Walvis Bay Residents Raise Concerns Over Burning Tyres at Rubbish Dump
Residents ofWalvis Bay have voiced theirconcerns regarding the conditions and regulations at the local rubbish dump, following the now almost daily sightings of a thick blackplumerisingfromthearea.
Photos sent by alarmed community members showed tyresburning,releasing smokeintotheair In responsetothepublic outcry that prompted the Namib Times to ask the questions to the Municipality, Anita Kaihiva, CommunicationOfficerof the Public Relations DivisionattheMunicipality of Walvis Bay said she assures residents that the municipalityisactivelyseeking solutions to prevent such incidents in the future. Residents raised several critical questionsregardingthemanagement and oversight of the rubbish dump. Concerns were raised abouttheperceivedlack of regulation enforcementatthedump,particularly regarding the
burning of waste. The community questioned themeasuresinplaceto prevent the burning of tyres, which significantly impacts air quality The role of health inspectorsinmonitoring and addressing the conditions at the dump was also brought into question Steps taken to mitigate the environmental impact of activities at the dump, espe-
cially those affecting air quality and health, were sought. Plans to protect the health of Walvis Bay residents from the hazardous effects of the rubbish dump were requested. Questions regarding any legal or regulatory challenges preventing stricter enforcement at thedumpwerealsoposed Clarification on the role of a Hazmat Pick-up photographed at the site during the burning tyres incident was requested. In her response, Kaihiva acknowledgedtheresi-
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Four Men Found Guilty in 2016 Walvis Bay Fatal Armed Robbery
OnMondaythisweek,theHighCourtatWindhoekCorrectionalFacilitydeliveredalengthyandmeticulousjudgement,findingfourmenguiltyonsixcharges, includingacountofmurder,relatedtoafatalarmedrobberycommittedinWalvis Bayeightyearsago.
JudgeDinnahUsikuconvictedPanduleniGotlieb, David Tashiya, David Shekundja, and Elly Hinaivalifortheirrolesinthearmedrobberythat resulted in the death of Hans-Jörg Möller, at the time, 50-year-old resident of Walvis Bay, on the nightof16to17June2016.Thecourtproceedings revealed that the four men carried out a planned robbery at Möller's home, during which he was fatallyshot.Inadditiontothemurderconviction, thejudgefoundthefourmenguiltyofattempting to murder Möller's wife, Carol-Ann Möller, by assaulting and seriously injuring her during the robbery The court heard that the assailants were informed by an employee of the Möller couple aboutalargesumofmoneykeptinasafeattheir home, which motivated the robbery The court
also acquitted a fifth accused, Malakia Shiweda, who provided a convincing defence. Shiweda testified that while he was in Walvis Bay on the eveningof16June2016,hewasnotpresentatthe crimescene.Hestatedthathereceivedaphonecall lateatnighttopickuphisfourco-accusedanddrove them back to Windhoek the following morning. Judge Usiku accepted Shiweda's explanation, leading to his acquittal Contrarily, Gotlieb, Shekundja, and Hinaivali denied being in Walvis Bay at the time of the robbery However, Judge Usiku rejected their alibis, concluding that they, along with Tashiya, conspired to execute the robbery based on insider information about the Möllers'safe.Evidencepresentedincourtincluded a pistol found in Gotlieb's possession at a police Continues on page 2
Police Tackle Rising Crime Trends in
Swakopmund Public Meeting
Followingalarmingamountofmurder cases inJune,theErongoPolicehelda public meeting with residents of Swakopmund last week to discuss crimerelated issues and exchange crimepreventionmeasures.
According to Senior Inspector, Johannes Mwatonge of Mondesa Police Station, the crimes of greatest concern in Mondesa are housebreaking, theft from motor vehicles, culpable homicide mostly caused by reckless driving, robberies,
Continues on page 2
was the last photo taken
16 June
of Hans-Jörg Möller, taken on the morning of
2016, when he attended a function at a Swakopmund Kindergarten of his two daughters, who were six and eight years old at the time. Möller was shot later that night just past midnight.
Eileen van der Schyff
Sharlien Tjambari
Eileen van der Schyff
Walvis Bay Residents
Continued from page 1
dents' concerns, and stated, "we take note of the concerns raised by residents about the incidents involving the burning of waste andtyresatthelandfill site.This behaviour is ratherunfortunateand undermines our col-
lective efforts towards ourenvironment.”
Kaihiva reassures the public that the municipality is investigating ways to address the matter promptly and comprehensively She stressed that due to the national significance of
the issue, largely driven by homelessness and occupancy at the site, the Acting CEO, Mr David Uushona, has committed to discussing the matter with relevant national authorities by the end ofthismonth.
Four Men Found Guilty in 2016
Continued from page 1
roadblock near Ondangwa on the eveningof17June2016. Ballistics linked this pistoltotheprojectile thatstruckHans-Jörg Möller,whosuccumbed to his injuries in the hospital a day later Additionally, foreign currency, passport photos of
the Möllers' two daughters, and potential housebreaking tools were also discovered in Gotlieb'spossession.
The court found Gotlieb, Tashiya, Shekundja, and Hinaivali guilty on charges of murder, attempted murder, housebreaking with intent to rob and
robbery with aggravating circumstances, conspiring to commit housebreakingandrobbery, and possession of a firearm and ammunitionwithoutalicense.
Thefourmen,currently held in custody, are scheduled to return to court on Monday for sentencing.
Erongo Police Tackle
Continued from page 1
domesticviolence,fraud-relatedmatterswhichoccur most frequently atATMs, drug-related issues, rape, theft from persons, reckless and negligent driving, and loss of life—a matter of significant concern with weekly occurrences in Mondesa. Mwatongestatedthataccordingtostatistics,there were nine reported murder cases in 2023: one in March, and to date, no one has been arrested or linked to that incident; two cases in July with all suspectsarrested;onecaseinAugust;twoinSeptember;andthreeinDecember In2024,therehas beenatotalofsevenmurdercasessofar:oneeach in January, March, and April respectively, and 4 cases reported in June. Senior Inspector, Gotfried Anton,theStationCommanderofMondesaPolice Station, mentioned that his station has analysed murderandrobberycases.Theyhaveidentifiedthe open area behind Mondesa cemetery and Saamstaan suburb, as well as Waterberg and Grootfontein Streets and Ondjamba Street, as hotspots where these crimes mostly occur Anton highlighted other contributing factors to these crimes such as drug-related motives which often contribute to murder and robbery, financial situations leading to robbery and domestic violence cases, and poor street lighting observed in areas like WaterbergStreetandthevicinityofMondesaCemetery, where these areas are completely dark.
Anton further emphasised that isolated detours also attractcrime, along with adolescent behavior wherechildrenleavehomewithoutparentalknowledge,puttingthematrisk.Hementionedinstances where families only discovered a child had not returned home after a week, particularly on pay weekendswhencommunicationislacking. Anothercontributingfactortocrimeisthegranting ofbailtorepeatoffendersandindividualscarrying sharp objects in the streets. Inspector General of the Namibian Police, Lieutenant General Joseph Shikongo,expressedconcernasheacknowledged sleepless nights over safety complaints. He stressedthatNamibiaisanindependentcountrywhere citizensshouldnotbedictatedtobycriminals. Addressing community members, Shikongo asked,"ifwearesayingthecriminalsarenotattending themeetingtoday,wherearethey?Wheredothey live?Whoaccommodatesthem?Theyareallinour houses.Theyareourchildren,ourbrothersandsisters, our uncles and fathers. We accommodate them,feedthem,andclothethem.Iftheyareinour houses, why can't we resolve today to send them away?"Shikongofurtherurgedcommunitymembers to stop purchasing stolen items, stating, "someone may offer to sell you the carcass of a cow,yettheydonotevenownachicken.Howcan someonewithoutachickenobtainthecarcassofa goat,sheep,orcow?Wearecontributingtocrime in our country If we all resolve to join hands in fightingcrime,therewillbenocrimeinNamibia.”
Walvis Bay Launches Youth Climate Action Fund
The Municipality of Walvis Bay announced the official launch of the Walvis Bay CityYouthClimateActionFundonTuesdaythisweekduringamediaconference. This initiative is part of the Bloomberg Centre for Public Innovation at Johns Hopkins' Youth Climate Action Fund, which aims to empower young people to designandimplementurgentclimatesolutionsintheircommunities.
SelectedinApril2024tojointhisglobalprogram,Walvis BayhasreceivedUS$50000(nearlyN$1million)todistribute as microgrants for youth-led climate initiatives. Thesegrantswillenableyoungresidentsaged15to24to become active participants and catalysts for change on climateissues.Adedicatedcommittee,comprisedofexpertsfromvariousmunicipaldepartments,hasbeenestablishedtooverseetheproject.Thiscommitteewillguide applicants,offerexpertise,andensurethesuccessoffundedprojects.Anopencallforapplicationswasannounced inApril,invitingyouth-ledorganisationsandindividuals to submit proposals focused on climate mitigation and adaptation. Since the call for applications opened, ten proposals have been submitted. To further engage interestedyouthandprovideclarity,thecommitteewillhosta free Youth Engagement Workshop on Climate Change RelatedProjectProposalsonTuesday,16July Theapplicationdeadlinehasbeenextendedto26July Requirementsforapplicationsinclude:
- Projects must be led by young residents aged 15-24.Each project should be small-scale, with a maximum micrograntvalueofN$100000.
- Projects must be implementable within the next five months and have the capacity for future adaptation and replication.
- Projects should include local youth participation and benefitlocalyouthgroups.
- Projects must integrate climate-environmental, social, and economic considerations and align with international,national,regional,andlocalclimateandsustainabilitypolicies.
ApplicationsshouldalignwiththeMunicipality'sstrategicplans,includingtheWalvisBayClimateChangeStrategicActionPlan,theMunicipalityofWalvisBayStrategic Plan (July 2021 – June 2026), the Integrated En-
vironmental Policy (2022 – 2030), and the Local EconomicDevelopmentStrategy(2023–2028). During the media engagement event, several successful applicantswereawardedfunding:
- Resilient Garden Project (Hanan GreenAcresYouth Projects) – N$100 000 received by Beandon Snygans (22).
- Young Citizens Green Economy Conference 2024 (WalvisBayLEO's)–N$100000receivedbyEmmavan derWesthuizen(17).
- Etuhole's Gardening Project (Etuhole Group) –N$14231.20,receivedbyMarthaKanyemba(15)
-PlantATree(KeanuDax)–N$50000(recipientwas notpresent).
This initiative stresses the importance of youth involvement in addressing climate change and highlights thepotentialforcollectiveeffortstobuildacleaner,safer, andmorecohesivecommunity
1.MayoralCalltoAction:Encouragingyouthtopropose climatesolutionprojects.
3. Microgrant Awards: The city committee awards micrograntstoselectedyouthprojects.
4. Project Implementation: Youth collaborate with city stafftoimplementprojectsandsharetheirimpact.
WalvisBayjoinsaprestigiousgroupofcitiesworldwide benefiting from the Youth Climate Action Fund, including cities in Africa, Europe, Asia, Oceania, and the Americas.This global initiative represents over 62 millionresidentsacross and to apply, visit officialwebsiteandsocial
Eileen van der Schyff
Photos: Eileen van der Schyff
Swakopmund Mayor Joins Successful Cleanup Campaign in Swakopmund
TheASEZ WAO volunteer group, affiliated with the World Mission Society Church of God, spearheaded a cleanup campaign along Dolphin Drive in Swakopmund this past Sunday,7July
The event marked the 64th anniversary of the ChurchofGod,founded in 1964 in South Korea, and was part of ASEZ WAO's global initiative to combat plastic pollution through their "No MoreGPGP"project.
ASEZ WAO, which stands for “Save the Earth from A to Z” and “We Are One Family,” organised the Dolphin DriveCleanupasacontribution to their worldwidecampaignaimedat reducing plastic environmental pollution
ASEZ WAO's projects extend beyond immediate waste removal
The projects foster a senseofcommunityand aims to reduce crime through environmental stewardship. Joined by the Mayor of Swakopmund, Her Worship Dina Namubes and members of the Namibian Police Force, the cleanup campaign stressed the relationship between environmental neglect and crime, as explained by the broken window theory This theory, developed by social scientists James Q.WilsonandGeorgeL. Kelling, suggests that visiblesignsofdisorder, suchaslitterandgraffiti,
can lead to increased criminalactivity Bymaintainingaclean and orderly environment, ASEZ WAO aims to signal that the community is vigilant and cares about its surroundings, thereby deterring criminal behaviour “We believe in fostering a sense of community and encouraging behaviours that promote mutual respect and care for one another,” a spokesperson of the church to the Namib Times. “People who feel connected to their community and take pride in their environmentaremorelikelyto act in ways that support the common good.” The campaign was a success, with participants collecting 100 bags of waste, including plas-tic debrisandotherrefuse washed ashore The event, which lasted from 10:00 in the morningtolunch-time.
MayorNamubes, seta commendable example by dedicating her time despite a busy schedule. The cleanup eventwaspartofalarger roadmap of ASEZ WAO'seffortstotackle
environmental and socialissuesthrougha three-step approach: Talk, Act, and Partnership. Prior to the cleanup, ASEZ WAO members participated in a policepublic meeting on 4 July to discuss crime prevention measures with local authorities, including the Mayor and the Police Lieutenant General The General Manager of Seaside Hotel, moved by the volunteers' dedication, provided lunch for all participants They continue to lead initiatives that bring aboutpositivechange, provingthatcollective communityeffortscan build a cleaner and safer society ASEZ WAOhopestostrengthenpartnerships,gain supportthroughsignatures and Memoranda of Understanding (MOU), and conduct conferences to further theircause.Theirgoal remains clear: to contribute to a happy world, leaving no one behind, and proving that with collective action, change is possible.
Eileen van der Schyff
Successful Hypertension and Diabetes Screening in Kuisebmond
An armed robbery was reported at a local cash and carry storeintheindustrialareainWalvisBayonWednesdaythis week. According to Chief Inspector Ileni Shapumba, spokespersonfortheErongopolice,therobberyfortunately resultedinnoinjuriesandnomoneywasstolen.
Chief Inspector Shapumba said all necessary measures are being taken to apprehendtheculprits.
Fit,withtheregistration number N 296898 WB, astheirgetawaycar The policeareactivelyattending to the matter, conducting investigations and searching for the suspects involved in this
Overthepastweekend,theKuisebmondcommunityexperiencedahighlysuccessful hypertension and diabetes screening campaign. Held over two days, the initiativeprovidedfreehealthscreeningstonearly200residents.
On Saturday, the screenings were conducted at the Kuisebmond Municipality, where 68 patients were attended to. The medical team of Alpha Medical Group, who sponsored the event, performed blood pressure (BP) and glucose tests, with additional cholesterol and HbA1c tests for some individuals. The screenings continued Saturday at the Kuisebmond CommunityHall, seeing a significant increaseinparticipation.Atotalof110patientswere screened,receivingthesamecomprehensivehealth checks as the previous day The screenings were entirelyfreeofcharge,ensuringthatallmembersof the community had access to these vital health
services. Patients identified with potential health issues were advised on the next steps, and some required immediate treatment, which was also provided on-site. Beyond the screenings, all patients received education about the seriousness of hypertension and diabetes. This educational aspect aimed to empower residents to take proactive measures in managing their health. Tamar Hassan, CEO of Alpha Medical Group expressedhissatisfactionwiththeturnoutandthe smooth execution of the event. "We are happy to help the community and are willing to conduct other campaigns in the future for different commonillnesses.”
(Fltr): Tamer Hassan: CEO of Alpha Medical Group, Salah Rodwan: General surgeon specialist, Maria: Nurse 4. Herta: Nurse, Nazeema Hassan: Director of Alpha Medical Group, Monika Nakale: General practitioner, Helayna: Nurse, Stacy:Admin
Eileen van der Schyff
Eileen van der Schyff
NAMCOR and ReconAfrica Launch Groundbreaking Exploration in Kavango Basin
A milestone in Namibia's energy sector has been reached with the spudding of the Naingopo exploration well in the onshore Kavango Basin. This endeavour is a collaborative effort between Reconnaissance Energy Africa (ReconAfrica)andtheNationalPetroleumCorporationofNamibia (NAMCOR).
The Naingopo well, situated within the Damara Fold Belt on Petroleum Exploration License (PEL) 73, is expected to reach a total depth of approximately 3 800 meters within 90 days.The exploration promises to strike
test the Damara Fold Belt play In the event of success, it could unlock significant oil and natural gas potential fromouradditionalthreeprospectsand20 leads,” Chris Sembritzky, Senior Vice President of Exploration at ReconAfrica
accelerateexplorationactivitiesintheDamaraFoldBelt and Rift Basin plays over the next 12-24 months. NAMCOR's involvement highlights the importance of leveragingNamibia'sprospectiveoilandgasresourcesto attain regional energy security and drive diversified economic growth. NJAyuk, Executive Chairman of the AEC,said,“thispartnershipillustrateshowinternational exploration companies can work together with national oilcompaniestoachievetheresponsibledevelopmentof Namibia's energy resources, opening up new plays and attracting further upstream investment.” ReconAfrica's
activities complement ongoing offshore exploration efforts,heraldinganewchapterinNamibia'soilandgas history Theinitiativeisexpectedtostimulateregionaloil and gas development, create jobs, generate export revenues, and establish diversified, downstream industries,therebycontributingtothecountry'seconomic growth. Additionally, ReconAfrica stands out for its commitmenttosustainabilityandsocialresponsibility
Cargo Ship MV Ultra Galaxy in Distress off Cape Town Coast
General cargo ship, the MV Ultra Galaxy (IMO: 9449352), sailing under the flag of Panama,encounteredseveredistressinthestormyconditionsofftheCapewestcoastafew days after her departure from the Port of Walvis Bay on 2 July The Cargo ship was scheduled to reach Cape Town on Monday 8 July However, it ran into trouble about 60 nauticalmiles(NM)fromDoringbaaionMondaynight.
The 124-meter vessel, carrying a crew of 18 Filipino seafarers, began listing heavily due to roughseaconditions.Thecrewabandonedtheship and were later rescued by nearby vessels, with all memberssafelytakenaboardthefishingvesselFV MalachiteandbroughttoStHelenaBay
The South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA) has expressed concern regarding the potential environmental impact. The MV Ultra Galaxy,whichcarriesaloadoffertilizerandvarious oils,posesapollutionriskifitsinks.Twotugswere dispatched to the ship's last known location on Tuesday to assess the situation.As of Wednesday
Eileen van der Schyff
Eileen van der Schyff
s Namibia
Reconnaissance EnergyAfrica spuds Naingopo exploration well
Discovery Of Ancient Fossil In Namibia Rewrites Tetrapod History
ApaleontologicaldiscoveryinNamibiahasshednewlightontheearlyevolutionof land-dwellingvertebrates,revealingthattheseancientcreatureswerenotconfined to the tropics as previously believed. This finding, made possible through internationalcollaboration,hassignificantimplicationsforourunderstandingof earlytetrapoddistributionandevolution.
After three years of meticulous study, an international team of researchers recently announced the discovery of a fossilised giantbasaltetrapodin Namibia's arid heartland. This discovery challenges the assumption that early four-legged vertebrates, which lived during the transition from water to land around 280 million years ago, were only found in the northern hemisphere. The new salamander like species, named Gaiasia jennyae, named after Gai-As formation in theHuabbasinwhere it was unearthed in theUgabRivervalley in Damaraland and provides crucial insights into early land-dwelling animal evolution. The creature lived during the Permian Period and measured at least 2.5 metres long. Funded
byPASTAfricaandthe National Geo-graphic Society, the team included palaeontologists from South Africa, Namibia, Argentina,andtheUnited States. They were searching for evidence of the earliest fourlegged animals in this part of the ancient supercontinent Gondwana, which included what are now South America,Africa,Antarctica, Australia, and India. The nearly complete 3-meter-long skeleton, preserved in mudstone from an ancientfreshwaterlake,is the largest ever discovered "The nearly complete skeleton was preserved in mudstone from an ancient freshwater lake. As the soft tissue decomposed, gases formed that caused calcium carbonate to crystallise around the bones, creating a hard crust that protected them," explained Prof-
fessor Roger Smith from the University of the Witwatersrand. Mr Sibusiso Mtungata, a fossil technician, described the moment of discovery: "We found isolated vertebrae and thencameacrossanearly complete skull and skeleton." The skeleton was taken to the Iziko South African Museum in Cape Town for preparation, revealing a large, flattened skull withuniquepatternsand enormous fangs, suggesting it was an ambush predator Due to the gradual movement over time of the crustal plates that form Earth's outer layer, a process known as plate tectonics, this region was situated much further south when Gaiasia lived, almost aligned withAntarctica'scurrent northernmostpoint.The waters it inhabited may have been bordered by patches of ice and glaciers. "In the far south,
PortsAuthority (Namport) hereby invites bids through Open National Bidding (ONB)
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where Gaiasia lived, an ice age was ending, and it was still quite cold, with large glaciers at evenlowaltitudes,"said researcher Jason Pardo. Approximately100million years before Gaiasia existed, the first landvertebratesevolved from fish with fleshy fins, known as stem tetrapods.These creatures, which lived an amphibious lifestyle, were not true amphibians but gave rise to evolutionary lineages that led to true amphibians, reptiles, and mammals While this evolution was occurring, some stem tetrapods persisted, particularly in remote areas like Namibia. Gaiasia was one of these persistentspecies."Mostof whatweknowofterres-
trial life at this time comesfromtheancient equator, preserved in rocks from Europe and NorthAmerica.Wehad thought early tetrapods were confined to the tropics by their physiology," Pardo said. Gaiasia,however,indicates that stem tetrapods thrived at high latitudes in very cold environments, leading to a re-evaluation of early tetrapod evolution. The discovery of Gaiasia jennyae shows that early tetrapods were well-established in the cold-temperate regions of Gondwana
as early as the Carboniferous-Permian transition. "This challenges previous beliefs about early tetrapod distribution and evolution, mostly based on fossils from the northern hemisphere," said Proffessor Claudia Marsicano from the University of Buenos Aires. The research indicates that early Permian fauna, including Gaiasia as anapexpredator,existed in high-latitude Gondwana, challenging previous ideas and proving the complexity of early tetrapod history The
specimen has been returned to Windhoek and will soon be on display in the Geologica
Photo: Science.org
Photo for illustration purposesonly
University of the
Detailed description
y process, the fossil's significance, and its preparation, Reuters
Eileen van der Schyff
Photos of thick black plumes rising from the rubbish dump sent by Walvis Bay residents concerned about the health risks of the smoke hanging over the town on a almost daily basis.
Namibia and Botswana Strengthen Bilateral Ties and Economic Cooperation
Sharlien Tjambari
To further enhance and solidify bilateral relations and economic cooperation betweenNamibiaandBotswana,Dr NangoloMbumba,PresidentoftheRepublic of Namibia, and Dr Mokgweetsi Masisi, President of the Republic of Botswana, alongwiththeirdelegations,metinSwakopmundlastweek.
Thepurposeofthemeetingwastoexchangeviewsona multitudeofregional,continental,andglobalissuesof mutual interest and concern for the two countries. While acknowledging the satisfactory level of trade between the two countries, the Heads of State agreed that more needs to be done to increase trade volume. This includes enhancing cross-border and regional value chains to minimise the export of raw materials andmineralsfrombothcountries.Mbumbasaid,“economic cooperation remains a cornerstone of our bilateral relations. Since the launch of National Identity Cardsforcross-bordertravel,oureffortstowardsoperationalisingtheOne-StopBorderPost(OSBP)atthe Trans-Kalahari/Mamuno Border have progressed significantly, which will contribute to maximising the operational efficiency of the SADC Transport Development Corridors, thereby contributing to our regionaldevelopmentandeconomicintegrationefforts.” Intheareaofcross-bordertrade,Mbumbasaidthetwo countries continue to make progress. According to Mbumba,theNamibiangovernmentdonatedapieceof landatthePortofWalvisBay,toBotswanatoconstruct a Dry Port and make Botswana sea linked. “This was donenotonlyasagestureofgoodwillbuttofacilitate importsandexportsofgoodsandservices,”Mbumba said.
The Presidents noted progress in implementing the collaborative framework between Botswana and Namibiatoreduceroamingcharges.Theyemphasised the framework's importance in supporting the establishmentofasingledigitalmarket,asoutlinedinthe cost-based roaming initiative adopted by SADC Ministers responsible for Information, Communication,andTechnologyinJune2023.TheHeadsof State urged Mobile Network Operators in both countriestoimplementthedecisiontoreduceroaming charges without delay President Mbumba and PresidentMasisialsodiscussedtheprevailinginternational peaceandsecuritysituation,includingdevelopments in Mozambique and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). They reiterated their support for the full implementation of decisions from the August 2022 Southern African Development Community (SADC) Summit held in Kinshasa, DRC. The Presidents expressed deep concern about the on-going droughtwithintheSADCregion,exacerbatedbyadverse El Niño weather conditions, negatively affectinganestimated58millionpeople.Theyreaffirmed their commitment to address the drought's effects in accordance with the Communique of the ExtraordinaryVirtualSummitofSADCHeadsofStateand Government on El Niño-induced drought and floods dated20May
Baseko, Egumbo and Kasemba Qualify for Kapana Final
Thesecondpreliminaryroundinthe2024NedbankKapana Cook-Off competition took place in Walvis Bay last Saturday and saw Rhonda Baseko, Laura Egumbo, and VeuezaKasemba,qualifyforthecompetitionfinalslatedfor August.
The competition, which is in its 10th year, held its second preliminary round in the coastal town and hadatotalof25participants take part, with hopes of qualifyingforthefinaland standing a chance to winthegrandprizeof a fully kitted mobile kitchen worth N$ 130000. Ontheday, participants were asked tasked to prepare a salsa and kapana dish within 30 minutes and present ittoprofessionaljudges from the Namibian Chefs Association The chefs vetted the dishes based on hygiene, taste, presentation, and overall authenticity Egumbo, who took part in the competition for six years without winning the grand prize said that sheisreadytowinthis year.“LastyearIcame in third place, but this year, I am bringing the trailertothecoast. They say practice makes perfect and I will do my best,” she said.Whenaskedabout her experience taking part in the event, firsttime entrant, Baseko said: “It was a tough competition, but I enjoyedmyself.Although therewasalimitedtime given to prepare the dishes, it was indeed a good experience ”
Communication at Nedbank Namibia, Gernot de Klerk said, “to everyone who pitched today, it has been great to host you for thiseditionofthecompetition The atmosphere,andcamaraderie we witnessed here today were exceptional.We'll be back in WalvisBayforthe11th edition of the competition, and we hope to see all of you for the next coastal preliminary round of the Nedbank Kapana Cook-Off Competition.” The next preliminary round will take place on 20 July in Windhoek,wherethree participants will be selected to take part in
the final on 24August at the Ongwediva AnnualTradeFair
Entries into the Windhoekroundisopenand interested participants candownloadtheentry form on nedbank
com.na or collect it at any Nedbank Namibia branch nationwide
The Nedbank Kapana Cook-Off Competition is sponsored by Bakpro, Omulunga Radio, andAGRA.
Namibian Building Workers Pension Fund (NBWPF) Emphasises Mandatory Pension Fund Provision in the Construction Sector
TheNamibianBuildingWorkersPensionFund(NBWPF)ispleasedtoannouncethemandatoryprovisionofa pensionfundforemployeesintheconstructionsector,asstipulatedinthesignedCollectiveAgreementbetween the Construction Industries Federation of Namibia (CIF) and the Metal andAllied Namibian Workers Union (MANWU). The agreement, which came into force on 6 June 2024 outlines the minimum wage payable and employmentconditionsintheconstructionsector,andmandatesthatallemployeesfallingwithinthecategories listedintheCollectiveAgreementmustberegisteredwiththeNamibiaBuildingWorkersPensionFund.
TheCollectiveAgreement,publishedinNamibia's GovernmentGazetteon6June2024(Government Gazette No. 8377, Notice 156), establishes the minimum wage payable and employment benefits for workers in the construction sector As a result, every employer in the construction sector in Namibia is now required to ensure that their employees are registered with the Namibia Building Workers Pension Fund, or provide pension/retirement fund benefits that offer equivalentorsuperiorbenefits.
Mr Enwich Kazondu, executive principal officer, oftheNBWPF,emphasisesthesignificanceofthe mandatory provision of a pension fund in the construction sector: "The provision of a pension fund is a crucial aspect of ensuring the financial security and well-being of employees in the construction sector We are committed to working with employers to facilitate the registration of employees with the NBWPF, in compliance with
the Collective Agreement, and to provide valuable pension benefits to support the long-term financial stabilityofworkersintheindustry."
The Collective Agreement also outlines additional benefits and entitlements for employees in the construction sector including an annual service allowance,livingawayallowance,andprovisionsfor protective clothing and safety equipment. It further emphasises the importance of expected productivity levels, alongside the rights of employees within the sector
MrKazonducontinued:"Weurgeallemployersinthe construction sector to adhere to the provisions of the Collective Agreement and ensure the registration of their employees with the NBWPF By doing so, employerscancontributetothefinancialsecurityand welfare of their employees, in line with the requirementsoftheagreement,"addedMrKazondu.
aware of the requirements as stipulated in the Collective Agreement Every employer in the construction sector, must adhere to it, whether they are large foreign contractors or Namibia's own contractors, large or small. Everyone must register their workers with a pension fund. The NBWPF is indeedthebestoptionasitistailoredforthebuilding andconstructionsector
“Wealsowanttoseethattheseprovisionthatcallfor themandataryregistrationofworkerswithapension, aswellasotherminimumemploymentconditions,are enforced by the labour inspectorate of Namibia's Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment Creation. Without monitoring and enforcement,theprovisionofthegazettedCollective Agreement will be undermined and weakened. So labourinspectorsmustinformthemselvesanddotheir inspection,eveninremoteplacesofourcountry”. Some employers are initially inclined to regard the contributionstoapensionfundfortheiremployeesas
anadditionalfinancialburden.Thiscanthecaseduringtough economictimes,especiallyduringarecession.However,there are some benefits for the employers too. This can include greater job satisfaction and retention of employees due to an increaseinlong-termfinancialsecurityandwell-being.When feelingsupportedbytheiremployers,workersarepotentially alsomoreengagedandproductiveintheirroles.
Bärbel Kirchner chief executive officer of the CIF said: “Members of the CIF are well acquainted with the requirements set out in the CollectiveAgreement, including theprovisionsforpensionfundservices.Theprovisionsofthe CollectiveAgreement are legally enforceable and applicable toeveryemployerintheconstructionsectorinNamibia.Our members, who also have to adhere to the CIF's Code of Conduct, are generally aligned to what is stipulated in the agreement. Ultimately, our sector is the first, if not the only sector,thatrequiresthattheiremployeesareregisteredwitha pension fund. However, we need to look at those companies thatarenotmembersoftheCIFthatareoftenincontravention oftheCollectiveAgreement”.
Pro-Ed Akademie Tweede Jaar in 'n ry Grootste Insamelaars
Vir Kanker
Pro-Ed Akademie tweede jaar in 'n ry grootste insamelaars vir kanker Vir die tweede jaarin 'n ry het die leerders van Pro-EdAkademie op Swakopmund die meestegeldmetdienasionaleSpray-a-thonfondsinsamelingtenbatevankinders metkankeringesamel.
Dienasionalefondsinsamelingsinisiatiefvindjaarlikstussen Maart en Mei plaas.Vanjaarhetdie skool 'n allemintige N$17479.50ingesamel, meer as N$5 200 meer as verlede jaar se rekordbedrag van N$12 220 wat deur 'n individuele skool ingesamel is.
“Ons het pas weer gehoorvanmensein ons skoolgemeenskapwatmetkanker
gediagnoseer is, so dit isvironsbelangrikom die projekte van die Kankervereniging te ondersteun omdat ons verstaan waar deur kankerlyers gaan,” het mnr Christiaan Grobler, Uitvoerende Hoof van Pro-Ed Akademie gesê.
Die Kankerverening vanNamibiëhet'nspesiale blyk van waardering aan die skool oorhandigomdankiete sêvirdiegeldwathulle
oorbetaal het en die ywer waarmee die projek aangepak is “Ditisbelangrikvirdie onderwysers van ProEd dat hulle leerders gebalanseerde individue raak en deel daarvanisomleerdersempatiemetanderteleer
Die Pro-Ed span kan voorwaartrotsweesop hulle leerders en die toewyding en passie waarmee hulle projekteaanpak.Ditisbesondersomtesienhoeveel
pret die leerders met die Spray-a-thon gehadhet.
Daar is nie 'n enkele leerlingwatnieaandie fondsinsameling deelgeneem het nie,” het Sanet de Waal van die Kankervereniging se Erongo-tak gesê. “Die goeie gesindheid waarmee ons leerders deelgeneem het, is vir onsverblydend,”aldus mnr OttoSwarts,hoof van die laerskool by Pro-EdAkademie.
Find us at the corner of Wasserfal street & Otavi Street or contact us @ 064-461866
namib times namib times
Mnr Christiaan Grobler (links) en Otto Swarts skoolhoofde van Pro-Ed Akademie saam met Sanet de Waal, streeksbestuurder van die Kankervereniging van Namibië se Erongo-tak tydens die oorhandiging van die blyk van waardering vir die skool se uitmuntende ondersteuning aan die Vereniging
Please take note that an application will be submitted to the Municipal Council and the Urban and Regional Planning Board for consent for Permanent Closure, and Rezoning of Erven 294, 328 2801 3035 and 3038 Narraville
1 Permanent Closure Erven 294 and 328 Narraville as Public Open Space
2 Rezone Erf 3035and3038NarravillefromGeneralResidential2toPublicOpenSpace and Erf 2801 Municipal Purposes to Public Open Space
The abovementioned closure and rezoning will enable the Municipal Council to create an Old Age Home and more Public Open Spaces within the Narraville Township
Please further take note that -
(a) the planlies forinspectionat Room101ofthe officesofthe Municipality ofWalvis Bay, Civic Centre, Nangolo Mbumba Drive
(b) any person having objections to the establishment concerned or who wants to comment thereon, may lodge such objections and comments, together with the grounds thereof, in writing with the Municipal Council and the Urban and Regional Planning Boardwithin 14 days of the last publication ofthis notice, before oron
2 August 2024.
Applicant: Municipality of Walvis Bay Private Bag 5017 Walvis Bay (064) 201 3348 townplanning@walvisbaycc org.na
BB-9 Investments cc (Or the Proponent) was granted a right by the Kunene Communal Landboard to undertake tourism operation at a site measuring 19.23 ha in De Riet, Khorixas Constituency, Kunene Region. The Proponent recognises the lack of tourism facilities in this area and for this reason, the Proponent intends to construct and operate Tented Campsites and Tourism Facilities to meet demand for tourism products.
PUBLIC NOTICE: The Proponent understands “Tourism Development: 6. The construction of resorts, lodges, hotels or other tourism and hospitality facilities” is a listed activity under Regulation 29 of the Government Notice No. 29 of 2012 and may not be undertaken without an Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC). This public notice is in terms of relevant legislations including the Environmental Management Act (No. 7 of 2007) that application for the ECC will be launched with the Environmental Commissioner/Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism.
CONSULTING & TRAINING CC) shall provide mandatory environmental project management services and submit Reports to support application for the ECC.
INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE: Interested &Affected Parties (IAPs) are notified to register in order to participate in the public participation process. In order to receive information about this project, kindly register as IAPs by contacting: The Environmental Assessment Practitioner
Envirodu Consulting & Training Solutions cc P. O. Box 4120, Namibia, Email: ecutscc@gmail.com
Registration No:2017/0334
ESTATE NUMBER: E 1125/2024
In the estate of the late ADELHEID GRETL SCHLUSCHE, Id No: 400517 0011 5, who died on 15 March 2024, resided at Flat No. 14 Nordstrand Park, Swakopmund, Namibia and who was unmarried.
Creditors and debtors of the above estate are called upon to lodge their claims or pay their debts to the estate at the undermentioned address within a period of 30 days from date of publication of this notice.
H E AHRENS Executrix c/o Kinghorn Associates Incorporated Haus Altona 2 – 6 Tobias Hainyeko Street P O Box 1455 Swakopmund Rref. HEA/AW EST 347/0001-50)
Registration No:2017/0334
ESTATE NUMBER: E 1068/2024
In the estate of the late INGRID DESIRÈÈ TWORECK, Id No: 341015 0048 7, who died on 9 January 2024, resided at Flat No. 19 Lion's Old Age Home, Rhode Allee, Swakopmund, Namibia and who was unmarried. Creditors and debtors of the above estate are called upon to lodge their claims or pay their debts to the estate at the undermentioned address within a period of 30 days from date of publication of this notice.
H E AHRENS Executrix c/o Kinghorn Associates Incorporated Haus Altona 2 – 6 Tobias Hainyeko Street P O Box 1455 Swakopmund (Ref. HEA/AW EST 337/0001-50)
AECI Mining and Chemical Services Namibia invites applications for the following position:
Closing Date: 26 July 2024
Applications in writing to: Christel.Stergiadis@aeciworld.com Kago.Mmolawa@aeiworld.com
Take note that Stewart Planning –Town & Regional Planners intends to apply, on behalf of owner of Erf 441, TamariskiafortherezoningofthepropertyfromSingleResidential(1:600m²)toGeneralResidential2(1:100m²). Erf441,Tamariskiaisdevelopedwithadwellinghouse/dwelling unit and related outbuildings and is situated in Graniet Laan(Street).Thepurposeoftheapplicationistoaccommodate a townhouses/block of flats in accordance with the development parameters set out in the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme.With the property measuring 899m², a maximum of eight (8) townhouses/block of flats can be accommodated on theproperty
The application is submitted in terms of the Urban and Regional PlanningAct, 2018 (No. 5 of 2018) and in terms of theSwakopmundZoningScheme.Thefullapplicationcanbe inspected at the Town Planning Department of the Municipality of Swakopmund, corner of Rakotoka and Daniel KamhoStreet,Swakopmund.
Take note that any person having objections or comments to the proposed rezoning must lodge such objections or comments, together with the grounds thereof, in writing with the ChiefExecutiveOfficeroftheMunicipalityofSwakopmund and Stewart Planning within fourteen (14) days of the last publicationofthisnoticetotheaddressprovidedbelow Written objections or comments must be submitted before 17:00Monday,12August2024.
ChiefExecutiveOfficer MunicipalityofSwakopmund P.O.Box53, Swakopmund 13001
Tel:+264644104403 jheita@swkmun.com.na
Applicant StewartPlanning P.O.Box2095, WalvisBay 13013 Tel:+26464280770 mario@sp.com.na
forward cv’s via email xyzinvestment001@gmail.com
LearntospeakGerman withanexperienced mothertongueteacher
Registernowtoqualify foradiscount.
Contact: Ben Uugwanga0812695532, PO Box 7078, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay, Namibia, Africa
"Writing of Business Plans Writing of Company Profile: Writing of Project Proposals and Writing of Constitutions. "Training Offered (Omadheulu)/Manuals included (Omambo gakwatelwa mo):
Strategic Management and Leadership (4 days); Marketing, Customer Care and Basic Management (4 days); Conceptualization, Philosophy, Politics, Economics and the Bible (6 days); Public Policy Making and Public Management (5 days); Research Proposal Writing Training (4days); Knowledge Management and Media and Advocacy Communication Strategies (4 days); The Knowledge Economy (4 days); Leadership and Project Management Training (4days); Leadership and Business Management Training (5days); Public Policy Making and Policy Research Training (5 days); Writing Skills Training (5days). "Christian Leadership Training / Edheulo lyomuwiliki gwongeleka (5 days/omasiku gatano). "Life Skills Training / Edheulo lyomugundjuka muunongo wonkalamwenyo (5days/omasiku gatano).
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Rgtd: Welfare Organisation- WO 438
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Remember to contact your local SPCAif your pet goes missing
In Loving Memory of Sarah Maria Eiman
* 27.08.1965 + 02.07.2024
2 Tim 4: 7 - 8 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith
Funeral Services
08:00 at home 114 Namib Street, Narraville
Saturday 13 July 2024
09:00 Narraville Community Hall
The Rossouw family hereby announce the death of Mr Antonie Johannes Rossouw (Tony)
A supporting and loving family member, father, grandfather and friend will be missed dearly *1929/08/15 - +05/07/2024
Memorial Serivce: Saturday 13 July @ 9h00 Swakopmund Cemetery Chapel Contact: 081 253 4720
R o c k a n d R u t Mountain Bike Club representative, and event organiser, Michael Hennes, says the races will be hosted at this new venue, which wascommissionedlast year, and is expect to give riders new challenges as they are unfamiliarwiththeroute.
“We are busy developing new route at this private farm. We havealreadydonealot ofwork,andwefeelit's time we tested it. We will further develop it based on the feedback from the riders as time goes on,” he said Hennes added that last week, that last week riders were invited to test the new trails, and the organisers were pleasedwiththe
feedback. In terms of preparations for this weekend's activities, Hennes said everything was going according to plan. The race organisers expected around 100riderstoparticipate in both the men's and women's elite, juniors, veterans, sub-veterans, masters, and grandmaster races, while the young riders will start fromunder10'stounder 16's. Also speaking on behalfoftheorganisers, Anna Wucher said, "Farm Bergquell is a privately owned farm which is collaborating with the Rock and Rut Mountain Bike Club to advance mountain biking in Namibia, by expanding the number of single-track trails availableforallour
members to ride. Since the end of last year, our club has invested substantial time and resources to build a brand-new network of funsingle-tracktrailson Bergquell for everyone to enjoy, with the longterm vision of hosting some of our crosscountry events at this location. It will be our first event on the new trails, so we are very excited.”Sheaddedthat after the official races, therewillbeafunrelay with mixed teams on a shorttrack.“Itisalways tremendous fun to watchandawonderfulopportunity for riders to make new connections and friends within the sport. We're all looking forwardtocrowningthe winningrelayteam,”
Wucher concluded Nedbank Namibia Manager for Communications and Public Relations, Selma Kaulinge said, “we are excited about this edition of the Nedbank RockandRutXCSeries as it will feature a new route at a new venue. I would like to applaud theorganisersforgoing alloutindevelopingour cyclistsinvariousways which include exposing them to new environments At Nedbank Namibia, we believe in supporting initiatives that not only enrich our communities, but also inspire individuals to achievetheirbest.”
Monde Sevelus a visitor at the coast won the IT GURU individual stablefordplayedlastweekendattheWalvisBayGolfClub Sevelus scored 41 points to secure the ITGURU individual stableford with Charles Shayamano second on 39 points whilst Bertus Venter third on 37 points. Sevelus also made a clean sweep of the closest to the pins winning both 2/11 and 18 and added to the two clubs he registered with both being inside 30cm well played Monde.
One other 2 club was registered by Bertus Venter The IT GURU representative confirmedthattheywill be back next. The monthlySagesplayedonSunday7July waswonbyMichael deBarrosontheday with 35 points, with Dean Kock second on 33 winning a count out from Kevin Wentzel Last weeks seniors were
won by Harald Engling on 37 points winning a count out from Robbie Moyce, who went home with the'brood'.OnFriday 19 July at 19:00 will beTHERETURNOF THENIGHTATTHE RACES at Walvis Bay Golf Club. Always a popular event so make sure you diarizethedate.
With the country's top ranked men and women, squash players competed for the national singles titles, making it one of the biggest squash tournaments in the country with about 150and170gamesin the men's A and B division, as well as a women's division Max Endjala is the men's single champion after winning the men's A division withAndreBothathe men's B division champion whilst Charne Fourie the womens' singles campion. This year's national singles squash championships are a clear indication that Squash is growing in our country In the meantime, the Squash Federation of
Africa and the Namibia Squash Association has announced that the 2024 Squash Federation of Africa Seniors Championships will be hosted from18-24November in Windhoek This year's Squash FederationofAfrica Seniors Championships will see Africa's top squash players compete in individual and team events. By hosting the Africa Seniors Squash ChampionshipsinNamibianis another great step for squash as it will see an investment into grassroots squash, and the hosting of a World Squash Coaching Level 1 courseaswellasthe Squash Federation of Africa's annual
general meeting running alongside the event. The Namibian Open squash championships is up next in Windhoek. The full results of the national's squash championship hosted at the coast are;
Men'sAdivision:1 Max Endjala, 2 Andrew Fourie, 3 Brandon Grane, 4
Le-Hugo van Rooyen, 5 Christof Knoetze.
Men'sBdivision:1 Andre Botha, 2 RicardoAbrantes, 3 Callie Geel, 4 JC Platt, 5 Brandon de Jager
Women's division: 1 Charne Fourie, 2 Adri Lambert, 3 ChanteldeGouveia,
4 Belina Koekemoer
The 2024 Nedbank Rock and Rut XC Series event will take place on Saturday, 13 July at Farm Bergquell,whichissituatedontheoutskirtsofOkahandja.
Rudi Bowe
The Swakopmund Beach Soccer Cup, an initiative that resonates deeply with the national vision for youth development and communityengagementis more than just a sporting event, it is a beacon of hope and opportunity for our youth This tournament brings together boys and girls from Swakopmund and other regions of Namibia. The tournament is a testament to the power of sport in uniting communities, fostering healthy lifestyles, and providing a platform for young talents to shine. Deputy Minister, Ministry of Sport, Youth and National Services Dr Emma Kantema said that the Swakopmund Beach Soccer Cup aligns seamlessly with the National Youth Policy, which emphasises the holistic development of young people, including their physical, mental, and social wellbeing. “It supports our commitment to creating opportunities for youth participation, empower-
ment, and leadership in variousspheresoflife.She stated, “our government remains steadfast in its support for initiatives like the Swakopmund Beach SoccerCup.Webelievein the transformative power ofsportandarecommitted toprovidingthenecessary resources and support to ensure the success of this event and others like it. Eventslikethisarecrucial for our youth as it is promoting health and fitness, in an era where sedentary lifestyles are becoming increasingly common, beach soccer offers an exciting way to engage young people in physical activity It promotes fitness, agility, and overall well-being.” She further stated, “by engaging our youth in constructive activities during thetraditionalfootballoffseason, we are providing them with positive alternatives to crime, alcohol, and drug abuse. This aligns perfectly with our goal of creating a safe and nurturing environ-
ment for all young Namibians.” According to Dr Kantema the tournament will undoubtedly enhance sport tourism, providing economic opportunities for local businesses, hotels, guesthouses, and SME traders. “This event is a catalyst for economic growth and community development ” Brand Ambassador of the Swakopmund Beach Soccer Cup, Ricardo Mannetti said, “we have so many ideas, how to stimulate the youth but these ideas hitabrickwallmostofthe times.“Becauseweforget to look around and to make things work with what we have.”Mannetti stated that Namibia boasts a coastline of 1 500km with towns like Oranjemund, Luderitz, Walvis Bay, Swakopmund and Henties Bay “USE WHAT U HAVE, Swakopmund has the Beach and this makes it a perfect match for Beach Football, that is not something new, it's re-
CoastalChessTournamentsCelebrateExcellenceand Diversity
Showcasing the growing popularity of chess within Namibia's coastal towns, participants recently hosted the Bank Windhoek 2024 Swakopmund and Walvis Bay Open Tournaments on two separate occasionsinthetwocoastaltowns.
The Swakopmund Open Tournament attracted a diverse group of 40 participants, with 28 male and 12 female players competing against each other, highlighting the event's inclusive nature a n d f o s t e r i n g a competitiveyetsupportive environmentforplayersof all ages. The president of the Namibia Chess Federation, Goodwill Khoa, said National team players who participated in the 2024AfricanYouth Chess Championship participationinlocaltournaments,suchastheBank Windhoek 2024 Swakopmund Open, significantly elevated the competition and excitement within the tournament Khoastatedthattheseelite players bring a wealth of ex-perience and skill, inspiring local participants and spectators alike
“Their presence provides invaluable opportunities for progressing players to test their mettle against some of the best in the country, fostering growth and learning within the local chess community.”
cognised by Cosafa, CAF and Fifa the same as Futsal,” Mannetti said “Talking about Futsal, it onlytookonemantodrive the idea and at our first attempt, we qualified for Afcon. Here we are, and againit'sthedreamofone man, that brought us all together Let us support him as this could be the beginning of something bigger than his dream of just staging a cup,” Mannettisaidandstatedhewill need assistance from all angles, as this initiative will serve the youth. “It will teach them the fundamental principles of life, more importantly it will grow their characters to withstand the social evils I am passionate about being part of something that gives Hope to the youth. Something that stimulates them and this Cupdefinitelyticksallthe boxes. Therefore, I will makesuretopromotethis initiativetothebestofmy abilities.I'mverypositive that this initiative will put asmileonallofourfaces.”
Khoa said, “One of the highlights of the tournament was the participation of the Gwanyanya family, which included Finos (father), Neriah (daughter), and Phaino (son) Finos Gwanyanya said that chesshaslongbeenacherished family activity
uniqueopportunityformy children and me to come together in intellectual engagement and friendly competition ” “Chess encourages family bonding whenever he teaches his children the strategies and tactics involved in playing the sport” he added. Mario Shephard was the best local player at the 2024 Swakopmund Open and Ivan Boois scored first place in the Open section with 7/7 points, while Selma Kayawala won in the Women section with 4.5/7 points and Curstan ArmstrongwontheJunior section with 5/7 points, with Reuben Petrus the winner of the Cadet section. The Walvis Bay Open Championships and GPL8, hosted by the CoastalChessAssociation and facilitated by the NamibiaChessFederation attracted 55 participants from Walvis Bay, Swakopmund, Windhoek, Tsumeb and Ongwediva. Participants ranging from sixtofiftyyearsold
clashedonthechessboard. Khoa said the turnout was diverse, and games were played over seven rounds. The overall winner of the 2024 Walvis Bay Open Championships was Silas Nghipandulwa, who travelledfromOngwediva to engrave his name on record books. Nghipandulwa won six games and drewonetofinishoffwith 6.5/7andIvanBoois,who won five games and drew two with an overall score of 6/7 second whilst, 13yearold Curstan Armstrong secured third place as he won five, drew one and lost one game. Both tournaments showcased thediversityofpassionate chess players who aim to make their mark. Their participation, skill showcase, and engage-ment throughout the tournaments showed successfulgrowthandinterest inNamibianchess.
Photos contributed
TheSwakopmundBeachSoccerCup,scheduledtotakeplacefrom24to26August2024at PlatzAmMeerinSwakopmundwasrecentlylaunchedinthecoastaltown.
Rudi Bowe
namib times Sport
FLTRareFreddyMwiya,ChiefAdministratoroftheNamibiaSportCommission,Fanus Engelbrecht,CEOofMTCDomeNamibia,EmmanuelAdbulai,ExecutiveDirectoroftheSierra Leone National SportsAuthority, Mustapha Michael, PresidentAfrican Traditional Sports and GamesConfederation.PHOTO:PreciousNghitaunapo
Thisdecisionwasrecently announced during the signing of the host agreement ceremony between the African Traditional Sports and Games Confederation(ATSGC) andMTCDomeNamibia. The first edition of the Africa Traditional Games scheduled for 2026 under thetheme"InfuseCultural Diversity", will host participantsfromdifferent
African countries who will feature a diverse range of nine traditional sports categories The ATGwillfeatureadiverse rangeoftraditionalsports, includingballgames,
Swakopmund based Futsal Club Selecao retained theOngosWinterCupasthecoastalboysbeattheX Men 3-0 in the final held recently at the Windhoek Showgrounds.
The second edition of the Ongos Valley Fustal Winter Cup, a 25-team knockout tournament saw 14teamsfromthepremier league division, 8 teams fromthe1stdivision,and3 teams from the second division competing LeightonWemmertscored the opening goal for the coastal side with Nigel Prinsextendingtheleadto 2-0, Selecao secured their victorywhenacornerkick ricochetedofftheX-Men's goalkeeper and into the goal Selecao beat defending league champions Quality Futsal Club 1-0 in the semifinals, with Wemmert scoring the winning goal. The coastal team dominated the final from the start with their
batting sports, combat sports, dances, mind games, racquet sports, target sports and water sports As preparations gainmomentum,Namibia andtheATSGCwill
fine tactical display and domination of ball possession. Selecao also dominated the individual awards, with Nigel Prins winning the player of the tournament award, while VilhoLawrencewasthetop goalscorerwithninegoals. Warren Theron the captain of Selecao stated that “it's great that Ongos put a tournament up here in Windhoek, it's great news for us because we like to come here and display our talentsandthetypeoffutsal that we play in Swakopmund”. Theronadded, “it's going to be great for the development of futsal because we have a lot of numbers coming to check out the teams playing and following their results on socialmediasoitsexciting for the fans as well, so the
extend an invitation to all African nations to participate actively in this historic event. The President of the ATSGC Michael Mustapha expressed his confidence in Namibia's readiness and commitment to hosting thishistoricevent."Based on assessments and the preparedness we noticed, we decided that Namibia wouldbetheidealcountry to host this event," Mustapha said during his address. He emphasised the importance of promoting and preserving African traditional sports as a means to foster unity and showcase cultural diversity across the continent Mustapha highlighted ongoing efforts to standardise certain games and determine whichwillbecompetitive andwhichwillbefeatured as exhibitions "The richness and diversity of African traditional sports areintegraltoourcultural heritage," Mustapha explained."Throughthese games,weaimtonotonly celebrateourpastbutalso inspire future generations toembraceandcherishour
exposure just keeps on growing.” According to Theron the standard of futsal had improved a lot since they last won the title.“Actually,itwasalot differentthistimebecause the game has grown a lot. We had our national team just a few months back at Afcon so that opened our mindsalotandbroadened our vision about what futsalactuallymeans,soit was much more tactical this time around than last time around,” he said TheronthankedOngosfor investing in the tournament. It was the second timeinthreeyearsthatthe coastal team won the trophy after they also beat the X Men in the 2022 final,whilethetournament didnottakeplacelastyear
traditions." Mustapha articulated a bold vision for African sports on the global stage "We've noticed that there are no African-originated games in the Olympic structure.
Our objective is to have one or two African-originated games included in the Olympics by 2032.
According to Mustapha, "The Africa Traditional Games in Namibia represent a unique opportunity to unite our continent through sport
Together, we can celebrate our diversity, promote social cohesion, and inspire future generations.
Swakopmund to compete in the traditional games. Engelbrecht emphasised the importance of community engagement andeducationinpreparing for the Africa Traditional Games "We need to reintroduce these traditional sports into the community, to educate and inspire." Engelbrecht stated that they aim to establish the Dome as the ultimate destination for traditional sporting games, a hub that breathes life into these activities.
The Chief Administrator of the Namibia Sport Commission, Freddy Mwiya commended the MTC Dome in Swakopmundfortakingonthe responsibility of hosting the first ever all African Games for traditional sports tournament scheduled for 2026. Updatesandfurtherdetailson participation, sponsorship opportunities, and event logistics will be available on the official ATSGC website and social media channels.
This initiative not only aims to enhance our competitivenessbutalsoto showcase the rich cultural heritage of Africa on a global platform. It's about time that African sports and games receive the recognitiontheyde-serve," he said The Chief Executive Officer of MTC Dome Namibia, Fanus Engelbrecht said that in two years, this will be a huge event with thousands of people from all over Africathatwillcometothe M T C D o m e i n
The Ongos Winter Cup 2024 Player of the tournamentNigel Prins (Selecao FC)
The Ongos Winter Cup 2024 Top scorer - Vilo Lawrence (9 goals)
The Ongos Winter Cup 2024 champions Swakopmund based Futsal Club Selecao
Photos: Futsal Namibia
Rudi Bowe
Rudi Bowe