08 march namib times e edition

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namib times SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6535 TUESDAY 8 MARCH 2016 Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net

New Reservoir for Walvis Bay


Khan in flood

Page 3

Kabeljou slaughter

An aerial picture taken last week shows the massive excavation currently in progress near the Mile 7 reservoir southeast of Walvis Bay where a new 20 000 cubic metres water reservoir is under construction for the Walvis Bay municipality. The existing Mile 7 reservoir is seen in close proximity. With its capacity of 10 000 cubic metres, the harbour town will boast a 30 000 cubic metres reservoir capacity by mid-2017. Read full report on page 5

Huis Palms inbreker Woman murdered se turf sit Floris Steenkamp

'n Man wat romanties verbind word aan 'n vrou wat tot onlangs by die ouetehuis werksaam was, is die naweek deur die polisie in hegtenis geneem op klagtes wat verband hou met die inbraak by 'n bejaarde man, mnr Hans de Jager, se woonstel by die ouetehuis op Walvisbaai vroeg in Januarie vanjaar. Die inbraak het plaasgevind in dieselfde tydperk waarin die betrokke mnr De Jager op sterwe in 'n Windhoekse hospitaal verkeer het. Hy is dae na die inbraak oorlede, en het nie ge-

Google Street View soon Page 7

Rain showers at coast Page 10

weet van die onreg wat hy aangedoen is nie. Sedert die voorval was daar soortgelyke inbrake waartydens bejaardes, wat in woonstelle op die ouetehuis se perseel woon, besteel is.

Vervolg op bladsy 2

Page 6

LSS wins corporate league Wyle Hans de Jager

Full report on page 2

Page 20


namib times SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 namib times is registered as a newspaper by the Ministry of Information Technology and Communication

Walvis Bay Office Tel +264 64 205854 Fax + 264 64 204813 wvb@namibtimes.net



Huis Palms Vervolg vanaf bladsy 1

In al die gevalle was hulle nie tuis nie, en die vermoede is sterk dat die inbreker toegang tot die wooneenhede gekry het deur spaarsleutels wat die ouetehuis van elke eenheid het. Gister wou die polisie nog niks oor die inhegtenisname sê nie. 'n Bron in die speurtak het dit wel bevestig. Die man sal na verwagting vandag 'n eerste verskyning in die landdroshof op die hawedorp maak. 'n Bestuurder van die ouetehuis wou gister ook geen kommentaar oor die voorval lewer nie. Bejaardes wat daar bly en familielede was verheug oor nuus van die inhegtenisname, en sal weer veilig voel indien die skuldige aangekeer is. · Die verdagte se naam sal vrygestel word sodra hy in die hof verskyn het. Hy word as onskuldig bestempel, totdat 'n hof hom vir die vermeende misdaad skuldig bevind.

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LHU donates to various children homes Langer Heinrich Uranium has lauded companies and individual business people who contributed money to support vulnerable children at the coast. “I consider everyone who participated in this charity a superhero because you did something to change the lives of our children,” the company's Managing Director Simon Solomons said at the handing over of cheques to beneficiaries in Swakopmund on Saturday. Since 2012, Langer Heinrich has been hosting an annual charity golf day, and the proceeds are donated to centres taking care of Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) in Swakopmund and Walvis Bay. An amount of N$145 000 was collected on Saturday. The Sunshine Centre in Walvis Bay, which accommodates and cares for disabled children, received N$80 000. The director of Sunshine Centre, Elsa Murangi expressed her gratitude and gave her assurance that the money will be mostly used to buy stoves to prepare meals for the children. A total of N$65 000 was also given to the Directorate of Education in the Erongo Region. “This money will be used for the intended purpose which is to take care of the need for more than 120 vulnerable in schools across the region,” said Senior Education Officer Bennett Katowa who received the cheque for the directorate. In 2012, N$120 000 was collected which was equally shared between Sunshine Centre and Promise Land, also in Walvis Bay. The event raised N$87 550 in 2013 for Walvis Bay Kids Haven which cares for babies abandoned by their mothers. Promised Land also received N$85 000 in 2014, while Eagle Christian Centre in Swakop-mund received the same amount in 2014. Last year, an amount of N$150 000 was collected of which N$100 000 went to Erongo House of Safety to take care of five abandoned babies. The remaining N$50 000 went to the Namibian Association for Children with Disabilities. It was used to buy wheelchairs for such children. (NAMPA)

8 MARCH 2016

Woman murdered Sharlien Tjambari

On Saturday night at approximately 23:00, a young woman was brutally stabbed to death near the Shinedima Bar in Mondesa. Apparently she refused to hand her phone over to a man where after he stabbed her. This murder come amidst Namibia's struggle to overcome gender based violence. The victim was identified as Charity Kate Gustava Nuwuses (23). According to Inspector Erick Nghaamwa of the Mondesa police station, Nuwuses was having fun with a group of friends at Shinedima Bar when she told them she was going home to change and will be back soon. She never returned. Nghaamwa said Nuwuses was escorted by two men who witnessed the whole incident. As they were walking to Nuwuses' house a man approached them and allegedly demanded that Nuwuses hand over her phone to him. Apparently Nuwuses refused as she was under the impression that her two companions will protect her but the man allegedly still stabbed her. According to information

later received from Chief Inspector Ikwuyu, Nuwuses was stabbed on the right side of her neck with a knife and died on the spot. Ikwuyu said the suspect was arrested a few hours after the incident in Mondesa. The suspect is expected to appear in the Swakopmund Magistrate's court today. In another incident on Saturday between 20:00 and 21:00 another woman was hacked 4 times with a panga in Mondesa, Inspector Erick Nghaamwa said the woman sustained less serious injuries and the suspect was arrested. Two juveniles were also arrested after they were found stealing copper wire from a Telecom tower on Friday.

Swakopmund Town Council promises service delivery Erwin Leuschner

The new Town Council of Swakopmund wants to lift the bar and serve in the interest of the community. “During the elections lots of promises were approach this year while drawing up its made. The community has elected us and annual budget. “We organised various now we have to deliver,” Swakopmund public meetings, which were very successMayor Paulina Nashilundo said in her speech ful. The community congratulated us that we during the last council meeting. The mayor continued saying that her first took the initiative,” she added. One of the month in office was very busy especially after key issues that was brought up during these four meetings was the delivery of affordable attending an induction meeting. She also attended various meetings in other erven. parts of Namibia, including a meeting on the “We will come back with a way forward. review of the National Heritage Act and on After all, we are all here for the same the sup-ply on desalinated water, both were purpose. We need to pull together as a team and move the town forward,” Nashilundo held in Windhoek. Because of this the council has adopted new said.


8 MARCH 2016



The Khan is flowing!

The Khan River in full force A sight to see: Thanks to good rains the Khan River started flowing in full force during the night of Thursday last week. Pilot Mike Bรถttger took the photo on Friday close to the bridge on the road between Karibib and Omaruru. The Khan flows into the Swakop Rivier which has last reached the ocean during the good rainy season of 2010/2011.



8 MARCH 2016

Walvis Bay Magistrate’s Court report 2 March 2016: Dino Hammerslacht (27) Case of drunken driving was withdrawn against the accused as the investigation was still awaiting laboratory results of blood tests taken with his arrest. Albertus Reinecke (18) A charge of assault with the intent to cause grievous bodily harm (June 2015 case) was withdrawn against the accused after victim filed a withdrawal statement. Shivute Hamunyela (28) was acquited on a case of assault with the intent to cause grievous bodily harm (August 2015 case). Co-accused Kavena Shavuka (22) was found guilty on the same charge and fined to N$3 000 or eight months imprisonment. A minor (15) old and co-accused Heinrich Smith (32) appeared on charges of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft (August 2015 case). The case was postponed to 5 April. Boston Swartbooi (22) was found guilty on a charge of driving under the influence of an intoxicating liquor. He was fined N$5 500 or twelve months imprisonment. His driving license was revoked for three months. Gabriel Hamutenya (25) appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to cause grievous bodily harm (case dates from November 2015). Case remanded to 17 May. Thomas Kandongo (44) appeared on a charge of drunken driving (case dates from December 2015). Case postponed to 31 May. Bail of N$4 000 extended. Fransiska Ndala (31), Martha Kapembe (36) and Sabina Hosea (33) appeared on charges of suspected possession of stolen property (case dates from January 2016). Each are free on bail of N$2 000 and the case was postponed to 19 April. Absalom Nduwe (21) appeared on a charge of theft (case January 2016). The case was remanded to 16 May. Bail of N$500 was extended. Wesley Beukes (17) appeared on a charge of drug possession (case dates from Feburary 2016). Heinrich Smith (24) and Lionel Kanandjembo (29) appeared on charges of housebreaking and theft (case dates from June 2014). Bail of N$1 000 was extended for both accused and the case postponed to 11 April. Evane van Wyk (26) appeared on a charge of housebreaking (case dates from October 2014). Case was postponed to 12 May. Moses Amukuu (31) appeared on two charges of theft (case dates from December 2014). Case remanded to 10 May and bail of N$15 000 extended. Isaak Thomas (32) a case of assault was withdrawn against the accused. Elrico Visagie (24) appeared on a charge of drug possession (case dates from May

2015). Postponed to 19 May awaiting lab results. Mateus Nandjedi failed to appear in court. A warrant for his arrest was issued. Ferdinand Nangolo (36) appeared on a charge of drunken driving and failing to produce his driving license (case dates from September 2015). The case was postponed to 9 May and bail of N$4 000 extended. Jacques Gillmore (39) appeared on a charge of drug possession (case dates from September 2015). Bail of N$4 000 was extended and the case postponed to 4 April. Lee-Roy Daniels (26) appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to cause grievous bodily harm (case dates from November 2015). Case postponed to 6 July. Winson Davids (28) appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to cause grievous bodily harm (case dates from December 2015). Case remanded to 14 April and bail of N$1 500 extended. Immanuel Mwaikange (46) appeared on charges of assaulting a police officer and failure to comply with the instruction or direction of a peace officer (case dates from December 2015). Accused warned to return to court on 10 May. A minor (15) appeared on a charge of theft. Accused released in care of a guardian and the matter postponed to 6 April. Paul Bernhard Vryman (26) and Frans Isaacks (31) appeared on charges of fraud, police impersonation and extortion (case dates from January 2016). Both accused free on bail of N$2 000 and the case returns to court on 10 May. Vicent Tjiveze (25) and a minor of 13 years old apeared on charges of house-breaking. Tjiveze remains in custody and the minor was released in the care of a guardian. The accused return to court on 5 April. A third accused in the matter, Rowellyn Polster failed to make a previous appearance in court and a warrant for his arrest was issued which becomes effective on 31 March. Hartley Gerisieb (42) A case assault read with the Domestic Violence Act was withdrawn against the accused, on request by the complainant. Anton Bouwer (47) was fined N$2 000 or six months imprisonment for overstaying his welcome in Namibia after his visitors visa expired. Johannes Gerdus Wiese (55) was fined N$2 000 or six months imprisonment for overstaying his welcome in Namibia after his visitors visa expired. 3 March 2016: Albertus Gaeseb (29) and Nicky Geingob (19) appeared on charges of housebreaking (case dates from November 2013). The case was remanded to 28 April and the accused remains free on bail. Fabianes Endjala (40) appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to cause grievous bodily harm (case dates from February 2015). Case postponed to 8 June and accused's bail of N$5 000 extended. Issakskar Ha-eirob (28) ap-peared on

charges of fraud and theft from a motor vehicle and possession of stolen pro-perty (case dates from Febru-ary 2015). The case was postponed to 27 April and the accused's bail of N$2 000. Simon Shikongo (28) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of an intoxicating liquor (case dates from August 2015). Case postponed to to 31 May and bail of N$1 000 extended. Slinger Mbajaroko (22) and Eugene Taylor (25) appeared on charges in terms of the Bank Act that deals with counterfeit currency (case dates from October 2015). The case was remanded to26 April and bail of N$3000 extended. Paulus Shaanika (26) appeared on a charge of housebreaking (case dates from November 2015). Case remanded to 6 July and bail of N$2 000 extended. Esmaralda Dames (27) appeared on charges fraud, forgery and uttering (case

dates from November 2015). Case remanded to 28 April and bail of N$4 000 extended. Pewahapo Nghilokwa (51) appeared on charges of assault by threat and common assault. Case postponed to 25 April and bail of N$800 extended. Geas Sakeus Ipinge (27) appeared on a charge of dealing in cocaine (case dates from January 2016). Case postponed to 13 April and bail of N$1 000 extended. Rainer Tegethof (44) appeared on a charge of theft (case dates from January 2016). Postponed to 11 April and bail of N$3 000 extended. Steven Humphries (45) appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to cause grievous bodily harm (case dates from February 2016). Case postponed to 18 May and bail of N$1 500 extended. Jeremiah Kaliyanga (27) was found guilty of drunken driving and fined N$4 000 or eight months imprisonment.

Swakopmund Magistrate’s Court Report Michael Sheya (18), Abrey Kavendjii (18) Klemence Joel (28) and a sixteen-year-old boy appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 27 April for submissions. The sixteen-year-old is on warning and the other accused are on bail of N$1 000 each. Magdalena Elizabeth Kirsten (52) appeared on a charge of theft by false pretences. The matter was postponed to 15 June for plea and trial. The accused is on bail of N$5 000. Moses Veiko (31) appeared on a charge of corruptly using office or position for gratification. The matter was postponed to 06 June for plea and trial. The accused is on bail of N$5 000. Paulus Tupuleni (32) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm read with provisions of the domestic violence act. The matter was postponed to 31 March for plea and trial. The accused remains in custody. Beatrix Van Staden (35) appeared on a charge of fraud. The matter was postponed to 11 April for Prosecutor General's decisionfinal remand. The accused is on bail of N$10 000. Collin Auxab (38), Stephanus Theodor (38), Reinhardt Narib (38), Nicolaus Mokomele (44) appeared on charges of impersonating a member of the police and extortion. The matter was postponed to 24 March for further investigation. The accused remains in custody. Jocobina Salomons (42) appeared on charges of dealing in cocaine and possession of cocaine. The matter was postponed to 23 March for trial. The accused is on bail of N$2 000. Linus Uushona (23) appeared on a charge of fraud. The matter was postponed to 31 March for plea and trial. The accused is on bail of N$1 500. Kamati Ndjaleka (42) appeared on charges of negligent discharge or placement of a firearm, assault by threat and resisting a member of the police. The matter was postponed to 14e March for plea and trial. The accused is on bail of N$3 000. Rahlph Davids (38) Smurrfie Loubser (64) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. The matter was postponed to 31 May for lab results. The accused are on bail of N$2 000 each.

8 MARCH 2016



Mass water storage construction for Walvis Bay Floris Steenkamp Mass water storage construction projects is underway at Walvis Bay, with a massive 20 million litres fresh water reservoir for the municipality at Mile 7 southeast of the town and national power utility Nampower which has invited tenders for the construction of cooling water towers at the Anixas diesel power station. With regard to the water reservoir, the Acting General Manager of the Department of Water, Waste and Environmental Affairs, AndrĂŠ Burger, confirmed on Monday civil works have commenced. The foundation of the future dam has to be excavated to a depth of up to four meters. More stable aggregate (rock and sand)

n e e d s t o b e reintroduced in-to the excavated area and compacted in order to carry the weight of this reser-voir with its holding capacity of 20 000 cubic meters. The water reservoir will be registered on the asset register of the Walvis Bay municipality, unlike the current Mile 7 reservoir which provides Walvis Bay with po-table water which in actual fact belongs to NamWater. NamWater supplies bulk water to Mile 7 reservoir, which the municipality sells at retail value to consumers. The current Mile 7 reservoir (capacity 10 000 cubic metres) will remain and the new reservoir will effectively bolster Walvis Bay's reservoir capacity with 66 % from the current 10 000 cubic meters to 30 000 cubic

An aerial picture of the site where the new reservoir is under construction

meters. The new reservoir will cost the municipality N$40 million and completion is scheduled for May next year. The Anixas power station. This back-up power station has a capacity to generate 22.5mw of power and serves as a top-up electricity supply source during Namibia's peak electricity demand periods (mostly during winter times). Namibia's national power supply is reliant on electricity imports through South Africa's Eskom, an electricity import agreement with Aggreko in Mozambique and local generating capacity from Nampower's von Eck power station in Windhoek and the Ruacana hydroelectric power plant in north-western Namibia. Anixas was commissioned in mid-2011 but its generating units are cooled by a radiator system. This system is to be replaced by a water tower cooling system. The national power utility invited a tender for the construction of the cooling towers. The tender process concludes on 22 April, according to official documents from Nampower.

The Anixas power station



8 MARCH 2016

The fishing fraternity in Walvis Bay cried foul yesterday over this apparent incident off the Namibian coast where a Namibian fishing vessel was caught netting in kabeljou. This comes only days after the Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources Bernhardt Esau announced legislation is currently prepared to close all angling areas south of Walvis Bay from Pelican Point to Sandwich Harbour during January and February of each year in order to prevent anglers from catching huge volumes of spawning kabeljou. On social media an effort is now in progress to try and identify the vessel, in order to bring the matter under the attention of the fisheries authorities as a matter of urgency.

8 MARCH 2016



Ya Ndakolo’s budget cut with more than N$600 million Sharlien Tjambari Officials from the Ministry of Defence gathered in Swakopmund for the ministerial retreat which forms part of the implementation process of the performance management system (PMS), adopted by the government as a guiding tool in the conducting of the day to day business of government.

According to the Minister of Defence, Mr Penda Ya Ndakolo, the group of officials are looking at their budget execution for the 2015/16 financial year. “This is very important, especially in the light of budget cuts made from September 2015,” he said. He added that there were other challenges encountered in the execution of the budget

Google street view coming to Namibia Google has established several state of the art travel related services to assist the tourism and hospitality industry to create an engaging and dynamic digital presence on the internet. Google's appointed agency in Africa, rainmaker will launch Google Street View Trusted and Google Hotel in Namibia at the Franco Namibian Cultural Centre tomorrow. Google Hotel and Google Street View Trusted for Hotels are exciting new Google products which allows the travel and hospitality industry to market their establishments in a modern, dynamic and interactive way. According to Thomas Mueller, rainmaker's CEO for Africa and the Middle East, studies have shown that hotels featuring a 360º Virtual Tour, powered by Google Street View Trusted, on their website get ten times more visitors and receive up to 48% more bookings. He stated that this is a huge potential for Namibia's tourism sector, and will take Namibia to the next level of digital presence to perfectly address its source markets.

namely chal-lenges ranging from their tardiness in processing requirements to service providers and suppliers not delivering on time, which in turn led to the ministry not being able to carry out their activities as planned. “I am expecting this meeting to identify one or two processes which are hampering our efficient service delivery and must therefore be re-engineered in terms of the coming fiscal year,” Ya Ndakolo noted. The meeting comes immediately after the national budget was tabled by the finance minister in the Nat i o n a l A s s e m b l y. According to the minister the budget for Defence was cut with

more than N$600 million and instructions were given on which activities must receive priority. One of the issues he addressed was retirement and he said that the ministry should take cognisance of the fact that their force is ageing. Hence those who are retiring need to be replaced, but the ministry also has to heed the call not to recruit in the next financial year. Ya Ndakolo said it should be noted that the government's proposed initiatives is to look at reducing the early retirement age, which is in line with their reviewed personnel policies. The retreat started yesterday and will run until Friday.

Minister of Defence Penda Ya Ndakolo

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Members of the group from the Ministry of Defence who formed part of the ministerial retreat


8 MARCH 2016

Solidarity Wealth Tax a reality within months Government's intended Solidarity Tax came under close scrutiny in Walvis Bay on Tuesday during the 2016 budget review by auditing firm Deloitte & Touche. The main concerns raised over this intended form of redistribution tax is Striking seagoing workers run risk of being the method government would use to collect this tax and whether the funds would indeed be used to improve the situadismissed tion of Namibia's poor and vulnerable. Large swaths of seagoing workers of the fishing industry continue to engage in an illegal strike, despite a High Court interdict in force since 7 December last year as Heliette Van Huyssteen Horn: Ministry of Finance can't cope well as a memorandum of understanding signed between fishing industry employ- with their work on hand at the moment, they are way behind, how ers and the two biggest trade unions in the fishing industry that the conditions at sea about hire extra people to get up to date and then work on the for seagoing workers would be improved. solidarity tax. I agree with Werner von Watzdorf, very good point. Tina Tega Sakaria: I don't noo y these amukwa nd yo fellow greed puppet u r jst top fat cats have to look down on the foolish those r foolished, we r seamen we Suzette Zett Robberts: As if Tax not already drop your net VERY ppl ho line their fat pockets. W/O demand our right, you were not been income!!!! Start to not drive all those expensive cars and 8months stays in hotels and give to the poor. We all have choices these ppl #fishermen these fat cats are fisherman. nothing, go broke in a sec. Improve their Wilhelmus Kempen Claassens: Fire hulle in life... Its of your own will which ones to choose!!!!! working conditions, salaries nokuli... en kry klaar. Hulle wil nie werk nie. Daar is Werner von Watzdorf: My goodness, it's not hard. Anyone baie mense wat werk soek wat sal werk vir with that kind of income, just drop your income by investing in mxiiim your local community. Thereby money goes where it belongs Lihongeinge Ndume: Shame to u geld en nie loop en strike heeltyd nie. and solidarity tax becomes obsolete right from the start. Not even to speak of karma and blessi. Eenjarige verdrink in visdam op Walvisbaai Wilhelmus Kempen Claassens: We have so many people 'n Eenjarige seuntjie het Dinsdag op Clarice Von Gille Theys: Ai toggie ... wat coming from all over demanding free hand outs. These struggle Walvisbaai in sy ouerhuis se visdam 'n tragedie ... Sterkte aan die ouers. Dit kan kids that are grown ups. We have social grants for parents to collect free salaries every month per child. To more you give the verdrink, toe hy in oomblikke sonder nie maklik wees nie. toesig glo by die deur uitgekruip en in Anna-marie Peverelle Liebenberg: Aan more they demand. The working class will be pushed too far and die dammetjie beland het. Die polisie op ons bure die Gordons. Baie sterkte en kyk the TAX and GRN will fall apart. Wilhelmus Kempen Claassens: I hope this get to the GRN die hawedorp het die voorval gister op na bo hy sal geneesing bring. bevestig en gesĂŞ 'n ondersoek na die Bea Resandt: Ai nee. Alle sterkte.Veral office. voorval is reeds aan die gang. Verplet- aan mamma en pappa. Mag die Here julle Carl-Hermann Gustav Schlettwein: We struggle as it is. Housing and food is already un afordable. You have to get an terde familielede vermoed die seuntjie vertroosting gee. het vooroor na die dammetjie geleun Alicia Chany Martin: Ons het vandag income of not less than N$10 000 after tax to make a perhetic om aan 'n vissie te probeer vat, toe hy in onse engel trug gestuur na ons Vader... living now we get taxed more. Instead make it easier the GRN die water geval en verdrink het. Die danki viri boodskapies... hy was net geleen makes it worse. seuntjie, Xander Gordon, het op 15 vir ons. Xandertjie k mis ju vreeslik baie Pierre En Louise Kotze No they can take my hard earned money, but, no more support to charities, and I dont want to see Desember verlede jaar sy eerste ver- sagies rus. one more beggar... And burglars, no mercy. After solidarity, no jaarsdag gevier. Sarika Jonker Engelbrecht: Baie sterkte one has a reason to come collect my tv.... aan die familie - my hart gaan uit na julle. Yolande Freygang Koning: Dis so so Marcelle Makoes Vicente-Humphries Danny Beukes We should embrace this, I think it may be a good hartseerlik en seer... ouers en familie ons Luderitz: Sterkte aan die familie, baie Sad thing in the end. bid vir julle en die engelwording van n mag hy sag rus. kind is vir n ouer die ergste seer se almal... Oyla Hagen: Mag die ouers en siblings may God cover you all with His blood and vrede vind en sterkte ! I am giving you 1 Cor. 13v13. Only Patrick Mintoor: Sterkte aan die family. LOVE, hope and faith remain but the Janine Beukes: Sterkte aan die familie n greatest of them all is LOVE. ouers dit is nie maklik nie. Mariette Van Rooyen: So n geval kan Jan-Marie Janna Liebenberg: Sterkte Engen Petroleum, a leading producer and marketer of fuels, geen ouer hart oorleef nie... sterkte vir die Duran julle. lubricants and oil-based products, is digging deep to ensure ouers en fam. Ludene Morkel: Dis sad! Sterkte aan di full operational efficiency for the Husab Uranium Project in Samantha Van Der Merwe: Die Here het bree family. Namibia during March 2016. China General Nuclear Power een van sy Engeltjies kom haal dis baie Robin Myburgh Tiyana Meyer: !!!!! Holding Corp (CGNPC), China's biggest producer of hartseer en ek dink nie my hart sal dit Gordons. nuclear energy, has commenced mining. oorleef nie. Ek dink aaan die mamma en Alex Muukua: Ag nee tog!!!!dis baie pappa en al die familie Mag God julle Georg Erb And I had always thought that nuclear energy had a hartseerlik. sterk hou!! Weet dat klein Xander in n zero carbon footprint .... Lucia Linge: Julle bly in my gebede...soek beter plek is dis een vertroosting. vertroosting in God.

ENGEN digs deep to partner uranium mine:

in en om Walvisbaai

8 MARCH 2016



Busy Tots Primary School has 28 learners and all of them participated in the Spray-a-thon project

Die Graad 7 leerlinge van LaĂŤrskool Walvisbaai tydens hul Kermis insamelingsfonds

Some staff members and learners of Flamingo Primary School during the Spray-a-thon in support of the Cancer Association. The school managed to raise N$12 030 for the Cancer Association

Busy Bodies Busy Bodies took part in supporting Cancer Research with the 'Hair Spray for Cancer' Day. The children, teachers and a few parents received a colourful make-over, spraying their hair with bright colours. The school raised a fantastic N$1 220 for this much needed cause. Busy Bodies would like to say a heartfelt thanks to all who helped us in doing our part for Cancer.



8 MARCH 2016

Rain showers over parts of the coast Parts of the coast received up to 4mm of rain early Sunday morning, turning low laying areas into water pools and mud baths. So far reports received were only minor water damage to homes as a result of leaking roofs and minor flooding in low lying areas of individual properties. In Walvis Bay light flooding occurred in low lying areas in the central business district, as these pictures demonstrate. The rain showers led to cool weather on Sunday. Rains showers in the coastal areas during autumn is not new and heavy showers can occur as late as May in the year.


8 MARCH 2016

Swakopmund Primary School News Initiating the first of many, Swakopmund Primary School hosted the first Spelling Bee Competition for Grade 7 learners in the circuit, on Friday, 26 February.

Nine schools participated in the competition with a total 46 of participants. The competition was so stiff 300 words were exhausted, which led to the organisers having to choose the last 25 words from the dictionary. The competition was a huge success, and a driving force to make it a tradition amongst the coastal schools. Circuit Spelling Bee Competition 1st runner-up – Mwale Nyambe (40) Westside High School 2nd runner-up – Amalia Ingashipua (64) Vrede Rede Primary School

Waiting patiently in a row of spellers

Spelling Bee Winners 2016 - Winner - Unotjari Kambara (13) Swakopmund Primary School

Until next time…


8 MARCH 2016

NOTICES & VACANCIES CONSENT USE APPLICATION WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME Consent Use: Home Based Business (Office) Location: Erf 816, 52 Hage Geingob Avenue, Walvis Bay. In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, intend to apply to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish a home based business office on the site. Plans may be inspected/particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Room 101, Civic Centre, Walvis Bay, Nangolo Mbumba Drive. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager, Roads and Building Control (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, and the undersigned, in writing, not later than Tuesday 22 March 2016. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: Bruce Stewart-Town Planner, Box 2095, Walvis Bay (064) 280 770

WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME CONSENT: Home Based Business (Consultancy) ON ERF: Remainder of Erf 1436 TOWNSHIP: Hermes STREET: Moses Garoeb Street. In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish a Home Based business (Consultancy) on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 106 D, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and undersigned, in writing, not later than 22 March 2016. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): J C Fernandez Garcia, P O Box 5875, Walvis Bay

Being an Equal Opportunity Company has an



MAIN PURPOSE OF THE JOB: * Responsibility and accountability for the day to day operation of the Tables department in accordance with internal company controls and standard operating procedures. * In the absence of the Tables Manager, be responsible for the strategic and operational decisionmaking and subsequent implementation for the department. EDUCATION, EXPERIENCE AND COMPETENCIES REQUIRED: * Matric – Grade 12 (standard 10) * Minimum 7 years experience in a Tables operation * Three years experience in Casino Management (Assistant Pit Boss) in tables operation, knowledge of ACE – all tables related reports (GRO) * Computer skills in Excel and Word * Sound understanding of a proven skill in HR. * Thorough knowledge of operational positions in the tables gaming environment (Assistant Pit Boss and Below) * To conduct training school for dealers, to supervise and develop dealers through on job training * Above average communication skills, leadership qualities * Abilities in staff development, integrity and honesty * People orientated, adaptability, able to work under pressure APPLICATIONS: If you are interested in applying for this vacancy and you are confident that you qualify in terms of the information set out in this advertisement, please draft a letter of application and send it together with a CV to: The Personnel Manager, Swakopmund Hotel & Entertainment Centre, P O Box 616, Swakopmund Or - Fax: +2 64 64 4105360 or swakpay@legacyhotels.co.za Opening date for applications: Closing date for applications:

08 March 2016 18 March 2016

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. No personal documents will be returned

Being an Equal Opportunity Company has an



MAIN PURPOSE OF THE JOB: * To Maximize Revenue through efficient staff supervision of a defined number of tables on a shift basis * To Supervise and Develop Dealers through on job training * Provide exceptional Guest Relations and Service * Security of Tables Operations * Occasional Involvement with Promotional Activities EDUCATION, EXPERIENCE AND COMPETENCIES REQUIRED: * Grade 12 with a Mathematics Pass * Six months Experience as an Inspector in American Roulette, Blackjack and Raise “EM” Poker * Able to work Night Shift Only * Above average Communications Skills * Leadership Skills * Self-motivated and High Concentration Level * Integrity and Honesty * Attention to Detail * No Police Record * Confident, Outgoing and Reliable * Able to Work Under Pressure APPLICATIONS: If you are interested in applying for this vacancy and you are confident that you qualify in terms of the information set out in this advertisement, please draft a letter of application and send it together with a brief CV to: The Personnel & Training Manager, Swakopmund Hotel & Entertainment Centre, P O Box 616, Swakopmund or Fax: (064) 410 5360 or swakpay@legacyhotels.co.za Opening date for applications: 08 March 2016 Closing date for applications: 18 March 2016 Please note: Only Short-listed Candidates will be contacted


8 MARCH 2016

Proud moments at Namib High School On 28 January, Namib High School the Sonja Mohr shield for outstanding hosted its annual prize-giving cere- performance in Biology and Physical Science. This was definitely his moment to shine. The mony. Learners from Grade 8 to 11 from last year were rewarded for their achievements and continuous efforts in their academics. Learners were awarded academic merit diplomas, book vouchers and money prizes. Prizes for the best candidates in each grade were awarded to: Grade 8: Daniel Seidler Grade 9: Chrisandra Dlamine Grade 10: Juréll Schroeder Grade 11 (HL): Rodriques Mauha Grade 11 (OL): Jeandré Diederiks We are incredibly proud of you. Keep it up! Another highlight of the event was the trophy ceremony. Rodriques Mauha was the proud recipient of the Mathematics trophy, as well as

Ulamba trophy for the most versatile candidate of 2015 was awarded to Ilka Denker for her diverse input in various fields. Quite an emotional moment was when the Bradley Haosemab trophy for perseverance was awarded to Patricia Gaomas. She deserved every ounce of glory, and we are truly proud to have her. Last, but not least, Francois Klukowski was awarded with the helpfulness prize for his willingness and commitment throughout the year. Well done to all the learners. Always remember: “Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela Contributed by R Hornickel

Francois Klukowski receiving the helpfulness prize

VACANCY ARMATURE REWINDER KEY PERFORMANCE We looking for Armature Rewinder with experience in Rewind of Alternators, Part Winding Motors & Multispeed Motors (DALAND SYSTEMS) BASIC REQUIREMENTS: -Namibian Citizen -Grade 12 (Matric) -Valid Drivers Licence -Work Experience of at least 5 years + in similar position -Reliable and Trustworthy -Able to take initiative and work under pressure -Good organizational and time management skills

Ilka Denker receiving the Ulamba trophy for the most versatile learner

Rodriques Mauha receiving the Sonja Mohr shield for outstanding achievement

Website: www.namibtimes.net

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Please forward detailed application and cv to the manager mr. Luis Calvar Collazo (tecnisa.electricians@gmail.com or tecnisa@iway.na on or before 10 March 2016.

VACANCY DEBTORS CLERK – WALVIS BAY Main Responsibilities · Collection of outstanding debtor accounts · Assisting with Internal/External customer enquiries · Preparation of Invoices and envelopes for posting of invoices · General administrative duties · Accurate filing and record keeping Minimum Qualifications and Experience: · At least Grade 12 with mathematics · Alternatively a minimum of Grade 12 with a thorough knowledge of basic accounting principles · Three years related experience in a financial and accounting environment · A good command of English and Afrikaans is a prerequisite · Computer literate · Code BE driver's license Personal Specifications & Requirements: · Strong written and oral communication skills · Ability to maintain excellent interpersonal relationships · Ability to cope in a stressful and fast paced environment · Being able to work under pressure and meet deadlines · Being able to work flexible hours if and when required · Being able to work independently without constant supervision In return we offer a market related salary with Medical aid and Pension benefits. Applications should be accompanied by a CV and a covering letter which can be submitted to the following address: BRANCH MANAGER, SAVINO DEL BENE (NAMIBIA) (PTY) LIMITED P O BOX 3642, WALVIS BAY, NAMIBIA E-mail: hendrik.janser@savinodelbene.com Please note: 1. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and no documents will be returned. 2. Applicants from Designated Groups are encouraged. 3. Closing Date: 9 March 2016.


8 MARCH 2016


To Let Mondesa Hada ma /hao court Flats 1bedr,bathr, kitchen ranging from N$ 3500 4000.00 W/L Incl 1person /young couple Lapaloma flats no 1 Outside rooms N$ 1600.00 W/L Incl 1person Bachelor flats N$ 2000.00 W/L Incl 1person Jabulani Bachelor flat N$ 3600.00 W/L Incl 1person Mahetago Outside room with bathr N$ 2200.00 W/L Incl 1person Bachelor flat N$ 2600.00 W/L Incl 1person Mile 4 Fully furnished 3bedr flat,3bathr (bic )in all bedrooms open plan kitchen, double garage N$ 10500.00 W/L Excl We are urgently looking for houses to sell & let we have qualified international and local clients. All these properties are immediately available viewing can be secured on strictly appointments during office hours Mondays to Fridays. Call Tel: 064-402112 Fax: 064-403396 Matty: 081 244 6995 TO LET MONDESA 1Bedroom, bathroom and kitchen N$2700.00 w/incl, single person ARANDIS 1Bedroom, bathroom and kitchen N$2000.00 w/incl, single person MAHETAGO 3bedrooms.2bathrooms Kitchen, Lounge and Double Garages N$7000.00 W/ Incl Malakia 081 297 7253, Email:malakiapropertie s@yahoo.com Room 2 Rent Fully furnished room for rent short or long time at 29 Papaver Street Ocean View only going for N$5,000.00 per month Water & Electricity included Person to Contact Hiskia 081 605 7769 Purdy 081 554 7965 TO RENT: Walvis Bay 1 ½ Bedroom flat for rent for N$4 800.00 No pets. Single Garage for small car. Prepaid electricity. Water excluded. Suitable for single person or senior couple. Available 1 March. Mobile 081 318 1314.

TO LET - WALVIS BAY CENTRAL N$ 4200 – 1Bed flat with basement parking N$ 6 000 – 2Bed,1bath with single garage MEERSIG N$ 12 500 - Upmarket 3 Bed, 2 bath with double garage N$ 6 000 – 3Bed,2bath with single garage HERMES N$ 7500- 3Bed house with double garage KUISEBMOND N$ 2 700 – Bachelor flat with own bathroom w& e incl N$ 3 500- 2Bed,1Bath flat with single garage LANGSTRAND N$ 13 000- Upmarket 4Bed,2bath,with a bachelor flat and double garage INDUSTRIAL N$ 11 310 – 174m² warehouse with 1 office 16 885 incl VAT – 260 m² Warehouse with office N$ 12 500 – office 145m² near syncrolift incl water N$ 66 500 excl VAT – New 1445m² warehouse with big offices N$ 10 890 excl VAT – 180m2 Warehouse with 1 office N$ 100 010 excl VAT– 1953m² warehouse with 800 m² office appr 15 offices N$ 100 003 excl VAT– Appr 5000 m² warehouse / offices / yard space N$ 95 000 excl VAT– Appr 3000m² warehouse / offices/yard space Please call Rhoda 081 413 1313 Or Talitha 081 337 3669 TO LET WALVIS BAY 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms Spacious kitchen open plan areas double garage unit available 1 March 2016 N$15 610 per month Excl water and electricity CALL ADINE 081 146 5000 SEEFF NAMIBIA WALVIS BAY MEERSIG Family home 3bedrooms En-suite bathroom Living room, Indoor BBQ Family room study and kitchen Single garage w/e alarm service included N$12 500 per month CALL ADINE 081 146 5000

Walvisbaai Warehouse te huur 360m² met kantoor. N$ 16 200.00 btw uitgesluit Kalla: 081 124 8749

TO LET: 3 bedroom apartment on Dolphin Park 1x On suite bathroom, 1x family bathroom. BIC in all rooms, open plan kitchen with 4 plate stove and oven. Tanderm garage for 2 cars Balcony with sea & dunes view. Very spacious. No pets. Available 1 April N$ 7 000.00 p/m 1 month deposit required W/E excl. Contact: 081 800 9184 081 234 0246 TO RENT: Walvis Bay Stern 4 (The Docks) Modern newly renovated 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, guest toilet, open plan kitchen, lounge, dining room with indoor braai. 2 private courtyards. Blinds and stove incl. Plenty cupboards, tandem garage Pre paid electricity. Water excl. Longterm lease 12 months. To let from 1 May 2016. N$ 8 000.00 p/m Deposit. Strict selection process. Contact Hanna / Frank: 081 124 2151 TO LET: Lagoon 1 bedroom, kitchenette, lounge & remote controlled garage. pre paid electricity. One minute walk to the sea. N$ 4 300.00 p/m Water incl. Available 1 April. Call: 081 148 6387 TE HUUR: 2 slaapkamer woonstel met 2 badkamers, oop plan leef area, braai op balkon vol see uitsig. Enkel garage. Langstrand. N$ 7 700.00 p/m W/L vir eie rekening. Vol gemeubileerd. Deposito N$ 7 700.00 Tel: 081 273 7565 TE HUUR: Lagoon Area, Walvisbaai Klein vol gemeubileerde enkel woonstel bestaande uit kombuis, slaapkamer. Stort/toilet onmidellik beskikbaar. Buitebraai. Veilige en privaat. Onderdak binne. Parkering beskikbaar. DSTV , gedeeltelik. W/L ingsl. N$ 3 300.00 p/m Vir een persoon en N$ 3 700.00 vir 2. Deposito: 081 247 1687 TO LET OCEAN VIEW 4 Bedroom House 3 Bathrooms Lounge, dining area and big spacious kitchen, outside braai double garage. Pet Friendly N$13 500.00 Excl W&E CALL RYNO 081 142 5000 SEEFF NAMIBIA

TO LET: Meersig Small furnished flat W/E incl. Tel: 202 875

TO LET - WALVIS BAY OFFICES RARE FIND – CBD 64 m² – 140m² offices available in New Complex Please contact Rhoda 081 413 1313 Or Talitha 081 337 3669 to view

KRAMERSDORF TOWNHOUSE: Newly completed 3 Bedroom 2 bathrooms, Guest Toilet Double Garage Excellent Finishes Small Garden N$13 500 month CALL DOREEN 081 143 5000 SEEEF NAMIBIA TO LET BEACH FRONT CENTRAL FLAT 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathroom Large balcony Double garage N$16 000/month CALL DOREEN 081 143 5000 SEEFF NAMIBIA WAREHOUSES TO LET SWAKOPMUND From 100sqm to a 1000sqm CALL DOREEN 081 143 5000 SEEFF NAMIBIA TO LET INDUSTRIAL WAREHOUSE WALVIS BAY 3 Offices roll up doors upstairs lounge area 16 cubicles extra basin WAREHOUSE 2-3 Storerooms 3 offices fire hose kitchen BIC Desk and toilet Upstairs boardroom N$15 180 per month TO LET WALVIS BAY CENTRE OF TOWN Secure complex 2 Bedrooms BIC The building has an elevator and offers a sense of security with remote controlled access only to the building. N$6 690.00 per month CALL ADINE 081 146 5000 House To Rent location - Mahetago Swakopmund 3 x bedroom house with open plan kitchen, sitting room. Warm water [geyser] N$5,000.00 water included [Pre-paid electricity] Garage additional N$500.00 Deposito N$5500.00 [with garage] contact: 081 646 5899 / 081 249 3920 081 308 7424

TO RENT: Erf No 45725/33 Namport Kuisebmond Omungulumbashee Circle 1 bedroom with own bathroom and toilet Open plan kitchen N$ 3 000.00 p/m W/E incl. N$ 1 500.00 Seperate water metre gauge Available as from immediately First come first serve! Contact: 081 202 2171 081 286 2506 TO LET OCEAN VIEW Spacious and secure Open plan areas and dining room Lots of BIC 3 Garage Alarms system with beams N$14 700.00 CALL RYNO 081 142 5000 SEEFF NAMIBIA SWAKOPMUND WAREHOUSE 500sqm front shop Work shop at the back 3 phase electricity N$25 300.00 Vat inc CALL RYNO 081 142 5000 SEEFF NAMIBIA TO LET OCEAN VIEW SWAKOPMUND Modern Spacious & Quality 3 Bedrooms House and 3 en-suite bedrooms Large Open Plan Scullery Guest Bathroom & outside toilet Double Garage Very good security with alarm & outside yard beams Unfurnished N$11,500.00p/m excl water Immediately available Contact: 081 147 5487 081 738 6315 PRIVATE SALE IN MEERSIG 4 Bedrooms BIC (2 x En-Suite), 1 Extra Bathr, Lounge, TV Room, Study, Kitchen (BIC, Granite Tops, Stove, Eye Level Ovens), Scullery (BIC) Open Plan Entertainment Area, Braai, Heated Pool (6 x 3.5m), Guest Toilet, Double Garage, Interlocks Price On Request No Agents Contact 0811503005 or 0813542767

WAREHOUSE TO LET 500m² Warehouse 3 Offices, with Air condition, kitchen, Store room & 2 toilets @ N$40/m² + VAT (Prepaid Electricity) Call: 081 450 7609

TO RENT: Open plan bachelor for rent. Own shower in Narraville, Walvis Bay. Immediately available. N$ 2 500.00 p/m Deposit Pre paid electricity. Water incl. Contact: 081 277 8854

Walvis Bay TO LET - Longbeach – Fully furnished Seafront house, 4 bedr, 2 bathr, open plan kitchen / lounge, double garage. N$38 000.00 - Central – Fully furnished 3 bedr townhouse, 2 bathr, open plan kitchen / lounge, double garage. N$12 500 - Central – Newly build 2 bedr flat, 1 bathr, open plan kitchen / lounge, single garage. N$6500 - Central – 2 bedr flat, 1 bath, open plan kitchen / lounge, single garage. N$6561 (Available 1 May) - Meersig 2 bedr flat, 1 bathr open plan kitchen / lounge, single garage N$6500 - Meersig 2 bedr flat, 1 bathr, open plan kitchen / lounge, single garage N$5500 Kuisebmund - Bachelor flat – N$2920 (water & electr incl - 1 x bedroom flat – N$2904 WAREHOUSES 160m² Newly build Warehouses – N$13 853 incl vat 188m² Newly build Warehouses – N$15 974 inl vat 159m² Warehouse + Office – N$9053.00 incl vat 172.86m² Warehouse + Office

- N$10 970.00 incl vat 192m² Warehouse + Office N$12 700.00 incl vat 261.3m² Warehouse + Office - N$16 500.00 excl vat 272m² Warehouse + Office N$15 280.00 excl vat 450m² Warehouse + Office N$18 700.00 incl vat 502m² Warehouse + Offices N$27 875.00 excl vat 500m² Newly build Warehouse + Office N$35 200.00 excl vat Street facing – Available 1 May 500m² Newly build Warehouse + Office N$30 800 excl vat – Available 1 May 1445m² Warehouse + Offices N$71 550.00 excl vat 2800m² Warehouse + Office space N$63 401.00 excl vat 1298m² Open Erf – N$14 475 excl vat 1500m² Warehouse + Open Erf – N$ 31 350.00 excl vat 1500m² Upmarket Office space + Warehouse – N$84 156.00 1500m² Vacant erf – N$16 725.00 FEEL FREE TO CONTACT: Yolande – 081 251 9377 Lydia – 081 241 8980 Alda – 081 255 5481 Office – 064 272580 FOR SALE INDUSTRIAL Ext 10 229sqm N$1 620 000 cc registered CALL STEFAN 081 153 5000 SEEFF NAMIBIA

ELEGANCIA INVESTMENTS CC ARANDIS Neat 4 bedroom house for sale with kitchen, lounge and bathroom. Huge space left to extend N$ 350 000 DOLPHIN BEACH Plots for sale near beach price ranging from N$ 600 000. For these and other properties contact 081 866 9480 Suksevolle Wol- en Handwerk-besigheid in Swakopmund te koop Tel./Faks: 064 402674 Werk Tel. 064 464030 Huis 0813381325 FOR SALE 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2kitchens Open Living Areas 7 Garages secure parking and a very neat garden with a garden house. N$3 995 000 CALL RETHA 081 158 5000 SEEFF NAMIBIA ROSSMUND GOLF ESTATES 4 Bedrooms 1 Bathroom Open living Areas with dining room Garage N$1 620 000 CALL RETHA 081 158 5000 SEEFF NAMIBIA TAMARISKIA Town house 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms Open plan Areas small office Double garage N$1 450 000 CALL RETHA 081 158 5000 SEEFF NAMIBIA House For Sale Tulinawa Mondesa 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom Kitchen Living Area Big erf 300m² for N$580,0000.00 phone: 081 249 2307 House for Sale Windhoek near Swabou 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms Geust toilet, Living/dinig area, Kitchen, 1 bedroom flat, outside toilet, swimming pool, double carport, spacious yard erf 1187m² room for further extension of erf (10m back) Needs TLC Selling below valuation Ideal for development N$3mil Cell 081 406 2171 FOR SALE Ocean View 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms BIC, Living room Open plan kitchen Inside braai guest toilet tandem garage with Automatic Doors Neat Garden N$1 680 000 CALL KARIN 081 152 5000 SEEFF NAIBIA

8 MARCH 2016




Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication

Very popular with tourists, business executives, families and single persons. With lots to offer this is the Perfect Business Opportunity!! The ground floor area of this property is wheelchair friendly, Sleeps ± 30 people when full. Wi-Fi with 2 x extensions for full coverage all over the guesthouse. Manager's flat with builtin cupboards and bathroom. 4 x Hot water geysers. Business rights registered on the erf. Property and going concern CC registered. NO TRANSFER FEES!! SEEFF NAMIBIA t ʼn╜ōĂĊś { Ă▄ś Swakopmund Near Ocean View Shell Newly build house Erf 800sqm² Squares under roof = 300sqm² Main House 253sqm² Garage 47.7sqm² 4 Bedroom house, each with en-suite shower, toilette and hand washbasin rooms 4 x 4 meter open plan living/kitchen Living area 7m x 9.6m Separate Scullery Braai/Family Room 6m x 4m Double Garage 6m x 7m Alarm System Selling for N$2,6mil Call 081 128 4612 or 081 691 1368



Walvis Bay

Investment opportunities not to missWalvis bay In the heart of townoffering 2 bedrooms, open plan lounge/kitchen, full bathroom and garage For N$686 000.00 Also ideal for the beginner! KuisebmondIdeal for the investor 4 bachelor flats with bathrooms with an income of N$8000.00 for sale @ N$ 730 000.00 Call me at 081 270 4333 Or 280 6210


Malakia Properties FOR SALE, VINETA: 3bedrooms, 2bedrooms Kitchen, Lounge, Laundry Single Garage N$1.7mil PELICAN VILLAGE (TAMARISKIA): 2bedrooms bic, bathroom Open-plan kitchen Garage and court yard N$970 000.00 3bedrooms, 2bedrooms and open plan kitchen single garage N$1.1mil TAMARISKIA EXT 3 3bedrooms.2bathrooms Kitchen bic with stove Lounge, Double Garage Plus 2bedroom flat bathroom open-plan kitchen and single garage N$2mil MONDESA Sectional title (block) 3bedrooms,bathroom Kitchen and lounge N$550 000.00 MAHETAGO 3bedrooms.2bathrooms Kitchen bic with stove Lounge, Garage N$950 000.00 ARANDIS Good Investment: 2bedrooms, bathroom, open-plan kitchen Plus: 2flats with 2bedrooms,bathroom Open-plan kitchen each Generate monthly income N$ 6900.00 per month N$500 000.00 Malakia 081 297 7253, Email:malakiapropertie s@yahoo.com


PROPERTY FOR SALE ARANDIS House consisting of 6 Bedrooms, Toilets, Bathroom, Kitchen, and Livingroom on the main road which is tarred, shaded parking bay erf size of 590m² [corner erf] Must be seen great potential. Priced at valuation Price N$310 000.00 to view call Conan @ 081468 5948 or email conan.ellitson @gmail.com


One bedroom apartment on first floor, with balcony and single garage. Neat, central and a great investment

Amanda 081 3007484 Property Wanted To Rent Swakopmund Flatlet Urgently Required Young mother and young son urgently looking for a flatlet from 1st March 2016 with a little garden. They have a puppy and a lovely cat. Can pay N$4,500.00 incl lights and water. Barbara 081 656 2619 TE HUUR GESOEK: Familie op soek na kamer om te huur in Kuisebmond, enige area. Kan N$ 1 700.00 betaal per maand. Al is dit ‘n garage of pandokkie. Moet beskikbaar wees 25 Maart - einde Maart. Kontak: 081 256 2324 WANTED: I am looking for a Townhouse to buy in Kuisebmond. For ± N$ 600 000.00 No agents. Contact: 081 370 5587 081 314 8078

Mays Trading CC For Sale For the investor Kuisebmond, Block of Flats, N$ 2.650million 5 flats,4 garages, spacious, marble top fitted kitchens, tenants in place. Kuisebmond, Block of flats, N$3,550million 7 x 2 bedroom Flats, 5 garages, marble top fitted kitchens, spacious ,newly renovated. Tenants in place Walvis Bay, N$770 000-00 Flat Spacious 2 bedroom,1 bathroom, kitchen, lounge, garage. Corner property Central and well located Narraville, N$1,250 million 3 bedrooms,2 bathrooms, open plan fitted kitchen, lounge, dining room, double garage, braai area. Corner erf Walvis Bay Fairways N$ 2.350 Million (Valuation N$2,780million) Spacious Double storey house, 4 bedrooms ,3 bathrooms, plus guest toilet ,laundry ,spacious open plan lounge with indoor braai and fitted kitchen. Double remote garage Plus 1bedroom Flat, with own garage and separate entrance. Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay N$ 595.000 Affordable, spacious Brand new complex 32 units, 2 bedroom, bathroom, lounge, kitchen sectional title units, (only a few left) Walvis Bay, Meersig, erf, N$ 830 000 Erf size 870 m². Walvis Bay, Meersig, N$590 000-00 1 bedroom flat, open plan kitchen, lounge, bathroom, courtyard Walvis Bay, Lagoon N$ 2,650 million A lovely and neat ,well located, near to lagoon, family home with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, built in cupboards, alarm, dining room, kitchen, barbeque /entertainment area, tandem garage, a beautiful garden Plus 1bedroom Flat. Walvis Bay Fairways Townhouses (New development) N$ 910 000.00 Townhouses 2bedroom Bathroom Kitchen lounge garage(Only 5 town houses to be built in this complex,4 already sold ,only 1 left) Light industrial erf N$ 5 ,390million Light industrialWeighbridge 3472m² We are urgently looking for houses and properties to sell. Contact: Tracey 081 302 3806 Mounien 081 860 1938 mickeymays@iway.na

FOR SALE MEERSIG – Neat 3 Bedroom Townhouse with 2 Bathrooms and open plan kitchen/ living area with garage N$1142 000 CALL CHARLEEN 081 163 5000 SEEFF NAMIBA




WANTED: Urgently looking for a combi to buy. Must be in good condition. Engen 2.6 or 2.5 / 2.3 Swakop or Walvis Contact: 081 294 4103

PLAAS VOORMAN GESOEK - ERONGO *Namibiese burger of geldige werkspermit. *Geldige bestuurders lisensie. *Standerd 8 / Graad 10 geslaag. *Afrikaans sprekend kennis van Engels en etniese tale `n aanwins. *Geen skoolgaande kinders nie afgesondered! *Ondervinding van bees bok - skaap - wild - lusern - toerisme boerdery. Pos aansoek na Die Bestuurder, Posbus 235 Omaruru, met Nampost Koerier - koste sal met ontvangs vereffen word. Volledige CV word verlang en moet vergesel wees van oorspronklike gesertifiseerde afskrifte van ID, alle Opvoedkundige kwalifikasies verkry as oof drie vorige werksverwysings met kontakbare besonderhede. Jou beweegrede vir aansoek.

VACANCIES: WE ARE HIRING: AVON Pink team is hiring We are looking for Sales Representatives all over Namibia. Must be able to work independently, be your own boss and manage your own business. Sales done on a Commission basis, up to 30% commission made on sales. For further information please sent an email with all your details to avonjustinepinkteam @gmail.com or SMS the Team leader at 081 299 8171

FOR SALE INVESTMENT! CENTRAL 3 Bedroom house with a tenant & a fixed 5-year contract. 6 Bachelor flats with tenants. rental income N$2700 000 N$42 400 000 CALL CHARLEEN 081 163 5000 SEEFF NAMIBIA


WALVIS BAY FOR SALE 3 Bedroom house in the heart of Walvis bay. Neat as a pin. can be rezoned and used for offices. N$1 587 000 CALL CHARLEEN 081 163 5000 SEEFF NAMIBIA

TO BUY: 12 metre tri axle trailer Contact: 081 597 7678

WANTED: Im looking for a contract taxi to drive in Walvis FOR SALE LONGBEACH Bay, car must be Neat 2 Bedroom purchased at the townhouse – Jan Japan Motors in a secure complex and my driving fee N$1 164 000 CALL CHARLEEN will be N$ 80 081 163 5000 000.00 or it can be FOR SALE a manual. Gearox HOUSE IN SWAKOPMUND and car must be in Family home good condition. 5 Bedrooms Clarence: 3 Bathrooms 081 601 2035 BIC Kitchen braai area 4 Garages Established garden N$3 050 000 CALL LINDA 081 157 5000 FOR SALE Close to Ocean View Spar 4 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms Guest Toilet Open Plan Kitchen and plenty of space Cc registered. N$4 800 000 CALL LINDA 081 157 5000 SEEFF NAMIBIA BEATIFUL SEAFRONT HOUSE IN VINETA Renovators dream perfect locations N$6 450 000 CALL LINDA 081 157 5000 SEEFF NAMIBIA

WANTED GOLD GOLD GOLD We buy gold for cash, even if its broken We operate in Walvis Bay, Arandis and Henties Bay Contact: 081 344 3794 081 613 2647 We are available 24/7

LIFT OFFERED: To work between Swakopmund & Walvis Bay Mondays to Fridays. Contact: 081 659 244


Situated in 31 Avis Road Swiss Chalets offer fully equipped rooms, free wi-fi & 24-hours security. Mini conference also available. Contact: 061-305 551 081 433 3185 E-mail: swiss.chalets@iway. na

TO HIRE FOR HIRE: 7.5 Tn flatbed truck for hire short or long term. Also have container hooks. Contact Vaughn: 081 286 4512

Vacancy AFRORES & TRINIDAD CONTRACTOR NAMIBIA is looking for an QAQC Manager 3-5 years construction expereince. Experience in working with corrosive protection / Painting is preferred. Email Cv’s to documents@afrores.co.za Closing date for submission 11 March 2016 IT Technician and Alarm Technician Requirements: * Access Control * CCTV Camera Advance for the following Alarm Installations Electric Fencing Beams, Outdoor Sensors Burglar Bars Garage Motors Sl Sliding Gate Motors Garage Door IV Motors Intercom DSTV, Security Doors Drivers Licence Send CV’S : sales@protechnam.com per hand Shop 10 At Ocean View Spar Restaurant / Café in Walvis Bay is looking for trained - cook / chef - Waiter / Barman / Barista Minimum Requirements: - Chef Grade 12 - Waiter Grade 10 - Honest - Reliable - Fluent English - German and/or Portuguese is an advantage - trained to international standards - Team player - Flexible, inventive and customer oriented - always friendly Please send your CV, motivational letter and testimonials to: 2263cafe@gmail.com

URGENTLY LOOKING FOR: 2x Security 2x Cleaners 2x Bartenders Please send your CV to js2131832@gmail. com and state what position you applying for. For more quires contact us: 081 374 7389 SSS Vacancies available for experienced Security Officers Must provide complete CV with references Please contact 081 363 9132 For more information Tiler Needed in Swk Sms 081 2913837 Granite Kitchen finisher, Needed swk 081 638 6300 Brick layer plaster. Needed In SWK, SMS on 081 2913837 Rekenmeester, Afrikaans, Duits, Engels sprekend, met oor 40 jaar ondervinding, wil graag huis toe kom en soek in die nabye toekoms ‘n betrekking in Swakopmund. Stuur asseblief epos aan: incometax01011962@g mail.com, indien geinteressiert. Accountant, Afrikaans, German, English speaking, with over 40 years experience, wants to move home and looking for a position in Swakopmund, in the near future. Please send email to: incometax01011962@g mail.com, if interested.


8 MARCH 2016

Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net

NOTICES CREATIVE KIDS DAY CARE We welcome all special needs children Creative kids Daycare a new warm friendly child loving place where your child is in good hands and a safe environment. Children age 1 - 5 years. 6 Roman Street Narraville, Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 262 6303




Found: Female puppy found in Franke Street Vineta. Please contact the SPCA to claim your dog 064 - 404419



EKKLESIA JOCRUSHER DAY CARE Registration on for 04 April 2016 Intake for babies, come and register now space is limited and avoid last minute rush! Age group 1 - 3 years Times: 6:30 am to 5 pm Mondays to Fridays Weekend available under special arrangements location: Kuisebmond Walvis Bay Makriel Street Sandfontein street no 17 Behind Sandyn street Call: 081 809 0313 081 734 6906

PPT & BEAUTY CENTER IN HAIR LOUNGE Walvis Bay Special every Monday and Thursday Manicure overlay gel N$ 100.00 Pedicure gel N$ 70.00 Eyelashes N$ 100.00 Eyebrow tint & shape N$ 50.00 Nail training N$ 1 200.00 Eyelashes training N$ 700.00 Includes kits & certificates We sell on wholesale/retail Virgin brazilian hair. Nails products & indian wear Available upon orders only We are in Town next to Swakop Sport Hair Lounge We do all types of hairstyles Call Betty: 081 605 9205 064 221 940

COURSES Vir enige gebed wat u nodig het 24-uur per dag 7 Dae per week Kontak: PETRUS KLEIN 081 417 5441

FOUND: Castrated Male with brown collar . Please contact the SPCA to claim your dog 064 - 404419


Roman Catholic Church Swakopmund HL Mass Every Saturday 18:00 VRYHEID IN JESUS CHRISTUS BEDIENING Handeling 16.31 Hulle antwoord hom glo in die Here Jesus en jy sal gerêd word, jy en jou huisgesin. Vir geëstelike hulp en berading. Kontak: 081 306 5140

TRAINING NAIL TRAINING SNT Offer a high quality nail training 3 days training N$ 1 500.00 with full kit & certificate UV machine incl. Start your business upon completing the course. We sell all colour gel and clear gel and nail products We do nails too. Book your space now! Quality at its best! Contact: 081 233 2893

LOST / FOUND / REWARD OFFERED Miniatuur Yorkie sedert Donderdag soek. Is laaste gesien in Dr. Schwietering Str. Oceanview. Daar is n beloning. Naan is Lady en sy is 4jaar oud, weeg omtrent 1.5kg. Kontak asb 4104703 of 081267 7278 Of bel SPCA of Swakop Veterinary Services. Kan ook anoniem bly indien verkies.

GERMAN COURSE FOR ADULT BEGINNERS: Learn to speak German and improve your job opportunities!! Limited space available. Register now to qualify for a discount. Experience mothertongue teacher. Contact: 081 607 2685

HEALTH FOUND: Lab mix that was put in our “Klappe”. Please contact the SPCA to claim your dog 064 - 404419 LOST YOUR PET visit your local SPCA in Walvis Bay, Swakopmund or Henties Bay

EDUCATION ACCOUNTING & MATHEMATICS OFFERED AT Namsov Centre Kuisebmond Gr 9 - 10 Accounting Gr 10 - 12 Mathematics Cost at N$ 300.00 per month per subjects Contact: 081 262 6055 Accounting 081 322 2828 Mathematics Register at Namsov Kuisebmond before 20 March Lindley Education Presents High School Math and Accounting Extra Classes Grade 8-12 WE DO OUR BEST TO MAKE SURE KIDS PASS THE TEST happytohelp@lindleye ducation.com 081 497 2195 www.lindleyeducation.com


Easter Special: Morocco Argan Oil hair care products for sale: Morocco Argan Oil products set (includes: sulfate-free shampoo, conditioner, 100mL argan oil, hair masque, hydrating styling cream) N$300 Morocco Argan Oil 100mL N$150 Sulfate free Shampoo 400mL N$70 Conditioner 350mL N$60 Hair masque 250mL N$50 Morocco Argan Oil Hotel/ BnB Sets 35ml (includes: shampoo, conditioner, Shower gel, body lotion) N$20 Hydrating Styling Cream N$40 POSA Professional Hair Care Products: Revitalizing Hair Masque Set 500ml+10mlx4 N$100 Ginger Hair Masque 500ml N$80 Refreshing Shampoo 500ml N$60 Nutrition Moisture Shampoo 500ml N$60 One minute Treatment 500ml N$70 Molding Clay 80ml N$40 Sculpting Lotion 500ml N$50 Scalp Insulator 60ml N$30 Cell: 081 263 9191

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication



NAIL FREAKS Real strong, real you! Professional nail care and design: * Acrylic nails * fills * nail designs * nail art Contact: Nadia 081 637 8598, No 15 1st Str. North Meersig

KUS RENOVATIONS Call: 081 560 0292 Henk: Renovate of buildings Tilling painting Wood pacisides Carports Plumbing free quotations no job is too small.

Roof repairs & Home renovations By the Austrian Master builder, Plumbing and Electrical work, No job to small, modern Bathrooms, Swimming Pools, Electric perimeter security, Wood work, gates, metal work, garden irrigation Systems, and so much more. Also selling real cow manure 30kg bags. Call Gunther anytime, 081 63 86 300 ROOF REPAIRS - The RAIN is on the Way. Four layer painting work, with 8 year roof Repair and painting guarantees. Call Gunther anytime, 081 638 6300

MS ELECTRICAL: Operate in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. We repair: * Geysers * Washing Machine * Microwaves * Stove, Aircons, Fridges * Electric Motors, 3-phase and single 3-phase * Battery chargers and welding machine * Electrical on houses * Vacuum cleaners and compressors * Any electrical appliance we’ll fix it. * Installation of geyser timer and programing *plumbing services, water leakage on tapes, toilet leakages and blockages All electrical appliances have 3 month guarantee. You call - we come and fix. Contact: Mr. Sylveners 081 299 9960.

SERVICES WC CONSTRUCTION & RENOVATION We offer: - Construction - Painting - Paving - Slasto - Lapas - Plumbing - Tiling - Electrical and all types of roof structures - Maintenance on all buildings & structures 24/7 service Contact: 081 211 6686 064-205470

DE VRIES PLUMBING SERVICES Contact us for all your plumbing needs Geysers/Drainage/Pipe work New/Replacement Bathroom & Kitchen Installations General Plumbing & Building Maintenance Marius 081 2122 541

CTA CLEANING SERVICES Offers affordable professional cleaning services We specialize in residential, office and site cleaning. Contact: 081 831 2281 ctacleaning@ gmail.com EUGENE SHUTTLE & TRANSFERS Walvis Bay Swakopmund We specialize in: -Daily shuttle Walvis Bay - Swakop - Whk -Shuttle Walvis Bay Swk working class - Private transfers in and around Namibia - Airport transfers Walvis Bay Airport & Whk International Booking essential Contact: 081 705 5147 EUGENE “Safe, Reliable, TRADITIONAL DOCTOR KALENGA: He can help you through: Pregnancy - Education - Court Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Problems - Bad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Toko-loshi - Mens’ Power - Sexuality Exams Job Problems etc. Walvis Bay & Swakopmund. Cell:081 201 7887. PROFESSIONAL INSTALLATIONS AND REPAIRS Undertaken to all domestic and industrial swing yard and sliding gate motors and garage doors. Contact: 081 665 8181 DR KING BUSHEERI I mix God and Traditional ways to help in solving problems like, protection of properties, recovering stored items, love matters, sickness, work problems, education, if you can or cannot give birth, replaced on work, serious court cases or to be released from prison, win court cases no matter how serious it is. I am in WHK but can go wherever you are. Contact Dr King Busheer 081 368 7655


Traditional Doctor Mama Fatima Is here to help u with real traditional Medicine in problems like. Court Cases, Bring back lost Lover, Get Job and Promotion, Pregnancy, Man Power and Penis Enlargement, Take out Bad Lucky Business problem, stop drinking, Virgin tightening, If u are ready to change your life this is the beginning of the your year. Just call Mama Fatima on 081 363 2967 u will get what u want

Do you experience Labour Issues? Kindly Contact Heidi Rossouw Legal Office for expert labour advise in the following: ·Conciliation / Arbitration;· Labour advise; ·Employment Equity report / Affirmative Action; ·NEEEF / BEE Certificate for tender purposes; ·Draft of Contracts; ·Improvement of HR department; ·Requirement; ·Liquor licenses. For further detail do not hesitate to contact our office: Heidi Rossouw Tel: 064-220 280/220282 Fax no: 064-220-283 Cell No: 081 254 8142 Email: rossouwlaw@iway.na

TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. S Jeke (The Best). Bad Luck - Luck Muti Love Problems Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself Work problems Promotions - To get tenders and to boost your business - People don’t want to pay you back Pregnancy Problems Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals - Sexual transmitted sickness - all sickness Asthma, BP Remove to-koloshi from bodies, houses - Men’s power se-xuality Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr.(79) 3191D Johanna Benson Street Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 303 3149.


8 MARCH 2016


Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net

SERVICES WELCOME TO PROFESSOR Dr. Ndiulula Its been a long time indeed But here is your dream and last hope Contact: 081 244 5158 We trust / manage: A. Love problems Get back your lover New herbal penis enlargement Do you want a baby? Come We help men and woman with bad luck in getting lovers Do you want your lover to be only yours? New herbal stuff for making men’s penis strong Do you want to stop your lover from cheating on you? We have got herbal therapy which can help people with HIV/AIDS Herbal stuff for speeding up your marriage process Remove bad from your body B. Business problems We help people who want success and be promoted at work Do you want to attract more customers to your business? Come now Do you have court cases? Protection on your business Farm protection C. Body problems High blood pressure All kinds of protections We trite TB, Diabetes and blood cleaning All body pains Menstruation pain to women Things moving in your body Pregnancy problems Asthma and strong cough Sleeping problems Chronic syphilis Stop drinking DR MISOYA Traditional Doctor Old Malawian man is in Namibia for the first time Specializing in problems and diseases. Removal of bad luck, lost over to come back in 4 days Removal of bad luck Complicated court cases Binding your lover to be yours only Job and promotions Wining tenders and contracts To write of debts Pregnancy problems Projection of houses and body from witchcraft Rejuvinate mens power during weak erection Gambling, penis enlargement All types of diseases. We don't try “but we just do it” Contact the Old man: 081 359 9319

PRODEL CONSTRUCTION & RENOVATIONS: For all your renovations and construction needs with personal attention. Call for a free quote JOHANN STEYN 081 128 0848.

SERVICES VEHICLE ASSIST No Queues, No Stress !Natis Consultant !Vehicle Service !Rust Proofing Contact Angelo: 081 498 6051 Email: vla.namibia@gmail.com LOVE PROBLE ASSTROLOGER AKA DOCTOR LOVE Name any problem that is killing you inside. Experience in bad relationship Your partner is cheating Want to protect your beloved Love potion for you love? Want a quick marriage, divorce or bind your partner. Any love matter will be solved Contact Dr Love: 081 290 3755

TRANSPORT Transport Wednesday 09.02.16 From Windhoek to Swakopmund : Leave Windhoek at 14:00 from Riverside Service Station. Friday 11.02.2016 From Swakopmund to Windhoek Leave Swakopmund at 14:00 from Vineta Shell Sunday 13.02.2016 From Windhoek to Swakopmund Leave Windhoek at 14:00 from Riverside Service Station Price : N$150.00 per person One free cooldrink upon departure Contact Eddie Smith 081 124 8875 for bookings TRANSPORT If you need transport from Monday to Friday for your school. From Narraville to Town and back as well as to your workplace on a monthly basis. Contact: 081 485 4472 Transport Looking for people to drive with me from Swakopmund to Walvis Bay Swakop departure 6:30 Walvis return 7:00 Contact: 081 745 4064

GARDENING FOR SALE Palms for sale, SWK Big and small palms, And planted. We have Two healthy 12ton 6m tall Palms for sale. Also Garden designs and Irrigation. Palm and tree removal, 30kg Cow manure bags delivered. Call Gunther 081 63 86 300

CARS GREGS MOTOR SPARES Now open Walvis Bay Tel: 064 278 550 Fax: 064 207 808 Adress: 15 Hanna Mupetami Northern Industry Windscreens, car body parts, engines, car paints TO BUY: A real Bargain ! First come first serve! 1995 Mitzubishi Delica 10 seater 2.7 litre for sale and it 4x4 range. Very good family car or o use for fishing. Its been licensed for a full year. Very good economical car it run on diesel. Also have a CD player, very good tyres and a brand new battery with exhaust system been fitted. Please only serious buyers. N$ 30 000.00 negotiable or make an offer Contact: 081 678 2249


CRAZY SALE 2nd Hand Shop We buy and sell anything of value only ID required 0811475475 0811475333 064220387 bayauctions@iway.na

FIND US @ 97 Sam Nujoma Str Walvis Bay

For Sale Urgent JCB Cat 7500 hours Price: N$95 000-00 John Deer trekker 2010 Model Price: N $75 000-00 Scania tipper truck 2004 model 190 000km/c N $80 000-00 Bick maker x1 Contact: 081 393 8127 FOR SALE 1 x Ryobi Drill Press 2 x LG Air-Conditioner 1 x Chip-Fryer Professional 1 x Poloni Slicer Professional 1 x Defy Slimline 600 Build-In Oven Hob & Extractor Fan 2 x Panasonic 84cm TV 1 x KIC 210lit Fridge N$1500.00 Contact 081 567 4522 Motor Parts For Sale Import Corolla Sedan as Engine Price N$ 3500.00 Gearbox Manuel Price N$ 3000.00 Negotiable All Prices Contact Number 081 319 5523 081 382 0915

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication



Werk Gesoek Ek Jeanet is opsoek na huiswerk 5 dae in die week of 3 dae in die week. Verkieslik in Swakopmund Het vorig Kontak 081 382 4562 081 809 9928

JOB WANTED: Looking for plumbing & pipe fitter work in Walvis Bay or Swakopmund. Knows the plan and has a tool box and 5 year experience. Contact: 081 345 2970

Huiswerk Gesoek Ek Paulina is opsoek na huiswerk vir n week of drie dae n week in Swakopmund. Kan onmiddelik begin Kontak 081 717 0435 Job Wanted 37 year lady looking for Cleaning Work Ironing Work Washing Work Domestic Work Looking after Kiddies Have good references Can start immediately Call 081 660 6911 Job Wanted I am a hardworking & dedicated young lady looking for receptionist work, I have 5 years experience and all qualification paper. I can also do domestic work Monday to Friday Willing to start immediately Contact 081 632 5812 Job Wanted I am a trustworthy & hardworking lady looking for domestic work anywhere in Swakopmund Monday to Friday I can start anytime Contact 081 440 9346 JOB WANTED: Am a 27 year old guy urgently looking for work and have experience in Tank, cleaning, fire fighting, breathing apparatus. Contact: 081 799 4023 WERK GESOEK: Op soek na huiswerk vir 3 of 4 dae ‘n week. Kan skoon maak en kinders oppas kan ook na bejaardes omsien en kook. Baie betroubaar en netjies. Vorige verwysings. Drink en rook nie. Sondae werk. Swakop, Walvis, Langstrand of Dolfyn park. Kontak: 081 230 9208 JOB WANTED: I am looking for domestic work am 20 years old. Contact: 081 425 3278 SELINDA: Ek is 28 jaar oud en soek enige skoon maak werk. Maandae tot Vrydae. Kontak: 081 042 4307 JOB WANTED: A 35 year and 25 year old lady is looking for work as a waitress, housekeeper or chef. Contact: 081 801 1382 081 622 4854

JOB WANTED: Young lady looking for domestic work, for 2/3 days and baby sitting. For 2 days in a week or 3 days. Ready to start immediately. Contact: 081 229 9160 JOB WANTED: A young hardworking lady trustworthy woman is looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay, Town, Lagoon, Meersig. Willing to start immediately. Contact: 081 204 0891 WERK GESOEK: Soek huiswerk in Walvisbaai. Kontak: 081 377 7825 JOB WANTED: Am looking for work Hospitality and Tourism. For full time work. Cell: 081 650 0726 JOB WANTED: I am looking for Chef work. Have a certificate for hotel management. Contact: 081 887 8645 WERK GESOEK: Jong dame op soek na huiswerk. Maandae tot Vrydae. Kan onmidellik begin. Kontak: 081 380 1760 JOB WANTED: Am a 25-year old woman looking for domestic work for 3 days. Ironing, washing or in Lodges / guesthouse. Can start immediately. Contact: 081 441 4990 JOB WANTED: Am looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay or Swakopmund. Not Narraville. Contact: 081 371 6952 081 778 7119 WILHEMINA: A 33 year old is looking for domestic work around Walvis Bay, Town, Narraville. Have experience. Call: 081 810 9968 JOB WANTED: Am a 27-year old man looking for any kind of work in Walvis Bay or Swakopmund. Have Grade 12 - 23 points. Passport and driving license. Can start any time any day. Contact: 081 300 2854 JOB WANTED: I am a 27 year old man looking for work as a truck assistant or any work related. Have a Grade 12 certificate, small driving license CODE B and also have a truck learners license. Can work under pressure, long hours and can start immediately. Contact: 081 269 5467

THOUGHTS TUESDAY Isaiah 43:19 (NIV) See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. Read Isaiah 43 Read Isaiah WEDNESDAY Deuteronomy 31:6 (NIV) Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."Read Deuteronomy 31Read Deuteronomy THURSDAY Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Read Jeremiah 29 Read Jeremiah FRIDAY - Isaiah 41:10 (NIV) So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.


8 MARCH 2016

Magdalene Camm “Oma Lena” Lena” “Oma

ondrat C Daqndago

6 January 1948 - 77 March March 2015 2015 Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, But your love left a memory that no one can steal.


From your loving children and grandchildren……

+24 -02-1980 *25-02-2016 Troosdiens: 9 Maart 2016 om 19:00 Shalom ELC, Kuisebmond Begrafnis: 12 Maart 2016 om 09:00 !Kawab

Ps. 23:4 Cell: 081 382 1289 Olichen Cell: 081 392 7735 Molinda

Oorleef deur 1 kind, ma, ouma, 3 broers, 1 suster, 1 peetkind, breë familie

James Joseph

Maree Born: 06.04.1950 Died: 02.03.2016

Remember me when I come to the end of my journey and travel my last weary mile. Forget if you can if I ever sighed and remember only the smile. Forget unkind words that I have spoken Remember some of the good I have done. Forget that I have stumbled and blundered and sometimes fell by the way. I have fought some hard battles but with you by my side, I won the day. I ask forgiveness win over your pain and when the sun paints the sky in the west. I ask you stand quietly for a moment and remember only my best. From: Mr Jeffs to my family and friends For further information please contact: Beaton: 081 626 0660 or Monty: 081 712 9543


8 MARCH 2016

SQUASH NOTES Summer League. It's into the penultimate week, as there will be two rounds played next week; Wednesday and then the final round on Friday, which I am certain, is going to be a blast, as all the players seem to have enjoyed the league thoroughly until now. After the completion of the final round, it will be a great opportunity to let the hair down, forget all the competitiveness and just have a good time.

NTTA plans greatest ever Liebherr Masters Cup 2016 The Namibian Table Tennis Association (NTTA) plans to make this year's edition of the traditional Masters Cup tournament the greatest one to date. Not only will spectators in the Wernhil Shopping Center in the heart of Windhoek witness eight of Namibia's finest senior table tennis players in action, but the NTTA has also made provision for an array of show acts to take place in order to promote the Sport. The event is scheduled for Saturday, and the action is set to start at 09:30. Liebherr Namibia has jumped on board for the second year in a row to be the official sponsors of the Masters Cup 2015. Prize money will thus also be available for the

participating aces. As per NTTA rules and regulations, the eight best placed senior players of the previous Season (2015), will battle it out in front of the Wernhil crowd for the massive Masters Trophy. The players who will be in action are: Heiko Fleidl (SKWTTC) – defending champion, Wayne Green (SKWTTC), Roger Beukes (ETTC), Reinolt Schurz (SKWTTC), Fabian Tait (HATTC), Rudi Saunderson (HATTC), Derrick Rooza (WBTTC), Ronaldo Vogel (Rehoboth High School). The Masters Cup has a round robin format, where all players play against each other once. All matches will be played with a three game must win system. The overall winner will be determined by the highest number of games won. Each match is scheduled to be approximately fifteen minutes long. The matches and show acts will take place on two tables in front of Pick n Pay. “We wish to extend a general invite to the Namibian Nation and the esteemed Media to come support Namibia Table Tennis in big numbers at this event. In addition, Club representatives of the various Namibian table tennis clubs will be present to answer table tennis related questions” NTTA Chairman Ramon Hansen said.

Orlando Pirates hope for a podium finish Orlando Pirates Football Club coach Lucky Kakuva is optimistic about a podium finish when the 2015/16 Namibia Premier League (NPL) season comes to an end by May this year. Pirates jumped from sixth to third place on the log standing after beating Young Chiefs from Oshakati 1-0 on Saturday and Rundu Chiefs 2-1 from Rundu on Sunday at the Sam Nujoma Stadium in the capital. Pirates now have 39 points from 23 games (11 wins, six draws and six losses). With only seven games left to play in the NPL, Kakuva said his team’s dream is to have a podium finish at the end of the season.

Orlando Pirates Football Club coach Lucky Kakuva (with cap) pictured while addressing his players during Round 23 of the 2015/16 Namibia Premier League Season at the Sam Nujoma Stadium. (Photo by: Hesron Kapanga)

“We did not play very well today against Rundu Chiefs but the most important thing is we managed to collect he maximum points over the weekend. Going forward we have to play our games to the best of our ability. “Our main objective at the moment is to have a podium finish - second or third position - because that is achievable,” he told Nampa on Sunday. Pirates are currently six points behind second-placed Black Africa, and just one point above defending champions African Stars. Tigers lead the pack with 54 points. Pirates remaining fixtures will be against Civics, Flamingoes, Black Africa, Citizens, Mighty Gunners, UNAM and Tura Magic. In other games played over the weekend, Civics managed to collect maximum six points over the weekend and dragged themselves out of the relegation zone. The Khomasdal-based outfit beat Rundu Chiefs 2-1 on Saturday and repeated the same score margin on Sunday against Young Chiefs at the Sam Nujoma Stadium. In games played in Rundu on Sunday, Julinho Sporting beat UNAM 2-1, while United Stars lost 1-3 against Tura Magic. (NAMPA)

The league fixtures for the weekend of 12 - 19 March are confirmed and will be played as follows

The results for last week are as follows:Monday 29th. Group A. Cliffy de Witt bt Wynand Labuschagne 36-26. Jaco de Witt bt Arno Kok 48-42. Stefan van Tonder bt Sergio Figueiredo WO. Imanuel Amorongo bt Trevor Grane 34-32. Group B. Wynand Breytenbach drew with Jenny Pahl 39-39. Dylan Spencer bt Edwin van Urk 60-25. Peya Hitula bt Jan de Smit 44-35. Brandon Grane bt Trevor Heath 47-35. Group C. Christiane Beulker bt Blackie Zwart 56-35. Gerard Hough bt Carla Cummings 51-48. Chantel de Gouveia bt Desire Tuit 55-35. Oscar Fernandez drew with Bertus Fokkens 40-40. Group D. Ettiene Beukes bt Chris Bruyns 37-36. Ze-Elias de Jongh bt Lindsay Lottering 43-38. Robert Schaaf bt Craig Hearn WO. Callie Geel bt Diana Meyer 55-37. GroupE. Kobus Oelofse bt Pieter Hough 50-45. Bruce Stewart bt Sam Webster 53-47. Johan van der Merwe bt Ockie du Plessis 54-40. Elsje van der Merwe bt Michail Pretorius WO. Jakkie Nel bt Mauricio Rangel 44-37. Group F. Chelsea de Gouveia bt Soenet Geel 72-17. Stephanie Wittmann bt Anna Maria Venter 51-42. Christina Beukes bt Greer Coppin 44-37. Ricardo von Stein bt Michelle Arnold 46-40. Floris Steenkamp bt Bennie Gabrielsen 53-33. Wednesday 2nd. Group A. Wynand Labuschagne bt Sergio Figueiredo 45-31. Arno Kok drew with Trevor Grane 38-38. Imanuel Amorongo bt Michael Stauder WO. Cliffy de Witt bt Leslie Bosman WO. Group B. Wynand Breytenbach bt Ze de Britto 42-35. Jorn Wormsbacher bt Edwin van Urk 42-40. Trevor Heath bt Jenny Pahl 45-37. Dylan Spencer bt Peya Hitula 34-32. Brandon Grane bt Jan de Smit 49-29. Group C. Lucinda Rodrigues bt Desire Tuit 47-28. Chantel de Gouveia bt Christiane Beulker 47-33. Carla Cummings bt Bertus Fokkens 53-44. Hein Bam bt Oscar Fernandez 46-27. Gerard Hough bt Blackie Zwart 49-37. Group D. Callie Geel bt Elliot Oosthuizen 49-34. Diana Meyer bt Craig Hearn WO. Ze-Elias de Jongh bt Doyle de Haas 41-33. Ryan Gruhn bt Lindsay Lottering WO. Group E. Elsje van der Merwe bt Jakkie Nel 55-30. Ockie du Plessis bt Mauricio Rangel 45-36. Johan van der Merwe bt Pieter Hough 55-36. Sam Webster bt Michail Pretorius WO. Bruce Stewart bt Kobus Oelofse WO. Group F. Floris Steenkamp bt Ricardo von Stein 39-34. Chelsea de Gouveia bt Greer Coppin 62-23. Bennie Gabrielsen bt Christina Beukes 49-37. Stephanie Wittmann bt Soenet Geel 60-39. Anna Maria Venter bt Michelle Arnold 52-36. Looking at the points it is pretty interesting especially in groups A and B, as there is two players in each group who have not lost a game yet. In the A it will be a tussle between Clifford de Witt and Imanuel Amorongo and in the B between Brandon Grane and Dylan Spencer. To make it even more interesting they still have to come up against each other. It could possibly be the same scenario in Group D between Robert Schaaf and Ze-Elias de Jongh, as there are still a few outstanding results needed to confirm it. Gerard Hough is leading Group C, Elsje van der Merwe Group E and Chelsea de Gouveia Group F. With 3 rounds to go this could possibly change, so make sure you get all your results in.


8 MARCH 2016


Send your sports news to sport@namibtimes.net

* Squash Notes * Soccer * Tennis

LSS takes the Corporate League

(Photo left) LSS – winners of the Corporate League. (Fltr) Duane, Jaans and Jason. (Photo right) Congratulations to Team Boel on winning the first spoon. (Fltr) Gideon, Jaco, Jaans (Bank Windhoek) and Kevin Well done to Logistic Support Services on winning the first corporate league and to Team Boel on winning the first spoon. Farts were second and Old Boys beat Standard Bank to claim third place. Obviously, Standard Bank had to settle for fourth. Thanks to Jaans for the sponsorship and at the prizegiving he confirmed that Bank Windhoek would again sponsor the next corporate league. Thanks to Old Mutual for the offer to pay N$10 000 for a holein-one which regretfully was not won. Thanks to Joyce for the food during the corporate league and for the finals. “Dankie Oom Kallie vir die trofeë”, the municipality won the shafted trophy while Namib Diesel won the “Ye Olde Clubbe” trophy. Thanks to Forca and Thursday School for not pitching for the finals. Eish guys - that's a no deal. Thanks to Morne (not Roux, although just as orange is the new black, our Morne is the new Elvis) for the music. All in all a good event and a good time had by all. See the final log places as well as the players' performance. “Terwyl ons dankie sê, dankie Willie

Brandweer vir die nuwe 'fences', dit gaan BAIE (sommer in groot letters) help om die 'greens' en 'tee boxes' te beskerm. Dankie Willie, dit word opreg waardeer.” On Saturday the PISCS Medal drew only a small field, with a few of the regulars playing in the Langer Heinrich day at Rossmund. False and malicious rumours say that Jason, Duane and Jaans won at Rossmund as well, ouch. Winners of our medal were: Overall gross – Koot, Best net – Danie, Runner-up best net - gunter, Best A div - not contested, Best B div - Johnny Truter, Best C div – Chris Bothma...time for a new handicap. Two clubs were scored by Oom Pikkie and Siggi Stein. Thanks to JJ for the sponsorship and thanks to Jonas for handling the prize-giving, ably assisted by Gunter. The sages were played on Sunday and a reasonable field took to the course but from the outset Johnny (Spieth) shot the lights with a staggering 41 points, no wonder you took the whiskey off Duane the other day. Second place well off the pace was Frans on 33 points and Willie on 32 points, came in third. Jens was in the prizes with 4th place on 31 points. From all reports the lunch was a

good one and a good time was had by all. This weekend KWV will be the host on Saturday so see you on the course. Format to follow. New from the club is that Soney has resigned and will finish up on Tuesday. We wish Soney good luck with the new job. Members are reminded that, now that the corporate league is finished, we are back to Friday cheap green fees...... N$30 gets you nine holes and N$60 a full round. This also still applies for Sunday rounds. The committee meets on Wednesday at 18:30.

Welwitchia Schools Sport Zone not as expected Organisers of the Welwitschia Schools Sport Zonal are taking the flak from spectators, after a poorly organised event at the Vineta Sports Grounds on Saturday. Time delays played havoc with the program of the event and one school did not have the opportunity to run relays, much to the anger of parents and other spectators. “We don't want to complain unnecessary, but the organisers must pull up socks,” their spectators commented.

Kudus verras Dolphin in eie agterplaas Kudus se eerste span het Saterdag man en muis verbaas toe hulle vir Dolphin 1 met 10 punte teenoor 9 geklop het op die Vineta-veld in Swakopmund. Min mense het Kudus 'n kans gegee om te wen, veral as daar in ag geneem word dat hulle verskeie spelers verloor het teenoor die klomp spelers wat Dolphin bygekry het. Alhoewel dit 'n enkele punt oorwinning was, was dit 'n besonderse prestasie vir Kudus wat dit sonder verlede jaar se staatmakers vermag het. Die teleurstelling vir Dolphin was duidelik waarneembaar met spelers wat kop onderstebo op die gras bly lê het nadat die eindfluitjie geblaas het. Veral vir die spelers wat verlede jaar nog in die Kudukamp was, was dit sonder twyfel 'n bitter pil om te sluk. Kudus was die eerste helfte totaal in beheer en het alle fasette oorheers. Was dit nie vir swak besluitneming of dalk waaghalsigheid nie, moes Kudus reeds met rustyd gerieflik voorgeloop het. Strafskoppe binne trefafstand is eerder kantlyn toe geskop of in 'n vaste fase omgesit. Teen strawwer opposisie kan dit hulle duur te staan kom. Senter Elmo Van Der Bijl teken die eerste punte aan met 'n goed beplande drie wat ook die enigste drie vir die wedstryd is. Dolphin antwoord met 'n strafskop om die telling na 7 – 3 te laat krimp, wat ook die rustydtelling is. Na rustyd is dit Kudus wat op die agtervoet is met Dolphin wat die een aanval na die ander loods. Hul talentvolle agterlyn het by tye gedreig om vlam te vat maar is uiteindelik redelik onder bedwang gehou. Donovan

Hummel jaag nog twee strafskoppe deur die pale om Dolphin met 9 – 7 te laat voorloop met minder as 10 minute se speeltyd oor. Nog steeds weier Kudus om strafskoppe binne trefafstand pale toe te skop en verkies eerder om die bal te dra. Rotsvaste verdediging verhoed egter dat hulle die doellyn oorsteek met CJ Clarke wat 2 meter voor die doellyn platgetrek word. Met sowat 2 minute se speeltyd oor kry Kudus nog 'n strafskop en met die hulp van die skare wys kaptein Chris Klassen dat hul pale toe gaan skop. Ivo Croza slaag met die aller-belangrike skop om Kudus weer te laat voorloop met 10-9, wat dan ook die eindtelling is as die eindfluitjie kort hierna blaas. Harde werk lê egter vir albei spanne voor. Kudus se diepte, veral agterlangs, is 'n groot bron van kommer. Met April se vyf wedstryde wat na mekaar gespeel word sal daar beslis aandag aan gegee moet word voor hul volgende kragmeting oor twee weke teen Western Suburbs. Kudus 2 het 5 punte verdien toe hul Dolphin 2 met 29-9 verslaan het. Strydros, Roberto Eiman, het in sy 299ste wedstryd vir die klub twee keer agter die pale gaan kuier. Die ander twee driëe is deur twee opwindende nuwelinge by die klub, Zane Williams en Uli Lawrence, gedruk. Lawrence het, behalwe vir sy uitstekende spel, ook sy skopskoene aangehad en al vier driëe verdoel. Hy het ook drie strafskoppe deur die pale gejaag. Terwyl nog 'n paar spelers na verwagting dié week pen op papier sal sit, lyk dit of dinge besig is om reg te kom by Kudus nadat die seisoen vir hulle maar stormagtig begin het.

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