SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6426 TUESDAY 10 FEBRUARY 2015 Tel +264 64 205 854/+264 64 461 866/Fax +264 64 204 813/+264 64 461 824/Website www.namibtimes.net
Ontwikkeling van nuwe dorpsuitbreidings op koers, maar... Bernabé Blaauw
Namibia & Zero Hunger Strategy
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Publiek keelvol vir Natis
Bladsy 3
Ombudsman criticises court delays
Polisiebeamptes uit op borgtog Marshallino Beukes
Twee Walvisbaaise polisiebeamptes wat aangekla is van die oortreding van die Teenkorrupsiewet (misbruik van posisie of amp vir vergoeding), dwarsboming van die gereg en diefstal onder valse voorwendsels het gister weer in die Swakopmund Magistraatshof verskyn. lik oor die werklike gebeure gehang het, het die waarnemende misdaad-koördineerder vir Erongo, hoofinspekteur Erastus Iikuyu gister die gebeure aan namib times geskets. Volgens Iikuyu spruit die saak voort nadat twee werknemers van ‘n Chinese winkel in Oshikango ‘n bedrag van ongeveer N$450 000 van hul werkgewer gesteel het. Hierdie voorval het tussen 9 - 11 Januarie in die Noorde plaasgevind. Een van hierdie ver-
Inwoners van die dorp het die koerant genader en navraag gedoen oor die dorpsuitbreidings te wete Narraville Uitbreiding 7, Walvisbaai Uitbreiding 14, Meersig Uitbreiding 2 en Kuisebmond Uitbreidings 5 en 6. Hulle wou weet waarom die uitbreidings se infrastruktuur-ontwikkeling nog nie afgehandel is nie aangesien dit, volgens hulle, baie
lank vat en al klaar moes gewees het. Die munisipaliteit is in hierdie verband genader en het gesê dat hulle tevrede is met die vordering en nie bewus is van enige ernstige vertragings of probleme nie en indien daar wel oponthoude was, is die nodige uitstel wel verleen en is daar ooreengekom oor nuwe voltooiingsdatums. Mnr Ringo Nuwuseb van
Rinu Construction aan wie die kontrak van Narraville Uitbreiding 7, noord van Tamariskstraat, toegeken is, het bevestig dat die aanvanklike voltooiingsdatum 20 Desember verlede jaar was maar dat dit uitgestel is tot 28 Februarie. Hy het genoem dat hy geen ernstige probleme ondervind het nie maar dat dit wel somtyds gebeur het dat leweransiers nie altyd
dagtes en sy broer het met sy deel van die buit na Swakopmund Vervolg op bladsy 2 gevlug. Die ander verdagte in die diefstalsaak, ‘n vroulike werknemer van die Chinese winkel, is in Oshikango gearresteer en van die kontant is in haar besit gevind. Die polisiewoordvoerder noem voorts dat die twee polisiemanne op een of ander manier van die twee broers in Swakopmund te hore gekom het, en in die voordagure van 12 Jan- The annual summer bird count at the coast took place on Saturday and uarie die twee by hul Sunday and a record number of bird lovers volunteered to take part in the Vervolg op bladsy 2 exercise (see more on page 7)
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The world this week
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School athletics
Summer Bird Count 2015
Photo by Bernabé Blaauw
Hulle het borgtog van N$20 000 elk ontvang. Die saak is uitgestel tot 14 April, hangende verdere ondersoek. Sersant Lukas Linwandunge Andreas (36) is op 26 Januarie gearresteer en ná ‘n uitkenningsparade amptelik aangekla. Hy staan met sy makker, sersant Jafet Haimbondi (30) wat Maandag sy eerste hofverskyning in Swakopmund gemaak het, tereg op bogenoemde aanklagte. Nadat ‘n wolk van geheimhouding aanvank-
Die infrastruktuur-ontwikkeling van vier nuwe dorpsuitbreidings in Walvisbaai verloop nog volgens plan en behoort binnekort voltooi te wees.
Page 26
Sewes liga begin
Bladsy 28
10 FEBRUARY 2015
Namibia studies Brazil's succesful Zero Hunger strategy A delegation from Windhoek and Walvis Bay has visited the Brazilian city of Belo Horizonte to learn more about their successful programmes on food and nutrition security. The delegation included the mayors of Walvis Bay and Windhoek, and other experts. Councillor Uillika Nambahu, Mayor of Walvis Bay, felt impressed and inspired by the food banks, urban agriculture activities, and food assistance to children in day-care centres and schools. She said she was keen to come home to take action and share the knowledge gained in Brazil with other Mayors of Namibia in her role as President of the Namibian National Mayor's Forum. “In Belo Horizonte they care for their people in every aspect. We realise that in Namibia our existing efforts need to be harmonised.” Walvis Bay has already taken first steps towards establishing community gardens for their low-income population, especially targeting vulnerable groups such as HIV and Aids patients, the Mayor said. Windhoek’s Mayor, Councillor Muesee Kazapua, was highly inspired by a previous visit to Belo Horizonte and joined the delegation to sign cooperation agreements with Belo Horizonte and the World Future Council – the organisation that facilitates the know-
ledge exchange between experts on “Zero Hunger” programmes and African cities. The Food Security Programme of the Brazilian City of Belo Horizonte shows that the Human Right to sufficient and healthy food can be transformed into a reality. The policy ensures the right to food for everyone. With its 20 interconnected programmes, the policy has eliminated hunger and malnutrition from the city, boosted the local economy and secured the livelihoods of smallscale agricultural holdings. The system of Belo Horizonte can serve as a model for other cities. Since awarding the policy in 2009, the World Future Council has been working to spread this exemplary policy to local governments in Africa. This study tour aims to strengthen understanding that food security is more than just the provision of food and that balanced diets are important. "What was intended as a knowledge transfer on the food security model of Belo Horizonte grew into a wider
cooperation, including education and cultural issues, not only between the cities of Belo Horizonte and Windhoek but between Brazil and Namibia. This type of local, city to city exchange can be a model in itself on how to tackle the challenges of our times efficiently, joining hands to create healthy, just societies and protecting the rights of current and future generations," remarked Lorena Fischer, Policy Officer of the World Future Council. Mary-Anne Kahitu, Chief of Health Services of the City of Windhoek, acknowledges the quality of leadership and teamwork at the Belo Horizonte food security secretariat. “We don't have to wait for the national government. We, who are at the municipality level, should start, take actions and enable legislation. We will use the model of Belo Horizonte to start locally and then influence the national level.” Analdinah Chipeio, Section Engineer Solid Waste Management of the City of Windhoek, is impressed that food security has its own Secretariat and dedicated budget in Belo Horizonte and is not part of health, environment or education. “This was important for us to see and understand. We need a special team for food security in Windhoek.” James Kalundu, Manager Community Services of the City of Windhoek, is fascinated that the programmes are not only about the provision of food but about a balanced and healthy diet: “The meals we saw and ate ourselves, they were so colourful and diverse!” He finds that the Belo Horizonte community gardens are a viable and working concept and wants to implement them by learning from Belo Horizonte’ s approach to encourage people to work in the gardens.
At this study tour, the Mayors of the Cities of Windhoek and Walvis Bay also stressed their commitment for further cooperation with Belo Horizonte beyond the issues surrounding food security. A starting point could be a language exchange, enabling stu- Urban Agriculture: Councillor Uillika Nambahu, Mayor of Walvis Bay (right) and members of the Namibian delegation to Belo Horizonte enjoy exploring the dents and English possibilities of urban agriculture. teachers from Belo Horizonte to visit Namibia for the improvement of their English skills. The Brazilian city’s offices could also offer internship programmes for students from Namibia. A similar programme has taken place with students from Haiti who have now returned home to work on development and environ- Food Bank Belo Horizonte: (Frtl) Councillor Uillika Nambahu (Mayor of mental issues. Walvis Bay), Leevy-Lee Abrahams (Assistant to the Mayor of Walvis Bay), Analdinah While Namibia boasts Chipeio (Section Engineer Solid Waste Management of the City of Windhoek) and a strong tourism sector, James Kalundu - Manager Community Services City of Windhoek) learn about how the there are hardly any food bank in Belo Horizonte works. Windhoek has already taken first steps towards the apprenticeship or train- implementation of a food bank following the model of Belo Horizonte. ing programmes in the food handling sector and youth unemploy- The World Future The Council addresses and international orment remains high. Council brings the in- challenges to our com- ganisations the World Therefore, represen- terests of future gene- mon future and pro- Future Council identatives were very in- rations to the centre of vides decision makers tifies “best policies” terested in the “Pao policy-making. with effective policy around the globe. Escola,” a training pro- Its up to 50 eminent solutions. The World Future gramme in the food- members from around In close cooperation Council is registered as handling sector for the globe have already with civil society ac- a charitable foundation professions such as ba- successfully promoted tors, parliamentarians, in Hamburg, Germany. kers, chefs, and waiters. change. governments, business They discussed a "train the trainer" programme with experts from Brazil coming to Namibia to capacitate future trainers in the food handling sector. Rodrigo Oliveira, MuVervolg vanaf bladsy 1 nicipal Deputy Secretariat of International woonplek in Swakop- het na aanduiding die Die twee broers is intusgeld vir hulself toege- sen in Oshikango, gearRelations of the City mund vasgetrek het. Hulle het blykbaar op ëien, maar na ‘n wenk resteer. of Belo Horizonte, ‘n bedrag van N$236 vanaf die publiek is Albei die verdagte stressed that “coope000 beslag gelê en die hulle deur hul kollegas polisiemanne is verration at municipality twee beveel om spore gearresteer. Iikuyu dui bonde aan die Ernstige level is very rewardte maak uit die dorp en aan dat die geld nog Misdaadondersoeke se ing because you get to streek uit. nie teruggekry is nie en Subdivisie in Walvismeet real people with Die twee polisiemanne ondersoeke duur voort. baai. similar real problems. The exchange is also an opportunity for us to present ourselves to international communities and to constantly Vervolg vanaf bladsy 1 improve our work. op tyd kan aflewer nie wat Die eienaar van JJD Invest- ingsdatum vir Walvisbaai We are very grateful dan gevolglik vertragings ment Group, mnr Johnny Uitbreiding 14 en Kuisebto the World Future kan veroorsaak. Hy het Doeseb, was eweneens te- mond Uitbreidings 5 en 6 Council without which egter aangedui dat die on- vrede met sy maatskappy eers 25 April hierdie jaar this exchange between voorspelbare weersomstan- se vordering en het gesê is maar dat hy dalk selfs Namibia and Brazil dighede soos wind en die dat hy beslis die Meer- vroeër klaar kan wees met gepaardgaande sand sowel sig-ontwikkeling teen die sommige fases van die would not take place. as mistigheid in Walvis- einde van hierdie maand, kontrakte. The issue is complex baai wel ‘n beduidende rol ook die nuwe voltooiings- Al die betrokke projekte and the responsibility speel, veral tydens die teer datum, gaan afhandel. Die was verlede week besoek is huge but so is the po- van strate. Hy was egter oorspronklike voltooiings- en die kontrakteurs, sowel positief dat hy teen die ein- datum was 19 Desember as van die subkontrakteurs, tential to transform!”
The World Future Council
Polisiebeamptes uit op borgtog
Ontwikkeling van nuwe dorpsuitbreidings op koers
de van hierdie maand sal klaar wees
verlede jaar. Hy het ook aangedui dat die voltooi-
was druk besig met hul werksaamhede.
10 FEBRUARY 2015
Commotion over construction agreement
Madelaine Laubscher
A local resident informed the namib times of a situation that occurred between him and a person that offered services as a builder. According to the complainant the builder allegedly insisted that he be given money for personal issues whilst he did not carry out what was expected of him and warned that it could be a possible scam. The complainant said the day he was sup- where he insulted me, have to rebuild the “a builder sent me a posed to (a Monday) saying I am a bad per- foundation.” text message stating but only arrived three son because I said no. I The said builder was that he is willing to days later. After I subsequently gave him given the opportunity build anything in explained to him what I N$100 and told him he to comment on the return for old furni- wanted, he imme- will only be given more allegations against him. ture or money. I con- diately said he needed money after he com- “Did this person tell tacted him to make N$200 for his child to p l e t e d t h e w o r k . you how he treated use of his services and go to school. I felt sorry However, all he did me?” he asked. asked him to build a for the child and gave was lay the foundation, He then said he could but also did not do it not speak to the newshim the money. braai for me. paper at that moment, He said he would The following day he correctly. build it for N$2 300 texted me saying he Since then he did not but that he would later and I agreed to that needed N$300 for come to work nor did on comment in a text amount and I had old food. I replied saying I he answer the phone message how the man furniture that I could c a n n o t g i v e h i m when I called. I regret treated him. give to him as well. N$300. I then received to say that I believe I He sent the reporter one He did not show up on another text message fell for a scam. I will of the messages he
Publiek keelvol vir Natis Marshallino Beukes Natis in Swakopmund is weereens in die spervuur, nadat 'n baie ongelukkige lid van die publiek die koerant gekontak het en meegedeel het van die chaos wat blykbaar daar heers. Volgens die inwoner word geen kontrole uitgeoefen om persone wat eksamens vir hul leerlinglisensies wil gaan aflê, in toom te hou nie. Sy noem dat die situasie Dinsdag erg handuit geruk het en 'n bakleiery het skynbaar uitgebreek. Ongewenste elemente is blykbaar ook besig om goeie geld daar te maak deur voor in die ry in te beur, 'n nommer te bekom, en dan aan lede
van die publiek, wat wel hul eksamen wil aflê, te verkoop. Pryse wissel blykbaar van N$250 – N$350. namib times het begin ondersoek instel en die Verkeershoof telefonies kontak. Mnr Cloete waarsku onder meer lede van die publiek om hulle te weerhou daarvan om nommers by hierdie persone te koop, aangesien dit onwettig is.
Die brandweerhoof van Walvisbaai, mnr Dennis Basson (heel regs,) hou toesig oor die werksaamhede van sy personeel tydens Vrydagoggend se huisbrande in Kuisebmond Foto deur Bernabé Blaauw
"Ai, dis hartseer" - Brandweerhoof na nóg huisbrande Bernabé Blaauw Die brandweerhoof van Walvisbaai, mnr Dennis Basson, het duidelik laat blyk dat 'n brandweerman seker nooit ongevoelig kan staan teenoor slagoffers van huisbrande nie, al het jy hoeveel gesien oor die jare. Vrydagoggend teen ongeveer 06:30 het die sirenes vir die derde keer hierdie week geloei toe 'n woonhuis en drie plakkershutte in Kuisebmond se Festus Shigwedhastraat deur vlamme verwoes is. Niemand is in die voorval beseer
nie en volgens mnr Basson is die oorsaak van die jongste tragedie onbekend en word ondersoek. Hy het sy tevredenheid uitgespreek met die gedrag van die omstanders
maar met die omdraaislag om na sy voertuig te loop het hy die woorde geuiter toe hy die besittings van die slagoffers oral op die grond rondom die toneel gesien lê het.
allegedly received from the complainant, in which the complainant subsequently accused him (using foul language) of lying and
betraying people. The builder later on texted “if he thinks I am too poor to take further steps then he is mistaken. There are
institutions that will support me. He will pay if my family has to s u ff e r t h e c o n s e quences,” he concluded.
10 FEBRUARY 2015
Gaeses-moordsaak in hoërhof Marshallino Beukes
Bykans twee jaar na die sinnelose moord en moontlike verkragting van die 22-jarige Cinthia Roberta Gaeses (foto) in Arandis, gaan die verhoor op 5 Mei in die Hooggeregshof in Windhoek 'n aanvang neem. Die Arandis gemeenskap was in ‘n toestand van skok en ongeloof gehul, nadat leerlinge van Kolin Foundation Junior Sekondêre Skool die deels ontbinde oorskot van Gaeses onder ‘n hoop rommel agter die omheining ontdek het. Die polisie woordvoer-
der, hoofinspekteur Erastus Iikuyu, het op daardie stadium aan die koerant genoem dat die oorskot half naak was, met slegs ‘n pers toppie en veelkleurige sokkies aan die gedeeltelik ontbinde liggaam. Iikuyu het voorts aangedui dat die slagoffer se
familie haar laas op Vrydagaand, 28 Maart 2013, omstreeks 21:30 gesien het en sy is blykbaar as vermis by die polisie aangemeld, nadat sy nie oor die naweek haar opwagting by haar tuiste gemaak het nie. “Ek is baie hartseer… my hart pyn...” was die
woorde van ‘n gebroke mev Annatjie Gaeses, die oorlede se moeder, aan namib times. Die verdagte, Charles Noabeb (toe 26) het na sy inhegtenisneming ‘n paar dae later, in die Swakopmund landroshof skuldig op die moordklag gepleit, maar onskuldig op die
witness to change his testimony to the favour of their father. After the matter was reported to the ACC, an immediate investigation was launched. The two brothers were arrested and appeared in the Walvis Bay Magistrates Court on charges of C/s 39(1) of the Anti-Corruption Act (corruption of witnesses). They were later released on bail and appeared in court again on Monday to determine a trial date. However their legal representative
Paula Titus, a 34 year old lady left her parents’ home in Mondesa, erf 1758, on Thursday 15 January. It has been more than three weeks since her disappearance now. a bag but she didn’t say where she was going. None of her relatives know where she is. If anybody knows her whereabouts please do not hesitate to call Jus-
ta Herman on 081 422 6549 or Petrus Herman on 081 214 4146. A case for a missing person has been opened at the police.
Ombudsman berates delays in court cases Grant Noble was not present at the time thus they requested a postponement. The next appearance in court is scheduled for 10 March to decide on a trial date.
Walvis Bay Court Report 5 February 2015
David Siyambra Kosenge (30), Jekonia Shangelao Indongo (25), Teophilus Nakanwe (32) and Pieter Sindano Itana (26) appeared on a charge of fraud. Matter is postponed to 19 February. Nicodemus Iiyambo (36) appeared on a charge of fraud. Matter is postponed to 19 February. Werner Shatika (23), Jeremia Nashongo (20) and Jason Johannes Shitaleni (27) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft. Matter is postponed to 31 March. Trevor Kabonde (27) and Natangwe Naeman Angula (35) appeared on a charge of fraud. Matter is postponed to 27 May. Haimbondi Matheus (27) appeared on a charge of theft. Matter is postponed to 10 February. Krohne Henry (42) appeared on a charge of assault- assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. Matter is postponed to 4 March. A charge of theft- theft by false pretences was withdrawn against Shipelo Neshuku(19). Fillipus Haikali (54) appeared on a charge of theft. Matter is postponed to 5 March. Andreas Mutjika (41) appeared on a
According to her father Mr Petrus Herman, Paula is a Christian with very sober habits. Her mother, Justa Herman was at home when she left the house with
Granville Noble
Magistrates Court
het hom skynbaar woedend gemaak. Hy het haar na aanduiding later die nag, terwyl sy op pad huis toe was, ingewag en vermoor.
Sharlien Tjambari
Madelaine Laubscher
Gavin Henry Peter Noble was arrested in Walvis Bay during a Namibian Police operation on 13 October 2013 and was accused of being in possession of 14 pieces of crack cocaine. He spent almost nine months in police custody and was subsequently found not guilty. Before his release, according to a press release by the ACC, Grant and Granville allegedly approached one of the witnesses in their father’s case and agreed to pay the witness an amount of N$50 000 in exchange for the
haar net wou seermaak, maar nie wou vermoor nie.” Noabeb se verduideliking vir die gru-daad was dat hy en ‘n ander manspersoon die betrokke aand in ‘n geveg betrokke was, waarna die oorledene en haar vriendinne blykbaar vir hom gelag het, en dit
Missing for three weeks
Noble brothers set for trial soon Grant Noble and Granville Liuwellen Noble were arrested by the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) last year, after allegedly trying to bribe a witness in a drug dealing related case against their father, Mr Gavin Noble. Their father was found not guilty. The two brothers appeared in court yesterday, but the fixing of a trial date was postponed.
klag van verkragting. Hy het voorts getuig dat hy die oorledene twee keer met ‘n lem oor haar nek gesny het. “Sy het gebloei van die snywonde aan haar nek en omgeval en gedood…” het hy gesê. Sy getuienis het voorts gelui dat hy “kwaad vir haar was en
charge of rape. Matter is postponed to 30 March . A sentence of 60 days imprisonment or a fine of N$600 was imposed on Suama Amutenya on a charge of theft. Sam Shafihuna Idenga (27) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft. Matter is postponed to 3 March. Syongo Mishake (34) appeared on a charge of fraud. Matter is postponed to 28 July. Marlin Tangeni Kathima (19) and Jonathan Taukuheke (31) appeared on a charge of assault- assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. Matter is postponed to 18 May. Leonard Jagger (36) appeared on a charge of malicious damage to property and another charge of assault- assault by threat. Matter is postponed to 7 April. Salom Nikodemus (25) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft. Matter is postponed to 8 February. Sackeus Shilongo (37) appeared on a charge of assault- assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm read with the provisions of the Domestic Violence Act of 2003. Matter is postponed to 2 April.
The delay in finalising court cases is a violation of people’s constitutional right to a fair trial, Ombudsman John Walters says. Depending on the complexity of the case or trial, it should be finalised within a certain period of time, he said. “We will approach our courts for them to declare a reasonable time when a trial should start and end,” Walters told Nampa on the sidelines of a free legal advice session held in Katutura on Friday. The event was organised by the Office of the Ombudsman together with the Namibian Law
Society to advise people on legal issues at no charge. Many people attended the session, including residents of Rehoboth and Okahandja. While it was the first time to be staged in Windhoek, similar events already took place in Keetmans-
Ombudsman John Walters hoop and Ongwediva in previous years. Walters said organisers would like to take the event to other regions. “As long as we have lawyers and the Ombudsman the event will not be a once-off event,” he promised. Some members of the
public this agency spoke to said it is a good initiative, because legal fees are quite expensive. Meanwhile, the Office of the Ombudsman commemorated 25 years of Namibia’s Constitutional democracy yesterday. NAMPA
Apple Laptop worth N$45 000 confiscated Liesl Losper Over the past weekend, the police confiscated an Apple Laptop at Narraville. An informant in this specific area informed the police of a man running away from a taxi with a laptop and this instantly roused suspicion. The police went to the suspect's house and requested proof of ownership. The suspects could not provide any proof whatsoever, only that he bought it from a Russian national. The police took the laptop to the station. The laptop has a identity lock on, which make it difficult for someone to actually sell it and also to trace the owner. Detective Warrant Officer Johan Geiseb confirmed to the namib times that they already have about 7 laptops which were confiscated in such a manner.
The Apple laptop that was confiscated by the Narraville police. “We are requesting the public, if it is your laptop as per photo, or maybe you might know who’s laptop it is to contact us”, says Detective Geiseb.
Contact Detective Warrant Officer Johan Geiseb at 064-219 041 or 081 262 9842 for any further information, or for future suspicious actions you might
come across. Geiseb would also like to thank the Narraville community for refraining from buying stolen goods and informing the police of such actions.
10 FEBRUARY 2015
10 FEBRUARY 2015
Obtaining Fishing
Obtain a permit from the Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) to catch fish or dive for crayfish and respect harvesting limitations. WHY? The marine resources are limited and currently some of them are overfished or over collected. It is necessary that everybody uses them wisely and carefully to secure the future harvesting needs by protecting the stock. Quantity/number of marine resources harvestable, minimum size limits of fish and crayfish that can be caught, open season etc. help to manage stocks to avoid the total disappearance of some species in our waters. Do not leave bait or fish on the beach! Either take it home or return it to the sea. This food attracts scavengers like jackals and gulls that prey on other bio-diversity. When you are back home after the holiday, it also inflates the predator population. Where can you get a license for angling, crayfish diving & bait/mussels collection?
Swakopmund Office
NATMIRC/Aquarium, Strand Street Tel +264 64 410 1000 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Walvis Bay Office
Inspectorate Office, 1st Street Tel +264 64 201 6111 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Lüderitz Office
Inspectorate Office Tel +264 63 202 905 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Henties Bay Office
Inspectorate Office, at Hanganen Fishing Project building Tel +264 64 500 320 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Windhoek Office
Brendan Simbwaye Square, Block C, C/o Uhland & Goethe Street Tel +264 61 205 3911 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00 Where can you get a permit for using 4x4/quad bike/motorbike in the authorised ORV zone in the dune belt between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay? MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM
Swakopmund Office
Corner Bismarck Street and Sam Nujoma Avenue, Tel +264 64 404 576 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 &14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Namibia Never requested any Assistance from Chatam Rock Phosphate In its media release on 4 February 2015 Chatham Rock Phosphate claims it is “sharing its experience of New Zealand’s environmental consenting regime to assist Namibia in designing an environmental assessment process for its seabed phosphate resources.” By going public with what was at most a comment submission of a few pages, CRP created the impression of telling Namibians how to do its assessment as if CRP had done its assessment the ideal way and Namibia could use that as an example. ( h t t p : / / w w w. r o c k phosphate.co.nz/ news/2015/2/4/nzx-announcement-media-release-crp-assists-with-namibian-environmental-pilot) Self serving actions to promote a company’s fortunes are seen for what they are. Pronouncements like those by CRP will not endear the company or its representatives to those who hold sway. No one in Namibia ever requested any assistance from CRP! Namibia does not need any advice from CRP! Namibia has a plan of itown. It is more than capable to do things the way it considers appropriate and necessary. The Namibian proposed research is more directly aligned to what it needs. In its presumptuous announcement CRP conveniently failed to mention the fact that the Namibian Government has wisely engaged two highly respected Norwegian-based research groups to advise it, namely • The Foundation for Scientific and Industrial Research, SINTEF, the largest independent research organisation in Scandinavia. • The Institute of Marine Research (IMR), the larg-
est marine research institution in Norway and the second biggest in Europe. Having these two institutions involved the Namibian Government is surely not interested in the one-sided views of a self-serving company which has a subsidiary registered in Namibia with a view to exploiting Namibia’s marine phosphate resources for its own enrichment. The Namibian scientific studies will be carried out independently of any industry players: clearly to ensure that all assessments are based purely on science and not influenced by interests from any of the industries dependent on the marine environment. In no way will these institutions allow their studies to be influenced or undermined by comments that are scientifically irrelevant and questionable. These more reputable institutions have standards to live up to. Why would they compromise that? During the Namibian project’s deliberations it was highlighted that this was a new industry with little knowledge or experience regarding impacts on the marine ecosystem from bulk seabed mining for the Namibian phosphate deposits. Had CRP paid any attention and been scientifically astute it would have grasped the fact that the environment where Namibian deposits are found differs both in the type of the marine phosphate deposit and
the environment to that off New Zealand. Site-specific studies are required in any environmental assessment. Furthermore, CRP would have taken note of the public warning by the Confederation of Namibian Fishing Associations when the latter declared marine phosphate mining “a serious threat to the marine and land environment, people and to the Namibian fishing industry as well as other sustainable industry”. This is one reason why CRP’s involvement in Namibia is and will be closely monitored. Namibians are apprehensive of CRP and its intentions. Its presence in Namibia leaves much to be desired. In fact, it is most disturbing. Full details were presented by Swakopmund Matters in ANNEXURE B of its Submission on 29 October 2014 to the DECISION MAKING COMMITTEE appointed by the ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AUTHORITY OF NEW ZEALAND to decide on CRP’s marine consent application. (http://www.epa.govt. nz/EEZ/EEZ000006/ EEZ000006_16_10_%20 Annexure_B_PRESENCE_OF_CHATHAM_ ROCK_PHOSPHATE_ IN_NAMIBIA.pdf) When the full record of all documentation issued by that Decision Making Committee is analysed one gets the distinct impression that what CRP had presented falls much short of truly significant scientific stu-
dies. Most of what had been presented can be classified as desk-top studies with little, if any, scientific substance or value. That CRP had undertaken inadequate research on the actual proposed mining area is part of the official record. CRP’s evidence gave cause for the EPA to have constantly requested further information. During the hearings its scientific team was unprepared due to limited prior research having been conducted. Their hastily assembled reports have not passed the test of robust evidence. This web link is but one indication of how many gaps there were in CRP’s presentations. (http://www.epa.govt.nz/ EEZ/chatham_rock_phosphate/the_application/ Pages/Further-information-from-CRP.aspx) The following apt description of CRP’s failure to even impress its own countrymen was given during testimony before that Committee: “CRP chose to lodge their application even though it was lacking in information and robust data. There has
Where to Fish
HENTIES BAY Jakkalsputz Bennie se Rooi Lorrie Mile 33 Mile 30
Source: http://www.tides4fishing.com
Hoboomsgat Wlotzkasbaken Mile 14 Mile 8 Wreck
Mile 8 Mile 4 SWAKOPMUND
iver op R Swak Vierkantklip
Langstrand Dolfynstrand
WALVIS BAY Paaltjies
Walvis Bay Tides
aru ru
Riv er
Mile 72
Swakopmund Tides
Walvis Bay Office
Henrich Baumann Street Road - Number 643 Tel +264 64 205 971/2 Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00h - 13:00
Port Log
since been over 100 information requests to CRP for further information and data. Leading into and throughout the hearing process CRP’s witnesses and representatives who were supposed to be at the hearing and meet deadlines sometimes failed to meet these deadlines.” That testimony was concluded with this appeal imploring the Committee to recognise CRP’s application for what it was: “Incomplete. Risky. Uncertain. Flawed. Selfish.” (http://www.epa.govt. nz/EEZ/EEZ000006/ EEZ000006_17_04_ June%20Penn%20-20Verbal%20Submission%20 Hamilton%20FINAL%20 V2.pdf) With the above in mind Namibians and those to decide the future of Namibia’s marine resources will carry out assessments planned specifically and designed expertly for Namibia. Swakopmund Matters 9 February 2015 (For Swakopmund Matters the environment of the Namibian coastline and its ocean matters)
10 FEBRUARY 2015
Summer bird count 2015, visitors from far and wide BernabĂŠ Blaauw The annual summer bird count that took place on Saturday and Sunday in and around Walvis Bay, attracts visitors from all over the world. This year it was not only birds, but people who also came from afar to take part in the exercise. everybody came together at Buccaneers Squash Club for a final debriefing and splitting up into the various groups. The local bird counting exercise takes place around the lagoon, the salt pans, Pelican Point and the evaporation ponds near the Bird Sanctuary.
Photos by BernabĂŠ Blaauw
Volunteers came from Windhoek, Otjiwarongo, the Unam Campus in Henties Bay, Swakopmund and Walvis Bay and even from the United Kingdom. On Saturday 70 bird counters turned up for duty and on Sunday there were 59. As usual, the exercise started off with breakfast at Cafe Probst where after
10 FEBRUARY 2015
The views and opinbions expressed on this page are not necessarily those of the namib times. We do encourage and value the participation of our readers, but we cannot publish any libellous letters. Letters and Facebook comments from readers are left unchanged, but libellous remarks and unacceptable language will be removed at the discretion of the editing staff.
newsdesk @namibtimes.net
Die sienings en menings wat op die blad verskyn is nie noodwendig die van die namib times nie. Hoewel ons die deelname van ons lesers op die forum aanmoedig en waardeer, kan ons nie lasterlike briewe publiseer nie. Briewe en Facebook kommentaar van lesers word onveranderd gelaat, maar lasterlike opmerkings en onaanvaarbare taal sal verwyder word onderhewig aan die diskresie van die redaksie.
Slang op man se erf
Madelaine Laubscher
‘n Hentiesbaai inwoner het Woensdagaand op ‘n slang afgekom in sy erf toe hy ‘n stopkraan wou toedraai. Hy sê dit was die eerste keer dat hy op ‘n slang in Hentiesbaai afkom.
Die slang wat op die Hentiesbaai inwonder se erf gevind is
namib times reader’s comments
“Ek het Woensdagaand ’n slang op my erf gekry en dié van kant gemaak, omdat die slang aggresief was teenoor my. Ek was nie seker of hy sou byt nie. Ek is baie bang vir slange. Of ’n slang giftig is of nie, ek sal nie kanse vat nie. Dit is die eerste keer dat ek ’n slang in Hentiesbaai teëkom, maar ek is seker dit is wel nie die eerste slang wat in dié omgewing voorkom nie,” het hy gesê.
Volgens hom het ’n pyp gebars op sy erf en toe hy die stopkraan wou toedraai, het hy op dié slang afgekom. “Ek is nie ’n slang kenner nie dus kan ek nie sê watse tipe slang dit was nie, maar dit lyk baie soos ’n geelslang of ’n bosslang. Nadat ’n foto van dié slang gestuur is aan ’n woordvoerder van Tommy’s Tours & Safaris het sy gesê “dit is jammer ons kan nie die slang se kop sien nie, maar dit lyk soos ’n Bruin Huisslang. Slange kan gevang
word en verskuif word. Nie een van die slange langs die kus is werklik dodelik nie, maar van die adders kan wél ’n klein kind doodmaak. Algemene slange langs die kus is die sykartelslang (‘sidewinder’) of die horinsgmannetjie, die Bruin Huisslang, die Namib Sandslang, die Dwerg Spitsslang (‘dwarf beaked snake’) en nader aan Walvisbaai kry ons die Pofadder.” ‘n Woordvoerder van ‘Snakes of Namibia’, Mr Simon McGowan,
het ook aan die namib times verduidelik dat dit onwettig is om ‘n slang net van kant te maak. “Dit is definitief ’n Bruin Huisslang en hulle is totaal en al skadeloos. Ek weet weens ’n tekort aan kennis maak mense slange dood, maar dit is onwettig en daar kan baie streng nagevolge wees. In die vervolg kan enige een wat op ’n slang afkom, ons dadelik skakel by 081 233 9242 en ons sal die slang dadelik kom verwyder.”
Slang gevind in Hentiesbaai Woensdagaand is ’n slang deur ’n Hentiesbaai inwoner gevind en volgens kenners is dit ’n Bruin Huisslang. Alex McDonald Dit lyk soos n bruin huisslang. Ek kan nie die kop mooi sien nie. Hulle is skadeloos; dis nou as dit n briun huisslang is. Wys die kop asb. Doera Vanwyk Ek slaan hom dood. Patrick Kaaheke I like animals too, but lets be honest, when you see something which you don’t expect to see like a snake there is an instinctive reaction to kill it. No time to look whether its harmless or not. By the time you realise its harmless, then its late. Alex Muukua Is there also snakes at the coast? Unbelievable. Jo-Ann Katamila People we do understand tht there are snake lovers out there, who knows every single snake by its name. For me a snake is a snake l’ll kill it
before it kills me.... period. Rodianko Toetsertjie Koopman Lyk soos ‘n sweep slangetjie... Harmless. Anita Moynihan Potgieter Watse slang is dit? Frank Boye If I find a snake on my yard, I'll kill it as well. Rather the snake than my Dogs or me! Waltraut Bierbach Why would one just go and kill a harmless housesnake. Do you now feel good. I am not impressed. Call the snake catchers if you are not sure. Jo-Ann Katamila Ek het ongelukkig ook nou 'n slang laat dood maak. Wie bel jy eerste jou man of di slangvanger. Jammer miskien was hy harmless ma as jy slaap en wakker gemaak word van 'n slang by jou kop dan is da net 1 uitweg... dood!
NamPost apologizes to senior citizen Last week Thursday a senior citizen of Walvis Bay could not unlock her mailbox, after she had paid her account. After requesting from an employee why she could not open her mailbox the employee allegedly made rude remarks towards her. Esme Scheepers Van Wyk Mr Harold Akwenye expect to receive more complaints of this nature, the counter staff are extremely rude. It is as if they are doing you a favour to do their job - unacceptable!! Well done to the senior citizen for reporting this. Elna VdBank DuBuisson That you can say again. They are rude and very unfriendly too. Alex Muukua Sies man. No respect from your roots... We must respect our senior citizen. Silas Gentos Bundje That young lady was not taught manners from home. Festus Nghiyalwa It’s not first time this thing happening, something needed to be done in nampost especially in town. Glendyrr Bailey Eish, so sorry that happened, good on Nampost to apologise, however Cat-Cat-lord Mb-
ishi, it’s not all Namibian blacks that are bad, really now! Liezel Swart This is somehing you expect to happen in RSA. Namibia is different because of the way people respect and treat each other. Desmond W. Haodom Kama taught from the roots.... I dn't blame her. You can nt demand respect you have to earn it. Clients dnt respect services providers. I dnt think the gesture was intepreted properly. Talking from experience, how they(clients) speak is as if they were nt taught manners from the roots and somehow RACIST. Anastasia Harases Story always has 3 sides... how did the old lady approach the other lady? Toni Hart Well done Nampost, thank you!
Alleged smuggling of goods into Walvis Bay A trusted source told namib times that goods were allegedly smuggled into Walvis Bay on Saturday. According to the source a taxi driver was arrested after the perpetrator requested him to receive goods over the Namport fence during the night. Jenny Mynhardt Dinge raak net erger..OMDAT MENSE NET TOE GESLUIT WORD...VOOR HOF KOM.. EN WEER UITLOOP...
Liefie As jou kind 21 raak is dit mos nou die in ding om rond te loop in die strate en te bedel vir donasies. Ek wonder teen die trant wat mense hiérdie ondersteun gaan die ouer vir haar kind seker net ’n speelgoed karretjie kan koop. Gepraat van gulsig wees, Liefie gewaar onlangs hoe mense wat volwasse genoeg is om te drink en rook, op ’n ander se skouer lê vir kos en slaapplek - en moenie die kanker stokkies en plesiervoggies vergeet nie. Hulle is geseën met
hande en voete wat self ’n salaris kan verdien, maar dit smaak vir Liefie dit is mos service met ’n smile om op ’n ander hardwerkende se skouer te lê eerder as om te gaan werk vir jou geld. Daar bestaan mos nie ‘n ‘Januarie maand’ vir
hulle nie. Dan is daar die "need for speed" - mense wat so resies hou in die strate met hulle ouers se karre. Liefie dink die mense wat so speel met karre kan hul karre maar afstaan vir die 21 jarige. Dit is immers beter as ’n speelgoed een.
Padkos vir oordenking Wie met trane saai, sal die oes met gejuig inbring. Al loop hy en huil terwyl hy die saaisak dra, hy kom juigend terug terwyl hy sy gerwe dra. Psalm 126: 5-6
10 FEBRUARY 2015
Savanna’s Brand New Single
‘Alone’ is the brand new single by one of Namibia’s talented emerging artists, Savannah. This is a song that many, especially introverts will relate to, as it encourages one to seek solitude in order to feel one’s own soul. “Alone is a song I wrote towards the end of last year, it is a representation of finding happiness while being by yourself and having the absence of exterior influence encroaching on your life,” the starlet said. She describes her music as, “a strong blend of grunge, rock, blues and folk as my influences lie with some of the greats such as Stevie Ray Vaughn and Janis Joplin. I like to incorporate my husky and deep vocals with a vibrant and warm guitar sound to capture the rawness of my music.” She was proud to inform us that her song has been played on local radio stations and also made it on the American airwaves, “The song was recorded in Windhoek to keep my Namibian roots, and was played on American radio stations as well as locally - I look forward to having it on my upcoming album.” Savannah wrote the song while on holiday at the coast and she describes the coast as, “the west coast is by far my favourite place in Namibia. I love it for the incredible ocean and serene desert landscape, it is wonderful for song writing and getting in touch with your innermost feelings. I just returned with three
new original songs which I will be recording this year.” Adding, “In fact many of my best songs have been composed on the beaches of Swakopmund, along with some of my greatest childhood memories.” Even though she is only beginning to make her mark, Savannah has been around the music scene for quite a while now. I have known her since she was only fourteen and I am proud to see her effort and dedication finally paying off. From teaching herself to play guitar to performing on stage she says, “Some of my greatest achievements have been performing live in Namibian Parliament, opening the Hart Van Windhoek festival in 2013, taking part in four Namrock festivals, the Carnival of Flames 2014.” Her next step is to perform at the prestigious national awards, “I think the NAMA awards are a great platform for Namibian artists to be recognised for their efforts in music. I would love to perform there one day and of course be a part of the ceremony with my own music as well.” Savannah is currently studying contemporary music in Cape Town at COPA (Campus Of Performing Arts) where she
is currently in her third year - entering her first year for BMUS, a higher education degree. “I am majoring in electric guitar, music theory, business and a number of other related subjects. In addition, this year I will be focusing on going into the record-
ing studio to put down some of my best original songs, and am working towards releasing an album. It has all been an incredible and challenging experience,” she said. The young singer says she has no market or target audience, “I am
grateful for any audience I get to play to, as I do not limit my music to a specific group of people. The more ears that hear and appreciate me the happier I am to share my passion with the world,” she concluded. - By Paulina Moses.
* Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. * Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Welwitschia Hospital next to indoor pool. * 12 Feb: M.O.T.H. monthly meeting in Shellhole at Moth Centre at 19:00. * 28 Feb: Laerskool Walvisbaai KERMIS. Privaatstalletjies beskikbaar kontak 202836 * 3 Maart: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Lewende Water Gemeente, Walvisbaai. * 11 March: M.O.T.H. monthly meeting in Shellhole at Moth Centre at 19:00. * 7 April: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Five Fold Ministry. * 8 April: M.O.T.H. monthly meeting in Shellhole at Moth Centre at 19:00. * 24 - 26 April: Annual wreath laying ceremony by MOTH and German traditionsverband at Trekkopje. * 26 April: 100th Anniversary battle of Trekkopje. * 5 Mei: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by A.M.E Kerk, Kuisebmond. * 13 May: MOTH monthly meeting in Shellhole at Moth Centre at 19:00. * 2 Junie: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Bethel Congregational Kerk. * 10 June: M.O.T.H. AGM in Shellhole at Moth Centre at 19:00. * 7 Julie: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Harvest Time Community Church. * 8 July: M.O.T.H. monthly meeting in Shellhole at 19:00. * 11 July: Wreath laying ceremony at M.O.T.H. Monument Usakos at 11:00. * 12 July: Delville Wood Remembrance Church Parade. * 4 Aug: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Temple of Truth Kerk. * 1 Sept: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by VGK Kerk. * 6 Okt: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Katolieke Kerk. * 3 Nov: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Lutherse Kerk. * 1 Des: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Rhynse Kerk.
SWAKOPMUND * Bridge: The Swakopmund Bridge club meets every Monday evening at 19:00 at Lions Old Age Home. Contact: Ed Barbour 064-405 604. * Swakopmund Toastmasters: Meet every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, Bismark Str 39, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 - 20:30. * 13 Feb: Lichtbilder - Vortrag: “Eine Safari durch Angola” - unser unbekanntes Nachbarland at 18:00 in the Swakopmund Museum. Donations welcome. * 28 Feb: Old Crocks Floating Trophy Tournament: 40yrs & above strictly at Mondesa Soccer & Netball Field Swakopmund.
ART EXHIBITIONS * Every Saturday: Open Air Arts Exhibition at the Mole next to Tennis courts in Swakopmund. Oil paintings - weather permitting. * Permanent Collection: Woermann Haus Gallery in Bismarck Street. Fine collection of the Swakopmund Arts Association’s “South West Masters’’ and contemporary Namibian art works. Open Mondays to Saturdays 10:00 12:00 and 15:00 - 17:00. * Swakopmund Museum: Open daily, including Sundays 10:00 - 17:00. * Sam Cohen Library: Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00/15:00 - 17:00 and the second Saturday per month 09:00 - 13:00. * Die Galerie, Walvis Bay: Exhibition of Namibian and South African Artists. Gallery Hours: Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00. Saturday - 08:30 - 12:30.
10 10 FEBRUARY FEBRUARY2015 2015
The World this week
Women dressed in Baianas perform the traditional "Lavagem", or washing ritual, to bring good luck at the Sambodrome, one week before the Carnival parade, in Rio de Janeiro February 8. REUTERS/Pilar Olivares
Pharrell Williams performs “Happy” at the 57th annual Grammy Awards in Los Angeles, California February 8. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson
An employee views the Port of Shanghai from an office window in this January 19, 2011 file photo. China’s trade performance slumped in January, with exports falling 3.3 percent from year-ago levels while imports tumbled 19.9 percent, far worse than analysts had expected and highlighting deepening weakness in the Chinese economy. REUTERS/Carlos Barria/Files
This undated handout photo obtained February 6, courtesy of the Mueller family and the office of US Senator John McCain shows 26-year-old Kayla Mueller. The Islamic State group said a coalition air strike February 6 killed an American woman it was holding hostage in Syria, in a claim that could not be immediately verified. In Jordan, meanwhile, thousands of people marched to demand retribution against IS for murdering a captive pilot. In a statement on jihadist websites, IS said the woman, whom it named as Kayla Jean Mueller, was buried under rubble after a raid by a Jordanian warplane in Raqa.”The plane from the crusader coalition bombed a position outside the city of Raqa after Friday prayers,” it said. The United States said it has not yet seen any proof to confirm the IS claim. AFP PHOTO/THE MUELLER FAMILY/
Raji Sukumaran (L), the mother of Australian death row prisoner Myuran Sukumaran, accompanied by her son Chintu (C), arrives at Indonesia’s National Commission on Human Rights for a meeting in Jakarta February 9. Two Australian members of the “Bali Nine” drug trafficking ring, arrested in Bali in 2005 for attempting to smuggle 8 kg (18 lb) of heroin to Australia, will be executed this month, a government official said on Friday, ignoring clemency pleas from their home country. Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan are among eight prisoners due to be executed as President Joko Widodo pursues a hardline approach to drug offences, drawing criticism from rights activists at home and abroad. REUTERS/ Darren Whiteside
People wait for their trains at Hongqiao train station in Shanghai, ahead of Chinese New Year, February 9. Chinese Ministry of Transport said a total of 2.807 billion trips are expected to be made during the 40-day Spring Festival travel rush, which will begin on February 4 and last until March 16, Xinhua News Agency reported. REUTERS/ Aly Song
Australia’s Prime Minister Tony Abbott addresses members of the media after a party room meeting at Parliament House in Canberra February 9. Abbott survived a challenge to his leadership after his ruling Liberal Party on Monday voted down an attempt to unseat him after weeks of infighting. A secret party room ballot to declare the positions of party leader and deputy leader vacant was voted down 61 votes to 39, chief party whip Philip Ruddock told reporters. REUTERS/ Sean Davey
Fans of Ivory Coast team celebrate in a street of Abidjan the victory of their team in their African Nations Cup final against Ghana, February 8. Ivory Coast finally won the African Nations Cup after a decade of close calls as they edged neighbours Ghana 9 - 8 on penalties after a goalless draw following extra time in Sunday’s final at Estadio de Bata.
A policeman directs traffic on a flooded street outside the Presidential Palace, after heavy seasonal rains flooded parts of Jakarta, February 9. REUTERS/Darren Whiteside
Captain of the Costa Concordia cruise liner Francesco Schettino sits with two laptops at court during his trial in Grosseto February 9. The trial of Schettino, accused of causing the deaths of 32 people in the 2012 Costa Concordia cruise ship disaster, nears its climax with a verdict expected over the coming days. Schettino was the commander of the vessel when it came too close to shore and hit rocks off the Tuscan holiday island of Giglio. REUTERS/Max Rossi
10 FEBRUARY 2015
10 FEBRUARY 2015
Catamaran Charters welcome new owners Liesl Losper
Last month the previous owners of the well-known Catamaran Charters bid farewell as owners but they can assure that Catamaran Chartes are in the good hands of Theunes Keulder and his family. Theunis Keulder is a founder member of the NID in 1992, and he has extensive experience in the overall coordination and implementation of projects funded by a variety of donors in Namibia. "I will be managing Catamaran Charters fulltime, and will take over existing staff. There may be one or two additional employees, but we aim to have business as usual. Desmèon will assist from time to time on the accounting and administrative side, as she is the coastal manager for Pointbreak Namibia," said the new owner who also holds a Masters Degree in Business Leadership (MBL) from the Uni-
versity of South Africa Business School (2000) and a Masters Degree in Communications (1992). Theunis, assured that Catamaran Charters will continue ongoing operations as before with their emphasis on safety and quality. "We are fortunate that we can spend a lot of time with Marko and Daniela to ensure a smooth handover. All agreed-upon rates, agreements and memberships for this year will remain unchanged. All contact details will remain unchanged. The only change that will occur is that we have relocated the booking office to the Walvis Bay Waterfront" says Theunis.
"It is with great excitement that I am introducing my family to you as the new owners of Catamaran Charters: Theunis, Desmèon, Tristan and Chiara Keulder (pictured with Kaily Jansen Van Vuuren)
10 FEBRUARY 2015
Goodbye words from the previous owners Marko, Daniela, Kaily and Kimberly Eleven years ago when my parents started the business and they asked us to join - we had that same enthusiasm, couldn't wait for our first twenty steps.
Catamaran Charters’ previous owners Marko and Daniela with Kaily and Kimberley
Then we took over the company and found the terrain had changed, sand was shifting in - still giggling about it though - for every 2 steps forward, meant one step back. It was great, the higher we got, the more friends we made along the way, the closer the family came together and the more we started appreciating everyone joining us on this climb up. We have reached the top of the dune
with a wonderful team of people, being our crew mates, family, friends, acquaintances and each other. Marko and myself were one of those who sat quite a while on the brim of that dune, pondering what now? With a stunning view and good company, we had decided to take that one step back out of our own accord - to reassess all we had and all we have. It is with great sadness, but yet with pride that we have
to announce the sale of our business. This was not an easy decision - but one we have made and followed through with. The new owners are still full with that 'first twenty steps' enthusiasm and we believe that this dune has the potential to grow in the care of their hands. Desmeon and
Theunis Keulder are known to many and their door is open to anyone wanting to come meet them and we are sure vice versa may be applied. For Marko and myself...we look forward to the next twenty steps of the intertwining dune staring at us - not to reach higher, but to tackle the dune
that promises a journey with our two young daughters into the unknown future, taking 2 steps forward...and taking the time to giggle and appreciate what we have together with every step back we take. May we not say farewell, but rather good-bye - until we meet again!"
10 FEBRUARY 2015
Celebrating Five Years
Owners Bobby Jo & Kelly with Helena, Yvonne, Vicky, Maggie and Vanessa
Proudly Red - NPS teachers of the Red team @ the athletics
Blowing out the candles - Jarren and Jareth's 18th birthday
Lekker kuier op 'n Sondag by die Waterfront
The brothers - Jarren and Jareth with their Uncle Nico, at their 18th birthday
Date: 21
Time: 18:30 for 19:00 Theme: Classy Ball under the sea Costs: N$1000pp Contact: (064) 201 3219 / +26481 143 1289 / bfernandez@walvisbaycc.org.na
Kim & Fuad Brenner,Beulah Pretorius, Gadija Brenner, Tahir Platt in the company of David Williams at the Walvis Bay Primary Athletics
10 FEBRUARY 2015
Franca Steenkamp, Jaun-Mare Du Plessis, Auriel Plato, Marie Eysele and Sulene Gerber, doing their duty at the Walvis Bay Primary Athletics
A proud father congratulates his daugther
Photos by Coenita de Bairos
WBPHS parents supporting their children during the athetics event on Saterday
Fotos deur Marshallino Beukes
'n Nuwe koffiewinkel open sy deure in Swakopmund
Vaughn Ahrens (16) met sy mooi stem het gesorg vir die musiek tydens die opening
Klante by die opening Saterdag, van die nuwe koffiewinkel in Swakopmund
10 FEBRUARY 2015
Out with the old, in with the new BernabĂŠ Blaauw
The new contingent of navy representatives from Brazil were welcomed to Namibia by their compatriots in the form of a family day on Saturday at the Atlantis Sport Club in Walvis Bay. Members of the old shift said they are very sad to be going back to their country in March because they fell in love with Namibia. They were quick to introduce the members of the new shift to some of the Namibian customs, as well as our food and drinks. Bem-vindo a NamĂbia (welcome to Namibia).
10 FEBRUARY 2015
NOTICE CONSENT USES, ERECTION OF BUILDINGS AND USE OF LAND IN TERMS OF TOWN PLANNING SCHEME REGULATIONS Notice is hereby given in term of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Town Planning Scheme Regulations that the Town Council considers the following consent uses, erection of buildings and use of land, details of which are obtained from the General Manager: Engineering Services. We Meerdorf Trust as registered owners on Erf 559, Swakopmund intends applying to the Swakopmund Municipality for: · Rezoning of Erf 559, Swakopmund from “Single Residential” with a density of 1:900 to “ General Residential” with a density of 1:100 Erf 559 is situated in Dünen Street. The Erf measures approximately 1350m². We the owners intent to develop Erf 559 for General Residential purposes namely Town Houses. Onsite parking will be provided in accordance with the Swakopmund Town Planning Scheme. Take notice that the location plan for Erf 559 lies for inspection at the Swakopmund Municipality Notice Board normal office hours. Further take notice that any person objecting the purpose of the proposed use of land as set out above may lodge such objections together with the grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Engineering Services, P.O. Box 53, Swakopmund and with the application in writing within 14 days of the last publication of this notice. Closing date for objections will be on or before 10 March 2015 Contact person: Berti & Dörte Witte Telephone: 081 257 7391 Email: meerdorfmusik@gmail.com P.O. Box: 655 Swakopmund
Lucky Dollar Gaming Vacancies: Hereby we are inviting suitable candidates to apply for the following:
Positions: CASHIERS & SECURITY PERSONNEL Location: Walvis Bay Commencement Date: ASAP Closing Date: 28 February 2013
CAREER OPPORTUNITY 2 x Junior Reservation Consultants Catamaran Charters and Sandwich Harbour 4x4 are leading activity tourism operators conducting daily marine and Sandwich Harbour excursions from Walvis Bay. In order to ensure the further growth of our companies focused on safety, quality and sustainability, we are recruiting two full-time Junior Reservations Consultants. Relevant experience, Namibian citizenship and fluency in English, German and Afrikaans are required, while additional language capabilities and a formal qualification in tourism will receive preference. Applications together with a CV and recent photograph may be emailed to tkeulder@iway.na The closing date for applications is 13th February 2015. Only applicants shortlisted will be contacted.
Walvis Bay Bulk Terminal (Pty) Ltd, an Equal Opportunity Employer and a division of Grindrod Terminals in Walvis Bay, is a company operating within the ports of Namibia, and hereby invites suitably qualified individuals to apply for the following position:
Primary Purpose of Position Overall supervision & maintenance of product, material, machinery and infrastructure on site thereby ensuring efficient and systematic material flow aiding Grindrod obligations. Minimum Requirements: Ø Namibian Citizenship or Permanent Residence; Ø Matric & valid Driver's License; Ø Operations Management and/or Technical Diploma; Ø 3 Years Supervisory exposure. Scope of the Position include but not limited to: Ø Operational Planning , continuous flow , and enhanced efficiency improvements; Ø Ensure Compliance, HSE, PPE, maintenance of SHERQ policies; Ø HR and IR knowledge, performance management. For a detailed description of the position, kindly enquire with Johnny Ferreira at JohnnyF@grindrod.com.na. Closing date: Friday, 13th February 2015 Please ensure a comprehensive application is e-mailed to JohnnyF@grindrod.com.na or alternatively hand-delivered at Reception at the head office of WBBT at 173, 3rd Street East, Walvis Bay.
10 FEBRUARY 2015
Inter-house Athletics Meeting 2015
The Vineta Sports Stadium was packed
Girls having fun
100m dash - Always the highlight of the event
Ms Mangani and Ms Gertze with their team
Girls 80m - On your marks‌.
Mr Tsuseb doing a victory dance for the Green Team
The overall winners in their age groups Ms Kooper (Principal) with Senior Victors and Victrix Ludorum
10 FEBRUARY 2015
VACANCIES VACANCY Marine Safety Technician Required by International Marine Safety Company We are seeking a person whom we can swiftly train into the above role. Whilst marine experience is a huge advantage, any person who is mechanically (millwright, fitter etc.) experienced, practical and enthusiastic about developing a career could qualify. The candidate must have a valid passport in order to travel into Africa at short notice. Candidates must be fluent in English, Portuguese will be an advantage. In addition to the above a high level of integrity and dedication is mandatory. Namibian/ Angolan dual citizenship is required for this position. We offer a very competitive salary package that is commensurate with candidate experience and includes: international travel allowance. If you think you fit this, please send your CV and a covering letter of motivation as to why you feel you are the right person, to employmentfor2015@gmail.com Closing Date: 16 February 2015
CONSENT APPLICATION IN TERMS OF THE WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME CONSENT: Office ON ERF NO: 2681 TOWNSHIP: Hermes STREET: Hidipo Hamutenya Drive In terms of the abovementioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/ establish an Office on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 106D, Civic Centre, Walvis Bay. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with the grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, and the undersigned, in writing, not later than 24 February 2015. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Mr J P Silver, PO Box 118, Walvis Bay
10 FEBRUARY 2015
Walvis Bay Natis Registering Office Trading Hours Monday – Thursday 08h00 – 12h45 14h00 – 15h30 Friday 08h00 – 12h45 Monday Learners license bookings (First 45 applicants) Roadworthy applications & tests (08h00 – 12h00) Motor vehicle registrations (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Motor vehicle license renewals (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of learners licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of driving licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Application for permits (08h00 – 12h00) Collecting of driving license cards (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 15h30) Tuesday Driving license renewals (08h00 – 12h00) Motor vehicle registrations (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Motor vehicle license renewals (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of learners licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of driving licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Application for permits (08h00 – 12h00) Collecting of driving license cards (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 15h30) Wednesday Learners license bookings (First 70 applicants) Roadworthy applications & tests (08h00 – 12h00) Motor vehicle registrations (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Motor vehicle license renewals (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of learners licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of driving licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Application for permits (08h00 – 12h00) Collecting of driving license cards (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 15h30) Thursday Driving license renewals (08h00 – 12h00) Motor vehicle registrations (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Motor vehicle license renewals (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of learners licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of driving licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Application for permits (08h00 – 12h00) Collecting of driving license cards (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 15h30) Friday Driving license bookings (First 40 applicants) Roadworthy applications & tests (08h00 – 12h00) Motor vehicle registrations (08h00 – 12h45) Motor vehicle license renewals (08h00 – 12h45) Applications for permits (08h00 – 12h45) Collecting of driving license cards (08h00 – 12h45)
10 FEBRUARY 2015
Swakopmund Ext 9 600 m² vacant plot Already bordered to 3 boundary walls N$ 700 000.00 Vinothan 0811289388 Swakopmund Vogelstrand 2 bed, 2 bath apart with open plan, double garage, indoor braai, balcony with breath-taking view. N$ 1 350 000.00 Vinothan 0811289388 CONSOLIDATED ERF FOR SALE Walvis bay Kuisebmund: Erf 1560 - 772m² Erf 1564 - 682m² Erf 1565 - 524m² (Consolidated erf 1978m²) N$2.4mil Contact: 374 5000 081 248 3000 ERF FOR SALE In New Development Tamariskia (Ext3) Opposite Ocean View Shell Service Station:
Walvis Bay Meersig house for sale. 190sqm Modern 2-3 bedroom, 1 bathroom. Garage parks 4 cars. Panhandel Erf 795sqm. Price N$1 300 000.00 Mobile 0815824679
FOR SALE: Long Beach: Fully furnished town house with 3 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, open plan living area, indoor BBQ, double garage, balcony and drying yard. Close to the beach. N$1,300,000.00. Call 0812962678
SWAKOPMUND!!! GOOD BUY ! FOR SALE: “200 m from the sea” Two bedroom flat, fully furnished with quality furniture, two bathrooms, inside “braai”, garage, balcony, high security, town central, 300 m from school. N$ 1.45 mil TO LET!! TO LET MILE 4!! Very safe! First come fist served!! 3 bedrooms, 2 bathroom, 2 garages, No pets ! RENTAL : N$ 7200.00 Did you know, your holiday house, flat or apartment is a goldmine? Give it to us for letting and we'll do the rest!!! CONTACT : Jp van der Walt Capricorn Estates 081 127 2736
SWAKOP MONDESA A ONCE OFF!! 2 Bed, 2 bath, with Tandem garage & huge Bachelor flat. Very neat On own erf. N$ 790 000-00 GOGGA 0818709950 SWAKOPMUND OH SO NICE! 4 Bed, 3 bath, 3 garage. Study, scullery, roof Entertainment with seaview. N$ 2 550 000-00 Gogga 0818709950 TO RENT: 2 bedroom house to rent in Kuisebmond Seapoint side N$ 3 400.00 p/m Water incl. N$ 3 000.00 (can be split in 2 months) Available immediately. Call: 081 221 8507 2 Bedroom House Meersig, Double garage 2 Bathrooms Kitchen, lounge 1 separate Toilet Indoor BBQ 1 outside BBQ Area Alarm system Available immediately, W/E excl. N$7500.00 monthly Deposit same as rent, Neg Please contact: 0811274549 / 0816731986
New Development only 4 Units left Fairways NS 1 695 000.00
Walvis Bay 064-280 600
Erf Dolphin Beach 3463 m² N$ 4 375 000.00
Contact our Agents Town House Ruth – 081 240 7350 Dolphin Beach Karien – 081 250 4690 3 bed, 2 bath, Lounge, Jackie – 081 246 3590 kitchen 2 garages www.grobbies-estates.com N$ 1 800 000.00 PROPERTY IS WEALTH
SMALL FLAT TO RENT Tamariskia - Swakop: 1 Bedroom, 1 toilet / shower. Open plan kitchen. Private entrance from street, small yard. Alarm - no garage. Single person. N$3200.00 W/L Incl. Deposit Negotiable. Contact: 081 756 3663
85m² available immediately. Rent N$ 9 600.00 p/m Contact Yolande: 081 251 9377 HOUSE FOR RENT: Kuisebmond 2 bedrooms, 1 lounge & kitchen. 1 bathroom Garage(optional) N$ 4 000.00 p/m Excl electricity. Deposit N$ 4 000.00 Very quiet suburb with no shebeens. Contact: 081 140 6623 TO RENT: Spacious 3 bedrooms house to rent in Tamariskia, next to Rossing foundation. 3 Bedroom with 3 bathrooms built in cupboards, spacious living room, open plan kitchen with finishing. Interlocked yard with one drive through garage and lots parking space. N$ 7000.00 p/m W/E incl. deposit required. Available Immediately. Contact Sililo@ 081 325 2047 or 081 155 9825 or Ernest @081 128 4734
TO LET SWAKOP BEST OFFER EVER VENITA 4 Bedr House, Indoor BBQ/ Entertainment room, stunning kitchen Huge erf D/ garage N$ 9 900.00
TO RENT: One bedroom flat with BIC and Stove N$ 3 500.00 p/m No animals No kids. Available now Fairways, Walvis Bay View after 17:00 Contact: 081 127 6112 081 237 3492 FOR SALE Tamariskia: Free standing 2 Bedroom, Bathroom, Open plan, Lounge, Dining room, Tandem garage. N$1 180 000.00 Contact: 081 122 0583
WALKING TO TOWN 1 Bedr Flat, Fully Furn Secure parking N$ 5 500.00 2 Bedr flat, Fully Furn s/ garage Save complex N$ 11 000.00 BACHELOR FLAT Fully furn, S/Garage N$ 4 500.00 LIVE IN STYLE MILE 4 4 Bedr House, Lounge, dining room, sitting room Patio, Indoor BBQ Huge T/Garage N$ 16 500.00 CONTACT US STILL TODAY RYNO: 0812105085 (064) 464 033 Www.remax.co.za PROPERTY IS WEALTH
Walvis Bay
KuisebmondPlot and plan Ranging from N$750 000.00 to N$850 000.00 Hurry - If you snooze, you loose!!! Kuisebmond 2 corner plots next to each other…365 Square meters each N$275 00 each!!! Cell: 081 270 4333 Tel: 064 202788 Fax: 064 204125
House Central can be rezoned to business NS 2 670 000.00
Guesthouse Close to Lagoon N$ 4 750 000.00
House Central 3 bed, 2bath, lounge, kitchen, 3 garage, large erf N$ 1 500 000.00
For the Investor 3 bed, 1bath House plus 3 flats N$ 1 999 000.00
Plot & Plan Erf 600m² Good location, near school, across Ocean view Shell service station. Driving distance (5min) to Spar shopping centre. Surrounded by more than 120 newly built & develop elegant houses. House plan included. Good investment for only N$665 000.00 Contact Raymond: 081 467 6366 081 626 1940
Contact number 081 127 6049
New Development Fairways Units starting from N$996 000.00
Swakopmund, Industrial Area 2461 m² Vacant erf Zoned Light Industrial Close to Engine Service Station N$ 3 200 000.00 Vinothan 0811289388
New House for Sale House in CC big 3bedr. 3bathr. double garage open plan Lounge/kitchen/ scullery Erf 6204 Ext.22 690m2 House 217.72m2 Swakopmund adjacent to mile 4 Price N$1,750,000-00
Long Beach Duet for Sale! 3 Bed, 2 Bath, Dining Room Lounge, Double Garage Outside Braai, Furniture Incl. Price drastically reduced to N$1 700 000.00! Vinothan 0811289388
Bachelor Flat For Single Person to Rent in Hermis Walvisbay. Small one bedroom with bathroom, small open-plan kitchen and living area. Private entrance with courtyard. No pets allowed. No garage. Walking distance from Welwitchia Hospital and De Duine School. Immediately available. N$2750 pm + N$2000 deposit. W/E included. Contact: 081 207 7651 TO RENT Mondesa: Bachelors flat to rent with hot water. N$2500.00 per month + deposit. Contact: 081 304 3162 081 221 1892 TO RENT Walvis bay - Narraville: Flat to rent. A big 1 bedroom flat is immediately available to rent. The flat is situated at Pleinstreet 87 (behind Narraville Primary School). The flat has an open plan kitchen and sitting room. There are cupboard in the kitchen and in addition there is a gas stove. Big space in front of the flat for kids to play. Rent N$3100.00 per month (W/Incl.), Prepaid electricity. Contact: 081 360 7641 MALAKIA PROPERTY TO LET TAMARISKIA Flat: 2bedrooms,bathroom Kitchen, N$3800.00 W/Incl Prepaid electricity MAHETAGO House: 2bedrooms, 2Bathroom, Kitchen bic with stove, Lounge N$4950.00 W/Incl Prepaid Electricity 1Bedroom,bathroom Kitchen N$2800.00 W/incl Prepaid electricity 2bedroom,bathroom Open-plan kitchen N$3800.00 W/incl Prepaid electricity MONDESA Inside room N$1500.00 W/L Inclusive All deposits required. Malakia: 081 297 7253 Email:
WALVIS BAY Fairways Stunning, safe and secure complex offers 2 bed, 1 bath unit with open plan kitchen/lounge, scullery. Remote garage and own courtyard, N$5000-00 rental income p/m. N$ 890 000-00 Joey 081 278 0518 WALVIS BAY Lagoon Once in a lifetime opportunity!! 2 x 760m² adjoining vacant erven. Excellently situated, near schools, town and Lagoon. N$ 900 000-00 each Joey 081 278 0518 LONGBEACH 200m from the sea. 3 bed, 2 bath unit in safe & secure complex. Open plan kitchen/lounge. Indoor braai, Remote Garage & big Courtyard N$ 1 250 000-00 Joey 081 278 0518 TO RENT: 64 Mermaid Street Bachelor flat available in Narraville immediately. N$ 3 000.00 p/m W/E incl. Deposit neg. Contact: 081 231 7492 TO RENT; Bachelor flat to rent in Narraville, no garage N$ 2 200.00 p/m W/E incl. Contact: 081 149 0672
TO RENT: Cottage, 2 bedrooms, for N$ 5500 (excl. w+e) to let in Vineta with 1 garage. Only serious longterm tenants, max. 2 people. SEASIDE ESTATES Birgit 081-2757827 FLAT FOR RENT IN SWAKOPMUNDOCEAN VIEW!!! Flat is adjacent to main house One bedroom with ensuite bathrooom, open plan kitchen & lounge, garage + alarm. W/E included - No pets N$4000.00 plus deposit (Single rate) Available immediatelyRENTAL 1YR AND LONGER Call after 17:00 Alternatively: Send an sms with name and surname 081 - 2849553 TO RENT Mondesa - Near Woerman Brock: 3 Bedroom house, Very Beautiful. Open plan kitchen, lounge. Double garage. BIC in all 3 bedrooms. Main bedroom has its own bathroom. N$6500.00p/m + N$5000.00 deposit. W/L Incl. Available 01 April 2015 Contact: 081 207 2093 TE HUUR; Bachelor woonstel beskikbaar vir een persoon vanaf 1 Maart. W/L ingsl. N$ 3 500.00 p/m Onderdak parkeering vir een voertuig. Geleë in Hermis agter Welwitschia, Medipark. Kontak Charles Jacobs: 081 142 6948 Liza Jacobs: 081 814 1473 / 207 819
TO RENT: 2 bedroom house, sitting room, kitchen and bathroom fo rent in Kuisebmond, Namport, Kwilimba Street. N$ 3 500.00 p/m Contact: 081 201 0951 081 403 3376
TE HUUR Woonhuis in Ocean View: 3 Slaapkamers, 3 badkamers, 1 gaste toilet, 1 buite toilet. Binnebraai. Alarm. Dubbel motorhuis. N$10 000p/m + deposito. Kontak: 081 250 4948
WANTED: I am looking for a house or Erf to buy in Tamariskia or Mondesa. House not more than N$680 000.00 Erf not more than N$250 000.00 Shipanga: 081 147 5863
SWAKOPMUND HOUSE TO LET 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms 2 Garages. Garden Pre-Paid Meter N$ 12580.00 Contact Martina . 081 124 3885
Properties WANTED 1. URGENTLY required: 2 bedr FURNISHED flat for 1 year period RENT 2. 2 bedr. flats for waiting tenants TO RENT
Do you wish to sell: your erf, house, flat or business? Do you wish to rent your property on a monthly/daily basis?
Call Heidi Weyand Cell: 081 269 7270
10 FEBRUARY 2015
WANTED TO BUY: Urgently looking for an erf to buy anywhere in Swakopmund. Please do contact: 081 298 4829
TO LET : One bedroom flat for single person with sober habits. No garage available. No pets allowed N$3500-00 pm + full deposit. W&E included. Contact : Jolandi 0812897713
WANTED: I am looking for a 2/3 bedroom , 2 bathroom flat/apartment/townhouse with a garage to rent in Walvis Bay, preferably in Meersig , Lagoon Area, Town centre Contact : 081 122 7677 WANTED: I am looking for a house or Erf to buy in Tamariskia or Mondesa. House not more than N$680 000.00 Erf not more than N$250 000.00 Shipanga: 081 147 6358
TAMARISKIA N$ 1,280,000
Lovely home in good area, with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, extra toilet, spacious kitchen with lots of cupboards, separate laundry/scullery and single garage.
Opsoek na ‘n 2 slaapkamer huis / woonstel in Tamariskia, Dorp of Mondesa. Prysklas: N$2500 - N$3500 Kontak: 081 605 2595
Tel: 064 – 404400 Johan Cilliers 081 1284678
CARS FOR SALE: Pajero 3 liter 1994 model, kort 'n engine. Te koop vir N$37,500.00 onderhandelbaar. Voertuig is in Walvis Baai. Kontak 081 129 4257 FOR SALE: Canopy for sale. N$ 8 000.00 Kontak: 081 202 6825
For Sale: 2009 Toyota Hilux D4D (D/C) 3.0 4x4 Leather seats Snorkel Onca Bumper EFS Suspension New tyres 101 000Km LED Light bar LED Fog Lights Built in tyre pump 2nd battery (Dual Battery) Tube running boards Connections for offroad fridge on loading area Rubberized loading area Price NAD275K Neg. Contact 081 275 4815
MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE For Sale 1 x Study desk = N$ 800-00 1 x Coffee Table = N$ 500-00 1 x Linen Kist = N$ 400-00 1 x TV Stand = N$ 1,500-00 1 x Lounge Suite = N$ 9,000-00 Contact Ambrose 081 6257369 or Annette 081 2127719 THIS ‘N THAT We buy and sell second hand & new furniture and household appliances We offer good money on quality Sam Nujoma Town Square La Paloma Building Walvis Bay Els 081 255 5809 Lawrence 081 324 1285
RIMS TE KOOP: Toyota Fortuner Rims 17duim. 4x N$2000.00 elk (neg) Kontak Pikkie: 081 211 5038 FOR SALE: Brand new Marquee Tent for sale. 12x7m with Windows. N$12 000.00. Still in packaging. Contact: 081 222 7707 after hours. TE KOOP: 4Y Toyota engine. Goeie toestand. N$ 5 500.00 20 000 km Kontak: 081 259 3175 TE KOOP: Industrial Gas griller with attached one cooking burner Kontak 0811294257. FOR SALE: Pram 2nd hand N$1600 Footspa N$100 BIED AAN: NASORG IN VINETA/OCEANVIEW Looking for: 2nd trailor, normal Venter size Contact: 0816535965
MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR SALE: Spray booth 7.154m x 3.57 x 3m (h) (Selfs assembly kit) Includes: Wall and roof panels 40mm thick 2 doors with filters Aluminium trims - angles & channels N$ 35 000.00 Contact: 081 328 7477
HOUSEHOLD/ FURNITURE TE KOOP: Pine beddens met matrasse Enkel: - N$ 500.00 Sitkamerstel N$ 3500.00 Kanoor toonbank Verskeie ander meubels Kontak: 085 2565146/ 064 - 206099
MOTORS FOR SALE 2011 Toyota Hilux Raider 4x4 Extra Cab 105 000km Full service record Canopy & extras N$285000.00 Tel.: 081 127 5700
WANTED Are you out of CASH CASH CASH???? Then look no further, bring your Gold or Silver to us and we will give you instant cash on the spot. We buy Gold & Silver Jewelry, Gold & Silver Coins and Diamonds. We operate in Swakopmund, Walvis Bay, Henties Bay and Arandis. Contact me on 081 344 3794 081 315 9178 WANTED TO BUY: Paddle - ski Contact: 081 128 3110
ACCOMMODATION WILLS SELF CATER ACCOMMODATION 6th Street East House No 40 in Town. Contact: 064 220 769 081 270 7769 Price per person: N$ 150.00 p/m Namibian Dollars Very Private!
Bay City Trucking Klein vragte te karwei in en om Walvisbaai Swakopmund Hentiesbaai & omgewing. Bourommel, boumateriaal, klein trekke ens Skakel 081 753 35 35 Epos: baycityent@afol.com.na
Requirements · 5 years traceable Experience · Must have Trade Certificate · Work responsibly and reliable in Maintenance + new buildings Needed immediately. Hand Deliver CV to Logi Plumbing cc Philip str. Unit 13 Cell 081 395 1652
GOTV Special!! Only N$ 299.00 Only for February Get your GOTV today at TV Link & Electrical cc 27 Libertina Amathila str Swakopmund Tel: 064-406032
Professional cleaning for affordable prices We provide cleaning services in: Carpets, loose rugs Flats, Houses, Shops, Offices, Factories, Buildings, Carpets, Upholstery cleaning Call Agents: 081 682 0973 081 261 0502 Weekly/monthly contracts can be arranged
Daily shuttle between the coast and Windhoek Depart Wbay : 7am and 14h00 Depart Swakopmund : 8am and 15h00 Depart Windhoek : 7am and 14h30 * Also Chauffeur services / private transfers to any destination * Staff Transport - Contract * Airport transfers * Parcel pick up and drop off Windhoek and Wbay * Windhoek city transfers pick up and drop off CONTACT OUR OFFICE FOR A QUOTATION / MORE INFO 064 - 205537 0812704395 / 0814195886 carloshuttle@iway.na www.carloshuttlenamibia.com.na
Bay City Trucking Small loads in and around Walvis Bay Swakopmund, Hentiesbay & vicinity. Building rubble/material, furniture moves etc Phone 081 753 35 35 Email baycityent@afol.com.na
Sign languages $1500 Early childhood development N$1500 Educare / pre primary N$1500 Afrikaans courses N$1500 Walvis Bay Kim-081 479 0725
HOUSEHOLD/ FURNITURE We Turn Your Assets Into CASH! 064220387 0811475333
We Buy or Sell Furniture, Cars, anything of value
PICK A BARGAIN We buy and sell quality and second hand furniture, household appliances, hardware, tools, bes, camping equipment, jewellery etc. Best value for your money Come negotiate a deal C/O Nangolo Mbumba Drive & 11th road, Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 259 3175 081 032 4865
VACANCIES Workshop welder Trailer manufacture with references Needed in Swakopmund, Call 081 5863260
2006 model.. Volvo s40 T5..18 inch mag rims.. As is(voetstoots) N$95 000(negotiable) Call 0816694574
We are looking to fill the following positions: · Senior Accountant · Debtors/Creditors clerk · Vessel Agent Closing date for all vacancies: 13 February 2015 Only shortlist candidates will be contacted. Please fax or e-mail your cv to : jobs@wbsc.com.na or 064 279 461
10 FEBRUARY 2015
Classifieds NAMIB TIMES
E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
Josef driving School In Swakopmund We offer driving lessons for N$ 90 per hour or pay for more than 10 hour for N$90 per hour and get 1 hour free. N$ 150 for Natis test. Professional, friendly and patient instructor- failing is not an option. “Limited space available” Contact: 0814183595 or 0812969477.
TRADITIONAL DOCTOR KALENGA: He can help you through: Pregnancy - Education Court Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Problems - Bad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Tokoloshi - Mens’ Power Sexuality - Exams Job Problems etc. Walvis Bay & Swakopmund. Cell:081 201 7887.
VALENTINES SPECIAL @ SALON WILMA: 25% Discount on ladies hair styles... From 10th February - 14th February 2015
Salon in swakopmund Looking for 2 Qualified hairdressers. Should be able to work with all type of hair. Should also be able to work with Goldwell products, Brazilian Treatment, Cut,Wash and blow. Should be a Reliable person. Contact nr only 0817170399
TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: He helps with different types of problems such as court cases, love affairs, marriage problems, weak erection for men, vagina tightness, house problems. All types of STDs but not with Aids. Headaches, pain, chest pain, changing of bad luck, spiritual, Job problems, business improvement, any type of good luck. Never give up your lifeyour Doctor is there for you. Call DOCTOR MOYO 081 339 5913 House Number 471 Mandume Yandemfayo Str Mondesa Swakopmund.
DOCTOR SILUWA: House No.1926/6 Mossie Street Okulyangava Inn Bar, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. He helps with the following problems: Bad Lucks - Business Improvement - Job Problems - House Problems Love Life - Manpower Lost Lovers - Remove Bad Spirits and Bad Medicine f r o m t h e b o d y, e t c . Contact: 081 347 0285.
A To Z CLEANING SERVICES FOR ALL YOUR CLEANING NEEDS. WE CLEAN: Lounge Suites/ Loose Chairs/ Matrasses Carpets / Loose Rugs Blinds Accessible Windows Descale / Steam Clean Bathrooms / Ablution Blocks Machine Scrub Tiles WE OFFER: Daily / Weekly / Monthly Cleaning Contracts For Offices / Shops / Factories / Body Corporates Etc. Once Off Cleaning For Houses / Flats & Buildings Before And After Occupation. - Exterior Spray Cleaning - E x t e r i o r Wa l l s O f Buildings / Flats / Houses All Our Cleaning Procedures Are Done UNDER SUPERVISION By Owner Or Supervisor. CONTACT: COENIE BRAND 081 129 7988 JENNY BRAND 081 148 5036 OFFICE 205036 NO 3 LAGOON STREET FAX 220878 EMAIL FINANCE finance@atozcleaning.c om.na EMAIL OPERATIONS ops@atozcleaning.com .na
THE HONEY POT SEWING CENTRE Tel: 202818 Walvis Bay. Expert service in general tailoring One day alterations, Duvet Covers, Curtains, Wedding Dresses and others.
Vaporizers (e-ciggies) for Namibia on facebook Website: www.namibiavapes.com The device that really help Smokers to quit or change the bad habit. You choose your flavor, your own vaporizer. Even the size or color or style. You choose how much nicotine in your e-liquid. We stock a wide variety of vaporizers with chargers from N$ 250.00. We have beautiful e-pipes in stock for N$ 1000.00 More than 80 flavors for N$ 40.00 on 10ml bottle. 30ml E-liquids fro N$ 110.00 Visit Largo Video for FREEDOM on your SMOKING habit. We are open daily from 10:00 to 21:00 Tel: 205 525 081 407 5773 TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. S Jeke (The Best). Bad Luck - Luck Muti Love Problems - Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself - Work problems Promotions - To get tenders and to boost your business - People don’t want to pay you back Pregnancy Problems Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals - Sexual transmitted sickness - all sickness Asthma, BP - Remove tokoloshi from bodies, houses - Men’s power sexuality - Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr.(79) 3191D Fiskaal Street, Tutaleni Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 303 3149..
SERVICE For a greenhouse with micro and digital watering Call: 081 241 2852
Sandra: 081 216 7153 Wilma: 081 294 6287
TRAINING OMSAANE TRAINING ACADEMY We Do: Dangerous Training’ WE DO: Defensive Driving Training In cab and vehicle familiarization Driver fatigue and tiredness management Contact details: 081 883 4852 Or 081 304 8650
EDU-CARE JJs care centre Educare for deaf & special needs kids. Open 7 -5.15pm Limited space Walvis Bay Kim 081 479 0725
COURSES NAHOTA COURSES: Waiters / Waitresses Cleaner / Housekeeper Barmen / Bar lady Each Reg N$ 1000 installment N$500 Receptionist Cook/Chef Each Reg N$ 2000 installment N$1000 Events Decor Reg N$ 1500 Installment N$1500 Computer Reg N$ 500 Installment N$500 Register anytime, No Qualification need Walvis Bay & Swakopmund Mr. Alex 0814628224
HAIR JANUARY SPECIALS We’re selling quality Brazilian hair, straight, deep curly, body wave.... 12 inch N$ 1 200.00 16 inch N$ 1 600.00 18 inch N$ 1 900.00 20 inch N$ 2 100.00 22 inch N$ 2 300.00 24 inch N$ 2 400.00 NB: No sms will be attended to!! Contact: 081 261 2169
NOTICES VALENTINES: You are all invited to Singles Valentine’s day dance at the Municipality Social Club at Jan Wilken, Rugby Stadium in Town on Saturday 14 February, from 19:00 to 2:00. Entrance is free but cash bar is available. Social club is also open every Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sundays. Everyone is welcome. Bring friends and families along, very safe and private area.
Receptionist needed at Biokinetic Rehabilitation Centre Qualifications: Matric, English and Afrikaans speaking All CV's to be handed in at reception, no e-mails will be accepted Only short listed candidates will be notified Walvis Bay Company looking for the following: Customs entry clerk Junior position (Minimum of 2-3 years experience) 1. Good Knowledge of Customs Tariff classification. 2. Good Knowledge of Customs and excise act. 3. Be able to understand the process of customs on: • IMPORTS • EXPORTS • REFUNDS • SURETIES • BONDED FACILITY 4. Communication skills must be solid. 5. Attention to detail a must. 6. Must be able to stay focussed under pressure. 7. Time management and priotizing. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Contact: 081 250 6127 VACANCY SEAMSTRESS - STRONG COMMUNICATION SKILLS - EXPERIENCE ON INDUSTRIAL SEWING MACHINES - VIBRANT - NAMIBIAN CITIZEN - FLUENT IN ENGLISH & AFRIKAANS - ABILITY TO LEARN FAST - HONEST PLEASE FORWARD CV'S TO: THE MANAGER P. O. BOX 4032 WALVIS BAY
All-rounder handyman, on building Site and workshop, a man that is a hands on in many different jobs, Needed in SWK, Call 081 5863260 or mail CV to handyman1@iway.na
Vacancy available for a Driver at construction company in Swakopmund. Must have a valid Code 10 license aswel as a valid Namibian Professional Driving Permit (PDP). Must be hardworking with sober habits. Must be willing to work long hours. Start Immediately. Salary negotiable. E-mail CV to hannelie@hefergroup.com or Fax it to (064) 406 - 513
SITUATION WANTED Ek soek 3 dae huiswerk in Swakopmund. Ek is hardwerkend, drink of rook nie. Ek is betroubaar en kan enigetyd begin werk. Maandae, Woensdae en Vrydae. Kan kinders ook oppas. Kontak: 081 291 2508 I am a 33 year old woman looking for work in Swakopmund, Vineta or town. 081 710 4583 Ek is ‘n 38 jarige dame opsoek na skoonmaak werk. Sal enige tyd begin. In Swakopmund of Langstrand. Adeliwe: 081 382 4748 I am a 26 year old lady looking for any type of Office Job, Hotel Reception, Waitress or Cashier. I am fluent in both English and Afrikaans. Available to start anytime. Elsie: 081 444 2793 Bettie: Ek is dringend opsoek na werk. Kan huis skoonmaak, was en stryk of kinders oppas. Kan by ‘n Gastehuis ook werk. 5 Dea per week(2 Saterdae) of 3 dae ‘n week. Kan onmiddelik begin. Help my dus dringend. Swakopmund, Langstrand of Dolfynstrand. Kontak: 081 599 5542 081 433 5558 Two ladies are looking for domestic work. Cleaning and ironing in Swakopmund or Windhoek. Have 5 years experience. Contact: 081 353 8671 081 462 3220 A man is looking for a job as a driver. I have code C1 with Gp. I have 3 years experience and mining I have 1 year. At any company. I am staying in Swakopmund.
Juanitha (25):A proud Herero born Namibian woman is looking for domestic work in Swakopmund or Vineta. Mondays to Saturdays or on any single day of the week. For the past 2 years I worked my employer who is transferred to Windhoek. I am hardworking, honest, reliable and have good experience. I am English, Afrikaans and Herero speaking. Contact me on: 081 386 2571
WERK GESOEK: Op soek na Maandae en Donderdae skoonmaak werk. Woensdae strykwerk. Meersig, Langstrand of Lagoon. Kontak: 081 302 0029
WERK GESOEK: Op soek na enige tipe werk. Kantoor skoonmaak / handlanger werk vir bouers ens. Kontak: 081 279 6365 JOB WANTED: A 23year-old is looking for domestic work of any kind of work. Please contact me: 081 579 7595 JOB WANTED: A 23year-old lady staying in Walvis Bay, is looking for domestic work. Mondays to Fridays. If interested please contact me, im serious. In Town, Lagoon, Meersig or Narraville. Contact: 081 873 4996 REJOICE KAPUU: I am a 25-year-old lady looking for domestic work. Can just be cleaning and ironing. Contact: 081 491 0093 SONNETJIE NARIS: Ek is ‘n 22-jarige meisie opsoek na huiswerk. Kan goed na babas omsien en is baie hardwerkend. Kontak: 081 490 3670 Ek is 36 jaar oud en opsoek na huiswerk in Swakopmund of Langstrand. Van Maandag tot Vrydag. 081 587 6280 Two drivers are looking for driving work. Holding C1 with GP. Contact: 081 365 9521/081 872 7520 Ek is ‘n 35 jarige dame opsoek na huiswerk vir 3 of 5 dae. Ek kan huis skoonmaak of was en stryk en kinders oppas. Ek is hardwerkend en rook of drink nie. Kan ook na bejaardis omsien. Is betroubaar en kan baie goed met kinders werk. Kan wees kantoor skoonmaak of tuinwerk ook. Swakopmund of Langstrand. Kontak: 081 377 1498 081 578 2589 Mercia: Looking for work and I have experience in Waitress, Housekeeping and can be contacted at: 081 662 0371 Please call. Ek is opsoek na werk, Maandae tot Vrydae. Ek is hardwerkend. Damuna: 081 211 5593
JOB WANTED: I am a 26-year-old lady looking for a job in Walvis Bay, can be cleaning offices, making tea, cashier, sales lady or even a waitress. Have a certificate in waitressing & office administration. Filling or typing work. Can start immediately. Contact: 081 372 9675 081 498 6698 A man is looking for a job as a driver. I have code C1 with Gp. I have 3 years experience and mining I have 1 year. At any company. I am staying in Swakopmund. Contact: 081 640 5489 JOB WANTED: A 39 year old woman is looking for work, in Walvis Bay. Must be in a shop/market as a sales lady or any cleaning job in the office, guesthouses or taking care of kids. Can be in a day care to help taking care of the little angles. I will be a suitable nanny as I am a kid lover. Ready to start immediately. Contact: 081 301 9003 WERK GESOEK: Ek is ‘n 37-jarige-vrou opsoek na huiswerk vir 3 dae ‘n week. Maandae, Woensdae en Donderdae. Lagoon, Meersig en Langstrand wees. Kontak: 081 403 2076 LAVINIA OR NDILIMEKE: A 26-year-old lady is looking for domestic work or any other work in Walvis Bay. Town, Meersig, Lagoon. Has 3 years experience in cleaning. Mondays to Fridays or 3 days a week. Contact: 081 591 1638 PRISCILLA:I am a 28year-old lady looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay, Town, Meersig, Lagoon and Langstrand. Mondays to Friday or 3 days a week. I am reliable, hardworking and can iron and clean well. Have 9 years experience in domestic work. Can start immediately. Contact: 081 392 2940 NEVIL: I am looking for truck driving anywhere. I can drive local or distance. Have CE (11) matric experience, 5 years. Big trucks. In Walvis Bay. I have a passport, GP and Code CE.Contact: 081 431 3712/081 662 0445 WERK GESOEK: Ek is ‘n 26-jarige dame opsoek na huiswerk in die Dorp, Meersig of Langstrand. Kontak: 081 241 7346
10 FEBRUARY 2015
The International School of Walvis Bay announces their students’ IGCSE (matric) results for 2014
We are proud to present you with another year of 100% IGCSE pass rate result for 2014:
29 IGCSE students wrote 168 subjects collectively with an average of 7 subjects per student. 7 A* (90% plus) 47 C's 60% - 70% 31 A's 80% - 90% 21 D's 50% - 60% 54 B's 70% - 80% 8 Below D
CONGRATULATIONS !! We at ISWB are very proud of you.
Learning Right Kiddies Centre (LRKC) Kiddies don't tolerate beach littering! The Learning Right Kiddies Centre in the coastal town of Swakopmund held a Beach Clean-Up day on 24 January, which was made possible by the support of NACOMA, RO3 and Refuse Solutions cc. An estimated amount of 60 children from the pre-primary school guided by parents and their teachers were led by Miss Hilda Meyer, owner and principal of the school, as they playfully gathered litter along the prominent beach stretch between Wurstbude and The Mole. The beach clean-up was part of the schools early childhood awareness on littering and pollution, and participating children were as young as four years of age. Miss Hilda Meyer called on all parents to establish values of caring for our coast very early during childhood development to develop them into true COASTODIANS! She said that children will not only develop responsible behavior of cleaning up the beach, but also acquire the sense of not littering at all, towards ensuring a sustained future for our coast. She further reiterated that the opportunity provided playful bonding of children with their parents. The children were thereafter spoiled with more playful time, portable kiddy pools and jumping castles. Parents could socialize around the barbeque stand, doing it the Namibian way of “braaiing”. We urge other schools to follow suit and together we can make a difference.
10 FEBRUARY 2015
Volleyball Namibia planning to expand operations to the regions The Namibian Volleyball Federation (NVF) is hopeful of making 2015 a year to remember with the opening of regional offices and the running of their African Dream Project (ADP). ADP is a humanitarian organisation dedicated to empower lives and eliminate poverty through nonprofit service programmes which utilise individuals' skills and passion. Speaking to Nampa on Friday, NVF Secretary-General, Gunter Rust said their association received assistance from ADP and the International Volleyball Association (IVA) to help develop volleyball in the country. “We got equipment such as balls and nets which we should use in the regions to develop volleyball. At the moment with the African Dream Project, we are targeting young people aged eight to fourteen years who are not exposed to different sports codes in their regions. We want to develop this young people into athletes who will one day represent their re-
gions,” said Rust. He added that the NVF is also looking forward to increasing their membership to 60 teams countrywide. “At the moment we have about 10 teams or even more in the five regions that we are operating in, but our aim this year is to increase the number of teams in our regional leagues and therefore, next week people from the head office will be in the regions to open up regional offices where our activities will be taking place for the year,” stated Rust The NVF is currently in a process of opening up offices in Katima Mulilo in the Zambezi Region, Rundu (Kavango East), Oshakati (Oshana Region), and Walvis Bay (Erongo Region) with the sole purpose of bringing volleyball to the people. Rust said with the opening of re-
gional offices, the NVF will launch a league where the top clubs in the regions will compete for the NVF Cup and the winner of that cup will then represent Namibia at the African Club Championships. Rust added that all volleyball lovers are invited to attend the event and be part of this exciting mile stone in the volleyball history. As of Monday next week, a delegation from the NVF will be in the following towns to officially open the 'African Dream Project' centres as well as the new volleyball league structures and hand over volleyball materials. 9 February 2015: Katima Mulilo 10 February 2015: Rundu 11 February 2015: Oshakati 12 February 2015: Walvis/Swakop (NAMPA)
Flamingo Primary School
10 FEBRUARY 2015
Athletics day
Let the games begin at Flamingo Primary School Hard work pays off. I am a winner
De Duine
Walvis Bay Private High School WBPHS long distance girls
Namib Primary School
WBPHS 400m boys
On Your Marks
Red for Danger
Narraville Primary School
Sprinters of team blue, red and green running for the finishing line
10 FEBRUARY 2015
Fun walk against cancer at annual Rössing marathon The annual Rössing Fun Walk over five kilometres in aid of the Cancer Association of Namibia (CAN), as part of the Rössing Marathon National Championship for 2015 kicks off at 9:00 on Saturday, 14 February at the Swakopmund Athletics Stadium in Vineta. The fun walk is open to members of the general public, families and employee groups and is held in aid of cancer awareness in Namibia. The theme for this year is “Walk or run and live a healthy life.” The Swakopmund district's chairperson of the CAN Hildegard Geduldt said, “February is cancer awareness month and the aim of the fun walk is to show our support of and solidarity with cancer sufferers in Namibia and promoting healthy life-
styles in general.” The event includes a fun competition for participants to take part in. Prizes, as tokens of appreciation for supporting the fight against cancer, will be awarded to walkers winning the following categories: Most original costume with a cancer theme, funniest hat, tallest and shortest walkers, youngest and oldest walkers, largest group and also cutest pet walker. The fun walk prize-giving ceremony is scheduled for 10:00 at the stadium.
Entries for the fun walk will be accepted as from 18:00 to 21:00 on Friday evening at the Vineta Stadium and again from 08:00 to 09:00 on Saturday morning, also from the starting point at the Swakopmund Athletics Stadium. The entry fee is N$10 per walker, with proceeds going to the CAN. National Marathon Championship: The Rio Tinto Rössing Uranium sponsored 42.2km event to crown the nation's marathon champion for 2015 starts at 07:00 at the Swakopmund Athletics Stadium in Vineta, and follow the route from the stadium onto the Henties Bay road. The cut-off time is five hours (at 12:00). Prize-giving is at 12:30. Rössing presents the national marathon event for the 24th consecutive year in 2015. The prize money for the different categories will total over N$60 000 for this year's event. Entries will still be accepted on Friday, 13 February at the starting point at the stadium as
from 18:00 to 21:00 and on the morning of the race from 05:00 – 06:30. The entry fee is N$60 per athlete (N$100 for nonSADC athletes). 10km Run: As was the case in the past few years, a 10km Run is presented for those athletes who do not wish to participate in the marathon. The 10km Run also starts at 07:00 from the Swakopmund Athletics Stadium. Entries for the 10km Run will also be taken on Friday between 18:00 and 21:00 and from 05:00 to 06:30 on
Saturday. The cut-off time for the 10km race is 90 minutes. The entry fee for this event is N$40 (N$60 for non-SADC athletes) per runner. 10km Team Relay Run: The uranium company Team Relay Run whereby four runners compete as a team against other teams over legs of 2.5km each, is open to other uranium mining companies in the region. Registration times are the same as for the marathon and entry fees are N$80 per team. All registered runners in
the Marathon and 10km Run events will receive a medal and branded Tshirts will be available for entrants in all running events as well. Entry forms and more information about the event are available on the Rössing website at www.rossing. com or contact Frank Slabbert of Swakop Striders at tel. +264 (0)64 405788 (h)/cell +264 (0)81 240 3383 or fatslab @iafrica.com.na, Botha Ellis of Rössing at tel. +264 (0)64 520 2426 (w) / cell +264 (0)81 286 0456 or yourcontact@ rossing. com.na
Desert Inn Pool Club Tournament The Open Pool Tournament hosted by the Desert Inn Pool Club ended on a high note on Sunday where Ado Jeneke walked away as the winner and a N$1 000 cash prize in his pocket.
Winner - Ado Jeneke and Runner-up - Reginald van Wyk
The runner-up was Reginald Van wyk, and third and fourth place went to Cyril Moller and Marlon Jeneke respectively. Saturday also saw the Municipalities of Windhoek, Walvis Bay and Swakopmund battle it out against each other at the Narraville Club House. In the final, Swakopmund and Windhoek played it out, where Swakopmund Municipality rose victoriously as the winners.
Old Crocks Floating Trophy Tournament: 40yrs & above strictly.
Organisers: Granite Stones Old Crocks Sports Club When: 28 February 2015 Where: Mondesa Soccer & Netball Field, Swakopmund Prizes: Soccer: Winner N$3000 Runner-up N$2 000 Semi N$1 000 Netball: Winner N$2000 Runner-up N$1500 Semi N$750 Registration: Soccer N$700 00 Netball N$500 00 Draw: To be done 28th February 2015 - 6h30am “Non food stalls available for N$100 per day.” Enquiries: Ou Grote: 081 122 6151 Ousie Buruxa: 081 208 0744
10 FEBRUARY 2015
Blue Boys win one, lose one Marshallino Beukes
Swakopmund based first division football club, Blue Boys, won one of their league games and lost one over the past weekend, on home turf. Sunday’s encounter against Try Again, all the way from Keetmanshoop, should have been a home-win for the Swakopmunders, but the finishing touches of the coastal team still seem to be one of their main concerns. Try Again took an early lead, after opening their account in the first minutes of the first half. From there it was Blue Boys all the way, dominating the game and bombarding the visitor’s defence with non-stop attacks. However, the boys from
the “12” kept their composure and stood their ground. The second half saw spectators going wild, after the South’s favourite football team showed off their legendary dribbling skills and “touchand-go” style of play. An early blunder by the home-team’s defence, shortly after the second half kick-off, almost saw the Keetmanshoopers stretching their lead. Fortunately for Blue Boys, the cross bar came to their rescue. It must be said that the coastal team put up a
great fight, but after full time played, the visitors went home with a wellearned three points in their pocket. Some controversial decisions by the match officials almost sparked an uproar and once again put the limelight on Namibian football officials’ alleged inability to take control of NFA league games. The coastal boys won Saturday’s game against Young Brazilians four goals to two, and thus secured a total of four points for the weekend.
Action from Saturday's game
Sewes Liga skop Woensdagaand af! Sportverslaggewer
Die sewes liga vir spanne langs die kus skop môreaand af op die Narraville Rugby Stadion, nadat die onbeskikbaarheid van 'n geskikte veld laasweek se afskop belemmer het. Rugbyliefhebbers kan hul solank regmaak vir 'n seisoen propvol rugby. Die liga sal hierdie jaar heelwat meer wedstryde hê met spanne in die premier en eerste liga wat op 'n tuis en weg-basis gebaseer is. Kudus en Dolphin ding weer in die Premier liga mee terwyl Walvis, ERA en die nuweling Swakopmund rugbyklub in die Eerste liga sal meeding. Die sewesliga sal vir die vol-
gende drie weke duur met klubs wat dan nog so bietjie meer as 'n week oor het om hul reg te kry vir die afskop van die 15-man rugby. Die toernooi dien ook as sewes proewe waar 'n streekspan gekies gaan word om later teen die ander streke mee te ding. Môreaand se wedstryde sal ook
vir die spelers en afrigters 'n goeie aanduiding wees oor hoe gereed hulle is vir die nuwe seisoen. Alle klubs moet sorg dat hul 18:00 by die veld is. Die Weste nooi die gemeenskap uit om die spelers te kom ondersteun. Hekgeld sal N$10.00 per persoon, N$10.00 per motor en $5.00 per skolier wees.
Die program vir more aand is as volg: Walvis v/s Kudus Swakop v/s Dolphin 1 Kudus 2 v/s Dolphin 2 Kudus 1 v/s Dolphin 1 Walvis v/s Dolphin 2 Kudus 2 v/s Swakop
Foto ter illustrasie
18:30 18:50 19:10 19:30 19:50 20:10
- - - - - -
18:50 19:10 19:30 19:50 20:10 20:30