Correspondent KOHIMA, AUG 23 (NPN): Union Minister for Finance and Corporate Affairs Nir mala Sitharaman has set a timeline – September 1 to November 30, 2022 – for every district in Nagaland to conduct their outreach pro grammes regarding credit schemes for farmers Kisan Credit Card (KCC) scheme. Addressing the Bank ers’ Conclave/Credit Out reach Programme at Capi tal Cultural Hall here on Tuesday in the presence of Nagaland governor Prof. Jagdish Mukhi and chief minister Neiphiu Rio, Sith araman called upon the banks to reach out to all eligible beneficiaries with the help of local MLAs and district administration and also requested chief minister Neiphiu Rio to use the State machinery to identify eligi ble citizens for the schemes. She regretted that against the target of 2.3 lakh, only 70,927 farmers in Nagaland were given Kisan Credit Card (KCC) scheme. She also asked the bankers to give feedback on whether the mission was ac complished or any difficul ties faced during the course of carrying out the mission.
DIMAPUR, AUG 23 (NPN): India Meteorologi cal Department (IMD) has predicted heavy rainfall in the North East during the next five days. IMD stat ed that heavy rainfall was very likely to occur at iso lated places over Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Megha laya, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram and Tripura on August 26, 2022. It also stated that fairly widespread light/moderate rainfall with isolated heavy falls and thun derstorm/lightning was like ly over Arunachal Pradesh on August 23, 26 & 27 and over Assam & Meghalaya and Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram & Tripura during next five days. IMD has also issued a yellow watch over the entire North East. State logs 7 fresh Covid-19 cases
DIMAPUR, AUG 23 (NPN): Nagaland on Tues day recorded seven fresh Covid-19 cases, pushing the total caseload to 35,897. Of the fresh cases, two each were reported from Kiphire and Kohima and one each in Dimapur, Mokokchung and Longleng. The death toll remained unchanged at 777.
www.nagalandpost.com Nagaland Post MYK C MYK C Vol XXXII No. 259 DIMAPUR, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2022 Pages 12 ` 5.00 Nagaland Olympics & Paralympic Games underway SPORTS, PAGE 12 FOLLOW US ON @Nagaland_Postnagalandpostofficial Almost half of Europe at risk of drought: Report INTERNATIONAL, PAGE 9
DIMAPUR, AUG 23 (NPN): Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee (NPCC) has con demned the alleged custodial death of one Hen veih Phom of Anaki village under Mokokchung district while in the custody of Assam police. In a press note, NPCC president K. Therie has demanded for a judicial probe to be con ducted since the victim died while in the custody of government agencies. As reported, Henveih was reportedly ar rested by Assam police along with another person recently. Though the other accused was reportedly released, it was learnt that Henveih was detained.According to reports, the family was in formed only after three days that the dead body was kept at a hospital in Assam. The body was handed over to his family.
Meanwhile, the min ister also virtually inaugu rated the Nagaland Rural Bank, Chessore branch, Shamator district and two other projects under Tribal Development Fund of NA BARD.
Dmu traffic advisory
It was also announced that 100% saturation of all eligible farmers under KCC in two project areas in Wokha and Phek districts will be carried out by the Nagaland State Coopera tive Bank.
Sitharaman said the government was trying to ensure that all eligible farm ers were covered, while also admitting that difficult ter rain made accessibilitya big challenge.Sheremarked that the only way to overcome the challenge was through mo bile connectivity and asked banks to adapt themselves with latest technologies to enable mobile tiveyoungscheme.programmeaccounts18.81banksinmoreandsionperformingedgedSitharamanbanking.acknowlthatNagalandhadwellinAtalPenYojana,MudraSchemeStart-ups,byachievingthanthenation’stargetAPYandMudrascheme.ShedisclosedthathadsanctionedRscroreagainst551duringtwo-dayunderMudraSheassuredthatmindswithinnovaideas,eveninruralareas would be provided skills and supported through banks. She said the scheme was implemented well in Na galand as 523 accounts had already been opened and Rs 112 crore disbursed through loans for SCs and STs. Open branches in remote areas: Rio tells banks In his address, chief minister Neiphiu Rio, while acknowledging that much help was required from pri vate banks to expand credit base even as deposit base of some private banks had expanded, hoped that the private banks would also expand their network of branches without limiting themselves to Dimapur and Kohima“Wealone.urge them (bank ers) to cover the remoter towns, and especially the un banked 26 of the 74 blocks,” Rio said.
NAME OF SCHEME (INRAmountincrore) Beneficiaries Prime Minister Employment Generation programme (PMEGP) 14.19 134 Kisan Credit Card (KCC) 13.54 1418 Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY) 18.81 551 Stand Up India (SUI) 3.40 11 Self Help Group (SHG) 4.80 193 PM Street Vendor’s AtmaNirbhar Nidhi (PM SVANidhi) 0.5 60 PM Formalisation of Micro Food Processing Enterprises (PMFME) 3.7 3 Retail segment including loans like personal, pension, Auto, Demand and overdrafts on Term deposits etc. 76.54 809 MSME Loans 55.57 189 Housing Loans 17.15 47 Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM) 1.6 7 NPCC demands judicial probe into custodial death
Sitharaman inaugurating the Axis Bank branch Mon. (DIPR)
NE records lowest rainfall in 122 years (Cont’d on
NEW DELHI, AUG 23 (AGENCIES): Hours after industrialist Gautam Ada ni’s group said it will buy a majority stake in New Delhi Television Ltd (NDTV), the media group stated that the move was executed without its consent.“Without any discus sion with NDTV or its founder-promoters, a notice has been served upon them by Vishvapradhan Com mercial Private Limited (VCPL), stating that VCPL has exercised its rights to acquire 99.50% control of RRPR Holding Private Lim ited (RRPRH), the promot er-owned Company that owns 29.18% of NDTV,” the NDTV said in a statement. Earlier in the day, Ada ni group firms made an offer to acquire 26 per cent stake of NDTV following indirect acquisition of 29.18 per cent shareholding in the media and news broadcaster. Three firms, VCPL along with AMG Media Networks and Adani Enterprises Ltd, have offered a price of Rs 294 for the acquisition of up to 1,67,62,530 fully paid-up eq uity shares of NDTV having a face value of Rs 4 from the public“AMVL’sshareholders.whollyowned subsidiary Vish vapradhan Commercial Pvt Ltd (VCPL) holds warrants of RRPR Holding Pvt Ltd (RRPR) entitling it to con vert them into a 99.9 per cent stake in RRPR. VCPL has exercised warrants to acquire 99.5 per cent in RRPR,” the Adani group said, adding that such ac quisition will result in VCPL acquiring control of RRPR. “RRPR is a promoter group company of NDTV and holds a 29.18 per cent stake in NDTV,” the state ment said. “VCPL, along with AMG Media Networks Ltd and AEL (persons act ing in concert), will launch an open offer to acquire up to 26 per cent stake in NDTV.”Making its foray into the media sector, Adani Me dia Ventures Ltd (AMVL), the media arm under the group’s flagship Adani En terprises Ltd (AEL), had last year acquired the digi tal business news platform Quintillion Business Media Pvt Ltd.The notice from VCPL is based on the loan agree ment it entered with NDTV founders Radhika and Pran noy Roy in 2009-10, the NDTV said.
Sitharaman releasing the handbook on CM’s Micro Finance Initiative in the presence of governor, chief minister and others. (DIPR) Nirmala Sitharaman lighting the lamp to inaugurate the Bankers’ Conclave/Credit Outreach Programme. (DIPR)
CM’s Micro Finance Initiative launched OF BY
NEW DELHI, AUG 23 (AGENCIES): North East India has registered a 44% deficit in rainfall for the month of July, even as the rest of the country has re ceived ample rains, a Down ToEarth report said citing the India Julyperiod17%327.7424.1rainfall1901.reportedlythe234.6DepartmentMeteorological(IMD).NorthEastrecordedmmofrainduringmonthofJuly.ThisisthelowestsinceTheaverageexpectedfortheNorthEastismm.Indiarecordedmmofrainfall,aboutmorethanitslongaverage(LPA),till2022.
Sitharaman stresses on importance of financial inclusion
Union Minister Fi nance & Corporate Af fairs Nirmala Sitharaman handed over loans worth Rs 205 crore to over 3,000 beneficiaries on Tuesday. The minister handed cheques to 3422 borrow ers/beneficiaries of 11 ma jor schemes amounting to Rs. 205 crore during the Banker’s CommitteeunderextendedloanKohima.theOutreachConclave/CreditProgrammeatCapitalCulturalHall,ThisispartofatotalamountofRs223croreto3837borrowersStateLevelBankers(SLBC). (See
DIMAPUR, AUG 23 (NPN): State health & family welfare (H&FW) department has informed that individuals, who were partially vaccinated (In dian or Foreign Nationals), could be provided with remaining doses (2nd and Precaution dose) of any domestically available/ap proved Covid-19 vaccines in theIncountry.apress statement, state immunization officer Dr. Ritu Thurr stated that the Union Health minis try has received several requests from Indian as well as foreign nationals to extend domestic Co vid-19 Vaccines to them for remaining doses (2nd or precaution dose) who have received Covid-19 vaccine from outside India. The necessary provi sions on COWIN portal are being made available for the same especially to create their records and further take the due dose of COVID-19 vaccines. In this regard, the chief medical officers have been directed to extend the necessary services, ensure wide publicity and take all necessary measures for smooth implementation.
Heavy rainfall likely to lash NE
FM MON BRANCH deptt informs on domestic Covid vaccines
it! “I guess reverting back to govt selling liquor is minimum governance and maximum govt.”
FM DIMAPUR, AUG 23 (NPN): Union Minister for Finance and Corporate Af fairs Nirmala Sitharaman and chief minister Neiphiu Rio jointly launched Chief Minister’s Micro Finance Initiative at Capital Cultural Hall, Kohima on Tuesday. According to DIPR, the scheme had been ap proved by the State govern ment to ensure availability of affordable credit for car rying out economic ac tivities and aims to enhance farmers’ income by increas ing investment in agri and allied sector, improve agrimarketing network and in frastructure, promote credit discipline and boost private enterprise.Theeligible beneficia ries for the scheme are farm ers, entrepreneurs, self-help groups (SHGs), Farmer Producer procurementthroughtionlararecooperative(FPOs)/companiesOrganisationsandsocieties.Theeligibleschemesconstructionofcircueco-hatchery,rejuvenaofanimalhusbandrycreditlinkage,oftransport
Sitharaman also stressed on the importance of connec tivity, both physical and digital connectivity, to ensure access to facility and Sitharamansecurity.appreciated Axis Bank and its manage ment for reaching out so far to provide space for financial inclusion and access all kinds of facilities. She further ap pealed to the people to avail the facilities to the fullest and become productive units of the society as job creators. MD & CEO, Axis Bank, Amitabh Choudhary, on be half of Axis Bank, thanked the finance minister for personally coming to dedicate the four branches in the Northeast. He stated that the flow of invest ments in the Northeast was just the beginning. Choudhary asserted that the desire of the Bank was to expand even further and provide banking facilities in all parts of the region.Axis Bank vice president, Vishal Shah also addressed the gathering.
Mkg youth bodies decry deplorable IMDH road
FM hands over Rs. 205 cr loan to beneficiaries
This is
Adani to acquire 29% stake in NDTV; media group says move without consent vehicle for agriculture prod ucts, integrated farming system, horticulture crop loan scheme and micro finance scheme for microenterprises.Interested persons may apply to District Lev el wouldmissiblewhilearepaymentmumriumduesontheabovelinkage4%videgovernmentment.subsidybankciaries’aredistrictuty(DLIMC)MonitoringImplementation-cum-Committeeheadedbydepcommissioneroftheconcerned.Thefundingpatternasfollows–10%beneficontribution,60%loanand30%backendbytheStategovernInaddition,theStatewouldalsoprointerestsubventionoftoKCCloansandcredittofarmers,overandthe3%providedbyGovernmentofIndiapromptrepaymentofbytheborrower.Therewasamoratoperioduptoamaxiofsixmonthsandperioduptomaximumofsixyears,maximumceilingadunderthisschemebeRs15lakh.
Correspondent MOKOKCHUNG, AUG 23 (NPN): Expressing dis pleasure over deplorable state of roads leading to Dr. Imkongliba Memorial Dis trict Hospital (IMDH), the youth bodies of four wards (Penli, Majakong, Lijaba Lijen and Artang) under Mokokchung town Tuesday have immediate repair of district hospital road. In a joint representa tion to the DC Mokok chung, the presidents of the four youth associations stated that the poor condi tion of IMDH road starting from the main Police Point till Sewak Gate junction, measuring about 2km, was not only causing incon veniences to the regular commuters, but also posing immense health risks to the sick and needy travelling to the hospital for medical attention.They said that the hos pital could be reached by road from two directions i.e. from Police Point and from Sewak Gate sides, but both roads were under “utterly deplorable conditions” at the moment.Asserting that the roads need immediate re paired by any means pos sible, they said that residents of the four wards have been repairing the road from time to time on their own as the concerned authority have always turned a blind eye to “this most vital road” for reasons best known to them. Stating that they have run out of patience, the youth bodies have, there fore, appealed to the author ity to ensure that the whole stretch of the hospital road was repaired immediately. They also cautioned that failure on the part of the authority concerned would amount to apathy towards public welfare and safety.The youth bodies fur ther warned that they would resort to their own course of action, to demonstrate their dissatisfaction, if the road was not repaired immedi ately as demanded.
KCC scheme must cover all districts:
LPA of rainfall is re corded over a particular region for a given interval (like month or season) av eraged over a long period like 30 years, 50 years, etc, according to IMD. The aver age normal rainfall for the country is 280.5 mm. The average minimum temperature for India also peaked at 25.4oC since 1901, breaking the previous record of 25.25 o C in 1942. The IMD report stated that the average maximum tempera ture in east and NE was the highest in 122 years, with 33.75oC breaking the earlier record of 32.66oC recorded in 2009 for the month of July.
Sitharaman reminded that KCC covered not only the farmers who cultivated crops but also those rearing cattle, poultry, piggery and fisheries.She emphasised that with 70% of Nagaland’s population engaged in agri culture, more farmers should be brought under the ambit of KCC. In this regard, she directed the banks to go the extra mile and include those who were involved in rear ing livestock as well.
DIMAPUR, AUG 23 (NPN): In view of the VVIP visit to District hospital, Dimapur on August 24, Di mapur police have informed that no vehicle would be al lowed to ply through Purana Bazaar Highway Junction via newly constructed Bridge located near Urban Haat, Di mapur from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
DIMAPUR, AUG 23 (NPN): Union minister of finance & corporate affairs, Nirmala Sith araman, on Tuesday inaugu rated Axis Bank Mon Branch during her visit to Mon district. According to DIPR, Sith araman, in her address, stated that it was her third visit to the district and narrated about her visit to Longwa during her tenure as the defence minister which had left a deep impres sion in Afterher.interaction with the Konyaks, Sitharaman stated that she was impressed by the way they organised them selves. She acknowledged that the people living in the inter national borders faced severe challenges.Finance minister stressed on the importance of financial inclusion, which the Prime Minister very strongly takes up to ensure inclusion for all strata of the society through various schemes. She stated that such inclusion provides people ac cess to credit without much security, which is very crucial for most people in the bottom layer of the economy, who of ten fall prey to middlemen who charge exorbitant interest rates.

SJC organises talk on historical evolution of counseling
Staff Reporter DIMAPUR, AUG 23 (NPN): For mer NDPP candidate for 2018 as sembly elections from 2 Dimapur-II assembly constituency, Supu Jamir, joined the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) along with around 40 NDPP members on SpeakingTuesday.atthewelcome pro gramme held at 2 Dimapur-II BJP mandal office here, Supu, who is also the convenor for Nagaland Foothill Road Coordination Com mittee, said that the main reason for him joining BJP was to contest elec tion and bring all-round develop ment, and with the hope that joining the national party would be a way to complete the ongoing construction of Nagaland Foothill road. Earlier, the programme was chaired by vice president 2 Di mapur-II mandal Imlichuba Ao, FGN mourns demise of Khrielie Kevichusa DIM APUR: FGN Kedahge, ‘gen. (retd.)’ Viyalie Metha on behalf of FGN, has expressed grief over the demise of former Nagaland Public Service Commission (NPSC) chair man, Razoukhrielie Kevichüsa (R. Kevichüsa), who passed away on August 20. In a condolence message, FGN described late Razoukhrielie as a man of principle and honour, who was dignified.Itsaid besides being a poet, he was also an accomplished musician “who contributed to both the Church and the Naga nation.”
Fire station west Dimapur conducted a “fire and evacuation drill” at St. Stephen’s Higher Secondary School Dimapur on Tuesday.
MKSU felicitates students: Mech Kachari Students’ Union Nagaland organised its 14th felicitation programme on August 21, at Padum Pukhuri Village and was graced by social activist, Lun Tungnung as special guest in the presence of Garo Tribal Council Nagaland, Gorkha Students’ Union Dimapur, Dimasa Students’ Union Nagaland and Garo Students’ Union Nagaland. Altogether, 52 Students were felicitated based on academic performance.
DIMAPUR: The 2nd phase of the district level social audit public hearing under MGNREGS was held in the conference hall of the deputy commissioner (DC), Chümoukedima, Dansiripar block on Tuesday. In a press release, DRDA Dimapur informed that assistant director, Social Audit Unit (SAU) Naga land, in her introductory speech said social audit was a democratic process where people collectively moni tored and evaluated the planning and implementa tion of a programme or scheme.She said social audit was not only an audit of expenditure or decisions but also covered the issue of eq uity and equality in the pro gramme implementation. “It brings on board the perception and knowledge of people, involves people in the task of verification and also brings greater aware ness and acceptability of the government schemes”, she furtherRepresntinginformed. the dis trict administration, SDO (C) Chümoukedima Sadar, observer Temsuchuba Jamir said the grassroots level needs to be empowered by bringing awareness on how projects were implemented in a transparent manner. According to him, so cial audit was a powerful tool to empower people at grassroots level and was es sential for all round develop ment of the village. The social audit re port was presented by block resource (BRB) for Dan siripar block, Talitula Jamir and district resource person for Chümoukedima block, AbenlaTheJamir.resource persons highlighted audit findings where Open Action Taken Reports (ATRs) were dis cussed and rectifications were produced in written by concerned block develop ment officers Altogether,(BDOs).anamount of Rs. 66,010 was recovered from Dansiripar and Chü moukedima blocks. The public hearing re affirmed Gram Sabha reso lutions, which included—to maintain detail transparen cy board for all the executed projects as per specification of Ministry guidelines; to organise Rozgar Diwas on regular basis; to appoint GRS/mates; to initiate ca pacity building measures for VDBs on proper book keeping (seven registers); to update job cards with all the necessary details; to maintain three phases photographs for executed projects.Mismatch amount be tween MIS and block office sanction was noted and resolved to take necessary action to rectify the error; Rozgar Diwas to be held on a regular basis; work code to enter along with the name of the projects in cash book. The programme was chaired by project director & DPC, DRDA Dimapur, KethosituoAltogetherSekhose.32villages were audited for FY 2020-21 at the 2nd phase social audit.
AND&BPF informs: All Nagaland & Body guard Prayer Fellowship (AND&BPF) , Kohi ma has inform the all the Drivers & Bodygaurd to attend the 20th Foundation Day Celebration 2022 to be held at Yimkhiung Baptist Church kohima on 24th August, 2022 at 10 a.m posi tively. Clubs organise ‘janmashtami mahotsav’: Lions & Leo Club of Dimapur organised “Janmashtami Mahotsav” on August 19, to celebrate Janmashtami. Various competitions were organised as part of the event, which saw 50 participants and four special performances. The event was headed by chairperson Anubhav Jain and Sakshi Jain, co-chairperson Neeraj Kala and Jay Sethi under the leadership of Sandeep Bakliwal and Ritu yadav.
Kohima DISHA meeting postponed: Dep uty commissioner Kohima Shanavas C has informed all concerned members that the quarterly meeting of Kohima District Develop ment Coordination & Monitoring Committee (DISHA) which was scheduled to be held on August 26, 11 am in the DPDB Hall, Kohima has been postponed till further order.
“The Naga national anthem God Bless Nagaland composed and au thored by R. Kevichüsa will continue to represent him on all Naga national glories”, the group stated. Further, it conveyed heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family members and prayed that God would grant them solace.
Former 2 Dimapur-II A/C candidate Supu Jamir joins BJP presidential address was delivered by N Tsuknung Jamir, while short speeches were also delivered by Dimapur district BJP president, Tokuho Suhoi Neho. A special number was also presented by I Toshizungba Jamir. Supu Jamir
Social audit hearing in Chümou
Participants along with resource persons and others at the hearing on Tuesday.
MYK C MYK C dp-3970/22 dp-3972/22 dp-3983/22dp-3931/22
DIMAPUR: Students of diplo ma in Counseling Psychology, St. Joseph’s College (Autono mous) Jakhama organised a talk on “the origin and historical evolution of counseling” with professor and counseling cell, SCERT-Nagaland, Dr. Zavise Rume as speaker at SJC confer ence room on Tuesday. In a press release, SJC media cell informed that Dr. Zavise highlighted the definition of counseling stating that it was “enabling process/empowering or strengthening an individual to mark constructive change and a process of bringing about voluntary change”. On the historical back ground of counseling, he spoke on history of guidance and counseling in Nagaland, past and present.Later,course coordinator, Fr. C. Joseph expressed appre ciation to participants for their interest in the subject matter. Earlier, invocation was of fered by Imsujungla Longkumer and vote of thanks was proposed by Florence Ronra Shimray.

Correspondent MOKOKCHUNG, AUG 23 (NPN): Pig farmers under Mokokchung district have appealed the union finance minister, Nirmala Sitharaman to look into the plight of pig farmers who were recuperating from the huge loss due to the African Swine Fever (ASF). The viral disease in pigs which has swept across Mokokchung district since 2021 has dealt a serious blow to pig farmers and the process of recovery from the loss incurred is yet to be secured.Speaking to Nagaland Post, Ongpangkong South Block Pig Farmers Associa tion (OSBPFA) convenor, Lanukaba said that the state government under the National Livestock Mission encouraged the farmers to take up piggery farming.Inthis regard, he said the farmers took the advice and started rearing pigs by availing bank loans through NABARD on a commercial scale from 2018-19.Lanukaba said al though pig farming began smoothly, in April 2021, the African Swine Fever and Porcine Reproductive & Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) diseases were con firmed.He added that the As sociation has been provid ing good breeding stocks to pig farmers in the district before the epidemic struck. By the month of Oc tober 2021, he claimed that all the pigs at various farms died and “according to a conservative estimate, the loss was close to Rs. 10 crore.”Lanukaba disclosed that the association from Longjongkong (New Camp), Satier sector of Aliba village and Satsü consisting of more than 20 farmers who availed bank loans approached the bank for extension of loan repay ment but was unfortunately turnedHedown.said the farmers also approached Mokok chung Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services (AH&VS) department and the District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) for help to miti gate their losses, however, he lamented that there has been no response from the responsible department so far.Lanukaba cited the example of Mizoram state where ASF affected pig farmers yet, the farmers were adequately compen sated by the government.
Neiba Kronu delivering the special address at the CSR Conclave on Tuesday. (NP) Nirmala Sitharaman interacting with students of Dr. Neilhouzhü Kire GHSS. (DIPR)
Correspondent KOHIMA, AUG 23 (NPN): Union minister for Finance and Corporate Affairs, Nir mala Sitharaman on Tues day, stated that children should at least be provided with basic equipment in schools such as digital learn ing tools and easy to use gadgets to enhance their skills.Speaking at a brief visit to Dr. Neilhouzhü Kire GHSS, the finance minister called on the association of multinational companies to invest in schools and to skill students especially from Na galand, who were looking for opportunities.FMsuggested that after any competition was held in the state, students should be taken to Delhi or Bengaluru for an interaction with stu dents there, which she said, would help Naga students expose their talents. Later, she inspected the science exhibition and interacted with Schooladdress,Deliveringstudents.welcomeprincipaldirectorEducation,Thavas eelan K said there were four focuses which the depart ment was going forward with, starting with fixing primary education, founda tion literacy and numeracy, second will be bridging the gap in terms of what was available and what was needed. He said the third fo cus will be a combination of assessment, integrating life skills and exposing students to a stack of established and emergingThavaseelantechnology.further said the last focus would be kids with special needs both equipment at schools:
Children should be provided with basic
Mokokchung pig farmers seek
IDAN CEO, Alemtem shi Jamir said although Na galand was a welfare state where people have evolved over the years, the mindset had not changed and many were “expecting” develop ment from the tiesingNagalandtherepeopleconclaveAlemtemshigovernment.saidthewasnecessaryforasitshowedthatwasaworldbeyondwhilealsoprovidaglimpseofopportuniintheprivatesector. He stated that the CSR was a “handshake between the private sector and Na gas.”It was disclosed that seven districts signed ex pression of interest with various companies, while three districts signed for schoolHeeducation.saidthe response was overwhelming both from the cooperates and bankers and expressed hope that corporates would show interest and come forward to work with AlemtemshiNagas.pointed out that an amount of Rs. 230 crore were disbursed in a day in the hands of the people of Nagaland while SBI committed Rs. 500 crore.Earlier, secretary, Works & Housing, Keso nyu Yhome proposed vote of thanks.
DIM APUR: Can Youth inaugurated an Adolescent Learning Centre (ALC), supported by Institute of Development Action (IDeA) Guwahati and ob served its 13th foundation day at Darogajan Village, Dimapur on August 22. In a press release, Can Youth informed that special guest, Darogajan village council chairman, PM Thaosen expressed gratitude to Can Youth for working towards ado lescent development and encouraged the parents to give more importance to wards their children rather than neglecting them. Can Youth pro gramme manager, Sen tiwati said the objective of ALC was to inculcate leadership skills, engage adolescents in on social is sues and various activities. Sentiwati briefed on the 13-year-long journey of Can Youth and how it started as a small club to a full-fledged NGO. He concluded by seek ing cooperation from com munity leaders and youth leaders in collectively creat ing space and opportunity. Village council mem ber, Remila Longmailai also assured cooperation from the community to Can Youth.
Valedictory session
MYK C MYK C 3STATENAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2022 Q.: Is the Liquor scam involving AAP in Delhi based on facts? A Yes. 40% B No. 49% C Can’t Say. 11% 100%90%80%70%60%50%40%30%20%10%0% nagalandpost.com Poll A B C NEXT POLL Q: Will the banks and corporate respond positively to CSR conclave at Kohima? Yes. No. Can’t Say. (Temperature in ºC) Max Min Agartala A t-storm around in the a.m. 33 26 Aizawl A t-storm around in the p.m. 27 21 Guwahati A t-storm around in the a.m. 34 27 Imphal Partly sunny and very warm 30 21 Itanagar Hot; a strong morning t-storm 34 26 Shillong A thunderstorm in spots 25 19 Kohima A thunderstorm in spots 28 19 Dimapur A t-storm around in the a.m. 35 25 Mkg Clouds and sun with a t-storm 30 21 Tuensang A t-storm around in the a.m. 24 18 Wokha A t-storm around in the a.m. 30 23 Zunheboto Clouds and sun with a t-storm 27 19 FORECASTWEATHERAUGUST24
Correspondent KOHIMA, AUG 23 (NPN): A valedictory ses sion of the Nagaland CSR & investment conclave, or ganised by Investment and Development Authority (IDAN) was held in the NBCC convention centre on Tuesday.Speaking at the pro gramme, minister for Plan ning and Coordination, Land Revenue and Par liamentary Affairs, Neiba Kronu disclosed that “new land laws” were drafted as the present land holding system “was traditional and neededHeassessment.”pointedout that resources such as coal, minerals, honey etc., were still lying untapped and unexplored in the state and urged upon the investors to explore their options.
assistance from union FM Give your best for the growth of students, gov tells teachers
physical disabilities and specific learning
DIMAPUR: Governor of Nagaland, Prof. Jagdish Mukhi on Tuesday urged upon the teachers of Jawa har Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV) to give their best for the growth and welfare of the school and to nurture and mould the students in spite of Accordingshortcomings.toa Raj Bhavan statement, the gov ernor was speaking at an interaction programme with students and teach ers of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya at Yakukie, Ko hima.Prof. Mukhi in his address said JNV Kohima has emerged as one of the prestigious schools in the state and has blossomed into a premier institution, imparting quality educa tion to Hestudents.pointed out that the objective of education should be to excel as dutyconscious and decent citi zens of India and advised the teachers and students to contribute to the growth of India.Pointing out that there was no shortcut in learn ing, the governor encour aged the students by say ing that “hard work and constant practice makes a man Presentingperfect”. a brief in troduction of JNV Kohi ma, principal, Prem Kumar Singh said it was a premier institution with residen tial and co-educational set-up in full compliance with norms and guidelines of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, an autonomous or ganisation under ministry of Education, Department of School Education & Literacy.Hesaid the vision of the Vidylaya was to provide good quality modern edu cation including a strong component of culture, in culcation of awareness about the environment, activities and physical edu cation.Earlier, assistant commissioner, Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, regional office, Shillong & custer in-charge Shillong, Aditya Prakash Singh delivered welcome address while a cultural show of Angami folk song and dance was presented by JNV students. The programme con cluded with an interaction with students and teachers of JNV. 16 Assam Rifles jawans awarded gover nor’s medals Meanwhile, Prof. Jagdish Mukhi awarded governor’s gold and silver medals to 16 Assam Rifles jawans at an investiture ceremony of Assam Rifles at Raj Bhavan, Kohima on Tuesday.Addressing the cer emony, Mukhi said Assam Rifles was the pioneer and the oldest paramilitary force of India, raised un der the name Cachar Levy by the British in 1835 and the present name Assam Rifles had been in use sinceThe1917.governor said Assam Rifles played an important role in the two World Wars and took a lead role in tributingmanagement,lawoperations,counter-insurgencymaintaining&orderandindisasterbesidescontosocio-economic of investment conclave
Prof. Jagadish Mukhi interacting with students of JNV at Yakukie on Tuesday. Prof. Jagdesh Mukhi with award recipients at the investiture ceremony of Assam Rifles. development in far-flung areas.He said the country required an effective de terrence through a strong defence force to preserve peace and appealed all to stay committed to peace, stability and prosperity. He acknowledged the jawans for their selfless service and advised them to continue striving for excellence with profes sionalEarlier,zeal. Prof. Mukhi felicitated the recipients and gave Rs. 5,000 each as a token of apprecia tion. Seven jawans were presented governor’s gold medal and nine with the governor’s silver medal. The programme con cluded with vote of thanks from inspector general of Assam Rifles (North). Maj Gen Vikas Lakhera.
Administrative Training Institute (ATI) of Nagaland, Kohima organised a training programme on “office procedure and accounts” for office assistants on Tuesday, at town hall, Tseminyu, with NSS under secretary, Economic & Statistics, Andreas Lotha and senior accounts officer Rt, Khinye Woch as resource persons. (DIPR)
Can inaugurateYouthALC

tal Kanya Jamatia reached the hospital and inquired about the health condition of injured BJP workers. Accusing TIPRA of unleashing a reign of terror, Jamatia said that TIPRA is unsettled to see the un abated rise of BJP in its strongholds.“TIPRA chairman Pradyot Kishore Debbar man keeps claiming that the 2023 election is the last fight for TIPRA. But, BJP has caused massive erosion in TIPRA’s support base and whether their party will survive till the elections is a big question,” she claimed. Local TIPRA leaders, however, alleged that it was the BJP workers who shout ed insults at the TIPRA sup porters assembled for mass deputation for the demand of ‘Greater Tipraland’.
Promote geotextiles and agro-textiles; Union MoS to Mnp government officials
A meeting chaired by state Health minister Dr R. Lalthangliana on Tuesday reviewed the present sce nario and also held consul tation on how to expedite harm reduction programme across the Speakingstate.on the occa sion, Lalthangliana urged the people and all concerned departments for a collective effort to fight the menace. “We can prevent a big disaster if collective efforts are made by people, church es, NGOs and media to fight the menace of HIV/AIDS like we have done against COVID-19 pandemic,” the minister said. He said that the health department and MSACS alone are not enough to control the high prevalence rate of AIDS in the state.
“If proper action has not been taken up in time, it will help in the recurrence of the crime and will also give a huge impact to the society,” he Earlier,said.amass rally against Child Sexual Abuse was flagged off by addition al chief secretary P Vaiphei of Manipur government. The rally participated by over 2,000 children from various districts covered streets of Imphal city.
AGARTALA, AUG 23 (AGENCIES): Tension ran high in the Mungiakami market area on Tuesday as clashes erupted between the supporters of the rul ing Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and TIPRA Motha, the party that rules the tribal district council areas, reports East SeveralMojo. party workers of both sides, including BJP Janajati Morcha state president Bikash Debbarma, sustained injuries during the clashes. This prompted the administration to beef up security arrangements and deploy additional forces to douse the tension, police said. Lashing out at TIPRA for the “unprovoked” at tacks on the BJP supporters, senior BJP leaders claimed that TIPRA has been perpe trating such attacks on the saffron party workers as it was threatened by BJP’s rise in the tribal areas. “The BJP had a prescheduled political event here in the Mungiakami market. The main purpose of the rally was to make the public aware of the BJP Na tional President JP Nadda’s visit to Tripura and his pub lic meeting at Khumulwng slated on August 29. Before the street corner, all our workers started to gather in front of the BJP party office. All of a sudden, the TIPRA supporters launched an unprovoked attack on the BJP workers. One of our dedicated party workers and I suffered minor injuries dur ing the attacks,” Debbarman said. Police sources said adequate security measures were already put in place. “Huge contingents of TSR and police personnel were pressed into action to get hold of the situation. A couple of political activists were hurt as police resorted to mild lathi charge to douse the tension,” a police of ficialThesaid.BJP workers who were allegedly at the receiv ing end of the attacks were given a safe passage to the Chakmaghat market. On knowing about the incident, state BJP Vice President Pa
World Bank, Assam govt discuss ways to fast track projects GUWAHATI, AUG 23 (PTI): Assam government and the World Bank have decided to fast track the completion of ongoing proj ects and expedite the ap proval procedure for those in the pipeline, an official release said. A meeting of delegates of World Bank and state governemt delegates chaired by Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma was held here on Monday night during which the ongoing external aided projects (EAPs) and the proposed projects to be financed by the interna tional financial institution was discussed, it said. ‘’The two sides have agreed upon fast-tracking the completion of the remain ing portions of the ongo ing projects and expediting the approval procedure for launching those on the pipe line,’’ the release said. The World Bank delegation was led by its South Asia regional vice-president Martin Raiser and also included its India country director Auguste Tano andtheytwothetialrealisingitspraisedKouameheld.SarmatheWorldBankforwholeheartedsupportinthegrowthpotenofAssamandhopedthatrelationshipbetweenthewillgrowstrongerasembarkonnewprojectsschemesinthestate.
“The present scenario of Mizoram is alarming and the situation of the state is also far more serious than other states if the country as whole is taken into consider ation,” Lalthangliana said. According to MSACS, as many as 25,982 people have so far been diagnosed with AIDS and 3,506 have died due to the deadly dis ease from October 1990 till March this year. It said that 3,506 in fected patients are currently availing Antiretroviral Ther apy (ART). The AIDS inci dent rate was highest among youths in the age group of 25-34 (42.12 %), followed by people in the age group of 35-49 (over 27%), it said. During the fiscal 20212022, at least 1,620 people were diagnosed with AIDS against 1,900 in 2020-2021 and 2,338 in 2019-2020, it said. State health and family welfare board vice chairman Dr ZR Thiamsanga, who was present at the meeting, said that about 65 per cent of HIV-positive cases in the state were sexually trans mitted, while about 32 per cent cases were transmitted through sharing needles by intravenous drug users.
Correspondent SHILLONG, AUG 23: Meghalaya BJP vice- presi dent Bernard N. Marak, who is currently in police custody against whom there are allegations of running a prostitution racket from his farmhouse, has now been accused of running an extortion racket in Tura, headquarters of the West Garo Hills “Multipledistrict.feedbacks were received from general public in last few months and many reports were pub lished by various newspa pers in connection with the hiking of prices of snack, fruits, vegetables, eggs, meat in Tura town. These reports were taken up seriously and based on the directions from Police Headquarters, a confidential enquiry was conducted by this office,” Vivekanand S Rathore, the district police chief of West Garo Hills, said in a state ment issued on Tuesday. During enquiry, Ra thore said the police learnt that the daily wagers, labor ers, workers, sick persons, and other persons were fac ing immense hardship due to the price hike of fruits, vegetables, eggs, meat, sweets, snacks. “It was also learnt that the prices were hiked few months back based on the instigation of office bearers of an organization which claims to be the ‘Meghalaya Chamber of Commerce’ being operated under the directions of one Bernard N. Marak @ Rimpu aided by other persons namely Wilver Dango M. Marak, Anish M. Sangma, Patcheng T. Sangma,” the police official revealed. Rathore said this organisation has been found to be collecting huge amount of money from shop keepers in the name of membership fee and monthly renewal fees. He alleged that the commission from the hiked prices were being channelled clandestinely to the Bernard, Wilver, Anish Patcheng and their Apartaccomplices.fromthis, Ra thore said the office bearers of the organisation have been threatening non-tribal businessmen of the area
AFFIDAVIT Regd. 4563 Date 27/06/2022 I, Jahiruddin Biswas, date of birth 11.12.1963, S/o Late Md. Jayeduddin Biswas, by religion Islam, by profession teacher, residing at 2, Nirupama Devi Road, Lane 3, Gorabazar, P.O. & P.S. Berhampore, Dist. Murshidabad, West Bengal, PIN- 742101, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under: 1. That I am a citizen of India by birth. 2. That my name Jahiruddin Biswas has been mentioned in my Aadhar Card, Voter Identity Card, Admit Card of Madhyamik Examination and all other educational testimonials. 3. That in my first time appointment letter vide order No.ED/EL/D/20/8687(Pt-1) dated Kohima, the 12th, Aug. 87 in Sl. No. 3, under Directorate of School Education, Govt. of Nagaland, Kohima, therein my name has been mentioned as "J Biswas" instead of actual name Jahiruddin Biswas. 4. That thereafter one Regularization Order has been Issued vide order No. ED/CON/HC-14/2000/225, dated Kohima, the 31st, October 2002 and therein my actual name has been written as Jahiruddin Biswas. 5. That I Jahiruddin Biswas and J. Biswas is the same and one person. 6. That I am swearing this affidavit to the effect that I Jahiruddin Biswas and J. Biswas is the same, one and identical person. Verification That the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge and belief I undertake if any statements found false and fabricated then I shall be liable under the Law U/S 193 I.P.C. Jahiruddin Biswas In the Court of Ld. Sub-Divisional Executive Magistrate 1st Class at Berhampore, Murshidabad, West Bengal.k-1924/22
A file photo of cab drivers in Mizoram raising awareness on the menace of HIV-AIDS.
Union MoS Darshana Jardosh along with Manipur CM and state textile minister in Imphal on Tuesday.
Sisodia to appear at court in a defamation case filed by
Clashes erupted between the supporters of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and TIPRA Motha.
GUWAHATI, AUG 23 (IANS): A lower court in Guwahati has summoned Delhi Deputy Chief Minis ter Manish Sisodia to appear before the court in connec tion with a defamation case filed by Assam Chief Minis ter Himanta Biswa Sarma. The Chief Judicial Magistrate (CJM) court, Kamrup in Guwahati has asked Sisodia to appear on September 29. On June 4, Manish Sisodia at a press confer ence in Delhi alleged that the Assam government had given contracts to the firm of Sarma’s wife to sup ply PPE kits above market rates during the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak in the country in March 2020. Sarma was then the Health and Family Welfare Minis ter in Sarbananda Sonowalled government in Assam. However, Chief Min ister Sarma and his wife denied the Sarmaallegations.saidthat his wife did not take a single penny against the supply of PPE kits. She donated those to the state health depart ment as there was a scarcity of PPE kits at that time. Following that, the As sam Chief Minister lodged a criminal defamation case against Sisodia. His wife Riniki Bhuyan Sarma also filed a Rs 100 crore defama tion case against the Delhi Deputy Chief Minister.
M’laya BJP leader also running extortion racket: Police to obtain ‘No Objection Certificate’ from Bernard N. Marak @ Rimpu who is a member of the Garo Hills Autonomous District Council (GHADC) without which their ‘Trading by Non-Tribal (TNT) License’ cannot be “Hugerenewed.sumof money is extorted from these busi nessmen for issue of this certificate which was com pletely illegal. On receipt of the findings, the office called the shopkeepers for discussion over last few days for finding an amicable and sustainable solution,” the police official said.
Mnp tops list in reported cases of sexual abuses against children, says Minister Manipur social welfare minister H Dingo in Imphal on Tuesday. Assam CM Manish Sisodia and Himanta Biswa Sarma
Percentage of HIV/AIDS incidents in Mizoram highest in country: Official
Correspondent IMPHAL, AUG 23: Union Minister of State for Textiles Darshana Vikram Jardosh on Tuesday urged officials of the Manipur govern ment to promote usage of geotextiles and agro-textiles products through their re spectiveAddressingdepartments.the inau gural session of the Tech nical Textiles Conference in Im phal’s Hotel Classic Grande today, the Union minister said called for the promotion of geotextiles and agro-textiles.Jardoshappreciated the active shecaltheiners,andture,industry,ministryandtransportfinance,tryoperationrialintechnicalapplicationcollaborationinter-ministerialindrivingtheandusageoftextilesmandateIndia.Robustinter-ministecoordinationandcoincludingminisoftextiles,ministryofministryofroadandhighwaysministryofrailways,ofcommerceandministryofagriculministryofchemicalfertilizers,amongothwillplayacrucialrolepavingastrongpathfordevelopmentoftechnitextilesmarketinIndia,observed.TheUnionminister said that the various initia tives and schemes includ ing PLI for Textiles, PM MITRA and NTTM were being implemented by the Union ministry of textiles to transform from a traditional cotton-based textiles hub to a technical textile and MMF hub in the world. She said, “The Gati Shakti model provides nec essary impetus to States for undertaking infrastructure projects with minimal ap provals and permissions’’. The ease of doing busi ness, business opportunities and investment ecosystem have grown significantly under the guidance of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the last few years, she furtherJardoshsaid. also mentioned that from a Net-importer of PPE kits and masks to the 2nd biggest exporter, India has dramatically expanded its capabilities in medical textiles as Fromwell.indigenous de velopment of carpets to airbags to defence outfits to PPE Kits, India holds the production and export capabilities in becoming an Atma-Nirbhar nation in the segment.Another major crucial component to focus for development of technical textiles market is robust skilling and training wherein Rs 400 crores have been allocated under the NTTM scheme, she added. The conference was or ganized by the Union min istry of textiles in collabora tion with Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC).
AIZAWL, AUG 23 (PTI): The percentage of HIV/ AIDS incidents in Mizoram is 10 times higher than that of the national average, an official said on Tuesday. Mizoram now has the dubious distinction of being the highest HIV/AIDS prev alent state in the country with over 2.30 per cent of its total 10.91 lakh population (2011 census) being infected, the official said. The disease has so far claimed 3,506 lives in Mizoram since October 1990 when the first HIV positive case was reported in theQuotingstate. a recent sur vey, Mizoram State AIDS Control Society (MSACS) project director Dr Lalth lengliani said that the per centage of HIV/AIDS in cident in the state is 10 times higher than that of the national average. She said that the yearly incident rate could not sub side despite massive efforts.
Correspondent IMPHAL, AUG 23: Mani pur social welfare minister Heikham Dingo Singh on Tuesday urged stakehold ers to cooperate in order to stop sexual abuses against children in the state.tozationsclubsCSOs,allunfortunatetheabusesinsaidofover(POCSO)drenundercasesintheabusescaseslastday,SexualnessfunctionAddressingstate.theclosingof‘MassAwareRallyAgainstChildAbuse’inImphaltotheministersaidfortheoneyearthenumberofrelatingtothesexualamongstchildreninstatehasbeenincreasinganalarmingrate.Hesaidmorethan150havebeenregisteredProtectionofChilfromSexualOffencesAct,tilldate.Expressingconcerntheincreasingnumbersuchcases,theministerManipurtopsthelistreportedcasesofsexualagainstchildrenincountrywhichisquiteandthereforestakeholdersincludingMeiraPaibis,localandstudentorganishouldcooperatestopsuchcrimesintheTheministerfurther said that mass awareness programmes regarding the POCSO Act will be orga nized in all the districts. “This will help in cre ating awareness among the people and also stop crimes, especially sexual abuses against the children,” he said. Organizing such ral lies will definitely help in spreading messages to the masses, he Reiteratingadded.that chil dren are the future of the nation, the minister said that any inhuman act like sexual abuses should be immediately reported to the concerned so that follow up actions can be initiated against the culprits.
Prominent BJP tribal leader joins Tipra Motha AGARTALA, AUG 23 (PTI): Hangsa Kumar Tripura, the Leader of Opposition in the Tripura Tribal Areas Autonomous District Council (TTA ADC) and a prominent BJP leader on Tuesday joined the Tipra Motha, the ruling party in the state’s lone tribal Aroundcouncil.6,500 sup porters of the tribal leader also joined Tipra Motha at an event in Manikpur area of DhalaiTipradistrict.Motha chair man Pradyot Kishore Manikya Debbarma and other senior party leaders welcomed them. The development holds significance in the wake of the upcoming vil lage committee elections in the tribal council and next year’s assembly elections. The BJP’s tally in the 30-member council has now been reduced to 10, while Tipra Motha has 19 members.Tripura alleged that he quit the BJP because the saffron party has not worked for the welfare of the common man and only ministers and MLAs have amassed wealth.
Several hurt as BJP, TIPRA supporters clash in Tripura

No. NU/ENGG-258/KMA/2022-1790 Dated: 22nd August 2022 NOTICE INVITING TENDER Sealed tender(s) in F-2 Form of Public Works Department are invited from appropriate Class of Nagaland University enlisted Contractors (Civil) for the under mentioned work. No.Sl. Particulars Tender Value (inclusive applicableoftaxes)[ `] EMD[ `] CompletionTime Construction of road leading to proposed SET site (S/H: -Widening, Stone soiling, Drain and Culverts), Phase-1 at Kohima Campus, N.U. 59,83,600.00 1,19,670.00 (Forty45Five)days
“The matters raise important issues which need consideration by a five-judge constitution bench. List the matter before the constitu tion bench the day after tomorrow and the bench will decide about the sym bol related to the Election Commission proceeding at the beginning,” the bench also co mprising Justices Krishna Murari and Hima Kohli said.
BJP suspends MLA Raja hours after his arrest
T’gana BJP prez arrested amid protests over Delhi liquor scam
Telangana BJP MLA T Raja Singh being taken away after he was arrested f in Hyderabad, Tuesday. (PTI)
Telangana BJP President Bandi Sanjay Kumar being arrested by the police in Jangaon district, Tuesday. (PTI)
AAP govt ignored violations of excise policy, recommendations of expert committee: BJP committee was against pro motions to push liquor sales but Delhi govt gave a carton free on every carton sold. The panel had suggested to follow the Karnataka model wherein the government is responsible for wholesale business. The panel said no individual can be given more than one license. BJP ‘terrified’ by AAP, going to remove its Guj unit chief: Kejriwal SC refers petitions by Sena, Shinde to constitution bench
DELHI,HYDERABAD/NEWAUG23(PTI): Controversial BJP MLA T Raja Singh was arrested by the Hyderabad police on Tuesday for his alleged de rogatory remarks against the Prophet, following which he was suspended by the saf fron party for “violating” the party’sSingh,constitution.known for his hardline religious rhetoric, was issued a show cause notice by the BJP, asking him to explain within 10 days why he should not be expelled from the party. Singh was arrested on Tuesday, a day after he released a video criti cising stand-up comedian Munawar Faruqui, who had recently performed in Hyderabad. Singh is also purportedly seen making some comments aimed at the Prophet. His supporters have, though, argued that he had not named any religion or religious figure. In a notice issued to Singh, BJP’s central disci plinary committee secretary Om Pathak said,”you have expressed views contrary to the Party’s position on vari ous matters, which is in clear violation ... of the constitu tion of the BJP. I have been directed to convey to you that pending further inquiry, you are suspended from the party and from your theshouldofinSinghwithsibilities/assignmentsresponifany,immediateeffect.”Pathakalsoaskedto“showcause”with10daysfromthedatethisnoticeastowhyhenotbeexpelledfromparty.“Yourdetailedreply must reach the undersigned no later than 2nd of Septem ber 2022,” Pathak said. The BJP’s action against the 45-year-old leg islator came months after it had suspended its na tional spokesperson Nupur Sharma for making deroga tory comments against the Prophet. Her comments sparked protests abroad as well with several Islamic countries objecting and taking up the matter with India.It had also expelled its Delhi media in-charge Naveen Kumar Jindal then. Reacting to Singh’s al leged comments, All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Musli meen (AIMIM) chief Asa duddin Owaisi said,”this is the official policy of the BJP to ensure that Muslims are always tortured emotionally and mentally by allowing their party members to talk in such low language which we call it Sadak Chap lan guage about Prophet Mo hammed.”“This is a deliberate attempt by BJP and they allowed their MLA to speak in this language,” he told reporters.Acomplaint filed by one Mohammed Wajhi Ud din Salman with Dabeer pura Police alleged Raja Singh used vulgar language against Prophet Moham med.Many AIMIM legis lators and corporators of Greater Hyderabad Mu nicipal Corporation staged protests in various parts of the city on Monday night demanding Singh’s arrest, party sources Accordingsaid. to po lice, complaints were filed against Singh in several police stations under the South, East and West Zones.
India successfully test-fires surfaceto-air missile BALASORE (ODISHA), AUG 23 (PTI): India on Tuesday successfully testfired Vertical Launch Short Range Surface-to-Air Mis sile (VL-SRSAM) from the Integrated Test Range (ITR), Chandipur off the Odisha coast here, officials said. The VL-SRSAM was flight-tested by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and the Indian Navy. The flight test was car ried out from an Indian na val ship against a high-speed unmanned aerial target for demonstration of vertical launch capability, DRDO sources said. The missiles, equipped with indigenous radio frequency (RF) seeker, intercepted the target with high accuracy. The VLSRSAM system has been indigenously designed and developed by “DuringDRDO.the test launch, flight path and vehi cle performance parameters were monitored using flight data, captured by various range instruments such as radar, electro-optical track ing system (EOTS) and te lemetry systems deployed by ITR, Chandipur,” they said. An official statement said that the launch was monitored by senior scien tists from various DRDO laboratories involved in the design and development of the system.
HYDERABAD, AUG 23 (IANS): Telangana police on Tuesday arrested state BJP president Bandi Sanjay after thwarting his attempt to sit on a protest in Jan gaon district over booking of cases against party workers for protesting at TRS MLC K. Kavitha’s residence the previousAmidday.tight security, the police shifted Sanjay to a police training centre in Karimnagar.Thesituation on Tues day turned tense as BJP ac tivists stepped in to prevent the police from arresting Sanjay. However, police deployed in large numbers managed to take the BJP leader away even as his sup porters tried to block the path at several points on the route. The BJP leader was preparing to sit-on protest along with other party lead ers and workers against the arrest of party workers near the residence of Kavitha in Hyderabad on Monday over her alleged involvement in Delhi liquor scam. The BJP leaders alleged that the pro testors were booked under non-bailable sections. Raising slogans against the TRS government and Chief Minister K. Chan drasekhar Rao, the BJP workers tried to resist the police. This led to high ten sion and the police had a tough time in controlling the situation.The police finally ar rested Sanjay, who is a Member of Parliament, and some other leaders and shifted them to Karimnagar. BJP has alleged that Kavitha, who is daughter of Chief Minister KCR, was involved in the multi-crore scam. Kavita had on Mon day denied any wrongdoing and threatened legal action against BJP leaders in this matter.
NEW DELHI, AUG 23 (PTI): The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Tuesday stepped up attack on the AAP, claiming its govern ment in Delhi ignored in fractions in the implemen tation of the excise policy and recommendations of an expert committee set up to reform liquor trade in the capital. The saffron party said the AAP leaders had been patting each other on the back and digressing from the questions raised on the allegedAccordingmalpractices.tothe Delhi excise policy, producers, retailers and distributors of liquor cannot be the same. Also, there cannot be com mon directors or sharehold ers in different companies bidding for licenses, BJP MP Sudhanshu Trivedi said at a press conference here. On October 25, 2021, Delhi excise department had brought some cases of common producers, retailers and distributors to the notice of the government, but it did not act on it, he claimed.
Tender documents and other details can be obtained from the office of Executive Engineer, NU, Hqrs. Lumami only on working days from 10.00 A.M. to 2.00 P.M. after depositing Tender Fee (Non-Refundable) of ` 1,000/(Rupees One Thousand) only in Revenue Counter upto 5th September 2022. The tender should be submitted on or before 6th September 2022 addressed to the Registrar, NU, Lumami. Nagaland University reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tender(s) without assigning any reason, whatsoever. (Dr. ABEMO) RegistrarDC-960/22 DC-927/22 CBC 17153/12/0008/2223 CBC 03110/12/0006/2223
BJP MP Parvesh Sahib Singh Verma said the expert
The top court asked the constitution bench to look into constitutional issues whether notice for removal of speaker restricts him from continuing with disqualifica tion proceedings, whether a petition under Article 32 or 226 lies against disqualifica tion proceedings, can a court hold that member is deemed to be disqualified by virtue of his/her actions, what is status of proceedings in the house pending disqualifica tion petitions against the members. Arvind Kejriwal
NEW DELHI, AUG 23 (PTI): The Supreme Court on Tuesday referred to a fivejudge bench the petitions filed by the Shiv Sena and Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde raising sev eral constitutional questions related to defection, merger and disqualification.Thetopcourtordered the listing of petitions be fore the constitution bench on Thursday and directed the Election Commission not to pass any orders on Shinde faction’s plea that it be considered the real Shiv Sena and granted the party’s poll symbol. A bench headed by Chief Justice N V Ramana said the batch of petitions raise important constitutional issues relating to the 10th schedule of the Constitution pertaining to disqualification, power of the Speaker and Governor and judicial review. The apex court said the proposition of law laid down by the constitution bench in the Nabam Rebia case relat ing to 10th schedule stands on a contradictory reasoning which requires gap filling to uphold constitutional morality.
NEW DELHI, AUG 23 (PTI): Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday claimed that the BJP will soon remove its Gujarat unit president C R Patil as it is “terrified” by the presence of Aam Aadmi Party in the poll-bound state. The AAP national con venor, who embarked on a two-day visit to Gujarat along with his deputy Man ish Sisodia to campaign for his party ahead of assembly polls later this year, is sched uled to interact with youth in Bhavnagar city on issues of education and employment on the second day of his tour. “In Gujarat, the BJP is badly terrified of the Aam Aadmi Party. According to sources, Gujarat BJP state president CR Patil is going to be removed soon,” Kejriwal said in a tweeted in Hindi. “Is BJP so scared?” he asked.Kejriwal had on Mon day sought to position the contest between the BJP and AAP in the upcoming Gujarat assembly polls as a “Dharamyudh” like the Mahabharat where the rul ing outfit has the “armies” of probe agencies CBI and the ED on its side, while his party has the “support of Lord Krishna”. The AAP national convener compared the BJP with the Kauravas, the defeated villains of the Mahabharat, and his side as the Pandavas, the victorious heroes of the Hindu epic. Addressing a townhall meeting in Himmatnagar town of Sabarkantha dis trict, he had claimed that the BJP-ruled Gujarat is yearn ing for a change and the AAP has received immense support from the people. This was the reason why the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) raided the residence of Delhi Dep uty Chief Minister Sisodia, Kejriwal said. The CBI had on Friday raided the home of Sisodia and 30 other lo cations in the country over allegations of corruption in the implementation of the Delhi excise policy.

There is an urgent need for data privacy rules
Women empowerment in Naga society I f we look back to our memories, no matter how old we are – one major and distinctive area of our recollection includes a time in our schools and colleges.Thisisthe period of education that a lot of us have gone through, however, a huge number of children do not know what going to school is and even if they go to school, they have faint idea of what education or knowledge means. There is a dire need to strengthen government schools in TeachersIndia.play a key role in the success of any intervention and they must continue to lead classrooms albeit with the aid or using the facili ties provided.InIndia, majority of the population live in villages, and the most viable option for accessing education for marginalized sections of society in rural areas is government schools. Despite the central government’s focus on infrastructure development in schools, majority of government schools in rural India do not have adequate resources or facilities to provide a safe and conducive learning environment to schoolchildren. These schools are often found without provi sion of drinking water for children, sanitary facili ties. The number of students in these government schools is really low compared to the total number of children in the village, and numbers further de crease due to the lack of essential facilities and the unfavourable environment for quality education.
On top of these issues, though the RTE Act calls for a School Management Committee (SMC), comprised of parents of students and members of the school administration, its existence is often only on paper with members mostly unaware of their roles and responsibilities and lacking the skills for the SMC to function effectively. A place of study has a profound and direct effect on students’ lives, and it is even more vital for to providing an atmosphere that fosters mental growth and appropriate academic orientation. Panger Jamir, Kohima
The purpose of education
Around 65.2% in rural Nagaland constitute the cultivators and agricul tural workers out of which 7.3% are female workers. Mrs. Kygum, president of the Women Farmer Club who hails from Jalukie makes a great impact in empowering women and promoting agriculture. She says ‘Though a small initiative, we are in the process of acquiring new skills from each other and happy to put forward it learning in every possible way.’
O nline ticketing agency, the Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corpora tion (IRCTC) under the ministry of railways, in which the Union govern ment has 76 percent stake, recently issued a tender on recruiting a consultant that could advise them on data monetisation and sug gest to them what type of data could be monetised, keeping in mind the data privacy factors and the concomitant laws and regu lations.An indication has been provided that IRCTC is thus planning to raise an estimated Rs 1,000 crore through this effort. What are the 3 data monetisation strategies? IRCTC has a huge tranche of valuable data, and as the saying goes –‘data is the new oil’ – it raises basic questions about what the data would be used Generally,for. three data monetisation strategies are witnessed globally: a) selling data b) performing analyt ics around products and services and c) improving business processes. Clearly, IRCTC can not venture into the first domain of selling data but definitely would want to take the advantage of the latter two strategies. The question thus aris es – is there enough public confidence in the country today for a transparent approach where data is handled and analytics per formed, and a consumer friendly legally binding end result is Justensured?aweekback, the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) made it compulsory for all the airlines operating inter national flights to share the PNR details of passengers with the respective authori ties along with names of the passengers, date of intended travel, contact details, payment and billing information, confirma tion and check-in status, baggage information, seat information, and travel agent details from where the tickets were purchased. Data privacy issues Both these moves have sparked a new line of debate about the data privacy issues. The recent withdrawal of the Personal Data Protection Bill by the government, citing more comprehensive legislation, has also triggered concerns as data privacy remains guided by the provisions of the Information Tech nology Amendment Act 2008 and the related rules of 2011, and are found to be wanting in many places due to the progress in data capture technology and the susceptibility of misuse. Incidents of data theft from various organisations despite the security mea sures also create a sense of fear among consumers. Ever since the judg ment in the Justice KS Put taswamy vs Government of India case, delivered in August 2017, where privacy has been enshrined as a fundamental right under articles 14, 19, and 21 of the Constitution of India, the realisation has been there among citizens to seek clear definition of how data would be col lected and Furtherhandled.data secu rity concerns within the establishment also have titillated the government to push for data localisa tion provisions which are already being implemented as far as financial data is concerned.Backin May 2017, under the leadership of the then Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu, Indian Railways announced that it would use analytics to find ways to monetise the data available with it. But this plan was eventually dropped because of the issues related to data privacy and data violation factors even after govern ment’s repeated assurance that it would comply with the laws and regulations. Suresh Prabhu had said at the time that the large volume of data which is with Indian Railways needs to be used wisely and data analytics is a way forward.Closely following that move, there were also reports about the Union government planning to privatise IRCTC in 2018, but that too was stopped due to the data privacy concerns. Although the government had very clear thoughts for using analytics for optimal management of data.Clearly, IRCTC con tains a huge bunch of personal data which will actually prove to be a gold mine for anyone who takes control of it, and the pro pensity for the misuse the data has to be controlled with technology and regu lations.There are many types of data which is available with the railways, including reservation data of trains, passengers, earnings, utili sation of trains, class wise occupancy, waiting lists and RAC lists, and pas senger profile, and they have to be managed with the most stringent data privacy standards. Digital privacy laws must ensure full privacy Clearly, the most pru dent steps would be for all ministries and agencies to wait for the government to announce the new bill with a ‘comprehensive frame work’ and ‘contemporary digital privacy laws’ as claimed by the Union IT minister.The new legislation has to ensure that like cor porates, government agen cies also have to follow prudent measures while handling personal data. These include taking consent before any per sonal data is shared and using the data only for the particular purpose for which it seeks the con sumer’s approval. In the run up to the Personal Data Protection Bill, it has been witnessed how many provisions from the draft bill proposed by Justice Srikrishna com mittee on data protection norms had been diluted to what was brought before the Parliament and in the face of growing concerns around privacy, the new bill has to be very deftly drafted to ensure full However,privacy.having the laws and the regulatory framework would be very crucial for public confi dence to be strong in allow ing such data usage. As Artificial Intelli gence tools along with predictive analysis and recommendation systems gain more traction across disciplines to provide bet ter management potential, one has to be careful that the data here has to be protected from misuse and manipulation.Afterallprivacy is the most important asset today in an ever increasing digital footprints led world. Subimal Bhattacharjee is a commentator on cyber and NorthissuessecurityaroundEastIndia.
DailyDevotion Prayer—Battle in “The Secret Place”
Futile demand for PR Demand for imposition of President’s Rule in Nagaland is being heard frequently as various CSOs and in particular, political parties want to end the unbroken rule of a nexus of regional alliance leaders; either heading separate party coalitions or closing ranks as in the present UDA opposition-less government. The reason why demand for President’s Rule is getting loud and clear is simple- loss of faith in the ruling government having no opposition and especially the character and style of functioning of the government. According to the opposition parties such Congress, Rising People’s Party (RPP) and to some extent the NPP besides CSOs, President’s Rule is needed in order to curb the financial mismanage ment which has landed the state in a dire financial crisis with over Rs.15,000 loans pending and various other liabilities. The state budget by end of 2022-23 is expected to close with a negative balance of over Rs.2200 crore. Nagaland has been a fortunate re cipient of huge and generous central fund assistance which could be in term of a few lakh crore since nearly two decades. What is quite regretful is that huge sums have been either spent without works being complete (work –in-progress) or estimates quadrupling. The most important and vital are roads that serve as the artery of growth. Even today, most roads across sev eral districts in Nagaland are in deplorable condition and the unusual monsoon torrential rains have caused more damage. In addition, the opposition have also rightly pointed out that government run by the regional party/alliance has also shown a disinclination to effec tively check the activities of various armed elements extorting openly and without fear. In fact, due to the laxity and rhetorical indulgence of politicians in power, those involved extortion genuinely believe they have a legitimate right to collect taxes. Of course, it is another matter what those who collect money eventually do with the huge funds they collected under the plea of working for the nation. The Congress has not spared any word against the ruling government for allowing rampant extortion to continue. This makes no sense for such a government to talk about creating more police battalions or police modernization when it will fully chooses not to carry out its constitutional duties to enforce rule of law so as to protect the helpless citizens. Ever since 2009-10 when various organiza tions came out openly and boldly against rampant extortion by various groups, the state government did precious little. Public became agitated and since 2012 ACAUT Nagaland held anti-extortion and illegal col lection rallies across Nagaland. The government was compelled to form a high power committee headed by retired supreme court judge justice H.K. Sema in 2014 to submit findings on illegal, rampant and mul tiple taxations. The HPC submitted its report in June 2015 but till date nothing has been heard of it. These are some of the few serious issues that have been ongoing like the talks but no solution. In principle the Modi government could have cracked the whip years ago but there are perhaps reasons why that has not happened, especially as the prime minister has been projected as a hard task master and one who does not tolerate corruption in any form. Nagaland could have been placed under PR, if it was ruled by a non-NEDA party or coalition as that way there was something to gain. Therefore, demanding PR is a lost cause as it is political interest and not people’s interest that matter.
The important role played by women in electronics, information technology, food processing and agro-industries have been a crucial development.Nagaentrepreneur Zakietsono Jamir the founder and owner of Farmer square cafe in Medziphema rural Na galand, served freshly ground coffee to the customers which is an eco-friendly and pristine to environment. In addition, they also offer differ ent blends and other types of locally processed food products like pickles sauce, mushrooms, canned pineapples, etc. Her business growth empowered and motivated other women to achieve their goals in many fields. Some successful Naga women entrepreneurs like Karen Yepthomi of Dzukoü kitchen bagged the Varind hara women entrepreneurs award in the year 2015-2016 from Nagaland while Temsusenla of the Fusion store was conferred the Varindhara women Entrepreneurs award in the year 20162017 from JasminaNagaland.isthefounder of heir loom Naga, a textile studio based in Dimapur which employs more than 450 Naga women who moved their own homes, creating a textile that draws inspiration from traditional NagaThus,patterns.empowerment of women through skills development will benefit not only the individual women but also the family and community as a whole. Naugsina and Senbeni, BA 1st semester, Economics Honours, Immanuel College, Dimapur.
(As published in The Quint)
India’s tightrope walk in a hostile neighbourhood
W omen empowerment refers to making women powerful enough to make their own decision regarding their lives and wellbeing in the Family and Society. Nagaland, in Northeast India, with a population of 1.9 million has managed its own civil and legal affairs since its inception as a federal unit within the Republic of India in 1963. Nearly, 90.7 percent of the women in Nagaland make their own decision or decision jointly with their husbands, which is the highest in the entire coun try the survey found. Naga Society is a casteless and classless society where traditionally women have enjoyed a high social positioning and a fair spirit of inde pendence playing a very central role in Family and community affairs. Economics participation and educational attainment are the key con stituents ensuring the empowerment of women through entrepreneurship. The economic empowerment of women through entrepreneurship is a vital element of strong economic growth and development all over the country.Inmost of the countries, major ity of business owners or managers are owned by males, however, there is increasing evidence that more and more women are becoming interested in small businesses in their ways which help to grow women in many fields and beTheindependent.empowerment theme runs strongly through all the literature, policy documents, planned initiative, etc. Emancipation of women is a prerequisite for the nation’s Economic development and social upliftment. The role of women and the need to empower them are central to human development programs. Ever since independence, several innovative schemes have been launched for the upliftment of women in India. Empowering women is not just muting their economic needs but also for more holistic social development. The SHGs empower women both socially and economically. They encourage women to par ticipate in decision-making in the household, community, and local democratic sector and prepare women to take leadership positions. Participation of Naga women in differentWomenfields:in Economy
Reader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the columns do not reflect the view of this newspaper nor that of the Editor in any manner. Post-mortem OPINION/EDITORIAL6 Nagaland Post VOL. XXXII NO. 259 DIMAPUR, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2022 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2022
—Matthew 6:6 Jesus did not say, “Dream about your Father who is in the secret place,” but He said, “…pray to your Father who is in the secret place….” Prayer is an effort of the will. After we have entered our secret place and shut the door, the most dif ficult thing to do is to pray. We cannot seem to get our minds into good working order, and the first thing we have to fight is wandering thoughts. The great battle in private prayer is overcoming this problem of our idle and wandering thinking. We have to learn to discipline our minds and concentrate on willful, deliberate prayer. We must have a specially selected place for prayer, but once we get there this plague of wandering thoughts begins, as we begin to think to ourselves, “This needs to be done, and I have to do that today.” Jesus says to “shut your door.” Hav ing a secret stillness before God means deliberately shutting the door on our emotions and remembering Him. God is in secret, and He sees us from “the secret place”— He does not see us as other people do, or as we see ourselves. When we truly live in “the secret place,” it becomes impossible for us to doubt God. We become more sure of Him than of anyone or anything else. Enter into “the secret place,” and you will find that God was right in the middle of your everyday cir cumstances all the time. Get into the habit of dealing with God about everything. Unless you learn to open the door of your life completely and let God in from your first waking moment of each new day, you will be working on the wrong level throughout the day. But if you will swing the door of your life fully open and “pray to your Father who is in the secret place,” every public thing in your life will be marked with the lasting imprint of the presence of God.
Women participation in eco nomic activity is more in the rural sector in Nagaland, according to the Annual administration report 20192020. Participation of women in the rural sector is 52.3% compared to the urban sector which has 25.9% overall, and the workforce participation rate for women is 44.7% against 53.4% for men in Nagaland. Women in Agriculture
When you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.
Vote for the man who promises least; he’ll be the least disappointing.
Bernard Baruch I t’s not that we haven’t made progress; however, the fact remains that we could not adequately manage the care and speed with which we needed to achieve our goal.” On 14 August, when he was addressing his country on its 75th anniversary, Pakistani Prime Minister Shah baz Sharif’s tone was dripping with Indespair.India, the mood was quite the opposite. Consider this excerpt from Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s long speech from the Red Fort ramparts on 15 August: “As we wake up to this auspicious morning of 76th Independence, we must resolve to make India a developed nation in the next 25 years. The youth of today, all of 20-22-25 years, who I can see here shall be wit ness to the glorious centennial celebrations of Independence. You will be 50-55 years old then, which means this golden period of your life, these 25-30 years of your age is the time to fulfil the dreams of India. Take a pledge and walk with me, friends, take the oath of the Tricolour and let us all join with full strength.”
It is well known that Par tition provided Pakistan with better land and conditions; then why didn’t it progress? Actually, Pakistan has always been a scep tical country. People frequently refer to Quaid-e-Azam Muham mad Ali Jinnah’s speech on 11 August 1947, as showing his “secular” credentials: “You will no doubt agree with me that the first duty of a government is to maintain law and order so that the life, property and religious beliefs of its subjects are fully protected by the State.” How ever, Jinnah repeatedly asked even if Sharia law were to be implemented in Pakistan, what would be the harm. The majority of those who vigorously promoted the demand for Pakistan in undivided India were Big Zamindars. This is why the large landlords still have a say there. In contrast, India’s rulers had a clearer vision. India not only abolished zamindari system within five years of Indepen dence, but also ‘privi-purses’ of princely states in 1971. The sys tem of reservation in government jobs and legislative institutions was implemented to help the oppressed and deprived sections of society. This would not be pos sible in Pakistan, though the first law ministers in both countries werePakistan’sDalits. democracy is at the mercy of the army, whereas in India, the regulators are the Parliament and the elected gov ernment, and the Constitution is supreme. Another mistake Pakistan made was to fall into the lap of the US. Superpowers are not friends to anyone; they simply use countries. Pakistani rulers relied on US support and vowed to “fight a thousand years” with India, and inflicting “a thousand wounds”. It began to nurture terrorists and soon became hostage to a coalition of its Army, ISI, and terrorists. Its economy, which was larger than India’s until the 1980s, is now nine times smaller. And the real source of concern is that a decadent Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal could fall into the hands of those with chaotic schemes at any time. Pakistan is not alone in this regard: the situation in neigh bouring Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Sri Lanka is also precarious. Our neighbourhood is on fire on all sides. When a country’s liberal institutions be gin to deteriorate, conservative elements take over. Anti-India sentiments are alive and growing in Islamabad, Dhaka, Naypy idaw, Male and Colombo. For instance, China wanted to anchor its spy warship in Sri Lanka’s Hambantota port for a few days. Following India’s objections, Sri Lanka stated in the beginning that it would not allow the warship, but its tone quicklyYuanchanged.Wang-5 not only ar rived on 11 August, but Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe decided to give its crew members a red carpet welcome. While Wick remesinghe expressed joy on the occasion, China’s Ambassador to Sri Lanka, Qi Zhenhong, did not miss the opportunity to mock In dia. It is, of course, a betrayal of India, because Wickremesinghe had previously publicly thanked Indians for their assistance. The concern in New Delhi is understandable. The warship’s radar and cutting-edge equip ment can track missiles and other security establishments for up to 750 km. As a result, it has capability to spy on all South Indian ports, nuclear plants, and the Chandipur missile range in Odisha. According to the current schedule, Yuan Wang-5 will be camping in Hambantota until 22 August. During this time, all of the foreboding and fears may take Theshape.ship may remain there or depart on 22 August, but in either case, our security system will face challenges. This also teaches us that untrustworthy neighbours can be dangerous. This is a new challenge in the changing global landscape that India faces as it strives to become a superpower in the Amritkal of its Independence. Shashi Shekhar (As published in Livemint)
Women in Industry

VISITING CONSULTANT Dr. Rituparna Baruah, MD, DM, FACAI, CONSULTANT INTERVENTIONAL CARDIOLOGIST, APOLLO HOSPITAL, Guwahati will be available for consultation on 27th Aug 2022 from 12:30 PM - 6:00 PM. For further details and Appointments, Kindly call the Reception at 03862-248288 / 248722 dc-918/22 k-1877/22a mkc-294/22 Looking for enthusiastic and creative individuals interested in creating multimedia for Videogames and Short Animations Training for 1 Month will be provided, then selection will be conducted for full-time employment. Training Module : 3D Software, Unity Game Programming Basic Requirements : Willing to learn, No prior experience required, Good listening skills, Teamwork, Time management Qualifications : Basic Computer Knowledge Freshers and experienced individuals can apply Office Location : Dimapur Contact Details : Email : Dugrecruitment.games@gmail.com Training program for game DevelopmenT db-920/22dc-944/22 U-12025/12/2016-NE (Part-II) G OVERNMENT OF I NDIA MiniSTRy Of HEALTH AnD fAMiLy WELfARE (NE Section) E MPLO y MENT N OTICE ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, invites applications for the post of director, Regional Institute of medical Sciences (RImS), Imphal, manipur, an autonomous organization under the ministry of Health & Family Welfare, in the pay scale of Rs. 67,000 – 79,000/(but restricted to a maximum of Rs. 85,000/- including NPa). (Level-15 as per 7th cPc) details of the advertisement including the proforma of application may be seen/downloaded from the website: www.mohfw.nic.in or www.rims.edu.in The applications received after the due date will not be entertained. Sd/(Jitendra Kumar Jangid) Under Secretary to the Govt. of India)CBC 17102/11/0026/2223 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2022 NATIONAL/STATE 7
Ajay Mishra and Rakesh Tikait.
MUMBAI, AUG 23 (PTI): againstNotheers)brothers”slammedheforZakirshegise.Nupurhere.ingwhileapologise,butsaidpreacherMohammad.remarksNupurpendedTuesdaychiefNavnirmanMaharashtraSena(MNS)RajThackerayonsupportedsusBJPspokespersonSharmaoverheragainstProphetControversialIslamicZakirNaikhadthesamethingearliernooneaskedhimtoThackeraysaidaddressingameetofMNSfunctionaries“EverybodyaskedSharmatoapoloIsupportedher.WhatsaidwasearliersaidbyNaik.Nobodyaskedanapologyfromhim,”said.Thackerayalsothe“Owaisi(AIMIMleadforallegedlyridiculingnamesofHindugods.actionhasbeentakenthem,hesaid,us ing an abusive term while referring to them. The MNS chief also taunted his estranged cous in and former Chief Min ister Uddhav Thackeray over the latter’s claim that the BJP reneged on the promise of rotating the CM’s post after the 2019 Assembly elections in Ma harashtra.“When I was in Shiv Sena, Balasaheb (Thac keray) had decided that the party having more MLAs will have the CM post,” he said. “Also, during the elec tion campaign, PM Na rendra Modi and Amit Shah had publicly said that Devendra Fadnavis (pres ent Deputy Chief Minister of Maharashtra) will be the CM. Why did you not object then instead of wait ing for the poll results and going against the people’s mandate which was for the BJP-Shiv Sena alliance,” he said.Raj Thackeray said the late Shiv Sena founder had hugged him when he was about to leave that party.“I had gone to meet Balasaheb. He knew I was not staying (in the Sena). He hugged me and said: Now you can go,” the MNS chief recalled. “I want to take Bala saheb’s ideology forward. It doesn’t matter if I don’t have the symbol (bow and arrow symbol of Shiv Sena),” he said.
NEW DELHI, AUG 23 (PTI): India and the UK are weighing options to open up the legal services sector to enhance cooperation between the two countries. The Legal Services Committee (LSC), compris ing representatives from the Bar Council of India and the Law Society of England & Wales, appreciated each other’s concerns to the chal lenges in the opening up of the legal services sector. The UK delegation explained in detail the regu lations which determine the areas of court practice and legal advice by nonUK qualified lawyers. The Indian delegation, led by Law Secretary Niten Chan dra, emphasised about the responsibilities vested in the Bar Council of India to pro tect the rights, privileges and interest of lawyers, whom they represent. “However, the representatives of both the countries appreciating the potential benefits of the opening up of legal services sector to the respective econ omies, agreed in principle to work together to find com mon ground for benefit of all stakeholders,” an official statement from the Union cooperation in the sphere of Law and Justice. A Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) was con stituted in terms of the MoU to carry out its objectives by firming up the way forward in areas of cooperation. The third in-person meeting of the JCC was held at New Delhi on Au gust 18. The LSC meet was held the same day after the JCC meeting. At the JCC meeting a broad agreement was reached to facilitate exchang e of experiences and best practices in the area of working of commercial courts, alternate dispute resolution mechanisms like arbitration and mediation, use of technology in case management, justice dis pensation and enforcement of contracts and in area of simple legislative drafting. It was further agreed that training and capacity enhancement programmes would be conducted in re puted Institutes for legal advisers, draftsman, judicial officers, prosecutors and le gal professionals and in time bound manner. (From p-1) Acknowledging SBI for establishing bank branches in remote places in the State, the chief minister exuded confidence that the bank would continue its leadership role and expand activities, while assuring to extend all support. He further mentioned that through the credit outreach, banks will extend Rs 223 crore credit under various schemes and retail loans, to the people of Nagaland.He deposittheformalhelpBankbranchbranchesinaugurationFundunderRuralsanctionedlaunchingministerappreciationexpressedofunionSitharamanformobileATMvantoNagalandBankandtwoprojectsTribalDevelopmentandvirtualofAxisBankincludingChessoreofNagalandRuralinShamatordistrict.RiosaidthesewouldmeetthedemandforbankingservicesinStateandboostcreditratio,currently
LAKHIMPUR KHERI (UP), AUG 23 (PTI): Fac ing demand for his resig nation over the alleged in volvement of his son in the Lakhimpur Kheri violence, Union Minister Ajay Ku mar Mishra said he is not answerable to people like Rakesh Tikait and called the farmer leader “do kaudi ka aadmi” or a second rate person.In a video apparently of a speech made to his sup porters, Mishra dismissed allegations levelled against him. “Suppose I am going to Lucknow in a car which is at a good speed, dogs bark on the road or chase the car. It’s their nature, I will not say anything about that as we do not have this nature. When things come to the fore, I will give answer to everyone. I am very confident because of your support,” Mishra, who is the Minister of State for Home, said. On October 3 last year, eight people, including four farmers and a journalist, were killed in the violence at Tikunia village here during a farmer protest against the visit of UP Deputy Chief Minister Keshav Prasad Maurya to Mishra’s village in Lakhimpur Kheri district. In this case, Mishra’s son Ashish Mishra has been arr ested as the main ac cused.“People keep raising questions. There are also ‘bevakoof patrakaar’ (stu pid journalists) who have no relationship with jour nalism and want to create confusion by such ‘ultiseedhi baat’ (unfounded things),” he said. “I know Rakesh Ti kait very well, he is a ‘do kaudi ka aadmi’ (second rate person). He fought election twice and lost the deposit. If this kind of a man opposes anyone, it is of no value and so I do not answer to such people as it is of no relevance,” Mishra said. Led by Tikait, the Samyukt Kisan Morcha (SKM) had staged a 75hour long dharna in Lakh impur last week to press for various demands, including sacking of Mishra. “He (Tikait) is do ing politics in this manner and running his livelihood. They will be given a reply at the right time,” Mishra is heard telling BJP workers in the video apparently in his Kheri mai,yehsamjho--ersheardRakeshyou.willticket.MPsecutivedefeated,”otherwise.comecenthavefightingthingagainstvariousficationpearedversialknownforangrywascomments,Reactingconstituency.toMishra’sTikaitsaiditnaturalforhimtobewhenhissonisinjailthepastoneyear.TheUnionminister,formakingcontrostatements,alsoaptobegivingaclariinthespeechoverallegationslevelledhim.“Ihavenotdoneanywronginmylife.Iamfortherightthing.Inotevendone.01perwrong.AnyonecanforwardandshowTruthisneverhesaid.MishraissecondcontermLokSabhafromKherionaBJP“NooneintheworldbeabletodisappointNomatterhowmanyTikaitcome,”heisassuringhissupporttoshoutsof“zindabad”.“Ihavetosayonlythis‘mujhkotumbarkhanaaagkadariyahoontomajboorihai
meri apney aap mein jalta hoon main,’” he said amid shouts of supporters in his favour.”Replying to his insinu ation, Tikait alleged that a “goonda raj” has been un leashed by Mishra in Lakh impur and said they would soon launch a “mukti abhi yan” to free the place from Mishra’s reign of terror. “This time we stayed for three days, next time we will stay there (Lakhimpur) for 13 days to end the ‘goon da raj’ of the minister,” the BKU leader was heard say ing in a Thevideo.farmer leader said such threatening comments of the MOS could affect the probe into the Lakhimpur Kheri“Theviolence.court and the po lice should do its work. He (Mishra) shall be externed from the district or the state so that the probe is not af fected in the incident,” he said. Tikait said the Lakh impur Kheri incident would be a prominent issue wher ever there is a farmers’ agi tation in the country. ‘second rate person’
BJP leader Sonali Phogat from Haryana, dies of suspected heart attack in Goa
Phogat Raj Thackeray
Superinten dent of Police (Mapusa) Jivba Dalvi said Phogat was “brought dead” to the hospital. Prime facie, the cause of death is established as a heart attack but further medical examination would be done, he said, adding the body was sent to the staterun Goa Medical College and Hospital (GMCH) at Bambolim for postmortem. “A two-member com mittee has been formed. The post-mortem will be conducted on Wednesday,” he said. Phogat, who had appeared in the Big Boss reality TV series, had un successfully contested from the Adampur Assembly constituency in Hisar on a BJP ticket against Kuldeep Bishnoi in the 2019 Assem bly election. Bishnoi, who was then in the Congress, recently joined the BJP. Haryana Chief Min ister Manohar Lal Khattar, Deputy Chief Minister Du shyant Chautala, and BJP leaders O P Dhankar and Bishnoi took to Twitter to condole Phogat’s demise. Bishnoi had met Pho gat in Hisar a few days ago. Phogat was popular on social media and had recently posted photos of her meeting with Bishnoi. Between 7 pm and 8 pm on Monday, Phogat had posted two different videos and four images on Instagram showing her in a pink tur ban. Her sister Raman told reporters in Hisar that Pho gat had called up her mother and told her about not feel ing well after she had her food. “She had said she was feeling uneasy. She sensed as if something was not right as if some conspiracy was be ing played against her. Later in the morning, we received the news that she was no more,” she said, adding that Phogat did not suffer from any previous illness.
BJP leader from Haryana and actor Sonali Phogat, who found fame as a Tik Tok star, died of a suspected heart attack in Goa, police said onPhogatTuesday.(42) was on a visit to Goa along with her staff members. She was brought to St Anthony Hos pital at Anjuna in North Goa district after she com plained of uneasiness on Monday night at a restau rant there, Goa Director Gene ral of Police Jaspal Singh told PTI. Singh said there is no foul play in the case, even as Phogat’s family questioned the circumstances of her death and opposition par ties in Haryana demanded a CBI probe. There are no external injury marks on the body, the DGP said, adding that the postmortem report will reveal the exact cause of theDeputydeath.
Ajay Mishra calls Tikait
hovering at around 50 %, much below the RBI benchmark of 60 %. He said the state government has been encouraging and facilitating people to take up private enterprises in order to meet the rising aspirations. However, he said access to credit and financial services of banks had been a matter of concern.According to Rio, limited access implied that the entrepreneurs were largely dependent on informal lending while a large proportion of credit sanctioned by banks, other than those extended under various government schemes, had been for buying consumer goods and housing loans. He said though this was essential, yet it was an imperative to increase credit flow to those who required it for running their enterprises. He stressed that this was a critical area where banks would have to put in more effort. He assured that the State government was ready to support them and address their Rioconcerns.also said the issue raised by the banks regarding implementation of the SARFAESI Act, 2002 in the State would be addressed to enable them to extend loans against secured assets. With a view to increase offtake of credit to priority sectors, Rio said the Chief Minister’s Micro Finance Initiative would be launched that would make credit more affordable and available to individuals, SHGs and Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs). He hoped that through this scheme additional credit of Rs 200-250 crore would be disbursed during the year so as to help increase farmers’ incomes, promote credit discipline, encourage private enterprise and improve agri-marketing network and infrastructure in theHeState.expressed happiness that North East Small Finance Bank was willing Law Ministry said here. The LSC deliberations were also attended by the British High Commissioner to India Alex Ellis. In July 2018, India and the UK had entered into a Memorandum of Un derstanding for promoting Raj Thackeray backs Nupur Sharma over remarks against Prophet Mohammad KCC scheme must cover all districts: FM to extend Rs 150 crore as loan to small entrepreneurs and farmers and also open 10 branches in the State. Speaking on the occasion, chief secretary JAlam congratulated the banks and State Level Bankers’ Committee (SLBC) for contributing to the State in terms of providing credit to priority sectors, uplifting vulnerable sections and promoting agriculture and business initiatives.Hemaintained that post Covid pandemic, role of banks had become crucial in revitalising the economy. Therefore, he stressed that it was apt that several new initiatives were launched, taking banking facilities closer to the people of Nagaland.Asrest of the country marched ahead with technological developments, he stressed that Nagaland should not be left behind. He added that a common refrain from the banks was lack of proper internet connectivity coming in the way of providing banking services in remote and unbanked parts of the State. Secretary department of financial services Sanjay participatedAltogetherKCC-saturateddistrictsKCC,thetwobankssecretarywhileforthem,outandofsatisfactionMalhotraexpressedattheconductoutreachprogrammesaidbanksshouldreachtocitizensandassistinsteadofwaitingpeopletocometothem,requestingthechieftosupporttheinthisregard.Hedisclosedthatdistrictshadreachedsaturationpointforcommentingthatalltoocouldbemadedistricts.25banksintheconclave.

Residential PRoPeRty FoR sale Entrance Attached NH:29 Area : 15,070 Sq. Ft. (Rs. 1,500/-) 5th Mile/9856508484 DP-3979/22 LandUrgentForSaLe 11,000 Sq. Ft. Bamunpukhuri ‘A’ (Water, Electricity, Temporary House, Plantation Complete) # 7005473559 DP-3799/22 ComPuteRsFoRsale 10 Nos. (Rs. 4500/- Per Set) Used/Low Configurations WhatsApp : 9856508484 (C)DP-3979/22 EyE CArE CliniC Optometrist (Mon - Sat) Ophthalmologist (Wed 3: PM) 8732057771/ Chumukedima DP-3978/22 Plot FoR sale (uRgent) Residential / 7,469 Sq. Ft. Rs. 185 per sq. ft. Seithekema C 3rd Plot from NH 29. 9856508484 (A)DP-3979/22 oFFer ErrA BEAuty PArlOr DhOBinAlA POliCE POint 1. Straightening Rs. 1500 Any Length 2. Hair Colour Rs. 1000 3. Haircut with Eyebrow Rs. 150 Contact : 8787681035 DP-3976/22 Wanted A dedicated lady Warden for a Hostel Qualification : B.Th/BD/M.Div 9362959044/ 6009334075 (B)DP-3937/22 lAnD fOr KohimaSAlE 45 x 75 Feet No Broker #91- 9863204543 K-1928/22 reQUIred REQUIRED HOSTEL COOK AnD hElPEr FOR A EASTHOSTELREPUTEDINDIMAPUR CO. nO: 9436013903 DB-919/22 WANTED Kitchen helper cum Dish Washer Age : 19 - 25 years No Fooding and Lodging Location : 4th Mile, Diphupar Contact : 9362365092 -3973/22DP FORLANDSALE Near Viola DimapurColony, Area/Plots available as per Budget Contact : 8732002080 -3975/22DP LAND FOR SALE near 4 lane Second row 90 Bighas (22½ Puras) rs. 130 per sq. ft. (Slightly Negotiable) Dry land Suitable for any type of School/College, Industry, Hospital, Residential and Farming Site Contact : +91-9362359493 -3981/22DP lAnD fOr SAlE at ChumukedimaDiphupar, Genuine Buyers Please Contact : 8413808228 -3984/22DP FOR SALE toyota innova 2.5G, 2012 (NL) toyota innova 2.5G, 2014 (NL) No Brokers Please. Contact - 9863060734 -3923/22DP 1. MBBS/BDS/MDS/MD/VETERINARY (Direct admission in top medical & veterinary colleges in India with affordable package) 2. B.ED & M.ED (Available in Govt. University for both attending & Nonattending mode) Recognized & approved by UGC & NCTE 3. Other courses: Engineering all branches, Agri, Pharma. D B. Pharma, forestry, horticulture, Fishery, Nursing, Paramedical, BPT. 4. Distance Courses: BA, MA, B.Sc, M.Sc. B.Com, M.Com & others ADMISSION OPEN 2022 EDUAIDE CAREER COUNSELING: 8700695549; 9718225382 -3166/22DP Land For SaLe 1. AreaPadumpukhuri:5000Sq. Ft. 2. Kushiabill Sec-IV Area : 3 Bighas 3. Indisen (Ao’s only) Contact no. : 7005424879 DP-3967/22 PLOT FOR SALE BEHIND GOVERNMENT COLLEGE DIMAPUR AT A REASONABLE RATE IDEAL FOR RESIDENTIAL AND VARIOUS INSTITUTIONS. 5 BiGhAS intErEStED PErSOnS CAn KinDly 8798439412/9362619411COntACt -891/22DB FOR SALE 1. JCB (L&T Case) 2010 4x4 Price. Rs. 650000/2. land for Sale @ Seithekima A, 5 Bighas in Bulk. Rs. 65 per sq. ft. Contact : 883-7268381 -915/22DB Correspondent KOHIMA, AUG 23 (NPN): Investment Development Authority of Nagaland (IDAN) and Small Industrial Development bank of India (SIDBI) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at Capital Cultural Hall Kohima Tuesday. In his brief address chief executive officer (CEO) IDAN Alemtemshi Jamir said the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) High Impact Entrepreneurs from Emerging Regions for Action (HiEERA) programme was its flagship ofaeducators,bankers,(Governmentandoverhespreadlinkage-basedcultureentrepreneursandimpactcatersFoundationinprogrammecapacity-buildingandpromotedIndiabyEmpretecIndia(EIF),whichtotheneedsofhigh-(both,high-potentialhigh-performance)through(behavior)andinterventions.Establishedin1988andacross50countries,saidEmpretechastrained500,000entrepreneursintrapreneursofficers,administrators,etc.)topromotecultureandconsciousnessentrepreneurship.
AHMEDABAD, AUG 23 (IANS): Adani media arm AMG Media Networks Ltd’s (AMNL) whollyowned subsidiary VCPL, which holds warrants of NDTV’s promoter group company RRPR Holding Private Ltd (RRPR), entitling it to convert them into 99.99 per cent stake in RRPR, has exercised the option to acquire 99.5 per cent stake in RRPR and acquire control of it. RRPR holds 29.18 per cent stake in NDTV. VCPL, along with AMNL and AEL (persons acting in concert), will also launch an open offer to acquire up to 26 per cent stake in NDTV, in compliance with the requirements of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) AMNL to indirectly acquire 29.18% stake in NDTV Regulations, 2011. NDTV is a leading media house which has pioneered the delivery of news for over three decades. The company operates three national news channels - NDTV 24x7, NDTV India, and NDTV Profit. It also has strong online presence and remains one of the most followed news handles on social media with more than 35 million followers across various platforms. NDTV recorded revenue of Rs 421 crore with an EBITDA of Rs 123 crore and net profit of Rs 85 crore in FY22 with negligible“Thisdebt.acquisition is a significant milestone in the journey of AMNL’s goal to pave the path of new age media across platforms,” its CEO Sanjay Pugalia said. “AMNL seeks to empower Indian citizens, consumers and those interested in India, with information and knowledge. With its leading position in news and its strong and diverse reach across genres and geographies, NDTV is the most suitable broadcast and digital platform to deliver on our vision. We look forward to strengthening NDTV’s leadership in news delivery.”AMNL, a whollyowned subsidiary of AEL, houses the media business of the Adani Group.
Karunya awarded with NAAC A++ Grade
IDAN CEO and SIDBI exchanging MoU at Kohima, Tuesday. (NP)
Jamir informed that IDAN has been piloting the Empretec programme since 2018, which was also the year India signed a resolution on globallymakegapsfinancialframeworksupportlocalandmissionAssemblyUnitedEntrepreneurshipDevelopmentSustainablethroughattheNationsGeneral(UNGA).HesaidSIDBI’shasbeentofacilitatestrengthencreditflowtoenterprisesalongwithforcapacitybuildingandaddressbothanddevelopmentalintheecosystemtoitstrong,vibrantandcompetitive.TheCEOappreciated
Gold gains Rs 157; silver jumps Rs 364 NEW DELHI, AUG 23 (PTI): Gold rose by Rs 157 to Rs 51,707 per 10 gram in the national capital on Tuesday amid an increase in international yellow metal prices, according to HDFC Securities.Inthe previous trade, the precious metal settled at Rs 51,550 per 10 gram. Silver also jumped by Rs 364 to Rs 55,662 per kg. In the international market, gold was trading higher at USD 1,739 per ounce while silver was flat at USD 19.03 per ounce. “Gold prices halted decline on a softer dollar which is still trading near six-week high,” said Tapan Patel, Senior Analyst (Commodities) at HDFC Securities.
IDAN signs MoU with SIDBI
SIDBI for partnering with IDAN in this important journey by graciously agreeing to support the installation and development of the Empretec programme in Nagaland and making a generous contribution of Rs. 1.18 Crore for the first phase of the HiEERA Development Cycle in Nagaland in Through2022. this Development Cycle sponsored by SIDBI Jamir said the State expects to prospect 150 entrepreneurs that will eventually give birth to 10 HiEERA enterprises, creating 250 direct employment and 2500 indirect employment. It will also create 100 additional enterprises around the HiEERAs which will absorb Rs. 250 cr of additional direct investment and grants and an additional indirect investment and grants of Rs. 500 cr, he added.The MoU was exchanged in the presence of the union minister for finance Nirmala Sitharaman, chief minister Neiphiu Rio and host of other dignitaries. research and submitted its report.The important parameters leading to the accreditation have been industry 4.0 compliant, curriculum, digital teaching and learning practices, state of art
ACROSS 4 Await (6) 7 Climbing plant (8) 8 Javelins (6) 10 Skilful (5) 13 Sugar plant (4) 14 Roster (4) 15 Crossbow arrow (4) 16 Nevertheless (3) 17 Couple (4) 19 American ostrich (4) 21 Risky (9) 23 Stupid person (4) 24 Gloomy (4) 26 Swamp (3) 27 Owl’s cry (4) 29 Eager (4) 32 Side (4) 33 Phase (5) 34 Demands (6) 35 knowledgeLacking(8) 36 Free (6) DOWN 1 Curse (5) 2 Small island (5) 3 Thaw (4) 4 Artist’s stand (5) 5 Bard (4) 6 Eye membrane (6) 9 Fuel (6) 11 Female deer (3) 12 Of the Pope (5) 13 Tedium (7) 15 Large (3) 16 Affirmative (3) 18 National song (6) 20 Unwieldy (5) 21 Alsatian (3) 22 Groove (3) 23 US monetary unit (6) 25 Man’s name (3) 28 Fertile spot (5) 30 Showy display (5) 31 Amphibians (5) 32 Hue (4) 33 Cut (4) Crossword No. 10372 Yesterday’s solution No. 10371 Su doku No. 4994 Yesterday’s solution No. 4993 KAKURO No. 4018 Yesterday’s solution No. 4017 8 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2022BUSINESS DIMAPUR, AUG 23 (NPN): The facilities,differentinspectedfromTechnologyKarunyaNAACoutreachdevelopment,innovationplacements,teachingcontributionsKarunya’sUniversity,tothe(NAAC)AccreditationNationalAgencyhasconferredhighest-GradeA++KarunyaDeemedconsideringsignificantinacademics,learning,research,infrastructure,&productextensionandactivities.ThesevenmemberpeerteamvisitedInstituteofandSciencesAugust10-12andthelaboratories,departments,infrastructure,
the best practice manifested by 25 technology missions in cutting edge areas. All Programs of Karunya are approved by UGC and the engineering and MBA Programs are approved by AICTE. 10 UG and PG Engineering and Management Programs are accredited by NBA. In the ARIIA Ranking 2022, KITS is placed in the “Band Excellent” among the selffinancing institutions. In recognition of the online teaching and learning practices, KITS received the Advanced QS E-LEAD Certification from QS I-GUAGE.
DIMAPUR, AUG 23 (NPN): Bharat Petroleum Corporation limited (BPCL) launched door delivery of diesel facility at NES Dimapur NH 39 on Tuesday. The facility the second of its kind in the state was inaugurated by Head Retail East, Debashis Naik in presence of other company officials.With the introduction of this facility, customers can now order diesel from the convenience at their home/ office for their stationary equipment and heavy construction machineries. The service will be carried out by a dedicated Bouser with the capacity of 6000 BPCLliters. is hopeful to attract and serve customer at various locations in and around Dimapur.
BPCL extends ‘doorstep’ diesel delivery
Debashis Naik and others at the launching of door delivery of diesel
Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman launches the mobile ATM van of Nagaland Rural Bank funded by NABARD at the Banker’s Conclave/Credit Outreach Programme at Capital Cultural Hall, Kohima on August 23. (DIPR)
NEW DELHI, AUG 23 (REUTERS): Apple Inc plans to start making the iPhone 14 in India about two months after its release out of China, in a move that will narrow the gap from the typical six to nine months for previous launches, Bloomberg News reported on Tuesday.Thecompany has been working with suppliers to ramp up manufacturing in India and the first iPhone 14s from the country are likely to be finished in late October or November, following the initial September release, Bloomberg reported, citing people familiar with the matter.Apple’s Taiwanbased supplier Foxconn has studied the process of shipping items from China and assembling the iPhone 14 at its plant outside Chennai, it reported. The U.S. tech giant is looking at options after Beijing’s clashes with Washington and lockdowns across the country disrupted production, according to the report.

LONDON, AUG 23 (PTI): Britain’s prime ministerial candidate Rishi Sunak said he wants to change the UK-India relationship to make it a more two-way ex change that opens up easy access to UK students and companies in India. During a campaign hustings event hosted by the Conservative Friends of India (CFIN) diaspora organisation in north London on Monday evening, the former Chan cellor greeted the largely British Indian gathering with a mix of traditional greetings such as “namaste, salaam, khem cho, and kidda”.He even broke into Hindi: “Aap sab mere pari var ho (you all are my fam ily).” “We know the UKIndia relationship is impor tant. We represent the living bridge between our two countries,” he said, in re sponse to a question about bilateral ties from CFIN cochair Reena Ranger. “We are all very aware of the opportunity for the UK to sell things and do things in India, but actually we need to look at that relationship differently because there is an enormous amount that we here in the UK can learn from India,” he said. “I want to make sure that it’s easy for our students to also travel to India and learn, that it’s also easy for our companies and Indian companies to work together because it’s not just a oneway relationship, it’s a twoway relationship, and that’s the type of change I want to bring to that relationship,” he said.On China, the former minister reiterated his stand about the need to be “very robust” in defending the UK against its aggressive ness. “China and the Chi nese Communist Party rep resent the biggest threat to our economic and thereby national security that this country has faced in a long time and we need to be alive to that,” he said. relationship more two-way’ Rishi Sunak
Antonio Guterres
BRUSSELS, AUG 23 (IANS): Nearly half of Europe is at risk of drought, according to a report by the European Commission’s sci ence and knowledge service (JRC).The report, published on Monday, said that, as of August 10, 47 per cent of Europe’s territory has reached a warning level for drought while 17 per cent of the surveyed regions were on full alert, reports dpa newsResearchersagency. said dry conditions are related to scarce rain and a number of heatwaves from May on wards that have affected riv er discharges widely across Europe. Reduced water vol umes have also adversely affected the energy sector for both hydropower generation and cooling systems of other powerTheplants.drought has sub stantially reduced yields for summer crop harvests, with corn, soybeans and sunflowers most affected, the researchers said. “Soil moisture and veg etation stress are both se
KHAR GAZETTED OFFICERS' UNION Headquarter : Khar P.O : Mangkolemba Camp Dimapur - 797112 : Nagaland FELICITATION
UNITED NATIONS, AUG 23 (AP): UN Sec retary-General Antonio Guterres has demanded a halt to “nuclear saberrattling”, saying the world is at a “maximum moment of danger” and all countries with nuclear weapons must make a commitment to “no first-use”.The UN chief on Monday told the Security Council that the commit ment to dialogue and reason that led to the recent deal restarting grain and fertiliser shipments from Ukraine and Russia must be applied to “the critical situation” at Europe’s largest nuclear power plant at Zaporizhzhia in southeastern Ukraine, where continued shelling and fighting in the area has raised fears of a nuclear catastrophe.Saying“humanity’s fu ture is in our hands today”, Guterres urged all countries “to recommit to a world free of nuclear weapons and to spare no effort to come to the negotiating table to ease tensions and end the nuclear arms race, once and for all”. The secretary-general spoke at a council meet ing organised by China, which holds the presidency this month, on “promoting common security through dialogue and cooperation”. Across the world, Guterres said, collective security is being tested as “never before”, pointing to geopolitical divides, con flicts, military coups, inva sions, lengthy wars and differences between the world’s great powers, “in cluding at this council”. He also cited “chal lenges that were unimagi nable to our predecessors -- cyberwarfare, terrorism, and lethal autonomous weapons”.“And the nuclear risk has climbed to its highest point in decades,” Guterres warned. The council meet ing took place during the pandemic-delayed confer ence to review the 50-yearold Nuclear Nonprolifera tion Treaty, which is con sidered the cornerstone of international disarmament efforts.It is taking place against the backdrop of Russian President Vladi mir Putin’s warning after his February 24 invasion of Ukraine that Russia is a “potent” nuclear power and any attempt to inter fere would lead to “con sequences you have never seen”, and his decision to put Russia’s nuclear forces on highPutinalert.has since said that “a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought”, a message reiter ated by a senior Russian official on the opening day of the NPT conference on August 2. The NPT sought to prevent the spread of nuclear arms beyond the five original nuclear powers -- the US, Russia, China, Britain and France -- and eventually achieve a nucle ar-free world.
But Maimun said the appeal hearings had ended because Najib’s newly ap pointed lawyers refused to make any new arguments in protest of not being given more time to prepare.
The Federal Court last week also dismissed a bid by Najib to seek a retrial on grounds of bias by the High Court judge, and refused to postpone the appeal to give his new lawyers more time to prepare. The court also denied a request by Najib’s new law yer to withdraw from the case.
GAZA, AUG 23 (IANS): Militant groups Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) held a joint meeting in the Gaza Strip weeks after deadly Israeli strikes against the PIJ in the besieged enclave, vow ing to support each other’s resistance against the Is raeli Theoccupation.meeting, attended by members of the two fac tions’ political and military leaders, was “positive and important”, Khader Habib, a senior PIJ leader, told Xi nhua news agency. He add ed that the Hamas and PIJ agreed to strengthen ties to support “the two groups’ strategy of resisting the Israeli occupation”. A joint (PTI):INGTON,ISLAMABAD/WASHAUG23
‘I want to make UK-India
“There is no retreat, no hesitation, and it will continue under high coor dination between the two movements and all other factions,” the statement said, adding “our response will be firm, decisive, and united”.
The KGOU with immense pride and happiness extends heartiest congratulations to the following Officers of the 1.Union. Dr. Temjentsungla on being promoted to Director, Health & Family Welfare, Nagaland. 2. Smti. Imcharenla IPS, DIG (NAP) on being awarded President's Police Medal for Distinguish Service 2022. The Union further wishes success and good health in their career.
United Nation chief demands halt to ‘nuclear saber-rattling’
BANGKOK, AUG 23 (AP): Thailand’s Consti tutional Court on Monday received a petition from op position lawmakers seeking a ruling on whether Prime Minister Prayuth Chanocha has reached the legal limit on how long he can remain in office. The petition, signed by 171 members of the House of Representatives, asks the nine-member court to rule on an article in the constitution limiting prime ministers to eight years in Theoffice.court is widely expected to announce on Wednesday whether it will rule on the petition. It is un certain whether the court, if it accepts the case, would temporarily suspend Pra yuth from his duties until it issues a ruling. At issue is the date that should be used in de termining how long he has been in office. Prayuth, then army commander, seized power in May 2014 after toppling an elected government in a military coup. He led a ruling junta and was installed as prime minister on August 24, 2014, under a provisional post-coup constitution. His critics and several legal experts contend this means he will complete eight years in office on Tuesday. His supporters say the country’s current constitution, which con tains the provision limiting prime ministers to eight years, came into effect on April 6, 2017, and that should be used as the start ing date. An even more generous interpretation is that the countdown began on June 9, 2019, when Pra yuth took office under the new constitution following a 2019 general election.
verely affected,” the JRC re port said, listing over a doz en countries where drought hazard has been increasing, including Germany, France and the“TheUK.rest of Europe, already affected by drought, maintains stable severely dry conditions,” the report added.It said regions where conditions are worsening the most are those that were already affected by drought in spring 2022, for example northern Italy, south-eastern France, and some areas in Hungary and cipitation.”thelosses,stormsareas,theinleviated(mid-August)MediterraneanbermalwarmercastingResearchersRomania.areforethatconditionsanddrierthannorarelikelyuntilNoveminthewesternEuro-region.“RecentprecipitationmayhavealdroughtconditionssomeregionsofEurope,”expertssaid.“However,insomeassociatedthundercauseddamages,andmayhavelimitedbeneficialeffectsofpre
WASHINGTON, AUG 23 (AP): The US State Department has issued a security alert warning that Russia is stepping up efforts to launch strikes against Ukraine’s civilian infrastructure and govern ment facilities in the com ing days. The US Embassy in Kyiv on Monday urged US citizens still in Ukraine to depart the country im mediately.“Ifyou hear a loud explosion or if sirens are activated, immediately seek cover,” the State De partment said in its alert. “If in a home or a building, go to the lowest level of the structure with the fewest exterior walls, windows, and openings; close any doors and sit near an interior wall, away from any windows or openings.”
in Kyiv on Tuesday. (AP/PTI)
(WATICHUCHANGSd/- JAMIR) (NUNGSHILEMBA) President General Secretary dp-3974/22
Almost half of Europe at risk of drought: Report
The State Department issued the alert after the US intelligence community on Monday declassified a find ing that determined that Russia would increasingly target Ukrainian civilian infrastructure, according to a US official familiar with the intelligence.Theofficial was not authorized to comment publicly about the finding and spoke on the condition of anonymity.Thenew intelligence comes as Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine will hit the six-month mark on Wednesday, which coin cides with Ukraine’s inde pendence day from Soviet Union rule.
Former Malaysian PM Najib Razak waves as he arrives at the Court of Appeal in Putrajaya, Malaysia. Thai court asked to rule if prime minister must step down Prayuth Chan-ocha
Polish President in Kiev for talks with Zelensky Malaysia ex-PM Najib’s graft conviction upheld is so inherently inconsistent and incredible that it does not raise a reasonable doubt on the prosecution case,” she said.The court ordered Na jib to begin his time behind bars. 1MDB was a develop ment fund that Najib set up shortly after taking power in 2009. Investigators allege at least USD 4.5 billion was stolen from the fund and laundered by Najib’s associates. Najib was found guilty in 2020 of abuse of power, criminal breach of trust and money launder ing for illegally receiving USD 9.4 million from SRC International, a former unit of 1MDB.Najib, 69, has main tained he is innocent and had been out on bail pend ing his appeals. Just be fore the court delivered its verdict, he stood up in the dock to make a statement protesting the top court’s series of refusals last week to postpone the appeal hear ings. Najib said he felt he was “unfairly treated” and that his case has been rushed through. He pointed out that a leaked verdict by the Federal Court had been posted on a website and said if this was true, it would be the a “judicial misconduct of the highest order.”
“This is a simple and straightforward case of abuse of power, criminal breach of trust and money laundering,” said Chief Justice Maimun Tuan Mat, who read out the verdict. “We are unable to conclude that any of the findings of the High Court, as affirmed by the Court of Appeal, were perverse or plainly wrong so as to war rant appellate intervention. We agree that the defense
PUTRAJAYA (MALAY SIA), AUG 23 (AP): Ma laysian ex-Prime Minister Najib Razak lost his final appeal on Tuesday in a graft case linked to the looting of the 1MDB state fund, with the top court unanimously upholding his conviction and 12-year prison sentence. The loss means Najib will have to begin serving his sentence immediately, becoming the first former prime minister to be jailed. The five-member Fed eral Court panel said it found the High Court judge was right in his judgment and that Najib’s appeal was “devoid of any merits.”
The US has made it clear that it does not side with any political party in Pakistan and supports the “peaceful” upholding of democratic, constitu tional, and legal principles in the country, days after authorities slapped terror ism-related charges against ousted prime minister Im ran Khan.Khan, 69, was booked on Sunday under the AntiTerrorism Act. On Mon day, he moved to the Is lamabad High Court (IHC) seeking pre-arrest bail in the case. He has secured transit bail till August 25. Responding to a ques tion on terrorism charge imposed on the chairman of the Pakistan Tehreek-eInsaf (PTI) party, US State Department spokesperson Ned Price said that he was aware of the reports about the charges.ButPrice said this is a matter of the Pakistani legal and judicial system. “It is not directly a matter for the United States, and that’s because we don’t have a position on one political candi date or party versus any other political candidate or party,” Price said, explain ing Washington’s stand on the political situation in Pakistan. The State De partment spokesperson added that the US supports the “peaceful upholding of democratic, constitu tional, and legal principles in Pakistan and around the world”. Meanwhile, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has als o urged “calm, de-escalation of tensions” and respect for the “rule of law” in Paki stan.In response to a ques tion about the “increas ingly tense” situation in Pakistan, Guterres’ spokes person Stephane Dujarric said on Monday that the UN chief was aware of the charges brought against former prime minister Im ran Khan and he empha sised the “need for a com peten t, independent and impartial legal process”. “He urges calm, low ering of tensions, and re spect for the rule of law, human rights and fun damental freedoms,” the spokesperson added. Khan was booked un der the Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA) after he threat ened an additional sessions judge, Zeba Chaudhry, and senior officers of the Islam abad Police at a rally in the federal capital’s F-9 Park last week.
An aerial view shows boats in the dry bed of of the Doubs River, July 18, 2022.
Najib appeared in shock after the verdict was read. He was immediately surrounded by his family and supporters.EarlierTuesday, Najib sought to remove Maimun from the case, citing pos sible bias because her hus band had made a negative Facebook posting about Na jib’s leadership shortly after his ouster in 2018 general elections. But the judges dis missed Najib’s application.
COLOMBO, AUG 23 (IANS): The Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka (HRCSL) ruled on Tuesday that former President Go tabaya Rajapaksa, who fled the country in July amid the unrest triggered by the ongo ing economic crisis, should be allowed to return to the country.Writing to President Ranil Wickremesinghe, the HRCSL stated that Raj apaksa is entitled to certain privileges and benefits under law and the government should take necessary steps to ensure his security to return. The Commission headed by a retired Supreme Court judge recommended the government to take all necessary steps to assess the SL President directed to ensure Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s return threat situation and provide Rajapaksa and his family access to return whenever he wants.Following the threemonth long street violence over the economic crisis that led to the acute shortages of food, fuel, electricity and cooking gas, Rajapaksa an nounced his resignation on July 9 and fled the country on July 13. He first went to the Maldives and then to Singapore. On the request of the Sri Lankan government, Rajapaksa and his wife were allowed to enter Thailand where he currently resides. A former dual citizen of Sri Lanka and the US, Rajapaksa was refused visa by Washington as he had to give up his American citizenship before the 2019 presidential election. Sri Lankan election law prohib its foreign nationals from running for presidency. Last week, the Sri Lanka Podu jana Peramuna (SLPP) party formed by Rajapaksa family including Gotabaya’s broth ers -- former Prime Minister Mahinda and former Fi nance minister Basil -- had urged Wickremesinghe to facilitate the former Presi dent’s return to the country.
Gotabaya Rajapaksa
Russia looks to step up hits on Ukraine infrastructure: US Hamas, Islamic Jihad vow resistance to Israeli occupation
Terrorism charge on Imran Khan: US says it does not side with any party in Pak Imran Khan
File photo of Islamic Jihad terrorists. statement issued after the meeting described “armed resistance” as “the choice of the two movements”, warning Israel against “any future assaults against the Palestinian people and the members of the armed resistance”.
WARSAW, AUG 23 (IANS): Polish President Andrzej Duda has travelled to Kiev to meet his Ukrai nian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky to discuss military and humanitarian assis tance, the Warsaw govern ment announced on Tues day. Cabinet office head Pawel Szrot said that Duda would then join Zelensky in online discussions in the context of the Crimea Plat form, a diplomatic initiative set up by Ukraine in August last year aimed at reversing Russia’s 2014 annexation of the Black Sea peninsula, reports dpa news agency. Ukraine is hoping to use the platform’s second meeting to gain support for recovering the Crimean Peninsula. Other prominent leaders joining the online discussions are German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Ca nadian Prime Minister Jus tin Trudeau, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and NATO General Secretary Jens Stoltenberg.Atotalof50 partici pants from all round the world have been invited.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (R) and Polish president Andrzej Duda (L)

Boyzone’s Shane Lynch quits showbiz for good
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Laugh It Off Stress can make your brain release a hormone called cortisol, which makes it hard to think clearly. Over time, high levels of stress can cause trouble with your learning and memory. A fun way to protect your brain is to have a good laugh. It can lower cortisol levels and help keep your brain healthy. Get Outside Nature has a calming effect and can ease stress -even if you’re just looking out a window. When you spend time outdoors, you give your brain a rest from the constant flow of data and stimulus it gets throughout the day. This lets it reboot its ability to focus, so you may feel more creative and better able to solve problems. Ditch Your Routine There’s nothing wrong with eating the same breakfast every day or driving the same route to work. Humans are creatures of habit. But it’s good for your brain to try to mix things up. Even once a week can help. A change in routine boosts your brain’s ability to learn new info and hold onto it. Try out a new recipe or explore a different part of your city. Become a Student Again When you learn a new skill or subject, your brain makes new pathways between its many cells. You might try your hand at creative writing or a new hobby that interests you, like quilting or playing the guitar. If it seems hard at first, don’t give up. The tougher it is for you to get the hang of it, the better for your brain. Focus on One Thing at a Time Just because you can text, watch TV, and check your social media feed at the same time doesn’t mean it’s good for you. When your brain is hit with several streams of info at once, it has to sift through it all. This makes it harder for you to focus, manage your memory, and switch from one thing to another. Go easy on your brain and give one thing your full attention at a time. Meditate Whether you say a mantra or just focus on breathing, meditation can help with high blood pressure or high cholesterol. (Both can raise your chances of Alzheimer’s.) Studies show it also can boost your focus, memory, and ability to choose words, and it can make it easier to switch from one thought to another. The reasons for this aren’t clear, but one theory is that meditation gives your brain a break from concrete words and thoughts. Break a Sweat Working out is as good for your brain as it is for your body. Exercise keeps your reasoning and thinking skills sharp because it ramps up the blood flow to your brain, along with certain chemicals that help protect it. Try to get moving every other day for at least 30 minutes. Give It a Rest If you don’t get enough sleep, even a simple task can take more mental effort than it would otherwise. You’ll also find it much harder to focus, and you may notice gaps in your short-term memory. To stay fresh, aim for 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. Watch What You Eat The more calories you take in, the higher your chances of memory loss may be. The reason isn’t clear-cut, but a greater BMI (body mass index) at middle age is linked to poor brain health later in life. Small changes, like switching from whole milk to skim, will help you cut down on calories. Your doctor or a dietitian can help you with a plan that’s right for you. Feed Your Brain Certain foods work hard to protect your brain. These include fruits, veggies, legumes, fish, and “good” fats like the ones in canola and olive oils. A daily cup of tea or coffee also can help your brain wake up. But watch the processed foods-which can wreak havoc on your blood sugar. Stop Smoking Many chemicals in cigarettes are toxic to your brain, so you might not be surprised to learn that smoking’s linked to mental decline and dementia. And the same goes for secondhand smoke. Talk to others in your family about quitting, too. You’ll all stay healthier if your house and car are smoke-free. Take Care of Your Heart If your heart’s in poor health, you’re more likely to have learning and memory problems. Being overweight and not getting enough exercise can make your blood vessels narrow. This limits the amount of blood that flows to your brain, and your arteries may start to harden. High blood pressure is the biggest sign that your brain’s health is at risk. If yours is high, talk with your doctor about how to control it. Get Help for Your Mental Health If you’re depressed, you may be more likely to have a mental decline. In addition to feelings of helplessness and losing interest in things you love, depression also can put you in a “brain fog.” Thinking, staying focused, and making decisions can be much harder. If you have some of these signs, talk to your doctor about what you can do to treat them.
Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp
Tom Hardy wins Jiu-Jitsu gold medal
Carmelita Swiner, MD
The Dimapur Area Chuchuyimlang Senso Telongjem would like to felicitate Head Dobashi Mr. Aotemsu Jamir , son of Late Mr. J. Latong Jamir and Mrs. S. Amakla for receiving Certificate of Commendation from the Office of the Deputy Commissioner Dimapur in recognition for his hard work and contribution towards the District Administration. I. Sungit J. Imlimeren President G. Secretary DACST DACSTdp-3980/22
The Longjakrep Semchir Telongjem Ungma (LSTU) whole heartedly convey our congratulations to our bonafide member Mr. L. Mongkum Jamir (S/o Lt. Limasungba Jamir) presently the President, Business Association of Nagas (BAN) for being appointed as member of the High Powered Monitoring Committee (HPMC) of the National Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Hub (NSSH) scheme under the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME), Government of India. The LSTU wishes him good health and success as he endeavours to serve in the Committee. The LSTU also acknowledges MSME Minister Honourable Bhanu Pratap Singh Verma for posing faith on Mr. L. Mongkum Jamir and giving him this unique opportunity. Imtidongba Jamir, Tatar Onentiba Jamir, Tatar Longjakrep Semchir Telongjem Ungma Longjakrep Semchir Telongjem Ungma
Sylvester Stallone denies rumours of marriage troubles
Your brain gets a mental workout when you stream your favorite playlist. Not only can listening to music help you feel more alert, but it also can boost your memory and mood. One reason is that there’s a math to music and how one note relates to the other. Your brain has to work to make sense of this structure. This is especially true for music you’re hearing for the first time. Make Time to Make Friends Getting to know new people boosts your brain’s “executive function” as much as doing a crossword puzzle. This set of mental skills includes your shortterm memory, power to tune out distractions, and ability to stay focused. How does a friendly 10-minute chat help? Listening to someone else’s point of view and trying to put yourself in their shoes pushes your brain to think in new ways.
Sheena and Shane have recently moved their lives from the south of the UK to the north as they relocated to Cheshire. With the move, came the opportunity for the couple to appear on the Real Housewives of Cheshire, something which won’t change now Shane has quit“Theshowbiz.only thing you’ll see me do is Real Housewives because that is part of our lives and they came into our home and it is all“Igenuine.happen to be a part of that, but my business life has gone to a whole new level and I’m happy with that.” (IANS)
Give Your Life a Soundtrack
ollywood star Sylvester Stallone has hidden a tattoo of his wife Jennifer Flavin by covering it up with a picture of Rocky’s dog. After replacing the design on his right bicep with an inking of Butkus, the bull mastiff belonging to the fictional boxer in the blockbuster franchise, the 76-year-old actor played down speculation there could be marriage troubles, reports else matters. The 4 of us forever.”The couple tied the knot in May 1997 at London’s Dorchester Hotel, and Jennifer reflected on her man’s playboy reputation at the time.She said, “I’m not naive about what may go on when I’m not around -- he’s a 45-year-old man -- I can’t change the way he is. Still, he’s not a cheating dog every day of the week. We spend five out of seven nights together, so I don’t know where he’d find the time.”Earlier this year, the pair marked their 25th wedding anniversary, and Sly hailed his wife as an “incredible selfless” woman.He said at the time, “Happy 25th anniversary to my amazing wife. There is not enough words to describe what this incredibly selfless dedicated, patient, woman has meant to our lives and I only wish they could be another 25! Thank you sweetheart!”Sheadded, “Thank you for always keeping me laughing, loving and protecting our beautiful family! Our marriage keeps getting better every year! I can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives together!” (IANS)
OFFICE OF THE LONGJAkREP SEMCHIR TELONGJEM Ungma FELICITATION mkc-300/22 ‘V enom’ star Tom Hardy has shown all his hard man action on the big screen is not all acting after winning two gold medals at a martial arts oftheparalysingincludesorThislesstousedcloseJiu-Jitsucompetition.isasystemofcombatthatcanbeinadefensivemannersubdueorkillweapon-orarmedopponents.martialartusesfewnoweaponsatallandthrows,holds,andattacksagainstenemy.The44-year-oldstar‘Marvelmovies’,‘Peaky Blinders’ and ‘Mad Max’ was the star of a charity Jiu-Jitsu championship and won all his matches at Aldersley Leisure Village in Wolverhampton, reports mirror.co.uk.Thisincludes a “tap out” from Army veteran opponent Danny Appleton, 40, who said he feared his arm would Footage“snap”.has been shared on social media of blue belt Tom against Danny, who hadn’t realised he would be facing the film star until the semi-finals of the REORG Open Jiu-Jitsu Championship.Speakingto LADbible about the fight, which he described as “surreal”, Appleton said: “I did try my best, but he was just a lot stronger than me, I’ve got to admit. He’s a strong guy and a talented guy, too. “I’ve got the story to tell, the kids were there to watch - which was the main thing - and I got a bronze medal - so it’s not at all a loss - and I lived to tell the tale.”Thearmy veteran said that he had no choice but to “tap out”: “As soon as you know it’s straight and it’s on - if you don’t tap, your arm is going to snap. It’s as simple as that.” Hardy had embraced training with REORG while preparing for a role as a MMA fighter for Warrior in 2011 and caught the bug for theThesport.actor learned Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu at the time and continued with his training for ‘Venom’ in 2018, in which the training helped transform his physique.Hardy had a “privileged and peaceful” childhood in South West London, but said he had to ‘endanger himself’. (IANS) ‘SNAP’
S peaking candidly about his future plans, Irish boy band Boyzone member Shane Lynch said he has quit showbiz for good. The former Boyzone singer, 46, put to bed rumours that he might re-join the Irish boyband in the future and said he is instead enjoying life running his businesses, reports
really, I love business life and I love everything that I’ve created and built up to because sometimes you go back on tour and you lose a lot. You lose a lot of family life, too. So I think I’m steady where I am and very happy not to be apart of that world anymore.”

14. Adonation Girls
LONDON, AUG 23 (IANS): Manchester Unit ed earned a deserved 2-1 victory over Liverpool at Old Trafford to kick-start the Erik ten Hag era and leave their rivals winless after three Premier League games.Ten Hag elected to drop Cristiano Ronaldo and Harry Maguire fol lowing successive losses to begin the campaign, a deci sion that was rewarded by a much-improved display, reports DPA. An incisive move culminated in San cho calmly slotting past Alisson after 16 minutes as Liverpool conceded first in a club-record seventh con secutive Premier League game.Marcus Rashford’s goal early in the second half gave United breath ing space prior to Mo hamed Salah’s header nine minutes from time, which proved a mere consolation. The hosts’ first-half display was in complete contrast to their 4-0 loss at Brentford, with Anthony Elanga -- preferred to Ron aldo -- striking the post early on with just Alisson to beat.United were ahead soon after when Sancho collected Elanga’s pass, fooled James Milner and Alisson with a dummy and found the bottom-left cor ner from the first shot on
NEW DELHI, AUG 23 (PTI): The Subroto Cup international inter-school tournament, will be held here from September 6 to October 13 as it makes a return after a gap of two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic.Around 85 school teams representing their respective states are ex pected to participate in the tournament.Aschool from Bangla desh has also confirmed its participation in the upcom ing edition of the Subroto Cup.The tournament will be held in three categories beginning with the subjunior boys (Under-14) kicking off from September 6, with the final to be held on September 15. This will be followed by junior girls’ (Under-17) competition that is sched uled to begin on September 19, with the final sched uled on September 28. The junior boys’ (Under-17) competition will start on October 3 and the final will be played on October 13. The matches will be held in four different venues -- BR Ambedkar Stadium, Tejas Football Ground (Race Course), Subroto Park and Jawaha rlal Nehru Stadium. A total prize purse in excess of Rs 23 lakh has been set aside across the three categories for the winners and the runners-up.Other cash prizes in clude those for the semifinalists, quarter-finalists, fair play, best player, best goalkeeper, best coach and best school.Aselection commit tee consisting of eminent footballers will select 25 outstanding players in each category for awarding the scholarships. All the play ers selected will be awarded a scholarship (one time grant) of Rs 25,000 in ju nior boys and junior girls categories and Rs 15,000 for sub junior boys. Many prominent In dian footballers, past and present, have come through the Subroto Cup ranks such as Shyam Thapa, Bhaichung Bhutia, Bruno Coutinho, Victor Amalraj, VP Sathyan Jackichand Singh, to name a few.
NEW DELHI, AUG 23 (AGENCIES): Indian ten nis star Sania Mirza on Tuesday has pulled out of the upcoming U.S Open following an elbow injury she picked up during the National Bank Open in Canada two weeks ago. According to Sport star, the ace tennis player posted a story on Insta gram confirming the same. The 35-year-old in January announced that she would be retiring at the end of the 2022 season. Af ter reaching the semi-finals of the women’s doubles in Toronto alongside partner Madison Keys, Mirza also played at last week’s Cin court will pass a fresh order after giving opportunities to all concerned within four weeks. Chauhan stood for re-election and as per the National Sports Develop ment Code, an office-bearer for a second successive ten ure should secure a majority of not less than two-third of the votes polled. In case of default, the candidate would be deemed to have lost the elections and the position would there after be filled by normal procedure from amongst candidates other than the office-bearer seeking re-elec tion. “The court had said the vacancy should be filled as per the National Sports Development Code. And as per that, I am the AICF secretary legally,” Dongre claimed to “WhenIANS.thepoint was raised in the court, it said any claimant for the position of AICF secretary can ap proach it,” Sanjay Chadha, advocate for Chauhan told IANS. Chadha said, the Na tional Sports Development Code has said that only a member of an association -state or national -- can stand for election and Dongre was not a member of any state/ district chess Counteringassociation.that,Don gre said: “Nowhere in the Code there is a mention that only a member can stand for election. The Code states that the contestant should be nominated by the state association.”
individuals, groups, churches, medical staff, institutions, villages, associations, families, friends and well wishers who stood by us spiritually, physically, morally, materially and financially during the prolonged illness of our beloved who passed away on 12th August 2022. We sincerely convey our special thanks to: 1. Bethel Baptist Church Tseminyu 2. B’Coy 4th NAP Baptist Fellowship, Tseminyu 3. Tesophenyu Upper Baptist Church 4. Tesophenyu Catholic Community, Kohima 5. Asheli SHG, Tseminyu 6. Tesophenyu Group Youth Organisation 7.
12. Don
16. NHAK Doctors & Staff 17. Ayushman Kohima 18. CVOK Staff, Kohima 19. CVOT Staff, Tseminyu We express our deepest regret for our inability to thank each of you personally but we pray that your love and valuable sacrifices will be richly blessed by our Almighty God. Loving Husband and Children. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT k-1926/22
Loving Husband, Children, In-Laws and
appoints interim secretary
Subroto Cup inter-school football tourney from Sep 6
Thoiba Singh of Odisha FC in action against Azhar of Kerala Blasters FC in the Durand Cup match. ( Durand Cup media)
Philippians 1:3 thank my God upon every remembrance of you” God has you in His keeping, we have you in our hearts. heartfelt gratitude appreciation to each every Tesophenyu Group Union, Tseminyu Town. Jemutsa and Semytsa Union, Tesophenyu SJC (A) Jakhama Welfare Society (Ward-4) Tseminyu Association (A) Jakhama Bosco Tseminyu (2016-2017 Batch) Science Department (A) Jakhama Hostel SJC(A) Jakhama Jenshü
AICF after order
Sania Mirza pulls out of US Open due to injury cinnati Open. “Hi guys, a quick update. I just have some not so great news. I hurt my forearm/elbow while playing in Canada 2 weeks ago and obviously, didn’t realize how bad it was until I got my scans yesterday and unfortunate ly I have infact torn a little bit of my tendon,” Mirza wrote on Instagram. Sania Mirza
We, the family members of Lt. Moasenla Ozukum (Sungratsu) would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to every individuals, well wishers, friends, neighbours and fellow villagers, who stood by us spiritually, financially and physically during the prolonged illness of our mother who passed away on 19.08.2022. We would like to express our sincere thanks to: 1. Medical staff of Eden Hospital, Dimapur. 2. Dimapur Ao Baptist Arogo. 3. Sungratsu Senso Telongjem, Dimapur. 4. Department of Horticulture, Nagaland. 5. Little Star Hr. Sec. School, Dimapur. We sincerely regret our inability to thank each and every individual but it is our prayer that our Almighty God bless you all in abundance.
15. Ketizen
We, the bereaved family of Late Bena Humtsoe, S/o Late Lisumo Humtsoe sincerely extend our heartfelt gratitude to each and everyone who stood by us physically, spiritually and financially at the time of his sudden demise. We deeply regret our inability to thank each and everyone individually but it is our humble prayer that Almighty God bless you immensely. Our special thanks to: 1. Urban Police Station, Signal Bosti 2. NSDM 3. Divers 4. RALH 5. RRUD 6. RASU 7. DNSU 8. Yankeli Village Council & Church 9. Govt Middle School Sematilla 10. Zuvihe Colony Loving mom and family members on Died on 12.09.2009 13.08.2022
9. RSU
13. B.A 5th Semester Political
Born - 27.12.1989 | Died - 20.08.2022 We, the family members of Lt. Mr. Tongpangkumzuk Longkumer , Changtongya would like to express our deepest and heartfelt gratitude to each and every individual who stood by us at his sudden demise on 20th August 2022. We would like to specially thank the Officers and Staff of Hotel Japfu, Changtongya Union kohima, Chungtia Senso Telongjem, kohima, kAbA (New Minister’s Hill Fellowship), baptist Church Sangtemtila, Dimapur for the kind gestures shown to our beloved. May Almighty God bless you all abundantly.
KOLKATA, AUG 23 (PTI): Indian Super League (ISL) side Odisha FC continued their win ning run at the Durand Cup as they defeated a resilient Kerala Blasters 2-0 in a group D match at the Indira Gandhi Athletic Stadium, Guwahati on Tuesday.Isaac Vanmalsawma and Saul Pedro scored as Odisha FC picked up their second consecutive win in the tournament.Odishacame into this match after thrashing NorthEast United FC 6-0 in their tournament opener, while Kerala played out a 1-1 draw against Sudeva Delhi in their first game. The first half of the game saw a rather slow start from both the teams with Kerala defending well and holding their fort, de spite Odisha dominating possession.Odisha could have drawn the first blood in the first half itself as the best chance came to Vanmal sawma, but he shot straight to Blasters keeper Sachin Suresh, who did well to save it.While Kerala begun the second half on a lively note, Odisha soon took control of the proceedings and created better chances, with their forward line linking up well inside the Blasters’Odishabox.shot into lead through Vanmalsawma in the 51st minute. The 25-year-old met the ball right about the centre of the box following a pass from second half substitute Diego Mauricio and did the jobThesmoothly.firstgoal led to a flurry of attacks from Odi sha and that led to a second goal in the 73rd minute through Pedro, who tapped in from a rebound off his teammate Osama Malik following a corner by Jerry Mawihmingthanga. The second goal was a nail in the coffin for Ker ala as they could not stitch any meaningful attacks, enough to trouble the Odi sha defence.Withthis win, Odisha moved to the top of their group standing with six points from two games, while Kerala have one point from two matches.
Thank you for preparing us to be the person for when you went away. The strongest and the bravest, who loved so very much. We celebrate your life Apfuo! Loving Family Members FirsT DEATh ANNivErsAry Late RÜKHIETUOLIE LIEZIETSU 14-08-1960 to 24-08-2021 k-1925/22 Born 05/09/1968 - Died 12/08/2022 We, the bereaved family members of Lt. Jahajo Jemu would like to sincerely express our
11. Philantrophic
Loving Family Members & Relatives
Manchester United beat Liverpool 2-1 in EPL
Durand Odisha FC beat Kerala
BWF World: Saina advances to pre-quarters
CHENNAI, AUG 23 (IANS): The All India Chess Federation (AICF) on Monday appointed Vip nesh Bhardwaj as its interim secretary as the Delhi High Court reiterated its earlier decision of removing Bharat Singh Chauhan from that post, said a top official. Bhardwaj has been ap pointed as the secretary of AICF following the Delhi High Court order, Sanjay Kapoor, president, told IANS. As per the AICF’s by-laws, the vacancies of office-bearers that may arise by resignation, death or oth erwise shall be filled by the president and such nomi nated person shall hold the office till the next General BodyOnmeeting.June 2, 2022, the court had declared the elec tion of Chauhan as null and void as it violated the Na tional Sports Development Code. The petition was filed by R.N. Dongre, the rival contestant. Later, the Su preme Court, citing the impending Chess Olympiad to be held in India, allowed Chauhan to continue as the secretary till Aug 15, 2022. The apex court said the high
TOKYO (JAPAN), AUG 23 (IANS): Former World No 1 Saina Nehwal started her campaign in the BWF Badminton World Cham pionships here on Tues day defeating her rival in straight games in the first round.She then got a walk over from sixth-seeded Nazomi Okuhara of Ja pan, who pulled out due to an injury, and stormed into the pre-quarterfinals in the women’s singles. The 32-year-old Saina, on Tues day, stormed past Cheung Ngan Yi of Hong Kong, quelling her challenge 2119, 21-9 in 38 minutes. From 4-4 in the first game, Cheung Ngan Yi opened a small lead before Saina caught up with her at 10-10. Scores went neckand-neck till 18-18 before Saina won the last few points to seal victory. The second game was more one-sided as Saina, who enjoyed a 4-1 headto-head lead over her rival, opened an early lead and kept her advantage through out from 5-3 to build a lead of 14-8 and went on to seal the victory.
Marcus Rashford celebrates after scoring the second goal against Liverpool on Monday. (AP) target. Liverpool struggled to get going but nearly levelled before half-time in bizarre circumstances as Bruno Fernandes mis cued a clearance against Lisandro Martinez on the goal-line.With Old Trafford rocking, despite threats of a walk out in protest at the club’s owners, half-time substitute Anthony Martial played in Rashford on the counter for United’s sec ond. Rashford was denied another by a good Alisson save, while David de Gea kept out Luis Diaz and Roberto Firmino before Salah’s nodded in after United failed to deal with a corner.Despite some late pressure from Liverpool, the home side - perhaps fortunate not to see Fer nandes sent off following a kerfuffle after Salah’s goal -- held on for a massive victory.Erik ten Hag hailed Manchester United’s fight ing spirit following their victory. Reflecting on his first competitive victory as United boss, Ten Hag told Sky Sports, “Now you see we bring attitude on the pitch and there was communication, there was a fighting spirit and there was a team, and you can see what they can achieve because they can play good football.I’m really happy and satisfied. We wanted a different approach and we have got that. Brentford was not the way I want to play football. I want to see a team, I want to see play ers who fight. You have to be brave in and out of pos session and I think we have seen that today all over the pitch. “But we have a long way to go. When you are in a process you have to deal with setbacks but you also have highlights and today was a highlight.”

AIFF requests FIFA to lift ban after Supreme Court verdict
NEW DELHI, AUG 22 (PTI): The All India Foot ball Federation (AIFF) on Tuesday requested the FIFA to lift the ban im posed on it following Su preme Court’s decision to terminate the mandate of Committee of Administra tors (CoA) as demanded by the sport’s world governing body.AIFF’s acting general secretary Sunando Dhar requested FIFA secretary general Fatma Samoura to “reconsider their decision of suspending the AIFF”. “It is with immense pleasure that we inform you that the Hon’ble Su preme Court of India took up our matter and vide order dated 22.05.2022 was pleased to pass directions regarding the full repeal of the CoA mandate and con sequently the AIFF having full charge of the AIFF’s daily affairs,” Dhar wrote in the“Inletter.view of the above, we request the FIFA and especially the Bureau to reconsider their decision of suspending the AlFF.
The country is sched uled to host the FIFA tour nament from October 1130. It is the first time the AIFF has been banned by FIFA in its 85-year history. On Monday, the Su preme Court modified its earlier orders to facilitate the revocation of the sus pension and the holding of the Under-17 Women’s World Cup in India. “The day-to-day man agement of AIFF shall be exclusively looked after by the AIFF Administration led by the Acting Secretary General. The mandate of the Committee of Admin istrators appointed by the order of this Court stands terminated,” the SC said in its verdict on Monday.
FIFA had suspend ed the AIFF on August 15 for “undue influence from third parties” and had said the U-17 Women’s World Cup “cannot currently be held in India as planned.”
MYK C MYK C Printed, Published and Edited by Geoffrey Yaden at G.M. Printers, Circular Rd. Dimapur-797112. Ph: Desk 248489, e-mail-npdesk@gmail.com. Adm.& Advertisement :248267,8798162009 e-mail-npostadvt@gmail.com, R.N. 40978/90 RN/NE 707 SPORTS12 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2022
Alongside the Na galand Olympic and Paralympic Games, the Inter District onrenNABAAkumlaciplineasboxerscouragedspecialgracedSportsYouthernment(NABA).teurofKohimaIndiracommencedChampionshipBoxing2022TuesdayatGandhiStadiumundertheaegisNagalandAmaeBoxingAssociationNagalandgovSecretaryforResources&WezopeKenyetheoccasionasguestandentheyoungtotakeupsportsaprofessionwithdisanddedication.YRSdirectorChubaandpresident,MePaulwerepresenttheoccasion. Inter boxingdistrictc’ship
The first Nagaland Paralympic was inaugurated at Vidhya Bha wan Higher Secondary School, Nagarjan, Dima pur on Tuesday with State Commission for Persons with Disabilities, Diethono Nakhro as special guest. In her speech, Nakhro said that only a few disci plines are being conducted this year but hoped that it will continue bigger and stronger in the years to come. There was so much potential in sports for the youth with disabilities and the vision is to design and enable them to excel in a sporting arena across the globe, she stated. She further added that every citizen, including citizens with disability, should have the same rights to life to the fullest, to chase their dreams and to live up to theirShepotentials.laudedyoung ath letes with disability stating that through sports they can embrace their disabil ity to find strangeness and power through with the possibility that lies within themselves and set example to others the courage to persuade their hopes and dreams not just in sports but in life as well. She also thanked the Nagaland para sports com munity, Indian Blind, Para sports Judo Association and Nagaland Olympic Association, etc. Mean while, sports commission, Indian Blind and Para Judo Association, Dr S Uma Shankar, in his brief speech stated that the state has good para players who could bring laurels to the state and the country if en couraged and well Co-convener,trained.Naga land Parasports Commit tee and joint secretary, NOA, Kuputo Shohe, also delivered a short speech, and read out the message of chief minister, Neiphiu Rio. It may be noted that Nagaland Paralympic SON (Special Olympic As sociation) was established in 2009 and has organized district games and Com munity Coach training programs in 11 districts till 2018. SON has also partici pated in the five National Games and several Na tional Championship and National Winter Games. In December 2013, four athletes and a Coach par ticipated in the Asia Pacific Games in Newcastle Aus tralia, in which they won one gold and two silvers. Altogether SON has 37 members.Earlier, the pro gramme was chaired by Kezhaleno Phira and wel come address delivered by president, Special Olympic Nagaland, Victor, invo cation offered by pastor, Ao Baptist Church, Naga United Village, Sadem Lemtur and vote of thanks by member, Nagaland Sports Committee, Kevin Yepthomi. Highlights of the inaugural programme included special numbers by Special Olympic Naga land and special song by Blind and para judo As sociation.Itcan be added that the Nagaland Paralympic Games in Dimapur would witness participants in the discipline of Blind judo, Shot Put and Para Bocce.
Peren and Dimapur en tered the semifinals in foot ball event of the Nagaland Olympic and Paralympic Games 2022 at IG Sta dium, here on Tuesday. The first quarter final match between Mon and Peren was decided through a tie breaker after the match ended in 1-1 stalemate. The lone goal for Peren was scored by Mezu bui in the 10th minute and stayed as the only goal for the most part of the game. And despite Mon’s repeated attempts, they failed to equalise until the addedThetime.stadium roared into a thunderous applause as Mon’s Amun scored the equalizer in the 90th min ute of the game bringing a ray of hope to the team.
However, with no more breakthroughs from either side, the match head ed for a Peren’sshoot-out.goalkeeper, Paisuingaulung Doson, made an impressive save in the third spot kick to take his team to the last four. In the second quarter final, 10-man Dimapur thrashed Kohima 3-0 after its captain, Rataobe was sent off.The early goal for Dimapur was scored by Ratobe, in the 2nd minute of the game. But Ratobe received a yellow card, when he removed his jersey to celebrate the goal. The game was held for an extended period of time, when Ratobe earned another yellow card in the 20th minute after he staged a fall which was caught from the Withreplays.oneman short, Dimapur went on to score two more goals both from the boots of Aloumai, in the 45th and 83rd minutes. Kohima failed to capi talise on the situation and had to bow out of the race. Peren and Dimapur will now wait for the two winners from Wednesday’s third and fourth quarterfi nal matches.
The Li Ning 44th InterDistrict & State Open Badminton Championship and Nagaland Olympic & Paralympic Games 2022 got underway at Longleng on Tuesday after it was inaugurated by minister of Health & Family Welfare, S. Pangnyu Phom. The minister in his speech, lauded the District Badminton Association and district administration Longleng headed by DC and all others involved for their tremendous effort and outstanding contribution in making the tournament a reality.He said that organiz ing such mega sports event in the district marked the beginning of development, progress and capabilities in all-round activities of Longleng. Pangnyu also acknowledged that lack of resources as a reason for failure in many aspects that discourage many young talents for opting sports as a profession. Despite all these challenges, the min ister said that many sports persons of the state were excelling and catching up with other sports persons. He informed that the gov ernment was doing its best to upgrade the infrastruc ture and quality manage ment of the sportsperson down to the grassroot level. In his greetings, DC, Longleng, Dharamraj ex tended gratitude to all the officials, players and man agement for their active participation for the event. He informed that it was not just a mere tourna ment but a tournament of hope, positivity and change where the people of Long leng wished to see. In his short speech, sr. vice president of NBA and vice president BAI, Dr. Watizulu Suzumeren in formed that it was the first tournament representative by all the 16 districts of the state and first time live tele cast system will be used. He expressed gratitude to the collective effort of the NBA and chief minister Neiphiu Rio for providing the court mat. Informing that the 50 years of NBA will be held in Kohima in 2023, he encouraged the team Longleng to practice well and perform during the celebration of 50 years of NBA in support.ingchiefheartfeltToshiPresidentKohima.LDBA,Anghexpressedgratitudetotheministerforprovidlogisticandfinancial Rothihu Tetseo tries his hand at shooting.
Badminton tournament in Longleng S. Pangnyu Phom
Peren (Blue) and Mon (white) with match patron Roko Angami and NFA officials before the first quarterfinal match on Tuesday. (NP)
Olympics & Paralympic Games underway Staff Reporter /Correspondent
Diethono Nakhro Athletes in action at the para judo in Dimapur on Tuesday. (DPRO)
pating in the event. The shooting competi tion will take place on Au gust 24 and 25 include 10m Rifle (men &women), 10m pistol (men & women), mixed team rifle, mixed team pistol, 50m rifle prone (men), 50m rifle prone (women).
Football: Peren, Dimapur enter semifinals
The inaugural programme on shooting competition at the Nagaland Olympics & Paralympic Games was held at Shooting Range, Multidisciplinary Sports Complex, Dimapur, on Tuesday under the motto” Stronger together”. The inaugural pro gramme was graced by Commissioner of Police, Rothihu Tetseo, as special guest.Briefing on the origin of Olympic, Rothihu said that Olympic came into being during the period of war to bring peace and unity.On the importance of games and sports, Tetseo said that it brings peace and symbolizes unity of athletes and sportspersons. Noting that shooting requires concentration, skill, confident and deter mination, he encouraged the shooters to take note of it. Rothihu also declared the championship open. The programme was chaired by secretary, NSSA, Shalo Khing and began with an invocation by Chekiye Village Baptist Church, pastor, Dr. Kishe to Aomi. Participants rep resenting nine districtsMon, Niuland, Zunheboto, Phek, Kohima, andChumoukedima,Dimapur,WokhaTseminyuarepartici
“Since the conditions set out in your Letter for lifting of the suspension stand satisfied, we request that a order to that effect be passed at the earliest for the AIFF to continue with the smooth running of football in India,” the letter further stated.