11 aug namib times e edition

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SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6478 TUESDAY 11 AUGUST 2015 Tel +264 64 205 854/+264 64 461 866/Fax +264 64 204 813/+264 64 461 824/Website www.namibtimes.net


"Stop feeding economic crimes market" - NamPol

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Koorghoeroe Ena Venter, saam met Ailly Namupala en Theodore Cookson van die Mascato-jeugkoor

G4S slaggereed vir vakansie

Musiek, Liefde en Eer vir Koorghoeroe Ena Venter

Maria Davel-Wallis Ena Venter is ‘n wêreldbekende op die gebied van koormusiek, en een van Namibië se groot musiekgeeste, wat ‘n besondere rol gespeel het in honderde Namibiese koorkinders se lewens aan die kus en ook op Nasionale vlak. Sy het op 3 Augustus haar 82e verjaarsdag gevier. Sondagmiddag het ‘n groep oud-koorlede en bestaande koorlede van die Mascato-jeugkoor, wat sy in 1996 in Swakopmund as afgetrede musiekonderwyser in die lewe geroep het, alles eenkant toe gestoot om by haar te wees, en om aan haar hulde te bring. Tannie Ena, soos sy by almal bekend en geliefd is, het in Januarie 2012 'n groot beroerte gehad wat die regterkant van haar liggaam beskadig het, en nadat sy ‘n tyd lank in haar huis deur haar vertroueling, Bertha Goases, versorg is, is sy sedert Desember 2013 ‘n inwoner van His House in Walvisbaai, waar sy 24-uur versorging geniet. “Sy is onder die wakende oog van gekwalifiseerde dokters en susters en ontvang baie liefde en ver-

sorging van His House se personeel, sê haar dogter, Hesta-Marie VenterHerbst, ook van Walvisbaai. Sy sê sy en haar suster Augusta van der Merwe het in samewerking met His House en Mascato die partytjie vir Sondag gereël, “want ons het gevoel dat elke verjaarsdag en elke Kersfees 'n baie spesiale dag moet wees vir haar.” En spesiaal was dit beslis. Benewens kinders en familie wat so ver as Suid-Afrika gekom het om die mylpaal met haar te deel, het ou vriende ook opgedaag, of aan namib times geskryf om in dié artikel aan haar hulde te bring. In Julie het Anton en Retha Kruger, bekendes in Namibië en nou van Kaapstad, spesiaal vir haar kom opsoek, en Retha het daarna in ‘n Vervolg op bladsy 2

Mascato toe nog o.l.v. Ena Venter

Bladsy 4

Breaking ground for the new factory

N$225 million Horse Mackerel Factory for Walvis Bay

Mel Botes in Swakopmund

Leandrea Louw

The groundbreaking ceremony of the Atlantic Pacific Fishing Factory was officiated by the Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Mr Bernhard Esau on Friday in Walvis Bay. Atlantic Pacific Fishing Factory is a joint venture of which 51% is owned by Namibian long term Horse Mackerel rights holders, Hefdy Group of Companies, Joka Two Fishing and Namibian Seaweed Processing. The

remaining 49% is owned by Brandberg Namibia Investment Company held by the China Fishery Group, a subsidiary of Pacific Andes International Limited, based in Hong Kong. In his remarks, Ret. Gene-

ral Raongo Andima, one of the Directors of Atlantic Fishing Company said ‘APF remains committed to the sustainable utilisation of our fisheries and marine resource and the long term success of not only our company, but

Bladsy 7

also of our national economy. The groundbreaking ceremony is the reflection of our determination to add value to horse mackerel and in the process to create desperately needed jobs for our people.” Continues on page 2

Doodling for Doloris

Tweeling sterf in vlammesee

Page 10

Spotlight on Shago

Marshallino Beukes Die gemeenskap van die DRC informele nedersetting in Swakopmund is in skok en rou gedompel nadat ‘n agt maande-oue tweeling Sondagaand in ‘n plakkershut-brand omgekom het. Volgens die Swakopmundbrandweer het hulle die noodoproep ongeveer 20:50 Sondagaand ontvang en hulle na die toneel gehaas. Ongelukkig was daar niks wat hulle op daardie stadium kon doen om die babas te red nie, en hulle kon slegs die vlamme blus. Die plakkershut het tot as verbrand. Die tweeling dogtertjies, Grace en Rejoyce Ankonga, was blykbaar alleen in

die plakkershut, vas aan die slaap, toe die brand uitgebreek het. Volgens die polisiewoordvoerder, Hoofinspekteur Erastus Iikwuyu het hul ma agterna aangedui dat sy net vinnig na die bure was. Sy het skynbaar ook genoem daar geen brandende kers of lamp ten tye van die brand in die woning was nie. Die oorsaak van die brand word ondersoek, aangesien die spesifieke area nie oor

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Young gynmnasts wow spectators elektrisiteit beskik nie. Die polisiewoordvoerder het ook aangedui dat die uitslag van die ondersoek verdere stappe sal bepaal. Volgens die amptelike polisieverslag het die brand omstreeks 20:00 ontstaan. “Hoeveel onskuldige mense, veral kinders, moet nog

sterf voordat daar iets drasties gedoen gaan word om plakkershutte heeltemal uit te skakel en vir inwoners ordentlike woonplekke te skep?” het ‘n diep beswaarde Swakopmund-inwoner gister gevra.

Page 24


11 AUGUST 2015

Musiek, Liefde en Eer vir Ena Venter Vervolg vanaf bladsy 1 pragtige brief hulde aan nooit kwaad gesien nie Musiek, Liefde en Eer… SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958

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haar gebring as een musikus en kollega aan ‘n ander: Sy is ‘n ware dame met integriteit. Sy kon die kinders inspireer en was streng, maar baie liefdevol! Sy het ook altyd na nuwe musiek gesoek waaraan sy die koor en die gehore kon blootstel. Ek kon ook later saam met haar die eerste Philip McLachlan Koorwerkswinkel in Johannesburg bywoon. Daarna was ons albei op die komitee wat die vierde Philip McLachlan koorwerkswinkel in Windhoek beplan het. As begeleidster van die Jeugkoor, het ek beleef hoe dit is wanneer ‘n koor, die koorleidster en begeleier in perfekte harmonie saamkom. ‘n Onvergeetlike ervaring!” Nóg ‘n jarelange kollega, Philippina Carstens, wat ook Sondag kom kuier het, sê hulle pad kronkel ook al baie lank saam. “Ons is al vriendinne vanaf 1970 toe ek en my man Willie in haar klein groepie in Windhoek gesing het. Daarna het ons saam kursusse en wêreldsimposiums bygewoon in Minneapolis, Wenen, Salzburg, Den Haag en Friedenburg. In al die jare het ek Ena

en ook nie hoor kwaadpraat van iemand nie. Sy is 'n mens met integriteit en baie lief vir haar medemens. Mascato en elke kind in die koor het nog altyd baie na aan haar hart gelê. Dit was vir haar 'n wonderlike ervaring om die kinders op te hef en vir hulle iets te probeer beteken. Die Here haar op die pad gebring van hierdie puik groep wat vele unieke ervaringe gehad het in die buiteland en baie hoog aangeskryf was aldaar. Daar is nie baie koorleiers van haar kaliber wat soveel ervaring en kennis besit nie – ook van die Namibiese tradisionele musiek.” Sondagmiddag het ontvou in vreugde – die vreugde van saamwees, van onthou, en van erkenning gee aan iemand wat soveel tyd, kennis van en liefde vir koormusiek aan soveel van die Namibiese jeug oorgedra het. Toe die klanke van die pragtige lied, Meguru, in Tannie Ena se kamer soos ‘n gebed opgeklink het, en baie onbeskaamd trane weggepink het, oor die mooi, en die saamwees, en die dankbaarheid, was daar drie woorde wat in die hart kom lê het.

baie van die koorlede het na die tyd ook hulde aan haar gebring op skrif - dit deel namib times graag op ons Facebook-blad met almal. Die boodskap wat die Mascato-jeukoor aan ons gestuur het deel ons in Engels: The month of August marks the birthday of many iconic people in Namibia, legends, heroes. Mrs Venter even shares a birthday with our President Honourable Hage Geingob. Mrs Venter is a remarkable Woman, a mother to many, a teacher, an icon in the choral industry, she goes by many names, many titles, however here she is the BIRTHDAY GIRL!! Our HEROINE. MRS VENTER, you are a woman admired for your courage, outstanding achievements, and noble qualities and still quoted for what you believed in and stood for. From Theodore, Ailly and the rest of the Mascato Choir and the rest of the retired Mascatos – “once a Mascato always a Mascato” May your life tinkle with golden shimmer, that adds a special glow. WE LOVE YOU DEARLY.

NEWS DESK Maria Davel-Wallis Cell +264 81 479 9844 newsdesk@namibtimes.net JOURNALISTS Madelaine Laubscher Cell +264 81 150 6887 madelaine@namibtimes.net Leandrea Louw leandrea@namibtimes.net Cell +264 81 621 7807 Liesl Losper journalist1@namibtimes.net Cell +264 81 448 0749 Mavourlene Gaes Cell +264 81 676 0872 SPORT sport@namibtimes.net

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Van die oud-koorlede van Mascato wat spesiaal gekom het vir Tannie Ena Venter se verjaarsdag-geselligheid

N$25 million Horse Mackerel Factory for Walvis Bay Continued from page 1 He says they are committed to help develop Namibia’s fishing industry in ways which ensure that there is immediate and long term benefit to the Namibian people and at the same time harness expertise of minority partners with long term fishing expertise. “This enables the all-important transfer skills to local workers and over times the ‘Namibianisation’ of the industry. APF practises strong corporate governance, and our offices in Walvis Bay are entirely managed by Namibian employees. One of our key objectives is to progressively train local crew. A further aim is to nurture a pool of Namibian workers with the potential to be trained for higher positions, including marine officers. Since it commenced operation in 2013 Atlantic Pacific Fishing has created over 120 Namibian jobs through its fishing and another ancillary operations. Once the new factory is completed, the company will create approximately 500 jobs including sea-going personnel”. He says as Namibian investors they have decided to invest part of the Horse Mackerel quota of the three Quota holders in the establishment of the new factory. “In so doing, we have sacrificed short term gain for long term benefits. The new factory, once completed will be in line with Government initiative to add value as well as provide much needed job opportunities to Namibians.” In his remarks, Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Mr Bernhard Esau, said the opening

of the Fishing Factory is “indeed a positive and welcome development in Namibia’s fishing sector. The sector continues to be an important pillar of our national economy and contributes to Government revenue in terms of taxes and royalties. It is also one of the significant employers in the country along with many local companies that provide services to the fishing industry. In this context we view the envisaged construction of the APF factory as a significant development n our economy. Our Government is committed to the sustainable utilisation of our natural resources for the benefit of our people, by encouraging win-win partnerships between Namibians and foreign investors.” Mr Alan Louw along with the Namibia Marine Resources have jointly agreed to utilise the land with APF. The factory is situated along the ocean, with access to a jetty. The Minister, Mr Bernhard Esau said that the construction of the AFP factory is a commendable response to the Government's call for creating capital investment and job creation in Namibia’s fishing sector. “It is imperative that opportunities are opened up for the exploitation of and value addition to our fishing resources. The development, exploitation and value addition to the fisheries resources is indeed key when viewed in the context of our overall national development goals. We are fully aware of the prevailing economic conditions and the challenges within the fisheries sector and will

continue to do our best to respond to the challenges in the most appropriate manner. We will continue to evaluate and review our policies in order to remain abreast of the global economic development that has an impact on our economy. It is particularly important that our initiatives to attract investors into the fishing sector remain competitive and responsive to the needs of local and international investors.” “No one else will develop Namibia, but Namibians themselves. Therefore as Namibians we should be at the forefront of finding homegrown solutions to resolve the challenges that our nation faces. Let us work together as a team to combat poverty, unemployment and under development in our country.” The Minister also mentioned that the Fisheries Policy and Marine Resources Act is currently being reviewed. Atlantic Pacific Fisheries Factory also made a N$20 million investment in the vessel, the FV Leader which will be fishing in Namibian waters. In her welcoming remarks, Mayor of Walvis Bay, Ms Uilika Nambahu said that the groundbreaking of the Atlantic Pacific Fishing Factory is a clear vote of confidence of investment for Walvis Bay as well as Namibia. Special Advisor to the Governor of the Erongo Region, Ms Bobby Kandjala, spoke on behalf of the Governor Mr Cleophas Mutjavikua and urged the directors of the APF Factory to “involve the youth of our society in the employment of the factory.”

Minister praises work of Namibia Fish Consumption Promotion Trust Mavourlene !Gaës

The Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources lauded the Namibia Fish Consumption Promotion Trust (NFCPT) in his official speech at the launch of the National Fish Consumption Day at a local hotel in Walvis Bay on Friday. Esau says the Namibia Fish Consumption Promotion Trust remains a key driver in ensuring that Namibia as a country, becomes a success story that overturns the status quo, of being one of the lowest fish consuming countries in Africa, despite having flourishing fish resources. “We are moving in the right direction, as the Namibia Fish Consumption Promotion Trust has distributed 7 300 Metric Tonnes in 2014 compared to, a mere 500 Metric Tonnes in 2001.” He says it is his desire to witness the NFCPT playing a leading role in the enhancement of food security, the alleviation of poverty, the improvement of livelihoods and especially within rural communities. “The National Fish Consumption Day is indeed a vehicle that can positively impact the lives of many Namibians and in so doing, enhance their quality of life.” Esau has confirmed the Re-

public of Namibia’s commitment to ensure that the fishing sector remains one of the pillars of the Namibian economy. “It is against this backdrop, which we are currently in extensive consultations to review the Marine Resources Act of 2000 and the Marine Resources Policy that came into effect in August 2004. We as government want to ensure that our Namibian fish resources are protected and stand to benefit the local populace in particular and the global market in general.” According to the minister the Namibia Fish Consumption Promotion Trust has been pro-active in finding innovative mechanisms to fulfil their mandate, the National Fish Consumption Day being one such noble idea that is enjoying their full support in all aspects. “It is through this initiative that we can ensure the shared benefits of our infinite resources. The Na-

mibia Fish Consumption Promotion Trust utilises the National Fish Consumption Day to amongst other things, promote fish throughout the country, whilst at the same time imparting skills on how to prepare different fish cuisines.” Esau has also noted that the National Fish Consumption Day is embraced by all stakeholders within the fishing sector. “The government alone will not be in a position to accord these benefits to all Namibians, thus your input, contributions and support of both the Namibia Fish Consumption Promotion Trust and its annually held National Fish Consumption Day are indeed highly appreciated and valued.” Esau says the Namibia Fish Consumption Promotion Trust is responsible for the rising demand for higher value fish products that were previously only earmarked for the export

market. “I am affirmed in the notion that the National Fish Consumption Day had a role to play in the change of consumer trends. We are aware of Namibia’s vast and open landscape, as the distance between the ocean, the harbours and the major cities and towns’ is so great that it is not always easy to access fish products.” The Minister applauded the Namibia Fish Consumption Promotion Trust for their efforts in providing not only a variety of choices but, doing so at very affordable rates to all Namibians. “The importance of the National Fish Consumption Promotion Trust cannot be taken lightly as on this day, we set aside all programmes to be party to the celebrations of our unique resource, namely fish and fish by-products.” Esau further said the National Fish Consumption Day, which was celebrated on Friday, equally benefits

Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources Bernhard Esau at the launch of the National Fish Consumption Day in Walvis Bay local communities immensely through the corporate Social Responsibility initiatives. “This year we will be handing over scholarly equipment to the Otjozondjupa region, where the National Fish Consumption Day 2014 was held, and I trust that the communities that are imparted will guard this

knowledge and pass it on to their future generations.” In conclusion he has urged Namibians to bear in mind that their support being called upon is not merely as an act of patriotism. “Fish consumption indeed has nutritional value, as it is the ultimate brain power. Trust Fish, Eat Fish.”

11 AUGUST 2015



“Crime against appropriation of property still increasing due to established market''

Sergeant Ileni Shapumba writes for us:

Economic crimes such as housebreaking and theft, stock theft, general theft and robberies continue to pose threats as they are mostly promoted due to the good market for stolen property among our community. At the beginning, we should say, we are proud as a region, as we observed the significant reduction in overall crime statistics for the past three (3) financial years: 2012/2013- 6481 cases were reported 2013/2014- 6414 cases were reported 2014/2015- 5818 cases were reported and this translates to a 1,3% and 9,3% reduction in

crime in 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 respectively. However, we are positive that reduction will still be harvested, come the end of the 2015/2016 financial year. There are contributing factors to this mammoth success: Community involvement in policing activities, sharing of information and enhanced public education and, above

all, effective policing. However, crimes of concern remain: · Housebreaking and theft · Attempted murder · Passion killing · Stock theft and illegal hunting · Drugs and alcohol related crime · Domestic violence which include rape cases. There are of course some causes that have been identified, but economic crimes continue to affect our communities due to an established dirty market of stolen property as well as harbouring of criminals, and by not revealing information and reporting them to the police. While many cases of housebreaking and theft prove to be real cases, there is growing concern from both police, about many of them that after investigation, prove to be fabricated with the intent to claim from insurance. We recently had a case where a man removed the property from the place to

Windhoek and pressed a charge at Tutaleni Police station, of Housebreaking and theft. Upon investigation, it was found that the man had lied under oath through the statement he submitted. This man has committed at least two crimes, theft of these properties and Perjury when he lied through the police officer (Commissioner of Oaths) by submitting a false statement under oath. We warn those who for the sake of claiming from the insurers , open false cases, that at the end of investigations, they will stand trial. The crime of theft and other crimes have recently become an organised activity, and we need to tackle that also through, the ''Turn Back Crime'' campaign that we recently launched. Nowadays, some people, some who are running being prominent businesses, are recruiting well-known criminals who steal property, such as building materials, laptops and flat screen televi-

sions, just to mention but a few, for fast cash to these people. Lack of integrity and selfrespect defines those who make themselves guilty of this! We should indicate; taking another person's property without the consent of the owner is a crime, receiving or accepting stolen property is a crime, recruiting of another to commit crime is a crime and therefore being in possession of a stolen property is a crime, and that is exactly why we say; Theft is a continuous crime. People should also remember that criminals do not keep permanent relationships of trust. Today they steal and bring to you, but tomorrow they'll steal from you and take it to another who is also supporting criminal activities. We need to kill the market. We need to work together, Police and the Community for the safety of the community and their property. Therefore, we must not

buy property of any kind that is suspected to be stolen; we report those who are selling property without proof, we need to report those who we know are buying stolen property in our neighbourhoods, to the Police. Most importantly, any private person other than a Police officer or Peace Officer is empowered by Section 42 of the Criminal Procedures Act, 51/1977 to effect an arrest. We thank those members of the public who are applying this section without fear and I challenge every one of us, that to safeguard our property and that of our fellow Namibians, let us arrest anybody suspected to have committed an offence, suspected to be involved in the commissioning of an offence, or who attempted to commit an offence in our presence. Lastly, while it's a civic duty upon every citizen to take part in policing activities through Community orientated policing, it is just good, safe and beneficial that everybody participates

in community policing. I thank our patriotic citizens, business community, churches, other Government officials, Traditional and Political Leaders, media fraternity and schools teachers and principals who play active as well as passive roles to promote safety and security which is needed in our region. We invite everyone to emulate these examples. We wish to see people joining existing neighbourhood Watch and other Community policing forums in all residential areas. The police will also appreciate greatly if all Communities would establish Neighbourhood Watch groups in order to keep away criminals.” For any problems, or if readers want to ask Sergeant Shapumba any questions relating to crime and the community, write to him at newsdesk@namibtimes.net, and mark it clearly, Att: Sergeant Shapumba, Community Policing, or phone him at 08129177798

Council rejects objection regarding N$30 000 erf Marshallino Beukes

The Swakopmund Municipality responded to questions submitted to them by namib times, last week, regarding the sale of erf 3486 for the amount of N$30 000 to the Swapo Party. The particular erf is valued at ±N$2 million. A council resolution (28 January 2014) in this regard states that “Council rejects the objection received from the

Swakopmund Residents Association.” In their latest letter Swakopmund Residents Association told the town's mayor, Cllr Nehemia Salomon, that they “completely

Swakopmund Mayor, Nehemia Salomon

deplore the proposal of this unjust act of political favouritism and on behalf of the taxpayer we protest strongly against it.” However the Municipality will submit their motivation in this regard to the Minister of Regional and Local Government, Housing and Rural Development as required in terms of Section 63 of the Local Authorities Act, Act 23 of 1992, as amended. They furthermore resolved that permission be sought from the Minister of Regional a n d L o c a l

Government, Housing and Rural Development to proceed with the sale of Erf 3486, Swakopmund to SWAPO of Namibia at a purchase price of N$30 000.00, subject to the conditions approved by Council on 27 May 2010 and 27 February 2011 and the

The old Municipal building

conditions contained in Council's revised Property Policy which include a reverting clause. Concerning the sale of the old Municipal building (erf 989 Swakopmund) to Messrs Telne Properties CC, belonging to Ms Nathalia Goagoses, fears were

also aired about possible changes which might be made to the outer appearance of this Swakopmund landmark with its historical architecture. The Municipality confirmed that the building was sold for the amount of N$17 million and noted that the

new owner was informed that the building is one of the landmarks in Swakopmund and if she wishes to change the appearance, an application should be submitted to the Heritage Council and also get Aesthetical approval.


11 AUGUST 2015

Photos contributed

“Only a miracle that they are alive” Madelaine Laubscher

A motor vehicle accident occurred Saturday night on the B2 road near Vierkantklip, when the driver of a Golf allegedly sped and crashed into the back of a bakkie occupying approximately 14 persons. into the back of the Isuzu bakkie near Vierkantklip. There were 14 occupants in the bakkie. Nine were injured of whom three were hospitalised for observation and was sent home soon after, namely one occupant from the Golf and two occupants from the bakkie,” he said. According to this spokes-

person, the accident occurred mainly due to speeding. “There was no alcohol involved. However another accident that occurred Friday morning near Henties Bay, involving a Ford Focus, was due to drunk driving. The driver lost control and rolled the car. The occupants were on their

way to Khorixas at around 10:00. The driver took the wrong road and subsequently rolled the car. When they did not arrive in Khorixas at the expected time, the people in Khorixas who were awaiting them became very worried and notified their parents in Swakopmund that they had not arrived

“We do make a difference” Madelaine Laubscher

Since the Walvis Bay Reaction Team, in conjunction with the Walvis Bay Neighbourhood Watch and Nampol have been doing crime prevention by patrolling the streets, there has been a reduction in crime-related reports in Walvis Bay. This has been a positive change. According to a spokesperson of the Walvis bay Reaction Team, they have recently noticed that burglars have changed the time of breaking-in. “The time burglars are active at the moment is from 05:00 in the morning. We suspect that it is the people walking to town that time of the morning. Apart from the burglaries in town, the complaints we receive have become less serious,” she said. According to another member of the Walvis Bay Reaction Team, the crime rates reported to them have gone down.

“We work in conjunction with Nampol and the Walvis Bay Neighbourhood Watch. Each of us patrol two hours per month, which has made a difference. We however warn the community that burglars change the times of being active and the current time is around 5:00 am. We advise people with alarm systems to activate it. We also see a lot of cars standing outside at night. Rather plan to park your car in a yard and do not leave valuable items in the car. As a team, we do make a difference. We cover the

whole of Walvis Bay and Long Beach,” he said. According to him the Walvis Bay Neighbourhood Watch initially started in 2007 and from that team, members were chosen for the Walvis Bay Reaction Team, all working in conjunction with Nampol. “We patrol voluntarily, but the two hours per month is worth it as it really makes a difference. We urge residents to become involved and to also be vigilant. We can be contacted at 081 558 1323 in case of emergencies,” he concluded.

The Walvis Bay Reaction Team emergency number that residents can call

G4S slaggereed vir vakansie-seisoen Marshallino Beukes Die manne en vroue van G4S in Swakopmund het die afgelope week aangedui dat hulle gerat is vir die komende vakansie-seisoen en ‘n duidelike boodskap van “geen verdraagsaamheid” jeens booswigte is uitgestuur.

yet. A search party was sent out on the Henties Bay/Cape Cross road. The driver and occupants were only found at approximately 15:00. Three persons were injured in the accident and taken to the state hospital. Fortunately they only sustained minor injuries,” he concluded.

The Golf and bakkie that collided Saturday night near Vierkantklip

Byna noodlottige voetganger-ongeluk in Mondesa Marshallino Beukes ‘n Inwoner van Swakopmund, Devin Kavita (21), is Sondagnamiddag omstreeks 19:00 deur ‘n voertuig raakgery, nadat die voertuig (‘n silwer Polo) blykbaar probeer het om twee ander voertuie verby te steek. Die voorval het in Mondesa, regoor All In One Bar plaasgevind. Volgens Mnr Terrence Ward van Eagle Christian Centre Ambulance Service is albei Kavita se bobene gebreek en hy het ook hoofbeserings opgedoen. Die pasiënt is na die Swakopmund Staatshospitaal gehaas, maar moes as gevolg van die erns

West Coast Safety Intiative

A spokesperson of Eagle Christian Ambulance Services said nobody was critically or fatally injured. “The occupants inside the Golf were on their way to Swakopmund from Walvis Bay around 22:00, after they attended a wedding. The driver of the Golf was speeding and crashed

Die voertuig wat die voetganger in Mondesa getref het, na die ongeluk van sy beserings later die aand na Windhoek verplaas word. Gisternamiddag is sy toestand as stabiel beskryf. Die bestuurder van ‘n voertuig met drie insittendes wat per voertuig onderweg na Khorixas was het Vrydagaand op

die pad tussen Hentiesbaai en Kaapkruis verongeluk. Die bestuurder het skynbaar beheer oor die voertuig verloor en dit het die pad verlaat en omgeslaan. Niemand is ernstig beseer nie.

Gebrek aan toiletgeriewe lei tot aanrandingsaak Marshallino Beukes

Foto duer Marshallino Beukes

Die afwesigheid van toilette in Swakopmund se DRC informele nedersetting het aanleiding gegee dat ‘n skynbaar onskuldige inwoner, wat in die middernagtelike ure noodgedwonge ‘n draai moes stap, deur sekuriteitswagte met pepersproei getakel was.

Mnr Nico Koopman (3de van regs) met van die G4S sekuriteitsbeamptes Aan die woord was mnr Nico Koopman, die sekuriteitsfirma se operasionele bestuurder in die vakansiedorp. Koopman het te kenne gegee dat hulle intussen vier nuwe fietse vir hul “Bike squad” aangeskaf het, en ‘n totaal van ses sekuriteitsbeamptes gaan voortaan per fiets, spesifiek gebiede teen die strand, patrolleer. Hy het in dieselfde asem genoem dat ‘n vroeë wandelaar, op die wandellaan vanaf die Mole, se handsak verlede week Maandagoggend omstreeks 06:00 deur ‘n grypdief geroof was.

Ongelukkig is die skelm nie vasgetrek nie, maar Koopman noem dat hulle voortaan alreeds 06:00 in die oggende op hul pos in daardie gebied gaan wees, ten einde vroeë stappers te beskerm. Mnr Koopman het ook sy kommer rakende die geweldige toename van inbrake by besigheidspersele uitgespreek. Volgens hom teiken inbrekers deesdae veral die industriële area, asook besighede in die sentrale besigheids-area. Huisinbrake is egter ook steeds ‘n doring in die vlees. G4S stuur ook ‘n waarsku-

wing uit aan ‘n vermeende gemaskerde inbreker, wat blykbaar net op besigheidspersele konsentreer, dat hulle warm op sy spoor is en dat dit net ‘n kwessie van tyd is voor sy turf gaan sit. Die meneer is blykbaar al op verskeie geslotekringtelevisiekameras vasgevang, terwyl hy besig met sy onheilswerk is. Ongelukkig is sy vermomming (balaklawa en sonbril) blykbaar baie goed, maar Koopman is vol vertroue dat hy binnekort agter slot en grendel gaan wees. Ter afsluiting het mnr

Koopman ander sekuriteitsfirmas, asook buurtwagte bedank vir hul bystand tot dusver, en hulle genoop om voort te gaan om ten alle tye hul volle samewerking te gee. Hy wil ook voornemende besoekers aan die vakansiedorp die gerusstelling gee dat hulle rustig hul vakansie teen die kus kan geniet, aangesien hulle ten alle tye G4S se op en wakker sekuriteitsbeamptes se beskerming gaan geniet. Noodnommers vir G4S is 064-415 300/081 922 of Mnr Koopman persoonlik by 081 129 9878

Volgens die onvergenoegde en hoogs ontstelde inwoner van DRC (naam is bekend aan die koerant) het sy spysvertering ongeveer 24:00 die betrokke aand probleme gegee en moes hy hom noodgedwonge na ‘n oop vlakte naby sy woning haas om verligting te soek. Volgens hom is sy woning nie ver vanaf die opgeskorte massabehuisings-projek geleë nie. Hy vertel voorts dat, nadat hy sy ding in die veld gedoen het en oppad huiswaarts wou keer, drie persone hom blykbaar genader en beveel het om te staan. “Aangesien dit laat in die nag was en ek nie geweet het watter bose planne hulle dalk mag hê nie, het ek in my huis se rigting begin hardloop,” vertel die 43-jarige klaer. Die drie mans het hom blykbaar agternagesit tot by sy huis, waar hy die deur van binne gesluit het en sy vrou van die situasie ingelig het. Die mans het blykbaar aan die deur ge-

hamer en hulself geïdentifiseer as sekuriteitsbeamptes. Sy vrou het, volgens hom, die deur oopgemaak en nadat hulle na buite getree het, het die wagte blykbaar aangedring om te weet wat hy in daardie omgewing gaan doen het, en waarom hy weggehardloop het. Hy noem dat hy aan hulle verduidelik het van sy maag-probleem, maar skynbaar is daar na geen rede geluister nie en die sekuriteitsfirma se hoof is ontbied. Met die hoof (toesighoudende beampte) se aankoms het hy klaarblyklik sy manne gevra wie die “verdagte” was en nadat hulle die klaer aan hom uitgewys het, het hy na bewering sonder ‘n woord tot voor die man gestap en hom direk in sy oë met pepersproei gespuit. Die klaer vertel dat hy op die grond neergeval en rondgerol het en dat dit ten aanskoue van talle ooggetuies, sy vrou en kinders plaasgevind het.

Die hoof-sekuriteitsbeampte was skynbaar baie arrogant en het persone wat met selfone die petalje aanskou het uitgejou en gesê dat hy nie “worry” as hulle fotos neem of bandopnames maak nie. Hy het glo hierna in sy voertuig geklim en weggery. Die klaer moes die volgende dag na die Staatshospitaal se ongevalle-afdeling gaan, waar sy oë gereinig is en hy het ‘n klag van aanranding teen die sekuriteitswagte aanhangig gemaak (CR 37/08/2015). Tydens die onderhoud met namib times het die klaer se vrou genoem dat inwoners van DRC, veral vroue en kinders, in vrees leef aangesien hulle verplig is om in die oop veld toilet te gebruik, weens die afwesigheid van toilette. “Ons kan verkrag, aangerand en selfs vermoor word. Die Munisipaliteit sal asseblief na hierdie probleem moet kyk en ons so gou as moontlik tot hulp snel deur voorsiening vir toilette te maak,” het sy gepleit.

11 AUGUST 2015



11 AUGUST 2015


Obtaining Fishing


Obtain a permit from the Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) to catch fish or dive for crayfish and respect harvesting limitations.


Swakopmund Office

NATMIRC/Aquarium, Strand Street Tel +264 64 410 1000 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Walvis Bay Office

Inspectorate Office, 1st Street Tel +264 64 201 6111 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Lüderitz Office

Inspectorate Office Tel +264 63 202 905éOpen hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Henties Bay Office

Inspectorate Office, at Hanganeni Fishing Project building Tel +264 64 500 320 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Windhoek Office

Brendan Simbwaye Square, Block C, C/o Uhland & Goethe Street Tel +264 61 205 3911 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00 Where can you get a permit for using 4x4/quad bike/motorbike in the authorised ORV zone in the dune belt between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay? MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM

Swakopmund Office

Corner Bismarck Street and Sam Nujoma Avenue, Tel +264 64 404 576 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Walvis Bay Office

Henrich Baumann Street Road - Number 643 Tel +264 64 205 971/2 Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00h - 13:00

Where to Fish

Reading the “Editor’s Desk” in the Namibia Economist today one can’t help thinking: are there similarities between the Glass Factory in Tses (which the editor discusses) and the Desert Rose project planed for south of Swakopmund. Read the editor’s full account of the factory story (http://www. economist.com.na/editors-desk). Surely you will be struck by his pronouncements, such as these: “It is now almost four years ago that the socalled Groot Group announced they are working on preparations to bring a world-class glass factory to the onehorse town Tses, not far south of the regional border between Hardap and Karas. That first release sounded so convincing, it was even forwarded by a local stock broker through their news service to give prospective investors a glimpse of the intended mega-investment in the Karas Region.” “If the claims around the

project were more rational, perhaps I would have shrugged this one off as just another scheme. But to claim contracts worth billions and to throw an employment figure of 40,000 around, is stretching the imagination. I think what captures my attention most, is the claim last year that the government will take up shareholding in Tses Glass to the tune of N$800 million. This immediately brought back flashes of a couple a million, or even a hundred million going missing at parastatals by self-styled investment managers, a series of crimes which to this day has not been investigated, or the funds recovered. Was this N$800 mil-

HENTIES BAY Jakkalsputz Bennie se Rooi Lorrie Mile 33

Walvis Bay Tides




Riv er

Mile 72

Glass Factory at Tses and Desert Rose Project near Swakopmund in the Spotlight

Swakopmund Tides

WHY? The marine resources are limited and currently some of them are overfished or over collected. It is necessary that everybody uses them wisely and carefully to secure the future harvesting needs by protecting the stock. Quantity/number of marine resources harvestable, minimum size limits of fish and crayfish that can be caught, open season etc. help to manage stocks to avoid the total disappearance of some species in our waters. Do not leave bait or fish on the beach! Either take it home or return it to the sea. This food attracts scavengers like jackals and gulls that prey on other bio-diversity. When you are back home after the holiday, it also inflates the predator population. Where can you get a license for angling, crayfish diving & bait/mussels collection?

Mile 30

Source: http://www.tides4fishing.com

Hoboomsgat Wlotzkasbaken Mile 14 Mile 8 Wreck

Mile 8


iver op R Swak Vierkantklip

Langstrand Dolfynstrand

WALVIS BAY Paaltjies

Port Log

Mile 4

lion claim the missing link I was looking for? It is entirely speculative on my side, but if the promotor claims these outrageous figures, participation and contribution, is Tses Glass not a grandiose scheme to pave yet another way

between government coffers and a very small number of insider beneficiaries”. If the Glass Factory at Tses caught his attention he may be surprised by what may catch his attention about the Desert Rose project!

It may be highly informative to him, his readers and all Namibians. Swakopmund Matters 7 August 2015 (For Swakopmund Matters the environment of the Namibian coastline and its ocean matters)

11 AUGUST 2015



Mel Botes in Swakopmund Marshallino Beukes

Die skrif is aan die muur. Mel Botes, legendariese kitaarspeler en kunstenaar van Suid-Afrika, nou half-Swakopmunder, gaan Namibiërs help om 2016 binne te gaan, wanneer hy op 31 Desember The Dome (Swakopmund Binnenshuise Sportsentrum) op horings gaan neem. Die papierwerk tussen die twee partye is gister afgehandel, met Mel wat persoonlik teenwoordig was. Tydens 'n eksklusiewe onderhoud met namib times het hy genoem dat hy alreeds 'n paar keer in Namibië opgetree het, maar dat dit elke keer net meer ongelooflik is. Volgens

hom is hy mal oor Swakopmund, met die netheid van die dorp wat veral beïndruk. Hy is van mening dat Swakopmund oor die potensiaal beskik om 'n internasionale stad te word. Mel het ook sy bewondering jeens The Dome uitgespreek, en genoem dat dit vir hom 'n eer en

voorreg is om met sulke revolusionêre persone, bedoelende die ontwikkelaars van die Sentrum, te werk. The Dome Swakopmund, in lyn met hul visie om erken te word as die plek van keuse vir top-gehalte nasionale/ internasionale geleenthede, beplan 'n opwindende en interessante program vir Desember 2015. Die program bestaan uit 'n potpourri van sport, familievermaak, en musiek van hoogstaande gehalte. Vanaf 9 tot 14 Desem-

ber word die Zone VI Afrika Tafeltenniskampioenskappe aangebied. Vanaf 18 tot 23 Desember besoek die opwindende Zip Zap Sirkus weer Swakopmund. Die hoogtepunt van die program is natuurlik Mel Botes met die produksie, 'Dark Side of the Moon, ‘n huldeblyk aan die klassieke rockmusiek van die supergroep Pink Floyd se laat sestig fenomeen, en een van die topverkopers van alle tye. Die tweede

helfte getiteld, 'Dominoes' is 'n kombinasie van meer kommersiële liedjies, asook 'n versameling klassieke internasionale treffers van groepe soos Dire Straits, Deep Purple, The Doors en bekende kitaarspelers soos Carlos Santana, Eric Clapton en vele ander verrassings. Oorspronklike songs van Mel Botes maak ook deel uit van hierdie repertorium.

Mel Botes

“Together we can do it” -Walvis Bay Mayor Uilika Nambahu The Mayor of Walvis Bay, Uilika Nambahu, has urged Namibians to look after the children who she calls the leaders of tomorrow. Tutaleni, Kuisebmond recently. The Mayor highlighted education and training as an important corner-

Photo by Mavourlene Gaes

She officiated the inauguration ceremony of the new Promiseland playschool building for pre-schoolers in

Mayor of Walvis Bay Uilika Nambahu next to the inauguration board at the new Promiseland Play School building.

stone for development and social justice. “More importantly early education provides a solid foundation for the love of learning, it is well documented that a child develops 90% of their adult side brain during their first five years of life” she said. Nambahu urged parents and the society to nurture, stimulate and expose their children to learning within their early developmental years. She added that the construction of the new Pre-school classrooms, within a safe environment for learning and stimulation, is a giant step towards developing the intellectual capacity of the future leaders, a task that cannot be dispensed with. Nambahu in conclusion

Mavourlene Gaes stressed that children need lots of intellectual, emotional and physical stimulation. She says higher quality education in these early years makes a huge difference as babies become toddlers and automatically pre-school scholars. The Promise-land Trust started in 2009 that was

(vlnr) Gernot Fritze (The Dome), Paul van Biljon (Trustee), Mel Botes, Rohan Blignaut (Orkeslid-tromme), Jolene Nell (koördineerder) en Buttons Heyns (The Dome) initially focussed on its feeding project.

Before its new building the Promise-land vision

started in a metal container.


11 AUGUST 2015 The views and opinions expressed on this page are not necessarily those of the namib times. We do encourage and value the participation of our readers, but we cannot publish any libellous letters. Letters and Facebook comments from readers are left unchanged, but libellous remarks and unacceptable language will be removed at the discretion of the editing staff.

newsdesk@namibtimes.net Die sienings en menings wat op die blad verskyn is nie noodwendig die van die namib times nie. Hoewel ons die deelname van ons lesers op die forum aanmoedig en waardeer, kan ons nie lasterlike briewe publiseer nie. Briewe en Facebook kommentaar van lesers word onveranderd gelaat, maar lasterlike opmerkings en onaanvaarbare taal sal verwyder word onderhewig aan die diskresie van die redaksie.

acebook Swak diens, groot namib times readers’ comments rede tot kommer! Foetus found at Kuisebmond pump station Saterdag het my heerlike snuffeltog in Swakopmund se winkels verander in ‘n groot drama. Ek was in die Woerman Brock-omgewing toe moeder natuur my roep. Ek skarrel toe na die naaste kleedkamer, en daar gekom, vind ek ‘n kleedkamer sonder enige toiletpaper. Ek doen toe navraag by die dame wat die plek skoonhou, net om haar te vind, met ‘n gesig vol gesigseep – sy was besig om haar gesig in die wasbak in die kleedkamer te was. Sy verduidelik so tussen die gesigwas deur met ‘n baie arogante houding, dat die drie doller wat ek moes betaal vir “right of admission” terwyl sy toe vir my wys op die kennis gewing bord – glo geen papier sou insluit nie. Sy beweer toe ewe sy hoef nie aan my papier te verskaf nie, en dat die N$3 volgens haar haar geld is. Nodeloos om te sê, ek sien toe heel rooi! Ek dring ook toe aan om met haar bestuur te praat, waarby sy toe antwoord, dat sy nie weet wie

A foetus was discovered by workers yesterday during a daily routine cleaning of the drain at the Kuisebmond pump station. Katja Bär Glöditzsch Shocking! Melandie Gabrielsen Shame. There are soooo many people wanting a child or even willing to raise that baby! Frank Boye Abortions should be legalised to avoid these kind of situations.

Parents, taxi drivers, children - be advised Over a period of time, complaints have surfaced from members of the community regarding their concern over the safety of scholars in Walvis Bay after school hours. The children are playing in the road allegedly without supervision.

dit is nie. Sy sien toe sy gaan nie wegkom met haar swak gedrag en wolhaarstorie nie, en neem my toe uiteindelik, nadat sy haar gesigwas-prosedure voltooi het, na die bestuur se kantore agter in n gangetjie. Die kantoor was gesluit, aangesien dit Saterdag oggend was. Ek besluit toe, om Swakop te help om dalk volgende keer hul eerste plek in Kwela waardig te wees, die saak los ek nie daar nie – so, my volgende stop is toe by Woerman Brock

se bestuur. Nadat die saak bespreek is met die skoonmaker, vra ek vir namib times om dit asb verder te vat met WoermanBrock se bestuur. Diens aan die kus het groot ruimte vir verbetering. (Baie dankie aan die dame wat my wel toe te hulp gesnel het met haar rol toiletpapier onder die arm, ook duidelik deel van die kompleks se personeel, maar met ‘n heel ander houding as die skoonmaker.) Anoniem

Word kar oppassers beheer deur ‘n beheerliggaam? Walvisbaai word werklik berug oor sy karwagte - hulle is óf dronk – óf hulle sal die rand wat jy wel gee teruggooi op jou kar se neus. Saterdag om 11:00 by die Trust Market-verkeerslig, is die verkeer in alle windrigtings gestuur deur ‘n man, met n sien-my-raakbaadjie aan, wat duidelik niks van verkeersregulering weet nie. Dit kon 'n groot ongeluk afgegee het, maar gelukkig kon selfs

Welmien Cloete Nee, aborsie moet nie legal gemak word ni dit i net n storie van suip die voorbehoedpile en gan condom wise wat is so swaar daaraan dit is 'n skande om so iets te doen! Frank Boye So jy wil eerder dat die kind sy lewe lank ly as die ouers nie ‘n kind wil hê nie?

'n kind sien die man is nie homself nie, en het die motoriste net eenvoudig hul normale gang gegaan. Die man het toe na die motors in die systraat gegaan, en letterlik almal gepla. Ek het ’n paar fotos van die “dronk karwag” geneem, as bewys.

My vraag is - wie hanteer dié mense, en hoe is dit moontlik dat so ‘n mens net eenvoudig helder oordag ‘n taak op hom kan neem, wat sulke erge reperkussies kan hê? Soos die foto’s bewys, het die man amper sy rieme styf geloop... Nita Nel

Suzanne Jacobs Wat het geword van karel kat. Ons het pas reëls so geleer? Kyk links dan regs en weer links? Steven Van Donkelaar Darem is die kind naby in die hospitaal. Benzhino Cascarino Oaseb Taxi drivers are intrusted with the kidz to pick them up directly after school. These kids seems to be waiting for their transport for a long period and out of boredom they start this dangerous games. I believe that if taxis and the parents who pick them up after school are there on time or are already waiting for pick this won’t happen. I personally have seen this happen to my own kids. The school is only responsible for the safety of the kids only 10 to 15 minutes after school. Petrè Van Zyl Is dit regtig die verkeersmanne se plig om kinders te leer oor hul eie veiligheid.nee OUERS OUERS OUERS. Chris Engels There are always two sides of the story ne, en dit is plain stoutgat wees.

Petrè Van Zyl SSS se kinders loop ook net waar hulle wil as die skool uitkom. Hulle moet leer om uit die pad te bly en op die sypaadjie dis immers waarvoor dit daar is Andreas Damoron Kweyo They should all get a spanking Franklin Feris Dt gebeur by ale skole dat kinders in die strate loop of speel. Kyk net in Mondesa in die oggende en na skool. Waar is die verkeers manne sulke tyd. Elmare Kotze Die ergste is al is hierdie kinders verkeerd maak dit geen verskil. Mense respekteer in elk geval nie die voet oorgange by die skole nie. Sien gereeld hoe die mense bo oor die rooi lig ry by Laerskool Walvisbaai se voet oorgang al is daar kinders wat wil of besig is om oor te loop. Johann Viljoen Daar is nie meer iets soos skolierpatrollie nie, kinders word sommer so vlak voor die skole omgery.

Low-cost flights soon a reality for the Coast “flyafrica.com is Back and Fares are Lower Than Ever”- Clifford Strydom. It was an elated Clifford Strydom that shared his good news with namib times. Daniel Mbidi Pls start the flight to ondangwa ASAP. There is a big market which air Namibia does not see. Jeffrey Ingozi Mukwiilongo Thank you for coming to our rescue and please in the short future try to introduce Whk-Ondangwa-Rundu-Katima Mulilo in the domestic field as we are being ripped off by the alligator in the form of a monopoly infested airline. Hermanus Ou Bambies Sofika Well done Clifford and Team. It’s our time to Fly now. Lk Gwakushinga Pls introduce walvisbay ondangwa route. Lyn Gilbert looking forward to having you at WB to Jhb. Marcell Adolf Noble Soon we’ll fly from Walvisbay to Jo’burg

Georgie Gallagher good news guys. Walter Steckel Well done cliffi,! Carol Lynn Oberg Hoping they link up with flights out of JHB to USA. Well done. Marcell Adolf Noble Good Job Well done. Romanzo A P Steenkamp Weldone Clifford. Invite me on your maiden flight. Your just made my day. Sarah Foghill It would be great if they link with for lights from and to Europe and Dubai. Leonie Windisch Well done! Can not wait. Bridger Carney Well done Clifford. Edward Williams Well done guys, now I can fly home if I want to. Sick of being ripped of by SAA. Charmaine Louw Yes.

Mixed feelings about Desert Rose The highly controversial N$8 billion Desert Rose Project, planned to be constructed just south of Swakopmund, is in the spotlight again and at a heated public meeting in Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay, on Wednesday evening, it was clear that not everybody is in favour of this gigantic development. Piteimo M Hainyanyula Please don’t spoil what we have in Namibia. Now they want conservation areas.

Let us not be fooled by development that will destroy nature and the image of Namibia.

Reini Matheis loses Battle with Cancer

Vertrou Christus

Die Gees van die Here sal op hom rus: die Gees wat wysheid en insig gee, die Gees wat raad en sterkte gee, die Gees wat kennis verleen en eerbied vir die Here. Jesaja 11:2

Hermien Jonah May his soul rest in peace. Swakopmund will miss him dearly. Heinz Papenheim R.I.P. Dr Matheis, my late wife and myself had the privilege to know you as patients, experiencing your kindness. My sympathy to the family. Rahia Shilongo The only doctor we knew in Swakopmund. Rip. Ama Badi Ai tog Dr Mathias may His soul rest in eternal peace. U will surely be missed. Jerynthia Rinty-Barbie Martin Dr.R.Matheis was surely a very good person. Always polite. Had a heart of gold and always trustworthy. Dr, may you rest in eternal peace and may you get all that your heart desire from the almighty. Condolences to the wife of Dr Matheis and he’s four children. May God fold you in

he’s arms and give you strength and courage. Ligola Karl - David May his soul rest in peace. You will be surely missed. Ester Kharigus May his soul rest in peace. Geraldine Bernice Muatunga May his soul rest he was indeed a good doctor, condolences to the family. Memory Naweses I remember him treating me as a child,at the state hospital when I had a asthma attacks. I am really sad. May your soul rest in peace and peace be with your family. Jolande Beukes RIP Dr. You will be missed by al the people (patients)of swakop and you fam and friends. My sincere condolence to your wife and kids and fam May your soul be rest. Amen. Mbahimua Tjazuko A true doctor who had a passionContinues on page 9

11AUGUST AUGUST2015 2015 11 Continued from page 8 ate heart indeed. RIP Dr. Matheis... will be dearly missed in the Swakopmund Community. Hertha Karin May his soul rest in eternal peace. Zureya Lammie Scott May Ur soul Rest in peace. Lipitwa Nghiwanapo May his Soul Rest in Peace, he was indeed a good man and will be dearly missed. My condolences to his family. Clemens Tjiriange May his soul rest in peace. Angel Paul Khachab Through this men mine life have been saves may his soul rip. Odette Jooné Am so shocked and deeply saddened by his death. RIP doctor! My sincere condolences to his family. May God comfort you all. Heinrich Hafeni Mwf Yali Dr what a loss to our community, we have indeed lost a giant. May he rest in eternal peace. Uwe Tsuseb Ai tog my eie pa go in peace, I just feel 4 Dr Moisel how he will cope without you. 4 more than 28 years I have been treated by you guys but wie don’t know the planngs of Jesus. Johanna Toivo Jesus my doctor man who can help us. Gladness Somses Somaes Speechless may he rest in peace. Patty Jansen My eie dokter my hart is so seer oor jo. Regtig 'n lieflike mens gewees. Sterkte aan di familie. RIP Dr. Anna Bettie Goagoses Rus in vrede our Dr Matheis. Helge Bergendahl RIP! You were a part of the sun. Shining human. Ria Vries Rus in vrede Dr Matheis, ons mis dr al klaar baie by die praktyk. Toni Timo Lange Was a real Docter indeed. Rest in Peace Tate. Brigitte Von Dewitz Ai Reini. You’ll be missed. You showed my little one how to fly, you gave him wings. My heart goes out to your family, our dear neighbours. Manniekie Patrick Kativa R.I.P father of many, Rosalia Indongo. So sad he was a good dr. Magano Shiimi Please keep us updated with the funeral arrangements. RIP our doctor. Allison Grant-Kotze A special man, will be sadly missed. Lidia Meisietjiero Naibas RIP Dr. Matheis, you will surely be missed. Prince Immy-Princess Lona Garosas May his soul rest in peace. Irene Strydom Liefste Marion en kinders. Ek dra julle in my hart. Wees gerus, Reini is veilig by Jesus. Tubby Gouws R I P Good man! You helped many! Rellyn Fainsinger Detlof-Wismer RIP be at peace. Melody Stacy Awaras R.I.P My Dr. Faruska Bock Gaan

COMMUNITY NEWS in vrede dr Matheis Sterkte aan di familie en vriende u sal hartlik gemis word. Anna, Eva Micheal Theresia sterk wees vi mekaar en jul mammie. Paulina One’dja Christian This is so sad, Rest in Peace Dr Mathias. Irreplaceable. Piet van der Gaingob Indeed will be missed. Vicky Ak R.I.P DOCTOR Michael Stabler Good man. RIP. Sorayha Cloete Best DR indeed IRREPLACEABLE. R.I.P Penehafo Shaanika Naikaku RIP Dr Matheis.


Road Rage in Capital The Police is closing in on leads that will lead to the arrest of an unknown man who shot and killed the driver of another vehicle, who bumped his vehicle from behind in the capital on Sunday. Furman Kangulu We are cursed Nation. We need courses on anger Management to be introduced on the National Television. Gerson Ludwig Kambara Firearms are often in wrong hands, this has to do with the screening procces before getting lisence for firearms. Rodney Brussel May his soul R.i.p. D gute hapen ms nt ini mvies joh! Juliet Katsambe Chinembiri Oh no im in tears. J.p. Reynolds Becoming South Africa much? Michael Ubiteb OMG this is bull accidents happens all the time and everywhere, car can be fixed or even replace. Slowly but surely

things are getting out of hand.Land of the brave is earning a bad name, coz of just few elements.Lord have mercy. Lanny Boois The car can b repair bt life cant b repair. Louisa Amutenya My Lord have mercy. Mike Rabie The police are* Xamiseb Ferdinand It won’t b long, this person will b apprehended. Wherever he was in that vicinity, someone knows him, or he might b on camera, did this out of rage without thinking. Consequences. Tony Kavul Is this a movie or reality I hope they get him on time. Eish may his soul rest in peace.


11 AUGUST 2015

Third doodle session at Shalom Farm Each first Saturday of the month, a doodle session is held at Shalom to raise funds for Doloris Boer, an eight-year-old little girl suffering from cerebral palsy. The Doodle sessions are organised by Life in Namibia magazine, as part of their social responsibility project “NIGHT OF 1000 IMAGES”. Saturday saw another successful doodle morning, with about 30 doodlers, at Shalom Farm. These doodle sessions are for people, young and old, to get together and draw, sketch or doodle on an A5 piece of paper. All these artworks will be sold at the end of the year at an art exhibition called “NIGHT OF 1000 IMAGES” and the money raised will go towards buying a special wheelchair for Doloris. Thanks to sponsorship from Atlantic Villa, Travel Smart and Hawk Photography, the art materials are free! For more information you can contact Karin Retief, of LIN on 0816277692 Or email karin.r@iafrica.com

11 11AUGUST AUGUST2015 2015




Urban Warfare taking Shago to the top Marshallino Beukes

direction. While he was doing his thing on sound-cloud, he was also involved in the founding of the 064 – clothing line. This also turned out to be a big success and Shago is currently the brand ambassador, with Johra Muvuma, another Swakopmunder, the sole owner. The beat was picking up and during 2013 Shago released his second mixtape, titled “Boundaries of Innovation” with Beatslangers in Windhoek and put

it out as a free download project again. According to the rapper the response from local supporters was massive, which made him decide the time was right to release an album. It took him a full two years to record the album and reaching his goal. Recording was done at Jocksman’s Studio and mastering was done at Ongushu records in Swakopmund. On 18 May 2015 he eventually released his debut album (Urban Warfare), which he funded entire-

SWAKOPMUND * Bridge: The Swakopmund Bridge club meets every Monday evening at 19:00 at Lions Old Age Home. Contact: Ed Barbour 064-405 604. * Swakopmund Toastmasters: Meet every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, Bismark Str 39, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 20:30. * 13 Aug: Book Launch and Exhibition of Pompie Burger: Birds of Namibia at 18:h00 at DIE MUSCHEL - Book & Art Brauhaus Arcade Swakopmund. Tel. 064-40 28 74. The Exhibition continues till 29 August. * 15 Aug: Swakopmund Arts Association presentation of donated art work by S.A. artist Alice Elahi. Opening speech by Ms Christiane Berker at 17:00 at Woermannhaus Gallery. View until end of August. * 5 Sept: Husab Marathon and 10km, 5km fun run starting at the Husab Access Road from 07:00.

Swakopmund born Arafat Gauseb (23), better known as Shago, started rapping at the tender age of 11 and since then he’s made his mark in the harsh environment of the Namibian music industry. According to him he was originally inspired by artists like Ludacris and Bow Wow and started recording singles with some high school friends under the name, G101. A lack of quality recording studios in Swakopmund, at that stage, forced him to move to Windhoek, after completing his matric, where he recorded his first mixtape, titled “The Illusion” in 2011. He put it as a free download project on sound-cloud, which turned out to be a step in the right

* Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. * Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Wel witschia Hospital next to indoor pool. * First Tuesday of every month: Charity Quiz Night at The Raft! Call 204877 for more info and reservations. * 15 Aug: Kudus R.F.C. presents Winter Ball with “Swingers’’ from 19:00 to 00:00 at Walvis Bay Town Hall. * 19 Aug: Annual General Meeting of Walvis Bay Golf Club at 16:30 at the club. * 1 Sept: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by VGK Kerk. * 5 Sept: Hear 4 Raymond - The International School of Walvis Bay at 18:00. Contact: 081 251 9900/081 344 8811. * 25 Sept: Mr and Miss NPS at School Hall. * 6 Okt: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Katolieke Kerk.

ly on his own, featuring hometown artists like Odie, Jocksman, Johra n Jay Princeton. For the rest of the year this talented, upcoming artist

will be shooting music videos and promoting his debut album. Check out Shago on facebook.

HENTIES BAY * 16 Des: Geloftefees te NG KERK Hentiesbaai om 09:00. * 28 Dec: FISHFESTIFAL & SPORTSDAY. * 30 Dec: HENTIES JUKSKEI OPEN Start 07:00 – Divisions A, B, C.

ART EXHIBITIONS * Every Saturday: Open Air Arts Exhibition at the Mole next to Tennis courts in Swakopmund. Oil paintings - weather permitting. * Permanent Collection: Woermann Haus Gallery in Bismarck Street. Fine collection of the Swakopmund Arts Association’s “South West Masters’’ and contemporary Namibian art works. Open Mondays to Saturdays 10:00 - 12:00 and 15:00 - 17:00. * Swakopmund Museum: Open daily, including Sundays 10:00 - 17:00. * Sam Cohen Library: Monday to Friday: 08:00 13:00/15:00 - 17:00 and the second Saturday per month 09:00 - 13:00. * Die Galerie, Walvis Bay: Exhibition of Namibian and South African Artists. Gallery Hours: Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00. Saturday 08:30 - 12:30.


11 AUGUST 2015 2015

Leandrea celebrating her 21st Birthday!

Eyfi's 60th Birthday

Congregational Junior women's fellowship back to school dress-up

Staff working hard to upgrade one of the existing shops in Walvis Bay


11AUGUST AUGUST2015 2015 11

At the back- Augusta van der Merwe (daughter) Martin de Bruyn (friend) Hesta-Marie Venter-Herbst (daughter), Pieter van der Merwe (grandson) Annelie van dier Merwe. Esti Venter-Fox (granddaughter) Pieter Henry Fox (great-grandson) Pieter Fox, Kevin Herbst and Megan Herbst. Front: Vine Venter (great-granddaughter)

Tannie Ena Venter’s Birthday Celebrated Many came to celebrate the music legend Ena Venter’s birthday with her on Sunday afternoon at His House.

Catching up on the news from everywhere

Choir friends at Ena Venter's bedside

Brithday wishes from a dear friend- Ena Venter(82), with Theo Cookson and Carol Oberg at Tannie Ena's birthday party

The other members of His House shared in the birthday joy

Tannie Ena Venter, with Ina Carstens and Lorita Burger


11 AUGUST 2015

11 AUGUST 2015



Economic and Market Overview Markets did very well over the past year or three. During this period we have seen some recessions but crash generating so much uncertainty? never greater than 10%. It is actually quite extraordinary that we have experienced such little volatility. Ordinary investors At the end of last though one can movement over the I r a n i a n n u c l e a r rate hike. use savings and agreement and the There is, however, mortgages to make last year. year we began to never predict this. expect a greater For all practical pur- World markets have US Federal Reser- another very im- risky investments. correction, even poses the JSE only been hit hard by the ve's murmurs of a portant develop- Add to this the fact showed sideways Greek crisis, the looming interest ment. that the investments are leveraged and Chart 1: FTSE/JSE All Share Index you quickly end up with investors who have lost a significant portion of their investments (both from their own savings and from borrowing). An investment made at the peak of the Chinese rally with a two-to-one gearing equates to a 64% percent loss at current levels on borrowed money. The Chinese story does not end there, as fears of a slowdown in the world's second biggest economy are also gaining momentum. The current bull to an end, and that a below the 50 000 information. How m o n e y t o p u s h So where does this market has lasted measure of specu- level. For the most then do we explain equity prices up by ongoing uncertainty for some time now, lation is required to part the Greek story all the market un- more than 125% and volatility leave since November investors? We beand this in itself is create suitable con- has run its course certainty? making investors ditions for the end and commentators Monday 27 July 2014. In April and lieve that equity are increasingly saw an 8.5% plunge June the Chinese markets will remain wary. In fact, the of a bull market. current bull market The FTSE/JSE All certain of an upward in the Shanghai government stepped i s t h e s e c o n d Share Index has interest rate cycle in Composite Index, in and put strict longest bull market been very volatile of the US. The fact, the worst sell-off in controls in place to on record for the late as resource however, is that eight years. curb margin trading. past 60 years. In counters and several even if interest rates So what triggered it S i n c e t h e n t h e addition, market blue chip com- in the USA start all? In short, the Chinese market has v a l u a t i o n s a r e panies have been hit increasing, this does significant decline been in freefall, quite high. How- hard in recent sell- not have to mean the was the result of with the market ever, we do know offs. Following the end of the bull heavily leveraged down almost 30% investing; investors from its high. that a bull market Greek crisis, the market there. does not just come JSE declined to This is not new u s e d b o r r o w e d Why is the Chinese

volatile for the remainder of the year and that the JSE may well see some further downside from current levels. We advise investors against making emotional and nervous changes to their portfolios in the prevailing environment. The focus should be on making long-term stock picks and maintaining your investment strategy. Short-term movements often blur perspective and affect long-term strategy negatively. Portfolio construction is of utmost importance and we continue to invest in long-term growth counters with high conviction. NiÍl Swanepoel PSG Namibia – Coastal Region Wealth Management



11 AUGUST 2015

The Swakopmund Hotel & Entertainment Centre Being an equal opportunity employer has a vacancy for: BEVERAGE COST CONTROLLER REQUIREMENTS: · Standard 10 (Grade 12) · Must have a thorough knowledge of F&B systems including Micros and Opera as well as MS Office. · At least 2 (two) years experience in the hotel industry in a similar position. · Fully Bilingual in English and Afrikaans, both written and spoken. · Assertive with strong administrative skills and computer literate. · Well spoken, outgoing. · Willing to work overtime. · Excellent organization skills, energetic, observant, attention to detail and have initiative. MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES: · Responsible for beverage ordering, receiving, issuing, storage and inventory, as well as all related controls of beverage, consumable stocks and operating equipment. · Responsible for inventory records and daily summary of all purchases, issues and receipt of all beverages, consumable stocks and operating equipment. · To witness the physical stock take for each stock item on a ten-day cycle basis as well as at each month end. · Responsible for proper documentation of all merchandise entering or leaving the store, such as processing requisitions, placing orders, receiving stocks and other relevant records. · Must prepare relevant cost of sales summary for relevant stock takes as and when necessary. · Must ensure that the daily revenue control of beverage is performed and balanced. · Must maintain minimum par stock levels in all relevant areas. · To identify purchasing needs and advise F&B Manager/Cost Controller of any shortages in stock. · To maintain tidiness and cleanliness of all storage areas. · To ensure proper controls are in place to maintain security of storage areas at all times. · To report on variances and take follow up action. · To ensure minimum loss through wastage and incorrect storage. · To maximize cost effectiveness through timeous orders and stock controls. Date Required: To start as soon as possible Reporting to: Food and Beverage Management, Cost Controller APPLICATIONS: If you are interested in applying for this vacancy and you are confident that you qualify in terms of the information set out in this advertisement, please draft a letter of application and send it together with a brief CV to: The Personnel Manager, Swakopmund Hotel & Entertainment Centre, P O Box 616, Swakopmund or, Fax: 064 4105360, or, swakpers@legacyhotels.co.za Opening date for applications: Closing date for applications:

11 August 2015 25 August 2015

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. No personal documents will be returned

11 AUGUST 2015





FOR SALE Davo Flats - Walvis: 2 Bedroom flat, all rooms with BIC, bathroom, open plan kitchen with stove and BIC, lounge and garage. N$900 000 and N$30 000 cash top up. FOR SALE Noorduin - Henties: 4 Bedroom house, all rooms with BIC, 3 bathrooms, kitchen with stove and BIC, dining room, indoor braai, lounge and double garage. Backyard with fruit trees/plants N$1mil Contact: 081 673 2664

Alles is loop afstand van die waterfront af. N$3.5miljoen(neg) Excl transfer costs. Geen kommissie Kontak: 081 786 0089 FOR SALE: 1x Freestanding metabo planer and thickener 260mm (ADH 1626) N$10 000.00 1x 2Ton Mobi engine crane. As new new price: N$5500 asking: N$4000.00 2x 15Litre aluminium oil dispensers new price: N$3400 asking: N$2000 1x 500litre plastic tank used for rainwater storage. new price: N$1667.50 asking: N$800 Contact: 081 373 7614

Walvis Bay

House Central New House Contact our Agents 3 bed, 2 bath, Meersig Ruth – 081 240 7350 lounge, dining, ind. 3 bed, 3 bath, Karien – 081 250 4690 BBQ, kitchen kitchen, lounge, Jackie – 081 246 3590 double garage plus ind. BBQ, scullery 064-280 600 2 bed Flat double garage Nangolo Mbumba Str. N$ 1 700 000.00 N$ 1 785 000.00 PROPERTY IS WEALTH

Contact Remax for all your property needs! Our friendly agents standing by whether you are buying, selling or renting!. Give us a call! North Namibia 065 238 342 / 081 128 9388 Swakopmund Walvis Bay/Longbeach 064 464 033 / 081 870 9950 064 212 440 / 081 605 1984 FOR SALE: New Development Swakopmund Henok Apartments Upmarket units for sale 2 bedrooms, opn plan kitchen. Lounge with balcony and BBQ. BIC. Basement parking. No agents commissions. Contact: 081 144 2738

Walvis Bay CBD Sole & Exclusive Mandate Spacious 160m² 3 bed, 1 ½ bath townhouses. A rare find at N$ 905 000-00 each! Claudia 0816051984 Joey 0812780518 Dunes Estate, Swakopmund Various Erven, Ext. 17 Kramersdorf, upmarket area, near Riverfront, 875m2, from N$980,000.- (neg.) 081 129 4770 TO RENT:Walvis Bay, Hermes2 bedroom with BIC, bathroom with shower, open plan kitchen with BIC, stove, carport, spacious yard. W/E incl. No pets. N$ 6 000.00 p/m + deposit. Available immediately Viewing after 17:00 daily Contact: 081 399 1823 081 149 4669 To let:Warehouse in a good condition. Door height 4.5meter. Workshop/Floorspace 234m² plus Administrative Block 87.5m². N$ 17000.00/ month excl. VAT Phone Office Hours: 064-220607


TOWN HOUSE TO LET Rossmund Golf Village: 3 Bedrooms with ensuite bathrooms. Fully equipped with all appliances, TV, Linen, Double garage, water included, prepaid electricity. Rent N$15 000 per month. Minimum lease 1 year. Contact Roy Marsden: 081 332 7911 TO RENT: x3 Bedrooms, open plan kitchen, lounge, bathroom. Prepaid electricity, water excluded. N$5500.00 per month Contact: 081 2498 3920 081 308 7424 081 646 5899 Swakopmund, Tamariskia 769 (G7) Ochs avenue Three bedroom house with garage to rent N$6 000 + Deposit, water and electricity excluded. Available 01 September 2015 Contact Joseph @ 0811281455 Swakopmund, Omulondo Two bedroom house to rent N$3 300 + Deposit, water and electricity excluded. Available Immediately Contact Andreas @ 0811465028 2 Bedroom Flat to Let in Hermis Walvisbay 2 Bedrooms, 1 ½ bathrooms, tv room, Kitchen with build-in cupboards. Indoor braai. Small backyard. No garage. Water & Electricity included. Walking distance from Welwitchia Hospital. Available end of August. N$5500 plus N$5500 deposit. Contact: 081 207 7651 House for rent in Mondesa, Two bedroom house for rent in Mondesa, No garage prepaid electricity, water excluded, N$ 3 500.00 p/m, deposit required, available immediately Contact: 081 670 0599


TO LET - WALVIS BAY CENTRAL N$ 7 500 – Upmarket 2 Bed, 2 Bath with single garage N$ 2 300- Bachelor flat with own bathroom N$ 8 500 – 3 Bed house with business rights ( suitable only for offices) N$ 4 950-00 incl. VAT – Offices N$ 9 000- 3 Bed, 2 Bath with double garage HERMES N$ 4 200 – 1Bed flat with carport W&E MEERSIG N$ 12 500 - Upmarket 3 Bed, 2 bath with double garage N$ 10 500-00 Freestanding 3 bed house, 2 bath with double garage N$ 7 500 – 2 Bed,2 Bath house with double garage FAIRWAYS N$ 9 000 – 3 Bed,2 bath with double garage LAGOON N$ 4 900 – 2 Bed,1Bath with single garage N$ 5 500 – 2 Bed,1 bath with single garage KUISEBMOND N$ 2 900 – 2 Bed, 1bath house N$ 3 200 – 2Bed flat with garage Narraville N$ 3 300 – 1 Bed flat W&E incl INDUSTRIAL N$ 9000.00 excl VAT – New 150m2 warehouse with 1 offices N$ 12 500 – office 145m² near syncrolift N$22 500 excl VAT – Warehouse 520m² N$ 33 000 excl Vat – Modern office block 500m2 N$ 12 240 excl VAT – 272m² Warehouse Please call Rhoda 081 413 1313 Or Talitha 081 337 3669

Looking for an erven to buy. Location should be in Walvisbay (town) or Narraville preferably. Size: min 550m3750m3 No agents please. Call: 0817633803

1Bedr flat bathr, kitchen N$ 2970.00 W/Incl NHE houses 3bedr, 2bathr, lounge, kitchen N$ 5500.00 W/L Excl 3bedr, 2bathr, lounge, kitchen N$ 5700.00 W/L Excl 3bedr house, 2bathr, lounge, kitchen N$ 6000.00 W/Incl Jabulani 2Bedr house, bathr, lounge, kitchen dinning room N$ 4500.00 W/Incl Mahetago Bachelor flat,bathr N$ 2500.00 W/L Incl 1person/young couple Bachelor flat, bathr N$ 2450.00 W/Incl Tamariskia 1bedroom flat, bathr, kitchen N$ 2500.00 W/Incl 1person Walvis bay - Narraville 2Bedr flat, bathr, open plan kitchen N$ 4500.00 W/L Incl 2Bedr flat, bathr, open plan kitchen N$ 5000.00 W/L Incl Negotiable All deposits required Call Tel: 064-402112 Fax: 064-403396 Matty: 081 244 6995 www.mnkpropertiesnami bia.com


WALVIS BAY 20 4505



TE KOOP Vineta - Swakopmund Ext.8 2 Huise op 1 Erf , size 982m² 1ste huis: 4 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers (one on-suite), sit/eet/studeer kamer. Kombuis. 3 Garages. Binne en buite braai. BIC. Eie Groot Tuin. Needs TLC 2de huis: Dubbelverdieping, bo 3 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers (one on-suite). BIC, Balcon. Onder het 'n gaste toilet, oopplan pragtige kombuis met sitkamer en binne braai. 1 groot garage. Buite bediende kamer, eie jaarts. Klein tuin en ingang.


Mondesa TO LET Kabilla park 1bedr,bathr,kitchen N$2800.00 W/L Incl 1person/young couple


Joey 081 129 3293



MEERSIG Modern spacious upmarket 3 bedr Townhouse offering 2 bathr, open plan lounge, dining, fitted kitchen, BBQ, double garage. N$ 1 650 000 CC Reg FAIRWAY ESTATE Beginners delight. Cosy 3 bedr home, spacious open plan living area, fitted kitchen, BBQ, l bathr, single garage and garden, close to schools N$ 1 380 000



WALVIS BAY 20 4505



house, open plan lounge

dining, BBQ, fitted kitchen with granite tops, 2 bathr, double garage. Grab me today N$1,7 million FAIRWAY ESTATE Cosy 3 bed house, open plan living with fitted kitchen, BBQ, 1 bathr, single garage. N$1.38 million FAIRWAY ESTATE Modern 4 bedr double storey house, lounge, dining with pellet heater, BBQ, fitted kitchen, scullery, office double garage,outdoor guest room en suite. Absolute spotless!! N$2.6 million

Amanda 081 128 4836


ARANDIS 2 BED, 1 BATH HOUSE WITH OPEN PLAN KITCHEN / LIVING AREA. OUTSIDE BBQ & PARKING AREA. SAFE & SECURE COMPLEX. Starting from N$ 445 000-00 Gogga 0818709950 Iiyambo 0813995955 TE HUUR: Narraville, Koraal Str 1 slaapkamer, oop plan kombuis W/L ingsl. Vooruitbetaalbaar N$ 3 200.00 p/m + deposito Contact Anne: 081 452 6408 TO RENT: Narraville 2 bedroom, sitting room, kitchen, 2 shower and 2 toilets. N$ 5 000.00 p/m pay in advance Deposit N$ 5 000.00 negotiable W/E excl. Contact: 081 423 6000 or sharing N$ 2 500.00 p/m W/E incl.


11 AUGUST 2015


Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net

TO LET TAMARISKIA (PANORAMA COURT) 1 bedroom flat , 1 bathroom with single automated garage N$4,200.00 p/m excl. water & electricity 2 bedroom flat, 1 bathroom, 2 automated garages, spacious, own remote controlled gate, burglar bars. N$6,000.00 p/m excl. water & electricity All units have built in cupboards, stove/oven, alarm system, DSTV connection. DEPOSIT required. Contact: 085 124 9826 TE HUUR Ocean View - Swakop: Dubbel verdieping 3 slaapkamer Town house, 2 badkamers (1 en-suite), balkon. Onder: Pragtige oopplan kombuis met sitkamer, binne braai, gaste toilet, 1 groot garage. Buite: Eie ingang, klein tuin en buite toilet. beskikbaar van 1 October 2015. N$8000.00 plus deposito. Water en krag uitgesluit. Kontak: 081 786 0089 TO RENT Mondesa Swakop Oletweni, Erf 3046: x1 Bachelor flat with an open plan kitchen, geyser, toilet, boundary walls. Prepaid electricity. N$2150.00 rent + N$1000 deposit. Immediately available. Pandu: 081 343 5135 Nestor: 081 234 0425

Ocean ViewSwakopmund Stunning & Modern 3 en-suite Bed, 3 Bath, Double Garage, Lounge, Dining, Outside Braai N$ 1 690 000 Iiyambo- 081 3995955 Swakopmund- Central Very neat bachelor flat with the whole CBD view, Garage N$ 950 000 Iiyambo- 081 3995955 Swakopmund- Mondesa Newly Build modern family home 4 Bed, 2 Bath, Lounge, Dining, Open plan kitchen, Indoor Braai, Garage + 2 Bachelor Flats each with own toilet. N$ 1 250 000 Iiyambo- 081 3995955 Henties Bay Opportunity for investors Large 708m² plot N$ 400 000 Iiyambo- 081 3995955 VolgestrandSwakopmund Bachelor flat very close to the sea, Beautiful Garden, own Garage. N$ 920 000 Iiyambo- 081 3995955

Flat to Let in Hermis Walvisbay 1 Bedroom flat for a single person, open-plan kitchen and living area. Bathroom with shower. W/E included. No garage. Walking distance from Welwitchia Hospital. Immediately available. N$3500 plus N$3500 deposit Contact: 081 207 7651


CARS FOR SALE: 1.3 Geely 2012 45 000 km full house, factory warranty N$ 65 000.00 neg Contact: 081 710 4932 FOR SALE: 10 ton Hydraulic Press 1, 75m high 600mm wide. As new condition. N$ 5 000.00 cash Contact Michael: 081 363 5538


PAWN SHOP We buy or sell anything of value

ACCOMMODATION WANTED: For 6 persons From 24 Dec - 28 Dec or 2 Jan 2016 Langstrand, Dolphin Park or Henties Bay Contact: 081 576 9555

97 Sam Nujoma Walvisbaai

064220387 0811475333 0811475475

CARS FOR SALE:Quick sale: Chevrolet Aveo, 2008 model. 5 Speed manual, 1.2L, 108km, electric windows & mirrors, air bags, remote control locking, power steering, 5 seats, Extremely economically. Metallic silver, Excellent condition, cloth interior, air conditioning. N$40 000.00 Contact: 081 333 0095 FOR SALE: Suzuki Atos 2009 N$ 30 000.00 Landrover Discovery drive train Jeep project N$ 25 000.00 Blaster four wheeler N$ 9 000.00 All running condition Contact: 081 245 9813 FOR SALE: 2000 Volkswagen microbus 2.3 N$70 000.00. very good condition. Contact: 081 234 2361 For Sale Hyundai H-1 2.4 GLS 9 – Seater bus, 112 000km, N$ 210,000.00 o.n.c.o Contact Victor at 081 616 7076

This 'n That We buy and sell second hand & new furniture and household appliances. We offer good money on quality. Sam Nujoma Town Sqaure. La Paloma Building Walvis Bay. Els 081 255 5809 or Lawrence 081 324 1285.

NOTICES BIZZY B’s We are open for enrollment for 2016 Children aged 2 - 6 years Experienced teachers Call: 081 219 0669 205 353

Ventulus MCC Rally 21 - 23 Aug 2014 Go Kart Track, Swakopmund Inskrywings: N$150/naweek of N$30/dag. Regina: 0812301761 mcc.ventulus@ gmail.com

Be Cute Wellness Presents August 2015 special

WANTED CASH FOR GOLD We buy Gold & Silver Jewellery and Coins even if it's broken. We also Buy Diamonds. We operate in Swakop, Walvis Bay, Henties Bay, Arandis, Uis and Omaruru. Contact us at: 0813443794/081315 9178 We are available 24/7


Wacky Wednesdays

FOR SALE: Offroad trailer Contact No: 081 127 4451 FOR SALE: 1x oil-cooled welding machine. N$650.00 1x Hisense stainless steel microwave.N$650.00 1x Sony bravia 32” inch LCD TV like new N$2750.00 1x 3 door counter bar fridge stainless steel N$3850.00 1x DSTV PVR decoder N$850.00 1x Samsung fax/phone machine N$850.00 1x Kalvinator 16kg Heavy-duty top-loading washing machine like new N$1650.00 1x KIC tumble dryer N$650.00 1x Defy auto-maid automatic washing machine. N$850.00 1x AEG dish washing machine N$650.00 Contact: 081 567 4522 TE KOOP: Mazda 2.5 Turbo Diesel engine blok gekraak, kan geweld word. Nuwe silinderkop, Diesel pomp, Alternator en Nuwe clutch kits N$6000.00 Kontak: 081 227 9871 FOR SALE: Canon EOS 40D N$ 3 500.00 Canon 17 & 55 F.2.8.057 N$ 8 000.00 Canon Extendez x2 N$ 5 600.00 Tel 064 200 850

Foot & Ankle Spa treatment Massage Chair Foot scrub Foot & ankle massage 25 min treatment Only N$ 100

Contact 064 20 6106 LIMITED SPACE

081 497 2195 beataccmath@gmail.com www.beataccmath.com

THANK YOU Immanuel Ruiters Primary School & Schoolboard herewith wish to thank the following individuals and companies for their generous contribution towards our Miss Immanuel Ruiters Junior competition. 1. Terence and Tihane Knowles 2. Pick and Pay 3. Crazy Store 4. Lenie du Plessis

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication


PRACTITIONER !Quantec Health Namibia !FOR HUMANS, ANIMALS, WATER & AGRICULTURE !HEIKE BECKMANN !HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED WHAT CONDITION YOUR !GENERAL HEALTH IS IN? ...... THEN THIS IS FOR YOU!! !Heike uses the latest Radionics Technology to scan your !body so that you know your health state. !The Quantec Device is the only biocommunicational !system to scan your BODY, MIND and SPIRIT. !Heike is focusing on the following: !? Allergies - Hay fever - Sinus !? Arthritis - Gout - Pain & Cramps in legs !? ADHD in Children !? Diabetes - Blood Pressure Problems - Heart Diseases !? Colon & Digestive Problems !? Menopause & Hormone Problems !? Sleeping Disorder Anxiety - Panic !? Different Detoxes Parasite Cleanse !For appointments contact !Heike at 081 344 9000 !

COURSES GERMAN COURSE FOR ADULT BEGINNERS: Learn to speak German and improve your job opportunities!! Limited space Available. Register now to qualify for a discount. Experienced mothertongue teacher. Contact 081 607 2685

SERVICES RENOVATIONS & MAINTENANCE We offer: Construction Painting Paving Slasto Lapas Plumbing Tiling Electrical and all types of roof structures Maintenance on all buildings & structures 24/7 service Contact: 081 744 7457 TILER AVAILABLE (Swakopmund): More than 20 years experience. No job is too big or too small... Contact: 081 605 2595 for a free quotation.



EMPIRE ELECTRICAL Well established electrical contractors at the coast since 2010. We are offering huge promotion prices in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. To promote our new Swakop branch and broaden our client base. Includes all new electrical installations and renovations. Terms and conditions apply. Swakopmuind 081 621 7765 Walvis Bay 081 801 7331 empirepd@gmail.com

TRADITIONAL DOCTOR KHOROMANA Treats various problems and diseases Removal of bad luck Lost lover, problems and for them to come back in a very short time. Love affairs, i.e finding lovers and to be yours quickly. Court cases of any type. Jobs and promotions. To win tenders and contracts To those who are weak in bed during sex, to have power. Protection of body and house witchcraft, removal of tokolshis Cleaning the house from tokolshis. Pregnancy problems. All types of diseases and many more complicated problems and diseases. Phone Doctor Khoromana 081 719 4874

Business Solution Trading CC 108 5th Street Walvis Bay Namibia Contact : 081 8532 464 Business plans, Feasibility and Marketing studies, project performance assessment, strategic and marketing planning, organizational growth and strategies, clearing and forwarding, SME mentor ship, Company logos, assignment at all levels of study (certificate, diploma, degree, and masters), loan application procedures and website design. SAAM RY GELEENTHEID: trip to ECG/Pretoria West with a quantum 13 Seater. Date: 20 August return 24 August 2015 Place: Pretoria West Price: N$1800.00 go and come back Contact details: Eugene Gariseb 081 420 2867 / 081 713 4551 / 081 604 6127 For clarity please do not hesitate to contact me. PRINCE ABEY: My name is Shantel from Walvis Bay, my boyfriend left us for another woman in 2013 without support for me and the children. When I visited Prince Abey my boyfriend called me on the third day and apologised for leaving us. We are planning to get married soon. You can visit Prince Abey for Pregnancy problems, lost lover, enlargements, evil spirits, attract customers, court cases etc. Contact Prince: 081 736 3678 Vehicle License Assist No queues, no stress License Renewal, Roadworthiness, change of ownership, personalized number plates... We do it all!! Contact: 081 498 6051 Request a price list from: vla.namibia@gmail.com MAD MIKE HANDYMAN IN, OUT, UP AND AROUND THE HOUSE. It all makes sense with Mike. Call us: 081 575 7148 Michael

DR DUH-AZIZI Now in Swakopmund Expert in African Traditional Medicine and Healing: Are you tired in a relationship and want to get married? Is the support weak? Do you want to keep a lover to yourself and no sharing? Ever wonder why others progress and your are struggling with no success? Are you troubled at night, no sleep, things move in the house or on your body? you have unfinished job? Turn to DR DUH-AZIZI for all lost lovers, luck, removal of demons and tokolosh. Contact: 081 344 8959 TRADITIONAL DOCTOR - PHIRI: Powerful doctor with spiritual powers. helps with witchcraft problems, helps remove evils, tokolosh. Helps diseases. Pregnancy problems. Brings back your lost lovers, Marriages, Court cases, Penis enlargement, Business booster, Customer attraction, protection of property. revenge and send back the witches to the owners. Dr Phiri: 081 716 4758 Your coastal specialist in: · Building construction / renovations excavation, foundations, building, plastering, paint & roofing. · Tiles laying of floor and wall tiles. · Paving and interlocking laying of pavers and interlocks in yards and on sidewalks. ·Electrical works Installation and repair of electrical components, house wiring and fault finding. · Plumbing Installation and repair of home and industrial sewage systems. CALL US FOR A FREE QUOTATION TODAY…081 144 2738 / 081 365 1917 / 081 699 2441 / 064 207 897 24 HOUR STANDBY


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11 AUGUST 2015

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TRADITIONAL DOCTOR Dr CHIMBO Annan For the first time he is here in Walvis Bay Now with very powerful medicine for any type of problems and to heal various diseases of any type except HIV. He is specializing in Love Problems, to bring back lost lover, peaceful marriage, your lover to think only about you. To stop cheating, not to be stingy, erections, pregnancy problems, work promotions, protection of witchcraft from body and house, removal of bad luck and many more. Come and experience wonderful miracle happening in your life. Contact: 081 969 2800 085 636 6092

TRADITIONAL DOCTOR Dr Lovemore Banda The Old Man Walvis Bay, Now Oupa Ben Banda, specializing in various problems and diseases...lost lovers to come back Protection of houses and bodies from witch craft, removal of any type of bad luck, complicated of court cases, binding your lover to be yours only. Promotion at work, to get a new job, win contracts, to have more power during sex. Pregnancy problems, all types of diseases except HIV. Come and ee wonderful miracles happening in your life. You will never regret. Contact Oupa Ben Banda: 081 764 6937 Consulation fee is N$ 100.00

SQUARE BUILDERS CC Swakopmund: * Building construction, * Renovations, * Painting, * Interlock, * Carpentry and many more...

TRADITIONAL DOCTOR KALENGA: He can help you through: Pregnancy - Education Court Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Problems - Bad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Tokoloshi - Mens’ Power Sexuality - Exams Job Problems etc. Walvis Bay & Swakopmund. Cell:081 201 7887.

JOB OPPORTUNITY: Looking for Salon ladies to rent a chair and or work on salary at a very busy salon. Good monthly income. Contact: 081 226 1350

BUDGET CLEANERS: We offer once off cleaning for Lounge suites Carpets/Rugs Matrasses Loose chairs Machine scrub tiles Descale/Steam clean bathrooms / ablution blocks Accessible windows Exterior spray cleaning And much more!!! Contact Mrs Jenny Brand Tel 081 148 5036 Office 220 382 Mail: budget@iway.na All cleaning procedures done under supervision BAY JOINERY & RENOVATION SERVICES We offer the following: Built in cupboards, any kind of wood Wooden gates, electrical with remote control Manufacture solid wooden furniture to your specifications Extension and renovation of existing dwellings General maintenance Expert tiling, painting, plumbing, roofs and interlocks/pavers Call DEREK 081 252 6095 for quotations

OFFICE & HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE REMOVAL SPECIALISTS Over Namibia Household & Office. Mobile: 0814093522 email: neilnkt@iway.na

Professional cleaning for affordable prices We provide cleaning services in: Flats, Houses, Shops, Offices, Factories, Buildings, Body corps Call Agents: 081 682 0973 081 261 0502 Weekly/monthly contracts can be arranged

PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS CONSULTANCY SERVICES We do: !Company registrations (cc, pty, trust, etc) !Company profiles !Business plans !Feasibility studies & project proposals !Marketing (promotions, banners, flyers etc) !Bookkeeping (management accounts financial statements etc) !Tax registrations & management !Staff training (customer care, computer skills, basic accounting) !Tender document filing !SME loan applications (DBN, SME bank etc) Let our qualified team help you grow your business. Contact: 081 144 2738 064 207 897

TRADITIONAL DOCTOR DR CHISALE “The Old Man” From Malawi Specializing in various problems and diseases... Lost lovers to come back within 4 days Protection of houses and bodies from witchcraft Removal of any type of bad luck Complicated court cases Binding your lover, to be yours only Boosting your business Passing examinations Promotion at work Win big contracts Not to be asked to pay debts or accounts To become pregnant To have more power during sex All types of diseases To become pregnant and many more Come and see wonderful miracles happening in your life and you will never regret Phone Doctor Chisalo “The Old man” 081 726 2834 NDIMUHOLE TRADING CC Specialise in: Building, painting, Carpentry, Roofing Tiling, Plumbing Renovation, electrical installation and cleaning services. DSTV installation Contact Natangwe: 081 767 8279 Sir Joseph: 081 483 3603 DR SHIMBA: Traditional Herbalist Healer, Specialising with African Medicine: - Man power, general sickness, Financial problems, business matters, protection, bad luck. - Woman who cannot give birth. - Vaginal discharge - Irregular with womb - Family/Marriage problems. - If you want to get married - Bring back lost lover - Job problems, Promotions, to be liked at work - Removing witchcraft Cell: 081 423 7491

AFRO TRANSPORT We have 4 tonne freezers truck Tel: 064 221 163 081 336 0019 Email: afrottcc@hotmail.com Find us in Walvis Bay Good for the fish and meat “We go where you go”

VACANCIES ARBEIDSTERAPEUT WORD BENODIG Besige algemene Arbeidsterapie praktyk in Walvisbaai, Namibië is dringend opsoek na 'n Arbeidsterapeut om in die praktyk te werk. Diens kan Januarie 2015 begin word. -Die aansoeker moet 'n graad in Arbeidsterapie hê. -Moet Afrikaans en Engels vlot kan praat. -Vorige ervaring in die pediatrie veld sal 'n voordeel wees maar nie 'n vereiste nie. -Sy moet goeie gesondheid hê, selfstandig kan werk, 'n vol pasiënte lading kan hanteer en bereid wees om vir 'n minimum van 'n jaar in die praktyk te werk ‘ -n Kompiterende kommissie gebaseerde salaris sal onderhandel word -n Geldige paspoort en rybewys sowel as eie vervoer is noodsaaklik -Reis onkoste van Suid-Afrika tot Namibië sal deur werkgewer betaal word -n Werks permit sal deur werkgewer gereël wordFaks CV en onlangse foto vir aandag na (faks) 00264-64-221568 of epos: lscheffer@iway.na Navrae kan by (Tel) 00264-64-206356 gedoen word

REE BODYWORKS We are looking for panel beaters with at least 2 years' experience. Email CV to adminree@iway.na or Fax to 064 - 200732 ERONGO AXIS SECURITY CC WALVIS BAY We are looking for selfstarters to join our team as Armed Response officers and a Technician. Minimum Grade 10. Previous experience will be an added advantage. Forward your full CV to The Operations Manager opsmanager@security.c om.na or visit our office in Hage Geingob Street No 59.No Faxed CV's. Experienced assistant cooks needed for grilling, frying, baking. Please call: 206959

SITUATION WANTED JOB WANTED: Looking for domestic work. Mondays to Fridays. Walvis Bay or Swakopmund. Can start as soon as possible. Contact: 081 755 2570 IMMANUEL: Looking for work as a driver, have code 9, BE. Can start as soon as possible. Contact: 081 498 6443 JAPHUA: Looking for domestic work. Contact: 081 615 6025 RAUHA: A 33-year-old lady is looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay, Town, Meersig or Lagoon. Mondays to Fridays or 3 days a week. Reliable, hardworking and ready to start immediately. Know how to clean and iron very well. Have 5 years experience. Contact: 081 319 3552 WANTED: Looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 264 9865 SICKY: Looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay or Langstrand. Sleep in work can do. Contact: 081 483 3293

JANET: Ek is ‘n 26-jarige dame op soek na enige werk, kan na bejaardes omsien en kinders ook. Rook en drink glad nie. Kan enige tyd begin. Kontak: 081 581 1640 i am a 32 year old lady looking for domestic work such as cleaning and baby sitting from Mondays to Fridays. Contact: 081 342 5709 081 343 4558 Sylvia: I am looking for domestic work in Swakopmund for 3 days or Mondays to Fridays. I have experience. Contact: 081 268 7806 Merensia: Is opsoek na huiswerk vir n week of 3 dae n week in Swakopmund. Soek ook kantoor skoonmaak werk. As ek vir 3 dae werk kry soek ek dan ook 2 dae werk by n ander plek. Ek drink of rook nie. Kan onmiddelik begin. Kontak: 081 212 6439 I am a 30 year old lady looking for a job as a Office cleaner, housekeeping, domestic worker. I can start any time in Swakop or Walvis. Contact: 081 746 4362 I am Issabella and are 33 years old. I am looking for domestic work which includes washing and ironing in Walvis Bay. Areas include: Langstrand, Meersig, Lagoon, or in town. I can start at any time. Cell: 081 782 6348 Ek is op soek na kinders oppas of huis werk. Ek is hardwerkend en betroubaar. 081 699 2820


A TO Z CLEANING SERVICES WE OFFER: Daily / Weekly / Monthly Yearly Contracts For Offices / Buildings / Shops /Shopping malls // Factories/Accessible windows / Ablution Blocks / Body Corporates Etc. Contact Mr Coenie Brand Tel 081 129 7988 Office 205 036 Mail:ops@atozcleaning .com.na

Contact: +264 81 229 2808 +264 81 676 2058 paulusshikanda@gmail. com

VAKATURE Ontvangsdame Kontak: 081 129 7234


Namib Times


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11 AUGUST 2015

Peter E Dierking * 20/04/1952

+ 05/08/2015

Tschüss mein Mann, unser Pappa ~Pandy mit Elfie, Micky und Mark~

Robin Anthony Matthews * 18/02/1965

† 6/08/2015

Psalm 23 Roudienste: 12 Aug Woensdag 19:00 Christen Gemeentes Narraville 14 Aug Vrydag 19:00 78 Plein Str. Narraville Begrafnis: Saterdag 15 Aug 8:00 vanuit huis 78 Plein Str Narraville 9:00 Christen Gemeentes Narraville

Navrae: Mariana - 081 794 8674 Michelle - 081 124 5688 Sharon - 081 760 7349


The Memorial Service for

DR. REINWARD MATHEIS will be held on Saturday 15 August 2015, 14h30 at the Catholic Church, Swakopmund. The funeral will be held at about 16h00 at the Swakopmund cemetery.

KENNISGEWING Die Gedenkdiens vir

DR. REINWARD MATHEIS vind plaas op Saterdag 15 Augustus 2015, 14h30 vanuit Rooms Katolieke kerk, Swakopmund. Begrafnis 16h00 by die Swakopmund begraafplaas.

11 AUGUST 2015




11 AUGUST 2015



Namib Diesel Social Doubles League

terforce yet, their magic seems impenetrable. Spice Girls bt Rent-ADrum 3-2. Lindsay /Carla drummed it in with some hot play. Christo & Cindy bt Jaco & Annamaria 3-0. Another win to boost CC's confidence. Going into the final week the point's situation at the moment is as follows:Group A. Janne Manne 35; Namib Diesel 32;

Supatronix 30; Erongo Auto Electric Sparkies 25; Fuel Pump Repairs Africa 24; Jewellery Boutique 21; Lighties 15; Woermann Brock Hardware & Building Supplies 13 and Namib Off-Road Boeties 9. Group B. Magic 35; Waterbay Woods Castle Lities 32; Rent-A-Drum 27; Spice Girls 22; Double Trouble 20; Road Runners 16; Christo & Cindy 14; Steel Africa 10; Patrick & Diana 8

and Jaco & Annamaria 7. As can be seen the top teams still have everything to fight for. The final two rounds is going to be very interesting, as the top placed teams are basically playing against each for the numero uno position. It's going to be a good week. Okay, time to put the one/two finger typing to rest, as this took like foreeeverrr! Definitely not cool ....

This sucks big time.. Typing with a broken/fractured pinkie is B Section. definitely no joke and just to show there is no ill feeling a supa effort Wa t e r b a y Wo o d s shall be put in. Castle Lities bt Steel B Section. It seems the league is 3-2. Jan/ Sharde almost Africa 3-1. Yep, and taking its fair share of Spice Girls bt Steel let it slip against Michi/ wood conquers steel. casualties this year, Africa 3-1.Lindsay/ Richard van der Meer. Pieter/Sharde proving which is probably due Carla's spicy perfor- They managed to pull it they're the Lite weights to the fierce compe- mance was to hot for together and take an to be reckoned with. Magic bt Double titive commitment of Doyle/Bykes to handle. excellent match. the teams. It's good to M a g i c b t J a c o & Fuel Pump Repairs Trouble 3-0. Yeah. It see them going at it Annamaria 3-0. Once Africa bt Lighties 3-0. seems Poena/Cabous again some enchanted Cliffy/Jen had com- are unstoppable. With hammer n tongs. The results for last play by Poena/Cabous. mand of the court like a no one being able to come up with a counweek were as fol- Rent-A-Drum bt Road finely tuned duo. Runners 3-1. Bertus/ lows: Blackie collected max Monday 3rd points with a good win. A Section. Supatronix bt Erongo Christo & Cindy bt Auto Electric Spar- Patrick & Diana 3-1. kies 3-1. The match CC were happy with was hard and fast until the way they worked Trev took his tumble together for a well and fractured his earned result. pinkie. Unfortunately Wa t e r b a y Wo o d s the spark fizzled out Castle Lities bt Double after that and Ze/Serg Trouble 3-2. Pieter/ Sharde managed to pocketed a supa win. J a n n e M a n n e b t crate n contain the DT's Jewellery Boutique 3- to take a well earned 1.Jan/Stefan kept victory. th their winning ways up Wednesday 5 w i t h s o m e j e w e l A Section Wo e r m a n n B r o c k crushing play. N a m i b D i e s e l b t Hardware & Building Lighties 3-1. Jaco/ Supplies bt Namib OffTrev kept the revs up R o a d B o e t s 3 - 2 . a n d o v e r r a n t h e Danie/Imanuel nailed it with some riveting lighties. Fuel Pump Repairs play. Africa bt Namib Off- N a m i b D i e s e l b t R o a d B o e t s 3 - 1 . Supatronix 3-0. Jaco/ Fueled up and firing Trev motored to an The De Duine under 17 netball freaks took home the trophy of the Bank Windhoek Super League and pocketed N$8 000. They defeated o n a l l c y l i n d e r s excellent victory. Cliffy/Jen took an Janne Manne bt Erongo Windhoek Gymnasium with a score of 30-23. “We just wish to thank out Heavenly Father, Coach Kangu, the parents and sponsors for Auto Electric Sparkies the support. We wouldn't have come thus far without the support. This win was in the memory of the late Carike Freygang,” said Ms economic win. Yolande Koning Netball coordinator of De Duine

“The sun never sets on De Duine”

11 AUGUST 2015



Welwitschias beat Lions in Africa Cup match

Namibia beat Kenya 46-13 in an Africa Cup rugby match at the Hage Geingob Rugby Stadium in Windhoek on Saturday. It is the 15th edition of the Africa Cup, an annual international rugby union tournament for African nations organised by Rugby Africa. Namibia are defen-

ding champions and have won the cup four times. The victory against Kenya was sweet revenge for Namibia after losing 22-29 to Kenya last year in

Madagascar in the opening match of the Confederation of African Rugby (CAR) tournament qualifiers for the 2015 Rugby World Cup. On Saturday, Namibia opened scoring in the early minutes of the game with a penalty by Theuns

Kotze. Kenya retaliated minutes later through a Darwin Mukidza penalty. N a m i b i a ' s We l witschias extended their lead through fullback Chrysander Botha's try, Kotze's conversion and penalty to take the score to 13-3.

Mukidza then recorded a second penalty for Kenya. Namibian winger David Philander also scored a try before assisting Darryl de la Harpe with his first try. Kotze converted one but missed another conversion to end the first-half 256.

Minutes into the second half, De La Harpe scored his second try of the game and Kotze converted successfully to extend their lead to 32-6. Namibia then scored a penalty try worth seven points, before Renaldo Coetzee scored the host's last try and Kotze making good the conversion. At that stage the score was 46-6 in favour of the home team. Kenya's Jacob Ojee caught the Namibian defence off-guard and managed to score their only try of the game a few minutes before the final whistle. Mukidza then converted. Speaking to the media after the game, Namibian captain Jacques Burger said the players are currently in good spirits and are looking forward to their first-ever World Cup victory. “We prepared well for this game and when we came into the game, we took our chances. “The scoreboard showed good results,

but the team still needs to improve on some aspects as the World Cup is tougher than this,” he said. Burger added that the mood in the camp is positive ahead of the World Cup set for England from 18 Septe mber to 01 November. Namibia is in a group with Argentina, Georgia, New Zealand and Tonga. Kenya's captain Brian Nyikuli said his side did not take their chances in the first half but they are looking forward to playing Namibia again in the return leg of the Africa Cup after the Rugby World Cup. Namibia will face Zimbabwe in its next Africa Cup match set for the same venue on Saturday, 15 August. Namibia plays in Division 1A against Tunisia, Kenya and Zimbabwe. Namibia beat Tunisia 22-14 in June this year in Nabeul, Tunisia. NAMPA

KWV Individual Rossmund Golf Club News Stableford

Nothing keeps our loyal supporters at home and another fun week gone by. New tees, superb greens (thanks Gert) and some good weather in between. A buck digging or three!!

KWV sponsored last week Saturday. Thank you for your KWV sponsorship and support. Jonas Niilenge outplayed the field once again with a great round of 44 Points and he is probably the owner of a new handicap as well. M Nangolo just fell short with 43 points , well played guys. Lucky Draws were won by Shane and Des, well done Shane ( The lucky spree continues) 1st - Jonas Niilenge – 44 points 2nd - M Nangolo – 43 points 3rd- Pieter Fox – 42 points This Saturday is PISCS with the monthly Medal. 26 Aug will be a Golfer and Non Golfer day, come and join us for a fun day of golf. One last thing guys, please don't carry away the Bar glasses, its costing the club lots of money to replace. See you in the fairway.

Mid week - over 20 golfers participated on Wednesday last, and another event very kindly sponsored by Fruit and Veg. Piet – you are a star with your vouchers. The 18 hole winners were M Angula (40 pts) and G van der Merwe (39 pts). The 9 hole winner with 21 points was J van der Merwe. Thanks to our members who can find the time to sneak a game on Wednesdays. FNB kindly sponsored a Better Ball on Saturday 8 August, with a field of 24 players on the course. Generous prizes extended to 9 couples; the winners being S Bonifatius and H Ndendja (45pts), followed by T Shitaleni and S Ndalumbumo with 44 on a count out.

Thanks First National Bank. If you need any help with your game, our own Marlin Swarts will be at Rossmund, available for coaching, from 21 - 28 August 2015. He has been persuing his career at the North Link College in Cape Town, and as an apprentice to Paul McKenzie at the Tyger Valley Driving Range, and Club Pro at de Zarza, Stellenbosch. Contact Rossmund on 405644 to be book a session. Coming up: Saturday 15th – Mermaid Casino 3 Ball Alliance. Get your team organised – see you there! “Golf is a test of temper, a trial of honour, a revealer of character. ” (David Forgan)

Get your life back Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Thursday at 18:30 at the Roman Catholic Church Swakopmund. Al Anon meetings for the family of alcoholics are run at the same time.

Contact: 081 606 7743 H Smidt (left) and Jonas Niilenge


11 AUGUST 2015

Augustine Everson (1st place), Leah La Cock (2nd place), Sune Hoffmann and Karla Duvenhage (both 3rd place)

Gymnasts in action

Young gymnasts wow spectators Marshallino Beukes

The 2nd Qualifying Competition for Rhythmic Gymnastics was held in the Sport Dome in Swakopmund this weekend and parents and spectators were wowed by the skills, displayed by these gymnasts. The competition was hosted by Ocean View Rhythmic and all rhythmic gymnasts from Namibia competed for qualifi-

cation for the Namibian National Championships. The Namibian National Championships will be hosted by

Walvis Bay Gymnastics Club, on 23 and 24 October. This weekend’s competition also served as a further platform

for the selection of rhythmic gymnasts to compete at the annual South African Gymnastics Games, Zone VI and African

Championships. The SA GymGames will be hosted at WITS University, during the week of 5-9 October.

Rhythmic clubs which participated were Ocean View Rhythmic, Walvis Bay Gymnastics Club, Windhoek Rhythmic

Club, Illusion Rhythmic Club (Windhoek) and also Tsumeb Rhythmic Club.

His House Tri-sport Event here to stay Madelaine Laubscher The His House fundraising committee accommodated athletes for the event. It included a corporate Golf day on 31 July at the Rossmund Golf Course in Swakopmund and a cycling and running event at Dune 7 the next day. Fifteen teams participated in the Golf Day, sponsored by Welwitschia Hospital. According to the spokesperson, Mrs Ina Jones, the weather was fine and the day was very pleasant. “On registration morning, the first entries received a goody bag. Goody bags were provided by Welwitschia Hospital and to make things interesting, His House sponsored the T-off. One player of each team had to T-off from the commode.” Saturday was the Cycling and Running Event, sponsored by Sanlam where 107 cyclists and

99 runners started off in a typical East-weather day. At the end all teams received a prize. “Everyone was sand blasted after their race. All participants received a finisher’s medal which they deserved after taking part in such a sand storm,” she concluded The Dream Team Walvis Bay was the winning team with Gordon Damster, Pieter Fox and Andrew van Schalkwyk. The best dressed team was the First National Bank (FNB) team with Schalk van Wyk, Willie Venter and Wayne Hart.

The team with the best spirit was the Woker Freight Team with Jerry Hartog, P Lohmann and Dennis Echsteen. Ms Petro Jones held a speech at the event. “I want to thank our Heavenly Father for this event and everyone who has taken the time to join us. We apologise for the few glitches and thank you for understanding. It is our first event of its kind. We look forward to grow with practice as this will become an annual event. His House Care Centre has recently celebrated their 10th birthday. Dr Gustav Bertels-

mann and his wife Andrea, opened the doors to their first residents after realising the great need in our community. “Currently we care for 21 inhouse residents. Our motto is to provide care with a vision of making it affordable for the elderly, needy and vulnerable. Our passion lies in the concept of creating a homely and Christian environment so the transition from home to a care centre is done with dignity and respect,” she said. They aim to aid their residence as far as possible to maintain a sense of independence. They

The Dream Team have a waiting list of 26 names. “With your participation and generous contributions, the His House team will be

able to continue providing for the demand in our community of the under-privileged,” she said.

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