13 jan namib times

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SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO6418 TUESDAY 13 JANUARY 2015 Tel +264 64 205 854/+264 64 461 866/Fax +264 64 204 813/+264 64 461 824/Website www.namibtimes.net

Geen borg vir Eigab-moordverdagte


Kind Gesture brings Happiness

(Foto deur Paulus Kiiyala Shiku) NAMPA

Marshallino Beukes

Sophia Eichas, van Swakopmund het op eie stoom die man wat daarvan beskuldig word dat hy haar seun vermoor het in Karasburg opgespoor, en hom laat aankeer

Die verdagte in die Steven Eigab moordsaak, Ivan Thabang Swelo (40), sal agter die tralies moet bly, nadat borgtog aan hom geweier is. Swelo staan tereg op ‘n aanklag van moord, nadat hy vermoedelik vir Eigab, op 7 Junie 2014, doodgesteek het. Die moord is in Swakopmund se Mondesa woonbuurt, net agter die Mondesa polisiestasie, gepleeg - drie dae ná die oorledene se 30ste verjaardag. Die verdagte het op die vlug geslaan en is op 27 Desember 2014, bykans ses maande na die voorval, in Karasburg aangekeer. Sy inhegtenisneming het gevolg nadat die oorledene se moeder, mevrou Sophia Eigas, op

eie houtjie speurwerk gedoen het. Flink optrede en goeie samewerking tussen die polisie in Swakopmund en Karasburg het die deurslag gegee. Mevrou Eigas het gister die media toegespreek en haar teleurstelling uitgespreek, omdat sy (en ook die media) verkeerdelik ingelig is oor die beskuldigde se eerste verskyning in die Swakopmundse landdroshof. Sy en haar familie, asook lede van die publiek het gisteroggend hul opwagting by die landdroshof gemaak, maar moes

huiswaarts terugkeer, nadat hulle ingelig is dat Swelo reeds Vrydag voor die hof verskyn het. “My hart kan nou rus vind. Die wet moet nou net sy gang gaan en die verdagte moet verantwoording doen vir sy daad,” het sy aan teenwoordige media genoem. Die saak is tot 23 Februarie 2015 uitgestel, aangesien die verdagte aangedui het dat hy vir staats-regshulp aansoek wil doen. Magistraat Nelao Paula Brown was op die bank.

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Land Invaders saga

Page 4

Back to School Alert Page 8

Elephant Seal spotted

Namport explains pong in Walvis Bay Piquet Jacobs

The overpowering smell of rotten eggs or Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) in Walvis Bay is due to Namport’s dredging operation. Residents of the harbour town have recently complained bitterly about the suffocating stench covering the town on a regular basis. The dredging operations taking place in the harbour form part of the N$3 billion port expansion project. container terminal construction project, a small amount of hydrogen sulphide gas (H2S) is being released into the air intermittently as dredging progresses. This H2S gas occurs naturally in the Walvis Bay sediments and any natural or manmade disturbance to Continues on page 2

58th RVS Tournament

See page 6 for more information

Photo by Bernabé Blaauw

After the namib times contacted Namport yesterday for comment, the company confirmed with the following: “Due to Namport bulk dredging and reclamation operations that are currently being carried out in the Port of Walvis Bay as part of the new

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Namport explains pong in Walvis Bay

Continued from page 1 the seabed releases varying quantities and concentrations of this gas. Many natural socalled “sulphur eruptions” occur in the bay every year when the seawater turns milky but these occur at a much larger scale. Whenever Namport conducts dredging in the Port of Walvis Bay, the smell of rotten eggs can be smelled in town. Over the last 100 years since the port was established, maintenance dredging has occurred once every 10 years or so, during which time this gas has always been released and smelled in town. Note that maintenance

Ms Barbara Erkana and her family was touched after they read the story about the fire that burned down close to nine shacks last year after fire broke out in Mondesa, Tulinawa settlement, just behind Mondesa Clinic. Ms Barbara Erkana came to the namib times a few days after the shack fire

Liesl Losper journalist1@namibtimes.net Cell +264 81 448 0749

Marketing/Sales Jenny Jackson Cell +264 81 149 2155 jenny@namibtimes.net Mikkie Kriel Cell +264 81 286 9519 marketing.namibtimes@iway.na Journalists Marshallino Beukes Cell +264 81 605 2595 marshallino@namibtimes.net Sharlien Tjambari Cell +264 81 788 8155 sharlien@namibtimes.net

PRO-Print Swakopmund Jenny Jackson Cell +264 81 149 2155 jenny@nambtimes.net Walvis Bay Moya Davids Cell +264 81 208 4047 moya@nambtimes.net

It is important to note that the human nose can already smell this gas at extremely low concentrations of 0.0047ppm which is well below any dangerous concentrations. The gas is thus not harmful at low concentrations although one can already smell it at these very low concentrations as is currently occurring in town. Since commencing bulk dredging in December 2014, no significant or dangerous levels of gas concentrations has been detected on any gas monitoring station and it is not expected that this will change.

The year started off well for the families of Mariana Boysen, Brenda Gases, Maria //Gowases, Pauline Goabas, and Florence Swartbooi of the DRC with a gesture of kindness from the Erkana family of Swakopmund.

Mavourlene Gaes Cell +264 81 676 0872

Advertising shene@namibtimes.net

dure are as follows: A number of fixed and mobile gas detectors are being maintained and monitored at several key well thought-out locations around the port. These gas detectors have automatic audible alarms and flashing lights that are trigged by certain concentrations of the gas. Alarms are already triggered when gas levels reaches low concentrations at which the contractor is alerted and at which point he can take precautionary action before higher concentrations are released. The procedure covers in detail who must do what, when and how.

Namport is aware that the gas odor/smell of rotten eggs in town is a nuisance to the public, especially when the wind blows from the North but we would like to assure the public that the gas they are smelling is not dangerous since it is in very low concentrations. Finally, Namport assures its employees, port users and the Town of Walvis Bay that both Namport and CHEC will not put anyone at undue risk and that it will take all precautionary measures to ensure that dredging is conducted responsibility at all times.”

Sharlien Tjambari

Piquet Jacobs Cell +264 81 370 6992 piquet@namibtimes.net

Swakopmund Office

trations become undetectable very soon after it is released into the air. China Harbour Engineering Company (CHEC) commenced bulk dredging and reclamation for the new container terminal in December 2014 and this dredging work will continue for several months until land reclamation is completed. Both Namport and the Contractor jointly formulated an H2S Gas procedure before dredging commenced. This procedure is being followed to the letter at all times during dredging operations. Some of the measures stipulated in this proce-

Kind Gesture brings Happines

Journalists Madelaine Laubscher Cell +264 81 150 6887 madelaine@namibtimes.net

Sport sport@namibtimes.net Tel +264 64 461866 Fax +264 64 461824

dredging is required periodically to maintain the depth required by ships to enter the port. Since this gas is harmful in high concentrations, Namport goes through great effort and expense to ensure that the risks to human beings are kept to acceptable limits whenever dredging operations are being carried out. The risk is greatest to the crew on the dredger itself and at the discharge pipe where the sand exits the pipe at the reclamation site. As soon as the gas is released it dissipates and disperses into the air fairly quickly so much so that the gas concen-

Photos by Maria Davel-Wallis


13 JANUARY 2015

and asked the namib times to go and donate some clothes on their behalf because she was on her way to Windhoek and didn’t have time to do so herself.

On Tuesday afternoon we went to locate the victims of the shack fire and handed the clothes over to them. Most of the victims were touched by the good

deeds of the Erkana family. Maria //Gowases was very excited to have received the clothes and thanked the Erkana family for their good deeds.

Boycott planned at Polytechnic of Namibia (PoN) (Photo by Anna Salkeus) NAMPA


Undergraduate and senior students of the Polytechnic of Namibia (PoN) plan to boycott academic registration next week if their demand is not met for the deposit on tuition to be reduced. The deposit on tuition is N$3 500 and includes a non-refundable registration fee of N$1 210. Last year it was N$3 000 of which N$1 100 was for registration. In 2013, the deposit on tuition was N$2 200 of which about N$900 went towards registration itself. The students held a protest at the main campus on Monday, demanding that the 16.67 percent increase in the deposit on tuition, commonly referred to as the registration fee among students, be reduced before the institution’s academic registration. New students should register between 21 and 30 January, while a self-help registration via the Internet for senior students is open from 12 to 21 January.

Student Representative Council (SRC) member for Academic Affairs, Samuel Ndungula said during the protest that the increase in the deposit on tuition fee places a burden on students - a burden which they should not have to bear. He said the burden is even heavier because of the two-part registration system which is customary at the PoN, whereby students are required to register for the first semester in January and again in June for the second semester. “We do not think that it is fair to constantly make the students absorb the institution’s deficit by charging them more. Students should not be held accountable for management and government complacency,” Ndungula

Polytechnic of Namibia (PoN) member of the Student Representative Council (SRC) for Academic Affairs, Samuel Ndungula addresses students over the increase of tuition fees for 2015. said. The students duly handed over a signed petition to the PoN administration, in which they requested that the fee be reduced by at least 50 percent to allow all students to register. “The only compromise we are willing to accept outside negotiations is that if the current fees

are to remain intact, then the payment should be made only at the beginning of the year as opposed to subjecting students to a double payment each year,” he said. The students further demanded that the PoN consider reducing its management’s remuneration and subsistence and travel (S&T)

allowances, which will allow the institution to increase the tuition fees annually with a reasonable percentage, and inform students in advance. The PoN’s Director of Communications and Marketing Kaitira Kandjii received the petition on behalf of Rector Tjama Tjivikua, and

said the petition will be forwarded to Tjivikua who would respond appropriately before the end of this week. He was, however, hesitant to disclose the reason why the fee was increased, but said the institution will issue a statement in that regard in due course. NAMPA

13 JANUARY 2015




Stryd om plek in skole Liesl Losper Nuwe Graad eentjies is deesdae nie meer so emosioneel wanneer hulle vir die eerste keer 'groot' skool toe gaan nie, maar vir baie ouers is dit nogal 'n tawwe dag. Nóg tawwer is die feit dat graad 1-innames dié jaar sal sukkel vir skole, spesifiek in die Erongo-streek. Teen druktyd het onder andere Flamingo Primary geen plek gehad vir nóg leerlinge nie. Volgens berrigte gaan Graad een en Graad agt inskrywings moelik geakkommodeer kan word, oral in die

Erongo streek. Die moontlikheid bestaan wel dat hul namidagklasse gaan moet aanbied wat van 12:00 tot 17:00 gaan strek, maar daar was nog nie 'n definitiewe beslissing nie.

Youth credit scheme empowering Mavourlene Gaes young people Thirty-five year old talented painter Linus Shoombe has received over N$15 000 from the Namibian youth credit scheme in Kuisebmond's Makriel Street. The gifted, but hum- my homework, I would Linus also added that mation on the youth ble, young man seems draw sketches of logo's since winning that credit scheme” he shy at first glance but and schoolwork car- competition, he has noted. Like so many the love and passion toons and he told me I realised he will always that apply for the credit he has for the talent he had a talent for draw- put bread on the table scheme, Linus also was blessed with, ing,” he explains. from his talent. When attended the four day The first time Linus asked how he managed course training. speak volumes. According to Linus he took a leap of faith and to get into the Youth He was granted N$2 has loved drawing for showed his gift to the credit scheme pro- 000 in 2012 for space as long as he can world was in 1996 at an gramme, Linus ans- and he painted three portraits of cabinet remember and says it African child's day wered it was destined. was the support he got talent competition held “I ended up at the members. One of Mr from his father that at his high school Multi-Purpose Centre Kazenambo Kazeactually pushed him to (Kuisebmond Secon- in Walvis Bay (where nambo, Deputy Miniexplore his talent. dary school). He won the credit scheme ster Pohamba Shifeta “My father encou- first place and has been offices are located) and Permanent Secreraged me because painting ever since he where I met Thomas tary Peingeondjabi whenever I would do won that competition. and received infor- Shipoh, as a test to see

Patricia Witbooi met haar seuntjies, Perez en Siyabonga besig met skoolklere inkopies. if he could really paint. Linus says he completed the task and took it to the credit offices in for evaluation and was sent to Windhoek to sell his paintings. “I got N$2 000 credit scheme and made N$16 500 out of that money and paid back the loan to the National Youth Service,” Linus boasted. For the second phase he is going to make portraits of different ministers, the President and Presidentelect Hage Geingob. The only portrait that is

unrelated to his paintings is the one of a lady pounding mahangu. “I just want to advise the youth to attend any art festival or art classes to not give up their talent. For the youth credit scheme I will be eternally thankful for the support they give us as the youth,” he said. The integrated program by the Ministry of Youth, National service is provided to simplify Business Management training through giving loans to the qualifying entrepreneurs.

In order to be a part of these scheme individuals will have to be 18-35 years of age and should either be employed or self employed. Thomas Ankhoshi the Regional credit officer of the Namibia Rural Development project urged the Namibian youth to make use of the programme and not rely on others for an income. For more information visit the nearest Ministry of Youth, National service offices countrywide.

Pohamba to attend Nyusi's swearing-in President Hifikepunye Pohamba will depart for Maputo, Mozambique on Wednesday to attend the official inauguration of that country's new president Filipe Jacinto Nyusi. Nyusi will be sworn in on Thursday.

Some of Linu's latest paintings

Linus putting finishing touches on one of his paintings

He previously served as Minister of Defence from 2008 to 2014. Nyusi won the October 2014 presidential election with 57 percent of the vote under the Mozambique Liberation Front (Frelimo) political party, which also won the parliamentary election. He is taking over from his predecessor Armando Guebuza, who ruled the country for two terms. Opposition party, the Mozambican National Resistance (Renamo) which fought a lengthy civil war with Frelimo that ended in 1992, alleged widespread

rigging at the 15 October polls and refused to recognise the election results. Pohamba will be accompanied by Minister of Foreign Affairs Netumbo

Nandi-Ndaitwah and other senior Government officials. The Namibian delegation is expected back on Thursday. (NAMPA)

Swapo vice-president and presidential candidate for the November polls Hage Geingob (right) greets Mozambique Liberation Front (Frelimo) presidential candidate for the 2014 election Filipe Jacinto Nyussi (NAMPA)

13 JANUARY 2015


Illegal land invaders… obeying the council's orders Sharlien Tjambari

The grabbing of land in Namibia is illegal, whether it is government, municipal, serviced or unserviced land. But many people believe that land is a gift from God and they can live wherever they feel like, even they will have to face the law. The illegal land invaders had a meeting on Thursday evening at 18:00 at the area that they selected. According to the President of the Christian Democratic Voice Party, Gotthardt Kandume, they selected that area after the Mayor, Juuso Kambueshe told them

Mr Gotthard Kandume

to choose another piece of land which was unserviced. He said “before we moved here, we were at the area between Hanganeni Primary School and DRC informal settlement, they had a court order to remove us and we moved to this area.”

Kandume believe they are not wrong choosing the land they chose because they were told to go and find unserviced land and they did. On Friday morning, the illegal land invaders went to the council office to hand in a letter stating that they are ready to negotiate with the council

about the land. According to Mr Kandume, the council has agreed to have a meeting with them to discuss the terms of the agreement. The meeting will take place on 12 February. Kandume said “if they do not honour the meeting and don’t show up we will set up our struc-

tures on 15 February as discussed on the meeting we had last week Thursday. According to Kandume, the council has asked them to calm down, not cause any trouble, and wait for the meeting on 12 February.

Polisieman skiet glo man in voet Misdaadverslaggewer

‘n Polisiebeampte in Swakopmund het blykbaar Sondag ‘n persoon in die voet geskiet, terwyl hy besig was om ‘n huishoudelike geweld-klag te ondersoek. Volgens nie-amptelike bronne is die polisieman uitgeroep om die situasie onder beheer te kry en het hy blykbaar die man beveel om ‘n mes wat hy (beseerde) in sy hand gehad het te oorhandig. Die man het blykbaar geweier, en met emosies wat skynbaar

hoog geloop het, het die geregsdienaar die persoon in die voet geskiet. Hierna het ‘n struweling tussen die polisiebeampte en die man blykbaar ontstaan, waartydens die verdagte daarin geslaag het om die polisieman te ontwapen.

‘n Skoot is in die lug afgevuur, waarna die beseerde man die polisieman met die vuiste bygedam het. Die koerant het die Erongo polisie se skakelbeampte in Walvisbaai gekontak om amptelike bevestiging van die voorval te kry, maar teen laat gisternamiddag

is geen terugvoer in die verband ontvang nie. Die skakelbeampte wou ook nie die voorval bevestig of ontken nie. Die polisieman is volgens bronne werksaam by die Mondesa-polisiestasie.

The land invaders meeting on the chosen land


Swakopmund Magistrate's Court Report

Ronald Swartbooi (26) appeared on a charge of assault by threatening, read with the provisions of the Domestic Violence Act, Act 4 of 2003. The matter was postponed until 19 January, when the accused will be asked to table his plea. Gaseus Swartbooi (25) appeared on a charge of escaping from lawful custody. He will have to plead on 19 January. Helena Nangombe (20) appeared on a charge of assault on a member of police. Bail of N$1 000 was granted and the matter was postponed until 23 March. A minor (15) appeared on a charge of theft. He was released in his guardian’ care and the matter was postponed until 14 January. Peter Nsamba (32) appeared on charges of assault by threatening (Domestic Violence Act) and common assault. He was released on bail of N$1 000 and the matter was postponed until 12 January. Fillipus Taapopi (32), Salmon Shikolalye (26) and Richard Tjiyorokisa (23) appeared on a charge of theft. The trio will reappear on 13 April for plea and trial. Elizabeth Simon (31) appeared on a charge of theft and was granted bail of N$6 000. The matter was postponed until 30 March, as the co-accused is not arrested yet. Gustaf Gustaf (24) appeared on a charge of theft. The trial was partly heard and will continue on 12 January. Lukas Mbundu (30) appeared on a charge of assault (Domestic Violence Act) and was found guilty with evidence. He was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment and a fine of N$2 000. McDonald Gariseb (21) appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 23 March. Chris Tembo (43) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor, alternatively failure to provide specimen of breath. Bail of N$4 000 was granted and the matter was postponed until 2 March.

Pelema Jonas (47) appeared on a charge of theft, alternatively attempted theft. He was released on bail of N$1 000 and the matter was postponed until 23 February for further investigation. Petrus Thomas (23) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed until 24 February for further investigation. Gerhardus van Schalk (38) appeared on a charge of malicious damage to property. He was found guilty and sentenced to 12 months imprisonment and a fine of N$2 000. Jacky Smit (58) appeared on charges of assault (Domestic Violence Act) and arson. The matter was postponed until 19 January for plea. A minor (16) appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. He was released in his guardian’s care. The matter was postponed until 14 January. Moses Mwashekele (35) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. Bail of N$4 000 was granted and the matter was postponed until 8 May for further investigation. Otto Nambindo (30) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed until 23 February for further investigation. Metusallema Hepunya (30) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed until 25 February for further investigation. Andreas Tuyoleni Haufiku (37) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm (Domestic Violence Act). The matter was postponed until 23 March for further investigation (final remand). Two minors (both 17) and Luciamo Salomon (30) appeared on charges of malicious damage to property and theft from a vehicle which was properly locked. The two minors were released in their guardian’s care and Salomon was granted bail of N$1 000. The matter was postponed until 14 January.

EMERGENCY NUMBER UPDATE Correct emergency numbers for Walvis Bay AMBULANCE

LIFE LINK 085 9247 ST GABRIEL 085 955 STATE 216 300


216 300 218 911


081 922 219 052 081 922

13 JANUARY 2015




Obtaining Fishing


Obtain a permit from the Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) to catch fish or dive for crayfish and respect harvesting limitations.

13 JANUARY 2015

Photo by Bernabé Blaauw


WHY? The marine resources are limited and currently some of them are overfished or over collected. It is necessary that everybody uses them wisely and carefully to secure the future harvesting needs by protecting the stock. Quantity/number of marine resources harvestable, minimum size limits of fish and crayfish that can be caught, open season etc. help to manage stocks to avoid the total disappearance of some species in our waters. Do not leave bait or fish on the beach! Either take it home or return it to the sea. This food attracts scavengers like jackals and gulls that prey on other bio-diversity. When you are back home after the holiday, it also inflates the predator population. Where can you get a license for angling, crayfish diving & bait/mussels collection?


Swakopmund Office

NATMIRC/Aquarium, Strand Street Tel +264 64 410 1000 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Walvis Bay Office

Inspectorate Office, 1st Street Tel +264 64 201 6111 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Lüderitz Office

Inspectorate Office Tel +264 63 202 905 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Henties Bay Office


Swakopmund Office

Corner Bismarck Street and Sam Nujoma Avenue, Tel +264 64 404 576 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 &14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Walvis Bay Office

Henrich Baumann Street Road - Number 643 Tel +264 64 205 971/2 Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00h - 13:00

Where to Fish Om

aru ru

Riv er

Mile 72

Source: http://www.tides4fishing.com

HENTIES BAY Jakkalsputz Bennie se Rooi Lorrie Mile 33 Mile 30 Hoboomsgat Wlotzkasbaken Mile 14 Mile 8 Wreck

Mile 8 Mile 4 SWAKOPMUND

iver op R Swak Vierkantklip

Langstrand Dolfynstrand

WALVIS BAY Paaltjies

Dredging is an excavation activity carried out underwater. It consists of gathering sediments from the bottom of the sea and disposing it at a different location. According to reports in 2014 the dredging at the Walvis Bay harbour would have very little effect on the siltation of the lagoon, spread of pollutants, effect on fisheries and the increased chemical or biological oxygen demand (COD/BOD) in the bay. A report, however, then advised that dredging could have the potential to mobilise harmful elements and compounds previously isolated within the ocean’s sediments.

Swakopmund Tides

Windhoek Office

Brendan Simbwaye Square, Block C, C/o Uhland & Goethe Street Tel +264 61 205 3911 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00 Where can you get a permit for using 4x4/quad bike/motorbike in the authorised ORV zone in the dune belt between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay?

Walvis Bay Tides

Inspectorate Office, at Hanganen Fishing Project building Tel +264 64 500 320 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Port Log


13 JANUARY 2015


Qatar's Deputy Prime Minister Ahmed bin Abdullah al-Mahmud (2nd L), the mediator for peace in Sudan's troubled Darfur region, chairs January 12, in the Sudanese city of Nyala the ninth meeting of the committee monitoring the implementation of the Doha Document for Peace Darfur (DDPD) in the presence of the UN-African Union mission in Darfur (UNAMID) deputy chief, Abiodun Oluremi Bashua (2nd R), and the African Union's ambassador Mahmoud Kane. AFP PHOTO/ASHRAF SHAZLY

People visit a makeshift memorial near the headquarters of the French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo on January 12, in Paris in tribute to the 17 victims of a three-day killing spree by homegrown Islamists. France announced an unprecedented deployment of thousands of troops and police to bolster security at "sensitive" sites including Jewish schools today, the day after marches that drew nearly four million people across the country. AFP PHOTO/ JOEL SAGET

The world this week

Indonesian military personnel remove Flight Data Recorder of the ill-fated airasia flight QZ8501 into a proper case in Pangkalan Bun, Indonesia, Monday, Jan. 12. Divers retrieved one black box Monday and located the other from the airasia plane that crashed more than two weeks ago, a key development that should help investigators unravel what caused the aircraft to plummet into the Java Sea. (AP Photo/Adek Berry, Pool)

French soldiers patrol in front of the Eiffel Tower on January 8, in Paris. France announced an unprecedented deployment of thousands of troops and police to bolster security at "sensitive" sites including Jewish schools Monday, the day after marches that drew nearly four million people across the country in tribute to the 17 victims of a three-day killing spree in Paris. The killings began on January 7 with an assault on the Charlie Heb-do satirical magazine in Paris that saw two brothers massacre 12 people including some of the country's best-known cartoonists and the storming of a Kosher supermarket on the eastern fringes of the capital which killed 4 local residents. AFP PHOTO / BERTRAND GUAY


A man injured in a suicide blast is carried on a mattress by relatives at the General Hospital in the northeast Nigerian town of Potiskum on January 12. Four people were killed and 46 injured when two female suicide bombers detonated their explosives outside a mobile phone market in the town on January 11. Although no one claimed responsibility the attacks bore the hallmark of Boko Haram Islamists who have been increasingly using female suicide bombers in their armed campaign to establish a hardline Islamic state. Potiskum, the commercial hub of Yobe state has been repeatedly attacked by Boko Haram. AFP PHOTO / Aminu ABUBAKAR

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu lowers his eyes as he arrives at the Hyper Cacher kosher supermarket January 12, near the Porte de Vincennes in Paris, where four hostages were killed in a terror attack on Friday. Jewish schools and synagogues in France have been promised extra protection, by the army if necessary, after killings by Islamic militants in Paris, the head of the community's umbrella group said on Sunday after a meeting with the French President. REUTERS/Yves Herman (FRANCE - Tags: CRIME LAW POLITICS CIVIL UNREST SOCIETY)

13 JANUARY 2015


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newsdesk @namibtimes.net

Die sienings en menings wat op die blad verskyn is nie noodwendig die van die namib times nie. Hoewel ons die deelname van ons lesers op die forum aanmoedig en waardeer, kan ons nie lasterlike briewe publiseer nie. Briewe en Facebook kommentaar van lesers word onveranderd gelaat, maar lasterlike opmerkings en onaanvaarbare taal sal verwyder word onderhewig aan die diskresie van die redaksie.

namib times


reader’s comments

Grootbek op Vrydag

Stilte na die storm…

Back to School and work road safety alert Statistics from the MVA Fund Call Centre from 22 November 2014 until 18:00 on 9 January 2015 indicate that 555 crashes occurred, 1 131 persons were injured and 83 lives lost as a result of mainly rollovers, collisions and pedestrian-related crashes. Most of the 83 fatalities occurred in the following regions: Erongo (18%), Kavango (13%), Oshikoto (13) Oshana (11%) and Ohangwena (10%).

Kus-inwoners kan uiteindelik ‘n sug van verligting slaak, nadat die meeste binnelanders en ander besoekers hul pad huis toe gevind het. Gerrit Carter: Spice it up a little, same old same old, be a bit more creative.

Swakop - moordverdagte in Karasburg vasgetrek

Taking into account the resumption of schools and most companies this coming Monday, high volumes of traffic flow coupled with mass travelling of commuters has been observed and is expected to increase throughout the country. In view of the above, the Namibian Police (Nampol), National Road Safety Council (NRSC), Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) Fund and Roads Authority (RA) urge all road users to keep our roads safe, adhere to all road traffic rules, use the road responsibly and be alert to preserve lives at all times. During recent times overloading of goods and passengers in vehicles, speeding and irresponsible overtaking became a major concern. It has been observed that an increasing number of drivers do not keep to the prescribed speed limits and deliberately overload their vehicles. These habits increase the probability of a road crash and consequent injury and death. Of greater concern is that children are not regarded when counting passengers, thus resulting in passenger overload, and inadvertently exposing such innocent children to greater risks of injury and death in case of a road crash.

Passengers are therefore urged to take responsibility for their own safety by not boarding overloaded and unroadworthy vehicles. All motorists – be it public transport operators or private vehicle owners – are cautioned to adhere to Regulation 250 of the Road Traffic and Transport Regulations Act of 2001 which prescribes that: (a) any child under the age of three years is not counted; (b) two children of three years or over, but under the age of six years are counted as one person; and (c) three children of six years or over, but under the age of 13 years are counted as two persons, Motorists should know that any form of vehicle overload compromises the control of drivers on their vehicles and extra strain is placed on tyres which could result in tyre burst with the ultimate result of roll-over crashes. Non adherence to the rules of the road, non-compliance to road transport regulations and the lack of respect and courtesy toward other road users will not be tolerated and offenders will be followed accordingly. Let us all strive to be safe road users.

Padkos vir oordenking ‘n Moeder se vasberadenheid om haar seun se moordenaar aan die pen te laat ry, asook die wakker optrede deur die Namibiese polisie het kort voor Nuwejaar gelei tot die inhegtenisname in Karasburg, van die verdagte in die Steven Eigab – moordsaak. Alicia Swartz: Finally... eks baie bly.

Vernonn Coetzee: Probleem oukie daai.

‘The Bachelor’ in Namibia for the First Time The owner of Erongo Health Care Clinic, who is actively involved in the Cancer Association activities in Walvis Bay, is running “The Bachelor” competition, along with her friends, in aid of testicular and prostate cancer.

Jesus sê vir hulle: “Ek is die brood wat lewe gee. Wie na my toe kom, sal nooit weer honger kry nie, en wie in my glo, sal nooit weer dors kry nie.” Johannes 6:35

Looking back on Festive Season road issues Westcoast Safety Initiative has given an update on the traffic related incidents that occurred during the Festive Season and what should be addressed in order to send a positive message about the safety of our roads.

Jeanne Vieira Ferreira: Keelan ‘kielz’ Martin this is for you. Stephan Wehnert: Dirk Marais J D.

Linda Louw: So good to get this feedback, well done (and hopefully a well deserved rest) to all those involved in the behind the scene safety of others. Marlize Lotter Pieters: Great job, well done and thank you!

Jens Unterlerchner: Good job done. Thank you. Pieter Sternberg: Well done guys good job. Lu Zhooz: Well done guys.

13 JANUARY 2015




‘Boyhood’, ‘Budapest’ win top honour at Golden Globes

(Photo by Matt Sayles/Invision/AP)

Richard Linklater’s coming of age story ‘Boyhood’ won three trophies at the 72nd Golden Globes, including best drama and director, while Wes Anderson’s whimsical film ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’ emerged as a surprise musical or comedy winner. In ‘Boyhood’, Linklater follows a boy from the age seven to eighteen as a study of his transition into adulthood. The film won its third trophy of the night with Patricia Arquette bagging the best supporting actress Globe. “This is a very personal film for me, but it became very personal to everybody who worked on it,” Linklater said, thanking the 450 cast members, who worked with him on the 12-yearlong project. Anderson’s quirky tale about a colourful hotel concierge in ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’ saw off competition from frontrunner ‘Birdman’ and recent releases ‘Into The Woods’, ‘Pride’ and ‘St Vincent’, to win its lone trophy. The awards began on a sombre note with many celebrities like this

ing portrayal of a linguistics professor suffering with early onset of Alzheimer’s disease won her the best actress - drama trophy for ‘Still Alice’. Amy Adams walked away with her second consecutive Globe for her role as painter Margaret Keane in Tim Burton’s real-life inspired film ‘Big Eyes’ in best actress - comedy or musical category. She had won last year for ‘American Hustle’. Tina Fey and Amy Poehler returned as the host of the ceremony for the third and last time and true to their reputation they spared no one as they took pot shots at the high and mighty of Hollywood. The duo made fun of controversies like Sony hack attack by North Korea and comedian Bill Cosby, who is facing multiple rape allegations. NAMPA / PTI

* Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. * Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Wel witschia Hospital next to indoor pool. * 12 Feb: M.O.T.H. monthly meeting in Shellhole at Moth Centre at 19:00. * 11 March: M.O.T.H. monthly meeting in Shellhole at Moth Centre at 19:00. * 8 April: M.O.T.H. monthly meeting in Shellhole at Moth Centre at 19:00. * 24 - 26 April: Annual wreath laying ceremony by MOTH and German traditionsverband at Trekkopje. * 26 April: 100th Anniversary battle of Trekkopje. * 13 May: MOTH monthly meeting in Shellhole at Moth Centre at 19:00. * 10 June: M.O.T.H. AGM in Shellhole at Moth Centre at 19:00. * 8 July: M.O.T.H. monthly meeting in Shellhole at 19:00. * 11 July: Wreath laying ceremony at M.O.T.H. Monument Usakos at 11:00. * 12 July: Delville Wood Remembrance Church Parade.

SWAKOPMUND * EVERY SATURDAY: Fresh produce market in centre of town in front of Wild Rocket Cafe - Hans Kriess Arcade from 09:00 - 12:00. * Every Sunday: Sunday Lunches at Rossmund Golf Resort & Lodges. * Bridge: The Swakopmund Bridge club meets every Monday evening at 19:00 at Lions Old Age Home. Contact: Ed Barbour 064-405 604. * Markets at the Last Resort Centre: Last Sunday of every month. They are situated at 5 Libertine Ama dhila street, one street up from the Jetty. * Swakopmund Toastmasters: Meet every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, Bismark Str 39, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 20:30. * Shalom Market: Every Saturday 12 kms eastwards outside Swakopmund along the Swakop river.


(Photo by Matt Sayles/Invision/AP)

Eddie Redmayne, winner of the award for best actor in a motion picture drama for “The Theory of Everything”, arrives at the 16th annual InStyle and Warner Bros. Golden Globes after party at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday in Beverly Hills, California.

year’s Cecil B DeMille Award winner George Clooney, Diane Kruger, Helen Mirren, Kathy Bates, Jared Leto paying tribute to Charlie Hebdo victims in their speeches and wearing ‘Je suis Charlie’ (I am Charlie) badges. Theo Kingma, president of Hollywood Foreign Press Association and Clooney paid touching tributes to the slain cartoonists. Newly married Eddie Readmyne beat fan favourite Benedict Cumberbatch’s portrayal of World War II British code breaker Alan Turing, to win best actor - drama for playing famous physicist Stephen Hawking in ‘The Theory of Everything’. The actor thanked Hawking, director James Marsh and his wife Hannah Bagshawe, whom he apologised for cutting short their honeymoon to attend the awards. Julianne Moore’s touch-


* Every Saturday: Open Air Arts Exhibition at the Mole next to Tennis courts in Swakopmund. Oil paintings - weather permitting. * Permanent Collection: Woermann Haus Gallery in Bismarck Street. Fine collection of the Swakopmund Arts Association’s “South West Masters’’ and contemporary Namibian art works. Open Mondays to Saturdays 10:00 - 12:00 and 15:00 - 17:00. * Swakopmund Museum: Open daily, including Sundays 10:00 - 17:00. * Sam Cohen Library: Monday to Friday: 08:00 13:00/15:00 - 17:00 and the second Saturday per month 09:00 - 13:00. * Die Galerie, Walvis Bay: Exhibition of Namibian and South African Artists. Gallery Hours: Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00. Saturday 08:30 - 12:30.

Lorelei Linklater, left, and Richard Linklater, winners of the award for best motion picture - drama for “Boyhood,” at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday.

Dean DeBlois and Bonnie Arnold, winners of the award for best animated feature film for “How to Train Your Dragon 2”, and Jeffrey Katzenberg, right, arrive at The Weinstein Company and Netflix Golden Globes afterparty at the Beverly Hilton Hotel.

(Photo by Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP)

(Photo by Matt Sayles/Invision/AP)

(Left) Michael Keaton, winner of the award for best actor in a motion picture - musical or comedy for “Birdman,” arrives at at the Beverly Hilton Hotel

10 NAMIB TIMES 10:00 Jou Show 11:00 Sandra op ‘n Drafstap 12:00 Inkopie-uur 13:00 Robinson Regstreeks 13:30 Vlug na Egipte 14:30 Aktueel: Winslyn 15:30 Reis Na Gister 16:00 Thomas 16:30 Bravo 17:00 Koowee 17:30 Geure Uit Die Vallei VANDAG 07:20 Die Boodskap 07:30 Koowee 08:30 Binneland 09:00 Villa Rosa

09:30 Thomas 10:00 Kry Jou Daar 10:30 Kêrels Wat Kook 11:00 Geloof, Hoop en Liefde 11:30 Fiesta 12:00 Inkopie-uur 13:00 Sandra op ‘n Drafstap 14:00 Robinson Regstreeks 14:30 Aktueel: Insig 15:30 Jou Show 16:30 Die Nataniel Tafel 17:00 Koowee 17:30 Thomas 18:00 Molly & Wors 18:30 Villa Rosa 19:00 eNuus 19:30 Binneland

LEISURE 20:00 Zoid Afrika S1 21:00 Nege Maande S2 22:00 Die Nataniel Tafel S3 22:30 Villa Rosa S10 23:00 Binneland 23:30 eNuus 00:00 Sêr 2013 (Series Ends) 01:30 Fiesta S13 02:00 Debra Deel S1 02:30 De Kat S4 03:00 Robinson Regstreeks S7 03:30 Sakegesprek met Theo Voster S5 04:00 Pandjieswinkelstories S1 05:00 Musiekvideos 05:25 Die Woord Oordenking S8

14:00 Series TBA 15:00 Chicago Fire 16:00 Series TBA 17:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 18:00 Manhattan Love Story 18:30 Got To Dance 19:30 Modern Family

20:00 The Millers 20:30 Series TBA 21:30 Feast 22:30 Series TBA 23:30 Lucky

13 JANUARY 2015 01:30 The Wedding Video 03:15 The English Teacher 05:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show THURSDAY 06:00 Got To Dance 07:00 2 Broke Girls

07:30 Feast 08:30 Series TBA 09:30 Anything Is

Possible 11:30 Manhattan Love Story 12:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 13:00 Got To Dance 14:00 Perception 15:00 Modern Family

15:30 The Millers 16:00 Blue Bloods 17:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show

18:00 Filler TBA 18:30 Got To Dance 19:30 The Fixer

20:30 Blue Bloods 21:30 Series TBA 22:30 Gotham 23:30 Elysium 01:30 Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones 04:00 Caught On Camera 05:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show

18:00 Molly & Wors 18:30 Villa Rosa 19:00 eNuus 19:30 Binneland 20:00 Kwêla 21:00 Kêrels wat Kook

TODAY 06:00 Got To Dance 21:30 Aktueel: Prontuitmet 23:00 Villa Rosa 23:30 Binneland 00:00 Robinson Regstreeks 00:30 Vlug na Egipte 01:30 Reis Na Gister 02:00 Bravo 02:30 Sandra op ‘n Drafstap 03:30 Jou Show 04:30 Musiekvideos 05:35 Die Boodskap 05:45 Dagbreek DONDERDAG 07:20 Die Boodskap 07:30 Kry Daai Lyf

07:00 Mom 07:30 NCIS Los Angeles 08:30 Blue Bloods 09:30 Gravity 11:30 About A Boy 12:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 13:00 Got To Dance 14:00 The Mysteries Of Laura 15:00 Grey's Anatomy 16:00 Series 17:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show

20:00 Reis Na Gister 20:30 Vlug na Egipte

21:30 Aktueel: Insig 23:00 Villa Rosa S10 23:30 Binneland 00:00 Kry Jou Daar 00:30 Geloof, Hoop en Liefrde 01:00 Bravo 01:30 Sediment 02:00 Sandra op ‘n Drafstap 03:00 Kwêla 04:00 Kêrels wat Kook 04:30 Musiekvideos 05:35 Die Boodskap 05:45 Dagbreek

07:35 Koowee 08:30 Binneland 09:00 Villa Rosa 09:30 Vlug na Egipte 10:30 Geure Uit Die Vallei 11:00 Kry Jou Daar 11:30 Thomas 12:00 Inkopie-uur 13:00 Jou Show 14:00 Reis Na Gister 14:30 Aktueel: Prontuit 15:30 Kwêla 16:30 Kêrels Wat Kook 17:00 Koowee 17:30 Fiesta 18:00 Molly & Wors

02:00 RoboCop 04:00 Caught On Camera 05:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show

WOENSDAG 07:20 Die Boodskap 07:30 Kry Daai Lyf 08:00 Koowee 08:30 Binneland 09:00 Villa Rosa 09:30 Fiesta

18:00 2 Broke Girls 18:30 Got To Dance 19:30 Chicago Fire 20:30 Gotham 21:30 Perception 22:30 Filler TBA 23:30 Series TBA 01:00 Caught On Camera

WEDNESDAY 18:30 Villa Rosa 19:00 eNuus 19:30 Binneland 20:00 Bravo 20:30 Sandra op ‘n Drafstap 21:30 Aktueel: Flits 23:00 Villa Rosa 23:30 Binneland 00:00 Geure Uit Die Vallei

06:00 Got To Dance 07:00 About A Boy 07:30 Grey's Anatomy 08:30 The Last Ship 09:30 Planes 11:30 2 Broke Girls 12:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 13:00 Got To Dance


13 JANUARY 2015




Zhaantjies is turning 3!

2 Years old!

Cooling off in the heat of summer

Heidi, Leroy & Mara

Father and son at Dolphin Park

Will-dino, Calvyn & Ayden, relaxing at Dolphin Park



13 JANUARY 2015


Bottlenose dolphin stranding at Wlotzkazbaken The bottlenose dolphin population which inhabits the very nearshore waters of the central coast of Namibia is one of the smallest populations of any mammal in the country, numbering just over 100 individuals. This small population has to compete for food and space resources with fishermen, seals, sharks, and a number of human activities which are increasingly encroaching on their habitat, especially in the central Walvis Bay-Swakopmund area. Any loss from this small population is always concerning. On January 1, 2015 a group of surfers noticed a bottlenose dolphin floating in the surf near a rocky outcrop at Wlotzkasbaken north of Swakopmund. The dolphin was still alive and bleeding from the mouth. Shortly after that the same surfers noticed the animal had died and then brought it to shore. The following day

Wlotzkasbaken’s Mayor contacted the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Research regarding the animal, who passed on the information to the Namibian Dolphin Project (NDP) who coordinate the Strandings Network for the central coast area. The NDP team headed out from Walvis Bay to recover the carcass and try to establish cause of

death. The animal was a mature male bottlenose in good body condition weighing an estimated 400 kg. The animal had no external sign of injury or disease. NDP staff conducted a complete necropsy on the animal in an attempt to determine possible causes of death. This is always very difficult to do and the

only visually obvious clues were froth in the trachea and lungs. This could have been caused by drowning, pneumonia or the presence of bacteria in the lungs, but none of these could be confirmed. Several samples of the major organs and a complete skeleton were retained by the NDP for further examination.

The community at Wlotzkasbaken was very supportive and several visitors and residents provided much needed assistance, supplies and moral support to the NDP team throughout the 5 hour necropsy. The animal had recognisable marks on the trailing edge of its dorsal fin and was identified as individual T-103

from the NDP catalogue of all identified bottlenose dolphins in Namibia (currently consisting of only 115 individuals identified since 2008). T-103 was first identified in 2011 and has been seen in Walvis Bay (where the majority of research has been done on the population) several times since then.

The loss of a mature male from such a small population is always concerning. The NDP & Strandings are grateful to the residents of Wlotzkasbaken for their assistance and would like to encourage beach users to report any other live or dead animals to the strandings hotline on: 081 687 6461

Elephant seal spotted at beach Liesl Losper

Elephant seals are large, oceangoing earless seals in the genus Mirounga. The two species, the northern elephant seal and the southern elephant seal (M. leonina), were both hunted to the brink of extinction by the end of the 19th century, but numbers have since recovered. Elephant seals breed annually and are seemingly faithful to colonies that have established breeding areas.

Elephant seals take their name from the large proboscis of the adult male (bull) which resembles an elephant’s trunk. The bull’s proboscis is used in producing extraordinarily loud roaring noises, especially during the mating sea- The lonely elephant seal is far bigger than the Cape fur seals son. More importantly, how- lations. ever, the nose acts as a This is important during sort of rebreather, filled the mating season when with cavities designed the seals do not leave the to reabsorb moisture beach to feed, and must from the animals’ exha- conserve body moisture as they have no incoming source of water. (Source: Wikipedia)

A southern elephant bull seal from nearby Cape fur seal

Photo by Sandwich Harbour Tours

"The elephant seal is back. She has been a regular visitor for many years now; we never know where she comes from or where she will be going next." Friday, kayak combo clients witnessed the return of the elephant seal. She comes almost every year, always on her own, until she disappears to her other habitat(s).


13 JANUARY 2015


Taking to the Bush The Amarula Conservation Trust funded 16 enthusiastic wildlife and outdoor lovers from communities in Namibia and Botswana, providing an opportunity to pursue the career of their dreams Lodges and camps in Botswana and Namibia set the scene for the EcoTraining 33-day Nature Guide Course, perfect for the start of a career in the eco-tourism industry. Through this program, the Amarula Trust strives to showcase their care for nature and members of the community by providing less privileged people with an interest in wildlife and a spirit for Africa, the opportunity of a lifetime. The programme also aims to establish symbiotic relationships between local inhabitants and their environments. The selected students from the local communities as well as from various lodges in Namibia and Botswana were those who were employed as waiters, workshop assistants, security guards and bartenders at these establishments. According to Clinton Phillips of EcoTraining, “The criterion for the delegates was simple - they needed to be linked to potential employment, demonstrate a passion

for wildlife, a willingness to improve their own education and an ability to give back to their communities. This year, training took place at the EcoTraining camp in the Mashatu Game Reserve in Botswana, as well as the Erindi Private Game Reserve and Wilderness Safari’s Damaraland Adventure Camp in Namibia. The EcoTraining Nature Guide Level 2 course included lessons on botany, ecology, geology, climate, astronomy, mammals, birds, guiding principles, 4x4 vehicles, game driving, laws and regulations of Botswana and Namibia pertaining to parks and reserves as well as tracking, conservation and habitat management. Okwa Sarefo, the Safari Guide instructor wrote, “the passion of these learners for wildlife and

their commitment to the course was amazing to witness! They would stay up talking about what they had learned that day late into the night. They enjoyed learning about the ecological functioning of nature and how each organism contributes to the ecosystem. They were one of the best groups of students we have ever had.” “The programme started in Botswana a few years ago and since then reached out into South Africa and Namibia. When these students return to their establishments they will be employed as field guides, opening up new job opportunities for those who fill their vacancies and further developing local employment,” said Adéle Ankiewicz, Amarula global marketing manager and spokesperson for the

Amarula Trust. Intended to advance eco-sustainability and provide critical employment skills, the course is aligned to the new National Guide Qualifications of Botswana and Namibia and is accredited under the Botswana and Namibian Qualifications Authority. The Amarula Trust is a non-profit organisation set up to sustainably support our marula fruit harvesting communities, as well as to conserve the elephants synonymous with this iconic South African brand loved around the world. The Trust’s slogan is ‘Sustaining communities and Conscious conservation’. The impact of creating and sustaining appreciation for our natural surroundings cannot be underestimated as the planet continues to

be covered in modern habitation and all that comes with it. By preserving nature

and wildlife with the creation of employment and symbiotic relationships through initia-

tives, the Trust hopes to leave a living legacy to future generations.


13 JANUARY 2015

13 JANUARY 2015


Walvis Bay Plant & Tool Hire Services in Walvis Bay has vacancies for CRANE OPERATORS 60T, 80T; 100T; 140T; 200T; 250T; 500T and 1200Ton 1x TRUCK OPERATOR The successful incumbent should conform to the following minimum requirements: · Code C OR CE driver's license with valid GP · Valid Crane Operator Certificate (CULMEN) · Fitness /Medical Certificate including eye-test · Minimum 5 years' experience · Namibian Citizen · Be willing to travel out of town at times and work extended hours if required · Consistent and dependable · Sober habits · Literate in English and Afrikaans Main Responsibilities: · Safe & Efficient handling of client cargo commodities and company equipment as instructed by management · Daily & Weekly Maintenance Checks · Completion of Job Cards The Company offers: · A competitive salary commensurate to experience level · A team focused and rewarding working environment · Career development and training opportunities Written applications, including a detailed CV, certified copies of certificates and any contact references should be addressed to: The Office Administrator, P O Box 1149, Walvis Bay E-mail: Christiaan@planthire.com.na or fax: 064 205442 Closing date for submission of applications: 30 January 2015 Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted, and no documents will be returned.

Vacancy Nictus (Pty) Ltd has a culture of excellence and therefore strives to deliver quality, value and service in the furniture industry to the advantage of all stakeholders. To succeed continuously we acknowledge the importance of our personnel and therefore strive to be a preferred employer. Currently we have a vacancy for the following:

Stock Control Officer – Swakopmund Purpose of the position: • Complete control over the receiving, storage and distribution functions of stock Qualification and knowledge: • Grade 12 • Drivers license • At least two years experience in stock control The following will be to the advantage of applicants: • Knowledge of the furniture industry • Knowledge of applicable computer programmes Skills: • Ability to negotiate & persuade • Verbal and written proficiency in English, Afrikaans Attributes: • Customer orientated • Passionate Key performance areas: • Customer contact and care • Administrative completion of transactions Namibians that comply to the above mentioned requirements, are invited to apply by submitting their CV, certified copies of qualifications and other relevant documents to: The Operations Manager Nictus (Pty) Ltd E-mail: opsman@nictus.com.na Closing date: 28 January 2015 Only candidates on the shortlist will be contacted. No documents will be returned. The Nictus group and its subsidiaries honour the letter and spirit of the Namibian affirmative action and employment equity legislation.



13 JANUARY 2015

13 JANUARY 2015




EIA Notice and Announcement of Public Meeting

CONSENT: Place of Instruction (Day-Care Centre) ON ERF: 1089 TOWNSHIP: Walvis Bay STREET: no.225 Nangolo Mbumba.

AFROMACH Investments Pty Ltd on behalf of the Owner of Farm 35 – Lover's Hill, Walvis Bay herewith give notice that it will apply for an Environmental Clearance from the Environmental Commissioner in terms of the Environmental Management Act 7 of 2007 and Regulation 21 of the environmental impact assessment (EIA) Regulations (February 2012) for the proposal to construct a new Hotel and Eco Tourism Centre at Lover's Hill site, adjacent to the Municipal Bungalows in Walvis Bay. As part of the environmental clearance application, an EIA and Environmental Management Planning processes are being conducted and this notice is part of the EIA public consultation and participation processes. AFROMACH hereby invites members of public and representatives of interested and affected parties to partake in this EIA public consultations and participation processes, th and to attend the public consultation meeting scheduled for Tuesday 13 January 2015 at 17h30 – 19h30 at Walvis Bay Municipality Library at Civic Centre. Should you wish to register as an Interested and Affected Party and receive more information, or to submit your comments about the project, please contact us not later than Friday, 19 January 2015 at the following contact details:

In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish a Suikerbekkie Day Care on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 119, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, and the undersigned, in writing, not later than 27 January 2015. NAME AND ADDRESS: L S Fox, P. O. Box 2483, Walvis Bay

Mr. Collin Namene; Tel.: +264 81 1220981; SMS: +264 81 8833228; Emails: namenec@gmail.com / tmufeti@afromach.com


13 JANUARY 2015

PROPERTY TIMES LOCK-UP-&-GO! Neat 3 bed, 2 bath Double garage in safe Complex. Outside BBQ. N$1.6 MIL GOGGA 0818709950 gogga.remaxatlantic@i way.na DOLPHIN BEACH PRICED PERFECT! Huge 2 bed. Apartment Open plan living/kitchen, Balcony with sea view. On the beach. N$1.000.000-00 NEG! GOGGA 0818709950 gogga.remaxatlantic@i way.na SWAKOPMUND BARGAIN FOR JANUARY!! 3 bed, 2 bath, double Garage in small complex With sea view. ONLY….. N$1.295.000-00 GOGGA 0818709950 gogga.remaxatlantic@i way.na TO RENT: Walvis Bay, Hermis. 2 bedroom apartment. Brand new in New Complex, near Duneside High. Small shop in complex and a park across the street. Edelweiss Heights. Pre paid Electricity, water excl. N$ 4 520.00 p/m Immediately available. Rent payable from February. Contact: 081 125 5288 FLAT TO RENT: One bedroom with kitchen, shower and toilet. One person only. W/E incl. N$ 1 300.00 p/m Contact: 081 244 1342 TO RENT: 3 Bedroom house for rent in Namport. Main bedroom with own toilet + shower. Water is incl. Electricity pre paid. N$ 4 800.00 p/m N$ 5 00 deposit Available month end Call: 081 414 6800 SHOP TO LET 38 Bismarck Street Swakopmund: Fully equipped with shelves etc. N$3500.00 per month, Water and Lights Excl. Contact Nicole: 081 271 6780 Swakopmund CBD Furnished Flat: Top Floor with Balcony and Beautiful View 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Double Garage N$ 11,000.00 Contact: 081 247 3026

2 x 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSES WITH GARAGE NEWLY BUILD AVAILABLE FOR RENT in Hermes close to all amenities W/E excl. N$ 6500-00 per month Deposit: N$ 6500-00 Available as from 01 February 2015 Contact: Anelien at ACTA Estates 081 128 6008 Tel: 064 205373 To Rent (Langstrand) 3 Bedroom House N$ 9 000.00 p/m Spacious living area, double garage, garden Available 1 Feb Contact 081 203 5754 Walvis Bay Meersig house for sale. 190m² Modern 2 bedroom, 1 Study, 1 bathroom. Tandem garage parks 4 cars. Panhandel Erf 795m² Price N$1 350 000.00 Mobile 0815824679 Beautiful newly built 2 bedroom apartment in Walvis Bay CBD in a secure complex. Mini balcony, BIC, Open plan kitchen and lounge. Water & Electricity excluded immediate available for only N$ 5500 p/m buying option also available contact Petrina@ 0812005351 TO LET Vogelstrand: Beautiful 1 bedroom flat with BIC. Bathroom with shower and bath. Fitted, rose wood, kitchen with BIS. Lock-up garage. Walking distance from beach. N$5000p/m + deposit. Water and Electricity included. Available immediately. Contact: 081 124 4625 1. 480 sqm Workshop with office and car display area. 2. 3 bedroom house with garden, bar area and 2 garages For more information contact Lee James: Leejames.swakop@gmail.com

TE HUUR Mahetago: 2 slaapkamer huis met binnebraai, tv kamer, kombuis met ingeboude kaste en stoof. Ingeboude kaste in slaapkamers. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 February 2015. N$5000 + deposit. Water ingesluit met koopkrag. Kontak: 081 562 8621 TO LET Swakopmund: Container 6m N$750.00 Excl VAT plus deposit. Contact: 0855 800 700 081 277 7454 WANTED: Lady urgently looking for a room to rent in Swakop from 19 - 30 January 2015 willing to pay N$1500.00. Please contact me on 081 226 7252

MALAKIA PROPERTY TO LET MAHETAGO 2bedrooms, 2Bathroom, Kitchen bic with stove, Lounge N$4950.00 W/Incl Prepaid Electricity MONDESA 2bedrooms, bathroom, Kitchen ,Lounge Single Garage N$4400.00 W/Incl Prepaid Electricity OLWETWENI 1bedroom, bathroom Kitchen N$2730.00 W/L Incl TAMARISKIA 2bedroom,bathroom Open-plan Kitchen N$3800.00 W/Incl Prepaid Electricity Malakia: 081 297 7253 Email:


To Let: Vogelstrand: 3 Bedroom duplex in a secure complex with alarm system, 2 Full bathrooms, 1 Guest Toilet, DBL Garage, Courtyard with BBQ area, sea view patio. Contact: 0814438246 Available from 1 Feb 2015 To Rent ACADEMIA & PIONEERSPARK EXT 1: Student Accommodation. Fully furnished self-catering with inside swimming pool. Walking distance from UNAM. DSTV and INTERNET. CALL 081 128 8924 HOUSE TO RENT: Longbeach, Walvis Bay, Longshore street (Brand new double storey) 3 spacious bedrooms with bathrooms, open plan lounge and dinning, kitchen with plenty of cupboards, big scullery with cupboards, double garage; alarm, inside BBQ and big balcony, Permanent sea view Availability. As soon as possible. N$ 13 000.00 p/m Lena: 081 248 2673 081 141 6117 RENT: A one bedroom bachelor flat in Meersig. Quiet and safe area. BIC incl. No pets please. N$ 2 800.00 p/m W/E incl. Available as from next week, 12/01/2015 Mrs Smith: 081 658 8889 WANTED: Walvis Bay, Town or Narraville Urgently looking for a flat to rent for end January 2015. Moya: 081 208 4047

Urgently Looking for any industrial plots/property in Walvis Bay for cash & pre-approved buyers. Claudia 0811277783

HOUSE FOR SALE – EXT 9, OCEAN VIEW!!! NEW DEVELOPMENT GRACEMERE FAIRWAYS, WALVIS BAY 16 x 3 bed unit with double Garage N$ 1 350 000-00 20 x 2 bed unit with double Garage N$ 1 220 000-00 10 x 2 bed unit & single Garage N$ 996 000-00 Do not miss out!! Emily 0812930335 Saloom 0813821888

Glory Real Estate: Walvis Bay: Central: 3 Bedr. house 2 bathr, lounge, kitchen single garage, bachelor flat with open plan kitchen and toilet. Price: N$ 1.450mil. Kuisebmond:

5 Bedr. house, 2 x flats (rental income N$ 5 000.) high boundary wall, rental income for the whole property: N$ +- 13 000.00 Selling price: N$ 850 000.00

Blocks of Flats: Rental income: N$ +- N$15 000.00 Selling Price: N$ 1.140mil New dwelling soon to be built in Kuisebmond 4 Bedr. house, 2 Bathr, Kitchen, Dining, 2 x Lounges, Single garage + 2 Bedroom flat with the rental income of: N$ 3800.00 Selling Price: N$880 000.00 Henties Bay: Plot in new ext town Size: 3470m2 Price: N$ 960 000.00 Okahandja: Business plot; Size:6002m2 Price: N$ 6.450mil Looking for properties to sell all over Namibia call: 081 45 70 543 email:


FINE & COUNTRY Narraville Plot & Plan 2 - 3 bedroom houses N$ 690 000.00 N$ 1 000 000.00 Arandis Plot for sale 450m² N$ 150 000.00 Luderitz Spokies Dorp 3 bedroom house Kitchen, Lounge, bathroom N$ 550 000.00 I am looking for properties for sale in Kuisebmond, Swakopmund, Henties Bay. Contact Glenda: 081 147 5143 081 462 3618

3 Bedrooms with BIC 2 Full Bathrooms 1 Guest Tiolet Modern Fitted Kitchen Entertainment Area/BBQ Lounge Entrance Hall Double Garage & Laundry Alarm System Pre-Approved plans for further extension High boundary walls with interlocks Erf Size: 600 Sq.m TO VIEW PROPERTY PLEASE CALL AT 0813313205 / 0812279125!! PRICE : N$1.780.000-00 (NEGIOTABLE) (COSTS EXCLUDED) NO AGENTS PLEASE!!!! PROPERTY FOR SALE: 2 Bedroom House with a big double garage and big Erf for sale in Tamariskia. Price : N$1 200 000 (negotiable/private). Contact : 0813955000 Ngumeja

Walvis Bay Spacious 160m² 3 bed, 1 ½ bath townhouses. A rare find at N$ 895 000-00 each! Ndana 081 278 1731 WALVIS BAY - LAGOON 2 x Bachelor's flats with garage in safe complex. Within walking distance from the lagoon! N$ 645 000-00 each. Ndana 0812781731 Weigbridge Warehouses for sale 165 412m² Selling from N$ 1 492 500-00 each Selling out fast! PAM GOLDING PROPERTIES SWAKOPMUND Vogelstrand – 3 bed house and 2 bed flat – very neat and close to the beach. N$16 000pm. Ocean View – Stunning small 3 bed house with double garage. Furnished. N$10 000pm. Mile 4 – Neat 3 bedroomed flat, 1 garage – close to the sea. N$7000pm Central – 2 bedroomed flat with one garage. Walk to shops. N$7000pm Barbara 081 656 2619 PAM GOLDING PROPERTIES CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE SWAKOPMUND FOR SALE Various Houses Swakopmund and Walvis Bay!!!! Price on request TO LET Oceanview Swakopmund 2 Bedroom flat. Water and Electricity included! N$ 8400 p.m. SHAMELLE 0814788499 / 064 -412 320


Kurt Grunschloss 6th Street West Lagoon Walvis Bay, Namibia Cell: 081 242 6713 E-mail: propertypowerwvb @gmail.com LIST YOUR PROPERTY TODAY AT ONLY 3% COMMISSION AT YOUR SOLE AGENT


KOMMISSIE 2015 SLEGS 2% VIR EIENDOMME BO 2 MILJOEN EIENDOMME TE KOOP GESOEK NOORDE KARIN 081 128 3319 LANGSTRAND CHARLENE 081 147 5705 KURT WALVISBAAI 081 242 6713 *Swakop Hoekerf N$620 000 nuwe uitbreiding *Swakop woonstel N$1,133m 3 bed, 2½ bad,1 motorhuis *Langstrand Seefront erf N$2.060m *Dolfynstrand N$1,545m seefrond 3 bed, 2 bad, 2 motorhuise keuse met meubels N$1,648m *Dolfynstrand N$1,339m woonstel seeuitsig 3 bed, 2 bad 2 motorhuise met meubels *Dolfynstrand Dupleks dorpshuis N$1,777m, 3bed, 2½ bad, ooplan kombuis leefarea. Binnebraai met seeuitsig het 2 motorhuise. *Walvis sentraal naby 4 skole N$700 000 onder wardasie slegs N$2,244m, erf 1250m paved erf, familie huis 5 bed, 3 bad, met binne swembad woonstel en 5 motorhuise . *Hermes N$1,545m 4 bed huis ,2½ bad, kombuis, eetkamer, braai en motorhuis *Fairways dorpshuis N$875 500 in cc 2 bed, bad en motorhuis met 2 court yards, en te huur N$ 6 000 p/m vanaf 1 maart. *Meersig nuwe dorpshuis N$1,399m, 3 bed, 2 bad, 2 motorhuise *Meersig N$1,640m prys verlaag met N$200 000 3 bed huis met 2 bed woonstel 5 MOTORHUISE *Meersig N$1,854m Erf 1250m huis 412m2 5 bed, 3 badkamers ,2 sitkamers, 2 braai kamers, kombuis 2 motorhuise en stoor kamer. Met huurder vir 2015 *Meersig ext1 erf N$721 000 OP SKOU www.mspd.co.za *Kaapstad Durbanville 8 nuwe ontwikkelngs vir 2015. Oordragkoste ingesluit Woonstelle vanaf N$569 900 DORPSHUISE VANAF N$899 900 EN VRYSTAANDE HUISE VANAF N$1,049,900 NAMIBIERS 20% DEPOSITO 80% LENINGS BESKIKBAAR SLEGS 16KM NA STELLENBOSCH EN 25KM NA KAAPSTAD MET VERVOERDIENSTE KURT GRUNSCHLOSS SEL 081 242 6713 Propertypowerwvb@gmail.co m

House to rent in Ocean view: A 3-bedrooms house with a big living and dinning area, kitchen, guest toilet and a double garage. Each bedroom has own bathroom. Yard is spacious. Pre-paid electricity available. Pets are allowed. Rent: N$12000/month Call: 081 423 2985

TE KOOP Vineta Swakopmund Ext.8 2 Huise op 1 Erf , size 982m² 1ste huis: 4 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers (one onsuite), sit/eet/studeer kamer. Kombuis. 3 Garages. Binne en buite braai. BIC. Eie Groot Tuin. 2de huis: Dubbelverdieping, bo 3 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers (one onsuite). BIC, Balcon. Onder het 'n gaste toilet, oopplan pragtige kombuis met sitkamer en binne braai. 1 groot garage. Buite bediende kamer, eie jaarts. Klein tuin en ingang. Alles is loop afstand van die waterfront af. N$3miljoen Excl transfer costs. Geen kommissie Kontak: 081 786 0089 TUKA PROPERTIES CC FOR SALE Vineta Bed and Breakfast property with 12 en suite rooms 2 garage and parking bay for 4 cars. On 1200sqm. N$5.7 mil. N$ 1.3 mil Ocean view - Seagull Haven 3 bedrms townhouse, 2 bathrms, openplan kitchen indoor braai, 1 garage and a courtyard. N$ 1. 3 mil Cottage Village 2 bedroom flat , open plan kitchen, bathroom N$ 790,000 Vineta 3-bedrms house, Kitchen, Living room, dinning room, double garage with 4 x 2bedrooms flat and 3 garage with income of N$26000/m. Selling for N$ 3.3 mil. Arandis 4 Bedroom house, toilet and kitchen N$ 270 000 Tamariskia 3 bedrooms house, bathroom, kitchen sitting room a garage with a one bedroom flat N$870,000 Tamariskia 660sqm corner plot. N$420,000 For more info call 0813789008/ 081 241 5447


Classifieds NAMIB TIMES

13 JANUARY 2015

E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net



ACCOMMODATION IN WALVIS BAY TO RENT. 2 bedroom flat in a complex. BIC. Located in the centre of town. N$6000.00 negotiable. Water included, electricity excluded. Contact 081 373 4911 / 081 226 2521

INTERBAY SHUTTLE Days Fridays & Sundays Walvis Bay to Otjiwarongo Pick up 155 Hage Geingob Street Drop off Engen Convenient Centre Otjiwarongo to Walvis Bay Pick up & Drop off: Theo’s Spar Depart: 07:00 / 14:00 Arrive: 13:00 / 20:00 Mondays Walvis Bay to Henties Bay Henties to Walvis Bay Pick up & Drop off: Shopping Centre opposite fill station Depart: 07:00 + 14:00 10:00 + 17:00 Wednesdays Walvis Bay to Swakopmund Swakopmund to Walvis Bay Depart:06:30 Arrive: 09:30 Only per bookings: 081 367 0207 085 256 5146 064 206 099

CARS FOR SALE: Kia Picano 2005. 32 000.00 or NCO. Negotiable. Enging soex. Body needs attention. Contact: 081 237 8700 / 207 390 or 204 085 CONSTRUCTION BAKKIES FOR SALE: Toyota 2.0 vvti Model 2005 N$75 000.00 Toyota 2.5 quantum bus Model 2010 N$120 000.00 Toyota Land cruiser 4.5 Model 2005 with extras N$145 000.00 CASH BUYERS ONLY: 081 576 8273


FOR SALE: BMW 7 Series, 1980 - 87 Stripping Body, lights, windows, seats, struts + springs, diff, wheels, tyres R-14 Phone: 081 229 7549

FOR SALE: NEW YEAR ! BEST BUY ! Two bedroom flat, fully furnished with quality furniture, two bathrooms, inside “braai”, garage, balcony, High security, 200m from beach, town central, 300m from school. N$ 1.4 mil KRAMERSDORF!! FOR SALE!!! FIRST COME FIRST SERVED!! All fittings and tiles imported !! luxury 2 bedrooms,2 bathrooms, laminated floors, beautiful kitchen, open plan, two garages, court yard, alarm, balcony PRICE : N$ 1.95 m FOR SALE!!!! VINETA EX 23 !! Brand new home! 3 bedrooms, 2 bath room huge modern kitchen, inside “braai” laundry/scullery,tv connection, double garage, walking distance from new pro-ed school PRICE : N$ 1.65M DID YOU KNOW, YOUR HOLIDAY HOUSE, FLAT OR APARTMENT IS A GOLDMINE ? GIVE IT TO US FOR LETTING AND WE'LL DO THE REST!!! CONTACT : Jp van der Walt Capricorn Estates 081 127 2736

ANIMALS FOR SALE: 40 young goats, females + rams in Usakos district. Contact: 081 129 7407 081 148 2521

WANTED Are you out of CASH CASH CASH???? Then look no further, bring your Gold or Silver to us and we will give you instant cash on the spot. We buy Gold & Silver Jewelry, Gold & Silver Coins and Diamonds. We operate in Swakopmund, Walvis Bay, Henties Bay and Arandis. Contact me on 081 344 3794 081 315 9178 GESOEK: Saamrygeleentheid gesoek vir skoolkind vanaf 15-01-2015 Vanaf Walvisbaai na Swakopmund. Oggend en Namidae Skakel Diana: 081 670 3839

FOR SALE: Pure Rednose Pibull Pupps 2 male & 1 female N$ 2 800.00 D.O.B 2/11/2014 Includes first injection & devorming plus vet card. Contact: 081 808 3202

SERVICES Starting 1st February Daily transport services between Swakop & Walvis Bay. To and from work, students, school and employers. In Walvis Bay. 14 Seater quantum with aircon. To guarantee your seat call 081 226 5788 WOLF SECURITY Manager Henk 081 560 0292 Offices Linda 081 033 7897 fuchshenk1@gmail.co m 24 hours guarding Be Secure Skakel vir gratis kwotasies

A To Z CLEANING SERVICES FOR ALL YOUR CLEANING NEEDS. WE CLEAN: Lounge Suites/ Loose Chairs/ Matrasses Carpets / Loose Rugs Blinds Accessible Windows Descale / Steam Clean Bathrooms / Ablution Blocks Machine Scrub Tiles WE OFFER: Daily / Weekly / Monthly Cleaning Contracts For Offices / Shops / Factories / Body Corporates Etc. Once Off Cleaning For Houses / Flats & Buildings Before And After Occupation. - Exterior Spray Cleaning - E x t e r i o r Wa l l s O f Buildings / Flats / Houses All Our Cleaning Procedures Are Done UNDER SUPERVISION By Owner Or Supervisor. CONTACT: COENIE BRAND 081 129 7988 JENNY BRAND 081 148 5036 OFFICE 205036 NO 3 LAGOON STREET FAX 220878 EMAIL FINANCE AZWVB@IWAY.NA EMAIL OPERATIONS AZC@IWAY.NA

Healing Power A traditional healer who will solve your problems physical and spiritually by using African Traditional medicine and ritually prayer. Solve your problems which you have been experience for such a longtime and free yourself from witchcraft trap. Call Ell Kareem: 081 661 6732

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication


Operate in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. We repair: * Geysers * Washing Machine * Microwaves * Stove, Aircons, Fridges * Electric Motors, 3-phase and single 3-phase * Battery chargers and welding machine * Electrical on houses * Vacuum cleaners and compressors * Any electrical appli-ance we’ll fix it. All electrical appliances have 3 month guarantee. You call - we come and fix. Contact: Mr. Sylveners 081 299 9960.

TRAINING NIRVANA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS Specials for SHEOMTRAC SHEOMTRAC: If you are seeking a career as a Safety Officer, this course is the key to opening that door. The SHEOMTRAC course is designed specifically to equip learners with the required skills and to successfully facilitate the d e v elo p m e n t i m p l e mentation and maintenance of a Safety Health and Environment managem e n t s y s t e m within the workplace. 19 January 2015 B A S I C F I R E PREVENTION & FIRE FIGHTING Date: 19 January NAMIBIA CONTACT INFORMATION Venue:243 Nangolo Mbumba Drive Walvis Bay Namibia Tel: 0026 4 817 1163 73 Mrs Bottros Book now to avoid disappointment

CLASSES GOGGA’S INTERNET CAFÉ Swakopmund Live it Building Shop 20 Cell: 085 239 0860 Tel: 064 403 291 Internet Café Trading Hours from 08h00 to 19h00 Weekdays: Mondays - Fridays AFTERNOON CLASSES Learners from grade 1 to 4 & Computer Classes Start up Learners Mondays to Saturdays

Vacancy (Swakopmund) for an Office Assistant who is a go getter, self starter and not afraid to learn. The ideal candidate should be friendly, focussed on customer service, have own reliable transport be 25 years or older and have previous administration experience. Pastel Accounting experience will count in your favour and Extensive computer knowledge of Microsoft Office essential Responsibilities include: Invoicing and Deliveries Product Stock Control Running errands Dealing with Staff issuing contracts, etc Stationary Stock Handling and ordering Protective clothing stock handling and ordering Taking orders from clients Sending quotes to clients Social Security WCA Claims Filing General Office Duties Please email your CV to Gary@mweb.com.na by the 20th of January 2015 to be considered for the position. VACANCIES: Looking for an accounts clerk. At least 2-3 years experience. Experience with Patel Accounting would be an advantage. Forward CV to: karen@tnknamibia.com VACANCY: Looing for Take Away chefs with at least one (1) year experience and good references. Phone 081 591 1338 SHAMAKITI GROUP NAMIBIA Vacancies: Tranguillo Restaurant is looking for dynamic, team and self motivated employees to fill the following vacancies. 3x chefs 3x waitress Qualification / Experience required A grade 10/12 certificate A diploma / certificate in hospitality A minimum of 1 year relevant working experience Interested candidates, who meet requirement, should forward their detalis: CV, copies of ID, Qualifications and Testimonials. Hand your documents at Shamakiti Sports Bar. Post to: SHAMAKITI GROUP NAMIBIA P.O. Box 7722 Kuisebmond Walvis Bay Only short listed candidates will be contacted for interview and no documents will be returned. Closing date: 23 January 2015 Time: 10:00 No late incomplete applications consider... Contact: 081 256 9448

CHRISTMAR WELDING Industry: Boilermaker, welders, fabrication Location: Walvis Bay Namibia Remuneration: Salary Negotioble. Description: Looking for boiler makers, welders, fabricators with at least 5 years experience. Must have knowledge of ship repairs and pipe fitting. Must be able to do argon welding. Must have a valid passport, drivers license and should be able to travel. Trustworthy. Namibian citizen. Cvs can be mailed to chrismar_welding@ gmail.com VACANCY: Cashiers Dynamic, self motivated and trustworthy. Must be able to work independently, speak & write English. Willing and able to work under pressure and work shifts. Neat in appearance and friendly. Interested applicants are invited to apply in writing to: The Owner P.O Box 1324 Walvis Bay, Namibia Or email: jobs@trustmarket.com.n a


DE VRIES PLUMBING SERVICES Contact us for all your plumbing needs New/Replacement Bathroom & Kitchen Installations General Plumbing Maintenance Marius 081 2122 541



13 JANUARY 2015

E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net





Registration Open 19 January 2015 Time: 17:30

Swakopmund Town Hall Mondays & Wednesdays Children +6 years & Adults VALDEMAR SWART

081 124 2938

SERVICES Professional cleaning for affordable prices We provide cleaning services in: Carpets, loose rugs Flats, Houses, Shops, Offices, Factories, Buildings, Carpets, Upholstery cleaning Call Agents: 081 682 0973 081 261 0502 Weekly/monthly contracts can be arranged




Contact details: Tel: 064-221287 Fax: 064-221290 Cell: 081 143 3924 P.O. Box 2214 E-mail: jinshan@iway.na Situated at Erf 4441 New Industrial Area next to Weighbridge Walvis Bay


064220387 0811475333 We Buy or Sell Furniture, Cars, anything of value

THIS ‘N THAT We buy and sell second hand & new furniture and household appliances We offer good money on quality Sam Nujoma Town Square La Paloma Building Walvis Bay Els 081 255 5809 Lawrence 081 324 1285

SITUATION WANTED ‘n 33 Jarige dame is opsoek na huiswerk vir volle week in Swakopmund of Langstrand. Kontak: 081 641 8077 081 551 2361

OFFICE AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE REMOVAL SPECIALISTS Mobile: 0814093522 email: neilnkt@iway.na

WERK GESOEK: Betroubare dame is opsoek na huiswerk vir 2 dae of stryk werk. Kan dadelik begin. Kontak Gertrud: 081 895 5141 WERK GESOEK: Jong dame 23-jaar-oud dringend opsoek na huiswerk in Meersig, Lagoon of Dorp. Kan baie goed skoonmaak en na kinders omsien. Christen dame baie eerlik, soek na 2 / 3 dae werk. Kan enige tyd begin Kontak: 081 498 6345 CHRISTA: Op soek na huiswerk, baie hardwerkend en eerlik. Soek na mense met ‘n goeie hart. Kontak: 081 599 2112

CLASSES BeatAccMath Presents Back to School XTRA CLASSES 19 Jan 2015 WE FOCUS ON THE FUNDAMENTALS TO MAXIMIZE UNDERSTANDING Accounting Grade:8-12 Mathematics Grade:8-10 Location: Narraville, Walvis Bay Grade 8-10 N$ 300/class/month Grade 11-12 N$ 400/class/month 081 497 2195 beataccmath@ gmail.com Smarter children. Smarter People. Better Namibia


Deline: Ek is ‘n 38 jarige dame opsoek na huiswerk. Kan enigetyd of dag begin werk. Kontak: 081 382 4748

MONICA: Op soek na huiswerk en kinders oppas. Kontak: 081 723 7161 AINA: I am a 31-year-old lady looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay, Town, Meersig or Lagoon. I am reliable, trustworthy and hardworking. Knows well how to clean and iron. Have 9 years experience and ready to start immediately. Contact: 081 850 0686 REBEKA: A 21-year-old hardworking, trustworthy young lady is looking for domestic work, ready to start immediately. Contact: 081 436 6490 JOB WANTED: Looking for domestic work. Mondays and Fridays. Contact: 081 373 9317 ENGELA: Op soek na werk. Maandae tot Vrydae. Kan enige tyd begin. Kontak: 081 697 8221 081 354 3646 JOB WANTED: A young 27-year old lady is looking for domestic work or office cleaning work. 3 days a week or a week. Can start as soon as possible. Contact: 081 310 7931 Margret (27): I am looking for house work, cleaning and housekeeping or Laundry 3, 4 or 5 days a week. Contact: 081 749 5794 081 677 3233 Betroubare dame is opsoek na 5 dae werk of versorging. Baie hardwerkend. Kan enigetyd begin werk. Kontak: 081 677 3488

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication

THOUGHTS FOR THE WEEK Tuesday - Isaiah 43:19 (NIV) See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. Read Isaiah 43 Read Isaiah Wednesday - Deuteronomy 31:6 (NIV) Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."Read Deuteronomy 31Read Deuteronomy Thursday Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Read Jeremiah 29 Read Jeremiah Friday - Isaiah 41:10 (NIV) So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. “DWERGIELAND” Rooms Katolieke Kleuterskool Narraville Word 50jaar - 2015 Kan alle oud leerlinge wat vanaf 1965 tot hede daar skool gegaan het asb kontak en asook fotos instuur na kleuterskool of kontak maak met Michelle Rieth 081 621 7960 064 200 064

13 JANUARY 2015



13 JANUARY 2015

Mathys Marthinus Venter (Theuns)

* 12 / 01 / 1953

+ 28 / 06 / 2014

Loving Birthday greetings to my Very Special ~Dad~ If roses grow in Heaven, Lord please pick a bunch for me, place them in my Father’s arms and tell him they’re from me. Tell him I Love him and miss him, and when he turns to smile, place a kiss upon his cheek and hold him for a while, because remembering him is easy, I do it everyday, but there is an ache within my heart that will never go away... Love: Tim, Paula, Jimmy, Sam & Lee, Cindy, Luca and Aron

Mathys Marthinus Venter (Theuns) *12 / 01 / 1953

+ 28 / 06 / 2014

“First Happy Birthday to my husband” When I am away from you, I am still with you. When my eyes are closed, I still see you. When I am awake, I still dream of you. When I feel I have everything, I still need you. And no matter what, I will always love you... ~Your Loving wife, Brenda~

Vacancy available for Construction buyer / Stock controller in Swakopmund Vacancy entails procurement of all materials and plant for construction sites as well as internal and external stock control. Must be able to start immediately. Salary negotiable depending on relevant experience. The following requirements are compulsory: - Must have good computer, Microsoft office and administrative skills. - Must have good telephone and communication skills in both Afrikaans and English. - Must have good knowledge construction trades, materials and bill of quantities. - Must be able to work as part of a team, handle pressure and meet deadlines. - Must be male with valid Namibian ID (work permit) and driver's license with sober habits. E-mail cv to hannelie@hefergroup.com Or fax to 064-406-513

WARNING Don’t allow any Newspaper vendors into your house or business. A number of them had been caught stealing cell phones and wallets when entering premises in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. Buy your Newspaper only from vendors on the street

WAARSKUWING Die publiek word versoek om geen koerantverkopers in hul sakeondernemings of in hul huise toe te laat nie. Verskeie verkopers is al gevang wat hulle skuldig maak aan diefstal van selfone en beursies. Koop net by hulle op straat

13 JANUARY 2015

Game On!




Leandrea Louw Streethouse Gaming had their grand re-opening with a Call of Duty: Advance Warfare, tournament that took place on Friday and Saturday at the newly opened Gaming Arcade at the Streethouse Building in Walvis Bay.

Gregory Jordan rose victoriously as the winner and pocketed the N$5 000 prize money. Each player had 10 minutes to acquire the most number of kills, whoever is the winner progresses then to the next round which took place on Saturday. Gregory Jordan and Logan Graces battled against each other and Gregory Jordan walked away as the winner. There were over 40 entries for the tournament. The arcade is equipped with the latest gadgets namely PlayStation 4 and Xbox 1. The latest games for PlayStation 4 include FIFA 15, Grand Theft Auto 5, Rugby 2015, and

Assassins Creed Unity. For the Xbox 1, games include FIFA 15, Forza 5, W2K 2015, and NBA 2K 2015. It also has an upstairs VIP area, for the game lovers who wish to get away from the downstairs operations. A mere $50 serves as payment for an hour's fun at the arcade. Some of the comments heard by the parents of the children are Denzil Hays (left) with the winner, Gregory Jordan that this was a great initiative and will definitely keep the children out of trouble. Another parent said that now she can simply just drop off her children at the arcade and go do her shopping uninterrupted. We will keep you posted on other tournaments that will happen in the near future.

Streethouse Gaming Arcade

Team Namibia roaring to go! Namibia's cricket national team is roaring to take on Uganda, Canada, Kenya, Nepal and the Netherlands at the Pepsi World Cricket League Division 2 tournament starting this Saturday. Three different venues will play host to the prestigious event in the capital. No entrance fee will be charged at either playground.

Volleyball beach bash a winner Liesl Losper On 20 December 2014 Namib Rage Events, held their very first volley ball beach bash at Long Beach, Namibia. The event was designed to cater for university students and young adults, since the founders of Namib Rage Events, are also students. In 2014 they expanded and improved their event, having catered for over 1 000 people. In essence, their core vision is to provide an enjoyable beach party where fellow students and party goers can enjoy each other's company, the sun, exciting but yet competitive volley ball and Namibia's famous Long Beach. By all accounts, 2013's beach bash was a resounding success, and 2014's an even bigger success, having had international acts such as Haezer and Niskerone as headliners, and locals such as Wixi and DJ Alu. “We pride ourselves on and wish to uphold the satisfaction of the crowd we managed to attract. We upheld an absolute zero tolerance for fights, underage drinking and theft; adequate security, sufficient for the crowd size and venue type, was and remains one of our top priorities. At the best of our abilities we attempt to discourage drinking and driving as much as possible, providing buses that drove to and

from Walvis Bay and Swakopmund every hour and having the roads patrolled by safety and traffic officials. We also ensured that Long Beach was kept a litter-free environment after the party ended,” it was heard from the Namib Rage Group. The volleyball tournament experienced substantial improvement from 2013 to 2014's beach bash. In 2014 they had 8 teams in the tournament, of which the winners received a N$10 000 cash prize. Hopefully in future they will have a bigger tournament, with more prizes, more competition and more support. This year the aim is to replicate and expand on last year's success. The ticket prices for this year will range from N$100-N$150. They are aiming to accommodate for upwards of 3 000 people, and a maximum of 4 500 people. The party will be characterised by two main events, namely, a beach volley ball competition from 10:00 - 17:00, and an after party from 17:00-24:00.

Speaking to Proactive Marketing and Sport Management during an interview yesterday, team captain Nicolaas Scholtz and national coach Doug Watson were full of joy and optimism ahead of the tournament. “Our preparations were very good. We are ready to go”, a confident Scholtz said. The team just returned from a week-long training camp at the High Performance Centre in Pretoria. During their stay in the South African capital, the Namibians spent hours on end working on their skills. The camp was rounded off with two wins against South West University (Pukke). Unfortunately for Scholtz and his team mates, a third training game against the Gauteng Strikers was cancelled due to rain. Nevertheless, Scholtz and Watson described the camp as a huge success. “It was a very good week,” Scholtz continued while his coach added: “The players worked as a unit which is very important if you want to be successful. Besides that, the players also put in additional work after the official training had ended which shows how dedicated they are.” The squad further received much-needed advice from Eric Simons, a former South African national player who also coached his country for two years during the early 2000's. He is expected to arrive in Namibia during

the week to continue helping the hosts. Commenting on their expectations and chances, Scholtz was confident that his team can make the final. “The most important thing is that we get off to a good start. Overall, I think we have a good chance to make it to the final. However, we will take it game by game,” he underlined. Scholtz dismissed suggestions that they could crack under pressure added by playing at home. “It only brings positive pressure. We want to make our country, families and friends proud so we are super stoked to get out there and show the Nation what we are capable of”, he said. The Namibian's will kick off their campaign against Kenya this Saturday. The Namibian captain however believes that the Netherlands are the favourites to win the tournament, a view which was shared by Cricket Namibia's president Richard Frankle at the beginning of the week. Should it come to a square-off between Namibia and the Netherlands in the final, anything could happened, Scholtz said. Currently the team faces two injury problems. Louis Klazinga is still not in top shape after a knee injury last year but his coach expects him to return to full fitness during the tournament. Furthermore, Merwe Erasmus is hindered by a slight hamstring injury. He too, is expected to be fit come this weekend.


13JANUARY JANUARY2015 2015 13

58 RVS horse riding tournament th

Sharlien Tjambari

The 58th annual RVS Horse Riding Tournament at the Swakopmund stables the past week, ended in glory for several riders on Sunday.

Laura Pflippen on Büllsport da Capo

According to Elinor Dürr of the Okakambe trails, the tournament brought much excitement to spectators, two-legged participants and the four-legged partners. Each event had its separate prize-giving but at the final parade and prize-giving it proved that consistency was the key. Tanja Sibold on her horse Dusty took home the children’s dressage trophy and Karin Schommarz and Manna from Heaven, went home with the prize for the most successful child rider for dressage and jumping on one horse. In the junior category, Nadine Flamming won the trophy for rider with the most style. The same trophy in the

adult category was taken home by Sylvia Kleyenstüber. This year the Mayor of Swakopmund, Juuso Kambueshe, greeted all hooved and booted participants. Joining the tournament for the second time were four riders from Münchehofe in Germany. Kambueshe extended a special word of welcome to the German visitors and expressed his pleasure at welcoming the German participants and guests. The initiative was started by Jan-Pierre Habicht, a sports journalist and blogger of "pferdefreunde.co" and in communication with Holger and Sylvia Kleyenstüber, they turned

this exchange into what is becoming an annual institution, with Namibian riders also going to Germany this year. The riders who will visit Germany in September, are Sheena Dürr, Anike Maritz, Nadine Flemming, Maike Schommarz, Elme Maritz and Laura Braune. Swakopmund was established one hundred and twenty years ago - for more than half of that history the RVS horse riding tournament had been annually welcoming in a new year. The first tournament was held in 1957 and through the years it turned into the largest riding tournament in the country.

Seventy-two pages of the program told the story for the six days with 105 horse and rider combinations of the 58th annual riding tournament of the Swakopmund Riding Club (RVS) - all possible because of the 95 sponsors, many of whom have sponsored the tournament for 58 years and many additional new sponsors who pledged their allegiance to the next 58 tournament years. The course builder this year was Heiko “Bobby” Wahlers, an international Equestian Federation (FEI) three star builder. A very greatful Reiner Piepmeyer said “without our sponsors, none of this would be possible.”

Aniké Maritz on Precious Gift

(Vlnr) Jakob Tjamila, Dannyboy, Anjolene De Bruin (bestuurderes) en Quewane Moller

Team Dannyboy mik na hoër hoogtes Marshallino Beukes

Die Swakopmund gebaseerde bokskampioen, Felesianu “Dannyboy” Albino, gaan op 28 Februarie sy eerste titelgeveg vir die jaar in Outapi hê, en hy het aan die koerant te kenne gegee dat hy topfiks is en gereed is vir die geveg. Dannyboy is tans die Internasionale Boksfederasie se junior-liggewigkampioen, maar gaan die jaar opskuif na liggewig. Die komende geveg gaan teen ‘n teenstander van Sjina wees, maar sy naam is nog nie bekend gemaak nie. Team Dannyboy spog ook met ‘n nuwe bestuurderes, die 18-jarige Anjolene De Bruin. Sy het tydens ‘n onderhoud met namib times sport genoem dat sy groot planne vir die bokser het en dat hul korttermyn doelwit is om ten minste 90% van al die jaar se gevegte te wen. Die jeugdige Anjolene het ook genoem dat sy gaan fokus op Dannyboy

se sterk- en swak punte en hard daaraan gaan werk om hom tot veel hoër hoogtes te lei. Ook die bokser se skermmaat, Quewane Moller, het genoem dat hulle nie kan wag vir die geveg nie en dat Team Dannyboy gereed is om die Sjinese teenstander aan te pak. Op ‘n vraag, rakende die feit dat geen boksgevegte van hierdie standaard ter plaatse aangebied word nie, is daar genoem dat dit baie geld kos om ‘n internasionale boksgeveg te reël en borgskappe teen die kus skaars soos hoendertande is. Van die kleiner besighede steun wel die bokser, maar groter maatskappye

en instansies is blykbaar sku om die sportkode te borg. Dit is ‘n skande dat plaaslike besighede, en selfs die owerhede nie kus-gebaseerde boksers bystaan nie, aangesien hierdie boksers hul dorp se naam, die Erongo streek, asook die land se naam hoog hou. Swakopmund spog tans met drie internasionale bokskampioene, maar steeds word hierdie boksers asook opkomende boksers nie bygestaan nie. Plaaslike owerhede het blykbaar al beloftes van finansiële ondersteuning gemaak, maar tot hede is dit leë beloftes.

Team Dannyboy wil van die geleentheid gebruik maak om die borge, wat hulle wel bystaan hartlik te bedank. Live It, Basie by Crossroads, Auto Perfect, Roger (Super Save), Napolitana, Jao van Dare Devil Adventures, asook Street House is van die besighede wat tot Dannyboy se sukses bygedra het en ander plaaslike besighede en instansies word genoop om ook aan boord te kom. Dannyboy oefen tans by Tsamaseb Boksklub en word deur meneer Albertus Tsamaseb afgerig.

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