namib times SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6513 FRIDAY 11 DECEMBER 2015 Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net
Change of the guard
Erongo Regional Commander Comm Samuel //Hoebeb retires The Namibian Police's in Erongo had a change of the guard, following the Regional Commander, Commissioner Samuel //Hoebeb's recent retirement. Commissioner //Hoebeb will officially hand over duties next week to the current Staff Officer for Operations (Deputy Regional Commander), Commissioner Andreas Nelumbu.
Body in container identified
Nelumbu's post will be filled by Deputy Commissioner Tobias Gerber. A formal announcement in this regard is also expected to be made next week at Regional Headquarters in Walvis Bay. The InspectorGeneral of the Namibian Police Lt-Gen Sebastian Ndeitunga is expected to make the announcements in person. Although the announcement is yet to follow, both Nelumbu and Gerber already assumed their new responsibilities.
Page 4
Zip-Zap circus
(Fltr) Deputy Commissioner Tobias Gerber, Comm Andreas Nelumbu and far right Comm Samuel //Hoebeb
Page 9
Two former coastal leaders assume new diplomatic posts Staff Reporter Namibia's Head of State, President Hage Geingob on Wednesday announced the appointment of former Erongo Regional Governor, Samuel Nuuyoma, as Namibian Ambassador to Brazil and former Walvis Bay Mayor, Teresia Samaria, Ambassador to the Republic of Tanzania. Staff of the namib times invite residents of Walvis Bay to undergo voluntary HIV/Aids testing and counselling tomorrow between 08:00 and 10:00 and 11:00 and 13:00 as part of the namib times/Pepfar Know Your Status Campaign. Be at the Seagull Shopping Mall at 08:00 and Woermann Brock Narraville at 11:00. The first 200 volunteers undergoing testing will each receive a T-shirt. Also enter our Know Your Status competition where you can win up to N$100 MTC Airtime. (See details on page 30)
Law enforcers ready
Page 10
Desert Dash
As the announcements became public knowledge, coastal residents showered Nuuyoma and Samaria with congratulatory messages. Nuuyoma is also the former Governor of the Otjozondjupa Region. Page 32
namib times
Walvis Bay an alternative trade route for Botswana
Since the construction of the Trans Kalahari Corridor, there has been several initiatives to see how best to develop the Botswana market via Walvis Bay, Namibia. Among these SERVING THE initiatives are the establishment of the Trans Kalahari COASTAL Corridor Secretariat (TKCS), the establishment of a Walvis COMMUNITY Bay Corridor Group (WBCG) office in Johannesburg, South Africa and the development of a dry port facility in Walvis Bay SINCE 1958 for Botswana. namib times is registered as Various activities rest of Botswana in Botswana. “The a newspaper by the Ministry were also hosted in can also establish m i n i n g s e c t o r , of Information Technology Botswana to create offices or branches which forms the and Communication awareness on Wal- in Walvis Bay and backbone of BotWalvis Bay Office vis Bay as an alter- take advantage of swana's economy, native international the current existing can immensely beTel +264 64 205854 trade route for the niches in the lo- nefit from the TKC Fax + 264 64 204813 landlocked country. gistics business. and thus add value wvb@namibtimes.net Botswana, which There are abundant to the economy and has a similar econo- opportunities that c r e a t e e m p l o y ADVERTISING my in terms of size entrepreneurs from ment.” sales@namibtimes.net as Namibia, is now this country can take He noted that the desiree@namibtimes.net looking stronger advantage of in the TKC, which links to MARKETING/SALES than ever towards logistics business in the Walvis Bay Port, Mikkie Kriel the Walvis Bay Cor- Walvis Bay,” he provides a short Cell +264 81 286 9519 ridors as a potential said. transport link across mikkie@namibtimes.net marketing.namibtimes@iway.na trade route. The Mr Smith further the entire breadth of WBCG has there- suggested that if Southern Africa. Desiree Jooste fore embarked on an Francistown esta- Compared to the Tel: +264 64 205854 desiree@namibtimes.net a w a r e n e s s c a m - blishes a logistics traditional Southern paign beyond the ca- hub, it can further Namibia routes that lolla@namibtimes.net pital city of Botswa- attract more invest- link to South AfriCLASSIFIEDS na to other areas ment in the city and ca's Gauteng, Smith Tel: +264 64 205854 which are critical for thus create em- said TKC cuts the smalls@namibtimes.net decision making in ployment and add distance by 400 NEWS DESK Botswana. value to the econo- kilometres, making Floris Steenkamp An information ses- my. “The Trans Ka- it a more preferred Cell +264 81 220 6090 sion hosted by the lahari Corridor pre- route providing cost newsdesk@namibtimes.net Walvis Bay Corri- sents a golden op- effective logistical dor Group (WB- portunity for Bot- advantages to the JOURNALISTS CG), Trans Kalahari swana to export and users. He also said Madelaine Laubscher Corridor Secretariat import goods in a that the TKC is a Cell +264 81 150 6887 madelaine@namibtimes.net (TKCS) and Bots- cheaper and effec- strategic route of wana Railways, was tive way, which choice that provides Liesl Losper held in November in would further en- linkages between Cell +264 81 448 0749 journalist1@namibtimes.net the mining town of hance your econo- the Americas and Francistown. This m y. I n t o d a y ' s East European marMavourlene Gaes city is strategically competitive logis- kets and the SouthCell +264 81 676 0872 marvourlene@namibtimes.net located to service tics environment, ern African counjournalist3@namibtimes.net countries like Zim- importers and ex- tries. babwe. In his dis- porters are constant- Speaking at the SPORT cussion, WBCG ly looking at alter- event, the Permasport@namibtimes.net CEO, Johny Smith natives for their nent Secretary (PS) Swakopmund Office advised entrepre- clients aimed at re- in the Ministry of neurs to take advan- ducing the time and Transport and ComTel +264 64 461866 tage of the Trans cost of doing busi- munications, Neil Fax + 264 64 461824 Kalahari Corridor ness within the re- Fitt said that corrifrom Walvis Bay to gion,” he said. In dors are important ADVERTISING establish a transit addition, he ex- to precipitate trade shene@namibtimes.net hub to service coun- plained that the and most imporMARKETING/SALES tries such as Zim- Trans Kalahari Cor- tantly to lower Mikkie Kriel babwe. “Francis- ridor, which is link- transportation costs Cell +264 81 286 9519 mikkie@namibtimes.net town can look at ed to the port of for a landlocked marketing.namibtimes@iway.na establishing distri- Walvis Bay, has the country like Botbution facilities. potential to add a swana. “Botswana Brenda Miles Entrepreneurs from great deal of value is a landlocked Cell +264 81 128 3280 brenda@namibtimes.net Francistown and the to the mining sector country, but through JOURNALISTS Sharlien Tjambari Cell +264 81 788 8155 sharlien@namibtimes.net
PRO-Print Brenda Miles Cell +264 81 128 3280 brenda@namibtimes.net WALVIS BAY Moya Davids Cell +264 81 208 4047 moya@namibtimes.net e-book edition @ http://issuu.com/ namibtimes www.namibtimes.net
11 DECEMBER 2015
Message by Swakopmund Traffic Chief Melvyn Cloete The festive season has started and people are travelling to and from Swakopmund. All I can say is come and active, we will In our jurisdiction to Swakopmund be- not sit back and wait we will manage the cause Swakopmund for something to municipal boundais the place to be, come to us, we will ries of Swakopcome and enjoy your- go out there and en- mund but the Naself but unfortunately force the law but in mibian police will you have to do it the same vein, we be on the main within the framework will also educate the roads outside the of the law, if you step people. different towns and outside that frame- Our biggest pro- be certain that they
work then you will be on the wrong side of the law and we will have to act. We are not waiting for you to do something wrong but it is normally the driver who commits the offence and with that we will be forced to take serious actions against offenders. My team is a very committed team
blem is that people do not adhere to the rules of the road in this country and at the end of the day we lose lives due to accidents that occur on the roads. My advice to the travellers is, please drive safely and come home safely but please be warned that we will be on the road.
will arrest you, so stay in the speed limit, don't drink and drive and be patient on the road because the road is not for you alone. Share it with everyone and I believe it will help you to reach your destination safely. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.
this corridor Botswana will be able to compete fairly and benefit,” he said. Mr Fitt explained that his ministry was trying to facilitate transportation and the development of the corridors as part of that process. Fitt said that the corridor speeds up transportation of goods and makes trade cheaper for people. He added that the TKC brings in goods and infrastructure and therefore stimulates the economy. “It also gives a backbone to the connectivity of Information Communication Technology,” he said, adding that the corridor is a huge game changer in the transport and logistics sector. The PS however raised concern that Botswana has
little railway line which runs through Francistown. He said his ministry is establishing a railway line that connects to Kazungula Bridge in Kasane in an effort to inject trade with neighbouring countries. Echoing the sentiment for economic growth in her area, the Mayor of Francistown, Her Worship, Sylvia Muzila, spoke of Francistown City Council (FCC)'s quest to transform the second city into an investment hub by 2022 and encouraged entrepreneurs to take up the opportunities presented by having such a vital trade route running through their city. In their presentations, the Trans Ka-
lahari Corridor Secretariat, Namport, Sea Rail and Botswana Chamber of Mines shared vital intel with the session delegates that could prove very useful in their business ventures. The role of the TKCS is to continue feeding on how to improve trade facilitation along the Trans Kalahari corridor. The WBCG's focus is on Business Development and linking potential customers via Namibia to Botswana. Botswana Railways as the owner and manager of the Botswana Dry Port is looking at how to convince customers in Botswana to optimise the utilisation of the TKCS route. Walvis Bay Corridor Group
Mondesa residents want clean suburb
No heavy trucks on coastal road for holidays
11 DECEMBER 2015
Sharlien Tjambari At almost every street corner in Mondesa a municipal skip is to be found. Household refuse, building rubble, garden rub- Mondesa residents who are proud of their bish and old electrical appliances are dumped in suburb, says with all the filth lying around, cirthese removable bins, but residents are be- cumstances are fast becoming unpleasant and it coming concerned as the skips are apparently not is not a good image for Swakopmund that prides removed fast enough to prevent a smelly accu- itself as a clean town. mulation of refuse. The population of Mondesa is growing at a According to the Swakopmund Municipality steady rate. More people create more waste and Health Services Department, the skips were not with that waste management services will come picked up because the drivers of the trucks were under increased pressure. not available for the past several days. An official Picking up the skips once a week is not enough. said the skips would be removed as soon as The community believes that the municipality possible. can do better than that.
Moratorium has been placed on the use of the B2 coastal road for the duration of the holiday season for all heavy trucks and truck and trailer combinations, as well as all other two and three axels above five tonnes.
The Trunk Road B2 (the coastal road connecting Walvis Bay to Swakopmund) has been subjected to severe traffic accidents in the past, especially during the festive season when numerous people want to enjoy the summer holidays with their families at the coast and the number of accidents with fatalities and serious injuries increases dramatically, thus im-
posing a huge burden on the country. In order to address this problem the Erongo Regional Road Safety Forum (ERRSF), together with the National Road Safety Council, hereby urgently appeals to all stakeholders to make provision for all trucks on the road from Walvis Bay to Swakopmund and vice versa in between 9 December and 15 January 2016 to make
use of the inland route (MR 44, the road behind the dunes), only. We count on your kind cooperation in this matter of national interest. We also kindly remind you to respect the embargo days for abnormal vehicles which are during that period: all weekends and from 4 December 2015 to 4 January 2016. D. Lange (ERRSF)
Swakopmunder in failed suicide after raping girlfriend’s daughter
Body in container deceased identified
Mavourlene !Gaёs Mavourlene !Gaёs A 40-year-old Mondesa resident in Swakopmund allegedly The deceased who was found in an empty freight container in Swakopmund's Mondesa attempted to commit suicide after it was uncovered he raped his suburb, last weekend, was identified by relatives this week as 31 year old Sebulon Scara girlfriend's ten-year-old daughter. Tsukhoeb Namiseb, in life a Walvis Bay resident . According to NamPol Detective Chief Inspector, Erastus Iikuyu, the first Following an article in Tuesday's edition of namib discovered, covered under a blanket, on midday rape allegedly took place in October this year, at House no 367, Mandume times, the deceased's relatives came forward and on Sunday by a passer-by in the yard of the old Ndemufayo Street. positively identified Namiseb. New Start Centre, in a yellow container in “It is alleged that the suspect called the victim to come lie next to him on the Namiseb's badly decomposed body was Khuruseb Street, Mondesa. bed he shared with the victim's mother who left for the hospital to go give birth.” Iikuyu added that while they were allegedly sleeping, the suspect removed the victim's underwear, undressed himself and then had sexual intercourse with her. The suspect visited his wife in hospital, only to return home and allegedly continuing to rape the girl. After the girlfriend returned home from the hospital, the victim told her mother of the rapes. The mother confronted the suspect who denied everything. The girlfriend then went outside to inform the neighbours, as a way of seeking help. When she returned to the house she found the suspect hung himself in the bedroom. With the assistance of neighbours the man was freed from the noose and is now recovering in hospital for a failed suicide bid. He remains under police guard and will make a first appearance in court at the first opportune time. The suspect's identity will be released upon his first court appearance.
One dead and 20 injured in 5 accidents on Erongo roads A German female tourist was reportedly killed and another 20 people were injured in five separate accidents in Erongo this week. The German tourist was killed when the vehicle in which she and three others was travelling overturned 30 kilometres from Uis, on the Henties Bay-Uis road. A second accident, the same day occurred when a long distance taxi overturned just east of Arandis. Seventeen people were injured and taken to various Swakopmund hospitals. Also on Tuesday, a recovery vehicle, a cement mixing truck and an ambulance left the road and overturned in heavy rains on the road between Karibib and Omaruru. These were three separate accidents, but the number of injured remains unknown.
Walvis Bay Magistrate's Court report 7 and 8 December Evan Van Wyk (27) appeared on a charge of uttering, tendering or accepting Bank of Namibia notes. The matter was postponed to 2 February 2016. The accused is in custody. Matias Laudika Mungoba (27) appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed to 8 February 2016. The accused is on bail. Erastus Kandenge (33) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. The matter was postponed to 22 March 2016 for lab results. The accused is on bail. Elizabeth Pius (35) appeared on a charge of theft.
Pius was found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of N$ 1 000 or six months in prison. Joseph Nakambunda (26) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 17 March 2016 for plea and trial. The accused is at large. Petrus Saltiel (36) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. The matter was postponed to 10 February 2016 for trial - witness absent. The accused is on bail. Mariana Van Der Byl (39) appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 18 January 2016 for legal aid. The accused is in custody.
Jarom Smith (25) appeared on a charge of failure to pay maintenance. The matter was postponed to 5 February 2016. The accused is on warning. Winson Davids (28) appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm, a charge of malicious damage to property and a charge of robbery. The matter was postponed to 26 January 2016. The accused is in custody. Andreas Mahoka (41) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 20 January 2016. The accused is in custody. Hofni Amakali (39) appeared on a charge of assault by threat. The matter was postponed to 9 March
2016 for plea and trial. The accused is in custody. Rudolf Johannes Botha (46) appeared on a charge of failing to give a name or address or furnish false name or address to the police. The matter was postponed to 25 January 2016 for no reason supplied. The accused is at large. Andreas Massner (29) appeared on a charge of pointing a firearm. The matter was postponed to 23 February 2016. The accused is on bail. Tulonga Haifete (31) appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 7 March 2016. The accused remains in custody.
Officeconomix burgled
Mavourlene !Gaёs
The shop of office furniture dealer, Officeconomix, was burgled on Tuesday. The incident occurred at around 04:20, branch manager Vierre Roos confirmed. Burglaries at business premises in Walvis Bay remain a real problem. “Yes they broke in and took one laptop that is valued at about N$12 000. They probably could have stolen more than the laptop, but when the alarm went off, they got a fright and fled,” explained Roos. Roos said the suspect or suspects forced open a window and Staff discovered there was a burglary when they arrived at work, Tuesday morning. Finger- and shoe prints were found at the scene, Roos added. Only weeks earlier, neighbouring Pennypinchers was also victim to burglars. The culprits managed to forced open a door, only to discover they wasted their time as a shop shelf blocked their entry.
11 DECEMBER 2015
Trustco provides quad bikes for law enforcement Mavourlene !Gaёs Law enforcement at the coast during the festive season received a significant boost on Wednesday when Trustco Insurance made available a number of quad bikes to the Namibian Police (NamPol) to be used for patrols in the dunes and beach areas. This project is a stand- to put the safety of criminal activities that ing tradition for eight others above your will be taking place years now between own,” said Coelho. during this season. Group Holdings and Coelho added that an- “We will make sure its subsidiary Trustco other reason for them those who have chosen Insurance during holi- providing the quad this place as a holiday bikes is part of their destination are safe. day seasons. The Brand Manager corporate and social re- We are however also of Trustco Insurance, sponsibility, their way counting on the public Paulo Coelho, handed of taking care of the for their cooperation. over the quad bikes community and help- The police are not du-ring a ceremony on ing NamPol execute going to tolerate drunthe shore of the lagoon their jobs more swiftly. ken driving, theft out of where he applauded NamPol Inspector, motor vehicles, overlaw enforcement offi- Moses !Aebeb who ac- loading and housecers for risking their cepted the quad bikes breaking this time lives, but also their on behalf of the Erongo around. We have zero pre-cious family time Regional Commander tolerance for that.” over the festive peri- thanked Trustco for N e w l y a p p o i n t e d od, to ensure holiday helping them in their Councillor, Paulus makers are safe and fight against crime Kauhondamwa who within the limits of especially during the spoke on behalf of the festive season. our laws. mayor applauded “This is the time of the “We, from NamPol are NamPol for their exyear for peace and re- very thankful to Trust- cellent job in upholdlaxation for the nor- co for their co-opera- ing peace and tranmal citizen but, for the tion in the fight against quillity. “You are police it is a different criminal activities. The always on high alert to story as they need to quad bikes will be of ensure that laws are remain on their guard. great use especially in abided to, and criminal We are here today to the area of the dunes. activities put to a stop. equip NamPol with We already started with We are extremely four fully functional our festive operations thankful for that.” quad bikes, to assist last month (27 Novem- Kauhondamwa added: them in their chase for ber) and the operations “It is a well known fact perpetrators in areas will carry on until next that Trustco handing like the dunes where a y e a r ( 1 8 J a n u a r y over the quad bikes to normal police vehicle 2016).” !Aebeb added the police is a true tesis not really equipped they are aware the timony that the moveto operate. We should coast is the best desti- ment of our police admit that this is an nation for holiday force will once more honorary profession goers and said they will not be restricted this because it is not easy not be lenient to any festive season.”
Inspector, Moses !Aebeb taking a closer look at the quad bike. Four quad bikes are ready for law enforcement. Pictured from left to right: Brand Manager Trustco Life Insurance Paulo Coelho, with NamPol Warrant officer Graham Knowles, Trustco Branch Manager Julia Kashaka and NamPol's Inspector !Aebeb.
11 DECEMBER 2015
Hardervangste tel op Hierdie groep bakkievissers was Woensdag verheug oor hul hardervangste wat hulle in die baai van Walvisbaai kon maak. Die vangste het vanjaar in die lente en vroeĂŤ somer stadig begin, en tot heelwat kommer gelei. Met die somerweer wat by die dag beter word, is die verwagting ook dat die bakkievissers vanjaar goeie vangste kan maak.
11 DECEMBER 2015
Namibian road system Truck drivers continue to a vein for economic show disrespect for law development in SADC Namibia's road network has been ranked among the safest, most efficient and sustainable on the African continent. The growth of the road infrastructure and the expansion of the road network have over time contributed immensely to the economic development of Namibia and the SADC-sub-region as a whole. Recently, the Walvis the importance of tems ahead of the Bay Corridor Group expanding and main- Namibia's growing de(WBCG), together taining Namibia's road mands are pivotal to with partners from the network to attract realising this vision. public and private trade. Acknowledging “Roads create wealth sector gathered for the the importance of ha- and therefore, the 4th Namibia Logistics ving the sector work maintenance of our Hub Forum to look at together, Mr Limbo roads is vital,” she said. how transport and lo- stated “The dream of Ryno Badernhorst, the gistics stakeholders achieving a Logistics Business Development can 'accelerate growth Hub can only be realis- Manager for FP Du through sustainable ed if Namibia has an Toit Transport spoke to road development'. efficient and sustain- the forum from 'a transThe forum was held in able transport system. portation road user's Windhoek and attract- Namibia, like any other perspective' and urged ed a wide range of member state that har- for standardisation of stakeholders including bours ambitions of be- procedures across the the Road Fund Ad- coming a logistics hub, S o u t h e r n A f r i c a n ministration (RFA), is obliged to meet the Development Commuthe Ministries of Indus- standards and recom- nity (SADC) region. trialisation Trade and mended practices. It is The forum's panel disSME Development our duty and respons- cussion afforded the (MITSD) and Works ibility as a sector to participants the opporand Transport, the Mo- work towards the goal tunity to engage the tor Vehicle Accident of full compliance with speakers and discuss Fund (MVA), Roads these standards.” planned developments. Authority (RA), Na- Almost 95% of Nami- The monthly Logistics tional Planning Com- bian transport services Hub Forums create a mission, to name a few. are road based. Roads platform where all the Roads are a key ele- Authority's Divisional role players in both the ment of the intermodal Manager for RMS, public and private secservices offered by a Sophia Tekie reiterated tors can share their Logistics Hub. It af- that a sustainable road plans, actions and disfects all aspects of network will benefit cuss possible solutions development in south- N a m i b i a i n m a n y going forward. Best ern Africa. Businesses ways, the results of practices are also depend on effective which will manifest in presented to enable roads for transporting efficient transport industry players to get their goods, industry systems, community a glimpse into how relies on roads for development as well as other countries and delivery of equipment influence the economic companies have manaand supplies, and the i m p a c t o n e x p o r t ged to move on to the general public require production. Funding, next level. “The purroads for work and lei- innovation, political pose of the Logistics surely travel. support and stake- Hub Forum is for the Mr Cedric Limbo from holder cooperation are industry to communithe Ministry of Works amongst what is need- cate with and support and Transport during ed to realize this vision. each other to ensure the keynote address on In addition, a sustain- that Namibia develops behalf of the Perma- able Road Network, into the envisioned Lonent Secretary, Willem road infrastructure and gistics Hub for the Goeiemann, affirmed road user support sys- region. -WBCG
Mavourlene !Gaёs An unknown truck driver has once more proved how many heavy vehicle drivers have little, if any respect, for infrastructure or traffic rules in Walvis Bay. A heavy vehicle drove over this information sign earlier this week, leaving it to the town's ratepayer to foot the bill for replacing it. Although only a road sign, the problem is much bigger than this one incident. At this open space in 10th Rd where the sign was driven over, truck drivers also disregard a sign that prohibits heavy vehicles from parking or overnighting there. The trucks also drive over the pavement at will, as can be seen from tracks on this picture, and that whilst there are two ramps to facilitate entry and exit. Truck drivers are also overnighting at various
other spots in the harbour town, often in the railway reserve in the industrial area only a few metres from the rail tracks. It is an accident waiting to happen. Other problems caused by trucks are oil- and fuel pollution when trucks break down in town and are repaired on the streets, a traffic menace as many are parked at spots where it conceals road signs or hinder a clear view of oncoming traffic and the destruction of infrastructure. At the container terminal entry gate at the port of Walvis Bay truck drivers park their trucks in the streets waiting for a turn to enter the terminal area.
11 DECEMBER 2015
Wat is die reëls rondom rolPublic takes it to skaatse en skaatsplanke? namib times FB Is daar reëls as dit kom by rolskaatse en skaatsplanke (skateboards) wat kinders in die straat ry?
Police searching for relatives of half decomposed body The body of a half-decomposed male, suspected to be between 35 and 50 years old, was discovered in Swakopmund in Mondesa's Khuruseb Street on Sunday afternoon at around 12:06. Laurence Theron That container is suppose to be a tb help sponsored by us aid read the label on it. Hesky Titus P Business man of Swkp are enriching themselves via the blood. Gebhardt Ausiku OMG , which direction this country heading to ? Maggy Windstaan My word where is this country going to. Herrie Louw Maybe he died of TB. Fillippus Uveni Speechless. Alex Muukua Wow
Daar is baie kinders wat in die straat ry en nie uitkyk vir motors nie. Daar het 'n kind onlangs in die aand met sy skaatsplank voor my kar ingegly. Gelukkig het ek dit sien kom en daarom kon ek betyds rem trap. Die probleem is ook die kinders dra geen helmets nie. So baie mense wat werk toe ry met fietse ry sonder helmets, wat 'n oortreding is. Waarom doen ons verkeersbeamptes niks daaraan nie? Ten spyte daarvan dat daar al daaroor gekla
was. Wat nog te sê van rolskaatse en skateboards! Ongelukke gebeur en ek glo niemand wil 'n kind trap wat per ongeluk voor 'n kar in gly nie. Daar is dan ook dié wat geheel en al gladnie in ag neem dat die strate vol motors is nie. Ek het al gesien hoe kinders met rolskaatse en “dirt bikes” eenvoudig net kanse vat en oor die straat voor motors injaag. Kan die ouers nie verantwoordelikheid neem vir hul kinders en vra om nie in die straat te ry nie. Ons verkeersbeamptes behoort dadelik op te tree voordat iemand seerkry of sterf.
Christmas officially arrives in Walvis Bay Christmas has officially started for Walvis Bay with the annual lighting of the Christmas tree on Sunday night. Dozens of children excitingly looked on and enjoyed the treats and gifts. Denise Van Bergen Thanks to the Councillors and the Municipal Officials for this, a lovely occasion, and Christmas Greetings to Mayor Gobbo and his team! Carene Smith Yaaaaaay!
Waarskuwing oor gebruik van waterglybane op Dolfyn Park Twee lede van die publiek het aan namib times rapporteer dat hul ligte beserings oor die naweek opgedoen het in die gebruik van een van die waterglybane (blou glybaan) by die Dolfynstrand Oord. Esmarie Swiegers My kind het ook al daar seer gekry. Die opsigter trek net haar skouers op en se dis op eie risiko. Ek betaal nou nog vir sy beserings! Wilfred Olivier Sien j love.?...soo ek wil niks hoor van dolfyn strand d december. Shamila Lotsch Nee mahn hartjie. ons was dan al daar af en het niks oorgekom nie. Quinton Fielding Tollie Dai mense wari ni met mense wat da seer kry ni,ek ook da seer gekry en niks het gebeur ni. Marwin Kotzee Voete amper af las jaar d tyd. Quinton Fielding Tollie Isja,so dai plek isi mee save ni. Idalette Hammond Magiel ek hoop jy Sien dit. Elma Meyer Daar is dit nou!
Windhoek Police hot on the heels of coastal resident which fled accident scene last month The Namibian Police's Traffic Division in Windhoek believes they have made a breakthrough in the search for a female coastal resident who was involved in a collision in the capital city last month and then fled the scene with the damaged vehicle. Antonio Katali I sow that car. just wonder how it comes to overturn. Maybe that woman ws driving on wrong side because there is four ways road nd the car ws on the right side of the road..there is even a stop sign near. Gebhardt Ausiku Ok . Gerda von Wielligh Haar turf sit. Cindy du Plessis Mooi so!
Party ends in tragedy A private party ended in tragedy in Swakopmund on Saturday night, when a 26-year-old female, Miss Kaino Antonius, was killed in a car crash on the Henties Bay road, as the group made it back to the holiday town from Mile 4 where the occasion was held. The deceased was an employee of Swakop Uranium. Anthea Lawrence Lord have mercy on our namibian roads in Jesus name Coenita Balt She has a Family, so to them our sympathy. One place at a Christmas tree will be empty this year. NAMIBIA PLEASE DRIVE SAFE! Helmut Lappies Labitzke Ridiculous to ask black or white? No wonder it goes the way it goes in our country. God has made us all equal a life is a life and a life is lost. We are drifting more and more away from God and then we ask why do we have droughts, murders, rapes, sicknesses, diseases etc. PENDUKA NAMIBIA PENDUKA VAKWETU MAN! Vinia MJ Stop being so judgemental and uprightous and acting all holier then though these are people who lost their lives. Does it matter if they were black or white? Things will never change if we still have the same mentality. What will happen to our kids if we the parents still talk about black and whites.... Damaras and Wamboes and Hereros we are a united country lets mourn the loss of lives irrespective of who or what they have been doing this is our country we should be united as one.
Ons kla so maklik oor Walvisbaai se nat strate en lekkende dakke na die reëntjie Dinsdagoggend. Kom ons gebruik eerder die energie om te bid en te dink aan ons land se vee- en plantboere wat reën dringend nodig het. Ook ons land se dorpe en hoofstad wat ‘n waterkrisis in die gesig staar as dit nie kom reën nie. - Andersom dink Chris Engels Please people of NAMIBIA we have a very sad and upsetting situation here. God bless the poor lady and her family,R.I.P. AND NOW,i would just like to say, that i stayed in Namibia many years ago. While i lived there i as a white man i was loved by all colours and i had a wonderful life amongst all people of Namibia. Three years ago i was on holiday in Swakopmud and Walvis Bay and i was looked after and treated like a King by all who i met, it was the best holiday ever,,,,,SO PLEASE PEOPLE OF NAMIBA NO MATTER WHAT OR WHO YOU ARE,,,STAND TOGETHER AS ONE PROUD NATION. GOD BLESS NAMIBIA. Ruusa Nangula Iyambo Very sad indeed.. May her soul rest in peace.. Dear fellow young people let's not sit in speeding cars n think its cool, it ain't no more. Let's tell our drivers to slow down. Cars are finishing us. Matheus Salmon I always say our roads are unwealthy ROADS IN NAMIBIA. Matheus Salmon Compare the width and see wich road is more safer to drive on ROADS IN BOTSWANA. Peter Odendaal always the same old story! ALCOHOL! Paulus Kanyetu May her soul rest in peace As a colleague we will always miss you kaino. Nampala M-rich Ndatunga Miss Kaino difficult to say bye in that way, although you leave us without saying goodbye. In Jesus name rest in peace lovely colleague. Vululukwa nombili. Paulus Kanyetu Black or white it does not matter how some Humen season realy . May your soul rest in peace kaino.& as collegues we will always remember you. Vinia MJ May God be with this family and comfort them. Willem van Wyk May her soul rest in peace. We will really miss her at Swakop Uranium. Kumbulani Terence Sai sad rip....life has to go on..our hearts are heavy .it a tragedy. ..but lets tru to be responsible citizens. get well soom to those n hospital.
Eppy Epison All Drivers Please Stop Overtaking If You Can't See Clear If The There Is On Coming Cars Please.Head On collision Is Too Much In Namibia Please. Stop Stop. Sortinha Mathias Sad to see how a friend died in this wreck..may the good Lord protect her soul. Lee Gigi Kayundu I still cnt believ she is gone. Ashante Adams I wish people would just stop commenting on post that have nothing to do with them.just read the damb post and move on. no one asked for your racist opinion! Andrie Inukwa Rest in peace collegues we wl always remember u sister. Tangi Taimi Shaanika Is race really important? Sedeky MV Rest in peace my best friend. Nuuyoma Fotynine R.I.P fellow employee..and a good recovery to those who where involved. Rose Mwadhina Paulus Rest in Peace my dearest friend. Omwenyo goye nagu vululukwe nombili. I miss you so much. Natalia Faith Kandara Sad oh. Elizna Sowden Wat maak dit saak? Dit is n dogter, niggie of dierbare van baie wat oorlede is. Pieter Jacobs May she rip. And may others learn from this. Ndinehafo Sara Mutumbulwa Rest in peace dear Kaino. Mike Muronga Unless we change our attitude.. may her soul rest in peace. Edith Stroh A never ending story. people don’t care. Vairepi Tjeripo Muharukua R.I.P. Sonja Böhmcker Campbell Ai so sad my she RIP. Benny Amadhila Accident is an accident no can't see it coming nor avoid it alcohol or not could have still happen no one is to be blamed 120 or not anything can happen her time has arrived stop blaming thing or people. R.I.P madam Alex Muukua mmm? Ludene Morkel Sad! Cherlyn Cheina Marenga R.I.P. Epokolo Mwelyeefela Omakia Aipinge Rip. Fillippus Uveni Sad. Betsie Nel RIP.
11 DECEMBER 2015
Zip Zap Circus - a glimpse backstage Coastal resdidents and visitors are looking forward to the shows of Zip Zap Circus at The Dome as from next weekend. We take a brief look behind the scenes. “Zip Zap Circus is a social circus that was founded in Cape Town in 1992, to inspire young people and help build a new culture of peaceful coexistence in South Africa. Working with a diverse community of children from all backgrounds, Zip Zap helps kids to 'dare to dream' and learn to make those dreams a reality. Zip Zap's programmes are all free to participants, with financial and material support coming from individuals, organisations, corporations and foundations. In South Africa and the world, Zip Zap is recognised across Governments, Ministries of Education, Tourism, Arts & Culture and private societies, as a major contributor to the development within the iconic 'Mother City' and providing sustainability of the circus arts
WALVIS BAY * Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. * Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Welwitschia Hospital next to indoor pool. * First Tuesday of every month Charity Quiz Night at The Raft! Call 204877 for more info and reservations. * Every Sunday: Potjiekos available at MOTH Club. * 18 Dec: Rotary’s 70's Hop & Bop at Duneside Hall from 19:00. Call - 081 255 4433/081 127 6518. * 20 Dec: The Mission to Seafarers will be celebrating their annual Carol Service at the Mission to Seafarers at 19h00. ALL WELCOME. * 27 Dec: Nostalgia Great Music by Namibia’s Pioneers - Open Air at Sarah se Gat Walvis Bay Waterfront from 14:00 - 18:00 **********
LANGSTRAND in South Africa. Zip Zap is dedicated to supporting and conducting training in circus arts and performance as a powerful tool for social transformation, youth empowerment, team building and community upliftment. The programmes provide
opportunities for young South Africans from very different backgrounds to play, learn and live together using the medium of circus training and performance to model and demonstrate the possibility of true coexistence. Zip Zap operates pre-
* Dec up to 2 Jan 16: Helicopter flips next to Dare Devil Adventures. *********
dominantly within the Western Cape. However as the annual calendar of events varies from year to year, Zip Zap periodically tours internationally and nationally presenting performances and/or skills transmission programmes. The Zip Zap children have performed for presidents and world leaders. They have done twenty-seven international tours and numerous international media showcases. Kids, who began as six-year-olds swinging from a trapeze tied to a
tree, are now professional performing artists working in Europe and North America. Young people who grew up on the streets are now skilled and valued artists and technicians in the entertainment and film industries. Best of all, these kids have become teachers themselves. They are ambassadors and role models for others, demonstrating dramatically to young people and the wider public the possibility of a new way of treating each other. (from the Zip Zap official web page).
* Bridge: The Swakopmund Bridge club meets every Monday evening at 19:00 at Lions Old Age Home. Contact: Ed Barbour 064-405 604. * Swakopmund Toastmasters: Meet every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, Bismark Str 39, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 - 20:30. * Every Saturday: Flea Market & fresh produce outside Wild Rocket Cafe Kriess Arcade from 08:30 - 12:00. * Up to 12 Dec: Table Tennis Tournament at The Dome Swakop Indoor Sport Centre. * 14 - 18 Dec: Youth Fitness Camp at The Dome Swakop Indoor Sport Centre. * 18 - 22 Dec: Zip-Zap Circus at The Dome Swakop Indoor Sport Centre. * 18 - 22 Dec: Traditional Weichnachtsmarkt at The Dome Swakop Indoor Sport Centre. * 19 Dec: Swakopmund Summer House Festival 2015 at Mondesa Sport Grounds. Gates open 13:00. * 22 Dec: Café Anton (Hotel Schweizerhaus) invited all children to come & eat the Gingerbread house from 08:00. * 27 Dec: Carnival of Flames at Vineta North Sports Field. Gates open 19:00. Contact Zelda at 081 124 6081. * 28 Dec: Nostalgia Great Music Pioneers Open Air at Arts & Crafts Centre, Swakopmund from 20:00. * 28 Dec: Richelieu presents Back to the 70's & 80's Music Festival at Cosdef Centre at 19:30. Contact: 081 124 8191. * 31 Dec: Nostalgia Great Music Pioneers Old Years Eve Hop Desert Tavern Swakopmund from 20:00. * 31 Dec: Mel Botes New Year Concert at The Dome Swakop Indoor Sport Centre. ****************
HENTIES BAY * 16 Des: Geloftefees te N G KERK Hentiesbaai om 09:00. *******************
ART EXHIBITIONS * Every Saturday: Open Air Arts Exhibition at the Mole next to Tennis courts in Swakopmund. Oil paintings - weather permitting.
11 DECEMBER 2015
Law enforcers ready for the season Sharlien Tjambari
(Fltr) Ayn Garises of NACOMA, Siegfried Gawiseb Chief Control Warden of Ministry of Environment and Tourism), Iina Ruben (NACOMA), Stanley Ndara Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources), Justina Shihepo of NACOMA, Claudius Shivute Ikera of Ministry of Fisheries Marine Resources and Wesley Wessels (Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources).
The annual Law Enforcement Workshop on the contingency plans for the festive season for visitors to the coast and thereby the Dorob National Park, was held on Tuesday. Law enforcers of different law enforcement agencies are confident that they are equipped with the knowledge to get the job done to ensure people stay on the right side of the law. Whether its off-road season and they offer national parks there driving, visiting the it for MET officials, are very strict rules Park, camping, fish- Ministry of Fisheries prohibting domestic ing or even using the officials and police animals entering a coastal road network, and traffic officers, to park. Dorob allows people are urged to manage the tourists in for the visitors to let abide by the laws the Dorob National their pets accompany applicable and to P a r k d u r i n g t h e them. enjoy festivities with- holiday season and The difference is that out having to resort to with the view to there are public roads lawless or reckless protect the environ- going through the park and that obbehaviour. ment. The workshop was or- According to Uda Na- viously makes a difganised by the Nami- kamehla of Naka- ference where people bian Coast Conserva- mehla Attorneys in are allowed. tion and Management Windhoek before the Nakamehla described (NACOMA) Project declaration of the the workshop as and the Ministry of Dorob National Park, being practical, mainE n v i r o n m e n t a n d the dune area etc was ly on giving fines and Tourism (MET) with free for all, but since arresting. the main aim of setting the declaration there “Officers are farules and regulations were efforts to protect miliarised not only for the Dorob National the sensitive areas of with the nature conservation ordinance Park. These three the park. stakeholders, have a The declaration of the but also certain seclaw enforcement cour- park is a bit different tions of the criminal se every year during from other parks. For procedure act,� said the peak holiday instance, in most other Nakamehla.
11 DECEMBER 2015
11 DECEMBER 2015
World Aids Day Commemorated in Swakopmund -“Know your Status, and Live Pro-actively and Positively” The Directorate of Education, Arts and Culture in Erongo commemorated World Aids Day in Swakopmund, at an event in which all divisions of the directorate participated. The aim was to raise HIV-AIDS awareness within the Directorate. The slogan for the day: Triple Zero - Zero new HIV infections, Zero discrimination and Zero Aids related deaths. The event was organised by the Regional Aids Committee of Education, known as R.A.C.E. Senior education officer: prevention and wellness, Emsie Orus, focussed briefly on the origin and significance of
World Aids Day. Many sections within the Directorate performed special items around the theme HIV-AIDS and awareness. In a touching ceremony called “Counting Losses”, friends, family members and other loved ones were remembered by laying stones, each representing a life lost. Candles were lit, two red ones for those who have passed on, and two white ones for those living positively with HIV. A highlight of the event was the strong message delivered by the key note speaker, Aids activist Victor Louw of Walvis Bay, who called on people to be pro-active in the quest for Zero new HIV infections, Zero discrimination and Zero Aids related deaths, by knowing their status and sharing the knowledge with their partners and loved ones. Louw, who has been living positively with HIV for the last 19 years, stressed the danger of re-infection, and put the blame for many problems surrounding HIV-infection and re-infection on men – and tradition. “Men do not want to use condoms, and often women who want men to practise safe sex have to listen to accusations that they want to 'bewitch' their partners. Be responsible – be honest – know your status, and share it with your partner, and those near to you. To be HIV-positive is not a death sentence – I have been living a very healthy life – I have never been admitted to a hospital – perhaps at birth, but never again. Live positively with HIV, do not die in denial – because if you do not act responsibly and proactively, you will die, and infect your partner. “ Louw shared his life story – he never knew his father – and at 29 the strongly-built Louw with his healthy appetite suddenly started losing weight – not appetite – and knew something was wrong. He went to hospital to be tested for Tuberculosis (TB), but a wise nurse advised him to take “the other” test. At first he refused, but later went back and was diagnosed HIV-positive. He shared the initially
A pebble - a stone - to remember friends and family with Aids who have died
LITURGICAL SERVICES: Roman Catholic Churches, Walvis Bay 13 December 2015 – 28 February 2016 13 December Sunday 3rd Sunday of Advent 08h00 09h30 09h30
Mass Service Service
Key Note Speaker - Aids activist Victor Louw - he shared a powerful message lighting candles for those who died and all who are living with HIV-AIDS difficult path of disclosure, and going public – but expressed his joy in living positively and openly and honestly. He told people that they should disclose their status only to those they chose to, but said it was of the utmost importance to share their status with those they love. Louw has been on Antiretroviral medication for years, and he stressed the fact that he does not have AIDS – he is only HIV-positive. He also called on government to step in where hospitals discharge Aids patients and send them home, and where they suffer immensely until death, because their families do not know how to take care of them, and they are often neglected. Focussing on the role of the directorate in raising HIV-AIDS awareness, Emsie Orus says they provide HIV prevention knowledge, to help those not infected, to safeguard themselves against HIV-infection and to encourage those infected, to take care of themselves and live positively. Orus says there are special extra-curricular school programmes in place, called “Window of Hope” (Grade 4 to Grade 7) and “My future is my Choice” (Grade 8) through which they are vigorously
focussing on HIV-prevention, as well as the prevention of teenage pregnancies. They also identify and train “contact teachers” (often schools' life skills teachers, but sometimes another teacher) at the beginning of the year, who manage these programmes in their schools. These teachers report back to the sub-division for HIV-Aids at the directorate. They also have founded clubs at schools (previously known as aids-awareness-clubs, now called health and wellness clubs) through which awareness is raised around certain chosen topics. Orus says many schools follow the R.A.C.E. programmes with dedication, but there are some schools where the programme is not implemented and followed as it is supposed to. Orus says as far as HIV-status and testing goes, the Erongo-region's focus is more on promoting abstinence among the youth, while managing the HIV-Aids prevention programmes at the same time. Anybody who wants more information on the HIV-Aids awareness programmes of the Directorate and R.A.C.E. can contact Orus at emsieuris@yahoo.com.
Stella Maris St Peter's Good Shepherd
14 December Monday 16h00
18 December Friday 16h00
St Peter's
20 December Sunday4 Sunday of Advent 08h00 09h30 09h30
Mass Mass Mass
Stella Maris St Peter's Good Shepherd
24 December Thursday Christmas Eve – Night Vigil 17h30 21h00 00h00
Vigil Mass Vigil Mass Vigil Mass
Good Shepherd St Peter's Stella Maris
Senior Education Officer Emsie Orus of R.A.C.E giving background on World Aids Day
25 December Friday Christmas Day 08h00 Mass 09h30 Mass 09h30 Mass
Stella Maris St Peter's Good Shepherd
26 December Saturday St Stephen – First Martyr 09h30 18h00
Mass Mass
Good Shepherd Stella Maris
27 December Sunday Holy Family Sunday 08h00 09h30 09h30
Mass Mass Service
Stella Maris St Peter's Good Shepherd
31 December Thursday Last day of the Year 2015 18h00 23h00 17h30
Mass Mass Service
Stella Maris St Peter's Good Shepherd
1 January Friday HAPPY NEW YEAR - 2016 09h30
Good Shepherd
3 January Sunday Epiphany of the Lord 08h00 09h30 09h30
Mass Mass Service
Stella Maris St Peter's Good Shepherd
Sunday 6 December 2015
Eucharist: 2nd Sunday in Advent (Peace)
Sunday 13 December 2015
Eucharist: 3rd Sunday in Advent (Love)
Sunday 20 December 2015
Eucharist: 4th Sunday in Advent (Joy)
Thursday 24 December 2015
Christmas Eve Eucharist Service
Sunday 27 December 2015
Eucharist: 1st Sunday After Christmas
Thursday 31 December 2015
New Year's Eve Eucharist Service
Sunday 3 January 2016
Eucharist: 2nd Sunday After Christmas
11 DECEMBER 2015
11 DECEMBER 2015
WALVIS BAY – THE NEW INDUSTRIAL CAPITAL OF NAMIBIA. The effect of new capital intensive projects amounting to billions Namibian Dollars are due to cause an “old” harbour town to evolve into a multi-facet industrial “hub” for Namibia. From my point of view, this is the fruit of success from focussed initiatives taken by the Walvis Bay Corridor Group through strategic collaboration by its members and moreover the economic potential of the Port at Walvis Bay as supported by Namport, the local Municipality and Government. Through these endeavours, the port facility has been extended for usage by other landlocked countries of southern Africa and thus becoming a logistical hub for import/export at a much higher level than Namibia by itself. Therefore, projects such as the new container terminal, port 2 (north port), upgrading of the Airport terminal and runway have been undertaken. Progress is visually rapid and besides this infrastructure there are other aspects e.g. future oil refineries & new noxious industrial area (behind the dune belt), new railway lines, extended/ upgraded road arteries, etc. that are on the cards. As a consequence, and also complimentary hereto are the following new developments; Dunes Mall, Plaza and Square, Waterfront, Hotels, yet another Shopping Mall, etc. Obviously one can conclude that all these economic activities also result in the attraction of a larger workforce and more businesses which calls for responsive action by the Municipality which, as early as mid-2014, introduced their strategic town planning which briefly includes; Towards 2030 – “plan, establish and service an estima-ted 90 new residential townships, providing some 30,000 erven, and constructing or facilitating the construction of over 40,000 houses, flats and townhouses” and also noted in that presentation – “In the next 16 years, Walvis Bay must develop more housing, schools, clinics, community facilities, commercial and industrial opportunities, etc. than it has done since its establishment as a settlement over a hundred years ago”. To this end, the population is expected during this period to grow from 79,500 (2012 census) to 181,722 by 2030 (i.e. more than double). In conclusion, Walvis Bay is now dubbed as the “modern regional capital and the primary industrial city of Namibia”. Therefore, anyone who considers a property investment, being it residential, commercial or industrial, should take cognizance hereof and react soonest because the window of opportunity is narrowing in certain sectors and some shortages can be expected to, before long, cause the soaring of prices. - “the early bird catches the worm”! Should you require any further information or advise re these topics or any other property related matter, contact us on (064) 221000 or e-mail: anjo@iway.na.
11 DECEMBER 2015
11 DECEMBER 2015
An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste Erdig-wollige Ausstellung in der Woermannhaus-Galerie Swakopmund (sk) Absolut sehenswert die Ausstellung ,From the Earth - wool and clay”, in der das Schaf eine zentrale Rolle spielt. Bis zum 7. Januar dürfen Sie sich die anregenden Kunstwerke von Anita Steyn und einigen Webern, die bei Karakulia Weavers tätig sind, in der Woermannhaus-Galerie ansehen. In seiner Eröffnungsrede beschreibt Anton von Wietersheim die Ausstellung passend als eine ,,Präsentation vielfältiger Objekte aus und auf namibischer Erde, die durch kreative Geister und fähige Hände in hand-
Die Ausstellungseröffnung in der Woermannhaus-Galerie: (von links) Traudel Goethje von der Kunstvereinigung, Anton von Wietersheim (der die Eröffnungsrede hielt), Moses Helao von Karakulia Weavers und Künstlerin Anita Steyn. Fotos: Susann Kinghorn
Der in Hoachanas geborene, seit 1980 in Swakopmund wohnhafte und bei Karakulia Weavers tätige Christiaan Doëseb vor seinem mustergültigen Dünenteppich. werkliche oder/und Von Wietersheim fasst künstlerische Gegen- Anita Steyns Werdestände umgewandelt gang zusammen. Die wurden.” Als Binde- vielseitige Künstlerin glied zwischen der in wurde 1955 in MarienKaribib lebenden Ani- tal geboren, studierte ta Steyn und dem allei- an der Universität Prenigen Eigentümer von toria Kunst, an der Karakulia Weavers, UNAM Keramik und Moses Helao, hebt er erlernte auch die Kunst hervor, dass beide des Webens. In ihrer Künstler ihren Lebens- 40jährigen Tätigkeit unterhalt durch ihre nahm sie an diversen Kunst bestreiten; er Solo- und Gruppenbetont allerdings, dass Ausstellungen in Nahiermit die Gleichar- mibia und Südafrika tigkeit endet. teil und gewann etliche
Preise. Heute betreibt sie eine Galerie und ein Studio in der Hauptstraße Karibibs. Anita Steyn bezieht ihre Inspiration aus den natürlichen Elementen der namibischen Umwelt. In einem Interview mit der freischaffenden Journalistin Ron Swilling aus Kapstadt, äußerte sie ihre Meinung, dass weniger Psychologen nötig wären, wenn die Menschen mehr die Verbindung zur Natur wählen würden.
Anita Steyn kreiert aussagekräftige Bilder, oftmals in robusten Farben und mit kräftigen Pinselstrichen. Vor allem ihre Kohlezeichnungen sind intensiv im Ausdruck. Für ihre Textilien-Fabrikate verwendet sie, die auf einer Schaffarm in der Kalahari großgeworden ist, Karakul, Mohair- und Merinowolle. Ihre ganz eigenen Artefakte aus Ton sind ein willkommenes Medium für sie, auf dem sie ihre künstle-
Anita Steyns in Form und Farbkombination ansprechende Fliegenkesselfallen-Blüten eines Aronstabs. Das Kunstwerk setzt sich aus Keramikstücken zusammen.
Suchen Sie ein Weihnachtsgeschenk? Locker vom Hocker Band 1,2 und 3 gibt es bis vor Weihnachten zum Sonderpreis. Pro Exemplar: N$ 130,Alle drei Bände: N$ 350,Melden Sie sich bei Susann Kinghorn: 0812538859
Die Kunstvereinigung Swakopmund wünscht ihren Mitgliedern und Gönnern eine frohe Weihnacht, Glück, Gesundheit und Frieden für 2016
Wir danken für Ihre stete Treue und Unterstützung.
rischen Ideen verwirklichen kann. Außerdem stellt sie unzählige Waschbecken, Schalen und bemalte Fliesen aus Ton her und vertreibt ihre eigenen bunten Estriche für Böden und Wände. Das Bindeglied zwischen Anita Steyn und Moses Helao, ist die Wolle des Karakulschafes, das in der bekannten Swakopmunder Weberei zu wunderschönen Teppichen und Wandbehängen verarbeitet wird. Jenny Carvill rief Karakulia Weavers vor 26 Jahren ins Leben, und seitdem frequentieren Besucher aus aller Welt die inzwischen international bekannte We-
berei. wo man zuschauen kann, wie Karakulwolle gefärbt und von geschickten Händen am Spinnrad zu einem ansehnlichen Teppich gewebt wird. Moses Helao hat vor fast 25 Jahren als Raumpfleger bei Karakulia Weavers begonnen. Bald machte sich sein Talent als Weber bemerkbar, sodass er langsam die Karriereleiter aufstieg. Heute ist er alleiniger Eigentümer der bekannten Küstenweberei und be schäftigt 30 Mitarbeiter. Tun Sie sich selbst einen Gefallen und besichtigen Sie die erdigwollige Ausstellung.
Worte der Woche
Weihnachtsessen Fette Gänse in der Röhre, Klöße, groß und schwer, Kräuterschnäpse und Liköre, reich ist der Verzehr. Sahnetorten, Weihnachtsstollen, Kaffee, süß und stark, Schoko-Plätzchen, Waffelrollen, Feingebäck mit Quark. Rinderbraten, Schweinelende, allerlei Salat, ach, das Essen nimmt kein Ende, bald platzt jede Naht. Essen, Trinken, Schlingen, Stopfen, eng wird jedes Kleid, Magen-Pillen, Galle-Tropfen, schöne Weihnachtszeit. Wenn vorbei die fetten Tage, vollgefressen, schlapp, hungert man nach dem Gelage alles wieder ab. Sind die Pfunde wieder runter bis auf einen Rest, freut sich jeder frisch und munter schon auf `s - Osterfest. Volker Henning
11 DECEMBER 2015
An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste Neues Reisebuch von Konny Locker vom Hocker Kritische Weihnachtsperspektive!
Swakopmund - Kurz vor Weihnachten setzt die abenteuerlustige Autorin Konny von Schmettau ihre beliebte Reisebuch-Serie „Auf Pad mit Konny“ fort. Umgeben von Löwen, Büffeln und Elefanten entstand der Stoff für einen Krimi, illustriert mit einmaligen Fotos. Im neuen Reisebuch nimmt die Autorin ihre Leser mit „auf Pad“ in die Sambesi-Region, den ehemaligen Caprivi-Zipfel. Auf den Spuren des berühmten Afrika-Forschers Dr. David Livingstone, der mächtigen Makololo und glückloser Missionare spürt sie Geschichten auf, die ungeahnte Auswirkungen auf Expeditionen und die Missionsarbeit im südlichen Afrika mit sich brachten. Historische Begebenheiten, spannende Legen-
den der Mayeyi und die entbehrungsreichen Reisen europäischer Pioniere durch wilde Buschlandschaften, Sümpfe und Wüsten gewähren Einblicke in eine geheimnisvolle Welt. Schon die Inhaltsangabe von „Sangwali - David Livingstone am Linyanti“ liest sich wie ein Krimi: Sangwali, ein unscheinbarer, kleiner Ort im äußersten Nordosten Namibias, war Schauplatz historischer Begegnungen zwischen dem berühmten Missionar und Afrikaforscher Dr. David Livingstone und dem großen Häuptling des Makololo-Stammes, Sebitwane, der einst vom Süden her über Tausende von Meilen mit seinen Männern und deren Familien bis in die Sümpfe des Linyanti gezogen war,
Möchten Sie andere an Ihrem Humor teilhaben lassen? Melden Sie sich bei Susann Kinghorn; Tel. 405183 oder 0812538850; E-Mail: susannkinghorn @gmail.com Wie schaffst du es bloß, durch so eine kleine Nase zu atmen???
um Schutz vor seinen mächtigen Feinden zu suchen. Jahre später spielte sich hier eine Tragödie ab, mit der die Geschichte der Missionsarbeit auf dem Schwarzen Kontinent völlig neu geschrieben wurde. Noch heute, nach mehr als 150 Jahren, weiß der Stamm der Mayeyi, die einst als Sklaven der Makololo ein leidvolles Dasein fristeten, vom qualvollen Sterben einer Gruppe englischer Missionare und ihrer Familien. Waren sie am Fieber gestorben oder gar vergiftet worden vom grausamen Nachfolger des verehrten MakololoHäuptlings, Sekeletu? Nur einer der Missionare und zwei kleine Kinder überlebten und nahmen die Tagebücher der Verstorbenen mit nach England. Darin wird ihre entbehrungsreichen Weg bis an die Ufer des Linyanti beschrieben, wo sie eine Missionsstation errichten wollten, um dem wilden Stamm den christlichen Glauben zu bringen. In dieser bis heute unberührten Landschaft von unbeschreiblicher Schönheit erbaute ein
Deutscher, der Jahrzehnte lang die Reisen und Entdeckungen des großen Forschers studierte, das „Livingstone’s Camp“, das nicht nur den Zugang zum wild romantischen Nkasa LupalaNationalpark eröffnet, sondern auch die Geschichte der Missionare und Makololo am Leben erhält. Und ein junger, gebildeter Mayeyi, ein direkter Nachfahre der einstigen Sklaven, errichtete hier ein kleines Museum zur Erinnerung an die unglaublichen Ereignisse, die sich inmitten dieses Paradieses auf Erden einst abspielten. Dies ist ihre Geschichte ... „Sangwali - David Livingstone am Linyanti“ ist seit dem 7. Dezember in der Windhoeker und Swakopmunder Buchhandlung sowie in Kürze auch in ausgewählten Lodges erhältlich. Wer ein handsigniertes Exemplar möchte, kann sich gerne direkt mit der Autorin unter Telefon 081-4859550 oder EMail: info@namibiaaktiv.com in Verbindung setzen. Eingesandt
Keine bekannte Spezies der Gattung Rentier kann fliegen. ABER es gibt mehr als 300000 Spezies von lebenden Organismen, die noch klassifiziert werden müssen, und obwohl es sich dabei hauptsächlich um Insekten und Bakterien handelt, schließt dies nicht mit letzter Sicherheit fliegende Rentiere aus, die nur der Weihnachtsmann bisher gesehen hat. Es gibt 2 Milliarden Kinder (Menschen unter 18 ) auf der Welt. ABER da der Weihnachtsmann anschei-
lionen Stopps gleichmäßig auf der ganzen Erde verteilt sind (was natürlich, wie wir wissen, nicht stimmt, aber als Berechnungsgrundlage akzeptieren wir dies), erhalten wir nunmehr 1,3 Kilometer Entfernung von Haushalt zu Haushalt, eine Gesamtentfernung von 120,8 Millionen km, nicht mitgerechnet die Unterbrechungen für das, was jeder von uns mindestens einmal in 31 Stunden tun muss, plus Essen usw. Das bedeutet, dass der Schlitten des Weihnachtsmannes mit
nend keine Moslems, Hindu, Juden und Buddhisten beliefert, reduziert sich seine Arbeit auf etwa 15% der Gesamtzahl, sprich 378 Millionen Kinder (laut Volkszählungsbüro). Bei einer durchschnittlichen Kinderzahl von 3,5 pro Haushalt, ergibt das 91,8 Millionen Häuser. Wir nehmen an, dass in jedem Haus mindestens ein braves Kind lebt. Der Weihnachtsmann hat einen 31-Stunden Weihnachtstag, bedingt durch die verschiedenen Zeitzonen, wenn er von Osten nach Westen reist ( was logisch wäre ). Damit ergeben sich 822,6 Besuche pro Sekunde. Somit hat der Weihnachtsmann für jeden christlichen Haushalt mit braven Kindern 1/1000 Sekunde Zeit für seine Arbeit. Parken, aus dem Schlitten springen, den Schornstein hinunter klettern, die Socken füllen, die übrigen Geschenke unter den Weihnachtsbaum verteilen, für ihn bereitgestellte Kekse und Milch vertilgen, den Schornstein wieder hinaufklettern und zum nächsten Haus fliegen. Angenommen, dass jeder dieser 91,8 Mil-
1040 km pro Sekunde fliegt, also der 3000fachen Schallgeschwindigkeit. Zum Ve r g l e i c h : D a s schnellste von Menschen gebaute Fahrzeug auf der Erde, der Ulysses Space Probe, fährt mit lächerlichen 43,8 km pro Sekunde. Ein gewöhnliches Rentier schafft höchstens 24 km pro STUNDE. Die Ladung des Schlittens führt zu einem weiteren interessanten Aspekt. Angenommen, jedes Kind bekommt nicht mehr als ein mittelgroßes Lego-Set ( Etwa 1 kg), dann hat der Schlitten ein Gewicht von 3780 00 Tonnen geladen, nicht gerechnet den Weihnachtsmann, der übereinstimmend als übergewichtig beschrieben wird. Ein gewöhnliches Rentier kann nicht mehr als 175 kg ziehen. Selbst bei der Annahme, dass ein “fliegendes Rentier” das zehnfache ziehen kann, braucht man für den Schlitten nicht acht oder vielleicht neun Rentiere. Man braucht 216000 Rentiere. Das erhöht das Gewicht - den Schlitten selbst noch nicht einmal einge-
rechnet - auf 410400 Tonnen. Nochmals zum Vergleich: Das ist mehr als das Vierfache des Luxusliners Queen Elizabeth. 410400 Tonnen bei einer Geschwindigkeit von 1040 km/s erzeugt einen ungeheuren Luftwiderstand - dadurch werden die Rentiere aufgeheizt, genauso wie ein Raumschiff, das wieder in
die Erdatmosphäre eintritt. Das vorderste Paar Rentiere muss dadurch 16,6 TRILLIONEN Joule Energie absorbieren. Pro Sekunde. Jedes. Anders ausgedrückt, sie werden praktisch augenblicklich in Flammen aufgehen, das nächste Paar Rentiere wird dem Luftwiderstand preisgegeben und es wird ein ohrenbetäubender Knall erzeugt. Das gesamte Team von Rentieren wird innerhalb von fünf Tausendstel Sekunden vaporisiert. Der Weihnachtsmann wird währenddessen einer Beschleunigung von der Größe der 17500fachen Erdbeschleunigung ausgesetzt. Ein 120 kg schwerer Weihnachtsmann (was der Beschreibung nach lä-cherlich wenig sein muss) würde an das Ende seines Schlitten genagelt - mit einer Kraft von 20,6 Millionen Newton. Damit kommen wir zu dem Schluss: WENN der Weihnachtsmann irgendwann einmal die Geschenke gebracht hat, ist er heute tot! Autor unbekannt
11 DECEMBER 2015
Monthly Monitor: November 2015 Market Review: Market volatility driven by mixed investor sentiment caused November to be another volatile month in 2015. Graph 1 below shows a Fear & Greed Index. This dial indicates how positive or negative investors are feeling about the markets. For now, the reading is neutral to slightly positive.
Portfolio Performance: Although markets can be volatile over shorter periods, like a month, they become more predictable given enough time. Table 2 shows the 1-year and 3-year (per annum) returns ending November 2015 of our six managed portfolios. The returns are calculated based on gross internal rates of return (IRR’s) from actual client data:
In spite of heightened global market volatility, all our portfolios except the Conservative+ Portfolio managed to beat their expected returns over 1-year and 3-year periods. This is proof of the importance of diversification, appropriate allocations amongst asset classes and good fund selection in minimizing the overall risk of an investment portfolio. Conclusion: With markets looking for direction we come to the close of a challenging year of investments, fortunately with pleasing results. The aim remains to protect clients' investments against market volatility as well as to produce returns in line with long-term expectations. Hendrie Scheun, BSc, DEP & MSc (Financial Economics), ACFP (Investments), is a qualified economist with wide international and local experience. He is a financial adviser at the Namibian coast focussing on savings and investments and can be reached on 081 127 2244. Investment Consultant, Michele Arnold, BCom (Honours in We enter the last month of the year on unsteady footing as the United States (US) Federal Reserve’s interest rate decision is coming up on 16th Risk Management) (North-West University) contributed to this article. December. There is a high probability of a hike which would be only the first one in the cycle. The result has been a strong US Dollar and capital outflows from emerging market assets and currencies. Divergences between the economic growth of various economies and their policy stances add volatility to the markets. As the US starts to tighten monetary policy through increasing interest rates, others, such as the Eurozone, continue to loosen monetary policy. Both global and local equity markets have been in an upward trend since the 2008 Global Financial Crisis. Usually it takes extreme euphoria in investor sentiment for such a bull trend to come to an end. As seen in Graph 1 above, investors are not overly positive about the markets at the moment. Therefore, we expect the bull market to continue into 2016, but not without volatility. As the bull gets older, it does tend to become more volatile. US presidential elections take place again next year. Since World War II markets have been positive for elections years 90% of the time! And with the recent positive earnings reports out of the US and the economic expansion seemingly intact, this makes for a positive case moving forward. Locally, resource shares continue to weigh on the share index as China struggles to find a pickup in growth, but industrial and financial shares may be able to carry the index forward. Listed property continues to be the best performing local asset class, whilst a weak Rand and negative investor sentiment caused bonds to be the worst performer. See Table 1 below for asset class returns over various periods:
Source: Glacier Research
11 DECEMBER 2015
11 DECEMBER 2015
NovaNam Limited with its operation based in Walvis Bay requires the services of a
PAYROLL SUPERVISOR Key Performance Areas · Supervise Payroll Administration · Payroll Review and Processing · Payroll Reporting · Receiver of Revenue Submissions · Deductions (Garnishees, Pension fund and Medical Aid Administration) · Time & Attendance Management · Payroll Financial Accounting Administration · Adhoc duties as required by the Group Financial Manager Job Requirements · Grade 12 plus a certificate in accounting will be an added advantage · Minimum 3 years relevant experience · Must speak and write English fluently · Ability to read and comprehend simple instructions, short correspondence, and memos. · Ability to effectively present information in one-on-one and small group situations to employees of the organisation · Computer literacy and good communication skills · Ability to collect information and to co-ordinate · Ability to calculate figures and amounts such as interest, commissions, proportions, percentages etc. · Ability to apply concepts of basic algebra. · Ability to apply common sense understanding to carry out instructions furnished in written, oral, or diagram form · Should be assertive yet sensitive Applicants are invited to apply for the positions by faxing, emailing or posting a brief resume to the following: The Recruitment Officer nicolenel@novanam.com Fax +264 63 204014 P O Box 601, Luderitz Namibia Enquiries: Ms. Nicolene Nel – Telephone +264 63 2002200 Complete confidentiality is assured. The closing date for applications are December 24, 2015 and only short listed candidates will be notified.
11 DECEMBER 2015
VACANCY Due to the expansion of our services, we require the following:
Legal Advisors (SWK) Chance of a lifetime for a Legal Advisor to join the corporate market Requirements: " Legal qualifications (B.com LLB) " Relevant Experience in Labour " Own transport " Computer literate " Bi-lingual " German is an advantage Earn an extremely above average package Training will be provided Send CV's to: pa@lssnam.com Closing date: 15/12/2015 Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Johanna Benson Foundation Reg|: 21/2013/1004 Johanna Benson Foundation hereby would like to thank the undermentioned donors/sponsors who made it possible for the JBF launch gala dinner to be a resounding success. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. May God bless you all. Hon. Bernard Esau, Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources Hon. Cleophas Mutjavikua, Governor of the Mighty Erongo Region Mrs. Pascale Paulsmeier Mr. Antonio Manshino Mrs. Melanie van Wyk Gendev Fishing Resources (Pty) Ltd. Taiyo Namibia (Pty) Ltd. Tukondja Trading Enterprises (Pty) Ltd. Nampost Walvis Bay MVA Fund Municipality of Swakopmund Municipality of Walvis Bay Fisheries Observer Agency Erongo Red Embassy of the Republic of Angola Namib Marimba’s Fly-Africa Nkandla Guest Farm Photo Volker Ombala Security Kuume Cleaning Erongo Media
Photo: ltr Volker Paulsmeier (Gendev) Johanna Benson, Deon Grunschloss (Gendev)
11 DECEMBER 2015
Liturgical Services - Swakopmund Catholic District 13 December – 1st January 2015 13 December Sunday 3rd Sunday of Advent 08h00 Service DRC 08h30 Mass Holy Rosary 09h30 Service St. Stefanus 10h00 Service Henties Bay 10h00 Service Arandis 09h30 Service Holy Family 20 December Sunday 4th Sunday of Advent 08h30 Mass 08h30 Mass 09h30 Mass 10h00 Service 09h30 Service 10h00 Mass 23h00 22h00 19h00 21h00 20h00 20h00
24 December Christmas Eve Mass Mass Mass Mass Mass Service Service
Holy Rosary DRC Henties Bay St. Stefanus Holy Family Arandis Holy Rosary Holy family Arandis St. Stefanus Henties DRC
25 December Christmas Mass MERRY CHRISTMAS 08h30 Mass Holy Rosary 08h00 Mass DRC 09h30 Service Henties Bay 10h00 Service St. Stefanus 10h00 Service Holy Family 10h00 Service Arandis 26 December 08h30 10h00 09h30 08h30 08h00 10h00 10h00 10h00
Mass Mass Feast of the Parish 27 December Holy Family Day Mass – Feast of the Parish Mass Service Service Service Service
31 December 18h00 19h30 22h00 22h00 22h00 22h00 10h00 08h30 09h30 10h00 10h00 09h30
New Year Eve Celebration Mass Service Mass Service Service Service
1 January New Year Day Service (Lay Ministers) Mass Service Service Mass Service
PROGRAM FOR CONFESSIONS 1. 15th December 2015 – 16h00 – 18h30 - St. Stefanus 2. 16th December 2015 – 16h00 – 18h30 - St John -Arandis 3. 17th December 2015 – 16h00 – 18h30 - Sancta Familia 4. 18th December 2015 – 16h00 – 18h30 - Holy Rosary 5. 19th December 2015 – 16h00 – 18h30 - Henties Bay 6. 22nd December 2015 – 16h00 – 18h30 – St. Bakanja
Holy Rosary St. Stephanus Holy Family Holy Rosary DRC St. Stefanus Henties Bay Arandis Holy Rosary DRC Holy Family St. Stefanus Henties Bay Arandis Arandis Holy Rosary DRC Henties Bay St. Stefanus Holy Family
11 DECEMBER 2015
ESTATE NOTICE In the massed estates of the late Ingeborg Hedwig Therese Gretenkord, born on 27 August 1930, who died at Swakopmund on 15 December 2014 and her
spouse Josef Heinrich Gretenkord, born on 17 June 1928, who were married out of community of property to each other and resided at 57 Omeg Street, Swakopmund.
In terms of Section 35(5) of Act 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that that the FIRST and FINAL Liquidation and Distribution Account, in the above massed estates will be open for inspection of all persons interested therein for a period of twenty (21) days from date of publication hereof at the office of the Master of the High Court Windhoek and the Magistrate’s Court Swakopmund. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, the executrix will proceed to make payment in accordance with the account. H E AHRENS Executrix c/o Kinghorn Associates Haus Altona 2 - 6 Tobias Hainyeko Street P O Box 1455 Tel: (064) 405051 Swakopmund (Ref: HEA/LM-EST 127/0001-50)
REZONING APPLICATION WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME Rezoning: Single Residential to Business 1 Location: Erf 887 Walvis Bay, (c/o Theo Ben Gurirab/14th). In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, intend to apply to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish a mixed-use business/residential development on the site. Plans may be inspected/particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Room 101, Civic Centre, Walvis Bay, Nangolo Mbumba Drive. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager, Roads and Building Control (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, and the undersigned, in writing, not later than Friday 8 January 2016. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: Bruce Stewart-Town Planner, Box 2095, Walvis Bay (064) 280 770
REZONING APPLICATION WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME Rezoning: Single Residential to Local Business Location: Erf 816 Street: 52 Hage Geingob Avenue, Walvis Bay. In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, intend to apply to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish a small-scale mixed-use business development on the site. Plans may be inspected/particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Room 101, Civic Centre, Walvis Bay, Nangolo Mbumba Drive. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager, Roads and Building Control (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, and the undersigned, in writing, not later than Monday 28 December 2015. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: Bruce Stewart-Town Planner, P. O.Box 2095, Walvis Bay (064) 280 770
Namib Primary School Swakopmund VACANCY Grade 7 English and Natural Science - Temporary Assumption date: 11 January 2016 Requirements: * Recognised 3 year Tertiary teaching qualification an NQF level 6 * Detailed CV * Senior Primary (Grade 7) Closing date: 18 December 2015 All applications must be done on the prescribed Government application form together with the health Questionnaire. Enquiries: Mr. W.C. Wahl Tel: 064-405028/9 All applications should be send to: Regional Office, Ministry of Education, P/Bag 5024, Swakopmund
REZONING APPLICATION WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME Rezoning: Single Residential to Local Business Location: Erf 1480 Street: 232 Nangolo Mbumba Drive, Walvis Bay. In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, intend to apply to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish a small scale mixed-use business development on the site. Plans may be inspected/particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Room 101, Civic Centre, Walvis Bay, Nangolo Mbumba Drive. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager, Roads and Building Control (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, and the undersigned, in writing, not later than Monday 28 December 2015. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: Bruce Stewart - Town Planner, Box 2095, Walvis Bay (064) 280 770
11 DECEMBER 2015
The All-New Mazda CX-3: the standard for a new era
Mazda's newest compact SUV. The All-New Mazda CX-3 offers a design of the finest quality and style thanks to the KODO - Soul of Motion design language. It adopts the full suite of SKYACTIV Technologies and has been carefully crafted to match human sensibilities in order to deliver performance that can be enjoyed without reservation. A fifth model in Mazda's line-up of new-generation vehicles, its size and packaging aim to make it easy to use in a wide variety of situa-tions. The CX-3 is a completely new model with a boldly inspired exterior, a stylish interior as well as dynamic performance and sporty handling. Rather than focusing on spec sheet values, Mazda went back to the drawing board, looked at what essential values people seek in a car, and produced a brand new vehicle aimed to create the standard for a new era. With a combination of Mazda's latest technology and design, maximised fuel efficiency and the latest active safety and connectivity technology; the compact cross-over is a successful combination of engineering, design and a flexible driver oriented approach. "The product of Mazda's latest design
and technologies, the CX-3 is a vehicle that can suit the diverse lifestyles of today's customers in any scene, from inner-city driving to enjoying the great outdoors - enabling customers to express their unique individuality. We believe the Mazda CX-3 will do well in the Southern Africa market," comments Mr David Hughes, Managing Director of Mazda Southern Africa. The All-New Mazda CX-3 is designed and built to the highest standard of performance and reliability. This standard is backed
up by a 3-year unlimited kilometre factory warranty. To provide complete peace of mind motoring, a 3-year roadside assistance, a 3-year service plan and a 5year Corrosion Warranty are also included. Model line-up All-New MazdaCX-3 2.0L ActiveManual Auto 2.0L * Max power 115 kW @6000 rpm * Max torque 204 N/m @ 2800 rpm * 6 speed Manual/Auto Transmission * 4 speakers * Bluetooth * Alarm system * Cruise control * Front Seat armrest * Halogen headlights
* Hill Launch Assist * Manual Air-conditioning * Power fold mirrors * R16" alloy wheels * Seat Lifter (driver) * Seat material (Cloth) * Segment radio display * i-STOP (on Auto model) * Dynamic Stability Control (DSC)- On Auto model All-New MazdaCX-3 2.0L DynamicManual Auto 2.0L * 6 Speakers * Auto headlightsOn/Off * Climate Control Airconditioning * Front fog lamp * Leather steering wheel, gear, handbrake * i-STOP
* Mazda connect with commander * Parking sensors (Rear) * Rain sensing wipers * Sunglass holder * Dynamic Stability Control (DSC)- On Auto model All-New MazdaCX-3 2.0L Individual Auto * 7 Speakers * Bose sound system * Head up display (HUD) * Leather & cloth seat combination * LED headlights * Integrated Navigation * Power sliding and tilt glass sunroof * Rear camera * R18" alloy wheels * Rear combination lights
11 DECEMBER 2015
Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
NOTICES FESTIVE SEASON SPECIALS Walvis Bay & Swakopmund Braai wors N$ 49.99 only 5kg available Mince N$ 49.99 Clubsteak N$ 59.99 Oxtail N$ 79.99 Rib beefcut N$ 49.99 Rump whole N$ 69.99 T-bone N$ 74.99 Beef biltong N$ 219.99 Rump Cut N$ 74.99 Call 081 275 7599 081 244 1342 WOW CHOW FAST FOODS We specialize in: Catering X mas hampers X mas home baked cookies Handmade x mas trees Braai every Friday Ready made pies + lasagnes Contact Amine: 064 209 831 081 330 7707
TRAINING PRINELLY TRAINING ACADEMY Registration in progress until 30 January 2016, Classes start 1 Feb 2016 Courses: Basic computer Customer service Tour operation Tourism and hospitality Office administration Food preparation Waitress/waiter Housekeeping Languages Spanish Portuguese France German English Afrikaans Oshiwambo Contact: 081 778 6480 081 794 7295 email: prinellyacademy13@gm ail.com
HOPE HAIR SALON SWK ... We are selling quality LAGOON Brazilian hair and RESTAURANT Indian hair for a very Kersfees ete, 25 cheap price. Desember 2015 We do hair wave. e.g. Hoofmaal invisible line .wash and Gebraaide Beef blow, relaxing hair, Tong met room Gammon met lemoen sous wave in Brazilian hair nice styles and many Gebakte hoender more. Soet wortels We do pedicure for Gebakte groente met kaassous N$ 90.00 and Gebraaide aartappels manicure for Gegeurde rys N$ 110.00 Slaai for appointment call Griekse slaai Aune at 0813081738 Wortel slaai 3 Bone slaai Nagareg Melktert Peppermint tert Malva poeding met vla @ N$160.00 per persoon Bespreek en betaal asb vooruit, net 70 plekke. Linda 081 242 7467 Linda wens almal 'n Geseënde Kersfees en 'n Voorspoedige Nuwejaar toe.
LOST / FOUND / REWARD OFFERED REWARD OFFERED: N$ 500.00 reward offered for information leading to recover of goods stolen from the house in the Lagoon in the beginning of November 2015 Pioneer VSX-823K AV reveiver (amplifier) 2x loudspeakers “Misson” 1x subwoofer “Misson” 1x Samsung 50 inch LED TV 1x Classic guitar (made in East Germany) Send Sms to 081 283 0176
COURSES GERMAN COURSE FOR ADULT BEGINNERS: Learn to speak German And improve your job opportunities!! Limited space available. Register now to qualify for a discount. Experienced mother-tongue teacher. Contact: 081 607 2685
Noah's Arc Daycare will be open during December 2015 for Children up to age 6 years. Children from daycare's that are closing, are welcome. Fun playtime and activities. Contact Roelien on 081 473 7325
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
ROMMEL VERWYDERING / RUBBISH REMOVAL Vervoel van rommel, bourommel, tuinvullis, afsaag van bome, kantoor en huistrekke en ook enige tipe aflewering. Rubbish / Junk removal from your home, business offices, rental locations, construction sites. Contact: 081 801 9144 081 595 1433
Lynx Investigations Two former Police officers with 20 years Investigations plus 15 years cooperate & Criminal Investigations. All matters such as thefts, fraud, burglaries, stock thefts, anti-poaching, stock thefts, observation services, tracing suspects, risk analyzes , reconstruction of m/vehicle accidents & sketch plans, GPS vehicle tracking, CCTV installations, CCTV live monitoring, CCTV hidden cameras, CCTV review, Taking statements under Oath, VIP protection, Insurance Investigations, Corporate guarding, Commissioner of Oath and other (anywhere in Namibia) P W van Schalkwyk (081 127 9086) Lynx.crime@gmail.com or lynxswk@gmail.com
TRADITIONAL DOCTOR KALENGA: He can help you through: Pregnancy - Education Court Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Problems - Bad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Toko-loshi - Mens’ Power - Sexuality Exams Job Problems etc. Walvis Bay & Swakopmund. Cell:081 201 7887.
HANDYMAN in Walvisbaai. Installering van alarm, garage motors en hek motors, elektriese fence, small renovations incl, tiling, painting en plumbing, elektrisiteit. For any quotes phone 081 247 4467 / 081 682 6126. TRANSPORT Billike tariewe 3.5 ton geslote bak Lokale en buite vragte Beskikbaar vir Drywer opleiding Met instrukteer Beskikbaar vir uitpassering “Reverse” kamera Jan: 081 240 7693 WC CONSTRUCTION & RENOVATION We offer: - Construction - Painting - Paving - Slasto - Lapas - Plumbing - Tiling - Electrical and all types of roof structures - Maintenance on all buildings & structures. 24/7 service Open during holidays Contact: 081 254 4248 064 205 470 Vaporizers (e-ciggies) for Namibia on facebook Website: www.namibiavapes.com The most effective STOP SMOKING device on earth (PROOFED). We stock a wide variety of Flavor Bursting E-Liquids for all vaporizers and spares for almost every type. Our products are from the most well know manufacturers. Affordable for everybody. Take a look at our website namibiavapes.com on facebook Vaporizers (e-ciggies) for Namibia Visit Largo Video in Walvis Bay Tel: 064 205525 Cell: 081 407 5773
OFFICE & HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE REMOVAL SPECIALISTS Over Namibia Household & Office. Mobile: 0814093522 email: neilnkt@iway.na
JOSEF DRIVING SCHOOL In Swakopmund Specials!!! We offer driving lessons for N$90 per hour. N$150 for natis test. Professional, friendly and patient instructor - failing is not an option. Natis will be open during the Dec holidays. Contact: 081 418 3595
A TO Z CLEANING SERVICES WE OFFER: Daily / Weekly / Monthly Yearly Contracts For Offices / Buildings / Shops /Shopping malls // Factories/Accessible windows / Ablution Blocks / Body Corporates Etc. Contact Mr Coenie Brand Tel 081 129 7988 Office 205 036 Mail:ops@atozcleanin g.com.na BUDGET CLEANERS: We offer once off cleaning for Lounge suites Carpets/Rugs Matrasses Loose chairs Machine scrub tiles Descale/Steam clean bathrooms / ablution blocks Accessible windows Exterior spray cleaning And much more!!! Contact Mrs Jenny Brand Tel 081 148 5036 Office 220 382 Mail: budget@iway.na All cleaning procedures done under supervision
Walvis Bay Industrial Green Valley RD Shop no.9 Behind Build IT Francois: 081 661 9447 Cois: 081 661 9445 Email: malherbeandsonsmotors @gmail.com *Major & lube services *Brake & clutch repairs shock absorbers *Engine overhauls *Steering & suspension repairs *Competitive rates *Import vehicles welcome *Free quotations COASTAL BUILDING SPECIALISTS: For all your: !Building construction !Renovations !Project costing (bill of quanities) !concrete mixer rental (N$ 200/d) Contact: 081 365 1917 081 699 2441
WANT TO BE YOUR OWN BOSS?? Now is the right time!!! Let us do your: !Company registration !Business plan !Financial projections !Loan applications !(DBN, SME, BANK etc..) !Tax solutions !Tender documents !Good standing / fitness certificates and so much more... Call the Professional business Consultants 081 144 2738 064 207 897
www.fastfind.me List your business FOR FREE at this online coastal business directory Visit this site. “Search” your business name’. If it is already listed, check if all information is correct. “Edit” if you need to make changes. If your business is not listed simply press “Add Your Company” and follow the easy instructions
PRODEL CONSTRUCTION & RENOVATIONS: For all your renovations and construction needs with personal attention. Call for a free quote JOHANN STEYN 081 128 0848.
TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. S Jeke (The Best). Bad Luck - Luck Muti Love Problems Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself Work problems Promotions - To get tenders and to boost your business - People don’t want to pay you back Pregnancy Problems Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals - Sexual transmitted sickness - all sickness Asthma, BP Remove to-koloshi from bodies, houses - Men’s power se-xuality Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr.(79) 3191D Johanna Benson Street Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 303 3149.
PROPERTIES FOR SALE FOR SALE CENTRAL 4 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, 2 Garages, big open plan kitchen with dining area, living room, indoor BBQ, entrance hall, alarm, BIC, garden and paving. N$1,950,000.00 For more information contact Eslouise 081 205 6744 FOR SALE, MEERSIG. PLOT AND PLAN, 3 UNITS AVAILABLE. 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms (main bedroom en-suite), open plan kitchen and entertainment area with indoor braai, double garage. N$1,750,000.00 3D plans available for viewing. For more information contact Eslouise: 081 205 6744. FOR SALE, MEERSIG. WALVIS BAY. Lovely and spacious 3bedroom house. 2bathrooms main bedroom en-suite bathroom. Huge open plan kitchen with living room/ dinning room, Indoor Braai, hobby room, BIC, garage with parking for 4 vehicles, servants room with toilet. Private 1 bedroom, 1 Bathroom flat with own garage and. N$ 2,020,000.00 Contact Eslouise: 081 205 6744.
PROPERTIES FOR SALE PRIVATE SALE House for sale in Walvis Bay, Central Very spacious house with 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, huge open plan living area with indoor braai and neat and spacious kitchen with scullery and laundry/office space plus double garage. Plus a spacious 2 bedroom flat with one bathroom and open plan living area, kitchen and indoor braai. Beautiful garden and yard space. Price 2.7 Million Phone Natascha 081 279 1198 ELEGANCIA INVESTMENTS CC Sole Mandate Swakopmund / Mondesa Freestanding 3 bedroom house with kitchen/lounge, bathrooms and garage. Plus 2 bedroom flat with rental income N$ 4 000.00 p/m Contact: 081 866 9480 Private SaleSwakopmund Near Ocean View Shell. Newly build house will be ready by end of February 2016. Erf 800 Sqm, squares under roof = 287 sqm. House 245 sqm; garage 42 sqm. Four bedroom house, each with ensuite shower, toilette and hand washbasin, rooms 4 x 4 meter. Main bedroom 4m x 5.2m with dressing room with build in cupboard and big mirror. Main bathroom ensuite with corner bath, big shower, two handwash basin and toilette. Guest toilette and toilette for gardener. Open plan living/kitchen. Living area 4m x 9.6m, separate scullery, braai / family room 6m x 4m. Double garage 6 x 7 meter, alarm system. Approved plans for flat with garage, bedroom, bathroom and kitchen / living. If interested we can build it at extra cost, plus minus 48sqm. Selling for N$2,48 mil Contact: 081 128 4612 Marius van Wyk or 081 691 1368 Lourens Barnard
Swakopmund Coastal Estates For Sale: House with flat - Vineta Quite area. Close to shopping centre and schools. Walking distance to the sea. 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge with wooden floors, fireplace, study with safe, kitchen, tandem garage + 1 bedroom flat. N$1 700 000.00 Contact: Jan - 081 270 8005 Hannes - 081149 8777 Irma - 081 368 4469
11 DECEMBER 2015
Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
Swakopmund: Plot for Sale, Vineta Ext 9, size 800m2. Price N$700 000.00 Contact: 081 150 1080 HENTIES BAY Brand new houses in a secure complex, aluminium windows, automated garage, alarm, braai. 10% Under valuation price direct from the Developer. Prices will increase as from Feburary 2016. -2 bedrooms= N$950’000.00 - 3 bedrooms= N$1’050’000.00 Contact: 085 124 9826 For sale-Kramersdorp Swakopmund A beautiful old family house, close to town, with 3 bedrooms, 1 office, big double lounge, bathroom and kitchen with dining room. It also has a 2 bedroom flat and 3 garages. Price is on request and only for serious buyers. Please call: ERVEN FOR SALE Two corner erven in Dune Estate (Kramersdorp) Ext 18, Swakopmund for sale. Erf 5715 (898m²) N$950 000.00 Erf 5757 (898m²) N$900 000.00 Negotiable Contact owner: Cell: 081 148 1939 Cell: 081 224 3443 Tel: 062 565 797
TO LET Jabulani outside rooms N$ 1600 W/L Incl 1person Inside room N$ 2000.00 W/L Incl 1person All deposits required For Sale Mondesa 3bedr house,lounge,kitchen,b athroom with flat of 2bedr,open lounge kitchen single garage N$ 900 000.00 Tamariskia Cottage Village Flat 2 bedr,1 bathr, open plan kitchen, garage N$ 850 000 00 Ocean view (brand new) 3Bed house, 2bathr, lounge, kitchen dinning room, double garage (remote door) N$ 1.9 mil neg We are urgently looking for houses to sell we have pre-approved clients All this properties are immediately available viewing can be secured on strictly appointments Call Tel: 064-402112 Fax: 064-403396 Matty: 081 244 6995 Seasons greetings We are almost at the end of yet another busy year and for some of us it's still not over So before you all go on leave….Just a small note of thanks from MNK property real estate board and staff members we would like to thank our dearest customers for their support through out this year, we wish you and your family a blessed festive season and best wishes for 2016. Please feel free to come to us for all your property needs. Best wishes MNK property real estate board and staff members
TO RENT: 3x bachelor flat to rent, available 1 January 2016 Own toilet, shower, ideal for singles. W/E incl. If couple additional N$ 200.00 will be added N$ 2 000 refundable deposit N$ 2 200.00 p/m flat 1 N$ 2 300.00 p/m flat 2 Walvis Bay, Kuisebmond, Swakopmund, Mondesa Call: 081 333 0095 TO RENT: Single flat with private bathroom, in a very neat and secure area. N$ 2 150.00 p/m W/E incl. Available immediately. Contact: 081 127 8229 HOLIDAY ROOM TO LET: in Walvis Bay. Large room, kitchen, toilet + shower. Near Centre of Walvis Bay. N$300.00 per day. Contact: 085 620 8689. TO RENT: 2x Big outside rooms in Kuisebmond, Namport area Available now Single people only. N$ 1 800.00 p/m each W/E incl. Contact: 081 147 5143 081 147 5142 TO RENT: Three bedroom house, 2 bathrooms, lounge, dinning and kitchen. Braai area, single garage and carport for three cars. N$ 9 000 p/m Exclude W&E. Deposit required. Available 1 Jan 2016. Phone 0812163787. TO RENT: Walvis Bay, Kabeljou Street, Kuisebmond Bachelor flat, bedroom, open plan kitchen, shower ant toilet. N$ 2 600.00 p/m W/E incl. N$ 2 000.00 deposit Hot water available. No garage. Contact: 081 204 7462 081 255 5272
PROPERTIES WANTED WANTED: Looking for a 3 bedroom house to buy in Kuisebmond or Narraville. N$ 550 000.00 Contact: 081 242 3365 081 242 3364 GESOEK: Dringend op soek na woon eenheid te huur in Walvisbaai vanaf 15 Januarie 2016. Ten minste 2 slaapkamers, verkieslik ingeboude stoof & kaste, garage absolute moet. Prysklas : N$5,000 – N$8,000 p/m (Water en ligte uitgesluit). Kontak : Henk by 0811227942”
WANTED WANTED: Are you out of cash? Then contact us. We buy - Gold Jewellery even if its broken. Silver jewellery even if its broken. Silver and gold coins. Polished diamonds. We operate in Walvis, Swakop, Henties, Arandis and Omaruru. Contact: 081 344 3794 / 081 315 9178.
WA N T T O E A R N EXTRA INCOME - No experience needed. Only internet connection. Little investment of plus minus N$270 once off. No hidden cost. It only cost your little effort and determination. Send your email address to: 081 233 7619 / hvm1915@gmail.com for more info. Relief domestic/care taker needed from 17 Dec 2015 11 Jan 2016 from Monday to Sunday. Contact: 081 128 4621
WALVIS BAY 20 4505
Private SaleSwakopmund Near Ocean View Shell. Newly build house will be ready by end of February 2016. Erf 800 Sqm, squares under roof = 287 sqm. House 245 sqm; garage 42 sqm. Four bedroom house, each with ensuite shower, toilette and hand washbasin, rooms 4 x 4 meter. Main bedroom 4m x 5.2m with dressing room with build in cupboard and big mirror. Main bathroom ensuite with corner bath, big shower, two handwash basin and toilette. Guest toilette and toilette for gardener. Open plan living/kitchen. Living area 4m x 9.6m, separate scullery, braai / family room 6m x 4m. Double garage 6 x 7 meter, alarm system. Approved plans for flat with garage, bedroom, bathroom and kitchen / living. If interested we can build it at extra cost, plus minus 48sqm. Selling for N$2,48 mil Contact: 081 128 4612 Marius van Wyk or 081 691 1368 Lourens Barnard
TO LET KUISEBMUND Bachelor flat w& electr incl @ N$2000 p.m. CENTRAL 1 Bedr unit without garage @ N$3200 water included LAGOON 1 Bedroom unit with garage @ N$4500 BEHIND W BAY PRIMARY SCHOOL 3 Bedr house, single garage @ N$8500p.m. CENTRAL Modern 3 bedr house 2 garages @ N$12500
Dianne 081 2396323
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
ACCOMMODATION ACCOMMODATION Situated in 31 Avis Road Swiss Chalets offer fully equipped rooms, free wi-fi & 24-hours security. Mini conference also available. Contact: 061-305 551 081 433 3185 E-mail: swiss.chalets@iway. na ACCOMODATION FAMILY AND TEAMED COASTAL FESTIVE HOLIDAY MAKERS SAFE AND AFFORDABLE ROOMS AVAILABLE IN KUISEBMOND OPEN UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR SELFCATERING AND BEDDING PERFECT FOR HOLIDAY MAKERS AVAILABLE FROM TODAY UP TO 09 JANUARY 2016 CALL: 0818090313/ 0817346906
FOR SALE: 2000 Opel corsa 1.4i Bodykit, soundsystem, xenon lights. Good running condition. Need attention. Screen, handbrake. N$ 30 000.00 NEG Contact: 081 129 6914 081 355 1003
FOR SALE: Jeep patriot 2.4 Petrol Engine model 2007 manual gearbox Milage 83 000 km Contact: 081 230 5183
CARS FOR SALE: Corrolla Botswana N$ 39 000.00 Volkswagen bakkie met canopy N$ 50 000.00 Polo 1.6 2007 N$ 60 000.00 Contact: 081 712 6159 FOR SALE: Isuzu KB 360 V6 LX Automatic 2009 97 000 km 2 fuel tanks, roof rack, led spot lights front runner excellent condition N$ 210 000.00 Contact: 081 269 5583 081 127 6556
for sale: 2008 Nissan Navara 4.0 i v6 4x2 body No engine. All in good order. Vehicle in Swakopmund. N$ 50 000.00 negotiable or swop with small car. Contact: 081 129 6914 081 355 1003
CAR FOR SALE: Service up to date 117 000 km GWM Hover 4x4 2009 N$150 000.00 negotiable Contact: 081 662 3925 081 234 1231
TE KOOP 2001 INTERNATIONAL 500HP + 2002 AFRIT TRAILER 12M TYRES 80% GOEIE TOESTAND N$ 250 000.00 EXCL VAT Cell: 081 035 9860
MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR SALE 1x New roof for toyota hiace N$750.00 1x Double bed matrass pillow top N$1500.00 1x Xbox 360, no cables as is N$500.00 3x Tv’s from N$700.00 1x Defy fridge 350 lit N$1750.00 1x Nokia 303 Touch Screen N$500.00 2x Eye-level build-in oven HOB & Extractor fan N$1650.00 1x Husky single door display fridge, white N$3750.00 Contact: 081 567 4522
2nd Hand Shop We buy and sell anything of value only ID required 0811475475 0811475333 064220387 bayauctions@iway.na
FIND US @ 97 Sam Nujoma Str Walvis Bay
FOR SALE: A beautiful original sunset painting painted by the late Travers Brown of Narraville N$ 2 500.00 For more information 081 383 1864 To view at 6de Str 68 FOR SALE: Caravan off road explorer side tent ext. excellent condition N$ 95 000.00 Contact: 081 129 6845 FOR SALE 1x Freestanding metabo planer and thickener 260mm (ADH 1626) N$10 000.00 1x 2Ton Mobi engine crane. As new new price: N$5500 asking: N$4000.00 2x 15Litre aluminium oil dispensers new price: N$3400 asking: N$2000 Contact: 081 373 7614 COASTAL SECOND HAND SHOP For Sale: Tata 2007 model, 2 liter diesel d/c (white) needs new diesel plugs N$30,000. Isuzu 2006 model, 2 liter petrol with trallies N$72,000. Jetta 2006 model, 1.6 manual. Petrol, with mag rims N$30,000. 1.4 Uno fiat 1999 model, top needs replacement N$8,000. Nissan hardbody 4x4, petrol D/C 3.3V6 model, with roll bar, bulbar and canopy N$98,000. Contact: 081 258 5780 / 081 598 9989 / 064 406 737
Safari Camper for a Single Cab Landcruiser Excellent condition, comes complete with 2 awnings, side tent, mattresses, water and fuel bottles. N$50,000 o.n.o. Call Andrew 081 333 0300
10 DECEMBER 2015
Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
Yamaha Raptor 350cc R30,000 — Walvis Bay 2006 model Price is neg. Licence expires next year Bike is recently been serviced Bike is well looked after Add on: AC Performance bullbar Pro Y full system exhaust (s/s) Twin Air performance air filter Dyno jets And lastly 2x brand new kendaclaw (hard/soft) tires Contact: 081 736 0618
EMPLOYMENT OFFERED: Hardworking, honest, very neat and energetic female with sober habits to do domestic work in Oceanview. Mondays to Saturdays. Must have recent reference. No SMS’s or missed calls please. Please call: 085 524 6915
X M A S d e c o r, Adventskraenze, at WILD ROCKET CAKE Kriess arcade, Sam Nujoma avenue in Swakopmund,every Saturday at 8:30 to 12:00. Fresh cakes, farm eggs, home made jams and many more.
ANIMALS Get your Staffie (Staffordshire Terrier) in time for Christmas! Great with children. Call 081 128 8392
erongosafetywear@ gmail.com
or hand deliver your CV at Erongo Safety Wear & Uniform (C/O Circumferential & Theo Ben Gurirab Avenue Industrial Area next to Café Hide Out Walvis Bay)
TO RENT Mile 4 - Swakopmund Bachelor flat available to rent, with BIC. Deposit N$2500, monthly payment N$5000, including water. Pre-paid electricity, garage, alarm system. Available on 13 Dec. Or rent per day. Contact: 081 146 5332 / 081 122 6362 OCEANVIEW: 1 Bedroom flat in Oceanview to let for N$4000.00 Contact: 085 524 6915 PAM GOLDING PROPERTIES: VINETA - TO LET: Beautiful, spacious home, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, walking distance from the sea - N$17,000 EXT 19 - TO LET: Modern home, 3 bright bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and indoor braai area - N$10,000 neg. EXT 19 - TO LET: Stunning, modern house, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, spacious living room with indoor braai area. A must see - N$11,000
Tamariskia: Two bedroom flat available from 1 January 2016 in Tamariskia. Open plan kitchen with BIC. Water included, pre-paid electricity. N$4200 + deposit. Contact: 081 441 9615 / 081 223 5111 Swakopmund Coastal Etates To let: Apex Park - Office Space 118 m2 - N$7906.00 176 m2 - N$11 792.00 Garage 43 m² N$2881.00 Contact: Jan - 081 270 8005 Hannes - 081 149 8777 Tamariskia: Bachelor flat, with garage available in Tamariskia going for N$4500.00, water included. Deposit is negotiable. The flat contains; BIC, built in stove and burglar doors. This flat is available 1 December 2015. Call 081 291 0689 for details. To Let - Tamariskia Bachelor flat with automated garage. Water included. In a secure complex. N$4000 p/m. One bedroom flat with automated garage. Water included. In a secure complex. N$4700 p/m. Contact: 085 124 9826
JOBS WANTED JOB WANTED: Young woman 39-years old is looking for work in Walvis Bay. Holiday or permanent work. Has good experience in office duties and is a fast learner. Contact: 081 218 2276 ALTA: Ek is opsoek na huiswerk vir 5 dae of 3 dae. Kan onmidellik begin. Was, stryk en skoonmaak. Kan ook kinders oppas. Lagoon, Meersig, Langstrand of Swakopmund. Kontak: 081 718 6673 JOB WANTED: Looking for domestic work. 3 days a week. Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 420 9076 JOB WANTED: Looking for domestic work am 22 years old. Walvis Bay or Langstrand. Cleaning, ironing, and washing. Contact: 081 760 1924
OLKA: Ek is ‘n 37-jarige vrou opsoek na huiswerk. Ek het ondervinding van 14 jaar. Kan ordentlik skoonmaak, stryk en is n goeie koker. Baie hardwerkend en betroubaar. Kan van Maandae tot Vrydae werk. Dit moet in Walvisbaai of Langstrand wees. Kan dadelik begin. Kontak: 081 692 4696 JOB WANTED: I, Sane, middle-aged (37) oshivambo lady, looking for domestic work for 3 days + Saturdays in Swakopmund. I am hardworking, loyal and have sober habits. Please contact: 081 256 2862 RACHEL: Looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 899 5389 JOB WANTED: Looking for a job in Marine Diesel Mechanic and fitterwork. Very urgent. To all people who needs quotation to put in tiles and interlocks at your house and also a paint job for your home. Also service your trucks, vehicle, brakes front and back, cv joints + oil change and body parts. underbody. Spray for rust + rubber rise. Contact: 081 877 3970 Looking for work as a Welder/Forklift Operator. Passed Grade 12 and have clear papers plus practical experience & code B licence. Contact: 081 231 4308 MARTHA: Betroubare hardwerkende dame is opsoek na huiswerk in Walvisbaai vir 3 dae per week. Maandae, Woensdae en Vrydae. Kan dadelik begin werk. Kontak: 081 488 4301 JOB WANTED: Looking for domestic work from Mondays to Fridays or three days a week. Contact: 081 384 6974 081 610 3762 JOB WANTED: I am looking for a job as driver. I have code C1, with PDP. I have four years experience. In Swakopmund or Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 365 9521 WERK GESOEK: Ek is n jong vrou wat werk soek, vir drie dae, dinsdae, woensdae, en donderdae. Huis skoon maak en was. Kontak: 081 760 9043
Friday CUT TO THE HEART (Peter said,) “Let the whole house of Israel know for certain that God has made hm both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified.” Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart, and they asked Peter and th other Apostles, “What are we to do, my brothers?” Acts 2:36-37 SATURDAY GREAT EXPECTATIONS Then Peter took (the main crippled from birth) by the right hand and raised him up, and immediately his fed and ankles grew strong. Acts 3:7 SUNDAY MORE EXCLAMATION POINTS, PLEASE! How glorious is your name over all the earth! Psalm 8:2 MONDAY IN HIS PRESENCE When Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he tucked in his garment, for he was lightly clad, and jumped into the sea. John 21:7
JEANETHA: Opsoek na 5 dae n week werk of vakansie werk. Kan goed na kinders omsien, huis skoon maak en was + stryk. Het vorige verwysings. Kan onmiddelik begin. Kontak: 081 382 4562 / 081 809 9928 JOB WANTED: I am a lady looking for any work in Swakopmund, cleaning or domestic work. I am ready to start
ADULT TOYS AND EROTICS: Naughty Gifts, Quality Lubricants and Arousal Gels. Passage shrinkers for woman available in Gel and Tablet to insert. Effective affordable erection tablets for men. With our experience from 1995. We stock the REAL Stuff, not fake. From N$99.00 for 4 pack. On Special: Viquor 10 pack for N$150.00. Single Pills N$30.00. Erotic Bubble Gum for Men & Women. Erection & Enlargement pumps for men. A wide range of toys & vibrators for women. NEW: Pheromone body sprays and oil which make you more attractive for the opposite sex. With us, erectile disfunction no more a problem. Visit our facebook page Adult Toys and Erotics. Remember, your shopping with us is fun, friendly, confidential and private. Not for sale to persons under 18. Deliveries countrywide. (Discreet packaging). Contact us on 081 407 5773.
Bachelor flat with an open plan kitchen, available from 13 December 2015 at an amount of N$270000. Water and electricity included. Hot water, ceiling and tiled flat. Only one person can occupy the flat. Deposit required.
Vacancy: Looking for a Responsible administrative person to join our team in the safety equipment industry: Responsibilities Arrange appointments for our Sales Rep. Cash up and Cash control Telephone marketing Invoicing Quotations Statements Stock Control Ordering stock Designing of weekly promotions and Specials Customer service and Relationship building Problem Solver Shop shelves and prices will also be your responsibility Requirements: Knowledge of Safety Equipment and uniforms will be an advantage. Must be able to work well under pressure Valid Drivers License will be an advantage Friendly Honest Trustworthy Handling all walk in clients and E-mails. Interested?? Mail your CV to
Namib Times
* Visit our Website / * Besoek ons Webtuiste / * Besuchen sie unsere Internet seite
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
Aan ons geliefde Juffrou Berdina Geel
25 Mei 1956 - 7 Desember 2015 Juffrou Berdina, jy is ‘n “legend”. Sonder jou gaan skool “boring” wees. Konserte nooit weer dieselfde nie. Baie dankie aan jou, juffrou, wat my lief vir skryf gemaak het. Ek gaan jou baie mis.
Van Esta Steenkamp - Graad 7B Juffrou jy is die beste. Daar is nie ’n juffrou in die wêreld soos jy nie.
Van Nika Steenkamp - Graad 4B Juffrou Berdina, jou bydrae (saam met die res van Privaat Hoërskool Walvisbaai se onderwsyers) om in ons kinders ‘n entoesiasme vir skool te skep en ‘n positiewe gesindheid om te presteer sal ons jou ewig dankbaar wees. Ons skool het ‘n groot gees verloor. Rus in Vrede.
Van Floris & Franca Steenkamp
11 DECEMBER 2015
11 DECEMBER 2015
St Peter's Roman Catholic Church, Narraville
Thank you St. Petrus Roman Catholic Church Narraville would like to thank all Donor companies and individuals who made our week of the 50th Anniversary Celebrations a huge success.
* Volcar & Carmen Logistic * Merlus Management * JosĂŠ M Lloves * Plastic Packaging * Eluwa-Hangano Choir * Kavango Choir * The Mayor (Mrs Uilika Nambahu) * Christen Gemeente Koor * Namib Times * Venice Plaatjies * Navy Band * Kosie Strauss * Dr Dean Kock * Traffic Department - Municipality of * Ayden and Tamaryn Beukes * Candice Damens Walvis Bay * Johannes Blom * Mrs Theresa Samaria * Nardo Sardinah (Walvis Bay Self Ser- * Vivian Malauly * Zane Jansen vice) * Mr & Mrs Haskell (T&M Machine * Christopher Clarke * BPO Logistics CC Spiritual Dancers Tools) * Danny Beukes * Mrs Jenny Swartz * Otis Finck * Toni SilheĂš (Stop Electric cc) * Mrs C Stevens (Photo Volker) * Benguella Ship Supplies * Mpact * Lauretius JuliusXCCS * VC Transport (Vaughn Steenkamp) * Konrad Knowds * Seniors of St. Petrus Roman Catholic * Nande Muatunga Church
11 DECEMBER 2015
Private sector should be convinced of climate change threat - Shifeta PARIS: Namibia is faced with difficult choices with regards to where to focus the country's limited financial resources, but has identified climate change as a critical threat to the economy. The Minister of Environment and Tourism, Pohamba Shifeta (pictured) made the remarks on Monday during a panel discussion with representatives from banking institutions on the sidelines of the 21st session of the Conference of the Parties (COP21) climate talks underway here. The European Investment Bank, World Bank, Asian Development Bank and 23 other leading financial institutions from around the world agreed to adopt
the 'Five Principles to Mainstream Climate Action'. The principles highlight practical and operational approaches to integrate the climate into the core investment and advisory functions of a financial institution. They outline how financial institutions can commit to climate strategies; manage climate risks; promote climate smart objectives; improve climate performance; and account for climate action. “As the Ministry of
Environment and Tourism, there is a need for us to convince other ministries and private institutions of the threat of climate change and the need to budget and invest accordingly for climate change adaptation and mitigation. “We believe that these principles will assist us to raise awareness of the importance of climate change among other stakeholders and encourage the necessary investment and actions to make us more climateresilient,” he said.
Scaling up climate finance is a critical need for Namibia. Namibia's Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) report estimated that around US dollars 33 billion (about N$490 billion) would be required to achieve a 90 per cent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2030. “For a developing country such as Namibia, this is a massive investment, which needs to be mobilised from a range of sources,” according to Shifeta. Namibia has established its own Environmental Investment Fund (EIF) that is leading the
process of environmental fiscal reform in the country and which is providing loans and grants for green technologies and communitybased environmental projects across the country. “For starters, we will seek to integrate these principles into the operations of the EIF. But what we particularly need is for commercial banks to come to the table to finance our transition to a low carbon economy. “There are massive investment opportunities in the areas of renewable energy, sustainable transport and water, and energy efficient technologies amongst others. I believe these principles can be useful to identify these investment opportunities and to bring financial institutions on board in the fight against climate change.” The five voluntary principles to mainstream climate action within financial institutions were initially developed
by a group of multilateral development banks (MDBs) and several members of the International Development Finance Club (IDFC), a network of national, regional and international development banks. Meanwhile, civil society organisations and non-governmental organisations said these principles lack climate leadership at the world's largest banks. They claimed that not one principle mentioned the major role financial institutions have to play in 'de-carbonising' the global economy. This is first and foremost by signing the 'Paris pledge to quit coal' and publicly committing to phasing out financing for coal mining and coal-fired power worldwide, according to a statement issued by BankTrack, Friends of the Earth France, as well as Rainforest Action Network, before the event took place. “The urgency of addressing the biggest dri-
vers of climate change has never been more pressing than it is here at the COP 21 summit, and yet the worlds 'fossil fuels' still do not appear in these new climate principles. While some financial institutions have recently started to cut their financing for coal mining and coal power, the sector still refuses to collectively recognise that the one key climate action they need to take is to phase out their financing of fossil fuels,” the statement added. 'Fossil fuel' is a general term for buried combustible geologic deposits of organic materials, formed from decayed plants and animals that have been converted to crude oil, coal, natural gas, or heavy oils by exposure to heat and pressure in the earth's crust over hundreds of millions of years. By signing the voluntary principles, the financial institutions, together representing more than US dollars 11 trillion. NAMPA
10 Readers can win N$100 airtime by answering
Our Campaign Question.. Who shares his life story in today’s namib times/PEPFAR article? ............................................................................
You can drop your answer at our Walvis Bay or Swakopmund office. Also visit us Saturday morning at the following places * Pick n Pay Walvis Bay from 08:00 * In front of Woerman & Brock from 11:00
11 DECEMBER 2015
Stefanus Excels at 2015 Distell Rossmund Open Championship
Kudus in beeld
Al die ondersteuners van die Rugby Klub is ook vereer vir hul bydrae.
Barney Jansen van Vuuren (Distell), Stefanus Bonifacius (Champion), Marco Swarts (NAGU President), Fanus Jordaan (RGC Captain)
Rossmund Golf Club (RGC) played host over the past weekend to the 2015 Distell Rossmund Open Championship with weather conditions and the venue looking great for golf. The course attracted a field of 66 golfers from all corners of Namibia. This is an official event on the Namibia Amateur Golf Union (NAGU) calendar so Merit List points were up for grabs – not to mention the African Green Jacket Points on offer. Play commenced on Saturday at 07:00 and from his drive on the first tee box, it was evident that Stefanus Bonifacius was determined to make the tournament his. Finishing his first 18 holes with a brilliantly played 68 gross, four under par, he managed to keep the momentum going and despite the appearance of a strong south west wind in the afternoon session, he carded a one under par 71 gross giving him an overnight total of 139 gross – a 9 shot lead over his nearest rivals Lucius Nande on 148; Eli Mbango and Martin Angula on 153; other notables Kevin Wentzel and P Shimoshili on 155. Chris Heunis and Thomas Shitaleni shared the overnight lead in the “B” Division and Kingsley Anofi the “C” Division. Sunday weather conditions were once again perfect and the guys managed to produce some good scores. Barney and Michael from Distell were on hand at the prize giving. President of NAGU, Marco Swarts thanked Distell for their continuous support of golf in Namibia and the Rossmund Golf Club for the use of the course. Barney confirmed their participation for 2016 and hoped that there would be a bigger and better field. Results: Overall Gross Winner (Champion) S Bonifacius 216; Overall R/U Gross: L Nande 221; Overall Nett: D Haimbondi 209; Overall R/U Nett: T Shitaleni 210. “A” Division Gross: G Shikodi 223; R/U: K Wentzel 228; Nett: P Shimoshili 214; R/U: E Mbango 224. “B” Division Gross: C Heunis 242; R/U: A Burger 248; Nett: T Haimbondi 213; R/U: H Ndjendja 223. “C” Division Gross: B Saunderson 172; R/U: A Anofi 176; Nett:E van Wyk 145; R/U: D Frankfort 149.
Zane Jansen, Adjunkminister van Basiese Onderrig en Sport, Agnes Tjongarero, Adjunk- minister van stedelike ontwikkeling, Derek Klazen en Chandler Plato
Oudspelers soos Oom Bennie Farmer, George Jephta en Desmond Plato was ook vereer vir hul bydrae in die geskiedenis en groei van Kudus Rugbyklub.
11 DECEMBER 2015
Team Kia Namibia sets sight on Desert dash
Kudus Rugbyspan vereer hul spelers Die Kudus Rugbyklub het hulle spelers, afrigters, komiteelede en borge bedank en geëer tydens hulle prysuitdeling Saterdag by die Walvisbaai Stadsaal.
Michael Pretorius (front) and Martin Freyer will start in the Solo Category at the Desert Dash. The picture shows the pair during the 2015 FNB Wines2Whales Mountain Bike Adventure in South Africa. Pretorius and Freyer won that race. Photo credit: Volume Photography
The KIA Namibia cycling team has set its sights on the prestigious Nedbank Desert Dash entering one Four Man Team, one Two person Mixed Team as well as having two of its top riders competing in the Solo Category. The Nedbank Desert Dash race, beginning today with 575 riders, has been growing tremendously over the last couple of years and is considered to be one of the toughest 24 hour single stage races in the world. The riders have to complete the 369 kilometre long stretch from Windhoek to Swakopmund in less than 24 hours. After participating as a two-man team the last two years, Martin Freyer and Michael Pretorius have decided to tackle the race in the Solo category. “We had a couple of discussions about it and decided to start individually but still ride alongside each
other. We both wanted a new challenge,” Freyer explained. In 2013 the pair led for most of the race but a wrong turn-off at the end set them back, eventually ending in fifth and in 2014, a broken chain cost them the lead to finish in second position. To keep up with and therefore support each other, Freyer and Pretorius have been training together for the last few weeks. “Training has been going very well,” Freyer further stated. In the two person Mixed category, KIA Elite rider and current Namibian National MTB Marathon Champion, Michelle Vorster,
who only joined the team some months ago, will fight for the podium alongside 2014 Namibian National MTB Marathon Champion Heiko Redecker, who arrived in Windhoek from South Africa Wednesday afternoon. Furthermore, KIA Elite members JanHendrik and Marnus Verdoes as well as junior rider Brandon Plaatjes, have teamedup with Adriaan Maartens to tackle the fourman category. Team support will be done by Mr Willie Verdoes from KIA Motors Namibia, William Verdoes and Heinrich Kohne, also a Team KIA Elite rider.
Adjunkminister van Basiese Onderrig en Sport, Agnes Tjongarero tesame met die Adjunk-minister van stedelike ontwikkeling, Derek Klazen was eregaste by die geleenthied waar hulle ook hul trots uitgespreek het uit met die span se resultate deur die jaar. Chris Klassen was aangewys as Sportman van die Jaar en Nic Kotzee as mees toegewyde speler van die jaar. Chandler Plato, Burchell Sitzer en Donovan Paulse het elkeen Voorsitterserkenning ontvang. Anthony Hoebeb is aangewys as Beste voorspeler vir die tweede span, Fernando Wohler het 'n toekening ontvang vir die speler wat die meeste vordering getoon het in 2015 en Robbie Shimbulu
Chris Klassen ontvang Sportman van die Jaar trofee by Voorsitter Zane Jansen
het 'n trofee ontvang vir die beste voorspeler vir die tweede span. Carlo Theron is aangewys as die mees opkomende speler vir die tweede span. Tarazio Croza is as beste agterspeler vir die tweede span en Luandre Duvenhage as die beste agterspeler vir die eerste span aangewys met Grant Nash wat met 'n toekenning vir beste voorspeler weggestap het. Die span het ook vir Rayton Paulse as spelers se speler van die jaar aangewys. Chrysander Botha was ook vereer deur die Kudus vir sy uitmuntende prestasies. Charlton Dreyer het 'n sertifikaat in ontvangs geneem namens oorlede Herkie Bruwer. (Nog foto’s op bladsy 31)