Vol 2 • Issue 8 •August 2016
M E E T D AV ID NAKd Painted People
FEATURES 04.......The Medium Is the Messenger 10.......These Days of Worry and Envy 18.......100 Totally Naked People Got Painted in Midtown NYC 20.......Mosquito Repellents 23.......100s Flock to Haulover Beach 26.......Meet David 30.......Perth Man Hitch-hikes
COLUMNS 06.......Wellness 13.......Refresh 16.......Savor 25.......Sweet 33.......Listen 37.......Read 38.......Visit 41.......Watch
OF INTEREST 07.......Maslin Beach Nude Games 14.......Wairau Valley Golf Club 24.......Hawaiian Diving Adventures 34.......Bateworld
2 • NAKd.life Magazine • www.magazine.nakd.life
FROM THE PUBLISHER Just in case you dare to claim boredom this season, we’ve added a few activities into this issue. Following many men on Twitter, one of the common themes is a lack of activities a man can engage in authentically. Again, I don’t mean simply doing something whilst nude, but rather doing it NAKd so as to experience the activity fully. Nudity just happens to be my cue to pay attention to what is happening. Everyone seems to talk about their experiences at a nude beach or the “need” for one near them. Many men, in the UK it seems, illicitly wander about as a constitutional - even silently daring rural neighbors to object. Here in the US, such a stroll would most likely land you in jail for the weekend, but could also place you on one of our sexual offender lists as a dangerous man. (I would not recommend pushing the envelope here.) However, there also seems to be a (barely) adequate number of private clubs, camps, resorts, etc. which allow nudity during specific events. For those sitting at home (or busy with projects at home) I strongly recommend glancing over a simple Google search for “nude near me”. After a listing for a spa just around the corner from me, there were plenty of pages I could browse to find something to do. Granted, these were the websites of national organizations and private blogs attempting to be helpful, so I would be required to do some work in finding and verifying the listings truly near me. However, this is probably the best way to find that hidden gem that gets you out and into public... which I’m told is where the people are. We are social creatures. We paradoxically abhore and keep secrets equally, yet we are social as a foundation of our lives. While learning to be comfortable with yourself by yourself is a necessary first step in maturity, I know from experience that socialization is the only way to truly be real. We find it so easy to lie to ourselves about almost everything and need the mirror of society to fact-check these claims. Through meeting people, talking to them, getting to know them, being serious with them, playing with them, and having sex with them (not necessarily all of that with each of them... although...) I’ve gotten to know myself. It’s only with that extra layer of information that I’m able to really see myself as I am. An introvert has only one opinion, a narcissist also, yet with the internal dialog of myself and the feedback from others I can comfortably say I have a thin body, small dick, long eyelashes, petite feet, well muscled legs, and low-hanging balls. I look good for my age and will probably continue to be thinner than my peers simply because of the job I have (the only bright light there). It’s also only by getting out into the public that I can start to be OK with any of those things. A plastic surgeon would still have his hands full should I win the lottery, but until then, I can show my face - and ass - without too much shame because I’m just as handsome as most everybody else... but let me tell you about my new neighbor...
Publisher: Tr oy Oz a r ow ic z Art Direction: P aul Str eub el h t t p : //m a g a z i n e . n a kd . l i f e m agazine @ nakd .life
• This digital magazine is interactive. • It is embedded with hyperlinks. • Touch or click areas to open a URL. NAKd.life is about social responsibility and personal wellness focused on celebrating men as they are. NAKd is about more than not wearing clothes but exposing an authentic self in spite of what is expected. Real men. Really NAKd. With great articles, information, NAKd men, reader submitted stories and inspiring photographs we aim to provide our readers with what they need to be part of a community of men. We welcome all generations of men as we continue to expand our readership to include all men everywhere. We always encourage our readers to add to this publication. If you have anything you want to see published, submit it for consideration. Please be sure to credit any sources if the material is not your own. All content within the pages of this digital magazine were either submitted by the public or found within the public domain. All efforts were made to preserve copyright and credit to sources. Any errors due to editing are solely our own and are not to be read as a statement of any kind on the original content creator or the content itself.
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THE MEDIUM IS THE MESSENGER by Darrell Etherington (@etherington)
f you’re not already thinking about what your product looks like in a messaging application, it may be too late. Facebook Messenger crossing the 1 billion user mark today isn’t unexpected, but it is a huge blinking marquee telling us what we should already know: messaging is the platform of the future. Messenger’s milestone is just the latest in a series of big numbers for messaging apps. WhatsApp hit a billion users in February; Line, which had the most successful IPO of any tech company so far in 2016, has 218 million monthly active users; Kik has 300 million registered users. Few things of any description can claim this kind of reach, and that’s going to have a huge impact on how we communicate with one another.
We’ll build this civilization on the bones of the old
The rise of messengers is definitely driven by organic growth from users, but companies that operate them also have reason to want to push them to grow further still. Real platform control in the mobile era has been dominated by just a few companies – even as few as two depending on how you count. Google and Apple are the most dominant (and you could probably make a case for Samsung, too). These are the companies that control the operating systems that power the most ubiquitous computer on the planet – the smartphone. They define the ultimate limits of what appears on those platforms (both, of course, with limitations; though Apple faces fewer of those than Google), and they, as a result, ultimately own the audience. Companies that build software for those platforms can have tremendous influence – and Facebook is among the most influential. But the platform ultimately still belongs to the company that owns the OS on which that software runs. Except when a player that depends on them makes a play to own more 4 • NAKd.life Magazine • www.magazine.nakd.life
of the user’s attention, time, money and experience. The iPhone usurped control from desktop platforms like Windows, as well as from carriers, which used to control the wireless network ‘platform’ upon which mobile phones depended. In much the same way, messaging apps want to make the platform that underpins them interchangeable and irrelevant, and seem best positioned out of anything born in the mobile age to do so – as evidenced by Facebook Messenger’s reach, which it has managed to amass despite severe limitations like not being available in China. Legacy platform operators aren’t out of this fight since they have their own offerings, and messaging apps won’t replace the OS layer below them in general importance for a while yet, but the locus of power is definitely shifting.
Messenger is a prime example, given its announcement is the reason this article exists, but others like Kik, Skype, Line, Telegram and more are all encouraging bot development on their platforms. Google’s upcoming Allo messenger app even has one built in as an always-on concierge, which will represent a big step in putting conversational UI at the forefront of mobile OS experience.
interpersonal communication. Emoji are probably the most immediately apparent effect, and its importance in terms of defining how we interact with another is apparent in the attention rightfully given to things like Google’s addition of diverse representations of women in the workplace to the Unicode standard. But emoji isn’t the only thing set to change as messaging apps dominate not only conversation, but also our general computing and consumption expeBots definitely need to adapt to suit the needs of riences. Already, media is reconfiguring for brevity; users, but their growing ubiquity will have a big publications are designing conversational ways of impact on people’s expectations of messengers, too. relaying news, with Quartz’s news bot app as a strong Increasingly, automated conversational UI programs early example of what this could look like when done well. Video, too, is changing dramatically, with an emphasis on captions that make clips digestible even when a device is on mute, and durations that match our newfound preference for glanceable information intake.
We’ll share the world with artificial beings
It’s not an ideal name to brand the category, but the chatbot is a very real example of one of the immediate impacts of a shift to a world where messaging apps own the bulk of our attention. Some startups are avoiding the ‘chatbot’ name altogether, but it’s a term that already has recognizability, despite also possibly misaligning expectations with reality when it comes to what these things provide. The best of these operate in a specific domain, and provided relevant information in response to conversational queries from users. A lot of people point to the longstanding existence of bots and automated responders in things like IRC and AIM as proof that chatbots have been around for a long time, but what were once novelties hacked together by hobbyists are now almost mandatory offerings for large brands and businesses. Nearly every messaging platform also now has a bot store or supports them in some capacity. Facebook
will define our communication within messaging apps, and that’s going to change the way we communicate with each other, too. This goes double for media companies looking to connect with audiences.
We’ll need a new language for our new world
Already, it’s easy to see plenty of impact on the structure of language as a result of messaging dominating
The mistake is in thinking that it’s enough to relay information on messaging apps the way you would do so in a casual conversation between friends; already, we expect information to be conveyed differently if presented by a news website as opposed to a Tumblr, a friend’s Medium or on Twitter – the same will be true for messaging content, but we’re still at the stage where figuring out the best voice for each is far from fixed. One last thing to note: A messaging platform isn’t defined by a visual UI; voice-based communication fits the paradigm just as well, if not better, and that’s the reason I expect messaging to truly take a primary place among platforms in the future. That’s going to add another level of change to publishing and general communication, and it’s something companies like Amazon have already begun to anticipate. In the end, whether through voice or through text, we’re moving quickly towards a conversational future, and that could end up representing a bigger shift than even the move to mobile. NAKd.life Magazine • www.magazine.nakd.life • 5
SUNDAY 15TH OF JANUARY 2017 (planning in progress)
WHAT IS QIGONG? Qigong is a mind and body wellness practice integrating movement, posture, breathing, and awareness in a new category of exercise called "moving meditation". Qigong is an integration of physical postures, breathing techniques, and focused intentions. Qigong practices can be classified as martial, medical, or spiritual. All styles have three things in common: they all involve a posture, (whether moving or stationary), breathing techniques, and mental focus. Some practices increase the Qi; others circulate it, use it to cleanse and heal the body, store it, or emit Qi to help heal others. Practices vary from the soft internal styles such as Tai Chi; to the external, vigorous styles such as Kung Fu. However, the slow gentle movements of most Qigong forms can be easily adapted, even for the physically challenged and can be practiced by all age groups. Many healthcare professionals recommend Qigong as an important form of alternative complementary medicine. Qigong creates an awareness of and influences dimensions of our being that are not part of traditional exercise programs. Most other forms of exercise do not involve the meridian system used in acupuncture nor do they emphasize the 6 • NAKd.life Magazine • www.magazine.nakd.life
importance of adding mindful intent and breathing techniques to physical movements. When these dimensions are added, the benefits of exercise increase exponentially. The gentle, rhythmic movements of Qigong reduce stress, build stamina, increase vitality, and enhance the immune system. It has also been found to improve cardiovascular, respiratory, circulatory, lymphatic and digestive functions. Those who maintain a consistent practice of Qigong find that it helps one regain a youthful vitality, maintain health even into old age and helps speed recovery from illness. Western scientific research confirms that Qigong reduces hypertension and the incidence of falling in the aged population. One of the more important long-term effects is that Qigong reestablishes the body/mind/soul connection. People do Qigong to maintain health, heal their bodies, calm their minds, and reconnect with their spirit. When these three aspects of our being are integrated, it encourages a positive outlook on life and helps eliminate harmful attitudes and behaviors. It also creates a balanced lifestyle, which brings greater harmony, stability, and enjoyment. http://qirevolution.com/ http://www.qigonginstitute.org/
Come along and enjoy a great fun day at one of the best & longest running nude beach days in Australia Maslin Beach was declared Australia’s first nudist beach on the 14th Of February 1974 There will the favourites like frisbee throwing, sack races, three legged race, water balloon throwing, baton race, donut eating competition, Best Bum & Ms Maslin 19-34, Ms Maslin 35-50 & Ms Maslin over 50 There will be a marque selling soft drinks, bottled water & sausage sizzle - all money goes back into the cost of running the games, so please support the event & buy some drinks. We will have stubby holders & draw string bags for sale as well to raise funds for the Games. No pockets for drinks money, car keys, mobile phone you might think No problem, we will be selling small money pouches to put your drinks money, keys etc in $5 each It’s free and everybody is welcome. Enjoy a relaxed day of fun competitions on one of Adelaides most beautiful beaches. You are invited to join in the games or just relax in the sun. You may choose to remain clothed or be adventurous and enjoy the beach as nature intended. Information on nudism / naturism is available at the marquee. Pilwarren is a nudist venue situated on a high cliff overlooking a great view of our lagoon & the river. Pilwarren is on the banks of the Murray River between Swan Reach & Walker Flat, opposite the township of Nildottie set on 75 acres of mallee.
Time Event 12:00 12:10 12:20 12:30 12:40 12:50 13:00 13:10 13:20 13:30 13:40 13:50 14:00 14:15 14:30 14:45 15:00 15:10 15:20 15:30 15:45 16:00
Children’s Frisbee Throwing Competition Adult’s Frisbee Throwing Competition Official Opening Children’s Sack Race Adults Sack Race Adult Swap Swap Competition Children’s Treasure Hunt Children’s Three Legged Race Adult Three Legged Race Individual Balloon Race Pairs Balloon Race Baton Race Water Balloon Throwing Competition Donut Eating Competition Combo Competition Water Fill Competition Men’s 40 & Over Best Bum Competition Men’s 18—39 Best Bum Competition Ms Maslin Beach Over 50 Ms Maslin Beach 35 - 49 MS Maslin Beach 18 - 34 Tug O’ War NAKd.life Magazine • www.magazine.nakd.life • 7
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spencer_Tunick 8 • NAKd.life Magazine • www.magazine.nakd.life
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As we talked about the last few days, dark days, a total of seven lives lost, I found myself feeling envious of my colleague. I appreciated his bravery and willingness to discuss these events with me, but some small part of me resented what I took to be an aloof distance he was able to maintain in our conversation. As I assessed myself, I realized that there was much in our conversation that I simply was not saying. We were engaged in this together. He, 40ish and White. Me, late 30ish, and Black. Him, Southern. Me, a Yankee. We could not be more different in background, but here we were, two fathers of young children, discussing what appeared to us initially, to be senseless killing. Greater still, our children had become aware of these events in ways that we, as fathers, could not simply blow off. Each of us needed some answer. We went through some of the difficult motions. He indicated that he empathized, felt powerless, could not understand the pain my community was in, how could this happen again? He wondered aloud at my feelings about the officers
who had been killed in Dallas? We covered these points, and yet, envy. Jealousy. And even anger, as the conversation wore. I asked for a break, so I could effectively process my emotions. Figure out what I was actually feeling. I could not shake that it was envy. As I assessed myself, I realized that there was much
conversations we had had about matters like this. It had started to wear on me, that he, and many in his community, in our nation’s family, could simply temper a life and death conversation, redirect it, censor it, simply by identifying their anxiety and discomfort around the topic. See, I had come to realize that he, as a White father of White children, had not only the social and racial privilege of dismissing any concern about his son’s interaction with authorities, but as a White person, he enjoyed the privilege of centering this most difficult conversation around his emotions. It had started to wear on me, that he, and many in his community, in our nation’s family, could simply temper a life and death conversation, redirect it, censor it, simply by identifying their anxiety and discomfort around the topic. It felt as if, for the umpteenth time, a White man, a White father and husband and friend, was going to place his emotions above the deaths of Black sons, and fathers, and husin our conversation that I simply bands and friends. It felt to me, a was not saying. Much that I didn’t betrayal. feel entitled to say, based on prior It began to feel as if our friendship,
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one that had developed around our love for our children and shared role of fatherhood, was merely one of convenience. There was no way for him to fully appreciate the fears that I wake up with each day. Hoping that I am not the next victim of an overzealous police officer, and he could never fully appreciate the crushing anxiety I feel each day as I try to come up with ways to effectively coach my son for interactions with peacekeepers, with a gameplan that will hopefully save his life. He could not fully appreciate how I, and Black fathers exactly like me, looked on in disbelief, as the national rhetoric turned to “we must have dialogue, we must come together, we must be one” after those unfortunate deaths in Dallas, when no such proclamations had been made widespread after the deaths of Black men in Baton Rouge, and Minnesota and North Charleston, and New York, and Ohio and Detroit and on and on. Countless opportunities, but no such grand gestures of cooperative dialogue and kinship offered after the deaths, flagrant killing deaths, of so many Black sons. I resented the privileges afforded him, and the relief I believed it offered him. I was on the verge of shutting down. I wondered aloud, why wouldn’t he do more? Why wouldn’t he do more to protect my son, who he so readily spoke with me about. I wrestled with how to proceed. I struggled. Considered ending our friendship. Avoiding him altogether for a time.
That in the midst of grieving more lost sons, we were once again being called to the table to offer words of understanding and forgiveness. Where I eventually ended up was where we had started. Endeavoring to take one another’s perspective, all those months ago. I looked clearly at him, and considered what needed to know of me as a father, in this moment. This overwhelming, frightening moment.
I determined that he needed to know my fears. He needed to know the feelings of powerlessness and helplessness that come with worry about what may come to a Black son of a Black father. He needed to know that, though I am an individual that believes that things will typically ultimately be alright, I could not say that here. I had to educate him about the rage I felt every someone would offer “All Lives Matter” as a counter to “Black Lives Matter”, when I looked up and around and saw the damage being done to my community. I had to ask him to simply listen for a time. To hear that the full human spectrum of emotion was not being allowed for my com-
munity. That in the midst of grieving more lost sons, we were once again being called to the table to offer words of understanding and forgiveness. We were being summoned to once again be our full magic selves and assuage the guilt that many in his community feel for not being more present and empathetic and vigilant about teaching out the hate and fear that our peacekeepers arm themselves with. This was not an easy conversation. There were moments where he was verging on becoming emotionally reactive. He wanted to defend himself. I asked him to simply listen. I wanted him to know that, as fathers, and as men, and as friends, we could not solve these things alone or together, and not immediately. I asked him to only continue to take my perspective and I offered the same. I asked him to help me process my emotions in these most difficult of times and we agreed to have these difficult talks with our sons. Together, some day, if needed. It was the best we could offer in this chilling set of moments. It occurred to me that maybe that it is a small, not insignificant kind f solution. Begin the dialogue with one another. As hard as it may be. Both those with and without privilege. Fathers tasking other fathers with doing their portion of the work to prepare a better generation, and working with one another to be better stewards of our children’s minds. Back to work.
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• 2 oz. light rum
1. In a large liquid measuring cup, mix first
• 3 oz. dark rum
5 ingredients.
• 6 oz. passion fruit juice
2. Pour over iced-filled glass.
• 6 oz. orange juice
3. Garnish each glass with an orange slice
• 2 tbsp. grenadine
and a maraschino cherry.
• 2 Orange slices • 2 maraschino cherries
AND DON’T FORGET THE MEAT! 12 • NAKd.life Magazine • www.magazine.nakd.life
NAKd.life Magazine • www.magazine.nakd.life • 13
Naked Golf 100% Raw Have you ever wanted to play naked golf? Well here is your opportunity. The next annual tournament will be held on Sunday 26th February 2017. Early registrations have been received from Australia, Canada and United Kingdom. Now you can experience the exhilaration of playing 100% Raw in the Nude Golf International at the scenic Wairau Valley Golf Course in Marlborough. Enter a team for the event or as an individual to make up a four on the day. Wairau Valley is only 30 minutes drive down the Nelson Lakes Road from Blenheim and the golf course, just a few minutes walk from Wai-natur Naturist Park who will be hosting the tournament. Green fees are included and lunch will be provided on the day. Members of the Wairau Valley Golf Club will have the bar open.
Click here for information!
Register online and contact Kay or Brian at Wai-natur Naturist Park to reserve accommodation if required. Minimum three nights for on-site vans and guest rooms, with plenty of powered and non-powered campsites available. Contact Kay now with your registration for next season’s event on Sunday 19th February 2017 or telephone +64 3 5722681 Mob 021 326 199 or book online Players $55.00 (includes green fees and lunch) Caddies and non-players $15.00 (includes lunch) Further details of the 2016 tournament will be posted shortly. Meanwhile, read about last year’s tournament...
Game on, clothes off Challenging conditions met twenty intrepid nude golfers for the annual Nude Golf International at the scenic Wairau Valley Golf Course in 2015 hosted by Kay Hannam and Brian Williams, co-owners of Wai-natur Naturist Park. Brian prepared a substantial buffet lunch for the hungry golfers, aided by helpers Andrew and Beatrice; first time visitors to New Zealand from the United Kingdom, and who are already emailing with plans for their return visit next year. In her role as official photographer, Madeleine cycled around the course during the day taking photos. Viewing the results screened at a social function held at Wai-natur later in the evening, it was difficult to judge which group of four was having the most fun. My pick was the Aussie team, with Lindsay Parkyns of Brisbane winning the Stableford competition and presented with the magnificent trophy, first competed for at Lake Tekapo’s Balmoral course in 2001. One of the younger competitors, from Nelson, won the mystery prize created and presented by our friends and neighbours; Cliff and Kate Smith. Look closely at the group photo and you may figure out why the label read “adults only - batteries included.”
At the conclusion and prize-giving, Brian and I extended our thanks to the many business and individuals who donated prizes for the event. Together we raised $150.00 which was donated to the Wairau Valley School landscaping project. Our sincere thanks go to the members of the Wairau Valley Golf Club for exclusive use of their wonderful facility, and to Steve McKenzie, of Wairau Valley, for his invaluable help in organising the draw and being on hand to run the bar. And in his usual smiling manner, the bag-boy aka Dave Care, cleaned up after everyone had gone. NAKd.life Magazine • www.magazine.nakd.life • 15
SAVOR Roasted Carrot Hummus Chicken Wraps
• 1 lb carrots (about 4 medium) • 2 Tbsp + 1 tsp extra-virgin olive oil or camelina oil • 1 1/2 cups cooked or canned (drained and rinsed) chickpeas • 3 Tbsp tahini • Juice of 1/2 lemon • 1 garlic clove, minced • 2 Tbsp honey • 2 tsp orange zest • 1/2 tsp ground cmin • 8 whole grain or gluten-free tortilla wraps • 1 1/2 lb cooked boneless, skinless organic chicken thighs, sliced • 2 red bell peppers, thinly sliced • 8 cups baby spinach or other tender salad greens
1. Preheat oven to 400 F. Peel and chop car-
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rots into 1 in pieces. Toss carrots with 1 tsp oil and place on baking sheet. Roast until tender and beginning to darken, about 20 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool. 2. Place roasted carrots, chickpeas, tahini, lemon juice, 2 Tbsp oil, garlic, honey, orange zest, and cumin in food processor container and blend until smooth. 3. To prepare wraps, spread carrot hummus over surface of wraps and top with an equal amount of chicken, red pepper, and spinach. Roll tightly and slice in half on the bias. If needed, insert toothpicks to hold wraps in place.
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pproximately 100 people got completely naked yesterday afternoon in the middle of Dag Hammarskjold Plaza and, over the course of several hours and with thousands of people watching, were transformed into works of living art. The occasion was the third annual NYC Bodypainting Day, organized once again by the irrepressible Andy Golub. This year’s theme was “Inner Beauty” and the models came in a wide variety of shapes, colors, and sizes. Of course, 100 naked people getting painted (or, really, doing anything) in public in Manhattan is guaranteed to attract at least as many photographers, so to accommodate the ever-growing crowds of shooters, spectators, and basic voyeurs, Golub set up viewing platforms behind the borrowed NYPD barricades. After the painting was finished all the models piled onto a pair of those double-decker tour buses for what was likely an attention-getting journey around town.
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NAKd.life Magazine • www.magazine.nakd.life • 19
MOSQUITO REPELLENTS THAT BEST PROTECT AGAINST ZIKA July 12, 2016 Zika is a growing threat in the United States, particularly here in the South where mosquitoes flourish in the summertime. All reported U.S. cases of Zika have so far involved people who traveled to areas with a current outbreak, but health experts have warned that local transmission cases are likely to occur in the coming weeks during summer mosquito season. Gulf Coast states, such as Florida and Texas, are seen as particularly vulnerable.1 In response to this growing threat, Consumer reports recently released their test results and ratings of mosquito repellents. “Using an insect repellent is one of the best ways you can protect yourself from Zika and other diseases transmitted by mosquitoes,” said Harry Savage, Chief of Ecology and Entomology Activity at the CDC’s Division of Vector-Borne Diseases. Consumer Reports’ tests show that some repellents worked better than others at protecting against the Aedes mosquitoes, the type that carry Zika. Here is a breakdown of the top recommended mosquito repellents based on overall score from Consumer Reports’ tests. For the full report, click here. Brand & Model
Overall Score**
Active Ingredients
Effectiveness Aedes Mosquitoes
Effectiveness Culex Mosquitos
Effectiveness Deer Ticks
Sawyer Picaridin
Picaridin 20%
8 hours
8 hours
8.5 hours
Ben’s 30% DEET Tick & Insect Wilderness Formula
Repel Lemon Eucalyptus*
Mosquito Bite Prevention (United States)
Not all mosquitoes are the same. Different mosquitoes spread different viruses and bite at different times of the day. Type of Mosquito
Viruses spread
Biting habits
Aedes aegypti, Aedes albopictus
Chikungunya, Dengue, Zika
Primarily daytime, but can also bite at night
Culex species
West Nile
Evening to morning
Protect yourself and your family from mosquito bites
Use insect repellent Use an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-registered insect repellent with one of the following active ingredients. When used as directed, EPA-registered insect repellents are proven safe and effective, even for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Active ingredient (Higher percentages of active ingredient provide longer Some brand name examples* protection)
Off! Cutter, Sawyer, Ultrathon
Picaridin, also known as KBR3023, Bayrepel, and icaridin
Cutter Advanced, Skin So Soft Bug Guard Plus, Autan (outside the United States)
Oil of lemon eucalyptus (OLE) or para-menthane-diol (PMD)
Skin So Soft Bug Guard Plus Expedition, SkinSmart
*Insect repellent brand names are provided for your information only. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services cannot recommend or endorse any name brand products. • •
Deet 30%
7.5 hours
8 hours
8.5 hours
Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus 30%
7 hours
8 hours
7 hours
(Approx. 65% p-menthane- 3.8diol)
Natrapel 8 Hour
Off! Deepwoods VIII
Picaridin 20%
• •
8 hours
8 hours
6 hours •
Deet 25%
8 hours
8 hours
5 hours •
*Do not use on children under age 3 ** Overall score is based on mosquito and tick repelling effectiveness. The displayed score is out of a total of 100 points. Consumer Reports advise skipping most products made with natural plant oils, such as California Baby Natural Bug Blend (a blend of citronella, lemongrass oil, cedar oil, and other ingredients) and EcoSmart Organic, (which includes geraniol, rosemary oil, cinnamon oil, and lemongrass oil). They did not last for more than 1 hour against Aedes mosquitoes, and some failed almost immediately.1 The CDC provides these additional steps in preventing mosquito bites…2
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Always follow the product label instructions. Reapply insect repellent every few hours, depending on which product and strength you choose. • Do not spray repellent on the skin under clothing. • If you are also using sunscreen, apply sunscreen first and insect repellent second. Natural insect repellents (repellents not registered with EPA) The effectiveness of non-EPA registered insect repellents, including some natural repellents, is not known. To protect yourself against diseases like chikungunya, dengue, and Zika, CDC and EPA recommend using an EPAregistered insect repellent. When used as directed, EPA-registered insect repellents are proven safe and effective. For more information: www2.epa.gov/insect-repellents
If you have a baby or child • • • • •
Always follow instructions when applying insect repellent to children. Do not use insect repellent on babies younger than 2 months of age. Dress your child in clothing that covers arms and legs, or Cover crib, stroller, and baby carrier with mosquito netting. Do not apply insect repellent onto a child’s hands, eyes, mouth, and cut or irritated skin. • Adults: Spray insect repellent onto your hands and then apply to a child’s face. Do not use products containing oil of lemon eucalyptus (OLE) or para-menthanediol (PMD) on children under 3 years of age.
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MOSQUITO REPELLENTS CONT. Treat clothing and gear •
Treat items such as boots, pants, socks, and tents with permethrin or purchase permethrin-treated clothing and gear. • Permethrin-treated clothing will protect you after multiple washings. See product information to find out how long the protection will last. • If treating items yourself, follow the product instructions. • Do not use permethrin products directly on skin
HAULOVER BEACH, Fla. - Throughout the past 25 years, a quarter-mile stretch of Haulover Beach has emerged as a top nude beach in the world, and is one of South Florida’s largest tourist attractions. Over the weekend, that legacy was celebrated with the cleverly named, All-Over Tan at Haulover Beach event, which was co-hosted by the South Florida Free Beaches / Florida Naturist Association and B.E.A.C.H.E.S. Foundation Institute. “We want to thank all those who have helped us achieve this tiny slice of civilized paradise and sanity,” Shirley Mason, affectionately referred to as the “Mother of Haulover Beach, “ said in a media release. “There have been many, a few who will be with us this weekend.” An average of 1.2 million people have hit the sands of Haulover beach since the early 2000s, according to the release, and TripAdvisor has ranked Haulover Beach the 3rd most popular destination in Miami.
Mosquito-proof your home • • •
Use screens on windows and doors. Repair holes in screens to keep mosquitoes outside. Use air conditioning when available. Keep mosquitoes from laying eggs in and near standing water. • Once a week, empty and scrub, turn over, cover, or throw out items that hold water, such as tires, buckets, planters, toys, pools, birdbaths, flowerpots, or trash containers. Check inside and outside your home. www.cdc.gov/features/StopMosquitoes
Additional Links
Zika Facts Sheet CDC Resources & Publications
http://www.consumerreports.org/insect-repellents/mosquito-repellents-that-best-protect-against-zika/ https://www.cdc.gov/zika/prevention/index.html
Copyright 2016 by WPLG Local10.com - All rights reserved.
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Sweet Snickerdoodle Crisp
COMMITTED TO PROVIDING THE BEST UNDERWATER EXPERIENCE IN OAHU Hawaiian Diving Adventures offers the best dives for divers of all levels. We offer dives for advanced divers where we explore ship wrecks, deep reefs, even unexplored areas. As well as many different reefs for both beginners and those wishing to see Oahu’s endemic species. We actually own and operate our boat, which gives us complete flexibility. The boat, Kilikina, runs on 100% bio-diesel which is made here in Hawaii. We believe in reducing our impact on the environment and use biodegradable fluids elsewhere. Being the only GREEN boat in Honolulu does not mean we slack on what people want to see. We scuba dive and snorkel where our customers want to go and try to show them what they came to see. Most of our staff spend their time exploring new reefs, trying to find new and exciting locations others haven’t found. Thanks to their hard work, we have many exclusive dive sites: we frequently visit natural reefs, artificial reefs, and wrecks that no other company visits. The wildlife in these areas are just amazing! We will cater to your experience level and find the right dive sites that will give you the most exciting dive.
Ingredients • 1 lb. refrigerated sugar cookie dough • 1 tbsp. ground cinnamon • 4 c. sliced peaches • 2 c. blueberries • 1/4 c. sugar • 1/4 c. all-purpose flour • 1 tsp. vanilla extract • 1/4 tsp. kosher salt • Cooking spray, for pan • 2 tbsp. cinnamon sugar • Vanilla ice cream, for serving
24 • NAKd.life Magazine • www.magazine.nakd.life
Directions 1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. In a large bowl, mix together cookie dough with cinnamon until combined. Set aside. 2. In another bowl, stir together peaches, blueberries, sugar, flour, vanilla, and salt and stir together until combined. 3. Spray a 9-x-13" baking dish with cooking spray. Add fruit mixture to baking dish. Top with 1" balls of sugar cookie dough and bake until fruit is bubbly and cookie crust golden, 1 hour. Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar. 4. Let cool, then serve with vanilla ice cream.
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ome gardening and landscaping is a fun and rewarding hobby for people of all ages, backgrounds, and budgets. It can give you much enjoyment and satisfaction and add value to your property as well. When planning a new landscape design or even a small garden, consider the important facts about what your preferences are in terms of plants and colors, and think seriously about the amount of maintenance you are expecting to perform. What do you want to get out of it? How much are you willing and able to put into it? Plan for things such as vantage points, and varying seasonal interest. Will your design utilize native plants, fruiting plants, or other special material? What is the soil like? The sun exposure? Additionally, consider vantage points from INSIDE your house. Beautiful views from key windows are like having artwork on your walls.
Landscape design involves not just three dimensions, but four. The fourth is time. It is imperative that a timeline be kept in mind during the process because the nature of plants is to grow, and grow they will even if given only the most basic care. Some plants are temporary (annuals and biennials for example, or even tropical specimens used up north only during the summer). Others such as trees are permanent anchors in the landscape and can take a long time to reach their full potential. It’s a good idea to plan a garden in stages. An example would be planting fast-growing material in key spots to quickly give the landscape as finished a look as possible while the slower-growing items are filling out to take over as the ultimate focal points. It’s important to plant for all of your senses, so try to put in plants that are beautiful of course, but also incorporate plants for fragrance, movement, sounds,
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textures, tastes, and emotions. Heirloom plants are an important way to feel linked to people in our past. If someone in the household has limited mobility, you can incorporate raised beds and level, smooth paths for easy access. Plants with scented flowers and foliage are especially enjoyed by those who have impaired vision. If you are working with a tight budget, I suggest coming up with an especially well-thought-out design and start by putting in the anchor plants such as trees first, with perhaps some inexpensive annuals for quick color. Later you can add more permanent and costly plants as time goes on. By coming up with a plan, even just a loose one, you will minimize disappointments and maximize your enjoyment and satisfaction. Lastly, remember a garden is never “done”; it is always changing and there are always new things to try. Enjoy!
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26-year-old Perth man has done the unthinkable, and hitchhiked his way from Perth to Sydney with no money, no phone and, to start with, no clothes. Yes, you read that right - no clothes. Brent McIntyre had the wacky idea of trialling a “generosity experiment” after he successfully hitchhiked his way across Australia a few years ago. The only difference between the two journeys is that this time around, Mr McIntyre packed absolutely nothing with him. The goal of the journey was to make it from Swanbourne nudist beach, just out of Cottesloe in Western Australia to Sydney, some 3947 kilometres away relying solely on the generosity of strangers. Mr McIntyre was clothed, fed, driven and kept company by an array of generous people whom he met on the way, proving that there are still good people left in the world. Mr McIntyre explains that the rules for the experiment were quite simple - he was to accept no help from anyone he knew before the 30 • NAKd.life Magazine • www.magazine.nakd.life
journey and the other was about openness. “No lying, cheating, stealing, deceiving, tricking or the like,” he said. “This meant I made everyone aware that I was in the position I was in by choice, and ruled out tactics that people actually sug-
gested to me. Someone said I should tell people I got mugged, and later - when I was just looking for lifts - someone said I should tell people my car had broken down and I needed to get to the next town to get it sorted out. “It was originally meant to be a race everyone else pulled out but I decided I’m doing it anyway.” Mr McIntyre started the adventure at Swanbourne, where he was dropped off by some friends who
took his clothing and wished him well. The first leg of the journey was made a lot easier when he met a tourist from Taiwan on the beach who gave him his spare set of underwear. Wearing nothing but a stranger’s jocks Mr McIntyre made his way to the carpark where he was gifted sunglasses, a hair tie, a hat and a reusable shopping bag. His next “win” was when he met a lady who was on her way to donate several bags of clothing to the opshop, so Mr McIntyre was able to build up a bit of a wardrobe. While he managed to get clothed quite quickly it took almost 24 hours for him to find his way out of Perth. After sleeping the first night on South Beach in Fremantle using a donated curtain as a blanket, Mr McIntyre found a lady doing some gardening in Cottesloe. Following a few hours of gardening work she “gave me the money for public transport which is definitely
the easiest way he made it to to get out of a “I STARTED NAKED Sydney. Most major city.” of the money IN THE INDIAN While he admitwas spent on ted it was a “bit public transOCEAN AND I HAD of a challenge port to take leaving the city” DECIDED TO REAL- him to the he said “once I beach. LY OFFICIALLY FINwas on the road “I started it was cruisy, ISH IT THOUGHT I naked in the really. Indian Ocean REALLY SHOULD “It was a lot easand I had ier when I had decided to FINISH NAKED IN reached a point really offiwhere it was THE PACIFIC.” cially finish it just as hard to though I really turn around and should finish go home as it was to go on,” Mr naked in the Pacific,” Mr McIntyre McIntrye explained. explained. Before you ask, yes, Mr McIntyre “I think it [the trip] made me see has seen Wolf Creek many years most possessions as more replaceago although it didn’t deter him. able and less important. It might The scariest moment of the trip, he said, happened when he was asleep. “We hit a wombat so that woke me up quite suddenly,” he said. The driver had swerved to avoid a dead wombat and hit a smaller one on the way. According to Mr McIntyre, the most notable pit stop was when he made it into Kalgoorlie on the second night. After spending some time in the town looking for something to eat and trying to figure out where to sleep, he met a small group of people working on a shop fit out. After introducing himself and proposing his situation he offered some work in exchange for whatever they were willing to give. After working all night they gave him dinner, a place to sleep and “they gave me $50 at the end which is too much, I almost didn’t accept it. It’s too much and would have made things easy.” After accepting the $50 he managed to have almost $20 left once
suck to have to replace things, but it can be done and if the honest story was that I’d lost everything, not just chosen to try this challenge, I think help would be pretty easy to come by once it’s asked for.” “It was a lot easier when I had reached a point where it was just as hard to turn around and go home as it was to go on.” The journey took a total of six days and Mr McIntyre proudly shared that he “did the whole thing in thongs”. Asked if he would be trying the challenge again on his way home to Perth, he laughed. “I thought about it and I have booked a plane.”
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Nude for thought!
Album Arriving six years after Emotion & Commotion, a largely instrumental album that found Jeff Beckpushing at his prog boundaries, Loud Hailer is a very different beast than its predecessor. Revived by the presence of two female collaborators -- vocalist Rosie Bones and guitarist Carmen Vandenberg, both proving to be worthy sparring partners -- Beck returns to gnarled, loud guitar rock on Loud Hailer, not so much reveling in the psychedelic skronk of the Yardbirds or the heavy stomp of the Jeff Beck Group but favoring an arena-ready rock that places an emphasis on such old-fashioned values as chops and social consciousness. The latter helps Loud Hailer feel tied to its time: Bones sings about reality television, loss of innocence, and any number of ills plaguing modern society. That Loud Hailerdoesn't feel especially contemporary isn't much of a drawback: perhaps Beck doesn't truck with the sounds of the 2010s -- "Shame" quite clearly
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uses "A Change Is Gonna Come" as its template -- but he's not in revivalist mode, either, choosing to use his personal overblown traditions as a way to sound other. As always, his playing is startling: he's restless and exploratory, as susceptible to lyricism as he is to outright noise, and what makes his performance better is how he always cedes the spotlight to Rosie Bones. Letting his vocalist be the focal point winds up giving his guitar a boost, letting it command attention even in short bursts. Sometimes, the old-fashionedness can lead Beck and band toward embarrassing territory -- the funk workout of "O.I.L. (Can't Get Enough of That Sticky)" inspires cringes -- but usually it allows everybody space to stretch out, to let Beck turn out great squalls of feedback and sweet runs while still retaining the attention on the song. Compared to the floating ambition of Emotion & Commotion, this album feels invigorating and suggests that Beck doesn't want to rest on his laurels, even if he's not fully committed to embracing the turmoil of the present.
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by Po Bronson
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The Nudist on the Late Shift came out at the height of the great social experiment - dot com fever, summer of 1999. Amazingly, it still stands the test of time, being the definitive portrait of that crazy place and time in our modern history, when all the rules were rewritten. My classic piece is the first chapter, The Newcomers, which was inspired by the works of Joan Didion, Upton Sinclair, and John Steinbeck, who chronicled other great migrations to California. From 1996 to 2000, almost 400,000 young people moved to the Bay Area from elsewhere to seek their fortune and fate in the internet industry was very lucky to learn from my publishers. “Bronson writes vividly and sympathetically of these people. He reports, but does not judge.
As a novelist and writer for Wired and other publications, Po Bronson has earned a reputation as the most exciting and authentic literary voice to emerge from Silicon Valley. In his national bestseller The Nudist on the Late Shift he tells the true story of the mostly under-thirty entrepreneurs and tech wizards, immigrants and investors, dreamers and visionaries, who see the Valley as their Mecca. Taking us inside the world of these newcomers, brainiacs, salespeople, headhunters, utopians, plutocrats, and innovators as they transform our culture,
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VISIT Magnetic Valley Retreat
About Magnetic Valley Retreat is Arkansas’ Exclusive Private Men’s Retreat, located in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. Situated on four acres approximately ½ mile from historic downtown Eureka Springs, Magnetic Valley Retreat offers a complete experience for men from all walks of life, from a relaxed and welcoming social scene to a private, intimate atmosphere.
“A private retreat for Men, in the Ozarks.”
Magnetic Valley Retreat
597 Magnetic, Eureka Springs, AR 72632 tel: 479 363-1143 http://www.magneticvalleyretreat.com/
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Be our cover model! Send us your photos & information. Are you in the Tampa area? We can arrange a photo shoot! magazine@NAKd.life 40 • NAKd.life Magazine • www.magazine.nakd.life
Starring Kevin Costner Gary Oldman Tommy Lee Jones Ryan Reynolds Alice Eve
Plot The story of the right man in the wrong body. In a last-ditch effort to stop a diabolical plot, a dead CIA operative’s memories, secrets, and skills are implanted into an unpredictable and dangerous death-row inmate in hopes that he will complete the operative’s mission. NAKd.life Magazine • www.magazine.nakd.life • 41
Our magazine is growing each month. Thousands of readers download each issue while our social media presence continues to grow consistently. Contact us to advertise within the pages of future issues and grow with us. We offer graphic art services to create a layout if you don’t already have one. Reaching an audience of Real Men. Really NAKd. is easy and can increase your brand’s visibility without increasing your budget. h t t p : // j . m p /n a kd l i f e m a g a d