01 oct namib times e-edition

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namib times SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6809 TUESDAY 1 OCTOBER 2019 Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net

Walvis Bay is the “twin-capital” See Report on page 2

inside Housing for skilled workers important

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Huis Palms Loslit Dag

Jesmine Memjono

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Gabriella Ndamaououghenda

Boys’ play ends in tragedy Drowned in the swimming pool of the Hotel de Duine at Henties Bay Isaac Chikosi

The small community of Henties Bay is horrified by the drowning on Saturday of a nine year old boy in the swimming pool of the town's well-known Hotel de Duine. Ensley Esau Geingob and three of his friends sneaked into the hotel's premises to have a fun swim, but it ended in an unimaginable tragedy. The lifeless body of the boy was retrieved from the swimming pool by paramedics of Life Link at around 16:45 on Saturday. According to the Acting Regional Crimes Investigations Coordinator of the Namibian Police in Erongo, Daniel Gurirab, Ensley and 3 other friends believed to be aged between 8 and 12 years old, allegedly scaled a boundary wall of the hotel to reach the swimming pool. At the pool one of the deceased's friends allegedly pushed him Continues on page 2

Selma Ashipala

Gender-based violence epidemic in Erongo

Valedictory Days at two schools

Isaac Chikosi The number of gender-based violence incidents have this year almost doubled in the Erongo region compared to statistics of 2018. During 2018 a total of 184 gender-based violence related criminal cases were reported. This year the total stands at 287 cases, with three more months of the year to go. In August this year, a total of 50 cases were recorded [16 cases recorded in August 2018] In September 2019, a total of 33 cases were reported.

The 800g baby nicknamed “Brave”

Pages 8 & 9

Namibian Kickboxing Champs undefeated Desert Storm

Eileen van der Schyff

Born prematurely, George Kandume was given the nickname “Brave” by hospital staff of the Walvis Bay state hospital. And there is no other word to describe this very special baby George. He was born on 4 September, weighing only 800 grams. Continues on page 2

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1 OCTOBER 2019

Boys’ play ends in tragedy Continued from page 1

into the water. When the boys sensed there is trouble as the boy was now struggling in the deep end of the pool they ran to hotel staff for assistance. An employee of the hotel was unsuccessful in an attempt to save the boy from the water. Life Link paramedics were called. At that stage the boy already drowned. Geingob was declared deceased at the scene. The boy's next of kin were informed and a case of culpable homicide is being investigated.

The 800g baby nicknamed “Brave” Continued from page 1

Due to the fact that the Windhoek state hospital is not admitting newborn babies below 1kg in weight, staff at the Walvis Bay state hospital

has to do the best they can under circumstances. Brave's weight first dropped to 650g, but the little fighter soon weighed 750g. When Namib Times visited Brave and his mother Gabriella Kandume on Friday he weighed 810g. Kandume, George's mother explained she was at first too scared to touch her little baby. He looked so fragile. But nursing staff promptly got mother and baby to bond by what they call “kangarooing”. George is kept against his mother's chest 24/7. This skin to skin bond of mother and baby has saved many premature babies' lives around the world. Nursing staff helps George's mother to feed him with a little plastic medicine cup. The little brave boy cannot suck milk yet, as it exhausts him. He takes tiny sips and takes only what he needs. Georges lungs were also an initial concern but they are developing by the day as he gets stronger and stronger.

Three sets of twins born in one week another to be born this week Eileen van der Schyff

Three sets of twins were born in Walvis Bay last week. What makes it so much more exciting is the fact that another mother is also expecting the birth of her twins this week. The sets of twins were all born at the Walvis Bay state hospital. One mother gave birth to twin boys and the other two mothers each had a boy and a girl. Doctor Jose Gomez, the gynaecologist of the Walvis Bay state hospital, contacted the Namib Times on Friday to share this very unusual news. “I do the pre-birth sonars and found another mother will be giving birth to twins next week [this week]. I think it must be something in the water”, he said jokingly. Selma Ashipala was the first of the three mothers to give birth to her two boys on Tuesday 24 September. The twins were delivered by caesarean section. The two new-born babies weighed 3.1 kg and 2.9 kg respectively. Jesmine Memjono (26) and Gabriela Ndamououghenda (36) were next in line and gave birth to their bundles of joy on the same day, Thursday 26 September. Memjono's little baby boy and girl were bridge babies [born feet first], however she managed to bring them into this life by natural delivery. Memjono's baby girl weighed 1.1 kg and her baby boy weighed 1.3kg. Ndamououghenda gave birth to a baby girl weighing 2.2 kg and a boy weighing 3 kg. Namib Times reported 11 twins born at the Walvis Bay state hospital in 2018 and it ended the year with the birth of triplets. For anyone wishing to give some assistance to these mothers please contact them at: Selma Ashipala 081 395 6638; Gabriella Ndamaououghenda 081 391 9608 and Jesmine Memjono 081 553 7716.

Website: namibtimes.net Website: namibtimes.net

1 OCTOBER 2019



Housing for skilled employees important for development

Talking at a groundbreaking ceremony for 112 erven in Katima Mulilo, Development Bank of Namibia (DBN) Head of Lending, John Mbango, explained the importance of serviced land and affordable housing for managers and highly skilled employees.

Affordable housing for managers, skilled staff also impacts development. Development Bank of Namibia Head of Lending, John Mbango, says that provision of affordable housing in smaller towns strengthens enterprise and public service delivery

Mbango said that while the Bank's provision of finance for serviced land and affordable housing is contributing to adjustments of prices in the real estate sector and broadening the base of home ownership, concentration of housing in major centres poses a challenge to development of economic activity which must be addressed. He explained that the core of the challenge lies in migration of managerial and professional staff and skilled labour to larger centres. The influx of managers and skilled labour, Mbango said, places a degree of strain on larger centres, especially if employment is not readily available. At the same time, the migration of the employee from the smaller centre deprives the town of a potentially valuable resource. Mbango pointed out that the employee is a centre piece of the enterprise or for public service delivery. The loss of the employee reduces enterprise capacity and / or delivery of services, may delay enterprise growth and may also have an impact on retention of jobs. Conversely, construction of affordable housing may attract skilled employees to the smaller town, strengthening capacity and enabling growth. Mbango said DBN strives to provide finance for serviced land and affordable housing in all the regions of Namibia and has an interest in regions with lower levels of economic activity. Talking about the Katima Mulilo project,

Mbango said that DBN sees the project as an investment in the future of Zambezi and the town of Katima Mulilo. He went on to highlight four aspects that add to the impact of the project. Firstly, there is an area set aside for commercial purposes. He said commercial tenants will provide employment and will add to the enterprise ecosystem of Namibia, by acquiring goods and services from local enterprises, further growing the potential for employment. Secondly, there is provision made for education. This will make this project more attractive to families, and provision of education adds to the future pool of Namibian capacity, and future economic activity. Thirdly, provision has been made for a health facility, which will be an additional benefit for residents and will also add to the sustainability of economic activity by preserving and improving health. Finally, Mbango noted that a community is being developed. This community will create strong developmental synergies, in the form of economic activity and socio-economic wellbeing. Happy and healthy communities are a critical basis for the future of Namibia, he says. Mbango concluded by calling on developers, local authorities and PPPs to approach DBN for finance. He said that the Bank has a wealth of experience and will endeavour to transfer understanding of its financial model to applicants.


1 OCTOBER 2019

Walvis Bay Court Report


Swakopmund Court Report Magistrate Court George Imanga (31), appeared on a charge of dealing in dependence producing substance. The matter was postponed to 29 January 2020 for plea and trial. The accused is on bail of N$3 000. Murray Lean Hugo (29), appeared on a charge of driving with an excessive breath alcohol level. The case was withdrawn on request of the State due to no docket at court. Junias Haipinge Ndume (35), appeared on a charge of driving with an excessive breath alcohol level. The matter was postponed to 4 November for trial. The accused is on bail of N$2 000. Donovan Hummel (24), appeared on a charge of dealing in dependence producing substance. The matter was postponed to 12 November for legal aid. Tabita Heita (29), appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 24 October for final remand. The accused is on bail of N$1 000. Showen Van Wyk (24), appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 15 January for continuation of trial. The accused is on bail of N$1 000. Michael Pellema (25), appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 12 November for legal aid. The accused is on bail of N$2 000. John Tjitindua (38), appeared on three counts of rape charges. The matter was postponed to 2 October because the docket was not at court. The accused remains in custody. Ndemupandula Jonas (29), appeared on charges of culpable homicide and reckless or negligent driving. The matter was postponed to 11 March for

continuation of trial. The accused is on bail of N$4 000. Morne Samuels (19), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 8 October for continuation of trial. The accused is on bail of N$2 000. Agaro Riben Constanino (36), appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed to 21 October for plea and trial. The accused have been warned. Theofilus Asino (45), appeared on charges of trespassing and attempted theft. The matter was postponed to 20 November because the docket was not at court. The accused is on bail of N$600. Mellis Mokhatu (19), appeared on a charge of suspected stolen property. The matter was postponed to 28 October because the docket was not at court. The accused is on bail of N$300. Paulus Alweendo (19), Rodney Geinub (21) and Schillaci Kheibes (28), appeared on a charge of robbery. The matter was postponed to 17 October for plea. The accused remains in custody. Quentin Namiseb (26), appeared on a charge of reckless or negligent driving. The matter was postponed to 14 October for plea. The accused has been warned. Abnel Kapweya (33), Gabriel Kanditi (29) and Konjeni James (32), appeared on a charge of robbery. The matter was postponed to 9 October for submissions. The accused are on bail. Peddie Guy Travis (34), appeared on a charge of driving with an excessive bloodalcohol level. The matter was postponed to 2 October because the docket was not at court. The accused is on bail of N$8 000. Simon Kandingwa (31), appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postpone to 7 October because the docket was not at court. The accused remains in custody.

A case of reckless and or negligent driving was opened against a 48-yearold man who crashed into another vehicle in Walvis Bay on Friday 27 September. Nestor Nuuyoma faces these serious charges after he collided into a Toyota Corola, seriously injuring the driver,

Lichtenstrasser back to prison Sharlien Tjambari

Crash results in serious injuries Eileen van der Schyff

Wallace Ngupandjara (35), Drunk driving (September 2019) The matter is postponed to 3 October 2019. Sentence. The accused remains in custody. Wycliff Mvula (35), Drunk driving (September 2019) The accused was found guilty with evidence and was sentenced. Carel Johannes Arangies (48), Fraud (May 2019) The matter is postponed to 18 February 2020. Plea and Trial. The accused is on bail. Joel Derick (37), Housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft (December 2018) The accused was found guilty – with evidence. The accused remains in custody. Moses Matheus (35), Attempted rape (July 2019) The matter was postponed to 24 October 2019. Further investigation. The accused remains in custody. Matheus Neumbo (28), Assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm (September 2019) The matter was postponed to 31 October 2019. Further investigation. The accused remains in custody. Ann Simpson (62), Remaining in Namibia after expiration of visitor's permit (September 2019) The accused was found guilty – with evidence. Moses Negandjo (42), Housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft and Assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm (February 2019) Trial Partly Heard – Submissions. The accused is on bail. Heinrich Gamaxab (33), Use of a vehicle without the owner's consent and theft (March 2019) The case was withdrawn against the accused. No witnesses at court. Underage boy (17), Theft (May 2019) The matter was postponed to 2 October 2019. Juvenile – Locate Guardian. The accused was detained in a place of safety. Paul Happy Imbili (21), Possession of drugs (June 2019) The case was withdrawn against the accused. No lab results. Underage boy (16), Theft (July 2019) The matter is postponed to 25 September 2019. Accused Absent. Jacques van Niekerk (31), Theft (August 2019) The matter was postponed to 27 January 2020. Plea and Trial. In custody. Albertus van Biljon (46), Assault common read with the Provisions of Combating the Domestic Violence Act 4 of 2003. (September 2019) The matter was postponed to 28 January 2020. Plea and Trial (Final Remand).

Hamushihla Neumbo and his passenger Hilaria Aukonga. Nuuyoma and his passenger, Marselus Emvula only sustained minor injuries. They were all transported by the St. Gabriel ambulance to the Walvis Bay state hospital for medical treatment.

Ernst Lichtenstrasser (58) appeared on a charge of double murder in the Swakopmund Magistrate Court on Friday, 27 September. His case was remanded to 17 December because of pending investigations and outstanding lab results. Lichtenstrasser is accused of the brutal killing of the NIMT Director Eckhart Mueller (72) and his Deputy Heimo Hellwig (60) who were shot in cold blood on the morning of 15 April this year at the NIMT offices in Arandis. He appeared in front of Magistrate Conchita Olivier and State Prosecutor Latoya Katjitundu. Lichtenstrasser's Lawyer, Trevor Brockerhoff was not present that day. In his defence, Lichtenstrasser said he is not a healthy person and he didn't sleep well the previous night in the Swakopmund Holding Cells, he demanded that he be sent back immediately to the Windhoek Correctional Facility and he also demanded that the next court date should be for final remand and not for investigations. Lichtenstrasser asked that on 17 December, if all evidence will be in on this day or if there will be another postponement. Katjitundu said Lichtenstrasser's request was not fair because the case was not even 6-months on roll. Olivier postponed the case to 17 December. The accused was transferred back to the Windhoek Correctional Facility on Friday after his court appearance.

1 OCTOBER 2019

March against domestic violence A large number of people turned out on Saturday for a march to sensitise the Namibian public on the issue of domestic violence. Erongo Region has seen a surge in cases reported of domestic violence, and more specifically gender-based violence as in many instances women are the victims. The march was a colourful event and many members of the public joined in as the march progressed through Kuisebmond. People demanded a change in behaviour, especially from our Namibian men and said a country with such a small population with peace loving people could succeed to curb all forms of domestic violence.



SWAITEX taking place in two weeks The 7th Annual Swakopmund International Trade Expo (SWAITEX), which will be taking place between 9 and 12 October at The Dome Swakopmund, was launched in Windhoek recently.

From humble beginnings 13 years ago to an expo recognised nationally This year's theme is “Promoting Intra-Regional Trade and Economic Integration”. SWAITEX aims through its expo to assist turning around the economic trajectory of Namibia for greater economic inclusion, job creation and diversification. The Chief Executive Officer of the Namibian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Charity Mwiya, who was also at the launch said this year marks a very crucial milestone for SWAITEX. The Expo is now in its 13th year of existence and had humble beginnings in an exhibition tent under the leadership of the former NCCI Swakopmund Branch Chairman, Heinrich Hafeni. Since its inception SWAITEX match opportunities with the right investors. She further added there was a strategic redirection worked out for SWAITEX at an earlier strategic planning retreat. A part of the new strategy is that SWAITEX is now also a recognised international event. This is due to the fact that NCCI have managed to engage many of its national corporate members who have generously come on

board. Either as sponsors or resource experts to add more value to the vision of making SWAITEX the NCCI's premier international platform for business connections and growth opportunities. According to Mwiya, Namibia has been experiencing immense socio-economic challenges, and this has only added to NCCI's resolve to create opportunities for the private sector, drive discussions on topics of economic growth problem areas in specific sectors, to deepen and strengthen the private sector’s regional trade relations and foster a new economic era that is both sustainable and beneficial to the business sector, Government and communities throughout Namibia. As has been the case in previous years, SWAITEX has drawn interest from exhibitors across the country in various sectors such as housing, construction, retail, tourism, mining and renewable energy, agriculture, fishing, services related-industries, logistics & transport sectors. Exhibitors have a choice of stalls inside and outside THE DOME, incorporating the usual food and drink as well as entertainment to ensure a proper mix of tenants and attendees.

1 OCTOBER 2019


Passenger liner season to begin soon

The arrival of the first passenger liner for the summer season is around the corner. The first of six passenger liners to call at Walvis Bay for the remainder of 2019 is just more than two weeks away. Albatross calls o 18 November and is followed on 27 October by Boudicca, Bremen (1 November), Queen Elizabeth (17 November), Albatros returns on 30 November and on 19 December Aid Amira calls.

Tuesday 1 October High Tide: 04:59 Low Tide: 10:50 High Tide: 17:15 Low Tide: 23:19

Thursday 3 October High Tide: 06:22 Low Tide: 12:12 High Tide: 18:40 Low Tide: 00:44

Wednesday 2 October High Tide: 05:39 Low Tide: 11:30 High Tide: 17:57 Low Tide: 23:59

Friday 4 October High Tide: 07:11 Low Tide: 13:03 High Tide: 19:32 Low Tide: 01:42

Port Log

1 OCTOBER 2019



Huis Palms hou Loslit Dag Die inwoners en personeel van Huis Palms tehuis vir bejaardes het Vrydag hul Loslit Dag gehou. Almal was al van vroeg af slaggereed om die tog om die blok aan te pak.

NOTICE Please take note that Van Der Westhuizen Town Planning & Properties CC on behalf of the owner/s of Erf 513, Swakopmund herewith intend to apply to the Municipality of Swakopmund for the following: CONSENT TO OPERATE A DWELLING HOUSE ON ERF 513, SWAKOPMUND Any person having any objection against such application should lodge their objection/s or comment/s in writing within 14 days of the last newspaper publication to both the Chief Executive Officer of the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant during normal business hours. Closing date for objection/s or comment/s is on 16 October 2019. Contact: Van Der Westhuizen Town Planning & Properties Tel: 081 244 4441 / 0811224661 Email: winvdw@gmail.com, P O Box: 467, Swakopmund

Foto’s: Floris Steenkamp


1 OCTOBER 2019

The 2019 WBPHS Valedictory Contributed

The Valedictory Service is about saying farewell. In our context you lift your Anchor at WBPHS and take it forward to let it down at another destination. You have spent five years or more here at WBPHS. Some of you have parents or grandparents who have been schooled here and we know that there is a deep sense of reverence for the values of the school. The class of 2019 are quite a remarkable group of young men and women that have been well led by John, Michelle, Victor and SueMelle, and you have stuck together. As a group you celebrate the intellectuals, the artists, the humanitarians and the “Naartjie� spirit. Humility, faith and integrity characterised your time at WBPHS. Your consistent hard work will be rewarded. You have supported one another and helped each other succeed in your years at WBPHS. You are prepared for the next stage of your life. You will benefit from what you learned here. The friendships you have made will last a lifetime. All hope is that you will continue to provide support and encouragement to each other in future endeavours. Make your choices carefully and skilfully. Make use of opportunities. Find stability. Parents, we thank you for entrusting your boys and girls to the school and for your great support over the past five years, and for many, beyond that. Thank you for supporting your children. Thank you to our admirable and dedicated teachers who have helped you to succeed.


1 OCTOBER 2019



De Duine's Valedictory De Duine Secondary School in Narraville held there Valedictorian day at the school. The principal of the school Mr J A van Wyk said “You may think that becoming a High School Valedictorian is about being smart and getting the top grades in your class”. All the 2019 Grade 12 learners said “ We, the class on 2019 do solemnly pledge to live up to the high of service for which our school stands and to uphold the best tradition for our people, community and country and to discharge fully and willingly our solem duties and responsibilities as citizens of the Republic of Namibia to the end that we shall bring honour and happiness to our school, parents, guardians, country, self and God”.

The International School of Walvis Bay is seeking a dedicated and dynamic professional to fill the position of a Computer Science teacher, beginning January1st, 2020 Prospective candidates should be Namibian Citizens. Responsibilities: · Teaching Computer Science in both Senior Primary as well as IGCSE and Advanced Level Cambridge. · Teaching Science and Mathematics on higher level Key Stage 3, IGCSE. · Prepare, plan and execute Cambridge prepared syllabuses for assigned subjects. · Classroom management and maintaining discipline. · Successful applicants must demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of teaching best practices, organizational ability, initiative and strong communication skills. Minimum Qualifications: · Three years practical experience in teaching the Cambridge Curriculum, · B S C in Computer Science and Science/Mathematics Cambridge Examinations. · Professional Post Graduate teacher qualification. · High level of accuracy, attention to detail and confidentiality · Strong verbal, written and interpersonal communication skills in English Salary & Benefits: ISWB will offer a competitive salary and benefits package that will be commensurate with the qualifications and experience of the successful candidate. Application Procedure: Interested and suitably-qualified candidates should email the following in .pdf format to the School Principal at principal@iswb.na no later than, 30 October 2019. · Letter of application detailing your strengths as a candidate and why you are interested in the position (no longer than 1 page) · Current resume or curriculum vitae (no longer than 2 pages) · Contact details for at least three references (phone numbers and email addresses) in an accounting field Short-listed candidates will be contacted and invited for an interview at the International School of Walvis Bay.

10 NAMIB TIMES ESTATE NOTICE In the estate of the late Gerrit Neil Carter, born on 21 September 1955, of 11 Harder Street, Swakopmund, Namibia, who died on 7 June 2018, and who was married out of community of property. Master’s Ref: 1155/2018 WHK In terms of Section 35(5) of Act 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that the FIRST & F I N A L Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will be open for inspection of all persons interested therein for a period of twenty one (21) days from date of publication hereof at the office of the Master of the High Court Windhoek and t h e M a g i s t r a t e ’s

NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In the Magistrate's Court for the District of Swakopmund held at Swakopmund. Case No: 793/18 In the matter between: Municipal Council of Swakopmund Plaintiff and Emgard Gawanas Defendant In pursuance of a Judgement in the Magistrate’s Court of Swakopmund and writ of execution dated 24/05/2019, the goods listed hereunder will be sold in execution to the highest bidder at Erf No 4856, John Otto Nankudhi Street Swakopmund on 19 October 2019 at 10:00 namely: 2 x Brown Lounge Set 1 x Brown Cupboard 1 x White Cupbaord 1 x Telefunken TV 1 x DSTV Decoder 1 x White Cupboard 1 x White Cupboard 1 x Steel Rack Conditions of Sale: “Voetstoots” - Cash to the highest bidder. Date at Swakopmund on 24 September 2019. KINGHORN ASSOCIATES Attorneys for Plaintiff 2 - 6 Haus Altona Tobias Hainyeko Street Tel: 064 - 405051 Fax: 064 - 402159 Swakopmund (Ref: HV/ZBMUN100/2598COLL

1 OCTOBER 2019 Court Swakopmund. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, the executrix will proceed to make payment in accordance with the account. H E AHRENS Executrix c/o KINGHORN ASSOCIATES Haus Altona 2 - 6 Tobias Hainyeko Street P O Box 1455 Tel: 405051 Swakopmund (Ref: HEA/AV EST 184/0001-50)

NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In the Magistrate's Court for the District of Swakopmund held at Swakopmund. Case No: 799/18 In the matter between: Municipal Council of Swakopmund Plaintiff and Indiana E GomKhaises-Uises Defendant In pursuance of a Judgement in the Magistrate’s Court of Swakopmund and writ of execution dated 12/06/2019, the goods

listed hereunder will be sold in execution to the highest bidder at Erf No 4856, John Otto Nankudhi Street Swakopmund on 19 October 2019 at 10:00 namely: 1 x Deepfreezer 1 x White Stove 1 x Telefunken Box TV 1 x Dishwasher 1 x Clothes Cupboard Conditions of Sale:

“Voetstoots” - Cash to the highest bidder. Date at Swakopmund on 24 September 2019. KINGHORN ASSOCIATES Attorneys for Plaintiff 2 - 6 Haus Altona Tobias Hainyeko Street Tel: 064 - 405051 Fax: 064 - 402159 Swakopmund (Ref: HV/ZBMUN100/2645-COLL



1 OCTOBER 2019


PROPERTY TIMES TE HUUR: STERN 4 THE DOCKS, WALVIS BAY Modern 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, guest toilet Open plan kitchen, dining room, lounge Alarm, blinds, N$ 7 700.00 p/m Deposit N$ 7 700.00 Water included up to N$300.00 Pre paid electricity Tandem garage 2 courtyards Safe complex Pet friendly Available immediately Contact: Frank 081 124 2151 TO RENT: Kramersdorf security complex. Full house with 3 bedroom & 3 garage unit for N$ 10 200.00. Available immediately. Contact Gunther at 0816386300. To rent: Ocean view flat from 1 December 2019. Two bedroom & one garage. Contact Gunther at 0816386300. TO RENT: Bachelor flat to rent , build in cupboard rent amount N$3200.00 water and electricity included Erf 3153, Meeu street, Narraville. 2x One bedroom on shower and toilet to rent in Kuisebmond, Erf 4069, Pluto Street, amount N$2100.00 water and electricity included. All available as now For View contact: 081 828 7283 or 081 263 1747 To rent in Walvis Bay Meersig: 3 bedroom house with open plan kitchen, 2 bathrooms, Big Double garage, Indoor Braai, pet friendly, water and electricity excluded, to rent for N$8 000 p/m Deposit required, available immediately For more info message 081 277 9268 TO RENT: 1 bedroom Flat with BIC in Kitchen only to Rent in Narraville. N$ 3500.00 p/m W&L included. Contact Helen 0813682111 TO LET: Central Walvis Bay, Ultra Properties Building One bedroom flat with BIC and Garage, Spacious living room, Kitchen with BIC and BIS. Bathroom with bath. Water excluded & Pre Paid Electricity installed. Very safe and secure. Rent is N$ 4650.00 p/m plus Deposit Available Immediately Contact: Sonja at 064-207997 Email: sonja@ultratravel.net

TO LET TO LET SWAKOPMUND OCEAN VIEW 3 bed, 3 bath house with double garage – N$ 11 500 3 Bed, 3 bath house with 4 garages – N$ 13 650 CENTRAL 2 Bed flat with garage in secure complex – N$ 5 000 Semi-furnished 1 bed flat – N$ 6 000 KRAMERSDORF 2 Bed flat with garage N$ 7 000 MILE 4 Fully-furnished 2 bed flat with garage - N$ 7 300 TAMARISKIA 3 Bed house with garage and outdoor BBQ N$ 6 800 Spacious 4 Bed house with double garage N$ 7 850 Modern 3 Bed house with indoor BBQ & double garage - N$ 8 600 Call Lucille 0811696216 for more information or viewing

TO LET: Narraville Walvis Bay Rental Prices Reduced Ground Floor units at Toermalyn without garage N$3850.00 with garage N$4550.00 W&E Excluded, Deposit payable over 3 months

Contact 081 150 5020 for viewings Malakia Properties Estate Agents TO LET MONDESA Rooms from N$1200.00 to N$2600.00 NHE 2 Bedrooms, bathroom and Kitchen N$ 3 800.00 W/ L excl 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and Kitchen N$ 5 000.00 W/ L Excl MAHETAGO 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Kitchen and Lounge N$ 5 000.00 W/ Incl 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Kitchen, Lounge and Garage N$ 5 300.00 W/ Incl TULINAWA 1 Bedroom, bathroom and Kitchen N$ 2 700.00 W/ Inc 1 Bedroom, bathroom and Kitchen N$ 3 100.00 W/ Inc MONDESA 2 Bedrooms, bathroom and Kitchen N$ 3 600.00 W/ Inc MATUTURA 2 bedrooms, bathroom Lounge and Kitchen with bic N$ 4 400.00 W/L Excl All Deposit Required Tel: 064 406 783, Cell: 081 297 7253 Email: malakiaproperties@ yahoo.com

Narraville - Pelikan Platz (flat) water incl, pre-paid 1st Floor N$ 5000-00pm 2nd Floor N$ 4 900-00pm Contact 081 150 5020 Deposit payable over 3 months

TE HUUR: Narraville, 13 Aalwyn Str 2 slaap kamer woonstel, sitkamer, oop plan kombuis, ingeboude kaste & stoof. N$ 4 700.00 p/m Plus N$ 2 000.00 deposit W/L ingsl. Kontak: 081 578 2854 TO RENT: Walvis Bay, Kuisebmond Kabeljou Street Single flat / room with private bathroom. In a very neat and secure area No garage. N$ 2 450.00 p/m W/E incl. No deposit needed. Available immediately Contact: 081 127 8229 To Rent: Open plan kitchen. One bedroom flat for rent. Erf no 4572/33 Omugulumbashee circle Namport Kuisebmond. Monthly amount N$ 3000.00. Deposit N$1000.00. Electricity and water included. Available anytime. Contact number: 0812862506/0818568528 TO LET: SWAKOPMUND WORKSHOP AERO Industrial 190 m² / 460 m² Contact Birgit: 081 275 7827 Seaside Estates TO RENT: MT flats Mahetago, Mondesa Swakopmund Neat & secured modern single rooms Near shopping centre/ main road Rent N $ 1 300.00 N$ 1 700.00 Deposit N $ 1 000.00 negotiable W/E incl. Contact details: 081 865 2584 TO RENT: ACADEMIA: Immediately available. Fully furnished Student accommodation, walking distance from UNAM, DSTV & WiFi. N$ 2 700.00 Call 081 128 8924 TO RENT: A Free Standing flat to rent from 1st Oct 2019.One Bedroom, Kitchen and toilet very spacious and big. Water & Elec included. N$375.00 p/m plus deposit N$3750.00 Contact 0813172097 & 0812013169 if interested.

TO LET: Swakopmund Mondesa near Woermann Brock. 3 Room flat, kitchen, bathroom. Prepaid electricity. Available from 1 October 2019. N$ 4 400 p/m, plus deposit. Call: 081 477 8633. CFS PROPERTIES SWAKOPMUND TO LET : TAMARISKIA HOUSE 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen/lounge/dining, single garage. Immediate available. water & Lights excluded, pet friendly, alarm, own yard, immediate available. N$7,500.00 TOWN HOUSE 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathrooms, open plan kitchen, lounge/dining, single garage, water & lights excluded, small courtyard, immediate available. N$6,000.00 Irene 081 353 5551 / 412320 / irene@cfsnamibia.com PET FRIENDLY: Spacious 1 bedroom flat in Meersig Available immediately Consist of the following: Garage, main big bedroom, ensuite bic, Open plan kitchen bic, living room BICS with bbq Own garden Own entry Electricity incl. Water incl. Full dstv bouquet included with an explora decoder 1-2 persons max N$ 4 950.00 p/m Deposit N$ 4 950.00 To view please contact Anelien 081 128 6008 Alwyn 081 124 3119 TE HUUR: MEENTHUIS IN KOMPLEKS LOOPAFSTAND NA SPAR OCEANVIEW SWAKOPMUND 3 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, oopplan kombuis/sit/eetkamer, Dubbel motorhuis, binnebraai. Deposito betaalbaar. Koopkrag en water uitgesluit. N$ 8 000.00 P/M Beskikbaar 1 November 2019 SKAKEL DOREEN: 081 767 3075 TO RENT: Kuisebmond U save street 1 bedroom, kitchen and lounge 1 walking bathroom and closet Pre paid electricity. Water incl. N$ 1500.00 deposit N$ 2 800.00 p/m Contact Malush: 085 281 1283 Available immediately

CENTRAL KUISEBMOND, WALVIS BAY 3 Bed, 2 bath house, large open-plan kitchen, dining area & lounge, laundry area, Tandem garage, erf size 265m² Ref: RR1473596 N$ 980 000.00 LAGOON, WALVIS BAY Cosy 1 Bed flat, kitchen to lounge, No garage, N$ 552 levies p/m Ref: RR1473495 N$ 380 000.00 SOLE & EXCUSIVE MANDATE MEERSIG, WALVIS BAY 4 Bed house, 2 bath, double garage, large 1 738m² erf, in the process of subdivision Ref: RR1473584 N$ 2 780 000.00 FFC REG NO: R2019/5234 Sumari – 081 627 3181 TO RENT: Available from 14 October 2019 1 x bedroom, open plan kitchen, lounge with BIC and stove. Single garage with automated door and alarm. Extension 1 Meersig N$ 4500 pm Water and alarm monitoring included. Pre-paid electricity. Contact: 0812986766/ 0812505060 TO RENT: Backyard bachelor's flat for rent With alarm & burglar bars. Includes W & E With built in cupboards in kitchen With shower, no garage Rent: N$ 3200.00 Deposit: N$ 1000.00 Kuisebmond Contact: 0812527929/0811243381 TO RENT: 2 x bedroom flat with an open kitchen and toilet available for rent from 1st October 2019 in Kabeljou, Slinger Street with water and electricity included for N$ 4500.00. Contact: 0812066256/ 0814584914. TO RENT: 2 x bedroom flat with open kitchen and garage available for rent in Kabeljou Pluto Street. Water and electricity included for N$ 4200.00. Contact: 0812066256/ 0814584914. TO RENT: 1 x bedroom flat available with an open plan kitchen and own toilet. Water and electricity. In Kuisebmond Johanna Benson Street for N$ 2300.00. Contact: 0812066256/ 0814584914.

TO RENT: Tamariskia 1 bedroom, water and Dstv included, pre-paid electricity, alarm. Single person. Contact: 081 122 7511 after 17h00. Available: 01 Oct 2019


TO LET LONGBEACH 3 Bed unit with double garage – N$ 6 500 Modern 4 Bed house with double garage & bachelor flat – N$ 11 850 Call Lucille 0811696216 for more information or viewing

TO RENT: 1 x bedroom flat, open plan kitchen, bathroom BIC in bedroom W & E included. Deposit negotiable No garage N$ 3300.00 per month Contact: 0814507439/ 0812205705

HOUSE FOR SALE!! Swakopmund Ocean View close to Spar. Only N$1 700 000.00 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms both with shower and bath. Spacious kitchen with granite top & 2 bar chairs. Lounge with cladded wall for tv & mounted unit for DSTV etc. Dining room with inside braai. Scullery Double automated garage. Security: Alarm system installed. Beams on all sides of the house. Contact 081 487 1960

FOR SALE: SWAKOPMUND EGGERS ECK (CBD) STRANDPERLE(CBD) HARO PARK, ATLANTIKPLAZA (Both ground floor townhouses): all with 2 bedrooms, 1 ½ - 2 bathrooms, double garage. SWAKOPMUND Luxury 1 bedroom penthouse in CBD, seaview, BBQ, fully furnished. Contact Birgit: 081 275 7827 Seaside Estates Malakia Properties FOR SALE: KUISEBMOND 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen plus outside 5 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Tel: 064 406 783, Cell: 081 297 7253 Email: malakiaproperties@ yahoo.com



1 OCTOBER 2019

Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net

COURSES GERMAN COURSES FOR ADULT BEGINNERS: Learn to speak German and improve your job opportunities!!! Limited space available. Register now to qualify for a discount. Experienced mother tongue teacher. Contact: 081 607 2685

SERVICES EDUCATIONAL CLASSES Edu-care distributors (Walvis Bay) Educational care centre Year - end exam preparation Registration (hurry up !!!) October maths bonanza !!! Maths classes (Gr7 – 12 )also for namcol/ium AIM TO SCORE We specialized in all educational materials, text books, study learners books ect……….. Back to school prepacked for 2020!!! “We have prepared” Summerized success notes for all the 3 terms 1. Gr 4-5 maths workbook with endless activities 2. Gr 6-7 maths workbook with questions&answers 3. Gr 9 study guide prepared according to the new curriculum 4. Gr 11-12 core maths notes questions & answers old curriculum For more info contact : 081 868 1995 NEXT TO PHOTO VOLKER SAM NUJOMA AVE WALVIS BAY #THANK ME AT THE END OF THE YEAR#

SERVICES UNO TRUST BUILDERS AND RENOVATORS P.O.Box 650 Swakopmund Tel: 064 46 1844 Building, Renovating, Painting, Maintenance, Roof Sealing, Paving, Plumbing, etc. Sound Construction methods & proper workmanship by experienced team guaranteed. Coastal and inland also Lodges, farmsteads & plots. J. HARTEVELD Cell: 081 148 1939



*Construction *Painting *Paving *Slasto *Swimming Pools *All electrical work *Building and renovating all types of buildings *Sealing of any kind of roofs

EK HET N 4 TON LORRIE,HET JY N VRAG? Ons verwyder bou rommel, tuin rommel, enige vullis, huis trekke, kantoor trekke en ons ry lang pad. Bel dan praat ons Coenraad Fourie 081 337 0876

Call: 081 211 6686 Anywhere along the coast

CAR KEYS: We program & supply new & spare keys, program 2nd hand ECU’s & air bag all car makes and models * We also offer auto airconditioning services, auto electrical and in-car entertainment. For a free quote contact: RDJ SERVICES & SUPPLIES. SMS / CALL WHATSAPP: 081 374 6444

OFFICE & HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE REMOVAL SPECIALISTS Namibia - South Africa Household & Office. Mobile: + 264 814093522 email: nktransportnam @gmail.com

BAARD GROUP Baard Transport / Block & Brick baard@afol.com.na www.baardgroup.com

TEL: 064-274 800 FAX: 064-274 810 · Blocks / Bricks · Rock Face / Pavers · Interlocks / Linthols · Sand / Stone · Hiring of earth moving Equipment “The Service Makes The Difference”


SERVICES DR CHIMBALANGA Fortune teller, herbalist & healer. The master, strongest serious helper old man never fails to solve your problems, small or big quickly. Effective results with 100% guaranteed sexual problems. Divorce, pain & miscarriage, penis enlargement for men all sizes same day, relationship / love. Bring back lover in 24 hours. Separating lover, quick marriage. Women & men who can't produce. Bring back stolen properties. Attract customers in business. Court cases big and small. Are you stressing with money? Magic wallet & magic ring & magic stick. Lavico. We have special medication for enlargement & reduction of hips, breast and pregnancy problems welcome. CHIMBALANGA 081 465 7917 DR MAZI Same day results Bring back lost lover, get lover of choice, get married quickly to man or woman, stop your partner from cheating, get attracted to rich man or woman. All pregnancy problems, win gambling and casino, chikita wallet, get job, promotion at work, remove bad luck, manhood enlargement all sizes. Hips and buttocks enlargement and many more Call Doctor Mazi: 081 221 8201 HEALTH AND TEMPERANCE Natural Cure Sena herbal is one of the giant in Natural remedies around the continent that teat and cure al deadly diseases using Organic herbs, such as canccr, BP, Diabetes, asthma, kidney stones, stroke. We also help problems such as: weak erections, restore body immunity, weight loss, clean and restore brain damaged cells and all pregnancy problems. Call or whatsapp 081 385 6200 +27 618 498 182

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication





PROF KANDULU & DR CHISANDI We are here for those who have been disappointed, hurt, lost money, cars, homes and no hopes for better life again, never give up. Contact us and this could be a call for better 2019 and forever: miracles are happening, and they are real, we do best in. Life issues: Removing bad debts accounts, bring money and expand your business using Sendawana oil, magic wallet, short boys, teens fast results, boost small capitals and business within 7 days. Winning any construction / competition and all kind of job position you want. Extreme issues, stop being jealous, in laws and friends, hatred. Extrme protection from evil eyes and political power protection. Attract more customers, clients to buy and sell your properties. Removing bad luck, and reverse them, finish all delayed and unfinished jobs from other doctors, priests, chiefs and pastors. Destroy your enemies, love issue, bring back your lost lover / lock control them, divorce and not divorce charm. Faster pregnancy, twins, boy or girl. Weak erection, manhood enlargement all sizes, do not hesitate lots of humankind problems are solved faster and accordingly with no doubts. Call Prof Kandulu and Dr Chisandi 081 353 5205

Dr BANDA. NYASA HERBALS CC Dr Banda is hailed as a Herbalist of the year in 2007, 2008 & 2015. He has more than 20 years of Experience in Arabic healing/ Central, East & Southern African Herbs & Astrology. He opened up in Ormonde, they are astrologer, Herbalist Healer & Researcher. They are the Proud winners of the East/Central African Control Counsil Award for a life time Achievement in Astrology & Herbal Healing. Specialises in the following : 1. Bring back lost lovers, even if lost for a long time. Just from 3 days. 2. Remove badluck, witchcraft, Tokoloshes & Demons from your body or your home. 3. Ensure that promotion you have desired for a long time at work or in your career. 4. Herbal medicine for enlarging the Penis in both length & girth permanently. 5. Herbal therapy for controlling early ejaculation & increase sperms count. 6. Guarantee you to win that troubling court case, no matter what stage. 7. Attract customers to your Business & turn your trade into a favourite. 8. Eliminate in family fights between Children & Parents, in laws, Husband & Wife to ensure peace & harmony at home. 9. Quit Alcohol, smoking & Drugs using purely herbal therapies with no side effects. 10. Heals most chronic Diseases & advice on lifestyle Diseases. Healing using Organic Herbal supplements. Diseases like: Epilepsy, Fits, Asthma, Bed wetting, Shingles, Unhealed wounds, High & Low blood pressure, Sugar Diabetes, Heart Diseases, effects of Cholesterol, swollen (Glands, Stomach, Legs, Lungs) & many more. Now the Doctor is here in your Town for the first Time. Call for Appointment & Consultation. All his works are 100% guaranteed. If you have tried a lot & failed, don't give up, simply turn to the Young African Celebrated Doctor from Malawi now here in Namibia. 081 740 7321

Malawian tradition doctor Oupa Nandora (The old man) From Malawi is in Walvis Bay with 30 years vast experience in various problems & diseases such as bringing back lost lover, to get a new job, to win court cases, to clean out bad luck from your body, to pass exams, to pass driving, to protect your body from withcraft, to boost small business to be big business, to be liked with people, to win cntractors, to win a woman or man of your choice, to stop smoking and drinking, alcohol and drugs, divorce, stop your lover to be stingy with money, to make you sleep nicely in your house, to stop bad dreams, a man to be strong in bed during sex, a woman to have feelings for a man, headaches, swelling of your body, madness, epilepsy, joints pain, pregnancy problems, if you need a new baby, period pains, to recover stolen property, BP, ulcers, diabetes, asthma, and many more… Come and experience wonderful miracles happening in your life, you will never regret. Contact: 081 760 6553 sms or call find the Old man in Kuiseb, Mass Houses, at NHE 6751 Johannes Nakuafila Street.

DR GONONDO & PROFESSOR KOIKOI OLD MAN Stop Suffering I am old enough, I don’t have time to play with people who have serious problems. I work with experience and do not rush for persons money without helping first. Don’t loose hope because another doctor failed you, I am here to help! The only miracle water from the volcanoes. Are you stressing of money? Love / relationship, bring back lost lover Lost properties Job searching & promotion Court cases Bad luck Unhappy marriage Pregnancy problem same day We can also help with Binding properties Remove evil spirits Get rid of your enemies Finish unfinished business with 69 years experience & magic wallet Spirits powers for pastors, sangomas, political leader, win lotto, pass exams, gambling etc. Only man you can trust or quick & effective results 100 % guaranteed. Treat you overt he phone using name & surname Service delivery accepted Call Dr Gonongo & Prof Koi Koi 081 560 4942

TESTIMONY FOR NTATE DR MALENGANA UNLOCK YOUR LIFE My name is Themba from Soweto, my number is 0783238155 Am here about to tell my story about ntate Dr Malengana after my life of mysery. I had lost all my house, cars was taken by the bank after owing the bank too much to pay those fake sangomas who gave me fals hope. Then 1 day I read about tate malengana helped people who had financial problems. I called him and he explained to me about his ways and he told me to chose short boys and a short woman that help put the money in my bank account and magic rats that also brings money in my house. Then I sent my name and address to him and he told me tow ait for a few hours and to my surprise I saw money everywhere in my room, I was scared and confused I called Ntate Malegana and he told me to correct my money and to send him 10% he also helped me with my business. He can solve all private problems, you have to explain to him he can help you 100% guarantee. He is a very nice man, nothing is impossible under the sun, my life is happy Call Ntate Malengala 081 732 6899

DR KAMUZU 081 777 4547 Traditional doctor newly arrived. Pay after success. Lost lovers, marriages, diseases, man power. Finance, unfinished jobs. Protection now in Walvis Bay and in Swakopmund on request. 081 777 4547

Malawian Traditional Doctor Gogo Paketi The doctor is in Walvis Bay with 40 years experience and has done wonders and great things in many SADC countries, such as bringing back lost lovers in 4 days. Removal of bad luck, very tough and challenging court cases, binding your love and to be your only. And to get a man/woman you want of your choice. Pregnancy problems, jobs and promotions, business, protection of bodies and houses from witchcraft, protection of kraals farms from thieves, wining tenders, and contracts, revenge kapsule, rejuvenate mens power during sex, magic wallet and get rich within short notice. Chest pains, headache, swollen legs and feet, epelipsy, drinking/smoking, to be released from prison, manhood enlargement. Hips/breast. I know you have been let down by others but now your time has come. Come and experience the wonderful miracles happening in your life and you will never regret. Call/sms 081443 0041

TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. Famba from Visaka Shrine East Africa now he is in Kuisebmond House No.4331 James Brown Str. African Ancestors will never remain silent while innocent people are being tortured by evil people that is why Dr. Famba is here to help and solve problems such as bad luck, lost lovers, job problems, business attraction, win-ning contracts, promotion, stop your loved one from cheating, chasing away unwanted people out of life, weak erection, quit drinking and smoking, pregnancy problems, removing Tokoloshi, BP, diabetes, body and house protection, witchcraft diseases, pass interviews, financial problems just to mention a few. Call now on 081 467 2722 and start a new life. TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. S Jeke (The Best). Bad Luck - Luck Muti - Love Problems Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself - Work problems - Promotions - To get ten-ders and to boost your business - People don’t want to pay you back Pregnancy Problems Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals - Sexual transmitted sickness - all sickness Asthma, BP Remove to-koloshi from bodies, houses - Men’s power sexuality - Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr.(79) 3191D, Johanna Benson Street Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 303 3149

1 OCTOBER 2019



Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net

SERVICES Traditional Dr Herbalist Dr Lovemore Ben Banda (The old man) From Malawi is in Walvis Bay with 30 years vast experience in various problems & diseases such as bringing back lost lover, to get a new job, to win court cases, to clean out bad luck from your body, to pass exams, to pass driving, to protect your body from withcraft, to boost small business to be big business, to be liked with people, to win cntractors, to win a woman or man of your choice, to stop smoking and drinking, alcohol and drugs, divorce, stop your lover to be stingy with money, to make you sleep nicely in your house, to stop bad dreams, a man to be strong in bed during sex, a woman to have feelings for a man, headaches, swelling of your body, madness, epilepsy, joints pain, pregnancy problems, if you need a new baby, period pains, to recover stolen property, BP, ulcers, diabetes, asthma, and many more… Come and experience wonderful miracles happening in your life, you will never regret. Contact: 081 643 1482 sms or call find the Old man in Kuiseb, Mass Houses, at NHE 6751 Johannes Nakuafila Street. MALAWIAN TRADITIONAL DOCTOR Doctor Bomba Bazuka – the name is enough The doctor is in Walvis Bay with 40 years experience and has done wonders and great things in many SADC countries, such as bringing back lost lovers in 4 days. Removal of bad luck, very tough and challenging court cases, binding your love and to be your only. And to get a man/woman you want of your choice. Pregnancy problems, jobs and promotions, business, protection of bodies and houses from witchcraft, protection of kraals farms from thieves, wining tenders, and contracts, revenge kapsule, rejuvenate mens power during sex, magic wallet and get rich within short notice. Chest pains, headache, swollen legs and feet, epelipsy, drinking/smoking, to be released from prison, manhood enlargement. Hips/breast. I know you have been let down by others but now your time has come. Come and experience the wonderful miracles happening in your life and you will never regret. Call/sms Bomba Bazuka: 081 602 7102

SERVICES Dr Emilly Dr Emilly from Zambezi region is in Windhoek she can help With the following problems, Marriage,court case,female tightening, backpain, swollen legs, business boost, promotion at work, Lady's warming medicine, man enlargement, return lovers, mentally disturb, Lady's with too much water, Alcohol, protection of vehicle, business, farm and house, man power, epilepsy, jobs, nose bleeding, money charm, protection from witchcraft and many more call Dr Emilly 0813777472. DR KANAYO 081 669 3574 African fresh herbs specialize in: Bring back lost lover, to make your lover love you only. Get a lover of your choice, get quickly marriage, stop your love from cheating, bind your love, clear your debts, win gambling in casino, boost your business, financial problems, win tenders, bind house, protection of enemies, make prayer for person, get promotion at work, build the future and don't hesitate to pay after. Contact: 081 669 3574 Dr Kanayo


HOUSEHOLD/ FURNITURE SALON EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Items include: Washing basin 3 x Chairs Cupboard with mirror 4 x mirrors Fixtures and Fittings Geyser Call : 081 337 9498 or 081 307 2867

Manager for Lemon Tree - Hospitality Management and consulting CC Purpose for the position: - The candidate will be responsible for overseeing and leading the operations and to grow the portfolio of Lodges. - The high-level objective is to develop strategies to increase profitability and increase efficiency whilst maintaining international luxury standards in daily lodge operations. Requirements: - Successful completion of German hospitality school - Min. seven years experience in hospitality, minimum three years of international experience in a five-star luxury hotel group - Strong background of hotel operations and managing multiple hotels in the Middle East and Africa region - Experience in international hospitality audits - Minimum three languages including German, English, French Please submit your curriculum vitae no later than 14th of October 2019 Lemon Tree Hospitality Management and Consulting CC Post Box 232 , Swakopmund, Namibia evarueeck@gmail.com




Looking for a relief-Manager for Carbath - Swakopmund, Platz Am Meer.

Contact: 081 436 0020

CONTAINERS TO BUY / RENT and storage yard in Swakopmund with 24/7 access. Office or ablution alterations. Cowboys. 064 418 150 or 081 146 4770



ACCOMMODATION Guest rooms available in Kuisebmond From N$ 200.00 Contact: 081 616 5586 081 293 9264

Corolla 1.8 White 50778 km Good condition Swakopmund


Relief Manager:

Must be a positive, friendly and honest person, ability to work under pressure, and trustworthy candidate. If interested hand delivered your CV with letter or call 081 618 0681

PUBLIC AUCTION Every Friday @ 10am

STOCK WANTED Do you have any unused items? Let me know. We can auction itfor YOU! Contact Jan Tel: 064 463 112 081 127 1031 19 HIDIPO HAMUTENYA STR.


CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication



JOBS WANTED: Looking for internship in metal fabricating. Currently doing my level 2 certificate in metal fabricating. Have 7 years' experience in construction. Contact: +264 81 752 8043


JOBS WANTED: I'm 23 year old lady looking for any domestic or security guard work. I'm confident, hardworking and have the ability to do any job. Contact me at: +264 81 2492598 JOBS WANTED: I'm a 28 year old lady and I'm looking for domestic work such as cleaning houses. Contact: +264 817830852 JOB WANTED: I am looking for domestic work in Swakopmund. Contact: 081 889 4167

JOBS WANTED WERK GESOEK: Ek is ‘n betroubare jong dame opsoek na werk. Ek kan enige tyd begin. Kinders oppas of restaurant werk. Kontak: 081 265 6123 081 261 6317

Oriana - she's a striking longhair beauty, sooo lovable!

Katniss - beautiful, lovable cat lady

WERK GESOEK: Ek is ‘n 32 jarige betroubare dame, opsoek na huiswerk vir hele week in Swakopmund, Walvis Bay of Langstrand. Contact: 081 391 2570 WERK GESOEK: Ek is 35 jaar en is opsoek na huiswerk vir 3 - 5 dae ‘n week. Ek het 7 jaar kennis. Kontak: 081 561 5850

WANTED: We pay cash for unwanted or broken jeweler. 9ct up to N$ 200 p/g 18ct up to N$ 400.00 p/g Contact: 081 330 2041 081 252 8387


JOBS WANTED: I am looking for a job to paint (houses, garages, dark walls or any kind of painting). Walls with any kind of painting for a good price. For more information contact Sakaria 0814423263. Jobs wanted: El is 'n 34 jarige vroutjie wat opsoek is na enige tiepe huiswerk. Kan skoonmaak, stryk en kantoor skoonmaak. Het 7 jaar ondervinding . 3 Dae beskikbaar: maandae, woensdae en vrydae. Kan dadelik begin in Walvis baai, meersig,lagoon en fairways. Kontak: 0813431114

Griffon - adorable baby boy

Smudge - super cuddly, affectionate young boy

Munchkin - longhair tabby beauty with cattitude

Please contact Walvis Bay SPCA 064-204041 for these or any other beauties




1 OCTOBER 2019

Golf news from Rossmund Monthly Medal kindly sponsored by Novanam/Pescanova was held on Saturday 28 September.

Novanam September Medal Winners from left to right are Jose Rodgriguez (Novanam); Helmut Ndjendja; Bradley Gawanab (Jnr); Marco Swarts; Justine Shikulo; Christopher Magson; Sebulon Tsuseb


Weather conditions were a little on the cool side and overcast but actually ideal for golf as one can be seen from the excellent score posted by our Chairman – well played Marco. Sponsors representative Jose Rodriguez also joined us for the day and officiated at prize giving. Well played by all and we trust you enjoyed your day of real golf. Greens are slowly getting back to normal – not so many hops and jumps J There were 2-clubs coming from Kevin Wentzel No.7; Marco Swarts No.12 and Chris Heunis No.3. Our Overall Medal Winner was Marco Swarts 69nett; “A “Division: Helmut Ndjendja 73nett; “B “Division: Sebulon Tsuseb 69nett; “C “ Division: Christopher Magson 77nett; Ladies: Justine Shikulo 78nett; Juniors: Bradley Gawanab 87nett. We were delighted to welcome our new sponsor Specialised Building Products Traders (SBPT) with a Betterball Challenge on Saturday, 21 September. – it was great to see a full field of 72 players making the most of the shotgun start – slightly delayed due to the excitement towards the end of the RWC match between the Springboks and New Zealand. All in all a great day of golf was had by all including Dirk and Pascal who managed to keep all the players motivated with their mobile shot cart. Michael Ludeke and Stuart Salt were the winners – not sure of their score - forty something – donating their prizes back for

auction – Steven Johns eventually going home with the laurels for a interesting amount of N$2400 – this will be put into the kitty for the 40 year celebrations fundraiser. Thanks once again to Dirk Coetzee and SBPT for a great day of golf and confirming that you will do it again next year. We had some Absolutely Perfect Water up for grabs sponsored by Neil & Berdene MacLeod on Wednesday 25 September – great to see Neil out on the course again. It would appear that there are still a few of our regulars missing in action for one reason or another – but we all had a great day although scores over the back nine were on the whole a bit yucky J Our 18 hole winner was Athol McLean 37pts followed closely by Gert Breedt on 35pts; 9 hole winner was Rina Knight with 18pts whilst Peter Bass lost/won a count out for the Most Golf. Coming –up:Wednesday 2 October will be sponsored by I Tyre Saturday 5 October we will have Heineken back in the driving seat with their Annual Betterball Competition Destination Swakopmund will host their final competition for 2019 on Monday 9 December (long weekend) this will be 3 – Ball Alliance – full details to follow. The top three teams on this year's Merit List will get into the final free.


Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Regional Liquor Licencing Committee, Region Erongo. 1. Name and postal address of applicant: Kashanu Matheus Shaanika, P O Box 564, Walvi s Bay. 2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: Mr Grill Trading CC. 3. Address/location of premises to which application relates: Erf 2981, Agaat Street, Kuisebmond. 4. Nature and details of application: Special Liquor License. 5. Clerk of the court with whom application will be lodged: Walvis Bay. 6. Date on which application will be lodged: 2 October 2019. 7. Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard: 13 November 2019. Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee at which the application will be heard.

1 OCTOBER 2019




African Shield Eventing Team excelled For a second time in two weeks the young African Shield Eventing Team from Namibia excelled. Following their resounding victory over the teams from Zimbabwe (on loan horses) and South Africa at Duneside Stud outside Gobabis, Namibia, this time on loan horses themselves, pipped the South African and Zimbabwean Teams to the post in Shongweni (South Africa). The dressage phase was a close call for all the teams with newcomer Kenya taking the lead. Their penalty score of 99.1 was closely followed by South Africa on 100.5, Zimbabwe on 103.4 and Namibia on 105.9. Three super rides in the cross country paved the way for a super finish for the Namibians though. Laura Jakob (Gijima) and Emily Braune (Rathmor Cassanova) remained clear, while Danika Gogol (Barnsley Boy) notched up 8-time penalties to take her score to 44.3. Daniela Imhof (Bedouin Boy) was eliminated and provided the drop

score. Namibia thus out in front on 114.3 after the cross country, followed by South Africa on 118.9 and Kenya on 139.9. A little help from Lady Luck in the show jumping event with a pole that was knocked, but never fell, led to a victory by the narrowest of margins. South Africa remained clear, but Namibia had one pole, thus four penalties only – enough to take gold on 118.3 penalties, a mere 0.6 ahead of South Africa and silver on 118.9. Bronze went to Zimbabwe. Over and above the gold in the Team event, Emily Braune riding Rathmor Cassanova claimed silver in the individual standings. The African Cup and Shield Three Phase Events are ridden over two years to allow teams from across the Southern African region to compete against each other and ride the four legs of the competition in each others' countries. Namibia won silver overall two years ago.

Swakopmund youngster secures trophy Rudi Bowe

Swakopmund youngster Emily Braune on her horse Baron von Sphinxblick Swakopmund youngster Emily Braune and her horse Baron von Sphinxblick secured the Pfohls Trophy for the best child rider and horse combination in 61st annual show jumping, and dressage recently held at the Reitclub in Okahandja. The Clydon Namibia Trophy for the best child rider in show jumping went to Taria Britz from Otjiwarongo and her mare Manna from Heaven. Best Adult rider and honoured with the Mayor of Okahandja Trophy was Windhoek-based Kate Alison on Seeis Shelton.

Alison competed in the Open classes over 1.20m on Shelton as well as her other two horses Carlotta and Callaho Eryka. The town of Okahandja trophy for the best junior in Show jumping went to Jayd BassiHanssen and Okonjima Assegai Scandal. The pair was also able to secure Gold in the most prestigious competition of the Show, the Open Class Derby. The 1.10m Derby title went to Silvia Kleyenstüber and Rathmor Waterford from Swakopmund, while the 1.00m Derby was also won by a rider form the coast, Laura Pflippen on Davetsaub Diana. Pflippen also secured third place in the same derby on Bella Mia behind Anja van der Merwe and Seeis Mulan. In the other show jumping events from 70cm to 1.20m the coastal bunch won their fair share of rosettes as well. Simone Rückert and Xanado did well in the 80cm classes, while Emily Braune (Moritz), Nadine Esselmann (Some Say), Carmen Piepmeyer (Fleur de Lys Bella Rouge), Michelle Künzle (Glasnost) and NoagKairua (Okakambe Coster) secured placings in the 90cm classes. Emily Braune (Baron von Sphinxblick) and Silvia Kleyenstüber (Rathmor Quay West) were successful in the 1.00m class and in the Open Welcome Stakes Michelle Künzle and Voigtskirch Sovereign were able to secure a first place. In the dressage arena Innocent Tjitavi and NoagKairua from Okakambe Stables secured top positions on the horses Okakambe Samson and Okakambe Coster with Laura Pflippen and Davetsaub Diana throwing gold as well. Winner in the Children's N and E dressages was Windhoek-based Rachel Frankle on Captain Jack Sparrow, while the adult N6 and E dressages were also won by Windhoek riders in Yvonne le Roux (Seeis Contanus) and Kirsten Chiappini (Playboy).

The winning team Olaf Falk (Chef d'Equipe), Emily Braune, Laura Jakob, Danika Gogol and Daniela Imhof


1 OCTOBER 2019

namib times Sport

Send your sports news to journalist5@namibtimes.net nical knockout and thus retained the Sub-Saharan title for the 3rd consecutive year. Lesley! Hoaëb (Namibia) in the Lightweight division, against Stanford Gopole (Zimbabwe) won with a technical knockout and thus retained the Sub-Saharan title for the 3rd consecutive year and in the Muay Thai division, Paulo Nunes (Angola) won against Order Tshuma (Zimbabwe) and was named Desert Storm champion. In the pre-fights leading up to the main Sub-Saharan title fights, Advent Monyatsiwa from Botswana defeated Michael Smit from Namibia in a kick boxing match and in a full contact fights, Henrique Aramburu from Brazil was defeat Bruce Gumbo from Zimbabwe, Adrian Mathews from South Africa defeated Walter Chiteto from Zimbabwe and David Damon from South Africa defeated Alex Ilukena from Zambia. Abreu Francisco from Angola defeated Norbeit Baziyoni from Zimbabwe in a kickboxing fight. In three other full contact fights, Freddie van Wyk from Namibia defeated Sean Keatholetswe from Botswana, Martin Nandu from Namibia defeated Gilbert Ndlovu from Zambia and Francois de Wet from South Africa defeated Oliver Becker-Stauder. Delano Müller said “It was a very short match but I am happy I retained the title. My next move is to train harder. I am already looking forward to the next Desert Storm”. Lesley! Hoaëb said he will now focus on preparing for a boxing competition later this year at the Swakopmund Hotel and Entertainment Centre. De Klerk thanked Mayor of Walvis Bay, Honourable Wilfried Immanuel, Mr. Gideon Sam (SASKOK) South African Sports Confederation & Olympic Committee, Mr. Aslam Mahomed (WAKO) "World Association of Kickboxing Organization", Region 5 President, Shihan Gerhard Laubscher, President of (RCFAI) "Ring Contact Fighting Arts International", Sensei Gert Kotzee, Vice President of (RCFAI) (International Referees), (NSK) Namibian Sports Commission, with representatives, Junias Hamalua & Ndeshi Negonya, all the athletes, parents and every one that helped to the success of the tournament.

President of the Namibia Kickboxing Federation Anita De Klerk, Delano Müller the Sub-Saharan Featherweight champion, Aslam Mahomed President of Region 5 Kickboxing Confederation and Sub-Saharan Lightweight champion Lesley! Hoaëb

Kickboxers still undefeated Rudi Bowe

Eight countries participated in Desert Storm III that was held the past weekend was a huge success with the Namibians Lesley! Hoaëb and Delano Müller retained their SubSaharan title for the 3rd consecutive year. Mr Aslam Mahomed President of Region 5 Kickboxing Confederation said “The key to any Federations success is through Development and Education. WAKO IF and WAKO Region 5 Kickboxing are focused on Development and

Abreu Francisco and Paulo Nunes with their championship belts

Education of the Sport of Kickboxing, this is of utmost importance” In Desert Storm title fights Knowledge Nyamhoka (Zimbabwe) won against David Makoena (South Africa) with a split decision, Delano Müller (Namibia) in the featherweight division, against Kyain Mupachike (Zimbabwe) won with a tech-

Lesley! Hoaëb Sub-Saharan Lightweight and Delano Müller the Sub-Saharan Featherweight champions

The gap has closed Rudi Bowe South Africa eased to a nine-try 57-3 win over neighbours Namibia, but it was a far from polished performance in their Rugby World Cup Pool B clash at the City of Toyota Stadium on Saturday. Billed the 'African Derby', there was only one winner despite what Springbok coach Rassie Erasmus termed his 'fringe' selection, and minnows Namibia simply could not cope with the physicality of the South Africans but the gap has closed, and Namibia is no rollover now.

Namibia coach Phil Davies hailed the courage of his Namibia side as he steadies for an even bigger challenge against New Zealand on October 6. Davies admitted his players were battered and bruised by the Springbok encounter, but ads there were positives to take out of the game after they had conceded 192 points in

their previous two matches against their heavyweight neighbours. "The score line suggests we are improving and we played with a lot of courage. I was disappointed when we turned the ball over that we kicked the ball away quite quickly. I would have liked to see us play a bit more” Davies said. Davies is realistic about where Namibian rugby stands, but believes they can move forward at some pace if they put the right building blocks in place. Next up is New Zealand in Tokyo and then a meeting with Canada, which will give Namibia the opportunity for a first ever World Cup win, which would be a true sign of their progress. Photo caption Reuters Press.

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