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Relief for Okapale Fisherman

Fisheries and Marine Resources Minister, Derek Klazen curated the agreement signing for redressing employment oftheOkapaleWorkersandithasbeenrevealedthatinthe Hake fisheries 180 workers have secured fulltime and permanent jobs at Tunacor, 119 at Seawork, 92 at Merlus and290atHangana.


Klazen relayed the scenario that led to the unemployment of these fisherman,wholosttheirjobsduetoavarietyofreasonsin2015which consequentlyledtothemcampingneartheKuisebmundstadiumwhich has coined them the name Okapale workers. “Actually, there wasn't a varietyofreasons,itwasbecauseofindustrialactionsthattheseworkers took, which was later determined to be illegal.” Klazen went on to remark how much of a serious concern it was for the Namibian government that for so many years these fishermen have been unemployed.“Someofthemhavelosttheirlivelihoods,somehavelost their lives.” He stated referring to the recent suicide of one of these workersinMarch.

The agreement provides for the full time employment -permanent employment of the fisherman against a fishing quota in the hake and horse-mackerel fisheries which is renewable annually The same employmentagreementsareduetobeenteredintowithoperatorswithin theHorseMackerelFisheries;approximately1700permanentandfulltime jobs will be secured under the Government Employment Redress Programme.

Family pays tribute of the late Mrs Gabi Woermann

Gabi Woermann, a key figure in the Woermann, Brock chain stores, passed away at the age of 83 on Monday, 3 April 2023. The family of Mrs Woermann pays tribute to their mother, grandmother and great grandmother, written by Isa Woermann-Dreyer

“Itishardtosumupanyperson'slifeinashort newspaper article, let alone some-one who was as dynamic as Gabi Woer-mann. From a daughter's point of view, we admired her strength, resilience, her commitment to her family and her un-dying optimism. She encouragedustostandupforourselvesandto become strong women. Gabi saw herself as a

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