10 January 2014

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namib times

SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6318 FRIDAY 10 JANUARY 2014 Tel: 064 - 205854 / 064 - 461866 / Fax: 064 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net

Off to school Staff reporters

Schools in the Erongo Region are well prepared, ready and able to accommodate and will cater for the needs of approximately two thousand Grade one learners in 2014. According to the Circuit Inspec- constructing two more classtor for Education in Walvis Bay, rooms that is due for completion Monica Gawises approximately this year. We still need to 823 Grade One learners (570 in appoint some teachers and this Walvis Bay and 253 in Swakop- will be attended to as a matter of mund) that could not be placed urgency”. According to Mr will be accommodated in extra Fisher NPS has received their classes and their educational supply of books but parents needs will be catered for via would be requested to assist in afternoon sessions. Gawises also providing other necessities such confirmed that the Director of as glue, pencil sharpeners and Education, Mr Awaseb would colouring pencils. present his annual address which Mr Fisher pointed out that a will contain a performance student's educational progress overview and points about the and success goes hand in hand challenges faced by the educa- with the support of their parents tion sector to the media in and stated that the Ministry of Swakopmund on 24 January. Education policy stipulates that Narraville Primary School parents notify the school in (NPS), one of the largest schools advance if a child would not be in the country is ready to deliver able to make it to the school for and is well-prepared for the 2014 his or her first school day. “Paschool year says Principal rents must become aware of the Fisher. “He extended a warm many challenges/changes and welcome to all learners and said for example the influence of that the school registered 185 televisions in the lives of their first year (grade one) learners. children. The new world order is “We have enough classrooms responsible for creating a divide available to accommodate them between parents and children and the school is in the process of Continues to page 2


GETTING READY: With the 2014 academic year starting next week, the Ministry of Education has reiterated its commitment in ensuring that all children of school- going age will ultimately be admitted and find space in schools. The Minister of Education Dr David Namwandi has emphasised and vowed that no single learner will be left in the cold with regard to getting an education. Parents and guardians are hard at work doing back- to-school shopping and the Ministry of Education is doing its best to keep its promise. Picture by Leandrea Marshallino Beukes

trek natuurbewaring-beamptes vas Die Anti-Korrupsie Kommissie in Swakopmund het onlangs twee beamptes verbonde aan die Ministerie van Natuurbewaring vasgetrek op sake wat voortspruit vanaf 2011. Volgens hoogs betroubare inligting is die twee, wat ook deur die Anti-Korrupsie Kommissie Phillip Haindongo (45) en Polly Katamba aangekeer is, gaan weer 'n hofverskyning op Andreas (55), aangekeer nadat hulle blykbaar 12 Mei 2014 maak. Twee Chinese burgers wat brandstof op 'n korrupte manier verkry het en ook ook op aanklagte rakende die Anti-Korrupsie valse eise vir verblyf en vervoer ingestel het. Wet teregstaan, verskyn op 29 Januarie 2014 Inligting dui daarop dat die verdagtes voorgegee in Walvisbaai. het dat brandstof ter waarde van N$200 in die Uis Nog 'n saak wat deur die Swakopmund Antiomgewing in 'n regeringsvoertuig getap is, terwyl Korrupsie tak oopgevlek is, is die van die dit nie die geval was nie. Hentiesbaai munisipale werknemer, mnr 'n Eis vir twee nagte se verblyf in Opuwo is ook Anthony John Scholtz, van wie die koerant ingedien, maar die beskuldigdes was blykbaar ook alreeds beriggewing gedoen het. Scholtz nooit in Opuwo nie. Haindongo en Andreas staan gaan weer op 28 Februarie 2014 in die hof tereg op sake rakende die oortreding van Seksie verskyn. Hierdie is slegs 'n paar van gevalle, 43, sub-seksie 1 van die Anti-Korrupsie Wet en wat definitief aandui dat die Anti-Korrupsie gaan op weer op 28 April 2014 in die tak in Swakopmund nie op hul louere rus nie Swakopmund Magistraatshof verskyn. Die en vasbeslote is om korrupsie teen die kus hok gewese polisiebeampte, Martin Indongo (45), te slaan.

Walvis Bay water woes Madelaine Laubscher It is alleged that affluent members in the lagoon area and Nangolo Mbumba Avenue in Walvis Bay are using municipal water illegally for gardening purposes. They apparently connect their hosepipes to municipal water supply lines located in front of their houses without the Walvis Bay municipality’s consent. According to Nampol this is municipality. “I have seen affluent people.” a serious offence and is these residents using muni- The newspaper investigated considered as theft if no cipal water for their own the matter and found a resiarrangement between the purposes since I arrived dent at one of the houses municipality and the owner here for the festive season busy to disconnect a water of the house exists. A visitor in 2013. I know of four on holiday approached and houses where this has hap- hose after using it to source alerted the Namib Times pened on a regular basis. the purified sewerage muniabout local residents who From what I can recall, this cipal water. She was apconnect their hosepipes to is against the law. I have proached and asked to call municipal water supplies in video footage as proof. I am the owner of the house but order to water their gardens of the opinion that this is refused to do so and dison Wednesday. According to absolutely scandalous, appeared into the house. him, these residents are especially when its being Continues to page 2 blatantly stealing from the orchestrated by quite


10 JANUARY 2014

Off to school Water woes and affects children's responsibilities with regard to their education” he cautioned. He also requested parents to be watchful and to give their full cooperation when the school requires it from them. “Those who say we cannot do it should not hold those who are able to do it and who are doing it back” he said. He labelled the proper education of children as the artery of a nation and said that any country without education is a doomed one and called on parents to ensure that their children arrive at school in a tidy manner. !Nara Primary School in Kuisebmond registered 260 first year learners (Grade One's) for the 2 1 0 4 s c h o o l y e a r. Approximately 35 learners per class will be accommodated in seven classrooms. According to Mr Buddy Visagie, the Head of Department at the school, five newly constructed classrooms by the Japanese government will be completed and ready for use by the end of February. The Namibian government will add another three classrooms in 2014. “The community and the school are extremely grateful for the assistance we received from the Japanese Embassy. This will solve our space related problems and bring to an end the afternoon schooling sessions. We have also filled all available teaching

posts and received our writing material and books at the end of November 2013 from Government. Thus we are ready and are looking forward to concentrate and render quality education for our learners” said Visagie. He labelled the fact that children no longer had to pay school fees as a huge plus. “We do not have to bother parents anymore for money with the Government supplying what is needed,” stated Visagie who called on parents to assist their children, the school and the ministry to ensure a proper education for all learners. In conclusion he challenged fish quota right holders to come to the fore and assists schools with various needs. Namib Primary School acting Principal, Mrs Vries said the Swakopmund based school had registered 65 grade one's and 25 pre-primary school learners. “We took in our capacity and made provision to accommodate extra grade ones. We will accommodate approximately thirty two grade one learners in a class. We received our stationary and books and addressed the situation pertaining to a lack of teachers and the need for new classrooms in December before the school closed. Vries called on parents to work very hard and hand in hand with the teachers to educate the little ones.

Continued from page 1

M r G e r t Va n d e r Merwe from the municipal water department said that it can be considered a serious offense if the water is obtained without consent. “Residents must apply for a water meter and pay N$5, 00 per 1000 litres in order to use the water for gardening purposes. However, there are a lot of cases where individuals make use of this water without our consent. If this is the case, the matter should be reported and investigated. If these individuals made themselves guilty, they should be charged and will have to appear in court, seeing that they have committed theft.” Mr Andre Burger, also from the water department said that there exist agreements with individuals who are allowed to use purified sewerage water. “Some individuals have approval to use the water for private use and it is expected from them to take care of the grass on pavement areas in front of their houses in return. We are in the process of determining who has and who has not received permission. However, I am

not certain whether the area you mentioned has an agreement with the municipality. We have had similar cases in the past. We reprimanded the guilty parties and they stopped. However this is an on going problem in Walvis Bay. We will surely investigate the matter and if these individuals are illegally using the water, they will be charged.” Commissioner //Hoëbeb from Nampol commented that taking water from the municipality without permission and payment results in theft. “If the municipality provide us with proof and opens a case against these individuals they could be found liable and held accountable for such a crime.” Mr Andre Brummer from the municipality said “there are five houses in the area mentioned here that do have our consent, seeing that they agreed to care for the grass in front of their houses. There is another area where three house owners also have our consent. I cannot say that the alleged stolen water is obtained illegally, but the matter will be investigated.”

Alreeds 7 plakkershutte afgebrand in Nuwe Jaar Marshallino Beukes

Die Nuwe jaar het vir 7 gesinne in die Mondesa woonbuurt van Swakopmund op 'n lae noot afgeskop, nadat hul plakkershutte met al hul aardse besittings, tot as verbrand is. Die eerste brand vir die jaar het op 2 Januarie, omstreeks 19:30 in Comradestraat plaasgevind en vier plakkershutte is verwoes in 'n vlammesee. Die oorsaak van hierdie brand is onbekend. In die tweede geval, waartydens drie hutte tot as verbrand is, was die oorsaak nalatigheid, nadat daar vergeet is om 'n stoof af te skakel. Hierdie voorval het ook op 2 Januarie in Reguitstraat plaasgevind en drie wonings is verbrand. Plakkershutbrande is een van die grootste kopsere vir die plaaslike brandweer en in baie

gevalle is menselewens ook al geëis. Brandweerhoof, Adri Goosen noem dat nalatigheid deur plakkershut bewoners een van die hoof-sondebokke is en hy maan weereens die publiek om versigtigheid aan die dag te lê. Goosen noem ook dat hulle tans besig is om 'n projek te loods, wat behels die opvoeding van leeringe by skole, ten opsigte van brand-veiligheidsmaatreëls by die huis. Hierdie is beslis 'n stap in die regte rigting en kan net tot voordeel van die breë gemeenskap strek.

Things fall apart at schools in Erongo Jade McClune

Photos by Anri Jacobs

View more images on our website: www.namibtimes.net

Continued from page 1

Behind the Education Directorate

The fence around the school yard is dilapidated

Thousands of learners are preparing to head back to school next week, but many parents who believe that they are choosing the best school for their children are in for a rude awakening. The condition of primary and secondary schools in the Erongo region has become an issue of major concern for parents and learners. Disheartened parents of children at primary school told this newspaper that they are worried about sending their small children to places where the toilets are filthy and the buildings are in a state of disrepair. It is a matter of common currency that the condition of classrooms and school facilities are cause for serious concern and the Namib Times set out to investigate the situation, starting with the renowned Swakopmund Secondary School (SSS), located closest to the Directorate of Education, which is responsible for the upkeep of schools in the region. These pictures show that the SSS has deteriorated to the extent that the buildings look dilapidated. There are bushes, thorn trees and reeds growing wildly around the back of the school and there is an awful stench that lingers on the north-eastern side, which is disgusting even to people passing by. Sewerage water is pushing up from below the ground in some part and from one building in particular – on the north-east corner – the wastewater runs freely on the ground near the back entrance to the school year. The sorry sight of broken windows at the hostel and the school is complimented only by heaps of rubbish and plastic bags lying scattered around the premises. In some places the paint is peeling off the buildings and the concrete wall around the school is also smashed in parts, giving a decidedly bad impression to visitors. The trees surrounding the SSS, including the old palm trees, are

literally dying and clinging on for dear life; their dried leaves appear to be in a state of severe neglect and there is no sign that these trees are regularly watered. This state of affairs is in sharp contrast to the Anglican church behind the school, where the palm trees still grow luscious and green. All traces of the green lawns that once beautified the school and provided some comfort to the learners during their breaks have now disappeared and have steadily been replaced by a dusty and rocky plain in the schoolyard. The deterioration of the gardens strongly resembles a process of desertification. Across the road from the school the lawns in the residential area are still green and vivid to the eye, creating a stark contrast with the state of the schoolyard. Answers could not be obtained from the regional directorate of education yesterday as the director was in meetings for most of the day in preparation for a placement meeting for Grade 11 learners that takes place on Friday at the Teachers' Resource Centre. The deputy director could also not be reached as he is currently on leave. Nobody was available yesterday to provide answers about the state of the school. In a series of forthcoming articles, the Namib Times will take an in-depth look at the state of primary and secondary schools in the region with a view to improving the quality of the learning environment. If you would like to contribute, please forward pictures of your school and letters to newsdesk@namibtimes.net or post your pictures on our social page at www.facebook/ namibtimes.

10 JANUARY 2014



Do you have what it takes? Madelaine Laubscher

A program announced by United States President Barack Obama known as YALI (Young African Leaders Initiative) is calling on young Namibian leaders to apply for the exchange program which will enable 15 Namibians to join more than 500 young African leaders for a visit to the United States in mid 2014. The United States (U.S) Embassy extended an invitation to young African leaders to apply for a 2014 exchange program known as the Washington Fellowship of the President's Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI). U.S. President Barack Obama announced the program in June 2013 saying, “We need young Africans who are standing up and making things happen not only in their own countries, but around the world. Africa's future belongs to its young people.” To assist interested youth leaders with their applications, the American Cultural Center in Namibia will host two open house days on 22 January

from 9:00 to 15:00. Applicants should bring a photo identity card or a passport. This exchange program will enable 15 Namibians to join more than 500 young African leaders to visit the United States in mid 2014 as part of a fellowship. This includes a prestigious six-week summer leadership institute at a U.S. College or university campus with three thematic tracks. These are business and entrepreneurship, civic leadership and public administration, a presidential summit for all participants in Washing-on DC, internships in the United States for approximately 100 of the 500 participants which are awarded on a competitive basis, follow-

ing the six-week leadership institute and follow-on activities for all participants on the continent after they return home, to engage with additional African youth as well as networking opportunities, internships, small grants and other activities to assist the young leaders to further their careers and maintain strong ties with the United States. The initiative directly supports Namibia's Vision 2030 by encouraging leadership and development to propel economic growth and prosperity, and strengthen democratic institutions. U.S. Embassy Public Affairs Officer, Ms Priscilla Hernandez, said that “The Washington Fellow-

ship is an initiative born of past successful exchanges in which young Africans (Namibians included), travelled to the United States, shared their viewpoints with President Obama, and created a network with other African leaders that enabled them to return to their countries and launch community service initiatives.” Patrick Sam from Namibia participated in the 2010 President's F o r u m f o r Yo u n g African Leaders in Wa s h i n g t o n D C . Since his return from the program, Patrick seized the opportunity to complete his Master's degree in International Education Systems on a U.S. Fulbright Scholarship at prestigious Columbia University. Michael Mulunga participated in 2010 as well and had this advice for young Namibian leaders, “It

is a great experience to go to the U.S. and to meet other young African leaders like yourself with which you share a common vision of developing your communities. The YALI program is a great platform to have the opportunity to meet the U.S. president and to participate in the different programs offered.” Vida de Voss, Director of Sister Namibia, who participated in a 2009 U.S. educational exchange, identified characteristics of the ideal Namibian youth leader to participate in a U.S. exchange: “[Someone who] takes initiative, follows through on projects, people I can see operating on their own, do great things, what you want in a leader. Somebody who can give feedback and take initiative and make things happen.” The selection criteria f o r Wa s h i n g t o n

F e l l o w s h i p YA L I applicants include the following: You must be a citizen of and reside in a subSaharan African country. (Persons holding U.S. citizenship or U.S. permanent residency are not eligible.) You must speak, read, and write proficiently in English. You must be between 25-35 years of age at the time of application submission, although exceptional candidates younger than 25 will be considered. You must have a proven record of leadership and accomplishment in public service, business or entrepreneurship, or civic engagement. You must demonstrate a commitment to public

or community service, volunteerism, or mentorship. You must be committed to return to Africa and contribute their skills and talents to build and serve their communities. Prospective applicants should visit http://youngafricanleaders.s tate.gov for more information and to receive periodic updates via e-mail. Alternatively, applicants are invited to call 229 801 or email IRCWindhoek@state. gov. The deadline to apply is January 27, 2014 and applications, which include an e s s a y, m u s t b e submitted online at http://youngafricanlea ders.state.gov.


Vulnerable children treated Madelaine Laubscher

The Lagoon Restaurant sponsored a Christmas lunch to all the children's homes in Walvis Bay. Two children’s homes brought the children to enjoy a day filled with fun. Children from Walvis Bay Kids Haven and Jonah Home Christmas lunch. We appreciate it dearly,” she said. attended the Christmas lunch on 24 December 2013. A spokesperson of one of the children`s homes said “We The owner of Lagoon Restaurant, Mrs Belinda Vermaak, simply do the work. If the community does not reach out to us, decided to give the children of the children's homes in Walvis then we cannot do anything. We urge more people to get Bay a day filled with fun and delight. “We simply want to give involved in lifting every child`s spirit by making donations back to the community. We ordered pizza and jumping castles. towards the children`s homes. We are grateful for the A cake was also sponsored along with gifts for all the children. I donations we have received thus far,” she concluded. want to thank everyone who sponsored something towards the

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10 JANUARY 2014

Addictions rob society of its human potential It's a known fact that addicts opt to satisfy their addiction at the expense of who and whatever, whenever their crave needs to be satisfied. In the long run addicts end up without jobs and break into homes and commit crimes in order to sustain their habits. A drug dealer recently pointed out that customers come to him and that there is no need for him to go to them. “I run a self help business and simply help them to help themselves” he said. Societies really do not need these destructive types of chain stores. Drug dealers are slapped with hefty fines, they serve prison terms and their assets are confiscated. This does not seem to deter the new breed of young unemployed school leavers who find “the get rich quick scheme by selling drugs” enticing and are hell bent on living the fast life at the expense and destruction of their own communities. I remember in days gone by that dealers used to deal on street corners and lived in fear of a certain Jan “Oubaas” Kruger and his very visible “anti drug” squad. Whenever “the Oubaas” was in the area or word of him being on his way, reached the merchants ears their supplies would immediately dry up. They would disappear and simply cease to exist until they were sure that he had left the neighbourhood! “The Oubaas” would unexpectedly and occasionally rock up in his government white VW Golf. He used to drive a yellow Skyline before the Golf. His charges (Brakkenjan, Boerseun and Nommer 3) would disembark with lightning speed and frisked suspected dealers in public while he remained seated and observed the proceedings from the vehicle. After his charges were done and found nothing incriminating, “the Oubaas” would get out of the vehicle and walked straight to what appeared to be a discarded “empty beef or fish tin”. He would pick it up, remove its contents “pokes containing cannabis” and issue a stern warning before leaving. Kruger caught and ensured that many were charged for illegal possession and dealing in drugs. Because of “the Ou-

baas” many acquired criminal records, paid fines and eventually served prison terms (from 3 months to more than 10 years). We despised “the Oubaas” and his gang of assistants back then because they represented the oppressive system and according to us they robbed those who smuggled cannabis (sold at N$5 a poke in the 80's) and mandrax tablets (obtainable at N$ 25 in the 80's) back then from earning an earnest income and putting bread on the tables of their families. I notice that the scene and “the game” have changed! Drug merchants no longer deal on street corners and they no longer deal with cannabis and mandrax only. I've heard that the prices of cannabis and mandrax have increased considerably and in line with inflation. Today's dealers do so from behind high walls, burglar gates and run delivery services for their affluent clients. The preferred drug of choice these days appears to be the highly addictive and very expensive cocaine and crack (between N$ 60 to N$ 100 for a piece). We are quick to blame drug dealers for providing drugs and destroying our society. It is however the children of addicts that suffers the most from their parent's addictions. Because of their parents addictions children go hungry, are constantly exposed to abuse, violence and are being denied a chance of enjoying a normal childhood. I have some fishermen friends who spend long spells (from a week to 3 months) away from home and live their entire lives working very hard to earn an honest salary by catching fish. They spend their hard earned sweat in a few hours and it ends up in the pockets of drug merchants instead of the empty stomachs of their children who are vulnerable and are being robbed of opportunities at the expense of their parent's destructive habits. Don't get me wrong. Drugs do not discriminate! It reaches over colour barriers and destroy across all social boundaries. Otis Finck

Bank werknemer tereg op bedrog-klag · Marshallino Beukes Veruscka Coraizen (25), 'n werknemer by Nedbank se Swakopmund tak, is op aanklag van bedrog in hegtenis geneem, nadat sy vermoedelik 'n kliënt se bankkaart onwettig gebruik het om fondse te bekom. Die polisie woordvoerder vir die die klaer se bankrekening. Erongo streek, inspekteur Erastus Sy het blykbaar N$1 000 kontant by 'n Ikwuyu, noem dat 'n kliënt van die automatiese teller masjien onttrek, betrokke finansiële instansie skyn- waarna sy ook items ter waarde van baar aansoek gedoen het vir 'n nuwe ±N$8 000 by wyse van kaart-transbankkaart en dat die normale prose- aksies by besighede gekoop het. Borg dure by enige bank is, dat die ou kaart is deur magistraat Nelao Paul Brown vernietig moet word. Inligting dui geweier en Coraizen was Woensdag egter daarop dat die beskuldigde nie nog in aanhouding by die Narraville hierdie prosedure gevolg het nie, maar aanhoudingselle in Wal-visbaai. Die voortgegaan het om die kaart te saak is uitgestel tot 27 Februarie 2014 gebruik, ten einde geld te onttrek uit vir verdere ondersoeke.

Argument leads to culpable homicide · Marshallino Beukes and Mavourlene Gaes A Swakopmund resident, Stanley Katiyatako (32), died on Sunday at the Windhoek State Hospital, after he was hit by a car in the town's DRC informal settlement, following an argument between him and Donald John Izaaks (43), around 03:00 last Saturday morning.

According to the police spokesperson, inspector Erastus Iikwuyu, the deceased and the accused got into an argument, which later got out of hand. Katiyatako is alleged to have picked up a stone and threw it in the suspects' direction and by doing so, hitting Izaak's vehicle. Katiyatako supposedly tried to flee the scene after throwing the stone. The suspect allegedly reacted by

getting into his car, charging after the deceased and bum-ped him with the vehicle. Stanley sustained serious head injuries and some of his ribs were also broken. He was rushed to the Windhoek State Hospital on Saturday, where he died on Sunday due to the seriousness of the injuries he sustained. The Namib Times was confidentially informed that the house of the

accused’s brother, who was a passenger in the vehicle, was burnt down earlier this week, supposedly as an act of vengeance. A case of culpable homicide has been opened against Izaaks. He appeared in the Swakopmund Magistrates court on Monday and was denied bail. The case has been postponed until 10 February to allow the police to conduct a full investigation.

Beware! Burglars on the prowl Detective Sgt Johan Henry Geiseb has issued a warning to residents of Narraville to be extra cautious and to be on the lookout for suspicious individuals as the number of burglaries has increased sharply over the past few days with more than two incidents which occurred recently. “It appears as if a housebreaking and theft syndicate which operates from Kuisebmond is targeting Narraville. The thiefs hit their targets between 2:00 and 4:00 in the mornings” he said. According to Geiseb the syndicate focus on stealing flat screen television sets, laptops and cellphones. “Please be cautious and ensure that all your windows are locked before going to sleep”. He also advised residents to always leave somebody at home to look after property and called on community members to join the local neighbourhood watch to combat the scourge of break-ins and crime being experienced in the community. He also requested that community members contact the Narraville Station Commander on 219071 with any relevant information.

Tamariskia Buurtwag bring misdaad af · Marshallino Beukes Misdaad, in besonder huisbrake in Swakopmund se Tamariskia woonbuurt, beleef 'n welkome afname nadat die Tamariskia Buurtwag ongeveer 2 maande gelede op die been gebring is. Volgens een van die komiteelede het hulle enige misdaad wil aanmeld nie. huisbrake in die spesifieke area van, tot 'n Betreklike stil Feesseisoen was vir 10 binne 'n bestek van 2 weke, tot zero Tamariskia inwoners beskore, nadat 'n afgekom. Mnr Terrence Ward, ook 'n sekere ontspanningsplek, asook komiteelid, noem voorts dat die onder- huishoudelike geweld blykbaar die steuning en samewerking van die pub- enigste twee sondebokke was, maar liek baie goed is, wat beslis integraal die Buurtwag noem dat hulle alles onder beheer het. is. Die Tamariskia Buurtwag gaan Die Tamariskia Buurtwag is tans bestaande uit 50 - 60 lede en die belang- volgende Dinsdag, om 18:00, 'n stelling blyk oorweldigend te wees. publieke vergadering by die NG kerk Die publiek word weereens herinner in die woonbuurt hou en inwoners wat dat die Buurtwag se kontak nommer dalk inligting wil bekom, of enige vrae 08599 is en veral Tamariskia inwoners het is meer as welkom om hierdie word gevra om nie te huiwer indien samekoms by te woon.

Walvis Bay Court Report 08 JANUARY 2014 · Immanuel Adolf (23) was found guilty and sentenced to 6 months imprisonment or pay a N$1000 fine on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal. · Erastus Kakili (24) appeared on a charge of robbery with aggravating circumstances. Matter is postponed to 5 February 2014. Accused is on bail. · David Harold Louw (26) was sentenced to twelve months imprisonment on a charge of escaping - common law. Accused is currently in custody. · Moses Mule (26) appeared on a charge of theft. Matter is postponed to 5 March 2014. Accused is currently in custody. · Matilde Mbako (29) was found guilty and sentenced to 6 months imprisonment or pay a fine of N$1500 on a charge of theft. · A warrant of arrest has been issued for Onsesmus Shilongo (25) on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. Accused is currently at large. · Naibab Mario (23) was found guilty and sentenced 6 months imprisonment or pay a N$1000 fine on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. · Patrick Kaib (25) was found guilty and sentenced to 6 months imprisonment or pay a fine of N$1000 on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm read with the provision of the Domestic Violence Act. · Phillip Mhondiwa (33) was found guilty and sentenced to 6 months imprisonment or pay a fine of N$1200 on a charge of displaying a license number not applicable to the vehicle. · Two minor's appeared on a charge of robbery. Matter is postponed to 5 February 2014. One released in the care of guardian and the other is in custody. · Thomas Mumbasha (29) and Michael Mulundu (27) both appeared on a charge of theft. Matter is postponed to 13 February 2014. Accused is on bail. · Robert Jackson (18), Brian Swartbooi (23), Arnold Ouseb (19) and a minor all appeared on a charge of robbery. Matter is postponed to 22 January 2014. · Delvin Howseb (23) and James Kubas (23) was found guilty and sentenced on charges of theft and housebreaking with intent to steal whereas the theft charge was dismissed and accused was sentenced to 18 months imprisonment where a period of 6 months is suspended on the housebreaking charge. · Martin Johannes Kashiponwa (33) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. Matter is postponed to 17 February 2014. Accused on bail. · Indingo Abisai (30), Shangula Andreas (33) and Kanimie Barnabas (27) all appeared on a charge of theft. Matter was postponed to 09 January 2014. · Visagie Christian (41) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. Matter is postponed to 11 March 2014. Accused is in custody. · Erasmus N Johannes (49) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm read with the provisions of the Domestic Violence Act. Matter is postponed to 3 February 2014. Accused is on bail. · Rossouw Rochenda (25) appeared on a charge of malicious damage to property. Matter is postponed to 3 February 204. Accused in custody. · A minor appeared on a charge of robbery. Matter was postponed to 9 January 2014. Accused was released into the care of her guardian.

10 JANUARY 2014



Unemployment still thorn in the flesh Mavourlene Gaes

The high unemployment rate in the country is still a m a t t e r o f g re a t concern and as a result many Namibians, without being given a choice, have to pack up their possessions and move to a different town, city or even another country. These people have to

leave behind their loved ones in the hope of creating a better future for them. Zack Khunene (27), Teodor Shipopyeni (29) and Michael Josef (26) to name a few, are all from the Northern part of Namibia, who came to the coastal town of Swakopmund in search of improved living conditions, but instead they were left feeling disappointed and helpless, forced to

adapt to different circumstances than what they had in mind. These men have been left with no other alternative but to stand on the side of the road and look for employment, with the trust that someone will come to their rescue and offer them a job. Some days if they are lucky, a passerby will pick them up for work and with the little they will receive on that

day, these men are able to make ends meet. Like the manual workers they wake up early every morning and make their way over to the railway line, close to Fruit & Veg, sitting there in the sun with barely enough to eat or drink. One of the men, Teodor Shipopyeni, might not have made it past grade 10, but his dream of becoming a professional or rather

famous disk jockey still burns alive in his heart. This eldest brother of 15 says it hasn't been easy, being the oldest, because it adds to the pressure of not only having to be an example to his brothers and sisters but also having so many depending on him for monetary aid. Especially now that his younger siblings are due to be back at

school next week. “It's tough, really. I don't want to complain, but I am suffering. I come here every morning and sit by the road, trusting maybe someone will feel pity and give me any job,� he exclaimed. However regarding his dream, Teodor says he is confident God will hear his prayers and send a Good Samaritan, just like in the bible to assist him in getting

out of these money troubles he is in and allow him to provide a better future for his siblings. Shipopyeni implores with the general public to assist him in fulfilling his dream. He says he is willing to work hard if that's what it will take to make it to the top and who knows, with a little push in the right direction, he just might surprise the world.


10 JANUARY 2014

Years Ago - MARINE ENQUIRY IN WALVIS BAY SKIPPER SUSPENDED January 10, 1969 page 1 A Court of Marine Enquiry into the stranding of the white fish trawler Henrieta Spashett took place in Walvis Bay this week, and the findings of the court are that the stranding was caused by the wrongful acts of the skipper Willem Christoffel Gillion.

The Port of Lüderitz The Port of Lüderitz was used mainly by the fishing industry, but has seen increasing activity from the mining sector since 2004. The main strategic focus for this Port is to cater to the needs of the fishing industry, the offshore diamond industries, offshore oil exploration, and the mining sector, together with its supporting industries and services. The Skorpion Zinc Mine has impacted on the business of the Port over recent years, causing mining exports to surpass those of fishing. This Port has also become

increasingly important for the agricultural sector, with the potential of grapes being exported from Aussenkehr in southern Namibia and the Northern Cape Province in South Africa. This export and import potential in SADC is supported by the TransO r a n j e C o r r i d o r, which, by way of a road-and-rail network, links the Port of Lüderitz with the rest of Namibia as well as with

the Northern Cape Province in South Africa. The Port's strategic location makes it an important base for the fishing, mining, and offshore diamond mining industries. The Port is also an essential shore base for oil and gas drilling operations off the southern coast. Excellent logistical services and links to other towns in Namibia and South Africa are offered. The Port

develops its infrastructure to suit its clients' needs. A 500-m quay provides cargo handling and container facilities for imports and exports, while a mobile harbour crane can handle containers and break-bulk cargo of up to 64 tonnes. Two additional 25-tonne Grove mobile cranes deal with smaller volumes of break-bulk cargo at the 500-m quay. Source: Walvis Bay Corridor Group

His certificate of competency as mate is suspended for two years. This finding was based on the following reasons. The skipper was at fault as he failed to comply with the act regarding the necessity of having a qualified mate on board. The mate on the vessel at the time of the stranding is a cook. He failed to ascertain the position accurately before departing on his homeward voyage. He failed to fix position or attempt to do so at any time between commencing his homeward voyage and the time of the stranding. He failed to provide a look-out despite foggy weather conditions. The only look-out provided was a very inexperienced Ovambo. Failed to reduce speed in foggy weather. Failed to keep proper watch as to the safety of the vessel. Deliberately steered a course towards danger without taking proper precautions. The enquiry was presided over by Mr. B. L. Bestbier with Capt. W. Willis and Capt. I. Simpson as members. The Henrietta Spashet stranded on the 4th of July about two miles north of Palgrave Point, over 200 miles north of Walvis Bay. There was no loss of life. TWEE VISSERMANNE BESEER - BEIDE NA WALVIS Friday, January 10, 1969 page 2 Twee visserbote moes inderhaas Woensdag die visvelde verlaat en na Walvisbaai toe jaag nadat vissermanne beserings opgedoen het. Op die Jannie T., 'n pelser boot van die Suiderkruis het mnr. Fanie van Rooyen van Walvisbaai sy been gebreek, en is vanaf die Kuiseb jetty reguit na die Walvisbaaise Staatshospitaal geneem vir behandeling. Na wat verneem word was die net van die Jannie T vol vis en was hulle besig om die net in te trek, toe mnr. Van Rooyen se voet in die net vasgehaak het. Die been is net bokant die enkel gebreek. Die witvis treiler Vigo het ook die visvelde verlaat om een van die bemanning na Walvisbaai te bring vir mediese behandeling nadat hy ook sy been gebreek het. Dit is ontrusstellend om te merk dat in beide gevalle persone wat 'n ambulans na die hawe toe moes ontbied, ten minste vier telefoonnommers geskakel het, voordat hul by die Ambulansdiens uitgekom het. In die geval van die Spaanse beseerde, het die ambulans nie opgedaag nie en is die beseerde in 'n gewone voertuig na die hospitaal vervoer. PLANKTON HERE VERY RICH - SCIENTISTS ON VISIT Friday, January 10, 1969 page 16 Two scientists who have come all the way from Holland to probe our particular section of the ocean deep, are Dr. M. Brongersma-Sanders and Dr. D. Eisma.

Picture by Otis Finck

MS Hamburg in Port The MS Hamburg called at the Port of Walvis Bay this week. The MS Hamburg is a 15,000-ton ship, 420 passenger, luxury cruise ship owned by the Conti Group and is now operated by Plantours Kreuzfahrten. She was built in 1997, in Wismar, Germany. The ship has a Tonnage of 15,067 GT, 5,092 NT and 1,378 DWT. It has a Length of 144.13 m (472 ft 10 in, Beam of 21.50 m (70 ft 6 in) and a Draft of 5.15 m (16 ft 11 in). Her relative size allows her to transit the Great Lakes in North America, which she cruised seasonally between 1997 and 2011 - one of the few modern cruise ships and the only German one able to do so . However, she is flexible enough to cruise worldwide as well, for example travelling the Mediterranean for cultural cruises with

Martin Randall Travel. The MS Hamburg has six decks. Each deck has a specific colour theme. Deck 1U hospital. Deck 1 (light blue). Deck 2 (green). Deck 3 (dark blue) reception, lobby, dining room. Deck 4 (red) - bar, concert hall. Deck 5 (yellow) - lounge, library, shops. Sun Deck - Palm garden, swimming pool, café, fitness room. Her crew complement consists of 170, and her top speed is 16 knots. She is equipped with four Wärtsilä 6L32 (4 × 2,640 kW) engines and is propelled by two controllable pitch propellers.

She was previously known as the Columbus for Hapag-Lloyd, she was since replaced by the Columbus 2. The MS Hamburg was built by MathiasThiesen Werft (MTW) at Wismar, Germany, in 1997 as the Columbus, a ship whose design originated from a desire by Hapag-Lloyd to reintroduce cruising into the Great Lakes of North America. Indeed in her fifteen-year career with HapagLloyd, the Columbus completed eleven seasons in the Great Lakes. She also undertook a world cruise every winter. After Hapag-Lloyd

acquired a larger ship to replace the Columbus Bremen-based Plantours took her over, renaming her MS Hamburg at a ceremony in the old Hanseatic port of Hamburg in June 2012. Port of registry: Nassau, Bahamas. Builder: M T W S c h i ff s w e r f t GmbH, Wismar, Germany. Yard number: 451. Laid down: 5 September 1995. Launched: 30 October 1996. Completed: 17 June 1997. In service: 1997–. Identification: IMO number: 9138329. Call sign: C6OX6. MMSI number: 309908000.

Their studies are devoted to the chemical composition of the sediment at the bottom of the sea and plankton. “The plankton in this portion of the Atlantic is particularly rich, “Dr. Brongersma-Sanders, who is of the fairer sex, said enthusiastically. Their research, which is conducted from the research vessel Benguella, will continue until the end of January. Dr. Brongersma-Sanders is from Leydon University and Dr. Eisma from the Institute for Sea Research at Den Helder. Their expedition here is on behalf of the Netherlands Organisation of pure Scientific Research. SEA TURTLES: Both members of the team are particularly anxious to obtain photographs or any trails about sea turtles being spotted along this coast. If any information in this connection, they should contact the Namib Times. THEORY: A member of the team put forward the striking theory that we have such abundant bird life (the birds eat vast quantities of fish) along this stretch of coast because we make them so comfortable by providing bird

Port log


10 JANUARY 2014


The views and opinions expressed on this page are not necessarily those of the Namib Times. We do encourage and value the participation of our readers, but we cannot publish any libellous letters. Die sienings en menings wat op die blad verskyn is nie noodwendig die van die Namib Times nie. Hoewel ons die deelname van ons lesers op die forum aanmoedig en waardeer, kan ons nie lasterlike briewe publiseer nie.

Cat Killers

Namib Times Facebook Reader’s Comments HOPE FOR LEARNERS WHO DID NOT PASS The Ministry of Education has just announced that JSC Grade 10 learners (of 2013) who did not meet the admission requirements to Grade 11 and are 17 years and younger are allowed to repeat grade 10 in 2014. Bernd Irle Namibia needs education... maybe some incentive to pass... Ritchie Gabs That is good news for previous grade 10 failure under the age of 18 to repeat the year. encouraging words to those learners who will enrol for Namcol Monique Van Zyl Leach How the hec du yu fail grade 10??? There is no easier grade!!! Herbert Djombilo K Its th ministry problm o learners problm who to blam for that Nsamba James Nsamba They must now work hard, history tells us 80 % who repeat fail again.. All the best to the repeaters if they will be space

The Victim I really hate to put this picture on facebook, but I hope that finally something is being done. This cat was killed recently by the two dogs in Kiebitz Street 8. There are eye witnesses, so there is no doubt it was them. I have sent many e-mails to the municipality but they don't do anything. I ask all of you to please assist in getting these dogs locked up. I suggest that all of you send an e-mail to Clive Lawrence (General Manager | Health Services): Clawrence@swkmun.com.na. The animal control officer falls under his department. Clive cannot claim that he did not know about this - I still have all communication sent to him during the past few months. If anyone has ideas on how to address this matter and resolve it, please let me know. Last year these two dogs killed more than ten cats. My sympathy to the owners of this beautiful cat. I am sure by now you have heard about the two dogs residing at Kiebitzstreet Nr. 8, that freely roam the streets and have been seen how they chase and kill cats. Although the dogs are mostly inside the property during the day, they easily jump over the gate (I see that a few times a week) and are seen roaming the streets on a regular basis at night. They do not only roam the streets, but happily jump over walls into other properties. I attach two letters that I have sent to the Municipality about the dog in Kiebitzstreet Nr.8 in 2010. By now there are two of them. I know of more letters that have been sent to the Municipality on this matter in July 2012. I myself have phoned the animal control officer many times in 2010, but it looks like all our complaints have fallen on deaf ears. This year these two dogs have started killing cats – and more than twelve cats have been killed in the Vineta area during the past few months. I have seen myself, how these two dogs chase cats at night – several blocks away from their home. I know that the owner of the dogs Mr Nehemia Salomon, is a town councillor, but to my understanding, he also has to adhere to Municipal laws and keep his dogs under control at all times. I urge you to please address this issue as a matter of urgency as Vineta residents have to live in constant fear of their cats at the moment – even if the cats stay inside the property as the dogs happily jump over walls. Dear Mr Lawrence, The two dogs from Kiebitzstreet 8 killed another cat last night. The neighbours saw it and can confirm that it was those two dogs. On the attached photo you can clearly see

the marks where the dogs easily jump over the wall. I have sent so many e-mails asking to keep the dogs under control but to no avail. Is anything being done about this!!!!! This morning I saw both dogs of Kiebitzstr. 8 on the streets again. When I approached them both of them easily jumped over the wall back into the yard. With the holiday season and lots of visitors it is even more important that dogs (especially those that have attacked kids before) are kept under control. I hope this matter is addressed (once again). Has any action been taken regarding the roaming dogs in Vineta or is this matter, once again, brushed under the carpet? I would appreciate if I could get feedback on this matter. Again this weekend the dogs from Kiebitzstreet No 8 were roaming the streets, with no one close by to keep them under control. Is anything being done about this? I am happy to see that some action has been taken – thank you. Spikes were put up on the gate – the dogs, however, now jump over the wall next to the gate – I saw the one dog easily jump over the wall this morning. So unfortunately the problem is not solved as the dogs can still get out. Please ensure that the entire erf is secured so that the dogs cannot jump over the wall and terrorise the Vineta residents and their cats anymore. I see more efforts has been made to keep the dogs from Kiebitzstreet 8 inside the property, however, they still easily jump out and I have seen both of them in the streets again this morning, jumping back over the wall when I approached. These dogs have been living on the streets for many years and are extremely streetwise by now (in fact, the black one basically grew up on the streets, not being cared for by the owners). As all our previous complaints about the dogs and their situation fell on deaf ears, the situation now will take a bit of effort to rectify. I really hope this matter is taken seriously and a permanent solution is found – there is no quick fix for a problem that built up over years and was ignored by the authorities for far too long. Anja Kreiner

Nsamba James Nsamba U reap what u sow, simple.. Lets look around our communities, what do most youth do, clubing, smoking, drinking, insulting nt respecting elders.. Paul Fisher True what you say. Too much freedom . Vocational subjects. It must be implemented in schools Adam Jonathan Kaali These kids are failing too much. Why???? We parents mst also start controling those things. De-activate their accounts and all tht. Like seriously Kornelius N Uuyumba facebook and eskom A M Nail Luderitz Y cnt the gvrmnt nt change the symbol of english to....isnt it the main language fr namibia or any job i just ask. Rudi Kahmann Find out what the problem is. Start a teachers exchange program on a national scale. This may sound unreal but it certainly will pin point the problem. To apply a solution, u first need to know what and where the problem is. John Malcomx Rome was never built in one day,n so change is a gradually process. With such a small increase in learners performance annually,we must be thankful. At least thngs r changing for better. STOMACH BUGS WREAKS HAVOCK Elizabeth Tórsdóttir Hentze Had this too and realised a lot of friends worldwide have had something similar during the past month. The other countries have a highly contagious norovirus... might be the same thing that affected us... Who knows? KEEPING WATCH Some amongst us once again and deliberately continued to show a total disregard for the law with regard to the sale of alcohol on closed days and the use of fireworks and setting off fire crackers in residential areas in order to liven up our festive celebrations. Mario Steenkamp verban klappers, ek weet van n ou oom wat in myl 4 kamp gebly het met hart pacer en hyt erg gesukkel, en dan al die diere ook wat weg gehardloop het van hul huise af oor klappers. Asb maak plan DRANKVERKOPERS NIE TEVREDE Drankverkopers in Swakopmund is ontevrede met die manier waarop sekere besigheids-eienaars, wat ook alkohol verkoop, skynbaar “spesiale behandeling” van die polisie kry.

The culprits

Where the dogs jump the fence

Paul Hotshot Van Biljon dis 'n jammerte dat ons werk nie raak gesien word nie. die talle shebeens wat ons op kersdag toegemaak het nie,ook nie die alkohol wat uitgegooi is nie. dit is ook die selde mense wat kla wie se plekke ons toe maak as hulle langer oop bly.

10 JANUARY 2014



Global Economics Review for 2012/3 and Forecasting 2014

FNB appoints Mulondo

We saw some major changes in 2013, what happened and what does this mean for 2014? The 2012 Year: The global economy continued to recover. The Chinese economy slowed but stayed above a robust 7.5% growth, though they had to rebalance from trade to domestic demand. This hurt commodity prices and many Emerging Markets. The USA had a horrible 2012 as it mismanaged its budget and debt position, though its economy grew in spite of the party politics. South Africa muddled on, beset by Government service delivery issues, political shenanigans and labour unrests. Financial markets discounted the negative news, looked forward to the future and enjoyed the low interest rate and low inflation environment. The year turned out to be great for our investment clients, who received between 10% and 23% on a gross basis using one of our portfolios. The global economic recovery and bull market since 2008/9 thus continued … The graph below by Seed Investments shows a share market cycle from trough to peak. In November 2012 we informed our investment clients we were at the sceptical stage (my arrow). Both share valuations and investment sentiment still had to rise substantially before we would enter the next, optimistic stage of the current bull market. We thus recommended investors to stay in balanced portfolios with overweight positions in growth assets.

Wall Street Daily: Last year thus turned out to be one of unrealised risks: The USA did not go to war with Syria; the Fed started tapering only in December after the market priced in the news; and the USA political budget and debt ceiling decisions were pushed out into 2014. And the people and markets of South Africa took the news of Nelson

FNB welcomed Erica Mulondo to its team recently. Erica has been appointed as the Group Manager: Customer Service. Mulondo said that she was eecstatic and grateful for the opportunity to be of service to others. “FNB Namibia is a strong brand that celebrates efficient and innovative products with a reputation for providing exceptional service excellence that creates memorable customer experiences. My purpose in life is to inspire others to find their 'voice' and live life a little bit better every day. I look forward to an exciting journey with the vibrant and passionate FNB team” she said. Erica has been in the banking industry since 1997 having worked at Nedbank and Standard bank respectively. She is an MDP graduate with several professional accreditations behind her name.

The 2013 Year: The USA Federal Reserve Bank (the Fed) shocked investments in May by announcing it would start “tapering”, or exiting its bondbuying program, conditional on a recovery in the USA economy. This caused USA 10-year Treasury yields to spike massively, thereby punishing global and local bond and real estate prices. With global inflation very subdued, gold demand shrivelled and the gold price dropped by 30% in dollar terms while the

Mandela's death with sorrowful calmness. In a tough year for safety assets local bonds struggled to make a positive return and local cash rates declined towards 5% per annum. Without some exposure to shares you would have lost out big time, again underlying the importance of being in a welldiversified balanced portfolio. It also helped our international exposure that the Rand fell significantly, due to the large SA budget and trade deficits. Growth

USA general share index rose by about the same margin. South African shares also did well, returning 20% for the year. Although a strong USA share market usually means a weak US dollar, this correlation broke down in 2013 as the stronger greenback chooses to follow rising Government bond yields. Correlations among all asset classes were halved in 2013, which is good news for investors as it increased the diversification properties of your portfolio. The Great Rotation happened at last, as investors rotated from safety to growth assets by selling bonds to buy shares (stocks). This was the third big chance for 2013, as shown in the graph from the

assets supported our portfolios, and our investors enjoyed gross returns of between 8% (Conservative), 13% (Cautious), 19% (Moderate) and 22% (Assertive). The 2014 Year? Our view is that the global share market cycle is now entering the optimistic stage. While there will always be surprises, one can probably expect much of the same as 2013, though the global economy should pick up while share prices increase at a slower rate with higher volatility. We may experience the long awaited temporary share market correction, which could be a buying opportunity for new investors or new capital:

· With global inflation dead for now due to changing demographics, improved technology and global competition, the gold price will continue to suffer; · The Fed (and other Central Banks) will keep short-term interest rates stable and low but long-term Government bond yields will rise (their prices will fall); · This should put pressure on listed property shares; · The USA dollar should strengthen in tandem with rising Government bond yields, which would put pressure on the SA Rand; · Share prices should rise at a slower rate, supported by Central Bank interventions and rising investor sentiment but dependent on growth in company earnings; · Expect increased volatilities due to heightened policy uncertainties, such as the American mid-term elections, geopolitical tensions and the general elections in South Africa. We thus repeat our recommendation, that investors should stay in balanced portfolios specifically chosen to meet their individual investment needs, with overweight positions in local and international growth assets. Although it should be possible to comfortably beat cash returns, please do not expect the amazing performances we have had since 2008/9, as markets and portfolios will eventually have to revert back to their expected long-term trends.

Hendrie Scheun, MSc (Financial Economics) (London) is a qualified economist with wide international experience. He is a financial adviser at the coast focusing on savings and investments and

SME Bank established The Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Bank introduced banking services for individual clients. The bank is in the process of installing Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs). At the moment, it has only four in Windhoek. The SME Bank was established with the mandate of providing financial support to SMEs - which usually find it difficult to secure funding from financial institutions because of a lack of security. Plans are underway to establish branches in other towns, with Ongwediva, Swakopmund and Rundu as priorities in this regard. According to the bank;s Head of Marketing and Communications, Ingrid Shimuafeni the aim of the establishment is to make banking services affordable for the people. The SME Bank is operating in similar fashion as other commercial bank, with most types of accounts, except for hire purchases and housing loans. It is different from other commercial banks in that it does not charge a fee for money deposited into a client's account. Shimuafeni called on the public to make use of the bank, which is a public and private partnership between the Namibian government and Zimbabwean private investors. The Namibian Government holds 65 per cent of the shares.

Get Your Life Back! If You Want To Drink And Do Drugs, That's Your Problem But, if You Want To Stop, That's Our Problem Alcoholics And Narcotics Anonymous Meet Every Monday And Thursday At 18h30 At The Roman Catholic Church West Coast Fellowship Swakopmund 0816067743

Economic Indicators Australian Dollar


SELL 9.58

Canadian Dollar






Great British Pound



Japanese Yen



United States Dollar



Swiss Franc




10 JANUARY 2014

Kennis oor visse se gewoontes kan van jou ‘n beter hengelaar maak


engel aan die Namibiese kus vanaf Sandvis hawe tot en met die Ugab mond kan vir elke hengelaar 'n groot plesier wees indien jy enkele geskrewe en ongeskrewe reëls volg: Gehoorsaam die reëls aangaande die hengel soos voorgeskryf deur die Ministerie van Seevisserye en Marine hulpbronne. Sorg dat jy te alle tye in besit van 'n geldige hengellisensie is, dit kan baie onaagenaamheid langs die kus vermy. Maak seker dat as jy die hoofpad verlaat en afdraai na die kus dat jy 'n spoor of paadjie van ander voertuie volg en nie blindelings oor alles ry nie. Ek weet nie hoekom ons altyd plek het om koeldrank, bier of aas saam te ry na die hengelwater nie, maar as ons terugkom het ons geen plek vir die leë houers nie. As jy tussen die hoogwater en laagwater merk ry, doen dit met inagneming van die hengelaars en mense wat ontspan langs die water. Dis nou genoeg gekla en voorgeskryf, kom ons kyk so 'n bietjie na die verskillende spesies vis wat hier by ons voorkom en die tipe aas wat ons kan gebruik om hulle te kul om ons hoeke te neem.


Die mees gesogte sportvis om te vang aan die Namibiese kus, en hengelaars vanoor die hele wêreld kom na ons viswaters om hierdie knewel te probeer verower. Natuurlik geweldig sterk, en met tot 200kg plus aan die anderkant van jou lyn is dit 'n werklike toutrekkery en die fiksste en flinkste wen gewoonlik. Anders as wat die meeste mense glo word 'n bronshaai met doodgewone gerei vanaf die kant gevang en word slegs 'n stewige staalstrop met 9/0 tot 10/0 hoeke gebruik. 'n Makrielkop of self die kop van 'n galjoen of kabeljou is dodelike aas vir hierdie vleisvreter. Alhoewel die amptelike Namibiese rekord slegs op 172kg staan is daar al 'n paar knewels van oor die 200kg geland, met 'n bielie van 240kg wat op Langstand gevang is en dit nogal deur twee oorsese vroue hengelaars. Kom geredelik aan ons kus voor en is baie gewild by Langstrand, Myl 8, Myl 17, Myl 28, Popeye, Myl 68, Myl 100 en Winston. Staan ook bekend as “die arm man se marlyn” omdat dit net soveel aksie verskaf as 'n marlyn, maar heelwat goedkoper is om te vang. Hierdie haai kan vir jou tot 4 ure en langer besig hou, dus sê ek net stywe lyne.


Dit is natuurlik die mees gesogste vis aan ons kus aangesien dit heerlik braai op die kole en ook gerook smaak dit vorentoe. Die vis kom voor waar daar heelwat bamboes of rotse is. Galjoen se geliefkoosde aas is swart en witmossel asook 'n stukkie rooiaas. Ons hoekgroote wissel hier vanaf 'n 2 tot 1/0 hoek. 'n Knewel van 3,5kg staan aangeteken in die Namibiese rekord anale. Ons kry ook die sand galjoene wat by Langstrand en Sandvis voorkom.


'n Lekker bakleier wat vir sy grote jou die geveg van gevegte gee. Word aangekeer met 'n harderkop of selfs 'n stuk barber en gebruik ons 6/0 tot 7/0 hoeke met 'n stewige nylon strop van so 70kg aangesien die haai geen tande het nie. Soos sy naam aandui kom die haai graag tussen rotse by sloepe voor en is dus een wat die rotse gebruik om te skuil as jy hom gehaak het. Die Namibiese rekord is dan 'n allemintige 37kg, maar sloephaaie vanaf so 10 tot 25 kg is algemeen en word dan oral langs die kus gevang waar rotse voorkom. Hierdie haai is ook 'n fynproewer en is versot op 'n stuk kreef of tjokka (kalamari).


KOLSTERT Hierdie is 'n baie onderskatte vis en kan vir groot hengelvermaak sorg en is selfs 'n lekker eetvis om te bak of braai. Kom oral langs die hele Namibiese kus voor en is die Namibiese rekord 'n allemintige 2,45kg. Hierdie vis het ook 'n klein bekkie en gebruik ons 'n 2 of 1 hoekie. Hierdie is nie 'n kieskeurige vis nie en sal aan alles byt, dog 'n pienk garnaal sal dit nie by verby swem nie.

STEENBRAS Wat 'n sterk vis om aan die lyn te kry, hy sal baklei totdat hy op die strand lê en dan nog steeds nie opgee nie. Hierdie is 'n sterk vis en durf ons dit normaalweg met 'n 2/0 tot 3/0 hoek aan wat gevul is met hetsy pelser, tjokka, mossel of kreef. Laasgenoemde natuurlik eerder 'n delikatesse wat die mens self wil nuttig. Die amptelike rekord staan hier op 17,3kg maar groter diklippe van tot 23kg is al aan wal gebring. Word baie in die omgewing van Walle, Myl 98, Canopy, Doep se Gat en Leiter gevang.


'n Haai met 'n skrikwekkende stel tande wat ook nie sonder 'n staal strop en groot hoeke aangedurf word nie. Alhoewel die rekord op 87kg staan is dit 'n haai wat sommer in 10 tot 20 minute geland word en is nie 'n groot vegter nie. Hierdie haai verkies kouer water en kom oral aan ons kus voor en sal enige visaas vreet wat jy in die water gooi. Pasop egter vir die stel tande wanneer die haai geland is aangesien die haai die tip van sy eie stert met gemak kan raakbyt en is lief om hengelaars te probeer byt op die strand.



Beter bekend as “shad” en baiekeer verwar met 'n kabeljou deur die hengelaar, is hierdie vis 'n baie lekker eetvis wat aan ons kus gevang word. Die vis word meestal gevang wanneer die hengelaars gewoonweg hengel vir kabeljou of steenbra en die aas wat aangebied word vertoon lewendig genoeg dan vat die vis graag die lyn. As daar spesifiek gehengel word vir elf moet gebruik gemaak word van 'n stukkie staalstrop of klavier-draad en 'n 3/0 tot 4/0 hoek. 'n Kurk of “bung” word dan ook gebruik om vlottasie aan die aas te gee en dit meer lewendig te laat vertoon. Die amptelike rekord hier is 4,2kg.

Nou ja wat kan ek hiervan sê, net dat baie hengelaars die vis nie kan verdra nie en kwaad word as dit byt. Dit is egter vir baie hengelaars 'n delikatesse en is baie gesog wanneer dit gerook is. Hierdie vis is egter net so heerlik wanneer dit gefilliteer word en in 'n bietjie botter met sout en peper gebak word. Smaaklike ete. Word tot en met 1kg groot in ons waters en kom orals voor en vreet ook enige aas. Pasop vir daardie geniepsige pen bo-op en aan die kant van die kop, dit kan jou hengel uitstappie totaal bederf vir die dag.


'n Minder bekende roofvis aan ons kus wat meer warm water verkies. Alhoewel dit resident is aan ons kus jag dit meer in die warm maande vanaf November tot April en is groot sport om aan te keer. Meestal word kunsaas gebruik waarvan “poppers” die gewildste is. Hier is die amptelike rekord slegs 12kg maar groter “leeries” van tot 24kg is reeds aan wal gebring.

ALGEMEEN Seker die mees gejagte vis aan ons Namibiese kus aangesien hierdie roofvis nie speel wanneer dit jou hoek gryp nie. Hy kan sommer korte mette maak met jou aas en is 'n kalant wat maar met 'n stewige hoek vanaf 'n 4/0 tot en met 'n 7/0 aangekeer moet word. Omdat hierdie vis so aggresief is, is dit gewoonlik maklik om die vis aan te keer aangesien hy homself gewoonlik vang. Hier is die amptelike rekord 25,9kg met 'n bevestigte 33kg wat op 'n skiboot gevang is. Daar is natuurlik fotos van groot vis met geskatte gewigte van tot en met 86kg, ek weet nou nie of dit voor of na die vloeibare versnaperinge was nie. Hierdie vis kom algemeen oral aan ons kus voor en word maklik gekul met 'n sardyn, tjokka of ansjovis. 'n Kombinasie van sardyn en tjokka is ook baie gewild. Indien seekat poot beskikbaar is, is dit ook 'n baie suksesvolle aas.

Hengel is soos jag en durf jy nie 'n olifant aan met 'n .22 kaliber nie, dus maak seker dat jy die regte gerei vir die regte doel aanskaf. Daarvoor is daar meestal kundiges by hengelwinkels en vra dus daarom raad. Verder sorg jy dat jy altyd die varsste moontlike aas bekom aangesien die resultate daarmee beter is. Hengel altyd met in agneming van jou mede hengelaars en die natuur.


10 JANUARY 2014

10 JANUARY 2014




10 JANUARY 2014

NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSURE We herewith would like to inform the public and specifically residents in Mondesa, Swakopmund of the following road closure due to construction work on sewer lines: As from WEDNESDAY 15 JANUARY 2014, Nelson Mandela Avenue will be closed between the junctions of Rakotoka Street and Mandume Ya Ndemufayo street (in front of the taxi rank). Only residents will have access during this 3 week period of closure. Taxi’s will only have access from Rakotoka Street to the taxi rank. We apologise for any inconvenience caused during the construction period


PUBLIC NOTICE Bannerman Mining Resources Ltd wishes to erect and operate a crib leach pilot facility on EPL 3345 during 2014 which will enable the Company to conduct larger scale test work to finalise the metallurgical parameters for the detailed design phase of the Etango Uranium Project. In terms of the Namibian Environmental Management Act (No.7 of 2007) and associated Regulations (2012), an Environmental Clearance Certificate is required for which an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental Management Plan (EMP) must be submitted to the Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET).

The old Aquitaine exploration drilling site has been chosen as the pilot plant site as: • the area was disturbed by historical exploration activities conducted in the 1970s, • it is close to where the ore is surfacing so there is minimal rock removal, it is accessible via existing roadways, and • it will not be visible from existing tourist routes. The facility will consist of four cribs, each 2m x2m in cross-section and 7 metres high capable of holding ~ 45t of agglomerated feed ore. The outcropping ore material will be blasted, mined and crushed within a 2 months period before the pilot activities begin, and only during daylight. There will be two emergency/research personnel on night duty either on site or based at a to-be-agreed residence nearby. It is expected that the Pilot Plant will operate for at least 2 years. The public and affected parties are invited to send comments and attend the Public Open Day there will be no formal presentation but several Bannerman personnel and ASEC environmental specialists will be there to explain and answer questions. Swakopmund Public Open Day on Thursday 16th January between 15h30 – 18h00 at the Uranium Institute, 667 Tamariskia Cottage Avenue, Swakopmund.

A Background Information Document is available on request from Ms. Ashby or can be viewed at either www.asecnam.com or at the Swakopmund Library, Bismark St, Woermann House. Kindly submit all comments in writing to Ms. Ashby: aaplm@mweb.com.na, Fax: +264 88637016 by 10thFebruary 2014.

E-mail all your adverts to desiree@ namibtimes. net

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting 2014 of the WALVIS BAY MOTOR CLUB will be held on 22 January 2014 at 19:00 at the Clubhouse of Walvis Bay Motor Club. Chairman: Jan Everson

Position: We seek a suitable candidate to fill the position of a FORKLIFT TRUCK OPERATOR at our Company. Reporting: The incumbent will report to the Manager of the Company. Main Responsibilities: · Offloading and packing materials and equipment on company premises. · Transporting materials to and from customer's operation sites. · Offloading and loading material or products as required by the customers · Up keeping of own equipment all the time and maintaining the forklift truck services record. · Adhering to road and safety regulations · Performing any other duties as assigned by the supervisor. Minimum requirements: · Valid Forklift Truck Operator's Certificate · Must have a valid Driver's Licence · Previous forklift driving experience will be an advantage · Namibian Citizen/ in possession of Namibian ID · Good Verbal communications skills · Ability to work independently · Sober Habits · Willing to work overtime as and when required Remuneration: Rental Support Services offers a market related salary package as well competitive conditions of employment Interested: Interested individual meeting all the requirements are invited to apply, BUT applicants must be prepared to undergo a rigorous assessment and interview process. Please submit your curriculum vitae and proof of qualifications with a covering letter, to E-Mail: recruitment@linkservices.com.na CLOSING DATE: 17 January 2014 Please note: Only short listed candidates will be contacted

10 JANUARY 2014


1x Processing Clerk (Debtors/Creditors) - Dynamic, self-motivated and trustworthy - Must be able to work independently, speak & write English - Neat in appearance and friendly - Sound knowledge of Pastel Accounting with at least 2(two) years experience Interested applicants are invited to apply in writing to: The owner P.O. Box 1324, Walvis Bay, Namibia or e-mail to jobs@trustmarket.com.na


VACANCY: 2x Debotrs/Creditors Clerks - Dynamic, self-motivated and trustworthy - Must be able to work independently, speak & write English - Willing and able to work under pressure - Neat in appearance and friendly - Sound knowledge of Pastel Accounting with at least 2(two) years experience - Reconciliation of Debtors/Creditors Accounts Interested applicants are invited to apply in writing to: The owner P.O. Box 1324, Walvis Bay, Namibia or e-mail to jobs@trustmarket.com.na

MUNICIPALITY OF WALVIS BAY EXTENSION OF BOUNDARIES: TOWNSHIPS AND DIVISION OF LAND ORDINANCE, 1963 The Council of the Municipality of Walvis Bay under Section 29(1) of the Townships and Division of Land Ordinance, 1963 (Ordinance 11 of 1963), hereby gives notice to extend the boundaries of the Township of Walvis Bay Extension 5 to include Portion 187 (A Portion of Portion B) of the Farm Walvis Bay Town & Townlands No.1 and Farm 51 consolidated with erven 3619, 3620, 2807, 3453, 4683, 4684 and 4685 represented by Cadastral diagrams Nos. A276/2008, A277/2008 and A278/2008, which shall lie open for inspection during office hours at the office of the Surveyor - General in Windhoek. The properties included shall be known as Erven 4744 to 4746 (streets, free of conditions) and the Remainder of Erf 4743, Walvis Bay Extension 5. Muronga Haingura Chief Executive Officer Walvis Bay Municipality Private Bag 5017 Walvis Bay (Notice No. 110/2013)

PHIM Group is a multidisciplinary engineering company. The core business of the company includes civil engineering contracting, mining contracting and industrial manufacturing. The civil contracting business hereby seeks a highly qualified and motivated individual to occupy a Civil Engineering Technician role in Swakopmund. Below are further details regarding the role.

REZONING APPLICATION IN TERMS OF THE WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME REZONING: From: Single Residential To: General Residential 1 ON ERF NO: 973 TOWNSHIP: Walvis Bay STREET: Corner of Nangolo Mbumba Street and Seventh Road. In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/ establish a Medium to High Density Residential Development on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning first floor, rooms 101 & 119, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, and the undersigned, in writing, not later than Friday, 31st January 2014. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Bruce Stewart Town Planning, P.O. Box 2095, Walvis Bay.

Visit our website at www.namibtimes.net

Requirements & Experience: · National Diploma / BTech Civil Engineering or similar · Computer literacy particularly in Auto CAD, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Project etc · Code B Driver's Licence · 1 Year experience in a civil contracting environment We offer a competitive remuneration package based on experience and qualifications. Applicants must be Namibian citizens or have a valid work permit or must be willing to relocate to Namibia. Only applications from candidates who meet the minimum qualifications or more will be considered. A comprehensive CV and copies of qualifications should be submitted to: PHIM Group, P.O.Box 3087, Vineta , Swakopmund or alternatively it can be mailed or faxed to phimgroupad@gmail.com or +264886528797 respectively. Any further details please contact Manu on 0816260077 or 0814835461. Closing date for application is the 24 January 2014.

REZONING APPLICATION IN TERMS OF THE WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME REZONING: From: Institutional To: Local Business ON ERF NO: 1019 TOWNSHIP: Walvis Bay STREET: Corner of Theo-Ben Gurirab Street and Tenth Road. In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/ establish a Business Development and Restaurant on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning first floor, rooms 101 & 119, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, and the undersigned, in writing, not later Than Friday, 31st January 2014. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Bruce Stewart Town Planning, P.O. Box 2095, Walvis Bay

WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME CONSENT: Day-Care Centre ON ERF NO: 3150 TOWNSHIP: Walvis Bay STREET: 6th street no 52. In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish a DAY-CARE Centre on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 119, Civic Centre. Any person having an objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the undersigned, in writing, no later than 14 January 2014 NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Hentie de Jager & Cathleen Grobler P.O.Box 1106, Walvis Bay.

NOTICE Take note that the Municipality of Walvis Bay, intend to rezone New Portion 213 of Walvis Bay Town & Townlands, previously known as Portion A of Portion 196 of Walvis Bay Town & Town Lands, from “Undetermined” to “Business 1” with a Bulk of 2.0.

CIVIL ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN Responsibilities: · Civil Site Supervision · Quality Control according to SABS/SANS · Compilation and tracking of project plans · Compilation of Bills of Quantities · Compilation of Tender documentation · Compilation of Civil drawings · Overall Project management


MUNICIPALITY OF WALVIS BAY PERMANENT CLOSURE OF PORTION A OF ERF 2801 NARRAVILLE ZONED AS “MUNICIPAL PURPOSES”, UTILIZED AS PUBLIC OPEN SPACE By courtesy, notice is hereby given in terms of Section 50(3) (a) (ii) of the Local Authorities Act of 1992 (Act 23 of 1992) that the Municipality of Walvis Bay proposes to permanently close Portion A of Erf 2801 Narraville as indicated on plan no NAR/2013/2, which lies for inspection during office hours at the Town Planning office, Room 105, Civic Centre, Nangolo Mbumba Drive. Any person objecting to the proposed closure as indicated above may lodge objections together with the grounds thereof, with the Town Planner, Municipality of Walvis Bay, Private Bag 5017, in writing before or on Friday , 17 January 2013, in accordance with Section 50 (1)(c) of the above Act.

Portion 213 is situated along the Main Road M36 towards the corner of the B2 road (Union Street/Diaz Circle). The portion measures 21,810 hectares in extent and is currently zoned undetermined. The property is also currently undeveloped. It is the intention of the Municipality to further dispose of the land to a client who wishes to develop a Regional Mall. On-site parking is provided in accordance with the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme. All other town planning matters are currently underhand in terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme. The proposed development plans lies open for inspection on the Town Planning Notice Board, 1st floor, Civic Center Municipality, Nangolo Mbumba Drive. Further take notice that any person objecting to the proposed use of the land as set out above may lodge such an objection together with the grounds thereof, to the Municipality of Walvis Bay, Town Planning Section in writing within 14 days of the last publication of this notice. The last day of the objections will be 17 January 2014.

Muronga Haingura Chief Executive Officer Walvis Bay Municipality Private Bag 5017 Walvis Bay

Hilia E. Hitula Town Planner Municipality of Walvis Bay Private Bag 5017 Walvis Bay Namibia Tel: +264 64 201 3339 hhitula@walvisbaycc.org.na

(Notice No. 64/2013)

(Notice No. 111/2013)


10 JANUARY 2014


10 JANUARY 2014 MUNICIPALITY OF WALVIS BAY Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2) (b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23 of 1992), as amended, that the Council of Walvis Bay intends to sell, by private transaction, the following Institutional Erf 6872 Kuisebmond (Extension 3) to the Kuisebmond Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses (the applicant). DESCRIPTION Erf 6872, Kuisebmond AREA m² 720m² ZONING: Institutional PURCHASE PRICE N$108 000.00 An additional amount of N$10 800.00 be paid towards landscaping and the establishment of a green belt. Full particulars pertaining to the sale will lie for inspection by interested persons until Tuesday, 21 January 2014 at Room 30, Municipality Offices, Kuisebmond. For more information Ms. S. Mupupa can be contacted at telephone (064) 201 3294 during office hours. Written objections, fully motivated, to the intended transaction must be received by the undersigned before or at 12:00 on Friday, 24 January 2014. A T Victor GENERAL MANAGER COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Municipal Offices Civic Centre Nangolo Mbumba Drive Private Bag 5017 WALVIS BAY Fax no: (064) 209714

WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME CONSENT: Home Based Business 2983 TOWNSHIP: Kuisebmond Agaat Street


In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish Precious Hair & Beauty Salon on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 119, Civic Centre. Any person having an objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the undersigned, in writing, no later than 31 January 2014 NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Fillipus H Nghilondwa, 2983 (114) Agaat Street, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay.

VACANCY: Accountant - Dynamic, self-motivated and trustworthy - Must be able to work independently, speak & write English - Willing and able to work under pressure - Friendly and neat in appearance - Driver’s License compulsory - Grade 12 with Accounting or Mathematics / Tertiary Qualifications - At least 5(five) years experience, with sound knowledge of Pastel Accounting, Cash Book and General Ledger up to Trial Balance - Reconciliation of Bank and Loan Accounts, annual WCA, PAYE and other statutory returns - Submission and completion of VAT Import Returns and VAT Returns, Social Security and PAYE Returns - VIP Payroll Interested applicants are invited to apply in writing to: The owner P.O. Box 1324, Walvis Bay, Namibia or e-mail to jobs@trustmarket.com.na



10 JANUARY 2014

Classifieds E-MAIL: marysia@namibtimes.net OR lee-ann@namibtimes.net



Vir enige gebed wat u nodig het 24-uur per dag 7 Dae per week Kontak: PETRUS KLEIN 081 417 5441 VRYHEID IN JESUS CHRISTUS BEDIENING Hand. 2:38 Bekeer julle en laat julle doop in die NAAM van ons HERE JESUS CHRISTUS tot vergewing van julle sondes en julle sal die gawe van die HEILIGE GEES ontvang vir geestelike hulp en berading. Kontak: 081 306 5140 Die loon van die sonde is dood en die gawe van GOD IN JESUS CHRISTUS is die ewige lewe. “You are kindly invited to Saturday afternoon prayer meetings - 18:30 WALVIS BAY”

COURSES GERMAN COURSES Adult Classes: Starts: 20.01.2014 - Group 1 (Mon + Wed) 21.01.2014 - Group 2 (Tues + Thurs) Time: 18:00 - 19:00 Duration: 3 Months.

Children Classes: Starts: 24.01.2014 (Only Fridays) Time: 16:00 - 17:00 Duration: Till end of 1st term. More info: TOPSY 081 240 8023.




Registration begins 20 January 2014 Time: 17:30 Swakopmund Town Hall Mondays & Wednesdays Adults & children 6 years+ VALDEMAR SWART

081 124 2938


Monsters Inc Pre-Primary School Let your little monster come and play, learn and grow with our other little monsters. School starts 14 January 2014. Limited space left! Please call: 081 146 0676.

CLASSES Pilates in Swakopmund Classes start 14 January. Pilates builds flexibility & long, lean muscles, tones abdominals while strengthening the back, improves coordination and balance. Contact Danielle: 081 356 3571.

CRAFT CLASSES: Only children! Age: 3 - 12 Starts: 24.01.2014 (Fridays only) Time: 14:30 - 15:30 More info: TOPSY 081 240 8023





TV LINK AND ELECTRICAL CC: GoTV Decoder + Gotenna + 1 month’s viewing all for only N$499.00.

RENT A 4 TON TRUCK Call: 081 149 7313.


PRIME CATERING: (Registered business ) Baking different cakes like: - Wedding cakes. - Birthday cakes. - Cupcakes. Contact: 081 235 0449 081 259 7362 For your orders NOW!!!

· DSTV installations · Decoder testing · Move of dish · Fault finding or extra TV points · TV’S, Hi-Fi’s, DVD players and a lot more. · Stock Fabulous Aire & Fragrances that Purify, Revitalise, Humidify and refresh the air that we breathe. · Photo copies · Faxes · Internet facilities · Game zone - come and play playstation 3 and Xbox games instore. · Recharge vouchers. Multichoice accredited installer. We are in Libertina Amathila Str. (Opposite Multichoice Office). Visit our website at:

www.tvlinkandelec trical.com Phone TV LINK AND ELECTRICAL at 064-406032 or 406097 Swakopmund.

SERVICES H.F. TRANSPORT Building Rubble, Garden Refuse, Furniture Removal etc. Anything else.... 4-Ton Truck.

HENK 081 780 4155. A To Z CLEANING SERVICES FOR ALL YOUR CLEANING NEEDS. WE CLEAN: Lounge Suites/ Loose Chairs/ Matrasses Carpets / Loose Rugs Blinds Accessible Windows Descale / Steam Clean Bathrooms / Ablution Blocks Machine Scrub Tiles WE OFFER: Daily / Weekly / Monthly Cleaning Contracts For Offices / Shops / Factories / Body Corporates Etc. Once Off Cleaning For Houses / Flats & Buildings Before And After Occupation. - Exterior Spray Cleaning - E x t e r i o r Wa l l s O f Buildings / Flats / Houses All Our Cleaning Procedures Are Done UNDER SUPERVISION By Owner Or Supervisor. CONTACT: COENIE BRAND 081 129 7988 JENNY BRAND 081 148 5036 OFFICE 205036 NO 3 LAGOON STREET FAX 220878 EMAIL FINANCE AZWVB@IWAY.NA EMAIL OPERATIONS AZC@IWAY.NA

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication

* Rental of Front End Loaders and Tippers * Removal of Building Rubble/ Rubble * Earthworks/ Filling Please Contact: Office: 064 217901 Cell: 081 128 3806 JOSEF DRIVING SCHOOL: In Swakopmund and Walvis Bay. We offer driving lessons for N$90.00 per hour or pay for more than 10 hours for N$85.00 per hour and N$150.00 for Natis’s test. Professional, friendly and patient instructor - failing is not an option. CONTACT: 081 418 3595 / 081 296 9477. CARPET & UPHOLS T E RY C L E A N I N G AND PROTECTION: Are your carpets dirty? N o n - To x i c , Q u i c k Drying. Your carpets stay cleaner for longer! For a free quote & enquiries, phone CHEM-DRY CLEANING on Tel: 209292 or 081 124 4747. Walvis Bay / Swakopmund. Africa’s largest specialist Cleaning Organisation Drier, Cleaner, Healthier! We Service The Coast! WSK Customers welcome.

DAY MOTHER: Looking for babies to take care of during the day. PLACE: Tamariskia, next to “Happy Tots Kindergarden” AGE: 1-3 years. Contact: 081 833 7741.

Uncle G’s Cleaning Services Available in Swakopmund. Call today for a quote for all your cleaning needs. “No stain is too big to beat me” - Lounge Suites - Loose chairs - Indoor Carpets - Loose Rugs and Carpets - Car seats / car Interior Cleaning. Contact Uncle G at: Cell: 081 256 7930.

COASTAL PAINT WORKS: Enige Verfwerk, binne of buite. Seël en verf van dakke. Walvisbaai - Hentiesbaai. Kontak: 081 618 2217. KITCHEN ELEGANCE For professional kitchen, bedroom and bathroom re-modelling. We do cabinets, blinds, tiles and flooring OR any other joinery needs. Quality workmanship guaranteed. We pride ourselves on your satisfaction. Contact us on 081 278 8092 or 081 612 3519. Visit us at www.kitchenelegance Namibia.com

MS ELECTRICAL: Operate in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. We repair: * Geysers * Washing Machine * Microwaves * Stove, Aircons, Fridges * Electric Motors, 3-phase and single 3-phase * Battery chargers and welding machine * Electrical on houses * Vacuum cleaners and compressors * Any electrical appliance we’ll fix it. All electrical appliances have 3 month guarantee. You call - we come and fix. Contact: Mr. Sylveners 081 299 9960. RENOVATIONS AND STEEL WORKS: Need any Renovations, Plumbing and Steel works done? Walvis Bay, Swakopmund & Henties Bay. Contact TIAAN Cell: 081 323 1671.

WE DO: - Dish installations - Extra view - Fold finding and extra. In Walvis Bay, Swakopmund, Henties Bay and Arandis. Office situated in Tamariskia, Super Save, Vrede Rede Str. For the best service at the coast contact: Haroldt: 081 147 4836 Johnny: 081 731 0828 PRODEL CONSTRUCTION & RENOVATIONS: For all your renovations and construction needs with personal attention. Call for a free quote JOHANN STEYN 081 128 0848.

VERF: DAKLEK / SKADE / OORDOEN. Verf, Seël, Herstel en Oordoen van DAKKE en MURE. Geskrewe Waarborg en Gratis Kwotasies! 081 454 6870. Alle Bouwerk, Herstelwerk en Instandhouding van huise en geboue in Walvisbaai, Swakopmund, Langstrand en Hentiesbaai. Inspeksie verslae.

081 454 6870. OPTIMUS ACCOUNTING SERVICES: ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: (Incl. Tax submissions, consulting & tax queries). - Sole Proprietor N$2300.00. - CC (Dormant) N$1750.00. - CC (Operational) N$3500.00. - Management Accounts & Cashflow N$1100.00. MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING: (Incl. VAT / Import submissions, consulting & VAT queries). N$250.00 - N$1500.00. CONTACT: Irene 081 170 0774.

TRIPPLE RG TRUCKING Ons doen: - Huistrekke - Tuinvullis - Bourommel Bel RENNIE by 081 306 3669. FIX-IT-ALL: Bank approved * Building, Plumbing and Electrical * Kitchen cabinets and built-in cupboards. * Paving/Interlocks, Tiling, Painting, Sealing And Installing. Professional and guaranteed workmanship with a smile. * We also MOVE-IT-ALL (Furniture or Rumble) Call: 081 278 8092 or 081 612 3519 for more info. Best prices in town!



Contact details: Tel: 064-221287 Fax: 064-221290 Cell: 081 143 3924 P.O. Box 2214 E-mail: jinshan@iway.na

- Wegry van Tuinvullis - Skoonmaak van Erwe - Uithaal van Riete - Uithaal van Bome - Doen meubeltrekke onder toesig Kontak: 081 244 1342.

Situated at Erf 4441 New Industrial Area next to Weighbridge Walvis Bay

SPESIALE DIENSTE: Boukontrakteur met verwysings. Bou van huise, woonstelle, industriële eenhede. Skakel: 064-405282 Email: wynandmurphy@gmail. com


4-TON LORRIE TE HUUR: - Huistrekke - Tuinvullis - Bourommel Plaaslik in Walvisbaai Skakel: 081 149 7313.

HAIR / BEAUTY NICOLE AND LUCINO HAIR STUDIO in Walvis Bay is under new ownership, Selma Solomons of Selma’s Hair Studio in Swakopmund. We also like to welcome Natasha Olkers as the hairdresser @ Nicole and Lucino Hair Studio. Opening Specials as from 10th Jan 31st Jan 2014. Tel. 064-221065. SANAH BRAZILIAN HAIR BOUTIQUE CC: We offer genuine Brazilian Hair @ affordable prices. 10 inch - N$ 1150.00. 12 inch - N$1350.00. 14 inch - N$1450.00. 16 inch - N$1650.00. 18 inch - N$1700.00. 20 inch - N$1900.00. 22 inch - N$2000.00. 24 inch - N$2200.00. 26 inch - N$2400.00. 28 inch - N$2750.00. Visit us at Namport or contact us on 081 233 2893 or 081 639 7123. JUSTINE / AVON: Walvis Bay. Great Specials!! Tuesdays / Thursdays at Justine Office 9 - 2. Order to be picked up end of month at Justine - 216 Sam Nujoma Ave. FREE Booklets at Dolphin Coffee Shop, Lagoon Chalet Restaurant, ONEKA, Sentrum Chemist, J+J Cash Loans / Justine, CTM Swk. Contact HANNAH 081 124 2151.


2011 Isuzu 250 KB Double Cab Bakkie. 68 000 km. Motor plan up to 90 000 km. Price: N$ 215 000.00. Call: 081 305 5311


Model 2008 Golf R32. Sun roof, Zenon lights, DSG gear box, leather. Price: N$125 000.00 cash. Service history. 110 000 kilometres. Contact John on 081 365 5860. FOR SALE: 2009 Toyota Hilux D4D 2x4. N$140 000.00. Cell: 081 260 3705.

10 JANUARY 2014



Classifieds CARS FOR SALE: 1989 Nissan 1 Tonner. Running condition, visually very unattractive. Licence expires in 3 weeks, than deregistration. Many almost new parts like pumps, top gasket etc. Price negotiable. Cell: 081 240 2003. FOR SALE: 2009 Iveco Daily 23Seater. 10 000km. Company vehicle, in good condition. N$260 000. Swakopmund. Call: 081 355 7858. FOR SALE: 2006 Mazda Demo 2 Hatchback. Low km - 60500km. Extra’s: Aircon, Central Locking, Power steering & 2x keys. Motor in good roadworthy condition. Contact: 081 315 9178 081 344 3794. FOR SALE: 2009 Daihatsu Sirion 1.3. 52 000km. Very good condition. Full service history. Radio / Aux / CD. N$70 000.00 negotiable. Contact: 081 122 0287. FOR SALE: December 2007 Toyota Corolla 1.6 Advance. Full service history. One owner. N$100 000.00. Contact NICO on 081 122 6392 after hours. FOR SALE: 2008 Golf 5 GTI. Full house, DVD, Navi hands free kit, Zenons. 137 000km. N$155 000.00. Contact: 081 147 4487. FOR SALE: 2003 VW Polo Classic 1.6. White. Good condition. Contact: 081 287 8897.

HARRY’s GARAGE: Rakotoka Street, Swakopmund Landrover 1.10 TDI 300 2¼ Landrover petrol Citi Golf 1.3 1999 Toyota Landcruiser V8 engine SPARES AVAILABLE FROM FOLLOWING VEHICLES: Colt V6 Pajero V6 4x4 Citi Golf body available.

TE KOOP: 1986 Mercedes. Goeie toestand. Nuwe bande en battery. Enjin kort aandag. Spesiale prys N$15 000.00. Kontak 081 385 8220 / 081 346 1039.

FOR SALE: 2003 Volvo FH 12. N$200 000.00. Car-Carrier. N$140 000.00. Good condition. Contact: 081 148 7040. FOR SALE: 2010 Golf. 112 000km. Full service history and excellent condition. N$150 000.00. Contact: 081 127 1003. FOR SALE: 2011 Polo Vivo Sedan Base 1.4. Full service history. 84 000km. “As is.” N$76 000.00. Contact: 081 307 2867. FOR SALE: 2001 Mitsibushi Pajero (SWB) 4x4 2.5L Diesel. N$32 000.00. Contact: 081 623 1419. FOR SALE: Late 2006 model Toyota Hilux VVTI 2.0i. White. Low mileage. Extras: Aircondition, Front loader Radio, CD, USB, Port etc., Running Boards, Bull Bars, Central locking system + Alarm, Towbar. Price: N$105 000.00 neg. Call ISSY @ 081 124 3269 OR 081 468 5195.

2010 Quantum 2.7 Sesfikile 15-Seat bus with trailer. Bus and trailer just done roadworthy and fitness Dec 2013. Services done every 10000 km. Only genuine Toyota Part used for services and maintenance. (on record) Never been in an accident and mechanically very sound. Start your business today with little capital output. Reason - replacing bus with a new one. N$160,000.00 NOT NEGOTIABLE.

Kallie Alberts 081 127 3378

HOUSEHOLD/ FURNITURE FOR SALE: Quality used furniture for sale. -Lounge suite. - Bedroom suite. - bed. - Fridge. - Microwave. - Cot. - Stroller. - Indoor bar. - Frames. - Art. Contact: 081 696 8987 For more info.

GARDENING FOR SALE FOR SALE: PALMS for sale, big and small, and can dig and plant. 081 638 6300.



PRICE LIST FOR FISH: Crayfish/kg - N$140.00 Hake Fillets/kg - N$40.00 Hake F/skinless 5kg N$190.00 Hake Fillets crumbed/kg N$59.00 Hake Suasage/Blocks 5kg - N$160.00 Hake Sausage/Blocks kg N$35.00 Hake Medallions/kg N$38.00 Fish Mince/Blocks kg N$38.00 Mince Pillows/kg N$37.00 Fishfingers/kg - N$49.50 Snoek Whole/kg N$35.00 Snoek Chops/kg N$35.00 Angel Whole/kg N$25.00 Yellow tail whole/kg N$55.00 Red Fish/kg - N$28.00 Galjoen - N$80-90.00 Kabeljou - N$60.00 Kingklip whole - N$80.00 Kingklip Heads ± 1kg N$20.00 Hake Heads - N$10.00 Pilch Chillie Tins 420g N$13.00 And Tom - N$150.00(12) Chicken Quarters 10kg N$360.00 Please contact: 081 734 7532.

Container 6 Metre for sale N$23 000.00 o.n.c.o. SMS to: 081 847 4100

TE KOOP: 7 Splinternuwe RIPSTICKS, N$250.00elk. Kontak: 081 276 6212. FOR SALE: - Patriot Mountain bike (front shocks) N$800.00. - 2-man Seat Kayak. N$5500.00 - 2x 1-man sea Kayaks. N$2800.00 each. - Stationery Training Bicycle N$1000.00. Contact: 081 143 1244 081 262 9233 After hours: 064-406133 FOR SALE: 1x Defy side by side double door 650litr. Fridge/freezer white. N$1950.00 4x Dunlop 245x65x18 tyres like new. N$500.00 each. 1x Genuine antique coocoo clock, originated hand carved German Origin. N$1500.00 6x CCTV Security colour camera’s like new in the box. N$200.00 each. 2x Defy 4-plate stove. Black/white. N$850.00 1x Defy grill conventional microwave metallic mirror finish like new. N$850.00 4x Fishing rods with pen reels. N$450.00 each. 1x Front bumper to fit Toyota Hilux new shape White. N$650.00 1x Speed queen tumble dryer industrial. N$650.00 1x Samsung fax / phone / copy. N$350.00 1x Meranti window 1500x900 complete with glass. N$450.00 Contact: 081 756 5756.

FOR SALE 1 x Zendu Portable Massage Bed –black leather (brand New) – N$2700.00. 1 x Table Tennis Board (used once) – N$700.00. Contact Maria @ 081 143 7222. FOR SALE: Playstation 3 Games. Infamous - N$200.00. Tomb Raider - N$250.00. Grand Theft Auto: Episodes, Liberty City N$200.00. Tom Clancy’s: Splinter Cell, Double Agent - N$200.00. Contact: Moya 081 208 4047 Kyle 081 855 4939.

PALLETS FOR SALE: Four way pallets for sale. N$ 35.00 (Incl vat) each. Please phone: Desiree from Go Fresh CC At: (064) 402 581. FOR SALE: 1 x Freezer. N$800.00. 1 x Cash Register. N$9 000.00. 1 x Hot Dog Roller. N$1300.00. 1 x Fryer (Single). N$1300.00. 1 x Fryer (Double). N$2500.00. 1 x 4-division Baine Marie (table top). N$10 000.00. 1 x Table Top. N$900.00. Contact EMMA on 081 122 8067.


FLATS FOR SALE: 1. Walvis Bay in CC. 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom & 1 garage. N$730 000.00 (Mischa Court No1). 2. Walvis Bay in CC. 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom & 1 garage. N$730 000.00 (Mischa Court No7). 3. Walvis Bay, Mischa Court No7. 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom & 1 garage. N$730 000.00. Transfer included. Contact Du Plessis: 081 127 6049.







MONDESSA N$700,000 2 bed, 2 bath house with 800m² yard Manie 0813179334

W/BAY, FAIRWAYS 3 bed, 1 bath house with open plan kitchen, lounge and garage . N$ 1 100 000-00 Saloom 0813821888

SOLE & EXCLUSIVE MANDATE MEERSIG 3 bed, 2 bath house with lounge, kitchen & 2 garages. N$ 1 350 000-00 Saloom 0813821888


PRIVATE SALE: VINETA, SWAKOPMUND. QUIET AREA. A wonderful duplex spacious 3 bedrooms, Modern kitchen ,double Garage, enclose braai place. Future plans for entertainment could be on the Deck of Roof of Double Garage . Over seeing other scenes. You could hear the Ocean from the Complex. Registered into Close Corporation. Bargain Price N$2.2 MILLION Namibian Dollars. Occupation : immediate Available, You may Move in At any Time you wish. CONTACT:

Beaulah at beaulah@iway.na or 081 450 9107 / 061-210685 Steven: stephen@reidagencies .co.za or 081 468 5992 / 061-210685. MAYS TRADING CC: For Sale Long Beach Erf 534m². Extention 2. N$580 000.00. Long Beach Erf 530m². Extention 2. N$460 000.00. Swakopmund Erf. Ocean View, 800m². N$750 000.00. Rehoboth Plot. 5,5 Hectare in Agriculture Area, fertile ground. N$800 000.00. Meersig Erf. Extention 1, 1007m². N$1,3 Million. Dolphin Beach Flat. 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 garage. 2nd Floor. N$850 000.00. Long Beach Flat. 2 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, built-in openplan kitchen, lounge, outside braai, parking space, secure complex. N$900 000.00. Walvis Bay Industrial Erf 1300m². N$4,1 Million. Walvis Bay - Prime Area. House For Sale N$3,6 Million. Corner Erf, face brick house, opposite Park. 5 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms plus guest toilet, spacious kitchen, laundry, pantry, lounge, diningroom, entrance hall, indoor braai area, office, entertainment area. Contact: Mounien 081 860 1938 Tracey 081 302 3806 E-mail: mickeymays@iway.na

FOR SALE - by Owner. Townhouse in Meersig, Walvis Bay. 3 Bedr., 2½ Bathr., Open Plan, Indoor Braai, Double Garage. N$1,4 m. Tel: 081 258 0911. PRIVAAT TE KOOP: SWAKOPMUND. Woonstel op boonste vloer met pragtige see uitsig. 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, oopplan sit-eetkamer, kombuis met binne braai. Enkel ekstra lengte motorhuis. Ten volle gemeubileerd. N$1.3 miljoen. Tel: 081 124 1906. PRIVATE SALE: Longbeach, Walvis Bay. Perfect lock-up-and-go! Much more than an apartment, but with the same convenience. This 3 bedroom townhouse offers 3 bathrooms, a large open plan living / dining / kitchen area, an entertainment area with BBQ on balcony and additional kitchenette with granite counter-tops in both kitchens. Alarm and huge garage. CC Registered. Lovely ocean and dune views. Walking distance to beach and restaurants. N$1,695 million. CALL: 081 128 8392. Retire in Swakopmund: 2 Bedroom unit close to the sea, 2 full bathrooms, open-plan kitchen, lounge and garage in a centrally located secure Retirement Village with communal Dining Hall, Laundry and Healthcare staff. N$ 1 100 000.00. Contact: Danielle 081 356 3571. FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR


3 bedroom family home with 2 bathrooms, open plan lounge, dining and modern fitted kitchen and double garage. Grab me today!



CAR FOR SALE: 2003 Audi A4 Avant TDI 1.9 Stationwagon. Very good condition. Phone TOPSY 081 240 8023.


CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication


E-MAIL: marysia@namibtimes.net OR lee-ann@namibtimes.net

Bring granny along!! 2 houses (485m²) on one erf (1200m² ). Lovely garden and stunning properties!! CC Reg.

N$2,9 million

Amanda 081 128 4836


PAM GOLDING PROPERTIES: SWAKOPMUND INDUSTRIAL WAREHOUSE AND OFFICES SOLE MANDATE!! 1600M² under roof (260m² office space), Erf 5800m². N$14,2m. Call Barbara 081 656 2619. FOR SALE: 2 Bedroom, up market with sea view. N$3 140 000. 3 Bedroom townhouse with dune view. N$1 600 000. Up market. 4 Bedroom, up market, townhouse in complex. N$2 450 000. 3 Bedroom, spacious duplex house. N$1 990 000. BRIGIT: 081 275 7827 SEASIDE ESTATES

Privaat verkoop Swakopmund Werkswinkel - Erf 618 Unit 1 Coastal Courtyard. 311m² met 25 m² solder. CC geregistreer net agter Build-It in ou industrieële gebied Prys: 1.6 miljoen (neg) Kontak: 081 383 2924 FOR SALE: New development Kramersdorf: Apartments + Townhouses selling for: N$960 000 N$ 2 304 000. THE RIVERSIDEluxury, lifestyle living. Sole mandate by: SEASIDE ESTATES. BRIGIT: 081 275 7827

FOR SALE: Walvis Bay. 3 bedroom house, kitchen with bic, lounge & indoor BBQ, scullery, garage with space for 3 cars. Plus: 2 bedroom flat with garage, AND bachelor flat. All for N$1.4mil. To view contact: Nadia 0811469557.

Plot for Sale Mondesa Swakopmund Size: 1039m². Can accommodate 10 Apartments. Plans provisionally approved by Municipality. Price: N$ 1, 350, 000 Million CC Reg. –Only transfer of membership required Contact: 081 623 1662 or bcmservices@iway.na


10 JANUARY 2014

Classifieds E-MAIL: marysia@namibtimes.net OR lee-ann@namibtimes.net




PRIVATE SALE: - 2 Bedroom & 2 Bathroom ground floor unit in secure complex with double garage and garden within walking distance from the beach and town centre. N$ 1 420 000.00. - 4 Bedroom Penthouse in town with double garage. N$ 2 550 000.00. Contact: Danielle 081 356 3571.

Swakopmund Tamariskia 2 Bedroom Flat, shower, openplan kitchen, own entrance. N$4800.00 p/m neg. Water included. Pre-paid electricity. Alarm system. Long Beach Beautiful 3 bedroom double storey house, 3 bathrooms, double garage, entertainment area, wooden deck for sundowner, braai area. 5 Minutes walk to the sea. Fully furnished N$12 000 p/m neg. Unfurnished N$8 000.00 p/m neg. Daily leasing option from N$1000.00. Walvis Bay Fairways 2 Bedroom house, build-in en-suite in the main bedroom, common bathroom, openplan kitchen, single garage, alarm system. N$6000.00 p/m neg. Kuisebmond Huge 3 bedroom house, 2 bathrooms, lounge, kitchen, double garage. N$5000.00 p/m neg. To view call EMMA on 081 122 8067. (Refer any to rent or sell property and get your commission).



WALVIS BAY 20 4505 MEERSIG EXT. 1 BRAND NEW cosy, modern 3 bedr. house offering 2 bathr, open plan lounge, dining, fitted kitchen, /laundry/ scullery inter leading double r/c garage, tiled throughout.




THE BEST AREA – Luxurious lifestyle for the perfectionist, lovely open plan living, beautiful kitchen, BBQ, 3/4 bedr, 2 lovely bathr, double r/c garage, lovely garden plot size 998 m²

N$ 3 350 000 CC reg MEERSIG.

EXCELLENT AREA BARGAIN.!!! In a quiet area you will find this cosy, sunny 3 bedr home with 2 bathr, open plan living, fitted kitchen, BBQ, lounge dining, double r/c garage, garden and fair size corner plot

N$ 1 650 000

Joey 081 129 3293



TUKA PROPERTIES CC FORSALE MONDESA: Flats from N$395000 to N$695 000. WALVIS BAY PLOT ANDPLAN: 3Bedroomhouse,double garage,2bathrooms. N$65 0000. TO LET: VINETA: Spaciousfamilyhouse -4 bedrooms,3bathrooms,3 garages,pantry&2 lounges.Water& electricityexcluded. N$20000 per month MILE4: 3Bedroom corner flat with all round seaview. N$6500.00 permonth water&electricity excluded, prepaid electricity. TAMARISKIA: 1Bedroomflat,openplan kitchen,build-in cupboards. Waterincluded, prepaid electricity. N$2800.00 MONDESA: -2Bedroomhousewith garage. N$4000.00 -1 bachelor flat. N$2000.00 For information call us on: 064-461217 081 378 9008 / 081 241 5447.

Kuisebmond: 3 x Bed, 2 x bath, double garage, wall. N$680 000.00. Without wall: N$650 000. Plot & Plan. Pre-approved clients preferred. Kuisebmond: 3 x Bed, 2 x bath, kitchen, lounge, 2 x flats, boundary wall. N$800 000.00. Re-payment of home loan N$3000.00. Pre-approved clients preferred. Contact: 081 866 9480. MAYS TRADING CC: For Sale - Meersig N$1,560 000.00: 4 Bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, garage for 5 cars, lounge, diningroom, spacious b.i.c kitchen, indoor braai area, office, laundry, big erf. Dolphin Beach Erf N$540 000.00: 809m². Corner Erf. Narraville House N$850 000.00: 3 Bedrooms, kitchen, double garage with small back room, bathroom, lounge, high boundary walls, located well. We are urgently looking for houses, plots, erven, flats, townhouses in Narraville, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay, Long Beach & Dolphin Beach for approved clients. Contact: Mounien 081 860 1938 Tracey 081 302 3806 E-mail: mickeymays@iway.na

IN COUNTRY ESTATES CC. Glen van Zyl Cell 081 124 9443 Fax: 064-200844 “Sighting Your Interests In Property”

FOR SALE WALVIS BAY · CENTRAL: Bachelor Flat, no garage. N$400 000.00. · CENTRAL: 3 Bedroom townhouse, openplan kitchen, lounge, 2 bathrooms, 1 garage. N$790 000.00. · FAIRWAY: Free standing 3 bedroom home, openplan kitchen, lounge, indoor braai, central bathroom, garage. All for the amazing price of N$1,050 mil. TO LET · CENTRAL: 1 bedroom flat, openplan kitchen, lounge with indoor braai, bathroom, no garage. N$3200.00 - W+E incl. Avail 1 Feb. · CENTRAL: Large 2 bedroom flat, kitchen, lounge, central bathroom, big balcony and garage. Pre-paid electr. N$3850.00 - Avail 1 Feb. · CLOSE TO AFR. PRIM. SCHOOL: 2 Bedroom flat, kitchen, lounge, 2 bathrooms, garage, large courtyard. N$4725.00 - Avail 1 Feb. · CLOSE TO AFR. PRIM. SCHOOL: Spacious 3 bedroom house, openplan lounge / diningroom / indoor braai 2 bathrooms, garage parks 4, established garden. Pre-paid electr. N$8000.00 - Avail 1 Feb. · OFFICE SPACE: near to Harbour - excellent for forward + clearing or transport business N$9 000.00/month. Avail immediately. Additional walled in parking for vehicles or trucks available next to office. To view please call Laura 081 127 7071 Glen 081 124 9443

PROPERTIES TO RENT TO LET: in Arandis. Newly renovated 4 bedroom house. N$3500.00 p/m. Contact: 081 305 1332.

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication





TO RENT CENTRAL, SWAKOPMUND: Neat & Spacious 1 Bedroom Flat with tandem Garage (2 cars). Rent: N$4 500.00 per month, excluding Water & Electricity. Deposit payable. Phone Erwin during office hours at 081-124 0987.

TO RENT: FAIRWAYS (IN TOWN). One bedroom flat, b.i.c., Stove. Parking available. N$3000.00 p/m. W&E included. Contact: 081 226 112 / 081 237 3492.

TO LET: Are you looking for property to rent in Swakopmund? Let us do the searching for you! Contact: Martina Neef Estates 081 124 3885.


TO RENT: FAIRWAYS. 1x 2 Bedroom flat with openplan kitchen & Lounge - Build in Stove, 2 x Bathrooms & Build in Cupboards, Garage and alarm system. W&E included. N$6500.00. Contact: 081 122 6308 / 081 147 7626.

TO RENT: Bachelors flat in Vineta, Swakopmund. Big open plan flat with kitchen at the back of erf. N$3000.00 p/m + deposit N$2000.00. W/L Included. Available immediately. Call for more information: 081 323 3531.

TO RENT: Rooms available in Kuisebmond. Price range from N$1600.00 per month + deposit. W&E included. Available immediately. Contact: 081 147 3158 / 081 247 2717.

TO RENT: 1 Room flat to rent in Tamariskia. N$2300 p/m + deposit. Call: 081 833 7741.

FLAT TO RENT: in Narraville. 1 Bedroom (b.i.c), bathroom and openplan kitchen (b.i.c). Pre-paid Electricity, water and alarm included. Available IMMEDIATELY. Contact: 081 124 5355. TO LET: Extension 15, Ocean View, Swakopmund. 2 Bedrooms with bic, 1 bathroom, kitchen with bic, garage. N$4000.00 p/m. Water included, electricity prepaid. Contact: 081 488 1007.


TO RENT SWAKOPMUND Very secure complex central 2 x bed, 2 x bath, open plan, single garage MILE 4 - N$11 000.00 2 Complex 3 x Bed, 2 x bath, lounge kitchen, double garage. TAMARISKIA N$8000.00 2 x Bed, 1 x bath, 2 x lounge, kitchen, tandem garage. LONG BEACH N$9 350.00 2 x Bed, 2 x bath, open plan, single garage. LONG BEACH N$9 000.00 2 x Bed, 2 x bath, open plan kitchen & lounge. ARANDIS - N$4 400.00 3 x Bed, 2 x bath, kitchen, lounge, double garage. Office: 464033 http://www.remax.na

Suna: 081 210 7823 suna.remaxatlantic@iway.na

We URGENTLY need NEW LISTINGS on houses, flats & townhouses unfurnished and furnished in all areas & price range in Swakopmund, Longbeach, Henties Bay and Walvis Bay to satisfy the strong demand of customers!!! PLEASE CONTACT US on any available properties!

FLAT TO RENT: in Kabeljou Street, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. One Bachelor flat to rent for one person preferably with sober habits. Open plan with shower and toilet. N$2300.00 p.m. Deposit required. W& E included. Contact: 081 254 0718.

SEASIDE ESTATES: TO LET: Lovely 3 bedroom house in Vineta, double garage, Laundry. N$10 000 per month. Birgit: 081 275 7827. TE HUUR: in Swakopmund. 4 Slaapkamer huis + 2 badkamers, i.g.k., binne braai & dubbel garage. Koop krag & water uitgesluit. N$12 000.00 + deposito. Tel: 081 474 1650.

TE HUUR: Tamariskia, Swakopmund. 1 Slaapkamer woonstel. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Skakel: 081 317 8896.

SWAKOPMUND TO LET KRAMERSDORP 2 Bedr, 1 full bathr apartment, kitchen, lounge, single garage. N$5 500.00 excl. W+L. CENTRAL 2 Bedr, 1 bath Apartment, openplan kitchen, lounge, dining area, tandem garage. N$5 500.00 excl. W+L. CENTRAL 2 Bedr, 2 bath Apartment, openplan kitchen, lounge, dining area, double garage. N$5 500.00 excl. W+L. CENTRAL 2 Bedr, 2 bathr Townhouse, openplan kitchen, lounge, diningroom, large single garage. Sea view / beach front with balcony. No pets. N$6 600.00 excl. W+L. MILE 4 3 Bedr, 2 bathr semifurnished Townhouse, openplan kitchen, lounge, tandem garage, full sea view with large balcony. N$12 100.00 excl. W+L. CONTACT: OFFICE: 064-405226 HELGA: 081 127 0290 LISA: 081 629 6091

RENTALS Waterfront N$ 12 000-00 Walking distance from ocean, 3 bedr, 2 bathr, guest toilet, indoor BBQ, open-plan kitchen/living area. Immediately available Central Town N$ 6 700-00 2 Bedr, 1 bathr. flat in a complex. Tandem Garage. Avail. Jan.’14 No Pets & no children Vineta N$ 11 200-00 2 Bathr, Study, 1 bedr. flat. Lovely home for just the right family. Available immediately This property is also for SALE Waterfront N$13 400-00 3 Bedr, 2 Bathr, openplan kitchen, double garage close to ocean. Fully furn, big yard Extension 9 N$ 10 600-00 3 Bedr, 2 Bathr, openplan dining & BBQ area. Kitchen & living area. Double remote garage, secure complex. Close to shopping centre. Fully Furn.

MANNY 081 1415000

MAHETAGO: 1 Bedroom and bathroom N$2200.00 water incl Prepaid electricity. 1 bedroom, bathroom and Kitchen N$3000.00 water incl Prepaid electricity 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms Kitchen and Lounge N$4000.00 W/L Excl. MONDESA: 1 Bedroom and communal kitchen and bathroom. N$1900.00 W/L Incl. 1 Bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. N$2700.00 Water incl. Prepaid electricity. JABULANI: 1 Bedroom and bathroom N$2100.00 W/L Incl. For single person only. OLWETWENI: 1 Bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. N$2700.00 W/L Incl. For single person only. TAMARISKIA: 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms Open plan kitchen and garage. N$6300.00 W/L Excl. ALL DEPOSITS REQUIRED.

Contact Malakia: 081 297 7253 Email: malakiaproperties@ya hoo.com TO RENT: Henties Bay 3 Bedroom house, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, sitting room with garage, alarm. N$3500.00 + deposit. Pre-paid electricity & prepaid water. Call: 081 448 5311 / 081 337 9528. TO RENT : Swakopmund Large 1 bedroomed flat to let opposite Shoprite Checkers. Available immediately. Unfurnished. N$4400.00/month. Deposit Payable. Contact: 081 379 4858. Langstrand: Furnished Town house for rent, 3 bedrooms, two bathrooms, guest toilet, lounge, kitchen and double garage. Available immediately. N$ 7 500 per month W/L excluded. Contact: 081 216 3787 TO RENT KRAMERSDORF, SWAKOPMUND: Neat and spacious Family home offering 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Indoor braai, Private Lounge, Double garage. Rent N$12 000.00 per month water & electricity excluded. Deposit payable. Phone Erwin during office hours at 081-124 0987.


10 JANUARY 2014


Classifieds E-MAIL: marysia@namibtimes.net OR lee-ann@namibtimes.net




TE HUUR: in Swakopmund. Gemeubileerde bachelor woonstel te huur in Kramersdorf, Swakopmund. Aan huis geleë. Geen motorhuis. N$3000.00 p/m + dep. W/E ingesluit. Skakel: 081 226 0227.

Swakopmund Tamariskia - House 2 Bedr, 2 Bathr, Kitchen & living room. N$ 4500.00 excl water, prepaid Seeff: Ansu 081 242 9198

TO LET: Bachelors flat in VINETA. Fully furnished. N$3500.00p/m + deposit. No garage. Available immediately. Contact: 081 271 7874 / 081 270 6916.

TO RENT (LANGSTRAND): 3 Bedroom house. N$9000.00 per month. Spacious living area, double garage, garden. Contact: 081 203 5754.

Swakopmund Mondesa House 2 Bedr, 1 Bathr, guest toilet, Living room, Kitchen, Single Garage N$ 4500.00 , excl water, prepaid Seeff: Ansu 081 242 9198

TO RENT SWAKOPMUND: Spacious BRAND NEW 2 x one-bedroomed flats for rent in Mondesa, Mandume Street. Each with en-suite shower / toilet, openplan kitchen, lounge, bic in kitchen & bedroom. Rent: N$4,800 & N$4,500. W&E incl. Available immediately. Call: 081 816 3431 / 081 370 3647. WOONSTEL TE HUUR: Swakopmund. 1 Slaapkamer i.g.k, groot sit-eetkamer, badkamer, kombuis i.g.k. Garage, Water en Krag ingesluit. N$4250.00 + Deposito. Dadelik beskikbaar. Skakel: 064-462441. TO LET: VOGELSTRAND: Townhouse. 3 Bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, guest toilet, open plan kitchen with stove & oven, Double automated garage, alarm system, sea view in secure complex. N$8000.00 /month. TAMARISKIA: 1. 2 Bedroom flat with stove & oven, alarm system, automated garage, bic, in secure complex. N$4600.00 /month. 2. 1 Bedroom flat with stove & oven, alarm system, automated garage, bic, in secure complex. N$4000.00 / month. 3. Bachelor flat with stove & oven, alarm system, automated garage, bic, in secure complex. N$3500.00 /month CONTACT: 085 124 9826 HOUSE TO RENT: in Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay 1 x Bedroom, 1 x Kitchen / lounge, 1 x Bathroom. Burglar bars with pre-paid meter for N$2400.00 p/m. Deposit required. W+E excluded. Contact: 081 226 7427.

Charlene: 081 365 3843

Nadia: 085562 2111

Charlene: 081 365 3843

Swakopmund Vineta House 5 Bedr, 2 bathr, kitchen dining room, entertainment room inside braai, family room, scullary, double garage. N$ 8800.00 excl water, prepaid Seeff: Ansu 081 242 9198 Charlene: 081 365 3843

Nadia: 085 562 2111 Swakopmund Hage Heights House 3 Bedr, 2 full bathr, kitchen, living room Entertainment room with inside braai, Double remote garage, established garden. N$ 12000.00 excl w&L Seeff: Ansu 081 242 9198 Nadia : 085 562 2111 Swakopmund Eureka Court 2 Bedr, 2 Bathr, guest toilet, Living room with inside braai, private courtyard, Single Garage N$ 5500.00 excl water, prepaid Seeff: Ansu 081 242 9198 Charlene: 081 365 3843

Nadia: 085 562 2111 Langstrand Sunset Sails Ground floor 2 Bedr, 2 Bathr, kitchen open plan living room , Single remote garage. N$ 6000.00 excl water, prepaid Seeff: Ansu 081 242 9198 Charlene: 081 365 3843

Swakopmund Ane Court Centre of Town 2 Bedr, 2 Bathr, kitchen Living room, Single Garage. N$ 6000.00 excl water , prepaid. Seeff: Ansu 081 242 9198

Swakopmund Schapers Eck Centre of Town 3 Bedr, 2 Bathr, kitchen open plan living room, with inside braai, enclosed balcony. Remote Tandem garage. N$ 7000.00 excl water, prepaid Seeff: Ansu 081 242 9198

Charlene: 081 365 3843

Charlene: 081 365 3843

Nadia: 085 562 2111

TO RENT: Mondesa, Helao Str. 1 Bedroom + kitchen, shower with warm water. W/L Excluded. Rent: N$2350.00 + deposit: N$1175.00. Contact: 081 422 8080. TO RENT CENTRAL, Sea-front, SWAKOPMUND: Small Bachelor flat (granny flat) Bedroom, Kitchenette and bathroom. Rent N$3 500 per month water & electricity included. Ideal for single person. Deposit payable. Phone Erwin during office hours at 081-124 0987. TO RENT: SWAKOPMUND. 1 Bedroom flat, bathroom with open plan kitchen, single garage. W/L Included. In Mondesa, Oletweni. Contact: 081 244 6629. TO RENT: Narraville. Bachelor Flat with shower + toilet. Rent: N$2300.00 p/m. No deposit. W+E included. Available immediately. Contact: 081 277 7372.

TO RENT: Narraville. Bachelor Flats available. Flat with spacious bedroom, kitchen and stove, openplan, toilet + shower, garage. Contact: 081 243 1060 / 081 347 1871. TO RENT: Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. One bedroom flat @ N$1900.00 per month + N$500.00 deposit. Water + Electricity included. Contact: 081 619 6795. WALVIS BAY WAREHOUSE TO RENT: 380m² Light Industrial Warehouse with offices, storerooms / workshops. As from 1 March 2014 for N$16 000.00 p/m. E-mail: lightindustrial1@gmail. com Mobile: 081 485 6818.

TO RENT: housemate wanted to share: 2 Bedroom house, main bedroom - BIC, Private bathroom, kitchen / lounge, Tamariskia, Swakop-mund. Monthly rental fee: N$3500.00 + deposit N$3000.00. W&E incl. Call 081 217 2649 / 081 146 4990.

PROPERTIES TO RENT PAM GOLDING PROPERTIES: HOUSES TO LET VOGELSTRAND Modern, spacious 3 bedroom house with double garage. Fully walled garden. Call Barbara 081 656 2619.

ACCOMMODATION ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE: N$150.00 per room, per night / per person. AND N$200.00 per room, per night/ per person sharing Contact: 081 147 3158 OR 081 247 2717. EXCELLENT ACCOMMODATION IN WALVIS BAY: Bay self-contained rooms with TV. For 1, 2 or 3 persons from N$450.00 per room. Contact:081 755 2813. LOOKING FOR A PLACE TO STAY IN SWAKOPMUND? Self catering Units in Swakopmund provide: - FAMILY UNITS = N$550.00 per night - DOUBLE UNITS = N$400.00 per night - SINGLE UNITS = N$225.00 per night Contact: Eleyde Maletzky 081 259 7310 / 081 338 1314.

PROPERTIES WANTED WANTED TO BUY: Looking for a House to buy in Town / Narraville. Price range: N$600 000.00 to N$750 000.00. Contact: 081 385 6123. URGENTLY! Looking for a 2 bedroom flat or house to rent in Walvis Bay as from end of January. Please contact 081 208 4047. WANTED: Looking for house to rent, preferably Vineta / Vogelstrand. 3 Bedr, dbl garage and big garden. Can only pay N$6600 excl. w&l Contact: 0816535965. WANTED: I am looking for a spacious room to rent in Swakopmund with a private toilet. I am willing to pay N$1750.00 N$1800.00 p/m. W/L Inclusive. Ready to move in 01 February 2014. Contact: 081448 8275

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication





JOB WANTED: I am a 25-year-old lady looking for any kind of job. Can start anytime. Especially at Langstrand, Lagoon or Meersig. Contact: 081 852 8376.

LOOKING FOR A JOB: I am a 36-year-old lady with experience looking for domestic work, office cleaning / tea girl, preferably in Swakopmund only. I have reference and can start immediately. Call: 081 202 7404.

URGENTLY LOOKING FOR FARMS!!!! Farms in the Otavi District! And a 10,000ha farm within radius of 200km from Whk or Swakopmund. No need for any infrastructure! Please Contact: DIETER - 0853028813 DICKSON - 0855886222 DAPHNE 0811299799


JOB WANTED: I am a 28-year-old lady is looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay. Speaks English and Oshiwambo. Contact: 081 739 4308. JOB SEEKING: I am a 30-year-old lady, I have experience for 6 years cashier and 3 years preparing food. I want only in Walvis Bay, Swakopmund and Arandis. Contact: 081 214 4209.

CASH PAID INSTANTLY for your broken & irreparable Gold Jewellery, also bits & pieces. Call at Desert Jeweller & Curios Sam Nujoma Avenue Walvis Bay, opposite KFC. Your ID is essential.

WANTED: A lady is looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay for 3 days a week Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. She is very hardworking and intelligent. Contact: 081 220 5630.

WANTED I am looking for a car (Bakkie) to buy cash. Contact: 081 256 9448.

JOB WANTED: I am looking for any driving job. I am 29 years old with Code C1 and 4 years experience with GP Valid. I can start any time. Contact: 081 892 8114.

WANTED: Looking for babies to take care of during the day. PLACE: Tamariskia, next to “Happy Tots Kindergarden” AGE: 1-3 years. Contact: 081 833 7741 GOLD GOLD GOLD That’s right! Exchange your unwanted and broken jewelry for CASH at us. We buy gold/silver jewelry, coins, and polished diamonds for cash. We are operating in Walvis, Swakop, Henties and Arandis. Contact: 081 344 3794 081 315 9178 OUR PRICE IS THE BEST IN THE WEST.

TO HIRE CONTAINERS available TO RENT / BUY Call COWBOYS, your storage solutions in Swakopmund. Contact: 081 146 4770 / 064-418 150.

JUMPING CASTLES NIITA'S JUMPING CASTLE Make your child's party memorable. Jumping Castle for hire in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund Contact: 081 122 6571.

JOB WANTED: I am a 24-year-old lady looking for job in Walvis Bay Town / Meersig / Lagoon for 5 days. I am reliable, hardworking and I can start immediately. Contact: 081 811 2315 or 081 759 9215. JOB WANTED: I am a woman looking for domestic work like ironing, baby sitting or cooking for 3 days a week or whole week in Walvis Bay or Langstrand. I can start any time. For more info, contact Mrs. Tadeus on 081 336 7815 or 081 270 3115. WERK GESOEK: Ek is ‘n hardwerkende 32 jarige vrou op soek na enige soort werk in Walvisbaai. Ek het in 2012 by ‘n plek in Windhoek met die naam Hortons gewerk as ‘n filing clerk vir 3 maande en het vorige verwysings. As enige persoon my kan help met werk kan hul my kontak by 081 343 8059 of e-mail: susannajoering995@gm ail.com JOB WANTED: I am looking for domestic job for a whole week or 3 days a week in Walvis Bay / Long Beach / Meersig / Lagoon. Can look after elderly people, Babies, Cleaning office, ironing clothes. I have 6 years experience. Can start as soon as possible. Contact: 081 642 0073 / 081 400 8023.

BEAUTY TJIZU ID nr: 810901 10502. Ek soek dringend werk asseblief in Swakopmund Werk soos, kombuis werk, huis skoonmaak, was en stryk, tuinwerk. Van Maandag tot Saterdag. Skakel: 081 760 9043 / 081 3912845. JOHANNA: is opsoek na huiswerk vir 5 dae per week in Swakopmund. Ek kan skoonmaak, was en stryk en het ook vorige ondervinding. Kontak: 081 434 5164. WERK GESOEK: Ek is opsoek na huiswerk of enige skoonmaak werk op Langstrand of Swakopmund. Vir Dinsdae en Donderdae. Kan dadelik begin. Skakel: 081 766 3015 LOOKING FOR A JOB: I am a 23-year-old lady, looking for an office admin or receptionist job in Swakopmund. I have a diploma in Accounting & Finance. I am willing to start immediately. Contact me on 081 470 9873. LOOKING FOR A JOB: Petronelle Van Wyk is looking for domestic job in Swakopmund, Walvis Bay or Langstrand. Can do baby sitting. Can start immediately. Please call: 081 864 1166. JOB WANTED: I am a 37-year-old woman looking for domestic job in Walvis Bay for 2 days a week - Mondays and Fridays. I have 11 years experience in ironing and cleaning. I am very hardworking and reliable and can start immediately. Contact: 081 211 1185. WERK GESOEK: Betroubare, hardwerkende dame is opsoek na skoonmaak werk / kantoor skoon maak in Walvisbaai vir 5 of 3 dae per week. Ek rook en drink nie en kan dadelik begin. Skakel: 081 746 2503 / 081 437 3165. WERK GESOEK: Ek is opsoek na huiswerk van Maandag tot Vrydag in Walvisbaai of kantoor skoonmaak werk. Kontak: 081 389 7439. WERK GESOEK: Betroubare dame is opsoek na enige werk in Walvisbaai. Ek kan onmiddellik begin werk. Kontak: 081 619 4381.


SITUATION WANTED JOB WANTED: I am a 22-year-old lady with a Diploma in marketing. I am looking for any kind of work or internship in my field of study or in Administration. I am computer literate and have two years experience in Administration. I am ready to start anytime. Contact: 081 891 8525. WERK GESOEK: Isabella is ‘n 32-jarige dame en is opsoek na huiswerk in Meersig, Lagoon, of dorp in Walvisbaai. Viola is ‘n 27-jarige dame en is opsoek na huiswerk in Walvisbaai. Kan dadelik begin. Skakel: Isabella 081 782 6348 / Viola 081 828 4558. MAGRETH: is looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay. I can also look after babies from Mondays to Fridays. I am very hardworking and can start anytime. Contact: 081 418 6060. WERK GESOEK: Betroubare vrou is opsoek na huiswerk vir 2, 3 of 5 dae per week in Walvisbaai.Het ook verwysing. Kontak my vorige werkgewer by: 081 252 9995 / 081 457 1472. JOB WANTED: I am a 20-year-old intelligent and hardworking lady urgently looking for part time domestic job from Monday to Friday from 07:30 to 14:00. Cleaning, washing etc. If interested please contact me on 081 355 8664. ANNA: is ‘n baie hardwerkende, betroubare dame en is opsoek na huiswerk / kinders oppas werk in Walvisbaai of Langstrand. Ek kan van Maandae tot Vrydae werk en kan onmiddellik begin. Ek rook en drink nie. As u iemand nodig het bel a.s.b 081 481 6754. BELINDA: Is a 24-year-old girl looking for any kind of job in Walvis Bay, Lagoon, Meersig, Long Beach or Town as well as domestic work. I have a Grade 12 Certificate and can start immediately. Contact: 081 847 4392. JOB WANTED: I am a 26-year-old Kavango lady looking for domestic work, cleaning, washing, baby sitting but NO ironing. I speak English very well. Contact: 085 586 4035 Walvis Bay Kuisebmond Granaat Street. JOB WANTED: I am looking for domestic job preferably at the Lagoon, Meersig and in Town, Walvis Bay for five days a week. I am able to clean the house, iron clothes, etc. Contact: 081 421 2875. MARIA: is looking for domestic job in Swakopmund. I can babysit, look after old people who are sick, etc. 5 Days a week or Mondays to Saturdays. I can start immediately. Please call: 081 621 5054. JOB WANTED: I am a 26-year-old girl looking for a job in Walvis Bay for 2 to 3 days a week. Ironing, washing and cleaning. I have grade 12 and I am a hard worker. Contact: 081 212 9812. JOB WANTED: I am a girl looking for any job in Walvis Bay - office cleaning / lodges. I am very reliable and hardworking and can start immediately. Contact: 081 604 0044. ALEXIA: is looking for a job in Walvis Bay. Domestic / baby sitting / cleaning / ironing / washing / office cleaning. Contact: 081 682 3103.

10 JANUARY 2014

JUMPING CASTLES JUMPING CASTLES FOR HIRE: Hours of Fun for kids at any party!!!! Free delivery, set-up and collection. CALL: 081 128 2904 / 081 248 2904. NIITA'S JUMPING CASTLE Make your child's party memorable Jumping Castle for hire in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund Contact number: 081 122 6571.

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS PARTNER WANTED: A highly profitable company seeks partner/Distributors to expand multi-million, turnover business in your area/town. If you are ambitious, hardworking and business minded, do not hesitate to liaise with us. You can do it part-time or full time. Benefits involved: 43% profit Monthly bonus of U$50-150 000. Talk to us about health and beauty. Attend an introductory business opportunity meeting in Swakopmund and Walvis Bay. Call us on: SWK - 081 351 0957 W/BAY - 081 757 4876

VACANCIES Vacancy: Namib Off-Road Centre Experienced SALES PERSON. E-mail 2 page CV to: admin@namiboffroad. com ERONGO AXIS SECURITY CC VACANCY: We are having the following positions available: Control Room Operators (Walvis Bay) Basic Requirements: * Must be a Namibian Citizen / Proof of permanent residency * Must have Grade 10/12 or higher * Can work with clients in a professional manner * Can work under pressure * Police Clearance Certificate * Knowledge of Intelligent Monitoring will be an advantage * Must be able to multi task * Must have telephone / radio ethics (Professional) Security Supervisors & Armed Response Officers (Walvis Bay & Swakopmund). Basic Requirements: *Must be a Namibian Citizen / Proof of permanent residency *Must have Grade 10/12 or higher *Can work with clients *Can work under pressure *Police Clearance Certificate *Security training will be an advantage *Must have a divers license Deliver your full curriculum vitae to The Operations Department Or in person @ our offices.



Vacancy: Namib Off-Road Centre Experienced WORKSHOP FITTER. E-mail 2 page CV to:

Shape-A-Auto Panel Beaters. Opsoek na ‘n betroubare PANELBEATER en SPRAY PAINTER met sober gewoontes. Skakel Hendry Jooste by 081 124 7972.

admin@namiboffroad. com WE ARE SEEKING: Diligent SECRETARY and PA for hunting and guest farm near Omaruru. REQUIREMENTS: - German and English literacy. - Computer skills (including excel). - Drivers licence - Professional interaction with clients and staff. Please call: 081 129 8999 081 127 2377 HTS INVESTMENT cc CASH LOAN OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR NEEDED: Ideal female candidate, highly motivated, friendly and professional. An office person. IN SWAKOPMUND. DUTIES INCLUDE: Sales, customer relations, orders, bookkeeping and office admin. REQUIREMENTS: Grade 12 & office Admin certificate. TEL: 064-463 874 Deliver CV’S at the office on Tuesdays + Wednesdays 10:00-12:00. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A NEW JOB & HAVE THE FOLLOWING SKILLS? Job 1. Manager for a Kids Entertainment Play Area including a Cafe - Min 3 years Managerial experience needed - Min 3 years working with Children experience - Excellent Organizational Skills - Speak and Write English and Afrikaans fluently - Speaking German will be an advantage - No criminal record - First Aid qualification is an advantage - Must be able to work on weekends. Job 2. Child Minders for a Kids Entertainment Play Area - Min 3 years experience working with Children - First Aid qualification will be an advantage - Speaking and Writing English and Afrikaans fluently - Speaking German will be an advantage - Must be able to work on weekends. Job 3. Cook and Child Minder for a German/English family home. Kids aged 2, 3 and 6. Are you looking for a job working with YOUNG Children and can COOK HEALTHY WARM meals too? German is an advantage, Fluent English, Must have good references, NO Criminal Record. If you have the above skills, kindly forward your CV with References to stefanie.reid@yahoo.com

before the 15th January 2014.

BAR STAFF needed in Henties Bay. Sent CV to leonie.mar@gmail.com or contact 081 334 1234. JOSEBIN DRIVING SCHOOL: is looking for an ASSISTANT. - Must be Namibian - Have drivers licence - Handle pressure Post CV to: P. O. Box 367, Swakopmund. ALL ROUNDER HANDYMAN for SWK. Workshop and building sites handyman1@iway.na

Sophia Hedwig Mwadhina Lututu (neé Hipondoka * 22.12.1957

+ 31.12.2013

2 Timothy 4:7. Those we love are never really lost to us. We feel her in so many special ways through friends she always cared about and dreams she left behind. R.I.P.

From: Walvis Bay State Hospital In Loving Memory of

Patricia Anne Shelley

* 04 November 1948 + 11 January 2012 VACANCY: Protea Spar Walvis Bay CONFECTIONER / BAKER · Seeking smart creative Baker/Confectioner. · Must have a minimum of 2 years experience. · Knowledge of Food Safety and Hygiene Specifications. · Have a Proven Track Record. · Good Communication Skills. · Namibian Citizen · Salary depends on experience. C.V`S must be personally handed in at Protea Spar Walvis Bay. Closing date is 18/01/2014.


In Memoriam:

Dear Jesus, listen to our prayer. We know Pat is somewhere there, look for the Angel that stands out a mile, the one with green eyes and the beautiful smile. Tell her we miss her and life isn’t the same, but we’ll meet her someday in God’s Garden again. Always remembered and loved.

John, Lisa-Anne, Clive, Tristan, Tannan, Jason, Loraine, Jaron and Bryan

Elizabeth (Meisie) Cloete Begrafnisbrief: 2 Timotheus 4:7 Ek het die goeie stryd gestry, ek het die wedloop voleindig, ek het die geloof behou. ROUDIENS: Vrydag 10 Januarie 2014 19:00 by AGS Kerk Tamariskia BEGRAFNIS: Saterdag 11 Januarie 2014 09:00 vanaf Pitt woning, 7 Schwester Frieda Str Vineta 10:00 vanuit AGS Kerk Tamariskia NAVRAE: Margareth 081 611 1369 Toetie 081 396 6826 MOTHER, As I walk through the journey of life, I remember how you helped me to grow, with love, truth, and honesty. I remember how you helped me to choose the right path With values, morals, and self worth. I remember how you gave me dreams with hope and confidence. As I remember, I pray to be a Mother like you, to shape my children into strong adults. You made me who I am today, and I will always remember you in life's passings, for no one could touch my life as you have. Remember in life's passing is the truest form of love one can give, for a memory should never die, and a love should live forever in the heart of another. Will deeply miss you Mamma. From: Verona, Deon, Koesie and Gregwin

Psalm 146 vers 5 Welgeluksalig is hy wat die God van Jakob het as sy hulp, wie se hoop is op die Here sy God. Rus in vrede. Van: STOFFEL Familie Psalm 46 vers 2 en 3 God is vir ons ‘n toevlug en sterkte, as hulp en benoudhede is hy in hoë mate beproef. Daarom sal ons nie vrees nie, al waggel die aarde en al wankel die berge weg in die hart van die see. Rus in vrede ons geliefde suster en antie. Van: SAAL Familie 2 Timotheus 4 vers 7 Sy het die goeie stryd gestry; Sy het die wedloop voleindig, Sy het die geloof behou. Ons sal vir Ma mis, tot ons weer ontmoet. Van: OLGA en VALERIE en KLEINKINDERS

Johannes Cornelius (Oom Tok)


Psalm 23

BEGRAFNIS: Saterdag 11 Jan. 2014 08:00 by die huis te Middelplaas 09:00 vanuit die Congregational Kerk, Duineveld

* 1945.04.18 + 2014.01.06

NAVRAE: Helen (Foela) 081 338 4291 Triens 081 436 4598 Ons sal jou nooit vergeet nie. Rus in Vrede.

10 JANUARY 2014

Archers Meet at SKW for Training Camp Ten archers of different age groups have come together at the SKW sports grounds to participate in a week-long training camp which kicked off on Monday. The course, a brainchild of Rüdiger and Marja Woortman, takes place under the watchful eye of the internationally acclaimed coach from the Federation of African Archery, Dr Josef Preisser, who is based in Sabie, South Africa. It is the third consecutive year Preisser has assisted local coaches in shaping young Namibian archers. Besides the general preparation of all archers for the upcoming season, Preisser and his colleagues will place a special focus on 15-year old Xander Reddig. The recurve archer was awarded a universality place at this year’s Youth Olympics in Nanjing, China provided that he achieves a minimum

Xander Reddig takes aim. The 15 year-old received a universality place for the youth olympics in Nanjing, China.



score at any World Archery recognised shoot. Reddig must achieve this score at either the upcoming South African Open Championships at the end of March, or during the qualifying event for the African Continent which will be held in Windhoek, Namibia in April. However, the Archery Association of Namibia is positive that Reddig will achieve this goal and has invited him to start his preparation for the Youth Olympic Games. “It’s important to us that he trains hard in order to not just participate in the upcoming qualifications and in China, but to be able to compete with the best. He surely has the talent to do so,” Rüdiger Woortman said. In April Reddig will face his first big test of the year when the Federation of African Archery Youth Championships and Continental Qualifier for the Youth Olympic Games take place in Windhoek. However, this won’t be the first time the youngster breathes international air. In October last year Reddig formed part of the Namibian team that travelled to Wuxi, China to participate in the Youth World Championships. Although he didn’t manage a place among the top shooters, Reddig gained valuable experience at the prestigious and highly competitive event.

Kudus maak reg vir 2014 seisoen Kondig Maandag nuwe afrigters vir 2014 aan. Kudus kom Maandag 13.01.2014 vir die eerste keer die jaar bymekaar om die 2014 seisoen te bespreek. Alle oud-spelers sowel as nuwe spelers wat wil kom aansluit word versoek om 18:30 by die veld te wees waartydens die nuwe afrigters vir die 2014 seisoen ook bekend gestel gaan word. H u i d i g e a f r i g t e r, Donovan Paulse het hom nie weer beskikbaar gestel en gaan sy gewig by De Duine ingooi terwyl sy assistent Elic De Wee ook bedank het. Op die bestuurskant word ook veranderinge verwag waneer die Algemene Jaar vergadering later die maand plaasvind aangesien heelwat lede hul nie weer verkiesbaar gestel het nie. ‘n Gewigtige taak rus op die oorblywende bestuur om saam met nuwe lede drastiese planne in plek te sit om Kudus weer die gevreesde span van so paar jaar gelede te maak. Kudu Rugby Klub nooi enige iemand wat ‘n positiewe bydrae tot die klub wil maak om kontak te maak met die huidige bestuurslede.

Die kanniedood lede wat oorbly is oortuig dat die klub weer binne n bestek van paar maande op volle vaart gaan wees. Dis geen geheim dat dinge op en van die veld nie verloop het soos dit altyd moes nie en die laaste twee maande is probleem areas geïdentifiseer wat aandag nodig het. ‘n Besigheidseenheid is gestig en sal voortaan die klub se finansiële sake hanteer waaraan die Klub Voorsitter ook verslag moet gee. Die uitdeel van spelerskontrakte is na die aanwys van die nuwe afrigters die hoofpunt op die agenda vir Maandag. Alle lede en nuwe lede moet 18:15 by die veld wees. Die Algemene Jaarvergadering van Kudu Rugby Klub sal plaasvind op Dinsdag die 28ste Januarie 2014 om 18:30 by die Narraville Klubhuis. Alle Bestuurslede, spelers, oud-spelers, nuwe spelers en die gemeenskap word uitgenooi na die vergadering.

Van der Berg and Malan Continued Another highlight of the day was young Quinn Redding shooting 660 points in the U15 girl’s category elimination round. Although her target was only placed 20 meters away, her accumulated points speak volumes about her class and she is definitely an archer to watch out for in the future. Redding then went on to win the final of the compound U13 category elimination shoot-out against her only rival Maarten van der Merwe. The Sparta Archery Club expressed its gratitude to all the Archers that came for the year end shoot and extended a special thank you to all the sponsors for making the day possible.

Action packed Chess season ahead This year brings along a lot of excitement to the chess fraternity, as a number of chess events are planned to ignite and uplift chess in Namibia. Worth noting in this regard is the Zone 4.3 Chess Championships scheduled to take place in Namibia in May. The Zone 4.3 tournament is a prestigious FIDE (World Chess Federation) tournament held for SADC based chess players to qualify for the Chess World Cup. In addition to this, the NCF calendar also hosts the highly anticipated Namibian National Chess Championship slated for mid-April this year. Rumours are that the nationals for this year will expect a large crowed of chesshungry enthusiasts from all over the coun-

try as a large number of chess players around the country all want to qualify for the 2014 Chess Olympiads taking place in Tromso, Norway in August later this year. The President of the NCF, Mr Otto Nakapunda, states that he has high hopes for the growth of chess in Namibia this year and implores the media and the general public alike to assist in making each and every chess event planned for this year a success. Apart from the other chess events planned such as various training seminars, visits by high profile world chess officials and friendly tournaments

2014 Calendar January 6th-31st: Club Registration 18th: Club Seminar - Open To be announced (TBA): H.E. Kirsan Ilyumzhinoc visit February TBA: Premier Chess League (PCL) 15th: Training Seminar (JUNIORS) Closed 27th-28th: SA Schools Trip – Closed March 1st-2nd SA Schools Trip - Closed 8th: Annual General Meeting - Open 15th: Independence Blitz – Open 16th: Teachers Seminar: Otjiwarongo Leg - Open 22nd: Grand Prix Series: Leg 1 - Open April 5th: Arandis Open – Open 12th: Grand Prix Series: Leg 2 - Open 17th-21st: Namibian National Chess Championships - Closed 26th: Women’s Seminar – Open (Women) 26th: Teachers Seminar: Gobabis Leg – Open 30th: Selection Tournament - Closed May 1st- 4th: Selection Tournament - Closed. 14th-28th: ZONE 4.3 Chess Championships - Closed 14th-28th: Arbiter’s and / or Trainers and /or International Organizers Seminar 31st: Teachers’ Seminar: Oshakati Leg – Open June 7th: Blue Cross Schools Tournament – Open 14th: Schools Team Chess Championship Open 20th -22nd: Fibresha Women’s Cup – Open (Women)

planned with countries such as Botswana and South Africa, the NCF has a National Chess League kick-starting next month in February which is intended to help keep the players in shape and ready to compete for silverware come August at this year’s Chess Olympiads. The management of the Namibian Chess Federation consists of Patron: F. Kapofi; Executive: President: O. Z. Nakapunda; VicePresident: M. KgobetsiMathe; Secretary: R. Tjiriange; PRO: M. Handjaba. Tournament Director: F. Kuhanga; Treasurer: B. K. Tjatindi; Development Officer: C. S. Eichab.

July 5th: Namibia National Junior Chess Championships (Swakopmund) - Open 11th-13th: International Match : Brave Knights versus Botswana - Closed 11th-13th: International Match : Womens National Team versus Botswana - Closed 18th-20th: Namibia National Junior Chess Championship – Closed 21st -27th: Brave Knights vs. Invitational Team – Closed 21st -27th: Women’s National Team vs. Invitational Team – Closed August 1st-14th: Chess Olympiad – (Tromso, Norway) - Closed 21st-26th: Windhoek Open – Open 30th: Grand Prix Series : Leg 3- Open September 5th-7th: Club Championships 13th-14th: Training Seminar 20th: Teachers’ Seminar : Keetmanshoop Leg - Open 18th-30th: World Youth Championships (Durban, RSA) October TBA: - Fundraising 4th: National Chess Council 11th: Grand Prix Series : Leg 4 - Open 18th: Grand Prix Series : Leg 5 – Open 25: Champ of Champs – Closed December 20th-21st: Kehat Beukes Memorial Tournament (Swakopmund) – Open **Dates are tentative and are subject to change. Also, the PCL, Schools League (Pilot), UNAM Teachers’ Seminar and possibly the SA Open to be included in the updated version to be released in due course. All tournaments to be hosted in Windhoek unless otherwise stated.

NNOC offers unique opportunity for the public

Place: Atlantis Sport Club Registration for beginner starts on 20 January 2014 Times: Training: Mondays and Wednesdays Children: 17:30-18:15 Juniors: 18:15-19:10 Seniors: 19:10-20:15 Elimination Round: Compound Men: 1st van der Berg. 2nd van Staden. 3rd Brink. Compound Junior Men: 1st ’ van der Merwe. 2nd Smit. 3rd van der Merwe. Compound Under 13: 1st Reddig and 2nd van der Merwe.


For further information please contact: Leonard Martin Cell: 081 129 7015 Tel: 064-204993

All Newcomers welcome!!

The Namibian National Olympic Committee (NNOC) offers all members of the public to form part of the group of runners/walkers that will carry the Baton of the Queen's Baton Relay through Windhoek, Khomasdal and Katutura , which is scheduled to take place in Namibia on 29 January. The Queen's Baton Relay began its 190,000km-long journey around the Commonwealth in October last year, before opening of the Commonwealth Games on 23 July 2014. The event, similar to the Olympic Torch Relay, is a relay around the world held prior to the beginning of the Commonwealth Games. The Baton carries a message from the Head of the Commonwealth, Queen Elizabeth II. The Relay traditionally begins at Buckingham Palace in London as a part of the city's Commonwealth Day festivities. The Queen entrusts the baton to the first relay runner. At the Opening Ceremony of the Games, the final relay runner hands the baton back to the Queen, or her representative, who reads the

message aloud to officially open the Games. “We want people of all walks of life to be part of this magnificent event”, said Joan Smit, General Secretary of the NNOC. She encouraged all interested parties to submit their names and contact details to the NNOC by latest Wednesday, 15 January. The NNOC will select a number of runners/walkers to carry the baton around the capital, according to the places available. “Even if you carry the baton for a mere 10 meters, it is an opportunity not to be missed”, Smit underlined. The NNOC is currently finalising the route. The entire event will be covered by a TV crew from the BBC. Anyone interested can get in touch with the NNOC via E-Mail (info@nnocnamibia.com) or telephonically (061 229285).


10 JANUARY 2014

namib times SPORT

Three medals for Namibia

PROUDLY NAMIBIAN: Members of the Namibian contingent that were in action at the 6th Karate-do Goju-Kai World Championships

Van der Berg and Malan win year-end shoot-out Henk van der Berg and Ilana Malan won the men’s and women’s compound category respectively at the last archery tournament of the year which was held at the Sparta Archery Club in Walvis Bay a fortnight ago. A total of 20 archers participated at the event at the coast, which was marked by strong winds. 72 arrows (max of 720 points) had to be shot during the qualification round by all archers over various distances according to their age category. The participants then moved on to the elimination round where they were ranked according to the points accumulated during the qualification round. Unfortunately, some categories didn’t move to the elimination round due to a lack of participants. These winners were determined after the qualification round only.


During the qualification round, Ruan van Staden cruised to the first place with an impressive 666 points. The second place went to Sebastian Fechter (659), while Henk van der Berg came in third (658). Van Staden was then unable to take his run of form to the final of the elimination round where he eventually lost to van der Berg. It was a closely contested final. With a maximum of 150 points up for grabs, van der Berg helped himself to 138 points, while van Staden had to settle for 136 points. In the woman’s category, Ilana Malan

made her victory perfect in dominating fashion. She acquired 632 points. Connie Smit and Bea Viviers couldn’t match Malan’s form and had to share the second place with 615 points each. Meanwhile André van der Merwe came out victorious in the compound junior men category. This category was made up of shooters form different age categories because of the lack of participants. The second place went to Warren Smit. Johan van der Merwe came in third. Continues on page 19

The 6th Karate-do Goju-Kai World Championships was held recently in Mumbai, India from 11-15 December 2013. Goju-Kai Namibia sent a team of 25 participants ranging in age groups from 8 years old to seniors (18 years and over). The team was reasonably inexperienced in terms of international sport karate, but they competed strongly by the end of the competition, Namibia had won 3 bronze medals. The medals were won by: - JayDean Martin – Kumite (fighting) Senior Women, Rasmus Esterhuizen – Kata Boys 11 Years Old and Leo Zhang – Kumite Boys 13 Years Old. This was a great achievement for Namibia Goju-Kai, given the limited exposure to competitive sport karate. In fact the majority of the team achieved positions in the top eight of their respective categories. “I’m very proud of the team’s performance after the hard work we have put in as preparation for this championship for last year” said the Team Coach and Chief Instructor of Goju-Kai Namibia: Shihan Leonard Martin.

This world championship takes place every four years and hosts the best karate athletes training in the style of Goju-Kai from around the world. Goju-Kai Namibia was fortunate enough to be able to attend this prestigious event. Approximately 1,000 participants from 32 countries participated in this tournament. The level of competition was of an extremely high standard. Goju-Kai Namibia was established in 1990 by Renshi Shihan Trevor Norval and has since produced some highly qualified instructors and karatekas who have proved themselves in the local and international karate arena. Goju-Kai Namibia offers tuition to all ages at their dojos in Walvis Bay, Windhoek, Swakopmund. For more information, please contact: - Walvis Bay: Shihan Leonard Martin (081-129 7015) . Swakopmund: Sensei Sammy Neumann (081-277 7522). Windhoek: Sensei Ryan Geyser (081-127 6341).

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