02 october namib times e edition

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inside Namibiër Monique Strydom kom kuier

Bladsy 2

Petition on Reparation

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Arts & Craft Centre opens in Kuisebmond

Hage promotes Walvis Port overseas NEW YORK, - President Hage Geingob is busy promoting investment opportunities, saying Namibia plans to make the Port of Walvis Bay a service harbour for neighbouring countries. Speaking to investors in New York on Wednesday, Geingob described the Walvis Bay harbour as a very efficient port. “We have already given dry ports to landlocked countries such as Zambia, Zimbabwe and Botswana to make them sea-linked. “They are very eager to use that port because it is efficient. Even Angola is using it. We want to make it as efficient as possible so that it can be a service harbour to neighbouring countries,” he said. Geingob said Namibia is one of the jewels of Africa, and called on investors

to use Namibia to connect themselves with the big cities in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region and the entire continent. “We are currently busy deepening the port and building a new terminal so that it can become a hub,” the president told investors. Two years back, the Namibian Port Authority (Namport) and the African Development Bank (AfDB) officially signed a loan agreement worth N$3 billion to finance the Wa l v i s B a y p o r t expansion project. The

Kofi Appenteng (Chair of the Africa-America Institute Board of Trustees), Amini Kajunju (President & CEO of the Africa-America Institute), President Hage Geingob, First Lady Monica Geingos. President Dr. Hage G. Geingob, was awarded the Lifetime Achievement and Distinguished Alumnus Award by The AfricaAmerica Institute in New York project will include the construction of a new container terminal incorporating an additional 40 hectares of

land with a quay length of 2 100 metres (m). The investment also includes the acquisition of up-to-date

"To Us Road Safety Is Key”

Sharlien Tjambari

Senior Natis and Transportation Regulation officials from all corners of the country attended a three-day consultative seminar, from 28-30 September at Seaside Hotel. The objective of the seminar was for participants to come up with workable solutions to improve road safety and service delivery at NaTIS centres. The seminar was held under the theme "To Us Road Safety Is Key".

Page 9

Strand Hotel invites community Page 11

All eyes on the Derby Page 40

equipment for the purp o s e o f e ff i c i e n t container handling, resulting in the increase in quay cranes and

Seminar Participants at Seaside Hotel

During the closing ceremony of the seminar on 30 September, the Chief Executive O ff i c e r o f R o a d s Authority (RA), Conrad Lutombi, said colleagues from the transport sector bene-

fited from discussions with various panels of speakers which included representatives from the Ministry of Works and Transport, the National Road Safety Council and experts from South

rubber-tyred gantry cranes. Earlier this year, it was announced that a remarkable 1,25

Continues on page 2 Africa. Lutombi said RA's core business plan was to plan, construct and maintain Namibia's road sector. Even though the road network has been ranked as the best and is the envy of many countries, Lutombi says the escalating number of accidents and fatalities on our road network are worrying. According to international figures, Namibia has the world's highest per capita driving fatality rate. Lutombi says, after Continues on page 2


2 OCTOBER 2015


“Gryp die Dag – Leef Voluit – Moet nooit moed opgee nie!!” Maria Davel-Wallis

Namibiër Monique Strydom terug ná 40 Jaar Dit was 'n borrelende Monique Strydom wat gisteroggend vroeg vir my die voordeur van hulle vakansie-eenheid op Langstrand oopgemaak het – die vorige keer dat ek met haar gepraat het, was sy pas vry ná 127 dae as gyselaar van Abu Sayyaf-rebelle in die woude van die Filippynse eiland, Jolo, in 2000. Monique Strydom het op dié wyse eintlik bekendheid verwerf toe sy as een van 21 gyselaars deur die terreurgroep aangehou is. Die nagmerrie, wat skielik 'n einde gekry het, het haar as mens verander – en haar geleer dat mens altyd daarna moet streef om positief te wees – en dat elke dag van die lewe só belangrik is. Sy het gisteronggend vertel dat sy laat in Augustus 2000, moed verloor het, en aan haar man Callie, wat saam met haar 'n gyselaar was, gesê het hulle gaan dit nie oorleef nie, hulle gaan sekerlik doodgemaak word. Daardie nag, die nag van 26 Augustus, sê sy, het God in 'n droom aan haar verskyn, en aan haar gesê dat sy sal weer vry wees……. sy het toe sy wakkerword onmiddellik aan haar man vertel wat gebeur het, en 'n besig-heidsplan begin opstel Sy sê in daardie stadium was daar geen

sprake daarvan dat hulle vrygelaat sou word nie – tot daardie middag 2-uur, toe haar droom werklikhied geword het en die leier van die groep rebelle aan hulle gesê het sy gaan vrygelaat word. Op 27 Augustus is sy, twee Franse gyselaars, en 'n Duitse gyselaar vrygelaat. By haar terugkeer het sy haar lewe aan die mense van Suid-Afrika begin wy, om hulle te bedank vir hulle onwrikbare steun en liefde tydens hulle aanhouding, en vir die Suid-Afrikaanse regering se deurgaanse pogings en onderhandelings om hulle te bevry. Sy het haar eie besigheid toegemaak en die Callie en Monique Liefdadigheidstrust en in 2002, die organisasie, Matla a Bana ('n Stem teen Kindermishandeling) in die lewe geroep. Haar man, Callie, is nog steeds in die bankwese, en sy doen haar liefdadigheidswerk voltyds. Sy was al Nuusmaker van

die Jaar, het 'n boek, , “Shooting the Moon”, geskryf wat 'n groot verkoper geword het en op die oomblik uitverkoop is, en is deur die Amerikaanse Biografiese Instituut benoem as een van die Grootse Vroue van die Eeu. Monique is in Windhoek gebore en is saam met haar ouers Suid-Afrika toe toe sy 11 jaar oud was – die afgelope vakansie in Namibië was haar eerste keer terug, en sy sê hulle oorweeg dit sterk om hier te kom woon, mettertyd. Haar ouers, Monica en Henter Aggenbag het in die jare sestig in Walvisbaai gewoon – Monica het by die hospital gewerk as 'n suster – en hulle harte klop nog warm vir dié kus. Monique praat passievol oor haar werk – sy werk nóu saam met die polisie, doen geweldig baie opheffings-en opleidingswerk om die polisie te help bemagtig en oplei, om die regte aanslag te hê wanneer

Hage promotes Walvis Port overseas Continued from page 1 million cubic metres of land has already been reclaimed for the N$3 billion container terminal. The acting project manager, Yuangfei Feng, was quoted in an earlier interview that the work is at least 25 per cent complete and on track, with a projected completion date of March 2017. Geingob is in New York, United States of America (USA) to attend the United Nations (UN) General Assembly. Earlier this week, on the Africa-America Institute's AAI Future Leaders Legacy Fund Awards in New York City, under the theme, "Achieving Excellence through Scholarship, Opportunity, and Innovation", Geingob, was awarded the Lifetime Achievement and Distinguished Alumnus Award. The President did not deliver a prepared statement, but spoke off the cuff after accepting the award. Proceeds from the awards gala will support the Future Leaders Legacy Fund. The president and First Lady Monica Geingos are expected back home tomorrow after a three-week trip to Havana in Cuba, San Antonio in Texas and New York in the USA. NAMPA

Van Links na Regs: Oud-Walvisbaaiers Monica Aggenbag en haar man, Henter Aggenbag, en die filantroop en aktivis vir kinderveiligheid, Monique Strydom, wat ná dekades weer haar geboorteland, Namibië besoek het. Hulle is gister terug Suid-Afrika toe – maar hulle kom beslis gou weer, sê Monique. daar met slagoffertjies van mishandeling en verkragting gewerk word. Hulle maak pakkies vir slagoffers, en wanneer sy daaroor praat, straal die passie en gefokusdheid uit haar hele wese. Sy sê sy wens net sy kan nog meer doen, omdat daar soveel nood is, en soveel pyn by diegene wat slagoffers is van geweld, aanranding en verkragting. Volgende week fokus ons in diepte op haar liefdadigheidswerk - en op haar

nóu verbintenis met die owerhede – in Suid-Afrika, maar ook internasionaal, in die stryd teen kindermishandeling, en -misbruik. Sy en haar seun, Luc (14) wat ook saam hier was, het heerlik vakansie gehou – en op haar Facebook-blad het sy gesê, nà 5 dae het sy geweet, sy sal hier kan bly. Haar boodskap is dat mens nooit, ooit mag moed opgee nie – al lyk dinge ook hoe donker om jou – en dat mens voluit vir vandag

moet leef, en die dag moet aangryp as 'n geskenk van Bo! Dit was 'n onvergeetlike oomblik – daardie dag toe ek met haar die onderhoud gevoer het, pas nadat sy vrygelaat is en in veiligheid geland het. Dit was 'n onvergeetlike oomblik om haar 15 jaar later van aangesig tot aangesig te ontmoet – en 'n meer persoonlike blik te kry op dié vrou wat haar droom elke dag wáár leef.

"To Us Road Safety Is Key” Continued from page 1 many deliberations during the three-day seminar, the following resolutions were taken regarding RA improving services delivery: Fistly, the RA will launch a pilot online booking system for Roadworthy testing at Walvis Bay NaTIS. This queue management initiative will greatly assist with eliminating long queues in the roadworthy testing operations. The Pilot Project will be conducted over 3 months and once it is completed it will be rolled out to other towns. Secondly, the RA has drafted a Standard Operating Procedures Manual which will help them to streamline and standardize their operations at all NaTIS Centres as well as at Transport Regulations. Thirdly, RA will also conduct a customer satisfaction survey and onces it is done, they will increase their customer awareness and education programmes. Fourthly, RA will endeavour to strengthen relations with strategic stakeholders in the transportation fratenity and pull together their resources to ensure safety on the roads and RA will finalise the implementation of the Call Centre and SMS 2000 to enable their customers speedy responses to their queries.

Police officers without running water Marshallino Beukes Swakopmund police officers, living at the Mondesa Police Barracks (Single Quarters) had to cope without running water, after their water supply was cut-off by the town's municipality on 24 September. It was alleged that this development followed after the water bill was not paid by the line-ministry for the past six months. After further investigations, namib times was informed that this was not the case, as the Ministry pays its bills on time. According to our source the Ministry has to pay numerous monthly, municipal bills end thus provides only one cheque for all of these bills, which must be separated to cover the various bills. However, according to our source, a slip-up at the Swakopmund Municipality occurred, as the monthly cheques were not separated to cover the bills, and were paid into only one account. According to him the Mondesa Police queried the water cut-off and afterwards it was discovered that the money was indeed paid into the Municipality's account, and the account is thus up to date. The problem was solved and after a whole weekend without water, police officers have access to running water again. The newspaper did contact the Swakopmund Municipality's Corporate Officer: Marketing & Communication, Aili Gebhardt, in order to get clarity on what exactly happened, but she insisted to first be informed of what we know and what rumours are allegedly going around. The reporter noted that he only wanted an explanation from the Municipality's side, in order to set the record straight. We did not get any response when going to print.

Andries Vermeulen by die wyn veiling.

Walvis Fees-wynveiling “Sag op die Tong” Madelaine Laubscher

Die jaarlikse Walvis Fees-wynveiling het Woensdagaand plaasgevind by die Stadsaal in Walvisbaai en volgens organiseerders was dit 'n dawerende sukses. Die weinveiling was dan ook die afskop van die komende Walvisfees dié naweek. Volgens 'n organiseerder, Belinda Oberholster, was die hoogste bod vir die aand N$26 500 vir 'n brandewyn stel, die tweede hoogste bod N$7 000 vir 'n wyn reeks en die derde hoogste bod N$6 700, ook vir wyn. “Die aand was absoluut 'n groot sukses. Ons het tot dusver N$109 000 ingesamel, maar ek is doodseker die bedrag kan nóg groter wees,” het sy gesê. Die bekende sanger en komediant, Andries Vermeulen, het gesorg vir die vermaak en musiek en volgens die publiek wat die aand bygewoon het, was vanjaar se wynveiling iets om te onthou. Die aand het afgeskop met 'n wynproe en daarna het 'n ete, vermaak en toe het die veiling die geleentheid afgerond.

2 OCTOBER 2015



German Ambassador Receives Petition The German Ambassador in Namibia, Christian-Matthias Schlaga, has confirmed that he received Esther Utjiua Muinjangue of the Ovaherero/Ovambanderu Genocide Foundation and Matukubura Hoffmann of the Nama Genocide Technical Committee for an exchange of views and to receive a petition. OvaHerero Genocide Committee (OGC) member, Utjiua Muinjangue and Matu Hoffmann of the Nama Technical Committee on Genocide on Thursday handed over the joint petition to the German Embassy in Namibia. OvaH e r e r o Tr a d i t i o n a l Authority (OTA) Chief Vekuii Rukoro was supposed to hand over the petition, but decided against it. The petition was handed over one day ahead of the due date of 2 October 2015 given by the OGC and Nama Technical Committee on Genocide for Germany to respond to calls for reparation. Mbakumua Hengari, a member of the OGC, said Rukoro will address members of the affected communities under a tree known as Ngauzepo in the Otjinene Constituency in the Omaheke Region

on Saturday. Ngauzepo, which means 'remove it', is a tree where some of the genocide victims were hanged and still bears the marks of wires and chains used by German soldiers during this brutal occurrence. “It is here where our chief will reveal the relevant strategies in this regard as well as the way forward,” Hengari said. Muinjangue informed Nampa in a telephonic interview that the petition was received by the German Ambassador to Namibia, Christian-Matthias Schlaga. “We are happy that they have received our petition,” she said. In the petition, the groups demand that the German Government officially acknowledges that the genocide and war crimes against their ancestors were as a result of the extermination order issued by General Lothar von

Trotha in 1904, to eliminate all OvaHereo and Nama people in Namibia. They also demand that Germany offer an unqualified apology to the descendants of the victims targeted by the extermination order. The backbone of the petition is that the German Government, in principle, accepts the responsibility to pay reparations to representatives of the descendants of the victims who were exterminated pursuant to the extermination order. The group demands that details and modalities relating to the payment of reparations be conducted in the same fashion as was discussed and agreed with the Jewish descendants of the Holocaust victims. OvaHerero, OvaMbanderu and Nama, who operate in the theme 'Nothing about us without us', reject any secret deals that do not involve them as direct descendants of

Insert H.E ChristianMatthias Schlaga, German Ambassador to Namibia

WINDHOEK, 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 - Members of the Ovaherero Genocide Committee (OGC) standing before the Independence Memorial Museum demonstrating how their foreparents were kept in concentration camps. Only OvaHerero Traditional Authority (OTA) Chief, Vekuii Rukoro and one of his followers will hand over the petition of reparation to the German ambassador. (Photo by: Uerikoha Tjijombo) NAMPA has accepted its historical, moral and political responsibility and has lived up to this responsibility through a very intensive bilateral cooperation. Germany wants to intensify its close partnership at all levels and shape together with the Namibian people a common GermanNamibian future.

Ambassador Schlaga recalled and underlined the agreement between the governments of Namibia and Germany to start a dialogue process with the objective to reach a common understanding of the tragic events of the colonial era as well as the consequences to be drawn in order to establish a dignified culture of re-

membrance and commemoration. This shall be done through government to government negotiations in light of the common interest of both countries to look forward and to strengthen our relations supporting the Namibian people on its way to a prosperous future. (Additional reporting: Nampa)

Electoral law silent on criminal status of candidates

to make sure that every qualifying Namibian is registered as voter,” Mujoro said. He shifted the responsibility of screening the records of the candidates to the political parties. “It is the responsibility of political parties to ensure that their candidates do not make themselves guilty of any criminal activities,” he said. Mujoro added that the criminal status of candidates might be included in the Regional Councils' Act or the Local Authorities Act, but not in the Electoral Act. According to Jahanika, everyone who wishes to take part in elections as a candidate on the ticket of

Nudo is required to provide police clearance to qualify. “That is what we do in Nudo to ensure that our candidates don't have any criminal record. If they do have such a record, they are removed from the list,” he said. Marina Kandumbu, a Swapo parliamentarian hailing from Rundu was convicted of corruption by the Rundu Magistrate's Court last year. She was however sworn in amidst objections from the public and some players in the political field. The Regional Council and Local Authority Elections will take place on 27 November 2015. NAMPA

EPUKIRO, 30 November 2014 - Polling officials consult during the 2014 National Assembly and Presidential Elections at Kalkpan village in the Epukiro Constituency. (Photo by: Charles Tjatindi) NAMPA

the victims. Receiving the petition, Ambassador Schlaga said that the gruesome colonial war of 1904-1908 and the commemoration of the Namibian victims leaves Germany with deep grief, sadness and regret. Representatives of various German governments have expressed this on numerous occasions. Germany

WINDHOEK, 1 OCT (NAMPA) – National Unity Democratic Organisation (Nudo) wants the Electoral Act, which governs elections in the country, to be amended to prevent political candidates with criminal records from standing for elections. The electoral law is at the Windhoek earlier in the election. He said that moment silent on this same day on the pre- according to the Electoral subject and this has caused paredness of the Electoral Act as amended in 2003, it concern amongst members Commission of Namibia is not in the power of the of the public who feel that (ECN) for the Regional ECN to screen candidates some leaders are not fit to Council and Local Aut- in this regard, as the only run for public office due to hority elections, ECN's thing the Electoral Act says their criminal background, Operations Director Theo about candidates is that Nudo says. Speaking to Mujoro admitted that the they must be registered Nampa on Tuesday, Nudo Electoral Act does not voters. “If a candidate Secretary-General Meun- pronounce itself on the wishes to stand for the Redju Jahanika said it is not matter. According to gional Council and Local good for a criminal to run Mujoro, nowhere in the Act Authority elections, the Act for public office while the i s m e n t i o n m a d e o f says such candidate must government has declared someone with a criminal be a registered voter in that war against corruption. At a record not being able to respective Local Authority. media conference held in stand as a candidate for an Our responsibility is only


2 OCTOBER 2015

Minibus drivers angry at traffic officers Bus operators and drivers in Swakopmund are very angry and frustrated at some police officers and traffic officers who allegedly do not want to take action on information given to them about private cars transporting passengers without transport permits and relevant documents. The President of documents – he says caused by pirate taxis N A B T A , Ve s p a it's raising chaos within picking up passengers Muunda, has expres- the transportation busi- at unauthorised places sed his deep concern ness. such as filling stations over the latest trend of On 2 September, the on public roads. buses stationed at the public passenger advi- Long distance buses taxi rank because pri- sory committee held its will be directed to pick vate vehicles are first meeting at Swa- up passengers from allegedly transpor- kopmund Municipa- Mondesa taxi rank and ting passengers from lity's office to respond buses should take pasfilling stations with- to a letter which was sengers in a line system out permits. signed by 50 angry bus of first-come-first-go. He says, private taxis drivers requesting the Bus operators and drihave been increasing committee to make vers are provided with a at an alarming rate sure that the private public passenger conand buses that should taxis or the pirate taxis, trol sheet book which be transporting pas- according to the Nami- indicates the names of sengers over long dis- bian Buses and Taxi's passengers on board. tances, are substituted Association (NABTA), Every passenger is, by seven-seater sedan are stopped. according to Muun-da, cars who allegedly Muunda says, the advised to register in mostly transport pas- council have decided the control sheet book sengers without pub- that a special operation for safety and security lic transport permits should start on 1 Octo- reasons before getting and other relevant ber to curb the chaos onto the bus. Another

Sharlien Tjambari

Mondesa Taxi rank (1) practice which will also be stopped according to Muunda is the Walvis Bay buses picking up passengers at filling stations in Swakopmund. Muunda also said that buses from Mondesa taxi rank will be rerouted to different towns in Namibia,. "Chaos must be stopped. Buses from other areas should stop coming here and grab-

bing passengers," said Muunda. He further stated that sourcing passengers at municipal areas would also no longer be permitted from 1 October. Muunda also expressed his concern about passengers who allegedly use cheap transport at filling stations and warned passengers not to think cheap but to think safety, especially with the festive season approaching.

President of NABTA, Vespa Muunda

Swakopmund Court Report (28-30 September)

Regional Court

Doeseb Romanus (45) has been accused of theft. His bail – N$1 000 – has been extended and the matter has been postponed to 14 March 2016. Andreas Mutjida (41) has been accused of rape. A warrant of arrest was issued and the matter has been postponed to 6 October. He is on bail. Robert Jackson (20) has been accused of assault with the intent to do grievious bodilly harm. His bail – N$1 000- has been extended for the continuation of his trial. Jesaya Nghihangwa (29) has been accused of rape. He is in custody and the matter has been postponed to 19 October. Joseph Jon Levy (28) has been accused of malicious damage to property. His bail – N$3 000 has been extended and the matter has been postponed to 20 January 2016. Ivonne Bredenkamp (33) has been accused of fraud. Her bail – N$1 500 - has been extended and the matter has been postponed to 2 November. Mathias Nghidipo (37) has been accused of culpable homocide. He is on warning and the matter has been postponed to 4 November. Ngoimue Venerurur (20) has been accused of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. His bail - N$500 – has been extended and the matter has been postponed to 19 November. Nawaseb Shane (20) has been accused of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. His bail - N$1000 – has been extended and the matter has been postponed to 19 November. Iipumbu Silas (39) has been accused of reckless and negligent driving and failing to ascertain injuries sustained. His bail – N$1 000 - has been extended and the matter has been postponed to 2 December for plea and trial. Stephanus Ngenokesho (20) has been accused of robbery. His bail – N$4000 - has been re-instated and the matter has been postponed to 8 October. Sam Nekwaya (27) has been accused of assault and malicious damage to property. He is on bail and the matter has been postponed to 8 October. Jason Nambahu (32) has been accused of assault

and malicious damage to property. He is on bail and the matter has been postponed to 8 October. Shen Yuefei (40) has been accused of possession of a fire-arm without a licence. The case has been withdrawn. Mihla Madulupe (22) has been accused of dealing in potentially dangerous dependence producing drugs and possession of potentially dangerous dependence producing drugs. He was found guilty and sentenced to 6 months imprisonment. Cyrill Molauly (40) has been accused of domestic violence – breach of protection order. He is in custody and the matter has been postponed to 28 October. Garises Rihanna (31) has been accused of theft. Her bail – N$3 000 - was extended and the matter has been postponed to 28 October. Fransina Nauses (24) has been accused of theft. Her bail – N$3 000 - was extended and the matter has been postponed to 28 October. Billy De Jesus (20) has been accused of theft from a motor vehicle that was properly locked. His bail – N$1 500 - has been extended and the matter has been postponed to 4 November. Elton Swartbooi (23) been accused of theft from a motor vehicle that was properly locked. His bail – N$1 500 - has been extended and the matter has been postponed to 4 November. Sebastian Narib (21) been accused of theft from a motor vehicle that was properly locked. His bail – N$1 500 - has been extended and the matter has been postponed to 4 November. Jacky Silvanus (20) been accused of theft from a motor vehicle that was properly locked. His bail – N$1 500 - has been extended and the matter has been postponed to 4 November. Jeanne Malani (26) has been accused of assaulting a police officer. The accused was granted N$1000 bail and warned to appear 28 October. The accused is in custody. Micheal Diergaardt (36) has been accused of possession of dependence producing substances. He was found guilty and sentenced to 30 days imprisonment.

- Ivan Jeffrey (24) appeared on charges of dealing/purchase/sell/ receive/dispose of high value minerals and possession of uranium and theft. The matter was postponed to 6 October for sentence. The accused is on bail of N$25 000. - A sixteen year old boy appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed to 27 October for plea and trial. The accused was released in care of guardian. - Lydia Kandetu (41) appeared on charges of corruptly using office for gratification and corruptly using a false document by an agent. The matter was postponed to 15 October for continuation of trial. The accused has been warned. - Karel Petrus Jacobus Beukes (54) appeared on charges of rape, committing an immoral act with a girl under sixteen and committing an immoral act. The matter was postponed to 2 February 2016 for plea and trial. The accused is on bail of N$5 000. - Albertus Beukes (50) appeared on four counts of rape charges and Don Wimmert (43) appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed to 13 November for legal aid. The accused have been warned.

Magistrate Court - Ngaijuumbe Musutua (33) appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed to 30 November for P.G Decision- final remand. The accused is on bail of N$3 000. - Evangfelistus Fillipus (29) appeared on charges of forgery and uttering a forged instrument. The matter was postponed to 30 December for legal aid. The accused remains in custody. - Mika Joseph Nehemia (22) appeared on a charge of attempted murder (assault). The matter was postponed to 10 November for further investigation. The accused remains in custody. - Isaak Abraham (45) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do

grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 13 October for plea and trial. The accused remains in custody. - Joel Fessy (19) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 11 November for plea and trial. The accused is on bail of N$1 000. - Collin Garoeb (32) appeared on charges of attempted murder (assault) and assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 19 November for legal aid. The accused remains in custody. - Fikameni Haimene (28) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 08 December for continuation of trial. The accused has been warned. - Romanus Avelinus (19) appeared on charges of rape, kidnapping and abduction. The matter was postponed to 25 November for legal aid. The accused remains in custody. - Emily Schneider (56) appeared on charges of malicious damage to property and common assault. The matter was postponed to 19 October for fixing of trial date. The accused is on bail of N$2 000. - Deon Albertus De Wee (38) appeared on a charge of possession of a fire-arm without a license. The matter was postponed to 12 October because the docket was not at court. The accused is on bail of N$2 000. - Absalom Iiyambo (33) and Erastus Fudeni (30) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was posponed to 2 November for further investigation. The accused are on bail of N$1 500 each. - Derrick Quinto Broekorhoff (36) appeared on a charge of dealing in potentially dangerous dependance producing drugs. The matter was postponed to 26 November for plea and trial. The accused is on bail of N$2 000.

2 OCTOBER 2015



2 OCTOBER 2015


THE Role of the Walvis Bay Corridor Group (WBCG ) towards Capacity Building within the Logistics Sector The Walvis Bay Corridor Group (WBCG), has over the past 15 years engaged in several initiatives to contribute towards capacity building within Namibia's logistics and transport sector. The benefits borne out of these capacity building initiatives also directly extend to other SADC countries such as Zambia, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Angola, and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), which form part of the Walvis Corridor transport network. The aforementioned capacity building initiatives include amongst others business coaching and mentorship as well as business development and start-up support for small and medium logistics service providers, as well as academic training dependent on the needs of the affiliated entities, etc. With Namibia set to become the logistics hub for southern Africa, the WBCG recognizes the need to train and capacitate as many logistics and transport service providers within the region, in order to elevate them to a level where they are in a position to cater to the future demand. This will further result in enhanced logistical efficiencies, which will impact trade facilitation within SADC

positively. As such, the WBCG, in collaboration with the Business School of Excellence (BSE) will be hosting training for 30 active Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) within the transport and logistics sector. Prospective beneficiaries must posses mathematic (numeracy) and communication skills (literacy) at NQA level 2 or equivalent. The key training areas for this National Certificate in Road Transport (NQF Level 3) training on offer includes road transport operations, basic business management and budgeting principles, basic principles of road transport management as well as occupational health, safety and environment protection. Immanuel Shipanga, the WBCG's Manager for Projects and Funding responsible for the coordination of this training says the rationale behind this intervention is to enhance the knowledge, skills and implementation of selected logistics service providers in set-up, making themselves relevant to their clientele, as

well as achieving financial sustainability. “In view of the Logistics Hub and the infrastructure expansion currently underway, in particular the Expansion of the Walvis Bay Container Terminal, it is important that all supply chain industries are in coherence. This includes the trucking industry which is specifically targeted for this training,� Immanuel said. The skills acquired from this training will enable

beneficiaries to absorb volumes and be in a position to provide professional services to local, regional and international clients. The WBCG encourages selected beneficiaries to be committed to the course, which is offered on distance mode (with 25 contact classes) in order to finish it successfully. This effort will not just enhance their business sustainability but will in turn inspire our WBCG partners to commit to

further collaborate with us in our quest as we continue to build logistics capacity in Namibia and beyond. About the WBCG transport corridors. The WBCG network of transport corridors comprises of the Port of Walvis Bay, the Trans-Kalahari Corridor, the Walvis Bay-NdolaLubumbashi Development Corridor (WBNLDC), the TransCunene Corridor, and the Trans-Oranje Corridor.

Logistics and transport stakeholders attending one of the WBCG's Training Information Sessions in Walvis Bay this year.

2 OCTOBER 2015



Kudu Gas Project Is Feasible! - Johannes !Gawaxab WINDHOEK, 1 OCT NAMPA) – The Kudu gas project that could solve some of Namibia's energy problems will continue as planned, Namcor Board Chairperson, Johannes !Gawaxab said today.

Wendy Sitzer van Gendev het dié foto gestuur met spesiale T-hemde wat sy ontwerp het, wat hulle dra wanneer die Welwitschias speel. Hulle sê hulle harte is almal geel, blou, wit en rooi. Hulle is regtig trots op die Namibiese rugbyspan!

He made the announcement during a media conference to announce the National Petroleum Corporation of Namibia (Namcor)'s financial results. The gas project involves the implementation of an 800 megawatt (MW) power station north-west of Oranjemund in the //Karas Region. He said they are executing a directive issued by Cabinet four months ago and received the go-ahead from Government. This is a bankable and feasible project and they are ready to roll, he said, adding that so far, Namcor spent about N$215 million on the project and there are many investors that would like to finance the project if Government has to pull out. NAMPA PC/ND/LI

Remembering Magnificence N/a'an ku sê bids a Friend Farewell “Meatball… this is for you Some 11 years ago your pride broke out of the confines of Namibia's Etosha National Park. You and your four siblings, just cubs, cowered in the deafening crack of gunfire, bullets silencing the roars of your once majestic pride. You and your siblings were saved, saved by a woman who

has run with your kind, whose heart has been touched by the

plight of the king of cats. Marlice van Vuuren ultimately

brought you to a haven… a haven where five lions could peacefully remain in the Namibian bush, where gunfire would never shatter your world again. N/a'an ku sê. For 9 years you proudly looked over this reserve, your

regal countenance striking both fear and awe into the hearts of all those who witnessed your raw powerthe power of Africa's animal royalty. Your proud roar no longer echoes over the sanctuary, your glowing mane no longer ruffles in our dry breeze - but Meatball, you will always be our lion king. Tragically Meatball succumbed to complications arising from a

suspected honey badger bite, and despite numerous efforts to save our brave boy, Meatball gave up his valiant fight on 26 September. Rest in Peace majestic, magnificent Meatball. Your spirit will forever linger over N/a'an ku sê.” Dr Rudie and Marlice van Vuuren, with long time friends Chris Heunis and Jan Verburg, started the award-

winning N/a'an ku sê Foundation in 2006 to protect and improve the lives of the people and wildlife of Namibia. Their vision is an Africa where humans and wildlife can live and thrive together. Their mission is to conserve the land, cultures and wildlife of Namibia and rescue species threatened by an ever-shrinking habitat.


2 OCTOBER 2015

Leef die lewe wat jy bedoel is om te lewe

Tonga wins Tonga's team has beaten the Wel- Theo Yung We tried.. we played nice and witschias with, for them, a record score better than the previous match. GGNAM Richard Strong Well done boys sorry too of 35, to the 21 of Namibia. much miss tackles in first half Namibia just missed their first bonus Long Johnn Spitfire Those boys wl only point, and various opportunities to score play well if they gt plots. tries and win the match -especially in the Delcee Hudz They must be motivated Mr first 20 minutes of the game. Hage give them land and they will win the Estelle Pretorius well done team Namibia next game Hilma Gottlieb This was a winable game Fransie Keeve Well done Namibia!! You for the boys but they Missed a dozen make us proud. opportunities...need to improve on Patrick Mintoor Well done our team catching the ball and nt droping it half the Namibia time.wishing them luck fr th nxt game tho. Johanna Kalondo Amper! Martha Damens well done namibia you Alex Muukua Well done guys. make us proud Erwin Swartz Well done boys Natasha Natie Beukes we are still proud Junior K Kahona keep it upand never of u namibia, we lost but we lost with good loose hope we ar proud of u guys we just points on the board! need co-operation amoungs u guys Stephiny Janice Beukes Feeling proud of Chrisilda Rausch Well done guys you Namibia u make us proud of the results tried you best. that you give us keep it up guys dont los Jaco Redman Close one guys. Supporting hope there wil be a game that you wil win you guys at Exeter next Wednesday! Heather Oxden-Willows Well done Remisia Nghiwanwag Well done Namibia Namibia we in Zim were supporting you. Caroline Jozikee Tjitua Muhoko Well Zim junior bank angling team done Namibia.

Alcohol Abuse Main Contributor to Poverty Alcohol and drug abuse were pinpointed as two of the main contributors towards poverty at the Ministry of Poverty Eradication and Social Welfare's Regional Consultative meeting

in Swakopmund yesterday.

My vriend, My vriend, met die opskrif in gedagte wil ek sommer vir jou en my die volgende vrae vra. Voor ek dit doen, hoor ek nogal wat Jeremia sê in 29:11 “Ek, jou Here, weet watter planne ek vir jou het. Planne tot jou voordeel en nie tot jou nadeel. Planne wat vir jou 'n hoop en 'n toekoms gee.” Nou wil ek na aanleiding daarvan vra, of jy weet: ·

Wat is God se spesifieke roeping vir jou?


Wat is jou lewensroeping?


Hoe gebalanseerd is jou lewe?


Waar kan ek 'n bydrae maak met wie ek is, en met die talente aan my uitgedeel is?


Waarom is ek nie altyd gelukkig nie?


Is daar nie meer in die lewe as wat ek op die oog

af beleef nie? Dis nogal 'n mondvol. Sonder dat ek jou in 'n rigting te wil indwing, wil ek vra of jy dit nie wil oorweeg om iewers tyd te spandeer om die vrae biddend te oordink. Die antwoorde sal nie sommer oornag kom nie. Dit gaan tyd vat. Maar indien jy erns maak, dan sal jy hoor, want Efesiërs 2:10 sê: “God het jou gemaak wat jy is. In Christus het Hy jou lewe so verander dat jy jou lewe kan wy aan die roeping, en goeie dade wat Hy vir jou het.” My vriend, kan ek jou uitdaag om God te vertrou om jou te lei om antwoorde te vind. Kan ek jou verder ook uitdaag om te waag om eerlik met die vrae te gaan stil-tyd maak. Vriend Maruti DD

Grootbek op Vrydag

Merlyn Tjiposa Metarere If only we could find a way to get the young people involved in meetings like this.

What to do after alleged sexual abuse Social workers explain modus operandi. Members of the Walvis Bay community complained to the namib times about an incident where a minor had allegedly

been raped, and where nothing concrete had also allegedly been done afterwards to support the child. Esme Scheepers Van Wyk There should be no mercy for child rapists or any rapists for that matter.

“Nepotism underway for too long” Workers of Blaauw's Transport in Walvis Bay held a peaceful demonstration at the company yesterday to make a stand against alleged nepotism, racism and unfair treatment. Anna Kee Maldri Josti It's about time. Workers have been tolerant for too long there. And I know what I'm talking about Alex Muukua Racism till now. Frank Boye Namibia is starting to become just like SA with this bloody "strike-culture". Sylvester Mervin 48hours then every think stop. down tools an all workerz for blaauws trnsprt we wl gve thm wht they

want with law,viwA namibians Sylvester Mervin Ja it will be lik S.A.if thnk wnt change for better Tshipena Gwatshivute thts true colonialism we cn't tyk it an more enough is enough Tshipena Gwatshivute Just a warning to those exploitation management at blaau's transport Sylvester Mervin Jah its our land wish such companies mzt be shut down DK Joseph Ibu 48 Hours to reply, if not Tools Down. No Jokes. Sylvester Mervin Ja the manangers with out anypappers.mr A blaauws must gt bttr general mananger

Stemtyd… (leë) beloftes-tyd? Namibiërs is weer volgende maand oppad na die stembusse om Streeks- en plaaslike owerhede vir die volgende vyf jaar te verkies, en politieke partye is stadig maar seker besig om uit hul roes van die afgelope vyf jaar wakker te word. Dit is eintlik komies om waar te neem hoedat sommige van hierdie partye uit hul vyf jaar van hibernering ontwaak en sommer uit die staanspoor begin om ander partye swart te smeer. Die arme landsburgers gaan binnekort nie herwaarts of derwaarts weet nie, aangesien hulle van alle kante met beloftes en opswepery gebombardeer gaan word. Myns insiens moet verkiesingsveldtogte

deurentyd plaasvind. Leiers van die verskillende partye moet gedurende die vyf jaartermyn aan hul lede wys dat hulle wel 'n positiewe verskil maak en ook nie vergeet om die vorige verkiesingsbeloftes na te kom nie. Iets wat my dwars in die krop steek is die feit dat beloftes aan kiesers gemaak word, wat daardie beloftemakers vir 'n feit weet, hulle nie sal kan nakom nie. In my boek is dit leuens en bedrog, finish en

klaar! Baie van ons politici is geneig om met mooi woordjies en valse beloftes stemme te werf, maar wanneer hulle verkies word as Raadslede vergeet hulle van die man op straat, wie se kruisie hom/haar daar gebring het. Met dit als in ag genome, is dit baie duidelik dat voornemende kiesers hierdie stemmery baie deeglik moet bepeins voor enige kruisies getrek word. Leer ken die kandidate, gaan selfs op hul agtergrond in en maak doodseker dat hierdie persoon/e wel 'n positiewe bydrae tot die vooruitgang en ontwikkeling van u dorp/streek, en ook die gemeenskap sal maak. Onthou, daardie persone gaan vir die volgende vyf jaar u dorp en streek bestuur. Ter afsluiting aan ons politici, dade spreek baie harder, dan woorde…

2 OCTOBER 2015



Arts and craft centre opens in Kuisebmond Liesl Losper

The Walvis Bay Arts Centre in Kingklip Street, Kuisebmond, was officially opened this week. The invited speakers were Regional Councillor for Rural Constituency and Member of Parliament, John Nangolo, Regional Councillor for Walvis Bay Urban Constituency, Hafeni Ndemula and a representative of the Walvis Bay Prison Services Hausiku with King Mandume who served as the director of ceremonies. Delivering his address, the keynote speaker Hafeni Ndemula stressed that “adding value to what you are trying to do. It is very important for business men and women to continue to assist in this program. With art you can express your feelings and with this we can combat crime. Today is the best day to have an opening of the art centre because Monday was also the day of the Namibian King Mandume Muatunga, Regional Councillor John Nangolo, centre manager, Pastor Mandeza Phiri, Mr Hausiku, child.” Mr J.A.J. Opperman and Regional Councillor Hafeni Ndemula with children performing traditional dances Regional Councillor John Nangolo, urged the community to assist the art centre. He said “we can make a difference. We can make a small donation each month to assist the centre, we want this centre to become international.” The center's brass band led by retired Narraville Primary School principal J.A.J. Opperman, filled the day with music. The Art Centre offer various activities such as the children do painting, groups perform creative dancing and other in arts. Some of the kids of Duinesig Combined School have a project running at the centre, with painting on dustbins and you can bring your dustbin and they will make it beautifully colourful, at a cost of N$100. The centre is still in need of office equipment, including chairs. They will welcome anything that can be used in the arts centre,

Pastor Phiri and Ministry of Education's Senior Education Officer, Christiana Matsuis with the decorated dustbin

Centre Manager, Pastor Phiri explains the different activities to the invited guests

Zeta Van Wyk, who is assisting the Arts Centre in their fundraising efforts


2 OCTOBER 2015

2 OCTOBER 2015


Restaurants at Strand Hotel Swakopmund invite Coastal Community to Complimentary Test-Run on Wednesday, 7 October

With the new Strand Hotel Swakopmund and its five exciting Restaurants, Bars, Terraces and Lounges due for opening on October 9, 2015 at 12 noon, the public at the coast has been invited for a final test run and a “soft opening” of the Brewer & Butcher, the Ocean Cellar, the Farmhouse Deli and the Welwitschia Lounge & Bar on a firstcome- first-serve basis. The soft opening starts at 7am with Breakfast in the Farmhouse Deli, followed by our Snacks, Lunch and Dinner. The Ocean Cellar starts at 12 noon with lunch, followed by our Sushi/ Sashimi Menu and Dinner. The Brewer & Butcher also starts with Lunch at 12 noon, followed by our “Bierhappen” and Dinner. T h e We l w i t s c h i a Lounge & Bar you can enjoy all day for delicious cocktails, coffee, tee as well as cake and pastries. In total the Strand Hotel invites 420 individuals for the above mentioned test runs on a first-comefirst-serve basis. As it is a test-run, every participant is asked to evaluate the atmosphere, the food, the service etc. in detail after their experience.

Readers can book their seats now with Michelle Pienaar at 064-411-4410 o r e - M a i l t o michelle.pienaar@ol.na and mention the venue you prefer. Michelle will provide you with the actual time your seat would be available and confirms the booking for you. Meanwhile, the final week before the opening of the new Strand Hotel Swakopmund has

at the old Strand Hotel from 1999 to 2002 before it was knocked down, and he is glad to see it raised from the dead. Since Monday the Ateam members of the five Restaurants, Bars, Lounges and Terraces, Front Office, Housekeeping, and Management have all been given their respective, tailor-made uniforms. Thomas Müller, General Manager Marketing & IT, says, “As they are tailored for each and every member of the ATeam, this is quite a process. I can only say they are absolutely beautiful and Bruce Hutchison, Managing Director of O&L arrived, the A-team has Leisure has once again been hosting locals at showed the deepest “soft openings.” On level of attention to Tuesday the A-Team detail with any single, hosted more than 50 gorgeous uniform for Swakopmunders to the the hosts at the new f i r s t O c e a n C e l l a r Strand Hotel SwakopDinner Soft Opening. mund. One of the locals, Gela When the new and Lange, was clearly very exciting Strand Hotel impressed by the A- Swakopmund opens its team, and said “You doors to the public on people try so hard, I give October 9, 2015 at 12 you 99 %. It was rearly noon, it will indeed be enjoyable! The service, the fully operational, the food ... keep up the charming, welcoming, good work!” and “gemütliches” Björn Von Finckenstein, “non-hotel hotel,” ,who also visited, said, we've envisaged, and “I had the privilege of a worked for - worthy of private tour of all the its place and of the hotel facilities!! The town and its proud, new Strand Hotel is architectural history, simply WOW WOW of the community, the WOW!!!!” region and the country Markus Brinkmann it represents.” Gonteb says he worked


2 OCTOBER 2015

THE WBCG Wellness Centre Service The Walvis bay Corridor Group is a Smart Partner of the namib times/PEPFAR HIV-AIDS awareness campaign. The WBCG established its first HIV/AIDS Help Desk in 2003, in order to address the adverse effects of HIV/AIDS in the transport sector. In 2008, the WBCG Wellness Service initiative was transformed into a holistic Wellness component to address not only HIV/AIDS related issues but also to improve the general health and wellness of the transport workers in Namibia. This effort is applied on the principles of smart partnerships and is addressed in a comprehensive and cost-effective way through combined efforts and shared resources with its transport member companies and indeed with the broader Namibian transport sector. Through its broader membership the WBCG offers a platform that facilitates and supports the fight against HIV/ AIDS and the provision of general wellness services in the transport and logistics industry as well as along the major transport corridors and Namibian port communities. By doing so it reaches a wide, traditionally and generally perceived high HIV and AIDS key affected audience within various sectors in Namibia. It has also become apparent that in order to address the advent health needs of hard to reach populations such as long distance truck drivers and many other mobile communities within the transport sector, the WBCG project is imple-

menting a “ mixed model approach” with a principle of combining static roadside wellness centres and mobile wellness clinics with on-site HIV/AIDS and employee wellness workplace interventions. This initiative also spreads beyond the trucking industry into allied industries, with the potential to spread the message of wellness and information about HIV &AIDS and general wellness. The Walvis Bay Corridor Group significantly contributes to the national goals and outcomes as outlined in the National Strategic Framework on HIV/ AIDS Response in N a m i b i a ( 2 0 1 0 / 11 2015/16) and it demonstrates “a multi-sectorial approach” led by the HIV and AIDS/Wellness – Strategy for the Public Works & Transport Sector 2013 -2015/6 in action. Wellness Service success stories Significant growth was achieved on the WBCG Wellness project in terms of the development of key documents such as the WBCG Wellness Business Plan and the Project's Communication Plan. A comprehensive Service Delivery Analysis study was done to determine amongst others, the size of the market, potential customers, membership fee structure as well as general customer satisfaction levels. Capacity building trainings such as peer education - training programmes and senior management cadres' presentations on the impact of HIV/AIDS at workplace level were conducted but more still needs to be done. Senior management commitment towards the project has resulted in improved participation of workers in HIV/AIDS and Wellness programmes at the workplace and has demonstrated significant potential for supporting sustainable approaches. Two Mobile Wellness Clinics were procured within the last two years and are currently used to

visit various transport companies and allied industries to provide onsite wellness screening services. Additionally, the project now fully operates three Roadside wellness clinics located in Oshikango, Katima Mulilo and Walvis Bay respectively. The medication and other medical consumables are supplied by the Ministry of Health and Social Services through our Public Private Partnership model. Moreover, the WBCG Wellness initiative is on course to achieve its strategic initiative of being self - sustainable and a profit-making centre within the WBCG. The project has also managed to keep the HIV positivity rates within the transport sector below 10% over the past three (3) years. The WBCG Wellness Service initiative supports the core functions and mandate of the broader WBCG such as the facilitation trade of business development amongst various countries in a sense that the transport and logistics industry has employed a large number of mobile groups such as long distance truck drivers, who are crossing borders every day and sometimes engaging in risky behaviours with groups such as sex workers which if not addressed can lead to HIV infection. If the drivers of our cargo continue to perish due to HIV/AIDS or other non-communicable diseases such as high blood pressure, cancer, cholesterol etc, then this will have an adverse effect on our economy in the long term as the industry will struggle to replace skilled drivers. Therefore, the WBCG Wellness Service supports these core mandate by building a network of Roadside Wellness Clinics around the country to ensure that transport workers can access health services wherever they are in the country in order to stop the further spread of HIV rates.

2 OCTOBER 2015



Madelaine Laubscher

The WAC Fest that started on Monday at the Walvis Bay Lagune Café donated money to a local youngster for one year's art classest. The young artist, Yvonne Nitz (12) from Walvis Bay received N$2 500 on Monday night from the Walvis Bay Arts and Crafts Association (WAC) to cover for one year's art classes given by Liz Visser. This festival which started in 1992, run annually for two weeks, and this year will be in full swing until 10 October. “There are many handmade arts and crafts available. Anyone is welcome to view the items displayed from 10:00 - 18:00 every day. 20 members are displaying their arts and crafts at the WAC Fest. A great assortment of articles, like glassware, wooden items, puzzles, from kitchenware to home decor, Christmas decor, lamps, jewellery, cards, embroidery, candles, paintings, scarves, needlework, gifts and lots more are on display.”


Yvonne Nitz (12) with one of the organisers.

* Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Wel-come. * Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Welwitschia Hospital next to indoor pool. * First Tuesday of every month Charity Quiz Night at The Raft! Call 204877 for more info and reservations. * Every Sunday: Potjiekos available at MOTH Club. * Up to 10 Oct.: WAC Fest - Yearly arts and craft exhibition at the Lagune Café - wbartsandcraft @gmail.com * 2 Okt: walVIS fees Jakkals & Leo 19:30 Jan Wilken Stadion. * 2 Oct.: Poetic Healing presents ‘It is written in the stars’ (Zodiac Signs) at Ninos's Pizzeria, Walvis Bay at 18:00. Free. * 3 Oct.: Lucky Star Marathon + Cycle Tour from Swakopmund to Walvis Bay. * 3 Okt: walVIS fees 2015 Jan Wilken Stadion * 6 Okt: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Katolieke Kerk. * 14 Oct.: MOTH meeting at Escarpment Shell-hole * 15 & 16 Oct: Narraville Primary School Prize-giving Ceremonies. * 20 & 21 Okt.: Laerskool Walvisbaai bied aan Die geheim van die 3 sleutels by Boom Pretoriussaal (Laerskool Walvisbaai) - 18:30 vir 19:00. 28 - 31 Oct: Namport Erongo Business & Tourism Expo Walvis Bay Municipality **********

SWAKOPMUND * Bridge: The Swakopmund Bridge club meets every Monday evening at 19:00 at Lions Old Age Home. Contact: Ed Barbour 064-405 604. * Swakopmund Toastmasters: Meet every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, Bismark Str 39, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 - 20:30. * Every Saturday: Flea Market & fresh produce outside Wild Rocket Cafe Kriess Arcade from 08:30 - 12:00. * 3 Oct.: Poetic Healing presents It is written in the stars (Zodiac Signs) at Cosmopolitan Restaurant, Swakopmund at 18:00. Free. * 3 Oct.: Opening of poster exhibition “Der Weg zur Deutschen Einheit” (The Path to German Unity) at Woermannhaus Gallery at 17:00. Viewing till 23 Oct. * 6 Oct.: Vortrag: “DER WEG ZUR DEUTSCHEN EINHEIT.” Ein Vortrag der Bundesstiftung zur Aufarbeitung der SED-Diktatur und des Auswärtigen Amts at 19:00 in the Swakopmund Museum. Donations welcome * 7 - 10 Oct.: Swakopmund International Trade Expo. For more info contact 064 - 406687 or 081 476 9304. 25 Oct: Sunday Market at the Green Center, 5 Libertina Amathila Ave 09:00 -13:00. * 7 Nov.: Rotary Day at SFC - Lots of family fun. Be there.


2 OCTOBER 2015

Boerewors Finals – Saturday 26 September 2015 The Namibian Chefs Association is a nonprofit organisation that serves the catering industry in terms of keeping members and suppliers/ sponsors up to date with the culinary world, and the promotion of Namibian Cuisine and Chefs, through competitions and public demonstrations.

(Fltr) Third place Aaron Hosea, Winner Ella Lamprecht and Second Place, Fidoline Kamauel

Saturday 26 September was the day of the Boerewors in Windhoek that took place at Hage Geingob Stadium. Some people were there to see the

Blitzbokke play in the 7s finals against Zimbabwe, some were there to see the well-shaped, tattooed legs of our Polish guests, some enjoyed the lovely young ladies hanging around and escorting the boys onto the field, but mainly we were there for the WORS. Boerewors plays a huge role in most Namibian households. Have to feed tons of hungry kids, buy boerewors and brötchens – same goes for inspiring staff working overtime, dads next to the cricket field and even moms can manage to braai a worsie. At Shoprite/Checkers we made it our business to find the best of the best every year. This year about 60 entrants entered true boerewors recipes and had competed for a place in the top 10 on 8 August 2015. The top ten spots belonged to: Nad Brain – an Englishman, wildlife vet who can fly most planes. Job Kavari –Shoprite/ Checkers butcher Aaron Hosea – Shoprite/ Checkers butcher Nathaly Ludwig – our youngest contestant, and a very brave lady Gregory Cloete – a chef by trade - his 2nd time in the

finals Fidoline Kamauei – works in a Shoprite/Checkers butchery Pottie Labuschagne – 5th competition and 2nd finals all the way from Epukiro Koos and Katryn – a brother and sister team effort Barnie van der Walt – a newcomer, a dominee, and head of the Bible Society Ella Lamprecht – winner of 2012 - De la Rey Butchery in Outjo On Saturday the 10 guests of honour turned up with their secret recipes, wors in their cooler boxes and braaied their hearts out. They were assisted at the fires by Wolfgang Schenck of the Namibian Chefs Association (NCA). Jak Prinsloo and Gerson Varela were the runners between the judges and the contestants. It is very important that the well-trained NCA judges for this competition, judge only the wors and not the person. They sat far away from the fires and at no time did they know who actually made the wors they were judging in its raw and cooked state. At three in the afternoon all the results were checked by

our Auditor from EY – Julia Engels and we all took to the rugby field for the crowning of the new Boerewors Queen – ELLA LAMPRECHT. She won her second bakkie from Shoprite/Checkers this year – this time a nice Toyota. The second best wors belonged to Fedoline Kamauei and she went home with a N$5 000 shopping voucher from Shoprite/Checkers. Third place went to Aaron Hosea who can shop for N$3 000 at any Shoprite/Checkers. Congratulations and a huge thank you to our winners and participants, judges and the NCA team that made all of this possible. Thank you Shoprite/ Checkers. Cannot wait for next year! The Namibian Chefs Association celebrate their 21st Anniversary with a Gala dinner on 2 October 2015. There are still 14 tables left, so come and enjoy the evening with the Namibian Chefs Association. Sanet Prinsloo, President of Namibian Chefs Association (NCA)

2 OCTOBER 2015



2 OCTOBER 2015

2 OCTOBER 2015



2 OCTOBER 2015

2 OCTOBER 2015



2 OCTOBER 2015

An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste Leserbrief: Recycling? Und ob! Reaktion auf den Loc k e r- v o m - H o c k e r vom 18. September über Müllverwertung: In den 80er Jahren hat das Wildlife Society Namib Centre zugesehen, dass hier blaue Tonnen herkommen, wo man bis vor kurzem die leeren Flaschen hineintun konnte. Das Glas wurde per Güterzug nach Pretoria verschickt, mit dem Erlös hat man die Bahnfracht gerade bezahlen können. Auch haben wir damals schon, mit Hilfe der Swakopmunder Handelskammer, versucht, die Plastiktüten zu reduzieren. Wir haben Kurse gehalten, um das Personal der Supermärkte zu lehren, den Kunden erst zu fragen, ob er denn nicht einen Korb oder eine eigene Plastiktüte habe. Erst wenn er nichts bei sich hatte, wurde eine Plastiktüte zu 50c verkauft. Alle Geschäfte haben mitgemacht, aber vor allem die Hausfrauen haben gestreikt, und wir haben etliche "Morddrohungen" erhalten und mussten die Plastiktüten wieder einführen. Frau Gabi Woermann hat persönlich darauf geachtet, dass ein Projekt in Mondesa gestartet wurde, wo man Frauen zeigte, wie sie Einkaufsbeutel nähen, sticken oder aus alten Plastiktüten herstellen konnten, und diese wurden dann bei den Kassen von Woermann Brock verkauft. Der Erlös ging an diese Frauen, viele von ihnen hatten so ihr erstes Geld verdient. Nebenbei bemerkt: In dem so "einfachen" Land wie Madagskar sind Plastiktüten bei Strafe verboten. In Zimbabwe kann man nur eine Limonadenflasche kaufen, wenn man leere zurückbringt... In meiner Kindheit

Gaby Tirronen setzt sich schon seit Donkeyjahren auf ihre individuelle Weise für Recycling ein. Foto: Susann Kinghorn hatten wir im Haushalt Eierkartons zu 80% zwei Brötchenbeutel, wieder zurüeck. Zur mit unserem Namen Verpackung verwenversehen. Früh mor- den wir nur gebrauchte gens kam der Bäcker- Plastiktüten oder Eierjunge von Putensen kartons. Wir sammeln und brachte unsere auch die leeren Gläser Brötchen im Beutel. An für unsere Lieferanten, der Türklinke hing der denn die Farmersleere Sack von gestern, frauen machen Marden er wieder mitnahm melade sowie Säfte für die Brötchen am und füllen diese in die nächsten Morgen. gebrauchten Gläser Als Kind verdiente ich und Flaschen ein. Wir mein Taschengeld da- sammeln auch gemit, dass ich ausgele- brauchte Briefumsene Zeitungen meines schläge, die wiederum Vaters an die Schlach- bei Peters' Antiques als terei Herzig verkaufte: Verpackung für Aufeine englische STAR kleber und Postkarten ergab einen satten Ti- verwendet werden. ckey, denn Frau Herzig Das neue Farmprodukzahlte gut ; 1 Lbs tengeschäft von Mirja (Pfund) Papier für ei- Senke in der Swakopn e n T i c k e y. D a s strasse sammelt auch Fleisch wurde damals Marmeladengläser und erst in eine Art Zello- anderes Verpackungsfanpapier eingewickelt material und schickt es und dann der Festigkeit an die Farmen zurück. halber noch in Zei- Überall in den Swatungspapier eingerollt. kopmunder GeschäfLeider hörte mein gu- ten werden Pappkartes Geschäft auf, als die tons rausgestellt, die Stadtverwaltung einen man sich kostenlos mit jungen Gesundheitsin- nach Hause nehmen spektor einstellte, der kann. Ganze Hausummeinte, das Zeitungs- züge finden in Swapapier sei unhygie- k o p m u n d m i t g e nisch. Heute weiss brauchten Kartons man, dass dem nicht so statt. ist... Da wir circa 100 Tiere Jeden Samstag verkau- haben, holen wir jeden fen wir frische Farm- Tag beim FishDeli und eier auf dem Markt in Wild Rocket die Küder Kriess Arkade vor chenabfälle ab. Sie dem Wild Rocket- werden verfüttert und/ Cafè. Unsere Kunden oder gehen in den bringen die leeren Kompost. Einige nette Swakopmunder hängen uns deren Küchenabfälle in Plastiktüten an unsere Tür, wo ein großer roter Haken extra dafür hängt. Unser Kompost wird nach einer Reifezeit von 18 Monaten verkauft. Etliche Gärtner haben einen Komposthaufen. Auch die Stadtverwaltung verwendet die Gartenabfälle, die sie von Swakopmundern abholt, und macht daraus

Morgens ist einfach nicht meine Zeit!

Kompost. Auf unserem Müllplatz vor der Stadt werden zum Beispiel Backsteine aus dem Müll gesammelt und säuberlich aufgebaut. Die kann man da kaufen, genau wie gebrauchtes Bauholz. Scrapmetal im Industriegebiet kauft altes Eisen und Metall auf. Nicht immer lohnt sich das Benzingeld, aber man hat etwas für die Umwelt getan, denn dieses Metall wird sortiert und wiederverwertet. Alte Batterien kann man beim Gesundheitsamt der Stadtverwaltung abgeben... Alte Hundeleinen, Hundedecken usw. kann man beim Tierschutzverein abgeben. Der Reiterverein sucht immer mal wieder gebrauchte Blumen, Büsche und Bäume, um seinen Parcour zu verschönern. Alte Kleidung, Haushaltsgeräte und alles, was man nicht mehr braucht, kann man beim Sonntagsmarkt der nächste ist diesen Sonntag - verkaufen. Außerdem werden Palmenblätter für die Verkleidung im Hof gebraucht, als Windschutz im Garten oder als Zaun - viele Leute geben gern solche Zweige ab. Ich war eine von den ersten Swakopmundern, die diese Palmenzäune eingeführt haben (die Idee kommt aus dem Kavango). Ich mag diese Zweige sehr gern verwerten und auch gern abholen. Auch fressen Kaninchen und Meerschweinchen die grünen Blätter gern, weil sie sehr nahrhaft sind und scheinbar gut schmecken. Man kann die Liste unendlich weiterführen. Gaby Tirronen

Einstellung! Worte der Woche Eine Frau schaut morgens in den Spiegel und entdeckt, dass sie nur noch drei lange Haare auf dem Kopf hat. ,,Nun,” beschließt sie, ,,heute werde ich meine Haare eindrehen. Gesagt, getan! Und sie genoss den Tag. Am nächsten Morgen sieht sie im Spiegel nur noch zwei Haare. ,,Mm,” denkt sie, ,,dann werde ich mir heute einen Mittelscheitel zulegen. Gesagt, getan, und es wurde ein toller Tag. Der Blick in den Spiegel am nächsten Morgen verrät, dass nur noch ein einziges Haar übriggeblieben ist. ,,Nun, dann wird es heute eben ein Pferdeschwanz sein,” denkt sie vergnügt und bindet sich das Haar mit einer roten Schleife fest. Am nächsten Morgen entdeckt sie kein Haar mehr. ,,Jippeh, ich brauche mir heute keine Frisur zuzulegen,” jubelt sie vergnügt. Denken Sie daran, liebe Leser, es ist alles eine Sache der Einstellung!

Unser Südwest Was fesselt dich an dieses Land, voll Dornen, Steine, Gras und Sand? Ist es die Sonne, die dir lacht, des Mondes helle, hehre Pracht? Der Blick in jene weite Ferne, sind es die ungezählten Sterne? Ist es die Freiheit, die dir teuer, die Nacht am lodernd Lagerfeuer? Der schroffen Berge schönes Bild, das edle, doch so scheue Wild? Die Farm als Heimat, lieb und wert, weil sie dem Vater schon gehört? Sind es die Tiere, die dein Eigen, ist es das Rauschen in den Zweigen? Wenn bei des Blitzes Allgewalt, der Donner aus den Wolken hallt? Der schwere, heißersehnte Regen? Nur er bringt diesem Lande Segen. Der Bäume Blüten weißer Duft, die Sommernacht mit lauer Luft?

Ein Halfmens (Pachypodium namaquanum) auf dem Hohenzollernberg im tiefen Süden unseres bezaubernden Namibias. Foto: Susann Kinghorn

Möchten Sie Ihre Freude teilen? Melden Sie sich bei Susann Kinghorn; Tel. 405183 oder 0812538850; E-Mail: susannkinghorn @gmail.com

Des Grases silberweißes Blühn, sind es Wolken, die eilig ziehn? Die Wogen brausend, wild und schwer, an dieser Küste, öd und leer? Ist es die Flamme fliehend rot, wenn Grasbrand uns verderbend droht? Die Fläche blinkend hell vom Tau, des Himmels immer leuchtend blau? Die Namib drohend starr und stumm, die Einsamkeit um dich herum? Einhüllend dich in tiefes Schweigen, du wirst dich stets in Ehrfurcht neigen vor der Natur und ihrer Größe, trotz aller Härte, aller Blöße. Sie ist es, die dich hält so fest, sie ist der Zauber von Südwest. Die hehre und die herbe Schönheit, umgibt mich schon so lange Zeit. Ich seh' sie stets, vergess sie nicht, wenn auch erlosch mein Augenlicht. Hertha von Dewitz schrieb dieses Gedicht 1944, neun Jahre vor ihrem Tod (eingesandt von Eva-Maria Walter)

Swakopmund Neighbourhood Watch


085 999 Your direct line to report crime!


2 OCTOBER 2015


An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste Gemeindefest der DELK voll Spaß und Freude!

Swakopmund (sk) Die Hauptorganisatorin des DELK-Gemeindefestes, Regine Heiser, freut sich mit ihrem Mann Horst über die gelungene Feier im Haus der Jugend: ,,340 Mittagessen sind über die Theke gegangen. Von dem Kuchen sind nicht erst Krümel für die Vögel übriggeblieben. Die Tombola hatte eine Rekordanzahl an Preisen zu bieten und erfreute sich großer Beliebtheit. Der Frischprodukte- sowie Kaffee- und Kuchenstand waren ein absoluter Renner. Vor allem aber hat uns gefreut, dass diesmal so viel mehr Kinder und Jugendliche dabei waren und der ehemalige Kirchenbasar seinem Namen Gemeindefest gerechter geworden ist.”

Reingard Kuhn, PSS-Schülerin der 9. Klasse (links) und Tabea Siebertz (neue DELKPraktikant aus Deutschland) betreuten einen raffiniert ausgedachten Stand mit Ballwurf. Fotos: Susann Kinghorn

Rolf Forster und seine Frau Anke schauten sich die Gesellschaftsspiele beim Flohmarktstand an, der generell gut bestückt war. Es blieb jederman offen, den Grundpreis von N$ 10,- pro Utensil mit einer Spende nach Gutdünken zu erhöhen.

Die ,,Mädels” bei der Tombola (von links: Heide Voigts, Frau Köhler, Irmela Arnold und Birgit Klostermann ) hatten alle Hände voll zu tun. Der Andrang war groß, und die Preise einladend. ,,Die meiste Arbeit aber hatte Ille Scholz”, meinte Heide Voigts. ,,Sie war bestimmt zu 98% an der Vorbereitung der Tombola betroffen, hat die Preise alle verpackt und mit Nummern versehen und sich außerdem noch um den Flohmarkt gekümmert. Sie sollte daher namentlich erwähnt werden, denn ihr gebührt ein großes Lob.” Die Tombola war auf jeden Fall, wie jedes Jahr, ein großer Renner beim Gemeindefest.

Ganz locker vom Höckerchen Wrachtach kein Plekk mehr!

Liebe Küstenleser! Assablief tog, jetzt klaut die Gaby mir aber nogall stief Space mit ihrer RecyclingVehemenz. Sag mal, und wo soll ich denn da noch meinen lockeren Erguss reinquetschen, hä? Ich find das echt nich mooi von ihr, dass sie hier einfach so invaded. Da kann ich ja gleich tschailan und mir einen neuen Job suchen. Der wird aber net nich so maklik zu finden sein. Nich etwa, weil man in any case keine kaans hat bei dem Mangel an Arbeitsplätzen in unserer Welt. Nee, ich werd deshalb sukkeln, weil der outoppie mit dem weißen Bart da oben vor klompie Jahren beschlossen hat, mich nicht als fleissige Biene zu erschaffen, son-

dern als ,,Faultierchen mit sonnigem Gemüt”, wie mein Ex-Erdkundepauker an der DHPS es so biekie fänzy und euphemistisch in meinem blaufarbenen Zeugnisheft ausgedrückt hat. Ich muss es ma net gestehen, liebe Leser, meine 20000 Gene sind das Schwuhchen somaar nicht gewöhnt, und mein Erbgut ist wie geschaffen zum Vrotten! Und weil ich obendrein harragatt bin (zwar nich mit nem Wasserkopp, dafür aber mit nem Klippkopp geboren bin) und Selbstgeißelung oder vergewaltigung pläin mall finde, werden Sie mich eher in der Hängematte baumelnd als mit Schaufel und Picke schwitzend biasach zu Gesichte kriegen Zurück zu Gaby, die

mich sozusagen amper vom Küstenzeitungsthron gegooit hat. Eigentlich bin ich ihr wüst dankbar, dass sie es mit ihrem ansteckenden Schwung geschafft hat, mir klarzumachen, dass ich diese Mail von ihr nich somaar so ignorieren darf, nur aus Angst, dass sie mich in die Ecke drängt. Somit hat sie mir meine Kolumne echt spitzenmäßig spontan-locker, wie es sich tog gehört, abgenommen und ich kann endlich mal wieder ohne jegliche Gehirnanstrengung bei stief Tombo auf dem Barhocker sitzen. Jey, Gaby, ich bin echt happy, dass du mir zu diesem entspannten Shebeenbesuch verholfen hast. Ich hab’ hinterher auch meine

leeren Bierflaschen mitgenommen und in die orangefarbene Tonne gegooit. Und die leeren Eierbehälter liegen schon hinten in meinem knatternden Polo, damit sie demnächst beim Samstagsmarkt abgegeben werden können. Und wenn ich nach einem Shebeenbesuch nicht mehr aufwache, darfst du mich auch recyceln. Irgendein Organ wird sicherlich noch funktionieren, und ein paar Flaschen Ethanol solltest du auch aus mir pressen können. Deine/Ihre Susann Kinghorn

Quiz: Natur pur in Namibias exklusiven Unterkünften Swakopmund (sk) ,,Und hat unsere Sonne ins Herz dir gebrannt, dann kannst du nicht wieder gehen...” klingt es so schön im Südwesterlied. Tatsächlich kriecht dieses bezaubernde Land zwischen schroffer Atlantikküste und sandiger Kalahari mit seinen unendlich vielen Naturschönheiten einem tief unter die Haut. Namibia ist nicht nur einzigartig in der Pracht seiner Landschaften, sondern bietet außerdem viele besondere Unterkünfte an, die es einem erlauben, die faszinierenden Naturszenen entspannt und liebevoll versorgt voll auszukosten. Wenn Sie die folgenden Fragen bis zum 12. Oktober richtig beantworten, haben Sie die Möglichkeit, einen von drei großzügigen Preisen zu gewinnen. 1. Für welches historische Ereignis ist der Waterberg bekannt und am Fuße welchen Waterbergs liegt die Waterberg Gästefarm? 2. Wie sehen die Unterkünfte im Omatozu Safari Camp 25 km nördlich von Okahandja aus? 3. Wo genau befindet sich die Hohenstein Lodge, und wonach wurde Sie benannt? Zu gewinnen sind: 1. Ein Gutschein für eine Übernachtung von 2 Personen im Exklu-

Die Waterberg-Gästefarm mit einem ,,Flaschenbaum” (Pachypodium lealii; bottle tree; bottelboom) im Vordergrund vor der Kulisse des Großen Waterbergs. Foto: Susann Kinghorn s i v - B u n g a l o w m i t Werte von N$ 1700,Frühstück im Werte vom Omatozu Safari worten an susannking von N$ N$ 2384.- auf Camp; horn@gmail.com. Sie der Waterberg Gäste- 3. Ein Gutschein für können Ihre Antworten farm; eine Übernachtung von auch im Swakopmun2. Ein Gutschein für 2 Personen in einem der Büro der namib eine Übernachtung von Bungalow mit Früh- times abgeben. 2 Personen in einem stück im Werte von N$ Die Gewinner werden Luxuszelt mit Früh- 1620,-) auf der Ho- am 19. Oktober auf stück und Abendessen henstein Lodge. diesen Seiten bekannt plus eine Wildfahrt im Senden Sie Ihre Ant- gegeben.

2 OCTOBER 2015


NOTICE THE FOLLOWING APPLICATION HAS BEEN MADE TO THE MUNICIPALITY OF SWAKOPMUND FOR CONSENT USE, AND LAND USE RESTRICTIONS IN TERMS OF TOWN PLANNING AMENDMENT SCHEME 12 REGULATIONS. Notice is hereby given in terms of clause 6 of the Swakopmund Town planning Scheme Regulations that the Town Council consider the following consent for use of land, details of which are obtainable from the General Manager,Engineering Services, Swakopmund Municipality: Request for Educational institution and Councelling business. The owner of erf 2253 (Heliodoor 6, Hage Heights), asks permission for an Educational Institution and counseling business on the abovementioned erf. Objections to the proposed steps may be lodged, duly motivated in writing with the Chief Executive Officer of the Swakopmund Munucipality until 15 October 2015.


2 OCTOBER 2015

NOTICE CONSENT USES, ERECTION OF BUILDINGS AND USE OF LAND IN TERMS OF TOWN PLANNING SCHEME REGULATIONS Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Town Planning Scheme Regulations that the Town Council considers the following consent uses, erection of buildings and use of land, details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering Services. Erf 5701,The Dunes, Kramersdorf, Swakopmund: Special permission to operate a Resident Occupation – Administrative Office. Contact Person: Mr. A. van der Westhuizen (Manager: Town Planning) Tel: +264 (64) 4104403. Any person having any objections to the proposed steps may lodge such objections, duly motivated in writing, with the Chief Executive Officer until 16 October 2015.





2 OCTOBER 2015

VACANCIES VACANCIES VACANCIES Are you reliable, punctual, organized and able to work under pressure with a good sense of humor ? We are looking for the following person to join our

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KITCHEN MANAGER Minimum two years supervisory experience in the hospitality industry and proficiency in; Stock Control, Basic Maintenance Skills, Teamwork and Team Motivation, Advanced Food preparation skills and People Management. English & Afrikaans essential. Accommodation available. Please send CV by email to muriva@theraftrestaurant.com or by post to The Raft P.O. BOX 2962 Walvis Bay Please do not fax!

2 OCTOBER 2015


VACANCY AREA: WALVIS BAY POSITION: BRANCH SUPERVISOR We are seeking a customer service orientated individual REQUIREMENTS: 1. Grade 12 with 23 points 2. A valid drivers license (Code B) 3. Namibian citizen 4. Experience within a service related industry 5. Experience on a supervisory level 6. Sound knowledge of outlook/word/excel and good typing skills 7. Experience in HR disciplinary processes 8. Knowledge of logistics. 9. Good verbal and writing skills in the English language 10. A third international language will be to your advantage 11. A management tertiary qualification will be to your advantage 12. Traveling to different branches and conduct yearly visits is required The candidate must be able to work in a fast paced and pressurized environment. The candidate must be able to pay attention to detail and follow stipulated procedures and be administrative orientated. Please only email CV's to Melanie Honiball: mhoniball@mweb.com.na Certified copies of all required documentation must accompany the CV. Only short listed candidates that meets all requirements will be contacted for an interview. We offer a market related salary plus benefits CLOSING DATE: 09 October 2015



2 OCTOBER 2015

2 OCTOBER 2015

Walvis Bay Natis Registering Office Trading Hours Monday – Thursday 08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30 Friday - 08h00 – 12h45 Monday - Learners license bookings (First 45 applicants) Roadworthy applications & tests (08h00 – 12h00) Motor vehicle registrations (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Motor vehicle license renewals (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of learners licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of driving licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Application for permits (08h00 – 12h00) Collecting of driving license cards (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Tuesday Driving license renewals (08h00 – 12h00) Motor vehicle registrations (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Motor vehicle license renewals (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of learners licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of driving licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Application for permits (08h00 – 12h00) Collecting of driving license cards (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Wednesday Learners license bookings (First 70 applicants) Roadworthy applications & tests (08h00 – 12h00) Motor vehicle registrations (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Motor vehicle license renewals (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of learners licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of driving licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Application for permits (08h00 – 12h00) Collecting of driving license cards (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Thursday Driving license renewals (08h00 – 12h00) Motor vehicle registrations (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Motor vehicle license renewals (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of learners licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of driving licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Application for permits (08h00 – 12h00) Collecting of driving license cards (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Friday Driving license bookings (First 40 applicants) Roadworthy applications & tests (08h00 – 12h00) Motor vehicle registrations (08h00 – 12h45)


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