Launch of Cancer Care, MCCD project in Nagaland

Some of the posters put up by CNSA volunteers in the heart of Dimapur on Wednesday. (NP) This is it!

J Alam with visiting guests and other officials at Kohima on Wednesday. (NP) However, the deputy chief minister lamented that even after 70 years since the issue cropped up, any breakthrough was yet to be reached owing to certain differences between the ne gotiationPattonparties.said he sought support of the President to ensure that a final agree ment was reached without any further delay. The President in turn assured him to extend all possible support in whatever possible manner. Murmu also reportedly acknowl edged and thanked Naga land Legislative Assembly members and the two MPs for supporting her by casting hundred per cent of their votes in her favour during the presidential election. Patton also invited the President to visit Nagaland, especially during the Horn bill Festival, to which the lat ter mentioned of beginning her tour of North Eastern States very Meanwhile,soon. sources said that Murumu is ex pected to visit Nagaland by end of this month.
Nagaland on p-8)
DIMAPUR, SEP 7 (NPN): Eastern Nagaland People’s Organisation (ENPO) has asked seven tribal bodies un der it to ban any election-re lated campaign by any party and candidature declaration programme in their respec tive jurisdictions, besides carrying out massive public mobilisation programmes without any delay. This follows a resolu tion of August 26, 2022 whereby it was decided that people of Eastern Nagaland would not participate in any election process unless their separate State Fron tier Nagaland demand was fulfilled.ENPO endorsed the seven tribal bodies– Chang Khulei Setshang, Khiam niungan Tribal Council, Konyak Union, Phom People’s Council, United Sangtam Likhum Pumji, Tikhir Tribal Council and Yimkhiung Tribal Council – to mobilise people at the grassroots for ensuring suc cess of this move.

Correspondent KOHIMA, SEP 7 (NPN): Nagaland deputy chief min ister and BJP Legislative Party leader Y Patton paid courtesy visit to President of India Droupadi Murmu at her official residence at New Delhi on Wednesday evening.During the brief meet ing that lasted for about 20 minutes, Patton congratu lated Murmu for becoming the first tribal President of India. He also wished her success during her tenure as President of the country. Later, when contacted, Patton informed Nagaland Post that the President had expressed concern and sought the status of Naga political issue. To this, he claimed to have briefed her that during the time of former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Va jpayee, the unique history of Naga was recognised, while the Framework Agreement and the Agreed Position were signed under the lead ership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Patton calls on President Murmu
Y. Patton with President Droupadi Murmu at Rashtrapati Bhavan, Delhi on Wednesday.
ANATG 2015 batch postpones agitation
Centre extends CF with NSCN (Niki)
“Personally, I never touch liquor. So how can my name be linked with liquor gate?” HC directs govt to pay ex-cadre DBs minimum scale
CNSA holds poster campaign in Dimapur Rio-led CCoNPI delegation meets Assam CM

Gov extends Onam greetings
DIMAPUR, SEP 7 (NPN): The Gauhati High Court, Kohima bench has directed the State government to pay the Dobashis (DBs), pres ently serving as ex-cadre/ contingency DBs under the Deputy Commissioner in the Dimapur, Kiphire, Tuen sang, Zunheboto, Longleng and Peren, the minimum scale of pay which is paid to the regular Grade-II DBs employed against sanction post along with the arrears from the date of filing of the present writ petition. After hearing the mat ter, the single-judge bench of justice Kakheto Sema in its judgement and order, directed the government to complete all exercise within
ENPO bans EasterncampaignselectioninNagaland
Correspondent KOHIMA, SEP 7 (NPN): A State level programme on Medical Certification Cause of Death (MCCD) & Af fordable Cancer Care (ACC) Project was launched at Ho tel Vivor, here Wednesday by the special guest, chief secretary, J. Alam, IAS. The program was jointly organised by Tata Memorial Center (TMC), Department of Health & Family Welfare and Department of Eco nomics & Statistics. It may be recalled that the state government and the Tata Trusts signed a Memorandum of Under standing (MoU) in 2018 to implement a programme for providing comprehensive cancer care in the state. As per the MoU, the collabora tion will build on the public healthcare system to make cancer care accessible and affordable.State chief secretary, who launched the project spoke on how high cost care for treatment of major diseases like cancer was pushing many families to bankruptcy and how various insurance-based schemes are providing a gradual move towards universal health care system. Alam also mentioned that affordability for treat ment becomes a major issue and therefore, facilities with low-cost health and cancer care should be made avail able for the benefit of the citizens.On ACC he said that as Nagaland has a high number of cancer patients, it was necessary that cancer
DIMAPUR, SEP 7 (NPN): Mon civil society groups have called a 12hour shutter-down of all shops and business estab lishments in Mon town on September 9 in protest against “extortion and ha rassment”.Informing this in a statement, Konyak Union (KU) Mon branch presi dent Kaiyan Toalem and general secretary Nokhreih Ünok SN said the decision was made at an emergency coordination meeting of Konyak Union Mon unit with advisory board of Konyak Nyepuh Sheko Khong Mon unit, Mon Area Students’ Union, Mon Town Students’ Union, Private Transport Association Mon and Mon Chamber of Commerce & Industry at Konyak Union Mon Unit conference hall on Tuesday.Thehouse deliber ated at length about the situation in the market and took note of the extortion demands, donations and harassments faced by the shopkeepers.Inthis regard, the house appealed to all shop keepers of Mon town to down their shutters from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Septem ber 9. This was in accor dance with a bandh called by Mon block civil society organisations against ex tortion and harassments taking place in the market area, it Theadded.meeting also re quested Mon Area Stu dents’ Union and Mon Town Students’ Union to ensure smooth enforce ment of the shutter-down programme through their volunteers.Itwarned that any shop found violating the programme would be strict ly deal with. Spl. Correspondent NEW DELHI, SEP 7 (NPN): The Centre on Wednesday ex tended the ceasefire agreement with NSCN/GPRN headed by Niki Sumi for another year. “The ceasefire agreement is in operation between govern ment of India and the NSCN (K) Niki group and it was de cided to extend the pact with the group for a period of one year with effect from Septem ber 8, 2022 to September 7, 2023,” a Home Ministry statement said. The NSCN (Niki) delegation was led by the Ceasefire Super visory Board members headed by supervisor Abel Zingrü Thuer. Abel signed the agreement on behalf of the group and senior Home ministry official on behalf of the Centre, after a meeting at Hotel Ashoka, New Delhi. It may be mentioned that the Centre had signed the ceasefire agreement with Niki’s group for a period of one year with effect from September 8, 2021 to September 7, 2022.
ment to the Naga political issue, he remarked that the association was hopeful that the leaders would convey to Prime Minister Narendra Modi that the people of Nagaland were anticipating a “solution”.“Weare hopeful that they will come back with a positive response,” he com mented.The CNSA president urged the leaders to dem onstrate political will to deliver what they had prom ised in their 2018 election campaign– “Election for solution” – and resolve the Naga political issue without any further Further,delay.heannounced that CNSA would contin ue with the campaign on Thursday whereby banners would be put up at several places.

NSCN (Niki) delegation after signing the ceasefire pact, in Delhi.

Power outage in Medziphema
Post MYK C MYK C Vol XXXII No. 274 DIMAPUR, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2022 Pages 12 ` 5.00 SL’s crisis due to human rights abuses & corruption: UN INTERNATIONAL, PAGE 9 FOLLOW US ON @Nagaland_Postnagalandpostofficial India out of Asia Cup as Pak beat Afghanistan SPORTS, PAGE 12 (Cont’d on p-8) (Cont’d on p-8) (Cont’d

DIMAPUR, SEP 7 (NPN): Nagaland Legisla tive Assembly (NLA) speaker and chairman of the Business Advisory Committee (BAC), Sharingain Longkumer, has convened a meeting of the BAC on September 12, 2022 at 1:30pm in the committee room, Assembly Secretariat to finalise the Provisional Programme for the 12th Session of the 13th NLA scheduled to com mence on September 20, 2022. All the members of the BAC have been requested to attend the meeting as scheduled.
State govt sets up two panels
Mon CSOs call for 12-hr shutter-down on Sep 9 against ‘extortion, harassment’ care facilities be available and therefore, requested the Tata Memorial Center to set up a unit as part of a District hospital or a part of the upcoming medical college at Kohima.OnMCCD, Alam ex pressed the hope that the programme would help in sensitising people about the importance of issuing death certificates to help analyse the health trends of the State and lead to evidence based decision making. He said the launch of the proj ect could make Nagaland among the first state to have such a health care system. The chief secretary expressed hope that the ori entation programme would assist the overall progress in the health sector and help increase the ranking of the State in the country. Alam also mentioned that at the recently con cluded Corporate Social Re sponsibility (CSR) conclave, many companies came for ward to take up projects in the State. He disclosed that out of the 79 projects worth Rs 50 crore committed to the State, around 50% of them worth Rs. 20 crore were in the health sector. He said though the amount was not huge, yet any effort towards improv ing the health sector was welcome. He said that the government would accept any such projects without hesitation.Alam said the two up coming medical colleges, one in Kohima and the other in Mon, would also be additional assets for the health sector. According to Alam, 75% of the project for medical college in Kohima has been completed and the academic session was expected to begin by next year. He said Mon medical college could take some to be completed.Later,Alam launched a manual book on Medical Certification of Cause of Death and Training Manual for Doctors. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy centres: Ear lier, delivering the keynote address, officer in charge, HBCH & RC Muzaffarpur, Dr. Ravikant Singh, said that the objective under ACC project and MCCD was to take cancer care services to district levels. For the first phase MCCD&ACC have identified Kohima and Mo kokchung districts as their targeted intervention where they will be training all the medical staff on cancer screening process, and along with the Health &Family Welfare Department. Dr Singh also said MCCD & ACC will be setting up chemotherapy and radio therapy centres in the State. Through MCCD, he said that government would have enough vital data to make policy level decisions in cases relating to health and other areas like vehicu lar, alcohol etc. He also informed that TMC was under the Depart ment of Atomic Energy, government of India and not under Tata Trust as was the common misconception. He said the Affordable Cancer Care Project was fully supported by the De partment of Atomic Energy. Dr. Singh also pointed out that the alarming cases of cancer patients in the State was largely due to the rampant consumption of “gutkhas” and “pan masalas”.

DIMAPUR, SEP 7 (NPN): Even as it was set begin agitation on September 8, 2022, the All Nagaland Adhoc Teach ers’ Group (ANATG) 2015 batch has decided to postpone the protest for another 20 days. In a press release, ANATG- 2015 batch president Rüguotsolie and general secretary Kewasing Khing reminded that the 30-day ultimatum served on the government expired on August 21, 2022, but there was no response from the government.ANATGsaid all the 1166 members of the group were to gather at Kohima on September 8 to launch agitation. However, ANATG said that amidst the preparation, the principal director school education communicated with its central
DIMAPUR, SEP 7 (NPN): State government has constituted the Complaint Committee for the State Level Committee for redressal of complaints relating to Sexual harassment of women employees of the State Government at their Further,workplaces.the state government has also constituted the Nagaland Consumer Protection Council for the State of Nagaland. The objects of the State Council would be to render advice on the promotion and protection of Consumer Rights under the Act within the State.
Staff Reporter DIMAPUR, SEP 7 (NPN): Central Nagaland Students’ Association (CNSA) on Wednesday launched a post er campaign across main city areas here to press for an early solution to the decades-old Naga political issue.Talking to Nagaland Post , CNSA president R Sunep Pongen said the main objective of the campaign was to press for “Solution over election”.Withadelegation led by chief minister Neiphiu Rio in New Delhi now to give a final push for settle
Correspondent KOHIMA, SEP 7 (NPN): A delegation of the Core Committee on Naga Politi cal Issue (CCoNPI) led by chief minister called on As sam chief minister Himanta Biswa Sarma at Guwahati on Wednesday.According to sources, the meeting lasted for about an hour, after which the del egation left for Delhi. Sources informed Na galand Post that the meeting deliberated on the Naga political issue, border issue between Assam and Naga land and the Eastern Na galand People’s Organisa tion’s (ENPO) demand for a separate State, including the resolution not to allow eastern people participate in the ensuing 2023 Assembly election.According to the sourc es, the Assam chief minister was also briefed in detail about ENPO’s demand for a separate State-- ‘Frontier Nagaland’. With pressure mounting from various sec tion of the society, the del egation stressed that settle ment of Naga political issue had become paramount to all issues confronting Na galand.The members also expressed their desire to resolve the border issue be tween Nagaland and Assam within this Meanwhile,year. sources said that the CCoNPI del egation left for Delhi after the meeting with Sarma where they are expected to meet Union home minister Amit Shah and other central leaders.With elections sched uled to be held by early part of next year, sources said that their visit to Delhi would be to find out what exactly is the status on the Naga issue and to give a final push for settlement. The chief minister was accompanied by UDA chairman TR Zeliang, UDA co-chairman Kuzholuzo (Azo) Nienu and ministers-Tongpang Ozukum and Kashiho Sangtam.
DIMAPUR, SEP 7 (NPN): Nagaland governor Prof. Jagdish Mukhi has extended warm greet ings to Malayalis on the occasion of Onam festival, celebrated by the people of Kerala, irrespective of faith or creed. In his message, Prof. Mukhi said Onam festival symbolizes love, brotherhood, and com munalTheharmony.governor said that the festivities cap tured through the celebrations of this culturally vibrant festival by the Malayali diaspora all around the world transcend all barriers and unite all in a common brotherhood.
DIMAPUR, SEP 7 (NPN): Power department has informed the consumers availing power from 33/11kV Medziphema sub-station that there would be power shutdown on September 8, 2022 from 8am to 3pm to facilitate stringing of 132kV Dimapur-Kohima transmission line. BAC meeting on Sep 12

greetings by village chairman Zao Krocha and headmaster, GHS Razeba, Bunyi Zholia, A brief history of the school was delivered by teacher-in-charge GPS ‘A’ Zhavame, Thekho Shupao, sharing by alumni & NLA joint secretary Darhü Shu pao and Head Teacher, GMS Zhavame, C. Charles Kro cha. Later, acknowledge ment was said by Chakhe sang Students’ Union vice president Visapa Movi and vote of thanks by Zhavame Students’ Union president Rokovi Movi while bene diction was offered by CRC pastor Dakhru Rhi.
DPON new team: Dimasa Public Organisation Nagaland (DPON), the apex body of Dimasa Nagaland, has induct ed a new team of officer bearers led by Ditush Naben and Thangsiring Jigdung as president and general secretary respectively along with nine other members.
DIMAPUR: Dimapur Town Official
Woman killed in landslide DIMAPUR, SEP 7 (NPN): In a delayed report, a woman was killed and several others injured in a landslide in that reportedly took place in Mon district on Tuesday evening. According to reports, the incident took place when the deceased along with three others were returning home from the farm. After learning about the incident, several villagers rushed to the area and retrieved the dead body.
ENPUD flags off ambulance: Eastern Nagaland People’s Union Dimapur (ENPUD) on September 5 flagged off an ambulance which would cater to the needy patients of the Eastern people and people around Dimapur in the events of emergencies. The ambulance was flagged off by ENPUD former president and advisor, Ongbou Chang and dedicated by Yimkhiung Baptist Church, Dimapur Pastor, Rev. Athsan. ENPUD has asked those requiring the service to contact at 8798093811, 8798063529.
Loving Parents, Brothers & Relatives

1st DEATH ANNIVERSARY k-2015/22 1943 – 2021 Time flies fast, life goes on. We will love and cherish your blessings and your memories in our hearts forever, we miss you everyday. We are forever thankful and proud to be your children. Beloved wife, children, grandchildren & relatives
STPJ review meeting: Saptiqa Town Platinum Jubilee (STPJ) has convened a review meeting on September 10, 9 a.m. at Council Hall, Usutomi Village. All planning board members, advisors, and committee members have been re quested to attend the meeting. Further, all the committees have requested to prepare in detail their respective progress report of the task assigned and bring it to the meeting.
1 held for rash driving in Mkg Arrested accused in police custody. DIMAPUR: Mokokchung police have arrested one person on charges of rash driving and drunk driving. According to police re port, the accused identified as Moatemsu (33), son of late Akbar Ali, Borkol colony, Jorhat, presently residing at Aongza ward, Mokokchung, was reportedly a Mokokc hung-Dimapur Sumo driver. The accused was arrested following social media circu lation, wherein he was report edly in an inebriated state. It was reported on social media that the driver claimed to be from Ungma village. How ever, on inquiring Ungma Kosasanger Pusu Menden, it was clarified that he be longed to Bengali Muslim community. Police informed that further investigation and necessary procedures were initiated. A case was regis tered with PS-I Mokokchung under IPC Section 279 and Section 185 of MV Act.

NR TEMSU AIER BORN : 15-06-1936 DIED : 01-09-2022
KOHIMA: Around 4,000 Naga youth are participat ing in the first-ever Agniveer army recruitment rally for soldier general duty and tradesman in Nagaland, an officialThesaid.rally commenced on Wednesday at Ranga pahar in Dimapur and will continue for the next few days, stated a release issued by PRO (Defence), Ko hima, Lt Col Amit Shukla. Initially, the recruitment is being done for general duty, which will be followed by soldier tradesmen, he said. Candidates are regis tered from all districts of Nagaland, he said, adding that the candidates have been allotted specific dates to appear for the rally till SeptemberMeanwhile,15. the PRO advised all candidates to be ware of false promises made by various frauds and touts. The entire recruitment process is automated and no person can influence the result of any candidate, he said, while also encouraging them to have faith in their own capabilities.
GPS Zhavame celebrates platinum jubilee
Dimapur TOLIC holds bi-annual meeting

DIMAPUR: Government Primary School (GPS) Zha vame, established on April 1, 1947, celebrated its plati num jubilee on September 5, coinciding with teachers’ day at Pame Tsüdu, Zha vame on the theme “reflect ing forward”. In his address as the special guest, former minister, Deo Nukhu ex pressed gratitude to pioneers and congratulated the pres ent teachers in the village. Recalling the time when he a student of class B in the same school, Nukhu greeted the alumni who received their basic education from GPS Zhavame. Expressing gratitude to the teachers, stu dents, village council, VDB, women society, youth society and well-wishers for their cooperation for the cause of education, he also gave thanks to God for showering His grace upon the village. In its platinum souvenir published to mark the cel ebration, the committee said GPS Zhavame will always be a hallmark in the history of Zhavame village for laying the foundation of education. It expressed hope that the school would continue pro ducing capable leaders. The programme was chaired by secretary, education, Naga Students’ Federation Medovi Rhi, invocation by Pastor, ZBC, Rev. Akha Shupao,

23rd Death anniversary of Ms Merenlemla (alemla) db-979/22
Born on : 30/06/1997 – Died on : 05/09/2022 We, the bereaved family of Late C Atsali Sangtam, would like to express our sincere thank and gratitude to those who stood with us physically, financially, morally, materially and prayer support throughout his prolonged illness, till his last breath. Our special thanks goes to : 1. Mrs. & Mr. V. Kashiho Sangtam, Hon'ble Minister 2. Mrs. & Mr. C. Kipili Sangtam, Hon'ble Ex-Minister 3. Amahator Union Dimapur 4. Sangtam Baptist Church, Chumoukedima 5. JNV Kiphire, 2012-16 Batch 6. Amahator Baptist Lithro. 7. Sangtam Students' Union Chumoukedima. 8. Sangtam Baptist Lithro Youth Ministry Chumoukedima 9. SABALIE Women Organization 10. ELEEO Mission Society 11. Sangtam Baptist Lithro Women Ministry Chumoukedima 12. SABALIE Colony Council 13. SABALIE Colony Youth Organisation 14. Class-Mates (JNV) 2016-17 Batch 15. Sangtam Union Chumoukedima 16. Doctors & Nurses of CIHSR Dimapur 17. Doctors & Nurses of Civil Hospital Kiphire. We regret our inability to mention each and everyone of you individually, but it's our humble prayer that our Heavenly Lord bless you all.
"The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord" dp-4216/22 Despite you leaving us so early, yet the short time of your life has been such a beautiful memory that will go on. Your kind and good deeds, sincere love for others continue to live. We hold you closely in our hearts always. Deeply loved and missed. Mom and Family Members
tor, department of official language, regional imple mentation office, Guwahati, BadriHeYadav.applauded the ef forts of ARTC&S for ex cellent conduct of TOLIC Dimapur as well as the member offices for their continuous efforts towards wide publicity of the official languageColonelHindi.Rajiv Chaud hary also emphasized upon the importance of use of Hindi language in the of fices and requested all mem bers to implement the poli cies issued by the govern ment of India. In order to enhance the spirit of healthy com petition amongst the offices of Central government, TOLIC Shield scheme was introduced, in which first three member offices are awarded with shields for the implementation of official language policy in a better manner.Office of the DIG, Group Centre CRPF, Khat khati, Regional Office FCI, Dimapur and Khadi & Village Industries Com mission, Dimapur were awarded first, second and third shield respectively. Range HQ CRPF, Khatkha ti (Assam), 173rd Battalion CRPF, Air Field Dimapur, 43 Assam Rifles, Regional Ayurveda Research Centre, Dimapur and Nagaland University were also extend ed Commendation Certifi cate for their excellent work done in the field of official language implementation.

RCD awarded: Rotary Club of Dimapur received ten district awards for its exemplary services rendered dur ing “The Rotary year 2021-22” in an award function at Shillong. NPGN NNC/NA (MK) terminates one: NPGN NNC/ NA (MK) has terminated one Tokhupu Chophy alias T. Chophy from active “national service” for “financial mismanagement and anti-national activities”. The group through its MIP said the termination order comes into effect from date of publication of this information. It has informed individuals, organisation, societies, union, busi nesses and all concerned dealing with him that they would be doing so at their own risk and the “government” would not be responsible for activities that he may undertake.
"A man of Utmost Faith and Prayer, your life was filled with love for your family and those around you. We miss you Dearest Oba, but we find solace in the fact that you are in the loving arms of our Heavenly Father, without any pain or sickness. Till we meet again." Our heartfelt gratitude to all those who stood by us during these dark times. May the Almighty bless you abundantly. Special thanks to : 1. Laimen Ao Baptist Church 2. Chami Baptist Church 3. Chami Baptist Church Women Ministry 4. Chami Youth Ministry 5. Chami Fellowship, Dimapur 6. Chamitsür Union Mokokchung 7. Ao Union Darogajan Bamunpukhuri 8. Chami Village Council 9. Bamunpukhuri Unity Baptist Church, East Dimapur 10. Sumi Baptist Akukuhou Bamunpukhuri Loving Children, Grand Children and In-laws
The TOLIC meeting in progress on Wednesday.
1st Death anniversary of Late L. Aremo Lotha k-2018/22 dp-4209/22

Annual social work at Tsütuonuomia: Tsütuonuomia youth organisation has informed that Tsütuonuomia Khel, Kohima Village would be organising its annual social work-cum-get together on September 10, 8 a.m. onwards and would culminate at Rüzie, T.Khel. All members have been asked to contact their “peli in charges”. For any in formation or clarification, members have been requested to contact Keneisalie Belho (9862741160) and Thejavir Sekhose (8259871272).
Today a year has passed since you left us. No words spoken, no goodbye bid, you were gone too soon. And it breaks our hearts that you are no more, yet we are comforted that you are in a better place with the Lord. Till we meet again. Deeply loved and missed by loving family members
Naga youth found dead in Jaipur DIMAPUR, SEP 7 (NPN): A Naga male, around 18-years, was reportedly found dead in his room in Jaipur, Rajasthan on September 6. According to reports, the body was taken to a hospital where a post-mortem was conducted and report awaited. It was learnt that the funeral service was held on September 7, and the youth was buried in Jaipur cemetery. No further details were available at the time of filing this report.
Agniveer army recruitment begins in Nagaland
Deo Nukhu with village leaders, teachers and others at GPS Zhavame on September 5.
Q.: Will the Congress jodo yatra benefit the party in elections ? A Yes. 54% B No. 33% C Can’t Say. 13% 100%90%80%70%60%50%40%30%20%10%0% Poll A B C NEXT POLL Q: Has the AAP image been dented by recent alleged scams? Yes. No. Can’t Say. (Temperature in ºC) Max Min Agartala A t-storm around in the a.m. 34 27 Aizawl Mostly cloudy with a t-storm 29 20 Guwahati Humid with a thunderstorm 34 26 Imphal A t-storm around in the a.m. 31 20 Itanagar Warm with a t-storm in spots 32 25 Shillong Mostly cloudy with a t-storm 25 19 Kohima Cloudy with a stray t-storm 27 19 Dimapur Cloudy with a stray t-storm 33 24 Mkg A strong morning thunderstorm 29 20 Tuensang A t-storm around in the a.m. 23 16 Wokha Partly sunny with a t-storm 29 23 Zunheboto Clouds and sun with a t-storm 26 18
DIMAPUR: A “local fish and frozen meat kiosk” at Organic AC Market Com plex, 4th Mile NE expo site was inaugurated by Na galand State Agricultural produce & Livestock Mar keting Board (NSAMB), chairman, T Inavi Zhimo on Wednesday.Inapressrelease, NS AMB informed that Inavi NSAMB inaugurates ‘local fish & frozen meat kiosk’ NSAMB officials and others at the inaugural programme on Wednesday.


Z himo in his speech, said livestock was not a part of agricultural marketing but as per the new Agricultural produce and Livestock Marketing (APLM) Act 2020, it was now incorporated. He said the first of its kind, “local fish and frozen meat kiosk” was opened keeping in line with APLM Act 2020. Zhimo said the kiosk would not only help the local farmers but also pro mot e local entrepreneurs and that the main objective was to provide fresh local fish free of chemical/form aldehyde to the consumers and also to promote local fish farming.Thekiosk was inau gurated in the presence of NSAMB chief executive officer, G Ikuto Zhimomi and dedicated by SBCD Dimapur associate pastor, JacobMeanwhile,Achumi.
NSAMB has informed that the “Lo cal Fish and Frozen Meat Kiosk” would open, Mon day to Saturday ( 9 am-5 pm).

DIMAPUR: As part of the “National Nu tritional Week” and the “Rashtriya Poshan Maah 2022”, District Health Society (DHS) under chief medical officer (CMO) Noklak along with the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) conducted an “Anaemia screening camp” at Government Middle School (GMS) Noklak, on Wednesday. According to a DIPR report, a total of 150 students were screened for anemia and supplementary food and IFA tablets were also distributed to the students during the camp. The screening camp was conducted by the medical officers, lab technicians, nurses and anganwadi workers (AWWs) of Noklak town under the supervision of DPM, Hosea and senior supervisor, department of Social Welfare, Noklak, P. Hemping. In the week-long programme, an essay competition on the topic “healthy lifestyle” was also conducted at Government High School Noklak Village, where CMO Noklak, Dr. Victor NC encouraged the students to inculcate healthy practices for a healthy mind and living. Dr. Meyachungla gave the health talk on menstrual hygiene and nutrition and welcomed the students to the adolescentfriendly clinic for any health-related issues. ‘Anaemia screening camp’ held at GMS Noklak

GOVERNMENT OF NAGALAND OFFICE OF THE COMMANDANT 11 NAP (IR) BATTALION ABOI : NAGALAND NO. 11 NAP (IR) BN/RO-14/22-23/1783 Dt. Aboi the 29th Aug 2022 To, Shri :- Kuputo K. Kinny Regtl. :- No. 111486 Rank :- Constable S/O :- Khutovi Kinny Vill. :- Lumthsami P.O/P.S :- Akuluto Dist. :- Zunheboto CalliNg NotiCE Whereas, you have been found absent from bonafide Govt. duty w.e.f. 01/05/22 (FN) without any leave or permission from the competent authority till date. And whereas, your failure to respond on 3 (Three) consecutive Calling Notices served to you vide this office Letter of even No. Dated (1) 06/06/22, (2) 23/06/2022 and (3) 06/07/22 and your failure to respond on the subsequent "Show Cause" Dated 25-07-22 within 30 (Thirty) days is found to be tantamount to negation of relevant conduct rules and applicable laws. Now therefore, the undersigned directs you to report back within 7 (Seven) days from the publication of this calling notice. Upon failure to report within the stipulated timeframe, Department Enquiry will be conducted against you ex-parte without any further notice.
informAtion (6th Sept 2022) I, MOATEMSU Bengali S/o Akbar Ali a Sumo Driver (NL02 T 2111) by profession. On 6th September 2022, while coming from Dimapur to Mokokchung, I was recklessly driving the said vehicle as I was drunk and for which the passengers asked me from which village I belong to and I replied that I was from Ungma Village. However, I am Moatemsu and my father’s name is Akbar Ali and my mother’s name is Bendangmenla Longsa. And, thus I confess my mistake for using the name of Ungma in front of Ungma Kosasanger Putu Menden. Further I state that as I have tarnished the image of Ungma Village, I am ready to accept any form of punishments meted out to me as per the customs and traditions.
Sl. No. Course College No. of Seats 1 B.V.SC & A.H College of Veterinary Sciences & AH, Selesih, Aizawl, Mizoram 4 Note: 1. Candidates who were absent or have signed an undertaking during the First & Second spot counselling held on 27th July 2022 & 26th Aug. 2022 are eligible to attend the Counselling. 2. Candidates who have been selected and nominated during the First & Second round of counselling will not be eligible to participate in 3rd Round Counselling. Candidates failing to attend the said Counselling on the specified date and time shall forfeit their candidature for selection to the seats given above.
GUWAHATI, SEPT 7 (PTI): Congress leader Rahul Gandhi should try to integrate Pakistan and Bangladesh with India for creating ‘Akhand Bharat’ if he has any regret about the Partition designed by his ancestors, Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma said on Wednesday. Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of a pro gramme here, Sarma said the Congress’s ‘Bharat Jodo Yatra’ led by Gandhi is the “comedy of the century” as the country is one and united. “The country is united and integrated from Kashmir to Kanyakumari, from Silchar to Saurashtra and there is no need for the unification,” he said. “In 1947, the country was partitioned for the creation of Pakistan and later Ban gladesh came into existence. If Rahul Gandhi has any regret or is apologetic for the problem created by his ancestors, then he should try to integrate Pakistan and Bangladesh with India for the creation of Akhand Bharat (undivided India),” he said. Sarma, a former Congress leader, said in a tweet that today’s India is resilient, robust and united. “The only time India was divided was in 1947 because Congress agreed to it. Rahul Gandhi should go to Paki stan for ‘Bharat Jodo Yatra’ if they want unification,” he tweeted. Assam Congress president Bhupen Bora said that the programme was undertaken to forge unity among the people who have been divided on the basis of class, caste and religion. “Since Sarma became the chief minister of Assam, there has been a number of conflict with the neighbour ing states, between Hindus and Muslims, and tribal and non-tribals,” he alleged. With the message to end this kind of “divisive politics” Gandhi will lead the yatra, he said. In As sam and other states of the Northeast, Congress work ers will reach out to the people for strengthening the bond of unity among them, Bora said.
Commandant 11 NAP (IR) Battalion Aboi, Nagalanddp-4217/22(B) AFFIDAVIT I, Shri. Ghonito Sema @ P. Ghonito Chishi , son of Lt. Phuhezu Chishi, resident of H/No. 286 Block B United North Burma Camp, Dimapur, Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as follows :-
5. Shri. Chukahapa Katiry on his promotion to pA (Cl-II) to dC under Home department. The Forum thank the Almighty God and wishes them continued success in their career. Sd/- Ar.Tarachu Fithu , PresidentK-2036/22
Eighty five cent of the pri mary health centres (PHCs) in matrilineal Meghalaya have Transit Homes for expecting mothers, Chief Minister Conrad Sangma said after inaugurating yet another such facility under the CM’s Safe Motherhood Scheme at the commu nity health centre (CHC) at Mawryngkneng Village on Wednesday.“Thisis our continuing effort to increase institu tional deliveries and reduce Maternal Mortality Rate in Meghalaya. Apart from the provision of accommoda tion facility for high-risk expecting mothers from remote villages, the Transit Home will provide them food and space for their kids,” he “Womensaid. were facing a lot of maternity related problems like death during childbirth, multiple preg nancies, high risk pregnan cies, and anemia and there were many reasons attrib uted to these problems and the health and pregnancy of women is also connected to their economic activities,” the Chief Minister said. He further informed that the MOTHER pro gramme (Meghalaya’s Out come and Transformation in Health, Education and Rural Sector) was concep tualized to take care of the health, education and rural empowerment of women. The Chief Minister said that the Transit Home for High-Risk Pregnant Women is for giving shelter and care to pregnant women who live in far flung areas. “These transit homes give shelter, food and medi cal care so that they can have safe institutional de liveries and today we have 180 transit homes across the State giving service and care to the high risk mothers and those who live in far flung areas,” he Statingadded.thatSelf Help Group (SHG) movement has empowered women in rural areas, Sangma said the government is now looking to transform these into cooperative societies so that more help and financial support can be given. “The SHGs are very important to society be cause these also create a mechanism through which the government can reach every single household be cause of the large network and help people participate in various health, educa tion and 46,700efit12organizationsbeInvestmentRsChiefralthroughmovementprogrammes,”environmentalhesaid.TosupporttheSHGinthestatetheNationalRuLivelihoodMission,theMinistersanctioned20croreasCommunityFund(CIF)totransferredto896villageacrossallthedistricts,whichwillben4676SHGsimpactinghouseholds. PHCs in Meghalaya have Transit Homes for pregnant women
NoTArY PublIC Regd. No. 905/2022 Date : 06/09/2022 dp-4214/22
2. That I am also known as Vitoshe Sumi, Vitoshe Yepthomi, Vitoshe, S. Vitoshe and Vitoshe Sema.
Arunachal to scrap ST certificates of children born to non-tribal men
3. That Smti K. Vihoni Shohe and Smti Vihoni Sumi as referred are one and the same person. 4. That henceforth shall use and be officially addressed as Smti K. Vihoni Shohe only for future official purposes.
ITANAGAR, SEP 6 (PTI): The Arunachal Pradesh government will cancel all Scheduled Tribe certificates earlier issued to offsprings of tribal women married to non-tribals after screening of the cases by a committee, a state minister said in the assembly on Tuesday.Responding to a ques tion by senior Congress MLA Lombo Tayeng, Social Justice, Empow erment, and Tribal Af fairs (SJETA) Minister Alo Libang said the gov ernment had notified the ‘Arunachal Pradesh Sched ule tribe Certificate Issu ance guidelines on August 1 last, which has provisions for cancellation, impound ing, or revocation of Scheduled Tribes cer tificates issued to ineligible persons.Under the guidelines, if the authority issuing the document is satisfied that an Scheduled Tribes cer tificate has been obtained by any person by furnish ing false information or by misrepresenting any fact, or suppressing any mate rial information, it may cancel, impound or revoke the certificate, Libang said. So far nine disput ed cases of issuance of Scheduled Tribes certifi cates have been placed before the scrutiny com mittee, which had disposed of five“Outcases.of the remain ing four, one pertains to issuance of Scheduled Tribes certificate allegedly in respect of an offspring of a tribal woman married to a non-tribal.Thehearing of these cases is under process,” the minister said.
4. That I do hereby verify that the above mentioned statements are true to the best of my knowledge and nothing is false. DEPONENT Solemnly affirm before me by the deponent on this 6th day of September, 2022. No TA rY Publ IC Regd. No. 1398/2022 Date : 06/09/2022 dp-4211/22 AffidAvit Regd. No. 2666/2022 Date 14/07/2022 I, Smti K. Vihoni Shohe @ Vihoni Sumi, W/o Shri Hewoto Sumi, resident of Ward No. 5, Chumuokedima : Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirm and declare on oath as follows :1. That am bonafide citizen of India by birth and a resident of the above mentioned address.
2. That in my driving License and official documents my name is recorded as Hekato N Yeptho, in my son's educational documents my name is recorded as Hekato Yeptho, in my PAN Card bearing No. AYYPN2746A and Aadhaar Card bearing No. 3999 3050 7823 my name is entered as Hekato N, whereas in my son's Indian Passport my name is entered as Hekato Nguhekhu Yeptho.
2. That in PAN Card bearing No BJQPC5083D, Aadhaar Card bearing No. 2057 9964 0677, State Bank of India, Dimapur Bazaar Branch bearing A/c. No. 20075100588 and in Service Regularization Order bearing Order No. IND/EE/EST/7/2005/20 dated 17th August 2015 my name in entered as P. Ghonito Chishi, whereas in Service Appointment Order bearing Order No. IND/CONST/Appt/7/88-89 dated 15th May '91 and in PIMS my name is recorded as Ghonito Sema. 3. That I am swearing this affidavit for the purpose of declaring that the names Ghonito Sema and P. Ghonito Chishi pertains to one person only. That henceforth I shall be known as Ghonito Sema for all purposes and intends.
1. Dr. Rhowatho Kajiri on his promotion to Sr. Medical Officer under Home department.
5. That this affidavit is made for the purpose of rectifying the above averments in the officials’ usages of my names and to enable me to approach appropriate authority for clarification/rectification of the same and to put the record straight for all purposes and intends.
Rahul should try to integrate Pak, B’desh with India: Sarma Himanta Biswa Sarma

Conrad Sangma File photo of Myanmar refugees in Mizoram.

Commandant 11 NAP (IR) Battalion Aboi, Nagalanddp-4217/22(A)
4. Shri. Nyurhosie Nyuthe on his promotion to CdpO under Social Welfare department.
3. That the names Vitoshe Sumi, Vitoshe Yepthomi, Vitoshe, S. Vitoshe and Vitoshe Sema refers to the one and the same person. 4. That henceforth I shall be known as S. Vitoshe Yepthomi for all purposes. 5. That this affidavit is made to declare that I have changed my name as S. Vitoshe Yepthomi and to rectify the same in my various documents from the concern office/authority. DEPONENT Verification :I, the above named deponent do hereby verify that the content of those above affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
DEPONENT Identified by: NotaRY PUBliCdp-4206/22 OFFICE OF THE POCHURY GAZETTED OFFICERS’ FORUM HQ. Meluri : District Phek No.pGOF/GS-3/2022/ dated Kohima, the 7th Sep’ 2022
GOVERNMENT OF NAGALAND OFFICE OF THE COMMANDANT 11 NAP (IR) BATTALION ABOI : NAGALAND NO. 11 NAP (IR) BN/RO-14/22-23/1781 Dt. Aboi the 29th Aug 2022 To, Shri :- Benjamin E. Ngullie Regtl. :- No. 111715 Rank :- Recruit Constable S/O :- Ezamo Ngullie Vill. :- Chukitong P.O/P.S :- Wokha Dist. :- Wokha CalliNg NotiCE Whereas, you have been found absent from bonafide Govt. duty w.e.f. 29/03/22 (FN) without any leave or permission from the competent authority till date. And whereas, your failure to respond on 3 (Three) consecutive Calling Notices served to you vide this office Letter of even No. Dated (1) 18/05/22, (2) 06/06/2022 and (3) 23/06/22 and your failure to respond on the subsequent "Show Cause" Dated 28-07-22 within 30 (Thirty) days is found to be tantamount to negation of relevant conduct rules and applicable laws. Now therefore, the undersigned directs you to report back within 7 (Seven) days from the publication of this calling notice. Upon failure to report within the stipulated timeframe, Department Enquiry will be conducted against you ex-parte without any further notice.
NAGALAND : KOHIMA NOTIFICATION dated Kohima, the th Sept. 2022.

VERiFiCatioN I, Smti K. Vihoni Shohe, do hereby verify that the content of the above affidavit are true and correct to the best of knowledge and nothing has been concealed hereof whatsoever.
AFFIDAVIT I, Shri. S. Vitoshe Yepthomi, S/o Shri Shihoto, resident of House No. 46, Viyixe Village, Aghunato, Zunheboto, Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirm and state on oath as under :-
AIZAWL, SEP 7 (PTI): Altogether 30,401 people from Myanmar have crossed the international border and taken refuge in Mizoram after the neighbouring country’s military ousted the elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi in Feb ruary last year, state Home Minister Lalchamliana has informed the assembly. Of the 30,401 Myan marese, 29,253 are currently sheltered in the state as per reports submitted by district deputy commissioners to the home department on August 20, the minister said in a written reply on Tuesday. The government has completed the profil ing of all the Myanmarese in the state, while identity cards and refugee certifi cates have been issued to 30,177“Althoughpeople. profiling is more or less completed, 30,401 refugees from Myanmar in Mizoram it is a continuous process and conducted in a phased manner as there are still new entrants and some people used to return to their vil lages on a regular basis,” he said.Lalchamliana said the state disaster management and rehabilitation depart ment has so far disbursed Rs 3 crore as a relief to the refugees.There has been a fresh influx of people from the neighbouring country in the state’s southernmost Lawngtlai district in the wake of fierce clashes be tween the Myanmarese Army and rebel outfit Ara kan Army, an official said. Lawngtlai Sub-divi sional Officer (Sadar) T T Beikhaizi said 589 more people from Myanmar en tered the district in the last seven days, following armed clashes in the neighbouring country on August 31. Beikhaizi, who is also the district nodal officer of a task group on Myanmarese refugees, said 5,909 peo ple from the neighbouring country have so far taken refuge in Lawngtlai. Six Mizoram dis tricts -- Champhai, Siaha, Lawngtlai, Serchhip, Hnah thial and Saitual -- share a 510-km-long international border with Myanmar’s ChinThestate.majority of the refugees live in relief camps, while others are accommo dated by their local relatives and some others live in rentedAparthouses.from the gov ernment, the Myanmarese are provided with food and other relief by NGOs, churches, student bodies and village authorities.
(ER. M. NAKRO) directordC-1032/22
DEPONENT Solemnly affirm before me by the deponent on this 24th day of June, 2022.
1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India and a resident of the above mentioned address.
NO. dTE/ESTT-2/02/2021-22/ This is to inform the Nagaland State Entrance Examination (NSEE) 2022 appeared candidates whose merit falls within 1 to 100 that the third round of spot counselling will be held on 13th Sept, 2022, at 12:00 noon, in the Conference Hall of the directorate of Technical Education, Nagaland, Kohima, below New Secretariat Building, Thizama Road, Kohima to fill up the reserved seats given in the table below. Selection will be purely based on NSEE-2022 merit list, options/preferences exercised by the candidates.
2. That my name have been recorded as Smti. K. Vihoni Shohe in my HSLC (National Institute of Open School), PAN Card, Adhaar Card etc. however the same was recorded as Smti Vihoni Sumi in my SBI Joint Account passbook, my husband Ex-serviceman pension book, Pension Payment Order etc.
The deputy commis sioners concerned have been accordingly directed to give their comments after which the committee would take appropriate decisions.Responding to a sup plementary by Tayeng for fixing a cut-off year for cancellationScheduledof Tribes cer tificates, Libang assured the legislators that the matter would be discussed with all the members of the House.TheScheduled Tribes certificate issue has rocked the state in recent times with many organisa tions including the All Arunachal Pradesh Stu dents’ Union (AAPSU) staging protests in various parts of the state.
4. That I do hereby verify that the above mentioned statements are true to the best of my knowledge and nothing is false.
GOVERNMENT OF NAGALAND OFFICE OF THE COMMANDANT 11 NAP (IR) BATTALION ABOI : NAGALAND NO. 11 NAP (IR) BN/RO-14/22-23/1782 Dt. Aboi the 29th Aug 2022 To, Shri :- tsalongchem Sangtam Regtl. :- No. 110529 Rank :- Naik (GD) S/O :- Muthing Vill. :- Kiphire Town P.O/P.S :- Kiphire Dist. :- Kiphire CalliNg NotiCE Whereas, you have been found absent from bonafide Govt. duty w.e.f. 03/06/2022 (FN) without any leave or permission from the competent authority till date. And whereas, your failure to respond on 3 (Three) consecutive Calling Notices served to you vide this office Letter of even No. Dated (1) 14/06/22, (2) 30/06/2022 and (3) 11/07/22 and your failure to respond on the subsequent "Show Cause" Dated 25-07-22 within 30 (Thirty) days is found to be tantamount to negation of relevant conduct rules and applicable laws. Now therefore, the undersigned directs you to report back within 7 (Seven) days from the publication of this calling notice. Upon failure to report within the stipulated timeframe, Department Enquiry will be conducted against you ex-parte without any further notice.
Chief Judicial Magistrate Dimapur : Nagalanddp-4212/22 Regd. No. 161/2022 Date : 24/06/2022
2. Smt. Olivi Thurr on her promotion to AEO, Gr-I under Election department 3. Smt. Tsürhothsü Poji on her promotion to ApRO under IpR department.
3. That I am swearing this affidavit for the purpose of declaring that the names Hekato Nguhekhu Yeptho, Hekato N Yeptho and Hekato N are one and the same person only i.e. me.
1. That I am bonafide citizen of India and a resident of above mentioned address.
The pochury Gazetted Officers’ Forum (pGOF) extends its heartiest congratulations to the following Officers: -
AFFIDAVIT I, Shri. Hekato Nguhekhu Yeptho @ Hekato N Yeptho @ Hekato Yeptho, aged about 45 years, son of Nguhekhu Yeptho, resident of H/No. 131 Forest Colony, Kohima, Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as follows :1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India and resident of the above mentioned address.

Commandant 11 NAP (IR) Battalion Aboi, Nagalanddp-4217/22(C)
Correspondent SHILLONG, SEP 7 :
FCRA registration of nearly 1,900 NGOs for violating various provisions of law in the last five years. There were 22,762 FCRA-reg istered organisations till December-end 2021. In Congress-ruled Raj asthan, the sleuths conduct ed searches at the premises of Rajasthan Minister of State for Home Rajendra Yadav and his family mem bers. Income tax department sources said the searches are being conducted as part of a tax evasion investigation. “The Income Tax de partment is conducting raids at business premises and residences in Kotputli and Uttarakhand. Reasons are not known,” Yadav said. conducts raids, surveys on unrecognised pol’ parties, NGOs
Rahul Gandhi hoists the national flag during the launch of ‘Bharat Jodo Yatra’, in Kanyakumari, Wednesday. (PTI)

NEW DELHI, SEP 7 (PTI): The New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) on Wednes day approved a proposal to rename Rajpath as ‘Kartavya Path’.A special meeting of the NDMC presided over by Union Minister of State for External Affairs and Culture Meenakshi Lekhi was held here. Lekhi, who is also a member of the NDMC, said the proposal was approved during the meeting. “We have approved the proposal to rename Rajpath as Kartavya Path in the special council meeting today,” Lekhi said. NDMC Vice Chairman Satish Upadhyay said the pro posal was received from the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs.He said now the entire stretch and the area from the Netaji statue at India Gate to the Rashtrapati Bhavan will be known as ‘Kartavya Path’. Delhi Chief Minister Ar vind Kejriwal, who is also the member of NDMC, was not present in the meeting. The civic body later released the resolu tion that was passed in the meet ing to rename “NDMCRajpath.council has re solved the renaming of Raj path and Central Vista Lawns as Kartavya Path in a special meeting held at Council Room Palika Kendra, New Delhi today (Wednesday),” the resolution read.The resolution also stated that the department concerned may initiate further necessary action such as changing of names on boards and signages, on the decision taken by the Council.Rajpath was known as Kingsway during British Rule. In his Independence Day speech this year, Prime Minister Na rendra Modi stressed on the abolition of symbols related to colonial mindset.
5. Mon Annual (1 year) SCVT Mn- 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. Annual (1st year) SCVT Mn- 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37. Annual (2nd year) SCVT Mn- 33, 34, 36, 38 Annual (1 year) Repeater SCVT Mn- 42R1 6. Phek Annual (1 year) SCVT Pk- 01, 03, 04, 05, 06. Annual (1st year) SCVT Pk- 07
4. Mokokchung Annual (1st year) SCVT Mk- 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08. Annual (2nd year) SCVT Mk- 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11. Annual (Private) SCVT Mk- 01P (1st year), 01P (2nd year).
CHENNAI, SEP 7 (IANS): The leadership tussle in AIADMK -- the main op position party of Tamil Nadu --, has reached the Su preme Court with the party leader and former Chief Minister O. Panneerselvam (OPS) moving the apex court against a September 2 judgment of the Madras HC divisionNotably,bench. a division bench of the Madras HC comprising Justices M. Du raiswamy and Sunder Mo han had set aside a judgment of a single bench judge on August 17, nullifying the AIADMK general council meeting of July 11 in which Edappadi K. Palaniswami (EPS) was anointed as the single general secretary. This has led to the dis carding of the dual leader ship of the party.
KANYAKUMARI, SEP 7 (PTI): Former Congress president Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday said the tricolour is under attack by BJP and RSS that are divid ing India on the lines of religion and language, and urged the people to defend the ideas and values behind the flag.Speaking at the launch of the Congress’ 3,570-km ‘Bharat Jodo Yatra’ at a rally here, he said every single institution of the country is under attack and alleged that the BJP consid ers the tricolour its personal property.Healleged that India is facing its worst-ever eco nomic crisis along with the highest unemployment rate ever and the country is headed towards a disaster. He said millions of people feel there is a need to take action to bring the country together and that is why the ‘Bharat Jodo Yatra’ is being“Someundertaken.people, they look at the flag and they see three colours, a chakra and a piece of cloth and they salute the flag. But... this is much more than that. “And this flag... did not come easily. It was not given to us. It was not a gift. It was earned by the Indian people,” Gandhi told the gathering.Hesaid the tricolour represents every citizen of the country and religion and language of every person. “This flag guarantees every single Indian protec tion in this country. It guar antees every single person a free and fair life in this coun try. It guarantees everybody the right to practice every religion, to speak every lan guage that one desires. And today, brothers and sisters, this flag is under attack,” he charged.“Please remember it is not enough to just salute the flag, it is important to de fend the ideas and the values behind the flag,” he said. Gandhi alleged all in stitutions in the country are under attack by the BJP. “Today every single institution is under attack by the BJP. They think that this flag is their personal prop erty. They think they can single-handedly determine the future of this country and the future of the states of this country. They think they can frighten the opposi tion using ED, CBI, Income Tax (department).“Theproblem is that they do not understand the Indian people. The Indian people do not get scared. It doesn’t matter how many hours of interrogation they do... not a single opposition leader is going to be scared of the BJP,” the former Con gress chief said. The BJP thinks it can divide the country on lines of religion and language, but “this country will al ways remain united”, he said. Explaining the idea behind the ‘Bharat Jodo Yatra’, Gandhi said, “It is very important that we bring the people of India together and make sure they are united so that India remains strong. And that is the aim of the ‘Bharat Jodo Yatra’ which is designed to listen to the people of India.”Unlike the BJP and the RSS, he said, “We want to listen to the wisdom of the people of India.” In his nearly 30-minute speech, Gandhi claimed India is facing its worst-ever economic crisis, the high est level of unemployment and the country is heading towards a disaster. He alleged the BJP government has system atically attacked farmers, labourers and small and medium businesses in the country.“A handful of large businesses control the entire country today. Ports, air ports, coal, power, telecom, and every single industry is controlled by a handful of businessmen.“Theprime minister would not last one day with out their support. They control the media and they ensure that the prime minis ter is on the television screen all day. And in exchange, the prime minister carries out policies that are in their interest,” he Demonetisation,charged. a “flawed” Goods and Servic es Tax regime and the three “anti-farmer” laws were the three things they needed to ensure they remained in business, Gandhi said.
7. Tuensang Annual (1 year) SCVT Ts- 01, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13. Annual (1st year) SCVT Ts- 14, 15, 16. Annual (2nd year) SCVT Ts- 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
Tricolour under attack: Rahul Gandhi
3. Kiphire Annual (1year) SCVT Kp- 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
8. Wokha Annual (1 year) SCVT Wk- 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 09, 10, 11. Annual (1st year) SCVT Wk- 12, 13.
Annual (1st year) SCVT Km- 94, 95, 2. Dimapur Annual (1year) SCVT Dm- 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
Note: 1. There will be convocation program on 17th September, 2022 in respective Govt. Industrial Training Institutes at 11:00 A.M. Hence, trainees who have cleared the exam may collect the certificate in person during convocation.
NEW DELHI, SEP 7 (PTI): The Income Tax department on Wednesday conducted raids and surveys in various states in separate cases related to alleged tax evasion, violation of FCRA violation and illicit funding of registered unrecognised political parties, official sourcesThesaid.coordinated opera tions were carried out at over 110 locations in Gujarat, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Ma harashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Haryana and some other states against certain registered unrecog nised political parties and their alleged dubious finan cial transactions, they said. Some other instances of political funding through alleged illegal means are also being investigated as part of the action, they said. The surprise action is understood to have been taken by the department on a recent recommendation of the Election Commission (EC) as part of which at least 198 entities were struck off from its list of registered unrecognised political par ties after they were found non-existent during physical verification.Thepoll panel had an nounced that it was taking action against more than 2,100 entities, categorised as registered unrecognised political parties by it, for flouting rules and election laws, including those related to filing of monetary con tributions, failing to update their address and names of officeItbearers.hadsaid some of these parties were indulging in “serious” financial impro priety. While the searches were on, another operation was unleashed at the prem ises of NGOs including Delhi-based think-tank Centre for Policy Research (CPR) and global NGO Oxfam India apart from a media foundation as part of a probe related to alleged FCRA contravention in funds received by them, the sourcesThesaid.taxman undertook the surprise action against three more organisations in the governmentunderfundsNGOsFCRA.receiptganisationsbalancepartment(IPSMF)SpiritedIndependentsearchIndia,atemain,charitableorganisationnon-governmental(NGO)andorganisationdotheysaid.TherewasnoimmedicommentfromOxfamCentreforPolicyReandBengaluru-basedandPublicMediaFoundationandafewothers.Sourcessaidthedeislookingatthesheetsoftheseorvis-a-vistheoffundsviatheAccordingtolaw,allreceivingforeignhavetoberegisteredtheFCRA.Thehascancelled
9. Zunheboto Annual (1 year) SCVT Zn- 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 14 Annual (1st year) SCVT Zn- 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13.
The 99th Govt. I.T.I TRADE TEST RESULT Dated Kohima, the 5th September,2022 NO.DET-7/20/2001 (Vol-VII):/734 The result of the 99th Trade Test under SCVT held in the month of July/ August, 2022 at Government Industrial Training Institutes - Kohima, Dimapur, Kiphire, Mokokchung, Mon, Phek, Tuensang, Wokha & Zunheboto is hereby declared and the Roll Numbers of successful Candidates are given below:Govt. ITI Pattern SCVT Roll Numbers 1. Kohima Annual (1 year) SCVT Km- 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37,38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 88, 90, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107,108, 109, 110, 111,112.
GOVERNMENT OF NAGALAND DIRECTORATE OF YOUTH RESOURCES AND SPORTS NAGALAND : KOHIMA A Dv ERTISE m ENT DYRS invites interested candidates for Trials in Weightlifting for Indira Gandhi Academy (Non Residential) for boys and girls between the age group of 10 – 16 years to be held at Indira Gandhi Stadium, Kohima on 15 and 16 of September, 2022. Forms can be collected from the Directorate of Youth Resources and Sports, Kohima during office hours or downloaded from the given link or and submit the hard copy to the DYRS on or before 13th September, 2022. form Wrestling (Non Residential) of Athlete Name Date Date -1030/22DC Passport1AttachColour
2. For detail information candidates may contact their respective Head of Institute (Govt. Industrial Training Institute).

AIADMK leadership tussle reaches SC
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W e are all witnesses to the mighty works of God and it is worthy to give Him all glory for His glorious deeds. He deserves our endless praise and thanksgiving. God in His infinite wisdom chose Edward Win ter Clark and his wife Mary Mead and their associates to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to people who lived for the practice and glory of headhunting warfare in the Naga Hills. Overcoming all obstacles, Clark and his associ ates decided to venture to the Naga Hills. They took to themselves immense suffering and hard ship as they laid the foundation of Christianity at Molungkimong on December 22, 1872. To commemorate 150 years of Christianity in Naga Hills, ABAM alongside every other Christian believer will celebrate this Jubilee from Novem ber 1-3, 2022, under the theme, “To God be the Glory”. The growth of churches and believers in Nagaland is beyond expectations and this testifies that God is at work among us. Today ABAM has 166 churches, 10 fellowships and 1, 24,697 baptised members. Along with ABAM, the Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC) with its 20 constituent member associations, 4 associate members, 1710 churches and 7,22,781 baptised members (NBCC 85th Annual Council Report, 2022) are also preparing to celebrate from November 19-20, 2022. Let all of God’s children raise their voices and declare their Hallelujahs!, as we await this great spiritual jubilation. To this end, may our proclamation emerge from a clear conscience, grounded in truth and humility as we glorify God’s name! May our spiritual eyes witness His blessing and seek to find His favour in us as we celebrate this jubilee. Were it not for the Lord, we would not be able to rejoice today. Come, let us reason together. Is it not a blessing that ever since Christianity treaded into our lands, God has still not taken His Spirit away from us? May the same Spirit motivate us to recognize God’s blessings in this jubilee. In or der to attain God’s blessings in this jubilee, every person, family, church and society must seek to honour God alone. To be able to shun from evil is through understanding and this understanding comes from God alone (Job 28:28). As we dialogue about glorifying God, our faith may be threatened by the ways of the world. Yet, “let us glorify His name for this is the Lord’s doing; it is marvellous in our eyes” (Psalm 118:23). Milestones are important, especially for churches and its associations. It is a collective entity, a community built by the congregation. It is our prayer that our Naga community make their passion evident and attest to the mighty works of God in our land. Through the immense grace of God we are able to celebrate glorious days as these. God has led us in the direction of righteousness since its beginning. He started this work and we all are the hands that continue it. May our churches be like a watered Tree, may our branches be abundant in fruit and prosperous in its tidings. May all believers prepare in prayer and orison as we await the celebration of 150 years of Christianity in Naga Hills. Prof. Rev. Dr. Mar Pongener, Executive Secretary, ABAM
The water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting—Johnlife.4:14
Reader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the columns do not reflect the view of this newspaper nor that of the Editor in any manner.
It was a befitting punishment when the Court of Special Judge, Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, sentenced a 76-year old retired Armed Branch Sub Inspector (ABSI) to 20 years rigorous imprisonment for com mitting rape on a 5-year old minor girl. The Court Special Judge POCSO Act , Mezivolu T.Therieh in her judgement on September 6, pointed out that the convicted paedophile identified as retired ABSI Kuripra Veswuh, whom the innocent minor used to call as ‘Apotsa’(grandfather) and who was expected to show grandfatherly love and care and moral guardian, instead turned predator. The Judge , in her judgement said such an abominable act prevented her from showing any leniency in punishment for the rapist. The rapist who is a retired police officer has also proved that instead of having the heart of law enforcer and protector, he turned a law breaker and offender. It would be in the interest of justice if, there is probe on the background of the cop-turned predator-cum-paedophile on whether there was any such similar past incident. Contemporary Naga society needs to wake up to the dangers and all who share the concern should mainstream their views to decide what needs to be done to check rapes, espe cially on minor children. It is a matter of concern that a society considered to be safe for women, today is confronted with such a problem which exist only in a criminalized environment. What has happened to such a society which is today witnessing rise in such abominable crimes against women and especially little girls? Just a few years back a man murdered his wife after months of torture and starvation just for the love of a female domestic servant. Why is it that so many of such horrendous crimes are be ing committed not infrequently? Shockingly, such crimes committed on minor girls are not few and far between, according to some reports. Such reports certainly expose the dark under belly of society. This also throws open the urgent need to take deterrent measures against offenders and predators. There are those who deem that paedophiles (those suf fering from psychiatric disorders) who sexually vic timize minors, should be straightaway given capital punishment. In June this year a court in Tamil Nadu sentenced a 43-year-old man for repeatedly raping a minor girl, to life imprisonment while his wife who acted as an abettor to the crime, was sentenced to ten years imprisonment. If crimes against minors are happening more often throughout India, then it is time for drastic action where society needs to respond in a continuous manner to the extent that even the law of the land would be spurred to take a very serious view against offenders. It is tragic and shameful that rapes are no longer that rare in Naga society. Sex offenders don’t belong to society but to a group of deviants and psychologically sick who should undergo treatment for a long time. Even as the focus is on the perpetrators of the crime, society also needs to confront the issue of how to counsel victims and restore them back to normalcy. It is a painful and difficult process but necessary and so ciety owes it to them. Quotes It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves. Shakespeare
The picture our Lord described here is not that of a simple stream of water, but an overflowing foun tain. Continue to “be filled” (Ephesians 5:18) and the sweetness of your vital relationship to Jesus will flow as generously out of you as it has been given to you. If you find that His life is not springing up as it should, you are to blame— something is obstructing the flow. Was Jesus saying to stay focused on the Source so that you may be blessed personally? No, you are to focus on the Source so that out of you “will flow rivers of living water”— irrepressible life (John 7:38). We are to be fountains through which Jesus can flow as “rivers of living water” in blessing to everyone. Yet some of us are like the Dead Sea, always receiving but never giving, because our relationship is not right with the Lord Jesus. As surely as we receive blessings from Him, He will pour out blessings through us. But whenever the blessings are not being poured out in the same measure they are received, there is a defect in our relationship with Him. Is there anything between you and Jesus Christ? Is there anything hindering your faith in Him? If not, then Jesus says that out of you “will flow rivers of living water.” It is not a blessing that you pass on, or an experience that you share with others, but a river that continually flows through you. Stay at the Source, closely guarding your faith in Jesus Christ and your relationship to Him, and there will be a steady flow into the lives of others with no dryness or deadness whatsoever.Isitexcessive to say that rivers will flow out of one individual believer? Do you look at yourself and say, “But I don’t see the rivers”? Through the history of God’s work you will usually find that He has started with the obscure, the unknown, the ignored, but those who have been steadfastly true to Jesus Christ.
I n practice, each political movement commences with an objective to real ize a political ideal against another political force gauged on the perception of threat to its existence, liberty, historical rights or even unification of ethnically related peoples. However, sailing the move ment safely through waves of unfavourable political spectrum becomes more ar duous especially in the face of an entity which controls economy, media, and other state instrumentalities. In such circumstances, creative development of means to arrest the influence a politi cal entity exercises over vital organs of the state assumes significance. Nowhere was this practically relevant than the Naga National Movement which is mired with successive flops in more than its seven decadesSuccessjourney.ofa movement, The Wire writes, is dependent on three elements including (a) narrative dominance, (b) understanding the opposing forces and mustering neces sary resources to counter them, and (c) establishment of a support base beyond its core supporters. These funda mentals are found lacking in the Naga National Movement and therefore could well pos tulate to be the nemesis of our failure in realizing our rights, as are discussed accordingly. Firstly, the narrative on the goal of the Naga Political Movement as propounded by the national workers is inconsistent. The movement is continuously dotted with changing intonation on its political objective. This has not only left the general public in perpetual perplexity but also affected the functionaries of myriad political groups as they themselves do not exactly comprehend the political ob jective for which the group is fighting.The fundamental politi cal objective of the movement at the initial stage was com plete re-assertion of sover eignty. It means, irrespective of geographical locations and across the temporary admin istrative boundaries, a whole sale liberation of “Nagas” from foreign political sway, as extended and imposed on us without mutual consent. Our people were for this very reason subjected to extreme extra-judicial executions, mor al debauchery against interna tionally upheld human and women rights, desecration of holy places, hedonistic torture and destruction of food grains to cause artificial Notwithstandinghunger. the above revered political goal, there were certain groups of people who chose to be politically subjugated without mounting any significant re sistance. They projected their political ideal as cohabitation, and therefore departed from the narration of complete independence.Inthepresent day, the movement narrative again shifted to thetheprocess,oncetogroupsthanmandatetooofIndianpoliticaltofromquentaccomplishedcannotknowwhengoalmessagestoestablishnationalwhatmentofonconsistentanandtion,aeigntydowntheofmentinvolvedagreementshared-sovereignty,betweenpartiesandpoliticalsettleexclusivefortheNagasNagaland.Interestingly,movementnownarrowedfromcompletesoverandconfineditselftodemandforflag,constiturehabilitativepackage,postureregionalismasalternativetonationalism.Hadthenarrativebeenandfirmlystoodourground,thetrajectorytheNagaNationalMovecouldhavebeensomedifferentthanitis.Theworkerscouldnotnarrativedominancegetitsmessageacross.Theareunclear,thepostsfrequentlyshift;weourselvesdonotwhattofightfor,weexpectaresolutelyresult.Frechangingnarrativescompletesovereigntyshared-sovereigntyandtosettlementwithintheconstitution,orworstall–anagreementthatisephemeralandcarrynoatall–bynoneothertherespectivepoliticalhaveonlycontributedthefastfalteringoftheactivemovement.Intheweourselvesdefeatedverypurposeforwhichmovementgotoff.
The need of the hour is to implement some effective steps to put a hold on all that has been happening. According to my observations, an independent body should be established that would solely work on treating such problems.
Britain’s 3rd woman PM set to face testing times
Fountains of Blessings
Secondly, the Naga Na tional Movement is fraught with strife and struggles for territorial dominance and financial hegemony amongst the various warring political groups. Fierce competition over these two pricy pos sessions has been central to the curse of fratricide and targeted killings. It has only rendered many children fa therless, many parents un naturally “childless”, many mothers widowed and has created much antagonism between tribes, communities and villages. In doing so, we have oriented ourselves as the “sole” enemy of us. We some what can protect ourselves from others but when we are our own enemy we cannot save ourselves from us. Funding and responsible management of resources is imperative to sustain a movement especially when an entity against which the movement is mounted is an established authority having vast resources and command over a large fleet of state machinery. Decentralization and delegation of powers and responsibility is indispens able for each movement to succeed. However, much to the chagrin of sympathizers, management of resources pooled for the cause of the movement by the national workers is dismal. There is complete absence of a dedi cated department within the political groups for budget ing expenditure. The funds are mostly spent on personal expenses. There is no account ability. Therefore, there arises resource crunch as those who fund the movement start to detachExpectedly,further. the move ment suffers from organiza tional deformities as the battle for control over leadership, organizational resources and funds engineer successive splits within. The primary po litical objective of the move ment is thus lost in the middle of thisThirdlymelee.and lastly, the Naga National Movement previously enjoyed sympa thies and support from other nations. Members from the erstwhile unified political group received training and skills from such nations. It played a vital role in defending the cause of our movement. The support beyond its core supporters is on the wane since the formerly uni fied political entity breaks into comparatively smaller several groups. Support from various private players in terms of financial grants is an emerging challenge as well as an opportunity in defend ing the cause of a nation, as may be seen in case of the ongoing Russo-Ukraine war. A noble cause and a cautious approach to realize the cause are precursors to win trust of the international community. Sadly, in case of the Naga Na tional Movement, intermittent infightings over petty matters within have precluded such a viable alternative. Moreover, disoriented political objectives are a roadblock from gaining the confidence of the global players.Even core support-base at home is degrading as the general public is vividly irked following rising incidence of extortion from public and other traditional institutions to sustain their respective factions, but not to propel the movement forward. Mush rooming of factions has been one area where the move ment lost ground support and beyond. Movement of any sort devoid of support and sympathy regretfully cannot sustainForitself.the Naga National Movement to recoup its mo mentum, critical introspection into the three elements is consequential. Therefore, (i) standing by the 1951 Plebi scite which re-affirms August 14, 1947, declaration, (ii) a departure from parasitically prevalent petty infightings amongst the protagonists of the movement towards sin gular national political entity, and (iii) adopting corrective measures to regain the trust and confidence of strong support-base at home and beyond are acutely imperative. Nukhosa Chüzho, (,
ABAM Celebrates 150 Years of Christianity God be the Glory,
The initial steps should include warnings and if those aren’t of any help there should be strict legal action taken against the students. There should be awareness camp s that would make the students aware of the impacts of alcohol. They should be told that although severe alcohol implications attract most public attention, even mild to moderate problems cause substantial damage to individuals both physically and mentally. Additionally, there should be a psychiatrist appointed by each of the institutions to address the concerns faced by such individuals. Apart from physical health, mental stability plays a significant role in bal ancing overall well-being.
Priyadarshini Goenka, 3rd year student, National Law University, Odisha
~ William
Reflection of the underbelly
The UK’s domestic is sues will clearly monopolis ing attention, and more than the Ukraine war in which Boris played the friend in need to perfection. If Liz Truss, who takes office as the third British woman Prime Minister after Mar garet Thatcher and Theresa May without a customary honeymoon period, so much as slips up on the home front, she will have to first contend with Johnson who may bob up like Banquo’s ghost from the back benches. It could well be said that uneasy will lie the new occu pant of 10 Downing Street. (As published in Deccan Chronicle)

A lcohol abuse is the most promi nent issue that has been a reality. Except for a handful of students, the count of students dependent on alcohol is relatively high. People with alcohol use disorders drink to please themselves, putting themselves in the most vulnerable situation including others. Numerate families have been torn apart because of this issue. Stud ies conducted in developed countries have shown alcohol impairment as one of the leading reasons for disciplinary actions. In India, alcohol figures vary widely ranging from 3.8% to 21.0% with men 9.7% times more likely to regularly intake alcohol as compared to women. Alcohol abuse has been commonly recognized as the most prevalent habit among students attending colleges, universities, and higher educational institutions. The consumption levels vary as some students drink heavily while others consume occasionally. The most common causes of alcohol abuse tend to be due to peer pressure, fraternity or sorority involvement, and high levels of stress. The consequences include poor health concerns, degrad ing academic performance, and legal implications.Itisareality that no matter what all efforts have been undertaken to curb the issues, the bibulous aren’t concerned even for themselves. Despite effective initiatives including breath analyzers, they have no regrets whatsoever.
It is the duty of every educational setting including its administration to establish a friendly atmosphere comprising of profession als and awareness programs to help regulate the above aspect. Especially in India, people tend to retract their attention toward physical well-being in place of the latter. Counselling ses sions can be conducted by universities where both students and parents would be made aware of how important it is to stay strong mentally. Efforts turn affirmative steps when taken at the right time and wherein the affected ones are taken care of. The educational institutes can build a coordinating team comprising dedi cated and responsible representatives of each batch who would help mediate between those who need guidance and those who can provide such guidance. A committee should be established and headed by a faculty to review its work ings. And a report should be submitted to the vice chancellor after the end of each Asemester.certain set of individuals hide their drinking patterns or completely deny that they have a problem. There are several approaches to treating al cohol problems, but the primary effort includes acceptance.
Dissecting the factors behind the unsuccessful Naga National Movement
November 1-3, 2022)
Need to address the rising alcohol abuse among students
“I n L iz we Truss” was among wittier campaign lines that propelled the former for eign secretary to becoming the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, now the world’s sixth largest econo my after being overtaken by India recently. A largely old and predominantly white electorate of around 1.60 lakh Tory Party members have voted Liz Truss in but the cream of her Cabinet ministers is expected to feature the reality of multi culturalComparisonsBritain. to Marga ret Thatcher, who first be came PM in troubled times of unrest in the 1970s, were bound to pop up regardless of who won. Rishi Sunak, the PIO aiming to be UK’s PM, emulating one across the Irish Sea in Leo Varad kar who became Ireland’s PM in 2017, had also pro jected the same iron deter mination to help people get past the worst cost-of-living crisis in British history as inflation raged past records set 40 years ago. It was on the cards that the electorate would prefer Liz over Rishi even if the UK has been known to forgive US green card hold ers when it came to PM aspirants (Boris Johnson was one). As Rishi’s origins and his wife’s non-domicile tax status may have worked against him, the foreign secretary, whose forte has been her adroit pivots in embracing an opposite view, is the bundle of contradic tions now elected to the Tory hot seat.When in college, Ms Truss, a Liberal Democrat then, joined demonstrations against Thatcher. She was a “Remainer” when Brexit got through on a wafer-thin majority vote. While serving in various ministries, she baited the USA as readily as she did the EU, particularly France. Notwithstanding having been a disrupter in careers in accounting and politics, she is all Britain has in a crisis after the in defatigable Johnson partied his way to notoriety at the height of the Covid pan demic.As Ms Truss faces the prospect of winter heating bills soaring, she is contem plating a two-year freeze on energy bills for all house holds and businesses. Tax cuts are also on her agenda despite the high inflation and a real risk of the UK slipping into recession. Av erage households must be assuaged but the rich may stand to gain more in tax cuts. While she tends to household costs, a proposed reversal in National Insur ance premiums, which is part of a planned wider package of Ms Truss re forms, may have to wait. Ms Truss will be in an unenviable position as Mr Johnson, set to be a Back bencher, looms as a possible rallying point in the party if her economic measures do not measure up to expecta tions. She will probably be tested more in setting UK’s trade ties with US right just as Johnson’s parting shot using a Churchillian phrase — “Stay close to the Americans” — rings a bell. India will be on a good wicket with Ms Truss, a known champion of deeper ties. Thanks to the Narendra Modi-Boris Johnson rela tionship, an India-UK free trade agreement is almost on the table and awaiting promised signatures before Diwali. As a member of Quad situated in the IndoPacific, India is also key to her “network of liberty” geopolitical alignments.
B’luru’s flood woes: Overpopulation, concrete jungle, altered landscape
Says leader can be decided later
Gehlot makes strong pitch for Rahul to become Cong chief DD, AIR most trusted media as they’re not in TRP race: Prasar Bharati CEO Ashok Gehlot

Important to come together first: Nitish Kumar
WALK-IN-INTERVIEW Advt. No: NIT-N/ADMN/REG/2022/09-06 Applications are invited for walk-in-interview for the post of JRF/PA (One Post) & Skilled Contractual Staffs (two posts) in the Department of Science and Humanities (Chemistry), NIT Nagaland for a DRDO sponsored project. For eligibility criteria and other details please visit institute website: The positions are purely temporary and coterminus with the project. Date & Venue of Interview: Administrative Building, NIT Nagaland on 15.09.2022 REGISTRARdc-1034/22 Teacher Vacancy To Teach Secondary and Higher Secondary level for the year 2023. Qualification: Master of computer Science/Master of c omputer Application/Master of Information Technology/ d OEA cc B Level Location:Interesteddimapurcandidates may kindly submit your resume to the e-mail mentioned below or you can contact us at 8259012981 during Office Hours (9AM to 1PM). Email: -977/22Bd dc-1014/22 Admission Still Open Class-10 & 12 (Arts) Repeaters Hostel attached for both boys & girls in separate building with parental care & guidance. Contact : 9856857778 (or) 9862700227 Rainbow CoaChing CentRe Lengrijan H/No. 749, Dimapur : 797113, Nagaland. (Near Immanuel College) Estd – 2006 Class started Classes Mon - Friday Saturdays Unit test. Perfect place for overall development. Limited Hostel SeatsP-4204/22d STATE LEVEL BANKERS’ COMMITTEE NAGALAND Announces SPECIAL CREDIT OUTREACH PROGRAMME During the month of September & October 2022 At Sub-District level throughout the State of Nagaland Target group: PM KISAN Beneficiaries Facility offered: Kisan Credit Card (KCC) – Crop/Animal Husbandry/Fisheries All eligible beneficiaries of PM KISAN, willing to avail the loan, are informed to visit your Bank Branch where account is maintained. Outreach Programme Schedule for September 2022: DISTRICTS SUB - DISTRICTS Date of Spl Credit Outreach Programme Kohima Chephobozou 15.09.2022 Jakhama 21.09.2022 Kezocha 29.09.2022 Kiphire Longmatra 09.09.2022 Amahator 14.09.2022 Khongsa 21.09.2022 Kiphire Sadar 29.09.2022 Wokha Wokha Sadar 14.09.2022 Wozhuro 19.09.2022 Baghty 21.09.2022 Chukitong 29.09.2022 Zunheboto Aghunato 07.09.2022 Akuhaito 14.09.2022 Akuluto 14.09.2022 Asuto 21.09.2022 Atoizu 29.09.2022 Dimapur Dhansiripar 17.09.2022 Dimapur Sadar 20.09.2022 Kuhuboto 27.09.2022 Peren Peren 13.09.2022 Jalukie 23.09.2022 Kebai Khelma 29.09.2022

Phek Chetheba 09.09.2022 Chizami 14.09.2022 Chozouba 21.09.2022 Sakraba 23.09.2022 Khezhakeno 29.09.2022 Zuketsa/Khuza 13.09.2022 Mon Aboi 07.09.2022 Angjangyang 14.09.2022 Chen 17.09.2022 Longshen 21.09.2022 Mon Sadar 29.09.2022

Tuensang Chare 07.09.2022 Chessore/Chingmei 13.09.2022 Longkim/Mangko 15.09.2022 Ngoungchung/Nokhu 29.09.2022
Bihar CM Nitish Kumar meets NCP chief Sharad Pawar at his residence in New Delhi, Wednesday. (PTI)

Mokokchung Alongkima/Chantongya 07.09.2022 Chuchuyimlang 21.09.2022
NEW DELHI, SEP 7 (PTI): Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Wednes day met NCP supremo Sha rad Pawar as part of efforts to bring opposition parties on a common platform to take on the BJP and said the leader of their alliance for the 2024 polls can be decided later. It is important to come together first, said Kumar, who held deliberations with Pawar on the broad con tours of the opposition alli ance and also met CPI(ML) general secretary Dipankar Bhattacharya.TheJD(U) leader said the time was ripe to pres ent an alternative to the BJP which, he alleged, was “not doing anything for the people”. “Both Pawar and I are keen to unite opposition forces who are not with the BJP. A leader of the alliance can be decided later. It is important to come together first,” Kumar told reporters after a 30-minute meeting with the NCP supremo. Kumar has been meet ing opposition leaders dur ing his three-day visit to the national capital after he walked out of the alliance with the BJP in Bihar and formed a government along with RJD and other parties. The Bihar chief minis ter had met Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Monday. He had on Tuesday met CPIM general secretary Sitaram Yechury, CPI gen eral secretary D Raja, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Ke jriwal, INLD supremo OP Chautala and SP patriarch Mulayam Singh Yadav and his son and former Uttar Pradesh chief minister Akh ilesh KumarYadav. said he would come to Delhi once again to meet Congress President Sonia Gandhi, who has been travelling abroad for personal reasons. “I have met all the peo ple in Delhi and many of them thanked me for com ing out of the NDA. Every one wishes that there should be unity in every state and such an atmosphere will be created in the country in the coming days,” Kumar said after meeting CPI(ML) leader Dipankar Bhattacha ryya, one of his oldest allies. The JD(U) leader said that everyone is talking about opposition unity and “more than a face, a united front was required for the country’’.“Everyone realises that those who have the power in their hands, they are creat ing damage everywhere in the country,” he added. There are 16 MLAs of Left parties in the Bihar Assembly supporting the Nitish government from outside, these include 12 of CPI(ML), two each of CPI and CPM.After meeting with CPI(ML) General Secretary, Kumar said, “Seven political parties united in Bihar and we are running the govern ment together, while on the other side there is only BJP.” ‘’We had a discussion on how to work for the de velopment of the state with consensus, how to uplift every section of the society and the work has to be done for the welfare of it.”post,Ionminister,pirationsimage.hisoppositiontomosthishasprimedownhassaidtoonewillIndiathetionistry.“bulldozerwardspositiondiscussedBhattacharyapeople.”saidtheyhowaunitedopshouldworktostoppingtheBJP’sraj”inthecoun“ItisgoodthatNitishjitryingtogettheOppositogether.ThewaythatBJPistryingtomakeaone-partynation,wehavetofighttogetherastothwartBJP’sattemptunderminedemocracy,”Bhattacharya.ThoughNitishKumarconstantlytriedtoplaythebuzzabouthisministerialbid,therebeenaclamourwithinpartythatKumaristheappropriatecandidatetakeonthemantleoftheleadershipduetovastexperienceandcleanAskedabouthisastobecomeprimeKumarhadsaidTuesday,“Thisiswrong.amnotaclaimantforthenoramIdesirousof
8, 2022 NATIONAL 7
Longleng Longleng/Namsang 14.09.2022 Sakshi/Tamlu 29.09.2022 dc-1029/22
An aerial view of flooded Rainbow Drive Layout after heavy monsoon rains at Sarjapur, in Bengaluru. (PTI)
NEW DELHI, SEP 7 (PTI): Prasar Bharati CEO Mayank Agrawal on Wednesday asserted that Doordarshan (DD) and All India Radio (AIR) are the most credible media in the country as their focus is on contributing to the country’s progress and not on securing high viewer ship rating.Hecited a recent report from the Reuters Institute to back his claim and attributed the DD and the AIR’s suc cess in remaining the num ber one choice of people to their “impartiality, style of functioning, and dedicated workforce”. Agrawal, who is the DD’s director gen eral also, was addressing an event organised by the As sociation of Akashvani and Doordarshan Engineering Employees.Union Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting L Murugan and Minister of State for Communications Devusinh Chauhan along with oth er dignitaries attended the event. “We are the voice of the country. Wherever we reach, nobody else is able to. We are compared with the private channels but when we go before people and when it comes to credibility, we are always kept at the number one position,” the Prasar Bharati CEO said. “We are not in the race of the TRP. We are in the race of taking the coun try forward,” he stressed. Public broadcaster Prasar Bharati runs both DD and AIR. Agrawal said that DD has “gone down a bit” but it will once again progress and regain its position with steps being taken in this connection. “In the past 3-4 months, many things have happened here. And I feel that DD, which had gone down a bit, will once again progress,” he said.
KANYAKUMARI (TN), SEP 7 (PTI): Making a strong pitch for Rahul Gan dhi to assume the mantle of Congress president, Rajas than Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Wednesday said if that happens the party will be strengthened and remain united to meet challenges. Gehlot, who is himself seen as a front-runner for the post if Gandhi does not relent to the appeals by party rank and file to take charge, said the biggest quality of the Gandhi family is that they take decisions in the interest of the party. “Why does every party member say that Rahul Gandhi should become par ty chief. Today also, why Congress men and women are after Rahul that he be comes president, because if he becomes president, the party will remain united,” he told a press conference here ahead of the launch of the party’s ‘Bharat Jodo Yatra’. The Congress people are of the opinion that Ra hul should become party president, he said. “We lost an election in 2019 and he (Gandhi) resigned taking moral re sponsibility. He had said in CWC that he will do what the party asks him to do but does not want to be chief. We want that he becomes party chief and all of us workers will work together under his leadership and leave no stone unturned, the party will move for ward, will be strengthened and meet the challenges,” Gehlot said. Hailing the Gandhi family for its con tributions, Gehlot said that for 30 years no member of the Gandhi family became prime minister and it was not as if they did not get a chance as Sonia Gandhi did but she made Manmohan Singh the prime minister. She came into politics to unite the party which was disintegrating, Gehlot said. “We had to say to her that ‘if you don’t accept and the Congress disintegrates, history will not forgive you’, we had to say that for her to come into politics and then see how she gained so much respect in the next 20-24 years,” the senior Congress leaderSeveralsaid. Congress lead ers have publicly exhorted Rahul Gandhi to return as the party chief. However, uncertainty and suspense continue on the issue.
BENGALURU, SEP 7 (AGENCIES): Many urban areas in India face flood ing and water stagnation related issues during the monsoon season. Though different cities are in dif ferent topographical and meteorological settings, the causes behind flooding are often the same rooted in where we build, or expand, our cities and how we con struct roads, buildings and otherCoastalstructures.cities, like Mumbai and Chennai, are also vulnerable to storm surges and other sea-level related challenges such as sea water entering (during high tide) to impact the discharge capacity of the city’s storm water drains. If we must work towards solu tions, it is necessary for us to have a deeper understanding of the growth patterns of our cities, their terrain, their infrastructure, and their ecosystems.Letus take the case of Bengaluru, which has been severely affected by floods this year. Bengaluru is lo cated at the top of a ridge which is the water divide be tween the watersheds of the Kaveri and the Ponnaiyar (Dakshina Pinakini) rivers. The city has numerous val leys which act as conduits carrying water to these two majorOriginalrivers. settlements were concentrated on the ridges while the valleys were used for agriculture. To irri gate these lands, bunds were erected to retain the water — creating lakes. Each lake had its own command area which it Theirrigated.olderstreams that once flowed were redesigned to create artificial canals (kaluve) which were used for irrigation of the com mand area of each lake and for carrying excess water downstream. Several minor drains that carried water in these command areas ended up under private ownership. The city’s population, which stood at 1.6 lakh in 1901, is estimated to be more than one crore today. This rapid and extreme growth has triggered a mas sive demand for land and the city began sprawling out. Ignoring the topography of the land, construction began in the valleys and ridges, which in turn altered the original topography, with minor drains disappearing. The new structures not only impacted water infil tration into the soil but also began obstructing the move ment of water in the valleys. Most of the drains on pri vate properties disappeared, while public ownership drains proved insufficient to carry water during heavy rainfall days. These existing canals, which were not cre ated for inundation require ments, proved inadequate to the task of carrying excess rainwater. Extreme amounts of engineering, sewage flow and clogging further ham pered flow in the canals. The bulk of the flood ing and stagnation in Ben galuru happened because of the obstructions in the val leys. There were very few in stances of flooding outside the valley. The isolated cases of stagnation in the ridges were largely due to the qual ity of engineering of the roadside storm water drains.
Inflation no longer red-lettered: FM
Dr. V. Khamo, Consul tant, Naga Hospital, gave a
Rana KapoorNirmala Sitharaman (From p-1) team requesting for postponing of proposed agitation for another 20 days and through letter dated Kohima September 5, 2022. Therefore, ANATG said that it was unanimously decided to postpone the agi tation as requested. If there was no posi tive response before Sep tember 24, 2022, ANATG warned that it would resort to agitation. Meanwhile, All Nagaland Adhoc Teachers’ Group has informed the district units and members that all the modalities, set of rules and regulations prepared for September 8, 2022 agitation would now be implemented on Septem ber 24,Therefore,2022. all the mem bers have been directed to gather at Kohima on that day.

Sebi imposes Rs 2 cr fine on Rana Kapoor in YES Bank AT-1 bonds case

NEW DELHI, SEP 7 (PTI): The Reserve Bank on Wednesday came out with an ‘Alert List’ contain ing the names of 34 enti ties, including OctaFX, Al pari, HotForex, and Olymp Trade, that are not autho rised to deal in forex and operate electronic trading platforms in the country. In a statement, the Re serve Bank of India (RBI) said that resident persons can undertake forex trans actions only with autho rised persons and for per mitted purposes, in terms of theResidentFEMA.persons un dertaking forex transac tions for purposes other than those permitted under the FEMA or on electronic trading platforms (ETPs) not authorised by the RBI shall render themselves li able for legal action under the FEMA The central bank said it has been re ceiving references seeking clarification on the au thorisation status of some ETPs.“It has, therefore, been decided to place on the RBI website an ‘Alert List’ of entities which are nei ther authorised to deal in forex under the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (FEMA) nor authorised to operate elec tronic trading platforms for forex transactions,” it said. The Alert List con tains names of entities which are neither autho rised to deal in forex nor authorised to ETP for forex transactions under the Electronic Trading Platforms (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2018. Some of the other names in the Alert List include Forex 4money, eToro, FXCM, NTS Forex Trading, Urban Forex, and XM. The RBI further said the list is not exhaustive and is based on what was known to it at the time of publication. “An entity not appearing in the list should not be assumed to be authorised by the RBI,” the central bank said. While permitted forex transactions can be ex ecuted electronically, they should be undertaken only on ETPs authorised for the purpose by the RBI or on recognised stock exchanges -- National Stock Exchange of India Ltd., BSE Ltd. and Metropolitan Stock Exchange of India Ltd. “Members of the public are once again cautioned not to undertake forex transactions on unauthor ised ETPs or remit/deposit money for such unauthor ised transactions,” the RBI said.

NEW DELHI, SEP 7 (PTI): With inflation easing from a record high, Finance Min ister Nirmala Sitharaman on Wednesday said it is no longer “red-lettered” and the priority for the govern ment now is job creation and boostingBesides,growth.equitable dis tribution of wealth remains the other focus area, she said at the India Ideas Summit here. “Some of course are red-lettered (priorities), some may not be. Red-let tered ones would of course be jobs, equitable wealth distribution and making sure India is moving on the path of growth.“Inthat sense inflation is not red-lettered. I hope it doesn’t surprise many of you. We have shown that in the past couple of months that we were able to bring it to a manageable level,” she said at the event. Retail inflation touched a high of 7.79 per cent in April this year since then it is on a downward trajectory. According to official data, retail inflation soft ened to 6.71 per cent in July due to moderation in food prices but remained above the Reserve Bank’s comfort level of 6 per cent for the seventh consecutive month. The Consumer Price Indexbased retail inflation was at 7.01 per cent in June. She exuded confidence that the Reserve Bank would manage the volatility emerg ing from the aggressive rate hike stance by the US Fed and the European Central Bank. “In spite of all chal lenges...we are confident that irrespective of steps central banks around the world would take to protect their economy..., we are con fident that the steps that US Fed may take or ECB, RBI is fairly clued into the develop ments happening all around and they are confident of handling Indian monetary policy without major blips or rise and falls,” she said. Last month, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell hinted at more ag gressive rate hikes to fix inflation which is at a record high. In July, Fed effected its second consecutive rate hike of 75 basis points. The Fed’s move raised its key rate, which affects many con sumer and business loans, to a range of 2.25-2.5 per cent, its highest level since 2018. Even the ECB is ex pected to frontload rate hike at the cost of growth of the region due to the rising cost of living which is threaten ing to surge even higher. On the fiscal manage ment during the COVID-19 period, she said, India with a targeted fiscal policy man aged through a challenging time without printing mon ey. Referring to the global energy crisis triggered by the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, she said, uncertainty over the availability of crude, and natural gas continues. She also underlined the need for deepening of ties between India and the US in all respects including paymentIndiatechnology.stackismaking a very big buzz around the financial domain and pay ment space and also heard some talking if India stack can become a global stack, she said.“If India and US to gether had to work, I guess we will reach a 30 per cent of global economy size and we will be contributing 30 per cent of global GDP within next 20 years. That itself will make India and US engine of the global growth,” she said. On data privacy and protection, she said, India will introduce a new data privacy bill “sooner than later”. “IT Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw has assured we will soon have a new Data Privacy Bill, which will be a product of consultations and will address every such concern most of us had on the Privacy Bill”. Last month, the Centre withdrew the long-awaited Personal Data Protection (PDP) Bill, 2019, to replace it with a new bill with a ‘comprehensive framework’ and ‘contemporary digital privacyOnlaws.New Delhi taking over the G20 Presidency later this year, she said India will be taking over the G20 chair at a very challenging time. “It is the right time to focus on the emerging economies, and address issues of global concern through these economies. Emerging economies are go ing to be the centre of focus,” she added.
ANATG 2015 batch postpones agitation (From p-1) a period of 90 days from the date of passing of the order.While citing the recent Supreme Court ruling and based on the discussion, the court said it had “no hesitation in holding that the petitioners who discharges the same nature of work and duties as that of the regular Grade-II DBs in sanctioned post and the ex-cadre/contingency DBs who are paid scale pay are entitled to the pay parity on the principle of equal pay for equal work.” It may be mentioned that the petitioners were ap pointed in between the year 1997 to 2014. The petitioners were all paid a fixed amount of Rs. 6940 per month after deducting the professional tax of Rs. 110. (From p-1) He urged the state gov ernment to focus on those areas in order to bring down the disease.Dr.Singh disclosed that only 7% of cancer deaths were given certification, which made Nagaland as among the lowest four in the overall country ranking.

Dr. Singh informed that TMC would be set ting up chemo and radio therapy centres in Kohima and Dimapur in its pilot project, which would later be extended to the other parts of theThoseState.centres, he said, would be able to help in early detection and basic treat ment of the disease before the onset of the disease.
RBI issues ‘Alert List’ on entities not authorised to deal in forex trading
8 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2022BUSINESS/STATE ACROSS 4 Security (6) 7 Taste (8) 8 Exempt (6) 10 Not sleeping (5) 13 Hint (4) 14 Public pool (4) 15 Ballot (4) 16 Man or woman’s name (3) 17 Precipitation (4) 19 Sully (4) 21 Cigar (9) 23 Skating enclosure (4) 24 Attack (4) 26 Mist (3) 27 Plunder (4) 29 Nefarious (4) 32 Make watertight (4) 33 Stadium (5) 34 Hits (6) 35 Complicated (8) 36 Emergency (6) DOWN 1 Dismay (5) 2 Work dough (5) 3 Sabot (4) 4 Walking pole (5) 5 Renown (4) 6 Burrow (6) 9 Breakfast food (6) 11 Hairpiece (3) 12 Sacred book of Is lam (5) 13 Regulate (7) 15 By way of (3) 16 Woman’s name (3) 18 Ornamental chain (6) 20 Senior (5) 21 Farm animal (3) 22 Dine (3) 23 Decorating tool (6) 25 Rubbish receptacle (3) 28 Fertile spot (5) 30 Vitality (5) 31 Praises (5) 32 Prosecutes (4) 33 Nautical cry (4) Crossword No. 10387 Yesterday’s solution No. 10386 Su doku No. 5009 Yesterday’s solution No. 5008 KAKURO No. 4032 Yesterday’s solution No. 4031 AffidAvit I Mr. Imnanangbong, son of Mr. Sentimongba Ao through this affidavit vide registration number 575/22 dt 11.08.2022 hereby declare that the names IMNANANGBONG and andbenametheSENTIMONGBAIMNANANGBONGAOareoneandofsameperson.Hence,myofficialMr.IMNANANGBONGshallusedinallmyofficialdocumentsrecordsfromnowon.Sd/-Deponent mkc-327/22 LOSt NOtiCE I, Pehiezolie Chielie am applying for duplicate copy of HSLC Admit Card as I have lost it. Name: Pehiezolie Chielie F/Name: Rüduovilie Chielie Roll. No. : 422731 DOB : 18/09/1988 k-2043/22 LANd fOR SALE Location: Murise Village, Dimapur 705600 sq. ft. Price: Rs. 30 per sq. ft. (No Brokers) Contact: 98568449128787889121dp-4219/22 Land For SaLe 1. At Naga United Village Dimapur Price : Rs. 300/- Per Sq. Ft. (Nego) Any size will be available 2. Near Hope Academy Price : Rs. 280/- Per Sq. Ft. (Nego) No Brokers Only Genuine Buyers Plz. Contact : 8413808228 -4178/22dp Land For SaLe 1. Near St. John School Diphu Road. Area : 5000 Sq. Ft. 2. Indisen Village Area : 5000 Sq. Ft. Contact No. : 87988585599612292806,(opt.) -4120/22dp Land For SaLe 1. Khehokhu Near Baptist College Rs. 90 per sq. ft. 2. Tzudikong (Paper Mill) 10th Mile Near Railway Station Contact : 89749321449862086218 -4118/22(A)dp Land For SaLe Near Vihokhu Rs. 37 Per Sq. Ft. Contact No. : 7085747979,9862086218-4118/22(B) Land For SaLe Newly Constructed Building Padumpukhuri Lane - 5 Price : Rs. 36,00,000/Naga United Lane - 17 Area : 8600 Sq. Ft. (Approx) Price : Rs. 300/- Per Sq. Ft. Contact : 7005794836 -4114/22dp dc-585/22 FOR SALE Land with Building Firing Range 5000Lengrijancolony,sq.feet price : Rs. 95 lakhs # 98626894897005150839dp-4180/22(B) FOR SALE 1. Empty Land (Any Size) 2. Land with Building Nepali kashiram Near Sarbura School # 98627732378787429147dp-4180/22(A) Prime Land For SaLe at Viola Colony, Dimapur Interested persons may kindly contact : 9863227620 -4170/22dp Land for saLe Town Area, 1/2 km from Dimapur Government College. Accessible to various Institutions and Hospitals. 1. 10 Bighas @ Rs. 780/- sq. ft. (Negotiable) 2. 40x40 @ Rs. 1350000/Contact : 9362619411 -974/22Bd LAND AND BUILDING FOR IMMEDIATE SALE AT SUGAR MILL 5TH MILE DIMAPUR RCC BUILDING HAVING 3 STOREY BUILDING TOTAL AREA -22,769 SQ. FT. AMOUNT Rs. 1.20 CR NO BROKERS INVOLVEMENT CONTACT : 9930891886 -978/22Bd LoSt notice I, Mr. Gwasolo Kent, am applying for duplicate copy of Arms Licence as I have lost Nameit. : Gwasolo Kent F/Name : Lt. Daniel Kent License No. 7032 NH/NEW UIN : 254560031364172016 Contact : 6009205916 -4207/22dp PHYSICSCLASSESFORTUTORIALS11&12(NBSE&CBSE) * By qualified & experienced faculty * Special guidance for weaker students * Xerox study materials * Affordable fee Contact No:7005402194 Location: Kohima -2042/22k

For SaLe Land with 3 Storey Building at Para Medical Kohima(Merhulietsa)ColonyNagaland. Contact: 7627943330 -2041/22 LoSt notice I, Kuchiheibe, am applying for duplicate copy of Secondary School Admit Card as I have lost it. Name : YearD.O.B.:F/Name:KuchiheibeIsuigwang05-07-2003ofExamination: 2019, Roll. No. 3151607; Board: CBSE School: 32515-JNV Jalukie 'B', Peren dB-976/22
HC directs govt to pay ex-cadre DBs minimum scale
Launch of Cancer Care, MCCD project in Nagaland brief presentation of pilot study on implementation of MCCD; Commissioner & Secretary, Economics & Statistics, Kevileno Angami presented a short remark on the importance of data col lection of birth and death certificates, while Director of Economics & Statistics, Neidilhou Angami delivered the vote of thanks.
Wanted Counselling Psychologist InterestedLocation:(Female)KohimapersonsmayWhatsApptheirCV @7641008539 -2045/22k
NEW DELHI, SEP 7 (PTI): Capital markets regulator Sebi on Wednes day imposed a penalty of Rs 2 crore on former Yes Bank MD and CEO Rana Kapoor for mis-selling the private sector lender’s AT-1 bonds.He has been directed to pay the fine within 45 days, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) said in its order. The case relates to mis-selling of the bank’s AT1 bonds to retail inves tors by its officials. It was alleged that the bank and certain officials did not inform investors of the risk involved while selling the AT-1 (Additional Tier-1) bonds in the secondary market.The sale of AT1 bonds started in 2016 and contin ued till 2019. In its 87-page order, the markets regu lator found that Kapoor was overseeing the entire activities relating to the secondary sale of AT-1 bonds, taking regular up dates from the team and giving them further instruc tions to increase the sales, thus creating pressure on the officials to ramp up the sales. It further said that he was responsible for acts of suppression of material facts, manipulation and mis-selling of Yes Bank Ltd (YBL) AT-1 bonds to the individualAccordinginvestors.toSebi, he pressurised officials of the private wealth manage ment team to devise a de vious scheme to dump the AT-1 bonds on hapless cus tomers of YBL/individual investors. “Noticee, as the MD and CEO of the YBL at the relevant time was responsible for the acts of YBL and officials of PWM (Private Wealth Manage ment) team in the reckless sale of AT-1 bonds to in dividual investors without due safeguards and mis statements/ suppression of material facts regarding AT-1 bonds to the custom ers,” the regulator noted. Through such acts, Sebi said that Kapoor has violated the provisions of PFUTP (Prohibition of Fraudulent and Unfair Trade Practices) norms and accordingly imposed a pen alty of Rs 2 crore on him. The regulator, in April last year, penalised Yes Bank and then officials of the private wealth manage ment team, after finding that the lender had misrep resented the AT-1 bonds by comparing them with fixed deposits (FDs) without dis closing the inherent risks associated with the bonds and thereby manipulated the investors into buying such risky bonds.
On the other hand, he said neighbouring State like Manipur has a very high certification at 100%.
For any queries kindly contact this Office: -sdDR. TIASUNUP PONGENER, State TB Officer – NTEP, Directorate of Health & Family Welfare, Nagaland KohimaDC-1031/22 B.Ed & M.Ed Admission 2022 Admission still open for B.Ed & M.Ed UGC & NCTE Recognised University For further guidance contact: 7005897583 / 9366199530 -2044/22K DB -924/22DC -1012/22

i. Specimen Management:
Ukraine Vladimir Putin SL’s crisis due to human rights abuses & corruption: UN
• Service provider/ Organisation should be a registered from government authority.
• Experience certificate of similar nature of works taken up during last 3 years.

• Preference will be given prior experience in Health Care Services especially in TB related services.
Rajnath Singh being gifted a majestic horse by Mongolian President U. Khurelsukh. (PTI) golia, H.E. U. Khurelsukh in Ulaanbaatar. Recalled my last meeting with him in 2018, when he was the Prime Minister of the coun try. We are fully committed to further deepening our multifaceted Strategic Part nership with Mongolia,” Singh said in a tweet. The Mongolian Presi dent expressed satisfac tion with the expansion of relations and cooperation with India, Mongolia’s im portant third neighbour while pointing out that the official visit of Prime Min ister Narendra Modi to Mongolia in 2015, and the ongoing visit of the Defence Minister Singh are the im portant impetus for further development. Khurelsukh also said that there is a full possibility of elevating the strategic partnership be tween the two countries to a comprehensive strategic partnership, Mongolia’s Montsame national news agency reported. In 2015, Prime Minis ter Modi received a special gift — a brown racehorse — from his then Mongo lian counterpart Chimed Saikhanbileg during his historic visit to this country. The horse was named ‘Kanthaka’.Mongolia is known as the land of the horse, according to the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH).Mongolia is home to more than 3 million horses, making the horse popula tion almost equal to the human population in the vast nation.
Along with Sealed tender affixing non-refundable court fee stamp of Rs. 8.25 is hereby invited from the intending Service Providers (Non-Government Organization /Private Health Institutions) for providing of following services:Sl Services Unit of cost Area of Operation/District
Mongolian President gifts horse to Defence Minister Rajnath Singh
In accordance with sub-section (4) of section 19 of the Act, you, the defendants are directed as under:(i) To show cause within thirty days of the service of summons as to why relief prayed for should not be granted; (ii) To disclose particulars of properties or assets other than properties and assets specified by the applicant under serial number 3A of the original application; (iii) You are restrained from dealing with or disposing of secured assets or such other assets and properties disclosed under serial 3A of the original application, pending hearing and disposal of the application for attachment of properties; (iv) You shall not transfer by way of sale, lease or otherwise, except in the ordinary course of his business any of the assets over which security interest is created and/or other assets and properties specified or disclosed under serial number 3A of the original application without the prior approval of the Tribunal; (v) You shall be liable to account for the proceeds realized by sale of secured assets or other assets and properties in the ordinary course of business and deposit such sale proceeds in the account maintained with the Bank or financial institutions holding security interest over such assets. You are also directed to file the written statement with a copy thereof furnish to the applicant and to appear before Registrar on 06/10/2022 at 10:30 A.M. failing which the application shall be heard and decided in your absence. Given under my hand and seal of this Tribunal on this date: 26/08/2022 RegistrarSd/K-2034/22
Suwarna Bhawan, House No. 12, New Town Path, Near Hanuman Mandir, G.S Road, Ulubari, Guwahati-781007 Case No. OA/223/2022 Summons under sub-section (4) of section 19 of the Act, read with sub-rule (2A) of rule 5 of the Debt Recovery Tribunal (Procedure) Rules, 1993 Exh No. 2111 UCOVSBANK SRI NEIPHRELIE MECHULHO To,(1) SRI NEIPHRELIE MECHULHO D/W/S/O- Son of Zakisesielie Mechulho P Khel, Kohima Village, P.O. and P.S Kohima Kohima, NAGALAND-797001 (2) SMTI KELHOULE U MECHULHO WIFE OF SRI NEIPHRELIE MECHULHO, P KHEL, KOHIMA VILLAGE, KOHIMA P.O AND P.S KOHIMA, PIN- 797001, DISTRICT-KOHIMA, NAGALAND SUMMONS WHEREAS, OA/223/2022 was listed before Hon’ble presiding Officer/Registrar on 23/08/2022.WHEREAS this Hon’ble Tribunal is pleased to issue summons/notice on the said Application under section 19(4) of the Act, (OA) filed against you for recovery of debts of Rs. 5970161.58/- (application along with copies of documents etc. annexed)
DIRECTORATE OF HEALTH & FAMILY WELFARE GOVERNMENT OF NAGALAND Below Civil Secretariate Complex, Rüziezou Kohima - 797001, Nagaland Tel/Fax+91 3702270473 NHM/NL/15/NTEP/30/2020-21

• The interested Service providers are requested to collect details and submit the tender documents to the O/o or the undersigned on or before 14th of Sep
UK PM Liz Truss appoints diverse Cabinet in shake-up of old guard Putin mocks West, says Russia will press on in

The UN report calls on the Ranil Wickremesingheled government to imme diately end the reliance on draconian security laws and crackdowns on peace ful protest, reverse the drift towards militarisation and show renewed commitment to, and deliver on, security sector reform and ending impunity.InJuly, Wickremesing he imposed a state of emer gency after his predecessor Gotabaya Rajapaksa fled the country and resigned from his post following massive anti-government protests over the govern ment’s mishandling of the economy.While the security forc es recently showed consider able restraint in response to mass protests, the Sri Lankan government has since taken a harder line approach, arresting some student leaders under the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA) and violently sup pressing peaceful protests, the 1979, the PTA allows authorities to make warrantless arrests and searches if a person is suspected of involvement in a “terrorist activity.” A heavily militarised environment and culture of surveillance also continues in the north and east of the country, the report said. Expressing concern about the lack of progress to establish the truth about the Easter Sunday bombings in 2019, the report also calls for a follow-up independent and transparent investigation, with international assistance and the full participation of victims and their representa tives, to pursue further lines of inquiry.Nine suicide bombers belonging to local Islamist extremist group National Thawheed Jamaat linked to ISIS had carried out a series of blasts that tore through three churches and as many luxury hotels in Sri Lanka, killing 258 people, including 11 Indians, and injuring over 500 on the Easter Sunday on April 21, “The2019.SriLankan State, including through succes sive governments, has con sistently failed to pursue an effective transitional justice pr ocess to hold perpetra tors of gross human rights violations and abuses ac countable and uphold vic tims’ rights to truth, justice and reparations,” the report said. “Rather, they have cre ated political obstacles to accountability, and actively promoted and incorporated some military officials cred ibly implicated in alleged war crimes into the highest levels of government,” it added.Additionally, the report urges the Sri Lankan govern ment to explore further mea sures targeting those who are credibly alleged to have been responsible for gross violations and abuses of international human rights law or serious violations of international humanitarian law. Foreign Minister Ali Sabry said earlier this week that Sri Lanka will oppose a new resolution on its hu man rights accountability, especially an external inves tigation mechanism, at the UN Human Rights Council session.Sabry said Sri Lanka was adopting a policy of engagement on rights ac countability bilaterally and multilaterally and was look ing for a lasting solution. A possible draft reso lution on Sri Lanka is ex pected to be presented on September 23.

• The price should be quoted in unit price per patient for every service.
• Should have relevant licenses from state bodies/other relevant authorities.
3. Terms & Conditions
1. Eligibility criteria & Preferred Qualification for Proposal:
ii. Advocacy, Communication and Social Mobilisation
• The rates should be quoted both in figure and words.
• The services under every head/ different heads will /can be bundled.
LONDON, SEP 7 (PTI): Prime Minister Liz Truss held her first Cabinet meet ing at 10 Downing Street in London on Wednesday after announcing one of the UK’s most diverse Cabinets, with key frontline posts going to ethnic minority members of Parliament, including Indian-origin Suella Braver man as the Home Secretary. Another Indian-origin minister in the Cabinet, Agra-born Alok Sharma, retains his climate action job as the COP26 President, as does Defence Secretary Ben Wallace in a new top team that is otherwise a complete shake-up of the old juniorpointingsecretaryGrantRaab,justiceafindnanceBritishwhoFoodofpromotedIndianofministerLondon-bornguard.juniorRanilJayawardena,mixedSriLankanandheritage,hasbeenastheSecretaryStateforEnvironment,andRuralAffairs.ManyseniorTories,hadbackedTruss’rival,IndianformerfiministerRishiSunak,themselveswithoutjob–includingformersecretaryDominictransportsecretaryShappsandhealthSteveBarclay.TheprocessofaptheCabinetandministerialrolesbe gan on Tuesday and will continue into Wednesday, when Truss addresses her first Prime Minister’s Ques tions (PMQs) in the House of Commons.Byher side on the frontbenches will be Braver man, whose Tamil moth er had her family roots in Mauritius and Goan-origin father migrated to the UK from Also, her side will be Ghanian-origin Kwasi Kwarteng as the UK’s first black Chancellor and mixed Sierra Leone and white heritage James Cleverly as the Foreign Secretary, Truss’ own former portfolio. Truss has packed the top tier of her Cabinet with close allies, such as Therese Coffey as the Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Health and Social Care and Wendy Morton as ULAANBAATAR, SEP 7 (PTI): Rajnath Singh, the first Indian Defence Minister to visit Mongolia, was gifted a majestic horse by President Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh on Wednesday, seven years after Prime Minister Narendra Modi re ceived a similar gift from the leadership of this country. “A special gift from our special friends in Mongolia. I have named this magnifi cent beauty, ‘Tejas’. Thank you, President Khurelsukh. Thank you Mongolia,” Singh tweeted on Wednes day along with pictures of the white horse. On Tuesday, Singh called on President Khurel sukh and reviewed the stra tegic bilateral “Excellentties. meeting with the President of Mon the Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury and the first Tory female Chief Whip in charge of party discipline. Former Tory leader ship contender Kemi Bad enoch is the new Interna tional Trade Secretary, with incumbent Anne-Marie Trevelyan shifted as Trans port Secretary. Another former contestant Tom Tu gendhat has been handed the role of the Minister for Security.Iraqi-origin Nadhim Zahawi has been appointed the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and Minister of Equalities, Brandon Lewis is the new Justice Secretary, and Penny Mordaunt is the Leader of the Commons.

a. MeetingsCommunity b. AdvocacySensitizations/Meetings Rate per meeting = Rate per Sensitizations = Tuli and Mangkolemba Area (Mokokchung)

Dated Kohima, the 7th Sep 2022 Notice iNvitiNg teNder
• The undersigned reserves the right to accept or reject any tender without assigning any reason.
MOSCOW, SEP 7 (AP): Russian President Vladi mir Putin said Wednesday that Moscow will press on with its military action in Ukraine until reaching its goals and mocked Western attempts to drive Russia into a corner with sanctions. Putin told at an an nual economic forum in the far-eastern port city of Vladivostok that the main goal behind sending troops into Ukraine was protecting civilians in the east of that country after eight years of fighting.“Itwasn’t us who start ed the military action, we are trying to put an end to it,” Putin said, reaffirming his argument that he sent troops into Ukraine to pro tect Moscow-backed sepa ratist regions in Ukraine, which have fought Ukrai nian forces in the conflict that erupted in 2014 follow ing Russia’s annexation of Crimea.“All our action has been aimed at helping peo ple living in the Donbas, it’s our duty and we will fulfill it until the end,” he said. Putin charged that Rus sia has strengthened its sov ereignty in the face of West ern sanctions, which he said bordered on an aggression. “Russia has resisted the economic, financial and technological aggression of the West,” Putin said. “I’m sure that we haven’t lost anything and we won’t lose anything. The most impor tant gain is the strengthening of our sovereignty, it’s an inevitable result of what’s goingTheone.”Russian leader said that the economic and financial situation in Russia has stabilized, consumer prices inflation has slowed down and unemployment has remained low. “There has been a certain polarization in the world and inside the coun try, but I view it as a positive thing,” he added. “Every thing unnecessary, harmful, everything that has prevent ed us from going forward will be rejected and we will gain development tempo be cause development can only be based on sovereignty.”
Heavy rains trigger landslides in Uganda, killing at least 15 Rescuers from the Uganda Red Cross Society attend the scene of a landslide in Kasika village, Uganda. (PTI)

• Should have qualified and required Doctors/ technicians/staffs.
2. The following are to be duly enclosed with the tender • Copy of PAN Card, GST Registration No. (if required), Registration certificate.
• The undersigned are not bind to accept the lowest or any other rates.
• Rate quoted shall include all statutory taxes as per current Govt. Rules in the State.
• The Quotation will be opened on the same date at 1:00 PM
Sri Lanka is at a critical juncture in its po litical life, a UN report has said, noting that “impunity” for the past and present hu man rights abuses, econom ic crimes and corruption were the underlying causes for the collapse of the island nation’sTheeconomy.UNreport, re leased on Tuesday, also sug gested fundamental changes to address the current chal lenges and to avoid rep etition of the human rights violations of the vitalprovementhumancrisishastimeexpectedresolution12inCouofaheadInterestingly,past.itcomesofthe51stsessiontheUNHumanRightsncilSession,tobeheldGenevafromSeptembertoOctober7,whereaonSriLankaistobetabled.ThisisalsothefirstthatthetopUNbodylinkedtheeconomicwithSriLanka’sgrossrightsviolations.“Forsustainableimtotakeplace,itistorecogniseandassist

• Should have adequate infrastructure and necessary equipment.
KAMPALA, SEPT 7 (AGENCIES): At least 15 people died in western Uganda after their homes were buried in a landslide triggered by torrential rains, the Red Cross said on Wednesday, as emergency workers shovelled through mud in search of survivors, reportsMostReuters.ofthose killed were women and children, Uganda Red Cross spokes woman Irene Nakasita said in a statement. She said at least six people had been rescued and transferred to a nearby hospital, as she posted images of rescuers digging for Kaseseothers.district, where the disaster occurred, is prone to landslides, es pecially during the rainy season, because it sits in the foothills of the Rwenzori mountains that straddle the border with Democratic Republic of Congo. File photo of protests by Tamilians in India against Human Rights abuse in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka to address the un derlying factors, which have contributed to this crisis, in cluding embedded impunity for past and present human rights abuses, economic crimes and endemic corrup tion,” the report said. The broad-based de mands by Sri Lankans from all communities for account ability and democratic re forms presented “an impor tant starting point for a new and common vision for the future,” it “Fundamentalsaid. changes will be required to address the current challenges and to avoid repetition of the hu man rights violations of the past,” the report said.
• The decision of the SHS NTEP -------, will be final in all cases.
b. Transportation of specimen Rate per pick up x frequency = Tuli and Mangkolemba Area (Mokokchung)
a. Collection of sputum Rate per collected:sample Tuli and Mangkolemba Area (Mokokchung)
MYK C MYK C 10 INFOTAINMENT NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2022 db-980/22dc-1026/22 dp-4208/22 dp-4205/22 The Management, Staff and Students of Mount Mary Higher Secondary School, Chümoukedima would like to express our Heartiest Congratulations to our Teacher Miss Mary Hangsing on receiving the 1st Chümoukedima District Teachers’ Award 2022. The Mount Mary Family wishes her a Blessed Teaching Journey. FELICITATION dp-4215/22 • 2 Months Old • Vaccinated • Dewormed • Price: Rs.13K (Fixed) • Contact: 8837003552 / 7005110345 PUG FOR SALE K-2037/22 N ickelback have an nounced their new album, ‘Get Rol lin’’ and shared their latest single ‘San Quentin’. The four-piece con firmed back in August 2021 that they were working on a new record, which will be their first LP since 2017’s ‘Feed The NickelbackMachine’.are now set to return with their tenth studio album ‘Get Rollin’’, which is set for release on November 18 via BMG.“We’ve spent the last few years making a record at a pace that gave us the freedom to create and we can’t wait for everyone to hear the new music,” the band said in a statement. “We’ve missed the fans and look forward to bringing the new songs to life on stage, so let’s Get Rollin’!” The album’s lead sin gle ‘San Quentin’ has been released today (September 7. Inspired by a meeting that Nickelback frontman Chad Kroeger had with a real-life warden from the notorious high security California prison, the song tells the story of a prison break. (NME)

Half of people infected with Omicron may not have known it
P op singer Justin Bieber has officially can celled the remainder of his “Justice” world tour. When sharing the an nouncement via Instagram Story on September 6, the ‘Peaches’ crooner revealed that he had to make the deci sion to focus on his health, reports“, I went public about my battle with Ramsay-Hunt Syn drome, where my face was partially paralysed,” the 28-year-old began his state ment.“As the result of this illness, I was not able to complete the North Ameri can leg of the Justice Tour. “After resting and con sulting with my doctors, family and team, I went to Europe in an effort to continue with the tour. I per formed six live shows, but it took a real toll on me,” the Canadian star continued. “This past weekend, I performed at Rock in Rio and I gave everything I have to the people in Brazil.” Justin went on to recall: “After getting off the stage, the exhaustion overtook me, and I realized that I need to make my health the priority right “Sonow.I’m going to take a break from touring for the time Beforebeing.”concluding his post, Justin assured his fans that he will “be ok, but I need time to rest and get better”.“I’ve been so proud to bring this show and our mes sage of Justice to the world. Thank you for your prayers and support throughout all of this! I love you all pas sionately!”Justin was supposed to perform across Europe and Australia over the rest of 2022 with his gigs scheduled to wrap up in spring 2023. He initially postponed 14 shows after being stricken with Ramsay Hunt syn drome.When coming forward with his diagnosis in June, he explained in an Insta gram video: “I wanted to update you guys on what’s been going on. Obviously, as you can probably see from my face, I have, this syndrome called Ramsay Hunt“Itsyndrome.isfrom this virus that attacks the nerve in my ear and my facial nerves, and has caused my face to have “Asparalysis.youcan see, this eye is not blinking. I can’t smile with this side of my face. This nostril will not move, so there is full paraly sis in this side of my face. “I can’t smile on this side of my face. This nostril will not move, so there’s full paralysis on this side of my face.” (IANS)

Bieber cancels rest of ‘Justice’ World Tour to focus on his health
By Steven Reinberg HealthDay Reporter

ways to cope all the time. Some days it’s more painful than others, sometimes it’s quite uncomfortable but I guess that’s it,” the awardwinning star shared. Lewis has wondered about his health over the last few years, admitting that the diagnosis now “makes so much sense”. The singer, who re leased his debut album, ‘Divinely Uninspired to a Hellish Extent’, in 2019, said: “When they told me, ‘We think you’ve got To urette’s’, I was like, ‘Do you know what, that makes so much sense’. When I look back at my interviews from 2018 I can see that I’m do ing it.”Prior to the diagnosis, Lewis feared that he had a “degenerative disease”. He shared: “It comes and goes. Sometimes I can go months without doing it. I thought I had some horri ble degenerative disease so I’ll take Tourette’s.”(IANS)
S inger Lewis Capaldi has been diagnosed with Tourette’s syn drome. As for why the 25-year-old singer has de cided to go public with his diagnosis, he notes that he doesn’t want fans to think he’s been “taking cocaine or something”.“Ihavebeen diag nosed with Tourette’s. I wanted to speak about it because I didn’t want people to think I was tak ing cocaine or something,” the ‘Someone You Loved’ hitmaker explained, reports to live with the symptoms of the condition, and the chart-topping star has even had Botox injections to help to control his Speakingtics.with The Sun newspaper’s Bizarre column, he said: “My shoulder twitches when I am excited, happy, nervous or stressed. It is something I am living with. It is not as bad as it looks.” Lewis also addressed the issue during an Ins tagram Live session with his fans.“It’s a new thing. I haven’t really learnt much about it. I got Botox in my shoulder to stop it mov ing but I’m learning new

A re you one of those folks who thinks they have somehow miraculously managed to avoid COVID-19 infection more than two years into the pandemic?Youmight be mistak en, claims new research that discovered most people hit by the highly contagious Omicron variant had symp toms so mild they didn't know they were infected. A full 56% of those infected weren't aware they had COVID-19, research ers report. Earlier studies had found that as many as 80% of those infected never experienced symptoms. "These findings help to confirm what we have suspected for some time, which is that many COVID infections are not being de tected or recognized — in part because they are not re sulting in a lot of symptoms and in part because there is limited access to or use of diagnostic testing," said lead researcher Dr. Susan Cheng. She is with the department of cardiology at the Smidt Heart Institute of CedarsSinai Medical Center in Los Angeles."Most people with CO VID being unaware of their infection status, especially while actively transmissible, is likely a major driver of the ongoing pandemic that we are all still trying to make our way through," she added.Forthe study, Cheng's team took blood samples from health care workers, and in 2021 they were also able to collect blood samples from patients. That part of the study was funded by Sapient Bioanalytics, which tested the samples for the virus.The researchers had nearly 2,500 health care workers and patients con tribute blood samples just before or after the start of the Omicron surge. They identified 210 people who were infected with the Omicron variant. Only 44% of these people were aware that they had been infected. Of those who were unaware, only 10% said they had symptoms, which they attributed to a common cold or other infection."More than half of people who developed Omi cron infection were un aware of their infection. In most cases, they had mild or no symptoms. In the few instances where there were mild symptoms, these symptoms were attributed to some other cause, such as a common cold," Cheng said. To try to beat the pan demic, it's vital that people know that they can have COVID-19 and not have any or only mild symptoms, but still spread the infection to others, she together."thisto,andachieveWeroombeawarenesssaid.ourspreaddealawareness"Increasingstressed.infectioncouldhelpagreattocurbtheongoingofCOVIDacrosscommunities,"Cheng"Becauseinfectionratesappeartolow,thereistremendousforimprovement.nowhavethetoolstothisimprovement,wecaneachdoourparthopefully,getthroughpandemicfasterand Infectious disease ex pert Dr. Marc Siegel, a clini cal professor of medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center in New York City, said this study clearly shows that COVID-19 has infected many more people than has been "There'sreported.a heck of a lot more mild or asymptomatic or very, very mildly symp tomatic COVID out there than we're acknowledging, and that means that we're getting a lot of immunity at least to this variant," he said. "That might help explain the overall picture of the current state of the pandemic, which is that there's a lot of mild cases, but there's also a lot of severeSiegelcases."thinks the im munity one gets from the virus has been underplayed. "It's especially impor tant now when we're seeing how easily transmissible this thing is," he said. "We know we're undercounting. When I see 100,000 cases a day, I think it's really a million cases. We're getting to the point where the vast major ity of people in the United States have had COVID in one form or another." The combination of immunity from the virus itself and that gotten from vaccination may help slow the pandemic, Siegel said. Vaccination is impor tant in preventing severe disease, especially among those most at risk. "I'm encouraging patients to get boosted to decrease the risk of hospitalization," he said. Soon, Siegel expects to see new vaccines that will be more effective than the current crop, including nasal vaccines and universal coronavirus vaccines. The report was pub lished online Aug. 17 in JAMA Network 17,JAMACenter,NYUclinicalAngeles;SinaiHeartmentCheng,SOURCES:Open.SusanMD,MPH,departofcardiology,SmidtInstitute,Cedars-MedicalCenter,LosMarcSiegel,MD,professor,medicine,LangoneMedicalNewYorkCity;NetworkOpen,Aug.2022,online

Nickelback announce new album ‘Get Rollin’ Lewis Capaldi reveals he has Tourette’s Syndrome

footballDDFRAtourney Results Detroit DiphuparSAI1-0TigersFCFU2-0
DC Kohima Shanavas C and other officials along with medal winners and president of associations at felicitation programme. (DPRO, Kohima)
Pacifist SC Thursday’s Matches Rongmei FC WarriorsVsFC: 1 pm Diphupar Pro Aim Club:Sporting3pm
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT31/12/1950–04/09/2022 -4218/22dp db-975/22

Medal winners of Kohima felicitated

NEW YORK, SEP 7 (AGENCIES): For the very first time in his ca reer, Nick Kyrgios, in the middle of the main draw of a Grand Slam, found himself in a position to be the favourite for the title. And he found out just how hard that can be as he was downed by Russia’s Karen Khachanov in five sets in the quarterfinal.Khachanov showed incredible maturity to weather the Kyrgios storm, as he kept his game tick ing over without falling out of rhythm despite all the antics on the other end – which continued to include Kyrgios’ never ending scorn for his team for not supporting him enough, The Indian Ex pressKnowingreported. how de pendent Kyrgios is on his serve, Khachanov turned his own into a weapon, getting broken just twice all match and capitalising on earlyThebreaks.forehand was fir ing, and he was well mea sured from the baseline. The former Masters 1000 champion looked like the promising player of a few years ago as he pulls into his first Grand Slam semi final. GarciarollsoverGauff Continuing her re markable run at the sum mit of women’s tennis, France’s Caroline Garcia stormed local favourite Coco Gauff 6-4, 6-4 to reach the first Grand Slam semifinal of her career in NewGarciaYork. is on fire at the moment, she’s won 13 matches in a row – 31 of her last 35 – and failed to drop a single set at the US Open so far, dropping just 27 games in total. A lot of her results are the direct product of her commitment to attacking tennis, but against Gauff, her management of the pressure and getting past the crowd was on an unbe lievable level. She dictated proceedings from the base line, and Gauff couldn’t get a read on her serve. May well leave New York with the trophy. RuudblowsBerrettiniaway Casper Ruud started his US Open quarterfinal knowing he has a very good chance to be World No. 1 at the end of this week. He was also vying for his second Major semi final, and with the favou rites all out, he was a genu ine contender for the title. The pressure, however, did not seem to bother him ini tially. He won 11 of the first 13 games to take a com manding 6-1, 5-1 lead, and while nerves may have set in, causing a few unforced errors, he battled past them to defeat Matteo Berrettini to win 6-1, 6-4, 7-6. The Berrettini assign ment was a way difficult one, the Italian is one of the most consistent bestof-five players in the world and he’s very good with his back against the wall, coming back from his twoset deficit to lead 5-2 in the third. But Ruud showed im pressive maturity, the man ner of the victory was just as important as the victory itself. No ceiling to what he can achieve this week.
Karen Khachanov (L). Australia’s Nick Kyrgios smashes his racket after his quarter final match. (Reuters/Mike Segar) Caroline Garcia with Coco Gauff after the match. (Reuters/Mike Segar) Casper Ruud (AP/PTI) Ons Jabeur (Reuters)
We, the family members of Lt. P. Wopeno , wife of Lt. Pithungo Tsanglao express our heartfelt gratitude to each and everyone for your support physically, financially, morally and prayers at the time of our grief and sorrow. We sincerely, regret our inability to thank you all personally, but we humbly express our sincere gratitude to all. We convey our special thanks to: 1. Toshi Pongen, Evangelist EDABA and his Colleagues 2. Dimapur Sankitong Ekhung 3. Tsanglao Motsurui Ekhung 4. NUSN Lotha Ekhung 5. Wokha Town Forest Colony, Dimapur Evanden 6. WRPD Dimapur Unit We pray that our Almighty God bless all of you immensely. With Love and Prayers Children, In-Laws, Grand Children & Great Grand Children

ZURICH, SEP 7 (PTI): Another historic feat awaits Olympic champion javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra as he will start as favourite in the prestigious Diamond League Finals here on Thursday.Chopra had made a spectacular return from a one-month injury lay-off by winning the Lausanne leg of the Diamond League series and qualifying for the twoday finals here. He became the first Indian to clinch a Diamond League meet title. He had missed the Bir mingham Commonwealth Games (July 28 to August 8) due to a minor groin injury he had suffered during his silver-winning performance in the World Champion ships in USA in July. The 24-year-old Indian superstar hit form immedi ately on return as he hurled the spear to 89.08m in his first attempt to seal the win in style in Lausanne on July 26. It looked like the injury had not happened at all as he produced his third careerbest effort.Theyoungster from Khandra village near Pa nipat in Haryana will be eyeing his maiden Diamond League Finals title. He had qualified for the Finals in 2017 and 2018 also, fin ishing seventh and fourth respectively.TheDiamond League encompasses 32 Diamond Disciplines, following a championship style model. Athletes earn points at the 13-series meet to qualify for the final of their respective disciplines.Thewinner of each Diamond Discipline at the Final will be crowned ‘Dia mond League Champion’. The six-man javelin throw field here will be with out world champion Ander son Peters of Grenada, who is recovering from injuries after he was assaulted inside a boat in his country last month.Chopra’s biggest rival will be the Olympic silver medallist Jakub Vadlejch of Czech Republic whom the Indian had beaten in Laus anne Vadlejch,also. who has a 90m-plus throw to his name this season, produced a best of 85.88m in Lausanne. He made it to the Zurich Finals with most points -- 27 -while Chopra qualified on fourth spot with 15 points. The top six in the Diamond League standings qualify for the Zurich Finals. Since winning a gold in Tokyo Olympic Games in August last year, Chopra has competed against the 31-year-old Vadlejch four times this season and the Indian had finished ahead of the Czech on all the oc casions.Vadlejch was sixth and fourth when Chopra finished second in Paavo Nurmi Games (June 14) and Stockholm Diamond League (June 30). While Chopra won silver in World Championships in Eugene, Vadlejch clinched a bronze before the pair again clashed in Lausanne on July 26. Vadlejch though is a more experienced cam paigner then Chopra, having emerged Diamond League

Neeraj starts as favourite in Diamond League
India’s Neeraj Chopra in action during the men’s javelin throw. (Reuters)
FIRST DEATH ANNIVERSARY OF OUR BELOVED VIKETOLI JOYCEdp-4191/22k-1994/22 26.04.1976 – 01.09.2022
DIMAPUR, SEP 7 (NPN): Medal winners of Kohima Team at the 2nd Nagaland Olympic & Paralympic Games 2022 were felici tated at the programme or ganized by Kohima District Sports Council (KDSC) at DC’s Conference Hall, Ko hima on KohimaWednesday.teamwon 123 medals (69 Gold, 28 Silver & 26 Bronze) in various disciplines and categories, and emerged as the Team Champion.Themedal winners were felicitated with cash award as an appreciation from the KDSC and hand ed over by DC and chair man KDSC, Kohima Shanavas C. Shanavas in his speech stated that it was a proud moment for the district to win the team champion trophy amongst the 16 dis tricts within Nagaland and congratulated the medalists and all the associations for bringing laurels to the dis trict. He lauded the medal ists whom he described as the heroes of tomorrow for their achievements and also congratulated all the associations for executing their job well in preparing the players within a short period of time. He expressed hope that with collective efforts from the athletes, associa tion, district sports council and state government with necessary support for spon sorship and promoting the athletes, the talents from the district can bring laurels in the international plat forms in the coming years. Neiketoulie Belho, on behalf of the medalists thanked KDSC for giving the best opportunity to the athletes and believing in them despite of their shortcomings. He also ac knowledged the coaches of different disciplines for their DYROsupport. Kohima, Viruokuo Zumu chaired the programme who also gave the welcome note and vote of thanks by presi dent KDFA, Mhasimhalie Mathew Yhome.
Final winner twice (2016 and 2017) and clinching two World Championships med als -- a silver (2017) and a bronze (2022) -- and a Tokyo Olympic Games silver. He has a season’s and personal best of 90.88m which he had registered while win ning silver in the Doha leg of Diamond League in May. The winner of each Diamond discipline at the Final will be awarded a Diamond Trophy, USD 30,000 prize money and a wild card for the 2023 World Athletics Championships in Budapest, Hungary.
The husband and family of Lt. Mrs. Kazhuni Phesao Sekhose deeply appreciate and thank you most sincerely for your kind expressions of sympathy, love and prayers showered following the sudden demise of our beloved. A special word of gratitude to everyone who reached out to us and shared our grief and 1.pain.The Pentecostal Church, New Market. Centre Pastor, Centre Mother & Workers. 2. Believer Mothers and Youths, The Pentecostal Church, Kohima. 3. Chozubami Family & Friends from Chazuba Village, Kohima and Dimapur. 4. Rev. Dr Vevo Phesao& Members of CBCMH Kohima. 5. GM & Staff of Nagaland Hotels Ltd. 6. Staff of Hotel Japfu, Kohima & Hotel Saramati, Dimapur. 7. Family, Friends and Members from the Mao Community, 8. The Sekhose Clan of Kohima Village. 9. Kohima Village Doctors Association. 10. Tsütuonuomia Gazetted Officer’s Krotho. 11. Kohima Hotel & Restaurant Union. We are truly grateful to all who stood by us with your physical presence, prayers and support. May God continue to bless you abundantly. Dr Medongulie (Akra) Sekhose, Children & All Family Members
Volleyball trophy at Akuluto DIMAPUR, SEP 7 (NPN): Black Panthers Club Akuluto will be organizing the 44th Nagaland State Open Volley Ball Running Trophy at Akuluto Town from October 4- 6. The club has invited interested team/club/association from Nagaland State. The champion will receive Rs. 80,000’ 1st runner-up Rs. 30,000 and semifinal ists Rs. 5,000 each. Individual prizes such as: Man of the tournament, Best Setter and Best Spiker will be awarded.
OnsJabeurintoasecond consecutivesemifinal ‘Minister of happi ness’ Ons Jabeur rolled into the US Open semifinals with a 6-4, 7-6 win over Australia’s Ajla Tomlja novic on JabeurTuesday.was a long, long way off her best, es pecially in that second set when she was forced to come back from a 3-5 deficit with some great de fence and anticipation. The Wimbledon finalist may have weather the storm, but in Garcia she will face a player in red hot form, and will need to bring her A game to reach a second consecutive final. Will be an intriguing encounter.

Though you are no more with us, You will always remain in our hearts. You are now gone to live in a new city. Angel Viketoli. Hallelujah! Loving husband, son parents, brother, sister & relatives
US Open: Khachanov beats Kyrgios; Ruud, Coco in semis

Inter school T T tourney DIMAPUR, SEP 7 (NPN): Leo Club of Dimapur will be organizing the 33rd Leo Club Inter-School Table Tennis Tournament from September 24 and 25 at Lions Club, Midland. The tournament will be held in four categories- Boys Singles, Boys Doubles, Girls Singles and Girls Doubles. Forms can be collected by contacting at the following numbers: +91 82589 60681 and +91 7628848484 and can be submitted it before September 12.
LONDON, SEP 7 (AGEN CIES): Chelsea has parted ways with head coach Thom as Tuchel just seven games into the season. The deci sion comes after the North London club fell to a 0-1 loss against Dinamo Zagreb in the Champions League on Tuesday.Chelsea has lost two of its first six games in the Premier League. “On behalf of everyone at Chelsea FC, the Club would like to place on record its gratitude to Thomas and his staff for all their efforts during their time with the Club. Thomas will rightly have a place in Chel sea’s history after winning the Champions League, the Super Cup and Club World Cup in his time here,” the club’s statement read.

LONDON, SEP 7 (AFP): Kylian Mbappe and Erling Haaland starred Tuesday as Paris Saint-Germain and Manchester City made winning starts in the Champions League group stage, but big-spending Chelsea suffered a shock 1-0 defeat away to Dinamo Zagreb. Real Madrid rode their luck at times before demonstrating their class to kick off their title de fence with a 3-0 win at Celtic despite the loss of Karim Benzema to injury. Mbappe showed why PSG were so desperate to keep him at the end of last season when he seemed set to depart for Real by scor ing both goals in PSG’s 2-1 victory at home to Juven tus, to launch the French champions’ quest for the biggest prize in European club Thefootball.France forward volleyed Neymar’s delight ful scoop past Mattia Perin in the fifth minute at the Parc des Princes before adding another brilliant ly-worked goal midway through the first half. Substitute Weston McKennie headed Juven tus back into the game but PSG held on and are level with Benfica in Group H. The Portuguese side beat Maccabi Haifa 2-0 cour tesy of goals from Rafa Silva and Alex Grimaldo. Pep Guardiola has warned Haaland alone can not lead City to Champi ons League glory this sea son, but the Norway striker kept up his scintillating form for his new team with two goals in their 4-0 rout of Sevilla.Having already scored 10 times in six Premier League outings, Haaland put City in front on 20 min utes in Spain as he poked in a Kevin De Bruyne cross.Phil Foden doubled the lead on the hour before Haaland struck again. Ru ben Dias bagged a fourth to compound the misery for a struggling Sevilla side. Haaland faces a re union next week with old club Borussia Dortmund, who eased to a 3-0 win over FC Copenhagen ear lier in Group First-halfG.goals from Marco Reus and Raphael Guerreiro had the hosts cruising, with 19-yearold England international Jude Bellingham deliver ing a late third.

Subroto Cup: Nagaland U-14 beat Goa 2-1India out of Asia Cup as Pak beat Afghanistan
NEW DELHI, SEP 7 (AGENCIES): The In dian women’s football team started its campaign at the SAFF Women’s Champi onship 2022 with a clini cal 3-0 win over Pakistan in a Group A match on Wednesday at Dashrath Stadium in Kathmandu. The defending cham pion took the lead in the 21st minute after an own goal from Pakistan captain Maria Khan. Two minutes later, it was 2-0 for India. Dangmei Grace, un marked near the post, re ceived a through pass from Anju Tamang and slipped it between the post and goal keeper to double the lead. India rattled Pakistan’s defence with a barrage of attacks early in the second half, but suffered because of poorIndiafinishing.finally extended its lead to 3-0 when Sou mya Guguloth scored in the 94th leads Group A with three points. Ban gladesh and Maldives are the remaining two teams in the group. Host Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Bhutan are slotted in Group B. The top two teams from each group will quali fy for the semifinals, which will be played on Septem ber 16. The final is sched uled for September 19. India won all of the previous five editions of the tournament (2010, 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2019).
Anju Tamang (right) and Dangmei Grace (left) celebrate the second goal against Pakistan. ( AIFF/Twitter)

SHARJAH, SEP 7 (PTI): Right-arm pacer Naseem Shah struck two telling sixes in the final over as Pakistan defeated Afghanistan by one wicket in a tense Asia Cup Super 4 match to throw India out of the tournament here on AfghanistanWednesday.were firm ly in control of the match till the last over, reducing Paki stan to 118 for nine. But, Naseem had other plans as he hit Fazalhaq Farooqi for two consecutive sixes to send both Afghanistan and India out of reckoning for a final Withberth.two wins from as many games, both Pakistan and Sri Lanka have sealed their places in the final of the tournament to be held on Sunday. India and Af ghanistan will lock horns in their final Super 4 match on Thursday, which has been rendered upperZadran.recttheoutFakhar(3/31).LBW(0)losingtimePakistaninconsequential.hadatorridduringtheirchase,skipperBabarAzamearlyafterbeingtrappedbyFazalhaqFarooqiTomakemattersworse,Zaman(5)wasruninthefirstdeliveryoffourthover,offadithrowfromNajibullahAfghanistangotthehandwhenRashid

Realupandrunning Scottish champions Celtic were left to rue not making the most of a bright start against Real in Glasgow as Callum McGregor rattled the post before the Spanish giants made their experience count.Vinicius Junior, who grabbed the winning goal in last season’s final, open ing the scoring on 56 min utes and Luka Modric soon doubled the advantage. Eden Hazard, who came on for the ailing Benzema, netted his first goal for the club since January to seal victory.Shakhtar Donetsk romped to a memorable 4-1 win over RB Leipzig in Germany in the other Group F game. Shakhtar, who have not played in their home town since 2014, did not have any competitive matches this year until August 23 due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.They have lost mul tiple key players since as FIFA allowed foreign play ers and coaches to suspend their contracts and leave the club. Marian Shved scored twice on his full debut either side of Mo hamed Simakan’s equalis er. Mykhaylo Mudryk and Lassina Traore made sure of the win for Shakhtar. Chelsea made a miserable start to their Champions League campaign as Din amo Zagreb ruined PierreEmerick Aubameyang’s debut. Thomas Tuchel’s side were expected to cruise through Group E after be ing drawn with Dinamo, Red Bull Salzburg and AC Milan. But their task might not be so simple after Mis lav Orsic’s first-half strike punished the Blues for an other sloppy Havingdisplay.spent £250 million ($280 million) on new signings since the end of last season, Tuchel is under pressure to deliver silverware in return for that huge foroutSaelemaekersdrawMilanItalianinvestment.championsbeganwitha1-1atSalzburgasAlexiscancelledNoahOkafor’sopenerthehosts.
Nagaland U-14 team members. lection committee consist ing of eminent footballers will select 25 outstanding players in each category, who will be awarded with scholarship.Alltheplayers selected will be awarded a one-time grant scholarship of Rs 25,000 in the Junior Boys and Junior Girls categories and Rs 15,000 for the SubJunior Boys category. The 61st edition of the Subroto Cup International Football Tournament re sumed on Tuesday, Sep tember 6 after a gap of two years which was suspended owing to the pandemic. The final match will be played on September 15. The Cup is been played simultaneously at Dr. BR Ambedkar Sta dium (Delhi Gate), Tejas Football Ground (Race Course), Subroto Park and Jawaharlal Nehru Stadi um. Only 16 players and two officials as set by the organizers are part of the Nagaland team with Kechi as team coach and Kevile bei asThemanager.players includ ed Atuo, Manpa, Saku, Majoi, Viselie, Moulso, Wibon, Lima, Kevisevor, Sulanthung, Shoheto, Vi bito, Dede, Vila, Kevisede and Lun. Khan (2/25) trapped inform Mohammad Rizwan (20) in front of the wicket. On the back foot after losing three key batters, Shadab Khan (36) took the attack to the opposition. Fareed Ahmed (3/31) brought Afghanistan back into the match by breaking the dangerous-looking 45run fifth-wicket stand be tween Iftikhar Ahmed (30) and Shadab.ButShadab looked in ominous form as he slogswept Rashid over the boundary to ease the pres sure. However, Rashid had the last laugh as he dis missed Shadab in the next ball with the batter thickedging one to Azmatullah Omarzai at short third man. Two wickets in the 18th over bowled by Faz alhaq Farooqi tilted the balance of the match in Afghanistan’s favour . With 11 needed from the final over, Naseem Shah showed his batting skills, smashing Fazalhaq Farooqi for back-to-back sixes to seal the match in Pakistan’s favour.Earlier, Pakistan dished out a fine bowling display to restrict Afghanistan to a below-par 129 for Afghanistansix.made a positive start with Hazratul lah Zazai (21) and wicketkeeper Rahmanullah Gur baz (17) sharing 36 runs for the opening wicket. Zazai matched his part ner by finding the boundary twice in the next over before Haris Rauf cleaned up Gur baz in the fifth delivery of the fourthDespiteover.the fall of wicket, Zazai continued his attacking vein, hitting Has nain for a boundary before perishing in the fifth deliv ery after the bowler castled him with a deceptive slower delivery.Karim Janat (15) and Ibrahim Zadran (35 off 37) then tried to steady the ship. Janat tried to force the pace of the innings but in vain as he was holed out by Fakhar Zaman off Moham mad NajibullahNawaz. Zadran (10) started his knock in a rol licking fashion, whipping Shadab Khan over deep midwicket before the spin ner had the last laugh. It became bad to worse for Afghanistan when Mo hammad Nabi departed in the next ball. Ibrahim Zadran, however, continued to play his attacking shots but his knock was cut short by Rauf (2/26). In the last over, Rashid Khan (18 not out) used his long handle to great effect and smashed Rauf for a six and a four to pick up 10 runs and take Afghanistan close to the 130-run mark. BRIEF SCORES: Pakistan: 131 for 9 in 19.2 overs (Shadab Khan 36, Iftikhar Ahmed 30; Faz alhaq Farooqi 3/31, Fareed Ahmad 3/31, Rashid Khan 2/25) beat Afghanistan: 129 for 6 in 20 overs (Ibra him Zadran 35; Haris Rauf 2/26) by 1 wicket. Shadab Khan hits a boundary at the Pakistan-Afghanistan Super 4 encounter.

Thomas Tuchel
Chelsea sacks Thomas Tuchel
UCL:Mbappe,HaalandshineinPSG,ManCitywinsasChelsealosetoZagreb Kylian Mbappe scores for PSG in their win over Juventus. Erling Haaland tries to control the ball against Sevilla. India beat Pakistan 3-0 in SAFF Women’s Championship 2022

Correspondent KOHIMA, SEP 7 (NPN): Nagaland’s under-14 team defeated Goa 2-1 in the first match of the ongoing U-14 Subroto Cup at New Delhi on Wednesday.Nagaland team con sists of players from Green wood School Dimapur. The team will now take on Indian Pub lic Schools Conference (IPSC) in their next Group F matchesTheremaining team in the Group with Naga land is Haryana and the best team out of the four will head to the quarter finals, which is slated from September 11. A total of 32 teams from across the country is taking part in the Cup, which carries a total prize pool of more than of Rs. 23 lakhs across the three categories for the winners and theThisrunners-up.includes a win ning prize of Rs. 3.5 lakh for the Junior Boys and Junior Girls as well as Rs 2.5 lakh for the Sub Junior Boys winning team. Other cash prizes includes the semi-finalists, quarter final ists, Fair Play, Best Play er, Best Goalkeeper, Best Coach and Best School. In addition to the prizes a se
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