7 march namib times e-edition

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Walvis Bay's Anixas II Power Station Inaugurated

Namibia's national power utility, NamPower, inaugurated the 54 MW AnixasIIPowerStationbuiltatacost of N$1.28billion.

Thepowerstationthatwillsignificantlyincrease Namibia's power generation capacity was inauguratedbyNamibianPresident,NangoloMbumbainWalvisBayonWednesdaythisweek.PresidentNangoloMbumbasaidattheinaugurationof the54MWAnixasIIPowerStationthatNamibia currently imports between 40% and 70% of its electricity from neighbouring countries depending on the various fluctuating conditions of demand, supply and production. “Since these countriesaresometimesconstrainedintheirown local supply, we cannot depend on them indefinitely.” Mbumba said, “the supply models

Continues on page 2

Dauredaman Community Divided Over Chief Succession

AheateddisputehasemergedwithintheDauredamancommunity regarding the recognition and succession of their Chief. Thecontroversycentresonarecentnominationbya concerngroup,ledbyMrJimmyAreseb,whohasproposed Mr Isaskar Tourob as the new acting Chief, despite Mr Tourobalreadyservingasaheadmanundertheleadership ofthecurrentandrecognisedChief,ZachariasSeibeb.

Thedisputehasraised questionssurrounding the adherence to customary law and the traditional authorities act of 2000, particul a r l y S e c t i o n 4(1)(b)(2), which outlines the official process for appointing a Chief. According to members of the community supporting

ChiefSeibeb,thislawis clear in its directives about the succession of leadership.Theprocess, as outlined in customarylaw,statesthatthe only valid reasons for the removal of a sitting Chief are criminal conviction in a competent court, continued illhealth,ordeath. Without any of these

conditions being met, thesuccessionofanew Chief is not justified. The concern group, led byMrAreseb,hasbeen accused of bypassing these customary protocols and, in doing so, violatingthecommunity's traditions. A member of the recognised leadership remarked,

Continues on page 2

Namibians Thanked for Respecting the Law During Nujoma Mourning Period

The Namibian Police Inspector, General Joseph Shimweelao Shikongo and the Governor of the Erongo region, AndreNevilleItope,thankedtheNamibianNationandthe Erongo community respectively for their good behaviour during the national mourning and burel of the Founding PresidentDrSamNujoma.

The Founding Father and First President on Namibia Dr Sam Nujoma who died on 8 February and was laid to rest on 1 March at the Heroes Acre in WindhoekNamibia.

According to Shikongo, police officers

were deployed across the regions to ensure safety and security, whilstDrNujoma'sbody was taken to Omusati, Ohangwena, Kavango East, Zambezi, Otjozondjupa, Erongo and ||Kharas, before it was flown to Windhoek in

Nakambela Garden Flourishes Two Months After Funding Boost

theKhomasregionfor burial at the Heroes Acre.Hestressed,that the low crime rate during the mourning period is attributed to Namibians' patriotism inensuringthatDrNujoma was respected.

Continues on page 2

Namibian President, Nangolo Mbumba at the control room as he switches on the 54 MW Anixas II Power Station in Walvis Bay
Rudi Bowe
Eileen van der Schyff
Rudi Bowe

Walvis Bay's Anixas II

for these basic commodities we should factor in innovative ways and means, and solutions of how to make such public goods affordable for communities who cannot afford, either through exports or cross-subsidisation, ornewtechnologies.”

The purpose of the Anixas II Power Stationistohelpprovide firm, dispatchable, and reliable gene-

ration capacity to the Namibian grid and improve the security of supply and self-sufficiency The Anixas II Power Station entails a 50MW power plant utilising either Internal Combustion ReciprocatingEngine(ICRE)or Gas Turbine (GT) technology with liquid fuel (LFO/HFO) or LNG/ CNGasfueloptionsand isexpectedtocontribute approximately 54 MW to the national power


“thesuccessionofourChiefmustbe in accordance with our customs, norms,andvalues. Theactiontaken by Mr Areseb's group under-mines these long-standing traditions and disregards the legal framework set out for such decisions.” Further fuellingtensions,theconcerngroup has been accused of misusing the Dauredaman office's letterhead for personal gain, including allegedly lootingfundstocoverlegalcostsfor a case of obstructing justice, linked totheiractionsregardingtheDauredamanoffice.

Thecontroversyhassparkedintense debate within the Dauredaman community

grid. The newly constructedAnixasIIPower Station funded, constructed, owned and operatedbyNamPower, along withAnixas I and two other power stations, contributes to a combined installed capacity of 459 5MW Anixas I and Anixas II combinedwillgiveatotal capacity of approximately 75MW, which will make the Anixas plant sufficient to meet the demand of the Erongo region in its entirety

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Those backing Chief Seibeb assert that his leadership remains intact, citing that the Chief's position cannot be contested unless one of the conditionsforremovalismet. Therefore,untilsuchanoccurrence, ChiefSeibebwillremaintherightful leaderoftheDauredamanclan. The dispute between the two factions raises broader concerns about the intersectionoftraditionalleadership andpoliticalinvolvement.

Supporters of the current leadership emphasisethattraditionalpositions, such as that of Chief, are inherited and uncontested by political forces, and should remain separate from politicalmotivations.

Namibians Thanked

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Inspector General Shikongo thanked the nation from the bottom of his heart, for the manner in which they conductedthemselvesin ensuringwegiveour Founding Father a dignified send-off

While thanking the NamibiansNationhe stated, “let us continue doing this in events of this nature or any other event. Letusmakesureour international dignitariesconfirmNami-

biaisacountryoforder and peace ” In the meantime, the GovernoroftheErongoregion complimentedandpraised the Erongo community for their excellentteamworkinensuringabefittingmemorial service at Kuisebmond stadiumandfarewellfor Founding President Dr Sam Nujoma. Itope stated,“Iamsatisfiedwith the team that prepared the service, and I am happy with the public forcomingoutinsucha huge number to pay

their respect to the foundingpresidentand give a befitting send off ” The Governor added that everything went as planned and waswell-executed.

“We thank the public for their support and strongunity TheErongo community, young andold,collaboratedin organising and participatingineventsassoon as the death of the foundingpresidentwas announced,” Andre said.

Namibia's Fifth and the First Woman

ThepathispavedfortheinaugurationofNetumboNandi-NdaitwahasNamibia's fifth and the first woman President of the Republic of Namibia on 21 March this year.

ThischapterunfoldedinNamibia'spoliticalhistory after the Namibian Supreme Court dismissed the poll challenge of Independent Patriots for Change leader Dr Panduleni Itula and Landless People's Movement leader Bernadus Swartbooi in a judgement delivered on 28 February.The Five judges of theSupremeCourt,ChiefJusticePeterShivute,Deputy Chief Justice Petrus Damaseb,Appeal Judges Sylvester Mainga and Hosea Angula and Acting Appeal Judge Dave Smuts have unanimously dismissed an attempt by the main opposition party to haveNamibia's2024presidentialelectiondeclared invalid after voting was extended twice and have a freshelectionheld.ChiefJusticeShivute,whoread a summary of the court's 80-page judgement, said the court found that Namibian President Nangolo Mumba had the power to extend voting at polling stationsin36constituencieswhereashortageofballot papers and problems with voting equipment resultedinsomevotersbeingunabletoparticipatein thepollson27Novemberlastyear "Wearesatisfied thattheECNwascompetenttorecommendandthe president had the power as occasion required, to makeitpossibleforvoterswhowouldotherwisebe disenfranchised, to vote on 29 and 30 November 2024," Chief Justice Shivute said. Shivute further notedthatnoirregularitiesorchallengeswererecorded in the occurrence books across various polling stations.HesaidthatitwasimpracticalfortheECN to predict voter turnout at specific stations, as the lawallowsNamibianstovoteatanypollingstation duringnationalelections.TheCourtalsoruledthata nationwideextensionofvotingwasnotfeasibleand thatlimitingtheextensionto36pollingstationswas not inherently discriminatory The leader IPC and PresidentialcandidateDrPanduleniIthulawhotook 25.5 percent of the vote, according to the final results said he and the IPC abide by the court's Iitula reiteratedhisparty'scommitmenttodemocraticprocesses, emphasising that the courts as fundamental institutionsofdemocracyaretherightfulplatforms foraddressinggrievancesandwinningpoliticaland social battles requires perseverance. "We will not take to the streets to demonstrate because we trust

thecourtstoadjudicatefairly Itisourdutytomaintain peace, tranquillity and harmony in our Republic and ensure national growth,” Iitula stated. Iitula emphasised that Namibians must prepare themselves to live in a country without its Founding Father while ensuring his vision is properly implemented. "Namibia will never develop if we constantly continue to blame each other We must be able to accept people's authority, the power inherent in them, given to them by the constitution andhowtheyexerciseit,"TheIPC'sleaderstated. Iitula further urged Namibians to reflect on the legacy of the late Founding President Dr Sam Nujoma.

The Namibian Electoral Court will soon hear the merits in which IPC and the LPM are seeking to nullify the National Assembly elections of 2024. ThatcourtputthematteronholduntiltheSupreme Courtfinalisesthepresidentialchallenge.

Ministry Calls for Transparency in Procurement and Appointments

TheExecutiveDirectorintheMinistryofEducation,ArtsandCulture,SanetSteenkamp hascalledoneducationdirectorstobetransparentdecisionmakers.

Steenkampsaidthisatatransparentworkshopintended tofinalisetheministerialstrategicplanforthenextfive years held in Swakopmund. The five-day transparent workshop attended by all regional directors intended to finalise the ministerial strategic plan for the next five years and also validate the annual ministerial plans for 2025/26.According to Steenkamp, transparency is crucial when it comes to procurement, appointments and many other aspects of managing the education sector Steenkamp said, "let us be critical and also be transformative,letusbetransparentaboutourdecision-making inourprocurementandinourdecisionsaroundappointments. Sheaddedthatwecannotunjustlyallowthatwe do wrong when we do appointments and that we cause harm to others who rightfully need to get that position.

“Thecomplaintsaretoomany,thereissomethingwrong. Youmustlookatthediversityofthiscountry,anditmust bedisplayedinyourinstitutionbecauseallofushavethe

opportunitytogrowandbeempoweredandtoreceiveinservice training,” Steenkamp said. She reminded the directorstorememberthreeissuesthatareprominentin theSwapoManifestoandNationalDevelopmentPlan6 astheyplanforthenextfiveyearsandimploredthemto think on the transition from Early Childhood Developmenttopre-primary,withthegoalofimprovingfrom55 percent to 100 percent coverage. She further reminded them to include the creative industry, heritage, and culture,aswellaschildrenwithspecialneeds.

Steenkamp added, "Every regional director needs to understandwhatishappeninginthecontextofmyregion withchildrenwithspecialneeds.HowdoIaccommodate them? How do I plan for them. How do I cater to their needs.

That they have, is it with a resource unit, a classroom first,whileweareconstructingtheschoolsthatweintend toconstruct."

Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah Namibia's fifth and the first woman President
Rudi Bowe

Chevron Expands Offshore Exploration in Namibia with Walvis Bay Basin PEL 82 Deal

ChevronNamibiaExplorationII,asubsidiaryoftheU.S.energygiantChevron, hasstrengtheneditspresenceinNamibia'soffshoreoilsectorbyacquiringan80% stakeandoperatorshipinPetroleumExplorationLicence82(PEL82).

Thismovefollowsafarm-inagreementwithlocal energycompanyCustosEnergy,whichnowholds a 10% stake, alongside the National Petroleum CompanyofNamibia(NAMCOR).

ThedealbolstersChevron'soffshoreexploration portfolio, complementing its existing operations inPEL90intheOrangeBasin. PEL82,covering blocks 2112B and 2212A, is regarded as one of themostattractiveoilandgasexplorationopportunitiesintheWalvisBasin,accordingtoCustos Energy PEL 82 is a high-potential exploration

area with extensive seismic data coverage, including over 3 500km of 2D and 9 500km² of 3D surveys.Previousdrillingactivitiesintheareainclude the Murombe-1 and Wingat-1 wells, both of which providedvaluablegeologicalinsights. CustosEnergychairmanandCEOKnowledgeKattiemphasised the importance of this partnership. “Completion of Chevron's entry into PEL82 is another indicator of thequalityandopportunityassociatedwithouroffshore portfolio. We are thrilled to expand our partnership with Chevron, positioning us to unveil

Update on Delay in Refuse Removal

TheMunicipalityofWalvisBayhasannouncedatemporary delayinrefuseremovalservicesduetoongoingrepairstoits refusecollectiontrucks.

Accordingtoastatementfromthe municipality, the refuse collection team is currently operating one day behind schedule. As a result,residentsareurgedtoplace their refuse bins out a day later than their usual collection day “This is a temporary adjustment, and we will revert to the normal

collectionscheduleassoonasour fleet is fully operational, ” the statement read.The municipality apologisesforanyinconvenience caused and expresses appreciationforresidents'patienceand cooperation while the issue is beingresolved.

Public Notice

RössingUraniumandSwakopStridersrunningclubwishtoinform thepublicofSwakopmundoftheplannedRössingMarathon, scheduledtotakeplaceonSaturday,08March2025.






Weforeseeapproximatelyover3000runners,participatinginthe 42km,21kmand10kmrun,aswellas500walkersparticipatingin the5kmFunWalk.

Duetothishigh-volumenumberofparticipants,weherebyinform thepublicthattheStrandStreetwillbeclosedontheleftside. Trafficofficialswillbeonthegroundtoleadtherunners.

Formoreinformationcontact:FrankSlabbert Tel+26464405788,cell0812403383, fatslab@iafrica.com.na

together another emerging basin in Namibia.” TheacquisitionofPEL82 comes just weeks after Chevron and itsjointventurepartners,TragoEnergy and NAMCOR, completed their firstdeep-wateroffshorewellinPEL 90.While the well did not result in a commercial discovery, it provided critical geological insights into the Orange Basin's hydrocarbon potential. Chevron'sexpansionalignswith thebroadertrendofincreasedoilexplorationactivityinNamibia. TotalEnergies, another global energy

major, recently resumed drilling in Block 2913B in the Orange Basin, whereitispursuinga1-billion-barrel targetwithitsTamboti-1Xwell. The Frenchoilcompanyisworkingwith a semi-submersible rig, operated by Odfjell Drilling, to tap into Namibia's growing offshore oil reserves. Namibiahasbecomeakeyfrontierin Africa's oil and gas industry, attractingmajorinternationalplayerssuch as Chevron, TotalEnergies, and QatarEnergy (Source:OffshoreTechnology)

TKC Borders

Brace for Increased Traffic Due

to Border Closures

Inapressreleasethisweek,theTransKalahariCorridorSecretariat(TKCS)of Namibia informed transporters and the public about the temporary closure of fiveborderpostsbetweenBotswanaandSouthAfricaduetoflooding.

The affected border posts are Stockpoort/Parr's Halt,Makgobistad/PhitsaneMolopo,Bray,Groblersbridge/MartinsDrift,andPontdrift.Asaresult of these closures, traffic will be redirected to the TKC borders, namely Tlokweng/Kopfontein, Pioneer/Skilpadshek, and Ramatlabama. The increased flow of traffic at the TKC borders is expected to lead to longer delays and significant queues.LeslieMlungisiMpofu,ExecutiveDirector of the Trans Kalahari Corridor Secretariat (TKCS),stated,“weexpecttheseborderclosures tosignificantlyimpacttrafficattheTKCborders. Long queues and delays are anticipated, and we urgetravelerstoplantheirjourneysaccordingly.” Mr Mpofu also addressed potential challenges arising from the influx of trucks, including environmental and sanitation concerns, littering,

and a lack of potable water for truck drivers. He emphasised the importance of swift action by borderauthoritiestoensurethecomfortandwellbeingofalltransporters. TheTKCSwillcontinue to monitor the situation closely and provide updates as necessary Furthermore, travelers and transporters are advised to be aware of ongoing service delivery protests on the N4 highway between Zeerust and Skilpadshek, which may causeadditionaldelays.SouthAfricanauthorities have been alerted to the protests and are actively working to resolve the issue.TheTrans Kalahari CorridorSecretariaturgesallroaduserstoremain patient, calm, and cooperative as the situation is managed. The TKCS thanks all road users for their understanding and cooperation during this challengingperiod.


Public Meetings 2025

In accordance with Section 88 (1) of the Local Authorities Act No 23 of 1992, The Municipality of Walvis Bay hereby gives notice for the dates on which the council will host a series of public meetings. These meetings will provide residents with an opportunity to stay informed, express their views, and engage with the council on plans, budgeting, projects, and other matters relating to the Municipality’s Mandate.

Anypersonwhointendstodiscussanyissueatthemeeting,shallnotifytheMunicipalityin writingthereofatleast7dayspriortothecommencementofthemeetings.Anysubmission given after the 7 days has lapsed, will not be accommodated. Deadline for submission is extended to 8 March 2025 at 20:00 Agenda points can be submitted in writing to: publicmeetings@walvisbaycc.org.na

Date Time Location

Tuesday, 11 March 2025 13:00 – 16:00 Farm 37 Thursday, 13 March 2025 18:00 Narraville Community Hall

Monday, 17 March 2025 18:00 Town Hall (Civic Centre) Monday, 24 March 2025 18:00 Immanuel Ruiters PS Hall

Wednesday, 26 March 2025 18:00 Dolphin Park Resort (please bring along camping chairs, if possible)

For further information please contact the Public Relations Section on the same email provided above, or call 064- 201 3394/42.

Eileen van der Schyff
Eileen van der Schyff
Eileen van der Schyff

Nakambela Garden Flourishes Two Months After Funding Boost

The Nakambela Garden Greenhouse Farming Project, a youth-led sustainable crop productioninitiative,isthrivingjusttwomonthsafterreceivingfinancialsupportfromthe WalvisBayClimateActionFund.

The project, spearheaded by church youth, was awarded N$60 000 to enhance food security and supportits15-memberteam. Today,thegardenis flourishing, with a particularly abundant yield of spinach, demonstrating the effectiveness of community-drivenagriculturalinitiatives.

Followingaprevioussocialmediapostshowcasing the project's progress, Nirvana Business Solutions extended additional support by sponsoring four youthsforaBasicFirePreventionandFirefighting Course. Eachcourse,valuedatN$660,willequip theparticipantswithessentialsafetyskills,further

contributing to their personal and professional development. The Nakambela Garden project highlights the impact of collaborative efforts in addressingfoodsecurityandpromotingsustainable agriculture. TheWalvisBayClimateActionFund, managedbytheOfficeoftheMayorandsupported by Bloomberg Philanthropies, remains committed toempoweringyouth-ledenvironmentalinitiatives. Through continued investment in climate action and sustainability, the fund is fostering a new generationofleadersdedicatedtofoodsecurityand environmentalpreservation.

1. Bids are invited through the Open International Bidding (OIB) procedure and the invitation is open to all eligible bidders. All Bidders must comply with the requirements outlined in the bidding document.

2. Interested eligible bidders are requested to visit the Namport website at https://www.namport.com.na/procurement for details of the bidding requirements. Bidders must register as suppliers, express interest in a specific bid, make a payment of the (non-refundable) bid levy of N$300.00 and submit the proof of payment in order to be granted access to the bidding documents. The Namport Banking Details are available on the link: https://www.namport.com.na/procurement/banking-details/558/

3. A Non-compulsory Virtual Pre-Bid meeting is scheduled for 14 March 2025 AT 10H00 AM Bidders should take note that the meeting link is available on the website.

4. Bids must be delivered to: The Tender Box, Namibian Ports Authority (Namport) Reception, No. 17 Rikumbi Kandanga Road, Walvis Bay ALL enquiries related to these bids must be directed in writing by email to the following contact details:

Email: or m.deklerk@namport.com.na procurement@namport.com.na

NAMITVEST and Swakop Uranium Partner to Empower Employees

Through Payroll Deduction Investment Agreement

NAMITVEST and Swakop Uranium have officially signed a payroll deduction agreement. This agreementenablesemployees,particularlymembersoftheMineworkersUnionofNamibia(MUN), to invest in shares through a structured payroll deduction system, paving the way for long-term wealthcreationandfinancialsecurity.

The signing ceremony, held at Husab Towers in Swakopmund,wasattended by key stakeholders, including Mr Poco-Key Mberiuana, President of MUN;MrPatrickChizabulyo, Vice President of Swakop Uranium; Mr George Ampweya, GeneralSecretaryofMUN; and Mr Paul Smokey, Director of NAMITVEST Mr Paul Smokey, in his opening remarks, highlighted the significanceoftheagreement, tracingitsrootsbacktoa resolution made by the MUN Congress in 2010, which led to the establishment of NAMITVESTin2021. Since its launch, NAMITVEST has grown tremendously, boasting over 1 700 shareholder applicants and paying its first dividends to members in December 2024. “This agreement is not just about investment, it is about creating generational wealth,” Smokey stated. “It aligns with our vision of financial inclusion, ensuring that employees have direct access to sustainable financial growth.” He also paid tribute to Namibia's Founding Father, His Excellency Dr Sam Nujoma,whoselegacyof

unity and progress serves as an inspiration for economic empowerment initiatives such as this one. Under the agreement, employees of Swakop Uranium who are MUN members or exmembers can purchase shares in JTT Public Company through a seamless and structured payrolldeductionsystem. Keybenefitsoftheinitiative include: A transparent and secure payroll deductionmodelforshare acquisition; Interest-free installmentplans,making investment accessible to all employees; Ownership retention, even in cases of employment termination, ensuring long-term financial stability; Financialliteracy training, equipping employees with the knowledge to make informed investment decisions

“This is an opportunity forourmemberstotransitionfromwageearnersto shareholders,” said Mr Poco-Key Mberiuana, MUNPresident. “Forthe first time, our members are not just working for a salary, they are building wealthforthemselvesand their families.” Swakop Uranium'sVicePresident, Mr Patrick Chizabulyo, reaffirmed the company's commitment to employee

EAR-NOSE AND THROAT SPECIALIST ... at the coast DR PIETER TROOST M.B.,Ch.B.(University of Pretoria) FCS (SA)ORL (University of Cape Town) LMCC (Canada) DO YOU SUFFER FROM: ? □ Chronic Sinus Problems □ Blocked Nose

well-being and emphasised that the agreement is part of a broader vision for inclusive economic growth “This partnership sets a precedentforotherindustries to follow,” Chizabulyo said. “By providing employees with investment opportunities, we are fosteringaworkplaceculture where financial empowerment is a key priority.” MUN leaders also expressed their appreciation for Swakop Uranium's role in championing employee financialsecurity.“Thisagreementisproofofwhatcan beachievedwhenunions,

employers, and investment entities work together,” said Mr George Ampweya,MUNGeneral Secretary NAMITVEST, in collaboration with Swakop Uranium, has committed to continuous support, ensuring that employees have the resources and knowledge to maximise thisopportunity “Letthis be the foundation for a future where every MUN member has access to investment opportunities,” Smokey concluded. “Together, we move forward, stronger, wealthier, andmoreunitedthanever before.”

Swakopmund Municipality Commences Road Maintenance Project

Residents of Swakopmund can expect noticeable improvements as the Works Department embarks on a road maintenance and marking project across several key streets in the town. The maintenance, aimed at enhancing the quality and safety of the roads, started on 3 March and will continue through to 28 March.

Team members have been spotted actively working on various streets. The road marking and maintenance projectwilltakeplacedailybetween 8:00and16:00. Toensurethesafety andsmoothflowoftrafficduringthe maintenance, residents are urged to pay close attention to the traffic signs posted around the work areas. Driversareencouragedtomakeuse of detours or alternative routes wherepossible.

The municipality has outlined the following schedule for the ongoing works:

Welwitchia Street – 3 to 7 March; FrankeStreet–3to7March; Riesle Street–3to7March; VredeRede Street – 10 to 14 March; Independence Street – 10 to 14 March; Schluckwerder Street – 10 to 14 March; Franziska Van Neel Street–17to20March; Schultetus

Street–17to20March; Welwitchia Street (additional work) – 17 to 28 March; Ugab Street – 24 to 28 March.

The municipality apologies for any inconvenience this essential work may cause and requests that residents take extra caution when drivingintheseareas. “Weaskfor the cooperation of all residents and drivers during this period to ensure the safety of both the workers and thepublic.”

Eileen van der Schyff
Eileen van der Schyff

First Round of 2025 Bank Windhoek Coastal Maths Challenge Concludes

A total of 1 079 learners from 13 coastal schools recently participated in the first round of the 2025 Bank Windhoek Coastal Maths Challenge, an annual competition designed toenhanceproblem-solvingskillsamongstudentsinGrades 8,9,and10.

The competition, facilitated under the supervision of teachers, featured a multiplechoice question paper foreachgradelevel. After a rigorous first round,72top-performing learners qualified for the second round. The selection process involved learnerswhoscoredmore than one-third of the answers correctly, with their answer sheets submitted to the team leaders of the Walvis Bay and Swakopmund Clusters, two experienced teachers from local schools. These leaders

then identified the 12 best-performing learners per grade from their respective clusters to advance. Magret CourtneyClarke of Orison Educational Services emphasised that the primary goalofthefirstroundisto expose as many learners as possible to mathematical problem-solving. “The second round will see the top performers of

the Walvis Bay Cluster face off against their counterparts from the Swakopmund Cluster, competing both individuallyandinteams,”she explained. This year, nearly all participating schools will be represented in the second round, with only one Swakopmund and one Walvis Bay school missing out. Courtney-Clarke noted the impressive performances of several government schools, including six learners from Kuisebmond Secondary

School, five from Namib High School, and four from Flamingo High School, all of whom qualified for the next stage. Thesecondround of the 2025 Bank Windhoek Coastal Maths Challenge is set to take place at Namib High School in Swakopmund on Wednesday, 9 April. The 72 selected learners, 36fromeachcluster,will competeinthreedifferent assessments: an IndividualSpeedTest,aMultiple-Choice Test, and a TeamTest.

C o a s t a l M a t h s Challenge encourages critical thinking and m a t h e m a t i c a l excellence and also promotesteamworkand academic motivation At the end of the competition, the top three individual performers and the three bestperforming teams in each grade will receive winning medals, while the prestigious Bank Windhoek Trophy for Best Performing School willalsobeawarded.


CONSENT: Self Catering ON ERF NO: 183 TOWNSHIP/AREA: DolphinBeachSTREETNAME&NO:HarbourView

IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme,noticeisherebygiven thatI/we,theundersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityofWalvisBay forpermissiontoerect/establishonthesitea/an:SelfCateringSection9. Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplicationmaybeobtainedat TownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager:RoadsandBuildingControl,(TownPlanning),PrivateBag5017, WalvisBayandtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan28March2025.


PaulinaNNdalifiwa,POBox41198 email:pndalifilwa@gmail.com


CONSENT:Accommodationestablishment(self-catering)ONERFNO: RO271 TOWNSHIP/AREA: Meersig STREET NAME & NO: 7th RoadEast.

IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme,noticeisherebygiven thatI/we,theundersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityofWalvisBay for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Accommodation establishment(self-catering).

Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplicationmaybeobtainedat TownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalofthisapplication,must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the applicant, in writing, not later than 21 March 2025.


Mateus&KlemensiaKambonde,POBox11311,Oshakati email:mkambonde@gmail.com

The Bank Windhoek
Eileen van der Schyff

(Fltr): Executive Director at the Education Ministry, Sanet Steenkamp, Ronaldinho de Klerk, a learner at Matutura Secondary School in Swakopmund and former Namibian President Pohamba's assistant, Frans !Gaoseb

Apology From Matutura Learner

Ronaldinho de Klerk, a learner at Matutura Secondary School in Swakopmund mistakenlypostedtheimageofFormerpresidentHifikepunyePohambaalongside amessageofcondolencesforthedeathofFoundingPresidentDrSamNujoma.

Former President Hifikepunye Pohamba wrote a letter to the Ministry of Education following the incident where De Klerk mistakenly posted his imagealongsideamessageofcondolencesforthe death of Founding President Dr Sam Nujoma. De Klerkresponsibleforthepost,hasclarifiedthatit wasneverhisintentiontomisrepresentthedeathof Nujoma by using Pohamba's image. He said, “I havebeendirectedbyhisexcellencyHifikepunye Pohamba, former president of the republic of Namibia, to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated13February

His excellency the former president accepts the apology unconditionally and expresses his gratitude for the rectification of this error.” De Klerk saysitwasnotinintentiontomisleadthepublicor disrespectPohamba.

Thestudenthasalsoadmittedthathismistakewas tantamounttothespreadingoffakeinformation.“I am writing to express my sincerest apologies for the dissemination of false information regarding your esteemed legacy My sincere apologies are also extended to the whole Pohamba family at


TakenotethatStewartPlanning–Town&Regional Plannersintendstoapply,onbehalfoftheownerofErf 718, Tamariskia Extension 3 (John Alfons Pandeni Street) for the rezoning of the property from Single Residential (1:600m²) to General Residential 2 (1:250m²).

Thesitehasanareaof1455m²inextent,isdeveloped withanexistingsinglestoreydwellinghouseandother residentialoutbuildings.Itistheintendoftheownerto furthermaximizethedevelopmentpotentialofthesite aspertheSwakopmundZoningSchemeandSwakopmundUrbanStructurePlan.Itisthefurtherintentionof theownertodevelopamaximumof5unitsonthesite within the guidelines and provisions of the abovementioned policies once the rezoning has been approved.

TheapplicationissubmittedintermsoftheUrbanand Regional Planning Act, 2018 (No. 5 of 2018) and in terms of the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme. The PreBidapplicationcanbeinspectedattheTownPlanning Department of the Municipality of Swakopmund, corner of Rakotoka and Daniel Kamho Street, SwakopmundorcanberequestedfromMrMarioMberira atmario@sp.com.na.

Take note that any person having objections or commentstotheproposedrezoningmustlodgesuchobjectionsorcomments,togetherwiththegrounds thereof, in writing with the Chief Executive Officer of the Municipality of Swakopmund and Stewart Planning withinfourteen(14)daysofthelastpublicationofthis noticetotheaddressprovidedbelow

Written objections or comments must be submitted before17:00Monday,7April2025.



P.O.Box53,Swakopmund 13001 Tel:+264644104403 jheita@swkmun.com.na

Applicant StewartPlanning

P.O.Box2095,WalvisBay 13013

Tel:+26464280770 mario@sp.com.na

large.IacknowledgemymistakeandIamgoingto takeaccountabilityforthat.Itwasnevermyintentiontomisinterpretagreattragedy,”hewrites.De Klerk,whohassincemetwiththeExecutiveDirector at the Education Ministry, Sanet Steenkamp also apologised to the school for posting the message without the proper authorisation. “I am writing to sincerely apologise for using the name of MatuturaSecondarySchoolwithoutpermission.I understandtheimportanceofrespectingyourinstitution's identity and reputation, and I regret any confusionorinconveniencethismayhavecaused,” DeKlerksaid.Pohamba'sassistant,Frans!Gaoseb said, “The former president also wishes to commend Ronaldinho de Klerk for his beautiful condolence message, in spite of the wrong accompanying photo. He further commends him for his courageforsteppinguptoadmithisfault,expressing remorse to everyone involved, and accepting responsibility.”


Stewart Planning Town and Regional Planners, intendstoapply,onbehalfoftheregisteredowner,tothe Municipal Council of Walvis Bay and the Urban and RegionalPlanningBoardforthefollowing:

Aloe Tree Guesthouse: Erven 260 and 261 Walvis Bay, corner of Fritz Lange Street and Bramwell Road, Lagoon: Consolidation into Erf X (1427m²) and rezoning from “Single Residential” (1:500) to “GeneralResidential2”(1:250)

The purpose of the application is to permit a future guesthouse or hotel pension (to be called Aloe Tree Guesthouse)comprisingof5to20bedrooms. Erf260 containsthe whichwillberetainedwhere- 1932 House as the dilapidated dwelling house on Erf 261 will be demolished and be redeveloped into a two storey building. No site development plans for the proposal has beenpreparedtodate.

Theaforementionedapplicationissubmittedintermsof the Walvis Bay Zoning Scheme (as amended), and the Urban and Regional PlanningAct, 2018 (Act No. 5 of 2018).


(a)thebackgroundinformationdocumentliesopenfor inspection, during normal office hours, at Room 101, TownPlanningSectionofMunicipalityofWalvisBay, Civic Centre, and at Stewart Planning, 122 Sam NujomaAvenue,Walvis Bay An electronic copy can be requestedfromMrJohannOtto:otto@sp.com.na

(b) any person having comments of support, representations, and/or objections to the application, may in writing lodge such comments and/or objections, togetherwiththegroundsthereof,withtheChiefExecutive Officer of the Municipality of Walvis Bay and with StewartPlanning.

(c)thedeadlinetosubmitwrittencommentsofsupport, representations, and/or objections will be on or before 17:00Friday,11April2025.

Applicant: StewartPlanning

Town&RegionalPlanners POBox2095, WalvisBay otto@sp.com.na 064280773


CONSENT: ON ERF NO: TOWN- Ambition Salon 7611

SHIP/AREA: STREET NAME & NO: Kuiseb Kahimemwa NguvauvaStreet.

IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme,noticeishereby giventhatI/we,theundersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: AmbitionSalon.

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 105, Civic Centre.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalofthisapplication, mustlodgesuchobjection,togetherwithgroundsthereof,withthe General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandtheapplicant,inwriting,notlater than21March2025.

NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: Selma Iyambo, PrivateBag5014,WalvisBay pohambashidute@gmail.com

LocalAuthority: ChiefExecutiveOfficer MunicipalityofWalvisBay PrivateBag5017 WalvisBay lkahona@walvisbaycc.org.na 0642013201



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TraditionalDoctor Moyo Tiredofrunningupand down,goingeverywhere butnotachievingyour realgoals,hereisyour doctortoprove everythingforyou.He helpswithdifferenttypes ofproblemssuchascourt cases,loveaffairs, marriageproblems,weak erectionswhichisunable tosatisfyyourwoman, vaginatightnessforman tofeelalwaysattractedto youhouseproblems,all typesoftransmitted sickness,highblood pressure,asthma, headaches,chestpains, chasingofbadluck spirits,jobproblems,stop loverfromcheatingyou [manorwoman]Business improvements,alltypes ofgoodluck.pregnancy problems,haveprotected life,nevergiveupyour life,yourdoctorishereto cleanseandliftyouup. Comeat471Mandume YaNdemufayoStreet MondesaSwakopmundor call: DrMoyo0813395913


1 Bedr., 1 bathr

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JOBWANTED: I am a 34 year old lady looking for domestic work in Langstrand & Walvis Bay Mondays to Fridays. I can start anytime. Contact:0816341138


I am a young lady looking for domestic work. Once a week and Saturdays. I have all relevant experience. Walvis Bay. I can start anytime. Contact:0814101966




Ekis‘n51jarigevrou dringendopsoeknaenige huiswerkvir3daeof‘n weekofinslaapwerknetin Swakopmund. Kontak:0816928847

JOBWANTED: Iama23yearold hardworkingladylookingfor waitressorcashieringwork inSwakopmundonly Contact:0813710623


Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal. Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent. I, Gerhard Smith, over the age of twenty-one years, competent with first-hand knowledge, do state that I have never, nor am I now, nor will I ever be in the future liable for any debts incurred by GERHARD SMITH (or any derivative thereof).

I am not now, nor ever have been, the surety for GERHARD SMITH.

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ThedoctorisinWalvis Baywith40years experienceandhasdone wondersandgreatthings inmanySADC countries,suchas bringingbacklostlovers in4days.Removalof badluck,verytoughand challengingcourtcases, bindingyourloveandto beyouronly Andtoget aman/womanyouwant ofyourchoice.

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VACANCIES Stop Electric CC Sales Person Stock Controller Requirements: • Males + females between 18 - 35 years.

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WERKGESOEK: Ek is opsoek na huiswerk vir heelweek of paar dae ‘n week. Kan ook agter bejaardes en kinders kyk. Kan enige tyd begin. Kontak:0818032324


Ek is opsoek na huiswerk in Walvisbaai of Swakopmund, Langstrand. Ek kan enige tyd begin. Maandag tot Vrydag. Kontak:0816987077

JOBWANTED: Iama35yearoldlady lookingfordomesticworkin WalvisBay,Narravilleand Meersig.Cleaningand ironing.MondaystoFridays. Contact:0814458884

JOBWANTED: I am a 41 year old lady looking for hospitality work. I have level 2 in Hospitality and Tourism. I can do domestic work for 2 days a week or if anyone can hire me permanently Contact:0818929233


I am a 38 year old lady looking for domestic work, I have experience in housekeeping, domestic work and taking care of kids. Contact:0812496263

JOBWANTED: A 42 year old lady is looking for work in Walvis Bay, general work, sales consultant, filling I have experience for seven years. Very neat and responsible. Contact:0812002497

WERKGESOEK: Ek is opsoek na huiswerk vir ‘n week of 3 dae ‘n week in Walvisbaai. Kontak:0816215178


Ekisdringendopsoekna2 daesewerkie.Kantoor skoonmaakofhuiswerk. DinsdaeenDonderdae. Ekhet11jaarondervinding. Kontak:0818719410


I'm a 31-year-old man in Walvis Bay, looking for driving job. I have code C1 driving license with a valid GP. Even a taxi on contract. Contact:0812219424

JOBWANTED: I am a 29-year-old hardworking and trustworthy lady looking for domestic, restaurant, or bar lady work in Swakopmund. Ready to start immediately Contact:0812025724

JOBWANTED: Iama37yearoldlady lookingfordomesticwork for3days,Tuesday, WednesdayandThursdayin Swakopmund.Iamreadyto startassoonaspossible.

Contact:0812351375/ 0817902640

JOBWANTED: Iama20yearold hardworkingandpunctual ladyinsearchofanykindof jobpreferablyin Swakopmund,suchas waitering,babysittingor housekeeping.Ihaverecent experienceintheabove mentioned.Thisistosaveup forfurtherstudies,Iam willingtostartimmediately forawholeweekorselected days.


JOBWANTED: Averyreliableand hardworking25yearoldlady islookingforcleaning, laundry(washingand ironing),windowwashing andallotherhouserelated workinSwakopmund. Refershousecallsperday neededor2timesperweek basis.

ContactTasha:081479 1562

WERKGESOEK: Betroubarevrouisopsoekna huiswerkvir2,3of 5dae perweekinSwakopmund, Nonidas,Rössmundof Langstrand.Ekstrykbaie mooi,liefvirkindersen honde,ekkanookoumense omsien.

Kontak:0816575018 Johanna

WERKGESOEK: SaraDampferisopsoekna huiswerkofkantoor skoonmaakwerkin Swakopmundofbuite Swakopmund,ekisbaie betroubaarenhardwerkend, ekhelpgraagwanneerek gevraword.


WERKGESOEK: Ekisopsoeknahuiswerkof kantoorskoonmaakwerkin Swakopmundvir3daeper weekof‘nheleweek,ekkan kindersookoppas,ekrook ofdrinknie.

Kontak:0858101081/ 0815577685

JOBWANTED: 2 ladies looking for any kind of work in Walvis Bay Contact:0812605995 0814213292

JOBWANTED: Anykindofcleaningorcare givingwork.MondaysFridays. WalvisBay Contact:0813338393

Gerhard Smith



K I R I N F R I E N D S H I P I N V E S T M E N T S c c proposes to undertake exploration activities for Base and Rare Metals on Mining Claims (75554 75553, 75552, 75551 and 75550) in Kunene region.

E N V I R O N M E N T A L COMPLIANCE: Before undertaking these activities, there is a need for compliance to requirements under the Environmental Management Act (No. 7 of 2007) and its EIA Regulations (GN. 4878 of 06 February 2012). For this reason, Consultants were appointed to support application for the Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC).

PUBLIC NOTICE: This Public Notice is published in terms of Regulation 21(a) in the EIARegulations.


PARTICIPATE: Interested & Affected Parties (IAPs) are notified to register in order to receive information about this proposed project by contacting the below Lead Environmental Assessment Practitioner Envirodu Consulting & Training Solutions cc P. O. Box 4120, Swakopmund Email: ecutscc@gmail.com or leadeap@ecutsnamibia. com Website: www.ecutsnamibia.com


T H E P R O P O N E N T proposes to undertake exploration activities for Base and Rare Metals on Mining Claims (75554, 75553, 75552, 75551 and 75550) in Kunene region.

E N V I R O N M E N T A L COMPLIANCE: Before u n d e r t a k i n g t h e s e activities, there is a need for c o m p l i a n c e t o requirements under the E n v i r o n m e n t a l Management Act (No. 7 of 2 0 0 7 ) a n d i t s E I A Regulations (GN. 4878 of 06 February 2012). For this reason, Consultants were appointed to support a p p l i c a t i o n f o r t h e Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC).

PUBLIC NOTICE: This Public Notice is published in terms of Regulation 21(a) in the EIARegulations.


PARTICIPATE: Interested & Affected Parties (IAPs) are notified to register in order to receive information about this proposed project by contacting the below

Lead Environmental Assessment Practitioner Envirodu Consulting & Training Solutions cc P. O. Box 4120, Swakopmund Email: ecutscc@gmail.com or leadeap@ecutsnamibia.c om Website: www.ecutsnamibia.com


Email all your news to newsdesk@namibtimes.net or call Eileen van der Schyff at 081 833 1913

Sharlien Tjambari at 081 325 9372 or mail to: sharlien@namibtimes.net

Marshallino Beukes at 081 491 8149 or mail to: journalist3@namibtimes.net

Rudi Bowe at 081 725 8066 or mail to: journalist5@namibtimes.net


CONSENT: Self Catering Unit ON ERFNO: 1458 TOWN-SHIP/AREA: Meersig STREETNAME&NO:AstronautStreet

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof WalvisBayforpermissiontoerect/establishon thesitea/an:SelfCateringUnit.

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this applicationmaybeobtainedatTownPlanning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, togetherwithgroundsthereof,withtheGeneral Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the applicant, in writing, not later than 21 March2025.




StewartPlanningintendstoapplytotheMunicipalityofSwakopmund,andtheMinistryofUrbanandRuralDevelopment forthefollowing:

1.Erf808Swakopmund(cornerofAntonLubowskiandNathanael Maxuilili Street): Rezoning from Single Residential withadensityof1:900m²toGeneralBusinesswithabulkof 2.0,andconsentforaBed&Breakfast.

2. Erf 9639 Swakopmund Extension 18 (Chobe Street): Rezoning from General Residential 2 with a density of 1:100m²toGeneralResidential1withadensityof1:100m², andconsentforalicensedhotel.

The aforementioned applications are submitted in terms of the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme (as amended), and the UrbanandRegionalPlanningAct,2018(ActNo.5of2018).

Therezoningoflandzonedresidentialtobusinessisalisted activity,andapplicationforanEnvironmentalClearanceCertificate will be made in terms of the Environmental ManagementAct,2007(No.7of2007).


(a) the background information document for each applicationliesopenforinspectionattheTownPlanningDepartment of the Municipality of Swakopmund, corner of RakotokaandDanielKamboStreet,Swakopmund. Anelectronic copycanberequestedfromMrsMelissaKroon:melissa@sp. com.na;

(b) any person having comments or objections to the application,mayinwritinglodgesuchobjectionsandcomments, together with the grounds thereof, with the Chief Executive OfficeroftheMunicipalityofSwakopmundandwithStewart Planningwithin14daysofthelastpublicationofthisnotice; (c)Writtenobjectionsmustbesubmittedbeforeoron17:00 Friday,28March2025.

LocalAuthority: ChiefExecutiveOfficer MunicipalityofSwakopmund POBox53Swakopmund jheita@swkmun.com.na 0644104403

Applicant: StewartPlanning Town&RegionalPlanners POBox2095WalvisBay melissa@sp.com.na 064280773


Noticeisherebygivenintermsofsection63(2)(b)ofthe Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992), that the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to sell, by closed bidding,erf6232WalvisBaytoHarbourfound(Pty)Ltd.

DESCRIPTION AREA(m²) PURCHASE PRICE EXCLUDING 15%VAT(N$) Erf 6232 Walvis Bay 62,080 41,310,000

Full particulars pertaining to the sale will lie for inspection by interested persons until *Tuesday25 March 2025 at room 45, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond.FormoreinformationMrsSelmaSatchipia can be contacted at telephone (064) 2013232 during officehours

Any person objecting to the proposed sale, may in writing lodge an objection together with the grounds/motivation thereof, to the Manager: Housing and Properties at the above address or to Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, before or on Monday,31March 2024 at12:00.




Email: jmanale@walvisbayccorgna


CONSENT: Catering ON ERF NO: 4814

TOWNSHIP/AREA: Walvis Bay STREET NAME&NO:HannaMupetamiStreet.

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:Catering.

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant, in writing, not later than 21 March 2025.



CONSENT: Accommodation Establishment (BedandBreakfast)ONERFNO:967TOWNSHIP/AREA: Meersig STREET NAME & NO:HouseNo.12,PoineerStreet,Meersig.

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:Bed&Breakfast.

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant, in writing, not later than 28 March 2025.


Dune and Tide Guesthouse CC, P O Box 607, Windhoek email:info@asset-ware.com



34th Rössing Marathon Attracts Over 3 000 Athletes

The 34th Rössing marathon set to take place on Saturday this weekend in Swakopmund, will attract over 3 000 local and international runners who will participateinthisiconicevent.

The Rössing Marathon a popular a road running event that attracts runners of all skill levels, is organised by Rössing Uranium in collaboration with the Swakop Striders running club and takes place annually in Swakopmund. The event will feature a full 42.2km marathon, as well as shorter distances,includinga21.1kmhalfmarathonanda 10km run, catering to a wide range of abilities as well as a 5km fun walk in support of the Cancer AssociationofNamibia.Themarathon,oneofthe Corporate Social Responsibility events, hosted at the beginning of the year has become a popular event on Namibia's sporting calendar, drawing runners of all skill levels, from seasoned professionals to enthusiastic amateurs The marathon promotes health, community

engagement,andaplatformforathletestoexcel.It's also a qualifying event for the Two Oceans MarathonandComradesMarathoninSouthAfrica.

Rossing Corporate Communication manager, Daylight Ekandjo, said that this year's marathon promises to be bigger and better than ever, with participants from around the country and world ready to conquer the course and make history According to Ekandjo, this year's edition of the Rössing marathon is a remarkable milestone. “We at RössingUraniumareexcitedtowelcomeallthe runnerstothecoastaltownandarereadytomakeit a memorable event for both new and returning runners”Ekandjoadded.“Weencouragefamiliesto comeoutinnumberstosupportthisnobleinitiative ofthe5kmfunwalk,”Ekandjosaid.

Top-flight Fistball League


For the first time in 57 years the Fistball Association of Namibia (FAN) will not have a top-flight league.

This Fistball Association of Namibia (FAN) announced earlier this week that after 2020 (due to the pandemic),therewillbe no Fistball league for this year for the second timeintheassociation's 57-year history This unprecedented decision comes after the league failed to appoint a leaguecommissioner;a key position responsible for overseeing the competition. As a result,FANwillinstead organise multiple tournaments throughout the year The first tournament is scheduledfor8Marchatthe SFC Sports Field in Swakopmund The tournamentwillseetwo teams each from SFC and CFC, with 3 teams

from SKW that will faceeachotherintheA category whilst the B category will consist of CFC, a team from the host SFC and 2 teams from SKW Newly crowned opening cup champions, CFC 1, is considered the top favourite to win the tournament and opening tournament runnerup, CFC 3, the green whites, the fourth team from SKW, can also have legitimate hopes of winning the tournament Furthermore, the SFC juniors will play against the guests from Windhoek, CFC, in the U/13 category andwillserve as preparation for the highly anticipated Old Crocks Cup, set to take place at SKW This prestigious international event will welcome16nationsand feature competitions in the over-40, over-50, and over-60 age categories. FAN media representative, Helmo Minz expressed frustration over the league's

suspension, emphasising that this was the first time it has happened since 1968. Minz said, “It's sad and embarrassing that we won't have a fullyfledgedleaguethisyear Wetriedourbesttofind a league commissioner, but despite advertising thepositionandholding management meetings, no one stepped forward totaketheposition.”He stated that even at the recent annual general meeting (AGM), the association urged members to nominate a candidate for the role, but no one volunteered. When asked how the lack of a league might

impact players, the representative admitted uncertainty “I don't know how this will affect players' fitness levels and overall performance,” he added. “However, we will still participate in various international tournaments, so we'll have to wait and see how our performances are affected,” Minz said Meanwhile, the association will have other major tournaments, during the year like the Cohen Cup, which is slated for October, while the national championshipsissetfor the weekend of 8 to 10 November

Namibia to host Fistball Old Crocks Cup

Namibian Women's Cricket Team Set for Uganda Women's Day Cup

After 12 years of hosting an international Fistball event in Namibia, the Namibian Fistball Association are ready and happy to host the 2025 Old CrocksCup2025inSwakopmundandWindhoekontwoseparateweekends. About23FistballteamfromNamibia, Germany,Austria,Switzerlandandthe USA, will compete in the over 40s, over 50s and over 60s men's age groups categories with one player in each age group being a maximum of five years younger There will be an over30scategoryforwomen,butthere arenoexceptions.ThefirstOldCrocks Cup games will take place on 12 and

13 April at the SKW Sports Field in Windhoek with the second games set for 19 and 20April at the SFC Sports Field in Swakopmund. The Namibian Fistballmen'ssquadwillmeetagainon Sunday for a training camp in Swakopmund. The provisional squad consists of 27 players, of whom 8 are activeinGermany

The Namibian squad, is ready to compete in a high-stakes quadrangular tournament against host Uganda, Hong Kong, and Nepal in T20 International (T20I)matches,withthe aim of improving their global T20I rankings Namibia's women's cricket development pathway has been thriving, producing a solid mix of young, promising players alongside seasoned senior stars. The squad heading to Uganda reflects this balance, ensuring the team remains competitive The Capricorn Eagles currently ranked 17th in the women's world T20 cricket ranking, Namibia is keen to build on this momentum The tournament in Uganda presents an exciting rematch against Hong Kong, as well as a renewed challenge against Uganda, a team theylastfacedduringthe ICC Women's T20 World CupAfrica Qualifier.DeputyMinisterof Sport, Youth and National Service, Dr Emma KantemaGaomas, praised the team's dedication and highlighted their growing impact on Namibian sport Dr KantemaGaomascommendedthe Eagles for their achievements and their role in inspiring young

athletes across Namibia. Dr Kantema-Gaomas said, “Capricorn Eagles, your journey is one of perseverance and passion. You have shown young girls across our country that with hard work and determination, they, too, can represent Namibia on the global stage. We are incredibly proud of you.” She also acknowledged Capricorn Group's pivotal role in the growth of women's cricket in Namibia “Strong partnerships are crucial in advancing sport, and Capricorn Group has demonstrated outstanding commitment to empowering women in cricket Dr KantemaGaomas encouraged the national women's team to compete confidently and determinedly “Play with heart, resilience, and belief in your abilities You have already made us proud, andNamibiastandswith you every step of the way Travel safely, give it your all, and let the Namibianflagflyhigh.”

Dr Kantema-Gaomas stated that the Namibian government remains committed to cricket development, having invested N$ 2.5 million in the National Cricket Sports Grounds and allocated N$ 3.1 million to Cricket Namibia for the 2024/2025 financial year Cricket Namibia

CEO Johan Muller said thattheCapricornGroup has been instrumental in elevating women's cricket in Namibia “Their continued support is helping us buildastrongfoundation for future generations of players.” Muller stated that Namibia recently earned One Day International(ODI)statusand now ranks 17th in the world. He added that Namibia will play the ICC Africa World Cup qualifiers for the ICC Women'sT20WorldCup in 2026. “The country is also set to host a major ICCtournamentfrom31 August to 7 September 2025, further cementing its place on the global cricket map,” Muller said With a mix of experienced players and emerging young talent, theCapricornEaglesare determinedtomaketheir markontheinternational stage the Namibian squad that will represent the country at the UCA Women's Day Cup are Suné Wittmann (c); Yasmeen Khan (vc); Wilka Mwatile; Mekelaye Mwatile; Arrasta Diergaardt; Leigh-Marie Visser; Eveleen Kejarukua; KayleenGreen;Mezerly Gorases;EdellevanZyl; Sylvia Shihepo; Saima Tuhadeleni; Naomi Benjamin;BiancaM

The Namibian National Women's Cricket Team the 'Capricorn Eagles' willbecompetingattheUgandaCricketAssociation(UCA)Women'sDay Cupscheduledtotakeplacefrom8-16MarchinUganda.
Rudi Bowe
Rudi Bowe
Rudi Bowe
Rudi Bowe

namib times Sport

Four Young Coastal Cricket Players Off to Nigeria

FouryoungcoastalCricketplayersareincludedintheNamibiaU19Men'steamsettorepresentTheLandoftheBraveattheRegionalWorldCup Qualifiersfrom26Marchto6AprilinLagosNigeria.

TheseplayersareRowanVanVuurenfromWalvis Bay Private School, Junior Taanyanda and Max HeingofromFlamingoHighSchoolinWalvisBay with Dan Brassell and Ben Brassell from Pro-Ed Akademie in Swakopmund. The U19 Eagles will be competing against host Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania The six participating teams at the Africa Regional Qualifiers are vying for a spot in the World Cup, joining the 11 Full Member cricket nations that have automatically qualified for the event in ZimbabweandNamibia.Asquadof14Namibian playershavebeenselectedafteraperiodofintense training,monitoring,andtrackingbytheselectors.

The Namibian U19 World Cub qualifying squad areAdriaanCoetzee(CricketNamibiaSportsand Leadership Centre), Ben Brassell (Pro-Ed Akademie), Dan Brassell (Pro-Ed Akademie), Erik Lintvelt (Windhoek Afrikaans Private School),FafDuPlessis(WindhoekGymnasium), HenryGrant(StPaulsCollege),JancoEngelbrecht (Gobabis Gymnasium), Junior Taanyanda

(FlamingoHighSchool),LiamBasson(PaulRoos Gymnasium), Luca Micillo (Windhoek Afrikaans Private School), Max Heingo (Flamingo High School), Rowan Van Vuuren (Walvis Bay Private School), Tiaan van der Merwe (Windhoek Gymnasium), Waldo Smith (Windhoek Gymnasium).

Coastal Rugby Clubs in Action


Walvis Bay based Oceans Rugby Club and Sparta United Rugby Club are fully prepared for the new season that will commence tomorrow in Windhoek and Okahandja.

Oceans Rugby Club will be targeting consistency during the 2025 NRU) Domestic First Division North League which will get underway on Saturday, 8 March, with the team from Walvis Bay headingtoWindhoektotackle2024Frist DivisionrunnerupsVipersRugbyClubat the Parkies Sports Field in Pioneerspark, Windhoek.The2021NRUDomesticFirst Division champions, Sparta United

Rugby Club f Okahandja High- acing landersRugbyClubintheiropeninggame away from home is a at Okahandja Park dauntingtask,butforSpartaUnited,itisa goldenopportunitytostartwithabangand makeaboldstatementastheyareoneteam whoneednoreminderofwhytheyshould perform well in the 2025 season. The Namibian Rugby Premier (NRU) First Division North League consist of the two coastal clubs Oceans Rugby Club and Sparta United Rugby Club, Etosha Lions from Tsumeb, Okahandja Highlanders Rugby Club from Okahandja with the Namibian University of Science and Technology and Vipers Rugby Club from Windhoek. Bothgameswillkickoffat15:00.

Coastal SSFD Teams in Action

The two coastal football teams from Walvis Bay will be in action in the Namibian Football Association's (NFA) SouthernStreamFirstDivision(SSFD)LeagueonSaturday andSundayinOranjemund.

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WalvisBaybasedteams Eleven Arrows FC that finished in the third on thelogwith38pointsin the 2023/2024 NFA's SSFD will be in action on Saturday, 8 March whilst Blue Birds FC that were promoted to the SSFD after topping the playoffs group with 10 points last year, will be in action on Sunday, 9 March. Both teams will play against Oranjemund FC at the Oranjemund Stadium on Saturday and Sunday at 15:00 and 11:00 respectively The full fixtures for this w

as follows: Saturday 8 March Friends FC vs Mariental Sport Club (RehoStadium–Rehoboth) O&L Ramblers FC vs Latinos FC

(Ramblers Stadium –Windhoek) Try Again FC vs Black Africa FC (J.StephanusStadium–Keetmanshoop) Oranjemund FC vs Eleven Arrows FC (Oranjemund Stadium –Oranjemund) Sunday 09 March Friends FC vs Latinos FC (Reho Stadium–Rehoboth) O&L Ramblers FC vs Mariental Sport Club (Ramblers Stadium –Wi

Eleven FC vs Black AfricaFC(J.Stephanus S

jemund FC vs Blue Birds FC (Oranjemund Stadium – Oranjemund)

Max Heingo, Junior Taanyanda from Flamingo High School) and Rowan Van Vuuren (Walvis Bay Private School) are included in the U19 World Cup Qualifier
Dan Brassell and Ben Brassell from Pro-Ed Akademie are included in the U19 World Cup Qualifier
Rudi Bowe
Rudi Bowe
Rudi Bowe

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