namib times SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6502 TUESDAY 3 NOVEMBER 2015 Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net
Fishermen’s strike intensifies
Page 3
Bernabé Blaauw Dié palmboom het Sondagoggend in Walvisbaai veroorsaak dat die tweerigtingverkeer in Sam Nujoma-rylaan tydelik ontwrig is totdat die ou grote in stukke opgesaag en verwyder kon word. Vermoedens dat die boom deur die wind omgewaai is, is deur die eienaar van die eiendom, geleë op die hoek van Sam Nujoma-rylaan en Vyfde Weg, weerlê toe hy genader is oor die oorsaak vir die boom se val op die grensmuur en in die pad. Volgens hom was werkers besig om die boom af te saag toe dit in die verkeerde rigting begin val het en hulle nie daarin kon slaag om dit te beheer nie. 'n Straatlig wat op die sypaadjie gestaan het, het ook in die slag gebly maar niemand is in die insident beseer nie.
Ongeluk eis Staatmaker van Kudus-rugbyklub Liesl Losper
'n Bekende rugbyspeler van die kus is gisteroggend dood in 'n motorongeluk tussen Swakopmund en Usakos. Marvin Bruwer (29) was werksaam by TransNamib en het in die vroeë oggendure treindrywers in Usakos gaan aflaai.
Wyle Marvin Bruwer
Photo by Liesl Losper
Namwater/ Areva dismiss reports of sale Page 6
Master of Decks
New Union Hurt By Cash Burglary Page 11
Mavourlene !Gaёs
The offices of the Namibia National Labour Organisation (Nanlo) was burgled in Walvis Bay on Thursday evening or early Friday morning, with cash and a laptop computer missing.
Die ongeluk het op sy terugtog gebeur. Hy was alleen in die voertuig. Volgens motoriste wat ook op daardie tydstip op die spesifieke pad was, was dit 'n baie mistige oggend. Marvin Bruwer het die afgelope 10 jaar sy merk gemaak as rugbyspeler vir die Kudus. Hy het nog Saterdag by Day of the Dolphins vir Kudus gespeel as binnesenter. Marcha, 'n vriendin en familielid van sy vrou Tammy-lee Bertoni Bruwer, het hom beskryf as iemand wat 'n groot hart gehad het. “Marvin is die tipe
Nanlo is currently embroiled in a bitter turf battle for membership in the fishing industry, against rival trade unions Nafau (Namibia Food and Allied Workers Union), Nasawu (Namibia Seamen and Allied Workers Union (Nasawu) and the NFI (Namibia Fishing Industries). Members started to resign in masses in recent weeks on allegations their best interests are not protected by Nafau, Nasawu or NFI. These disgruntled members instead signed up with Nanlo and commenced with industrial action to demand better salaries and better benefits from their fishing industry employers. A fishing industry strike by Nanlo members remained on the table by as late as this weekend.
Vervolg op bladsy 2
Continues on page 2
Fabulous Santa Shoebox Project
Page 25
Dolphintrofee na binneland
Bladsy 28
Dippenaar - verhoor skop af Foto deur Marshallino Beukes
Marshallino Beukes
Jandré Dippenaar verlaat die hofgebou
Huis Palms vat die pad
‘n Volle tien maande na die gru-ongeluk op die Swakopmund/Hentiesbaai pad, wat die lewens van ses mense geëis het, het die beskuldigde, Jandré Dippenaar verlede Vrydag in die hof verskyn. Dippenaar het sy eerste hofverskyning in die kop-aan-kop botsing plaasgevind het. Swakopmund Streekshof gemaak, waar hy Ten afloop van die hofsaak het 'n duidelik teregstaan op onder meer aanklagte van moord en gebroke Pretorius egpaar (die ouers van wyle bestuur van 'n voertuig sonder 'n geldige rybewys. Dinah Pretorius) aan die koerant genoem dat Hierdie klagtes spruit voort uit die ongeluk wat op hulle bly is dat die saak uiteindelik ‘n aanvang 29 Desember 2014 plaasgevind het. Die geneem het en die hoop uitgespreek dat beskuldigde en 'n 16-jarige meisie wat met haar geregtigheid sal seëvier. Mnr Petrus Pretorius gesin uit Duitsland op vakansie was, is die enigste het ook aangedui dat die laaste keer dat hulle hul oorlewendes. Die meisie, Antonia Klara Joschko, dogter gesien het op 26 Desember, tydens 'n het haar ouers, Walter Helmut Joschko (48) en kuier op die plaas, was. Hy het ook genoem dat Stephanie Dorothea Schemick Joschko (49), hulle die vorige dag (verlede Donderdag) die asook haar suster, Alexandra Marlene Joschko ongelukstoneel gaan besigtig het en dat die (19) in die gru-ongeluk verloor. Die ander vermisting na hul dogter steeds baie erg is. “Jy oorledenes is mee Dinah Pretorius (30), Charlene wag elke dag op 'n sekere oproep, maar daardie Schoombe (24) en mnr JC Horn (27). Die Duitse oproep kom net nooit deur nie…,” het mnr gesin was onderweg in die rigting van Pretorius genoem. Swakopmund, terwyl die voertuig wat Dippenaar Dippenaar sal vanaf 16-20 Mei 2016 sy volgende blykbaar bestuur het in die rigting van hofverskyning maak, vir pleit en verhoor. Hentiesbaai oppad was, waarna die noodlottige
Madelaine Laubscher
Lede van Walvisbaai se gemeenskap het Vrydag in groot getalle opgedaag by die jaarlikse uitstappie vir senior burgers by Huis Palms. Tysdens die geleentheid word bejaardes, wat vanweë omstandighede nie gereeld kan uitkom nie, getrakteer op 'n uitstappie in die sonskyn en buitelug. Die bejaardes wat nog kan en wil stap doen dit en daar is dosyne mense wat handjie bysit met die bejaardes in rolstoele. Koek en tee het die geleentheid afgerond, en daar was land en sand gesels. Bystand van die sakegemeenskap en die owerhede was ook prysenswaardig. Die Walvisbaaise munisipale verkeersafdeling het gesorg vir die veilige begeleiding van die optog, St Gabriel Communty Ambulance was daar om hulp te verleen indien nodig, terwyl die plaaslike apteker mnr Hendrik van Schalkwyk sonbrille voorsien het aan diegene vir wie die sonlig te skerp vir hul oë was. Personeel van Huis Palms was ook nouliks betrokke om die dag vir die oumense 'n hoogtepunt te hou, soos wat elke jaar gedoen word. Na afloop van die verrigtinge het 'n deelnemer gevra dat die Walvisbaai gemeenskap met soortgelyke inisiatiewe vorendag kom vir diensbaarheid teenoor ons dorp se oumense. Hoewel daar reeds verskeie jaarlikse inisiatiewe gehou word, ook vir Walvisbaai se ander ouetehuise, is dit hier 'n geval van hoe meer hoe beter.
Ongeluk eis Staatmaker van Kudus-rugbyklub Vervolg vanaf bladsy 1 persoon wat almal wou en sou ken. Hy het nooit iemand in sy hart gedra nie , haat het nooit 'n plek in sy hart gehad nie.” Allister Carolissen, Ondervoorsitter van Kudus Rugbyklub sê die klub is gisteroggend geruk deur die tyding dat Marvin “ Herkie “ Bruwer, een van sy staatmakers, in 'n motorongeluk omgekom het. Op 29-jarige ouderdom was Herkie ‘n senior lid onder die Kudu-spelers. “Herkie het op die jong ouderdom van 17 jaar as ‘n vleuel by Kudus Rugbyklub aangesluit en het sedertdien ononderbroke vir die klub gespeel. Herkie was ook onder die senior spelers'n leier en was normaalweg die gekose man as die spelers kwessies met die bestuur gehad het. Herkie was 'n opregte mens en net so vurig as wat hy die spelers sou verdedig, net so vinnig sou hy hulle oor die vingers tik wanneer hulle iets verkeerds sou doen. Terwyl verskeie spelers hul nie beskikbaar gestel het vir die klub vir Saterdag se toernooi nie, was Herkie ferm om sy deelname en lojaliteit te bevestig “ al speel ek van nr 1 tot nr 15 maak nie saak nie, maar speel sal ek speel” sê Allister. Marvin Bruwer, of soos almal hom geken het “Herkie”, het laas Saterdag nog vir oulaas sy geliefde Kudu-trui oor sy kop getrek toe hy in vier van die vyf wedstryde die klub verteenwoordig het. Die Kudus-bestuur en spelers spreek hulle innige meegevoel uit met die ontydige heengaan van een van sy strydosse. Hulle wens sy vrou Tammy-Lee, alle krag en sterkte toe in die tyd van rou.
New Union Hurt By Cash Burglary Continued from page 1 With monthly membership fees hovering around N$80 per member, and members paying in arrears for the months of September and October, it is clear the sum of money missing is significant for the union. Nanlo Secretary- General, Kleopas Taapopi, in his misery over the incident just described the sum of cash stolen as “a hell of a lot of money. Taapopi was woken by the Namibian Police at his home early on Friday and was informed of the burglary. In rushing to the office he discovered a laptop was stolen as well as a cash box. The cash box was retrieved in the meantime where the culprit/s discarded it after removing the cash. Taapopi says the only positive aspect is there were regular data back-ups without which Nanlo would have lost all membership data.
The scene of the burglary
“Most of our information was on the laptop; thank God we made back-ups otherwise we could have lost everything, including our membership information,” he said. Taapopi is confident the culprits will be arrested, adding he has suspicions, but opts to keep that to himself. “I cannot rule anybody out. I will just wait and see. I do not think this investigation will take long. Probably one or two days at the most”. Yesterday the police confirmed that none of the stolen items have been recovered. No arrests have been made yet and the police investigation into the matter continues. !Uwu//khaeb vowed earlier that they would make arrests.
“We Are Not Open for Mind Games with Government” – Seafarers to Continue their Quest Mavourlene !Gaёs
Photo by Mavourlene !Gaës
The Seafarers of Walvis Bay and Lüderitz met with the Governor of the Erongo Region, Cleophas Mutjavikua and their HR Forum yesterday afternoon. The meeting was aimed at reaching possible solutions to problems facing the fishing fraternity. A ccordin g to the The Seafarers are also will go to the Capital Chairperson of the q u e s t i o n i n g t h e city. Sea-farers Association Gover-nor's motives – “We told the Governor a n d R e g i o n a l they want to know if they do not have Organiser for Mining, why he has not yet anything sufficient to Metal, Mari-time and consulted with the tell us by tomorrow at Construction union stakeholders. “The 12 o'clock, we are (MMMC), Immanuel only thing that worries going to seek the face Petrus, the meeting us is they say they did of the president bewas a waste of their not consult yet, how cause things cannot go time. can they come and sit on like this. If Gover“The meeting was not with us again without nor Mutjavikua does not come back to us successful. We wasted consultation?” our time. It is just The fishermen who tomorrow, we, the Seasomebody that is are officially on strike farers, will no longer trying to play a mind since last week, “until be in Walvis Bay but, game on us to keep us the Ministry of Labour we are then travelling at bay, so we cannot and Social Welfare to Windhoek.” move for-ward, they enforces the correct The fishermen handed Seafarers on strike at the offices of the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare in Walvis Bay, yesterday. called the meeting but laws regarding labour over the petition to the only two of their and their rightful sala- Ministry of Labour stry 48 hours to re- here because we still the rich are just getting power.” members ended up ries”, has set a dead- and Social Welfare last spond to their de- did not get our answers richer and the poorest The strike began last arriving.” from the Ministry of are just getting poorer. week, a few days line, after which they week, giving the mini- mands. “Firstly, we are still Labour and Social “This is not something before the start of the Welfare's Permanent we do because we want new hake season. The Secretary. Secondly, to, but because we are new hake season was they are the law forced to do it, and supposed to have Madelaine Laubscher enforcement agency, until such a time, that officially started this the ones who should the Ministry enforces week, when the first Namibia Wildlife Resorts (NWR) informed the community that an agreement has been reached enforce the correct the necessary laws, we fishing vessels were to have Mile 14 open this coming Festive Season as from 9 December. laws, but yet it is the will not go back to sea. expected to start workThe Municipality of Henties Bay offered their clients. He confirmed to us that Mile 14 will same agency that turns We are sick and tired of ing on their quotas. assistance to the NWR last week in order to keep all definitely be open for holidaymakers this festive a blind eye to what is those that send us to The strike of the fisherthe Miles open. season. “Mile 14 will open, but so far the other going on.” break the Namibian men will most proThe NWR Manager of Corporate Communications Miles remain closed. The agreement that was Petrus says they only laws and part of bably affect the hake and Online Media of the NWR, Mufaro reached is for the construction of Campsites at Mile want the right thing to breaking these laws is industry in a negative Nesongano, said at this point they are looking at all 14. This will be done by one of our Public Private be done and for the forced labour. Article 9 w a y s h o u l d t h e options being availed to them, in order for them to Partners, Sun Karros, who are currently managing fishermen to be given prohibits forced la- workers continue with make a decision that is in the best interest of their Daan Viljoen on our behalf,” he concluded. what they deserve, as bour. It is not about their strike.
“Mile 14 open for December – just Mile 14 at this stage”
Car crashes into wall at WEIR Mineral Namibia Sharlien Tjambari During the early morning hours of Saturday, a car drove into the wall of WEIR Mineral Company, in Swakopmund.
According to Chief Inspector !Uwu //khaeb, the accident took place at around 02:22. !Uwu//khaeb further noted that the investigating officer had reported that the driver supposedly lost control of his motor vehicle, causing it to hit the wall. A case of reckless and negligent driving was opened against the driver of the vehicle and a warning statement was given. !Uwu //khaeb said the driver was not arrested.
Have-A-Heart Swakop Photos by Donna Collins
Sterilises 90 township pets
second day Dr Baines needed to dart some of the more skittish dogs, to bring them in for sterilization. Due to many of these fearful animals running, they only managed to dart five out of the eight that were planned. The generosity of the local business community, put their hands in their pockets to fund the two-day spayathon, with an amount of close to N$66 000 raised by Have-A-Heart Swakopmund, to cover the medical expenses. The team of Windhoek veterinarians led by Dr Ian Baines, included
Dr Katja Storm, Dr Maya Dahlberg and Dr Saskia Stam from the coast, who all worked at a back breaking pace to finish as many animals in the two days. Organisers Geesche Neuburg and Ute Holstein of Have-A-Heart Swakopmund, stated that they were also planning a 'Spay Day' in February which if is well supported financially will become a regular feature. It was said that the project still runs on a monthly basis to spay and neuter at least ten animals through the Swakop Vet Clinic, empha-
sising the need for regular donations to keep this amazing charity work going throughout the year, for both spayathons and vaccinations. All these projects rely on donations from the public to keep them going, which is ultimately for the benefit of the underprivileged people who cannot properly feed and care for the growing numbers of stray animals who live a wretched life on the streets. Banking Details: Have-A-Heart, Swakopmund. Bank Windhoek, Branch Swakop, Savings, acc no. 200296537. Many of these dogs die of starvation, disease, or injuries sustained from
being run over or otherwise knife attacks. By reaching out to these informal settlements and underprivileged areas with ongoing sterilisation projects, these committed people also help educate the people on animal care, since often ignorance results in extreme animal cruelty which should not be tolerated on any level. Have-A-Heart spayathon, forms part of a nationwide pilot project that holds free sterilization for thousands of township pets countrywide to reduce the suffering and breeding of unwanted litters. (Contributed on behalf of Have-A-Heart Swakopmund).
Lady dog
The Have-A-Heart Swakopmund team and vets Ute Holstein with Anethaetist Sheelagh BagatSmith from Swakop Vet preparing one of the dogs for operation with a volunteer Madelaine and Michelle Strydom from Feed-A-Paw A local resident smiles after her dog was sterilised Michelle Strydom fetching a dog from the DRC
An incredible two-day township sterilisation programme held in the DRC this weekend, saw 90 dogs and cats spayed and neutered by a team of four vets. The campaign was spearheaded by charity organisations, 'Have-A-Heart Swakopmund and Feed-APaw, assisted by their dedicated volunteers who worked under extreme conditions to ensure as many animals were helped. With the mission to reduce the litters of domestic animals in the impoverished informal settlements, Have-A-Heart, Swakopmund has stepped it up with its second spayathon held this year. And by Sunday afternoon the team had spayed and neutered 70 dogs and 20 cats, all belonging to underprivileged owners. A large marquee was set up
in the DRC as the sterilisation centre, which was kept busy with its separate stations, namely the pre-op anaesthetic table, operating theatre, tagging and identifying desk, and recovery section on the floor where the animals lay on blankets after they came out of their operation. Windy conditions on the second day, made the working conditions even more challenging for the tight team, but each one did their bit to make sure the welfare of the animals brought in were given top priority, before returning them safely to their respective owners. A selection process was
Walvis Bay Magistrate's Court 27-29 October 2015 Peter Abrosius (21) appeared on a charge of assault on a member of the police. The matter was postponed to 3 November for paying of AOG. The accused is on warning. Ivan Uiseb (27) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 7 January for plea and trial. The accused is in custody. Rauha Ndapandula Rubeni (23) appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 30 November for legal aid. The accused is on
established by mother and daughter Madelaine and Michelle Strydom, of the welfare Feed-A-Paw drive, which feeds over 500 hungry animals in the DRC and Mondessa township each week, and have built up a good relationship with the neighbourhood dogs and their keepers. With a long waiting list their work was cut out for them, as they drove on endless trips from shack to shack collecting animals for sterilisation, loading them into their bakkie and transporting them to the spayathon camp, where the crew awaited. The event didn't go off without its drama, and on the
bail. Jokiam Ihaiwa (26) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 26 November for further investigation. The accused is in custody. Dunn Yolande (40) and Elmarie Smith (31) both appeared on a charge of dealing in cocaine. The matter was postponed to 4 November for further investigation. The accused is in custody. Jean Cilliers (20) appeared on a charge of culpable homicide and driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. The matter was postponed to 26 July 2016 for plea and trial. The accused is on bail. Moses Amukuu (31) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 3 February for P.G decision. The accused is on bail. Nelson Daniels (21) appeared on a charge of robbery and a charge of assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 30 November for further investigation-final
Madelaine and Michelle Strydom Michack
remand. The accused is in custody. Ananias Veino (30) appeared on a charge of trespassing. The matter was postponed to 17 November for plea and trial. The accused is on warning. Augusinus Gawaseb (24) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 19 November for further investigation. The accused is in custody. Elunda Kafita (31) appeared on a charge of assault or obstruction on a member of the police in the execution of his duties. The matter is postponed to 23 November for plea and trial. The accused is on bail. Gert Johannes Erasmus (54) appeared on a charge of fraud. The matter was postponed to 4 February for P.G decision. The accused is on bail. Hofni Nestor (24) appeared on a charge of attempted robbery. The matter was postponed to 7 January 2016 for plea and trial. The accused is on bail. Immanuel Domingo (41) appeared
on a charge of falsifying license number or license mark. The matter was postponed to 9 November for plea. The accused is on bail. Jonas Fillipus (25) appeared on a charge of reckless or negligent driving. The matter was postponed to 2 December for further investigation. The accused is on bail. Simon Shikongo (28) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. The matter was postponed to 3 December for further investigation. The accused is on bail. Garry Shidute (26) appeared on a charge of dealing in cocaine. The matter was postponed to 4 December for legal aid. The accused is in custody. Diego Wicomb (23) and Marshall Koppetsch (22) both appeared on a charge of dealing in cocaine. The matter was postponed to 2 December for further investigation.
Strong winds at the coast Strong winds at the coast over the weekend wreaked havoc with small trees uprooted, branches of trees ripped off and even flipping this hoby-cat on its side at the Yacht Club in Walvis Bay. According to information received, the southwestern wind was blowing at a speed of 43.3 knots when the incident happened. The wind speed at the Walvis Bay airport ranged from 22 to 27 knots and in the CBD the highest speed recorded was 28 knots (1 knot is 1,85 kilometres per hour).
First-ever Youth Forum for People and Wildlife Applications are open for the firstever Youth Forum for People and Wildlife in Johann es b u rg , S o u t h Africa in September 2016. The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) will identify 20 young leaders, aged 18 to 25, working in conservation and animal protection-related fields around the world. Reflecting diverse perspectives and expertise, the 20 Forum delegates will come together to debate issues, explore solutions and build skills that will empower them as compassionate conservationists. Travel and participant costs will be fully funded. The Youth Forum for People and Wildlife will be held immediately prior to the world's biggest conservation gathering, the 17th meeting of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). Delegates will represent not only the CITES host country of South Africa, but also other key source, transit and consumer nations in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas. An online event platform will virtually connect the global community with delegates in South Africa and establish a network for youth to learn, share and take action to protect wildlife before, during and after the 2016 Forum. To apply or learn more about the Youth Forum, go to www. ifaw.org/youthforum. Key dates 路 The Youth Forum will take place in South Africa 17-25 September 2016, and will include an overnight field excursion and four days in Johannesburg. 路 The call for delegate applications opens on 4 October 2015 and closes on 4 December 2015. Visit www.ifaw.org/ youthforum to apply online, download the application and learn more. 路 Applicants will be chosen in January 2016 and announced publicly on World Wildlife Day, 3 March 2016.
Namwater, Areva dismiss reports on Desalination Plant sale Marshallino Beukes
The Namibia Water Corporation Ltd (NamWater) and AREVA Resources Namibia (ARN) on Friday forwarded a joint press release, distancing themselves from statements made in the media regarding the ongoing negotiations between the two parties, as well as the proposed sale of the Erongo Desalination Plant (EDP) to the Government of Namibia. “The two parties wish to reiterate that they have no AREVA Namibia which owns the EDP, noted that with differences over the process of negotiations to purchase the the sale to the Namibian Government of its EDP, which are at an advanced stage and presently within Desalination Plant, they only intends to recover the the realm of the Government Negotiation Team (GNT),” capital invested. They further said that a first agreement between the statement reads. This follows after it was reported that NamWater's NamWater and ARN was signed during August 2013 to manager of engineering, Dr Kuiri Tjipangandjara, make provision for up to 10 million cubic metres /year allegedly warned the Namibian government not to buy the to supply water to large consumers in the Erongo region plant, reasoning that it would be cheaper to construct a new (Rössing Uranium, Langer Heinrich Mine and Swakop plant. The amount Government supposedly want to buy the Uranium's new Husab Mine). plant from Areva is a staggering N$3.5 billion, as per The plant has a capacity to produce 20 million cubic meters of fresh water per year and can be upgraded to 26 media reports. NamWater's response to these reports was that “Dr Kuiri million cubic meters within the existing buildings and Tjipangandjara has no authority, nor was he mandated by connection to the NamWater pipeline feeding from the NamWater to make any statements on behalf of the Omdel aquiver was completed in August 2013, says AREVA. The media release concluded with both company. The purported advice given by him to Government via parties (The Namibia Water Corporation and AREVA NamWater not to purchase the plant, is devoid of any Resources Namibia) stating that they remain truth.” According to him NamWater, as the country's bulk committed to carry the process of negotiation to its water supplier, is part of the GNT, which is engaged in logical conclusion. The media release was issued by Mr consultations to purchase the EDP. “The alleged amount Hilifa Mbako, Managing Director AREVA Resources published in the media is incorrect and exceedingly Namibia and Dr Vaino Shivute, Chief Executive Officer Namibia Water Corporation (Limited). exaggerated,” NamWater concluded.
De Duine learners donate to Namibia Cancer Association The learners of Secondary School De Duine in Narraville, Walvis Bay have donated N$ 1 560 to the Cancer Association. The money, which was collected with the help of learners and teachers, is aimed at helping the association in its fight against cancer. They handed the cheque over to Mrs Hildegard Böttcher of the Cancer Association at the school yesterday.
(Fltr) Lythia Yon, Miss Koning, Helen Mouton, Zhanray Titus, Principal of De Duine, Mr Van Wyk and Mrs Hildegard Böttcher.
Minors a regular sight at Swakopmund drinking spot An entertainment club in Swakopmund's Tamariskia suburb is allegedly frequented by groups of underage teens, believed to be as young as thirteen years old. Mario Steenkamp Dit is oral in Swk so, in die dorp se plekke self ook ek ry baie aande daar verby en sien die klein kinders tussen 12 en 16 lyk dit vir my dronk by plekke uit storm. Ek wonder net waar is die ouers? En wat kan ons as publiek doen om die kinders weg te vat van sulke plekke. Die groot ding is daar is altyd n vriend by wat kar ry dalk 18+ en laai dan kuikens in om saam te gaan drink. Ek dink elke naweek moet daar n span mense aangestel word om id te vra as jy hulle op straat sien met drank of net dronk is. Bouncers by plekke help nie want hulle is vriende met almal Tania Cloete Mario jy is doodreg ek het dt self gesien en beleef dt ook maar disi n kwessie van waar is die ouers nie ek gaan soek myne self kry ek haar dan kry sy n helse pak wat meer kan ek doen ek is n werkende ma en haar pa ken ons almal.no comment. Valencia De Waldt Lennitch Ek stem. Ons sal moet iets doen, maar wat. Hier by die parkie in Tamariskia rook die kinders oop en blood hubbly en dis meisies. Wat kan ek as ouer doen as ek die kinders sien? Vir wie kontak n mens? Kwagga Burger Ouers gee mos deesdae vir hulle kinders geld om onder die voete uit te kom. Nampol doen niks aan dit nie. Papierwerk is te veel. Chris Engels Daar is dit nou,vroeg ryp,vroeg vrot. Hulle wl almal grootmens wees voor hulle tyd. Alet Taljaard Maak daai besigheid se deure permanent toe Punt. Rika de Meyer Daar stem ek saam ons kan nie klippe gooi nie want more is dit ons kinders wat daar is. Ek dink daar moet meer plekke wees waar die kinders kan gaan en saam met hul ouderdom kinders kan kuier en gesels. Dis omdat dit so moeilik is vir die kinders want in swakop kan die kinders nie meer strand toe gaan of net by die mole op die gras gaan sit nie want hulle word weg gejaag al is hulle
ontskuldig as daar ander is wat wel onmin aanjaag. Ek weet van n geval by die mole waar n groep kinders onskuldig gesit en gesels het toe word hulle gearresteer net omdat hulle naby n groep gesit het wat dagga gerook het. Ek voel dis onregverdig want wat moet ons kinders doen as hulle nie eens in die publiek mag kom saam met vriende nie want hulle word oor dieselfde kam geskeer as die ander wat wel dinge doen. Ons as ouers moet rerig plan maak en praat want kinders kan nue heeldag en aldag in gehok sit nie dis ongesond vir kinders veral tieners want dis wanneer n kind begin skelm raak. Tania Cloete Vroeg ryp en vroeg vrot dis wat ons ouers ons geleer het maar vandag se kinders is mos nogmaals baie vroer as ons en so gaani lewe vorentoe vandag se 4jariges gan more se 10jariges of 8jariges is wat ook al rondloop,al wat ons kan doen is bid en saamstaan en mekaar ondersteun vandag is dit jou kind more is dit myne liewer nie klippe gooi nie elke kind verskil en di peer pressure is groot maak nie saak hoe goed jy jou kind grootmaaki . André Engelbrecht As kinders dink hulle is te groot om na hul ouers te luister dan moet die ouers hulle laat rent betaal.
A customer's slip - charged for a doggy bag.
Doggy-bag development raises eyebrows… Madelaine Laubscher A customer informed us that she was charged for taking a doggybag after having a meal at a certain restaurant in Swakopmund. “It seems that as from now on, anyone wanting to take a doggy-bag will either have to bring their own bags for leftovers or start paying for a doggy bag. Has anyone else noticed that we are being charged for doggy bags? It is quite interesting, as well as sudden price hikes just before the festive season,” a source commented.
Henties Bay Municipality - “we will help to keep Miles open” The Henties Bay municipality shared its dismay at the recent announcement by Namibia Wildlife Resorts (NWR) of the closing with immediate effect of its Mile 14, Jakkalsput, Mile 72 and Mile 108 camp sites. Rheta Kruger Smeer Dit sal fantasties wees, dan hoef ons nie onwettig daar te gaan kamp nie. Daniel Mbidi That is how thing should be done. Talk to people to understand why they took such decision, then isolate the problem to have common understanding, then look for solution. Finally you look at how to make sure that the same problem does not occur in future. Thank you
my people let other town emulate the good example on how to handle issues or differences. Derek Van Der Merwe More detail why it was not maintained, thanks Danielle Stern Oh boy where is the logic in closing campsites. Anita Moynihan Potgieter Great news! Nicolene Swart Please keep camp sites open for the last season, close it for next year than upgrade it,s adly most people already made bookings for the coast to relax and enjoy after a very long year hardworking. think about it. Martin Le Roux Way to go!
Namwater, Areva dismiss reports on Desalination Plant sale The Namibia Water Corporation Ltd (NamWater) and AREVA Resources Namibia (ARN) forwarded a joint press release, distancing themselves from statements made in the media, regarding the ongoing negotiations between the two parties, as well as the proposed sale of the Erongo Desalination Plant (EDP) to the Government of Namibia. Jacky Jacqueline Yoh.What is still to come iam getting worried.
Dippenaar verskyn in hof Jandré Dippenaar het so pas sy eerste hofverskyning in die Swakopmund Streekshof gemaak.
From one of our readers: Me and the Boyz 11 Men hanging out
Jeanne Loubser van Staden Dit is amper weer 29 Desember. Chris Barrington Why pospone? let's waste millions of tax payers' dollars! Guilty is guilty net so! What about closure for that child who lost everything. come on! Ya bra it's who you know, not what you know that matters.
Donate Before You Go Yesterday, 2 November 2015, NamBTS and World Health Organisation (WHO) launched the 8 week long campaign “Donate Before You Go” seeking to ensure adequate blood supply during the festive season. Although blood is not necessarily synonymous with the Festive Season, it is a commodity that is in very high demand since it is almost always in short supply this time of year. In an effort to ensure that patients have access to a sufficient blood supply during the Holidays, the Blood Transfusion Service of Namibia (NamBTS) has partnered with WHO to increase blood supply through awareness campaigns. Dr Islam, Representative of the World Health Organization in Namibia states “the lack of access to safe blood is responsible for the deaths of thousands of childbearing women each year globally. Severe bleeding during pregnancy, delivery and after childbirth is the single biggest cause of maternal death and can kill a
healthy woman within two hours if she is unattended.” “A constant supply of blood is needed all year round, and as there are simply not enough available and willing donors during December and beginning of January, we encourage you to donate before you go off and enjoy your summer holiday. In hot weather you need to drink more fluid to keep hydrated so that your body can adjust itself after the donation and stop you from feeling faint. It's important to replace fluids after you've donated to help bring your blood volume levels back to normal,” says Zita Tobin of NamBTS Urgent access to safe supplies of blood for transfusion is crucial, especially during the
festive season when the blood stock levels are low. The “Donate Before You Go” campaign encourages the public to donate 5,000 units before Christmas – a reachable target if new and existing donors pull together to make sure that lives will be saved. Since blood cannot be manufactured, patients can only receive the necessary blood products through a selfless gift given by blood donors. Therefore, NamBTS and WHO are
calling all Namibians to donate blood. Donors should be older than 16 years, weigh more than 50kg, lead a sexually safe lifestyle and enjoy general good health. Donors are encouraged to eat a balanced meal within 3 – 4 hours of attending a clinic. For more information, join the conversation on Facebook. com/ TheBloodTransfusion ServiceOfNamibia.
Tuesday, 3 November 2015 Walvis Bay NAMBTS (Behind Welwitschia Medi-park) 13:00-18:00 _______________________ Wednesday, 4 November 2015 Woermann Brock (Walvis Bay) 10:00-15:00 _________________________
Thursday, 5 November 2015 Wo e r m a n n B r o c k ( S w a kopmund) 10:00-15:00 ________________________ Friday, 6 November 2015 Shoprite (Swakopmund) 10:00-15:00
The World This Week
Russian investigators stand near debris, luggage and personal effects of passengers a day after a passenger jet bound for St. Petersburg in Russia crashed in Hassana, Egypt, on Sunday, Nov. 1, 2015. The Metrojet plane crashed 23 minutes after it took off from Egypt's Red Sea resort of Sharm elSheikh on Saturday morning. The 224 people on board, all Russian except for four Ukrainians and one Belarusian, died. (AP Photo/Amr Nabil)
People light candles and place flowers in central Saint Petersburg on November 1, in memory of the victims of a jetliner crash. Flags flew at half-mast in Russia on November 1 as the country mourned its worst air disaster after a jetliner full of Russian tourists crashed in Egypt, killing all 224 on board. AFP PHOTO / OLGA MALTSEVA Tu r k i s h P r e s i d e n t Ta y y i p E r d o g a n , accompanied by his daughter Sumeyye Erdogan (2nd L), poses with his supporters as he leaves from Eyup Sultan mosque in I s t a n b u l , T u r k e y, November 2. President Erdogan said on Monday the nation had voted for stability in a
parliamentary election that saw the AK Party he founded win almost 50 percent of the vote, and said the world should respect the result. The Islamist-rooted AKP swept to an unexpected landslide victory on Sunday, an outcome that will boost Erdogan's power but may deepen social divisions. REUTERS/Huseyin Aldemir
Actor Robert De Niro accepts the Hollywood Career Achievement Award at the Hollywood Film Awards in Beverly Hills, California November 1, 2015. REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni
3 NOVEMBER 2015 The "Old Scholars Association" of Walvis Bay Private High School (WBPHS) hosted the well-known artist Arno Jordaan Friday night at the coast. According to a source the school hall was crowded with fans. “Wayne Blaauw from Mariental opened the show for Jordaan. Wayne is a young upcoming Namibian artist and has used this opportunity to show that Namibia has talent. He sings his own songs as well as covers of Neil Diamond and Elvis. He touched the hearts of the community of Walvis Bay and many young ladies purchased his cd. When Arno took to the stage with his 22 month-old boy that went on tour with him. We really enjoyed the show. The evening came to an end with Arno and Wayne selling their albums,” one of the fans said.
Walvis Bay enjoys Arno Jordaan WALVIS BAY
Madelaine Laubscher Arno Jordaan with his son on stage at WBPHS
Dj Molequils crowned as the Master of Decks Swakopmund's Dj Cuzco took second place at the Master of Decks Competition which took place on Saturday 24 October at the COSDEF Arts and Crafts Centre. The Master of Decks Competition is an initiative of West Coast FM radio station. rounds took place at Alte Laundry Swakopmund on 2 and 3 October and started with only ten Dj's of which only six went through to the final round. Dj Molequils, originally from Windhoek
DJ Molequils, the Master of Decks title holder and Edwin Jacobs of West Coast FM.
but based in Swakopmund won himself the title of the Master of Decks and walked away with a cheque of N$10 000, Dj Cuzco took second place and walked away with N$5 000, third place Dj Cu Christopa took the worth N$1 500. Dj Cuzco and Dj Molequils say they will definitely participate again next year as it was a different experience for them. Cuzco said the competition is a great platform for Dj's, “ the competition is an uplifting initiative for Dj's to come together and boost guys to become better Dj's and to become more professional and it helps Dj's to master the latest equipment” says Cuzco. Cuzco further said he is so used to the simple decks and it was very challenging when he was introduced to the latest equipment, he
SWAKOPMUND * Bridge: The Swakopmund Bridge club meets every Monday evening at 19:00 at Lions Old Age Home. Contact: Ed Barbour 064-405 604. * Swakopmund Toastmasters: Meet every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, Bismark Str 39, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 - 20:30. * Every Saturday: Flea Market & fresh produce outside Wild Rocket Cafe Kriess Arcade from 08:30 - 12:00. * 7 Nov: Rotary Day at SFC - Lots of family fun. Be there. * 7 - 21 Nov: Choonde “art in unity’’ at Die Muschel Art Gallery. Opening 7 Nov at 18:00. Mr Samuel Nuuyoma will open the exhibition. * 12 Nov: Rössmund Golf Course is hosting an Executive Breakfast at 09:00. * 27 & 28 Nov: Advent Market in Lions Old Age Home, Swakopmund presented by Organisation for Caring for People with Disabilities. 29 Nov: Sunday Market at the Green Center, 5 Libertina Amathila Ave 09:00 -13:00. ****************
Sharlien Tjambari
The initiative was started in order to recognise DJ'ing as a career in Namibia. It is set to be an annual event and invites all Dj's from across Namibia to participate. The preliminary
* Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. * Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Wel-witschia Hospital next to indoor pool. * First Tuesday of every month Charity Quiz Night at The Raft! Call 204877 for more info and reservations. * Every Sunday: Potjiekos available at MOTH Club. * 3 Nov: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Lutherse Kerk. * 5 Nov: Lianie May Concert in Walvis Bay at Jan Wilken Stadium at 18:30. * 11 Nov: MOTH meeting at Escarpment Shellhole * 12 Nov: Narraville Primary School Christmas Tree at School Hall. * 28 Nov: Adventmarkt – Evangelische L Kirche Walvis Bay – Theo Ben Gurirab – 081 124 3203. * 1 Des: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Rhynse Kerk. * 9 Dec.: MOTH meeting at Escarpment Shellhole **********
HENTIES BAY Dj Cuzco receiving his cheque from Edwin Jacobs of West Coast FM described the challenge as being challenging yet he says he learned a lot from it. Dj Molequils says he is very much thankful for the fans who supports Dj's as well as the sponsors who believe in them. Molequils advices fellow Dj's to do Dj'ing for the right reasons and to do it with passion. Molequils
u rg e s o t h e r D j ' s across Namibia to enter for the competition next year especially the female Dj's. The competition will be an annual event and will take place earlier next year, entry forms will be available from January next year and all Dj's are welcome to take part in this fun and exciting event.
* 16 Des: Geloftefees te N G KERK Hentiesbaai om 09:00. *******************
ART EXHIBITIONS * Every Saturday: Open Air Arts Exhibition at the Mole next to Tennis courts in Swakopmund. Oil paintings - weather permitting. * Permanent Collection: Woermann Haus Gallery in Bismarck Street. Fine collection of the Swakopmund Arts Association’s “South West Masters’’ and contemporary Namibian art works. Open Mondays to Saturdays 10:00 - 12:00 and 15:00 - 17:00. * Swakopmund Museum: Open daily, including Sundays 10:00 - 17:00. * Sam Cohen Library: Monday to Friday: 08:00 13:00/15:00 - 17:00 and the second Saturday per month 09:00 - 13:00. * Die Galerie, Walvis Bay: Exhibition of Namibian and South African Artists. Gallery Hours: Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 17:00. Saturday - 08:30 - 12:30.
Daniella’s Baptism
Traditional Wedding
Sandra and Terrence !Gonteb wedding in Swakopmund
Fun at the Expo
Day of the Dolphin
Seminar to enrich Narraville Women Liesl Losper
Florence Tshisuku, a counsellor and community worker of the organisation Healing Wound, started the initiative after she had an outreach program and realised that a lot of problems women face daily are due to a lack of information or proper education on social issues. The aim with this seminar is societal transformation. The topics for this workshop on 7 November at the Protea Hotel in Walvis Bay will focus on different aspects of a woman's life, from finances, health, emotional well-being, the role a woman plays in society, for example, baby dumping, family planning, stress management, SME/Entrepreneurship, malnutrition amongst babies and young children, counselling on different aspects, and health issues. “Since it will be an information sharing day each speaker will present a talk on a topic based on experiences they went through in life, obstacles they faced and how they rose above all things and give advice on how to bring about a positive change in a woman's life. This seminar will benefit the community a lot because women will be properly educated and equipped by having access to all the right information on the above topics. People will be taught how to manage their
NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In the Magistrate’s Court for the District of Swakopmund held at Swakopmund. Case No: 562/15 In the matter between: Burgers Equipment & Spares Plaintiff and Stone Africa (Pty) Ltd
Defendant In pursuance of a Judgement in the Magistrate’s Court of Swakopmund and writ of execution dated 08/09/15, the goods listed hereunder will be sold in execution to the highest bidder at Mine Site, 40km outside Swakopmund on the Husab Mine Road on 25 November 2015
at 11:00 namely: 2 x Polish Line Machine 1 x 5 Ton Toyota Forklift 1 x Gold 60 Multiware Cutter 8 x Office Containers 2 x Gantry Cranes 4 x Block Square Cutters Conditions of Sale: Voetstoots - Cash to the
highest bidder. Dated at Swakopmund on 29 October 2015. Attorneys for Judgment Creditor KINGHORN ASSOCIATES 2-6 Haus Altona Tobias Hainyeko Street Tel: 064-405051 Fax: 064-402159 Swakopmund Ref: HV/sb/BUR23/ 0001-COLL
NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In the Magistrate’s Court for the District of Swakopmund held at Swakopmund. Case No: 561/15 In the matter between: Safe Wear Namibia Plaintiff and Stone Africa (Pty) Ltd Defendant In pursuance of a Judgement in the Magistrate’s Court of Swakopmund and writ of execution dated 08/09/15, the
finances, and where to go to when faced with certain issues like domestic violence. Unemployment amongst women will be addressed which is a great concern in the Walvis Bay area, women will be educated on how to rather start their own business and create an income for themselves,” Florence said. “ The women attending the seminar will be given the platform to ask questions. Women will be properly educated on the importance of correct and healthy feeding, family planning, and also discuss how we as women in the society could help reduce the high rise in teenage pregnancy and baby dumping. This seminar is for women of the community and women from the industries who have a line of supervision of women employees falling under them so that they can go back and share information with them. It is planned to make this an annual event, where women of Walvis Bay can meet at a refresher seminar and be further educated on societal issues. goods listed hereunder will be sold in execution to the highest bidder at Mine Site, 40km outside Swakopmund on the Husab Mine Road on 25 November 2015 at 11:00 namely: 2 x Polish Line Machine 1 x 5 Ton Toyota Forklift 1 x Gold 60 Multiware Cutter 8 x Office Containers 2 x Gantry Cranes 4 x Block Square Cutters
Conditions of Sale: Voet-stoots - Cash to the highest bidder. Dated at Swakopmund on 29 October 2015. Attorneys for Judgment Creditor KINGHORN ASSOCIATES 2-6 Haus Altona Tobias Hainyeko Street Tel: 064-405051 Fax: 064-402159 Swakopmund Ref: HV/sb/SAF3/ 0002-COLL
All eyes on the Fed Since the end of the third quarter markets rallied sharply. Across all asset classes, even commodity stocks rebounded from what was a dismal Q3. Emerging market stocks and bonds recovered well from being battered in Q3 largely due to two factors, a further confirmation that the Chinese economy is weakening rapidly and continued uncertainty surrounding the timing of the pending Fed rate hike in the US. Remarkably, the turnaround (sharp rebound for most of October) came on the back of disappointing US economic data. Specifically, employment growth decelerating which is supposed to be a reason for concern but markets instead interpreted the weak payrolls number as a sign that the 'global lower for longer regime' will continue. Then came Q3 GDP figures and the announcement by the FOMC on their outlook on the US economy and pending rate hike… and volatility returned and is here to stay for the near term at least. US economic growth decelerated… Although on Wednesday the Fed described the economy as expanding at a 'moderate' pace, with Q3 GDP increasing by only 1.5% vs 3.9% in Q2 2015 on the back of an inventory drag. The US economy has failed to consistently break the 2.5% annual growth mark since the end of the 2007-2009 recession.
Solid domestic demand could however encourage businesses to restock and support an inventory come-back and Q4 GDP. Consumer spending grew at 3.2% after expanding by 3.6% in Q2 as the consumers are getting a tailwind from lower gas prices, a steadily firming housing market and lower inflation. US domestic consumer spending looks like the catalyst for the Fed's stance at present. FOMC – October vs September The Fed surprised the market with its statement following the 27 and 28 October FOMC meeting. As the actual decision on interest rates was as expected the tone was more hawkish than before. Rather than using traditional economic indicators on whether to raise interest rates or not, the Fed showed their decisiveness to act in the near term based on confidence that the economy can digest such a move rather than whether it actually needs it. Wall Street rallied on the back of the clear indication from the Fed that it
should act in the near term. However, no such applause in other markets and emerging markets in particular showed it does not have the same confidence or sentiment as the Fed painted that the global economy could stomach a Fed rate hike in December. Even in Europe, despite a weaker euro stocks were down. Markets in Q4 will be economic data dependant and expect economic dataflow to cause swings in sentiment. ZAR & Commodities slips The rand retreated on the back of the Fed's announcement and did not react well to a potential rate hike in December by the Fed. It reignited the fears that such a move would trigger capital outflows from emerging markets. Most emerging market currencies fell on the news from the Fed. Expect further rand volatility and weakness in the near term. Commodities, in a slow economic growth environment suffers, and there is still no light at the end of tunnel for commodities and commodity related
stocks, clearly evident by its reaction post the Fed announcement. As long as the market observes excess supply in commodities, modest growth and signs of disinflation, commodities will remain relatively unattractive and under pressure. Back to the Fed Not to forget, in May this year all commentators were certain of a Fed rate hike in June or July. This sentiment changed over the course of July as economic data did not support such a move. So are we back to the sentiment as it was in May with all pundits betting on a rate hike in December? Pretty much. The fact that emerging markets and Wall Street reacted very differently to the FOMC October statement is a cause for concern and what previously transpired in this year could well happen again. In other words, data could again proof the Fed and pundits wrong. On the one hand you have the Fed fairly 'bullish' that the US economy can absorb a rate hike in the
near term despite only growing only at a moderate 1.5% in Q3 compared to the average growth over the last 30 years of 3.0%. On the other, you have the emerging market and Eurozone that reacted negatively and one can say is acting more from a fundamental view point based on actual weak economic data compared to what the market can or cannot stomach? So, what to watch During Q3 the focus was on China and its economic slowdown. Over the last couple of weeks investor anxiety has shifted from focussing on China back to the US economy. Despite the Fed announcement and its view on the US economy, plunging inflation expectations, a stalling manufacturing sector, the slowing labour market and another Fed delay in October, the question perhaps should be different. In order to answer whether the global market can stomach a Fed rate hike in December or not the question should be whether the US economy is on the brink of another recession? Looking at the data available the US economy appears only to be in a slowdown mode. The risk however has certainly increased. Indicators that might be useful over the next couple of months to keep your eye on is any leading indicators of business confidence or business activity levels, manufacturing data like the ISM New Orders for example and any default risk showing up, in other words what credit spreads are telling us. Looking at manufacturing, the ISM New Orders for example, has in the past been a useful predictor of economic growth for up to six months forward. September's reading at around the 50 level is con-sistent with an expanding economy, but the trend is also negative. A prolonged dip below 50 will spark the likelihood of another recession. Credit spreads widening indicate default risk. Credit spreads, not commonly used as an economic indicator but rather whether there is a default risk could be useful, as a high default risk is normally associated with a recession or sharp economic slowdown. Credit
spreads of high yield and investment grade instruments has been widening of late. None of these indicators currently are sending out a very positive message with regards to the US economy but also not indicating that an imminent recession is due over the course of the next six months. Why would we look at this possibility? Why does it matter to the long term investor? Well, because perhaps recessions really is a non-event for the long term investor. It is always difficult to predict or prepare for a recession. Predicting them in advance is an impossible task and when things actually start to happen, it is often already too late to take action. On average, recessions does not wreak irrecoverable damage and the losses are recovered relatively quickly. Historically equity markets fall in the three months prior to a recession and in the first 6 – 8 months of the recession itself. However, equities then quickly recover and recoup their losses. Within a year and half on average the losses are completely eradicated. So this, a fear of recession or anxiety over short term volatility as we are experiencing at present should not be an
overwhelming obstacle for the long term investor. Investors tend to react (overreact) emotionally to a recession and rarely recover from this state of mind. By this we imply that those investors who exit the market amidst volatility or the fear of a recession (let say for example 30 – 50% of your share portfolio is wiped off in a few months or weeks) seldom return to the market. The turbulence is much worse than exiting the market and not finding an appropriate level to return. Post 2007-2009, individual investors have developed a fear of recessions and or market corrections. But this is hard to explain as to why when you look at the figures post the financial crisis. So why make the same mistake twice? The opinions expressed in this document are the opinions of the writer and not necessarily those of PSG and do not constitute advice. Although the utmost care has been taken in the research and preparation of this document, no responsibility can be taken for actions taken on information in this newsletter.
N O T I C E S &
REZONING APPLICATION IN TERMS OF THE SWAKOPMUND TOWN PLANNING SCHEME FROM: Single Residential TO: General Business with a bulk of 2 ON ERF NO: 689 TOWNSHIP: Swakopmund; Sam Nujoma Avenue. In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, intend to apply to the Swakopmund Municipality for permission to erect/ establish a general business development. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at the Town Planning Office and Municipal Notice Board, Swakopmund Municipality Building, C/O Rakotoka Street & Daniel Kamho Avenue, Swakopmund. Any person objecting to the proposed rezoning as indicated above may lodge objections, together with the grounds thereof, with the undersigned and the Chief Executive Officer, Municipality of Swakopmund, P.O. Box 53, Swakopmund, in writing, before or on, 17 November 2015.
Get your life back
Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Thursday at 18:30 at the Roman Catholic Church Swakopmund. Al Anon meetings for the family of alcoholics are run at the same time.
Contact: 081 606 7743
NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: Stewart Planning, Town and Regional Planners, P. O. Box 2095, Walvis Bay. (064 280 770)
MUNICIPALITY OF WALVIS BAY P.O. Box 12, Swakopmund, Namibia Tel: 09264-64-415 500 Fax: 09264-64-415 501 INTERNAL/EXTERNAL VACANCY: SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR – SWAKOPMUND Woermann Brock & Co Swakopmund, an equal opportunity employer, has vacant position for a switchboard operator/administrative clerk. Candidate Profile · Namibian Citizen · Stationed in Swakopmund or willing to move to Swakopmund · Confidential · Strong interpersonal and communication skills · Exceptional organizational skills · Excellent customer care skills · Accurate · Ability to work under pressure · Takes responsibility for actions · Honest · Trustworthy · Sober social habits Qualifications and Experience · Any knowledge or experience of Accounting will be an advantage. · Good pass in Mathematics (proof will be required) · Experience as a switchboard operator or administrative clerk will be an added advantage. · Accuracy and fluency in English and Afrikaans (Reading and Writing). · Must be able to type at least 40 words per minute. · Computer literate is a must. Must be able to work on Microsoft word, excel, outlook and power point.
INFORMATION GATHERING – SECTIONAL TITLE UNITS In terms of section 54 of the Sectional Titles Act, 2009 (Act 2 of 2009), local authorities are to levy and recover rates on rateable properties from the owner of each unit personally and no more from the body corporate, except when the body corporate is the owner of a unit in the scheme. In compliance with the provisions of section 54 of the said Act, the Municipality of Walvis Bay has completed the valuation of all sectional units falling under its jurisdiction. The next step will be to engage all bodies corporate, close corporations and other stakeholders with the aim of establishing the ownership of each and every sectional title unit. All parties involved are herewith notified of the impending exercise and are requested to assist the municipal officials who will be involved. For any further enquiries in this regard, please contact: Elsa Britz – Head: Customer Services at 064-201 3359 or Ignatius Thudinyane – Manager: Revenue & Credit Control at 064-201 3293 Notice No. 99/2015 File No. 5/13/8/1
POSITION: Teleseller DUTIES INCLUDE · Generating, capturing and processing orders · Liaising with customers and colleagues EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS · Minimum of Grade 12 · Computer Literacy ADDITIONAL ADVANTAGES · Previous Sales Experience · Certificate in Sales · Experience with Pastel Evolution · Drivers Licence REQUIRED SKILLS · Must have a passion and a flair for Sales · An ability to work to tight deadlines · Able to work under pressure · Available to work overtime · Good people skills · Team player
Closing date Friday 13 November 2015 Submit: Letter of application & CV to jobs@seapride.com.na or hand delivered to Sea Pride Foods attention the HR Manager
Salary Negotiable MALE APPLICANTS WELCOME! Only short-listed candidates will be interviewed and no CV's or attached documentation will be returned. Please hand deliver your CV to: Woermann Brock & Co Swakopmund (PTY) Ltd for attention Elmarine Grobler (Screening Questions will be completed upon submission of CV) Tel: 064 – 415 500 Closing Date: 06/11/2015
MUNICIPALITY OF WALVIS BAY Notice 95/2015 Expression(s) of Interest
MUNICIPALITY OF WALVIS BAY REGISTRATION OF PLUMBERS IN TERMS OF THE LOCAL AUTHORITIES ACT An invitation is herewith extended to all plumbers operating within the Walvis Bay Municipal area who are not yet registered, to register with the Municipality of Walvis Bay in terms of the Drainage and Plumbing Regulations of the Municipality of Walvis Bay (1982). This registration must be done before or on Friday 20 November 2015. Henceforth, only plumbers who are registered with the Municipality of Walvis Bay and possess a valid municipal business registration certificate will be allowed to do maintenance repairs to normal and municipal water infrastructure. Furthermore, no water leakage credit applications will be entertained in cases where repairs were done by unregistered plumbers. There may be those that are registered in a different category on business names, which includes plumbing. It is the responsibility of such businesses to confirm their registration as plumbers. The following businesses are currently registered with the Municipality of Walvis Bay as specialised plumbers: Raymond Plumbing, Boma Enterprises t/a Polka Plumbing, Okahao Plumbing, Je-Ru-So Plumbing, Plumbing Services, Coastal Plumbers & Renovations, Bornman Plumbing, Plumbing and Drainage Services, Ohamma Trading Enterprises CC, Meke Plumbing, Ocean Plumbing Services, Johns Plumbing, Villa's Plumbing Services, Hofeni Plumbing CC, Pro-Marine Plumbing & Renovations, Johnny's Plumbing, Kally Plumbing Services, M E P Plumbing CC. Contact person: Mr Ignatius Thudinyane 2013293 - Manager: Revenue and Credit Control Mrs Myrna Brand – 2013288 – Business Registration Officer
THE MUNICIPALITY OF WALVIS BAY IS INVITING EXPRESSION (S) OF INTEREST FROM INTERESTED PARTIES FOR THE FOLLOWING: 1. Lease of various open areas at Kuisebmond Beach for the provision of goods and activities for the period 1 December 2015 to 12 January 2016. 2. Interested individuals can collect application forms from the Cashier's Offices in Kuisebmond, Narraville or Walvis Bay against a payment of N$10.00. 3. The completed application forms must be sealed in an envelope with the following inscription on the envelope “Lease of Area at Kuisebmond Beach” and deposited in the Tender Box in the foyer of the Civic Centre, Nangolo Mbumba Drive on or before 11:00 on 20 November 2015. No applications would be entertained after this date. Documents will be opened at 11:05 on Friday, 20 November 2015 in the presence of those who submitted Expression (s) of Interest in the Dolphin Conference Room at the Civic Centre, Walvis Bay. 4. Preference would be given Small Enterprises based in Walvis Bay-based. 6. Council reserves the right to accept/decline any proposal (s) under this Expression of Interest. 7.Please take note of the following: a) Applications to sell alcohol (including beer and ciders) will not be entertained. b) There are no electrical connections and applicants needing power must apply to Erongo RED for temporary connections at their own cost. c) No over night sleeping would be allowed. 8. Successful applicants have to pay the following lease tariff per day for the period after approval of the application (s) has been given: Tents (N$450.00), Gazebos/Mobile Units (N$30.00). 9. Enquiries can be directed to Mr. Martin Nambuli, telephone 2013367 (office hours). A.T. VICTOR GENERAL MANAGER: COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
Arandis House for sale One (1) x 4-bedroom house now available to buy. It is neatly tiled, cupboards in some bedrooms and has a new geyser. Relatively large erf and situated in a good and quiet neighbourhood. Do not miss this opportunity. Pictures can be provided on whatsapp. Selling Price: N$ 430 000 Contact: 0814554176 ERVEN FOR SALE Ext. 15 - Ocean View Swakopmund: 903m² for N$850 000 (neg) Contact Owner: 081 606 0668 HENTIES BAY Brand new house for sale. Buy from Developer and save. 2 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, tandem automated garage, alarm, aluminium windows + gates, roof tiles, ± 600m² land. In secure complex. N$940 000.00 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, automated double garage, alarm, aluminum windows + gates, roof tiles, ±600m² land. In secure complex. N$1 040 000.00 Contact: 085 124 9826
Walvis Bay FOR SALE NARRAVILLE FOR THE INVESTOR! 3 X 2 BEDR units on 1 erf, with double garage. Price - N$1 350 000 NARRAVILLE FOR THE INVESTOR! 3 Bedroom house, 2 bathr, kitchen / lounge, dining, garage + 2 x 1 bedroom flats All this for only FOR ONLY – N$1 200 000
Modern Double storey Unit close to the Lagoon 2 bed, 2 bath, open plan kitchen lounge, ind. BBQ plus double garage N$ 1 250 000.00
FOR SALE Walvis Bay Contact our Agents Ruth – 081 240 7350 Karien – 081 250 4690 064-280 600 Nangolo Mbumba Str. PROPERTY IS WEALTH
FEEL FREE TO CONTACT: Yolande – 081 251 9377 yolande@laproperties.com.na
WALVIS BAY Central Excellent situated, safe and secure complex Spacious 2 bed, 1 bath unit with huge kitchen, Lounge with sliding door to balcony & garage, ONLY N$ 950 000-00 Joey 081 278 0518 WALVIS BAY Lagoon Our prime area 2 bed, 1 bath unit with kitchen, Lounge & garage ONLY N$ 900 000-00 Call Joey 081 278 0518
FOR SALE: Big erf in Kuisebmond 352m² suitable for flats, recreational facility Workshop. Price negotiable. Contact: 081 269 7503 081 269 3269 Private Sale Tamariskia, Swakopmund A three bedroom house with single garage, open plan kitchen/lounge. An approved extension plan available. Price: N$1.1 M including transfer costs. Contact: 0811248722/ 0812900545 IN HERMIS, W/BAY AVAILABLE AS FROM 1ST OF DECEMBER 2015 Bedroom (3) Double garage - electric Alarm g4s monitored Separate kitchen Indoor braai Build in stove 2 bathrooms Guest toilet down Pre-payment meter All for N$ 8500.00 INTERESTED CONTACT THE OWNER @ 0812413453
GOOD INVESTMENT WALVIS BAY KUISEBMOND 3 x 2 Bed, 1 bath, kitchen, Living area with a garage. N$ 430 000.00 (each) Emily 081 293 0335 KUISEBMOND 5 Bed, 1 bath, kitchen. 2 x 2 bedroom flat N$ 850 000.00 Emily 081 293 0335 KUISEBMOND 3 Bed, 2 bath, open-plan kitchen With living area, 1 garage. N$ 695 000.00 Emily 081 293 0335 KUISEBMOND 2 Bed,1 bath, open-plan kitchen With living area. N$ 530 000.00 Emily 081 293 0335 FAIRWAYS BIG FAMILY HOME 3 Bed, 2 bath, lounge, Tv room, Study, dining, 2 garages & Bachelor flat. N$ 2 700 000-00 Emily 081 293 0335 To Let Modern newly built offices, available 2 big offices with furnished reception, bathr, kitchen in City Centre = +/100m². Parking is available, fully alarmed, modern data application. Availability as from 1 November 2015. Call Pascale Paulsmeier on 0811271974. "Spacious, Quality & Safe house 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms All En-Suite & Build - in Cupboards Open plan kitchen with scullery, Dinning with indoor braai, Guest bathroom & outside toilet Double Garage. Very Good security with alarm & outside yard beams. N$11 000 p/m, excl water. Contact owner 0811475487”
Close to schools large Family Home 4 bed, 2 bath, kitchen, lounge, garage parks 4 cars, plus servants room and 2 bed flat erf 1200m² Large Double Storey Unit N$ 2 350 000.00 in Secure Complex 3 bed, 2 bath, open plan kitchen lounge, ind. BBQ plus courtyard N$ 1 350 000.00 Walking distance to School – rare find 3 bed, 1 bath, kitchen lounge, ind BBQ, Double garage N$ 1 600 000.00 PROPERTY IS WEALTH
EXCLUSIVE AND ELITE ESTATES TO RENT: Ocean View: Furnished 3 bedroom town house. Available end of Sept.. N$13 000.00p/m Spacious Town house N$ 8 000.00p/m Available end of Sept. Ext. 22: 3 Bedroom house with double garage. N$9900.00p/m 2x 3 bedroom town houses. Available end of Sept.. N$10 000.00 (unfurnished) N$14 000.00 (Furnished) Vineta, Swakopmund 1 bedroom, kitchen and garage N$ 4 500.00 p/m Extension 23 Newly built 3 bedroom house N$ 9 000.00 Hage Heights: Up-market stylish 3 Bedroom double story furnished house. N$27 000.00p/m Mondesa: Spacious 4 bedroom house + garage. N$7000.00p/m Mondesa: 2 Bedroom house N$4500.00p/m Centre, Town Swakopmund 2 bedr, 2 bathr N$ 6 600.00 p/m Ocean view fully furnished 3 bedroom apartment N$ 13 000.00 p/m VINETA 3 small bedroom house N$ 6 600.00 p/m FOR SALE NEW DEVELOPMENT Mondesa: D/storey town house 2 + 3 bedrooms. Stating price N$730 000.00 Diana Mc Clune Cell: 081 124 0933 Tel: (064) 402 439 Fax: (064) 402 471 Email: eeestates@gmail .com TO RENT: 2 Bedroom flat for rent for N$4 840.00 No pets. Single Garage for small car. Near Flamingo Primary School. Prepaid electricity. Water excluded. Suitable for single lady or senior couple. Available 1 December. Mobile 081 454 9300
New Industrial Warehouses 125.9m ² - N$ 1 220 000.00 222.0m² - N$ 2 120 000.00 339.6m² - N$ 3 090 600.00
Contact us if you want to sell your Property!! PROPERTY IS WEALTH
SWAKOPMUND VINETA 3 x 3 Bed houses on Huge erven, Ranging between N$ 1 500 000-00 & N$ 1 600 000-00 SWAKOPMUND NEAT AS A PIN 3 Bed, 2 bath, double Garage, lots of cupboards, Scullery & fire place. N$ 1 800 000-00 SWAKOPMUND RETIREMENT VILLAGE 1 Bed, 1 bath, open Plan kitchen/living, Garage. N$ 680 000-00 SWAKOPMUND OCEAN VIEW 875m² vacant plot For ONLY N$ 790 000-00 SWAKOPMUND SIMPLY AWESOME! Luxurious 4 bed, 4 bath, Double storey with Flowing open plan living, Study, pantry, scullery. Double garage, indoor BBQ , patio, etc. N$ 5 555 000-00 MONDESA Spacious 3 bed, 2 bath, open plan Kitchen/living, patio, PLUS 3 outside rooms with bathroom. N$ 1 070 000-00 GOGGA 0818709950
Walvis Bay TO LET - Fairway – Fully furnished 3 bedr house, 2 x bathrooms, open plan kitchen / lounge, double garage. N$14 000.00 - Fairway – Fully furnished 3 bedr townhouse, 2 bathr, open plan kitchen / lounge, double garage. N$12 000.00 - Central – Fully furnished 3 bedroom flat, 2 x bathrooms, open plan kitchen / lounge, single garage. N$9285, D.S.T.V and water incl - Lagoon- 3 bedr, 3 bathr, study, open plan kitchen, lounge, dining, entertainment area, double garage, N$16 000.00 - Lagoon – 1 x bedroom flat, bathroom, kitchen, lounge, single garage. N$5500 - Central – Bachelor flat, w&e included, no garage. N$3900 - Longbeach – Fully furnished Seafront house, 4 bedr, 2 bathr, open plan kitchen / lounge, double garage. N$38 000.00 Kuisebmund - Bachelor flat – N$2500 (water & electr incl) - WAREHOUSES Light Industrial 131m² N$10 500.00 incl vat 272m² N$18 975.00 incl vat 172,86m² N$10 970 incl vat 261.3m² N$16 000 excl vat 1000m² N$49 500.00 excl vat 4140m² N$176 000.00 excl vat
1000m² Warehouse, with 200m² Office space, 200m² extra storage, 3 standard garages N$61 618.00 excl vat FEEL FREE TO CONTACT: Yolande – 081 251 9377 / Lydia – 081 241 8980 Office – 064 272580
TO LET - WALVIS BAY CENTRAL N$ 7 500 – Upmarket 2 Bed, 2 Bath with single garage N$ 8 500 – Offices in central town N$ 9 500 - 3bed,2bath town house with single garage N$ 6 160 – 3Bed 2bath townhouse with single garage MEERSIG N$ 12 500 - Upmarket 3 Bed, 2 bath with double garage N$ 9 500 – 4bed house with single garage NARRAVILLE N$ 3 300 – 1Bed flat incl w&e HERMES N$ 3 500- 1Bed flat with single garage KUISEBMOND N$ 3 850 – 3Bed house with single garage N$ 1 815 – Inside room INDUSTRIAL N$ 12 180 excl VAT – New 174m² warehouse with 1 office N$ 12 500 – office 145m² near syncrolift incl water N$ 12 240 excl VAT – 272m² Warehouse Please call Rhoda 081 413 1313 Or Talitha 081 337 3669
TO LET Jabulani Inside room N$ 2000.00 W/L Incl 1person 1bedr flat bathr, kitchen N$3500.00 W/Incl pre-paid electricity All deposits required For Sale Mondesa 2bedr house, 2bathr, lounge, kitchen bathr, garage N$ 600 000.00 3bedr house, lounge, kitchen, bathroom with flat of 2bedr,open lounge kitchen single garage N$ 900 000.00 Tamariskia Cottage Village Flat 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, open plan kitchen, garage N$ 850 000 00 Ocean view (brand new) 3Bed house, 2bathr, lounge, kitchen dinning room, double garage (remote door) N$ 1.9 mil neg Call Tel: 064-402112 Fax: 064-403396 Matty: 081 244 6995
MAHETAGO, SWAKOPMUND One outside bachelor flat for N$2400 and one inside room for N$ 1600 available immediately. Full deposit required. Water incl. Electricity Prepaid. Contact: 0814616260 or 0813704266
TO RENT: Walvis Bay, Central 1 bedroom, bathroom & shower Kitchen (bic) Courtyard 1x garage N$ 4 500.00 p/m Deposit Available immediately Contact: 08 304 5271
TE HUUR: Walvisbaai 3 slaapkamer huis met ingeboude kaste. Groot ruim kombuis met ingeboude kaste en stoof. Sitkamer en badkamer met tandem motorhuis. Groot erf met interlocks. Naby Duneside Skool geleë en loopafstand na winkels. N$ 8 500.00 p/m W/L ingsl. N$ 6 000.00 deposito beskikbaar vanaf 1 Desember Kontak: 081 376 2436 064 220 948
TO LET House in Mondesa / Jabulani 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, Kitchen & Lounge N$4500,00 (no deposit required) Water included, pre-paid Electricity Immediate available Contact: 081 4688 582 / 081 344 2112
Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
TE HUUR Ocean View - Swakop: Dubbel verdieping 3 slaapkamer Town house, 2 badkamers (1 en-suite), balkon. Onder: Pragtige oopplan kombuis met sitkamer, binne braai, gaste toilet, 1 groot garage. Buite: Eie ingang, klein tuin en buite toilet. Onmiddelik beskikbaar. N$8000.00 plus deposito. Water en krag uitgesluit. Kontak: 081 786 0089 ARANDIS House to Let A 4-bedroom house available to rent. House is tiled and has a big kitchen, sitting room and a geyser. There are builtin cupboards in the kitchen and in some of the rooms. All rooms are big and the yard is huge for parking cars. Is a corner house and photos can be provided on whatsup if required. Rental: N$4500 per month. Water included. Deposit will be required. Prepaid electricity. Contact: 0814554176 CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE SWAKOPMUND
SELLING YOUR HOME?? Get the price you want. No negotiating with buyers. No agent commissions. RENTING YOUR HOME?? Get the price you want. No negotiating with tenants. No agent commissions. Contact: 081 673 2664 Rooms available for rent Weekly, monthly Long or short term Partially furnished Available immediately Ocean View Contact: 081 281 7224
SWAKOPMUND – HOUSE TO LET Modern, light and bright house in ext 15. Open plan living areas – stunning kitchen, 3 bright bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, and double garage. Fully walled garden. N$12 000. Available immediately. Barbara 081 656 2619
TO LET VINETA HOUSE 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen/scullery, lounge/dining, bic, spacious yard, double garage, water & electricity excluded, deposit required. N$10,600-00 IRENE 081 353 5551 / 064412320 irene@cfsnamibia.com Swakopmund Town-center Corporate flat to RENT Fully furnished and Fully equipped. 2 bedroom 1.5 bathrooms 2 car garage Spacious,modern & upmarket N$15000.- per mnth TEL: 0812439258 BACHELOR WOONSTEL TE HUUR Vineta - Swakopmund: Agter in erf. Groot kamer met kitchenette en badkamer. N$2200 enkel person N$3500 vir 2 persone W/L Ingesluit, deposito betaalbaar. Onmiddelik beskikbaar. Kontak: 081 323 3531 TO RENT: Narraville, Walvis Bay 2 bedroom, open plan kitchen, bathroom with garage. Available from 6 November 2015 N$ 4 400.00 p/m Deposit N$ 3 000.00 Contact: 081 341 9834
HOUSE TO RENT Mondesa - Swakopmund Next to Woermann Brock: 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, BIC + stove, garage, prepaid electricity, water included. N$6500.00 rent + N$6500.00 deposit (neg) Contact: 081 261 8487 To rent: Walvis Bay, Kuisebmund, Kristiaansand Street 2 Bedrooms flat with a garage, b.i.c bathroom (shower), openplan kitchen. W&E included, N$ 5000.00 P/M + Deposit N$ 1000.00 Available as from 07 November 2015 Contact: 081779 1934
ACCOMMODATION ACCOMMODATIO N Situated in 31 Avis Road Swiss Chalets offer fully equipped rooms, free wi-fi & 24-hours security. Mini conference also available. Contact: 061-305 551 081 433 3185 E-mail: swiss.chalets@iway. na SELF CONTAINED EXCELLENT ACCOMMODATION OFFERED IN WALVIS BAY FOR BOOKINGS CALL 081 755 2813.
WANTED Urgently looking for car with 7 seats o more to buy. It can be a mini bus, quantum, etc. Must be manual. Call: 081 148 9348
VACANCIES VACANCY: Looking for a professional Taylor to work on commission. Situated in Town, Walvis Bay. Should start immediately. Contact: 081 322 9976 Verkoopsassistent Posissie in gevestigde Groothandel/Kleinhandel maatskappy in Swakopmund, minimum van 3 jaar ondervinding in verkope 'n voorvereiste. Stuur CV's na magda@plastilon.co.za Sales assistant Position in established Wholesale/Retail company in Swakopmund, 3 years experience in sales a minimum requirement. Please send CV's to magda@plastilon.co.za Erongo Axis Security CC We are looking for young dynamic personnel to join our Walvis Bay Office: Technician. Minimum Requirements: Grade 10/12 or higher Experience in IDS, Paradox & Cadex Alarm Systems .Forward certify documents to the Operations Manager opsmanager@security.co m.na or deliver in person at our office in Hage Geingob Str. No 59 (behind protea spar) No faxed documents will be accepted.
CARS FOR SALE: 2005 Nissan Hardbody 3.0 l Double cab 4x4. Second owner since new, very good condition Many extras. Perfect tour vehicle. N$ 120 000.00 ONCO Contact: 081 607 8320 FOR SALE: 2001 Audi A4 1.8 T Leather interior Sunroof. N$ 55 000.00 Contact: 081 309 0873 TO SELL YOUR CARS FAST CALL US Most wanted carsale Corrolla 2015 1.6 Toyota Raider 2015 2.7 Landrover Discovery 2014 2x Polo 1.4 2012 BMW 325. 2008 Peugot 307 cc Convertible 2x1 Isuzu Double cab Contact: 081 712 6159
CARS FOR SALE: 2011 Toyota double cab 2.7. 105 000 km (white colour) Petrol N$ 200 000.00 Isuzu 360L automatic 4x4 Double cab 2009. Black colour N$ 170 000.00 Toyota Landcruise Beach bakkie 2002 Petrol N$ 80 000.00 colour Contact: 081 481 5116
2nd Hand Shop We buy and sell anything of value only ID required 0811475475 0811475333 064220387 bayauctions@iway.na
FIND US @ 97 Sam Nujoma str Walvisbaai
FOR SALE: Canopy for sale Nissan 1400 Contact: 081 285 5364 FOR SALE: Play Station 3 + extra control + 10 various games. Contact: 081 283 3901
LANDROVER DEFENDER 2OO4 Km plus minus 128000
HOUSEHOLD/ FURNITURE We are selling the following:
Owner: Pieter Strydom Tel: 081 332 7260
Chicken Leg-Q 10kg Box @ N$ 295.00/Box Hake Loins 5kg Box @ N$ 185.00/ Box King Klip Fillets (Big) @ N$ 86.00/ kg Fish Fingers 4.5kg Box @ 180.00 / Box Beef Oxtail @ N$ 60.00/ kg Beef Tongue @ 60.00/ kg Beef Fillets @ N$ 85.00/ kg Hake Fillets 5 kg Box @ N$ 250.00/Box Trading Hours: Monday - Friday 10h00 - 13h00 & 14h00-17h00 Kindly Phone: Jeanne: 081 128 8327
Truck for sale Make: Volvo FH 12 440 Model: 2006 Contact Details: 0811583461 or 0811223603 Truck is in very good condition and ready to work FOR SALE: 1x LG flatiron 54cm TV N$850.00 1x Panasonic 54cm TV N$850.00 1x Defy eye level build-in oven & HOB slim line 600 black N$1650.00 1x Double bunk bed steel frame like new N$950.00 1x Husky single door display drinks fridge, white. N$2750.00 1x Isuzu KB280 diesel fuel injector pump, reconditioned like new N$3500.00 1x Professional polony slicer N$3750.00 1x Whirlpool eye-level built-in oven and glass/ceramic HOB like new white. N$1650.00 1x Gibson Hawaiian Electric guitar collectors item since 1940's N$5000.00 Contact: 081 567 4522
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
NOTICE: I Cornela P. Neshuku willnot accept any responsibility for any loans, cash or any advance debts given to Filemon Neshuku. ID nr: 740 022 700 319
GERMAN COURSE FOR ADULT BEGINNERS: Learn to speak German and improve your job opportunities!! Limited space Available. Register now to qualify for a discount. Experienced mothertongue teacher. Contact 081 607 2685
SALON BIANCA UNISEX SALON TEL: 204 937 Lagoon str, 9 Walvis Bay Vera sal ‘n kurses bywoons met die nuutste haarsnye en nuutste kleure. Salon sal toe wees vanaf 30Oktober 1 November
CLASSES BEATACCMATH PRESENTS PRIVATE ONEON-ONE TUTORING High School Accounting and Maths WALVIS BAY TO BOOK CONTACT 081 497 2195 or beataccmath@gm ail.com FOR MORE GO TO www.beatacc math.com
BEATACCMATH Presents: Extra classes for High School This 'n That Accounting We buy and sell and Maths second hand & new Narraville, furniture and household Walvis Bay appliances. We 081 497 2195 offer good money beataccmath@gm on quality. Sam Nujoma ail.com Town Sqaure. www.beataccmath. La Paloma com Building Walvis Bay. Els 081 255 5809 EDU - CARE or Lawrence 081 324 1285. JJ's Care Centre Walvis Bay
Can-am Renegade 800 Quad, V-Twin 4x4 Visco-lock 100 hours on clock, as new, Mint condition, call Gunther, 081 6386300
Daycare for 0-5yrs Grade R Grade 1-12 Impak Education Homework assistance Aftercare Tutoring Speech therapy Also accommodate for disabled children aged 0-18 years old. Specialised education, stimulation and therapy. Limited space Contact Kim:0814790725
HEALTH CARE TRAINING ACADEMY provides the following courses: - Palliative Care - Elderly Care - Basic Nursing Care - First Aid If interested contact: G.Uirab 081 472 5814 E-mail: healthtrainingacademy 69@gmail.com Zelda van Zyl 081 376 2436
SERVICES Pet Systems now available in Namibia. Pet Containment, Bark Control, Remote Training, Animal Deterrents, Pet Doors, Drinking Fountains, Thundershirts, Waste Management, Leashes, Collars and Harnesses. 081-2825445
HANDYMAN in Walvisbaai. Installering van alarm, garage motors en hek motors, elektriese fence, small renovations incl, tiling, painting en plumbing, elektrisiteit. For any quotes phone 081 247 4467 / 081 682 6126. Specialized Carpet / Upholstery Cleaning For effective cleaning please call LIDA COASTAL HYGIENE for a free quote The Chem-Dry method: Stays clean longer, Dry Faster, Healthier, No bad odours Treat your carpets! Please book to avoid disappointment. Tel 064 209 292 E-mail: admin2@lida.com.na BAY-ROUTE DRIVING SCHOOL WALVIS BAY: Is offering lessons by a professional, friendly and patient instructor. For rates and bookings contact: 081 207 7651
Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
ANDY'S TRANSPORT bied aan n busdiens vanaf Rehoboth na die kus en terug vir die Feestyd teen ‘n spesiale tarief: N$180.00 p/persoon, N$150.00 vir pensionarisse en N$120.00 vir kinders jonger as 12 jaar vanaf 20 Oktober 2015. Vertrektye: Rehoboth: Sondae - 13h00. Dinsdae en Donderdae 07h00. Walvisbaai: Maandae, Woensdae en Donderdae - 14:00. Optelpunte: Rhb - B1- Service. Windhoek - Total Service langs Khomas Medics. Walvisbaai - Dorp Spar. Swakop - oorkant Ocean Basket. Kontak nrs: 081 565 6184 / 081 219 4757 / 081 243 9986.
WANT TO BE YOUR OWN BOSS?? Now is the right time!!! Let us do your: !Company registration !Business plan !Financial projections !Loan applications !(DBN, SME, BANK etc..) !Tender documents !Good standing / fitness certificates and so much more... Call the Professional business Consultants 081 144 2738 064 207 897 TRADITIONAL DOCTOR KALENGA: He can help you through: Pregnancy - Education Court Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Problems - Bad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Toko-loshi - Mens’ Power - Sexuality Exams Job Problems etc. Walvis Bay & Swakopmund. Cell:081 201 7887.
A TO Z CLEANING SERVICES WE OFFER: Daily / Weekly / Monthly Yearly Contracts For Offices / Buildings / Shops /Shopping malls // Factories/Accessible windows / Ablution Blocks / Body Corporates Etc. Contact Mr Coenie Brand Tel 081 129 7988 Office 205 036 Mail:ops@atozcleanin g.com.na BUDGET CLEANERS: We offer once off cleaning for Lounge suites Carpets/Rugs Matrasses Loose chairs Machine scrub tiles Descale/Steam clean bathrooms / ablution blocks Accessible windows Exterior spray cleaning And much more!!! Contact Mrs Jenny Brand Tel 081 148 5036 Office 220 382 Mail: budget@iway.na All cleaning procedures done under supervision
For all your renovations and construction needs with personal attention. Call for a free quote JOHANN STEYN 081 128 0848.
KENNETH FOUNDATION: We offer: Private one-on-one assistance Extra lessons/Homework coaching Grade 8-10 in Accounting, Mathematics and English. To register contact: 081 265 0685 or 081 371 0053 Email: nenelamoyo@gmail. com
OFFICE & HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE REMOVAL SPECIALISTS Over Namibia Household & Office. Mobile: 0814093522 email: neilnkt@iway.na S. Katjiseva Building CC We do the following: - Building (includes everything) - Renovations - Interlocks Currently building houses in Mondesa, Tamariskia Ext 3 and Ocean View. Contact: Siegfried: 081 362 8508 Beauty: 081 760 9043 Email: s.katjiseva@gmail.com
MS ELECTRICAL: Operate in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. We repair: * Geysers * Washing Machine * Microwaves * Stove, Aircons, Fridges * Electric Motors, 3-phase and single 3-phase * Battery chargers and welding machine * Electrical on houses * Vacuum cleaners and compressors * Any electrical appli-ance we’ll fix it. All electrical appliances have 3 month guarantee. You call - we come and fix. Contact: Mr. Sylveners 081 299 9960.
TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. S Jeke (The Best). Bad Luck - Luck Muti Love Problems Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself Work problems Promotions - To get tenders and to boost your business - People don’t want to pay you back Pregnancy Problems Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals - Sexual transmitted sickness - all sickness Asthma, BP Remove to-koloshi from bodies, houses - Men’s power se-xuality Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr.(79) 3191D Johanna Benson Street Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 303 3149.
JOBS WANTED NDILIMEKE: A 26-year-old lady is looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay. Cleaning and ironing. Have 3 years experience in cleaning and is ready to start immediately. Contact: 081 719 3791 NADITAVELA: Am a 21-year-old looking for any kind of work. Must be in Walvis Bay. Ready to start immediately. Contact: 081 806 8281 081 281 7499 JOB WANTED: A 28-year-old lady looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay. Washing and cleaning, ironing. Gor grade 12 certificate and computer certificate. I got five years experience in this work. Prepare to start any time. Contact: 081 659 7548
JOB WANTED: A young lady is looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay. Mondays to Fridays. Have grade 12 and is very hardworking. Has 5 years experience. Contact: 081 847 4812 VICTORIA: A young individual looking for domestic work or any other types of work. Walvis Bay or Swakopmund. Willing to start as from the beginning of December 2015. Saturdays and Sundays only. Contact: 081 384 6219 Catherine (23): I am looking for domestic work. I am hardworking, reliable, trustworthy, honest and obedient. I can work 6 days a week just in Swakopmund. Contact: 081 717 2548 Charlly: A hardworking and very trustworthy lady is looking for any kind of work in Swakopmund, either domestic work or cleaning offices. Monday to Friday. I can start anytime. Contact: 081 370 2076 De Wet: Ek is dringend opsoek na werk. Enige tipe werk vir ‘n Pensionaris. Byvoorbeeld ‘n opsigter of ‘n drywer. Ek is ‘n persoon wat betroubaar is met sober gewoontes. Kontak my asseblief by: 081 625 9561 Dehlien: Ek is opsoek na Huiswerk vir 2 dae ‘n week - Dinsdae en Donderdae. Ek is baie hardwerkend en volwasse. In Swakopmund of Langstrand. Kontak: 081 622 5161 Ek is opsoek n huiswerk vir 2, 3. 5 of 6 dae ‘n week en ook Sondae. Kan vakansie werk doen vir Desember ook. kan was, stryk, babas oppas en kook. Ek drink of rook nie. Ek is baie netjies, hardwerkend en betroubaar. Ek kan ekstra werk doden. Soek in Swakomund, Langstrand, dolfyn strand of Walvis werk. Kontak: 081 305 8024 of 081 711 8567
Thought of the week Tuesday 3 November 2015 Getting to Know You Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you for so long a time and you still don’t know me, Philip?” John 14:9 Wednesday 4 November 2015 In Communion... I Know Him If you know me, then you will also know my Father. From now on you do know him and have seen him. John 14:7 Thursday 5 November 2015 SHEEP MAY SAFELY GRAZE. “My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish. No one can take them out of my hand. My father who has given them t me, is greater than all... ” John 10:27-29. Lord, may my children prosper by trusting in your power and listening for your voice. Friday 6 November 2015 TAKING A CLOSER LOOK Who is like the Lord, Our God, who is enthroned on high... Psalm 113:5 Saturday 7 November 2015 Being Kind to One Another For you have said, “My kindness is established forever.” Psalm 89:3
PRAYER Precious Lord, I have awakened to this day with a new awareness of your love for me. Bless my preparations for what I have to do today. Grant me, I pray, the grace to hear the whispering of the Holy Spirit guiding me in thought, word and action. Wherever my path leads me, I trust in YOU AMEN
Namib Times
COASTAL BUILDING SPECIALISTS: For all your: !Building construction !Renovations !Project costing (bill of quanities) !concrete mixer rental (N$ 200/d) Contact: 081 365 1917 081 699 2441
* Visit our Website / * Besoek ons Webtuiste / * Besuchen sie unsere Internet seite
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication