Vietnam beat India 3-0 in Hung Thinh friendly

KOHIMA, SEP 27 (NPN): All Nagaland Ad hoc Teachers Group-2015 batch (ANATG-2015) gathered at Secretariat junction here on Tuesday on the second day of their strike demanding regularisation of service.
ANATG-15 has vowed to continue with the agita tion till their demand was met. Addressing the me dia, ANATG-2015 batch spokesperson Bendangtemsu Ozukum disclosed that the association had received information Monday night that the state government was unable to regularise their services due to a court order.
He said ANATG has been pointing out that regu larisation had been done in other departments and had evidences to back the claim.
He asked whether the court order came up only with regard to regularisation of 1,166 teachers of 2015 batch and that if other teach ers could be regularised,
DIMAPUR, SEP 27 (NPN): Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC) has called upon all its Bap tist members to hold prayer and fasting from 6am to 6pm on October 1, 2022. In a statement, NBCC general secretary Rev. Dr. Zelhou Keyho called upon all the executive secretaries and pastors to lead the churches in prayer for the “healing of our land.” NBCC has informed that the associa tions/churches have the lib erty to modify/add to some of the suggested prayer points. (Full text on p-6)
DIMAPUR, SEP 27 (NPN): Nagaland governor Prof. Jagdish Mukhi and chief minister Neiphiu Rio have extended warm greet ings to members of the Konyak community on the occasion of Lao-Ong Mo, a post-harvest festival.
In his message, Prof. Mukhi said that Lao-Ong Mo was a celebration of thanksgiving to God for a bountiful harvest. He under scored the need for youth to preserve their rich culture and traditions, which should be manifested in their way of life through hard work, hon esty and unity along with the colourful songs and dances.
Prof. Mukhi wish good health, peace and prosperity to all on the auspicious occa sion. Meanwhile, the chief minister prayed that the festivities strengthen kinship and foster new relations.
why not the adhoc teachers? He said that over the years and during the previous agitation, ANATG-2015 members faced untold hard ships especially those with nursing mothers, expectant mothers and children.
Ozukum also clarified that the current agitation was not a threat to the gov ernment but a request. He remarked that there was a certain level of endurance after which human instinct took over.
He however assured that ANATG -2015 did not intend to go to that extent and so requested the gov ernment to come up with a solution at the earliest.
Ozukum said that on one hand the government said it was trying to resolve the issue, while on the other hand it maintained that regu larisation could not be done and which has thrown ad hoc teachers to a huge dilem ma. He said the government claimed that ANATG has resorted to agitation without
any prior information even after it had issued a com muniqué on September 22 wherein it clearly mentioned that 20 days were issued be fore the agitation as per the government’s request.
Since there was no pos itive response after expiry of the period, Ozukum said ANATG resorted to protest. He also clarified that none of the members were back door appointees as was the
general perception. He said all ANTAG-2015 mem bers were appointed against sanctioned posts and eligible to sit for suitability test, after which their services could be regularised.
Department of School Education (DoSE) through principal director (PD) Thavaseelan K said it was not possible to regularise services of ANATG-2015 till the orders of Supreme Court and High Court were vacated.
Thavaseelan informed
media persons at his of fice chamber here Tuesday, that the government could consider regularisation of services only with direction from the Supreme Court and High Court. He therefore requested the teachers not to resort to any kind of agi tation but resume their du
ties with immediate effect. He also cautioned teachers that their period of absence would be treated as Diesnon and that the principle of ‘no work, no pay’ shall be applied. He also warned of initiating disciplinary action against the agitators as per
MOKOKCHUNG, SEP 27 (NPN): Mokokchung police have arrested five cadres of NSCN-K (YA) in connection with the abduction of Ramak ant Giri, senior supervisor and engineer of Nitin Sai Con struction Company (NSCC) engaged in the construction of Changtongya-Longleng road.
According to Mokokc hung police PRO, the arrests were made after Changtongya police station received a writ ten complaint about Giri, who had gone missing on September 21, 2022.
PRO informed that search and rescue operation under a special investigation team was lunched led by SDPO Tuli, Aketo Chisho.
On investigation, PRO said it was ascertained that NSCN-K (YA) faction was involved. Police said that a ransom call was received from a cadre claiming to be of NSCN-K (YA) faction.
During the massive search operation, police said Ramakant Giri appeared at Changtongya town on Sep tember 25 at around 7pm. The police conducted medical examination immediately and Giri was found to be in good health with no signs of any physical harm.
In the wee hours of Sep tember 26 during conduct of area domination, PRO said Mokokchung police deployed for patrolling and MVCPs
initially arrested four accused from Akhoya village gate junction.
The four arrested have been identified as “captain” Wangyin, of Triloi village (Myanmar); “sergeant” Wenghka of Nyenching vil lage (Myanmar); “corpo ral” Peyau of Koshoi village (Myanmar) and “corporal” Hangsha of Chenloishu vil lage (Mon). All four are re portedly from NSCN-K (YA).
The police further ar rested two more persons iden tified as “sergeant major” Imkong Akum of NSCN-K (YA), village of Akhoya (Mo kokchung) and Aosunep, also from Akhoya village.
(Cont’d on p-8)
(NPN): Dimapur Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI) has appealed to the Dimapur-based transporters to call off their shutter down agitation and resume service in view of the assurances from the district administra tion and police and also to facilitate smooth shopping during the festive season.
DCCI grievances cell convenor Omega Yepthomi and secretary Tino Jamir informed that the chamber had a joint meeting with DC Dimapur Sachin Jaiswal and Commissioner of Police, R Tetseo on September 23.
At the meeting, it was noted that the shutter down has affected normal business
activities in the commercial hub besides causing im mense hardships and loss to the business community and inconvenience to the general public.
DCCI said that DC and CP assured the cham ber that the armed miscre ants responsible for recent indents of threat/life at tempt on transporters and other businessmen would be apprehended and booked soon.
The chamber also said that DC and CP also re quested DCCI to prevail upon the Dimapur-based transporters to call of their shutter-down agitation tak ing into consideration the oncoming festive season.
Naga Mothers Association (NMA) appreciated the initia tive of the Forum for Naga Reconciliation (FNR) in bringing NSCN (I-M) and NNPGs to “a better under standing and reconciliation” through the commitment towards peace in the “Sep tember Joint Concordant”, which was signed recently.
Reiterating the stand for an inclusive peace, NMA affirmed support to the Joint Concordant, which it de scribed was “another mile stone towards bringing peace into our land.” NMA ap
pealed to all responsible to give them space to stand by their commitments, “without making unsavoury insinua tions about our brothers”, in the spirit of forgiveness. NMA also appreciated the efforts of Core Committee leaders and hoped “all these concerted ef forts will usher in a new way to Peace for Nagas.”
Describing Naga society as complex, with a history of violence, pain and hurts, inflicted upon each other, the NMA called for forgiveness, restraint and reconciliation.
NMA also urged the negotiators to remember
DIMAPUR, SEP 27 (NPN): Three days after taking a public rally in support of NLTP Act, 1989 and against all illegal activi ties within Purana Bazar juris diction, Joint Council of Purana Bazar East Dimapur (JCPBED) has served ultimatum on shops running liquor business to close down within seven days. House owners were also issued notice to prohibit sale of alcohol and other illegal items by tenants.
JCPBED convenor Vikugha Kappo warned that failure to close down such businesses with in the timeline would force them to take necessary actions as per September 3, 2022 resolution.
It also warned of action against outsiders dealing with any illegal activities within the jurisdiction of Purana Bazar.
the younger generation that awaits this era of peace.
Further, NMA urged the Government of India to respect and honour the sacrifices of thousands who have laid down their lives for the Naga cause and ensure a sustainable Just Peace.
Stating that Naga wom en had been facing the brunt of militarisation and atroci ties by the Indian armed forces under the brutality of the AFSPA for decades, the NMA has reiterated the call for repeal of “this draconian law which has terrorised us, our families and our homes.”
DIMAPUR, SEP 27 (NPN): Union Minister of State for Skill Development & En trepreneurship, Electronics & Information Technology Rajeev Chandrasekhar has stressed charting separate district skill development plan for each district to cater to local talent, requirement and economic opportunity.
Addressing a press con ference here at Hotel Acacia on the concluding day of his three-day visit, Chan drasekhar said deputy com missioners of all districts have been directed to work with district skill committees to develop a uniquely rel evant district skill develop ment plan for each district. He assured that the Centre would help by providing funds, resources and an en abling ecosystem to deliver.
Every part of Naga land to have Internet: As part of Prime Minister Na rendra Modi’s vision of con
necting all Indians-- with an approach that ‘no one is left behind’, he said no part of Nagaland will be left with out internet connectivity. He said every area would have a minimum 4G network coverage.
“Every part of Na galand will get access to internet with BSNL and private companies playing an important role. No part of Nagaland will be left uncovered by internet ac cess,” he said, adding that digital connectivity across the region will usher in de velopment and create new
opportunities for young In dians. For this, the minister said that the Centre would allow any company to ap ply for Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF).
Chandrasekhar also remarked that post Covid, entire global workforce re quirements had changed drastically, pointing out that countries like Germany, United Kingdom and Japan were now seeking more In dian skilled workforce.
He said a German min ister had visited him and requested 4,00,000 nurses, hospital administrators, medical supervisors and lab technicians from India.
When asked if Na galand could be on a par with other States pursuing such opportunities, Chan drasekhar said today’s op portunities were not just local, but also global. He mentioned that this was one reason why the Centre was looking for district-level skill
DIMAPUR, SEP 27 (NPN): Zunhe boto Range Students’Union (ZRSU), which had served 15-day ultimatum on Higher Education department on September 13, over shortage of teachers at Zunheboto Government
College, on Tuesday announced its decision to relax the ultimatum fol lowing “positive assurance” by the department.
ZRSU president Gihuka K Zhimo expressed gratitude to the depart
ment for the prompt response to the hue and cry of the students. Mean while, expressed dismay at some ZGC teachers for being irregular, the union has appealed to all the teachers to be sincere and regular.
Modi Abe’s (Cont’d on p-8) (Cont’d on p-8) Staff Reporterdeadline to shut liquor densDay 2: Members of ANATG-2015 Batch during the protest in Kohima on Tuesday. (NP) Rajeev Chandrasekhar (NP)
Dak Adalat on Sep 30: The superintendent of Post Of fices has informed that the Dak Adalat for redressal of public grievances on postal matters will be held on Sep tember 30, 11 am, in the chamber of the superinten dent of Post Offices, Kohima.
All complaints, grievances or suggestions related to postal services for discussion in the Dak Adalat may be sent to O/o superintendent of post offices, Nagaland Division, Kohima or email at spona on or before September 30.
Staff ReporterDIMAPUR: Minister of Rural Development, Metsübo Jamir on Tuesday, said that Nagas working in other states, who come back with more skills were assets to the state. He opined that such exchange of skills was important for development.
Addressing the gather ing as guest speaker at the two-day “CEO (employ ers meet) and Job Mela” organised by Nagaland State Rural Livelihood Mis sion (NSRLM) at Hotel Saramati, the RD minister stated that any investment that comes to the states will require workers.
In this regard, he ex pressed hope that Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gra meen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY) will be able to fill the manpower gap.
Metsübo lamented that although hotel and
entrepreneurial activities were growing, the situation did not allow the youth to expand in these sectors.
Pointing out that the government was the only source of employment rev enue as there were no facto ries, he however, stated that things were now chang ing in Nagaland expressed hope that people would get the opportunity to be employed.
Metsübo informed that during the recently held CSR conclave, over 100 companies assured to invest in Nagaland.
In this regard, he stat ed that since workforce would be required in any investment, the trainees under DDUGKY and vari ous training institutes in the state will fill the gap of workforce.
RD joint secretary and NSRLM mission director, Imtimenla informed that
DIMAPUR: Four youth associations of Penli Ward, Majakong Ward, Lijaba Li jen Ward and Artang Ward, while appreciating the state government for allocating fund for maintenance of the Imkongliba Memorial Dis trict Hospital (IMDH) road Mokokchung, has requested that the sanctioned amount be released by October so that maintenance works can be carried out.
In a joint statement, presidents of the youth as sociations of Penli Ward Im likumzuk, Majakong Ward Lanulemba Longchar, Li jaba Lijen Ward Nungsang yanger and Artang Ward Lanunungsang said a repre sentation was also submitted to Deputy Commissioner of Mokokchung. However, the since associations could not meet the DC, they met the Urban Development Of ficials do discuss the matter.
They said that that UDA had informed them that the maintenance of the road would commence from
DIMAPUR: Directorate of Treasuries & Accounts (DoT&A) has reminded all the DDOs, departments to submit all the pend ing backlog/missing NPS contribution (challan and annexure) to its office latest by October 31.
In a press release, DoT&A principal director, R.N. Yanthan said inspite of several instructions, most of the departments were found having back log/missing contribution.
Further, the depart ment has informed that it would not entertain any submission beyond stipu lated date and that it shall not be held responsible for any eventuality.
DIMAPUR: Town Official Language Implementation Committee (TOLIC) Ko hima has informed that it would be organising “Hin di fortnight closing cere mony” on September 29, 1 p.m. at the State Academy Hall, PR Hill Kohima. All concerned HoDs and of ficials have been requested to attend the function.
October last week after the rainy season. “But they were not in a state to temporarily repair the road in order to make it motorable before the work commences,” the youth associations said.
While urging the gov ernment to sanction the amount at the earliest, the associations also requested the concerned department/ contractors etc. to construct the road as per the Detailed Project Report, adding that they will keep an eye as a watchdog.
Further, the associa tions have also requested the public to bear with the road condition.
300 Deen Dayal Upad haya Grameen Kaushalya (DDU-GKY) trained youth from Nagaland will be vy ing for job placements in 15 different companies.
She stated that despite the many challenges during the pandemic, NSRLM was able to bring on more Proj ect Implementing Agencies (PIAs) and train 4510 rural youth in various trades.
North-East regional representative, MoRD, Dean Clyde Cooper, Learning & Development Manager-THE DEN Ben galuru, Tenzing Choesang and M.D, talent acquain tance, Anil Makwana also delivered speeches at the programme.
Earlier, a book on 75 success stories of Naga rural youth through DDUGKY was released by the guest speaker and Proj ect implementing Agency (PIAs) and alumni were
Anti-rabies camp in Kohima on Sep 28: Veterinary Hos pital Kohima under chief veterinary office, department of Animal Husbandry & Vet erinary Services (AH&VS) will be conducting a free anti-rabies vaccination camp to commemorate “World Rabies Day” on September 28 at the hospital premises.
Veterinary surgeon, Dr. Eliz abeth Yhome has informed pet owners in and around Kohima to bring their pet dogs and cats for vaccina tion, which will begin 9 am onwards.
DYE annual general meet ing: Dimapur Yimpang Ek hung (DYE) has convened its annual general meeting on October 1, 10 a.m. at the residence of Er. Renyimo Kikon, Naharbari Dimapur. All members have been re quested to attend the along with membership fees for the year 2022.
DIMAPUR: Expressing concern over “high rate” of Tuberculosis (TB) diseases in Nagaland, deputy com missioner (DC) and chair person, District TB Forum (DTBF) Kohima, Shanavas C said there was a need for “proper mechanisms” to fight the disease.
According to a DIPR report, Shanavas said that in the state there was a “need for proper mechanisms, and representatives in the villages, where there is a lack of awareness, which is a major concern”. He then urged all the stakehold ers to coordinate the effort of various departments to eliminate TB by 2025.
Addressing the DTBF Kohima meeting on Sep tember 26 at the Conference Hall of DC Kohima office, Shanavas said the TB cam paign calls for social move ments focused on patientcentric and holistic care driven by integrated actions for TB-Free India.
He said that the meet ing should not remain just a meeting but should have
proper follow-up and a re view meeting every time so that the discussion and strategies should reach out at the grass root level.
Highlighting the objec tives of TB Forum State TB Cell, NTEP, Director of H&FW, Thungchanbeni M. Humtsoe said that the main objectives of TB forum are to engage with policymakers and implementers to ensure justice, rights, and dignity of TB patients for effective ser vice delivery; to supplement and complement govern ment initiatives to enforce; TB patient-friendly law, policy, and programmes; to reduce stigma and discrimi
nation and ensure social security of TB patients, sur vivors, and their families; to improve awareness on vari ous government schemes, provisions, facilities avail able for TB patients and to improve treatment literacy and adherence among TB patients and to engage in evidence-based advocacy with the stakeholders to expand services.
TB scenario in Kohima District was presented by District TB Officer, Kohima,
Dr. Chibenthung Kithan while presentation on TB scenario was given by Ko hima District TB Officer, Kohima. TB Champion/ survivor testimony was shared by Keduseto Kint so, presentation on HIV & AIDS, Kohima district was delivered by Sentimongla Tzudir, District Program Officer, -Dap M, District AIDS Prevention & Control Unit, Kohima and a vote of thanks by member secretary, district TB Forum, Kohima.
to set a milestone or a limit on our grief, and we remember you fondly everyday. Little by little, we begin to remember not just that you died, but that you lived a fulfilling life.
Forever loved and missed.
Lovingly, Wife, Siblings and Family Members
“In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.” Psalm 4: 8
Lt. LONGRINUKSHI (Liroyim - Yaongyimsen) 28/06/1955 - 21/09/2022
With profound gratitude, we the family of Lt. LONGRINUKSHI would like to convey our heartfelt appreciation and indebtness to all our friends, neighbours, various churches and organisations and wellwishers from near and far, who stood by us physically, morally and spiritually at the sudden demise of our beloved father. We find solace and strength in your love and sympathy extended to us during our bereavement.
We regret our inability to mention each one of you in particular, but it is our earnest prayer to our Almighty to bless you all abundantly.
Forever in our Hearts, Loving Wife, Children, Grandchildren and Relatives.
We, the family of Late Hovikhol Tase would like to acknowledge the many expressions of sympathy and gestures of kindness shown to us during this difficult time who left us on 9th of September 2022.
We extend our sincere gratitude to all the relatives, neighbours, friends, Jakhama Baptist Church members and well-wishers who stood by us physically, spiritually and financially.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our deepest gratitude.
Loving wife, children and relatives
08/11/1986 to 28/09/2021
Earthly relationship ended, When from this world, you departed. Your sweet voice, no more shall we hear, Nor the absence of your presence could we bear.
Though a year has elapsed, In my heart, your memory still aliven. And I still miss the warmth of your face, When in the morn, you serve tea with grace. Until we meet again… Rest in Peace.
Lt. Kezienguzo victor Chupuo 28/01/1988 – 20/09/2022
Words are not enough to express our heartfelt gratitude to each and every individual, churches, unions, in-laws, neighbors, friends and well-wishers, who have supported us physically, morally, financially and spiritually during the prolonged illness of our beloved Lt. Kezienguzo victor Chupuo till his last breath.
We regret our inability to thank every individual personally but your expression of kindness and sympathy towards us will never be forgotten.
We sincerely convey our special thanks and gratitude to:
Doctors and Nurses (Oncology Ward) Naga Hospital Kohima.
Catholic Church Union Zhadima.
Zhadima Catholic Women Association.
Zhadima Catholic Phichüko Krotho.
Ave Maria Divine Retreat Centre Zhadima.
Northern Angami Catholic Women Association.
A.G Church Zhadima Bawe.
A.G Church Zhadima Basa.
Christian Revival Church Zhadima.
Christian Church Zhadima.
Catholic Church Zhadi 2.
Catholic Church Women Association Zhadi 2.
Salvation Ministry Zhadima.
Commandant Rank & file of 10th NAP (IR) Zhadima.
Police Baptist Church 10th NAP(IR) Zhadima.
Police Baptist Church Women Association 10th NAP(IR) Zhadima.
D.Coy 10th
S.H.G Kerhe Krotho Zhadima.
2 Khel Youth Organisation.
29. Kekhrie Krotho Chüpuo Zhadima.
May Almighty God Bless you all abundantly. Loving Wife, Children, Mother, Siblings & In-laws
September 27, 1974 – September 28, 2021
A year has passed since you left this world.
With tearful eyes we watched you fade away, And though our hearts were breaking, We could not make you stay.
In our memory you will always dwell Playful and cheerful every time we meet up We think of you in silence now, No eyes may see us weep, But deep within our hearts, Your image we shall always keep.
Thank you for the wonderful memories you have given us
Eternal Rest grant to our Beloved, Our Lord, and Let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul, through the mercy of God, Rest in Peace.
Loving Husband & Children 1st DeatH anniversary of Late e. Zuthunglo ngullie Merangso Jamir DC Shanavas C speaking at the programme. (DIPR) Metsübo Jamir felicitating one of the PIAs at the programme on Tuesday. (NP)take more initiative and in terest in Red Cross activities; requesting DCs of district where district Red Cross units not having office or store facilities such as Zun heboto, Mon, Tuensang, etc. to allot or spare office rooms for the society needs.
KOHIMA, SEP 27 (NPN): Nagaland governor, Prof. Jagdish Mukhi on Tuesday urged upon Indian Red Cross Society, Nagaland (IRSCN) to get involved with the medical fraternity, doctors and nurses, who he said, were great assets to the society, mostly in organising health programmes.
Delivering presidential address at the 35th annual general meeting (2021-2022) of IRCSN at Dr. Imkongliba Hall, Raj Bhavan, Prof. Mukhi stated that in or der for IRCSN to function smoothly, the stakeholders ought to extend cooperation with dedication and keeping the principles of IRCSN in mind.
DIMAPUR: An “annual edu cation fair” was organised by Nagaland Centre for Human Development & Information Technology (NCHD&IT) working under donor agent IDeA – The Ant on September 24 at Sangtamtilla Village.
A press release by NCHD&IT informed that at the programme, Sub – Di visional Education Officer (SDEO) Dimapur, Kihevi Tuc
Prof. Mukhi, who is also the IRCSN president encouraged all to help their fellowmen, particularly the weaker section of the society through activities such as first aid and blood donation programmes.
He also suggested that they participate in the nutri tional support component and contribute to the elimi nation of TB in the country by 2025 as envisaged.
The governor said first aid and blood donation training programmes by IRCSN must be continued with greater interest and suggested that the member ship be scaled up in order to strengthen the organisation.
He encouraged the branches to register more youth leaders, teachers,
cu lauded the organisation’s unique venture of Special Learning Centre in activitybased system. He said that there was a “serious need to mainstream out of the school children and harness the at tractive teaching –learning methods”. At the programme, the organization presented its journey of the project through NCHD&IT River of Life and a documentary video.
church leaders, doctors and nurses who can take proac tive roles in carrying out the mission of the Red Cross.
In the present era of so cial media, Prof. Mukhi said social media must be utilised to the IRCS’ advantage and therefore, setting up of video conference facilities at the Red Cross office, Kohima was required with informa tion technology and digi talisation procedures to be incorporated into IRCSN.
At the meeting, Dr. R. Rose Chakhesang presented the minutes of the IRCSN business session which was held on September 26.
She highlighted some of the resolutions which included—All DCs & presidents of IRCS district branches be requeste d to
The district branches were encouraged to form more JRC/YEC societies and all the units were urged to increase the enrolment of patrons, vice-patrons, and life members.
The house also decided to write to DCs of newly created districts to initiate setting up of Red Cross societies in their districts.
At the ceremony, 11 patrons and five vice pa trons were decorated for the year 2022. The meeting was chaired by Susan Angami, invocation was offered by state chaplin, Rev. Yamyap Konyak, welcome address by IRCSN Managing Com mittee member, Akhale V. Khamo while a special number was presented by Youth Red Cross, Mount Olive College, followed by lighting of ceremonial lamp was also included.
Later, vote of thanks was proposed by John Kath.
DIMAPUR: A district level advocacy and orienta tion on “Mission Parivaar Vikas” was conducted on Tuesday, in the conference hall of the chief medical officer (CMO) office.
In a press release, of fice of the CMO Zunhe boto stated that the pro gramme was conducted for District Community Mobilizer (DCM), Block Program Managers (BPM) and Block Asha Coordina
tors (BAC).
During the pro gramme, resource persons, DPO (RCH/UIP), Dr. Heto Swu, DVBO/ DSO, Dr. J. Hokugha Sema and district program manager, NHM, Rosemary Vitoli briefed the participants on the family planning demand generation and how to accelerate access to high-quality family planning choices based on information, reliable ser
vices, and supplies within a rights-based framework.
The participants were also oriented on how to improve access to contra ceptives through delivering assured services, interlock ing with new promotional schemes, ensuring com modity security.
The programme concluded with a vote of thanks by deputy CMO Zunheboto, Dr. K. Akaho Sema.
DIMAPUR: Chairman of United Democratic Alliance (UDA) T.R. Zeliang said student leaders have a huge role to play in building and uplifting the society and that they should not astray but remain “deeply rooted” in their responsibility towards the welfare of the student community.
According to a DIPR report and information and publicity wing UDA chair man office, Zeliang was speaking as special guest on the second day of the threeday 24th General Conference of All Zeliangrong Students’ Union (AMN) at Beisum puikam Village, Peren on September 26.
Zeliang said there are times when leaders lose their focus and forget their duty thus paralysing their organi zation and urged the student leaders to remain steadfast in their desire to uplift Zelian grong people. He also said that the student community and youths, who are leaders of tomorrow, should actively participate in important dis course and should be more vocal for unity.
The former chief minis ter also advised the students to be sincere in their students and “aim to excel” as this was an age of tough competition and only those who excels could achieve something in life. With employment in gov ernment sector in saturation,
Zeliang said that everyone cannot be accommodated in government job and en couraged every individual to explore other avenues for sustenance.
Commenting on “seeds of unity and selfdetermination” sown by brave leaders like Haipou Jadonang, Zeliang said it should be respected, hon oured and spread across the length and breadth of Ze liangrong inhabited lands. He also asserted, a tribe without its history could be termed as a lost tribe and for which, he encouraged the student community to understand the significance of preserving their history.
The introductory ses sion began with Deputy Commissioner (DC) Peren,
Vineet Kumar, who spoke on how to cope up with clan disputes while maintaining the spirit of oneness and unity among the Zelian grong community in order to move forward.
The gathering was also exhorted by president of Zeliangrong Mothers Organisation (ZMO-N) and advisor of ZB (AMN); presidential address was delivered by AZSU (AMN), president, Henry Chawang while NSF, president shared the solidarity speech.
The general confer ence, held on the theme, “Zeliangrong-Then and Now” is being attended by more than thousand delegates from different federating units of Assam, Manipur and Nagaland.
Assam Police from different parts of the state and New Delhi. Earlier 11 mem bers, including the outfit’s president of the West Bengal unit, Minarul Sheikh, were apprehended following a national clampdown against the organisation on Septem ber 22 and September 23.
IMPHAL, SEP 27: Hun dreds of people, mostly students and women on Tuesday took out a rally at Kambiron in Manipur’s Tamenglong district to pro test against the recent at tempt to lay a bomb trap at a public place by Central security forces.
(PTI): Twenty-five Popular Front of India (PFI) activists were arrested from different districts of Assam in a fresh crackdown against the outfit on Tuesday, police said.
The highest number of 10 PFI activists were held in Goalpara, five in Kamrup (Rural) and three in Dhu bri, followed by arrests in Barpeta, Baksa, Darrang, Udalguri and Karimganj, they said. Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma had earlier said that his govern ment has been urging the Centre to ban the outfit for allegedly creating an ecosystem for terror activities.
“We started the opera tions early in the morning
and it is still continuing with 25 activists arrested so far,” Additional Director General of Police (Special Branch) Hiren Nath told PTI.
They will be produced in the local courts of the respective districts, he said.
In Goalpara district, the arrests were made in Lakhipur, Dhupdhara, Rongjuli and Goalpara town, police said.
Senior police officials are also camping in the district. The five PFI activ ists in Kamrup Rural were held from Nagarberra, Tu pamari, Palahartari and Borpathar areas, police said.
Altogether 36 activists of the organisation have been arrested thus far by
SHILLONG, SEP 27: Trinamool Congress (TMC) Spokesperson, Sa ket Gokhale on Tuesday claimed that Meghalaya Chief Minister Conrad Sangma is suffering from ‘selective amnesia’.
Gokhale, who had dared Deputy Chief Min ister Prestone Tynsong for a debate on the issues of misgovernance raised by TMC, made this statement after having received a sneer from Chief Minister Sangma who told reporters : “I don’t know who Saket Gokhale is.”
“.. Though I’m will ing to make concession for the fact that this se lective amnesia might be a result of reluctance to debate the misgovernance of the MDA government,” Gokhale wrote in a letter to Sangma.
The TMC spokesper son also reminded the Chief Minister that he had met him in 2019 and had dinner together at a famous restaurant in New Delhi and talked about a wide range of topics.
Gokhale had earlier dared Tynsong for a faceto-face debate over ‘mis governance’ in the state in the presence of the media.
“Over the last one week, several people from the NPP have spoken. Like you, they have all used distractionary tactics and frivolous excuses to escape from debating the one single point that matters i.e. the issues of misgov ernance in Meghalaya,” Gokhale said.
“It makes one won der why the MDA govern ment would be so afraid of a public debate if it is confident about its gov ernance and has nothing to hide,” the TMC leader added.
“I challenge your government to an open debate in front of the press about issues in Meghalaya namely Smart Electricity Meters, contractor cro nyism in the Meghalaya Assembly Dome collapse, irregularities in Shillong Smart City Ltd., Saubha gya Scheme, and the Police Vehicle Scam,” he wrote.
According to a state ment issued by the Assam Police in Guwahati fol lowing last week’s arrests, leaders of the organisation were arrested as there was “reliable information” that they were making efforts to foment communal strife throughout the state.
The National Investi gation Agency (NIA) has claimed that documents seized during the nationwide raids conducted at of fices of PFI and its members contain highly incriminating materials targeting promi nent leaders of a particular community.
On September 22, multi-agency teams spear headed by the NIA arrested 106 leaders and activists of the PFI in 15 states for allegedly supporting terror activities in the country. The NIA is investigating 19 cases involving the PFI.
On September 23, resi dents of Kambiron (Paiuan) village of Tamenglong dis trict detained a CRPF per sonnel for allegedly trying to plant an Improvised Explo sive Device (IED) along the national highway between Nungba and Puiluan vil lage. The villagers suspected that the IED was planted to foil a programme for the renovation of Jadonang Memorial at the village on September 24.
Taking serious note of what has been termed “terrorist act of planting a bomb” by a CRPF personnel under the alleged instruc tions of 39 Assam Rifles, various CSOs based in the district organised the rally.
The rally was jointly organized by the Rong mei Naga Council Mani pur (RNCM), Rongmei Naga Luh Phwam Manipur (RNLPM), Rongmei Naga Students’ Organisation Ma nipur (RNSOM), Nungba
Area Village Authority As sociation (NAVAA) and Nungba Area Joint Action Committee (NAJAC) un der the aegis of the United Naga Council (UNC), Naga Women Union (NWU), and the All Naga Students’ Asso ciation Manipur (ANSAM), a report reaching here said.
The giant banner under which the rally was car ried out read, “Public rally against the plot of planting terror bomb to kill Naga people at Puiluan (Kam biron) village by CRPF in connivance with Assam Rifles.” “CRPF and Assam Rifles are Bomb Planting Experts, Terror Experts” read another placards dis
played during the rally.
The protesters de manded immediate book ing and exemplary actions against the rank and file involved in the bomb-trap in cident. While also demand ing repeal of the draconian Armed Forces Special Pow er Act, 1958, a banner read “AFSPA –Army’s weapon –People’s terror.”
NWU president Eli Asha stated that it was an act of cowardice and barbarism of the Indian security forces against innocent civilians.
RNCM vice-president Athan Rongmei urged the people to remain alert while reminding that it was not the first time Central security
GUWAHATI, SEP 27 (PTI): The Suryakiran Aerobatic Team of the In dian Air Force (IAF) put up a stunning air show in Guwahati on Tuesday as people came out on balco nies and terraces besides gathering on roads to watch the aerial display.
The team performed for over 20 minutes over Lachit Ghat on the banks of the Brahmaputra river under a clear sky.
Speaking to PTI, team administrator Flight Lieu tenant Ridhima Gurung said, “All nine aircraft of the team were a part of the show at Guwahati today. Last year, the team had enthralled the audience at Shillong, Meghalaya, and is delighted to carry out a display in Guwahati this year.”
She said the squad flew in from Tezpur, nearly 200 kilometres by road from here which it covered in about 15 minutes by flight, where it is based currently.
“The aircraft flew in directly from Tezpur and participated in the air show, and returned to the base there,” the team adminis trator, who also took the spectators at Lachit Ghat through the performance with her commentary, added.
Group Captain GS
Dhillon helmed the team, which consisted of nine other pilots, including Wing Commander R Bordoloi who hails from Assam.
Besides top defence officials, Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma was also among those enthralled by the performance of the Indian Air Force’s aerobatic team.
“Was witness to a stu pendous show by IAF’s Surya Kiran Aerobatic Team in their Hawk Mk 132s over Lachit Ghat, Guwahati in presence of Hon First Lady of Assam Smt Prem Mukhi ji. My gratitude to @IAF_MCC for organising this beautiful event in Guwahati,” Sarma tweeted.
While the sound of the aircraft zooming through the skies was audible almost across the city, the visibility was also good for a long stretch along the Brahm putra which passes through Guwahati.
People came out on balconies and terraces of buildings near the river, while pedestrians as well as those in vehicles stopped or slowed down to have a glimpse of the daredevil stunts being displayed in the sky.
The spectators at La chit Ghat were in ruptures every time the aircraft per formed overhead and left the onlookers in awe.
The Suryakiran, popu larly known as the Ambas
sadors of the IAF, has the distinction of being among a handful of nine-aircraft formation aerobatic teams in the world.
The team was formed in 1996 and is based in Bidar, Karnataka. It flies nine Hawk Mk132 aircraft, designed by BAe (British Aerospace) and licence manufactured in India by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL).
The team has com pleted more than 600 dis plays across the length and breadth of India and in several foreign countries.
forces tried to disrupt the peace of the region by plant ing bombs.
“This is the fourth inci dent of bombs being planted by Assam Rifles in Nungba area in the last four years,” he claimed, adding that people cannot remain as silent spectators anymore.
Assam Rifles who claimed to be “friends of the hill peoples” were actu ally “terror experts, he said.
Assam Rifles (AR) has strongly refuted undertak ing any activity against the interests of local populace, adding that it stood com
mitted to the security and well-being of the people of North East.
Reacting to the state ment of the proscribed group with uncorroborated facts, published in the me dia, the Assam Rifles said the force, over the years have rendered yeoman service in the North East guarding the Indo Myanmar borders, conducting people friendly counter insurgency opera tions and more importantly providing succour and relief to the people of North East in times of need.
The history of the force is replete with acts of great valour, bravery and selfless service by its personnel, it added.
Regrettably, AR said sections of the media aired allegations by a proscribed group in Manipur whose sole pur pose was to malign the image of Assam Rifles and also disturb peace and harmony in the region.
Further stating that indicators of normalcy in North East and consequent lifting of AFSPA was a wel come step, AR said such was not acceptable to the pro scribed groups even though it is a result of improved security situation brought in by the desire of the people to bring lasting peace in North East.
GUWAHATI, SEP 27 (PTI): The Gauhati High Court on Tuesday upheld the life sentence awarded by a special court to NDFB chief Ranjan Daimari in connection with serial bomb blasts of October 2008 that claimed 88 lives and injured 540 people in Assam.
The high court also re jected the appeal filed by six others while acquitting four accused who were earlier given life imprisonment by the special court.
Daimari’s lawyer Ma nas Sarania said an appeal will be filed against the high court order in Supreme Court.
The division bench of Justices Suman Shyam and Malasri Nandi upheld the sentence passed against Daimari by the special court on January 30, 2019.
Onsai Boro, Nakhra Basumatary, Indra Brahma, and Jayanti Brahma were acquitted by the high court.
Besides Daimari, the others convicted for life are George Bodo, B Tharai, Raju Sarkar, Bwisagu Ba sumatary, Ajay Basumatary, and Rajen Goyary.
Raju Sarkar and Bwisa gu Basumatary are currently out on bail but they have to return to the jail at the earlie st. Daimari and the others were convicted by a special court in 2019 un der various sections of the Explosive Substances Act and the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act.
They subsequently ap pealed against the order in the Gauhati High Court. Nine serial blasts were triggered by the NDFB on October 30, 2008, which included three each in Gu wahati and Kokrajhar, two in Barpeta, and one in Bon gaigaon.
Daimari was arrested in Bangladesh in 2010 and was lodged in the Guwa hati Central Jail after being handed over to India.
IMPHAL, SEP 27: Ma nipur’s future lies in the tourism industry, said Ma nipur chief minister N Biren Singh, in his speech on the occasion of World Tourism Day celebrated on Tuesday.
The state department of tourism celebrated the day at Maibam Lotpa Ch ing in Bishnupur district under the theme “Rethink ing Tourism”.
Singh said that the state’s future lies in the tour ism sector and so the state government was putting in every effort to bring positive change in the state.
He said that the gov ernment was developing more tourist circuits across the state so as to attract tourists.
Mentioning the state’s uniqueness in terms of sce nic beauty, climatic condi tions, culture, tradition etc., the chief minister high lighted various initiatives of the state government to develop tourist spots.
He informed that Kangkhui cave, the infa
mous natural limestone cave in Ukhrul and Tharon cave will be opened for tourists soon.
The government was constructing a five-star hotel in Imphal in partnership with Tata group, he added.
Singh further highlight ed that with an aim to pro mote the traditional ‘Sagol Kangjei’ and encourage Sagol Kangjei players and pony breeders, the govern ment will organize Chief Minister’s Sagol Kangjei Tournament in the upcom ing Sangai Festival 2022.
Stating that it is the
responsibility of the govern ment to work for the welfare and well-being of the people, the chief minister said that the government has taken up various initiatives such as improving air and surface connectivity in the last five years to boost the tourism sector.
State education min ister Th Basanta Kumar Singh, chairman of Tourism Corporation of Manipur Limited Karam Shyam and some MLAs and officials of the state tourism depart ment attended the function among others.
should be read and understood as one and same person and that is me.
5. That all the above mentioned statements made by me are true and correct to the best of my knowledge/belief and nothing material is concealed therein.
TEMSUIENLA LONGKUMER Solemnly affirmed and declared before me on this 24 th day of September/2022 at Dimapur, Nagaland. notary puBlICk-2282/22
Date : 31/08/2022
Registration No. 101/2022
I, Shri. Likhaba Sangtam, S/o Ikire, R/o. Thsingar Village, Kiphire :
Nagaland do hereby solemnly declare and affirm as follows.
1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India and a resident of the above mentioned address.
2. That in my Service Record bearing No.2103478K, Rank: Hav GD, 21st Assam Rifles, C/o 99 APO my name has been erroneously entered/recorded as "I Likhaba" whereas in other documents my name has been entered/recorded as "Likhaba Sangtam" which is actual and correct.
3. That the name "Likhaba Sangtam" and "I Likhaba" refers to same and one person i.e myself.
4. That Henceforth, I shall use my name as "Likhaba Sangtam" for all my official and future correspondence.
5. That this affidavit is made to declare the above made statements. Sd/-Deponent.
I hereby verify that the statements made in paras 1 to 5 are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing material is concealed herein.
Solemnly sworn before me on this 31 day of August 2022.
(Esther Sumi) Advocate & Notary Public Nagaland
No. 1145, Block 4, Lane 1, Padumpukhuri Village, Dimapur, Nagaland, do hereby solemnly declare that my full correct official name is Niansai and my father’s correct official name is Sangchi. Whereas in my Service Book my name is entered as Niamsai Khimnungan and my father’s name as Sangchi Khim. And whereas Niansai alias Niamsai Khimnungan, both refers to my name and Sangchi alias Sangchi Khim both refers to my father’s name. That henceforth my name shall be used as Niansai and my father’s name as Sangchi in my Service Book and in all official documents.
Registered vide Reg. No. 233-22, Date 27-9-2022, Chief Judicial Magistrate, Dimapur;
(PTI): Senior Congress leader and former Rajast han deputy chief minister Sachin Pilot arrived in the national capital on Tuesday amid a buzz of a likely meet ing with the party high com mand that is grappling with the high political drama in the state.
However, there was no confirmation about his schedule here with sources close to him saying that no meetings were fixed so far.
Pilot’s visit comes a day after Mallikarjun Kharge and Ajay Maken, the two Congress observers for Rajasthan, briefed party president Sonia Gandhi about the political crisis in the party’s state unit.
The two leaders were sent as observers to Jaipur for a Congress Legislature Party (CLP) meeting. How ever, the CLP meeting did not take place.
The observers, who had met MLAs in the state, termed as “indiscipline” the action of 82 MLAs in the state, setting conditions for the party leadership for appointing chief minister Ashok Gehlot’s successor.
The Congress in Raj asthan plunged into a crisis on Sunday as several MLAs loyal to Gehlot resigned over
a possible move to appoint Pilot as his successor, their rebellion erupting just ahead of a CLP meeting.
The Gehlot loyalists have been vocal in their attack against Pilot and Maken with Rajasthan minister Shanti Dhariwal on Monday alleging that the party general secretary in charge was involved in a conspiracy to remove Gehlot as chief minister and was canvassing for the for mer deputy chief minister. However, the Pilot camp has kept quiet and is waiting for a decision by the Congress high command.
While the Gehlot camp has put the number of MLAs supporting him over 90, the Pilot supporters have questioned it, saying how can a bus that took the MLAs to C P Joshi’s house
accommodate so many.
The Pilot camp has also claimed that many of the MLAs were misled about the time and venue of the meeting and were called to the house of Gehlot loyalist Dhariwal to boost numbers. They cited the statements of some MLAs, including that of Indira Meena, to back their claim.
“We were being asked to sign a paper. I did not read the paper,” Meena had told a TV channel.
Another MLA Ganga Devi said she is with the party, Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi and whatever the party’s high command decides, she would stand with them. Devi said she did not hand in her resigna tion letter.
Rajasthan MLA Prashant Bairwa said he
Bihar Chief Minister Nit ish Kumar’s Janata Dal (United) on Tuesday took out processions across the state, urging people to be on guard against BJP’s alleged politics of communalism.
In the state capital, JD(U) national president Rajiv Ranjan Singh alias La lan and parliamentary board chief Upendra Kushwaha were among those who took part in ‘Satarkata Evam Jagarukta March’.
“Ours is a movement aimed at cautioning peo ple against the conspiracy (saazish) of the BJP. “The BJP has devised a plan to sharpen communal divides so that a sizeable section of population gets galvanized in its favour and help it hold on to power without hav ing accomplished anything while ruling the Centre,” Kushwaha told reporters on the occasion.
The march com menced by paying tributes to Babasaheb Bhim Rao Ambedkar at his statue in
stalled close to Patna High Court premises, from where thousands of JD(U) workers walked to the historic Gan dhi Maidan, about a couple of kilometers away.
“There is no alternative to Nitish Kumar. He is the very axis of the entire oppo sition,” said JD(U) workers here, who openly pitched for their leader as the next PM though the septuagenarian has asserted many times that he was “not in the race”.
Notably, Kumar had pulled the plug on alliance with the BJP less than two months ago following ap prehensions that the saffron party was trying to split the JD(U). The BJP has been crying foul and accusing Kumar of “betrayal” of the mandate of 2020 assembly polls to realise his own am bitions.
Despite ruling himself out of the race for prime ministership, Kumar has been trying to forge op position unity which, he believes, can defeat the BJP in 2024 Lok Sabha elections.
BENGAL URU, SEP 27 (PTI): President Droupadi Murmu on Thursday ex horted the scientific com munity to pursue the path of social responsibility, and imbibe a “spirit of indigeni sation”.
She also stressed it should be the joint responsi bility of everyone to ensure that the India of 2047 will be a much more prosperous and strong nation.
The President was speaking after inaugurating the Integrated Cryogenic Engines Manufacturing Fa cility (ICMF) of Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) here, and laying the foun dation stone for the Zonal Institute of Virology (South Zone) virtually.
“On this historic occa sion, I am reminded of my esteemed predecessor Dr A P J Abdul Kalam. Though we know him as the ‘Mis sile Man of India’, there was another aspect of his life on which I would like to throw some light. He con stantly pursued the path of technological development along with social inclusion,” Murmu said.
Science can bring a phenomenal revolution and touch the lives of masses, and Dr Kalam too touched the lives of the masses by designing the ‘Kalam-Raju stent’, she said, noting that it was an indigenous coronary stent which helped thou sands of patients as it was affordable in comparison to
could not attend the meeting but visited Joshi’s residence and resigned.
“All these steps are be ing taken in haste, nobody knows what will happen next,” he told a TV channel.
Joshi was reacting to Maken’s “indiscipline” re mark about holding the meeting.
He said the MLAs have expressed their view so that it reaches the high com mand.
Meanwhile, party’s chief whip in the state, Ma hesh Joshi, said the meeting of the MLAs loyal to Gehlot was not called to mount pressure on the party’s high command.
The Congress on Tuesday night issued show cause notices to three Ashok Gehlot loyalists—
Rajasthan ministers Shanti Dhariwal and Mahesh Joshi, and Dharmender Rathore—for their “grave indisci pline” and asked them to explain within 10 days why action should not be initiated against them.
The action came two days after 82 MLAs participated in a parallel meeting at Dhariwal’s residence in Jaipur lay ing down conditions to the party and did not attend the official legislature party meeting convened for passing a resolution authorising the Congress chief to appoint a suc cessor to Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot, who was to contest the Congress presidential election.
The party’s disciplinary committee sent the notices after Congress observers Mallikarjun Kharge and Ajay Maken submitted their written report to party chief Sonia Gandhi charging the three state leaders with “gross indis cipline”.
The panel’s member secretary Tariq Anwar in the notice to Dhariwal, Joshi and Rathore, referred to Maken’s report.“Prima facie, the above charges are an act of grave indiscipline. Therefore, this show cause notice is being is sued seeking your reply within 10 days as to why disciplin ary action not be taken against you as per the provisions of the constitution of the Indian National Congress,” the notice to all three leaders said.
Amid an ongoing politi cal crisis in Rajasthan, state minister Pratap Singh Khachariyawas alleged on Tuesday that the BJP has again started hatching a conspiracy to topple the Congress government.
On the other hand, another minister, Rajendra Singh Gudha, once again endorsed senior Congress leader Sachin Pilot’s name for the chief minister’s post.
“ED, income tax de partment, CBI officials are sitting in Rajasthan. BJP’s game has started. BJP is again engaged in a conspir acy to topple the Rajasthan government,” Khachariya was told reporters here.
He said whatever de
cision the Congress highcommand takes as regards the latest political develop ments in the state will be acceptable to all.
The Congress in Raj asthan plunged into a crisis on Sunday as several MLAs loyal to Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot resigned over a possible move to appoint Pilot as Gehlot’s successor, their rebellion erupting just ahead of a Congress Legis lature Party (CLP) meeting.
Upset over the open rebellion, Congress presi dent Sonia Gandhi sought a written report on it from party observers Mallikarjun Kharge and Ajay Maken on Monday as the chances of Gehlot becoming the party chief receded and other
names cropped up for the post. Khachariyawas said the views of the MLAs should be heard. “We have faith in the party leadership. Every Congress worker in the country considers Sonia Gandhi like his mother. A mother always does justice,” he added.
Replying to a question on why the Gehlot loyalists held a parallel meeting in stead of attending the CLP meet, Khachariyawas said they were not happy when they came to know that someone from the 19 people who had rebelled against Gehlot in 2020 was going to be the chief minister and they submitted their resigna tion to Assembly Speaker CP Joshi.
“Still, whatever our incharge, leadership, Ashok Gehlotji will decide, we will accept,” he added.
The CLP meet was to be held at the chief minis ter’s residence on Sunday night but the MLAs loyal to Gehlot did not attend it. They held a parallel meet ing at Parliamentary Affairs Minister Shanti Dhariwal’s bungalow here and then went to meet the speaker to submit their resignation let ters to him.
AHMEDABAD, SEP 27 (PTI): Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Tuesday alleged instead of improving health infra structure, Congress leaders “made money” in the name of improving medical educa tion facilities when the party was in power before 2014. Addressing a gathering in Kalol town in Gandhinagar district, Shah said the healthcare scenario improved after Prime Minister Narendra Modi assumed office in 2014.
in the country.
Shah is on a two-day visit to Gujarat, where elections are due in December this year, which began on Monday.
Earlier in the day, Shah laid founda tion stones for two hospitals - a 750-bed hospital to be managed by a trust and an other 150-bed hospital to be operated by the Employees’ State Insurance Scheme, to be set up in Kalol.
imported ones.
“What I mean to say is that the spirit of indigenisa tion which was pursued by Dr Kalam has great positive impact on our society. The hard work and research pursued by our scientists can save the lives of many people. I urge the scien tist community of India to pursue the path of social responsibility,” she added.
The ICMF set up by HAL would cater to the en tire rocket engine manufac turing and assembly under one roof for Indian Space Research Organisation
(ISRO). The state-of-the-art ICMF, set up over an area of 4,500 square metres, houses over 70 hi-tech equipment and testing facilities for manufacturing cryogenic (CE20) and semi-cryogenic (SE2000) engines of Indian rockets.
In 2013, an MOU was signed with ISRO for es tablishing the facility for manufacturing cryogenic engine modules at HAL, Aerospace Division, and it was subsequently amended in 2016 for setting up of the ICMF with an investment of Rs 208 crore.
“Under the Ayushman Bharat or PMJAY scheme, 60 crore poor citizens are now getting free treatment up to Rs 5 lakh. In addition, PM Modi has also allocated Rs 64,000 crore to set up the required health infrastructure to implement that scheme. 35,000 new beds were added in hospitals across 600 districts under this scheme,” said Shah. He added that a separate budget of Rs 1,600 crore has been granted to set up integrated laboratories and research centres
“What is the meaning of such infra structure if there are no doctors in hos pitals? During the Congress rule, leaders were busy making money in the name of improving medical education facilities. It was PM Modi who improved this scenario after assuming the office,” the Gandhinagar MP said. Shah said 387 medical colleges, both private and government ones, were functioning in the country in 2013-14. Their number has increased to 600 due to the ef forts of the prime minister.
Applications in the prescribed form are invited from eligible candidates for various Teaching posts and Assistant Director of Sports. Details of the advertisement, other terms and conditions and the application form are available in the University website www.nagalanduniversity. Last date for receipt of filled-in application is 11th November, 2022
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Sachin Pilot arrives at his residence at 5, Canning Lane in New Delhi, Tuesday. (PTI) Congress MLA Rajendra Singh Gudha talks to media. (PTI) President Droupadi Murmu being presented a memento by CB Ananthkrishnan in Bengaluru, Tuesday. (PTI) JDU National President Lalan Singh with party leaders participates in the party’s procession, in Patna. (PTI)Severalcolonies and villages in Dimapur and Chümoukedima districts have raised their voices against possession, consumption or sale of alcohol in line with the Nagaland Total Liquor Prohibition Act 1989. Strong resolutions have been passed by some of the colonies/ villages such as banishment from the colonies/ villages of those involved with their families and seizure of their pattas (land deed approved by the government) etc. It is perhaps for the first time that colonies/villages have taken a big step towards strengthening the enforcement of the NLTP Act. It of course remains to be seen whether this small yet significant step will be able to make an impact to stop the flow and consumption of liquor. These come after the state government, church bodies and civil society organizations have taken cognizance of the failure of the NLTP Act and decided to do something about it. Facts clearly show that more than 30 years of enforcing the Act has not made Nagaland any drier and on the contrary, it appears that consumption of alcohol has risen especially among the younger lot. Advocates of total ban on liquor sale and consumption have been accusing the state government of not doing enough to enforce the Act. Destroying seized IMFL and police registering case against sellers and suppliers of IMFL has not contributed anything worthwhile in achieving the aim and objective of the NLTP Act. Out of 28 States and eight union territories in India only seven states namely Bihar, Gujarat, Tripura, Lakshadweep, Mizoram and Nagaland have enforced prohibition, whereas in Manipur its is partially banned partially. The failure of the Act has also prompted several organisations such as Naga Tribal Union Chümoukedima Town (NTUCT) to urge upon the government to decide on whether to lift or not to lift the NTLP Act. The union demanded that if the Act is not to be lifted then there should be effective measures (more manpower and facilities) including more teeth to enforce the Act. However, if it was to be lifted then the government should pass an amendment to ensure that spurious and deadly alcohol is prevented from being sold and consumed. In other states there are strict laws governing sale of alcohol as well as dealing with drunken behaviour in public. Breathalyser tests are mandatory for drivers. Sale and consumption of spurious alcohol is common where prohibition act is prevalent and this has invited the worst tragedies resulting in loss of lives of many people. The state loses huge amount of revenue to Assam where consumers from Nagaland go to buy or consume alcohol. Enforcement of the Act means spending more money for recruitment of personnel and equipments. The state government was mulling with the idea of partially lifting the act on November 21,2021 and formed a committee headed by the state chief secretary to work out the modalities and submit a report within a month. The committee met in February this year and since then, nothing has been heard. Whether some view the Act from spiritual perspective or revenue angle or health angle; it calls for an informed and wide consultation with public and CSOs but ultimately, it rests with an individual choice.
…someone said to Him, “Lord, I will follow You wher ever You go.” —Luke 9:57
Our Lord’s attitude toward this man was one of severe discouragement, “for He knew what was in man” (John 2:25). We would have said, “I can’t imagine why He lost the opportunity of winning that man! Imagine being so cold to him and turning him away so discouraged!” Never apologize for your Lord. The words of the Lord hurt and offend until there is nothing left to be hurt or offended. Jesus Christ had no tenderness whatsoever toward anything that was ulti mately going to ruin a person in his service to God. Our Lord’s answers were not based on some whim or impulsive thought, but on the knowledge of “what was in man.” If the Spirit of God brings to your mind a word of the Lord that hurts you, you can be sure that there is something in you that He wants to hurt to the point of its death.
Luke 9:58. These words destroy the argument of serv ing Jesus Christ because it is a pleasant thing to do. And the strictness of the rejection that He demands of me allows for nothing to remain in my life but my Lord, myself, and a sense of desperate hope. He says that I must let everyone else come or go, and that I must be guided solely by my relationship to Him. And He says, “…the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.”
Luke 9:59. This man did not want to disappoint Jesus, nor did he want to show a lack of respect for his father. We put our sense of loyalty to our relatives ahead of our loyalty to Jesus Christ, forcing Him to take last place. When your loyalties conflict, always obey Jesus Christ whatever the cost.
Luke 9:61. The person who says, “Lord, I will follow You, but…,” is the person who is intensely ready to go, but never goes. This man had reservations about going. The exacting call of Jesus has no room for good-byes; good-byes, as we often use them, are pagan, not Christian, because they divert us from the call. Once the call of God comes to you, start going and never stop.
We live in extraordi nary times. With all its advance ment the world is just re covering from the deadly effects of the coronavirus, which has affected our so cieties, our churches, and our families. Yet, the news of an older virus continues to affect many segments of our society – and even our churches – the endemic sin (virus) of the heart which is manifested in violence, division, and great suffering of humanity. With so much bad news, our hope still remains and is based in a Person – the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the only One who can satisfy the deep hunger of our hearts and the pain of our world. Indeed, a deep embracing of Jesus’ life, teachings, and sacrifice will give the world the true sense of peace, justice, and harmony that brings about hope. Hence, our story will be HIS STORY as we put our hope in Him and look ahead to the culmination of time. In this Jubilee year, because of our deep sor row for the way things are, and our profound hope in God’s faithfulness to bring about a more just and loving society, the NBCC calls its Baptist members to prayer and fasting once again. The prophet Joel declares, “Blow the trumpet in Zion, declare a holy fast, call a sacred as sembly. Gather the people, consecrate the assembly” (Joel 2:15-16). We, therefore, call upon all our Executive Secretaries and pastors to lead our churches in prayer for the healing of our land.
“All things becoming new” is the future hope of God’s tomorrow and gives us the strength to pray, “Your kingd om come on earth as it is in heaven.” The Associations/churches may have the liberty to modify/ add to some of the suggested prayer points:
1. Pray for a Great Awakening and for Salvation ‘And it shall come to pass in the last days, says
God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams.
– Acts 2:17
As Christians we should all desire for the lost to come to Christ and for an outpouring of His Spirit to take place. Some key things to pray for this prayer point:
• Pray that hearts would become soft and turn to God. That people would have an incredible experi ence with Jesus. That they would repent and be born again! If someone comes to mind get specific! Pray for their salvation!
• Pray for the prodigal sons and daughter to return to God.
• Pray for a revival and an outpouring of God’s Spirit to fall in our church, villages, towns, state, na tion, etc.
• Pray for workers in the field (Those working in the ministry).
• Pray for the church to have a prayer burden for the lost.
• Pray for the saints to be equipped for a great harvest
• Pray for world leaders and people of influence to turn to God.
2. For the Body of Christ To Be in Unity and Walk in Love
Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment. – 1 Corin thians 1:10
By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another. – John 13:35
The church is meant to walk in unity and God’s love. Sadly, this is not always what is happening in the body of Christ. This should be something we should pray for as it can bring heal
ing and transformation. Some key things to pray:
• Pray for the church to walk in God’s love and experience God’s love in a greater way.
• Pray for the church to release what it means for love to cover a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8).
• Pray for unity within the body. That disaccord, disunity, offense, and rejec tion would have no place in the church.
• Pray for those whose hearts have been hurt to be healed and for reconciliation to take place.
• Pray for protection for those in church leadership and those in the congrega tion. That every scheme and plan of the enemy would fail.
In this manner, there fore, pray: “Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into tempta tion, but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.” –Matthew 6:9-13
Our desire should al ways be for God’s will to be done, not matter what the cost. Jesus prayed in the garden giving up His will for the will of the Father!
• In your Personal Life – Pray for God’s will to be established and be done in your own personal life. Cover your family as well. If you know what God’s will is and having a hard time accepting it, I encourage you to pray for grace, and strength to embrace what the Lord has for you.
• In the Church – Pray for God’s will to be done in the body of Christ. That we would line up according to what He has called us for. You can also pray this on a more personal level for the
church you attend.
• In the World – Pray for God’s will to be in the Earth and that prophecy would be fulfilled according to His word. The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life. (Revelation 22:17).
4: Pray for Your Lead ers, Both Church and Gov ernmental
Therefore, I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peace able life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour, who de sires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. – 1 Timothy 2:1-4
Key things to pray for church leaders:
• Cover your spiritual leaders in prayer by pray ing for protection, wisdom, strength, grace, peace. Etc.
• Pray that they would be protected from tempta tion, fiery darts, and snares of the devil.
• Pray for their hearts to burn with passion for God. To love and devour His word, walk in truth, and purity.
• Pray they would preach the word with bold ness and be sensitive to the Holy Spirit.
Key things to pray for governmental leaders:
• Pray for your leaders to come to knowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord and Sav iour. And if they do know the Lord that their relation ship with Him would grow and prosper.
• Pray that they would have Godly wisdom and laws would NOT be passed that go against God’s Word.
• Pray that God would surround these individu als with people that know the Lord and would be a
mouthpiece for Him.
• Pray for protection over any scheme of man or the enemy that would cause this leader to make wrong decisions both governmental and personally.
5. Pray for Sesqui centennial Celebration: November 19-20, 2022 Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy; then they said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them.” The Lord has done great things for us; we are glad. Psalm 126:2-3
• Pray that there will be great jubilation among God’s people for He has done great things among His people.
• Pray for the ongoing preparation and the vari ous Committees for God’s guidance, provision and protection.
• Pray for the Speakers and participants for God’s anointing so that they may be used by God mightily.
• Pray for regional, national and international guest attending the celebra tion.
• Pray that the churches will take the lead in reach ing out with concrete acts of love and compassion in the society during this year of Jubilee.
6. Pray for Clean Elec tion Movement and 2023 Election
• Pray for the candi dates that they come to know the fear of the Lord so that they will walk in wisdom throughout this long campaign season.
• Pray that people will seriously seek God in how they vote.
• Pray for God’s Spirit to fill the voting booths and guide people as they vote.
• Pray that huge num bers of godly people will turn out to vote.
• Pray for people to follow God’s guidance not just political parties.
• Pray that God will give us godly leaders of
integrity who will govern in wisdom and righteousness.
• Pray for the peace of God to rest upon Nagaland. Finally, let’s agree and say, “Lord, shake the very foun dation of ungodliness in this society until our hearts are turned to you in repentance and worship. We will be steadfast until that for which we have been praying is realized”.
• Pray for the media so that each member of the print and broadcast media will report the facts of elec tion cycle in truth, avoiding any bias in their comments.
7. Naga Political Situ ation “But seek first his king dom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Mat thew 6:33)
• Pray for Naga po litical situation for a viable solution.
• Pray for peace and harmony among all tribes.
• Pray for the National workers to desist from all kinds of evil practices and become true and faithful to God and to the people.
• Pray for all the leaders of Naga Political groups that there will be understanding, healing and reconciliation among them.
• Pray for stakehold ers who are working for reconciliation and healing in our land.
• Pray that the lead ers of our people would ask God for His wisdom and hope. Pray that the Churches will seek the face of God together earnestly and with perseverance, so that He will open the heav ens, reveal His glory and pour His power upon our land and people. Let us claim His promise that “if my people … humble them selves, and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14).
Rev. Dr. Zelhou Keyho, General Secretary, NBCCDear Sir, 1. Most respectfully stated that your benign authority of the Kohima Village Council being the traditional land owner of Kohima, by your benevolent goodwill had graciously, generously and thoughtfully provided land to the Naga Club to build the Naga Club Building. The Building went on to provide a conducive atmosphere for the Nagas to foster a vision to promote the Naga brotherhood and unity. It is a fact that esteemed members of Kohima Village had been spear-heading and instru mental in the formation as well as the sustenance of the Naga Club and the Naga Club Building since its inception in the likes of Mr Rheichalie Pienyü who was a part of the founding members and later Mr Peselie Suokhrie whose leadership protected and took care of the Naga Club during difficult times that confronted the Nagas and threatened the functioning of its official appendages. Your esteemed Village had in the past offered the land for the Naga Club Building below the Mission Com pound, Kohima and then later at the present location near the Old Secretariat Complex. The Naga Club is forever indebted to the visionary contribution of Kohima Village towards the Naga Cause of unity and brotherhood. It is a known fact that the Naga Club Building had served the Nagas in various capacities in the past and especially for the furtherance of the Naga National Aspirations and even served as the office for the dignitaries concerned with the Naga Cause. The 1951 Naga Plebiscite speech was known to have been delivered from this very building. We are extremely grateful to your esteemed Village authority for playing a crucial part in promoting the distinguished image of the Naga society.
2. With reference to the above-mentioned subject, the Naga Club Executive Council in its meeting held on 01.06.2022 at Kohima had unanimously
decided to begin the construc tion of our Naga Club Building by 01.09.2022, which is pres ently under the occupancy of the Naga Students’ Federation. The reconstruction of the Naga Club Building is a long-felt need which is much overdue and im perative so as to ensure a proper and presentable contemporary Building at Kohima Headquarters with an earnest desire to rebuild a monumental asset to assert the rightful and distinguished image of the Nagas and to represent the illustrious legacy of our pioneer leaders and forefathers who had established the Naga Club on 07.01.1918 to represent the Nagas with much wisdom and foresight under the presidency and leader ship of Mr Rheichalie Pienyü and his team.
3. That on one hand the NSF is our endeared tenant of the said Naga Club building, please refer NSF’s rental application let ter Ref No. NSF/Corres/2/83-85 dt 4th April, 1983 and the allot ment of a part of our Naga Club Building rooms made by the then General Secretary Naga Club Vilavor Liegisie on rent basis given to NSF in a demi order note specifically mentioned on the body of NSF’s rental applica tion letter dt 04.04.1983. The said NSF application for the rental of rooms bearing letter dt 04.04.1983 and our demi order dt 04.04.1983 are hereby enclosed marked as Annexure ‘A’. That NSF has paid Rs 500/- (five hundred only), in rent for the month of April 1983 on 07.04.1983, after which NSF has never paid our Naga Club house rent from May 1983 till date. NSF’s rental payment receipt issued by the then Gen. Secy. Naga Club on 07.04.1983 is hereby enclosed marked as Annexure ‘B’.
4. That on the other hand NSF is from a Students’ Organi zation and because of which we have treated NSF as our children, and therefore we have never questioned NSF’s non-payment
of our house rent despite the lone payment of Rs 500/- rent for the month of April 1983. The Naga Club, which is the renowned Naga apex body, is the parent organi zation for all, and for that fact we consider ourselves as NSF’s parents and elders and therefore NSF’s non-payment of our house rent has never been made an issue in the past for all these years since May 1983 nor has it been made an issue today, for the same reason.
5. However, with the pas sage of time, the aforementioned Naga Club property has under gone the severest of depreciation and stand dilapidated without proper amenities, projecting our Naga people particularly the Naga Club and all that it represents, in a very poor light, as though it were in a deep slumber. It is therefore imperative and inevitable to de molish the existing building in its entirety and build a totally new building, well- equipped with facilities providing all the modern amenities for the welfare of all the Naga communities.
6. Under the premises stat ed above, NSF was requested to vacate the building in toto on or before 27.08.2022, so as to enable this humble and noble venture of building reconstruction which is for the welfare and in the in terest of the Nagas as a whole, irrespective of tribes, communi ties, domiciles, organizations, religions, genders, age groups, political affiliations including all the diasporas, overseas citizens and overseas students. However, the NSF has not paid any heed to our request, reminders and the deliberations in the informal meet ing with them held on 07.09.2022.
7. That the Naga Club repeatedly attempted to have meeting with the NSF but the later would not have any official meeting with us since 2018, and all our request letters to have meeting with them have been ignored. Our letters are enclosed marked as Annexures “C1” & “C2”. Our notice to the NSF
for vacation of the Naga Club Building which stands dilapidated so as to rebuild a New Building has been unheeded by the NSF. Enclosed our Vacation Notice dt 12.07.2022 and our Reminder dt 29.08.2022 are enclosed marked as Annexures “D1” to “D5” and “E1” to “E2” respectively.
Not only have the NSF failed to vacate the building to allow the reconstruction of the building so as to protect the honor of the Na gas, it is apparent that they have hidden motives in the following two areas to undermine and harm the facts of history for selfish gain: 8. (1) To Distort the Naga Club History and Factual Evi dences: On 07.09.2022 we the Naga Club had an informal meet ing with NSF at Seyie’s Home, Kohima, where the President and Vice-President of NSF came and gave us copies of their Press Release dt 19.10.2018, enclosed their Press Release marked as Annexure “F1” to “F3” and their Public Statement on Naga Club Building dt 24.07.2022 and stated that NSF stand by their earlier statement in the referred Press Release which is hereby reproduced for your kind infor mation, (quote) “Over a hundred years ago, our ancestors, who have been living fiercely independent and self-sufficient in a world of peace with themselves, had to participate in the First World War at the behest of Colonial rulers un der different companies of “The Naga Labour Corps”, travelled to Europe thousands of miles away from their home. On their return, having seen the world, they began to share a vision of a collective Naga voice. Simultaneously, there was in circulation a socio-political consciousness amongst members of few educated Nagas in the Naga homeland. This conscious ness at various levels heralded the formation of Naga Club in 1918, the first political and social cor nerstone of Naga Nationalism, as we understand today” (unquote). This statement of the NSF has
attempted to steal the credit from the founders of the Naga Club and give it to the Europe return ees of the Naga Labor Corps in the formation of the Naga Club in 1918. It must be stated here for the record and for posterity that the Naga Club was formed by educated staffs of the DC’s Office, Kohima who emulated the Officers Club of the British Officers then. It had no connec tion with the Naga Labor Corps whatsoever and the fact that Mr Rheichalie Pienyü, an educated staff of the D C Kohima who served as the President, Secretary and Treasurer for 24 years from 7th Jan. 1918 till 1942 is a testa ment to the fact that no Europe returnee took the initiative. The baseless claim of the NSF is a total contradiction to the Naga Club history and absolute contrary to the factual evidences therefore is a futile attempt to create confu sion and take the credit from the founders of the Naga Club.
In the same meeting the Pres ident and Vice-President of NSF also reiterated their earlier Public Statement dt 24.07.2022, which is quoted for your reference: (quote) “how could it (NSF) pay rent to an organization that was formed only in 2017/18” (unquote) and admitted that they will stand by it. This statement portrays not only ignorance of the NSF but also impertinence that defies all acceptable norms and behavior of the Naga people, who are known for honoring their elders with ut most respect and reverence.
(To be continued...) Naga Club president Kuolach alie Seyie, Naga Club working committee chairman Khriedi Theünuo, Naga Club vice pres idents Y. Vandanshan Lotha, K. John Lohe, Er. Talitoba Ao, Visa Meru Zeliang, Naga Club treasurer Hoshito Asumi, Naga Club working committee secretary Dr Viketoulie Pienyü, Naga club secretaries K. Gwanilo Himb and Thosiepa Katiry
Reader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the columns do not reflect the view of this newspaper nor that of the Editor in any manner.
The young man knows the rules, but the old man knows the exceptions.
~ Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
NEW DELHI, SEP 27 (PTI): More than 170 peo ple allegedly linked with the Popular Front of India (PFI) were detained or arrested in raids across seven states on Tuesday, five days after a similar pan India crackdown against the group often ac cused of being linked to radical Islam.
Conducted mostly by state police teams, the raids were spread across Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Guja rat, Delhi, Maharashtra, As sam and Madhya Pradesh.
On September 22, multi-agency teams spear headed by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) arrested 106 leaders and ac tivists of the PFI in 15 states for allegedly supporting ter ror activities in the country. The NIA is investigating 19 cases involving the PFI.
As police teams fanned out across their respective states on Tuesday, seemingly synchronised, the action was swift. While 25 people each were arrested in Assam and Maharashtra, 57 were detained in Uttar Pradesh, officials said. The count of those detained in Delhi was 30, Madhya Pradesh was at 21 followed by 10 in Gujarat and six in Pune in Maha rashtra. Besides, several people were also arrested in Karnataka.
In Uttar Pradesh, the raids across 26 districts were
jointly carried out by the Anti Terrorist Squad, Spe cial Task Force and the local police simultaneously. Documents and evidence were collected, Additional Director General (law and order) Prashant Kumar said.
Further action will be taken based on the evidence collected, Kumar said while adding that 57 people were taken into custody.
There was no immedi ate reaction from the PFI, which was formed in 2006 and claims to strive for a neo-social movement osten sibly for the empowerment of marginalised sections of India. It is, however, often accused by law enforcement agencies of promoting radi cal Islam. The organisation was formed in Kerala and is headquartered in Delhi.
Following the crack downs, the PFI stares at a
possible countrywide ban.
According to officials in Assam, of the 25 PFI activists arrested in the fresh crackdown, 10 were held in Goalpara. Besides, five were nabbed in Kamrup (Rural) and three in Dhubri, fol lowed by arrests in Barpeta, Baksa, Darrang, Udalguri and Karimganj.
Chief Minister Hi manta Biswa Sarma had earlier said his government has been urging the Centre to ban the outfit for allegedly creating an eco-system for terror activities.
In the national capital, Delhi Police’s Special Cell carried out the searches in multiple locations, including Nizamuddin and Shaheen Bagh. Paramilitary forces were deployed in several places in the city where the raids were conducted.
No case has been reg
NEW DELHI, SEP 27 (AGENCIES): Suspense over Congress presiden tial candidate supported by the Gandhi family height ened on Tuesday with party Treasurer Pawan Bansal taking two sets of nomina tion papers for a “potential candidate”, even as Rajast han Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot’s prospects for be coming party chief contin ued to hang in balance.
Senior leaders Mal likarjun Kharge and Ajay Maken submitted a ninepage report on the Jaipur rebellion recommending action against three Gehlot loyalists – Shanti Kumar Dhariwal, Mahesh Joshi and Dharmendra Rathore –who were issued show cause notices late evening by the disciplinary committee.
Gehlot also sent a mes sage to party chief Sonia apologising for the turn of events but insisted that he was not behind the actions of MLAs supporting him. However, Sonia has not ac cepted the explanation fully, sources said. Sonia will hold discussions with senior lead ers before taking a final call on supporting Gehlot’s can didature. The Chief Minis
ter held meetings with min isters and a section of MLAs in Jaipur where he is learnt to have advised them not to precipitate action. Though the leadership has not taken kindly to the developments, a section in the leadership does not want the Gandhi family to completely shut the door to Gehlot before having deliberations on the party chief’s post.
Senior party leaders have been asked by the cen tral leadership to reach Del hi at the earliest for delibera tions to finalise a candidate to take on senior MP Shashi Tharoor in the October 17 polls and a decision is ex pected on the presidential candidature on Wednesday itself, enabling the leader to file nominations on Thurs day, sources said.
With just three days left for the last day of nomina tions, senior leader and fam ily loyalist A K Antony, who has shifted his base to Kerala owing to health reasons, is reaching Delhi late in the night for discussions while Central Election Authority Chairperson Madhusudan Mistry presented the final electoral list and QR coded voter card to party president
Sonia Gandhi. Summoning Antony, who shifted his base to Thiruvananthapuram and is keeping away from active politics, showed that Sonia wanted the counsel of her trusted aide in deal ing with the situation. While a section believes that the Jaipur episode has cast a shadow on Gehlot’s pros pects, sources said the last word has not been said in the political drama.
If Gehlot is finally out of contention, the Con gress leadership will look at choosing a candidate from a bunch of leaders, includ ing Mallikarjun Kharge and Mukul Wasnik. The names of Digvijaya Singh, Sushil Kumar Shinde, Kamal Nath and Kumari Selja are also doing rounds but a decision is likely to come after Sonia holds discussions with se nior leaders.
istered as the investigation is underway, police said. The operation started after 12.30 am continued till early morning, police said.
And in Maharashtra, 25 activists were arrested from six districts, including Aurangabad, Thane and Nanded. Other than this, Pune police detained six people linked to the PFI and its political wing Social Democratic Party of India (SDPI), an official said.
The Madhya Pradesh Police detained 21 people from eight districts for their links with the PFI, state Home Minister Narottam Mishra said. These people were detained on the basis of interrogation of the PFI activists arrested last week, Mishra, who is also the Madhya Pradesh govern ment’s spokesperson, said.
In Gujarat, at least 10 people were detained from different parts of the state in raids conducted by a joint team of the state AntiTerrorist Squad (ATS) and the NIA. The SDPI opened an office in Ahmedabad a few months back.
In Karnataka, officials said several PFI leaders were detained in urban and rural areas of Dakshina Kannada and Udupi districts early in the morning. PFI leaders were taken into custody from Mangaluru, Ullal, Ta lapady and other areas in
DK district.
Besides, five PFI lead ers were taken into custody by the Udupi district po lice in raids conducted in their houses. Sources said raids were conducted at Hoode, Gangolli, Byndoor and Adi Udupi. The police department has been moni toring the activities of the detained leaders for the past six months and they have been taken into custody to prevent any untoward inci dent, the sources added.
The Maharashtra ATS on Monday told a court in Mumbai that it wanted to probe the links of five of the 20 people arrested last week with organisations including Al Qaeda and the Islamic State and also investigate electronic evidence.
Four PFI activists were also arrested from Kerala’s Kottayam district and one from Kollam in Kerala for allegedly engaging in violent activities during the statewide hartal called by the organisation on September 23. The strike had followed the nationwide raids on their offices and arrests of their leaders.
Following the Septem ber 22 searches, the PFI said the raids are taking place at the homes of national, state and local leaders of the outfit and that the state committee office in Kerala is also being raided.
NEW DELHI, SEP 27 (PTI): The Congress on Tuesday attacked the Centre over the depreciating value of the rupee against the dol lar and said the only request to Prime Minister Narendra Modi is to stop the rupee from scoring a century.
The rupee appreciated 37 paise to 81.30 against the US dollar in early trade on Tuesday while consolidating in a narrow range and set tling 9 paise higher at 81.58 (provisional) against the US dollar on Tuesday.
Addressing a press con ference at the party head quarters here, Congress spokesperson Supriya Shri nate said for the first time in history, the rupee is racing fast towards 82 against the dollar.
“With Modi Ji’s bless ings, the rupee has become the weakest in history and he who claimed (before coming to power) the fall in the value of rupee is directly linked to fall in prime minis ter’s credibility must realise his own credibility is in a bottomless pit,” Shrinate said. Exactly a year ago, in September 2021, the value of the rupee was 73 against USD 1, which has now increased to 81.63. Simply put, the prime minister’s reputation has fallen by more than 12 per cent in
12 months, she claimed.
“On May 26, 2014, when Modi Ji took oath as prime minister for the first time, the value of rupee against USD 1 was 58.62 - which means the value of the rupee has crashed by 41.5 per cent during Modi Ji’s tenure,” she said.
India’s foreign ex change reserves, which were at USD 642 billion in September 2021, now stand at USD 545.65 billion, Shri nate said.
Just a month ago, the country’s foreign exchange reserves were USD 571 billion. It has now fallen to USD 545 billion, she said, adding it is a decline of USD 26 billion in a month.
“But the question is, how does the weakening of the rupee affect you and your wallet? The weakening of the rupee means rising cost of imports. If a good
comes from abroad for USD 1, then in September 2021, we had to pay Rs 73, for which now we will pay Rs 82, that’s Rs 9 more,” Shri nate pointed out.
When a good comes to the country at a higher price -- Rs 9 more now -- then people will also have to pay more, she said.
“For example, India imports 80 per cent of crude oil. Now it will be imported by India at a higher price. If oil is expensive, inflation will increase, after all, if most of the goods -- fruits, vegetables, food grains, and other things -- are trans ported by diesel trucks, then its cost will increase. Be cause of this, things will be expensive,” she said. When inflation increases, RBI will increase the interest rate to control it, she argued, add ing that in such a situation, the EMI of the loan will in crease and people will have to pay more money.
“Due to the failed poli cies of the Modi govern ment, the confidence of investors has been shaken in the market. A complete ly disrupted cycle of con sumption, investment and employment saddled with high prices is weakening the Rupee further. That’s why foreign funds are fleeing India,” she alleged.
NEW DELHI, SEP 27 (PTI): Veteran actor Asha Parekh will be honoured with the Dada Saheb Phalke award for 2020, the high est recognition in the field of Indian cinema, Union Minister for Information and Broadcasting Anurag Thakur said on Tuesday.
Parekh, 79, will be pre sented with the award dur ing the 68th National Film Awards ceremony, to be held on Friday.
The five-member Dada Saheb Phalke Award com mittee -- comprising Asha Bhosle, Hema Malini, Poo nam Dhillon, Udit Na rayan, and TS Nagabharana -- decided on Parekh’s name for the honour, Thakur told reporters in his constitu ency Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh.
“They decided in the meeting that this time Asha Parekh ji will be honoured with the Dada Saheb Phalke Award, which will be pre
sented during the National Film Awards ceremony. It is a matter of pride for the minist ry to announce this prestigious award for the veteran actress,” the minister said. Parekh, an eminent actor whose career spans close to five decades, started her acting career at the age of 10.
Known for starring in over 95 films that include “Dil Deke Dekho”, “Kati Patang”, “Teesri Manzil”, “Baharon Ke Sapne”, “Pyar
tresses of all time in Hindi cinema.
She started her career as a child artist with the 1952 film “Aasmaan” and went on to star in Bimal Roy’s “Baap Beti” two years later. Parekh made her de but as a leading lady in Nasir Hussain’s 1959 mov ie “Dil Deke Dekho”, in which she starred opposite Shammi Kapoor.
Also a director and producer, Parekh had helmed the acclaimed TV drama “Kora Kagaz” in the late 1990s. The screen
legend also served as the first female chairperson of the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) from 1998-2001.
She came out with her autobiography, “The Hit Girl”, co-written by film critic Khalid Mohamed, in 2017. She was also hon oured with the Padma Shri, the fourth-highest civilian award of the country, in 1992.
Last year, the Dadasa heb Phalke Award for 2019 was conferred on Rajini kanth.
Aneesh, an accused detained during a raid by Delhi Police for his alleged association with PFI. (PTI) Supriya Shrinate Combo photo of Asha Parekh, then and now. Ka Mausam”, and “Cara van”, she is considered one of the most influential acCHENNAI, SEP 27
(IANS): Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sithara man on Monday criticised states seeking greater funds from the Central govern ment on the basis of the fact that they generated more revenue.
Addressing a CNNNews18 Town Hall event here, she made the com ment while responding to Tamil Nadu’s demand for more funds.
“You can’t expect more money just because you generate more money than other states. ‘You, me’ narrative won’t work. A country cannot prosper like that. Revenues earned by states are for India,” she said.
Sitharaman also de scribed the “revadi” culture (populist measures offered by states) as “bogus”.
She said such mea sures are meant for mislead ing the common man.
“Do understand the finances of your state and
account for it in your bud get. Pay your own subsidies. Do not expect from us,” she said.
On the issue of releas ing funds for states, she said: “The population is coming down. Many states have valid questions to be asked... reproductive rate is almost going to be negative. The Finance Commission took the route to make up for it on some level proves that there is a recognition of the problem. The Commis sion is addressing it, not to the proportion of expecta tion, but somewhat.”
She also said that wel
fare is equivalent to public good, adding that it un doubtedly means hospitals, public schools, infrastruc ture and good roads.
Sitharaman also called out the opposition parties that have been criticising the Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime.
“Institution building takes time... to trash it is very easy.
“Some of us probably will have a greater level of patience, some may not, but institutions need patience,” she said.
She pointed out that the GST was constituted by a panel of state minis ters which was led by West Bengal’s Asim Dasgupta, who came from an opposi tion party.
Asked whether south ern states were being dis criminated against in the devolution of funds as defined by successive Fi nance Commissions, she said that the issue had been addressed to an extent.
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During the operation, PRO said arms and ammu nitions of various calibre and many war-like equip ment were recovered from the arrested accused.
The recovered items included: 1 AK 56 rifle, 1 AK 47 rifle, 1 M16 rifle, 1 MQ rifle, 1 .22 pistol, three AK magazine, one maga zine each of M16 and MQ rifle, 121 7.62 mm ammo, 100 of 5.56 mm ammo, five .22 ammo, one 9mm ammo, four AY bomb, one keypad mobile phone with char ger, two wristwatch, two machetes, two knifes, three water bottles, three ammo pouches, two black bags, one Bible, four torchlight, Rs.1400 cash, two whistles, two nail cutters, one each note pad and belt.
Meanwhile, PRO in formed that all arrested accused have admitted to their involvement in the case of abduction during interrogation, adding that investigation into the case was still underway.
NEW DELHI, SEP 27 (AGENCIES): Chairperson of Adani Group, Gautam Adani, said that the com pany will invest over $100 billion in the next decade.
Speaking at the 20th Forbes Global CEO conference on Tuesday, Adani said that they have earmarked investments for the energy transition space.
“As a Group, we will in vest over 100 billion dollars of capital in the next decade. We have earmarked 70 per cent of this investment for the Energy Transition space. We are already the world’s largest solar player, and we intend to do far more,” he said, further adding that the company is committed to invest $70 billion in an integrated Hydrogen-based value chain. Adani said that Adani New Industries is the “manifestation of the bet we
are making in the energy transition space”.
In addition to the ex isting 20 GW renewables portfolio, the new busi ness will be enhanced by another 45 GW of hybrid renewable power genera tion, spread over 100,000 hectares, which is 1.4 times the size of Singapore, said the industrialist.
The Adani Group chief said that the new business will lead to the commerciali sation of 3 million metric tons of green energy. They will also build 3 giga facto ries in India. “We are in the process of building a 10 GW silicon-based photo-voltaic value-chain that will be backward-integrated from raw silicon to solar panels, a 10 GW integrated windturbine manufacturing facil ity, and a 5 GW Hydrogen electrolyser factory,” he said
during the event.
He added that they aim to become one of the least expensive producers of the green electron and then of green hydrogen. “It is an absolute game changer for India and opens up the un precedented possibility that India could one day become a net energy exporter,” he said.
While laying out the plans of the group, Adani also acknowledged that un like what critics say, India cannot do away with fossil fuels altogether. “However, while we undertake this uniquely ambitious energy transition journey, we are also making sure that our goals stay equitable with na tional needs. Critics would have us instantly get rid of all fossil fuel sources that India needs to serve its large population. This would not
work for India,” he said, elaborating that India ac counts for less than 7 per cent of CO2 emissions even though it has 16 per cent of the global population.
He also spoke of their digital transformation ambi tions. Adani said that the Indian Data Center market is witnessing an explosive growth but consumes more energy than any other en ergy. He said that building green data centres will be a game-changer.
“We will interconnect these data centers through a series of terrestrial and glob ally linked undersea cables drawn at our ports and build consumer based super-apps that will bring the hundreds of millions of Adani’s B2C consumers on one common digital platform. Once done, the monetization possibili ties are endless,” he said.
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the Nagaland Govern ment Servants Conduct Rules, 1968.
Further, the PD dis closed that DoSE has re ferred the issue of regula risation of 1,166 ad hoc teachers to Personnel and Administrative Reforms (P&AR) Department and had also been taken up by Cabinet several times.
He informed that the high court had on July 28, 2017, suspended op eration of P&AR’s office memorandums of August 4, 2008 and August 11, 2016, that regulated regu larisation issues, following which P&AR Department restrained departments from sending proposals for regularisation till the matter was resolved at the court.
However, Thavaseelan claimed that DoSE resub mitted a cabinet memo regarding the 1,166 adhoc teachers for direction of the cabinet and subsequently at its meeting on August 29, 2018 the cabinet decided that till the court matter was fully resolved, the teachers could not be regularised.
He disclosed that a writ appeal was filed by the State against the Gu wahati High Court’s order on August 3, 2018, which was dismissed by a division
bench on February 7, 2019.
Despite the situation, he claimed that when DoSE had received a representa tion from ANATG-2015, the matter was referred to P&AR Department, to which the latter had con veyed that as a one-time measure irregularly ap pointed employees who had completed 10 years of continuous service as on April 10, 2006 could be reg ularised as per a Supreme Court judgement of April 10, 2006 and advised DoSE to identify such employees.
Since service regula risation was restrained by high court orders, the PD said the matter was submit ted to chief secretary. How ever, the department was advised to refer the matter to P&AR, Justice & Law and Finance departments and hence the matter was resubmitted to P&AR.
The P&AR depart ment in its reply however stated, “High Court in its Judgment and Order dated 03/08/2018 passed in W.P. (C) No. 145 (K) 17 directed the State Government not to regularise any person on the basis of mere completion of three years of continuous service on contract/ad-hoc basis. The judgement was subsequently upheld by the same court in its order
dated 07/02/2019 passed in W.A. No. 16 (K) 2018. In view of the above said judicial pronouncements, the proposed regularization of service is not feasible at this juncture.”
Further, Thavaseelan disclosed that DoSE had also sought legal opinion of the State’s advocate general and Law & Justice Depart ment, whose replies were yet to arrive.
On that note, he re quested all adhoc teachers to resume their normal duties immediately, while warning of initiating disci plinary proceedings against defaulter(s) as deemed fit.
He cautioned that disciplinary proceedings would affect service of de faulters, adding that names of all teachers and their schools were in the posses sion of the department.
Responding to a query, Thavaseelan too admitted that the ad hoc teachers were not backdoor appoin tees but, as pointed out by P&AR Department, he said the group fell under irregu lar employees category.
On whether the gov ernment was ready to regu larise services of the ag grieved teachers after the court order was vacated, he commented that the deci sion would have to be taken
by cabinet later.
But he categorically pointed out that there was no other solution to this imbroglio other than getting the court order vacated.
On regularisations done in other departments, he said when this matter was taken up with P&AR Department, the latter had clarified that the services were different in nature.
On why the suitabil ity test results were not declared, he said since the court order was in place, the result would have had no impact even if declared.
Regarding recruitment of teachers, he said now it would be done through Nagaland Public Service Commission (NPSC) and Nagaland Staff Selection Board (NSSB).
On the other hand, Thavaseelan in a press re lease informed the agi tating group of teachers that the government was constrained to regularise their services in view of the court order.
In consideration of the plight of the teachers on adhoc service, he claimed that the government had already granted scale pay with revision of pay (RoP) 2010 to them inspite of the financial constraints faced by the State.
(From p-1)
development centres and en couraging the concept of skill hubs where even a university or college could become one.
The minister observed that skill development and information technology had huge relevance for Naga youth, adding that he had gathered several inputs that would be of help while implementing various programmes in this regard.
On the issues and challenges faced in implementation of schemes, he said even though he had come across positive impacts of the schemes, he felt that certain schemes in a few areas required fine-tuning of guidelines.
DGC to be made a skill training gub: Later, Rajeev Chandrasekhar visited Dimapur Government Col lege and interacted with students of
the College.
During his interaction, the min ister informed the students that their college would soon be converted into a skill training hub under Skill India Mission and that they could avail the opportunities to get themselves future-ready.
He also shared Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision and gave a presentation on New India for Young Indians to students, urging them to empower themselves with skills to pursue their future life choices.
“New India offers a lot many opportunities than ever before. Suc cess is determined by hard work and capability, and not by affiliations to any political party or business family or other such influences. Innova tion and skilling are going to drive our future as India steps into what
Narendra Modi terms as India’s Techade,” he said.
He claimed that the eight years of Modi government had turned the old narrative of democracy on vits head, adding that Indian democracy was earlier considered dysfunctional and corrupt.
“But now, thanks to the Digital India programme launched by the Prime Minister in 2015, every single rupee is directly transferred into bank accounts of beneficiaries living in remotest corners of the country,” he declared.
Earlier, the minister, accompa nied by advisor IT, Sc&T and NRE Mmhonlumo Kikon, also held a meeting with Dimapur district ad ministration and other officials.
After concluding his tour, Chandrasekhar returned to Delhi later in the evening.
BENGALURU, SEP 27 (IANS): Led by mobiles, ecommerce platforms in In dia clocked over Rs 24,500 crore (nearly $3.5 billion) in the first four days of the festive sales that began from September 22, signalling a better-than-anticipated kickoff to the festive season this year, a report showed on Tuesday.
Nearly 55 million shoppers made online pur chases during the first four days as overall daily average gross merchandise value (GMV) rose to 5.4 times, according to Redseer Strat egy Consultant.
“We had earlier pro jected a GMV of $5.9 bil lion (over Rs 41,000 crore)
for the first week of festive sales and as expected, we are on track to achieve this figure,” said Sanjay Kothari, Associate Partner, Redseer Strategy Consul tants.
Nearly 1,100 mobile phones were sold each minute, with a total of Rs 11,000 crore of mobiles sold on large e-commerce players.
In terms of units, 6070 lakh mobiles were sold in the first four days (Sep tember 22-26).
Mobiles saw a 10 times growth in daily average GMV. Premium phones (iPhone 12, 13 and OneP lus) drove mobile sales.
“We are expecting a total sale of 90 lakh-1 crore units of mobile sales in the first festive week. We are also seeing premium phones driving mobile growth this year,a said Kothari.
Fashion saw a 4.5 times jump in terms of daily average GMV, to reach Rs 5,500 crore in the first four days, said the report.
Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Tues day expressed his intention to continue working with Prime Minister Narendra Modi to realise a “Free and Open Indo-Pacific,” build ing on the diplomatic lega cies of slain former prime minister Shinzo Abe, amid China flexing muscles in the strategic region.
Prime Minister Kishi da made the remarks dur ing his bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Modi who is here to attend the state funeral of Abe.
Abe, 67, was shot dead while making a cam paign speech on July 8 in the southern Japanese city of Nara.
Kishida expressed his intention to continue work ing with Prime Minister Modi to realise a “Free and Open Indo-Pacific,” building on the diplomatic legacies of former Prime Minister Abe, the Japanese Prime Minister’s Office said in a statement.
He stated that the pe riod from this year, which marks the 70th anniversary
of the establishment of Japan-India diplomatic re lations, to next year, when Japan and India will re spectively assume the G7 and G20 presidencies, of fers an excellent opportu nity to further strengthen the “Japan-India Special Strategic and Global Part nership.”
The two leaders also exchanged views regard ing the regional situation, including the situation in Ukraine. They reaffirmed their shared recognition of the importance of peaceful
settlement of disputes.
They also underlined the importance of “trans parent and comparable de velopment finance” for the sustainable development of poorer countries, in an ap parent reference to China’s alleged “debt-trap diploma cy” using loans as leverage to gain concessions from borrowing nations.
Modi and Kishida also agreed to continue working together in view of Japan and India’s re spective presidencies of the G7 and G20 next year,
COLOMBO, SEPT 27 (PTI): Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe on Tuesday said his govern ment will back the bids of India and Japan for perma nent member status at the UN Security Council.
President Wick remesinghe is currently in Japan to attend the state funeral of the former Japa nese prime minister Shinzo Abe. During a meeting with Japanese foreign minister Yoshimasa Hayashi on Tuesday, Wickremesinghe “appreciated the support extended by Japan (to Sri Lanka) on the international stage and expressed the government’s willingness to support both Japan’s and India’s campaign to become permanent members of the UN Security Council”, the President’s office said in a press release.
India has been at the forefront of the years-long efforts to reform the Secu rity Council saying it rightly deserves a place as a per manent member of the UN body, which in its current form does not represent the geo-political realities of the 21st century.
At present, the UNSC comprises five permanent members and 10 non-per manent member countries which are elected for a twoyear term by the General Assemb ly of the United
Nations. The five perma nent members are Russia, the UK, China, France and the US and these countries can veto any substantive resolution. There has been growing demand to increase the number of permanent members to reflect the con temporary global reality.
India is currently half way through the second year of its two-year term as an elected non-permanent member of the UN Security Council. India’s tenure at the Council will end in De cember when the country will also preside as President of the powerful UN organ for the month. On Saturday, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar, addressing the General Debate of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly, emphasised that India is prepared to take up greater responsibilities.
the statement added. The Ministry of External Af fairs in a brief statement said that the two leaders had a productive exchange of views on further deepen ing bilateral relations. They also discussed a number of regional and global issues.
During the bilateral meeting, Prime Minister Modi underlined Abe’s contributions in strength ening India-Japan partner ship as well in conceptual ising the vision of a free, open and inclusive IndoPacific region.
The United States, India, Japan and Australia compose the Quad, a fourway grouping. They have been stepping up coopera tion in various fields such as defence and energy amid China’s increasing military and economic clout in the region. The two leaders confirmed to promote bi lateral cooperation in vari ous fields, the statement said. Kishida visited India for the annual summit in March while Modi visited Japan for the Quad Lead ers’ Summit in May.
“These meetings un
derscored the two leaders’ commitment towards deep ening India-Japan ties, par ticularly in the context of shaping a post-pandemic regional and global order,” Foreign Secretary Vinay Kwatra said on Monday ahead of the Prime Minis ter’s visit to Japan.
Kwatra said there is deep convergence between India and Japan in the Indo-Pacific region.
China claims nearly all of the disputed South China Sea, though Taiwan, the Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia and Vietnam all claim parts of it.
Beijing has built arti ficial islands and military installations in the South China Sea. China also has territorial disputes with Ja pan in the East China Sea.
Last week, the Quad grouping of India, Austra lia, Japan and the United States strongly opposed any unilateral actions that seek to change the status quo or increase tensions in the Indo-Pacific, amidst China’s increasingly in timidatory behaviour in the region.
ROME, SEP 27 (IANS): A right-wing coalition scored a broad victory in Italy’s general election to form a new parliament, of ficial results showed.
As vote counting con cluded in 99 per cent of polling stations across the country, nationalist Broth ers of Italy was put at 26 per cent of the vote, ac cording to data provided by the Interior Ministry on Monday evening.
As such, its leader Giorgia Meloni would most likely become the country’s next Prime Min ister. If so, she would be the first woman ever to serve in this role, and would lead the most right-wing government in Italy’s postwar history, Xinhua news agency reported.
The Brothers of Italy campaigned in coalition with two allies, the League party and centre-right Forza Italia party, which gained some 8.7 per cent and 8.1 per cent, respective ly. Therefore, their weight in the next government was
Giorgia Meloniexpected to be less pivotal than that of Meloni’s party.
“Italians have en trusted us with a relevant responsibility, and it will be our task to not let them down and to make our best to restore the nation’s dignity and pride,” Meloni said on her official Face book page on Monday.
“We will aim at uni fying and at highlighting what can bring us close, not what divides us,” she add ed. Her main contender, the centre-left Democratic Party (PD) led by Enrico Letta got 19 per cent of the votes and conceded defeat.
“We are going to make the necessary as sessment in the next days,
since it is clear mistakes (in their campaign) have been made,” Letta said.
Letta also announced that he would lead the par ty until its next Congress, which will be held “as soon as possible,” and step down after a new leader is chosen. While the rightwing coalition all together gained between 43.7 per cent and 44 per cent of seats, the centre-left alli ance -- made of PD and three minor allies -- won some 26 per cent.
This means the next right-wing government will be able to control a broad majority of seats in both Chamber of Deputies and the Senate.
Populist Five Star Movement won over 15 per cent, and its leader Giuseppe Conte said they would serve as opposition party in the next parlia ment. A fourth contender -- a centrist alliance made of two small forces forged shortly before the cam paign began -- reached 7.7 per cent overall.
UNITED NATIONS, SEP 27 (IANS): This year’s gen eral debate of the UN Gen eral Assembly concluded, after representatives of 190 member states spoke around the theme of “A watershed moment: transformative solutions to interlocking challenges”.
Csaba Korosi, Presi dent of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly, said on Monday in his clos ing remarks that 126 heads of state and government took part in this year’s gen eral debate.
He said he got five messages from the member states during the general debate, Xinhua news agency reported. The first is the growing awareness that hu manity has entered a new era, he added. “Facing com plex challenges and multilayer crises, we reached a time of paradigm shift, because the movements, the adjustments that we see
The Süngratsü Officers Forum (SOF) is immensely delighted to extend our heartiest congratulations to Mr. Toshizulu Jamir, son of Mr & Mrs Takoyanger Jamir for successfully clearing the Institute of banking and Personnel Selection (IbbS), State bank of India as Probationary Officer (PO). It is indeed an honour for the Forum and Sungratsu Villagers for this achievement.
The Forum wishes him good health and success in his future endeavour.
around us cannot be called mere modifications any longer: they are significant transformations in the mak ing,” he said.
“The basic conditions of our global cooperation have changed. We live now in a different world -- a world of new challenges, changing priorities, chang ing roles, and changing ways. Fresh pages of history are being written, with new divisions and new alliances, new grievances, and new successes on them,” he add ed. The second message is that the conflict in Ukraine should end, said Korosi.
“You also pointed out that its effect is being felt around the world. You de scribed the pain of short ages, inflation, the impact of refugees as far as South America and Africa, con cerns about the safety of nuclear plants, and fears of a nuclear attack. ” the UNGA President added.
The third message is that climate change is gradu ally destroying humanity, he said. “We heard about countries simultaneously
production and consump tion, eating up the fish and filling our waters with plas tics, even as waves of rising seas drown shorelines.
We heard calls to achieve global net-zero (emissions) and appeals to assist the countries most affected by climate change, not of their own making. ” he said.
Fourth, calls for im proving the state of human
rights and meeting the needs of those most vulnerable to exploitation were heard, Korosi added.
The fifth key issue, for which there is strong sup port, is the need to mod ernise the United Nations, revitalise the General As sembly and reform the Secu rity Council, he said. Korosi called for col lective action to tackle the challenges.
S ENIOR C ON t R a C tOR’S D O ya N g a PPL a UDS
The recent floating of Sept.15 NIT by NEEPCO.LTD-NIT NO; NEEPCO/DHPS/C&P/CIVIL/T-1 2022-23/02 is a welcome sign of efficiency and a way forward towards transparency and effective administration. DHEP, Doyang is expected to act without any prejudice or succumb under any elements of threats that may hover over its jurisdiction of administration. The Senior Contractors’ Doyang assures to give support to the Doyang plant as long as it carries out its priorities and work towards the upliftment of the affected people of the areas.
The Pongitong Village Students’ Union (PVSU) would like to congratulate Dr. Tumbenthung Y Humtsoe, S/o Mr and Mrs. Yanbemo Humtsoe for securing the post of Statistical Officer, (Cl-1 Gazetted) under Economics and Statistical Department, Govt. of Nagaland through NPSC.
The Union further wishes him success in all his future endeavours.
H.Q. Dimapur. Dist. Dimapur : Nagaland
This is to notify all the Pochury Students’ residing within Dimapur, Niuland and Chumoukedima Districts, that they are requested to attend the Freshers Day on the 1st of October 2022.
A strengthening Hurricane Ian’s rain and winds lashed Cuba’s western tip, where authorities have evacuated 50,000 people, as it roared on a path that could see it hit Florida’s west coast as a Category 4 hurricane.
Officials in Cuba’s Pinar del Rio province set up 55 shelters, rushed in emergency personnel and took steps to protect crops in Cuba’s main tobaccogrowing region ahead of Ian’s expected landfall ear ly on Tuesday as a major hurricane.
The US National Hur ricane Centre said the is land’s west coast could see as much as 14 feet (4.3 metres) of storm surge.
“Cuba is expecting extreme hurricane-force winds, also life-threatening storm surge and heavy rainfall,” hurricane centre senior specialist Daniel Brown told The Associated Press. After passing over Cuba, Ian was forecast to strengthen further over warm Gulf of Mexico wa ters before reaching Florida
as early as Wednesday as a Category 4 storm with top winds of 140 mph (225 km/h).
As of Monday, Tam pa and St. Petersburg ap peared to be the among the most likely targets for their first direct hit by a major hurricane since 1921.
“Please treat this storm seriously. It’s the real deal. This is not a drill.”
Hillsborough County Emergency Management Director Timothy Dudley said on Monday at a news conference on storm prepa rations in Tampa.
In Havana on Mon day, fishermen were taking their boats out of the water along the famous Malecon seaside boulevard, and city workers were unclogging storm drains ahead of the expected rain.
Havana resident Adyz Ladron said the poten tial for rising water from the storm worries him. “I am very scared because my house gets completely flooded, with water up to here,” he said, pointing to his chest.
President Secretary Sungratsu Officers Forum Sungratsu Officers ForumD c-1136/22
Dr. Benjongkumba Amongla C. Jamir
Baptist Church
Ralan Village
Niuland District
Individuals, various Civil Society Organisations, Well Wishers and Members of Dimapur Riphyim Ekhung.
Further, Dimapur Riphyim Ekhung (DRE) would like to express thanks of gratitude to those who have helped and supported us through prayers, financially, materially and physically.
May our Almighty God bless us all.
Sd/(thungbemo patton) (Sharon patton)
Chairman General Secretary Dimapur Riphyim Ekhung Dimapur Riphyim Ekhung
Sd/- Sd/Pibenthung Humtsoe Sathungo Humtsoe
President, PVSU Gen. Secretary, PVSU wc-226/22
w ith great joy, we the w olam Range Union convey our heartiest congratulations to one of our union members Mr. H. Bushan Khiamniungan for being promoted to the post of Assistant Superintendent under water Resources Department.
with the promotion the Union wishes a very good health and success in future career too.
Venue : Hotel Acacia Time : 12:00 pm.
Sd/President ‘PSUD’
DP -4682/22
(H. Thanghoi) (L. Lamnyah)
General Secretary President k-2289/22
The office of the Müluori Küchienyiri Kügharü with great pride and honour would like to convey our sincere congratulations to the following members for their outstanding achievements in the recently declared NPSCCTSE 2021.
1. Er. Jula Kajiri, D/o Lt. Rhosasie & Tira Kajiri, JE (Civil Engineering) Works and Housing Dept.
2. Miss Nisa Kajiri, D/o Lt. Rhosasie & Tira Kajiri, Assistant Conservator of Forest, Environment, Forest and Climate Change Dept.
3. Er. Thorho Nyuthe, S/o Phrumasie and Nyukhuthsii Nyuthe, Assistant Engineer, Transport Dept .
The union further wishes them our prayers and good health in the future endeavors.
Sd/- Sd/Chitsiarho Po. Rhothovi Nyusou President G. Secy. k-2286/22
Expressing concern over the Sept 15 NIT floated by the DHEP, Doyang through tender notice NIT-NO: NEEPCO/DHPS/C&P/CIVIL/T-1/2022-23/02, the undersigned acknowledges the administration of DHEP, Doyang for inviting qualified bidders which is in the interest of the affected land owners. It is expected that such efforts be made in the public domain for more transparency in the days ahead. We support the initiative and efforts of DHEP, Doyang and stand firm to work for the people of the affected villages in particular and the people in general.
Benathung Kikon DHEP Shobemo Ezung V/P LOU, DHEP Asst. Finance Secretary, LOU
Bijamo yanthan Philip yanthan Khumchanthung Lotha Wolumo Kikon John Ezung D Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida in Tokyo. (PTI) Ranil Wickremesinghe Csaba Korosi experiencing droughts and flooding. We spoke about unsustainable patterns of WavesFive artistes received Governor’s Award for distinction in arts, music and literature 2021 & 2022 during the award ceremony held at Dr. Im kongliba Ao Hall, Raj Bha van, Kohima on Tuesday.
Wapang Ozukum was awarded for art (Fine Art), Sunep Lemtur for music (performing art and en tertainment/amusement)
Zangzang Zeliang - music (video producer), Bethel Tsuzu for music (education and piano) and Tali Angh for music (pop/contempo rary Christian music).
The awardees were awarded a cash of Rs. 5 lakhs, silver plaque, shawl and citation.
Governor Prof. Jag dish Mukhi in his address asserted that the aim of the award for distinction in Arts, Music and Literature should encourage the best talent from all parts of the State and also to reach the performing arts and litera ture to a larger number of people.
The governor said, State must spread Art, Mu sic and Literature to the masses adding that the ap proach in the policy for
the cultural development of the State could result in people becoming patrons of the performing arts and stakeholders in the efforts towards preservation of the rich civilizational history.
He informed that some of the traditional folk arts were fast disappearing for want of patronage.
Congratulating the achievers who have reaped what they have sown through hard work, the governor exuded confidence that the bright future lies ahead of all the Awardees with more accolades.
Since the inception of this Awards in 2003, Mukhi said the awardees were hon
oured during Independence Day, however, he said the unprecedented pandemic deferred the ceremony.
The governor also in formed that Nagaland art and music must also look at the societal role that they can play as Art, Music and Literature were powerful medium and can be used to effectively convey social messages particularly to fight against social evils like female foeticide, female infanticide, child marriages, dowry and addiction to drugs and alcohol.
“They can also educate the population on various is sues such as health, literacy and the values of truth,
tolerance and harmony”, he said. Mukhi also stated that the Award also contributes substantially to the pres ervation and conservation of its cultural heritage and also encourages exchange of ideas and enrichment of techniques between different regions predominantly in performing arts, literature and music and helps to re vive and preserve folk music, dance and literatures.
He urged the social organizations and corporate houses to promote music, art and literature as a means for bringing about awareness, harmony and peace in soci ety. He also maintained that in remote and distant areas,
What Works? What Doesn’t?
You think your smile could use a pick-me-up, but you don’t want to invest the time or money for in-office treatments. You’re not sold on drug store gels or strips either.
Some natural, athome remedies are safe and can whiten your teeth. Find out what your best bets are, and which to not bother with.
Good oral hygiene is a tried-and-true method for keeping your smile look ing its best. Toothpastes gently buff out stains from the surface of your teeth. Whitening toothpastes work the same way with more ingredients; they don’t bleach your teeth.
Flossing gets rid of food and bacteria that could harden into plaque, which makes your teeth look dull and darker.
This technique is popular in Ayurvedic medicine. You swish a tablespoon of oil (such as sesame, coconut, or olive oil) around in your mouth for up to 20 minutes to “pull out” bacteria. A re cent study found that using coconut oil could prevent tooth decay, but there’s no science to support it leaving a sparkle.
Baking Soda
Besides helping bat ter rise, it’s also a mild abrasive that scrubs away stains. You could try us ing a DIY paste of baking
ASpanish judge on Tuesday approved a trial for Colom bian pop singer Shakira on charges of tax fraud.
Spanish prosecutors accused the entertainer in 2018 of failing to pay 14.5 million euros ($13.9) in taxes on income earned between 2012 and 2014.
Prosecutors are seek ing an eight-year prison sentence and a hefty fine if she is found guilty of tax evasion. Shakira, 45, has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing and rejected a deal with authorities to avoid going to trial.
Her public relations firm has said that she has already paid all that she owed and an additional 3 million euros ($2.8 million) in interest.
The date for the trial has yet to be set. (AP)
soda, but you’ll probably get better results by switch ing to a toothpaste with sodium bicarbonate. Stud ies show brushing with products that have baking soda will work on surface stains over time.
Malic acid in apples boosts saliva to wash away acids. Toothpastes with bromelain, a compound in pineapple, help whiten teeth. But there’s no evi dence that eating these fruits will make your grin gleam. Skip the strawber ries, too. A study in Opera tive Dentistry found that
brushing with a mixture of them and baking soda had no whitening effects. Even worse, the citric acid in strawberries can break down enamel, the outer shell of your tooth.
It’s the bleaching agent found in most home whitening kits. It actually changes a tooth’s color. One study found that painting an over-the-coun ter gel with 6% hydrogen peroxide on teeth made a noticeable difference after 2 weeks. The inexpensive bottles of liquid you can buy in a drugstore usually have a lower percentage.
And the American Dental Association says swishing will probably irritate your gums before it whitens your teeth.
Apple Cider Vinegar Gargle before you brush to help kill bacteria and remove stains, they say. You’ll get a whiter smile, they say.
Sorry, no studies con firm these claims. While it can brighten the taste of your salad dressing, don’t expect apple cider vinegar to brighten your teeth.
The warm, bitter spice that’s known for flavoring curry is also a natural dye that can turn white fabric a bright gold. Supposedly, turmeric paste can turn dingy teeth back to pearly white. Hold the mustard, though. There’s no solid research to back this up.
Watch What You Eat
An ounce of preven tion is worth a pound of cure. Foods including dark berries and drinks such as coffee, red wine, and soda are known offenders, but you don’t have to give them up. Enjoy these in moderation, and rinse with water right after ward so there’s less chance they’ll affect your teeth. (Wait 30 minutes before brushing to protect the enamel.)
Smoking and chew ing tobacco can also cause stains, which is another reason to quit.
Medically Reviewed by Poonam Sachdev
performing arts can be used as a powerful medium for public education, particu larly for creating awareness to eradicate social evils and to impart information about welfare schemes.
Chief secretary J. Alam, in his brief address said the award ceremony was at its 19th edition to day and the procedure of the selection was done an nually monitored by the department of art and cul ture and also all the district administration and various social-cultural organizations to search and select deserv ing personalities from the district. He congratulated all the recipients of the Gover nor’s Award 2021 & 22 for receiving the pinnacle of state recognition in the field of art, music and literature and hoped that the awarded strive to promote art and cul ture of Nagaland and that the award will continue to inspire people in the artistic pursuits.
The event was attended by minister planning and coordination Neiba Kronu, advisors, host of senior gov ernment officials and others.
Task Force for Music and Arts (TaFMA) has assigned dis trict partners for for newly created districts namely, Tseminyu, Shamator, Ni uland and Chumukedima along with distribution of LEDs projectors at RCEM PA foyer on Tuesday.
Speaking at the pro gramme, advisor, Technical Education and Elections, Medo Yhokha acknowl edged the role of TaFMA for their significant activities and placed his appreciation to the music fraternity. Cit ing the hardships faced by the state, including the CO VID 19 pandemic, he lauded the TaFMA for standing strong and inspiring the entire state through their works and initiatives, with more focus in giving due rec
The offices of the undersigned through this column felicitate MR LEMNYEI Y KONYAK for achieving the post of SDO (Civil Engg) under Works and Housing Department in the recently concluded NPSC CTSE 2021.
We also felicitate Mr N Pintok ASI Nagaland Police for being awarded the DGP Commendation Disc (Silver) Medal.
The office wishes more blessings and the very best in their respective endeavours.
ognition to the state and an identity, by showcasing their rich culture, traditions and heritage, which had been a long cry for the people.
He further added that music and arts were the only way to influence the people, and briefed on the significant role it played in creating potential and op portunities for the youth of Nagaland.
Advisor, TaFMA, Theja Meru, informed that TaFMA would be signing a memorandum of under standing (MoU) with Zana Hotel and Resorts by Octo ber, which has a chain of hotels and resorts, where a musician would be signed for a period of four months contract with a minimum salary of Rs 25,000/- de pending on the work and the
contract would be negoti ated after the period expires with the hotels.
Meru shared that such an initiative would give the artistes, a platform to perform and also have expo sure from outside the state adding that this is mostly focused on musicians who are more into performing cover songs.
He highlighted the role of newly declared TaFMA district partners, encourag ing them to nurture the untapped artistes and mu sicians from those districts starting from the grassroot level and discover their full potential and also lauded the partners for their deter mination and willingness to volunteer ahead and take the responsibility.
(Correspondent)The k AST wishes her the best in her future endeavours.
CHUBA JAMIR, President Astt. General Secretary
“They are two of our key players and even though it was a sad inci dent, it was more about they wanted to play bas ketball at a higher level, and they did show that today,” he said through an interpreter.
“We have learned a lot from playing this tourna ment.”
DIMAPUR, SEP 28 (NPN): The 5th edition of the Nagaland State An gling Competition (NSAC) organised by Anglers As sociation Nagaland in col laboration with the De partment of Fisheries and Aquatics Resources Gov ernment of Nagaland and hosted by District Anglers Wokha was held at Tzuza Eryü Doyang Reservoir Pangti village Wokha from September 23 to 24.
Mhonthung Lotha deliv ered the welcome address.
Watinuksung Jamir in his presidential address welcomed all the invitees and participants and ex horted them. Short speech es were delivered by Derek D’Souza, vice president All India Game Fishing Asso ciation and technical advi sor AAN and chairman of Pangti village council.
UTERS): The Interna tional Basketball Federa tion (FIBA) launched an investigation on Tuesday after two Mali players were filmed fighting with each other after their team were eliminated from the Wom en’s World Cup.
The incident took place after Mali lost 81-68 to Serbia in its Group B clash in Sydney on Mon day - its fourth straight defeat at the tournament.
The fight between Sa limatou Kourouma and Kamite Elisabeth Dabou broke out as Serbia’s Sasa Cado was being inter viewed in the mixed zone.
Kourouma was seen throwing punches at Da
bou before other Mali play ers ran in to break the pair apart in front of a visibly shocked Cado.
The two players front ed a press conference af ter their final tournament game, an 88-65 loss to Canada in which both fea tured, and apologised.
“We are here to apolo gise for the image that was on social media, it was not our intention,” Dabou said as they sat side-by-side.
“We were frustrated because of the loss and we’re here to apologise to the whole of the FIBA basketball World Cup. We are sorry.”
Coach Joaquin Brizu ela called the fracas a “sad incident”.
“FIBA acknowledged today that there was an altercation between Mali players in the mixed zone following the Group B game Serbia-Mali at the FIBA Women’s Basketball World Cup 2022,” FIBA said in a statement.
“Following the inci dent, FIBA has opened an investigation. Once the investigation is concluded, FIBA will decide on any applicable disciplinary measures.”
Mali is bottom of Group B with four points from four games and fin ishes its campaign against Canada later on Tuesday.
It qualified for the tournament after African champions Nigeria pulled out citing administrative difficulties around the sport in its country.
The event was graced by director Department of Fisheries and Aquatics Re sources, Rongsennungba as special guest. In his speech, the director acknowledged the sincere efforts of the vil lagers, especially host vil lage Pangti for successfully stopping illegal dynamite fishing at Doyang. He fur ther requested the villagers to sensitise the locals to practice sustainable way of fishing and to minimize the use of gillnets.
The programme was chaired by executive mem ber AAN, Ricky Ozukum and president DAWN, KN
Altogether 350 anglers from Karnataka, West Ben gal, Assam and Nagaland participated and exhibited their skills. The champion walked away with Rs. 1 lakh, trophy and citation.
1st: Mosem Kichu (3.615 kg)
2nd: Jeevan Gurung (3.160 kg)
3rd: TS Lotha 1.195 kg
Winners in ‘Species Category’
1st :Chumden Ezung (5 species)
2nd : Akum Moa (4 species)
3rd : Toshilemba (4 species)
DIMAPUR, SEP 27 (NPN): Dimapur District Football Association (DDFA) will select two teams to represent Dimapur district in the Capt. Neikezhakuo Kenguruse Me morial Football tournament 2022. In this regard,DDFA has informed interested clubs/teams within Dimapur district to contact DDFA president, Mughato Aye at 9436619586.
“Regardless of what you say now, I don’t really care. Good luck with your career, and your life. End of. Peace out.”
Fury says Joshua ‘does not want to fight’ him in all-British world-title bout
Joshua’s team have al ready verbally accepted Fury’s offer of a 60-40 purse split for a fight on 3 December, and television executives from BT Sport and streaming service DAZN were scheduled to meet on Monday.
“It ain’t in my hands, it’s with a legal team,” Joshua said on Instagram. “That’s why you hire lawyers.
DIMAPUR, SEP 27 (NPN): Luke Sasong Sporting Association (LSSA) will be organizing the 12th Luke Sasong Me morial Volleyball Trophy 2022 from October 4-7 at Multi-Sports Stadium, Mokokchung.
Announcing this at a press conference, the members of the associa tion highlighted about the trophy as well as a brief
history about late Luke Sasong.
LSSA, which is under the aegis of the Mangme tong Students’ Union used to conduct the trophy at Mangmetong village. But from this year, the associa tion has decided to conduct the trophy at Mokokchung under the technical as sistance of Mokokchung District Volleyball Asso ciation. A total of 12 teams
including a team each from Kohima and Wokha will also be taking part.
The winners will re ceive Rs. 70,000 with tro phy and certificates while the runners-up will get Rs. 40,000. Two semifinalists will receive Rs. 10,000 each and individual prizes such as best spiker, best setter and man of the tourna ment will be awarded Rs. 5000 each.
NEW DELHI, SEP 27 (AGEN CIES): Indian batter Shubman Gill on Tuesday scored his maiden county century while playing for English club Glamorgan in the county championship.
Playing against Sussex, the 23year old got to the three-figure mark in 123 balls as Glamorgan went past 250 for the loss of four wickets in the first innings, Sportstar reported.
His innings included 16 fours and two sixes. Gill eventually got
(AGENCIES): Tyson Fury says his proposed heavyweight world-title fight with Anthony Joshua in December is off after his self-imposed deadline expired.
WBC champion Fury, 34, set an ultimatum of
Monday for fellow Briton Joshua, 32.
Joshua’s promoter Eddie Hearn responded by saying there was “no chance” the contract would be signed by then.
“Well guys, it’s of ficial. D-day has come and gone. It’s gone past
five o’clock, Monday. No contract has been signed,”
Fury said on Instagram.
“It’s officially over for Joshua. He is now out in the cold with the wolfpack.
“Forget about it. Al ways knew you didn’t have the minerals to fight the ‘Gypsy king’.
“You know the history of boxing - make sure you get your legal terms right. That’s why you get good management and good lawyers.
“So of course I’m going to sign the contract - it’s just with some lawyers at the minute.”
Fury said he would still fight on December 3 if the Joshua fight falls through.
NEW DELHI, SEP 27 (PTI): Star Indian shuttler HS Pran noy returned to the top 15 after a string of impressive per formances in the latest BWF World Rankings released on Tuesday.
Prannoy, who reached back-to-back quarterfinals at the World Championships and Japan Open Super 750, jumped a spot to 15th.
Young Lakshya Sen con tinued to be the top-ranked In dian at the ninth position in the men’s rankings, while Kidambi Srikanth rose a rung to 11th.
Two-time Olympic med allist PV Sindhu, who had skipped the World Champion ships and Japan Open due to an injury, remained static on sixth in the womens’ list.
London Olympics bronze medallist Saina Nehwal, on the other hand, moved one place to 31st.
The men’s doubles pair of Satwiksairaj Rankireddy and Chirag Shetty, who claimed their maiden gold at the Com monwealth Games and a firstever bronze at World Champi onships, remained static at the eighth spot.
World Championship quarterfinalists MR Arjun and Dhruv Kapila jumped three spots to the 23rd place.
In women’s doubles, Ash wini Ponnappa and Sikki Red dy climbed a couple spots to be 23rd.
Sean Hunt’s delivery. Glamorgan is currently 280 for the loss of five wickets. Gill, who made his English county debut earlier this month against Worcestershire, scored an impressive 92 runs and put on a 82-run second wicket stand with Edward Bryom. The match ended in a draw. The right hand batter has 3002 first class runs for Punjab and boasts an average of 52.66. He has smashed seven tons and 16 half centuries in 64 matches.
Special guest, Kuchi Rangkau Zeliang, officials and others at the 20th edition of Lamhai Dungki Youth Tournament at Lamhai village on September 27. Members of Luke Sasong Sporting Association led by its president at a press conference on Tuesday. (NP) LONDON, SEP 27 out for 119 as he mishit a lofted shot over mid wicket that landed straight into the hands of Jack Carson off Teammates were forced to intervene in an attempt to break up the scrap between the two players (Twitter) Joshua lost the WBA (Super), WBO and IBF belts to Usyk in September 2021 but Fury still holds the WBC title. File image of Shubman Gill. (AP)HO CHI MINH, SEP 27 (AGENCIES): India suf fered a humiliating 3-0 de feat at the hands of Vietnam in the Hung Thinh friendly tournament at the Thong Nhat Stadium in Ho Chi Minh City on Tuesday. Igor Stimac’s side was no match for the host nation which took full advantage of the defensive errors from the men in blue to score its sec ond win in as many matches and clinch the title.
While India had played a 1-1 draw with Singa pore, the third team in the event, Vietnam had won 4-0 against it, Sportstar re ported.
World No. 97 Vietnam took some time to settle before making its first at tack on the Indian goal. A long range effort from Ho Tan Tai was saved by Indian goalkeeper Gurpreet Singh Sandhu down to his right. From the following corner, Phan Van Duc put in a bril liant volley to score the first goal in 10th minute after a rebound from the clearance of the initial corner kick at the near post. World No. 104 India was constantly on the backfoot after Vietnam
ese midfield kept sending through passes for its for wards. India’s troubles fur ther increased when winger Sahal Abdul Samad limped
off the field in the 38th minute and was substituted shortly afterwards.
The men in blue did have a chance to equalise
year old. However, he has denied ever cheating over the board.
“I believe that cheating in chess is a big deal and an existential threat to the game and chess organisers and all those who care about the sanctity of the game we love should seriously consider increasing security measures and methods of cheat detection for over the board chess,” Carlsen wrote.
when Akash Mishra’s chip from the left found Sunil Chhetri in the centre of the Vietnam box but the Indian skipper sent the header wide
of the far post in the last minute of the first half.
Vietnam made two changes at half-time and reaped rewards immediately as one of them, Nguyen Van Toan had two shots inside the first five minutes of him coming on the field. The second one doubled Viet nam’s lead as Toan chased an aerial ball, went past Anwar Ali before finding the bottom left corner.
Stimac made triple sub stitution in the 65th minute - Brandon Fernandes, Liston Colaco and Roshan Singh coming on for Sunil Chhe tri, Chinglensana Singh and Udanta Singh - to bring some fresh legs on the pitch. Vietnam too made a change minutes later and saw in stant impact as Nguyen Van Quyet controlled the ball in front of Gurpreet’s near post after a failed headed clear ance from Sandesh Jhingan and curled it in to make it 3-0. The only bright spot for India in an otherwise lacklustre performance was Akash Mishra on the left flank and Ashique Kuruni yan in the middle who man aged to take the ball forward at times.
(PTI): Chess World Cham pion Magnus Carlsen has accused fellow Grandmas ter Hans Niemann of cheat ing “more and more” than what he has already ad mitted, saying that he will not play against any rival indulging in such wrongdo ing.
Carlsen put out a state ment late Monday night, a week after he withdrew against the American after just one move at the Julius Baer Generation Cup.
Earlier, the 31-year-old Norwegian had quit the Sin quefield Cup in Saint Louis following his surprise defeat against Niemann.
“I believe that Nie
mann has cheated more and more recently- than he has publicly admitted,” Carlsen wrote.
“His over the board progress has been unusual and throughout our game in the Sinquefield Cup I had the impression that he wasn’t tense or even fully concentrating on the game in critical positions, while outplaying me as black in a way think only a handful of players can do.
“This game contribut ed to changing my perspec tive,” he explained.
Niemann has previ ously admitted to having cheated twice online on, when he was 12 and and then later as a 16-
The world champion made it clear that he is unwilling to play against Niemann or any player who cheats.
“We must do some thing about cheating, and for my part going forward, I don’t want to play against people that have cheated repeatedly in the past, be cause don’t know what they are capable of doing in the future.”
Carlsen, however, didn’t offer any evidence of how the 19-year-old could have cheated over the board, which is played face to face.
“There is more that I would like to say. Unfor tunately, at this time I am limited in what I can say without explicit permission from Niemann to speak openly.
(PTI): Virat Kohli has got back his “power game” and things have started falling in place for him ahead of the T20 World Cup, feels former India Test cricketer
Sanjay Manjrekar.
Kohli had endured a lean patch for nearly three years before he decided to take a month-long mental health break while rein venting himself during last month’s Asia Cup.
He finished as India’s highest run-getter and since then continued his good form in the just-concluded T20s against Australia, where his half-century in the series decider gave glimpses of vintage Kohli
that the fans have been yearning to see.
“...right from the Asia Cup every match that he (Kohli) got runs, not just the runs, there was some improvement coming. I think the power game is back.
He is trusting his pow er game,” Manjrekar told in Sports 18’s ‘Sports Over The Top’ show.
“There was a time when he was getting runs but his power game was not coming at his beck and call. That is starting to happen,” Manjrekar said.
The fact that he is be ing able to hit good balls for boundaries is a welcome sign, said Manjrekar.
NCA officials and under-19 players on Tuesday.
DIMAPUR, SEP 27 (NPN): Nagaland Cricket Association (NCA) has de clared the tem list of Wom en’s U-19 for Women’s U-19 T20 Trophy 2022-23.
Nagaland will play their first match against Hyderabad on October 1 at Chennai. The team is scheduled to leave for Chennai on September 28. Following is the team list: Bipila (captain), Soy
imkumla (vie captain), Iluneule Zeliang, Watinaro Pongen, Roma Subha, Ke hungzeule Kulim, Nuveta lu Nyekha, TsukhenshiS, Vipeni, Iduabeule, K Arunla, Rejola, Najmeen Khatun, Rongsenmenla and Radhika Mondal.
Limatenzuk Amer (team manager and asst coach), Deepali C Patkar (team coach), Apurva D Nadkarni (team S & C
coach) and K Kiboli Yep tho (team physio) Match fixtures (Group-D)
Oct 1: Nagaland Vs Hyderabad (9 am)
Oct 2: Nagaland Vs Chhattisgarh (9 am)
Oct 4: Nagaland Vs Bihar (1:30 pmM)
Oct 6: Nagaland Vs Andhra Pradesh (1:30 pm)
Oct 8: Nagaland Vs Himachal Pradesh (9 am)
PARIS, SEP 27 (IANS): England’s three-goal fight back from two goals down didn’t earn them a home victory against Germa ny on Monday, as Kai Havertz’s late goal, also his second in the game, saw the rollercoaster clash end in a 3-3 draw.
Thus, England fin ished their Nations League group matches with a sixgame winless run, sitting at the bottom of the group, which also featured Italy and Hungary.
European champions Italy, who have failed to qualify for the 2022 World Cup, regained some pride as they won 2-0 in the bat tle for top spot in Budapest against Hungary, securing a place in the semifinals of the tournament, reports Xinhua. Giacomo Raspa dori and Federico Dimarco scored for the Azzurri.
Unlike Italy, both England and Germany will head to the World Cup in less than two months, but both are still struggling to find their best form.
Germany’s home de feat to Hungary on Friday buried their hopes of ad vancing as they only took one win from the six group matches -- a 5-2 victory
over Italy in June.
The four-time World Cup winners looked on course for victory at Wem bley Stadium after goals from Ilkay Gundogan and Havertz had put them 2-0 in front after 67 minutes.
Lions again, but his latest mistake may threaten his place in the team.
The 29-year-old cen tre-back lost the ball to Ja mal Musiala, then brought down the teenager in the box to hand the visitors a
penalty, which was con verted by Gundogan.
Maguire then lost his position in midfield 15 minutes later and allowed Chelsea forward Havertz to curl in a superb effort from the edge of the area.
Facing a possible third successive defeat, England showed great resilience, scoring three goals in 12 minutes to turn the game around.
Luke Shaw pulled one back in the 71st minute before substitute Mason Mount hit the equalizer five minutes later. Harry Kane then converted a penalty awarded by VAR in the 83rd minute to finish the incredible comeback.
But it was not the end -- Havertz pounced on a fumble by England goal keeper Nick Pope to equal ise in the 87th minute. Bu kayo Saka could have killed the match in stoppage time but his close-range attempt was saved by Germany keeper Marc-Andre ter Stegen. “A couple of er rors have cost us the goals,” Southgate said. “But I’ll fo cus on the fact they played with tremendous spirit and showed a belief that we haven’t shown in the last few games.”
Manchester United defender Harry Maguire, who has been criticised for poor performances in recent club matches, has had full support from head coach Gareth Southgate and started for the Three Harry Kane celebrates after scoring during the UEFA Nations League match between England and Germany. (AP) Magnus Carlsen India’s Ashique Kuruniyan (left) and Vietnam’s Nguyen Thanh Binh vie for the ball during the Hung Thinh friendly football tournament on Tuesday. (PTI)