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DRC and Wagdaar beneficiaries
process has beencompleted,theerven willfinally betransferredtothebeneficiaries.Councilhasbudgeted for the servicing of Wagdaar in the new financialyear.”
MupupasharestheHistoryoftheDRC: “HowtheDRCcametobethecoastaltownofSwakopmund is home to several informal settlements. OnesuchsettlementistheDRCsettlement,which is home to a greater part of Swakopmund's population. Located on the outskirts of Swakopmund, the settlement has been subject to challenges such as limited access to basic services, lack of proper housing and limited economic opportunities Despite these challenges, the settlement has a vibrant community and unique culture that deserves recognition. In this article, we explore the DRC settlementin Swakopmund, its history, challenges and the efforts being made to improve the lives of its residents. DRC was once an undeveloped land on the outskirts of Mondesa. However, due to an increase in demand for land and housing in Swakopmund, DRC cameto be in 1999.The FormalisationoftheDRCandtheproclamationthere-ofas aninformalsettlementbytheTownshipBoardtook place from 2009 to 2012. Servicing of the DRC Properstartedin2013undertheMassHousingumbrella with funds availed by central government.
The installation of bulk services in DRC Proper wascompletedin2019atatotalamountofN$230 million, including the installation of underground infrastructuresuchasthesewer,waterconnections, gravelroadsandtheinstallationofstreetlights.The DRC Proper was designed to accommodate any person who wishes to reside in the settlement.
Applications were received on a daily basis since 2000 until 2010 from the residents of Swakopmund, especially Mondesa backyard squatters. Permissionwasgrantedtoallocatedresidentstoput up their houses with temporary material. The demolitionofSingleQuartersandconstructionofformal houses started in 1997, the overspill of residents while Single Quarters were relocated to the DRC Informal Settlement, including the residents who resided along the Swakop river Some residents settled themselves at the sides of DRC. The rural to urban migration of citizens in search of greener pastures also put more pressure on scarce resources, resulting in congestion in the DRC. In 2019,theresidentswererelocatedfromExtension 31 and Extension 25 to Extension 40, 41 and 42, whichisnowcalledWagdaar TheaimwastoserviceExtension31toaccommodatesomeresidents fromDRCProperwhoseervennolongerexistdue tothenewpermanentdesign.”