namib times SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6503 FRIDAY 6 NOVEMBER 2015 Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net
Wynbedryf vir Hentiesbaai
Maria Davel-Wallis As alles vlot verloop, gaan die vonkelwynproppe in Desember 2018 op Hentiesbaai klap. Inwoners, besoekers en hul vriende gaan mekaar se gesondheid vier met vonkelwyn uit eie bodem.
Stiaan Cloete by sy wynstokke
Die wingerdstokke is drie weke gelede geplant, en die botsels sit reeds groen. 'n Jong, plaaslike blinkbrein-entrepreneur, Stiaan Cloete, wat ook 'n gekwalifiseerde wynmaker is, werk reeds langer as twee jaar om dié droom van 'n volwaardige vonkelwynbedryf op Hentiesbaai te verwesenlik. “Ek kom eintlik van Johannesburg. Het nog altyd gehou van plante en my tannie sê eendag, toe ek nog op skool was, hoekom word ek nie 'n wynmaker nie. Dit is waar die saadjie geplant is. Ek het in 2000 aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch gaan studeer, en het my BscAgric Wingerd- en Wynkundegraad verwerf.
Gedurende my studies het dit baie duidelik geword dat alles vir my oor die druiwe gaan. Ek het toe my Honneursgraad in Wingerdkunde gedoen. Gedurende my studies het ek by Vergelegen in Somerset-Wes prakties gedoen, en in 2006 het ek by Klein Constantia begin werk as assistantwynmaker. Daarna het ek die posisie van wingerdkundige beklee en baie nou saam met die wynmaker gewerk. Ons moes seker maak van die beste druiwe en sodoende die beste wyn. Omdat ek eers in die kelder gewerk het weet ek presies hoe om wingerdstokke te bestuur vir die beste eindproduk”, het Cloete onlangs aan namib times ver-
duidelik. Cloete het ook Frankryk, Chile en Argentinië besoek en daar gewerk om sy kennis te verbreed. En toé word hy en sy gesin Namibiërs. “Ek en my vrou Zanelle en ons 2-jarige seuntjie Sebastiaan het in 2013 besluit om alles op te pak en my skoonpa te kom help op Hentiesbaai, nadat my skoonma twee jaar vroeër oorlede is. Ons het onsself vyf jaar gegun. As dit nie sou werk nie, sou ons terugtrek na Suid-Afrika.” Die stokke is drie weke gelede geplant en het begin bot, het 'n baie opgewonde Cloete vertel. “Ek het spesiaal Chardonnay en Pinot Noir wingerdstokke geplant. Dit is Franse vonkel-
inside Body found at Arandis Page 2
Namport sal hengel nog steeds toelaat op L/Strand
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Decay of Swakopmund Government Gardens irks resident
Vervolg op bladsy 2
NWR confirms coastal Two on the run after Swakopmund gang rape camp sites open again Mavourlene !Gaёs Two men made a first appearance in the Swakopmund magistrate's court on Wednesday on charges of rape, after a 30year-old woman was gang raped in the holiday town's Mondesa suburb early Saturday morning. At the time of going to press yesterday, the Swakopmund police was hot on the heels of two more suspects on the run whom are believed to have participated in the alleged gang rape. The accused, Chris Van Wyk (21) and Desmond !Owos-oab (18), were denied bail by magistrate Surita Savage and will return to court on 9 December this year. It was understood the accused will
apply for legal aid in the meantime to make a bid for bail. NamPol Detective Chief Inspector, Moses !Uwu//khaeb confirmed the incident and said the crime was committed in Masilo Street.
“It is alleged the woman had a night out and was the on her way home when the four men attacked her,” explained !Uwu//khaeb. He added the rape is suspected to have taken Continues on page 2
Madelaine Laubscher The Jakkalputz, Mile 72 and Mile 108 camping sites will be open for this festive season, Namibia Wildlife Resorts confirmed this week in the wake of an agreement with two Swakopmund businesses, Platinum- and Quantum Investments respectively for the upgrading of the said facilities in the next month. Although this comes as positive news, after NWR at first made a decision not to open these camp sites for the 2015/16 festive holiday season, there were doubts yesterday whether the two businesses will be able to deliver in time and have the fa-
cilities clean and ready for scores of holiday makers to occupy these camping sites by the beginning of December as per the agreement with NWR. NWR took possession of Mile 14, Jakkalsputz, Mile 72 and Mile 108 camp sites in recent
weeks from the Ministry of Environment and Tourism. Due to the state of the facilities at all these camp sites it was decided not to open it for holiday makers for December and January. Instead to develop it in the course of 2016 and Continues on page 2
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Hairdresser to refund customer after cut gone bad
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Vervolg vanaf bladsy 1 wynklone, vir die produksie van vonkelwyn. Henties se grond en klimaat is perfek daarvoor. Daar is slegs 400 stokke vir nou geplant wat 600 bottels per jaar sal lewer. Die vonkelwyn sal gedurende Desember 2018 beskikbaar gestel word. Hentiesbaai sal die sentrale punt vir verspreiding wees en ons sal reg wees vir die feestyd”, het Cloete gesê. Dit het 2 jaar se beplanning geneem om te besluit wat, en hoé, geplant moet word. Die mikro-klimaat en die grond moes in berekening gebring word. Cloete voeg by volgens die teorie sal die wyn ongelooflik uitkom. “Stokke sal gesnoei word met halflangdraers en dan in 'n mandjie-styl gevleg word, omdat dit soos bosstokke verbou sal word. Dit is die mees natuurlike manier van wingerdverbouing, en gee die trosse meer hitte omdat hulle naby die grond is. Dié styl van verbouing verhoed ook dat die druiwetrosse op die grond lê. Die mandjievleg-stelsel word gebruik in Griekeland vir sekere variëteite.” Cloete spog ook met 'n welige olyfboord - maar die droom van vonkelwynproduksie op Henties, lê hom besonder ná aan die hart. “ Hierdie was vir ons een reuse stap, maar dit was definitief die moeite werd. As al die projekte wat ek beplan realiseer, sal Hentiesbaai 'n titseltjie Kaap én Frankryk bykry”.
Body discovered on Arandis dump site Mavourlene !Gaёs The body of a man was discovered at the Arandis dump site at around 11:00 yesterday morning. The deceased is believed to have been living on the dump site and was discovered by fellow vagrants, according to Erongo police spokesperson Detective Chief Inspector Moses !Uwu//khaeb. It is believed the man died of natural causes during the night. The police is currently trying to locate the deceased's next of kin. An autopsy will be carried on the deceased, according to !Uwu//khaeb to confirm the cause of death.
Namport sal hengel nie verbied op Langstrand Foto deur Bernabé Blaauw
Hentiesbaai wynbedryf
Hawegebied vergroot tot by Patrysberg Strandhengel is nou al vir 'n paar jaar onwettig op die kusstrook tussen Walvisbaai en Patrysberg, het die Namibiese hawe owerheid Namport, vandeesweek bevestig.
The Miles open Continued from page 1 re-open for the 2016/17 festive holiday season. The news of the closures was greeted with shock and dismay, both by the general public but also the town of Henties Bay which depends on holiday makers during long weekends, school holidays and the festive holiday each year to stimulate its local economy. The Henties Bay municipality can be commended for its pro-activeness after offering to NWR to upgrade the camp sites to an acceptable standard before the holiday season starts, in order to secure visitor inflows. Although NWR never took up this offer, a municipality spokesperson yesterday expressed satisfaction with the fact that NWR entered into the said partnership agreements to have the camp sites ready for visitors by year end.
Swakopmund gang rape Continued from page 1 place while she was passing through the open space or area in the street. Women are at their most vulnerable when moving alone at night time. “We are still searching for the other two suspects.
History in the making at Swakopmund today Maria Davel-Wallis When namib times visited the New Strand Hotel yesterday, everything was in highest gear for the arrival of the President of Namibia, Hage Geingob, who will officially open the hotel today, and the First Lady, Monica Geingos. Everyboday was clearly very excited to welcome and host the President and his charming wife. The Hotel is fully booked, and more than a 100 invited guests will attend a special presidential banquet tonight. The Executive Chef of the New Strand Hotel, Dallas Orr, and a team of 7 chefs have been working around the clock to make sure everything is ready – and they have taken extra special care with the menu.
“We know the President loves oxtail and malva pudding, so the 5-course dinner includes those elements. We'll start off with a wild mushroom cappuccino with truffle foam, followed by a smoked trout terrine with apples and beetroot. That will be followed by a wild berry and champagne sorbet. Then we'll serve beef fillet with oxtail ravioli and parsnip puree with Swakop River green asparagus. To r o u n d o f f t h e
banquet, there will be chocolate and banana Malva Pudding with Amarula custard,” Orr told namib times. In the kitchen, the Executive Sous Chef, Donavin Dodds was preparing the fillets. Three of the President's chefs will also be involved with the dinner. Meanwhile the hotel and restaurants have moved from 65% to full capacity occupation during the past month, since it opened its doors to the public on 9 October.
Dit sluit die strandgebiede direk noord van Langstrand in, wat oor dekades die hengelplek van tienduisende plaaslike, nasionale en hengelaars van buite Namibië se grense geword het. Die strande is veral gewild onder galjoenen haai hengelaars, en lewer die beste resultate vir mosselgrawers op. Namport se hawe-ingenieur, Elzevir Gelderbloem, het vandeesweek verduidelik dat die Namport Wet hengel in enige van sy hawe gebiede verbied, indien Namport nie toestemming daarvoor vooraf gee nie. Enkele jare gelede het die hawegebied van die Walvisbaai hawe noordwaarts vergroot tot by Patrysberg. Derhalwe het hengel op die strande van Langstrand outomaties onwettig geword. Ook suidwaarts
is dit verbode om in die in die baai van Walvisbaai te hengel, aangesien die hawegebied tot by Pelikaanpunt strek, het Gelderbloem verduidelik. Hoe nou gemaak, wou namib times vandeesweek weet? Volgens Gelderbloem is dit regstegnies geregverdig vir Namport om enige hengelaar op die strande ingevolge die Namport Wet aan te kla. Hy sê egter die haweowerheid besef dat die strandgebiede groot waarde inhou vir buitelugaktiwiteite van die plaaslike gemeenskappe en besoekers en sou dus nie tot so 'n stap oorgaan nie. Daar word nou deur Namport oorweeg om soos wat die wet voorskryf, 'n uitsondering vir die strandgebied noord van Langstrand tot Patrysberg te maak, maar net vir strandhengel. Namport mag
ingevolge die wet uitsonderings maak en dit amptelik aankondig. Gelderbloem was nie seker wanneer dit gaan geskied nie, en het verduidelik dat inligtingsborde wat hengel toelaat mettertyd op die strande aangebring sal word. Intussen, het hy vriendelik versoek, moet die algemene publiek verstaan dat verskeie wette op die strande met mekaar oorvleuel. Met uitsluiting van die Namport Wet, is daar ook die Mariene Hulpbronne Wet wat voorskrifte op hengel plaas. Dit sluit in visgroottes, die hoeveelheid vis wat gehou en vervoer mag word, die aantal mossels wat gegrawe mag word, kreefgrotes ensovoorts. Dan is daar ook die Wet op Nasionale Parke ingevolge waarvan die strandgebiede deel vorm van die Dorob Nasionale Park.
The President and the First Lady will be staying in the Presidential Suite for the weekend, a beautiful, top-of-the range penthouse-style suite, overlooking the Mole, with a full view of Swakopmund’s main beach, the Atlantic Ocean and a view of the town. Roux-ché Locke, O&L Group Manager, Corporate Relations, has spoken to namib times. “We, the O&L Group, together with our hospitality portfolio, O&L Leisure, are extremely
delighted to be graced by the presence of His Excellency, President Hage Geingob – joined by the First lady, Monica Geingos, who will officiate at the Official Inauguration of the New Strand Hotel Swakopmund. The Official Programme, the Presidential Gala Dinner, that will be hosted tonight at 18:00 hours in the Tourmaline Banquetting Room at the Strand Hotel, is expected to be attended by various stakeholders, such as
the respected Portfolio Ministers from central government, Governor of the Erongo Region and local Councillors, captains of the business and financial industries, members of the diplomatic corps, our group executive, and members of the media. As a Namibian company with roots that go back almost 100 years to 1919, the O&L Group has invested heavily in the Namibian economy and will continue to do so.”
Resident concerned over decay of Government gardens Marshallino Beukes A concerned Swakopmund resident contacted the newspaper, expressing her dismay in the current condition of the Government gardens, next to the State House and also at the State House itself. According to her the government gardens are neglected, because there is none or little assistance provided from the head office in Windhoek. The government gardens fall under the Ministry of Works and Transport's umbrella. On further investigation it was noticed that the palm trees at the above-
mentioned gardens are not pruned recently and the grass not mowed for some time. Empty flower beds are also visible. The resident's concern is that this is an area which is an at-traction for tourists and the visibly neglected gardens are not good for the holiday town's image. According to her the grass was not
mowed for about four months, because the timeworn lawnmower does not have any fuel. The equipment used to maintain the gardens are allegedly also rusted and need to be replaced. The newspaper contacted the responsible department, and after being sent from pillar to post, was told that this
gardens are partly the responsibility of the town's municipality. No clarity could be provided, regarding the current neglected state of the gardens. The resident who informed the newspaper in this regard noted that she, as a proud Swakopmunder, wants to inspire the Swakopmund community to spon-
sor plants, rakes, spades and pangas and a lad-der for the pruning of the palm trees, as well as fuel for the old lawnmower. “The workers
can then only water the garden and pick up the rubbish. This would make a big difference if the public would support the
effort,” she noted. Anyone who would like to support this community effort can contact Ingrid Mahne at 0812407874.
“New kids” can seriously dent membership of older unions Mavourlene !Gaёs
Trade unions Nafau (Namibia Food & Allied Workers Union), NFI (Namibia Fishing Industry & Fishermen's Union) and Nasawu (Namibia Seamen and Allied Workers Union) said this week they are playing the wait and see game to see how new kids on the block, Nanlo (Namibia National Labour Organisation) and MMMC (Metal, Mining, Maritime and Construction Union), will dent their membership numbers. Since the formation of Nanlo and MMMC thousands of fishermen left Nasawu, NFI and Nafau as they feel under-represented by these unions. They rejoined with MMMC and Nanlo and since started with strike action under the auspices of these new unions demanding better conditions. Hundreds of these fishermen joined MMMC in Wind-
hoek on Wednesday where the union's regional organiser for Erongo, Immanuel Petrus, met with Namibia's Head of State, Dr Hage Geingob, to bring the plight of fishermen under his personal attention. When asked on Wednesday by namib times, on the sidelines of the final consultative meeting for Namibia's future fisheries policy, the regional organiser of the NFI, Daniël Imbili
admitted the success of any workers union lies in membership numbers. Although further admitting Nanlo and MMMC could dent the NFI's membership numbers, the union remains pro-active to recruit more members and also continue to represent its existing members with their best inte-rests at heart. “Obviously in order for a union to be affected in a negative way depends on the
number of members the union had. We are a l l a ff e c t e d b u t , nothing is final, said Imbili. Adding NFI continues with wage nego-
tiations with fishing companies where recognition agreements are in place. Seamen are also included in the negotiations, according to Imbili as he is of opinion the fishermen will return from Nanlo once realising they have been misled. “We are in the process of negotiating wages, we will also include the seamen on the
negotiations because sooner they will realise they are being misled and come back.” The General Secretary of NASAWU, Erkki Shitana who was also consulted at the consultative conference, was reluctant to comment, saying NASAWU is just waiting and will assess the situation as it develops.
We want competition but we want fair competition who deals with things in the right way.” Both Nasawu, NFI and Nafau indicated it would hold future discussions with the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources and the Ministry of Labour over the way forward.
Photo by Marshallino Beukes
Satellite police stations
Dire need for resources Marshallino Beukes The lack of manpower, transport and accommodation for police officers seem to be hampering law enforcers at the Mondesa police station in Swakopmund to efficiently fulfil their duties. T h e n e w s p a p e r settlement, as this area with their complaints. investigated public is on the outskirts of The fact that this area queries, regarding Swakopmund. Our still does not have any alleged poor service investigation revealed street names, also from the Mondesa that besides alcohol- hampers efficient police and esta- related crimes, house- policing, as officers b l i s h e d t h a t t h e breakings at the DRC on a call-out have to circumstances these are currently topping go drive around in law enforcers, who the complaint list. The search of the complaiput their lives on the safety of the DRC nants' residences. line for public safety, residents is also a About a month ago a have to face are not major concern, as with man was beaten to all moonlight and no police station close death in the DRC, roses. The main by, these resident have allegedly by a gang of concern is the ever- to wait for the police at men, who are still at increasing crime rate M o n d e s a p o l i c e l a r g e . S h o u l d a in the DRC informal station to assist them satellite police station
Walvis Bay Magistrate's Court
30 October and 2 November 2015 Ezegiel Chikalu (28) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 11 November for continuation of trial. The accused is on bail. Erickson Shipiki (19) appeared on a charge of murder. The matter was postponed to 12 January for further investigation. The accused is in custody. Niewoudt Rossouw (33) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. The matter was postponed to 18 February for lab results. The accused is on bail. Michael Gonteb (25) appeared on a charge of possession of dependence producing substance. The matter was postponed to 12 November for plea. The accused is in custody. Thomas Kharuchab (41) appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 20 January 2016 for mental observation in terms of section 79. The accused is on bail. Gabriel Katenda (27) appeared on a charge of house-breaking with the intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 10 February for plea and trial. The accused is in custody. Cyrill Molauly (40) appeared on a charge of domestic violence. The matter was postponed to 10 November for further investigation. The accused is in custody. Jafet Shipanga (43) appeared on a charge theft. The matter was postponed to 28 January for trial. The accused is on bail. Nestor Katangolo (39) appeared on a charge of
Swakopmund Court Regional Court Pollycarpus Hainduwa (24) and Fredrick Hainduwa (19) appeared on a charge of rapecombating un-lawful carnal intercourse with a girl under the age of sixteen. The matter was postponed to 11 April for plea and trial. The accused are on bail of N$2 000 each. Gert Van der Merwe (38) appeared on a charge of rape-indecent assault. The matter was postponed to 10 March for plea and trial. The accused have been warned. Christian Rooinasie (54) appeared on charges of attempted rape, combating of immoral practicesenticing a girl under 16 to commit an immoral act
The DRC informal settlement
had been closer by, the suspects might have been apprehended shortly after the incident, a source noted. Rape and the mushrooming of shebeens are also main contributors to the alarming crime rate in the DRC. The newspaper spoke to the Mondesa
and rape. The matter was postponed to 5 April for plea and trial. The accused have been warned. Alfred Wasserfall (43) appeared on a charge of murder. The matter was postponed to 27 November for continuation of trial. The accused is on bail of N$1 500. Magistrate Court Jafet Haimbondi (39) and Lukas Linwandunge (36) appeared on charges of corruptly using office or position for gratification, defeating or obstructing the course of justice and theft by false pretences. The matter was postponed to 7 December for further investigation. The accused are on bail of N$20 000. Darrel Van Neel (39) appeared on charges of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm and malicious damage to property. The matter was postponed to 1 December for further investigation. The accused remains in custody. Shadrick Ben Ganeb (33) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 1 December for further investigation. The accused have been warned. Nelson Mborooro (24), Asser Finderisa (21), Titus Nekomba (23 , Dennis Tsuseb (23), Israel Weva (22), Kennedy Ngesheya (25), Sylvanus Uaseuapuani (18) and Jonas Kephas (18) appeared on a charge of murder. The matter was postponed to 14 January for further investigations. Nelson Mborooro, Asser Finderisa and Titus Nekomba are on bail of N$5 000 each. Dennis Tsuseb, Israel Weva, Kennedy Ngesheya, Sylvanus Uaseuapuani and Jonas Kephas remains in custody. Erens Esau (22) and Immanuel Booysen (35) appeared on charges of possession of potentially dangerous dependence producing drugs, bribery and drugs. The matter was postponed to 15 April for lab results. The accused is on bail of N$1 000. Nehemia Kambonde (48) appeared on charges of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm and malicious damage to property. The matter was postponed to 10 November for continuation of trial. The accused is on bail of N$2 000. Sylvain Khemes (38) appeared on a charge of Arson. The matter was postponed to 22 February for mental observation report. The accused is on bail of N$3 000. Tuhafeni Nghuumbawali (22) appeared on a charge of murder. The matter was postponed to 25 January for further investigation. The accused is on bail of N$3 000. Simon Kandingua (29) appeared on a charge of fraud. The matter was postponed to 10 March for fixing of trial date. The accused is in custody. Edwald Taurob (25) appeared on charges of rape and assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 08 March for legal aid. The accused remains in custody. Esegiel Gaseb (26) appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed to 18 February for legal aid. The accused remains in custody.
station Commander, Inspector Eric Nghaamwa and he noted that the situation is very frustrating and needs to be addressed as soon as possible. He further noted that he and his men are trying their utmost best to serve the community, but are struggling to cope, especially with the rapid population
growth. In spite all of these hick-ups, these police officers are still serving their community to the best of their ability. It also came under our attention that only one telephone line is available at the Mondesa charge office. This is also a big concern, as the high volume of incoming calls, especially on weekends are over-
whelming. The Mondesa police is responsible for Mondesa, Tamariskia and DRC and satellite police sta-tions at the other two suburbs will certainly give these cops a break, and also ensure quick, available and sufficient service. According to a source, the Regional Police office in Walvis Bay is fully aware of the situation.
C.H.A.I.N. celebrates anearly Christmas Sharlien Tjambari The Mayor of Swakopmund, Mr Nehemiah Salomon, was touring Swakopmund this week, visiting children homes and had early Christmas parties for the children from different kindergartens. They invited all registered kindergartens. The kindergartens from Mondesa gathered at the Hanganeni field, the kindergartens from Tamariskia gathered at Tamariskia play-ground. Yesterday, Salomon and his team, sponsors from FNB and KFC visited the CHAIN Welfare Organisation, to give food parcels to the children and the volunteers and staff members as they did not want to leave anyone out. The children sang a song for the Mayor and were very happy to meet him, most of all, they were expecting to ride in the fire truck as it had been all tears but unfortunately that did not happen this year.
Coastal companies air concern regarding expatriates
Marshallino Beukes
Some local companies at the coast aired complaints against certain South African companies and of Immigration in 2014. He further Namibians were up to standard and they explained that, “due to the specialised supposedly assessed it and agreed. foreign companies at large, allegedly taking jobs from Namibian companies and employees. nature of certain activities on the Mr Jardim further explained that it is in The companies mentioned in the complaint are Murray & Roberts and another company, who cannot be named, as they could not be reached for comment before going to print. According to the complaint, in 2014, more than 200 Indian nationals were conveyed into the country to work at an acid plant in Tsumeb (Dundee Precious Metals), while Namibian contractors and employees were already busy on this project. At that stage a coastal company was also contracted at the plant. The Namibian contractors and artisans were apparently replaced by the Indians and when confronted, the justification allegedly was that these Indians are specialised artisans (welders) and they would give training to the Namibians. “Home Affairs and the Media were told that the Indians were instructors and that is why their visas were granted,” the complaint states. It was supposedly promised that after the project was to be completed, the Indians would leave and Namibians would then be able to work on similar projects in the future. However, this was apparently not the case, as only twelve of the Indian
nationals were actually specialised artisans (welders). Most of these Indian nationals were just normal welders, boilermakers, pipefitters, steel catchers and normal labourers, while Namibia have qualified artisans that is competent to do the exact same job, the disgruntled complainants noted. “This is an old habit of a certain Murray & Roberts manager, as he also brought these same Indians in a few years back for LTA Grinaker at Langer Heinrich. It's clearly about cheap labour to make profits to take out of the country. Also no training was given to the locals as promised by Murray & Roberts. If this was the case, projects like Husab, done by Group Five and other Contractors would not have found it necessary to bring in foreigners. It seems this cycle is repeating itself at Husab Mine, the brewery in Okahandja, the new harbour extension in Walvis Bay and also other projects,” it is alleged. The complaining companies are concerned that money is leaving Namibia when these contractors and foreign workers get preference and Namibians have to suffer, which is in
contradiction with the Government's 2030 vision, according to them. They further allege that work permits and visas are acquired too easily for these foreign nationals and blame it on shortcuts being taken by some agents, especially in coastal towns, such as Walvis Bay, as these agents make a living from acquiring these visas, not thinking how this effects the economy and the lives of other Namibians. They further fumed that no funding is set aside for training for projects like these, in order to benefit Namibians. Another thorn in their flesh is the fact that should tenders or contracts be awarded to Namibians, only white, well established contractors apparently benefit from it. “When applying for mining licences, it is always promised that it will be for the benefit of locals, but after securing the deal, a different tune is sung,” it was noted in conclusion. Mr Eduard Jardim, Group Investor and Media Executive of Murray & Roberts replied via email on questions the newspaper sent him, and noted that a statement was provided to the Ministry
Wines for a Gentleman and Lady “Gentleman winemaker” introduces his Own Exclusive Range to Namibians
The winemaker shares his passion
Duan Brits is the second young, passionate winemaker Namib Times focusses on in this edition – the paper was invited to an exclusive event at the Burning Shore, on Wednesday evening, where a handful of local wine connoisseurs were introduced to his wines under his own label – Gentleman's Reserve. Duan and his wife, Ilze welcomed guests with a glass of one of his very exclusive Metode Cap Classique wines. The range was introduced to the market last week in South Africa - After this coastal introduction, they will take the wines to Windhoek for the second Namibian launch. Duan says he's been interested in wine-making since childhood. His sister, Danica Smith, who lives here, told
namib times that she can remember how he experimented when he was in Grade 11 and she in Grade 9 in Paarl. Brits also shared fond memories of his first winemaking efforts. “My father was a winelands manager – and we always helped with the picking of the grapes. Then we would do our own treading and foot stomping of a few bunches of grapes in the bath in our bathroom. Luckily there was a shower
too. And then the pressed red grapes in the juice would stay there a few days, and as soon as it started fermenting, I'd be very pleased with my wine, he laughed. But that was the beginning of his love affair with winemaking – and a career that has already taken him places. “I started working in the wine industry in 1997 in Stellenbosch and worked as a Cellar hand, Assistant Winemaker and Wine-
maker all around the world. I've done 20 winemaking seasons in 4 Countries France, Germany, USA and South Africa. I also started 5 wine farms and labels in the last 18 years Rainbows End Wines, Juno Wines, Marklew Wines, Leon Keyser Wines and Hillock Wines. When I met and immediately fell in love with Ilze in 2013, she inspired me to bring out my own label. January 2015 we got married and decided to expand our label to four wines and slightly bigger volumes.” He made some Metode Cap Classique and started his own label by the name of Gentleman's Reserve in 2014. “We released 284 bottles of very high quality Gentleman's Reserve MCC and it was Sold Out within 6 weeks. The label name, Gentleman's Reserve, has a very personal origin. Duan, and his wife Ilze, were both previously married, and when they met, Ilze's elder daughter, Evian, when introduced to Duan, told her mother that she should please only go out with him if he's a gentleman. “After
project, we have employed all the available specialised resources in Namibia. At present we have approximately 350 local employees. This number will increase to approximately 480 local employees. However, we will be required to engage expatriate labour in order to complete the project in a timely manner due to the material specification of plate work and piping stainless steel 304H, 316L, 304L super duplex. We require specialised welders. All visas for the foreign nationals were approved by the local government.” The newspaper also contacted Dundee Precious Metals in Tsumeb and was told that they are not in the position to comment on Murray & Roberts' behalf, on a question regarding the training of locals. Their official spokesperson, Alina Garises was not available for comment. Regarding the accusation of them giving preference to foreign employees to the expense of Namibians, Jardim remarked that the currently only have Namibian welders. According to him, the union requested them to remove all foreigners, as they believed that the
two weeks, Ilze was given the green light. Ilze and I often still reminisce abouth those days in fondness, and that is where the label name derives from,” explains a smiling Duan. He personally introduced the wines to the guests, pairing each with small canapes and bites to enhance the lingering facets within each bouquet of the exclusive wines, A Chardonnay/Pinot Noir
Murray & Roberts' best interest to employ local skilled labour – if it's available. “It doesn't make economic sense to get expatriate labour at a higher cost if it's available locally. The level of skill for a specific project/job, combined with the timeframe that a client provides, needs to be taken into account too. At one stage in the project, Murray & Roberts employed 1 574 employees, of which 138 were expatriates,” he noted. According to him the numbers of Namibian and foreign employees at the company will change daily, as they are busy demobilising from the project, but remarked that they currently employ 291 employees in total of which 82 are expatriates. As per Jardim's response on supposed training they are providing, he noted that they have trained 57 local employees (Hand Tools & Hand Safety Training), JSTA Training (8 local employees), Manual Handling of material (43 local employees), Working on Heights (148 local employees), PPE Training (46 local employees) and LOTO Training (6 local employees).
MCC 2012, and a delightful Shiraz MCC 2014, a Cabernet Franc 2014, Time Will Tell, and a Shiraz/ Merlot 2014, Tide is Turning. The message on the label of the Cabernet Franc 2014, is: We believe the TIME of the Cabernet Franc has arrived” – the Cabernet Franc has traditionally, principally been grown in France for blending with Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot, in
the Bordeaux style, and in South Africa, only a few winemakers have vinified it alone. The other red wine, the Shiraz/Merlot 2014, Tide is Turning, is an interesting, unusual blend of Shiraz, Brits' favourite cultivar, and Merlot. Brits says he will certainly continue his exclusive range of boutique wines, and will be back in Namibia, soon.
Revised Fisheries Policy - Sustainability and Inclusivity is Key BernabĂŠ Blaauw The final stakeholder consultation to review the Namibia Fisheries Policy took place in Walvis Bay on Wednesday, paving the way now for the formulation of a fisheries policy for Namibia which will guide how the country's fish resources will be managed and used to the benefit of all Namibians towards 2030. The message brought home by speakers at the congress, as well as information contained in a draft policy document disseminated to congress-goers indicates that the focus of the new policy will remain on value adding to Namibia's fish resources, real invest-ment by right holders in the fishing industry as well as the Namibian Government's right to enter into partnerships with any country to enhance investment and efficiencies in Namibia's
fishing industry. The Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Bernhard Esau, also attended the conference and in his address reiterated the importance of discouraging perceptions of entitlement and the encouraging of inclusivity in the allocation of quotas and fishing rights. Esau explained the consultation process to formulate a new fisheries policy was all inclusive which included Government through its Fisheries
Policy Review Committee, the FAO as well as fisheries stakeholders from all of Namibia's fourteen regions. He expressed satisfaction that the draft policy represented a true record of the key policy aspects that Namibians would like to see immediately implemented in the fisheries sector. In conclusion the Minister informed all fisheries stakeholders that the Ministry has embarked on a process to determine a mechanism of
Some of the fisheries stakeholders who attended the final stakeholder consultation in Walvis Bay on Wednesday, while the Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Mr Bernhard Esau (inset) listens attentively to issues addressed from the floor.
quota allocation of fish to all right holders. He added that this process, which is estimated to take two months, will determine a formula based on a set of criteria as established in Articles 33 (4) and 39 (3) of the Marine Resources Act. In this way, any right holder will, depending on a point or percentage system based on performance against the criteria, be able to predetermine their amount of quota, once a Total Allowable Catch (TAC) has been published. Of importance to stakeholders in the industry are, inter alia, the three clauses dealing with fishing quota allocations namely clause 64 which states that the Minister shall, subject to set TAC levels and based on criteria gazetted from time to time, allocate an amount of fishery resources (quota) to specific right holders in a particular fishery. The amount may vary depending on performance of right holders against a pre-determined criteria which shall include investment, employment, value addition and socio economic factors. Clause 65 further states that any ship or vessel which catches a quota allocated to a right holder who is not the registered owner of that vessel, shall be deemed to have benefitted from that quota.
Clause 66 deals with international agreements and stipulates that the Government may enter into fishing agreements with a member country of the Southern African Development Community, or any other country as the Government, through Cabinet, shall determine. The Minister may allocate fishing quotas for particular fisheries in line with such agreements. The policy also addresses the fact that, in order to maximise the value of Namibia's fisheries and marine resources, it is important to add value locally and target lucrative markets, especially in export destinations. Dr. Ahmed Babangana, FAO (Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations) Country Representative lauded Namibia as a world leader with its longstanding history of progressive fisheries management and added that the country is a wellrecognised part of the international and regional fisheries communities. He singled out Namibia's rights-based system which is regarded as an international example of good fishing management and the fact that the future fisheries policy will continue to use this as the backbone of the system.
Hairdresser willing to refund for alleged mistake Madelaine Laubscher A Walvis Bay woman says she was left in tears earlier this week, when a Swakopmund hairdresser left her hair a mess, not remotely what she expected when she showed the hairdresser a picture of what she wanted. After the incident are entitled to good Eventually good serdeteriorated into a service and quality vice and quality prosquabble as the wo- products. ducts are essential, as man wants N$1174 She want the public to the coastal towns also she spent refunded, stand on their rights as receive many visitors she decided to contact consumers and not and tourists and bad the namib times to allow bad service or service inevitably tarremind the public they sub-standard products. nishes the towns' images. According to the complainant she provided the hairdresser with a picture of how she wants her haircut. She claims the hairdresser instead left it in a mess. “I cannot believe the owner of the salon allowed me to leave with the state my hair was in. It clearly proved she felt nothing for me as a client,” she fumed. According to the comThe example of what the client wanted.
Help feed and clothe the needy Sharlien Tjambari
Clinton Fisch has been providing food and some clothing for the homeless people in DRC and the people working at the dumping side in search of food, for some time now and is in need of more help and donations from the public. Clinton has been doing this since Febru-ary this year and says he was inactive between May and August because there were no donations coming through. He did not want to give up so he continued requesting for donations from his friends on Facebook and his family also helps a lot. According to Clinton, his mother and Stepfather have been helping him every step of the way, so he started in September again. Clinton says he drives to the dump site on a Friday or Saturday depending on his work shifts to give food to the people there. “When I was growing up I saw the hardships my father carried and when he
died in 2013, I realised how short life is and that's when I decided to start help the people who are in need and to make a difference in their lives”, says Clinton. He says he chose to help the people at the dumpsite because he could see they really needed help when he first visited them and they appreciate whatever they are given. Clinton needs more help to feed hungry tummies and to clothe the needy at the dumpsite. He is asking for donations of clothes, soup and bread, as well as drinks. Any help will be much appreciated. The festive season is around the corner and Clinton says he wants to give the people food packages, something
different from what he has been giving so he is asking anyone who can give snacks, sweets and all kinds of Christmas gifts and goodies to contact him. He says most of the people at the dumpsite are females, “the ladies have also been pleading me to give them school uniforms and shoes for their children because they cannot afford to buy everything with the little money they make from the things they sell here”, said Clinton. According to Clinton, more than 100 people have been benefiting from this. He says there are times when he gets more bread and soup from donors, so after feeding the people at the dumpsite he drives to DRC and give the leftovers to the people of the DRC. Anyone who is willing to bring change in the lives of these people and help Clinton feed them should contact him on 081 210 4562.
plainant she asked the hairdresser if they were capable of giving her the look she wanted. “They said they were able to give me the look I wanted. My hair was cut perfectly, but after colouring, the hairdresser did not show me the bottom part of my hair which not remotely turned out the way I wanted it. Instead of tints of pink, the whole back of my hair was a bright, disgusting pink blob. I paid N$1174 in total which I thought was absurd, but I paid it anyway and left. When I arrived home I was shocked when I took a close look at my hair. The moment my husband saw me, he bought me dark colour to fix my hair. I was in tears. When he wanted to speak to the
The state in which the client allegedly left the salon. owner of the salon the out mentioning it to next day, she was me. apparently not avail- I am willing to speak to able,” she said. the client to resolve the The owner of the salon matter. I was not at the was surprised when salon on Friday, which she was contacted for could be why I was comment this week by unaware that her husthe namib times. band tried to contact “I had no idea that there me,” she said. were any complaints Moments after speakand I do apologise. I ing to the owner of the however do not under- salon, the complainant stand why the client informed us that the walked out of the salon owner of the salon being unhappy, with- informed her that her
money would be refunded. “They said they will give my money back. I am still upset and feel embarrassed, but we have subsequently reached an agreement. Poor service delivery is a problem at the coast and I believe people should be aware of this,” she concluded.
Doggy-bag development raises eyebrows A customer informed us that she was charged for taking a doggy-bag after having a meal at a certain restaurant in Swakopmund. Ndona Povanhu I have been paying for Doggy bag for years now at a hotel in the north. Sean Wolf The material (doggy bags) costs money , unless they work it into the price of the food , but then the ones that don`t take doggy bag also pay! Nothing wrong with charging 5 bucks ! If you have your own business , you will know what it is about. Vic Kewal Disgusting! You've already paid for the food. Don't pay and avoid the bloody restaurant. I don't do doggy bags but it is a matter of principle. Not sure if it is legal anyway to charge for left overs,
msy be for bags it's a grey area. Just bring your own bag. Next they will charge us for breaking wind, I wouldn't be surprised at all. Augusta De Villiers in Swakopmund at a certain pizzeria you also pay extra for taking a "doggy bag". Angelica Beukes Hilarious beyond. Restaurant not making any money, now they bite the clients for extra charges on doggy bag, toilet faculities. Like really! Not that your bill is expensive enough. If that is the case, no more customer service tips for the waiters. This is absurd. Elton Imene Amen haleluja. something that I've been preach-
ing about. I no tip waitresses. thats pure extra charging. Emilia Amunyela Very narrow minded for thm to have such charges ...who paid for th food a customer doggy baged? Elizabeth Köstens Botha Really?! Alex Muukua A very bad restaurant in swakopmund I know it for a while. pictures of baboons all over the walls. to much racism. sies man DjDazzy Daz are you sure its somewhere in Swakop? Elton Imene In Omaruru and Karasburg Spar the cashiers asks if you want a carry bag or not... if you say yes. they tell you it's 50cents.
Mayday Kasondaha Thomas This is a fair charge, its for environmental reasons. It happens in alota places. SA, Germany. Use a recyclable bag for shopping. Elton Imene Shoprite pik n pay woermanbrok dont. Linda Nel Steyn I wish everybody would stop using plastic bags. Elne Venter Ag man dis flippen stupid! Hulle is net baie geldguurig as jy my vra. Bianca Katlego Dax Soon they will charge the cutlery and serviettes as well. Georg Knoke What? Sonja Beatrix Coetzer It makes sense, the cost of the foamalite container needs to be covered one way or another.
Planning to eat out conversation: Hun, what are you thinking of eating? Can you remember the size of their portions? I wonder if I should take the 1.5ltr blue tupperware bowl? Moira-Anne SchaafSomers Jy bedoel n' woefkadoes? Ag nee man, sê tog water restaurant dit is! Lanny Boois In tht caze take yo dog wth u 2 restaurant an let him enjoyd his lunch an diner wth u. Mark Mücke And dont forget to buy your kentuky before 19 December. after that prices will increase by 30% and broetchens at
w&b will cost 20c a piece more. welcome to high season. Oyla Hagen Are these people having a laugh! Wow! Ivondia Katjivari I'll take my ice cream basket wth. Joelene Fish Anand Ons betaal hier vir sake in India,or u have to take ur own. Kai van der Bijl If they don't notify you of the extra charge or advertise it anywhere they can't put it on your tab. Sandra Jakstaite In some countries if you dont finish your meal at restaurants you pay extra money as a
penalty. that is to teach to consume food responsibly. Milla Rose Tjiundje What? Nessa Edlin Take your own container with you next time you eat out. Marie Andre Shu Trying by all means to make profit; ;soon we wil pay for table and spoons; it is a shame that people want us to leave out food behind for a dustbin; aae thy must just tell us to bring our containers. Herrie Louw Suinigheid Hazel Ockhuizen Quite common in Angola this normal.
Ongeluk eis Staatmaker van Kudus-rugbyklub
'n Bekende rugbyspeler van die kus (Marvin “Herkie” Bruwer) is dood in 'n motorongeluk tussen Swakopmund en Usakos. Beulah Pretorius Geen mens kan ‘n skewe woord van jou sê. My hart is stukkend.. Love always. Piquet Eiros Jacobs 'n Groot en diep verlies vir Narraville en Walvisbaai ingeheel. Ek bly op my knië en hou alle vriende en familie in my gebede. Keenan Pietersen Sien jou weer. Vriend jy is ‘n mens wie ons nooit sal kan vergeet nie. Op die veld met jou spanmaats en af die veld met jou familie en vriende. ‘n Broer in almal se oë. RIP broer. Monique Minnie gaan jou verewig innig mis my vriend. Sterkte aan Tammy en Bruwer Familie.
Nick Klazen Alle sterkte aan die familie en die Kudus rugby club. Yolande Freygang Koning Ek sien jou nog so duidelik Herkie hoe jy met my broer Russell Antonio Wiscorn gesels Vrydag en Tammy-lee Bertoni Bruwer jou die selfoon aangee. Tammy en familie en vriende ons dink en bid vir julle almal en dis so so seer en daar is nie woorde om ooit n mens se hart te kan heel as net die daarwees en saamstaan en saambid van ons almal. My sustertjie Carike het tot haar engelwording gese en ek quote:'OC ek wil nooit n statistiek word nie',want sy was. baie veiligheidsbewus. Namibiese paaie is n groot probleem en een ding wat ek jou kan se is dat die Hemel n werklikheid is en dat Herkie definitief een van die mooiste en diensbaarste engeltjie is. RIP Herkie. Nel Adelle Is juis hkm ek dit geplaas want ek het my neefie verloor en hy was n kind net 5 yaar oud so weet jy ne as jy regtig sien hoeveel mense dood gaan op namibia se paaie elkedag en my some reg is dan is dit 80% en vir elke ongeluk wat daar gebeur is daar 20 tot 40 mense wat dood gaan in net namibia se pad ongelukke my gebed is by sy gesin so dink voor jy n komentaar kan lewer is die uit dagging vir jou of is dit vir die roadatoritys en natis en die president of wil julle elke dag lees hoe mense begrawe word die pro-bleem le nie by die mense nie dit le by die system. Felicity Humphries Sterkte aan die familie. R.i.P. Olivia Carew RIP Herkie en sterkte aan die familie! Mario En Loren RIP my dear friend my innige simpatie aan die families Selwin Dogga September Till me meet again ou herkman Christancia Paula Sterkte aan die family. Elizna Sowden Sterkte aan sy familie!
Claudine Frans R.I.P Herkie innige sympatie aan Tammy-lee Bertoni Bruwer en gesin... Danny Beukes Sterkte aan die families. Wesley Morné Kisting R.I.P Herkie my maat. Richard Kebak, Maura Ockhuizen R.I.P Masekind ons sien mkar opi anderkant.alle sterkte Tammy ons is almal hier vir jo. Roche Bruwer R.I.P my neef sien jo an di anderkant. Magdalena Marsh May your soul rest in peace. Deepest condolonces to the family and loved ones. Anthea Bampton R.I.P. vriend! Tiffany Rodkin R.I.P Herkie! Paulus Mwanyekele May your soul rest in eternal peace my brother, we will all follow suit when our time clocked. My condolences to the bereaved family. Mark Langenhoven RIP Herkie innige sympatie aan familie. Charlene Tania Jacobs R.I.P. Marvin. Hantie Van Der Heijden RIP. Meide Matthys Rip Marvin. Sterkte Tammy. Dolly Titus RIP Marvin. Oligen Lucas I am so sorry Bruwer.. RIP. Barbara Myburgh Maclobo Rus sag Herkie jou smile gaan ek vreeslik miss. God wees saam met Tammy en haar en
Herkie se familie. hy was n goeie man met n hart vol liefde en omgee RIP HERKIE. Karin Hansen-Eiman RIP Herkie. sterkte Tammy en fam. Silvia Ringhofer Amen. Alleyne Williams May his soul rest in peace Claudette Jantjies So,so,so sad! Cardi-Norselle Lenders The word saying when 'he comes to pick, he chooses the most beautiful flower in the garden' is so true. RIP. Linda Nel Steyn Dis so hartseer om sulke nuus te lees.RIV. Victorus Shitulenus RIP to the young man. It's very sad to lose a person that is in the prime of his life. Condolences to the family. Schivon Vonna Delilie Rip. Enrico Ricardo Theunissen R.i.p. Randall Delilie Ai Herki. Ria Minnie R I P Herki. Nicolene Jahr Rip Bruwer. Frizel Swartz Rip Marvin gan ju mis rerg. Simon An Nuru Rodkin Innige simpatie aan Bruwer en Bertoni fam R.I.P. Herkie. Megan JL English Wow bja sad. Stanley John-john Katjikuru RIP. Queeny Naambo With deepest condolenses, may he rest in eternal peace. Vones Titus So sad.
New Union Hurt By Cash Burglary The offices of the Namibia National Labour Organisation (Nanlo) was burgled in Walvis Bay on Thursday evening or early Friday morning, with cash and a laptop missing. Sedeky MV Breaking news our president Dr Hage Geigob said he thanks fishermen for bide the law while some sell out unions and confederation of namibian fishing associations said the strike was illegal. Da Silva Kagola There is a reason behind this. Enemies of progress.
Onmin oor gefuifery voor Walvis Bay SPCA to its knees Walvis Bay SPCA this year, while the SPCA is ontspanningsplekke faced with more than 70 dogs and more than 30 Marshallino Beukes Verlede naweek was Swakopmund weereens die middelpunt van 'n gefuifery van 'n ander wêreld, met besoekers van oraloor wat op die vakansiedorp toegesak, en tesame met sommige inwoners die dorp behoorlik op horings geneem het. Die sosiale network (facebook) gons ook al heel week met beskuldigings wat heen en weer geslinger word, aangaande “kattebakfuifers” en wie nou eintlik verantwoordelik is vir die geraasbesoedeling, alkoholmisbruik en rommelstrooiery buite ontspanningsplekke. Die algemene mening is dat daardie besigheidsplekke verantwoordelikheid moet neem vir hul “kliënte” wat voor of buite hul persele geraas maak en drink, terwyl andere van mening is dat dit die polisie se werk is. Een ontspanningsplekeienaar het aan die koerant genoem dat hy binne die raamwerk van die wet, binne sy perseel, optree en dat hy na reg
geen jurisdiksie buite in die straat het nie. “Ons probeer ons bes om persone wat buite die perseel luide musiek in hul voertuie speel of alkohol misbruik onder beheer te hou. Dit is egter nie altyd moontlik nie, aangesien dit in sommige gevalle besoekers van ander plekke, wat ons nie ken nie, is en dan word daar liederlik op ons gevloek. Daar bestaan ook die gevaar dat ons selfs aangerand en beseer kan word deur hierdie persone,” noem die besigheidsman. Hy het ook aangedui dat hy en sy personeel vroegoggend, na 'n besige nag, die straat voor sy besigheidsperseel opruim, aangesien dit logies is dat daar leë bottels en heel moontlik bottelskerwe sal
rondlê. “Dit is nou maar eenmaal so dat besopenes nie 'n duit omgee waar hulle van hul leë drankbottels ontslae raak nie,” noem hy. 'n Voorstel van sy kant af was dat eienaars van ontspanningsplekke vir volwassenes, die polisie en ook die stadsraad om een tafel moet sit, ten einde 'n oplossing vir hierdie sosiale euwel te probeer vind. Hy stem voorts saam dat dit vir hom ook sou frustreer het, sou daar voor sy woonplek gefuif en luide musiek gespeel word en dat die oortreders beslis nie 'n goeie beeld van die vakansiedorp skep nie. Volgens die opmerkings op sosiale blaaie, blyk dit asof slegs 'n sekere ontspanningsplek getakel word en daar word gegis dat daar dalk persoonlike
Madelaine Laubscher The Walvis Bay SPCA's financial position is believed to have deteriorated to desperate proportions, after the organisation's entire managing committee resigned and left the organisation the past month. The situation has became so dire that the Swakopmund branch of the SPCA had to intervene and is since fighting a hard battle to care for the somewhat 100 animals currently sheltered there. According to Mr Peter H Witt, Chairperson of the Tierschutzverein Swakopmund (SPCA), the institution suffered a severe blow as there is no governing body, structure or guidance. “All committee members resigned from the vendettas ook ter sprake kan wees. Volgens die polisie maak inwoners die fout om nie die geraasmakers te rapporteer en 'n klag teen hulle aanhangig te maak nie.
Volgens ons bron word die polisie wel in sommige gevalle gekontak, maar die klaers weier dan om 'n amptelike klag van geraasbesoedeling of rusverstoring te lê. Dit,
cats to fend for,” he said. It is understood that a temporary decision was made whereby the Swakopmund SPCA will assist Walvis Bay with the prerequisite that competent persons from the community must be found who are willing to stand together as a committee and organise/control the SPCA's operation in Walvis Bay. “The Walvis Bay SPCA need persons to manage the finances/bookkeeping, public relations, human resources and a chairperson for general leading who will also be in charge of fundraising/contact to key supporters e.g. the Municipality. Interested parties can contact us at the Tierschutzverein Swakopmund. Currently, the Kennel Master and staff are doing their best to help the lost/found, abused/ unwanted pets. They are in dire need of pet food, donations and any other contributions the public can assist with. If the Walvis Bay SPCA were to close their doors, Walvis Bay (being a growing community with an equally growing demand for animal welfare institutions) would face a possible population of stray dogs over the next five years of 50 000 animals,” Witt concluded. This is a projected figure based on the current estimated figures of the harbour town's dog population.
volgens hom, laat dan die polisie met afgekapte hande, aangesien hulle dan slegs daardie persone kan gaan waarsku en nie fisies kan optree nie. Hy noem ook dat eie-
naars van ontspanningsplekke vir volwassenes ook verantwoordelikheid vir hul klante moet neem, deur byvoorbeeld nie drank aan alreeds besope persone te verkoop nie.
Sven Thieme, and the most ambitious lodging project in the history of Namibia: The Strand Hotel Swakopmund. The Strand Hotel Swakopmund will be officially opened today by the President of Namibia, Hage Geingob. Sven Thieme is the Executive Chairman of the Ohlthaver & List (O&L) Group of Companies, Namibia's largest privately owned company, and the grandson of original founder, Karl Werner List. O&L, with 13 operating companies, provides Namibia's milk and beer, much of its fish and groceries, and a smattering of other interests from property management & development to engineering. One of the most recent ventures is in four of Namibia's most impressive hotels & lodges under the moniker of O&L Leisure, the company that owns the long awaited and remarkably innovative new Strand Hotel Swakopmund. Wikipedia describes Sven as a Namibian business magnate. Magnate or not, Sven is a down to earth gentleman, and a genuinely nice guy. He graciously answered a few questions for Leisure Times Namibia on the phone while in the waiting room of the doctor's office with his daughter (she's fine, just a check-up after an ear infection). S v e n , y o u w e re already running 12 businesses, what made you decide to start O&L Leisure? I have to go back a long way to give you the full story. We have had Namibia Breweries since 1920, and along the way we had to fight a few battles. We actually started in the
hotel business because of competition with South African Breweries (SAB). In the old days liquor licences were only issued to hotels. SAB were very aggressive in Namibia, trying to push us out with pricing and pressuring hotels and suppliers to exclusivity deals, and even buying some hotels. We fought back by buying up our own hotels and suppliers, ourselves. At one point we had 65 properties. Eventually, after the dust settled with the SAB battle in the seventies and eighties, we sold off the smaller properties and kept only the four premier sites, the Strand Hotel in Swakopmund opening on October 9, 2015 , The Kings Den Lodge in the Caprivi which we will open again as the new Chobe Water Villas on December 1st, 2015, the Mokuti Etosha Lodge and the List family's Midgard Country Estate. We w o r k e d w i t h several partners over the years to manage
the hotels. The latest was Kempinski, a German Hotel Management Company, but in the end they were just too European, trying to do things the European way, and our customers and business partners didn't feel it was working. We found success in Namibia in our twelve other companies with our own business model, and we decided it was time to try our way of doing things. What were your biggest challenges with the Strand Hotel Swakopmund? The first priority, the first challenge, is always, always, in any business, to find the right people. The second challenge is the volatility of the market. The third challenge is that the standards in Namibia are just not up to what you can find in Europe, Asia, North America or even South Africa. It is simply a different culture. Yes, we live at a different pace, and that has its charm, but there are certain things about
which we need to pick up the pace! Our distance from Europe is a challenge. It is far less expensive for Europeans to stay in Europe than to come to Namibia, and we have to give them good reasons to come here. It is all about an extraordinary and unique experience. We are offering vastly improved venues at Midgard Country Estate and Mokuti Etosha Lodge , plus the international four star quality Strand Hotel Swakopmund, and the new Chobe Water Villas in the Caprivi with a mindblowing View from your 85m2 Water Villa. We are trying to provide our guests with a true and authentic Namibian experience with all its charm, but on an International standard. What are the most exciting aspects of the Strand Hotel Swakopmund? The most exciting thing to me is the design, true to Swakopmund and the tradition of the Swakopmund Mole. This design welcomes
Sven Thieme (on the right), Executive Chairman of the Ohlthaver & List (O&L) Group of Companies, with Christof Holzapfel, General Manager of the Strand Hotel Swakopmund people inside and outside the hotel allowing both visitors and locals to enjoy and experience the Mole. I am excited for the customer experience, the setting, the atmosphere of having a nice beer with friends in the Brewer & Butcher, the seafood at the Ocean Cellar, or the fresh goods from the Farmhouse Deli. These all offer experiences for everyone, right there on the most beautiful area in Swakopmund, surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean. The Mole and the Strand Hotel Swakopmund, we hope, will again be the new “old” social epicenter of Swakopmund, a fun place for all Swakopmunders and Namibians but also for our international Tourists. A place where they can mingle with the “locals” like nowhere else. The Strand Hotel Swakopmund is a fusion of European and Namibian styles. It is a
friendly place where people can come together. It is high standard and highly professional, but also “gemütlich”. Our ultimate goal is to
make the Strand Hotel Swakopmund a destination in itself for Swakopmunders, Namibians, Africans and people from all over the world.
Wellness Service Campaign With namib times HIV TESTING AND CDA COUNT EXPLAINED · What is involved in the testing of HIV? HIV Counseling and Testing (HTC) is a quick and easy process that a person chooses to voluntarily do by visiting a health centre such as the Walvis Bay Corridor Group Mobile Wellness Clinics to request for and undergo. When a person receives an HIV test, they are taking an important step in their lives and are able to make an informed decision about their sexual lives regardless of the outcome of the test. The Ministry of Health and Social Services is encouraging all of us to come forward to be tested for HIV. It is believed that if many of us get tested, even though we may not be sick, this will help lessen the amount of stigma associated with an HIV test. Also, if we find out at an earlier stage, that we are infected with HIV, we can: · Immediately access treatment, care and support services at any Government clinic free of charge, · Learn more about the virus and how it affects our bodies · Look after our health so that we stay as healthy as possible for as long as possible · Get information and counselling around how to live positively with the virus. This means learning to accept the fact that we are infected with HIV, seeking emotional support, eating a healthy diet, learning how to control the amount of stress in our lives, making sure we don't become re-infected, and planning for the future. · Learn to recognise the signs of opportunistic infections so we can get them treated promptly
· Find out what resources are available within our community to help us manage our HIV status · Find out about prophylactic drugs. These drugs do not cure HIV/AIDS, but can prevent us from getting some opportunistic infections that are common with people living with HIV/AIDS e.g. T B and some kinds of Pneumonia · Get emotional support by seeking counseling and joining support groups. · Make sure that we don't infect anyone else, including our loved ones or get reinfected ourselves If we are not infected with HIV, HTC can motivate us to stay HIV antibody negative, and to accept those who are infected. · What is CD4 count and how does it work? The Walvis Bay Corridor Group through its Wellness initiative recently introduced CD 4 count testing for HIV + clients at its Roadside and Mobile Wellness clinics in Namibia. A CD4+ count is a blood test to determine how well the immune system is working in people who have been diagnosed with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). CD4+ cells are a type of white blood cell. White blood cells are important in fighting infections. When diagnosed with HIV infection, the WBCG will administer a CD4+ count test
in order to: · Monitor how the HIV infection is affecting your immune system. · Help diagnose acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). HIV infection can progress to AIDS, which cannot be cured. · Help you to decide when to start antiretroviral therapy (ART). This combination of medicines slows the rate that HIV multiplies in the body. · Evaluate your risk for other infections (opportunistic infections). · Decide when to start treatment to prevent opportunistic infections, such as medicines to prevent Pneumocystis pneumonia. · When is my CD4 low and when is it high? In a healthy person, the average CD 4 cell count ranges from 800 to 1200. i.e. an average of about 1000. Without intervention, a person who becomes infected with HIV experiences a gradual decrease in the number of CD4 cells over time. When the CD4 cell level reaches 200 or less, the person's immune system is usually too weak to fight many infections, which results in AIDS-related illnesses. When it is said that someone has a CD4 cell count of, for example, 560, this means that there were 560 CD4 cells in one milliliter of that person's blood, at the time the blood
was tested. Obviously, every person has liters of blood, which means millions of CD4 cells! The body also makes more of these cells every day. Therefore, one of the objectives of ART is to raise CD4 cell levels, by keeping HIV under control. When HIV is controlled, the new CD4 cells made by the body are not destroyed as much, which means that more are available to deal with infections. CD4 cell counts can vary from day to day. It is advisable to keep track of general trends, and not obsess about specific day-to-day changes. With regular exercise and a healthy diet, your CD4 count will normally increase again, whereas it can also decrease dramatically if you abuse alcohol or continue to engage in unprotected sex. In 2013, the World Health Organisation (WHO) introduced new guidelines which encourages all countries to initiate HIV treatment in adults living with HIV when their CD4 cell count falls to 500 cells/mm³ or less – when their immune systems are still strong. The previous WHO recommendation, set in 2010, was to offer treatment at 350 CD4 cells/mm³ or less. The Ministry of Health and Social Services and the Walvis Bay Corridor Group has subsequently adopted these guidelines and many more lives are being saved as more HIV + people are being registered on the ART programme earlier than before. WEEK 6 – LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS · What should I keep in mind when living with HIV/AIDS? Learning that you are infected with HIV will change your life dramatically. You may experience a wide range of emotions — fear, loss, grief, depression, denial, anger, and anxiety. No matter how reassuring the doctor and your loved ones, how effective drug therapies are now and will become, how minimal the physical impact of the infection on you for the present, or how intellectually and emotionally prepared you may be, your need for support will be great. The psychological issues faced by most persons with HIV infection revolve around uncertainty. Your future hopes and expectations, your relationships and your career will all require some adjustment in order for you to cope with HIV and lead a happy, productive life. · The impact on your health The impact to your health is likely to depend on the stage of infection you have reached when you discover you are HIV positive, the psychological support available to you, and your access to good health care.
Soon after becoming infected with the virus, some people experience a brief flu-like illness with fever, swollen lymph glands, skin rash or cough. You may then remain perfectly fit and healthy for many years despite being infected. For approximately 50 percent of infected people, the time between becoming infected and the appearance of the opportunistic infections that characterise AIDS is more than 10 years. This is one of the reasons why it is so important to be tested since the earlier you begin appropriate care and treatment, the better off you will be. · What should I do to protect my health? The WBCG encourages all its clients to take care of their health, but this is especially important for those who are HIV-positive. It would be good practice for everyone to follow the following principles of healthy living. · Clean water: drink plenty of liquids. If you are not sure about the purity of your public water supply, boil your drinking water or use bottled water, if possible. · Food hygiene: 1) Wash your hands carefully before food preparation. 2) Keep raw and cooked food separate. 3) Choose foods that are safe (avoid unpasteurised milk and wash fresh fruits and vegetables well). 4) Cook foods thoroughly. 5) Eat foods soon after they are cooked. · Stress and anxiety: minimise stress and anxiety. Having a social support network helps. Get regular exercise and adequate sleep. · Avoid smoking: smoking damages the lungs and other organs and increases susceptibility to infection. · Medical care: have regular medical follow-ups. · Medicines: avoid unnecessary medicines and if you are on other medications not related to HIV, discuss them with your physician. WEEK 7 – REGULAR CHECK-UPS ARE VITAL · How often should I go for check-ups when I'm HIV positive? When a person has been diagnosed with HIV, the most important thing is to remain healthy for as long as possible. This can be achieved by going for your regular check ups and not waiting until you get sick for you to go see your doctor. The most important thing to do is to make sure that you avoid re-infections and the development of opportunistic infections. Opportunistic infections (OIs) are infections that take advantage of a weakened immune system. The following are some of the OIs, that might develop if you have HIV and if you present
with one or more of these OIs, you will be diagnosed with AIDS, no matter what your CD4 count happens to be: · Candidiasis of bronchi, trachea, esophagus, or lungs · Invasive cervical cancer ·Herpes simplex: chronic ulcer(s) (greater than 1 month's duration); or bronchitis, pneumonitis, or · Tuberculosis · Pneumonia, recurrent Regular check-ups also ensure that those who are on ART medication are continuously adherent to the treatment regimens and protocols, because when you continuously skip your check-ups and medication, the HIV virus can develop resistance and your immune will not able to respond well anymore. This will then mean that your new type or strain of HIV will have no treatment in Namibia. So just like when your car is not feeling well, you must take it to the mechanic immediately, otherwise it will develop bigger problems that you won't be able to solve anymore. · What does a check-up entail? A check up for an HIV + patient is not a complicated process. The Doctor or Nurse will simply ask you a few questions, such as how your body is responding to the medication and whether you are experiencing any side effects. This will help the doctor to make a decision about either to change or keep you on the same treatment regimen. The doctor/nurse will also conduct a risk assessment in line with your sexual history in order to find out if you are taking the necessary precautions to prolong your life. Counseling will also be provided in order to mitigate any anxieties and inconsistent emotions and feelings that you might have. The WBCG has qualified health personnel to provide all these services at all our wellness service points. WEEK 8 – THE LOVE TRIANGLE – PROTECT YOURSELF · What is a love triangle or having multiple concurrent sexual partnerships? A person's risk of HIV is driven more by how many sexual partners they have in their lifetime than whether they have more than one lover at a time. A love triangle or Multiple and
concurrent partnerships (MCP) is when individuals have two or more partnerships that overlap in time, often for months or years which increase the risk of transmitting HIV immediately following infection. They also spread HIV through a population much faster than when individuals have a series of monogamous relationships. Mobile populations such as long distance truck drivers are even more at risk to HIV infection due to the nature of their work. Being on the road for many days and away from your core family is not an easy thing. Boredom and the desire to indulge in alcohol and look for companions often creeps in and the next thing you know is that you had unprotected sex with a stranger. Back home, your lovely wife or girlfriend expects to make love to you without protection as well and this is where the HIV virus enters your family or stable relationship. A love traingle can grow very fast or over a longer period of time. Remember: Everytime you cheat on your regular partner with someone else, you are broadening your love triangle and the more unsafe sexual practices you engage in, the more HIV you get in your body and the weaker your immune system becomes. Remember: When you have unprotected sex with a stranger, you are also having unprotected sex with all the people that this stranger had sex with before you. What should I do to protect myself when involved in a love triangle? The first and safer thing to do is to avoid being caught up in a love triangle. This you do by respecting and being honest to the person you are with. If you happen to find yourself in a love triangle, then make sure you protect yourself at all times. If you can, ask your partner to go for an HIV test before you engage in unprotected sexual intercourse. Remember that once you get HIV it remains with you for the rest of your life and you will then have to take extra care of yourself in order to live a longer healthier life.
Let Coconut Oil Work for You, Too The benefits of pure coconut oil can be attributed to the presence of lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid, and its properties such as antimicrobial, antioxidant, antifungal, antibacterial, soothing.
Standard Bank's Long Standiong Customers who received Certificates of recognition
Standard Bank celebrates 100 years of Sharlien Tjambari existence in Namibia Standard Bank celebrated 100 years of existence in Namibia last Thursday in Swakopmund. At the event, Standard Bank also gave special recognition to long standing customers, rewarding them with certificates. According to the Chief Executive Officer of
Standard Bank, Mr Va t u m b u a v i M u n -
gunda, the first branch of Standard Bank was opened in Lüderitz during August 1915. The second branch opened its doors in Windhoek and the third in Swakopmund, during the same year. Mungunda said in 2014, Standard Bank transferred shares worth N$30 million to employees. Standard Bank will soon be opening branches in Mondesa, at the Waterfront, Karibib and Khorixas, he noted. The Governor of Erongo Region, Mr Cleophas Mutjavikua, described Standard
Bank as a long standing bank which is trusted, credible and empowering. Mutjavikua thanked Standard Bank for bringing economic development to the region and for making banking accessible and convenient to Namibians at the coastal towns. According to Mutjavikua, Standard Bank has remained a valuable development partner and contributed positively to regional and local growth activities by investing in worth-while projects at the coast.
Get your life back Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Monday and Wednesday at 19:00 at the Indoor Sport Centrum in Swakopmund Al Anon meetings for the family of alcoholics are run at the same time.
Erongo Governor, Mr Cleophas Mutjavikua
Your Coastal contact: 081 233 2525
Coconut oil is the leader of oils! The healthiest oil on earth. The difference is in the fat molecule. All fats and oils are composed of molecules called fatty acids. There are two methods of classifying fatty acids. The first you are probably familiar with, is based on saturation. You have saturated fats, mono-unsaturated fats, and poly-unsaturated fats. Another system of classification is based on molecular size or length of the carbon chain within each fatty acid. Fatty acids consist of long chains of carbon atoms with hydrogen atoms attached. In this system you have shortchain fatty acids (SCFA), medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA), and long-chain fatty acids (LCFA). Coconut oils compose predominately of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA), also known as medium-chain triglycerides (MCT). The size of the fatty acid is extremely important. Why? Because our bodies respond to and metabolise each fatty acid differently depending on its size. So the physiological effects of MCFA in coconut oil are distinctly different from those of LCFA more commonly found in our foods. The saturated fatty acids in coconut oil are predominately medium-chain fatty acids. Both the saturated and unsaturated fat found in meat, milk, eggs and plants (including most vegetable oils) are composed of LCFA. MFCA are very different from LCFA. They do not have a negative effect on cholesterol and help to protect against heart disease. MCFA help to lower the risk of both atherosclerosis and heart disease. It is primarily due to the MCFA in coconut oil that makes it so special and so beneficial. Because coconut oil is so highly saturated, it is the most stable oil on the planet. You could drop a nuclear bomb on a jar of coconut fat and it is going to come out on the other side unharmed. The extra virgin processing really isn't necessary like it is with seed oil. Coconut oil is solid above 74°F. The steaming point of refined coconut oil is 450°F or 232°C. How to use Refined Coconut oil · Refined coconut oil is the safest and most effective cooking oil. · Use coconut oil to moisturize skin, and remove blemishes. · Use coconut oil on your hair to combat dandruff and soften your hair. · Consume coconut oil in recommended quantities to boost energy levels and it may help in weight-loss. Refined coconut oil can be used to replace vegetable oil for cooking and baking. RBD stand for refined, bleached and deodorized. In RBD oil all the phytonutrients have been removed so it is tasteless and odourless. Coconut oil is the most stable oil and heat does not effect it.”
Newly elected Junior Mayor sets high expectations Liesl Losper
Laura Van Reenen, the newly-elected Junior Mayor of Walvis Bay, believes she can continue with the good work of her predecessor, her very successful cousin, Omar van Reenen.
Newly elected Junior Mayor, Laura Van Reenen and Omar Van Reenen, previous Junior Mayor
She intends to manage her position by ensuring Junior Council's business remain an important priority for all Junior Council members and to ensure the Junior Council remains visible in its endeavour to the town's public. She wants Junior Council members to spend time on their duties and for members to be aware and understand the duties their positions ask of them. “My vision for the youth of Walvis Bay is to focus on upliftment. That includes encouraging our youth to desist from activities that impacts negatively on their lives. Alcohol abuse, drug abuse, not making an effort to perform well at school and teen pregnancies are some of the negative impacts on our youth van Reenen wants to see being rooted out from among the youth in the Walvis Bay communities. “We as Junior City
Council members have to act as ambassadors and by setting the example thoroughly inspire our youth to become the leaders of tomorrow”, Laura said. The newly elected Junior Council already put words into action. The Santa Shoebox program through which children, aged 6 and 7 who have never received a Christmas present, were
given a pleasant early Christmas this year. “We are also planning to celebrate World Aids Day this year by providing an AIDS-organisation with the necessary essentials. We are also already setting up projects for next year, starting with an environmental project where we'll have a beach cleanup day. I sincerely believe the commitment
and dedication displayed by my team will ensure us an extremely successful year. Our council is made up of 29 driven young leaders that will strive to do their best in all the projects we set out to do. Our communication and teamwork as a Council is also an aspect that I would regard as being one of our strong points,” Laura added.
ACC Ready For Several Arrests Mavourlene !Gaёs In Erongo Towns The Anti-Corruption Commission of Namibia's Erongo Office expects the arrests of several suspects in the foreseeable future in a number of cases on which it finalised investigations. Summonses to arrest is in the process of issuance where after arrests will be carried out in several Erongo towns. Specific details are withheld in order to prevent suspects to flee or interfere with possible witnesses. This was announced this week by the AntiCorruption Commission of Namibia in Walvis Bay, during an anti-corruption information seminar that was hosted by the Walvis Bay Chapter of the Namibia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI). The theme of the seminar was “Integrity Management”, a concept that was recently adopted by the ACC. Ottilie Shingenge and Lynette de Jager, both of the ACC's Erongo office, gave presentations that not only included statistics but also gave an overview of legislation in place to curb corruption in Namibia, the history of the Anti-Corruption Commission, what acts constitute corruption and how the public can assist in the battle against corruption. Some thirty businesspeople of Walvis Bay attended the seminar that was held at the Hotel Atlantic. According to Shingenge and de Jager corruption not only wastes national resources, but
also hampers service delivery, both in the public and private sector. Poor service delivery in return hampers development, and result in the country's citizens losing trust in Government. The ACC too, according to Shingenge and de Jager in their presentations can only earn and retain the trust of the Namibian public if The Commission acts with integrity and professionalism in order to achieve results. People want to see the ACC achieves results in terms of arrests and prosecutions, or that no one is singled out from an investigation or prosecution due to political or financial status. According to Shingenge and De Jager out of the total cases reported to the ACC in Erongo between 2012 and 2015, 9 % is currently in court, 1 % is pending a decision by the Prosecutor General and 19 % under investigation. 66 % of cases reported were found to be unfounded or with no substantiating evidence.
An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste Choonde (In der Kunst vereint) Konsularsprechtage Swakopmund (sk) Sie sind herzlich zu der Eröffnung der Gruppenausstellung namibischer Kunststudenten, Choonde, am 7. November in ,,Die Muschel” eingeladen. Der Gouverneur der Otjozondjupa-Region, Samuel Nuuyoma, wird sie um 18 Uhr eröffnen. Werke der folgenden Kuns-studenten werden zu sehen sein: Lok Kandjengo, Rudolf Seibeb, Elia Shiwoohamba, David Amukoto, Petrus Amuthenu, Kleopas Jambeinge, Kam-
Ein Bild von Lok Kandjengo, das er bei seiner ersten Solo-Ausstellung im Februar 2015 in der Nationalen Kunstgalerie in Windhoek. präsentierte
panda Nangombe, Saara Nekomba, Ziggy Marthin und Max Katshuna. Die Ausstellung wird bis zum 21. November zu besichtigen sein, und die Öffnungszeiten der Kunst- und Buchhandlung ,,Die Muschel” sind wie folgt: Montags - Freitags von 8.30 bis 18.00 Uhr; Samstags von 8.30 bis 13.00 und 15.00 bis 17.00 Uhr; Sonntags von 10.00 bis 13.00 und 15.00 bis 17.00 Uhr.
Hund vor Glotze Mit dem Knochen vor die Glotze setzen. Das könnten manche Besitzer mit ihren Hunden machen. Denn seit einiger Zeit gibt es für die Tiere ein spezielles Fernsehprogramm. Es heißt DOGTV. Kein Witz! Diese verrückte Idee stammt aus den USA. Gestern haben sie das Programm in Deutschland vorgestellt. Sie meinen: Wenn Hunde alleine zu Hause sind,
fühlen sie sich einsam, sind traurig oder haben Angst. Der Fernseher soll sie entspannen und darüber hinwegtrösten, dass Herrchen oder Frauchen nicht da sind. Bei dem Hunde-Fernsehen können die Tiere zum Beispiel grüne Wiesen oder schneebed e c k t e B e rg e a n schauen und dazu entspannende Musik hören. Auch andere Hunde bekommen sie zu sehen. Ein Chef des
Programms sagt: „Wir zeigen auch wilde Tiere wie Zebras, Elefanten oder Affen.“ Der Hund müsse nicht unbedingt gebannt zuschauen, meint der Chef. Wenn das Tier vor dem Fernseher schlafe, sei das auch ein gutes Zeichen. Dann sei er nämlich entspannt und habe keine Angst. Tierschützer finden die Sache mit dem Hunde-
Programm übrigens nicht so toll. Sie befürchten, dass manche Besitzer den Hund oft vor die Glotze setzen, und meinen, das sei dann eine gute Beschäftigung. Für Hunde sei es am besten, wenn sie draußen herumlaufen können, sagen sie. Quelle: Facebook
Das Gondwana-Hotel ist in Betrieb Das neue Hotel der Gondwana-Gruppe, ,,The Delight Swakopmund”, hat am 1. November seine ersten Gäste empfangen. The Delight Swakopmund der Name verpflichtet. Er lässt auf einen unbeschwerten, heiteren Aufenthalt in entspannter Atmosphäre hoffen, in einem Hotel, das sowohl die Herzlichkeit Gondwanas als auch die Einzigartigkeit Swakopmunds verkörpert.
Swakopmund Neighbourhood Watch
085 999 Your direct line to report crime!
Die Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in Namibia informiert Am 12. und 13. November 2015 wird die Botschaft den nächsten Konsularsprechtag in Swakopmund abhalten. Zwei Mitarbeiterinnen werden im Hansa-Hotel in Swakopmund wie folgt für Besucher zur Verfügung stehen: Donnerstag, 12. November 2015: von 8 bis 17 Uhr ; Freitag, 13. November 2015: von 8 bis 15 Uhr (Mittagspause jeweils von 12 bis 13 Uhr) Es wird dort möglich
Offenes Weihnachts singen und Advents markt
sein, deutsche Reisepässe aller Art zu beantragen: Biometrische Reisepässe, Kinderreisepässe und vorläufige Reisepässe. Besucher werden gebeten, unbedingt die ausführlichen Hinweise der Botschaft zum Passantragsverfahren zu beachten. Diese sind, ebenso wie die notwendigen Antragsformulare, auf der Internetseite der Botschaft zu finden: www. windhuk.diplo.de. Darüber hinaus können
Am 23. November findet um 19 Uhr ein Offenes Weihnachtssingen im Haus der Jugend statt, zu dem herzlich eingeladen wird.
Lebensbescheinigungen in Rentenangelegenheiten erstellt, Unterschriften beglaubigt, sowie unverbindliche Rechtsauskünfte erteilt werden. Zum Konsularsprechtag können keine Visumanträge bearbeitet werden. Rückfragen: Rechtsund Konsularabteilung; Tel: 061 273100 .
Am 28. November dürfen Sie sich auf das Gemeindefest in Walvis Bay mit Adventsmarkt, Mittagessen und vielen Ständen auch für die Kinder freuen.
Schauen Sie auf unsere Website: www.namibtimes.net Botschafter Schlage lädt Chefarchivarin des Nationalarchivs nach Deutschland ein Die Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland informiert Hertha Lukeleni, Chefarchivarin des Nationalarchivs von Namibia, besucht vom 30. November bis 4. Dezember 2015 Berlin, Leipzig und Frankfurt am Main im Rahmen des Besucherprogramms der Bundesregierung. Zusammen mit Bibliothekaren, Wissenschaftlern aus dem Bereich der Bibliotheksund Informationswissenschaft und Bibliothekspädagogik sowie Fachjournalisten aus aller Welt wird sich Frau Lukeleni mit öffentlichen Bibliotheken in Deutschland als professionelle Servicestellen unter Einbeziehung modernster Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien, den veränderten Anforderungen an Fachpersonal angesichts unterschiedlicher Informations-, Lern- und Unterhal-
Botschafter Christian Schlage überreichte Frau Hertha Lukeleni am 21.Oktober in der Botschaft die Einladung. tungsbedürfnisse, Best-Practice-Modellen im deutschen Bibliothekswesen, der Aus- und Fortbildung von Bibliothekaren und der schulbibliothekarischen Arbeit ver-
traut machen und mit anderen bibliothekarischen Akteuren vernetzen können. Rückfragen: Ullrich Kinne - Kulturund Pressereferent Tel. 061 273 102
An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste vom Hocker Rast ich, so rost ich: Bewegung Locker Idyllischer Familienurlaub am strahlend blauen Meer? im Alter ist wichtig!
„Ach, was soll ich denn in meinem Alter jetzt noch mit Sport anfangen. Das lohnt doch nicht und ist mir auch viel zu anstrengend.“ Wenn Sie so denken, dann ist es nicht gut. Denn, egal ob Sie 50, 60 oder 80 Jahre alt sind: Es gibt viele gute Gründe, warum Sie sich mehr bewegen sollten. Körperliche Aktivität wirkt lebensverlängernd und gesundheitsfördernd. Studien zeigen, dass uns regelmäßige körperliche Aktivität statistisch etwa sieben zusätzliche und vor allem auch gesunde Lebensjahre beschert. Sport ist wichtig für das Herzkreislaufsystem, für die Knochen und Gelenke, für das Gehirn, das Immunsystem und die Organe. Denn unser Körper ist von der
Natur auf die Notwendigkeit angepasst, sich ausdauernd zu bewegen. Tausende Jahre lang musste Nahrung unter großen Strapazen erworben werden, sei es auf der Jagd, sei es beim Sammeln, sei es in Feldarbeit. So hat die menschliche Spezies in der Evolution die perfekte Vorratshaltung entwickelt: Jede nicht gebrauchte Kalorie wurde – und wird bis heute – in Form von Fett abgespeichert, um später bei Bedarf wieder abgerufen zu werden. Doch was unser Leben über Jahrtausende hinweg gesichert hat, ist in den letzten Jahrzehnten zum Gesundheitsrisiko geworden. Weil wir uns nicht mehr ausreichend bewegen, wachsen die Arterien mit Ablagerungen zu, was der Durchblutung unter anderem von Herz und Hirn nicht bekommt. Herzinfarkt und Schlaganfall sind zwei der möglichen Folgen. Weil wir die meiste Zeit des Tages sitzend verbringen, versteifen die Gelenke und die Muskeln verkümmern. Daraus re-
Möchten Sie zeigen, dass jeder seine Schwächen hat? Melden Sie sich bei Susann Kinghorn; Tel. 405183 oder 0812538850; E-Mail: susannkinghorn@gmail.com
sultieren Haltungsschäden, Gelenkverschleiß und Osteoporose. Und weil wir durch die mangelnde Bewegung zu wenige Kalorien verbrauchen und zu viel Fett ansetzen, entwickeln sich Stoffwechselstörungen wie Diabetes und erhöhtes Blutfett. Viele dieser Krankheiten sind nicht unmittelbar tödlich. Aber sie führen oft zu Beschwerden, schränken die Le-
bensqualität ein und machen uns zu chronisch kranken Menschen.
Liebe Küstenleser! Die Weihnachtsferien stehen vor der Tür. Der Familienurlaub an der Küste ruft. Ein Bild aus der Reklamewelt erheitert unser Gemüt: ein braungebrannter Papa, der in himmelblauer Badehose am Strand liegt, das prall gefüllte Ferienport-
eine ordentliche Ohrfeige verpasst und die rosarote Brille von der Nase nimmt? Es gibt da eine Reihe von Bildern, die mit jeder Urlaubserfahrung an unserer schönen Atlantikküste im Kurz- oder Langzeitgedächtnis gespeichert wurden: gefährlich re-
ich im warmen Molensand sitze, an einen Familienurlaub zurück, als ich noch nicht in der Schule war. Mein Vater hievte mich auf seine
Worte der Woche
Abendlied des Kammervirtuosen Du meine neunte Sinfonie! Wenn du das Hemd an hast mit rosa Streifen, komm wie ein Cello zwischen meine Knie, und laß mich zart in deine Saiten greifen. Laß mich in deinen Partituren blättern. (Sie sind von Händel, Graun und Tremolo). Ich möchte dich in alle Winde schmettern, du meiner Sehnsucht dreigestrichnes Oh! Komm, laß uns durch Oktavengänge schreiten! (Das Furioso, bitte, noch einmal!). Darf ich dich mit der linken Hand begleiten? Doch beim Crescendo etwas mehr Pedal!! Oh, deine Klangfigur! Oh, die Akkorde! Und der Synkopen rhythmischer Kontrast! Nun senkst du deine Li(e)der ohne Worte ... sag einen Ton, falls du noch Töne hast! Erich Kästner, 1927
Diese Illustration einer Familienferienidylle, die auch im ersten Locker-vom-Hocker-Band erschien, stammt von Uschi Eggert. monee passt gerade in ger Verkehr auf Pad Schultern und ging mit die Tasche seines vom heißen Inland in mir ins Meer, obwohl knallgelben und mit die kühleren Regionen, wilde Wogen auf eine Palmen versehenen T- unhygienische Toilet- Springflut hindeuteten. shirts, das er sich zur ten an den Tankstellen, Obwohl ich wie am Sicherheit und Ent- das Genörgel der ge- Spieß schrie, lief er mit spannung unter den langweilten Kinder im mir ins schäumende Nacken geklemmt hat; stickigen Auto (heute Was-ser. Plötzlich riss daneben eine zufrie- mit Klimaanlage ist eine hohe Welle mich dene Mami mit breit- DAS zumindest pas- von meinem Thron und krempigem Strohhut - sè); Hundekot auf dem schleuderte mich in Hüterin des mit Saft, Weg vom Bungalow ihrem Strudel hin und Chips, Pasteten und ans Meer; leere Bier- her. Ich meinte, mein Bonbons gefüllten flaschen und Zigaret- letztes Stündlein hätte Picknickkorbs unter tenstummel an der geschlagen. Wie durch dem bunten Sonnen- Jetty; übergewichtige ein Wunder fühlte ich schirm; davor sitzt der Kinder, die passiv im plötzlich inmitten dieblondgelockte Sohn Strandsand sitzen und s e s Wa s c h m a s c h i mit seiner knuffigen in den mehrlagigen nentrommeltumults Schwester im Strand- Hamburger beißen; Fa- eine Hand, die mich röckchen, die mit der milienvater mit Bier- rettend nach oben zog. e i n e n H a n d d a s wampe und Gummi- Dieses Erlebnis hatte schmelzende Eis zum latschen, die mit der die schlechte NachMunde führt, mit der Zeit durch den Druck wirkung, dass ich bis anderen das grüne des Körpergewichts ei- heute in Panik gerate, Plastikschaufelchen ne Wippform erhalten wenn ich ins Meer gehe betätigt, um der Sand- haben; eine Mutter, die und den Boden nicht burg den letzten Schliff ihre wettergegerbte mehr unter meinen Lederhaut weiterhin Füßen fühle. Gleichzu geben. Welch eine Ferien- und gnadenlos der beißen- zeitig ist dieselbige Faden Sonne aussetzt; milienurlaubserfahFamilienidylle! Wie aber sieht es aus, Botsotsos, die es auf rung mit einer überaus wenn man sich mal das pralle Portmonee großen Freude verabgesehen haben und bunden: Der Sensenaus den merkwürdigs- mann hat mich damals ten Schlupflöchern nicht erwischt, weshalb hervorkriechen; stun- ich noch so viele schödenlanges Schlange- ne Familienurlaube stehen bei der Auto- miterleben durfte. bank oder vor einem Parkplatz, der einfach Ihre glückliche nicht frei werden will. Susann Kinghorn Lassen Sie sich aber bitte nicht den Urlaub durch die harte Realität verderben! Gerade die Dinge, die nicht so glatt laufen, können manchmal zur schönen Erinnerung werden. So denke ich heute manches Mal, wenn
Walvisbaai Voortrekkers 85-jaar oud Madelaine Laubscher Die Walvisbaai Voortrekkerkommando het Maandag hul 85ste bestaansjaar gevier, wat as 'n ware mylpaal beskou word. Vir meer as agt dekades het die Voortrekkers kinders se lewens positief aangeraak. Om hierdie mylpaal te vier, is 85 rooi, wit en blou ballonne Maandag die lug ingestuur. “Dié Afrikaanse jeugbeweging was juis gestig om kinders te ontwikkel tot positiewe en lojale landsburgers. Die organisasie is Christengebasseerd met soeke om standvastige, christelike leiers vir die toekoms te ontwikkel, het 'n woordvoerder Mathilde de Klerk vandeesweek verduidelik. Volgens de Klerk kan die wese van die Voortrekkers opgesom word as moderneAfrikanerskap, positiewe burgerskap en standvastige Christenskap. “Die Voortrekkers is sterk gefokus op buitemuurse aktiwiteite, en is reeds sedert 1931 aktief onder die jeug in die kusgemeenskappe. Gedurende weeklikse byeenkomste leer die kinders mekaar ken, asook die omgewing, hul gemeenskap en die fundamentele beginsels van Namibië. Hulle word ook ondersteun, ontwikkel en bemagtig deur kennis van kulture en daar is baie avonture met die natuur as agtergrond. Die Voortrekkers roem daarop dat die organisasie diensbare leiers vir die toekoms kweek. By die 2015 jaarafsluiting het verskeie Voortrekkers erkenning gekry vir hul toegewydheid en bydraes. Daar was 30 Voortrekkers en hul ouers by die afsluiting, wat soos altyd 'n spoggeleentheid is. Dit bied aan ouers die geleentheid om saam in die trots en vreugde van die toekennings te deel. ·Die Voortrekkers vier volgende jaar (2016) hul 85ste bestaansjaar op Swakopmund. Daar
ballonne gaan glo groot feesvieringe tussen 22-28 Augustus wees, en Jak de Priester, 'n SuidAfrikaanse kunstenaar word by die geleentheid verwag. Aldus de Klerk wil sy graag hê dat alle oudVoortrekkers met die Walvisbaai Voortrekkerkommando in verbinding tree. Dit sal 'n geleentheid skep om aan volgende jaar se feesvieringe deel te neem.
VACANCIES & NOTICES REZONING NOTICE Take notice that RITTA KHIBA PLANNING CONSUNTANTS (TOWN AND REGIONAL PLANNERS) on behalf of the owner of ERF 4090 ONYX STREET, VOGELSTRAND intends to apply to the Municipality of Swakopmund for the following: REZONING OF ERF 4090, ONYX STREET, VOGELSTRAND FROM 'RESIDENTIAL' WITH A DENSITY OF 1:900 m2 TO ‘GENERAL RESIDENTIAL' WITH A DENSITY OF 1:300 m2 AND CONSENT TO CONSTRUCT ONE ADDITIONAL RESIDENTIAL UNIT WHILE THE REZONING IS BEING PROCESSED AND SUBSEQUENT SUBDIVISION OF THE ERF INTO PORTION A AND THE REMINDER. Erf 4090 Vogelstrand is2 zoned 'Residential' and is approximately 941 m in extent. There are two residential buildings situated on the erf. The subdivision of Erf 4090 Vogelstrand will allow the creation of one additional erf namely Portion A 2 measuring approximately 495 m and the remainder 445 m2 in extent. The number of vehicles for which parking will be provided on-site will be in accordance with the Swakopmund Town Planning Scheme. Take notice that the locality plan of the erf lies for inspection on the town planning notice board in the Customer Care Centre, Municipality of Swakopmund offices, corner of Rakotoka Street and Daniel Kamho Avenue, Swakopmund. Further take notice that any person objecting to the proposed use of the land as set out above may lodge such objection together with the grounds thereof, with the Municipality and with the applicant in writing within 14 days of the last publication of this notice. Applicant: RITTA KHIBA PLANNING CC TOWN AND REGIONAL PLANNERS P.O. BOX 22543 WINDHOEK Cell: 0815788154 Tel: 061-225062 Fax: 061-213158/088614935, Email Address: rkhiba@gmail.com
BUCCANEERS SQUASH CLUB. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. Notice is hereby given of the annual general meeting to be held at Buccaneers Squash Club on Wednesday 18 November 2015 at 20:00. ALL WELCOME. Constitutional changes to be advised in writing to P. O. Box 2556 before 17 November 2015. If a quorum is not filled the meeting will be held over and will proceed 15 minutes later at 20:15.
V A C A N C I E S Mutual Tower, 223 Independence Avenue PO Box 23159, Windhoek, Namibia
Sponsored by Old Mutual Namibia ORION NAMIBIA PENSION & PROVIDENT FUNDS The Management Board of the Orion Namibia Pension & Provident Funds hereby appeals to the family and friends of the following persons, who are able to confirm/provide the information, listed below, to contact Ms. Emily Amaambo at the offices of the Funds' administrator, Old Mutual Corporate, on the 9th Floor Mutual Tower or on 061 299 3277: 1. 2. 3.
Who are the deceased's children? Who are the people taking care of these children? Was the deceased taking care of any other persons?
Please note that any statements made must be supported by the appropriate proof of such statement. The persons for whom this information is required are:
Vacancy – Resident Manager Long Beach & Lüderitz Hotel Group is looking for young vibrant Resident Managers who can turn Small Boutique Units into Maximum Profitability an excellent Guest Service. Applicants with previous Management Experience need to apply. Renumeration – Market Related Closing Date for Applications: 11 November 2015. Applications : gm@proteahotels.com.na
6 NOVEMBER 2015 LIQUOR ACT, 1998 NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO A MAGISTRATE IN TERMS OF THE LIQUOR ACT, 1998 Notice is hereby given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Magistrate of the District of Erongo Walvis Bay. 1. Name and postal address o f a p p l i c a n t : Mutumburwa Hosea, P. O . B o x 7 6 4 4 , Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. 2. Name of licensed business to which application relates: E t a l a l e k o Ly a n d j e Nolyoye No.1 3. Address/location of licensed premises to which application relates: Erf 1606, Toryn Cresent Street, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. 4. Nature and details of application: Shebeen Liquor Licence. 5. Where application will be lodged: Walvis Bay Magistrate’s Office. 6. Date on which application will be lodged: 6 November 2015.
Mutual Tower, 223 Independence Avenue PO Box 23159, Windhoek, Namibia
VACANCY Sponsored by Old Mutual Namibia
Assistant Principal Officer The Orion Namibia Pension & Provident Funds seek to appoint an Assistant Principal Officer to assist the Funds' Principal Officer (on a contract basis). The successful candidate will: Assist the Principal Officer to manage the day-to-day operations of the Funds according to the requirements of the Funds' rules, the Management Board's' instructions/decisions, the Pension Funds Act and other applicable legislation, regulations. Key Responsibilities ! Assist the Principal Officer to ensure that the Funds' Rules comply with legislation; ! Submit Financial Statements and Statistics to the applicable authorities once approved by the Management and Principal Officer; ! Implement delegated Management Board decisions; ! Liaise with the Funds' administrator's administration manager as well as other services providers (as requested); ! Maintain an electronic filing system; ! Provide support and technical advice to the Principal Officer; ! Attend all Funds' meetings; ! Provide secretarial services to the Funds: Compiling of agenda packs, taking of minutes and drafting of resolutions; ! Arrange venues for Board meetings. Knowledge, Experience and Competencies ! Namibian citizen; ! Organized and disciplined; !· Be fluent in written and spoken English ! Good communication skills; ! Able to translate complex concepts into practical operations; ! Logical and analytical in problem solving; ! A relevant legal, business or commerce qualification; ! At least 5 years industry experience – Pension and Provident Funds Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. To apply, please send a detailed CV to The Principal Officer, Orion Namibia Pension & Provident Funds P.O. Box 9940, Eros, Windhoek Closing date: 13 November 2015 E-mail address: arthur.kroehnert@gmail.com
Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the Magistrate of the District, to reach the Magistrate not later than 7 days after the date on which the application is lodged.
ESTATE NOTICE ESTATE NO: 1661/2015 In the Estate of the late Hans Martin Georg Wencke, Id no: 321207 0010 9, who died on 12 August 2015, resided at Flat No.24, Lions Old Age Home, Swakopmund, and who was unmarried. Creditors and debtors of the above estate are called upon to lodge their claims or pay their debts to the estate at the undermentioned address within a period of 30 days as from date of publication of this notice. H E AHRENS Agent of the Executor c/o Kinghorn Associates Haus Altona 2 - 6 Tobias Hainyeko Street P. O. Box 1455 SWAKOPMUND (Ref: HEA/AW EST 133/0001-50)
Vacancy Production Manager – Walvis Bay Requirements: · Ability to do process operational workflow analysis, identifies weaknesses, design and implement improvement control · Three years of experience in operations management, including supervisory experience · Knowledge of human resource management principles and procedures · Extensive knowledge of industrial laundry operations and equipment and a Laundry Technology Diploma will serve as an advantage Applicants should submit a comprehensive CV via email to info@drytex.co.za or handin at 231 Theo-Ben Gurirab Street, Walvis Bay, Namibia CLOSING DATE: Thursday 12 November 2015
WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME CONSENT: Home Based Business (Pawn Shop) ON ERF: 0354 N TOWNSHIP: Narraville STREET: Namib Street H64 Street. In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish a Pawn Shop on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 106D, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager; Roads and building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and undersigned, in writing, not later than 27 November 2015. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): L A Pretorius, Namib Street H64
Tata Motors partners with the Football Legend - Lionel Messi as the global brand ambassador for its Passenger Vehicles Tata Motors is all set to make huge strides in marketing its new product line-up, inspired by its Horizonext strategy. The Company has signed-up the football player star, 4 consecutive times Best Player of the World, Lionel Messi, in a long-term association as it global brand ambassador to promote and endorse its passenger vehicles, globally. To start with, Tata Motors will first roll-out the association campaign, #madeofgreat, starring Lionel Messi.
This is the first time ever that the Passenger Vehicle Business will be undertaking an overall brand association campaign with a brand ambassador. The campaign is based on consumer insight and rides on a strong consumer motivation of 'Seeking Excellence' & 'Self Belief' which is epitomized by the confluence of two global brands- Tata Motors and Lionel Messi. The core idea of this campaign - Made of Great emerges from the inspiring thought of 'What drives us from within is what makes us great'. Announcing the association, Mr. Mayank
Pareek, President, Passenger Vehicle Business Unit, said, "We are very excited to have Lionel Messi on board. He is talent galore with conviction & is an icon for today's youth. Watching him play football is magical. His determination on the field is aweinspiring. He is a winner who is trustworthy, reliable, pioneering, simple and driven by selfbelief, which is the core idea of this campaign 'What drives us from within is what makes us great.' Tata Motors is driven by design, technology and strives towards excellence. Through this powerful campaign we will communicate the values & ethos of the passenger vehicle business. As we look to expand our footprint across the globe, Messi's unique ability to appeal globally, transcending geographies, makes him ideal person to represent our brand, internationally. This is the first campaign in the series and many more will unfold as we move on in this long-term association. We hope our customers like this new campaign and we look forward to their continued support." Endorsing an Indian brand for the first time, the magician of football and an inspiring youth icon, Lionel Messi said, "Namaste India. I am very excited about my first association with an Indian brand and am extremely thrilled to be a part of the Tata Motors family. I have always been fascinated by India and have heard such great things about this diverse country. I was once in India with Argentina National Team and I hope to visit it again. Tata Motors is a true representation of India and a well-established brand, globally. It is important to believe in yourself and keep pushing to achieve success and that is what the first campaign stands for. I hope together we are able to inspire many more." Tata Motors is at a defining juncture in its evolution as it gears up to disrupt the passenger vehicles' industry with path-breaking offerings. Taking these offerings to consumers with aggressive and innovative marketing is an equally important area of focus for the company. Tata Motors and Lionel Messi share many common traits with 'a conviction to succeed' being one. Right from his childhood,
Messi overcame every hurdle that came his way to become a football legend. Similarly, undeterred by fierce competition and challenging business environment, Tata Motors continues to stir up the passenger vehicle industry with its innovations. With this association, Tata Motors embarks on an exciting journey to connect with its global audiences effectively. The first campaign, #madeofgreat is hinged on the Company's philosophy of providing bestin-class innovations in the passenger vehicles segment with a combination of stunning design, thrilling performance and exciting new technologies. The campaign builds upon Tata Motors' DNA of trust, authenticity, reliability, simplicity, as well as its commitment to innovation. This campaign has been conceptualized by Tata Motors and Soho Square Advertising & Marketing Communications. The creative agency team lead by Kunal Jeswani, Anuraag Khandelwal and Satish deSa has spent over five months on the making of this campaign. It has been directed by Daniel Ben Mayor and filmed by team of international experts in Barcelona. Tata Motors has used the best graphic expert, Ambassador to bring alive the visual experience. Wizcraft is bringing this campaign alive on-ground, while DigitasLBi and SMG Convonix are seeding it across the digital platform, with Lodestar UM spearheading the media strategy. This association comes at a time when the Passenger Vehicle Business is witnessing month-on-month growth on the back of recently launched cars - Zest, Bolt and GenX Nano, which are leading the recovery for the Business. Tata Motors has bagged over 51 awards for its innovative marketing campaigns, in the last fiscal year. The Company has evolved as an aggressive marketer with its go-to-market strategy and innovative consumer engagement plans. Taking it's marketing strategy to the next level, Tata Motors will continue to create compelling communication campaigns for the business and its brands to connect with its customers innovatively.
Mitsubishi Motors to introduce all-new Triton in South Africa Mitsubishi Motors South Africa (MMSA) has confirmed that its next-generation Triton pick-up range will be available in Southern African markets from mid-2016. The new model has already started raking in accolades in countries where it has been introduced, including that of 2015 Truck of the Year by Auto Express in the UK. "The new Triton offers
a surprisingly quiet ride and cabin comfort reminiscent of a passenger car, while in the new Triton functio-
nality and reliability required for tough working conditions are as present as ever," says
Wynand Pretorius of MMSA. Sporty design and comfortable interior
space The sleek and flowing design of the new Triton results in a dynamic and elegant look, as well as improved aerodynamic performance that contributes to better fuel efficiency. Easy car-like driving, agility and manoeuvrability The Triton's innovative design results in a classleading turning circle of only 5.9 metres and makes it a pleasure to drive in congested urban areas and harsh off-road conditions
alike. Advanced technology and powerful engine for optimal performance The jewel in the new Triton's crown certainly is its new-generation 2.4 litre turbo diesel
engine. Its quick response at low revolutions, along with the improved aerodynamic design of the new Triton, drastically improves fuel consumption, responsiveness and acceleration. The 6speed manual and 5speed automatic gearboxes contribute to a smooth and nimble driving experience similar to that of passenger cars. This new light-weight enine produces 133kW and a whopping 430Nm of torque and is matched
to a choice of two newly developed transmissions resulting in responsive acceleration performance. Numerous noise insulators, noise absorbing- and damping materials are applied in many parts of the body to further reduce NVH levels. Improved safety The new Triton provides high levels of safety achieved through the liberal use of high-tensile steel and the introduction of various active safety technologies in the construction of the RISE (Reinforced Impact Safety Evolution) body structure. Based on these im-provements the new Triton was awarded a 5-star ANCAP safety rating in Australia. Mitsubishi has also added the necessary high-end safety equipment to the Triton double cabs, including 7 airbags and ISOFIX mounting points for baby seats. All models are fitted with a collapsible steering wheel column, designed to retract in the event of an impact. In order to help avoid collisions the new Triton is equipped with active safety tech-
nology such as ASTC (Active Stability & Traction Control), ASL (Adjustable speed Limiter) and TSC (Trailer Sway Control) mated to the ASTC-system. More luxurious The new Triton has not only built on the off-road capabilities of its Pajero and Pajero Sport siblings, but offers many of the same luxurious appointments. Improved durability Based on global product feedback, the body structure of the new Triton has been reinforced to increase its already legendary reliability and durability to levels designed to cope with the world's toughest and harshest working conditions. "The new Triton was designed to match the ride quality of an SUV without compromising the workhorse qualities that have made double cab bakkies so popular. We believe our engineers have hit their target and that the new Triton Sport Utility Truck will prove as popular in South Africa as in other countries", concludes Pretorius.
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Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
NOTICES NOTICE: I Cornela P. Neshuku willnot accept any responsibility for any loans, cash or any advance debts given to Filemon Neshuku. ID nr: 740 022 700 319
AUCTIONS BUSINESS AUCTION NOTICE! The following items of EMS MARITIME SERVICES will be sold on auction to settle storage charges on abandoned machines and tools
-Sheriff of the court Auction- 7 November at 130 6th Str Walvis Bay10h00
Items on auction
Life boats, oxygen bottles, compressors, life jackets, geysers, water pumps, welders, outboard motors, clamps, hydraulic pumps, fittings, tools, Cars, trucks, furniture loads more coming viewing Friday from 12h00 Terms & Conditions apply
064 220 387 081 143 4368 Found: Female Pitt Bull found in Welwitschia St. Please contact the SPCA if she is your dog 064 - 404419 urgently.
TRAINING SANAH NAIL TECHNICIANS Beauty is the art 3 days nail training N$ 1400.00 with full kit & certificate, uv machine included. Start your business upon completing the course. Book your space now... Quality at its best. We are situated in Walvis Bay in Sam Nujoma Ave Erf 202 or call us 081 233 2893 081 233 5391
COURSES GERMAN COURSE FOR ADULT BEGINNERS: Learn to speak German and improve your job opportunities!! Limited space Available. Register now to qualify for a discount. Experienced mothertongue teacher. Contact 081 607 2685
LEARN TO SWIM CRASH COURSE Swakopmund From the age of 6 years First 2 weeks in December 2015 Learn to swim in only 10 sessions Classes 12h00 to 13h00 Monday to Friday Mariëtta 081 363 3723 flipperssc@gmail.com Flippers Swimming School
CLASSES BEATACCMATH PRESENTS PRIVATE ONEON-ONE TUTORING High School Accounting and Maths WALVIS BAY TO BOOK CONTACT 081 497 2195 or beataccmath@gm ail.com FOR MORE GO TO www.beatacc math.com
Advertise your Business with a video for only N$ 99 Send your Party Invites with a video for only N$ 99 We deliver in 24 Hours. Call 0817639527 for a sample now We do any type of Videos and many more
HAIR HOPE SALON SWAKOPMUND: We are selling Brazillian and Indian hair for a very cheap price. We do hair, e.g: * Weave extension * Wash and blow * Relaxing * Invisible line. We talk about quality products. Contact Anne: 081 308 1738 Sanah Brazillian hair boutique specialize in 100 % virgin Brazilian hair: 10 inch N$ 1 450.00 12 inch N$ 1 650.00 14 inch N$ 1 750.00 16 inch N$ 1 950.00 18 inch N$ 2 050.00 20 inch N$ 2 300.00 22 inch N$ 2 500.00 24 inch N$ 2 650.00 26 inch N$ 2 800.00 28 inch N$ 3 000.00 30 inch N$ 3 200.00 Argan hair products available shampoo, conditioner, treatment and serum We are at Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay Call or visit 081 233 2893
SERVICES www.fastfind.me
BEATACCMATH Presents: Extra classes for High School Accounting and Maths Narraville, Walvis Bay 081 497 2195 beataccmath@gmail. com www.beataccmath.com
EDU-CARE JJ's Care Centre Walvis Bay Daycare for 0-5yrs Grade R Grade 1-12 Impak Education Homework assistance Aftercare Tutoring Speech therapy Also accommodate for disabled children aged 018 years old. Specialised education, stimulation and therapy. Limited space Contact Kim:0814790725
List your business FOR FREE at this online coastal business directory Visit this site. “Search” your business name’. If it is already listed, check if all information is correct. “Edit” if you need to make changes. If your business is not listed simply press “Add Your Company” and follow the easy instructions WALVIS BAY FLOORING We do the following Expert service in wooden laminating flooring wall to wall carpets P.V.C tiles Industrial flooring Our service is your value Cell: 081 747 6111 BAY-ROUTE DRIVING SCHOOL WALVIS BAY: Is offering lessons by a professional, friendly and patient instructor. For rates and bookings contact: 081 207 7651
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
I do Painting and Interlocks. If you need me contact: Mocai: 081 358 5183
Baard Transport / Block & Brick baard@afol.com.na Website: www.baardgroup.com
TEL: 064-274 800 FAX: 064-274 810 · Blocks / Bricks · Rock Face / Pavers · Interlocks / Linthols · Sand / Stone ·U Blocks Kerb Stones ·Hollow 7 MPA Super Brick “The Service Makes The Difference”
NB: Visit our new Kuisebmond Branch.
For all your renovations and construction needs with personal attention. Call for a free quote JOHANN STEYN 081 128 0848.
Specialized Carpet / Upholstery Cleaning For effective cleaning please call LIDA COASTAL HYGIENE for a free quote The Chem-Dry method: Stays clean longer, Dry Faster, Healthier, No bad odours Treat your carpets! Please book to avoid disappointment. Tel 064 209 292 E-mail: admin2@lida.com.na
Pet Systems now available in Namibia. Pet Containment, Bark Control, Remote Training, Animal Deterrents, Pet Doors, Drinking Fountains, Thundershirts, Waste Management, Leashes, Collars and Harnesses. 081-2825445
OFFICE & HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE REMOVAL SPECIALISTS Over Namibia Household & Office. Mobile: 0814093522 email: neilnkt@iway.na
A TO Z CLEANING SERVICES WE OFFER: Daily / Weekly / Monthly Yearly Contracts For Offices / Buildings / Shops /Shopping malls // Factories/Accessible windows / Ablution Blocks / Body Corporates Etc. Contact Mr Coenie Brand Tel 081 129 7988 Office 205 036 Mail:ops@atozcleaning. com.na
After hour service available Contact Hennie@ WELWITSCHIA KEYS Tel: 402 255
BUDGET CLEANERS: We offer once off cleaning for Lounge suites Carpets/Rugs Matrasses Loose chairs Machine scrub tiles Descale/Steam clean bathrooms / ablution blocks Accessible windows Exterior spray cleaning And much more!!! Contact Mrs Jenny Brand Tel 081 148 5036 Office 220 382 Mail: budget@iway.na All cleaning procedures done under supervision
HOUSEHOLD MAINTENANCE LOCK & KEY SERVICES · General household maintenance · Cutting of keys · Making of keys from ignitions
ANDY'S TRANSPORT bied aan n busdiens vanaf Rehoboth na die kus en terug vir die Feestyd teen ‘n spesiale tarief: N$180.00 p/persoon, N$150.00 vir pensionarisse en N$120.00 vir kinders jonger as 12 jaar vanaf 20 Oktober 2015. Vertrektye: Rehoboth: Sondae - 13h00. Dinsdae en Donderdae 07h00. Walvisbaai: Maandae, Woensdae en Donderdae - 14:00. Optelpunte: Rhb - B1- Service. Windhoek - Total Service langs Khomas Medics. Walvisbaai - Dorp Spar. Swakop - oorkant Ocean Basket. Kontak nrs: 081 565 6184 / 081 219 4757 / 081 243 9986.
TOYA DRIVING SCHOOL: In Swakopmund. N$80 per hour. For bookings contact: 081 576 7274
FOR HIRE: 19x8 Tent for hire. Chairs, lighting and tables also for hire. Contact: 081 323 9402 081 278 4393 TLS TOOLS HIRE: Anyone who wants to hire construction tools or building machinery: * Compactor * Heavy duty concrete mixer * Light duty concrete mixer * Heavy duty generator * Light duty generator * Scarfold to use for high building Contact: 081 484 0808 anytime. In case of delivery it can be delivered at your workplace. Prices are per daily rates, delivery price will be charged separately. DO YOU NEED A PLUMBER, WELDER OR PAINTER? We do plumbing, welding, painting and general restoration and maintenance. All our work is Professional. Don’t hesitate to call Greenwood Services at: 081 683 1324 081 578 8751
12 ton lorry, TLB and mini excavators available for rubble removal and transport in Walvis or to Swakopmund and Henties Bay. For a free quotation Contact: Email: ettwein123@gmail.com Cell: 0816283288 Tony Cell: 0812488230 Meisie
064 405 602 DAAN: 081 210 0800
SERVICES Pet Sitting Service. Going on Holiday? Need someone to take care of your pet? I will look after your loved ones while you are on leave. Walvis Bay only. Call 0811245052 MALAWIAN DOCTOR CHIEF DR ANTONIO PHIRI Love problems: Bring back lost lovers, to be attractive, control cheating partners, to love you more, stop and fastenings divorce, stability in relationship and marriages, have your body warm for women only, women who feel pain during menstruation, financial problems. Business problems: Find a new job and restore old one, customer attraction, job promotions, winning tenders and loans, bad luck, speed in selling uup properties, give protection against enemies, cars, homes, kraals and business, pensioners who are delayed to get their wages / payment. Court cases. Body problems: Skin diseases, vaginal tightening, woman who get long period, asthma, pneumonia, diabetes, BP, help women and men who cant produce, stop drinking and smoking, hips/breasts enlargement. Body protection from any kind of witchcraft, manhood enlargement, make more rounds, stop early ejaculation, power (hardness and strong) NB: Consultation is fee is free. Phone Dr Antonio Phiri: “THE OLD POWER MAN” 081 843 3509 081 764 4835
COASTAL BUILDING SPECIALISTS: For all your: !Building construction !Renovations !Project costing (bill of quanities) !concrete mixer rental (N$ 200/d) Contact: 081 365 1917 081 699 2441 WANT TO BE YOUR OWN BOSS?? Now is the right time!!! Let us do your: !Company registration !Business plan !Financial projections !Loan applications !(DBN, SME, BANK etc..) !Tender documents !Good standing / fitness certificates and so much more... Call the Professional business Consultants 081 144 2738 064 207 897
Classifieds TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. S Jeke (The Best). Bad Luck - Luck Muti Love Problems Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself Work problems Promotions - To get tenders and to boost your business - People don’t want to pay you back Pregnancy Problems Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals - Sexual transmitted sickness - all sickness Asthma, BP Remove to-koloshi from bodies, houses - Men’s power se-xuality Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr.(79) 3191D Johanna Benson Street Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 303 3149.
Price: N$ 820 000 Contact: Raymond 0811002072
Private Sale: A three bedroom house on a about 500sqm ERF for sale. Price $1.1, including transfer costs. Contact: 0811248722/ 0812900545 FOR SALE: Light industrial erf 4147 N$ 1 500 p/m² neg or Erf size 4147 + 5732m² =(9879m²) N$ 1 500 p/m² neg Cell: 081 124 2480 081 351 0130 FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR
WALVIS BAY 20 4505 KUISEBMOND A Great Investment ! 6 x spacious bachelor flats. Monthly income N$12 800 Selling for N$920 000
Joey 081 129 3293
FOR SALE: Two bedroom flat in CBD Features: - 2 bedrooms with BIC - 1 bathroom - Lounge - Kitchen with BIC and build in stove - Court yard - 1 Garage - Pre-paid electricity - Alarm system
ERVEN FOR SALE Ext. 15 - Ocean View Swakopmund: 903m² for N$850 000 (neg) Owner: 081 606 0668
Afrodite Beach 3 x Vacant Seafront erven 692 – 740m² N$ 2 150 000-00 each!! Claudia 081 169 6227 SECURE YOUR LIFESTYLE! Tranquillity, luxurious, nature: Auction of erven coming soon in Otjiwarongo. Send us a blank e-mail for more information: triomarketingnam@gma il.com or visit www.whalerockestate.bl ogspot.com or our facebook page: Trio Marketing CC PRIVATE SALE House for sale in Walvisbay, central Very spacious house with 4bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, huge open living area with indoor braai, neat and spacious kitchen with scullery and laundry/office space and double garage. Also to offer a spacious two bedroom flat, one bathroom with open living area, kitchen and indoor braai. Beautiful garden and yard space. N$2 700 000 excluding costs. Natascha Bezuidenhout 0812791198
WALVIS BAY Central Excellent situated, safe and secure complex 2 bed, 1 full bath, huge kitchen, Lounge with sliding door to balcony & garage, ONLY N$ 950 000-00 Joey 081 278 0518 WALVIS BAY Lagoon Our prime area 2 bed, 1 bath, kitchen, lounge & garage ONLY N$900 000-00 Joey 081 278 0518 WALVIS BAY Sole Mandate – Plot & Plan Don't miss out on this lifetime opportunity Transfer fees on erf only! 3 spacious houses, each on own separate erf. 3 beds, 2 baths, open plan kitchen/lounge with Indoor braai, 2 huge garages. ONLY N$ 1 750 000-00 each. Joey 081 278 0518 GLORY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Meersig, Plot 805m² N$ 725 000.00 Plots at Longbeach 443m N$ 650 000.00 Longbeach extension 1&2 Plots for sale call for info TO LET Kuisebmond 2x flats W/E incl. N$ 1 700.00 & N$ 1 750.00 p/m Bachelor flats in Kabeljou to let 4x N$ 3 500.00 p/m W/E incl. New flats Looking for properties to let and sell Call: 081 457 0543 Email: toinischoltz@gmail.com FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR
WALVIS BAY 20 4505
KUISEBMOND SOLE MANDATE New Development 2 Bedroom units N$ 595 000 each 1 Bedroom units N$ 495 000 each Office / Shops N$ 768 000 each All with under roof parking Visit our office to view the plans
Joey 081 129 3293
SWAKOPMUND VINETA 3 x 3 Bed houses. Selling from N$ 1 500 000-00 to N$ 1 600 000-00 SWAKOPMUND NEAT AS A PIN 3 Bed, 2 bath, double Garage, lots of cupboards, Scullery, fire place & outside Toilet. N$ 1 800 000-00 SWAKOPMUND RETIREMENT VILLAGE 1 Bed, 1 bath, open Plan kitchen/living & Garage. N$ 680 000-00 SWAKOPMUND OCEAN VIEW 875m² vacant plot For ONLY N$ 790 000-00 SWAKOPMUND SIMPLY AWESOME! Luxurious 4 bed, 4 bath, Double storey with Flowing open plan living, Study, pantry, scullery. Double garage, indoor BBQ , patio, etc. N$ 5 555 000-00 MONDESA Spacious 3 bed, 2 bath, open plan Kitchen/living, patio, PLUS 3 outside rooms With bathroom. N$ 1 070 000-00 GOGGA 0818709950 FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR
WALVIS BAY 20 4505
GOOD INVESTMENT WALVIS BAY KUISEBMOND 3 x 2 Bed, 1 bath, kitchen, Living area with a garage. N$ 430 000.00 (each) Emily 081 293 0335 WALVIS BAY KUISEBMOND 5 Bed, 1 bath, kitchen. 2 x 2 bedroom flat N$ 850 000.00 Emily 081 293 0335 WALVIS BAY KUISEBMOND TOWNHOUSE 3 Bed, 2 bath, open-plan kitchen With living area & garage. N$ 695 000.00 Emily 081 293 0335 WALVIS BAY KUISEBMOND 2 Bed,1 bath, open-plan kitchen With living area. N$ 530 000.00 Emily 081 293 0335 WALVIS BAY BIG FAMILY HOME FAIRWAYS 3 Bed, 2 bath, lounge, Tv room, Study, dining, 2 garages. & Bachelor flat. N$ 2 700 000-00 Emily 081 293 0335 WALVIS BAY KUISEBMOND 2 Bed, 1 bath townhouse With garage. Walk to the sea. N$ 430 000.00 Emily 081 293 0335
FOR SALE: Elishenheim newly build 2-bedroom flat for sale Nice view Open plan kitchen and lounge BIC's Valuation: N$ 1,260,000 Selling price: N$ 1,170,000 Contact no. 081 122 3119
Operate in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. We repair: * Geysers * Washing Machine * Microwaves * Stove, Aircons, Fridges * Electric Motors, 3-phase and single 3-phase * Battery chargers and welding machine * Electrical on houses * Vacuum cleaners and compressors * Any electrical appli-ance we’ll fix it. * Installation of geyser timer and arograming *plumbing services, water leakage on tapes, toilet leakages and blockages All electrical appliances have 3 month guarantee. You call - we come and fix. Contact: Mr. Sylveners 081 299 9960.
TRADITIONAL DOCTOR KALENGA: He can help you through: Pregnancy - Education Court Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Problems - Bad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Tokoloshi - Mens’ Power Sexuality - Exams Job Problems etc. Walvis Bay & Swakopmund. Cell:081 201 7887.
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
NEW WAREHOUSES! Located on corner Erf in prime light industrial area. All warehouses CC reg. From N$ 908.000 CENTRAL Spacious 3 bedr townhouse with 2 bathr and double garage. Brisk walk to the Lagoon! N$ 1 700 000 CENTRAL Near NAMPORT! IDEAL FOR OFFICES! 3 bedr house with 2 bathr, 3 garages N$ 2 700 000
Olga 081 853 1654
FOR SALE: Kuisebmond. 3 bedroom house, one garage for sale in N$ 750 000.00 Negotiable Contact: 081 281 9230 081 451 6571
HOUSE FOR SALE SWAKOPMUND Mondesa / Jabulani House: 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, Kitchen & Lounge Flat: 1 Bedroom, Kitchen & Bathroom Sufficient space for further developments N$820,000 excluding cost Serious Buyers only / No agents Contact: 081 4688 582 / 081 344 2112 ELEGANCIA INVESTMENT CC Kabeljou Plot for sale N$ 450 000.00 (negotiable) Fairways 2 bedroom flat for rent N$ 6 000.00 Contact: 081 866 9480
PROPERTIES TO RENT FLATS TO RENT: Erf nr. 5583 New NHE Uukwanga Str N$ 2 800.00 p/m Contact Adolph: 081 220 6677 TO RENT: One bedroom flat to rent in Hermis with single garage. W/E incl. N$ 3 800.00 p/m Deposito in 2 installments Contact: 081 290 0870 TO RENT: Kuisebmond Room to rent at Namport. N$ 1 700.00 p/m W/E incl. Contact: 081 291 3961 081 247 9802 081 614 1253 TO RENT: Houses to rent for short/long term in Walvis Bay. 3 bedroom, 1.5 bathroom, 2 garages. Front back interlocked garden. Newly renovated finishes. Stunning kitchen with scullery. Open plan. Enclosed outdoor braai area, perfect for entertaining. Good location.N$ 8 000.00 p/m Deposit required. Contact: 081 124 3716 081 826 6511 To Let: Modern newly built offices, available 2 big offices with furnished reception, bathr, kitchen in City Centre = +/100m². Parking is available, fully alarmed, modern data application. Availability as from 1 November 2015. Call Pascale Paulsmeier on 0811271974. TO LET House in Mondesa / Jabulani 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, Kitchen & Lounge N$4500,00 (no deposit required) Water included, pre-paid Electricity Immediate available Contact: 081 4688 582 / 081 344 2112
SWAKOPMUND TO LET RESIDENTIAL Tamariskia 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms Single Garage N$ 7 800.00 p/m Vineta 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms Single Garage Pet Friendly N$ 9 000.00 p/m Central Fully Furnished Luxury Apartment 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms Double Garage Elevator Access Sea Views N$ 12 000.00 p/m 2 Houses on one Erf Combined 5 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms Double Garage Each with own entertainment area Safe & Secure Neat & Tidy N$ 20 000 p/m Mole On the Beach 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 1 en-suite with Jacuzzi Double Garage N$ 20 000 p/m Upmarket Apartment 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms Large Balcony Double Garage N$ 16 000.00 p/m Kramersdorf Large Family House 4 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms (1 en-suite) Double Garage Large Erf N$ 12 000 p/m .Duplex Town House 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms (1 en-suite) Double Garage Just completed Stunning finishes N$ 14 000 p/m Town House 2 Bedrooms 1 Bathroom Single Garage Modern Finishes Stunning views from large balconies Very neat & tidy N$ 7 800 p/m INDUSTRIAL Warehouse 465 m² Under roof ±330 m² 2 Offices Storage Room 2 Bathrooms Kitchenette Walk-in Safe Alarm System 380 Volt & KVA for industrial applications 2 Entrances + 1100 m² Enclosed storage space on premises N$ 30 000 p/m (VAT Included)
Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
TO RENT: 1 bachelor to in Narraville N$ 2 800.00 p/m W/E incl. Contact: 081 274 7097
TO RENT: 2 Bedroom bungalow with garage. Available 1 November, 18km outside of Swakopmund, next to the Swakopriver. Rent N$4500p/m W/E Excluded. Contact: 081 300 3489
To Rent Batchelor Flat to rent in Narraville , no garage Available immediately N$ 2 800.00 p/m W/E incl. Deposit : N$1 200.00 Contact # 0812963660 RENTALS: One bedroom flat - Tutaleni 081 143 8708 Two bedroom flat, open plan kitchen, open plan kitchen / lounge available Narraville One bedroom flat Narraville water and electricity and garage available from 1 December 2015 081 439 2663 TO RENT: Bachelor Narraville 1 bedroom, kitchen, shower & toilet W/E incl. N$ 2 400.00 p/m Deposito N$ 1 000.00 Heidi: 081 255 8457 TO RENT Vineta Swakopmund Close to W/B shopping centre: Bachelor flat with BIC in kitchen and bedroom plus stove. Garage, burglar bars and alarm. N$4200.00 W/L Incl. Immediately available. Contact: 081 606 0668
TE HUUR Ocean View Swakop: Dubbel verdieping 3 slaapkamer Town house, 2 badkamers (1 en-suite), balkon. Onder: Pragtige oopplan kombuis met sitkamer, binne braai, gaste toilet, 1 groot garage. Buite: Eie ingang, klein tuin en buite toilet. Onmiddelik beskikbaar. N$8000.00 plus deposito. Water en krag uitgesluit. Kontak: 081 786 0089 1 big bedroom, open plan sitting room, toilet & shower.Quiet environment. N$ 2 700.00 p/m W/E incl. Contact: 081 229 1236 081 571 4980 Now available! A bargain! Kuisebmond- a newly renovated 3 bedroom house, that shouldn't be missed! B.I.C's in all bedrooms & kitchen. 2 bathrooms, aluminium windows, boundary wall& garage. For only N $4000 +deposit. W&E excl. (Between Containers& Hanover Houses) Weaver clothe. Enquire today, Emily 081 344 2576 avondia@iway.na
TO RENT: Walvis Bay Hermes. 2 bedrooms with BIC, bathroom (shower) Open plan kitchen with BIC, stove, Carport, At the back of main residence with separate entrance. Spacious yard W/E incl. No pets N$ 6 000.00 + deposit Available immediately Viewing after 17:00 daily Contact: 081 399 1823 081 149 4669 TO RENT: Narraville Bedroom with bic shower/toilet - fully tiled kitchen. Floors tiled separate entrance / safe area, no garage N$ 2 700.00 p/m & deposito For single person Contact: 081 244 1320 TE HUUR: 3 slaapkamer woonstel naby die poskantoor te huur, kombuis met spens, sitkamer, badkamer met stort, ingeboude kaste en enkel garage. Grondvloer. In ‘n veilige kompleks met elektriese skuif hek en alarm. N$ 5 500.00 p/m 1 Maand deposito vooruit. 1 maand deposito vooruit. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Desember 2015. Kontak Wilma: 064 220 200 TO RENT: 2 bedroom house to rent in Kuisebmond near Independence Market N$ 3 200.00 p/m W/E excl. Inside room for N$ 1 700.00 p/m in Kabeljou Area W/E incl. Immediately available. Contact: 081 244 0097 MAHETAGO, SWAKOPMUND One outside bachelor flat for N$2400 and one inside room for N$ 1600 available immediately. Full deposit required. Water incl. Electricity Prepaid. Contact: 0814616260 or 0813704266
TO LET - WALVIS BAY CENTRAL N$ 7 500 – Upmarket 2 Bed, 2 Bath with single garage N$ 8 500 – Offices in central town N$ 9 500 - 3bed,2bath town house with single garage N$ 5 500 – 3Bed,2bath townhouse with single garage MEERSIG N$ 12 500 - Upmarket 3 Bed, 2 bath with double garage N$ 9 500 – 4bed house with single garage NARRAVILLE N$ 3 300 – 1Bed flat incl w&e HERMES N$ 3 500- 1Bed flat with single garage KUISEBMOND N$ 3 850 – 3Bed house with single garage N$ 1 815 – Inside room excl w&e N$ 2 500 – Bachelor flat with own bathroom N$ 3 245 – 2Bed flat LONGBEACH N$ 12 500 – Upmarket 3Bed,3Bath with double garage INDUSTRIAL N$ 12 180 excl VAT – New 174m2 warehouse with 1 office N$ 12 500 – office 145m² near syncrolift incl water N$ 12 240 excl VAT – 272m² Warehouse N$ 66 500 – New 1445m² warehouse with big offices Please call Rhoda 081 413 1313 Or Talitha 081 337 3669
SWAKOPMUND HOUSE TO LET Modern, light and bright house in ext 22. Open plan living areas – stunning kitchen, 3 bright bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, and double garage. Fully walled garden. N$12 000. Available immediately. Barbara 081 656 2619 TE HUUR Ocean View Swakop: Dubbel verdieping 3 slaapkamer Town house, 2 badkamers (1 en-suite), balkon. Onder: Pragtige oopplan kombuis met sitkamer, binne braai, gaste toilet, 1 groot garage. Buite: Eie ingang, klein tuin en buite toilet. Onmiddelik beskikbaar. N$8000.00 plus deposito. Water en krag uitgesluit. Kontak: 081 786 0089
TO LET Jabulani Inside room N$ 2000.00 W/L Incl 1person 1bedr flat bathr, kitchen N$3500.00 W/Incl pre-paid electricity Ocean view 3bedr house, 2bathr, lounge, kitchen double garage N$ 9 900.00 W/L Excl All deposits required For Sale Mondesa 2bedr house, 2bathr, lounge, kitchen bathr, garage N$ 600 000.00 3bedr house, lounge, kitchen, bathroom with flat of 2bedr,open lounge kitchen single garage N$ 900 000.00 Tamariskia Cottage Village Flat 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, open plan kitchen, garage N$ 850 000 00 Ocean view (brand new) 3Bed house, 2bathr, lounge, kitchen dinning room, double garage (remote door) N$ 1.9 mil neg Call Tel: 064-402112 Fax: 064-403396 Matty: 081 244 6995 TO LET TO LET TO LET
WALVIS BAY 20 4505 TO LET KUISEBMUND Bachelor flat w&L incl. @ N$2000 p.m. FULLY FURNISH Modern 3 Bedr. unit with 2 garages @ N$14500.00 MEERSIG Modern 4 bedr house walking distance from Lagoon @ N$16500
Dianne 081 2396323
PROPERTIES TO RENT TO RENT: 2 Bedroom flat for rent for N$4 840.00 No pets. Single Garage for small car. Near Flamingo Primary School. Prepaid electricity. Water excluded. Suitable for single lady or senior couple. Available 1 December. Mobile 081 454 9300 TO RENT: 2 Master bedroom house, Namport, Kuisebmond Open plan kitchen, single garage. Pre paid electricity. Excluding water. N$ 5 200.0 p/m Deposit available Contact: 081 620 0378 081 228 4894
TO RENT Narraville Walvis: Bachelors flat to rent. Save and secure area. Very neat and spacious. N$ 2500 single person or N$3000 per couple. Bic in kitchen and in room. Water and electricity inclusive. Please call 0814907445 to view.
TO RENT: Kuisebmond Neat, private room with own shower, toilet plus kitchen space available From today N$ 1 850.00 p/m Alarm optional extra by choice. Full deposit required, negotiable No smokers, drinkers, and individuals with payment delay history. Single persons only Contact / sms: 081 704 8155 081 744 4757 081 269 2876
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
IN HERMIS, W/BAY AVAILABLE AS FROM 1ST OF DECEMBER 2015 Bedroom (3) Double garage - electric Alarm g4s monitored Separate kitchen Indoor braai Build in stove 2 bathrooms Guest toilet down Pre-payment meter All for N$ 8500.00 INTERESTED THE OWNER @ 0812413453 TO RENT: Bachelor flat in Narraville N$ 2 200.00 p/m W/E incl. Contact: 081 833 1323
I am looking for a bachelor flat to rent in Swakopmund. Price range: N$2100 - N$2500 Water included. Should have private bathroom. Ready to move in 1 December 2015 Contact: 081 296 2020 SELLING YOUR HOME?? Get the price you want. No negotiating with buyers. No agent commissions. RENTING YOUR HOME?? Get the price you want. No negotiating with tenants. No agent commissions. Contact: 081 673 2664
WANTED WANTED: Are you out of cash? Then contact us. We buy - Gold Jewellery even if its broken. Silver jewellery even if its broken. Silver and gold coins. Polished diamonds. We operate in Walvis, Swakop, Henties, Arandis and Omaruru. Contact: 081 344 3794 / 081 315 9178. Urgently looking for car with 7 seats o more to buy. It can be a mini bus, quantum, etc. Must be manual. Call: 081 148 9348
ACCOMMODATION ACCOMMODATION Situated in 31 Avis Road Swiss Chalets offer fully equipped rooms, free wi-fi & 24-hours security. Mini conference also available. Contact: 061-305 551 081 433 3185 E-mail: swiss.chalets@iway.na
FOR HIRE: 8.6 tonne flatbed truck for hire, long or short term Includes driver, straps and container hooks. Can also do long hauls in Namibia. Contact: 081 286 4512
In Touch Cargo Namibia are looking for experienced National & Cross Border Truck Drivers Requirements : Valid driver's License and PDP Code CE Valid Passport Haschem endorsement will be an added advantage Minimum 3 years experience Please forward all Cv's to info@intouchcargo.co m or fax to (064) 279201
Hire of Low Bed Transport Services Low Bed transport services for hire, extremely competitive rates offered. We transport heavy and abnormal machinery and equipment, locally and cross border. We also specializes in the supply of earthmoving plant to the civil engineering and earthmoving industries for hire.
Call us now for unbeatable prices. Our Manager: Operations Mr. Morne Viljoen @ 081 359 0027.
VACANCIES GOOD NEWS GOOD NEWS!! Employment wanted to the following companies: Factory, warehouse construction, plant & hire, crusher semi skilled machines, operator on the following machines. Front end loader, roller, bobcat, forklift, cherry picker 40 metre, telehandle crane 30 tons with 15 years experience looking for employment. Contact: 081 638 9047 VACANCY: Experienced carpenter / joiner needed. 2 years experience. Lawrence: 081 354 2084
Algemene Bestuurders pos beskikbaar op Walvisbaai Persone verkieslik bo 50 jaar, sonder afhanklikes word benodig. Moet in besit wees van ‘n geldige bestuurders Lisensie. Moet in Afrikaans en Engels kommunikeer Ondervinding in quickbooks n vereiste Inwoning en etes word aangebied. Moet diens onmiddelik aanvaar. Alle CV's moet op epos aangestuur word na ngandu@iafrica.com. na
CARS FOR SALE: 2007 Toyota Yaris 1.0. Good condition, not an import. N$30 000.00 Contact: 081 810 0231 FOR SALE 2014 Toyota Hilux D/CAB 3.0 D4D sky gold 14 000 km N$ 2 60 000.00 Contact: 081 149 7331 081 140 1905 FOR SALE: Canopy for sale Nissan 1400 Contact: 081 285 5364
LANDROVER DEFENDER 2OO4 Km plus minus 128000 Owner: Pieter Strydom Tel: 081 332 7260
FOR SALE: 2011 Toyota double cab 2.7. 105 000 km (white colour) Petrol N$ 200 000.00 Isuzu 360L automatic 4x4 Double cab 2009. Black colour N$ 170 000.00 Toyota Landcruise Beach bakkie 2002 Petrol N$ 80 000.00 colour Contact: 081 481 5116 FOR SALE: 2001 Audi A4 1.8 T Leather interior Sunroof. N$ 55 000.00 Contact: 081 309 0873
Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
ELIZABETH: Ek is opsoek na huiswerk vir 5 dae. Kan dadelik begin. Kontak: 081 763 3920
WERK GESOEK: Netjies en betroubare vrou is opsoek na huiswerk. Meersig, Langstrand. Het baie ondervinding, kan kantoor skoonmaak ook wees. Kan onmidellik begin. Kontak: 081 726 3143
only ID required 0811475475 0811475333 064220387 bayauctions@iway.na
FIND US @ 97 Sam Nujoma Str Walvis Bay
TE KOOP: Bees te koop in Karibib. Veronica: 081 373 1499 TE KOOP: ModC Kitaar - Pearl river classical nog in verpakking N$ 600.00 Kontak: 081 618 2123 FOR SALE: 1x LG flatiron 54cm TV N$850.00 1x Panasonic 54cm TV N$850.00 1x Defy eye level build-in oven & HOB slim line 600 black N$1650.00 1x Double bunk bed steel frame like new N$950.00 1x Husky single door display drinks fridge, white. N$2750.00 1x Isuzu KB280 diesel fuel injector pump, reconditioned like new N$3500.00 1x Professional polony slicer N$3750.00 1x Whirlpool eye-level built-in oven and glass/ceramic HOB like new white. N$1650.00 1x Gibson Hawaiian Electric guitar collectors item since 1940's N$5000.00 Contact: 081 567 4522 4 Kristall-Lüster, Lampen für Bäder, italienische Porzellanspeigel für Bäder, luxuriöser italienischer Wasch-tisch und Spiegel, Zimmertüren, echte Eichenholzfront-Küche, Bäro-Schreibtische, Konferenztisch (12sitzig). Nachfragen: 081 146 1603 CAR PARTS FOR JETTA 4 TDI DIESEL: Diesel pump Engine block Turbocharger And a lot of loose parts Call: 081 244 0097
GARDENING FOR SALE Compost the vitamin pill for your garden. made from seaweed/gras, mussels, ashes, 6 types of manure. 081 127 5442 for Swakopmund 081 7310898 for Walvis Bay
JOBS WANTED Ek is opsoek na huiswerk vir 3 dae ‘n week. Drink of rook nie. 081 552 8144 Ek is opsoek na huiswerk in Swakopmund. Drink of rook nie. 081 390 5233 Petrina (24): I am looking for housework/domestic work for Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays or Tuesdays and Thursdays in a week. Contact: 081 801 9764 Louisa (43): I am looking for housework/domestic work for 5 days a week. Contact: 081 257 3003 Emma: Opsoek na huiswerk. Kan enigetyd begin werk. Kan na kinders ook omsien. Ek is hardwerkend. Kontak: 081 630 2626 I have a code CE driver’s licence and 3 years experience. I am looking for driver work. i am ready to work 24 hours and I am ready to start anytime. Contact: 081 711 7982 Natia(32): I am looking for domestic work. Starting from Mondays to Fridays or 3 days a week. I am hardworking and very friendly. I am willing to start immoderately. I am in Swakopmund. Contact: 081 233 9705 081 568 1201
JANET: Jong dame opsoek na enige soort werk, huiswerk, was en stryk, kantoor skoonmaak. Kan onmiddelik begin. Kontak: 081 581 1640
JOB WANTED: A 29-yer-old looking for domestic work. Walvis Bay and I have 3 years experience. Contact: 081 825 1872 THOMAS: Looking for general work. Has a forklift driving license. Contact: 081 473 3512 Mr and Mrs van Wyk is departing out of town. They are looking for domestic work for their worker. She is 33 years old. Very hardworking and motivated. She is very helpful and highly skilled when it comes to her work especially working independently and without no doubt. She is very kind and caring when it comes to kids and grandparent. She treats them with love and care. reference: 081 306 4020 Contact Sallo: 081 715 2021 I am a young lady looking for domestic work, cleaning offices or ironing. Mondays to Fridays. Contact: 081 683 9502 Monika(41): Ek is opsoek na huiswerk vir 3 dae ‘n week, Dinsdae, Donderdae en Vrydae in Swakopmund. Kontak: 081 209 8647 Rachel (22): I am looking for housekeeping work in Swakopmund for the whole week or 5 days a week. I can start as soon as possible. Contact: 081 653 8286
A 35 year old man is looking for work as a lorry boy (handlanger). I have all the necessary experience, passport and police clearance certificate. If you need someone to travel with you and help you load and off load contact Simon Tomas: 081 464 7406
JOB WANTED: Lady looking for domestic work, cleaning offices, house or shops. Contact: 081 718 9591
DORKAS: Looking for domestic work, ironing, cleaning, washing, hotel, guesthouse as a cleaner. Mondays to Fridays. Contact: 081 566 8629
Dehlien: Ek is opsoek na Huiswerk vir 2 dae ‘n week - Dinsdae en Donderdae. Ek is baie hardwerkend en volwasse. In Swakopmund of Langstrand. Kontak: 081 622 5161
JOB WANTED: Op soek huiswerk van 3 5 dae in ‘n week. Kan stryk en was en huis skoonmaak. Kontak: 081 284 4810
JOB WANTED: Looking for work, domestic work. ID: 770 505 00305 Contact: 081 235 5240 081 289 7956 RAMON: A young hardworking guy who completed grade 12 this year. Am 18 years of age and is committed and dedicated when it comes to work. Am hereby looking for a holiday job. Contact: 081 683 9862 PONTIUS:Am a 19-yearold young man who recently finished grade 12 and is looking for a holiday job. Can speak read and write, English, Afrikaans and Oshiwambo. Good with numbers and can do any type of manual labour. Contact: 081 718 6087 BRENDAH: Looking for work as domestic work. In Walvis Bay. Can clean, wash, iron and cooking. Call: 081 759 9247 BIOLA: Dame 23-jaar is dringend opsoek na huiswerk of kantoor werk of om kinders op te pas. Walvisbaai, Meersig, Dorp of Langstrand. Bereid om enige tyd te begin. Kontak: 081 279 3273 TANIA: Dame 21-jaar ould is dringend opsoek na huiswerk of kantoor werk of om na kinders om te sien. Walvisbaai, Lagoon, Meersig of Langstrand. Bereid om nou te kan begin. Baie betroubaar en netjies. Kontak: 081 894 3020 OLGA: Op soek na huiswerk, kinders oppas werk of kantoor skoonmaak. Kan 3 dae of heelweek in gaan. Baie betroubaar en kan onmiddelik begin in Walvisbaai of Langstrand. Het verwysings van vorige werkgewer. Kontak: 081 403 7833
Friday 6 November 2015 SHEEP MAY SAFELY GRAZE. “My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish. No one can take them out of my hand. My father who has given them t me, is greater than all... ” John 10:27-29. Lord, may my children prosper by trusting in your power and listening for your voice. TAKING A CLOSER LOOK Who is like the Lord, Our God, who is enthroned on high... Psalm 113:5 Saturday 7 November 2015 Being Kind to One Another For you have said, “My kindness is established forever.” Psalm 89:3 The Spice of the Afterlife You have faith in God; have faith also in me. In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places... And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and take you to myself... John 14: 1-3 Sunday 8 November 2015 Getting to Know You Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you for so long a time and you still don’t know me, Philip?” John 14:9 In Communion... I Know Him If you know me, then you will also know my Father. From now on you do know him and have seen him. John 14:7
MARTHA: Am a 38-year-old lady looking for domestic work. 3 days a week. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays. Speak English. In Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 680 6989 JACQUELINE: Op soek na huiswerk in Walvisbaai, Lagoon, Langstrand, Dolfyn en Meersig. Kan na ou mense en kinders omsien. Behalwe Narraville. Ek is 36-jaar-oud. Kan onmiddelik begin. Kontak: 081 237 6631 081 329 1038 JOB WANTED: Lady looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 264 9865
Namib Times
This 'n That We buy and sell second hand & new furniture and household appliances. We offer good money on quality. Sam Nujoma Town Square. La Paloma Building Walvis Bay. Els 081 255 5809 or Lawrence 081 324 1285.
2nd Hand Shop We buy and sell anything of value
* Visit our Website / * Besoek ons Webtuiste / * Besuchen sie unsere Internet seite
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
Dr. Ignie Campher *03/10/1927
Begrafnis: 11h00, Saterdag, 07 November 2015 by Philadelphia AGS Kerk, Swakopmund. Almal is welkom wat hulle laaste eer wil betoon aan
Dr. Campher.
Samuel Petro Adonis (Sammy) * 15 Februarie 1960 † 25 Oktober 2015 Psalm 39:10 Ek is stom, ek sal my mond nie oop maak nie, want U het dit gedoen. ROUDIENS Vrydag, 06.11.2015 19H00 by VGK Kerk, Narraville BEGRAFNIS Saterdag, 07.11.2015 09H30 by huis No.6 Pelser Straat, Narraville 10H00 Vanuit VGK Kerk, Narraville Navrae: Mervin – 081 238 8602 Velunncia – 081 281 9420
Aan Althea + Warne familie Innige meegevoel met die afsterwe van jul geliefde
Pa Mag God jul dra deur hierdie moeilike tyd en jul berusting en troos bring.
Van: Heini “Mouks”
Stephan Martin Bertens * 02/04/1987
+ 30/10/2015
It is with great sadness that we say goodbye to our dear son and brother. We will miss you so much! You remain in our hearts forever! Funeral service will take place on Saturday 7 November @ 10:30 Swakopmund Municipal Friedhof / Cemetery - Trauerkapelle
From your Mama and Papa, Carmen & Johann, Roman, Susi & Maya
Petrus Sabattie * 21/04/1947 + 03/11/2015 2 Timoteus 4 vers 7 Ek het die goeie stryd gestry, ek het die wedloop voleindig, ek het die geloof behou.
Roudiens: Woensdag 11 November 2015, 19:00 by Lutherse Kerk Kuisebmond
Vedere begrafnisreëlings sal bekend gemaak word.
Navrae: Chenault 0812100530 Timo 0814526685