namib times SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6518 FRIDAY 8 JANUARY 2016 Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net
inside Bejaarde se huis kaalgestroop ter- From inwyl hy op sterwe in hospitaal lê mate to Floris Steenkamp “Dit is laer as laag!” So het lede van die publiek vandeesweek reageer op 'n voorval by die Huis Palms tehuis vir bejaardes op Walvisbaai, toe die bejaarde mnr Hans de Jager se woonstel deur 'n dief kaalgestroop is, en dit terwyl hy in die laaste ure van sy lewe in 'n Windhoekse hospitaal om sy lewe geveg het. Die 78-jarige mnr de splinternuwe selfoon gister in Walvisbaai Jager is Dinsdagog- en elektriese kombuis- aangeland vir haar pa gend in die Windhoek ware het spoorloos se begrafnis. Sy het Mediclinic oorlede, verdwyn. onderneem om met die min wetende dat ie- Die Namibiese Polisie polisie ondersoekbemand sy besittings die is dadelik in kennis ge- ampte te skakel, om 'n vorige dag of verlede stel. 'n Saak van dief- beloning uit te loof vir naweek weggedra het. stal is geopen, en 'n on- inligting wat tot die Sy dogters sê midde dersoek is van stapel dief of diewe se inheghul verlies, is hulle tog gestuur. De Lima het Vervolg op Bladsy 2 bly dat hy niks van die inbraak geweet het nie. Hy was sy lewe lank 'n trotse man. Hy het dinge volgens die reëls gedoen, en het onreg gehaat. Hy sou dit nie in sy swak toestand kon verwerk dat 'n persoon so harteloos kon wees om hom te besteel terwyl hy siek in die Die publiek het gister met gemengde gevoelens gereageer op hierdie foto wat hospitaal gelê het nie. op sosiale netwerke en whatsapp gesirkuleer is, van sekere plaaslike visserEen van wyle de Jager manne wat die galjoene inryg by ‘n visskoonmaakplek aan die kus. Hoewel baie die vissermanne gelukgewens het met hul vangs, was daar se dogters, Suzelle de oorweldigend kritiek daarteen en daar is opnuut gevra dat strenger hengelLima, wat in Suidbeperkings ingestel word. Afrika woon, het aan Wyle mnr Hans de Jager namib times gesê dat haar suster Maandag onraad vermoed het. Haar pa was reeds na die Medikliniek in Long Beach has returned to its usual scenic state after the heaps of rubbish that littered the area was cleaned up. Wi n d h o e k o o rg e - The 15 kilometre beach is situated between the coastal towns of Swakopmund and Walvis Bay. plaas, maar toe een van haar susters haar Piles of garbage were ficials and the Nami- tors at Long Beach as it Christmas and New lowed to camp in the park overnight, the pa se woonstel oop- left on the beach and bian Coast Conserva- is situated in the Dorob Year there. Park warden, Tashiya ministry made an sluit het sy dadelik the dunes surrounding tion and Management National Park. opgemerk daar is van Long Beach – a popu- Project (Nacoma) star- Visitors are in fact not Joseph Tashiya con- exception over the sy besittings weg. Tot lar holiday spot - by ted cleaning up the area allowed to stay in the firmed to Nampa on festive season. They park overnight without Thursday that the will now however hul skok en ongeloof revelers on Christ- on New Year's Day. mas and New Year's The habitual littering a permit, but this rule clean-up was complet- start enforcing the rule is ontdek de Jager se has forced the ministry was relaxed somewhat ed on Tuesday. strictly. platskerm televisie, 'n Day. mikrogolfoond, 'n Ministry of Environ- to stop the practice of before to allow holi- He said despite the rule Tashiya said there is a kamera, videokamera, ment and Tourism of- “overnighting” by visi- daymakers to spend that people are not al- Continues on Page 2
Kan dit of kan dit nié?
Long Beach clean-up completed
Page 3
Nelson Benson denied bail
Page 4
Student’s body washes ashore
Page 6
Musikwoche sets record
Page 8
namib times SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 namib times is registered as a newspaper by the Ministry of Information Technology and Communication
Walvis Bay Office Tel +264 64 205854 Fax + 264 64 204813 wvb@namibtimes.net
ADVERTISING sales@namibtimes.net desiree@namibtimes.net
8 JANUARY 2016
Hans de Jager
Clean-up concludes
Vervolg vanaf Bladsy 1
Continued from Page 1 challenge of manpower when it comes to keeping the beach clean and enforcing the law, as there are only two wardens for the entire park. “Without volunteers who help us to clean up every year, we really struggle to work because we clean almost every month when we see the area is dirty,” he said. He noted that off-road driving and illegal camping in restricted areas were some of the
tenisname kan lei. Daar is verskeie leidrade. Een van die vernaamste leidrade is die bosse sleutels van de Jager se woonstelletjie wat ook 'n gespesialiseerde sleutel van 'n sekuriteitsdeur aan die voordeur bevat. Daar kan nie afdrukke van so 'n sleutel gemaak word nie. Een van die bosse sleutels is in die besit van een van de Jager se buurvroue. Sy het van tyd tot tyd na sy kat en plante omgesien. Die ander bos hang in 'n administratiewe kantoor van die ouetehuis. Die buurvrou gee haar volle samewerking aan die ondersoekbeamptes. Huis Palms probeer nou vasstel of iemand die sleutel vanuit die kantoor kon verwyder, en die diefstal gepleeg het. Die polisie het 'n saak geopen (CR18/01/2016). Huis Palms se dagbestuurder, Esmé Scholtz, het die voorval gister bevestig, maar enige verdere kommentaar geweier. “Die saak is in die hande van die polisie. Ons wil dus geen uitsprake maak nie,” het sy gesê.
biggest transgressions during the festive season. Tashiya further said sometimes they sacrifice their holidays and work extra non-paid hours just to complete the job. “We overwork ourselves because we know the same people who leave the rubbish behind are the same people who will come tomorrow and complain that the beach is dirty,” he said. NAMPA
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Cheques stolen from resident of old age home Workers Craft Market
Mavourlene !Gaёs
The police in the Erongo Region are investigating a case of stolen cheques after six cheques went missing from an old age home in Swakopmund. The police are hopeful now to link this incident to other similar cases for which two people were already arrested. NamPol Community Policing Officer, Sergeant Ileni Shapumba cautioned both community members and business communities to not just accept cheques from individuals without verifying them with the bank. Shapumba said they suspect there was more than one person involved in the fraud and added, “the person stole six cheques from a cheque book belonging to a male resident of the old age home, and used the cheques to buy items in the shops.” According to Shapumba, the culprits allegedly wanted to cash the first three cheques at the bank, but did not succeed in doing so because the bank became suspicious of the amounts and phoned the police to verify the cheques. He said after failing to cash the cheques at the bank they started targeting the shops. “They used the fourth cheque of N$44 000 to buy items amounting to N$41 000 in Mega Save Swakopmund and pocketed the change. The fifth cheque of N$8 700 was used to buy items from OK store in Usakos from which they bought items of 3 000 and also pocketed the change. The last cheque was used in Henties Bay, where they bought items of N$9 000 and then pocketed the change.” Shapumba urged the community and businesses to be careful of organised syndicates active in the Erongo Region and stressed that businesses should refrain from just accepting cheques without verifying them. “The businesses should have followed the bank's example and verified the cheques. It is very hard to trace or recover the money even if we have been successful in arresting the two suspects.” Shapumba in conclusion said this was possibly an organised criminal activity and believe there might be more criminals involved.
has inadequate space... Sharlien Tjambari
The vendors at the Workers Craft Market in Swakopmund are not happy about the space of their shops. They argue the space is too small and they struggle to move around and display all the products they want to put up for sale. About three years ago the vendors were moved from the Amphitheatre to the area where they are now near the Strand Hotel. namib times found Ndara Timotheus seating at his shop with his wife, carving some wood. Ndara, a vendor who has been in business for 13 years, said that he believes that even though the shops are very tiny, the Swakopmund Municipality chose the best area for them because the market is in town and close to the Strand Hotel. “I just hope that one day the Municipality would build verandas for us so that our products don't get damaged by direct sunlight, rain and fog,” said Ndara. A man who, identified himself as David, on the contrary says he is not happy about the market and wants a good explanation from the Municipality as to why they were moved from their old selling area to the Workers Crafts Markets. “I just wish the Municipality never moved us to this area, this area is hidden and one can see
2015 national accident statistics not encouraging According to reports by Westcoast Safety Initiative, the national accident statistics has risen in 2015 compared to that of 2014. The accidents allegedly rose from 4 123 in number in 2014 to 4 179 in 2015, injuries sustained rose from 7 245 in number in 2014 to 7 605 in 2015 and the fatalities that occurred rose from 692 in number in 2014 to 695 in 2015.
that the tourists are even afraid to come to us because they are afraid we might maybe rob them,” said David. According to him the market is like a dead end hall without an exit. He believes that the market is supposed to be open and not hidden by walls or buildings. David also claimed that the tourists are also not really happy about the location of the market and always keep on asking him why they have moved. One positive aspect David mentioned about the market was that the market keeps the people from the streets. Another man and elder among the group have been leading the group of vendors for many years and said that he only wishes there was order among the group. He said that the council will only listen to their concerns if they form a committee that will represent the people during public and council meetings. “My people are ignorant. They do not want to work together and always want to do things differently on their own,” said the man.
8 JANUARY 2016
From inmate to adult teacher Sharlien Tjambari
Henry Johns (22) was sentenced to a one year term of imprisonment in April 2015 in the Walvis Bay Magistrate court, on a charge of housebreaking and theft. Today, after spending eight months of his term in the Swakopmund Prison, he is a free man and pursuing a career in teaching. It is true, according to many, that prison can change a soul. Henry said when he was transferred from to the Swakopmund Prison he was hoping there would be classes which rehabilitate people. “When I arrived there I asked around for classes but was told there is nothing going on apart from another lady who used to go there to talk to inmates” explained Henry. He later decided to form a group, known as Identify, Challenge and Eliminate Reform (ICE), with his fellow inmates and they would sit and talk about their problems, their experiences in prison and shared views and opinions on their living conditions in prison. According to Henry, he asked for permission from the officer in charge of the prison to start with a class and started the class with 25 inmates. The class focused more on issues around domestic violence, gender based violence, alcohol abuse and many other topics which are some of the reasons why people end up in prison.
He describes the class as being successful towards the end of 2015. At the end of the year Henry produced certificates and had a mini graduation ceremony for the inmates who attended the class. He says there were people from outside as well attending the ceremony. Late last year Henry wrote a letter to the education ministry in Swakopmund to help them by supplying educational materials and books. Instead the office asked him to come and discuss his idea with them. They found his plan astonishing and he was invited to become an adult education promoter. He accepted the offer without hesitation. Henry is now undergoing a three weeks training course. Despite being released from prison, he continues visiting the group or class he formed. He talks to the inmates as he used to, he also said he will be teaching the inmates adult education as that is the main reason that the education ministry identified him, they want him to teach the inmates.
Mixed feelings for vendors over festive season’s business Sharlien Tjambari
Swakopmund is well-known as a holiday destination and a tourist attraction hotspot. The business community enjoy doing business in Swakopmund and they dream of no other town than Swakopmund during the festive season but claims that too much fun put business on hold. namib times went to the Workers Craft Market which is located near the Strand Hotel in town to hear the views and opinions of the vendors about business over the festive season. We spoke to Marlet who has been in the
craft business for over 15 years and sells handmade bracelets, necklaces, wooden spoons and bowls and many more products made from wood. Marlet said business was good for her over the festive season, “I am very happy about
the Strand Hotel which is just behind us, because of the Strand Hotel we are getting tourists here,” said Marlet. Although most of the vendors claim that business was good over the festive season, Malvin on the other
Marlet and Melvin have been in the business for more than 15 years.
hand says the festive season was quiet for him as most people focused more on ice cream and having fun. Malvin said the people who mostly purchase their products are tourists and during holidays, South Africans usually come through
to buy their products. “But this year was not so good, the South Africans did not come, I guess it is because of the fall in the rand,”
said Malvin. According to Malvin, he believes that this year is going to be a good year and with the Strand Hotel just
around the corner, they will get more tourists than usual, “the business will be blooming,” he added.
8 JANUARY 2016
Murder accused denied Mavourlene !Gaёs bail Gerson Ndjiharine (23), accused of stabbing and killing Elia Mekondjo Fillipus (27) at a local drinking spot in Kuisebmond in December last year, appeared in the Walvis Bay Magistrate's court this week. He was originally charged for attempted murder, but his victim died on 1 January this year and the charge was altered to that of murder.
Drug dealer denied bail Mavourlene !Gaёs
Ndjiharine who appeared before Magistrate John Sindano Liwoyo was denied bail because of the serious nature of the case. The case was postponed to 9 March this year, for the accused to obtain legal representation. Ndjiharine who is facing a charge of murder is being accused of stabbing Fillipus on the left side of his stomach with an unknown object after a fight broke out between them at a local bar in Kuisebmond after an argument over a drink.
Police awaits autopsy to determine death of man Mavourlene !Gaёs
The Namibian Police in Walvis Bay awaits an autopsy report, to determine the cause of death of a 35-year-old man in Kuisebmond's Twahangana Street. The deceased, identified as a certain Isack Baseko, was found dead in his room on 1 January. It remains a mystery when Baseko died and what caused his death. According to police spokesperson, Deputy Commissioner Ottilie Kashuupulwa the deceased's body was discovered by children. “The boys were playing and were looking for their ball near the deceased's room when they realised something was seriously wrong. They called their elders and it was established Baseko had died,” Kashuupulwa explained. She further said the fact that the cause of death is unknown and a post mortem is required.
The alleged drug dealer Nelson Benson (53) who was arrested at the Walvis Bay roadblock on 31 December last year appeared in the Walvis Bay Magistrate's Court this week were he was denied bail. Benson who is not a first time offender was allegedly also found guilty of dealing in
cannabis five years ago. The accused appeared before Magistrate John Sindano with State Prosecutor, Mclean Handjaba representing the state. Handjaba opposed bail and told the court that Benson has a previous conviction of dealing in cannabis and argued that the current case is very serious because the amount involved is very high. “Court records indicate that on 14 January 2010, Benson was found guilty of dealing in cannabis worth N$1 296.” Mclean further said that with his previous case he was sentenced to pay a fine amount of N$1 000 fine or spend six months in prison of which he paid the fine. NamPol Deputy Commissioner Ottilie Kashuupulwa confirmed the incident and said the police searched the vehicle after they spotted it and discovered the vehicle was transporting a well-known drug dealer in Kuisebmond. Benson was allegedly found with 609 Mandrax tablets with an estimated value of N$60 900 in his possession after the police conducted a physical body search. Benson is facing a charge of dealing in dependence - producing substance. The matter was postponed to 25 February for the accused to gain legal representation. He was remanded into custody.
Swakopmund Court Walvis Bay Magistrate's Court report 4 - 6 January Frieda Tashiya Kalondo (31) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. The matter was postponed to 23 March for lab results. The accused is on bail. Stanley Kanao (39) appeared on a charge of common assault and a charge of assault by threat. The accused was found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of N$1 000 or 40 days in prison. A 16-year-old minor appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 13 January for screening of juvenile accused person. The accused was released in the care of a guardian. Tresia Namupala (45) appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 25 April for plea and trial. The accused is in custody. Jason Mvula (29) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. The matter was postponed to 23 March for lab results. The accused is on bail. Jerome Vos (24) and Alexander Visagie (22) both appeared on a charge under the Road Traffic Act for furnishing false information. The matter was postponed to 11 February for further investigation. Both accused are in custody. Kenneth Abrahams (35) appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 3 February for further investigation. The accused is in custody. Likius Shimwooshili (25) appeared on a
charge of robbery with aggravating circumstances. The matter was postponed to 18 February for further investigation. The accused is in custody. Johannes Elifas (21) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 17 February for further investigation. The accused is in custody. Simion Tshoopala (21) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. The accused was found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of N$4 000 or eight months in prison. Zonke Haksteen (24) and Romano Gurirab (18) both appeared on a charge of robbery. The matter was postponed to 10 February for further investigation. Both accused are in custody. Wilson Shipo (27) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 18 February for further investigation. The accused is in custody. Simon Stefanus (23) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 2 February for further investigation. The accused is in custody. Vetjavii Jatamunua (22) appeared on a charge of theft. The accused was found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of N$1 000 or three months in prison. Immanuel Uusiku (28) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with the intent to rob and robbery with aggravating circumstances. The matter was postponed to 25 January for the continuation of the trial. The accused is on bail.
Festus Nambinga (21) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 01 February for co-accused to be rearrested. The accused remains in custody. Nicky Mwiya (35) appeared on a charge possession of depence producing substance. The accused was sentence to three months imprisonment. Kazekundire Tjejomba (29) appeared on a charge of theft. The accused was sentence to three months imprisonment. Nungwendja Samuel (30) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. The matter was postponed to 14 April for lab results. The accused is on bail of N$4 000. Juanitha Humphries (24) and Oliver Blaauw (41) appeared on a charge of fraud. The matter was postponed to 24 February for legal aid. The accused remains in custody. Ronald De Klerk (22) appeared on a charge of common assault. The matter was postponed to 1 February for further investigations. The accused remains in custody. Gewin Jantze (23) and General Plaaitjies (28) appeared on a charge of possession of potentially dangerous depence producing drugs. The matter was postponed to 5 April for lab results. The accused remain in custody. Abner Kapweya (29) appeared on charges of dealing in cocaine and possession of cocaine. The matter was postponed to 7 April for lab results. The accused remains in custody. Godhard Goseb (22) and Festus Nambinga (21) appeared on charges of robbery and assault by threat. The matter was postponed to 15 February for further investigation. The accused remain in custody. Hilma Kamati (30) appeared on a charge of possession of cocaine. The matter was postponed to 7 March for further investigation. The accused remains in custody. Jeffery Engelbrecht (34) appeared on a charge of malicious damage to property. The matter was postponed to 11 January for plea. The accused remains in custody. Marvelous Tsuseb (26) and Eddy Uiseb (21) appeared on a charge of suspected stolen property. The matter was postponed to 3 February for further investigations. The accused remain in custody. Toedoru Kahenge (30) appeared on charges of indecent assault read with the provisions of the domestic violence act and assault by threat. The matter was postponed to 8 February for further investigations. The accused remains in custody. Zola Konyn (31), Johannes Kamati (36) and Ruben Kandowa (22) appeared on charges of dealing in dependence producing substance and assault by threat. The matter was postponed to 7 March for further investigations. The accused remain in custody. Eddie Nowaxab (31) appeared on a charge of assault common read with provisions of act 4 of 2003. The matter was postponed to 3 February for further investigations. The accused remain in custody.
8 JANUARY 2016
Apostel voel verontreg toe polisie hom verbied om voor winkelsentrum te bid Liesl Losper Apostel Dawid Bronzel wat, gereeld op die B2 tussen Swakopmund en Walvisbaai deur motoriste opgemerk word waar hy 'n houtkruis oor die skouer dra, is onlangs deur lede van die polisie belet om voor 'n bekende winkelsentrum in die openbaar te bid. Voorts is hy ook gemaan om nie in die openbaar daar te preek nie. Bronzel wy sy lewe aan die verkondiging van die Woord en die houtkruis wat hy simbolies met hom saamsleep weeg 'n geskatte 20 kilogram waarmee hy gereeld die dertig kilometer te voet tussen Walvisbaai en Swakopmund op die kuspad te voet aflê. Volgens Bronzel is hy op 'n “kruistogte” nadat die Here dit op sy hart geplaas het om op hierdie manier die Goeie Boodskap te verkondig. Hy bid onder andere vir veiligheid op die land se paaie . Uiters teleurgesteld was hy op 14 Desember verlede jaar, toe hy voor die betrokke winkelsentrum gebid het, en in die openbaar aan verbygangers gepreek het. Lede van die polisie het hom genader en hom versoek om sy aktwiteite te staak aangesien teen munisipale regulasies was. Namibiese wetgewing maak buitendien voorsiening daarvoor dat enige openbare saamtrekke goedkeuring van die owerhede moet kry. Dit gaan oor veiligheid, ablusiegeriewe en 'n geskikte terrein vir die saamtrek. Dit is veral openbare optogte en politieke saamtrekke wat onder hierdie wetgewing behandel word. Waar openbare orde in gedrang kom, het die polisie ook die reg om in te gryp, het namib times uitgevind na aanleiding van die voorval waarin Bronzel betrokke is. “Daar word gepraat van Vryheid van Godsdienste. Hoekom ek die woord preek is omdat ons sien tog almal hoe die wêreld in die hande van die duiwel is. My visie is om mense terug te bring na God, deur die suiwer Evangelie uit die Bybel niks bygevoeg of uitgehaal. Ek meng ook nie in om my eie sienswyse of geloof af te dwing op mense nie. Net die woord soos dit in die Bybel staan. Die woord leer ons dat ons sy getuies moet wees. As ons nie praat nie, sal die klippe preek. Ek wil mense weghou van misdaad en ek is besorg oor mense se veiligheid. Niks kan mens verander, behalwe deur die Woord van God nie,” meen Apostel Brunzel wat verontreg voel daaroor dat die polisie hom gestop het.
‘n Onlangse foto van Apostel Bronzel uit die namib times argief
Bestuurder wurg werker na argument oor toemaaktyd Liesl Losper
Die takbestuurder van 'n bekende klere-kettingwinkel op Walvisbaai bevind hom in 'n kriminele saak, nadat hy na bewering op Oujaarsdag een van sy personeellede aan die keel sou gegryp het. Mnr Pinehas Nambahu, die takbestuurder van Dunns Walvisbaai, is reeds aangekla (CR 122/12/2015), en sal na verwagting binnekort in die landdroshof op die hawedorp oor die voorval moet verskyn. Daar was glo 'n argument oor huistoegaantyd. Personeellede wou vroeg gaan, aangesien hulle Nuwejaarsvie-
ringe wou hou, maar die bestuurder het voet by stuk gehou almal gaan eers agtuur die aand huistoe. Volgens ooggetuies
Dunns se takbestuurder mnr Pinehas Nambahu
Foto links: Dunns Walvis Bay
sou Nambahu sommer moeilik word op Oujaarsdag en het van 18:00 sy personeel begin werk gee. Die klaer sou hom toe
glo vra of dit nodig was dat hy hulle werk so laat op Oujaarsdag gee, want hulle wou huistoe gaan. Nambahu het toe na bewering die winkeldeur gesluit. Die klaer het haar pa gebel om te kom kyk wat aangaan. Die klaer se pa daag toe glo met lede van die polisie by die klerewinkel op. Intussen sou die argument tussen die klaer en Nambahu op die spits gedryf word, met die beskuldigde wat die klaer toe aan die keel gryp en wurg. Daar was skynbaar getuies. Daar is van die klaer verneem dat sy en die bestuurder nie klaarkom nie, en sy was ten tye van die voorval reeds in haar bedankingsmaand.
8 JANUARY 2016
Student’s body washes ashore Mavourlene !Gaёs The body of the 21-year-old student, David Klazen, who drowned at Langstrand on New Year's Day washed ashore and was found by beachgoers on Tuesday morning. His body washed ashore at the same location where he was swept into the sea on the morning of 1 January. NamPol spokesperson Deputy Commissioner Ottilie Kashuupulwa confirmed the recovery of the body and stressed that despite the incident, people still continue to swim in the area. “At the same spot where we went to pick up the body we still found people swimming. Some places are very dangerous spots to swim, as riptides can occur which has the strength to sweep an adult into the sea,” she said. According to Kashuupulwa the body of the victim was discovered by a member of the public who alerted the police patrolling the area. The deceased, in life a resident of Mondesa in Swakopmund, allegedly went for a swim, after spending the night on the beach with friends as part of their New Year celebrations.
8 JANUARY 2016
8 JANUARY 2016
Local quad bike riders along with members of the Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) collected several black refuse bags of rubbish on 2 January that was left behind after the New Year's festivities. S h a m a i n e G a rc i a Steenkamp Municipality must let party goers rent plots and charge for clean up with a set of rules. Rubbish bins are also not enough. This is a coastal holiday tradition. I am sure ppl wont mind to pay for the plot. Even give extra black bags to put rubbish in. We love our beaches. Topper Kuhn This is absolute bull... of putting up more containers. People bring their refreshments in containers and coolboxes. Why can't they just put the empty bottels and whatever bags back in the containers and take it with them again. It just is a matter of how you grew up, having been taught to clean up after yourself. Youngsters today have not been taught that as the mother does everything for them Antonio Katali To all CAMPERS you should know the dignity of clean environment is only think attract you to camp at any nature. If you leave your dump waist over where Will you camp next season ? SHAME ND STUPID! No one inviting you to come but just the good looking of that nature. leave it the same way you find it Clean! Peter Baron Van Ginkel MET does not want to appoint Honarary game wardens and that is a fact , I am dealing with this for years now. Our ministry (MET) does not want to have help although they are under staffed, the only answer now is stop everything and they don't have to work any more , easy as that. Wilfred Olivier I dont know why this should be an issue...every one knows when its nearing year end that there wil be people coming to enjoy on the beach especially at langstrand...why not put up more rubish bins and skipps for people to put
there rubbish in..?next year wil be the same problem again.just saying. Louise De Villiers No good placing more rubbish bins and skips... people just dump where they want to. I have seen people insist on a small plastic bag for a pie they bought at spar... when they walk out the door the strip the bag away to eat the pie and throw it on the side walk or road.... the human race remain to be pigs. Nancy Laskarin A fee should be charged for a campsite and that money should be used to hire security guards for the night who's responsibility would be to patrol the area. Or, if this is a problem year after year, why aren't the local area police involved? Roswitha Zahrt Pelican Point was extremely abused over night campers as well. Reported to MET Shayne Vigar Maybe if the authorities left more rubbish bins in strategic places. Instead of partygoers having to walk 2 kilometers to throw away an empty bottle. Effall planning or facilities provided these days. Oliver Nederlof This ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING!!! It just shows that people not only are too LAZY to throw their own rubbish into rubbish bins or that they don't care. Camping on the beach should be BANNED forever. Frank Schmidt Everything costs money, let them pay to stay overnight. And hold them accountable. Privatise. Someone will make money. Helga Van Der Merwe Party goers can just have a few carry bags to clean behind them as they leave the area, just good manners, wont cost you anything. Why must it be left like that. Renthia Kruger Onopgevoede varke! Ek skaam my dood as iemand my gemors agter my moet skoonmaak. Sies! Lyn Gilbert If you bring it with you, take it home with you. Why litter?! Estelle van Urk Waarom word daar nie skips neergesit nie, het net een naby Swakop gesien. Asdromme help nie want hulle raak gou vol. Daar is tog mense wat hulle afval in die drom-
me gooi as dit voorsien word. Sethos Uwanga This is every year phenomenòn and it seems to me they have not yet learned a new lesson out it? Wa l v i s S w a n e p o e l Sies.
Taking a roadside nap Members of First Response Security Namibia Awareness were called to this scene on 1 January where a young male was lying next to the road at Long Beach. People who phoned were concerned about the man, at first thinking he was run over by a car. Johanna Kambala That cannot be alcohol, sounds more like crack cocain user because the drug take you into a deep sleep. My heart pains as I see so many lives being destroyed by the use of drugs. Shamaine Garcia Steenkamp Shame. Thankfully he made it into the new year. Welcome To South Africa GLORY BE TO GOD! Anne Visagie Is dit nog iets om oor skaam te wees Fillemon Ndjaba Otombo or cocaine make him to lie.. stupid.
Drug Dealer Arrested at Walvis Bay Road-block A 52-year-old man was arrested for dealing in drugs on December at the Walvis Bay roadblock. Barbara Benecke Great job! Lock him up and chuck the key into the sea! Kobus Botes Great stuff..lock him up so deep.. his breakfast must reach him only in the evening. Danny Beukes Good job, do whatever it takes to root out this evil. Anne Visagie Straight to jail. Judith Ann Hartley When i went to Walvis Bay on 23rd december with the rhino park taxi we went thru all roadblocks without a problem. At Walvis Bay they told the driver to pull over. The policeman asked him to uncover the trailer. Then he asked us who the owner of the one bag was. It
was an elderly man who had to climb out and he was not happy. We were all told to get out and open our bags. I asked what for the policeman said they r searching for something so I asked what and he said just something I asked him if he wanted to see my underwear since he cudnt be more specific to which he replied drugs. He was at the back end of the trailer my bag was on the opposite side. I unzipped it. He didnt even look inside neither could he see what was at the top because the bag wasnt completely open. He must have sniffing powers cos he never looked in one bag. Waste of time after a long drive and all for a power trip. Well done to those who actually caught a drug dealer.
Body of 21-yearold missing at sea A 21-year-old student who is also a resident of Mondesa in Swakopmund's life came to a sad end after he was allegedly swept away by strong currents at Langstrand around ten on New Year's morning. Harold Marais Mukwena May his soul rest in peace...very sad. Valencia Dentlinger This is a very tragic event. We need a "dislike" button. I can't say I like this post.
Vehicle theft now a reality in coastal towns Three vehicles were reportedly stolen since the festive season started at the coast, with one of the three incidents allegedly involving a hijacking. Antonio Katali Such mediate action must be taken.. We don't want such criminals here.
First Lady's sister nabbed for drunken driving Well-known radio personality, Tashia Kalondo appeared in the Walvis Bay Magistrates' Court yesterday on a charge of driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol after police had to chase her because she refused to accept a ticket for not having her license.
Johannes Aghahowa Being a first lady sister it does'nt make her immune to the law neither to prosecution so she has to face the music. Petrusjoe Stallen 1st lady didn't fit on the story. (Pure Innocent ). Bonita Kaibes So true Jino Teddy Manuel Useless, I dont see a need of reporting this news at all and mention the first lady name into silly news like this, her sister is just a normal person like all other people who got caught on the same offence, tell the world something better please. Rita Sowden Shame on you Tashia Kalondo for embarrassing your sister and the President. Who do you think u are? Very well done guys for apprehended this culprit. Well done. Chris Engels Ha ha yes Christmas season is silly season, makes people do crazy things. But what she did was disrespectful to the police officer and other road users. Beverley Luderitz Just tell me why must they mention Madam First Lady. This is disappointing.Was she in the car. Did she intervened to rescue her sista. Haibo the life of Journalists these days. Elijah Saushini This has nothing to do with the first lady, she was just being stupid to do that, she was supposed to be fined 4 the ticket she tore. Mike Kasibi Poor publication where does the first lady fits again, namib times teach your reporters how to report. Petrina Trina Tsandis She is ordinary human like all of us please because she is First Ladies sista does not make her an angel please let her be. Lanny Boois Whu did she thnk whu she is after all law is law whether u cn cum rich family or well knw dude if u find u on wrng side of law we wil bring u on right side of law gal. Onesmus Shapopi namib times why do you have to mentioned miss Geingos in the stupid sisters story? know how to publish ur stories, let Geingos be & talk about Tashiya alone.
So parkeer ‘n mens nié Kopsere met parkering: 'n Leser het dié foto aan ons gestuur en gesê: “Ek wil net weet of hulle so mag parkeer? Desember was 'n riller met mense wat parkeer net waar hulle wil, en soos hulle wil. Die foto is voor die Katolieke Kerk in Walvisbaai se hoofstraat geneem.”
'n Leser sê: Baie dankie aan die Walvisbaai Munisipaliteit wat gisteroggend so vinnig gereageer het en dié probleem so gou as moontlik onder beheer gebring het.
Send your letters to: newsdesk@namibtimes.net
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8 JANUARY 2016
Five Common Questions and Answers About Swakopmund Swakopmund, Namibia, is the site of Namibia's most ambitious new hotel project, the Strand Hotel Swakopmund. With a price tag of N$350 million, the Strand Hotel Swakopmund is by far the most costly hotel project in the history of the country. It is also the most ambitious, with three major restaurants, two other food and beverage outlets and a full service spa within the walls of this amazing international four star hotel. In anticipation of many new visitors to the beautiful coastal town of Swakopmund, we thought we would address a few common questions about the town. 1. Where does the name Swakopmund come from? This is one of the most common questions of travelers, and one that can set Swakopmunders to a defensive stance. Many spot the “mund” in the name, recognising that this means “mouth” in German, and correctly deducing that Swakopmund is the mouth of the Swakop River. But what does “Swakop” mean? This is the question Swakopmunders prefer to avoid. The commonly
accepted answer to this question is that Swakop is derived from the Nama word Tsoakhaub, which means “excrement opening.” Tsoakhaub is the unfortunately vivid imagery used to describe the periodic flooding of the river which breaks a runny brown current into the Atlantic Ocean, carrying with it all manner of detritus and litter, including dead animals, and often exuding a rather pungent aroma in the early stages of flooding. However, Professor Peter Raper, Honorary Professor of Linguistics at the University of the Free State, provides a far more dignified etymology of the town's name. He says Swakop is actually based on the San language, namely from “xwaka” (rhinoceros) and “ob” (river) [Dictionary of Southern African Place Names by Dr P.E. Raper]. Many find this far fetched as it is well known there are no
rhino within 500 kilometres of Swakopmund, now. But once there were. Fossilized rhino footprints of only 75100 years ago can be found in Walvis bay, recently uncovered by a shifting sand dune. The German settlers changed “xwaka ob” to Swachaub, and the full form “Swakopmund,” or the mouth of the Rhinoceros River, was adopted in 1896 when the district was officially proclaimed. 2. Why are the streets so wide? The streets are wide because when the roads were first built in the early 1900's, everything was transported by horse and carriage (or mule and carriage), and a lot of space was needed for them to deliver goods and then back out and turn around. In those days there was a lot of space and few people, so there was plenty of room to favour convenience over real estate. 3. Why was Swa-
kopmund founded so close to Walvis Bay? Many people wonder why two towns were established so close to each other in such a sparsely populated country. The answer hearkens back to colonial days. Swakopmund was founded in 1896 by German settlers, mainly for its fresh water source and fairly accommodating port. If given the choice, the Germans probably would have claimed Walvis Bay, as there is also fresh water there and a far better port, but at the time, Walvis Bay was occupied by the British, and the Germans chose to rather circumvent Walvis Bay and settle in Swakopmund. That is why there is so much German culture in Swakopmund. It was originally a German colony, and it still maintains much of its heritage. 4. Why is there so much mist in Swakopmund? A lot of Swakopmunders love the
mist, saying the cool air moistened with ocean water is good for health. Whether or not you believe that, it is true that Swakopmund is often shrouded in mist. The common knowledge for many years has been that the fog was the result of the warm desert and the cool water (the Benguela current) swirling in from Antarctica. This kind of fog is called advection fog. It turns out that this is probably not right. Some smart people from the Graduate School of Hokkaido University came and studied the fog in 2004, noticing the mist was moving in the wrong direction for advection fog. They concluded the fog was actually radiation fog. They say that in the daytime, air which is comparatively moist
because of the sea breeze moves to the inland, and then it condenses overnight with the cooling air. Then westerly land winds blow the mist back toward the sea [African Study Monographs, Suppl. 30: 57-64, March 2005]. The mist bank results mainly because easterly land winds pushing to the west bump up against the southwesterly winds from the sea causing a mist bank which normally settles anywhere from a few kilometers off shore to a few kilometers inland. 5. What is a Welwitschia? The Welwitschia tree is one of Namibia's proudest natural phenomena, occurring only in the Namib desert. Namibians like to claim the Welwitschia as its very own, which is almost true,
but the Namib desert continues into Angola, where you will still find some of these hardy trees. Taxonomically categorised as trees, they look more like ground shrubbery with a wooden mouth like core and hearty thick leaves sprawling out on two sides. They appear to have quite a few leaves, but there are actually only two which split in the dry desert air into many fibers. They are an unusual creature, to be sure, but perhaps the most incredible feature of the Welwitschia is that the oldest of them have been surviving in the harsh Namib desert for over 2000 years! More informations at blog.strandhotelswa kopmund.com by John R Wheeling | L e i s u re Ti m e s Namibia | for O&L Leisure Hotels &
8 JANUARY 2016
Residents had enough of this night club Madelaine Laubscher A Walvis By club owner was asked by the Municipality to make changes at his recreational club without delay, as residents and businesses in the direct vicinity is victims daily by patrons of this club that litters the area, urinate against walls, vandalise property and excessive noise, often to the small hours of the morning. The club is Cats Lounge, situated on the corth ner of 6 Street and th 10 Road in the Walvis Bay central business district. A spokesperson of A1 Car Wash, situated across the street explained this week partygoers of the club never goes home after visiting the night spot, but instead carries on drinking on the car wash's premises “I recently discovered that the culprits tried to break a sliding door. I had a door and lock broken which I had to replace at my own cost. Similarly, I also had to carry the expenses of a customer's vehicle tyres that was punctured with a knife or other stabbing instrument. I do not know if the culprits wanted to
break in or whether it was vandalism, but it cannot go on like this,” she said. According to her the culprits leave the premises in a mess, covered in broken beer bottles, used condoms and a stench of urine as they urinate against walls and doors. “They have gone so far as to park in front of a resident's garage so she cannot enter her house. They urinate and vomit against her garage door, often with this revolting substances flowing under the garage door into the garage where this very unfortunate person has to do the clean-up”, it was said adding this is humiliating and degrading and the time has come for the owner of Cats Lounge to clean up his act.
A spokesperson of the Walvis Bay Municipality confirmed that they have complaints regarding this club on record. “We received a complaint from one of the residents close to the club regarding excessive noise, pollution (beer bottles, etc.) and people urinating in public. The owner of the club was called in for round table discussions with the us, Nampol, the Municipal Traffic and the Neighbourhood Watch. He was requested to make changes and be considerate to the residents nearby. After the meeting, the Municipal Town Planning Division wrote a letter of contravention to the owner in which he was requested to make the necessary changes as
agreed upon at the meeting by a certain date. This will be followed up next week when the Municipal official dealing with the issue is back in office. Only then further actions will be considered/ instituted,” he said. The Municipality urges businesses within or close to residential areas to be extra considerate when it comes to noise and pollution which could negatively affect the quality of life of residents, as well as the ability of learners to study in such circumstances. The owner of the club could not be reached for comment before the time of going to press. namib times will continue efforts to get in contact with him, in order to hear his side of the story and to determine when he would start to make the necessary changes to reduce his club's nuisance levels.
Above: namib times paid a visit to the a business as well as a resident operating a home-based business in the direct vicinity of Cats Lounge this week. People are highly disgruntled with the Club’s patrons vandalising their property and littering the area with bottles, used condoms and urinating and vomiting against walls and doors. Residents feel their dignity is taken away from them and their right to live in a clean and hygienic environment as ratepayers.
8 JANUARY 2016
Bank Windhoek lends helping hand to SPCA Walvis Bay Media reports at the end of 2015 indicated that the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) in Walvis Bay needed urgent financial assistance to help improve the livelihoods of the dogs and large number of cats housed at their premises. Bank Windhoek, as a loyal supporter of the SPCA in Namibia, therefore decided to donate N$20 000 to the SPCA in Walvis Bay. A lot of people visited the SPCA since they asked for additional support, and plenty of dogs were adopted. A lot of young adult and adult cats, however, still need to be rehomed. Another need experienced by the SPCA in Walvis Bay, is volunteers, as they depend on these volunteers to help with fundraising and other administrative tasks. During the Festive Season, the SPCA in Walvis Bay hosted a Shoe Box drive whereby residents of the coastal town
donated shoe boxes filled with gifts for the animals currently in the shelter. “The SPCA in Walvis Bay is providing a great service to residents of Walvis Bay. Not only do they look after needy animals, but they also help human residents of our town to find a companion,” says Jans Stander, Branch Manager for Bank Windhoek Walvis Bay. Individuals or companies that want to support the SPCA in Walvis Bay, can contact them at Telephone +264 64 204 041 or by sending an email to spcawalvisbay@gma il.com Individuals that would like to assist the SPCA by adopting a cat or dog can visit their Facebook page.
WALVIS BAY * Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. * Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Welwitschia Hospital next to indoor pool. * First Tuesday of every month Charity Quiz Night at The Raft! Call 204877 for more info and reservations. * Every Sunday: Potjiekos available at MOTH Centre. ***************
SWAKOPMUND Bank Windhoek recently sponsored the SPCA of Walvis Bay with N$20 000. On the photo is Sonia Sabbadini (left) of the SPCA Walvis Bay with Jeanette de Waal of Bank Windhoek Walvis Bay who presented the sponsorship. Plenty of young adults and adult cats are also still available for adoption.
Dertienjarige spog met sy eerste reuse bronshaai
* Bridge: The Swakopmund Bridge club meets every Monday evening at 19:00 at Lions Old Age Home. Contact: Ed Barbour 064-405 604. * Swakopmund Toastmasters: Meet every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, Bismark Str 39, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 - 20:30. * Every Saturday: Flea Market & fresh produce outside Wild Rocket Cafe Kriess Arcade from 08:30 - 12:00. * Up to 16 Jan: Historical Buildings and Wildlife by Barbara Siedle. Mrs Gabi Woermann will open the exhibition at Die Muschel Brauhaus Arcade at 18:00. * 10 Jan - 10 Feb: Woermannhaus - Gallery Exhibition of paintings by Barbara Pirron titled “Wahr-Nehmung’’. Opening Sunday 10 Jan at 17:00. ***************
ART EXHIBITIONS * Every Saturday: Open Air Arts Exhibition at the Mole next to Tennis courts in Swakopmund. Oil paintings - weather permitting. * Permanent Collection: Woermann Haus Gallery in Bismarck Street. Fine collection of the Swakopmund Arts Association’s “South West Masters’’ and contemporary Namibian art works. Open Mondays to Saturdays 10:00 12:00 and 15:00 - 17:00. * Swakopmund Museum: Open daily, including Sundays 10:00 - 17:00. * Sam Cohen Library: Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00/15:00 - 17:00 and the second Saturday per month 09:00 - 13:00. * Die Galerie, Walvis Bay: Exhibition of Namibian and South African Artists. Gallery Hours: Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00. Saturday - 08:30 - 12:30.
Lesers het dié fotos aan ons gestuur nadat 'n 13-jarige seun omtrent 3 ure gestoei het om die haai uit die water te kry nadat hy sy vangs gemaak het gedurende die fees seisoen. Volgens die leser is die seun nie van die Erongo streek nie, maar het langs die kus ge-kamp. Die haai is weer vrygelaat nadat die seun se trotse familie die geleentheid op foto vasgelê het.
8 JANUARY 2016
Walvis Bay continues to battle fly problems Madelaine Laubscher The municipality of Walvis Bay explained this week that high temperatures and higher volumes of domestic waste, produced during the festive period are main reasons for fly investigations. They added that the contractor responsible for the landfill site is spraying for flies at the moment and municipal waste remover teams work hard to ensure domestic waste are removed from town as soon as possible. The matter became worrying when members of the public raised the alarm over hygiene, as flies in restaurants and fast food outlets are unacceptable. “Flies are everywhere. In our homes and stores. We cannot buy the food as the flies are everywhere and has become a health concern to us,” members of the public says. A spokesperson of the Walvis Bay Municipality commented: “The common cause of house flies infestations is always associated with the summer weather and the bulk of domestic waste generated during the festive season. The longer the period of time before the waste reaches its final disposal point (landfill), the greater the opportunity for fly problems to develop. However currently, the contractor at landfill sites are trying to minimise the problem through regular fly spraying and a solid waste management crew that try by all means to dispose of the waste as quick as possible.”
Public plays a key role to curb fly infestations Although it is easy to point fingers for fly infestations to various sources such as inadequate fly spraying or slow refuse waste removal services, the public itself is the most important player to curb fly infestations. Inadequate personal waste management systems, such as seen below of a certain accommodation block in Walvis Bay, is viewed as the main reason why fly infestations take place. The public can take a number of measures at home and at their businesses to assist in curbing fly infestations. Ensure that waste is properly covered. Secondly, ensure that weekly waste removals by the municipality takes place. Report incidents where waste removal cycles are skipped or investigate how you can make it easier and faster for waste removal teams to reach your waste bin. Refrain from activities at home or at your business that lure flies. This include cleaning fish at home or leaving uneaten food or other organic materials from rotting in the open. Clean areas regularly used by pets, as pet litter also lure flies. Ensure to use insecticides regularly to cleanse your home of fly eggs. If your business creates large volumes of waste, ensure to make use of waste management services, instead of only relying on municipal waste removal services which are often only once a week.
Spur sponsorship of car guards now in its third consecutive year The Desert Creek Spur in Swakopmund renewed its sponsorship of car guards in the holiday town. It is the third consecutive year Spur sponsors car guards, expressing pride in making a positive difference in this way. “We would like to assist car guards in their need to appear professional. It creates trust with the public and in that way they earn an income from vehicle owners paying them a fee to look after their vehicles,” Desert Creek Spur says in a statement. A total of 65 car guards received their new attire from Spur this week.
8 JANUARY 2016
Swakopmund remains clean despite the massive parties Sharlien Tjambari The residents have proven that Swakopmund is, and will, remain the cleanest town in Namibia. Everywhere you go the Ministry of Environment and Tourism is complaining about the rubbish left behind by holidaymakers. Media reports showed the state in which Long Beach and Kuisebmond Beach were left after the festive season by the holidaymakers, but Swakopmunders kept their town clean and adhered to the rules and regulations set by the Swakopmund Municipality. When asked if the beach in Swakopmund was any different Mr Clive Lawrence, the General Manager of the Health Services at the Swakopmund Municipality, said he did not receive any complaints from the public. “The only complains I received from my staff were about the mobile toilets which we allocated to the braai area known as OK parking, the people
abused the toilets facilities,” said Lawrence. According to Lawrence, Swakopmund has been very peaceful and quiet this past festive season, and he did not even receive complains from Tiger Reef or Mile 4. Lawrence believes the main reason why Swakopmunders have kept the town clean is because the residents were well prepared in terms of cleaning campaigns and how to keep Swakopmund clean. “I hope Swakopmunders will keep up the good work and abide to the rules and regulations for the next years to come,” said Lawrence.
Namwater-probleme draai Walvisbaai se krane toe Liesl Losper Onverwagte probleme in NamWater se Dorob Suid waternetwerk naby Rooibank het die munisipaliteit van Walvisbaai Dinsdag daartoe genoop om watertoevoer tussen 21:00 en 06:00 Woensdag na die hawedorp toe te draai. NamWater het glo nie net met sy pypnetwerk sowat 100 kubieke meter per uur, en volgens gesukkel nie, maar daar was ook kragtoevoer- Burger is dit 'n goeie teken dat NamWater die probleme. probleme kon oorkom. Volgens mnr André Burger van die muni- Hy het voorsien dat die watertoevoer teen gister sipaliteit van Walvisbaai was watertoevoer van sou stabiliseer en verwag verder geen probleme die Dorob Suid gebied na die Myl 7 reservoir nie. van die dorp 'n skrale 60 kubieke meter per uur. Verskeie inwoners van Walvisbaai het met die Die dorp benodig sowat 160 kubieke meter namib times geskakel en hul kommer uitgewater per uur, om aan die daaglikse behoeftes spreek oor die beskikbaarheid van water, veral van inwoners en nywerhede te voldoen. onder die verengende hitte wat die kus die afgeTeen Dinsdagoggend het toevoer verbeter na lope dae in 'n wurggreep gehad het.
Walvisbaaiers is skrikkerig vir watertekorte. Watertekorte tref die hawedorp gewoonlik as die Kuisebrivier in vloed afkom, en NamWater se watervoorsieningsinfrastruktuur wegspoel of oorstroom.
8 JANUARY 2016
8 JANUARY 2016
8 JANUARY 2016
WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME CONSENT: Place of Instruction (Training Centre) ON ERF: 173 TOWNSHIP: Meersig STREET: 11th Street North, No.15. In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish a Training Centre on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 119, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and undersigned, in writing, not later than 29 January 2016. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Dirk Bellens, Yvette Bellens, 15, 11th Street North Meersig, Walvis Bay
BC STONE PRODUCTS (NAMIBIA) (PTY) LTD an equal opportunity employer, have a vacancy for a
DEBTORS & CREDITORS CLERK in WALVIS BAY If you comply with the following requirements: 1. Grade 12 with mathematics and accounting 2. Intermediate level proficiency in the use of Pastel Partner/Evolution 3. Computer Literate: MS Office and Excel will be an advantage 4. Minimum 3 years experience in Accounting Field 5. Excellent verbal skills in English and Afrikaans 6. Namibian citizen 7. Able to work under pressure and meet deadlines 8. Highly trustworthy, discrete and ethical 9. Efficient and well organised And wish to execute the following responsibilities: 1. Capturing data on accounting systems 2. Processing of Supplier Invoices 3. Processing of Debtor Invoices 4. Processing of Import Invoice 5. Matching of invoices and purchase orders 6. Monthly Supplier Statement reconciliations 7. Payments Requisition Preperation 8. Provide support to financial team members 9. Various Ad-Hoc accounting duties. Then kindly forward your CV to: vacancies@bestcheer.com.na or post your CV to HR at BC STONE PRODUCTS (NAMIBIA) (PTY) LTD, P. O. Box 4676, WALVIS BAY. CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS IS: 18 JANUARY 2016 ONLY SHORT-LISTED CANDIDATES WILL BE NOTIFIED NO DOCUMENTS WILL BE RETURNED A CANDIDATE MAY UNDERGO PSYCOMETRIC ASSESSMENTS
8 JANUARY 2016
Bank Windhoek Swakopmunder Musikwoche Sets Records The Bank Windhoek Swakopmunder Musikwoche celebrated its 50th birthday in December and kept the promise to have the best birthday party ever seen at the coast.
The Concert Band
Particularly with the help of its main sponsor, the Bank Windhoek Arts Festival, the annual event was able to attract more participants than ever before. It was the first time that a total of 307 musical participants joined in the musical celebration Added to that the Bank Windhoek Swakopmunder Musikwoche had 30 lecturers from near and far and 24 helpers, bringing the total number of participants to a stunning 361. For the first time the Musikwoche welcomed four lecturers from the United States of America, one of them being the famous Dr André Thomas, who twice conducted the World Youth Choir and is sought-after as choir master and lecturer all over the world! The choir – young and old – felt that never before had they benefitted this much in expanding their musical knowledge, their vocal training as well as theoretical understanding. Another record was the number of concerts – apart from the usual Lecturer's Concert, Junior & Ensemble Concert and the two Jubilee Concerts, the Musikwoche held a Jazz Concert at Desert Tavern. Additionally, they hosted a free brass band concert at the amphitheatre for the pleasure of the community, as well as our church concert, traditionally ending the Musikwoche. Out of these seven concerts, five concerts sold tickets – and four of them were sold out. “The quality of all concerts was exceptionally high this year – everyone put in that extra effort to make the 50th jubilee an unforgettable experience for all. The audience agreed and felt that never before had the concerts reached such a high level of excellence. I was approached while shopping the week following the concerts and total strangers shook my hand and thanked me for this spectacular event,” says, Christiane Berker, Organisational Director of Swakopmunder Musikwoche. Each programme had a wonderful mix of classical and contemporary music, some light and funny, some dramatic or thoughtful, but all put together in such a way that the evening just seemed to rush past, even though the concerts lasted longer than usual. But there were many surprises for the participants as well: the Saturday snack break started with a birthday cake and free cupcakes for all, presented in the colours of the newly designed logo that received a lot of compliments from all sides. The “Festschrift,” or celebratory publication, was also printed and sold very well right off the press. The publication gives a detailed historical background as well as a good look “behind the scenes,” telling the stories of the people standing behind the Musikwoche. “Bank Windhoek received a lot of praise from everyone, be it participants or audience for doubling their support this year, making it possible to invite even more young Namibian musicians who would otherwise not have access to masterclasses with international experts,” Berker said. “Again new members of the stage crew were trained, hoping to give them an insight into stage management as well as organisational basic skills – one member has left the crew after four years and is now very successfully organising international tours for music groups,” Berker concluded.
8 JANUARY 2016
VACANCIES Unitrans Namibia, a well-established transport company In Namibia, offers the following challenging career opportunity ACCOUNTANT
(Regional Office Windhoek) Requirements for this position: · Namibian citizen. · Code 08 license with own transport. · Tertiary Qualification in Accounting, Finance or related field. · A minimum of 5 years experience in the required field. · Deadline orientated and the ability to co-ordinate the various activities · Criminal record verification (Certificate of Conduct) Essential. · Good understanding of company policies & procedures. · Good interactive & communication skills. · Relevant computer literacy and proficiency on financial systems. · Sober habits and medically fit. · Must be prepared to work overtime when required. Key functions and Responsibilities: · Control Business costs including: Cash flow, Balance Sheet, Fixed Assets, Credit control. · Monthly Management accounts. · Monthly reconciliation of balance sheet accounts. · Interact with Internal & External auditors in completing audits. · Review payment requisitions & monthly account payable reconciliations. · Prepare weekly cash flow projections. · Customer and supplier interaction: Ensure ongoing relationships with customers/suppliers where required in liaison with corporate head office. · Responsible for renewal of annual insurance policies & manage insurance/accidents claims. · Depot visits. · Perform ancillary duties.
ASSISTANT CONTRACT SUPERVISOR (1 x Windhoek depot) (1 x Walvis Bay depot ) Requirements for the position: · Namibian citizen. · At least grade 12 and fluent in English/Afrikaans (read, write and speak). · Tertiary qualification in Road Transport operations will be an advantage. · 3 years experience in Road Transport operations will be an advantage. · Valid code CE (Code 11) driver's licence. · Driving experience on articulated vehicles will be appropriate. · Computer literate. · Sober habits and medical fit. · Own transport to and from work. · Must be prepared to work weekends and public holidays. · Good communication skills. Key functions and Responsibilities: · Assist Contract Supervisor's to supervise the Depot's to ensure the smooth running of operations regarding HSSE, Drivers, Depot staff and vehicles. · Control and schedule drivers and vehicles. · Control fuel usage of vehicles and trip Sheet and tacho evaluation. · Workplace Safety Representative. · Arrange services of vehicles. · Supervise tyres and equipment. · Do registration paper work and C.O.F documentation. · Arrange for drivers to take vehicles for C.O.F. · Ensure driver hours as per fuel industry criteria. · Perform ancillary duties.
WORKSHOP FOREMAN (Walvis Bay depot) Requirements for this position: · Namibian citizen. · Grade 12. · Qualified Diesel Mechanic (trade papers essential). · A minimum of 5 years experience as a Workshop Foreman. · Criminal record verification (Certificate of Conduct). · Must be prepared to work weekends and public holidays. · Good supervisory and administrative skills. · Dynamic, self driven and good organising skills. · Valid code EC licence with PDP advantage. · Sober habits and medically fit. · Service scheduling and planning. · Must have own transport to work. Key functions and Responsibilities: · Oversee and implement the fleet maintenance. · Manage stock levels and the purchase of replacement parts and equipment. · Manage performance of skilled and semi-skilled artisans. · Manage the vehicle maintenance cost to acceptable levels. · Manage service providers and quality of work. · Develop and maintain a sound relationship with staff and suppliers. · Manpower utilization. · Perform ancillary duties.
Applicants who meet the above requirements are encouraged to submit their applications to: THE HUMAN RESOURCES ADMINISTRATOR UNITRANS NAMIBIA P O BOX 9102 WINDHOEK E-mail: Sophia.Orlam@unitrans.co.za No applications by fax will be considered, only short listed candidates will be notified and no documentation will be returned. Or applications can be delivered to any Unitrans Depot: Windhoek Walvis Bay Plot 22 c/oJohannes Nampala & Nubuamis Ben Amathila Ave Brakwater Industrial Area Closing date: 15 January 2016
NOTICE OF TRANSFER OF BUSINESS Ta k e n o t i c e t h a t Holger Herboth, Identity No. 690522 0015 7 trading as NAMIB ESTATES, intends to alienate and dispose of the business being conducted by him under the name and style of NAMIB ESTATES at Food Lovers Market Building Cnr Moses Garoeb & Mandume Ndemufayo Street, Swakopmund, to an in favour of Pam Golding (Franchise) or Paul Kruger or nominee on 1 February 2016 and that lastmentioned shall carry on the aforesaid business or its own account under the same name and style of NAMIB ESTATES, and this publication shall serve as due notice having been given in terms of Section 34 of the Insolvency Act No. 24 of 1936. Dated at Swakopmund on this 11th day of November 2015. AHRENS & ASSOCIATES LEGAL PRACTITIONERS FOR PARTIES Shop No. 2, An Der Waterkant Building, No. 15 Tobias Hainyeko Street P O Box 1856, Swakopmund Email: hawk@iway. na
VACANCIES Expanding our footprint in the horse mackerel industry, this exciting opportunity has arisen for an energetic Namibian citizen, to join our proudly Namibian fishing operation.
MATE (Fishing) Purpose The purpose of the position is to manage the deck and factory during vessel operations to ensure achievements of stated Job Specification and legislative compliance. Minimum Requirements ∙ Minimum Grade 12 Certificate ∙ Deck Officer Class 5 or Mate 1 (STCW 95) or equivalent recognised by DMA Namibia. ∙ Minimum of 2 years' experience as an officer in charge of navigational watch of fishing trawler. ∙ At least 1 years proven experience as a 4th mate targeting ∙ Horsemackrel (BATM Meridians Vessels) ∙ Valid GMDSS Certificate issued by CRAN or equivalent recognised by DMA ∙ Valid Advanced, First Aid, PISC and Fire Fighting. ∙ Fluent English and Local languages ∙ Computer literacy, in particular of using Microsoft applications (Outlook, Word, Excel) Job Specifications ∙ Manning and personnel management ∙ Assist Captain manage, control and boost fishing operations ∙ Ensure the vessel is maintained to comply with ∙ Safety compliance ∙ Manage stores and provisions
DECK OFFICER (Fishing) Purpose The purpose of the position is to manage the deck during vessel operations to ensure achievements of stated Job Specification and legislative compliance. Minimum Requirements ∙ Minimum Grade 12 Certificate ∙ Deck Officer Class 6 or Mate 1 (STCW 95) or equivalent recognised by DMA Namibia. ∙ Minimum of 2 years' experience as a Deckhand officer in charge of Deck and or navigational watch on a fishing vessel/trawler. ∙ At least 1 years proven experience as a Deckhand officer targeting Horsemackrel (BATM Meridians Vessels) ∙ Valid Advanced, First Aid, PISC and Fire Fighting. ∙ Fluent English and Local languages. Job Specifications ∙ Manning and personnel management on the deck ∙ Assist trawl master manage, control and boost fishing operations ∙ Ensure the vessel is maintained to comply with HACCP ∙ Manage and repair nets ∙ Manager and carry out tally during discharge operation.
MOTORMAN (Fishing) Purpose The purpose of the position is to assist the engineering team to ensure achievements of stated Job Specification and legislative compliance. Minimum Requirements ∙ Minimum Grade 12 Certificate ∙ Marine Engineering Officer Class 6 (STCW 95) or equivalent recognised by DMA Namibia. ∙ Certificate of competence as Watch keeping engine rating according to STCW III/4 or III/5. ∙ Minimum 2 years' experience as a motorman (oiler) on board of sea going ships. ∙ At least 1 years proven experience as a Motorman targeting large fishing Trawler (BATM Meridians Vessels) ∙ Valid Advanced, First Aid, PISC and Fire Fighting. ∙ Valid medical inspection report. ∙ Fluent English and Local languages Job Specifications ∙ Assist the engine department with all duties in the engine room ∙ Maintenance of Main engines and auxiliary equipment's, can operate all these equipment. ∙ Knowledge of ship's systems, pipe lines and valves, operation of the valves. ∙ Keep watch under command of the ship's engineer. ∙ Carry out repair work during discharge If you think that this is a role that you would like to take on, forward your written application plus qualifications to: The Fleet Manager, Atlantic Pacific Fishing (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 658, Walvis Bay, Email:Jason.angala@apfishing.com. Previously Disadvantaged persons encouraged to apply; Only short listed candidates will be contacted Closing Date is 15 January 2016
8 JANUARY 2016
Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
PORTUGUESE CLASSES 4 Days a week. 3 Hours a day. Someone to learn me. 081 712 4441 Martin
NEWLY ESTABLISHED PRIMARY SCHOOL Pre primary learners becoming 6 years in 2016 We looking forward to prepare your child for Grade 1 We are well qualified retired teachers. Time: 07:00 - 13:00 Mondays - Fridays Place: Kwart Street 371, Tamariskia, Swakopmund Contact: 081 201 2980
PIANO MUSIC CLASSES “Don’t just play the Piano, understand it!” Our goal is to ensure you understand the theory behind what you play. We make it simple and easy to begin your journey on the path to learning the Piano. Adults and Kids classes available. Contact: +264 81 482 8402. Lindley Education Presents High School Math and Accounting Extra Classes 50% OFF: All GRADE 8's for JANUARY ONLY Opening 18 January 2016 We also offer PRIVATE TUTORING happytohelp@lindley education.com 081 497 2195 www.lindleyeducation .com KENNETH FOUNDATION TRUST BACK TO SCHOOL 2016 EXTRA LESSONS We offer: - Mathematics and Accounting for Grade 8 to 10 - English lessons for those who want to improve their written / spoken English - Homework assistance for Primary and Junior Secondary School - Examination preparations and revisions - Individual attention given to every learner. Limited space available. Register now starting January 2016 Swakopmund / Walvis Bay Contacts: 081 265 0685 / 081 371 0053.
JOCRUSHER PRE-PRIMARY and CHILD DAY-CARE intake is ON and CONTINUES for 11 January beginning of classes at No.17 Makriel Street in the area of Sandfontein and Independence Bar area near Omangela and Oshinanena Shebeen. Call: +264 81 809 0313 / +264 81 734 6906 for more information.
JJ's Care Centre Walvis Bay Educare for 0-5 years Grade R Grade 1-12 Impak education Homework assistance Aftercare Accommodate for all special needs children too Sign language courses Speech therapy Limited space Kim 0814790725
TRAINING TRAINEE DRIVERS Nicco Truck Driving School at Otavi. We are attending training for Heavy Duty / CE / License. Application forms available for 20 men age 21-25 years to be trained and employed at mines. We have 10 years renewable contract with B2 Gold Mine. Registration free. N$7500 including Natis service and accommodation plus food. Duration 4 weeks. Contact Mr Nicco @ 081 648 5825 Email: nicconic460@gmail.com
SERVICES EUGENE SHUTTLE & TRANSFERS Daily Shuttle Walvis Bay - Swk Whk Door-to-Door Service Safe, Affordable, Comfortable Service. Bookings Essential. Contact: 081 705 5147 (Parcel Service available).
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
BS Divers is a commercial diving school in Hermanus, South Africa. We provide commercial diver training, Class IV, III, II, Supervisor, Decompression Chamber, and Compressor courses. Our partner ABJ Welding provides an underwater diver welding course. All the courses are internationally recognized. Namibians get 5% discount.
BIA Missing from Vineta, Jukskei Park Swakopmund 02.01.2016 Contact: 081 646 4824
COURSES NAHOTA HOTEL SCHOOL Vocational Hospitality Certificate Courses: · Waiters/Waitresses · Hotel Barmen/Bar lady · Cleaner/Housekeeper Each 2xMonths N$2000 · Events Décor (Practical) Only 1xMonth N$3000 · Chef/Food Preparation · Receptionist / Front Office Each 3xMonths N$5000 No Qualification needed open for everyone. Full time, Part time, Distance Class: Morning & Evening Register anytime: 50% deposit & I.D Copy. SMS your name and the course to 081 462 8224
PRINELLY TRAINING ACADEMY Registration in progress till 30 January 2016. Courses offered: - Basic computer - Customer care - Tour operation - Tourism & Hospitality - Front Office / Reception - Office Administration - Food preparation - Waiter - Housekeeping Languages: - Spanish - Portuguese - French - German - English - Afrikaans - Oshiwambo P.O. Box 140 Swakopmund E-mail: prinellyacademy13@g mail.com Cell: +264 81 778 6480 Swakopmund Cell: +264 81 794 7295 Walvis Bay
SERVICES PRODEL CONSTRUCTION & RENOVATIONS: For all your renovations and construction needs with personal attention. Call for a free quote JOHANN STEYN 081 128 0848.
Please contact us on: www.bsdivers.co.za & www.abjwelding.co.za
On this note we wish our clients a prosperous 2016. We proudly announce that BRAAM KOTZE joined the professional team at TCA Studio.
BOOK NOW!! Oneka 081 200 6468 Braam 081 489 9966 Joey 081 384 7269 Ancell 081 687 5677 Gizanne 081 205 0557 Renette 081 490 3154
SERVICES TRADITIONAL DOCTOR KALENGA: He can help you through: Pregnancy - Education Court Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Problems - Bad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Tokoloshi - Mens’ Power Sexuality - Exams Job Problems etc. Walvis Bay & Swakopmund. Cell:081 201 7887.
EUGENE SHUTTLE & TRANSFERS Walvis Bay Swakopmund We specialize in: - Airport Transfers - Door-to-door Service - Private transfers throughout Namibia - Airport shuttle to and from Windhoek International Airport Contact: 081 705 5147 EUGENE “Safe, Reliable, Comfortable”
ACCOUNTING & TAX SERVICES We provide accurate and affordable accounting and tax services. Please call John 081 838 9133. WC CONSTRUCTION & RENOVATION We offer: - Construction - Painting - Paving - Slasto - Lapas - Plumbing - Tiling - Electrical and all types of roof structures - Maintenance on all buildings & structures 24/7 service Contact: 081 211 6686 064-205470
TCA Hair & Beauty Studio Unisex
PPT & BEAUTY CENTER IN HAIR LOUNGE WALVIS BAY We sell 100% Virgin Hair & Indian wear on wholesale & retail. Place your order now. Nails Training N$1150.00 Eyelashes training N$600.00. Kit & Certificates. Specials till 10 Febr. Manicure - N$100.00 French Tips - N$120.00 Pedicure - N$70.00 Eyelashes - N$100.00 Eyebrow Twist & Tint N$50.00 We are opposite Tekkie Town. Call BETTY on 081 605 9205 / 064-221940
MOKA INVESTMENT CC We do: - Security Gates - Burglar Bars - Bakkie Rails - Fencing - Painting - Maintenance on Properties - Renovations
Contact MOSES 081 034 5484. MS ELECTRICAL: Operate in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. We repair: * Geysers * Washing Machine * Microwaves * Stove, Aircons, Fridges * Electric Motors, 3-phase and single 3-phase * Battery chargers and welding machine * Electrical on houses * Vacuum cleaners and compressors * Any electrical appliance we’ll fix it. * Installation of geyser timer and programing *plumbing services, water leakage on tapes, toilet leakages and blockages All electrical appliances have 3 month guarantee. You call - we come and fix. Contact: Mr. Sylveners 081 299 9960.
JJ CLEANING SERVICES We clean: - Sofas - Office Seats - Car Deluxe - Mats - Carpets - Mattrasses - House cleaning - Spider Beds Remover - Window Cleaning - Complex Cleaning - Floor Polishing - Toilet and Shower Scale Removing - Dusting - Vanishing - Household cleaning - Contract cleaning Call us today and we’ll make our way there. WILBARD 081 616 3825 NEUDO 081 262 5777. TRADITIONAL DOCTOR DR. CHIMBO ANNAN. For the first time he is here in Walvis Bay (Namport) with very powerful medicine for any type of problems: Did you know that problems has an expiry date? This is your time to finish up your problems. Dr. Chimbo is challenging for penis enlargement, to win casino, love problems, to get a new job promotion, wife/husband to be yours alone, bring back lost lover, clean out bad luck, to be liked with people, to win serious court cases, protec-tion of witches, to win tenders and many more... Contact 081 305 2058 you will never regret with Dr.Chimbo BP & Diabetes welcome....
8 JANUARY 2016
Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
GATES & GARAGE DOORS For all your installation and servicing of Gates and Garage Doors. Call: 081 665 8181.
FOR SALE: 2010 Toyota Bakkie VVTI Pick-up 2.0L for sale. KM: 140 000. Good condition. Contact: 081 127 2144.
TE KOOP: Jack Russel hondjies te koop. 2x reuntjies 4x tefies N$500.00 sonder inspuitings. N$ 800.00 met inspuitings 5 weke oud Kontak: 081 249 8046.
For Sale
Toyota Hilux vvti 2010 Model full house Sound System 160 000km/c Price: N$72 000.00 neg Contact: 081 824 7108
TE KOOP: 2013 GWM Double cab wit bakkie te koop. ± 104 000 km Steed 5 2,2 NB: nie 4x4 nie. Kontak: 081 247 9948. FOR SALE: Chevrolet Nomad Swakopmund. Contact: 081 646 5522. FOR SALE: 2005 VW Polo Classic 1.6 Silver Very good condition 119612 km N$ 65 000.00 Contact: 081 300 2456 / 081 434 1262.
HOUSEHOLD/ FURNITURE This 'n That We buy and sell second hand & new furniture and household appliances. We offer good money on quality. Sam Nujoma Town Square. La Paloma Building Walvis Bay. Els 081 255 5809 or Lawrence 081 324 1285.
TE KOOP: Defy Elektriese stoof met 4 Plaat Gas brander N$ 1 500.00. Kontak: 081 367 2190.
MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE ADULT TOYS AND EROTICS: 2008 Volvo 400 HP Price: N$240 000.00 excl. VAT Contact: 081 035 9860
2010 Land Rover Discovery 4 TDV6 S 81 000km Spotless condition, 1 owner, full service history at Land Rover N$ 390 000 Contact: 081 728 1070
Naughty Gifts, Quality Lubricants and Passage shrinkers for woman . Effective affordable erection tablets for men, the REAL McCOYS, not fake. From N$100.00 for 4 pack. Single Pills N$30.00. Erection & Enlargement pumps for men. A wide range of toys & vibrators for women. Visit our facebook page Adult Toys and Erotics. Remember, your shopping with us is fun and upgrading for your relationship. Friendly, confidential and private. Not for sale to persons under 18. Deliveries countrywide. (Discreet packaging).
Contact us on 081 407 5773.
only ID required 0811475475 0811475333 064220387 bayauctions@iway.na
FIND US @ 97 Sam Nujoma Str Walvis Bay
VAPORIZERS or E-CIGGIES Ego one a small powerful Mod which make pleasant clouds. Cool Pleasant people start Vaping. We stock a wide variety of Flavor Bursting ELiquids for all vaporizers. We stock a wide variety of vaporizers and spares for almost every type. Our products are from the most well know manufacturers. Affordable for everybody. Take a look at our website namibiavapes.com on facebook Vaporizers (e-ciggies) for Namibia Visit Largo Video in Walvis Bay Tel: 064 205525 Cell: 081 407 5773 FOR SALE: Don’t waste opportunity - CLEARANCE SALE. Wire Slings with soft yes: 12m long, 24/30mm. 200 PCS - N$400.00 ea. 6’ Container handling wire slings gear with hooks. N$4000.00 ea. Steel Cargo Baskets 1.5x1.5x1.5M - 6 pcs N$5000.00 ea. Steel Tanks 5000L - 3 pcs N$7000.00 ea. Prices negotiable. Contact: 081 379 6815 / 081 128 8865. E-mail: vladg@linktelship.com / volker@linktelship.com FOR SALE 1x Tek 51 inch LCD TV new. 1x Philips 70cm T.V (Old school) N$ 500.00 4x Dunlop 265x70x16 Tyres. 1x King size bed. 1x Raleigh 26 spd bike (new). 1x Injector pump diesel KB 280 Isuzu reconditioned. 1x Supreme pie warmer. 3x Eye-level build in oven, HOB & Extractor fan. 1x Husky drinks display fridge.
Contact: 081 567 4522
TE KOOP: 3x Minature worshondjies te koop. 2x swart reuntjies 1x bruin reuntjie Swakopmund beskikbaar Gieljam of Henriette: 081 142 1528 081 247 9948.
FOR SALE: 2005 Citroën C3 1.4 HDI. Green. N$20 000.00. Cell: 081 128 8316.
Walvis Bay
Grobbies Estates welcomes the new friendly face of Magdel Enslin to our dedicated rental team. Contact Magdel at 064-280604 for your rental needs. Tel: 280 600
TRADITIONAL DOCTOR Dr Lovemore Banda The Old Man Walvis Bay, Now Oupa Ben Banda, specializing in various problems and diseases... lost lovers to come back. Protection of houses and bodies from witch craft, removal of any type of bad luck, complicated of court cases, binding your lover to be yours only. Promotion at work, to get a new job, win contracts, to have more power during sex. Pregnancy problems, all types of diseases except HIV. Come and see wonderful miracles happening in your life. Your life will never regret. Contact: Oupa Ben Banda 081 764 6937 Consultation fee is N$100.00.
2nd Hand Shop We buy and sell anything of value
PROPERTIES FOR SALE FOR SALE: Swakopmund Pelican Village 2 bedroom townhouse, bathroom, kitchen, living room,. BIC and stove, garage, interlocked courtyard. Safe and secure complex. N$ 930 000.00 cc registered. Contact: 081291 2968 081 463 5045
Karibib Sole & Exclusive Mandate 127 freestanding 2 – 3 bed houses with or without garage. Registration & completion in 12-18 months. Provide Your guarantee now and only pay in only 12 months and watch your investment grow interest free!! Selling from only N$450 000.00 each. Claudia 0811696227
EMILY 081 293 0335 Ansu Coastal Properties Swakopmund For Sale Apartment Myl 4 Fourshores Ideal investment opportunity 3 Bedr, 2 Bathr, Guest Toilet, kitchen open plan living room Sun Room, Tandem Remote Garage Outside balcony with braai N$ 1 100 000.00 CC Registered Contact: Rosa 081 122 2159
Walvis Bay This spacious 3 bed, 2 bath unit situated Centrally. Open plan kitchen to lounge Small courtyard & Single Garage Located in complex. N$ 1 530 000-00 including furniture. Claudia 081 169 6227
FOR SALE Plot 5077, Ext 15, Swakopmund Size 793m² N$900,000. Municipal approved plans for 4 bedroom house included Contact: 081 206 7035 ELEGANCIA INVESTMENTS CC: Kuisebmond - Freestanding house for sale. 3 Bedrooms, kitchen, lounge, 2 bathrooms and boundary wall. N$770 000.00. Contact: 081 866 9480.
Walvis Bay CBD – PRICE REDUCED!! Sole & Exclusive Mandate Spacious 160m² 3 bed, 1 ½ bath townhouses. A rare find at N$855 000-00 each! Selling out fast!
Claudia 081 169 6227 Joey 081 278 0518
Walvis Bay FOR SALE Flat Central - Nicster 2 bed, 1 bath, open plan kitchen lounge, plus single garage N$ 890 000.00 Unit Meersig 3 bed, 2 bath, open plan kitchen lounge, outside braai, courtyard single garage N$ 1 105 000.00 Modern Double storey Unit close to the Lagoon 2 bed, 2 bath, open plan kitchen lounge, ind. BBQ plus double garage N$ 1 250 000.00 Double Storey Unit Fairways Estate – Reg.CC 2 bed, 2 bath, open plan kitchen lounge, courtyard plus double garage N$ 1 330 000.00 Large Double Storey Unit in Secure Complex Fairways 3 bed, 2 bath, open plan kitchen lounge, ind. BBQ plus courtyard N$ 1 350 000.00
House Fairways 3 bed, 2 bath, study, open plan kitchen, lounge, double garage N$ 1 350 000.00 New Industrial Warehouses 125.9m ² - N$ 1 220 000.00 222.0m² - N$ 2 120 000.00 339.6m² - N$ 3 090 600.00 Industrial Erven from N$ 1 400.00 m²
Contact our Agents: Ruth: 081 240 7350 Karien: 081 250 4690 Tel: 280 600
FOR SALE: Swakopmund luxury apartment in best location in Dunenweg 18, green white tiled building. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Open plan lounge-dining area. Spacious kitchen. Pantry. Double garage. Seaview from 3 rooms and balcony. Contact: 081 244 4418. FOR SALE: Kabeljou Street, Kuisebmond. New big family house in Kuisebmond, Kabeljou Street area + 2 Bedroom flat + 2 garages. N$2 million. Contact: 081 128 8642.
KUISEBMUND GOOD INVESTMENT!! 2 Bed, 1 bath, kitchen, Living area with a garage. A rare find at only N$ 430 000.00! Possible rental income of N$ 3 000-00 P/M Claudia 081 169 6227
P.A.M TREE VILLAS SOLE & EXCLUSIVE MANDATE Free-standing houses located 5km from the Walvis Bay City Centre Choose your own house & plot! Selling from N$615 000-00.
Claudia 0811696227 MALAKIA PROPERTIES FOR SALE, ARANDIS: 3bedrooms. bathroom Kitchen, Lounge and Garage N$430 000.00. HENTIES BAY, PLOT OMDEL, SIZE :700m2, N$120 000.00 PELICAN VILLAGE (TAMARISKIA): 3bedrooms, 2bedrooms and open plan kitchen single garage. N$1.1mil TO LET Rooms N$1700.00 w/incl 1Bedroom,bathroom and kitchen N$ 2000.00 p/m w/incl TULINAWA 2bedrooms.bathroom and kitchen N$3800.00 W/L Excl Malakia 081 297 7253,
Email: malakiaproperties@ yahoo.com
MILE 4 CC REGISTERED Neat double storey 3 bed, 2 bath Townhouse with openplan kitchen / living area, scullery & laundry, indoor BBQ, guest & outside toilet, double garage. N$1 985 000-00
TANIA 081 297 9704 HOUSE FOR SALE: Volstruis Street, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. 6 Bed, 2 baths, 2 lounges, 2 kitchens, 1 Tuckshop, single garage, tandem garage for 3 cars. Current income: N$14 000.00 p/m. Price: N$900 000.00. Contact: 081 568 1565
ARANDIS 2 BED, 1 BATH HOUSE WITH OPEN PLAN KITCHEN / LIVING AREA. OUTSIDE BBQ & PARKING AREA. SAFE & SECURE COMPLEX. Starting from N$445 000-00. Gogga 081 870 9950 Heidi 081 738 6315
8 JANUARY 2016
Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
PROPERTIES FOR SALE LONGBEACH & APHRODITE BEACH 534m² vacant plot for N$750 000.00. 3 bed, 2 bath apartment with tandem garage for N$1 430 000.00. SWAKOPMUND 2 x 2 bed apartments, Ground & 1st floor. N$1 600 000.00. 3 bed, study, openplan & double garage. N$1 980 000.00. MONDESA Complex with 11 units. N$6 400 000.00.
GOGGA 0818709950 TE KOOP Vineta - Swakopmund Ext.8 2 Huise op 1 Erf, size 982m² 1ste huis: 4 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamers (one en-suite) sit/eet/studeer kamer. Kombuis, 3 garages. Binne en buite braai. BIC, eie groot tuin. 2de huis: Dubbelverdieping, bo 3 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers (one en-suit), BIC, balkon. Onder het `n gaste toilet, oopplan pragtige kombuis met sitkamer en binne braai. 1 Groot garage. Buite bediende kamer, eie jaarts. Klein tuin en ingang. Alles is loop afstand van waterfront af. N$3.5miljoen (neg) Excl transfer costs. Geen kommissie. Kontak: 081 786 0089
PROPERTIES FOR SALE MTE PROPERTIES Arandis House for sale One (1) x 4-bedroom house now available to buy. It is neatly tiled, cupboards in some bedrooms and has a geyser. Relatively large erf and situated in a good and quiet neighbourhood. Do not miss this opportunity. Cash buyers preferably. Pictures can be provided on whatsapp. Selling Price: N$ 450 000 Contact: 081 455 4176 Arandis Rooms available for rent at a lodge in Arandis. Only a few left. Rent: N$800 per month. Water included. Prepaid electricity installed Contact: 081 455 4176.
JOEY 0812780518
PROPERTIES TO RENT TO RENT: Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. New House NHE. Two bedroom flat with kitchen and toilet. N$2000.00 each + N$1000 deposit each. Including water and electricity. Contact: 081 223 6696 / 081 234 6635.
HOUSE FOR SALE: Meersig, Walvis Bay N$1 769 000.00 negotiable. Double storey house 3 bedroom, bic/suit + bathroom All rooms bic Open plan kitchen, B/I stove, oven, HOB + BIC, 2 bathrooms, double garage, automatic garage doors, air conditioning, guest toilet, outside braai Contact details: 081 206 1914 / 204 299 / 204 288.
TO LET: Edelweis Complex. 2 x bedroom flat, openplan kitchen & living area, bathroom. Underroof parking. Water & Electricity included. Alarm included. N$5500.00 per month. Contact: 081 355 5285 after 17:00.
Ansu Coastal Properties Swakopmund For Sale Free Standing Townhouse Eureka Court Ready for the taking 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms Guest Toilet Kitchen open plan living room Inside Braai Private Courtyard Double Remote Garage Electrified fencing N$ 1 170 000.00 CC Reg Contact: Rosa 081 122 2159
TO LET SWAKOPMUND NEW INDUSTRIAL AREA 171M² OFFICE SPACE N$18 800.00 414M² WAREHOUSE CLOSE TO AIRPORT N$34 100.00 465M² WAREHOUSE INCL 145M² OFFICE, STORE ROOM, 3 TOILETS, WALK IN SAFE & ALARM. PRICE ON REQUEST. WORKSHOPS 98M² @ N$7 500.00 75M² @ N$5 625.00 75M² @ N$5 625.00 LUISE +264 81 653 0765 +264 64 464 033
TO LET Walvis Bay : 4 bedr house, 1 full bathr, dining, big lounge, fitted kitchen, built-in bar & braai, double garage, big pet friendly yard. Available immediately. N$8500 pm + full deposit, excl w&e Contact : Jan: 0812378297 TO LET: in Central Walvis Bay, in secure complex. Three bedroom fully furnished flat (stove, fridge, washing machine, 3 double beds and cutlery and crockery) with single garage. Spacious livingroom, bath, kitchen and balcony. Main bedroom en-suite with its own shower. Pre-paid electricity. Rent: N$7900.00 per month plus a deposit of N$8000.00 which may be paid over 3 months. Available immediately. Contact: Taimi or Sonja (Ultra Properties) 207997 office hours. email:
accounts@ultratravel. net
TO LET - WALVIS BAY CENTRAL N$ 7 500 – 3bed, 1bath with double garage incl W+E. N$ 5 500 - 2 Bed flat with single garage. CENTRAL N$ 8 500 - 3 Bed, 2 bath with double garage. N$ 4 200 - 1 bed flat with basement parking. MEERSIG N$ 12 500 - Upmarket 3 Bed, 2 bath with double garage. N$ 3 650 - 1 bedroom flat with own bath. W+E incl. KUISEBMOND N$ 2 500 – 1 bed flat with own bathroom. INDUSTRIAL N$16 885 incl VAT – 260m² Warehouse with office. N$9 900 excl VAT New 66m² shop space N$21 000 excl VATNew 140 m² shop space N$11 250 excl VAT – New 75m² shop space N$ 12 500 – office 145m² near syncrolift incl water N$66 500 excl VAT – New 1445m² Warehouse with big offices N$ 10 890 excl VAT – 180m² Warehouse with 1 office N$100 010 excl VAT– 1953m² warehouse with 800 m² office appr 15 offices N$100 003 excl VAT– Appr 5000 m² warehouse / offices / yard space N$95 000 excl VAT– Appr 3000m² warehouse / offices/yard space Please call Rhoda 081 413 1313 Or Talitha 081 337 3669 TO RENT: Bachelor flat One bedroom, open lounge & kitchen. (BIC) Alarm system, garage Location: Mile 4 Swakopmund. N$ 5 000.00 p/m Water incl. Pre-paid electricity Deposit N$2 500.00. Available immediately Contact: 081 146 5332 / 081 122 6362.
Walvis Bay Meersig – FOR RENT Luxurious Double Storey 3 bed Townhouses With designer open plan Kitchen, Lounge/ Dining Area, BIC, Indoor Bbq & Double Garage. N$ 12 500-00p/m excl. W & E. Don't delay – phone today! Talitha 0813373669 / +264 64 212 440
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
TO LET MILE 4 FULLY FURNISHED 3 BED, 2 BATH WITH DOUBLE GARAGE IN SAFE COMPLEX WITH SEA VIEW. N$11 000.00 VOGELSTRAND FULLY FURNISHED 2 BED UNIT IN SECURE COMPLEX WITH TANDEM GARAGE. N$9 900.00 LUISE +264 81 653 0765 +264 64 464 033 TE HUUR: in Vineta, Swakopmund. 3 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer huis. Enkel garage. Groot Erf. N$10 000.00 p/m. Water + Krag uitgesluit. Skakel: 081 210 8655. BACHELOR FLAT TO RENT: in Narraville. Available immediately. Rent: N$2500.00 p/m. Plus 50% deposit on the rental fee. Water and Electricity included. Contact: 081 290 1180. YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE, LIVE IN STYLE Up Market - Meersig Walvis Bay. Ultra modern newly built large house. Three bedrooms including en-suite, three toilets, open plan kitchen, indoor braai, b.i.c, fully alarmed, burglar bars, pre-paid electricity, two garages, inner court yard, ample car parking space, large outside yard, pet friendly house available immediately. Rent directly from owners and save on agency fees. First come, first served. N$11 900.00 p/m (negotiable) excluding water and electricity. One month rent in advance and references required. CALL: 081 697 8588 / 064-204986 or E-mail: manzur@iway.na
TO LET: BRAND NEW OFFICES & FLATS CENTRAL WALVIS BAY 2 BED FLATS STARTING FROM N$5 000-00 P/M 3 BED FLATS STARTING FROM N$ 7 000-00 P/M 66 – 140M² CORNER SHOPS WITH PRIVATE PARKING STARTING FROM N$150-00 PER M². EXCLUSIVE OF VAT, W & E. YOLANDA 081 158 3463 TO LET: near Duneside High School, Walvis Bay. 3 x one bedroom flats immediately available. b.i.c. in bedroom, openplan kitchen & living area, shower & toilet. Water & Electricity included. Alarm included. Contact: 081 122 0727 after 17:00. TE HUUR: Narraville, Walvisbaai. 1 Slaapkamer woonstel, vol gemeubileerd. N$3500.00 p/m. Krag & Water ingesluit. Skakel: 081 627 0640. HOUSE TO RENT: Double Storey 3 Bedroom House to rent in Swakopmund, Ocean View Extension 15, Quiver Street. Includes water & Alarm. Pre-paid Electricity Monthly payment in advance: N$11,500.00 + Deposit. House available immediately. ONLY Sober tenants. NO Pets allowed. Contact: Mr van Wyk at 081 128 8281. TO RENT: Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Brand new bachelor flat available to rent at 61 Oshivelo Street, Namport Kuisebmond. Rent: N$2800.00 p/m. Water and Electricity included. Call: 081 270 8417. FLAT TO RENT: Narraville, Walvis Bay. Bachelor Flat available immediately for 1 or 2 persons with sober habits. Rent: N$3200.00 p/m. No deposit needed. Water + Electricity included. Call: 081 213 0284 / 081 325 5230.
Walvis Bay 142m² Office to let Industrial area at Synchro lift Modern, neat & professional @ N$ 12 500.00 per month incl. water & pre-paid electricity. Talitha 081 337 3669/ Rhoda 081 413 1313
PROPERTIES TO RENT To Let Swakopmund Coastal Estates House, Vineta 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms 2 Garages, Garden N$9 000.00 p/m Flat, Central 2 Bedrooms 1 Bathroom 1 Garage N$ 6 670.00 p/m Call Jan 081 270 8005 Hannes 081 149 8777 Irma 081 368 4469 TO RENT: Luxury flat / house at Mile 4 available for rent or to use on daily basis. 50 metres away from Sea. Rent amount for two bedroom N$ 9 000.00 p/m Daily use N$ 1 300.00 p/m Contact: 081 246 1254 TO RENT: Mile 4, Oyster Street 65 for rent N$9 500.00 p/m negotiable. Phone: Mr B 081 246 1254. TO RENT: Mondesa, 231, Hellao Street, Swakopmund. 2 bedroom house, 2 bathrooms, kitchen & living room. No garage but space for parking. Pre paid electricity. Water incl. N$6 000.00 p/m. Deposit N$ 3 000.00 Available 1 February 2016 (Ideal for 2 friends sharing) Contact: 081 422 8080. TO RENT: 1x Newly build Bachelor Flat. 100% security. Available Now. Walvis Bay, Kuisebmond. W/E incl. Own Shower & Toilet, Hot Water, with kitchen area, Ideally for Singles. Price: N$2,200.00 p/m + (N$2,000.00 Refundable Deposit). If Couple N$200.00 additional will be added to cover W&E.) 1X Single bachelor flat. N$ 2,200.00 p/m Call: 081 333 0095. TO RENT: Spacious Brand New Three Bedroom House For Rental in Narraville (New Extension). N$6000.00 per month (Excluding water and electricity) plus deposit. Contact 081 148 7071. ROOM TO RENT: with own shower and toilet in Kuisebmond, Namport Available immediately. Rent: N$2200.00 p/m. Deposit: N$2200.00. Water & Electricity included. No garage. Contact: 081 124 5286 / 081 406 0724.
8 JANUARY 2016
Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
PROPERTIES TO RENT TO RENT: Narraville, Walvis Bay. Spacious brand new three bedroom house for rental in Narraville (New Extension). N$6000.00 per month plus deposit, excluding water and electricity. Contact: +264 81 148 7071. TE HUUR: Walvisbaai. Enkel woonstel te huur. Beskikbaar vanaf einde Januarie. 1 Slaapkamer, sitkamer, kombuis & stort. N$3200.00 p/m. W+L ingesluit. Skakel: 081 788 8582. TO RENT: in Town Central, Walvis Bay. Backyard Flat. 2 Bedrooms, small kitchen, b.i.c included. No stove. Include G4S alarm, shower & toilet. Pre-paid, water included. Suitable for couples or 2 people sharing. Garage optional. Rent: N$3300.00 p/m. Alarm: N$212 monthly. Deposit: N$3300.00 refundable. Available 1 February 2016 Call: 081 255 9066. TO RENT: in Hermes, Walvis Bay. AVAILABLE Bedrooms (3), double garage, electric alarm G4S monitored, separate kitchen, indoor braai build-in stove, 2 bathrooms Guest toilet down. Pre-payment meter. All for N$8500.00. INTERESTED Contact the Owner @ 081 241 3453. TO RENT: Kuisebmond (Namport) Walvis Bay We have a Room to rent. Rent: N$1400.00 p/m. including water + electricity. Contact: 081 247 9802 / 081 614 1253 / 081 274 5700
ACCOMMODATION B&B SELF CATERING Room available at affordable prices. Swakopmund, Tamariskia More info: 081 298 3992 EVERYDAY ACCOMMODATION Looking for Accommodation for your Employees in Jabulani / Mondesa? Two bedrooms & single flat available. Contact: 081 246 1254
WANTED WANTED TO BUY: Looking for a Chevrolet Spark to buy in Walvis Bay. Must be in good condition. Contact: 081 280 6249 / 081 148 9348.
BUSINESS PARTNERS: Pre-Primary and Day Care business partners required for facility in Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. - Must be qualified - Must be willing to invest - Must have extensive experience Contact: 081 568 1565.
Vacancy: TRAVEL CONSULTANT We require the services of a Senior / Intermediate Travel Consultant with at least three years experience. You will be part of a busy office and be responsible for maintaining good relationship with our leisure and corporate clients. Requirements: - Namibian Citizen - Amadeus experience - Fares and ticketing experience - Good peoples skill and telephone manner Benefits: - Above average salary - Medical Aid - Pension Fund - Housing allowance - and other benefits related to our Company We will only accept CV's from those with experience in Travel. No CV will be returned, so please email or deliver a copy of your diplomas. Email CV to:
HUISHULP: Opsoek na Huishulp vir 5 dae per week asook Baba oppasser in Walvisbaai. Moet goeie verwysings het. Kontak TRACEY by 081 153 7689.
WANTED TO BUY: Looking for a Chevrolet Spark to buy in Walvis Bay. Must be in good condition. Contact: 081 280 6249 / 081 148 9348.
PROPERTIES WANTED WANTED TO RENT: Looking for a Bachelor Flat with own bathroom to rent near CBD in Walvis Bay. Rent: N$2500.00 p/m. Contact: 081 397 5055. WANTED TO RENT: in Swakopmund. One female person looking for a place to stay. 1 or 2 bedroom flat. Must be tidy & neat. Preferred locations: Vineta, Kramersdorf, Mile 4. Rent: ±N$5000.00. Water and electricity must be included in the price. Call ALICIA on 081 146 6650. TE KOOP GESOEK: Enige persoon wat ‘n erf in Ocean View of Kramersdorf in Swakopmund wil verkoop? Skakel gerus: 081 129 4121.
VACANCIES Vacancies for F+B Manager and Maintenance Manager 5 years experience in F+B Single person Sober habits Older than 30 years No dependants Drivers license 5 years experience in Maintenance Single person Sober habits Older than 30 years No dependants Drivers license Package includes accommodation and meals Just shortlist candidates with references will be accepted. Email cv's to ngandu@iafrica.com.na
Lindley Education is looking for TUTORS in the areas of Accounting, Mathematics and Economics Requirements: Symbol B or higher Experience and good communication skills Ability to explain in English and Afrikaans Punctual and reliable Integrity Submit CV's to
beataccmath@gmail. com
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview. Vacancy: MARKETING EXECUTIVE Walvis Bay Description: - Negotiating and winning advertising contracts. - Develop pricing strategies for products or services. - Provides marketing, sales and technical advice. - Plan and design promotional campaigns. - Organizing public relations, events and product exhibitions. Requirements: - Grade 12 - Certificate / Diploma in marketing - Marketing experience - Multi language an advantage - Computer proficiency and excellent communication skills - Technology enthusiast - Driving license and must be able to travel as needed - Ability to prioritize and balance multiple projects simultaneously. To apply send your detailed resume / CV to
ads@digitalposterads. com Only short listed candidates will be contacted. Basic salary and commission.
GESOEK: Walvisbaai Persoon met Drywers Lisensie. Basiese Take: - Help met die skoonmaak van Winkel - Aflewerings doen Persoon moet Engels en Afrikaans kan praat. Salaris: ± N$2700.00 per maand. Kontak: 081 328 1939. Vacancy: Prinelly Training Academy is looking for part-time Tutors for the following: - Portuguese - Office Admin - Basic Computer and Tourism Courses Forward your detailed CV’S to:
prinellyacademy13@g mail.com Contact: +264 81 778 6480 / +264 81 794 7295 Hand deliver at 2711 Aasvoël Street, Namport, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay VACANCY: Drivers position at Magic Car Wash. Please collect application form at Theo Ben Gurirab Str Swakopmund Applications close 8.01.2016 at 16:00. Vacancy available at Largo Video for SHOP ASSISTANT. Friendly, helpful person. Knowledge of computer programs and hardware will be an advantage. Must be willing to work shifts, weekends and holidays. Hand in CV at Largo Video or e-mail to: nasilow@iway.na Closing date: 22.01.16 WAITERS with at least 2 years experience needed. Fluent in Afrikaans and English. Phone for interview 064-206959.
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
LOOKING FOR A JOB: I am a 29-year-old girl looking for any cleaning job in Walvis Bay Meersig or Lagoon or Longbeach. Office cleaning / house cleaning. I can start immediately. Contact: 081 781 7205 / 081 251 4006.
IMELDA: is a reliable, hardworking lady looking for any kind of job only in Walvis Bay. I have experience in cooking and baking, cleaning, till packer, domestic job. I can start immediately. Please contact me on 081 811 0823.
JOB WANTED: A 37 year old lady with sober habits and very hardworking is looking for any domestic job for Tuesdays, Fridays & Saturdays in the area of Swakopmund. Ready to start anytime. Contact: 081 256 2862.
PETRUS: is opsoek na tuinwerk of vensters was in Walvisbaai Meersig of Lagoon of Lang strand. Net vir Saterdae en Sondae Skakel asb vir Petrus by 081 305 2418.
JOB WANTED: I am a 26-year-old lady looking for domestic job in Walvis Bay Lagoon / Meersig. I am hardworking, selfmotivated and reliable and willing to start immediately. Please contact me on 081 752 8849.
JOB WANTED: Looking for any vacancies in Retail, warehousing or sales. Have experience in Sales Management, Junior Operations and Retail Management. No dependants and no drama. One weeks notice. Kindly contact: 081 358 6089.
LOOKING FOR A JOB: I am a 26-year-old lady looking for domestic job in Walvis Bay from Mondays to Fridays or 3 days a week. I have 3 years experience and can start immediately. Please contact me on 081 719 3791.
JOB WANTED: A 38 year old young woman is looking for domestic job in Swakopmund. Honest and hardworking. Does not drink or smoke. Can start immediately. Contact: 081 364 9142.
JEANETH: I am a 25-year-old lady looking for a job as Waitress or cleaning lady or any other kind of job in Walvis Bay. I am very honest, hardworking and flexible. Please contact 081 706 6764 / 081 619 2579. LOOKING FOR A JOB: I am a 24-year-old lady looking for domestic job in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. Cleaning houses, offices and shops, washing, ironing. Can start immediately. Contact me on 081 650 4339. ELIZABETH VALIPO is a 22-year-old lady looking for domestic job in Walvis Bay. I am very hardworking and reliable and can start immediately. Please contact me on 081 314 1280. ESTER: is looking for any kind of job as a Waitress or housekeeping in Walvis Bay. I can start any time. Contact me on 081 227 6457 / 081 801 1382. JOB WANTED: I am a 28-year-old lady looking for domestic job for 5 days a week in Swakopmund / Walvis Bay / Lagoon / Meersig / Langstrand. Either cleaning or ironing job. Can start immediately. Contact: 081 259 5812. VERONICA: is looking for domestic job in Walvis Bay Lagoon or Meersig. I am hardworking and reliable and can start immediately. Please contact me on 081 752 8978 / 081 221 8709. LOOKING FOR A JOB: I am a 25-year-old lady in Walvis Bay looking for any kind of job excluding baby sitting. I am willing to start immediately. Please feel free to contact me on 081 497 6135.
WERK GESOEK: Ek is ‘n 28-jarige jong dame op soek na huiswerk, woonstelle skoon maak op Langstrand, Myl 4 of Ocean View vir ‘n hele week of 3 dae. Kan dadelik begin. Baie betroubaar en hardwerkend. Kontak: 081 590 2801.
JOB WANTED: I am a 24-year-old lady looking for any kind of job in Walvis Bay. I can start immediately. Please contact me on 081 276 6045.
WERK GESOEK: Ek is ‘n 43-jarige dame op soek na huiswerk in Swakopmund. Kan was, stryk en huis skoonmaak. Kan werk Maandae tot Vrydae. Kan enige tyd begin. Kontak: 081 829 2043.
LIZA: is ‘n 44-jarige dame opsoek na werk. Het ondervinding in persoonlike assistent, restaurant bestuur, paneelklop. Hardwerkend en betroubaar. Skakel: 081 327 8794.
LOOKING FOR A JOB: I am a young lady, aged 36, looking for a job as Receptionist or Office Lady at any company in Walvis Bay. I am very hardworking, reliable and can work long hours. Please contact me on 081 706 6764 / 081 619 2579. LOOKING FOR A JOB: I am a 23-year-old girl looking for domestic job in Walvis Bay. Can do ironing, washing, cleaning and can start immediately. Contact: 081 637 0839. JOB WANTED: I am a 26-year-old lady looking for domestic job in Walvis Bay Lagoon / Meersig / Narraville / Langstrand for Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays OR Mondays and Fridays only. I have 5 years experience and is reliable and hardworking. Contact: 081 663 2914. ANNA: is looking for domestic job in Walvis Bay for 3 days a week - Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays as well as Saturdays if possible. I have a certificate of attendance in domestic job and have years experience. Please contact me on 081 691 2692. CAROLINA: is ‘n 37-jarige dame opsoek na huiswerk vir heel week in Swakopmund. Kan dadelik begin. Kontak: 081 782 0647. JOB WANTED: A 24-yearold mother with 2 kids. Very hardworking, fast learner & honest is looking for domestic job in Swakopmund. I can start immediately. Contact: 081 447 4059 / 081 224 2170. JOB WANTED: A 26 year old woman is looking for domestic work, or in a restaurant in Swakopmund only. Have experience and is very hardworking. Contact: 081 679 9134. JOB WANTED: Reliable, hardworking lady is looking for cleaning job in Swakopmund. Can start anytime. Contact: 081 038 4794.
LOOKING FOR A JOB: I am looking for a job as Forklift Driver <3 Ton. Have 3 years experience in Safety and can work overtime. Please contact me on 081 473 3512. LOOKING FOR A JOB: I am a 40-year-old married matured woman looking for job as Switchboard Operator / Telephonist in Walvis Bay. I have good telephone ethics and is well spoken in English. I am friendly, hardworking and can start immediately. Please contact me on 081 218 2276. LINA KAMBARI: is a 25-year-old lady with certificate in office administration and bookkeeping, looking for a job in Walvis Bay. Domestic / office cleaning / sales person / cashier. Can start immediately. Contact: 081 682 5293 all hours. LOOKING FOR JOBS: Two English speaking ladies is urgently looking for domestic job in Narraville or town Walvis Bay. Kaaren is 31 years old and is looking from Mondays to Fridays. Anna is 35 years old and is looking for only Tuesdays and Thursdays. Contact: Kaaren 081 228 8290 Anna 081 408 0781. LOOKING FOR A JOB: A hardworking and trustworthy woman in Walvis Bay is looking for a job. I have 2 years experience in domestic job and 6 months as a Cashier. I have certificate and testimonial in basic domestic housekeeping training and basic computer. Please contact me on 081 391 3153. ELSIE: is opsoek na huiswerk vir 5 dae - Maandae tot Vrydae - in Swakopmund. Kan goed skoonmaak, was en stryk. Is hardwerkend en betroubaar en kan onmiddellik begin. Kontak: 081 322 8473.
8 JANUARY 2016
8 JANUARY 2016
namib times Sport
Send your sports news to sport@namibtimes.net
Swakop Women’s Football League wants players to register The Swakopmund Women's Football League opened its transfer window for the 2015/2016 season on Monday. The transfer window closes on 1 February. The league commenced with four teams in September 2015, and one team (Coastal Girls) joined during the course of the first leg to make it a five-team league. The other teams are Namib Daughters; Dream Team; Dragon City; and Desert Rollers. The teams play their matches at the Hanganeni football field in Swakopmund. At the end of the first leg in November, Namib Daughters were top of the log on 12 points, Dream Team ended second with nine points and Dragon City finished third on four points. Desert Rollers finished fourth with two points, while Coastal Girls only managed to collect one point from the four games, conceding 21 goals and only scoring three. The second leg is scheduled to start this month and end in April. League chairperson Wilson Nguvauva told Nampa on Monday registration for the league has resumed and they are calling on all football players in Swakopmund or elsewhere in Namibia to register at any of the teams in the league. “Teams in our league are required to have 22 players each and as of January to the beginning of February, teams will be offloading players that they don't need and registering new players to improve their squads
from last year. The players that will be offloaded from teams can join other teams on a free transfer but those who are joining the teams without being offloaded will be required to pay a certain registration fee to the teams they are leaving, and to the league for administration,” said Nguvauva. Players who play in the national team will be required to pay a N$800 transfer fee to the team they are leaving, while players who play in regional teams will be required to pay N$500. Players aged between 16 to 20 years will pay N$200. Players older than 21 will pay N$300, while players younger than 15 years old will pay N$150. A fee of N$100 per transfer will be paid to the league for administration. Stevencia 'Stevy' !Araxas, the captain of Desert Rollers also told this agency on Monday that their team is looking forward to registering new players and improving their chances of winning silverware. “Our team currently has players who are small in size and that makes it very difficult for us to compete against the other teams. We are now going into the transfer market with one objective, and that is to get players that are skilful and bigger in size. We want to end top of the log when the season comes to an end,” said !Araxas. NAMPA
Athletics training camp kicks off The Quinton-Steele Botes athletics training camp kicked off at the Independence Stadium in Windhoek on Monday. About 200 athletes from various clubs countrywide are participating in the annual training camp. Fourteen Namibian athletics coaches and three South African coaches are conducting the training, which focuses on high jump, long jump, shotput, javelin, hurdles, middle distance, long distance and short distance running. The training camp was initiated by the late Quinton-Steele Botes, who started the training for teachers while an athletics coach and teacher himself in 1993. Botes, who became the country's top sports administrator and consultant, died of bone marrow cancer on 25 June 2014. Athletes from the Oshana, Hardap, Erongo, Omaheke, Khomas and Kavango East regions are taking part in the training camp. South African high jump coach Jonathan Greyvenstein spoke to Nampa about the training camp here on Monday. “It is a fantastic initiative as it focuses on the future of the youth. If we focus on the future of our children by hosting training camps like this one we will see a lot improvements in sports,” he said. Greyvenstein said he has seen a lot of talent amongst the Namibian athletes and is impressed by the turnout of athletes and coaches. The participants range from six-year-olds to senior athletes. A competition for the top 10 club champions is scheduled for Saturday. South Africanbased Namibian athlete and student and aspiring coach Roger Haitenge told this news agency the training is a good way for the athletes and coaches to start the year off. Haitenge is conducting triple and long jump training during the camp. “It is great to be a part of the camp. It is a good introduction to basic athletics and gives the athletes great exposure,” he said. The training camp ends on Saturday afternoon with the club champions competition. NAMPA
Walvis Bay Golf News From the committee and management we wish all a wonderful new year and may the course be fair, the putts drop and the handicaps be honest. Herman has put together an interim calendar which was debated yesterday. This is just a notice that the year has started and the committee is working. The calendar for the month is as follows:
9th club competition, individual/s ford with a hidden partner, duty Gert; 16th Walvis Bay Stevedoring, format to follow, duty Jonas; rd 23 Namsov Walvis Bay open, duty Herman; 30th Walvis Bay pairs, more to follow on this, duty Kurt. Committee to note the duty (starting in alphabetical order). A full roster will be drawn up and circulated this week. Also please, diar ise next Wednesday for a committee meeting.
Lots to discuss so please make an effort to attend. The Xmas cup/ competition did not happen due to various reasons but all was not lost as it was decided that we will host a pairs competition at the end of the month (30th). Pieter is running with this and as soon as we have more details we will advise, but we do suggest that you diarise this date, it is going to be a great format with good sponsorship. The corporate league
starts next Friday with the draw as per below. However with the Walvis Bay open on the 23rd the course will be closed on the 22nd so games scheduled for the 22nd must please be played on Wednesday the 20th. Wi l l a l l t e a m s involved please note this and confirm if it is in order. It is an early warning so there should be very little problems but please let us know.