filed his nomination for the presi dent’s post in the upcoming AIFF elections but getting through won’t be easy for the former footballer as several candidates with po litical affiliations have also thrown their hats in the ring. There are ex-foot ballers turned politicians and politicians who aspire to enter sports administra tion in the fray along with long-time sports administra tor, who want to grab the top job in All India Football Federation (AIFF). The deadline to file nominations for the post ex pired on Friday. The muchdelayed elections are sched uled for August 28. Bhutia’s name has been proposed by his for mer national team colleague Deepak Mondal and sec onded by “eminent woman player” Madhhu Kumari. However for him to succeed it is imperative that electoral college is not without former players. As of now FIFA statues do not allow their presence. A clear picture will emerge when Supreme court re sumes its hearing on the issue on Monday. Former Mohun Bagan and East Bengal goalkeeper Kalyan Chaubey, a BJP leader from West Bengal, who has un successfully fought one gen eral and one state assembly elections, will be the biggest threat to a foot baller is no match to Bhutia but a look at the former custodian’s proposer (Gu jarat Football Assocciation) and seconder (Arunachal Pradesh) explains the im pact his presence could make to the outcome of the state of two of India’s biggest political leaders (PM Na rendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah) while Arunachal Pradesh is for mer sports minister and current Law Minister Kiren Rijiju’s home state. There Ajit Banerjee, who is IFA (West Bengal) president but his primary identity is him being the el der brother to West Bengal CM and Trinamool Con gress supremo Mamata Banerjee. He wouldn’t have entered the fray had he not had the go-ahead from the party leadership. The third footballer in the list and youngest candidate is 36-year-old former India midfielder Eugeneson Lyngdoh, who is now an MLA. He repre sents regional heavyweight United Democratic Party in Meghalaya.Lyngdoh, who played for India alongside Sunil Chhetri, entered active politics when his father passed away and won the election from Mawphlang constituency.Thereis NA Haris DIMAPUR, AUG 19 (NPN): Advisor of Law & Justice, Dr.Chumben Mur ry inaugurated the Legacy Futsal Arena (LFA) at Etsuchukha colony Wokha town on August 19. According to DIPR, addressing the inaugural programme, themFutsaltheaofinitiativetheRanjan,er,progress.footballthisexploreportunitygivinginnovativefutsalandcongratulatedDr.Chumbenthepartnersco-partnersofLegacyforcomingupwithinitiativeandplatformandoptotheyouthstotheirtalents.HehopethatthroughinitiativethegameofinthedistrictwillDeputyCommissionWokhaAjitKumarwhoalsospokeatfunction,termedtheasanexampleentrepreneurshipandgratifyingmomentforco-partnersofLegacyarenaandlaudedfortheachievement.
AUGKOLKATA/IMPHAL,19(PTI/IANS): De fending Champions FC Goa bounced back from their opening day loss as they eked out a 1-0 win over In dian Air Force (IAF) at the Durand Cup here on Friday. Muhammed Nemil was the lone goal scorer at a rainy, blustery Kishore Bharati Krirangan here. With the win, Goa join Mohammedan Sporting and Bengaluru FC with three points in Group A, even though the latter have a game in hand. Jamshedpur FC is the other team in the group. The top two teams from each Group qualify for the quarter-finals.TheGaurs got their goal early through Nemil, who struck his second in two games in the tourna ment. The move came from the right when Mevan Dias broke through and deliv ered a minus inside the box finding his classy centreforward in space. Nemil turned, transferred the ball to his favoured left-foot and found the bottom corner with precision. He could have made it three for the tournament 15 minutes later, but this time his curler from just outside the box, missed narrowly. In the secondhalf, the Airmen did try and apply some pressure but the organised and well-schooled Gaurs defence held firm. The Air Force upped the ante in search for an equaliser and in the final 10 minutes got several chances to draw level. Mohd. Aqib first hit the cross-bar and then substitute Prabhjot Singh unleashed a wonder ful free-kick, drawing a fan tastic save from Goa keeper HrithikTheTiwari.AirForce got as many as three corners as well in the last few minutes but couldn’t cash in.